diff --git a/ArmerButton-DZL9Wnur.js b/ArmerButton-C68VdCI9.js similarity index 93% rename from ArmerButton-DZL9Wnur.js rename to ArmerButton-C68VdCI9.js index e77a8c809..0cfb51178 100644 --- a/ArmerButton-DZL9Wnur.js +++ b/ArmerButton-C68VdCI9.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as c,u as f,o as u,c as y,a,t as p,b as t,n as A,s as o,e as n,E as i,f as l}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const g={class:"inline-block font-extrabold align-middle"},h=c({__name:"ArmerButton",setup(b){const e=f(),m=()=>{o(async()=>l(e.arm),{command:"Arm"},n(i.ARM))},d=()=>{o(async()=>l(e.disarm),{command:"Disarm"},n(i.DISARM))};return(s,r)=>(u(),y("button",{class:"relative flex items-center justify-center w-32 p-1 rounded-md shadow-inner h-9 bg-slate-800/60",onClick:r[0]||(r[0]=x=>t(e).isArmed?d():m())},[a("div",{class:A(["absolute top-auto flex items-center px-1 rounded-[4px] shadow transition-all w-[70%] h-[80%]",t(e).isArmed===void 0?"justify-start bg-slate-800/60 text-slate-400 left-[4%]":t(e).isArmed?"bg-red-700 hover:bg-red-800 text-slate-50 justify-end left-[26%]":"bg-green-700 hover:bg-green-800 text-slate-400 justify-start left-[4%]"])},[a("span",g,p(t(e).isArmed===void 0?"...":t(e).isArmed?"Armed":"Disarmed"),1)],2)]))}});export{h as default}; +import{d as c,u as f,o as u,c as y,a,t as p,b as t,n as A,s as o,e as n,E as i,f as l}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const g={class:"inline-block font-extrabold align-middle"},h=c({__name:"ArmerButton",setup(b){const e=f(),m=()=>{o(async()=>l(e.arm),{command:"Arm"},n(i.ARM))},d=()=>{o(async()=>l(e.disarm),{command:"Disarm"},n(i.DISARM))};return(s,r)=>(u(),y("button",{class:"relative flex items-center justify-center w-32 p-1 rounded-md shadow-inner h-9 bg-slate-800/60",onClick:r[0]||(r[0]=x=>t(e).isArmed?d():m())},[a("div",{class:A(["absolute top-auto flex items-center px-1 rounded-[4px] shadow transition-all w-[70%] h-[80%]",t(e).isArmed===void 0?"justify-start bg-slate-800/60 text-slate-400 left-[4%]":t(e).isArmed?"bg-red-700 hover:bg-red-800 text-slate-50 justify-end left-[26%]":"bg-green-700 hover:bg-green-800 text-slate-400 justify-start left-[4%]"])},[a("span",g,p(t(e).isArmed===void 0?"...":t(e).isArmed?"Armed":"Disarmed"),1)],2)]))}});export{h as default}; diff --git a/Attitude-DSuqhUVb.js b/Attitude-hn_YghUW.js similarity index 96% rename from Attitude-DSuqhUVb.js rename to Attitude-hn_YghUW.js index 950f565f1..f495c27fd 100644 --- a/Attitude-DSuqhUVb.js +++ b/Attitude-hn_YghUW.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as te,a4 as ae,p as oe,q as U,D as $,u as le,a5 as se,v as w,an as ie,a9 as ne,A as re,G as ue,l as B,ao as k,x as p,ap as V,aq as de,ar as ce,as as b,ah as M,H as he,o as ve,c as pe,a as y,i,J as h,T as ge,K as me,b as o,ak as fe,N as j,U as we,at as N,au as G,av as Ve,_ as be,L as xe,a3 as Ce}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";import{g as C}from"./index-ZORhgBxb.js";import{V as Te,a as Fe,b as De,c as Pe}from"./VExpansionPanel-BQHFadzQ.js";const Se={class:"main"},Ae=["width","height"],Re={class:"flex justify-center gap-x-8 mb-4"},Le=te({__name:"Attitude",props:{widget:{}},setup(q){const D=ae(),I=oe();U.registerUsage($.roll),U.registerUsage($.pitch);const g=le(),t=se(q).widget,x=w(),P=w(),T=w(0),F=w(0),m=w(void 0),S=[-90,-70,-45,-30,-10,0,10,30,45,70,90],s=ie({rollDegrees:0,pitchLinesHeights:{},cameraTiltDeg:0,pitchDegrees:0}),O=w([["#FFFFFF"],["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"]]),J={showCenterAim:!0,showPitchLines:!0,showRollPitchValues:!0,desiredAimRadius:150,hudColor:O.value[0][0],cameraFOV:64};ne(()=>{Object.entries(J).forEach(([e,a])=>{t.value.options[e]===void 0&&(t.value.options[e]=a)})}),re(()=>{S.forEach(e=>s.pitchLinesHeights[e]=5*e),R()});const{width:K,height:Y}=ue(),r=B(()=>({width:t.value.size.width*K.value,height:t.value.size.height*Y.value})),n=B(()=>k(t.value.options.desiredAimRadius,35,.2*r.value.width));let E,H;p(g.attitude,e=>{const a=Math.abs(V(e.roll-(E||0))),l=Math.abs(V(e.pitch-(H||0)));a>.1&&(E=e.roll,T.value=V(g.attitude.roll)),l>.1&&(H=e.pitch,F.value=V(g.attitude.pitch))}),p(g.genericVariables,e=>{const a=e.cameraTiltDeg;(m.value===void 0||Math.abs(a-m.value)>.1)&&(m.value=a)});const A=e=>{const a=180/t.value.options.cameraFOV;return e/180*a*r.value.height},Q=de(x);p(Q,(e,a)=>{e&&!a&&R()});const R=()=>{if(x.value===void 0||x.value===null)return;if(P.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),P.value=x.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=P.value;ce(e);const a=.5*r.value.width,l=.5*r.value.height,W=12,L=22,f=2;e.textAlign="center",e.strokeStyle="white",e.font=`bold ${W}px Arial`,e.fillStyle="white";const d=2*n.value;e.translate(a,l),e.rotate(b(s.rollDegrees));let v=0;m.value!==void 0&&(v=-A(s.cameraTiltDeg+s.pitchDegrees));for(const[c,u]of Object.entries(s.pitchLinesHeights)){e.beginPath();const X=Number(c)===0?1:.7,Z=Number(c)===0?[]:[5,2],ee=Number(c)===0?3:2;if(e.lineWidth=ee,e.setLineDash(Z),t.value.options.showPitchLines){const z=d+X*(a-d);e.moveTo(-z+f,u),e.lineTo(-d,u),e.lineTo(-d+5,u+15),e.fillText(Number(c),-d-4*f,u-3*f),e.moveTo(+z-f,u),e.lineTo(d,u),e.lineTo(d-5,u+15),e.fillText(Number(c),d+4*f,u-3*f),e.stroke()}}if(e.lineWidth=3,e.setLineDash([]),e.font=`bold ${L}px Arial`,t.value.options.showCenterAim&&(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(-n.value,v),e.lineTo(-1.5*n.value,v),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,v,n.value,b(135),b(225)),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(n.value,v),e.lineTo(1.5*n.value,v),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,v,n.value,b(-45),b(45)),e.stroke()),t.value.options.showRollPitchValues){const c=`r: ${Number(T.value).toFixed(2)}`,u=`p: ${Number(F.value).toFixed(2)}`;e.rotate(b(-s.rollDegrees)),n.value<200?(e.fillText(c,0,k(-1.5*n.value,-.8*l,0)),e.fillText(u,0,k(1.5*n.value,0,.8*l))):(e.textAlign="start",e.fillText(c,-n.value+L,-30),e.fillText(u,-n.value+L,30)),e.stroke()}e.translate(-a,-l),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const _=e.createLinearGradient(0,0,r.value.width,r.value.height);_.addColorStop(0,t.value.options.hudColor),_.addColorStop(1,t.value.options.hudColor),e.fillStyle=_,e.fillRect(0,0,r.value.width,r.value.height)};return p(F,()=>{S.forEach(e=>{const a=-M(A(e+s.cameraTiltDeg-V(g.attitude.pitch)),2);C.to(s.pitchLinesHeights,.1,{[e]:a})}),C.to(s,.1,{pitchDegrees:F.value})}),p(T,()=>{C.to(s,.1,{rollDegrees:-M(T.value,2)})}),p(m,()=>{C.to(s,.1,{cameraTiltDeg:m.value}),S.forEach(e=>{const a=-M(A(e+s.cameraTiltDeg-V(g.attitude.pitch)),2);C.to(s.pitchLinesHeights,.1,{[e]:a})})}),p([s,r,t.value.options],()=>{D.isWidgetVisible(t.value)&&he(()=>R())}),(e,a)=>(ve(),pe(xe,null,[y("div",Se,[y("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:x,width:r.value.width,height:r.value.height},null,8,Ae)]),i(be,{modelValue:o(D).widgetManagerVars(o(t).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[6]||(a[6]=l=>o(D).widgetManagerVars(o(t).hash).configMenuOpen=l),"min-width":"400","max-width":"45%"},{default:h(()=>[i(ge,{class:"pa-4",style:me([o(I).globalGlassMenuStyles,{"border-radius":"15px"}])},{default:h(()=>[i(fe,{class:"text-center"},{default:h(()=>[j("Attitude widget config")]),_:1}),i(we,null,{default:h(()=>[y("div",Re,[i(N,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show roll/pitch values","model-value":o(t).options.showRollPitchValues,color:o(t).options.showRollPitchValues?"white":void 0,"hide-details":"",onChange:a[0]||(a[0]=l=>o(t).options.showRollPitchValues=!o(t).options.showRollPitchValues)},null,8,["model-value","color"]),i(N,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show center aim","model-value":o(t).options.showCenterAim,color:o(t).options.showCenterAim?"white":void 0,"hide-details":"",onChange:a[1]||(a[1]=l=>o(t).options.showCenterAim=!o(t).options.showCenterAim)},null,8,["model-value","color"]),i(N,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show pitch lines","model-value":o(t).options.showPitchLines,color:o(t).options.showPitchLines?"white":void 0,"hide-details":"",onChange:a[2]||(a[2]=l=>o(t).options.showPitchLines=!o(t).options.showPitchLines)},null,8,["model-value","color"])]),i(G,{modelValue:o(t).options.cameraFOV,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[3]||(a[3]=l=>o(t).options.cameraFOV=l),color:"white",label:"Camera vertical FOV",min:20,max:180,"thumb-label":""},null,8,["modelValue"]),i(G,{modelValue:o(t).options.desiredAimRadius,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[4]||(a[4]=l=>o(t).options.desiredAimRadius=l),label:"Center circle radius",color:"white",min:10,max:300,"thumb-label":""},null,8,["modelValue"]),i(Te,{theme:"dark"},{default:h(()=>[i(Fe,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22]"},{default:h(()=>[i(De,null,{default:h(()=>[j("Color")]),_:1}),i(Pe,{class:"pa-2"},{default:h(()=>[i(Ve,{modelValue:o(t).options.hudColor,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[5]||(a[5]=l=>o(t).options.hudColor=l),class:"ma-1 bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white",swatches:O.value,"show-swatches":"",width:"100%"},null,8,["modelValue","swatches"])]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64))}}),Ne=Ce(Le,[["__scopeId","data-v-64737875"]]);export{Ne as default}; +import{d as te,a4 as ae,p as oe,q as U,D as $,u as le,a5 as se,v as w,an as ie,a9 as ne,A as re,G as ue,l as B,ao as k,x as p,ap as V,aq as de,ar as ce,as as b,ah as M,H as he,o as ve,c as pe,a as y,i,J as h,T as ge,K as me,b as o,ak as fe,N as j,U as we,at as N,au as G,av as Ve,_ as be,L as xe,a3 as Ce}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";import{g as C}from"./index-ZORhgBxb.js";import{V as Te,a as Fe,b as De,c as Pe}from"./VExpansionPanel-DZ5P9AAn.js";const Se={class:"main"},Ae=["width","height"],Re={class:"flex justify-center gap-x-8 mb-4"},Le=te({__name:"Attitude",props:{widget:{}},setup(q){const D=ae(),I=oe();U.registerUsage($.roll),U.registerUsage($.pitch);const g=le(),t=se(q).widget,x=w(),P=w(),T=w(0),F=w(0),m=w(void 0),S=[-90,-70,-45,-30,-10,0,10,30,45,70,90],s=ie({rollDegrees:0,pitchLinesHeights:{},cameraTiltDeg:0,pitchDegrees:0}),O=w([["#FFFFFF"],["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"]]),J={showCenterAim:!0,showPitchLines:!0,showRollPitchValues:!0,desiredAimRadius:150,hudColor:O.value[0][0],cameraFOV:64};ne(()=>{Object.entries(J).forEach(([e,a])=>{t.value.options[e]===void 0&&(t.value.options[e]=a)})}),re(()=>{S.forEach(e=>s.pitchLinesHeights[e]=5*e),R()});const{width:K,height:Y}=ue(),r=B(()=>({width:t.value.size.width*K.value,height:t.value.size.height*Y.value})),n=B(()=>k(t.value.options.desiredAimRadius,35,.2*r.value.width));let E,H;p(g.attitude,e=>{const a=Math.abs(V(e.roll-(E||0))),l=Math.abs(V(e.pitch-(H||0)));a>.1&&(E=e.roll,T.value=V(g.attitude.roll)),l>.1&&(H=e.pitch,F.value=V(g.attitude.pitch))}),p(g.genericVariables,e=>{const a=e.cameraTiltDeg;(m.value===void 0||Math.abs(a-m.value)>.1)&&(m.value=a)});const A=e=>{const a=180/t.value.options.cameraFOV;return e/180*a*r.value.height},Q=de(x);p(Q,(e,a)=>{e&&!a&&R()});const R=()=>{if(x.value===void 0||x.value===null)return;if(P.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),P.value=x.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=P.value;ce(e);const a=.5*r.value.width,l=.5*r.value.height,W=12,L=22,f=2;e.textAlign="center",e.strokeStyle="white",e.font=`bold ${W}px Arial`,e.fillStyle="white";const d=2*n.value;e.translate(a,l),e.rotate(b(s.rollDegrees));let v=0;m.value!==void 0&&(v=-A(s.cameraTiltDeg+s.pitchDegrees));for(const[c,u]of Object.entries(s.pitchLinesHeights)){e.beginPath();const X=Number(c)===0?1:.7,Z=Number(c)===0?[]:[5,2],ee=Number(c)===0?3:2;if(e.lineWidth=ee,e.setLineDash(Z),t.value.options.showPitchLines){const z=d+X*(a-d);e.moveTo(-z+f,u),e.lineTo(-d,u),e.lineTo(-d+5,u+15),e.fillText(Number(c),-d-4*f,u-3*f),e.moveTo(+z-f,u),e.lineTo(d,u),e.lineTo(d-5,u+15),e.fillText(Number(c),d+4*f,u-3*f),e.stroke()}}if(e.lineWidth=3,e.setLineDash([]),e.font=`bold ${L}px Arial`,t.value.options.showCenterAim&&(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(-n.value,v),e.lineTo(-1.5*n.value,v),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,v,n.value,b(135),b(225)),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(n.value,v),e.lineTo(1.5*n.value,v),e.stroke(),e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,v,n.value,b(-45),b(45)),e.stroke()),t.value.options.showRollPitchValues){const c=`r: ${Number(T.value).toFixed(2)}`,u=`p: ${Number(F.value).toFixed(2)}`;e.rotate(b(-s.rollDegrees)),n.value<200?(e.fillText(c,0,k(-1.5*n.value,-.8*l,0)),e.fillText(u,0,k(1.5*n.value,0,.8*l))):(e.textAlign="start",e.fillText(c,-n.value+L,-30),e.fillText(u,-n.value+L,30)),e.stroke()}e.translate(-a,-l),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const _=e.createLinearGradient(0,0,r.value.width,r.value.height);_.addColorStop(0,t.value.options.hudColor),_.addColorStop(1,t.value.options.hudColor),e.fillStyle=_,e.fillRect(0,0,r.value.width,r.value.height)};return p(F,()=>{S.forEach(e=>{const a=-M(A(e+s.cameraTiltDeg-V(g.attitude.pitch)),2);C.to(s.pitchLinesHeights,.1,{[e]:a})}),C.to(s,.1,{pitchDegrees:F.value})}),p(T,()=>{C.to(s,.1,{rollDegrees:-M(T.value,2)})}),p(m,()=>{C.to(s,.1,{cameraTiltDeg:m.value}),S.forEach(e=>{const a=-M(A(e+s.cameraTiltDeg-V(g.attitude.pitch)),2);C.to(s.pitchLinesHeights,.1,{[e]:a})})}),p([s,r,t.value.options],()=>{D.isWidgetVisible(t.value)&&he(()=>R())}),(e,a)=>(ve(),pe(xe,null,[y("div",Se,[y("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:x,width:r.value.width,height:r.value.height},null,8,Ae)]),i(be,{modelValue:o(D).widgetManagerVars(o(t).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[6]||(a[6]=l=>o(D).widgetManagerVars(o(t).hash).configMenuOpen=l),"min-width":"400","max-width":"45%"},{default:h(()=>[i(ge,{class:"pa-4",style:me([o(I).globalGlassMenuStyles,{"border-radius":"15px"}])},{default:h(()=>[i(fe,{class:"text-center"},{default:h(()=>[j("Attitude widget config")]),_:1}),i(we,null,{default:h(()=>[y("div",Re,[i(N,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show roll/pitch values","model-value":o(t).options.showRollPitchValues,color:o(t).options.showRollPitchValues?"white":void 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FOV",min:20,max:180,"thumb-label":""},null,8,["modelValue"]),i(G,{modelValue:o(t).options.desiredAimRadius,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[4]||(a[4]=l=>o(t).options.desiredAimRadius=l),label:"Center circle radius",color:"white",min:10,max:300,"thumb-label":""},null,8,["modelValue"]),i(Te,{theme:"dark"},{default:h(()=>[i(Fe,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22]"},{default:h(()=>[i(De,null,{default:h(()=>[j("Color")]),_:1}),i(Pe,{class:"pa-2"},{default:h(()=>[i(Ve,{modelValue:o(t).options.hudColor,"onUpdate:modelValue":a[5]||(a[5]=l=>o(t).options.hudColor=l),class:"ma-1 bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white",swatches:O.value,"show-swatches":"",width:"100%"},null,8,["modelValue","swatches"])]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64))}}),Ne=Ce(Le,[["__scopeId","data-v-64737875"]]);export{Ne as default}; diff --git a/BaseCommIndicator-1Or83KKr.js b/BaseCommIndicator-DeE2oeVU.js similarity index 89% rename from BaseCommIndicator-1Or83KKr.js rename to BaseCommIndicator-DeE2oeVU.js index dd4ee7a97..2fbe362ea 100644 --- a/BaseCommIndicator-1Or83KKr.js +++ b/BaseCommIndicator-DeE2oeVU.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as a,u as c,r as i,h as l,w as r,b as o,o as s,c as m,i as d,j as _,k as h,n as p}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const w=a({__name:"BaseCommIndicator",setup(f){const e=c();return(u,V)=>{const t=i("FontAwesomeIcon"),n=l("tooltip");return r((s(),m("div",{class:p(["relative",o(e).isVehicleOnline?"text-slate-50":"text-gray-700"])},[d(t,{icon:"fa-solid fa-arrow-right-arrow-left",size:"xl"}),o(e).isVehicleOnline?h("",!0):(s(),_(t,{key:0,icon:"fa-slash",size:"xl",class:"absolute -left-1"}))],2)),[[n,o(e).isVehicleOnline?"Vehicle connected":"Vehicle disconnected"]])}}});export{w as default}; +import{d as a,u as c,r as i,h as l,w as r,b as o,o as s,c as m,i as d,j as _,k as h,n as p}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const w=a({__name:"BaseCommIndicator",setup(f){const e=c();return(u,V)=>{const t=i("FontAwesomeIcon"),n=l("tooltip");return r((s(),m("div",{class:p(["relative",o(e).isVehicleOnline?"text-slate-50":"text-gray-700"])},[d(t,{icon:"fa-solid fa-arrow-right-arrow-left",size:"xl"}),o(e).isVehicleOnline?h("",!0):(s(),_(t,{key:0,icon:"fa-slash",size:"xl",class:"absolute -left-1"}))],2)),[[n,o(e).isVehicleOnline?"Vehicle connected":"Vehicle disconnected"]])}}});export{w as default}; diff --git a/BatteryIndicator-CdK92UMB.js b/BatteryIndicator-DFtFGVK9.js similarity index 95% rename from BatteryIndicator-CdK92UMB.js rename to BatteryIndicator-DFtFGVK9.js index 4d72bc1d2..f58aae23e 100644 --- a/BatteryIndicator-CdK92UMB.js +++ b/BatteryIndicator-DFtFGVK9.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as c,u as p,l as s,h as u,w as d,o as _,c as m,a as t,n as v,t as a}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const h={class:"flex items-center w-[5.5rem] h-12 text-white justify-center"},y=t("span",{class:"absolute text-sm text-yellow-400 -bottom-[2px] -right-[7px] mdi mdi-alert-circle"},null,-1),w=[y],f={class:"flex flex-col w-[4rem] select-none text-sm font-semibold leading-4 text-end"},x={class:"w-full"},g={class:"font-mono"},S=t("span",null," V",-1),b={class:"w-full"},D={class:"font-mono"},N=t("span",null," A",-1),C=c({__name:"BatteryIndicator",setup(V){const e=p(),l=s(()=>{var o;return((o=e==null?void 0:e.powerSupply)==null?void 0:o.voltage)===void 0?NaN:Math.abs(e.powerSupply.voltage)>=100?e.powerSupply.voltage.toFixed(0):e.powerSupply.voltage.toFixed(1)}),n=s(()=>{var o;return((o=e==null?void 0:e.powerSupply)==null?void 0:o.current)===void 0?NaN:Math.abs(e.powerSupply.current)>=100?e.powerSupply.current.toFixed(0):e.powerSupply.current.toFixed(1)}),r=s(()=>"mdi-battery");return(o,B)=>{const i=u("tooltip");return d((_(),m("div",h,[t("span",{class:v(["relative w-[1.5rem] mdi battery-icon",[r.value]])},w,2),t("div",f,[t("div",x,[t("span",g,a(l.value),1),S]),t("div",b,[t("span",D,a(n.value),1),N])])])),[[i,"Your vehicle does not provide state-of-charge. Displaying voltage and current instead."]])}}});export{C as default}; +import{d as c,u as p,l as s,h as u,w as d,o as _,c as m,a as t,n as v,t as a}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const h={class:"flex items-center w-[5.5rem] h-12 text-white justify-center"},y=t("span",{class:"absolute text-sm text-yellow-400 -bottom-[2px] -right-[7px] mdi mdi-alert-circle"},null,-1),w=[y],f={class:"flex flex-col w-[4rem] select-none text-sm font-semibold leading-4 text-end"},x={class:"w-full"},g={class:"font-mono"},S=t("span",null," V",-1),b={class:"w-full"},D={class:"font-mono"},N=t("span",null," A",-1),C=c({__name:"BatteryIndicator",setup(V){const e=p(),l=s(()=>{var o;return((o=e==null?void 0:e.powerSupply)==null?void 0:o.voltage)===void 0?NaN:Math.abs(e.powerSupply.voltage)>=100?e.powerSupply.voltage.toFixed(0):e.powerSupply.voltage.toFixed(1)}),n=s(()=>{var o;return((o=e==null?void 0:e.powerSupply)==null?void 0:o.current)===void 0?NaN:Math.abs(e.powerSupply.current)>=100?e.powerSupply.current.toFixed(0):e.powerSupply.current.toFixed(1)}),r=s(()=>"mdi-battery");return(o,B)=>{const i=u("tooltip");return d((_(),m("div",h,[t("span",{class:v(["relative w-[1.5rem] mdi battery-icon",[r.value]])},w,2),t("div",f,[t("div",x,[t("span",g,a(l.value),1),S]),t("div",b,[t("span",D,a(n.value),1),N])])])),[[i,"Your vehicle does not provide state-of-charge. Displaying voltage and current instead."]])}}});export{C as default}; diff --git a/ChangeAltitudeCommander-DdyhC4d7.js b/ChangeAltitudeCommander-DEpZ5Fub.js similarity index 90% rename from ChangeAltitudeCommander-DdyhC4d7.js rename to ChangeAltitudeCommander-DEpZ5Fub.js index e2b8f0b0b..6e525fb5d 100644 --- a/ChangeAltitudeCommander-DdyhC4d7.js +++ b/ChangeAltitudeCommander-DEpZ5Fub.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as o,u as l,o as i,c as r,n as d,b as a,m as s,s as c,e as u,E as m,a as h}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const g=["disabled"],_=h("span",{class:"inline-block font-extrabold align-middle text-white"}," Change Alt ",-1),f=[_],v=o({__name:"ChangeAltitudeCommander",setup(C){const e=l(),n=()=>{s.value=!0,c(()=>{s.value=!1,e.changeAlt()},{command:"Altitude Change"},u(m.ALT_CHANGE))};return(b,t)=>(i(),r("button",{class:d(["relative flex items-center justify-center w-32 p-1 rounded-md shadow-inner h-9",a(e).flying?"bg-slate-800/60 hover:bg-slate-400/60":"bg-slate-400/60 cursor-not-allowed"]),disabled:!a(e).flying,onClick:t[0]||(t[0]=p=>n())},f,10,g))}});export{v as default}; +import{d as o,u as l,o as i,c as r,n as d,b as a,m as s,s as c,e as u,E as m,a as h}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const g=["disabled"],_=h("span",{class:"inline-block font-extrabold align-middle text-white"}," Change Alt ",-1),f=[_],v=o({__name:"ChangeAltitudeCommander",setup(C){const e=l(),n=()=>{s.value=!0,c(()=>{s.value=!1,e.changeAlt()},{command:"Altitude Change"},u(m.ALT_CHANGE))};return(b,t)=>(i(),r("button",{class:d(["relative flex items-center justify-center w-32 p-1 rounded-md shadow-inner h-9",a(e).flying?"bg-slate-800/60 hover:bg-slate-400/60":"bg-slate-400/60 cursor-not-allowed"]),disabled:!a(e).flying,onClick:t[0]||(t[0]=p=>n())},f,10,g))}});export{v as default}; diff --git a/Compass-D2EXJIgb.js b/Compass-C0KHaSX_.js similarity index 98% rename from Compass-D2EXJIgb.js rename to Compass-C0KHaSX_.js index d08af0b21..ea5875952 100644 --- a/Compass-D2EXJIgb.js +++ b/Compass-C0KHaSX_.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as B,a5 as U,v as u,A as I,x as w,o as L,j as z,a as f,X as F,aw as q,ax as G,a4 as X,q as J,D as Y,u as K,a9 as Q,G as Z,l as E,ar as ee,as as c,ay as te,ap as N,an as ae,H as se,c as oe,i as P,J as ne,ag as le,b as g,L as ie,a1 as re,a2 as de,a3 as ce}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";import{g as h}from"./index-ZORhgBxb.js";const ge=B({__name:"Dialog",props:{show:Boolean},emits:["update:show"],setup(n,{emit:v}){const p=n,k=v,d=U(p).show,l=u(d.value),r=u(),m=u();return I(()=>{r.value.addEventListener("click",a=>{!a.target||a.target instanceof 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Object.entries(r))e.save(),e.rotate(c(Number(S))),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(C,0),e.lineTo(x,0),e.textBaseline="bottom",e.font=`bold ${.7*i}px Arial`,e.translate(x*1.025,0),e.rotate(c(90)),e.fillText(j,0,0),e.stroke(),e.restore();for(const S of te(360))S%9===0&&(e.save(),e.lineWidth=.25*D,e.rotate(c(Number(S))),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(1.1*C,0),e.lineTo(x,0),e.stroke(),e.restore());e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,0,x,0,c(360)),e.stroke(),s.value.options.headingStyle=="North Up"?e.rotate(c(o.yawAngleDegrees)):e.rotate(c(o.yawAngleDegrees)),e.beginPath(),e.lineWidth=1,e.strokeStyle="red",e.fillStyle="red";const _=.05*t;e.moveTo(W,_),e.lineTo(C-.5*_,0),e.lineTo(W,-_),e.lineTo(W,_),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.stroke()},b=u(.01);let A;w(p.attitude,e=>{if(A===void 0){b.value=N(p.attitude.yaw),A=e.yaw;return}Math.abs(N(e.yaw-A))>.1&&(A=e.yaw,b.value=N(p.attitude.yaw))});const o=ae({yawAngleDegrees:0}),V=()=>{const e=b.value,t=e<0?e+360:e,i=o.yawAngleDegrees>270&&t<90,D=o.yawAngleDegrees<90&&t>270;i?(h.to(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:0}),h.fromTo(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:0},{yawAngleDegrees:t})):D?(h.to(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:360}),h.fromTo(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:360},{yawAngleDegrees:t})):h.to(o,.1,{yawAngleDegrees:t})};return w(b,()=>V()),w([o,T,R],()=>{v.isWidgetVisible(s.value)&&se(()=>M())}),(e,t)=>(L(),oe(ie,null,[f("div",{ref_key:"compassRoot",ref:k,class:"compass"},[f("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:d,height:y.value,width:y.value,class:"rounded-[15%] bg-slate-950/70"},null,8,fe)],512),P(ge,{show:g(v).widgetManagerVars(g(s).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:show":t[1]||(t[1]=i=>g(v).widgetManagerVars(g(s).hash).configMenuOpen=i),class:"flex pa-4 bg-[#ffffff10] text-white backdrop-blur-2xl border-[1px] 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we=B({__name:"Compass",props:{widget:{}},setup(n){const v=X();J.registerUsage(Y.heading);const p=K(),k=u(),d=u(),l=u(),r={0:"N",45:"NE",90:"E",135:"SE",180:"S",225:"SW",270:"W",315:"NW"},m=Object.values(O),s=U(n).widget;Q(()=>{Object.keys(s.value.options).length===0&&(s.value.options={headingStyle:m[0]})}),I(()=>{V(),M()});const{width:H,height:$}=Z(),T=E(()=>s.value.size.width*H.value),R=E(()=>s.value.size.height*$.value),y=E(()=>T.value{if(d.value===void 0||d.value===null)return;l.value===void 0&&(l.value=d.value.getContext("2d"));const e=l.value;ee(e);const t=.5*y.value,i=.13*y.value,D=.03*t;e.textAlign="center",e.strokeStyle="white",e.font=`bold ${i}px Arial`,e.fillStyle="white",e.lineWidth=D,e.textBaseline="middle";const x=.7*t,W=.4*t,C=.55*t;e.translate(t,t),e.font=`bold ${i}px Arial`,e.fillText(`${o.yawAngleDegrees.toFixed(0)}°`,.15*i,0),e.rotate(c(-90)),s.value.options.headingStyle=="Head Up"&&e.rotate(-c(o.yawAngleDegrees));for(const[S,j]of Object.entries(r))e.save(),e.rotate(c(Number(S))),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(C,0),e.lineTo(x,0),e.textBaseline="bottom",e.font=`bold ${.7*i}px Arial`,e.translate(x*1.025,0),e.rotate(c(90)),e.fillText(j,0,0),e.stroke(),e.restore();for(const S of te(360))S%9===0&&(e.save(),e.lineWidth=.25*D,e.rotate(c(Number(S))),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(1.1*C,0),e.lineTo(x,0),e.stroke(),e.restore());e.beginPath(),e.arc(0,0,x,0,c(360)),e.stroke(),s.value.options.headingStyle=="North Up"?e.rotate(c(o.yawAngleDegrees)):e.rotate(c(o.yawAngleDegrees)),e.beginPath(),e.lineWidth=1,e.strokeStyle="red",e.fillStyle="red";const _=.05*t;e.moveTo(W,_),e.lineTo(C-.5*_,0),e.lineTo(W,-_),e.lineTo(W,_),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.stroke()},b=u(.01);let A;w(p.attitude,e=>{if(A===void 0){b.value=N(p.attitude.yaw),A=e.yaw;return}Math.abs(N(e.yaw-A))>.1&&(A=e.yaw,b.value=N(p.attitude.yaw))});const o=ae({yawAngleDegrees:0}),V=()=>{const e=b.value,t=e<0?e+360:e,i=o.yawAngleDegrees>270&&t<90,D=o.yawAngleDegrees<90&&t>270;i?(h.to(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:0}),h.fromTo(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:0},{yawAngleDegrees:t})):D?(h.to(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:360}),h.fromTo(o,.05,{yawAngleDegrees:360},{yawAngleDegrees:t})):h.to(o,.1,{yawAngleDegrees:t})};return w(b,()=>V()),w([o,T,R],()=>{v.isWidgetVisible(s.value)&&se(()=>M())}),(e,t)=>(L(),oe(ie,null,[f("div",{ref_key:"compassRoot",ref:k,class:"compass"},[f("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:d,height:y.value,width:y.value,class:"rounded-[15%] bg-slate-950/70"},null,8,fe)],512),P(ge,{show:g(v).widgetManagerVars(g(s).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:show":t[1]||(t[1]=i=>g(v).widgetManagerVars(g(s).hash).configMenuOpen=i),class:"flex pa-4 bg-[#ffffff10] text-white backdrop-blur-2xl border-[1px] 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Ce}from"./VExpansionPanel-BQHFadzQ.js";const Ve={class:"main"},Se=["width","height"],be=O({__name:"CompassHUD",props:{widget:{}},setup(A){const S=$(),L=B();G.registerUsage(I.heading);const R=j(),a=q(A).widget,_=m([["#FFFFFF"],["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"]]),X=e=>{switch(e){case-180:return"S";case-135:return"SW";case-90:return"W";case-45:return"NW";case 0:return"N";case 45:return"NE";case 90:return"E";case 135:return"SE";case 180:return"S";case 225:return"SW";case 270:return"W";case 315:return"NW";case 360:return"N";default:return`${e}°`}},c=J({yawLinesX:{}}),b=[];let x=-180;for(;x<181;)b.push(x),x+=3;K(()=>{Object.keys(a.value.options).length===0&&(a.value.options={showYawValue:!0,hudColor:_.value[0][0],useNegativeRange:!1})}),Q(()=>{b.forEach(e=>c.yawLinesX[e]=M(e)),F()});const{width:U}=Z(),u=ee(()=>({width:a.value.size.width*U.value,height:64})),v=m(0);let W;C(R.attitude,e=>{Math.abs(D(e.yaw-(W||0)))>.1&&(W=e.yaw,v.value=D(R.attitude.yaw))});const M=e=>{let o=-(e-v.value||0);return o<-180?o+=360:o>180&&(o-=360),-o},h=m(),y=m(),F=()=>{if(h.value===void 0||h.value===null)return;if(y.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),y.value=h.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=y.value;ae(e);const t=.5*u.value.width,o=.5*u.value.height,N=12,d=16,f=10,n=2,Y=7;e.textAlign="center",e.strokeStyle="white",e.font=`bold ${N}px Arial`,e.fillStyle="white";for(const[i,T]of Object.entries(c.yawLinesX)){if(T<-90||T>90)continue;const H=2*t/Math.PI*Math.sin(fe(T)),w=t+H;if(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(w,d+n+f+n),e.lineTo(w,o*2-N-n-Y),e.lineWidth="1",Number(i)%15===0){e.lineWidth="2",e.lineTo(w,o*2-N-n);let p=Number(i);a.value.options.useNegativeRange||(p=p<0?p+360:p),e.fillText(X(Number(p)),w,o*2-n)}e.stroke()}if(a.value.options.showYawValue){e.font=`bold ${d}px Arial`;let i=Number(v.value);a.value.options.useNegativeRange||(i=i<0?i+360:i),e.fillText(`${i.toFixed(1)}°`,t,d)}e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(t,d+n+f),e.lineTo(t-.5*f,n+d+n),e.lineTo(t+.5*f,n+d+n),e.lineTo(t,d+n+f),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const g=e.createLinearGradient(0,o,u.value.width,o);g.addColorStop(.18,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.3,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(1).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.7,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(1).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.82,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),e.fillStyle=g,e.fillRect(0,0,u.value.width,o*2)};C(v,()=>{b.forEach(e=>{const t=M(e);Math.abs(c.yawLinesX[e]-t)>90?c.yawLinesX[e]=t:pe.to(c.yawLinesX,{duration:2.5,ease:"elastic.out(1.2, 0.5)",[e]:t})})}),C([c,u,a.value.options],()=>{S.isWidgetVisible(a.value)&&te(()=>F())});const z=oe(h);return C(z,(e,t)=>{e&&!t&&F()}),(e,t)=>(se(),ne(he,null,[E("div",Ve,[E("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:h,width:u.value.width,height:u.value.height},null,8,Se)]),l(ce,{modelValue:s(S).widgetManagerVars(s(a).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[3]||(t[3]=o=>s(S).widgetManagerVars(s(a).hash).configMenuOpen=o),"min-width":"400","max-width":"35%"},{default:r(()=>[l(le,{class:"px-8 pb-6 pt-2",style:ie(s(L).globalGlassMenuStyles)},{default:r(()=>[l(re,{class:"text-center"},{default:r(()=>[P("HUD Compass widget config")]),_:1}),l(ue,null,{default:r(()=>[l(k,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show yaw value",color:s(a).options.showYawValue?"white":void 0,"model-value":s(a).options.showYawValue,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[0]||(t[0]=o=>s(a).options.showYawValue=!s(a).options.showYawValue)},null,8,["color","model-value"]),l(k,{class:"ma-1",label:"Use -180/+180 range",color:s(a).options.useNegativeRange?"white":void 0,"model-value":s(a).options.useNegativeRange,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[1]||(t[1]=o=>s(a).options.useNegativeRange=!s(a).options.useNegativeRange)},null,8,["color","model-value"]),l(ve,null,{default:r(()=>[l(we,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white mt-2"},{default:r(()=>[l(me,null,{default:r(()=>[P("Color")]),_:1}),l(Ce,null,{default:r(()=>[l(de,{modelValue:s(a).options.hudColor,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[2]||(t[2]=o=>s(a).options.hudColor=o),theme:"dark",class:"ma-1 bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white",swatches:_.value,width:"100%","show-swatches":""},null,8,["modelValue","swatches"])]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64))}}),Re=ge(be,[["__scopeId","data-v-246f3d78"]]);export{Re as default}; +import{d as O,a4 as $,p as B,q as G,D as I,u as j,a5 as q,v as m,an as J,a9 as K,A as Q,G as Z,l as ee,x as C,ap as D,ar as ae,H as te,aq as oe,o as se,c as ne,a as E,i as l,J as r,T as le,K as ie,b as s,ak as re,N as P,U as ue,at as k,av as de,_ as ce,L as he,as as fe,a3 as ge}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";import{w as V}from"./index-DxaGCbJO.js";import{g as pe}from"./index-ZORhgBxb.js";import{V as ve,a as we,b as me,c as Ce}from"./VExpansionPanel-DZ5P9AAn.js";const Ve={class:"main"},Se=["width","height"],be=O({__name:"CompassHUD",props:{widget:{}},setup(A){const S=$(),L=B();G.registerUsage(I.heading);const R=j(),a=q(A).widget,_=m([["#FFFFFF"],["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"]]),X=e=>{switch(e){case-180:return"S";case-135:return"SW";case-90:return"W";case-45:return"NW";case 0:return"N";case 45:return"NE";case 90:return"E";case 135:return"SE";case 180:return"S";case 225:return"SW";case 270:return"W";case 315:return"NW";case 360:return"N";default:return`${e}°`}},c=J({yawLinesX:{}}),b=[];let x=-180;for(;x<181;)b.push(x),x+=3;K(()=>{Object.keys(a.value.options).length===0&&(a.value.options={showYawValue:!0,hudColor:_.value[0][0],useNegativeRange:!1})}),Q(()=>{b.forEach(e=>c.yawLinesX[e]=M(e)),F()});const{width:U}=Z(),u=ee(()=>({width:a.value.size.width*U.value,height:64})),v=m(0);let W;C(R.attitude,e=>{Math.abs(D(e.yaw-(W||0)))>.1&&(W=e.yaw,v.value=D(R.attitude.yaw))});const M=e=>{let o=-(e-v.value||0);return o<-180?o+=360:o>180&&(o-=360),-o},h=m(),y=m(),F=()=>{if(h.value===void 0||h.value===null)return;if(y.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),y.value=h.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=y.value;ae(e);const t=.5*u.value.width,o=.5*u.value.height,N=12,d=16,f=10,n=2,Y=7;e.textAlign="center",e.strokeStyle="white",e.font=`bold ${N}px Arial`,e.fillStyle="white";for(const[i,T]of Object.entries(c.yawLinesX)){if(T<-90||T>90)continue;const H=2*t/Math.PI*Math.sin(fe(T)),w=t+H;if(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(w,d+n+f+n),e.lineTo(w,o*2-N-n-Y),e.lineWidth="1",Number(i)%15===0){e.lineWidth="2",e.lineTo(w,o*2-N-n);let p=Number(i);a.value.options.useNegativeRange||(p=p<0?p+360:p),e.fillText(X(Number(p)),w,o*2-n)}e.stroke()}if(a.value.options.showYawValue){e.font=`bold ${d}px Arial`;let i=Number(v.value);a.value.options.useNegativeRange||(i=i<0?i+360:i),e.fillText(`${i.toFixed(1)}°`,t,d)}e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(t,d+n+f),e.lineTo(t-.5*f,n+d+n),e.lineTo(t+.5*f,n+d+n),e.lineTo(t,d+n+f),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const g=e.createLinearGradient(0,o,u.value.width,o);g.addColorStop(.18,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.3,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(1).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.7,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(1).toRgbString()),g.addColorStop(.82,V(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),e.fillStyle=g,e.fillRect(0,0,u.value.width,o*2)};C(v,()=>{b.forEach(e=>{const t=M(e);Math.abs(c.yawLinesX[e]-t)>90?c.yawLinesX[e]=t:pe.to(c.yawLinesX,{duration:2.5,ease:"elastic.out(1.2, 0.5)",[e]:t})})}),C([c,u,a.value.options],()=>{S.isWidgetVisible(a.value)&&te(()=>F())});const z=oe(h);return C(z,(e,t)=>{e&&!t&&F()}),(e,t)=>(se(),ne(he,null,[E("div",Ve,[E("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:h,width:u.value.width,height:u.value.height},null,8,Se)]),l(ce,{modelValue:s(S).widgetManagerVars(s(a).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[3]||(t[3]=o=>s(S).widgetManagerVars(s(a).hash).configMenuOpen=o),"min-width":"400","max-width":"35%"},{default:r(()=>[l(le,{class:"px-8 pb-6 pt-2",style:ie(s(L).globalGlassMenuStyles)},{default:r(()=>[l(re,{class:"text-center"},{default:r(()=>[P("HUD Compass widget config")]),_:1}),l(ue,null,{default:r(()=>[l(k,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show yaw value",color:s(a).options.showYawValue?"white":void 0,"model-value":s(a).options.showYawValue,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[0]||(t[0]=o=>s(a).options.showYawValue=!s(a).options.showYawValue)},null,8,["color","model-value"]),l(k,{class:"ma-1",label:"Use -180/+180 range",color:s(a).options.useNegativeRange?"white":void 0,"model-value":s(a).options.useNegativeRange,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[1]||(t[1]=o=>s(a).options.useNegativeRange=!s(a).options.useNegativeRange)},null,8,["color","model-value"]),l(ve,null,{default:r(()=>[l(we,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white mt-2"},{default:r(()=>[l(me,null,{default:r(()=>[P("Color")]),_:1}),l(Ce,null,{default:r(()=>[l(de,{modelValue:s(a).options.hudColor,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[2]||(t[2]=o=>s(a).options.hudColor=o),theme:"dark",class:"ma-1 bg-[#FFFFFF11] text-white",swatches:_.value,width:"100%","show-swatches":""},null,8,["modelValue","swatches"])]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1})]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64))}}),Re=ge(be,[["__scopeId","data-v-246f3d78"]]);export{Re as default}; diff --git a/DepthHUD-DO-a7jx0.js b/DepthHUD-CJp6W7FV.js similarity index 97% rename from DepthHUD-DO-a7jx0.js rename to DepthHUD-CJp6W7FV.js index d4725340b..aa40b6f87 100644 --- a/DepthHUD-DO-a7jx0.js +++ b/DepthHUD-CJp6W7FV.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as j,p as J,a4 as q,q as I,D as K,u as Q,a5 as X,v as S,an as Z,l as d,az as ee,z as te,a9 as ae,A as oe,G as se,x as b,y as le,ah as k,ar as ne,H as ie,aq as ue,o as re,c as de,a as N,i as n,J as h,T as he,K as ce,b as l,ak as pe,N as O,U as ve,at as fe,av as ge,_ as me,L as we,a3 as xe}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";import{w as Ve}from"./index-DxaGCbJO.js";import{g as E}from"./index-ZORhgBxb.js";import{V as Ce,a as De,b as Se,c as be}from"./VExpansionPanel-BQHFadzQ.js";const Fe={class:"main"},Te=["width","height"],ye=j({__name:"DepthHUD",props:{widget:{}},setup(H){const F=J(),T=q();I.registerUsage(K.depth);const A=Q(),a=X(H).widget,L=S([["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"],["#FFFFFF"]]),i=Z({depthLinesY:{},indicatorY:0}),x=S(Array(10).fill(0)),V=d(()=>x.value[x.value.length-1]),W=d(()=>x.value.slice(-10)),U=d(()=>Math.max(...W.value)),g=d(()=>1.3*U.value>10?1.3*U.value:10),C=d(()=>ee(0,g.value+1)),$=d(()=>Math.max(...C.value)),z=d(()=>te[F.displayUnitPreferences.distance]);ae(()=>{Object.keys(a.value.options).length===0&&(a.value.options={showDepthValue:!0,hudColor:L.value[2][0]})}),oe(()=>{C.value.forEach(e=>i.depthLinesY[e]=y(e)),M()});const{height:B}=se(),r=d(()=>({width:128,height:a.value.size.height*B.value}));b(A.altitude,()=>{const e=A.altitude.msl,t=le(-e.value,e.toJSON().unit);if(Math.abs(t.value-(V.value||0))<.1)return;const v=t.to(F.displayUnitPreferences.distance);x.value.push(v.toJSON().value)});const y=e=>{const t=e,s=r.value.height/$.value;return k(s*t)},m=S(),_=S(),M=()=>{if(m.value===void 0||m.value===null)return;if(_.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),_.value=m.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=_.value,t=r.value.width,s=r.value.height;ne(e);const v=12,c=16,p=10,o=1,R=5,u=10*o;e.textAlign="left",e.textBaseline="middle",e.font=`bold ${v}px Arial`,e.strokeStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,e.fillStyle=a.value.options.hudColor;let f=[1,5];g.value>25&&(f=[2,10]),g.value>125&&(f=[5,25]),g.value>250&&(f=[10,50]),g.value>500&&(f=[20,100]);for(const[P,w]of Object.entries(i.depthLinesY))Number(P)%f[0]===0&&(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(t-o-3.3*v-R,w+u),e.lineTo(o+3.9*c+p,w+u),e.lineWidth="1"),Number(P)%f[1]===0&&(e.lineWidth="2",e.moveTo(t-o-3.3*v,w+u),e.lineTo(o+3.9*c+p,w+u),e.fillText(`${P} ${z.value}`,t-o-3*v,w+u)),e.stroke();const D=Math.max(i.indicatorY,0);e.strokeStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,e.fillStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,a.value.options.showDepthValue&&(e.textAlign="right",e.font=`bold ${c}px Arial`,e.fillText(`${V.value.toFixed(1)} ${z.value}`,o+4.3*c-p-o,D+u)),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(o+4.3*c+o,D+u),e.lineTo(o+4.3*c+o-p,D-p/2+u),e.lineTo(o+4.3*c+o-p,D+p/2+u),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const Y=e.createLinearGradient(t/2,0,t/2,s);Y.addColorStop(.95,a.value.options.hudColor),Y.addColorStop(1,Ve(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),e.fillStyle=Y,e.fillRect(0,0,t,s)};b(V,()=>{C.value.forEach(t=>{var s;(s=i.depthLinesY)[t]??(s[t]=k(r.value.height+100)),E.to(i.depthLinesY,.5,{[t]:y(t)})}),Object.keys(i.depthLinesY).filter(t=>!C.value.includes(Number(t))).forEach(t=>{E.to(i.depthLinesY,.5,{[t]:k(r.value.height+100)})}),E.to(i,.5,{indicatorY:y(V.value)})}),b([i,r,a.value.options],()=>{T.isWidgetVisible(a.value)&&ie(()=>M())});const G=ue(m);return b(G,(e,t)=>{e&&!t&&M()}),(e,t)=>(re(),de(we,null,[N("div",Fe,[N("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:m,width:r.value.width,height:r.value.height},null,8,Te)]),n(me,{modelValue:l(T).widgetManagerVars(l(a).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[2]||(t[2]=s=>l(T).widgetManagerVars(l(a).hash).configMenuOpen=s),"min-width":"400","max-width":"35%"},{default:h(()=>[n(he,{class:"pa-2",style:ce(l(F).globalGlassMenuStyles)},{default:h(()=>[n(pe,null,{default:h(()=>[O("Depth HUD config")]),_:1}),n(ve,null,{default:h(()=>[n(fe,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show height value","model-value":l(a).options.showDepthValue,color:l(a).options.showDepthValue?"white":void 0,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[0]||(t[0]=s=>l(a).options.showDepthValue=!l(a).options.showDepthValue)},null,8,["model-value","color"]),n(Ce,null,{default:h(()=>[n(De,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22] 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Fe={class:"main"},Te=["width","height"],ye=j({__name:"DepthHUD",props:{widget:{}},setup(H){const F=J(),T=q();I.registerUsage(K.depth);const A=Q(),a=X(H).widget,L=S([["#FF2D2D"],["#0ADB0ACC"],["#FFFFFF"]]),i=Z({depthLinesY:{},indicatorY:0}),x=S(Array(10).fill(0)),V=d(()=>x.value[x.value.length-1]),W=d(()=>x.value.slice(-10)),U=d(()=>Math.max(...W.value)),g=d(()=>1.3*U.value>10?1.3*U.value:10),C=d(()=>ee(0,g.value+1)),$=d(()=>Math.max(...C.value)),z=d(()=>te[F.displayUnitPreferences.distance]);ae(()=>{Object.keys(a.value.options).length===0&&(a.value.options={showDepthValue:!0,hudColor:L.value[2][0]})}),oe(()=>{C.value.forEach(e=>i.depthLinesY[e]=y(e)),M()});const{height:B}=se(),r=d(()=>({width:128,height:a.value.size.height*B.value}));b(A.altitude,()=>{const e=A.altitude.msl,t=le(-e.value,e.toJSON().unit);if(Math.abs(t.value-(V.value||0))<.1)return;const v=t.to(F.displayUnitPreferences.distance);x.value.push(v.toJSON().value)});const y=e=>{const t=e,s=r.value.height/$.value;return k(s*t)},m=S(),_=S(),M=()=>{if(m.value===void 0||m.value===null)return;if(_.value===void 0){console.debug("Canvas context undefined!"),_.value=m.value.getContext("2d");return}const e=_.value,t=r.value.width,s=r.value.height;ne(e);const v=12,c=16,p=10,o=1,R=5,u=10*o;e.textAlign="left",e.textBaseline="middle",e.font=`bold ${v}px Arial`,e.strokeStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,e.fillStyle=a.value.options.hudColor;let f=[1,5];g.value>25&&(f=[2,10]),g.value>125&&(f=[5,25]),g.value>250&&(f=[10,50]),g.value>500&&(f=[20,100]);for(const[P,w]of Object.entries(i.depthLinesY))Number(P)%f[0]===0&&(e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(t-o-3.3*v-R,w+u),e.lineTo(o+3.9*c+p,w+u),e.lineWidth="1"),Number(P)%f[1]===0&&(e.lineWidth="2",e.moveTo(t-o-3.3*v,w+u),e.lineTo(o+3.9*c+p,w+u),e.fillText(`${P} ${z.value}`,t-o-3*v,w+u)),e.stroke();const D=Math.max(i.indicatorY,0);e.strokeStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,e.fillStyle=a.value.options.hudColor,a.value.options.showDepthValue&&(e.textAlign="right",e.font=`bold ${c}px Arial`,e.fillText(`${V.value.toFixed(1)} ${z.value}`,o+4.3*c-p-o,D+u)),e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(o+4.3*c+o,D+u),e.lineTo(o+4.3*c+o-p,D-p/2+u),e.lineTo(o+4.3*c+o-p,D+p/2+u),e.closePath(),e.fill(),e.globalCompositeOperation="source-in";const Y=e.createLinearGradient(t/2,0,t/2,s);Y.addColorStop(.95,a.value.options.hudColor),Y.addColorStop(1,Ve(a.value.options.hudColor).alpha(0).toRgbString()),e.fillStyle=Y,e.fillRect(0,0,t,s)};b(V,()=>{C.value.forEach(t=>{var s;(s=i.depthLinesY)[t]??(s[t]=k(r.value.height+100)),E.to(i.depthLinesY,.5,{[t]:y(t)})}),Object.keys(i.depthLinesY).filter(t=>!C.value.includes(Number(t))).forEach(t=>{E.to(i.depthLinesY,.5,{[t]:k(r.value.height+100)})}),E.to(i,.5,{indicatorY:y(V.value)})}),b([i,r,a.value.options],()=>{T.isWidgetVisible(a.value)&&ie(()=>M())});const G=ue(m);return b(G,(e,t)=>{e&&!t&&M()}),(e,t)=>(re(),de(we,null,[N("div",Fe,[N("canvas",{ref_key:"canvasRef",ref:m,width:r.value.width,height:r.value.height},null,8,Te)]),n(me,{modelValue:l(T).widgetManagerVars(l(a).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":t[2]||(t[2]=s=>l(T).widgetManagerVars(l(a).hash).configMenuOpen=s),"min-width":"400","max-width":"35%"},{default:h(()=>[n(he,{class:"pa-2",style:ce(l(F).globalGlassMenuStyles)},{default:h(()=>[n(pe,null,{default:h(()=>[O("Depth HUD config")]),_:1}),n(ve,null,{default:h(()=>[n(fe,{class:"ma-1",label:"Show height value","model-value":l(a).options.showDepthValue,color:l(a).options.showDepthValue?"white":void 0,"hide-details":"",onChange:t[0]||(t[0]=s=>l(a).options.showDepthValue=!l(a).options.showDepthValue)},null,8,["model-value","color"]),n(Ce,null,{default:h(()=>[n(De,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22] 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h,c as S,a as i,i as t,J as l,T as y,K as C,ak as I,N as r,U as M,b0 as b,ag as k,b2 as B,R as T,_ as U,a1 as N,a2 as O,a3 as R}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const u=n=>(N("data-v-e07f7844"),n=n(),O(),n),j={class:"w-full h-full"},A=["src"],D=u(()=>i("a",null,"Image URL",-1)),E=u(()=>i("span",{class:"text-xs font-semibold leading-3 text-slate-600"},"Fit style",-1)),F=g({__name:"ImageView",props:{widget:{}},setup(n){m(f=>({a0190c2e:e(a).options.fitStyle}));const c=V(),d=_(),a=w(n).widget;x(()=>{Object.keys(a.value.options).length===0&&(a.value.options={src:"",fitStyle:"cover"})});const 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as ke,br as ne,bs as xe,bt as Ie,d as Se,a_ as Ae,a5 as De,p as Ve,F as Oe,u as Ce,bu as Ee,v as p,l as R,q as ie,D as se,a9 as _e,bv as f,A as Ne,bw as M,I as Le,x as w,bx as Re,ap as He,by as Ue,bz as le,an as ze,a4 as Fe,h as Pe,o as K,c as re,a as P,w as ue,i as I,n as ce,b as c,Q as C,R as $,K as de,k as ve,J as B,T as $e,ak as Be,N as Xe,U as We,at as Ye,_ as qe,j as Ge,S as Ze,L as je,s as Ke,e as Je,E as Qe}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";function pe(n,d){if(n==null)throw new TypeError("assign requires that input parameter not be null or undefined");for(var i in d)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,i)&&(n[i]=d[i]);return n}function eo(n){return pe({},n)}var me=1440,oo=2520,J=43200,to=86400;function ao(n,d,i){var D,g;fe(2,arguments);var l=Ie(),s=(D=(g=i==null?void 0:i.locale)!==null&&g!==void 0?g:l.locale)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:we;if(!s.formatDistance)throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatDistance property");var t=Te(n,d);if(isNaN(t))throw new RangeError("Invalid time 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0)return;let{lat:o,lng:a}=t.value.getCenter();o&&a&&(h.value=[o,a])}),t.value.on("zoomend",()=>{var o;t.value!==void 0&&(r.value=((o=t.value)==null?void 0:o.getZoom())??h.value)}),t.value.on("click",()=>{t.value!==void 0&&t.value.on("click",ee)}),t.value.on("contextmenu",()=>{oe()});const e=f.control.layers(S);t.value.addControl(e),b.enableAutoUpdate(),window.addEventListener("keydown",te),b.goToTarget(M.HOME)}),Le(()=>{b.disableAutoUpdate(),window.removeEventListener("keydown",te),t.value&&(t.value.off("click",ee),t.value.off("contextmenu"))}),w(h,(e,o)=>{var a,u,A;e.toString()!==o.toString()&&((a=t.value)==null||a.panTo(e),(A=(u=V.value)==null?void 0:u.getTooltip())==null||A.setContent(`Home: ${e[0].toFixed(6)}, ${e[1].toFixed(6)}`))}),w(t,(e,o)=>{t.value!==void 0&&(e==null?void 0:e.options)===void 0&&(t.value=o)}),w(r,(e,o)=>{var a;e!==o&&((a=t.value)==null||a.setZoom(r.value))}),w(d.widget,()=>{var e;(e=t.value)==null||e.invalidateSize()});const L=p(void 0),b=new Re(e=>L.value=e,e=>h.value=e);b.setTrackableTarget(M.VEHICLE,()=>y.value),b.setTrackableTarget(M.HOME,()=>m.value);const y=R(()=>l.coordinates.latitude?[l.coordinates.latitude,l.coordinates.longitude]:void 0),E=R(()=>{var e;return l.attitude.yaw?He((e=l.attitude)==null?void 0:e.yaw):0}),_=R(()=>{const e=l.lastHeartbeat;return e?`${no(e??0,{includeSeconds:!0})} ago`:"never"}),{history:ge}=Ue(y);(ae=navigator==null?void 0:navigator.geolocation)==null||ae.watchPosition(e=>m.value=[e.coords.latitude,e.coords.longitude],e=>console.error(`Failed to get position: (${e.code}) ${e.message}`),{enableHighAccuracy:!1,timeout:5e3,maximumAge:0});let Q=!0;w([m,t],async()=>{m.value===h.value||!t.value||!Q||(b.goToTarget(M.HOME),Q=!1)});const k=p();w(l.coordinates,()=>{if(!(!t.value||!y.value)){if(k.value===void 0){k.value=f.marker(y.value);let e=lo;l.vehicleType===le.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT?e=io:l.vehicleType===le.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE&&(e=so);const o=new 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d)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,i)&&(n[i]=d[i]);return n}function eo(n){return pe({},n)}var me=1440,oo=2520,J=43200,to=86400;function ao(n,d,i){var D,g;fe(2,arguments);var l=Ie(),s=(D=(g=i==null?void 0:i.locale)!==null&&g!==void 0?g:l.locale)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:we;if(!s.formatDistance)throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatDistance property");var t=Te(n,d);if(isNaN(t))throw new RangeError("Invalid time value");var r=pe(eo(i),{addSuffix:!!(i!=null&&i.addSuffix),comparison:t}),h,m;t>0?(h=F(d),m=F(n)):(h=F(n),m=F(d));var T=ke(m,h),H=(ne(m)-ne(h))/1e3,v=Math.round((T-H)/60),S;if(v<2)return i!=null&&i.includeSeconds?T<5?s.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds",5,r):T<10?s.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds",10,r):T<20?s.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds",20,r):T<40?s.formatDistance("halfAMinute",0,r):T<60?s.formatDistance("lessThanXMinutes",1,r):s.formatDistance("xMinutes",1,r):v===0?s.formatDistance("lessThanXMinutes",1,r):s.formatDistance("xMinutes",v,r);if(v<45)return 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a,u,A;e.toString()!==o.toString()&&((a=t.value)==null||a.panTo(e),(A=(u=V.value)==null?void 0:u.getTooltip())==null||A.setContent(`Home: ${e[0].toFixed(6)}, ${e[1].toFixed(6)}`))}),w(t,(e,o)=>{t.value!==void 0&&(e==null?void 0:e.options)===void 0&&(t.value=o)}),w(r,(e,o)=>{var a;e!==o&&((a=t.value)==null||a.setZoom(r.value))}),w(d.widget,()=>{var e;(e=t.value)==null||e.invalidateSize()});const L=p(void 0),b=new Re(e=>L.value=e,e=>h.value=e);b.setTrackableTarget(M.VEHICLE,()=>y.value),b.setTrackableTarget(M.HOME,()=>m.value);const y=R(()=>l.coordinates.latitude?[l.coordinates.latitude,l.coordinates.longitude]:void 0),E=R(()=>{var e;return l.attitude.yaw?He((e=l.attitude)==null?void 0:e.yaw):0}),_=R(()=>{const e=l.lastHeartbeat;return e?`${no(e??0,{includeSeconds:!0})} ago`:"never"}),{history:ge}=Ue(y);(ae=navigator==null?void 0:navigator.geolocation)==null||ae.watchPosition(e=>m.value=[e.coords.latitude,e.coords.longitude],e=>console.error(`Failed to get position: (${e.code}) ${e.message}`),{enableHighAccuracy:!1,timeout:5e3,maximumAge:0});let Q=!0;w([m,t],async()=>{m.value===h.value||!t.value||!Q||(b.goToTarget(M.HOME),Q=!1)});const k=p();w(l.coordinates,()=>{if(!(!t.value||!y.value)){if(k.value===void 0){k.value=f.marker(y.value);let e=lo;l.vehicleType===le.MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT?e=io:l.vehicleType===le.MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE&&(e=so);const o=new f.Icon({iconUrl:e,iconSize:[64,64],iconAnchor:[32,32]});k.value.setIcon(o);const a=f.tooltip({content:"No data available",className:"waypoint-tooltip",offset:[64,-12]});k.value.bindTooltip(a),t.value.addLayer(k.value)}k.value.setLatLng(y.value)}}),w([y,E,_,()=>l.isArmed],()=>{var e,o,a,u;k.value!==void 0&&((u=k.value.getTooltip())==null||u.setContent(`

Coordinates: ${(e=y.value)==null?void 0:e[0].toFixed(6)}, ${(o=y.value)==null?void 0:o[1].toFixed(6)}

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as Z,S as $,bi as ee,X as C,bj as ae,bk as te,H as ne,d as oe,o as se,j as le,bl as re,J as y,R as ie,O as ce,N as B,t as ue}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";function me(e){const o=T(e);let a=-1;function t(){clearInterval(a)}function s(){t(),ne(()=>o.value=e)}function r(i){const u=i?getComputedStyle(i):{transitionDuration:.2},n=parseFloat(u.transitionDuration)*1e3||200;if(t(),o.value<=0)return;const c=performance.now();a=window.setInterval(()=>{const m=performance.now()-c+n;o.value=Math.max(e-m,0),o.value<=0&&t()},n)}return te(t),{clear:t,time:o,start:r,reset:s}}const ve=A({multiLine:Boolean,text:String,timer:[Boolean,String],timeout:{type:[Number,String],default:5e3},vertical:Boolean,...I({location:"bottom"}),...L(),...M(),...O(),...F(),...H(j({transition:"v-snackbar-transition"}),["persistent","noClickAnimation","scrim","scrollStrategy"])},"VSnackbar"),de=E()({name:"VSnackbar",props:ve(),emits:{"update:modelValue":e=>!0},setup(e,o){let{slots:a}=o;const 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as $,aS as C,h as j,O as z,aT as F,aU as N,aV as H,aW as J,aX as K,aY as M,aZ as Q}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const r=Symbol.for("vuetify:v-expansion-panel"),U=["default","accordion","inset","popout"],W=f({color:String,flat:Boolean,focusable:Boolean,static:Boolean,tile:Boolean,variant:{type:String,default:"default",validator:e=>U.includes(e)},readonly:Boolean,...P(),...A(),...E(),..._()},"VExpansionPanels"),ae=m()({name:"VExpansionPanels",props:W(),emits:{"update:modelValue":e=>!0},setup(e,o){let{slots:n}=o;R(e,r);const{themeClasses:a}=D(e),i=d(()=>e.variant&&`v-expansion-panels--variant-${e.variant}`);return g({VExpansionPanel:{color:u(e,"color"),readonly:u(e,"readonly")},VExpansionPanelTitle:{focusable:u(e,"focusable"),static:u(e,"static")}}),y(()=>l(e.tag,{class:["v-expansion-panels",{"v-expansion-panels--flat":e.flat,"v-expansion-panels--tile":e.tile},a.value,i.value,e.class],style:e.style},n)),{}}}),X=f({...P(),...S()},"VExpansionPanelText"),Y=m()({name:"VExpansionPanelText",props:X(),setup(e,o){let{slots:n}=o;const a=k(r);if(!a)throw new Error("[Vuetify] v-expansion-panel-text needs to be placed inside v-expansion-panel");const{hasContent:i,onAfterLeave:v}=G(e,a.isSelected);return y(()=>l(O,{onAfterLeave:v},{default:()=>{var c;return[I(l("div",{class:["v-expansion-panel-text",e.class],style:e.style},[n.default&&i.value&&l("div",{class:"v-expansion-panel-text__wrapper"},[(c=n.default)==null?void 0:c.call(n)])]),[[L,a.isSelected.value]])]}})),{}}}),T=f({color:String,expandIcon:{type:V,default:"$expand"},collapseIcon:{type:V,default:"$collapse"},hideActions:Boolean,focusable:Boolean,static:Boolean,ripple:{type:[Boolean,Object],default:!1},readonly:Boolean,...P()},"VExpansionPanelTitle"),Z=m()({name:"VExpansionPanelTitle",directives:{Ripple:$},props:T(),setup(e,o){let{slots:n}=o;const a=k(r);if(!a)throw new Error("[Vuetify] v-expansion-panel-title needs to be placed inside v-expansion-panel");const{backgroundColorClasses:i,backgroundColorStyles:v}=C(e,"color"),c=d(()=>({collapseIcon:e.collapseIcon,disabled:a.disabled.value,expanded:a.isSelected.value,expandIcon:e.expandIcon,readonly:e.readonly}));return y(()=>{var x;return I(l("button",{class:["v-expansion-panel-title",{"v-expansion-panel-title--active":a.isSelected.value,"v-expansion-panel-title--focusable":e.focusable,"v-expansion-panel-title--static":e.static},i.value,e.class],style:[v.value,e.style],type:"button",tabindex:a.disabled.value?-1:void 0,disabled:a.disabled.value,"aria-expanded":a.isSelected.value,onClick:e.readonly?void 0:a.toggle},[l("span",{class:"v-expansion-panel-title__overlay"},null),(x=n.default)==null?void 0:x.call(n,c.value),!e.hideActions&&l("span",{class:"v-expansion-panel-title__icon"},[n.actions?n.actions(c.value):l(z,{icon:a.isSelected.value?e.collapseIcon:e.expandIcon},null)])]),[[j("ripple"),e.ripple]])}),{}}}),q=f({title:String,text:String,bgColor:String,...P(),...F(),...N(),...S(),...H(),...E(),...T()},"VExpansionPanel"),ne=m()({name:"VExpansionPanel",props:q(),emits:{"group:selected":e=>!0},setup(e,o){let{slots:n}=o;const a=J(e,r),{backgroundColorClasses:i,backgroundColorStyles:v}=C(e,"bgColor"),{elevationClasses:c}=K(e),{roundedClasses:x}=M(e),h=d(()=>(a==null?void 0:a.disabled.value)||e.disabled),b=d(()=>a.group.items.value.reduce((s,t,p)=>(a.group.selected.value.includes(t.id)&&s.push(p),s),[])),B=d(()=>{const s=a.group.items.value.findIndex(t=>t.id===a.id);return!a.isSelected.value&&b.value.some(t=>t-s===1)}),w=d(()=>{const s=a.group.items.value.findIndex(t=>t.id===a.id);return!a.isSelected.value&&b.value.some(t=>t-s===-1)});return Q(r,a),g({VExpansionPanelText:{eager:u(e,"eager")},VExpansionPanelTitle:{readonly:u(e,"readonly")}}),y(()=>{const s=!!(n.text||e.text),t=!!(n.title||e.title);return l(e.tag,{class:["v-expansion-panel",{"v-expansion-panel--active":a.isSelected.value,"v-expansion-panel--before-active":B.value,"v-expansion-panel--after-active":w.value,"v-expansion-panel--disabled":h.value},x.value,i.value,e.class],style:[v.value,e.style]},{default:()=>{var p;return[l("div",{class:["v-expansion-panel__shadow",...c.value]},null),t&&l(Z,{key:"title",collapseIcon:e.collapseIcon,color:e.color,expandIcon:e.expandIcon,hideActions:e.hideActions,ripple:e.ripple},{default:()=>[n.title?n.title():e.title]}),s&&l(Y,{key:"text"},{default:()=>[n.text?n.text():e.text]}),(p=n.default)==null?void 0:p.call(n)]}})}),{}}});export{ae as V,ne as a,Z as b,Y as c}; diff --git a/VeryGenericIndicator-BknaEzTa.js b/VeryGenericIndicator-Dtn10rF2.js similarity index 99% rename from VeryGenericIndicator-BknaEzTa.js rename to VeryGenericIndicator-Dtn10rF2.js index ce921c25c..aeeeedf7d 100644 --- a/VeryGenericIndicator-BknaEzTa.js +++ b/VeryGenericIndicator-Dtn10rF2.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{d as x1,F as D1,p as E1,a5 as N1,a9 as W1,u as I1,a4 as G1,v as y,l as $,ai as J,x as C1,A as Q1,aj as U1,r as z1,o as g,c as P,a as v,n as W,b as c,t as R,i as H1,J as X,T as _1,K as K1,Q as j1,ak as q1,w as V1,al as L1,am as u1,L as i1,M as d1,k as M1,j as $1,ah as X1,_ as Y1,q as J1,a1 as C2,a2 as H2,a3 as V2}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";var L2="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V12H4V8H6V12H8V4A2 2 0 0 0 6 2H4M4 4H6V6H4M22 15.5V14A2 2 0 0 0 20 12H16V22H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 20V18.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 20.5 17A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 22 15.5M20 20H18V18H20V20M20 16H18V14H20M5.79 21.61L4.21 20.39L18.21 2.39L19.79 3.61Z",M2="M5 5H7V11H5V5M10 5H8V11H10V5M5 19H7V13H5V19M10 13H8V19H10V17H15V15H10V13M2 21H4V3H2V21M20 3V7H13V5H11V11H13V9H20V15H18V13H16V19H18V17H20V21H22V3H20Z",A2="M12 4C10.08 4 8.5 5.58 8.5 7.5C8.5 8.43 8.88 9.28 9.5 9.91C7.97 10.91 7 12.62 7 14.5C7 17.53 9.47 20 12.5 20C14.26 20 16 19.54 17.5 18.66L16.5 16.93C15.28 17.63 13.9 18 12.5 18C10.56 18 9 16.45 9 14.5C9 12.91 10.06 11.53 11.59 11.12L16.8 9.72L16.28 7.79L11.83 9C11.08 8.9 10.5 8.28 10.5 7.5C10.5 6.66 11.16 6 12 6C12.26 6 12.5 6.07 12.75 6.2L13.75 4.47C13.22 4.16 12.61 4 12 4Z",i2="M3.9 4L9 10.03C7.58 10.17 6.36 11.18 6 12.59L4 20H6.07L7.92 13.11C8.09 12.46 8.69 12 9.36 12H10.69L17.47 20H20.1L15 13.97C16.42 13.83 17.64 12.82 18 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6,12C6,13.65 6.67,15.15 7.76,16.24L9.17,14.83C8.45,14.11 8,13.11 8,12C8,10.89 8.45,9.89 9.17,9.17L7.76,7.76M16.24,7.76L14.83,9.17C15.55,9.89 16,10.89 16,12C16,13.11 15.55,14.11 14.83,14.83L16.24,16.24C17.33,15.15 18,13.65 18,12C18,10.35 17.33,8.85 16.24,7.76M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",d2="M20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84M19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12V12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93M15.96 12.36C16.6 12.13 17.28 12 18 12C18 10.35 17.33 8.85 16.24 7.76L14.83 9.17C15.55 9.89 16 10.89 16 12C16 12.12 15.97 12.24 15.96 12.36M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76Z",m2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M14 19H22V17H14V19Z",t2="M4.93,3.93C3.12,5.74 2,8.24 2,11C2,13.76 3.12,16.26 4.93,18.07L6.34,16.66C4.89,15.22 4,13.22 4,11C4,8.79 4.89,6.78 6.34,5.34L4.93,3.93M19.07,3.93L17.66,5.34C19.11,6.78 20,8.79 20,11C20,13.22 19.11,15.22 17.66,16.66L19.07,18.07C20.88,16.26 22,13.76 22,11C22,8.24 20.88,5.74 19.07,3.93M7.76,6.76C6.67,7.85 6,9.35 6,11C6,12.65 6.67,14.15 7.76,15.24L9.17,13.83C8.45,13.11 8,12.11 8,11C8,9.89 8.45,8.89 9.17,8.17L7.76,6.76M16.24,6.76L14.83,8.17C15.55,8.89 16,9.89 16,11C16,12.11 15.55,13.11 14.83,13.83L16.24,15.24C17.33,14.15 18,12.65 18,11C18,9.35 17.33,7.85 16.24,6.76M12,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9M11,15V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V15H11Z",v2="M14.83,13.83C15.55,13.11 16,12.11 16,11C16,9.89 15.55,8.89 14.83,8.17L16.24,6.76C17.33,7.85 18,9.35 18,11C18,12.65 17.33,14.15 16.24,15.24L14.83,13.83M14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9C11.4,9 10.87,9.27 10.5,9.68L13.32,12.5C13.73,12.13 14,11.6 14,11M17.66,16.66L19.07,18.07C20.88,16.26 22,13.76 22,11C22,8.24 20.88,5.74 19.07,3.93L17.66,5.34C19.11,6.78 20,8.79 20,11C20,13.22 19.11,15.22 17.66,16.66M22,21.18V20H20.82L22,21.18M20.27,22L21,22.73L19.73,24L17.73,22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V15.27L8.34,12.61C8.54,13.07 8.82,13.5 9.17,13.83L7.76,15.24C6.67,14.15 6,12.65 6,11C6,10.77 6,10.54 6.04,10.31L4.37,8.64C4.14,9.39 4,10.18 4,11C4,13.22 4.89,15.22 6.34,16.66L4.93,18.07C3.12,16.26 2,13.76 2,11C2,9.61 2.29,8.28 2.81,7.08L1,5.27L2.28,4L3.7,5.42L5.15,6.87L6.63,8.35V8.35L8.17,9.9L10.28,12L11,12.71L18.27,20H18.28L20.28,22H20.27M15.73,20L13,17.27V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H15.73Z",l2="M20.84 22.73L12.1 14C12.06 14 12.03 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12C10 11.97 10 11.94 10 11.9L8.4 10.29C8.15 10.81 8 11.38 8 12C8 13.11 8.45 14.11 9.17 14.83L7.76 16.24C6.67 15.15 6 13.65 6 12C6 10.83 6.34 9.74 6.93 8.82L5.5 7.37C4.55 8.67 4 10.27 4 12C4 14.22 4.89 16.22 6.34 17.66L4.93 19.07C3.12 17.26 2 14.76 2 12C2 9.72 2.77 7.63 4.06 5.95L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15.93 12.73L17.53 14.33C17.83 13.61 18 12.83 18 12C18 10.35 17.33 8.85 16.24 7.76L14.83 9.17C15.55 9.89 16 10.89 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73M19.03 15.83L20.5 17.28C21.44 15.75 22 13.94 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 13.39 19.65 14.7 19.03 15.83Z",o2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M19 14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14Z",n2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.53 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",Z2="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z",S2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 1 14 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 12A4 4 0 0 1 6 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 4M10 14C14.42 14 18 15.79 18 18V20H2V18C2 15.79 5.58 14 10 14M20 12V7H22V13H20M20 17V15H22V17H20Z",u2="M20 12V7H22V13H20M20 17H22V15H20M10 13C12.67 13 18 14.34 18 17V20H2V17C2 14.34 7.33 13 10 13M10 4A4 4 0 0 1 14 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 12A4 4 0 0 1 6 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 4M10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H16.1V17C16.1 16.36 12.97 14.9 10 14.9M10 5.9A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 7.9 8A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 10 10.1A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 12.1 8A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 10 5.9Z",c2="M19 18V14H17V18H15L18 21L21 18H19M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",s2="M19 18V14H17V18H15L18 21L21 18H19M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",O2="M17 18H21V16H17V14L14 17L17 20V18M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",h2="M17 18H21V16H17V14L14 17L17 20V18M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",p2="M18 16H14V18H18V20L21 17L18 14V16M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",f2="M18 16H14V18H18V20L21 17L18 14V16M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",g2="M17 17V21H19V17H21L18 14L15 17H17M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",k2="M17 17V21H19V17H21L18 14L15 17H17M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",B2="M14 19.5C14 17.5 15.1 15.7 16.7 14.8C15.4 14.3 13.8 14 12 14C7.6 14 4 15.8 4 18V20H14V19.5M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M16 8C16 10.2 14.2 12 12 12S8 10.2 8 8 9.8 4 12 4 16 5.8 16 8Z",P2="M14 20H4V17C4 14.3 9.3 13 12 13C13.5 13 15.9 13.4 17.7 14.3C16.9 14.6 16.3 15 15.7 15.5C14.6 15.1 13.3 14.9 12 14.9C9 14.9 5.9 16.4 5.9 17V18.1H14.2C14.1 18.5 14 19 14 19.5V20M23 19.5C23 21.4 21.4 23 19.5 23S16 21.4 16 19.5 17.6 16 19.5 16 23 17.6 23 19.5M12 6C13.1 6 14 6.9 14 8S13.1 10 12 10 10 9.1 10 8 10.9 6 12 6M12 4C9.8 4 8 5.8 8 8S9.8 12 12 12 16 10.2 16 8 14.2 4 12 4Z",w2="M6,17C6,15 10,13.9 12,13.9C14,13.9 18,15 18,17V18H6M15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9M3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5Z",F2="M21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3C20.21 12.09 19.86 12.09 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.91 14.14 21.91 13.79 21.7 13.58M12 22H14.06L20.11 15.93L18.06 13.88L12 19.94V22M10 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 4.47 3.21 3.96 3.59 3.59C3.96 3.21 4.47 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.33C20.36 10.07 19.63 10.08 19 10.36V5H5V19H10.11L10 19.11V21M14.62 14.5L12.11 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.7 14 13.73 14.16 14.62 14.5M13.59 11.59C13.17 12 12.6 12.25 12 12.25C11.4 12.25 10.83 12 10.41 11.59C10 11.17 9.75 10.6 9.75 10C9.75 9.4 10 8.83 10.41 8.41C10.83 8 11.4 7.75 12 7.75C12.6 7.75 13.17 8 13.59 8.41C14 8.83 14.25 9.4 14.25 10C14.25 10.6 14 11.17 13.59 11.59Z",T2="M13.4 14.15C12.73 14.95 12.26 15.93 12.08 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.39 14 12.88 14.05 13.4 14.15M19 5V12.08C19.72 12.2 20.39 12.45 21 12.8V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C4.47 3 3.96 3.21 3.59 3.59C3.21 3.96 3 4.47 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.8C12.45 20.39 12.2 19.72 12.08 19H5V5H19M12 12.25C12.6 12.25 13.17 12 13.59 11.59C14 11.17 14.25 10.6 14.25 10C14.25 9.4 14 8.83 13.59 8.41C13.17 8 12.6 7.75 12 7.75C11.4 7.75 10.83 8 10.41 8.41C10 8.83 9.75 9.4 9.75 10C9.75 10.6 10 11.17 10.41 11.59C10.83 12 11.4 12.25 12 12.25M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",b2="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2H20M17,7A3,3 0 0,0 14,4A3,3 0 0,0 11,7A3,3 0 0,0 14,10A3,3 0 0,0 17,7M8,15V16H20V15C20,13 16,11.9 14,11.9C12,11.9 8,13 8,15Z",y2="M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M18.5 14.25C18.5 12.75 15.5 12 14 12S9.5 12.75 9.5 14.25V15H18.5M14 10.25C15.24 10.25 16.25 9.24 16.25 8S15.24 5.75 14 5.75 11.75 6.76 11.75 8 12.76 10.25 14 10.25M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H8V4H20V16Z",R2="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M16.5,16.25C16.5,14.75 13.5,14 12,14C10.5,14 7.5,14.75 7.5,16.25V17H16.5M12,12.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 14.25,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,12.25Z",x2="M13.4 14.15C12.73 14.95 12.26 15.93 12.08 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.39 14 12.88 14.05 13.4 14.15M19 5V12.08C19.72 12.2 20.39 12.45 21 12.8V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C4.47 3 3.96 3.21 3.59 3.59C3.21 3.96 3 4.47 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.8C12.45 20.39 12.2 19.72 12.08 19H5V5H19M12 12.25C12.6 12.25 13.17 12 13.59 11.59C14 11.17 14.25 10.6 14.25 10C14.25 9.4 14 8.83 13.59 8.41C13.17 8 12.6 7.75 12 7.75C11.4 7.75 10.83 8 10.41 8.41C10 8.83 9.75 9.4 9.75 10C9.75 10.6 10 11.17 10.41 11.59C10.83 12 11.4 12.25 12 12.25M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",D2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M17.5 13C15 13 13 15 13 17.5C13 20 15 22 17.5 22C20 22 22 20 22 17.5C22 15 20 13 17.5 13M10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11.95 14.14C11.32 14.06 10.68 14 10 14M17.5 14.5C19.16 14.5 20.5 15.84 20.5 17.5C20.5 18.06 20.35 18.58 20.08 19L16 14.92C16.42 14.65 16.94 14.5 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08C18.58 20.35 18.06 20.5 17.5 20.5C15.84 20.5 14.5 19.16 14.5 17.5C14.5 16.94 14.65 16.42 14.92 16Z",E2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M10 6A2 2 0 0 1 12 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 10A2 2 0 0 1 8 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 6M10 13C7.33 13 2 14.33 2 17V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11.03 18.1H3.9V17C3.9 16.36 7.03 14.9 10 14.9C10.5 14.9 11 14.95 11.5 15.03A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 12.55 13.29C11.61 13.1 10.71 13 10 13M17.5 13C15 13 13 15 13 17.5C13 20 15 22 17.5 22C20 22 22 20 22 17.5C22 15 20 13 17.5 13M17.5 14.5C19.16 14.5 20.5 15.84 20.5 17.5C20.5 18.06 20.35 18.58 20.08 19L16 14.92C16.42 14.65 16.94 14.5 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08C18.58 20.35 18.06 20.5 17.5 20.5C15.84 20.5 14.5 19.16 14.5 17.5C14.5 16.94 14.65 16.42 14.92 16Z",N2="M7 12C9.2 12 11 10.2 11 8S9.2 4 7 4 3 5.8 3 8 4.8 12 7 12M11 20V14.7C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11M15 4C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4H15Z",W2="M7 4C4.8 4 3 5.8 3 8S4.8 12 7 12 11 10.2 11 8 9.2 4 7 4M7 10C5.9 10 5 9.1 5 8S5.9 6 7 6 9 6.9 9 8 8.1 10 7 10M0 18C0 15.8 3.1 14 7 14C8.5 14 9.9 14.3 11 14.7V17C10.2 16.5 8.8 16 7 16C3.8 16 2 17.4 2 18H11V20H0V18M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M22 18H15V6H22V18Z",I2="M11 8C11 10.21 9.21 12 7 12C4.79 12 3 10.21 3 8C3 5.79 4.79 4 7 4C9.21 4 11 5.79 11 8M11 14.72V20H0V18C0 15.79 3.13 14 7 14C8.5 14 9.87 14.27 11 14.72M24 20H13V3H24V20M16 11.5C16 10.12 17.12 9 18.5 9C19.88 9 21 10.12 21 11.5C21 12.88 19.88 14 18.5 14C17.12 14 16 12.88 16 11.5M22 7C20.9 7 20 6.11 20 5H17C17 6.11 16.11 7 15 7V16C16.11 16 17 16.9 17 18H20C20 16.9 20.9 16 22 16V7Z",G2="M16 11.5C16 10.12 17.12 9 18.5 9S21 10.12 21 11.5 19.88 14 18.5 14 16 12.88 16 11.5M13 3V20H24V3H13M22 16C20.9 16 20 16.9 20 18H17C17 16.9 16.11 16 15 16V7C16.11 7 17 6.11 17 5H20C20 6.11 20.9 7 22 7V16M7 6C8.1 6 9 6.9 9 8S8.1 10 7 10 5 9.1 5 8 5.9 6 7 6M7 4C4.79 4 3 5.79 3 8S4.79 12 7 12 11 10.21 11 8 9.21 4 7 4M7 14C3.13 14 0 15.79 0 18V20H11V18H2C2 17.42 3.75 16 7 16C8.83 16 10.17 16.45 11 16.95V14.72C9.87 14.27 8.5 14 7 14Z",Q2="M21.1,12.5L22.5,13.91L15.97,20.5L12.5,17L13.9,15.59L15.97,17.67L21.1,12.5M10,17L13,20H3V18C3,15.79 6.58,14 11,14L12.89,14.11L10,17M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4Z",U2="M21.1,12.5L22.5,13.91L15.97,20.5L12.5,17L13.9,15.59L15.97,17.67L21.1,12.5M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4M11,6A2,2 0 0,0 9,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,6M11,13C11.68,13 12.5,13.09 13.41,13.26L11.74,14.93L11,14.9C8.03,14.9 4.9,16.36 4.9,17V18.1H11.1L13,20H3V17C3,14.34 8.33,13 11,13Z",z2="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M12,9C13.63,9 15.12,9.35 16.5,10.05C17.84,10.76 18.5,11.61 18.5,12.61V18.38C18.5,19.5 17.64,20.44 15.89,21.19V19C15.89,18.05 15.03,17.38 13.31,16.97C12.75,16.84 12.31,16.78 12,16.78C11.13,16.78 10.3,16.95 9.54,17.3C8.77,17.64 8.31,18.08 8.16,18.61C9.5,19.14 10.78,19.41 12,19.41L13,19.31V21.94L12,22C10.63,22 9.33,21.72 8.11,21.19C6.36,20.44 5.5,19.5 5.5,18.38V12.61C5.5,11.61 6.16,10.76 7.5,10.05C8.88,9.35 10.38,9 12,9M12,11A2,2 0 0,0 10,13A2,2 0 0,0 12,15A2,2 0 0,0 14,13A2,2 0 0,0 12,11Z",_2="M12,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,16C12.72,16 13.4,16.15 14.04,16.5C14.68,16.8 15,17.2 15,17.67V19.41C16.34,18.81 17,18.08 17,17.2V12.8C17,12 16.5,11.35 15.45,10.8C14.4,10.26 13.25,10 12,10C10.75,10 9.6,10.26 8.55,10.8C7.5,11.35 7,12 7,12.8V17.2C7,18 7.53,18.69 8.63,19.22C9.72,19.75 10.84,20 12,20L13,19.92V17.91L12,18C11,18 10,17.8 9.05,17.39C9.17,17 9.53,16.69 10.13,16.41C10.72,16.13 11.34,16 12,16M12,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,4Z",K2="M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.9 10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.9 14 15C14 16.1 13.1 17 12 17M12 10C14.34 10 19 11.16 19 13.5V18.63C19 19.5 18.31 20.24 17.34 20.79V13.38C17.34 12.82 14.6 11.54 12 11.54C9.4 11.54 6.66 12.82 6.66 13.38V18.75C6.66 19 7.31 19.46 8.28 19.85C9 19 10.93 18.56 12 18.56C13.33 18.56 16 19.22 16 20.56V21.39C14.63 21.88 13.07 22.13 12 22.13C10.93 22.13 9.38 21.88 8 21.39H8C6.37 20.81 5 19.89 5 18.63V13.5C5 11.16 9.66 10 12 10M12 3.75C11.03 3.75 10.25 4.53 10.25 5.5C10.25 6.47 11.03 7.25 12 7.25C12.97 7.25 13.75 6.47 13.75 5.5C13.75 4.53 12.97 3.75 12 3.75M12 9C10.07 9 8.5 7.43 8.5 5.5C8.5 3.57 10.07 2 12 2C13.93 2 15.5 3.57 15.5 5.5C15.5 7.43 13.93 9 12 9Z",j2="M12,19.2C9.5,19.2 7.29,17.92 6,16C6.03,14 10,12.9 12,12.9C14,12.9 17.97,14 18,16C16.71,17.92 14.5,19.2 12,19.2M12,5A3,3 0 0,1 15,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 9,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",q2="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7.07,18.28C7.5,17.38 10.12,16.5 12,16.5C13.88,16.5 16.5,17.38 16.93,18.28C15.57,19.36 13.86,20 12,20C10.14,20 8.43,19.36 7.07,18.28M18.36,16.83C16.93,15.09 13.46,14.5 12,14.5C10.54,14.5 7.07,15.09 5.64,16.83C4.62,15.5 4,13.82 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,13.82 19.38,15.5 18.36,16.83M12,6C10.06,6 8.5,7.56 8.5,9.5C8.5,11.44 10.06,13 12,13C13.94,13 15.5,11.44 15.5,9.5C15.5,7.56 13.94,6 12,6M12,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11Z",$2="M10.63,14.1C12.23,10.58 16.38,9.03 19.9,10.63C23.42,12.23 24.97,16.38 23.37,19.9C22.24,22.4 19.75,24 17,24C14.3,24 11.83,22.44 10.67,20H1V18C1.06,16.86 1.84,15.93 3.34,15.18C4.84,14.43 6.72,14.04 9,14C9.57,14 10.11,14.05 10.63,14.1V14.1M9,4C10.12,4.03 11.06,4.42 11.81,5.17C12.56,5.92 12.93,6.86 12.93,8C12.93,9.14 12.56,10.08 11.81,10.83C11.06,11.58 10.12,11.95 9,11.95C7.88,11.95 6.94,11.58 6.19,10.83C5.44,10.08 5.07,9.14 5.07,8C5.07,6.86 5.44,5.92 6.19,5.17C6.94,4.42 7.88,4.03 9,4M17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14Z",X2="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M17,10A7,7 0 0,1 24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H1V17C1,14.34 6.33,13 9,13C9.6,13 10.34,13.07 11.12,13.2C12.36,11.28 14.53,10 17,10M10,17C10,16.3 10.1,15.62 10.29,15C9.87,14.93 9.43,14.9 9,14.9C6.03,14.9 2.9,16.36 2.9,17V18.1H10.09C10.03,17.74 10,17.37 10,17M9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4M9,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 6.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 11.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,5.9Z",Y2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M17 12C16.87 12 16.76 12.09 16.74 12.21L16.55 13.53C16.25 13.66 15.96 13.82 15.7 14L14.46 13.5C14.35 13.5 14.22 13.5 14.15 13.63L13.15 15.36C13.09 15.47 13.11 15.6 13.21 15.68L14.27 16.5C14.25 16.67 14.24 16.83 14.24 17C14.24 17.17 14.25 17.33 14.27 17.5L13.21 18.32C13.12 18.4 13.09 18.53 13.15 18.64L14.15 20.37C14.21 20.5 14.34 20.5 14.46 20.5L15.7 20C15.96 20.18 16.24 20.35 16.55 20.47L16.74 21.79C16.76 21.91 16.86 22 17 22H19C19.11 22 19.22 21.91 19.24 21.79L19.43 20.47C19.73 20.34 20 20.18 20.27 20L21.5 20.5C21.63 20.5 21.76 20.5 21.83 20.37L22.83 18.64C22.89 18.53 22.86 18.4 22.77 18.32L21.7 17.5C21.72 17.33 21.74 17.17 21.74 17C21.74 16.83 21.73 16.67 21.7 16.5L22.76 15.68C22.85 15.6 22.88 15.47 22.82 15.36L21.82 13.63C21.76 13.5 21.63 13.5 21.5 13.5L20.27 14C20 13.82 19.73 13.65 19.42 13.53L19.23 12.21C19.22 12.09 19.11 12 19 12H17M10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H11.68A7 7 0 0 1 11 17A7 7 0 0 1 11.64 14.09C11.11 14.03 10.56 14 10 14M18 15.5C18.83 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17C19.5 17.83 18.83 18.5 18 18.5C17.16 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17C16.5 16.17 17.17 15.5 18 15.5Z",J2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M10 6A2 2 0 0 1 12 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 10A2 2 0 0 1 8 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 6M17 12C16.84 12 16.76 12.08 16.76 12.24L16.5 13.5C16.28 13.68 15.96 13.84 15.72 14L14.44 13.5C14.36 13.5 14.2 13.5 14.12 13.6L13.16 15.36C13.08 15.44 13.08 15.6 13.24 15.68L14.28 16.5V17.5L13.24 18.32C13.16 18.4 13.08 18.56 13.16 18.64L14.12 20.4C14.2 20.5 14.36 20.5 14.44 20.5L15.72 20C15.96 20.16 16.28 20.32 16.5 20.5L16.76 21.76C16.76 21.92 16.84 22 17 22H19C19.08 22 19.24 21.92 19.24 21.76L19.4 20.5C19.72 20.32 20.04 20.16 20.28 20L21.5 20.5C21.64 20.5 21.8 20.5 21.8 20.4L22.84 18.64C22.92 18.56 22.84 18.4 22.76 18.32L21.72 17.5V16.5L22.76 15.68C22.84 15.6 22.92 15.44 22.84 15.36L21.8 13.6C21.8 13.5 21.64 13.5 21.5 13.5L20.28 14C20.04 13.84 19.72 13.68 19.4 13.5L19.24 12.24C19.24 12.08 19.08 12 19 12H17M10 13C7.33 13 2 14.33 2 17V20H11.67C11.39 19.41 11.19 18.77 11.09 18.1H3.9V17C3.9 16.36 7.03 14.9 10 14.9C10.43 14.9 10.87 14.94 11.3 15C11.5 14.36 11.77 13.76 12.12 13.21C11.34 13.08 10.6 13 10 13M18.04 15.5C18.84 15.5 19.5 16.16 19.5 17.04C19.5 17.84 18.84 18.5 18.04 18.5C17.16 18.5 16.5 17.84 16.5 17.04C16.5 16.16 17.16 15.5 18.04 15.5Z",C5="M12 0L11.34 .03L15.15 3.84L16.5 2.5C19.75 4.07 22.09 7.24 22.45 11H23.95C23.44 4.84 18.29 0 12 0M12 4C10.07 4 8.5 5.57 8.5 7.5C8.5 9.43 10.07 11 12 11C13.93 11 15.5 9.43 15.5 7.5C15.5 5.57 13.93 4 12 4M.05 13C.56 19.16 5.71 24 12 24L12.66 23.97L8.85 20.16L7.5 21.5C4.25 19.94 1.91 16.76 1.55 13H.05M12 13C8.13 13 5 14.57 5 16.5V18H19V16.5C19 14.57 15.87 13 12 13Z",H5="M12 0L11.34 .03L15.15 3.84L16.5 2.5C19.75 4.07 22.09 7.24 22.45 11H23.95C23.44 4.84 18.29 0 12 0M12 4C10.07 4 8.5 5.57 8.5 7.5C8.5 9.43 10.07 11 12 11C13.93 11 15.5 9.43 15.5 7.5C15.5 5.57 13.93 4 12 4M12 6C12.83 6 13.5 6.67 13.5 7.5C13.5 8.33 12.83 9 12 9C11.17 9 10.5 8.33 10.5 7.5C10.5 6.67 11.17 6 12 6M.05 13C.56 19.16 5.71 24 12 24L12.66 23.97L8.85 20.16L7.5 21.5C4.25 19.94 1.91 16.76 1.55 13H.05M12 13C8.13 13 5 14.57 5 16.5V18H19V16.5C19 14.57 15.87 13 12 13M12 15C14.11 15 15.61 15.53 16.39 16H7.61C8.39 15.53 9.89 15 12 15Z",V5="M20 22H4V20C4 17.8 7.6 16 12 16S20 17.8 20 20M8 9H16V10C16 12.2 14.2 14 12 14S8 12.2 8 10M19 4C18.4 4 18 4.4 18 5V6H16.5L15.1 3C15 2.8 14.9 2.6 14.7 2.5C14.2 2 13.4 1.9 12.7 2.2L12 2.4L11.3 2.1C10.6 1.8 9.8 1.9 9.3 2.4C9.1 2.6 9 2.8 8.9 3L7.5 6H6V5C6 4.4 5.6 4 5 4S4 4.4 4 5V6C4 7.1 4.9 8 6 8H18C19.1 8 20 7.1 20 6V5C20 4.5 19.6 4 19 4Z",L5="M19 4C18.4 4 18 4.4 18 5V6H16.5L15.1 3C15 2.8 14.9 2.6 14.7 2.5C14.2 2 13.4 1.9 12.7 2.2L12 2.4L11.3 2.1C10.6 1.8 9.8 1.9 9.3 2.4C9.1 2.6 9 2.8 8.9 3L7.5 6H6V5C6 4.4 5.6 4 5 4S4 4.4 4 5V6C4 7.1 4.9 8 6 8H18C19.1 8 20 7.1 20 6V5C20 4.5 19.6 4 19 4M4 22V19C4 16.33 9.33 15 12 15S20 16.33 20 19V22H4M18.1 20.1V19C18.1 18.36 14.97 16.9 12 16.9S5.9 18.36 5.9 19V20.1H18.1M16 9V10C16 12.21 14.21 14 12 14S8 12.21 8 10V9H10V10C10 11.11 10.9 12 12 12S14 11.11 14 10V9H16Z",M5="M7 12C9.2 12 11 10.2 11 8S9.2 4 7 4 3 5.8 3 8 4.8 12 7 12M11 20V14.7C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M18 18H16V6H18V18Z",A5="M7 4C4.8 4 3 5.8 3 8S4.8 12 7 12 11 10.2 11 8 9.2 4 7 4M7 10C5.9 10 5 9.1 5 8S5.9 6 7 6 9 6.9 9 8 8.1 10 7 10M7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11V18H2C2 17.4 3.8 16 7 16C8.8 16 10.2 16.5 11 17V14.8C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M16 18H15V6H16V18M22 18H18V6H22V18Z",i5="M11 9C11 10.66 9.66 12 8 12C6.34 12 5 10.66 5 9C5 7.34 6.34 6 8 6C9.66 6 11 7.34 11 9M14 20H2V18C2 15.79 4.69 14 8 14C11.31 14 14 15.79 14 18M22 12V14H13V12M22 8V10H13V8M22 4V6H13V4Z",r5="M11 9C11 10.66 9.66 12 8 12C6.34 12 5 10.66 5 9C5 7.34 6.34 6 8 6C9.66 6 11 7.34 11 9M14 20H2V18C2 15.79 4.69 14 8 14C11.31 14 14 15.79 14 18M7 9C7 9.55 7.45 10 8 10C8.55 10 9 9.55 9 9C9 8.45 8.55 8 8 8C7.45 8 7 8.45 7 9M4 18H12C12 16.9 10.21 16 8 16C5.79 16 4 16.9 4 18M22 12V14H13V12M22 8V10H13V8M22 4V6H13V4Z",a5="M21.7,13.35L20.7,14.35L18.65,12.3L19.65,11.3C19.86,11.09 20.21,11.09 20.42,11.3L21.7,12.58C21.91,12.79 21.91,13.14 21.7,13.35M12,18.94L18.06,12.88L20.11,14.93L14.06,21H12V18.94M12,14C7.58,14 4,15.79 4,18V20H10V18.11L14,14.11C13.34,14.03 12.67,14 12,14M12,4A4,4 0 0,0 8,8A4,4 0 0,0 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 16,8A4,4 0 0,0 12,4Z",e5="M2 17V20H10V18.11H3.9V17C3.9 16.36 7.03 14.9 10 14.9C10.96 14.91 11.91 15.04 12.83 15.28L14.35 13.76C12.95 13.29 11.5 13.03 10 13C7.33 13 2 14.33 2 17M10 4C7.79 4 6 5.79 6 8S7.79 12 10 12 14 10.21 14 8 12.21 4 10 4M10 10C8.9 10 8 9.11 8 8S8.9 6 10 6 12 6.9 12 8 11.11 10 10 10M21.7 13.35L20.7 14.35L18.65 12.35L19.65 11.35C19.86 11.14 20.21 11.14 20.42 11.35L21.7 12.63C21.91 12.84 21.91 13.19 21.7 13.4M12 18.94L18.06 12.88L20.11 14.88L14.11 20.95H12V18.94",d5="M6 8C6 5.79 7.79 4 10 4S14 5.79 14 8 12.21 12 10 12 6 10.21 6 8M9.14 19.75L8.85 19L9.14 18.25C9.84 16.5 11.08 15.14 12.61 14.22C11.79 14.08 10.92 14 10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H9.27C9.23 19.91 9.18 19.83 9.14 19.75M17 18C16.44 18 16 18.44 16 19S16.44 20 17 20 18 19.56 18 19 17.56 18 17 18M23 19C22.06 21.34 19.73 23 17 23S11.94 21.34 11 19C11.94 16.66 14.27 15 17 15S22.06 16.66 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.62 18.38 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.62 14.5 19 15.62 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.38 19.5 19Z",m5="M10 12C12.21 12 14 10.21 14 8S12.21 4 10 4 6 5.79 6 8 7.79 12 10 12M10 6C11.11 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.11 10 10 10 8 9.11 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M9.27 20H2V17C2 14.33 7.33 13 10 13C11.04 13 12.5 13.21 13.86 13.61C13 13.95 12.2 14.42 11.5 15C11 14.94 10.5 14.9 10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H9.22C9.2 18.15 9.17 18.2 9.14 18.25L8.85 19L9.14 19.75C9.18 19.83 9.23 19.91 9.27 20M17 18C17.56 18 18 18.44 18 19S17.56 20 17 20 16 19.56 16 19 16.44 18 17 18M17 15C14.27 15 11.94 16.66 11 19C11.94 21.34 14.27 23 17 23S22.06 21.34 23 19C22.06 16.66 19.73 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.62 21.5 14.5 20.38 14.5 19S15.62 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.62 19.5 19 18.38 21.5 17 21.5Z",t5="M7.5 5C9.43 5 11 6.57 11 8.5C11 10.43 9.43 12 7.5 12C5.57 12 4 10.43 4 8.5C4 6.57 5.57 5 7.5 5M1 19V16.5C1 14.57 4.46 13 7.5 13C8.68 13 9.92 13.24 11 13.64V19H1M22 19H14C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18V6C13 5.45 13.45 5 14 5H19L23 9V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19M18 10H21V9.83L18.17 7H18V10Z",v5="M7.5 5C9.43 5 11 6.57 11 8.5C11 10.43 9.43 12 7.5 12C5.57 12 4 10.43 4 8.5C4 6.57 5.57 5 7.5 5M1 19V16.5C1 14.57 4.46 13 7.5 13C8.68 13 9.92 13.24 11 13.64V15.56C10.18 15.22 8.91 15 7.5 15C5 15 3 15.67 3 16.5V17H11V19H1M22 19H14C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18V6C13 5.45 13.45 5 14 5H19L23 9V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19M15 7V17H21V10H18V7H15M7.5 7C6.67 7 6 7.67 6 8.5C6 9.33 6.67 10 7.5 10C8.33 10 9 9.33 9 8.5C9 7.67 8.33 7 7.5 7Z",l5="M7.5 5C9.43 5 11 6.57 11 8.5C11 10.43 9.43 12 7.5 12C5.57 12 4 10.43 4 8.5C4 6.57 5.57 5 7.5 5M1 19V16.5C1 14.57 4.46 13 7.5 13C8.68 13 9.92 13.24 11 13.64V19H1M22 19H14C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18V6C13 5.45 13.45 5 14 5H19L23 9V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19M18 10H21V9.83L18.17 7H18V10M15 12V13.5H21V12H15M15 15V16.5H21V15H15Z",o5="M7.5 5C9.43 5 11 6.57 11 8.5C11 10.43 9.43 12 7.5 12C5.57 12 4 10.43 4 8.5C4 6.57 5.57 5 7.5 5M1 19V16.5C1 14.57 4.46 13 7.5 13C8.68 13 9.92 13.24 11 13.64V15.56C10.18 15.22 8.91 15 7.5 15C5 15 3 15.67 3 16.5V17H11V19H1M22 19H14C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18V6C13 5.45 13.45 5 14 5H19L23 9V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19M15 7V17H21V10H18V7H15M7.5 7C6.67 7 6 7.67 6 8.5C6 9.33 6.67 10 7.5 10C8.33 10 9 9.33 9 8.5C9 7.67 8.33 7 7.5 7M16 13H20V15H16V13Z",n5="M10 4C12.2 4 14 5.8 14 8S12.2 12 10 12 6 10.2 6 8 7.8 4 10 4M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M15 18.7L12.7 15.9C12.3 15.4 12.1 14.8 12.1 14.2C11.4 14 10.7 14 10 14C5.6 14 2 15.8 2 18V20H15V18.7Z",Z5="M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M15 20H2V17C2 14.3 7.3 13 10 13C10.6 13 11.3 13.1 12.1 13.2C11.9 13.8 12 14.5 12.2 15.1C11.5 15 10.7 14.9 10 14.9C7 14.9 3.9 16.4 3.9 17V18.1H14.5L15 18.7V20M10 4C7.8 4 6 5.8 6 8S7.8 12 10 12 14 10.2 14 8 12.2 4 10 4M10 10C8.9 10 8 9.1 8 8S8.9 6 10 6 12 6.9 12 8 11.1 10 10 10Z",S5="M12,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M5,8C5.56,8 6.08,8.15 6.53,8.42C6.38,9.85 6.8,11.27 7.66,12.38C7.16,13.34 6.16,14 5,14A3,3 0 0,1 2,11A3,3 0 0,1 5,8M19,8A3,3 0 0,1 22,11A3,3 0 0,1 19,14C17.84,14 16.84,13.34 16.34,12.38C17.2,11.27 17.62,9.85 17.47,8.42C17.92,8.15 18.44,8 19,8M5.5,18.25C5.5,16.18 8.41,14.5 12,14.5C15.59,14.5 18.5,16.18 18.5,18.25V20H5.5V18.25M0,20V18.5C0,17.11 1.89,15.94 4.45,15.6C3.86,16.28 3.5,17.22 3.5,18.25V20H0M24,20H20.5V18.25C20.5,17.22 20.14,16.28 19.55,15.6C22.11,15.94 24,17.11 24,18.5V20Z",u5="M12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5M12,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,7M5.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,10.5C3,11.44 3.53,12.25 4.29,12.68C4.65,12.88 5.06,13 5.5,13C5.94,13 6.35,12.88 6.71,12.68C7.08,12.47 7.39,12.17 7.62,11.81C6.89,10.86 6.5,9.7 6.5,8.5C6.5,8.41 6.5,8.31 6.5,8.22C6.2,8.08 5.86,8 5.5,8M18.5,8C18.14,8 17.8,8.08 17.5,8.22C17.5,8.31 17.5,8.41 17.5,8.5C17.5,9.7 17.11,10.86 16.38,11.81C16.5,12 16.63,12.15 16.78,12.3C16.94,12.45 17.1,12.58 17.29,12.68C17.65,12.88 18.06,13 18.5,13C18.94,13 19.35,12.88 19.71,12.68C20.47,12.25 21,11.44 21,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,8M12,14C9.66,14 5,15.17 5,17.5V19H19V17.5C19,15.17 14.34,14 12,14M4.71,14.55C2.78,14.78 0,15.76 0,17.5V19H3V17.07C3,16.06 3.69,15.22 4.71,14.55M19.29,14.55C20.31,15.22 21,16.06 21,17.07V19H24V17.5C24,15.76 21.22,14.78 19.29,14.55M12,16C13.53,16 15.24,16.5 16.23,17H7.77C8.76,16.5 10.47,16 12,16Z",c5="M12,15C7.58,15 4,16.79 4,19V21H20V19C20,16.79 16.42,15 12,15M8,9A4,4 0 0,0 12,13A4,4 0 0,0 16,9M11.5,2C11.2,2 11,2.21 11,2.5V5.5H10V3C10,3 7.75,3.86 7.75,6.75C7.75,6.75 7,6.89 7,8H17C16.95,6.89 16.25,6.75 16.25,6.75C16.25,3.86 14,3 14,3V5.5H13V2.5C13,2.21 12.81,2 12.5,2H11.5Z",s5="M16 9C16 14.33 8 14.33 8 9H10C10 11.67 14 11.67 14 9M20 18V21H4V18C4 15.33 9.33 14 12 14C14.67 14 20 15.33 20 18M18.1 18C18.1 17.36 14.97 15.9 12 15.9C9.03 15.9 5.9 17.36 5.9 18V19.1H18.1M12.5 2C12.78 2 13 2.22 13 2.5V5.5H14V3C15.45 3.67 16.34 5.16 16.25 6.75C16.25 6.75 16.95 6.89 17 8H7C7 6.89 7.75 6.75 7.75 6.75C7.66 5.16 8.55 3.67 10 3V5.5H11V2.5C11 2.22 11.22 2 11.5 2",O5="M15,14C12.3,14 7,15.3 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.3 17.7,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12M5,15L4.4,14.5C2.4,12.6 1,11.4 1,9.9C1,8.7 2,7.7 3.2,7.7C3.9,7.7 4.6,8 5,8.5C5.4,8 6.1,7.7 6.8,7.7C8,7.7 9,8.6 9,9.9C9,11.4 7.6,12.6 5.6,14.5L5,15Z",h5="M5,15L4.4,14.5C2.4,12.6 1,11.4 1,9.9C1,8.7 2,7.7 3.2,7.7C3.9,7.7 4.6,8 5,8.5C5.4,8 6.1,7.7 6.8,7.7C8,7.7 9,8.6 9,9.9C9,11.4 7.6,12.6 5.6,14.5L5,15M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M21.1,18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1Z",p5="M8 6C8 3.79 9.79 2 12 2S16 3.79 16 6 14.21 10 12 10 8 8.21 8 6M17 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V15.22C20 14.1 19.39 13.07 18.39 12.56C17.96 12.34 17.5 12.13 17 11.94V22M12.34 17L15 11.33C14.07 11.12 13.07 11 12 11C9.47 11 7.29 11.7 5.61 12.56C4.61 13.07 4 14.1 4 15.22V22H6.34C6.12 21.55 6 21.04 6 20.5C6 18.57 7.57 17 9.5 17H12.34M10 22L11.41 19H9.5C8.67 19 8 19.67 8 20.5S8.67 22 9.5 22H10Z",f5="M12 10C14.21 10 16 8.21 16 6S14.21 2 12 2 8 3.79 8 6 9.79 10 12 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M18.39 12.56C16.71 11.7 14.53 11 12 11S7.29 11.7 5.61 12.56C4.61 13.07 4 14.1 4 15.22V22H6V15.22C6 14.84 6.2 14.5 6.5 14.34C7.71 13.73 9.63 13 12 13C12.76 13 13.47 13.07 14.13 13.2L12.58 16.5H9.75C8.23 16.5 7 17.73 7 19.25S8.23 22 9.75 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V15.22C20 14.1 19.39 13.07 18.39 12.56M10.94 20H9.75C9.34 20 9 19.66 9 19.25S9.34 18.5 9.75 18.5H11.64L10.94 20M18 20H13.15L16.09 13.73C16.63 13.93 17.1 14.14 17.5 14.34C17.8 14.5 18 14.84 18 15.22V20Z",g5="M11 10V12H9V14H7V12H5.8C5.4 13.2 4.3 14 3 14C1.3 14 0 12.7 0 11S1.3 8 3 8C4.3 8 5.4 8.8 5.8 10H11M3 10C2.4 10 2 10.4 2 11S2.4 12 3 12 4 11.6 4 11 3.6 10 3 10M16 14C18.7 14 24 15.3 24 18V20H8V18C8 15.3 13.3 14 16 14M16 12C13.8 12 12 10.2 12 8S13.8 4 16 4 20 5.8 20 8 18.2 12 16 12Z",k5="M5.8 10C5.4 8.8 4.3 8 3 8C1.3 8 0 9.3 0 11S1.3 14 3 14C4.3 14 5.4 13.2 5.8 12H7V14H9V12H11V10H5.8M3 12C2.4 12 2 11.6 2 11S2.4 10 3 10 4 10.4 4 11 3.6 12 3 12M16 4C13.8 4 12 5.8 12 8S13.8 12 16 12 20 10.2 20 8 18.2 4 16 4M16 10.1C14.8 10.1 13.9 9.2 13.9 8C13.9 6.8 14.8 5.9 16 5.9C17.2 5.9 18.1 6.8 18.1 8S17.2 10.1 16 10.1M16 13C13.3 13 8 14.3 8 17V20H24V17C24 14.3 18.7 13 16 13M22.1 18.1H9.9V17C9.9 16.4 13 14.9 16 14.9C19 14.9 22.1 16.4 22.1 17V18.1Z",B5="M6 8C6 5.79 7.79 4 10 4S14 5.79 14 8 12.21 12 10 12 6 10.21 6 8M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V15.5C13.2 15.11 13.27 14.74 13.38 14.38C12.35 14.14 11.21 14 10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H12V18.2M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V15.5C15.2 14.1 16.6 13 18 13C19.4 13 20.8 14.1 20.8 15.5V17C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M19.5 15.5C19.5 14.7 18.8 14.2 18 14.2C17.2 14.2 16.5 14.7 16.5 15.5V17H19.5V15.5Z",P5="M6 8C6 5.79 7.79 4 10 4S14 5.79 14 8 12.21 12 10 12 6 10.21 6 8M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V14.5C13.2 14.45 13.22 14.39 13.22 14.34C12.23 14.12 11.15 14 10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H12V18.2M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3Z",w5="M10 12C12.21 12 14 10.21 14 8S12.21 4 10 4 6 5.79 6 8 7.79 12 10 12M10 6C11.11 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.11 10 10 10 8 9.11 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M12 20H2V17C2 14.33 7.33 13 10 13C10.91 13 12.13 13.16 13.35 13.47C13.26 13.8 13.2 14.15 13.2 14.5V15.39C12.22 15.1 11.1 14.9 10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H12C12 18.13 12 18.17 12 18.2V20M20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17Z",F5="M10 12C12.21 12 14 10.21 14 8S12.21 4 10 4 6 5.79 6 8 7.79 12 10 12M10 6C11.11 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.11 10 10 10 8 9.11 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M12 20H2V17C2 14.33 7.33 13 10 13C11 13 12.38 13.19 13.71 13.56C13.41 14.12 13.23 14.74 13.21 15.39C12.23 15.1 11.11 14.9 10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H12C12 18.13 12 18.17 12 18.2V20M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",T5="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M1,10V12H9V10M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12Z",b5="M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9M1,10V12H9V10H1M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9Z",y5="M16 17V19H2V17S2 13 9 13 16 17 16 17M12.5 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 9 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.5 7.5M15.94 13A5.32 5.32 0 0 1 18 17V19H22V17S22 13.37 15.94 13M15 4A3.39 3.39 0 0 0 13.07 4.59A5 5 0 0 1 13.07 10.41A3.39 3.39 0 0 0 15 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 15 4Z",R5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M7.34 8.92L8.5 10.33L3.75 15.08L1 12.08L2.16 10.92L3.75 12.5L7.34 8.92",x5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M7.34 8.92L8.5 10.33L3.75 15.08L1 12.08L2.16 10.92L3.75 12.5L7.34 8.92",D5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M8 10H0V12H8Z",E5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M8 12H0V10H8Z",N5="M13.07 10.41A5 5 0 0 0 13.07 4.59A3.39 3.39 0 0 1 15 4A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 15 11A3.39 3.39 0 0 1 13.07 10.41M5.5 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 1 1 9 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 5.5 7.5M7.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 9 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 7.5M16 17V19H2V17S2 13 9 13 16 17 16 17M14 17C13.86 16.22 12.67 15 9 15S4.07 16.31 4 17M15.95 13A5.32 5.32 0 0 1 18 17V19H22V17S22 13.37 15.94 13Z",W5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M8 10H5V7H3V10H0V12H3V15H5V12H8Z",I5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M8 12H5V15H3V12H0V10H3V7H5V10H8Z",G5="M24 17V19H21V17C21 15.45 20.3 14.06 19.18 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M18 5C19.66 5 21 6.34 21 8C21 9.66 19.66 11 18 11C17.69 11 17.38 10.95 17.1 10.86C17.67 10.05 18 9.07 18 8C18 6.94 17.67 5.95 17.1 5.14C17.38 5.05 17.69 5 18 5M13 5C14.66 5 16 6.34 16 8C16 9.66 14.66 11 13 11C11.34 11 10 9.66 10 8C10 6.34 11.34 5 13 5M19 17V19H7V17C7 14.79 9.69 13 13 13C16.31 13 19 14.79 19 17M.464 13.12L2.59 11L.464 8.88L1.88 7.46L4 9.59L6.12 7.46L7.54 8.88L5.41 11L7.54 13.12L6.12 14.54L4 12.41L1.88 14.54Z",Q5="M24 17V19H21V17C21 15.45 20.3 14.06 19.18 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M18 5C19.66 5 21 6.34 21 8C21 9.66 19.66 11 18 11C17.69 11 17.38 10.95 17.1 10.86C17.67 10.05 18 9.07 18 8C18 6.94 17.67 5.95 17.1 5.14C17.38 5.05 17.69 5 18 5M13 5C14.66 5 16 6.34 16 8C16 9.66 14.66 11 13 11C11.34 11 10 9.66 10 8C10 6.34 11.34 5 13 5M19 17V19H7V17C7 14.79 9.69 13 13 13C16.31 13 19 14.79 19 17M13 7C12.45 7 12 7.45 12 8C12 8.55 12.45 9 13 9C13.55 9 14 8.55 14 8C14 7.45 13.55 7 13 7M13 15C10.79 15 9 15.9 9 17H17C17 15.9 15.21 15 13 15M.464 13.12L2.59 11L.464 8.88L1.88 7.46L4 9.59L6.12 7.46L7.54 8.88L5.41 11L7.54 13.12L6.12 14.54L4 12.41L1.88 14.54Z",U5="M11,14C12,14 13.05,14.16 14.2,14.44C13.39,15.31 13,16.33 13,17.5C13,18.39 13.25,19.23 13.78,20H3V18C3,16.81 3.91,15.85 5.74,15.12C7.57,14.38 9.33,14 11,14M11,12C9.92,12 9,11.61 8.18,10.83C7.38,10.05 7,9.11 7,8C7,6.92 7.38,6 8.18,5.18C9,4.38 9.92,4 11,4C12.11,4 13.05,4.38 13.83,5.18C14.61,6 15,6.92 15,8C15,9.11 14.61,10.05 13.83,10.83C13.05,11.61 12.11,12 11,12M18.5,10H20L22,10V12H20V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,15C17.86,15 18.19,15.07 18.5,15.21V10Z",z5="M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4M11,6A2,2 0 0,0 9,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,6M11,13C12.1,13 13.66,13.23 15.11,13.69C14.5,14.07 14,14.6 13.61,15.23C12.79,15.03 11.89,14.9 11,14.9C8.03,14.9 4.9,16.36 4.9,17V18.1H13.04C13.13,18.8 13.38,19.44 13.76,20H3V17C3,14.34 8.33,13 11,13M18.5,10H20L22,10V12H20V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,15C17.86,15 18.19,15.07 18.5,15.21V10Z",_5="M13,17V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H5V15.5C5,13.57 8.13,12 12,12C15.87,12 19,13.57 19,15.5V17H13M12,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,10A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,3Z",K5="M13.03 9.83L8.67 5.47C9.11 4.04 10.43 3 12 3C13.93 3 15.5 4.57 15.5 6.5C15.5 8.07 14.46 9.39 13.03 9.83M19 15.5C19 14.26 17.7 13.17 15.75 12.55L19 15.8V15.5M22 22H21.57L20.84 22.73L20.11 22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H5V15.5C5 13.88 7.22 12.5 10.23 12.12L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22 21.34V21.35L22.11 21.46L22 21.57V22M18.11 20L15.11 17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H18.11Z",j5="M19 15.8L15.75 12.55C17.7 13.17 19 14.26 19 15.5V15.8M13.03 9.83L8.67 5.47C9.11 4.04 10.43 3 12 3C13.93 3 15.5 4.57 15.5 6.5C15.5 8.07 14.46 9.39 13.03 9.83M12 8C12.83 8 13.5 7.33 13.5 6.5S12.83 5 12 5 10.5 5.67 10.5 6.5 11.17 8 12 8M22 22H21.57L20.84 22.73L20.11 22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H5V15.5C5 13.88 7.22 12.5 10.23 12.12L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22 21.34V21.35L22.11 21.46L22 21.57V22M13.11 15L12.11 14C12.08 14 12.04 14 12 14C9.89 14 8.39 14.53 7.61 15H13.11M18.11 20L15.11 17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H18.11Z",q5="M12,10A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,10M12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,5M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H19V15.5C19,13.57 15.87,12 12,12C8.13,12 5,13.57 5,15.5V17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7.61,15C8.39,14.53 9.89,14 12,14C14.11,14 15.61,14.53 16.39,15H7.61Z",$5="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8C16,9.95 14.6,11.58 12.75,11.93L8.07,7.25C8.42,5.4 10.05,4 12,4M12.28,14L18.28,20L20,21.72L18.73,23L15.73,20H4V18C4,16.16 6.5,14.61 9.87,14.14L2.78,7.05L4.05,5.78L12.28,14M20,18V19.18L15.14,14.32C18,14.93 20,16.35 20,18Z",X5="M2.75,7L4.03,5.75L13.26,15L20,21.72L18.73,23L15.73,20H4V17C4,15.14 6.61,13.92 9.09,13.36L2.75,7M20,17V19.18L18.1,17.28V17C18.1,16.74 17.6,16.35 16.8,16L14,13.18C16.71,13.63 20,14.91 20,17M5.9,17V18.1H13.83L10.72,15C8.19,15.3 5.9,16.45 5.9,17M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8C16,9.95 14.6,11.58 12.75,11.93L8.07,7.25C8.42,5.4 10.05,4 12,4M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6Z",Y5="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M12,13C14.67,13 20,14.33 20,17V20H4V17C4,14.33 9.33,13 12,13M12,14.9C9.03,14.9 5.9,16.36 5.9,17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1,16.36 14.97,14.9 12,14.9Z",J5="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M6,10V7H4V10H1V12H4V15H6V12H9V10M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12Z",C3="M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9M4,7V10H1V12H4V15H6V12H9V10H6V7H4M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9Z",H3="M13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8M17,18V20H1V18C1,15.79 4.58,14 9,14C13.42,14 17,15.79 17,18M20.5,14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5,9.5H17V9A3,3 0 0,1 20,6A3,3 0 0,1 23,9C23,9.97 22.5,10.88 21.71,11.41L21.41,11.6C20.84,12 20.5,12.61 20.5,13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19,12.11 19.6,11 20.59,10.35L20.88,10.16C21.27,9.9 21.5,9.47 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9V9.5Z",V3="M20.5,14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5,9.5H17V9A3,3 0 0,1 20,6A3,3 0 0,1 23,9C23,9.97 22.5,10.88 21.71,11.41L21.41,11.6C20.84,12 20.5,12.61 20.5,13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19,12.11 19.6,11 20.59,10.35L20.88,10.16C21.27,9.9 21.5,9.47 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9V9.5M9,13C11.67,13 17,14.34 17,17V20H1V17C1,14.34 6.33,13 9,13M9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4M9,14.9C6.03,14.9 2.9,16.36 2.9,17V18.1H15.1V17C15.1,16.36 11.97,14.9 9,14.9M9,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 6.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 11.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,5.9Z",L3="M21.5 9H16.5L18.36 7.14C16.9 5.23 14.59 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 13.83 4.61 15.5 5.64 16.85C6.86 15.45 9.15 14.5 12 14.5C14.85 14.5 17.15 15.45 18.36 16.85C19.39 15.5 20 13.83 20 12H22C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C15.14 2 17.95 3.45 19.78 5.72L21.5 4V9M12 7C13.66 7 15 8.34 15 10C15 11.66 13.66 13 12 13C10.34 13 9 11.66 9 10C9 8.34 10.34 7 12 7Z",M3="M21.5 9H16.5L18.36 7.14C16.9 5.23 14.59 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 13.83 4.61 15.5 5.64 16.85C6.86 15.45 9.15 14.5 12 14.5C14.85 14.5 17.15 15.45 18.36 16.85C19.39 15.5 20 13.83 20 12H22C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C15.14 2 17.95 3.45 19.78 5.72L21.5 4V9M12 20C13.9 20 15.64 19.34 17 18.24C16.36 17.23 14.45 16.5 12 16.5C9.55 16.5 7.64 17.23 7 18.24C8.36 19.34 10.1 20 12 20M12 6C13.93 6 15.5 7.57 15.5 9.5C15.5 11.43 13.93 13 12 13C10.07 13 8.5 11.43 8.5 9.5C8.5 7.57 10.07 6 12 6M12 8C11.17 8 10.5 8.67 10.5 9.5C10.5 10.33 11.17 11 12 11C12.83 11 13.5 10.33 13.5 9.5C13.5 8.67 12.83 8 12 8Z",A3="M15,14C17.67,14 23,15.33 23,18V20H7V18C7,15.33 12.33,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12M5,9.59L7.12,7.46L8.54,8.88L6.41,11L8.54,13.12L7.12,14.54L5,12.41L2.88,14.54L1.46,13.12L3.59,11L1.46,8.88L2.88,7.46L5,9.59Z",i3="M1.46,8.88L2.88,7.46L5,9.59L7.12,7.46L8.54,8.88L6.41,11L8.54,13.12L7.12,14.54L5,12.41L2.88,14.54L1.46,13.12L3.59,11L1.46,8.88M15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4M15,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 15,10.1C16.16,10.1 17.1,9.16 17.1,8C17.1,6.84 16.16,5.9 15,5.9M15,13C17.67,13 23,14.33 23,17V20H7V17C7,14.33 12.33,13 15,13M15,14.9C12,14.9 8.9,16.36 8.9,17V18.1H21.1V17C21.1,16.36 17.97,14.9 15,14.9Z",r3="M16 8C16 10.21 14.21 12 12 12C9.79 12 8 10.21 8 8L8.11 7.06L5 5.5L12 2L19 5.5V10.5H18V6L15.89 7.06L16 8M12 14C16.42 14 20 15.79 20 18V20H4V18C4 15.79 7.58 14 12 14Z",a3="M18 10.5V6L15.89 7.06C15.96 7.36 16 7.67 16 8C16 10.21 14.21 12 12 12C9.79 12 8 10.21 8 8C8 7.67 8.04 7.36 8.11 7.06L5 5.5L12 2L19 5.5V10.5H18M12 9L10 8C10 9.1 10.9 10 12 10C13.1 10 14 9.1 14 8L12 9M14.75 5.42L12.16 4.1L9.47 5.47L12.07 6.79L14.75 5.42M12 13C14.67 13 20 14.33 20 17V20H4V17C4 14.33 9.33 13 12 13M12 14.9C9 14.9 5.9 16.36 5.9 17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1 16.36 14.97 14.9 12 14.9Z",e3="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M10,4A4,4 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.91 13.69,9.75 13.18,10.43C12.32,10.75 11.55,11.26 10.91,11.9L10,12A4,4 0 0,1 6,8A4,4 0 0,1 10,4M2,20V18C2,15.88 5.31,14.14 9.5,14C9.18,14.78 9,15.62 9,16.5C9,17.79 9.38,19 10,20H2Z",d3="M10,13C9.65,13.59 9.36,14.24 9.19,14.93C6.5,15.16 3.9,16.42 3.9,17V18.1H9.2C9.37,18.78 9.65,19.42 10,20H2V17C2,14.34 7.33,13 10,13M10,4A4,4 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.91 13.69,9.75 13.18,10.43C12.32,10.75 11.55,11.26 10.91,11.9L10,12A4,4 0 0,1 6,8A4,4 0 0,1 10,4M10,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 10,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 10,5.9M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14Z",m3="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",t3="M12 4C14.21 4 16 5.79 16 8S14.21 12 12 12 8 10.21 8 8 9.79 4 12 4M12 6C10.9 6 10 6.9 10 8S10.9 10 12 10 14 9.11 14 8 13.11 6 12 6M12 13C14.67 13 20 14.33 20 17V20H4V17C4 14.33 9.33 13 12 13M12 14.9C9.03 14.9 5.9 16.36 5.9 17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1 16.36 14.97 14.9 12 14.9M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",v3="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12M5,13.28L7.45,14.77L6.8,11.96L9,10.08L6.11,9.83L5,7.19L3.87,9.83L1,10.08L3.18,11.96L2.5,14.77L5,13.28Z",l3="M15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4M15,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 15,10.1C16.16,10.1 17.1,9.16 17.1,8C17.1,6.84 16.16,5.9 15,5.9M15,13C17.67,13 23,14.33 23,17V20H7V17C7,14.33 12.33,13 15,13M15,14.9C12,14.9 8.9,16.36 8.9,17V18.1H21.1V17C21.1,16.36 17.97,14.9 15,14.9M5,13.28L2.5,14.77L3.18,11.96L1,10.08L3.87,9.83L5,7.19L6.11,9.83L9,10.08L6.8,11.96L7.45,14.77L5,13.28Z",o3="M16.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,12M9,11A3,3 0 0,0 12,8A3,3 0 0,0 9,5A3,3 0 0,0 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 9,11M16.5,14C14.67,14 11,14.92 11,16.75V19H22V16.75C22,14.92 18.33,14 16.5,14M9,13C6.67,13 2,14.17 2,16.5V19H9V16.75C9,15.9 9.33,14.41 11.37,13.28C10.5,13.1 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9 12 5 10.21 5 8 6.79 4 9 4M13 14.54C13 15.6 12.71 18.07 10.8 20.83L10 16L10.93 14.12C10.31 14.05 9.66 14 9 14S7.67 14.05 7.05 14.12L8 16L7.18 20.83C5.27 18.07 5 15.6 5 14.54C2.6 15.24 .994 16.5 .994 18V22H17V18C17 16.5 15.39 15.24 13 14.54Z",w3="M12.7 9.5L7.5 4.3C7.96 4.11 8.46 4 9 4C11.2 4 13 5.79 13 8C13 8.53 12.89 9.04 12.7 9.5M16.75 11.63C18.77 9.61 18.77 6.56 16.75 4.36L15.07 6.05C15.91 7.23 15.91 8.76 15.07 9.94L16.75 11.63M20.06 15C23.96 11.11 24 5.05 20.06 1L18.43 2.63C21.2 5.65 21.2 10.19 18.43 13.37L20.06 15M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.13 7C5.05 7.34 5 7.66 5 8C5 10.21 6.79 12 9 12C9.33 12 9.66 11.94 9.97 11.86L13 14.87C12.93 16.06 12.54 18.32 10.8 20.83L10 16L10.93 14.12C10.31 14.05 9.66 14 9 14C8.32 14 7.67 14.05 7.05 14.12L8 16L7.18 20.83C5.27 18.07 5 15.6 5 14.54C2.6 15.24 .994 16.5 .994 18V22H17V18.88L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",F3="M9.22 6L7.5 4.3C7.96 4.11 8.47 4 9 4C11.21 4 13 5.79 13 8C13 8.53 12.89 9.04 12.7 9.5L11 7.78C10.87 6.86 10.14 6.13 9.22 6M20.06 15C23.96 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20.1H15.1V17C15.1 16.62 14 15.96 12.5 15.5L12.73 15L13.36 13.76M9 6C7.9 6 7 6.9 7 8S7.9 10 9 10 11 9.1 11 8 10.1 6 9 6M9 12C6.79 12 5 10.21 5 8S6.79 4 9 4 13 5.79 13 8 11.21 12 9 12Z",b3="M11.94 3C9.75 3.03 8 4.81 8 7C7.94 8.64 7.81 10.47 7.03 11.59C9.71 13.22 12 13 12 13C12 13 14.29 13.22 16.97 11.59C16.12 10.22 15.94 8.54 16 7C16 4.79 14.21 3 12 3H11.94M8.86 13.32C6 13.93 4 15.35 4 17V21H12L9 17H6.5M12 21L13.78 13.81C13.78 13.81 13 14 12 14C11 14 10.22 13.81 10.22 13.81M12 21H20V17C20 15.35 18 13.93 15.14 13.32L17.5 17H15Z",y3="M9,5A4,4 0 0,1 13,9A4,4 0 0,1 9,13A4,4 0 0,1 5,9A4,4 0 0,1 9,5M9,15C11.67,15 17,16.34 17,19V21H1V19C1,16.34 6.33,15 9,15M16.76,5.36C18.78,7.56 18.78,10.61 16.76,12.63L15.08,10.94C15.92,9.76 15.92,8.23 15.08,7.05L16.76,5.36M20.07,2C24,6.05 23.97,12.11 20.07,16L18.44,14.37C21.21,11.19 21.21,6.65 18.44,3.63L20.07,2Z",R3="M2,3.27L3.28,2L22,20.72L20.73,22L16.73,18C16.9,18.31 17,18.64 17,19V21H1V19C1,16.34 6.33,15 9,15C10.77,15 13.72,15.59 15.5,16.77L11.12,12.39C10.5,12.78 9.78,13 9,13A4,4 0 0,1 5,9C5,8.22 5.22,7.5 5.61,6.88L2,3.27M9,5A4,4 0 0,1 13,9V9.17L8.83,5H9M16.76,5.36C18.78,7.56 18.78,10.61 16.76,12.63L15.08,10.94C15.92,9.76 15.92,8.23 15.08,7.05L16.76,5.36M20.07,2C24,6.05 23.97,12.11 20.07,16L18.44,14.37C21.21,11.19 21.21,6.65 18.44,3.63L20.07,2Z",x3="M22.9 21.2L18.8 17.1C19.2 16.1 19 14.8 18.1 14C17.2 13.1 15.9 12.9 14.8 13.4L16.7 15.3L15.3 16.7L13.3 14.7C12.8 15.8 13 17.1 13.9 18.1C14.8 19 16 19.2 17 18.8L21.1 22.9C21.3 23.1 21.6 23.1 21.7 22.9L22.7 21.9C23 21.6 23 21.3 22.9 21.2M13 20H2V18C2 15.8 5.6 14 10 14C10.5 14 11 14 11.4 14.1C11.1 14.7 11 15.3 11 16C11 17.6 11.8 19.1 13 20M10 4C7.8 4 6 5.8 6 8S7.8 12 10 12 14 10.2 14 8 12.2 4 10 4",D3="M22.9 21.2L18.8 17.1C19.2 16.1 19 14.8 18.1 14C17.2 13.1 15.9 12.9 14.8 13.4L16.7 15.3L15.3 16.7L13.3 14.7C12.8 15.8 13 17.1 13.9 18.1C14.8 19 16 19.2 17 18.8L21.1 22.9C21.3 23.1 21.6 23.1 21.7 22.9L22.7 21.9C23 21.6 23 21.3 22.9 21.2M10 12C12.2 12 14 10.2 14 8S12.2 4 10 4 6 5.8 6 8 7.8 12 10 12M10 6C11.1 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.1 10 10 10 8 9.1 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M13 20H2V17C2 14.3 7.3 13 10 13C10.5 13 11.2 13.1 11.9 13.2C11.5 13.7 11.3 14.3 11.1 15C10.7 15 10.4 14.9 10 14.9C7 14.9 3.9 16.4 3.9 17V18.1H11.5C11.8 18.9 12.4 19.5 13 20Z",E3="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12Z",N3="M19 7C17.9 7 17 7.9 17 9V11C17 12.1 17.9 13 19 13H21V15H17V17H21C22.1 17 23 16.1 23 15V13C23 11.9 22.1 11 21 11H19V9H23V7H19M9 7V17H13C14.1 17 15 16.1 15 15V9C15 7.9 14.1 7 13 7H9M11 9H13V15H11V9M3 7C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H3V13H5V17H7V9C7 7.9 6.1 7 5 7H3M3 9H5V11H3V9Z",W3="M12.2 9L10.2 7H13C14.1 7 15 7.9 15 9V11.8L13 9.8V9H12.2M23 9V7H19C17.9 7 17 7.9 17 9V11C17 12.1 17.9 13 19 13H21V15H18.2L20.2 17H21C22.1 17 23 16.1 23 15V13C23 11.9 22.1 11 21 11H19V9H23M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L14.4 16.4C14.1 16.7 13.6 17 13 17H9V10.9L7 8.9V17H5V13H3V17H1V9C1 7.9 1.9 7 3 7H5.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M5 9H3V11H5V9M13 14.9L11 12.9V15H13V14.9Z",I3="M6.59,0.66C8.93,-1.15 11.47,1.06 12.04,4.5C12.47,4.5 12.89,4.62 13.27,4.84C13.79,4.24 14.25,3.42 14.07,2.5C13.65,0.35 16.06,-1.39 18.35,1.58C20.16,3.92 17.95,6.46 14.5,7.03C14.5,7.46 14.39,7.89 14.16,8.27C14.76,8.78 15.58,9.24 16.5,9.06C18.63,8.64 20.38,11.04 17.41,13.34C15.07,15.15 12.53,12.94 11.96,9.5C11.53,9.5 11.11,9.37 10.74,9.15C10.22,9.75 9.75,10.58 9.93,11.5C10.35,13.64 7.94,15.39 5.65,12.42C3.83,10.07 6.05,7.53 9.5,6.97C9.5,6.54 9.63,6.12 9.85,5.74C9.25,5.23 8.43,4.76 7.5,4.94C5.37,5.36 3.62,2.96 6.59,0.66M5,16H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,18V24H7V22H5V24H3V18A2,2 0 0,1 5,16M5,18V20H7V18H5M12.93,16H15L12.07,24H10L12.93,16M18,16H21V18H18V22H21V24H18A2,2 0 0,1 16,22V18A2,2 0 0,1 18,16Z",G3="M19,18.31V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V16.3C4.54,16.12 3.95,16 3,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,14C3.82,14 4.47,14.08 5,14.21V12.3C4.54,12.12 3.95,12 3,12A1,1 0 0,1 2,11A1,1 0 0,1 3,10C3.82,10 4.47,10.08 5,10.21V8.3C4.54,8.12 3.95,8 3,8A1,1 0 0,1 2,7A1,1 0 0,1 3,6C3.82,6 4.47,6.08 5,6.21V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V6.16C20.78,6.47 21.54,7.13 21.71,7.29C22.1,7.68 22.1,8.32 21.71,8.71C21.32,9.1 20.8,9.09 20.29,8.71V8.71C20.29,8.71 19.25,8 17,8C15.74,8 14.91,8.41 13.95,8.9C12.91,9.41 11.74,10 10,10C9.64,10 9.31,10 9,9.96V7.95C9.3,8 9.63,8 10,8C11.26,8 12.09,7.59 13.05,7.11C14.09,6.59 15.27,6 17,6V4H7V20H17V18C18.5,18 18.97,18.29 19,18.31M17,10C15.27,10 14.09,10.59 13.05,11.11C12.09,11.59 11.26,12 10,12C9.63,12 9.3,12 9,11.95V13.96C9.31,14 9.64,14 10,14C11.74,14 12.91,13.41 13.95,12.9C14.91,12.42 15.74,12 17,12C19.25,12 20.29,12.71 20.29,12.71V12.71C20.8,13.1 21.32,13.1 21.71,12.71C22.1,12.32 22.1,11.69 21.71,11.29C21.5,11.08 20.25,10 17,10M17,14C15.27,14 14.09,14.59 13.05,15.11C12.09,15.59 11.26,16 10,16C9.63,16 9.3,16 9,15.95V17.96C9.31,18 9.64,18 10,18C11.74,18 12.91,17.41 13.95,16.9C14.91,16.42 15.74,16 17,16C19.25,16 20.29,16.71 20.29,16.71V16.71C20.8,17.1 21.32,17.1 21.71,16.71C22.1,16.32 22.1,15.69 21.71,15.29C21.5,15.08 20.25,14 17,14Z",Q3="M19,2.8V6L19,9.2C19,9.5 18.7,9.8 18.4,9.7C18.4,9.7 14.5,7.1 10,7.1V9.5H10.2C10.7,9.5 11.2,9.7 11.4,10.1L12.7,11.9C12.9,12.1 13,12.4 13,12.6V20.6C13,21.3 12.3,22 11.5,22H6.5C5.7,22 5,21.4 5,20.6V12.6C5,12.3 5.1,12.1 5.3,11.9L6.6,10.1C6.9,9.7 7.3,9.5 7.8,9.5H8V8C7.6,8.5 7,8.8 6.4,8.8C5.1,8.8 4,7.5 4,6C4,4.5 5.1,3.2 6.4,3.2C7,3.3 7.6,3.6 8,4V2.6H10V5C14.5,5 18.4,2.4 18.4,2.4C18.7,2.3 19,2.5 19,2.8Z",U3="M11 9C8.79 9 7 10.79 7 13S8.79 17 11 17 15 15.21 15 13 13.21 9 11 9M11 15C9.9 15 9 14.11 9 13S9.9 11 11 11 13 11.9 13 13 12.11 15 11 15M7 4H14C16.21 4 18 5.79 18 8V9H16V8C16 6.9 15.11 6 14 6H7C5.9 6 5 6.9 5 8V20H16V18H18V22H3V8C3 5.79 4.79 4 7 4M19 10.5C19 10.5 21 12.67 21 14C21 15.1 20.1 16 19 16S17 15.1 17 14C17 12.67 19 10.5 19 10.5",z3="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L3.8 5.7C3.3 6.3 3 7.1 3 8V22H18V19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M9.6 11.5L12.4 14.3C12.1 14.7 11.6 15 11 15C9.9 15 9 14.1 9 13C9 12.4 9.3 11.9 9.6 11.5M16 17.9V20H5V8C5 7.7 5.1 7.4 5.2 7.1L8.2 10.1C7.5 10.8 7 11.9 7 13C7 15.2 8.8 17 11 17C12.1 17 13.2 16.5 13.9 15.8L16 17.9M17 13.8C17.1 12.5 19 10.5 19 10.5S21 12.7 21 14C21 15 20.2 15.9 19.2 16L17 13.8M9.2 6L7.2 4H14C16.2 4 18 5.8 18 8V9H16V8C16 6.9 15.1 6 14 6H9.2Z",_3="M11,9A4,4 0 0,1 15,13A4,4 0 0,1 11,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,13A4,4 0 0,1 11,9M11,11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,15A2,2 0 0,0 13,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11M7,4H14A4,4 0 0,1 18,8V9H16V8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,8V20H16V18H18V22H3V8A4,4 0 0,1 7,4M16,11C18.5,11 18.5,9 21,9V11C18.5,11 18.5,13 16,13V11M16,15C18.5,15 18.5,13 21,13V15C18.5,15 18.5,17 16,17V15Z",K3="M21 11C18.6 11 18.5 12.9 16.2 13L16 12.8V11C18.5 11 18.5 9 21 9V11M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L18 19.9V22H3V8C3 7.1 3.3 6.3 3.8 5.7L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M9 13C9 14.1 9.9 15 11 15C11.6 15 12.1 14.7 12.5 14.4L9.7 11.6C9.3 11.9 9 12.4 9 13M16 17.9L13.9 15.8C13.2 16.5 12.1 17 11 17C8.8 17 7 15.2 7 13C7 11.9 7.5 10.8 8.2 10.1L5.2 7.1C5.1 7.4 5 7.7 5 8V20H16V17.9M21 15V13C19.3 13 18.7 14 17.7 14.5L18.8 15.6C19.4 15.3 20 15 21 15M14 6C15.1 6 16 6.9 16 8V9H18V8C18 5.8 16.2 4 14 4H7.2L9.2 6H14Z",j3="M14,8A5,5 0 0,1 9,13A5,5 0 0,1 4,8A5,5 0 0,1 9,3A5,5 0 0,1 14,8M10.46,15.55L13,18.03L11,18.05L7.5,21.58L6,20.09L10.46,15.55M17,2C18.08,2 19,2.88 19,4C19,5.08 18.12,6 17,6C15.92,6 15,5.12 15,4C15,2.92 15.89,2 17,2M14.41,15H11.59L17.29,20.71L18.71,19.29L14.41,15M15.12,14.29L19.41,18.59L19.63,18.8C19.86,18.42 20,18 20,17.5V9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,9.5V14.17L15.12,14.29Z",q3="M11,23A2,2 0 0,1 9,21V19H15V21A2,2 0 0,1 13,23H11M12,1C12.71,1 13.39,1.09 14.05,1.26C15.22,2.83 16,5.71 16,9C16,11.28 15.62,13.37 15,16A2,2 0 0,1 13,18H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,16C8.38,13.37 8,11.28 8,9C8,5.71 8.78,2.83 9.95,1.26C10.61,1.09 11.29,1 12,1M20,8C20,11.18 18.15,15.92 15.46,17.21C16.41,15.39 17,11.83 17,9C17,6.17 16.41,3.61 15.46,1.79C18.15,3.08 20,4.82 20,8M4,8C4,4.82 5.85,3.08 8.54,1.79C7.59,3.61 7,6.17 7,9C7,11.83 7.59,15.39 8.54,17.21C5.85,15.92 4,11.18 4,8Z",$3="M11 23C9.9 23 9 22.1 9 21V19H15V21C15 22.1 14.1 23 13 23H11M12 3C12.28 3 12.55 3 12.81 3.05C13.42 4.22 14 6.26 14 9C14 11.1 13 16 13 16H11C11 16 10 11.1 10 9C10 6.26 10.58 4.22 11.19 3.05C11.45 3 11.72 3 12 3M12 1C11.29 1 10.61 1.09 9.95 1.26C8.78 2.83 8 5.71 8 9C8 11.28 8.38 13.37 9 16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18H13C14.1 18 15 17.1 15 16C15.62 13.37 16 11.28 16 9C16 5.71 15.22 2.83 14.05 1.26C13.39 1.09 12.71 1 12 1M4 8C4 11.18 5.85 15.92 8.54 17.21C8 16.21 7.61 14.67 7.34 13C6.55 11.53 6 9.62 6 8C6 6.66 6.44 5.67 7.47 4.8C7.73 3.67 8.09 2.65 8.54 1.79C5.85 3.08 4 4.82 4 8M15.46 1.79C15.91 2.65 16.27 3.67 16.53 4.8C17.56 5.67 18 6.66 18 8C18 9.62 17.45 11.53 16.66 13C16.39 14.67 16 16.21 15.46 17.21C18.15 15.92 20 11.18 20 8S18.15 3.08 15.46 1.79Z",X3="M20.56 3.91C21.15 4.5 21.15 5.45 20.56 6.03L16.67 9.92L18.79 19.11L17.38 20.53L13.5 13.1L9.6 17L9.96 19.47L8.89 20.53L7.13 17.35L3.94 15.58L5 14.5L7.5 14.87L11.37 11L3.94 7.09L5.36 5.68L14.55 7.8L18.44 3.91C19 3.33 20 3.33 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21M16.5 16.25V12H15V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25Z",H0="M15.73 12.81C14.76 13.33 13.92 14.07 13.29 14.96L11.55 11.63L7.66 15.5L8 18L6.95 19.06L5.18 15.87L2 14.11L3.06 13.05L5.54 13.4L9.43 9.5L2 5.62L3.41 4.21L12.61 6.33L16.5 2.44C17.08 1.85 18.03 1.85 18.62 2.44C19.2 3.03 19.2 4 18.62 4.56L14.73 8.45L15.73 12.81M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 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4.56L14.73 8.45L15.97 13.83M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",a0="M15.97 13.83C15.08 14.35 14.34 15.09 13.82 16L11.55 11.63L7.66 15.5L8 18L6.95 19.06L5.18 15.87L2 14.11L3.06 13.05L5.54 13.4L9.43 9.5L2 5.62L3.41 4.21L12.61 6.33L16.5 2.44C17.08 1.85 18.03 1.85 18.62 2.44C19.2 3.03 19.2 4 18.62 4.56L14.73 8.45L15.97 13.83M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",e0="M9.55 9.63L10.9 12.22C11.5 11.17 12.41 10.31 13.5 9.74L12.73 6.45L16.62 2.56C17.2 1.97 17.2 1 16.62 .438S15.08-.148 14.5 .438L10.61 4.33L1.41 2.21L0 3.62L7.43 7.5L3.54 11.4L1.06 11.05L0 12.11L3.18 13.87L4.95 17.06L6 16L5.66 13.5L9.55 9.63M16.5 11C19 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11M16.5 13C15.12 13 14 14.12 14 15.5S15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5 17.88 13 16.5 13",d0="M20.09 4.56L16.2 8.45L18.32 17.64L16.91 19.06L13 11.63L9.13 15.5L9.5 18L8.42 19.06L6.65 15.87L3.47 14.11L4.53 13.04L7 13.4L10.9 9.5L3.47 5.62L4.89 4.21L14.08 6.33L17.97 2.44C18.55 1.85 19.5 1.85 20.09 2.44C20.68 3 20.68 3.97 20.09 4.56M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",m0="M2.5,19H21.5V21H2.5V19M22.07,9.64C21.86,8.84 21.03,8.36 20.23,8.58L14.92,10L8,3.57L6.09,4.08L10.23,11.25L5.26,12.58L3.29,11.04L1.84,11.43L3.66,14.59L4.43,15.92L6.03,15.5L11.34,14.07L15.69,12.91L21,11.5C21.81,11.26 22.28,10.44 22.07,9.64Z",t0="M14.97,5.92C14.83,5.41 14.3,5.1 13.79,5.24L10.39,6.15L5.95,2.03L4.72,2.36L7.38,6.95L4.19,7.8L2.93,6.82L2,7.07L3.66,9.95L14.28,7.11C14.8,6.96 15.1,6.43 14.97,5.92M21,10L20,12H15L14,10L15,9H17V7H18V9H20L21,10M22,20V22H2V20H15V13H20V20H22Z",v0="M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M12.5,8H11V14L15.75,16.85L16.5,15.62L12.5,13.25V8M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72Z",l0="M15,18.66V22H5V18.66C8.09,20.45 11.91,20.45 15,18.66M22,4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2C19.69,2 19.39,2.07 19.12,2.21C18.82,2.36 18.56,2.58 18.36,2.85C17.72,3.75 17.94,5 18.85,5.64C19.18,5.87 19.59,6 20,6C20.08,6 20.16,6 20.24,6C21.97,10.43 20.66,15.46 17,18.5C16.68,18.75 16.35,19 16,19.22V21H17V19.74C20.14,17.5 22,13.86 22,10C22,8.5 21.72,7 21.17,5.62C21.69,5.24 22,4.64 22,4M18,10A8,8 0 0,1 10,18A8,8 0 0,1 2,10A8,8 0 0,1 10,2A8,8 0 0,1 18,10Z",o0="M10.54,14.53L8.41,12.4L7.35,13.46L10.53,16.64L16.53,10.64L15.47,9.58L10.54,14.53M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72Z",n0="M6,6.9L3.87,4.78L5.28,3.37L7.4,5.5L6,6.9M13,1V4H11V1H13M20.13,4.78L18,6.9L16.6,5.5L18.72,3.37L20.13,4.78M4.5,10.5V12.5H1.5V10.5H4.5M19.5,10.5H22.5V12.5H19.5V10.5M6,20H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,20M12,5A6,6 0 0,1 18,11V19H6V11A6,6 0 0,1 12,5Z",Z0="M18 14.8L9 5.8C9.9 5.3 10.9 5 12 5C15.3 5 18 7.7 18 11V14.8M20.1 4.8L18.7 3.4L16.6 5.5L18 6.9L20.1 4.8M19.5 10.5V12.5H22.5V10.5H19.5M4.5 10.5H1.5V12.5H4.5V10.5M1.1 3L6.6 8.5C6.2 9.2 6 10.1 6 11V19H17.1L18.1 20H6C4.9 20 4 20.9 4 22H20.