iOS App | Awesome | Linux | Projects | Updated |
🐧 | 889 | October 09, 2018 |
- Guides
- Boilerplates
- Editor Support
- Benchmark
- Converters
- Other Awesome Lists
- Dependency Managers
- Patterns
- Misc
- Libs
- Accessibility
- AI
- Algorithm
- Analytics
- Animation
- App Routing
- App Store
- Audio
- Augmented Reality
- Authentication
- Bots
- Cache
- Chart
- Chat
- Colors
- Command Line
- Concurrency
- Currency
- Data Management
- Date
- Dependency Injection
- Device
- Documentation
- Embedded Systems
- Events
- Files
- Fonts
- Game Engine
- Games
- Gesture
- Hardware
- Images
- Key Value Coding
- Keyboard
- Kit
- Layout
- Localization
- Location
- Logging
- Maps
- Math
- Natural Language Processing
- Network
- Optimization
- Quality
- Scripting
- Security
- Streaming
- Styling
- System
- Testing
- Text
- Thread
- UI
- Utility
- Validation
- Version Manager
- Video
- Indie iOS Focus Weekly - 每周更新的iOS通讯.
- Swift Developments - 一个每周更新的涉及人们感兴趣的设计和开发他们自己的iOS, watchOS 和 Apple TV apps的通讯.
- Swift Newsletter by Natasha the Robot (discontinued, look the archive) - 通讯.
- Swift Weekly Brief - 拥有多名作者的通讯.
- WeeklyCocoa.News - 每周更新有关iOS、Swift、Objective-C、CocoaTouch和其他苹果开发技术相关的通讯.
- API Design Guidelines - Swift 官方 API 设计指南.
- Apple eBook - Apple 官方给 Swift 初学者的指南.
- Getting Started - 可以找到怎么去使用 Swift 语言编程的相关资料.
- LinkedIn - LinkedIn's 官方 Style 指南.
- Raywenderlich - Raywenderlich 指南, 一写要读.
- 30 Days of Swift - 一个很 cool 的为期 30 天的辅导.
- About Swift - 一个关于 Swift 语言的 playground.
- Awesome Swift Education - 一个有关重要 Swift 话题的列表.
- Developing iOS Apps with Swift - 由 Paul Hegarty 主讲的斯坦福大学课程.
- Hacking With Swift - 一个免费且完整的培训课程,通过30个实际项目来教导 app 开发.
- Ray Wenderlich Tutorials, Videos, Podcasts and books - 高质量编程教程.
- Swift Education - 一个有关教导 Swift 和 app 开发的资料分享.
- Swift Web Weekly - 一个免费和经过精心挑选地有关 Swfit Web 开发者的链接列表,每星期一可在邮箱收到.
- swift-tips - 由 Vincent Pradeilles 提供的一系列实用的 tips.
- SwiftDoc - 自动生成的文档.
- SwiftGuide CN - 一个中文的 Swift 指南.
- SwiftTips - 由 John Sundell 收集的实用 tips.
- The Swift Web Developer - 一个由 Swift Web 开发人员出版的资料.
- whats-new-in-swift-4 - 通过 Xcode playground 展示 Swift 4.0的新特性.
- Swift 3 VIPER Module Template - Xcode 给 VIPER 构建的模版.
- Swift Module Template - 一个给自己的,超棒,可重复利用的工程启动模版.
- Online Swift Playground - 在线 Swift Playground.
- swift-mode - 支持 Emacs, 包括支持部分 flycheck 错误检查.
- swift-vim - Vim 运行时文件.
- vim-polyglot - vim 语言包,包括 vim-swift.
- xcprofiler - 优化编译时间的命令行工具.
- Swiftify - 在线实时转化Objective-C 为 Swift, 还可以做为 Xcode 的扩展.
查看这些项目的 apps:
- Awesome iOS Interview - 一个有助你准备面试的问题列表.
- awesome-macOS - 一个展示有关应用,软件,工具和 masOS 小东西的列表..
- example-ios-apps - 对于初学者和学习ios开发的人员以及需要任何示例应用程序或特性的ios开发人员来说,这是一个很棒的列表.
- open-source-ios-apps - 开源iOS应用程序的协作列表.
- Carthage - 一个全新的依赖管理工具.
- CocoaPods - 最多人用的依赖管理工具.
- Mint - 一个安装和运行 Swift 的包管理工具.
- swift-package-manager - SPM 是 Swift 编程语言的包管理器.
- App Architecture - 一个简化 APP 构建的 Book.
- CleanArchitectureRxSwift - 一个用 RxSwift 纯净构建的 iOS app 例子.
- Design-Patterns-In-Swift - 设计模式.
- Viperit - 针对 iOS 平台的 Viper 框架.
各种各样与 Swift 相关的项目
- Beak - 一个为 Swift 脚本开发命令行窗口.
- SwagGen 🐧 - 一个命令行工具,用于基于Stencil模板,遵守Swagger规范生成REST API.
- swift-compiler-crashes - 一个有关编译器的测试用例崩溃集合.
- SwiftGen - 一个可以为你的项目种类资源文件(asset)自动生成代码的一套工具.
- SwiftPlate - Easily generate cross platform framework projects from the command line 方便为工程构建跨平台库文件的命令行.
- Toybox - 让 Xcode 的 Playground 管理变得简单.
- Tuist - 一个开源的命令行工具,应用于规模化创建,维护以及与你的 Xcode项目互动方面的事情.
- XcodeGen - 用于从YAML文件和你的项目目录生成Xcode项目的工具.
- xcodeproj - 用于读取,更新和写入 Xcode 项目和 workspaces 的库.
在这里你能找到一系列可应用于你 Swift项目的代码片断和库.
- Capable - 提升你app的可访问性,针对一些需要辅助功能的人.
有关AI的基础项目(机器学习,神经网络等). 回到顶部
- CoreML-Models - 一些独特的Core ML模型.
- MLKit - 一个简单的机器学习框架.
- Algorithm - 用于编写算法和概率模型的工具集.
- swift-algorithm-club - 一个带有说明的算法和数据结构库.
- SwiftLCS 🐧 - 最长公共子序列(LCS)算法的实现.
关联分析库用以跟踪用户对你app的使用 回到顶部
- Umbrella - 抽象分析层.
对动画有帮助的库 回到顶部
- Advance - 一个提供给iOS, tvOS和macOS的给力的动画库.
- ChainPageCollectionView - 一个棒棒的有关布局和动画的二级集合.
- DKChainableAnimationKit - 易于读写的可链接动画.
- Ease - 轻易给任何东西添加动画.
- EasyAnimation - 一个把 UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) 提升到新的高度的库.
- FlightAnimator - 基于自然块的核心动画框架.
- Gemini - Gemini 是一个丰富地基于滚动的动画框架.
- IBAnimatable - IBAnimatable 可以在视图构建界面上为需要上架App Store的应用提供设计,原型界面,交互,导航,转场和动画.
- Interpolate - Interpolation 框架为创建可交互的手势驱动动画而生.
- Kinieta - 一个简单的iOS动画引擎,具有直观的API和高可读代码.
- Pastel - 动画像Instagram的渐变动画效果.
- Poi - Poi 可使你的卡片视图像tinder一样,使用方法跟tableView方法差不多.
- Presentation - 一个帮助你制作教程,发布说明和动画页面的库.
- Pulsator - 一个 iOS 的脉冲动画.
- Sica - 一个简单的核心动画界面,无论是按顺序还是一起执行都是类型安全的.
- Spring - 一个把iOS 动画简单化的库.
- SpriteKitEasingSwift - 使 SpriteKit 更易于使用.
- spruce-ios - 屏幕上的排列显示动画.
- Stellar - 一个物理动画库.
- SwiftyAnimate - 易于合成的动画.
- TheAnimation - CAAnimation封装,预防赋值错误的数值类型.
- ViewAnimator - 只需一行代码就可以使你的UI变得鲜活生动.
- YapAnimator - 献给你的更快,更友好的基于物理的动画系统.
