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File metadata and controls

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Part 3 Simplified Technical Specifications

Table of Content

This part of the whitepaper is the most detailed so it is subject to frequent changes. It should be highlighted here and widely understood that the content in the part will be continuously updated, much more frequently than the other parts, with either new sections added or existing sections revised.

14 Ecosystem Players

There are several player roles for the whole Greenfield ecosystem.

Figure 14.1: All Players of Greenfield

14.1 Greenfield Validators

As a PoS blockchain, the Greenfield blockchain has its own validators. These validators are elected based on the Proof-of-Stake logic.

These validators are responsible for the security of the Greenfield blockchain. They get involved in the governance and staking of the blockchain. They form a P2P network that is similar to other PoS blockchain networks.

Meanwhile, they accept and process transactions to allow users to operate their objects stored on Greenfield. They maintain the metadata of Greenfield as the blockchain state, which is the control panel for both Storage Providers (SPs) and users. These two parties use and update these states to operate the object storage.

Greenfield validators also have the obligation to run the relayer system for cross-chain communication with BSC.

The network topology of Greenfield validators is similar to the existing secure validator setup of PoS blockchains. "Sentry Nodes" are used to defend against DDoS and provide a secure private network, as shown in the below diagram.

Figure 14.2: Greenfield Blockchain Network

14.2 Storage Providers (SPs)

Storage Providers are professional individuals and organizations who run a series of services to provide data services based on the Greenfield blockchain.

Each SP should have a good connection with the Greenfield network by maintaining its own local full node so that it can watch the state change directly, index data properly, and send transaction requests timely.

Different SPs are interconnected as well via both REST APIs and a P2P network while providing services to users by responding to their requests in REST APIs or P2P RPCs.

The typical network topology of connected SPs is as the below figure.

Figure 14.3: Greenfield Storage Provider Network

SPs may provide plenty of convenient services for users and dApps to get data about Greenfield.

14.3 Greenfield dApps

Greenfield dApps are applications that provide functions based on Greenfield storage and its related economic traits to solve some problems of their users.

These dApps may interact with Greenfield or interact with both the Greenfield blockchain and the SPs, or most commonly, interact with Greenfield blockchain, SPs, and BSC.

The dApps can read data from all these data sources to facilitate users' interaction with the smart contracts and navigate them through the different kinds of use case scenarios.

In Greenfield, similar to other decentralized environments, dApps don't need to ask for registration but communicate with users' wallets to get users' instructions and other information.

15 User Identifier

Each user has their own address as the identifier for his/her account. The addresses can create objects to store on Greenfield, bear and manage the permissions, and pay fees.

Greenfield defines its account in the same format as BSC and Ethereum. It starts with ECDSA secp256k1 curve for keys and is compliant with EIP84 for full BIP44 paths. The root HD path for Greenfield-based accounts is m/44'/60'/0'/0. In the readable presentation, a Greenfield address is a 42-character hexadecimal string derived from the last 20 bytes of the public key of the controlling account with 0x as the prefix.

With this compatible address scheme, the users can reuse existing accounts and infrastructure from BSC on Greenfield. For example, they can use TrustWallet and Metamask (or other compatible wallets) to deposit their BNB from BSC to Greenfield and interact with dApps on Greenfield. It is also easy to identify the same owner by referring to the same addresses on both BSC and Greenfield.

Greenfield blockchain is an application-specific chain without EVM, the transaction data structure and API are different from BSC. Greenfield will not support full functions in existing wallets, e.g. Transfer, Send Transactions, etc. But it will enable the existing wallets to sign transactions with the EIP712 standard. This standard allows wallets to display data in signing prompts in a structured and readable format. This is an example of how to use it in Metamask. Eventually, wallets will start supporting Greenfield directly.

15.1 User Balance

The user identifier is mapped to an account in the ledger of Greenfield. The account can hold a balance of BNB. These BNBs can be used to participate in staking, pay for gas fees of Greenfield transactions, and pay for Greenfield services.

This balance can be added via native BNB transfer on Greenfield, or cross-chain transfer between Greenfield and BSC.

16 Greenfield Blockchain

As an independent blockchain, Greenfield blockchain is built on Cosmos SDK and the Tendermint library. It runs in a similar fashion as other PoS blockchains that are based on the same framework.

16.1 Token Economics

BNB remains the main utility token on Greenfield.

BNB can be transferred from BSC to Greenfield blockchain, and vice versa. It will be used to:

  1. self-delegate and delegate as stake, which can earn gas rewards and may suffer slash for improper behaviors.

  2. pay the gas to submit transactions on the Greenfield blockchain, which includes Greenfield local transactions or cross-chain transactions between Greenfield and BSC. This is charged at the time of transaction submission and dispatched to Greenfield validators, and potentially Greenfield Storage Providers for some transactions.

  3. pay fees for the object storage and download bandwidth data package. This is charged as time goes and dispatched to Greenfield Storage Providers.

16.2 Consensus and Validator Election

As Proof-of-Stake is adopted in Greenfield, there will be a founding validator set in the genesis state. These validators deposit their BNBs on a BSC smart contract, which would be locked as their stakes. The new validator can be voted by the majority of the current validators to join in and gets elected as the active validator based on its delegation size. Here are the steps for becoming a new validator:

  1. Self-delegator grants delegate authorization to the gov module account. Delegate authorization allows the grantee to execute MsgDelegate for the granter.

  2. Initiate a proposal to become a validator.

  3. Wait for the current validators to vote on this proposal.

  4. Once the proposal has passed, the new validator will be created automatically.

A validator may not always be a member of the active validator set, which will propose and produce blocks. Only the ones elected by the rank of delegation size will be the active validators. The election happens every block. The maximum number of active validators is fixed and governed by the existing validators.

It should be highlighted that the Greenfield validators are separated from the Greenfield Storage Providers. The Greenfield validators are responsible for generating Greenfield blocks, maintaining the Greenfield blockchain security, challenging the data availability, and maintaining cross-chain communication; while the Storage Providers are responsible for storing the data objects and responding to downloading requests. There is no strong binding relationship between them, although the same organization can play two roles at the same time.

