THCG2DEP is an implementation of a method for deriving (minimally labeled) dependency trees from the Thai CG Bank (Ruangrajitpakorn & Supnithi 2010), using a lexical dictionary for assigning dependency directions to the CG types associated with the grammatical entities in the CG Bank, with fallback to a generic CG->CDG mapping in case of out-of-dictionary words.
Optionally uses distributional (“brown-”) clusters obtained through unsupervised processing of large amounts of (word-segmented) raw text in place of POS tags.
A recent ruby interpreter is required, as well as the following ruby packages:
* commander (for command-line interface) * conll (for generating dependency treebank files)
To extract dependency trees from a CG treebank, use the following command:
% ruby lib/thcg_converter.rb data/dict/merge.CDG data/map/CDG-CG.txt data/cg/sample.txt > data/conll/sample.conll
* data/dict/merge.CDG - merged CDG lexical dictionary * data/map/CDG-CG.txt - generic CG->CDG mapping * data/cg/sample.txt - source CG bank * data/conll/sample.conll - target file for dependency treebank (CONLL format)
Sample output:
Dictionary file: data/dict/merge.CDG Building dictionary from data/dict/merge.CDG 38250 forms, 2 CDGS/form on average Building CG->CDG map Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for น่า: (s\np)/(s\np) could be either (s\<np)/>(s\<np) or (s\<np)/<(s\<np) Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for ตอนนั้น: s/s could be either s/>s or s/<s Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for กับ: np\np/np could be either np\<np/>np or np\>np/>np Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for ตอนนี้: s/s could be either s/>s or s/<s Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for ขณะนี้: s/s could be either s/>s or s/<s Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping for ขณะนั้น: s/s could be either s/>s or s/<s Map file: data/map/CDG-CG.txt Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: np\np/np could be either np\>np/>np or np\<np/>np Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: s/s could be either s/>s or s/<s Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: s\s could be either s\>s or s\<s Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: (s\np)/(s\np) could be either (s\<np)/>(s\<np) or (s\<np)/<(s\<np) Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: s/(s\np) could be either s/>(s\<np) or s/<(s\<np) Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: s/(s\np)/np could be either s/>(s\<np)/>np or s/<(s\<np)/>np Ambiguous CG->CDG mapping: s\(s\np) could be either s\<(s\<np) or s\>(s\<np) 90 CG->CDG mapping(s) Treebank file: data/cg/sample.txt Parsing 10 lines... done Processing 5 sentences... No mapping of ((s\np)\(s\np))/np for 'ใน' - falling back on CD->CDG map No mapping of (np\np)\(np\np) for 'ๆ' - falling back on CD->CDG map done
Please note that CG types remain in the resulting CONLL file. These should be stripped out before using the dependency treebank for any experiments or real application, as the CG types cannot reliably be obtained automatically for unseen text.
To add unsupervised Brown clusters to a dependency treebank, use the command:
% ruby lib/cluster_path_map.rb data/conll/sample.conll data/paths/best-all-spaces-c32-p1.out/paths > data/conll/sample-c32.conll
* data/conll/sample.conll - input dependency treebank * data/paths/best-all-spaces-c32-p1.out/paths - output file from the wcluster utility ( * data/conll/sample-c32.conll - output file for augmented treebank
A second paths file may be specified, to include clusters of different granularity as a second POS tag.
To train a dependency parser, the output from the above steps should first be stripped of the CG types, shuffled (to compensate for clustering of similar sentence types) and then split in e.g. a 9-1 ratio for training and testing.
Given a train part and a test part, the standard MaltParser may be trained and tested as follows:
% java -jar ~/Tools/malt-1.4.1/malt.jar -c malt_test -i data/train.conll -m learn % java -jar ~/Tools/malt-1.4.1/malt.jar -c malt_test -i data/test.conll -o malt_test.out.conll -m parse % -q -g data/test.conll -s malt_test.out.conll is the standard evaluation script for the task, available for download at e.g.