Quick libs to get access to third party API services back to top
- GooglePlacesAutocomplete - Simple Google Places address entry for iOS.
- PXGoogleDirections - Google Directions API helper.
- RandomUserSwift - Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial SDK for
- reddift - reddit API wrapper.
- Swifter Twitter - Twitter framework.
- SwiftInstagram - Instagram API wrapper.
- SwiftlySalesforce - Framework for rapid development of native iOS apps that integrate with Salesforce.
Internal app routing systems. back to top
- Appz - Launch external apps and deeplink with ease.
- Compass - Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application.
- Crossroad - 🚍 Crossroad is an URL router focused on handling Custom URL Schemes.
- LightRoute - Routing between VIPER modules.
- Linker - Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks for iOS.
- RxFlow - RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern.
- SwiftRouter - A URL Router for iOS.
- URLNavigator - Elegant URL Routing.
Libs to help with apple app store, in app purchases and receipt validation. back to top
- InAppPurchase - A Simple, Lightweight and Safe framework for In App Purchase.
- merchantkit - A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
- SwiftyStoreKit - Lightweight In App Purchases framework.
有关音频的库 回到顶部
- AudioKit - 强大的音频合成、处理和分析库, 没有陡峭的学习曲线.
- AudioPlayer - AVPlayer的封装, 具有一些很酷的特性.
- AudioPlayerSwift - AudioPlayer是一个简单的类,用于在iOS、OS X和tvOS应用程序中播放音频(提供基本的高级的用法).
- Beethoven - 一种用于音乐信号基音检测的音频处理库.
- MusicKit - 音乐的合成和转换的框架.
- SwiftySound - 一个简单的库, 让你用一行代码播放声音.
- TuningFork - 一个简单的iOS调谐器.
- voice-overlay-ios - 在可定制UI中获取用户语音权限和把语音转为文本的覆盖层.
- ARKit-CoreLocation - Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data.
- ARKit-Navigation - Navigation in augmented reality with MapKit.
- ARVideoKit - Capture & record ARKit videos, photos, Live Photos, and GIFs.
- ARVoxelKit - Voxel graphic framework using ARKit.
- Poly - Unofficial Google Poly SDK – explore the world of 3D.
Easy way to manage auth in your apps. back to top
- Cely - A Plug-n-Play login framework.
- InstagramLogin - Simple way to authenticate Instagram accounts.
- LoginKit - LoginKit is a quick and easy way to add a Login/Signup UX to your iOS app.
- ReCaptcha - [In]visible ReCaptcha for iOS.
- Simplicity - A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS and OS X apps.
- SpotifyLogin - Authenticate with the Spotify API.
Libs to build bot back to top
- Telegram Bot SDK 🐧 - Unofficial SDK.
- Telegrammer 🐧 - Open-source framework for Telegram Bots developers. It was built on top of Apple/SwiftNIO which help to demonstrate excellent performance.
- AwesomeCache - 轻松管理缓存.
- Cache - 就是缓存.
- Cachyr - 一个用于iOS、maOS和tvOS的轻量键-值 数据缓存.
- Carlos - 一个简单且灵活的缓存.
- EVURLCache - 如果你希望使你的app在离线时依然可用.
- Charts - Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX (port of MPAndroidChart).
- PNChart-Swift - A simple and beautiful chart lib with animation.
- ScrollableGraphView - Adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets.
- SwiftChart - A simple line and area charting library for iOS. Supports multiple series, partially filled series and touch events.
- SwiftCharts - Highly customizable charts for iOS.
- TKRadarChart - A customizable radar chart.
Libs to get access to build chat app back to top
- Chatto - A lightweight framework to build chat applications.
- InputBarAccessoryView - A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments.
- MessageKit - A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController.
- MessengerKit - A UI framework for building messenger interfaces.
与颜色管理相关的实用且有趣代码片段. 回到顶部
- Chameleon - Chameleon 是一个轻量级且功能强大的iOS颜色框架.
- ChromaColorPicker - 一个直观有趣的iOS颜色选择器.
- Colorify - Colorify 是一个简单且功能强大的颜色库.
- DynamicColor - 一个易于操作颜色的扩展.
- FlatUIColors - 平滑UI调色板.
- Gradients - 精选超过180个渐变集合.
- HexColor - 用哈希值定义颜色.
- Hue - Hue 是一个你值得拥有的颜色工具合集.
- PrettyColors - 带有样式和颜色的ANSI的Terminal转义码, 符合ECMA标准48.
- SwiftGen-Colors - 一个自动把你的
的工具. - SwiftHEXColors - 作为 UIColor的扩展处理HEX颜色.
- UIColor-Hex-Swift - 把Hex 转化为 UIColor.
- UIGradient - 一个简单而强大的库,用于创建渐变图层、图像、颜色.
Create command line applications. back to top
- Commander 🐧 - Compose beautiful command line interfaces.
- CommandLine 🐧 - Library for creating command-line interfaces.
- LineNoise 🐧 - A zero-dependency replacement for readline.
- Progress.swift 🐧 - Add beautiful progress bars to your command line.
- SwiftCLI 🐧 - A powerful framework that can be used to develop a CLI.
- Swiftline - A set of tools to help you create command line applications.
- SwiftyTextTable 🐧 - A lightweight library to generate text tables.
Easier ways to work with concurrency. back to top
- AsyncNinja - A complete set of concurrency and reactive programming primitives.
- Futures 🐧 - Lightweight promises for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and server-side.
- GroupWork 🐧 - Easy concurrent, asynchronous tasks.
- Hydra - Promises & Await - Write better async code.
- Kommander - Manage the task execution in different threads through Kommands.
- Queuer 🐧 - A queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).
- Venice 🐧 - Communicating sequential processes (CSP), Linux ready.
- Money - Currency formatter.
No more pain with Core Data, here are some interesting libs to handle data management. back to top
- AERecord - Super awesome Core Data wrapper library for iOS.
- AlecrimCoreData - Simple Core Data wrapper library.
- Cadmium - Framework that hides the complexity of managed object contexts.
- CoreStore - simple and elegant way to handle Core Data.
- DataKernel - DataKernel is a minimalistic wrapper around Core Data stack to ease persistence operations. No external dependencies.
- Graph - An elegant data-driven framework for Core Data.
- JSQCoreDataKit - A swifter Core Data stack.
- JustPersist - Easiest and safest way to do persistence on iOS with Core Data support out of the box.
- QueryKit - An easy way to play with Core Data filtering.
- Records - In just a few minutes, setup a fully functioning CoreData implementation that embraces the static, type-safe nature of Swift.
- Skopelos - A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data.
- SugarRecord - Helps with Core Data and Realm.
Struggling using json data? Here are some interesting ways to handle it. back to top
- AlamofireObjectMapper - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into objects using ObjectMapper.
- Alembic - Functional JSON parsing, mapping to objects, and serialize to JSON.
- Argo - JSON parsing library.
- Arrow - Elegant JSON Parsing.
- Decodable 🐧 - JSON parsing.
- Elevate - JSON parsing framework that makes parsing simple, reliable and composable.
- EVReflection - Reflection based JSON encoding and decoding. Including support for NSDictionary, NSCoding, Printable, Hashable and Equatable.
- Freddy - A reusable framework for parsing JSON.
- Genome - A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models.
- Gloss 🐧 - Shiny JSON parsing library.
- HandyJSON - A handy Swift JSON-object serialization/deserialization library.
- Himotoki - A type-safe JSON decoding library.
- JASON - JSON parsing with outstanding performances and convenient operators.
- JSONCodable - Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding.
- JSONHelper - Lightning fast JSON deserialization and value conversion library for iOS & OS X.
- JSONNeverDie - Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die.
- ObjectMapper - JSON object mapper.
- PMJSON - Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library.
- SwiftyJSON - A lib for JSON with error handling.
- SwiftyJSONAccelerator - OSX app to generate models for JSON.
- Unbox - The easy to use JSON decoder.