16.3 Governance Transactions

16.3.1 Create and Edit Validator

To become a validator, the runner must grant the delegate authorization to the gov module account with enough BNB, and then a proposal should be submitted to get votes from the existing validators. After the proposal is passed, the self-delegation would be done by the gov module, and the validator would be created automatically. The self delegation is required, and open delegation from other delegators will also be supported later.

The validator creation logic should be changed later to reduce the concern of Cartels.

Message MsgCreateValidator:

type MsgCreateValidator struct {
    Description       Description
    Commission        CommissionRates
    MinSelfDelegation github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Int
    DelegatorAddress  string
    ValidatorAddress  string
    Pubkey            *types.Any
    Value             types.Coin
    From              string
    RelayerAddress    string
    RelayerBlsKey     string

A validator can edit its description and commission by submitting an "Edit Validator" transaction. The CommissionRate will be verified as a proper number.

Message MsgEditValidator:

type MsgEditValidator struct {
    Description       Description
    ValidatorAddress  string
    CommissionRate    *github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Dec
    MinSelfDelegation *github_com_cosmos_cosmos_sdk_types.Int
    RelayerAddress    string
    RelayerBlsKey     string

16.3.2 Staking Reward Distribution

Validators will receive transaction fees as the staking reward. The rewards will be distributed passively. This is different from BNB Beacon Chain, where the system will distribute the rewards automatically. Validators can submit withdrawal requests to get all the up-to-date transaction rewards, and when validators change commission rates or quit, all the transaction rewards that are not withdrawn will also be distributed.

16.3.3 Create Storage Provider

To become a storage provider, the runner should submit a proposal, and the current active validators can vote on this proposal. Once the proposal is passed, the new storage provider will be created automatically.

Greenfield separates the roles of validator and storage providers. Although it is natural for the validators to maintain a meaningful and healthy number of storage providers, there should still be incentives for the validators to manage a reasonable number of SPs. Validators will get more data challenge rewards if there are more storage providers. The payment flow that is used for data challenge rewards would be like this:

$$ data challenge reserves = (1 - \frac{1}{SP Number + 1}) * Maximum Percent $$

Data availability challenge will be covered in the later section.

16.3.4 Storage Provider Exit

Storage providers can freely decide to exit, but SPs must complete a graceful exit to ensure no users are affected, otherwise, part of staked BNB from the SP will be slashed. Below are the key workflows about how SP exit:

  • The Storage Provider (SP1), initiates the exit process by submitting a StorageProviderExit transaction to the blockchain.
  • The SP1 or its successor SP must then repeatedly call SwapOut to remove itself from all Virtual Groups.
  • For the primary SP, the swap-out process occurs at the family level to ensure there are no conflicts with other SPs within the Virtual Group.
  • For secondary SPs, the swap-out happens at the Virtual Group level and must also avoid conflicts with the primary SP.
  • Once the SP1 has successfully completed the swap-out process from all Virtual Groups, it can submit a CompleteStorageProviderExit transaction to retrieve the staked BNB.

17 Storage MetaData Models

The basic data models for Greenfield storage are:

  • bucket

  • object

  • group

  • permission

These metadata are stored as blockchain state into the persistent storage of the Greenfield blockchain.

17.1 Bucket

Bucket is the unit to group storage "objects". BucketName has to be globally unique. Every user account can create a bucket. The account will become the "owner" of the bucket.

Each bucket should be associated with its own Primary SP, and the payment accounts for Read and Store. The owner's address will be the default payment account.

17.2 Object

Object is the basic unit to store data on Greenfield. The metadata for the object will be stored on the Greenfield blockchain:

  • name and ID

  • owner

  • bucket that hosts it

  • size and timestamps

  • content type

  • checkSums for the storage pieces

  • storage status

  • associated SP information

Object metadata is stored with the bucket name as the prefix of the key. It is possible to iterate through all objects under the same bucket, but it may be a heavy-lifting job for a large bucket with lots of objects.

17.3 Group

A Group is a collection of accounts with the same permissions. The group name is not allowed to be duplicated under the same user. However, a group can not create or own any resource. A group can not be a member of another group either.

A resource can only have a limited number of groups associated with it for permissions. This ensures that the on-chain permission check can be finished within a constant time.

17.4 Permission

Bucket, object, group are all resources (payment account is another type of resource but is covered in the payment section later). Each resource has a unique ID and the Permission Module uses these IDs to control how the resources can be accessed.

17.4.1 Ownership

The resources owner refers to the account that creates the resource. By default, only the resource owner has permission to access its resources.

  • The resource creator owns the resource.

  • Each resource only has one owner and the ownership cannot be transferred once the resource is created.

  • There are features that allow an address to "approve" another address to create and upload objects to be owned by the approver's address, as long as it is within limits.

  • The owner or payment account of the owner pays for the resource.

17.4.2 Permission Definitions

  • Ownership Permission: By default, the owner has all permissions to the resource.

  • Public or Private Permission: By default, the resource is private, only the owner can access the resource. If a resource is public, anyone can access it.

  • Shared Permission: These permissions are managed by the permission module. It usually manages who has permission for which resources.

There are two types of permissions: Single User Permission and Group User Permission, which are stored in different formats in the blockchain state.

Single User Permission
  • Bucket: 0x10 | ResouceID(Bucket) | Address(Grantee) ➝ Protobuf(PermissionInfo)
  • Object: 0x11 | ResouceID(Object) | Address(Grantee) ➝ Protobuf(PermissionInfo)
  • Group: 0x12 | ResouceID(Group) | Address(Grantee) ➝ Protobuf(PermissionInfo)
type permissionInfo struct {
  ActionList     []Action  // [GetObject,PutObject...]
  resourceList   []string  // optional,For prefix resource.
  Allow          Effect    // optional, For some scenarios where some permissions need to be prohibited
Group User Permission
  • Bucket: 0x20 | ResouceID(Bucket) ➝ Protobuf(GroupPermissionInfo)
  • Object: 0x21 | ResouceID(Object) ➝ Protobuf(GroupPermissionInfo)
  • Group: 0x22 | ResouceID(Group) ➝ Protobuf(GroupPermissionInfo)
type GroupPermissionInfo map[uint32]permissionInfo // groupID ➝ permissionInfo mapping, mapsize limit to 20?

