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My mother tongue is Turkish, and I speak fluent English. In this section, I'm documenting the words that are new to my mind;


Basic Words

  • I: Ena
  • We: Ehna
  • Thanks Şükran
  • Bye Meesselam
  • Sorry Asif
  • Soup Harira
  • Half Nuıs
  • Beans Lubya
  • Liver Kibde
  • Cactus Sabbar
  • Of course Bittaba

Useful Phrases

  • We're walking Ehna amşi
  • God bless your hands Yıslamo hedık
  • Thanks (in a fancier way) Yetiik alofiya
  • Good Morning Sabah Helhır
  • How much? Gadeş
  • How are you? Keyfe haluk?
  • Hot water Lime shun
  • Nice to meet you Met şerefin
  • How are you? Jordan: keyfe haluk? Morocco: Labes?


  • yes iya
  • no inga
  • cool Anjas
  • **dog ** Anjing
  • thank you Terima kasih
  • how are you? Apa kabar
  • Good Baik
  • No good Inga baik
  • Beautiful bagus
  • good morning salamat pagi
  • good night salamat malam
  • delicious mantap
  • how much? berapa
  • this ini
  • apa what?
  • what is this? ini apa?
  • kemana where are you going to?
  • more tambah
  • do you have water? kamu punya aqua ?
  • expensive mahal
  • take care hati hati
  • udah* finish
  • ayo lets'go


  • 1 Satu
  • 2 Dua
  • 3 Tiga
  • 4 Empat
  • 5 Lima
  • 6 Enam
  • 7 Tuju
  • 8 Delapan
  • 9 Sembilan
  • 10 Sepuluh
  • 20 Dua Puluh
  • 50 Lima Puluh
  • 100 Seratus
  • 500 Lima Ribu
  • 1000 Seribu

Toba Batak

  • olo yes
  • daong no
  • mauliatte thanks
  • tabo delicious

See also: toba-batak-dictionary/dict.json


  • Thank you: suksama
  • You're welcome: mauali
  • How are you?: puna pikadrı
  • How much?: kudısiki
  • Good: bıçik
  • Yes: Ingeh
  • No: Sing (Casual)
  • Beautiful Jıgik


Basic Words:

  • I: Ez
  • You: Tu
  • You (plural): Sıma
  • They: Yei
  • We: Ma
  • Yes: He
  • No: Nene
  • Come: Be
  • Go: Su
  • Bread: Nen
  • Mother: Kıle
  • Eat: Barı
  • Enough: Bes
  • Lamb: Werek
  • Horse: Bergir
  • Cow: Mongo
  • Look: Seki
  • Traveler: Lövles

Useful Phrases:

  • What is your name? Navetiçiye?
  • God Bless You: Heq Rajibo
  • Hello: Mabı xer
  • How are you? Turında?
  • Good Bye Xatire sıma
  • Where are you coming from?: Koytında yena?


Words I looked up on dictionary;


the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.


make (a difficult or esoteric subject) clearer and easier to understand.
"this book attempts to demystify technology"


  • suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. synonyms: undergo, go through, live through, experience, meet, encounter; More

  • remain in existence; last.


dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening.
"a gloomy corridor"
synonyms:	dark, shadowy, sunless, dim, somber, dingy, dismal, dreary, murky, unwelcoming, cheerless, comfortless, funereal; literaryStygian
"a gloomy room"

feeling distressed or pessimistic.
"I am by no means gloomy about the prospects for domestic industry"
synonyms:	despondent, downcast, downhearted, dejected, dispirited, disheartened, discouraged, demoralized, crestfallen; More
causing distress or depression.
"a gloomy atmosphere"


catch fire or cause to catch fire.
"furniture can give off lethal fumes when it ignites"

synonyms:	catch fire, catch, burst into flames, be set off, erupt, explode


a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.
"there is no incentive for customers to conserve water"

synonyms:	inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus, encouragement, impulse; More
antonyms:	deterrent


allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
"we indulged in some hot fudge sundaes"

synonyms:	wallow in, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give free rein to; More


sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
"a lavish banquet"



belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status; aristocratic.

synonyms:	aristocratic, patrician, blue-blooded, high-born, titled; archaicgentle
"a noble family"
having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.
synonyms:	righteous, virtuous, good, honorable, upright, decent, worthy, moral, ethical, reputable; More


(especially in former times) a person of noble rank or birth.


past tense: revered; past participle: revered
feel deep respect or admiration for (something).
"Cézanne's still lifes were revered by his contemporaries"


a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the Bible.
"he preached a sermon"
synonyms:	homily, address, speech, talk, discourse, oration; lesson