You will find all of the core logic for Carver Framework in the server/src/contexts
Starts HTTP reservation server (@todo add HTTPS). When a user opens up Carver Framework client (frontend) a single HTTP request is made to this context.
A new reservation will be dispatched (via app/api/session context), if successful one of the socket servers is ready for connection. Server will respond with a unique id + uri (including socket) for to connect to.
Session context listens to new incoming connections and initializes both app/carverUser and app/api/publicState contexts.
All OUTGOING events from are generated in this context. This context is responsible for keeping displayed state in sync with the actual system state.
Events are streamed from app/carverUser context. Any time user context is updated (ex widget is added or widget is changed) publicState will be notified via dispatch. These events will be interperted and frontend state changes will be emitted via
This is an "In-Memory" context because the emitted events are not stored (since they are emitted to frontend).
All INCOMING events from are processed in this context. This context manages the state of the connected user and all user-related widgets/ contexts.
Events from widgets are streamed back to app/carverUser. Most of the frontend is composed of widgets which have access to ALL contexts in Carver Framework allowing for realtime interactions.