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The @carbon/styles package provides the Sass files needed to include every style for the Carbon Design System. It includes entrypoints for themes, tokens, CSS helpers, components, and more.

Note: You may not need this package! If you're using @carbon/react you do not need to install @carbon/styles. Module paths in @carbon/styles and @carbon/react are synonymous - @carbon/react re-exports everything from @carbon/styles. For example, @carbon/styles/scss/components/button is the same as @carbon/react/scss/components/button.


The following is a table of all files that are available to use. While there may be additional files that you can import from directly within the package, these are the public entrypoints that are maintained and follow semantic versioning between version updates.

File Description
scss/breakpoint Helper functions and mixins for working with breakpoints
scss/colors Access colors from every swatch in the IBM Design Language
scss/compat/ Helper themes and tokens for migrating from v10 to v11
scss/config Configure various options for the package
scss/feature-flags Configure various feature flags for experiments
scss/font-face Configure the IBM Plex font and languages
scss/grid Access and use the CSS Grid built-in to Carbon
scss/motion Helper function, mixins, and tokens for motion
scss/reset A CSS Reset
scss/spacing Variables for the spacing scale
scss/theme Tokens for the current theme
scss/themes Reference the default themes from the Carbon Design System
scss/type Type tokens and helpers
scss/components/ A directory containing component styles
scss/utilities/ A directory containing common CSS utilities


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/breakpoint'; scss/_breakpoint.scss


The colors package will give you access to each swatch from the IBM Design Language. You can refer to any color by its swatch and grade.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/colors';

.my-selector {
  background-color: colors.$blue-50;
Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/colors'; scss/_colors.scss

To see all the colors available to be imported, checkout our colors docs.


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/config'; scss/_config.scss

Feature Flags

Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/feature-flags'; scss/_feature-flags.scss

Font Face

Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/font-face'; scss/_font-face.scss

Using IBM Plex

By default, IBM Plex will be emitted when importing via the @carbon/styles main entrypoint or referencing the font-face file directly. If you do not want the font-face declarations to be emitted, you can set the css--font-face token to false:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/config' with (
  $css--font-face: false


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/grid'; scss/grid/_index.scss
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/grid/flexbox'; scss/grid/_flexbox.scss

Using the grid

This package @forwards the styles defined in the @carbon/grid package. For full documentation, visit the Sass Documentation for the package.

To use the grid via @carbon/styles, it must be brought in directly or the grid specific style sheet must be imported:

// All the grid styles are included through this central entrypoint
@use '@carbon/styles';

// Alternatively, the grid styles can be brought in on their own
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/grid';

By default, the emitted grid will be a CSS Grid based implementation. If you prefer to also use the flexbox version, you can configure the package by writing the following:

@use '@carbon/styles' with (
  $use-flexbox-grid: true

Or you can import the flexbox grid directly:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/grid/flexbox';

Classes provided

In either case, you will then have access to the grid classes and mixins available to build with the grid. There are two primitive class types to use in order to structure your application. They include:

  • .#{$prefix}--css-grid - defines the overall grid context and sets some useful attributes like width and margin
  • .#{$prefix}--col-span-* - used to define individual columns

Additional class types are available for advanced usages such as subgrids, offset, alignment utilities, and breakpoint helpers to configure the grid at different viewport widths. For further information on these and others, see the @carbon/grid package.

As an example, here's how a 4 column grid could be configured with the default prefix:

<div class="cds--css-grid">
  <div class="cds--col-span-4"></div>
  <div class="cds--col-span-4"></div>
  <div class="cds--col-span-4"></div>
  <div class="cds--col-span-4"></div>


The motion package provides helper functions, mixins, and duration tokens to add motion into your project.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/motion' as *;

.my-selector {
  transition: transform $duration-fast-02 motion(standard, productive);
Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/motion'; scss/_motion.scss

For more information, checkout our motion docs.


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/reset'; scss/_reset.scss


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/spacing'; scss/_spacing.scss


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/themes'; scss/_themes.scss

This entrypoint re-exports the themes entrypoint from the @carbon/themes. it provides access to the theme variables built for the Carbon Design System.

