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Vulnerability Management Process

The Kata Containers vulnerability management policy is derived from the OpenStack Vulnerability Management Process and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

The Kata Containers Vulnerability Management Team (VMT) is responsible for coordinating the progressive disclosure of a vulnerability.

Members of the team are independent and security-minded folks who ensure that vulnerabilities are dealt with in a timely manner and that downstream stakeholders are notified in a coordinated and fair manner. Where a member of the team is employed by a downstream stakeholder, the member does not give their employer prior notice of any vulnerabilities. In order to reduce the risk of accidental disclosure of vulnerability in the early stages, membership of this team is intentionally limited to a small number of people.


To aid reading this document it helps to understand some key acronyms:

Acronym Description
CNA CVE Numbering Authority
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
KCSA Kata Containers Security Advisory
KCSN Kata Containers Security Note
PR A GitHub Pull Request
VMT The Kata Containers Vulnerability Management Team

Supported versions

The VMT coordinates patches fixing vulnerabilities in supported stable branches of Kata Containers, in addition to the master branch (next version under development).


Each security bug is assigned a VMT coordinator (a member from the VMT) that will drive the fixing and disclosure process. Here are the steps followed.

VMT process workflow


A report is received via the Kata Containers Launchpad. New reports should be created as a "Private Bug", thus initially restricting visibility to the VMT members and the reporter.

The first steps performed by the VMT are:

  • Confirm the validity of the report.
  • Prefix the description with an embargo reminder.
  • Create and fill out a Kata Containers Security Advisory (KCSA) document, and attach it to the report.
  • If the KCSA or report are Incomplete, add an incomplete reception message in a comment.
  • Once the VMT confirms a KCSA is warranted, the KCSA Issue status will be set to Confirmed.
  • If the need for a KCSA is challenged, the KCSA Issue status should be set back to Incomplete until that question is resolved.

For some lower-risk issues or problems which may only be easy to solve in future releases, the KCSA Issue will be set to Opinion and the core security reviewers for Kata Containers will be subscribed to determine whether they wish to issue a Kata Containers Security Note (KCSN) (these reports may still sometimes remain under embargo until the KCSN is issued). If no KCSA is warranted and there is no benefit to a KCSN then the KCSA Issue will be set to Won't Fix or Invalid (depending on the specific situation) and the bug state switched from Private Security to Public, optionally adding the security bug tag if the report concerns a potential security hardening opportunity.

If a Kata Containers Security Note (KCSN) is warranted, one should be written and posted to the Kata Containers Security Note document.

The specifics are indexed in the report taxonomy and task status tables.

Patch development

For a private report, the reporter and the affected project's core security review teams, plus anyone they deem necessary to develop and validate a fix, are added to the Launchpad bug subscription list. A fix is proposed as a patch to the current master branch (as well as any affected supported branches) and attached to the Launchpad bug, not sent to the public code review system.

For public reports, there is no need to directly subscribe anyone and patches can be submitted directly to the code review system instead as Pull Requests (PR).

If project-side delays are encountered at this or any subsequent stage of the process, the VMT and other interested parties may reach out to all or any of the following Open Infrastructure Foundation members:

  • @ttx
  • @fungi

Patch review

For a private report, once the initial patch has been attached to the bug, core reviewers on the subscription list from the project in question should review it and suggest updates or pre-approve it for merging. Privately-developed patches need to be pre-approved so that they can be fast-tracked through public code review later at disclosure time.

For public reports, Kata Containers usual public code review and approval processes apply.

Draft impact description

In the mean time, the VMT coordinator prepares a vulnerability description that will be communicated to downstream stakeholders, and will serve as the basis for the Security Advisory (KCSA) that will be finally published.

The description should properly credit the reporter, specify affected versions (including unsupported ones) and accurately describe impact and mitigation mechanisms. The VMT coordinator should use the Downstream stakeholder notification template. Once the description is posted, the KCSA Issue status should be switched to Triaged.

Review impact description

The description is validated by the reporter and the Architecture Committee.

Send CVE request

To ensure full traceability, obtaining a CVE assignment is attempted before the issue is communicated to a larger public. This is generally done as the patch gets nearer to final approval.

The KCSA Issue status is set to In progress and the approved impact description is submitted through MITRE's CVE Request form. The request type is Request a CVE ID, the e-mail address should be that of the requester (generally the assigned VMT coordinator in the case of reports officially managed by the VMT), and for embargoed reports the coordinator's OpenPGP key should be pasted into the field provided.

In the required section set the checkboxes indicating the product is not CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) covered and that no prior CVE ID has been assigned, select an appropriate vulnerability type (using Other or Unknown to enter a freeform type if there is nothing relevant on the drop-down), set the vendor to Kata Containers, and the product and version fields to match the $COMPONENTS and $AFFECTED_VERSIONS from the impact description. In the optional section set the radio button for confirmed/acknowledged to Yes, choose an appropriate attack type in the drop-down (often this is Context-dependent for our cases), check the relevant impact checkboxes, attempt to fill in the affected components and attack vector fields if possible, paste in the suggested description from the prose of the impact description (usually omitting the first sentence as it's redundant with other fields), put the $CREDIT details in the discoverer/credits field, and the Issue URL (along with the public Issue and PR URLs for patches if already public) in the references field. If the report is still private, note that in the additional information field like This report is currently under embargo and no disclosure date has been scheduled at this time.

At the bottom of the page, fill in the security code and click the submit request button. If some fields contain invalid data they will be highlighted red; correct these, update the security code and submit request again until you get a confirmation page.