- Default - Modern interface to UserDefaults + Codable support.
- DefaultsKit - Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
- Palau - Typesafe NSUserDefaults with custom rules.
- Prephirences - Manage application preferences, NSUserDefaults, iCloud, Keychain and more.
- Storez - Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage.
- SwiftStore - A Key-Value store backed by LevelDB.
- SwiftyUserDefaults - Cleaner, nicer syntax for NSUserDefaults.
- UserDefaultsStore - Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects 😉.
- Zephyr - Effortlessly synchronize NSUserDefaults over iCloud.
- MongoKitten 🐧 - MongoDB Connector.
- Perfect-MongoDB 🐧 - A stand-alone wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers.
Data management layers that involve multiple sources. back to top
- Shallows - Your lightweight persistence toolbox.
- StorageKit - Your Data Storage Troubleshooter 🛠.
- fluent 🐧 - Simple ActiveRecord implementation.
- Perfect-CRUD 🐧 - CRUD is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system using Codable protocol.
Other ways to persist data back to top
- CSVParser 🐧 - Fast parser for CSV.
- Disk - Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data.
- EVCloudKitDao - Simplified access to CloudKit with support for subscriptions and local caching.
- KeyPathKit - KeyPathKit provides a seamless syntax to manipulate data using typed keypaths.
- LeetCode-Swift - Solutions to LeetCode interview questions.
- Pencil - Write any value to file.
- StorageManager - Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database.
- Realm - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite.
- Realm+JSON - A concise Mantle-like way of working with Realm and JSON.
- MySQL Swift 🐧 - MySQL client library.
- Perfect-MySQL 🐧 - A stand-alone wrapper around the MySQL client library, enabling access to MySQL servers.
- Perfect-PostgreSQL 🐧 - A stand-alone wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.
Are you interested in storing your app data using SQLite? Here are some interesting resources. back to top
- GRDB.swift - A versatile SQLite toolkit.
- SQLite.swift - Framework wrapping SQLite3. Small. Simple. Safe.
- SQLiteDB - SQLite wrapper.
If you prefer to manage XML data formatted entries, here are some helpful libs back to top
- AEXML - xml wrapper.
- CheatyXML - A powerful framework designed to manage XML easily.
- SwiftyXML - The most swifty way to deal with XML.
- SWXMLHash - Simple XML parsing.
- Zip - Framework for zipping and unzipping files.
- Zip Foundation - A library to create, read and modify ZIP archive files.
Handle data formatting easily. back to top
- AnyDate - Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
- Chronology - Building a better date/time library.
- DateHelper - Simple date helper.
- Datez - Library for dealing with
, andNSTimeInterval
. - Datify - Easypeasy date functions.
- NVDate - Date extension library.
- SwiftDate - Easy NSDate Management.
- SwiftMoment - A time and calendar manipulation library.
- Time - Type-safe time calculations, powered by generics.
- Timepiece - Intuitive NSDate extensions.
- TrueTime.swift - Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes (NTP library).
依赖注入库 回到顶部
- Cleanse - 一个来自Square 的轻量级依赖注入库.
- Corridor - 一种类核心依赖注入μFramework.
- Deli - Deli 一个易用的依赖注入库.
- Dip - 一个简单的依赖注入容器。.
- DITranquillity - 稳定的依赖注入框架.
- Pure - Swift 纯净依赖注入
- Swinject - 一个依赖注入框架.
- Typhoon - 依赖注入工具包。.
- Weaver - 声明性、易用性和安全性依赖注入框架.
一个识别你的设备的库集合. 回到顶部
- Device - 检测当前设备和屏幕尺寸的轻量工具.
- Device.swift - 超轻量级用来检测你的设备的库.
- DeviceKit - DeviceKit 是值类型的用来替代UIDevice.
- Luminous - 获取任何你想知道的关于设备的信息.
- Thingy - 一个先进的设备检测和查询库.
- UIDeviceComplete - UIDevice 的扩展,填充一些缺失的功能.
为Swift 代码创建文档 back to top
- jazzy - 高端的文档.
- SourceDocs - 生成与你代码联动的Markdown引用文档.
在RaspberryPi、BeagleBone、C.H.I.P.和其他board上构建嵌入式Linux项目. 回到顶部
- SwiftyGPIO 🐧 - 在ARM上与Linux GPIO/SPI/PWM交互.
与特定外设交互. 回到顶部
替代通知中心(NSNotificationCenter), 健值观察(Key-Value-Observation), 或代理(delegation). 回到顶部
- Bond - 绑定框架.
- BrightFutures - Promise 和 future 库.
- EasyFutures - 🔗Futures & Promises. 易于使用. 高度可组合的.
- EmitterKit - 事件触发器和侦听器的实现.
- FutureKit - Future/Promises 库.
- Katana - 用 React 和 Redux的方式开发apps.
- NoticeObserveKit - NoticeObserveKit是类型安全的NotificationCenter的封装,它将通知类型与信息类型相关联.
- Notificationz - 通过提供一个简单的、可定制的适配器,帮助你掌控
. - Observable - 值观察最简单的方法.
- PMKVObserver - 先进的线程安全/类型安全的值观察用于Swift 和Objective-C.
- PromiseKit - 异步 promise 编程库.
- ReactiveCocoa - ReactiveCocoa (RAC) 是一个 Cocoa framework 灵感来自Functional Reactive Programming. 它提供了值更新而触发的事件流接口.
- ReactorKit - 一种响应式的和单向的应用架构的框架.
- ReSwift - 单向数据流.
- RxReduce - 状态容器模式(如ReDux)的响应式实现。它基于状态不变性和单向数据流的简单概念.
- RxSwift - 微软响应式扩展(RX), 应用 于Swift和iOS/OSX平台.
- Signals - 替换代理和通知.
- Snail - 一个可用于观察的框架。.
- SwiftEventBus - 为iOS优化的发布/订阅事件总线.
- Tempura - 一个着眼全局的iOS开发框架,灵感来自 Redux 和 MVVM.
- Tomorrowland - Swift 和 Obj-C 的轻量级Promise.
- TopicEventBus - 发布-订阅设计模式实现框架,具有按主题发布事件的能力.
- VueFlux - 单向数据流状态管理架构, 受Vuex和Flux的启发。.
- When - Promises和轻量级实现.
- FileBrowser - Powerful file browser for iOS.
- FileKit - Simple and expressive file management.
- FileProvider - FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive/SMB2) files for iOS/tvOS and macOS.
- KZFileWatchers - A micro-framework for observing file changes, both local and remote.
- PathKit 🐧 - Effortless path operations.
A collection of font related snippets. back to top
- FontAwesome.swift - Use FontAwesome in your projects.
- FontBlaster - Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS app.
- Inkwell - An inkwell to use custom fonts on the fly.
- IoniconsKit - Use ionicons as UIImage / UIFont in your projects.
- OcticonsKit - Use Octicons as UIImage / UIFont in your projects.
- OpenSansSwift - OpenSans.
- SwiftIconFont - Fontawesome, Iconic, Ionicons, Octicon ports.
- SwiftIcons - Library for Font Icons: dripicons, emoji, font awesome, icofont, ionicons, linear icons, map icons, material icons, open iconic, state, weather.
- UIFontComplete - Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS.
- ImagineEngine - Blazing fasst 2D gaming engine.
- Sage 🐧 - A cross-platform chess library.
- DBPathRecognizer - db path recognizer for letters.
- PeekPop - Framework for backwards-compatible Peek and Pop.
- ShowTime - Show off your iOS taps and gestures for demos and videos with just one line of code.
- SwiftyGestureRecognition - UIGestureRecognizers in Xcode Playgrounds.
- SwipyCell - UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions (known from the Mailbox App).
A category dedicated to hardware related libs back to top
Easy handle new 3D Touch / Force Touch feature thanks to these libs. back to top
围绕 CoreBluetooth 的封装 回到顶部
- BlueCap - 围绕 CoreBluetooth 的封装,但不止这些.