These theme variables can be used in the following way:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/themes';

// themes.$white
// themes.$g10
// themes.$g90
// themes.$g100


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme'; scss/_theme.scss

This entrypoint re-exports the theme entrypoint from the @carbon/themes. This entrypoint exports all of the design tokens as Sass Variables, as well as helpers for you to interact with the theme.

To use a design token from this entrypoint, you can include the filepath and reference it as a variable.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme';

body {
  background: theme.$background;

The value of the theme.$background token is a CSS Custom Property. For example, theme.$background would have the value var(--cds-background). To get the value of a token, you will need to use the theme.get function described below.

For a full list of tokens available, check out our themes documentation.

There are also some helpers that you can use from this entrypoint. These include:

  • theme.get to get access to the value of a token from the theme

You can use these in the following way:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme';
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/theme' with (
  $theme: (
    custom-token: #bada44,

.my-selector {
  background: rgba(theme.get('custom-token'), 0.1);


The @carbon/styles/scss/theme entrypoint can be configured with the following options:

  • $theme to set the current theme
  • $fallback to set the fallback theme. This value is used to get values of tokens if they are not defined in the current $theme


The type package entrypoint allows you to specifically bring type tokens into your project. The type package includes various type tokens and mixins.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/type';

.my-selector {
  @include type.type-style('productive-heading-01');
Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/type'; scss/_type.scss

For more information, check out our type docs.


All of the styles for the components in the Carbon Design System live in the scss/components directory. You can include all of the styles for a component by including its entrypoint file. For a full list of component styles that you can import, check out the files table below.

Reminder: Module paths in @carbon/styles and @carbon/react are synonymous - @carbon/react re-exports everything from @carbon/styles.


Component Import File
accordion @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/accordion'; scss/components/accordion
aspect-ratio @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/aspect-ratio'; scss/components/aspect-ratio
breadcrumb @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/breadcrumb'; scss/components/breadcrumb
button @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/button'; scss/components/button
checkbox @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/checkbox'; scss/components/checkbox
code-snippet @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/code-snippet'; scss/components/code-snippet
combo-box @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/combo-box'; scss/components/combo-box
content-switcher @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/content-switcher'; scss/components/content-switcher
copy-button @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/copy-button'; scss/components/copy-button
data-table @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/data-table'; scss/components/data-table
data-table/action @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/data-table/action'; scss/components/data-table/action
data-table/expandable @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/data-table/expandable'; scss/components/data-table/expandable
data-table/skeleton @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/data-table/skeleton'; scss/components/data-table/skeleton
data-table/sort @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/data-table/sort'; scss/components/data-table/sort
date-picker @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/date-picker'; scss/components/date-picker
dropdown @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/dropdown'; scss/components/dropdown
file-uploader @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/file-uploader'; scss/components/file-uploader
form @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/form'; scss/components/form
inline-loading @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/inline-loading'; scss/components/inline-loading
link @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/link'; scss/components/link
list @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/list'; scss/components/list
list-box @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/list-box'; scss/components/list-box
loading @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/loading'; scss/components/loading
menu @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/menu'; scss/components/menu
modal @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/modal'; scss/components/modal
multiselect @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/multiselect'; scss/components/multiselect
notification @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/notification'; scss/components/notification
number-input @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/number-input'; scss/components/number-input
overflow-menu @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/overflow-menu'; scss/components/overflow-menu
pagination @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/pagination'; scss/components/pagination
pagination-nav @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/pagination-nav'; scss/components/pagination-nav
popover @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/popover'; scss/components/popover
progress-bar @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/progress-bar'; scss/components/progress-bar
progress-indicator @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/progress-indicator'; scss/components/progress-indicator
radio-button @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/radio-button'; scss/components/radio-button
search @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/search'; scss/components/search
select @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/select'; scss/components/select
skeleton-styles @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/skeleton-styles'; scss/components/skeleton-styles
slider @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/slider'; scss/components/slider
stack @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/stack'; scss/components/stack
structured-list @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/structured-list'; scss/components/structured-list
tabs @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/tabs'; scss/components/tabs
tag @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/tag'; scss/components/tag
text-area @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/text-area'; scss/components/text-area
text-input @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/text-input'; scss/components/text-input
tile @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/tile'; scss/components/tile
time-picker @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/time-picker'; scss/components/time-picker
toggletip @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/toggletip'; scss/components/toggletip
toggle @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/toggle'; scss/components/toggle
tooltip @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/tooltip'; scss/components/tooltip
treeview @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/treeview'; scss/components/treeview
ui-shell @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/ui-shell'; scss/components/ui-shell

