Serverless project for Go development with CDK using CDK Pipelines for continuous delivery.
NOTICE: Go support for AWS CDK is still in Developer Preview. This implies that APIs may change.
cdk bootstrap
deploys the CDK Toolkit stack. This is required for
using CDK Assets to bundle Go lambda binary into CDK app.
For more info see Bootstrapping
cdk deploy
deploys the CI/CD stack. The pipeline is self-mutating, which means that if you add new application stages
in the source code, or new stacks to application, the pipeline will automatically reconfigure itself to deploy those new
stages and stacks.
Pipeline gets the code from repository specified in cdk/pipeline.go
Owner: jsii.String("czubocha"),
Repo: jsii.String("aws-cdk-pipelines-go-serverless"),
It uses GitHub OAuth token which need to be provided in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store in github-token
For instructions to generate an GitHub OAuth token see
Creating a personal access token.
The token should have the scopes repo
and admin:repo_hook