- Bluejay - 致力于构建可靠的LE蓝牙apps的框架.
- BluetoothKit - 让在iOS/maxOS之间的BLE设备通讯更简单.
- RxBluetoothKit - 为RxSwift 开发的iOS & OSX蓝牙框架.
- SwiftyBluetooth - 围绕CoreBluetooth的简单和可靠的封装.
超棒的相机库 回到顶部
- ALCameraViewController - 可自定义图片选择器和图片剪裁的相机view controller.
- Fusuma - 像Instagram 的图片浏览器和相机特性.
- NextLevel - Rad媒体捕获.
条形码, 二维码, 其他码的读取 回到顶部
- BarcodeScanner - 一个简单和美丽的条形码扫描view controller.
- EFQRCode - 可更好地操作二维码库.
- QRCodeReader.swift - 简单的二维码读取器.
涉及触觉反馈的库 回到顶部
- Haptica - 简单的触觉反馈生成器.
对将iBeacon应用于你的Swift项目感兴趣,这里有一些有趣的资源. back to top
- SwiftLocation - Location & Beacon 监视.
用一种更快更简单的方式来管理你手机的传感器 回到顶部
- MotionKit - iOS设备传感器封装.
一个有趣的跟图片相关的库的列表. 回到顶部
- Agrume - 一个全新的的图片游览器.
- AlamofireImage - AlamofireImage是Alamofire框架的图片组件.
- APNGKit - 在iOS的高性能和轻量级的APNG格式图片展示框架..
- ATGMediaBrowser - 一个有多种预定义风格转场,也可以方便地自定义新风格转场的图片浏览视图.
- AXPhotoViewer - iPhone / iPad照片库查看器,用于查看任意数量的图片.
- BlockiesSwift - 独特的 块状识别/轮廓 图像生成器.
- CTPanoramaView - 用触摸或基于运动的控制,显示球形或圆柱形全景图的库.
- DTPhotoViewerController - 一个可以完全自定义的图片查看控制器无论是单张或多张图片,灵感来自Facebook的图片查看器.
- FacebookImagePicker - Facebook相簿图片选择器.
- FlexibleImage - 一个简单的图片查看方式.
- FMPhotoPicker - 一个现代的、简单的、零依赖的照片选择器,并且有一个优雅和可定制的图像编辑器.
- gifu - 让iOS支持的高性能GIF.
- GPUImage 2 - GPUImage 2 是一个BSD许可的Swift框架,使用GPU加速视频和图像处理.
- GPUImage 3 - GPUImage 3 是一个BSD许可的Swift框架,使用GPU加速视频和图像处理,它是使用Metal框架的.
- HanekeSwift - 一个iOS的通用缓存框架,尤其是在图片缓存方面.
- ImageDetect - 一个使用iOS 11 Vision 接口的人脸探测和剪裁器,也可用于二维码和图片中的文本的探测.
- ImageLoader - iOS的一个轻量和快速的图片加载器.
- ImageScout - fastimage 的实现,支持PNG, GIF和JPEG.
- ImageViewer - 一个类似 Twitter的图片浏览器.
- JLStickerTextView - 一个 UIImageView 允许你在其上添加多个label(多行文本支持),您可以用一根手指编辑、旋转、调整label的大小,然后在图片上呈现出来.
- Kingfisher - 图片的下载和缓存.
- LetterAvatarKit - 一个UIImage扩展可以生成基于字母的图象.
- Lightbox - 一个为你的iOS app准备的方便和易于使用的图片浏览器.
- MapleBacon - 图片下载和缓存库.
- MCScratchImageView - 一个自定义的ImageView,用于覆盖其他视图的表面,如刮卡,用户可以刮开覆盖物以查看下面的视图.
- Moa - 一个image view的下载扩展,可应用于iOS, tvOS和macOS.
- Nuke - 用于加载、缓存、处理、显示和预加载图片的先进框架。.
- PassportScanner - 扫描护照的MRZ代码,并提取姓名、姓氏、护照号码,.
- Sharaku - 类似 Instagram的图片滤镜UI库.
- Snowflake - 使用 SVG.
- SwiftGen-Assets - 为你所有的
枚举. - SwiftGif - 一个让UIImage支持GIF的小扩展.
- SwiftSVG - 一个单向的SVG解析器提供多个选项(String, NS/UIBezierPath, CAShapeLayer, 和 NS/UIView).
- SwiftyGif - 高性能GIF引擎.
- TinyCrayon - 一个为移动app开发的,智能和易用的图片覆盖和剪切SDK.
- Toucan - 图片处理 API.
- UIImageColors - iTunes 风格的图片颜色拾取器.
- Viewer - 支持本地和远程视频和图像的查看器(或灯箱)。.
- Vulcan - 具有优先级的图片下载器.
- ZImageCropper - 以任意形状剪切图片.
Libraries for key-value coding back to top
Do you want to create your own customized keyboard? Here are some interesting resources back to top
- IHKeyboardAvoiding - An elegant solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown. No UIScrollView required.
- IQKeyboardManager - Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView.
- KeyboardHideManager - Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS.
- Typist - Small, drop-in UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps-helps manage keyboard's screen presence and behavior without notification center.
Libraries for coding with a simplified API back to top
- BFKit-Swift 🐧 - A collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
- C4iOS - Harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API.
帮你布局的库. 回到顶部
- BrickKit - 以一种简单的方式创建复杂的响应式的布局.
- FlexLayout - 友好/干净并且高度优化的Facekbook yoga的实现.
- LayoutKit - 一个快速布局的库,可用于iOS, macOS, tvOS.
- LayoutLess - 编写更少的UI代码.
- ManualLayout - 易于使用的灵活的布局,可替代iOS 8+,支持 AsyncDisplayKit.
- Neon - 一个功能强大的UI布局框架.
- PinLayout - 不需要auto layout的快速布局。没有魔法,纯净的代码,完全的控制和快速的上手。简洁的语法,直观的,可读的和可链式调用. [iOS/macOS/tvOS]
- Static - 一个简单的静态iOS tableView.
- Stevia - 优雅的iOS布局框架.
Bored of using storyboard? Give a try to declarative auto layout libs. back to top
- Bamboo - Auto Layout (and manual layout) in one line.
- Cartography - Declarative auto layout lib for your project.
- Cassowary - A linear constraint solving library using the same algorithm as AutoLayout.
- Cupcake - An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS.
- DeviceLayout - AutoLayout can be set differently for each device.
- EasyPeasy - Auto Layout made easy.
- KVConstraintKit - An Impressive Autolayout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX.
- MisterFusion - DSL for AutoLayout, supports Size Class.
- Mortar - A concise but flexible DSL for creating Auto Layout constraints and adding subviews.
- NorthLayout - Fast path to layout using Visual Format Language (VFL) with extended syntax.
- PureLayout - The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout.
- SnapKit - Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X.
- Swiftstraints - Powerful auto-layout framework that lets you write constraints in one line of code.
- TinyConstraints - TinyConstraints is the syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use.
Frameworks that helps with localizing your app back to top
- BartyCrouch - Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from Code and Storyboards/XIBs.
- IBLocalizable - Localize your views directly in Interface Builder with IBLocalizable.
- L10n-swift - Localization of an application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural forms in any language.
- LocalizationKit - Realtime dynamic localization of your app with remote management so you can manage maintain and deploy translations without resubmitting app.
- Localize - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
- Localize-Swift - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
- NoOptionalInterpolation - Get rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in string interpolation. Easy pluralization.
- Swifternalization - Localize apps using e.g. regular expressions in Localizable.strings.
- SwiftGen-L10n - A tool to auto-generate
for all your Localizable.strings keys (with appropriate associated values if those strings contains printf-format placeholders like%@
- STLocationRequest - An elegant and simple 3D Flyover Location Request Screen.
读写设备日志的实用工具 回到顶部
- AEConsole - 可自定义UI的调试日志层,浮在iOS app的顶部.
