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117 lines (99 loc) · 4.28 KB

Check reboot status

kubectl apply -f
kubectl logs -l name=check-reboot --tail 1 -n kube-system

Restrat all vm in resource group

az vm restart --ids $(az vm list -g $KUBE_GROUP --query "[].id" -o tsv)

let ContainerIdList = KubePodInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerName contains 'check-reboot' | distinct ContainerID; ContainerLog | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerID in (ContainerIdList) | project ClusterName, LogEntry, TimeGenerated, Computer | where LogEntry startswith "check-reboot status" and LogEntry contains "reboot required" | render table

let ContainerIdList = KubePodInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where ContainerName contains 'check-reboot' | distinct ContainerID; ContainerLog | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerID in (ContainerIdList) | project LogEntry, TimeGenerated, Computer | where LogEntry startswith "check-reboot status" and LogEntry contains "reboot required" | distinct Computer | join kind= innerunique (KubeNodeInventory) on Computer | project ClusterName, Computer | render table

let ContainerIdList = KubePodInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where ContainerName contains 'check-reboot' | distinct ContainerID; ContainerLog | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | where ContainerID in (ContainerIdList) | project LogEntry, TimeGenerated, Computer | where LogEntry startswith "check-reboot status" and LogEntry contains "reboot required" | join kind= innerunique (KubeNodeInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | distinct Computer, ClusterName ) on Computer | project ClusterName, Computer | render table

let ContainerIdList = KubePodInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where ContainerName contains 'check-reboot' | distinct ContainerName; ContainerLog | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where Name in (ContainerIdList) | project LogEntry, TimeGenerated, Computer | where LogEntry startswith "check-reboot status" and LogEntry contains "reboot required" | join kind= innerunique ( KubeNodeInventory | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d) | distinct Computer, ClusterName ) on Computer | project ClusterName, Computer | render table

{ "text":"There are #searchresultcount worker nodes needing a reboot", "IncludeSearchResults":true }

{"text":"There are 1 worker nodes needing a reboot","IncludeSearchResults":true,"SearchResult": { "tables":[ {"name":"PrimaryResult","columns": [ {"name":"$table","type":"string"}, {"name":"Id","type":"string"}, {"name":"TimeGenerated","type":"datetime"} ], "rows": [ ["Fabrikam","33446677a","2018-02-02T15:03:12.18Z"], ["Contoso","33445566b","2018-02-02T15:16:53.932Z"] ] } ] } }

helm install --name prometheus stable/prometheus --namespace prometheus

kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward $(kubectl get pod --namespace prometheus -l prometheus=kube-prometheus -l app=prometheus -o template --template "{{(index .items 0)}}") 9090:9090

helm install --name grafana stable/grafana --namespace grafana kubectl --namespace grafana port-forward $(kubectl get pod --namespace grafana -l app=kube-prometheus-grafana -o template --template "{{(index .items 0)}}") 3000:3000

kubectl apply -f

az vmss extension list --resource-group $KUBE_GROUP --vmss-name k8s-workers-14540501-vmss

az vmss extension set
--publisher Folder.Creator
--version 2.0
--name CustomScript
--resource-group $KUBE_GROUP
--vmss-name k8s-workers-14540501-vmss
--settings arm/cse-config.json

az vm extension set
--resource-group $KUBE_GROUP
--vm-name exttest
--name customScript
--publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions
--protected-settings '{"fileUris": [""],"commandToExecute": "./"}'