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This repository contains a collection of Helm charts used in the Common Voice project.

Installing Helm Charts from this repository

This repository is serving Helm Charts using the webserver provided by Github pages. In order to install Helm charts in your cluster add this repository to your helm repository list running helm repo add cv-helm-charts

Debug a Chart deployment

This section describes how to verify that your chart is installed correctly as well as what to do if it is not.

View current deployed chart

The first step should be to check if a chart was successfully installed and which version it is deployed. Running helm list in your target namespace shows the current deployed charts. Example:

helm list                                                  
NAME                         	NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                      	APP VERSION
voice-prod                   	voice-prod	5       	2020-04-15 14:11:52.540100678 +0000 UTC	deployed	mozilla-common-voice-0.1.12	           
voice-prod-ingress-controller	voice-prod	1       	2020-04-09 13:17:23.087215157 +0000 UTC	deployed	nginx-ingress-1.31.0       	0.29.0  

Here we can see that namespace voice-prod has 2 charts deployed. For this example we are only interested in the chart voice-prod. As you can see currently version 0.1.12 of the chart is deployed, however my configuration specified that 0.1.13 should be there.

View Helm Release

The next step should be to check what versions of the HelmRelease are present in the cluster. Run kubectl get helmrelease in the target namespace. In this example we will find why our chart could not be installed:

kubectl get helmrelease
NAME                 RELEASE                         STATUS     MESSAGE                                                                                                                                                                                        AGE
ingress-controller   voice-prod-ingress-controller   deployed   Helm release sync succeeded                                                                                                                                                                    7d19h
voice                voice-prod                      deployed   failed to upgrade chart for release [voice-prod]: YAML parse error on mozilla-common-voice/templates/configmap.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 17: did not find expected key   7d19h

Here we can clearly see an error, we are missing a key in our configmap. Running kubectl describe helmrelease voice-prod will give you even more information.

Using logs for debugging


The same information found out above can be found in the logs of the 2 components involved: flux and helm. First of all we will check the logs of Flux to see what is in there. Running kubectl logs -l=app=flux -n fluxcd you will get the logs of Flux where we can make sure that it correctly detected the change in the Chart and will try to apply it.

kubectl logs -l=app=flux -n fluxcd
ts=2020-04-17T09:24:41.796293402Z caller=loop.go:133 component=sync-loop event=refreshed url=ssh://[email protected]/common-voice/voice-infra branch=main HEAD=26626653ecca80f3d43f6e42aa3376af15755622

Nothing wrong here, moving on and checking helm-operator logs


helm-operator logs are also a good resource of information when debugging. Check them running kubectl logs -f -l=app=helm-operator -n fluxcd. Here we will see the same error that we saw when describing the HelmRelease:

kubectl logs -f -l=app=helm-operator -n fluxcd                                                                   :(
ts=2020-04-17T09:24:37.559875402Z caller=operator.go:307 component=operator info="enqueuing release" resource=voice-prod:helmrelease/voice
ts=2020-04-17T09:24:37.647535928Z caller=release.go:353 component=release release=voice-prod targetNamespace=voice-prod resource=voice-prod:helmrelease/voice helmVersion=v3 info="release has not yet been processed" action=upgrade
ts=2020-04-17T09:24:37.663182157Z caller=helm.go:69 component=helm version=v3 info="preparing upgrade for voice-prod" targetNamespace=voice-prod release=voice-prod
ts=2020-04-17T09:24:37.790261829Z caller=release.go:216 component=release release=voice-prod targetNamespace=voice-prod resource=voice-prod:helmrelease/voice helmVersion=v3 error="Helm release failed" revision=0.1.13 err="failed to upgrade chart for release [voice-prod]: YAML parse error on mozilla-common-voice/templates/configmap.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 17: did not find expected key"

Fixing the problem

We now know where the problem is, a missing or bad value which makes not possible rendering the configmap. Here one of the options you have is to go an verify if you are missing some value, inc ase you are not able to find it, other option is to force localy the render of the chart. This will allow us to reproduce the error locally and fix it faster. In our case we will try rendering the mozilla-common-voice chart:

helm template -f mozilla-common-voice/values.yaml mozilla-common-voice/                               :(
Error: YAML parse error on mozilla-common-voice/templates/configmap.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 17: did not find expected key

Yet the same error again. But know we can modify easily the chart until we find the culprit line.

Verifying the fix

After finding and fixing the bug, we want to make sure that the new chart is now installed. You can verify it by listing the version of the chart installed.

helm list
NAME                         	NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART                      	APP VERSION
voice-prod                   	voice-prod	6       	2020-04-17 09:39:39.195640231 +0000 UTC	deployed	mozilla-common-voice-0.1.13	           
voice-prod-ingress-controller	voice-prod	1       	2020-04-09 13:17:23.087215157 +0000 UTC	deployed	nginx-ingress-1.31.0       	0.29.0     

Here we can verify that we currently have the version 0.1.13 of the chart installed.