v1.8.0 –– 04-13-2021
- updating all dependencies, refactoring app to use @braitsch/express and organizing server modules into model, utils and json directories.
v1.7.3 –– 06-24-2020
- updating npm dependencies & resolving vulnerabilities
v1.7.2 –– 11-18-2018
- auto-login & password-reset now validating against UUIDs and the user's last recorded IP address
v1.7.1 –– 11-18-2018
- updating mongodb calls to latest driver
- fix for #12
v1.7.0 –– 11-18-2018
- updated dependencies to latest versions
- bootstrap v4.1.3 & jquery v3.3.1
- style.css completely rewritten
- fix for #36
v1.6.0 –– 06-10-2018
- updated dependencies to latest versions
- updated mongodb connection scheme
- replaced jade templating engine with pug
v1.5.0 –– 04-21-2016
- redesigned login window
- improved error handling on password reset
- updating client side libraries:
- jQuery –– v2.2.3
- jQuery.form –– v3.51.0
- Twitter Bootstrap –– v3.3.6
v1.4.1 –– 02-27-2016
- calls to logout now route to /logout instead of /home
- accounts are now looked up by session.id instead of username
- reset-password modal window fixes
- updating emailjs to v1.0.4
- switching to environment variables for email settings
-- v1.4.0 –– 06-14-2015
- updating to Express v4.12.4
- adding connect-mongo for db session store
-- v1.3.2 –– 03-11-2013
- fixed bug on password reset
-- v1.3.1 –– 03-07-2013
- adding MIT license
-- v1.3.0 –– 01-10-2013
- updating to Express v3.0.6
-- v1.2.1 –– 01-03-2013
- moving vendor libs to /public/vendor
-- v1.2.0 –– 12-27-2012
- updating MongoDB driver to 1.2.7
- replacing bcrypt module with native crypto
-- v1.1.0 –– 08-12-2012
- adding /print & /reset methods
-- v1.0.0 –– 08-07-2012
- initial release