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182 lines (149 loc) · 5.59 KB


How can I disable the submit button when initially rendering the form with empty values?

Revalidation provides a computed valid property when passing in the revalidation prop. Even when the form itself contains no errors yet, valid has the actual validation result.

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, valid, errors = {}, validateAll}, onSubmit }) =>
    <div className='form'>
       {/* ...form fields */} 
        {...{disabled? !valid} }
        onClick={() => validateAll(onSubmit)}

How can I write predicate functions where the result depends on other form fields?

The predicate function receives two arguments, the actual input as well as an object containing all form field values.

const fieldsEqual = (a, all) => a === all.otherField

const rules = {
    [fieldsEqual, 'Not Equal'],

const state = {foo: 'foobar', otherField: 'foobar'}

How can I prevent empty optional fields from being validated?

Don't provide any validation rules for the optional field. Revalidation only runs the validation against defined validation rules for given input. If no validation rules are provided the field will always be valid by default.

How can I prevent Revalidation from validating all the fields as soon as I edit the first field?

Via the validateSingle option, set to to true (which is also the default setting).

const EnhancedForm = revalidation(Form)


How can I only validate updated form elements without validating any untouched elements?

Via the validateSingle option, set to to true (which is also the default setting).

const EnhancedForm = revalidation(Form)


How can I validate all fields at once?

Revalidation provides a validateAll function via the revalidation prop.

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, valid, errors = {}, validateAll}, onSubmit }) =>
    <div className='form'>
       {/* ...form fields */} 
      <button onClick={() => validateAll()}>

How can I define a callback as soon as a validation is successful?

Revalidation provides a validateAll function via the revalidation prop. validateAll accepts a callback function as well as any data as arguments. If the validation is successful Revalidation will call the callback with either the provided data or the current form values.

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, valid, errors = {}, validateAll}, onSubmit }) =>
    <div className='form'>
       {/* ...form fields */} 
        {...{disabled? !valid} }
        onClick={() => validateAll(onSubmit)}

How can I instantly validate the form as soon as props have been updated?

Via the validateOnChange option, set to to true (which is also the default setting). const EnhancedForm = revalidation(Form)

#### How can I trigger a success callback as soon as a field has been updated and is valid?
Not implemented. If there is a need for covering this issue, we would like to know why.

#### Can I define how the error is displayed for every field individually?
Define how the errors should look like inside the Form itself.
Once a validation has run at some point inside the form, the `error` object will contain an array with all error messages.

{name: [], random: ['something is missing', 'invalid data']}

Now you can do a manual error check per field basis and render the error message accordingly.

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, validate, errors = {}, validateAll}, onSubmit }) =>
    <div className='form'>
      <div className='formGroup'>
        {/* some field */}
        { isValid( ? null : <div>{, i) => <span className='error' key={i}>{msg}</span>)} }

How can I pass the current form values to a callback function even when the state is not valid?

Define a callback function and pass in the current form state provided via the revalidation form property.

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, validate, valid, errors = {}, validateAll}, ownCallback }) =>
    <div className='form'>
      <div className='formGroup'>
          onChange={e => ownCallback(form)}
        { }

Why do I have to manually tell Revalidation when it should update any values?

Revalidation doesn't know anything about the form structure or how it is designed. It only reacts to changes via passed in props or via validate and validateAll function calls. Revalidation only manages and validates the actual form state and provides the data to design your form accordingly.

const getValue = e =>

const Form = ({ revalidation : {form, validate, errors = {}, validateAll}, onSubmit }) =>
    <div className='form'>
      <div className='formGroup'>
          onChange={e => updateState('name',}
        { }

Can I use React Classes instead Functions as Form Components?

Yes, Revalidation also works with classes, there is no difference, although the use case is handling local state management and validation for stateless functional components.