Get assigned CVE

MITRE returns the assigned CVE. It is added to the Launchpad bug in the comment field, and the Issue is retitled to "$TITLE ($CVE)".

Embargoed disclosure

Once the patches are approved and the CVE is assigned, a signed email with the vulnerability description is sent to the downstream stakeholders. The disclosure date is set to 3-5 business days, excluding Monday/Friday and holiday periods, at 0000 UTC. No stakeholder is supposed to deploy public patches before disclosure date.

Once the email is sent, the KCSA Issue status should be set to Fix committed. At that point we can also add downstream stakeholders to the Launchpad bug, if they have an appropriate Launchpad account.

For non-embargoed, public vulnerabilities no separate downstream advance notification is sent. Instead, the KCSA Issue is set to Fix committed status once the CVE assignment is received and KCSA drafting begins immediately.

Open bug, Push patch

In preparation for this, make sure you have a core developer and a stable maintainer available to help pushing the fix at disclosure time.

On the disclosure hour, open bug, push patches to GitHub PR for review on master and supported stable branches, fast-track approvals (referencing the bug).

Embargo reminder can be removed at that point.

MITRE's CVE Request form should be used again at this point, but instead select a request type of Notify CVE about a publication and fill in the coordinator's e-mail address, provide a link to the advisory (Use the links from the Kata Containers Security Advisories page if this is a formal KCSA), the CVE IDs covered, and the date published. Once more, fill in the security code at the bottom of the page and submit request.

Publish KCSA

Shortly after pushing the patches (potentially waiting for the first test runs to complete), publish the advisory to the Kata Containers development mailing list and slack channels, and add the issue to the list of KCSA's. Wait until all patches are merged to supported branches before setting the KCSA Issue status to Fix released.

All patches merged

Patches approved in code review do not necessarily merge immediately, but should be tracked closely until they do. Subsequent security point releases of affected software may then be tagged if warranted.

Incident Report Taxonomy

The VMT is now using this classification list in order to assist vulnerability report triage, especially whenever a bug does not warrant an advisory.

Classes Outcome Description
Class A KCSA A vulnerability to be fixed in master and all supported releases
Class B1 KCSN A vulnerability that can only be fixed in master, security note for stable branches, e.g., default config value is insecure
Class B2 KCSN A vulnerability without a complete fix yet, security note for all versions, e.g., poor architecture / design
Class B3 KCSN A vulnerability in experimental or debugging features not intended for production use
Class C1 Potential Not considered a practical vulnerability
Class C2 Potential A vulnerability, but not in Kata Containers supported code, e.g., in a dependency
Class D Potential Not a vulnerability, just a bug with (some) security implications, e.g., strengthening opportunities
Class E Neither a vulnerability nor hardening opportunity
Class Y Vulnerability only found in development release
Class Z When due process fails

KCSA Task status

Here is a summary of the different KCSA task status meanings. These statuses are set in the Launchpad bug or GitHub Issues using Labels:

Status Meaning
Incomplete It is still unclear whenever the bug warrants an advisory
Confirmed The vulnerability is confirmed, impact description is in progress
Triaged Impact description has been submitted for review
In Progress CVE has been requested
Fix committed Pre-KCSA has been communicated
Fix released All patches have been merged
Opinion Issue is likely a Class B/C/D, waiting for KCSN
Won't Fix Doesn't fit with the project plans, sorry
Invalid Class E and Z, not a bug or vulnerability. No further action to be taken

Extent of Disclosure

The science of vulnerability management is somewhere around being able to assess impact and severity of a report, being able to design security patches, being an obsessive process-following perfectionist and respecting the rule of lesser disclosure.

Lesser disclosure is about disclosing the vulnerability details to an increasing number of people over time, but only to the people that are necessary to reach the next step. The diagram above shows "disclosure extent" across the various steps of the process.

Vulnerability reporters retain final control over the disclosure of their findings. If for some reason they are uncomfortable with our process, their choice of disclosure terms prevails.

Embargo exceptions

To keep the embargo period short and effective, the VMT may choose to open GitHub Issues. Issues that take too much time to be fixed (e.g., more than 2 weeks) or Issues that require a complex patch are usually better solved in the open.

Whenever such a case occurs, the Kata Containers Architecture Committee is subscribed to the Launchpad bug in order to discuss whether or not it's imperative to keep that particular bug private.

The same process is followed if an embargoed issue is, accidentally or not, leaked to the public. In all likelihood that Issue will then be moved to the Public state.

Downstream stakeholders

Kata Containers as an upstream project is used in a number of distributions, products, private and public service offerings that are negatively affected by vulnerabilities. In the spirit of responsible disclosure, this ecosystem, collectively known as the downstream stakeholders, needs to be warned in advance to be able to prepare patches and roll them out in a coordinated fashion on disclosure day. The embargo period is kept voluntarily small (3-5 business days), as a middle ground between keeping the vulnerability under cover for too long and not giving a chance to downstream stakeholders to react.

If you are currently not a referenced stakeholder and think you should definitely be included on that email distribution list, please submit a Launchpad bug with a rationale for your addition.


A number of templates are provided for, and recommended for use in, the workflow for processing vulnerabilities. Those templates are referenced below.

Reception incomplete message (unconfirmed issues)
Reception embargo reminder (private issues)
Impact description ($DESCRIPTION)
CVE request email (private issues)
CVE request email (public issues)
Downstream stakeholders notification email (private issues)
Kata Containers security advisories (KCSA)
Kata Containers security notes (KCSN)