- CleanroomLogger - 可配置和可扩展的高级日志API,它简单、轻量级、性能好.
- Dotzu - 一个提供给iOS开发者的调试工具,展示app使用过程的日志,网络请求,设备信息,崩溃信息.
- Duration 🐧 - 轻量级日志库侧重于报告操作的时序。.
- HeliumLogger 🐧 - IBM的轻量级日志框架.
- Printer - 你下一个app的想要的日志记录器.
- Puree - iOS的日志收集器.
- QorumLogs - 可用于 Xcode 和谷歌文档的实用日志工具.
- Rainbow 🐧 - 轻量的控制台输出.
- SwiftyBeaver 🐧 - 开发和发布都可用的多平台支持日志工具.
- TinyConsole - 一个小型控制台,显示app使用的信息.
- TraceLog 🐧 - 超简单,作用就是输出日志,适用于 iOS macOS, Linux.
- Watchdog - 监听主线程是否过度使用导致阻塞的日志工具.
- WatchdogInspector - 在状态栏展示app当前运行的帧率(fps).
- Willow - Willow 是一个强大且轻量的日志库.
- XCGLogger - 具有日志级别、时间戳和行号的全功能和可配置日志记录实用程序.
- Cluster - Easy Map Annotation Clustering.
- FlyoverKit - FlyoverKit enables you to present stunning 360° flyover views on your MKMapView with zero effort while maintaining full configuration possibilities.
- GEOSwift - Make it easier to work with geographic models and calculate intersections, overlapping, projections etc.
- LocoKit - A location and activity recording framework for iOS.
- MapViewPlus - Use any custom view as custom callout view for MKMapView with cool animations. Use any image as annotation view.
- Arithmosophi - 算术和逻辑运算协议集.
- BigInt - 任意精度算法.
- DDMathParser - DDMathParser 使得解析String并将其作为数学表达式求值变得容易.
- SigmaSwiftStatistics - 统计计算函数集.
- Upsurge - 简单快速矩阵与向量数学.
A list of libs that allow you to decrease the amount of time spent dealing with http requests. back to top
- Alamofire 🐧 - Elegant networking.
- APIKit - Library for building type-safe web API client.
- Ciao - Publish and discover services using mDNS (Bonjour, Zeroconf).
- Conduit - Robust networking for web APIs.
- Dots - Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework.
- Dratini - A neat network layer.
- Heimdallr.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS.
- Just 🐧 - HTTP for Humans (a python-requests style HTTP library).
- Malibu - A networking library built on promises.
- Moya - Network abstraction layer.
- MultiPeer - A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices.
- NEKit - A toolkit for Network Extension Framework.
- NetClient - Versatile HTTP networking library.
- Netfox - A lightweight, one line setup, network debugging library.
- OAuth2 - oauth2 auth lib.
- OAuthSwift - OAuth library for iOS.
- PeerKit - Framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps.
- PerfectAPIClient - An API Client based on a network abstraction layer for the Perfect Server-Side Framework.
- Pitaya 🐧 - HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines.
- PMHTTP - Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON.
- Postal - Framework providing simple access to common email providers.
- Reachability.swift - A replacement for Apple's Reachability with closures.
- ResponseDetective - A non-intrusive framework for intercepting any outgoing requests and incoming responses between your app and server for debugging purposes.
- ShadowsocksX-NG - A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
- Siesta - Elegant abstraction for REST APIs that untangles stateful messes. An alternative to callback- and delegate-based networking.
- SolarNetwork - Elegant network abstraction layer.
- SwiftHTTP - NSURLSession wrapper.
- SwiftyOAuth - A small OAuth library with a built-in set of providers.
- TRON - Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire.
- Wormholy - iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙.
Need to manipulate contents from html easily? back to top
- Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser with XPath & CSS support.
- Ji - XML/HTML parser.
- Kanna - Another XML/HTML parser.
- SwiftSoup 🐧 - HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery.
- WKZombie - Headless browser.
- CocoaMQTT - MQTT for iOS and OS X.
- Perfect-Notifications - iOS Notifications for Linux and OS X.
- BlueSocket 🐧 - IBM's low level socket framework.
- DNWebSocket - Object-Oriented, Autobahn tested WebSocket Library (RFC 6455) for Swift-compatible Platforms.
- RxWebSocket - Reactive WebSockets.
- Socket.IO 🐧 - Socket.IO client for iOS/OS X.
- sockets 🐧 - TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, OS X.
- Starscream - Websockets for iOS and OSX.
- SwiftDSSocket - Asynchronous socket framework built atop DispatchSource.
- SwiftSocket - Simple TCP socket library.
- SwiftWebSocket - A high performance WebSocket client library .
Would you like host a webserver in your device? Here you can find how to do it. back to top
- Ambassador - Super lightweight web framework based on SWSGI.
- Curassow 🐧 - HTTP server using the pre-fork worker model.
- Embassy 🐧 - Super lightweight async HTTP server library.
- Kitura 🐧 - IBM's web framework and server for web services.
- Lightning 🐧 - Multiplatform Single-threaded Non-blocking Web and Networking Framework.
- 🐧 - Evented I/O streams like Node.js.
- Perfect 🐧 - Server-side Swift. The Perfect library, application server, connectors and example apps.
- swifter 🐧 - Http server with routing handler.
- Vapor 🐧 - Elegant web framework that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu.
- Zewo 🐧 - Server-Side Swift.
- SwiftOCR - Neural Network based OCR lib.
- PDFGenerator - A simple Generator of PDF. Generate PDF from view(s) or image(s).
- SimplePDF - Create a simple PDF effortlessly.
- UXMPDFKit - A PDF viewer and annotator that can be embedded in iOS applications.
- IBLinter - A linter tool for Interface Builder.
- SwiftLint - A tool to enforce coding conventions.
- Swimat - Xcode plugin to format code.
- Tailor 🐧 - Cross-platform static analyzer that helps you to write cleaner code and avoid bugs.
- Marathon - Easy way to create and manage scripts.
- Swift for Scripting - A hand-curated collection of useful and informative scripting material.
Deal with cryptography method easily back to top
- CryptoSwift 🐧 - Crypto related functions and helpers.
- IDZSwiftCommonCrypto - A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library.
- JOSESwift - A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK.
- RNCryptor - CCCryptor (Apple's AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac.
- SCrypto - Elegant Swift interface to access the CommonCrypto routines.
- Siphash - Simple and secure hashing with the SipHash algorithm.
- Swift-Sodium - Interface to the Sodium library for common crypto operations for iOS and OS X.
- Themis - Multilanguage framework for making typical encryption schemes easy to use: data at rest, authenticated data exchange, transport protection, authentication, and so on.
- keychain-swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- KeychainAccess - Simple wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS and OS X.
- Latch - A simple Keychain Wrapper for iOS.
- Locksmith - A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the iOS Keychain.
- SwiftKeychainWrapper - Simple static wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to user defaults.
- Live - Demonstrate how to build a live broadcast app.
- Ambience - 无需编码的亮度感知主题切换.
- Stylist - 在可热加载的外部yaml或json文件来定义UI样式.
- SwiftTheme - iOS8+ 上的强大的主题和皮肤管理.
- Themes - 主题管理.
A collection of testing frameworks. back to top
- DVR - A simple network testing framework.
- Erik - An headless browser to access and manipulate webpages using javascript allowing to run functional tests.
- Fakery - Fake data generator.
- Nimble - A matcher framework.
- OHHTTPStubs - A testing library designed to stub your network requests easily.
- PinpointKit - Lets your testers and users send feedback with annotated screenshots and logs using a simple gesture.
- Quick 🐧 - Quick is a behavior-driven development framework.
- Sizes - Test your app on different device and font sizes
- Spectre 🐧 - BDD Framework.
- SwiftCheck - A testing library that automatically generates random data for testing program properties.
- UI Testing Cheat Sheet - Answers to common "How do I test this with UI Testing?" questions with a working example app.
- Cuckoo - 第一个免费的mocking框架.