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.4L2.4 1.7L1.1 3M13 1H11V4H13V1Z",S0="M10.5 7.3L9 5.8C9.9 5.3 10.9 5 12 5C15.3 5 18 7.7 18 11V14.8L16 12.8V11C16 8.8 14.2 7 12 7C11.5 7 11 7.1 10.5 7.3M20.1 4.8L18.7 3.4L16.6 5.5L18 6.9L20.1 4.8M19.5 10.5V12.5H22.5V10.5H19.5M4.5 10.5H1.5V12.5H4.5V10.5M2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7L20.1 22H4C4 20.9 4.9 20 6 20H18.1L17.1 19H6V11C6 10.1 6.2 9.2 6.6 8.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7M8 17H15.1L8.1 10C8.1 10.3 8 10.7 8 11V17M13 1H11V4H13V1Z",u0="M6,6.9L3.87,4.78L5.28,3.37L7.4,5.5L6,6.9M13,1V4H11V1H13M20.13,4.78L18,6.9L16.6,5.5L18.72,3.37L20.13,4.78M4.5,10.5V12.5H1.5V10.5H4.5M19.5,10.5H22.5V12.5H19.5V10.5M6,20H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,20M12,5A6,6 0 0,1 18,11V19H6V11A6,6 0 0,1 12,5M12,7A4,4 0 0,0 8,11V17H16V11A4,4 0 0,0 12,7Z",c0="M9.29,3.25L5.16,6.72L4,5.34L8.14,1.87L9.29,3.25M22,5.35L20.84,6.73L16.7,3.25L17.86,1.87L22,5.35M13,4A8,8 0 0,1 21,12A8,8 0 0,1 13,20A8,8 0 0,1 5,12A8,8 0 0,1 13,4M13,6A6,6 0 0,0 7,12A6,6 0 0,0 13,18A6,6 0 0,0 19,12A6,6 0 0,0 13,6M12,7.5H13.5V12.03L16.72,13.5L16.1,14.86L12,13V7.5M1,14C1,11.5 2.13,9.3 3.91,7.83C3.33,9.1 3,10.5 3,12L3.06,13.13L3,14C3,16.28 4.27,18.26 6.14,19.28C7.44,20.5 9.07,21.39 10.89,21.78C10.28,21.92 9.65,22 9,22A8,8 0 0,1 1,14Z",s0="M17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72L17.4,1.86M6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C12.33,22 12.67,22 13,21.94V19.94C12.67,20 12.33,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6C15.1,6 17.83,8.03 18.71,11H20.78C19.85,6.9 16.2,4 12,4M23,15H20V20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,23A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,18C18.04,18 18.57,18.18 19,18.5V13H23V15M11.5,8V13.25L7.5,15.62L8.25,16.85L13,14V8H11.5Z",O0="M19,13V15.8L20,16.8V15H23V13H19M2.38,1.73L1.11,3L3,4.88L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L4.41,6.3L5.21,7.1C1.95,10.85 2.35,16.54 6.11,19.8C7.74,21.22 9.83,22 12,22C12.33,22 12.67,22 13,21.94V19.94C12.67,20 12.33,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13C5,11.36 5.57,9.77 6.63,8.5L11.41,13.3L7.5,15.62L8.25,16.85L12.44,14.33L16.38,18.27C15.14,18.88 14.64,20.38 15.25,21.62C15.86,22.86 17.36,23.36 18.6,22.75C19.09,22.5 19.5,22.11 19.73,21.62L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L2.38,1.73M12,6C15.1,6 17.83,8.03 18.71,11H20.78C19.85,6.9 16.2,4 12,4C10.65,4 9.31,4.3 8.1,4.9L9.62,6.42C10.38,6.14 11.19,6 12,6M11.5,8.3L13,9.8V8H11.5V8.3M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L5.76,2.56L7.18,4L7.88,3.39M17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72L17.4,1.86Z",h0="M8,3.28L6.6,1.86L5.74,2.57L7.16,4M16.47,18.39C15.26,19.39 13.7,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13C5,11.3 5.61,9.74 6.61,8.53M2.92,2.29L1.65,3.57L3,4.9L1.87,5.83L3.29,7.25L4.4,6.31L5.2,7.11C3.83,8.69 3,10.75 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C14.25,22 16.31,21.17 17.89,19.8L20.09,22L21.36,20.73L3.89,3.27L2.92,2.29M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72M12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13C19,13.84 18.84,14.65 18.57,15.4L20.09,16.92C20.67,15.73 21,14.41 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4C10.59,4 9.27,4.33 8.08,4.91L9.6,6.43C10.35,6.16 11.16,6 12,6Z",p0="M20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M8 19H5V17H8V19M8 16H5V14H8V16M8 13H5V11H8V13M13.5 19H10.5V17H13.5V19M13.5 16H10.5V14H13.5V16M13.5 13H10.5V11H13.5V13M19 19H16V17H19V19M19 16H16V14H19V16M19 13H16V11H19V13M19 9H5V5H19V9Z",f0="M9 12H6V10H9V12M13.5 10H10.5V12H13.5V10M18 10H15V12H18V10M18 6H6V9H18V6M20 5H4L4 19L20 19L20 5L20 5M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V19C22 20.1 21.1 21 20 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3H20M9 13H6V15H9V13M13.5 13H10.5V15H13.5V13M18 13H15V15H18V13M9 16H6V18H9V16M13.5 16H10.5V18H13.5V16M18 16H15V18H18V16Z",g0="M13,9H11V12H8V14H11V17H13V14H16V12H13M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39Z",k0="M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M9,11H12.63L9,15.2V17H15V15H11.37L15,10.8V9H9V11Z",B0="M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11M12,16.5C9.5,16.5 7.5,14.5 7.5,12C7.5,9.5 9.5,7.5 12,7.5C14.5,7.5 16.5,9.5 16.5,12C16.5,14.5 14.5,16.5 12,16.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",P0="M13 14H11V9H13M13 18H11V16H13M1 21H23L12 2L1 21Z",w0="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M13,13V7H11V13H13M13,17V15H11V17H13Z",F0="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",T0="M13,13H11V7H13M13,17H11V15H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",b0="M18.75 22.16L16 19.16L17.16 18L18.75 19.59L22.34 16L23.5 17.41L18.75 22.16M13 13V7H11V13H13M13 17V15H11V17H13M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.91 13.31C21.31 13.11 20.67 13 20 13C16.69 13 14 15.69 14 19C14 19.95 14.22 20.85 14.62 21.65C13.78 21.88 12.91 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2Z",y0="M18.75 22.16L16 19.16L17.16 18L18.75 19.59L22.34 16L23.5 17.41L18.75 22.16M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 7H13V13H11V7M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.92 13.31C21.31 13.11 20.67 13 19.94 13L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C12.71 20 13.39 19.91 14.05 19.74C14.13 20.42 14.33 21.06 14.62 21.65C13.78 21.88 12.9 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2Z",R0="M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20Z",x0="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12M13,17H11V15H13V17M13,13H11V7H13V13Z",D0="M23,12L20.56,14.78L20.9,18.46L17.29,19.28L15.4,22.46L12,21L8.6,22.47L6.71,19.29L3.1,18.47L3.44,14.78L1,12L3.44,9.21L3.1,5.53L6.71,4.72L8.6,1.54L12,3L15.4,1.54L17.29,4.72L20.9,5.54L20.56,9.22L23,12M20.33,12L18.5,9.89L18.74,7.1L16,6.5L14.58,4.07L12,5.18L9.42,4.07L8,6.5L5.26,7.09L5.5,9.88L3.67,12L5.5,14.1L5.26,16.9L8,17.5L9.42,19.93L12,18.81L14.58,19.92L16,17.5L18.74,16.89L18.5,14.1L20.33,12M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",E0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M24 18V20H16V18H24Z",N0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M16 18V20H24V18H16Z",W0="M13 13H11V7H13M11 15H13V17H11M15.73 3H8.27L3 8.27V15.73L8.27 21H15.73L21 15.73V8.27L15.73 3Z",I0="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",G0="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M13,17V15H11V17H13M13,13V7H11V13H13Z",Q0="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M4.81,9L6.05,12L4.81,15L7.79,16.21L9,19.19L12,17.95L15,19.19L16.21,16.21L19.19,15L17.95,12L19.19,9L16.21,7.79L15,4.81L12,6.05L9,4.81L7.79,7.79L4.81,9M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",U0="M12,2L1,21H23M12,6L19.53,19H4.47M11,10V14H13V10M11,16V18H13V16",z0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21Z",_0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M19 15V18H16V20H19V23H21V20H24V18H21V15H19Z",K0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M23.54 16.88L21.41 19L23.54 21.12L22.12 22.54L20 20.41L17.88 22.54L16.47 21.12L18.59 19L16.47 16.88L17.88 15.47L20 17.59L22.12 15.46L23.54 16.88Z",j0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M22.12 15.46L20 17.59L17.88 15.46L16.47 16.88L18.59 19L16.47 21.12L17.88 22.54L20 20.41L22.12 22.54L23.54 21.12L21.41 19L23.54 16.88L22.12 15.46Z",q0="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M11 7H13V13H11V7M11 15H13V17H11V15Z",$0="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12M11 7V13H13V7M11 15V17H13V15Z",X0="M12,3C16.97,3 21,6.58 21,11C21,15.42 15,21 12,21C9,21 3,15.42 3,11C3,6.58 7.03,3 12,3M10.31,10.93C9.29,9.29 7.47,8.58 6.25,9.34C5.03,10.1 4.87,12.05 5.89,13.69C6.92,15.33 8.74,16.04 9.96,15.28C11.18,14.5 11.33,12.57 10.31,10.93M13.69,10.93C12.67,12.57 12.82,14.5 14.04,15.28C15.26,16.04 17.08,15.33 18.11,13.69C19.13,12.05 18.97,10.1 17.75,9.34C16.53,8.58 14.71,9.29 13.69,10.93M12,17.75C10,17.75 9.5,17 9.5,17C9.5,17.03 10,19 12,19C14,19 14.5,17 14.5,17C14.5,17 14,17.75 12,17.75Z",Y0="M10.31 10.93C11.33 12.57 11.18 14.5 9.96 15.28C8.74 16.04 6.92 15.33 5.89 13.69C4.87 12.05 5.03 10.1 6.25 9.34C7.47 8.58 9.29 9.29 10.31 10.93M12 17.75C14 17.75 14.5 17 14.5 17C14.5 17 14 19 12 19C10 19 9.5 17.03 9.5 17C9.5 17 10 17.75 12 17.75M17.75 9.34C18.97 10.1 19.13 12.05 18.11 13.69C17.08 15.33 15.26 16.04 14.04 15.28C12.82 14.5 12.67 12.57 13.69 10.93C14.71 9.29 16.53 8.58 17.75 9.34M12 20C14.5 20 20 14.86 20 11C20 7.14 16.41 4 12 4C7.59 4 4 7.14 4 11C4 14.86 9.5 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.04 22 11C22 15.08 16.32 22 12 22C7.68 22 2 15.08 2 11C2 6.04 6.5 2 12 2Z",J0="M11 2H13V7H21V10H13V14H18V17H13V22H11V17H6V14H11V10H3V7H11V2Z",C7="M4 22H2V2H4V22M22 2H20V22H22V2M13.5 7H10.5V17H13.5V7Z",H7="M4 22H2V2H4V22M22 7H6V10H22V7M16 14H6V17H16V14Z",V7="M20 2H22V22H20V2M2 10H18V7H2V10M8 17H18V14H8V17Z",L7="M22 22H2V20H22V22M10 2H7V18H10V2M17 8H14V18H17V8Z",M7="M22 11H17V6H14V11H10V3H7V11H1.8V13H7V21H10V13H14V18H17V13H22V11Z",A7="M22 2V4H2V2H22M7 10.5V13.5H17V10.5H7M2 20V22H22V20H2Z",i7="M22 2V4H2V2H22M7 22H10V6H7V22M14 16H17V6H14V16Z",r7="M18.6,6.62C17.16,6.62 15.8,7.18 14.83,8.15L7.8,14.39C7.16,15.03 6.31,15.38 5.4,15.38C3.53,15.38 2,13.87 2,12C2,10.13 3.53,8.62 5.4,8.62C6.31,8.62 7.16,8.97 7.84,9.65L8.97,10.65L10.5,9.31L9.22,8.2C8.2,7.18 6.84,6.62 5.4,6.62C2.42,6.62 0,9.04 0,12C0,14.96 2.42,17.38 5.4,17.38C6.84,17.38 8.2,16.82 9.17,15.85L16.2,9.61C16.84,8.97 17.69,8.62 18.6,8.62C20.47,8.62 22,10.13 22,12C22,13.87 20.47,15.38 18.6,15.38C17.7,15.38 16.84,15.03 16.16,14.35L15,13.34L13.5,14.68L14.78,15.8C15.8,16.81 17.15,17.37 18.6,17.37C21.58,17.37 24,14.96 24,12C24,9 21.58,6.62 18.6,6.62Z",a7="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M16.1 15.9C15.07 15.9 14.09 15.5 13.35 14.76L12.71 14.12L14.13 12.71L14.76 13.34C15.12 13.7 15.6 13.9 16.11 13.9C17.15 13.9 18 13.05 18 12S17.15 10.1 16.1 10.1C15.6 10.1 15.12 10.3 14.76 10.66L10.65 14.76C9.91 15.5 8.94 15.9 7.9 15.9C5.75 15.9 4 14.15 4 12S5.75 8.1 7.9 8.1C8.94 8.1 9.91 8.5 10.65 9.24L11.29 9.88L9.87 11.3L9.24 10.66C8.88 10.3 8.4 10.1 7.9 10.1C6.85 10.1 6 10.95 6 12S6.85 13.9 7.9 13.9C8.4 13.9 8.88 13.7 9.24 13.34L13.35 9.24C14.09 8.5 15.06 8.1 16.1 8.1C18.25 8.1 20 9.85 20 12S18.25 15.9 16.1 15.9Z",e7="M19 12C19 13.84 17.5 15.34 15.66 15.34C14.77 15.34 13.94 15 13.31 14.36L12.71 13.76L13.77 12.71C14.04 13 14.37 13.3 14.37 13.3C14.71 13.65 15.18 13.84 15.67 13.84C16.68 13.84 17.5 13 17.5 12S16.68 10.16 15.67 10.16C15.18 10.16 14.71 10.36 14.37 10.7L10.7 14.36C10.07 15 9.23 15.34 8.34 15.34C6.5 15.34 5 13.84 5 12S6.5 8.66 8.34 8.66C9.23 8.66 10.07 9 10.7 9.64L11.29 10.24L10.23 11.3L9.64 10.7C9.29 10.36 8.83 10.16 8.34 10.16C7.32 10.16 6.5 11 6.5 12S7.32 13.84 8.34 13.84C8.83 13.84 9.29 13.65 9.64 13.3L13.31 9.64C13.94 9 14.77 8.66 15.66 8.66C17.5 8.66 19 10.16 19 12M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5M19 5H5V19H19V5Z",d7="M19.75 5.33A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 18.5 6.58V11.17H17.67V4.08A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15.17 4.08V11.17H14.33V3.25A1.25 1.25 0 1 0 11.83 3.25V11.17H11V5.33A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 8.5 5.33V15.26L4.91 13.26A1 1 0 0 0 4.41 13.12A1 1 0 0 0 3.75 13.37L2.67 14.37L9.21 21A3.29 3.29 0 0 0 11.58 22H17.67A3.33 3.33 0 0 0 21 18.67V6.58A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 19.75 5.33M11 15A1 1 0 1 1 12 14A1 1 0 0 1 11 15M13 18A1 1 0 1 1 14 17A1 1 0 0 1 13 18M18 16A1 1 0 1 1 19 15A1 1 0 0 1 18 16M17 19A1 1 0 1 1 18 18A1 1 0 0 1 17 19M15 15A1 1 0 1 1 16 14A1 1 0 0 1 15 15Z",m7="M18.08,17.8C17.62,17.93 17.21,18 16.85,18C15.65,18 14.84,17.12 14.43,15.35H14.38C13.39,17.26 12,18.21 10.25,18.21C8.94,18.21 7.89,17.72 7.1,16.73C6.31,15.74 5.92,14.5 5.92,13C5.92,11.25 6.37,9.85 7.26,8.76C8.15,7.67 9.36,7.12 10.89,7.12C11.71,7.12 12.45,7.35 13.09,7.8C13.73,8.26 14.22,8.9 14.56,9.73H14.6L15.31,7.33H17.87L15.73,12.65C15.97,13.89 16.22,14.74 16.5,15.19C16.74,15.64 17.08,15.87 17.5,15.87C17.74,15.87 17.93,15.83 18.1,15.76L18.08,17.8M13.82,12.56C13.61,11.43 13.27,10.55 12.81,9.95C12.36,9.34 11.81,9.04 11.18,9.04C10.36,9.04 9.7,9.41 9.21,10.14C8.72,10.88 8.5,11.79 8.5,12.86C8.5,13.84 8.69,14.65 9.12,15.31C9.54,15.97 10.11,16.29 10.82,16.29C11.42,16.29 11.97,16 12.46,15.45C12.96,14.88 13.37,14.05 13.7,12.96L13.82,12.56Z",t7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",v7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",l7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V17H13V13H11V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V11H13V9H11Z",o7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",n7="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V17H13V13H11V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Z7="M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",S7="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",u7="M15,10.5C15,11.3 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,12.7 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5M13,15V13H11V15H13M13,11V9H11V11H13M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",c7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",s7="M15,10.5C15,11.3 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,12.7 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5M13,15V13H11V15H13M13,11V9H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",O7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",h7="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",p7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10H13V9H11V15H13V14H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7Z",f7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",g7="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10H13V9H11V15H13V14H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",k7="M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",B7="M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",P7="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7M11,9V15H13V9H11M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",w7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",F7="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",T7="M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",b7="M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",y7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H15V13H11V15H15V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",R7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",x7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H15V13H11V15H15V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",D7="M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",E7="M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",N7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H14V13H11V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",W7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",I7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H14V13H11V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",G7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11Z",Q7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",U7="M11,7H15V9H11V15H13V11H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",z7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11Z",_7="M11,7H15V9H11V15H13V11H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",K7="M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",j7="M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",q7="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",$7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",X7="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Y7="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14Z",J7="M14,7H10V9H11V15H10V17H14V15H13V9H14V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",C9="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",H9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M14,7H10V9H11V15H10V17H14V15H13V9H14V7Z",V9="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",L9="M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13Z",M9="M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",A9="M13,7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V14H11V15H13V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",i9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13Z",r9="M13,7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V14H11V15H13V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",a9="M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9Z",e9="M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",d9="M9,7H11V10.33L13,7H15L12,12L15,17H13L11,13.67V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",m9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9Z",t9="M9,7H11V10.33L13,7H15L12,12L15,17H13L11,13.67V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",v9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9Z",l9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",o9="M9,7H11V15H15V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",n9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Z9="M9,7H11V15H15V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",S9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9Z",u9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",c9="M9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17H15V9H13V16H11V9H9V17H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",s9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",O9="M9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17H15V9H13V16H11V9H9V17H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",h9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9Z",p9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",f9="M9,7H11L13,12V7H15V17H13L11,12V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",g9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",k9="M9,7H11L13,12V7H15V17H13L11,12V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",B9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",P9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",w9="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",F9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",T9="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",b9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",y9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",R9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",x9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",D9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",E9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",N9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4Z",W9="M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,6V20H19V6H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17V19H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",I9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",G9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17V19H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",Q9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",U9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",z9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11C15,11.84 14.5,12.55 13.76,12.85L15,17H13L11.8,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",_9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",K9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11C15,11.84 14.5,12.55 13.76,12.85L15,17H13L11.8,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,16.41 7.58,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",j9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11Z",q9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",$9="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",X9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Y9="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",J9="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9Z",C4="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",H4="M9,7H15V9H13V17H11V9H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",V4="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",L4="M9,7H15V9H13V17H11V9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",M4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9Z",A4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",i4="M9,7H11V15H13V7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",r4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",a4="M9,7H11V15H13V7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",e4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9Z",d4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",m4="M9,7H11L12,12L13,7H15L13,17H11L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",t4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",v4="M9,7H11L12,12L13,7H15L13,17H11L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",l4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9Z",o4="M9,17H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,15V7H15V15H13V8H11V15H9V7H7V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",n4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",Z4="M9,17H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,15V7H15V15H13V8H11V15H9V7H7V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",S4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",u4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9Z",c4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",s4="M9,7H11L12,9.5L13,7H15L13,12L15,17H13L12,14.5L11,17H9L11,12L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",O4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",h4="M9,7H11L12,9.5L13,7H15L13,12L15,17H13L12,14.5L11,17H9L11,12L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",p4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9Z",f4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",g4="M9,7H11L12,10L13,7H15L13,13V17H11V13L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",k4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",B4="M9,7H11L12,10L13,7H15L13,13V17H11V13L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",P4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9Z",w4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",F4="M9,7H15V9L11,15H15V17H9V15L13,9H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",T4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",b4="M9,7H15V9L11,15H15V17H9V15L13,9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",y4="M3 4V11H14.23L22 4H19L13.46 9H5V4H3M3 13V20H5V15H13.46L19 20H22L14.23 13H3Z",R4="M16 6C14.36 6 13 7.36 13 9V15C13 16.65 14.36 18 16 18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V12C20 10.36 18.65 9 17 9H15C15 8.44 15.44 8 16 8H18C19.09 8 20 7.09 20 6M5 9V11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12H7C5.36 12 4 13.36 4 15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H11V12C11 10.36 9.65 9 8 9M15 11H17C17.57 11 18 11.43 18 12V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16C15.43 16 15 15.57 15 15M7 14H9V16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15C6 14.43 6.43 14 7 14Z",x4="M16 6C14.36 6 13 7.36 13 9V21H15V9C15 8.43 15.43 8 16 8H17C17.57 8 18 8.43 18 9V10C18 10.57 17.57 11 17 11H16V13H17C17.57 13 18 13.43 18 14V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16V18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V14C20 13.18 19.59 12.46 19 12C19.59 11.54 20 10.82 20 10V9C20 7.36 18.65 6 17 6M7 9C5.36 9 4 10.36 4 12V15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H7.7C8.2 18 8.65 17.81 9 17.5V18H11V9H9V9.5C8.65 9.19 8.2 9 7.7 9M7 11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12V15C9 15.57 8.57 16 8 16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15V12C6 11.43 6.43 11 7 11Z",D4="M13 6V18H15V17.31C15.37 17.73 15.9 18 16.5 18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V12C20 10.36 18.65 9 17 9H16.5C15.9 9 15.37 9.27 15 9.7V6M5 9V11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12H7C5.36 12 4 13.36 4 15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H11V12C11 10.36 9.65 9 8 9M16 11H17C17.57 11 18 11.43 18 12V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16C15.43 16 15 15.57 15 15V12C15 11.43 15.43 11 16 11M7 14H9V16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15C6 14.43 6.43 14 7 14Z",E4="M13.04 4L6.54 17.85C6.21 18.55 5.5 19 4.73 19H4V20H16C17.2 20 18.27 20.54 19 21.39H20C19.05 19.32 17 18 14.7 18H12C11.29 18 10.62 17.63 10.24 17.03C9.85 16.43 9.8 15.68 10.1 15.03L10.58 14H19V13H17.5C15.29 13 13.5 11.21 13.5 9C13.5 6.79 15.29 5 17.5 5H20V4Z",N4="M10 7L12.5 3H15L11 7H10M12.5 9C11.96 9 11.46 9.13 11 9.35V9H8V11H9V21H11V12.5C11 11.67 11.67 11 12.5 11C13.33 11 14 11.67 14 12.5V14.5C14 15.33 13.33 16 12.5 16H12V18H12.5C14.43 18 16 16.43 16 14.5V12.5C16 10.57 14.43 9 12.5 9Z",W4="M6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13V17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V13A2,2 0 0,1 4,11H6M4,13V15H6V13H4M20,13V15H22V17H20A2,2 0 0,1 18,15V13A2,2 0 0,1 20,11H22V13H20M12,7V11H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,15V7H12M12,15H14V13H12V15Z",I4="M22.11 21.46L16 15.31L14 13.31L13.65 13L10 9.34L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L10 11.89V15A2 2 0 0 0 12 17H14A1.92 1.92 0 0 0 14.89 16.78L20.84 22.73M12 15V13.89L13.11 15M16 12.78L14.22 11A2 2 0 0 1 16 12.78M20.2 17L18 14.8V13A2 2 0 0 1 20 11H22V13H20V15H22V17M6 11H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 13V15A2 2 0 0 0 4 17H8V13A2 2 0 0 0 6 11M6 15H4V13H6M12 8.8L10.2 7H12Z",G4="M3 7A2 2 0 0 0 1 9V17H3V13H5V17H7V9A2 2 0 0 0 5 7H3M3 9H5V11H3M15 10.5V9A2 2 0 0 0 13 7H9V17H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 15V13.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 13.5 12A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 15 10.5M13 15H11V13H13V15M13 11H11V9H13M19 7A2 2 0 0 0 17 9V15A2 2 0 0 0 19 17H21A2 2 0 0 0 23 15V14H21V15H19V9H21V10H23V9A2 2 0 0 0 21 7Z",Q4="M12.2 9L10.2 7H13A2 2 0 0 1 15 9V10.5A1.47 1.47 0 0 1 14.64 11.44L13 9.8V9M23 10V9A2 2 0 0 0 21 7H19A2 2 0 0 0 17 9V13.8L20.2 17H21A2 2 0 0 0 23 15V14H21V15H19V9H21V10M15 14.35L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L14.46 16.35A2 2 0 0 1 13 17H9V10.89L7 8.89V17H5V13H3V17H1V9A2 2 0 0 1 3 7H5.12L1.12 3L2.39 1.73L9 8.34L11 10.34L11.66 11L15 14.34M5 9H3V11H5M13 14.89L11.11 13H11V15H13Z",U4="M7,3V5H17V3H7M9,7V9H15V7H9M2,7.96V16.04L6.03,12L2,7.96M22.03,7.96L18,12L22.03,16.04V7.96M7,11V13H17V11H7M9,15V17H15V15H9M7,19V21H17V19H7Z",z4="M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5M19.5,9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5,9.5M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,18.5M20,8L23,12V17H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,20A3,3 0 0,1 15,17H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,20A3,3 0 0,1 3,17H1V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H17V8H20M8,6V9H5V11H8V14H10V11H13V9H10V6H8Z",_4="M14,22H10V21H14V22M13,10V7H11V10L10,11.5V20H14V11.5L13,10M12,2C12,2 11,3 11,5V6H13V5C13,5 13,3 12,2M8,22H4V21H8V22M7,10V7H5V10L4,11.5V20H8V11.5L7,10M6,2C6,2 5,3 5,5V6H7V5C7,5 7,3 6,2M20,22H16V21H20V22M19,10V7H17V10L16,11.5V20H20V11.5L19,10M18,2C18,2 17,3 17,5V6H19V5C19,5 19,3 18,2Z",K4="M4.4,16.5C4.4,15.6 4.7,14.7 5.2,13.9C5.7,13.1 6.7,12.2 8.2,11.2C7.3,10.1 6.8,9.3 6.5,8.7C6.1,8 6,7.4 6,6.7C6,5.2 6.4,4.1 7.3,3.2C8.2,2.3 9.4,2 10.9,2C12.2,2 13.3,2.4 14.2,3.2C15.1,4 15.5,5 15.5,6.1C15.5,6.9 15.3,7.6 14.9,8.3C14.5,9 13.8,9.7 12.8,10.4L11.4,11.5L15.7,16.7C16.3,15.5 16.6,14.3 16.6,12.8H18.8C18.8,15.1 18.3,17 17.2,18.5L20,21.8H17L15.7,20.3C15,20.9 14.3,21.3 13.4,21.6C12.5,21.9 11.6,22.1 10.7,22.1C8.8,22.1 7.3,21.6 6.1,20.6C5,19.5 4.4,18.2 4.4,16.5M10.7,20C12,20 13.2,19.5 14.3,18.5L9.6,12.8L9.2,13.1C7.7,14.2 7,15.3 7,16.5C7,17.6 7.3,18.4 8,19C8.7,19.6 9.5,20 10.7,20M8.5,6.7C8.5,7.6 9,8.6 10.1,9.9L11.7,8.8C12.3,8.4 12.7,8 12.9,7.6C13.1,7.2 13.2,6.7 13.2,6.2C13.2,5.6 13,5.1 12.5,4.7C12.1,4.3 11.5,4.1 10.8,4.1C10.1,4.1 9.5,4.3 9.1,4.8C8.7,5.3 8.5,5.9 8.5,6.7Z",j4="M10,2H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,3H21V21H19A1,1 0 0,1 18,22A1,1 0 0,1 17,21H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,22A1,1 0 0,1 5,21H3V3H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,2M5,5V9H19V5H5M7,6A1,1 0 0,1 8,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,6M12,6H14V7H12V6M15,6H16V8H15V6M17,6H18V8H17V6M12,11A4,4 0 0,0 8,15A4,4 0 0,0 12,19A4,4 0 0,0 16,15A4,4 0 0,0 12,11M10,6A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8A1,1 0 0,1 9,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,6Z",q4="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L3 4.9V21H5C5 21.6 5.4 22 6 22S7 21.6 7 21H17C17 21.6 17.4 22 18 22S19 21.6 19 21H19.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5 9V6.9L7.1 9H5M12 19C9.8 19 8 17.2 8 15C8 13.6 8.7 12.4 9.8 11.7L15.3 17.2C14.6 18.3 13.4 19 12 19M14 6V7H12V6H14M10 6C10.6 6 11 6.4 11 7C11 7.2 10.9 7.4 10.8 7.6L9.4 6.2C9.6 6.1 9.8 6 10 6M8.2 5L6.2 3H9C9 2.4 9.4 2 10 2H14C14.6 2 15 2.4 15 3H21V17.8L12.2 9H19V5H8.2M16 6V8H15V6H16M18 6V8H17V6H18Z",$4="M12 2A3 3 0 0 0 9 5A3 3 0 0 0 11 7.83V9H8V11H11V19.92C10.26 19.79 9.5 19.58 8.79 19.27C8.05 18.95 7.4 18.56 6.82 18.09C6.24 17.62 5.78 17.11 5.44 16.55L7 15L3 12V15C3 15.97 3.27 16.88 3.82 17.72C4.37 18.56 5.09 19.31 6 19.95C6.87 20.59 7.84 21.09 8.88 21.45C9.93 21.81 10.97 22 12 22C13.03 22 14.07 21.8 15.12 21.44C16.16 21.08 17.13 20.58 18 19.95C18.92 19.31 19.63 18.57 20.18 17.72C20.73 16.88 21 15.97 21 15V12L17 15L18.56 16.55C18.22 17.11 17.76 17.62 17.18 18.09C16.6 18.56 15.95 18.95 15.21 19.27C14.5 19.58 13.74 19.79 13 19.92V11H16V9H13V7.82A3 3 0 0 0 15 5A3 3 0 0 0 12 2M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 6A1 1 0 0 1 11 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",X4="M16.61 15.15C16.15 15.15 15.77 14.78 15.77 14.32S16.15 13.5 16.61 13.5H16.61C17.07 13.5 17.45 13.86 17.45 14.32C17.45 14.78 17.07 15.15 16.61 15.15M7.41 15.15C6.95 15.15 6.57 14.78 6.57 14.32C6.57 13.86 6.95 13.5 7.41 13.5H7.41C7.87 13.5 8.24 13.86 8.24 14.32C8.24 14.78 7.87 15.15 7.41 15.15M16.91 10.14L18.58 7.26C18.67 7.09 18.61 6.88 18.45 6.79C18.28 6.69 18.07 6.75 18 6.92L16.29 9.83C14.95 9.22 13.5 8.9 12 8.91C10.47 8.91 9 9.24 7.73 9.82L6.04 6.91C5.95 6.74 5.74 6.68 5.57 6.78C5.4 6.87 5.35 7.08 5.44 7.25L7.1 10.13C4.25 11.69 2.29 14.58 2 18H22C21.72 14.59 19.77 11.7 16.91 10.14H16.91Z",Y4="M11,2H13V4H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,5.5V9L14.56,9.44L16.2,12.28C17.31,11.19 18,9.68 18,8H20C20,10.42 18.93,12.59 17.23,14.06L20.37,19.5L20.5,21.72L18.63,20.5L15.56,15.17C14.5,15.7 13.28,16 12,16C10.72,16 9.5,15.7 8.44,15.17L5.37,20.5L3.5,21.72L3.63,19.5L9.44,9.44L9,9V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,4H11V2M9.44,13.43C10.22,13.8 11.09,14 12,14C12.91,14 13.78,13.8 14.56,13.43L13.1,10.9H13.09C12.47,11.5 11.53,11.5 10.91,10.9H10.9L9.44,13.43M12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6Z",J4="M20,19H4.09L14.18,4.43L15.82,5.57L11.28,12.13C12.89,12.96 14,14.62 14,16.54C14,16.7 14,16.85 13.97,17H20V19M7.91,17H11.96C12,16.85 12,16.7 12,16.54C12,15.28 11.24,14.22 10.14,13.78L7.91,17Z",C6="M21,19H9.31L4.07,5.36L5.93,4.64L8.96,12.5C9.5,12.29 10.09,12.17 10.71,12.17V12.17C13.38,12.17 15.56,14.34 15.58,17H21V19M10.69,17H13.58C13.56,15.42 12.3,14.17 10.71,14.17C10.34,14.17 10,14.24 9.67,14.36L10.69,17Z",H6="M5,4H7V11H13V17H20V19H5V4M7,17H11V13H7V17Z",V6="M12,2.5L20.84,5.65L19.5,17.35L12,21.5L4.5,17.35L3.16,5.65L12,2.5M12,4.6L6.47,17H8.53L9.64,14.22H14.34L15.45,17H17.5L12,4.6M13.62,12.5H10.39L12,8.63L13.62,12.5Z",L6="M12,2.5L20.84,5.65L19.5,17.35L12,21.5L4.5,17.35L3.16,5.65L12,2.5M12,4.5L5,7L6.08,16.22L12,19.5L17.92,16.22L19,7L12,4.5M12,5.72L16.58,16H14.87L13.94,13.72H10.04L9.12,16H7.41L12,5.72M13.34,12.3L12,9.07L10.66,12.3H13.34Z",M6="M4,2C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6C6.89,6 6,6.89 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M12,10C10.89,10 10,10.89 10,12V20C10,21.11 10.89,22 12,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V12C22,10.89 21.11,10 20,10H12Z",A6="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10Z",i6="M4,2H14V4H4V14H2V4C2,2.89 2.89,2 4,2M8,6H18V8H8V18H6V8C6,6.89 6.89,6 8,6M12,10H20C21.11,10 22,10.89 22,12V20C22,21.11 21.11,22 20,22H12C10.89,22 10,21.11 10,20V12C10,10.89 10.89,10 12,10M14,12V20L20,16L14,12Z",r6="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M14,13V19L18,16L14,13Z",a6="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M16.1 17C15.91 17 15.76 16.9 15.55 16.73L10.39 12.56L8.66 16.9H7.17L11.54 6.39C11.65 6.11 11.89 5.97 12.17 5.97C12.45 5.97 12.67 6.11 12.79 6.39L16.77 15.97C16.81 16.08 16.84 16.19 16.84 16.26C16.83 16.68 16.5 17 16.1 17M12.17 8.11L14.76 14.5L10.85 11.42L12.17 8.11Z",e6="M12 7.5C12.69 7.5 13.27 7.73 13.76 8.2S14.5 9.27 14.5 10C14.5 11.05 14 11.81 13 12.28V21H11V12.28C10 11.81 9.5 11.05 9.5 10C9.5 9.27 9.76 8.67 10.24 8.2S11.31 7.5 12 7.5M16.69 5.3C17.94 6.55 18.61 8.11 18.7 10C18.7 11.8 18.03 13.38 16.69 14.72L15.5 13.5C16.5 12.59 17 11.42 17 10C17 8.67 16.5 7.5 15.5 6.5L16.69 5.3M6.09 4.08C4.5 5.67 3.7 7.64 3.7 10S4.5 14.3 6.09 15.89L4.92 17.11C3 15.08 2 12.7 2 10C2 7.3 3 4.94 4.92 2.91L6.09 4.08M19.08 2.91C21 4.94 22 7.3 22 10C22 12.8 21 15.17 19.08 17.11L17.91 15.89C19.5 14.3 20.3 12.33 20.3 10S19.5 5.67 17.91 4.08L19.08 2.91M7.31 5.3L8.5 6.5C7.5 7.42 7 8.58 7 10C7 11.33 7.5 12.5 8.5 13.5L7.31 14.72C5.97 13.38 5.3 11.8 5.3 10C5.3 8.2 5.97 6.64 7.31 5.3Z",d6="M9,5V10C13.03,12.47 8.44,14.97 6,16V19H21V16C14.59,13.27 17.47,9 22,8V5H9M2,6C2.81,8.13 4.42,9.5 7,10V6H2Z",m6="M15.54 12.97C14.86 12.97 14.24 13.22 13.76 13.64L12.47 12.89C12.56 12.6 12.6 12.29 12.6 11.97C12.6 11.65 12.56 11.34 12.5 11.05L13.73 10.32C14.21 10.76 14.85 11 15.54 11C17.03 11 18.24 9.81 18.24 8.32S17.03 5.63 15.54 5.63 12.84 6.84 12.84 8.33C12.84 8.5 12.86 8.7 12.89 8.88L11.64 9.6C11.21 9.15 10.64 8.82 10 8.65V7.26C11.09 6.91 11.88 5.89 11.88 4.69C11.88 3.2 10.67 2 9.18 2C7.69 2 6.5 3.2 6.5 4.69C6.5 5.89 7.26 6.9 8.34 7.26V8.66C6.86 9.04 5.76 10.37 5.76 11.97C5.76 13.57 6.86 14.91 8.34 15.28V16.73C7.26 17.09 6.5 18.1 6.5 19.3C6.5 20.79 7.69 22 9.18 22C10.67 22 11.88 20.79 11.88 19.3C11.88 18.1 11.09 17.08 10 16.73V15.29C10.64 15.13 11.2 14.8 11.64 14.35L12.9 15.08C12.86 15.27 12.84 15.46 12.84 15.66C12.84 17.15 14.05 18.36 15.54 18.36S18.24 17.15 18.24 15.66 17.03 12.97 15.54 12.97M15.54 7C16.28 7 16.87 7.59 16.87 8.32S16.28 9.66 15.54 9.66 14.21 9.06 14.21 8.32 14.8 7 15.54 7M7.85 4.69C7.85 3.95 8.44 3.35 9.18 3.35C9.92 3.35 10.5 3.95 10.5 4.69S9.92 6.03 9.18 6.03C8.44 6.03 7.85 5.43 7.85 4.69M10.5 19.3C10.5 20.04 9.92 20.64 9.18 20.64C8.44 20.64 7.85 20.04 7.85 19.3C7.85 18.56 8.44 17.96 9.18 17.96C9.92 17.96 10.5 18.56 10.5 19.3M9.18 13.89C8.12 13.89 7.26 13.03 7.26 11.97C7.26 10.91 8.12 10.05 9.18 10.05S11.1 10.91 11.1 11.97C11.1 13.03 10.24 13.89 9.18 13.89M15.54 17C14.8 17 14.21 16.4 14.21 15.66S14.8 14.33 15.54 14.33 16.87 14.93 16.87 15.66 16.28 17 15.54 17Z",t6="M7 7H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 9V17H5V13H7V17H9V9A2 2 0 0 0 7 7M7 11H5V9H7M14 7H10V17H12V13H14A2 2 0 0 0 16 11V9A2 2 0 0 0 14 7M14 11H12V9H14M20 9V15H21V17H17V15H18V9H17V7H21V9Z",v6="M7 11H5V9H7M14 7H11.38L13.29 9H14V9.75L15.87 11.71C15.95 11.5 16 11.25 16 11V9C16 7.9 15.11 7 14 7M4.45 2.62L3 4L5.86 7H5C3.9 7 3 7.9 3 9V17H5V13H7V17H9V10.3L10 11.34V17H12V13.45L19.55 21.38L21 20M20.9 17H21V15H20V9H21V7H17V9H18V13.95Z",l6="M18.71,19.5C17.88,20.74 17,21.95 15.66,21.97C14.32,22 13.89,21.18 12.37,21.18C10.84,21.18 10.37,21.95 9.1,22C7.79,22.05 6.8,20.68 5.96,19.47C4.25,17 2.94,12.45 4.7,9.39C5.57,7.87 7.13,6.91 8.82,6.88C10.1,6.86 11.32,7.75 12.11,7.75C12.89,7.75 14.37,6.68 15.92,6.84C16.57,6.87 18.39,7.1 19.56,8.82C19.47,8.88 17.39,10.1 17.41,12.63C17.44,15.65 20.06,16.66 20.09,16.67C20.06,16.74 19.67,18.11 18.71,19.5M13,3.5C13.73,2.67 14.94,2.04 15.94,2C16.07,3.17 15.6,4.35 14.9,5.19C14.21,6.04 13.07,6.7 11.95,6.61C11.8,5.46 12.36,4.26 13,3.5Z",o6="M8 11C7.45 11 7 10.55 7 10V8C7 7.45 7.45 7 8 7C8.55 7 9 7.45 9 8V10C9 10.55 8.55 11 8 11M17 10V8C17 7.45 16.55 7 16 7C15.45 7 15 7.45 15 8V10C15 10.55 15.45 11 16 11C16.55 11 17 10.55 17 10M22 5V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5M4 20L13.06 20C12.96 19.35 12.89 18.64 12.83 17.94C12.56 17.96 12.3 18 12 18C8.24 18 6.31 15.73 6.23 15.63C5.88 15.21 5.94 14.58 6.36 14.22C6.78 13.87 7.41 13.93 7.77 14.35C7.83 14.43 9.23 16 12 16C12.27 16 12.5 15.97 12.74 15.95C12.71 14.75 12.73 13.74 12.74 13.26H10.93C10.28 13.26 9.75 12.7 9.75 12C9.77 11.75 10.07 7.82 11 5H4L4 20M20 20L20 5H12.6C11.74 7.19 11.37 10.73 11.27 11.76H13.08C13.72 11.76 14.25 12.32 14.25 13C14.25 13.04 14.21 14.15 14.24 15.6C15.54 15.11 16.22 14.35 16.23 14.34C16.58 13.92 17.21 13.85 17.63 14.2C18.06 14.55 18.12 15.18 17.77 15.61C17.71 15.68 16.55 17.05 14.32 17.68C14.38 18.5 14.46 19.29 14.58 20H20Z",n6="M22,15.04C22,17.23 20.24,19 18.07,19H5.93C3.76,19 2,17.23 2,15.04C2,13.07 3.43,11.44 5.31,11.14C5.28,11 5.27,10.86 5.27,10.71C5.27,9.33 6.38,8.2 7.76,8.2C8.37,8.2 8.94,8.43 9.37,8.8C10.14,7.05 11.13,5.44 13.91,5.44C17.28,5.44 18.87,8.06 18.87,10.83C18.87,10.94 18.87,11.06 18.86,11.17C20.65,11.54 22,13.13 22,15.04Z",Z6="M2.09 16.8H3.75V9.76H2.09M2.92 8.84C3.44 8.84 3.84 8.44 3.84 7.94C3.84 7.44 3.44 7.04 2.92 7.04C2.4 7.04 2 7.44 2 7.94C2 8.44 2.4 8.84 2.92 8.84M9.25 7.06C6.46 7.06 4.7 8.96 4.7 12C4.7 15.06 6.46 16.96 9.25 16.96C12.04 16.96 13.8 15.06 13.8 12C13.8 8.96 12.04 7.06 9.25 7.06M9.25 8.5C10.96 8.5 12.05 9.87 12.05 12C12.05 14.15 10.96 15.5 9.25 15.5C7.54 15.5 6.46 14.15 6.46 12C6.46 9.87 7.54 8.5 9.25 8.5M14.5 14.11C14.57 15.87 16 16.96 18.22 16.96C20.54 16.96 22 15.82 22 14C22 12.57 21.18 11.77 19.23 11.32L18.13 11.07C16.95 10.79 16.47 10.42 16.47 9.78C16.47 9 17.2 8.45 18.28 8.45C19.38 8.45 20.13 9 20.21 9.89H21.84C21.8 8.2 20.41 7.06 18.29 7.06C16.21 7.06 14.73 8.21 14.73 9.91C14.73 11.28 15.56 12.13 17.33 12.53L18.57 12.82C19.78 13.11 20.27 13.5 20.27 14.2C20.27 15 19.47 15.57 18.31 15.57C17.15 15.57 16.26 15 16.16 14.11H14.5Z",S6="M15,14V8H17.17L12,2.83L6.83,8H9V14H15M12,0L22,10H17V16H7V10H2L12,0M7,18H17V24H7V18M15,20H9V22H15V20Z",u6="M6,2A4,4 0 0,1 10,6V8H14V6A4,4 0 0,1 18,2A4,4 0 0,1 22,6A4,4 0 0,1 18,10H16V14H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22A4,4 0 0,1 14,18V16H10V18A4,4 0 0,1 6,22A4,4 0 0,1 2,18A4,4 0 0,1 6,14H8V10H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M16,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,20A2,2 0 0,0 20,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,16H16V18M14,10H10V14H14V10M6,16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20A2,2 0 0,0 8,18V16H6M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,4A2,2 0 0,0 4,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8H8V6M18,8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4A2,2 0 0,0 16,6V8H18Z",c6="M19.78,11.78L18.36,13.19L12,6.83L5.64,13.19L4.22,11.78L12,4L19.78,11.78Z",s6="M3,4H9.11L16.15,18H21V20H14.88L7.84,6H3V4M14,4H21V6H14V4Z",O6="M15,18V12H17.17L12,6.83L6.83,12H9V18H15M12,4L22,14H17V20H7V14H2L12,4Z",h6="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.09 4.8,16 6.11,17.41L9.88,9.88L17.41,6.11C16,4.8 14.09,4 12,4M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.91 19.2,8 17.89,6.59L14.12,14.12L6.59,17.89C8,19.2 9.91,20 12,20M12,12L11.23,11.23L9.7,14.3L12.77,12.77L12,12M12,17.5H13V19H12V17.5M15.88,15.89L16.59,15.18L17.65,16.24L16.94,16.95L15.88,15.89M17.5,12V11H19V12H17.5M12,6.5H11V5H12V6.5M8.12,8.11L7.41,8.82L6.35,7.76L7.06,7.05L8.12,8.11M6.5,12V13H5V12H6.5Z",p6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",f6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M10 11H8V18H10V20H6V9H10V11M18 20H14V18H16V11H14V9H18V20M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",g6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20M6 8V18H10V16H8V10H10V8H6M16 16H14V18H18V8H14V10H16V16",k6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M11 11H9V12.5C9 13.6 8.1 14.5 7 14.5C8.1 14.5 9 15.4 9 16.5V18H11V20H9C7.9 20 7 19.1 7 18V17.5C7 16.4 6.1 15.5 5 15.5V13.5C6.1 13.5 7 12.6 7 11.5V11C7 9.9 7.9 9 9 9H11V11M19 15.5C17.9 15.5 17 16.4 17 17.5V18C17 19.1 16.1 20 15 20H13V18H15V16.5C15 15.4 15.9 14.5 17 14.5C15.9 14.5 15 13.6 15 12.5V11H13V9H15C16.1 9 17 9.9 17 11V11.5C17 12.6 17.9 13.5 19 13.5V15.5M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",B6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20M9 8C7.9 8 7 8.9 7 10C7 11.1 6.1 12 5 12V14C6.1 14 7 14.9 7 16C7 17.1 7.9 18 9 18H11V16H9V15C9 13.9 8.1 13 7 13C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11V10H11V8M15 8C16.1 8 17 8.9 17 10C17 11.1 17.9 12 19 12V14C17.9 14 17 14.9 17 16C17 17.1 16.1 18 15 18H13V16H15V15C15 13.9 15.9 13 17 13C15.9 13 15 12.1 15 11V10H13V8H15Z",P6="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 3,22H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M11,17.5L9.5,19L5,14.5L9.5,10L11,11.5L8,14.5L11,17.5M14.5,19L13,17.5L16,14.5L13,11.5L14.5,10L19,14.5L14.5,19M21,7H3V4H21V7Z",w6="M9.5,8.5L11,10L8,13L11,16L9.5,17.5L5,13L9.5,8.5M14.5,17.5L13,16L16,13L13,10L14.5,8.5L19,13L14.5,17.5M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 3,22H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M21,20H3V6H21V20Z",F6="M21.7 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16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",n8="M14.5 11C14.67 11 14.82 11.09 14.91 11.22C14.56 11.76 14.34 12.36 14.26 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5M13 19H6V10H4V21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V19M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",Z8="M15 12.06C14.79 12.35 14.64 12.67 14.5 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V12.06M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M13 19H6V10H4V21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V19M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 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3H21V7H10.2M20 8H11.2L20 16.8V8M20 19.35V19.34L8.66 8H8.66L7.66 7H7.66L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V7H5.11L6.11 8H4V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35Z",f8="M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V9H12.2L10.2 7H19V5H8.2M20 16.8V10H18V14.8L20 16.8M20 19.35V19.34L18 17.34V17.35L9.66 9H9.66L7.66 7H7.66L6.13 5.47L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V9H7.11L17.11 19H6V10H4V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35Z",g8="M20 21H4V10H6V19H18V10H20V21M3 3H21V9H3V3M9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11M5 5V7H19V5H5Z",k8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",B8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",P8="M18.5 12C19 12 19.5 12.07 20 12.18V8H4V21H12.5C12.18 20.23 12 19.39 12 18.5C12 14.91 14.91 12 18.5 12M9 13V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V13H9M21 7H3V3H21V7M18 18.5L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18Z",w8="M18 12.03V10H20V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C18.33 12 18.17 12 18 12.03M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M6 19V10H4V21H12.5C12.24 20.38 12.09 19.7 12.03 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",F8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",T8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",b8="M20 6H2V2H20V6M11.03 12H8V10.5C8 10.22 8.22 10 8.5 10H13.04C14.84 8.87 17.07 8.7 19 9.5V7H3V20H11.82C9.7 17.8 9.44 14.5 11.03 12M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",y8="M13.04 10C12.64 10.25 12.26 10.55 11.9 10.9C11.57 11.24 11.27 11.61 11.03 12H8V10.5C8 10.22 8.22 10 8.5 10H13.04M20 8H2V2H20V8M18 4H4V6H18V4M5 18V9H3V20H11.82C11.24 19.4 10.8 18.72 10.5 18H5M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",R8="M21 2V6H3V2H21M4 7H20V20H4V7M9 12H15V10.5C15 10.22 14.78 10 14.5 10H9.5C9.22 10 9 10.22 9 10.5V12M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",x8="M3 2V8H21V2H3M19 6H5V4H19V6M18 9H20V20H4V9H6V18H18V9M15 10.5V12H9V10.5C9 10.22 9.22 10 9.5 10H14.5C14.78 10 15 10.22 15 10.5M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",D8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",E8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",N8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V12.82C16.17 11.69 17.75 11 19.5 11C19.67 11 19.84 11 20 11.03V8H4V21H14.03C13.38 20 13 18.79 13 17.5C13 15.75 13.69 14.17 14.82 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",W8="M18 11.18V10H20V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C19 11 18.5 11.07 18 11.18M15 11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H14.82C14.88 12.94 14.94 12.88 15 12.82V11.5M6 19V10H4V21H14.03C13.64 20.39 13.35 19.72 13.18 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",I8="M3 18.34C3 18.34 4 7.09 7 3L12 4L11 7.09H9V14.25H10C12 11.18 16.14 10.06 18.64 11.18C21.94 12.71 21.64 17.32 18.64 19.36C16.24 21 9 22.43 3 18.34Z",G8="M7 7.76V16.25H11.08L11.68 15.34C12.84 13.55 14.93 12.75 16.47 12.75C17 12.75 17.45 12.84 17.79 13C18.7 13.41 18.95 14.18 19 14.74C19.08 15.87 18.5 17.03 17.5 17.71C16.6 18.33 14.44 19 11.87 19C10.12 19 7.61 18.69 5.12 17.3C5.41 14.85 6 10.88 7 7.76M7 3C4 7.09 3 18.34 3 18.34C5.9 20.31 9.08 21 11.87 21C14.86 21 17.39 20.21 18.64 19.36C21.64 17.32 21.94 12.71 18.64 11.18C18 10.89 17.26 10.75 16.47 10.75C14.17 10.75 11.5 11.96 10 14.25H9V7.09H11L12 4L7 3Z",Q8="M2,2H16V16H2V2M22,8V22H8V18H10V20H20V10H18V8H22Z",U8="M2,2H11V6H9V4H4V9H6V11H2V2M22,13V22H13V18H15V20H20V15H18V13H22M8,8H16V16H8V8Z",z8="M2,2H16V16H2V2M22,8V22H8V18H18V8H22M4,4V14H14V4H4Z",_8="M2,2H11V11H2V2M9,4H4V9H9V4M22,13V22H13V13H22M15,20H20V15H15V20M16,8V11H13V8H16M11,16H8V13H11V16Z",K8="M13,11H18L16.5,9.5L17.92,8.08L21.84,12L17.92,15.92L16.5,14.5L18,13H13V18L14.5,16.5L15.92,17.92L12,21.84L8.08,17.92L9.5,16.5L11,18V13H6L7.5,14.5L6.08,15.92L2.16,12L6.08,8.08L7.5,9.5L6,11H11V6L9.5,7.5L8.08,6.08L12,2.16L15.92,6.08L14.5,7.5L13,6V11Z",j8="M19,6.41L17.59,5L7,15.59V9H5V19H15V17H8.41L19,6.41Z",q8="M5 21C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5M15.3 16L13.2 13.9L17 10L14.2 7.2L10.4 11.1L8.2 8.9V16H15.3Z",$8="M8 16V8.9L10.1 11L14.2 7.1L17 10L12.9 13.9L15 16H8M21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",X8="M18.36,19.78H4.22V5.64L8.47,9.88L14.12,4.22L19.78,9.88L14.12,15.54L18.36,19.78M6.34,17.66H13.41L11.29,15.54L16.95,9.88L14.12,7.05L8.46,12.71L6.34,10.59V17.66Z",Y8="M15.5,5.69L18.31,8.5L11.94,14.89H16.89V18.31H5.69V7.11H9.12V12.06L15.5,5.69Z",J8="M12.07 19L9.24 16.18L19 6.42L17.58 5L7.82 14.76L5 11.94V19Z",CC="M12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22M10.12 12.47L8 10.36V16H13.64L11.53 13.88L16.5 8.9L15.1 7.5",HC="M5,6.41L6.41,5L17,15.59V9H19V19H9V17H15.59L5,6.41Z",VC="M19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21M15.8 16V8.9L13.7 11L9.8 7.2L7 10L10.8 13.9L8.7 16H15.8Z",LC="M16 16H8.9L11 13.9L7 10L9.8 7.2L13.9 11.1L16 8.9V16M5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21M5 5H19V19H5V5Z",MC="M9.88,15.54L4.22,9.88L9.88,4.22L15.54,9.88L19.78,5.64V19.78H5.64L9.88,15.54M17.66,10.59L15.54,12.71L9.88,7.05L7.05,9.88L12.71,15.54L10.59,17.66H17.66V10.59Z",AC="M14.89,12.06V7.11H18.31V18.31H7.11V14.89H12.06L5.69,8.5L8.5,5.69L14.89,12.06Z",iC="M11.93 19L14.76 16.18L5 6.42L6.42 5L16.18 14.76L19 11.94V19Z",rC="M12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 7.59 7.59 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C6.46 2 2 6.46 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22M13.88 12.47L16 10.36V16H10.36L12.47 13.88L7.5 8.9L8.9 7.5",aC="M19.5,3.09L15,7.59V4H13V11H20V9H16.41L20.91,4.5L19.5,3.09M4,13V15H7.59L3.09,19.5L4.5,20.91L9,16.41V20H11V13H4Z",eC="M19.5,3.09L20.91,4.5L16.41,9H20V11H13V4H15V7.59L19.5,3.09M20.91,19.5L19.5,20.91L15,16.41V20H13V13H20V15H16.41L20.91,19.5M4.5,3.09L9,7.59V4H11V11H4V9H7.59L3.09,4.5L4.5,3.09M3.09,19.5L7.59,15H4V13H11V20H9V16.41L4.5,20.91L3.09,19.5Z",dC="M19.92,12.08L12,20L4.08,12.08L5.5,10.67L11,16.17V2H13V16.17L18.5,10.66L19.92,12.08M12,20H2V22H22V20H12Z",mC="M13,20V4H15.03V20H13M10,20V4H12.03V20H10M5,8L9.03,12L5,16V13H2V11H5V8M20,16L16,12L20,8V11H23V13H20V16Z",tC="M11.92,19.92L4,12L11.92,4.08L13.33,5.5L7.83,11H22V13H7.83L13.34,18.5L11.92,19.92M4,12V2H2V22H4V12Z",vC="M12.08,4.08L20,12L12.08,19.92L10.67,18.5L16.17,13H2V11H16.17L10.67,5.5L12.08,4.08M20,12V22H22V2H20V12Z",lC="M4.08,11.92L12,4L19.92,11.92L18.5,13.33L13,7.83V22H11V7.83L5.5,13.33L4.08,11.92M12,4H22V2H2V4H12Z",oC="M4,12H20V14H4V12M4,9H20V11H4V9M16,4L12,8L8,4H11V1H13V4H16M8,19L12,15L16,19H13V22H11V19H8Z",nC="M11,5H8L12,1L16,5H13V9.43C12.25,9.89 11.58,10.46 11,11.12V5M22,11L18,7V10C14.39,9.85 11.31,12.57 11,16.17C9.44,16.72 8.62,18.44 9.17,20C9.72,21.56 11.44,22.38 13,21.83C14.56,21.27 15.38,19.56 14.83,18C14.53,17.14 13.85,16.47 13,16.17C13.47,12.17 17.47,11.97 17.95,11.97V14.97L22,11M10.63,11.59C9.3,10.57 7.67,10 6,10V7L2,11L6,15V12C7.34,12.03 8.63,12.5 9.64,13.4C9.89,12.76 10.22,12.15 10.63,11.59Z",ZC="M12,5H9L13,1L17,5H14V9.43C13.25,9.89 12.58,10.46 12,11.12V5M10.4,15H8.5L7.8,13H4.6L3.9,15H2L5.2,6H7.2L10.4,15M7.35,11.65L6.2,8L5.05,11.65H7.35M23,11L19,7V10C15.39,9.85 12.31,12.57 12,16.17C10.44,16.72 9.62,18.44 10.17,20C10.72,21.56 12.44,22.38 14,21.83C15.56,21.27 16.38,19.56 15.83,18C15.53,17.14 14.85,16.47 14,16.17C14.47,12.17 18.47,11.97 18.95,11.97V14.97L23,11Z",SC="M19,15V12C18.5,12 14.5,12.16 14.05,16.2C15.61,16.75 16.43,18.47 15.88,20.03C15.33,21.59 13.61,22.41 12.05,21.86C10.5,21.3 9.67,19.59 10.22,18.03C10.5,17.17 11.2,16.5 12.05,16.2C12.34,12.61 15.4,9.88 19,10V7L23,11L19,15M14,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19M12,11.12C12.58,10.46 13.25,9.89 14,9.43V5H17L13,1L9,5H12V11.12M7.2,6H5.2L2,15H3.9L4.6,13H7.8L8.5,15H10.4L7.2,6M5.05,11.65L6.2,8L7.35,11.65H5.05Z",uC="M9.64,13.4C8.63,12.5 7.34,12.03 6,12V15L2,11L6,7V10C7.67,10 9.3,10.57 10.63,11.59C10.22,12.15 9.89,12.76 9.64,13.4M18,15V12C17.5,12 13.5,12.16 13.05,16.2C14.61,16.75 15.43,18.47 14.88,20.03C14.33,21.59 12.61,22.41 11.05,21.86C9.5,21.3 8.67,19.59 9.22,18.03C9.5,17.17 10.2,16.5 11.05,16.2C11.34,12.61 14.4,9.88 18,10V7L22,11L18,15M13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19M11,11.12C11.58,10.46 12.25,9.89 13,9.43V5H16L12,1L8,5H11V11.12Z",cC="M11,4H13V16L18.5,10.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L5.5,10.5L11,16V4Z",sC="M9,4H15V12H19.84L12,19.84L4.16,12H9V4Z",OC="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,17L17,12H14V8H10V12H7L12,17Z",hC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",pC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,17L17,12H14V8H10V12H7L12,17Z",fC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",gC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",kC="M22,11L12,21L2,11H8V3H16V11H22M12,18L17,13H14V5H10V13H7L12,18Z",BC="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M11,6V14.5L7.5,11L6.08,12.42L12,18.34L17.92,12.42L16.5,11L13,14.5V6H11Z",PC="M11,6V14L7.5,10.5L6.08,11.92L12,17.84L17.92,11.92L16.5,10.5L13,14V6H11M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22Z",wC="M11,6H13V14L16.5,10.5L17.92,11.92L12,17.84L6.08,11.92L7.5,10.5L11,14V6M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20Z",FC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",TC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",bC="M20 4V6H13.5C11 6 9 8 9 10.5V16.17L12.09 13.09L13.5 14.5L8 20L2.5 14.5L3.91 13.08L7 16.17V10.5C7 6.91 9.91 4 13.5 4H20Z",yC="M21 3V7H13.5C11.57 7 10 8.57 10 10.5V13H14L8 20L2 13H6V10.5C6 6.36 9.36 3 13.5 3H21Z",RC="M21.5 14.5L16 20L10.5 14.5L11.91 13.09L15 16.17V10.5C15 8 13 6 10.5 6H4V4H10.5C14.09 4 17 6.91 17 10.5V16.17L20.09 13.08L21.5 14.5Z",xC="M10.5 3C14.64 3 18 6.36 18 10.5V13H22L16 20L10 13H14V10.5C14 8.57 12.43 7 10.5 7H3V3H10.5Z",DC="M10,4H14V13L17.5,9.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L6.5,9.5L10,13V4Z",EC="M7.03 13.92H11.03V5L13.04 4.97V13.92H17.03L12.03 18.92Z",NC="M12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22M11 13.54H8L12 17.5L16 13.54H13V6.5H11",WC="M10,21V19H6.41L10.91,14.5L9.5,13.09L5,17.59V14H3V21H10M14.5,10.91L19,6.41V10H21V3H14V5H17.59L13.09,9.5L14.5,10.91Z",IC="M9.5,13.09L10.91,14.5L6.41,19H10V21H3V14H5V17.59L9.5,13.09M10.91,9.5L9.5,10.91L5,6.41V10H3V3H10V5H6.41L10.91,9.5M14.5,13.09L19,17.59V14H21V21H14V19H17.59L13.09,14.5L14.5,13.09M13.09,9.5L17.59,5H14V3H21V10H19V6.41L14.5,10.91L13.09,9.5Z",GC="M22,4V2H2V4H11V18.17L5.5,12.67L4.08,14.08L12,22L19.92,14.08L18.5,12.67L13,18.17V4H22Z",QC="M9,11H15V8L19,12L15,16V13H9V16L5,12L9,8V11M2,20V4H4V20H2M20,20V4H22V20H20Z",UC="M20,22H22V2H20V11H5.83L11.33,5.5L9.92,4.08L2,12L9.92,19.92L11.33,18.5L5.83,13H20V22Z",zC="M4,2H2V22H4V13H18.17L12.67,18.5L14.08,19.92L22,12L14.08,4.08L12.67,5.5L18.17,11H4V2Z",_C="M2,20V22H22V20H13V5.83L18.5,11.33L19.92,9.92L12,2L4.08,9.92L5.5,11.33L11,5.83V20H2Z",KC="M13,9V15H16L12,19L8,15H11V9H8L12,5L16,9H13M4,2H20V4H4V2M4,20H20V22H4V20Z",jC="M14.8 7V5.5C14.8 4.1 13.4 3 12 3S9.2 4.1 9.2 5.5V7C8.6 7 8 7.6 8 8.2V11.7C8 12.4 8.6 13 9.2 13H14.7C15.4 13 16 12.4 16 11.8V8.3C16 7.6 15.4 7 14.8 7M13.5 7H10.5V5.5C10.5 4.7 11.2 4.2 12 4.2S13.5 4.7 13.5 5.5V7M6 17V20L2 16L6 12V15H18V12L22 16L18 20V17H6Z",qC="M20,11V13H8L13.5,18.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L13.5,5.5L8,11H20Z",$C="M20,9V15H12V19.84L4.16,12L12,4.16V9H20Z",XC="M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M7,12L12,17V14H16V10H12V7L7,12Z",YC="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M19,5H5V19H19V5Z",JC="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7,12L12,17V14H16V10H12V7L7,12Z",CH="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12Z",HH="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",VH="M13,22L3,12L13,2V8H21V16H13V22M6,12L11,17V14H19V10H11V7L6,12Z",LH="M20 4V10.5C20 14.09 17.09 17 13.5 17H7.83L10.92 20.09L9.5 21.5L4 16L9.5 10.5L10.91 11.91L7.83 15H13.5C16 15 18 13 18 10.5V4H20Z",MH="M21 10.5C21 14.64 17.64 18 13.5 18H11V22L4 16L11 10V14H13.5C15.43 14 17 12.43 17 10.5V3H21V10.5Z",AH="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M18,11H9.5L13,7.5L11.58,6.08L5.66,12L11.58,17.92L13,16.5L9.5,13H18V11Z",iH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M18,11H10L13.5,7.5L12.08,6.08L6.16,12L12.08,17.92L13.5,16.5L10,13H18V11Z",rH="M18,11V13H10L13.5,16.5L12.08,17.92L6.16,12L12.08,6.08L13.5,7.5L10,11H18M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12Z",aH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",eH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",dH="M6.45,17.45L1,12L6.45,6.55L7.86,7.96L4.83,11H19.17L16.14,7.96L17.55,6.55L23,12L17.55,17.45L16.14,16.04L19.17,13H4.83L7.86,16.04L6.45,17.45Z",mH="M8,14V18L2,12L8,6V10H16V6L22,12L16,18V14H8Z",tH="M14,16V22L24,12L14,2V8H10V2L0,12L10,22V16H14M8,14V17L3,12L8,7V10H16V7L21,12L16,17V14H8Z",vH="M20,10V14H11L14.5,17.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L14.5,6.5L11,10H20Z",lH="M10.05 16.94V12.94H18.97L19 10.93H10.05V6.94L5.05 11.94Z",oH="M3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12M2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12M10.46 11V8L6.5 12L10.46 16V13H17.5V11",nH="M20 13.5V20H18V13.5C18 11 16 9 13.5 9H7.83L10.91 12.09L9.5 13.5L4 8L9.5 2.5L10.92 3.91L7.83 7H13.5C17.09 7 20 9.91 20 13.5Z",ZH="M21 21H17V13.5C17 11.57 15.43 10 13.5 10H11V14L4 8L11 2V6H13.5C17.64 6 21 9.36 21 13.5V21Z",SH="M6 14H9L5 18L1 14H4C4 11.3 5.7 6.6 11 6.1V8.1C7.6 8.6 6 11.9 6 14M20 14C20 11.3 18.3 6.6 13 6.1V8.1C16.4 8.7 18 11.9 18 14H15L19 18L23 14H20Z",uH="M13 8.1V6.1C18.3 6.6 20 11.4 20 14H23L20.1 16.9L17.2 14H18C18 11.9 16.4 8.6 13 8.1M7.8 7.1L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.3 8.2C4.7 10 4 12.4 4 14H1L5 18L9 14H6C6 12.7 6.6 11 7.9 9.7L20.9 22.7L22.2 21.4L9.3 8.7L7.8 7.1M11 6.1L9.5 6.4L11 7.8V6.1Z",cH="M22 2L20 7L19.03 6.03L8 17.06V19L5 22L4 20L2 19L5 16H6.94L17.97 4.97L17 4L22 2Z",sH="M19 16L22 19L20 20L19 22L16 19V17.06L12 13.06L8 17.06V19L5 22L4 20L2 19L5 16H6.94L10.94 12L4.97 6.03L4 7L2 2L7 4L6.03 4.97L12 10.94L17.97 4.97L17 4L22 2L20 7L19.03 6.03L13.06 12L17.06 16H19Z",OH="M4,11V13H16L10.5,18.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L10.5,5.5L16,11H4Z",hH="M4,15V9H12V4.16L19.84,12L12,19.84V15H4Z",pH="M3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19M17,12L12,7V10H8V14H12V17L17,12Z",fH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19M5,19H19V5H5V19Z",gH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M17,12L12,7V10H8V14H12V17L17,12Z",kH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12Z",BH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",PH="M11,16H3V8H11V2L21,12L11,22V16M13,7V10H5V14H13V17L18,12L13,7Z",wH="M20 16L14.5 21.5L13.08 20.09L16.17 17H10.5C6.91 17 4 14.09 4 10.5V4H6V10.5C6 13 8 15 10.5 15H16.17L13.09 11.91L14.5 10.5L20 16Z",FH="M3 3H7V10.5C7 12.43 8.57 14 10.5 14H13V10L20 16L13 22V18H10.5C6.36 18 3 14.64 3 10.5V3Z",TH="M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5M6,13H14.5L11,16.5L12.42,17.92L18.34,12L12.42,6.08L11,7.5L14.5,11H6V13Z",bH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M6,13H14L10.5,16.5L11.92,17.92L17.84,12L11.92,6.08L10.5,7.5L14,11H6V13Z",yH="M6,13V11H14L10.5,7.5L11.92,6.08L17.84,12L11.92,17.92L10.5,16.5L14,13H6M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12Z",RH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",xH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",DH="M4,10V14H13L9.5,17.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L9.5,6.5L13,10H4Z",EH="M14 16.94V12.94H5.08L5.05 10.93H14V6.94L19 11.94Z",NH="M20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12M22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12M13.54 13V16L17.5 12L13.54 8V11H6.5V13",WH="M20 8L14.5 13.5L13.09 12.09L16.17 9H10.5C8 9 6 11 6 13.5V20H4V13.5C4 9.91 6.91 7 10.5 7H16.17L13.08 3.91L14.5 2.5L20 8Z",IH="M3 13.5C3 9.36 6.36 6 10.5 6H13V2L20 8L13 14V10H10.5C8.57 10 7 11.57 7 13.5V21H3V13.5Z",GH="M8,18H11V15H2V13H22V15H13V18H16L12,22L8,18M12,2L8,6H11V9H2V11H22V9H13V6H16L12,2Z",QH="M18,16V13H15V22H13V2H15V11H18V8L22,12L18,16M2,12L6,16V13H9V22H11V2H9V11H6V8L2,12Z",UH="M19,17.59L17.59,19L7,8.41V15H5V5H15V7H8.41L19,17.59Z",zH="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M8.2 8V15.1L10.3 13L14.1 16.9L17 14L13.2 10.1L15.3 8H8.2Z",_H="M8 8H15.1L13 10.1L17 14L14.2 16.8L10.1 12.9L8 15.1V8M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",KH="M14.12,8.46L19.78,14.12L14.12,19.78L8.46,14.12L4.22,18.36V4.22H18.36L14.12,8.46M6.34,13.41L8.46,11.29L14.12,16.95L16.95,14.12L11.29,8.47L13.41,6.34H6.34V13.41Z",jH="M13,21H21V13H19V17.59L6.41,5H11V3H3V11H5V6.41L17.59,19H13V21Z",qH="M5.83,8.66L3,11.5V3H11.5L8.66,5.83L18.17,15.34L21,12.5V21H12.5L15.34,18.17L5.83,8.66Z",$H="M9.12,11.94V16.89H5.69V5.69H16.89V9.12H11.94L18.31,15.5L15.5,18.31L9.12,11.94Z",XH="M12.07 5L9.24 7.83L19 17.59L17.58 19L7.82 9.25L5 12.07V5Z",YH="M12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 7.59 7.59 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C6.46 2 2 6.46 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2M10.12 11.53L8 13.64V8H13.64L11.53 10.12L16.5 15.1L15.1 16.5",JH="M5,17.59L15.59,7H9V5H19V15H17V8.41L6.41,19L5,17.59Z",CV="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M8.7 8L10.8 10.1L7 14L9.8 16.8L13.6 12.9L15.7 15V8H8.7Z",HV="M16 8V15.1L13.9 13L9.8 16.9L7 14L11.1 10.1L8.9 8H16M3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M5 5H19V19H5V5Z",VV="M5.64,4.22H19.78V18.36L15.54,14.12L9.88,19.78L4.22,14.12L9.88,8.46L5.64,4.22M17.66,6.34H10.59L12.71,8.46L7.05,14.12L9.88,16.95L15.54,11.29L17.66,13.41V6.34H17.66Z",LV="M11,21H3V13H5V17.59L17.59,5H13V3H21V11H19V6.41L6.41,19H11V21Z",MV="M18.17,8.66L21,11.5V3H12.5L15.34,5.83L5.83,15.34L3,12.5V21H11.5L8.66,18.17L18.17,8.66Z",AV="M8.5,18.31L5.69,15.5L12.06,9.12H7.11V5.69H18.31V16.89H14.89V11.94L8.5,18.31Z",iV="M11.93 5L14.76 7.83L5 17.59L6.42 19L16.18 9.25L19 12.07V5H11.93Z",rV="M12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2M13.88 11.53L16 13.64V8H10.36L12.47 10.12L7.5 15.1L8.9 16.5",aV="M20 10.5V18H18V10.5C18 8 16 6 13.5 6S9 8 9 10.5V16.17L12.09 13.09L13.5 14.5L8 20L2.5 14.5L3.91 13.08L7 16.17V10.5C7 6.91 9.91 4 13.5 4S20 6.91 20 10.5Z",eV="M21 10.5V18H17V10.5C17 8.57 15.43 7 13.5 7S10 8.57 10 10.5V13H14L8 20L2 13H6V10.5C6 6.36 9.36 3 13.5 3S21 6.36 21 10.5Z",dV="M21.5 14.5L16 20L10.5 14.5L11.91 13.09L15 16.17V10.5C15 8 13 6 10.5 6S6 8 6 10.5V18H4V10.5C4 6.91 6.91 4 10.5 4S17 6.91 17 10.5V16.17L20.09 13.08L21.5 14.5Z",mV="M10.5 3C14.64 3 18 6.36 18 10.5V13H22L16 20L10 13H14V10.5C14 8.57 12.43 7 10.5 7S7 8.57 7 10.5V18H3V10.5C3 6.36 6.36 3 10.5 3Z",tV="M20 10.5C20 14.09 17.09 17 13.5 17H7.83L10.92 20.09L9.5 21.5L4 16L9.5 10.5L10.91 11.91L7.83 15H13.5C16 15 18 13 18 10.5S16 6 13.5 6H6V4H13.5C17.09 4 20 6.91 20 10.5Z",vV="M21 10.5C21 14.64 17.64 18 13.5 18H11V22L4 16L11 10V14H13.5C15.43 14 17 12.43 17 10.5S15.43 7 13.5 7H6V3H13.5C17.64 3 21 6.36 21 10.5Z",lV="M20 13.5C20 17.09 17.09 20 13.5 20H6V18H13.5C16 18 18 16 18 13.5S16 9 13.5 9H7.83L10.91 12.09L9.5 13.5L4 8L9.5 2.5L10.92 3.91L7.83 7H13.5C17.09 7 20 9.91 20 13.5Z",oV="M13.5 21H6V17H13.5C15.43 17 17 15.43 17 13.5S15.43 10 13.5 10H11V14L4 8L11 2V6H13.5C17.64 6 21 9.36 21 13.5S17.64 21 13.5 21Z",nV="M20 16L14.5 21.5L13.08 20.09L16.17 17H10.5C6.91 17 4 14.09 4 10.5S6.91 4 10.5 4H18V6H10.5C8 6 6 8 6 10.5S8 15 10.5 15H16.17L13.09 11.91L14.5 10.5L20 16Z",ZV="M10.5 3H18V7H10.5C8.57 7 7 8.57 7 10.5S8.57 14 10.5 14H13V10L20 16L13 22V18H10.5C6.36 18 3 14.64 3 10.5S6.36 3 10.5 3Z",SV="M10.5 18H18V20H10.5C6.91 20 4 17.09 4 13.5S6.91 7 10.5 7H16.17L13.08 3.91L14.5 2.5L20 8L14.5 13.5L13.09 12.09L16.17 9H10.5C8 9 6 11 6 13.5S8 18 10.5 18Z",uV="M3 13.5C3 9.36 6.36 6 10.5 6H13V2L20 8L13 14V10H10.5C8.57 10 7 11.57 7 13.5S8.57 17 10.5 17H18V21H10.5C6.36 21 3 17.64 3 13.5Z",cV="M20 6V13.5C20 17.09 17.09 20 13.5 20S7 17.09 7 13.5V7.83L3.91 10.92L2.5 9.5L8 4L13.5 9.5L12.09 10.91L9 7.83V13.5C9 16 11 18 13.5 18S18 16 18 13.5V6H20Z",sV="M13.5 21C9.36 21 6 17.64 6 13.5V11H2L8 4L14 11H10V13.5C10 15.43 11.57 17 13.5 17S17 15.43 17 13.5V6H21V13.5C21 17.64 17.64 21 13.5 21Z",OV="M21.5 9.5L20.09 10.92L17 7.83V13.5C17 17.09 14.09 20 10.5 20S4 17.09 4 13.5V6H6V13.5C6 16 8 18 10.5 18S15 16 15 13.5V7.83L11.91 10.91L10.5 9.5L16 4L21.5 9.5Z",hV="M3 13.5V6H7V13.5C7 15.43 8.57 17 10.5 17S14 15.43 14 13.5V11H10L16 4L22 11H18V13.5C18 17.64 14.64 21 10.5 21S3 17.64 3 13.5Z",pV="M13,20H11V8L5.5,13.5L4.08,12.08L12,4.16L19.92,12.08L18.5,13.5L13,8V20Z",fV="M15,20H9V12H4.16L12,4.16L19.84,12H15V20Z",gV="M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M12,7L7,12H10V16H14V12H17L12,7Z",kV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M19,19V5H5V19H19Z",BV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,7L7,12H10V16H14V12H17L12,7Z",PV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20Z",wV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",FV="M16,13V21H8V13H2L12,3L22,13H16M7,11H10V19H14V11H17L12,6L7,11Z",TV="M21,19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5V19M13,18V9.5L16.5,13L17.92,11.58L12,5.66L6.08,11.58L7.5,13L11,9.5V18H13Z",bV="M13,18V10L16.5,13.5L17.92,12.08L12,6.16L6.08,12.08L7.5,13.5L11,10V18H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",yV="M13,18H11V10L7.5,13.5L6.08,12.08L12,6.16L17.92,12.08L16.5,13.5L13,10V18M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",RV="M17.45,17.55L12,23L6.55,17.55L7.96,16.14L11,19.17V4.83L7.96,7.86L6.55,6.45L12,1L17.45,6.45L16.04,7.86L13,4.83V19.17L16.04,16.14L17.45,17.55Z",xV="M10,8H6L12,2L18,8H14V16H18L12,22L6,16H10V8Z",DV="M16,10H22L12,0L2,10H8V14H2L12,24L22,14H16V10M14,16H17L12,21L7,16H10V8H7L12,3L17,8H14V16Z",EV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M17,14L12,9L7,14H17Z",NV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M17,14L12,9L7,14H17Z",WV="M20 18V20H13.5C9.91 20 7 17.09 7 13.5V7.83L3.91 10.92L2.5 9.5L8 4L13.5 9.5L12.09 10.91L9 7.83V13.5C9 16 11 18 13.5 18H20Z",IV="M13.5 21C9.36 21 6 17.64 6 13.5V11H2L8 4L14 11H10V13.5C10 15.43 11.57 17 13.5 17H21V21H13.5Z",GV="M21.5 9.5L20.09 10.92L17 7.83V13.5C17 17.09 14.09 20 10.5 20H4V18H10.5C13 18 15 16 15 13.5V7.83L11.91 10.91L10.5 9.5L16 4L21.5 9.5Z",QV="M3 21V17H10.5C12.43 17 14 15.43 14 13.5V11H10L16 4L22 11H18V13.5C18 17.64 14.64 21 10.5 21H3Z",UV="M14,20H10V11L6.5,14.5L4.08,12.08L12,4.16L19.92,12.08L17.5,14.5L14,11V20Z",zV="M7.03 9.97H11.03V18.89L13.04 18.92V9.97H17.03L12.03 4.97Z",_V="M12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2M13 10.46H16L12 6.5L8 10.46H11V17.5H13",KV="M18.8 11V9.5C18.8 8.1 17.4 7 16 7S13.2 8.1 13.2 9.5V11C12.6 11 12 11.6 12 12.2V15.7C12 16.4 12.6 17 13.2 17H18.7C19.4 17 20 16.4 20 15.8V12.3C20 11.6 19.4 11 18.8 11M17.5 11H14.5V9.5C14.5 8.7 15.2 8.2 16 8.2C16.8 8.2 17.5 8.7 17.5 9.5V11M9 6H12L8 2L4 6H7V18H4L8 22L12 18H9V6Z",jV="M17 9V15H7V9H17M19 3H17V6H19V3M7 3H5V6H7V3M23 7H20V9H23V7M19 7H5V17H19V7M4 7H1V9H4V7M23 15H20V17H23V15M4 15H1V17H4V15M19 18H17V21H19V18M7 18H5V21H7V18Z",qV="M1.77,16.88L3.5,19.86C3.84,20.54 4.54,21 5.33,21H16.79L14.43,16.88H1.77M22.23,16.9C22.23,16.5 22.11,16.11 21.9,15.78L15.17,4.1C14.82,3.44 14.15,3 13.35,3H9.8L20.18,21L21.82,18.14C22.13,17.6 22.23,17.36 22.23,16.9M12.73,13.94L8.1,5.92L3.45,13.94H12.73Z",$V="M19,12H17V15H14V17H19V12M7,9H10V7H5V12H7V9M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",XV="M19,2H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,4V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H9L12,23L15,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2M13.88,12.88L12,17L10.12,12.88L6,11L10.12,9.12L12,5L13.88,9.12L18,11",YV="M21 13H14.4L19.1 17.7L17.7 19.1L13 14.4V21H11V14.3L6.3 19L4.9 17.6L9.4 13H3V11H9.6L4.9 6.3L6.3 4.9L11 9.6V3H13V9.4L17.6 4.8L19 6.3L14.3 11H21V13Z",JV="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.61 20 4 16.39 4 12C4 7.61 7.61 4 12 4C16.39 4 20 7.61 20 12C20 16.39 16.39 20 12 20M13 10.27L15.83 8.63L16.83 10.37L14 12L16.83 13.63L15.83 15.37L13 13.73V17H11V13.73L8.17 15.37L7.17 13.63L10 12L7.17 10.37L8.17 8.63L11 10.27V7H13V10.27Z",CL="M12,15C12.81,15 13.5,14.7 14.11,14.11C14.7,13.5 15,12.81 15,12C15,11.19 14.7,10.5 14.11,9.89C13.5,9.3 12.81,9 12,9C11.19,9 10.5,9.3 9.89,9.89C9.3,10.5 9,11.19 9,12C9,12.81 9.3,13.5 9.89,14.11C10.5,14.7 11.19,15 12,15M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12V13.45C22,14.45 21.65,15.3 21,16C20.3,16.67 19.5,17 18.5,17C17.3,17 16.31,16.5 15.56,15.5C14.56,16.5 13.38,17 12,17C10.63,17 9.45,16.5 8.46,15.54C7.5,14.55 7,13.38 7,12C7,10.63 7.5,9.45 8.46,8.46C9.45,7.5 10.63,7 12,7C13.38,7 14.55,7.5 15.54,8.46C16.5,9.45 17,10.63 17,12V13.45C17,13.86 17.16,14.22 17.46,14.53C17.76,14.84 18.11,15 18.5,15C18.92,15 19.27,14.84 19.57,14.53C19.87,14.22 20,13.86 20,13.45V12C20,9.81 19.23,7.93 17.65,6.35C16.07,4.77 14.19,4 12,4C9.81,4 7.93,4.77 6.35,6.35C4.77,7.93 4,9.81 4,12C4,14.19 4.77,16.07 6.35,17.65C7.93,19.23 9.81,20 12,20H17V22H12C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",HL="M7.93,11.24C7.74,11 7.38,10.94 7.13,11.13C7.06,11.19 7,11.26 6.96,11.34L2.06,21.15C1.91,21.44 2.03,21.79 2.32,21.94C2.4,22 2.5,22 2.59,22H9.41C9.63,22 9.84,21.88 9.94,21.68C11.41,18.63 10.5,14 7.93,11.24M11.53,2.31C9.05,6.14 8.76,11 10.77,15.09L14.06,21.68C14.17,21.88 14.37,22 14.59,22H21.41A0.59,0.59 0 0,0 22,21.41C22,21.32 22,21.23 21.94,21.15C21.94,21.15 12.76,2.77 12.5,2.31C12.39,2.04 12.06,1.92 11.78,2.06C11.67,2.11 11.58,2.2 11.53,2.31Z",VL="M8,9V10.5H10.25V15H11.75V10.5H14V9H8M6,9H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,10V15H3.5V13.5H5.5V15H7V10A1,1 0 0,0 6,9M5.5,12H3.5V10.5H5.5V12M21,9H16.5A1,1 0 0,0 15.5,10V15H17V10.5H18V14H19.5V10.5H20.5V15H22V10A1,1 0 0,0 21,9Z",LL="M12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11M4.22,4.22C5.65,2.79 8.75,3.43 12,5.56C15.25,3.43 18.35,2.79 19.78,4.22C21.21,5.65 20.57,8.75 18.44,12C20.57,15.25 21.21,18.35 19.78,19.78C18.35,21.21 15.25,20.57 12,18.44C8.75,20.57 5.65,21.21 4.22,19.78C2.79,18.35 3.43,15.25 5.56,12C3.43,8.75 2.79,5.65 4.22,4.22M15.54,8.46C16.15,9.08 16.71,9.71 17.23,10.34C18.61,8.21 19.11,6.38 18.36,5.64C17.62,4.89 15.79,5.39 13.66,6.77C14.29,7.29 14.92,7.85 15.54,8.46M8.46,15.54C7.85,14.92 7.29,14.29 6.77,13.66C5.39,15.79 4.89,17.62 5.64,18.36C6.38,19.11 8.21,18.61 10.34,17.23C9.71,16.71 9.08,16.15 8.46,15.54M5.64,5.64C4.89,6.38 5.39,8.21 6.77,10.34C7.29,9.71 7.85,9.08 8.46,8.46C9.08,7.85 9.71,7.29 10.34,6.77C8.21,5.39 6.38,4.89 5.64,5.64M9.88,14.12C10.58,14.82 11.3,15.46 12,16.03C12.7,15.46 13.42,14.82 14.12,14.12C14.82,13.42 15.46,12.7 16.03,12C15.46,11.3 14.82,10.58 14.12,9.88C13.42,9.18 12.7,8.54 12,7.97C11.3,8.54 10.58,9.18 9.88,9.88C9.18,10.58 8.54,11.3 7.97,12C8.54,12.7 9.18,13.42 9.88,14.12M18.36,18.36C19.11,17.62 18.61,15.79 17.23,13.66C16.71,14.29 16.15,14.92 15.54,15.54C14.92,16.15 14.29,16.71 13.66,17.23C15.79,18.61 17.62,19.11 18.36,18.36Z",ML="M18.36,2.64C20,2.64 21.36,4 21.36,5.64C21.36,7.29 20,8.64 18.36,8.64C16.71,8.64 15.36,7.29 15.36,5.64C15.36,5.34 15.41,5.06 15.5,4.8C14.43,4.29 13.25,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12L4.04,12.84L2.05,13.05L2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C13.69,2 15.28,2.42 16.67,3.16C17.16,2.83 17.74,2.64 18.36,2.64M18.36,4.64A1,1 0 0,0 17.36,5.64A1,1 0 0,0 18.36,6.64C18.92,6.64 19.36,6.19 19.36,5.64C19.36,5.08 18.92,4.64 18.36,4.64M5.64,15.36C7.29,15.36 8.64,16.71 8.64,18.36C8.64,18.66 8.59,18.94 8.5,19.2C9.57,19.71 10.75,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12L19.96,11.16L21.95,10.95L22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C10.31,22 8.72,21.58 7.33,20.84C6.84,21.17 6.26,21.36 5.64,21.36C4,21.36 2.64,20 2.64,18.36C2.64,16.71 4,15.36 5.64,15.36M5.64,17.36C5.08,17.36 4.64,17.81 4.64,18.36C4.64,18.92 5.08,19.36 5.64,19.36A1,1 0 0,0 6.64,18.36A1,1 0 0,0 5.64,17.36M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8Z",AL="M7.5,18A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 2,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 7.5,7H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,11A4,4 0 0,1 18,15H9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 7,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,10H17V11.5H9.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 9.5,13.5H18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,8.5H7.5A4,4 0 0,0 3.5,12.5A4,4 0 0,0 7.5,16.5H17V18H7.5Z",iL="M16.61 13.5C15.81 13.85 15.11 14.36 14.54 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5S8.12 10 9.5 10H17V11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5S8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H16.61M3.5 12.5C3.5 10.29 5.29 8.5 7.5 8.5H18C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11C20.5 11.84 20.08 12.58 19.45 13.03C20.05 13.07 20.63 13.2 21.17 13.41C21.69 12.74 22 11.91 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H7.5C4.46 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S4.46 18 7.5 18H13.09C13.18 17.47 13.34 16.97 13.55 16.5H7.5C5.29 16.5 3.5 14.71 3.5 12.5M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",rL="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M7.5 5C4.5 5 2 7.5 2 10.5S4.5 16 7.5 16H13.2V15.5C13.2 15.2 13.2 14.8 13.3 14.5H7.5C5.3 14.5 3.5 12.7 3.5 10.5S5.3 6.5 7.5 6.5H18C19.4 6.5 20.5 7.6 20.5 9C20.5 9.9 20 10.7 19.2 11.2C19.8 11.3 20.3 11.6 20.8 11.9C21.6 11.1 22 10.1 22 9C22 6.8 20.2 5 18 5H7.5M9.5 8C8.1 8 7 9.1 7 10.5S8.1 13 9.5 13H14C14.5 12.3 15.1 11.8 15.8 11.5H9.5C8.9 11.5 8.5 11.1 8.5 10.5S8.9 9.5 9.5 9.5H17V8H9.5Z",aL="M16.61 13.5C15.81 13.85 15.11 14.36 14.54 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5S8.12 10 9.5 10H17V11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5S8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H16.61M3.5 12.5C3.5 10.29 5.29 8.5 7.5 8.5H18C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11C20.5 11.84 20.08 12.58 19.45 13.03C20.05 13.07 20.63 13.2 21.17 13.41C21.69 12.74 22 11.91 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H7.5C4.46 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S4.46 18 7.5 18H13.09C13.18 17.47 13.34 16.97 13.55 16.5H7.5C5.29 16.5 3.5 14.71 3.5 12.5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",eL="M17 10V11.5H14.7L13.2 10H17M18 8.5C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11S19.38 13.5 18 13.5H16.7L18.18 15C20.31 14.89 22 13.15 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H10.2L11.7 8.5H18M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H7.5C4.46 18 2 15.54 2 12.5C2 10.17 3.45 8.19 5.5 7.38L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M8.5 12.5C8.5 13.05 8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H11.61L9.61 11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5M14.61 16.5L13.11 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5C7 11.5 7.57 10.69 8.38 10.27L6.69 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13.7V9Z",PL="M7.64,10.38C7.64,10.63 7.66,10.83 7.71,11C7.76,11.12 7.83,11.28 7.92,11.46C7.96,11.5 7.97,11.56 7.97,11.61C7.97,11.68 7.93,11.74 7.84,11.81L7.42,12.09C7.36,12.13 7.3,12.15 7.25,12.15C7.18,12.15 7.12,12.11 7.05,12.05C6.96,11.95 6.88,11.85 6.81,11.74C6.75,11.63 6.68,11.5 6.61,11.35C6.09,11.96 5.44,12.27 4.65,12.27C4.09,12.27 3.65,12.11 3.32,11.79C3,11.47 2.83,11.04 2.83,10.5C2.83,9.95 3.03,9.5 3.43,9.14C3.84,8.8 4.38,8.62 5.06,8.62C5.29,8.62 5.5,8.64 5.77,8.68C6,8.71 6.27,8.76 6.53,8.82V8.34C6.53,7.83 6.43,7.5 6.22,7.27C6,7.06 5.65,6.97 5.14,6.97C4.9,6.97 4.66,7 4.42,7.05C4.17,7.11 3.93,7.18 3.7,7.28C3.59,7.32 3.5,7.35 3.47,7.36C3.42,7.38 3.39,7.38 3.36,7.38C3.27,7.38 3.22,7.32 3.22,7.18V6.85C3.22,6.75 3.23,6.67 3.27,6.62C3.3,6.57 3.36,6.53 3.45,6.5C3.69,6.36 3.96,6.26 4.29,6.18C4.62,6.09 4.96,6.05 5.33,6.05C6.12,6.05 6.7,6.23 7.07,6.59C7.44,6.95 7.62,7.5 7.62,8.23V10.38H7.64M4.94,11.4C5.16,11.4 5.38,11.36 5.62,11.28C5.86,11.2 6.07,11.05 6.25,10.85C6.36,10.72 6.44,10.58 6.5,10.42C6.5,10.26 6.55,10.07 6.55,9.84V9.57C6.35,9.5 6.15,9.5 5.93,9.45C5.72,9.43 5.5,9.41 5.31,9.41C4.86,9.41 4.54,9.5 4.32,9.68C4.1,9.86 4,10.11 4,10.44C4,10.76 4.07,11 4.24,11.15C4.4,11.32 4.63,11.4 4.94,11.4M10.28,12.11C10.16,12.11 10.08,12.09 10,12.05C9.97,12 9.92,11.91 9.88,11.79L8.32,6.65C8.28,6.5 8.26,6.43 8.26,6.38C8.26,6.27 8.31,6.21 8.42,6.21H9.07C9.2,6.21 9.29,6.23 9.33,6.28C9.39,6.32 9.43,6.41 9.47,6.54L10.58,10.94L11.62,6.54C11.65,6.41 11.69,6.32 11.75,6.28C11.8,6.24 11.89,6.21 12,6.21H12.55C12.67,6.21 12.76,6.23 12.81,6.28C12.86,6.32 12.91,6.41 12.94,6.54L14,11L15.14,6.54C15.18,6.41 15.23,6.32 15.27,6.28C15.33,6.24 15.41,6.21 15.53,6.21H16.15C16.26,6.21 16.32,6.27 16.32,6.38C16.32,6.41 16.31,6.45 16.3,6.5C16.3,6.5 16.28,6.58 16.26,6.65L14.65,11.79C14.61,11.93 14.57,12 14.5,12.05C14.46,12.09 14.37,12.12 14.26,12.12H13.69C13.56,12.12 13.5,12.1 13.42,12.05C13.37,12 13.32,11.92 13.3,11.79L12.27,7.5L11.24,11.78C11.21,11.91 11.17,12 11.12,12.05C11.06,12.09 10.97,12.11 10.85,12.11H10.28M18.83,12.29C18.5,12.29 18.13,12.25 17.8,12.17C17.47,12.09 17.21,12 17.04,11.91C16.93,11.85 16.86,11.78 16.83,11.72C16.8,11.66 16.79,11.6 16.79,11.54V11.2C16.79,11.06 16.84,11 16.94,11C17,11 17,11 17.06,11C17.1,11 17.16,11.05 17.23,11.08C17.45,11.18 17.7,11.26 17.96,11.31C18.23,11.36 18.5,11.39 18.75,11.39C19.17,11.39 19.5,11.32 19.72,11.17C19.95,11 20.07,10.81 20.07,10.54C20.07,10.35 20,10.2 19.89,10.07C19.77,9.95 19.54,9.83 19.22,9.73L18.25,9.43C17.77,9.27 17.41,9.05 17.19,8.75C16.97,8.46 16.86,8.13 16.86,7.78C16.86,7.5 16.92,7.26 17.04,7.05C17.16,6.83 17.32,6.65 17.5,6.5C17.72,6.35 17.94,6.24 18.21,6.16C18.47,6.08 18.75,6.04 19.05,6.04C19.19,6.04 19.34,6.05 19.5,6.07C19.64,6.09 19.78,6.12 19.92,6.14C20.06,6.18 20.18,6.21 20.3,6.25C20.42,6.29 20.5,6.33 20.58,6.37C20.67,6.42 20.74,6.47 20.78,6.53C20.82,6.59 20.84,6.66 20.84,6.75V7.07C20.84,7.21 20.79,7.28 20.69,7.28C20.64,7.28 20.55,7.25 20.43,7.2C20.06,7.03 19.63,6.94 19.16,6.94C18.78,6.94 18.5,7 18.27,7.13C18.07,7.25 17.96,7.45 17.96,7.72C17.96,7.91 18.03,8.07 18.16,8.19C18.29,8.32 18.54,8.44 18.89,8.56L19.84,8.86C20.32,9 20.66,9.22 20.87,9.5C21.07,9.77 21.17,10.08 21.17,10.43C21.17,10.71 21.11,10.97 21,11.2C20.88,11.42 20.72,11.62 20.5,11.78C20.31,11.95 20.06,12.07 19.78,12.16C19.5,12.25 19.16,12.29 18.83,12.29M20.08,15.53C17.89,17.14 14.71,18 12,18C8.15,18 4.7,16.58 2.09,14.23C1.88,14.04 2.07,13.79 2.32,13.94C5.14,15.57 8.61,16.56 12.21,16.56C14.64,16.56 17.31,16.06 19.76,15C20.13,14.85 20.44,15.26 20.08,15.53M21,14.5C20.71,14.13 19.14,14.32 18.43,14.4C18.22,14.43 18.19,14.24 18.38,14.1C19.63,13.23 21.69,13.5 21.92,13.77C22.16,14.07 21.86,16.13 20.69,17.11C20.5,17.26 20.33,17.18 20.41,17C20.68,16.32 21.27,14.84 21,14.5Z",wL="M12,2L22,8C22,12 20,14 16,15L13,10L9,6L12,2M4.11,19.84L2.12,18.33L9.19,9L11,10.81L4.11,19.84Z",FL="M21.47 12.43C19.35 14.55 15.82 13.84 15.82 13.84V9.6L3.41 22L2 20.59L14.4 8.18H10.16C10.16 8.18 9.45 4.65 11.57 2.53C13.69 .406 17.23 1.11 17.23 1.11V5.36L17.94 4.65L19.35 6.06L18.64 6.77H22.89C22.89 6.77 23.59 10.31 21.47 12.43Z",TL="M2.61,21L1.61,19.27L11,13.85V3H13V13.85L22.39,19.27L21.39,21L12,15.58L2.61,21Z",bL="M12,2L16,6H13V13.85L19.53,17.61L21,15.03L22.5,20.5L17,21.96L18.53,19.35L12,15.58L5.47,19.35L7,21.96L1.5,20.5L3,15.03L4.47,17.61L11,13.85V6H8L12,2Z",yL="M12 2L16 6H13V13.85L19.53 17.61L21 15.03L22.5 20.5L17 21.96L18.53 19.35L12 15.58L5.47 19.35L7 21.96L1.5 20.5L3 15.03L4.47 17.61L11 13.85V6H8L12 2M21 5H19V3H21V5M22 10V12H18V10H19V8H18V6H21V10H22Z",RL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.68,16.34L9,13.85V6H6L10,2L14,6H11V13.85L18.03,17.86L19.5,15.28L21,20.74L15.5,22.21L17.03,19.6L10,15.58L5.68,18.07L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",xL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M11,13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V3H11V13.82Z",DL="M1.5,20.5L3,15.03L4.46,17.6L11,13.82V3H13V13.82L22.39,19.25L21.39,21L12,15.56L5.46,19.33L7,21.96L1.5,20.5Z",EL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.31,2.2 17.69,2.58 17.54,3.2C17.5,3.29 17.5,3.39 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.67,16.32L9,13.82V3H11V13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L5.67,18.06L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",NL="M12,10H14.91C14.57,6.55 13.4,4 12,4C10.42,4 9.12,7.27 9,11.42L7,12.57V12C7,6.5 9.24,2 12,2C14.42,2 16.44,5.44 16.9,10H20L16,14L12,10M12,22C10.12,22 8.47,19.92 7.62,16.84L9.37,15.83C9.87,18.31 10.86,20 12,20C13.27,20 14.36,17.89 14.79,14.92L16,16.12L16.7,15.42C16,19.26 14.16,22 12,22M2.11,18.87L1.11,17.13L1.06,17.06L11.12,11.25L12.72,12.84L2.15,18.94L2.11,18.87M21.89,5.13L22.89,6.87L19.2,9H17.77L17.5,7.66L21.89,5.13Z",WL="M12,14L16,10L20,14H16.9C16.44,18.56 14.42,22 12,22C10.12,22 8.47,19.92 7.62,16.84L9.37,15.83C9.87,18.31 10.86,20 12,20C13.4,20 14.57,17.45 14.91,14H12M1.11,17.13L13.89,9.75L13.96,10.54L10.5,14H10.54L2.11,18.87L1.11,17.13M21.89,5.13L22.89,6.87L17.88,9.76C17.79,9.03 17.67,8.33 17.5,7.66L21.89,5.13M12,2C14.3,2 16.23,5.1 16.82,9.32L16,8.5L14.87,9.63C14.5,6.37 13.35,4 12,4C10.42,4 9.12,7.27 9,11.42L7,12.57V12C7,6.5 9.24,2 12,2Z",IL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.68,16.34L9,13.85V3H11V13.85L17.53,17.61L19,15.03L20.5,20.5L15,21.96L16.53,19.35L10,15.58L5.68,18.07L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",GL="M22.5,20.5L17,21.96L18.53,19.35L12,15.58L2.61,21L1.61,19.27L11,13.85V3H13V13.85L19.53,17.61L21,15.03L22.5,20.5Z",QL="M11,13.82L18,17.88L19.5,15.28L21,20.74L15.5,22.21L17,19.61L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V3H11V13.82M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5Z",UL="M12,10L16,14L20,10H16.9C16.44,5.44 14.42,2 12,2C10.12,2 8.47,4.08 7.62,7.16L9.37,8.17C9.87,5.69 10.86,4 12,4C13.4,4 14.57,6.55 14.91,10H12M1.11,6.87L13.89,14.25L13.96,13.46L10.5,10H10.54L2.11,5.13L1.11,6.87M21.89,18.87L22.89,17.13L17.88,14.24C17.79,14.97 17.67,15.67 17.5,16.34L21.89,18.87M12,22C14.3,22 16.23,18.9 16.82,14.68L16,15.5L14.87,14.37C14.5,17.63 13.35,20 12,20C10.42,20 9.12,16.73 9,12.58L7,11.43V12C7,17.5 9.24,22 12,22Z",zL="M12,14H14.91C14.57,17.45 13.4,20 12,20C10.42,20 9.12,16.73 9,12.58L7,11.43V12C7,17.5 9.24,22 12,22C14.42,22 16.44,18.56 16.9,14H20L16,10L12,14M12,2C10.12,2 8.47,4.08 7.62,7.16L9.37,8.17C9.87,5.69 10.86,4 12,4C13.27,4 14.36,6.11 14.79,9.08L16,7.88L16.7,8.58C16,4.74 14.16,2 12,2M2.11,5.13L1.11,6.87L1.06,6.94L11.12,12.75L12.72,11.16L2.15,5.06L2.11,5.13M21.89,18.87L22.89,17.13L19.2,15H17.77L17.5,16.34L21.89,18.87Z",_L="M12,2L16,6H13V13.82L22.39,19.25L21.39,21L12,15.56L2.61,21L1.61,19.25L11,13.82V6H8L12,2Z",KL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M10,2L14,6H11V13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V6H6L10,2Z",jL="M14,12L10,16L14,20V16.9C18.56,16.44 22,14.42 22,12C22,9.58 18.56,7.56 14,7.1V9.09C17.45,9.43 20,10.6 20,12C20,13.4 17.45,14.57 14,14.91V12M4,12C4,10.6 6.55,9.43 10,9.09V7.1C5.44,7.56 2,9.58 2,12C2,14.16 4.74,16 8.58,16.7L7.88,16L9.08,14.79C6.11,14.36 4,13.27 4,12M13,2H11V13L13,11V2M13,22V21L11,19V22H13Z",qL="M10,12L14,16L10,20V16.9C5.44,16.44 2,14.42 2,12C2,9.58 5.44,7.56 10,7.1V9.09C6.55,9.43 4,10.6 4,12C4,13.4 6.55,14.57 10,14.91V12M20,12C20,10.6 17.45,9.43 14,9.09V7.1C18.56,7.56 22,9.58 22,12C22,14.16 19.26,16 15.42,16.7L16.12,16L14.92,14.79C17.89,14.36 20,13.27 20,12M11,2H13V13L11,11V2M11,22V21L13,19V22H11Z",$L="M15.14 2C13.8 2.12 12.04 2.59 9.87 3.43C9.28 3.87 8.6 4.3 7.84 4.72V4.85C7.9 4.85 7.96 4.81 8.04 4.77C8.13 4.76 8.19 4.79 8.19 4.88L8.32 4.8L8.39 4.79L8.4 4.86C8.41 4.92 7.93 5.29 7 5.96L7.06 6.09H7L6.84 6.04C6.84 6.09 6.78 6.11 6.64 6.12L6.65 6.19L6.81 6.37C6.75 6.37 6.68 6.36 6.6 6.32C6.29 6.35 6 6.58 5.69 7L5.77 7.12C6.03 6.88 6.18 6.76 6.22 6.76L6.24 6.95C6.2 6.95 6.12 7 6.04 7.03L6.2 7.27C6.5 6.93 6.86 6.64 7.24 6.41C7.43 6.46 7.53 6.5 7.53 6.58L7.67 6.57C8.69 5.81 9.71 5.27 10.71 4.93L10.72 5.06C10.53 5.34 10.4 5.5 10.33 5.5C10.34 5.59 10.38 5.67 10.43 5.74C10.45 5.92 10 7.06 9.07 9.19C6.95 14.13 5.19 17.78 3.77 20.16C3.77 20.2 3.8 20.27 3.85 20.35C4.2 20.26 4.42 20.18 4.5 20.1L4.6 20.09L4.61 20.22L4.74 20.21L4.88 20.13C4.88 20.18 4.93 20.19 5 20.18L5.03 20.31C5.03 20.45 4.96 20.65 4.8 20.92C4.65 21.08 4.5 21.42 4.34 21.94V22H4.47C5.04 21.35 5.5 20.72 5.78 20.11C7.44 19.62 8.71 19.15 9.59 18.67C10.47 18.6 11.15 18.37 11.61 18L11.6 17.91L11.27 18H11.19L11.18 17.95C11.83 17.85 12.28 17.7 12.5 17.5C13.79 16.54 14.74 15.85 15.39 15.44C17.39 13.97 18.33 12.55 18.22 11.21C18.21 11.07 17.76 10.5 16.9 9.56C16.88 9.38 17.19 9.12 17.8 8.77L19.53 7.24C19.92 6.74 20.15 5.94 20.23 4.83L20.2 4.57C20.14 3.79 19.58 3.16 18.5 2.68C17.88 2.25 16.76 2.03 15.14 2M17.24 2.87C18.53 2.92 19.19 3.14 19.23 3.55L19.18 3.68L17.24 2.87M16 3.96C16.89 3.95 17.35 4.18 17.4 4.68L17.5 4.67V4.34L17.64 4.33C18 4.5 18.16 4.74 18.18 5C18.2 5.2 18.1 5.42 17.89 5.69C17.8 5.7 17.75 5.64 17.74 5.5H17.6L17.56 5.91C17 6.78 16.56 7.23 16.3 7.26C16.06 7.58 15.91 7.75 15.85 7.75C15.67 7.97 15.17 8.35 14.35 8.87C14.08 8.9 13.07 9.28 11.34 10.04C11.25 10 11.16 10 11.06 10L11.05 9.88C11.03 9.62 11.14 9.31 11.39 8.92C11.5 8.21 11.67 7.8 11.83 7.7L13.28 4.44C13.27 4.24 13.57 4.09 14.21 4L14.42 3.96L14.44 4.15C15.06 4.05 15.45 4 15.6 4C15.74 3.97 15.88 3.96 16 3.96M19 4.29H19.04C19.16 4.3 19.28 4.5 19.41 4.91L19.42 5.03C19.35 5.04 19.22 4.83 19.03 4.41L19 4.29M10.82 6.36H10.88L10.9 6.55C10.84 6.56 10.75 6.65 10.65 6.83L10.64 6.7C10.76 6.55 10.82 6.43 10.82 6.36M6.67 6.46L6.68 6.5C6.63 6.5 6.56 6.56 6.5 6.6L6.41 6.61L6.39 6.5L6.67 6.46M10.24 7.72L10.26 8H10.19L10.16 7.73L10.24 7.72M10.07 8.19C10.05 8.41 10 8.5 9.89 8.53L9.82 8.54C9.9 8.39 9.94 8.29 9.93 8.21L10.07 8.19M9.78 8.87L9.79 8.93L9.67 9.14L9.54 9.15L9.53 9.09C9.66 9.08 9.72 9 9.71 8.88L9.78 8.87M9.5 9.5L9.45 9.81H9.38L9.36 9.5H9.5M16.57 9.72L16.85 9.89C16.86 10 16.82 10.03 16.73 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18.59,20.11L24,12L18.59,3.88C18.23,3.35 17.69,3 17,3H2M2,5H17L21.72,12L17,19H2V5Z",mM="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12H0L4,16L8,12H5A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19C10.5,19 9.09,18.5 7.94,17.7L6.5,19.14C8.04,20.3 9.94,21 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",tM="M21,16C21,15.5 20.95,15.08 20.88,14.68L22.45,13.9L21.55,12.1L20.18,12.79C19.63,11.96 18.91,11.5 18.29,11.28L18.95,9.32L17.05,8.68L16.29,10.96C14.96,10.83 14.17,10.32 13.7,9.77L15.45,8.9L14.55,7.1L13,7.89C12.97,7.59 12.86,6.72 12.28,5.87L13.83,3.55L12.17,2.44L10.76,4.56C10.28,4.33 9.7,4.15 9,4.06V2H7V4.1C6.29,4.25 5.73,4.54 5.32,4.91L2.7,2.29L1.29,3.71L4.24,6.65C4,7.39 4,8 4,8H2V10H4.04C4.1,10.63 4.21,11.36 4.4,12.15L1.68,13.05L2.31,14.95L5,14.05C5.24,14.56 5.5,15.08 5.82,15.58L3.44,17.17L4.55,18.83L7.07,17.15C7.63,17.71 8.29,18.21 9.06,18.64L8.1,20.55L9.89,21.45L10.89,19.45L10.73,19.36C11.68,19.68 12.76,19.9 14,19.97V22H16V19.93C16.76,19.84 17.81,19.64 18.77,19.19L20.29,20.71L21.7,19.29L20.37,17.95C20.75,17.44 21,16.8 21,16M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11M11,14A1,1 0 0,1 10,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,14M15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,17Z",vM="M9,2H7V4.1C6.29,4.25 5.73,4.54 5.32,4.91L2.7,2.29L1.29,3.71L4.24,6.65C4,7.39 4,8 4,8H2V10H4.04C4.1,10.63 4.21,11.36 4.4,12.15L1.68,13.05L2.31,14.95L5,14.05C5.24,14.56 5.5,15.08 5.82,15.58L3.44,17.17L4.55,18.83L7.07,17.15C7.63,17.71 8.29,18.21 9.06,18.64L8.1,20.55L9.89,21.45L10.89,19.45L10.73,19.36C11.68,19.68 12.76,19.9 14,19.97V22H16V19.93C16.76,19.84 17.81,19.64 18.77,19.19L20.29,20.71L21.7,19.29L20.37,17.95C20.75,17.44 21,16.8 21,16C21,15.5 20.95,15.08 20.88,14.68L22.45,13.9L21.55,12.1L20.18,12.79C19.63,11.96 18.91,11.5 18.29,11.28L18.95,9.32L17.05,8.68L16.29,10.96C14.96,10.83 14.17,10.32 13.7,9.77L15.45,8.9L14.55,7.1L13,7.89C12.97,7.59 12.86,6.72 12.28,5.87L13.83,3.55L12.17,2.44L10.76,4.56C10.28,4.33 9.7,4.15 9,4.06M15,18C12.06,18 9.81,17.18 8.31,15.56C5.68,12.72 6,8.2 6,8.17V8.11L6,8.03C6,7.1 6.39,6 8,6C10.63,6 10.97,7.43 11,8C11,10 12.6,13 17,13C17.33,13 19,13.15 19,16C19,17.89 15.03,18 15,18M8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8M11,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,12M15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14Z",lM="M17,3H14V6H10V3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8M16,16H8V15C8,13.67 10.67,13 12,13C13.33,13 16,13.67 16,15V16M13,5H11V1H13V5M16,19H8V18H16V19M12,21H8V20H12V21Z",oM="M15,3H12V6H8V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 5,23H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M10,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 8,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,8M14,16H6V15C6,13.67 8.67,13 10,13C11.33,13 14,13.67 14,15V16M11,5H9V1H11V5M14,19H6V18H14V19M10,21H6V20H10V21M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17H19Z",nM="M15,3H12V5H15V21H5V5H8V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 5,23H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7M14,15H6V14C6,12.67 8.67,12 10,12C11.33,12 14,12.67 14,14V15M14,18H6V17H14V18M10,20H6V19H10V20M11,5H9V1H11V5M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17H19Z",ZM="M22,4H14V7H10V4H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13A2,2 0 0,1 6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9M12,17H4V16C4,14.67 6.67,14 8,14C9.33,14 12,14.67 12,16V17M20,18H14V16H20V18M20,14H14V12H20V14M20,10H14V8H20V10M13,6H11V2H13V6Z",SM="M8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13A2,2 0 0,1 6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9M12,17H4V16C4,14.67 6.67,14 8,14C9.33,14 12,14.67 12,16V17M20,8H14V10H20V8M20,12H14V14H20V12M20,16H14V18H20V16M22,4H14V6H22V20H2V6H10V4H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M13,6H11V2H13V6Z",uM="M17,3H14V5H17V21H7V5H10V3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M12,7A2,2 0 0,1 14,9A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,9A2,2 0 0,1 12,7M16,15H8V14C8,12.67 10.67,12 12,12C13.33,12 16,12.67 16,14V15M16,18H8V17H16V18M12,20H8V19H12V20M13,5H11V1H13V5Z",cM="M12.3,2C11.33,2.03 10.58,2.84 10.61,3.8C10.62,4.04 10.67,4.27 10.77,4.5L11.06,5.14V5.14C11.1,5.27 11.03,5.41 10.89,5.45C10.8,5.5 10.7,5.45 10.63,5.37L10.21,4.82C9.88,4.4 9.38,4.14 8.85,4.13C7.88,4.11 7.08,4.88 7.06,5.84C7.05,6.26 7.19,6.66 7.45,7L7.87,7.5H7.88C7.96,7.63 7.93,7.79 7.82,7.87C7.73,7.94 7.61,7.94 7.53,7.87L7,7.45C6.66,7.19 6.25,7.05 5.84,7.06C4.88,7.08 4.11,7.88 4.13,8.85C4.14,9.38 4.4,9.88 4.82,10.21L5.39,10.65C5.5,10.75 5.5,10.91 5.38,11C5.31,11.07 5.21,11.09 5.12,11.05H5.11L4.5,10.77C4.27,10.68 4.04,10.62 3.8,10.61C2.84,10.58 2.03,11.34 2,12.31C2,13.03 2.4,13.69 3.06,13.97L14.45,19.04L19.04,14.45L13.97,3.06C13.69,2.39 13,1.97 12.3,2M13.13,6.1C13.55,6.09 13.93,6.33 14.09,6.71L17.14,13.55L13.19,9.61L12.26,7.5C11.96,6.87 12.42,6.12 13.13,6.1M9.85,8.85C10.12,8.85 10.37,8.95 10.56,9.15L15.37,13.96C15.77,14.34 15.78,14.97 15.4,15.37C15,15.77 14.38,15.78 13.96,15.37L9.15,10.56C8.75,10.18 8.74,9.54 9.13,9.15C9.32,8.95 9.58,8.85 9.85,8.85M7.13,12.17C7.26,12.17 7.4,12.21 7.5,12.26L9.63,13.2L13.57,17.14L6.71,14.09C5.69,13.65 6.03,12.14 7.13,12.17M20.28,16.04L16.04,20.28L16.89,21.13C17.65,21.88 18.75,22.17 19.78,21.9C20.81,21.62 21.62,20.81 21.9,19.78C22.17,18.75 21.88,17.65 21.13,16.89L20.28,16.04Z",sM="M14.6 21.4C15 21.8 15.4 22 16 22S17 21.8 17.4 21.4 18 20.6 18 20 17.8 19 17.4 18.6 16.5 18 16 18 15 18.2 14.6 18.6 14 19.4 14 20 14.2 21 14.6 21.4M6 19C6 19.5 6.2 20 6.6 20.4C7 20.8 7.5 21 8 21V7C7.5 7 7 7.2 6.6 7.6C6.2 8 6 8.5 6 9V19M16 2H12C12 2.5 12.2 3 12.6 3.4C13 3.8 13.5 4 14 4V7H9V21H13.2C13 20.5 13 20.2 13 20C13 19.2 13.3 18.5 13.9 17.9C14.5 17.3 15.2 17 16 17V2Z",OM="M15.28,16.69L18.14,13.88L18.84,14.58L15.28,18.14L13.17,16L13.88,15.28L15.28,16.69M8,21A2,2 0 0,1 6,19V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7V21M9,7H14V4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2H16V10A6,6 0 0,1 22,16A6,6 0 0,1 16,22C14.77,22 13.63,21.63 12.68,21H9V7M16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,20A4,4 0 0,0 20,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12Z",hM="M2.1 4.9L6 8.9V19C6 19.5 6.2 20 6.6 20.4C7 20.8 7.5 21 8 21V10.8L9 11.8V21H13.2C13.1 20.6 13 20.2 13 20C13 18.8 13.5 18 14.6 17.4L15.4 18.2C14.5 18.5 14.1 19.2 14.1 20.1C14.1 20.6 14.3 21.1 14.7 21.5C15 21.8 15.5 22 16 22C16.9 22 17.6 21.6 17.9 20.7L19.1 21.9L20.5 20.5L3.5 3.5L2.1 4.9M12 2C12 2.5 12.2 3 12.6 3.4S13.5 4 14 4V7H9.8L16 13.2V2H12Z",pM="M22 19H2V21H22V19M4 15C4 15.5 4.2 16 4.6 16.4C5 16.8 5.5 17 6 17V6C5.5 6 5 6.2 4.6 6.6C4.2 7 4 7.5 4 8V15M13.5 6H10.5C10.5 5.6 10.6 5.2 10.9 4.9C11.2 4.6 11.5 4.5 12 4.5C12.4 4.5 12.8 4.6 13.1 4.9C13.3 5.2 13.5 5.6 13.5 6M7 6V17H17V6H15C15 5.2 14.7 4.5 14.1 3.9S12.8 3 12 3C11.2 3 10.5 3.3 9.9 3.9C9.3 4.5 9 5.2 9 6H7M18 17C18.5 17 19 16.8 19.4 16.4C19.8 16 20 15.5 20 15V8C20 7.5 19.8 7 19.4 6.6C19 6.2 18.5 6 18 6V17Z",fM="M16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V5A4,4 0 0,0 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5M10,4H14V5H10V4M12,9L14,11L12,13L10,11L12,9M18,16H9V18H8V16H6V15H18V16Z",gM="M20,19.35L2.38,1.73L1.11,3L4.77,6.66C4.27,7.34 4,8.16 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.56,22 19.08,21.76 19.46,21.35L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20,19.35M9,16V18H8V16H6V15H13.11L14.11,16H9M20,9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V4.8L20,16.8V9M14,5H10V4H14V5Z",kM="M20,19.35L2.38,1.73L1.11,3L4.77,6.66C4.27,7.34 4,8.16 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.56,22 19.08,21.76 19.46,21.35L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20,19.35M6,9C6,8.69 6.08,8.38 6.22,8.11L13.11,15H6V9M18,20H6V16H8V18H9V16H14.11L18,19.89V20M16,7A2,2 0 0,1 18,9V14.8L20,16.8V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V4.8L10.2,7H16M10,4H14V5H10V4Z",BM="M16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V5A4,4 0 0,0 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5M10,4H14V5H10V4M12,9L14,11L12,13L10,11L12,9M18,20H6V16H8V18H9V16H18V20M18,15H6V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,9V15Z",PM="M22 19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22V19M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.5C12.5 20.9 12 19.5 12 18C12 17.3 12.1 16.6 12.3 16H7V18H6V16H4V15H12.8C13.8 13.2 15.8 12 18 12V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8M8 4H12V5H8V4M10 9L12 11L10 13L8 11L10 9Z",wM="M22 19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22V19M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H4V16H6V18H7V16H12.3C12.4 15.7 12.6 15.3 12.8 15H4V9C4 7.9 4.9 7 6 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9V12.3C16.6 12.1 17.3 12 18 12V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8M8 4H12V5H8V4M10 9L8 11L10 13L12 11L10 9Z",FM="M14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H15.2L12.8 19.6C12.2 19.1 11.9 18.3 11.9 17.6V16H7V18H6V16H4V15H12V14.8C12 13.3 13.2 12 14.8 12H18V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5M10 13L8 11L10 9L12 11L10 13M12 5H8V4H12V5M21.8 17.8L18.2 14.2C18 14.1 17.8 14 17.6 14H14.8C14.4 14 14 14.4 14 14.8V17.6C14 17.8 14.1 18 14.2 18.2L17.8 21.8C17.9 21.9 18.1 22 18.4 22C18.6 22 18.8 21.9 19 21.8L21.8 19C21.9 18.9 22 18.7 22 18.4C22 18.2 21.9 18 21.8 17.8M15.4 16C15.1 16 14.8 15.7 14.8 15.4C14.8 15.1 15.1 14.8 15.4 14.8C15.7 14.8 16 15.1 16 15.4C16 15.7 15.7 16 15.4 16Z",TM="M14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H15.2L13.2 20H4V16H6V18H7V16H12V15H4V9C4 7.9 4.9 7 6 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9V12H18V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5M12 5H8V4H12V5M10 9L8 11L10 13L12 11L10 9M21.8 17.8L18.2 14.2C18 14.1 17.8 14 17.6 14H14.8C14.4 14 14 14.4 14 14.8V17.6C14 17.8 14.1 18 14.2 18.2L17.8 21.8C17.9 21.9 18.1 22 18.4 22C18.6 22 18.8 21.9 19 21.8L21.8 19C21.9 18.9 22 18.7 22 18.4C22 18.2 21.9 18 21.8 17.8M15.4 16C15.1 16 14.8 15.7 14.8 15.4C14.8 15.1 15.1 14.8 15.4 14.8C15.7 14.8 16 15.1 16 15.4C16 15.7 15.7 16 15.4 16Z",bM="M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V19C19 20.13 18.11 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V8C5 6.88 5.89 6 6.97 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M13.5 6V3.5H10.5V6H13.5M8 9V18H9.5V9H8M14.5 9V18H16V9H14.5M11.25 9V18H12.75V9H11.25Z",yM="M2 4.77L3.28 3.5L21 21.22L19.73 22.5L18 20.76C17.71 20.93 17.38 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V7.77L2 4.77M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V16.68L16 13.68V9H14.5V12.18L12.75 10.43V9H11.32L8.31 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M8 18H9.5V12.27L8 10.77V18M11.25 18H12.75V15.5L11.25 14V18M14.5 18H15.23L14.5 17.27V18M13.5 6V3.5H10.5V6H13.5Z",RM="M2 4.77L3.28 3.5L21 21.22L19.73 22.5L18 20.76C17.71 20.93 17.38 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19L5 7.78L2 4.77M9.5 18H8V10.78L6.97 9.74V19H16.23L15.25 18H14.5V17.26L12.75 15.5V18H11.25V14L9.5 12.28V18M12.75 9V10.43L11.32 9H12.75M14.5 9H16V13.67L14.5 12.17V9M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V16.68L17.03 14.7V8H10.33L8.31 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M10.5 3.5V6H13.5V3.5H10.5Z",xM="M9.5 18V9H8V18M12.75 18V9H11.25V18M16 18V9H14.5V18M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V19C19 20.13 18.11 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V8C5 6.88 5.89 6 6.97 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6M10.5 3.5V6H13.5V3.5M17.03 19V8H6.97V19",DM="M5 22C3.68 22 3.15 19.64 3.04 18.7A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 3.36 16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5.23 14.38C6.4 14.18 7.23 14.88 8.29 15.12A1.21 1.21 0 0 0 9.85 13.75C9.41 12.03 6.28 12 5 12C5 10.14 7.04 9.9 8.5 10.04A10.8 10.8 0 0 1 11.04 10.6C11.54 10.77 12.12 11.2 12.67 11.16C13.5 11.09 13.67 10.23 13.31 9.6C12.44 8.12 9.97 8 8.5 8C8.5 6 10.23 5.62 11.89 5.92A11.58 11.58 0 0 1 14.38 6.71C14.89 6.93 15.5 7.35 16.06 7.16C17.5 6.72 16 5.18 15.36 4.81A6.6 6.6 0 0 0 13.94 4.23C13.4 4.07 12.74 4.13 13.23 3.5A5.13 5.13 0 0 1 15.96 2.26C17.85 1.82 20.46 1.74 20.92 4.12A5.3 5.3 0 0 1 20.07 7.7A38.96 38.96 0 0 1 13.22 16.33A36.6 36.6 0 0 1 8.62 20.32C7.62 21.04 6.3 22 5 22Z",EM="M10 10V12H8V10H10M16 12V10H14V12H16M21 14V22H3V14H4V10C4 5.58 7.58 2 12 2S20 5.58 20 10V14H21M7 16H5V20H7V16M11 16H9V20H11V16M11 4.08C8.16 4.56 6 7.03 6 10V14H11V4.08M13 14H18V10C18 7.03 15.84 4.56 13 4.08V14M15 16H13V20H15V16M19 16H17V20H19V16Z",NM="M13.16,12.74L14,14H12.5C12.35,16.71 12,19.41 11.5,22.08L10.5,21.92C11,19.3 11.34,16.66 11.5,14H10L10.84,12.74C8.64,11.79 7,8.36 7,6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6C17,8.36 15.36,11.79 13.16,12.74Z",WM="M13,9.5H18V7.5H13V9.5M13,16.5H18V14.5H13V16.5M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M6,11H11V6H6V11M7,7H10V10H7V7M6,18H11V13H6V18M7,14H10V17H7V14Z",IM="M13,7.5H18V9.5H13V7.5M13,14.5H18V16.5H13V14.5M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M19,19V5H5V19H19M11,6V11H6V6H11M10,10V7H7V10H10M11,13V18H6V13H11M10,17V14H7V17H10Z",GM="M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23M10,17H7V14H10V17M10,7V10H7V7H10M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.17C20.5,11.06 20,11 19.5,11A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 13,17.5C13,18.79 13.38,20 14,21H5M13,9.5H18V7.5H13V9.5M11,13H6V18H11V13M11,6H6V11H11V6Z",QM="M6,18V13H11V18H6M7,14V17H10V14H7M13,7.5H18V9.5H13V7.5M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.17C20.5,11.06 20,11 19.5,11H19V5H5V19H13.17C13.34,19.72 13.63,20.39 14,21H5M11,6V11H6V6H11M10,10V7H7V10H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23Z",UM="M17.73,12L21.71,8.04C22.1,7.65 22.1,7 21.71,6.63L17.37,2.29C17,1.9 16.35,1.9 15.96,2.29L12,6.27L8,2.29C7.8,2.1 7.55,2 7.29,2C7.04,2 6.78,2.1 6.59,2.29L2.25,6.63C1.86,7 1.86,7.65 2.25,8.04L6.23,12L2.25,16C1.86,16.39 1.86,17 2.25,17.41L6.59,21.75C7,22.14 7.61,22.14 8,21.75L12,17.77L15.96,21.75C16.16,21.95 16.41,22.04 16.67,22.04C16.93,22.04 17.18,21.94 17.38,21.75L21.72,17.41C22.11,17 22.11,16.39 21.72,16L17.73,12M12,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,9M7.29,10.96L3.66,7.34L7.29,3.71L10.91,7.33L7.29,10.96M10,13A1,1 0 0,1 9,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,13M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 11,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,15M14,11A1,1 0 0,1 15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11M16.66,20.34L13.03,16.72L16.66,13.09L20.28,16.71L16.66,20.34Z",zM="M11.5,1L2,6V8H21V6M16,10V17H19V10M2,22H21V19H2M10,10V17H13V10M4,10V17H7V10H4Z",_M="M17.8 21.2L15 18.2L16.2 17L17.8 18.6L21.4 15L22.6 16.4L17.8 21.2M13 10H10V17H12.1C12.2 16.2 12.6 15.4 13 14.7V10M16 10V12.3C16.6 12.1 17.3 12 18 12C18.3 12 18.7 12 19 12.1V10H16M12.1 19H2V22H13.5C12.8 21.2 12.3 20.1 12.1 19M21 6L11.5 1L2 6V8H21V6M7 17V10H4V17H7Z",KM="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17 17H7V15H17V17M8 14V11H10V14H8M11 14V11H13V14H11M14 14V11H16V14H14M17 10H7V8.5L12 6L17 8.5V10Z",jM="M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17 17H7V15H17V17M8 14V11H10V14H8M11 14V11H13V14H11M14 14V11H16V14H14M17 10H7V8.5L12 6L17 8.5V10Z",qM="M14,17H22V19H14V17M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",$M="M20.8 22.7L20.1 22H2V19H17.1L13 14.9V17H10V11.9L6.1 8H2V6L3.4 5.3L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M4 10V17H7V10H4M21 8V6L11.5 1L6.7 3.5L11.2 8H21M19 15.8V10H16V12.8L19 15.8Z",XM="M20.8 22.7L19.1 21H2V19H17.1L12.5 14.4V17H10.5V12.4L6.1 8H2V6L3.4 5.3L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M4.5 10V17H6.5V10H4.5M11.5 3.3L16.7 6H9.2L11.2 8H21V6L11.5 1L6.7 3.5L8.2 5L11.5 3.3M18.5 15.3V10H16.5V13.3L18.5 15.3Z",YM="M6.5,10H4.5V17H6.5V10M12.5,10H10.5V17H12.5V10M21,19H2V21H21V19M18.5,10H16.5V17H18.5V10M11.5,3.26L16.71,6H6.29L11.5,3.26M11.5,1L2,6V8H21V6L11.5,1Z",JM="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",CA="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",HA="M15,14V11H18V9L22,12.5L18,16V14H15M14,7.7V9H2V7.7L8,4L14,7.7M7,10H9V15H7V10M3,10H5V15H3V10M13,10V12.5L11,14.3V10H13M9.1,16L8.5,16.5L10.2,18H2V16H9.1M17,15V18H14V20L10,16.5L14,13V15H17Z",VA="M2,15V12H5V10L9,13.5L5,17V15H2M22,8.7V10H10V8.7L16,5L22,8.7M10,17H22V19H10V17M15,11H17V16H15V11M11,11H13V16H11V11M19,11H21V16H19V11Z",LA="M15,15V12H18V10L22,13.5L18,17V15H15M14,8.7V10H2V8.7L8,5L14,8.7M2,17H14V19H2V17M7,11H9V16H7V11M3,11H5V16H3V11M11,11H13V16H11V11Z",MA="M2,6H4V18H2V6M5,6H6V18H5V6M7,6H10V18H7V6M11,6H12V18H11V6M14,6H16V18H14V6M17,6H20V18H17V6M21,6H22V18H21V6Z",AA="M20.84 22.73L16 17.89V18H14V15.89L12 13.89V18H11V12.89L10 11.89V18H7V8.89L6 7.89V18H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L7 6.34L10 9.34L11 10.34L12 11.34L14 13.35V13.34L16 15.34V15.35L17 16.35V16.34L18.66 18H18.65L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M16 6H14V10.8L16 12.8V6M12 6H11V7.8L12 8.8V6M20 6H17V13.8L20 16.8V6M22 18V6H21V17.8L21.2 18H22M10 6H9.2L10 6.8V6M2 18H4V6H2V18Z",iA="M4,6H6V18H4V6M7,6H8V18H7V6M9,6H12V18H9V6M13,6H14V18H13V6M16,6H18V18H16V6M19,6H20V18H19V6M2,4V8H0V4A2,2 0 0,1 2,2H6V4H2M22,2A2,2 0 0,1 24,4V8H22V4H18V2H22M2,16V20H6V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V16H2M22,20V16H24V20A2,2 0 0,1 22,22H18V20H22Z",rA="M7.33,18.33C6.5,17.17 6.5,15.83 6.5,14.5C8.17,15.5 9.83,16.5 10.67,17.67L11,18.23V15.95C9.5,15.05 8.08,14.13 7.33,13.08C6.5,11.92 6.5,10.58 6.5,9.25C8.17,10.25 9.83,11.25 10.67,12.42L11,13V10.7C9.5,9.8 8.08,8.88 7.33,7.83C6.5,6.67 6.5,5.33 6.5,4C8.17,5 9.83,6 10.67,7.17C10.77,7.31 10.86,7.46 10.94,7.62C10.77,7 10.66,6.42 10.65,5.82C10.64,4.31 11.3,2.76 11.96,1.21C12.65,2.69 13.34,4.18 13.35,5.69C13.36,6.32 13.25,6.96 13.07,7.59C13.15,7.45 13.23,7.31 13.33,7.17C14.17,6 15.83,5 17.5,4C17.5,5.33 17.5,6.67 16.67,7.83C15.92,8.88 14.5,9.8 13,10.7V13L13.33,12.42C14.17,11.25 15.83,10.25 17.5,9.25C17.5,10.58 17.5,11.92 16.67,13.08C15.92,14.13 14.5,15.05 13,15.95V18.23L13.33,17.67C14.17,16.5 15.83,15.5 17.5,14.5C17.5,15.83 17.5,17.17 16.67,18.33C15.92,19.38 14.5,20.3 13,21.2V23H11V21.2C9.5,20.3 8.08,19.38 7.33,18.33Z",aA="M11.96,1.21C11.3,2.76 10.64,4.31 10.65,5.82C10.66,6.42 10.77,7 10.94,7.62C10.86,7.46 10.77,7.31 10.67,7.17C9.83,6 8.17,5 6.5,4C6.5,4.8 6.5,5.59 6.68,6.36L13,12.68V10.7C14.5,9.8 15.92,8.88 16.67,7.83C17.5,6.67 17.5,5.33 17.5,4C15.83,5 14.17,6 13.33,7.17C13.23,7.31 13.15,7.45 13.07,7.59C13.25,6.96 13.36,6.32 13.35,5.69C13.34,4.18 12.65,2.69 11.96,1.21M3.28,5.5L2,6.77L6.64,11.41C6.75,12 6.95,12.55 7.33,13.08C8.08,14.13 9.5,15.05 11,15.95V18.23L10.67,17.67C9.83,16.5 8.17,15.5 6.5,14.5C6.5,15.83 6.5,17.17 7.33,18.33C8.08,19.38 9.5,20.3 11,21.2V23H13V21.2C13.74,20.76 14.45,20.31 15.07,19.84L18.73,23.5L20,22.22C14,16.23 9.1,11.32 3.28,5.5M17.5,9.25C15.83,10.25 14.17,11.25 13.33,12.42L13.12,12.79L15,14.66C15.67,14.16 16.27,13.64 16.67,13.08C17.5,11.92 17.5,10.58 17.5,9.25M17.5,14.5C16.93,14.84 16.38,15.18 15.85,15.53L17.29,16.97C17.5,16.17 17.5,15.33 17.5,14.5Z",eA="M12,3L3,8.2V21H9L11.9,18L15,21H21V8.2L12,3M7.9,20V14L10.9,17L7.9,20M8.9,13H14.9L11.9,16L8.9,13M15.9,20L12.9,17L15.9,14V20M15,11H8.8V9H15V11Z",dA="M20 13C20.55 13 21 12.55 21 12S20.55 11 20 11H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4S20.55 3 20 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5H5V11H4C3.45 11 3 11.45 3 12S3.45 13 4 13H5V19H4C3.45 19 3 19.45 3 20S3.45 21 4 21H20C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20S20.55 19 20 19H19V13H20M12 16C10.34 16 9 14.68 9 13.05C9 11.75 9.5 11.38 12 8.5C14.47 11.36 15 11.74 15 13.05C15 14.68 13.66 16 12 16Z",mA="M9 13.05C9 14.68 10.34 16 12 16S15 14.68 15 13.05C15 11.74 14.47 11.36 12 8.5C9.5 11.38 9 11.75 9 13.05M20 13C20.55 13 21 12.55 21 12S20.55 11 20 11H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4S20.55 3 20 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5H5V11H4C3.45 11 3 11.45 3 12S3.45 13 4 13H5V19H4C3.45 19 3 19.45 3 20S3.45 21 4 21H20C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20S20.55 19 20 19H19V13H20M17 19H7V13C7.55 13 8 12.55 8 12S7.55 11 7 11V5H17V11C16.45 11 16 11.45 16 12S16.45 13 17 13V19Z",tA="M12,2C9.5,2 7.25,2.9 5.5,4.4C6,4.81 6.41,5.27 6.8,5.76L7.89,5.13L8.89,6.87L7.89,7.44C8.45,8.53 8.82,9.73 8.95,11H10V12L10,13H8.95C8.82,14.27 8.45,15.47 7.89,16.56L8.89,17.13L7.89,18.87L6.8,18.24C6.41,18.73 6,19.19 5.5,19.6C7.25,21.1 9.5,22 12,22C14.5,22 16.75,21.1 18.5,19.6C18,19.19 17.59,18.73 17.19,18.24L16.11,18.87L15.11,17.13L16.11,16.55C15.55,15.47 15.18,14.27 15.05,13H14V11H15.05C15.18,9.73 15.55,8.53 16.11,7.45L15.11,6.87L16.11,5.13L17.19,5.76C17.59,5.27 18,4.81 18.5,4.4C16.75,2.9 14.5,2 12,2M4.12,5.85C2.79,7.55 2,9.68 2,12C2,14.32 2.79,16.45 4.12,18.15C4.46,17.87 4.76,17.55 5.05,17.22L4.43,16.87L5.43,15.13L6.16,15.56C6.55,14.77 6.82,13.91 6.93,13H6V12L6,11H6.93C6.82,10.09 6.55,9.23 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11.2,20.56 11.2,19.78C11.2,19.16 11.06,18.43 10.78,17.6C10.5,16.77 10.17,16.09 9.8,15.56L12.19,13.22M8.81,14.5C7.88,13.67 6.8,13.15 5.58,12.91C4.36,12.68 3.19,12.75 2.06,13.13C2.03,12.91 2,12.53 2,12C2,10.97 2.25,9.82 2.72,8.55C3.19,7.29 3.77,6.27 4.45,5.5L11.11,12.19L8.81,14.5M15.56,7.73C14.22,6.08 13.91,4.28 14.63,2.34C15.25,2.5 15.96,2.8 16.76,3.26C17.55,3.71 18.2,4.16 18.7,4.59L15.56,7.73M21.66,9.38C21.06,9.59 20.44,9.7 19.78,9.7C18.69,9.7 17.64,9.38 16.64,8.72L19.73,5.67C20.61,6.77 21.25,8 21.66,9.38M12.19,11.11L5.5,4.45C7.67,2.55 10.22,1.75 13.13,2.06C12.91,2.72 12.8,3.44 12.8,4.22C12.8,4.94 12.96,5.75 13.29,6.66C13.62,7.56 14,8.28 14.5,8.81L12.19,11.11Z",bA="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H5V14H19V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M17,12H15V9H9V12H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V12M7,16V19.5L8,23L10,21L12,23L14,21L16,23L17,19.5V16H7Z",yA="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H6.57L8,23L10,21L12,23L14,21L16,23L17.43,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M21,16H18V14H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V14H6V16H3V4H21V16M9,14V9H15V14H9Z",RA="M0.75,8C0.75,8 5,7 8,9C8,9 8.5,12.75 10.5,12.75V11C10.5,11 11,12 12,12C13,12 13.5,11 13.5,11V12.75C15.5,12.75 16,9 16,9C19,7 23.25,8 23.25,8C21.25,9 21,12.5 21,12.5C17,12.5 17,15.75 17,15.75C12,14.75 12,18.5 12,18.5C12,18.5 12,14.75 7,15.75C7,15.75 7,12.5 3,12.5C3,12.5 2.75,9 0.75,8Z",xA="M7 5C8.11 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.11 9 7 9 5 8.11 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M20 13V4.83C20 3.27 18.73 2 17.17 2C16.42 2 15.7 2.3 15.17 2.83L13.92 4.08C13.76 4.03 13.59 4 13.41 4C13 4 12.64 4.12 12.33 4.32L15.09 7.08C15.29 6.77 15.41 6.4 15.41 6C15.41 5.82 15.38 5.66 15.34 5.5L16.59 4.24C16.74 4.09 16.95 4 17.17 4C17.63 4 18 4.37 18 4.83V13H11.15C10.85 12.79 10.58 12.55 10.33 12.28L8.93 10.73C8.74 10.5 8.5 10.35 8.24 10.23C7.93 10.08 7.59 10 7.24 10C6 10 5 11 5 12.25V13H2V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V13H20Z",DA="M7 5C8.11 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.11 9 7 9 5 8.11 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M20 13V4.83C20 3.27 18.73 2 17.17 2C16.42 2 15.7 2.3 15.17 2.83L13.92 4.08C13.76 4.03 13.59 4 13.41 4C13 4 12.64 4.12 12.33 4.32L15.09 7.08C15.29 6.77 15.41 6.4 15.41 6C15.41 5.82 15.38 5.66 15.34 5.5L16.59 4.24C16.74 4.09 16.95 4 17.17 4C17.63 4 18 4.37 18 4.83V13H11.15C10.85 12.79 10.58 12.55 10.33 12.28L8.93 10.73C8.74 10.5 8.5 10.35 8.24 10.23C7.93 10.08 7.59 10 7.24 10C6 10 5 11 5 12.25V13H2V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V13H20M20 19H4V15H20V19Z",EA="M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",NA="M16,18H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",WA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V18H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",IA="M16,17H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",GA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V17H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",QA="M16,15H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",UA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V15H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",zA="M16,14H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",_A="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V14H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",KA="M16,13H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",jA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V13H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",qA="M16,12H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",$A="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V12H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",XA="M16,10H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",YA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V10H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",JA="M16,9H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Ci="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V9H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",Hi="M16,8H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Vi="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V8H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",Li="M13 14H11V8H13M13 18H11V16H13M16.7 4H15V2H9V4H7.3C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.3V20.6C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.3 22H16.6C17.3 22 17.9 21.4 17.9 20.7V5.3C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.7 4Z",Mi="M5 2V4H3.3C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.3V20.6C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.3 22H12.6C13.3 22 13.9 21.4 13.9 20.7V5.3C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.7 4H11V2H5M19 8V11.8L16.7 9.5L16 10.2L18.8 13L16 15.8L16.7 16.5L19 14.2V18H19.5L22.4 15.1L20.2 13L22.3 10.9L19.5 8H19M7 8H9V14H7M20 9.9L20.9 10.8L20 11.8V9.9M20 14.2L20.9 15.1L20 16.1V14.2M7 16H9V18H7V16Z",Ai="M14.67 4H13V2H7V4H5.33C4.6 4 4 4.6 4 5.33V20.67C4 21.4 4.6 22 5.33 22H14.67C15.4 22 16 21.4 16 20.67V5.33C16 4.6 15.4 4 14.67 4M21 13H19V7H21V13M21 17H19V15H21V17Z",ii="M14 20H6V6H14M14.67 4H13V2H7V4H5.33C4.6 4 4 4.6 4 5.33V20.67C4 21.4 4.6 22 5.33 22H14.67C15.4 22 16 21.4 16 20.67V5.33C16 4.6 15.4 4 14.67 4M21 7H19V13H21V8M21 15H19V17H21V15Z",ri="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M14.94 18.5L17.94 21.5L20.94 18.5H18.94V14.5H16.94V18.5H14.94",ai="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M14.94 18.5L17.94 21.5L20.94 18.5H18.94V14.5H16.94V18.5H14.94",ei="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M20.94 17.5L17.94 14.5L14.94 17.5H16.94V21.5H18.94V17.5H20.94",di="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M20.94 17.5L17.94 14.5L14.94 17.5H16.94V21.5H18.94V17.5H20.94",mi="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",ti="M9,2V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4H15V2H9M11.83,8H12.33L15.18,10.85L13.04,13L15.17,15.14L12.33,18H11.83V14.21L9.54,16.5L8.83,15.79L11.62,13L8.83,10.21L9.54,9.5L11.83,11.79V8M12.83,9.91V11.79L13.77,10.85L12.83,9.91M12.83,14.21V16.08L13.77,15.14L12.83,14.21Z",vi="M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.66C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.66C17.4,22 18,21.4 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4M11,20V14.5H9L13,7V12.5H15",li="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12,18H4L4.05,6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",oi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",ni="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12.05,17H4.05V6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",Zi="M12,15H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",Si="M13 4H11V2H5V4H3C2.4 4 2 4.4 2 5V21C2 21.6 2.4 22 3 22H13C13.6 22 14 21.6 14 21V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4M12 14.5H4V6H12V14.5M23 11H20V4L15 14H18V22",ui="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,13H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",ci="M12,11H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",si="M12,10H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",Oi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,9H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",hi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,8H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",pi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M11 7H5V10H11V7M11 11.5H5V14.5H11V11.5M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",fi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",gi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M11 11.5H5V14.5H11V11.5M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",ki="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12,20H4L4.05,6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",Bi="M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76Z",Pi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,18.5H4V6H12V18.5Z",wi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,17H4V6H12V17Z",Fi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,16H4V6H12V16Z",Ti="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,14.5H4V6H12V14.5Z",bi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,13H4V6H12V13Z",yi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,11.6H4V6H12V11.6Z",Ri="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,10H4V6H12V10Z",xi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,9H4V6H12V9Z",Di="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,7.5H4V6H12V7.5Z",Ei="M13 4H11V2H5V4H3C2.4 4 2 4.4 2 5V21C2 21.6 2.4 22 3 22H13C13.6 22 14 21.6 14 21V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4M9 18H7V16H9V18M9 14H7V8H9V14M20.1 4.9L18.7 6.3C21.8 9.4 21.8 14.5 18.7 17.6L20.1 19C24 15.2 24 8.8 20.1 4.9M17.2 7.8L15.8 9.2C17.4 10.8 17.4 13.3 15.8 14.9L17.2 16.3C19.6 13.9 19.6 10.1 17.2 7.8Z",Ni="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,20H4V6H12V20Z",Wi="M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H13.54C12.58 20.94 12 19.54 12 18Z",Ii="M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16M12.35 20H8V6H16V12.35C16.63 12.13 17.3 12 18 12V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20Z",Gi="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.69 23 13.46 22.63 12.41 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",Qi="M18 9.29V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H12.41C13.46 22.63 14.69 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 12.83 20.89 10.15 18 9.29M8 6H16V9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.5 9.47 18.87 10.26 20H8V6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",Ui="M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 2 5.33V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 3.33 22H12.