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desht edited this page Aug 22, 2011 · 10 revisions

Configuration File

The configuration is stored in plugins/ChessCraft/config.yml under your Bukkit folder. It is a YAML file with simple key/value pairs.

You can edit this file directly if you wish, but it is recommended to use /chess setcfg <item> <value> to make changes. If you do edit it directly, use /chess reload config immediately to reload your changes.

To view settings, use /chess getcfg to see all settings, or /chess getcfg <item> to view a specific item.

The settings are:


Default: 3 seconds. The AI will not move more quickly than this. You can set this to 0, but (particularly on easier settings), the AI will appear to move disconcertingly quickly.


Default: 3. This is the maximum number of concurrent AI games that can be created. You may wish to raise or lower this, depending on the power of your server CPU, and the typical number of players on your server.


Default "[AI]". All AI pseudo-players will have their name prefixed with this string. Note that there is also an internal prefix string which sets the AI player name to white - this internal string cannot be changed.


Default: 30 seconds. This is time from the end of a game to when it will be automatically deleted, freeing up its board for a new game. This gives players time to write a PGN archive of the game if they wish.


Default: 180 seconds. If a game is created, but not started within this time, it will be automatically deleted. This prevents the problem of people creating boards and going away or logging off, leaving the board unusable for anyone else.


Default: true. When you join a game (accept an invitation), you will be automatically teleported to the chessboard.


Default: true. If true, ChessCraft state will be saved to disk whenever necessary, i.e. when a board is created or destroyed, a game is created or ends, game state changes (move made, etc.). If false, state is only saved when the server shuts down or reloads, or someone does a /chess save. It is recommended to leave this as true to avoid loss of data.


If true (the default), then the results of all games will be broadcast to the entire server. If false, then only the game's players will be notified.


Default: true. If true, highlight the from & to squares of the last move made on the board. The actual highlighting style used is part of the board's style (see Styles), and may be None. This setting just the global enablement of highlighting.


Default: true. Prevents any part of the boards from being broken or built upon.


Default: true. Prevent any part of the board from being burnt.


Default: true. Prevent any creatures from spawning on the boards.


Default: true. Prevents explosions (creepers & TNT) from damaging any part of the boards. Players will still be injured by explosions, however.


Default: true. Prevents all miscellaneous damage (falling, cactus...) while standing on a chessboard.


Default: true. Prevents any monster attacks while standing on a chessboard (any monster which targets you will be removed - no loot drop).


Default: true. Prevents all player vs. player combat if either player is standing on a chessboard.


Default: 10. When using the control panel to adjust the stake for a game (Economy support only), this is the default increment to add/subtract to the stake, when the player is not sneaking (holding Shift).


Default: 1. When using the control panel to adjust the stake for a game (Economy support only), this is the default increment to add/subtract to the stake, when the player is sneaking (holding Shift).


Default: 1 second. ChessCraft will carry out some general tasks this often:

  • check the light level of all boards and turn some squares into glowstone if necessary to ensure the board is bright enough
  • update chess clocks for games in progress
  • checks to see if any games need to be auto-deleted


Default: 60 seconds. If a player logs out while in a game (or games), their opponent(s) may claim victory after this many seconds by typing /chess win. If the player logs back in before the timeout expires, the timeout is reset. If forfeit_timeout is set to 0, then /chess win cannot be used.


Default: air. You must be holding this item in your hand to move chess pieces by waving at them ("air" means empty-handed).

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