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IR2Vec is a LLVM IR based framework to generate distributed representations for the source code in an unsupervised manner, which can be used to represent programs as input to solve machine learning tasks that take programs as inputs.

This repo contains the source code and relevant information described in the paper (arXiv). Please see here for more details.

IR2Vec: LLVM IR Based Scalable Program Embeddings, S. VenkataKeerthy, Rohit Aggarwal, Shalini Jain, Maunendra Sankar Desarkar, Ramakrishna Upadrasta, and Y. N. Srikant

LLVM Tests Publish pre-commit checks


Table Of Contents


(Experiments are done on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine)

Binaries and Libraries - Artifacts

Binaries and Libraries (.a and .so) are autogenerated for every relevant checkin using GitHub Actions. Such generated artifacts are tagged along with the successful runs of Publish workflow and can be found here.

Building from source

  1. mkdir build && cd build
  2. IR2Vec uses Eigen library. If your system already have Eigen (3.3.7) setup, you can skip this step.
    1. Download and extract the released version.
      • wget
      • tar -xvzf eigen-3.3.7.tar.gz
    2. mkdir eigen-build && cd eigen-build
    3. cmake ../eigen-3.3.7 && make
    4. cd ../
  3. cmake -DLT_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=<path_to_LLVM_build_dir> -DEigen3_DIR=<path_to_eigen_build_dir> [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir>] ../src
  4. make [&& make install]

This process would generate ir2vec binary under build/bin directory, libIR2Vec.a and under build/lib directory.

To ensure the correctness, run make verify-all

Generating program representations

IR2Vec can be used either as a stand alone tool using binary, or can be integrated with any third party tools using libraries. Please see below for the usage instructions.

Using Binary

ir2vec -<mode> -vocab <seedEmbedding-file-path> -o <output-file> -level <p|f> -class <class-number> <input-ll-file>

Command-Line options

  • mode - can be one of sym/fa
    • sym denotes Symbolic representation
    • fa denotes Flow-Aware representation
  • vocab - the path to the seed embeddings file
  • o - file in which the embeddings are to be appended; (Note : If file doesn’t exist, new file would be created, else embeddings would be appended)
  • level - can be one of chars p/f.
    • p denotes program level encoding
    • f denotes function level encoding
  • class - only non-mandatory argument. Used for the purpose of mentioning class labels for classification tasks (To be used with the level p). Defaults to -1. When, not equal to -1, the pass prints class-number followed by the corresponding embeddings

Please use --help for further details.

Format of the output embeddings in output_file

  • If the level is p:
<class-number> <Embeddings>

class-number would be printed only if it is not -1

  • If the level is f
<function-name> = <Embeddings>

Flow-Aware Embeddings

  • ir2vec -fa -vocab vocabulary/seedEmbeddingVocab-300-llvm12.txt -o <output_file> -level <p|f> -class <class-number> <input_ll_file>

Symbolic Embeddings

  • ir2vec -sym -vocab vocabulary/seedEmbeddingVocab-300-llvm12.txt -o <output_file> -level <p|f> -class <class-number> <input_ll_file>

Using Libraries

The libraries can be installed by passing the installation location to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX flag during cmake followed by make install. The interfaces are available in IR2Vec.h. External projects that would like to use IR2Vec can access the functionality using these exposed interfaces on including IR2Vec.h from the installed location after linking statically or dynamically.

  • If the project does not use LLVM, LLVM dependencies have to be linked and included separately.
  • Please ensure that the IR2Vec libraries are compiled with compatible LLVM.
    • If you are getting errors, please recompile IR2Vec by passing the current LLVM install directory path to LT_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR during cmake.

The following template can be used to link IR2vec libraries on a cmake based project.

set(IR2VEC_INSTALL_DIR "" CACHE PATH "IR2Vec installation directory")
target_link_libraries(<your_executable_or_library> PUBLIC ${IR2VEC_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/<libIR2Vec.a or>)

And then pass the location of IR2Vec's install prefix to DIR2VEC_INSTALL_DIR during cmake.

The following example snippet shows how to query the exposed vector representations.

#include "IR2Vec.h"

// Creating object to generate FlowAware representation
auto ir2vec =
      IR2Vec::Embeddings(<LLVM Module>, IR2Vec::IR2VecMode::FlowAware,

// Getting Instruction vectors corresponding to the instructions in <LLVM Module>
auto instVecMap = ir2vec.getInstVecMap();
// Access the generated vectors
for (auto instVec : instVecMap) {
    outs() << "Instruction : ";
    outs() << ": ";

    for (auto val : instVec.second)
      outs() << val << "\t";

// Getting vectors corresponding to the functions in <LLVM Module>
auto funcVecMap = ir2vec.getFunctionVecMap();
// Access the generated vectors
for (auto funcVec : funcVecMap) {
    outs() << "Function : " << funcVec.first->getName() << "\n";
    for (auto val : funcVec.second)
      outs() << val << "\t";

// Getting the program vector
auto pgmVec = ir2vec.getProgramVector();
// Access the generated vector
for (auto val : pgmVec)
    outs() << val << "\t";



The results mentioned in the experiment's scripts/the published version are not updated for this branch. The experimental results for this branch would be different when compared to the published version. For comparison, use the release corresponding to v0.1.0.


author = {VenkataKeerthy, S. and Aggarwal, Rohit and Jain, Shalini and Desarkar, Maunendra Sankar and Upadrasta, Ramakrishna and Srikant, Y. N.},
title = {{IR2Vec: LLVM IR Based Scalable Program Embeddings}},
year = {2020},
issue_date = {December 2020},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {17},
number = {4},
issn = {1544-3566},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3418463},
journal = {ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.},
month = dec,
articleno = {32},
numpages = {27},
keywords = {heterogeneous systems, representation learning, compiler optimizations, LLVM, intermediate representations}


Please feel free to raise issues to file a bug, to pose a question, or to initiate any related discussions. Pull requests are welcome :)


IR2Vec is released under a BSD 4-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for more details.