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 14 20.67V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 12.67 4M19 16.17L18.42 15.64C16.36 13.77 15 12.54 15 11A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 17.2 8.8A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 19 9.63A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 20.8 8.8A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 23 11C23 12.5 21.64 13.74 19.58 15.61Z",zi="M19 16.2L18.4 15.7C16.4 13.8 15 12.5 15 11C15 9.8 16 8.8 17.2 8.8C17.9 8.8 18.5 9.1 19 9.6C19.5 9.1 20.1 8.8 20.8 8.8C22 8.8 23 9.8 23 11C23 12.5 21.6 13.7 19.6 15.6L19 16.2M12.7 4H11V2H5V4H3.3C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.3V20.6C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.3 22H12.6C13.3 22 13.9 21.4 13.9 20.7V5.3C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.7 4M12 20H4V6H12V20Z",_i="M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 6 5.33V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 16.67 4M12.58 15.64L12 16.17L11.42 15.64C9.36 13.77 8 12.54 8 11A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 10.2 8.8A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 12 9.63A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 13.8 8.8A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 16 11C16 12.54 14.64 13.77 12.58 15.64Z",Ki="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16M15 7H9V10H15V7M15 11.5H9V14.5H15V11.5Z",ji="M19.8 16V14.5C19.8 13.1 18.4 12 17 12S14.2 13.1 14.2 14.5V16C13.6 16 13 16.6 13 17.2V20.7C13 21.4 13.6 22 14.2 22H19.7C20.4 22 21 21.4 21 20.8V17.3C21 16.6 20.4 16 19.8 16M18.5 16H15.5V14.5C15.5 13.7 16.2 13.2 17 13.2S18.5 13.7 18.5 14.5V16M11.27 22H5.33C4.6 22 4 21.4 4 20.67V5.33C4 4.6 4.6 4 5.33 4H7V2H13V4H14.67C15.4 4 16 4.6 16 5.33V10.11C13.86 10.55 12.2 12.38 12.2 14.5V14.74C11.5 15.34 11 16.24 11 17.2V20.7C11 21.16 11.1 21.6 11.27 22Z",qi="M19.8 16H15.5V13.5C15.5 12.7 16.2 12.2 17 12.2S18.5 12.7 18.5 13.5V14H19.8V13.5C19.8 12.1 18.4 11 17 11S14.2 12.1 14.2 13.5V16C13.6 16 13 16.6 13 17.2V20.7C13 21.4 13.6 22 14.2 22H19.7C20.4 22 21 21.4 21 20.8V17.3C21 16.6 20.4 16 19.8 16M11.27 22H5.33C4.6 22 4 21.4 4 20.67V5.33C4 4.6 4.6 4 5.33 4H7V2H13V4H14.67C15.4 4 16 4.6 16 5.33V9.11C13.86 9.55 12.2 11.38 12.2 13.5V14.74C11.5 15.34 11 16.24 11 17.2V20.7C11 20.93 11.03 21.15 11.07 21.37L11.08 21.39C11.12 21.6 11.19 21.8 11.27 22Z",$i="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16",Xi="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16M15 11.5H9V14.5H15V11.5Z",Yi="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",Ji="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",Cr="M16.67,4C17.4,4 18,4.6 18,5.33V20.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 16.67,22H7.33C6.6,22 6,21.4 6,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 7.33,4H9V2H15V4H16.67M8,12V14H16V12",Hr="M11.67,4A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 13,5.33V20.67C13,21.4 12.4,22 11.67,22H2.33C1.6,22 1,21.4 1,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 2.33,4H4V2H10V4H11.67M15,12H23V14H15V12M3,13H11V6H3V13Z",Vr="M18 14.8L7.21 4H9V2H15V4H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 1 18 5.33M18 17.35L3.38 2.73L2.11 4L6 7.89V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46Z",Lr="M18 17.35L3.38 2.73L2.11 4L6 7.89V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M16 20H8V9.89L16 17.89M16 6V12.8L18 14.8V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.21L9.21 6Z",Mr="M16,20H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Ar="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M22 17V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22Z",ir="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M22 17V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22Z",rr="M16.67,4C17.4,4 18,4.6 18,5.33V20.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 16.67,22H7.33C6.6,22 6,21.4 6,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 7.33,4H9V2H15V4H16.67M16,14V12H13V9H11V12H8V14H11V17H13V14H16Z",ar="M11.67,4A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 13,5.33V20.67C13,21.4 12.4,22 11.67,22H2.33C1.6,22 1,21.4 1,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 2.33,4H4V2H10V4H11.67M23,14H20V17H18V14H15V12H18V9H20V12H23V14M3,13H11V6H3V13Z",er="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12Z",dr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12Z",mr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M18 13L20.25 15.25L18 17.5V16C16.15 16 14.94 17.96 15.76 19.62L14.67 20.71C12.91 18.05 14.81 14.5 18 14.5V13M18 24L15.75 21.75L18 19.5V21C19.85 21 21.06 19.04 20.24 17.38L21.33 16.29C23.09 18.95 21.19 22.5 18 22.5V24",tr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M18 13L20.25 15.25L18 17.5V16C16.15 16 14.94 17.96 15.76 19.62L14.67 20.71C12.91 18.05 14.81 14.5 18 14.5V13M18 24L15.75 21.75L18 19.5V21C19.85 21 21.06 19.04 20.24 17.38L21.33 16.29C23.09 18.95 21.19 22.5 18 22.5V24",vr="M15.07,12.25L14.17,13.17C13.63,13.71 13.25,14.18 13.09,15H11.05C11.16,14.1 11.56,13.28 12.17,12.67L13.41,11.41C13.78,11.05 14,10.55 14,10C14,8.89 13.1,8 12,8A2,2 0 0,0 10,10H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,6A4,4 0 0,1 16,10C16,10.88 15.64,11.68 15.07,12.25M13,19H11V17H13M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.66C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67C17.4,22 18,21.4 18,20.66V5.33C18,4.59 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",lr="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.66C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.66V5.33C14,4.59 13.4,4 12.67,4H11V2H5M8,6A4,4 0 0,1 12,10C12,10.88 11.64,11.68 11.07,12.25L10.17,13.17C9.63,13.71 9.25,14.18 9.09,15H7.05C7.16,14.1 7.56,13.28 8.17,12.67L9.41,11.41C9.78,11.05 10,10.55 10,10C10,8.89 9.1,8 8,8A2,2 0 0,0 6,10H4A4,4 0 0,1 8,6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21M7,17H9V19H7V17Z",or="M15,18.54C17.13,18.21 19.5,18 22,18V22H5C5,21.35 8.2,19.86 13,18.9V12.4C12.16,12.65 11.45,13.21 11,13.95C10.39,12.93 9.27,12.25 8,12.25C6.73,12.25 5.61,12.93 5,13.95C5.03,10.37 8.5,7.43 13,7.04V7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7V7.04C19.5,7.43 22.96,10.37 23,13.95C22.39,12.93 21.27,12.25 20,12.25C18.73,12.25 17.61,12.93 17,13.95C16.55,13.21 15.84,12.65 15,12.39V18.54M7,2A5,5 0 0,1 2,7V2H7Z",nr="M3,3V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V3H3M7,9H10V10H7V9M7,11H10V12H7V11M10,16H7V15H10V16M12,14H7V13H12V14M12,8H7V7H12V8Z",Zr="M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Sr="M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3M7 5V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H17V5H7M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",ur="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",cr="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",sr="M23 17V19H15V17H23M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",Or="M23 17V19H15V17M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",hr="M3,3H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V3M7,5V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H17V5H7Z",pr="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",fr="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",gr="M0 3H18V5C16.9 5 16 5.9 16 7V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.1 2 19V7C2 5.9 1.1 5 0 5V3M4 9V10H7V9H4M4 11V12H7V11H4M7 16V15H4V16H7M9 14V13H4V14H9M9 8V7H4V8H9M21.5 15.5V17H20V15.5H21.5M19.5 10.5H18V10C18 8.34 19.34 7 21 7C22.66 7 24 8.34 24 10C24 10.97 23.5 11.88 22.71 12.41L22.41 12.6C21.84 13 21.5 13.62 21.5 14.3V14.5H20V14.3C20 13.11 20.6 12 21.59 11.35L21.88 11.16C22.27 10.9 22.5 10.47 22.5 10C22.5 9.18 21.83 8.5 21 8.5C20.17 8.5 19.5 9.17 19.5 10V10.5Z",kr="M0 3H18V5C16.9 5 16 5.9 16 7V19C16 20.11 15.11 21 14 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V7C2 5.9 1.11 5 0 5V3M4 5V7H9V8H4V9H7V10H4V11H7V12H4V13H9V14H4V15H7V16H4V19H14V5H4M21.5 15.5V17H20V15.5H21.5M19.5 10.5H18V10C18 8.34 19.34 7 21 7C22.66 7 24 8.34 24 10C24 10.97 23.5 11.88 22.71 12.41L22.41 12.6C21.84 13 21.5 13.62 21.5 14.3V14.5H20V14.3C20 13.11 20.6 12 21.59 11.35L21.88 11.16C22.27 10.9 22.5 10.47 22.5 10C22.5 9.18 21.83 8.5 21 8.5C20.17 8.5 19.5 9.17 19.5 10V10.5Z",Br="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",Pr="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",wr="M19,7H11V14H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7M7,13A3,3 0 0,0 10,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,7A3,3 0 0,0 4,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,13Z",Fr="M19.2 9.5L16 7.7V4H17.5V6.8L19.9 8.2L19.2 9.5M22.2 11.7C22.7 12.4 23 13.2 23 14V23H21V20H3V23H1V8H3V17H11V10.6C10.4 9.5 10 8.3 10 7C10 3.1 13.1 0 17 0S24 3.1 24 7C24 8.8 23.3 10.4 22.2 11.7M12 7C12 9.8 14.2 12 17 12S22 9.8 22 7 19.8 2 17 2 12 4.2 12 7M7 16C8.7 16 10 14.7 10 13S8.7 10 7 10 4 11.3 4 13 5.3 16 7 16Z",Tr="M18 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 16 5H8A2 2 0 0 0 6 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 4 12V17H5.33L6 19H7L7.67 17H16.33L17 19H18L18.67 17H20V12A2 2 0 0 0 18 10M11 10H8V7H11M16 10H13V7H16Z",br="M8 5C7.5 5 7 5.21 6.61 5.6S6 6.45 6 7V10C5.47 10 5 10.19 4.59 10.59S4 11.47 4 12V17H5.34L6 19H7L7.69 17H16.36L17 19H18L18.66 17H20V12C20 11.47 19.81 11 19.41 10.59S18.53 10 18 10V7C18 6.45 17.8 6 17.39 5.6S16.5 5 16 5M8 7H11V10H8M13 7H16V10H13M6 12H18V15H6Z",yr="M19,7H5V14H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7",Rr="M6 5C5.47 5 5 5.21 4.59 5.6S4 6.45 4 7V10C3.45 10 3 10.19 2.6 10.59S2 11.47 2 12V17H3.33L4 19H5L5.67 17H18.33L19 19H20L20.67 17H22V12C22 11.47 21.79 11 21.4 10.59C21 10.19 20.55 10 20 10V7C20 6.45 19.81 6 19.41 5.6S18.53 5 18 5M6 7H11V10H6M13 7H18V10H13Z",xr="M20 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 18 5H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 2 12V17H3.33L4 19H5L5.67 17H18.33L19 19H20L20.67 17H22V12A2 2 0 0 0 20 10M13 7H18V10H13M6 7H11V10H6M20 15H4V12H20Z",Dr="M7 14C8.66 14 10 12.66 10 11C10 9.34 8.66 8 7 8C5.34 8 4 9.34 4 11C4 12.66 5.34 14 7 14M7 10C7.55 10 8 10.45 8 11C8 11.55 7.55 12 7 12C6.45 12 6 11.55 6 11C6 10.45 6.45 10 7 10M19 7H11V15H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11C23 8.79 21.21 7 19 7M21 15H13V9H19C20.1 9 21 9.9 21 11Z",Er="M19 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 17 5H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 3 12V17H4.33L5 19H6L6.67 17H17.33L18 19H19L19.67 17H21V12A2 2 0 0 0 19 10M17 10H7V7H17Z",Nr="M19 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 17 5H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 3 12V17H4.33L5 19H6L6.67 17H17.33L18 19H19L19.67 17H21V12A2 2 0 0 0 19 10M7 7H17V10H7M19 15H5V12H19Z",Wr="M17 10V7C17 5.9 16.11 5 15 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V10C5.9 10 4.89 10.9 5 12V17H6.33L7 19H8L8.67 17H15.33L16 19H17L17.67 17H19V12C19 10.9 18.11 10 17 10M15 10H9V7H15Z",Ir="M17 10V7C17 5.9 16.11 5 15 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V10C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12V17H6.33L7 19H8L8.67 17H15.33L16 19H17L17.67 17H19V12C19 10.9 18.11 10 17 10M9 7H15V10H9M17 15H7V12H17Z",Gr="M17.4 9C17 7.8 16.2 7 15 6.5V5H14V6.4H13.6C12.5 6.4 11.6 6.8 10.8 7.6L10.4 8L9 7.5C8.7 7.4 8.4 7.3 8 7.3C7.4 7.3 6.8 7.5 6.3 7.9C5.7 8.3 5.4 8.8 5.2 9.3C5 10 5 10.6 5.2 11.3C5.5 12 5.8 12.5 6.3 12.8C5.9 14.3 6.2 15.6 7.3 16.7C8.1 17.5 9 17.9 10.1 17.9C10.6 17.9 10.9 17.9 11.2 17.8C11.8 18.6 12.6 19.1 13.6 19.1C13.9 19.1 14.3 19.1 14.6 19C15.2 18.8 15.6 18.4 16 17.9C16.4 17.3 16.6 16.8 16.6 16.2C16.6 15.8 16.6 15.5 16.5 15.2L16 13.6L16.6 13.2C17.4 12.4 17.8 11.3 17.7 10.1H19V9H17.4M7.7 11.3C7.1 11 6.9 10.6 7.1 10C7.3 9.4 7.7 9.2 8.3 9.4L11.5 10.6C9.9 11.4 8.7 11.6 7.7 11.3M14 16.9C13.4 17.1 13 16.9 12.7 16.3C12.4 15.3 12.6 14.1 13.4 12.5L14.6 15.6C14.8 16.3 14.6 16.7 14 16.9M15.2 11.6L14.6 10V9.9L14.3 9.6H14.2L12.6 9C13 8.7 13.4 8.5 13.9 8.5C14.4 8.5 14.9 8.7 15.3 9.1C15.7 9.5 15.9 9.9 15.9 10.4C15.7 10.7 15.5 11.2 15.2 11.6Z",Qr="M11.6 13V12.9L11.3 12.6H11.2L9.6 12C10 11.7 10.4 11.5 10.9 11.5C11.4 11.5 11.9 11.7 12.3 12.1C12.7 12.5 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.4C12.9 13.9 12.8 14.3 12.4 14.7L11.6 13M9.7 19.3C9.4 18.3 9.6 17.1 10.4 15.5L11.6 18.6C11.8 19.2 11.6 19.6 11 19.9C10.4 20.2 10 20 9.7 19.3M4.1 13.1C4.3 12.5 4.7 12.3 5.3 12.5L8.5 13.7C6.9 14.5 5.7 14.7 4.7 14.4C4.1 14.1 3.9 13.7 4.1 13.1M12 8.1H11V9.5H10.6C9.5 9.5 8.6 9.9 7.8 10.7L7.4 11.3L6 10.5C5.7 10.4 5.4 10.4 5 10.4C4.4 10.4 3.8 10.6 3.3 11S2.4 11.8 2.2 12.4C2 13.1 2 13.7 2.2 14.4C2.5 15.1 2.8 15.6 3.3 15.9C2.9 17.4 3.2 18.7 4.3 19.8C5.1 20.6 6 21 7.1 21C7.6 21 7.9 21 8.2 20.9C8.8 21.7 9.6 22.2 10.6 22.2C10.9 22.2 11.3 22.2 11.6 22.1C12.2 21.9 12.6 21.5 13 21C13.4 20.4 13.6 19.9 13.6 19.3C13.6 18.9 13.6 18.6 13.5 18.3L12.9 16.9L13.5 16.5C14.3 15.7 14.7 14.6 14.6 13.4H16V12.4H14.4C14 11.2 13.2 10.4 12 10V8.1M17.3 6.8C17.1 6.6 17 6.3 17 6.1C17 5.8 17.1 5.6 17.3 5.4C17.5 5.2 17.7 5.1 18 5.1S18.5 5.2 18.7 5.4C18.9 5.5 19 5.8 19 6.1C19 6.4 18.9 6.6 18.7 6.8C18.5 7 18.3 7 18 7S17.5 7 17.3 6.8M20.7 4.1H19.6L19.3 3.2C19.1 2.5 18.7 2.2 18 2.2C17.3 2.2 16.8 2.5 16.7 3.2L16.4 4.1H15.3C14.7 4.1 14.3 4.4 14 5C13.8 5.6 14 6.1 14.6 6.5L15.5 7L15.1 8.2C14.9 8.6 15 9 15.2 9.4C15.5 9.8 15.8 10 16.3 10C16.7 10 17 9.9 17.2 9.7L18 9.1L18.8 9.8C19 9.9 19.3 10 19.7 10C20.2 10 20.5 9.8 20.8 9.4C21 9 21.1 8.6 20.9 8.2L20.5 7L21.3 6.5C21.9 6.1 22.1 5.6 21.9 5C21.7 4.3 21.3 4.1 20.7 4.1Z",Ur="M1.1 3L4.7 6.5C3.7 7.2 3 8.2 3 9.5C3 10.1 3.2 10.7 3.5 11.2C2 11.6 1 12.9 1 14.5C1 15.8 1.7 16.8 2.7 17.5C2.2 18 2 18.7 2 19.5C2 21.4 3.6 23 5.5 23H18.5C19.3 23 20 22.7 20.6 22.3L21.3 23L22.6 21.7L2.4 1.7L1.1 3M9.2 11H6.5C5.7 11 5 10.3 5 9.5C5 8.8 5.5 8.2 6.2 8L9.2 11M9 21H5.5C4.7 21 4 20.3 4 19.5S4.7 18 5.5 18H9V21M9.2 16H4.5C3.7 16 3 15.3 3 14.5S3.7 13 4.5 13H11.2L12.2 14H12C10.7 14 9.6 14.8 9.2 16M18.5 21H15V18H16.2L19.1 20.9C18.9 21 18.7 21 18.5 21M7.1 3.9L5.7 2.5C6.3 1.6 7.3 1 8.5 1H15.5C17.4 1 19 2.6 19 4.5C19 5.1 18.8 5.7 18.5 6.2C20 6.6 21 7.9 21 9.5C21 10.1 20.8 10.7 20.5 11.2C21.9 11.7 23 13 23 14.5C23 15.8 22.3 16.8 21.3 17.5C21.6 17.9 21.8 18.3 21.9 18.7L19.2 16H19.5C20.3 16 21 15.3 21 14.5S20.3 13 19.5 13H16.2L14.2 11H17.5C18.3 11 19 10.3 19 9.5S18.3 8 17.5 8H11.2L9.2 6H15.5C16.3 6 17 5.3 17 4.5S16.3 3 15.5 3H8.5C7.9 3 7.3 3.4 7.1 3.9Z",zr="M23 14.5C23 12.94 21.97 11.63 20.55 11.18C20.83 10.68 21 10.11 21 9.5C21 7.94 19.97 6.63 18.55 6.18C18.83 5.68 19 5.11 19 4.5C19 2.57 17.43 1 15.5 1H8.5C6.57 1 5 2.57 5 4.5C5 5.11 5.17 5.68 5.45 6.18C4.04 6.63 3 7.94 3 9.5C3 10.11 3.17 10.68 3.45 11.18C2.04 11.63 1 12.94 1 14.5C1 15.76 1.67 16.84 2.67 17.46C2.25 18.03 2 18.74 2 19.5C2 21.43 3.57 23 5.5 23H18.5C20.43 23 22 21.43 22 19.5C22 18.74 21.75 18.03 21.33 17.46C22.33 16.84 23 15.76 23 14.5M8.5 3H15.5C16.33 3 17 3.67 17 4.5S16.33 6 15.5 6H8.5C7.67 6 7 5.33 7 4.5S7.67 3 8.5 3M6.5 8H17.5C18.33 8 19 8.67 19 9.5S18.33 11 17.5 11H6.5C5.67 11 5 10.33 5 9.5S5.67 8 6.5 8M4 19.5C4 18.67 4.67 18 5.5 18H9V21H5.5C4.67 21 4 20.33 4 19.5M18.5 21H15V18H18.5C19.33 18 20 18.67 20 19.5S19.33 21 18.5 21M19.5 16H14.82C14.4 14.84 13.3 14 12 14S9.6 14.84 9.18 16H4.5C3.67 16 3 15.33 3 14.5S3.67 13 4.5 13H19.5C20.33 13 21 13.67 21 14.5S20.33 16 19.5 16Z",_r="M19 5H16C16 3.34 14.21 2 12 2C9.79 2 8 3.34 8 5H5C4.45 5 4 5.45 4 6S4.45 7 5 7V14C5 15.11 5.9 16 7 16H17C18.11 16 19 15.11 19 14V7C19.55 7 20 6.55 20 6S19.55 5 19 5M17 14H7V7H17V14M15.86 8C15.94 8.32 16 8.65 16 9C16 11.21 14.21 13 12 13S8 11.21 8 9C8 8.65 8.06 8.32 8.14 8H10.28C10.11 8.3 10 8.63 10 9C10 10.1 10.9 11 12 11S14 10.1 14 9C14 8.63 13.89 8.3 13.72 8H15.86M20 19V22H4V19C4 18.22 4.47 17.55 5.18 17H12C9.28 17 6.19 18.29 6 19V20H18V19C17.81 18.29 14.72 17 12 17H18.82C19.53 17.55 20 18.22 20 19Z",Kr="M4,2H19L17,22H6L4,2M6.2,4L7.8,20H8.8L7.43,6.34C8.5,6 9.89,5.89 11,7C12.56,8.56 15.33,7.69 16.5,7.23L16.8,4H6.2Z",jr="M4 2L6 22H17L19 2H4M6.2 4H16.8L16.5 7.23C13.18 8.5 11.85 7.67 11.38 7.31C11.13 7.12 10.77 6.69 10.11 6.39C9.45 6.08 8.55 6 7.5 6.32C7.09 6.43 6.77 6.61 6.5 6.79L6.2 4M8.86 8.11C9.05 8.11 9.16 8.15 9.27 8.2C9.5 8.3 9.71 8.55 10.17 8.9C11.03 9.56 13.03 10.36 16.26 9.41L15.2 20H7.8L6.71 9.06C6.76 9 6.91 8.89 7.17 8.71C7.5 8.5 7.91 8.28 8 8.25L8 8.25H8.03C8.41 8.14 8.67 8.1 8.86 8.11Z",qr="M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M14,21A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21",$r="M23 7V13H21V7M21 15H23V17H21M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 14 21Z",Xr="M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M12 6A5 5 0 0 1 17 11V18H7V11A5 5 0 0 1 12 6M21 7V13H23V7H21M21 15V17H23V15H21M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 14 21H10Z",Yr="M21 6.5C21 8.43 19.43 10 17.5 10S14 8.43 14 6.5 15.57 3 17.5 3 21 4.57 21 6.5M19 11.79C18.5 11.92 18 12 17.5 12C14.47 12 12 9.53 12 6.5C12 5.03 12.58 3.7 13.5 2.71C13.15 2.28 12.61 2 12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.29C7.03 5.17 5 7.9 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11.79M12 23C13.11 23 14 22.11 14 21H10C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23Z",Jr="M19 17V11.8C18.5 11.9 18 12 17.5 12H17V18H7V11C7 8.2 9.2 6 12 6C12.1 4.7 12.7 3.6 13.5 2.7C13.2 2.3 12.6 2 12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.3C7 5.2 5 7.9 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17M10 21C10 22.1 10.9 23 12 23S14 22.1 14 21H10M21 6.5C21 8.4 19.4 10 17.5 10S14 8.4 14 6.5 15.6 3 17.5 3 21 4.6 21 6.5",Ca="M17.5 13A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 13 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 22A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 22 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 13M17.5 14.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.08 19L16 14.92A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 20.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.92 16M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 17.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19 11.18V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.5 23 12.97 22.81 13.33 22.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 12.03 21Z",Ha="M17.5 13A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 13 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 22A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 22 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 13M17.5 14.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.08 19L16 14.92A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 20.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.92 16M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11.03 18H7V11A5 5 0 0 1 12 6A5 5 0 0 1 17 11V11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 17.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19 11.18V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.5 23 12.97 22.81 13.33 22.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 12.03 21Z",Va="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M3 20V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7.03 5.18 10 4.29V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4V4.29C16.97 5.18 19 7.9 19 11V12.08L18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H3M12 23C10.9 23 10 22.11 10 21H12.8C13.04 21.41 13.33 21.79 13.65 22.13C13.29 22.66 12.69 23 12 23Z",La="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M10 21H12.8C13.04 21.41 13.33 21.79 13.65 22.13C13.29 22.66 12.69 23 12 23C10.9 23 10 22.11 10 21M3 20V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7.03 5.18 10 4.29V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4V4.29C16.97 5.18 19 7.9 19 11V12.08L18 12L17 12.08V11C17 8.24 14.76 6 12 6C9.24 6 7 8.24 7 11V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H3Z",Ma="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M17,16V15L16,14V11.39C16,10.3 15.73,9.34 15.21,8.53C14.7,7.72 13.96,7.21 13,7V6.5A1,1 0 0,0 12,5.5A1,1 0 0,0 11,6.5V7C10.04,7.21 9.3,7.72 8.79,8.53C8.27,9.34 8,10.3 8,11.39V14L7,15V16H17M13.5,17H10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17Z",Aa="M17,16H7V15L8,14V11.39C8,10.3 8.27,9.34 8.79,8.53C9.3,7.72 10.04,7.21 11,7V6.5A1,1 0 0,1 12,5.5A1,1 0 0,1 13,6.5V7C13.96,7.21 14.7,7.72 15.21,8.53C15.73,9.34 16,10.3 16,11.39V14L17,15V16M13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,17H13.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",ia="M19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7.03 5.17 10 4.29V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.29C16.97 5.17 19 7.9 19 11V12M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.39 23 12.75 22.88 13.06 22.69C12.74 22.17 12.5 21.6 12.3 21H10M23.77 20.32C23.87 20.39 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.77 22.5 22.64 22.5 22.53 22.5L21.28 21.97C21 22.17 20.75 22.34 20.44 22.47L20.25 23.79C20.23 23.91 20.13 24 20 24H18C17.88 24 17.77 23.91 17.75 23.79L17.57 22.47C17.25 22.34 17 22.17 16.72 21.97L15.5 22.5C15.37 22.5 15.23 22.5 15.17 22.37L14.17 20.64C14.11 20.53 14.14 20.39 14.23 20.32L15.29 19.5C15.27 19.33 15.25 19.17 15.25 19S15.27 18.67 15.29 18.5L14.23 17.68C14.14 17.61 14.11 17.5 14.17 17.36L15.17 15.64C15.23 15.53 15.37 15.5 15.5 15.53L16.72 16C17 15.83 17.25 15.66 17.57 15.54L17.75 14.21C17.77 14.09 17.88 14 18 14H20C20.13 14 20.23 14.09 20.25 14.21L20.44 15.54C20.75 15.66 21 15.83 21.28 16L22.53 15.53C22.64 15.5 22.77 15.53 22.83 15.64L23.83 17.36C23.89 17.5 23.87 17.61 23.77 17.68L22.72 18.5C22.74 18.67 22.75 18.84 22.75 19S22.74 19.33 22.72 19.5L23.77 20.32M20.75 19C20.75 18.03 19.97 17.25 19 17.25S17.25 18.03 17.25 19 18.04 20.75 19 20.75 20.75 19.97 20.75 19Z",ra="M22.72 19.5C22.74 19.33 22.75 19.17 22.75 19S22.74 18.67 22.72 18.5L23.77 17.68C23.87 17.61 23.89 17.5 23.83 17.36L22.83 15.64C22.77 15.53 22.64 15.5 22.53 15.53L21.28 16C21 15.83 20.75 15.66 20.44 15.54L20.25 14.21C20.23 14.09 20.13 14 20 14H18C17.88 14 17.77 14.09 17.75 14.21L17.57 15.54C17.25 15.66 17 15.83 16.72 16L15.5 15.53C15.37 15.5 15.23 15.53 15.17 15.64L14.17 17.36C14.11 17.5 14.14 17.61 14.23 17.68L15.29 18.5C15.27 18.67 15.25 18.84 15.25 19S15.27 19.33 15.29 19.5L14.23 20.32C14.14 20.39 14.11 20.53 14.17 20.64L15.17 22.37C15.23 22.5 15.37 22.5 15.5 22.5L16.72 21.97C17 22.17 17.25 22.34 17.57 22.47L17.75 23.79C17.77 23.91 17.88 24 18 24H20C20.13 24 20.23 23.91 20.25 23.79L20.44 22.47C20.75 22.34 21 22.17 21.28 21.97L22.53 22.5C22.64 22.5 22.77 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.87 20.39 23.77 20.32L22.72 19.5M19 20.75C18.04 20.75 17.25 19.97 17.25 19S18.04 17.25 19 17.25 20.75 18.03 20.75 19 19.97 20.75 19 20.75M12.08 20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7 5.2 10 4.3V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.3C17 5.2 19 7.9 19 11V12C18.31 12 17.63 12.11 17 12.29V11C17 8.2 14.8 6 12 6S7 8.2 7 11V18H12.08C12.03 18.33 12 18.66 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20M12.3 21C12.5 21.6 12.74 22.17 13.06 22.69C12.75 22.88 12.39 23 12 23C10.9 23 10 22.1 10 21H12.3Z",aa="M22 19V17H14V19H22M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21H10Z",ea="M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11C7 8.24 9.24 6 12 6S17 8.24 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.03 17.67 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29V4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M14 17V19H22V17M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21H10Z",da="M20.84,22.73L18.11,20H3V19L5,17V11C5,9.86 5.29,8.73 5.83,7.72L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73M19,15.8V11C19,7.9 16.97,5.17 14,4.29C14,4.19 14,4.1 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,2A2,2 0 0,0 10,4C10,4.1 10,4.19 10,4.29C9.39,4.47 8.8,4.74 8.26,5.09L19,15.8M12,23A2,2 0 0,0 14,21H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,23Z",ma="M22.11,21.46L2.39,1.73L1.11,3L5.83,7.72C5.29,8.73 5,9.86 5,11V17L3,19V20H18.11L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46M7,18V11C7,10.39 7.11,9.79 7.34,9.23L16.11,18H7M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M8.29,5.09C8.82,4.75 9.4,4.5 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V15.8L17,13.8V11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6C11.22,6 10.45,6.2 9.76,6.56L8.29,5.09Z",ta="M10 21H14C14 22.1 13.1 23 12 23S10 22.1 10 21M21 19V20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7 5.2 10 4.3V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.3C17 5.2 19 7.9 19 11V17L21 19M17 11C17 8.2 14.8 6 12 6S7 8.2 7 11V18H17V11Z",va="M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35A6 6 0 0 1 12 18A6 6 0 0 1 18 12A6 6 0 0 1 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 13.65 22.13A6 6 0 0 1 12.81 21Z",la="M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11C7 8.24 9.24 6 12 6C14.76 6 17 8.24 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.03 17.67 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",oa="M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.46L14.46 15.88L16.59 18L14.46 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",na="M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.46L14.46 15.88L16.59 18L14.46 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11A5 5 0 0 1 12 6A5 5 0 0 1 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.04 17.66 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",Za="M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M14,21A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M19.75,3.19L18.33,4.61C20.04,6.3 21,8.6 21,11H23C23,8.07 21.84,5.25 19.75,3.19M1,11H3C3,8.6 3.96,6.3 5.67,4.61L4.25,3.19C2.16,5.25 1,8.07 1,11Z",Sa="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M17,11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6A5,5 0 0,0 7,11V18H17V11M19.75,3.19L18.33,4.61C20.04,6.3 21,8.6 21,11H23C23,8.07 21.84,5.25 19.75,3.19M1,11H3C3,8.6 3.96,6.3 5.67,4.61L4.25,3.19C2.16,5.25 1,8.07 1,11Z",ua="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M15,9H9V11H12.24L9,13.7V16H15V14H11.76L15,11.3V9Z",ca="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M17,11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6A5,5 0 0,0 7,11V18H17V11M9,9V11H12.24L9,13.7V16H15V14H11.76L15,11.3V9H9Z",sa="M23 13H1V15H3V19H5V15H19V19H21V15H23V13Z",Oa="M4 5C3.45 5 3 5.45 3 6V10C3 10.55 3.45 11 4 11H5V13H1V15H3V19H5V15H19V19H21V15H23V13H19V11H20C20.55 11 21 10.55 21 10V6C21 5.45 20.55 5 20 5H4M17 11V13H7V11H17Z",ha="M9.23,17.59V23.12H6.88V6.72C6.88,5.27 7.31,4.13 8.16,3.28C9,2.43 10.17,2 11.61,2C13,2 14.07,2.34 14.87,3C15.66,3.68 16.05,4.62 16.05,5.81C16.05,6.63 15.79,7.4 15.27,8.11C14.75,8.82 14.08,9.31 13.25,9.58V9.62C14.5,9.82 15.47,10.27 16.13,11C16.79,11.71 17.12,12.62 17.12,13.74C17.12,15.06 16.66,16.14 15.75,16.97C14.83,17.8 13.63,18.21 12.13,18.21C11.07,18.21 10.1,18 9.23,17.59M10.72,10.75V8.83C11.59,8.72 12.3,8.4 12.87,7.86C13.43,7.31 13.71,6.7 13.71,6C13.71,4.62 13,3.92 11.6,3.92C10.84,3.92 10.25,4.16 9.84,4.65C9.43,5.14 9.23,5.82 9.23,6.71V15.5C10.14,16.03 11.03,16.29 11.89,16.29C12.73,16.29 13.39,16.07 13.86,15.64C14.33,15.2 14.56,14.58 14.56,13.79C14.56,12 13.28,11 10.72,10.75Z",pa="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M8,9A4,4 0 0,1 12,13A4,4 0 0,1 8,17A4,4 0 0,1 4,13A4,4 0 0,1 8,9M13,9H20V17H13V9M8,11A2,2 0 0,0 6,13A2,2 0 0,0 8,15A2,2 0 0,0 10,13A2,2 0 0,0 8,11Z",fa="M12.88,3.64C13.65,3.64 14.28,4.27 14.28,5.04C14.28,5.81 13.65,6.44 12.88,6.44C12.11,6.44 11.5,5.81 11.5,5.04C11.5,4.27 12.11,3.64 12.88,3.64M15,13H16.5V19H15V13M15,8.5H16.5V10H15V8.5M10.04,2.6L8,2.04L6.06,8.58L3.9,11.42L7.17,12.37L10.04,2.6M19.67,18.55C19.31,18.93 18.88,19.5 18.4,19.7C17.91,19.92 17.54,20 17,20H13.5L13.43,17C13.42,16.83 13.37,16.67 13.28,16.5L10.88,12.24L11.76,9.5C12.34,10.55 13,11.73 13.06,11.83C13.21,12 13.45,12.13 13.69,12.13H15.9A0.81,0.81 0 0,0 16.71,11.32C16.71,10.9 16.38,10.56 15.96,10.53L14.29,10.4L12.4,7C12.4,7 12,6.42 11.14,6.42C10.27,6.42 10,6.84 9.83,7.42L6,20H3V22H17C18.37,22 19.53,21.34 20.5,20.37L19.67,18.55M9.75,14.39L11.62,17.39L11.75,20H7.75L9.75,14.39Z",ga="M19 10C18.44 10 17.91 10.11 17.41 10.28L14.46 4.5H11V6H13.54L14.42 7.72L12 13.13L10.23 8.95C10.5 8.85 10.74 8.58 10.74 8.25C10.74 7.84 10.41 7.5 10 7.5H8C7.58 7.5 7.24 7.84 7.24 8.25S7.58 9 8 9H8.61L10.86 14.25H9.92C9.56 11.85 7.5 10 5 10C2.24 10 0 12.24 0 15S2.24 20 5 20C7.5 20 9.56 18.15 9.92 15.75H12.5L15.29 9.43L16.08 10.96C14.82 11.87 14 13.34 14 15C14 17.76 16.24 20 19 20S24 17.76 24 15 21.76 10 19 10M5 18.5C3.07 18.5 1.5 16.93 1.5 15S3.07 11.5 5 11.5C6.67 11.5 8.07 12.68 8.41 14.25H4V15.75H8.41C8.07 17.32 6.67 18.5 5 18.5M19 18.5C17.07 18.5 15.5 16.93 15.5 15C15.5 13.92 16 12.97 16.77 12.33L18.57 15.85L19.89 15.13L18.1 11.63C18.39 11.56 18.69 11.5 19 11.5C20.93 11.5 22.5 13.07 22.5 15S20.93 18.5 19 18.5Z",ka="M11.74 13.36L14.14 7.71L13.06 5.5H10.5V4H14L14.73 5.5H21.75L20.75 9H16.44L17.11 10.37C17.69 10.13 18.33 10 19 10C21.76 10 24 12.24 24 15C24 17.76 21.76 20 19 20C16.24 20 14 17.76 14 15C14 13.45 14.71 12.06 15.82 11.15L15 9.5L12.25 16H9.9C9.44 18.28 7.42 20 5 20C2.24 20 0 17.76 0 15C0 12.24 2.24 10 5 10C7.59 10 9.72 11.97 10 14.5H10.58L8.3 9H7.5C7.09 9 6.75 8.66 6.75 8.25C6.75 7.84 7.09 7.5 7.5 7.5H10.25C10.66 7.5 11 7.84 11 8.25C11 8.66 10.66 9 10.25 9H9.97L11.74 13.36M5 11.5C3.07 11.5 1.5 13.07 1.5 15C1.5 16.93 3.07 18.5 5 18.5C6.59 18.5 7.93 17.45 8.36 16H4V14.5H8.47C8.22 12.8 6.76 11.5 5 11.5M19 11.5C18.57 11.5 18.15 11.58 17.77 11.72L19.7 15.68L18.35 16.34L16.5 12.55C15.88 13.18 15.5 14.05 15.5 15C15.5 16.93 17.07 18.5 19 18.5C20.93 18.5 22.5 16.93 22.5 15C22.5 13.07 20.93 11.5 19 11.5Z",Ba="M21 11.5V10L13.5 9V5H9V6.5H12V14.3H11L9 10C9.3 9.9 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.3C9.5 8.9 9.2 8.5 8.8 8.5H6.8C6.3 8.5 6 8.8 6 9.2S6.3 10 6.8 10H7.4L9.4 14.2H7.9C7.6 12.4 6 11 4 11C1.8 11 0 12.8 0 15S1.8 19 4 19C6 19 7.6 17.6 7.9 15.8H16.5C16.7 13.4 18.6 11.5 21 11.5M6.4 15.8C6.1 16.8 5.1 17.6 4 17.6C2.6 17.6 1.5 16.5 1.5 15.1S2.6 12.6 4 12.6C5.1 12.6 6.1 13.3 6.4 14.4H4V15.9H6.4M21 13C19.3 13 18 14.3 18 16S19.3 19 21 19 24 17.7 24 16 22.7 13 21 13M21 17.5C20.2 17.5 19.5 16.8 19.5 16S20.2 14.5 21 14.5 22.5 15.2 22.5 16 21.8 17.5 21 17.5Z",Pa="M19 7C18.44 7 17.91 7.11 17.41 7.28L14.46 1.5H11V3H13.54L14.42 4.72L12 10.13L10.23 5.95C10.5 5.85 10.74 5.58 10.74 5.25C10.74 4.84 10.41 4.5 10 4.5H8C7.58 4.5 7.24 4.84 7.24 5.25S7.58 6 8 6H8.61L10.86 11.25H9.92C9.56 8.85 7.5 7 5 7C2.24 7 0 9.24 0 12S2.24 17 5 17C7.5 17 9.56 15.15 9.92 12.75H12.5L15.29 6.43L16.08 7.96C14.82 8.87 14 10.34 14 12C14 14.76 16.24 17 19 17S24 14.76 24 12 21.76 7 19 7M5 15.5C3.07 15.5 1.5 13.93 1.5 12S3.07 8.5 5 8.5C6.67 8.5 8.07 9.68 8.41 11.25H4V12.75H8.41C8.07 14.32 6.67 15.5 5 15.5M19 15.5C17.07 15.5 15.5 13.93 15.5 12C15.5 10.92 16 9.97 16.77 9.33L18.57 12.85L19.89 12.13L18.1 8.63C18.39 8.56 18.69 8.5 19 8.5C20.93 8.5 22.5 10.07 22.5 12S20.93 15.5 19 15.5M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",wa="M15.5 5.06V2H12V4H13.5V5.04C12.71 5.11 11.94 5.27 11.2 5.5C11.03 5.2 10.72 5 10.36 5H7C6.45 5 6 5.45 6 6S6.45 7 7 7H8.05C5.09 9 3.12 12.36 3 16.18C1.85 16.59 1 17.69 1 19C1 20.66 2.34 22 4 22S7 20.66 7 19C7 17.7 6.17 16.61 5 16.19C5.07 14.67 5.46 13.25 6.14 12C6.05 12.5 6 13 6 13.5C6 18.19 9.81 22 14.5 22C19.19 22 23 18.19 23 13.5C23 9.14 19.72 5.56 15.5 5.06M4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19S3.45 18 4 18 5 18.45 5 19 4.55 20 4 20M14.5 20C10.92 20 8 17.08 8 13.5C8 10.26 10.39 7.57 13.5 7.09V15H15.5V7.09C18.61 7.57 21 10.26 21 13.5C21 17.08 18.08 20 14.5 20Z",Fa="M5,20.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 1.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5,13.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5,20.5M5,12A5,5 0 0,0 0,17A5,5 0 0,0 5,22A5,5 0 0,0 10,17A5,5 0 0,0 5,12M14.8,10H19V8.2H15.8L13.86,4.93C13.57,4.43 13,4.1 12.4,4.1C11.93,4.1 11.5,4.29 11.2,4.6L7.5,8.29C7.19,8.6 7,9 7,9.5C7,10.13 7.33,10.66 7.85,10.97L11.2,13V18H13V11.5L10.75,9.85L13.07,7.5M19,20.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19,13.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19,20.5M19,12A5,5 0 0,0 14,17A5,5 0 0,0 19,22A5,5 0 0,0 24,17A5,5 0 0,0 19,12M16,4.8C17,4.8 17.8,4 17.8,3C17.8,2 17,1.2 16,1.2C15,1.2 14.2,2 14.2,3C14.2,4 15,4.8 16,4.8Z",Ta="M16 1.2C15 1.2 14.2 2 14.2 3S15 4.8 16 4.8 17.8 4 17.8 3 17 1.2 16 1.2M12.4 4.1C11.93 4.1 11.5 4.29 11.2 4.6L7.5 8.29C7.19 8.6 7 9 7 9.5C7 10.13 7.33 10.66 7.85 10.97L11.2 13V18H13V11.5L10.75 9.85L13.07 7.5L14.8 10H19V8.2H15.8L13.86 4.93C13.57 4.43 13 4.1 12.4 4.1M10 3H3C2.45 3 2 2.55 2 2S2.45 1 3 1H12.79C12.58 1.34 12.41 1.71 12.32 2.11C11.46 2.13 10.65 2.45 10 3M5 12C2.24 12 0 14.24 0 17S2.24 22 5 22 10 19.76 10 17 7.76 12 5 12M5 20.5C3.07 20.5 1.5 18.93 1.5 17S3.07 13.5 5 13.5 8.5 15.07 8.5 17 6.93 20.5 5 20.5M19 12C16.24 12 14 14.24 14 17S16.24 22 19 22 24 19.76 24 17 21.76 12 19 12M19 20.5C17.07 20.5 15.5 18.93 15.5 17S17.07 13.5 19 13.5 22.5 15.07 22.5 17 20.93 20.5 19 20.5M5.32 11H1C.448 11 0 10.55 0 10S.448 9 1 9H5.05C5.03 9.16 5 9.33 5 9.5C5 10.03 5.12 10.54 5.32 11M6 7H2C1.45 7 1 6.55 1 6S1.45 5 2 5H7.97L6.09 6.87C6.05 6.91 6 6.96 6 7Z",ba="M6.85 5C5.87 5 5.04 5.71 4.87 6.67L4 12L4.87 17.33C5.04 18.29 5.87 19 6.85 19H14.15C15.13 19 15.97 18.29 16.13 17.33L16.68 14H18V13H20V11H18V10H16.68L16.13 6.67C15.97 5.71 15.13 5 14.15 5H6.85M6.85 7H14.15L14.82 11H6.18L6.85 7M6.18 13H14.82L14.15 17H6.85L6.18 13Z",ya="M14.43 16.11L15.28 14H16V13H20V11H16V10H15.28L14.43 7.89C14 6.75 12.87 6 11.65 6H9.35C8.13 6 7 6.75 6.57 7.89L5.37 10.89C5.08 11.6 5.08 12.4 5.37 13.11L6.57 16.11C7 17.25 8.13 18 9.35 18H11.65C12.87 18 14 17.25 14.43 16.11M9.35 8H11.65C12.06 8 12.42 8.25 12.57 8.63L13.12 10H7.88L8.43 8.63C8.58 8.25 8.95 8 9.35 8M8.43 15.37L7.88 14H13.12L12.57 15.37C12.42 15.75 12.05 16 11.65 16H9.35C8.95 16 8.58 15.75 8.43 15.37Z",Ra="M6.82 5C5.87 5 5.05 5.67 4.86 6.61L4.04 10.71C4 10.84 4 10.97 4 11.1V12.9C4 13.03 4 13.16 4.04 13.29L4.86 17.39C5.05 18.33 5.87 19 6.82 19H13.38C14.14 19 14.83 18.57 15.17 17.89L16.79 14.66C16.89 14.45 16.96 14.23 17 14H18V13H20V11H18V10H17C16.96 9.77 16.89 9.55 16.79 9.34L15.17 6.11C14.83 5.43 14.14 5 13.38 5H6.82M6.82 7H7.38L9.88 12L7.38 17H6.82L6 12.9V11.1L6.82 7M11.62 11L9.62 7H13.38L15 10.24V11H11.62M11.62 13H15V13.76L13.38 17H9.62L11.62 13Z",xa="M20 22H18V17H20M6 22H4V17H6M23 4V13A2 2 0 0 1 21 15H3A2 2 0 0 1 1 13V4A2 2 0 0 1 3 2H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 4M21 4H3V13H21M20 6H15V8H20M18 9H15V11H18M14 11H4L6.73 7.36L8.73 10.09L9.46 9.55L8.2 7.82L9.91 5.55Z",Da="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17M12,1C5.92,1 1,5.92 1,12C1,18.08 5.92,23 12,23C18.08,23 23,18.08 23,12C23,5.92 18.08,1 12,1M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19Z",Ea="M20.31,16.44L14.54,6.47C13.72,5.04 11.89,4.55 10.46,5.38C10,5.64 9.63,6 9.36,6.47L3.6,16.44C2.77,17.87 3.26,19.69 4.69,20.5C5.14,20.78 5.65,20.92 6.18,20.92H17.73C19.38,20.91 20.72,19.57 20.71,17.92C20.71,17.4 20.57,16.89 20.31,16.44M5.37,17.43L11.11,7.47C11.38,7 12,6.82 12.46,7.1C12.62,7.18 12.75,7.31 12.84,7.47L18.58,17.43C18.85,17.91 18.69,18.5 18.21,18.79C18.06,18.88 17.89,18.93 17.72,18.93H6.21C5.66,18.92 5.21,18.47 5.22,17.92C5.22,17.75 5.26,17.58 5.35,17.43H5.37M11.97,13.45C10.87,13.45 10,12.56 10,11.46C10,10.35 10.87,9.46 11.97,9.46A2,2 0 0,1 13.97,11.46C13.97,12.56 13.07,13.45 11.95,13.45H11.97M9.46,17.93C8.36,17.93 7.47,17.04 7.47,15.94C7.47,14.84 8.36,13.95 9.46,13.95C10.56,13.95 11.46,14.84 11.46,15.94C11.46,17.04 10.56,17.93 9.46,17.93M14.44,17.93A2,2 0 0,1 12.45,15.94A2,2 0 0,1 14.44,13.95C15.54,13.95 16.44,14.84 16.44,15.94C16.44,17.04 15.54,17.93 14.44,17.93Z",Na="M11,6H13V13H11V6M9,20A1,1 0 0,1 8,21H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,20V15L6,6H10V13A1,1 0 0,1 9,14V20M10,5H7V3H10V5M15,20V14A1,1 0 0,1 14,13V6H18L20,15V20A1,1 0 0,1 19,21H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,20M14,5V3H17V5H14Z",Wa="M17,12H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,14V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H17A2,2 0 0,1 15,17V14A2,2 0 0,1 17,12M17,14V17H20V14H17M2,7H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 7,13A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V17A2,2 0 0,1 7,19H2V13L2,7M4,9V12H7V9H4M4,17H7V14H4V17M11,13H13V19H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",Ia="M23,16.06C23,16.29 23,16.5 22.96,16.7C22.78,14.14 20.64,12.11 18,12.11C17.63,12.11 17.27,12.16 16.92,12.23C16.96,12.5 17,12.73 17,13C17,15.35 15.31,17.32 13.07,17.81C13.42,20.05 15.31,21.79 17.65,21.96C17.43,22 17.22,22 17,22C14.92,22 13.07,20.94 12,19.34C10.93,20.94 9.09,22 7,22C6.78,22 6.57,22 6.35,21.96C8.69,21.79 10.57,20.06 10.93,17.81C8.68,17.32 7,15.35 7,13C7,12.73 7.04,12.5 7.07,12.23C6.73,12.16 6.37,12.11 6,12.11C3.36,12.11 1.22,14.14 1.03,16.7C1,16.5 1,16.29 1,16.06C1,12.85 3.59,10.24 6.81,10.14C6.3,9.27 6,8.25 6,7.17C6,4.94 7.23,3 9.06,2C7.81,2.9 7,4.34 7,6C7,7.35 7.56,8.59 8.47,9.5C9.38,8.59 10.62,8.04 12,8.04C13.37,8.04 14.62,8.59 15.5,9.5C16.43,8.59 17,7.35 17,6C17,4.34 16.18,2.9 14.94,2C16.77,3 18,4.94 18,7.17C18,8.25 17.7,9.27 17.19,10.14C20.42,10.24 23,12.85 23,16.06M9.27,10.11C10.05,10.62 11,10.92 12,10.92C13,10.92 13.95,10.62 14.73,10.11C14,9.45 13.06,9.03 12,9.03C10.94,9.03 10,9.45 9.27,10.11M12,14.47C12.82,14.47 13.5,13.8 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,13C10.5,13.8 11.17,14.47 12,14.47M10.97,16.79C10.87,14.9 9.71,13.29 8.05,12.55C8.03,12.7 8,12.84 8,13C8,14.82 9.27,16.34 10.97,16.79M15.96,12.55C14.29,13.29 13.12,14.9 13,16.79C14.73,16.34 16,14.82 16,13C16,12.84 15.97,12.7 15.96,12.55Z",Ga="M23 11.5L19.95 10.37C19.69 9.22 19.04 8.56 19.04 8.56C17.4 6.92 14.75 6.92 13.11 8.56L11.63 10.04L5 3C4 7 5 11 7.45 14.22L2 19.5C2 19.5 10.89 21.5 16.07 17.45C18.83 15.29 19.45 14.03 19.84 12.7L23 11.5M17.71 11.72C17.32 12.11 16.68 12.11 16.29 11.72C15.9 11.33 15.9 10.7 16.29 10.31C16.68 9.92 17.32 9.92 17.71 10.31C18.1 10.7 18.1 11.33 17.71 11.72Z",Qa="M2.65 3C2.3 3 2 3.3 2 3.65C2 3.69 2 3.73 2 3.77L4.73 20.27C4.8 20.69 5.16 21 5.58 21H18.63C18.94 21 19.22 20.78 19.27 20.46L22 3.77C22.05 3.42 21.81 3.09 21.46 3.04C21.43 3.03 21.39 3.03 21.35 3.03L2.65 3M14.1 14.95H9.94L8.81 9.07H15.11L14.1 14.95Z",Ua="M14.24 10.56C13.93 11.8 12 11.17 11.4 11L11.95 8.82C12.57 9 14.56 9.26 14.24 10.56M11.13 12.12L10.53 14.53C11.27 14.72 13.56 15.45 13.9 14.09C14.26 12.67 11.87 12.3 11.13 12.12M21.7 14.42C20.36 19.78 14.94 23.04 9.58 21.7C4.22 20.36 .963 14.94 2.3 9.58C3.64 4.22 9.06 .964 14.42 2.3C19.77 3.64 23.03 9.06 21.7 14.42M14.21 8.05L14.66 6.25L13.56 6L13.12 7.73C12.83 7.66 12.54 7.59 12.24 7.53L12.68 5.76L11.59 5.5L11.14 7.29C10.9 7.23 10.66 7.18 10.44 7.12L10.44 7.12L8.93 6.74L8.63 7.91C8.63 7.91 9.45 8.1 9.43 8.11C9.88 8.22 9.96 8.5 9.94 8.75L8.71 13.68C8.66 13.82 8.5 14 8.21 13.95C8.22 13.96 7.41 13.75 7.41 13.75L6.87 15L8.29 15.36C8.56 15.43 8.82 15.5 9.08 15.56L8.62 17.38L9.72 17.66L10.17 15.85C10.47 15.93 10.76 16 11.04 16.08L10.59 17.87L11.69 18.15L12.15 16.33C14 16.68 15.42 16.54 16 14.85C16.5 13.5 16 12.7 15 12.19C15.72 12 16.26 11.55 16.41 10.57C16.61 9.24 15.59 8.53 14.21 8.05Z",za="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.39 5.05,16.53 6.71,18H9V12H17L19.15,15.59C19.69,14.5 20,13.29 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",_a="M16.13 15.13L18 3H14V2H10V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9C3 10.1 3.9 11 5 11H7.23L7.87 15.13C6.74 16.05 6 17.43 6 19V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V19C18 17.43 17.26 16.05 16.13 15.13M5 9V5H6.31L6.93 9H5M12 19C11.45 19 11 18.55 11 18S11.45 17 12 17 13 17.45 13 18 12.55 19 12 19M14.29 14H9.72L8.33 5H15.67L14.29 14Z",Ka="M16.13 15.13L18 3H14V2H10V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9C3 10.1 3.9 11 5 11H7.23L7.87 15.13C6.74 16.05 6 17.43 6 19V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V19C18 17.43 17.26 16.05 16.13 15.13M5 9V5H6.31L6.93 9H5M15.67 5L14.29 14H9.72L8.33 5H15.67M16 20H8V19C8 17.35 9.35 16 11 16H13C14.65 16 16 17.35 16 19V20M12 17C12.55 17 13 17.45 13 18S12.55 19 12 19 11 18.55 11 18 11.45 17 12 17Z",ja="M12.58,3.12V3.13C12.27,3.13 11.96,3.22 11.71,3.39C11.21,3.74 11.15,4.32 11.6,4.69L14.46,7L5.73,7.03H5.72C5,7.03 4.3,7.5 4.16,8.1C4,8.71 4.5,9.22 5.26,9.22L9.69,9.21L1.76,15.3C1,15.87 0.77,16.82 1.24,17.42C1.72,18.03 2.73,18.03 3.5,17.42L7.8,13.89C7.8,13.89 7.73,14.37 7.74,14.65C7.74,14.94 7.84,15.5 7.97,15.93C8.26,16.86 8.75,17.71 9.43,18.46C10.13,19.23 11,19.85 12,20.29C13.03,20.76 14.17,21 15.34,21C16.5,21 17.65,20.75 18.69,20.28C19.69,19.84 20.55,19.21 21.25,18.44C21.93,17.69 22.42,16.83 22.71,15.91C22.85,15.44 22.94,14.97 23,14.5C23,14.03 23,13.56 22.94,13.09C22.81,12.18 22.5,11.32 22,10.54C21.56,9.83 21,9.2 20.31,8.67V8.67L13.42,3.38C13.19,3.21 12.89,3.12 12.58,3.12M15.34,9.21C16.5,9.21 17.59,9.59 18.46,10.29C18.9,10.65 19.25,11.07 19.5,11.54C19.77,12 19.94,12.55 20,13.11C20.04,13.67 19.96,14.23 19.77,14.77C19.57,15.31 19.25,15.81 18.82,16.26C17.93,17.16 16.69,17.68 15.34,17.68C14,17.68 12.75,17.17 11.86,16.27C11.43,15.83 11.11,15.32 10.91,14.78C10.72,14.25 10.64,13.69 10.69,13.12C10.74,12.56 10.91,12.03 11.17,11.55C11.43,11.08 11.79,10.66 12.23,10.3C13.09,9.59 14.19,9.21 15.34,9.21M15.44,10.61C14.66,10.61 13.94,10.89 13.41,11.34C12.87,11.8 12.5,12.44 12.47,13.18C12.43,13.93 12.73,14.63 13.26,15.15C13.8,15.68 14.58,16 15.44,16C16.3,16 17.07,15.68 17.62,15.15C18.15,14.63 18.45,13.93 18.41,13.18C18.37,12.44 18,11.8 17.47,11.34C16.94,10.89 16.22,10.61 15.44,10.61Z",qa="M3,2H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 21,6H20V13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14H13V16.17C14.17,16.58 15,17.69 15,19A3,3 0 0,1 12,22A3,3 0 0,1 9,19C9,17.69 9.83,16.58 11,16.17V14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13V6H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,5V3A1,1 0 0,1 3,2M12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18Z",$a="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M16 9H18V11H16V9M14 11H6V9H14V11M18 7H16V5H18V7M14 5V7H6V5H14M6 19V13H14V14.82C13.55 15.14 13.25 15.66 13.25 16.25C13.25 17.22 14.03 18 15 18S16.75 17.22 16.75 16.25C16.75 15.66 16.45 15.13 16 14.82V13H18V19H6Z",Xa="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H13.25C13.25 21.97 14.03 22.75 15 22.75S16.75 21.97 16.75 21H22V19H20M18 11H16V9H18V11M14 11H6V9H14V11M14 13V15H6V13H14M16 13H18V15H16V13M18 7H16V5H18V7M14 5V7H6V5H14M6 19V17H14V19H6M16 19V17H18V19H16Z",Ya="M3 2H21C21.55 2 22 2.45 22 3V5C22 5.55 21.55 6 21 6H20V7C20 7.55 19.55 8 19 8H13V10.17C14.17 10.58 15 11.7 15 13C15 14.66 13.66 16 12 16C10.34 16 9 14.66 9 13C9 11.69 9.84 10.58 11 10.17V8H5C4.45 8 4 7.55 4 7V6H3C2.45 6 2 5.55 2 5V3C2 2.45 2.45 2 3 2M12 12C11.45 12 11 12.45 11 13C11 13.55 11.45 14 12 14C12.55 14 13 13.55 13 13C13 12.45 12.55 12 12 12Z",Ja="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M10 19V5H14V19H10Z",Ce="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M13 5H14.5V19H13V5M11 19H9.5V5H11V19M6 5H7.5V19H6V5M16.5 19V5H18V19H16.5Z",He="M12,0A12,12 0 0,1 24,12A12,12 0 0,1 12,24A12,12 0 0,1 0,12A12,12 0 0,1 12,0M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,14.4 2.85,16.6 4.26,18.33L18.33,4.26C16.6,2.85 14.4,2 12,2M12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.6 21.15,7.4 19.74,5.67L5.67,19.74C7.4,21.15 9.6,22 12,22Z",Ve="M21,7C20,7 20,6 20,6V5H18V7H16V6C16,4.27 14.75,1 10,1C5.25,1 4,4.27 4,6V19C4,19.33 3.9,21 2,21V23C4.93,23 6,20.61 6,19V6C6,5.88 6.05,3 10,3C13.83,3 14,5.7 14,6V7H12V5H10V6C10,6 10,7 9,7C8,7 8,8 8,8V20C8,20 8,22 13,22C13.24,22 14.13,22 17,22C22,22 22,20 22,20V8C22,8 22,7 21,7M15,19.4A3,3 0 0,1 12,16.4C12,14.4 15,11 15,11C15,11 18,14.4 18,16.4A3,3 0 0,1 15,19.4Z",Le="M14.88,16.29L13,18.17V14.41M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13,9.58M17.71,7.71L12,2H11V9.58L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.58L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L17.71,16.29L13.41,12L17.71,7.71Z",Me="M12.88,16.29L11,18.17V14.41M11,5.83L12.88,7.71L11,9.58M15.71,7.71L10,2H9V9.58L4.41,5L3,6.41L8.59,12L3,17.58L4.41,19L9,14.41V22H10L15.71,16.29L11.41,12M19.53,6.71L18.26,8C18.89,9.18 19.25,10.55 19.25,12C19.25,13.45 18.89,14.82 18.26,16L19.46,17.22C20.43,15.68 21,13.87 21,11.91C21,10 20.46,8.23 19.53,6.71M14.24,12L16.56,14.33C16.84,13.6 17,12.82 17,12C17,11.18 16.84,10.4 16.57,9.68L14.24,12Z",Ae="M19,10L17,12L19,14L21,12M14.88,16.29L13,18.17V14.41M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13,9.58M17.71,7.71L12,2H11V9.58L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.58L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L17.71,16.29L13.41,12M7,12L5,10L3,12L5,14L7,12Z",ie="M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13.28,9.31L14.69,10.72L17.71,7.7L12,2H11V7.03L13,9.03M5.41,4L4,5.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L16.29,17.71L18.59,20L20,18.59M13,18.17V14.41L14.88,16.29",re="M14.88,14.29L13,16.17V12.41L14.88,14.29M13,3.83L14.88,5.71L13,7.59M17.71,5.71L12,0H11V7.59L6.41,3L5,4.41L10.59,10L5,15.59L6.41,17L11,12.41V20H12L17.71,14.29L13.41,10L17.71,5.71M15,24H17V22H15M7,24H9V22H7M11,24H13V22H11V24Z",ae="M14.71,7.71L10.41,12L14.71,16.29L9,22H8V14.41L3.41,19L2,17.59L7.59,12L2,6.41L3.41,5L8,9.59V2H9L14.71,7.71M10,5.83V9.59L11.88,7.71L10,5.83M11.88,16.29L10,14.41V18.17L11.88,16.29M22,8H20V11H18V8H16L19,4L22,8M22,16L19,20L16,16H18V13H20V16H22Z",ee="M14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5M14,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,12.5M10,17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,17M10,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,8.5M14,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,20.5M14,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,19A1,1 0 0,0 15,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,17M21,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,13.5M18,5A1,1 0 0,0 17,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,7A1,1 0 0,0 19,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,5M18,9A1,1 0 0,0 17,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,9M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17M18,13A1,1 0 0,0 17,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,15A1,1 0 0,0 19,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,13M10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,12.5M10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7M10,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,3.5M10,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,20.5M3,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,13.5M14,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,3.5M14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7M21,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,10.5M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M3,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,9.5M6,9A1,1 0 0,0 5,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,11A1,1 0 0,0 7,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,9M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M6,13A1,1 0 0,0 5,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,15A1,1 0 0,0 7,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,13Z",de="M13,17A1,1 0 0,0 14,16A1,1 0 0,0 13,15A1,1 0 0,0 12,16A1,1 0 0,0 13,17M13,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,11A1,1 0 0,0 12,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,13M13,9A1,1 0 0,0 14,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,9M17,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,12.5M17,8.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,8A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,8A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,8.5M3,3V5H21V3M17,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,16.5M9,17A1,1 0 0,0 10,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,15A1,1 0 0,0 8,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,17M5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,13.5M5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,9.5M3,21H21V19H3M9,9A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8A1,1 0 0,0 9,9M9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13M5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,17.5Z",me="M3,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,13.5M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M10,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,20.5M3,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,9.5M6,13A1,1 0 0,0 5,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,15A1,1 0 0,0 7,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,13M21,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,13.5M10,17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,17M2.5,5.27L6.28,9.05L6,9A1,1 0 0,0 5,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,11A1,1 0 0,0 7,10C7,9.9 6.97,9.81 6.94,9.72L9.75,12.53C9.04,12.64 8.5,13.26 8.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,15.5C10.74,15.5 11.36,14.96 11.47,14.25L14.28,17.06C14.19,17.03 14.1,17 14,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,19A1,1 0 0,0 15,18C15,17.9 14.97,17.81 14.94,17.72L18.72,21.5L20,20.23L3.77,4L2.5,5.27M14,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,20.5M18,7A1,1 0 0,0 19,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,5A1,1 0 0,0 17,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,7M18,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,9A1,1 0 0,0 17,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,11M18,15A1,1 0 0,0 19,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,13A1,1 0 0,0 17,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,15M10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7M21,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,10.5M10,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,3.5M14,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,3.5M13.8,11.5H14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10V10.2C12.61,10.87 13.13,11.39 13.8,11.5M14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7Z",te="M14,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,14A1,1 0 0,0 14,15A1,1 0 0,0 15,14A1,1 0 0,0 14,13M14,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,16.5M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,9.5M17,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,13.5M14,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,7.5M14,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,10A1,1 0 0,0 14,11A1,1 0 0,0 15,10A1,1 0 0,0 14,9M10,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,6.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,7.5M7,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 6.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,13.5M10,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,16.5M7,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 6.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,9.5M10,13A1,1 0 0,0 9,14A1,1 0 0,0 10,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 10,13M10,9A1,1 0 0,0 9,10A1,1 0 0,0 10,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 10,9Z",ve="M14,17.7V21H10V20.3L14,17.7M17,3H7V6H17V3M15,7L14,7.7V7H10V10.3L9,11V12L15,8.1V7M15,11L14,11.7V9.7L10,12.4V14.4L9,15V16L15,12.1V11M15,15L14,15.7V13.7L10,16.4V18.4L9,19V20L15,16.1V15Z",le="M11.25,6A3.25,3.25 0 0,1 14.5,2.75A3.25,3.25 0 0,1 17.75,6C17.75,6.42 18.08,6.75 18.5,6.75C18.92,6.75 19.25,6.42 19.25,6V5.25H20.75V6A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 18.5,8.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 16.25,6A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 14.5,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 12.75,6H14V7.29C16.89,8.15 19,10.83 19,14A7,7 0 0,1 12,21A7,7 0 0,1 5,14C5,10.83 7.11,8.15 10,7.29V6H11.25M22,6H24V7H22V6M19,4V2H20V4H19M20.91,4.38L22.33,2.96L23.04,3.67L21.62,5.09L20.91,4.38Z",oe="M14.5,2.75C12.7,2.75 11.25,4.2 11.25,6H10V7.29C9.31,7.5 8.67,7.81 8.08,8.2L17.79,17.91C18.58,16.76 19,15.39 19,14C19,10.83 16.89,8.15 14,7.29V6H12.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 14.5,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 16.25,6A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 18.5,8.25C19.74,8.25 20.74,7.24 20.74,6V5.25H19.25V6C19.25,6.42 18.91,6.75 18.5,6.75C18.08,6.75 17.75,6.42 17.75,6C17.75,4.2 16.29,2.75 14.5,2.75M3.41,6.36L2,7.77L5.55,11.32C5.2,12.14 5,13.04 5,14C5,17.86 8.13,21 12,21C12.92,21 13.83,20.81 14.68,20.45L18.23,24L19.64,22.59L3.41,6.36Z",ne="M8,14A3,3 0 0,1 5,17A3,3 0 0,1 2,14C2,13.23 2.29,12.53 2.76,12C2.29,11.47 2,10.77 2,10A3,3 0 0,1 5,7A3,3 0 0,1 8,10C9.33,10.08 10.67,10.17 12,10.17C13.33,10.17 14.67,10.08 16,10A3,3 0 0,1 19,7A3,3 0 0,1 22,10C22,10.77 21.71,11.47 21.24,12C21.71,12.53 22,13.23 22,14A3,3 0 0,1 19,17A3,3 0 0,1 16,14C14.67,13.92 13.33,13.83 12,13.83C10.67,13.83 9.33,13.92 8,14Z",Ze="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H5C3.3 7 2 8.3 2 10C2 10.8 2.3 11.5 2.8 12C2.3 12.5 2 13.2 2 14C2 15.7 3.3 17 5 17S8 15.7 8 14C9.3 13.9 10.6 13.8 11.9 13.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M20 16.8L13.3 10.1C14.2 10.1 15.1 10 16 10C16 8.3 17.3 7 19 7S22 8.3 22 10C22 10.8 21.7 11.5 21.2 12C21.7 12.5 22 13.2 22 14C22 15.3 21.2 16.4 20 16.8Z",Se="M18,22A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4C20,2.89 19.1,2 18,2H12V9L9.5,7.5L7,9V2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18Z",ue="M18 2H12V9L9.5 7.5L7 9V2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 18 2M14 12A2 2 0 1 1 12 14A2 2 0 0 1 14 12M18 20H10V19C10 17.67 12.67 17 14 17S18 17.67 18 19Z",ce="M18 2A2 2 0 0 1 20 4V20A2 2 0 0 1 18 22H6A2 2 0 0 1 4 20V4A2 2 0 0 1 6 2H18M18 4H13V9L10.5 6.7L8 9V4H6V20H18M13 11A2 2 0 1 1 11 13A2 2 0 0 1 13 11M17 19H9V18C9 16.67 11.67 16 13 16S17 16.67 17 18V19",se="M18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H5V9L7.5 7.5L10 9V2H16C17.1 2 18 2.89 18 4M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20Z",Oe="M16 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M16 20H4V4H6V12L8.5 9.75L11 12V4H16V20M20 15H22V17H20V15M22 7V13H20V7H22Z",he="M5.81,2C4.83,2.09 4,3 4,4V20C4,21.05 4.95,22 6,22H18C19.05,22 20,21.05 20,20V4C20,2.89 19.1,2 18,2H12V9L9.5,7.5L7,9V2H6C5.94,2 5.87,2 5.81,2M12,13H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,14V18H13V16H12V18H11V14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,14V15H13V14H12M15,15H18V16L16,19H18V20H15V19L17,16H15V15Z",pe="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 20V16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20Z",fe="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 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9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Hd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H13.81C13.44 21.39 13.2 20.71 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V16C7 17.11 7.9 18 9 18H13.09C13.64 14.73 16.74 12.53 20 13.08C20.34 13.14 20.68 13.23 21 13.34V4C21 2.9 20.11 2 19 2M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Vd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H13.81C13.44 21.39 13.2 20.71 13.09 20M19 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V16C7 17.11 7.9 18 9 18H13.09C13.2 17.29 13.44 16.61 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13C19.68 13 20.36 13.11 21 13.34V4C21 2.9 20.11 2 19 2M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Ld="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Md="M19,18H9A2,2 0 0,1 7,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 9,2H10V7L12,5.5L14,7V2H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18M17,20V22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6H5V20H17Z",Ad="M19 2A2 2 0 0 1 21 4V16A2 2 0 0 1 19 18H9A2 2 0 0 1 7 16V4A2 2 0 0 1 9 2H19M19 4H16V10L13.5 7.75L11 10V4H9V16H19M3 20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H17V20H5V6H3Z",id="M13 20.5C13 21.03 13.09 21.53 13.26 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V11H16.5V16.11C14.5 16.57 13 18.36 13 20.5M20 13H18.5V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H20Z",rd="M13 20.5C13 21.03 13.09 21.53 13.26 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V11H18V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.04C13.03 20.17 13 20.33 13 20.5M20 13H18.5V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H20Z",ad="M18.68 2.12L12 8.8V2H18C18.24 2 18.46 2.05 18.68 2.12M9.5 7.5L7 9V2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V16.8L11.88 8.93L9.5 7.5M21.61 1.73L1.89 21.46L3.16 22.73L4.54 21.35C4.9 21.75 5.42 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V5.89L22.89 3L21.61 1.73Z",ed="M6 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21.1 1.6 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.25 21.1 1 20.85 1 20.6V6C1.6 5.55 2.25 5.25 3 5C4.11 4.65 5.33 4.5 6.5 4.5C8.45 4.5 10.55 4.9 12 6C13.45 4.9 15.55 4.5 17.5 4.5C18.67 4.5 19.89 4.65 21 5C21.75 5.25 22.4 5.55 23 6V20.6C23 20.85 22.75 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.4 21.1 22.35 21.1 22.25 21.05C20.85 20.3 19.15 20 17.5 20C15.8 20 13.35 20.65 12 21.5M11 7.5C9.64 6.9 7.84 6.5 6.5 6.5C5.3 6.5 4.1 6.65 3 7V18.5C4.1 18.15 5.3 18 6.5 18C7.84 18 9.64 18.4 11 19V7.5M13 19C14.36 18.4 16.16 18 17.5 18C18.7 18 19.9 18.15 21 18.5V7C19.9 6.65 18.7 6.5 17.5 6.5C16.16 6.5 14.36 6.9 13 7.5V19Z",vd="M21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4M3,19V6H11V19H3M21,19H13V6H21V19M14,9.5H20V11H14V9.5M14,12H20V13.5H14V12M14,14.5H20V16H14V14.5Z",ld="M19 2L14 6.5V17.5L19 13V2M6.5 5C4.55 5 2.45 5.4 1 6.5V21.16C1 21.41 1.25 21.66 1.5 21.66C1.6 21.66 1.65 21.59 1.75 21.59C3.1 20.94 5.05 20.5 6.5 20.5C8.45 20.5 10.55 20.9 12 22C13.35 21.15 15.8 20.5 17.5 20.5C19.15 20.5 20.85 20.81 22.25 21.56C22.35 21.61 22.4 21.59 22.5 21.59C22.75 21.59 23 21.34 23 21.09V6.5C22.4 6.05 21.75 5.75 21 5.5V19C19.9 18.65 18.7 18.5 17.5 18.5C15.8 18.5 13.35 19.15 12 20V6.5C10.55 5.4 8.45 5 6.5 5Z",od="M19 1L14 6V17L19 12.5V1M21 5V18.5C19.9 18.15 18.7 18 17.5 18C15.8 18 13.35 18.65 12 19.5V6C10.55 4.9 8.45 4.5 6.5 4.5C4.55 4.5 2.45 4.9 1 6V20.65C1 20.9 1.25 21.15 1.5 21.15C1.6 21.15 1.65 21.1 1.75 21.1C3.1 20.45 5.05 20 6.5 20C8.45 20 10.55 20.4 12 21.5C13.35 20.65 15.8 20 17.5 20C19.15 20 20.85 20.3 22.25 21.05C22.35 21.1 22.4 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.75 21.1 23 20.85 23 20.6V6C22.4 5.55 21.75 5.25 21 5M10 18.41C8.75 18.09 7.5 18 6.5 18C5.44 18 4.18 18.19 3 18.5V7.13C3.91 6.73 5.14 6.5 6.5 6.5C7.86 6.5 9.09 6.73 10 7.13V18.41Z",nd="M12 21.5C10.65 20.65 8.2 20 6.5 20C4.85 20 3.15 20.3 1.75 21.05C1.65 21.1 1.6 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.25 21.1 1 20.85 1 20.6V6C1.6 5.55 2.25 5.25 3 5C4.11 4.65 5.33 4.5 6.5 4.5C8.45 4.5 10.55 4.9 12 6C13.45 4.9 15.55 4.5 17.5 4.5C18.67 4.5 19.89 4.65 21 5C21.75 5.25 22.4 5.55 23 6V20.6C23 20.85 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4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",cd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",sd="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Od="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",hd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",pd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",fd="M12 18.5C12 19.79 12.39 21 13.04 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",gd="M12.18 20C12.36 20.72 12.65 21.39 13.04 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C18.33 12 18.17 12 18 12.03V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H12.18M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",kd="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Bd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",Pd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",wd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Fd="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M6,22A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.9,2 6,2H7V9L9.5,7.5L12,9V2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V11.81C18.83,10.69 17.25,10 15.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9,16.5C9,18.81 10.21,20.85 12.03,22H6Z",Td="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M13,4V12L10.5,9.75L8,12V4H6V20H10C10.54,20.81 11.23,21.5 12.03,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V11.81C19.42,11.26 18.75,10.81 18,10.5V4H13Z",bd="M20 2V18C20 19.11 19.11 20 18 20H6C4.89 20 4 19.11 4 18V2C4 .895 4.89 0 6 0H7V7L9.5 5.5L12 7V0H18C19.1 0 20 .89 20 2M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",yd="M18 0H6C4.89 0 4 .895 4 2V18C4 19.11 4.89 20 6 20H18C19.11 20 20 19.11 20 18V2C20 .895 19.11 0 18 0M18 18H6V2H8V10L10.5 7.75L13 10V2H18V18M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",Rd="M13 17.5C13 19.25 13.69 20.83 14.82 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",xd="M13.5 20C13.81 20.75 14.26 21.42 14.82 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C19 11 18.5 11.07 18 11.18V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",Dd="M6,4H11V12L8.5,10.5L6,12M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",Ed="M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",Nd="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M18 14L15.5 12.5L13 14V6H18V14Z",Wd="M4 6H2V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 12L17.5 10.5L15 12V4H20V12Z",Id="M4 20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V6H4V20M22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M20 4H8V16H20V4M18 6H13V13L15.5 11.5L18 13V6Z",Gd="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19M17 7H12V15L14.5 13.5L17 15V7Z",Qd="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,14L17.25,7.76L15.84,6.34L11,11.18L8.41,8.59L7,10L11,14Z",Ud="M9.47 9.65L8.06 11.07L11 14L16.19 8.82L14.78 7.4L11 11.18M17 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5L5 21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3M17 18L12 15.82L7 18V5H17Z",zd="M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M15,11H9V9H15V11Z",_d="M9,11V9H15V11H9M19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17C18.11,3 19,3.9 19,5M17,5H7V18L12,15.82L17,18V5Z",Kd="M15,5A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V23L10,20L3,23V7C3,5.89 3.9,5 5,5H15M9,1H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,3V19L19,18.13V3H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,1Z",jd="M9,1H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,3V19L19,18.13V3H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,1M15,20V7H5V20L10,17.82L15,20M15,5C16.11,5 17,5.9 17,7V23L10,20L3,23V7A2,2 0 0,1 5,5H15Z",qd="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,15A2,2 0 0,0 13,13V8H16V6H12V11.27C11.71,11.1 11.36,11 11,11Z",$d="M7 3C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.89 18.1 3 17 3H7M7 5H17V18L12 15.82L7 18V5M12 6V11.3C11.7 11.1 11.4 11 11 11C9.9 11 9 11.9 9 13C9 14.11 9.9 15 11 15C12.11 15 13 14.11 13 13V8H15V6H12Z",Xd="M20,20.72L18.73,22L16.78,20.05L12,18L5,21V8.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72M19,17.16V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3H7C6.41,3 5.89,3.27 5.5,3.68L19,17.16Z",Yd="M3.28,4L2,5.27L5,8.27V21L12,18L16.78,20.05L18.73,22L20,20.72L3.28,4M7,18V10.27L13,16.25L12,15.82L7,18M7,5.16L5.5,3.67C5.88,3.26 6.41,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V17.16L17,15.16V5H7V5.16Z",Jd="M17,18L12,15.82L7,18V5H17M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",Cm="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,7V9H9V11H11V13H13V11H15V9H13V7H11Z",Hm="M17,18V5H7V18L12,15.82L17,18M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,7H13V9H15V11H13V13H11V11H9V9H11V7Z",Vm="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M8.17,8.58L10.59,11L8.17,13.41L9.59,14.83L12,12.41L14.41,14.83L15.83,13.41L13.41,11L15.83,8.58L14.41,7.17L12,9.58L9.59,7.17L8.17,8.58Z",Lm="M7 3C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.89 18.1 3 17 3H7M7 5H17V18L12 15.82L7 18V5M9.88 7.47L8.47 8.88L10.59 11L8.47 13.12L9.88 14.54L12 12.42L14.12 14.53L15.54 13.12L13.42 11L15.53 8.88L14.12 7.47L12 9.59L9.88 7.47Z",Mm="M9 3V18H12V3H9M12 5L16 18L19 17L15 4L12 5M5 5V18H8V5H5M3 19V21H21V19H3Z",Am="M20,9H8.22C7.11,7.77 5.21,7.68 4,8.8C3.36,9.36 3,10.16 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.5,12L9,10H10.5L12,12H10.5M14.5,12L13,10H14.5L16,12H14.5M18.5,12L17,10H18.5L20,12H18.5Z",im="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6M20 18H18V20H20V18M20 10H18V16H20V10Z",rm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M7.5 20H4.5V13.6C5.4 14.1 6.6 14.1 7.5 13.6V20M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6M20 16H18V10H20V16M20 20H18V18H20V20Z",am="M19.86,3C19.31,2.04 18.09,1.71 17.12,2.27L6.92,8.16C6.62,8.06 6.31,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V11.58L19.12,5.73C20.08,5.18 20.41,3.96 19.86,3M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L8.1,8.62L9.4,7.87L11.7,8.87L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L11.56,6.62L12.86,5.87L15.16,6.87L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L15.03,4.62L16.33,3.87L18.62,4.87L17.33,5.62M17,20L12,15H15V11H19V15H22L17,20",em="M19.86,3C20.41,3.96 20.08,5.18 19.12,5.73L9,11.58V20A1,1 0 0,1 10,21V22H2V21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V11A3,3 0 0,1 6,8C6.31,8 6.62,8.06 6.92,8.16L17.12,2.27C18.09,1.71 19.31,2.04 19.86,3M7.5,20V13.6C6.57,14.14 5.43,14.14 4.5,13.6V20H7.5M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L11.7,8.87L9.4,7.87L8.1,8.62L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L15.16,6.87L12.86,5.87L11.56,6.62L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L18.62,4.87L16.33,3.87L15.03,4.62L17.33,5.62M16,11.16H18V16.17L21,16.16L17,20L13,16.16L16,16.17V11.16Z",dm="M19.86,3C19.31,2.04 18.09,1.71 17.12,2.27L6.92,8.16C6.62,8.06 6.31,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V11.58L19.12,5.73C20.08,5.18 20.41,3.96 19.86,3M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L8.1,8.62L9.4,7.87L11.7,8.87L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L11.56,6.62L12.86,5.87L15.16,6.87L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L15.03,4.62L16.33,3.87L18.62,4.87L17.33,5.62M17,11L22,16H19V20H15V16H12L17,11",mm="M19.86,3C20.41,3.96 20.08,5.18 19.12,5.73L9,11.58V20A1,1 0 0,1 10,21V22H2V21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V11A3,3 0 0,1 6,8C6.31,8 6.62,8.06 6.92,8.16L17.12,2.27C18.09,1.71 19.31,2.04 19.86,3M7.5,20V13.6C6.57,14.14 5.43,14.14 4.5,13.6V20H7.5M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L11.7,8.87L9.4,7.87L8.1,8.62L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L15.16,6.87L12.86,5.87L11.56,6.62L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L18.62,4.87L16.33,3.87L15.03,4.62L17.33,5.62M16,20V15H13L17,11.16L21,15H18V20H16Z",tm="M20,9H8.22C7.11,7.77 5.21,7.68 4,8.8C3.36,9.36 3,10.16 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9M7.5,20H4.5V13.6C5.43,14.14 6.57,14.14 7.5,13.6V20M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.5,12L9,10H10.5L12,12H10.5M14.5,12L13,10H14.5L16,12H14.5M18.5,12L17,10H18.5L20,12H18.5Z",vm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6",lm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M7.5 20H4.5V13.6C5.4 14.1 6.6 14.1 7.5 13.6V20M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6",om="M7,5L5,7V8H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,9V17A1,1 0 0,0 3,18H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,17V9A1,1 0 0,0 21,8H19V7L17,5H7M7,7H17V8H7V7M11,9H13A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,10H11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,9M7.5,10.5A3,3 0 0,1 10.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,16.5A3,3 0 0,1 4.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A3,3 0 0,1 19.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 16.5,16.5A3,3 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 16.5,10.5M7.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,12M16.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,12Z",nm="M10 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4S2.9 6 4 6H8L10 2M18 2C20.2 2 22 3.8 22 6V12L18 14C18 9.6 14.4 6 10 6L12 2H18M18 20V16L22 14V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22S18 21.1 18 20Z",Zm="M11.79 11.5H9.72V8.19H12.19C13.45 8.19 14.15 8.75 14.15 9.78C14.15 10.9 13.32 11.5 11.79 11.5M12.16 12.63H9.72V16.27L12.28 16.27C13.84 16.27 14.66 15.64 14.66 14.44S13.81 12.63 12.16 12.63M22 5.31V18.69C22 20.5 20.5 22 18.69 22H5.31C3.5 22 2 20.5 2 18.69V5.31C2 3.5 3.5 2 5.31 2H18.69C20.5 2 22 3.5 22 5.31M16 14.5C16 13.12 15.08 12.13 13.67 11.95V11.89C14.67 11.71 15.46 10.71 15.46 9.63C15.46 8.08 14.26 7.05 12.5 7.05H8.43V17.41H12.47C14.68 17.41 16 16.32 16 14.5Z",Sm="M19,11H13V5H19M19,19H13V13H19M11,11H5V5H11M11,19H5V13H11M3,21H21V3H3V21Z",um="M3,21V3H21V21H3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",cm="M5,15H3V17H5M3,21H21V19H3M5,11H3V13H5M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M5,7H3V9H5M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17M13,3H11V5H13M17,11H15V13H17M13,7H11V9H13M5,3H3V5H5M13,11H11V13H13M9,3H7V5H9M13,15H11V17H13M9,11H7V13H9V11Z",sm="M5,15H3V17H5M3,21H21V19H3M5,11H3V13H5M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M5,7H3V9H5M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17M13,3H11V5H13M5,3H3V5H5M9,3H7V5H9",Om="M20.71,4.04C21.1,3.65 21.1,3 20.71,2.63L18.37,0.29C18,-0.1 17.35,-0.1 16.96,0.29L15,2.25L18.75,6M17.75,7L14,3.25L4,13.25V17H7.75L17.75,7Z",hm="M19,21H21V19H19M15,21H17V19H15M11,17H13V15H11M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M3,13H21V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M19,17H21V15H19M13,3H11V5H13M13,7H11V9H13M17,3H15V5H17M9,3H7V5H9M5,3H3V5H5M7,21H9V19H7M3,17H5V15H3M5,7H3V9H5M3,21H5V19H3V21Z",pm="M19,17H21V15H19M19,21H21V19H19M13,3H11V11H3V13H11V21H13V13H21V11H13M15,21H17V19H15M19,5H21V3H19M19,9H21V7H19M17,3H15V5H17M5,3H3V5H5M9,3H7V5H9M3,17H5V15H3M5,7H3V9H5M7,21H9V19H7M3,21H5V19H3V21Z",fm="M15,5H17V3H15M15,13H17V11H15M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,17H21V15H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,9H21V7H19M3,21H5V3H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7M7,21H9V19H7M11,13H13V11H11M11,9H13V7H11M11,5H13V3H11M11,17H13V15H11M11,21H13V19H11V21Z",gm="M15,5H17V3H15M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,17H21V15H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,9H21V7H19M3,21H5V3H3M7,5H9V3H7M7,21H9V19H7M11,5H13V3H11M11,21H13V19H11V21Z",km="M15,5H17V3H15M15,13H17V11H15M15,21H17V19H15M11,5H13V3H11M19,5H21V3H19M11,9H13V7H11M19,9H21V7H19M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,17H21V15H19M11,13H13V11H11M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M11,21H13V19H11M11,17H13V15H11M7,21H9V19H7M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7V5Z",Bm="M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M11,5H13V3H11M19,5H21V3H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M11,21H13V19H11M7,21H9V19H7M7,5H9V3H7V5Z",Pm="M9,11H7V13H9M13,15H11V17H13M19,19H5V5H19M3,21H21V3H3M17,11H15V13H17M13,11H11V13H13M13,7H11V9H13V7Z",wm="M3 16C3 18.8 5.2 21 8 21H10V19H8C6.3 19 5 17.7 5 16V14H3V16M21 8C21 5.2 18.8 3 16 3H14V5H16C17.7 5 19 6.3 19 8V10H21V8M16 21C18.8 21 21 18.8 21 16V14H19V16C19 17.7 17.7 19 16 19H14V21H16M8 3C5.2 3 3 5.2 3 8V10H5V8C5 6.3 6.3 5 8 5H10V3H8Z",Fm="M11,9H13V7H11M11,5H13V3H11M11,13H13V11H11M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V3H19M15,13H17V11H15M11,17H13V15H11M3,9H5V7H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M3,21H5V19H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7M3,5H5V3H3M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",Tm="M11,5H13V3H11M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V3H19M3,9H5V7H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M3,21H5V19H3M7,5H9V3H7M3,5H5V3H3M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",bm="M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V19H19M7,21H9V19H7M11,21H13V19H11M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M3,3V21H5V5H21V3M19,9H21V7H19",ym="M15,13H17V11H15M19,21H21V19H19M11,9H13V7H11M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H21V3H3M19,13H21V11H19M19,9H21V7H19M11,17H13V15H11M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,17H5V15H3M11,21H13V19H11M11,13H13V11H11M7,13H9V11H7M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",Rm="M19,21H21V19H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H21V3H3M19,13H21V11H19M19,9H21V7H19M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,17H5V15H3M11,21H13V19H11M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",xm="M15,13H17V11H15M15,21H17V19H15M15,5H17V3H15M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,21H21V19H19M11,21H13V3H11M19,17H21V15H19M7,5H9V3H7M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,13H5V11H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,21H9V19H7M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3V9Z",Dm="M15 11V20A2 2 0 0 1 13 22H11A2 2 0 0 1 9 20V11A2 2 0 0 1 9.6 9.58C11.1 7.89 11 4 11 4H10V2H14V4H13S12.9 7.89 14.4 9.58A2 2 0 0 1 15 11Z",Em="M15 13.77A3 3 0 0 0 15 18.23V20A2 2 0 0 1 13 22H11A2 2 0 0 1 9 20V18.23A3 3 0 0 0 9 13.77V9A12.28 12.28 0 0 0 10.91 4H10V2H14V4H13.09A12.28 12.28 0 0 0 15 9Z",Nm="M10 2V4H10.91C10.65 5.79 9 7.5 8 9V13.77C9.32 14.96 9.32 17.04 8 18.23V20C8 21.11 8.9 22 10 22H14C15.11 22 16 21.11 16 20V18.23C14.68 17.04 14.68 14.96 16 13.77V9C15 7.5 13.35 5.79 13.09 4H14V2M12 6.5C12.24 7 13.54 8.5 13.9 8.91L14 9V13C13.35 13.87 13 14.92 13 16C13 17.08 13.35 18.13 14 19V20H10V19C10.65 18.13 11 17.08 11 16C11 14.92 10.65 13.87 10 13V9L10.1 8.91C10.46 8.5 11.76 7 12 6.5Z",Wm="M14.4 9.58C12.9 7.89 13 4 13 4H14V2H10V4H11S11.1 7.89 9.6 9.58A2 2 0 0 0 9 11V20A2 2 0 0 0 11 22H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 20V11A2 2 0 0 0 14.4 9.58M13 20H11V11L11.1 10.91A6.26 6.26 0 0 0 12 9.5A6.26 6.26 0 0 0 12.9 10.91L13 11Z",Im="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13Z",Gm="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M17 13C17 11.35 15.65 10 14 10H10C8.35 10 7 11.35 7 13V20H17V13Z",Qm="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M14 8V6H15V5H9V6H10V8C7.24 8 5 10.24 5 13V22H19V13C19 10.24 16.76 8 14 8M16 17H13V20H11V17H8V15H11V12H13V15H16V17Z",Um="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M17 13C17 11.35 15.65 10 14 10H10C8.35 10 7 11.35 7 13V20H17V13M15 16H13V18H11V16H9V14H11V12H13V14H15V16Z",zm="M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M13 4L14 2H10L11 4H13M12 11C9.79 11 8 12.79 8 15C8 16 8.39 16.9 9 17.59V19H10.25V17.5H11.38V19H12.63V17.5H13.75V19H15V17.59C15.61 16.9 16 16 16 15C16 12.79 14.21 11 12 11M10.5 15C9.95 15 9.5 14.55 9.5 14S9.95 13 10.5 13 11.5 13.45 11.5 14 11.05 15 10.5 15M11.25 16.25L12 15L12.75 16.25H11.25M13.5 15C12.95 15 12.5 14.55 12.5 14S12.95 13 13.5 13 14.5 13.45 14.5 14 14.05 15 13.5 15Z",_m="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M14 8V6H15V5H9V6H10V8C7.24 8 5 10.24 5 13V22H19V13C19 10.24 16.76 8 14 8M17 20H7V13C7 11.35 8.35 10 10 10H14C15.65 10 17 11.35 17 13V20M12 11C9.79 11 8 12.79 8 15C8 16 8.39 16.9 9 17.59V19H10.25V17.5H11.38V19H12.63V17.5H13.75V19H15V17.59C15.61 16.9 16 16 16 15C16 12.79 14.21 11 12 11M10.5 15C9.95 15 9.5 14.55 9.5 14S9.95 13 10.5 13 11.5 13.45 11.5 14 11.05 15 10.5 15M11.25 16.25L12 15L12.75 16.25H11.25M13.5 15C12.95 15 12.5 14.55 12.5 14S12.95 13 13.5 13 14.5 13.45 14.5 14 14.05 15 13.5 15Z",Km="M10,22A1,1 0 0,1 9,21V11C9,9 10,7.25 11,7V2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,2H12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,2.5V7C14,7.25 15,9 15,11V21A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10Z",jm="M11.5 2C11.22 2 11 2.22 11 2.5V7C10.93 7 10.85 7 10.78 7.03C9.82 7.27 9.21 8 8.76 8.89C8.3 9.76 8 10.84 8 12C8.05 15 8 18.03 8 21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22C11 22 13 22 15 22C15.55 22 16 21.55 16 21C16.04 18 16 15 16 12C16 10.84 15.74 9.76 15.28 8.88C14.83 8 14.22 7.27 13.26 7.04C13.18 7 13.05 7 13 7V2.5C13 2.22 12.78 2 12.5 2M12 8.85C12.32 8.85 12.63 8.9 12.78 9C12.85 9.03 13.2 9.26 13.5 9.81C13.78 10.37 14 11.17 14 12V20H10V12C10 11.17 10.22 10.37 10.5 9.81C10.8 9.26 11.15 9.03 11.22 9C11.36 8.9 11.68 8.85 12 8.85Z",qm="M19.03 6.03L20 7L22 2L17 4L17.97 4.97L16.15 6.79C10.87 2.16 3.3 3.94 2.97 4L2 4.26L2.5 6.2L3.29 6L10.12 12.82L6.94 16H5L2 19L4 20L5 22L8 19V17.06L11.18 13.88L18 20.71L17.81 21.5L19.74 22L20 21.03C20.06 20.7 21.84 13.13 17.21 7.85L19.03 6.03M4.5 5.78C6.55 5.5 11.28 5.28 14.73 8.21L10.82 12.12L4.5 5.78M18.22 19.5L11.88 13.18L15.79 9.27C18.72 12.72 18.5 17.45 18.22 19.5Z",$m="M15,14L21,17V7L15,10V14M9,14L3,17V7L9,10V14M10,10H14V14H10V10Z",Xm="M22 15C22 18.9 18.9 22 15 22H9C5.1 22 2 18.9 2 15V12H22V15Z",Ym="M16.2 11L20.3 4.5L22 5.5L18.6 11H16.2M15.6 12H2V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H15.6Z",Jm="M15.6 12H2V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H15.6M20 15C20 17.8 17.8 20 15 20H9C6.2 20 4 17.8 4 15V14H20V15M16.2 11L20.3 4.4L22 5.5L18.6 11H16.2Z",Ct="M2 12V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H2M4 14H20V15C20 17.8 17.8 20 15 20H9C6.2 20 4 17.8 4 15V14Z",Ht="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,11M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M5.93,8.5C5.38,9.45 5.71,10.67 6.66,11.22C7.62,11.78 8.84,11.45 9.4,10.5C9.95,9.53 9.62,8.31 8.66,7.76C7.71,7.21 6.5,7.53 5.93,8.5Z",Vt="M15.39,14.04V14.04C15.39,12.62 14.24,11.47 12.82,11.47C11.41,11.47 10.26,12.62 10.26,14.04V14.04C10.26,15.45 11.41,16.6 12.82,16.6C14.24,16.6 15.39,15.45 15.39,14.04M17.1,14.04C17.1,16.4 15.18,18.31 12.82,18.31C11.19,18.31 9.77,17.39 9.05,16.04C8.33,17.39 6.91,18.31 5.28,18.31C2.94,18.31 1.04,16.43 1,14.11V14.11H1V7H1V7C1,6.56 1.39,6.18 1.86,6.18C2.33,6.18 2.7,6.56 2.71,7V7H2.71V10.62C3.43,10.08 4.32,9.76 5.28,9.76C6.91,9.76 8.33,10.68 9.05,12.03C9.77,10.68 11.19,9.76 12.82,9.76C15.18,9.76 17.1,11.68 17.1,14.04V14.04M7.84,14.04V14.04C7.84,12.62 6.69,11.47 5.28,11.47C3.86,11.47 2.71,12.62 2.71,14.04V14.04C2.71,15.45 3.86,16.6 5.28,16.6C6.69,16.6 7.84,15.45 7.84,14.04M22.84,16.96V16.96C22.95,17.12 23,17.3 23,17.47C23,17.73 22.88,18 22.66,18.15C22.5,18.26 22.33,18.32 22.15,18.32C21.9,18.32 21.65,18.21 21.5,18L19.59,15.47L17.7,18V18C17.53,18.21 17.28,18.32 17.03,18.32C16.85,18.32 16.67,18.26 16.5,18.15C16.29,18 16.17,17.72 16.17,17.46C16.17,17.29 16.23,17.11 16.33,16.96V16.96H16.33V16.96L18.5,14.04L16.33,11.11V11.11H16.33V11.11C16.22,10.96 16.17,10.79 16.17,10.61C16.17,10.35 16.29,10.1 16.5,9.93C16.89,9.65 17.41,9.72 17.7,10.09V10.09L19.59,12.61L21.5,10.09C21.76,9.72 22.29,9.65 22.66,9.93C22.89,10.1 23,10.36 23,10.63C23,10.8 22.95,10.97 22.84,11.11V11.11H22.84V11.11L20.66,14.04L22.84,16.96V16.96H22.84Z",Lt="M7.22,11.91C6.89,12.24 6.71,12.65 6.66,13.08L12.17,15.44L20.66,6.96C21.44,6.17 21.44,4.91 20.66,4.13L19.24,2.71C18.46,1.93 17.2,1.93 16.41,2.71L7.22,11.91M5,16V21.75L10.81,16.53L5.81,14.53L5,16M17.12,4.83C17.5,4.44 18.15,4.44 18.54,4.83C18.93,5.23 18.93,5.86 18.54,6.25C18.15,6.64 17.5,6.64 17.12,6.25C16.73,5.86 16.73,5.23 17.12,4.83Z",Mt="M20.84 22.73L12.86 14.75L12.17 15.44L6.66 13.08C6.71 12.65 6.89 12.24 7.22 11.91L8.62 10.5L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15.41 12.21L11.16 7.96L16.41 2.71C17.2 1.93 18.46 1.93 19.24 2.71L20.66 4.13C21.44 4.91 21.44 6.17 20.66 6.96L15.41 12.21M17.12 6.25C17.5 6.64 18.15 6.64 18.54 6.25C18.93 5.86 18.93 5.23 18.54 4.83C18.15 4.44 17.5 4.44 17.12 4.83C16.73 5.23 16.73 5.86 17.12 6.25M5 16V21.75L10.81 16.53L5.81 14.53L5 16Z",At="M3,3H18V18H3V3M19,19H21V21H19V19M19,16H21V18H19V16M19,13H21V15H19V13M19,10H21V12H19V10M19,7H21V9H19V7M16,19H18V21H16V19M13,19H15V21H13V19M10,19H12V21H10V19M7,19H9V21H7V19Z",it="M19,16V6H22V16H19M12,4C8,4 7,4 7,4C7,4 2,4 2,8V14C2,15.77 3,16.76 4.07,17.31C4.4,15.43 6.03,14 8,14H11V16H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,18C6,19.11 6.9,20 8,20H13C17,20 17,16 17,16V6C17,6 16,4 12,4Z",rt="M7,8A1,1 0 0,1 8,7A1,1 0 0,1 9,8V12.47L10.21,12.6L15.15,14.79C15.67,15.03 16,15.56 16,16.14V20.5C15.97,21.32 15.32,21.97 14.5,22H8C7.62,22 7.26,21.85 7,21.57L2.1,17.37L2.84,16.6C3.03,16.39 3.3,16.28 3.58,16.28H3.8L7,18V8M19.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,2M19.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,7M14.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,7M19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,12Z",at="M21.33,12.91C21.42,14.46 20.71,15.95 19.44,16.86L20.21,18.35C20.44,18.8 20.47,19.33 20.27,19.8C20.08,20.27 19.69,20.64 19.21,20.8L18.42,21.05C18.25,21.11 18.06,21.14 17.88,21.14C17.37,21.14 16.89,20.91 16.56,20.5L14.44,18C13.55,17.85 12.71,17.47 12,16.9C11.5,17.05 11,17.13 10.5,17.13C9.62,17.13 8.74,16.86 8,16.34C7.47,16.5 6.93,16.57 6.38,16.56C5.59,16.57 4.81,16.41 4.08,16.11C2.65,15.47 1.7,14.07 1.65,12.5C1.57,11.78 1.69,11.05 2,10.39C1.71,9.64 1.68,8.82 1.93,8.06C2.3,7.11 3,6.32 3.87,5.82C4.45,4.13 6.08,3 7.87,3.12C9.47,1.62 11.92,1.46 13.7,2.75C14.12,2.64 14.56,2.58 15,2.58C16.36,2.55 17.65,3.15 18.5,4.22C20.54,4.75 22,6.57 22.08,8.69C22.13,9.8 21.83,10.89 21.22,11.82C21.29,12.18 21.33,12.54 21.33,12.91M16.33,11.5C16.9,11.57 17.35,12 17.35,12.57A1,1 0 0,1 16.35,13.57H15.72C15.4,14.47 14.84,15.26 14.1,15.86C14.35,15.95 14.61,16 14.87,16.07C20,16 19.4,12.87 19.4,12.82C19.34,11.39 18.14,10.27 16.71,10.33A1,1 0 0,1 15.71,9.33A1,1 0 0,1 16.71,8.33C17.94,8.36 19.12,8.82 20.04,9.63C20.09,9.34 20.12,9.04 20.12,8.74C20.06,7.5 19.5,6.42 17.25,6.21C16,3.25 12.85,4.89 12.85,5.81V5.81C12.82,6.04 13.06,6.53 13.1,6.56A1,1 0 0,1 14.1,7.56C14.1,8.11 13.65,8.56 13.1,8.56V8.56C12.57,8.54 12.07,8.34 11.67,8C11.19,8.31 10.64,8.5 10.07,8.56V8.56C9.5,8.61 9.03,8.21 9,7.66C8.92,7.1 9.33,6.61 9.88,6.56C10.04,6.54 10.82,6.42 10.82,5.79V5.79C10.82,5.13 11.07,4.5 11.5,4C10.58,3.75 9.59,4.08 8.59,5.29C6.75,5 6,5.25 5.45,7.2C4.5,7.67 4,8 3.78,9C4.86,8.78 5.97,8.87 7,9.25C7.5,9.44 7.78,10 7.59,10.54C7.4,11.06 6.82,11.32 6.3,11.13C5.57,10.81 4.75,10.79 4,11.07C3.68,11.34 3.68,11.9 3.68,12.34C3.68,13.08 4.05,13.77 4.68,14.17C5.21,14.44 5.8,14.58 6.39,14.57C6.24,14.31 6.11,14.04 6,13.76C5.81,13.22 6.1,12.63 6.64,12.44C7.18,12.25 7.77,12.54 7.96,13.08C8.36,14.22 9.38,15 10.58,15.13C11.95,15.06 13.17,14.25 13.77,13C14,11.62 15.11,11.5 16.33,11.5M18.33,18.97L17.71,17.67L17,17.83L18,19.08L18.33,18.97M13.68,10.36C13.7,9.83 13.3,9.38 12.77,9.33C12.06,9.29 11.37,9.53 10.84,10C10.27,10.58 9.97,11.38 10,12.19A1,1 0 0,0 11,13.19C11.57,13.19 12,12.74 12,12.19C12,11.92 12.07,11.65 12.23,11.43C12.35,11.33 12.5,11.28 12.66,11.28C13.21,11.31 13.68,10.9 13.68,10.36Z",et="M12,2C17.5,2 22,5.36 22,9.5C22,11.19 21.26,12.75 20,14V22H4V14C2.74,12.75 2,11.19 2,9.5C2,5.36 6.5,2 12,2M8,18H12V14H8V18Z",dt="M12,2C17.5,2 22,5.36 22,9.5C22,11.19 21.26,12.75 20,14V22H4V14C2.74,12.75 2,11.19 2,9.5C2,5.36 6.5,2 12,2M18,13.14C19.24,12.17 20,10.89 20,9.5C20,6.46 16.42,4 12,4C7.58,4 4,6.46 4,9.5C4,10.89 4.76,12.17 6,13.14V20H18V13.14M8,18V14H12V18H8Z",mt="M7,14V10.91C6.28,10.58 5.61,10.18 5,9.71V14H7M5,18H3V16H1V14H3V7H5V8.43C6.8,10 9.27,11 12,11C14.73,11 17.2,10 19,8.43V7H21V14H23V16H21V18H19V16H5V18M17,10.91V14H19V9.71C18.39,10.18 17.72,10.58 17,10.91M16,14V11.32C15.36,11.55 14.69,11.72 14,11.84V14H16M13,14V11.96L12,12L11,11.96V14H13M10,14V11.84C9.31,11.72 8.64,11.55 8,11.32V14H10Z",tt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",vt="M20,6H16V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10C8.89,2 8,2.89 8,4V6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M10,4H14V6H10V4M12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9M17,19H7V17.75C7,16.37 9.24,15.25 12,15.25C14.76,15.25 17,16.37 17,17.75V19Z",lt="M20,6C20.58,6 21.05,6.2 21.42,6.59C21.8,7 22,7.45 22,8V19C22,19.55 21.8,20 21.42,20.41C21.05,20.8 20.58,21 20,21H4C3.42,21 2.95,20.8 2.58,20.41C2.2,20 2,19.55 2,19V8C2,7.45 2.2,7 2.58,6.59C2.95,6.2 3.42,6 4,6H8V4C8,3.42 8.2,2.95 8.58,2.58C8.95,2.2 9.42,2 10,2H14C14.58,2 15.05,2.2 15.42,2.58C15.8,2.95 16,3.42 16,4V6H20M4,8V19H20V8H4M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,11.25C14.25,12.5 13.24,13.5 12,13.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,11.25C9.75,10 10.76,9 12,9M16.5,18H7.5V16.88C7.5,15.63 9.5,14.63 12,14.63C14.5,14.63 16.5,15.63 16.5,16.88V18Z",ot="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C20.94 12.58 19.54 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.09 12.29 20.12 12.8 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M19 18.5V17H15V15H19V13.5L22 16L19 18.5M17 19H21V21H17V22.5L14 20L17 17.5V19Z",nt="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C21.42 13 20.75 12.6 20 12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V8C2 6.9 2.9 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M19 18.5V17H15V15H19V13.5L22 16L19 18.5M17 19H21V21H17V22.5L14 20L17 17.5V19Z",Zt="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C20.94 12.58 19.54 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.09 12.29 20.12 12.8 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M17.5 19H19V15H21V19H22.5L20 22L17.5 19M17 17V21H15V17H13.5L16 14L18.5 17H17Z",St="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C21.42 13 20.75 12.6 20 12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V8C2 6.9 2.9 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M17.5 19H19V15H21V19H22.5L20 22L17.5 19M17 17V21H15V17H13.5L16 14L18.5 17H17Z",ut="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M10.5,17.5L17.09,10.91L15.68,9.5L10.5,14.67L8.41,12.59L7,14L10.5,17.5Z",ct="M20 6C20.58 6 21.05 6.2 21.42 6.59C21.8 7 22 7.45 22 8V19C22 19.55 21.8 20 21.42 20.41C21.05 20.8 20.58 21 20 21H4C3.42 21 2.95 20.8 2.58 20.41C2.2 20 2 19.55 2 19V8C2 7.45 2.2 7 2.58 6.59C2.95 6.2 3.42 6 4 6H8V4C8 3.42 8.2 2.95 8.58 2.58C8.95 2.2 9.42 2 10 2H14C14.58 2 15.05 2.2 15.42 2.58C15.8 2.95 16 3.42 16 4V6H20M4 8V19H20V8H4M14 6V4H10V6H14M10.46 17.5L17.05 10.91L15.64 9.5L10.46 14.67L8.37 12.59L6.96 14L10.46 17.5Z",st="M21 11.11V7A2 2 0 0 0 19 5H15V3A2 2 0 0 0 13 1H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 3V5H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 7V18A2 2 0 0 0 3 20H10.26A7 7 0 1 0 21 11.11M9 3H13V5H9M19 20A5 5 0 0 1 13 20A5 5 0 1 1 19 20M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13",Ot="M21 11.11V7A2 2 0 0 0 20.42 5.59A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 19 5H15V3A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 14.42 1.58A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 13 1H9A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 7.58 1.58A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 7 3V5H3A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 1.58 5.59A2 2 0 0 0 1 7V18A2 2 0 0 0 1.58 19.41A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 3 20H10.26A7 7 0 1 0 21 11.11M9 3H13V5H9M3 18V7H19V9.68A6.84 6.84 0 0 0 16 9A7 7 0 0 0 9 16A6.91 6.91 0 0 0 9.29 18M19 20A5 5 0 0 1 13 20A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 19 12A5 5 0 0 1 19 20M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13",ht="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,19L17,14H14V10H10V14H7L12,19Z",pt="M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17L12,18M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M4,8V19H20V8H4Z",ft="M14,2A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8L10.85,19C10.85,20.1 10.85,19.5 10.85,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2H14M14,6V4H10V6H14M21.04,12.13C20.9,12.13 20.76,12.19 20.65,12.3L19.65,13.3L21.7,15.35L22.7,14.35C22.92,14.14 22.92,13.79 22.7,13.58L21.42,12.3C21.31,12.19 21.18,12.13 21.04,12.13M19.07,13.88L13,19.94V22H15.06L21.12,15.93L19.07,13.88Z",gt="M21.04,12.13C21.18,12.13 21.31,12.19 21.42,12.3L22.7,13.58C22.92,13.79 22.92,14.14 22.7,14.35L21.7,15.35L19.65,13.3L20.65,12.3C20.76,12.19 20.9,12.13 21.04,12.13M19.07,13.88L21.12,15.93L15.06,22H13V19.94L19.07,13.88M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8L20,10V8H4V19H11V21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",kt="M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M9.1 19.7L8.8 19L9.1 18.3C10.4 15.1 13.5 13 17 13C18.9 13 20.6 13.6 22 14.6V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6H16V4C16 2.9 15.1 2 14 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H9.8C9.5 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.1 19.7M10 4H14V6H10V4M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",Bt="M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5M9.1 19.7L8.8 19H4V8H20V13.6C20.7 13.9 21.4 14.2 22 14.7V8C22 7.5 21.8 7 21.4 6.6C21 6.2 20.6 6 20 6H16V4C16 3.4 15.8 3 15.4 2.6C15 2.2 14.6 2 14 2H10C9.4 2 9 2.2 8.6 2.6C8.2 3 8 3.4 8 4V6H4C3.4 6 3 6.2 2.6 6.6C2.2 7 2 7.5 2 8V19C2 19.5 2.2 20 2.6 20.4C3 20.8 3.4 21 4 21H9.8C9.5 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.1 19.7M10 4H14V6H10V4Z",Pt="M22,17V19H14V17H22M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",wt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14,17H22V19H14V17Z",Ft="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 18.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V18.8M14 4H10V6H14V4Z",Tt="M20 8V16.8L22 18.8V8C22 7.45 21.8 7 21.42 6.59C21.05 6.2 20.58 6 20 6H16V4C16 3.42 15.8 2.95 15.42 2.58C15.05 2.2 14.58 2 14 2H10C9.42 2 8.95 2.2 8.58 2.58C8.2 2.95 8 3.42 8 4V4.8L11.2 8H20M10 4H14V6H10V4M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.11 6H4C3.42 6 2.95 6.2 2.58 6.59C2.2 7 2 7.45 2 8V19C2 19.55 2.2 20 2.58 20.41C2.95 20.8 3.42 21 4 21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M4 19V8H6.11L17.11 19H4Z",bt="M20,6C20.58,6 21.05,6.2 21.42,6.59C21.8,7 22,7.45 22,8V19C22,19.55 21.8,20 21.42,20.41C21.05,20.8 20.58,21 20,21H4C3.42,21 2.95,20.8 2.58,20.41C2.2,20 2,19.55 2,19V8C2,7.45 2.2,7 2.58,6.59C2.95,6.2 3.42,6 4,6H8V4C8,3.42 8.2,2.95 8.58,2.58C8.95,2.2 9.42,2 10,2H14C14.58,2 15.05,2.2 15.42,2.58C15.8,2.95 16,3.42 16,4V6H20M4,8V19H20V8H4M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",yt="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Rt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14,17H17V14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17Z",xt="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Dt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88Z",Et="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.03C20.85,11.21 18.82,10 16.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10,16.5C10,18.25 10.69,19.83 11.81,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Nt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.03C21.5,12.23 20.8,11.54 20,11V8H4V19H10.5C10.81,19.75 11.26,20.42 11.81,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19Z",Wt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,9L7,14H10V18H14V14H17L12,9Z",It="M12,9L17,14H14V18H10V14H7L12,9M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M4,8V19H20V8H4Z",Gt="M10 16V15H3L3 19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V15H14V16H10M20 7H16V5L14 3H10L8 5V7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V12C2 13.11 2.89 14 4 14H10V12H14V14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M14 7H10V5H14V7Z",Qt="M10 6.8L8.1 4.9L10 3H14L16 5V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V12C22 13.1 21.1 14 20 14H17.2L10.2 7H14V5H10V6.8M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.11 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V12C2 13.11 2.89 14 4 14H10V12H10.11L14 15.89V16H10V15H3V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M21 17.8V15H18.2L21 17.8Z",Ut="M10 6.8L8.1 4.9L10 3H14L16 5V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V14C22 14.73 21.59 15.37 21 15.72V17.8L17.2 14H20V9H12.2L10.2 7H14V5H10V6.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.11 3 19V15.73C2.4 15.38 2 14.75 2 14V9C2 7.9 2.9 7 4 7H5.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M11 15H13V14.89L11.11 13H11V15M9 14V11H9.11L7.11 9H4V14H9M17.11 19L15 16.89V17H9V16H5V19H17.11Z",zt="M20 7H16V5L14 3H10L8 5V7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V14C2 14.75 2.4 15.38 3 15.73V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V15.72C21.59 15.37 22 14.73 22 14V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M10 5H14V7H10V5M4 9H20V14H15V11H9V14H4V9M13 15H11V13H13V15M19 19H5V16H9V17H15V16H19V19Z",_t="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Kt="M10,2C8.18,2 6.47,2.5 5,3.35C8,5.08 10,8.3 10,12C10,15.7 8,18.92 5,20.65C6.47,21.5 8.18,22 10,22A10,10 0 0,0 20,12A10,10 0 0,0 10,2Z",jt="M9,2C7.95,2 6.95,2.16 6,2.46C10.06,3.73 13,7.5 13,12C13,16.5 10.06,20.27 6,21.54C6.95,21.84 7.95,22 9,22A10,10 0 0,0 19,12A10,10 0 0,0 9,2Z",qt="M12,18C11.11,18 10.26,17.8 9.5,17.45C11.56,16.5 13,14.42 13,12C13,9.58 11.56,7.5 9.5,6.55C10.26,6.2 11.11,6 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69Z",$t="M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31Z",Xt="M12,18V6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31Z",Yt="M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69Z",Jt="M14.3,16L13.6,14H10.4L9.7,16H7.8L11,7H13L16.2,16H14.3M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69M10.85,12.65H13.15L12,9L10.85,12.65Z",Cv="M20.04,8.71V4H15.34L12,0.69L8.71,4H4V8.71L0.69,12L4,15.34V20.04H8.71L12,23.35L15.34,20.04H20.04V15.34L23.35,12L20.04,8.71M8.83,7.05C9.81,7.05 10.6,7.84 10.6,8.83A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.83,10.6C7.84,10.6 7.05,9.81 7.05,8.83C7.05,7.84 7.84,7.05 8.83,7.05M15.22,17C14.24,17 13.45,16.2 13.45,15.22A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.22,13.45C16.2,13.45 17,14.24 17,15.22A1.78,1.78 0 0,1 15.22,17M8.5,17.03L7,15.53L15.53,7L17.03,8.5L8.5,17.03Z",Hv="M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6S6 8.7 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.1 9 17.2L10 15.5C8.8 14.8 8 13.5 8 12.1C8 9.9 9.8 8.1 12 8.1S16 9.9 16 12.1C16 13.6 15.2 14.9 14 15.5L15 17.2C16.8 16.2 18 14.2 18 12M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 15.7 4 18.9 7 20.6L8 18.9C5.6 17.5 4 14.9 4 12C4 7.6 7.6 4 12 4S20 7.6 20 12C20 15 18.4 17.5 16 18.9L17 20.6C20 18.9 22 15.7 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2Z",Vv="M17.6 14.2C17.9 13.5 18 12.8 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6C11.2 6 10.4 6.2 9.8 6.4L11.4 8H12C14.2 8 16 9.8 16 12C16 12.2 16 12.4 15.9 12.6L17.6 14.2M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12C20 13.4 19.6 14.6 19 15.7L20.5 17.2C21.4 15.7 22 13.9 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.5 6.8 3.5L8.3 5C9.4 4.3 10.6 4 12 4M3.3 2.5L2 3.8L4.1 5.9C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 15.7 4 18.9 7 20.6L8 18.9C5.6 17.5 4 14.9 4 12C4 10.2 4.6 8.6 5.5 7.3L7 8.8C6.4 9.7 6 10.8 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.1 9 17.2L10 15.5C8.8 14.8 8 13.5 8 12.1C8 11.5 8.2 10.9 8.4 10.3L10 11.9V12.1C10 13.2 10.9 14.1 12 14.1H12.2L19.7 21.6L21 20.3L4.3 3.5L3.3 2.5Z",Lv="M19.36,2.72L20.78,4.14L15.06,9.85C16.13,11.39 16.28,13.24 15.38,14.44L9.06,8.12C10.26,7.22 12.11,7.37 13.65,8.44L19.36,2.72M5.93,17.57C3.92,15.56 2.69,13.16 2.35,10.92L7.23,8.83L14.67,16.27L12.58,21.15C10.34,20.81 7.94,19.58 5.93,17.57Z",Mv="M20.71,4.63L19.37,3.29C19,2.9 18.35,2.9 17.96,3.29L9,12.25L11.75,15L20.71,6.04C21.1,5.65 21.1,5 20.71,4.63M7,14A3,3 0 0,0 4,17C4,18.31 2.84,19 2,19C2.92,20.22 4.5,21 6,21A4,4 0 0,0 10,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,14Z",Av="M20.8 22.7L12.4 14.3L11.8 15L9 12.2L9.7 11.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M7 14C5.3 14 4 15.3 4 17C4 18.3 2.8 19 2 19C2.9 20.2 4.5 21 6 21C8.2 21 10 19.2 10 17C10 15.3 8.7 14 7 14M20.7 6C21.1 5.6 21.1 5 20.7 4.6L19.4 3.3C19 2.9 18.4 2.9 18 3.3L12.2 9L15 11.8L20.7 6Z",iv="M7 16C7.55 16 8 16.45 8 17C8 18.1 7.1 19 6 19C5.83 19 5.67 19 5.5 18.95C5.81 18.4 6 17.74 6 17C6 16.45 6.45 16 7 16M18.67 3C18.41 3 18.16 3.1 17.96 3.29L9 12.25L11.75 15L20.71 6.04C21.1 5.65 21.1 5 20.71 4.63L19.37 3.29C19.17 3.09 18.92 3 18.67 3M7 14C5.34 14 4 15.34 4 17C4 18.31 2.84 19 2 19C2.92 20.22 4.5 21 6 21C8.21 21 10 19.21 10 17C10 15.34 8.66 14 7 14Z",rv="M8 3C5.79 3 4 4.79 4 7V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H9V20C9 21.1 9.9 22 11 22H13C14.1 22 15 21.1 15 20V16H18C19.1 16 20 15.1 20 14V3H8M8 5H12V7H14V5H15V9H17V5H18V10H6V7C6 5.9 6.9 5 8 5M6 14V12H18V14H6Z",av="M3 4H21V7H20L17.5 21H6.5L4 7H3V4Z",ev="M3 4H21V7H20L17.5 21H6.5L4 7H3V4M17.97 7H6.03L8.15 19H15.85L17.97 7Z",dv="M9 14C9.55 14 10 14.45 10 15C10 15.55 9.55 16 9 16C8.45 16 8 15.55 8 15C8 14.45 8.45 14 9 14M15 14C15.55 14 16 14.45 16 15C16 15.55 15.55 16 15 16C14.45 16 14 15.55 14 15C14 14.45 14.45 14 15 14M3 22L4 19H3C2.45 19 2 18.55 2 18V12C2 11.45 2.45 11 3 11H21C21.55 11 22 11.45 22 12V18C22 18.55 21.55 19 21 19H20L21 22H19L18 19H6L5 22H3M13 13V17H20V13H13M4 13V17H11V13H4Z",mv="M14,12H10V10H14M14,16H10V14H14M20,8H17.19C16.74,7.22 16.12,6.55 15.37,6.04L17,4.41L15.59,3L13.42,5.17C12.96,5.06 12.5,5 12,5C11.5,5 11.04,5.06 10.59,5.17L8.41,3L7,4.41L8.62,6.04C7.88,6.55 7.26,7.22 6.81,8H4V10H6.09C6.04,10.33 6,10.66 6,11V12H4V14H6V15C6,15.34 6.04,15.67 6.09,16H4V18H6.81C7.85,19.79 9.78,21 12,21C14.22,21 16.15,19.79 17.19,18H20V16H17.91C17.96,15.67 18,15.34 18,15V14H20V12H18V11C18,10.66 17.96,10.33 17.91,10H20V8Z",tv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16Z",vv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M21.34 16L17.75 19.59L16.16 18L15 19.16L17.75 22.16L22.5 17.41L21.34 16M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13Z",lv="M20,8H17.19C16.74,7.2 16.12,6.5 15.37,6L17,4.41L15.59,3L13.42,5.17C12.96,5.06 12.5,5 12,5C11.5,5 11.05,5.06 10.59,5.17L8.41,3L7,4.41L8.62,6C7.87,6.5 7.26,7.21 6.81,8H4V10H6.09C6.03,10.33 6,10.66 6,11V12H4V14H6V15C6,15.34 6.03,15.67 6.09,16H4V18H6.81C8.47,20.87 12.14,21.84 15,20.18C15.91,19.66 16.67,18.9 17.19,18H20V16H17.91C17.97,15.67 18,15.34 18,15V14H20V12H18V11C18,10.66 17.97,10.33 17.91,10H20V8M16,15A4,4 0 0,1 12,19A4,4 0 0,1 8,15V11A4,4 0 0,1 12,7A4,4 0 0,1 16,11V15M14,10V12H10V10H14M10,14H14V16H10V14Z",ov="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M20 16H22V22H20M16 16H18V22H16V16Z",nv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M20 16H22V22H20M16 16H18V22H16V16Z",Zv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",Sv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",uv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M16 16H22V22H16V16Z",cv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M16 16H22V22H16V16Z",sv="M21,6C21,11 12,11 12,11C12,11 6,11 5,11C4,11 3,10 3,10H2V14H3C3,14 4,13 5,13C5.2,13 5.7,13 6.3,13C5.5,13.5 5,14.2 5,15C5,16.8 7.3,18 10.5,18C13.7,18 16,16.8 16,15C16,14.4 15.7,13.8 15.2,13.3C17.8,13.8 21,15 21,18H22V6H21M10.5,16.7C8.2,16.7 6.4,15.9 6.4,15C6.4,14.1 8.2,13.3 10.5,13.3C12.8,13.3 14.6,14.1 14.6,15C14.6,15.9 12.8,16.7 10.5,16.7Z",Ov="M13 2.09C13 2.06 13 2.03 13 2C13 1.45 12.55 1 12 1S11 1.45 11 2C11 2.03 11 2.06 11 2.09C8.19 2.56 6.03 5 6.03 7.97V16C6.03 19 8.19 21.44 11 21.91C11 21.94 11 21.97 11 22C11 22.55 11.45 23 12 23S13 22.55 13 22C13 21.97 13 21.94 13 21.91C15.81 21.44 17.97 19 17.97 16V7.97C18 5 15.81 2.56 13 2.09M16 8H15V5.4C15.6 6.09 16 7 16 8V8M14 19.44C13.41 19.79 12.73 20 12 20C11.27 20 10.59 19.79 10 19.44V16H14V19.44M10 15V9H14V15H10M9 15H8.03V9H9V15M10 4.56C10.59 4.21 11.27 4 12 4C12.73 4 13.41 4.21 14 4.56V8H10V4.56M15 9H16V15H15V9M9 5.4V8H8.03V7.97C8.03 7 8.4 6.09 9 5.4M8.03 16H9V18.6C8.4 17.91 8.03 17 8.03 16.03V16M15 18.6V16H16V16C16 17 15.6 17.91 15 18.6Z",hv="M4,4A1,1 0 0,0 3,5V10C2.54,10 2.14,10.31 2.03,10.76V13.97H2.29C2.65,13.37 3.3,13 4,13H13C13.7,13 14.35,13.37 14.71,13.97H16.03L16,11V11A1,1 0 0,0 15,10H13V8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8V10H9V5A1,1 0 0,0 8,4H4M5,6H7V10L7,11H5V6M17,11V19H22V18L19,17L18,11H17M4,15A2,2 0 0,0 2,17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 13,15H4Z",pv="M14,22H10V21H14V22M13,10V7H11V10L10,11.5V20H14V11.5L13,10M12,2C12,2 11,3 11,5V6H13V5C13,5 13,3 12,2Z",fv="M12.04,2.5L9.53,5H14.53L12.04,2.5M4,7V20H20V7H4M12,0L17,5V5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5H7V5L12,0M7,18V14H12V18H7M14,17V10H18V17H14M6,12V9H11V12H6Z",gv="M12,8H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V14A2,2 0 0,0 4,16H5V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V16H12L17,20V4L12,8M21.5,12C21.5,13.71 20.54,15.26 19,16V8C20.53,8.75 21.5,10.3 21.5,12Z",kv="M12,8H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V14A2,2 0 0,0 4,16H5V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V16H12L17,20V4L12,8M15,15.6L13,14H4V10H13L15,8.4V15.6M21.5,12C21.5,13.71 20.54,15.26 19,16V8C20.53,8.75 21.5,10.3 21.5,12Z",Bv="M20 2V4L4 8V6H2V18H4V16L6 16.5V18.5C6 20.4 7.6 22 9.5 22S13 20.4 13 18.5V18.3L20 20V22H22V2H20M11 18.5C11 19.3 10.3 20 9.5 20S8 19.3 8 18.5V17L11 17.8V18.5Z",Pv="M20 2V4L4 8V6H2V18H4V16L6 16.5V18.5C6 20.4 7.6 22 9.5 22S13 20.4 13 18.5V18.3L20 20V22H22V2H20M11 18.5C11 19.3 10.3 20 9.5 20S8 19.3 8 18.5V17L11 17.8V18.5M20 18L4 14V10L20 6V18Z",wv="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Fv="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,10.84 21.79,9.69 21.39,8.61L19.79,10.21C19.93,10.8 20,11.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4C12.6,4 13.2,4.07 13.79,4.21L15.4,2.6C14.31,2.21 13.16,2 12,2M19,2L15,6V7.5L12.45,10.05C12.3,10 12.15,10 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12C14,11.85 14,11.7 13.95,11.55L16.5,9H18L22,5H19V2M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12H16A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8V6Z",Tv="M11.38 2L6.38 7L5.13 15.75L11.38 22L18.88 17L13.88 12L17.63 8.25L11.38 2Z",bv="M1 2V23H3V21H21V23H23V7C23 4.79 21.21 3 19 3H10V8H3V2M6.5 2A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 7A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 2M3 11H21V13.56C20.41 13.21 19.73 13 19 13H10V18H3M6.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 17A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 12Z",yv="M1 2H3V9H10V3H19C21.2 3 23 4.8 23 7V23H21V21H3V23H1V2M12 5V9H21V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5H12M3 11V19H10V13H19C19.7 13 20.4 13.2 21 13.6V11H3M6.5 13C7.9 13 9 14.1 9 15.5S7.9 18 6.5 18 4 16.9 4 15.5 5.1 13 6.5 13M6.5 14.6C6 14.6 5.6 15 5.6 15.5S6 16.4 6.5 16.4 7.4 16 7.4 15.5 7 14.6 6.5 14.6M12 15V19H21V17C21 15.9 20.1 15 19 15H12M6.5 3C7.9 3 9 4.1 9 5.5S7.9 8 6.5 8 4 6.9 4 5.5 5.1 3 6.5 3M6.5 4.6C6 4.6 5.6 5 5.6 5.5S6 6.4 6.5 6.4 7.4 6 7.4 5.5 7 4.6 6.5 4.6Z",Rv="M18,11H6V6H18M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M4,16C4,16.88 4.39,17.67 5,18.22V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H7A1,1 0 0,0 8,20V19H16V20A1,1 0 0,0 17,21H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,20V18.22C19.61,17.67 20,16.88 20,16V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2C7.58,2 4,2.5 4,6V16Z",xv="M16,1A7,7 0 0,1 23,8C23,11.53 20.39,14.45 17,14.93V18C17,18.84 16.65,19.58 15.96,20.2V22C15.96,22.27 15.87,22.5 15.68,22.71C15.5,22.91 15.26,23 15,23H14C13.71,23 13.47,22.91 13.27,22.71C13.06,22.5 12.96,22.27 12.96,22V21H5.04V22C5.04,22.27 4.94,22.5 4.73,22.71C4.53,22.91 4.29,23 4,23H3C2.74,23 2.5,22.91 2.32,22.71C2.13,22.5 2.04,22.27 2.04,22V20.2C1.35,19.58 1,18.84 1,18V8C1,6.42 1.7,5.35 3.07,4.8C4.44,4.26 6.42,4 9,4L10.23,4.03C11.5,2.2 13.61,1 16,1M16,3A5,5 0 0,0 11,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,13A5,5 0 0,0 21,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,3M15,10H17V12H15V10M15,4H17V9H15V4M3,13H11.09C9.8,11.72 9,9.96 9,8H3V13M4.5,16C3.69,16 3,16.67 3,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,19C5.35,19 6,18.33 6,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,16M13.5,16C12.65,16 12,16.67 12,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,19C14.31,19 15,18.33 15,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,16Z",Dv="M21.5,6L20,7.5L21.5,9L20,10.5L21.5,12L20,13.5L21.5,15H12.5A3,3 0 0,1 9.5,18A3,3 0 0,1 6.5,15H2.5V8C2.5,6.89 3.39,6 4.5,6H21.5M18.5,7.5H15V10H18.5V7.5M13.5,7.5H9.5V10H13.5V7.5M8,7.5H4V10H8V7.5M9.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,13.5Z",Ev="M1,6L2.5,7.5L1,9L2.5,10.5L1,12L2.5,13.5L1,15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V8C23,6.89 22.11,6 21,6H1M4,7.5H6.5V10H4V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M19,7.5H21.5V13L19,11V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",Nv="M16.5,4V8.25L19.36,9.94L18.61,11.16L15,9V4H16.5M16,13C17.36,13 18.54,12.5 19.5,11.53C20.5,10.56 21,9.39 21,8C21,6.64 20.5,5.46 19.5,4.5C18.54,3.5 17.36,3 16,3C14.61,3 13.44,3.5 12.47,4.5C11.5,5.46 11,6.64 11,8C11,9.39 11.5,10.56 12.47,11.53C13.44,12.5 14.61,13 16,13M13.5,19C13.94,19 14.3,18.84 14.58,18.54C14.86,18.24 15,17.89 15,17.5C15,17.08 14.86,16.73 14.58,16.43C14.3,16.13 13.94,16 13.5,16C13.06,16 12.7,16.13 12.42,16.43C12.14,16.73 12,17.08 12,17.5C12,17.89 12.14,18.24 12.42,18.54C12.7,18.84 13.06,19 13.5,19M3,13H11.11C9.7,11.64 9,10 9,8H3V13M4.5,19C4.94,19 5.3,18.84 5.58,18.54C5.86,18.24 6,17.89 6,17.5C6,17.08 5.86,16.73 5.58,16.43C5.3,16.13 4.94,16 4.5,16C4.06,16 3.7,16.13 3.42,16.43C3.14,16.73 3,17.08 3,17.5C3,17.89 3.14,18.24 3.42,18.54C3.7,18.84 4.06,19 4.5,19M16,1C17.92,1 19.58,1.67 20.95,3.05C22.33,4.42 23,6.08 23,8C23,9.77 22.44,11.29 21.28,12.59C20.13,13.88 18.7,14.66 17,14.91V18C17,18.84 16.67,19.58 16,20.2V22C16,22.27 15.89,22.5 15.7,22.71C15.5,22.91 15.28,23 15,23H14C13.73,23 13.5,22.91 13.29,22.71C13.09,22.5 13,22.27 13,22V21H5V22C5,22.27 4.91,22.5 4.71,22.71C4.5,22.91 4.27,23 4,23H3C2.72,23 2.5,22.91 2.3,22.71C2.11,22.5 2,22.27 2,22V20.2C1.33,19.58 1,18.84 1,18V8C1,6.42 1.67,5.35 3.05,4.8C4.42,4.26 6.41,4 9,4C9.13,4 9.33,4 9.61,4C9.89,4 10.09,4.03 10.22,4.03C11.63,2 13.55,1 16,1Z",Wv="M3,4C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V14C23,12.89 22.11,12 21,12H19V9.5H23V6C23,4.89 22.11,4 21,4H3M2.5,5.5H6.5V8H2.5V5.5M8,5.5H12V8H8V5.5M13.5,5.5H17.5V8H13.5V5.5M19,5.5H21.5V8H19V5.5M13.5,9.5H17.5V12H13.5V9.5M2.5,9.5H6.5V12H2.5V9.5M8,9.5H12V12H8V9.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",Iv="M18 8H6V4H18M16.5 14C15.7 14 15 13.3 15 12.5C15 11.7 15.7 11 16.5 11C17.3 11 18 11.7 18 12.5C18 13.3 17.3 14 16.5 14M7.5 14C6.7 14 6 13.3 6 12.5C6 11.7 6.7 11 7.5 11S9 11.7 9 12.5C9 13.3 8.3 14 7.5 14M4 13C4 13.9 4.4 14.7 5 15.2V17C5 17.6 5.4 18 6 18H7C7.6 18 8 17.6 8 17V16H16V17C16 17.6 16.4 18 17 18H18C18.6 18 19 17.6 19 17V15.2C19.6 14.7 20 13.9 20 13V4C20 .5 16.4 0 12 0S4 .5 4 4V13M7 21H11V19L17 22H13V24L7 21Z",Gv="M12 2C7.58 2 4 2.5 4 6V16A3 3 0 0 0 5 18.22V20A1 1 0 0 0 6 21H7A1 1 0 0 0 8 20V19H14A8 8 0 0 1 13 15.5A5.55 5.55 0 0 1 15.38 11H6V6H18V10A4.07 4.07 0 0 1 18.5 10A5.34 5.34 0 0 1 20 10.22V6C20 2.5 16.42 2 12 2M7.5 14A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 6 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7.5 14M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8Z",Qv="M10 5C5.58 5 2 5.5 2 9V19C2 19.85 2.37 20.66 3 21.22V23C3 23.55 3.45 24 4 24H5C5.55 24 6 23.55 6 23V22H14V23C14 23.55 14.45 24 15 24H16C16.55 24 17 23.55 17 23V21.22C17.63 20.66 18 19.85 18 19V9C18 5.5 14.42 5 10 5M5.5 20C4.67 20 4 19.33 4 18.5S4.67 17 5.5 17 7 17.67 7 18.5 6.33 20 5.5 20M14.5 20C13.67 20 13 19.33 13 18.5S13.67 17 14.5 17 16 17.67 16 18.5 15.33 20 14.5 20M16 14H4V9H16V14M22 5V15C22 15.85 21.63 16.66 21 17.22V19C21 19.55 20.55 20 20 20H19.88C19.95 19.68 20 19.35 20 19V9C20 3 13 3 10 3C9.09 3 7.8 3 6.46 3.17C7.55 1.32 10.5 1 14 1C18.42 1 22 1.5 22 5Z",Uv="M3,6C1.89,6 1,6.89 1,8V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19V8C19,6.89 18.11,6 17,6H3M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M2.5,7.5H6.5V10H2.5V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",zv="M3,6C1.89,6 1,6.89 1,8V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V8C23,6.89 22.11,6 21,6H3M2.5,7.5H6.5V10H2.5V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M19,7.5H21.5V13L19,11V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",_v="M4 11H11.07C10.39 12.18 10 13.54 10 15C10 16.46 10.39 17.82 11.07 19H6V20C6 20.27 5.9 20.5 5.71 20.71C5.5 20.9 5.27 21 5 21H4C3.74 21 3.5 20.9 3.29 20.71C3.11 20.5 3 20.27 3 20V18.22C2.39 17.67 2 16.88 2 16V6C2 2.5 5.58 2 10 2C14.42 2 18 2.5 18 6V7C17.31 7 16.64 7.09 16 7.25V6H4V11M5.5 17C5.9 17 6.28 16.84 6.56 16.56C6.84 16.28 7 15.9 7 15.5C7 15.1 6.84 14.72 6.56 14.44C6.28 14.16 5.9 14 5.5 14C5.1 14 4.72 14.16 4.44 14.44C4.16 14.72 4 15.1 4 15.5C4 15.9 4.16 16.28 4.44 16.56C4.72 16.84 5.1 17 5.5 17M15 20V21H21V20C21 19.45 20.55 19 20 19H19V14H21L23 12L21 10H13L15 12L13 14H17V19H16C15.45 19 15 19.45 15 20Z",Kv="M22 7V16C22 16.71 21.62 17.36 21 17.72V19.25C21 19.66 20.66 20 20.25 20H19.75C19.34 20 19 19.66 19 19.25V18H12V19.25C12 19.66 11.66 20 11.25 20H10.75C10.34 20 10 19.66 10 19.25V17.72C9.39 17.36 9 16.71 9 16V7C9 4 12 4 15.5 4S22 4 22 7M13 15C13 14.45 12.55 14 12 14S11 14.45 11 15 11.45 16 12 16 13 15.55 13 15M20 15C20 14.45 19.55 14 19 14S18 14.45 18 15 18.45 16 19 16 20 15.55 20 15M20 7H11V11H20V7M7 9.5C6.97 8.12 5.83 7 4.45 7.05C3.07 7.08 1.97 8.22 2 9.6C2.03 10.77 2.86 11.77 4 12V20H5V12C6.18 11.76 7 10.71 7 9.5Z",jv="M20 3H7V2H6A1.78 1.78 0 0 0 4.59 3H2V5H3.73C2 10.58 2 22 2 22H7V5H20M22 8.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 19 11V22H20V11A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 22 8.5M15 11.5V16H14V22H12.5V17H11.5V22H10V16H9V11.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10.5 10H13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15 11.5M12 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 13.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6.5Z",qv="M6 22V19H4V22H2V14A1 1 0 0 1 3 13A1 1 0 0 1 4 14V17H7A1 1 0 0 1 8 18V22M20 11V22H19V11A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 20 11M15 11.55V16H14V22H12.5V17H11.5V22H10V16H9V11.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10.5 10H13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15 11.5M12 6.55A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 13.