A tqdm-style progress bar in Nim
the demo above uses this code (note that the api has since changed, refer to tests/tests.nim for updated code):
import unittest, os, sequtils, random
test "random time test":
for a in suru(toSeq(0..<100)):
sleep((rand(99) + 1))
test "long time test":
for a in suru([1, 2, 3, 5]):
test "alternate long time test":
sleep 1000
var bar: SuruBar = initSuruBar(25)
for a in toSeq(1..1000):
sleep 4
if a mod 250 == 0:
inc bar
test "constant time test":
for a in suru(toSeq(0..<100)):
test "v-shaped time test":
for a in suru(toSeq(1..100) & toSeq(countdown(100, 1))):
test "increasing time test":
for a in suru(toSeq(1..100)):
test "sinusoidal time test":
for a in suru(toSeq(1..100)):
sleep(int(sin(a.float / 5) * 50 + 50))
test "multi-bar test":
echo "check if this line is removed by the bars"
sleep 1000
var bar: SuruBar = initSuruBar(25, 25)
bar.start(1000, 40)
for a in toSeq(1..1000):
sleep 25
inc bar
if a mod 25 == 0:
inc bar, 1
bar.update(50_000_000, 1)
echo "check if this line is removed by the bars"
suru can be used in two ways:
import suru
for a in suru([20, 90, 120]):
# do something
import suru
var bar: SuruBar = initSuruBar()
# pass in a positive integer if you want to change how many bars there are
bar[0].total = 3 # number of iterations
for a in [20, 90, 120]:
# do something
inc bar # can be changed to increment n amount at a time
# will increment all bars
# use inc bar[0] if you only want to increment the first bar
bar.update(50_000_000) # in nanoseconds, so the delay is 50 ms
# will be clamped to at least 1 ms
the order bears no meaning
- thread-safe
- multi-bar support
- formatting support
- ascii-only version
- custom text
- stable api
- might come soon, i need more opinions on the current api
- iterator support
- unicode checks
- echoing within the loop
- recursive support for suru macro
- ex: (this should work like manually making a two-bar SuruBar)
import suru
for a in suru(...):
# do something
for b in suru(...):
# do another thing
suru has no external Nim dependencies