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369 lines (241 loc) · 11.7 KB



This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.

The current repository maintainer_ is drybjed_.

debops-tools master - unreleased

debops-tools v0.5.0 - 2017-09-07


  • Rewrite Changelog in the new format. [drybjed_]
  • Clean up COPYRIGHT file. [drybjed_]
  • Update installation and introduction documentation. [drybjed_]
  • Update script so it again can install recent Ansible versions. [drybjed_]
  • Switch from the hostfile parameter to the inventory parameter in :file:`ansible.cfg`. The former was removed in Ansible 2.4. [drybjed_]


  • Remove the Getting Started documentation, and point the users to the more comprehensive Getting Started located in the debops-playbooks repository. [drybjed_]

debops-tools v0.4.4 - 2016-06-29


  • Document python-passlib dependency. [barraponto]

  • Document :command:`git` dependency. [violuke]

  • Add useful Ansible options to default ansible.cfg template.

    By default Ansible will not display skipped hosts during the playbook run, and "retry" files won't be generated. [drybjed_]


  • Update Ansible Galaxy role links in ansigenome templates. [drybjed_]
  • Update the Ansigenome template used to generate role README files to use galaxy_url instead of galaxy_id. The new variable should contain full URL of the role on Ansible Galaxy. [drybjed_]
  • Update generated inventory file with more relevant information. [drybjed_]
  • Update documentation. [drybjed_]


  • Fix issue with script not able to install latest Ansible stable version, make the process more verbose and don't remove the temporary directory by default. [drybjed_]
  • Fix Unicode support in debops-defaults, it should now output readable text in the editor. [ypid_]

debops-tools v0.4.3 - 2015-05-25


  • Rearranged documentation. [drybjed_]
  • Properly propagate exit code when running :command:`debops`. [do3cc_]
  • Clone and update roles exclusively over HTTPS to allow operation over a proxy or in case the git protocol is blocked. [ganto_]

debops-tools v0.4.2 - 2015-03-04


  • Add a work-around for ansible's buggy handling of paths containing spaces. [htgoebel_]


  • On OS X search config-file in :file:`/etc` too (before searching in ~/Library/Application Support). [htgoebel_]
  • Make debops-init write some example values into .debops.cfg. [htgoebel_]

debops-tools v0.4.1 - 2015-02-26


  • Add :file:`library/` path to default Ansible plugin paths in generated ansible.cfg. [drybjed_]
  • Define default ansible_managed variable in generated ansible.cfg. [drybjed_]


  • Update role README template to point to new documentation. [drybjed_]
  • Make Travis mass test script less noisy. [drybjed_]
  • Changelog is rewritten in reStructuredText. [drybjed_]

debops-tools v0.4.0 - 2015-02-12


  • DebOps can now use a system-wide configuration file /etc/debops.cfg. You can also install DebOps playbooks and roles in a system-wide location. [htgoebel_]

debops-tools v0.3.0 - 2015-01-27


  • Small fixes for bugs in DebOps libraries which prevented correct script execution on platforms other than Linux. [htgoebel_]

debops-tools v0.2.0 - 2015-01-26


  • The :command:`debops-padlock` script has been modified to support "lock" and "unlock" sub-commands and it is now used by the padlock wrapper script to lock and unlock EncFS-encrypted secret directory. [htgoebel_]

  • The debops script can now read configuration from several files:

    $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/debops.cfg (defaults to ~/etc/xdg/debops.cfg)
    $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/debops.cfg (defaults to ~/.config/debops.cfg)

    Configuration options from different files are merged together. [htgoebel_]