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6.5Z",$v="M20 13V6C20 2.5 16.42 2 12 2C7.58 2 4 2.5 4 6V16C4 16.88 4.39 17.67 5 18.22V20C5 20.27 5.11 20.5 5.29 20.71C5.5 20.9 5.74 21 6 21H7C7.27 21 7.5 20.9 7.71 20.71C7.9 20.5 8 20.27 8 20V19H12C11.37 18.16 11 17.13 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C17.64 11 19.09 11.79 20 13M16 11H6V6H18V11H16M6.44 16.56C6.16 16.28 6 15.9 6 15.5C6 15.1 6.16 14.72 6.44 14.44C6.72 14.16 7.1 14 7.5 14C7.9 14 8.28 14.16 8.56 14.44C8.84 14.72 9 15.1 9 15.5C9 15.9 8.84 16.28 8.56 16.56C8.28 16.84 7.9 17 7.5 17C7.1 17 6.72 16.84 6.44 16.56M15.5 16.92L13.29 14.71C13.11 15.1 13 15.54 13 16C13 17.66 14.34 19 16 19C16.46 19 16.9 18.9 17.29 18.71L21.29 22.71L22.71 21.29L18.71 17.29C18.9 16.9 19 16.46 19 16C19 14.34 17.66 13 16 13C15.54 13 15.1 13.11 14.71 13.29L16.91 15.5L15.5 16.91Z",Xv="M13 21H11V6L9.03 3.97L10 3L12 5L14 3L15 4L13 6V21M7 6C4.24 6 2 8.24 2 11C2 12.64 2.79 14.09 4 15H4V17C4 19.21 5.79 21 8 21C8.72 21 9.39 20.81 9.97 20.5L10 20.46V7C9.16 6.37 8.13 6 7 6M6.5 12.5L5 11L6.5 9.5L8 11L6.5 12.5M22 11C22 8.24 19.76 6 17 6C15.88 6 14.85 6.37 14 7L14 7V20.46C14.59 20.81 15.27 21 16 21C18.21 21 20 19.21 20 17V15H20C21.21 14.09 22 12.64 22 11M17.5 12.5L16 11L17.5 9.5L19 11L17.5 12.5Z",Yv="M13 21H11V6L9.03 3.97L10 3L12 5L14 3L15 4L13 6V21M14 9H14V7C14.84 6.37 15.88 6 17 6C19.76 6 22 8.24 22 11C22 12.64 21.21 14.09 20 15H20V17C20 19.21 18.21 21 16 21C15.27 21 14.59 20.81 14 20.46V18.46C14.59 18.81 15.27 19 16 19C17.1 19 18 18.1 18 17V13.83C19.17 13.42 20 12.31 20 11C20 9.35 18.67 8 17 8H17C15.88 8 14.84 8.37 14 9M10 9H10C9.16 8.37 8.13 8 7 8H7C5.33 8 4 9.35 4 11C4 12.31 4.84 13.42 6 13.83V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19C8.73 19 9.41 18.81 10 18.46V20.46C9.41 20.81 8.73 21 8 21C5.79 21 4 19.21 4 17V15H4C2.79 14.09 2 12.64 2 11C2 8.24 4.24 6 7 6C8.13 6 9.16 6.37 10 7V9M9 11L7.5 9.5L6 11L7.5 12.5L9 11M18 11L16.5 9.5L15 11L16.5 12.5L18 11Z",Jv="M18.1 15.3C18 15.4 17.8 15.5 17.7 15.6L15.3 16L17 19.6C17.2 20 17 20.4 16.6 20.6L13.8 21.9C13.7 22 13.6 22 13.5 22C13.2 22 12.9 21.8 12.8 21.6L11.2 18L9.3 19.5C9.2 19.6 9 19.7 8.8 19.7C8.4 19.7 8 19.4 8 18.9V7.5C8 7 8.3 6.7 8.8 6.7C9 6.7 9.2 6.8 9.3 6.9L18 14.3C18.3 14.5 18.4 15 18.1 15.3M6 12H4V4H20V12H18.4L20.6 13.9C21.4 13.6 21.9 12.9 21.9 12V4C21.9 2.9 21 2 19.9 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H6V12Z",Cl="M20 20.5C20 21.3 19.3 22 18.5 22H13C12.6 22 12.3 21.9 12 21.6L8 17.4L8.7 16.6C8.9 16.4 9.2 16.3 9.5 16.3H9.7L12 18V9C12 8.4 12.4 8 13 8S14 8.4 14 9V13.5L15.2 13.6L19.1 15.8C19.6 16 20 16.6 20 17.1V20.5M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H8V12H4V4H20V12H18V14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",Hl="M12 3L4 21H20L12 3M9 19H7.08L9 14.67V19M13 19H11V14H13V19M10.19 12L12 7.92L13.81 12H10.19M15 14.67L16.92 19H15V14.67Z",Vl="M7.05 3.5C5.68 4.88 5.68 7.1 7.05 8.47L15.54 16.95C16.12 17.54 16.12 18.5 15.54 19.07C14.95 19.66 14 19.66 13.41 19.07L9.17 14.83L10.23 13.77L6.7 10.23L6.34 10.59L4.93 9.17C4.54 8.78 3.91 8.78 3.5 9.17L2.1 10.59C1.71 11 1.71 11.61 2.1 12L3.5 13.41L3.16 13.77L6.7 17.3L7.76 16.24L12 20.5C13.37 21.85 15.58 21.85 16.95 20.5C18.32 19.12 18.32 16.9 16.95 15.54L8.46 7.05C7.88 6.46 7.88 5.5 8.46 4.93C9.05 4.34 10 4.34 10.59 4.93L14.83 9.17L13.77 10.23L17.3 13.77L17.66 13.41L19.07 14.83C19.46 15.22 20.1 15.22 20.5 14.83L21.9 13.41C22.29 13 22.29 12.39 21.9 12L20.5 10.59L20.84 10.23L17.3 6.7L16.24 7.76L12 3.5C10.63 2.15 8.42 2.15 7.05 3.5M2.81 11.29L4.22 9.88L5.64 11.29L4.22 12.71M18.36 12.71L19.78 11.29L21.19 12.71L19.78 14.12Z",Ll="M19,8L15,12H18A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C11,18 10.03,17.75 9.2,17.3L7.74,18.76C8.97,19.54 10.43,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12H23M6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13,6 13.97,6.25 14.8,6.7L16.26,5.24C15.03,4.46 13.57,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12H1L5,16L9,12",Ml="M14,16V21H10V18H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,15V12A1,1 0 0,1 7,11A1,1 0 0,1 8,12V15C8,15.56 8.45,16 9,16H10V6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6V14H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,13V11A1,1 0 0,1 17,10A1,1 0 0,1 18,11V13A3,3 0 0,1 15,16H14Z",Al="M11.5,0.5C12,0.75 13,2.4 13,3.5C13,4.6 12.33,5 11.5,5C10.67,5 10,4.85 10,3.75C10,2.65 11,2 11.5,0.5M18.5,9C21,9 23,11 23,13.5C23,15.06 22.21,16.43 21,17.24V23H12L3,23V17.24C1.79,16.43 1,15.06 1,13.5C1,11 3,9 5.5,9H10V6H13V9H18.5M12,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,13.5H16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,11H5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,13.5H9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,16Z",il="M21,21V17C21,15.89 20.1,15 19,15H18V12C18,10.89 17.1,10 16,10H13V8H11V10H8C6.89,10 6,10.89 6,12V15H5C3.89,15 3,15.89 3,17V21H1V23H23V21M12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5C14,4.62 13.9,4.27 13.71,3.97L12,1L10.28,3.97C10.1,4.27 10,4.62 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7Z",rl="M12,6C13.11,6 14,5.1 14,4C14,3.62 13.9,3.27 13.71,2.97L12,0L10.29,2.97C10.1,3.27 10,3.62 10,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M16.6,16L15.53,14.92L14.45,16C13.15,17.29 10.87,17.3 9.56,16L8.5,14.92L7.4,16C6.75,16.64 5.88,17 4.96,17C4.23,17 3.56,16.77 3,16.39V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,21V16.39C20.44,16.77 19.77,17 19.04,17C18.12,17 17.25,16.64 16.6,16M18,9H13V7H11V9H6A3,3 0 0,0 3,12V13.54C3,14.62 3.88,15.5 4.96,15.5C5.5,15.5 6,15.3 6.34,14.93L8.5,12.8L10.61,14.93C11.35,15.67 12.64,15.67 13.38,14.93L15.5,12.8L17.65,14.93C18,15.3 18.5,15.5 19.03,15.5C20.11,15.5 21,14.62 21,13.54V12A3,3 0 0,0 18,9Z",al="M12 6C13.11 6 14 5.1 14 4C14 3.62 13.9 3.27 13.71 2.97L12 0L10.29 2.97C10.1 3.27 10 3.62 10 4C10 5.1 10.9 6 12 6M18 9H13V7H11V9H6C4.34 9 3 10.34 3 12V21C3 21.55 3.45 22 4 22H20C20.55 22 21 21.55 21 21V12C21 10.34 19.66 9 18 9M19 20H5V17C5.9 17 6.76 16.63 7.4 16L8.5 14.92L9.56 16C10.87 17.3 13.15 17.29 14.45 16L15.53 14.92L16.6 16C17.24 16.63 18.1 17 19 17V20M19 15.5C18.5 15.5 18 15.3 17.65 14.93L15.5 12.8L13.38 14.93C12.64 15.67 11.35 15.67 10.61 14.93L8.5 12.8L6.34 14.93C6 15.29 5.5 15.5 5 15.5V12C5 11.45 5.45 11 6 11H18C18.55 11 19 11.45 19 12V15.5Z",el="M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V8H17V4H7M7,10V12H9V10H7M11,10V12H13V10H11M15,10V12H17V10H15M7,14V16H9V14H7M11,14V16H13V14H11M15,14V16H17V14H15M7,18V20H9V18H7M11,18V20H13V18H11M15,18V20H17V18H15Z",dl="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M13 7.1L14.1 6L15.5 7.4L16.9 6L18 7.1L16.6 8.5L18 9.9L16.9 11L15.5 9.6L14.1 11L13 9.9L14.4 8.5L13 7.1M6.2 7.7H11.2V9.2H6.2V7.7M11.5 16H9.5V18H8V16H6V14.5H8V12.5H9.5V14.5H11.5V16M18 17.2H13V15.7H18V17.2M18 14.8H13V13.3H18V14.8Z",ml="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M6.2 7.7H11.2V9.2H6.2V7.7M13 15.8H18V17.3H13V15.8M13 13.2H18V14.7H13V13.2M8 18H9.5V16H11.5V14.5H9.5V12.5H8V14.5H6V16H8V18M14.1 10.9L15.5 9.5L16.9 10.9L18 9.9L16.6 8.5L18 7.1L16.9 6L15.5 7.4L14.1 6L13 7.1L14.4 8.5L13 9.9L14.1 10.9Z",tl="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1M17,12H12V17H17V12Z",vl="M12 9C14 9 15 11.42 13.59 12.84C12.17 14.26 9.75 13.25 9.75 11.25C9.75 10 10.75 9 12 9M16.5 18H7.5V16.88C7.5 15.63 9.5 14.63 12 14.63S16.5 15.63 16.5 16.88M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16Z",ll="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19M12 10C14 10 15 12.42 13.59 13.84C12.17 15.26 9.75 14.25 9.75 12.25C9.75 11 10.75 10 12 10M16.5 17.88V18H7.5V17.88C7.5 16.63 9.5 15.63 12 15.63S16.5 16.63 16.5 17.88Z",ol="M6 1V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6M5 8H19V19H5V8M11 9V14H13V9H11M11 16V18H13V16H11Z",nl="M11 16H13V18H11V16M11 10H13V14H11V10M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",Zl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V8H19V19M12 10V12H16V15H12V17L8 13.5L12 10Z",Sl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V8H19V19M12 17V15H8V12H12V10L16 13.5L12 17Z",ul="M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M14.21 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V14.21C20.5 14.08 20 14 19.5 14C19.33 14 19.17 14 19 14.03V8H5V19H14.03C14 19.17 14 19.33 14 19.5C14 20 14.08 20.5 14.21 21Z",cl="M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M14 19.5C14 19.33 14 19.17 14.03 19H5V9H19V14.03C19.17 14 19.33 14 19.5 14C20 14 20.5 14.08 21 14.21V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H14.21C14.08 20.5 14 20 14 19.5M5 5H19V7H5V5Z",sl="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1",Ol="M21 17V8H7V17H21M21 3C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5V17C23 18.1 22.1 19 21 19H7C5.89 19 5 18.1 5 17V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M3 21H17V23H3C1.89 23 1 22.1 1 21V9H3V21Z",hl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z",pl="M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M16.53,11.06L15.47,10L10.59,14.88L8.47,12.76L7.41,13.82L10.59,17L16.53,11.06Z",fl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M10.56 17.46L16.5 11.53L15.43 10.47L10.56 15.34L8.45 13.23L7.39 14.29L10.56 17.46Z",gl="M15,13H16.5V15.82L18.94,17.23L18.19,18.53L15,16.69V13M19,8H5V19H9.67C9.24,18.09 9,17.07 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8M5,21C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C14.09,23 12.36,22.24 11.1,21H5M16,11.15A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 11.15,16C11.15,18.68 13.32,20.85 16,20.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 20.85,16C20.85,13.32 18.68,11.15 16,11.15Z",kl="M6 1V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.1C12.36 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.36 21 11.1V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1M5 5H19V7H5M5 9H19V9.67C18.09 9.24 17.07 9 16 9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.07 9.24 18.09 9.67 19H5M16 11.15C18.68 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16C20.85 18.68 18.68 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 13.32 13.32 11.15 16 11.15M15 13V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13Z",Bl="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1M11 14L8 11V13H6V15H8V17L11 14M18 13H16V11L13 14L16 17V15H18V13Z",Pl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M16 11L13 14L16 17V15H18V13H16V11M8 13H6V15H8V17L11 14L8 11V13Z",wl="M22.86 17.74C22.77 17.85 22.65 17.91 22.53 17.94L20.66 18.3L21.95 21.14C22.11 21.43 21.97 21.79 21.67 21.93L19.53 22.94C19.44 23 19.36 23 19.27 23C19.05 23 18.84 22.88 18.74 22.66L17.45 19.83L15.96 21.04C15.86 21.12 15.74 21.17 15.59 21.17C15.26 21.17 15 20.9 15 20.57V11.6C15 11.27 15.26 11 15.59 11C15.74 11 15.88 11.05 16 11.13L22.77 16.89C23.04 17.12 23.07 17.5 22.86 17.74M12 15V10H7V15H12M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13V19H5V8H19V11.06L21 12.76V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",Fl="M5 9H19V11.1L21 12.8V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13V19H5V9M19 5V7H5V5H19M7 16V11H12V16H7M22.9 17.7C22.8 17.8 22.7 17.9 22.6 17.9L20.7 18.3L22 21.1C22.2 21.4 22 21.7 21.7 21.9L19.6 22.9C19.4 23 19.4 23 19.3 23C19.1 23 18.9 22.9 18.8 22.7L17.5 19.9L16 21C15.9 21.1 15.8 21.1 15.6 21.1C15.3 21.1 15 20.8 15 20.5V11.5C15 11.2 15.3 10.9 15.6 10.9C15.7 10.9 15.9 11 16 11L22.8 16.8C23 17.1 23.1 17.5 22.9 17.7Z",Tl="M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H10V19H5V8H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M21.7,13.35L20.7,14.35L18.65,12.35L19.65,11.35C19.85,11.14 20.19,11.13 20.42,11.35L21.7,12.63C21.89,12.83 21.89,13.15 21.7,13.35M12,18.94L18.07,12.88L20.12,14.88L14.06,21H12V18.94Z",bl="M21.7 13.35L20.7 14.35L18.65 12.35L19.65 11.35C19.85 11.14 20.19 11.13 20.42 11.35L21.7 12.63C21.89 12.83 21.89 13.15 21.7 13.35M12 18.94V21H14.06L20.12 14.88L18.07 12.88L12 18.94M5 19H10V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V9H5V19M5 5V7H19V5H5Z",yl="M22 14V22H20V18L16 22V19H11V17H16V14L20 18V14H22M5 19L9 19V21L5 21C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3H6V.998H8V3H16V.998H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5L21 12H19V8H5V19Z",Rl="M5 9H19V12H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V9M19 5V7H5V5H19M16 17H11V19H16V22L20 18L16 14V17M20 14V22H22V14H20Z",xl="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1M18 14L15 11V13H9V11L6 14L9 17V15H15V17L18 14Z",Dl="M15 13H9V11L6 14L9 17V15H15V17L18 14L15 11V13M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",El="M12 22L16 18H13V12H11V18H8L12 22M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H8L6 19H5V8H19V19H18L16 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3Z",Nl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H8L6 19H5V9H19V19H18L16 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5M13 18V12H11V18H8L12 22L16 18H13Z",Wl="M6 1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11H19V8H5V19H15V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21",Il="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H4.75C4.31 3.07 3.9 3.27 3.58 3.58C3.27 3.9 3.07 4.31 3 4.75V19.25C3.07 19.69 3.27 20.1 3.58 20.42C3.9 20.73 4.31 20.93 4.75 21H15V19H5V9H19V11H21V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21",Gl="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M12 17.17L11.42 16.64C9.36 14.77 8 13.54 8 12.03C8 10.8 8.97 9.83 10.2 9.83C10.9 9.83 11.56 10.15 12 10.66C12.44 10.15 13.1 9.83 13.8 9.83C15.03 9.83 16 10.8 16 12.03C16 13.54 14.64 14.77 12.58 16.64L12 17.17Z",Ql="M16 12.2C16 13.71 14.64 14.94 12.58 16.81L12 17.34L11.42 16.81C9.36 14.94 8 13.71 8 12.2C8 10.97 8.97 10 10.2 10C10.9 10 11.56 10.32 12 10.83C12.44 10.32 13.1 10 13.8 10C15.03 10 16 10.97 16 12.2M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 5V7H19V5H5M19 19V9H5V19H19Z",Ul="M12 12L8 16H11V22H13V16H16M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V8H19V19H15V21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3Z",zl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V9H19V19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5M12 12L8 16H11V22H13V16H16L12 12Z",_l="M12 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V12C20.4 11.6 19.7 11.2 19 11.1V8H5V19H12V21M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V15.5C15.2 14.1 16.6 13 18 13S20.8 14.1 20.8 15.5V17C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M19.5 15.5C19.5 14.7 18.8 14.2 18 14.2S16.5 14.7 16.5 15.5V17H19.5V15.5Z",Kl="M12 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V11C20.4 10.6 19.7 10.2 19 10.1V8H5V19H12V21M22 18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3Z",jl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H12V19H5V9H19V10.1C19.7 10.3 20.4 10.6 21 11V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M22 21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3V21.8Z",ql="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H12V19H5V9H19V11C19.7 11.2 20.4 11.5 21 11.9V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",$l="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M16 12.5V14.5H8V12.5H16Z",Xl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M8 13H16V15H8V13Z",Yl="M9,10V12H7V10H9M13,10V12H11V10H13M17,10V12H15V10H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19,19V8H5V19H19M9,14V16H7V14H9M13,14V16H11V14H13M17,14V16H15V14H17Z",Jl="M7 11H9V13H7V11M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 7H19V5H5V7M19 19V9H5V19H19M15 13V11H17V13H15M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 15H9V17H7V15M15 17V15H17V17H15M11 17V15H13V17H11Z",Co="M21,17V8H7V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M3,21H17V23H3C1.89,23 1,22.1 1,21V9H3V21M19,15H15V11H19V15Z",Ho="M21,17V8H7V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M17.53,11.06L13.09,15.5L10.41,12.82L11.47,11.76L13.09,13.38L16.47,10L17.53,11.06M3,21H17V23H3C1.89,23 1,22.1 1,21V9H3V21Z",Vo="M19,19V8H5V19H19M16,1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1M7,10H9V12H7V10M15,10H17V12H15V10M11,14H13V16H11V14M15,14H17V16H15V14Z",Lo="M7 11H9V13H7V11M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M11 15H13V17H11V15M15 15H17V17H15V15M15 11H17V13H15V11Z",Mo="M12 12H17V17H12V12M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",Ao="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M11 9.5H13V12.5H16V14.5H13V17.5H11V14.5H8V12.5H11V9.5Z",io="M13 13H16V15H13V18H11V15H8V13H11V10H13V13M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 5V7H19V5H5M19 19V9H5V19H19Z",ro="M6,1V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6M5,8H19V19H5V8M12.19,9C11.32,9 10.62,9.2 10.08,9.59C9.56,10 9.3,10.57 9.31,11.36L9.32,11.39H11.25C11.26,11.09 11.35,10.86 11.53,10.7C11.71,10.55 11.93,10.47 12.19,10.47C12.5,10.47 12.76,10.57 12.94,10.75C13.12,10.94 13.2,11.2 13.2,11.5C13.2,11.82 13.13,12.09 12.97,12.32C12.83,12.55 12.62,12.75 12.36,12.91C11.85,13.25 11.5,13.55 11.31,13.82C11.11,14.08 11,14.5 11,15H13C13,14.69 13.04,14.44 13.13,14.26C13.22,14.08 13.39,13.9 13.64,13.74C14.09,13.5 14.46,13.21 14.75,12.81C15.04,12.41 15.19,12 15.19,11.5C15.19,10.74 14.92,10.13 14.38,9.68C13.85,9.23 13.12,9 12.19,9M11,16V18H13V16H11Z",ao="M11.95 10C11.21 10 10.61 10.18 10.15 10.5C9.71 10.89 9.5 11.4 9.5 12.1L9.5 12.12H11.15C11.16 11.86 11.24 11.65 11.39 11.5C11.54 11.38 11.73 11.31 11.95 11.31C12.21 11.31 12.43 11.4 12.59 11.56C12.74 11.73 12.81 11.96 12.81 12.22C12.81 12.5 12.75 12.75 12.61 12.95C12.5 13.16 12.31 13.33 12.09 13.5C11.66 13.78 11.36 14.05 11.2 14.29C11.03 14.5 10.94 14.89 10.94 15.33H12.64C12.64 15.06 12.67 14.84 12.75 14.68C12.83 14.5 12.97 14.36 13.18 14.21C13.57 14 13.88 13.74 14.13 13.39C14.37 13.03 14.5 12.67 14.5 12.22C14.5 11.55 14.27 11 13.81 10.61C13.36 10.2 12.74 10 11.95 10M10.94 16.22V18H12.64V16.22H10.94M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",eo="M9,10H7V12H9V10M13,10H11V12H13V10M17,10H15V12H17V10M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V8H19V19Z",mo="M7 11H9V13H7V11M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 7H19V5H5V7M19 19V9H5V19H19M15 13H17V11H15V13M11 13H13V11H11V13Z",to="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H14C13.4 20.5 12.9 19.8 12.5 19H5V8H19V10.6C19.7 10.7 20.4 10.9 21 11.3V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M18 12.5C19.1 12.5 20.1 12.9 20.8 13.7L22 12.5V16.5H18L19.8 14.7C19.3 14.3 18.7 14 18 14C16.6 14 15.5 15.1 15.5 16.5S16.6 19 18 19C18.8 19 19.5 18.6 20 18H21.7C21.1 19.5 19.7 20.5 18 20.5C15.8 20.5 14 18.7 14 16.5S15.8 12.5 18 12.5Z",vo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H14C13.4 20.5 12.9 19.8 12.5 19H5V9H19V10.6C19.7 10.7 20.4 10.9 21 11.3V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19M18 12.5C19.1 12.5 20.1 12.9 20.8 13.7L22 12.5V16.5H18L19.8 14.7C19.3 14.3 18.7 14 18 14C16.6 14 15.5 15.1 15.5 16.5S16.6 19 18 19C18.8 19 19.5 18.6 20 18H21.7C21.1 19.5 19.7 20.5 18 20.5C15.8 20.5 14 18.7 14 16.5S15.8 12.5 18 12.5Z",lo="M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9.31,17L11.75,14.56L14.19,17L15.25,15.94L12.81,13.5L15.25,11.06L14.19,10L11.75,12.44L9.31,10L8.25,11.06L10.69,13.5L8.25,15.94L9.31,17Z",oo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M8.23 16.41L9.29 17.47L11.73 15.03L14.17 17.47L15.23 16.41L12.79 13.97L15.23 11.53L14.17 10.47L11.73 12.91L9.29 10.47L8.23 11.53L10.67 13.97L8.23 16.41Z",no="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M19,8H5V19H9.5C9.81,19.75 10.26,20.42 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.03C20.5,12.22 19.8,11.54 19,11V8Z",Zo="M19.3 18.9C19.7 18.2 20 17.4 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.4 21 17.2 20.8 17.9 20.3L21 23.4L22.4 22L19.3 18.9M15.5 19C14.1 19 13 17.9 13 16.5S14.1 14 15.5 14 18 15.1 18 16.5 16.9 19 15.5 19M5 19V9H19V11C19.8 11.5 20.5 12.2 21 13V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H10.8C10.2 20.4 9.8 19.8 9.5 19H5M19 5V7H5V5H19Z",So="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1M10.88 12H7.27L10.19 14.11L9.08 17.56L12 15.43L14.92 17.56L13.8 14.12L16.72 12H13.12L12 8.56L10.88 12Z",uo="M10.74 12.25L12 9.5L13.25 12.25L16 13.5L13.25 14.76L12 17.5L10.74 14.76L8 13.5L10.74 12.25M16 3V1H18V3H19C19.53 3 20.04 3.21 20.41 3.59C20.79 3.96 21 4.47 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 4.47 3.21 3.96 3.59 3.59C3.96 3.21 4.47 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16M5 8V19H19V8H5Z",co="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7M11 13H7.8L10.4 15L9.4 18L12 16.2L14.6 18L13.6 15L16.2 13H13L12 10L11 13Z",so="M2 14H4V17H9V14L13 18L9 22V19H4V22H2V14M19 19V8H5V12H3L3 5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V.998H8V3H16V.998H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21L12.83 21L14.83 19L19 19Z",Oo="M13 18L9 14V17H4V14H2V22H4V19H9V22L13 18M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V12H5V9H19V19H14.8L12.8 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5Z",ho="M18,11V12.5C21.19,12.5 23.09,16.05 21.33,18.71L20.24,17.62C21.06,15.96 19.85,14 18,14V15.5L15.75,13.25L18,11M18,22V20.5C14.81,20.5 12.91,16.95 14.67,14.29L15.76,15.38C14.94,17.04 16.15,19 18,19V17.5L20.25,19.75L18,22M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H14C13.36,20.45 12.86,19.77 12.5,19H5V8H19V10.59C19.71,10.7 20.39,10.94 21,11.31V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",po="M18,11V12.5C21.19,12.5 23.09,16.05 21.33,18.71L20.24,17.62C21.06,15.96 19.85,14 18,14V15.5L15.75,13.25L18,11M18,22V20.5C14.81,20.5 12.91,16.95 14.67,14.29L15.76,15.38C14.94,17.04 16.15,19 18,19V17.5L20.25,19.75L18,22M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H14C13.36,20.45 12.86,19.77 12.5,19H5V9H19V10.59C19.71,10.7 20.39,10.94 21,11.31V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,7H5V5H19",fo="M14,14H7V16H14M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M17,10H7V12H17V10Z",go="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M7 11H17V13H7V11M7 15H14V17H7V15Z",ko="M7,10H12V15H7M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Bo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19M7 11H12V16H7",Po="M6 1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1M5 8V19H19V8H5M7 10H17V12H7V10Z",wo="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1M9,10H7V17H9V10Z",Fo="M19 3C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19 19V9H5V19H19M19 7V5H5V7H19M7 11H9V17H7V11",To="M5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3M5 19H19V9H5V19M5 7H19V5H5V7M17 11V13H7V11H17",bo="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M7 17V10H9V17H7M15 10H17V17H15V10Z",yo="M19 3C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19 19V9H5V19H19M19 7V5H5V7H19M7 11H9V17H7V11M15 11H17V17H15V11Z",Ro="M9,5V7H15.59L4,18.59L5.41,20L17,8.41V15H19V5",xo="M17,20.41L18.41,19L15,15.59L13.59,17M7.5,8H11V13.59L5.59,19L7,20.41L13,14.41V8H16.5L12,3.5",Do="M19.59,7L12,14.59L6.41,9H11V7H3V15H5V10.41L12,17.41L21,8.41",Eo="M20,5.41L18.59,4L7,15.59V9H5V19H15V17H8.41",No="M14,4L16.29,6.29L13.41,9.17L14.83,10.59L17.71,7.71L20,10V4M10,4H4V10L6.29,7.71L11,12.41V20H13V11.59L7.71,6.29",Wo="M7 2C4.24 2 2 4.24 2 7V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H10C11.1 22 12 21.1 12 20V7C12 4.24 9.76 2 7 2M5 20C4.45 20 4 19.55 4 19S4.45 18 5 18 6 18.45 6 19 5.55 20 5 20M7 10C5.34 10 4 8.66 4 7S5.34 4 7 4 10 5.34 10 7 8.66 10 7 10M22 9V14C22 15.1 21.1 16 20 16H13V14H20V9H13V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9Z",Io="M22.1 21.5L9.4 8.8L2.4 1.8L1.1 3L2.7 4.6C2.2 5.3 2 6.1 2 7V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H10C11.1 22 12 21.1 12 20V13.9L13 14.9V16H14.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5 20C4.5 20 4 19.5 4 19S4.5 18 5 18 6 18.5 6 19 5.5 20 5 20M7 10C5.3 10 4 8.7 4 7C4 6.7 4.1 6.4 4.2 6.1L8 9.9C7.6 9.9 7.3 10 7 10M7.2 4L5.5 2.3C6 2.1 6.5 2 7 2C9.8 2 12 4.2 12 7V8.8L10 6.8C9.9 5.3 8.7 4.1 7.2 4M20 9H13V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V14C22 15.1 21.1 16 20 16H19.2L17.2 14H20V9Z",Go="M4,4H7L9,2H15L17,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",Qo="M4,5H7L9,3H15L17,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M16,17V16C16,14.67 13.33,14 12,14C10.67,14 8,14.67 8,16V17H16M12,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9Z",Uo="M1,5H3V19H1V5M5,5H7V19H5V5M22,5H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 22,5M11,17L13.5,13.85L15.29,16L17.79,12.78L21,17H11Z",zo="M9,12C9,11.19 9.3,10.5 9.89,9.89C10.5,9.3 11.19,9 12,9C12.81,9 13.5,9.3 14.11,9.89C14.7,10.5 15,11.19 15,12C15,12.81 14.7,13.5 14.11,14.11C13.5,14.7 12.81,15 12,15C11.19,15 10.5,14.7 9.89,14.11C9.3,13.5 9,12.81 9,12M5.53,8.44L7.31,10.22L5.53,12L7.31,13.78L5.53,15.56L2,12L5.53,8.44M8.44,18.47L10.22,16.69L12,18.47L13.78,16.69L15.56,18.47L12,22L8.44,18.47M18.47,15.56L16.69,13.78L18.47,12L16.69,10.22L18.47,8.44L22,12L18.47,15.56M15.56,5.53L13.78,7.31L12,5.53L10.22,7.31L8.44,5.53L12,2L15.56,5.53Z",_o="M21 7V22H3V20H19V7H14.72C14.38 7.6 13.74 8 13 8C13 9.11 12.1 10 11 10H8C6.9 10 6 9.1 6 8V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H11C12.1 2 13 2.9 13 4C13.74 4 14.38 4.41 14.72 5H19C20.11 5 21 5.89 21 7M6 15H13L11 11H8L6 15Z",Ko="M20.84 22.73L20.11 22H3V20H18.11L12.89 14.78L13 15H6L8 11H9.11L8.11 10H8C6.9 10 6 9.1 6 8V7.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M13 8C13.74 8 14.38 7.6 14.72 7H19V15.8L21 17.8V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5H14.72C14.38 4.41 13.74 4 13 4C13 2.9 12.1 2 11 2H8C7.24 2 6.59 2.43 6.25 3.05L12.5 9.3C12.81 8.95 13 8.5 13 8Z",jo="M9,3L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H16.83L15,3M12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18M12,17L13.25,14.25L16,13L13.25,11.75L12,9L10.75,11.75L8,13L10.75,14.25",qo="M12,10L11.06,12.06L9,13L11.06,13.94L12,16L12.94,13.94L15,13L12.94,12.06L12,10M20,5H16.83L15,3H9L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M20,19H4V7H8.05L8.64,6.35L9.88,5H14.12L15.36,6.35L15.95,7H20V19M12,8A5,5 0 0,0 7,13A5,5 0 0,0 12,18A5,5 0 0,0 17,13A5,5 0 0,0 12,8M12,16A3,3 0 0,1 9,13A3,3 0 0,1 12,10A3,3 0 0,1 15,13A3,3 0 0,1 12,16Z",$o="M20 5H17L15 3H9L7 5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5M5 12H7.1C7.65 9.29 10.29 7.55 13 8.1C13.76 8.25 14.43 8.59 15 9L13.56 10.45C13.11 10.17 12.58 10 12 10C10.74 10 9.6 10.8 9.18 12H11L8 15L5 12M16.91 14C16.36 16.71 13.72 18.45 11 17.9C10.25 17.74 9.58 17.41 9 17L10.44 15.55C10.9 15.83 11.43 16 12 16C13.27 16 14.41 15.2 14.83 14H13L16 11L19 14H16.91Z",Xo="M20 5H16.83L15 3H9L7.17 5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5M20 19H4V7H8.05L9.88 5H14.12L16 7H20V19M5 12H7.1C7.65 9.29 10.29 7.55 13 8.1C13.76 8.25 14.43 8.59 15 9L13.56 10.45C13.11 10.17 12.58 10 12 10C10.74 10 9.6 10.8 9.18 12H11L8 15L5 12M16.91 14C16.36 16.71 13.72 18.45 11 17.9C10.25 17.74 9.58 17.41 9 17L10.44 15.55C10.9 15.83 11.43 16 12 16C13.27 16 14.41 15.2 14.83 14H13L16 11L19 14H16.91Z",Yo="M7,2H17V12.5C17,10.83 13.67,10 12,10C10.33,10 7,10.83 7,12.5M17,0H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,2V16A2,2 0 0,0 7,18H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,16V2A2,2 0 0,0 17,0M12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4A2,2 0 0,0 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8M14,20V22H19V20M10,20H5V22H10V24L13,21L10,18V20Z",Jo="M6,0H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,2V22A2,2 0 0,1 18,24H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,22V2A2,2 0 0,1 6,0M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M11,1V3H13V1H11M6,4V16.5C6,15.12 8.69,14 12,14C15.31,14 18,15.12 18,16.5V4H6M13,18H9V20H13V22L16,19L13,16V18Z",Cn="M20,5H15A2,2 0 0,0 13,7V12A2,2 0 0,0 15,14H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,12V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M17.5,12.5A3,3 0 0,1 14.5,9.5A3,3 0 0,1 17.5,6.5A3,3 0 0,1 20.5,9.5A3,3 0 0,1 17.5,12.5M17.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,11M12,15V5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V15H12M10,12H4V7H10V12Z",Hn="M4,5H7L9,3H15L17,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M13.09,9.45L11.05,12.18L12.6,14.25L11.73,14.91L9.27,11.64L6,16H18L13.09,9.45Z",Vn="M13.73,15L9.83,21.76C10.53,21.91 11.25,22 12,22C14.4,22 16.6,21.15 18.32,19.75L14.66,13.4M2.46,15C3.38,17.92 5.61,20.26 8.45,21.34L12.12,15M8.54,12L4.64,5.25C3,7 2,9.39 2,12C2,12.68 2.07,13.35 2.2,14H9.69M21.8,10H14.31L14.6,10.5L19.36,18.75C21,16.97 22,14.6 22,12C22,11.31 21.93,10.64 21.8,10M21.54,9C20.62,6.07 18.39,3.74 15.55,2.66L11.88,9M9.4,10.5L14.17,2.24C13.47,2.09 12.75,2 12,2C9.6,2 7.4,2.84 5.68,4.25L9.34,10.6L9.4,10.5Z",Ln="M4 4H7L9 2H15L17 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V12C21.16 11.37 20.13 11 19 11C18.21 11 17.46 11.18 16.79 11.5C16.18 9.22 14.27 7 12 7C9.24 7 7 9.24 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.42 17 12.84 16.95 13.23 16.85C13.08 17.2 13 17.59 13 18V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4M12 9C13.66 9 15 10.34 15 12C15 13.66 13.66 15 12 15C10.34 15 9 13.66 9 12C9 10.34 10.34 9 12 9M23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3M20.5 15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5V15.5Z",Mn="M15 12C14.6 12.6 14.4 13.3 14.3 14C13.7 14.6 12.9 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9 15 10.3 15 12M13 18.2C13 17.7 13.1 17.2 13.4 16.8C12.9 16.9 12.5 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.3 7 16.1 8.5 16.8 10.6C17.5 10.3 18.2 10 19 10C20.1 10 21.2 10.4 22 11V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H17L15 2H9L7 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13V18.2M21.8 17H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V15H21.8V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17Z",An="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H7.2L9 2H15L16.8 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V11C21.4 10.6 20.7 10.2 20 10.1V6H16L14.2 4H9.9L8 6H4V18H13V20M12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17C12.5 17 12.9 16.9 13.4 16.8C13.6 16.4 13.9 16 14.2 15.8V14.6C14.2 14.4 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.1C13.7 14.7 12.9 15.1 12 15.1C10.3 15.1 9 13.8 9 12.1S10.3 9.1 12 9.1 15 10.4 15 12.1V12.2C15.4 11.6 16.1 11.1 16.8 10.7C16.1 8.5 14.3 7 12 7M21.8 17H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V15H21.8V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17Z",rn="M23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3M20.5 15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5V15.5M20 4C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V12C21.42 11.56 20.74 11.25 20 11.1V6H15.95L14.12 4H9.88L8.05 6H4V18H13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H7.17L9 2H15L16.83 4H20M12 7C14.57 7 16.68 8.94 16.97 11.43C15.29 12.18 14.1 13.83 14 15.76C13.67 16.06 13.4 16.43 13.23 16.85C12.84 16.95 12.42 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12C7 9.24 9.24 7 12 7M12 15C13.65 15 15 13.65 15 12C15 10.35 13.65 9 12 9C10.35 9 9 10.35 9 12C9 13.65 10.35 15 12 15Z",an="M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M9 2L7 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H14.5C13.9 19.1 13.4 18.1 13.1 16.9C12.8 17 12.4 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.1 7 16 8.3 16.7 10.3C17.3 10.1 17.9 10 18.5 10C19.8 10 21 10.5 22 11.3V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H17L15 2H9M11.9 9C10.3 9 9 10.4 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 15 12 15C12.4 15 12.7 14.9 13 14.8C13.2 13.4 13.9 12.2 14.9 11.3C14.6 10 13.4 9 11.9 9C12 9 12 9 11.9 9Z",en="M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M9 2L7.2 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H14.5C14.1 19.4 13.7 18.7 13.5 18H4V6H8.1L9.9 4H14.1L15.9 6H20V10.2C20.7 10.4 21.4 10.8 22 11.3V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H16.8L15 2H9M12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17C12.4 17 12.8 17 13.2 16.9C13.1 16.4 13 16 13 15.5V14.8C12.7 14.9 12.3 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9C13.4 9 14.6 10 14.9 11.3C15.4 10.9 16 10.5 16.7 10.3C16 8.3 14.1 7 12 7Z",dn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5M12,7.5C14.14,7.5 15.93,9 16.39,11H14.83C14.42,9.83 13.31,9 12,9C10.69,9 9.58,9.83 9.17,11H7.61C8.07,9 9.86,7.5 12,7.5M12,16.5C9.86,16.5 8.07,15 7.61,13H9.17C9.58,14.17 10.69,15 12,15C13.31,15 14.42,14.17 14.83,13H16.39C15.93,15 14.14,16.5 12,16.5Z",mn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M5.5,7.5H11V9.17C10.15,9.47 9.47,10.15 9.17,11H5.5V7.5M18.5,7.5V11H14.83C14.53,10.15 13.85,9.47 13,9.17V7.5H18.5M18.5,16.5H13V14.83C13.85,14.53 14.53,13.85 14.83,13H18.5V16.5M5.5,16.5V13H9.17C9.47,13.85 10.15,14.53 11,14.83V16.5H5.5M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5Z",tn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,7.5C14.14,7.5 15.93,9 16.39,11H14.83C14.42,9.83 13.31,9 12,9C10.69,9 9.58,9.83 9.17,11H7.61C8.07,9 9.86,7.5 12,7.5M12,16.5C9.86,16.5 8.07,15 7.61,13H9.17C9.58,14.17 10.69,15 12,15C13.31,15 14.42,14.17 14.83,13H16.39C15.93,15 14.14,16.5 12,16.5Z",vn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5Z",ln="M1.2,4.47L2.5,3.2L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.78 2.04,5.57 2.1,5.37L1.2,4.47M7,4L9,2H15L17,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.6 21.74,19.13 21.32,19.5L16.33,14.5C16.76,13.77 17,12.91 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C11.09,7 10.23,7.24 9.5,7.67L5.82,4H7M7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C12.5,17 13.03,16.92 13.5,16.77L11.72,15C10.29,14.85 9.15,13.71 9,12.28L7.23,10.5C7.08,10.97 7,11.5 7,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12C15,12.35 14.94,12.69 14.83,13L11,9.17C11.31,9.06 11.65,9 12,9Z",on="M17 12C17 12.54 16.9 13.05 16.74 13.54L15 11.78C14.87 10.3 13.7 9.13 12.22 9L10.46 7.26C10.95 7.1 11.46 7 12 7C14.76 7 17 9.24 17 12M9.88 4H14.12L15.95 6H20V16.8L21.88 18.68C21.96 18.47 22 18.24 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H16.83L15 2H9L7.18 4L8.6 5.4L9.88 4M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9 12C9 13.66 10.34 15 12 15C12.33 15 12.65 14.93 12.94 14.83L9.17 11.06C9.07 11.36 9 11.67 9 12M16.11 18L14.45 16.34C13.72 16.75 12.89 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12C7 11.11 7.25 10.28 7.66 9.55L4.11 6H4V18H16.11Z",nn="M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M20,18H4V6H8.05L9.88,4H14.12L15.95,6H20V18M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15Z",Zn="M12,17C10.37,17 8.94,16.21 8,15H12A3,3 0 0,0 15,12C15,11.65 14.93,11.31 14.82,11H16.9C16.96,11.32 17,11.66 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,7C13.63,7 15.06,7.79 16,9H12A3,3 0 0,0 9,12C9,12.35 9.07,12.68 9.18,13H7.1C7.03,12.68 7,12.34 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",Sn="M3 4V1H5V4H8V6H5V9H3V6H0V4M6 10V7H9V4H16L17.8 6H21C22.1 6 23 6.9 23 8V20C23 21.1 22.1 22 21 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V10M13 19C17.45 19 19.69 13.62 16.54 10.46C13.39 7.31 8 9.55 8 14C8 16.76 10.24 19 13 19M9.8 14C9.8 16.85 13.25 18.28 15.26 16.26C17.28 14.25 15.85 10.8 13 10.8C11.24 10.8 9.8 12.24 9.8 14Z",un="M21 6H17.8L16 4H10V6H15.1L17 8H21V20H5V11H3V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V8C23 6.9 22.1 6 21 6M8 14C8 18.45 13.39 20.69 16.54 17.54C19.69 14.39 17.45 9 13 9C10.24 9 8 11.24 8 14M13 11C14.64 11.05 15.95 12.36 16 14C15.95 15.64 14.64 16.95 13 17C11.36 16.95 10.05 15.64 10 14C10.05 12.36 11.36 11.05 13 11M5 6H8V4H5V1H3V4H0V6H3V9H5",cn="M12,6C10.89,6 10,5.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2C13.09,2 14,2.9 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6M17,0H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,2V16A2,2 0 0,0 7,18H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,16V2A2,2 0 0,0 17,0M14,20V22H19V20M10,20H5V22H10V24L13,21L10,18V20Z",sn="M6,0H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,2V22A2,2 0 0,1 18,24H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,22V2A2,2 0 0,1 6,0M12,2A2,2 0 0,0 10,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,2M13,18H9V20H13V22L16,19L13,16V18Z",On="M20,5H17L15,3H9L7,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M12,18C10.92,18 9.86,17.65 9,17L10.44,15.56C10.91,15.85 11.45,16 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10C10.74,10 9.6,10.8 9.18,12H11L8,15L5,12H7.1C7.65,9.29 10.29,7.55 13,8.1C15.7,8.65 17.45,11.29 16.9,14C16.42,16.33 14.38,18 12,18Z",hn="M20,5H16.83L15,3H9L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M20,19H4V7H8.05L9.88,5H14.12L16,7H20V19M12,18C10.92,18 9.86,17.65 9,17L10.44,15.56C10.91,15.85 11.45,16 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10C10.74,10 9.6,10.8 9.18,12H11L8,15L5,12H7.1C7.65,9.29 10.29,7.55 13,8.1C15.7,8.65 17.45,11.29 16.9,14C16.42,16.33 14.38,18 12,18Z",pn="M15,15.5V13H9V15.5L5.5,12L9,8.5V11H15V8.5L18.5,12M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",fn="M20 4H16.8L15 2H9L7.2 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M9.9 4H14.1L15.9 6H20V18H4V6H8.1M15 11H9V8.5L5.5 12L9 15.5V13H15V15.5L18.5 12L15 8.5V11Z",gn="M4.94,6.35C4.55,5.96 4.55,5.32 4.94,4.93C5.33,4.54 5.96,4.54 6.35,4.93L13.07,10.31L13.42,10.59C14.2,11.37 14.2,12.64 13.42,13.42C12.64,14.2 11.37,14.2 10.59,13.42L10.31,13.07L4.94,6.35M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.79 19.1,7.79 17.66,6.34L19.07,4.93C20.88,6.74 22,9.24 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12H4A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3A2,2 0 0,1 12,5A2,2 0 0,1 10,3A2,2 0 0,1 12,1Z",kn="M12,10.8A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 15.2,14A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 12,17.2A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 8.8,14A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 12,10.8M16,3.33V2A6,6 0 0,1 22,8H20.67C20.67,5.42 18.58,3.33 16,3.33M16,6V4.67C17.84,4.67 19.33,6.16 19.33,8H18C18,6.89 17.11,6 16,6M17,9H22V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H7.17L9,4H15V7C16.11,7 17,7.89 17,9M12,19A5,5 0 0,0 17,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,9A5,5 0 0,0 7,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,19Z",Bn="M20,9V20H4V8H8.05L9.88,6H15V4H9L7.17,6H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V9H20M20.67,8H22C22,4.68 19.31,2 16,2V3.33C18.58,3.33 20.66,5.41 20.67,8M18,8H19.33C19.32,6.15 17.84,4.67 16,4.67V6C17.11,6 18,6.89 18,8M7,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,19A5,5 0 0,0 17,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,9A5,5 0 0,0 7,14M15,14A3,3 0 0,1 12,17A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 15,14Z",Pn="M15.9,18.5L21.9,20.1L21.5,22L12.1,19.5L2.7,22L2.2,20.1L8.2,18.5L2.1,16.9L2.6,15L12,17.5L21.4,15L21.9,16.9L15.9,18.5M16.07,7.92C15.91,7.7 15.71,7.5 15.5,7.33C15.05,6.9 14.5,6.59 14.06,6.13C13,5.08 12.79,3.34 13.44,2C12.79,2.17 12.18,2.54 11.67,2.95C9.84,4.46 9.11,7.1 10,9.38C10,9.45 10.04,9.53 10.04,9.62C10.04,9.78 9.93,9.92 9.79,10C9.63,10.05 9.46,10 9.33,9.9C9.28,9.86 9.25,9.82 9.22,9.77C8.42,8.74 8.29,7.26 8.84,6.07C7.65,7.06 7,8.72 7.11,10.29C7.13,10.65 7.18,11 7.3,11.36C7.41,11.8 7.59,12.23 7.82,12.61C8.57,13.86 9.9,14.76 11.32,14.94C12.84,15.14 14.46,14.85 15.63,13.79C16.93,12.59 17.4,10.67 16.71,9L16.61,8.83C16.47,8.5 16.28,8.2 16.04,7.93L16.07,7.92M13.83,12.47C13.63,12.65 13.31,12.83 13.05,12.91C12.26,13.19 11.46,12.79 11,12.31C11.84,12.11 12.34,11.47 12.5,10.83C12.61,10.25 12.39,9.78 12.29,9.22C12.21,8.69 12.22,8.23 12.42,7.73C12.55,8 12.69,8.28 12.86,8.5C13.41,9.22 14.27,9.54 14.45,10.5C14.47,10.63 14.5,10.72 14.5,10.83C14.5,11.43 14.26,12.07 13.82,12.47",wn="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C10.1 4 8.4 4.6 7.1 5.7L18.3 16.9C19.3 15.5 20 13.8 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4M16.9 18.3L5.7 7.1C4.6 8.4 4 10.1 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.9 20 15.6 19.4 16.9 18.3Z",Fn="M20.5 11C20.5 11.55 20.05 12 19.5 12H19V14C19 15.11 18.11 16 17 16H13V20H14C15.11 20 16 20.9 16 22H8C8 20.9 8.9 20 10 20H11V16H7C5.9 16 5 15.11 5 14V12H4.5C3.95 12 3.5 11.55 3.5 11S3.95 10 4.5 10H5V4L7 5V10H7.5C8.05 10 8.5 10.45 8.5 11S8.05 12 7.5 12H7V14H11V12H10.5C9.95 12 9.5 11.55 9.5 11S9.95 10 10.5 10H11V2L13 3V10H13.5C14.05 10 14.5 10.45 14.5 11S14.05 12 13.5 12H13V14H17V12H16.5C15.95 12 15.5 11.55 15.5 11S15.95 10 16.5 10H17V4L19 5V10H19.5C20.05 10 20.5 10.45 20.5 11Z",Tn="M18 7C18.83 7 19.5 6.33 19.5 5.5C19.5 4.67 18.83 3 18 3S16.5 4.67 16.5 5.5C16.5 6.33 17.17 7 18 7M18 5.25C18.28 5.25 18.5 5.47 18.5 5.75S18.28 6.25 18 6.25 17.5 6.03 17.5 5.75 17.72 5.25 18 5.25M12 6C12.83 6 13.5 5.33 13.5 4.5C13.5 3.67 12.83 2 12 2S10.5 3.67 10.5 4.5C10.5 5.33 11.17 6 12 6M12 4.25C12.28 4.25 12.5 4.47 12.5 4.75S12.28 5.25 12 5.25 11.5 5.03 11.5 4.75 11.72 4.25 12 4.25M6 7C6.83 7 7.5 6.33 7.5 5.5C7.5 4.67 6.83 3 6 3S4.5 4.67 4.5 5.5C4.5 6.33 5.17 7 6 7M6 5.25C6.28 5.25 6.5 5.47 6.5 5.75S6.28 6.25 6 6.25 5.5 6.03 5.5 5.75 5.72 5.25 6 5.25M20.5 11C20.5 11.55 20.05 12 19.5 12H19V14C19 15.11 18.11 16 17 16H13V20H14C15.11 20 16 20.9 16 22H8C8 20.9 8.9 20 10 20H11V16H7C5.9 16 5 15.11 5 14V12H4.5C3.95 12 3.5 11.55 3.5 11S3.95 10 4.5 10V9C4.5 8.45 4.95 8 5.5 8H6.5C7.05 8 7.5 8.45 7.5 9V10C8.05 10 8.5 10.45 8.5 11S8.05 12 7.5 12H7V14H11V12H10.5C9.95 12 9.5 11.55 9.5 11S9.95 10 10.5 10V8C10.5 7.45 10.95 7 11.5 7H12.5C13.05 7 13.5 7.45 13.5 8V10C14.05 10 14.5 10.45 14.5 11S14.05 12 13.5 12H13V14H17V12H16.5C15.95 12 15.5 11.55 15.5 11S15.95 10 16.5 10V9C16.5 8.45 16.95 8 17.5 8H18.5C19.05 8 19.5 8.45 19.5 9V10C20.05 10 20.5 10.45 20.5 11Z",bn="M12.5,2C10.84,2 9.5,5.34 9.5,7A3,3 0 0,0 12.5,10A3,3 0 0,0 15.5,7C15.5,5.34 14.16,2 12.5,2M12.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,6.5M10,11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12V20H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,19V18A1,1 0 0,0 5,17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18V19A3,3 0 0,0 7,22H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 19,20H16V12A1,1 0 0,0 15,11H10Z",yn="M15.54 8.46C17.5 10.42 17.5 13.58 15.54 15.54S10.42 17.5 8.47 15.54 6.5 10.42 8.47 8.46 13.58 6.5 15.54 8.46M19.47 4.55C19.47 4.55 18.5 4.67 17.43 5.36C17.28 4.32 16.78 3.27 15.93 2.42C14.68 3.66 14.53 5.22 14.83 6.34C16.22 6.7 17.3 7.78 17.66 9.17C18.78 9.47 20.34 9.32 21.58 8.07C20.74 7.23 19.71 6.74 18.68 6.58C19.07 6 19.38 5.33 19.47 4.55M4.53 19.45C4.53 19.45 5.5 19.33 6.57 18.64C6.72 19.68 7.22 20.73 8.07 21.58C9.32 20.34 9.47 18.78 9.17 17.66C7.78 17.3 6.7 16.22 6.34 14.83C5.22 14.53 3.66 14.68 2.42 15.93C3.26 16.77 4.29 17.27 5.32 17.42C4.93 18 4.62 18.68 4.53 19.45Z",Rn="M20.8 22.7L14.4 16.3C12.5 17.4 10 17.1 8.4 15.5C6.8 13.9 6.5 11.4 7.6 9.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15.5 8.5C14.1 7.1 12.2 6.7 10.4 7.3L16.7 13.6C17.3 11.8 16.9 9.8 15.5 8.5M17.7 9.2C18.8 9.5 20.4 9.3 21.6 8.1C20.8 7.3 19.7 6.8 18.7 6.6C19.1 6 19.4 5.3 19.5 4.6C19.5 4.6 18.5 4.7 17.5 5.4C17.4 4.4 16.9 3.3 16 2.5C14.8 3.7 14.6 5.3 14.9 6.4C16.2 6.7 17.3 7.8 17.7 9.2M6.3 14.8C5.2 14.5 3.6 14.7 2.4 15.9C3.2 16.7 4.3 17.2 5.3 17.4C4.9 18 4.6 18.7 4.5 19.4C4.5 19.4 5.5 19.3 6.5 18.6C6.6 19.6 7.1 20.7 8 21.5C9.2 20.3 9.4 18.7 9.1 17.6C7.8 17.3 6.7 16.2 6.3 14.8Z",xn="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.7 9.6C6.6 11.5 6.9 14 8.5 15.6S12.6 17.5 14.5 16.4L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M9.9 14.1C9.1 13.3 8.8 12.1 9.2 11L13 14.8C11.9 15.2 10.7 15 9.9 14.1M14.8 6.3C14.5 5.2 14.6 3.6 15.9 2.4C16.8 3.3 17.3 4.3 17.4 5.3C18.5 4.6 19.4 4.5 19.4 4.5C19.3 5.3 19 6 18.6 6.5C19.6 6.7 20.7 7.2 21.5 8C20.3 9.2 18.7 9.4 17.6 9.1C17.3 7.8 16.2 6.7 14.8 6.3M12.2 9L10.4 7.2C12.1 6.6 14.1 7 15.5 8.4C16.9 9.8 17.3 11.7 16.7 13.5L15 11.8C14.9 11.1 14.7 10.4 14.1 9.9S12.9 9.1 12.2 9M9.2 17.7C9.5 18.8 9.4 20.4 8.1 21.6C7.2 20.7 6.7 19.7 6.6 18.7C5.5 19.4 4.6 19.5 4.6 19.5C4.7 18.7 5 18 5.4 17.5C4.4 17.3 3.3 16.8 2.5 16C3.7 14.8 5.3 14.6 6.4 14.9C6.7 16.2 7.8 17.3 9.2 17.7Z",Dn="M9.88 9.88C11.05 8.71 12.95 8.71 14.12 9.88S15.29 12.95 14.12 14.12 11.05 15.29 9.88 14.12 8.71 11.05 9.88 9.88M8.46 8.46C6.5 10.42 6.5 13.58 8.46 15.54S13.58 17.5 15.54 15.54 17.5 10.42 15.54 8.46 10.42 6.5 8.46 8.46M19.47 4.55C19.47 4.55 18.5 4.67 17.43 5.37C17.28 4.32 16.78 3.27 15.93 2.42C14.68 3.67 14.53 5.22 14.83 6.34C16.22 6.7 17.3 7.78 17.66 9.17C18.78 9.47 20.34 9.32 21.58 8.07C20.74 7.23 19.71 6.74 18.68 6.58C19.07 6 19.38 5.33 19.47 4.55M4.53 19.45C4.53 19.45 5.5 19.33 6.57 18.64C6.72 19.68 7.22 20.73 8.07 21.58C9.32 20.34 9.47 18.78 9.17 17.66C7.79 17.3 6.7 16.22 6.34 14.83C5.22 14.53 3.67 14.68 2.42 15.93C3.26 16.77 4.29 17.27 5.32 17.42C4.93 18 4.62 18.68 4.53 19.45Z",En="M10,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,10V8C6,7.37 6.1,6.77 6.27,6.2L10,9.93V10M12,2C12.74,2 13.44,2.13 14.09,2.38L11.97,6C11.14,6 10.44,6.5 10.15,7.25L7.24,4.34C8.34,2.92 10.06,2 12,2M17.76,6.31L14,10.07V8C14,7.62 13.9,7.27 13.72,6.97L15.83,3.38C16.74,4.13 17.42,5.15 17.76,6.31M18,13.09L14,17.09V12.9L18,8.9V13.09M18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22A2,2 0 0,1 14,20V19.91L18,15.91V20Z",Nn="M11.5,22V17.35C11,18.13 10,19.09 8.03,19.81C8.03,19.81 8.53,18.1 9.94,16.95C8.64,17.23 6.68,17.19 4,16C4,16 6.47,14.59 9.28,14.97C7.69,14 5.7,12.08 4.17,8.11C4.17,8.11 8.67,9.34 10.91,13.14C8.88,8.24 12,2 12,2C14.43,7.47 13.91,11.1 13.12,13.1C15.37,9.33 19.83,8.11 19.83,8.11C18.3,12.08 16.31,14 14.72,14.97C17.53,14.59 20,16 20,16C17.32,17.19 15.36,17.23 14.06,16.95C15.47,18.1 15.97,19.81 15.97,19.81C14,19.09 13,18.13 12.5,17.35V22H11.5Z",Wn="M16.62 13.42L14.5 11.32C16.84 8.94 19.83 8.11 19.83 8.11C18.87 10.6 17.73 12.27 16.62 13.42M12 2C12 2 10.86 4.3 10.41 7.21L13.72 10.5C13.92 8.45 13.61 5.63 12 2M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8.62 10.5C6.5 8.75 4.17 8.11 4.17 8.11C5.7 12.08 7.69 14 9.28 14.97C6.47 14.59 4 16 4 16C6.68 17.19 8.64 17.23 9.94 16.95C8.53 18.1 8.03 19.81 8.03 19.81C10 19.09 11 18.13 11.5 17.35V22H12.5V17.35C13 18.13 14 19.09 15.97 19.81C15.97 19.81 15.47 18.1 14.06 16.95C14.39 17 14.77 17.07 15.2 17.09L20.84 22.73Z",In="M9.96,13.71L12,8.29L14.03,13.72M11.14,6L6.43,18H8.36L9.32,15.43H14.68L15.64,18H17.57L12.86,6H11.14M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.9,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20V20Z",Gn="M5,11L6.5,6.5H17.5L19,11M17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,16M6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,16M18.92,6C18.72,5.42 18.16,5 17.5,5H6.5C5.84,5 5.28,5.42 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V19H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6Z",Qn="M8 16C8 13.6 9.1 11.5 10.7 10H3L4.5 5.5H15.5L16.3 8C16.9 8 17.5 8.1 18 8.3L16.9 5C16.7 4.4 16.1 4 15.5 4H4.5C3.8 4 3.3 4.4 3.1 5L1 11V19C1 19.5 1.5 20 2 20H3C3.5 20 4 19.5 4 19V18H8.3C8.1 17.4 8 16.7 8 16M4.5 15C3.7 15 3 14.3 3 13.5S3.7 12 4.5 12 6 12.7 6 13.5 5.3 15 4.5 15M16 20V18H13V17H14C15.1 17 16 16.1 16 15V14C16 12.9 15.1 12 14 12H11V14H14V15H13C11.9 15 11 15.9 11 17V20M23 17H21V19H19V17H17V15H19V13H21V15H23V17Z",Un="M16.9 5C16.7 4.4 16.1 4 15.5 4H4.5C3.8 4 3.3 4.4 3.1 5L1 11V19C1 19.5 1.5 20 2 20H3C3.5 20 4 19.5 4 19V18H8.3C8.1 17.4 8 16.7 8 16C8 13.6 9.1 11.5 10.7 10H3L4.5 5.5H15.5L16.3 8C16.9 8 17.5 8.1 18 8.3L16.9 5M4.5 12C5.3 12 6 12.7 6 13.5S5.3 15 4.5 15 3 14.3 3 13.5 3.7 12 4.5 12M23 17H21V19H19V17H17V15H19V13H21V15H23V17M14.5 16C15.3 16 16 14.8 16 14C16 12.9 15.1 12 14 12H11V14H14V15H12V17H14V18H11V20H14C15.1 20 16 19.1 16 18C16 17.2 15.3 16 14.5 16Z",zn="M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C19.09 12 20.12 12.3 21 12.81V12L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H12.09C12.04 18.67 12 18.34 12 18M6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11H5L6.5 6.5M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",_n="M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C19.09 12 20.12 12.3 21 12.81V12L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H12.09C12.04 18.67 12 18.34 12 18M6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11H5L6.5 6.5M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",Kn="M6,11L7,7H17L18,11M18.92,6C18.71,5.4 18.14,5 17.5,5H6.5C5.86,5 5.29,5.4 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V18H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6M7,16H5V14H7V16M19,16H17V14H19V16M14,16H10V14H14V16Z",jn="M4,3V6H1V20H23V6H20V3H14V6H10V3H4M3,8H21V18H3V8M15,10V12H13V14H15V16H17V14H19V12H17V10H15M5,12V14H11V12H5Z",qn="M24,12C24,15.31 22.66,18.31 20.5,20.5L19.42,19.42C21.32,17.5 22.5,14.9 22.5,12C22.5,9.11 21.32,6.5 19.42,4.58L20.5,3.5C22.66,5.69 24,8.69 24,12M20,9.6V8H16.8C15.92,8 15.2,8.72 15.2,9.6V11.2A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 16.8,12.8H18.4V14.4H15.2V16H18.4C19.28,16 20,15.28 20,14.4V12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 18.4,11.2H16.8V9.6H20M8.42,6C9.47,5.37 10.69,5 12,5C13.31,5 14.53,5.37 15.58,6H18.69C17.05,4.16 14.66,3 12,3C9.34,3 6.95,4.16 5.31,6H8.42M13.2,12C13.84,12 14.4,12.56 14.4,13.2V14.4A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 12.8,16H9.6V8H12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 14.4,9.6V10.8C14.4,11.44 13.84,12 13.2,12M12.8,12.8H11.2V14.4H12.8V12.8M12.8,9.6H11.2V11.2H12.8V9.6M4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58M7.2,16V12.8H5.6V16H4V9.6A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 5.6,8H7.2C8.08,8 8.8,8.72 8.8,9.6V16H7.2M7.2,11.2V9.6H5.6V11.2H7.2M15.58,18C14.53,18.63 13.31,19 12,19C10.69,19 9.47,18.63 8.42,18H5.31C6.95,19.84 9.34,21 12,21C14.66,21 17.05,19.84 18.69,18H15.58Z",$n="M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19C8.14,19 5,15.86 5,12C5,8.14 8.14,5 12,5C15.86,5 19,8.14 19,12C19,15.86 15.86,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.66,18.31 24,15.31 24,12C24,8.69 22.66,5.69 20.5,3.5L19.42,4.58C21.32,6.5 22.5,9.11 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.32,17.5 19.42,19.42L20.5,20.5M4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42Z",Xn="M1.5 12C1.5 14.9 2.68 17.5 4.58 19.42L3.5 20.5C1.34 18.31 0 15.31 0 12S1.34 5.69 3.5 3.5L4.58 4.58C2.68 6.5 1.5 9.11 1.5 12M21 12C21 16.97 16.97 21 12 21S3 16.97 3 12 7.03 3 12 3 21 7.03 21 12M5 12C5 12.44 5.05 12.86 5.12 13.28C5.3 13.09 5.46 13 5.78 13C6.3 13 6.39 13.21 6.78 13.71C7.17 14.21 7.85 15 8.89 15C9.92 15 10.61 14.21 11 13.71C11.26 13.37 11.39 13.18 11.61 13.08C11.71 13.03 11.83 13 12 13C12.5 13 12.61 13.21 13 13.71C13.39 14.21 14.08 15 15.11 15C16.15 15 16.83 14.21 17.22 13.71C17.61 13.21 17.7 13 18.22 13C18.54 13 18.7 13.09 18.88 13.28C18.95 12.86 19 12.44 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5S5 8.14 5 12M20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C21.32 6.5 22.5 9.11 22.5 12C22.5 14.9 21.32 17.5 19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C22.66 18.31 24 15.31 24 12S22.66 5.69 20.5 3.5Z",Yn="M12,3C7,3 3,7 3,12C3,17 7,21 12,21C17,21 21,17 21,12C21,7 17,3 12,3M12,19C8.1,19 5,15.9 5,12C5,8.1 8.1,5 12,5C15.9,5 19,8.1 19,12C19,15.9 15.9,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.7,18.3 24,15.3 24,12C24,8.7 22.7,5.7 20.5,3.5L19.4,4.6C21.3,6.5 22.5,9.1 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.3,17.5 19.4,19.4L20.5,20.5M4.6,19.4C2.7,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.1 2.7,6.5 4.6,4.6L3.5,3.5C1.3,5.7 0,8.7 0,12C0,15.3 1.3,18.3 3.5,20.5L4.6,19.4M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",Jn="M13 12C13 12.55 12.55 13 12 13S11 12.55 11 12 11.45 11 12 11 13 11.45 13 12M10 12L7 9V11H3V13H7V15L10 12M14 12L17 15V13H21V11H17V9L14 12M20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C21.32 6.5 22.5 9.11 22.5 12C22.5 14.9 21.32 17.5 19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C22.66 18.31 24 15.31 24 12S22.66 5.69 20.5 3.5M5.69 9C6.81 6.64 9.22 5 12 5S17.19 6.64 18.32 9H20.5C19.24 5.5 15.92 3 12 3S4.76 5.5 3.5 9H5.69M4.58 4.58L3.5 3.5C1.34 5.69 0 8.69 0 12S1.34 18.31 3.5 20.5L4.58 19.42C2.68 17.5 1.5 14.9 1.5 12C1.5 9.11 2.68 6.5 4.58 4.58M18.32 15C17.19 17.36 14.79 19 12 19S6.81 17.36 5.69 15H3.5C4.76 18.5 8.08 21 12 21S19.24 18.5 20.5 15H18.32Z",CZ="M12,3C7,3 3,7 3,12C3,17 7,21 12,21C17,21 21,17 21,12C21,7 17,3 12,3M12,19C8.1,19 5,15.9 5,12C5,8.1 8.1,5 12,5C15.9,5 19,8.1 19,12C19,15.9 15.9,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.7,18.3 24,15.3 24,12C24,8.7 22.7,5.7 20.5,3.5L19.4,4.6C21.3,6.5 22.5,9.1 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.3,17.5 19.4,19.4L20.5,20.5M4.6,19.4C2.7,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.1 2.7,6.5 4.6,4.6L3.5,3.5C1.3,5.7 0,8.7 0,12C0,15.3 1.3,18.3 3.5,20.5L4.6,19.4M9.5,7V17H11.5V13H13.5A2,2 0 0,0 15.5,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13.5,7H9.5M11.5,9H13.5V11H11.5V9Z",HZ="M12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21 21 17 21 12 17 3 12 3M12 19C8.1 19 5 15.9 5 12S8.1 5 12 5 19 8.1 19 12 15.9 19 12 19M20.5 20.5C22.7 18.3 24 15.3 24 12S22.7 5.7 20.5 3.5L19.4 4.6C21.3 6.5 22.5 9.1 22.5 12S21.3 17.5 19.4 19.4L20.5 20.5M4.6 19.4C2.7 17.5 1.5 14.9 1.5 12S2.7 6.5 4.6 4.6L3.5 3.5C1.3 5.7 0 8.7 0 12S1.3 18.3 3.5 20.5L4.6 19.4M15.3 10.5C15.96 10.5 16.5 11.17 16.5 12C16.5 12.81 15.95 13.5 15.3 13.5C14.93 13.5 14.66 13.29 14.5 13.11L14.47 13.08L14.44 13.05L13.38 12L14.47 10.92L14.5 10.89L14.53 10.86C14.74 10.63 15 10.5 15.3 10.5M8.7 10.5C9.07 10.5 9.34 10.71 9.5 10.88L9.5 10.92L9.56 10.95L10.62 12L9.53 13.08L9.5 13.11L9.47 13.15C9.26 13.37 9 13.5 8.7 13.5C8.05 13.5 7.5 12.81 7.5 12S8.05 10.5 8.7 10.5M15.3 9C14.58 9 13.9 9.31 13.42 9.85L12 11.25L10.61 9.88C10.1 9.31 9.42 9 8.7 9C7.21 9 6 10.35 6 12S7.21 15 8.7 15C9.42 15 10.1 14.69 10.59 14.15L12 12.75L13.39 14.12C13.9 14.68 14.58 15 15.3 15C16.79 15 18 13.65 18 12C18 10.33 16.79 9 15.3 9Z",VZ="M12 10H15V8H12V7C12 6.4 11.6 6 11 6S10 6.4 10 7V17.3C9.4 17.6 9 18.3 9 19C9 20.1 9.9 21 11 21S13 20.1 13 19C13 18.3 12.6 17.6 12 17.3V14H15V12H12V10M24 12C24 15.31 22.66 18.31 20.5 20.5L19.42 19.42C21.32 17.5 22.5 14.9 22.5 12C22.5 9.11 21.32 6.5 19.42 4.58L20.5 3.5C22.66 5.69 24 8.69 24 12M1.5 12C1.5 14.9 2.68 17.5 4.58 19.42L3.5 20.5C1.34 18.31 0 15.31 0 12S1.34 5.69 3.5 3.5L4.58 4.58C2.68 6.5 1.5 9.11 1.5 12M21 12C21 15.53 18.96 18.58 16 20.05V17.74C17.81 16.47 19 14.37 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5S5 8.14 5 12C5 14.37 6.19 16.47 8 17.74V20.05C5.04 18.58 3 15.53 3 12C3 7.03 7.03 3 12 3S21 7.03 21 12Z",LZ="M12 5C15.86 5 19 8.14 19 12S15.86 19 12 19 5 15.86 5 12 8.14 5 12 5M12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21 21 16.97 21 12 16.97 3 12 3M4.58 4.58L3.5 3.5C2.37 4.65 1.47 6.03 .861 7.55L2.3 8C2.84 6.71 3.61 5.56 4.58 4.58M1.71 14.1C1.57 13.42 1.5 12.72 1.5 12C1.5 11.28 1.57 10.58 1.71 9.9L.275 9.46C.098 10.28 0 11.13 0 12S.098 13.72 .275 14.54L1.71 14.1M23.14 7.55C22.53 6.03 21.63 4.65 20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C20.39 5.56 21.16 6.71 21.7 8L23.14 7.55M.861 16.45C1.47 18 2.37 19.35 3.5 20.5L4.58 19.42C3.61 18.44 2.84 17.29 2.3 16L.861 16.45M19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C21.63 19.35 22.53 18 23.14 16.45L21.7 16C21.16 17.29 20.39 18.44 19.42 19.42M22.29 9.9C22.43 10.58 22.5 11.28 22.5 12C22.5 12.72 22.43 13.42 22.29 14.1L23.73 14.54C23.9 13.72 24 12.87 24 12S23.9 10.28 23.73 9.46L22.29 9.9Z",MZ="M17 4.5C17 5.9 15.9 7 14.5 7S12 5.9 12 4.5 13.1 2 14.5 2 17 3.1 17 4.5M15 8H14.2C12.1 8 10.1 6.8 9.1 4.9C9 4.8 8.9 4.7 8.9 4.6L7.1 5.4C7.6 6.8 9.2 8.6 11.5 9.5L9.7 14.5L5.8 13.4L3 18.9L5 19.4L6.8 15.8L11.3 17C12.3 17.2 13.3 16.7 13.7 15.8L16 9.4C16.2 8.7 15.7 8 15 8M18.9 7L15.5 16.4C14.9 18 13.4 19 11.8 19C11.5 19 11.1 19 10.8 18.9L7.9 18.1L7 19.9L9 20.4L10.4 20.8C10.9 20.9 11.4 21 11.9 21C14.4 21 16.6 19.5 17.5 17.1L21 7H18.9Z",AZ="M23 8C23 4.13 19.87 1 16 1C12.47 1 9.57 3.61 9.08 7H4.5C3.84 7 3.28 7.42 3.08 8L1 14V22C1 22.55 1.45 23 2 23H3C3.55 23 4 22.55 4 22V21H16V22C16 22.55 16.45 23 17 23H18C18.55 23 19 22.55 19 22V14.32C21.36 13.19 23 10.79 23 8M4.5 8.5H9.03C9.15 10.26 9.92 11.84 11.11 13H3L4.5 8.5M4.5 18C3.67 18 3 17.33 3 16.5S3.67 15 4.5 15 6 15.67 6 16.5 5.33 18 4.5 18M15.5 18C14.67 18 14 17.33 14 16.5S14.67 15 15.5 15 17 15.67 17 16.5 16.33 18 15.5 18M16 13C14.61 13 13.44 12.5 12.47 11.53C11.5 10.56 11 9.39 11 8C11 6.64 11.5 5.46 12.47 4.5C13.44 3.5 14.61 3 16 3C17.36 3 18.54 3.5 19.5 4.5C20.5 5.46 21 6.64 21 8C21 9.39 20.5 10.56 19.5 11.53C18.54 12.5 17.36 13 16 13M16.5 8.25L19.36 9.94L18.61 11.16L15 9V4H16.5V8.25Z",iZ="M10 18.84L14 20.7V23L8 20V14H5V10H8V4L14 1V3.3L10 5.16V18.84M19 10H15V5.41L12 6.8V17.2L15 18.6V14H19V10Z",rZ="M6.5 5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20A1 1 0 0 0 4 21H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 20V19H11.3A7 7 0 0 1 11 17A7 7 0 0 1 14.41 11H5L6.5 6.5H17.5L18.68 10.03A7 7 0 0 1 20.47 10.46L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5M17 12C16.87 12 16.76 12.09 16.74 12.21L16.55 13.53C16.25 13.66 15.96 13.82 15.7 14L14.46 13.5C14.35 13.5 14.22 13.5 14.15 13.63L13.15 15.36C13.09 15.47 13.11 15.6 13.21 15.68L14.27 16.5C14.25 16.67 14.24 16.83 14.24 17C14.24 17.17 14.25 17.33 14.27 17.5L13.21 18.32C13.12 18.4 13.09 18.53 13.15 18.64L14.15 20.37C14.21 20.5 14.34 20.5 14.46 20.5L15.7 20C15.96 20.18 16.24 20.35 16.55 20.47L16.74 21.79C16.76 21.91 16.86 22 17 22H19C19.11 22 19.22 21.91 19.24 21.79L19.43 20.47C19.73 20.34 20 20.18 20.27 20L21.5 20.5C21.63 20.5 21.76 20.5 21.83 20.37L22.83 18.64C22.89 18.53 22.86 18.4 22.77 18.32L21.7 17.5C21.72 17.33 21.74 17.17 21.74 17C21.74 16.83 21.73 16.67 21.7 16.5L22.76 15.68C22.85 15.6 22.88 15.47 22.82 15.36L21.82 13.63C21.76 13.5 21.63 13.5 21.5 13.5L20.27 14C20 13.82 19.73 13.65 19.42 13.53L19.23 12.21C19.22 12.09 19.11 12 19 12H17M6.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 13M18 15.5C18.83 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17C19.5 17.83 18.83 18.5 18 18.5C17.16 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17C16.5 16.17 17.17 15.5 18 15.5Z",aZ="M5,14H19L17.5,9.5H6.5L5,14M17.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,19M6.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,19M18.92,9L21,15V23A1,1 0 0,1 20,24H19A1,1 0 0,1 18,23V22H6V23A1,1 0 0,1 5,24H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,23V15L5.08,9C5.28,8.42 5.85,8 6.5,8H17.5C18.15,8 18.72,8.42 18.92,9M12,0C14.12,0 16.15,0.86 17.65,2.35L16.23,3.77C15.11,2.65 13.58,2 12,2C10.42,2 8.89,2.65 7.77,3.77L6.36,2.35C7.85,0.86 9.88,0 12,0M12,4C13.06,4 14.07,4.44 14.82,5.18L13.4,6.6C13.03,6.23 12.53,6 12,6C11.5,6 10.97,6.23 10.6,6.6L9.18,5.18C9.93,4.44 10.94,4 12,4Z",eZ="M16,6L15,6.75L17.5,10H13.5V8.5H12V10H3C1.89,10 1,10.89 1,12V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",dZ="M19 7V5H21V3H13V5H15V7H1V21H23V7H19M21 14.42C20.71 14.13 20.5 14 20 14C19.33 14 19.21 14.21 18.71 14.71S17.33 16 16 16 13.79 15.21 13.29 14.71 12.67 14 12 14C11.78 14 11.63 14.03 11.5 14.08C11.22 14.18 11.05 14.37 10.71 14.71C10.21 15.21 9.33 16 8 16S5.79 15.21 5.29 14.71 4.67 14 4 14C3.5 14 3.29 14.13 3 14.42V9H21V14.42Z",mZ="M22,15C22,17.6 20.8,19.9 18.9,21.3L18.4,20.8L16.3,18.7L17.7,17.3L18.9,18.5C19.4,17.8 19.8,16.9 19.9,16H18V14H19.9C19.7,13.1 19.4,12.3 18.9,11.5L17.7,12.7L16.3,11.3L17.5,10.1C16.8,9.6 15.9,9.2 15,9.1V11H13V9.1C12.1,9.3 11.3,9.6 10.5,10.1L13.5,13.1C13.7,13.1 13.8,13 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15C12,14.8 12,14.7 12.1,14.5L9.1,11.5C8.6,12.2 8.2,13.1 8.1,14H10V16H8.1C8.3,16.9 8.6,17.7 9.1,18.5L10.3,17.3L11.7,18.7L9.1,21.3C7.2,19.9 6,17.6 6,15A8,8 0 0,1 14,7A8,8 0 0,1 22,15M6.7,5.3L3.4,2L2,3.4L5.3,6.7L4,8H8V4L6.7,5.3Z",tZ="M15,23C14.7,23 14.5,22.9 14.3,22.7C13.9,22.3 14,21.7 14.4,21.3V21.3C14.9,20.9 16.1,19.5 16.1,18.4C16.1,17.8 15.7,17.2 15.3,16.5C14.8,15.7 14.1,14.7 14.1,13.5C14.1,11.2 15.4,10.3 15.6,10.2C16.1,9.9 16.7,10.1 17,10.5C17.3,11 17.1,11.6 16.7,11.9V11.9C16.7,11.9 16.2,12.3 16.2,13.5C16.2,14.1 16.6,14.7 17,15.4C17.5,16.2 18.2,17.2 18.2,18.4C18.2,20.6 16.1,22.6 15.9,22.8C15.5,22.9 15.2,23 15,23M11.7,22.7C11.9,22.5 14,20.5 14,18.3C14,17.1 13.4,16.1 12.8,15.3C12.4,14.6 12,14 12,13.4C12,12.2 12.5,11.8 12.5,11.8V11.8C13,11.5 13.1,10.9 12.8,10.4C12.5,9.9 11.9,9.8 11.4,10.1C11.2,10.2 9.9,11.1 9.9,13.4C9.9,14.6 10.5,15.6 11.1,16.4C11.5,17.1 11.9,17.7 11.9,18.3C11.9,19.4 10.7,20.8 10.2,21.2V21.2C9.8,21.6 9.8,22.2 10.1,22.6C10.3,22.8 10.6,22.9 10.8,22.9C11.2,23 11.5,22.9 11.7,22.7M7.7,22.7C7.9,22.5 10,20.5 10,18.3C10,17.1 9.4,16.1 8.8,15.3C8.4,14.7 8,14.1 8,13.4C8,12.2 8.5,11.8 8.5,11.8V11.8C9,11.5 9.1,10.9 8.8,10.4C8.6,10 7.9,9.9 7.5,10.1C7.3,10.2 6,11.1 6,13.4C6,14.6 6.6,15.6 7.2,16.4C7.6,17.1 8,17.7 8,18.3C8,19.4 6.8,20.8 6.3,21.2V21.2C5.9,21.6 5.9,22.2 6.2,22.6C6.5,22.9 6.7,23 7,23C7.2,23 7.5,22.9 7.7,22.7M12,3C9.4,3 1,3.3 1,7C1,9.4 2.2,15.4 2.8,18H4L4.8,18H5V16H4.4C3.8,13.1 3,8.8 3,7C3,6 7.4,5 12,5C16.6,5 21,6 21,7C21,8.8 20.2,13.1 19.6,16H19V18H19.2L20,18H21.2C21.8,15.4 23,9.4 23,7C23,3.3 14.6,3 12,3Z",vZ="M10,18.3C10,20.5 7.9,22.5 7.7,22.7C7.5,22.9 7.2,23 7,23C6.7,23 6.5,22.9 6.2,22.6C5.9,22.2 5.9,21.6 6.3,21.2C6.8,20.8 8,19.4 8,18.3C8,17.7 7.6,17.1 7.2,16.4C6.6,15.6 6,14.6 6,13.4C6,11.1 7.3,10.2 7.5,10.1C7.9,9.9 8.6,10 8.8,10.4C9.1,10.9 9,11.5 8.5,11.8C8.5,11.8 8,12.2 8,13.4C8,14.1 8.4,14.7 8.8,15.3C9.4,16.1 10,17.1 10,18.3M12,13.4C12,12.2 12.5,11.8 12.5,11.8C13,11.5 13.1,10.9 12.8,10.4C12.5,9.9 11.9,9.8 11.4,10.1C11.2,10.2 9.9,11.1 9.9,13.4C9.9,14.6 10.5,15.6 11.1,16.4C11.5,17.1 11.9,17.7 11.9,18.3C11.9,19.4 10.7,20.8 10.2,21.2C9.8,21.6 9.8,22.2 10.1,22.6C10.3,22.8 10.6,22.9 10.8,22.9C11.2,23 11.5,22.9 11.7,22.7C11.9,22.5 14,20.5 14,18.3C14,17.1 13.4,16.1 12.8,15.3C12.4,14.6 12,14 12,13.4M20,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H5V16H4V5H20V16H19V18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3M16.2,13.5C16.2,12.3 16.7,11.9 16.7,11.9C17.1,11.6 17.3,11 17,10.5C16.7,10.1 16.1,9.9 15.6,10.2C15.4,10.3 14.1,11.2 14.1,13.5C14.1,14.7 14.8,15.7 15.3,16.5C15.7,17.2 16.1,17.8 16.1,18.4C16.1,19.5 14.9,20.9 14.4,21.3C14,21.7 13.9,22.3 14.3,22.7C14.5,22.9 14.7,23 15,23C15.2,23 15.5,22.9 15.9,22.8C16.1,22.6 18.2,20.6 18.2,18.4C18.2,17.2 17.5,16.2 17,15.4C16.6,14.7 16.2,14.1 16.2,13.5Z",lZ="M19,14H16V16H19V14M22,21H3V11L11,3H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,4V21M11.83,5L5.83,11H20V5H11.83Z",oZ="M7.8 17V15.5C7.8 14.1 6.4 13 5 13S2.2 14.1 2.2 15.5V17C1.6 17 1 17.6 1 18.2V21.7C1 22.4 1.6 23 2.2 23H7.7C8.4 23 9 22.4 9 21.8V18.3C9 17.6 8.4 17 7.8 17M6.5 17H3.5V15.5C3.5 14.7 4.2 14.2 5 14.2S6.5 14.7 6.5 15.5V17M21 3H11L3 11V11.44C3.61 11.17 4.29 11 5 11C7.6 11 9.8 13.06 9.8 15.5V15.75C10.53 16.36 11 17.28 11 18.3V21H22V4C22 3.45 21.55 3 21 3M19 16H16V14H19V16M20 11H5.83L11.83 5H20V11Z",nZ="M22 21H11V16C11 15.26 10.6 14.61 10 14.26C10 14.18 10 14.09 10 14C10 12.87 9.63 11.84 9 11H20V5H11.83L7.28 9.55C6.6 9.2 5.82 9 5 9L11 3H21C21.27 3 21.5 3.11 21.71 3.29C21.9 3.5 22 3.74 22 4V21M19 14H16V16H19V14M7.8 16H3.5V13.5C3.5 12.7 4.2 12.2 5 12.2C5.8 12.2 6.5 12.7 6.5 13.5V14H7.8V13.5C7.8 12.1 6.4 11 5 11C3.6 11 2.2 12.1 2.2 13.5V16C1.6 16 1 16.6 1 17.2V20.7C1 21.4 1.6 22 2.2 22H7.7C8.4 22 9 21.4 9 20.8V17.3C9 16.6 8.4 16 7.8 16Z",ZZ="M18.92 2C18.72 1.42 18.16 1 17.5 1H6.5C5.84 1 5.29 1.42 5.08 2L3 8V16C3 16.55 3.45 17 4 17H5C5.55 17 6 16.55 6 16V15H18V16C18 16.55 18.45 17 19 17H20C20.55 17 21 16.55 21 16V8L18.92 2M6.5 12C5.67 12 5 11.33 5 10.5S5.67 9 6.5 9 8 9.67 8 10.5 7.33 12 6.5 12M17.5 12C16.67 12 16 11.33 16 10.5S16.67 9 17.5 9 19 9.67 19 10.5 18.33 12 17.5 12M5 7L6.5 2.5H17.5L19 7H5M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",SZ="M18.92 2C18.72 1.42 18.16 1 17.5 1H6.5C5.84 1 5.29 1.42 5.08 2L3 8V16C3 16.55 3.45 17 4 17H5C5.55 17 6 16.55 6 16V15H18V16C18 16.55 18.45 17 19 17H20C20.55 17 21 16.55 21 16V8L18.92 2M6.85 3H17.14L18.22 6.11H5.77L6.85 3M19 13H5V8H19V13M7.5 9C8.33 9 9 9.67 9 10.5S8.33 12 7.5 12 6 11.33 6 10.5 6.67 9 7.5 9M16.5 9C17.33 9 18 9.67 18 10.5S17.33 12 16.5 12C15.67 12 15 11.33 15 10.5S15.67 9 16.5 9M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",uZ="M11 0V3H13V0H11M7.88 1.46L6.46 2.87L8.59 5L10 3.58L7.88 1.46M16.12 1.46L14 3.58L15.41 5L17.54 2.88L16.12 1.46M12 5A2 2 0 0 0 10 7V8H6.5C5.84 8 5.28 8.42 5.08 9L3 15V23A1 1 0 0 0 4 24H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 23V22H18V23A1 1 0 0 0 19 24H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 23V15L18.92 9C18.72 8.42 18.16 8 17.5 8H14V7A2 2 0 0 0 12 5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16M17.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 16Z",cZ="M5.31,6C6.95,4.16 9.34,3 12,3C14.66,3 17.05,4.16 18.69,6H15.58C14.53,5.37 13.31,5 12,5C10.69,5 9.47,5.37 8.42,6H5.31M14.4,9.6V8H11.2A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 9.6,9.6V11.2C9.6,12.08 10.32,12.8 11.2,12.8H12.8V14.4H9.6V16H12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 14.4,14.4V12.8C14.4,11.92 13.68,11.2 12.8,11.2H11.2V9.6H14.4M18.4,8H15.2V16H16.8V12.8H18.4A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 20,11.2V9.6C20,8.72 19.28,8 18.4,8M18.4,11.2H16.8V9.6H18.4V11.2M8.8,9.6V8H4V16H8.8V14.4H5.6V12.8H8.8V11.2H5.6V9.6H8.8M15.58,18C14.53,18.63 13.31,19 12,19C10.69,19 9.47,18.63 8.42,18H5.31C6.95,19.84 9.34,21 12,21C14.66,21 17.05,19.84 18.69,18H15.58M20.5,3.5L19.42,4.58C21.32,6.5 22.5,9.11 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.32,17.5 19.42,19.42L20.5,20.5C22.66,18.31 24,15.31 24,12C24,8.69 22.66,5.69 20.5,3.5M4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58Z",sZ="M3,6H16L19,10H21C22.11,10 23,10.89 23,12V15H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,18A3,3 0 0,1 3,15H1V8C1,6.89 1.89,6 3,6M2.5,7.5V10H10.5V7.5H2.5M12,7.5V10H17.14L15.25,7.5H12M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5Z",OZ="M16,6H6L1,12V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M6.5,7.5H10.5V10H4.5L6.5,7.5M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",hZ="M19 15H17V13H19M20 20V22H16V20H17V18H16V16H19V20M18.92 5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 17.5 4H6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5.08 5L3 11V19A1 1 0 0 0 4 20H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 19V18H11A7 7 0 0 1 18 11A6.84 6.84 0 0 1 21 11.68V11M6.5 15A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 15M5 10L6.5 5.5H17.5L19 10Z",pZ="M9 0C7.3 0 6 1.3 6 3S7.3 6 9 6C10.3 6 11.4 5.2 11.8 4H14V6H16V4H18V2H11.8C11.4 .8 10.3 0 9 0M9 2C9.6 2 10 2.4 10 3S9.6 4 9 4 8 3.6 8 3 8.4 2 9 2M6.5 8C5.8 8 5.3 8.4 5.1 9L3 15V23C3 23.6 3.4 24 4 24H5C5.6 24 6 23.6 6 23V22H18V23C18 23.6 18.4 24 19 24H20C20.6 24 21 23.6 21 23V15L18.9 9C18.7 8.4 18.1 8 17.5 8H6.5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16C7.3 16 8 16.7 8 17.5S7.3 19 6.5 19 5 18.3 5 17.5 5.7 16 6.5 16M17.5 16C18.3 16 19 16.7 19 17.5S18.3 19 17.5 19 16 18.3 16 17.5 16.7 16 17.5 16Z",fZ="M18 14L18.79 14.1L18.77 14.33L19.24 14.5L19.39 14.34C19.89 14.6 20.32 15 20.6 15.5L20.43 15.67L20.63 16.12L20.86 16.1C20.95 16.39 21 16.69 21 17L20.9 17.78L20.66 17.77L20.47 18.24L20.66 18.39C20.39 18.9 20 19.32 19.5 19.6L19.33 19.42L18.87 19.62L18.89 19.86C18.61 19.95 18.31 20 18 20L17.21 19.9L17.22 19.65L16.76 19.47L16.6 19.66C16.1 19.39 15.67 19 15.39 18.5L15.57 18.32L15.37 17.86L15.13 17.88C15.05 17.6 15 17.31 15 17L15.11 16.2L15.34 16.21L15.53 15.75L15.35 15.6C15.62 15.09 16 14.68 16.5 14.39L16.67 14.56L17.13 14.36L17.11 14.14C17.39 14.05 17.69 14 18 14M18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5M6 14L6.79 14.1L6.77 14.33L7.24 14.5L7.39 14.34C7.89 14.6 8.32 15 8.6 15.5L8.43 15.67L8.63 16.12L8.86 16.1C8.95 16.39 9 16.69 9 17L8.9 17.78L8.65 17.77L8.47 18.24L8.66 18.39C8.39 18.9 8 19.32 7.5 19.6L7.33 19.42L6.87 19.62L6.89 19.86C6.61 19.95 6.31 20 6 20L5.21 19.9L5.22 19.65L4.76 19.47L4.6 19.66C4.1 19.39 3.67 19 3.39 18.5L3.57 18.32L3.37 17.86L3.13 17.88C3.05 17.6 3 17.31 3 17L3.11 16.2L3.34 16.21L3.53 15.75L3.35 15.6C3.62 15.09 4 14.68 4.5 14.39L4.67 14.56L5.13 14.36L5.11 14.14C5.39 14.05 5.69 14 6 14M6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5M16 6L19 10H21C22.11 10 23 10.89 23 12V15H21C21 13.34 19.66 12 18 12C16.34 12 15 13.34 15 15H9C9 13.34 7.66 12 6 12C4.34 12 3 13.34 3 15H1V10H10.5V6L16 6M12 7.5V10H17.46L15.5 7.5H12Z",gZ="M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 17H23V15H21V17M1 9V11H5C5.1 10.3 5.1 9.6 5.2 9H1M5 13H1V15H5.2C5.1 14.4 5.1 13.7 5 13M5.9 6.4C6 5.8 6.3 5.4 6.5 5H1V7H5.7C5.8 6.8 5.8 6.6 5.9 6.4M1 17V19H6.6C6.2 18.4 5.9 17.8 5.7 17H1M10 4.8C6 4.8 6 19.2 10 19.2S19 16.5 19 12 14 4.8 10 4.8M10.1 17.2C9.7 16.8 9 15 9 12S9.7 7.2 10.1 6.8C13 6.9 17 8.7 17 12S13 17.1 10.1 17.2",kZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 15.9,17.1 13.1,17.2M8,10.5C8,11 7.9,11.5 7.9,12C7.9,12.2 7.9,12.4 7.9,12.6L2.4,14L1.9,12.1L8,10.5M2,7L9.4,5.1C9.2,5.4 9,5.8 8.9,6.3C8.8,6.6 8.7,7 8.6,7.4L2.5,8.9L2,7M8.2,15.5C8.3,16.2 8.5,16.9 8.7,17.4L2.4,19L1.9,17.1L8.2,15.5Z",BZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 16,17.1 13.1,17.2M6,8V11H8C8,11.3 8,11.7 8,12C8,12.3 8,12.7 8,13H6V16H8.4C8.6,16.7 8.8,17.4 9,18H6V21H4V18H2V16H4V13H2V11H4V8H2V6H4V3H6V6H9C9,6.1 8.9,6.2 8.9,6.4C8.7,6.9 8.5,7.4 8.4,8H6Z",PZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 16,17.1 13.1,17.2M2,5H9.5C9.3,5.4 9,5.8 8.9,6.4C8.8,6.6 8.8,6.8 8.7,7H2V5M8,11H2V9H8.2C8.1,9.6 8.1,10.3 8,11M8.7,17C8.9,17.8 9.2,18.4 9.6,19H2.1V17H8.7M8.2,15H2V13H8C8.1,13.7 8.1,14.4 8.2,15Z",wZ="M1,6L2.5,7.5L1,9L2.5,10.5L1,12L2.5,13.5L1,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6H1M4.62,7.5H10.5V10H4.12L3.12,9L4.62,7.5M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",FZ="M8,11L9.5,6.5H18.5L20,11M18.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,16M9.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,16M19.92,6C19.71,5.4 19.14,5 18.5,5H9.5C8.86,5 8.29,5.4 8.08,6L6,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 7,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V19H19V20A1,1 0 0,0 20,21H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,20V12L19.92,6M14.92,3C14.71,2.4 14.14,2 13.5,2H4.5C3.86,2 3.29,2.4 3.08,3L1,9V17A1,1 0 0,0 2,18H3A1,1 0 0,0 4,17V12.91C3.22,12.63 2.82,11.77 3.1,11C3.32,10.4 3.87,10 4.5,10H4.57L5.27,8H3L4.5,3.5H15.09L14.92,3Z",TZ="M20.5,19.85L6.41,5.76L2.41,1.76L1.11,3L4.57,6.46L3,11V19A1,1 0 0,0 4,20H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,19V18H16.11L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20.5,19.85M6.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,15M5,10L5.78,7.67L8.11,10H5M17.5,5.5L19,10H13.2L16.12,12.92C16.5,12.17 17.37,11.86 18.12,12.21C18.87,12.57 19.18,13.47 18.83,14.21C18.68,14.5 18.43,14.77 18.12,14.92L21,17.8V11L18.92,5C18.71,4.4 18.14,4 17.5,4H7.2L8.7,5.5H17.5Z",bZ="M18.9 6C18.7 5.4 18.1 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.8 5 5.3 5.4 5.1 6L3 12V20C3 20.5 3.5 21 4 21H5C5.6 21 6 20.5 6 20V19H18V20C18 20.5 18.5 21 19 21H20C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V12L18.9 6M6.8 7H17.1L18.2 10H5.8L6.8 7M19 17H5V12H19V17M7.5 13C8.3 13 9 13.7 9 14.5S8.3 16 7.5 16 6 15.3 6 14.5 6.7 13 7.5 13M16.5 13C17.3 13 18 13.7 18 14.5S17.3 16 16.5 16C15.7 16 15 15.3 15 14.5S15.7 13 16.5 13Z",yZ="M7.3,9.2C8.1,9.6 9,10.5 9,12C9,13.5 8.1,14.4 7.3,14.8C6.9,13.4 6.9,10.6 7.3,9.2M6.5,7C4.5,7 4.5,17 6.5,17C8.5,17 11,15.1 11,12C11,8.9 8.5,7 6.5,7M16.7,9.2C17,10.6 17,13.4 16.7,14.8C15.9,14.4 15,13.5 15,12C15,10.5 15.9,9.6 16.7,9.2M17.5,7C15.5,7 13,8.9 13,12C13,15.1 15.5,17 17.5,17C19.5,17 19.5,7 17.5,7M4.9,6.2L2.5,4.6L1.4,6.3L4,8C4.2,7.3 4.5,6.6 4.9,6.2M20,8L22.6,6.3L21.5,4.6L19.1,6.2C19.4,6.6 19.8,7.2 20,8M4,16L1.4,17.7L2.5,19.4L4.9,17.8C4.6,17.4 4.2,16.8 4,16M20.5,11C20.5,11.3 20.5,11.7 20.5,12C20.5,12.3 20.5,12.6 20.5,13H24V11H20.5M19.1,17.8L21.5,19.4L22.6,17.7L20,16C19.8,16.7 19.5,17.4 19.1,17.8M3.5,12C3.5,11.7 3.5,11.4 3.5,11H0V13H3.5C3.5,12.7 3.5,12.3 3.5,12Z",RZ="M16,6H10.5V10H1V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",xZ="M9.61 16.11C9.61 14.03 10.59 12.19 12.1 11H5L6.5 6.5H17.5L18.72 10.16C19.56 10.53 20.3 11.07 20.91 11.74L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H10.29C9.86 18.13 9.61 17.15 9.61 16.11M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M20.71 20.7L20.7 20.71L20.71 20.7M16.11 11.61C18.61 11.61 20.61 13.61 20.61 16.11C20.61 17 20.36 17.82 19.92 18.5L23 21.61L21.61 23L18.5 19.93C17.8 20.36 17 20.61 16.11 20.61C13.61 20.61 11.61 18.61 11.61 16.11S13.61 11.61 16.11 11.61M16.11 13.61C14.73 13.61 13.61 14.73 13.61 16.11S14.73 18.61 16.11 18.61 18.61 17.5 18.61 16.11 17.5 13.61 16.11 13.61",DZ="M10.29 19H6V20C6 20.5 5.6 21 5 21H4C3.5 21 3 20.5 3 20V12L5.1 6C5.3 5.4 5.8 5 6.5 5H17.5C18.1 5 18.7 5.4 18.9 6L20.91 11.74C20.17 10.93 19.24 10.31 18.18 9.95L17.1 7H6.8L5.8 10H13.91C12.79 10.4 11.81 11.1 11.08 12H5V17H9.68C9.78 17.71 10 18.38 10.29 19M6 14.5C6 15.3 6.7 16 7.5 16S9 15.3 9 14.5 8.3 13 7.5 13 6 13.7 6 14.5M16.11 11.61C13.61 11.61 11.61 13.61 11.61 16.11S13.61 20.61 16.11 20.61C17 20.61 17.8 20.36 18.5 19.93L21.61 23L23 21.61L19.92 18.5C20.36 17.82 20.61 17 20.61 16.11C20.61 13.61 18.61 11.61 16.11 11.61M16.11 13.61C17.5 13.61 18.61 14.73 18.61 16.11S17.5 18.61 16.11 18.61 13.61 17.5 13.61 16.11 14.73 13.61 16.11 13.61",EZ="M7 18C7 18 4 10 4 6S6 2 6 2H7C7 2 8 2 8 3S7 4 7 6 10 10 10 13 7 18 7 18M12 17C11 17 8 19.5 8 19.5C7.7 19.7 7.8 20 8 20.3C8 20.3 9 22.1 11 22.1H17C18.1 22.1 19 21.2 19 20.1V19.1C19 18 18.1 17.1 17 17.1H12Z",NZ="M20.8 10.2L19.4 10.6L18.2 9.9V8.2L19.4 7.5L20.8 7.9L21.1 6.8L20 6.5L20.3 5.4L19.2 5.1L18.8 6.5L17.6 7.2L16.1 6.3V5L17.1 4L16.3 3.2L15.5 4L14.7 3.2L13.9 4L14.9 5V6.3L13.4 7.2L12.2 6.5L11.9 5.1L10.8 5.4L11.1 6.5L10 6.7L10.3 7.8L11.7 7.4L12.9 8.1V9.8L11.7 10.5L10.3 10.1L10 11.4L11.1 11.7L10.8 12.7L11.9 13L12.3 11.6L13.5 10.9L15 11.8V13.1L14 14.1L14.8 14.9L15.6 14.1L16.4 14.9L17.2 14.1L16.2 13.1V11.8L17.7 10.9L18.9 11.6L19.3 13L20.4 12.7L20 11.6L21.1 11.3L20.8 10.2M14 8.2L15.5 7.3L17 8.2V9.9L15.5 10.8L14 9.9V8.2M5 18C5 18 2 10 2 6S4 2 4 2H5C5 2 6 2 6 3S5 4 5 6 8 10 8 13 5 18 5 18M15 17C16.1 17 17 17.9 17 19V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22H9C7 22 6 20.2 6 20.2C5.8 20 5.7 19.6 6 19.4C6 19.4 9 16.9 10 16.9H15Z",WZ="M5 18C5 18 2 10 2 6S4 2 4 2H5C5 2 6 2 6 3S5 4 5 6 8 10 8 13 5 18 5 18M15 17C16.1 17 17 17.9 17 19V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22H9C7 22 6 20.2 6 20.2C5.8 20 5.7 19.6 6 19.4C6 19.4 9 16.9 10 16.9H15M13.7 3.4L12.3 6.8L13.7 10.2L11.7 15L10 13.6L11.4 10.2L10 6.8L12 2L13.7 3.4M17.9 3.4L16.5 6.8L17.9 10.2L15.9 15L14.2 13.6L15.6 10.2L14.2 6.8L16.2 2L17.9 3.4M22 3.4L20.6 6.8L22 10.2L20 15L18.3 13.6L19.7 10.2L18.3 6.8L20.3 2L22 3.4",IZ="M5 13L6.5 8.5H17.5L19 13M17.5 18C16.7 18 16 17.3 16 16.5S16.7 15 17.5 15 19 15.7 19 16.5 18.3 18 17.5 18M6.5 18C5.7 18 5 17.3 5 16.5S5.7 15 6.5 15 8 15.7 8 16.5 7.3 18 6.5 18M18.9 8C18.7 7.4 18.1 7 17.5 7H6.5C5.8 7 5.3 7.4 5.1 8L3 14V22C3 22.6 3.4 23 4 23H5C5.6 23 6 22.6 6 22V21H18V22C18 22.6 18.4 23 19 23H20C20.6 23 21 22.6 21 22V14M8 1L12 5.5L16 1Z",GZ="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M5 11L6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11M17.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 16M6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16M18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20A1 1 0 0 0 4 21H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 20V19H18V20A1 1 0 0 0 19 21H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 20V12Z",QZ="M8 5H4V2H8V5M4 22H8V19H4V22M14 2H10V5H14V2M10 22H14V19H10V22M16 2V5H20V2H16M17 11H13V7H11V11H7V7H5V17H7V13H11V17H13V13H19V7H17V11Z",UZ="M16,6L19,10H21C22.11,10 23,10.89 23,12V15H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,18A3,3 0 0,1 3,15H1V12C1,10.89 1.89,10 3,10L6,6H16M10.5,7.5H6.75L4.86,10H10.5V7.5M12,7.5V10H17.14L15.25,7.5H12M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5Z",zZ="M18 15C18 17.6 16.8 19.9 14.9 21.3L14.4 20.8L12.3 18.7L13.7 17.3L14.9 18.5C15.4 17.8 15.8 16.9 15.9 16H14V14H15.9C15.7 13.1 15.4 12.3 14.9 11.5L13.7 12.7L12.3 11.3L13.5 10.1C12.8 9.6 11.9 9.2 11 9.1V11H9V9.1C8.1 9.3 7.3 9.6 6.5 10.1L9.5 13.1C9.7 13.1 9.8 13 10 13C11.11 13 12 13.9 12 15S11.11 17 10 17 8 16.11 8 15C8 14.8 8 14.7 8.1 14.5L5.1 11.5C4.6 12.2 4.2 13.1 4.1 14H6V16H4.1C4.3 16.9 4.6 17.7 5.1 18.5L6.3 17.3L7.7 18.7L5.1 21.3C3.2 19.9 2 17.6 2 15C2 10.58 5.58 7 10 7S18 10.58 18 15M23 5C23 3.34 21.66 2 20 2S17 3.34 17 5C17 6.3 17.84 7.4 19 7.82V11H21V7.82C22.16 7.4 23 6.3 23 5M20 6C19.45 6 19 5.55 19 5S19.45 4 20 4 21 4.45 21 5 20.55 6 20 6Z",_Z="M12,8.5H7L4,11H3C1.89,11 1,11.89 1,13V16H3.17C3.6,17.2 4.73,18 6,18C7.27,18 8.4,17.2 8.82,16H15.17C15.6,17.2 16.73,18 18,18C19.27,18 20.4,17.2 20.82,16H23V15C23,13.89 21.97,13.53 21,13L12,8.5M5.25,12L7.5,10H11.5L15.5,12H5.25M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",KZ="M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,5H13V11H11V5M17,4.76C18.86,6.19 20,8.61 20,11C20,14 18.33,16.64 15.86,18H8.14C5.67,16.64 4,14 4,11C4,8.61 5.09,6.17 7,4.76V2H5V3.86C3.15,5.68 2,8.2 2,11C2,13.8 3.15,16.32 5,18.14V22H7V20H9V22H11V20H13V22H15V20H17V22H19V18.14C20.85,16.32 22,13.8 22,11C22,8.2 20.85,5.68 19,3.86V2H17V4.76Z",jZ="M9.5,11H10.5C10.8,11 11,10.8 11,10.5V9H19V10.5C19,10.8 19.2,11 19.5,11H20.5C20.8,11 21,10.8 21,10.5V9L21,8.5V6L19.6,1.7C19.5,1.3 19.1,1 18.7,1H11.4C11,1 10.6,1.3 10.5,1.7L9,6V8.5L9,9V10.5C9,10.8 9.2,11 9.5,11M11.3,2H18.6L19.5,5H10.4L11.3,2M12,23H10C10,22.2 8.1,21.5 6.6,20.9C4.5,20.1 2,19.2 2,17C2,14.7 4.3,14.1 6.2,13.5C7.9,13.1 9,12.7 9,12H11C11,14.3 8.7,14.9 6.8,15.5C5.1,15.9 4,16.3 4,17C4,17.8 5.9,18.5 7.4,19.1C9.5,19.9 12,20.8 12,23M22,23H20C20,22.2 18.1,21.5 16.6,20.9C14.5,20.1 12,19.2 12,17C12,14.7 14.3,14.1 16.2,13.5C17.8,13 19,12.7 19,12H21C21,14.3 18.7,14.9 16.8,15.5C15.2,15.9 14,16.3 14,17C14,17.8 15.9,18.5 17.4,19.1C19.5,19.9 22,20.8 22,23Z",qZ="M22 13V15H18.32C18.75 14.09 19 13.08 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5H2V3H12C16.97 3 21 7.03 21 12C21 12.34 20.97 12.67 20.94 13H22M12 19C8.14 19 5 15.86 5 12C5 10.93 5.25 9.91 5.69 9H2V11H3.06C3.03 11.33 3 11.66 3 12C3 16.97 7.03 21 12 21H22V19H12M16.86 12.2C15.93 12.94 14.72 12.47 14 12.05V12C16.79 10.31 15.39 7.89 15.39 7.89S14.33 6.04 14.61 7.89C14.78 9.07 13.76 9.88 13.04 10.3L13 10.28C12.93 7 10.13 7 10.13 7S8 7 9.74 7.69C10.85 8.13 11.04 9.42 11.05 10.25L11 10.28C8.14 8.7 6.74 11.12 6.74 11.12S5.67 12.97 7.14 11.8C8.07 11.07 9.28 11.54 10 11.95V12C7.21 13.7 8.61 16.12 8.61 16.12S9.67 17.97 9.4 16.11C9.22 14.94 10.25 14.13 10.97 13.7L11 13.73C11.07 17 13.87 17 13.87 17S16 17 14.26 16.31C13.15 15.87 12.96 14.58 12.95 13.75L13 13.73C15.86 15.31 17.26 12.88 17.26 12.88S18.33 11.04 16.86 12.2Z",$Z="M5,13L6.5,8.5H17.5L19,13M17.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,18M6.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,18M18.92,8C18.72,7.42 18.16,7 17.5,7H6.5C5.84,7 5.28,7.42 5.08,8L3,14V22A1,1 0 0,0 4,23H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,22V21H18V22A1,1 0 0,0 19,23H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,22V14M7,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,3.5C8.5,2.5 7,0.8 7,0.8C7,0.8 5.5,2.5 5.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,5M12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,3.5C13.5,2.5 12,0.8 12,0.8C12,0.8 10.5,2.5 10.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5M17,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,3.5C18.5,2.5 17,0.8 17,0.8C17,0.8 15.5,2.5 15.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,5Z",XZ="M22.63 15.5L20.21 5.85A1 1 0 0 0 19.14 5.1C17.8 5.24 14.14 5.5 12 5.5S6.2 5.24 4.86 5.1A1 1 0 0 0 3.79 5.85L1.37 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.55 17.36A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 12 18A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 21.45 17.36A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 22.63 15.5Z",YZ="M22.63 15.5L20.21 5.85A1 1 0 0 0 19.14 5.1C17.8 5.24 14.14 5.5 12 5.5S6.2 5.24 4.86 5.1A1 1 0 0 0 3.79 5.85L1.37 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.55 17.36A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 12 18A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 21.45 17.36A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 22.63 15.5M12 16A63.33 63.33 0 0 1 3.44 15.5L5.5 7.18C7 7.32 10.16 7.5 12 7.5S17 7.32 18.5 7.18L20.56 15.5A63.33 63.33 0 0 1 12 16Z",JZ="M12 5C10.9 5 10 5.9 10 7V8H6.5C5.84 8 5.28 8.42 5.08 9L3 15V23C3 23.55 3.45 24 4 24H5C5.55 24 6 23.55 6 23V22H18V23C18 23.55 18.45 24 19 24H20C20.55 24 21 23.55 21 23V15L18.92 9C18.72 8.42 18.16 8 17.5 8H14V7C14 5.9 13.11 5 12 5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16C7.33 16 8 16.67 8 17.5S7.33 19 6.5 19 5 18.33 5 17.5 5.67 16 6.5 16M17.5 16C18.33 16 19 16.67 19 17.5S18.33 19 17.5 19 16 18.33 16 17.5 16.67 16 17.5 16M16.2 3.4C15 2.3 13.5 1.7 12 1.7S9 2.3 7.8 3.4L7 2.6C8.4 1.2 10.2 .5 12 .5S15.6 1.2 17 2.6L16.2 3.4M15.3 4.2L14.5 5C13.8 4.3 12.9 4 12 4S10.2 4.3 9.5 5L8.7 4.2C9.6 3.3 10.8 2.8 12 2.8S14.4 3.3 15.3 4.2",CS="M20.96 16.45C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16V16.5L20.96 16.45M11 16C11 16.71 11.15 17.39 11.42 18H6V19C6 19.55 5.55 20 5 20H4C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19V11L5.08 5C5.28 4.42 5.84 4 6.5 4H17.5C18.16 4 18.72 4.42 18.92 5L21 11V16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16M8 13.5C8 12.67 7.33 12 6.5 12S5 12.67 5 13.5 5.67 15 6.5 15 8 14.33 8 13.5M19 10L17.5 5.5H6.5L5 10H19M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",HS="M8 17.5C8 18.33 7.33 19 6.5 19S5 18.33 5 17.5 5.67 16 6.5 16 8 16.67 8 17.5M18 5.59C17.79 3.54 16.18 2 14.24 2H8.88C6.95 2 5.36 3.5 5.15 5.53L5 6.59C4.92 7.34 5.5 8 6.24 8C6.87 8 7.39 7.53 7.47 6.91L7.61 5.82C7.68 5.07 8.23 4.5 8.88 4.5H14.24C14.89 4.5 15.44 5.07 15.5 5.82L16.5 16.88C16.59 17.74 16 18.5 15.25 18.5L10.04 17.82C9.95 18.77 9.5 19.6 8.8 20.18L14.93 21L15.09 21H15.25C16.27 21 17.26 20.56 17.96 19.78C18.71 18.94 19.09 17.8 19 16.65L18 5.59M11.66 7.94C11.08 7.57 10.31 7.75 9.94 8.34L6.39 14C6.43 14 6.46 14 6.5 14C7.38 14 8.18 14.34 8.8 14.88L12.06 9.66C12.43 9.08 12.25 8.31 11.66 7.94Z",VS="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17H21V15H19V9A2,2 0 0,0 17,7H5M5,9H10V12H5V9M13,9H17V12H13V9M10,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,16Z",LS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20Z",MS="M2,3H22C23.05,3 24,3.95 24,5V19C24,20.05 23.05,21 22,21H2C0.95,21 0,20.05 0,19V5C0,3.95 0.95,3 2,3M14,6V7H22V6H14M14,8V9H21.5L22,9V8H14M14,10V11H21V10H14M8,13.91C6,13.91 2,15 2,17V18H14V17C14,15 10,13.91 8,13.91M8,6A3,3 0 0,0 5,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,6Z",AS="M22,3H2C0.91,3.04 0.04,3.91 0,5V19C0.04,20.09 0.91,20.96 2,21H22C23.09,20.96 23.96,20.09 24,19V5C23.96,3.91 23.09,3.04 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M14,17V15.75C14,14.09 10.66,13.25 9,13.25C7.34,13.25 4,14.09 4,15.75V17H14M9,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,7M14,7V8H20V7H14M14,9V10H20V9H14M14,11V12H18V11H14",iS="M20 22.09L22.45 23.58L21.8 20.77L24 18.89L21.11 18.64L20 16L18.87 18.64L16 18.89L18.18 20.77L17.5 23.58L20 22.09M14.08 21H2C.95 21 0 20.05 0 19V5C0 3.95 .95 3 2 3H22C23.05 3 24 3.95 24 5V15.53C22.94 14.58 21.54 14 20 14C16.69 14 14 16.69 14 20C14 20.34 14.03 20.68 14.08 21M8 13.91C6 13.91 2 15 2 17V18H14V17C14 15 10 13.91 8 13.91M8 6C6.35 6 5 7.35 5 9C5 10.65 6.35 12 8 12C9.65 12 11 10.65 11 9C11 7.35 9.65 6 8 6M21 10H14V11H21V10M22 8H14V9H22V8M22 6H14V7H22V6Z",rS="M20 22.09L22.45 23.58L21.8 20.77L24 18.89L21.11 18.64L20 16L18.87 18.64L16 18.89L18.18 20.77L17.5 23.58L20 22.09M14.08 21H2C.91 20.96 .04 20.09 0 19V5C.04 3.91 .91 3.04 2 3H22C23.09 3.04 23.96 3.91 24 5V15.53C23.42 15 22.75 14.61 22 14.34V5H2V19H14.08C14.03 19.33 14 19.66 14 20C14 20.34 14.03 20.68 14.08 21M14 17H4V15.75C4 14.09 7.34 13.25 9 13.25C10.66 13.25 14 14.09 14 15.75V17M14 11H18V12H14V11M9 7C7.63 7 6.5 8.13 6.5 9.5C6.5 10.87 7.63 12 9 12C10.37 12 11.5 10.87 11.5 9.5C11.5 8.13 10.37 7 9 7M14 9H20V10H14V9M14 7H20V8H14V7Z",aS="M21,8V7L18,9L15,7V8L18,10M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,12A3,3 0 0,1 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,18H2V17C2,15 6,13.9 8,13.9C10,13.9 14,15 14,17M22,12H14V6H22",eS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M21,6H14V11H21V6M20,8L17.5,9.75L15,8V7L17.5,8.75L20,7V8M9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,6A3,3 0 0,0 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12M9,8A1,1 0 0,1 10,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,8M15,16.59C15,14.09 11.03,13 9,13C6.97,13 3,14.09 3,16.59V18H15V16.59M5.5,16C6.22,15.5 7.7,15 9,15C10.3,15 11.77,15.5 12.5,16H5.5Z",dS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,12A3,3 0 0,1 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,18H2V17C2,15 6,13.9 8,13.9C10,13.9 14,15 14,17V18M17.85,14H19.5L21,16L19,18C17.7,17 16.73,15.61 16.28,14C16.1,13.36 16,12.69 16,12C16,11.31 16.1,10.64 16.28,10C16.73,8.38 17.7,7 19,6L21,8L19.5,10H17.85C17.63,10.63 17.5,11.3 17.5,12C17.5,12.7 17.63,13.37 17.85,14Z",mS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M19,18L21,16L19.5,14H17.85C17.63,13.37 17.5,12.7 17.5,12C17.5,11.3 17.63,10.63 17.85,10H19.5L21,8L19,6C17.7,7 16.73,8.38 16.28,10C16.1,10.64 16,11.31 16,12C16,12.69 16.1,13.36 16.28,14C16.73,15.61 17.7,17 19,18M9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,6A3,3 0 0,0 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12M9,8A1,1 0 0,1 10,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,8M15,16.59C15,14.09 11.03,13 9,13C6.97,13 3,14.09 3,16.59V18H15V16.59M5.5,16C6.22,15.5 7.7,15 9,15C10.3,15 11.77,15.5 12.5,16H5.5Z",tS="M20,4A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20M11,13H9V15H11V13M19,13H13V15H19V13M7,9H5V11H7V9M19,9H9V11H19V9Z",vS="M3.35,3.58L20.65,20.87L19.23,22.29L16.94,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.72 2.06,5.46 2.16,5.22L1.23,4.29L2.65,2.87L3.35,3.58M6.6,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.4 21.88,18.77 21.68,19.08L17.6,15H20V13H15.6L13.6,11H20V9H11.6L6.6,4M9.94,13H9V15H11V14.06L9.94,13M5.94,9H5V11H7V10.06L5.94,9Z",lS="M20.59,20.87L19.17,22.29L16.88,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.74 2.05,5.5 2.14,5.26L1.17,4.29L2.59,2.87L3.73,4L20.59,20.87V20.87M6.54,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.41 21.87,18.8 21.66,19.12L20,17.46V6H8.54L6.54,4M4,18H14.88L11.88,15H10V13.12L7.88,11H6V9.12L4,7.12V18M18,15H17.54L15.54,13H18V15M18,11H13.54L11.54,9H18V11Z",oS="M12,15H10V13H12V15M18,15H14V13H18V15M8,11H6V9H8V11M18,11H10V9H18V11M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",nS="M9,22V24H7V22H9M13,22V24H11V22H13M17,22V24H15V22H17M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M11,13H9V15H11V13M19,13H13V15H19V13M7,9H5V11H7V9M19,9H9V11H19V9Z",ZS="M9,22V24H7V22H9M13,22V24H11V22H13M17,22V24H15V22H17M12,15H10V13H12V15M18,15H14V13H18V15M8,11H6V9H8V11M18,11H10V9H18V11M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",SS="M23 18V20H15V18H23M19 13C20.09 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13Z",uS="M23 18V20H15V18H23M13.09 18H4V6H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18Z",cS="M21 3C21.53 3 22.04 3.21 22.41 3.59C22.79 3.96 23 4.47 23 5V15C23 15.53 22.79 16.04 22.41 16.41C22.04 16.79 21.53 17 21 17H7C6.47 17 5.96 16.79 5.59 16.41C5.21 16.04 5 15.53 5 15V5C5 4.47 5.21 3.96 5.59 3.59C5.96 3.21 6.47 3 7 3H21M3 19H18V21H3C2.47 21 1.96 20.79 1.59 20.41C1.21 20.04 1 19.53 1 19V8H3V19Z",sS="M21 16V6H7V16H21M21 4C21.53 4 22.04 4.21 22.41 4.59C22.79 4.96 23 5.47 23 6V16C23 16.53 22.79 17.04 22.41 17.41C22.04 17.79 21.53 18 21 18H7C5.89 18 5 17.1 5 16V6C5 4.89 5.89 4 7 4H21M3 20H18V22H3C2.47 22 1.96 21.79 1.59 21.41C1.21 21.04 1 20.53 1 20V9H3V20Z",OS="M21.88 18.68L7.2 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68M20.56 19.91L20.57 19.91L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.65 4.54C2.25 4.9 2 5.42 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.56 19.91Z",hS="M9.2 6L7.2 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68L20 16.8V6H9.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.66 6L18.65 18H18.66L20.57 19.91L20.56 19.91L22.11 21.46M16.11 18L4.11 6H4V18H16.11Z",pS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",fS="M13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.09 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",gS="M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21M14 18H3V6H19V13H21V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.11 1.9 20 3 20H14V18Z",kS="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M19 13C20.09 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13Z",BS="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M13.09 18H4V6H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18Z",PS="M11.5 9C10.12 9 9 10.12 9 11.5S10.12 14 11.5 14 14 12.88 14 11.5 12.88 9 11.5 9M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M16.79 18.21L13.88 15.3C13.19 15.74 12.37 16 11.5 16C9 16 7 14 7 11.5S9 7 11.5 7 16 9 16 11.5C16 12.38 15.74 13.19 15.3 13.89L18.21 16.79L16.79 18.21Z",wS="M11.5 16C12.37 16 13.19 15.74 13.88 15.3L16.32 17.74L17.74 16.32L15.3 13.89C15.74 13.19 16 12.38 16 11.5C16 9 14 7 11.5 7S7 9 7 11.5 9 16 11.5 16M11.5 9C12.88 9 14 10.12 14 11.5S12.88 14 11.5 14 9 12.88 9 11.5 10.12 9 11.5 9M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M20 18H4V6H20V18Z",FS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M5,13V15H16V13H5M5,9V11H19V9H5Z",TS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4M6,9H18V11H6V9M6,13H16V15H6V13Z",bS="M21.47,4.35L20.13,3.79V12.82L22.56,6.96C22.97,5.94 22.5,4.77 21.47,4.35M1.97,8.05L6.93,20C7.24,20.77 7.97,21.24 8.74,21.26C9,21.26 9.27,21.21 9.53,21.1L16.9,18.05C17.65,17.74 18.11,17 18.13,16.26C18.14,16 18.09,15.71 18,15.45L13,3.5C12.71,2.73 11.97,2.26 11.19,2.25C10.93,2.25 10.67,2.31 10.42,2.4L3.06,5.45C2.04,5.87 1.55,7.04 1.97,8.05M18.12,4.25A2,2 0 0,0 16.12,2.25H14.67L18.12,10.59",yS="M12,2C14.3,2 16.3,4 16.3,6.2C16.21,8.77 14.34,9.83 14.04,10C15.04,9.5 16.5,9.5 16.5,9.5C19,9.5 21,11.3 21,13.8C21,16.3 19,18 16.5,18C16.5,18 15,18 13,17C13,17 12.7,19 15,22H9C11.3,19 11,17 11,17C9,18 7.5,18 7.5,18C5,18 3,16.3 3,13.8C3,11.3 5,9.5 7.5,9.5C7.5,9.5 8.96,9.5 9.96,10C9.66,9.83 7.79,8.77 7.7,6.2C7.7,4 9.7,2 12,2Z",RS="M16.6 9.5C16.8 8.9 17 8.2 17 7.5C17 4.5 14.8 2 12 2S7 4.5 7 7.5C7 8.2 7.1 8.9 7.4 9.5C4.9 9.6 3 11.4 3 13.8C3 16.3 5 18 7.5 18C7.5 18 10 18 11 17C11 17 11.3 19 9 22H15C12.7 19 13 17 13 17C14 18 16.5 18 16.5 18C19 18 21 16.3 21 13.8C21 11.4 19.1 9.6 16.6 9.5M16.5 16C16.5 16 14 16 13 15H11C10 16 7.5 16 7.5 16C6.3 16 5 15.3 5 13.8C5 12.5 6.1 11.5 7.5 11.5C7.8 11.5 8.3 11.6 8.8 11.7C8.9 11.7 9 11.8 9.1 11.8L10 10.1C9.8 9.9 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.5C9.2 8.9 9 8.3 9 7.5C9 5.6 10.3 4 12 4S15 5.6 15 7.5C15 8.3 14.8 9 14.4 9.6C14.3 9.8 14.2 9.9 14.1 10.1L15 11.8C15.1 11.8 15.2 11.7 15.3 11.7C15.7 11.6 16.2 11.5 16.6 11.5C18 11.5 19.1 12.5 19.1 13.8C19 15.3 17.7 16 16.5 16Z",xS="M19,12L12,22L5,12L12,2",DS="M12 2L5 12L12 22L19 12M7.44 12L12 5.5L16.56 12L12 18.5",ES="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z",NS="M12.1 18.55L12 18.65L11.89 18.55C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5C9.04 5 10.54 6 11.07 7.36H12.93C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5C18.5 5 20 6.5 20 8.5C20 11.39 16.86 14.24 12.1 18.55M16.5 3C14.76 3 13.09 3.81 12 5.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3Z",WS="M11.19,2.25C10.93,2.25 10.67,2.31 10.42,2.4L3.06,5.45C2.04,5.87 1.55,7.04 1.97,8.05L6.93,20C7.24,20.77 7.97,21.23 8.74,21.25C9,21.25 9.27,21.22 9.53,21.1L16.9,18.05C17.65,17.74 18.11,17 18.13,16.25C18.14,16 18.09,15.71 18,15.45L13,3.5C12.71,2.73 11.97,2.26 11.19,2.25M14.67,2.25L18.12,10.6V4.25A2,2 0 0,0 16.12,2.25M20.13,3.79V12.82L22.56,6.96C22.97,5.94 22.5,4.78 21.47,4.36M11.19,4.22L16.17,16.24L8.78,19.3L3.8,7.29",IS="M14.7 2.2H16.2C17.3 2.2 18.2 3.1 18.2 4.2V10.6L14.7 2.2M20.1 3.8L21.4 4.4C22.4 4.8 22.9 6 22.5 7L20.1 12.9V3.8M18 15.5L13 3.5C12.7 2.7 12 2.3 11.2 2.3C10.9 2.3 10.7 2.4 10.4 2.5L3 5.5C2 5.9 1.5 7 2 8L7 20C7.3 20.8 8 21.2 8.8 21.2C9.1 21.2 9.3 21.2 9.6 21L17 18C17.8 17.7 18.2 17 18.2 16.2C18.1 16 18.1 15.7 18 15.5M11.4 15L8.2 12.6L8.6 8.6L11.8 11L11.4 15",GS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M14 15C13.4 15 12.9 14.7 12.5 14.3L13.5 17H10.5L11.5 14.3C11.1 14.7 10.6 15 10 15C8.9 15 8 14.1 8 13S8.9 11 10 11H10.3C10.1 10.7 10 10.3 10 10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8S14 8.9 14 10C14 10.4 13.9 10.7 13.7 11H14C15.1 11 16 11.9 16 13S15.1 15 14 15Z",QS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M16 13C15.4 13 14.9 12.7 14.5 12.3L15.5 15H12.5L13.5 12.3C13.1 12.7 12.6 13 12 13C10.9 13 10 12.1 10 11S10.9 9 12 9H12.3C12.1 8.7 12 8.4 12 8C12 6.9 12.9 6 14 6S16 6.9 16 8C16 8.4 15.9 8.7 15.7 9H16C17.1 9 18 9.9 18 11S17.1 13 16 13Z",US="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 6C12.9 6 12 6.9 12 8C12 8.4 12.1 8.7 12.3 9H12C10.9 9 10 9.9 10 11S10.9 13 12 13C12.6 13 13.1 12.7 13.5 12.3L12.5 15H15.5L14.5 12.3C14.9 12.7 15.4 13 16 13C17.1 13 18 12.1 18 11S17.1 9 16 9H15.7C15.9 8.7 16 8.4 16 8C16 6.9 15.1 6 14 6Z",zS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10C10 10.4 10.1 10.7 10.3 11H10C8.9 11 8 11.9 8 13S8.9 15 10 15C10.6 15 11.1 14.7 11.5 14.3L10.5 17H13.5L12.5 14.3C12.9 14.7 13.4 15 14 15C15.1 15 16 14.1 16 13S15.1 11 14 11H13.7C13.9 10.7 14 10.3 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8Z",_S="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M12 17L9 12L12 7L15 12L12 17Z",KS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M14 15L11 10L14 5L17 10L14 15Z",jS="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 5L11 10L14 15L17 10L14 5Z",qS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 7L9 12L12 17L15 12L12 7Z",$S="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M12.6 15.8L12 16.3L11.4 15.8C9.4 13.9 8 12.7 8 11.2C8 10 9 9 10.2 9C10.9 9 11.6 9.3 12 9.8C12.4 9.3 13.1 9 13.8 9C15 9 16 9.9 16 11.2C16 12.7 14.6 13.9 12.6 15.8Z",XS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M14.6 13.8L14 14.3L13.4 13.8C11.4 11.9 10 10.7 10 9.2C10 8 11 7 12.2 7C12.9 7 13.6 7.3 14 7.8C14.4 7.3 15.1 7 15.8 7C17 7 18 7.9 18 9.2C18 10.7 16.6 11.9 14.6 13.8Z",YS="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M12.2 7C11 7 10 8 10 9.2C10 10.7 11.4 11.9 13.4 13.8L14 14.3L14.6 13.8C16.6 11.9 18 10.7 18 9.2C18 7.9 17 7 15.8 7C15.1 7 14.4 7.3 14 7.8C13.6 7.3 12.9 7 12.2 7Z",JS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M10.2 9C9 9 8 10 8 11.2C8 12.7 9.4 13.9 11.4 15.8L12 16.3L12.6 15.8C14.6 13.9 16 12.7 16 11.2C16 9.9 15 9 13.8 9C13.1 9 12.4 9.3 12 9.8C11.6 9.3 10.9 9 10.2 9Z",Cu="M11.19,2.25C11.97,2.26 12.71,2.73 13,3.5L18,15.45C18.09,15.71 18.14,16 18.13,16.25C18.11,17 17.65,17.74 16.9,18.05L9.53,21.1C9.27,21.22 9,21.25 8.74,21.25C7.97,21.23 7.24,20.77 6.93,20L1.97,8.05C1.55,7.04 2.04,5.87 3.06,5.45L10.42,2.4C10.67,2.31 10.93,2.25 11.19,2.25M14.67,2.25H16.12A2,2 0 0,1 18.12,4.25V10.6L14.67,2.25M20.13,3.79L21.47,4.36C22.5,4.78 22.97,5.94 22.56,6.96L20.13,12.82V3.79M11.19,4.22L3.8,7.29L8.77,19.3L16.17,16.24L11.19,4.22M8.65,8.54L11.88,10.95L11.44,14.96L8.21,12.54L8.65,8.54Z",Hu="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M13.8 15C13.4 15 13 14.9 12.6 14.7L13.5 17H10.5L11.4 14.7C11 14.9 10.6 15 10.2 15C9 15 8 14 8 12.8C8 11.3 9.4 10.1 11.4 8.2L12 7.7L12.6 8.2C14.6 10.1 16 11.3 16 12.8C16 14.1 15 15 13.8 15Z",Vu="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M15.8 13C15.4 13 15 12.9 14.6 12.7L15.5 15H12.5L13.4 12.7C13 12.9 12.6 13 12.2 13C11 13 10 12 10 10.8C10 9.3 11.4 8.1 13.4 6.2L14 5.7L14.6 6.2C16.6 8.1 18 9.3 18 10.8C18 12.1 17 13 15.8 13Z",Lu="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 5.7L13.4 6.2C11.4 8.1 10 9.3 10 10.8C10 12 11 13 12.2 13C12.6 13 13 12.9 13.4 12.7L12.5 15H15.5L14.6 12.7C14.9 12.9 15.4 13 15.8 13C17 13 18 12.1 18 10.8C18 9.3 16.6 8.1 14.6 6.2L14 5.7Z",Mu="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 7.7L11.4 8.2C9.4 10.1 8 11.3 8 12.8C8 14 9 15 10.2 15C10.6 15 11 14.9 11.4 14.7L10.5 17H13.5L12.6 14.7C12.9 14.9 13.4 15 13.8 15C15 15 16 14.1 16 12.8C16 11.3 14.6 10.1 12.6 8.2L12 7.7Z",Au="M12,2C9,7 4,9 4,14C4,16 6,18 8,18C9,18 10,18 11,17C11,17 11.32,19 9,22H15C13,19 13,17 13,17C14,18 15,18 16,18C18,18 20,16 20,14C20,9 15,7 12,2Z",iu="M11 17C11 17 11.3 19 9 22H15C12.7 19 13 17 13 17S14 18 16 18 20 16 20 14C20 9 15 7 12 2C9 7 4 9 4 14C4 16 6 18 8 18S11 17 11 17M13 14H11C11 14 10 16 8 16C7.1 16 6 14.9 6 14C5.8 11 9.9 8.2 12 5.4C14.1 8.1 18.2 10.9 18 14C18 14.9 16.9 16 16 16C14 16 13 14 13 14Z",ru="M5,2H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,3V13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13V3A1,1 0 0,1 5,2M6,4V12H18V4H6M20,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,17V16H20V17M20,21A1,1 0 0,1 19,22H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,21V20H20V21Z",au="M16,10L15.8,11H13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,12H15.6L14.6,17H12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12.5,18H14.4L14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20L9,15H10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,14H8.8L8,10C8,8.8 8.93,7.77 10.29,7.29L8.9,5.28C8.59,4.82 8.7,4.2 9.16,3.89C9.61,3.57 10.23,3.69 10.55,4.14L11,4.8V3A1,1 0 0,1 12,2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3V5.28L14.5,3.54C14.83,3.12 15.47,3.07 15.89,3.43C16.31,3.78 16.36,4.41 16,4.84L13.87,7.35C15.14,7.85 16,8.85 16,10Z",eu="M17,18C15.89,18 15,18.89 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22A2,2 0 0,0 19,20C19,18.89 18.1,18 17,18M1,2V4H3L6.6,11.59L5.24,14.04C5.09,14.32 5,14.65 5,15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H19V15H7.42A0.25,0.25 0 0,1 7.17,14.75C7.17,14.7 7.18,14.66 7.2,14.63L8.1,13H15.55C16.3,13 16.96,12.58 17.3,11.97L20.88,5.5C20.95,5.34 21,5.17 21,5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4H5.21L4.27,2M7,18C5.89,18 5,18.89 5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22A2,2 0 0,0 9,20C9,18.89 8.1,18 7,18Z",du="M10 0V4H8L12 8L16 4H14V0M1 2V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18Z",mu="M9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22A2,2 0 0,1 5,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20M17,18A2,2 0 0,0 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22A2,2 0 0,0 19,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,18M7.2,14.63C7.19,14.67 7.19,14.71 7.2,14.75A0.25,0.25 0 0,0 7.45,15H19V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15C5,14.65 5.07,14.31 5.24,14L6.6,11.59L3,4H1V2H4.27L5.21,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5C21,5.17 20.95,5.34 20.88,5.5L17.3,12C16.94,12.62 16.27,13 15.55,13H8.1L7.2,14.63M9,9.5H13V11.5L16,8.5L13,5.5V7.5H9V9.5Z",tu="M12 0L8 4H10V8H14V4H16M1 2V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18Z",vu="M9 20C9 21.1 8.1 22 7 22S5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18 9 18.9 9 20M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8M18 2.8L16.6 1.4L11.8 6.2L9.2 3.6L7.8 5L11.8 9L18 2.8Z",lu="M9 20C9 21.1 8.1 22 7 22S5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18 9 18.9 9 20M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8M12 9.3L11.4 8.8C9.4 6.9 8 5.7 8 4.2C8 3 9 2 10.2 2C10.9 2 11.6 2.3 12 2.8C12.4 2.3 13.1 2 13.8 2C15 2 16 2.9 16 4.2C16 5.7 14.6 6.9 12.6 8.8L12 9.3Z",ou="M16 6V4H8V6M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8Z",nu="M22.73,22.73L1.27,1.27L0,2.54L4.39,6.93L6.6,11.59L5.25,14.04C5.09,14.32 5,14.65 5,15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H14.46L15.84,18.38C15.34,18.74 15,19.33 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22C17.67,22 18.26,21.67 18.62,21.16L21.46,24L22.73,22.73M7.42,15A0.25,0.25 0 0,1 7.17,14.75L7.2,14.63L8.1,13H10.46L12.46,15H7.42M15.55,13C16.3,13 16.96,12.59 17.3,11.97L20.88,5.5C20.96,5.34 21,5.17 21,5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4H6.54L15.55,13M7,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22A2,2 0 0,0 9,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,18Z",Zu="M17,18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22C15.89,22 15,21.1 15,20C15,18.89 15.89,18 17,18M1,2H4.27L5.21,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5C21,5.17 20.95,5.34 20.88,5.5L17.3,11.97C16.96,12.58 16.3,13 15.55,13H8.1L7.2,14.63L7.17,14.75A0.25,0.25 0 0,0 7.42,15H19V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15C5,14.65 5.09,14.32 5.24,14.04L6.6,11.59L3,4H1V2M7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22C5.89,22 5,21.1 5,20C5,18.89 5.89,18 7,18M16,11L18.78,6H6.14L8.5,11H16Z",Su="M7 18C8.1 18 9 18.9 9 20S8.1 22 7 22 5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18M17 18C18.1 18 19 18.9 19 20S18.1 22 17 22 15 21.1 15 20 15.9 18 17 18M7.2 14.8C7.2 14.9 7.3 15 7.4 15H19V17H7C5.9 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.6 5.1 14.3 5.2 14L6.5 11.6L3 4H1V2H4.3L8.6 11H15.6L19.5 4L21.2 5L17.3 12C17 12.6 16.3 13 15.6 13H8.1L7.2 14.6V14.8M9.4 1C10.2 1 10.8 1.6 10.8 2.4S10.2 3.8 9.4 3.8 8 3.2 8 2.4 8.7 1 9.4 1M14.6 9C13.8 9 13.2 8.4 13.2 7.6S13.8 6.2 14.6 6.2 16 6.8 16 7.6 15.3 9 14.6 9M9.2 9L8 7.8L14.8 1L16 2.2L9.2 9",uu="M11 9H13V6H16V4H13V1H11V4H8V6H11M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8Z",cu="M14.1 8.5L12 6.4L9.9 8.5L8.5 7.1L10.6 5L8.5 2.9L9.9 1.5L12 3.6L14.1 1.5L15.5 2.9L13.4 5L15.5 7.1L14.1 8.5M7 18C8.1 18 9 18.9 9 20S8.1 22 7 22 5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18M17 18C18.1 18 19 18.9 19 20S18.1 22 17 22 15 21.1 15 20 15.9 18 17 18M7.2 14.8C7.2 14.9 7.3 15 7.4 15H19V17H7C5.9 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.6 5.1 14.3 5.2 14L6.5 11.6L3 4H1V2H4.3L8.6 11H15.6L19.5 4L21.2 5L17.3 12C17 12.6 16.3 13 15.6 13H8.1L7.2 14.6V14.8Z",su="M19 20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22C15.89 22 15 21.1 15 20C15 18.89 15.89 18 17 18C18.11 18 19 18.9 19 20M7 18C5.89 18 5 18.89 5 20C5 21.1 5.89 22 7 22C8.11 22 9 21.11 9 20S8.11 18 7 18M7.2 14.63L7.17 14.75C7.17 14.89 7.28 15 7.42 15H19V17H7C5.89 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.65 5.09 14.32 5.24 14.04L6.6 11.59L3 4H1V2H4.27L5.21 4H20C20.55 4 21 4.45 21 5C21 5.17 20.95 5.34 20.88 5.5L17.3 11.97C16.96 12.58 16.3 13 15.55 13H8.1L7.2 14.63M8.5 11H10V9H7.56L8.5 11M11 9V11H14V9H11M14 8V6H11V8H14M17.11 9H15V11H16L17.11 9M18.78 6H15V8H17.67L18.78 6M6.14 6L7.08 8H10V6H6.14Z",Ou="M20,14C20,12.5 19.5,12 18,12H16V11C16,10 16,10 14,10V15.4L14,19H16L18,19C19.5,19 20,18.47 20,17V14M12,12C12,10.5 11.47,10 10,10H6C4.5,10 4,10.5 4,12V19H6V16H10V19H12V12M10,7H14V5H10V7M22,9V20C22,21.11 21.11,22 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V9C2,7.89 2.89,7 4,7H8V5L10,3H14L16,5V7H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,9H22M16,17H18V14H16V17M6,12H10V14H6V12Z",hu="M3,6H21V18H3V6M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M7,8A2,2 0 0,1 5,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 7,16H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 17,8H7Z",pu="M2,5H22V20H2V5M20,18V7H4V18H20M17,8A2,2 0 0,0 19,10V15A2,2 0 0,0 17,17H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,15V10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8H17M17,13V12C17,10.9 16.33,10 15.5,10C14.67,10 14,10.9 14,12V13C14,14.1 14.67,15 15.5,15C16.33,15 17,14.1 17,13M15.5,11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 16,11.5V13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,11M13,13V12C13,10.9 12.33,10 11.5,10C10.67,10 10,10.9 10,12V13C10,14.1 10.67,15 11.5,15C12.33,15 13,14.1 13,13M11.5,11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,11.5V13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,13.5V11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M8,15H9V10H8L7,10.5V11.5L8,11V15Z",fu="M3 6V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3M12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9M21.63 12.27L17.76 16.17L16.41 14.8L15 16.22L17.75 19L23.03 13.68L21.63 12.27Z",gu="M17.5 16.82L19.94 18.23L19.19 19.53L16 17.69V14H17.5V16.82M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24S10 20.87 10 17C10 16.66 10.03 16.33 10.08 16H2V4H20V10.68C22.36 11.81 24 14.21 24 17M10.68 14C10.86 13.64 11.05 13.3 11.28 12.97C11.19 13 11.1 13 11 13C9.34 13 8 11.66 8 10S9.34 7 11 7 14 8.34 14 10C14 10.25 13.96 10.5 13.9 10.73C14.84 10.27 15.89 10 17 10C17.34 10 17.67 10.03 18 10.08V8C16.9 8 16 7.11 16 6H6C6 7.11 5.11 8 4 8V12C5.11 12 6 12.9 6 14H10.68M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",ku="M3 6H21V9.1C19.96 9.1 19.35 9.72 19.2 9.87L19.19 9.89L19 10.07V10C18.47 10 17.96 9.79 17.59 9.41C17.21 9.04 17 8.53 17 8H7C7 8.53 6.79 9.04 6.41 9.41C6.04 9.79 5.53 10 5 10V14C5.53 14 6.04 14.21 6.41 14.59C6.79 14.96 7 15.47 7 16H13.07L11.07 18H3V6M12 9C12.8 9 13.56 9.32 14.12 9.88C14.68 10.44 15 11.2 15 12C15 12.8 14.68 13.56 14.12 14.12C13.56 14.68 12.8 15 12 15C11.2 15 10.44 14.68 9.88 14.12C9.32 13.56 9 12.8 9 12C9 11.2 9.32 10.44 9.88 9.88C10.44 9.32 11.2 9 12 9M22.7 12.6L21.4 11.3C21.3 11.2 21.2 11.1 21 11.1C20.8 11.1 20.7 11.2 20.6 11.3L19.6 12.3L21.7 14.4L22.7 13.4C22.9 13.2 22.9 12.8 22.7 12.6M15.1 21L21.1 14.9L19.1 12.8L13 18.9V21H15.1Z",Bu="M17.12 9.88C16.56 9.32 15.8 9 15 9S13.44 9.32 12.88 9.88C12.32 10.44 12 11.2 12 12S12.32 13.56 12.88 14.12 14.2 15 15 15 16.56 14.68 17.12 14.12 18 12.8 18 12 17.68 10.44 17.12 9.88M7 6V18H23V6H7M21 14C20.47 14 19.96 14.21 19.59 14.59C19.21 14.96 19 15.47 19 16H11C11 15.47 10.79 14.96 10.41 14.59C10.04 14.21 9.53 14 9 14V10C9.53 10 10.04 9.79 10.41 9.41C10.79 9.04 11 8.53 11 8H19C19 8.53 19.21 9.04 19.59 9.41C19.96 9.79 20.47 10 21 10V14M5 8H3C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7C2 6.45 2.45 6 3 6H5V8M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13M5 18H1C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17C0 16.45 .448 16 1 16H5V18Z",Pu="M21.8 15C22.4 15 23 15.6 23 16.3V19.8C23 20.4 22.4 21 21.7 21H16.2C15.6 21 15 20.4 15 19.7V16.2C15 15.6 15.6 15 16.2 15V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V15M20.5 15V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V15H20.5M2 6H20V9.1L19 9C18.18 9 17.41 9.2 16.73 9.54C16.28 9.18 16 8.62 16 8H6C6 9.11 5.11 10 4 10V14C5.11 14 6 14.9 6 16H13.04L13 16.5V18H2V6M11 9C12.66 9 14 10.34 14 12C14 13.66 12.66 15 11 15C9.34 15 8 13.66 8 12C8 10.34 9.34 9 11 9Z",wu="M21.8 16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8M2 6H20V9.1L19 9C18.18 9 17.41 9.2 16.73 9.54C16.28 9.18 16 8.62 16 8H6C6 9.11 5.11 10 4 10V14C5.11 14 6 14.9 6 16H13.04L13 16.5V18H2V6M11 9C12.66 9 14 10.34 14 12C14 13.66 12.66 15 11 15C9.34 15 8 13.66 8 12C8 10.34 9.34 9 11 9Z",Fu="M18.5,16.8C17.8,16.8 17.3,16.2 17.3,15.6C17.3,14.9 17.9,14.4 18.5,14.4C19.1,14.4 19.7,15 19.7,15.6C19.8,16.2 19.2,16.8 18.5,16.8M18.5,12C16.6,12 15,13.6 15,15.5C15,18.1 18.5,22 18.5,22C18.5,22 22,18.1 22,15.5C22,13.6 20.4,12 18.5,12M14.9,11.3C14.6,10 13.4,9 12,9C10.3,9 9,10.3 9,12C9,13.7 10.3,15 12,15C12.4,15 12.7,14.9 13,14.8C13.2,13.4 13.9,12.2 14.9,11.3M13,16H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,14V10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,10C19,10 20,10 21,10.6V6H3V18H13.5C13.3,17.3 13.1,16.7 13,16Z",Tu="M15 15V17H23V15M14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",bu="M5,6H23V18H5V6M14,9A3,3 0 0,1 17,12A3,3 0 0,1 14,15A3,3 0 0,1 11,12A3,3 0 0,1 14,9M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 7,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 9,16H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 19,8H9M1,10H3V20H19V22H1V10Z",yu="M3 4.9V4.95L3.05 4.94L4.11 6H3V18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L4.57 3.91L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9M6.41 9.41C6.61 9.22 6.76 9 6.86 8.75L9.16 11.05C9.05 11.35 9 11.67 9 12C9 12.8 9.32 13.56 9.88 14.12C10.44 14.68 11.2 15 12 15C12.33 15 12.65 14.95 12.95 14.84L14.11 16H7C7 15.47 6.79 14.96 6.41 14.59C6.04 14.21 5.53 14 5 14V10C5.53 10 6.04 9.79 6.41 9.41M17.69 14.5L21 17.8V6H9.2L11.2 8H17C17 8.53 17.21 9.04 17.59 9.41C17.96 9.79 18.47 10 19 10V14C18.5 14 18.05 14.18 17.69 14.5Z",Ru="M15 15V17H18V20H20V17H23V15H20V12H18V15M14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",xu="M12.3 8.93L9.88 6.5H15.5V10H17V5H9.88L12.3 2.57L11.24 1.5L7 5.75L11.24 10L12.3 8.93M12 14A3 3 0 1 0 15 17A3 3 0 0 0 12 14M3 11V23H21V11M19 19A2 2 0 0 0 17 21H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 19V15A2 2 0 0 0 7 13H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 15Z",Du="M2,17H22V21H2V17M6.25,7H9V6H6V3H14V6H11V7H17.8C18.8,7 19.8,8 20,9L20.5,16H3.5L4.05,9C4.05,8 5.05,7 6.25,7M13,9V11H18V9H13M6,9V10H8V9H6M9,9V10H11V9H9M6,11V12H8V11H6M9,11V12H11V11H9M6,13V14H8V13H6M9,13V14H11V13H9M7,4V5H13V4H7Z",Eu="M15.46 18.12L16.88 19.54L19 17.41L21.12 19.54L22.54 18.12L20.41 16L22.54 13.88L21.12 12.46L19 14.59L16.88 12.46L15.46 13.88L17.59 16M14.97 11.62C14.86 10.28 13.58 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.04 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.39 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.62M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.1 14 5 14V10C6.1 10 7 9.1 7 8H17C17 9.1 17.9 10 19 10V10.05C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",Nu="M3 6V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3M12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9M19 11L21.25 13.25L19 15.5V14C17.15 14 15.94 15.96 16.76 17.62L15.67 18.71C13.91 16.05 15.81 12.5 19 12.5V11M19 22L16.75 19.75L19 17.5V19C20.85 19 22.06 17.04 21.24 15.38L22.33 14.29C24.09 16.95 22.19 20.5 19 20.5V22",Wu="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H6L7,17H17L18,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M9,10H15V13H9V10M17.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,10Z",Iu="M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3Z",Gu="M2 11V13C7 13 11 17 11 22H13C13 15.9 8.1 11 2 11M20 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V10.5C9 11 9.9 11.7 10.7 12.4C11.6 11 13.2 10 15 10C17.8 10 20 12.2 20 15S17.8 20 15 20H14.8C14.9 20.7 15 21.3 15 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15 8C13.9 8 13 7.1 13 6C13 4.9 13.9 4 15 4C16.1 4 17 4.9 17 6S16.1 8 15 8M15 18C14.8 18 14.5 18 14.3 17.9C13.8 16.4 13.1 15.1 12.2 13.9C12.6 12.8 13.7 11.9 15 11.9C16.7 11.9 18 13.2 18 14.9S16.7 18 15 18M2 15V17C4.8 17 7 19.2 7 22H9C9 18.1 5.9 15 2 15M2 19V22H5C5 20.3 3.7 19 2 19",Qu="M14.5 12C14.5 10.62 13.38 9.5 12 9.5C10.62 9.5 9.5 10.62 9.5 12C9.5 13 10.09 13.84 10.93 14.25L9.82 15.35C8.73 14.64 8 13.41 8 12C8 9.79 9.79 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 13.41 15.27 14.64 14.18 15.35L13.08 14.25C13.92 13.84 14.5 13 14.5 12M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 15.06 3.38 17.8 5.54 19.63L6.61 18.57C4.71 17 3.5 14.64 3.5 12C3.5 7.31 7.31 3.5 12 3.5C16.69 3.5 20.5 7.31 20.5 12C20.5 14.64 19.29 17 17.39 18.57L18.46 19.63C20.62 17.79 22 15.06 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M19 12C19 8.13 15.87 5 12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12C5 14.23 6.05 16.22 7.68 17.5L8.75 16.43C7.39 15.42 6.5 13.82 6.5 12C6.5 8.97 8.97 6.5 12 6.5C15.03 6.5 17.5 8.97 17.5 12C17.5 13.82 16.61 15.42 15.25 16.43L16.33 17.5C17.95 16.22 19 14.23 19 12M6 22H18L12 16L6 22Z",Uu="M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M19,7H5V8.63C8.96,9.91 12.09,13.04 13.37,17H19M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18Z",zu="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M11,11.09V13.09L14.5,15L18,13.09V11.09L14.5,13L11,11.09M14.5,6L9,9L14.5,12L20,9L14.5,6Z",_u="M1.6,1.27L0.25,2.75L1.41,3.8C1.16,4.13 1,4.55 1,5V8H3V5.23L18.2,19H14V21H20.41L22.31,22.72L23.65,21.24M6.5,3L8.7,5H21V16.14L23,17.95V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.08,10 1,10M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18Z",Ku="M6,22H18L12,16M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H7V17H3V5H21V17H17V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3Z",ju="M2,13H4V15H6V13H8V15H10V13H12V15H14V10L17,7V1H19L23,3L19,5V7L22,10V22H11V19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19V22H2V13M18,10C17.45,10 17,10.54 17,11.2V13H19V11.2C19,10.54 18.55,10 18,10Z",qu="M12,8L10.67,8.09C9.81,7.07 7.4,4.5 5,4.5C5,4.5 3.03,7.46 4.96,11.41C4.41,12.24 4.07,12.67 4,13.66L2.07,13.95L2.28,14.93L4.04,14.67L4.18,15.38L2.61,16.32L3.08,17.21L4.53,16.32C5.68,18.76 8.59,20 12,20C15.41,20 18.32,18.76 19.47,16.32L20.92,17.21L21.39,16.32L19.82,15.38L19.96,14.67L21.72,14.93L21.93,13.95L20,13.66C19.93,12.67 19.59,12.24 19.04,11.41C20.97,7.46 19,4.5 19,4.5C16.6,4.5 14.19,7.07 13.33,8.09L12,8M9,11A1,1 0 0,1 10,12A1,1 0 0,1 9,13A1,1 0 0,1 8,12A1,1 0 0,1 9,11M15,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,12A1,1 0 0,1 15,13A1,1 0 0,1 14,12A1,1 0 0,1 15,11M11,14H13L12.3,15.39C12.5,16.03 13.06,16.5 13.75,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.25,15H15.75A2,2 0 0,1 13.75,17C13,17 12.35,16.59 12,16V16H12C11.65,16.59 11,17 10.25,17A2,2 0 0,1 8.25,15H8.75A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.25,16.5C10.94,16.5 11.5,16.03 11.7,15.39L11,14Z",$u="M6.03 12.03L8.03 15.5L5.5 18.68L2 12.62L6.03 12.03M17 18V15.29C17.88 14.9 18.5 14.03 18.5 13C18.5 12.43 18.3 11.9 17.97 11.5L19.94 10.35C20.95 9.76 21.3 8.47 20.71 7.46L19.33 5.06C18.74 4.05 17.45 3.7 16.44 4.28L8.31 9C7.36 9.53 7.03 10.75 7.58 11.71L9.08 14.31C9.63 15.26 10.86 15.59 11.81 15.04L13.69 13.96C13.94 14.55 14.41 15.03 15 15.29V18C15 19.1 15.9 20 17 20H22V18H17Z",Xu="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H17C15.9 20 15 19.1 15 18V16.89L12.66 14.55L11.81 15.04C10.86 15.59 9.63 15.26 9.08 14.31L7.58 11.71C7.18 11 7.25 10.18 7.68 9.57L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18.5 13C18.5 12.43 18.3 11.9 17.97 11.5L19.94 10.35C20.95 9.76 21.3 8.47 20.71 7.46L19.33 5.06C18.74 4.05 17.45 3.7 16.44 4.28L10.77 7.57L17.86 14.66C18.26 14.22 18.5 13.64 18.5 13M2 12.62L5.5 18.68L8.03 15.5L6.03 12.03L2 12.62Z",Yu="M8 3V5H11V10.27C10.38 10.63 10 11.29 10 12V13H14V12C14 11.29 13.62 10.63 13 10.27V5H16V3H8M6 12C3.79 12 2 12.67 2 13.5S3.79 15 6 15 10 14.33 10 13.5 8.21 12 6 12M18 12C15.79 12 14 12.67 14 13.5S15.79 15 18 15 22 14.33 22 13.5 20.21 12 18 12M10 14V15C10 15.72 10.38 16.38 11 16.73C11.62 17.09 12.38 17.09 13 16.73C13.62 16.38 14 15.71 14 15V14H10Z",Ju="M8 3V5H11V10.27C10.38 10.63 10 11.29 10 12V13H14V12C14 11.29 13.62 10.63 13 10.27V5H16V3H8M6 12C3.79 12 2 12.67 2 13.5C2 14.33 3.79 15 6 15S10 14.33 10 13.5C10 12.67 8.21 12 6 12M18 12C15.79 12 14 12.67 14 13.5C14 14.33 15.79 15 18 15S22 14.33 22 13.5C22 12.67 20.21 12 18 12M10 14V15C10 15.72 10.38 16.38 11 16.73C11.62 17.09 12.38 17.09 13 16.73C13.62 16.38 14 15.71 14 15V14H10M13 19V22H11V19H13M15.88 16.46L18 18.59L16.59 20L14.47 17.88L15.88 16.46M9.54 17.88L7.41 20L6 18.59L8.12 16.47L9.54 17.88",Cc="M8,9H11V4H13V9H16L20,17H4L8,9M14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18H14Z",Hc="M10 11H13V6H15V11H18L22 19H6L10 11M16 20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22S12 21.11 12 20H16M8.21 10.11L8.76 9H11V2H9V7H6L2 15H5.76L8.21 10.11Z",Vc="M16.76 13L18.76 17H9.24L11.24 13H16.76M15 6H13V11H10L6 19H22L18 11H15V6M16 20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22S12 21.11 12 20H16M8.21 10.11L8.76 9H11V2H9V7H6L2 15H5.76L8.21 10.11Z",Lc="M14.76 11L16.76 15H7.24L9.24 11H14.76M13 4H11V9H8L4 17H20L16 9H13V4M14 18H10C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20S14 19.11 14 18Z",Mc="M17,19H7V5H17M17,1H7C5.89,1 5,1.89 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3C19,1.89 18.1,1 17,1Z",Ac="M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1M17,19H7V5H17V19M16,13H13V8H11V13H8L12,17L16,13Z",ic="M18 14L23 9L21.6 7.6L19 10.2V3H17V10.2L14.4 7.6L13 9L18 14M19 16V21C19 22.1 18.1 23 17 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.1 5 21V3C5 1.9 5.9 1 7 1H14V5H7V19H17V16H19Z",rc="M15,2A1,1 0 0,0 14,3V6H10C8.89,6 8,6.89 8,8V20C8,21.11 8.89,22 10,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V8C17,7.26 16.6,6.62 16,6.28V3A1,1 0 0,0 15,2M10,8H15V13H10V8M10,15H11V16H10V15M12,15H13V16H12V15M14,15H15V16H14V15M10,17H11V18H10V17M12,17H13V18H12V17M14,17H15V18H14V17M10,19H11V20H10V19M12,19H13V20H12V19M14,19H15V20H14V19Z",ac="M11 18.5V13H9L13 5.5V11H15M17 19H7V5H17M17 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V21A2 2 0 0 0 7 23H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 21V3C19 1.89 18.1 1 17 1Z",ec="M14.54 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V13C18.3 13 17.63 13.13 17 13.35V5H7V19H13C13 20.54 13.58 21.94 14.54 23M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",dc="M9.82,12.5C9.84,12.33 9.86,12.17 9.86,12C9.86,11.83 9.84,11.67 9.82,11.5L10.9,10.69C11,10.62 11,10.5 10.96,10.37L9.93,8.64C9.87,8.53 9.73,8.5 9.62,8.53L8.34,9.03C8.07,8.83 7.78,8.67 7.47,8.54L7.27,7.21C7.27,7.09 7.16,7 7.03,7H5C4.85,7 4.74,7.09 4.72,7.21L4.5,8.53C4.21,8.65 3.92,8.83 3.65,9L2.37,8.5C2.25,8.47 2.12,8.5 2.06,8.63L1.03,10.36C0.97,10.5 1,10.61 1.1,10.69L2.18,11.5C2.16,11.67 2.15,11.84 2.15,12C2.15,12.17 2.17,12.33 2.19,12.5L1.1,13.32C1,13.39 1,13.53 1.04,13.64L2.07,15.37C2.13,15.5 2.27,15.5 2.38,15.5L3.66,15C3.93,15.18 4.22,15.34 4.53,15.47L4.73,16.79C4.74,16.91 4.85,17 5,17H7.04C7.17,17 7.28,16.91 7.29,16.79L7.5,15.47C7.8,15.35 8.09,15.17 8.36,15L9.64,15.5C9.76,15.53 9.89,15.5 9.95,15.37L11,13.64C11.04,13.53 11,13.4 10.92,13.32L9.82,12.5M6,13.75C5,13.75 4.2,12.97 4.2,12C4.2,11.03 5,10.25 6,10.25C7,10.25 7.8,11.03 7.8,12C7.8,12.97 7,13.75 6,13.75M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V6H7V4H17V20H7V18H5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1Z",mc="M16,15H8V5H16M16,1H8C6.89,1 6,1.89 6,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 8,19H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,17V3C18,1.89 17.1,1 16,1M8,23H16V21H8V23Z",tc="M13 7H11V9H13V7M13 11H11V17H13V11M17 1H7C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.9 18.1 1 17 1M17 19H7V5H17V19Z",vc="M7 1C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V7H7V4H17V20H7V17H5V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.9 18.1 1 17 1H7M6 9C4.3 9 3 10.3 3 12S4.3 15 6 15C7.3 15 8.4 14.2 8.8 13H11V15H13V13H15V11H8.8C8.4 9.8 7.3 9 6 9M6 11C6.6 11 7 11.4 7 12S6.6 13 6 13 5 12.6 5 12 5.4 11 6 11Z",lc="M22,17H18V10H22M23,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,9V19A1,1 0 0,0 17,20H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,19V9A1,1 0 0,0 23,8M4,6H22V4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V17H0V20H14V17H4V6Z",oc="M23,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,9V13.18L18,15.18V10H22V17H19.82L22.82,20H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,19V9A1,1 0 0,0 23,8M4,6.27L14.73,17H4V6.27M1.92,1.65L0.65,2.92L2.47,4.74C2.18,5.08 2,5.5 2,6V17H0V20H17.73L20.08,22.35L21.35,21.08L3.89,3.62L1.92,1.65M22,6V4H6.82L8.82,6H22Z",nc="M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V6H7V4H17V20H7V18H5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1M8.8,11V9.5C8.8,8.1 7.4,7 6,7C4.6,7 3.2,8.1 3.2,9.5V11C2.6,11 2,11.6 2,12.2V15.7C2,16.4 2.6,17 3.2,17H8.7C9.4,17 10,16.4 10,15.8V12.3C10,11.6 9.4,11 8.8,11M7.5,11H4.5V9.5C4.5,8.7 5.2,8.2 6,8.2C6.8,8.2 7.5,8.7 7.5,9.5V11Z",Zc="M18.5 13C16.6 13 15 14.61 15 16.5C15 19.11 18.5 23 18.5 23S22 19.11 22 16.5C22 14.61 20.4 13 18.5 13M18.5 17.81C17.8 17.81 17.3 17.21 17.3 16.61C17.3 15.91 17.9 15.41 18.5 15.41S19.7 16 19.7 16.61C19.8 17.21 19.2 17.81 18.5 17.81M15.91 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V11.03C18.84 11 18.67 11 18.5 11C18 11 17.5 11.08 17 11.22V5H7V19H13.54C14.14 20.5 15.12 21.97 15.91 23Z",Sc="M11,17V7H4V17H11M11,3A2,2 0 0,1 13,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 11,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H11M16.5,3H21.