17.4.3 Permission Removal

Users can actively remove one or more permissions. However, when a resource is deleted, its associated permissions should also be deleted, perhaps not by the user taking the initiative to delete it, but by other clean-up mechanisms. Because if too many accounts have permission to the deleting object, it takes too much time to process within one transaction handling.

17.4.4 Examples

Typical permissions for the resources are listed below.

Permission Type Bucket Object Group
Write ✅ Allow PutObject ✅ Allow AddMember
Read ✅ Allow ListObject ✅ Allow GetObject ✅ Allow ListMember As a member of this group
Full Control ✅ Allow Put/ListObject, Allow DeleteBucket ✅ Allow GetObject, Allow DeleteObject ✅ Allow DeleteMember, Allow ListMember
Execute ✅ Allow Execute

Let's say Greenfield has two accounts, Bob(0x1110) and Alice(0x1111). A basic example scenario would be:

  • Bob uploaded a picture named avatar.jpg into a bucket named "profile";

  • Bob grants the GetObject action permission for the object avatar.jpg to Alice, it will store a key 0x11 | ResourceID(profile_avatar.jpg) | Address(Alice) into a permission state tree.

  • when Alice wants to read the avatar.jpg, the SP should check the Greenfield blockchain that whether the key Prefix(ObjectPermission) | ResourceID(profile_avatar.jpg) | Address(Alice) existed in the permission state tree, and whether the action list contains GetObject.

Let's move on to more complex scenarios:

  • Bob created a bucket named "profile"

  • Bob grants the PutObject action permission for the bucket "profile" to Alice, the key 0x10 | ResourceID(profile) | Address(Alice) will be put into the permission state tree.

  • When Alice wants to upload an object named avatar.jpg into the bucket profile, it creates a PutObject transaction and will be executed on the chain.

  • The Greenfield blockchain needs to confirm that Alice has permission to operate, so it checks whether the key 0x10 | ResourceID(profile) | Address(Alice) existed in the permission state tree and got the permission information if it existed.

  • If the permission info shows that Alice has the PutObject action permission of the bucket profile, then she can do PutObject operation.

Another more complex scenario that contains groups:

  • Bob creates a group named "Games", and creates a bucket named "profile".

  • Bob adds Alice to the Games group, the key 0x12 | ResourceID(Games) | Address(Alice) will be put into the permission state tree

  • Bob put a picture avatar.jpg to the bucket profile and grants the CopyObject action permission to the group Games

  • When Alice wants to copy the object avatar.jpg . First, Greenfield blockchain checks whether she has permission via the key 0x11 | ResourceID(avatar.jpg) | Address(Alice); if it is a miss, Greenfield will iterate all groups that the object avatar.jpg associates and check whether Alice is a member of one of these groups by checking, e.g. if the key 0x21 | ResourceID(group, e.g. Games) existed, then iterate the permissionInfo map, and determine if Alice is in a group which has the permission to do CopyObject operation via the key 0x12| ResourceID(Games) | Address(Alice)

18 Payload Storage Management

Although the metadata will be stored on the Greenfield blockchain, the content data to be stored on Greenfield is here called "payload" and they are stored off-chain, on the Storage Providers.

The unit of such storage is "Object", and each object is split and stored in an integral and redundant way to ensure the availability.

18.1 Segments

Segment is the basic storage structure of an object. An object payload is composed of one or many segments in sequence. The default segment size is 16MB. If the object's size is less than 16MB, it has only one segment and the segment size is the same as the object's size. For larger objects, the payload data will be broken into segments.

Please note the payload data of an object will be split into the same size segment but the last segment, which is the actual size. For example, if one object has a size 50MB, only the size of the last segment is 2 MB and the other segments' sizes are all 16MB.

Figure 18.1 Object Segmentation

18.2 Erasure Code and Data Redundancy

18.2.1 Data Redundancy Design

Although each SP may provide a more stable service and won't go offline as enough BNB are staking to be one SP, Greenfield still establish its own redundancy strategy to get rid of the dependency on a single SP and support the data availability in a decentralized way. Here below is the basic design idea.

First, all segments of each object are stored in primary SP as "pieces", which can be regarded as one replica of the object. Users may download this data directly from the primary SP as it is supposed to provide the full data in a low latency way.

Second, Erasure Code (EC) is introduced to get efficient data redundancy. Segment is the boundary to perform erasure encoding. By erasure encoding one segment at a time, it allows streaming the processing of the object upload without waiting for the whole object payload to finish. The default EC strategy is 4+2, 4 data chunks, and 2 parity chunks for one segment. The data chunk size is ¼ of the segment. As one typical segment is 16M, one typical data chunk of EC is 4M. Specialized customization on EC parameters for each user may be provided via special transactions.

All EC chunks of each object are stored in some secondary SPs as pieces, which can be regarded as more than one EC replica of the object. If one or more segments of the object are lost from the primary SP, any 4 chunks from 6 SPs can recover the segments.

All these segments and SPs information are stored on the Greenfield blockchain as the metadata of the object. The same object's each segment's EC replicas are stored in the same sequence of secondary SPs. This convention is to save the metadata size. An example of a 50M object stored with one primary SP, SP0, and 6 secondary SPs, SP1-SP6 is shown in the below diagram.

Figure 18.2 EC for Segments in Different Secondary SPs

18.2.2 Erasure Code

The EC module is defined as the following structure.

type Erasure struct {
    encoder func () Encoder
    dataBlocks, parityBlocks int
    chunkSize                int64

The encoder indicated the EC algorithm function type. The dataBlocks and parityBlock are the main parameters of the EC algorithm. The chunkSize indicated the size of each shard after encodes. Considering the application scenario of Greenfield, the dataBlocks is set to 4; parityBlocks is 2; and the chunkSize is configured to 16MB which is corresponding to the piece size. Reed-Solomon is used as the EC algorithm. The EC module has an Encode function to split data and encode it into 6 blocks (4 data blocks and 2 parity blocks) and a Decode function to reconstruct data from blocks.

The EC module has two additional functions:

  1. Automatic padding. If the size of the last block is not divisible by 4, the EC encoding module will add some padding data into the segment which is no more than 3 bytes;

  2. Parallel processing based on shard size for the optimal speed. Encoding

Here is a detailed EC encoding setup.