Component tokens

In some situations, you may want to change the tokens for a specific component. To do so you will need to configure the modules and provide the tokens you would like to see changed.

Component tokens are available for the following components:

Component Import File
button @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/button/tokens'; scss/components/button/tokens
notification @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/notification/tokens'; scss/components/notification/tokens
tag @use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/tag/tokens'; scss/components/tag/tokens

For example, if you wanted to change the component token button-primary for button you could do the following:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/themes';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button/tokens' with (
  $button-primary: #3f51b5

@use '@carbon/react';

The same as above can also be done without using the central entrypoint, instead bringing in only the button component styles. This applies to all the examples here regarding component tokens:

  @use '@carbon/react/scss/themes';
  @use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button/tokens' with (
    $button-primary: #3f51b5

- @use '@carbon/react';
+ @use '@carbon/react/scss/reset';
+ @use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button';

You can alternatively override the values for each theme:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/themes';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button/tokens' with (
  $button-primary: (
    fallback: #3f51b5,
    values: (
      (theme: themes.$white, value: #3f51b5),
      (theme: themes.$g10, value: #d55bff),
      (theme: themes.$g90, value: #d0b2ff),
      (theme: themes.$g100, value: #cfd2ff),

@use '@carbon/react/scss/reset';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button';

If you'd like to use these component tokens in your stylesheet, you'll need to @use them:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/components/button';

.my-selector {
  background: button.$button-primary;

You can also change the component token definition for each theme for multiple tokens at the same time via the theme mixin:

@use '@carbon/react/scss/themes';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/theme';
@use '@carbon/react/scss/components/button/tokens' as button-tokens;
@use '@carbon/themes/scss/utilities';
@use '@carbon/react';

// Set new token values. Follow this format, each theme has a specification
$button-token-overrides: (
  button-primary: (
    fallback: #3f51b5,
    values: (
        theme: themes.$white,
        value: #3f51b5,
        theme: themes.$g10,
        value: #3fb557,
        theme: themes.$g90,
        value: #3f9ab5,
        theme: themes.$g100,
        value: #ab3fb5,

// The new tokens must be merged into the existing tokens
$button-tokens: utilities.merge(

// Add the new component tokens which will be included any time the theme mixin is called
@include theme.add-component-tokens($button-tokens);

// Ensure that the theme() mixin is called to set the new token values
// You can override the existing `.cds--{theme}` classes for each theme
:root {
  @include theme.theme();

.cds--g10 {
  @include theme.theme(themes.$g10);

.cds--g90 {
  @include theme.theme(themes.$g90);

.cds--g100 {
  @include theme.theme(themes.$g100);



Import Description
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/box-shadow'; Adds the Carbon defined box-shadow value
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/button-reset'; Resets Button styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/component-reset'; Resets default styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/component-tokens'; Get tokens and inverse values for a given theme
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/convert'; Converts a given px value to a rem unit
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/custom-property'; Get the var() representation for a given token
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/focus-outline'; Adds the Carbon defined focus styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/hide-at-breakpoint'; Hides elements at specific breakpoints only
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/high-contrast-mode'; Sets Windows High Contrast Mode styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/keyframes'; Animations for skeleton states, showing + hiding
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/layout'; (experimental) Use contextual layout tokens
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/placeholder-colors'; Sets the Carbon defined placeholder styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/rotate'; Adds rotational transformation
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/skeleton'; Adds Carbon defined skeleton styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/text-overflow'; Adds text overflow styling
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/text-truncate'; Truncates text at beginning or end of text
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/tooltip'; Shared Tooltip styles
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/visually-hidden'; Hides elements visually, but available to screen reader/assistive text
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/z-index'; The Carbon stack hierarchy

Contextual layout tokens

Note: This feature is experimental and its API and behaviour may change at any time!


