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Setting up a permissions plugin

Cervinakuy edited this page Jan 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

Many aspects of KitPvP require prior installation and setup of a permissions plugin. Without a permissions plugin, only operators (or those with OP) will be allowed to do most actions within KitPvP.

LuckPerms is recommended for beginners, as it is simple and easy to use. It has also become the server standard across Minecraft networks. A video tutorial is also included here.

Once successfully setup, players should receive these permissions to be able to utilize the most basic aspects of KitPvP:

  • kp.kit.kitName
  • kp.ability.abilityName
  • kp.command.kit
  • kp.command.kits
  • kp.command.preview

For all other permissions, please see the "Commands & Permissions" page.

If still encountering issues with permissions, please reach out to the LuckPerms discord. The staff are experienced and will be able to answer questions quickly and effectively regarding any LuckPerms problem you may have. The permissions in KitPvP have been tested numerous times, and are not broken.