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ERC4626 Echidna Property Tests


Initial setup

To use these properties to test a given vault implementation, see the readme in the project root.

Adding internal test methods to a vault

Some properties of the ERC4626 spec cannot be tested externally because testing them requires interactions between the test suite & functionality that is not defined in the spec.

To compensate for this limitation, a vault under test may optionally implement a set of methods that allow such properties to be tested. See IERC4626Internal for the list of methods.

These methods should be added to the Vault by a derived, test-environment-only contract to minimize changes to the production contract. When a vault under test implements IERC4626Internal, pass true to the test harness's initialize() function to enable the properties that require the internal interface:

contract Vault is IERC4626 { ... }

contract VaultTestable is Vault, IERC4626Internal { ... }

contract TestHarness is CryticERC4626PropertyTests{
  constructor(...) {
    initialize(address(_vault), address(_asset), true);

Check out the rounding property verification contracts if you'd like to see how such an implementation would look.


Before doing any development, run forge install to get dependencies sorted out. forge build will not work without the Echidna remappings.

Running tests(used to validate the properties are working correctly):

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/rounding/BadConvertToAssetsRounding.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_previewRedeemRoundingDirection
  • verify_redeemRoundingDirection
  • verify_convertToAssetsRoundingDirection

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/rounding/BadConvertToSharesRounding.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_convertToSharesRoundingDirection
  • verify_previewDepositRoundingDirection
  • verify_depositRoundingDirection

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/rounding/BadPreviewMintRounding.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_previewMintRoundingDirection
  • verify_mintRoundingDirection

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/rounding/BadPreviewWithdrawRounding.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_previewWithdrawRoundingDirection
  • verify_withdrawRoundingDirection

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/security/BadShareInflation.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_sharePriceInflationAttack

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/usingApproval/BadAllowanceUpdate.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml Should cause these properties to fail:

  • verify_redeemViaApprovalProxy
  • verify_withdrawViaApprovalProxy
  • verify_redeemRequiresTokenApproval
  • verify_withdrawRequiresTokenApproval

Run property tests against vanilla solmate:

echidna ./contracts/ERC4626/test/Solmate4626.sol --contract TestHarness --config ./contracts/ERC4626/test/echidna.config.yaml

EIP-4626 Spec

Properties Tested


  • convertToAssets() must not revert for reasonable values
  • convertToShares() must not revert for reasonable values
  • asset() must not revert
  • totalAssets() must not revert
  • maxDeposit() must not revert
  • maxMint() must not revert
  • maxRedeem() must not revert
  • maxWithdraw() must not revert


  • deposit() must deduct assets from the owner
  • deposit() must credit shares to the receiver
  • deposit() must mint greater than or equal to the number of shares predicted by previewDeposit()
  • mint() must deduct assets from the owner
  • mint() must credit shares to the receiver
  • mint() must consume less than or equal to the number of assets predicted by previewMint()
  • withdraw() must deduct shares from the owner
  • withdraw() must credit assets to the receiver
  • withdraw() must deduct less than or equal to the number of shares predicted by previewWithdraw()
  • redeem() must deduct shares from the owner
  • redeem() must credit assets to the receiver
  • redeem() must credit greater than or equal to the number of assets predicted by previewRedeem()


  • withdraw() must allow proxies to withdraw tokens on behalf of the owner using share token approvals
  • redeem() must allow proxies to redeem shares on behalf of the owner using share token approvals
  • Third party withdraw() calls must update the msg.sender's allowance
  • Third party redeem() calls must update the msg.sender's allowance
  • Third parties must not be able to withdraw() tokens on an owner's behalf without a token approval
  • Third parties must not be able to redeem() shares on an owner's behalf without a token approval


  • maxDeposit() must assume the receiver/sender has infinite assets
  • maxMint() must assume the receiver/sender has infinite assets
  • previewMint() must not account for msg.sender asset balance
  • previewDeposit() must not account for msg.sender asset balance
  • previewWithdraw() must not account for msg.sender share balance
  • previewRedeem() must not account for msg.sender share balance


  • Shares may never be minted for free using:
    • previewDeposit()
    • previewMint()
    • convertToShares()
  • Tokens may never be withdrawn for free using:
    • previewWithdraw()
    • previewRedeem()
    • convertToAssets()
  • Shares may never be minted for free using:
    • deposit()
    • mint()
  • Tokens may never be withdrawn for free using:
    • withdraw()
    • redeem()


  • decimals() should be larger than or equal to asset.decimals()
  • Accounting system must not be vulnerable to share price inflation attacks

Properties to consider adding

  • deposit/mint must increase totalSupply/totalAssets
  • withdraw/redeem must decrease totalSupply/totalAssets
  • previewDeposit() must not account for vault specific/user/global limits
  • previewMint() must not account for vault specific/user/global limits
  • previewWithdraw() must not account for vault specific/user/global limits
  • previewRedeem() must not account for vault specific/user/global limits

Properties that may not be testable

  • Note that any unfavorable discrepancy between convertToShares and previewDeposit SHOULD be considered slippage in share price or some other type of condition, meaning the depositor will lose assets by depositing.
  • Whether a given method is inclusive of withdraw/deposit fees