import PySwiftyRegex
if let m = re.search("[Tt]his is (.*?)easy", "I think this is really easy!!!") {
m.group() // "this is really easy"
m.group(1) // "really "
查看 常见用例.
- iOS 7.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+
- Xcode 8.0+
Swift 2.3请使用0.3.0版。
使用 Embedded frameworks 至少需要 iOS 8 或 OS X Mavericks.
如果您的项目需要支持iOS 7但仍想使用
, 您需要将源代码文件 PySwiftyRegex.swift 下载并添加到您的Xcode项目中。
您可以通过 Cocoapods 来将 PySwiftyRegex
添加到您的项目中。 下面是一个示例的Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'PySwiftyRegex', '~> 0.2.0'
$ pod install
往 Cartfile
或 Cartfile.private
github "cezheng/PySwiftyRegex" ~> 0.2.0
$ carthage update
-> Embedded Binaries
如果您已有 re 模块的使用经验, 那么基本上将这个库导入到项目中就可以直接开始用了。 如果没有,或许可以点击下方的链接传送到Python的文档页面大致了解一下为何re模块会比NSRegualarExpression的API更加好用。
let regex = re.compile("this(.+)that")
if let m = regex.match("this one is different from that") {
m.group() //"this one is different from that"
m.group(1) //" one is different from "
if let m = regex.search("I want this one, not that one") {
m.group() //"this one, not that one"
m.group(1) //" one, not "
regex.findall("this or that, this and that") // ["this or that", "this and that"]
for m in regex.finditer("this or that, this and that") {
m.group() // 第1次: "this or that", 第2次: "this and that"
m.group(1) // 第1次: " or ", 第2次: " and "
let regex = re.compile("[\\+\\-\\*/]")
// 默认将做最多次分割
regex.split("1+2-3*4/5") // ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
// 设定最大分割次数为2
regex.split("1+2-3*4/5", 2) // ["1", "2", "3*4/5"]
let regex = re.compile("[Yy]ou")
// 替换所有匹配 (本例中替换了2次)
regex.sub("u", "You guys go grap your food") // "u guys go grap ur food"
regex.subn("u", "You guys go grap your food") // ("u guys go grap ur food", 2)
// 设定最大替换次数 (本例中替换了1次)
regex.sub("u", "You guys go grap your food", 1) // "u guys go grap your food"
regex.subn("u", "You guys go grap your food", 1) // ("u guys go grap your food", 1)
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