Figure 18.3 EC Encoding

As the example shown in the figure above, the 50M payload of the object will be split into segments(16M each) and each segment will be encoded by the Encode function of the EC module. All the segments can be processed concurrently. Each segment is encoded into 4 data blocks (indicated by an orange rectangle)and 2 parity blocks (indicated in the green rectangle).

If the size of the last segment is less than 16MB, it will be encoded as an independent part. But if it is smaller than 500k, it will be considered to be merged with the previous segment.

If the size of the last block is not divisible by 4, it will be added by 1-3 bytes by the automatic padding function of the EC module. After all the segments have been encoded, we have got 16 pieces which are 16M, and 6 pieces which are 0.5M.

Both the users' client software and the primary SP are responsible for encoding the EC. Client software may not upload the EC parity but only the checksum for the primary SP to verify.

From the primary SP to the secondary SPs, each EC chunk is treated as a piece object and a data stream is maintained for each secondary SP for parallel processing. Pieces will be stored in a data structure as "piece store" on different SPs. As a reference implementation, the key of the piece object is objId_s+segIndex_ spIndex+ ECIndex for each segment. The spIndex can indicate which secondary will be forwarded to. The ECIndex is the index of EC chucks, with which 0-3 are data blocks and 4-5 are parity blocks. For example, the piece called obj0Id_s1_sp1 is the 2nd segment of the object and will be forwarded to SP1. Decoding: Data Recovery

When the primary SP loses some segment, it or other SPs can recover the data via the EC chunks. As designed, the ECIndex with values 0-3 are data blocks while 4-5 are parity blocks. There are two processing cases to reconstruct the object payload:

  1. All data blocks are fully stored in secondary SPs. The recovery initiator can just read the pieces which are data blocks sequentially and stitch them together;

  2. Some data blocks have been lost by secondary SPs. The recovery initiator needs to read all the data blocks and parity blocks and use the Decode function of the EC module to recover the content of all the segments.

19 Data Availability Challenge

It is always the first priority of any decentralized storage network to guarantee data integrity and availability. Many of the existing solutions rely on intensive computing to generate proofs. However, Greenfield chooses the path of social monitoring and challenges.

The holistic target for Greenfield is to ensure that the storage provider(SP) stores the data as expected are as below:

a. The primary SP splits the original object that the user uploads into segments correctly.

b. The primary SP encodes the segments into redundant Erasing Code pieces correctly, and distributes them to the secondary SP as agreed.

c. The SP stores assigned pieces either as the role of primary SP or secondary SP correctly, and the data pieces stored should not be corrupted or falsified.

A user needs to ensure that the object stored on Greenfield is really his object without downloading the whole object and comparing the contents. And also, each SP should store the correct piece for each object as required, and this information should be verified on the Greenfield blockchain. A special metadata structure is introduced for every object for data challenges as below:

type ObjectInfo struct {
    root         Hash  // primary SP object root, the hash of segments' hashes
    subRootList []hash //secondary SP object root, the hash of local pieces' hashes

Each storage provider will keep a local manifest for the pieces of each object that are stored on it. For the primary SP, the local manifest records each segment's hashes. The "root" field of the object's metadata in the above code stores the hash of the whole local manifest of the primary SP, e.g., it is the "PiecesRootHash(SP0)" in the below diagram. For the secondary SPs, the local manifest records each piece's hashes, and the hash of their local manifest files are recorded in the subRooList field in order, e.g. the 4th element of this list will store the 4th secondary SP's "PiecesRootHash(SP4)" in the below diagram.

Figure 19.1 Hashes for Data Integrity

These root hashes serve as the checksum for the data segments and redundancy pieces.

19.1 The Initial Data Integrity and Redundancy Metadata

The user-side client software will perform some work:

  1. Split the object file into segments if necessary;

  2. Compute the root hash across all the segments;

  3. Compute the EC and calculate the hashes for the parity pieces;

  4. Send transactions to the Greenfield blockchain to request creating the object with the above information.

Besides sending the information to the Greenfield blockchain, the client software also sends the same to the primary SP and uploads the payload data onto it. To store the original segments of the object, the primary SP must first verify the root hash to ensure the integrity of the data. The SP also has to compute the EC pieces by itself and verify the hash. All the hashes will be recorded on a manifest file stored locally with the SP, and the root hash of the file will be submitted to the Greenfield blockchain in the "Seal" transaction. Greenfield blockchain will verify the hashes in the Seal transaction against the object creation request transaction to ensure data integrity as they are the agreed value across Primary SPs and the users.

These hashes and the corresponding manifest files will be used to verify the data in the data availability challenge as described below.

19.2 Data Availability Challenge Process

Figure 19.2 Data Availability Challenge

This data availability challenge is illustrated in figure 19.2 above.

The Greenfield validators have the responsibility to verify the data availability from the SPs. They form a voting committee to execute this task by the incentive of fees and potential fines (slashes) on SPs.

A multi-signing logic, e.g., BLS-based multi-sig, is used to reach another level of off-chain consensus among the Greenfield validators. When the validator votes for the data challenge, they co-sign an attestation and submit on-chain.

The overall data availability challenge mechanism works as below:

  1. Anyone can submit a transaction to challenge data availability. The challenge information will be written into the on-chain event triggered after the transaction is processed.

  2. The second way to trigger the challenge is more common: at the end of the block process phase of each block, Greenfield will use a random algorithm to generate some data availability challenge events. All challenge information will be persisted on the chain until the challenge has been confirmed or expired.

  3. Each validator should run an off-chain data availability check module. This program keeps tracking the on-chain challenge information and then initiates an off-chain data availability check. It checks whether a data piece is available in the specified SP in response to the challenge event, no matter whether the event is triggered by the individual challenger or the Greenfield chain itself. There are three steps to perform the check:

    a. Ask the challenged SP for this data piece and the local manifest of the object. If the expected data can't be downloaded, the piece should be regarded as unavailable.

    b. Compute the hash of the local manifest, and compare it with the related root hash that is recorded in the metadata of the object. If they are different, the piece should be regarded as unavailable.

    c. Compute the checksum hash of the challenged piece, and compare it with the related checksum that is recorded in the local manifest. If they are different, the piece should be regarded as unavailable.