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 23,4.5V7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21.5,9H18L15,12V9L15,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,3Z",uc="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.22 4.11C2.08 4.38 2 4.68 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.89 21 4 21H11C12.1 21 13 20.1 13 19V14.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M11 17H4V7H5.11L11 12.89V17M23 4.5V7.5C23 8.33 22.33 9 21.5 9H18L15.1 11.9L15 11.8V4.5C15 3.67 15.67 3 16.5 3H21.5C22.33 3 23 3.67 23 4.5M10.2 7L6.2 3H11C12.1 3 13 3.9 13 5V9.8L11 7.8V7H10.2",cc="M2,16V18A5,5 0 0,1 7,23H9A7,7 0 0,0 2,16M2,20V23H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,20M2,12V14A9,9 0 0,1 11,23H13C13,16.92 8.08,12 2,12M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V10.37C5.69,10.53 6.36,10.74 7,11V5H17V18H13.97C14.5,19.25 14.81,20.59 14.92,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1Z",sc="M20.84 22.73L18.85 20.74C18.56 21.5 17.84 22 17 22H14.92C14.81 20.59 14.5 19.25 13.97 18H16.11L7 8.89V11C6.36 10.74 5.69 10.53 5 10.37V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17 5V13.8L19 15.8V3C19 1.9 18.11 1 17 1H7C6.24 1 5.59 1.43 5.25 2.05L8.2 5H17M2 20V23H5C5 21.34 3.66 20 2 20M2 16V18C4.76 18 7 20.24 7 23H9C9 19.13 5.87 16 2 16M2 12V14C6.97 14 11 18.03 11 23H13C13 16.92 8.08 12 2 12Z",Oc="M2.38,1.73L1.11,3L5,6.89V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V20.89L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46M17,19H7V8.89L17,18.89V19M17,5V13.8L19,15.8V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1H7C6.28,1 5.6,1.37 5.24,2L8.24,5H17Z",hc="M17 19H7V5H17M17 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.89 18.1 1 17 1M10 9V15L14 12L10 9Z",pc="M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88M14.54 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V13C18.3 13 17.63 13.13 17 13.35V5H7V19H13C13 20.54 13.58 21.94 14.54 23Z",fc="M7,1A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1H7M7,4H17V20H7V4M9,6V10H10.5V7.5H13V6H9M13.5,14V16.5H11V18H15V14H13.5Z",gc="M16,16H8V4H16M16,0H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,2V18A2,2 0 0,0 8,20H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,18V2A2,2 0 0,0 16,0M15,24H17V22H15M11,24H13V22H11M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",kc="M19.1,8.7C20.9,10.5 20.9,13.3 19.1,15.2L20.1,16.2C22.6,13.9 22.6,10.1 20.1,7.7L19.1,8.7M18,9.8L17,10.8C17.5,11.5 17.5,12.4 17,13.1L18,14.1C19.2,12.9 19.2,11.1 18,9.8M14,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 4,23H14A2,2 0 0,0 16,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 14,1M14,20H4V4H14V20Z",Bc="M17,19V5H7V19H17M17,1A2,2 0 0,1 19,3V21A2,2 0 0,1 17,23H7C5.89,23 5,22.1 5,21V3C5,1.89 5.89,1 7,1H17M9,7H15V9H9V7M9,11H13V13H9V11Z",Pc="M20.07,4.93C21.88,6.74 23,9.24 23,12C23,14.76 21.88,17.26 20.07,19.07L18.66,17.66C20.11,16.22 21,14.22 21,12C21,9.79 20.11,7.78 18.66,6.34L20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76C18.33,8.85 19,10.35 19,12C19,13.65 18.33,15.15 17.24,16.24L15.83,14.83C16.55,14.11 17,13.11 17,12C17,10.89 16.55,9.89 15.83,9.17L17.24,7.76M13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14A2,2 0 0,1 11,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,10M11.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,3.5V8H12V4H3V19H12V16H14V20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11.5,23H3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 1,20.5V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 3.5,1H11.5Z",wc="M19.07 14.93L22 12L19.07 9.07V4.93H14.93L12 2L9.07 4.93H4.93V9.07L2 12L4.93 14.93V19.07H9.07L12 22L14.93 19.07H19.07V14.93M21.41 12L19.07 14.34V12.46H13.69L13.23 12L13.69 11.54H19.07V9.66L21.41 12M18.66 14.76L17.32 16.09L14.11 12.87H18.66V14.76M12.46 13.1L12 12.65L11.54 13.1V12.46H10.9L11.36 12L10.9 11.54H11.54V10.9L12 11.36L12.46 10.9V11.54H13.1L12.65 12L13.1 12.46H12.46V13.1M14.11 11.13L17.32 7.91L18.66 9.24V11.13H14.11M18.66 5.35V8.65L17.32 7.32L13.5 11.13H12.87V10.5L16.68 6.68L15.35 5.35H18.66M12.87 9.89V5.35H14.76L16.09 6.68L12.87 9.89M12 2.59L14.34 4.93H12.46V10.31L12 10.77L11.54 10.31V4.93H9.66L12 2.59M11.13 9.89L7.91 6.68L9.24 5.35H11.13V9.89M5.35 5.35H8.65L7.32 6.68L11.13 10.5V11.13H10.5L6.68 7.32L5.35 8.65V5.35M5.35 9.24L6.68 7.91L9.89 11.13H5.35V9.24M2.59 12L4.93 9.66V11.54H10.31L10.77 12L10.31 12.46H4.93V14.34L2.59 12M9.89 12.87L6.68 16.09L5.35 14.76V12.87H9.89M5.35 18.66V15.35L6.68 16.68L10.5 12.87H11.13V13.5L7.32 17.32L8.65 18.65H5.35M11.13 14.11V18.66H9.24L7.91 17.32L11.13 14.11M12 21.41L9.66 19.07H11.54V13.69L12 13.23L12.46 13.69V19.07H14.34L12 21.41M12.87 14.11L16.09 17.32L14.76 18.66H12.87V14.11M15.35 18.66L16.68 17.32L12.87 13.5V12.87H13.5L17.32 16.68L18.65 15.35V18.66H15.35Z",Fc="M4,3C2.89,3 2,3.89 2,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H12V22L15,19L18,22V17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V8L22,6V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3H16V3H4M12,5L15,7L18,5V8.5L21,10L18,11.5V15L15,13L12,15V11.5L9,10L12,8.5V5M4,5H9V7H4V5M4,9H7V11H4V9M4,13H9V15H4V13Z",Tc="M13 21L15 20L17 21V14H13M17 9V7L15 8L13 7V9L11 10L13 11V13L15 12L17 13V11L19 10M20 3H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 5V15A2 2 0 0 0 4 17H11V15H4V5H20V15H19V17H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 15V5A2 2 0 0 0 20 3M11 8H5V6H11M9 11H5V9H9M11 14H5V12H11Z",bc="M22 10V13H19V10H22M2 13H5V10H2V13M17 5C17 3.9 16.1 3 15 3H9C7.9 3 7 3.9 7 5V13H17V5M7 15H6V17H11V18L7 22H9.8L12 19.8L14.2 22H17L13 18V17H18V15H7Z",yc="M22,5V7H17L13.53,12H16V14H14.46L18.17,22H15.97L15.04,20H6.38L5.35,22H3.1L7.23,14H7C6.55,14 6.17,13.7 6.04,13.3L2.87,3.84L3.82,3.5C4.34,3.34 4.91,3.63 5.08,4.15L7.72,12H12.1L15.57,7H12V5H22M9.5,14L7.42,18H14.11L12.26,14H9.5Z",Rc="M15 13.1C15 14.76 13.66 16.1 12 16.1S9 14.76 9 13.1 10.34 10.1 12 10.1 15 11.44 15 13.1M9 2V3C9 4.11 9.9 5 11 5V9.1C11.32 9.04 11.66 9 12 9S12.68 9.04 13 9.1V5C14.11 5 15 4.11 15 3V2H9M4 11.1C2.34 11.1 1 12.44 1 14.1S2.34 17.1 4 17.1 7 15.76 7 14.1 5.66 11.1 4 11.1M20 11.1C18.34 11.1 17 12.44 17 14.1S18.34 17.1 20 17.1 23 15.76 23 14.1 21.66 11.1 20 11.1M20 18.1C19.32 18.1 18.67 17.96 18.08 17.71C17.6 17.95 17.07 18.1 16.5 18.1C15.39 18.1 14.41 17.57 13.77 16.77C13.22 17 12.63 17.1 12 17.1S10.78 17 10.23 16.77C9.59 17.57 8.61 18.1 7.5 18.1C6.93 18.1 6.4 17.95 5.92 17.71C5.33 17.96 4.68 18.1 4 18.1C3.73 18.1 3.46 18.06 3.2 18C4.21 19.29 5.76 20.1 7.5 20.1C8.83 20.1 10.05 19.63 11 18.84V21.1C11 21.65 11.45 22.1 12 22.1C12.55 22.1 13 21.65 13 21.1V18.84C13.95 19.63 15.17 20.1 16.5 20.1C18.24 20.1 19.79 19.29 20.8 18C20.54 18.06 20.27 18.1 20 18.1Z",xc="M12.75,3.94C13.75,3.22 14.91,2.86 16.22,2.86C16.94,2.86 17.73,3.05 18.59,3.45C19.45,3.84 20.13,4.3 20.63,4.83C21.66,6.11 22.09,7.6 21.94,9.3C21.78,11 21.22,12.33 20.25,13.27L12.66,20.86C12.47,21.05 12.23,21.14 11.95,21.14C11.67,21.14 11.44,21.05 11.25,20.86C11.06,20.67 10.97,20.44 10.97,20.16C10.97,19.88 11.06,19.64 11.25,19.45L15.84,14.86C16.09,14.64 16.09,14.41 15.84,14.16C15.59,13.91 15.36,13.91 15.14,14.16L10.55,18.75C10.36,18.94 10.13,19.03 9.84,19.03C9.56,19.03 9.33,18.94 9.14,18.75C8.95,18.56 8.86,18.33 8.86,18.05C8.86,17.77 8.95,17.53 9.14,17.34L13.73,12.75C14,12.5 14,12.25 13.73,12C13.5,11.75 13.28,11.75 13.03,12L8.44,16.64C8.25,16.83 8,16.92 7.73,16.92C7.45,16.92 7.21,16.83 7,16.64C6.8,16.45 6.7,16.22 6.7,15.94C6.7,15.66 6.81,15.41 7.03,15.19L11.63,10.59C11.88,10.34 11.88,10.11 11.63,9.89C11.38,9.67 11.14,9.67 10.92,9.89L6.28,14.5C6.06,14.7 5.83,14.81 5.58,14.81C5.3,14.81 5.06,14.71 4.88,14.5C4.69,14.3 4.59,14.06 4.59,13.78C4.59,13.5 4.69,13.27 4.88,13.08C7.94,10 9.83,8.14 10.55,7.45L14.11,10.97C14.5,11.34 14.95,11.53 15.5,11.53C16.2,11.53 16.75,11.25 17.16,10.69C17.44,10.28 17.54,9.83 17.46,9.33C17.38,8.83 17.17,8.41 16.83,8.06L12.75,3.94M14.81,10.27L10.55,6L3.47,13.08C2.63,12.23 2.15,10.93 2.04,9.16C1.93,7.4 2.41,5.87 3.47,4.59C4.66,3.41 6.08,2.81 7.73,2.81C9.39,2.81 10.8,3.41 11.95,4.59L16.22,8.86C16.41,9.05 16.5,9.28 16.5,9.56C16.5,9.84 16.41,10.08 16.22,10.27C16.03,10.45 15.8,10.55 15.5,10.55C15.23,10.55 15,10.45 14.81,10.27V10.27Z",Dc="M10.5 6L3.4 13.1C2.6 12.2 2.2 10.9 2 9.2C1.9 7.4 2.4 5.9 3.5 4.6C4.7 3.4 6.1 2.8 7.8 2.8C9.5 2.8 10.9 3.4 12 4.6L13.7 6.3C13 6.5 12.4 6.8 11.8 7.2L10.5 6M15.5 6C18.4 6 20.9 7.9 21.7 10.6C21.8 10.2 21.9 9.8 21.9 9.3C22.1 7.6 21.6 6.1 20.6 4.8C20.1 4.3 19.4 3.8 18.6 3.4C17.7 3 16.9 2.8 16.2 2.8C14.9 2.8 13.7 3.2 12.7 3.9L14.8 6H15.5M11 7.9L10.6 7.5C9.8 8.1 7.9 10 4.9 13.1C4.7 13.3 4.6 13.5 4.6 13.8C4.6 14.1 4.7 14.3 4.9 14.5C5.1 14.7 5.3 14.8 5.6 14.8C5.8 14.8 6.1 14.7 6.3 14.5L9 11.8C9.2 10.2 9.9 8.9 11 7.9M10.2 16.3L9.1 17.4C9 17.5 8.9 17.8 8.9 18C8.9 18.3 9 18.5 9.2 18.7S9.6 19 9.8 19C10.1 19 10.3 18.9 10.5 18.7L11.6 17.6C11.1 17.3 10.6 16.8 10.2 16.3M9 13.2L7 15.2C6.8 15.4 6.7 15.7 6.7 16C6.7 16.3 6.8 16.5 7 16.7C7.2 16.9 7.5 17 7.7 17C8 17 8.2 16.9 8.4 16.7L9.6 15.4C9.3 14.7 9.1 14 9 13.2M12.5 18.2L11.3 19.4C11.1 19.6 11 19.8 11 20.1C11 20.4 11.1 20.6 11.3 20.8S11.7 21.1 12 21.1C12.3 21.1 12.5 21 12.7 20.8L14.6 18.9C13.8 18.8 13.1 18.6 12.5 18.2M22.2 17.8L20.8 19.2L17.9 16.3C17.2 16.7 16.4 17 15.5 17C13 17 11 15 11 12.5S13 8 15.5 8 20 10 20 12.5C20 13.4 19.7 14.2 19.3 14.9L22.2 17.8M18 12.5C18 11.1 16.9 10 15.5 10S13 11.1 13 12.5 14.1 15 15.5 15 18 13.9 18 12.5Z",Ec="M16.18,19.6L14.17,16.12C15.15,15.4 15.83,14.28 15.97,13H20C19.83,15.76 18.35,18.16 16.18,19.6M13,7.03V3C17.3,3.26 20.74,6.7 21,11H16.97C16.74,8.91 15.09,7.26 13,7.03M7,12.5C7,13.14 7.13,13.75 7.38,14.3L3.9,16.31C3.32,15.16 3,13.87 3,12.5C3,7.97 6.54,4.27 11,4V8.03C8.75,8.28 7,10.18 7,12.5M11.5,21C8.53,21 5.92,19.5 4.4,17.18L7.88,15.17C8.7,16.28 10,17 11.5,17C12.14,17 12.75,16.87 13.3,16.62L15.31,20.1C14.16,20.68 12.87,21 11.5,21Z",Nc="M17.45,15.18L22,7.31V19L22,21H2V3H4V15.54L9.5,6L16,9.78L20.24,2.45L21.97,3.45L16.74,12.5L10.23,8.75L4.31,19H6.57L10.96,11.44L17.45,15.18Z",Wc="M22,21H2V3H4V15.54L9.5,6L16,9.78L20.24,2.45L21.97,3.45L22,21Z",Ic="M22,21H2V3H4V19H6V10H10V19H12V6H16V19H18V14H22V21Z",Gc="M22,21H2V3H4V19H6V17H10V19H12V16H16V19H18V17H22V21M18,14H22V16H18V14M12,6H16V9H12V6M16,15H12V10H16V15M6,10H10V12H6V10M10,16H6V13H10V16Z",Qc="M9.96,11.31C10.82,8.1 11.5,6 13,6C14.5,6 15.18,8.1 16.04,11.31C17,14.92 18.1,19 22,19V17C19.8,17 19,14.54 17.97,10.8C17.08,7.46 16.15,4 13,4C9.85,4 8.92,7.46 8.03,10.8C7.03,14.54 6.2,17 4,17V2H2V22H22V20H4V19C7.9,19 9,14.92 9.96,11.31Z",Uc="M4 19V20H22V22H2V2H4V17C7 17 10 15 12.1 11.4C15.1 6.4 18.4 4 22 4V6C19.2 6 16.5 8.1 13.9 12.5C11.3 16.6 7.7 19 4 19Z",zc="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 17H7V10H9V17M13 17H11V7H13V17M17 17H15V13H17V17Z",_c="M4 20H16V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4M22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M12 8H10V14H12M15 6H13V14H15M18 11H16V14H18Z",Kc="M20 16V4H8V16M22 16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20M16 11H18V14H16M13 6H15V14H13M10 8H12V14H10Z",jc="M9 17H7V10H9V17M13 17H11V7H13V17M17 17H15V13H17V17M19 19H5V5H19V19.1M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",qc="M22 5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22M19 19H5V5H11V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V13H19V19M15 13V17H17V13H15M11 17H13V9H11V17M9 17V11H7V17H9Z",$c="M7.2,11.2C8.97,11.2 10.4,12.63 10.4,14.4C10.4,16.17 8.97,17.6 7.2,17.6C5.43,17.6 4,16.17 4,14.4C4,12.63 5.43,11.2 7.2,11.2M14.8,16A2,2 0 0,1 16.8,18A2,2 0 0,1 14.8,20A2,2 0 0,1 12.8,18A2,2 0 0,1 14.8,16M15.2,4A4.8,4.8 0 0,1 20,8.8C20,11.45 17.85,13.6 15.2,13.6A4.8,4.8 0 0,1 10.4,8.8C10.4,6.15 12.55,4 15.2,4Z",Xc="M13,2.05V5.08C16.39,5.57 19,8.47 19,12C19,12.9 18.82,13.75 18.5,14.54L21.12,16.07C21.68,14.83 22,13.45 22,12C22,6.82 18.05,2.55 13,2.05M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12C5,8.47 7.61,5.57 11,5.08V2.05C5.94,2.55 2,6.81 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15.3,22 18.23,20.39 20.05,17.91L17.45,16.38C16.17,18 14.21,19 12,19Z",Yc="M13,2.05C18.05,2.55 22,6.82 22,12C22,13.45 21.68,14.83 21.12,16.07L18.5,14.54C18.82,13.75 19,12.9 19,12C19,8.47 16.39,5.57 13,5.08V2.05M12,19C14.21,19 16.17,18 17.45,16.38L20.05,17.91C18.23,20.39 15.3,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.5 2,12C2,6.81 5.94,2.55 11,2.05V5.08C7.61,5.57 5,8.47 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.97 15.84,17.44 13,17.92V14.83C14.17,14.42 15,13.31 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9L11.45,9.05L9.91,6.38C10.56,6.13 11.26,6 12,6M6,12C6,10.14 6.85,8.5 8.18,7.38L9.72,10.05C9.27,10.57 9,11.26 9,12C9,13.31 9.83,14.42 11,14.83V17.92C8.16,17.44 6,14.97 6,12Z",Jc="M2,5H10V2H12V22H10V18H6V15H10V13H4V10H10V8H2V5M14,5H17V8H14V5M14,10H19V13H14V10M14,15H22V18H14V15Z",Cs="M3,3H5V13H9V7H13V11H17V15H21V21H3V3Z",Hs="M16,11.78L20.24,4.45L21.97,5.45L16.74,14.5L10.23,10.75L5.46,19H22V21H2V3H4V17.54L9.5,8L16,11.78Z",Vs="M17.45,15.18L22,6.81V19L22,21H2V3H4V15.54L4,19H4.31L6,19H6.57L10.96,11.44L17.45,15.18M22,3L21.97,3.45L17,11L10,6L6,12V3H22Z",Ls="M3.5,18.5L9.5,12.5L13.5,16.5L22,6.92L20.59,5.5L13.5,13.5L9.5,9.5L2,17L3.5,18.5Z",Ms="M22,6.92L20.59,5.5L17.74,8.72C15.68,6.4 12.83,5 9.61,5C6.72,5 4.07,6.16 2,8L3.42,9.42C5.12,7.93 7.27,7 9.61,7C12.35,7 14.7,8.26 16.38,10.24L13.5,13.5L9.5,9.5L2,17L3.5,18.5L9.5,12.5L13.5,16.5L17.55,11.93C18.3,13.28 18.8,14.83 19,16.5H21C20.78,14.18 20.05,12.09 18.96,10.34L22,6.92Z",As="M22 16V18H6V2H8V13.57L13.71 4.57L16.87 6.68L19.29 4.26L20.71 5.68L17.13 9.29L14.29 7.4L8.82 16M4 20V4H2V22H22V20Z",is="M11,2V22C5.9,21.5 2,17.2 2,12C2,6.8 5.9,2.5 11,2M13,2V11H22C21.5,6.2 17.8,2.5 13,2M13,13V22C17.7,21.5 21.5,17.8 22,13H13Z",rs="M13 11H19.95Q19.58 8.25 17.66 6.34 15.75 4.43 13 4.05M11 19.95V4.05Q8 4.43 6 6.69 4 8.95 4 12T6 17.31Q8 19.58 11 19.95M13 19.95Q15.75 19.6 17.68 17.68 19.6 15.75 19.95 13H13M12 12M12 22Q9.93 22 8.1 21.21 6.28 20.43 4.93 19.08 3.58 17.73 2.79 15.9 2 14.08 2 12T2.79 8.1Q3.58 6.28 4.93 4.93 6.28 3.58 8.1 2.79 9.93 2 12 2T15.89 2.79Q17.7 3.58 19.06 4.94 20.43 6.3 21.21 8.11 22 9.93 22 12 22 14.05 21.21 15.88 20.43 17.7 19.08 19.06 17.73 20.43 15.9 21.21 14.08 22 12 22Z",as="M5 6V8C8.2 8 11.36 9.18 13.57 11.15C15.64 13 16.83 15.5 17 18H18.97A14 12.5 0 0 0 5 6M22 21H2V3H4V19H22Z",es="M22 5H4V2H2V22H22V20H4V9C8.09 9 10.13 11 12.29 13.21S17.09 18 22 18V16C17.91 16 15.87 14 13.71 11.79S8.91 7 4 7H22Z",ds="M20 4V6H4V4H2V12H4V10C8.16 10 9.92 12.11 11.77 14.34S15.65 19 20 19V21H22V15H20V17C16.59 17 15.07 15.17 13.31 13.06C11.34 10.69 9.1 8 4 8H20V10H22V4Z",ms="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M9,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,16A3,3 0 0,1 6,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,10M13,2A3,3 0 0,1 16,5A3,3 0 0,1 13,8A3,3 0 0,1 10,5A3,3 0 0,1 13,2M18,12A3,3 0 0,1 21,15A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15A3,3 0 0,1 18,12Z",ts="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M14,14.5L12,18H7.94L5.92,14.5L7.94,11H12L14,14.5M14.08,6.5L12.06,10H8L6,6.5L8,3H12.06L14.08,6.5M21.25,10.5L19.23,14H15.19L13.17,10.5L15.19,7H19.23L21.25,10.5Z",vs="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M7,10H17V13H7V10M11,15H21V18H11V15M6,4H22V8H20V6H8V8H6V4Z",ls="M3,14L3.5,14.07L8.07,9.5C7.89,8.85 8.06,8.11 8.59,7.59C9.37,6.8 10.63,6.8 11.41,7.59C11.94,8.11 12.11,8.85 11.93,9.5L14.5,12.07L15,12C15.18,12 15.35,12 15.5,12.07L19.07,8.5C19,8.35 19,8.18 19,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,6A2,2 0 0,1 23,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,10C20.82,10 20.65,10 20.5,9.93L16.93,13.5C17,13.65 17,13.82 17,14A2,2 0 0,1 15,16A2,2 0 0,1 13,14L13.07,13.5L10.5,10.93C10.18,11 9.82,11 9.5,10.93L4.93,15.5L5,16A2,2 0 0,1 3,18A2,2 0 0,1 1,16A2,2 0 0,1 3,14Z",os="M21 8C19.5 8 18.7 9.4 19.1 10.5L15.5 14.1C15.2 14 14.8 14 14.5 14.1L11.9 11.5C12.3 10.4 11.5 9 10 9C8.6 9 7.7 10.4 8.1 11.5L3.5 16C2.4 15.7 1 16.5 1 18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20C4.4 20 5.3 18.6 4.9 17.5L9.4 12.9C9.7 13 10.1 13 10.4 12.9L13 15.5C12.7 16.5 13.5 18 15 18C16.5 18 17.3 16.6 16.9 15.5L20.5 11.9C21.6 12.2 23 11.4 23 10C23 8.9 22.1 8 21 8M15 9L15.9 6.9L18 6L15.9 5.1L15 3L14.1 5.1L12 6L14.1 6.9L15 9M3.5 11L4 9L6 8.5L4 8L3.5 6L3 8L1 8.5L3 9L3.5 11Z",ns="M14,6H22V22H14V6M2,4H22V2H2V4M2,8H12V6H2V8M9,22H12V10H9V22M2,22H7V10H2V22Z",Zs="M2 2H4V20H22V22H2V2M17 2H20V18H17V2M6 11H9V18H6V11M13 3H16V7H13V3M10 8H13V12H10V8Z",Ss="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3Z",us="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3M11,14V16H13V14H11M11,12H13V6H11V12Z",cs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M11 13V15H13V13H11M11 11H13V7H11V11Z",ss="M23 17V19H15V17H23M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Os="M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5S4 7.69 4 11 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3M23 17V19H15V17H23Z",hs="M12,3C6.5,3 2,6.58 2,11C2.05,13.15 3.06,15.17 4.75,16.5C4.75,17.1 4.33,18.67 2,21C4.37,20.89 6.64,20 8.47,18.5C9.61,18.83 10.81,19 12,19C17.5,19 22,15.42 22,11C22,6.58 17.5,3 12,3M12,17C7.58,17 4,14.31 4,11C4,7.69 7.58,5 12,5C16.42,5 20,7.69 20,11C20,14.31 16.42,17 12,17Z",ps="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",fs="M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5C7.58 5 4 7.69 4 11C4 14.31 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14Z",gs="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3M17,12V10H15V12H17M13,12V10H11V12H13M9,12V10H7V12H9Z",ks="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M17 12V10H15V12H17M13 12V10H11V12H13M9 12V10H7V12H9Z",Bs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.6 2 11C2 13.1 3 15.1 4.8 16.5C4.8 17.1 4.4 18.7 2 21C2 21 5.5 21 8.5 18.5C9.6 18.8 10.8 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.4 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M13 15H11V13H13V15M14.8 10C14.5 10.4 14.1 10.6 13.7 10.8C13.4 11 13.3 11.1 13.2 11.3C13 11.5 13 11.7 13 12H11C11 11.5 11.1 11.2 11.3 10.9C11.5 10.7 11.9 10.4 12.4 10.1C12.7 10 12.9 9.8 13 9.6C13.1 9.4 13.2 9.1 13.2 8.9C13.2 8.6 13.1 8.4 12.9 8.2C12.7 8 12.4 7.9 12.1 7.9C11.8 7.9 11.6 8 11.4 8.1C11.2 8.2 11.1 8.4 11.1 8.7H9.1C9.2 8 9.5 7.4 10 7C10.5 6.6 11.2 6.5 12.1 6.5C13 6.5 13.8 6.7 14.3 7.1C14.8 7.5 15.1 8.1 15.1 8.8C15.2 9.2 15.1 9.6 14.8 10Z",Ps="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.6 2 11C2 13.2 3.1 15.2 4.8 16.5C4.8 17.1 4.4 18.7 2 21C4.4 20.9 6.6 20 8.5 18.5C9.6 18.8 10.8 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.4 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.6 17 4 14.3 4 11S7.6 5 12 5 20 7.7 20 11 16.4 17 12 17M12.2 6.5C11.3 6.5 10.6 6.7 10.1 7C9.5 7.4 9.2 8 9.3 8.7H11.3C11.3 8.4 11.4 8.2 11.6 8.1C11.8 8 12 7.9 12.3 7.9C12.6 7.9 12.9 8 13.1 8.2C13.3 8.4 13.4 8.6 13.4 8.9C13.4 9.2 13.3 9.4 13.2 9.6C13 9.8 12.8 10 12.6 10.1C12.1 10.4 11.7 10.7 11.5 10.9C11.1 11.2 11 11.5 11 12H13C13 11.7 13.1 11.5 13.1 11.3C13.2 11.1 13.4 11 13.6 10.8C14.1 10.6 14.4 10.3 14.7 9.9C15 9.5 15.1 9.1 15.1 8.7C15.1 8 14.8 7.4 14.3 7C13.9 6.7 13.1 6.5 12.2 6.5M11 13V15H13V13H11Z",ws="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.54 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.54L15.46 20.12L17.59 18L15.47 15.88M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Fs="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.54 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.54L15.46 20.12L17.59 18L15.47 15.88M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5C7.58 5 4 7.69 4 11C4 14.31 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Ts="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2 13.13 3.05 15.07 4.75 16.5C4.7 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C2 21 5.55 21 8.47 18.5C9.57 18.82 10.76 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M15 9.3L11.76 13H15V15H9V12.7L12.24 9H9V7H15V9.3Z",bs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M15 7H9V9H12.24L9 12.7V15H15V13H11.76L15 9.3V7Z",ys="M21,7L9,19L3.5,13.5L4.91,12.09L9,16.17L19.59,5.59L21,7Z",Rs="M0.41,13.41L6,19L7.41,17.58L1.83,12M22.24,5.58L11.66,16.17L7.5,12L6.07,13.41L11.66,19L23.66,7M18,7L16.59,5.58L10.24,11.93L11.66,13.34L18,7Z",xs="M9,20.42L2.79,14.21L5.62,11.38L9,14.77L18.88,4.88L21.71,7.71L9,20.42Z",Ds="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M10 17L5 12L6.41 10.59L10 14.17L17.59 6.58L19 8L10 17Z",Es="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M16.59 7.58L10 14.17L7.41 11.59L6 13L10 17L18 9L16.59 7.58Z",Ns="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9L10,17Z",Ws="M23 12L20.6 9.2L20.9 5.5L17.3 4.7L15.4 1.5L12 3L8.6 1.5L6.7 4.7L3.1 5.5L3.4 9.2L1 12L3.4 14.8L3.1 18.5L6.7 19.3L8.6 22.5L12 21L15.4 22.5L17.3 19.3L20.9 18.5L20.6 14.8L23 12M18.7 16.9L16 17.5L14.6 19.9L12 18.8L9.4 19.9L8 17.5L5.3 16.9L5.5 14.1L3.7 12L5.5 9.9L5.3 7.1L8 6.5L9.4 4.1L12 5.2L14.6 4.1L16 6.5L18.7 7.1L18.5 9.9L20.3 12L18.5 14.1L18.7 16.9M16.6 7.6L18 9L10 17L6 13L7.4 11.6L10 14.2L16.6 7.6Z",Is="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M8.25,10.08L9.41,8.92L11,10.5L14.59,6.92L15.75,8.33L11,13.08L8.25,10.08Z",Gs="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M8,10.37L9.24,9.13L10.93,10.83L14.76,7L16,8.5L10.93,13.57L8,10.37Z",Qs="M19.78,2.2L24,6.42L8.44,22L0,13.55L4.22,9.33L8.44,13.55L19.78,2.2M19.78,5L8.44,16.36L4.22,12.19L2.81,13.55L8.44,19.17L21.19,6.42L19.78,5Z",Us="M21,5L9,17L3.5,11.5L4.91,10.09L9,14.17L19.59,3.59L21,5M3,21V19H21V21H3Z",zs="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,18H7V16H17V18M10.3,14L7,10.7L8.4,9.3L10.3,11.2L15.6,5.9L17,7.3L10.3,14Z",_s="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M7,15H17V17H7V15M10.3,11.2L8.4,9.3L7,10.7L10.3,14L17,7.3L15.6,5.9L10.3,11.2Z",Ks="M5,14H19V15H5V14M21,17V8H3V17H21M1,5H23V19H1V5M5,10H12V12H5V10Z",js="M5 14H15.53C15.25 14.31 15 14.64 14.8 15H5V14M21 8V12.08C21.72 12.2 22.39 12.45 23 12.8V5H1V19H14.08C14.03 18.68 14 18.34 14 18C14 17.66 14.03 17.33 14.08 17H3V8H21M5 10H12V12H5V10M16 18L19 15V17H23V19H19V21L16 18Z",qs="M5 14H15.53C15.25 14.31 15 14.64 14.8 15H5V14M21 8V12.08C21.72 12.2 22.39 12.45 23 12.8V5H1V19H14.08C14.03 18.68 14 18.34 14 18C14 17.66 14.03 17.33 14.08 17H3V8H21M5 10H12V12H5V10M24 18L21 15V17H17V19H21V21L24 18Z",$s="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Xs="M23 4.5C23 6.43 21.43 8 19.5 8S16 6.43 16 4.5 17.57 1 19.5 1 23 2.57 23 4.5M19.5 10C16.47 10 14 7.53 14 4.5C14 4 14.08 3.5 14.21 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9.79C20.5 9.92 20 10 19.5 10Z",Ys="M23 4.5C23 6.43 21.43 8 19.5 8S16 6.43 16 4.5 17.57 1 19.5 1 23 2.57 23 4.5M19.5 10C19.33 10 19.17 10 19 10V19H5V5H14.03C14 4.84 14 4.67 14 4.5C14 4 14.08 3.5 14.21 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9.79C20.5 9.92 20 10 19.5 10Z",Js="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",CO="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",HO="M20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.06 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.94 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H6.2L21 17.8V5Z",VO="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19.1L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2Z",LO="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M19,5V19H5V5H19Z",MO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M17,17H7V7H17V17Z",AO="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M7 17V7H17",iO="M10,17L5,12L6.41,10.58L10,14.17L17.59,6.58L19,8M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",rO="M10,17L5,12L6.41,10.58L10,14.17L17.59,6.58L19,8M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",aO="M12 22C12.8 22 13.6 21.9 14.3 21.7C13.9 21.2 13.5 20.6 13.3 19.9C12.9 20 12.4 20 12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 7.6 7.6 4 12 4C12.8 4 13.5 4.1 14.2 4.3L15.8 2.7C14.6 2.3 13.3 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22M6.5 11.5L7.9 10.1L11 13.2L19.6 4.6L21 6L11 16L6.5 11.5M19 14L17.74 16.75L15 18L17.74 19.26L19 22L20.25 19.26L23 18L20.25 16.75L19 14Z",eO="M14.3 21.7C13.6 21.9 12.8 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C13.3 2 14.6 2.3 15.8 2.7L14.2 4.3C13.5 4.1 12.8 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C12.4 20 12.9 20 13.3 19.9C13.5 20.6 13.9 21.2 14.3 21.7M7.9 10.1L6.5 11.5L11 16L21 6L19.6 4.6L11 13.2L7.9 10.1M15 17V19H23V17H15Z",dO="M20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4C12.76,4 13.5,4.11 14.2,4.31L15.77,2.74C14.61,2.26 13.34,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12M7.91,10.08L6.5,11.5L11,16L21,6L19.59,4.58L11,13.17L7.91,10.08Z",mO="M14.3 21.7C13.6 21.9 12.8 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2C13.3 2 14.6 2.3 15.8 2.7L14.2 4.3C13.5 4.1 12.8 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12S7.6 20 12 20C12.4 20 12.9 20 13.3 19.9C13.5 20.6 13.9 21.2 14.3 21.7M7.9 10.1L6.5 11.5L11 16L21 6L19.6 4.6L11 13.2L7.9 10.1M18 14V17H15V19H18V22H20V19H23V17H20V14H18Z",tO="M19,19H5V5H15V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V11H19M7.91,10.08L6.5,11.5L11,16L21,6L19.59,4.58L11,13.17L7.91,10.08Z",vO="M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",lO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",oO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M14,4C17.32,4 20,6.69 20,10C20,13.32 17.32,16 14,16A6,6 0 0,1 8,10A6,6 0 0,1 14,4M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",nO="M20,16V4H8V16H20M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",ZO="M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16M13,14L20,7L18.59,5.59L13,11.17L9.91,8.09L8.5,9.5L13,14Z",SO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82M18.09,6.08L19.5,7.5L13,14L9.21,10.21L10.63,8.79L13,11.17",uO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10H20C20,13.32 17.32,16 14,16A6,6 0 0,1 8,10A6,6 0 0,1 14,4C14.43,4 14.86,4.05 15.27,4.14L16.88,2.54C15.96,2.18 15,2 14,2M20.59,3.58L14,10.17L11.62,7.79L10.21,9.21L14,13L22,5M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",cO="M20,16V10H22V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H16V4H8V16H20M10.91,7.08L14,10.17L20.59,3.58L22,5L14,13L9.5,8.5L10.91,7.08M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",sO="M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,16H8V4H20V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16M18.53,8.06L17.47,7L12.59,11.88L10.47,9.76L9.41,10.82L12.59,14L18.53,8.06Z",OO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,5V19H5V5H19M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.58L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9",hO="M2 2V22H22V2H2M20 12H16V16H20V20H16V16H12V20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12M16 8V12H12V8H16M12 12V16H8V12H12Z",pO="M14 17V19H22V17M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.4C20.7 12.7 21.4 13.1 22 13.6V2H2Z",fO="M19 17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.54C13 21.42 12.63 20.74 12.36 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.36C20.74 12.63 21.42 13 22 13.54V2H2Z",gO="M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.4C20.7 12.7 21.4 13.1 22 13.6V2H2M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",kO="M11 17.5C11 16.67 11.67 16 12.5 16C12.79 16 13.06 16.09 13.29 16.23L20.75 11.93C20.35 11.22 19.9 10.55 19.41 9.9C19.29 9.96 19.15 10 19 10C18.45 10 18 9.55 18 9C18 8.8 18.08 8.62 18.18 8.46C16.45 6.64 14.34 5.2 12 4.25C11.85 5.24 11 6 10 6C8.9 6 8 5.11 8 4C8 3.72 8.06 3.45 8.16 3.21C7.3 3.08 6.41 3 5.5 3C5.33 3 5.17 3 5 3.03V9.05C6.14 9.28 7 10.29 7 11.5S6.14 13.72 5 13.95V21L11 17.54C11 17.53 11 17.5 11 17.5M14 9C15.11 9 16 9.9 16 11S15.11 13 14 13 12 12.11 12 11 12.9 9 14 9M9 16C8.45 16 8 15.55 8 15S8.45 14 9 14 10 14.45 10 15 9.55 16 9 16M9 10C8.45 10 8 9.55 8 9S8.45 8 9 8 10 8.45 10 9 9.55 10 9 10Z",BO="M3.5 1.7L2.2 3L6.1 6.9V9C7.2 9.2 8.1 10.2 8.1 11.5S7.2 13.7 6.1 14V21L12.1 17.5C12.1 16.7 12.8 16 13.6 16C13.9 16 14.2 16.1 14.4 16.2L15.1 15.8L20.3 21L21.6 19.7L3.5 1.7M10.1 16C9.6 16 9.1 15.5 9.1 15S9.6 14 10.1 14 11.1 14.5 11.1 15 10.6 16 10.1 16M13.8 9.5L9.9 5.6C10.2 5.9 10.6 6 11.1 6C12.1 6 12.9 5.2 13.1 4.2C15.4 5.2 17.6 6.6 19.3 8.4C19.2 8.6 19.1 8.7 19.1 8.9C19.1 9.4 19.6 9.9 20.1 9.9C20.3 9.9 20.4 9.9 20.5 9.8C21 10.4 21.4 11.1 21.8 11.8L18.3 13.8L16.6 12.1C16.9 11.8 17.1 11.3 17.1 10.8C17.1 9.7 16.2 8.8 15.1 8.8C14.6 9 14.1 9.2 13.8 9.5M9.5 5.2L7.3 3C8 3 8.6 3.1 9.2 3.2C9.1 3.5 9.1 3.7 9.1 4C9.1 4.4 9.2 4.9 9.5 5.2Z",PO="M12.5,1.5C10.73,1.5 9.17,2.67 8.67,4.37C8.14,4.13 7.58,4 7,4A4,4 0 0,0 3,8C3,9.82 4.24,11.41 6,11.87V19H19V11.87C20.76,11.41 22,9.82 22,8A4,4 0 0,0 18,4C17.42,4 16.86,4.13 16.33,4.37C15.83,2.67 14.27,1.5 12.5,1.5M12,10.5H13V17.5H12V10.5M9,12.5H10V17.5H9V12.5M15,12.5H16V17.5H15V12.5M6,20V21A1,1 0 0,0 7,22H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,21V20H6Z",wO="M11,7.83C9.83,7.42 9,6.3 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5C15,6.31 14.16,7.42 13,7.83V10.64C12.68,10.55 12.35,10.5 12,10.5C11.65,10.5 11.32,10.55 11,10.64V7.83M18.3,21.1C17.16,20.45 16.62,19.18 16.84,17.96L14.4,16.55C14.88,16.09 15.24,15.5 15.4,14.82L17.84,16.23C18.78,15.42 20.16,15.26 21.29,15.91C22.73,16.74 23.22,18.57 22.39,20C21.56,21.44 19.73,21.93 18.3,21.1M2.7,15.9C3.83,15.25 5.21,15.42 6.15,16.22L8.6,14.81C8.76,15.5 9.11,16.08 9.6,16.54L7.15,17.95C7.38,19.17 6.83,20.45 5.7,21.1C4.26,21.93 2.43,21.44 1.6,20C0.77,18.57 1.26,16.73 2.7,15.9M14,14A2,2 0 0,1 12,16C10.89,16 10,15.1 10,14A2,2 0 0,1 12,12C13.11,12 14,12.9 14,14M17,14L16.97,14.57L15.5,13.71C15.4,12.64 14.83,11.71 14,11.12V9.41C15.77,10.19 17,11.95 17,14M14.97,18.03C14.14,18.64 13.11,19 12,19C10.89,19 9.86,18.64 9.03,18L10.5,17.17C10.96,17.38 11.47,17.5 12,17.5C12.53,17.5 13.03,17.38 13.5,17.17L14.97,18.03M7.03,14.56L7,14C7,11.95 8.23,10.19 10,9.42V11.13C9.17,11.71 8.6,12.64 8.5,13.7L7.03,14.56Z",FO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M17.16,8.26C18.22,9.63 18.86,11.28 19,13C19,15.76 15.87,18 12,18C8.13,18 5,15.76 5,13C5,10.62 7.33,6.39 10.46,5.27C10.16,4.91 10,4.46 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.46 13.84,4.91 13.54,5.27C14.4,5.6 15.18,6.1 15.84,6.74L11.29,11.29L12.71,12.71L17.16,8.26Z",TO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M17,10C15.58,10 14.26,10.77 13.55,12H13V7H16V5H13V2H11V5H8V7H11V12H10.45C9.35,10.09 6.9,9.43 5,10.54C3.07,11.64 2.42,14.09 3.5,16C4.24,17.24 5.57,18 7,18H17A4,4 0 0,0 21,14A4,4 0 0,0 17,10Z",bO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M13,2V2C11.75,2 10.58,2.62 9.89,3.66L7,8L9,10L11.06,8.63C11.5,8.32 12.14,8.44 12.45,8.9C12.47,8.93 12.5,8.96 12.5,9V9C12.8,9.59 12.69,10.3 12.22,10.77L7.42,15.57C6.87,16.13 6.87,17.03 7.43,17.58C7.69,17.84 8.05,18 8.42,18H17V6A4,4 0 0,0 13,2Z",yO="M19 22H5V20H19V22M16 18H8L10.18 10H8V8H10.72L10.79 7.74C10.1 7.44 9.55 6.89 9.25 6.2C8.58 4.68 9.27 2.91 10.79 2.25C12.31 1.58 14.08 2.27 14.74 3.79C15.41 5.31 14.72 7.07 13.2 7.74L13.27 8H16V10H13.82L16 18Z",RO="M18,3A2,2 0 0,1 20,5C20,5.81 19.5,6.5 18.83,6.82L17,13.15V18H7V13.15L5.17,6.82C4.5,6.5 4,5.81 4,5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3A2,2 0 0,1 8,5C8,5.5 7.82,5.95 7.5,6.3L10.3,9.35L10.83,5.62C10.33,5.26 10,4.67 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.67 13.67,5.26 13.17,5.62L13.7,9.35L16.47,6.29C16.18,5.94 16,5.5 16,5A2,2 0 0,1 18,3M5,20H19V22H5V20Z",xO="M5,20H19V22H5V20M17,2V5H15V2H13V5H11V2H9V5H7V2H5V8H7V18H17V8H19V2H17Z",DO="M16.59,5.59L18,7L12,13L6,7L7.41,5.59L12,10.17L16.59,5.59M16.59,11.59L18,13L12,19L6,13L7.41,11.59L12,16.17L16.59,11.59Z",EO="M18.41,7.41L17,6L11,12L17,18L18.41,16.59L13.83,12L18.41,7.41M12.41,7.41L11,6L5,12L11,18L12.41,16.59L7.83,12L12.41,7.41Z",NO="M5.59,7.41L7,6L13,12L7,18L5.59,16.59L10.17,12L5.59,7.41M11.59,7.41L13,6L19,12L13,18L11.59,16.59L16.17,12L11.59,7.41Z",WO="M7.41,18.41L6,17L12,11L18,17L16.59,18.41L12,13.83L7.41,18.41M7.41,12.41L6,11L12,5L18,11L16.59,12.41L12,7.83L7.41,12.41Z",IO="M7.41,8.58L12,13.17L16.59,8.58L18,10L12,16L6,10L7.41,8.58Z",GO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,15.71L6,9.71L7.41,8.29L12,12.88L16.59,8.29L18,9.71L12,15.71Z",QO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M7.41,8.29L12,12.88L16.59,8.29L18,9.71L12,15.71L6,9.71L7.41,8.29Z",UO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M6,10L12,16L18,10L16.6,8.6L12,13.2L7.4,8.6L6,10Z",zO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M6,10L12,16L18,10L16.6,8.6L12,13.2L7.4,8.6L6,10Z",_O="M15.41,16.58L10.83,12L15.41,7.41L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.41,16.58Z",KO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M15.71,16.59L14.29,18L8.29,12L14.29,6L15.71,7.41L11.12,12L15.71,16.59Z",jO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M15.71,7.41L11.12,12L15.71,16.59L14.29,18L8.29,12L14.29,6L15.71,7.41Z",qO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M15.4,16.6L10.8,12L15.4,7.4L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.4,16.6Z",$O="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M15.4,16.6L10.8,12L15.4,7.4L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.4,16.6Z",XO="M8.59,16.58L13.17,12L8.59,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.59,16.58Z",YO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9.71,18L8.29,16.59L12.88,12L8.29,7.41L9.71,6L15.71,12L9.71,18Z",JO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M8.29,16.59L12.88,12L8.29,7.41L9.71,6L15.71,12L9.71,18L8.29,16.59Z",Ch="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10,18L16,12L10,6L8.6,7.4L13.2,12L8.6,16.6L10,18Z",Hh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M8.6,16.6L13.2,12L8.6,7.4L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.6,16.6Z",Vh="M7.41,14.58L12,19.17L16.59,14.58L18,16L12,22L6,16L7.41,14.58M7.41,8.58L12,13.17L16.59,8.58L18,10L12,16L6,10L7.41,8.58M7.41,2.58L12,7.17L16.59,2.58L18,4L12,10L6,4L7.41,2.58Z",Lh="M9.42,7.41L4.83,12L9.42,16.59L8,18L2,12L8,6L9.42,7.41M15.42,7.41L10.83,12L15.42,16.59L14,18L8,12L14,6L15.42,7.41M21.42,7.41L16.83,12L21.42,16.59L20,18L14,12L20,6L21.42,7.41Z",Mh="M14.58,16.59L19.17,12L14.58,7.41L16,6L22,12L16,18L14.58,16.59M8.58,16.59L13.17,12L8.58,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.58,16.59M2.58,16.59L7.17,12L2.58,7.41L4,6L10,12L4,18L2.58,16.59Z",Ah="M16.59,9.42L12,4.83L7.41,9.42L6,8L12,2L18,8L16.59,9.42M16.59,15.42L12,10.83L7.41,15.42L6,14L12,8L18,14L16.59,15.42M16.59,21.42L12,16.83L7.41,21.42L6,20L12,14L18,20L16.59,21.42Z",ih="M7.41,15.41L12,10.83L16.59,15.41L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.41,15.41Z",rh="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M16.59,15.71L12,11.12L7.41,15.71L6,14.29L12,8.29L18,14.29L16.59,15.71Z",ah="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M16.59,15.71L12,11.12L7.41,15.71L6,14.29L12,8.29L18,14.29L16.59,15.71Z",eh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7.4,15.4L12,10.8L16.6,15.4L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.4,15.4Z",dh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M7.4,15.4L12,10.8L16.6,15.4L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.4,15.4Z",mh="M9.25 7.5L7.73 6.63C8.26 5.7 9.03 5 9.94 4.69C9.8 4.29 9.44 4 9 4V2C10.54 2 11.79 3.16 11.97 4.65C12.91 4.94 13.72 5.66 14.27 6.63L12.75 7.5L11 6.5L9.25 7.5M14 8.28L12.75 9L11 8L9.25 9L8 8.28C7.4 8.63 7 9.27 7 10V11C7 20 15 22 15 22V10C15 9.27 14.6 8.63 14 8.28M17 7V13H19V7H17M17 17H19V15H17V17Z",th="M14 8.28L12.75 9L11 8L9.25 9L8 8.28C7.4 8.63 7 9.27 7 10V11C7 20 15 22 15 22V10C15 9.27 14.6 8.63 14 8.28M13 18.87C11.23 17.69 9.17 15.44 9 11.43L11 10.3L13 11.45V18.87M9.25 7.5L7.73 6.63C8.26 5.7 9.03 5 9.94 4.69C9.8 4.29 9.44 4 9 4V2C10.54 2 11.79 3.16 11.97 4.65C12.91 4.94 13.72 5.66 14.27 6.63L12.75 7.5L11 6.5L9.25 7.5M19 7V13H17V7H19M17 15H19V17H17V15Z",vh="M10.43 7.32L8.86 6.42C9.38 5.6 10.11 5 10.94 4.7C10.81 4.3 10.45 4 10 4V2C10.77 2 11.47 2.29 12 2.77V4C12.45 4 12.81 4.3 12.94 4.7C11.83 5.08 10.93 6.05 10.43 7.32M10 11C10 10.23 10.23 9.5 10.6 8.91L9.26 8.15C8.5 8.44 8 9.16 8 10V11C8 18.05 12.9 20.8 15.03 21.66C12.41 19.62 10 16.2 10 11M6.43 7.32L4.86 6.42C5.38 5.6 6.11 5 6.94 4.7C6.81 4.3 6.45 4 6 4V2C6.77 2 7.47 2.29 8 2.77V4C8.45 4 8.81 4.3 8.94 4.7C7.83 5.08 6.93 6.05 6.43 7.32M6 11C6 10.23 6.23 9.5 6.6 8.91L5.26 8.15C4.5 8.44 4 9.16 4 10V11C4 18.05 8.9 20.8 11.03 21.66C8.41 19.62 6 16.2 6 11M19 8.28L17.75 9L16 8L14.25 9L13 8.28C12.4 8.63 12 9.27 12 10V11C12 20 20 22 20 22V10C20 9.27 19.6 8.63 19 8.28M12.73 6.63L14.25 7.5L16 6.5L17.75 7.5L19.27 6.63C18.72 5.66 17.91 4.94 16.97 4.65C16.79 3.16 15.54 2 14 2V4C14.44 4 14.8 4.29 14.94 4.69C14.03 5 13.26 5.7 12.73 6.63Z",lh="M10.94 4.7C10.81 4.3 10.45 4 10 4V2C10.77 2 11.47 2.29 12 2.77V4C12.45 4 12.81 4.3 12.94 4.7C11.83 5.08 10.93 6.05 10.43 7.32L8.86 6.42C9.38 5.6 10.11 5 10.94 4.7M10 11C10 10.23 10.23 9.5 10.6 8.91L9.26 8.15C8.5 8.44 8 9.16 8 10V11C8 18.05 12.9 20.8 15.03 21.66C12.41 19.62 10 16.2 10 11M8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2.77C7.47 2.29 6.77 2 6 2V4C6.45 4 6.81 4.3 6.94 4.7C6.11 5 5.38 5.6 4.86 6.42L6.43 7.32C6.93 6.05 7.83 5.08 8.94 4.7M6 11C6 10.23 6.23 9.5 6.6 8.91L5.26 8.15C4.5 8.44 4 9.16 4 10V11C4 18.05 8.9 20.8 11.03 21.66C8.41 19.62 6 16.2 6 11M20 10V22C20 22 12 20 12 11V10C12 9.27 12.4 8.63 13 8.28L14.25 9L16 8L17.75 9L19 8.28C19.6 8.63 20 9.27 20 10M18 18.87V11.45L16 10.3L14 11.43C14.17 15.44 16.23 17.69 18 18.87M12.73 6.63L14.25 7.5L16 6.5L17.75 7.5L19.27 6.63C18.72 5.66 17.91 4.94 16.97 4.65C16.79 3.16 15.54 2 14 2V4C14.44 4 14.8 4.29 14.94 4.69C14.03 5 13.26 5.7 12.73 6.63Z",oh="M8.43 7.32L6.86 6.42C7.38 5.6 8.11 5 8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2C8.77 2 9.47 2.29 10 2.77V4C10.45 4 10.81 4.3 10.94 4.7C9.83 5.08 8.93 6.05 8.43 7.32M8 11C8 10.23 8.23 9.5 8.6 8.91L7.26 8.15C6.5 8.44 6 9.16 6 10V11C6 18.05 10.9 20.8 13.03 21.66C10.41 19.62 8 16.2 8 11M17 8.28L15.75 9L14 8L12.25 9L11 8.28C10.4 8.63 10 9.27 10 10V11C10 20 18 22 18 22V10C18 9.27 17.6 8.63 17 8.28M10.73 6.63L12.25 7.5L14 6.5L15.75 7.5L17.27 6.63C16.72 5.66 15.91 4.94 14.97 4.65C14.79 3.16 13.54 2 12 2V4C12.44 4 12.8 4.29 12.94 4.69C12.03 5 11.26 5.7 10.73 6.63Z",nh="M8.43 7.32L6.86 6.42C7.38 5.6 8.11 5 8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2C8.77 2 9.47 2.29 10 2.77V4C10.45 4 10.81 4.3 10.94 4.7C9.83 5.08 8.93 6.05 8.43 7.32M8 11C8 10.23 8.23 9.5 8.6 8.91L7.26 8.15C6.5 8.44 6 9.16 6 10V11C6 18.05 10.9 20.8 13.03 21.66C10.41 19.62 8 16.2 8 11M18 10V22C18 22 10 20 10 11V10C10 9.27 10.4 8.63 11 8.28L12.25 9L14 8L15.75 9L17 8.28C17.6 8.63 18 9.27 18 10M16 18.87V11.45L14 10.3L12 11.43C12.17 15.44 14.23 17.69 16 18.87M10.73 6.63L12.25 7.5L14 6.5L15.75 7.5L17.27 6.63C16.72 5.66 15.91 4.94 14.97 4.65C14.79 3.16 13.54 2 12 2V4C12.44 4 12.8 4.29 12.94 4.69C12.03 5 11.26 5.7 10.73 6.63Z",Zh="M16 10V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.27 8.4 8.63 9 8.28L10.25 9L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.03 5 9.26 5.7 8.73 6.63L10.25 7.5L12 6.5Z",Sh="M10.25 7.5L8.73 6.63C9.26 5.7 10.03 5 10.94 4.69C10.8 4.29 10.44 4 10 4V2C11.54 2 12.79 3.16 12.97 4.65C13.91 4.94 14.72 5.66 15.27 6.63L13.75 7.5L12 6.5L10.25 7.5M16 10V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.27 8.4 8.63 9 8.28L10.25 9L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10M14 11.45L12 10.3L10 11.43C10.17 15.44 12.23 17.69 14 18.87V11.45Z",uh="M15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10V12.8L11.5 8.29L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.26 4.92 9.66 5.37 9.17 5.97L10.54 7.34L12 6.5M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8 9.9C8 9.94 8 9.97 8 10V11C8 20 16 22 16 22V17.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",ch="M15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10V12.8L11.5 8.29L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.26 4.92 9.66 5.37 9.17 5.97L10.54 7.34L12 6.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16 17.89V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.97 8 9.94 8 9.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14 15.89L10.07 11.96C10.38 15.63 12.31 17.74 14 18.87V15.89Z",sh="M6,4H18V5H21V7H18V9H21V11H18V13H21V15H18V17H21V19H18V20H6V19H3V17H6V15H3V13H6V11H3V9H6V7H3V5H6V4M11,15V18H12V15H11M13,15V18H14V15H13M15,15V18H16V15H15Z",Oh="M18 12.22V9L13 6.5V5H15V3H13V1H11V3H9V5H11V6.5L6 9V12.22L2 14V22H10V19C10 17.9 10.9 17 12 17S14 17.9 14 19V22H22V14L18 12.22M12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12S11.17 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12 12.83 13.5 12 13.5Z",hh="M18 12.22V9L13 6.5V5H15V3H13V1H11V3H9V5H11V6.5L6 9V12.22L2 14V22H11V18C11 17.45 11.45 17 12 17C12.55 17 13 17.45 13 18V22H22V14L18 12.22M20 20H15V17.96C15 16.27 13.65 14.9 12 14.9C10.35 14.9 9 16.27 9 17.96V20H4V15.21L8 13.4V10.05L12 8L16 10.04V13.39L20 15.2V20M12 10.5C12.83 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12C10.5 11.17 11.17 10.5 12 10.5Z",ph="M16 10.2H14.5A2 2 0 0 1 12.65 8.2A1.78 1.78 0 0 1 14.5 6.45V5A3.35 3.35 0 1 0 14.5 11.7H16A1.93 1.93 0 0 1 18 13.7V15H19.5V13.36A3.31 3.31 0 0 0 16 10.2M18.82 7.73A3.34 3.34 0 0 0 16.5 2V3.5A1.85 1.85 0 1 1 16.5 7.2V8.7A4 4 0 0 1 20.5 12.77V15H22V12.76A5.55 5.55 0 0 0 18.85 7.73M18 16V22H19.5V16M20.5 16V22H22V16M12 16V17.27A2 2 0 0 1 12 20.73V22H17V16M2.88 16.88A3 3 0 0 0 5 22H10V20.73A2 2 0 0 1 10 17.27V16H5A3 3 0 0 0 2.88 16.88M12 19A1 1 0 1 1 11 18A1 1 0 0 1 12 19Z",fh="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H18V19.89L17 18.89V20H12V18.73C12.3 18.56 12.55 18.31 12.73 18C13.28 17.05 12.96 15.83 12 15.27V14H12.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M14.5 9.7H16C17.07 9.66 17.96 10.5 18 11.56C18 11.61 18 11.65 18 11.7V13H19.5V11.36C19.42 9.53 17.88 8.12 16.05 8.2L16 8.2H14.5C13.45 8.12 12.65 7.25 12.65 6.2C12.67 5.22 13.5 4.43 14.46 4.45L14.5 4.45V3C12.65 3 11.15 4.5 11.15 6.35S12.65 9.7 14.5 9.7M20.5 10.7L20.5 10.77V13H22V10.76C22 8.62 20.78 6.66 18.85 5.73H18.82C19.58 5 19.9 4 19.8 3H18.32C18.34 3.11 18.35 3.23 18.35 3.35C18.35 4.37 17.5 5.2 16.5 5.2H16.5V6.7C18.71 6.7 20.5 8.5 20.5 10.7M9.27 16C9.45 15.7 9.7 15.45 10 15.27V14H5C4.21 14 3.44 14.32 2.88 14.88C1.71 16.05 1.71 17.95 2.88 19.12C3.45 19.68 4.21 20 5 20H10V18.73C9.05 18.18 8.72 16.95 9.27 16M18 14.8L19.5 16.3V14H18V14.8M20.5 17.3L22 18.8V14H20.5V17.3M11 16C10.45 16 10 16.45 10 17S10.45 18 11 18 12 17.55 12 17 11.55 16 11 16Z",gh="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",kh="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12S9.79 8 12 8 16 9.79 16 12 14.21 16 12 16Z",Bh="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.79 8 12S9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12 14.21 8 12 8Z",Ph="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8Z",wh="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12H20A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4V2M18.78,3C18.61,3 18.43,3.07 18.3,3.2L17.08,4.41L19.58,6.91L20.8,5.7C21.06,5.44 21.06,5 20.8,4.75L19.25,3.2C19.12,3.07 18.95,3 18.78,3M16.37,5.12L9,12.5V15H11.5L18.87,7.62L16.37,5.12Z",Fh="M16,4L20,8V4M20,16L16,20H20M8,20L4,16V20M4,8L8,4H4M16.95,7.05C14.22,4.32 9.78,4.32 7.05,7.05C4.32,9.78 4.32,14.22 7.05,16.95C9.78,19.68 14.22,19.68 16.95,16.95C19.68,14.22 19.68,9.79 16.95,7.05M15.85,15.85C13.72,18 10.28,18 8.15,15.85C6,13.72 6,10.28 8.15,8.15C10.28,6 13.72,6 15.85,8.15C18,10.28 18,13.72 15.85,15.85Z",Th="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 22V2Z",bh="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 22A10 10 0 0 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M12 4A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20V4Z",yh="M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8Z",Rh="M15 4A8 8 0 1 1 7 12A8 8 0 0 1 15 4M3 12A6 6 0 0 0 7 17.65V19.74A8 8 0 0 1 7 4.26V6.35A6 6 0 0 0 3 12Z",xh="M15,4A8,8 0 0,1 23,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,20A8,8 0 0,1 7,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,4M15,18A6,6 0 0,0 21,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,6A6,6 0 0,0 9,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,18M3,12C3,14.61 4.67,16.83 7,17.65V19.74C3.55,18.85 1,15.73 1,12C1,8.27 3.55,5.15 7,4.26V6.35C4.67,7.17 3,9.39 3,12Z",Dh="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.78 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 10.27 4.56 8.68 5.5 7.38L16.62 18.5C15.32 19.45 13.73 20 12 20M8.17 4.97L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19.03 15.83C19.65 14.69 20 13.39 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C10.61 4 9.31 4.35 8.17 4.97Z",Eh="M18 10V8H20V10H18M18 12V10H16V12H18M18 8V6H16V8H18M16 2.84V4H18C17.37 3.54 16.71 3.15 16 2.84M18 4V6H20C19.42 5.25 18.75 4.58 18 4M20 6V8H21.16C20.85 7.29 20.46 6.63 20 6M22 12C22 11.32 21.93 10.65 21.8 10H20V12H22M16 6V4H14V6H16M16 16H18V14H16V16M18 18H20L20 18V16H18V18M16 20H18L18 20V18H16V20M14 21.8C14.7 21.66 15.36 21.44 16 21.16V20H14V21.8M18 14H20V12H18V14M16 8H14V10H16V8M20 16H21.16C21.44 15.36 21.66 14.7 21.8 14H20V16M16 12H14V14H16V12M12 18V16H14V14H12V12H14V10H12V8H14V6H12V4H14V2.2C13.35 2.07 12.69 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22V20H14V18H12M14 18H16V16H14V18Z",Nh="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Wh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C13.93 5 15.68 5.78 16.95 7.05L12 12V5Z",Ih="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12H12V5Z",Gh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 13.93 18.22 15.68 16.95 16.95L12 12V5Z",Qh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19V5Z",Uh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C10.07 19 8.32 18.22 7.05 16.95L12 12V5Z",zh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12H12V5Z",_h="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 10.07 5.78 8.32 7.05 7.05L12 12V5Z",Kh="M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 8.13 8.13 5 12 5M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",jh="M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12C10,13.11 10.9,14 12,14C13.11,14 14,13.11 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",qh="M13,11A1,1 0 0,1 14,12A1,1 0 0,1 13,13A1,1 0 0,1 12,12A1,1 0 0,1 13,11M7.86,6.25C9.14,4.87 10.97,4 13,4C16.5,4 19.44,6.61 19.93,10H22V12H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,9A3,3 0 0,0 10,12H2V10H2.05C2.25,7.73 3.14,5.66 4.5,4L7.86,6.25M6.73,7.89L5.06,6.77C4.53,7.75 4.18,8.84 4.06,10H6.07C6.18,9.25 6.4,8.54 6.73,7.89M7.4,15.4L6,14H11.79C12.03,14.42 12.5,14.7 13,14.7C13.5,14.7 13.97,14.42 14.21,14H20V15.4C18.39,14.42 18.46,15.75 18.46,15.75V17.71L16.5,19.67C16,17.92 15.1,18.9 15.1,18.9L13.7,20.3H10.9C11.88,18.69 10.55,18.76 10.55,18.76H8.59L6.63,16.8C8.38,16.31 7.4,15.4 7.4,15.4Z",$h="M19,15H17V13H19M19,19H17V17H19M13,7H11V5H13M13,11H11V9H13M13,15H11V13H13M13,19H11V17H13M7,11H5V9H7M7,15H5V13H7M7,19H5V17H7M15,11V5L12,2L9,5V7H3V21H21V11H15Z",Xh="M21 15V9H15V3L12 0L9 3V5H3V15H21M19 13H17V11H19V13M11 5V3H13V5H11M11 9V7H13V9H11M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 9H5V7H7V9M7 13H5V11H7V13M9 17V19H15V17L18 20L15 23V21H9V23L6 20L9 17Z",Yh="M19,9V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H16V2H14V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11V12H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,14V22H6V20H8V22H12V20H14V22H16V20H18V22H21V11A2,2 0 0,0 19,9M8,18H6V16H8V18M14,18H12V16H14V18M14,14H12V12H14V14M13,9V7H17V9H13M18,18H16V16H18V18M18,14H16V12H18V14Z",Jh="M15,23H13V21H15V23M19,21H17V23H19V21M15,17H13V19H15V17M7,21H5V23H7V21M7,17H5V19H7V17M19,17H17V19H19V17M15,13H13V15H15V13M19,13H17V15H19V13M21,9A2,2 0 0,1 23,11V23H21V11H11V23H9V15H3V23H1V15A2,2 0 0,1 3,13H9V11A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V7A2,2 0 0,1 13,5H15V1H17V5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V9M19,9V7H13V9H19Z",Cp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3",Hp="M18,19H6V17.6C6,15.6 10,14.5 12,14.5C14,14.5 18,15.6 18,17.6M12,7A3,3 0 0,1 15,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,7M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Vp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M12,9A2,2 0 0,1 14,11A2,2 0 0,1 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 12,9M8,17V16C8,14.9 9.79,14 12,14C14.21,14 16,14.9 16,16V17H8Z",Lp="M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M13,14H11V8H13M13,18H11V16H13M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Mp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M11,9H13V13.5H11V9M11,15H13V17H11V15Z",Ap="M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",ip="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17L12,18Z",rp="M16,15H12V18L7,13L12,8V11H16M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",ap="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M7,13L12,18V15H16V11H12V8L7,13Z",ep="M17,13L12,18V15H8V11H12V8M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",dp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M16.91,13L11.91,18V15H7.91V11H11.91V8L16.91,13Z",mp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,8L7,13H10V17H14V13H17L12,8M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3Z",tp="M12,8L17,13H14V17H10V13H7L12,8M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7Z",vp="M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",lp="M4 7H2V21C2 22.1 2.9 23 4 23H18V21H4M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3M12.3 15.1L9 11.8L10.4 10.4L12.3 12.3L17.6 7L19 8.4",op="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M12.8 15.35L9.5 12.05L10.9 10.65L12.8 12.55L17.1 8.25L18.5 9.65L12.8 15.35M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7H10Z",np="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M7.5,13.5L9,12L11,14L15.5,9.5L17,11L11,17L7.5,13.5Z",Zp="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.37 22.24 11.11 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1S14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11.11C22.24 12.37 23 14.09 23 16M11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5S13 4.55 13 4 12.55 3 12 3 11 3.45 11 4M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",Sp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M5 19V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.68C18.09 9.25 17.08 9 16 9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.08 9.25 18.09 9.68 19H5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",up="M21.04 12.13C21.18 12.13 21.31 12.19 21.42 12.3L22.7 13.58C22.92 13.79 22.92 14.14 22.7 14.35L21.7 15.35L19.65 13.3L20.65 12.3C20.76 12.19 20.9 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L21.12 15.93L15.06 22H13V19.94L19.07 13.88M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9L11 19V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",cp="M21.04 12.13C21.18 12.13 21.31 12.19 21.42 12.3L22.7 13.58C22.92 13.79 22.92 14.14 22.7 14.35L21.7 15.35L19.65 13.3L20.65 12.3C20.76 12.19 20.9 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L21.12 15.93L15.06 22H13V19.94L19.07 13.88M11 19L9 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9L19 11V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",sp="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9.17L19.83 8H15C12.79 8 11 9.79 11 12V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3M15 23C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15M21 14.83L18.17 12H18V15H21V14.83Z",Op="M15 23C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15M15 21H21V14.83L18.17 12H15V21M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9.17L19.83 8H19V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",hp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M15,19L11,15H14V8H16V15H19L15,19M10,16H8V9H5L9,5L13,9H10V16",pp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M10 16H8V11H6L9 8L12 11H10V16M14 10H16V15H18L15 18L12 15H14V10Z",fp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7 8H9V12H8V9H7V8M10 17V18H7V17.08L9 15H7V14H9.25C9.66 14 10 14.34 10 14.75C10 14.95 9.92 15.14 9.79 15.27L8.12 17H10M11 4C11 3.45 11.45 3 12 3S13 3.45 13 4 12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4M17 17H12V15H17V17M17 11H12V9H17V11Z",gp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M12 17V15H17V17H12M12 11V9H17V11H12M8 12V9H7V8H9V12H8M9.25 14C9.66 14 10 14.34 10 14.75C10 14.95 9.92 15.14 9.79 15.27L8.12 17H10V18H7V17.08L9 15H7V14H9.25",kp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M16 14H8V12H16V14Z",Bp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M19 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V19M8 12H16V14H8V12Z",Pp="M4 7H2V21C2 22.1 2.9 23 4 23H18V21H4M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3Z",wp="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7H10Z",Fp="M21 5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L21 17.8V5M12 5C11.45 5 11 4.55 11 4S11.45 3 12 3 13 3.45 13 4 12.55 5 12 5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",Tp="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M17 7V5H19V15.8L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3Z",bp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7Z",yp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M10,17V9L15,13L10,17Z",Rp="M4 21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.2C11.6 1.8 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.8 16.8 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5M13 4C13 4.5 13.5 5 14 5C14.5 5 15 4.5 15 4C15 3.5 14.6 3 14 3C13.4 3 13 3.5 13 4M17 12L12 8V16",xp="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.2C11.6 1.8 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.8 16.8 3H20M14 3C13.4 3 13 3.5 13 4C13 4.5 13.4 5 14 5C14.6 5 15 4.6 15 4C15 3.4 14.6 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7M12 15V9L17 12",Dp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M10,17V9L15,13L10,17Z",Ep="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M13,12H16V14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12Z",Np="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M13 12H16V14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12Z",Wp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M5,13.46H7.17L10.5,7.08L11.44,14.05L13.93,10.86L16.53,13.46H19V15H15.89L14.07,13.21L10.38,17.92L9.62,12.15L8.11,15H5V13.46Z",Ip="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M5,15H8.11L9.62,12.15L10.38,17.92L14.07,13.21L15.89,15H19V19H5V15M19,13.46H16.53L13.93,10.86L11.44,14.05L10.5,7.08L7.17,13.46H5V5H7V6H17V5H19V6L19,13.46Z",Gp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M15.54 15.12L14.12 16.54L12 14.41L9.88 16.54L8.47 15.12L10.59 13L8.47 10.88L9.88 9.47L12 11.59L14.12 9.47L15.54 10.88L13.41 13L15.54 15.12Z",Qp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M19 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V19M15.54 10.88L13.41 13L15.54 15.12L14.12 16.54L12 14.41L9.88 16.54L8.47 15.12L10.59 13L8.47 10.88L9.88 9.47L12 11.59L14.12 9.47L15.54 10.88Z",Up="M11.9 10.9C14.41 8.4 18.45 8.37 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C9.37 17.56 9.37 13.44 11.9 10.9M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",zp="M11.03 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.5C19.72 9.8 20.4 10.24 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C11.57 19.76 11.27 19.39 11.03 19M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",_p="M17,9H7V7H17M17,13H7V11H17M14,17H7V15H14M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Kp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M6 7H18V9H6V7M9.08 17H6V15H9.08C9.03 15.33 9 15.66 9 16S9.03 16.67 9.08 17M6 13V11H11.11C10.5 11.57 10.04 12.25 9.68 13H6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",jp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M5 19V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.68C18.09 9.25 17.08 9 16 9H7V11H11.1C10.5 11.57 10.04 12.25 9.68 13H7V15H9.08C9.03 15.33 9 15.66 9 16C9 17.08 9.25 18.09 9.68 19H5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",qp="M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3M16 14H9V12H16M19 10H9V8H19M4 21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4",$p="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7M15 15H10V13H15M18 11H10V9H18V11Z",Xp="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7 11H9.11L11.11 13H7V11M14 17H7V15H13.11L14 15.89V17M17 7V9H12.2L14.2 11H17V13H16.2L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3Z",Yp="M17 7V5H19V15.8L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.25 1.44 12.53 .64 11 1.2C10.14 1.5 9.5 2.16 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M14.2 11L12.2 9H17V11H14.2M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5 19V6.89L7.11 9H7V11H9.11L11.11 13H7V15H13.11L17.11 19H5Z",Jp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M17,11H7V9H17V11M15,15H7V13H15V15Z",Cf="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.34C20.36,13.11 19.68,13 19,13C15.68,13 13,15.69 13,19C13,19.68 13.11,20.36 13.34,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.5,2.16 10.14,1.5 11,1.2C12.53,0.64 14.25,1.44 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M11,17V15H7V17H11M13,13V11H7V13H13M17,9V7H7V9H17M17,16L22,19L17,22V16Z",Hf="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H15V19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V14H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M17,16V22L22,19L17,16M17,11H7V9H17V11M15,15H7V13H15V15Z",Vf="M10.18 17H7V15H10C10.08 14.32 10.23 13.64 10.5 13H7V11H11.82C11.85 10.97 11.87 10.94 11.9 10.9C13.17 9.64 14.84 9 16.5 9H7V7H17V9H16.5C18.12 9 19.74 9.61 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C11 19.21 10.45 18.13 10.18 17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",Lf="M17 9H16.5 17M7 15H10C10.08 14.32 10.23 13.64 10.5 13H7V15M11.9 10.9C13.17 9.64 14.84 9 16.5 9H7V11H11.82C11.85 10.97 11.87 10.94 11.9 10.9M11.9 20.1C12.26 20.45 12.65 20.74 13.06 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.5 2.16 10.14 1.5 11 1.2C12.53 .64 14.25 1.44 14.82 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V10.82C20.4 10.24 19.72 9.8 19 9.5V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11.03C11.27 19.39 11.57 19.76 11.9 20.1M11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5S13 4.55 13 4 12.55 3 12 3 11 3.45 11 4M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",Mf="M15,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10,15.5V13.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.75,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,13.75V15.5A1,1 0 0,0 12.5,16.5A1,1 0 0,0 13.5,15.5V11.89C12.63,11.61 12,10.87 12,10C12,8.9 13,8 14.25,8C15.5,8 16.5,8.9 16.5,10C16.5,10.87 15.87,11.61 15,11.89V15.5M8.25,8C9.5,8 10.5,8.9 10.5,10C10.5,10.87 9.87,11.61 9,11.89V17.25A3.25,3.25 0 0,0 12.25,20.5A3.25,3.25 0 0,0 15.5,17.25V13.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 16.25,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17,13.75V17.25A4.75,4.75 0 0,1 12.25,22A4.75,4.75 0 0,1 7.5,17.25V11.89C6.63,11.61 6,10.87 6,10C6,8.9 7,8 8.25,8M10.06,6.13L9.63,7.59C9.22,7.37 8.75,7.25 8.25,7.25C7.34,7.25 6.53,7.65 6.03,8.27L4.83,7.37C5.46,6.57 6.41,6 7.5,5.81V5.75A3.75,3.75 0 0,1 11.25,2A3.75,3.75 0 0,1 15,5.75V5.81C16.09,6 17.04,6.57 17.67,7.37L16.47,8.27C15.97,7.65 15.16,7.25 14.25,7.25C13.75,7.25 13.28,7.37 12.87,7.59L12.44,6.13C12.77,6 13.13,5.87 13.5,5.81V5.75C13.5,4.5 12.5,3.5 11.25,3.5C10,3.5 9,4.5 9,5.75V5.81C9.37,5.87 9.73,6 10.06,6.13M14.25,9.25C13.7,9.25 13.25,9.59 13.25,10C13.25,10.41 13.7,10.75 14.25,10.75C14.8,10.75 15.25,10.41 15.25,10C15.25,9.59 14.8,9.25 14.25,9.25M8.25,9.25C7.7,9.25 7.25,9.59 7.25,10C7.25,10.41 7.7,10.75 8.25,10.75C8.8,10.75 9.25,10.41 9.25,10C9.25,9.59 8.8,9.25 8.25,9.25Z",Af="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.2,16.2L11,13V7H12.5V12.2L17,14.9L16.2,16.2Z",rf="M20 12H22V18H20V12M20 20H22V22H20V20M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.3 21.2 18 20V10H21.8C20.9 5.4 16.8 2 12 2M16.2 16.2L11 13V7H12.5V12.2L17 14.9L16.2 16.2Z",af="M11 7V13L16.2 16.1L17 14.9L12.5 12.2V7H11M20 12V18H22V12H20M20 20V22H22V20H20M18 20C16.3 21.3 14.3 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2C16.8 2 20.9 5.4 21.8 10H19.7C18.8 6.6 15.7 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12S7.6 20 12 20C14.4 20 16.5 18.9 18 17.3V20Z",ef="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13 19C13 17.5 13.5 16.2 14.4 15.1L11 13V7H12.5V12.2L15.6 14.1C16.6 13.4 17.7 13 19 13C20 13 21 13.3 21.8 13.7C21.9 13.1 22 12.6 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.6 22 13.2 21.9 13.7 21.8C13.3 21 13 20 13 19Z",df="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13.1 19.9C12.7 20 12.4 20 12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12S7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12C20 12.4 20 12.7 19.9 13.1C20.6 13.2 21.2 13.4 21.8 13.7C21.9 13.1 22 12.6 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C12.6 22 13.2 21.9 13.7 21.8C13.4 21.3 13.2 20.6 13.1 19.9M15.6 14.1L12.5 12.3V7H11V13L14.5 15.1C14.8 14.7 15.2 14.4 15.6 14.1Z",mf="M2,6A2,2 0 0,0 0,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 22,6M2,8H22V16H2M3,9V10.5H6.25L3,15H4.75L8,10.5V9M9.25,9V10.5H10.75V9M12,9V10.5H13.5V15H15V9M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10V14A1,1 0 0,0 17,15H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 20,9M17.5,10.5H19.5V13.5H17.5M9.25,13.5V15H10.75V13.5",tf="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M11 21.9C5.9 21.4 2 17.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.3 2 21.6 6.1 22 11.3C21.7 11.2 21.4 11.1 21 11.1C20.2 11.1 19.6 11.5 19.2 11.9L16.5 14.6L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L15.4 15.7L11 20.1V21.9Z",vf="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M12.5 7V12.2L16.5 14.6L15.5 15.6L11 13V7H12.5M11 21.9C5.9 21.4 2 17.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.3 2 21.6 6.1 22 11.3C21.7 11.2 21.4 11.1 21 11.1C20.6 11.1 20.3 11.2 20 11.3C19.6 7.2 16.2 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.1 7.1 19.5 11.1 19.9L11 20.1V21.9Z",lf="M12,1C8.14,1 5,4.14 5,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,15C15.86,15 19,11.87 19,8C19,4.14 15.86,1 12,1M12,3.15C14.67,3.15 16.85,5.32 16.85,8C16.85,10.68 14.67,12.85 12,12.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 7.15,8A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,3.15M11,5V8.69L14.19,10.53L14.94,9.23L12.5,7.82V5M15,16V19H3V21H15V24L19,20M19,20V24H21V16H19",of="M15,4A8,8 0 0,1 23,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,20A8,8 0 0,1 7,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,4M15,6A6,6 0 0,0 9,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,18A6,6 0 0,0 21,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,6M14,8H15.5V11.78L17.83,14.11L16.77,15.17L14,12.4V8M2,18A1,1 0 0,1 1,17A1,1 0 0,1 2,16H5.83C6.14,16.71 6.54,17.38 7,18H2M3,13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12A1,1 0 0,1 3,11H5.05L5,12L5.05,13H3M4,8A1,1 0 0,1 3,7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H7C6.54,6.62 6.14,7.29 5.83,8H4Z",nf="M2.21,0.79L0.79,2.21L4.8,6.21L3,8H8V3L6.21,4.8M12,8C8.14,8 5,11.13 5,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,22C15.86,22 19,18.87 19,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,8M12,10.15C14.67,10.15 16.85,12.32 16.85,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,19.85C9.32,19.85 7.15,17.68 7.15,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,10.15M11,12V15.69L14.19,17.53L14.94,16.23L12.5,14.82V12",Zf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Sf="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",uf="M18,1L19.8,2.79L15.79,6.79L17.21,8.21L21.21,4.21L23,6V1M12,8C8.14,8 5,11.13 5,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,22C15.86,22 19,18.87 19,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,8M12,10.15C14.67,10.15 16.85,12.32 16.85,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,19.85C9.32,19.85 7.15,17.68 7.15,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,10.15M11,12V15.69L14.19,17.53L14.94,16.23L12.5,14.82V12",cf="M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12.5,7V12.25L17,14.92L16.25,16.15L11,13V7H12.5Z",sf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",Of="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",hf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",pf="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",ff="M14.4 15.1C13.5 16.2 13 17.5 13 19C13 20 13.3 21 13.7 21.8C13.2 21.9 12.6 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.5 21.92 12.97 21.84 13.5L21.8 13.7C21 13.3 20 13 19 13C17.7 13 16.6 13.4 15.6 14.1L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.4 15.1M17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75Z",gf="M12 20C12.4 20 12.7 20 13.1 19.9C13.2 20.6 13.4 21.3 13.7 21.8C13.2 21.9 12.6 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.5 21.92 12.97 21.84 13.5L21.8 13.7C21.2 13.4 20.6 13.2 19.9 13.1C20 12.7 20 12.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20M12.5 12.3L15.6 14.1C15.2 14.4 14.8 14.7 14.5 15.1L11 13V7H12.5V12.3M17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75Z",kf="M12,1C8.14,1 5,4.14 5,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,15C15.86,15 19,11.87 19,8C19,4.14 15.86,1 12,1M12,3.15C14.67,3.15 16.85,5.32 16.85,8C16.85,10.68 14.67,12.85 12,12.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 7.15,8A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,3.15M11,5V8.69L14.19,10.53L14.94,9.23L12.5,7.82V5M4,16V24H6V21H18V24L22,20L18,16V19H6V16",Bf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M7.7 15.5L7 14.2L11 11.9V7H12.5V12.8L7.7 15.5Z",Pf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 12.8L7.7 15.6L7 14.2L11 11.9V7H12.5V12.8Z",wf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L8.5 8.6L9.8 7.8L11 10V7H12.5V13Z",Ff="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V13H11L8.5 8.6L9.8 7.8L11 10V7H12.5Z",Tf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M14 17L11 11.8V7H12.5V11.4L15.3 16.3L14 17Z",bf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M15.3 16.2L14 17L11 11.8V7H12.5V11.4L15.3 16.2Z",yf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M16.3 15.2L11 12.3V7H12.5V11.4L17 13.9L16.3 15.2Z",Rf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M17 13.9L16.3 15.2L11 12.3V7H12.5V11.4L17 13.9Z",xf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H7V11.5H11V7H12.5V13Z",Df="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V13H7V11.5H11V7H12.5Z",Ef="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.3 13H11V7H12.5V9.7L14 7.1L15.3 7.9L12.3 13Z",Nf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M15.3 7.8L12.3 13H11V7H12.5V9.65L14 7.05L15.3 7.8Z",Wf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 12.2L9.8 17L8.5 16.2L11 11.8V7H12.5V12.2Z",If="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V12.2L9.8 17L8.5 16.2L11 11.8V7H12.5Z",Gf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 17H11V7H12.5V17Z",Qf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V17H11V7H12.5Z",Uf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L7 10.7L7.8 9.4L11.1 11.3V7H12.6V13Z",zf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L7 10.7L7.8 9.4L11.1 11.3V7H12.6V13Z",_f="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M17 13H11V7H12.5V11.5H17V13Z",Kf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M17 11.5V13H11V7H12.5V11.5H17Z",jf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11V7H12.5V13Z",qf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13.03H11V7H12.5V13.03Z",$f="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11V7H12.5V11.3L16.2 9.2L17 10.5L12.5 13Z",Xf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13V13H11V7H12.5V11.26L16.2 9.13L16.95 10.43L12.5 13Z",Yf="M19,6.41L17.59,5L12,10.59L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L12,13.41L17.59,19L19,17.59L13.41,12L19,6.41Z",Jf="M19,3H16.3H7.7H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7.7V16.4V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H7.7H16.4H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V16.3V7.7V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M15.6,17L12,13.4L8.4,17L7,15.6L10.6,12L7,8.4L8.4,7L12,10.6L15.6,7L17,8.4L13.4,12L17,15.6L15.6,17Z",Cg="M4 20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V6H4V20M20.22 2H7.78C6.8 2 6 2.8 6 3.78V16.22C6 17.2 6.8 18 7.78 18H20.22C21.2 18 22 17.2 22 16.22V3.78C22 2.8 21.2 2 20.22 2M19 13.6L17.6 15L14 11.4L10.4 15L9 13.6L12.6 10L9 6.4L10.4 5L14 8.6L17.6 5L19 6.4L15.4 10L19 13.6Z",Hg="M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H8V4H20V16M4 6V20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V6H4M9.77 12.84L12.6 10L9.77 7.15L11.17 5.75L14 8.6L16.84 5.77L18.24 7.17L15.4 10L18.23 12.84L16.83 14.24L14 11.4L11.17 14.24L9.77 12.84Z",Vg="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M17,8.4L13.4,12L17,15.6L15.6,17L12,13.4L8.4,17L7,15.6L10.6,12L7,8.4L8.4,7L12,10.6L15.6,7L17,8.4Z",Lg="M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M15.59,7L12,10.59L8.41,7L7,8.41L10.59,12L7,15.59L8.41,17L12,13.41L15.59,17L17,15.59L13.41,12L17,8.41L15.59,7Z",Mg="M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M20 15.59L18.59 17L15 13.41L11.41 17L10 15.59L13.59 12L10 8.41L11.41 7L15 10.59L18.59 7L20 8.41L16.41 12L20 15.59Z",Ag="M18.54 9.88L17.12 8.47L15 10.59L12.88 8.47L11.47 9.88L13.59 12L11.47 14.12L12.88 15.54L15 13.41L17.12 15.54L18.54 14.12L16.41 12M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M15 19C11.14 19 8 15.86 8 12S11.14 5 15 5 22 8.14 22 12 18.86 19 15 19Z",ig="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2M14.59,8L12,10.59L9.41,8L8,9.41L10.59,12L8,14.59L9.41,16L12,13.41L14.59,16L16,14.59L13.41,12L16,9.41L14.59,8Z",rg="M14.59,6L12,8.59L9.41,6L8,7.41L10.59,10L8,12.59L9.41,14L12,11.41L14.59,14L16,12.59L13.41,10L16,7.41L14.59,6M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",ag="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15.54,12.12L13.41,10L15.53,7.87L14.12,6.46L12,8.59L9.88,6.46L8.47,7.87L10.59,10L8.47,12.13L9.88,13.54L12,11.41L14.12,13.54L15.54,12.12Z",eg="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73L21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M8.41,7L12,10.59L15.59,7L17,8.41L13.41,12L17,15.59L15.59,17L12,13.41L8.41,17L7,15.59L10.59,12L7,8.41",dg="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1M9.12,7.71L7.71,9.12L10.59,12L7.71,14.88L9.12,16.29L12,13.41L14.88,16.29L16.29,14.88L13.41,12L16.29,9.12L14.88,7.71L12,10.59",mg="M3,16.74L7.76,12L3,7.26L7.26,3L12,7.76L16.74,3L21,7.26L16.24,12L21,16.74L16.74,21L12,16.24L7.26,21L3,16.74M12,13.41L16.74,18.16L18.16,16.74L13.41,12L18.16,7.26L16.74,5.84L12,10.59L7.26,5.84L5.84,7.26L10.59,12L5.84,16.74L7.26,18.16L12,13.41Z",tg="M20 6.91L17.09 4L12 9.09L6.91 4L4 6.91L9.09 12L4 17.09L6.91 20L12 14.91L17.09 20L20 17.09L14.91 12L20 6.91Z",vg="M18,11H16.5V10.5H14.5V13.5H16.5V13H18V14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 14,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M11,11H9.5V10.5H7.5V13.5H9.5V13H11V14A1,1 0 0,1 10,15H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 7,9H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,10M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.89 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6C21,4.89 20.1,4 19,4Z",lg="M5,4C4.45,4 4,4.18 3.59,4.57C3.2,4.96 3,5.44 3,6V18C3,18.56 3.2,19.04 3.59,19.43C4,19.82 4.45,20 5,20H19C19.5,20 20,19.81 20.39,19.41C20.8,19 21,18.53 21,18V6C21,5.47 20.8,5 20.39,4.59C20,4.19 19.5,4 19,4H5M4.5,5.5H19.5V18.5H4.5V5.5M7,9C6.7,9 6.47,9.09 6.28,9.28C6.09,9.47 6,9.7 6,10V14C6,14.3 6.09,14.53 6.28,14.72C6.47,14.91 6.7,15 7,15H10C10.27,15 10.5,14.91 10.71,14.72C10.91,14.53 11,14.3 11,14V13H9.5V13.5H7.5V10.5H9.5V11H11V10C11,9.7 10.91,9.47 10.71,9.28C10.5,9.09 10.27,9 10,9H7M14,9C13.73,9 13.5,9.09 13.29,9.28C13.09,9.47 13,9.7 13,10V14C13,14.3 13.09,14.53 13.29,14.72C13.5,14.91 13.73,15 14,15H17C17.3,15 17.53,14.91 17.72,14.72C17.91,14.53 18,14.3 18,14V13H16.5V13.5H14.5V10.5H16.5V11H18V10C18,9.7 17.91,9.47 17.72,9.28C17.53,9.09 17.3,9 17,9H14Z",og="M6.5 20Q4.22 20 2.61 18.43 1 16.85 1 14.58 1 12.63 2.17 11.1 3.35 9.57 5.25 9.15 5.88 6.85 7.75 5.43 9.63 4 12 4 14.93 4 16.96 6.04 19 8.07 19 11 20.73 11.2 21.86 12.5 23 13.78 23 15.5 23 17.38 21.69 18.69 20.38 20 18.5 20Z",ng="M21.86 12.5C21.1 11.63 20.15 11.13 19 11C19 9.05 18.32 7.4 16.96 6.04C15.6 4.68 13.95 4 12 4C10.42 4 9 4.47 7.75 5.43S5.67 7.62 5.25 9.15C4 9.43 2.96 10.08 2.17 11.1S1 13.28 1 14.58C1 16.09 1.54 17.38 2.61 18.43C3.69 19.5 5 20 6.5 20H18.5C19.75 20 20.81 19.56 21.69 18.69C22.56 17.81 23 16.75 23 15.5C23 14.35 22.62 13.35 21.86 12.5M13 17H11V15H13V17M13 13H11V7H13V13Z",Zg="M21.86 12.5C21.1 11.63 20.15 11.13 19 11C19 9.05 18.32 7.4 16.96 6.04C15.6 4.68 13.95 4 12 4C10.42 4 9 4.47 7.75 5.43S5.67 7.62 5.25 9.15C4 9.43 2.96 10.08 2.17 11.1S1 13.28 1 14.58C1 16.09 1.54 17.38 2.61 18.43C3.69 19.5 5 20 6.5 20H18.5C19.75 20 20.81 19.56 21.69 18.69C22.56 17.81 23 16.75 23 15.5C23 14.35 22.62 13.35 21.86 12.5M20.27 17.27C19.79 17.76 19.2 18 18.5 18H6.5C5.53 18 4.71 17.66 4.03 17C3.34 16.29 3 15.47 3 14.5S3.34 12.71 4.03 12.03C4.71 11.34 5.53 11 6.5 11H7C7 9.62 7.5 8.44 8.46 7.46C9.44 6.5 10.62 6 12 6S14.56 6.5 15.54 7.46C16.5 8.44 17 9.62 17 11V13H18.5C19.2 13 19.79 13.24 20.27 13.73S21 14.8 21 15.5 20.76 16.79 20.27 17.27M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 7H13V13H11V7Z",Sg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",ug="M4.03 12.03C3.34 12.71 3 13.53 3 14.5S3.34 16.29 4.03 17C4.71 17.66 5.53 18 6.5 18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C18.89 13 18.79 13 18.68 13C18.62 13 18.56 13 18.5 13H17V11C17 9.62 16.5 8.44 15.54 7.46C14.56 6.5 13.38 6 12 6S9.44 6.5 8.46 7.46C7.5 8.44 7 9.62 7 11H6.5C5.53 11 4.71 11.34 4.03 12.03M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",cg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",sg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 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14.26 21.34 12.41 19.19 12.07M18.5 19H7.5C6.67 19 6 18.33 6 17.5S6.67 16 7.5 16H10V14C10 12.07 11.57 10.5 13.5 10.5S17 12.07 17 14H18.5C19.88 14 21 15.12 21 16.5S19.88 19 18.5 19Z",ck="M12,11.18C15.3,8.18 17,6.64 17,4.69C17,3.19 15.75,2 14.25,2C13.39,2 12.57,2.36 12,3C11.43,2.36 10.61,2 9.69,2C8.19,2 7,3.25 7,4.75C7,6.64 8.7,8.18 12,11.18M11.18,12C8.18,8.7 6.64,7 4.69,7C3.19,7 2,8.25 2,9.75C2,10.61 2.36,11.43 3,12C2.36,12.57 2,13.39 2,14.31C2,15.81 3.25,17 4.75,17C6.64,17 8.18,15.3 11.18,12M12.83,12C15.82,15.3 17.36,17 19.31,17C20.81,17 22,15.75 22,14.25C22,13.39 21.64,12.57 21,12C21.64,11.43 22,10.61 22,9.69C22,8.19 20.75,7 19.25,7C17.36,7 15.82,8.7 12.83,12M12,12.82C8.7,15.82 7,17.36 7,19.31C7,20.81 8.25,22 9.75,22C10.61,22 11.43,21.64 12,21C12.57,21.64 13.39,22 14.31,22C15.81,22 17,20.75 17,19.25C17,17.36 15.3,15.82 12,12.82Z",sk="M10.61 12.62L10.65 12.58L11.16 12.03L11.18 12L11.16 11.97C11 11.78 10.82 11.6 10.66 11.42L10.61 11.38C8.42 8.97 7.03 7.53 5.58 7.12C5.29 7.04 5 7 4.69 7C3.19 7 2 8.25 2 9.75C2 10.38 2.19 11 2.55 11.5C2.68 11.68 2.83 11.85 3 12C2.83 12.15 2.68 12.32 2.55 12.5C2.19 13 2 13.64 2 14.31C2 15.81 3.25 17 4.75 17C5.03 17 5.31 16.96 5.58 16.89C7 16.5 8.4 15.05 10.61 12.62M8.47 12C7.57 12.97 6.88 13.69 6.26 14.21C5.43 14.91 5 15 4.75 15C4.3 15 4 14.65 4 14.31C4 13.93 4.14 13.66 4.33 13.5L6 12L4.33 10.5C4.13 10.33 4 10.05 4 9.75C4 9.3 4.35 9 4.69 9C5 9 5.43 9.1 6.26 9.8C6.88 10.31 7.57 11.03 8.47 12M7.12 18.43C7.04 18.72 7 19 7 19.31C7 20.81 8.25 22 9.75 22C10.38 22 11 21.81 11.5 21.45C11.68 21.32 11.85 21.17 12 21C12.15 21.17 12.32 21.32 12.5 21.45C13 21.81 13.64 22 14.31 22C15.81 22 17 20.75 17 19.25C17 18.97 16.96 18.69 16.89 18.42C16.5 17 15.05 15.6 12.62 13.39L12.58 13.35L12.03 12.85L12 12.82L11.97 12.85L11.42 13.35L11.38 13.38C8.97 15.58 7.53 16.97 7.12 18.43M12 15.53C12.97 16.43 13.69 17.12 14.21 17.74C14.91 18.57 15 19 15 19.25C15 19.7 14.65 20 14.31 20C13.93 20 13.66 19.86 13.5 19.67L12 18L10.5 19.67C10.33 19.87 10.05 20 9.75 20C9.3 20 9 19.65 9 19.31C9 19 9.1 18.57 9.8 17.74C10.31 17.12 11.03 16.43 12 15.53M13.39 12.62C15.59 15.03 16.97 16.47 18.43 16.88C18.72 16.96 19 17 19.31 17C20.81 17 22 15.75 22 14.25C22 13.62 21.81 13 21.45 12.5C21.32 12.32 21.17 12.15 21 12C21.17 11.85 21.32 11.68 21.45 11.5C21.81 11 22 10.37 22 9.69C22 8.19 20.75 7 19.25 7C18.97 7 18.69 7.04 18.42 7.11C17 7.5 15.6 8.95 13.39 11.38L13.36 11.42L12.83 12L12.83 12L12.83 12L13.36 12.58L13.39 12.62M15.54 12C16.43 11.03 17.13 10.31 17.74 9.79C18.58 9.09 19 9 19.25 9C19.7 9 20 9.35 20 9.69C20 10.07 19.86 10.34 19.67 10.5L18 12L19.67 13.5C19.87 13.68 20 13.95 20 14.25C20 14.7 19.65 15 19.31 15C19 15 18.57 14.9 17.74 14.2C17.13 13.69 16.43 12.97 15.54 12M12.62 10.62C15.03 8.42 16.47 7.03 16.88 5.58C16.96 5.29 17 5 17 4.69C17 3.19 15.75 2 14.25 2C13.62 2 13 2.19 12.5 2.55C12.32 2.68 12.15 2.83 12 3C11.85 2.83 11.68 2.68 11.5 2.55C11 2.19 10.37 2 9.69 2C8.19 2 7 3.25 7 4.75C7 5.03 7.04 5.31 7.11 5.58C7.5 7 8.95 8.4 11.38 10.62L11.42 10.65L11.97 11.15L12 11.18L12.03 11.16L12.59 10.65L12.62 10.61M12 8.47C11.03 7.57 10.31 6.88 9.79 6.26C9.09 5.43 9 5 9 4.75C9 4.3 9.35 4 9.69 4C10.07 4 10.34 4.14 10.5 4.33L12 6L13.5 4.33C13.68 4.13 13.95 4 14.25 4C14.7 4 15 4.35 15 4.69C15 5 14.9 5.43 14.2 6.26C13.69 6.88 12.97 7.57 12 8.47Z",Ok="M16 5L15 2H13L12 5L6 8H8L8.6 11H4V7H2V17H4V13H9L10 18L12 20L13 22H15L16 20L18 18L20 8H22M16.16 17H11.84L10 8H18Z",hk="M12.5 2L12 4L10 6.31L5 9H7L9.5 18L12 20L12.5 22H13.5L14 20L16.5 18L19 9H21L16 6.31L14 4L13.5 2M9 9H17L14.78 17H11.22M3 14V22H11.5L11 20H8L5 17V14Z",pk="M18.33 7.78A1 1 0 0 0 16.66 8.89A2 2 0 1 1 13 10V7.82A3 3 0 1 0 11 7.82V10A2 2 0 1 1 7.34 8.89A1 1 0 1 0 5.67 7.78A4 4 0 0 0 11 13.46V20A2 2 0 0 0 9 22H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 20V13.46A4 4 0 0 0 18.33 7.78M12 4A1 1 0 1 1 11 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",fk="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M6,6V18H10V16H8V8H10V6H6M16,16H14V18H18V6H14V8H16V16Z",gk="M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5S2.1 7 1 7V9C2.1 9 3 9.9 3 11S3.9 13 5 13H7V11H5V10C5 8.9 4.1 8 3 8C4.1 8 5 7.1 5 6V5H7V3M11 3C12.1 3 13 3.9 13 5S13.9 7 15 7V9C13.9 9 13 9.9 13 11S12.1 13 11 13H9V11H11V10C11 8.9 11.9 8 13 8C11.9 8 11 7.1 11 6V5H9V3H11M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",kk="M2 3V13H6V11H4V5H6V3H2M12 11H10V13H14V3H10V5H12V11M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",Bk="M11.6 3C13.1 4.3 14 6.1 14 8S13.1 11.7 11.6 13L10 12.4C11.3 11.4 12 9.7 12 8S11.3 4.6 10 3.6L11.6 3M4.4 3L6 3.6C4.7 4.6 4 6.3 4 8S4.7 11.4 6 12.4L4.4 13C2.9 11.7 2 9.9 2 8S2.9 4.3 4.4 3M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H16.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",Pk="M5.59 3.41L7 4.82L3.82 8L7 11.18L5.59 12.6L1 8L5.59 3.41M11.41 3.41L16 8L11.41 12.6L10 11.18L13.18 8L10 4.82L11.41 3.41M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V14H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",wk="M8,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,5V9A2,2 0 0,1 4,11H3V13H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,15V19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H10V19H8V14A2,2 0 0,0 6,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,10V5H10V3M16,3A2,2 0 0,1 18,5V9A2,2 0 0,0 20,11H21V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H14V19H16V14A2,2 0 0,1 18,12A2,2 0 0,1 16,10V5H14V3H16Z",Fk="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11 8H9V10C9 11.1 8.1 12 7 12C8.1 12 9 12.9 9 14V16H11V18H9C7.9 18 7 17.1 7 16V15C7 13.9 6.1 13 5 13V11C6.1 11 7 10.1 7 9V8C7 6.9 7.9 6 9 6H11V8M19 13C17.9 13 17 13.9 17 15V16C17 17.1 16.1 18 15 18H13V16H15V14C15 12.9 15.9 12 17 12C15.9 12 15 11.1 15 10V8H13V6H15C16.1 6 17 6.9 17 8V9C17 10.1 17.9 11 19 11V13Z",Tk="M15,4V6H18V18H15V20H20V4M4,4V20H9V18H6V6H9V4H4Z",bk="M6,13H11V15H6M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M6,9H11V11H6M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",yk="M10.41,7.41L15,12L10.41,16.6L9,15.18L12.18,12L9,8.82M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Rk="M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M6.91,7.41L11.5,12L6.91,16.6L5.5,15.18L8.68,12L5.5,8.82M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",xk="M5,3H7V5H5V10A2,2 0 0,1 3,12A2,2 0 0,1 5,14V19H7V21H5C3.93,20.73 3,20.1 3,19V15A2,2 0 0,0 1,13H0V11H1A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9A2,2 0 0,0 23,11H24V13H23A2,2 0 0,0 21,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H17V19H19V14A2,2 0 0,1 21,12A2,2 0 0,1 19,10V5H17V3H19M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,17A1,1 0 0,1 11,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15M8,15A1,1 0 0,1 9,16A1,1 0 0,1 8,17A1,1 0 0,1 7,16A1,1 0 0,1 8,15M16,15A1,1 0 0,1 17,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,17A1,1 0 0,1 15,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,15Z",Dk="M13.59,7.41L9,12L13.59,16.6L15,15.18L11.82,12L15,8.82M19,3C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19Z",Ek="M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M10.09,7.41L11.5,8.82L8.32,12L11.5,15.18L10.09,16.6L5.5,12M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Nk="M6,15H8V17H6M11,13H18V15H11M11,9H18V11H11M6,7H8V13H6M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Wk="M11,6.5V9.33L8.33,12L11,14.67V17.5L5.5,12M13,6.43L18.57,12L13,17.57V14.74L15.74,12L13,9.26M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Ik="M17.62,3C19.13,5.27 20,8.55 20,12C20,15.44 19.13,18.72 17.62,21L16,19.96C17.26,18.07 18,15.13 18,12C18,8.87 17.26,5.92 16,4.03L17.62,3M6.38,3L8,4.04C6.74,5.92 6,8.87 6,12C6,15.13 6.74,18.08 8,19.96L6.38,21C4.87,18.73 4,15.45 4,12C4,8.55 4.87,5.27 6.38,3Z",Gk="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 17.3L8.4 18C6.9 16.5 6 14.3 6 12S6.9 7.5 8.4 6L10 6.7C8.7 7.9 8 9.9 8 12S8.7 16.1 10 17.3M15.6 18L14 17.3C15.3 16 16 14.1 16 12S15.3 7.9 14 6.7L15.6 6C17.1 7.5 18 9.7 18 12C18 14.3 17.1 16.5 15.6 18Z",Qk="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M12.5,11H11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,8H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5H16A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12.5,6H11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 11.5,13H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,16H11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,14.5H8A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 11.5,18H12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 16,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12.5,11Z",Uk="M14.6,16.6L19.2,12L14.6,7.4L16,6L22,12L16,18L14.6,16.6M9.4,16.6L4.8,12L9.4,7.4L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.4,16.6Z",zk="M6.59,3.41L2,8L6.59,12.6L8,11.18L4.82,8L8,4.82L6.59,3.41M12.41,3.41L11,4.82L14.18,8L11,11.18L12.41,12.6L17,8L12.41,3.41M21.59,11.59L13.5,19.68L9.83,16L8.42,17.41L13.5,22.5L23,13L21.59,11.59Z",_k="M8.21 12L6.88 12.89V11.11L8.21 12M11.47 9.82V7.34L7.31 10.12L9.16 11.36L11.47 9.82M16.7 10.12L12.53 7.34V9.82L14.84 11.36L16.7 10.12M7.31 13.88L11.47 16.66V14.18L9.16 12.64L7.31 13.88M12.53 14.18V16.66L16.7 13.88L14.84 12.64L12.53 14.18M12 10.74L10.12 12L12 13.26L13.88 12L12 10.74M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M18.18 10.12C18.18 10.09 18.18 10.07 18.18 10.05L18.17 10L18.17 10L18.16 9.95C18.15 9.94 18.15 9.93 18.14 9.91L18.13 9.89L18.11 9.85L18.1 9.83L18.08 9.8L18.06 9.77L18.03 9.74L18 9.72L18 9.7L17.96 9.68L17.95 9.67L12.3 5.91C12.12 5.79 11.89 5.79 11.71 5.91L6.05 9.67L6.05 9.68L6 9.7C6 9.71 6 9.72 6 9.72L5.97 9.74L5.94 9.77L5.93 9.8L5.9 9.83L5.89 9.85L5.87 9.89L5.86 9.91L5.84 9.95L5.84 10L5.83 10L5.82 10.05C5.82 10.07 5.82 10.09 5.82 10.12V13.88C5.82 13.91 5.82 13.93 5.82 13.95L5.83 14L5.84 14L5.84 14.05C5.85 14.06 5.85 14.07 5.86 14.09L5.87 14.11L5.89 14.15L5.9 14.17L5.92 14.2L5.94 14.23C5.95 14.24 5.96 14.25 5.97 14.26L6 14.28L6 14.3L6.04 14.32L6.05 14.33L11.71 18.1C11.79 18.16 11.9 18.18 12 18.18C12.1 18.18 12.21 18.15 12.3 18.1L17.95 14.33L17.96 14.32L18 14.3L18 14.28L18.03 14.26L18.06 14.23L18.08 14.2L18.1 14.17L18.11 14.15L18.13 14.11L18.14 14.09L18.16 14.05L18.16 14L18.17 14L18.18 13.95C18.18 13.93 18.18 13.91 18.18 13.88V10.12M17.12 12.89V11.11L15.79 12L17.12 12.89Z",Kk="M2,21H20V19H2M20,8H18V5H20M20,3H4V13A4,4 0 0,0 8,17H14A4,4 0 0,0 18,13V10H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,8V5C22,3.89 21.1,3 20,3Z",jk="M18 6V4H20V2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H20V20H15.97C17.2 19.09 18 17.64 18 16V11H8V16C8 17.64 8.81 19.09 10.03 20H6V4H8V6C8 6.55 8.45 7 9 7H17C17.55 7 18 6.55 18 6M13 8C13.55 8 14 8.45 14 9S13.55 10 13 10 12 9.55 12 9 12.45 8 13 8Z",qk="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M13 18C13 15.78 14.21 13.85 16 12.81V11H6V16C6 17.64 6.81 19.09 8.03 20H4V4H6V6C6 6.55 6.45 7 7 7H15C15.55 7 16 6.55 16 6V4H18V2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H14.54C13.58 20.94 13 19.54 13 18M10 9C10 9.55 10.45 10 11 10S12 9.55 12 9 11.55 8 11 8 10 8.45 10 9Z",$k="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M13 18.21C12.5 18.7 11.78 19 11 19C9.35 19 8 17.65 8 16V13H14V14.69C14.5 13.92 15.2 13.27 16 12.81V11H6V16C6 17.64 6.81 19.09 8.03 20H4V4H6V6C6 6.55 6.45 7 7 7H15C15.55 7 16 6.55 16 6V4H18V2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H14.54C13.63 21 13.06 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18C7.74 18.19 8 18.37 8.26 18.53L9.91 17.13C9.14 16.8 8.46 16.31 7.91 15.68L5.5 16.68L4.73 15.38L6.8 13.8C6.4 12.63 6.4 11.37 6.8 10.2L4.69 8.65L5.44 7.35L7.85 8.35C8.63 7.45 9.68 6.82 10.85 6.57L11.25 4H12.75L13.12 6.62C14.29 6.86 15.34 7.5 16.12 8.39L18.53 7.39L19.28 8.69L17.2 10.2C17.29 10.46 17.36 10.73 17.4 11H19.4L21.5 9.37C21.72 9.23 21.78 8.95 21.66 8.73M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.91 9.35 15.54 11.21 15.92L16 11.86C15.93 9.71 14.16 8 12 8M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.91 9.35 15.54 11.21 15.92L16 11.86C15.93 9.71 14.16 8 12 8M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14Z",hB="M15.9,18.45C17.25,18.45 18.35,17.35 18.35,16C18.35,14.65 17.25,13.55 15.9,13.55C14.54,13.55 13.45,14.65 13.45,16C13.45,17.35 14.54,18.45 15.9,18.45M21.1,16.68L22.58,17.84C22.71,17.95 22.75,18.13 22.66,18.29L21.26,20.71C21.17,20.86 21,20.92 20.83,20.86L19.09,20.16C18.73,20.44 18.33,20.67 17.91,20.85L17.64,22.7C17.62,22.87 17.47,23 17.3,23H14.5C14.32,23 14.18,22.87 14.15,22.7L13.89,20.85C13.46,20.67 13.07,20.44 12.71,20.16L10.96,20.86C10.81,20.92 10.62,20.86 10.54,20.71L9.14,18.29C9.05,18.13 9.09,17.95 9.22,17.84L10.7,16.68L10.65,16L10.7,15.31L9.22,14.16C9.09,14.05 9.05,13.86 9.14,13.71L10.54,11.29C10.62,11.13 10.81,11.07 10.96,11.13L12.71,11.84C13.07,11.56 13.46,11.32 13.89,11.15L14.15,9.29C14.18,9.13 14.32,9 14.5,9H17.3C17.47,9 17.62,9.13 17.64,9.29L17.91,11.15C18.33,11.32 18.73,11.56 19.09,11.84L20.83,11.13C21,11.07 21.17,11.13 21.26,11.29L22.66,13.71C22.75,13.86 22.71,14.05 22.58,14.16L21.1,15.31L21.15,16L21.1,16.68M6.69,8.07C7.56,8.07 8.26,7.37 8.26,6.5C8.26,5.63 7.56,4.92 6.69,4.92A1.58,1.58 0 0,0 5.11,6.5C5.11,7.37 5.82,8.07 6.69,8.07M10.03,6.94L11,7.68C11.07,7.75 11.09,7.87 11.03,7.97L10.13,9.53C10.08,9.63 9.96,9.67 9.86,9.63L8.74,9.18L8,9.62L7.81,10.81C7.79,10.92 7.7,11 7.59,11H5.79C5.67,11 5.58,10.92 5.56,10.81L5.4,9.62L4.64,9.18L3.5,9.63C3.41,9.67 3.3,9.63 3.24,9.53L2.34,7.97C2.28,7.87 2.31,7.75 2.39,7.68L3.34,6.94L3.31,6.5L3.34,6.06L2.39,5.32C2.31,5.25 2.28,5.13 2.34,5.03L3.24,3.47C3.3,3.37 3.41,3.33 3.5,3.37L4.63,3.82L5.4,3.38L5.56,2.19C5.58,2.08 5.67,2 5.79,2H7.59C7.7,2 7.79,2.08 7.81,2.19L8,3.38L8.74,3.82L9.86,3.37C9.96,3.33 10.08,3.37 10.13,3.47L11.03,5.03C11.09,5.13 11.07,5.25 11,5.32L10.03,6.06L10.06,6.5L10.03,6.94Z",pB="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.89,21 5,21H11V3M13,3V11H21V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3M13,13V21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V13",fB="M14,4H4V14H2V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H14V4M18,6H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M20,15H12V17H20V15Z",gB="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M19,17H13V15H19V17Z",kB="M0,24H24V20H0V24Z",BB="M7,3H16.95V12.96L12.96,20.94H8L11.97,12.96H7V3Z",PB="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,13V7H9V13H12L10,17H13L15,13Z",wB="M10,17L12,13H9V7H15V13L13,17H10M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",FB="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M15,13L13,17H10L12,13H9V7H15V13Z",TB="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M10,17H13L15,13V7H9V13H12L10,17Z",bB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9Z",yB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M16,14V13C16,11.67 13.33,11 12,11C10.67,11 8,11.67 8,13V14H16M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6Z",RB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M16,14H8V13C8,11.67 10.67,11 12,11C13.33,11 16,11.67 16,13V14M12,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,6Z",xB="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M13 11V5H11V11M13 15V13H11V15H13Z",DB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M13,10H11V6H13V10M13,14H11V12H13V14Z",EB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16 11H11.5L13.3 12.8L12 14L8 10L12 6L13.2 7.2L11.5 9H16V11Z",NB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H13.1L10 19.1V16H4V4H20V16M16 11V9H11.5L13.3 7.2L12 6L8 10L12 14L13.2 12.8L11.5 11H16Z",WB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14L10.8 12.8L12.6 11H8V9H12.5L10.7 7.2L12 6L16 10L12 14Z",IB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H13.1L10 19.1V16H4V4H20V16M8 9V11H12.5L10.7 12.8L12 14L16 10L12 6L10.8 7.2L12.5 9H8Z",GB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M19 13L16.5 11.5L14 13V5H19V13Z",QB="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.1L13.1 16H20V4H4V16H10M18 14V6H13V14L15.5 12.5L18 14Z",UB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",zB="M9 22C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.08L13.08 16H20V4H4V16H10M15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6",_B="M20 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M9.08 15H7V12.91L13.17 6.72L15.24 8.8L9.08 15M16.84 7.2L15.83 8.21L13.76 6.18L14.77 5.16C14.97 4.95 15.31 4.94 15.55 5.16L16.84 6.41C17.05 6.62 17.06 6.96 16.84 7.2Z",KB="M9 22C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.08L13.08 16H20V4H4V16H10M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",jB="M20,12V16C20,17.11 19.11,18 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.89 9.76,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4H9.5C8.95,4.67 8.5,5.42 8.14,6.25L7.85,7L8.14,7.75C9.43,10.94 12.5,13 16,13C17.44,13 18.8,12.63 20,12M16,6C16.56,6 17,6.44 17,7C17,7.56 16.56,8 16,8C15.44,8 15,7.56 15,7C15,6.44 15.44,6 16,6M16,3C18.73,3 21.06,4.66 22,7C21.06,9.34 18.73,11 16,11C13.27,11 10.94,9.34 10,7C10.94,4.66 13.27,3 16,3M16,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,4.5",qB="M16,6C16.56,6 17,6.44 17,7C17,7.56 16.56,8 16,8C15.44,8 15,7.56 15,7C15,6.44 15.44,6 16,6M16,3C18.73,3 21.06,4.66 22,7C21.06,9.34 18.73,11 16,11C13.27,11 10.94,9.34 10,7C10.94,4.66 13.27,3 16,3M16,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,4.5M18,12.75V16H13.08L10,19.08V16H4V6H8.27C8.59,5.27 9,4.6 9.5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V16C2,17.11 2.9,18 4,18H8V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,22H9.5C9.75,22 10,21.9 10.2,21.71L13.9,18H18C19.11,18 20,17.11 20,16V12C19.37,12.33 18.7,12.58 18,12.75Z",$B="M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16M15 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H15V18Z",XB="M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16M15 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H20V4H4V16H10V19.1L13.1 16H15V18Z",YB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",JB="M16 11H8V9H16V11M22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4M20 4H4V16H10V19.08L13.08 16H20V4",CP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15Z",HP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7C5,5.89 5.9,5 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.9 12.75,23 12.5,23V23H12M13,17V20.08L16.08,17H21V7H7V17H13M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15Z",VP="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H5.2L20.95 17.75C21.57 17.41 22 16.76 22 16Z",LP="M7.2 4L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75L19.2 16H20V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 3.97 2 3.93 2 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14.11 16L4 5.89V16H10V19.08L13.08 16H14.11Z",MP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10Z",AP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22H9M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",iP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6Z",rP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M17,11V9H15V11H17M13,11V9H11V11H13M9,11V9H7V11H9Z",aP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M17,11H15V9H17V11M13,11H11V9H13V11M9,11H7V9H9V11Z",eP="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2M12.19,5.5C11.3,5.5 10.59,5.68 10.05,6.04C9.5,6.4 9.22,7 9.27,7.69H11.24C11.24,7.41 11.34,7.2 11.5,7.06C11.7,6.92 11.92,6.85 12.19,6.85C12.5,6.85 12.77,6.93 12.95,7.11C13.13,7.28 13.22,7.5 13.22,7.8C13.22,8.08 13.14,8.33 13,8.54C12.83,8.76 12.62,8.94 12.36,9.08C11.84,9.4 11.5,9.68 11.29,9.92C11.1,10.16 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.72 13.05,10.5 13.14,10.32C13.23,10.15 13.4,10 13.66,9.85C14.12,9.64 14.5,9.36 14.79,9C15.08,8.63 15.23,8.24 15.23,7.8C15.23,7.1 14.96,6.54 14.42,6.12C13.88,5.71 13.13,5.5 12.19,5.5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",dP="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H8V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,22H9.5V22C9.75,22 10,21.9 10.2,21.71L13.9,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2H4M4,4H20V16H13.08L10,19.08V16H4V4M12.19,5.5C11.3,5.5 10.59,5.68 10.05,6.04C9.5,6.4 9.22,7 9.27,7.69C0.21,7.69 6.57,7.69 11.24,7.69C11.24,7.41 11.34,7.2 11.5,7.06C11.7,6.92 11.92,6.85 12.19,6.85C12.5,6.85 12.77,6.93 12.95,7.11C13.13,7.28 13.22,7.5 13.22,7.8C13.22,8.08 13.14,8.33 13,8.54C12.83,8.76 12.62,8.94 12.36,9.08C11.84,9.4 11.5,9.68 11.29,9.92C11.1,10.16 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.72 13.05,10.5 13.14,10.32C13.23,10.15 13.4,10 13.66,9.85C14.12,9.64 14.5,9.36 14.79,9C15.08,8.63 15.23,8.24 15.23,7.8C15.23,7.1 14.96,6.54 14.42,6.12C13.88,5.71 13.13,5.5 12.19,5.5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",mP="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M11 13H7V8.8L8.3 6H10.3L8.9 9H11V13M17 13H13V8.8L14.3 6H16.3L14.9 9H17V13Z",tP="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.1L13.1 16H20V4H4V16H10M16.3 6L14.9 9H17V13H13V8.8L14.3 6H16.3M10.3 6L8.9 9H11V13H7V8.8L8.3 6H10.3Z",vP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M9.41,6L8,7.41L10.59,10L8,12.59L9.41,14L12,11.41L14.59,14L16,12.59L13.41,10L16,7.41L14.59,6L12,8.59L9.41,6Z",lP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M9.41,6L12,8.59L14.59,6L16,7.41L13.41,10L16,12.59L14.59,14L12,11.41L9.41,14L8,12.59L10.59,10L8,7.41L9.41,6Z",oP="M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.2 19.31,8.89L22.41,12L21,13.39L17.89,10.31C17.2,10.75 16.38,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4M4,4H9.5C9.19,4.79 9,5.64 9,6.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,13C16.18,13 16.83,12.89 17.46,12.69L20,15.23V16A2,2 0 0,1 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.89 9.76,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4Z",nP="M4,4H9.5C9.25,4.64 9.09,5.31 9.04,6H4V16H10V19.08L13.08,16H18V13.23L20,15.23V16A2,2 0 0,1 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.2 19.31,8.89L22.41,12L21,13.39L17.89,10.31C17.2,10.75 16.38,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4Z",ZP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M5,5V7H19V5H5M5,9V11H13V9H5M5,13V15H15V13H5Z",SP="M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M9,9V11H19V9H9M9,13V15H17V13H9Z",uP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M13,17V20.08L16.08,17H21V7H7V17H13M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15M9,9H19V11H9V9M9,13H17V15H9V13Z",cP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H15V13H6V11Z",sP="M19,3H14V5H19V18L14,12V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10,18H5L10,12M10,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H10V23H12V1H10V3Z",OP="M9 14H2V16H9V19L13 15L9 11V14M15 13V10H22V8H15V5L11 9L15 13Z",hP="M19 5H14V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.4C20.4 13.2 19.7 13 19 13V5M10 1H12V23H10V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H10V1M10 12L5 18H10V12M15.7 14L14 12V15.7C14.4 15 15 14.5 15.7 14M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",pP="M14 15V22H16V15H19L15 11L11 15H14M13 9H10V2H8V9H5L9 13L13 9Z",fP="M14.19,14.19L6,18L9.81,9.81L18,6M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,10.9A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 10.9,12A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 12,13.1A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 13.1,12A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 12,10.9Z",gP="M1,3.5L2.28,2.25L21.75,21.72L20.5,23L17.7,20.22C16.08,21.34 14.12,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.88 2.66,7.92 3.78,6.3L1,3.5M6,18L12.47,15L9,11.53L6,18M18,6L11.56,9L6.33,3.76C7.94,2.65 9.9,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,14.1 21.35,16.06 20.24,17.67L15,12.44L18,6Z",kP="M1,3.5L2.28,2.25L21.75,21.72L20.5,23L17.7,20.22C16.08,21.34 14.12,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.88 2.66,7.92 3.78,6.3L1,3.5M7,17L9.39,11.91L5.23,7.74C4.45,9 4,10.44 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C13.56,20 15,19.55 16.26,18.77L12.09,14.61L7,17M17,7L14.62,12.05L11.95,9.38L17,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,14.1 21.35,16.06 20.24,17.67L18.8,16.22C19.56,15 20,13.55 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4C10.45,4 9,4.44 7.78,5.2L6.33,3.76C7.94,2.65 9.9,2 12,2Z",BP="M7,17L10.2,10.2L17,7L13.8,13.8L7,17M12,11.1A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 11.1,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12.9,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12,11.1M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",PP="M15 9L12 0L9 9L0 12L9 15L12 24L15 15L24 12L15 9M4 12L10 10L11 12H4M12 20L10 14L12 13V20M12 4L14 10L12 11V4M14 14L13 12H20L14 14M8.7 17.3L5 19L6.7 15.3L8.3 15.8L8.7 17.3M17.3 15.3L19 19L15.3 17.3L15.8 15.7L17.3 15.3M6.7 8.7L5 5L8.7 6.7L8.2 8.2L6.7 8.7M15.3 6.7L19 5L17.3 8.7L15.7 8.2L15.3 6.7Z",wP="M18.92 14C18.64 15.97 17.53 17.68 15.96 18.76C15.76 17.93 14.53 17.25 12.92 17.06C13.09 15.87 13.44 14.76 13.68 14.12C14.06 14.36 14.5 14.5 15 14.5C18.55 14.5 18 8.5 18 8.5S17.5 9.5 16 9.5H15C13.62 9.5 12.5 10.62 12.5 12C12.5 12.5 12.64 12.93 12.87 13.31C13.53 12.62 14.24 12 15 11.5C13.68 12.83 12.67 14.5 12 16.1C11.37 14.87 10.58 13.93 10 13.5C10.47 13.7 10.91 14 11.33 14.3C11.44 14.06 11.5 13.79 11.5 13.5C11.45 10.77 7 11 7 11C7.31 11.42 7.5 11.95 7.5 12.5V13.5C7.5 14.6 8.4 15.5 9.5 15.5C10 15.5 10.45 15.32 10.8 15C11.03 15.63 11.2 16.35 11.29 17.04C9.57 17.19 8.25 17.89 8.04 18.77C6.21 17.5 5 15.39 5 13C5 9.14 8.14 6 12 6V9L17 5L12 1V4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C16.63 22 20.44 18.5 20.94 14H18.92Z",FP="M21.62 16.68H21.62L12.85 2.5C12.66 2.16 12.33 2 12 2C11.67 2 11.34 2.16 11.15 2.47L2.38 16.65H2.4C2.15 17.04 2 17.5 2 18C2 19.5 3.3 22 12 22C15.74 22 22 21.5 22 18C22 17.61 21.91 17.15 21.62 16.68M12 4.9L18 14.58C16.53 14.23 14.6 14 12 14C10.25 14 7.96 14.12 6 14.6L12 4.9M12 20C7.58 20 4 19.11 4 18C4 16.9 7.58 16 12 16S20 16.9 20 18C20 19.11 16.42 20 12 20Z",TP="M10.5 7.31L9.06 5.86L11.15 2.47C11.34 2.16 11.67 2 12 2C12.33 2 12.66 2.16 12.85 2.5L21.62 16.68H21.62C21.91 17.15 22 17.61 22 18C22 18.25 21.96 18.5 21.9 18.7L17.73 14.53C17.81 14.55 17.9 14.56 18 14.58L12 4.9L10.5 7.31M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.17 21.06C17.03 21.83 14.11 22 12 22C3.3 22 2 19.5 2 18C2 17.5 2.15 17.04 2.4 16.65H2.38L7.11 9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M6 14.6C7.96 14.12 10.25 14 12 14L12.11 14L8.56 10.45L6 14.6M17.55 19.44L14.19 16.08C13.5 16.03 12.76 16 12 16C7.58 16 4 16.9 4 18S7.58 20 12 20C14.16 20 16.11 19.79 17.55 19.44Z",bP="M21.4 7.5C22.2 8.3 22.2 9.6 21.4 10.3L18.6 13.1L10.8 5.3L13.6 2.5C14.4 1.7 15.7 1.7 16.4 2.5L18.2 4.3L21.2 1.3L22.6 2.7L19.6 5.7L21.4 7.5M15.6 13.3L14.2 11.9L11.4 14.7L9.3 12.6L12.1 9.8L10.7 8.4L7.9 11.2L6.4 9.8L3.6 12.6C2.8 13.4 2.8 14.7 3.6 15.4L5.4 17.2L1.4 21.2L2.8 22.6L6.8 18.6L8.6 20.4C9.4 21.2 10.7 21.2 11.4 20.4L14.2 17.6L12.8 16.2L15.6 13.3Z",yP="M20,19V7H4V19H20M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5C2,3.89 2.9,3 4,3H20M13,17V15H18V17H13M9.58,13L5.57,9H8.4L11.7,12.3C12.09,12.69 12.09,13.33 11.7,13.72L8.42,17H5.59L9.58,13Z",RP="M13,19V16H21V19H13M8.5,13L2.47,7H6.71L11.67,11.95C12.25,12.54 12.25,13.5 11.67,14.07L6.74,19H2.5L8.5,13Z",xP="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M7,7L11,11L7,15H9.85L13.13,11.72C13.5,11.33 13.5,10.7 13.13,10.3L9.83,7H7M17,13H14V15H17V13Z",DP="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M8,6.89L11.56,10.45L8,14H10.53L13.45,11.08C13.78,10.74 13.78,10.18 13.45,9.82L10.5,6.89H8M16,12.22H13.33V14H16V12.22Z",EP="M18 9H20V4H22V9A2 2 0 0 1 20 11H18V13L15 10L18 7M14 10A2 2 0 1 0 12 12A2 2 0 0 0 14 10M2 11V16H4V11H6V13L9 10L6 7V9H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 11M15 16L12 13L9 16H11V18A2 2 0 0 0 13 20H18V18H13V16",NP="M16.79,23C16.37,22.83 16.07,22.45 16,22C15.95,21.74 16,21.56 16.4,20.84C17.9,18.14 18.67,15.09 18.63,12C18.67,9 17.94,6.07 16.5,3.44C16.29,3 16.1,2.58 15.94,2.13C16,1.75 16.19,1.4 16.5,1.19C16.95,0.95 17.5,1 17.91,1.28C18.19,1.64 18.43,2 18.63,2.42C19.71,4.5 20.44,6.7 20.8,9C21.03,10.81 21.06,12.65 20.89,14.47C20.58,16.81 19.89,19.07 18.83,21.18C18.19,22.46 17.83,23 17.45,23C17.37,23 17.28,23 17.2,23C17.06,23 16.93,23 16.79,23V23M12.43,20.79C11.86,20.63 11.5,20.05 11.62,19.47C11.62,19.35 11.93,18.8 12.21,18.24C13.39,15.97 13.9,13.41 13.67,10.86C13.53,9.03 13,7.25 12.13,5.64C11.5,4.38 11.46,4.18 11.83,3.64C12.27,3.15 13,3.08 13.54,3.5C14.26,4.56 14.83,5.72 15.25,6.94C16.53,10.73 16.33,14.86 14.69,18.5C13.85,20.39 13.26,21 12.43,20.74V20.79M7.93,18.56C7.57,18.4 7.3,18.08 7.2,17.7C7.2,17.5 7.2,17.24 7.65,16.44C9.14,13.74 9.14,10.46 7.65,7.76C7,6.5 7,6.24 7.53,5.76C7.72,5.54 8,5.43 8.3,5.47C8.94,5.47 9.3,5.78 9.84,6.91C10.69,8.47 11.13,10.22 11.12,12C11.16,13.81 10.72,15.61 9.85,17.2C9.31,18.25 9.04,18.5 8.5,18.59C8.31,18.61 8.11,18.59 7.93,18.5V18.56M3.72,16.43C3.39,16.27 3.13,16 3,15.65C2.9,15.3 3,15 3.4,14.36C3.9,13.68 4.14,12.84 4.09,12C4.16,11.15 3.93,10.31 3.44,9.61C3.27,9.36 3.13,9.09 3,8.82C2.89,8.19 3.31,7.59 4,7.47C4.54,7.37 4.92,7.6 5.42,8.36C6.87,10.57 6.87,13.42 5.42,15.63C4.91,16.4 4.33,16.63 3.73,16.43H3.72Z",WP="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.43 14.44L7.07 13.83C7.35 13.27 7.5 12.67 7.5 12.05C7.5 11.39 7.35 10.76 7.07 10.17L8.43 9.56C8.81 10.37 9 11.2 9 12.05C9 12.8 8.81 13.6 8.43 14.44M11.53 15.94L10.22 15.29C10.75 14.16 11 13 11 11.86C11 10.73 10.75 9.69 10.22 8.71L11.53 7.96C12.19 9.12 12.5 10.42 12.5 11.86C12.5 13.33 12.19 14.69 11.53 15.94M14.68 17.35L13.31 16.65C14.1 15.11 14.5 13.57 14.5 12S14.1 8.87 13.31 7.31L14.68 6.65C15.55 8.43 16 10.22 16 12C16 13.82 15.55 15.6 14.68 17.35Z",IP="M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.43 14.44L7.07 13.83C7.35 13.27 7.5 12.67 7.5 12.05C7.5 11.39 7.35 10.76 7.07 10.17L8.43 9.56C8.81 10.37 9 11.2 9 12.05C9 12.8 8.81 13.6 8.43 14.44M11.53 15.94L10.22 15.29C10.75 14.16 11 13 11 11.86C11 10.73 10.75 9.69 10.22 8.71L11.53 7.96C12.19 9.12 12.5 10.42 12.5 11.86C12.5 13.33 12.19 14.69 11.53 15.94M14.68 17.35L13.31 16.65C14.1 15.11 14.5 13.57 14.5 12S14.1 8.87 13.31 7.31L14.68 6.65C15.55 8.43 16 10.22 16 12C16 13.82 15.55 15.6 14.68 17.35Z",GP="M20,0H4V2H20V0M4,24H20V22H4V24M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M12,6.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,11.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,6.75M17,17H7V15.5C7,13.83 10.33,13 12,13C13.67,13 17,13.83 17,15.5V17Z",QP="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M20 18H4V6H20V18M4 0H20V2H4M4 22H20V24H4M12 12C13.38 12 14.5 10.88 14.5 9.5S13.38 7 12 7 9.5 8.12 9.5 9.5 10.62 12 12 12M12 8.5C12.55 8.5 13 8.95 13 9.5S12.55 10.5 12 10.5 11 10.05 11 9.5 11.45 8.5 12 8.5M17 16C17 13.9 13.69 13 12 13S7 13.9 7 16V17H17V16M8.81 15.5C9.42 15 10.84 14.5 12 14.5C13.17 14.5 14.59 15 15.2 15.5H8.81Z",UP="M2,3H8V5H4V19H8V21H2V3M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15M22,3V21H16V19H20V5H16V3H22Z",zP="M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15M22,3V21H16V19H20V5H16V3H22Z",_P="M2,3H8V5H4V19H8V21H2V3M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15Z",KP="M19,21H8V7H19M19,5H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,7V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,21V7A2,2 0 0,0 19,5M16,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V17H4V3H16V1Z",jP="M19,3L13,9L15,11L22,4V3M12,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,12.5M6,20A2,2 0 0,1 4,18C4,16.89 4.9,16 6,16A2,2 0 0,1 8,18C8,19.11 7.1,20 6,20M6,8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6C4,4.89 4.9,4 6,4A2,2 0 0,1 8,6C8,7.11 7.1,8 6,8M9.64,7.64C9.87,7.14 10,6.59 10,6A4,4 0 0,0 6,2A4,4 0 0,0 2,6A4,4 0 0,0 6,10C6.59,10 7.14,9.87 7.64,9.64L10,12L7.64,14.36C7.14,14.13 6.59,14 6,14A4,4 0 0,0 2,18A4,4 0 0,0 6,22A4,4 0 0,0 10,18C10,17.41 9.87,16.86 9.64,16.36L12,14L19,21H22V20L9.64,7.64Z",qP="M11,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V3A2,2 0 0,1 4,1H16V3H4V15H11V13L15,16L11,19V17M19,21V7H8V13H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,21V19H8V21H19Z",$P="M19,20H5V4H7V7H17V4H19M12,2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3A1,1 0 0,1 12,4A1,1 0 0,1 11,3A1,1 0 0,1 12,2M19,2H14.82C14.4,0.84 13.3,0 12,0C10.7,0 9.6,0.84 9.18,2H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2Z",XP="M15,9H5V5H15M12,19A3,3 0 0,1 9,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 15,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,19M17,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V7L17,3Z",YP="M13 9H3V5H13M10 19C8.3 19 7 17.7 7 16S8.3 13 10 13 13 14.3 13 16 11.7 19 10 19M15 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V7L15 3M23 13H21V7H23V13M23 17H21V15H23V17Z",JP="M15 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V7L15 3M17 19H3V5H14.2L17 7.8V19M10 12C8.3 12 7 13.3 7 15S8.3 18 10 18 13 16.7 13 15 11.7 12 10 12M4 6H13V10H4V6M23 13H21V7H23V13M23 17H21V15H23V17Z",Cw="M17,7V3H7V7H17M14,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,11A3,3 0 0,0 11,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,17M19,1L23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H19M1,7H3V21H17V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V7Z",Hw="M1 7H3V21H17V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V7M19 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.9 5 3V17C5 18.1 5.89 19 7 19H21C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V5L19 1M21 17H7V3H18.17L21 5.83V17M14 10C12.34 10 11 11.34 11 13S12.34 16 14 16 17 14.66 17 13 15.66 10 14 10M8 4H17V8H8V4Z",Vw="M17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.81C11.42 20.34 11.17 19.6 11.07 18.84C9.5 18.31 8.66 16.6 9.2 15.03C9.61 13.83 10.73 13 12 13C12.44 13 12.88 13.1 13.28 13.29C15.57 11.5 18.83 11.59 21 13.54V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M15.75 21L13 18L14.16 16.84L15.75 18.43L19.34 14.84L20.5 16.25L15.75 21",Lw="M14 12.8C13.5 12.31 12.78 12 12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15C9 16.31 9.84 17.41 11 17.82C11.07 15.67 12.27 13.8 14 12.8M11.09 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.35C19.75 12.61 20.42 13 21 13.54V7L17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.81C11.46 20.39 11.21 19.72 11.09 19M6 10H15V6H6V10M15.75 21L13 18L14.16 16.84L15.75 18.43L19.34 14.84L20.5 16.25L15.75 21",Mw="M21 11.7V7L17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11.7C11.4 20.3 11.2 19.6 11.1 18.8C9.9 18.4 9 17.3 9 16C9 14.3 10.3 13 12 13C12.3 13 12.6 13.1 12.9 13.2C14.2 11.8 16 11 18 11C19.1 11 20.1 11.2 21 11.7M15 9H5V5H15V9M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 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22.8L16.6 21.5C16.3 21.4 16 21.2 15.8 21L14.6 21.5C14.5 21.5 14.4 21.5 14.3 21.4L13.3 19.7C13.2 19.6 13.3 19.5 13.4 19.4L14.5 18.6V17.6L13.4 16.8C13.3 16.7 13.3 16.6 13.3 16.5L14.3 14.8C14.4 14.7 14.5 14.7 14.6 14.7L15.8 15.2C16.1 15 16.3 14.9 16.6 14.7L16.8 13.4C16.8 13.3 16.9 13.2 17.1 13.2H19.1C19.2 13.2 19.3 13.3 19.3 13.4L19.5 14.7C19.8 14.8 20.1 15 20.4 15.2L21.6 14.7C21.7 14.7 21.9 14.7 21.9 14.8L22.9 16.5C23 16.6 22.9 16.7 22.8 16.8L21.7 17.6V18.6L22.8 19.4C22.9 19.4 22.9 19.5 22.8 19.6M19.5 18C19.5 17.2 18.8 16.5 18 16.5S16.5 17.2 16.5 18 17.2 19.5 18 19.5C18.8 19.5 19.5 18.8 19.5 18Z",iw="M10,19L10.14,18.86C8.9,18.5 8,17.36 8,16A3,3 0 0,1 11,13C12.36,13 13.5,13.9 13.86,15.14L20,9V7L16,3H4C2.89,3 2,3.9 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H10V19M4,5H14V9H4V5M20.04,12.13C19.9,12.13 19.76,12.19 19.65,12.3L18.65,13.3L20.7,15.35L21.7,14.35C21.92,14.14 21.92,13.79 21.7,13.58L20.42,12.3C20.31,12.19 20.18,12.13 20.04,12.13M18.07,13.88L12,19.94V22H14.06L20.12,15.93L18.07,13.88Z",rw="M4 19H10V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.9 2.89 3 4 3H16L20 7V9.12L18 11.12V7.83L15.17 5H4V19M14 10V6H5V10H14M20.42 12.3C20.31 12.19 20.18 12.13 20.04 12.13C19.9 12.13 19.76 12.19 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.92 14.14 21.92 13.79 21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3M12 19.94V22H14.06L20.12 15.93L18.07 13.88L12 19.94M14 15C14 13.34 12.66 12 11 12S8 13.34 8 15 9.34 18 11 18C11.04 18 11.08 18 11.13 18L14 15.13C14 15.09 14 15.05 14 15",aw="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19L12 19C10.34 19 9 17.66 9 16S10.34 13 12 13C12.68 13 13.34 13.23 13.87 13.65C15 12.59 16.46 12 18 12C19.05 12 20.09 12.28 21 12.81V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",ew="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.08C19.7 12.2 20.38 12.45 21 12.81V7L17 3H5M6 6V10H15V6H6M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18C12 16.11 12.89 14.34 14.39 13.21C13.85 12.5 13 12 12 12M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",dw="M17,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H11.81C11.42,20.34 11.17,19.6 11.07,18.84C9.5,18.31 8.66,16.6 9.2,15.03C9.61,13.83 10.73,13 12,13C12.44,13 12.88,13.1 13.28,13.29C15.57,11.5 18.83,11.59 21,13.54V7L17,3M15,9H5V5H15V9M13,17H17V14L22,18.5L17,23V20H13V17",mw="M13 17H17V14L22 18.5L17 23V20H13V17M14 12.8C13.5 12.31 12.78 12 12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15C9 16.31 9.84 17.41 11 17.82C11.07 15.67 12.27 13.8 14 12.8M11.09 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.35C19.75 12.61 20.42 13 21 13.54V7L17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.81C11.46 20.39 11.21 19.72 11.09 19M6 10H15V6H6V10Z",tw="M8.2 5L6.2 3H17L21 7V17.8L12.2 9H15V5H8.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M7.11 9L5 6.89V9H7.11M14.89 16.78L11.22 13.11C9.95 13.46 9 14.61 9 16C9 17.66 10.34 19 12 19C13.39 19 14.54 18.05 14.89 16.78Z",vw="M8.2 5L6.2 3H17L21 7V17.8L19 15.8V7.83L16.17 5H8.2M15 10V6H9.2L13.2 10H15M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17.11 19L14.59 16.5C14.08 17.39 13.12 18 12 18C10.34 18 9 16.66 9 15C9 13.88 9.61 12.92 10.5 12.41L8.11 10H6V7.89L5 6.89V19H17.11Z",lw="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V7L17 3M19 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V19M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18 15 16.66 15 15 13.66 12 12 12M6 6H15V10H6V6Z",ow="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19L12 19C10.34 19 9 17.66 9 16S10.34 13 12 13C12.68 13 13.34 13.23 13.87 13.65C15 12.59 16.46 12 18 12C19.05 12 20.09 12.28 21 12.81V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",nw="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.08C19.7 12.2 20.38 12.45 21 12.81V7L17 3H5M6 6V10H15V6H6M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18C12 16.11 12.89 14.34 14.39 13.21C13.85 12.5 13 12 12 12M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",Zw="M15,8V4H5V8H15M12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,12A3,3 0 0,0 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,18M17,2L21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5C3.89,20 3,19.1 3,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 5,2H17M11,22H13V24H11V22M7,22H9V24H7V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",Sw="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22M17 2H5C3.89 2 3 2.9 3 4V18C3 19.1 3.89 20 5 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V6L17 2M19 18H5V4H16.17L19 6.83V18M12 11C10.34 11 9 12.34 9 14S10.34 17 12 17 15 15.66 15 14 13.66 11 12 11M6 5H15V9H6V5Z",uw="M4.38,20.9C3.78,20.71 3.3,20.23 3.1,19.63L19.63,3.1C20.23,3.3 20.71,3.78 20.9,4.38L4.38,20.9M20,16V18H13V16H20M3,6H6V3H8V6H11V8H8V11H6V8H3V6Z",cw="M17,15.5H12V17H17M19,19H5L19,5M5.5,7.5H7.5V5.5H9V7.5H11V9H9V11H7.5V9H5.5M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",sw="M12,20C9.79,20 7.79,19.1 6.34,17.66L17.66,6.34C19.1,7.79 20,9.79 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M6,8H8V6H9.5V8H11.5V9.5H9.5V11.5H8V9.5H6M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,16H17V14.5H12V16Z",Ow="M7.97,16L5,19C4.67,19.3 4.23,19.5 3.75,19.