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Docker Image Authorization Plugin

Build Status

The image authorization plugin allows docker images only from a list of authorized registries to be used by the docker engine. For additional information, please refer to docker documentation on plugins.

Running tests for the image authorization plugin

NOTE: You require sudo privileges as root on your machine to run the plugin tests.

Testing the plugin with docker engine v1.11

# Create the plugin tests image
docker build -t plugin-tests-1.11.2 -f Dockerfile.test --build-arg DOCKER_VERSION=1.11.2 --rm .

# Start the plugin tests container
docker run --privileged -d --name plugin-tests-1.11.2 plugin-tests-1.11.2

# Run the plugin tests
docker exec plugin-tests-1.11.2 python

# Remove the plugin tests container 
docker rm -f plugin-tests-1.11.2

# Remove the plugin tests image
docker rmi -f plugin-tests-1.11.2

Testing the plugin with docker engine v1.12

# Create the plugin tests image
docker build -t plugin-tests-1.12.6 -f Dockerfile.test --build-arg DOCKER_VERSION=1.12.6 --rm .

# Start the plugin tests container
docker run --privileged -d --name plugin-tests-1.12.6 plugin-tests-1.12.6

# Run the plugin tests
docker exec plugin-tests-1.12.6 python

# Remove the plugin tests container 
docker rm -f plugin-tests-1.12.6

# Remove the plugin tests image
docker rmi -f plugin-tests-1.12.6

Build and install the plugin

# Create the build tools docker image
docker build -t plugin-build-tools:latest .

# Build the image authorization plugin from sources
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -e GOPATH=`pwd` plugin-build-tools:latest make

# Generate the plugin service units configuration
# IMPORTANT: Please note that the make config command supports generation of systemd units for CentOS/RHEL only
# IMPORTANT: If you do not want to authorize any registry, please leave the REGISTRIES variable below empty
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -e GOPATH=`pwd` plugin-build-tools:latest \
  make config REGISTRIES=<authorized_registry1>,<authorized_registry2>,...

# Install the plugin service
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -e GOPATH=`pwd` -v /usr/libexec:/usr/libexec \
  -v /usr/lib/systemd/system:/usr/lib/systemd/system plugin-build-tools:latest \
  make install
# Start the plugin service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable img-authz-plugin
systemctl start img-authz-plugin

Enable the authorization plugin on docker engine

Step-1: Add authorization plugin to the docker engine configuration

Please add the following cmdline flag to your docker engine (e.g. ExecStart line /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service)

--authorization-plugin img-authz-plugin
Step-2: Restart docker engine
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

Stop and uninstall the plugin

NOTE: Before doing below, remove the authorization-plugin configuration created above and restart the docker daemon.

# Stop the plugin service
systemctl stop img-authz-plugin
systemctl disable img-authz-plugin

# Uninstall the plugin service units
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -e GOPATH=`pwd` -v /usr/libexec:/usr/libexec \
  -v /usr/lib/systemd/system:/usr/lib/systemd/system plugin-build-tools:latest \
  make uninstall

To remove the generated artifacts

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -e GOPATH=`pwd` plugin-build-tools:latest make clean

Access plugin logs

journalctl -xe -u img-authz-plugin -f


For further queries on the plugin, please reach out to me at [email protected] or post an issue in the repo. Also, pull requests welcome for extending the plugin for other linux distributions and useful features!