- Kakapo - 动态Mock服务器行为和响应.
- Mockingjay - 一个优雅的库,用于破解HTTP请求。.
- Mockit - 一个简单的mocking框架,灵感来自著名的 Java 框架 McCito.
A collection of text projects. back to top
- Atributika - Easily build NSAttributedString by detecting and styling HTML-like tags, hashtags, mentions, RegExp or NSDataDetector patterns.
- Attributed - Modern µframework for attributed strings.
- AttributedTextView - Easiest way to create an attributed UITextView with support for multiple links, hashtags and mentions.
- BonMot - Beautiful, easy attributed strings for iOS.
- Croc - A lightweight Emoji parsing and querying library.
- edhita - Fully open source text editor for iOS.
- Format - Formatting kit for numbers, addresses and colors.
- MarkdownKit - A simple and customizable Markdown Parser.
- MarkdownView - iOS Markdown view.
- MarkyMark - Converts Markdown into native views or attributed strings.
- Notepad - A fully themeable markdown editor with live syntax highlighting.
- Parsey - Parser combinator framework that supports source location tracking, backtracking prevention, and rich error messages.
- Pluralize.swift - Great String Pluralize Extension.
- PredicateFlow - PredicateFlow is a builder that allows you to write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate.
- PrediKit - An NSPredicate DSL for iOS & OS X inspired by SnapKit.
- PySwiftyRegex - Easily deal with Regex in a Pythonic way.
- Regex by crossroadlabs 🐧 - Very easy to use Regular Expressions library with rich functionality. Features both operator
and method based APIs. Unit tests covered. - RichEditorView - RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.
- Roman 🐧 - Seamless Roman numeral conversion.
- Sprinter - A library for formatting strings.
- SwiftRichString - Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library.
- SwiftVerbalExpressions - VerbalExpressions porting.
- SwiftyAttributes - Extensions that make it a breeze to work with attributed strings.
- SyntaxKit - TextMate-style syntax highlighting.
- TextAttributes - An easier way to compose attributed strings.
线程、基于任务的或异步编程、大中央调度(GCD)封装 回到顶部
- Async - 大中央调度(GCD)语法糖.
- AwaitKit - ES7 异步/等待 控制流.
- Chronos - 大中央调度(GCD)工具.
- Each - Each 是 NSTimer 桥接库.
- EKI - 使大中央调度(GCD)易于使用(队列、任务、组、定时器和信号量).
- GCDTimer - 一个经过很好测试的 GCD 定时器.
- Schedule 🐧 - 一个你缺少的轻量级任务高度器, 拥有人性化的语法.
- SwiftyTimer - 提供 NSTimer 的接口.
A collection of pre-packaged transitions & cool ui stuffs. back to top
- AECoreDataUI - Core Data driven UI.
- AGCircularPicker - Helpful component for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter.
- AMScrollingNavbar - Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView.
- BreakOutToRefresh - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit.
- BulletinBoard - Generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- ClassicKit - A collection of classic-style UI components.
- CostumeKit - Base types for theming an app.
- CountryPickerView - A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
- CustomSegue - Custom segue for OSX Storyboards with slide and cross fade effects.
- DeckTransition - A library to recreate the iOS 10 Apple Music now playing transition.
- Dodo - A message bar for iOS.
- DropDown - A Material Design drop down for iOS.
- Element - Programmatic UI framework for macOS.
- Elissa - Displays a notification on top of a UITabBarItem or any UIView anchor view to reveal additional information.
- EstMusicIndicator - Music play indicator like iTunes.
- Family - A child view controller framework that makes setting up your parent controllers as easy as pie.
- FAQView - An easy to use FAQ view for iOS.
- Fashion - Fashion accessories and beauty tools to share and reuse UI styles.
- FlagKit - Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
- FloatRatingView - Floating rating system.
- Fluid Slider - A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected.
- GaugeKit - Customizable gauges. Easy reproduce Apple's style gauges.
- Geometry - extensions for UIView.
- GMStepper - A stepper with a sliding label in the middle.
- GradientProgressBar - A customizable gradient progress bar (UIProgressView).
- GRMustache - Flexible Mustache templates.
- GrowingTextView - UITextView that supports auto growing, placeholder and length limit.
- Hexacon - A new way to display content in your app like the Apple Watch SpringBoard.
- HGCircularSlider - A custom reusable circular slider control for iOS application.
- HorizontalDial - A horizontal scroll dial like Instagram.
- IGColorPicker - A customizable color picker for iOS.
- ImagePicker - A nicely designed and super easy to use ImagePicker.
- InfoView - Simple information view with pointed arrow.
- InstantSearch iOS - A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search features on iOS.
- KALoader - Beautiful animated placeholders for showing loading of data.
- KDInteractiveNavigationController - A UINavigationController subclass that support pop interactive UINavigationBar with hidden or show.
- KMNavigationBarTransition - A drop-in universal library helps you to manage the navigation bar styles and makes transition animations smooth between different navigation bar styles while pushing or popping a view controller for all orientations.
- KMPlaceholderTextView - A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder.
- LeeGo - Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.
- LicensePlist - A command-line tool that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies.
- LiquidLoader - Spinner loader components with liquid animation.
- Macaw - Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics library with SVG support.
- Magnetic - SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music).
- Mandoline - An iOS picker view to serve all your 'picking' needs.
- MantleModal - A simple modal resource that uses a UIScrollView to allow the user to close the modal by dragging it down.
- Material - Express your creativity with Material, an animation and graphics framework for Google's Material Design and Apple's Flat UI.
- MaterialKit - Material design components.
- MediaBrowser - Simple iOS photo and video browser with optional grid view, captions and selections.
- MediumScrollFullScreen - Medium scroll style menubar.
- MPParallaxView - Apple TV Parallax effect.
- MXParallaxHeader - Simple parallax header for UIScrollView.
- MZFormSheetPresentationController - Provides an alternative to the native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet, adding support for iPhone and additional opportunities to setup controller size and feel form sheet.
- NextGrowingTextView - The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 7 and above.
- NVActivityIndicatorView - Collection of nice loading animations.
- PanelKit - A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- PPAssetsActionController - Highly customizable Action Sheet Controller with assets preview.
- PullToDismiss - You can dismiss modal viewcontroller by pulling scrollview or navigationbar.
- RangeSeekSlider - A customizable range slider like a UISlider for iOS.
- Reel search - Option list managed as a reel.
- RetroProgress - Retro looking progress bar straight from the 90s.
- SAHistoryNavigationViewController - iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller.
- SectionedSlider - Control Center Slider.
- SelectionDialog - Simple selection dialog.
- ShadowView - Make shadows management easy on UIView.
- Shiny - Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash).
- SkeletonView - An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting.
- SKPhotoBrowser - Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers.
- Spots - Spots is a view controller framework that makes your setup and future development blazingly fast.
- SpreadsheetView - Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications.
- StarryStars - Display & edit ratings, fully customizable from interface builder.
- StatefulViewController - Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states.
- StepProgressView - Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView.
- SwiftyUI - High performance and lightweight UIView, UIImage, UIImageView, UIlabel, UIButton and more.
- SYBlinkAnimationKit - A blink effect animation framework.
- TagListView - Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view.
- Toaster - Notification toasts.
- TouchVisualizer - Lightweight touch visualization library with a single line of code.
- Twinkle - Easy way to make elements in your iOS app twinkle.
- UIPheonix - Easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for reusable component/control-driven apps.
- URLEmbeddedView - Automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol, and displays it as URL embedded card.
- Wallet - A replica of the Apple's Wallet interface. Add, delete or present your cards and passes.
- Windless - Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.
- WSTagsField - An iOS text field that represents different Tags.
- YNSearch - Awesome fully customizable search view like Pinterest.
Libs to display alert, action sheet, notification, popup. back to top
- Alertift - Modern, easy UIAlertController wrapper.
- Alerts Pickers - Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
- CDAlertView - Highly customizable alert/notification/success/error/alarm popup.
