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Climsoft Roadmap

Marcellin edited this page Apr 1, 2019 · 10 revisions

This is a draft version of Climsoft roadmap version 2. This document has not yet been agreed.

Five year roadmap for Climsoft versions 4 to 7

Version: 2.0 draft


Roadmap versions


  • Climsoft Desktop for Windows – is a desktop application that is only available for Microsoft Windows.
  • Climsoft Web Entry – will provide a limited set of capabilities for data entry via a web browser until Climsoft CDMS is released.
  • Climsoft CDMS – will provide desktop, web and mobile solutions and aim to fulfil all of the required sections of the WMO Climate Data Management Systems Specifications, thus becoming a WMO-compliant CDMS.

Feature parity between Climsoft Desktop for Windows and Climsoft CDMS will occur at some time during version 6.x. Climsoft Desktop for Windows will be discontinued from version 7.0 onwards.


Release cycle

The Climsoft software follows a regular release cycle with minor releases every 6-8 months and patch releases as required.

From Climsoft version 5 onwards, a major release will occur every two years and the project will adopt Long Term Support (LTS) releases.

Release schedule

Release summary

Version 4 – Open Source

Software available Description
Climsoft Desktop for Windows
Climsoft Web Entry prototype (not yet developed)

Climsoft 4 was the first version of the software to adopt an approved open source licence. The project follows standard practices for open source development with the source code available on GitHub.


  • Source code released on GitHub with GPL v3 open source licence
  • Agile software development
  • Regular releases. Standard releases every eight months with frequent patch releases as required
  • Products available through third-party software, e.g. R-Instat
  • Climsoft Desktop for Windows written in Visual Basic .NET
  • Support for MariaDB database in addition to MySQL

Climsoft Web Entry

There have been a number of attempts to create basic tools for web-based entry of data into Climsoft. Often the approach that has been taken is to use the simplest available tools and the solutions that have been developed soon become out-of-date and unsupported. The Climsoft team are aware that any solution that is adopted by the project must be robust, secure and maintainable for the long term. The Climsoft Web Entry solution that is initially developed as part of Climsoft 4 will evolve into the Climsoft CDMS multi-platform solution that will replace previous versions of Climsoft Desktop.


Version 5 – Data Model

Software available Description
Climsoft Desktop for Windows
Climsoft Web Entry

The focus of the Climsoft version 5 release is assisting users to enter and maintain metadata.


  • Improved support for rich metadata
  • Initial support for PostgreSQL database in addition to MySQL and MariaDB
  • Updated data model including changes to support full audit history for observation data
  • Simplification of available elements through the introduction of element groups
  • Improved multiple data entry processes(including double key entry)
  • Management control of data changes and viewing data
  • Direct availability of "standard products" through automated launch of R-Instat
  • Climsoft Web Entry will operate offline to ensure that the application performs at its best in all connectivity scenarios


Version 6 – Transition to Climsoft CDMS (multi-device)

Software available Description
Climsoft Desktop for Windows (depreciated, will not be available from version 7 onwards)
Climsoft CDMS Multi-device: delivered through web browser, replacing Climsoft Web Entry

When Climsoft CDMS contains all of the functionality of the original Climsoft Desktop for Windows we will retire the desktop version and assist users to migrate to Climsoft CDMS. Climsoft Desktop for Windows will continue to be supported for a two year period whilst users are migrated to the latest version.


  • Introduction of Climsoft CDMS, a multi-device solution that allows users to enter data via phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers
  • Long-term support (LTS) releases every two years
  • Initial support for spatial operations through the PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL and capabilities to process and store gridded data
  • Standard products, with default options, will be available within Climsoft CDMS without the need for he user to install additional software. R-Instat libraries will be used to generate products directly on the server
  • We will continue to provide critical bug fixes (for issues that could result in the loss of data) and security fixes for Climsoft Desktop for Windows for the duration of Climsoft 6.
  • Climsoft project will list individuals and/or companies who are experienced contributors to the software and can provide professional services


Version 7 – Meeting required CDMS Specifications

Software available Description
Climsoft CDMS This version is the multi-platform release of Climsoft CDMS. This release will include:
- Desktop versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS
- Web version, including ability to use offline
- Mobile versions for iPhone and Android


  • Aim to meet all required sections of the WMO Climate Data Management Systems Specifications thus becoming a WMO-compliant CDMS
  • Provide links into the relevant sections of the specification directly from Climsoft as appropriate
  • Native applications for desktop and mobile users in addition to web solution
  • Support for PostGIS database extension (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL) will allow advanced spatial queries on the server and support for storing, and operating on, gridded data
  • Interactive and customisable products available from within Climsoft CDMS
  • Access to additional features on mobile devices, e.g. option within app to take photo for inclusion in station metadata and ability to set alarm/reminders etc.

Long-term support (LTS) releases

From Climsoft 6.0 onwards, a new long-term release will be made every two years in time with the Ubuntu long-term support release cycle. The Climsoft project will support users to upgrade the server operating system and other software dependencies including database and web servers.

Rationale for long-term support (LTS) releases (adapted from Wikipedia)

Before upgrading software, a decision-maker might consider the risk and cost of the upgrade.

  • As new features and bugs fixes are added they can accidentally introduce new bugs or break old functionality (regressions)
  • LTS software applies two risk-reduction strategies:
    • making major updates less frequent
    • allow users to test an alternate, updated version of the software
  • The LTS edition of the software is published in parallel with the STS (short-term support) edition
  • Since major updates to the STS edition are published more frequently, it offers LTS users a preview of changes that might be incorporated into the LTS edition when those changes are judged to be of sufficient quality

While using older versions of software may avoid the risks associated with upgrading, it may introduce the risk of losing support for the old software. Long-term support addresses this by assuring users and administrators that the software will be maintained for a specific period of time, and that updates selected for publication will carry a significantly reduced risk of regression.

The maintainers of LTS software only publish updates that either have low IT risk or that reduce IT risk (such as security patches). Patches for LTS software are published with the understanding that installing them is less risky than not installing them.

Database support

Support for the MariaDB database has been included in addition to MySQL since Climsoft 4.0.

From Climsoft 5.0 onwards, the PostgreSQL database will be support in addition to MySQL and MariaDB.

Version 7 will make use of the PostGIS spatial database extensions to PostgreSQL.


In Climsoft v4.x and v5.x we recommend that Climsoft Desktop for Windows is only used over a secure local area network (LAN) at a particular site, or over a virtual private network (VPN) when used from an external site connecting over the internet.

Climsoft Web Entry and Climsoft CDMS will support secure connections over the internet.

CDMS Specifications

The Climsoft 5 Data Model changes are being made in order to further increase support for the WMO CDMS specifications.

An additional document will be prepared to indicate where each version of Climsoft conforms to each section of the CDMS specifications, the following categories will be used:

  • Not started
  • Partially achieved
  • Completed
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