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 2,17.75V17.5L3,10.12C3.21,7.81 5.14,6 7.5,6H16.5C18.86,6 20.79,7.81 21,10.12L22,17.5V17.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 20.25,19.5C19.77,19.5 19.33,19.3 19,19L16.03,16H7.97M7,8V10H5V11H7V13H8V11H10V10H8V8H7M16.5,8A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,9.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,8M14.75,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,9.75M18.25,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 19,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,9.75M16.5,11.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,11.5Z",hw="M6,7H18A5,5 0 0,1 23,12A5,5 0 0,1 18,17C16.36,17 14.91,16.21 14,15H10C9.09,16.21 7.64,17 6,17A5,5 0 0,1 1,12A5,5 0 0,1 6,7M19.75,9.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 18.5,10.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 19.75,12A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 21,10.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 19.75,9.5M17.25,12A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,13.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,14.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 18.5,13.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,12M5,9V11H3V13H5V15H7V13H9V11H7V9H5Z",pw="M17.5,7A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 23,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 17.5,18C15.79,18 14.27,17.22 13.26,16H10.74C9.73,17.22 8.21,18 6.5,18A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 1,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 6.5,7H17.5M6.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 3,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 6.5,16C7.9,16 9.1,15.18 9.66,14H14.34C14.9,15.18 16.1,16 17.5,16A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 21,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17.5,9H6.5M5.75,10.25H7.25V11.75H8.75V13.25H7.25V14.75H5.75V13.25H4.25V11.75H5.75V10.25M16.75,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.75,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 16.75,14.5A1,1 0 0,1 15.75,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 16.75,12.5M18.75,10.5A1,1 0 0,1 19.75,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 18.75,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.75,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 18.75,10.5Z",fw="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.73,16H7.97L5,19C4.67,19.3 4.23,19.5 3.75,19.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 2,17.75V17.5L3,10.12C3.1,9.09 3.53,8.17 4.19,7.46L2,5.27M5,10V11H7V13H8V11.27L6.73,10H5M16.5,6C18.86,6 20.79,7.81 21,10.12L22,17.5V17.75C22,18.41 21.64,19 21.1,19.28L7.82,6H16.5M16.5,8A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,9.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,8M14.75,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,9.75M18.25,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 19,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,9.75M16.5,11.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,11.5Z",gw="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12C21,11.5 20.96,11 20.87,10.5C20.6,10 20,10 20,10H18V9C18,8 17,8 17,8H15V7C15,6 14,6 14,6H13V4C13,3 12,3 12,3M9.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,6M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M11.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M16.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,16H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5H15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13M11,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,16Z",kw="M18 10H16V9C16 8 15 8 15 8H13V7C13 6 12 6 12 6H11V4C11 3 10 3 10 3C5 3 1 7 1 12S5 21 10 21 19 17 19 12C19 11.5 19 11 18.9 10.5C18.6 10 18 10 18 10M4.5 13C3.7 13 3 12.3 3 11.5S3.7 10 4.5 10 6 10.7 6 11.5 5.3 13 4.5 13M6 7.5C6 6.7 6.7 6 7.5 6S9 6.7 9 7.5 8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5M9 19C8.2 19 7.5 18.3 7.5 17.5S8.2 16 9 16 10.5 16.7 10.5 17.5 9.8 19 9 19M9.5 14C8.7 14 8 13.3 8 12.5S8.7 11 9.5 11 11 11.7 11 12.5 10.3 14 9.5 14M14.5 16C13.7 16 13 15.3 13 14.5S13.7 13 14.5 13C15.3 13 16 13.7 16 14.5S15.3 16 14.5 16M21 15H23V17H21V15M23 7V13H21V7H23Z",Bw="M16 14.5C16 15.3 15.3 16 14.5 16S13 15.3 13 14.5 13.7 13 14.5 13C15.3 13 16 13.7 16 14.5M18.9 10.5C19 11 19 11.5 19 12C19 17 15 21 10 21S1 17 1 12 5 3 10 3C10 3 11 3 11 4V6H12C12 6 13 6 13 7V8H15C15 8 16 8 16 9V10H18C18 10 18.6 10 18.9 10.5M17 12H15.5C14.7 12 14 11.3 14 10.5V10H12.5C11.7 10 11 9.3 11 8.5V8H10.5C9.7 8 9 7.3 9 6.5V5.1C5.9 5.5 3.5 8 3.1 11.1C3.2 10.5 3.8 10 4.5 10C5.3 10 6 10.7 6 11.5S5.3 13 4.5 13C3.7 13 3.1 12.4 3 11.6C3 12.1 3 12.6 3.1 13.1C3.5 15.8 5.6 18 8.2 18.7C7.8 18.4 7.5 18 7.5 17.5C7.5 16.7 8.2 16 9 16S10.5 16.7 10.5 17.5C10.5 18.2 10 18.8 9.3 19C13.5 19.4 17 16.1 17 12M9.5 11C8.7 11 8 11.7 8 12.5S8.7 14 9.5 14 11 13.3 11 12.5 10.3 11 9.5 11M9 7.5C9 6.7 8.3 6 7.5 6S6 6.7 6 7.5 6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5M21 17H23V15H21V17M21 7V13H23V7H21Z",Pw="M15 14.53C15 14.5 15 14.5 15 14.5C15 13.67 15.67 13 16.5 13C16.8 13 17.08 13.09 17.32 13.24C17.85 13.09 18.42 13 19 13C19.66 13 20.3 13.12 20.89 13.32C20.96 12.89 21 12.45 21 12C21 11.5 20.96 11 20.87 10.5C20.6 10 20 10 20 10H18V9C18 8 17 8 17 8H15V7C15 6 14 6 14 6H13V4C13 3 12 3 12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21C12.45 21 12.89 20.96 13.32 20.89C13.12 20.3 13 19.66 13 19C13 17.22 13.78 15.63 15 14.53M6.5 13C5.67 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S5.67 10 6.5 10 8 10.67 8 11.5 7.33 13 6.5 13M8 7.5C8 6.67 8.67 6 9.5 6S11 6.67 11 7.5 10.33 9 9.5 9 8 8.33 8 7.5M11 19C10.17 19 9.5 18.33 9.5 17.5S10.17 16 11 16 12.5 16.67 12.5 17.5 11.83 19 11 19M11.5 14C10.67 14 10 13.33 10 12.5S10.67 11 11.5 11 13 11.67 13 12.5 12.33 14 11.5 14M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",ww="M15 10H14.5C13.67 10 13 9.33 13 8.5V8H12.5C11.67 8 11 7.33 11 6.5V5.07C7.91 5.5 5.47 8 5.07 11.08C5.25 10.46 5.82 10 6.5 10C7.33 10 8 10.67 8 11.5S7.33 13 6.5 13C5.71 13 5.07 12.39 5 11.62C5 12.11 5 12.61 5.09 13.12C5.5 15.81 7.54 18.04 10.16 18.74C9.76 18.47 9.5 18 9.5 17.5C9.5 16.67 10.17 16 11 16S12.5 16.67 12.5 17.5C12.5 18.22 12 18.82 11.32 18.96C11.9 19 12.46 19 13 18.92C13 18.95 13 18.97 13 19C13 19.66 13.12 20.3 13.32 20.89C12.89 20.96 12.45 21 12 21C7.03 21 3 16.97 3 12S7.03 3 12 3C12 3 13 3 13 4V6H14C14 6 15 6 15 7V8H17C17 8 18 8 18 9V10H20C20 10 20.6 10 20.87 10.5C20.96 11 21 11.5 21 12C21 12.45 20.96 12.89 20.89 13.32C20.3 13.12 19.66 13 19 13C18.97 13 18.95 13 18.92 13C18.97 12.68 19 12.34 19 12H17.5C16.67 12 16 11.33 16 10.5V10H15M15 14.5C15 14.5 15 14.5 15 14.53C15.66 13.95 16.45 13.5 17.32 13.24C17.08 13.09 16.8 13 16.5 13C15.67 13 15 13.67 15 14.5M11.5 14C12.33 14 13 13.33 13 12.5S12.33 11 11.5 11 10 11.67 10 12.5 10.67 14 11.5 14M11 7.5C11 6.67 10.33 6 9.5 6S8 6.67 8 7.5 8.67 9 9.5 9 11 8.33 11 7.5M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Fw="M19.97 10.24C19.95 10 19.91 9.74 19.87 9.5C19.6 9 19 9 19 9H17V8C17 7 16 7 16 7H14V6C14 5 13 5 13 5H12V3C12 2 11 2 11 2C6.03 2 2 6.03 2 11C2 15.71 5.62 19.57 10.23 19.96C11.5 21.8 13.61 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 13.61 21.8 11.5 19.97 10.24M11.64 10.53C10.87 11.15 10.23 11.92 9.78 12.81C9.32 12.55 9 12.06 9 11.5C9 10.67 9.67 10 10.5 10C10.96 10 11.36 10.21 11.64 10.53M5.5 12C4.67 12 4 11.33 4 10.5S4.67 9 5.5 9 7 9.67 7 10.5 6.33 12 5.5 12M7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5S10 5.67 10 6.5 9.33 8 8.5 8 7 7.33 7 6.5M8.5 16.5C8.5 16.04 8.71 15.64 9.03 15.36C9 15.57 9 15.79 9 16C9 16.62 9.09 17.22 9.24 17.79C8.8 17.5 8.5 17.05 8.5 16.5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",Tw="M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5S7.67 5 8.5 5 10 5.67 10 6.5 9.33 8 8.5 8M16.5 12H15V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.61 23 11.5 21.8 10.23 19.96C5.62 19.57 2 15.71 2 11C2 6.03 6.03 2 11 2C11 2 12 2 12 3V5H13C13 5 14 5 14 6V7H16C16 7 17 7 17 8V9H19C19 9 19.6 9 19.87 9.5C19.91 9.74 19.95 10 19.97 10.24C21.8 11.5 23 13.61 23 16M9.16 17.74C8.76 17.47 8.5 17 8.5 16.5C8.5 16.04 8.71 15.64 9.03 15.36C9.12 14.45 9.38 13.59 9.78 12.81C9.32 12.55 9 12.06 9 11.5C9 10.67 9.67 10 10.5 10C10.96 10 11.36 10.21 11.64 10.53C12.59 9.77 13.74 9.26 15 9.08V9H13.5C12.67 9 12 8.33 12 7.5V7H11.5C10.67 7 10 6.33 10 5.5V4.07C6.91 4.5 4.47 7 4.07 10.08C4.25 9.46 4.82 9 5.5 9C6.33 9 7 9.67 7 10.5S6.33 12 5.5 12C4.71 12 4.07 11.39 4 10.62C4 11.11 4 11.61 4.09 12.12C4.5 14.81 6.54 17.04 9.16 17.74M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",bw="M21 12.29C21 12.19 21 12.1 21 12C21 11.5 20.96 11 20.87 10.5C20.6 10 20 10 20 10H18V9C18 8 17 8 17 8H15V7C15 6 14 6 14 6H13V4C13 3 12 3 12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21C12.1 21 12.19 21 12.29 21C12.11 20.36 12 19.69 12 19C12 18.86 12 18.73 12 18.59C11.75 18.84 11.4 19 11 19C10.17 19 9.5 18.33 9.5 17.5S10.17 16 11 16C11.59 16 12.1 16.35 12.34 16.84C13.25 14.03 15.89 12 19 12C19.69 12 20.36 12.11 21 12.29M6.5 13C5.67 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S5.67 10 6.5 10 8 10.67 8 11.5 7.33 13 6.5 13M9.5 9C8.67 9 8 8.33 8 7.5S8.67 6 9.5 6 11 6.67 11 7.5 10.33 9 9.5 9M11.5 14C10.67 14 10 13.33 10 12.5S10.67 11 11.5 11 13 11.67 13 12.5 12.33 14 11.5 14M22.7 19.6V18.6L23.8 17.8C23.9 17.7 24 17.6 23.9 17.5L22.9 15.8C22.9 15.7 22.7 15.7 22.6 15.7L21.4 16.2C21.1 16 20.8 15.8 20.5 15.7L20.3 14.4C20.3 14.3 20.2 14.2 20.1 14.2H18.1C17.9 14.2 17.8 14.3 17.8 14.4L17.6 15.7C17.3 15.9 17.1 16 16.8 16.2L15.6 15.7C15.5 15.7 15.4 15.7 15.3 15.8L14.3 17.5C14.3 17.6 14.3 17.7 14.4 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15.41,12.9C15.41,13.83 15.21,14.59 14.95,14.59M9.22,14.73C8.96,14.73 8.76,13.97 8.76,13.04C8.76,12.1 8.96,11.35 9.22,11.35C9.47,11.35 9.67,12.1 9.67,13.04C9.67,13.97 9.47,14.73 9.22,14.73Z",VF="M11,12H8.82C9.62,12.5 10.35,13.07 11,13.68V12M7,11C7.27,5.88 9.37,2 12,2C14.66,2 16.77,5.94 17,11.12C18.5,10.43 20.17,10 22,10C16.25,12.57 18.25,22 12,22C6,22 7.93,12.57 2,10C3.82,10 5.5,10.4 7,11M11,11V9H8.24L8.03,11H11M11,8V6H9.05C8.8,6.6 8.6,7.27 8.43,8H11M11,5V3.3C10.45,3.63 9.95,4.22 9.5,5H11M12,3V5H13V6H12V8H14V9H12V11H15V12H12V14H14V15H12.23C13.42,16.45 14.15,18 14.32,19.23C15.31,17.56 15.96,14.84 16,11.76C15.94,7 14.13,3 12,3Z",LF="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.2 9.1C7.1 9.7 7 10.3 7 11C5.5 10.4 3.8 10 2 10C7.9 12.6 6 22 12 22C14.5 22 15.7 20.5 16.6 18.5L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M8.1 10L9.1 11H8L8.1 10M8.8 12H10.1L11 12.9V13.7C10.3 13.1 9.6 12.5 8.8 12M14.3 19.2C14.1 18 13.4 16.4 12.2 15H13.1L15.2 17.1C15 17.9 14.7 18.6 14.3 19.2M11 6V7.8L12.2 9H14V8H12V6H13V5H12V3C14.1 3 15.9 7 16 11.8V12.8L18 14.8C18.8 12.8 19.9 10.9 22 10C20.2 10 18.5 10.4 17 11.1C16.8 5.9 14.7 2 12 2C10.5 2 9.2 3.2 8.3 5.1L9.2 6H11M11 3.3V5H9.5C10 4.2 10.5 3.6 11 3.3M15 11.8L14.2 11H15V11.8Z",MF="M22 2V4C20.26 4 19 8.58 17.96 12.27C16.57 17.27 15.26 22 12 22C8.74 22 7.43 17.27 6.04 12.27C5 8.58 3.74 4 2 4V2C5.26 2 6.57 6.73 7.96 11.73C9 15.42 10.26 20 12 20C13.74 20 15 15.42 16.04 11.73C17.43 6.73 18.74 2 22 2Z",AF="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H11V6H4M20,18V6H18.76C19,6.54 18.95,7.07 18.95,7.13C18.88,7.8 18.41,8.5 18.24,8.75L15.91,11.3L19.23,11.28L19.24,12.5L14.04,12.47L14,11.47C14,11.47 17.05,8.24 17.2,7.95C17.34,7.67 17.91,6 16.5,6C15.27,6.05 15.41,7.3 15.41,7.3L13.87,7.31C13.87,7.31 13.88,6.65 14.25,6H13V18H15.58L15.57,17.14L16.54,17.13C16.54,17.13 17.45,16.97 17.46,16.08C17.5,15.08 16.65,15.08 16.5,15.08C16.37,15.08 15.43,15.13 15.43,15.95H13.91C13.91,15.95 13.95,13.89 16.5,13.89C19.1,13.89 18.96,15.91 18.96,15.91C18.96,15.91 19,17.16 17.85,17.63L18.37,18H20M8.92,16H7.42V10.2L5.62,10.76V9.53L8.76,8.41H8.92V16Z",iF="M18 10V7C18 5.34 16.66 4 15 4S12 5.34 12 7H14C14 6.45 14.45 6 15 6S16 6.45 16 7V10H8C9.1 10 10 9.1 10 8V4H4V8C4 9.1 4.9 10 6 10H2V12H4V20H20V12H22V10H18M13 18H11V12H13V18Z",rF="M22 10H18V7C18 5.34 16.66 4 15 4S12 5.34 12 7H14C14 6.45 14.45 6 15 6S16 6.45 16 7V10H8C9.1 10 10 9.1 10 8V4H4V8C4 9.1 4.9 10 6 10H2V12H4V20H20V12H22V10M6 6H8V8H6V6M6 18V12H11V18H6M18 18H13V12H18V18Z",aF="M10.5,18A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,19A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,18M13.5,18A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,19A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,18M10,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,13A1,1 0 0,1 9,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,11M14,11A1,1 0 0,1 15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11M18,18C18,20.21 15.31,22 12,22C8.69,22 6,20.21 6,18C6,17.1 6.45,16.27 7.2,15.6C6.45,14.6 6,13.35 6,12L6.12,10.78C5.58,10.93 4.93,10.93 4.4,10.78C3.38,10.5 1.84,9.35 2.07,8.55C2.3,7.75 4.21,7.6 5.23,7.9C5.82,8.07 6.45,8.5 6.82,8.96L7.39,8.15C6.79,7.05 7,4 10,3L9.91,3.14V3.14C9.63,3.58 8.91,4.97 9.67,6.47C10.39,6.17 11.17,6 12,6C12.83,6 13.61,6.17 14.33,6.47C15.09,4.97 14.37,3.58 14.09,3.14L14,3C17,4 17.21,7.05 16.61,8.15L17.18,8.96C17.55,8.5 18.18,8.07 18.77,7.9C19.79,7.6 21.7,7.75 21.93,8.55C22.16,9.35 20.62,10.5 19.6,10.78C19.07,10.93 18.42,10.93 17.88,10.78L18,12C18,13.35 17.55,14.6 16.8,15.6C17.55,16.27 18,17.1 18,18M12,16C9.79,16 8,16.9 8,18C8,19.1 9.79,20 12,20C14.21,20 16,19.1 16,18C16,16.9 14.21,16 12,16M12,14C13.12,14 14.17,14.21 15.07,14.56C15.65,13.87 16,13 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13 8.35,13.87 8.93,14.56C9.83,14.21 10.88,14 12,14M14.09,3.14V3.14Z",eF="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.9 8.8L6.8 9C6.4 8.5 5.8 8.1 5.2 7.9C4.2 7.6 2.3 7.7 2 8.5S3.3 10.5 4.3 10.7C4.8 10.8 5.5 10.8 6 10.7V12C6 13.3 6.5 14.6 7.2 15.6C6.5 16.3 6 17.1 6 18C6 20.2 8.7 22 12 22C14.5 22 16.7 21 17.6 19.5L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M9.4 11.2C9.1 11.4 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.6 9.4 13 10 13C10.3 13 10.6 12.9 10.8 12.6L12.2 14H12.1C11 14 9.9 14.2 9 14.6C8.3 13.9 8 13 8 12C8 11.4 8.1 10.8 8.4 10.3L9.4 11.2M16 18C16 19.1 14.2 20 12 20S8 19.1 8 18 9.8 16 12 16C13 16 13.9 16.2 14.6 16.5L16 17.9V18M9.7 6.5L7.8 4.6C8.3 3.9 9 3.3 10 3L9.9 3.1C9.6 3.6 8.9 5 9.7 6.5M11.3 8.1L9.7 6.5C10.4 6.2 11.2 6 12 6S13.6 6.2 14.3 6.5C15.1 5 14.3 3.6 14.1 3.2L14 3C17 4 17.2 7 16.6 8.2L17.2 9C17.6 8.5 18.2 8.1 18.8 7.9C19.8 7.6 21.7 7.7 22 8.5S20.7 10.5 19.7 10.7C19.2 10.8 18.5 10.8 18 10.7V12C18 12.8 17.8 13.6 17.5 14.3L15.9 12.7C15.9 12.5 16 12.2 16 12C16 9.8 14.2 8 12 8C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1M14 18.5C14 18.8 13.8 19 13.5 19S13 18.8 13 18.5 13.2 18 13.5 18 14 18.2 14 18.5M11 18.5C11 18.8 10.8 19 10.5 19S10 18.8 10 18.5 10.2 18 10.5 18 11 18.2 11 18.5Z",dF="M9,3V5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11H21V9H19V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3M7,9H10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,15H7V13.5H10V12.75H8.5V11.25H10V10.5H7M12.5,9H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,10V11.75A1,1 0 0,1 16,12.75H14V13.5H17V15H12.5V12.25A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,11.25H15.5V10.5H12.5",mF="M9,3V5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11H21V9H19V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3M8,9H11.5V10.5H8.5V11.25H10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,12.25V14A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,15H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9M12.5,9H14V11H15.5V9H17V15H15.5V12.5H12.5M8.5,12.75V13.5H10V12.75",tF="M18 9H12V4H8C5.8 4 4 5.8 4 8V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H8V18.9C7.4 18.5 6.8 18.1 6.3 17.6L4.9 19C6.7 20.9 9.2 22 12 22S17.3 20.9 19.1 19.1L17.7 17.7C17.2 18.2 16.7 18.6 16.1 19V16H18.1C19.2 16 20.1 15.1 20.1 14V11C20 9.9 19.1 9 18 9M14 19.8C13.4 20 12.7 20 12 20S10.6 19.9 10 19.8V16H14V19.8Z",vF="M18 9H12V4H8C5.8 4 4 5.8 4 8V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H8V18.9C7.4 18.5 6.8 18.1 6.3 17.6L4.9 19C6.7 20.9 9.2 22 12 22S17.3 20.9 19.1 19.1L17.7 17.7C17.2 18.2 16.7 18.6 16.1 19V16H18.1C19.2 16 20.1 15.1 20.1 14V11C20 9.9 19.1 9 18 9M14 19.8C13.4 20 12.7 20 12 20S10.6 19.9 10 19.8V16H14V19.8M18 14H6V8C6 6.9 6.9 6 8 6H10V11H18V14Z",lF="M20,6V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4H9V3H6V4H5V6H6V15H5V13H3V15H2V17H3V21H5V17H10V21H12V19.92L12,17H13V15H12V13H10V15H9V6H17V10.62C16.53,10.79 16.19,11.23 16.19,11.76C16.19,12.2 16.43,12.6 16.8,12.82V14H17.42C17.76,14 18.03,14.28 18.03,14.62C18.03,14.96 17.76,15.24 17.42,15.24C17.2,15.24 17,15.12 16.89,14.93C16.71,14.64 16.34,14.54 16.05,14.71C15.75,14.87 15.65,15.25 15.82,15.55C16.15,16.11 16.76,16.47 17.42,16.47C18.43,16.47 19.26,15.64 19.26,14.62C19.26,13.84 18.76,13.14 18.03,12.88V12.82C18.41,12.6 18.65,12.2 18.65,11.76C18.65,11.3 18.38,10.91 18,10.7V6H20M8,13.66L7,14.66V13.24L8,12.24V13.66M8,10.71L7,11.71V10.29L8,9.29V10.71M7,8.71V7.29L8,6.29V7.71L7,8.71Z",oF="M19,1L17.74,3.75L15,5L17.74,6.26L19,9L20.25,6.26L23,5L20.25,3.75M9,4L6.5,9.5L1,12L6.5,14.5L9,20L11.5,14.5L17,12L11.5,9.5M19,15L17.74,17.74L15,19L17.74,20.25L19,23L20.25,20.25L23,19L20.25,17.74",nF="M9 4L11.5 9.5L17 12L11.5 14.5L9 20L6.5 14.5L1 12L6.5 9.5L9 4M9 8.83L8 11L5.83 12L8 13L9 15.17L10 13L12.17 12L10 11L9 8.83M19 9L17.74 6.26L15 5L17.74 3.75L19 1L20.25 3.75L23 5L20.25 6.26L19 9M19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23Z",ZF="M11.89,10.34L10.55,11.04C10.41,10.74 10.24,10.53 10.03,10.41C9.82,10.29 9.62,10.23 9.45,10.23C8.55,10.23 8.11,10.82 8.11,12C8.11,12.54 8.22,12.97 8.45,13.29C8.67,13.61 9,13.77 9.45,13.77C10.03,13.77 10.44,13.5 10.68,12.91L11.91,13.54C11.65,14.03 11.29,14.41 10.82,14.69C10.36,14.97 9.85,15.11 9.29,15.11C8.39,15.11 7.67,14.84 7.12,14.29C6.58,13.74 6.3,13 6.3,12C6.3,11.05 6.58,10.3 7.13,9.74C7.69,9.18 8.39,8.9 9.23,8.9C10.47,8.89 11.36,9.38 11.89,10.34M17.66,10.34L16.34,11.04C16.2,10.74 16,10.53 15.81,10.41C15.6,10.29 15.4,10.23 15.21,10.23C14.32,10.23 13.87,10.82 13.87,12C13.87,12.54 14,12.97 14.21,13.29C14.44,13.61 14.77,13.77 15.21,13.77C15.8,13.77 16.21,13.5 16.45,12.91L17.7,13.54C17.42,14.03 17.05,14.41 16.59,14.69C16.12,14.97 15.62,15.11 15.07,15.11C14.17,15.11 13.44,14.84 12.9,14.29C12.36,13.74 12.09,13 12.09,12C12.09,11.05 12.37,10.3 12.92,9.74C13.47,9.18 14.17,8.9 15,8.9C16.26,8.89 17.14,9.38 17.66,10.34M12,3.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 12,20.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 3.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 12,3.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",SF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20Z",uF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.03 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.06 13 21.09 13.28 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22",cF="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H3V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.89 20 3 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M3 6H19V8H3V6M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22",sF="M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M10 14H5V10H10V14Z",OF="M20 6L20 18L4 18L4 6H20M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M11 10H6V14H11V10Z",hF="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V12.1C23.24,13.36 24,15.09 24,17M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M20,10V7H4V10H20Z",pF="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V12.1C23.24,13.36 24,15.09 24,17M10,17C10,15.04 10.81,13.27 12.1,12H4V18H10.07C10,17.67 10,17.34 10,17M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M20,8V6H4V8H20Z",fF="M20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1C21.1 11.1 21.3 11.2 21.4 11.3L22.6 12.5C22.8 12.7 22.8 13.1 22.6 13.3L21.6 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3M13 18.9L19 12.8L21.1 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M11 19.1V18.1L11.6 17.5L18.1 11H4V8H20V9.1L22 7.1V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C3.5 4 3 4.2 2.6 4.6C2.2 5 2 5.5 2 6V18C2 18.5 2.2 19 2.6 19.4C3 19.8 3.5 20 4 20H11V19.1Z",gF="M13 18.9L19.1 12.8L21.2 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M21.4 11.3L22.7 12.6C22.9 12.8 22.9 13.1 22.7 13.3L21.7 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1C21.2 11.1 21.3 11.2 21.4 11.3M11 18H4V12H17.1L22 7.1V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H11V18M4 6H20V8H4V6Z",kF="M3 8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7S2.45 6 3 6H5.54C5.19 6.6 5 7.29 5 8H3M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12S1.45 11 2 11H5V13M1 18C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17S.448 16 1 16H5C5 16.71 5.19 17.4 5.54 18H1M21 6H9C7.89 6 7 6.89 7 8V16C7 17.11 7.89 18 9 18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V8C23 6.89 22.11 6 21 6M21 12H9V9H21V12Z",BF="M3 8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7S2.45 6 3 6H5.54C5.19 6.6 5 7.29 5 8H3M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12S1.45 11 2 11H5V13M1 18C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17S.448 16 1 16H5C5 16.71 5.19 17.4 5.54 18H1M21 6H9C7.89 6 7 6.89 7 8V16C7 17.11 7.89 18 9 18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V8C23 6.89 22.11 6 21 6M21 8V9H9V8H21M9 16L9 12H21L21 16L9 16Z",PF="M21.8 15V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V15C15.6 15 15 15.6 15 16.2V19.7C15 20.4 15.6 21 16.2 21H21.7C22.4 21 23 20.4 23 19.8V16.3C23 15.6 22.4 15 21.8 15M20.5 15H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V15M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V10.04C21.42 9.6 20.75 9.26 20 9.11V8H4V11H15.04C14.5 11.72 14.2 12.58 14.2 13.5V13.74C13.5 14.34 13 15.24 13 16.2V19.7C13 19.8 13 19.9 13.03 20Z",wF="M21.8 15V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V15C15.6 15 15 15.6 15 16.2V19.7C15 20.4 15.6 21 16.2 21H21.7C22.4 21 23 20.4 23 19.8V16.3C23 15.6 22.4 15 21.8 15M20.5 15H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V15M13 19.7V18H4V12H14.5C15.18 10.28 16.96 9 19 9C20.13 9 21.17 9.4 22 10.04V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.03C13 19.9 13 19.8 13 19.7M4 6H20V8H4V6Z",FF="M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M14.55 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V11.3C21.42 10.81 20.74 10.44 20 10.22V8H4V11H15.39C13.96 12 13 13.66 13 15.5C13 17 13.72 18.61 14.55 20Z",TF="M13.5,18H4V12H14.3C15.3,10.8 16.8,10 18.5,10C19.8,10 21,10.5 22,11.3V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H14.6C14.2,19.4 13.8,18.7 13.5,18M4,6H20V8H4V6M18.5,12C16.6,12 15,13.6 15,15.5C15,18.1 18.5,22 18.5,22C18.5,22 22,18.1 22,15.5C22,13.6 20.4,12 18.5,12M18.5,16.8C17.8,16.8 17.3,16.2 17.3,15.6C17.3,14.9 17.9,14.4 18.5,14.4C19.1,14.4 19.7,15 19.7,15.6C19.8,16.2 19.2,16.8 18.5,16.8Z",bF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.03 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.06 13 21.09 13.28 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",yF="M24 18V20H16V18M19 8V6H3V8H19M19 12H3V18H14V20H3C1.89 20 1 19.1 1 18V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H19C20.11 4 21 4.89 21 6V13H19V12Z",RF="M21 9V6H7V9H21M21 3A2 2 0 0 1 23 5V15A2 2 0 0 1 21 17H7A2 2 0 0 1 5 15V5A2 2 0 0 1 7 3H21M3 19H18V21H3A2 2 0 0 1 1 19V8H3Z",xF="M21,8V6H7V8H21M21,16V11H7V16H21M21,4A2,2 0 0,1 23,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H7C5.89,18 5,17.1 5,16V6C5,4.89 5.89,4 7,4H21M3,20H18V22H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,20V9H3V20Z",DF="M11.2 8L7.2 4H20A2 2 0 0 1 22 6V18A1.91 1.91 0 0 1 21.88 18.68L14.2 11H20V8M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 18V6A2 2 0 0 1 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9.11 11L6.11 8H4V11Z",EF="M0.93,4.2L2.21,2.93L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,5.78 2.04,5.57 2.11,5.38L0.93,4.2M20,8V6H7.82L5.82,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.6 21.74,19.13 21.32,19.5L19.82,18H20V12H13.82L9.82,8H20M4,8H4.73L4,7.27V8M4,12V18H14.73L8.73,12H4Z",NF="M20,8H4V6H20M20,18H4V12H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",WF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 19 13A5.88 5.88 0 0 1 22 13.81V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",IF="M21,18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21V18M19,8V6H3V8H19M19,12H3V18H14V20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V13H19V12Z",GF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.68C11.57 19.5 11.5 19 11.5 18.5C11.5 14.91 14.41 12 18 12C19.5 12 20.9 12.53 22 13.4V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20V11M20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67Z",QF="M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.68C11.57 19.5 11.5 19 11.5 18.5C11.5 18.33 11.5 18.17 11.53 18H4V12H20V12.32C20.74 12.56 21.41 12.93 22 13.4V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4M20 8H4V6H20V8M20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67Z",UF="M18 11H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 13V21A2 2 0 0 0 6 23H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 21V13A2 2 0 0 0 18 11M18 17H6V14H18M17 5V10H15.5V6.5H9.88L12.3 8.93L11.24 10L7 5.75L11.24 1.5L12.3 2.57L9.88 5Z",zF="M18,11H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,13V21A2,2 0 0,0 6,23H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,21V13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11M18,21H6V17H18V21M18,15H6V13H18V15M17,5V10H15.5V6.5H9.88L12.3,8.93L11.24,10L7,5.75L11.24,1.5L12.3,2.57L9.88,5H17Z",_F="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 19 13A5.88 5.88 0 0 1 22 13.81V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",KF="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H3V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.89 20 3 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M3 6H19V8H3V6M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88Z",jF="M18 6H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 8V16A2 2 0 0 0 6 18H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 16V8A2 2 0 0 0 18 6M18 12H6V9H18M2 4H6V2H2A2 2 0 0 0 0 4V8H2V4M22 2H18V4H22V8H24V4A2 2 0 0 0 22 2M2 16H0V20A2 2 0 0 0 2 22H6V20H2V16M22 20H18V22H22A2 2 0 0 0 24 20V16H22V20",qF="M2,4H6V2H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,4V8H2V4M22,2H18V4H22V8H24V4A2,2 0 0,0 22,2M2,16H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H6V20H2V16M22,20H18V22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V16H22V20M4,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 18,6H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,8M6,16V12H18V16H6M18,8V10H6V8H18Z",$F="M11.82 11C9.4 13.5 9.4 17.5 11.82 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V12.06C21.74 11.65 21.45 11.26 21.1 10.9C20.76 10.57 20.39 10.27 20 10.03V8H4V11H11.82M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",XF="M11.03 12C11.28 11.61 11.57 11.24 11.9 10.9C14.44 8.37 18.56 8.37 21.1 10.9C21.45 11.26 21.74 11.65 22 12.06V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.82C11.24 19.4 10.8 18.72 10.5 18H4V12H11.03M4 6H20V8H4V6M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",YF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15Z",JF="M20,8H4V6H20M20,18H4V12H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",CT="M13 17.5C13 18.39 13.18 19.23 13.5 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V11.5C21.23 11.18 20.39 11 19.5 11H20V8H4V11H19.5C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",HT="M4 18V12H16.05C17.05 11.37 18.23 11 19.5 11C20.39 11 21.23 11.18 22 11.5V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.5C13.24 19.38 13.08 18.7 13.03 18H4M4 6H20V8H4V6M23 17.5C23 18.32 22.75 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",VT="M4.93 4.92L6.34 6.33C9.46 3.2 14.53 3.2 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C15.17 1 8.84 1 4.93 4.92M7.76 7.75L9.17 9.16C10.73 7.6 13.26 7.6 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C13.9 5.41 10.1 5.41 7.76 7.75M18 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C19.11 23 20 22.11 20 21V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M18 17H6V14H18V17Z",LT="M12 2C9.85 2 7.7 2.69 5.9 4.08L7.32 5.5C10.45 3.24 14.84 3.5 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C17.12 2.96 14.56 2 12 2M3.28 4L2 5.27L7.73 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 18.92 22.82 19.27 22.54L19.73 23L21 21.72M12 6C10.87 6 9.75 6.31 8.77 6.94L10.24 8.41C11.73 7.68 13.58 7.92 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C15.07 6.58 13.54 6 12 6M12.82 11L15.82 14H18V16.18L20 18.18V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M6 14H10.73L13.73 17H6Z",MT="M12 2C9.85 2 7.7 2.69 5.9 4.08L7.32 5.5C10.45 3.24 14.84 3.5 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C17.12 2.96 14.56 2 12 2M3.28 4L2 5.27L7.73 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C18.47 23 18.92 22.84 19.27 22.54L19.73 23L21 21.72M12 6C10.87 6 9.75 6.31 8.77 6.94L10.24 8.41C11.73 7.68 13.58 7.92 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C15.07 6.58 13.54 6 12 6M12.82 11L14.82 13H18V15H16.82L20 18.18V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M6 13H9.73L11.73 15H6M6 17H13.73L17.73 21H6Z",AT="M18,11H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,13V21A2,2 0 0,0 6,23H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,21V13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11M18,21H6V17H18V21M18,15H6V13H18V15M4.93,4.92L6.34,6.33C9.46,3.2 14.53,3.2 17.66,6.33L19.07,4.92C15.17,1 8.84,1 4.93,4.92M7.76,7.75L9.17,9.16C10.73,7.6 13.26,7.6 14.83,9.16L16.24,7.75C13.9,5.41 10.1,5.41 7.76,7.75Z",iT="M14.34,17.77L15.75,16.36L20,20.58L18.56,22L14.34,17.77M18.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,2M2.24,7.11L5.07,4.28C5.46,3.89 6.09,3.89 6.5,4.28L14.97,12.77C15.36,13.16 15.36,13.79 14.97,14.18L12.14,17C11.75,17.4 11.12,17.4 10.72,17L2.24,8.53C1.85,8.13 1.85,7.5 2.24,7.11Z",rT="M7,17V1H5V5H1V7H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H17V23H19V19H23V17M17,15H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H9V7H17V15Z",aT="M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5M3,5V9H5V5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5Z",eT="M19,17H5V7H19M19,5H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 5,19H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,17V7C21,5.89 20.1,5 19,5Z",dT="M17,19H7V5H17M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",mT="M7.47,21.5C4.2,19.93 1.86,16.76 1.5,13H0C0.5,19.16 5.66,24 11.95,24C12.18,24 12.39,24 12.61,23.97L8.8,20.15L7.47,21.5M12.05,0C11.82,0 11.61,0 11.39,0.04L15.2,3.85L16.53,2.5C19.8,4.07 22.14,7.24 22.5,11H24C23.5,4.84 18.34,0 12.05,0M16,14H18V8C18,6.89 17.1,6 16,6H10V8H16V14M8,16V4H6V6H4V8H6V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H16V20H18V18H20V16H8Z",tT="M18,18H6V6H18M18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4Z",vT="M10.5,2H13.5V8H19V11H13.5V22H10.5V11H5V8H10.5V2Z",lT="M22,7L21.5,6.5C19.93,8 18.47,9.4 16.93,10.18C15.5,10.91 14.44,10.91 13,11C13.09,9.56 13.09,8.5 13.82,7.07C14.6,5.53 16,4.07 17.5,2.5L17,2C15.32,3.23 13.64,3.83 12,3.83C10.36,3.83 8.68,3.23 7,2L6.5,2.5C8,4.07 9.4,5.53 10.18,7.07C10.91,8.5 10.91,9.56 11,11C9.56,10.91 8.5,10.91 7.07,10.18C5.53,9.4 4.06,8 2.5,6.5L2,7C3.23,8.68 3.83,10.36 3.83,12C3.83,13.64 3.23,15.32 2,17L2.5,17.5C4.07,16 5.53,14.6 7.07,13.82C8.5,13.09 9.56,13.09 11,13C10.91,14.44 10.91,15.5 10.18,16.93C9.4,18.47 8,19.93 6.5,21.5L7,22C8.68,20.77 10.36,20.17 12,20.17C13.64,20.17 15.32,20.77 17,22L17.5,21.5C16,19.93 14.6,18.47 13.82,16.93C13.09,15.5 13.09,14.44 13,13C14.44,13.09 15.5,13.09 16.93,13.82C18.47,14.6 19.93,16 21.5,17.5L22,17C20.77,15.32 20.17,13.64 20.17,12C20.17,10.36 20.77,8.68 22,7Z",oT="M17.8,8C17.26,5.89 15.61,4.24 13.5,3.7V2H10.5V3.7C8.39,4.24 6.74,5.89 6.2,8H4V11H6.2C6.74,13.11 8.39,14.76 10.5,15.3V22H13.5V15.3C15.61,14.76 17.26,13.11 17.8,11H19.97V8H17.8M12.04,9.53L14.5,11H15.76C15.35,12.03 14.53,12.84 13.5,13.26V12L12.06,9.56L12,9.5L11.94,9.56L10.5,12V13.26C9.47,12.84 8.66,12.03 8.24,11H9.5L11.96,9.53L12,9.5H11.96L9.5,8H8.24C8.65,6.97 9.47,6.16 10.5,5.74V7L11.94,9.44L12,9.5L12.06,9.44L13.5,7V5.74C14.53,6.16 15.35,6.97 15.76,8H14.5L12.04,9.5H12L12.04,9.53Z",nT="M15.5,6V1H8.5V6H3V13H8.5V23H15.5V13H21V6H15.5M19,11H13.5V21H10.5V11H5V8H10.5V3H13.5V8H19V11Z",ZT="M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",ST="M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",uT="M20.94 11C20.5 6.83 17.17 3.5 13 3.06V1H11V3.06C9.87 3.18 8.81 3.5 7.84 4.03L9.34 5.53C10.16 5.19 11.06 5 12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 12.94 18.81 13.84 18.5 14.65L20 16.15C20.5 15.19 20.82 14.13 20.95 13H23V11H20.94M3 4.27L5.04 6.31C3.97 7.62 3.25 9.23 3.06 11H1V13H3.06C3.5 17.17 6.83 20.5 11 20.94V23H13V20.94C14.77 20.74 16.38 20.03 17.69 18.96L19.73 21L21 19.73L4.27 3L3 4.27M16.27 17.54C15.09 18.45 13.61 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 10.39 5.55 8.91 6.46 7.73L16.27 17.54Z",cT="M3.05 13H1V11H3.05C3.5 6.83 6.83 3.5 11 3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17 3.5 20.5 6.83 20.95 11H23V13H20.95C20.5 17.17 17.17 20.5 13 20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83 20.5 3.5 17.17 3.05 13M12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12S8.13 19 12 19 19 15.87 19 12 15.87 5 12 5M11.13 17.25H12.88V15.5H11.13V17.25M12 6.75C10.07 6.75 8.5 8.32 8.5 10.25H10.25C10.25 9.28 11.03 8.5 12 8.5S13.75 9.28 13.75 10.25C13.75 12 11.13 11.78 11.13 14.63H12.88C12.88 12.66 15.5 12.44 15.5 10.25C15.5 8.32 13.93 6.75 12 6.75Z",sT="M3.69 9.12C3.5 8.93 3.29 8.84 3.04 8.84C2.63 8.84 2.32 9.03 2.12 9.42S1.97 10.18 2.29 10.53C3.47 11.59 4.22 12.34 4.54 12.78C4.95 13.34 5.15 14.16 5.15 15.22C5.15 16.53 5.65 17.5 6.65 18.17C7.21 18.61 7.82 18.94 8.5 19.16L8.5 15.27C8.5 14.33 8.17 13.55 7.54 12.92M16.46 12.97C15.84 13.59 15.5 14.36 15.5 15.27L15.5 19.2C16.46 18.86 17.26 18.33 17.92 17.63C18.57 16.93 18.9 16.16 18.9 15.22C18.9 14.09 19.09 13.28 19.47 12.78C19.56 12.62 19.73 12.42 20 12.17C20.23 11.92 20.47 11.68 20.71 11.46C20.94 11.25 21.17 11.03 21.39 10.81L21.72 10.53C21.91 10.34 22 10.12 22 9.87C22 9.59 21.91 9.34 21.72 9.14C21.53 8.94 21.3 8.84 21 8.84S20.5 8.93 20.31 9.12M12 20C12.69 20 13.36 19.91 14 19.72L14 16.15C14 15.56 13.82 15.1 13.41 14.66C13 14.22 12.53 14 12 14C11.47 14 11 14.2 10.62 14.61C10.22 15 10 15.46 10 16.06L10 19.72C10.64 19.91 11.31 20 12 20M9 8.5C9 9.33 8.33 10 7.5 10S6 9.33 6 8.5 6.67 7 7.5 7 9 7.67 9 8.5M18 8.5C18 9.33 17.33 10 16.5 10C15.67 10 15 9.33 15 8.5S15.67 7 16.5 7C17.33 7 18 7.67 18 8.5M13.5 5.5C13.5 6.33 12.83 7 12 7S10.5 6.33 10.5 5.5 11.17 4 12 4 13.5 4.67 13.5 5.5M13.5 11C13.5 11.83 12.83 12.5 12 12.5S10.5 11.83 10.5 11 11.17 9.5 12 9.5 13.5 10.17 13.5 11Z",OT="M5 16L3 5L8.5 10L12 4L15.5 10L21 5L19 16H5M19 19C19 19.6 18.6 20 18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19V18H19V19Z",hT="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M16 15.44C16 15.78 15.78 16 15.44 16H8.56C8.22 16 8 15.78 8 15.44V15H16V15.44M16 14H8L7 8L10 10L12 7L14 10L17 8L16 14Z",pT="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4S20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20M8 14L7 8L10 10L12 7L14 10L17 8L16 14H8M8.56 16C8.22 16 8 15.78 8 15.44V15H16V15.44C16 15.78 15.78 16 15.44 16H8.56Z",fT="M12 8L15 13.2L18 10.5L17.3 14H6.7L6 10.5L9 13.2L12 8M12 4L8.5 10L3 5L5 16H19L21 5L15.5 10L12 4M19 18H5V19C5 19.6 5.4 20 6 20H18C18.6 20 19 19.6 19 19V18Z",gT="M23.03,12.4M23.03,12.5V12.5C23,13 20.91,15.23 17.82,16.24C14.05,17.5 7.97,17.03 7.97,12.3C7.97,10.08 9.78,8.27 12,8.27C14.25,8.27 16.05,10.09 16.05,12.31C16.05,13.39 15.58,14.44 14.87,15.18C15.54,15.17 17.94,15 20.21,13.12C20.46,12.88 20.62,12.68 20.69,12.55C20.71,12.5 20.74,12.46 20.73,12.4C20.73,11.92 18.12,8.19 12.72,7.12C19.22,7.46 23,11.32 23.03,12.4V12.5H23.03M12,10C10.74,10 9.71,11.04 9.71,12.3C9.71,13.57 10.74,14.59 12,14.59C13.27,14.59 14.29,13.57 14.29,12.3C14.29,11.04 13.27,10 12,10M3.31,12.34C3.31,12.34 3.31,12.31 3.31,12.42V12.42C3.41,12.94 4.82,15.41 10.28,16.88C3.96,16.37 1.12,13.28 1.04,12.42H1.03C1.03,12.31 1.03,12.36 1.03,12.35C1.03,11.5 4.96,7.58 10.92,7.15C6.14,8.26 3.31,11.87 3.31,12.34V12.34Z",kT="M9.38,8.38L11.5,9.34L13.62,8.38L12.66,10.5L13.62,12.62L11.5,11.66L9.38,12.62L10.34,10.5L9.38,8.38M16.5,2.5L17.59,5.41L20.5,6.5L17.59,7.59L16.5,10.5L15.41,7.59L12.5,6.5L15.41,5.41L16.5,2.5M6,19H7V18A1,1 0 0,1 8,17H8.26C6,15.7 4.5,13.28 4.5,10.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,3C13.05,3 14.05,3.22 14.96,3.61L14.59,4.59L13.17,5.12C12.79,5.04 12.4,5 12,5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 12,16C14.91,16 17.3,13.73 17.5,10.87L18.41,8.41L19.12,8.14C19.37,8.88 19.5,9.68 19.5,10.5C19.5,13.28 18,15.7 15.74,17H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,18V19H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,21V22H4V21A2,2 0 0,1 6,19Z",BT="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L6.04,7.5L12,10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15Z",PT="M20.84 22.73L17.28 19.17L12.57 21.82C12.41 21.94 12.21 22 12 22S11.59 21.94 11.43 21.82L3.53 17.38C3.21 17.21 3 16.88 3 16.5V7.5C3 7.12 3.21 6.79 3.53 6.62L4.3 6.19L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M12 4.15L17.96 7.5L13.31 10.11L20.53 17.33C20.82 17.16 21 16.85 21 16.5V7.5C21 7.12 20.79 6.79 20.47 6.62L12.57 2.18C12.41 2.06 12.21 2 12 2S11.59 2.06 11.43 2.18L7.56 4.36L9 5.82L12 4.15Z",wT="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.3 6.19L3.53 6.62C3.21 6.79 3 7.12 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.88 3.21 17.21 3.53 17.38L11.43 21.82C11.59 21.94 11.79 22 12 22S12.41 21.94 12.57 21.82L17.28 19.17L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 15.91V9.21L10.29 12.18L11 12.89V19.29L5 15.91M13 19.29V14.89L15.82 17.7L13 19.29M9 5.82L7.56 4.36L11.43 2.18C11.59 2.06 11.79 2 12 2S12.41 2.06 12.57 2.18L20.47 6.62C20.79 6.79 21 7.12 21 7.5V16.5C21 16.85 20.82 17.16 20.53 17.33L19 15.8V9.21L14.78 11.58L13.31 10.11L17.96 7.5L12 4.15L9 5.82Z",FT="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L6.04,7.5L12,10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V9.21L13,12.58V19.29L19,15.91Z",TT="M17,22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22,20.89 21.84,21.24 21.54,21.54C21.24,21.84 20.89,22 20.5,22H17M7,22H3.5C3.11,22 2.76,21.84 2.46,21.54C2.16,21.24 2,20.89 2,20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17,2H20.5C20.89,2 21.24,2.16 21.54,2.46C21.84,2.76 22,3.11 22,3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7,2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2,3.11 2.16,2.76 2.46,2.46C2.76,2.16 3.11,2 3.5,2H7M13,17.25L17,14.95V10.36L13,12.66V17.25M12,10.92L16,8.63L12,6.28L8,8.63L12,10.92M7,14.95L11,17.25V12.66L7,10.36V14.95M18.23,7.59C18.73,7.91 19,8.34 19,8.91V15.23C19,15.8 18.73,16.23 18.23,16.55L12.75,19.73C12.25,20.05 11.75,20.05 11.25,19.73L5.77,16.55C5.27,16.23 5,15.8 5,15.23V8.91C5,8.34 5.27,7.91 5.77,7.59L11.25,4.41C11.5,4.28 11.75,4.22 12,4.22C12.25,4.22 12.5,4.28 12.75,4.41L18.23,7.59Z",bT="M16,4L9,8.04V15.96L16,20L23,15.96V8.04M16,6.31L19.8,8.5L16,10.69L12.21,8.5M0,7V9H7V7M11,10.11L15,12.42V17.11L11,14.81M21,10.11V14.81L17,17.11V12.42M2,11V13H7V11M4,15V17H7V15",yT="M6,9V4H13V9H23V16H18V21H11V16H1V9H6M16,16H13V19H16V16M8,9H11V6H8V9M6,14V11H3V14H6M18,11V14H21V11H18M13,11V14H16V11H13M8,11V14H11V11H8Z",RT="M18.32,8H5.67L5.23,4H18.77M3,2L5,20.23C5.13,21.23 5.97,22 7,22H17C18,22 18.87,21.23 19,20.23L21,2H3Z",xT="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L18.27,21.54C17.93,21.83 17.5,22 17,22H7C5.97,22 5.13,21.23 5,20.23L3.53,6.8L1,4.27M18.32,8L18.77,4H5.82L3.82,2H21L19.29,17.47L9.82,8H18.32Z",DT="M3.83 2L5.83 4H18.78L17.5 15.66L19.3 17.5L21 2M2.27 3L1 4.27L3.53 6.8L5 20.23C5.13 21.23 5.97 22 7 22H17C17.47 22 17.91 21.82 18.26 21.54L19.73 23L21 21.73M5.78 9.06L16.73 20H7Z",ET="M3 2L5 20.23C5.13 21.23 5.97 22 7 22H17C18 22 18.87 21.23 19 20.23L21 2H3M5.22 4H18.78L17 20H7L5.22 4Z",NT="M18.32,8H5.67L5.23,4H18.77M12,19A3,3 0 0,1 9,16C9,14 12,10.6 12,10.6C12,10.6 15,14 15,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,19M3,2L5,20.23C5.13,21.23 5.97,22 7,22H17C18,22 18.87,21.23 19,20.23L21,2H3Z",WT="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M10 18H8V15H10V18M16 18H14V15H16V18M17 12H7V9H17V12M17 7H7V4H17V7Z",IT="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2H7M7 4H17V7H7V4M7 9H17V12H7V9M7 14H11V19H7V14M13 14H17V19H13V14M8 15V18H10V15H8M14 15V18H16V15H14Z",GT="M12,1.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,1.5M15.87,5C18,5 20,7 20,9C22.7,9 22.7,13 20,13H4C1.3,13 1.3,9 4,9C4,7 6,5 8.13,5C8.57,6.73 10.14,8 12,8C13.86,8 15.43,6.73 15.87,5M5,15H8L9,22H7L5,15M10,15H14L13,22H11L10,15M16,15H19L17,22H15L16,15Z",QT="M10,3V5C12.5,5 13.9,5.05 14.72,5.41C15.26,5.65 15.73,6.21 16.25,7H5V9H19.62L18.89,7.55C17.86,5.5 16.96,4.22 15.53,3.59C14.1,2.95 12.5,3 10,3M6,11C3.78,11 2,12.78 2,15V18C2,20.22 3.78,22 6,22H18C20.22,22 22,20.22 22,18V15C22,12.78 20.22,11 18,11H6Z",UT="M18.09,10.5V9H9.59V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.09,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.59,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.09,6V9H5.09V10.5H8.09V16.7C8.09,19.06 10,20.97 12.34,21C14.68,20.96 16.54,19.04 16.5,16.7C16.5,15.11 15.75,13.61 14.5,12.62C14.28,12.44 14.05,12.28 13.8,12.15C13.58,12.05 13.34,12 13.1,12C12.39,12 11.74,12.39 11.39,13C11.2,13.3 11.1,13.65 11.1,14C11.11,15.1 12,16 13.11,16C13.73,16 14.31,15.69 14.69,15.2C14.9,15.67 15,16.18 15,16.7C15.04,18.2 13.86,19.45 12.34,19.5C10.81,19.5 9.58,18.23 9.59,16.7V10.5H18.09Z",zT="M12,15H14C14,16.08 15.37,17 17,17C18.63,17 20,16.08 20,15C20,13.9 18.96,13.5 16.76,12.97C14.64,12.44 12,11.78 12,9C12,7.21 13.47,5.69 15.5,5.18V3H18.5V5.18C20.53,5.69 22,7.21 22,9H20C20,7.92 18.63,7 17,7C15.37,7 14,7.92 14,9C14,10.1 15.04,10.5 17.24,11.03C19.36,11.56 22,12.22 22,15C22,16.79 20.53,18.31 18.5,18.82V21H15.5V18.82C13.47,18.31 12,16.79 12,15M2,3H5.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 11,8.5C11,10.69 9.71,12.59 7.86,13.47L11.64,21H9.4L5.88,14H5.5L4,14V21H2V3M5.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 9,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,5H4V12H5.5Z",_T="M17.06 11.57C17.65 10.88 18 10 18 9C18 7.14 16.73 5.57 15 5.13V3H13V5H11V3H9V5H6V7H8V17H6V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19C17.21 19 19 17.21 19 15C19 13.55 18.22 12.27 17.06 11.57M10 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9S15.1 11 14 11H10V7M15 17H10V13H15C16.1 13 17 13.9 17 15S16.1 17 15 17Z",KT="M13.28 12H18V14H13V21H11V14H6V12H10.72L5 3H7.37L12 10.29L16.63 3H19L13.28 12Z",jT="M6,5H18V7H6M7,11H17V13H7M5.5,17H18.5V19H5.5",qT="M15 18.5C12.5 18.5 10.32 17.08 9.24 15H15L16 13H8.58C8.53 12.67 8.5 12.34 8.5 12S8.53 11.33 8.58 11H15L16 9H9.24C10.32 6.92 12.5 5.5 15 5.5C16.61 5.5 18.09 6.09 19.23 7.07L21 5.3C19.41 3.87 17.3 3 15 3C11.08 3 7.76 5.5 6.5 9H3L2 11H6.06C6 11.33 6 11.66 6 12S6 12.67 6.06 13H3L2 15H6.5C7.76 18.5 11.08 21 15 21C17.31 21 19.41 20.13 21 18.7L19.22 16.93C18.09 17.91 16.62 18.5 15 18.5Z",$T="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.7 8.59C6.64 8.73 6.57 8.86 6.5 9H3L2 11H6.06C6 11.33 6 11.66 6 12S6 12.67 6.06 13H3L2 15H6.5C7.76 18.5 11.08 21 15 21C16.21 21 17.36 20.74 18.41 20.3L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8.58 13C8.53 12.67 8.5 12.34 8.5 12S8.53 11.33 8.58 11H9.11L11.11 13H8.58M15 18.5C12.5 18.5 10.32 17.08 9.24 15H13.11L16.44 18.33C15.97 18.43 15.5 18.5 15 18.5M12.2 9H16L15 11H14.2L12.2 9M10.5 7.32L8.74 5.54C10.36 3.97 12.56 3 15 3C17.3 3 19.41 3.87 21 5.3L19.23 7.07C18.09 6.09 16.61 5.5 15 5.5C13.26 5.5 11.69 6.2 10.5 7.32Z",XT="M18 5V3H7V16H5V18H7V21H9V18H13V16H9V13H17V11H9V5H18Z",YT="M14 21C15.93 21 17.62 19.83 18 18L16.25 17.12C16 18.21 15.33 19 14 19H9.1C9.93 18 10.6 16.66 10.6 15C10.6 14.65 10.57 14.31 10.5 14H14V12H9.82C9 10.42 8 9.6 8 8C8 6.07 9.57 4.5 11.5 4.5C13 4.5 14.29 5.45 14.78 6.78L16.63 6C15.83 3.95 13.84 2.5 11.5 2.5C8.46 2.5 6 4.96 6 8C6 9.78 6.79 10.9 7.5 12H6V14H8.47C8.55 14.31 8.6 14.64 8.6 15C8.6 17.7 6 19 6 19V21H14Z",JT="M22,16A5,5 0 0,1 17,21H8V9H10V19H17A3,3 0 0,0 20,16V3H22V16M16,8V15H14V8A3,3 0 0,0 11,5H4V21H2V3H11A5,5 0 0,1 16,8Z",Cb="M8,3H18L17,5H13.74C14.22,5.58 14.58,6.26 14.79,7H18L17,9H15C14.75,11.57 12.74,13.63 10.2,13.96V14H9.5L15.5,21H13L7,14V12H9.5V12C11.26,12 12.72,10.7 12.96,9H7L8,7H12.66C12.1,5.82 10.9,5 9.5,5H7L8,3Z",Hb="M13.92 11H18V13H13V15H18V17H13V21H11V17H6V15H11V13H6V11H10.08L5 3H7.37L12 10.29L16.63 3H19L13.92 11Z",Vb="M2,3H4L5.33,9H9.33L10.67,3H13.33L14.67,9H18.67L20,3H22L20.67,9H22V11H20.22L19.78,13H22V15H19.33L18,21H15.33L14,15H10L8.67,21H6L4.67,15H2V13H4.22L3.78,11H2V9H3.33L2,3M13.11,11H10.89L10.44,13H13.56L13.11,11M7.33,18L8,15H6.67L7.33,18M8.89,11H5.78L6.22,13H8.44L8.89,11M16.67,18L17.33,15H16L16.67,18M18.22,11H15.11L15.56,13H17.78L18.22,11M12,6L11.33,9H12.67L12,6Z",Lb="M5,3H19V5H5V3M5,6H19V8H13V21H11V8H5V6Z",Mb="M13 5V8.62L17 7.17V9.29L13 10.74V12.5L17 11.07V13.2L13 14.65V21H11V15.38L7 16.84V14.71L11 13.24V11.47L7 12.92V10.8L11 9.35V5H5V3H19V5H13Z",Ab="M4,9H6V3H8L11.42,9H16V3H18V9H20V11H18V13H20V15H18V21H16L12.57,15H8V21H6V15H4V13H6V11H4V9M8,9H9.13L8,7.03V9M8,11V13H11.42L10.28,11H8M16,17V15H14.85L16,17M12.56,11L13.71,13H16V11H12.56Z",ib="M5,2V6H3V8H5V10H3V12H5V22H7V16H13C15.7,16 18.16,14.44 19.32,12H22V10H19.92C20.03,9.34 20.03,8.66 19.92,8H22V6H19.32C18.16,3.56 15.7,2 13,2M7,4H13C14.57,4 16.06,4.74 17,6H7V4M13,14H7V12H17C16.06,13.26 14.57,14 13,14M18,9C18,9.34 17.96,9.67 17.9,10H7V8H17.9C17.96,8.33 18,8.66 18,9Z",rb="M11,17H13V19H11V17M14,17H16V19H14V17M9,4H11V15A4,4 0 0,1 7,19H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,16V12H4V16A1,1 0 0,0 5,17H7C8.11,17 9,16.11 9,15V4M12,4H14V13H17V8H19V13C19,14.11 18.11,15 17,15H14C12.89,15 12,14.11 12,13V4M20,10H22V17A3,3 0 0,1 19,20H17V18H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,17V10Z",ab="M13.5 3H7V12H5V14H7V16H5V18H7V21H9V18H13V16H9V14H13.5C16.54 14 19 11.54 19 8.5S16.54 3 13.5 3M13.5 12H9V5H13.5C15.43 5 17 6.57 17 8.5S15.43 12 13.5 12Z",eb="M13.66 7C13.1 5.82 11.9 5 10.5 5H6V3H18V5H14.74C15.22 5.58 15.58 6.26 15.79 7H18V9H16C15.73 11.8 13.37 14 10.5 14H9.77L16.5 21H13.73L7 14V12H10.5C12.26 12 13.72 10.7 13.96 9H6V7H13.66Z",db="M4.41 3L3 4.41L5.69 7.1C4.63 8.46 4 10.15 4 12C4 13.85 4.63 15.55 5.69 16.9L3 19.59L4.41 21L7.1 18.31C8.46 19.37 10.15 20 12 20C13.85 20 15.55 19.37 16.9 18.31L19.59 21L21 19.59L18.31 16.9C19.37 15.54 20 13.85 20 12C20 10.15 19.37 8.45 18.31 7.1L21 4.41L19.59 3L16.9 5.69C15.54 4.63 13.85 4 12 4C10.15 4 8.45 4.63 7.1 5.69L4.41 3M12 6C15.31 6 18 8.69 18 12C18 15.31 15.31 18 12 18C8.69 18 6 15.31 6 12C6 8.69 8.69 6 12 6Z",mb="M16.1 11.6C16.7 10.9 17 10 17 9C17 7.1 15.7 5.6 14 5.1L13 5V3H11V5H7V19H11V21H13V19H14C16.2 19 18 17.2 18 15C18 13.5 17.2 12.3 16.1 11.6M15 9C15 10.1 14.1 11 13 11V7C14.1 7 15 7.9 15 9M9 7H11V11H9V7M9 17V13H11V17H9M14 17H13V13H14C15.1 13 16 13.9 16 15S15.1 17 14 17Z",tb="M9 8.76V3H11V7.5L15 5V7.36L11 9.87L11 12.22L15 9.72V12.08L11 14.59V19C13.76 19 16 16.76 16 14H18C18 17.87 14.87 21 11 21H9V15.84L6 17.72V15.36L9 13.5V11.12L6 13V10.64L9 8.76Z",vb="M3,11H21V13H15V19H21V21H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,19V13H10.35L5.73,21L4,20L8.04,13H3V11M5,3H19V5H5V3Z",lb="M14.59 11H18V9H16.32C16.74 8.34 17 7.68 17 7C17 4.37 14.5 3 12 3C9.65 3 7.53 5.06 7.29 5.29L8.71 6.71C9.19 6.23 10.71 5 12 5C13.04 5 15 5.42 15 7C15 7.5 14.5 8.24 13.76 9H6V11H11.63C11.21 11.36 9.75 12.67 9.41 13H6V15H7.68C7.26 15.66 7 16.32 7 17C7 19.63 9.5 21 12 21C14.35 21 16.47 18.94 16.71 18.71L15.29 17.29C14.82 17.77 13.29 19 12 19C10.96 19 9 18.58 9 17C9 16.5 9.5 15.76 10.24 15H18V13H12.38L14.59 11Z",ob="M7,15H9C9,16.08 10.37,17 12,17C13.63,17 15,16.08 15,15C15,13.9 13.96,13.5 11.76,12.97C9.64,12.44 7,11.78 7,9C7,7.21 8.47,5.69 10.5,5.18V3H13.5V5.18C15.53,5.69 17,7.21 17,9H15C15,7.92 13.63,7 12,7C10.37,7 9,7.92 9,9C9,10.1 10.04,10.5 12.24,11.03C14.36,11.56 17,12.22 17,15C17,16.79 15.53,18.31 13.5,18.82V21H10.5V18.82C8.47,18.31 7,16.79 7,15Z",nb="M3,4.27L4.28,3L21,19.72L19.73,21L16.06,17.33C15.44,18 14.54,18.55 13.5,18.82V21H10.5V18.82C8.47,18.31 7,16.79 7,15H9C9,16.08 10.37,17 12,17C13.13,17 14.14,16.56 14.65,15.92L11.68,12.95C9.58,12.42 7,11.75 7,9C7,8.77 7,8.55 7.07,8.34L3,4.27M10.5,5.18V3H13.5V5.18C15.53,5.69 17,7.21 17,9H15C15,7.92 13.63,7 12,7C11.63,7 11.28,7.05 10.95,7.13L9.4,5.58L10.5,5.18Z",Zb="M12.43 11C12.28 10.84 10 7 7 7S2.32 10.18 2 11V13H11.57C11.72 13.16 14 17 17 17S21.68 13.82 22 13V11H12.43M7 9C8.17 9 9.18 9.85 10 11H4.31C4.78 10.17 5.54 9 7 9M17 15C15.83 15 14.82 14.15 14 13H19.69C19.22 13.83 18.46 15 17 15Z",Sb="M2,9V11H22V9H2M2,13V15H7V13H2M9,13V15H15V13H9M17,13V15H22V13H17Z",ub="M13.64,21.97C13.14,22.21 12.54,22 12.31,21.5L10.13,16.76L7.62,18.78C7.45,18.92 7.24,19 7,19A1,1 0 0,1 6,18V3A1,1 0 0,1 7,2C7.24,2 7.47,2.09 7.64,2.23L7.65,2.22L19.14,11.86C19.57,12.22 19.62,12.85 19.27,13.27C19.12,13.45 18.91,13.57 18.7,13.61L15.54,14.23L17.74,18.96C18,19.46 17.76,20.05 17.26,20.28L13.64,21.97Z",cb="M10.76,8.69A0.76,0.76 0 0,0 10,9.45V20.9C10,21.32 10.34,21.66 10.76,21.66C10.95,21.66 11.11,21.6 11.24,21.5L13.15,19.95L14.81,23.57C14.94,23.84 15.21,24 15.5,24C15.61,24 15.72,24 15.83,23.92L18.59,22.64C18.97,22.46 19.15,22 18.95,21.63L17.28,18L19.69,17.55C19.85,17.5 20,17.43 20.12,17.29C20.39,16.97 20.35,16.5 20,16.21L11.26,8.86L11.25,8.87C11.12,8.76 10.95,8.69 10.76,8.69M15,10V8H20V10H15M13.83,4.76L16.66,1.93L18.07,3.34L15.24,6.17L13.83,4.76M10,0H12V5H10V0M3.93,14.66L6.76,11.83L8.17,13.24L5.34,16.07L3.93,14.66M3.93,3.34L5.34,1.93L8.17,4.76L6.76,6.17L3.93,3.34M7,10H2V8H7V10",sb="M11.5,11L17.88,16.37L17,16.55L16.36,16.67C15.73,16.8 15.37,17.5 15.65,18.07L15.92,18.65L17.28,21.59L15.86,22.25L14.5,19.32L14.24,18.74C13.97,18.15 13.22,17.97 12.72,18.38L12.21,18.78L11.5,19.35V11M10.76,8.69A0.76,0.76 0 0,0 10,9.45V20.9C10,21.32 10.34,21.66 10.76,21.66C10.95,21.66 11.11,21.6 11.24,21.5L13.15,19.95L14.81,23.57C14.94,23.84 15.21,24 15.5,24C15.61,24 15.72,24 15.83,23.92L18.59,22.64C18.97,22.46 19.15,22 18.95,21.63L17.28,18L19.69,17.55C19.85,17.5 20,17.43 20.12,17.29C20.39,16.97 20.35,16.5 20,16.21L11.26,8.86L11.25,8.87C11.12,8.76 10.95,8.69 10.76,8.69M15,10V8H20V10H15M13.83,4.76L16.66,1.93L18.07,3.34L15.24,6.17L13.83,4.76M10,0H12V5H10V0M3.93,14.66L6.76,11.83L8.17,13.24L5.34,16.07L3.93,14.66M3.93,3.34L5.34,1.93L8.17,4.76L6.76,6.17L3.93,3.34M7,10H2V8H7V10",Ob="M15.59 8C15.26 8 15 8.27 15 8.6V17.57C15 17.9 15.26 18.17 15.59 18.17C15.74 18.17 15.86 18.12 15.96 18.04L17.45 16.83L18.74 19.66C18.84 19.88 19.05 20 19.27 20C19.36 20 19.44 20 19.53 19.94L21.67 18.93C21.97 18.79 22.11 18.43 21.95 18.14L20.66 15.3L22.53 14.94C22.65 14.91 22.77 14.85 22.86 14.74C23.07 14.5 23.04 14.12 22.77 13.89L16 8.13C15.88 8.05 15.74 8 15.59 8M12.5 6.73C12.72 6.66 13.17 7.19 13.59 7.76L15 6.71C14.87 6.5 14.69 6.25 14.47 5.96C14.31 5.75 13.59 4.93 12.66 4.8C12.04 4.72 10.81 5.06 10.6 6.61C10.47 7.58 10.76 8.19 11.21 9.08C11.46 9.6 12.04 10.96 12.18 11.78C12.33 12.59 12.06 13.16 11.74 13.12C11.44 13.08 11.2 12.65 11.03 12.41C10.89 12.22 10 10.82 9.67 10.23C9.22 9.5 8.04 7.96 6.44 7.74C4.35 7.46 3.44 9.2 3.18 10.36L1 10.06V11.88L2.93 12.15C2.75 15.6 4.5 16.82 5.67 17C6.92 17.15 8.08 16.28 8.24 15.06C8.41 13.84 7.56 11.5 4.96 10.69C5.1 10.15 5.21 9.43 6.36 9.59C7.26 9.71 8.21 11.26 8.93 12.44C9.58 13.53 10.1 14.39 10.83 14.72C11.45 15 12.16 14.97 12.73 14.65C13.42 14.26 13.86 13.55 14 12.63C14.22 10.9 12.7 8.17 12.57 7.84C12.4 7.46 12.12 6.82 12.5 6.73M6.5 14.78C6.43 15.11 6.1 15.25 5.88 15.22C5.38 15.16 4.66 14.5 4.71 12.53C6.17 13.13 6.53 14.35 6.5 14.78Z",hb="M16.5 10.54L20.37 13.83L18.5 14.18L19.29 15.92L20.22 17.96L19.72 18.19L18.81 16.2L18 14.43L16.5 15.66V10.54M15.59 8C15.26 8 15 8.27 15 8.6V17.57C15 17.9 15.26 18.17 15.59 18.17C15.74 18.17 15.86 18.12 15.96 18.04L17.45 16.83L18.74 19.66C18.84 19.88 19.05 20 19.27 20C19.36 20 19.44 20 19.53 19.94L21.67 18.93C21.97 18.79 22.11 18.43 21.95 18.14L20.66 15.3L22.53 14.94C22.65 14.91 22.77 14.85 22.86 14.74C23.07 14.5 23.04 14.12 22.77 13.89L16 8.13C15.88 8.05 15.74 8 15.59 8M12.5 6.73C12.72 6.66 13.17 7.19 13.59 7.76L15 6.71C14.87 6.5 14.69 6.25 14.47 5.96C14.31 5.75 13.59 4.93 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0,1 6,18V3A1,1 0 0,1 7,2C7.24,2 7.47,2.09 7.64,2.23L7.65,2.22L19.14,11.86C19.57,12.22 19.62,12.85 19.27,13.27C19.12,13.45 18.91,13.57 18.7,13.61L15.54,14.23L17.74,18.96C18,19.46 17.76,20.05 17.26,20.28L13.64,21.97Z",fb="M13,6V11H18V7.75L22.25,12L18,16.25V13H13V18H16.25L12,22.25L7.75,18H11V13H6V16.25L1.75,12L6,7.75V11H11V6H7.75L12,1.75L16.25,6H13Z",gb="M13.75,10.19L14.38,10.32L18.55,12.4C19.25,12.63 19.71,13.32 19.65,14.06V14.19L19.65,14.32L18.75,20.44C18.69,20.87 18.5,21.27 18.15,21.55C17.84,21.85 17.43,22 17,22H10.12C9.63,22 9.18,21.82 8.85,21.47L2.86,15.5L3.76,14.5C4,14.25 4.38,14.11 4.74,14.13H5.03L9,15V4.5A2,2 0 0,1 11,2.5A2,2 0 0,1 13,4.5V10.19H13.75Z",kb="M13,19A1,1 0 0,0 14,20H16V22H13.5C12.95,22 12,21.55 12,21C12,21.55 11.05,22 10.5,22H8V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4H8V2H10.5C11.05,2 12,2.45 12,3C12,2.45 12.95,2 13.5,2H16V4H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,5V19Z",Bb="M23 3H1V1H23V3M2 22H6C6 19 4 17 4 17C10 13 11 4 11 4H2V22M22 4H13C13 4 14 13 20 17C20 17 18 19 18 22H22V4Z",Pb="M23 3H1V1H23V3M2 22H11V4H2V22M22 4H13V22H22V4Z",wb="M12 2C9.89 2 3 2.29 3 6V18C3 21.71 9.89 22 12 22C14.11 22 21 21.71 21 18V6C21 2.29 14.11 2 12 2M12 10C13.38 10 16.8 9.87 19 8.75V15.25C16.8 14.13 13.38 14 12 14S7.2 14.13 5 15.25V8.75C7.2 9.87 10.62 10 12 10M12 4C15.87 4 19 4.89 19 6C19 7.11 15.87 8 12 8C8.13 8 5 7.11 5 6C5 4.89 8.13 4 12 4M12 20C8.13 20 5 19.11 5 18C5 16.9 8.13 16 12 16C15.87 16 19 16.9 19 18C19 19.11 15.87 20 12 20Z",Fb="M7.64 4.44L6.03 2.83C8.15 2.1 10.82 2 12 2C14.11 2 21 2.29 21 6V17.8L18.06 14.86C18.39 14.97 18.7 15.1 19 15.25V8.75C17.28 9.63 14.82 9.89 13.17 9.97L11.18 8C11.45 8 11.72 8 12 8C15.87 8 19 7.11 19 6S15.87 4 12 4C10.35 4 8.84 4.17 7.64 4.44M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.91 20.8C16.7 21.87 13.36 22 12 22C9.89 22 3 21.71 3 18V6C3 5.66 3.08 5.36 3.18 5.07L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M5 15.25C7.2 14.13 10.62 14 12 14L12.11 14L7.73 9.62C6.76 9.43 5.8 9.15 5 8.75V15.25M17.39 19.28L14.21 16.1C13.5 16.04 12.78 16 12 16C8.13 16 5 16.9 5 18S8.13 20 12 20C14.17 20 16.1 19.72 17.39 19.28Z",Tb="M14 3.5C14 4.33 13.33 5 12.5 5S11 4.33 11 3.5 11.67 2 12.5 2 14 2.67 14 3.5M8.5 5C7.67 5 7 5.67 7 6.5S7.67 8 8.5 8 10 7.33 10 6.5 9.33 5 8.5 5M14 12L13.22 9.75H16.18L18.34 8.67C18.71 8.5 18.86 8.04 18.67 7.67C18.5 7.3 18.04 7.14 17.67 7.33L16.85 7.74L16.36 6.9C16.07 6.25 15.36 5.88 14.66 6.04L12.19 6.57C11.5 6.72 11 7.35 11 8.07V8.77L8.57 10.39H8.58C8.5 10.46 8.39 10.55 8.33 10.67L7.44 12.44L5.66 13.33C5.29 13.5 5.14 13.97 5.33 14.34C5.46 14.6 5.73 14.75 6 14.75C6.11 14.75 6.23 14.73 6.34 14.67L8.56 13.56L9.6 11.5L11 13C10 16 3 20 3 20S7 22 12 22 21 20 21 20 16 16 14 12M16.85 11.09L16.53 11.25H15.33L15.39 11.41C15.91 12.44 16.67 13.5 17.5 14.44L16.97 11.03L16.85 11.09Z",bb="M12 1V2L11.23 1.36L7.76 5.5L11 7.5V5.16L10.78 5L12 3.56V23H14V13.24L15.93 11.31C18.5 11.71 21.13 10.36 22.66 8.83L21.24 7.41C20.1 8.56 17.7 9.61 16 9.26L14 7.24V1M17 4A2 2 0 0 0 15 6A2 2 0 0 0 17 8A2 2 0 0 0 19 6A2 2 0 0 0 17 4M11 7.76L7.1 11.66C5.25 13.5 4.31 14.85 3.06 18.16L4.94 18.86C5.94 16.2 6.66 15.14 7.87 13.84L9.22 15.19L4.27 20.14L5.69 21.56L11 16.24Z",yb="M2 2V22H22V20H20V18H22V16H20V14H22V12H18V10H16V12H14V10H12V8H8V12H12V16H10V18H12V20H10V18H8V16H6V14H4V12H6V6H4V2H2M6 6H8V2H6V6M8 16H10V14H8V16M18 10H22V8H18V10M18 8V4H16V6H14V8H18M16 4V2H14V4H16M18 4H20V2H18V4M20 4V6H22V4H20M10 2V6H12V2H10M14 14H16V16H18V20H14V14M4 18H6V20H4V18Z",Rb="M20 12.1C19.9 12.1 19.7 12.2 19.6 12.3L18.6 13.3L20.7 15.4L21.7 14.4C21.9 14.2 21.9 13.8 21.7 13.6L20.4 12.3C20.3 12.2 20.2 12.1 20 12.1M18.1 13.9L12 19.9V22H14.1L20.2 15.9L18.1 13.9M8 6H6V2H8V6M10 16H8V14H10V16M12 6H10V2H12V6M16 2V4H14V2H16M20 4H18V2H20V4M10 20V18H8V16H6V14H4V12H6V6H4V2H2V22H10V20M6 20H4V18H6V20M22 10H18V8H22V10M20 6V4H22V6H20M18 4V8H14V6H16V4H18M10 18V16H12V12H8V8H12V10H14V12H16V10H18V11.1L15.1 14H14V15.1L11.1 18H10Z",xb="M16 2V4H14V2H16M12 2H10V6H12V2M10 14H8V16H10V14M16 4V6H14V8H18V4H16M8 2H6V6H8V2M20 2H18V4H20V2M13.8 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21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M22 20L19 23L16 20H18V16H20V20H22Z",zb="M4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3S20 4.79 20 7 16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7M19.72 13.05C19.9 12.71 20 12.36 20 12V9C20 11.21 16.42 13 12 13S4 11.21 4 9V12C4 14.21 7.58 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.28 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.24 13 19.5 13 19.72 13.05M13.1 17.96C12.74 18 12.37 18 12 18C7.58 18 4 16.21 4 14V17C4 19.21 7.58 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19C13 18.64 13.04 18.3 13.1 17.96M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",_b="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 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13.9C12 14 12.1 14 12.1 14M18.8 20.7L17.7 19.6C17.6 19.9 17.3 20 17 20C16.4 20 16 19.6 16 19C16 18.7 16.1 18.4 16.4 18.2L15.3 17.1C14.8 17.6 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.9C14.5 20.3 15.6 21.4 17 21.4C17.7 21.5 18.4 21.2 18.8 20.7Z",dy="M9.1 19.7L8.8 19L9 18.6C7.1 18.1 6 17.3 6 17V14.8C7.3 15.4 8.8 15.8 10.6 16C11.3 15.2 12.2 14.5 13.1 14H12C9.6 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.5V9.6C7.5 10.4 9.6 11 12 11S16.5 10.5 18 9.6V12.4C17.7 12.6 17.4 12.8 17 13C18 13 19 13.2 20 13.6V7C20 4.8 16.4 3 12 3S4 4.8 4 7V17C4 18.8 6.4 20.3 9.7 20.8C9.5 20.5 9.3 20.1 9.1 19.7M12 5C15.9 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.9 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.1 5 12 5M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",my="M12,3C8.59,3 5.69,4.07 4.54,5.57L9.79,10.82C10.5,10.93 11.22,11 12,11C16.42,11 20,9.21 20,7C20,4.79 16.42,3 12,3M3.92,7.08L2.5,8.5L5,11H0V13H5L2.5,15.5L3.92,16.92L8.84,12M20,9C20,11.21 16.42,13 12,13C11.34,13 10.7,12.95 10.09,12.87L7.62,15.34C8.88,15.75 10.38,16 12,16C16.42,16 20,14.21 20,12M20,14C20,16.21 16.42,18 12,18C9.72,18 7.67,17.5 6.21,16.75L4.53,18.43C5.68,19.93 8.59,21 12,21C16.42,21 20,19.21 20,17",ty="M8.84 12L3.92 16.92L2.5 15.5L5 13H0V11H5L2.5 8.5L3.92 7.08L8.84 12M12 3C8.59 3 5.68 4.07 4.53 5.57L5 6L6.03 7.07C6 7.05 6 7 6 7C6 6.5 8.13 5 12 5S18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9C9.38 9 7.58 8.31 6.68 7.72L9.8 10.84C10.5 10.94 11.24 11 12 11C14.39 11 16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14C11.04 14 10.1 13.9 9.24 13.73L7.59 15.37C8.91 15.77 10.41 16 12 16C14.28 16 16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17C18 17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V16.96L5 18L4.54 18.43C5.69 19.93 8.6 21 12 21C16.41 21 20 19.21 20 17V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3Z",vy="M11,3C15.42,3 19,4.79 19,7C19,9.21 15.42,11 11,11C6.58,11 3,9.21 3,7C3,4.79 6.58,3 11,3M19,12.03C17.11,12.24 15.57,13.62 15.13,15.43C13.92,15.79 12.5,16 11,16C6.58,16 3,14.21 3,12V9C3,11.21 6.58,13 11,13C15.42,13 19,11.21 19,9V12.03M14,17.71V20.71C13.07,20.9 12.06,21 11,21C6.58,21 3,19.21 3,17V14C3,16.21 6.58,18 11,18C12.06,18 13.07,17.9 14,17.71M19.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 22,16.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 23,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 22,23H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17V16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,14M19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5V17H21V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15Z",ly="M6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V11.05C18.17 11.03 18.33 11 18.5 11C19.03 11 19.53 11.1 20 11.26V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.34 21 12.67 21 13 20.97V18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.41 16 12.81 15.97 13.21 15.94C13.4 15.46 13.68 15.03 14.07 14.7C14.13 14.39 14.23 14.09 14.34 13.8C13.6 13.93 12.81 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M21 16V15.5C21 14.12 19.88 13 18.5 13S16 14.12 16 15.5V16C15.45 16 15 16.45 15 17V21C15 21.55 15.45 22 16 22H21C21.55 22 22 21.55 22 21V17C22 16.45 21.55 16 21 16M20 16H17V15.5C17 14.67 17.67 14 18.5 14S20 14.67 20 15.5V16Z",oy="M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M4 12V9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13C12.57 13 13.13 12.97 13.67 12.91C13.25 13.69 13 14.57 13 15.5C13 15.65 13 15.81 13.03 15.96C12.69 16 12.35 16 12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12M4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3S20 4.79 20 7 16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7M15 20.71C14.07 20.9 13.06 21 12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18C12.5 18 13.03 17.97 13.5 17.93C13.9 18.91 14.44 19.87 15 20.71Z",ny="M12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.35 16 12.69 15.97 13.03 15.95C13 15.8 13 15.65 13 15.5C13 14.96 13.09 14.44 13.24 13.94C12.83 14 12.42 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V10.03C18.17 10 18.33 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C13.06 21 14.07 20.89 15 20.71C14.62 20.14 14.25 19.5 13.93 18.85C13.34 18.94 12.71 19 12 19M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",Zy="M23 17V19H15V17M12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7S16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7 7.58 3 12 3M4 9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13S20 11.21 20 9V12.08L19 12C16.41 12 14.2 13.64 13.36 15.94L12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12V9M4 14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18H13C13 19.05 13.27 20.04 13.75 20.9L12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14Z",Sy="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",uy="M19.07 15.87C19.66 15.31 20 14.68 20 14V16.8L19.07 15.87M20 9C20 10.54 18.27 11.86 15.73 12.53L17.89 14.69C19.19 14 20 13.04 20 12V9M20 7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3C10.13 3 8.42 3.33 7.06 3.86L14.06 10.86C17.5 10.41 20 8.85 20 7M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.21 6.1C4.08 6.39 4 6.69 4 7C4 8.63 5.96 10.04 8.77 10.66L11.08 12.97C7.1 12.74 4 11.06 4 9V12C4 14.21 7.58 16 12 16C12.69 16 13.35 15.95 14 15.87L15.66 17.55C14.57 17.84 13.32 18 12 18C7.58 18 4 16.21 4 14V17C4 19.21 7.58 21 12 21C14.31 21 16.38 20.5 17.84 19.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",cy="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.21 6.1C4.08 6.39 4 6.69 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C14.3 21 16.38 20.5 17.84 19.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6 9.64C6.76 10.07 7.7 10.42 8.76 10.65L12.11 14C12.07 14 12.04 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64M12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.68 16 13.34 15.95 14 15.87L16.34 18.23C15.33 18.65 13.87 19 12 19M8.64 5.44L7.06 3.86C8.42 3.33 10.13 3 12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7V16.8L18 14.8V14.77L18 14.78L16.45 13.25C17.05 13.03 17.58 12.76 18 12.45V9.64C16.97 10.22 15.61 10.65 14.06 10.86L12.19 9C15.94 8.94 18 7.5 18 7C18 6.5 15.87 5 12 5C10.66 5 9.54 5.18 8.64 5.44Z",sy="M12 3C7.58 3 4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21S20 19.21 20 17V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3M18 17C18 17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16S16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11C14.39 11 16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9Z",Oy="M18,14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C16.42,13 20,11.21 20,9V9L20,12.08L19,12C16.41,12 14.2,13.64 13.36,15.94L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18H13C13,19.05 13.27,20.04 13.75,20.9L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",hy="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",py="M12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7C20 9.21 16.42 11 12 11C7.58 11 4 9.21 4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3M4 9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13C13.11 13 14.18 12.89 15.14 12.68C14.19 13.54 13.5 14.67 13.18 15.96L12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12V9M20 9V11L19.5 11L18.9 11.03C19.6 10.43 20 9.74 20 9M4 14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18L13 17.97C13.09 19.03 13.42 20 13.95 20.88L12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14M19 13.5C20.11 13.5 21.11 13.95 21.83 14.67L23 13.5V17.5H19L20.77 15.73C20.32 15.28 19.69 15 19 15C17.62 15 16.5 16.12 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20C19.82 20 20.54 19.61 21 19H22.71C22.12 20.47 20.68 21.5 19 21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 15.29 16.79 13.5 19 13.5Z",fy="M6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.03C18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5 12C19 12 19.5 12.07 20 12.18V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.17 21 12.33 21 12.5 21C12.24 20.37 12.09 19.7 12.03 19L12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.17 16 12.34 16 12.5 16C12.85 15.18 13.34 14.46 13.95 13.86C13.32 13.95 12.67 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M18 18.5L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18Z",gy="M15.46,15.88L16.88,14.46L19,16.59L21.12,14.47L22.53,15.88L20.41,18L22.54,20.12L21.12,21.54L19,19.41L16.88,21.53L15.47,20.12L17.59,18L15.46,15.88M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C16.42,13 20,11.21 20,9V12.08L19,12C16.41,12 14.2,13.64 13.36,15.94L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18H13C13,19.05 13.27,20.04 13.75,20.9L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",ky="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 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17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16S16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M7 22H9V24H7V22M15 22H17V24H15V22M11 22H13V24H11V22Z",Ty="M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C13.11,13 14.17,12.89 15.14,12.68C14.19,13.54 13.5,14.67 13.18,15.96L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M20,9V11H19.5L18.9,11.03C19.6,10.43 20,9.74 20,9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18L13,17.97C13.09,19.03 13.42,20 13.95,20.88L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",by="M12 16C12.41 16 12.81 15.97 13.21 15.94C13.4 15.18 13.72 14.46 14.16 13.83C13.47 13.94 12.74 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V11.19C18.5 11.07 19 11 19.55 11C19.7 11 19.85 11 20 11.03V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.66 21 13.31 20.96 13.92 20.88C13.57 20.29 13.31 19.64 13.16 18.94C12.79 19 12.41 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M23 17.5C23 18.32 22.75 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",yy="M2.05,13H21.95C21.45,18.05 17.19,22 12,22C6.82,22 2.55,18.05 2.05,13M21.95,11H2.05C2.55,5.95 6.82,2 12,2C17.18,2 21.45,5.95 21.95,11M12,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,4.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,9.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,6.75Z",Ry="M2.05,13H21.94C21.88,13.69 21.74,14.36 21.54,15H14V17H17V19H15V21H12.5V22C12.33,22 12.17,22 12,22C6.82,22 2.55,18.05 2.05,13M21.94,11H2.05C2.55,5.95 6.82,2 12,2C13.62,2 15.15,2.39 16.5,3.08V5H18.5V7H20V9H21.54C21.74,9.64 21.88,10.31 21.94,11M12,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,4.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,9.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,6.75Z",xy="M12,2L1,21H23L12,2M12.75,11.47C14.56,11.87 15.7,13.67 15.3,15.5C15,16.75 14,17.75 12.75,18.03V11.47M11.25,18C9.44,17.6 8.3,15.8 8.7,14C9,12.72 10,11.72 11.25,11.44V18M16.88,14.72C16.83,12.35 15.09,10.36 12.75,10V6.29L20.4,19.5H13.07C15.29,19 16.87,17.03 16.88,14.75V14.72M11.25,6.29V10C8.6,10.4 6.77,12.88 7.18,15.54C7.5,17.5 8.97,19.12 10.93,19.55H3.6L11.25,6.29Z",Dy="M18.5,10.57L18.3,10.94C18.56,10.16 18.41,9.31 18.45,8.57L18.38,8.55C18.31,6.7 16.71,4.73 15.29,4.07C14.06,3.5 12.17,3.4 11.3,3.83C11.42,3.72 11.9,3.68 11.75,3.6C10.38,3.73 10.69,4.07 9.64,4.34C9.35,4.62 10.5,4.12 9.87,4.5C9.31,4.63 9.05,4.38 8.22,5.24C8.29,5.36 8.75,4.89 8.37,5.36C7.58,5.27 5.89,7.16 5.53,7.78L5.72,7.82C5.41,8.59 5,9.08 4.95,9.54C4.87,10.68 4.5,12.75 5.03,13.39L4.97,13.92L5.2,14.37L5.08,14.38C5.66,16.21 5.7,14.42 6.47,16.32C6.36,16.28 6.24,16.24 6.08,16C6.06,16.19 6.32,16.69 6.62,17.08L6.5,17.22C6.66,17.53 6.82,17.6 6.93,17.71C6.3,17.36 7.5,18.84 7.63,19.03L7.73,18.86C7.71,19.1 7.9,19.42 8.26,19.87L8.56,19.86C8.69,20.1 9.14,20.54 9.41,20.56L9.23,20.8C9.92,21 9.56,21.09 10.41,21.39L10.24,21.09C10.67,21.46 10.8,21.79 11.41,22.07C12.26,22.37 12.37,22.25 13.23,22.5C12.5,22.5 11.64,22.5 11.06,22.28C7.1,21.21 3.5,16.56 3.74,11.78C3.68,10.81 3.84,9.6 3.68,9.36C3.9,8.62 4.16,7.72 4.69,6.65C4.65,6.58 4.78,6.86 5.05,6.41C5.21,6.05 5.34,5.66 5.55,5.31L5.65,5.28C5.76,4.67 7.08,3.73 7.5,3.26V3.44C8.36,2.63 9.9,2.09 10.76,1.71C10.53,1.96 11.27,1.68 11.8,1.65L11.31,1.93C11.94,1.77 11.91,2 12.56,1.9C12.33,1.93 12.06,2 12.1,2.06C12.82,2.14 12.94,1.84 13.61,2.06L13.56,1.86C14.5,2.2 14.69,2.14 15.7,2.68C16.06,2.69 16.1,2.46 16.63,2.68C16.73,2.84 16.61,2.87 17.27,3.27C17.34,3.24 17.14,3.05 17,2.9C18.3,3.61 19.75,5.12 20.18,6.74C19.77,6 20.14,7.13 20,7.07C20.18,7.56 20.33,8.07 20.43,8.6C20.31,8.17 20.04,7.12 19.57,6.45C19.54,6.88 18.97,6.15 19.28,7.11C19.5,7.45 19.33,6.76 19.62,7.36C19.62,7.65 19.73,7.94 19.8,8.31C19.7,8.29 19.58,7.9 19.5,8C19.6,8.5 19.77,8.72 19.83,8.76C19.8,8.84 19.71,8.68 19.71,9C19.75,9.74 19.92,9.43 20,9.46C19.91,9.83 19.59,10.25 19.75,10.88L19.55,10.32C19.5,10.85 19.66,10.95 19.42,11.6C19.6,11 19.58,10.5 19.41,10.75C19.5,11.57 18.76,12.2 18.83,12.73L18.62,12.44C18.05,13.27 18.61,12.89 18.22,13.5C18.36,13.27 18.15,13.42 18.33,13.14C18.21,13.15 17.78,13.67 17.39,13.97C15.85,15.2 14,15.37 12.24,14.7H12.23C12.24,14.66 12.23,14.61 12.11,14.53C10.6,13.38 9.71,12.4 10,10.12C10.25,9.95 10.31,9 10.84,8.67C11.16,7.96 12.12,7.31 13.15,7.29C14.2,7.23 15.09,7.85 15.54,8.43C14.72,7.68 13.4,7.45 12.26,8C11.11,8.53 10.42,9.8 10.5,11.07C10.56,11 10.6,11.05 10.62,10.89C10.59,13.36 13.28,15.17 15.22,14.26L15.25,14.31C16.03,14.09 15.93,13.92 16.44,13.56C16.4,13.65 16.1,13.86 16.28,13.86C16.53,13.8 17.31,13.07 17.7,12.73C17.87,12.35 17.6,12.5 17.85,12.04L18.15,11.89C18.32,11.41 18.5,11.14 18.5,10.57",Ey="M12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22M13,2V13L17.5,8.5L18.92,9.92L12,16.84L5.08,9.92L6.5,8.5L11,13V2H13Z",Ny="M12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22M13,16H11V6L6.5,10.5L5.08,9.08L12,2.16L18.92,9.08L17.5,10.5L13,6V16Z",Wy="M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,16A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 10,16A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M23.46,8.86L21.87,15.75L15,14.16L18.8,11.78C17.39,9.5 14.87,8 12,8C8.05,8 4.77,10.86 4.12,14.63L2.15,14.28C2.96,9.58 7.06,6 12,6C15.58,6 18.73,7.89 20.5,10.72L23.46,8.86Z",Iy="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12Z",Gy="M23,12L20.56,14.78L20.9,18.46L17.29,19.28L15.4,22.46L12,21L8.6,22.47L6.71,19.29L3.1,18.47L3.44,14.78L1,12L3.44,9.21L3.1,5.53L6.71,4.72L8.6,1.54L12,3L15.4,1.54L17.29,4.72L20.9,5.54L20.56,9.22L23,12M20.33,12L18.5,9.89L18.74,7.1L16,6.5L14.58,4.07L12,5.18L9.42,4.07L8,6.5L5.26,7.09L5.5,9.88L3.67,12L5.5,14.1L5.26,16.9L8,17.5L9.42,19.93L12,18.81L14.58,19.92L16,17.5L18.74,16.89L18.5,14.1L20.33,12Z",Qy="M10 7A3 3 0 0 0 7 10V13A3 3 0 0 0 13 13V10A3 3 0 0 0 10 7M11 13A1 1 0 0 1 9 13V10A1 1 0 0 1 11 10M17 7A3 3 0 0 0 14 10V13A3 3 0 0 0 20 13V10A3 3 0 0 0 17 7M18 13A1 1 0 0 1 16 13V10A1 1 0 0 1 18 10M6 15A1 1 0 1 1 5 14A1 1 0 0 1 6 15Z",Uy="M10 7A3 3 0 0 1 13 10V13A3 3 0 0 1 7 13V10A3 3 0 0 1 10 7M10 9A1 1 0 0 0 9 10V13A1 1 0 0 0 11 13V10A1 1 0 0 0 10 9M17 7A3 3 0 0 1 20 10V13A3 3 0 0 1 14 13V10A3 3 0 0 1 17 7M17 9A1 1 0 0 0 16 10V13A1 1 0 0 0 18 13V10A1 1 0 0 0 17 9M5 14A1 1 0 0 0 4 15L5 18H6V15A1 1 0 0 0 5 14Z",zy="M5 13V16H4L3 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 13M15 16V14L12 17L15 20V18H21V16M12 11A3 3 0 0 1 6 11V8A3 3 0 0 1 12 8M10 8A1 1 0 0 0 8 8V11A1 1 0 0 0 10 11Z",_y="M9 5A3 3 0 0 0 6 8V11A3 3 0 0 0 12 11V8A3 3 0 0 0 9 5M10 11A1 1 0 0 1 8 11V8A1 1 0 0 1 10 8M16 14A3 3 0 0 0 19 11V8A3 3 0 0 0 13 8V11A3 3 0 0 0 16 14M15 8A1 1 0 0 1 17 8V11A1 1 0 0 1 15 11M19 20V18H13V16H19V14L22 17M5 13V16H4L3 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 13Z",Ky="M12,17L15,20V18H21V16H15V14L12,17M9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5M9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7M4,12A1,1 0 0,1 5,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12Z",jy="M22,17L19,20V18H13V16H19V14L22,17M9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5M9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7M16,5A3,3 0 0,1 19,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 16,14A3,3 0 0,1 13,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 16,5M16,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 16,7M4,12A1,1 0 0,1 5,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12Z",qy="M19,4H15.5L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19Z",$y="M17 4V6H3V4H6.5L7.5 3H12.5L13.5 4H17M4 19V7H16V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",Xy="M4 19V7H16V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19M6 9V19H14V9H6M13.5 4H17V6H3V4H6.5L7.5 3H12.5L13.5 4M19 17V15H21V17H19M19 13V7H21V13H19Z",Yy="M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M17,7H14.5L13.5,6H10.5L9.5,7H7V9H17V7M9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V10H8V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18Z",Jy="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M16,10V17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,17V10H16M13.5,6L14.5,7H17V9H7V7H9.5L10.5,6H13.5Z",CR="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.36 22.24 11.1 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V7H18V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11M19 4V6H5V4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4H19Z",HR="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.36 22.24 11.1 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V7H18V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M9 16C9 12.13 12.13 9 16 9H8V19H9.67C9.24 18.09 9 17.07 9 16M16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11M15.5 4H19V6H5V4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4Z",VR="M20.37,8.91L19.37,10.64L7.24,3.64L8.24,1.91L11.28,3.66L12.64,3.29L16.97,5.79L17.34,7.16L20.37,8.91M6,19V7H11.07L18,11V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19Z",LR="M20.37,8.91L19.37,10.64L7.24,3.64L8.24,1.91L11.28,3.66L12.64,3.29L16.97,5.79L17.34,7.16L20.37,8.91M6,19V7H11.07L18,11V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19M8,19H16V12.2L10.46,9H8V19Z",MR="M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8.46,11.88L9.87,10.47L12,12.59L14.12,10.47L15.53,11.88L13.41,14L15.53,16.12L14.12,17.53L12,15.41L9.88,17.53L8.47,16.12L10.59,14L8.46,11.88M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5Z",AR="M14.12,10.47L12,12.59L9.87,10.47L8.46,11.88L10.59,14L8.47,16.12L9.88,17.53L12,15.41L14.12,17.53L15.53,16.12L13.41,14L15.53,11.88L14.12,10.47M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8,9H16V19H8V9Z",iR="M2 5.27L3.28 4L5 5.72L5.28 6L6.28 7L18 18.72L20 20.72L18.73 22L17.27 20.54C16.93 20.83 16.5 21 16 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V9.27L2 5.27M19 4V6H7.82L5.82 4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4H19M18 7V16.18L8.82 7H18Z",rR="M2 5.27L3.28 4L5 5.72L5.28 6L6.28 7L8.28 9L16 16.72L18 18.72L20 20.72L18.73 22L17.27 20.54C16.93 20.83 16.5 21 16 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V9.27L2 5.27M8 19H15.73L8 11.27V19M18 7V16.18L16 14.18V9H10.82L8.82 7H18M15.5 4H19V6H7.82L5.82 4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4Z",aR="M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8,9H16V19H8V9M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5Z",eR="M14,14H16L12,10L8,14H10V18H14V14M6,7H18V19C18,19.5 17.8,20 17.39,20.39C17,20.8 16.5,21 16,21H8C7.5,21 7,20.8 6.61,20.39C6.2,20 6,19.5 6,19V7M19,4V6H5V4H8.5L9.5,3H14.5L15.5,4H19Z",dR="M15,16H19V18H15V16M15,8H22V10H15V8M15,12H21V14H15V12M3,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H11A2,2 0 0,0 13,18V8H3V18M14,5H11L10,4H6L5,5H2V7H14V5Z",mR="M15,16H19V18H15V16M15,8H22V10H15V8M15,12H21V14H15V12M11,10V18H5V10H11M13,8H3V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H11A2,2 0 0,0 13,18V8M14,5H11L10,4H6L5,5H2V7H14V5Z",tR="M21.03,3L18,20.31C17.83,21.27 17,22 16,22H8C7,22 6.17,21.27 6,20.31L2.97,3H21.03M5.36,5L8,20H16L18.64,5H5.36M9,18V14H13V18H9M13,13.18L9.82,10L13,6.82L16.18,10L13,13.18Z",vR="M12,7.77L18.39,18H5.61L12,7.77M12,4L2,20H22",lR="M3 6H21C21.55 6 22 6.45 22 7C22 7.55 21.55 8 21 8V19H19V17H15V19H13V8H5V19H3V8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7C2 6.45 2.45 6 3 6M16 10.5V11H18V10.5C18 10.22 17.78 10 17.5 10H16.5C16.22 10 16 10.22 16 10.5M16 14.5V15H18V14.5C18 14.22 17.78 14 17.5 14H16.5C16.22 14 16 14.22 16 14.5Z",oR="M10.85,2L9.18,4.5L10.32,5.25L7.14,10C7.1,10 7.05,10 7,10A2,2 0 0,0 5,12C5,12.94 5.66,13.75 6.58,13.95L10.62,20H7V22H17V20H13L8.53,13.28C8.83,12.92 9,12.47 9,12C9,11.7 8.93,11.4 8.8,11.13L12,6.37C11.78,8.05 12.75,9.89 14.45,11L18.89,4.37C17.2,3.24 15.12,3.04 13.65,3.87L10.85,2M18.33,7L16.67,9.5C17.35,9.95 18.29,9.77 18.75,9.08C19.21,8.39 19,7.46 18.33,7Z",nR="M9 10.87L8.8 11.13C8.93 11.4 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.47 8.83 12.92 8.53 13.28L13 20H17V22H7V20H10.62L6.58 13.95C5.66 13.75 5 12.94 5 12C5 10.9 5.9 10 7 10H7.14L7.53 9.42L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L9 10.87M18.33 7L16.67 9.5C17.35 9.95 18.29 9.77 18.75 9.08S19 7.46 18.33 7M9.57 6.37L11 7.82L12 6.37C11.78 8.05 12.75 9.89 14.45 11L18.89 4.37C17.2 3.24 15.12 3.04 13.65 3.87L10.85 2L9.18 4.5L10.32 5.25L9.57 6.37Z",ZR="M10.85 2L9.18 4.5L10.32 5.25L7.14 10H7C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12C5 12.94 5.66 13.75 6.58 13.95L10.62 20H7V22H17V20H13L8.53 13.28C8.83 12.92 9 12.47 9 12C9 11.7 8.93 11.4 8.8 11.13L12 6.37C11.78 8.05 12.75 9.89 14.45 11L18.89 4.37C17.2 3.24 15.12 3.04 13.65 3.87L10.85 2M18.33 7L16.67 9.5C17.35 9.95 18.29 9.77 18.75 9.08C19.21 8.39 19 7.46 18.33 7M21.7 12.58L19.58 10.45L20.28 9.75L22.4 11.87L21.7 12.58M23 7H20V6H23V7M16 14V11H17V14H16Z",SR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,5V19H19V5H15M5,5V9H13V5H5M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M5,14V16H7V14H5M8,14V16H10V14H8M11,14V16H13V14H11M11,17V19H13V17H11M8,17V19H10V17H8M5,17V19H7V17H5Z",uR="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V12C4,13.11 4.89,14 6,14H18C19.11,14 20,13.11 20,12V4C20,2.89 19.11,2 18,2H6M6,4H18V12H6V4M4,15C2.89,15 2,15.89 2,17V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V17C22,15.89 21.11,15 20,15H4M8,17H20V20H8V17M9,17.75V19.25H13V17.75H9M15,17.75V19.25H19V17.75H15Z",cR="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,4V6H16V4H8M16,8H8V10H16V8M16,18H14V20H16V18Z",sR="M22,18H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 17,6H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,7V17A1,1 0 0,1 22,18M22,8H17V9H22V8M22,10H17V11H22V10M9,15V17H10V18H5V17H6V15H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,14V7A1,1 0 0,1 2,6H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15H9M12,8H3V13H12V8Z",OR="M6.38,6H17.63L12,16L6.38,6M3,4L12,20L21,4H3Z",hR="M7.73 11.93C7.73 13.65 7.71 13.76 7.5 14C7.31 14.17 7.12 14.23 6.74 14.23L6.23 14.24L6.2 11.97L6.18 9.7H6.7C7.05 9.7 7.3 9.77 7.47 9.91C7.71 10.12 7.73 10.16 7.73 11.93M22 7.5V16.5C22 17.61 21.11 18.5 20 18.5H4C2.89 18.5 2 17.61 2 16.5V7.5C2 6.39 2.89 5.5 4 5.5H20C21.11 5.5 22 6.39 22 7.5M8.93 11.73C8.9 9.89 8.88 9.74 8.64 9.34C8.24 8.66 7.79 8.5 6.28 8.5H5V15.5H6.21C7.54 15.5 8.1 15.33 8.5 14.79C8.91 14.26 9 13.81 8.93 11.73M13.12 8.5H11.64C10.15 8.5 10.14 8.5 9.93 8.78S9.7 9.21 9.7 12V14.96L9.97 15.23C10.22 15.5 10.28 15.5 11.68 15.5H13.12V14.31L12.03 14.27L10.93 14.24V12.6L11.61 12.57L12.27 12.53V11.34H10.88V9.7H13.12V8.5M19 8.56C19 8.5 18.7 8.5 18.34 8.5L17.66 8.56L17.07 10.91C16.69 12.39 16.45 13.18 16.4 13.04C16.32 12.77 15.26 8.6 15.26 8.55C15.26 8.5 14.95 8.5 14.58 8.5H13.89L14.3 10.05C14.5 10.92 14.89 12.33 15.11 13.2C15.45 14.55 15.57 14.85 15.86 15.14C16.06 15.36 16.31 15.5 16.47 15.5C16.8 15.5 17.23 15.16 17.37 14.77C17.5 14.5 19 8.69 19 8.56Z",pR="M22,9V7H20V5A2,2 0 0,0 18,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,19V17H22V15H20V13H22V11H20V9H22M18,19H4V5H18V19M6,13H11V17H6V13M12,7H16V10H12V7M6,7H11V12H6V7M12,11H16V17H12V11Z",fR="M6,6H12L14,2H18V6L14.5,13H18V18H12L10,22H6V18L9.5,11H6V6Z",gR="M3 6H21V4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H7V18H3V6M13 12H9V13.78C8.39 14.33 8 15.11 8 16C8 16.89 8.39 17.67 9 18.22V20H13V18.22C13.61 17.67 14 16.88 14 16S13.61 14.33 13 13.78V12M11 17.5C10.17 17.5 9.5 16.83 9.5 16S10.17 14.5 11 14.5 12.5 15.17 12.5 16 11.83 17.5 11 17.5M22 8H16C15.5 8 15 8.5 15 9V19C15 19.5 15.5 20 16 20H22C22.5 20 23 19.5 23 19V9C23 8.5 22.5 8 22 8M21 18H17V10H21V18Z",kR="M11,2V3C9.27,3.2 7.69,3.9 6.4,4.94L5.64,4.18L4.22,5.6L5,6.35C3.9,7.68 3.21,9.3 3,11H2V13H3C3.21,14.68 3.9,16.26 5,17.56L4.22,18.32L5.64,19.74L6.39,19C7.71,20.07 9.3,20.77 11,21V22H13V21C14.69,20.77 16.29,20.07 17.6,19L18.36,19.74L19.78,18.32L19,17.57C20.1,16.27 20.79,14.68 21,13H22V11H21C20.79,9.3 20.1,7.69 19,6.36L19.78,5.6L18.36,4.18L17.61,4.94C16.29,3.87 14.69,3.2 13,3V2H11M11,5V8L10,8.5L7.81,6.35C8.72,5.67 9.81,5.17 11,5M13,5C14.16,5.18 15.26,5.64 16.2,6.35L14,8.5L13,8V5M6.4,7.76L8.5,10L8,11H5C5.16,9.84 5.7,8.7 6.39,7.75L6.4,7.76M17.6,7.76C18.33,8.71 18.81,9.82 19,11H16L15.5,10L17.61,7.76H17.6M12,10C13.12,10 14,10.88 14,12C14,13.12 13.12,14 12,14C10.88,14 10,13.12 10,12C10,10.88 10.88,10 12,10M5,13H8L8.57,14L6.39,16.15C5.67,15.24 5.19,14.16 5,13V13M16,13H19C18.81,14.15 18.33,15.24 17.61,16.16L15.5,14L16,13M10,15.5L11,16V19C9.83,18.8 8.73,18.31 7.8,17.57L10,15.5M14,15.5L16.19,17.57C15.28,18.25 14.19,18.83 13,19V16L14,15.5Z",BR="M14.73 2.29A1 1 0 0 1 16.14 3.7L13 6.79L13.76 7.74L15.7 12.74A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 15.36 14.29L12.27 17.38A1.55 1.55 0 0 1 10.15 17.38L5.55 12.78A1.37 1.37 0 0 1 5.15 11.78L4.65 5.34H5.72A1 1 0 0 1 6.47 5.64L6.61 5.81L7.66 9.29M7.66 22L2 16.36L4.12 14.24L9.78 19.9M19.5 4.5S17 7.26 17 9A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 22 9C22 7.26 19.5 4.5 19.5 4.5Z",PR="M12,19A2,2 0 0,0 10,21A2,2 0 0,0 12,23A2,2 0 0,0 14,21A2,2 0 0,0 12,19M6,1A2,2 0 0,0 4,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,5A2,2 0 0,0 8,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,1M6,7A2,2 0 0,0 4,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,7M6,13A2,2 0 0,0 4,15A2,2 0 0,0 6,17A2,2 0 0,0 8,15A2,2 0 0,0 6,13M18,5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3A2,2 0 0,0 18,1A2,2 0 0,0 16,3A2,2 0 0,0 18,5M12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,13M18,13A2,2 0 0,0 16,15A2,2 0 0,0 18,17A2,2 0 0,0 20,15A2,2 0 0,0 18,13M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9A2,2 0 0,0 18,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9A2,2 0 0,0 18,7M12,7A2,2 0 0,0 10,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,11A2,2 0 0,0 14,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,7M12,1A2,2 0 0,0 10,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,5A2,2 0 0,0 14,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,1Z",wR="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,15V13H7V15L4,12L7,9V11H17V9L20,12L17,15Z",FR="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16,15V13H8V15L5,12L8,9V11H16V9L19,12L16,15Z",TR="M4.15,21.46L5.47,19.58C3.35,17.74 2,15.03 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C13.78,2 15.44,2.46 16.89,3.27L18.21,1.39L19.85,2.54L18.53,4.42C20.65,6.26 22,8.97 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C10.22,22 8.56,21.54 7.11,20.73L5.79,22.61L4.15,21.46M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.35 5,16.46 6.63,17.93L15.73,4.92C14.62,4.33 13.35,4 12,4M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.65 19,7.54 17.37,6.07L8.27,19.08C9.38,19.67 10.65,20 12,20Z",bR="M6,2L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2H6Z",yR="M18,2H6L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2M4.43,8L7.07,4H16.93L19.57,8L12,18.56L4.43,8Z",RR="M16,9H19L14,16M10,9H14L12,17M5,9H8L10,16M15,4H17L19,7H16M11,4H13L14,7H10M7,4H9L8,7H5M6,2L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2H6Z",xR="M21 4H3C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V10C2 15.5 6.5 20 12 20C17.5 20 22 15.5 22 10V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4M4 6H20V8H15V10H20C20 10.34 20 10.67 19.94 11C16.12 11.03 13.03 14.12 13 17.94C12.67 18 12.34 18 12 18C11.66 18 11.33 18 11 17.94C10.97 14.12 7.88 11.03 4.06 11C4 10.67 4 10.34 4 10H9V8H4V6M15.04 17.4C15.31 15.12 17.12 13.31 19.41 13.04C18.59 15 17 16.59 15.03 17.41M4.6 13.04C6.88 13.31 8.7 15.12 8.97 17.41C7 16.59 5.41 15 4.6 13.03Z",DR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ER="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 10.5C11.17 10.5 10.5 11.17 10.5 12S11.17 13.5 12 13.5 13.5 12.83 13.5 12 12.83 10.5 12 10.5",NR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",WR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M7.5 6C6.67 6 6 6.67 6 7.5S6.67 9 7.5 9 9 8.33 9 7.5 8.33 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.67 15 15 15.67 15 16.5C15 17.33 15.67 18 16.5 18C17.33 18 18 17.33 18 16.5C18 15.67 17.33 15 16.5 15Z",IR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",GR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12 10.5C11.2 10.5 10.5 11.2 10.5 12S11.2 13.5 12 13.5 13.5 12.8 13.5 12 12.8 10.5 12 10.5M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.7 15 15 15.7 15 16.5C15 17.3 15.7 18 16.5 18C17.3 18 18 17.3 18 16.5C18 15.7 17.3 15 16.5 15Z",QR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15M17,5A2,2 0 0,0 15,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5M7,15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,15Z",UR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M7.5 6C6.67 6 6 6.67 6 7.5S6.67 9 7.5 9 9 8.33 9 7.5 8.33 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.67 15 15 15.67 15 16.5C15 17.33 15.67 18 16.5 18C17.33 18 18 17.33 18 16.5C18 15.67 17.33 15 16.5 15M16.5 6C15.67 6 15 6.67 15 7.5S15.67 9 16.5 9C17.33 9 18 8.33 18 7.5S17.33 6 16.5 6M7.5 15C6.67 15 6 15.67 6 16.5C6 17.33 6.67 18 7.5 18S9 17.33 9 16.5C9 15.67 8.33 15 7.5 15Z",zR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15M17,5A2,2 0 0,0 15,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M7,15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,15Z",_R="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 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7.64,10.71L6.14,10.76C6.14,10.76 6.18,8.26 8.83,8.26C11.2,8.26 11.23,10.04 11.23,10.5C11.23,12.18 8.15,14.77 8.15,14.77L11.45,14.76Z",Hx="M10.25 15.15L11.92 12.47V15.15H10.25M21.92 21H2.08C1.24 21 .72 20.08 1.16 19.36L11.08 3.13C11.5 2.44 12.5 2.44 12.92 3.13L22.84 19.36C23.28 20.08 22.76 21 21.92 21M14.29 15.15H13.43V10.42H11.91L8.75 15.41L8.82 16.36H11.92V18H13.43V16.36H14.29V15.15Z",Vx="M13.43,15.15H14.29V16.36H13.43V18H11.92V16.36H8.82L8.75,15.41L11.91,10.42H13.43V15.15M10.25,15.15H11.92V12.47L10.25,15.15M22,21H2C1.64,21 1.31,20.81 1.13,20.5C0.95,20.18 0.96,19.79 1.15,19.5L11.15,3C11.5,2.38 12.5,2.38 12.86,3L22.86,19.5C23.04,19.79 23.05,20.18 22.87,20.5C22.69,20.81 22.36,21 22,21M3.78,19H20.23L12,5.43L3.78,19Z",Lx="M13.05 13.5C13.05 14.27 12.61 14.83 12 14.83S10.85 14.27 10.85 13.5L10.83 12.78C10.83 12.78 11.21 12 11.95 12.1C12.56 12.1 13.05 12.73 13.05 13.5M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M14.55 13.41C14.5 11.45 13.19 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11.1 9.95 11.1 10.5C11.1 11.05 11.5 11.5 12 11.5C12.5 11.5 12.9 11.05 12.9 10.5C12.9 9.95 12.5 9.5 12 9.5",rx="M19.78,3H11.22C10.55,3 10,3.55 10,4.22V8H16V14H19.78C20.45,14 21,13.45 21,12.78V4.22C21,3.55 20.45,3 19.78,3M12.44,6.67C11.76,6.67 11.21,6.12 11.21,5.44C11.21,4.76 11.76,4.21 12.44,4.21A1.23,1.23 0 0,1 13.67,5.44C13.67,6.12 13.12,6.67 12.44,6.67M18.56,12.78C17.88,12.79 17.33,12.24 17.32,11.56C17.31,10.88 17.86,10.33 18.54,10.32C19.22,10.31 19.77,10.86 19.78,11.56C19.77,12.23 19.23,12.77 18.56,12.78M18.56,6.67C17.88,6.68 17.33,6.13 17.32,5.45C17.31,4.77 17.86,4.22 18.54,4.21C19.22,4.2 19.77,4.75 19.78,5.44C19.78,6.12 19.24,6.66 18.56,6.67M4.22,10H12.78A1.22,1.22 0 0,1 14,11.22V19.78C14,20.45 13.45,21 12.78,21H4.22C3.55,21 3,20.45 3,19.78V11.22C3,10.55 3.55,10 4.22,10M8.5,14.28C7.83,14.28 7.28,14.83 7.28,15.5C7.28,16.17 7.83,16.72 8.5,16.72C9.17,16.72 9.72,16.17 9.72,15.5A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 8.5,14.28M5.44,11.22C4.77,11.22 4.22,11.77 4.22,12.44A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 5.44,13.66C6.11,13.66 6.66,13.11 6.66,12.44V12.44C6.66,11.77 6.11,11.22 5.44,11.22M11.55,17.33C10.88,17.33 10.33,17.88 10.33,18.55C10.33,19.22 10.88,19.77 11.55,19.77A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 12.77,18.55H12.77C12.77,17.88 12.23,17.34 11.56,17.33H11.55Z",ax="M14 8C13.45 8 13 7.55 13 7S13.45 6 14 6C14.55 6 15 6.45 15 7C15 7.55 14.55 8 14 8M12 12V19H5V12H12M12.78 10H4.22C3.55 10 3 10.55 3 11.22V19.78C3 20.45 3.55 21 4.22 21H12.78C13.45 21 14 20.45 14 19.78V11.22C14 10.55 13.45 10 12.78 10M19.78 3H11.22C10.55 3 10 3.55 10 4.22V8H12V5H19V12H16V14H19.78C20.45 14 21 13.45 21 12.78V4.22C21 3.55 20.45 3 19.78 3M17 8C16.45 8 16 7.55 16 7S16.45 6 17 6C17.55 6 18 6.45 18 7C18 7.55 17.55 8 17 8M17 11C16.45 11 16 10.55 16 10S16.45 9 17 9C17.55 9 18 9.45 18 10C18 10.55 17.55 11 17 11M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14S6.45 13 7 13C7.55 13 8 13.45 8 14C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M10 18C9.45 18 9 17.55 9 17S9.45 16 10 16C10.55 16 11 16.45 11 17C11 17.55 10.55 18 10 18",ex="M6 12H2C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22V18H8V14H12V18C15.32 18 18 15.31 18 12C18 8.69 15.31 6 12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12M8 18V21H5V18H8M3 16H5V18H3V16Z",dx="M3,4H7A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 7,20H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 3,4M10,4H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 10,4M17,4H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 21,20H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 17,4M4,18H6V13H4V18M11,11H13V6H11V11M18,18H20V13H18V18Z",mx="M14,14.5V12H10V15H8V11A1,1 0 0,1 9,10H14V7.5L17.5,11M21.71,11.29L12.71,2.29H12.7C12.31,1.9 11.68,1.9 11.29,2.29L2.29,11.29C1.9,11.68 1.9,12.32 2.29,12.71L11.29,21.71C11.68,22.09 12.31,22.1 12.71,21.71L21.71,12.71C22.1,12.32 22.1,11.68 21.71,11.29Z",tx="M3,4V12.5L6,9.5L9,13C10,14 10,15 10,15V21H14V14C14,14 14,13 13.47,12C12.94,11 12,10 12,10L9,6.58L11.5,4M18,4L13.54,8.47L14,9C14,9 14.93,10 15.47,11C15.68,11.4 15.8,11.79 15.87,12.13L21,7",vx="M12,14C10.89,14 10,13.1 10,12C10,10.89 10.89,10 12,10C13.11,10 14,10.89 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",lx="M10 14C8.9 14 8 13.1 8 12C8 10.9 8.9 10 10 10C11.1 10 12 10.9 12 12S11.1 14 10 14M10 4C5.6 4 2 7.6 2 12S5.6 20 10 20 18 16.4 18 12 14.4 4 10 4M20 13H22V7H20M20 17H22V15H20V17Z",ox="M14.5,10.37C15.54,10.37 16.38,9.53 16.38,8.5C16.38,7.46 15.54,6.63 14.5,6.63C13.46,6.63 12.63,7.46 12.63,8.5A1.87,1.87 0 0,0 14.5,10.37M14.5,1A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 22,8.5C22,10.67 21.08,12.63 19.6,14H9.4C7.93,12.63 7,10.67 7,8.5C7,4.35 10.36,1 14.5,1M6,21V22H4V21H2V15H22V21H20V22H18V21H6M4,18V19H13V18H4M15,17V19H17V17H15M19,17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17Z",nx="M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2M10,4A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 10,6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5A1,1 0 0,1 10,4M7,4A1,1 0 0,1 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,4M18,20H6V8H18V20M14.67,15.33C14.69,16.03 14.41,16.71 13.91,17.21C12.86,18.26 11.15,18.27 10.09,17.21C9.59,16.71 9.31,16.03 9.33,15.33C9.4,14.62 9.63,13.94 10,13.33C10.37,12.5 10.81,11.73 11.33,11L12,10C13.79,12.59 14.67,14.36 14.67,15.33",Zx="M16 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5S8.55 6 8 6 7 5.55 7 5 7.45 4 8 4M5 4C5.55 4 6 4.45 6 5S5.55 6 5 6 4 5.55 4 5 4.45 4 5 4M16 20H4V8H16V20M12.67 15.33C12.69 16.03 12.41 16.71 11.91 17.21C10.86 18.26 9.15 18.27 8.09 17.21C7.59 16.71 7.31 16.03 7.33 15.33C7.4 14.62 7.63 13.94 8 13.33C8.37 12.5 8.81 11.73 9.33 11L10 10C11.79 12.59 12.67 14.36 12.67 15.33M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",Sx="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M18 20H6V8H6.11L10.5 12.37C10.31 12.69 10.15 13 10 13.33C9.63 13.94 9.4 14.62 9.33 15.33C9.31 16.03 9.59 16.71 10.09 17.21C11.15 18.27 12.86 18.26 13.91 17.21C14.16 16.97 14.35 16.68 14.5 16.36L18 19.89V20M11.2 8H18V14.8L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.2 8M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",ux="M12.08,22C9.63,22 7.39,21.11 5.66,19.63L1.41,20.21L3.05,16.15C2.5,14.88 2.16,13.5 2.16,12C2.16,6.5 6.6,2 12.08,2C17.56,2 22,6.5 22,12C22,17.5 17.56,22 12.08,22M17.5,11.97V11.94C17.5,9.06 15.46,7 11.95,7H8.16V17H11.9C15.43,17 17.5,14.86 17.5,11.97M12,14.54H10.89V9.46H12C13.62,9.46 14.7,10.39 14.7,12V12C14.7,13.63 13.62,14.54 12,14.54Z",cx="M8 2V5H10V19H8V22H6V19H4V5H6V2H8M16 2V7H14V17H16V22H18V17H20V7H18V2H16Z",sx="M21 7V17H16V22H14V2H16V7H21M5 2H3V22H5V19H10V5H5V2Z",Ox="M3 17V7H8V2H10V22H8V17H3M19 22H21V2H19V5H14V19H19V22Z",hx="M7 3H17V8H22V10H2V8H7V3M2 19V21H22V19H19V14H5V19H2Z",px="M2 16H5V14H19V16H22V18H19V20H5V18H2V16M2 8H7V10H17V8H22V6H17V4H7V6H2V8Z",fx="M17 21H7V16H2V14H22V16H17V21M22 5V3H2V5H5V10H19V5H22Z",gx="M19 2V4H12C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6V9H12V6H19V8L22 5L19 2M19 9V11H14V13H19V15L22 12L19 9M11.05 10C9.94 10 9.04 10.87 9.03 12S9.9 14 11 14C12.11 14 13 13.11 13 12C13 10.91 12.13 10.03 11.05 10M2 11V13H8V11H2M10 15V18C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20H19V22L22 19L19 16V18H12V15H10Z",kx="M13.26 5.2L13.3 5.18C13.72 4.82 14.35 4.88 14.71 5.3L16.97 8H20C20.55 8 21 8.45 21 9S20.55 10 20 10H16.5C16.15 10 15.85 9.82 15.67 9.56L14.17 7.77L11.64 10.13L14.57 12.18C14.83 12.36 15 12.66 15 13V17C15 17.55 14.55 18 14 18S13 17.55 13 17V13.5L9.77 11.26C8.82 10.6 8.74 9.23 9.6 8.46L13.26 5.2M16.5 5C17.34 5 18 4.33 18 3.5S17.34 2 16.5 2 15 2.67 15 3.5 15.68 5 16.5 5M6 19H5C3.34 19 2 20.34 2 22H6V20.5H15V19H6Z",Bx="M20.28,3.66C19.28,3.44 18.54,2.25 17.57,2.04C16.6,1.83 15.4,2.59 14.42,2.37C13.38,2 12.22,2.13 11.28,2.71L11.21,17L11,18C10.64,19.62 11.67,21.22 13.29,21.58C14.9,21.93 16.5,20.91 16.86,19.29L17.07,18.29L23,5.28C22.39,4.35 21.39,3.76 20.28,3.66M14.91,18.86C14.79,19.41 14.25,19.76 13.7,19.65C13.14,19.53 12.79,19 12.91,18.43L13.77,14.5C13.86,13.97 14.37,13.6 14.92,13.69C15.46,13.78 15.83,14.3 15.74,14.84C15.74,14.88 15.73,14.91 15.72,14.95L14.91,18.86M9.72,21.34C9.33,20.73 9.08,20.05 9,19.34L8.24,16C8.1,15.47 8.41,14.92 9,14.76C9.07,14.75 9.15,14.75 9.22,14.76V3.43C8.31,3.43 7.22,2.86 6.38,3.06C5.54,3.26 4.69,4.44 3.72,4.66C2.61,4.76 1.61,5.35 1,6.28L6.93,19.28L7.14,20.28C7.5,21.9 9.09,22.92 10.71,22.57H10.81C10.38,22.22 10,21.81 9.72,21.34Z",Px="M16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12M19.45,7.89L18.07,8.58L18.32,9H20V15H18.33C17.84,16.03 17.11,16.92 16.21,17.6C17.85,18.11 19.1,18.91 19.67,19.86C18.69,21.1 15.62,22 12,22C8.38,22 5.31,21.1 4.33,19.86C4.9,18.91 6.15,18.11 7.79,17.6C6.89,16.92 6.16,16.03 5.67,15H4V9H5.68C6.37,7.54 7.54,6.37 9,5.68V4H15V5.68C15.68,6 16.29,6.46 16.82,7L18.55,6.14C19.93,5.42 20,4.1 20,2H22C22,4.06 22,6.62 19.45,7.89M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12Z",wx="M1 13C1 11.9 1.9 11 3 11S5 11.9 5 13 4.1 15 3 15 1 14.1 1 13M8.89 10.11L13.42 8.9L12.64 6L8.11 7.21C7.31 7.42 6.83 8.25 7.05 9.05C7.27 9.85 8.09 10.33 8.89 10.11M20.5 5.9L23 3L22 2L19 5L17 9L7.5 11.87C6.7 12.07 6.13 12.76 6 13.55L5.24 18L2.4 21.8L4 23L7 19L8.14 15.86L14 14L19 10.5L20.5 5.9Z",Fx="M2,6L19,20H2V6M5,4L22,18V4H5Z",Tx="M12,15C13.31,15 14.42,15.83 14.83,17H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,21V22H20V21A2,2 0 0,0 18,19H14.83C14.42,20.17 13.31,21 12,21A3,3 0 0,1 9,18A3,3 0 0,1 12,15M12,17A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,17M18,3A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V10A2,2 0 0,1 18,12H14.85C14.43,12 14.05,12.24 13.9,12.63C13.7,13.23 13.23,13.71 12.62,13.91C11.58,14.25 10.44,13.68 10.1,12.63C9.95,12.24 9.57,12 9.15,12H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,10V5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3H18M18,10V5H6V10H10.65C10.9,9.46 11.41,9.09 12,9C12.59,9.09 13.1,9.46 13.35,10H18Z",bx="M19,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,18.5C14,17.47 14.62,16.59 15.5,16.21V6H11V7.35C12.22,7.93 13,9.15 13,10.5V22H6V10.5C6,9.15 6.78,7.93 8,7.35V6H6V4H8V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,3.5V4H15.5A2,2 0 0,1 17.5,6V16.21C18.38,16.59 19,17.47 19,18.5Z",yx="M22,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,18.5C17,17.47 17.62,16.59 18.5,16.21V6H14V7.35C15.22,7.93 16,9.15 16,10.5V22H2V10.5C2,9.15 2.78,7.93 4,7.35V6H2V4H4V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,3.5V4H11V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,3.5V4H18.5A2,2 0 0,1 20.5,6V16.21C21.38,16.59 22,17.47 22,18.5M11,7.35V6H7V7.35C8.22,7.93 9,9.15 9,10.5C9,9.15 9.78,7.93 11,7.35Z",Rx="M16,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V10A2,2 0 0,0 4,12H7.15C7.57,12 7.95,12.24 8.1,12.63C8.44,13.68 9.58,14.25 10.62,13.91C11.23,13.71 11.7,13.23 11.9,12.63C12.05,12.24 12.43,12 12.85,12H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,10V5A2,2 0 0,0 16,3M16,10H11.35C11.1,9.46 10.59,9.09 10,9C9.41,9.09 8.9,9.46 8.65,10H4V5H16V10M22,2V15.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 15.5,22C13.79,22 12.15,21.32 10.93,20.12C8.95,20.58 6.88,19.79 5.71,18.12L7.62,17.29C8.5,18.22 9.84,18.5 11,18C11.2,17.91 11.39,17.8 11.56,17.67C12.4,17.05 12.87,16.04 12.78,15L14.69,14.17C15.1,16.04 14.41,18 12.9,19.17C13.66,19.71 14.57,20 15.5,20C18,20 20,18 20,15.5V2H22Z",xx="M19,13H5V11H19V13M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,19A2,2 0 0,1 10,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15Z",Dx="M17,13V11H7V13H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,15Z",Ex="M21.38,12.56H12.85C11.97,12.56 11.1,12.96 10.61,13.61V13.6C10.12,14.28 9.32,14.72 8.41,14.72C6.92,14.72 5.71,13.5 5.71,12C5.71,10.5 6.92,9.31 8.41,9.31C9.32,9.31 10.12,9.75 10.61,10.43V10.42C11.1,11.07 11.97,11.5 12.85,11.5H21.29C21.45,11.5 22,11.4 22,10.67C21.26,6.43 17.1,3.18 12.06,3.18C8.96,3.18 6.19,4.41 4.34,6.35C4.05,6.79 4.35,6.92 4.63,6.96H10.14C11,6.96 11.89,6.54 12.38,5.89V5.91C12.88,5.23 13.67,4.78 14.58,4.78C16.07,4.78 17.28,6 17.28,7.5C17.28,9 16.07,10.2 14.58,10.2C13.67,10.2 12.88,9.75 12.38,9.07V9.08C11.89,8.44 11,8.03 10.14,8.03H4.13L4.15,8.03C4.15,8.03 3.26,8 2.72,8.75C2.3,9.42 2,10.85 2,12C2,13.16 2.17,14.21 2.72,15.27C3.19,16.03 4.15,16 4.15,16H4.11L10.14,16C11,16 11.89,15.58 12.38,14.93V14.94C12.88,14.26 13.67,13.81 14.58,13.81C16.07,13.81 17.28,15.03 17.28,16.5C17.28,18 16.07,19.23 14.58,19.23C13.67,19.23 12.88,18.78 12.38,18.1V18.12C11.89,17.47 11,17.05 10.14,17.05H4.64C4.36,17.09 4.06,17.22 4.32,17.64C6.17,19.58 8.95,20.82 12.06,20.82C17.11,20.82 21.28,17.57 22,13.31C22,12.72 21.59,12.58 21.38,12.56",Nx="M4,2H6V4C6,5.44 6.68,6.61 7.88,7.78C8.74,8.61 9.89,9.41 11.09,10.2L9.26,11.39C8.27,10.72 7.31,10 6.5,9.21C5.07,7.82 4,6.1 4,4V2M18,2H20V4C20,6.1 18.93,7.82 17.5,9.21C16.09,10.59 14.29,11.73 12.54,12.84C10.79,13.96 9.09,15.05 7.88,16.22C6.68,17.39 6,18.56 6,20V22H4V20C4,17.9 5.07,16.18 6.5,14.79C7.91,13.41 9.71,12.27 11.46,11.16C13.21,10.04 14.91,8.95 16.12,7.78C17.32,6.61 18,5.44 18,4V2M14.74,12.61C15.73,13.28 16.69,14 17.5,14.79C18.93,16.18 20,17.9 20,20V22H18V20C18,18.56 17.32,17.39 16.12,16.22C15.26,15.39 14.11,14.59 12.91,13.8L14.74,12.61M7,3H17V4L16.94,4.5H7.06L7,4V3M7.68,6H16.32C16.08,6.34 15.8,6.69 15.42,7.06L14.91,7.5H9.07L8.58,7.06C8.2,6.69 7.92,6.34 7.68,6M9.09,16.5H14.93L15.42,16.94C15.8,17.31 16.08,17.66 16.32,18H7.68C7.92,17.66 8.2,17.31 8.58,16.94L9.09,16.5M7.06,19.5H16.94L17,20V21H7V20L7.06,19.5Z",Wx="M7,9A2,2 0 0,1 5,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5A2,2 0 0,1 9,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,9M20,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4V10A1,1 0 0,0 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,10V4A1,1 0 0,0 20,3M7,19A2,2 0 0,1 5,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,19M20,13H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,14V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V14A1,1 0 0,0 20,13Z",Ix="M19,15V19H5V15H19M20,13H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,14V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V14A1,1 0 0,0 20,13M7,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,18.5M19,5V9H5V5H19M20,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4V10A1,1 0 0,0 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,10V4A1,1 0 0,0 20,3M7,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,8.5Z",Gx="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 13H4V6H20Z",Qx="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 18H9V6H20Z",Ux="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M15 18H4V6H15Z",zx="M4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20M4 11H20V18H4V11Z",_x="M18 18V20H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 18V8H4V18M22 6V14A2 2 0 0 1 20 16H8A2 2 0 0 1 6 14V6A2 2 0 0 1 8 4H20A2 2 0 0 1 22 6M20 6H8V14H20Z",Kx="M21.81 10.25C21.75 10.21 21.25 9.82 20.17 9.82C19.89 9.82 19.61 9.85 19.33 9.9C19.12 8.5 17.95 7.79 17.9 7.76L17.61 7.59L17.43 7.86C17.19 8.22 17 8.63 16.92 9.05C16.72 9.85 16.84 10.61 17.25 11.26C16.76 11.54 15.96 11.61 15.79 11.61H2.62C2.28 11.61 2 11.89 2 12.24C2 13.39 2.18 14.54 2.58 15.62C3.03 16.81 3.71 17.69 4.58 18.23C5.56 18.83 7.17 19.17 9 19.17C9.79 19.17 10.61 19.1 11.42 18.95C12.54 18.75 13.62 18.36 14.61 17.79C15.43 17.32 16.16 16.72 16.78 16C17.83 14.83 18.45 13.5 18.9 12.35H19.09C20.23 12.35 20.94 11.89 21.33 11.5C21.59 11.26 21.78 10.97 21.92 10.63L22 10.39L21.81 10.25M3.85 11.24H5.61C5.69 11.24 5.77 11.17 5.77 11.08V9.5C5.77 9.42 5.7 9.34 5.61 9.34H3.85C3.76 9.34 3.69 9.41 3.69 9.5V11.08C3.7 11.17 3.76 11.24 3.85 11.24M6.28 11.24H8.04C8.12 11.24 8.2 11.17 8.2 11.08V9.5C8.2 9.42 8.13 9.34 8.04 9.34H6.28C6.19 9.34 6.12 9.41 6.12 9.5V11.08C6.13 11.17 6.19 11.24 6.28 11.24M8.75 11.24H10.5C10.6 11.24 10.67 11.17 10.67 11.08V9.5C10.67 9.42 10.61 9.34 10.5 9.34H8.75C8.67 9.34 8.6 9.41 8.6 9.5V11.08C8.6 11.17 8.66 11.24 8.75 11.24M11.19 11.24H12.96C13.04 11.24 13.11 11.17 13.11 11.08V9.5C13.11 9.42 13.05 9.34 12.96 9.34H11.19C11.11 9.34 11.04 9.41 11.04 9.5V11.08C11.04 11.17 11.11 11.24 11.19 11.24M6.28 9H8.04C8.12 9 8.2 8.91 8.2 8.82V7.25C8.2 7.16 8.13 7.09 8.04 7.09H6.28C6.19 7.09 6.12 7.15 6.12 7.25V8.82C6.13 8.91 6.19 9 6.28 9M8.75 9H10.5C10.6 9 10.67 8.91 10.67 8.82V7.25C10.67 7.16 10.61 7.09 10.5 7.09H8.75C8.67 7.09 8.6 7.15 8.6 7.25V8.82C8.6 8.91 8.66 9 8.75 9M11.19 9H12.96C13.04 9 13.11 8.91 13.11 8.82V7.25C13.11 7.16 13.04 7.09 12.96 7.09H11.19C11.11 7.09 11.04 7.15 11.04 7.25V8.82C11.04 8.91 11.11 9 11.19 9M11.19 6.72H12.96C13.04 6.72 13.11 6.65 13.11 6.56V5C13.11 4.9 13.04 4.83 12.96 4.83H11.19C11.11 4.83 11.04 4.89 11.04 5V6.56C11.04 6.64 11.11 6.72 11.19 6.72M13.65 11.24H15.41C15.5 11.24 15.57 11.17 15.57 11.08V9.5C15.57 9.42 15.5 9.34 15.41 9.34H13.65C13.57 9.34 13.5 9.41 13.5 9.5V11.08C13.5 11.17 13.57 11.24 13.65 11.24",jx="M14.84,16.26C17.86,16.83 20,18.29 20,20V22H4V20C4,18.29 6.14,16.83 9.16,16.26L12,21L14.84,16.26M8,8H16V10A4,4 0 0,1 12,14A4,4 0 0,1 8,10V8M8,7L8.41,2.9C8.46,2.39 8.89,2 9.41,2H14.6C15.11,2 15.54,2.39 15.59,2.9L16,7H8M12,3H11V4H10V5H11V6H12V5H13V4H12V3Z",qx="M18,4C16.29,4 15.25,4.33 14.65,4.61C13.88,4.23 13,4 12,4C11,4 10.12,4.23 9.35,4.61C8.75,4.33 7.71,4 6,4C3,4 1,12 1,14C1,14.83 2.32,15.59 4.14,15.9C4.78,18.14 7.8,19.85 11.5,20V15.72C10.91,15.35 10,14.68 10,14C10,13 12,13 12,13C12,13 14,13 14,14C14,14.68 13.09,15.35 12.5,15.72V20C16.2,19.85 19.22,18.14 19.86,15.9C21.68,15.59 23,14.83 23,14C23,12 21,4 18,4M4.15,13.87C3.65,13.75 3.26,13.61 3,13.5C3.25,10.73 5.2,6.4 6.05,6C6.59,6 7,6.06 7.37,6.11C5.27,8.42 4.44,12.04 4.15,13.87M9,12A1,1 0 0,1 8,11C8,10.46 8.45,10 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 10,11C10,11.56 9.55,12 9,12M15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11C14,10.46 14.45,10 15,10A1,1 0 0,1 16,11C16,11.56 15.55,12 15,12M19.85,13.87C19.56,12.04 18.73,8.42 16.63,6.11C17,6.06 17.41,6 17.95,6C18.8,6.4 20.75,10.73 21,13.5C20.75,13.61 20.36,13.75 19.85,13.87Z",$x="M14,8L17,11V21H15V15H8L6,18V21H4V15L5,14V11L2,8L3,7L5,9H7V12A1,1 0 0,0 8,13H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,12V9L14,8M19,5V3L15,7L18,10L19,9L20,10L22,8L19,5M11.5,9.5L4.5,2.5C4.23,2.22 3.79,2.22 3.5,2.5V2.5C3.22,2.77 3.22,3.21 3.5,3.5L10.5,10.5C10.77,10.78 11.21,10.78 11.5,10.5V10.5C11.78,10.23 11.78,9.79 11.5,9.5Z",Xx="M19,3L15,7L18,10L19,9L20,10L22,8L19,5V3M3,7L2,8L5,11V14L4,15V21H6V18L8,15H15V21H17V11L14,8L13,9H5L3,7Z",Yx="M18 10L15 7L19 3V5L22 8L20 10L19 9L18 10M17 11L14 8L13 9H12.2L17 13.8V11M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.11 9H5L3 7L2 8L5 11V14L4 15V21H6V18L8 15H13.11L15 16.89V21H17V18.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",Jx="M2,5V19H22V5H2M6,17H4V7H6C8.86,7.09 11.1,9.33 11,12C11.1,14.67 8.86,16.91 6,17M20,17H18C15.14,16.91 12.9,14.67 13,12C12.9,9.33 15.14,7.09 18,7H20V17Z",CD="M11.97,19.88C10.93,20.26 9.78,19.72 9.4,18.69C9,17.65 9.55,16.5 10.59,16.13C11.63,15.75 12.78,16.28 13.16,17.31C13.54,18.35 13,19.5 11.97,19.88M9.9,14.25C7.83,15 6.76,17.3 7.5,19.38C8.28,21.45 10.58,22.5 12.66,21.75C14.73,21 15.79,18.7 15.04,16.63C14.28,14.55 11.97,13.5 9.9,14.25M15.94,4.58L9.37,7L10.75,10.74L17.32,8.33M20.32,13.62L15.54,15.37C15.71,15.66 15.85,15.96 15.97,16.28C16.09,16.6 16.17,16.93 16.22,17.25L21,15.5M19.54,8.58L11.09,11.68L11.58,13C12.83,13.09 14,13.64 14.89,14.55L20.92,12.34M2,2V4H5.09L8.66,13.75C8.94,13.57 9.24,13.43 9.56,13.31C9.88,13.19 10.21,13.11 10.53,13.06L6.5,2",HD="M20 7C20 7 20 3 15 3C13.47 3 12.15 3.19 11 3.5C10.5 3.06 7.26 .309 4 3.57L6.56 6.13C2.5 10.53 4 18 4 18S1 18 1 22C1 22 5 21 5 21C5 21 9 22 9 22C9 18 6 18 6 18S6.85 12.24 13 11.18V14C15 14 15.68 12.19 15.89 11H18C22 11 23 10 23 9S21 7 20 7M18 8C17.45 8 17 7.55 17 7S17.45 6 18 6 19 6.45 19 7 18.55 8 18 8Z",VD="M18,15H16V17H18M18,11H16V13H18M20,19H12V17H14V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20M10,7H8V5H10M10,11H8V9H10M10,15H8V13H10M10,19H8V17H10M6,7H4V5H6M6,11H4V9H6M6,15H4V13H6M6,19H4V17H6M12,7V3H2V21H22V7H12Z",LD="M12,19H16L14,17H12V19M10,15V13H8V15H10M10,19V17H8V19H10M6,11V9H4V11H6M6,15V13H4V15H6M6,19V17H4V19H6M1.31,1.78L22.31,22.69L21,24L18,21H2V5L0.09,3.09L1.31,1.78M16,11H18V13H16V11M8,5V5.91L5.11,3H12V7H22V19.92L20,17.91V9H12V9.89L9.09,7H10V5H8Z",MD="M12 7V3H2V21H13.35A5.8 5.8 0 0 1 13 19H12V17H13.35A5 5 0 0 1 14 15.69V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20V13.09A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 22 13.81V7M6 19H4V17H6M6 15H4V13H6M6 11H4V9H6M6 7H4V5H6M10 19H8V17H10M10 15H8V13H10M10 11H8V9H10M10 7H8V5H10M16 13H18V11H16M16 11V13H18V11M16 11V13H18V11M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",AD="M12 7V3H2V21H13.35A5.8 5.8 0 0 1 13 19H12V17H13.35A5 5 0 0 1 14 15.69V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20V13.09A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 22 13.81V7M6 19H4V17H6M6 15H4V13H6M6 11H4V9H6M6 7H4V5H6M10 19H8V17H10M10 15H8V13H10M10 11H8V9H10M10 7H8V5H10M16 13H18V11H16M16 11V13H18V11M16 11V13H18V11M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",iD="M16 9H18V11H16V9M22 15V5H12V1H2V15H22M20 13H12V11H14V9H12V7H20V13M8 5V3H10V5H8M8 9V7H10V9H8M8 13V11H10V13H8M4 5V3H6V5H4M4 9V7H6V9H4M4 13V11H6V13H4M9 17V19H15V17L18 20L15 23V21H9V23L6 20L9 17Z",rD="M21 10C21 14.97 16.97 19 12 19C7.03 19 3 14.97 3 10V9.03C3 8.76 3.11 8.5 3.3 8.3C3.5 8.11 3.76 8 4.03 8H20C20.25 8 20.5 8.11 20.7 8.3C20.89 8.5 21 8.75 21 9V10M5 10C5 13.86 8.14 17 12 17C15.86 17 19 13.86 19 10H5M20 6V7H4V6C4 5.73 4.1 5.5 4.29 5.29C4.5 5.1 4.73 5 5 5H10V3H14V5H19C19.25 5 19.5 5.11 19.7 5.3C19.89 5.5 20 5.75 20 6Z",aD="M15.83 9.81C14.7 9.7 13.69 10.38 13.46 11.5C13.46 11.84 14.81 12.29 16.05 12.29C17.29 12.29 18.41 11.5 18.41 11.28C18.41 11.05 17.63 9.93 15.83 9.81M8.18 9.81C6.38 9.93 5.59 10.94 5.59 11.27C5.59 11.5 6.82 12.29 7.95 12.29S10.54 11.84 10.54 11.5C10.31 10.38 9.19 9.7 8.18 9.81M16.95 16C15.04 16 13.8 13.75 12 13.75S8.85 16 7.05 16C4.69 16 3 13.86 3 10.04C3 7.68 3.68 7 6.71 7S10.54 8.24 12 8.24 14.36 7 17.29 7 21 7.79 21 10.04C21 13.86 19.31 16 16.95 16Z",eD="M21.34,10.35L21.27,10.28L21.18,10.19L18,7V6A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,5.5C17.36,5.5 17.22,5.56 17.13,5.66L13.46,9H7C6.32,9 5.69,9.35 5.32,9.92L2.62,12.59C2.29,13.04 2.39,13.66 2.84,14C3.18,14.24 3.65,14.25 4,14L5,13.07V19H8V15H13V19H16V13.83C16,13.3 16.21,12.79 16.59,12.42L18,11L20,12V12C20.15,12.08 20.32,12.13 20.5,12.13C21.1,12.11 21.59,11.61 21.58,11C21.57,10.76 21.5,10.53 21.34,10.35Z",dD="M8,3C6.89,3 6,3.89 6,5V21H18V5C18,3.89 17.11,3 16,3H8M8,5H16V19H8V5M13,11V13H15V11H13Z",mD="M16,11H18V13H16V11M12,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V19H22V21H2V19H10V5C10,3.89 10.89,3 12,3M12,5V19H19V5H12Z",tD="M6.5 11C9 11 11 9 11 6.5C11 4 9 2 6.5 2C4 2 2 4 2 6.5C2 9 4 11 6.5 11M3.92 5L8 9.09C7.58 9.35 7.06 9.5 6.5 9.5C4.84 9.5 3.5 8.16 3.5 6.5C3.5 5.94 3.65 5.42 3.92 5M9.5 6.5C9.5 7.06 9.35 7.58 9.09 8L5 3.92C5.42 3.65 5.94 3.5 6.5 3.5C8.16 3.5 9.5 4.84 9.5 6.5M10 12C10.81 11.46 11.5 10.77 12 9.97V19H19V5H12.83C12.66 4.28 12.37 3.61 12 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19H22V21H2V19H10V12M16 11H18V13H16V11Z",vD="M16 11H18V13H16V11M12 3H19A2 2 0 0 1 21 5V19H22V21H2V19H10V5A2 2 0 0 1 12 3M12 5V19H19V5M6.2 5H2.8V4.5A1.7 1.7 0 0 1 6.2 4.5M7 5V4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 4.5V5A1 1 0 0 0 1 6V10A1 1 0 0 0 2 11H7A1 1 0 0 0 8 10V6A1 1 0 0 0 7 5",lD="M12,3C10.89,3 10,3.89 10,5H3V19H2V21H22V19H21V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3H12M12,5H19V19H12V5M5,11H7V13H5V11Z",oD="M10 13H8V11H10V13M16 11H14V13H16V11M21 19V21H3V19H4V5C4 3.9 4.9 3 6 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.9 20 5V19H21M11 5H6V19H11V5M18 5H13V19H18V5Z",nD="M21.8 17V15.5C21.8 14.1 20.4 13 19 13S16.2 14.1 16.2 15.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17M20.5 17H17.5V15.5C17.5 14.7 18.2 14.2 19 14.2S20.5 14.7 20.5 15.5V17M13 11H15V13H13V11M9 13H7V11H9V13M13 19H12V5H17V11.44C17.61 11.17 18.29 11 19 11V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19H2V21H13V19M10 19H5V5H10V19Z",ZD="M6 11V13H4V11H6M22 5H17V19H22V5M7 5H2L2 19H7V5M22 3C23.11 3 24 3.89 24 5V21H0V5C0 3.89 .894 3 2 3H9V19H15V3H22M20 11H18V13H20V11Z",SD="M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M16 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.1 2 16 2M16 20H8V4H16V20Z",uD="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M18 4V20C18 21.1 17.11 22 16 22H8C6.9 22 6 21.11 6 20V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4M10.5 7C10.5 7.83 11.17 8.5 12 8.5S13.5 7.83 13.5 7 12.83 5.5 12 5.5 10.5 6.17 10.5 7M16 10H8V20H16V10Z",cD="M2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,17A1,1 0 0,1 1,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15M21,17H19V9H17V7H23V9H21V17M16,7V9H14V11H16V13H14V15H16V17H12V7H16M11,7V17H9L6,11V17H4V7H6L9,13V7H11Z",sD="M12 19C13.1 19 14 19.9 14 21S13.1 23 12 23 10 22.1 10 21 10.9 19 12 19M12 1C13.1 1 14 1.9 14 3S13.1 5 12 5 10 4.1 10 3 10.9 1 12 1M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M3 10C4.1 10 5 10.9 5 12S4.1 14 3 14 1 13.1 1 12 1.9 10 3 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M21 10C22.1 10 23 10.9 23 12S22.1 14 21 14 19 13.1 19 12 19.9 10 21 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",OD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M6 10C7.1 10 8 10.9 8 12S7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12 4.9 10 6 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M18 10C19.1 10 20 10.9 20 12S19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12 16.9 10 18 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",hD="M16 12C16 10.9 16.9 10 18 10S20 10.9 20 12 19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12M10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10S14 10.9 14 12 13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12M4 12C4 10.9 4.9 10 6 10S8 10.9 8 12 7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12M13 18C13 16.9 13.9 16 15 16S17 16.9 17 18 16.1 20 15 20 13 19.1 13 18M7 18C7 16.9 7.9 16 9 16S11 16.9 11 18 10.1 20 9 20 7 19.1 7 18M13 6C13 4.9 13.9 4 15 4S17 4.9 17 6 16.1 8 15 8 13 7.1 13 6M7 6C7 4.9 7.9 4 9 4S11 4.9 11 6 10.1 8 9 8 7 7.1 7 6",pD="M16,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,10A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12M10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12M4,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,14A2,2 0 0,1 4,12Z",fD="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5M6.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5M17.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10.5Z",gD="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5M7.