If you want to edit a running game from play-clj within emacs, you're probably going to want to start an nrepl server. But if you make changes to :on-show
, they won't be run.
This small library makes it easy to start an nrepl server, and whenever you recompile, it'll reload your screen(s).
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
clojure [play-clj-nrepl "0.1.0" :exclusions [play-clj]]
start an nrepl server when your game starts up:
(defgame your-game
(ƒ [this]
(play-clj-nrepl.core/start-nrepl your-game 2000)
(set-screen! this main-screen)))
This will start an nrepl server on port 2000. If you attach to this nrepl and recompile, it will reload (that is, call :on-show
on) your screens automatically.
Here's a play-clj hello world game:
(ns test-hello.core
(:require [play-clj.core :refer :all]
[play-clj.ui :refer :all]
[play-clj-nrepl.core :as nr]))
(defscreen main-screen
(ƒ [screen entities]
(update! screen :renderer (stage))
(label "Hello World!" (color :white)))
(ƒ [screen entities]
(render! screen entities)))
(defgame your-game
(ƒ [this]
(nr/start-nrepl your-game 2000)
(set-screen! this main-screen)))
If you run this using lein run
, it'll start an nrepl on port 2000.
Then, you can attach to it using M-X cider
in emacs.
If you change (label "Hello World!" (color :white))
to say (label "Hello Red!" (color :red))
. Hit C-c C-k
and return to your game. You'll see your changes immediately.
Copyright © 2016 Bryce Covert
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.