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Install Automation Agent using Ansible

This document describes how to use Ansible to install MongoDB Ops Manager Automation Agent. Unlike Chef or Puppet, Ansible does not require an agent on a node, instead it uses SSH to access a node and execute tasks remotely. Simply assign a host to install and run Ansible, then provide a list of remote servers (hosts) where Automation Agent to be installed.

For more on Ansible, read How Ansible Works.

Disclaimer: This playbook is designed for RPM distribution of Linux only (RedHat/Fedora/CentOS)


Install Ansible

You'll need a dedicated host to run Ansible (you can use the host where Ops Manager is installed). Follow installation guide, or these two easy steps:

On server with http access

1) Configure EPEL

## RHEL/CentOS ##
sudo rpm -Uvh

2) Install Ansible

sudo yum install -y ansible

On server without http access

If the host is in prod and does not have internet access, you can install Ansible on a (Linux) jumpbox. Or alternatively, download zipped Ansible package to the jumpbox, then transfer to the host in prod:

After transfer to the host in prod, do a yum localinstall:

sudo mkdir ansiblepkg
sudo tar -zxvf ansiblepkg.tgz ansiblepkg/
sudo yum localinstall ansiblepkg/*.rpm

Checkout repo

Prepare Git and checkout this repository

On server with http access

Install Git if it is not yet installed

sudo yum install git
git init
git clone
cd ansible-automation-agent

On server without http access

If the host that runs Ansible has no http access, you can checkout the repository at another server, zip it, and transfer back to the host.

On server with http access, download Git repository and tar it up:

git init
git clone
tar -zcvf ansible-automation-agent.tgz ansible-automation-agent/

Transfer to offline server, and untar:

sudo mkdir ansible-automation-agent
sudo tar -zxvf ansiblepkg.tgz ansible-automation-agent/

Run playbook

1) Edit list of remote hosts, e.g.

vim hosts

(replace server1, server2, ...serverN, with FQDN or IP address of remote servers)

You can also use patterns to add multiple servers, e.g.


This will add server1 thru server10.

2) Edit variables in install.yml. Variables can be obtained in Ops Manager > Settings > Agents.

vim install.yml
    ## Automation Agent file path
    automation_agent_pkg: http://opsmanager:8080/download/agent/automation/mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-latest.x86_64.rpm

    ## Automation Agent configuration (required)
    mms_group_id:         "574735e6ec2ea11b4a000000"
    mms_api_key:          "206e2ec9bf362ebcb5f4ec46fe300000"
    mms_base_url:         "http://opsmanager:8080"

    ## Automation Agent configuration (optional)
    mms_config_backup:	  "/var/lib/mongodb-mms-automation/mms-cluster-config-backup.json"
    log_file:             "/var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/automation-agent.log"
    log_level:            "INFO"
    max_log_files:        10
    max_log_file_size:    268435456

3) (Optional but recommended) Check status on remote hosts

Check CentOS version:
Check CentOS version. Run this ad-hoc Ansible command:

ansible all -i hosts -a "cat /etc/centos-release" --user johnny
(replace `johnny` with your username) 

Note that CentOS 6.X and CentOS 7.X have different package download path. E.g. CentOS 6.X is mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-<vesion>.x86_64.rpm while CentOS 7.X is mongodb-mms-automation-agent-manager-<version>.x86_64.rhel7.rpm

Check status on Automation Agent:
Automation Agent should be not installed or not running. Run this ad-hoc Ansible command:

ansible all -i hosts -a "service mongodb-mms-automation-agent status" --user johnny
(replace `johnny` with your username) 

Results should be either:

server1 | FAILED | rc=3 >>
mongodb-mms-automation-agent: unrecognized service
mongodb-mms-automation-agent is NOT running

If the result shows Automation Agent is already running on a remote host. You should take it off the list of hosts and inspect it manually. It may be already automated by Ops Manager.

Check status on OpenSSL version:
OpenSSL needs to be on version 1.0.1e or higher. CentOS 6.3 usually comes with a lower version 1.0.0 and needs OpenSSL updated. CentOS 6.4 or higher does not have this issue.

ansible all -i hosts -a "openssl version" --user johnny

Check status on SELinux:
SELinux should preferrably be disabled.

ansible all -i hosts -a "sestatus" --user johnny

If SELinux is enabled, preflight role would result in error. You can skip preflight step when prompted:

Install/Update OpenSSL? [Y]: N

You would have to manually install/update OpenSSL on each host.

4) Run playbook

ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml --user johnny

Enter SSH password, and SUDO password (press enter again to use same password as ssh). Choose whether to install or update OpenSSL (default Y = Yes, N = No, case sensitive)

SSH password: 
SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]: 
Install/Update OpenSSL? [Y]: 

Example Output

johnny@server1:~/ansible$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml --user johnny
SSH password: 
SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]: 
Install/Update OpenSSL? [Y]:

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [server1]

TASK [preflight : Collect status on OpenSSL] ***********************************
changed: [server1]

TASK [preflight : Perform Yum Update] ******************************************
ok: [server1]

TASK [preflight : Download OpenSSL (openssl-1.0.1e-42.el6.x86_64.rpm)] *********
ok: [server1]

TASK [preflight : Install/Upgrade OpenSSL] *************************************
ok: [server1]

TASK [preflight : Confirm OpenSSL is in version "1.0.1e"] **********************
ok: [server1]

TASK [install : Download automation agent] *************************************
changed: [server1]

TASK [install : Check for existing Automation Agent config file] ***************
ok: [server1]

TASK [install : Back up Automation Agent config file if exists] ****************
skipping: [server1]

TASK [install : Install automation agent] **************************************
changed: [server1]

TASK [install : Configure Automation Agent config file] ************************
changed: [server1]

TASK [install : Collect status on /data directory] *****************************
ok: [server1]

TASK [install : If /data exists, set ownership to 'mongod'] ********************
skipping: [server1]

TASK [install : If /data not exists, create directory and set ownership to 'mongod'] ***
changed: [server1]

TASK [install : Start Automation Agent, and enable start on boot] **************
changed: [server1]

TASK [install : Confirm Automation Agent is running] ***************************
ok: [server1]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
server1            : ok=7    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Verify Installation

Verify installation with:

ansible all -i hosts -a "service mongodb-mms-automation-agent status" --user johnny

You should see successful messages:

server1 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
mongodb-mms-automation-agent is running


If automation agent fails to start, refer to log file at Ops Manager console, or at
sudo tail -n 200 /var/log/mongodb-mms-automation/automation-agent-fatal.log

For troubleshooting purpose, run commands -v, up to -vvvv, to increase verbosity. E.g

ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml --user johnny -vvvv

Ansible Config

This playbook uses customized ansible.cfg. Leave it as it is, or modify to fit your need.

host_key_checking =   False
retry_files_enabled = False
log_path =            ./log/playbook.log
ask_pass =            True
command_warnings =    False

become =              True
become_ask_pass =     True

Description and full list of ansible config


How Ansible Works
Install the Automation Agent with rpm Packages