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The official Splunk documentation for this page is Troubleshoot issues when collecting data. For instructions on how to contribute to the docs, see


Start by reviewing the OpenTelemetry Collector troubleshooting documentation.

Gathering Support Information

Existing customers unable to determine why something is not working can email support. When opening a support request, it is important to include as much information about the issue as possible including:

  • Have you read the release notes?
  • What did you try to do?
  • What happened?
  • What did you expect to happen?
  • Have you found any workaround?
  • How impactful is the issue?
  • How can we produce the issue?

End-to-end architecture information is helpful including:

  • What is generating the data?
  • Where was the data configured to go to?
  • What format was the data sent in?
  • How is the next hop configured?
  • Where is the data configured to go from here?
  • Any dns/firewall/networking/proxy information to be aware of?

In addition, it is important to gather support information including:

  • Configuration file
    • Running OpenTelemetry Collector
      • http://localhost:55554/debug/configz/initial
      • http://localhost:55554/debug/configz/effective
    • Kubernetes: kubectl get configmap my-configmap -o yaml >my-configmap.yaml
    • Linux: /etc/otel/collector
  • Logs and ideally debug logs
    • Docker: docker logs my-container >my-container.log
    • Journald: journalctl -u my-service >my-service.log
    • Kubernetes: kubectl describe pod my-pod kubectl logs my-pod otel-collector >my-pod-otel.log kubectl logs my-pod fluentd >my-pod-fluentd.log

Support bundle scripts are provided to make it easier to collect information:

  • Kubernetes: kubectl-splunk
  • Linux (if installer script was used): /etc/otel/collector/
  • Windows (if MSI installer was used v0.34.0+): C:\Program Files\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\splunk-support-bundle.ps1

Error Messages and Reasons

bind: address already in use

Something is already using the port that the current configuration requires.

  • Is another application using that port?
  • Is Jaeger or Zipkin already configured in the environment?

The configuration can be modified to use another port if required. This typically requires modifying either:

Note on Kubernetes, this requires updating the chart values for both configuration and exposed ports.

pattern not matched

This message will come from Fluentd and means that the <parser> was unable to match based on the log message. As a result, the log message will not be collected. Check the Fluentd configuration and update as required.

Linux Installer

If either the splunk-otel-collector or td-agent services are not properly installed and configured:

  • Ensure the OS is supported
  • Ensure the OS has systemd installed
  • Ensure not running in a containerized environment (for non-production environments see this post for a workaround)
  • Check installation logs for more details

HTTP Error Codes

  • 401 (UNAUTHORIZED): Configured access token or realm is incorrect
  • 404 (NOT FOUND): Likely configuration parameter is wrong like endpoint or path (e.g. /v1/log); possible network/firewall/port issue
  • 429 (TOO MANY REQUESTS): Org is not provisioned for the amount of traffic being sent; reduce traffic or request increase in capacity
  • 503 (SERVICE UNAVAILABLE): If using the Log Observer, this is the same as 429 (because that is how HECv1 responds). Otherwise, check the status page.

Log Collection

Is the source generating logs?

$ tail -f /var/log/foo.log
$ journalctl -u my-service.service -f

Is Fluentd configured properly?

  • Is td-agent running? (systemctl status td-agent)
  • If you changed the configuration did you restart fluentd? (systemctl restart td-agent)
  • Check fluentd.conf and conf.d/\*; ensure @label @SPLUNK is added to every source otherwise logs are not collected!
  • Manual configuration may be required to collect logs off the source. Add configuration files to in the conf.d directory as needed.
  • Enable debug logging in fluentd.conf (log_level debug), restart td-agent (systemctl restart td-agent), and check /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
  • While every attempt is made to properly configure permissions, it is possible td-agent does not have the permission required to collect logs. Debug logging should indicate this issue.
  • It is possible the <parser> section configuration is not matching the log events.
  • This means things are working (requires debug logging enabled): 2021-03-17 02:14:44 +0000 [debug]: #0 connect new socket

Is OTelCol configured properly?

Sending synthetic data

You can manually generate logs if needed. By default, Fluentd should monitor journald and /var/log/syslog.log for events.

Note: Properly structured syslog may be required for Fluentd to properly pick up the log line

$ echo "Jun 17 02:14:44 my-server fluentd[11111]: [debug] syslog test" >>/var/log/syslog
$ echo "2021-03-17 02:14:44 +0000 [debug]: syslog test" | systemd-cat

Here is an example of a log record that will NOT be collected:

$ echo "2021-03-17 02:14:44 +0000 my-server fluentd[11111]: [debug] syslog test" >>/var/log/syslog

Why? Because the timestamp parser will fail. Enable debug logs to confirm this.

Trace Collection

Sending synthetic data

How can you test the Collector is able to receive spans without instrumenting an application?

By default, the Collector enables the Zipkin receiver, which is capable of receiving trace data over JSON. Zipkin provides some example data here. As a result, you can test by running something like the following:

$ curl -OL
$ curl -X POST localhost:9411/api/v2/spans -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d @yelp.json

NOTE: Update localhost as appropriate to reach the Collector.

No response means the request was successfully sent. You can also pass -v to the curl command to confirm.

APM - Infrastructure Correlation

Set up the APM Service - infrastructure correlation metrics

How do you setup the collector to capture and send the relevant data to show correlated infrastructure metrics in the APM service dashboards?

Follow the steps outlined here. If you are not able to set up the APM service after following these steps, contact support