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,10.5Z",kD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M6 10C7.1 10 8 10.9 8 12S7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12 4.9 10 6 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M18 10C19.1 10 20 10.9 20 12S19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12 16.9 10 18 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",BD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M15 10C16.1 10 17 10.9 17 12S16.1 14 15 14 13 13.1 13 12 13.9 10 15 10M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M9 10C10.1 10 11 10.9 11 12S10.1 14 9 14 7 13.1 7 12 7.9 10 9 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16",PD="M12,16A2,2 0 0,1 14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,16M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 10,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4Z",wD="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12M10.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,17.5M10.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,6.5Z",FD="M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12M10.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,16.5M10.5,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,7.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",TD="M5,20H19V18H5M19,9H15V3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9Z",bD="M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M8 17H16V15H8V17M16 10H13.5V7H10.5V10H8L12 14L16 10Z",yD="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 14L8 10H10.5V7H13.5V10H16M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 5V19H19V5H5Z",RD="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M8 17H16V15H8V17M16 10H13.5V6H10.5V10H8L12 14L16 10Z",xD="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 14L8 10H10.5V6H13.5V10H16M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",DD="M5 20H14V18H5M19 9H15V3H9V9H5L12 16M22 16A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 23 17V21A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 22 22H17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 16 21V17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 17 16V14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 22 14.5V16M21 16V14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 14.5V16H21",ED="M22 16A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 23 17V21A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 22 22H17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 16 21V17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 17 16V14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 22 14.5V16M21 16V14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 14.5V16H21M13 5V11H14.17L12 13.17L9.83 11H11V5H13M15 3H9V9H5L12 16L19 9H15V3M14 18H5V20H14Z",ND="M9,1V7H5L12,14L19,7H15V1H9M5,16V18H19V16H5M5,20V22H19V20H5Z",WD="M12 14L19 7H15V1H9V7H5L12 14M12 11.17L9.83 9H11V3H13V9H14.17L12 11.17M5 16V18H19V16H5M5 22V20H19V22H5Z",ID="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12,14.5L16.5,10H13V6H11V10H7.5L12,14.5Z",GD="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M12,14L16,10H13V6H11V10H8L12,14Z",QD="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H5V18H16.11L13.06 14.95L12 16L5 9H7.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 9H15V3H9V5.8L15.6 12.4L19 9Z",UD="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.11 9H5L12 16L13.06 14.95L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 5H13V9.8L15.6 12.4L19 9H15V3H9V5.8L11 7.8V5Z",zD="M13,5V11H14.17L12,13.17L9.83,11H11V5H13M15,3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9H15V3M19,18H5V20H19V18Z",_D="M7,19V17H9V19H7M11,19V17H13V19H11M15,19V17H17V19H15M7,15V13H9V15H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M15,15V13H17V15H15M7,11V9H9V11H7M11,11V9H13V11H11M15,11V9H17V11H15M7,7V5H9V7H7M11,7V5H13V7H11M15,7V5H17V7H15Z",KD="M3,15V13H5V15H3M3,11V9H5V11H3M7,15V13H9V15H7M7,11V9H9V11H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M11,11V9H13V11H11M15,15V13H17V15H15M15,11V9H17V11H15M19,15V13H21V15H19M19,11V9H21V11H19Z",jD="M21 11H3V9H21V11M21 13H3V15H21V13Z",qD="M22.67,12L18.18,16.5L15.67,14L17.65,12L15.67,10.04L18.18,7.53L22.67,12M12,1.33L16.47,5.82L13.96,8.33L12,6.35L10,8.33L7.5,5.82L12,1.33M12,22.67L7.53,18.18L10.04,15.67L12,17.65L14,15.67L16.5,18.18L12,22.67M1.33,12L5.82,7.5L8.33,10L6.35,12L8.33,13.96L5.82,16.47L1.33,12M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10Z",$D="M9,3H11V5H9V3M13,3H15V5H13V3M9,7H11V9H9V7M13,7H15V9H13V7M9,11H11V13H9V11M13,11H15V13H13V11M9,15H11V17H9V15M13,15H15V17H13V15M9,19H11V21H9V19M13,19H15V21H13V19Z",XD="M11 21H9V3H11V21M15 3H13V21H15V3Z",YD="M8.11,19.45C5.94,18.65 4.22,16.78 3.71,14.35L2.05,6.54C1.81,5.46 2.5,4.4 3.58,4.17L13.35,2.1L13.38,2.09C14.45,1.88 15.5,2.57 15.72,3.63L16.07,5.3L20.42,6.23H20.45C21.5,6.47 22.18,7.53 21.96,8.59L20.3,16.41C19.5,20.18 15.78,22.6 12,21.79C10.42,21.46 9.08,20.61 8.11,19.45V19.45M20,8.18L10.23,6.1L8.57,13.92V13.95C8,16.63 9.73,19.27 12.42,19.84C15.11,20.41 17.77,18.69 18.34,16L20,8.18M16,16.5C15.37,17.57 14.11,18.16 12.83,17.89C11.56,17.62 10.65,16.57 10.5,15.34L16,16.5M8.47,5.17L4,6.13L5.66,13.94L5.67,13.97C5.82,14.68 6.12,15.32 6.53,15.87C6.43,15.1 6.45,14.3 6.62,13.5L7.05,11.5C6.6,11.42 6.21,11.17 6,10.81C6.06,10.2 6.56,9.66 7.25,9.5C7.33,9.5 7.4,9.5 7.5,9.5L8.28,5.69C8.32,5.5 8.38,5.33 8.47,5.17M15.03,12.23C15.35,11.7 16.03,11.42 16.72,11.57C17.41,11.71 17.91,12.24 18,12.86C17.67,13.38 17,13.66 16.3,13.5C15.61,13.37 15.11,12.84 15.03,12.23M10.15,11.19C10.47,10.66 11.14,10.38 11.83,10.53C12.5,10.67 13.03,11.21 13.11,11.82C12.78,12.34 12.11,12.63 11.42,12.5C10.73,12.33 10.23,11.8 10.15,11.19M11.97,4.43L13.93,4.85L13.77,4.05L11.97,4.43Z",JD="M9.75 20.85C11.53 20.15 11.14 18.22 10.24 17C9.35 15.75 8.12 14.89 6.88 14.06C6 13.5 5.19 12.8 4.54 12C4.26 11.67 3.69 11.06 4.27 10.94C4.86 10.82 5.88 11.4 6.4 11.62C7.31 12 8.21 12.44 9.05 12.96L10.06 11.26C8.5 10.23 6.5 9.32 4.64 9.05C3.58 8.89 2.46 9.11 2.1 10.26C1.78 11.25 2.29 12.25 2.87 13.03C4.24 14.86 6.37 15.74 7.96 17.32C8.3 17.65 8.71 18.04 8.91 18.5C9.12 18.94 9.07 18.97 8.6 18.97C7.36 18.97 5.81 18 4.8 17.36L3.79 19.06C5.32 20 7.88 21.47 9.75 20.85M20.84 5.25C21.06 5.03 21.06 4.67 20.84 4.46L19.54 3.16C19.33 2.95 18.97 2.95 18.76 3.16L17.74 4.18L19.82 6.26M11 10.92V13H13.08L19.23 6.85L17.15 4.77L11 10.92Z",CE="M9.75 20.85C11.53 20.15 11.14 18.22 10.24 17C9.35 15.75 8.12 14.89 6.88 14.06C6 13.5 5.19 12.8 4.54 12C4.26 11.67 3.69 11.06 4.27 10.94C4.86 10.82 5.88 11.4 6.4 11.62C7.31 12 8.21 12.44 9.05 12.96L10.06 11.26C8.5 10.23 6.5 9.32 4.64 9.05C3.58 8.89 2.46 9.11 2.1 10.26C1.78 11.25 2.29 12.25 2.87 13.03C4.24 14.86 6.37 15.74 7.96 17.32C8.3 17.65 8.71 18.04 8.91 18.5C9.12 18.94 9.07 18.97 8.6 18.97C7.36 18.97 5.81 18 4.8 17.36L3.79 19.06C5.32 20 7.88 21.47 9.75 20.85M18.96 7.33L13.29 13H11V10.71L16.67 5.03L18.96 7.33M22.36 6.55C22.35 6.85 22.04 7.16 21.72 7.47L19.2 10L18.33 9.13L20.93 6.54L20.34 5.95L19.67 6.62L17.38 4.33L19.53 2.18C19.77 1.94 20.16 1.94 20.39 2.18L21.82 3.61C22.06 3.83 22.06 4.23 21.82 4.47C21.61 4.68 21.41 4.88 21.41 5.08C21.39 5.28 21.59 5.5 21.79 5.67C22.08 5.97 22.37 6.25 22.36 6.55Z",HE="M8.5,3A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 14,8.5C14,9.83 13.53,11.05 12.74,12H21V21H12V12.74C11.05,13.53 9.83,14 8.5,14A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 3,8.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 8.5,3Z",VE="M18,18H12V12.21C11.34,12.82 10.47,13.2 9.5,13.2C7.46,13.2 5.8,11.54 5.8,9.5A3.7,3.7 0 0,1 9.5,5.8C11.54,5.8 13.2,7.46 13.2,9.5C13.2,10.47 12.82,11.34 12.21,12H18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",LE="M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V8H22V5C22 3.9 21.11 3 20 3H4M10 5H14V6H10V5M2 9V14H22V9H2M10 11H14V12H10V11M2 15V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20V21H6V20H18V21H20V20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V15H2M10 17H14V18H10V17Z",ME="M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20V21H6V20H18V21H20V20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V5C22 3.9 21.11 3 20 3H4M4 5H20V8H4V5M10 6V7H14V6H10M4 10H20V13H4V10M10 11V12H14V11H10M4 15H20V18H4V15M10 16V17H14V16H10Z",AE="M22,11H21L20,9H13.75L16,12.5H14L10.75,9H4C3.45,9 2,8.55 2,8C2,7.45 3.5,5.5 5.5,5.5C7.5,5.5 7.67,6.5 9,7H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,8V9L22,11M10.75,6.5L14,3H16L13.75,6.5H10.75M18,11V9.5H19.75L19,11H18M3,19A1,1 0 0,1 2,18A1,1 0 0,1 3,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,21A1,1 0 0,1 6,22A1,1 0 0,1 5,21A2,2 0 0,0 3,19M11,21A1,1 0 0,1 10,22A1,1 0 0,1 9,21A6,6 0 0,0 3,15A1,1 0 0,1 2,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,21Z",iE="M3 6.2L8 9.39L13 6.2L8 3L3 6.2M13 6.2L18 9.39L23 6.2L18 3L13 6.2M3 12.55L8 15.74L13 12.55L8 9.35L3 12.55M18 9.35L13 12.55L18 15.74L23 12.55L18 9.35M8.03 16.8L13.04 20L18.04 16.8L13.04 13.61L8.03 16.8Z",rE="M20.47,14.65C20.47,15.29 20.25,16.36 19.83,17.1C19.4,17.85 19.08,18.06 18.44,18.06C17.7,17.95 16.31,15.82 15.36,15.72C14.18,15.72 11.73,18.17 9.71,18.17C8.54,18.17 8.11,17.95 7.79,17.74C7.15,17.31 6.94,16.67 6.94,15.82C6.94,14.22 8.43,12.84 10.24,12.84C12.59,12.84 14.18,15.18 15.36,15.08C16.31,15.08 18.23,13.16 19.19,13.16C20.15,12.95 20.47,14 20.47,14.65M16.63,5.28C15.57,4.64 14.61,4.32 13.54,3.68C12.91,3.25 12.05,2.3 11.31,1.44C11,2.83 10.78,3.36 10.24,3.79C9.18,4.53 8.64,4.85 7.69,5.28C6.94,5.7 3,8.05 3,13.16C3,18.27 7.37,22 12.05,22C16.85,22 21,18.5 21,13.27C21.21,8.05 17.27,5.7 16.63,5.28Z",aE="M8.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,5M10,2A5,5 0 0,1 15,7C15,8.7 14.15,10.2 12.86,11.1C14.44,11.25 16.22,11.61 18,12.5C21,14 22,12 22,12C22,12 21,21 15,21H9C9,21 4,21 4,16C4,13 7,12 6,10C2,10 2,6.5 2,6.5C3,7 4.24,7 5,6.65C5.19,4.05 7.36,2 10,2Z",eE="M20.57,14.86L22,13.43L20.57,12L17,15.57L8.43,7L12,3.43L10.57,2L9.14,3.43L7.71,2L5.57,4.14L4.14,2.71L2.71,4.14L4.14,5.57L2,7.71L3.43,9.14L2,10.57L3.43,12L7,8.43L15.57,17L12,20.57L13.43,22L14.86,20.57L16.29,22L18.43,19.86L19.86,21.29L21.29,19.86L19.86,18.43L22,16.29L20.57,14.86Z",dE="M20,8H19L17,8H15V14H2V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5M17,12V9.5H19.5L21.46,12H17M18,7H14V13H3L1.57,8H1V6H13L14,5H18V7Z",mE="M17,20C16.71,20 16.44,19.94 16.24,19.85C15.53,19.5 15.03,18.97 14.53,17.47C14,15.91 13.06,15.18 12.14,14.47C11.35,13.86 10.53,13.23 9.82,11.94C9.29,11 9,9.93 9,9C9,6.2 11.2,4 14,4C16.8,4 19,6.2 19,9H21C21,5.07 17.93,2 14,2C10.07,2 7,5.07 7,9C7,10.26 7.38,11.65 8.07,12.9C9,14.55 10.05,15.38 10.92,16.05C11.73,16.67 12.31,17.12 12.63,18.1C13.23,19.92 14,20.94 15.36,21.65C15.87,21.88 16.43,22 17,22A4,4 0 0,0 21,18H19A2,2 0 0,1 17,20M7.64,2.64L6.22,1.22C4.23,3.21 3,5.96 3,9C3,12.04 4.23,14.79 6.22,16.78L7.63,15.37C6,13.74 5,11.5 5,9C5,6.5 6,4.26 7.64,2.64M11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9Z",tE="M12 6.5C10.62 6.5 9.5 7.62 9.5 9S10.62 11.5 12 11.5 14.5 10.38 14.5 9 13.38 6.5 12 6.5M16 17V19H18V23H20V19H22V17H16M11.69 13.47L3.67 22L2.4 20.73L9.75 12.87C10.33 13.21 11 13.42 11.69 13.47M19 9C19 10.26 18.62 11.65 17.93 12.9C17 14.55 15.95 15.38 15.08 16.05C14.27 16.67 13.69 17.12 13.37 18.1C12.77 19.92 12 20.94 10.64 21.65C10.13 21.88 9.57 22 9 22C7.81 22 6.75 21.47 6 20.65L7.43 19.22C7.79 19.69 8.36 20 9 20C9.29 20 9.56 19.94 9.76 19.85C10.47 19.5 10.97 18.97 11.47 17.47C12 15.91 12.94 15.18 13.86 14.47C14.65 13.86 15.47 13.23 16.18 11.94C16.71 11 17 9.93 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4S7 6.2 7 9H5C5 5.07 8.07 2 12 2S19 5.07 19 9M18.37 4.12L20.72 1.73L22 3L19.32 5.72C19.06 5.15 18.74 4.61 18.37 4.12Z",vE="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.91,16.18C12.19,16.74 11.67,17.19 11.37,18.1C10.77,19.92 10,20.94 8.64,21.65C8.13,21.88 7.57,22 7,22A4,4 0 0,1 3,18H5A2,2 0 0,0 7,20C7.29,20 7.56,19.94 7.76,19.85C8.47,19.5 8.97,18.97 9.47,17.47C9.91,16.12 10.69,15.39 11.5,14.76L5.04,8.31C5,8.54 5,8.77 5,9H3C3,8.17 3.14,7.39 3.39,6.66L1,4.27M14.18,11.94C14.71,11 15,9.93 15,9C15,6.2 12.8,4 10,4C8.81,4 7.74,4.39 6.89,5.06L5.46,3.63C6.67,2.61 8.25,2 10,2C13.93,2 17,5.07 17,9C17,10.26 16.62,11.65 15.93,12.9L15.47,13.65L14.03,12.2L14.18,11.94M16.36,2.64L17.78,1.22C19.77,3.21 21,5.96 21,9C21,11.83 19.93,14.41 18.18,16.36L16.77,14.94C18.15,13.36 19,11.28 19,9C19,6.5 18,4.26 16.36,2.64M12.5,9C12.5,9.5 12.36,9.93 12.13,10.31L8.69,6.87C9.07,6.64 9.5,6.5 10,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,9Z",lE="M10 8V20C10 20.55 9.55 21 9 21H8C7.45 21 7 20.55 7 20V13.27C6.32 13.72 5.61 14 5 14C3 14 2 12 2 11V6C2 5 3 3 5 3S10 6 10 8M16.5 3C13.46 3 11 5.46 11 8.5S13.46 14 16.5 14 22 11.54 22 8.5 19.54 3 16.5 3M14.5 14.68V20C14.5 20.55 14.95 21 15.5 21H17.5C18.05 21 18.5 20.55 18.5 20V14.68C17.87 14.89 17.2 15 16.5 15S15.13 14.89 14.5 14.68Z",oE="M10 9.34V9.34L11.56 10.91L11.56 10.9L14.1 13.45L14.09 13.44L15.58 14.93L15.59 14.93L18.5 17.84V17.85L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.43 20.33C18.3 20.72 17.94 21 17.5 21H15.5C14.95 21 14.5 20.55 14.5 20V16.39L10 11.89V20C10 20.55 9.55 21 9 21H8C7.45 21 7 20.55 7 20V13.27C6.32 13.72 5.61 14 5 14C3 14 2 12 2 11V6C2 5.58 2.19 5 2.55 4.43L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.1 5.44M22 8.5C22 5.46 19.54 3 16.5 3C13.69 3 11.37 5.12 11.04 7.84L17.16 13.96C19.89 13.63 22 11.32 22 8.5Z",nE="M22.11 21.46L18.5 17.85V17.84L15.58 14.93L15.58 14.93L14.09 13.44L14.1 13.44L11.56 10.9L11.56 10.9L10 9.34V9.34L7 6.34L7 6.34L6.66 6L6.67 6L6.1 5.44L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.55 4.43C2.19 5 2 5.58 2 6V11C2 12 3 14 5 14C5.61 14 6.32 13.72 7 13.27V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H9C9.55 21 10 20.55 10 20V11.89L14.5 16.39V20C14.5 20.55 14.95 21 15.5 21H17.5C17.94 21 18.3 20.72 18.43 20.32L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8 10.23L5.91 11.6C5.4 11.93 5.08 12 5 12C4.3 12 4 11.08 4 11L4 6.03C4 6 4 5.97 4.03 5.92L8 9.89V10.23M13.53 10.33L11.04 7.84C11.37 5.12 13.69 3 16.5 3C19.54 3 22 5.46 22 8.5C22 11.32 19.89 13.63 17.16 13.96L14.67 11.47C15.2 11.8 15.83 12 16.5 12C18.43 12 20 10.43 20 8.5S18.43 5 16.5 5 13 6.57 13 8.5C13 9.17 13.2 9.8 13.53 10.33Z",ZE="M5 3C3 3 2 5 2 6V11C2 12 3 14 5 14C5.61 14 6.32 13.72 7 13.27V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H9C9.55 21 10 20.55 10 20V8C10 6 7 3 5 3M8 10.23L5.91 11.6C5.4 11.93 5.08 12 5 12C4.3 12 4 11.08 4 11L4 6.03C4 5.92 4.3 5 5 5C5.9 5 8 7.1 8 8V10.23M16.5 15C17.2 15 17.87 14.89 18.5 14.68V20C18.5 20.55 18.05 21 17.5 21H15.5C14.95 21 14.5 20.55 14.5 20V14.68C15.13 14.89 15.8 15 16.5 15M16.5 3C13.46 3 11 5.46 11 8.5S13.46 14 16.5 14 22 11.54 22 8.5 19.54 3 16.5 3M16.5 12C14.57 12 13 10.43 13 8.5S14.57 5 16.5 5 20 6.57 20 8.5 18.43 12 16.5 12Z",SE="M17.9,17.39C17.64,16.59 16.89,16 16,16H15V13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12H8V10H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,9V7H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,5V4.59C17.93,5.77 20,8.64 20,12C20,14.08 19.2,15.97 17.9,17.39M11,19.93C7.05,19.44 4,16.08 4,12C4,11.38 4.08,10.78 4.21,10.21L9,15V16A2,2 0 0,0 11,18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",uE="M15 19H17V15H19V19H21L18 22L15 19M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",cE="M17 15V17H21V19H17V21L14 18L17 15M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",sE="M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",OE="M21 17H19V21H17V17H15L18 14L21 17M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",hE="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M15.78,5H19V17.18C18.74,16.38 17.69,15.79 16.8,15.79H15.8V12.79A1,1 0 0,0 14.8,11.79H8.8V9.79H10.8A1,1 0 0,0 11.8,8.79V6.79H13.8C14.83,6.79 15.67,6 15.78,5M5,10.29L9.8,14.79V15.79C9.8,16.9 10.7,17.79 11.8,17.79V19H5V10.29Z",pE="M22 17V19H14V17H22M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",fE="M23,4.27L21,6.27V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H6.27L4.27,23L3,21.72L21.72,3L23,4.27M5,3H19.18L17.18,5H15.78C15.67,6 14.83,6.79 13.8,6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8,9.35 11.35,9.79 10.8,9.79H8.8V11.79H10.38L8.55,13.62L5,10.29V17.18L3,19.18V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M11.8,19V17.79C11.17,17.79 10.6,17.5 10.23,17.04L8.27,19H11.8M15.8,12.79V15.79H16.8C17.69,15.79 18.74,16.38 19,17.18V8.27L15.33,11.94C15.61,12.12 15.8,12.43 15.8,12.79Z",gE="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",kE="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",BE="M14 17H22V19H14V17M20 12C20 8.64 17.93 5.77 15 4.59V5C15 6.1 14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 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14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 10H8V12H14C14.5 12 14.9 12.35 15 12.81C13.2 13.85 12 15.79 12 18C12 19.5 12.54 20.85 13.44 21.9L12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.9 13.44C21.34 12.96 20.7 12.59 20 12.34L20 12M11 19.93V18C9.9 18 9 17.1 9 16V15L4.21 10.21C4.08 10.78 4 11.38 4 12C4 16.08 7.06 19.44 11 19.93Z",FE="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M20 12C20 8.64 17.93 5.77 15 4.59V5C15 6.1 14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 10H8V12H14C14.5 12 14.9 12.35 15 12.81C13.2 13.85 12 15.79 12 18C12 19.5 12.54 20.85 13.44 21.9L12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.9 13.44C21.34 12.96 20.7 12.59 20 12.34L20 12M11 19.93V18C9.9 18 9 17.1 9 16V15L4.21 10.21C4.08 10.78 4 11.38 4 12C4 16.08 7.06 19.44 11 19.93Z",TE="M19.5,14.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,22A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 4.5,14.5C4.5,10.36 7.86,2 12,2C16.14,2 19.5,10.36 19.5,14.5Z",bE="M6.89,6.36C8.23,3.91 10,2 12,2C14,2 15.77,3.91 17.11,6.36C16.26,6.57 15.5,7.07 15,7.77C13.79,6.11 11.46,5.75 9.8,6.97C9.5,7.19 9.22,7.46 9,7.77C8.5,7.07 7.74,6.57 6.89,6.36M15,18.06L12,15.06L9,18.06L6,15.06L4.73,16.33C5.75,20.35 9.83,22.77 13.84,21.76C16.5,21.08 18.59,19 19.27,16.33L18,15.06L15,18.06M9,15.94L12,12.94L15,15.94L18,12.94L19.5,14.44C19.37,12.13 18.8,9.86 17.81,7.76C16.65,7.86 15.75,8.83 15.75,10H14.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10H8.25C8.25,8.83 7.35,7.86 6.19,7.76C5.2,9.86 4.63,12.13 4.5,14.44L6,12.94L9,15.94Z",yE="M12 4.5C14.17 4.5 14.58 5.07 15.5 6.32C15.88 6.85 16.32 7.44 16.94 8.06C17.43 8.55 17.86 8.93 18.21 9.24C19.3 10.19 19.5 10.36 19.5 12C19.5 14.93 19.5 15.38 17.94 16.94C16 18.86 15.38 19.5 13 19.5C11.88 19.5 11.5 19.18 10.89 18.69C10.27 18.19 9.43 17.5 8 17.5C4.96 17.5 4.5 14.05 4.5 12C4.5 10.65 5 8.91 6.47 8.42C8.25 7.83 9.2 6.71 9.96 5.81C10.75 4.88 11.11 4.5 12 4.5M12 3C9 3 9 6 6 7C3.88 7.71 3 10 3 12C3 15 4 19 8 19C10 19 10 21 13 21S17 20 19 18 21 15 21 12 20 9 18 7 16 3 12 3M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.79 8 12S9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12 14.21 8 12 8M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12H9C9 10.35 10.35 9 12 9V10Z",RE="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.1 8C5.1 10.3 4.5 12.8 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.6 7.9 22 12 22C14.2 22 16.2 21 17.6 19.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M19.5 14.5C19.5 10.4 16.1 2 12 2C10.5 2 9.1 3.1 7.9 4.7L19.3 16.1C19.4 15.6 19.5 15.1 19.5 14.5Z",xE="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.1 8C5.1 10.28 4.5 12.76 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.64 7.86 22 12 22C14.23 22 16.22 21 17.59 19.5L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.97 20 6.5 17.53 6.5 14.5C6.5 13.08 6.95 11.25 7.63 9.5L16.17 18.06C15.16 19.24 13.67 20 12 20M9.36 6.16L7.92 4.72C9.1 3.11 10.5 2 12 2C16.14 2 19.5 10.36 19.5 14.5C19.5 15.06 19.43 15.6 19.32 16.12L17.5 14.29C17.38 10.46 14.28 4 12 4C11.17 4 10.22 4.87 9.36 6.16Z",DE="M12 4C14.32 4 17.5 10.7 17.5 14.5C17.5 17.53 15.03 20 12 20S6.5 17.53 6.5 14.5C6.5 10.7 9.68 4 12 4M12 2C7.86 2 4.5 10.36 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.64 7.86 22 12 22S19.5 18.64 19.5 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9,12A3,3 0 0,1 6,15C4.69,15 3.58,14.17 3.17,13H1V11M23,11V13H20.83C20.42,14.17 19.31,15 18,15A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 18,9C19.31,9 20.42,9.83 20.83,11H23M6,11A1,1 0 0,0 5,12A1,1 0 0,0 6,13A1,1 0 0,0 7,12A1,1 0 0,0 6,11M18,11A1,1 0 0,0 17,12A1,1 0 0,0 18,13A1,1 0 0,0 19,12A1,1 0 0,0 18,11Z",zE="M20.83 11A3 3 0 0 0 15.18 11H8.82A3 3 0 0 0 3.17 11H1V13H3.17A3 3 0 0 0 8.82 13H15.18A3 3 0 0 0 20.83 13H23V11M6 13A1 1 0 1 1 7 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 13M18 13A1 1 0 1 1 19 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 13Z",_E="M12 22C10.33 22 8.84 20.5 7.9 17.93C7.83 17.73 7.93 17.5 8.14 17.44C8.34 17.36 8.56 17.47 8.63 17.67C9.44 19.9 10.7 21.23 12 21.23C12.94 21.23 13.87 20.55 14.62 19.31C14.73 19.13 14.96 19.07 15.15 19.18C15.33 19.29 15.39 19.53 15.28 19.71C14.38 21.19 13.22 22 12 22M15.91 17.72C15.87 17.72 15.83 17.71 15.8 17.7C15.59 17.63 15.5 17.42 15.54 17.21C16 15.81 16.22 14.18 16.22 12.5C16.22 8.65 14.97 5.24 13.19 4.14C12.94 4.5 12.5 4.78 12 4.78C11.24 4.78 10.61 4.16 10.61 3.39C10.61 2.62 11.24 2 12 2C12.77 2 13.4 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13.44M16.5 18.9C14.5 18.9 11.94 18.16 9.5 16.77C7.95 15.88 6.57 14.79 5.5 13.63C5.35 13.47 5.36 13.23 5.5 13.08C5.68 12.94 5.92 12.95 6.07 13.11C7.08 14.21 8.4 15.25 9.89 16.1C13.2 18 16.77 18.63 18.65 17.72C18.57 17.55 18.5 17.35 18.5 17.15C18.5 16.38 19.15 15.76 19.92 15.76C20.69 15.76 21.32 16.38 21.32 17.15C21.32 17.92 20.69 18.54 19.92 18.54C19.64 18.54 19.39 18.46 19.17 18.32C18.47 18.71 17.56 18.9 16.5 18.9M19.5 17.63C19.63 17.71 19.77 17.77 19.92 17.77C20.27 17.77 20.55 17.5 20.55 17.15C20.55 16.81 20.27 16.53 19.92 16.53S19.3 16.81 19.3 17.15C19.3 17.29 19.35 17.42 19.43 17.53C19.47 17.55 19.5 17.59 19.5 17.63M4.46 12C4.33 12 4.2 11.92 4.13 11.8C3.23 10.25 3.08 8.81 3.7 7.74C4.54 6.3 6.58 5.76 9.31 6.25C9.5 6.29 9.66 6.5 9.62 6.7C9.59 6.91 9.39 7.05 9.18 7C6.82 6.59 5 7 4.37 8.13C3.89 8.95 4.04 10.11 4.8 11.41C4.9 11.6 4.84 11.83 4.65 11.94C4.59 11.97 4.53 12 4.46 12M12.21 13.4C11.71 13.5 11.21 13.19 11.11 12.69C11 12.2 11.32 11.71 11.81 11.6C12.31 11.5 12.81 11.81 12.91 12.31C13 12.8 12.7 13.29 12.21 13.4Z",KE="M19.5,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 18.5,15.5V8.5C18.5,6.57 16.43,5 14.5,5H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,9V19H6V15H11V19H15V14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 16,14.5V16A3,3 0 0,0 19,19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16V14H19.5V15.5Z",jE="M21,21H3V11.25L9.45,15L13.22,12.8L21,17.29V21M3,8.94V6.75L9.45,10.5L13.22,8.3L21,12.79V15L13.22,10.5L9.45,12.67L3,8.94Z",qE="M3,21V17.29L10.78,12.8L14.55,15L21,11.25V21H3M21,8.94L14.55,12.67L10.78,10.5L3,15V12.79L10.78,8.3L14.55,10.5L21,6.75V8.94Z",$E="M7,2L11,6H8V10H6V6H3L7,2M17,10L13,6H16V2H18V6H21L17,10M7,12H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,14V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 7,12M7,14V20H17V14H7Z",XE="M7 10L11 6H8V2H6V6H3L7 10M17 10L13 6H16V2H18V6H21L17 10M7 12H17C18.11 12 19 12.9 19 14V20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22H7C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20V14C5 12.9 5.9 12 7 12M7 14V20H17V14H7Z",YE="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M8.5 6C9.19 6 9.75 6.56 9.75 7.25S9.19 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.25 7.94 7.25 7.25 7.81 6 8.5 6M11 14H10V18H7V14H6V11.5C6 10.4 6.9 9.5 8 9.5H9C10.1 9.5 11 10.4 11 11.5V14M15.5 17L13 13H18L15.5 17M13 11L15.5 7L18 11H13Z",JE="M22.11 21.46L20.7 20.05L20.7 20.04L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.94 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.06 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 14H10V18H7V14H6V11.5C6 10.5 6.71 9.71 7.65 9.54L11 12.89V14M13.46 10.26L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L17.31 14.11L18 13H16.2L14.2 11H18L15.5 7L13.46 10.26Z",CN="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.94 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.06 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L7.65 9.54C6.71 9.71 6 10.5 6 11.5V14H7V18H10V14H11V12.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2M18 11H14.2L13.46 10.26L15.5 7L18 11M17.31 14.11L16.2 13H18L17.31 14.11Z",HN="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 18V14H11V11.5C11 10.4 10.1 9.5 9 9.5H8C6.9 9.5 6 10.4 6 11.5V14H7V18H10M8.5 8.5C9.19 8.5 9.75 7.94 9.75 7.25S9.19 6 8.5 6 7.25 6.56 7.25 7.25 7.81 8.5 8.5 8.5M18 11L15.5 7L13 11H18M13 13L15.5 17L18 13H13Z",VN="M7 2L11 6H8V10H6V6H3L7 2M17 2L13 6H16V10H18V6H21L17 2M7 12H17C18.11 12 19 12.9 19 14V20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22H7C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20V14C5 12.9 5.9 12 7 12M7 14V20H17V14H7Z",LN="M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,7.58 17.5,4 12,4Z",MN="M12,6C16.41,6 20,8.69 20,12C20,15.31 16.41,18 12,18C7.59,18 4,15.31 4,12C4,8.69 7.59,6 12,6M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,7.58 17.5,4 12,4Z",AN="M20,8L12,13L4,8V6L12,11L20,6M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",iN="M18 8L10 13L2 8V6L10 11L18 6M18 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6V18C0 19.1 .9 20 2 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4M24 7H22V13H24V7M24 15H22V17H24V15Z",rN="M24 7H22V13H24V7M24 15H22V17H24V15M20 6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6V18C0 19.1 .9 20 2 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V6M18 6L10 11L2 6H18M18 18H2V8L10 13L18 8V18Z",aN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M18 16V18H22V20H18V22L15 19L18 16Z",eN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M18 16V18H22V20H18V22L15 19L18 16Z",dN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M20 22V20H16V18H20V16L23 19L20 22Z",mN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 22V20H16V18H20V16L23 19L20 22Z",tN="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M6.4,6.5H17.6C18.37,6.5 19,7.12 19,7.9V16.1A1.4,1.4 0 0,1 17.6,17.5H6.4C5.63,17.5 5,16.87 5,16.1V7.9C5,7.12 5.62,6.5 6.4,6.5M6,8V10L12,14L18,10V8L12,12L6,8Z",vN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",lN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",oN="M21,12.13C20.85,12.14 20.71,12.19 20.61,12.3L19.61,13.3L21.66,15.3L22.66,14.3C22.88,14.09 22.88,13.74 22.66,13.53L21.42,12.3C21.32,12.19 21.18,12.14 21.04,12.13M19.04,13.88L13,19.94V22H15.06L21.12,15.93M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H11V19.11L19.24,10.89C19.71,10.4 20.36,10.13 21.04,10.13C21.38,10.13 21.72,10.19 22.04,10.32V6C22.04,4.88 21.12,4 20,4M20,8L12,13L4,8V6L12,11L20,6",nN="M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93M22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.32 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13C20.89 12.14 20.75 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.3L22.7 14.3C22.89 14.1 22.89 13.78 22.7 13.58M11 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V10H22V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H11V18M20 6L12 11L4 6H20Z",ZN="M22 5.5H9C7.9 5.5 7 6.4 7 7.5V16.5C7 17.61 7.9 18.5 9 18.5H22C23.11 18.5 24 17.61 24 16.5V7.5C24 6.4 23.11 5.5 22 5.5M22 9.17L15.5 12.5L9 9.17V7.5L15.5 10.81L22 7.5V9.17M5 16.5C5 16.67 5.03 16.83 5.05 17H1C.448 17 0 16.55 0 16S.448 15 1 15H5V16.5M3 7H5.05C5.03 7.17 5 7.33 5 7.5V9H3C2.45 9 2 8.55 2 8S2.45 7 3 7M1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12Z",SN="M22 5.5H9C7.9 5.5 7 6.4 7 7.5V16.5C7 17.61 7.9 18.5 9 18.5H22C23.11 18.5 24 17.61 24 16.5V7.5C24 6.4 23.11 5.5 22 5.5M22 16.5H9V9.17L15.5 12.5L22 9.17V16.5M15.5 10.81L9 7.5H22L15.5 10.81M5 16.5C5 16.67 5.03 16.83 5.05 17H1C.448 17 0 16.55 0 16S.448 15 1 15H5V16.5M3 7H5.05C5.03 7.17 5 7.33 5 7.5V9H3C2.45 9 2 8.55 2 8S2.45 7 3 7M1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12Z",uN="M10 9C8.9 9 8 9.92 8 11.05C8 11.62 8.22 12.12 8.59 12.5L12 16L15.42 12.5C15.78 12.13 16 11.61 16 11.05C16 9.92 15.1 9 14 9C13.46 9 12.95 9.23 12.59 9.6L12 10.2L11.42 9.61C11.05 9.23 10.54 9 10 9M20 4C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 19.1 21.1 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H20M16.7 8.06L20 6H4L7.3 8.06C6.89 8.45 6.55 8.92 6.33 9.45L4 8V18H20V8L17.67 9.45C17.45 8.92 17.11 8.45 16.7 8.06Z",cN="M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V15.5C13.2 13.06 15.4 11 18 11C19.65 11 21.13 11.83 22 13.06V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12V18.2M4 6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8V6M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",sN="M12 18.2C12 18.13 12 18.07 12 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V11.44C20.81 11.8 21.5 12.36 22 13.06V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H12V18.2M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",ON="M18.84,7H16.22L10.5,4L4,7.41V17A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V7.17C2,6.5 2.28,6.06 2.81,5.81L10.5,2L18.05,5.81C18.5,6.09 18.78,6.5 18.84,7M7,8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V10A2,2 0 0,1 7,8M20,11.67V10L13.5,13.31L7,10V11.67L13.5,15L20,11.67Z",hN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",pN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",fN="M22,6V4L14,9L6,4V6L14,11L22,6M22,2A2,2 0 0,1 24,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18H6C4.89,18 4,17.1 4,16V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2H22M2,6V20H20V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V6H2Z",gN="M2 6V20H20V22H2C.895 22 0 21.11 0 20V6H2M24 4C24 2.9 23.1 2 22 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V16C4 17.1 4.9 18 6 18H22C23.1 18 24 17.1 24 16V4M22 4L14 9L6 4H22M22 16H6V6L14 11L22 6V16Z",kN="M12 .64L8.23 3H5V5L2.97 6.29C2.39 6.64 2 7.27 2 8V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8C22 7.27 21.61 6.64 21.03 6.29L19 5V3H15.77M7 5H17V9.88L12 13L7 9.88M8 6V7.5H16V6M5 7.38V8.63L4 8M19 7.38L20 8L19 8.63M8 8.5V10H16V8.5Z",BN="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L2.6 4.5C2.2 4.9 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H18.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 8V6L4.3 6.2L9.6 11.5L4 8M13.4 10.2L7.2 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 18.2 22 18.5 21.9 18.7L14.6 11.4L20 8V6L13.4 10.2Z",PN="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L2.6 4.5C2.3 4.9 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H18.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 18V8L9.6 11.5L16.1 18H4M9.2 6L7.2 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 18.2 22 18.5 21.9 18.7L20 16.8V8L14.6 11.4L13.4 10.2L20 6H9.2Z",wN="M4,8L12,13L20,8V8L12,3L4,8V8M22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V8C2,7.27 2.39,6.64 2.97,6.29L12,0.64L21.03,6.29C21.61,6.64 22,7.27 22,8Z",FN="M10 9C8.9 9 8 9.92 8 11.05C8 11.62 8.22 12.12 8.59 12.5L12 16L15.42 12.5C15.78 12.13 16 11.61 16 11.05C16 9.92 15.1 9 14 9C13.46 9 12.95 9.23 12.59 9.6L12 10.2L11.42 9.61C11.05 9.23 10.54 9 10 9M12 .64L21.03 6.29C21.61 6.64 22 7.27 22 8V18C22 19.1 21.1 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V8C2 7.27 2.39 6.64 2.97 6.29L12 .64M4 10V18H20V10L18 11.25C18 11.19 18 11.12 18 11.05C18 10.5 17.88 9.95 17.67 9.45L20 8L12 3L4 8L6.33 9.45C6.12 9.95 6 10.5 6 11.05C6 11.12 6 11.19 6 11.25L4 10Z",TN="M6,8L14,13L22,8V8L14,3L6,8V8M24,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 22,20H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,18V8C4,7.27 4.39,6.64 4.97,6.29L14,0.64L23.03,6.29C23.61,6.64 24,7.27 24,8M2,8V22H20V24H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V8H2Z",bN="M2 8V22H20V24H2C.895 24 0 23.11 0 22V8H2M23.03 6.29L14 .64L4.97 6.29C4.39 6.64 4 7.27 4 8V18C4 19.1 4.9 20 6 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V8C24 7.27 23.61 6.64 23.03 6.29M22 18H6V10L14 15L22 10V18M14 13L6 8L14 3L22 8L14 13Z",yN="M21.03 6.29L12 .64L2.97 6.29C2.39 6.64 2 7.27 2 8V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 7.27 21.61 6.64 21.03 6.29M20 18H4V10L12 15L20 10V18M12 13L4 8L12 3L20 8L12 13Z",RN="M22 6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V18Z",xN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",DN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",EN="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.89 22 6V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 8V6L12 11L4 6V8L12 13L20 8Z",NN="M13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",WN="M12.5 13.3C12.2 12.4 12.4 11.7 12.5 11.3C12.4 10.9 12.2 10.3 12.4 9.4C12.7 8.6 13.2 8.2 13.5 7.9C13.6 7.5 13.8 6.9 14.6 6.3C15.3 5.8 16 5.8 16.4 5.8C16.5 5.7 16.7 5.6 16.9 5.5V2.6C17 1.7 16.3 1 15.4 1H2.6C1.7 1 1 1.7 1 2.6V12.4C1 13.3 1.7 14 2.6 14H12.9C12.7 13.8 12.6 13.6 12.5 13.3M3 5V3L9 6L15 3V5L9 8L3 5M22.6 9.9C22.4 9.3 21.9 9.2 21.6 8.9C21.4 8.6 21.4 8 20.9 7.7C20.4 7.3 19.9 7.5 19.5 7.4C19.1 7.3 18.8 6.8 18.2 6.8S17.3 7.2 16.9 7.4C16.5 7.5 16 7.3 15.5 7.7C15 8 15.1 8.5 14.8 8.9C14.5 9.2 14 9.4 13.8 9.9C13.6 10.5 14 10.9 14 11.3C14 11.7 13.6 12.1 13.8 12.7C14 13.3 14.5 13.4 14.8 13.7C15 14 15 14.6 15.5 14.9C16 15.3 16.5 15.1 16.9 15.2C17.3 15.3 17.6 15.8 18.2 15.8S19.1 15.4 19.5 15.2C19.9 15.1 20.4 15.3 20.9 14.9C21.4 14.5 21.4 14 21.6 13.7C21.9 13.4 22.4 13.2 22.6 12.7C22.8 12.1 22.4 11.7 22.4 11.3C22.4 10.9 22.8 10.5 22.6 9.9M18.2 14.4C16.5 14.4 15.2 13 15.2 11.4S16.6 8.4 18.2 8.4 21.2 9.8 21.2 11.4 19.9 14.4 18.2 14.4M19.7 11.3C19.7 12.1 19 12.8 18.2 12.8S16.7 12.1 16.7 11.3C16.7 10.5 17.4 9.8 18.2 9.8S19.7 10.5 19.7 11.3M19.5 17.1L19 19.8L18.4 22.9L16.4 21L14 22.1L15 16.4C15.4 16.6 15.9 16.7 16.4 16.7C16.7 16.9 17.1 17.1 17.4 17.2C17.6 17.3 17.9 17.3 18.2 17.3C18.7 17.4 19.1 17.3 19.5 17.1M22.7 19.5L20.7 18.8L21.1 16.6L21.7 16.3L21.8 16.2L22.7 19.5Z",IN="M12.5 13.3C12.3 12.8 12.3 12.4 12.4 12H3V4.5L9 8.5L15 4.5V6.2C15.6 5.9 16.1 5.9 16.4 5.9C16.5 5.8 16.7 5.7 16.9 5.6V2.6C17 1.7 16.3 1 15.4 1H2.6C1.7 1 1 1.7 1 2.6V12.4C1 13.3 1.7 14 2.6 14H12.9C12.7 13.8 12.6 13.6 12.5 13.3M15 3L9 7L3 3H15M22.6 9.9C22.4 9.3 21.9 9.2 21.6 8.9C21.4 8.6 21.4 8 20.9 7.7C20.4 7.3 19.9 7.5 19.5 7.4C19.1 7.3 18.8 6.8 18.2 6.8S17.3 7.2 16.9 7.4C16.5 7.5 16 7.3 15.5 7.7C15 8 15.1 8.5 14.8 8.9C14.5 9.2 14 9.4 13.8 9.9C13.6 10.5 14 10.9 14 11.3C14 11.7 13.6 12.1 13.8 12.7C14 13.3 14.5 13.4 14.8 13.7C15 14 15 14.6 15.5 14.9C16 15.3 16.5 15.1 16.9 15.2C17.3 15.3 17.6 15.8 18.2 15.8S19.1 15.4 19.5 15.2C19.9 15.1 20.4 15.3 20.9 14.9C21.4 14.5 21.4 14 21.6 13.7C21.9 13.4 22.4 13.2 22.6 12.7C22.8 12.1 22.4 11.7 22.4 11.3C22.4 10.9 22.8 10.5 22.6 9.9M18.2 14.4C16.5 14.4 15.2 13 15.2 11.4S16.6 8.4 18.2 8.4 21.2 9.8 21.2 11.4 19.9 14.4 18.2 14.4M19.7 11.3C19.7 12.1 19 12.8 18.2 12.8S16.7 12.1 16.7 11.3C16.7 10.5 17.4 9.8 18.2 9.8S19.7 10.5 19.7 11.3M19.5 17.1L19 19.8L18.4 22.9L16.4 21L14 22.1L15 16.4C15.4 16.6 15.9 16.7 16.4 16.7C16.7 16.9 17.1 17.1 17.4 17.2C17.6 17.3 17.9 17.3 18.2 17.3C18.7 17.4 19.1 17.3 19.5 17.1M22.7 19.5L20.7 18.8L21.1 16.6L21.7 16.3L21.8 16.2L22.7 19.5Z",GN="M3,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V10.82C20,9.85 18.7,9.23 17.31,9.06L19,8V6L11,11L3,6V8L10.62,12.76C10.21,13.62 10,14.55 10,15.5C10,17.18 10.65,18.79 11.81,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4M16.5,11C19,11 21,13 21,15.5C21,16.38 20.75,17.21 20.31,17.9L23.39,21L22,22.39L18.88,19.32C18.19,19.75 17.37,20 16.5,20C14,20 12,18 12,15.5C12,13 14,11 16.5,11M16.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,13Z",QN="M16.5 11C19 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11M16.5 13C15.12 13 14 14.12 14 15.5S15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5 17.88 13 16.5 13M10.5 18H3V8L10.62 12.76C11.65 10.54 13.9 9 16.5 9C16.77 9 17.04 9 17.31 9.06L19 8V9.5C19.75 9.81 20.42 10.27 21 10.82V6C21 4.9 20.1 4 19 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H11.82C11.27 19.42 10.82 18.75 10.5 18M19 6L11 11L3 6H19Z",UN="M3 4C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.11 1.9 20 3 20H13.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 11.18V6C21 4.89 20.1 4 19 4H3M3 6L11 11L19 6V8L11 13L3 8V6M19 12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5V12M15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29Z",zN="M3 4C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H13.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 18H3V8L11 13L19 8V11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 11.18V6C21 4.9 20.1 4 19 4H3M3 6H19L11 11L3 6M19 12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5V12M15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29Z",_N="M12,13L2,6.76V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V6.75L12,13M22,18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V9.11L4,10.36V18H20V10.36L22,9.11V18Z",KN="M22,14.22C22,14.22 17.61,17.35 14.72,17.39C11.84,17.44 12.13,15.56 12.13,15.56C12.13,15.56 22.71,11.94 19.83,4.79C18.53,2.95 17,2.37 14.89,2.42C12.76,2.46 10.17,3.76 8.46,7.6C7.64,9.44 7.41,11.18 7.24,12.5V12.5C7.24,12.5 5.32,12.88 4.32,12.04C3.32,11.2 2.77,12.04 2.77,12.04C2.77,12.04 1.03,14.2 2.75,14.87C4.46,15.54 7.12,15.82 7.12,15.82V15.82C7.36,17 8.08,19 10.17,20.6C13.3,23 19.32,20.4 19.32,20.4M11.63,12.33C11.76,7.36 15,5.18 16.15,6.27C17.27,7.36 16.86,9.7 14.72,11.16C12.59,12.63 11.63,12.33 11.63,12.33Z",jN="M11,2L6,7L7,8L2,13L7,18L8,17L13,22L18,17L17,16L22,11L17,6L16,7L11,2M10,8.5L16,12L10,15.5V8.5Z",qN="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8M8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8M12,17.5C9.67,17.5 7.69,16.04 6.89,14H17.11C16.3,16.04 14.33,17.5 12,17.5Z",$N="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5V8L10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5L17,8V9.5Z",XN="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5V8L10,9.5M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5L17,8V9.5",YN="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M8.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 8.5 8M17 16H13A4 4 0 0 0 9.53 18L7.8 17A6 6 0 0 1 13 14H17M15.5 11A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 15.5 11Z",JN="M20 12A8 8 0 1 0 12 20A8 8 0 0 0 20 12M22 12A10 10 0 1 1 12 2A10 10 0 0 1 22 12M15.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 14 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 15.5 8M10 9.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8.5 8A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 10 9.5M17 15H13A4 4 0 0 0 9.53 17L7.8 16A6 6 0 0 1 13 13H17Z",CW="M3.22,7.22C4.91,4.11 8.21,2 12,2C15.79,2 19.09,4.11 20.78,7.22L20,8H4L3.22,7.22M21.4,8.6C21.78,9.67 22,10.81 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,10.81 2.22,9.67 2.6,8.6L4,10H5C5,11.38 7.12,12.5 8.5,12.5C9.88,12.5 11.25,11.38 11.25,10H12.75C12.75,11.38 14.12,12.5 15.5,12.5C16.88,12.5 19,11.38 19,10H20L21.4,8.6M16.19,15.42L14.77,14C14.32,14.72 13.25,15.23 12,15.23C10.75,15.23 9.68,14.72 9.23,14L7.81,15.42C8.71,16.5 10.25,17.23 12,17.23C13.75,17.23 15.29,16.5 16.19,15.42Z",HW="M19,10C19,11.38 16.88,12.5 15.5,12.5C14.12,12.5 12.75,11.38 12.75,10H11.25C11.25,11.38 9.88,12.5 8.5,12.5C7.12,12.5 5,11.38 5,10H4.25C4.09,10.64 4,11.31 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,11.31 19.91,10.64 19.75,10H19M12,4C9.04,4 6.45,5.61 5.07,8H18.93C17.55,5.61 14.96,4 12,4M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",VW="M5.14,17.57C5.14,16.5 6.32,14.5 7.57,12.81C8.82,14.5 10,16.5 10,17.57A2.43,2.43 0 0,1 7.57,20C6.23,20 5.14,18.91 5.14,17.57M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C11.08,22 10.18,21.86 9.33,21.63C10.9,20.95 12,19.39 12,17.57C12,17.12 11.89,16.6 11.69,16C11.79,16 11.89,16 12,16C13.25,16 14.32,16.5 14.77,17.23L16.19,15.81C15.29,14.72 13.75,14 12,14C11.59,14 11.19,14.04 10.81,14.12C10.38,13.36 9.85,12.53 9.19,11.63L8.71,11C9.42,10.87 10,10.23 10,9.5C10,8.7 9.3,8 8.5,8C7.7,8 7,8.7 7,9.5C7,9.69 7.04,9.87 7.11,10.04L5.96,11.63C4.4,13.75 3.5,15.5 3.23,16.81C2.45,15.38 2,13.74 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M17,9.5C17,8.7 16.3,8 15.5,8C14.7,8 14,8.7 14,9.5C14,10.3 14.7,11 15.5,11C16.3,11 17,10.3 17,9.5Z",LW="M7.57,20C6.23,20 5.14,18.91 5.14,17.57C5.14,16.5 6.32,14.5 7.57,12.81C8.82,14.5 10,16.5 10,17.57A2.43,2.43 0 0,1 7.57,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,13.75 2.45,15.38 3.24,16.81C3.4,16 3.81,15.07 4.31,14.17C4.11,13.5 4,12.75 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20C11.76,20 11.53,20 11.29,19.96C10.82,20.7 10.14,21.28 9.34,21.63C10.19,21.87 11.08,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,14C11.59,14 11.19,14.04 10.81,14.12C11.16,14.75 11.47,15.4 11.69,16C11.79,16 11.89,16 12,16C13.25,16 14.32,16.5 14.77,17.23L16.19,15.81C15.29,14.72 13.75,14 12,14M15.5,8C14.7,8 14,8.7 14,9.5C14,10.3 14.7,11 15.5,11C16.3,11 17,10.3 17,9.5C17,8.7 16.3,8 15.5,8M10,9.5C10,8.7 9.3,8 8.5,8C7.7,8 7,8.7 7,9.5C7,10.3 7.7,11 8.5,11C9.3,11 10,10.3 10,9.5",MW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M6.76,8.82L7.82,7.76L8.88,8.82L9.94,7.76L11,8.82L9.94,9.88L11,10.94L9.94,12L8.88,10.94L7.82,12L6.76,10.94L7.82,9.88L6.76,8.82M6.89,17.5C7.69,15.46 9.67,14 12,14C14.33,14 16.31,15.46 17.11,17.5H6.89M17.24,10.94L16.18,12L15.12,10.94L14.06,12L13,10.94L14.06,9.88L13,8.82L14.06,7.76L15.12,8.82L16.18,7.76L17.24,8.82L16.18,9.88L17.24,10.94Z",AW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16.18,7.76L15.12,8.82L14.06,7.76L13,8.82L14.06,9.88L13,10.94L14.06,12L15.12,10.94L16.18,12L17.24,10.94L16.18,9.88L17.24,8.82L16.18,7.76M7.82,12L8.88,10.94L9.94,12L11,10.94L9.94,9.88L11,8.82L9.94,7.76L8.88,8.82L7.82,7.76L6.76,8.82L7.82,9.88L6.76,10.94L7.82,12M12,14C9.67,14 7.69,15.46 6.89,17.5H17.11C16.31,15.46 14.33,14 12,14Z",iW="M22.5,2.09C21.6,3 20.13,3.73 18.31,4.25C16.59,2.84 14.39,2 12,2C9.61,2 7.41,2.84 5.69,4.25C3.87,3.73 2.4,3 1.5,2.09C1.53,3.72 2.35,5.21 3.72,6.4C2.63,8 2,9.92 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.92 21.37,8 20.28,6.4C21.65,5.21 22.47,3.72 22.5,2.09M7.5,8.5L10.5,10C10.5,10.8 9.8,11.5 9,11.5C8.2,11.5 7.5,10.8 7.5,10V8.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M16.5,10C16.5,10.8 15.8,11.5 15,11.5C14.2,11.5 13.5,10.8 13.5,10L16.5,8.5V10Z",rW="M1.5,2.09C2.4,3 3.87,3.73 5.69,4.25C7.41,2.84 9.61,2 12,2C14.39,2 16.59,2.84 18.31,4.25C20.13,3.73 21.6,3 22.5,2.09C22.47,3.72 21.65,5.21 20.28,6.4C21.37,8 22,9.92 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.92 2.63,8 3.72,6.4C2.35,5.21 1.53,3.72 1.5,2.09M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M10.5,10C10.5,10.8 9.8,11.5 9,11.5C8.2,11.5 7.5,10.8 7.5,10V8.5L10.5,10M16.5,10C16.5,10.8 15.8,11.5 15,11.5C14.2,11.5 13.5,10.8 13.5,10L16.5,8.5V10M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",aW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M8.88,7.82L11,9.94L9.94,11L8.88,9.94L7.82,11L6.76,9.94L8.88,7.82M12,17.5C9.67,17.5 7.69,16.04 6.89,14H17.11C16.31,16.04 14.33,17.5 12,17.5M16.18,11L15.12,9.94L14.06,11L13,9.94L15.12,7.82L17.24,9.94L16.18,11Z",eW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M13,9.94L14.06,11L15.12,9.94L16.18,11L17.24,9.94L15.12,7.82L13,9.94M8.88,9.94L9.94,11L11,9.94L8.88,7.82L6.76,9.94L7.82,11L8.88,9.94M12,17.5C14.33,17.5 16.31,16.04 17.11,14H6.89C7.69,16.04 9.67,17.5 12,17.5Z",dW="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5S16.33 11 15.5 11 14 10.33 14 9.5 14.67 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5S9.33 11 8.5 11 7 10.33 7 9.5 7.67 8 8.5 8M6.89 17C7.69 14.96 9.67 13.5 12 13.5S16.31 14.96 17.11 17H6.89Z",mW="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12 16.42 20 12 20M15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5S16.33 8 15.5 8 14 8.67 14 9.5 14.67 11 15.5 11M8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5S9.33 8 8.5 8 7 8.67 7 9.5 7.67 11 8.5 11M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5Z",tW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11Z",vW="M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",lW="M18.9,18.94L15.94,16C15.76,15.79 15.55,15.5 15.55,15.05A1.3,1.3 0 0,1 16.85,13.75C17.19,13.75 17.53,13.89 17.77,14.15L18.91,15.26L20.03,14.13C20.27,13.89 20.61,13.75 20.95,13.75A1.3,1.3 0 0,1 22.25,15.05C22.25,15.39 22.11,15.73 21.87,15.97L18.9,18.94M17.46,19.62C15.72,21.1 13.47,22 11,22A10,10 0 0,1 1,12A10,10 0 0,1 11,2A10,10 0 0,1 21,12C21,12.09 21,12.17 20.95,12.25C20.21,12.25 19.5,12.55 18.97,13.07L18.9,13.14L18.84,13.09C18.32,12.55 17.6,12.25 16.85,12.25A2.8,2.8 0 0,0 14.05,15.05C14.05,15.78 14.34,16.5 14.87,17.03L17.46,19.62M13,9.5C13,10.3 13.7,11 14.5,11C15.3,11 16,10.3 16,9.5C16,8.7 15.3,8 14.5,8C13.7,8 13,8.7 13,9.5M9,9.5C9,8.7 8.3,8 7.5,8C6.7,8 6,8.7 6,9.5C6,10.3 6.7,11 7.5,11C8.3,11 9,10.3 9,9.5M12.94,15.18L14,14.12L11.88,12L10.82,13.06L11.88,14.12L10.82,15.18L11.88,16.24L10.82,17.3L11.88,18.36L14,16.24L12.94,15.18Z",oW="M9,9.5C9,10.3 8.3,11 7.5,11C6.7,11 6,10.3 6,9.5C6,8.7 6.7,8 7.5,8C8.3,8 9,8.7 9,9.5M16,9.5C16,10.3 15.3,11 14.5,11C13.7,11 13,10.3 13,9.5C13,8.7 13.7,8 14.5,8C15.3,8 16,8.7 16,9.5M14,14.12L11.88,12L10.82,13.06L11.88,14.12L10.82,15.18L11.88,16.24L10.82,17.3L11.88,18.36L14,16.24L12.94,15.18L14,14.12M16.85,13A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 14.8,15.05C14.8,15.62 15.03,16.12 15.4,16.5L18.9,20L22.4,16.5C22.77,16.13 23,15.61 23,15.05A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 20.95,13C20.4,13 19.87,13.23 19.5,13.6L18.9,14.2L18.3,13.61C17.93,13.23 17.4,13 16.85,13M15,18.92C13.82,19.6 12.46,20 11,20A8,8 0 0,1 3,12A8,8 0 0,1 11,4C15.26,4 18.73,7.33 19,11.5C19.58,11.19 20.26,11 20.95,11C20.45,5.95 16.18,2 11,2A10,10 0 0,0 1,12A10,10 0 0,0 11,22C13,22 14.88,21.4 16.45,20.38L15,18.92Z",nW="M15.07 8.93V4.93A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 15.73 2.72A10 10 0 0 0 2.73 15.72A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 4.94 15.06H8.94V19.06A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 8.28 21.27A10 10 0 0 0 21.28 8.27A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 19.07 8.93M11 6H12.5V7.5H14V9H11M7.5 14V12.5H6V11H9V14M15.89 15.9A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 9.8 17L17 9.8A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 15.89 15.89M4.89 21.08A2 2 0 0 1 2.89 19.08A2 2 0 0 1 4.89 17.08H6.89V19.08A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 21.07M19.07 2.93A2 2 0 0 1 21.07 4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 6.93H17.07V4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 2.93Z",ZW="M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M6.34 6.34A8 8 0 0 1 15.08 4.62A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 15.73 2.72A10 10 0 0 0 2.73 15.72A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 4.63 15.07A8 8 0 0 1 6.34 6.34M17.66 17.66A8 8 0 0 1 8.92 19.38A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 8.27 21.28A10 10 0 0 0 21.27 8.28A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 19.37 8.93A8 8 0 0 1 17.66 17.66M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M4.93 21A2 2 0 0 1 2.93 19A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 17H6.93V19A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 21.07M19.07 2.93A2 2 0 0 1 21.07 4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 6.93H17.07V4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 2.93Z",SW="M15 18H23V20H15V18M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 10.33 7.67 11 8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5C10 8.67 9.33 8 8.5 8Z",uW="M15 18H23V20H15V18M12 17.5C9.67 17.5 7.69 16.04 6.89 14H15.69C14.5 14.78 13.62 15.97 13.23 17.36C12.83 17.45 12.42 17.5 12 17.5M8.5 11C7.67 11 7 10.33 7 9.5C7 8.67 7.67 8 8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5C10 10.33 9.33 11 8.5 11M15.5 11C14.67 11 14 10.33 14 9.5C14 8.67 14.67 8 15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5C17 10.33 16.33 11 15.5 11M12 20L13.07 19.93C13.18 20.61 13.4 21.26 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.58 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21.26 13.4 20.62 13.18 19.93 13.07L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20Z",cW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5M16,16H8V14H16V16M15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11Z",sW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11M17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5M16,14V16H8V14H16Z",OW="M12,17.5C14.33,17.5 16.3,16.04 17.11,14H6.89C7.69,16.04 9.67,17.5 12,17.5M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,11M15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,11M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",hW="M15 18H18V15H20V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 10.33 7.67 11 8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5C10 8.67 9.33 8 8.5 8Z",pW="M15 18H18V15H20V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18M12 17.5C9.67 17.5 7.69 16.04 6.89 14H15.69C14.5 14.78 13.62 15.97 13.23 17.36C12.83 17.45 12.42 17.5 12 17.5M8.5 11C7.67 11 7 10.33 7 9.5C7 8.67 7.67 8 8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5C10 10.33 9.33 11 8.5 11M15.5 11C14.67 11 14 10.33 14 9.5C14 8.67 14.67 8 15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5C17 10.33 16.33 11 15.5 11M12 20L13.07 19.93C13.18 20.61 13.4 21.26 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.58 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21.26 13.4 20.62 13.18 19.93 13.07L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20Z",fW="M11.36,2C11.15,2 10.87,2.12 10.57,2.32C10,2.7 8.85,3.9 8.4,5.1C8.06,6 8.05,6.82 8.19,7.43C7.63,7.53 7.22,7.71 7.06,7.78C6.55,8 5.47,8.96 5.37,10.45C5.34,10.97 5.41,11.5 5.57,12C4.91,12.19 4.53,12.43 4.5,12.44C4.18,12.56 3.65,12.93 3.5,13.13C3.15,13.53 2.92,14 2.79,14.5C2.5,15.59 2.6,16.83 3.13,17.83C3.42,18.39 3.82,19 4.26,19.43C5.7,20.91 8.18,21.47 10.14,21.79C12.53,22.19 15.03,22.05 17.26,21.13C20.61,19.74 21.5,17.5 21.64,16.89C21.93,15.5 21.57,14.19 21.42,13.87C21.2,13.41 20.84,12.94 20.25,12.64C19.85,12.39 19.5,12.26 19.24,12.2C19.5,11.25 19.13,10.5 18.62,9.94C17.85,9.12 17.06,9 17.06,9V9C17.32,8.5 17.42,7.9 17.28,7.32C17.12,6.61 16.73,6.16 16.22,5.86C15.7,5.55 15.06,5.4 14.4,5.28C14.08,5.22 12.75,5.03 12.2,4.27C11.75,3.65 11.74,2.53 11.62,2.2C11.57,2.07 11.5,2 11.36,2M16,9.61C16.07,9.61 16.13,9.62 16.19,9.62C17.62,9.78 18.64,11.16 18.47,12.69C18.3,14.22 17,15.34 15.57,15.18V15.18C14.14,15 13.12,13.65 13.29,12.11C13.45,10.66 14.64,9.56 16,9.61M8.62,9.61C9.95,9.65 11.06,10.78 11.16,12.21C11.28,13.75 10.21,15.08 8.78,15.19H8.77C7.34,15.3 6.08,14.14 5.96,12.6V12.6C5.85,11.06 6.92,9.73 8.35,9.62V9.62C8.44,9.61 8.53,9.61 8.62,9.61M8.64,11.31C8.6,11.31 8.57,11.31 8.53,11.32C7.97,11.39 7.57,11.9 7.64,12.45C7.7,13 8.21,13.39 8.77,13.32C9.33,13.25 9.73,12.74 9.67,12.19C9.61,11.67 9.15,11.3 8.64,11.31M15.94,11.33C15.42,11.35 15,11.75 14.96,12.28C14.92,12.83 15.35,13.31 15.91,13.34C16.5,13.38 16.96,12.95 17,12.4C17.04,11.84 16.61,11.36 16.05,11.33C16,11.33 16,11.33 15.94,11.33M8.71,16.15C9,16.14 9.26,16.23 9.5,16.28C10.68,16.5 11.7,16.53 12.19,16.53C12.68,16.53 13.69,16.5 14.86,16.28C15.27,16.2 15.74,16.03 16.11,16.28C16.59,16.6 16.24,17.75 15.5,18.53C15.04,19 13.97,19.91 12.19,19.91C10.41,19.91 9.33,19 8.88,18.53C8.14,17.75 7.79,16.6 8.26,16.28C8.4,16.19 8.55,16.15 8.71,16.15Z",gW="M21.42,13.87C21.2,13.41 20.84,12.94 20.25,12.64C19.85,12.39 19.5,12.26 19.24,12.2C19.5,11.25 19.13,10.5 18.62,9.94C17.85,9.12 17.06,9 17.06,9C17.32,8.5 17.42,7.9 17.28,7.32C17.12,6.61 16.73,6.16 16.22,5.86C15.7,5.55 15.06,5.4 14.4,5.28C14.08,5.22 12.75,5.03 12.2,4.27C11.75,3.65 11.74,2.53 11.62,2.2C11.57,2.07 11.5,2 11.36,2C11.15,2 10.87,2.12 10.57,2.32C10,2.7 8.85,3.9 8.4,5.1C8.06,6 8.05,6.82 8.19,7.43C7.63,7.53 7.22,7.71 7.06,7.78C6.55,8 5.47,8.96 5.37,10.45C5.34,10.89 5.41,11.34 5.5,11.78C5.5,11.86 5.5,11.94 5.5,12.03C4.88,12.22 4.53,12.43 4.5,12.44C4.18,12.56 3.65,12.93 3.5,13.13C3.15,13.53 2.92,14 2.79,14.5C2.5,15.59 2.6,16.83 3.13,17.83C3.42,18.39 3.82,19 4.26,19.43C5.7,20.91 8.18,21.47 10.14,21.79C10.96,21.93 11.8,22 12.63,22C14.22,22 15.8,21.73 17.26,21.13C20.61,19.74 21.5,17.5 21.64,16.89C21.93,15.5 21.57,14.19 21.42,13.87M16.05,11.33C16.61,11.36 17.04,11.84 17,12.4C16.96,12.95 16.5,13.38 15.91,13.34C15.35,13.31 14.92,12.83 14.96,12.28C15,11.75 15.42,11.35 15.94,11.33C16,11.33 16,11.33 16.05,11.33M20.18,16.55C20.17,16.57 19.7,18.5 16.69,19.74C15.47,20.25 14.1,20.5 12.63,20.5C11.9,20.5 11.14,20.44 10.38,20.31C8.76,20.05 6.5,19.56 5.31,18.36C5.04,18.09 4.72,17.63 4.46,17.13C4.12,16.5 4.04,15.65 4.24,14.88C4.32,14.58 4.45,14.32 4.63,14.12L4.65,14.09C4.74,14 4.95,13.88 5.03,13.84V13.84L5.14,13.8L5.26,13.74C5.32,13.7 5.46,13.63 5.67,13.55C6.13,14.81 7.28,15.7 8.59,15.7C8.67,15.7 8.74,15.69 8.82,15.69C9.65,15.63 10.41,15.22 10.94,14.55C11.47,13.89 11.73,13.04 11.66,12.17C11.54,10.5 10.22,9.16 8.64,9.11H8.62C8.5,9.11 8.4,9.11 8.31,9.12C8,9.15 7.73,9.23 7.46,9.34C7.55,9.24 7.63,9.17 7.66,9.15C7.79,9.1 8.07,9 8.45,8.91L10,8.63L9.65,7.09C9.61,6.9 9.53,6.35 9.81,5.63C9.96,5.2 10.27,4.76 10.58,4.38C10.68,4.65 10.81,4.91 11,5.15C11.77,6.23 13.12,6.58 14.06,6.74L14.13,6.76C14.6,6.84 15.13,6.95 15.46,7.15C15.67,7.28 15.76,7.41 15.82,7.67C15.87,7.87 15.84,8.1 15.73,8.31L15.21,9.2C13.95,9.5 12.95,10.64 12.79,12.06C12.59,13.87 13.78,15.46 15.5,15.68C15.62,15.69 15.74,15.7 15.85,15.7C16.56,15.7 17.25,15.44 17.82,14.95C18.23,14.59 18.54,14.13 18.74,13.62L18.9,13.66C19,13.68 19.17,13.74 19.45,13.91L19.5,13.95L19.57,14C19.78,14.08 19.94,14.26 20.05,14.5C20.13,14.67 20.38,15.6 20.18,16.55M7.64,12.45C7.57,11.9 7.97,11.39 8.53,11.32C8.57,11.31 8.6,11.31 8.64,11.31C9.15,11.3 9.61,11.67 9.67,12.19C9.73,12.74 9.33,13.25 8.77,13.32C8.21,13.39 7.7,13 7.64,12.45M8.71,16.15C9,16.14 9.26,16.23 9.5,16.28C10.68,16.5 11.7,16.53 12.19,16.53C12.68,16.53 13.69,16.5 14.86,16.28C15.27,16.2 15.74,16.03 16.11,16.28C16.59,16.6 16.24,17.75 15.5,18.53C15.04,19 13.97,19.91 12.19,19.91C10.41,19.91 9.33,19 8.88,18.53C8.14,17.75 7.79,16.6 8.26,16.28C8.4,16.19 8.55,16.15 8.71,16.15Z",kW="M16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.46M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 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12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23M15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11Z",wW="M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14Z",FW="M21 9C19.9 9 19 8.1 19 7S21 3 21 3 23 5.9 23 7 22.1 9 21 9M17.5 7C17.5 6.27 17.91 5.29 18.42 4.34C16.68 2.88 14.44 2 12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 11.45 21.94 10.91 21.86 10.38C21.58 10.45 21.3 10.5 21 10.5C19.07 10.5 17.5 8.93 17.5 7M15.62 7.38L16.68 8.44L15.62 9.5L16.68 10.56L15.62 11.62L13.5 9.5L15.62 7.38M7.32 8.44L8.38 7.38L10.5 9.5L8.38 11.62L7.32 10.56L8.38 9.5L7.32 8.44M15.44 17C14.75 15.81 13.47 15 12 15S9.25 15.81 8.56 17H6.88C7.18 16.24 7.64 15.57 8.22 15L5.24 13.3C4.79 13.56 4.23 13.58 3.75 13.3C3.03 12.89 2.79 11.97 3.2 11.25S4.53 10.29 5.25 10.7C5.73 11 6 11.5 6 12L9.57 14.06C10.3 13.7 11.12 13.5 12 13.5C14.33 13.5 16.32 14.95 17.12 17H15.44Z",TW="M7.32 10.56L8.38 9.5L7.32 8.44L8.38 7.38L10.5 9.5L8.38 11.62L7.32 10.56M4.5 9C4.53 9 4.55 9 4.58 9C5.77 6.07 8.64 4 12 4C14.19 4 16.16 4.88 17.61 6.3C17.76 5.7 18.06 5 18.42 4.34C16.68 2.88 14.44 2 12 2C7.11 2 3.05 5.5 2.18 10.14C2.74 9.44 3.59 9 4.5 9M21 10.5C20.58 10.5 20.18 10.41 19.81 10.28C19.93 10.83 20 11.41 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20C8.64 20 5.77 17.93 4.58 15C4.55 15 4.53 15 4.5 15C4 15 3.46 14.86 3 14.6C2.68 14.42 2.41 14.18 2.18 13.9C3.07 18.5 7.11 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 11.45 21.94 10.91 21.86 10.38C21.58 10.45 21.3 10.5 21 10.5M21 3C21 3 19 5.9 19 7S19.9 9 21 9 23 8.1 23 7 21 3 21 3M15.62 7.38L13.5 9.5L15.62 11.62L16.68 10.56L15.62 9.5L16.68 8.44L15.62 7.38M8.56 17C9.25 15.81 10.53 15 12 15S14.75 15.81 15.44 17H17.12C16.32 14.95 14.33 13.5 12 13.5C11.13 13.5 10.3 13.7 9.57 14.07L6 12C6 11.5 5.73 11 5.25 10.71C4.53 10.3 3.62 10.54 3.2 11.26C2.79 12 3.03 12.89 3.75 13.31C4.23 13.59 4.8 13.56 5.24 13.31L8.21 15.03C7.64 15.56 7.18 16.24 6.88 17H8.56Z",bW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7.27,11C7.1,10.71 7,10.36 7,10C7,8.89 7.89,8 9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10C11,10.36 10.9,10.71 10.73,11C10.39,10.4 9.74,10 9,10C8.26,10 7.61,10.4 7.27,11M16,15H15C15,17 14.1,18 13,18C11.9,18 11,17 11,15H8V13H16V15M16.73,11C16.39,10.4 15.74,10 15,10C14.26,10 13.61,10.4 13.27,11C13.1,10.71 13,10.36 13,10C13,8.89 13.89,8 15,8A2,2 0 0,1 17,10C17,10.36 16.9,10.71 16.73,11Z",yW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M9,10C8.26,10 7.61,10.4 7.27,11C7.1,10.71 7,10.36 7,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,8C10.11,8 11,8.9 11,10C11,10.36 10.9,10.71 10.73,11C10.39,10.4 9.74,10 9,10M17,10C17,10.36 16.9,10.71 16.73,11C16.39,10.4 15.74,10 15,10C14.26,10 13.61,10.4 13.27,11C13.1,10.71 13,10.36 13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,8C16.11,8 17,8.9 17,10M16,13V15H15C15,17 14.1,18 13,18C11.9,18 11,17 11,15H8V13H16Z",RW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M17,10H13V9H17V10Z",xW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M17,10H13V9H17V10Z",DW="M7,4V6H10V8H7L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V16H20V19H23V9H20V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7Z",EW="M3.78,2.5L21.5,20.22L20.23,21.5L18,19.27V20H10L8,18H5V15H3V18H1V10H3V13H5V10L6.87,8.14L2.5,3.77L3.78,2.5M20,9V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7.82L22.82,19H23V9H20Z",NW="M2.5,3.77L6.87,8.14L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V19.27L21.23,22.5L22.5,21.22L3.78,2.5L2.5,3.77M16,18H11L9,16H7V11L8,10H8.73L16,17.27V18M23,9V19H22.82L16,12.18V10H13.82L7.82,4H15V6H12V8H18V12H20V9H23Z",WW="M8,10H16V18H11L9,16H7V11M7,4V6H10V8H7L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V16H20V19H23V9H20V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7Z",IW="M15.05 7.78L16.15 6.18C16.15 6.18 14.91 5 12.77 5C10.04 5 8.35 6.84 8.35 8.76C8.35 10.68 10.08 11.69 10.08 11.69C10.08 11.69 8 12.38 8 15C8 17.63 10.14 19 12.44 19C15.38 19 17 17.04 17 17.04L15.6 15.5C15.6 15.5 14.14 16.87 12.59 16.87C10.66 16.87 10.21 15.69 10.21 14.92C10.21 13.87 10.54 12.65 13.83 12.65L13.82 10.77C13.82 10.77 10.44 11.11 10.44 8.78C10.44 7.21 11.9 6.92 12.64 6.92C14.28 6.92 15.05 7.78 15.05 7.78",GW="M19,10H5V8H19V10M19,16H5V14H19V16Z",QW="M17,16V14H7V16H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M17,10V8H7V10H17Z",UW="M10,20H14V4H10V20M4,20H8V12H4V20M16,9V20H20V9H16Z",zW="M15,21H9V3H15V21M11,19H13V5H11V19M8,21H2V11H8V21M4,19H6V13H4V19M22,21H16V8H22V21M18,19H20V10H18V19Z",_W="M16.24,3.56L21.19,8.5C21.97,9.29 21.97,10.55 21.19,11.34L12,20.53C10.44,22.09 7.91,22.09 6.34,20.53L2.81,17C2.03,16.21 2.03,14.95 2.81,14.16L13.41,3.56C14.2,2.78 15.46,2.78 16.24,3.56M4.22,15.58L7.76,19.11C8.54,19.9 9.8,19.9 10.59,19.11L14.12,15.58L9.17,10.63L4.22,15.58Z",KW="M15.14,3C14.63,3 14.12,3.2 13.73,3.59L2.59,14.73C1.81,15.5 1.81,16.77 2.59,17.56L5.03,20H12.69L21.41,11.27C22.2,10.5 22.2,9.23 21.41,8.44L16.56,3.59C16.17,3.2 15.65,3 15.14,3M17,18L15,20H22V18",jW="M20,8H18.95L6.95,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18A2,2 0 0,1 4,16H5.29L7,14.29V10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,10V11.29L17.29,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6A2,2 0 0,1 20,8M8.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,5Z",qW="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M14.34 6H17.05C18.16 6 19.05 6.9 19.05 8C19.05 9.11 18.16 10 17.05 10H16L10 18H7.05C5.95 18 5.05 17.11 5.05 16C5.05 14.9 5.95 14 7.05 14H8.34L14.34 6Z",$W="M20 8H18.95L6.95 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18C2 16.9 2.9 16 4 16H5.29L7 14.29V10C7 9.45 7.45 9 8 9H9C9.55 9 10 9.45 10 10V11.29L17.29 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6C22 7.11 21.11 8 20 8M8.5 5C9.33 5 10 5.67 10 6.5C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5M14.83 17.34L20.34 11.83L22.17 13.66L16.66 19.17L18.5 21H13V15.5L14.83 17.34Z",XW="M20 8H18.95L6.95 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18C2 16.9 2.9 16 4 16H5.29L7 14.29V10C7 9.45 7.45 9 8 9H9C9.55 9 10 9.45 10 10V11.29L17.29 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6C22 7.11 21.11 8 20 8M8.5 5C9.33 5 10 5.67 10 6.5C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5M20.17 15.66L14.66 21.17L12.83 19.34L18.34 13.83L16.5 12H22V17.5L20.17 15.66Z",YW="M7.95,9.55L11.84,7.3C11.94,7.25 12.06,7.25 12.16,7.3L16.05,9.55C16.15,9.61 16.21,9.71 16.21,9.82V14.32C16.21,14.43 16.15,14.53 16.05,14.59L12.16,16.84C12.06,16.89 11.94,16.89 11.84,16.84L7.95,14.59C7.85,14.53 7.79,14.43 7.79,14.32V9.82C7.79,9.71 7.85,9.61 7.95,9.55M22.12,11.6C22.29,11.89 22.29,12.23 22.12,12.53L17.47,20.56C17.3,20.86 17,21 16.65,21H7.35C7,21 6.7,20.85 6.53,20.56L1.88,12.53C1.71,12.24 1.71,11.87 1.88,11.58L6.53,3.5C6.7,3.22 7,3 7.35,3H16.65C17,3 17.3,3.22 17.47,3.5L22.12,11.6M18.27,15.5V8.65C18.27,8.53 18.2,8.42 18.09,8.36L12.16,4.95C12.06,4.89 11.93,4.89 11.83,4.95L5.91,8.36C5.8,8.42 5.73,8.53 5.73,8.65V15.5C5.73,15.61 5.8,15.72 5.91,15.78L11.84,19.19C11.94,19.25 12.07,19.25 12.17,19.19L18.09,15.78C18.2,15.72 18.27,15.61 18.27,15.5Z",JW="M23,8.78L21.71,7.22C21.45,7.42 20.53,8 19.77,8C19.26,8 18.3,7.75 17.45,7.53C16.39,7.26 15.39,7 14.6,7C14,7 13.43,7.15 12.93,7.35C12.62,5.45 11,4 9,4C4.58,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 5.58,19 10,19C12.06,19 13.93,18.43 15.34,17.39L15,21.29L17,21.47L18,9.74C18.66,9.89 19.27,10 19.77,10C21.38,10 22.84,8.91 23,8.78M9,6A2,2 0 0,1 11,8A2,2 0 0,1 9,10H4.23C4.8,7.67 6.39,6 9,6M10,17C6.69,17 4,15.31 4,12H9C10.6,12 11.83,11.17 12.5,9.91V9.91C12.76,9.71 13.85,9 14.6,9C14.94,9 15.5,9.11 16.05,9.25L15.65,13.89C14.82,15.95 12.6,17 10,17Z",CI="M12,1.75L5.75,12.25L12,16L18.25,12.25L12,1.75M5.75,13.5L12,22.25L18.25,13.5L12,17.25L5.75,13.5Z",HI="M7,15H9V18H11V15H13V18H15V15H17V18H19V9H15V6H9V9H5V18H7V15M4.38,3H19.63C20.94,3 22,4.06 22,5.38V19.63A2.37,2.37 0 0,1 19.63,22H4.38C3.06,22 2,20.94 2,19.63V5.38C2,4.06 3.06,3 4.38,3Z",VI="M11,3V7H13V3H11M8,4V11H16V4H14V8H10V4H8M10,12V22H14V12H10Z",LI="M11,3H13V7H11V3M8,4H10V8H14V4H16V11H12.82L8,6.18V4M20,20.72L18.73,22L14,17.27V22H10V13.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72Z",MI="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.32 4.21C2.12 4.56 2 4.95 2 5.38V19.63C2 20.94 3.06 22 4.38 22H19.63C19.78 22 19.92 22 20.07 21.96L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M15 18H13V15H11V18H9V15H7V18H5V9H7.11L15 16.89V18M9.2 6L6.2 3H19.63C20.94 3 22 4.06 22 5.38V18.8L19 15.8V9H15V6H9.2Z",AI="M7.5 20C7.5 20.8 6.8 21.5 6 21.5S4.5 20.8 4.5 20 5.2 18.5 6 18.5 7.5 19.2 7.5 20M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 19.2 16.5 20S17.2 21.5 18 21.5 19.5 20.8 19.5 20 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M22 20C22 22.2 20.2 24 18 24H6C3.8 24 2 22.2 2 20S3.8 16 6 16H6.3C4.3 14.4 3 11.8 3 9C3 4 7 0 12 0S21 4 21 9C21 11.8 19.7 14.4 17.7 16H18C20.2 16 22 17.8 22 20M12 16C15.9 16 19 12.9 19 9S15.9 2 12 2 5 5.1 5 9 8.1 16 12 16M20 20C20 18.9 19.1 18 18 18H6C4.9 18 4 18.9 4 20S4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20M12.9 6.3C12.9 5.3 13.7 4.5 14.7 4.5S16.5 5.3 16.5 6.3 15.7 8.1 14.7 8.1 12.9 7.3 12.9 6.3M7.5 6.3C7.5 5.3 8.3 4.5 9.3 4.5S11.1 5.3 11.1 6.3 10.3 8.1 9.3 8.1 7.5 7.3 7.5 6.3M9.3 10.2C9.3 10.8 8.8 11.3 8.2 11.3C7.6 11.3 7.1 10.8 7.1 10.2S7.5 9 8.1 9C8.8 9 9.3 9.6 9.3 10.2M13.8 12.7C13.8 13.7 13 14.5 12 14.5S10.2 13.7 10.2 12.7 11 10.9 12 10.9 13.8 11.7 13.8 12.7M17 10.2C17 10.8 16.5 11.3 15.9 11.3C15.3 11.3 14.8 10.8 14.8 10.2S15.2 9 15.9 9C16.5 9 17 9.6 17 10.2",iI="M7.5 19C7.5 19.8 6.8 20.5 6 20.5S4.5 19.8 4.5 19 5.2 17.5 6 17.5 7.5 18.2 7.5 19M18 17.5C17.2 17.5 16.5 18.2 16.5 19S17.2 20.5 18 20.5 19.5 19.8 19.5 19 18.8 17.5 18 17.5M18 15H17.7C19.7 13.4 21 10.8 21 8S19.7 2.6 17.7 1H6.3C4.3 2.6 3 5.2 3 8S4.3 13.4 6.3 15H6C3.8 15 2 16.8 2 19S3.8 23 6 23H18C20.2 23 22 21.2 22 19S20.2 15 18 15M5 8C5 6.1 5.8 4.3 7.1 3H16.9C18.2 4.3 19 6.1 19 8C19 11.9 15.9 15 12 15S5 11.9 5 8M18 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19S4.9 17 6 17H18C19.1 17 20 17.9 20 19S19.1 21 18 21M12.9 5.3C12.9 6 13.5 6.6 14.2 6.6C14.9 6.6 15.5 6 15.5 5.3S14.9 4 14.1 4C13.4 4 12.9 4.6 12.9 5.3M8.6 5.3C8.6 6 9.2 6.6 9.9 6.6C10.6 6.6 11.2 6 11.2 5.3S10.6 4 9.9 4C9.1 4 8.6 4.6 8.6 5.3M7.7 10C8.7 10 9.4 9.2 9.4 8.3C9.4 7.4 8.6 6.6 7.7 6.6S6 7.3 6 8.3C6 9.2 6.8 10 7.7 10M11.6 11.7C11.6 10.8 10.8 10 9.9 10C8.9 10 8.2 10.8 8.2 11.7C8.2 12.7 9 13.4 9.9 13.4C10.8 13.4 11.6 12.7 11.6 11.7M12 10C13 10 13.7 9.2 13.7 8.3C13.7 7.4 12.9 6.6 12 6.6S10.3 7.4 10.3 8.3C10.3 9.2 11.1 10 12 10M15.9 11.7C15.9 10.8 15.1 10 14.2 10C13.2 10 12.5 10.8 12.5 11.7C12.5 12.7 13.3 13.4 14.2 13.4C15.1 13.4 15.9 12.7 15.9 11.7M18 8.3C18 7.4 17.2 6.6 16.3 6.6C15.3 6.6 14.6 7.4 14.6 8.3C14.6 9.3 15.4 10 16.3 10C17.2 10 18 9.2 18 8.3",rI="M7.5 9.5C6.1 9.5 5 10.6 5 12S6.1 14.5 7.5 14.5 10 13.4 10 12 8.9 9.5 7.5 9.5M16.5 9.5C15.1 9.5 14 10.6 14 12S15.1 14.5 16.5 14.5 19 13.4 19 12 17.9 9.5 16.5 9.5M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 5C10.6 5 9.5 6.1 9.5 7.5S10.6 10 12 10 14.5 8.9 14.5 7.5 13.4 5 12 5M13.5 7.5C13.5 7.7 13.4 7.9 13.3 8.1L12.7 7.5L13.3 6.9C13.4 7.1 13.5 7.3 13.5 7.5M12.6 6.2L12 6.8L11.4 6.2C11.6 6.1 11.8 6 12 6S12.4 6.1 12.6 6.2M10.7 8.1C10.6 7.9 10.5 7.7 10.5 7.5S10.6 7.1 10.7 6.9L11.3 7.5L10.7 8.1M11.4 8.8L12 8.2L12.6 8.8C12.4 8.9 12.2 9 12 9S11.6 8.9 11.4 8.8M12 14C10.6 14 9.5 15.1 9.5 16.5S10.6 19 12 19 14.5 17.9 14.5 16.5 13.4 14 12 14M13.5 16.5C13.5 16.7 13.4 16.9 13.3 17.1L12.7 16.5L13.3 15.9C13.4 16.1 13.5 16.3 13.5 16.5M12.6 15.2L12 15.8L11.4 15.2C11.6 15.1 11.8 15 12 15S12.4 15.1 12.6 15.2M10.7 17.1C10.6 16.9 10.5 16.7 10.5 16.5S10.6 16.1 10.7 15.9L11.3 16.5L10.7 17.1M11.4 17.8L12 17.2L12.6 17.8C12.4 17.9 12.2 18 12 18S11.6 17.9 11.4 17.8Z",aI="M6 9C6 8.45 6.45 8 7 8S8 8.45 8 9 7.55 10 7 10 6 9.55 6 9M17 10C17.55 10 18 9.55 18 9S17.55 8 17 8 16 8.45 16 9 16.45 10 17 10M22 9.93V11C22 15.97 17.97 20 13 20H11C6.03 20 2 16 2 11V9.93C2 6.65 4.65 4 7.93 4H16.07C19.35 4 22 6.65 22 9.93M14.5 9C14.5 10.38 15.62 11.5 17 11.5S19.5 10.38 19.5 9 18.38 6.5 17 6.5 14.5 7.62 14.5 9M4.5 9C4.5 10.38 5.62 11.5 7 11.5S9.5 10.38 9.5 9 8.38 6.5 7 6.5 4.5 7.62 4.5 9M9 17C9 16.45 8.55 16 8 16S7 16.45 7 17 7.45 18 8 18 9 17.55 9 17M13.5 17C13.5 16.17 12.83 15.5 12 15.5S10.5 16.17 10.5 17 11.17 18.5 12 18.5 13.5 17.83 13.5 17M17 17C17 16.45 16.55 16 16 16S15 16.45 15 17 15.45 18 16 18 17 17.55 17 17M19.97 11.66C19.23 12.5 18.18 13 17 13C14.79 13 13 11.21 13 9C13 7.8 13.54 6.73 14.38 6H9.62C10.46 6.73 11 7.8 11 9C11 11.21 9.21 13 7 13C5.82 13 4.76 12.5 4.03 11.66C4.19 13.32 4.93 14.82 6.04 15.94C7.71 14.73 9.76 14 12 14C14.24 14 16.29 14.73 17.96 15.94C19.07 14.82 19.81 13.32 19.97 11.66Z",eI="M13 9C13 10.1 13.9 11 15 11S17 10.1 17 9 16.1 7 15 7 13 7.9 13 9M7 9C7 10.1 7.9 11 9 11S11 10.1 11 9 10.1 7 9 7 7 7.9 7 9M9 13.2C9 12.6 8.4 12 7.8 12S6.6 12.6 6.6 13.2 7.2 14.4 7.8 14.4 9 13.9 9 13.2M14 16C14 14.9 13.1 14 12 14S10 14.9 10 16 10.9 18 12 18 14 17.1 14 16M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17.5 13.2C17.5 12.5 16.9 12 16.3 12C15.6 12 15.1 12.6 15.1 13.2S15.7 14.4 16.3 14.4C16.9 14.5 17.5 13.9 17.5 13.2",dI="M17.3 5C19 6.5 20 8.6 20 11C20 15.4 16.4 19 12 19S4 15.4 4 11C4 8.6 5.1 6.5 6.7 5H17.3M18 3H6L5.4 3.5C3.2 5.4 2 8.1 2 11C2 16.5 6.5 21 12 21S22 16.5 22 11C22 8.1 20.8 5.4 18.6 3.5L18 3M13 7.5C13 8.3 13.7 9 14.5 9S16 8.3 16 7.5 15.3 6 14.5 6 13 6.7 13 7.5M8 7.5C8 8.3 8.7 9 9.5 9S11 8.3 11 7.5 10.3 6 9.5 6 8 6.7 8 7.5M7 13C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11C9 9.9 8.1 9 7 9S5 9.9 5 11C5 12.1 5.9 13 7 13M11.5 15C11.5 13.9 10.6 13 9.5 13S7.5 13.9 7.5 15C7.5 16.1 8.4 17 9.5 17S11.5 16.1 11.5 15M12 13C13.1 13 14 12.1 14 11C14 9.9 13.1 9 12 9S10 9.9 10 11C10 12.1 10.9 13 12 13M16.5 15C16.5 13.9 15.6 13 14.5 13S12.5 13.9 12.5 15C12.5 16.1 13.4 17 14.5 17S16.5 16.1 16.5 15M19 11C19 9.9 18.1 9 17 9S15 9.9 15 11C15 12.1 15.9 13 17 13S19 12.1 19 11",mI="M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7.03 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14A2,2 0 0,0 15,12H14V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M8,18V13.5H6L10,6V11H12L8,18Z",tI="M15.09,11.63C15.09,11.63 15.28,10.35 16,10.35C16.76,10.35 17.78,12.06 17.78,12.06C17.78,12.06 15.46,11.63 15.09,11.63M19,4.69C18.64,4.09 16.83,3.41 15.89,3.41C14.96,3.41 13.5,3.41 13.5,3.41C13.5,3.41 12.7,2 10.88,2C9.05,2 9.17,2.81 9.17,3.5V6.32L8.34,7.19H4.5C4.5,7.19 3.44,7.91 3.44,9.44C3.44,11 3.92,16.35 7.13,16.85C10.93,17.43 11.58,15.67 11.58,15.46C11.58,14.56 11.6,13.21 11.6,13.21C11.6,13.21 12.71,15.33 14.39,15.33C16.07,15.33 17.04,16.3 17.04,17.29C17.04,18.28 17.04,19.13 17.04,19.13C17.04,19.13 17,20.28 16,20.28C15,20.28 13.89,20.28 13.89,20.28C13.89,20.28 13.2,19.74 13.2,19C13.2,18.25 13.53,18.05 13.93,18.05C14.32,18.05 14.65,18.09 14.65,18.09V16.53C14.65,16.53 11.47,16.5 11.47,18.94C11.47,21.37 13.13,22 14.46,22C15.8,22 16.63,22 16.63,22C16.63,22 20.56,21.5 20.56,13.75C20.56,6 19.33,5.28 19,4.69M7.5,6.31H4.26L8.32,2.22V5.5L7.5,6.31Z",vI="M18.5 18.5C19.04 18.5 19.5 18.96 19.5 19.5S19.04 20.5 18.5 20.5H6.5C5.96 20.5 5.5 20.04 5.5 19.5S5.96 18.5 6.5 18.5H18.5M18.5 17H6.5C5.13 17 4 18.13 4 19.5S5.13 22 6.5 22H18.5C19.88 22 21 20.88 21 19.5S19.88 17 18.5 17M21 11H18V7H13L10 11V16H22L21 11M11.54 11L13.5 8.5H16V11H11.54M9.76 3.41L4.76 2L2 11.83C1.66 13.11 2.41 14.44 3.7 14.8L4.86 15.12L8.15 12.29L4.27 11.21L6.15 4.46L8.94 5.24C9.5 5.53 10.71 6.34 11.47 7.37L12.5 6H12.94C11.68 4.41 9.85 3.46 9.76 3.41Z",lI="M 11,4L 13,4L 13,15L 11,15L 11,4 Z M 13,18L 13,20L 11,20L 11,18L 13,18 Z",oI="M10 3H14V14H10V3M10 21V17H14V21H10Z",nI="M13.34,8.17C12.41,8.17 11.65,7.4 11.65,6.47A1.69,1.69 0 0,1 13.34,4.78C14.28,4.78 15.04,5.54 15.04,6.47C15.04,7.4 14.28,8.17 13.34,8.17M10.3,19.93L4.37,18.75L4.71,17.05L8.86,17.9L10.21,11.04L8.69,11.64V14.5H7V10.54L11.4,8.67L12.07,8.59C12.67,8.59 13.17,8.93 13.5,9.44L14.36,10.79C15.04,12 16.39,12.82 18,12.82V14.5C16.14,14.5 14.44,13.67 13.34,12.4L12.84,14.94L14.61,16.63V23H12.92V17.9L11.14,16.21L10.3,19.93M21,23H19V3H6V16.11L4,15.69V1H21V23M6,23H4V19.78L6,20.2V23Z",ZI="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V9H5V5H19V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10.08,15.58L11.5,17L16.5,12L11.5,7L10.08,8.41L12.67,11H3V13H12.67L10.08,15.58Z",SI="M18,8H8V18H6V8A2,2 0 0,1 8,6H18V8M14,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M20,15H17V12H15V15H12V17H15V20H17V17H20V15Z",uI="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M19,17H17V19H15V17H13V15H15V13H17V15H19V17Z",cI="M2,7V8.5H3V17H4.5V7C3.7,7 2.8,7 2,7M6,7V7L6,16H7V17H14V16H22V7H6M17.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 20,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,9Z",sI="M2 7H4.5V17H3V8.5H2M22 7V16H14V17H7V16H6V7M10 9H8V12H10M13 9H11V12H13M20 9H15V14H20V9Z",OI="M15.38,3L17.77,8.75C17.55,9.68 17.27,10.32 17,10.7C16.67,11.18 16.44,11.25 16.19,11.25V12.75C16.94,12.75 17.74,12.35 18.24,11.56C19.87,8.94 22,3 22,3H20.38L18.69,7.05L17,3H15.38M3.42,8.59L2,10L6.79,14.79L2,19.59L3.41,21L8.21,16.21L13,21L14.41,19.59L9.62,14.79L14.41,10L13,8.59L8.21,13.38L3.41,8.59H3.42Z",hI="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M13.76,6H15.39L16.5,8.6L17.59,6H19.24C19.24,6 17.5,10.57 16.46,12.32C16.08,12.89 15.35,13.27 14.5,13.25V11.75C14.96,11.76 15.25,11.5 15.5,11.13C15.61,11 15.68,10.8 15.74,10.64L13.76,6M6.41,9.59L9.21,12.38L12,9.59L13.41,11L10.62,13.79L13.41,16.59L12,18L9.21,15.21L6.41,18L5,16.59L7.79,13.79L5,11L6.41,9.59Z",pI="M23,12L19,8V11H10V13H19V16M1,18V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,6V9H15V6H3V18H15V15H17V18A2,2 0 0,1 15,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18Z",fI="M12,1L8,5H11V14H13V5H16M18,23H6C4.89,23 4,22.1 4,21V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7H9V9H6V21H18V9H15V7H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,9V21A2,2 0 0,1 18,23Z",gI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C17,19.5 21.27,16.39 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5Z",kI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.36 19.5 12.72 19.5 13.08 19.45C13.03 19.13 13 18.82 13 18.5C13 17.94 13.08 17.38 13.24 16.84C12.83 16.94 12.42 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.29 16.97 12.59 16.92 12.88C17.58 12.63 18.29 12.5 19 12.5C20.17 12.5 21.31 12.84 22.29 13.5C22.56 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",BI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.36 19.5 12.72 19.5 13.08 19.45C13.03 19.13 13 18.82 13 18.5C13 18.14 13.04 17.78 13.1 17.42C12.74 17.46 12.37 17.5 12 17.5C8.24 17.5 4.83 15.36 3.18 12C4.83 8.64 8.24 6.5 12 6.5S19.17 8.64 20.82 12C20.7 12.24 20.56 12.45 20.43 12.68C21.09 12.84 21.72 13.11 22.29 13.5C22.56 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",PI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H13.1C13 19.2 13 18.9 13 18.5C13 17.9 13.1 17.4 13.2 16.8C12.8 16.9 12.4 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7 17 9.2 17 12C17 12.3 17 12.6 16.9 12.9C17.6 12.7 18.3 12.5 19 12.5C20.2 12.5 21.3 12.8 22.3 13.5C22.6 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",wI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H13.1C13 19.2 13 18.9 13 18.5C13 18.1 13 17.8 13.1 17.4C12.7 17.4 12.4 17.5 12 17.5C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12C4.8 8.6 8.2 6.5 12 6.5S19.2 8.6 20.8 12C20.7 12.2 20.5 12.4 20.4 12.7C21.1 12.9 21.7 13.1 22.3 13.5C22.6 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",FI="M23.5,17L18.5,22L15,18.5L16.5,17L18.5,19L22,15.5L23.5,17M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,17C12.5,17 12.97,16.93 13.42,16.79C13.15,17.5 13,18.22 13,19V19.45L12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.75,12.64 22.44,13.26 22.08,13.85C21.18,13.31 20.12,13 19,13C18.22,13 17.5,13.15 16.79,13.42C16.93,12.97 17,12.5 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17Z",TI="M23.5,17L18.5,22L15,18.5L16.5,17L18.5,19L22,15.5L23.5,17M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.75,12.65 22.44,13.26 22.08,13.85C21.5,13.5 20.86,13.25 20.18,13.12L20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5L13.21,17.43C13.07,17.93 13,18.46 13,19V19.46L12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5Z",bI="M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,16C9.37,16 7,14.43 6,12C7.38,8.69 11.19,7.12 14.5,8.5C16.08,9.16 17.34,10.42 18,12C17,14.43 14.63,16 12,16M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13Z",yI="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11M12,8C14.63,8 17,9.57 18,12C16.62,15.31 12.81,16.88 9.5,15.5C7.92,14.84 6.66,13.58 6,12C7,9.57 9.37,8 12,8M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5",RI="M12 17.5C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12H1C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5S21.3 16.4 23 12H20.8C19.2 15.4 15.8 17.5 12 17.5Z",xI="M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17M15 12C14.1 12.7 13.5 13.6 13.3 14.7C12.9 14.9 12.5 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9 15 10.3 15 12M12 19.5C7 19.5 2.7 16.4 1 12C2.7 7.6 7 4.5 12 4.5S21.3 7.6 23 12C22.8 12.5 22.5 13 22.3 13.5C21.5 12 19.8 11 18 11C17.6 11 17.3 11.1 16.9 11.1C16.5 8.8 14.5 7 12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17H12.3C12.1 17.4 12 17.8 12 18.2V19.5Z",DI="M14.9 11.1C13.9 11.9 13.2 13.1 13.2 14.5V14.7C12.8 14.9 12.4 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9C13.4 9 14.5 9.9 14.9 11.1M12 18.2C12 17.8 12.1 17.4 12.3 17H12C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.1 7 15.9 8.3 16.7 10.2C17.1 10.1 17.6 10 18 10C20.1 10 21.9 11.3 22.5 13.1C22.7 12.8 22.8 12.4 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5V18.2M20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 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11.83,9M7.53,9.8L9.08,11.35C9.03,11.56 9,11.77 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15C12.22,15 12.44,14.97 12.65,14.92L14.2,16.47C13.53,16.8 12.79,17 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,11.21 7.2,10.47 7.53,9.8M2,4.27L4.28,6.55L4.73,7C3.08,8.3 1.78,10 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C13.55,19.5 15.03,19.2 16.38,18.66L16.81,19.08L19.73,22L21,20.73L3.27,3M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,12.64 16.87,13.26 16.64,13.82L19.57,16.75C21.07,15.5 22.27,13.86 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5C10.6,4.5 9.26,4.75 8,5.2L10.17,7.35C10.74,7.13 11.35,7 12,7Z",QI="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.65,18.92C14.5,19.3 13.28,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C1.69,10.24 2.79,8.69 4.19,7.46L2,5.27M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12C15,12.35 14.94,12.69 14.83,13L11,9.17C11.31,9.06 11.65,9 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.18,14.08 20.79,15.88 19,17.19L17.58,15.76C18.94,14.82 20.06,13.54 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C10.91,6.5 9.84,6.68 8.84,7L7.3,5.47C8.74,4.85 10.33,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C12.69,17.5 13.37,17.43 14,17.29L11.72,15C10.29,14.85 9.15,13.71 9,12.28L5.6,8.87C4.61,9.72 3.78,10.78 3.18,12Z",UI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z",zI="M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C12.36,19.5 12.72,19.5 13.08,19.45C13.03,19.13 13,18.82 13,18.5C13,17.94 13.08,17.38 13.24,16.84C12.83,16.94 12.42,17 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,12.29 16.97,12.59 16.92,12.88C17.58,12.63 18.29,12.5 19,12.5C20.17,12.5 21.31,12.84 22.29,13.5C22.56,13 22.8,12.5 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M18,14.5V17.5H15V19.5H18V22.5H20V19.5H23V17.5H20V14.5H18Z",_I="M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C12.36,19.5 12.72,19.5 13.08,19.45C13.03,19.13 13,18.82 13,18.5C13,18.14 13.04,17.78 13.1,17.42C12.74,17.46 12.37,17.5 12,17.5C8.24,17.5 4.83,15.36 3.18,12C4.83,8.64 8.24,6.5 12,6.5C15.76,6.5 19.17,8.64 20.82,12C20.7,12.24 20.56,12.45 20.43,12.68C21.09,12.84 21.72,13.11 22.29,13.5C22.56,13 22.8,12.5 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M18,14.5V17.5H15V19.5H18V22.5H20V19.5H23V17.5H20V14.5H18Z",KI="M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M18 18.5L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18M12.1 19.5C12.1 19.5 12 19.5 12.1 19.5C7 19.5 2.7 16.4 1 12C2.7 7.6 7 4.5 12 4.5S21.3 7.6 23 12C22.8 12.4 22.6 12.9 22.4 13.3C21.3 12.5 20 12 18.5 12C18 12 17.5 12.1 17 12.2V12C17 9.2 14.8 7 12 7S7 9.2 7 12 9.2 17 12 17H12.2C12.1 17.5 12 18 12 18.5C12 18.8 12 19.2 12.1 19.5Z",jI="M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12S13.7 15 12 15 9 13.7 9 12 10.3 9 12 9M18 18.5L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18M12 18.5C12 18.2 12 17.8 12.1 17.5H12C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12C4.8 8.6 8.2 6.5 12 6.5S19.2 8.6 20.8 12C20.7 12.1 20.7 12.2 20.6 12.4C21.2 12.6 21.8 12.9 22.4 13.3C22.6 12.9 22.8 12.4 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H12.1C12 19.2 12 18.8 12 18.5Z",qI="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.5 16.9 13 16.77 13.43C17.46 13.16 18.21 13 19 13C20.12 13 21.17 13.32 22.07 13.85C22.43 13.27 22.74 12.65 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.35 19.5 12.69 19.5 13.03 19.45C13 19.3 13 19.15 13 19C13 18.21 13.16 17.46 13.43 16.77C13 16.9 12.5 17 12 17Z",$I="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M12 17.5C8.24 17.5 4.83 15.36 3.18 12C4.83 8.64 8.24 6.5 12 6.5S19.17 8.64 20.82 12C20.63 12.39 20.41 12.77 20.17 13.13C20.85 13.26 21.5 13.5 22.07 13.85C22.43 13.27 22.74 12.65 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.35 19.5 12.69 19.5 13.03 19.45C13 19.3 13 19.15 13 19C13 18.45 13.08 17.92 13.22 17.41C12.82 17.46 12.41 17.5 12 17.5Z",XI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,4.5C7.14,4.5 2.78,7.5 1,12C3.39,18.08 10.25,21.06 16.33,18.67C19.38,17.47 21.8,15.06 23,12C21.22,7.5 16.86,4.5 12,4.5M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",YI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C16.86,4.5 21.22,7.5 23,12C20.61,18.08 13.75,21.06 7.67,18.67C4.62,17.47 2.2,15.06 1,12C2.78,7.5 7.14,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C5.56,16.87 11.45,18.89 16.32,16.5C18.28,15.54 19.86,13.96 20.82,12C18.44,7.13 12.55,5.11 7.68,7.5C5.72,8.46 4.14,10.04 3.18,12M9,22H7V24H9V22M13,22H11V24H13V22M17,22H15V24H17V22Z",JI="M19.35,11.72L17.22,13.85L15.81,12.43L8.1,20.14L3.5,22L2,20.5L3.86,15.9L11.57,8.19L10.15,6.78L12.28,4.65L19.35,11.72M16.76,3C17.93,1.83 19.83,1.83 21,3C22.17,4.17 22.17,6.07 21,7.24L19.08,9.16L14.84,4.92L16.76,3M5.56,17.03L4.5,19.5L6.97,18.44L14.4,11L13,9.6L5.56,17.03Z",CG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M9 4V6H1V4H9Z",HG="M21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24M10.94 8.82L12.36 10.24L13 9.6L14.4 11L13.76 11.64L15.18 13.06L15.81 12.43L17.22 13.85L19.35 11.72L12.28 4.65L10.15 6.78L11.57 8.19L10.94 8.82M19.86 20.29L18.58 21.57L12.63 15.61L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L8.39 11.37L1.86 4.85L3.14 3.57L19.86 20.29M11.21 14.2L9.81 12.79L5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L11.21 14.2Z",VG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M6 1V4H9V6H6V9H4V6H1V4H4V1H6Z",LG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M8.54 2.88L6.41 5L8.54 7.12L7.12 8.54L5 6.41L2.88 8.54L1.46 7.12L3.59 5L1.46 2.88L2.88 1.47L5 3.59L7.12 1.47L8.54 2.88Z",MG="M6.92,19L5,17.08L13.06,9L15,10.94M20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18,2.9 17.35,2.9 16.96,3.29L13.84,6.41L11.91,4.5L10.5,5.91L11.92,7.33L3,16.25V21H7.75L16.67,12.08L18.09,13.5L19.5,12.09L17.58,10.17L20.7,7.05C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63Z",AG="M18.72,14.76C19.07,13.91 19.26,13 19.26,12C19.26,11.28 19.15,10.59 18.96,9.95C18.31,10.1 17.63,10.18 16.92,10.18C13.86,10.18 11.15,8.67 9.5,6.34C8.61,8.5 6.91,10.26 4.77,11.22C4.73,11.47 4.73,11.74 4.73,12A7.27,7.27 0 0,0 12,19.27C13.05,19.27 14.06,19.04 14.97,18.63C15.54,19.72 15.8,20.26 15.78,20.26C14.14,20.81 12.87,21.08 12,21.08C9.58,21.08 7.27,20.13 5.57,18.42C4.53,17.38 3.76,16.11 3.33,14.73H2V10.18H3.09C3.93,6.04 7.6,2.92 12,2.92C14.4,2.92 16.71,3.87 18.42,5.58C19.69,6.84 20.54,8.45 20.89,10.18H22V14.67H22V14.69L22,14.73H21.94L18.38,18L13.08,17.4V15.73H17.91L18.72,14.76M9.27,11.77C9.57,11.77 9.86,11.89 10.07,12.11C10.28,12.32 10.4,12.61 10.4,12.91C10.4,13.21 10.28,13.5 10.07,13.71C9.86,13.92 9.57,14.04 9.27,14.04C8.64,14.04 8.13,13.54 8.13,12.91C8.13,12.28 8.64,11.77 9.27,11.77M14.72,11.77C15.35,11.77 15.85,12.28 15.85,12.91C15.85,13.54 15.35,14.04 14.72,14.04C14.09,14.04 13.58,13.54 13.58,12.91A1.14,1.14 0 0,1 14.72,11.77Z",iG="M9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,11.75M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,11.71 4,11.42 4.05,11.14C6.41,10.09 8.28,8.16 9.26,5.77C11.07,8.33 14.05,10 17.42,10C18.2,10 18.95,9.91 19.67,9.74C19.88,10.45 20,11.21 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20Z",rG="M10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.25,13M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10.66,4.12C12.06,6.44 14.6,8 17.5,8C17.96,8 18.41,7.95 18.84,7.88C17.44,5.56 14.9,4 12,4C11.54,4 11.09,4.05 10.66,4.12M4.42,9.47C6.13,8.5 7.45,6.92 8.08,5.03C6.37,6 5.05,7.58 4.42,9.47M20,12C20,11.22 19.88,10.47 19.67,9.76C18.97,9.91 18.25,10 17.5,10C14.37,10 11.58,8.56 9.74,6.31C8.69,8.87 6.6,10.88 4,11.86C4,11.9 4,11.95 4,12C4,16.41 7.59,20 12,20C16.41,20 20,16.41 20,12Z",aG="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,8.39C13.57,9.4 15.42,10 17.42,10C18.2,10 18.95,9.91 19.67,9.74C19.88,10.45 20,11.21 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C9,20 6.39,18.34 5,15.89L6.75,14V13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.25,13V14H12M16,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 14.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,11.75Z",eG="M18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.59C19.94 11.05 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.96 4 11.91 4 11.87A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31A10 10 0 0 0 17.5 10A10 10 0 0 0 18.83 9.91L17.35 6.65L12.6 4.5L16.13 2.9C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",dG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.57C19.95 11.04 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.95 4 11.91 4 11.86A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31C11.61 8.61 14.44 10 17.5 10C17.94 10 18.39 9.97 18.83 9.91L17.96 8C17.81 8 17.65 8 17.5 8C14.68 8 12.1 6.5 10.66 4.12C11.1 4.05 11.54 4 12 4C12.5 4 12.96 4.05 13.42 4.13L16.13 2.91C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M8.09 5A8 8 0 0 1 4.41 9.5C5.04 7.57 6.37 6 8.09 5M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",mG="M20.25 6C18.79 6 17.61 7.14 17.5 8.58L12.55 7.16C12.19 7.05 11.81 7.05 11.45 7.16L6.5 8.58C6.39 7.14 5.21 6 3.75 6C2.23 6 1 7.23 1 8.75V12.25C1 13.77 2.23 15 3.75 15H5.68C6.81 17.36 9.21 19 12 19S17.19 17.36 18.32 15H20.25C21.77 15 23 13.77 23 12.25V8.75C23 7.23 21.77 6 20.25 6M5 13.5H3.75C3.06 13.5 2.5 12.94 2.5 12.25V8.75C2.5 8.06 3.06 7.5 3.75 7.5S5 8.06 5 8.75V13.5M15 12L12.4 11.3C12.1 11.2 11.8 11.2 11.6 11.3L9 12V11L11.3 10.3C11.7 10.2 12.2 10.2 12.7 10.3L15 11V12M21.5 12.25C21.5 12.94 20.94 13.5 20.25 13.5H19V8.75C19 8.06 19.56 7.5 20.25 7.5S21.5 8.06 21.5 8.75V12.25Z",tG="M15 12L12.4 11.3C12.1 11.2 11.8 11.2 11.6 11.3L9 12V11L11.3 10.3C11.7 10.2 12.2 10.2 12.7 10.3L15 11V12M20.25 6C18.79 6 17.61 7.14 17.5 8.58L12.55 7.16C12.37 7.11 12.19 7.08 12 7.08C11.82 7.08 11.63 7.11 11.45 7.16L6.5 8.58C6.39 7.14 5.21 6 3.75 6C2.23 6 1 7.23 1 8.75V12.25C1 13.77 2.23 15 3.75 15H5.68C6.81 17.36 9.21 19 12 19S17.19 17.36 18.32 15H20.25C21.77 15 23 13.77 23 12.25V8.75C23 7.23 21.77 6 20.25 6M5 13.5H3.75C3.06 13.5 2.5 12.94 2.5 12.25V8.75C2.5 8.06 3.06 7.5 3.75 7.5S5 8.06 5 8.75V13.5M17 12C17 14.76 14.76 17 12 17S7 14.76 7 12L7 10.5L12 9.08H12L17 10.5V12M21.5 12.25C21.5 12.94 20.94 13.5 20.25 13.5H19V8.75C19 8.06 19.56 7.5 20.25 7.5S21.5 8.06 21.5 8.75V12.25Z",vG="M9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,11.75M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12C3.97,11.71 3.97,11.43 4,11.14C6.38,10.1 8.27,8.17 9.26,5.77C11.13,8.42 14.17,10 17.42,10C18.18,10 18.93,9.91 19.67,9.74C20.92,14 18.5,18.43 14.26,19.67C13.5,19.89 12.76,20 12,20M0,2A2,2 0 0,1 2,0H6V2H2V6H0V2M24,22A2,2 0 0,1 22,24H18V22H22V18H24V22M2,24A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V18H2V22H6V24H2M22,0A2,2 0 0,1 24,2V6H22V2H18V0H22Z",lG="M13.75 13C13.75 12.31 14.31 11.75 15 11.75S16.25 12.31 16.25 13 15.69 14.25 15 14.25 13.75 13.69 13.75 13M22 12V22H2V12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M4 12C4 16.41 7.59 20 12 20S20 16.41 20 12C20 11.21 19.88 10.45 19.67 9.74C18.95 9.91 18.2 10 17.42 10C14.05 10 11.07 8.33 9.26 5.77C8.28 8.16 6.41 10.09 4.05 11.14C4 11.42 4 11.71 4 12M9 14.25C9.69 14.25 10.25 13.69 10.25 13S9.69 11.75 9 11.75 7.75 12.31 7.75 13 8.31 14.25 9 14.25Z",oG="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 4C14.9 4 17.44 5.56 18.84 7.88C18.41 7.95 17.96 8 17.5 8C14.6 8 12.06 6.44 10.66 4.12C11.09 4.05 11.54 4 12 4M8.08 5.03C7.45 6.92 6.13 8.5 4.42 9.47C5.05 7.58 6.37 6 8.08 5.03M4 11.86C6.6 10.88 8.69 8.87 9.74 6.31C11.58 8.56 14.37 10 17.5 10C18.25 10 18.97 9.91 19.67 9.76C19.88 10.47 20 11.22 20 12C20 16.41 16.41 20 12 20S4 16.41 4 12V11.86M4 20V18C4.57 18.75 5.25 19.43 6 20H4M20 20H18C18.75 19.43 19.43 18.75 20 18V20M13.75 13C13.75 12.31 14.31 11.75 15 11.75S16.25 12.31 16.25 13 15.69 14.25 15 14.25 13.75 13.69 13.75 13M7.75 13C7.75 12.31 8.31 11.75 9 11.75S10.25 12.31 10.25 13 9.69 14.25 9 14.25 7.75 13.69 7.75 13Z",nG="M17.25 13C17.25 13.69 16.69 14.25 16 14.25S14.75 13.69 14.75 13 15.31 11.75 16 11.75 17.25 12.31 17.25 13M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22H2V12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M7 18C8.41 19.23 10 20 12 20C16.41 20 20 16.41 20 12C20 11.21 19.88 10.45 19.67 9.74C18.95 9.91 18.2 10 17.42 10C15.42 10 13.57 9.4 12 8.39C12 8.39 10.54 13.76 8.03 13C7.37 12.8 7 13.31 7 14",ZG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.59C19.94 11.05 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.96 4 11.91 4 11.87A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31A10 10 0 0 0 17.5 10A10 10 0 0 0 18.83 9.91L17.35 6.65L12.6 4.5L16.13 2.9C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",SG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.57C19.95 11.04 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.95 4 11.91 4 11.86C6.61 10.89 8.69 8.88 9.74 6.31C11.61 8.61 14.44 10 17.5 10C17.94 10 18.39 9.97 18.83 9.91L17.96 8C17.81 8 17.65 8 17.5 8C14.68 8 12.1 6.5 10.66 4.12C11.1 4.05 11.54 4 12 4C12.5 4 12.96 4.05 13.42 4.13L16.13 2.91C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M8.09 5C7.46 6.91 6.15 8.5 4.41 9.5C5.04 7.57 6.37 6 8.09 5M9 11.75C8.31 11.75 7.75 12.31 7.75 13C7.75 13.69 8.31 14.25 9 14.25C9.69 14.25 10.25 13.69 10.25 13C10.25 12.31 9.69 11.75 9 11.75M15 11.75C14.31 11.75 13.75 12.31 13.75 13C13.75 13.69 14.31 14.25 15 14.25C15.69 14.25 16.25 13.69 16.25 13C16.25 12.31 15.69 11.75 15 11.75M4 17.97C4.58 18.74 5.26 19.42 6.03 20H4M20 17.97V20H17.97C18.74 19.42 19.42 18.74 20 17.97Z",uG="M12 2.04C6.5 2.04 2 6.53 2 12.06C2 17.06 5.66 21.21 10.44 21.96V14.96H7.9V12.06H10.44V9.85C10.44 7.34 11.93 5.96 14.22 5.96C15.31 5.96 16.45 6.15 16.45 6.15V8.62H15.19C13.95 8.62 13.56 9.39 13.56 10.18V12.06H16.34L15.89 14.96H13.56V21.96A10 10 0 0 0 22 12.06C22 6.53 17.5 2.04 12 2.04Z",cG="M9.5 14.5V9.5H21V21H15.5V14.5H9.5M3 3H21L21 8.5H8.5V15.5H14.5V21H3V3Z",sG="M12,2C6.36,2 2,6.13 2,11.7C2,14.61 3.19,17.14 5.14,18.87C5.3,19 5.4,19.22 5.41,19.44L5.46,21.22C5.5,21.79 6.07,22.16 6.59,21.93L8.57,21.06C8.74,21 8.93,20.97 9.1,21C10,21.27 11,21.4 12,21.4C17.64,21.4 22,17.27 22,11.7C22,6.13 17.64,2 12,2M18,9.46L15.07,14.13C14.6,14.86 13.6,15.05 12.9,14.5L10.56,12.77C10.35,12.61 10.05,12.61 9.84,12.77L6.68,15.17C6.26,15.5 5.71,15 6,14.54L8.93,9.87C9.4,9.14 10.4,8.95 11.1,9.47L13.44,11.23C13.66,11.39 13.95,11.39 14.16,11.23L17.32,8.83C17.74,8.5 18.29,9 18,9.46Z",OG="M19.69,16.12C19.42,16.43 18.95,16.92 18.19,16.92C17.13,16.92 16.78,16.15 16.46,15.34L14.86,11.41L13.26,15.34C13,16 12.7,16.92 11.53,16.92C10.36,16.92 10.07,16 9.79,15.34L7.11,8.72H9.37L11.53,14.17L13.14,10.2C13.39,9.57 13.69,8.62 14.86,8.62C16,8.62 16.32,9.57 16.58,10.2L18.33,14.5C19.22,13.14 19.6,11.5 19.38,9.89C19.16,8.28 18.37,6.8 17.14,5.73C15.92,4.66 14.34,4.06 12.72,4.06C11.03,4.05 9.39,4.58 8,5.56C6.66,6.55 5.64,7.94 5.12,9.54C4.6,11.14 4.6,12.87 5.12,14.47C5.64,16.07 6.66,17.46 8.03,18.44C9.4,19.43 11.04,19.95 12.72,19.94C13.45,19.94 14.17,19.84 14.87,19.64V21.75C14.16,21.91 13.44,22 12.72,22C10.61,22 8.54,21.34 6.82,20.1C5.1,18.86 3.82,17.11 3.17,15.1C2.5,13.09 2.5,10.92 3.16,8.9C3.82,6.89 5.1,5.14 6.82,3.9C8.53,2.66 10.6,2 12.72,2C17.56,2 21.5,5.94 21.5,10.79C21.5,12.71 20.86,14.59 19.69,16.12V16.12Z",hG="M4,18V20H8V18H4M4,14V16H14V14H4M10,18V20H14V18H10M16,14V16H20V14H16M16,18V20H20V18H16M2,22V8L7,12V8L12,12V8L17,12L18,2H21L22,12V22H2Z",pG="M12 1A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.5 3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 11 5.79V7H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 9V9.71A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 3.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5 14.29V15H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 17V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 .5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 3 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 18.21V17H8V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 11.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10 18.21V17A2 2 0 0 0 8 15H7V14.29A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 8.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 9.71V9H17V9.71A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 14.29V15H16A2 2 0 0 0 14 17V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 12.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 16 18.21V17H20V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 21 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 23.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 22 18.21V17A2 2 0 0 0 20 15H19V14.29A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 19 9.71V9A2 2 0 0 0 17 7H13V5.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.5 3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 12 1M12 2.5A1 1 0 0 1 13 3.5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4.5A1 1 0 0 1 11 3.5A1 1 0 0 1 12 2.5M6 11A1 1 0 0 1 7 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 11M18 11A1 1 0 0 1 19 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 13A1 1 0 0 1 17 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 11M3 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 4 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 3 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 2 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 3 19.5M9 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 10 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 9 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 8 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 9 19.5M15 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 16 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 15 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 14 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 15 19.5M21 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 22 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 20 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 19.5Z",fG="M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11M12.5,2C17,2 17.11,5.57 14.75,6.75C13.76,7.24 13.32,8.29 13.13,9.22C13.61,9.42 14.03,9.73 14.35,10.13C18.05,8.13 22.03,8.92 22.03,12.5C22.03,17 18.46,17.1 17.28,14.73C16.78,13.74 15.72,13.3 14.79,13.11C14.59,13.59 14.28,14 13.88,14.34C15.87,18.03 15.08,22 11.5,22C7,22 6.91,18.42 9.27,17.24C10.25,16.75 10.69,15.71 10.89,14.79C10.4,14.59 9.97,14.27 9.65,13.87C5.96,15.85 2,15.07 2,11.5C2,7 5.56,6.89 6.74,9.26C7.24,10.25 8.29,10.68 9.22,10.87C9.41,10.39 9.73,9.97 10.14,9.65C8.15,5.96 8.94,2 12.5,2Z",gG="M10 11C9.43 11 9 11.45 9 12S9.43 13 10 13C10.54 13 11 12.55 11 12S10.54 11 10 11M10.5 2C15 2 15.09 5.57 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12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M19 19.17L22.17 16L23.59 17.41L19 22L14.41 17.41L15.83 16L19 19.17",PG="M13 19C13 17.59 13.5 16.3 14.3 15.28C14.17 14.97 14.03 14.65 13.86 14.34C14.26 14 14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M19 17.83L15.83 21L14.41 19.59L19 15L23.59 19.59L22.17 21L19 17.83",wG="M16 14H17.5V16.8L19.9 18.2L19.1 19.5L16 17.7V14M21 11.3C20.8 7.9 17 7.2 13.3 9.2C13 8.8 12.6 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7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",yG="M13 19C13 17.59 13.5 16.3 14.3 15.28C14.17 14.97 14.03 14.65 13.86 14.34C14.26 14 14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 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14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M21 21V20.5C21 19.67 20.33 19 19.5 19C20.33 19 21 18.33 21 17.5V17C21 15.89 20.1 15 19 15H16V17H19V18H17V20H19V21H16V23H19C20.11 23 21 22.11 21 21",EG="M13,6V18L21.5,12M4,18L12.5,12L4,6V18Z",NG="M10,12V22H8V14H6V12H10M18,14V20C18,21.11 17.11,22 16,22H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12H16C17.11,12 18,12.9 18,14M14,14V20H16V14H14M11.5,3C14.15,3 16.55,4 18.4,5.6L21,3V10H14L16.62,7.38C15.23,6.22 13.46,5.5 11.5,5.5C7.96,5.5 4.95,7.81 3.9,11L1.53,10.22C2.92,6.03 6.85,3 11.5,3Z",WG="M11.5 3C14.15 3 16.55 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.62 7.38C15.23 6.22 13.46 5.5 11.5 5.5C7.96 5.5 4.95 7.81 3.9 11L1.53 10.22C2.92 6.03 6.85 3 11.5 3M10 12V22H8V14H6V12H10M12 12H18V14H14V16H16C17.11 16 18 16.9 18 18V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H12V20H16V18H12V12Z",IG="M11.5,3C6.85,3 2.92,6.03 1.53,10.22L3.9,11C4.95,7.81 7.96,5.5 11.5,5.5C13.46,5.5 15.23,6.22 16.62,7.38L14,10H21V3L18.4,5.6C16.55,4 14.15,3 11.5,3M19,14V20C19,21.11 18.11,22 17,22H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 15,12H17C18.11,12 19,12.9 19,14M15,14V20H17V14H15M11,20C11,21.11 10.1,22 9,22H5V20H9V18H7V16H9V14H5V12H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,14V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,18.5V20Z",GG="M11.5 3C14.1 3 16.5 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.6 7.4C15.2 6.2 13.4 5.5 11.5 5.5C8 5.5 4.9 7.8 3.9 11L1.5 10.2C2.9 6 6.8 3 11.5 3M13 12H19V14H15V16H17C18.1 16 19 16.9 19 18V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H13V20H17V18H13V12M5 12V18H9V22H11V12H9V16H7V12H5Z",QG="M11.5 3C14.15 3 16.55 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.62 7.38C15.23 6.22 13.46 5.5 11.5 5.5C7.96 5.5 4.95 7.81 3.9 11L1.53 10.22C2.92 6.03 6.85 3 11.5 3M9 12H15V14H11V16H13C14.11 16 15 16.9 15 18V20C15 21.11 14.11 22 13 22H9V20H13V18H9V12Z",UG="M11.5 3C6.8 3 2.9 6 1.5 10.2L3.9 11C4.9 7.8 8 5.5 11.5 5.5C13.5 5.5 15.2 6.2 16.6 7.4L14 10H21V3L18.4 5.6C16.5 4 14.1 3 11.5 3M19 14V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H15C13.9 22 13 21.1 13 20V14C13 12.9 13.9 12 15 12H17C18.1 12 19 12.9 19 14M15 14V20H17V14H15M7 12C5.9 12 5 12.9 5 14V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H9C10.1 22 11 21.1 11 20V18C11 16.9 10.1 16 9 16H7V14H11V12H7M7 18H9V20H7V18Z",zG="M15,9.9L18,12L15,14.1V9.9M6,9.9L9,12L6,14.1V9.9M13,6V18L21.5,12L13,6M4,6V18L12.5,12L4,6Z",_G="M19 14V16H16V14.28L19 14M19 13C19 11.9 18 11 16.8 11H10V10H5V21H10V13.91L19 13M5 9H10V7L15.36 5.21C15.74 5.09 16 4.73 16 4.33C16 3.68 15.36 3.23 14.75 3.45L5 7V9Z",KG="M21 21H3C3 19.9 3.9 19 5 19H19C20.11 19 21 19.89 21 21M19 7C19 5.39 17.93 3 15 3S11 5.39 11 7V18H13V7C13 6.54 13.17 5 15 5S17 6.54 17 7H16.5V9H19.5V7H19M7 12C6.45 12 6 12.45 6 13V14H3V15H6V18H8V13C8 12.45 7.55 12 7 12M21 14H18V13C18 12.45 17.55 12 17 12S16 12.45 16 13V18H18V15H21V14Z",jG="M19 9H18V4H8V20H22V12C22 10.34 20.66 9 19 9M10 6H16V9H10V6M14 17H10V12H14V17M16 17C15.45 17 15 16.55 15 16C15 15.45 15.45 15 16 15C16.55 15 17 15.45 17 16C17 16.55 16.55 17 16 17M16 14C15.45 14 15 13.55 15 13S15.45 12 16 12C16.55 12 17 12.45 17 13S16.55 14 16 14M19 17C18.45 17 18 16.55 18 16C18 15.45 18.45 15 19 15S20 15.45 20 16C20 16.55 19.55 17 19 17M19 14C18.45 14 18 13.55 18 13S18.45 12 19 12 20 12.45 20 13 19.55 14 19 14M4.5 8C3.12 8 2 9.12 2 10.5V18.5C2 19.88 3.12 21 4.5 21S7 19.88 7 18.5V10.5C7 9.12 5.88 8 4.5 8Z",qG="M22,2C22,2 14.36,1.63 8.34,9.88C3.72,16.21 2,22 2,22L3.94,21C5.38,18.5 6.13,17.47 7.54,16C10.07,16.74 12.71,16.65 15,14C13,13.44 11.4,13.57 9.04,13.81C11.69,12 13.5,11.6 16,12L17,10C15.2,9.66 14,9.63 12.22,10.04C14.19,8.65 15.56,7.87 18,8L19.21,6.07C17.65,5.96 16.71,6.13 14.92,6.57C16.53,5.11 18,4.45 20.14,4.32C20.14,4.32 21.19,2.43 22,2Z",$G="M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H9.5C9.2,4.8 9,5.6 9,6.5C9,10.1 11.9,13 15.5,13C16.3,13 17,12.9 17.6,12.6L20,15V20M19.3,8.9C19.7,8.2 20,7.4 20,6.5C20,4 18,2 15.5,2C13,2 11,4 11,6.5C11,9 13,11 15.5,11C16.4,11 17.2,10.7 17.9,10.3L21,13.4L22.4,12L19.3,8.9M15.5,9C14.1,9 13,7.9 13,6.5C13,5.1 14.1,4 15.5,4C16.9,4 18,5.1 18,6.5C18,7.9 16.9,9 15.5,9Z",XG="M15.5,2C13,2 11,4 11,6.5C11,9 13,11 15.5,11C16.4,11 17.2,10.7 17.9,10.3L21,13.4L22.4,12L19.3,8.9C19.7,8.2 20,7.4 20,6.5C20,4 18,2 15.5,2M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V15L18,13V20H4V6H9.03C9.09,5.3 9.26,4.65 9.5,4H4M15.5,4C16.9,4 18,5.1 18,6.5C18,7.9 16.9,9 15.5,9C14.1,9 13,7.9 13,6.5C13,5.1 14.1,4 15.5,4Z",YG="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.47 2 12H2V19.73H2C2 21 3 22 4.27 22H12C17.53 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M14.03 6.12C15.71 6.12 17.29 7.4 17.29 9.18C17.29 9.34 17.29 9.5 17.27 9.69C17.22 10.16 16.79 10.5 16.32 10.44C15.85 10.37 15.53 9.92 15.62 9.46C15.62 9.4 15.63 9.32 15.63 9.18C15.63 8.17 14.81 7.78 14.03 7.78C13.25 7.78 12.55 8.44 12.55 9.18C12.56 10.03 12.55 10.88 12.55 11.74L14 11.72C15.12 11.7 15.13 13.4 14 13.39L12.55 13.4L12.54 15.79C12.36 17.67 10.77 19.16 8.85 19.16C6.82 19.16 5.14 17.5 5.14 15.46C5.2 13.37 6.88 11.72 9 11.74L10.15 11.73V13.4L9 13.41H8.97C7.81 13.44 6.82 14.23 6.81 15.47C6.81 16.59 7.72 17.5 8.85 17.5C10 17.5 10.88 16.67 10.88 15.47C10.9 13.46 10.87 11.25 10.88 9.17C10.88 9.05 10.89 8.96 10.9 8.83C11.09 7.29 12.47 6.12 14.03 6.12",JG="M9 9V11H7V9H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V9H17V11H15V9H13V11H11V9H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13Z",CQ="M9 9V11H7V9H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V9H17V11H15V9H13V11H11V9H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13M7 4H11V2L17 5H13V7L7 4Z",HQ="M4.5 17.42L5.58 18.5L3.28 20.78C3 21.07 2.5 21.07 2.22 20.78S1.93 20 2.22 19.72L4.5 17.42M18.29 5.42L18.29 4L12 10.29L5.71 4L5.71 5.42L11.29 11L7.5 14.81C6.32 13.97 4.68 14.07 3.63 15.12L7.88 19.37C8.93 18.32 9.03 16.68 8.2 15.5L18.29 5.42M21.78 19.72L19.5 17.42L18.42 18.5L20.72 20.78C21 21.07 21.5 21.07 21.78 20.78S22.07 20 21.78 19.72M16.5 14.81L13.42 11.71L12.71 12.42L15.81 15.5C14.97 16.68 15.07 18.32 16.12 19.37L20.37 15.12C19.32 14.07 17.68 13.97 16.5 14.81Z",VQ="M12,19C12.86,19 13.59,19.54 13.87,20.29C14.42,20.17 14.95,20 15.46,19.77L13.7,15.62C13.18,15.87 12.61,16 12,16C11.39,16 10.82,15.87 10.3,15.62L8.54,19.77C9.05,20 9.58,20.17 10.13,20.29C10.41,19.54 11.14,19 12,19M18.25,17.76C18,17.42 17.81,17 17.81,16.5C17.81,15.41 18.71,14.5 19.81,14.5L20.12,14.53C20.37,13.73 20.5,12.88 20.5,12C20.5,11.12 20.37,10.27 20.12,9.5H19.81C18.7,9.5 17.81,8.61 17.81,7.5C17.81,7 17.97,6.59 18.25,6.24C17.1,5 15.59,4.09 13.87,3.71C13.59,4.46 12.86,5 12,5C11.14,5 10.41,4.46 10.13,3.71C8.41,4.09 6.9,5 5.75,6.24C6.03,6.59 6.2,7.03 6.2,7.5C6.2,8.61 5.3,9.5 4.2,9.5H3.88C3.63,10.28 3.5,11.12 3.5,12C3.5,12.89 3.64,13.74 3.89,14.55L4.2,14.5C5.31,14.5 6.2,15.42 6.2,16.5C6.2,17 6.04,17.43 5.76,17.77C6.08,18.12 6.44,18.44 6.81,18.73L8.71,14.27C8.26,13.62 8,12.84 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12C16,12.84 15.74,13.62 15.29,14.27L17.19,18.73C17.57,18.44 17.92,18.11 18.25,17.76M12,23C11,23 10.16,22.26 10,21.29C9.37,21.16 8.75,20.95 8.15,20.69L7.17,23H5L6.41,19.68C5.88,19.3 5.39,18.86 4.96,18.37C4.72,18.47 4.47,18.5 4.2,18.5A2,2 0 0,1 2.2,16.5C2.2,15.88 2.5,15.32 2.97,14.95C2.66,14 2.5,13.03 2.5,12C2.5,11 2.66,10 2.96,9.08C2.5,8.71 2.2,8.15 2.2,7.5C2.2,6.41 3.09,5.5 4.2,5.5C4.46,5.5 4.71,5.56 4.93,5.65C6.25,4.18 8,3.13 10,2.71C10.16,1.74 11,1 12,1C13,1 13.84,1.74 14,2.71C16,3.13 17.74,4.18 19.06,5.64C19.29,5.55 19.54,5.5 19.81,5.5A2,2 0 0,1 21.81,7.5C21.81,8.14 21.5,8.71 21.04,9.07C21.34,10 21.5,11 21.5,12C21.5,13 21.34,14 21.04,14.93C21.5,15.3 21.81,15.87 21.81,16.5C21.81,17.62 20.92,18.5 19.81,18.5C19.54,18.5 19.29,18.46 19.05,18.36C18.61,18.85 18.12,19.29 17.59,19.68L19,23H16.83L15.85,20.69C15.25,20.95 14.63,21.16 14,21.29C13.84,22.26 13,23 12,23Z",LQ="M6,6H18V9.96L12,8L6,9.96M3.94,19H4C5.6,19 7,18.12 8,17C9,18.12 10.4,19 12,19C13.6,19 15,18.12 16,17C17,18.12 18.4,19 20,19H20.05L21.95,12.31C22.03,12.06 22,11.78 21.89,11.54C21.76,11.3 21.55,11.12 21.29,11.04L20,10.62V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4H15V1H9V4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V10.62L2.71,11.04C2.45,11.12 2.24,11.3 2.11,11.54C2,11.78 1.97,12.06 2.05,12.31M20,21C18.61,21 17.22,20.53 16,19.67C13.56,21.38 10.44,21.38 8,19.67C6.78,20.53 5.39,21 4,21H2V23H4C5.37,23 6.74,22.65 8,22C10.5,23.3 13.5,23.3 16,22C17.26,22.65 18.62,23 20,23H22V21H20Z",MQ="M13,9V3.5L18.5,9M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6Z",AQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M14,20V19C14,17.67 11.33,17 10,17C8.67,17 6,17.67 6,19V20H14M10,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,12Z",iQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M13 13C13 14.1 12.1 15 11 15S9 14.1 9 13 9.9 11 11 11 13 11.9 13 13M15 18V19H7V18C7 16.67 9.67 16 11 16S15 16.67 15 18Z",rQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M11 3.5L16.5 9H11Z",aQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M4 4H11V9H16V20H4Z",eQ="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M20 19.5V18H16V16H20V14.5L23 17L20 19.5M18 20H22V22H18V23.5L15 21L18 18.5V20Z",dQ="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",mQ="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M23.5 20L21 23L18.5 20H20V16H22V20H23.5M19.5 18H18V22H16V18H14.5L17 15L19.5 18Z",tQ="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22Z",vQ="M14,8H10V6H14V8M20,4V20C20,21.11 19.11,22 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.11 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H18C19.11,2 20,2.9 20,4M18,13H6V20H18V13M18,4H6V11H18V4M14,15H10V17H14V15Z",lQ="M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13M9.88 9.25H11.12V10.19C11.81 10.18 12.38 10.75 12.38 11.44V13.5L12.26 13.63L13.15 15.17C13.47 14.67 13.63 14.09 13.62 13.5H14.88C14.88 14.54 14.5 15.55 13.83 16.35L15.5 19.25V20.5L14.42 19.88L12.87 17.19C12.17 17.65 11.34 17.89 10.5 17.89C9.66 17.89 8.84 17.65 8.13 17.19L6.58 19.88L5.5 20.5V19.25L8.74 13.63L8.62 13.5V11.44C8.62 10.75 9.19 10.18 9.88 10.19M10.5 11.44C9.81 11.44 9.46 12.28 9.95 12.77C10.44 13.26 11.28 12.92 11.28 12.22C11.28 11.79 10.93 11.44 10.5 11.44M9.66 14.54L8.76 16.11C9.81 16.82 11.19 16.82 12.24 16.11L11.34 14.54C10.87 15 10.13 15 9.66 14.54Z",oQ="M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11.25 5.25H12.75V6.38C13.58 6.38 14.25 7.05 14.25 7.88V10.37L14.11 10.5L15.18 12.36C15.55 11.76 15.75 11.07 15.75 10.36H17.25C17.26 11.61 16.81 12.82 16 13.77L18 17.25V18.75L16.7 18L14.84 14.78C13.12 15.91 10.89 15.91 9.16 14.78L7.3 18L6 18.75V17.25L9.89 10.5L9.75 10.37V7.88C9.75 7.05 10.42 6.38 11.25 6.38M12 7.88C11.16 7.88 10.74 8.9 11.34 9.5C11.94 10.08 12.95 9.65 12.94 8.81C12.94 8.29 12.5 7.88 12 7.88M11 11.6L9.91 13.5C11.17 14.36 12.83 14.36 14.09 13.5L13 11.6C12.43 12.11 11.57 12.11 11 11.6Z",nQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M10.5,11C8,11 6,13 6,15.5C6,18 8,20 10.5,20C13,20 15,18 15,15.5C15,13 13,11 10.5,11M10.5,12.5A3,3 0 0,1 13.5,15.5C13.5,16.06 13.35,16.58 13.08,17L9,12.92C9.42,12.65 9.94,12.5 10.5,12.5M7.5,15.5C7.5,14.94 7.65,14.42 7.92,14L12,18.08C11.58,18.35 11.06,18.5 10.5,18.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,15.5Z",ZQ="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M11.5,10C14,10 16,12 16,14.5C16,17 14,19 11.5,19C9,19 7,17 7,14.5C7,12 9,10 11.5,10M11.5,11.5C10.94,11.5 10.42,11.65 10,11.92L14.08,16C14.35,15.58 14.5,15.06 14.5,14.5A3,3 0 0,0 11.5,11.5M8.5,14.5A3,3 0 0,0 11.5,17.5C12.06,17.5 12.58,17.35 13,17.08L8.92,13C8.65,13.42 8.5,13.94 8.5,14.5Z",SQ="M14 2H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 4V18A2 2 0 0 0 7 20H10V23L12 22L14 23V20H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 18V7M14 15V17L12 16L10 17V15L8 14L10 13V11L12 12L14 11V13L16 14M13 8V3.5L17.5 8Z",uQ="M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14M14 2H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 4V18A2 2 0 0 0 7 20H8V18H7V4H13V8H17V18H16V20H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 18V7M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14M10 23L12 22L14 23V18H10M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14Z",cQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M7,20H9V14H7V20M11,20H13V12H11V20M15,20H17V16H15V20Z",sQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19V20H11V12H13V19C13 15.7 15.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M7 14H9V20H7V14Z",OQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.4 21.4 13.2 20.7 13.1 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6M11 11V19H13V11H11M7 13V19H9V13H7Z",hQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9 13V19H7V13H9M15 15V19H17V15H15M11 11V19H13V11H11Z",pQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",fQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13S19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20Z",gQ="M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H12.41A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 18 9.3V8L12 2H4M11 3.5L16.5 9H11V3.5M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12H15Z",kQ="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H12.41A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 18 9.3V8L12 2H4M4 4H11V9H16A7 7 0 0 0 9 16A7 7 0 0 0 10.26 20H4V4M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12H15Z",BQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M15.68,15C15.34,13.3 13.82,12 12,12C10.55,12 9.3,12.82 8.68,14C7.17,14.18 6,15.45 6,17A3,3 0 0,0 9,20H15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,17.5C18,16.18 16.97,15.11 15.68,15Z",PQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17 16.92C17 18.07 16.07 19 14.92 19H9.5C8.12 19 7 17.88 7 16.5C7 15.21 8 14.15 9.23 14C9.75 13 10.79 12.33 12 12.33C13.5 12.33 14.78 13.42 15.07 14.83C16.14 14.93 17 15.82 17 16.92Z",wQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M6.12,15.5L9.86,19.24L11.28,17.83L8.95,15.5L11.28,13.17L9.86,11.76L6.12,15.5M17.28,15.5L13.54,11.76L12.12,13.17L14.45,15.5L12.12,17.83L13.54,19.24L17.28,15.5Z",FQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9.54 15.65L11.63 17.74L10.35 19L7 15.65L10.35 12.3L11.63 13.56L9.54 15.65M17 15.65L13.65 19L12.38 17.74L14.47 15.65L12.38 13.56L13.65 12.3L17 15.65Z",TQ="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H12.68A7 7 0 0 1 12 19A7 7 0 0 1 19 12A7 7 0 0 1 20 12.08V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14H18M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",bQ="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V12H20V8L14 2M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",yQ="M10,18H6V16H10V18M10,14H6V12H10V14M10,1V2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V23H12V1H10M20,8V20C20,21.11 19.11,22 18,22H14V20H18V11H14V9H18.5L14,4.5V2L20,8M16,14H14V12H16V14M16,18H14V16H16V18Z",RQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M15 16L13 20H10L12 16H9V11H15V16M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",xQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10 19L12 15H9V10H15V15L13 19H10",DQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M15,18V16H6V18H15M18,14V12H6V14H18Z",EQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20M11 9H16.5L11 3.5V9M4 2H12L18 8V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.89 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.89 2.89 2 4 2M13 18V16H4V18H13M16 14V12H4V14H16Z",NQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M6 16H11V18H6M6 12H14V14H6M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M4 4H11V9H16V20H4Z",WQ="M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H6V16H13.8C14.3 15.2 14.9 14.5 15.7 14H6V12H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13S19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",IQ="M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19M13.8 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.1C19.7 13 19.3 13 19 13S18.3 13 18 13.1V9H13V4H6V20H13.1C13.2 20.7 13.5 21.4 13.8 22M8 12H16V13.8C15.9 13.9 15.8 13.9 15.7 14H8V12M8 16H13V18H8V16Z",GQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",QQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",UQ="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V20.09L12.09,18H6V16H14.09L16.09,14H6V12H18.09L20,10.09V8L14,2H6M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5M20.15,13C20,13 19.86,13.05 19.75,13.16L18.73,14.18L20.82,16.26L21.84,15.25C22.05,15.03 22.05,14.67 21.84,14.46L20.54,13.16C20.43,13.05 20.29,13 20.15,13M18.14,14.77L12,20.92V23H14.08L20.23,16.85L18.14,14.77Z",zQ="M8,12H16V14H8V12M10,20H6V4H13V9H18V12.1L20,10.1V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V20M8,18H12.1L13,17.1V16H8V18M20.2,13C20.3,13 20.5,13.1 20.6,13.2L21.9,14.5C22.1,14.7 22.1,15.1 21.9,15.3L20.9,16.3L18.8,14.2L19.8,13.2C19.9,13.1 20,13 20.2,13M20.2,16.9L14.1,23H12V20.9L18.1,14.8L20.2,16.9Z",_Q="M15 18H23V20H15M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",KQ="M23 18H15V20H23M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",jQ="M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4M15 7H20.5L15 1.5V7M8 0H16L22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H8C6.89 20 6 19.1 6 18V2C6 .89 6.89 0 8 0M17 16V14H8V16H17M20 12V10H8V12H20Z",qQ="M16 0H8C6.9 0 6 .9 6 2V18C6 19.1 6.9 20 8 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6L16 0M20 18H8V2H15V7H20V18M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4M10 10V12H18V10H10M10 14V16H15V14H10Z",$Q="M6,2A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6M6,4H13V9H18V20H6V4M8,12V14H16V12H8M8,16V18H13V16H8Z",XQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13S19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",YQ="M23 18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",JQ="M6 2H14L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12H6V14H13.81C13.26 14.58 12.81 15.25 12.5 16H6V18H12V18.5C12 19.79 12.38 21 13 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2M13 9H18.5L13 3.5V9M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5Z",CU="M6 2C5.47 2 4.96 2.21 4.59 2.59C4.21 2.96 4 3.47 4 4V20C4 20.53 4.21 21.04 4.59 21.41C4.96 21.79 5.47 22 6 22H13C12.63 21.4 12.34 20.72 12.17 20H6V4H13V9H18V12H18.5C19 12 19.5 12.06 20 12.17V8L14 2H6M12 18C12.07 17.3 12.24 16.62 12.5 16H8V18H12M13.81 14C14.43 13.36 15.17 12.85 16 12.5V12H8V14H13.81M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5Z",HU="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",VU="M22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",LU="M14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20V8L14,2M12,19L8,15H10.5V12H13.5V15H16L12,19M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",MU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M12,19L8,15H10.5V12H13.5V15H16L12,19Z",AU="M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H10V20.1L20 10.1V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M20.1 13C20 13 19.8 13.1 19.7 13.2L18.7 14.2L20.8 16.3L21.8 15.3C22 15.1 22 14.7 21.8 14.5L20.5 13.2C20.4 13.1 20.3 13 20.1 13M18.1 14.8L12 20.9V23H14.1L20.2 16.9L18.1 14.8Z",iU="M10 20H6V4H13V9H18V12.1L20 10.1V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H10V20M20.2 13C20.3 13 20.5 13.1 20.6 13.2L21.9 14.5C22.1 14.7 22.1 15.1 21.9 15.3L20.9 16.3L18.8 14.2L19.8 13.2C19.9 13.1 20 13 20.2 13M20.2 16.9L14.1 23H12V20.9L18.1 14.8L20.2 16.9Z",rU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.8,20H14L12,16.6L10,20H8.2L11.1,15.5L8.2,11H10L12,14.4L14,11H15.8L12.9,15.5L15.8,20M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",aU="M16.2,17H14.2L12,13.2L9.8,17H7.8L11,12L7.8,7H9.8L12,10.8L14.2,7H16.2L13,12M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",eU="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M13 12L16.2 17H14.2L12 13.2L9.8 17H7.8L11 12L7.8 7H9.8L12 10.8L14.2 7H16.2L13 12Z",dU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M12.9 14.5L15.8 19H14L12 15.6L10 19H8.2L11.1 14.5L8.2 10H10L12 13.4L14 10H15.8L12.9 14.5Z",mU="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.9 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,3.5L18.5,9H13M8.93,12.22H16V19.29L13.88,17.17L11.05,20L8.22,17.17L11.05,14.35",tU="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M16 11V18.1L13.9 16L11.1 18.8L8.3 16L11.1 13.2L8.9 11H16Z",vU="M17,18C17.56,18 18,18.44 18,19C18,19.56 17.56,20 17,20C16.44,20 16,19.56 16,19C16,18.44 16.44,18 17,18M17,15C14.27,15 11.94,16.66 11,19C11.94,21.34 14.27,23 17,23C19.73,23 22.06,21.34 23,19C22.06,16.66 19.73,15 17,15M17,21.