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Setup Guides

How to Create SSH Keys

Step 1. Generate an SSH key pair.

# -t: defines the key pair type
# -b: defines the key lengths (i.e., the number of bits)
# -C: used to include a comment 
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "for DevOps"

Step 2. Press "Enter" to save your private key to the default location (i.e., under .ssh/id_rsa within your home directory).

Step 3. Enter a passphrase to encrypt the private key.

How to Setup Single Sign-On Using SSH

Setting up SSH-based Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to present your SSH private key automatically during authentication (e.g., when authenticating with GitHub).

Step 1. Open your BASH configuration file using your favorite text-editor

vim .bashrc

Step 2. Append the commands below to your BASH configuration file so they are be executed every time you login.

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" # starts the SSH authentication agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa  # adds your SSH private key to the SSH authentication agent

How to Add Your SSH Public Key to GitHub

Step 1. Print and copy your SSH public key.

cat ~/.ssh/

Step 2. Open a browser and login to GitHub.

Step 3. Click your profile (top-right icon) and click "Settings."

Step 4. Click "SSH and GPG keys" in the pane on the left-hand side.

Step 5. Click "New SSH key."

Step 6. Enter a "Title" (e.g., "for DevOps").

Step 7. Click "Add SSH key."

How to Create a GitHub Personal Access Token

Step 1. Login to GitHub.

Step 2. Click your profile (top-right icon) and click "Settings."

Step 3. Click "Developer Settings" at the bottom of the pane on the left-hand side.

Step 4. Click "Personal access tokens" > "Tokens (classic)."

Step 5. Click "Generate new token" > "Generate new token (classic)."

Step 6. Enter a "Note" (e.g., AI2C-DevOps-Week03).

Step 7. Set the "Expiration" date (e.g., 60 days).

Step 8. Select "repo" as the scope.

Step 9. Click "Generate token."

How to Create an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token

Step 1. Browse to

Step 2. Click your Azure DevOps project.

Step 3. Click your profile (the person-and-gear icon in the top-right corner).

Step 4. Click "Personal access tokens."

Step 5. Click "New Token."

Step 6. Enter a "Name."

Step 7. Set the "Scopes" field to "Custom defined."

Step 8. Under the "Build" section, select "Read."

Step 9. Click "Create."

Step 10. Record your PAT and use it as necessary.

How to Install the Azure CLI

Step 1. Enter the command below.

curl -sL | sudo bash

Step 2. Identify your tenant and subscription IDs and save them as environment variables.

# your tentant and subscription IDs are NOT secrets
export TENANT_ID="da3cb2a3-95dd-4a37-b857-c1264e363deb"
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID="17408d59-f3b6-43a5-a48c-c3667527f330"

Step 3. Enter the command below and authenticate when prompted.

az login --tenant "${TENANT_ID}" --use-device-code

Step 4. Set your default subscription.

az account set --subscription "${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"

How to Install Terraform

Step 1. Install the following packages if not already done: gnupg, software-properties-common, and curl. They are required to verify the identity of HashiCorp's package repository.

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common

Step 2. Install HashiCorp's GPG key.

wget -O- | \
gpg --dearmor | \
sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg

Step 3. Verify HashiCorp's GPG key fingerprint.

gpg --no-default-keyring \
--keyring /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg \

Step 4. Add HashiCorp's package repository to your list of trusted package repositories.

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list

Step 5. Download package information from HashiCorp's package repository.

sudo apt update

Step 6. Install Terraform.

sudo apt install terraform

How to Install Ansible

Step 1. Install Ansible.

sudo python -m pip install ansible sshpass

How to Install sqlcmd

Step 1. Import the GPG keys for Microsoft's Ubuntu package repository.

sudo su
curl | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc

Step 2. Register Microsoft's Ubuntu package repository to your list of trusted package repositories.

curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list

Step 3. Download package information from HashiCorp's package repository.

sudo apt update

Step 4. Install sqlcmd.

sudo apt install mssql-tools18 unixodbc-dev

Step 5. Update your execution path environment variable to include sqlcmd.

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools18/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install Homebrew on macOS

Step 1. Install the Command Line Tools for macOS if you haven't already.

xcode-select --install 

Step 2. Install Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 3. Run the two command sentences it mentions after installation.

Step 4. Run Homebrew to make sure it's working.

brew --version