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File metadata and controls

65 lines (53 loc) · 3.25 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning, as much as a website reasonably can. Backwards incompatible changes (requiring a major version bump) will be described here, and may involve database changes, significant workflow changes, or changes that require manual edits to pluggable interfaces.



  • Added extension points to customize the look and behavior of client-side components. See the README in browser/extensions for info.
  • A global ACL is now available and can be set in your configuration as globalACL. Entries added to this list will implicitly apply to all projects. This will eventually replace the current admin functionality.
  • An API is available to fetch rendered/stored documents for projects.


  • Now uses tiny-attribution-generator to build documents.

0.9.0 - 2017-12-11


  • Auth backends can now specify how a user should be authenticated, via Passport. They should provide an initialize method that is called during app start-up. This can be used to register Passport strategies, login URLs, or any other session activities.
  • SPDX license texts are now shipped with the attribution builder.
  • License tags can now specify presentation options to influence how they appear in the package editor. They can be sorted first, annotated with text (both in menu and below), and control whether users are asked for the full license text.
  • License tags can also specify "questions" to ask a user when adding a package. This is useful to gather context-sensitive info. For example, you could only ask for "dynamic/static linking" if relevant for a given license.
  • Added a user interface for editing project access lists. This can be accessed by clicking on the owner on the top right side of the projcet editor.
  • It is now possible to edit a package and usage information in a project. New package revisions will be created as necessary, and previous entries will be correctly cleaned up.


  • JWT sessions are no longer in use. See the above addition about auth backends for an alternative.
  • The build process no longer requires Gulp.


  • Project ACLs are now sanely validated, with levels of "owner", "editor", and "viewer". A viewer can only view a project. An editor can change project details, except for the ACL. An owner can change everything about a project.
  • Users on a project contact list implicitly have "viewer" permissions unless otherwire specified.
  • The format of /api/licenses changed. Instead of a list, it returns a {licenses, tags} structure. The license list is included in the license key.


  • Some lingering Bootstrap CSS issues were cleaned up.
  • The validateUsage function (used in tags) was incorrectly documented.
  • extractRequestUser is now consistently used, making custom auth backends more reliable.


  • Users who weren't configured to access package validation systems could still do so, due to a dangling Promise. Additional type checks and lints have been enabled to prevent this in the future.

0.8.0 - 2017-08-04

  • Initial release.