    Any of the above "unavailable" cases will mark the challenge success that the data is unavailable, and the validator will vote "unavailable".

  4. The validator uses its BLS private key to sign a data challenge vote according to the result. The data to vote should be the same for all validators to sign: it should include the block header of the block that contains the challenge, data challenge information, and the challenge result.

  5. The data availability challenge votes are propagated through the p2p network.

  6. Once a validator collects an agreement from more than 2/3 validators, an "attestment" is concluded. The validator can aggregate the signatures, assemble data challenge attestation, and submit an attestation transaction. In order to solve the concern that validators may just follow the others' results and not perform the check themselves, a "commit-and-reveal" logic will be introduced.

  7. The data challenge attestation transaction will be executed on-chain. The first validator who submits the attestation can get a submission reward, while the later submission will be rejected. The more votes the submitter aggregates, the more reward it can get. Besides the submission rewards, there are attestment rewards too. Only the validators whose votes wrapped into the attestation will be rewarded, so it may be that some validators voted, but their votes were not assembled by the validator. They won't get rewarded for these data availability challenges. Also, for different results, the rewards will be different: the "unavailable" result that slashes the SPs will get validators more rewards.

  8. After a number of blocks, for example, 100 blocks, the data availability challenge will expire even if the submissions of attestments haven't arrived. In such a case, the challenge will just expire with no further actions.

  9. Once a case of data availability is successfully challenged, i.e. the data is confirmed not available with quality service, there will be a cooling-off period for the SPs to regain, recover, or shift this piece of data.

  10. Once the cooling-off period time expires, this data availability can be challenged again if this piece of data is still unavailable, the SP would be slashed again.

20 Storage Transactions

The Greenfield blockchain supports a series of transactions to create, update, and delete the Greenfield resources.

The bucket and object creation transactions have to interact with the SPs to ensure they are ready, while group and permission-related operations do not require that.

The users should always create a bucket before they can store any objects.

Greenfield bucket name follows the same naming specification as AWS S3 bucket name. It must be globally unique.

The CreateBucket transaction must have the below information:

  • sender, which can be derived from the transaction signer

  • bucket name

  • the ID of the SP responsible for saving the bucket and all objects within it that will serve as the primary SP

There is a corresponding DeleteBucket transaction. It requires that all the objects under the bucket must be deleted first. As described in the earlier section, the bucket owner can delete any object under his/her bucket.

Object creation is described in Part 1. There is a corresponding DeleteObject transaction. The deletion will tell Greenfield to refund the reserved fees and reduce the payment stream.

There are group creation, deletion, and member management transactions.

There are transactions about permission creation and deletion, as they are the cornerstone functionality for the economy.

More worthy of highlighting, all of these transactions can be triggered via cross-chain infrastructure from BSC smart contracts and EOAs.

There are a few transactions about changing the Primary SP of users' buckets. It will be asynchronous as the action may take some time based on the number and size of the objects in the bucket. The bucket needs to be "Sealed" again by the new Primary SP.

21 Billing and Payment

Greenfield will charge the users in two parts. Firstly, every transaction will require gas fees to pay the Greenfield validator to write the metadata on-chain. Secondly, the SPs charge the users for their storage service. Such payment also happens on the Greenfield. This section is about the latter: how such off-chain service fees are billed and charged.

There are two kinds of fees for the off-chain service: object storage fee and read package fee:

  1. Every object stored on Greenfield is charged a fee based on its size, content type, and other parameters.

  2. There is a free quota for users' objects to be read based on their size, content types, and more. If exceeded, i.e. the object data has been downloaded too many times, SP will limit the bandwidth for more downloads. Users can raise their data package level to get more download quota. Every data package has a fixed price.

As described in Part 1, the fees are paid on Greenfield in the style of "Stream", from users to the Virtual Group Families and Virtual Groups
(which contain primary storage providers and secondary storage providers)
at a constant rate. The fees are charged every second as they are used.

21.1 Concepts and Formulas

Streaming is a constant by-the-second movement of funds from a sending account to a receiving account. Instead of sending payment transactions now and then, Greenfield records the static balance, the latest update timestamp, and flow rate in its payment module, and calculates the dynamic balance with a formula using this data in the records. If the net flow rate is not zero, the dynamic balance will change as time elapses.

21.1.1 Terminology

  • Payment Module: This is a special module and ledger system managing the billing and payment on the Greenfield blockchain. Funds will be deposited or charged into it from users' balance or payment accounts in this Payment Module.

  • Stream Account: The Payment Module has its own ledger for billing management. Users can deposit and withdraw funds into their corresponding "accounts" on the payment module ledger. These accounts are called "Stream Account", which will directly interact with the stream payment functions and bill the users for the storage and data service.

  • Payment Account: Payment account has been discussed in other sections of Part 1 and Part 3 already. It is actually a type of Stream Account. Users can create different payment accounts and associate it with different buckets for different purposes.

  • Payment Stream: Whenever the users add/delete/change a storage object or download a data package, they add or change one or more "payment streams" for that service provided by SPs.

  • Flow Rate: The per-second rate at which a sender decreases its net outflow stream and increases a receiver's net inflow stream when creating or updating a payment stream.

  • Netflow Rate: The per-second rate that an account's balance is changing. It is the sum of the account's inbound and outbound flow rates.

  • Sender: The stream account that starts the payment stream by specifying a receiver and a flow rate at which its net flow decreases.

  • Receiver: The stream account on the receiving end of one or more payment streams.

  • CRUD Timestamp: The timestamp of when the user creates, updates, or deletes a payment stream.

  • Delta Balance: The amount of the stream account's balance has changed since the latest CRUD timestamp due to the flow. It can be positive or negative.

  • Static Balance: The balance of the stream account at the latest CRUD timestamp.

  • Dynamic Balance: The actual balance of a stream account. It is the sum of the Static Balance and the Delta Balance.

When a user's stream account is initiated in the payment module by deposit, several fields will be recorded for this stream account:

  • CRUD Timestamp - will be the timestamp at the time.

  • Static Balance - will be the deposit amount.

  • Netflow Rate - will be 0.

  • Buffer Balance - will be 0.

