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File metadata and controls

199 lines (177 loc) · 14.3 KB


Table of Contents

Full Config

All the available configuration options are listed below. The configuration file should be in yaml format.

Parameter Description Is Required?
log Format type of logging. Available formats are text and json no (defaults to text)
debug Enable debug logging level no
providers List of configuration for queue sources yes Name of the queue source yes
providers.type Type of the queue source. Supported types are rabbitmq, kafka and activemq yes
providers.retry Amount of times to retry connecting to queue source no
providers.amqp-config Configuration for RabbitMQ yes (if type is rabbitmq) Host of the RabbitMQ server yes (if type is rabbitmq)
providers.amqp-config.port Port of the RabbitMQ server yes (if type is rabbitmq)
providers.amqp-config.username Username for the RabbitMQ server yes (if type is rabbitmq)
providers.amqp-config.password Password for the RabbitMQ server yes (if type is rabbitmq)
providers.kafka-config Configuration for Kafka yes (if type is kafka)
providers.kafka-config.brokers List of Kafka brokers yes (if type is kafka)
providers.kafka-config.topic Topic name for Kafka yes (if type is kafka) Group name for Kafka yes (if type is kafka)
providers.stomp-config Configuration for ActiveMQ yes (if type is activemq) Host of the ActiveMQ server yes (if type is activemq)
providers.stomp-config.port Port of the ActiveMQ server yes (if type is activemq)
providers.stomp-config.username Username for the ActiveMQ server yes (if type is activemq)
providers.stomp-config.password Password for the ActiveMQ server yes (if type is activemq)
databases List of configuration for databases no Name of the database yes (if database is used)
databases.type Type of the database. postgresql and mongodb is supported. yes (if database is used)
databases.connection-string Connection string used to connect to given database yes (if database is used)
databases.retry Amount of times to retry connecting to database no
queues List of configuration for queues yes Name of the queue yes
queues.provider Name of the queue source yes (should match a provider name )
queues.retry Retry mechanism for queue no
queues.retry.enabled Flag for enabling/disabling retry mechanism yes (if retry is enabled)
queues.retry.strategy Type of the retry mechanism. Supported types are fixed, expo, and random no (defaults to fixed)
queues.retry.max-retries Maximum amount of times that retrying will be triggered yes (if retry is enabled)
queues.retry.interval Amount of time between retries yes (if retry is enabled)
queues.retry.threshold-status Minimum HTTP status code to trigger retry mechanism, any status code above or equal this will trigger retrying no (defaults to 500)
queues.routes List of configuration for routes yes Name of the route yes
queues.routes.type Type of the route. no (defaults to REST)
queues.routes.method HTTP method for the route no (defaults to POST)
queues.routes.url URL for the route yes
queues.routes.headers List of headers for the route no
queues.routes.body List of key-values to customize body of the request no
queues.routes.query List of key-values to customize query params of the request no
queues.routes.timeout Timeout of the request no (defaults to 10s)
queues.routes.database-routes List of configuration for database routes no Name of the database route yes (if database route is used)
queues.routes.database-routes.provider Name of the database source used in databases yes (if database route is used)
queues.routes.database-routes.table Name of the table/collection that will be inserted yes (if database route is used)
queues.routes.database-routes.mapping Mapping of the keys in a message to columns/fields in a table/collection yes (if database route is used)
metrics Configuration for Prometheus metrics no
metrics.enabled Flag for enabling/disabling Prometheus metrics no (defaults to false)
metrics.port Port for Prometheus metrics no (defaults to 8080)
metrics.path Path for Prometheus metrics endpoint no (defaults to /metrics)
metrics.threshold-status Minimum HTTP status code to trigger Prometheus metrics, any status code above or equal this will trigger metrics no (defaults to 500)


The providers section specifies the external queue sources konsume will connect to, including details like system type, connection credentials, and configurations for messaging systems such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, and ActiveMQ. It is essential for establishing connections to diverse queue sources, enabling efficient message consumption across different platforms.
An example of providers section that uses all available queue sources is shown below:

  - name: rabbit-queue
    type: rabbitmq
    retry: 3
      host: localhost
      port: 5672
      username: guest
      password: guest
  - name: kafka-queue
    type: kafka
    retry: 3
        - localhost:9092
      topic: test
      group: test
  - name: active-queue
    type: activemq
    retry: 3
      host: localhost
      port: 61613
      username: admin
      password: admin


The databases section defines the database connections konsume will use to store messages.
An example of databases section is shown below:

  - name: "sql-database"
    type: "postgresql"
    connection-string: "postgres://postgres:password@host:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable"
    retry: 3


The queues section specifies the queue sources and their configurations, including retry mechanisms, routes, and database routes. It is essential for defining the queue sources and their respective routes for message consumption.

Under retry section, strategy can be set to fixed, expo, or random. fixed strategy will retry at fixed intervals, expo strategy will retry at exponentially increasing intervals, and random strategy will retry at random intervals.

An example of queues section is shown below:

  - name: "rabbit-queue"
    provider: "rabbit-queue"
      enabled: true
      strategy: "fixed"
      max-retries: 3
      interval: "5s"
      threshold-status: 500
      - name: "rest-route"
        type: "REST"
        method: "POST"
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
          - key: "Content-Type"
            value: "application/json"
          - key: "message"
            value: "Hello, World!"
          - key: "id"
            value: "123"
        timeout: "10s"
      - name: "database-route"
        type: "database"
          - name: "sql-database-route"
            provider: "sql-database"
            table: "some_table"
              name: "client_name"
              age: "client_age"

You can also use GraphQL as a route type. An example of routes section with GraphQL route is shown below:

  - name: 'test-route'
    method: 'POST'
    type: 'graphql'
      Content-Type: 'application/json'
      mutation: |
        mutation {
          addUser(name: {{name1}}, email: {{email1}}) {
    url: 'http://someurl:4000/graphql'


The metrics section specifies the configuration for Prometheus metrics, including enabling/disabling metrics, port, path, and threshold status for triggering metrics.

An example of metrics section is shown below:

  enabled: true
  port: 8080
  path: /metrics
  threshold-status: 500