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ec-specs examples

ec-specs is a specification and acceptance testing framework based on Spock and CloudBees CD/RO DSL. This repository includes example specifications for testing sample CloudBees CD/RO releases, pipelines, DSL scripts, etc. Additionally, a Maven pom.xml is included for building and running example specifications.


NOTE: The CloudBees CD/RO server can be running locally, on a remote server, or in a Kubernetes cluster.

Compile tests

To compile ec-spec, run:

mvn compile

This command downloads the com.electriccloud.commander-spec-tests-core.jar from the CloudBees repository.

Run tests

After you have installed a test instance of CloudBees CD/RO, to run the spec tests:

  • For a CloudBees CD/RO server running on a localhost with the default password for admin user:
    mvn test
  • For the CloudBees CD/RO server running on a remote server, for example test-remote-server, using user credentials test-user/test-user-password:
    mvn -DCOMMANDER_SERVER=test-remote-server -DCOMMANDER_USER=test-user -DCOMMANDER_PASSWORD=test-user-password test

Write specification (spec test) classes

Spock allows you to write specifications that describe expected features exhibited by a system. An ec-specs specification is a Groovy class with a naming pattern <YOUR-CUSTOM>Spec that extends from com.electriccloud.spec.SpockTestSupport, which extends from spock.lang.Specification.

Structure of a simple specification class

The following is an example of a simple specification class:

import com.electriccloud.spec.SpockTestSupport

class MySpec extends SpockTestSupport {

    def "my dsl works as expected"() {

        given: 'a project'
        // Use a random name for the project to ensure the test is isolated from other feature method runs. 
        def args = [projectName: randomize ('myproj')]
        dsl "project args.projectName", args

        when: 'an application is created using the given dsl'
        def result = dsl "application 'myapp', projectName: args.projectName ", args

        then: 'the application creation is successful'
        result.application.projectName == args.projectName

        // Clean up after the feature method run.

    def "another test"() {
  • MySpec contains two feature methods:
    • my dsl works as expected
    • another test
  • Before the feature methods in MySpec run, a new session is established for COMMANDER_USER on the CloudBees CD/RO test instance COMMANDER_SERVER.
  • The session is invalidated after completion of all the feature methods in MySpec.

For more details on writing specifications, refer to the example specifications and Spock.

Additional resources