21.1.2 Formula

Static Balance = Initial Balance at latest CRUD timestamp

Delta Balance = Netflow Rate * Seconds elapsed since latest CRUD timestamp

Current Balance = Static Balance + Delta Balance

Buffer Balance = - Netflow Rate * pre-configured ReserveTime if Netflow Rate is negative

Figure 21.1 How a User Receives Inflow and Outflow of Funds

Every time a user creates, updates, or deletes a payment stream, many variables in the above formulas will be updated and the users' stream accounts in the payment module will be settled.

  • The net flow for the user's stream account in the payment module will be re-calculated to net all of its inbound and outbound flow rates by adding/removing the new payment stream against the current NetFlow Rate. E.g. when a user creates a new object whose price is $0.4/month, its NetFlow Rate will add -$0.4/month.

  • If the NetFlow rate is negative, the associated amount of BNB will be reserved in a buffer balance. It is used to avoid the dynamic balance becoming negative. When the dynamic balance becomes under the threshold, the account will be forced settled.

  • CRUD Timestamp will become the current timestamp.

  • Static Balance will be re-calculated. The previous dynamic balance will be settled. The new static Balance will be the Current Balance plus the change of the Buffer Balance.

21.1.3 Types and Interfaces

type PaymentConfig struct {
    // Time duration which the buffer balance need to be reserved for NetOutFlow e.g. 6 month
    ReserveTime      uint64
    // Time duration threshold of forced settlement.
    // If dynamic balance is less than NetOutFlowRate * forcedSettleTime, the account can be forced settled.
    ForcedSettleTime uint64
type StreamPayment struct {
    CRUDTimestamp     uint64
    NetflowRate       int64
    FrozenNetflowRate int64 // frozen flow rate, for backup stream record when forced settlement
    StaticBalance     uint64
    BufferBalance     uint64 // reserved balance for a period, e.g. 1 day
type PaymentKeeperI interface {
    GetStorePrice(replicaNum, size uint64) (uint64, error)
    GetReadPackagePrice(packageType ReadPackageType) (uint64, error)
    ApplyUserFlow(from, to Address, rate int64) error
    IsPaymentAccountOwner(addr, owner AccAddress) bool

21.2 Key Workflow

21.2.1 Deposit and Withdrawal

All users(including SPs) can deposit and withdraw BNB in the payment module. The StaticBalance in the StreamPayment data struct will be "settled" first: the CRUDTimeStamp will be updated and StaticBalance will be netted with DeltaBalance. Then the deposit and withdrawal number will try to add/reduce the StaticBalance in the record. If the static balance is less than the withdrawal amount, the withdrawal will fail.

Deposit/withdrawal via cross-chain will also be supported to enable users to deposit/withdraw from BSC directly.

Specifically, the payment deposit can be triggered automatically during the creation of objects or the addition of data packages. As long as users have assets in their address accounts and payment accounts, the payment module may directly charge the users by moving the funds from address accounts.

21.2.2 Payment Stream

Payment streams are flowing in one direction. Whenever the users deposit from their address accounts into the stream accounts (including users' default payment account and other payment accounts), the funds first go from the users' address accounts to a system account maintained by the Payment Module, although the fund size and other payment parameters will be recorded on the users' stream account, i.e. the StreamPayment record, in the Payment Module ledger. When the payment is settled, the funds will go from the system account to Virtual Group Families' and Virtual Groups'
funding address accounts according to their in-flow calculation, which can
be withdrawn by the related SPs.

Every time users do the actions below, their StreamPayment record will be updated:

  • Creating an object will create a new stream to the system account

  • Deleting an object will delete a stream to the system account

  • Adjusting the data packages for read/download will create/delete/update the associated streams

The stream from the system account to Virtual Group Families and Virtual Groups
will be updated together when the users do the above actions. The in-flow flow
rate of Virtual Group Family and Virtual Group will be recorded accurately
in the payment module as well, such as the total size stored by each Virtual
Group in a bucket, etc. The total inbound flow actually stands for the income
to the SPs in the Virtual Group Family and Virtual Group.

21.2.3 Forced Settlement

If a user doesn't deposit for a long time, his previous deposit may be all used up for the stored objects. Greenfield has a forced settlement mechanism to ensure enough funds are secured for further service fees.

There are two configurations, ReserveTime and ForcedSettleTime. Let's say 7 days and 1 day. If a user wants to store an object at the price of approximately $0.1 per month($0.00000004/second), he must reserve fees for 7 days in buffer balance, which is $0.00000004 * 7 * 86400 = $0.024192. If the user deposits $1 initially, the stream payment record will be as below.

  • CRUD Timestamp: 100

  • Static Balance: $0.975808

  • Netflow Rate: -$0.00000004/sec

  • Buffer Balance: $0.024192

After 10000 seconds, the dynamic balance of the user is 0.975808 - 10000 * 0.00000004 = 0.975408.

After 24395200 seconds(approximately 282 days), the dynamic balance of the user will become negative. Users should have some alarms for such events that remind them to supply more funds in time.

If no more funds are supplied and the dynamic balance plus buffer balance is under the forced settlement threshold, the account will be forcibly settled. All payment streams of the account will be closed and the account will be marked as out of balance. The download speed for all objects associated with the account or payment account will be downgraded. The objects will be deleted by the SPs if no fund is provided within the predefined threshold.

The forced settlement will also charge some fees which is another incentive for users to replenish funds proactively.

Let's say the ForceSettlementTime is 1 day. After 24913601 seconds(approximately 288 days), the dynamic balance becomes 0.975808 - 24913601 *0.00000004 = -0.02073604, plus the buffer balance is $0.00345596. The forced settlement threshold is 86400* 0.00000004 = 0.003456. The forced settlement will be triggered, and the record of the user will become as below:

  • CRUD Timestamp: 24913701

  • Static Balance: $0

  • Netflow Rate: $0/sec

  • Buffer Balance: $0

The validators will get the remaining $0.00345596 as a reward. The account will be marked as "insufficient" and his objects get downgraded by SPs.

Every time a stream record is updated, Greenfield calculates the time when the account will be out of balance. So Greenfield can keep an on-chain list to trace the timestamps for the potential forced settlement. The list will be checked by the end of every block processing. When the block time passes the forced settlement timestamp, the settlement of the associated stream accounts will be triggered automatically.

