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Chapter 10. Exceptions(异常)

Item 71: Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions(避免不必要地使用 checked 异常)

Many Java programmers dislike checked exceptions, but used properly, they can improve APIs and programs. Unlike return codes and unchecked exceptions, they force programmers to deal with problems, enhancing reliability. That said, overuse of checked exceptions in APIs can make them far less pleasant to use. If a method throws checked exceptions, the code that invokes it must handle them in one or more catch blocks, or declare that it throws them and let them propagate outward. Either way, it places a burden on the user of the API. The burden increased in Java 8, as methods throwing checked exceptions can’t be used directly in streams (Items 45–48).

许多 Java 程序员不喜欢 checked 异常,但是如果使用得当,它们可以有利于 API 和程序。与返回代码和 unchecked 异常不同,它们强制程序员处理问题,提高了可靠性。相反,在 API 中过度使用 checked 异常会变得不那么令人愉快。如果一个方法抛出 checked 异常,调用它的代码必须在一个或多个 catch 块中处理它们;或者通过声明抛出,让它们向外传播。无论哪种方式,它都给 API 的用户带来了负担。Java 8 中,这一负担增加得更多,因为会抛出 checked 异常的方法不能直接在流(Item 45-48)中使用。

This burden may be justified if the exceptional condition cannot be prevented by proper use of the API and the programmer using the API can take some useful action once confronted with the exception. Unless both of these conditions are met, an unchecked exception is appropriate. As a litmus test, ask yourself how the programmer will handle the exception. Is this the best that can be done?

如果(1)正确使用 API 也不能防止异常情况,(2)并且使用 API 的程序员在遇到异常时可以采取一些有用的操作,那么这种负担是合理的。除非满足这两个条件,否则可以使用 unchecked 异常。作为程序能否成功的试金石,程序员应该问问自己将如何处理异常。这是最好的办法吗?

} catch (TheCheckedException e) {
    throw new AssertionError(); // Can't happen!

Or this?


} catch (TheCheckedException e) {
    e.printStackTrace(); // Oh well, we lose.

If the programmer can do no better, an unchecked exception is called for.

如果程序员不能做得更好,则需要一个 unchecked 异常。

The additional burden on the programmer caused by a checked exception is substantially higher if it is the sole checked exception thrown by a method. If there are others, the method must already appear in a try block, and this exception requires, at most, another catch block. If a method throws a single checked exception, this exception is the sole reason the method must appear in a try block and can’t be used directly in streams. Under these circumstances, it pays to ask yourself if there is a way to avoid the checked exception.

如果 checked 异常是方法抛出的唯一 checked 异常,那么 checked 异常给程序员带来的额外负担就会大得多。如果还有其他 checked 异常,则该方法一定已经在 try 块中了,因此该异常最多需要另一个 catch 块而已。如果一个方法抛出单个 checked 异常,那么这个异常就是该方法必须出现在 try 块中而不能直接在流中使用的唯一原因。在这种情况下,有必要问问自己是否有办法避免 checked 异常。

The easiest way to eliminate a checked exception is to return an optional of the desired result type (Item 55). Instead of throwing a checked exception, the method simply returns an empty optional. The disadvantage of this technique is that the method can’t return any additional information detailing its inability to perform the desired computation. Exceptions, by contrast, have descriptive types, and can export methods to provide additional information (Item 70).

消除 checked 异常的最简单方法是返回所需结果类型的 Optional 对象(Item-55)。该方法只返回一个空的 Optional 对象,而不是抛出一个 checked 异常。这种技术的缺点是,该方法不能返回任何详细说明其无法执行所需计算的附加信息。相反,异常具有描述性类型,并且可以导出方法来提供附加信息(Item-70)。

You can also turn a checked exception into an unchecked exception by breaking the method that throws the exception into two methods, the first of which returns a boolean indicating whether the exception would be thrown. This API refactoring transforms the calling sequence from this:

你还可以通过将抛出异常的方法拆分为两个方法,从而将 checked 异常转换为 unchecked 异常,第一个方法返回一个布尔值,指示是否将抛出异常。这个 API 重构将调用序列转换为:

// Invocation with checked exception
try {
catch (TheCheckedException e) {
    ... // Handle exceptional condition

into this:


// Invocation with state-testing method and unchecked exception
if (obj.actionPermitted(args)) {
else {
    ... // Handle exceptional condition

This refactoring is not always appropriate, but where it is, it can make an API more pleasant to use. While the latter calling sequence is no prettier than the former, the refactored API is more flexible. If the programmer knows the call will succeed, or is content to let the thread terminate if it fails, the refactoring also allows this trivial calling sequence:

这种重构并不总是适当的,但是只要在适当的地方,它就可以使 API 更易于使用。虽然后一种调用序列并不比前一种调用序列漂亮,但是经过重构的 API 更加灵活。如果程序员知道调用会成功,或者不介意由于调用失败而导致的线程终止,那么该重构还可以接受更简单的调用序列:


If you suspect that the trivial calling sequence will be the norm, then the API refactoring may be appropriate. The resulting API is essentially the state-testing method API in Item 69 and the same caveats apply: if an object is to be accessed concurrently without external synchronization or it is subject to externally induced state transitions, this refactoring is inappropriate because the object’s state may change between the calls to actionPermitted and action. If a separate actionPermitted method would duplicate the work of the action method, the refactoring may be ruled out on performance grounds.

如果你不认为上文更简单的调用序列是一种常态,那么 API 重构可能是合适的。重构之后的 API 在本质上等同于 Item-69 中的「状态测试」方法,并且,也有同样的告诫:如果对象将在缺少外部同步的情况下被并发访问,或者可被外界改变状态,这种重构就是不恰当的,因为在 actionPermitted 和 action 这两个调用的间隔,对象的状态有可能会发生变化。如果单独的 actionPermitted 方法必须重复 action 方法的工作,出于性能的考虑,这种 API 重构就不值得去做。

In summary, when used sparingly, checked exceptions can increase the reliability of programs; when overused, they make APIs painful to use. If callers won’t be able to recover from failures, throw unchecked exceptions. If recovery may be possible and you want to force callers to handle exceptional conditions, first consider returning an optional. Only if this would provide insufficient information in the case of failure should you throw a checked exception.

总之,如果谨慎使用,checked 异常可以提高程序的可靠性;当过度使用时,它们会使 API 难以使用。如果调用者不应从失败中恢复,则抛出 unchecked 异常。如果恢复是可能的,并且你希望强制调用者处理异常条件,那么首先考虑返回一个 Optional 对象。只有当在失败的情况下,提供的信息不充分时,你才应该抛出一个 checked 异常。

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