Custom vim distribution oriented to PHP and Python development.
- Unite
- Unite colorscheme
- Unite Grep VCS
- Unite colorscheme
- Unite Outline
- Unite Session
- Unite Settings
- Unite Tag
- Unite Tasklist
- NeoMRU
- We have a PHP internal functions dictionary at ./dictionaries/internal_functions_php but if you have extra PHP extensions is recommended that you regenerate using the ./scripts/generate_php_dictionary.php by executing php ./scripts/generate_php_dictionary.php > ./dictionaries/my_internal_functions_php and extending the g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries 'php' dictionaries.
To use this VIM distribution you need to install the listed dependencies under your .vim/bundle directory, you can git clone each plugin or use Vundle to automate the process. We will provide a Vundle dependencies file soon.