21.2.4 Payment Account

Payment account is a special "Stream Account" type in the Payment Module. Users can create multiple payment accounts and have the permission to link buckets to different payment accounts to pay for storage and data package.

The relevant data structures and interface are as the following:

// PaymentAccountCount mapping
// key: PaymentAccountCountPrefix | Address
// value: uint64  // counter
// use cases:
// - record the count of payment accounts of a user
// - derive new payment account address from user address
// - PaymentAccountAddress = Hash(OwnerAddress | current_num), increased by 1 when create a new payment account

// key: PaymentAccountPrefix | Address
type PaymentAccount struct {
    Owner      Address
    Refundable bool

type PaymentKeeperI interface {
    Deposit(from, to Address, amount uint64) error
    Withdraw(from, to Address, amount uint64) error
    CreatePaymentAccount(addr Address) (paymentAccountAddr Address, err error)
    DisableRefund(sender, paymentAccount Address) error

The payment accounts have the below traits:

  • Every user can create multiple payment accounts. The payment accounts created by the user are recorded with a map on the Greenfield blockchain.

  • The address format of the payment account is the same as normal accounts. It's derived by the hash of the user address and payment account index. The payment account only exists in the storage payment module. Users can deposit into, withdraw from and query the balance of payment accounts in the payment module, which means payment accounts cannot be used for transfer or staking.

  • Users can only associate their buckets with their payment accounts to pay for storage and bandwidth. Users cannot associate their own buckets with others' payment accounts, and users cannot associate others' buckets with their own payment accounts.

  • The owner of a payment account is the user who creates it. The owner can set it non-refundable. It's a one-way setting and can not be revoked. Thus users can set some objects as "public goods" which can receive donations for storage and bandwidth while preserving the ownership.

21.2.5 Account Freeze and Resume

If a payment account is out of balance, it will be settled and set a flag as out of balance.

The NetflowRate will be set to 0, while the current settings of the stream pay will be backed up. The download speed for all objects under
this account will be downgraded.

If someone deposits into a frozen account and the static balance is enough for reserved fees, the account will be resumed automatically. The stream pay will be recovered from the backup.

During the OutOfBalance period, no objects can be associated with this payment account again, which results in no object can be created under the bucket associated with the account.

If the associated object is deleted, the backup stream pay settings will be changed accordingly to ensure it reflects the latest once the account is resumed.

21.2.6 Storage Fee Price and Adjustment

The object storage fee is calculated with a function of object metadata and time. The unit of the price will be US dollars. The payment actually charged on Greenfield is BNB, and the price of BNB will be submitted by the oracle.

For example, if the price is 0.03 USD / GB / month, the current BNB price on-chain is 258 USD, 70% of the storage fee will be received by the primary SP, and the rest are split by secondary SPs.

When an object of 123, 456, 789 bytes(approximately 123 MB) is sealed, there will be 3 payment streams updated. The fee rate is 0.03 / 258 * 123456789 / (1024*1024*1024) / (30*24*60*60) = 5.158003812501789e-12 BNB/second.

Let's set the rate as R.

  • User -> Virtual Group Family rate: 0.7 * R

  • User -> Virtual Group(which stores the object) rate: 0.3 * R

  • User -> Validator tax pool rate: 0.01 * R

The stream records of the payment accounts will be adjusted. If the reserved time is 6 months, the user has to reserve (1.01 * R * 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) = 8.10194480449481e-05 BNB in the Buffer Balance. If the balance of the payment account is not enough, either the trigger transaction will fail or the account will be marked as "insufficient".

The BNB price will be submitted by an oracle from the Greenfield validator relayers periodically. When the price updates, all payment prices will be calculated with the latest price. But all the flow rates of existing payments will remain unchanged until the next settlement, triggered by either the user's new actions like putting a new object or the auto-settlement.

The object storage fee price formula is expected to be steady since the price unit is USD and the cost of storage changes slowly over time. The formula might be flexible enough so it can be hard-coded on-chain.

There may be a chance the SPs want to change the formula(e.g. for business model update). That will be achieved by SPs and validators' coordinated governance.

22 Cross-Chain Models

The Cross-chain framework has been introduced in Part 1. Here more details about the communication layer and economics will be explained.

22.1 Communication Channels and Packages

22.1.1 Vote Poll

A new p2p communication across the cross-chain relayers will be introduced, called "Vote Poll". This Vote Poll will gossip about the signed votes within the network. To avoid message flooding, all the signed votes will expire after a fixed time. The Greenfield relayers can either put votes to or fetch votes from the poll and assemble it as cross-chain package transactions.

22.1.2 Channel and Sequence

To allow multiplexing and replay attack resistance, "Channel" and "Sequence" concepts are introduced to manage any type of communication. Following is an example definition:

type Package struct {
    PackType     uint8 // SYN, ACK or FAIL_ACK
    SrcChainId   uint16
    DstChainId   uint16
    Sequence     int64
    ChannelId    uint16
    Payload      []byte
    BLSSignature sdk.Sig
    BLSBits      sdk.Bits // indicate the signer of the package

The packages in the same channel must be processed in sequence, while they can be processed in parallel if they belong to different channels.

The operation messages on different Greenfield resources are mapped to different channels. For example, buckets and storage objects belong to different channels.

22.1.3 Reliability Protocol

Here a protocol is defined to ensure reliable stream delivery of data between BSC and Greenfield.

The protocol must recover the scenarios when the cross-chain data is damaged, duplicated, or delivered out of order by the relayers. It assigns a sequence number to each package and requires a positive acknowledgment (ACK) from the target chain. Here there are three kinds of packages:

  1. SYN: the initial cross-chain packages started by either users or dApps.

  2. ACK: the positive acknowledgment sent by the resource layer of the target chain.

  3. FAIL_ACK: the negative acknowledgment sent by the communication layer of the target chain, usually caused by damaged data or protocol inconsistency triggered by the edge case.

Each communication package must start with SYN and end with ACK or FAIL_ACK. The handler code and contracts on each side must handle these primitives.

22.1.4 Validator Update

With an aggregatable multi-signature scheme, e.g. BLS, the cross-chain can be quite light-weighted. However sufficient data must be appended onto the package to indicate the validators who sign the events, this can be achieved by combining a bitmap and a validator set on-chain. However the Greenfield validator set is volatile, Greenfield validators have to sync the information to BSC once there is an update about the Greenfield validator set. This is implemented by building a Greenfield light client on BSC, which is similar to the light client implemented for BNB Beacon Chain on BSC.