- CFNotify - A customizable framework to create draggable alert views.
- EZAlertController - Easy UIAlertController.
- GSMessage - A simple style messages/notifications for iOS 7+.
- Hokusai - A library for a cool bouncy action sheet.
- Jelly - Jelly provides custom view controller transitions with just a few lines of code.
- Kamagari - Simple UIAlertController builder class.
- KRAlertController - A beautiful alert controller for your iOS.
- NotificationBanner - The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS.
- PMAlertController - PMAlertController is a great and customizable substitute to UIAlertController.
- PopupDialog - A simple, customizable popup dialog. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
- SCLAlertView - Animated Alert view.
- Sheet - Actionsheet with navigation features such as the Flipboard App.
- StatusAlert - Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts without interrupting user flow.
- SweetAlert - Alert system.
- Swift-Prompts - Design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from.
- SwiftEntryKit - A simple and versatile pop-up presenter.
- SwiftMessages - A very flexible message bar for iOS.
- SwiftOverlays - various popups and notifications.
- SwiftyDrop - Lightweight dropdown message bar.
- Whisper - Messages and in-app notification made easy.
- XLActionController - Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller.
- Zingle - An alert will display underneath your UINavigationBar.
- SuperDelegate - SuperDelegate provides a clean application delegate interface and protects you from bugs in the application lifecycle.
- VisualEffectView - UIVisualEffectView subclass with tint color.
- DOFavoriteButton - Cute Animated Button.
- ExpandableButton - Customizable and easy to use expandable button.
- Floaty - Floating Action Button for iOS.
- LGButton - A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
- LTHRadioButton - A radio button with a pretty animation.
- MultiToggleButton - A UIButton subclass that implements tap-to-toggle button text (like the camera flash and timer buttons).
- NFDownloadButton - Revamped Download Button. It's kinda a reverse engineering of Netflix's app download button.
- PMSuperButton - A powerful UIButton with super powers, customizable from Storyboard.
- SwiftShareBubbles - Animated social share buttons control for iOS.
- TransitionButton - UIButton subclass for loading and transition animation.
- CalendarKit - Fully customizable calendar day view.
- DateTimePicker - A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time.
- JTAppleCalendar - UI calendar handler.
- Karmadust - Unidirectional Calendar Component with Native Events Support.
- Koyomi - Simple customizable calendar component.
- Workaholic - A GitHub-like work contribution timeline.
- CardParts - A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
- VerticalCardSwiper - A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView.
- Eureka - 优雅的iOS表单构建者.
- Former - 一个可以完全自定义的 UITableView基础表单构建库.
- SwiftForms - 现在你构建表单就像写1-2-3一样简单.
- SwiftyFORM - 可以验证数据的表单.
- EZLoadingActivity - 轻量级加载HUD.
- GradientLoadingBar - 带有渐变动画的加载条.
- KRProgressHUD - 一个漂亮和可定制的进度HUD.
- PKHUD - 可以替代苹果自带效果的HUD.
- ActiveLabel - UILabel的替代,可识别和响应点击, 支持#,@符号和URLs.
- AnimatedMaskLabel - 漂亮的带有渐变动画的label遮罩,可以方便地给任何view添加闪烁效果.
- CountdownLabel - 简单地倒计时UILabel,带有转变动画,和一些有用的方法.
- FloatLabelFields - 文本输入控制组件内建有标题,所以你不必为第一个输入框单独添加标题.
- GlitchLabel - 带有干扰效果的iOS UILabel.
- IncrementableLabel - UILabel的子类,可增/减数值.
- KDEDateLabel - 一个UILabel子类, 自动更新,可以简单地显示已经过去了多少时间.
- LTMorphingLabel - UILabel优美的变形效果.
- NumberMorphView - 用于显示数字的label,该数字可以使用称为数字吐温或数字变形的技术转换或动画化.
- SMIconLabel - 让UILabel 在左边或右边添加图片.
- Translucid - 轻量级库将图像设置为文本背景.
- TriLabelView - 一个为iOS写的三角形的角落标签视图A.
- AKSwiftSlideMenu - Slide Menu (Drawer).
- ENSwiftSideMenu - Sliding side menu.
- FanMenu - Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw.
- FlowingMenu - Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects.
- GuillotineMenu - Guillotine style menu.
- HHFloatingView - An easy to use and setup floating view for your app.
- InteractiveSideMenu - Customizable iOS Interactive Side Menu.
- KWDrawerController - Drawer view controller that easy to use.
- MediumMenu - A menu based on Medium iOS app.
- MenuItemKit -
with image and block (closure) support. - Pagemenu - Pagination enabled view controller.
- PagingKit - PagingKit provides customizable menu UI.
- PagingMenuController - Paging view controller with customizable menu.
- Panels - Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application.
- Parchment - A paging view controller with a highly customizable menu, built on UICollectionView.
- PopMenu - 😎 A cool and customizable popup style action sheet for iOS.
- SideMenu - Simple side menu control for iOS inspired by Facebook. Right and Left sides. No coding required.
- SlideMenuControllerSwift - iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app.
- SwipeMenuViewController - Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
- XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
- YNDropDownMenu - Adorable iOS drop down menu.
- CHIPageControl - A set of cool animated page controls to replace boring UIPageControl.
- FlexiblePageControl - A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
- Pageboy - A simple, highly informative page view controller.
- PageController - Infinite paging controller.
- SlideController - It is a nice alternative for UIPageViewController built using power of generic types. Swipe between pages with an interactive title navigation control. Configure horizontal or vertical chains for unlimited pages amount.
- Caishen - A Payment Card UI & Validator for iOS.
- iCard - Bank Card Generator using SnapKit DSL.
- MFCard - Easily integrate Credit Card payments in iOS App.
- AREK - AREK is a clean and easy to use wrapper over any kind of iOS permission.
- Permission - A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS.
- PermissionScope - A Periscope-inspired way to ask for iOS permissions.
- StackViewController - Simplify the use of UIStackView.
- TZStackView - An iOS9 UIStackView layout component re-implemented for iOS 7 and 8.
- MJMaterialSwitch - 一个 iOS 可定制的开关控件,灵感来自谷歌的材料设计.
- Switch - 一个开关控件,支持在视图构建界面使用.
- Adaptive Tab Bar - Adaptive tab bar.
- Animated Tab Bar - RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tab bar items.
- ColorMatchTabs - Interesting way to display tabs.
- DTPagerController - Container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view.
- ESTabBarController - A highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController.
- HHTabBarView - A lightweight customized tab bar view.
- Tabman - A powerful paging view controller with indicator bar.
- TabPageViewController - Paging view controller and scroll tab view.
- Stencil - Simple and powerful template language.
- SwiftCssParser - Extensible CSS parser.
- CBPinEntryView - Easy to use, very customisable pin entry.
- DTTextField - DTTextField is a custom textfield with floating placeholder and error label.
- HTYTextField - A UITextField with bouncy placeholder.
- PasswordTextField - A custom TextField with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password and enforces good password policies.
- SkyFloatingLabelTextField - A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern".
- StyledTextKit - Declarative building and fast rendering attributed string library.
- TextFieldCounter - UITextField character counter with lovable UX.
- TextFieldEffects - Several ready to use effects for UITextFields.
- UITextField-Navigation - UITextField-Navigation adds next, previous and done buttons to the keyboard for your UITextFields. Highly customizable.
- BubbleTransition - Bubble transition in an easy way.
- Cards XI - Awesome iOS 11 AppStore's Card Views.
- EasyTransitions - A simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions.
- Hero - Elegant transition library for iOS.
- MusicPlayerTransition - Custom interactive transition like Apple Music iOS App.
- PinterestSwift - Pinterest style transition.
- RevealingSplashView - A Splash view that animates and reveals its content, inspired by the Twitter splash.
- StarWars.iOS - Transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- Transition - Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions.
- AZCollectionViewController - 简单地在集合视图中集成分页和格式视图,使Instagram 探索在几分钟内完成.