  • Scripts are now tested on Travis-CI using nosetests. [drybjed_]

debops-tools v0.1.0 - 2014-12-14


  • Scripts are completely rewritten in Python by Hartmut Goebel. This saves a lot of code allows for more fertile future changes.
  • Playbooks are no longer searched in :file:`/usr/local/share/debops` nor in :file:`/usr/share/debops`. We assume DebOps is used from a user account, so installing playbooks globally is not the common case.
  • Sourcing .debops.cfg is no longer supported, .debops.cfg now is assumed to be an ini-file.
  • The ansible_config_hook (which was undocumented anyway) is gone. Instead you can put sections [ansible ...] into .debops.cfg which will go into ansible.cfg. This allows for easy adding e. g. a [paramiko] section to ansible.cfg.
  • The padlock-script is no longer used to decide if secrets are encrypted. This is now done by testing for the encrypted keyfile and the encrypted encfs-config.
  • The padlock script still exists and has been simplified a lot. Most functionality has been moved into the DebOps python library.

debops-tools pre-v0.1.0



  • All role documentation from their README files has been moved to separate documentation page, role README files will be converted to more standardized format, and will use Markdown again, since Ansible Galaxy does not support reStructuredText.
  • debops script will automatically generate custom ansible.cfg configuration file in project main directory. This file will be used to enable custom set of role and plugin paths, which allows for example to reorganize playbooks into subdirectories, "overwrite" upstream role with local ones via symlinks and enables support for custom Ansible plugins in all playbooks and roles.
  • DebOps roles will be now cloned in different directory, they are moved from :file:`debops-playbooks/playbooks/roles/` to :file:`debops-playbooks/roles/` (one directory up). This allows to overwrite upstream DebOps roles with local modified ones, which enables easy development or customization when needed.
  • debops script gains even more integration with a DebOps project directory. You can put your custom playbooks in :file:`playbooks/` or :command:`ansible/playbooks/` directories and access them by specifying name of a playbook as first argument of debops script. Roles can be put in :file:`roles/` and :command:`ansible/roles/` directories and Ansible will automatically look for them there. Various plugins can also be put in their respective :command:`ansible/*_plugins/` directories.


  • `DebOps documentation`_ website has been opened to keep documentation in one easily searchable place. It's based on `ReadTheDocs`_. All documentation already written has been moved from debops/debops repository to the new website, more to come.


  • New script has been added, debops-defaults. It can be used to easily work with defaults files present in all roles - by default it "aggregates" all of them into one stream and sends it to view command using STDOUT. By specifying list of roles on the command line you can select which role defaults are aggregated, and by redirecting the script to a file or a command you can manipulate it (for example grep for a string).


  • debops.secret_ main directory has been changed from inventory.secret to secret (the feature that used name of the Ansible inventory as the prefix for secret directory has been dropped, because secrets are stored inside project directory). Because of that, debops* scripts are updated to support new naming scheme.
  • If you use debops.secret_ role or DebOps playbooks in general, you will need to rename your current plaintext and encrypted directories.
    • inventory.secret becomes secret
    • .encfs.inventory.secret becomes .encfs.secret


  • All debops* scripts have been updated with new functions and fixed logic. You can now run DebOps commands inside project subdirectories instead of just at the root of the project directory.
  • debops script now recognizes encrypted secret directories created by :command:`debops-padlock` and automatically opens them before Ansible playbook run, and closes them afterwards.
  • debops-init will check if you try to create project directory in another project and if so, will politely refuse your request.



  • Makefile has been rewritten and streamlined. make install will install all scripts, inventory skeleton and playbooks + roles in a system-wide location (by default, :file:`/usr/local`) and make clean will remove installed files.
  • Many different changes in the documentation in preparation of the release. Role README files will use new flat-style buttons.


  • Huge update of the debops-install script, which has been renamed to debops-update and can now both install and update playbooks and roles automatically, either in the user home directory at $HOME/.local/share/debops or in the current directory, or a directory specified as a parameter for the script.



  • First iteration of the debops-install script.
  • First iteration of the debops-init script.


We are starting the main project repository anew! The old ginas/ginas repository will be preserved for historic reasons as debops/ginas after main project gets up to speed. For now, if you want to play with DebOps, I suggest heading to `ginas`_ repository and cloning that instead. That should be fixed soon though, when new role cloning code takes shape.