22.2 Economic

The Greenfield relayers play an important role in relaying inter-chain packages. A proper incentive is required to keep relayers making their long-term contribution.

22.2.1 Fee and Reward of Cross-Chain Packages

Both SYN and ACK/FAIL_ACK packages cost gas to relay, the users (or smart contracts) will need to pay the fee to cover both of them when they start the SYN cross-chain packages.

To encourage Greenfield relayers to sign cross-chain packages:

  1. The package deliverer will get a fixed ratio of the relay fee as a reward.

  2. The rest relay fee will be distributed equally among those who sign the vote.

22.2.2 Race to Deliver Cross-Chain Packages

There are multiple Greenfield relayers, and they may compete to submit the aggregated multi-signed packages onto the Greenfield blockchain and BSC. To avoid racing transactions caused by the competition, which wastes gas, the relayers are rotated to relay transactions, e.g. taking shifts every 10 minutes. Each cross-chain package gets a timestamp, if it is not relayed within a limited delay when the designated relayer doesn't perform the duty, any other Greenfield relayers are allowed to relay such a package.

22.2.3 Callbacks and Limited Gas

BSC dApps, i.e. smart contracts on BSC, are allowed to implement their own logic to handle ACK or FAIL_ACK packages. The smart contracts can register callback functions to handle the ACK packages. As it is impossible for the cross-chain infrastructure to predict the gas consumption of the callback, a gas limitation estimate should be defined from the smart contracts that register the callbacks.

For any cross-chain packages that start from BSC, the smart contract needs to specify the gas limitation for the ACK or FAIL_ACK package, the relayer fee is prepaid accordingly on BSC. Relayers may refund the excessive fees later.

22.2.4 Cross-Chain Infrastructure Contracts on BSC

The cross-chain logic is also implemented on Greenfield as smart contracts. But these contracts will not be implemented on BSC as the genesis contract anymore, but just upgradeable contracts. The upgrade will be controlled by the agreement of the Greenfield validators through a governance process. The design can take full advantage of normal contracts, such as working around the 24k size limitation by delegating different logic to different implementation contracts.

22.3 Error and Failure Handling

There are errors and failures that can happen during cross-chain communication.

One type of error is from the cross-chain protocol itself and is marked by "FAIL_ACK". This means the protocol itself meets some fatal errors, and it cannot complete the cross-chain package transport even before it touches the layer above the communication layer. It is usually caused by system bugs that result in data corruption or inconsistency.

The other type is the error above the communication layer, for example, the errors triggered by improper logic or bugs in the resource mirror layer or the application layer. Such cases should still return "ACK" at the communication layer, but the ACK package should contain enough information for the resource mirror layer or the application layer to recover to the original state.

Figure 22.1 Cross-chain Error and Failure Handling

When Greenfield emits an ACK or FAIL_ACK package, the registered callbacks of BSC dApps (i.e. the smart contracts) will be called up to handle the package, but these functions may fail to handle the ACK/FAIL_ACK packages due to the bugs or exceptions in the callbacks, these packages will be put under in another queue that belongs to the BSC dApps.

The corresponding BSC dApps can retry the package, e.g. with a higher gas limit, or just skip the package to tolerate failure, or even upgrade its contract to handle corner cases. The BSC dApps can not start new cross-chain packages if there are any pending failed packages in their queue. It asks the BSC dApps must handle the failed packages in sequence.

The communication layer can catch any exception thrown by the resource mirror layer or application layer, so that package delivery won't be blocked by any customized applications.

23 SP APIs

SP should provide plenty of APIs to facilitate users to look up information, download the objects, recover the data, and send transactions onto the Greenfield blockchain. This section will be extended as time goes on.

All SPs should provide APIs listed in this section.

23.1 Universal Endpoint

23.1.1 URI Standard

All objects can be identified and accessed via a universal path:



  • "gnfd://" is the fixed leading identifier, which is mandatory

  • bucket_name is the bucket name of the object, which is mandatory

  • object_name is the name of the object, which is mandatory

  • parameter is a list of key-value pair for the additional information for the URI, which is optional

This path should be 1:1 mapped to an object. It is worth mentioning here that if we want to refer to the same object even if it was deleted and recreated, we can add the If-Match-Checksum parameter to the URI. E.g gnfd://mybucket/myobject?If-Match-Checksum=qUiQTy8PR5uPgZdpSzAYSw0u0cHNKh7A+4XSmaGSpEc=.


Each SP will register multiple endpoints to access their services, e.g. "SP1" may ask their users to download objects via

The most important endpoint is the one for users to download objects. To download an object, users can just substitute the "gnfd://" in the URI standard with the SP endpoint. For example, to access gnfd://mybucket/foo/bar.jpg, users can just visit SP1 at

When SP1 receives the request to this path, SP1 should understand the users want to download the object at gnfd://mybucket/foo/bar/my-cool-object-id. SP1 should first get which SP is the current primary SP of this object, if it's SP1 herself, SP1 should start sending the data to the user; otherwise, SP1 will send an HTTP 302 to redirect the request to the primary SP's download endpoint.

23.1.3 P2P RPC

Please note that both Greenfield blockchain full nodes (including validators) and SPs will provide P2P RPCs to access different data.

Greenfield blockchain full node RPC will be access points to read and change the blockchain data, e.g. users can check the current block height and validator set information, or send transactions to create a bucket.

SP P2P RPCs are under a different P2P protocol mostly for data reading, which is designed based on the BitTorrent protocol. Any client software that wants to use this feature must build in this P2P protocol.

One thing to note is that Greenfield enforces permission and access control so that the data forwarded to the P2P network should be encrypted with the users' public keys.

23.2 List Operations

There are multiple operations related to "list" some information about Greenfield. For example, list all objects under a bucket, list all the members in a group or list all the objects associated with a payment account. These operations are usually too heavy to be supported directly via a Greenfield blockchain full node RPCs. Here SPs should provide these functions via corresponding APIs so that the users have a better experience to store, check, download, and manage the objects.