- Blueprints - 用于在使用集合视图流布局时简化您的工作的框架.
- BouncyLayout - 集合视图布局使你的cell具体弹性.
- CardsLayout - 漂亮的可自定义的卡片集合视图.
- CenteredCollectionView - 一个轻量级的集合视图布局,让cell在中间展示并且分页.
- CollectionViewShelfLayout - 一个集合视图布局子类,以行的方式展示其元素, 就像App Store类似, 不需要列表视图和w集合视图的嵌套.
- CollectionViewSlantedLayout - 集合视图布局展示倾斜的内容.
- Drag and Drop UICollectionView - 在多个集合图片中拖拽数据.
- FSPagerView - 优雅的屏幕轮播库。它对制作横幅视图、产品展示、欢迎/指南页、屏幕/视图控制器幻灯片非常有帮助.
- GravitySlider - 漂亮的可替代标准集合视图流布局的库.
- RAReorderableLayout - 一个可以拖拽来移动元素的视图集合布局.
- ShelfView-iOS - iOS上的可自定义你书架上的书籍展示布局.
- SimpleSource - 易用且类型安全的列表和集合视图.
- SwiftSpreadsheet - 可完全自定义的电子表格集合视图布局.
- TagCellLayout - 具有左、中、右对齐的标签的集合视图布局.
- VegaScroll - 完全用Swift编写的轻量级动画流程布局.
- AZTableViewController - Elegant and easy way to integrate pagination with placeholder views.
- DTTableViewManager - Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types.
- ExpandableCell - Fully refactored YNExapnadableCell with more concise, bug free. Easiest usage of expandable & collapsible cell for iOS. You can customize expandable UITableViewCell whatever you like. ExpandableCell is made because insertRows and deleteRows is hard to use. Just inheirt ExpandableDelegate.
- ExpyTableView - Make your table view expandable just by implementing one method.
- folding-cell - Folding cell transition.
- GridView - Can be customized as a time table, spreadsheet, paging and more.
- HGPlaceholders - Nice library to show placeholders and Empty States for any UITableView/UICollectionView in your project.
- OKTableViewLiaison - Framework to help you better manage UITableViews
- ParallaxHeader - Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView.
- Persei - Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView.
- PullToRefreshSwift - PullToRefresh library.
- QuickTableViewController - A simple way to create a UITableView for settings.
- ReverseExtension - UITableView extension that enables the insertion of cells the from bottom of a table view.
- SectionScrubber - A component to quickly scroll between collection view sections.
- Shoyu - Easier way to represent the structure of UITableView.
- SwiftyComments - Nested hierarchy of expandable/collapsible cells to easily build elegant discussion threads.
- SwipeCellKit - Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock
- YNExpandableCell - Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS.
- AwesomeSpotlightView - Create tutorial or coach tour.
- BWWalkthrough - A class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App.
- Gecco - Spotlight view for iOS.
- Instructions - A library to create app walkthroughs and guided tours.
- SwiftyOnboard - An iOS framework that allows developers to create beautiful onboarding experiences.
- SwiftyWalkthrough - The easiest way to create a great walkthrough experience in your apps.
Some interesting utilities to help you in your projects back to top
- AlexaSkillsKit - Develop custom Alexa Skills.
- Basis - Pure Declarative Programming.
- Butterfly - A lightweight library for integrating bug-report and feedback features with shake-motion event.
- CallbackURLKit - Implementation of x-callback-url (Inter app communication).
- Closures - Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation.
- Curry - Function currying.
- DeepDiff - Fast diff library.
- Delegated - Closure-based delegation without memory leaks.
- DifferenceKit - 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
- Differific - A fast and convenient diffing framework.
- Dollar - Similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
- EtherWalletKit - Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS - You can implement Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge.
- EZSwiftExtensions - How standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- FluentQuery 🐧 - Powerful and easy to use Swift Query Builder.
- FluxCapacitor - FluxCapacitor makes implementing Flux design pattern easily with protocols and typealias.
- Focus - Optics library (includes Lens, Prisms, and Isos) that is inspired by Haskell's Lens library.
- Highlighter - Highlight whatever you want! Highlighter will magically find UI objects such as UILabel, UITextView, UITexTfield, UIButton in your UITableViewCell or other Class.
- LifetimeTracker - Surface retain cycle / memory issues right as you develop your application.
- Lumos - An easy-to-use API for Objective-C runtime functions.
- ObjectiveKit - API for Objective C runtime functions.
- OpenSourceController - The simplest way to display the librarie's licences used in your application.
- Popsicle - Delightful, extensible value interpolation framework.
- protobuf-swift - ProtocolBuffers.
- Prototope - Library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS.
- R.swift - Tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, cells and segues.
- RandomKit 🐧 - Random data generation.
- ReadabilityKit - Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts.
- ResourceKit - Enable autocomplete use resources.
- Result - Type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
- Runes - Functional operators: flatMap, map, apply.
- Solar - Calculate sunrise and sunset times given a location.
- SpriteKit+Spring - SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction.
- Sugar - Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa.
- swift-protobuf 🐧 - A plugin and runtime library for using Google's Protocol Buffer.
- SwifterSwift - A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- SwiftGen-Storyboard - A tool to auto-generate
for all your Storyboards, Scenes and Segues constants + appropriate convenience accessors. - SwiftLinkPreview - It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- SwiftRandom - A tiny generator of random data.
- SwiftRater - A utility that reminds your iPhone app's users to review the app.
- SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling.
- Swiftx - Functional data types and functions for any project.
- SwiftyUtils - All the reusable code that we need in each project.
- Swiftz - Functional programming.
- Then - Super sweet syntactic sugar for initializers.
- TSAO - Type-Safe Associated Objects in Swift.
- URLQueryItemEncoder - An Encoder for encoding any Encodable value into an array of URLQueryItem.
- UTIKit - an UTI (Uniform Type Identifier) wrapper.
- Vaccine - Make your apps immune to recompile-decease.
- WhatsNew - Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
- WhatsNewKit - Showcase your awesome new app features.
- XestiMonitors - An extensible monitoring framework.
A collection of validation libs. back to top
- FormValidatorSwift - Allows you to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way.
- Input Mask - Pattern-based user input formatter, parser and validator for iOS.
- RxValidator - Simple, Extensible, Flexible Validation Checker.
- SwiftValidator - A rule-based validation library.
- SwiftValidators - String validation for iOS (inspired by validator.js).
- Validator - Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
- PhoneNumberKit - 一个解析,格式化和验证国际手机号码的框架,灵感来自谷歌的libphonenumber.
- AppVersionMonitor - 更简单的iOS app 版本控制.
- Siren - 当您的 app 的新版本可用时,通知提示用户升级.
- Version - 版本比较和版本展示.
- Version Tracker Swift - 跟踪你的iOS, OS X 和 tvOS app的版本.
- BMPlayer - 一个基于AVPlayer的iOS视频播放器,支持横竖屏播放,支持声音和亮度调整,支持拖动调整进度.
- Cabbage - 一个基于 AVFoundation的视频合成框架.
- MMPlayerView - 可以视图和转场上自定义的AVPlayer 层,效果像在Youtube 和 Facebook一样好.
- MobilePlayer - 在 iOS 上的强大的可完全自定义的媒体播放器.
- NextLevelSessionExporter - 导出和转码媒体.
- Player - iOS播放器,可简单地做为组件拖拽,可播放流媒体.
- PlayerView - 像会用UIView一样使用视频播放器,可管理播放速度,可截图,通过代码回调播放状态.
- PryntTrimmerView - 剪切视频.
- SwiftVideoBackground - 使用一个UIView子类去实现一个视频背景.
- VGPlayer - 一个简单的视频播放器,支持播放本地和网络视频,支持后台播放模式,播放时自动缓存.
请首先快速游览一下 contribution guidelines. 如果你在这里看到某个包或项目已经不在维护或者已经不合适了.请提交Pull请求来优化这个列表,感谢你们. contributors; you rock!!