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Compare C/Java/Python Performance in Matrix Multiplication


  • Implement matrix multiplication in C, Java and Python
    • For C, two versions
      • Array + for loop
      • Pointer arithmetic + for loop
    • For Java, three versions
      • Standard for loop
      • Stream (Parallel)
      • Without JIT
    • For Python, two versions
      • Standard for loop
      • Numpy


c-std: Implementation in C using for loop and arrays (this should have been named c-for for coherence but too late)

c-pointer: Implementation in C using for loop and pointer arithmetic

java-for: Implementation in Java using for loop and arrays

java-no-jit: Same as above but disable JIT during runtime

java-stream: Implementation in Java using Parallel Streams (JDK8+) and arrays

python-for: Implementation in Python using for loop and arrays

python-np: Implementation in Python using numpy library


  • We'll be working with square matrices ranging from 16x16 to 1024x1024. We'll focus more on matrices above 256x256.
  • We'll only consider int types for simplicity

Testing Methodology

  • Only benchmark the matrix multiplication operation
    • Wont consider time taken for other actions such as I/O
  • Use same matrices for all variations
    • Generate matrices on first run (Java) and save them to files
    • For all variations, read from file and execute
  • Iterations
    • For each size, we will multiply 20 times and sum the durations to get larger duration results

For example, python-np: 1024, 122.44 means, it took 122.44 seconds to multiply 20 1024x1024 matrices with 20 other corresponding 1024x1024 matrices in the python implementation using numpy.

Test Setup

  • CPU: Ryzen 3950x (16/32 Cores)
  • RAM: 64GB
  • GPU: N/A (Maybe in future, we can do CUDA)
  • C: MinGW, C23, CMake
  • JDK: 18 (Corretto)
  • Python: 3.9 (Conda)
  • OS: Windows 10

Implementation Procedure / Code Description

TBA if requested

Expected Results (Based on common beliefs)

  • c-std: C, being the low level system language with lowest overhead, will be fastest (well, 2nd most; see below).
  • c-pointer: Using pointer arithmetic, we should be able to squeeze out a little more performance and should be fastest (faster than c-std).
  • java-for: Java, being byte-code interpreted language during runtime, will be slower than C variations.
  • java-no-jit: Without JIT optimization, Java will be extremely slow.
  • java-stream: This should be really fast as Java will utilize multiple CPU cores but can it be faster than C?
  • python-for: This is similar to java-for but should be even slower as Python's interpreter is much slower than Java.
  • python-np: This should get us similar (but slightly slower) results to c-std as numpy is an extension module written in C.

Actual Results


The chart contains data 7x data points for each variations and there are 7 variations as well. So we have 49 data points in total.

NOTE: We have ignored three data points in the above chart; namely java-no-jit @ 1024, python-for @ 512 and python-for @ 1024 as each of these took over ~500 seconds and made it harder to visualize other points of interest. We will talk about these values later.



  • C is really fast for smaller dataset but is not performing as expected for larger datasets
  • Java turned out to be much faster than expected
  • Stock Python is many orders slow compared to everything else

We'll be explaining each of these shorty.

16x16 to 128x128

  • Variations of C show absolute dominance.
  • java-stream appears to be very slow.
  • python-for is already slow compared to others (except java-stream)
  • python-np closely follows c-std as predicted.


  • Variations of c are closely holding up.
  • java variations are slow (as expected) and java-no-jit is look really bad; almost as bad as python-for.
  • python-for, is already showing the extremely lack of performance of python. python-for 256, 86s vs python-np 256, 0.319s. Just by replacing for-loops with numpy's functions which execute using c, we are seeing insane amount of performance difference.
  • python-np closely following c-std as before.

512x512 and 1024x1024

Things get really interesting here. Compared to other matrix sizes, these two are huge. The amount of mathematical operations is way higher and requires much more memory.

For example, mathematical operations for a matrix is O(n^3).

  • 256x256: 16M

  • 512x512: 134M (8 times compared to 256x256)

  • 1024x1024: 1B (62 times compared to 256x256)

  • As expected of c variations, their times shot up due to huge number of operations increase.

  • While java-for and java-stream were slower than variations of c before, they have turned it upside down and now are faster than c variations and in one particular case, amazingly faster. We'll explain this below.

  • java-no-jit is showing how useless Java is without JIT optimization and is only trailed by python-for.

  • python-for is taking over 5000 seconds for 1024x1024 compared to C's ~100 seconds.

  • As expected, python-np is trailing C's performance closely but slightly slowly.


Assuming c-std as baseline performance,

  1. Why c-pointer is slower than c-std?
  2. Why does java-for suddenly do better as matrix size increases?
  3. How did java-stream outperform everything?
  4. Why java-no-jit is so slow?
  5. Why python-for is even slower and excessively so?
  6. Why python-np is so much faster than python-for and almost same as c-std?


  1. While theoretically, c-pointer should be faster, modern C compilers do amazing optimizations during compilation resulting in extremely fast machine codes. By hand-rolling array system using pointers, we have prevented the compiler for making every optimization it could and thus, c-pointer is slightly slower than c-std.
  2. java-for implementation runs the java program with default settings where JIT Optimization is enabled. This causes java to utilize various loop optimizations such as loop unrolling and loop tiling. This is possible to do in C too but we will require a huge amount of code/time for this. Libraries like BLAS implements these optimizations and will be even faster than any Java implementation (to be tested though).
  3. java-stream implementation is similar to java-for but it is fully parallel [ Link to Code ]. It can and will saturate every ounce of CPU power available and come up with the result more faster as you can give it more CPU cores. Again, if we implement similar algorithm in C (very difficult), C variation will outperform the java variation.
  4. java-no-jit is 100% pure interpretation and without any single optimization. This is theoretically as slow java as possible.
  5. python-for, same as java-no-jit except their interpreter is even slower.
  6. As mentioned before, numpy delegates it's operations to modules written in pure C (well, 95% C, 5% C++) as such it can harness the performance of C.


In general, C is faster but for large datasets, we need to implement non-trivial amount of optimizations ourselves (or use libraries) otherwise, it will fall behind. Java, on the other hand, is a breeze to write and automatically optimizes code path using JIT. It is truly an excellent balance between performance and ease of use. Finally, python is the slowest of them all but python can delegate computationally expensive tasks to extension modules written in C and harness that power. Therefore, as long as python has great extension modules, it is an excellent choice for most operations.

Loop unrolling and Loop Tiling are excellent techniques and can provide a huge amount of performance boost if the programmer knows what they are doing. Cache Oblivious Algorithm is another concept to explore to further utilize loop tiling to maximize cache memory usage and increase performance by many folds.

  • END