In your application, you can define layout contexts in which components alter their styling if supported. Layout contexts can help synchronize a certain rendering-related setting across multiple components. A new layout context can be set by wrapping the affected content in a container with the appropriate layout classes set. The container must always have the base css class (.#{$prefix}--layout) applied. Any other class is optional and targeted towards a layout token group. Currently, two groups exist: size and density. To define a group's setting, follow the structure of .#{$prefix}--layout--group-step with the details below (e.g. .#{$prefix}--layout--size-lg):

Group Steps Properties
size xs
density condensed

Inside a layout context, the associated css custom properties are available with the following naming structure: --#{$prefix}-layout-group-property (e.g. --cds-layout-size-height or --cds-layout-density-padding-inline). These css custom properties can be used in components to automatically react to the layout context and should (but don't have to) be set on the css properties their names suggest (e.g. height: var(--cds-layout-size-height);). Note that these css custom properties are not set if a component is not within a layout context, so you'll need to provide a fallback. This should be the component's default styling and can still rely on the layout tokens by explicitely defining the step. For example, a component that, by default, should have a height of md but participate in layout contexts could be built in the following way:

.my-component {
  height: var(

In order to make your component support different layout modes explicitely via props, you can pass the layout sizes directly on your component as well. Example:

<div class="cds--layout--size-lg">
  <!-- This component will participate in the "lg" size mode -->
  <div class="my-component">...</div>

  <!-- This component will always render in "md" size mode, regardless of the parent layout context -->
  <div class="my-component cds--layout--size-md">...</div>

Layout constraints

Naturally, with component-based development there will be scenarios where you want to re-use an existing component within a new one. These two components might not always share the same constraints (default, min, max) though. In order to control the child component's constraints but still participate in layout contexts, you can use some utility classes.

Let's assume my-component supports sizes from sm to lg with a default of md and button supports sizes from xs to 2xl with a default of lg.

<div class="my-component">
    class="cds--layout-constraint--size__default-md cds--layout-constraint--size__min-sm cds--layout-constraint--size__max-lg">
    <!-- The button component will now be constrained to the minimum size of 'sm', the maximum of 'lg' and default to 'md' -->
    <div class="button">...</div>

All layout groups offer the following utility classes:

.cds--layout-constraint--group__default-step {
  // for each property in this group:
  --cds-layout-group-property: var(
    var(--cds-layout-group-property-step, step-value)
.cds--layout-constraint--group__min-step {
  // for each property in this group:
  --cds-layout-group-property-min: var(
.cds--layout-constraint--group__max-step {
  // for each property in this group:
  --cds-layout-group-property-max: var(

sass helpers

In order to simplify contextual layout tokens, Carbon provides the following sass functions:


layout.use is a mixin that should be included on the outermost selector of your component. It will emit local css custom properties for all properties in the passed layout group. Providing the group name and a default is required:

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/layout';

.my-component {
  // minimal required setup, provide the requested property and a default
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md');

  // optionally provide a minimum size for the component
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $min: 'sm');

  // optionally provide a maximum size for the component
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $max: 'lg');

  // optionally provide both a minimum and maximum size for the component
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $min: 'sm', $max: 'lg');

For reference, this table demonstrates the generated local css custom properties for each scenario.

