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File metadata and controls

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Adding Tests (Part 3)

Let's focus on test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb now.

bin/rails t test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb


This outputs a lot of NameErrors like this:

NameError: undefined local variable or method `new_message_url' for #<MessagesControllerTest:0x00007fb6bcbf85e0 @_routes=nil, @NAME="test_shoul....

Remember how we nested our messages under channels, we need to update the urls to reflect this.

Change all the message_path calls to channel_message_path calls, message_url calls to channel_message_url calls, new_message_url calls to new_channel_message_url calls, etc.

We also need to add a channel to the urls. So channel_message_path(@message) would become channel_message_path(@channel, @message).

We can get @channel in the setup method by adding @channel = @message.recipient after the @message initialization.

Let's run our the tests again.


Now we see errors that look like this:

NameError: uninitialized constant Recipient
    test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb:8:in `block in <class:MessagesControllerTest>'

This took me a moment to realize, however our fixtures file test/fixtures/messages.yml has set all the recipient_type to Recipients, which doesn't exist. Remove the recipient_type rows and add suffix the recipient line with (Channel) which hints to Rails that we want to use a channel.

Non-existant routes

Remember that we disabled a lot of the messages routes? We need to reflect that in the tests, otherwise we'll get a No route matches errors.

Delete everything except the create, update, and destroy tests.

Changed functionality

We changed a few things in our messages controller:

  • We only respond to JSON requests
  • We don't allow recipient or sender to be passed in

Let's accommodate those!

JSON requests

We don't redirect anymore, so let's remove those assert_redirected_to calls and replace them with assert_response :success calls (or assert_response :created for the create action).

No recipient or sender

Change params to include only content. Both create and update should have params: { message: { content: "content" } }

Let's make sure things are assigned properly as well. In create's test add:

message = Message.last
assert_equal @channel, message.recipient
assert_equal @message.sender, message.sender

In update's test add:

assert_equal @channel, @message.reload.recipient
assert_equal @message.sender, message.reload.sender

.reload is necessary because we changed the message and we must tell Rails to reload it all.

Tests should now pass for everything!

Action Items

  1. Update the URLs to reflect that we nested messages under channels
  2. Remove recipient_type lines from test/fixtures/messages.yml
  3. Add (Channel) suffices to recipient lines in test/fixtures/messages.yml
  4. In test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb, delete everything except the create, update, and destroy tests.
  5. In test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb, add params: { message: { content: "content" } } to create and update tests, removing the existing params
  6. In test/controllers/messages_controller_test.rb, remove assert_redirected_to calls and replace them with assert_response :success calls (or assert_response :created for the create action).
  7. Add this after the create POST action in the create test:
    message = Message.last
    assert_equal @channel, message.recipient
    assert_equal @message.sender, message.sender
  8. In update's test add:
    assert_equal @channel, @message.reload.recipient
    assert_equal @message.sender, message.reload.sender
  9. All tests now pass!

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