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SocketIO Web Service

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This project currently runs on NodeJS v6 LTS (boron).

The SocketIO Web Service allows multiple sites, differentiated via namespace, to send push messages to connected clients using

When a client connects a request is made to your website to authenticate the user via the Authorization header, and to retrieve the list of rooms the client belongs to which can be a group name or individual name for direct communication. Your website can then send messages via this webservice to the clients, while the clients can communicate with your website directly.

Sending Messages

The intention is client apps communicate directly with the server app, and the server app uses the following POST request on this app to communicate with the client app.


Supports Content-Type application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Example:

  "rooms": ["user_1", "staff"],
  "event": "update_store",
  "args": ["user", {"id":1,"age":5}]
  • resync - performs a check when client indicates a message is received to ensure it's the first in the queue. If not, it will clear the queue and send a message to client to resync all data (default false).

Handling unreliable connections

To handle unreliable connections web service uses a Redis cache to store messages and waits for the client to invoke the callback function before removing the message from redis. This is only enabled if the userRoomPrefix setting (see add new site section) is specified and if it is then every user must belong to a user room that represents a single user.

// client app
socket.on("update_store", function(entityType, entity, successCallback) {

Upon reconnection all the messages for the connecting user will be sent to the client at once as the _batch event with just a single successCallback for the batch event:

// client app
socket.on("_batch", batch);
socket.on("update_store", update_store);

function batch(events, successCallback) {
  events.forEach(function(args) {
    var event = args[0]; // e.g. update_store
    var eventArgs = args.slice(1);
    window[event].apply(this, eventArgs);

function update_store(entityType, entity, successCallback) {
  if (successCallback) {

For scenarios where is used to keep a local database in sync with a server database. There is an option you can turn on called resync when sending a message to the client (see send messages section). On success callback a check is made on the server to ensure the message being removed is the first one in the queue for that user and event. If not, say due to a client error processing previous message so that success callback was never called, all the queued messages for that user are cleared and a _resync event will be sent to the client allowing a full resync to be performed:

// client app
socket.on("_resync", function() {
  window.location.reload(); // assumes client app performs full sync on page load

It is up to the client to specify what action to take when the _resync is received.


// client app
var socket = io("<namespace>?token=12345&deviceId=090909");
  • namespace - the namespace should match the name used in sites.yml (see add new site)
  • token - is the token that will form the authorization header with authScheme in sites.yml that will be sent with the request to retrieve rooms from authUrl defined in sites.yml (see add new site)
  • deviceId - this is intended for support of a single user having multiple devices (e.g. could be a user with two browser tabs open if not updating a shared data storage)

Special events

// client app
socket.on("_batch", function(events, success) {
  events.forEach(function(args) {
    window[args[0]].apply(this, args.slice(1));
  }, this);
  if (success) { success(); }

socket.on("_resync", function() {
  • _batch - when client connects and if there are awaiting messages they are sent all at once as this event (see Handling unreliable connections)
  • _resync - if resync was turned on when sending a message, if message is not first in message queue when success callback was called then this event is sent to let client know to perform a full sync (see Handling unreliable connections)
  • _settings - when client connects an object with settings is sent, currently it just contains device_ttl


You can configure an app suitable for docker using just environment variables. For example:

AUTH_URL=https://<path to api>/api/v1/auth/current_user_rooms
API_KEY=<insert api key>
UPDATE_USER_URL=https://<path to api>/api/v1/users/:id

The above will default to STDOUT logging.

Configuration details can also be stored in config.yml if you want more sites or more finegrained control over logging. Note: if no environment is specified it defaults to production.

  port: 80
  device_ttl: 3600
    url: rediss://:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>
    datacenter: 0
    worker: 0
    pingTimeout: 60000
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]

Add new site

A single site can be configured using ENV variables however, you can also specify a sites.yml as follows:

  authScheme: Bearer
  apiKey: 54321
  userRoomPrefix: user_
  • newsite - is the namespace for socketio, the client connects as io("/newsite")
  • authUrl - this is the url the socketio webservice will use to retrieve the rooms the authenticated user belongs to, the client is required to provide the token io("/newsite?token=12345") on connection and will form part of the Authorization header that will be used when the request is made to authUrl
  • authScheme - is used as part of the Authorization header that will be sent to the authUrl
  • apiKey - used to authenticate requests when sending messages to clients via this webservice
  • userRoomPrefix - the prefix rooms belonging to a single user starts with, used for determining whether to enable handling connection reliability functionality, if specified then every user must belong to a private room
  • updateUserUrl - this is the url the socketio webservice will use to update about the user's last connected and disconnected time. It will be PUT request with parameters example: {"id"=>"8", "user"=>{"last_connected"=>"2015-05-06T07:49:29.196Z"}}

Use sites.yml if you have more than one site to configure.

Manual Installation

Install nvm and Node v6:

curl -o- | bash
nvm install lts/boron    # v6

Add the following line to Passenger conf

passenger_nodejs /home/deployer/.nvm/versions/node/v6.14.3/bin/node;

Run the app normally (starts server at http://localhost:1337):

yarn start

Run the app in dev mode with nodemon:

yarn dev

Run the app in debug mode with node-debug:

yarn debug

  • Add a break point at start of app and hit continue in the debugger
  • Visit your app at e.g. http://localhost:1337 in a different tab
  • Now you can add a break point where you want to debug

Docker setup

  • git clone this repository
  • yarn install

Run the app in dev mode with nodemon:

Run the app in debug mode with node-debug:

  • Change the start command of app in docker-compose.local.yml to npm run debug
  • Add a break point at start of app and hit continue in the debugger
  • docker-compose --file docker-compose.local.yml up -d
  • Visit your app at e.g. http://localhost:1337 in a different tab
  • Now you can add a break point where you want to debug

Installing nginx / passenger

Assumes you've installed rvm already

yum install nodejs npm
gem install passenger
rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module --languages nodejs --auto

Capistrano Deployment

Check in your code and push it upstream as Capistrano will checkout code from your git repo rather than uploading your local files.

cap staging deploy
cap production deploy
cap production deploy:rollback

The deploy script automatically handles npm install on the remote machine and ensures shared files are symlinked to the current folder.

Docker Compose

  • git clone this repository and cd into the repository folder
  • Run docker-compose build to build the container image from source
  • Now you can move the docker-compose.yml to another folder together with a config.yml and sites.yml
  • In the folder with the docker-compose.yml run docker-compose up -d
  • Your app is now reachable on port 1337 on the server

Docker Deployment

docker build -t socketio .
docker run \
  -p 80:80 \
  -e REDIS_URL=redis://host:6379 \

docker login <registry>
docker tag socketio <registry>
docker push <registry>
docker push <registry>

Azure Container Registry Builds

az login
az account set --subscription "<name of subscription>"
az acr build --registry <registry name> --image socketio:master .

Known issues

  • Nodejs has trouble connecting to local websites via localhost during authentication, the workaround is to start rails (or some other web app) bound to instead (the authUrl can still say localhost) .e.g

    rails s --binding=

  • The app hangs if you set logging mode to DEBUG=* when debugging the app

  • Debugger does not work in node versions 0.10.34 and 0.10.35