.my-component {
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md');
.my-component {
  --cds-layout-size-height-local: clamp(
    var(--cds-layout-size-height, var(--cds-layout-size-height-md)),
.my-component {
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $min: 'sm');
.my-component {
  --cds-layout-size-height-local: clamp(
    max(var(--cds-layout-size-height-min), var(--cds-layout-size-height-sm)),
    var(--cds-layout-size-height, var(--cds-layout-size-height-md)),
.my-component {
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $max: 'lg');
.my-component {
  --cds-layout-size-height-local: clamp(
    var(--cds-layout-size-height, var(--cds-layout-size-height-md)),
    min(var(--cds-layout-size-height-max), var(--cds-layout-size-height-lg))
.my-component {
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $min: 'sm', $max: 'lg');
.my-component {
  --cds-layout-size-height-local: clamp(
    max(var(--cds-layout-size-height-min), var(--cds-layout-size-height-sm)),
    var(--cds-layout-size-height, var(--cds-layout-size-height-md)),
    min(var(--cds-layout-size-height-max), var(--cds-layout-size-height-lg))

layout.size returns the local css custom property for properties in the "size" layout group.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/layout';

.my-component {
  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md');

  height: layout.size('height');
  // => height: var(--cds-layout-size-height-local);

layout.density returns the local css custom property for properties in the "density" layout group.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/layout';

.my-component {
  @include layout.use('density', $default: 'normal');

  padding-inline: layout.density('padding-inline');
  // => padding-inline: var(--cds-layout-density-padding-inline-local);

If a component should participate in layout contexts but uses non-standard values for the group steps, you can locally redefine the layout tokens by using this mixin. The mixin must be emitted at the outermost selector of the component.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/utilities/layout';

.my-component {
  @include layout.redefine-tokens(
    // all applicable overrides, must follow ( group: ( property: ( step: value ) ) )
        size: (
          height: (
            sm: 1.125rem,
            md: 1.5rem,

  @include layout.use('size', $default: 'md', $min: 'sm', $max: 'md');

  height: layout.size('height');

Note: Since this system uses CSS clamp() in order to enforce minimum and maximum values, you might need to override tokens you don't intend to use as well. In the example above, the new sm (1.125rem) value is smaller than the default xs (1.5rem) value. If a layout context is set to xs, the component will render in 1.5rem size. It would therefore be appropriate to include xs: 1.125rem in this token definition even though the component doesn't support an explicit xs mode.


Import Filepath
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/compat/themes'; scss/compat/_themes.scss
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/compat/theme'; scss/compat/_theme.scss

The compatibility entrypoints for themes and theme provide access to the v10 tokens along with the v11 tokens. To make sure that the tokens that you're using from v10 have the correct value in v11, you will need to include the theme that you're using from scss/compat/themes and set that as your theme.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/compat/themes' as compat;
@use '@carbon/styles/scss/compat/theme' with (
  $theme: compat.$g100

It's important that you specify the $fallback theme as a value from the scss/themes entrypoint. This will guarantee that all tokens that you are using from v11 will match the theme of the tokens that you are using from v10.

You can directly reference a token from the scss/compat/theme entrypoint. This entrypoint will also re-export all available v11 tokens and mixins from scss/theme.

@use '@carbon/styles/scss/compat/theme';

body {
  // You can use both v10 and v11 tokens
  background: theme.$background;
  color: theme.$text-01;

Note: all tokens from v10 are deprecated in v11. They will be removed in the next major release of Carbon


You will need to configure Sass to be able to lookup packages from your node_modules folder. To do this, use the includePaths option and set its value to an array of locations where Sass should look to find node_modules folders.

For most teams, this configuration will look like:

  "includePaths": ["node_modules"]

For bundler specific solutions, check out the sections below for your bundler of choice. If you can't find what you're looking for, please make an issue and we'll try to get instructions for it added!



Update your webpack.config.js that uses sass-loader with the following options passed into sassOptions:

  loader: 'sass-loader',
  options: {
    sassOptions: {
      includePaths: ['node_modules'],



Create a .sassrc file with the following configuration:

  "includePaths": ["node_modules"]



Create a vite.config.js file with the following configuration:

export default {
  css: {
    preprocessorOptions: {
      scss: {
        includePaths: ['node_modules'],