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,21.5M9.14,19.75L8.85,19L9.14,18.26C10.43,15.06 13.5,13 17,13C18.05,13 19.06,13.21 20,13.56V8L14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10.5C9.95,21.34 9.5,20.58 9.14,19.75M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5Z",lU="M17,18C17.56,18 18,18.44 18,19C18,19.56 17.56,20 17,20C16.44,20 16,19.56 16,19C16,18.44 16.44,18 17,18M17,15C14.27,15 11.94,16.66 11,19C11.94,21.34 14.27,23 17,23C19.73,23 22.06,21.34 23,19C22.06,16.66 19.73,15 17,15M17,21.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,21.5M9.27,20H6V4H13V9H18V13.07C18.7,13.15 19.36,13.32 20,13.56V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10.5C10,21.41 9.59,20.73 9.27,20Z",oU="M9,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10A3,3 0 0,0 9,13M20,19.59V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.45,22 18.85,21.85 19.19,21.6L14.76,17.17C13.96,17.69 13,18 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13C17,14 16.69,14.96 16.17,15.75L20,19.59Z",nU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M6,4H13L18,9V17.58L16.16,15.74C17.44,13.8 17.23,11.17 15.5,9.46C14.55,8.5 13.28,8 12,8C10.72,8 9.45,8.5 8.47,9.46C6.5,11.41 6.5,14.57 8.47,16.5C9.44,17.5 10.72,17.97 12,17.97C12.96,17.97 13.92,17.69 14.75,17.14L17.6,20H6V4M14.11,15.1C13.55,15.66 12.8,16 12,16C11.2,16 10.45,15.67 9.89,15.1C9.33,14.54 9,13.79 9,13C9,12.19 9.32,11.44 9.89,10.88C10.45,10.31 11.2,10 12,10C12.8,10 13.55,10.31 14.11,10.88C14.67,11.44 15,12.19 15,13C15,13.79 14.68,14.54 14.11,15.1Z",ZU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 10.5H7.5V13.5H8.5V12H10V13.7C10 14.4 9.5 15 8.7 15H7.3C6.5 15 6 14.3 6 13.7V10.4C6 9.7 6.5 9 7.3 9H8.6C9.5 9 10 9.7 10 10.3V10.5M13 15H11.5V9H13V15M17.5 10.5H16V11.5H17.5V13H16V15H14.5V9H17.5V10.5Z",SU="M13,9H14V11H11V7H13V9M18.5,9L16.38,6.88L17.63,5.63L20,8V10H18V11H15V9H18.5M13,3.5V2H12V4H13V6H11V4H9V2H8V4H6V5H4V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2H14L16.36,4.36L15.11,5.61L13,3.5M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H16V20H18V19H20V20M18,15H20V18H18V15M12,22V20H15V22H12M8,22V20H11V22H8M6,22C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V18H6V20H7V22H6M4,14H6V17H4V14M4,10H6V13H4V10M18,11H20V14H18V11M4,6H6V9H4V6Z",uU="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M6,20H15L18,20V12L14,16L12,14L6,20M8,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,9Z",cU="M6 20L12 14L13.03 15.03C13.28 12.26 15.68 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C15.5 21.44 15 20.76 14.55 20H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",sU="M8.5 12C7.67 12 7 11.33 7 10.5S7.67 9 8.5 9 10 9.67 10 10.5 9.33 12 8.5 12M14 19C13.43 17.86 13 16.64 13 15.5C13 15.34 13 15.18 13.03 15.03L12 14L7 19H14M6 20V4H13V9H18V10.03C18.17 10 18.33 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C15.5 21.44 15 20.76 14.55 20H6M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",OU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",hU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",pU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M17,13V19H7L12,14L14,16M10,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,10.5Z",fU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",gU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",kU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88Z",BU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",PU="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.9 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,3.5L18.5,9H13M10.05,11.22L12.88,14.05L15,11.93V19H7.93L10.05,16.88L7.22,14.05",wU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15 11.93V19H7.93L10.05 16.88L7.22 14.05L10.05 11.22L12.88 14.05L15 11.93Z",FU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 13.5C9 14.6 8.1 15 7 15S5 14.6 5 13.5V12H6.5V13.5H7.5V9H9V13.5M14 11.5C14 12.3 13.3 13 12.5 13H11.5V15H10V9H12.5C13.3 9 14 9.7 14 10.5V11.5M19 10.5H16.5V13.5H17.5V12H19V13.7C19 14.4 18.5 15 17.7 15H16.4C15.6 15 15.1 14.3 15.1 13.7V10.4C15 9.7 15.5 9 16.3 9H17.6C18.4 9 18.9 9.7 18.9 10.3V10.5M11.5 10.5H12.5V11.5H11.5V10.5Z",TU="M11 16C11 16.6 10.6 17 10 17S9 16.6 9 16C9 15.4 9.4 15 10 15S11 15.4 11 16M20 8V20C20 21.1 19.1 22 18 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14M18 15H12.8C12.2 13.4 10.5 12.6 9 13.2C7.4 13.8 6.6 15.5 7.2 17S9.5 19.4 11 18.8C11.9 18.5 12.5 17.8 12.8 17H14V19H16V17H18M18.5 9L13 3.5V9H18.5Z",bU="M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18M12.83 15A3 3 0 1 0 12.83 17H14V19H16V17H17V15M10 17A1 1 0 1 1 11 16A1 1 0 0 1 10 17Z",yU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M11 20H10C8.39 20 6 18.94 6 16C6 13.07 8.39 12 10 12H11V14H10C9.54 14 8 14.17 8 16C8 17.9 9.67 18 10 18H11V20M15 15V17H9V15H15M14 20H13V18H14C14.46 18 16 17.83 16 16C16 14.1 14.33 14 14 14H13V12H14C15.61 12 18 13.07 18 16C18 18.94 15.61 20 14 20M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",RU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M11 19H10.75C9.45 19 7 18.22 7 15.25S9.45 11.5 10.75 11.5H11V13H10.75C10.38 13 8.5 13.13 8.5 15.25C8.5 17.44 10.5 17.5 10.75 17.5H11V19M14 16H10V14.5H14V16M13 11.5H13.25C14.55 11.5 17 12.28 17 15.25S14.55 19 13.25 19H13V17.5H13.25C13.62 17.5 15.5 17.37 15.5 15.25C15.5 13.06 13.5 13 13.25 13H13V11.5Z",xU="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V18.2C12 17.2 12.4 16.5 13 16C13.1 15.9 13.2 15.9 13.2 15.8V15.5C13.2 12.8 15.6 11 18 11C18.7 11 19.4 11.2 20 11.4V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",DU="M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V18.2C12 17.2 12.4 16.5 13 16C13.1 15.9 13.2 15.9 13.2 15.8V14.5C13.2 11.8 15.6 10 18 10C18.7 10 19.4 10.2 20 10.4V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",EU="M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V10C18.7 10 19.4 10.2 20 10.4V8L14 2H6Z",NU="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V11C18.7 11 19.4 11.2 20 11.4V8L14 2H6Z",WU="M18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C14.7 20.41 13 17.78 13 15.5C13 12.5 15.5 10 18.5 10M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",IU="M14.55 20C15 20.76 15.5 21.44 15.91 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V10.22C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10C18.33 10 18.17 10 18 10.03V9H13V4H6V20H14.55M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",GU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M23 20H15V18H23V20Z",QU="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",UU="M14,17H18V14L23,18.5L18,23V20H14V17M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V12.34C19.37,12.12 18.7,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.54 12.58,20.94 13.53,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",zU="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 20.41 4.12 20.8 4.34 21.12C4.41 21.23 4.5 21.33 4.59 21.41C4.95 21.78 5.45 22 6 22H13.53C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20H6V4H13V9H18V12C18.7 12 19.37 12.12 20 12.34V8L14 2M18 23L23 18.5L20 15.8L18 14V17H14V20H18V23Z",_U="M15,7H20.5L15,1.5V7M8,0H16L22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H8C6.89,20 6,19.1 6,18V2A2,2 0 0,1 8,0M4,4V22H20V24H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,22V4H4Z",KU="M16 0H8C6.9 0 6 .9 6 2V18C6 19.1 6.9 20 8 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6L16 0M20 18H8V2H15V7H20V18M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4Z",jU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,13H11V18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,16C9.4,16 9.7,16.1 10,16.3V11H13V13M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",qU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M13,10V12H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15C9.4,15 9.7,15.1 10,15.3V10H13Z",$U="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M18,20H6V4H13V9H18V20Z",XU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9.5 11.5C9.5 12.3 8.8 13 8 13H7V15H5.5V9H8C8.8 9 9.5 9.7 9.5 10.5V11.5M14.5 13.5C14.5 14.3 13.8 15 13 15H10.5V9H13C13.8 9 14.5 9.7 14.5 10.5V13.5M18.5 10.5H17V11.5H18.5V13H17V15H15.5V9H18.5V10.5M12 10.5H13V13.5H12V10.5M7 10.5H8V11.5H7V10.5Z",YU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M7.37,20L15,12.35L13.65,11L6,18.65L7.37,20M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11M13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17Z",JU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10 11.5C10 12.33 9.33 13 8.5 13S7 12.33 7 11.5 7.67 10 8.5 10 10 10.67 10 11.5M16 17.5C16 18.33 15.33 19 14.5 19S13 18.33 13 17.5 13.67 16 14.5 16 16 16.67 16 17.5M16 11.35L8.37 19L7 17.65L14.65 10L16 11.35Z",Cz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M17 19.44C17 19.75 16.75 20 16.44 20C11.23 20 7 15.77 7 10.56C7 10.25 7.25 10 7.56 10H9.5C9.81 10 10.06 10.25 10.06 10.56C10.06 11.25 10.17 11.92 10.37 12.54C10.43 12.73 10.39 12.95 10.23 13.11L9 14.33C9.81 15.9 11.1 17.19 12.67 18L13.9 16.77C14.05 16.61 14.27 16.57 14.46 16.63C15.08 16.83 15.75 16.95 16.45 16.95C16.75 16.95 17 17.19 17 17.5V19.44M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",Hz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9 13.33C9.81 14.9 11.1 16.19 12.67 17L13.89 15.77C14.05 15.61 14.27 15.57 14.46 15.63C15.08 15.83 15.75 15.95 16.44 15.95C16.75 15.95 17 16.19 17 16.5V18.45C17 18.75 16.75 19 16.44 19C11.23 19 7 14.77 7 9.56C7 9.25 7.25 9 7.56 9H9.5C9.81 9 10.06 9.25 10.06 9.56C10.06 10.25 10.17 10.92 10.37 11.54C10.43 11.73 10.39 11.95 10.23 12.11L9 13.33Z",Vz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M23 20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23V20Z",Lz="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M23 18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18Z",Mz="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 11.5C9 12.3 8.3 13 7.5 13H6.5V15H5V9H7.5C8.3 9 9 9.7 9 10.5V11.5M14 15H12.5L11.5 12.5V15H10V9H11.5L12.5 11.5V9H14V15M19 10.5H16.5V13.5H17.5V12H19V13.7C19 14.4 18.5 15 17.7 15H16.4C15.6 15 15.1 14.3 15.1 13.7V10.4C15 9.7 15.5 9 16.3 9H17.6C18.4 9 18.9 9.7 18.9 10.3V10.5H19M6.5 10.5H7.5V11.5H6.5V10.5Z",Az="M12.6,12.3H10.6V15.5H12.7C13.3,15.5 13.6,15.3 13.9,15C14.2,14.7 14.3,14.4 14.3,13.9C14.3,13.4 14.2,13.1 13.9,12.8C13.6,12.5 13.2,12.3 12.6,12.3M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.2,16C14.6,16.5 14.1,16.7 12.8,16.7H10.6V20H9V11H12.8C14.1,11 14.7,11.3 15.2,11.8C15.8,12.4 16,13 16,13.9C16,14.8 15.8,15.5 15.2,16M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",iz="M9.8,13.4H12.3C13.8,13.4 14.46,13.12 15.1,12.58C15.74,12.03 16,11.25 16,10.23C16,9.26 15.75,8.5 15.1,7.88C14.45,7.29 13.83,7 12.3,7H8V17H9.8V13.4M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M9.8,12V8.4H12.1C12.76,8.4 13.27,8.65 13.6,9C13.93,9.35 14.1,9.72 14.1,10.24C14.1,10.8 13.92,11.19 13.6,11.5C13.28,11.81 12.9,12 12.22,12H9.8Z",rz="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M15.1 7.88C14.45 7.29 13.83 7 12.3 7H8V17H9.8V13.4H12.3C13.8 13.4 14.46 13.12 15.1 12.58C15.74 12.03 16 11.25 16 10.23C16 9.26 15.75 8.5 15.1 7.88M13.6 11.5C13.28 11.81 12.9 12 12.22 12H9.8V8.4H12.1C12.76 8.4 13.27 8.65 13.6 9C13.93 9.35 14.1 9.72 14.1 10.24C14.1 10.8 13.92 11.19 13.6 11.5Z",az="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15.2 10.8C14.7 10.3 14.1 10 12.8 10H9V19H10.6V15.7H12.8C14.1 15.7 14.6 15.5 15.2 15C15.8 14.5 16 13.8 16 12.9C16 12 15.8 11.4 15.2 10.8M13.9 14C13.6 14.3 13.3 14.5 12.7 14.5H10.6V11.3H12.6C13.2 11.3 13.6 11.5 13.9 11.8C14.2 12.1 14.3 12.4 14.3 12.9S14.2 13.7 13.9 14Z",ez="M19,16H5V8H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",dz="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5M12,11A3,3 0 0,1 15,14C15,15.88 12.75,16.06 12.75,17.75H11.25C11.25,15.31 13.5,15.5 13.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,14H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,11M11.25,18.5H12.75V20H11.25V18.5Z",mz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15 13C15 14.89 12.75 15.07 12.75 16.76H11.25C11.25 14.32 13.5 14.5 13.5 13C13.5 12.18 12.83 11.5 12 11.5S10.5 12.18 10.5 13H9C9 11.35 10.34 10 12 10S15 11.35 15 13M12.75 17.5V19H11.25V17.5H12.75Z",tz="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M13 9H18.5L13 3.5V9M6 2H14L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5C12 19.79 12.37 21 13 22H6C4.88 22 4 21.1 4 20L4 4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2Z",vz="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M14 2L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12L18 12V9H13V4H6V20H12.17C12.34 20.72 12.63 21.39 13 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14Z",lz="M21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",oz="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12Z",nz="M14,12H19.5L14,6.5V12M8,5H15L21,11V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8C6.89,23 6,22.1 6,21V18H11V20L15,17L11,14V16H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5M13.5,3H4V16H6V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V3A2,2 0 0,1 4,1H11.5L13.5,3Z",Zz="M14,3L12,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H11V19L15,16L11,13V15H4V3H14M21,10V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,21V19H8V21H19V12H14V7H8V13H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5H16L21,10Z",Sz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M12,18C9.95,18 8.19,16.76 7.42,15H9.13C9.76,15.9 10.81,16.5 12,16.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,13A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,9.5C10.65,9.5 9.5,10.28 8.9,11.4L10.5,13H6.5V9L7.8,10.3C8.69,8.92 10.23,8 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18Z",uz="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13L18 9V20M17 13.24C17 15.86 14.87 18 12.24 18C10.29 18 8.61 16.82 7.88 15.14H9.5C10.11 16 11.11 16.57 12.24 16.57C14.08 16.57 15.57 15.07 15.57 13.24S14.08 9.9 12.24 9.9C10.95 9.9 9.86 10.65 9.29 11.71L10.81 13.24H7V9.43L8.24 10.67C9.09 9.35 10.55 8.5 12.24 8.5C14.87 8.47 17 10.61 17 13.24Z",cz="M17 7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V18C11 19.11 11.9 20 13 20H19C20.11 20 21 19.11 21 18V11L17 7M19 12H16V9H16.17L19 11.83V12M4 11C4 6.58 7.58 3 12 3L13 3.06V5.08L12 5C8.69 5 6 7.69 6 11H9L5 15L1 11H4",sz="M4 11C4 6.58 7.58 3 12 3L13 3.06V5.08L12 5C8.69 5 6 7.69 6 11H9L5 15L1 11H4M17 7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V18C11 19.11 11.9 20 13 20H19C20.11 20 21 19.11 21 18V11L17 7M19 18H13V9H16V12H19V18Z",Oz="M5 20C3.9 20 3 19.11 3 18V9C3 7.9 3.9 7 5 7H9L13 11V18C13 19.11 12.11 20 11 20H5M11 11.83L8.17 9H8V12H11V11.83M20 11H23L19 15L15 11H18C18 7.69 15.31 5 12 5L11 5.08V3.06L12 3C16.42 3 20 6.58 20 11",hz="M20 11H23L19 15L15 11H18C18 7.69 15.31 5 12 5L11 5.08V3.06L12 3C16.42 3 20 6.58 20 11M9 7H5C3.9 7 3 7.9 3 9V18C3 19.11 3.9 20 5 20H11C12.11 20 13 19.11 13 18V11L9 7M11 18H5V9H8V12H11V18Z",pz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H13C12.59,21.75 12.2,21.44 11.86,21.1C9.22,18.67 9.05,14.56 11.5,11.92C13.69,9.5 17.33,9.13 20,11V8L14,2M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13M20.31,18.9C21.64,16.79 21,14 18.91,12.68C16.8,11.35 14,12 12.69,14.08C11.35,16.19 12,18.97 14.09,20.3C15.55,21.23 17.41,21.23 18.88,20.32L22,23.39L23.39,22L20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,19Z",fz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H13C12.59,21.75 12.2,21.44 11.86,21.1C11.53,20.77 11.25,20.4 11,20H6V4H13V9H18V10.18C18.71,10.34 19.39,10.61 20,11V8L14,2M20.31,18.9C21.64,16.79 21,14 18.91,12.68C16.8,11.35 14,12 12.69,14.08C11.35,16.19 12,18.97 14.09,20.3C15.55,21.23 17.41,21.23 18.88,20.32L22,23.39L23.39,22L20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,19Z",gz="M14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M12.54,19.37V17.37H8.54V15.38H12.54V13.38L15.54,16.38L12.54,19.37M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",kz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M12.54 18.5V16.5H8.54V14.5H12.54V12.5L15.54 15.5L12.54 18.5Z",Bz="M6 0C4.89 0 4 .89 4 2V18A2 2 0 0 0 6 20H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 18V6L14 0H6M13 1.5L18.5 7H13V1.5M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",Pz="M6 0A2 2 0 0 0 4 2V18A2 2 0 0 0 6 20H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 18V6L14 0H6M6 2H13V7H18V18H6V2M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",wz="M19.7 12.9L14 18.6H11.7V16.3L17.4 10.6L19.7 12.9M23.1 12.1C23.1 12.4 22.8 12.7 22.5 13L20 15.5L19.1 14.6L21.7 12L21.1 11.4L20.4 12.1L18.1 9.8L20.3 7.7C20.5 7.5 20.9 7.5 21.2 7.7L22.6 9.1C22.8 9.3 22.8 9.7 22.6 10C22.4 10.2 22.2 10.4 22.2 10.6C22.2 10.8 22.4 11 22.6 11.2C22.9 11.5 23.2 11.8 23.1 12.1M3 20V4H10V9H15V10.5L17 8.5V8L11 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H15C16.1 22 17 21.1 17 20H3M11 17.1C10.8 17.1 10.6 17.2 10.5 17.2L10 15H8.5L6.4 16.7L7 14H5.5L4.5 19H6L8.9 16.4L9.5 18.7H10.5L11 18.6V17.1Z",Fz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M14.5 18.9L12 17.5L9.5 19L10.2 16.2L8 14.3L10.9 14.1L12 11.4L13.1 14L16 14.2L13.8 16.1L14.5 18.9M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",Tz="M4 4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V20C20 20.53 19.79 21.04 19.41 21.41C19.04 21.79 18.53 22 18 22H6C5.47 22 4.96 21.79 4.59 21.41C4.21 21.04 4 20.53 4 20V4M13 3.5V9H18.5L13 3.5M12 11L10.74 13.75L8 15L10.74 16.26L12 19L13.25 16.26L16 15L13.25 13.75L12 11Z",bz="M12 11L10.74 13.75L8 15L10.74 16.26L12 19L13.25 16.26L16 15L13.25 13.75L12 11M6 2H14L20 8V20C20 21.1 19.1 22 18 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2M6 4V20H18V9H13V4H6Z",yz="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9.5 18L10.2 15.2L8 13.3L10.9 13.1L12 10.4L13.1 13L16 13.2L13.8 15.1L14.5 17.9L12 16.5L9.5 18Z",Rz="M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8M14 18V16H10V18L7 15L10 12V14H14V12L17 15M13 9V3.5L18.5 9Z",xz="M17 15L14 12V14H10V12L7 15L10 18V16H14V18M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18Z",Dz="M11 17.5C11 13.9 13.9 11 17.5 11C18.4 11 19.2 11.2 20 11.5V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12.8C11.7 20.8 11 19.2 11 17.5M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M17 12V13.5C19.2 13.5 21 15.3 21 17.5C21 18.3 20.8 19.1 20.3 19.7L19.2 18.6C19.4 18.3 19.5 17.9 19.5 17.5C19.5 16.1 18.4 15 17 15V16.5L14.8 14.3L17 12M17 23V21.5C14.8 21.5 13 19.7 13 17.5C13 16.7 13.2 15.9 13.7 15.3L14.8 16.4C14.6 16.7 14.5 17.1 14.5 17.5C14.5 18.9 15.6 20 17 20V18.5L19.2 20.7L17 23Z",Ez="M12.8 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14L20 8V11.5C19.4 11.2 18.7 11.1 18 11V9H13V4H6V20H11.5C11.8 20.7 12.3 21.4 12.8 22M17 12L14.8 14.2L17 16.4V15C18.4 15 19.5 16.1 19.5 17.5C19.5 17.9 19.4 18.3 19.2 18.6L20.3 19.7C20.7 19.1 21 18.3 21 17.5C21 15.3 19.2 13.5 17 13.5V12M19.2 20.8L17 18.5V20C15.6 20 14.5 18.9 14.5 17.5C14.5 17.1 14.6 16.7 14.8 16.4L13.7 15.3C13.3 15.9 13 16.7 13 17.5C13 19.7 14.8 21.5 17 21.5V23L19.2 20.8Z",Nz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M10,19H7V17H10V19M10,16H7V14H10V16M10,13H7V11H10V13M14,19H11V17H14V19M14,16H11V14H14V16M14,13H11V11H14V13M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",Wz="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M9 18H6V16H9V18M9 15H6V13H9V15M9 12H6V10H9V12M13 18H10V16H13V18M13 15H10V13H13V15M13 12H10V10H13V12Z",Iz="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.1 1 21V5H3M21 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.89 22.1 1 21 1M11 16H8V14H11V16M11 13H8V11H11V13M11 10H8V8H11V10M15 16H12V14H15V16M15 13H12V11H15V13M15 10H12V8H15V10Z",Gz="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.1 1 21V5H3M21 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V17C5 18.1 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.9 22.1 1 21 1M21 17H7V3H21V17M11 14H8V16H11V14M15 14H12V16H15V14M11 11H8V13H11V11M15 11H12V13H15V11M11 8H8V10H11V8M15 8H12V10H15V8Z",Qz="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M9 18H6V16H9V18M13 18H10V16H13V18M9 15H6V13H9V15M13 15H10V13H13V15M9 12H6V10H9V12M13 12H10V10H13V12Z",Uz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M18,20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10,13H7V11H10V13M14,13H11V11H14V13M10,16H7V14H10V16M14,16H11V14H14V16M10,19H7V17H10V19M14,19H11V17H14V19Z",zz="M3,3H9V7H3V3M15,10H21V14H15V10M15,17H21V21H15V17M13,13H7V18H13V20H7L5,20V9H7V11H13V13Z",_z="M12 13H7V18H12V20H5V10H7V11H12V13M8 4V6H4V4H8M10 2H2V8H10V2M20 11V13H16V11H20M22 9H14V15H22V9M20 18V20H16V18H20M22 16H14V22H22V16Z",Kz="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M12.16,14.31C10.6,14.31 9.19,14.89 8.11,15.83L6,13.72V19H11.28L9.15,16.88C9.97,16.2 11,15.78 12.16,15.78C14.23,15.78 16,17.13 16.61,19L18,18.54C17.19,16.09 14.88,14.31 12.16,14.31Z",jz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17 17.61L15.84 18C15.33 16.44 13.86 15.31 12.13 15.31C11.17 15.31 10.31 15.66 9.63 16.23L11.4 18H7V13.6L8.76 15.36C9.66 14.57 10.83 14.09 12.13 14.09C14.4 14.09 16.33 15.57 17 17.61Z",qz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13.5,16V19H10.5V16H8L12,12L16,16H13.5M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",$z="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M12,12L16,16H13.5V19H10.5V16H8L12,12Z",Xz="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M17,19V13L14,15.2V13H7V19H14V16.8L17,19Z",Yz="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M16,18L13.5,16.3V18H8V13H13.5V14.7L16,13V18Z",Jz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.2,20H13.8L12,13.2L10.2,20H8.8L6.6,11H8.1L9.5,17.8L11.3,11H12.6L14.4,17.8L15.8,11H17.3L15.2,20M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",C_="M15.5,17H14L12,9.5L10,17H8.5L6.1,7H7.8L9.34,14.5L11.3,7H12.7L14.67,14.5L16.2,7H17.9M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",H_="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M17.9 7L15.5 17H14L12 9.5L10 17H8.5L6.1 7H7.8L9.34 14.5L11.3 7H12.7L14.67 14.5L16.2 7H17.9Z",V_="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17.35 10L15.25 19H13.85L12.05 12.21L10.25 19H8.85L6.65 10H8.15L9.55 16.81L11.35 10H12.65L14.45 16.81L15.85 10H17.35Z",L_="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M8 15H6.5L6 13L5.5 15H4L4.75 12L4 9H5.5L6 11L6.5 9H8L7.25 12L8 15M15.5 15H14V10.5H13V14H11.5V10.5H10.5V15H9V11C9 9.9 9.9 9 11 9H13.5C14.61 9 15.5 9.9 15.5 11V15M20 15H17V9H18.5V13.5H20V15Z",M_="M3.5,3H5V1.8C5,1.36 5.36,1 5.8,1H10.2C10.64,1 11,1.36 11,1.8V3H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,4.5V5H22V20H14V20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,22H3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,3M18,7V9H20V7H18M14,7V9H16V7H14M10,7V9H12V7H10M14,16V18H16V16H14M18,16V18H20V16H18M10,16V18H12V16H10Z",A_="M18,9H16V7H18M18,13H16V11H18M18,17H16V15H18M8,9H6V7H8M8,13H6V11H8M8,17H6V15H8M18,3V5H16V3H8V5H6V3H4V21H6V19H8V21H16V19H18V21H20V3H18Z",i_="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M7 18V16H5V18H7M7 13V11H5V13H7M7 8V6H5V8H7M19 18V16H17V18H19M19 13V11H17V13H19M19 8V6H17V8H19Z",r_="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M10,15H8V13H10V15M10,11H8V9H10V11M10,7H8V5H10V7M20,15H18V13H20V15M20,11H18V9H20V11M20,7H18V5H20V7Z",a_="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L16,19.27V21H8V19H6V21H4V7.27L1,4.27M18,9V7H16V9H18M18,13V11H16V13H18M18,15H16.82L6.82,5H8V3H16V5H18V3H20V18.18L18,16.18V15M8,13V11.27L7.73,11H6V13H8M8,17V15H6V17H8M6,3V4.18L4.82,3H6Z",e_="M14,12V19.88C14.04,20.18 13.94,20.5 13.71,20.71C13.32,21.1 12.69,21.1 12.3,20.71L10.29,18.7C10.06,18.47 9.96,18.16 10,17.87V12H9.97L4.21,4.62C3.87,4.19 3.95,3.56 4.38,3.22C4.57,3.08 4.78,3 5,3V3H19V3C19.22,3 19.43,3.08 19.62,3.22C20.05,3.56 20.13,4.19 19.79,4.62L14.03,12H14Z",d_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.87V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",m_="M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",t_="M22.77 19.32L21.7 18.5C21.72 18.33 21.74 18.17 21.74 18S21.73 17.67 21.7 17.5L22.76 16.68C22.85 16.6 22.88 16.47 22.82 16.36L21.82 14.63C21.76 14.5 21.63 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.27 15C20 14.82 19.73 14.65 19.42 14.53L19.23 13.21C19.22 13.09 19.11 13 19 13H17C16.87 13 16.76 13.09 16.74 13.21L16.55 14.53C16.25 14.66 15.96 14.82 15.7 15L14.46 14.5C14.35 14.5 14.22 14.5 14.15 14.63L13.15 16.36C13.09 16.47 13.11 16.6 13.21 16.68L14.27 17.5C14.25 17.67 14.24 17.83 14.24 18S14.25 18.33 14.27 18.5L13.21 19.32C13.12 19.4 13.09 19.53 13.15 19.64L14.15 21.37C14.21 21.5 14.34 21.5 14.46 21.5L15.7 21C15.96 21.18 16.24 21.35 16.55 21.47L16.74 22.79C16.76 22.91 16.86 23 17 23H19C19.11 23 19.22 22.91 19.24 22.79L19.43 21.47C19.73 21.34 20 21.18 20.27 21L21.5 21.5C21.63 21.5 21.76 21.5 21.83 21.37L22.83 19.64C22.89 19.53 22.86 19.4 22.77 19.32M18 19.5C17.16 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.17 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.83 19.5 18 19.5M3 3C2.78 3 2.57 3.08 2.38 3.22C1.95 3.56 1.87 4.19 2.21 4.62L7.97 12H8V17.87C7.96 18.16 8.06 18.47 8.29 18.7L10.3 20.71C10.65 21.06 11.19 21.08 11.58 20.8C11.2 19.91 11 18.96 11 18C11 16.73 11.35 15.5 12 14.4V12H12.03L17.79 4.62C18.13 4.19 18.05 3.56 17.62 3.22C17.43 3.08 17.22 3 17 3H3Z",v_="M22.77 19.32L21.7 18.5C21.72 18.33 21.74 18.17 21.74 18S21.73 17.67 21.7 17.5L22.76 16.68C22.85 16.6 22.88 16.47 22.82 16.36L21.82 14.63C21.76 14.5 21.63 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.27 15C20 14.82 19.73 14.65 19.42 14.53L19.23 13.21C19.22 13.09 19.11 13 19 13H17C16.87 13 16.76 13.09 16.74 13.21L16.55 14.53C16.25 14.66 15.96 14.82 15.7 15L14.46 14.5C14.35 14.5 14.22 14.5 14.15 14.63L13.15 16.36C13.09 16.47 13.11 16.6 13.21 16.68L14.27 17.5C14.25 17.67 14.24 17.83 14.24 18S14.25 18.33 14.27 18.5L13.21 19.32C13.12 19.4 13.09 19.53 13.15 19.64L14.15 21.37C14.21 21.5 14.34 21.5 14.46 21.5L15.7 21C15.96 21.18 16.24 21.35 16.55 21.47L16.74 22.79C16.76 22.91 16.86 23 17 23H19C19.11 23 19.22 22.91 19.24 22.79L19.43 21.47C19.73 21.34 20 21.18 20.27 21L21.5 21.5C21.63 21.5 21.76 21.5 21.83 21.37L22.83 19.64C22.89 19.53 22.86 19.4 22.77 19.32M18 19.5C17.16 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.17 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.83 19.5 18 19.5M17.62 3.22C17.43 3.08 17.22 3 17 3H3C2.78 3 2.57 3.08 2.38 3.22C1.95 3.56 1.87 4.19 2.21 4.62L7 10.75V15.87C6.96 16.16 7.06 16.47 7.29 16.7L11.3 20.71C11.4 20.81 11.5 20.88 11.65 20.93C11.22 20 11 19 11 18C11 16.17 11.72 14.41 13 13.1V10.75L17.79 4.62C18.13 4.19 18.05 3.56 17.62 3.22M11 10.05V17.58L9 15.58V10.06L5.04 5H14.96L11 10.05Z",l_="M11 11L16.76 3.62A1 1 0 0 0 16.59 2.22A1 1 0 0 0 16 2H2A1 1 0 0 0 1.38 2.22A1 1 0 0 0 1.21 3.62L7 11V16.87A1 1 0 0 0 7.29 17.7L9.29 19.7A1 1 0 0 0 10.7 19.7A1 1 0 0 0 11 18.87V11M13 16L18 21L23 16Z",o_="M12 18.88A1 1 0 0 1 11.71 19.71A1 1 0 0 1 10.3 19.71L6.3 15.71A1 1 0 0 1 6 14.87V9.75L1.21 3.62A1 1 0 0 1 1.38 2.22A1 1 0 0 1 2 2H16A1 1 0 0 1 16.62 2.22A1 1 0 0 1 16.79 3.62L12 9.75V18.88M4 4L8 9.06V14.58L10 16.58V9.05L14 4M13 16L18 21L23 16Z",n_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.86V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M15 17H23V19H15V17Z",Z_="M15 17H23V19H15V17M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04Z",S_="M3.46 5C3.25 5 3.04 5.08 2.87 5.21C2.43 5.55 2.35 6.18 2.69 6.61L2.69 6.62L8 13.42V19.41L10.29 21.71C10.68 22.1 11.32 22.1 11.71 21.71C12.1 21.32 12.1 20.68 11.71 20.29L10 18.59V12.73L4.27 5.39C4.08 5.14 3.78 5 3.46 5M16 12V19.88C16.04 20.18 15.94 20.5 15.71 20.71C15.32 21.1 14.69 21.1 14.3 20.71L12.29 18.7C12.06 18.47 11.96 18.16 12 17.87V12H11.97L6.21 4.62C5.87 4.19 5.95 3.56 6.38 3.22C6.57 3.08 6.78 3 7 3H21C21.22 3 21.43 3.08 21.62 3.22C22.05 3.56 22.13 4.19 21.79 4.62L16.03 12H16Z",u_="M3.47 5C3.25 5 3.04 5.08 2.87 5.21C2.43 5.55 2.35 6.18 2.69 6.61L2.69 6.62L7 12.14V18.05L10.64 21.71C11 22.1 11.66 22.1 12.05 21.71L12.05 21.71C12.44 21.32 12.44 20.69 12.06 20.3L9 17.22V11.45L4.27 5.39C4.08 5.14 3.78 5 3.47 5M21.62 3.22C21.43 3.08 21.22 3 21 3H7C6.78 3 6.57 3.08 6.38 3.22C5.95 3.56 5.87 4.19 6.21 4.62L11 10.75V15.87C10.96 16.16 11.06 16.47 11.29 16.7L15.3 20.71C15.69 21.1 16.32 21.1 16.71 20.71C16.94 20.5 17.04 20.18 17 19.88V10.75L21.79 4.62C22.13 4.19 22.05 3.56 21.62 3.22M15 10.05V17.58L13 15.58V10.06L9.04 5H18.96L15 10.05Z",c_="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9.5 11.37L9.97 12H10V17.87C9.96 18.16 10.06 18.47 10.29 18.7L12.3 20.71C12.69 21.1 13.32 21.1 13.71 20.71C13.94 20.5 14.04 20.18 14 19.88V15.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L14 13.35L9.41 8.76L4.15 3.5L2.39 1.73M6.21 3L14.54 11.34L19.79 4.62C20.13 4.19 20.05 3.56 19.62 3.22C19.43 3.08 19.22 3 19 3H6.21Z",s_="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9 10.89V15.87C8.96 16.16 9.06 16.47 9.29 16.7L13.3 20.71C13.69 21.1 14.32 21.1 14.71 20.71C14.94 20.5 15.04 20.18 15 19.88V16.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L15 14.35V14.34L13 12.35L11 10.34L4.15 3.5L2.39 1.73M6.21 3L8.2 5H16.96L13.11 9.91L15 11.8V10.75L19.79 4.62C20.13 4.19 20.05 3.56 19.62 3.22C19.43 3.08 19.22 3 19 3H6.21M11 12.89L13 14.89V17.58L11 15.58V12.89Z",O_="M15,19.88C15.04,20.18 14.94,20.5 14.71,20.71C14.32,21.1 13.69,21.1 13.3,20.71L9.29,16.7C9.06,16.47 8.96,16.16 9,15.87V10.75L4.21,4.62C3.87,4.19 3.95,3.56 4.38,3.22C4.57,3.08 4.78,3 5,3V3H19V3C19.22,3 19.43,3.08 19.62,3.22C20.05,3.56 20.13,4.19 19.79,4.62L15,10.75V19.88M7.04,5L11,10.06V15.58L13,17.58V10.05L16.96,5H7.04Z",h_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.87V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17Z",p_="M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04Z",f_="M14.76,20.83L17.6,18L14.76,15.17L16.17,13.76L19,16.57L21.83,13.76L23.24,15.17L20.43,18L23.24,20.83L21.83,22.24L19,19.4L16.17,22.24L14.76,20.83M12,12V19.88C12.04,20.18 11.94,20.5 11.71,20.71C11.32,21.1 10.69,21.1 10.3,20.71L8.29,18.7C8.06,18.47 7.96,18.16 8,17.87V12H7.97L2.21,4.62C1.87,4.19 1.95,3.56 2.38,3.22C2.57,3.08 2.78,3 3,3V3H17V3C17.22,3 17.43,3.08 17.62,3.22C18.05,3.56 18.13,4.19 17.79,4.62L12.03,12H12Z",g_="M14.73,20.83L17.58,18L14.73,15.17L16.15,13.76L19,16.57L21.8,13.76L23.22,15.17L20.41,18L23.22,20.83L21.8,22.24L19,19.4L16.15,22.24L14.73,20.83M13,19.88C13.04,20.18 12.94,20.5 12.71,20.71C12.32,21.1 11.69,21.1 11.3,20.71L7.29,16.7C7.06,16.47 6.96,16.16 7,15.87V10.75L2.21,4.62C1.87,4.19 1.95,3.56 2.38,3.22C2.57,3.08 2.78,3 3,3V3H17V3C17.22,3 17.43,3.08 17.62,3.22C18.05,3.56 18.13,4.19 17.79,4.62L13,10.75V19.88M5.04,5L9,10.06V15.58L11,17.58V10.05L14.96,5H5.04Z",k_="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M14 12V19.88C14.04 20.18 13.94 20.5 13.71 20.71C13.32 21.1 12.69 21.1 12.3 20.71L10.29 18.7C10.06 18.47 9.96 18.16 10 17.87V12H9.97L4.21 4.62C3.87 4.19 3.95 3.56 4.38 3.22C4.57 3.08 4.78 3 5 3H19C19.22 3 19.43 3.08 19.62 3.22C20.05 3.56 20.13 4.19 19.79 4.62L14.03 12Z",B_="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M15 19.88C15.04 20.18 14.94 20.5 14.71 20.71C14.32 21.1 13.69 21.1 13.3 20.71L9.29 16.7C9.06 16.47 8.96 16.16 9 15.87V10.75L4.21 4.62C3.87 4.19 3.95 3.56 4.38 3.22C4.57 3.08 4.78 3 5 3H19C19.22 3 19.43 3.08 19.62 3.22C20.05 3.56 20.13 4.19 19.79 4.62L15 10.75V19.88M7.04 5L11 10.06V15.58L13 17.58V10.05L16.96 5Z",P_="M6,13H18V11H6M3,6V8H21V6M10,18H14V16H10V18Z",w_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",F_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",T_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 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7V22H19V17C19 17 19 15 15 15C11 15 11 17 11 17V22H8V17H4V22H2M14.47 7.62H14.5L14.14 7.25L13.25 6.5C12.61 5.88 12.46 4.82 12.87 4C12.5 4.1 12.1 4.33 11.79 4.58C10.68 5.5 10.23 7.12 10.76 8.5L10.8 8.65C10.8 8.75 10.73 8.84 10.64 8.87C10.55 8.92 10.44 8.89 10.36 8.82L10.3 8.74C9.81 8.11 9.73 7.21 10.06 6.5C9.34 7.09 8.96 8.1 9 9.06L9.13 9.72C9.19 10 9.3 10.25 9.45 10.5C9.9 11.24 10.71 11.79 11.58 11.9C12.5 12 13.5 11.85 14.21 11.19C15 10.45 15.29 9.3 14.87 8.29L14.81 8.17L14.47 7.62Z",__="M17.04,2C16.85,2 16.66,2.04 16.5,2.14L5.59,8.5H9.55L17.5,3.86C18,3.58 18.13,2.97 17.85,2.5C17.68,2.2 17.38,2 17.04,2M16,8V10H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,12H2V15H1V19H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,22A3,3 0 0,0 9,19H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,22A3,3 0 0,0 21,19H23V12.5L19.5,8H16M18,9.5H19L21.5,12.5V13.5H18V9.5M4,12H7V15H4V12M9,12H12V15H9V12M14,12H16V15H14V12M6,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,17.5M18,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,17.5Z",K_="M20,18.69L12.7,22.74C12.2,23 11.7,23 11.2,22.74L4,18.69L17.05,5.54L17.4,5.44C17.7,5.44 17.87,5.57 17.9,5.84L20,18.69M9.35,5.74L4.8,13.29L6.7,1.34C6.73,1.07 6.9,0.94 7.2,0.94C7.4,0.94 7.53,1 7.6,1.19L9.75,5.14L9.35,5.74M13.85,7L4.3,16.59L11.55,4.29C11.65,4.09 11.8,4 12,4C12.2,4 12.33,4.09 12.4,4.29L13.85,7Z",j_="M9.27 7.94C9.27 7.94 9.27 7.94 9.27 7.94M6.85 6.74C6.86 6.74 6.86 6.74 6.85 6.74M21.28 8.6C20.85 7.55 19.96 6.42 19.27 6.06C19.83 7.17 20.16 8.28 20.29 9.1L20.29 9.12C19.16 6.3 17.24 5.16 15.67 2.68C15.59 2.56 15.5 2.43 15.43 2.3C15.39 2.23 15.36 2.16 15.32 2.09C15.26 1.96 15.2 1.83 15.17 1.69C15.17 1.68 15.16 1.67 15.15 1.67H15.13L15.12 1.67L15.12 1.67L15.12 1.67C12.9 2.97 11.97 5.26 11.74 6.71C11.05 6.75 10.37 6.92 9.75 7.22C9.63 7.27 9.58 7.41 9.62 7.53C9.67 7.67 9.83 7.74 9.96 7.68C10.5 7.42 11.1 7.27 11.7 7.23L11.75 7.23C11.83 7.22 11.92 7.22 12 7.22C12.5 7.21 12.97 7.28 13.44 7.42L13.5 7.44C13.6 7.46 13.67 7.5 13.75 7.5C13.8 7.54 13.86 7.56 13.91 7.58L14.05 7.64C14.12 7.67 14.19 7.7 14.25 7.73C14.28 7.75 14.31 7.76 14.34 7.78C14.41 7.82 14.5 7.85 14.54 7.89C14.58 7.91 14.62 7.94 14.66 7.96C15.39 8.41 16 9.03 16.41 9.77C15.88 9.4 14.92 9.03 14 9.19C17.6 11 16.63 17.19 11.64 16.95C11.2 16.94 10.76 16.85 10.34 16.7C10.24 16.67 10.14 16.63 10.05 16.58C10 16.56 9.93 16.53 9.88 16.5C8.65 15.87 7.64 14.68 7.5 13.23C7.5 13.23 8 11.5 10.83 11.5C11.14 11.5 12 10.64 12.03 10.4C12.03 10.31 10.29 9.62 9.61 8.95C9.24 8.59 9.07 8.42 8.92 8.29C8.84 8.22 8.75 8.16 8.66 8.1C8.43 7.3 8.42 6.45 8.63 5.65C7.6 6.12 6.8 6.86 6.22 7.5H6.22C5.82 7 5.85 5.35 5.87 5C5.86 5 5.57 5.16 5.54 5.18C5.19 5.43 4.86 5.71 4.56 6C4.21 6.37 3.9 6.74 3.62 7.14C3 8.05 2.5 9.09 2.28 10.18C2.28 10.19 2.18 10.59 2.11 11.1L2.08 11.33C2.06 11.5 2.04 11.65 2 11.91L2 11.94L2 12.27L2 12.32C2 17.85 6.5 22.33 12 22.33C16.97 22.33 21.08 18.74 21.88 14C21.9 13.89 21.91 13.76 21.93 13.63C22.13 11.91 21.91 10.11 21.28 8.6Z",q_="M22,22H2V20H22V22M22,6H2V3H22V6M20,7V19H17V11C17,11 14.5,10 12,10C9.5,10 7,11 7,11V19H4V7H20M14.5,14.67H14.47L14.81,15.22L14.87,15.34C15.29,16.35 15,17.5 14.21,18.24C13.5,18.9 12.5,19.07 11.58,18.95C10.71,18.84 9.9,18.29 9.45,17.53C9.3,17.3 9.19,17.03 9.13,16.77L9,16.11C8.96,15.15 9.34,14.14 10.06,13.54C9.73,14.26 9.81,15.16 10.3,15.79L10.36,15.87C10.44,15.94 10.55,15.97 10.64,15.92C10.73,15.89 10.8,15.8 10.8,15.7L10.76,15.56C10.23,14.17 10.68,12.55 11.79,11.63C12.1,11.38 12.5,11.15 12.87,11.05C12.46,11.87 12.61,12.93 13.25,13.57L14.14,14.3L14.5,14.67M13.11,17.44V17.44C13.37,17.2 13.53,16.8 13.5,16.44V16.25C13.38,15.65 12.85,15.46 12.5,15L12.26,14.55C12.13,14.85 12.12,15.13 12.17,15.46C12.23,15.8 12.37,16.09 12.29,16.44C12.2,16.83 11.9,17.22 11.37,17.35C11.67,17.64 12.15,17.87 12.64,17.71L13.11,17.44Z",$_="M22,22H2V20H22V22M22,6H2V3H22V6M20,7V19H17V11C17,11 14.5,10 12,10C9.5,10 7,11 7,11V19H4V7H20Z",X_="M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12S9.8 16 12 16 16 14.2 16 12 14.2 8 12 8M15 17H9V19H15V17M15 20H9V22H15V20M6.3 10.6L10.5 6.4L9.2 4.9L4.9 9.2L6.3 10.6M4.2 8.5L8.4 4.3L7.1 2.8L2.8 7.1L4.2 8.5M15 17H9V19H15V17M13.4 6.3L17.6 10.5L21.1 7L16.9 2.8L13.4 6.3Z",Y_="M5.8,16.59L4.5,15.28L12.26,7.5L16.5,11.74L8.72,19.5L7.29,18.09C7.04,18.16 6.8,18.28 6.63,18.5C6.57,18.57 6.5,18.65 6.5,18.74C6.42,18.88 6.38,19 6.32,19.15C6.21,19.42 6.09,19.69 5.93,19.93C5.81,20.1 5.68,20.26 5.53,20.39C5.42,20.5 5.29,20.59 5.16,20.66C5.08,20.71 5,20.76 4.9,20.79C4.3,21.04 3.63,21 3,21V19C3.23,19 3.83,19 3.9,19C4,19 4.08,19 4.16,18.94C4.18,18.92 4.19,18.91 4.21,18.89C4.28,18.81 4.34,18.7 4.39,18.6C4.47,18.42 4.53,18.24 4.6,18.06L4.64,17.96C4.76,17.69 4.9,17.45 5.08,17.23C5.18,17.1 5.3,17 5.42,16.87C5.54,16.77 5.66,16.67 5.8,16.59M21,3L19.88,11.19L12.81,4.12L21,3Z",J_="M20.84 22.73L13.17 15.06L8.72 19.5L7.29 18.09C7.04 18.16 6.8 18.28 6.63 18.5C6.57 18.57 6.5 18.65 6.5 18.74C6.42 18.88 6.38 19 6.32 19.15C6.21 19.42 6.09 19.69 5.93 19.93C5.81 20.1 5.68 20.26 5.53 20.39C5.42 20.5 5.29 20.59 5.16 20.66C5.08 20.71 5 20.76 4.9 20.79C4.3 21.04 3.63 21 3 21V19H3.9C4 19 4.08 19 4.16 18.94L4.21 18.89C4.28 18.81 4.34 18.7 4.39 18.6C4.47 18.42 4.53 18.24 4.6 18.06L4.64 17.96C4.76 17.69 4.9 17.45 5.08 17.23C5.18 17.1 5.3 17 5.42 16.87C5.54 16.77 5.66 16.67 5.8 16.59L4.5 15.28L8.94 10.83L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 3L12.81 4.12L19.88 11.19L21 3M16.5 11.74L12.26 7.5L11.5 8.28L15.72 12.5L16.5 11.74Z",CK="M12,20L12.76,17C9.5,16.79 6.59,15.4 5.75,13.58C5.66,14.06 5.53,14.5 5.33,14.83C4.67,16 3.33,16 2,16C3.1,16 3.5,14.43 3.5,12.5C3.5,10.57 3.1,9 2,9C3.33,9 4.67,9 5.33,10.17C5.53,10.5 5.66,10.94 5.75,11.42C6.4,10 8.32,8.85 10.66,8.32L9,5C11,5 13,5 14.33,5.67C15.46,6.23 16.11,7.27 16.69,8.38C19.61,9.08 22,10.66 22,12.5C22,14.38 19.5,16 16.5,16.66C15.67,17.76 14.86,18.78 14.17,19.33C13.33,20 12.67,20 12,20M17,11A1,1 0 0,0 16,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,13A1,1 0 0,0 18,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,11Z",HK="M20.8 22.7L15.7 17.6C15.1 18.3 14.6 18.9 14.1 19.3C13.3 20 12.7 20 12 20L12.8 17C9.5 16.8 6.6 15.4 5.8 13.6C5.7 14.1 5.6 14.5 5.4 14.8C4.7 16 3.3 16 2 16C3.1 16 3.5 14.4 3.5 12.5S3.1 9 2 9C3.3 9 4.7 9 5.3 10.2C5.5 10.5 5.6 11 5.7 11.4C6 10.7 6.7 10 7.6 9.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M9.8 6.6L9 5C11 5 13 5 14.3 5.7C15.4 6.3 16.1 7.3 16.7 8.4C19.6 9.1 22 10.7 22 12.5C22 13.8 20.8 15 19 15.8L9.8 6.6M16 12C16 12.6 16.4 13 17 13S18 12.6 18 12 17.6 11 17 11 16 11.4 16 12Z",VK="M19.11,5H21V3H3V5H4.89C3.11,6.8 2,9.27 2,12C2,15.97 4.31,19.39 7.66,21H16.34C19.69,19.39 22,15.97 22,12C22,9.27 20.89,6.8 19.11,5M13.25,17C12.09,17 11.06,16.64 10.33,16.17C9.67,17 8.33,17 7,17C8.1,17 8.5,15.88 8.5,14.5C8.5,13.12 8.1,12 7,12C8.33,12 9.67,12 10.37,12.91C11.06,12.36 12.09,12 13.25,12C15.32,12 17,13.12 17,14.5C17,15.88 15.32,17 13.25,17M16,7C13.56,8.71 10.44,8.71 8,7C7.06,7.66 6,8.09 4.95,8.25C5.31,7.58 5.77,6.96 6.32,6.41L7.7,5H16.3L17.68,6.41C18.23,6.96 18.69,7.58 19.05,8.25C18,8.09 16.94,7.66 16,7Z",LK="M19.11,5H21V3H3V5H4.89C3.11,6.8 2,9.27 2,12C2,15.97 4.31,19.39 7.66,21H16.34C19.69,19.39 22,15.97 22,12C22,9.27 20.89,6.8 19.11,5M6.32,6.41L7.7,5H16.3L17.68,6.41C18.23,6.96 18.69,7.58 19.05,8.25C18,8.09 16.94,7.66 16,7C13.56,8.71 10.44,8.71 8,7C7.06,7.66 6,8.09 4.95,8.25C5.31,7.58 5.77,6.96 6.32,6.41M15.85,19H8.15C5.58,17.59 4,14.95 4,12C4,11.43 4.07,10.86 4.19,10.32C5.5,10.29 6.8,9.95 8,9.33C10.5,10.63 13.5,10.63 16,9.33C17.2,9.95 18.5,10.29 19.81,10.32C19.93,10.86 20,11.43 20,12C20,14.95 18.42,17.59 15.85,19M17,14.5C17,15.88 15.32,17 13.25,17C12.09,17 11.06,16.64 10.33,16.16C9.67,17 8.33,17 7,17C8.1,17 8.5,15.88 8.5,14.5C8.5,13.12 8.1,12 7,12C8.33,12 9.67,12 10.37,12.91C11.06,12.36 12.09,12 13.25,12C15.32,12 17,13.12 17,14.5Z",MK="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M12,4L15,7H13V9H11V7H9M7,15L4,12L7,9V11H9V13H7M12,20L9,17H11V15H13V17H15M17,15V13H15V11H17V9L20,12",AK="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20M13,8V10H11V8H9L12,5L15,8M16,15V13H14V11H16V9L19,12M10,13H8V15L5,12L8,9V11H10M15,16L12,19L9,16H11V14H13V16",iK="M17 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V8H20V6H17V4M4 8V6H7V4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V8H4M20 16V18H17V20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V16H20M7 18H4V16H2V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H7V18M18 8H6V16H18V8Z",rK="M17 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V8H20V6H17V4M4 8V6H7V4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V8H4M20 16V18H17V20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V16H20M7 18H4V16H2V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H7V18M16 10V14H8V10H16M18 8H6V16H18V8Z",aK="M14.4,6L14,4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13,16H20V6H14.4Z",eK="M14.4,6H20V16H13L12.6,14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4,6M14,14H16V12H18V10H16V8H14V10L13,8V6H11V8H9V6H7V8H9V10H7V12H9V10H11V12H13V10L14,12V14M11,10V8H13V10H11M14,10H16V12H14V10Z",dK="M12.4,5H18V15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5M14,17H22V19H14V17Z",mK="M12.36 6L12.76 8H18V14H14.64L14.24 12H7V6H12.36M14 4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13 16H20V6H14.4M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",tK="M20.84 22.73L14.11 16H13L12.72 14.61L12.11 14H7V21H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M20 16V6H14.4L14 4H7.2L19.2 16H20",vK="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V21H7V14H12.11L12.72 14.61L13 16H14.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7 12V8.89L10.11 12H7M9.2 6L7.2 4H14L14.4 6H20V16H19.2L17.2 14H18V8H12.76L12.36 6H9.2Z",lK="M12.36,6L12.76,8H18V14H14.64L14.24,12H7V6H12.36M14,4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13,16H20V6H14.4",oK="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12.4,5H18V12C15.78,12 13.84,13.21 12.8,15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5Z",nK="M13 16L12.6 14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4 6H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V8H12.76L12.36 6H7V12H14.24L14.64 14H15.69C14.92 14.5 14.27 15.2 13.81 16H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",ZK="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M12.4,5H18V12C15.78,12 13.84,13.21 12.8,15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5Z",SK="M13 16L12.6 14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4 6H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V8H12.76L12.36 6H7V12H14.24L14.64 14H15.69C14.92 14.5 14.27 15.2 13.81 16H13M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",uK="M7,2H9V22H7V2M19,9L11,14.6V3.4L19,9Z",cK="M6,3A1,1 0 0,1 7,4V4.88C8.06,4.44 9.5,4 11,4C14,4 14,6 16,6C19,6 20,4 20,4V12C20,12 19,14 16,14C13,14 13,12 11,12C8,12 7,14 7,14V21H5V4A1,1 0 0,1 6,3Z",sK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",OK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",hK="M20.8 22.7L10.2 12.1C7.8 12.4 7 14 7 14V21H5V6.9L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M20 12V4C20 4 19 6 16 6C14 6 14 4 11 4C9.8 4 8.7 4.3 7.8 4.6L17.1 13.9C19.2 13.5 20 12 20 12Z",pK="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5 6.9V21H7V14C7 14 7.8 12.4 10.2 12.1L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 11.5V8.9L8.7 10.6C7.7 11 7 11.5 7 11.5M9.4 6.2L7.8 4.6C8.7 4.3 9.8 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19.2 13.5 17.1 13.9L15 11.8C15.3 11.9 15.6 12 16 12C18 12 18 11 18 11V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6C10.5 6 9.9 6.1 9.4 6.2Z",fK="M6,3A1,1 0 0,1 7,4V4.88C8.06,4.44 9.5,4 11,4C14,4 14,6 16,6C19,6 20,4 20,4V12C20,12 19,14 16,14C13,14 13,12 11,12C8,12 7,14 7,14V21H5V4A1,1 0 0,1 6,3M7,7.25V11.5C7,11.5 9,10 11,10C13,10 14,12 16,12C18,12 18,11 18,11V7.5C18,7.5 17,8 16,8C14,8 13,6 11,6C9,6 7,7.25 7,7.25Z",gK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",kK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",BK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",PK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",wK="M7,11H1V13H7V11M9.17,7.76L7.05,5.64L5.64,7.05L7.76,9.17L9.17,7.76M13,1H11V7H13V1M18.36,7.05L16.95,5.64L14.83,7.76L16.24,9.17L18.36,7.05M17,11V13H23V11H17M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M14.83,16.24L16.95,18.36L18.36,16.95L16.24,14.83L14.83,16.24M5.64,16.95L7.05,18.36L9.17,16.24L7.76,14.83L5.64,16.95M11,23H13V17H11V23Z",FK="M7,2V13H10V22L17,10H13L17,2H7Z",TK="M5,2V13H8V22L15,10H11L15,2M17,15H19V17H17V15M17,7H19V13H17V7Z",bK="M5,2H15L11.5,9H15L8,22V14H5V2M7,4V12H10V14.66L12,11H8.24L11.76,4M17,15H19V17H17V15M17,7H19V13H17V7Z",yK="M16.85,7.65L18,4L19.15,7.65M19,2H17L13.8,11H15.7L16.4,9H19.6L20.3,11H22.2M3,2V14H6V23L13,11H9L13,2H3Z",RK="M17,10H13L17,2H7V4.18L15.46,12.64M3.27,3L2,4.27L7,9.27V13H10V22L13.58,15.86L17.73,20L19,18.73L3.27,3Z",xK="M9 6.19L7 4.19V2H17L13.5 9H17L15.18 12.37L11.43 8.62L13.76 4H9V6.19M19 18.73L17.73 20L13.41 15.68L10 22V14H7V9.27L2 4.27L3.27 3L19 18.73Z",DK="M7,2H17L13.5,9H17L10,22V14H7V2M9,4V12H12V14.66L14,11H10.24L13.76,4H9Z",EK="M16,5C15.44,5 15,5.44 15,6C15,6.56 15.44,7 16,7C16.56,7 17,6.56 17,6C17,5.44 16.56,5 16,5M16,2C13.27,2 10.94,3.66 10,6C10.94,8.34 13.27,10 16,10C18.73,10 21.06,8.34 22,6C21.06,3.66 18.73,2 16,2M16,3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18.5,6A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,8.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,6A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,3.5M3,2V14H6V23L13,11H9L10.12,8.5C9.44,7.76 8.88,6.93 8.5,6C9.19,4.29 10.5,2.88 12.11,2H3Z",NK="M12 2L1 21H23L12 2M10 15V10H14L12.5 13.5H14.5L11.5 19V15H10Z",WK="M12 2L1 21H23M12 6L19.5 19H4.5M14 14H12.5L14 11H10V15H11V18L14 14Z",IK="M9,10L6,5H18L15,10H9M18,4H6V2H18V4M9,22V11H15V22H9M12,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,15A1,1 0 0,0 13,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,13Z",GK="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15,18.27V22H9V12.27L2,5.27M18,5L15,10H11.82L6.82,5H18M18,4H6V2H18V4M15,11V13.18L12.82,11H15Z",QK="M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L16.53,14.47L14,17L8.93,11.93L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M13,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,11A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 14,11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10Z",UK="M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",zK="M23 17V19H15V17H23M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",_K="M23 17V19H15V17H23M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",KK="M20.8 22.7L19.6 21.5C19.1 21.8 18.6 22 18 22H6C4.3 22 3 20.7 3 19C3 18.4 3.2 17.8 3.5 17.4L7.9 9.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15 7.8V6C15.6 6 16 5.6 16 5V4C16 2.9 15.1 2 14 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V4.8L20.4 17.2L15 7.8Z",jK="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9.4 11.2L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M11 7.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L15 11.8L13 8.4V4H11V7.8Z",qK="M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L13,8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",$K="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",XK="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",YK="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",JK="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",Cj="M23 17V19H15V17H23M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",Hj="M23 17V19H15V17H23M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19M13 16L13.58 15.42C13.21 16.2 13 17.08 13 18H7.73L10.39 13.39L13 16M12.5 12C12.78 12 13 12.22 13 12.5C13 12.78 12.78 13 12.5 13C12.22 13 12 12.78 12 12.5C12 12.22 12.22 12 12.5 12Z",Vj="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9 11.9L14 17L14.6 16.4L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L8 4.8Z",Lj="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9.4 11.2L13.6 15.4L13 16L10.4 13.4L7.7 18H16.1L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M11 7.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L15 11.8L13 8.4V4H11V7.8Z",Mj="M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L13,8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6M13,16L14.34,14.66L16.27,18H7.73L10.39,13.39L13,16M12.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,13A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,12Z",Aj="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",ij="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19M13 16L13.58 15.42C13.21 16.2 13 17.08 13 18H7.73L10.39 13.39L13 16M12.5 12C12.78 12 13 12.22 13 12.5C13 12.78 12.78 13 12.5 13C12.22 13 12 12.78 12 12.5C12 12.22 12.22 12 12.5 12Z",rj="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",aj="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 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3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M19 3V5H21C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11 23H13V1H11M19 17H21V15H19M15 5H17V3H15M19 13H21V11H19M19 21C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19H19Z",oj="M15,17H17V15H15M15,5H17V3H15M5,7H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H17V19H5M19,17A2,2 0 0,0 21,15H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,13H21V11H19M9,17V15H7A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M13,3H11V5H13M19,3V5H21C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M13,15H11V17H13M9,3C7.89,3 7,3.89 7,5H9M9,11H7V13H9M9,7H7V9H9V7Z",nj="M7,21H9V19H7M11,21H13V19H11M19,15H9V5H19M19,3H9C7.89,3 7,3.89 7,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17H14L18,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M15,21H17V19H15M3,9H5V7H3M5,21V19H3A2,2 0 0,0 5,21M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3V13Z",Zj="M3 15V17H5V15M15 19V21H17V19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M21 19H19V21C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19M1 11V13H23V11M7 19V21H9V19M19 15V17H21V15M11 19V21H13V19M3 19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21V19Z",Sj="M15,2L17,9H7L9,2M11,10H13V20H16V22H8V20H11V10Z",uj="M11.73 10.06L10.17 11.24L11 12.2V20H8V22H16V20H13V12.3L13.85 11.26L12.27 10.07L11.73 10.06M9.08 10.82L3 6.81L9.39 2L11.55 8.93L9.08 10.82M14.61 2L21 6.81L14.92 10.82L12.44 8.95L14.61 2Z",cj="M11.73 10.06L10.17 11.24L11 12.2V20H8V22H16V20H13V12.3L13.85 11.26L12.27 10.07L11.73 10.06M8.32 5.31L9.23 8.19L9 8.37L6.47 6.7L8.32 5.31M9.39 2L3 6.81L9.08 10.82L11.55 8.93L9.39 2M15.67 5.3L17.53 6.7L15 8.37L14.77 8.2L15.67 5.3M14.61 2L12.44 8.95L14.92 10.82L21 6.81L14.61 2Z",sj="M15 2L17 9H7L9 2M13.6 4H10.4L9.55 7H14.45M11 10H13V20H16V22H8V20H11Z",Oj="M7 2L10 9H14L17 2H7M13 20H16V22H8V20H11V10H13V20Z",hj="M14 4L12.7 7H11.3L10 4H14M17 2H7L10 9H14L17 2M13 20H16V22H8V20H11V10H13V20Z",pj="M7 2L10 9H14L17 2H7M15.92 22L13 15V22H11V15L8.08 22H5.92L10.92 10H13.08L18.08 22H15.92Z",fj="M13.97 4L12.68 7H11.32L10.03 4H13.97M17 2H7L10 9H14L17 2M15.92 22L13 15V22H11V15L8.08 22H5.92L10.92 10H13.08L18.08 22H15.92Z",gj="M10,5V10H9V5H5V13H9V12H10V17H9V14H5V19H12V17H13V19H19V17H21V21H3V3H21V15H19V10H13V15H12V9H19V5H10Z",kj="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5.5L18.5,3H17V9A1,1 0 0,1 16,10H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,9V3H5M12,4V9H15V4H12M7,12H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,13V19H6V13A1,1 0 0,1 7,12Z",Bj="M3,3V21H21V3H3M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16V19A1,1 0 0,1 12,20A1,1 0 0,1 11,19V16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15Z",Pj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C12,17 7.97,13 3,13M12,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M5.6,10.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8.1,12.75C8.63,12.75 9.12,12.58 9.5,12.31C9.5,12.37 9.5,12.43 9.5,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12.5C14.5,12.43 14.5,12.37 14.5,12.31C14.88,12.58 15.37,12.75 15.9,12.75C17.28,12.75 18.4,11.63 18.4,10.25C18.4,9.25 17.81,8.4 16.97,8C17.81,7.6 18.4,6.74 18.4,5.75C18.4,4.37 17.28,3.25 15.9,3.25C15.37,3.25 14.88,3.41 14.5,3.69C14.5,3.63 14.5,3.56 14.5,3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,3.5C9.5,3.56 9.5,3.63 9.5,3.69C9.12,3.41 8.63,3.25 8.1,3.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.6,5.75C5.6,6.74 6.19,7.6 7.03,8C6.19,8.4 5.6,9.25 5.6,10.25M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13C16,13 12,17 12,22Z",wj="M8.66,13.07C6.92,13.07 5.5,11.66 5.5,9.93C5.5,9.22 5.76,8.54 6.19,8C5.77,7.46 5.5,6.78 5.5,6.07C5.5,4.34 6.93,2.93 8.66,2.93L9.09,2.96C9.56,1.81 10.69,1 12,1C13.31,1 14.44,1.81 14.91,2.96L15.34,2.93C17.07,2.93 18.5,4.34 18.5,6.07C18.5,6.78 18.24,7.46 17.81,8C18.23,8.54 18.5,9.22 18.5,9.93C18.5,11.66 17.07,13.07 15.34,13.07L14.91,13.04C14.44,14.19 13.31,15 12,15C10.69,15 9.56,14.19 9.09,13.04L8.66,13.07M12,13C12.62,13 13.12,12.5 13.14,11.9L13.03,10.81C12.71,10.93 12.36,11 12,11C11.64,11 11.3,10.93 11,10.81L10.86,11.9C10.88,12.5 11.38,13 12,13M15.34,11.07C15.97,11.07 16.5,10.56 16.5,9.92C16.5,9.5 16.23,9.08 15.83,8.89L14.95,8.47C14.83,9.21 14.44,9.85 13.89,10.3L14.7,10.87C14.88,11 15.1,11.07 15.34,11.07M14.69,5.13L13.87,5.69C14.43,6.14 14.82,6.78 14.94,7.5L15.82,7.1C16.23,6.9 16.5,6.5 16.5,6.07C16.5,5.44 15.97,4.93 15.34,4.93C15.11,4.93 14.89,5 14.69,5.13M12,3C11.38,3 10.88,3.5 10.86,4.1L11,5.19C11.3,5.07 11.64,5 12,5C12.36,5 12.71,5.07 13.03,5.19L13.14,4.1C13.12,3.5 12.62,3 12,3M8.66,4.93C8.03,4.93 7.5,5.44 7.5,6.07C7.5,6.5 7.77,6.9 8.17,7.1L9.05,7.5C9.17,6.78 9.56,6.14 10.11,5.69L9.3,5.13C9.12,5 8.9,4.93 8.66,4.93M8.17,8.9C7.77,9.1 7.5,9.5 7.5,9.92C7.5,10.55 8.03,11.06 8.66,11.06C8.89,11.06 9.11,11 9.31,10.86L10.12,10.31C9.56,9.86 9.17,9.22 9.05,8.5L8.17,8.9M12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22M14.44,19.56C16.34,18.85 17.85,17.34 18.56,15.44C16.66,16.14 15.15,17.66 14.44,19.56M5.44,15.44C6.15,17.34 7.66,18.85 9.56,19.56C8.86,17.66 7.34,16.15 5.44,15.44Z",Fj="M18.4 12.75C18.4 11.37 17.28 10.25 15.9 10.25C15.37 10.25 14.88 10.41 14.5 10.69V10.5C14.5 9.12 13.38 8 12 8S9.5 9.12 9.5 10.5V10.69C9.12 10.41 8.63 10.25 8.1 10.25C6.72 10.25 5.6 11.37 5.6 12.75C5.6 13.74 6.19 14.6 7.03 15C6.19 15.4 5.6 16.25 5.6 17.25C5.6 18.63 6.72 19.75 8.1 19.75C8.63 19.75 9.12 19.58 9.5 19.31V19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5V19.31C14.88 19.58 15.37 19.75 15.9 19.75C17.28 19.75 18.4 18.63 18.4 17.25C18.4 16.25 17.81 15.4 16.97 15C17.81 14.6 18.4 13.74 18.4 12.75M12 17.5C10.62 17.5 9.5 16.38 9.5 15S10.62 12.5 12 12.5 14.5 13.62 14.5 15 13.38 17.5 12 17.5M11 6C11 5.45 11.45 5 12 5S13 5.45 13 6 12.55 7 12 7 11 6.55 11 6M7 8C7 7.45 7.45 7 8 7S9 7.45 9 8 8.55 9 8 9 7 8.55 7 8M5 6C4.45 6 4 5.55 4 5S4.45 4 5 4 6 4.45 6 5 5.55 6 5 6M8 3C8 2.45 8.45 2 9 2S10 2.45 10 3 9.55 4 9 4 8 3.55 8 3M14 3C14 2.45 14.45 2 15 2S16 2.45 16 3 15.55 4 15 4 14 3.55 14 3M20 5C20 5.55 19.55 6 19 6S18 5.55 18 5 18.45 4 19 4 20 4.45 20 5M16 7C16.55 7 17 7.45 17 8S16.55 9 16 9 15 8.55 15 8 15.45 7 16 7Z",Tj="M11 6C11 5.45 11.45 5 12 5S13 5.45 13 6 12.55 7 12 7 11 6.55 11 6M8 9C8.55 9 9 8.55 9 8S8.55 7 8 7 7 7.45 7 8 7.45 9 8 9M6 5C6 4.45 5.55 4 5 4S4 4.45 4 5 4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5M9 4C9.55 4 10 3.55 10 3S9.55 2 9 2 8 2.45 8 3 8.45 4 9 4M15 4C15.55 4 16 3.55 16 3S15.55 2 15 2 14 2.45 14 3 14.45 4 15 4M19 4C18.45 4 18 4.45 18 5S18.45 6 19 6 20 5.55 20 5 19.55 4 19 4M15 8C15 8.55 15.45 9 16 9S17 8.55 17 8 16.55 7 16 7 15 7.45 15 8M18.5 13.07C18.5 13.78 18.24 14.46 17.81 15C18.23 15.54 18.5 16.22 18.5 16.93C18.5 18.66 17.07 20.07 15.34 20.07L14.91 20.04C14.44 21.19 13.31 22 12 22S9.56 21.19 9.09 20.04L8.66 20.07C6.92 20.07 5.5 18.66 5.5 16.93C5.5 16.22 5.76 15.54 6.19 15C5.77 14.46 5.5 13.78 5.5 13.07C5.5 11.34 6.93 9.93 8.66 9.93L9.09 9.96C9.56 8.81 10.69 8 12 8S14.44 8.81 14.91 9.96L15.34 9.93C17.07 9.93 18.5 11.34 18.5 13.07M7.5 13.07C7.5 13.5 7.77 13.9 8.17 14.1L9.05 14.5C9.17 13.78 9.56 13.14 10.11 12.69L9.3 12.13C9.12 12 8.9 11.93 8.66 11.93C8.03 11.93 7.5 12.44 7.5 13.07M10.12 17.31C9.56 16.86 9.17 16.22 9.05 15.5L8.17 15.9C7.77 16.1 7.5 16.5 7.5 16.92C7.5 17.55 8.03 18.06 8.66 18.06C8.89 18.06 9.11 18 9.31 17.86L10.12 17.31M13.14 18.9L13.03 17.81C12.71 17.93 12.36 18 12 18S11.3 17.93 11 17.81L10.86 18.9C10.88 19.5 11.38 20 12 20S13.12 19.5 13.14 18.9M13.14 11.1C13.12 10.5 12.62 10 12 10S10.88 10.5 10.86 11.1L11 12.19C11.3 12.07 11.64 12 12 12S12.71 12.07 13.03 12.19L13.14 11.1M16.5 16.92C16.5 16.5 16.23 16.08 15.83 15.89L14.95 15.47C14.83 16.21 14.44 16.85 13.89 17.3L14.7 17.87C14.88 18 15.1 18.07 15.34 18.07C15.97 18.07 16.5 17.56 16.5 16.92M16.5 13.07C16.5 12.44 15.97 11.93 15.34 11.93C15.11 11.93 14.89 12 14.69 12.13L13.87 12.69C14.43 13.14 14.82 13.78 14.94 14.5L15.82 14.1C16.23 13.9 16.5 13.5 16.5 13.07Z",bj="M18.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 22,8.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,2A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 2,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 2,15.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 8.5,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,22A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 22,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,12M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,12Z",yj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 3,13M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22M18,3V8A6,6 0 0,1 12,14A6,6 0 0,1 6,8V3C6.74,3 7.47,3.12 8.16,3.39C8.71,3.62 9.2,3.96 9.61,4.39L12,2L14.39,4.39C14.8,3.96 15.29,3.62 15.84,3.39C16.53,3.12 17.26,3 18,3Z",Rj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 3,13M5.44,15.44C7.35,16.15 8.85,17.65 9.56,19.56C7.65,18.85 6.15,17.35 5.44,15.44M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22M14.42,19.57C15.11,17.64 16.64,16.11 18.57,15.42C17.86,17.34 16.34,18.86 14.42,19.57M12,14A6,6 0 0,0 18,8V3C17.26,3 16.53,3.12 15.84,3.39C15.29,3.62 14.8,3.96 14.39,4.39L12,2L9.61,4.39C9.2,3.96 8.71,3.62 8.16,3.39C7.47,3.12 6.74,3 6,3V8A6,6 0 0,0 12,14M8,5.61L9.57,7.26L12,4.83L14.43,7.26L16,5.61V8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8V5.61Z",xj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M8 7C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V17H8V13H10V17H12V9C12 7.9 11.1 7 10 7H8M8 9H10V11H8V9M13 7V17H15V13H17V11H15V9H18V7H13Z",Dj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M7 11H9V13H7V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 11H17V13H15V11M7 7H9V9H7V7M11 7H13V9H11V7M15 7H17V9H15V7M7 15H9V17H7V15M11 15H13V17H11V15M15 15H17V17H15V15Z",Ej="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M7 11H9V13H7V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 11H17V13H15V11Z",Nj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M11 11H13V13H11V11M11 7H13V9H11V7M11 15H13V17H11V15Z",Wj="M10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6H12L10,4Z",Ij="M19,17H11V16C11,14.67 13.67,14 15,14C16.33,14 19,14.67 19,16M15,9A2,2 0 0,1 17,11A2,2 0 0,1 15,13A2,2 0 0,1 13,11C13,9.89 13.9,9 15,9M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",Gj="M15 14C16.33 14 19 14.67 19 16V17H11V16C11 14.67 13.67 14 15 14M15 13C16.11 13 17 12.11 17 11S16.11 9 15 9C13.9 9 13 9.89 13 11C13 12.11 13.9 13 15 13M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8M20 8H4V18H20V8Z",Qj="M15,12H17V17H15V12M15,18H17V20H15V18M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",Uj="M15,12H17V17H15V12M15,18H17V20H15V18M16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8H3V18H9.29C9.1,17.36 9,16.69 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",zj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",_j="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",Kj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",jj="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",qj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",$j="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",Xj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19Z",Yj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19Z",Jj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15L16 18Z",Cq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22Z",Hq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15Z",Vq="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15L16 18Z",Lq="M12 18.5C12 19 12.07 19.5 12.18 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.04C21 12.39 19.79 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Mq="M12 18.5C12 19 12.07 19.5 12.18 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.04C21.39 12.65 20.72 12.36 20 12.18V8H4V18H12.03C12 18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Aq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",iq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",rq="M3,4C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H10.26C11.57,21.88 13.71,23 16,23A7,7 0 0,0 23,16C23,14.17 22.28,12.42 21,11.11V8C21,6.89 20.1,6 19,6H11L9,4H3M16,11A5,5 0 0,1 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21A5,5 0 0,1 11,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,11M15,12V17L18.61,19.16L19.36,17.94L16.5,16.25V12H15Z",aq="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M19,8H3V18H9.29C9.1,17.37 9,16.7 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8M3,20C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",eq="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12.08A7 7 0 0 1 12 19A7 7 0 0 1 19 12A7 7 0 0 1 22 12.69V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14H18M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",dq="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12V18H4V8H20V12H22V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",mq="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H20M19.25,13H16V9H14V13H10.75L15,17.25",tq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M14 9H16V13H19L15 17L11 13H14Z",vq="M19.39 10.74L11 19.13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.15C21.74 10.06 21.46 10 21.17 10C20.5 10 19.87 10.26 19.39 10.74M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47Z",lq="M4 18H12.13L11 19.13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.15C21.74 10.06 21.46 10 21.17 10C20.75 10 20.36 10.11 20 10.3V8H4V18M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",oq="M9.3 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.9 22 8V14.6C20.6 13.6 18.9 13 17 13C13.5 13 10.4 15.1 9.1 18.3L8.8 19L9.1 19.7C9.2 19.8 9.2 19.9 9.3 20M23 19C22.1 21.3 19.7 23 17 23S11.9 21.3 11 19C11.9 16.7 14.3 15 17 15S22.1 16.7 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.6 18.4 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.6 14.5 19 15.6 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.4 19.5 19M17 18C16.4 18 16 18.4 16 19S16.4 20 17 20 18 19.6 18 19 17.6 18 17 18",nq="M9.3 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.9 22 8V14.6C21.4 14.2 20.7 13.8 20 13.5V8H4V18H9.3C9.3 18.1 9.2 18.2 9.2 18.3L8.8 19L9.1 19.7C9.2 19.8 9.2 19.9 9.3 20M23 19C22.1 21.3 19.7 23 17 23S11.9 21.3 11 19C11.9 16.7 14.3 15 17 15S22.1 16.7 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.6 18.4 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.6 14.5 19 15.6 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.4 19.5 19M17 18C16.4 18 16 18.4 16 19S16.4 20 17 20 18 19.6 18 19 17.6 18 17 18",Zq="M15 8C12.79 8 11 9.79 11 12V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.17L20.41 8.59L19.83 8H15M23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14M21 14.83L18.17 12H18V15H21V14.83Z",Sq="M4 18H11V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.17L20.41 8.59L20 8.17V8H4V18M23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14M21 15H18V12H15V21H21V15Z",uq="M13.75,9H16.14L19,14H16.05L13.5,9.46M18.3,17H12.75L14.15,14.5H19.27L19.53,14.96M11.5,17L10.4,14.86L13.24,9.9L14.74,12.56L12.25,17M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",cq="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M18.42 13.5L15 17L11.59 13.5C11.22 13.12 11 12.62 11 12.05C11 10.92 11.9 10 13 10C13.54 10 14.05 10.23 14.42 10.61L15 11.2L15.59 10.6C15.95 10.23 16.46 10 17 10C18.1 10 19 10.92 19 12.05C19 12.61 18.78 13.13 18.42 13.5Z",sq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6M13 10C11.9 10 11 10.92 11 12.05C11 12.62 11.22 13.12 11.59 13.5L15 17L18.42 13.5C18.78 13.13 19 12.61 19 12.05C19 10.92 18.1 10 17 10C16.46 10 15.95 10.23 15.59 10.6L15 11.2L14.42 10.61C14.05 10.23 13.54 10 13 10Z",Oq="M9 4V8H6V4H9M4 16V13H2V16H4M2 12H4V9H2V12M18 8H22C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H18V8M22 13H20V16H22V13M20 9V12H22V9H20M9 20V18H6V20H9M5 18H4V17H2V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H5V18M20 17V18H18V20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V17H20M4 8H5V4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V8H4M17 18H14V20H17V18M13 18H10V20H13V18M17 6H14V8H17V6M10 8H13V6H12L10 4V8Z",hq="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M17 13V17H15V14H13V17H11V13H9L14 9L19 13Z",pq="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M20 18H4V8H20M13 17V14H15V17H17V13H19L14 9L9 13H11V17Z",fq="M5,17L9.5,11L13,15.5L15.5,12.5L19,17M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6Z",gq="M21 11.1V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H11L9 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H10.3C11.6 21.9 13.8 23 16 23C19.9 23 23 19.9 23 16C23 14.2 22.3 12.4 21 11.1M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M17 20H15V15H17V20M17 14H15V12H17V14Z",kq="M21 11.1V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H11L9 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H10.2C11.4 21.8 13.6 23 16 23C19.9 23 23 19.9 23 16C23 14.1 22.2 12.4 21 11.1M9.3 18H3V8H19V9.7C18.1 9.2 17.1 9 16 9C12.1 9 9 12.1 9 16C9 16.7 9.1 17.4 9.3 18M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M17 14H15V12H17V14M17 20H15V15H17V20Z",Bq="M4 4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4M11 10C12.3 10 13.4 10.8 13.8 12H20V14H18V16H16V14H13.8C13.4 15.2 12.3 16 11 16C9.3 16 8 14.7 8 13S9.3 10 11 10M11 12C10.4 12 10 12.4 10 13C10 13.6 10.4 14 11 14C11.6 14 12 13.6 12 13S11.6 12 11 12Z",Pq="M6 5C4.9 5 4 5.9 4 7V15C4 16.1 4.9 17 6 17H11V19H10C9.4 19 9 19.4 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.6 9.4 23 10 23H14C14.6 23 15 22.6 15 22H22V20H15C15 19.4 14.6 19 14 19H13V17H18C19.1 17 20 16.1 20 15V9C20 7.9 19.1 7 18 7H12L10 5H6M9 9C10.3 9 11.4 9.8 11.8 11H18V13H16V15H14V13H11.8C11.4 14.2 10.3 15 9 15C7.3 15 6 13.7 6 12S7.3 9 9 9M9 11C8.4 11 8 11.4 8 12C8 12.6 8.4 13 9 13C9.6 13 10 12.6 10 12S9.6 11 9 11Z",wq="M9 8C7.3 8 6 9.3 6 11S7.3 14 9 14C10.3 14 11.4 13.2 11.8 12H14V14H16V12H18V10H11.8C11.4 8.8 10.3 8 9 8M9 12C8.4 12 8 11.6 8 11S8.4 10 9 10 10 10.4 10 11 9.6 12 9 12M15 20C15 19.5 14.6 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.1 17 21 16.1 21 15V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5H13L11 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V15C3 16.1 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.4 19 9 19.5 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.5 9.4 23 10 23H14C14.6 23 15 22.5 15 22H22V20H15M5 15V7H19V15H5Z",Fq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M12.8 12C12.4 10.8 11.3 10 10 10C8.3 10 7 11.3 7 13S8.3 16 10 16C11.3 16 12.4 15.2 12.8 14H15V16H17V14H19V12H12.8M10 14C9.4 14 9 13.6 9 13C9 12.4 9.4 12 10 12S11 12.4 11 13 10.6 14 10 14Z",Tq="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.04C21.17 10.4 20.13 10 19 10C16.4 10 14.2 12.06 14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",bq="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.04C21.17 9.4 20.13 9 19 9C16.4 9 14.2 11.06 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",yq="M4 18H13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.04C21.42 9.6 20.75 9.26 20 9.11V8H4V18M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",Rq="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.04C21.42 10.6 20.75 10.26 20 10.11V8H4V18H13V20M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",xq="M10 4L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.34C21.04 10.5 19.82 10 18.5 10C15.5 10 13 12.65 13 15.5C13 16.97 13.65 18.55 14.5 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",Dq="M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8M20 8H4V18H13.5C13.79 18.68 14.13 19.35 14.5 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.34C21.42 10.84 20.74 10.45 20 10.23V8Z",Eq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Nq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Wq="M14,18V15H10V11H14V8L19,13M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",Iq="M20 18H4V8H20V18M12 6L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6H12M11 14V12H15V9L19 13L15 17V14H11Z",Gq="M22,4H14L12,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M2,6H0V11H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H20V20H2V6Z",Qq="M7,15L11.5,9L15,13.5L17.5,10.5L21,15M22,4H14L12,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M2,6H0V11H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H20V20H2V6Z",Uq="M22,4A2,2 0 0,1 24,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H12L14,4H22M2,6V20H20V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V11H0V6H2M6,6V16H22V6H6Z",zq="M2 20V6H0V20C0 21.1 .9 22 2 22H20V20H2M22 4H14L12 2H6C5.6 2 5.2 2.1 4.9 2.3L4.3 2.9C4.1 3.2 4 3.6 4 4V16C4 16.4 4.1 16.8 4.3 17.1C4.4 17.2 4.5 17.3 4.5 17.4C5 17.8 5.5 18 6 18H22C23.1 18 24 17.1 24 16V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M22 12H19V15H17V12H14V10H17V7H19V10H22V12Z",_q="M22 4C23.1 4 24 4.9 24 6V16C24 17.1 23.1 18 22 18H6C4.9 18 4 17.1 4 16V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H12L14 4H22M2 6V20H20V22H2C.9 22 0 21.1 0 20V6H2M6 6V16H22V6H6M14 10H16V8H18V10H20V12H18V14H16V12H14V10Z",Kq="M22 8V11H16.5V16.11C14.66 16.53 13.26 18.09 13.04 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18.5 13V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H18.5Z",jq="M22 8V11H20V8H4V18H13.78C13.38 18.59 13.13 19.26 13.04 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18.5 13V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H18.5Z",qq="M3,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H11L13,5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V15A2,2 0 0,1 19,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,15Z",$q="M15 20C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V7C21 5.9 20.11 5 19 5H13L11 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15M5 15V7H19V15H5Z",Xq="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.64 4.53L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H7.2L21.88 18.68C21.96 18.47 22 18.24 22 18Z",Yq="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.64 4.53C2.25 4.9 2 5.42 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M4 18V8H6.11L16.11 18H4M11.2 8L7.2 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68L20 16.8V8H11.2Z",Jq="M19,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8H21L4,8V18L6.14,10H23.21L20.93,18.5C20.7,19.37 19.92,20 19,20Z",C$="M6.1,10L4,18V8H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H19C19.9,20 20.7,19.4 20.9,18.5L23.2,10H6.1M19,18H6L7.6,12H20.6L19,18Z",H$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",V$="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",L$="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",M$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",A$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",i$="M15.25,13H17.25L16.75,15H14.75L15.25,13M22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8M20,12H18.5L19,10H18L17.5,12H15.5L16,10H15L14.5,12H13V13H14.25L13.75,15H12V16H13.5L13,18H14L14.5,16H16.5L16,18H17L17.5,16H19V15H17.75L18.25,13H20V12Z",r$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6M19,12V11H17.5L18,9H17L16.5,11H14.5L15,9H14L13.5,11H12V12H13.25L12.75,14H11V15H12.5L12,17H13L13.5,15H15.5L15,17H16L16.5,15H18V14H16.75L17.25,12H19M15.75,14H13.75L14.25,12H16.25L15.75,14Z",a$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M16.8 18H15.3V16.5H16.8V18M16.8 15.8H15.3C15.3 13.4 17.5 13.5 17.5 12C17.5 11.2 16.8 10.5 16 10.5S14.5 11.2 14.5 12H13C13 10.3 14.3 9 16 9S19 10.3 19 12C19 13.9 16.8 14.1 16.8 15.8Z",e$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M19 11.7C19 13.4 17 13.5 17 15H15.7C15.7 12.8 17.7 13 17.7 11.7C17.7 11 17.1 10.4 16.4 10.4C15.7 10.4 15.1 11 15.1 11.7H13.8C13.8 10.2 15 9 16.5 9S19 10.2 19 11.7M17 15.7V17H15.7V15.7H17Z",d$="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M10 4L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13C21 12.38 19.79 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5C12 19 12.06 19.5 12.17 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10Z",m$="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M20 8H4V18H12L12 18.5C12 19 12.06 19.5 12.17 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13C21.39 12.63 20.72 12.34 20 12.17V8Z",t$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",v$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",l$="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M9,4L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.81C19.83,10.69 18.25,10 16.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10,16.5C10,17.79 10.37,19 11,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9Z",o$="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M19,8H3V18H10.17C10.34,18.72 10.63,19.39 11,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.81C20.42,11.26 19.75,10.81 19,10.5V8Z",n$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",Z$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M4 8H20V18H4V8M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15",S$="M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M17.94,17L15,15.28L12.06,17L12.84,13.67L10.25,11.43L13.66,11.14L15,8L16.34,11.14L19.75,11.43L17.16,13.67L17.94,17Z",u$="M2 6H0V20C0 21.11 .895 22 2 22H20V20H2V6M22 4H14L12 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V16C4 17.1 4.89 18 6 18H22C23.11 18 24 17.1 24 16V6C24 4.89 23.11 4 22 4M19.94 15L17 13.27L14.06 15L14.84 11.66L12.25 9.42L15.66 9.13L17 6L18.34 9.13L21.75 9.42L19.16 11.66L19.94 15Z",c$="M2 6V20H20V22H2C.895 22 0 21.11 0 20V6H2M12.78 10.05L15.81 9.79L17 7L18.19 9.79L21.22 10.05L18.92 12.04L19.61 15L17 13.47L14.39 15L15.08 12.04L12.78 10.05M24 6V16C24 17.11 23.11 18 22 18H6C4.9 18 4 17.11 4 16V4C4 2.89 4.9 2 6 2H12L14 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.9 24 6M22 6H6V16H22V6Z",s$="M10.78 12.05L13.81 11.79L15 9L16.19 11.79L19.22 12.05L16.92 14.04L17.61 17L15 15.47L12.39 17L13.08 14.04L10.78 12.05M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8M20 8H4V18H20V8Z",O$="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M15 16V14H9V16L6 13L9 10V12H15V10L18 13Z",h$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M18 13L15 10V12H9V10L6 13L9 16V14H15V16Z",p$="M10,4L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V11.5C21.23,11.18 20.39,11 19.5,11A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 13,17.5C13,18.39 13.18,19.23 13.5,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23Z",f$="M10,4L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V11.5C21.38,11.24 20.7,11.07 20,11V8H4V18H13C13.07,18.7 13.24,19.38 13.5,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L16.72,14.22C16.78,14.17 16.85,14.13 19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L21.28,20.78C21.22,20.83 21.15,20.87 19,23Z",g$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M12 9H15V11H12V9M16 9H19V11H16V9M12 12H15V14H12V12M16 12H19V14H16V12M12 15H15V17H12V15M16 15H19V17H16V15Z",k$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M4 8H20V18H4V8M12 9V11H15V9H12M16 9V11H19V9H16M12 12V14H15V12H12M16 12V14H19V12H16M12 15V17H15V15H12M16 15V17H19V15H16Z",B$="M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M15,16H6V14H15V16M18,12H6V10H18V12Z",P$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M15,16H6V14H15V16M18,12H6V10H18V12Z",w$="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H10L12,6H20M10.75,13H14V17H16V13H19.25L15,8.75",F$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M16 17H14V13H11L15 9L19 13H16Z",T$="M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V17.5L20.96 16.44C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16C11 17.64 11.8 19.09 13.03 20M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",b$="M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V17.5L20.96 16.44C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16C21 14.88 20.62 13.86 20 13.03V8H4V18H11.42C11.77 18.8 12.33 19.5 13.03 20M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",y$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M18 12H16V14H18V16H16V18H14V16H16V14H14V12H16V10H14V8H16V10H18V12Z",R$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M20 18H16V16H14V18H4V8H14V10H16V8H20V18M16 12V10H18V12H16M14 12H16V14H14V12M18 16H16V14H18V16Z",x$="M19.76 2H4.24C3 2 2 3 2 4.24V19.76C2 21 3 22 4.24 22H19.76C21 22 22 21 22 19.76V4.24C22 3 21 2 19.76 2M17.73 14.69C17.73 14.88 17.57 14.96 17.38 15.04C16.64 15.36 15.84 15.65 15 15.65C13.78 15.65 13.22 14.91 11.78 14.91C10.74 14.91 9.65 15.28 8.77 15.68C8.71 15.71 8.66 15.71 8.61 15.73V17.76C8.61 17.84 8.61 17.92 8.58 17.97V18.03C8.47 18.4 8.13 18.67 7.73 18.67C7.22 18.67 6.82 18.26 6.82 17.76V8C6.47 7.73 6.24 7.31 6.24 6.83C6.24 6 6.9 5.33 7.73 5.33C8.56 5.33 9.23 6 9.23 6.83C9.23 7.31 9 7.73 8.64 8V8.83C8.72 8.8 8.8 8.77 8.88 8.72C9.71 8.37 10.7 8.08 11.63 8.08C12.64 8.08 13.44 8.35 14.35 8.69C14.54 8.77 14.72 8.8 14.93 8.8C15.95 8.8 17.07 8.08 17.34 8.08C17.55 8.08 17.74 8.24 17.74 8.43V14.69H17.73Z",D$="M18.06 23H19.72C20.56 23 21.25 22.35 21.35 21.53L23 5.05H18V1H16.03V5.05H11.06L11.36 7.39C13.07 7.86 14.67 8.71 15.63 9.65C17.07 11.07 18.06 12.54 18.06 14.94V23M1 22V21H16.03V22C16.03 22.54 15.58 23 15 23H2C1.45 23 1 22.54 1 22M16.03 15C16.03 7 1 7 1 15H16.03M1 17H16V19H1V17Z",E$="M20,10C22,13 17,22 15,22C13,22 13,21 12,21C11,21 11,22 9,22C7,22 2,13 4,10C6,7 9,7 11,8V5C5.38,8.07 4.11,3.78 4.11,3.78C4.11,3.78 6.77,0.19 11,5V3H13V8C15,7 18,7 20,10Z",N$="M20,10C18.58,7.57 15.5,6.69 13,8V3H11V8C8.5,6.69 5.42,7.57 4,10C2,13 7,22 9,22C11,22 11,21 12,21C13,21 13,22 15,22C17,22 22,13 20,10M18.25,13.38C17.63,15.85 16.41,18.12 14.7,20C14.5,20 14.27,19.9 14.1,19.75C12.87,18.76 11.13,18.76 9.9,19.75C9.73,19.9 9.5,20 9.3,20C7.59,18.13 6.36,15.85 5.75,13.39C5.5,12.66 5.45,11.87 5.66,11.12C6.24,10.09 7.32,9.43 8.5,9.4C9.06,9.41 9.61,9.54 10.11,9.79L11,10.24H13L13.89,9.79C14.39,9.54 14.94,9.41 15.5,9.4C16.68,9.43 17.76,10.08 18.34,11.11C18.55,11.86 18.5,12.65 18.25,13.38M11,5C5.38,8.07 4.11,3.78 4.11,3.78C4.11,3.78 6.77,0.19 11,5Z",W$="M22,19L19,17L22,15V19M15,15L19,9L22,13L18,16L15,15M5,17L2,19V15L5,17M9,15L6,16L2,13L5,9L9,15M14,6L18,8L13,15H11L6,8L10,6H14Z",I$="M20.16 12.73C22.93 9.96 22.57 5.26 19.09 3C17.08 1.67 14.39 1.66 12.36 2.97C10.6 4.1 9.63 5.86 9.46 7.68C9.33 9 8.83 10.23 7.91 11.15L7.88 11.18C6.72 12.34 6.72 14.11 7.81 15.19L8.8 16.18C9.89 17.27 11.66 17.27 12.75 16.18C13.72 15.21 15 14.68 16.39 14.53C17.76 14.38 19.1 13.78 20.16 12.73M6.26 19.86C6.53 20.42 6.44 21.1 5.97 21.56C5.39 22.15 4.44 22.15 3.85 21.56C3.58 21.29 3.44 20.94 3.42 20.58C3.06 20.56 2.71 20.42 2.44 20.15C1.85 19.56 1.85 18.61 2.44 18.03C2.9 17.57 3.59 17.47 4.14 17.74L6.62 15.31C6.76 15.5 6.92 15.72 7.1 15.9L8.09 16.89C8.3 17.09 8.5 17.26 8.76 17.41L6.26 19.86Z",G$="M20.8 22.7L13.6 15.5C13.3 15.7 13 15.9 12.7 16.2C11.6 17.3 9.8 17.3 8.7 16.2L7.7 15.2C6.6 14.1 6.6 12.3 7.8 11.2C8 11 8.2 10.7 8.4 10.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M8.1 16.9L7.1 15.9C6.9 15.7 6.8 15.5 6.6 15.3L4.1 17.7C3.5 17.4 2.9 17.5 2.4 18C1.8 18.6 1.8 19.5 2.4 20.1C2.7 20.4 3 20.5 3.4 20.5C3.4 20.9 3.6 21.2 3.8 21.5C4.4 22.1 5.3 22.1 5.9 21.5C6.4 21 6.5 20.4 6.2 19.8L8.7 17.4C8.5 17.3 8.3 17.1 8.1 16.9M20.2 12.7C23 9.9 22.6 5.2 19.1 3C17.1 1.7 14.4 1.7 12.4 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11,18V16H17.79L20.55,11.23L22.11,12.13L19.87,16H22V18M9,22H2C2,19 2,16 2.33,12.83C2.6,10.3 3.08,7.66 3.6,5H3V3H4L7,3H8V5H7.4C7.92,7.66 8.4,10.3 8.67,12.83C9,16 9,19 9,22Z",MX="M2.28 3L1 4.27L3.31 6.58C2.91 8.7 2.55 10.8 2.33 12.83C2 16 2 19 2 22H9C9 19 9 16 8.67 12.83C8.63 12.5 8.58 12.15 8.54 11.81L12.73 16H11V18C11 20.21 12.79 22 15 22H18C18.23 22 18.45 22 18.67 21.94L19.73 23L21 21.72M4.82 3L7.53 5.71C7.5 5.47 7.45 5.24 7.4 5H8V3H7M20.55 11.23L17.8 16L21.59 19.76C21.86 19.21 22 18.61 22 18V16H19.87L22.11 12.13Z",AX="M16 2A2 2 0 1 1 14 4A2 2 0 0 1 16 2M12.04 3A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 10.54 4.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 12.04 3M9.09 4.5A1 1 0 1 1 8.09 5.5A1 1 0 0 1 9.09 4.5M7.04 6A1 1 0 1 1 6.04 7A1 1 0 0 1 7.04 6M14.53 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 9.24A2.6 2.6 0 0 0 14.39 7H11.91A6 6 0 0 0 6.12 11.4A2 2 0 0 0 6.23 12.8A6.8 6.8 0 0 1 6.91 15.76A6.89 6.89 0 0 1 6.22 18.55A1.92 1.92 0 0 0 6.3 20.31A3.62 3.62 0 0 0 10.19 21.91A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.36 16.63A2.82 2.82 0 0 1 11.91 15S11.68 12 14.53 12Z",iX="M8.39 21L3 15.61C3 16.7 3.04 17.71 3.2 18.63C3.35 19.55 3.5 20.1 3.71 20.29C3.9 20.5 4.44 20.65 5.35 20.81S7.27 21 8.39 21M15.5 9.89L9.89 15.5L8.5 14.11L14.11 8.5L15.5 9.89M3.29 13.08L10.92 20.71C13.7 20.21 15.9 19.15 17.53 17.53C19.15 15.9 20.21 13.7 20.71 10.92L13.08 3.29C10.3 3.79 8.1 4.85 6.47 6.47S3.79 10.3 3.29 13.08M15.61 3L21 8.39C21 7.3 20.96 6.29 20.81 5.37C20.65 4.45 20.5 3.9 20.29 3.71C20.1 3.5 19.56 3.35 18.65 3.2S16.73 3 15.61 3Z",rX="M7.5,7.5C9.17,5.87 11.29,4.69 13.37,4.18C18,3 21,6 19.82,10.63C19.31,12.71 18.13,14.83 16.5,16.5C14.83,18.13 12.71,19.31 10.63,19.82C6,21 3,18 4.18,13.37C4.69,11.29 5.87,9.17 7.5,7.5M10.62,11.26L10.26,11.62L12.38,13.74L12.74,13.38L10.62,11.26M11.62,10.26L11.26,10.62L13.38,12.74L13.74,12.38L11.62,10.26M9.62,12.26L9.26,12.62L11.38,14.74L11.74,14.38L9.62,12.26M12.63,9.28L12.28,9.63L14.4,11.75L14.75,11.4L12.63,9.28M8.63,13.28L8.28,13.63L10.4,15.75L10.75,15.4L8.63,13.28M13.63,8.28L13.28,8.63L15.4,10.75L15.75,10.4L13.63,8.28Z",aX="M13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12M13.5,3C18.19,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,12.62 22,14 21.09,16C17,16 16,20 12.5,20C10.32,20 9.27,18.28 9.05,16H9L8.24,16L6.96,20.3C6.81,20.79 6.33,21.08 5.84,21H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,14H6.75L7.23,12.39C6.72,12.14 6.13,12 5.5,12H5.07L5,11C5,6.58 8.81,3 13.5,3M5,16V19H5.26L6.15,16H5Z",eX="M16 12L9 2L2 12H3.86L0 18H7V22H11V18H18L14.14 12H16M20.14 12H22L15 2L12.61 5.41L17.92 13H15.97L19.19 18H24L20.14 12M13 19H17V22H13V19Z",dX="M19.19 18H24L20.14 12H22L15 2L12.61 5.41L17.92 13H15.97L19.19 18M16 12L9 2L2 12H3.86L0 18H7V22H11V18H18L14.14 12H16M12.16 10H10.5L14.34 16H3.67L7.53 10H5.84L9 5.5L12.16 10M13 19V22H17V19H13Z",mX="M6,4V11H4C2.89,11 2,11.89 2,13V17A3,3 0 0,0 5,20A3,3 0 0,0 8,17H10A3,3 0 0,0 13,20A3,3 0 0,0 16,17V13L12,4H6M17,5V19H22V17.5H18.5V5H17M7.5,5.5H11.2L14.5,13H7.5V5.5M5,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,15.5M13,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,15.5Z",tX="M17 5H20L18.5 7L17 5M3 2H21C22.11 2 23 2.9 23 4V8C23 9.11 22.11 10 21 10H16V20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22H3C1.9 22 1 21.11 1 20V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2M3 4V8H14V4H3M21 8V4H16V8H21M3 20H14V10H3V20M5 12H12V14H5V12M5 16H12V18H5V16Z",vX="M15 5H18L16.5 7L15 5M5 2H19C20.11 2 21 2.9 21 4V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M5 4V8H19V4H5M5 20H19V10H5V20M7 12H17V14H7V12M7 16H17V18H7V16Z",lX="M13 9H4V23H2V7H13M23 9V7H17V5A1 1 0 0 1 18 4H20V2H17.5C17 2 16 2.45 16 3C16 2.45 15.05 2 14.5 2H12V4H14A1 1 0 0 1 15 5V19A1 1 0 0 1 14 20H12V22H14.5C15.05 22 16 21.55 16 21C16 21.55 16.95 22 17.5 22H20V20H18A1 1 0 0 1 17 19V9Z",oX="M17,7H22V17H17V19A1,1 0 0,0 18,20H20V22H17.5C16.95,22 16,21.55 16,21C16,21.55 15.05,22 14.5,22H12V20H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 14,4H12V2H14.5C15.05,2 16,2.45 16,3C16,2.45 16.95,2 17.5,2H20V4H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,5V7M2,7H13V9H4V15H13V17H2V7M20,15V9H17V15H20Z",nX="M2 7H6V9H4V15H6V17H2V7M10 7H22V12C21.42 11.56 20.74 11.25 20 11.1V9H10V15H14.25C13.56 15 13 15.56 13 16.25V17H10V19C10 19.55 10.45 20 11 20H13V22H10.5C9.95 22 9 21.55 9 21C9 21.55 8.05 22 7.5 22H5V20H7C7.55 20 8 19.55 8 19V5C8 4.45 7.55 4 7 4H5V2H7.5C8.05 2 9 2.45 9 3C9 2.45 9.95 2 10.5 2H13V4H11C10.45 4 10 4.45 10 5V7M21.8 17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17M20.5 17V15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5Z",ZX="M17,7H22V17H17V19A1,1 0 0,0 18,20H20V22H17.5C16.95,22 16,21.55 16,21C16,21.55 15.05,22 14.5,22H12V20H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 14,4H12V2H14.5C15.05,2 16,2.45 16,3C16,2.45 16.95,2 17.5,2H20V4H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,5V7M2,7H13V9H4V15H13V17H2V7M20,15V9H17V15H20M8.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,12M13,10.89C12.39,10.33 11.44,10.38 10.88,11C10.32,11.6 10.37,12.55 11,13.11C11.55,13.63 12.43,13.63 13,13.11V10.89Z",SX="M13,9L15.5,6.5L16.92,7.92L12,12.84L7.08,7.92L8.5,6.5L11,9V3H13V9M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H13V21H3V19Z",uX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M7,7H17V9H7V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M7,15H17V17H7V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",cX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H21V9H3V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",sX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H15V9H3V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,15H15V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",OX="M13,6L15,4L16.42,5.42L12,9.84L7.58,5.42L9,4L11,6V2H13V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M13,18V22H11V18L9,20L7.58,18.58L12,14.16L16.42,18.58L15,20L13,18Z",hX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M9,7H21V9H9V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M9,15H21V17H9V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",pX="M13,15L15.5,17.5L16.92,16.08L12,11.16L7.08,16.08L8.5,17.5L11,15V21H13V15M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H13V9H3V7Z",fX="M10.5,7H8.5L3,21H5.2L6.3,18H12.5L13.6,21H16L10.5,7M7.1,16L9.5,9.7L11.9,16H7.1M22,7H14V5H22V7Z",gX="M8.5,7H10.5L16,21H13.6L12.5,18H6.3L5.2,21H3L8.5,7M7.1,16H11.9L9.5,9.7L7.1,16M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",kX="M13.5,15.5H10V12.5H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,15.5M10,6.5H13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,9.5H10M15.6,10.79C16.57,10.11 17.25,9 17.25,8C17.25,5.74 15.5,4 13.25,4H7V18H14.04C16.14,18 17.75,16.3 17.75,14.21C17.75,12.69 16.89,11.39 15.6,10.79Z",BX="M6,5V5.18L8.82,8H11.22L10.5,9.68L12.6,11.78L14.21,8H20V5H6M3.27,5L2,6.27L8.97,13.24L6.5,19H9.5L11.07,15.34L16.73,21L18,19.73L3.55,5.27L3.27,5Z",PX="M19,11.5C19,11.5 17,13.67 17,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 21,15C21,13.67 19,11.5 19,11.5M5.21,10L10,5.21L14.79,10M16.56,8.94L7.62,0L6.21,1.41L8.59,3.79L3.44,8.94C2.85,9.5 2.85,10.47 3.44,11.06L8.94,16.56C9.23,16.85 9.62,17 10,17C10.38,17 10.77,16.85 11.06,16.56L16.56,11.06C17.15,10.47 17.15,9.5 16.56,8.94Z",wX="M4,17L6.75,14.25L6.72,14.23C6.14,13.64 6.14,12.69 6.72,12.11L11.46,7.37L15.7,11.61L10.96,16.35C10.39,16.93 9.46,16.93 8.87,16.37L8.24,17H4M15.91,2.91C16.5,2.33 17.45,2.33 18.03,2.91L20.16,5.03C20.74,5.62 20.74,6.57 20.16,7.16L16.86,10.45L12.62,6.21L15.91,2.91Z",FX="M16.5 8C14 8 12 10 12 12.5S14 17 16.5 17 21 15 21 12.5 19 8 16.5 8M16.5 15.5C14.8 15.5 13.5 14.2 13.5 12.5C13.5 11.9 13.7 11.4 13.9 11L18 15.1C17.6 15.3 17.1 15.5 16.5 15.5M19.1 14L15 9.9C15.4 9.6 15.9 9.5 16.5 9.5C18.2 9.5 19.5 10.8 19.5 12.5C19.5 13.1 19.3 13.6 19.1 14M12.1 7.7L10.6 6.2L13.9 2.9C14.5 2.3 15.4 2.3 16 2.9L18.2 5C18.6 5.4 18.7 5.8 18.6 6.3C18 6.1 17.3 6 16.6 6C14.8 6 13.3 6.7 12.1 7.7M10.5 14.9L9 16.3C8.4 16.9 7.5 16.9 6.9 16.3L6.2 17H2L4.8 14.2C4.2 13.6 4.2 12.7 4.8 12.1L9.5 7.4L11.1 9C10.4 10 10 11.2 10 12.5C10 13.3 10.2 14.1 10.5 14.9Z",TX="M9.62,12L12,5.67L14.37,12M11,3L5.5,17H7.75L8.87,14H15.12L16.25,17H18.5L13,3H11Z",bX="M3,3H11V5H3V3M13,3H21V5H13V3M3,7H11V9H3V7M13,7H21V9H13V7M3,11H11V13H3V11M13,11H21V13H13V11M3,15H11V17H3V15M13,15H21V17H13V15M3,19H11V21H3V19M13,19H21V21H13V19Z",yX="M9,7H15V13H9V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H17V21H3V19Z",RX="M3,7H9V13H3V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,7V9H11V7H21M21,11V13H11V11H21M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",xX="M3,7H9V13H3V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,11V13H11V11H21M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",DX="M15,7H21V13H15V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M13,7V9H3V7H13M9,11V13H3V11H9M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",EX="M17,8H20V20H21V21H17V20H18V17H14L12.5,20H14V21H10V20H11L17,8M18,9L14.5,16H18V9M5,3H10C11.11,3 12,3.89 12,5V16H9V11H6V16H3V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M6,5V9H9V5H6Z",NX="M5.12,14L7.5,7.67L9.87,14M6.5,5L1,19H3.25L4.37,16H10.62L11.75,19H14L8.5,5H6.5M18,17L23,11.93L21.59,10.5L19,13.1V7H17V13.1L14.41,10.5L13,11.93L18,17Z",WX="M5.12,14L7.5,7.67L9.87,14M6.5,5L1,19H3.25L4.37,16H10.62L11.75,19H14L8.5,5H6.5M18,7L13,12.07L14.41,13.5L17,10.9V17H19V10.9L21.59,13.5L23,12.07L18,7Z",IX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M14,18V16H16V6.31L13.5,7.75V5.44L16,4H18V16H20V18H14Z",GX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M21,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16C13,15.47 13.2,15 13.54,14.64L18.41,9.41C18.78,9.05 19,8.55 19,8A2,2 0 0,0 17,6A2,2 0 0,0 15,8H13A4,4 0 0,1 17,4A4,4 0 0,1 21,8C21,9.1 20.55,10.1 19.83,10.83L15,16H21V18Z",QX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V15H15V16H19V12H15V10H19V6H15V7H13V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4Z",UX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M18,18V13H13V11L18,4H20V11H21V13H20V18H18M18,11V7.42L15.45,11H18Z",zX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H20V6H15V10H17A4,4 0 0,1 21,14A4,4 0 0,1 17,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V15H15V16H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 17,12H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,10V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4Z",_X="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V7H19V6H15V10H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,12V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4M15,12V16H19V12H15Z",KX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M20.42,7.41L16.83,11L20.42,14.59L19,16L14,11L19,6L20.42,7.41Z",jX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M14,10V8H21V10H14M14,12H21V14H14V12Z",qX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M14.59,7.41L18.17,11L14.59,14.59L16,16L21,11L16,6L14.59,7.41Z",$X="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M13,8H15.31L15.63,5H17.63L17.31,8H19.31L19.63,5H21.63L21.31,8H23V10H21.1L20.9,12H23V14H20.69L20.37,17H18.37L18.69,14H16.69L16.37,17H14.37L14.69,14H13V12H14.9L15.1,10H13V8M17.1,10L16.9,12H18.9L19.1,10H17.1Z",XX="M19,16V13H23V11H19V8L15,12L19,16M5,8V11H1V13H5V16L9,12L5,8M11,20H13V4H11V20Z",YX="M11,16V13H21V11H11V8L7,12L11,16M3,20H5V4H3V20Z",JX="M13,8V11H3V13H13V16L17,12L13,8M19,20H21V4H19V20Z",CY="M11,13H21V11H11M11,9H21V7H11M3,3V5H21V3M3,21H21V19H3M3,12L7,16V8M11,17H21V15H11V17Z",HY="M11,13H21V11H11M11,9H21V7H11M3,3V5H21V3M11,17H21V15H11M3,8V16L7,12M3,21H21V19H3V21Z",VY="M10,4V7H12.21L8.79,15H6V18H14V15H11.79L15.21,7H18V4H10Z",LY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6Z",MY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6M22,20V22H14.5V20H22Z",AY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6M2,20H13V22H2V20Z",iY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M20 14V18H2V20H22V14Z",rY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M20 14V18H4V15H2V20H22V14Z",aY="M14.4 10.7H18.5L16.5 5.3L14.4 10.7M15.6 3H17.3L22 15H20.1L19.1 12.4H13.7L12.7 15H10.8L15.6 3M11.2 3H13.1L8.4 15H6.7L2 3H3.9L7.5 12.7M19 22V20H5V22L2 19L5 16V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",eY="M22 3V21H20V3H22M4 3V21H2V3H4M10 13.7H14L12 8.3L10 13.7M11.2 6H12.9L17.6 18H15.6L14.7 15.4H9.4L8.5 18H6.5L11.2 6Z",dY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M4 18V15H2V20H22V18Z",mY="M21 22H3V20H21V22M21 4H3V2H21V4M10 13.7H14L12 8.3L10 13.7M11.2 6H12.9L17.6 18H15.6L14.7 15.4H9.4L8.5 18H6.5L11.2 6Z",tY="M10,13H22V11H10M10,19H22V17H10M10,7H22V5H10M6,7H8.5L5,3.5L1.5,7H4V17H1.5L5,20.5L8.5,17H6V7Z",vY="M3,16H8V14H3V16M9.5,16H14.5V14H9.5V16M16,16H21V14H16V16M3,20H5V18H3V20M7,20H9V18H7V20M11,20H13V18H11V20M15,20H17V18H15V20M19,20H21V18H19V20M3,12H11V10H3V12M13,12H21V10H13V12M3,4V8H21V4H3Z",lY="M3,17H21V15H3V17M3,20H21V19H3V20M3,13H21V10H3V13M3,4V8H21V4H3Z",oY="M7,5H21V7H7V5M7,13V11H21V13H7M4,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,4.5M4,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,10.5M7,19V17H21V19H7M4,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,16.5Z",nY="M3,4H7V8H3V4M9,5V7H21V5H9M3,10H7V14H3V10M9,11V13H21V11H9M3,16H7V20H3V16M9,17V19H21V17H9",ZY="M5,15.5L7.5,20H2.5L5,15.5M9,19H21V17H9V19M5,9.5L7.5,14H2.5L5,9.5M9,13H21V11H9V13M5,3.5L7.5,8H2.5L5,3.5M9,7H21V5H9V7Z",SY="M5,9.5L7.5,14H2.5L5,9.5M3,4H7V8H3V4M5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20M9,5V7H21V5H9M9,19H21V17H9V19M9,13H21V11H9V13Z",uY="M21,19V17H8V19H21M21,13V11H8V13H21M8,7H21V5H8V7M4,5V7H6V5H4M3,5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5V7A1,1 0 0,1 6,8H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,7V5M4,11V13H6V11H4M3,11A1,1 0 0,1 4,10H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,11V13A1,1 0 0,1 6,14H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,13V11M4,17V19H6V17H4M3,17A1,1 0 0,1 4,16H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,17V19A1,1 0 0,1 6,20H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V17Z",cY="M3,5H9V11H3V5M5,7V9H7V7H5M11,7H21V9H11V7M11,15H21V17H11V15M5,20L1.5,16.5L2.91,15.09L5,17.17L9.59,12.59L11,14L5,20Z",sY="M5 5V19H7V21H3V3H7V5H5M20 7H7V9H20V7M20 11H7V13H20V11M20 15H7V17H20V15Z",OY="M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M20 11V12.3C19.4 12.1 18.7 12 18 12C16.8 12 15.6 12.4 14.7 13H7V11H20M12.1 17H7V15H12.8C12.5 15.6 12.2 16.3 12.1 17M7 7H20V9H7V7M5 19H7V21H3V3H7V5H5V19Z",hY="M7,13V11H21V13H7M7,19V17H21V19H7M7,7V5H21V7H7M3,8V5H2V4H4V8H3M2,17V16H5V20H2V19H4V18.5H3V17.5H4V17H2M4.25,10A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5,10.75C5,10.95 4.92,11.14 4.79,11.27L3.12,13H5V14H2V13.08L4,11H2V10H4.25Z",pY="M3,13V11H17V13H3M3,19V17H17V19H3M3,7V5H17V7H3M20,8V5H19V4H21V8H20M19,17V16H22V20H19V19H21V18.5H20V17.5H21V17H19M21.25,10C21.67,10 22,10.34 22,10.75C22,10.95 21.92,11.14 21.79,11.27L20.12,13H22V14H19V13.08L21,11H19V10H21.25Z",fY="M2 14H8V20H2M16 8H10V10H16M2 10H8V4H2M10 4V6H22V4M10 20H16V18H10M10 16H22V14H10",gY="M5,5H19V3H5V5M9.62,16L12,9.67L14.37,16M11,7L5.5,21H7.75L8.87,18H15.12L16.25,21H18.5L13,7H11Z",kY="M18,20H6V18H4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V18H18V20M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V12H6V4H14V8H18V12H20V8L14,2M11,16H8V14H11V16M16,16H13V14H16V16M3,14H6V16H3V14M21,16H18V14H21V16Z",BY="M11 11V7H13V11H11M13 1V5H11V1H13M11 17V13H13V17H11M9 20H6V4H9V2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H9V20M15 3V8H18V20H15V22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L15 3M13 19H11V23H13V19Z",PY="M18,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 17,2H5A1,1 0 0,0 4,3V7A1,1 0 0,0 5,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,7V6H19V10H9V21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,21V12H21V4H18Z",wY="M13,4A4,4 0 0,1 17,8A4,4 0 0,1 13,12H11V18H9V4H13M13,10A2,2 0 0,0 15,8A2,2 0 0,0 13,6H11V10H13Z",FY="M3 17H21V19H3V17M3 2H21V4H3V2M3 20H21V22H3V20M13 8H15L12 5L9 8H11V13H9L12 16L15 13H13V8Z",TY="M10,11A4,4 0 0,1 6,7A4,4 0 0,1 10,3H18V5H16V21H14V5H12V21H10V11Z",bY="M8,17V14L4,18L8,22V19H20V17M10,10V15H12V4H14V15H16V4H18V2H10A4,4 0 0,0 6,6A4,4 0 0,0 10,10Z",yY="M21,18L17,14V17H5V19H17V22M9,10V15H11V4H13V15H15V4H17V2H9A4,4 0 0,0 5,6A4,4 0 0,0 9,10Z",RY="M14,17H17L19,13V7H13V13H16M6,17H9L11,13V7H5V13H8L6,17Z",xY="M13 6V14H14.88L12.88 18H18.62L21 13.24V6M15 8H19V12.76L17.38 16H16.12L18.12 12H15M3 6V14H4.88L2.88 18H8.62L11 13.24V6M5 8H9V12.76L7.38 16H6.12L8.12 12H5Z",DY="M10,7L8,11H11V17H5V11L7,7H10M18,7L16,11H19V17H13V11L15,7H18Z",EY="M11 18V10H9.12L11.12 6H5.38L3 10.76V18M9 16H5V11.24L6.62 8H7.88L5.88 12H9M21 18V10H19.12L21.12 6H15.38L13 10.76V18M19 16H15V11.24L16.62 8H17.88L15.88 12H19Z",NY="M7.34,6.41L0.86,12.9L7.35,19.38L13.84,12.9L7.34,6.41M3.69,12.9L7.35,9.24L11,12.9L7.34,16.56L3.69,12.9M19.36,6.64C17.61,4.88 15.3,4 13,4V0.76L8.76,5L13,9.24V6C14.79,6 16.58,6.68 17.95,8.05C20.68,10.78 20.68,15.22 17.95,17.95C16.58,19.32 14.79,20 13,20C12.03,20 11.06,19.79 10.16,19.39L8.67,20.88C10,21.62 11.5,22 13,22C15.3,22 17.61,21.12 19.36,19.36C22.88,15.85 22.88,10.15 19.36,6.64Z",WY="M15.67,4.42C14.7,3.84 13.58,3.54 12.45,3.56C10.87,3.56 9.66,4.34 9.66,5.56C9.66,6.96 11,7.47 13,8.14C15.5,8.95 17.4,9.97 17.4,12.38C17.36,13.69 16.69,14.89 15.6,15.61C16.25,16.22 16.61,17.08 16.6,17.97C16.6,20.79 14,21.97 11.5,21.97C10.04,22.03 8.59,21.64 7.35,20.87L8,19.34C9.04,20.05 10.27,20.43 11.53,20.44C13.25,20.44 14.53,19.66 14.53,18.24C14.53,17 13.75,16.31 11.25,15.45C8.5,14.5 6.6,13.5 6.6,11.21C6.67,9.89 7.43,8.69 8.6,8.07C7.97,7.5 7.61,6.67 7.6,5.81C7.6,3.45 9.77,2 12.53,2C13.82,2 15.09,2.29 16.23,2.89L15.67,4.42M11.35,13.42C12.41,13.75 13.44,14.18 14.41,14.71C15.06,14.22 15.43,13.45 15.41,12.64C15.41,11.64 14.77,10.76 13,10.14C11.89,9.77 10.78,9.31 9.72,8.77C8.97,9.22 8.5,10.03 8.5,10.91C8.5,11.88 9.23,12.68 11.35,13.42Z",IY="M2 4V7H7V19H10V7H15V4H2M21 9H12V12H15V19H18V12H21V9Z",GY="M3,14H21V12H3M5,4V7H10V10H14V7H19V4M10,19H14V16H10V19Z",QY="M7.2 9.8C6 7.5 7.7 4.8 10.1 4.3C13.2 3.3 17.7 4.7 17.6 8.5H14.6C14.6 8.2 14.5 7.9 14.5 7.7C14.3 7.1 13.9 6.8 13.3 6.6C12.5 6.3 11.2 6.4 10.5 6.9C9 8.2 10.4 9.5 12 10H7.4C7.3 9.9 7.3 9.8 7.2 9.8M21 13V11H3V13H12.6C12.8 13.1 13 13.1 13.2 13.2C13.8 13.5 14.3 13.7 14.5 14.3C14.6 14.7 14.7 15.2 14.5 15.6C14.3 16.1 13.9 16.3 13.4 16.5C11.6 17 9.4 16.3 9.5 14.1H6.5C6.4 16.7 8.6 18.5 11 18.8C14.8 19.6 19.3 17.2 17.3 12.9L21 13Z",UY="M16,7.41L11.41,12L16,16.59L14.59,18L10,13.41L5.41,18L4,16.59L8.59,12L4,7.41L5.41,6L10,10.59L14.59,6L16,7.41M21.85,21.03H16.97V20.03L17.86,19.23C18.62,18.58 19.18,18.04 19.56,17.6C19.93,17.16 20.12,16.75 20.13,16.36C20.14,16.08 20.05,15.85 19.86,15.66C19.68,15.5 19.39,15.38 19,15.38C18.69,15.38 18.42,15.44 18.16,15.56L17.5,15.94L17.05,14.77C17.32,14.56 17.64,14.38 18.03,14.24C18.42,14.1 18.85,14 19.32,14C20.1,14.04 20.7,14.25 21.1,14.66C21.5,15.07 21.72,15.59 21.72,16.23C21.71,16.79 21.53,17.31 21.18,17.78C20.84,18.25 20.42,18.7 19.91,19.14L19.27,19.66V19.68H21.85V21.03Z",zY="M16,7.41L11.41,12L16,16.59L14.59,18L10,13.41L5.41,18L4,16.59L8.59,12L4,7.41L5.41,6L10,10.59L14.59,6L16,7.41M21.85,9H16.97V8L17.86,7.18C18.62,6.54 19.18,6 19.56,5.55C19.93,5.11 20.12,4.7 20.13,4.32C20.14,4.04 20.05,3.8 19.86,3.62C19.68,3.43 19.39,3.34 19,3.33C18.69,3.34 18.42,3.4 18.16,3.5L17.5,3.89L17.05,2.72C17.32,2.5 17.64,2.33 18.03,2.19C18.42,2.05 18.85,2 19.32,2C20.1,2 20.7,2.2 21.1,2.61C21.5,3 21.72,3.54 21.72,4.18C21.71,4.74 21.53,5.26 21.18,5.73C20.84,6.21 20.42,6.66 19.91,7.09L19.27,7.61V7.63H21.85V9Z",_Y="M18.5,4L19.66,8.35L18.7,8.61C18.25,7.74 17.79,6.87 17.26,6.43C16.73,6 16.11,6 15.5,6H13V16.5C13,17 13,17.5 13.33,17.75C13.67,18 14.33,18 15,18V19H9V18C9.67,18 10.33,18 10.67,17.75C11,17.5 11,17 11,16.5V6H8.5C7.89,6 7.27,6 6.74,6.43C6.21,6.87 5.75,7.74 5.3,8.61L4.34,8.35L5.5,4H18.5Z",KY="M14.25 21H10.03L11.44 19.59L2.58 10.73L4.03 9.33L12.84 18.19L14.25 16.78M12.61 8L15.23 10.64L17.43 5.77M19.41 4.92L14.95 16.03L13.5 14.58L14.39 12.38L10.88 8.81L8.68 9.75L7.22 8.25L18.33 3.84Z",jY="M20.58 9.33V13.55L19.17 12.14L10.31 21L8.91 19.59L17.72 10.73L16.31 9.33M7.59 11L10.22 8.39L5.34 6.14M4.5 4.22L15.61 8.63L14.16 10.13L11.96 9.19L8.39 12.75L9.33 14.91L7.83 16.41L3.42 5.25Z",qY="M6,19.73L3,16.73H5V4.27H7V16.73H9L6,19.73M14,9.38V13.13L19.03,11.25L14,9.38M21,12L10,16.73V14.67L12.19,13.73V8.77L10,7.83V5.77L21,10.5V12Z",$Y="M15.25 4H13.75L9 15H11.1L12 12.8H17L17.9 15H20L15.25 4M12.63 11L14.5 6L16.37 11H12.63M5 17.5L8 14.5H6V2H4V14.5H2L5 17.5M22 20L19 17V19H6.5V21H19V23L22 20Z",XY="M20.5,18L17.5,21V19H5V17H17.5V15L20.5,18M10.13,10H13.88L12,4.97L10.13,10M12.75,3L17.5,14H15.42L14.5,11.81H9.5L8.58,14H6.5L11.25,3H12.75Z",YY="M3 12V13.5L14 18.25V16.15L11.8 15.25V10.25L14 9.35V7.25L3 12M10 14.62L5 12.75L10 10.88V14.62M18 4.25L15 7.25H17V19.75H19V7.25H21L18 4.25Z",JY="M15.75 5H14.25L9.5 16H11.6L12.5 13.8H17.5L18.4 16H20.5L15.75 5M13.13 12L15 7L16.87 12H13.13M6 19.75L9 16.75H7V4.25H5V16.75H3L6 19.75Z",CJ="M9.6,14L12,7.7L14.4,14M11,5L5.5,19H7.7L8.8,16H15L16.1,19H18.3L13,5H11Z",HJ="M11 3C10.18 3 9.44 3.5 9.14 4.27L3.64 18.27C3.12 19.58 4.09 21 5.5 21H7.75C8.59 21 9.33 20.5 9.62 19.7L10.26 18H13.74L14.38 19.7C14.67 20.5 15.42 21 16.25 21H18.5C19.91 21 20.88 19.58 20.36 18.27L14.86 4.27C14.56 3.5 13.82 3 13 3M11 5H13L18.5 19H16.25L15.12 16H8.87L7.75 19H5.5M12 7.67L9.62 14H14.37Z",VJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M17,3V11H9V13H17V21H19V3H17Z",LJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M14,3H12V9H14V3M14,15H12V21H14V15M19,12L16,9V11H9V13H16V15L19,12Z",MJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M19,3H17V21H19V3M13,8H9V10H12.97C13.14,10 14,10.16 14,12C14,13.84 13.14,14 13,14H11V12L8,15L11,18V16H13C14.04,16 16,15.16 16,12C16,8.84 14.04,8 13,8Z",AJ="M21,7V3H17V4H7V3H3V7H4V17H3V21H7V20H17V21H21V17H20V7H21M18,4H20V6H18V4M4,4H6V6H4V4M6,20H4V18H6V20M20,20H18V18H20V20M18,17H17V18H7V17H6V7H7V6H17V7H18V17M16,8V10H13V16H11V10H8V8H16Z",iJ="M5,4V7H10.5V19H13.5V7H19V4H5Z",rJ="M5,21H19V19H5V21M12,17A6,6 0 0,0 18,11V3H15.5V11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,11V3H6V11A6,6 0 0,0 12,17Z",aJ="M12 17C15.31 17 18 14.31 18 11V3H15.5V11C15.5 12.93 13.93 14.5 12 14.5S8.5 12.93 8.5 11V3H6V11C6 14.31 8.69 17 12 17M20 22C18.6 22 17.8 21.3 17.3 20.7C16.8 20.2 16.6 20 16 20S15.2 20.2 14.7 20.7C14.2 21.3 13.4 22 12 22S9.8 21.3 9.3 20.7C8.8 20.2 8.6 20 8 20S7.2 20.2 6.7 20.7C6.2 21.3 5.4 22 4 22V20C4.6 20 4.8 19.8 5.3 19.3C5.8 18.7 6.6 18 8 18S10.2 18.7 10.7 19.3C11.2 19.8 11.4 20 12 20S12.8 19.8 13.3 19.3C13.8 18.7 14.6 18 16 18S18.2 18.7 18.7 19.3C19.2 19.8 19.4 20 20 20V22Z",eJ="M16,13H13V3H11V13H8L12,17L16,13M4,19V21H20V19H4Z",dJ="M8,19H11V23H13V19H16L12,15L8,19M16,5H13V1H11V5H8L12,9L16,5M4,11V13H20V11H4Z",mJ="M8,11H11V21H13V11H16L12,7L8,11M4,3V5H20V3H4Z",tJ="M8,7L13,17H3L8,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,15V17H14V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",vJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H6V9H3V7M21,7V9H18V7H21M3,11H6V13H3V11M21,11V13H18V11H21M3,15H6V17H3V15M21,15V17H18V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",lJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H9V9H3V7M21,7V9H15V7H21M3,11H7V13H3V11M21,11V13H17V11H21M3,15H6V17H3V15M21,15V17H18V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",oJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",nJ="M17,12V3A1,1 0 0,0 16,2H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,3V17L6,13H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,12M21,6H19V15H6V17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H18L22,22V7A1,1 0 0,0 21,6Z",ZJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",SJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",uJ="M15,4V11H5.17L4,12.17V4H15M16,2H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,3V17L6,13H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V3A1,1 0 0,0 16,2M21,6H19V15H6V17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H18L22,22V7A1,1 0 0,0 21,6Z",cJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",sJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",OJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46Z",hJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46Z",pJ="M12,8V4L20,12L12,20V16H4V8H12Z",fJ="M19,13H3V11H19L15,7L16.4,5.6L22.8,12L16.4,18.4L15,17L19,13M3,6H13V8H3V6M13,16V18H3V16H13Z",gJ="M7.5,2C4.47,2 2,4.46 2,7.5V7.5L2,8H4V7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 7.5,4C9,4 10.26,4.93 10.76,6.24C10.37,6.08 9.95,6 9.5,6C8.11,6 6.9,6.82 6.34,8L8.08,9C8.29,8.42 8.85,8 9.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,9.5V11H13V9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8C15.16,8 15.71,8.42 15.92,9L17.66,8C17.1,6.82 15.9,6 14.5,6C14.05,6 13.63,6.08 13.24,6.24C13.74,4.93 15,4 16.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 20,7.5V8H22V7.5H22A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,2C14.64,2 13,2.93 12,4.34C11,2.93 9.36,2 7.5,2M6,12V14H7.42C7.92,15.15 8.85,16.07 10,16.57C10,17.38 10,18.19 10,19H2C2,19 2.82,20.23 3.41,21.11C3.78,21.67 4.4,22 5.07,22H18.93C19.6,22 20.22,21.67 20.59,21.11L22,19H14C14,18.19 14,17.38 14,16.57C15.15,16.07 16.08,15.15 16.58,14H18V12H6Z",kJ="M6.95,14.93L11.19,9.27L19.68,2.2C20.07,1.81 20.72,1.81 21.09,2.2L21.8,2.91C22.19,3.28 22.19,3.93 21.8,4.32L14.73,12.81L9.07,17.05L6.95,14.93M8.36,17.76L6.24,15.64L3.41,17.05L2,21.29L4.12,19.17C4.32,19 4.63,19 4.83,19.17C5,19.37 5,19.68 4.83,19.88L2.71,22L6.95,20.59L8.36,17.76Z",BJ="M15.54,3.5L20.5,8.47L19.07,9.88L14.12,4.93L15.54,3.5M3.5,19.78L10,13.31C9.9,13 9.97,12.61 10.23,12.35C10.62,11.96 11.26,11.96 11.65,12.35C12.04,12.75 12.04,13.38 11.65,13.77C11.39,14.03 11,14.1 10.69,14L4.22,20.5L14.83,16.95L18.36,10.59L13.42,5.64L7.05,9.17L3.5,19.78Z",PJ="M5.79 21.61L4.21 20.39L18.21 2.39L19.79 3.61L5.79 21.61M4 2V4H6V12H8V2H4M15 12V14H19V16H17C15.9 16 15 16.9 15 18V22H21V20H17V18H19C20.11 18 21 17.11 21 16V14C21 12.9 20.11 12 19 12H15Z",wJ="M2.69,2C3.54,1.95 6.08,3.16 6.13,3.19C4.84,4 3.74,5.09 2.91,6.38C2.09,4.81 1.34,2.91 2,2.25C2.17,2.08 2.4,2 2.69,2M20.84,2.13C21.25,2.08 21.58,2.14 21.78,2.34C22.85,3.42 19.88,8.15 19.38,8.66C18.87,9.16 17.57,8.7 16.5,7.63C15.43,6.55 14.97,5.26 15.47,4.75C15.88,4.34 19.09,2.3 20.84,2.13M12,2.56C13.29,2.56 14.53,2.82 15.66,3.28C15.17,3.6 14.81,3.85 14.69,3.97C13.7,4.96 14.14,6.83 15.72,8.41C16.7,9.38 17.84,9.97 18.78,9.97C19.46,9.97 19.92,9.68 20.16,9.44C20.33,9.27 20.6,8.88 20.91,8.41C21.42,9.59 21.69,10.88 21.69,12.25C21.69,17.61 17.36,21.97 12,21.97C6.64,21.97 2.31,17.61 2.31,12.25C2.31,6.89 6.64,2.56 12,2.56Z",FJ="M18 11V6H15V4H12V2H8V5H6V11H5L7 22H17L19 11H18M15.86 11C15.7 11.61 15.4 12.16 15 12.62V8.62L17 9.62V11H15.86M17 7V8.5L15 7.5V7H17M12 5H14V8.5L12 9.5V5M12 10.62L14 9.62V13.45C13.41 13.8 12.73 14 12 14V10.62M11 13.86C10.21 13.65 9.5 13.22 9 12.62V9.62L11 8.62V13.86M9 3H11V7.5L10 8V5H9V3M7 6H9V8.5L8 9V11H7V6Z",TJ="M18,15H6L2,19V3A1,1 0 0,1 3,2H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,3V14A1,1 0 0,1 18,15M23,9V23L19,19H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,18V17H21V8H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,9M8.19,4C7.32,4 6.62,4.2 6.08,4.59C5.56,5 5.3,5.57 5.31,6.36L5.32,6.39H7.25C7.26,6.09 7.35,5.86 7.53,5.7C7.71,5.55 7.93,5.47 8.19,5.47C8.5,5.47 8.76,5.57 8.94,5.75C9.12,5.94 9.2,6.2 9.2,6.5C9.2,6.82 9.13,7.09 8.97,7.32C8.83,7.55 8.62,7.75 8.36,7.91C7.85,8.25 7.5,8.55 7.31,8.82C7.11,9.08 7,9.5 7,10H9C9,9.69 9.04,9.44 9.13,9.26C9.22,9.08 9.39,8.9 9.64,8.74C10.09,8.5 10.46,8.21 10.75,7.81C11.04,7.41 11.19,7 11.19,6.5C11.19,5.74 10.92,5.13 10.38,4.68C9.85,4.23 9.12,4 8.19,4M7,11V13H9V11H7M13,13H15V11H13V13M13,4V10H15V4H13Z",bJ="M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V9H5V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M19,19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V10H19V19M8,5V7H10V5H8M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",yJ="M5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4V9H3V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M17 19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V10H17V19M6 5V7H8V5H6M6 12V15H8V12H6M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",RJ="M7 21V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7M5 4V9H15V4H5M5 19H15V11H5V19M6 12H8V15H6V12M6 6H8V8H6V6M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",xJ="M7,2A2,2 0 0,0 5,4V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V4A2,2 0 0,0 17,2H7M8,6H10V8H8V6M7,11H17V19H7V11M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",DJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M10 15H8V10H10V15Z",EJ="M15 2H5C3.9 2 3 2.9 3 4V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21V22H7V21H13V22H15V21C16.11 21 17 20.11 17 19V4C17 2.9 16.11 2 15 2M8 15H6V10H8V15M21 7V13H19V7H21M19 15H21V17H19V15Z",NJ="M8 15H6V10H8V15M17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4M15 4H5V19H15V4M19 17H21V15H19V17M19 7V13H21V7H19Z",WJ="M19 15.8L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 11.89L8.11 10H8V15H10V11.89Z",IJ="M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17 18.89L10 11.89V15H8V10H8.11L7 8.89V19H17V18.89Z",GJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M17 19H7V4H17V19M10 15H8V10H10V15Z",QJ="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V9H7.11L8.11 10H5V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M10 15H8V12H10V15M19 15.8L13.2 10H19V15.8M8.2 5L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V9H12.2L10 6.8V5H8.2Z",UJ="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M17 19H7V11H9.11L17 18.89V19M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V11H14.2L12.2 9H17V4H7.2M8 12H10V15H8V12Z",zJ="M9,21V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9M7,4V9H17V4H7M7,19H17V11H7V19M8,12H10V15H8V12M8,6H10V8H8V6Z",_J="M8,8V6H10V8H8M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V9H17V4H7M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",KJ="M19 4V19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21V22H15V21H12.5V2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4M7 2H11.5V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2M10 10H7V14H10V10Z",jJ="M17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H10.5V2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4M5 2H9.5V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M8 10H5V14H8V10M19 7V13H21V7H19M19 17H21V15H19V17Z",qJ="M15 2H5C3.9 2 3 2.9 3 4V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21V22H7V21H13V22H15V21C16.11 21 17 20.11 17 19V4C17 2.9 16.11 2 15 2M9 19H5V14H8V10H5V4H9V19M15 19H11V4H15V19M19 15H21V17H19V15M21 7V13H19V7H21Z",$J="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H11.5V13.39L12.5 14.39V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M10 14H7V10H8.11L10 11.89V14M19 15.8L12.5 9.3V2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8M11.5 8.3L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H11.5V8.3Z",XJ="M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V4H13V9.8L11 7.8V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M7 10H8.11L7 8.89V10M11 12.89L10 11.89V14H7V19H11V12.89M17 18.89L13 14.89V19H17V18.89Z",YJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M7 19V14H10V10H7V4H11V19H7M17 19H13V4H17V19Z",JJ="M16 13H15.5C14.8 11.7 14.3 10 13.8 8.3L14.7 9.2C17.4 11.3 19.8 10.9 19.8 10.9S20.5 7.1 17.8 5.1C15.5 3.3 13.4 3.3 12.8 3.4C12.7 2.8 12.7 2.3 12.6 1.9L11.2 2C11.2 5.2 8.5 11.1 7.6 13C5.6 13.2 4 14.9 4 17C4 19.2 5.8 21 8 21C9.1 21 10 20.6 10.7 19.9C10.3 19 10 18 10 17S10.3 15 10.7 14.1C10.3 13.7 9.7 13.4 9.2 13.2C9.9 11.7 11.1 9 11.9 6.4C12.3 8.7 13.1 11.4 14.1 13.5C12.9 14.2 12 15.5 12 17C12 19.2 13.8 21 16 21S20 19.2 20 17 18.2 13 16 13M8 15.5C7.2 15.5 6.5 16.2 6.5 17H5.5C5.5 15.6 6.6 14.5 8 14.5V15.5M16 15.5C15.2 15.5 14.5 16.2 14.5 17H13.5C13.5 15.6 14.6 14.5 16 14.5V15.5Z",C11="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.7 10.6C8.3 11.6 7.9 12.5 7.6 13C5.6 13.2 4 14.9 4 17C4 19.2 5.8 21 8 21C9.1 21 10 20.6 10.7 19.9C10.3 19 10 18 10 17S10.3 15 10.7 14.1C10.3 13.7 9.7 13.4 9.2 13.2C9.4 12.8 9.6 12.3 9.9 11.7L12.8 14.6C12.3 15.3 12 16.1 12 17C12 19.2 13.8 21 16 21C16.9 21 17.7 20.7 18.3 20.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8 15.5C7.2 15.5 6.5 16.2 6.5 17H5.5C5.5 15.6 6.6 14.5 8 14.5V15.5M14.5 17H13.5C13.5 16.5 13.6 16.1 13.8 15.7L14.6 16.5C14.5 16.7 14.5 16.8 14.5 17M20 16.8L16.2 13C18.2 13.1 19.9 14.8 20 16.8M11.3 8.1L10.1 6.9C10.7 5.1 11.2 3.3 11.2 2L12.6 1.9C12.7 2.3 12.7 2.8 12.8 3.4C13.4 3.3 15.5 3.3 17.8 5.1C20.5 7.1 19.8 10.9 19.8 10.9S17.4 11.3 14.7 9.2L13.8 8.3C14.1 9.5 14.5 10.7 14.9 11.7L12.6 9.4C12.3 8.4 12.1 7.4 11.9 6.4C11.7 7 11.5 7.6 11.3 8.1Z",H11="M9 15.9C6.9 15.7 5.1 14.9 4 13.6C3.2 13.6 2.4 13.1 2.1 12.3C1.8 11.5 2.1 10.7 2.8 10.2C2.9 7.2 5.6 4.1 9.7 2.7C13.8 1.3 18 2.1 20 4.4C20.8 4.4 21.6 4.9 21.9 5.7C22.2 6.5 21.9 7.3 21.2 7.8C21.2 8.6 21 9.4 20.6 10.2C19.4 9.5 18 9 16.5 9C12.6 9 9.3 12 9 15.9M22 16.5C22 19.5 19.5 22 16.5 22S11 19.5 11 16.5 13.5 11 16.5 11 22 13.5 22 16.5M13.3 18L15.6 16.5L13.3 15C13.1 15.5 13 16 13 16.5S13.1 17.5 13.3 18M16 17.4L13.9 18.8C14.4 19.4 15.2 19.8 16 20V17.4M16 13.1C15.2 13.2 14.4 13.6 13.9 14.3L16 15.7V13.1M17 15.6L19.1 14.2C18.6 13.6 17.8 13.2 17 13V15.6M19.1 18.8L17 17.4V19.9C17.8 19.8 18.6 19.4 19.1 18.8M20 16.5C20 16 19.9 15.5 19.7 15L17.4 16.5L19.7 18C19.9 17.5 20 17 20 16.5Z",V11="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.4 6.3C3.4 7.5 2.9 8.9 2.8 10.2C2.1 10.7 1.8 11.5 2.1 12.3C2.4 13.1 3.2 13.6 4 13.6C5.1 14.9 6.9 15.7 9 15.9C9.1 14.5 9.6 13.3 10.3 12.2L11.8 13.7C11.3 14.5 11 15.5 11 16.5C11 19.5 13.5 22 16.5 22C17.5 22 18.5 21.7 19.3 21.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M13 16.5C13 16 13.1 15.6 13.3 15.1L15 16.8L13.3 18C13.1 17.5 13 17 13 16.5M13.9 18.8L15.7 17.6L16 17.9V20C15.2 19.8 14.4 19.4 13.9 18.8M17 19.9V18.9L17.8 19.7C17.5 19.8 17.3 19.9 17 19.9M20 16.8V16.5C20 16 19.9 15.5 19.7 15L18.8 15.6L18.1 14.9L19.1 14.2C18.6 13.6 17.8 13.2 17 13V13.8L14.6 11.4C15.2 11.2 15.9 11 16.5 11C19.5 11 22 13.5 22 16.5C22 17.2 21.9 17.8 21.6 18.4L20 16.8M13 9.8L7.1 3.9C7.9 3.4 8.8 3 9.7 2.7C13.8 1.3 18 2.1 20 4.4C20.8 4.4 21.6 4.9 21.9 5.7C22.2 6.5 21.9 7.3 21.2 7.8C21.2 8.6 21 9.4 20.6 10.2C19.4 9.5 18 9 16.5 9C15.3 9 14.1 9.3 13 9.8Z",L11="M14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14S10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12M7 10C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12S5.9 14 7 14 9 13.1 9 12 8.1 10 7 10M17 10C15.9 10 15 10.9 15 12S15.9 14 17 14 19 13.1 19 12 18.1 10 17 10M14.5 6C13.4 6 12.5 6.9 12.5 8S13.4 10 14.5 10 16.5 9.1 16.5 8 15.6 6 14.5 6M9.5 6C8.4 6 7.5 6.9 7.5 8S8.4 10 9.5 10 11.5 9.1 11.5 8 10.6 6 9.5 6M14.5 14C13.4 14 12.5 14.9 12.5 16S13.4 18 14.5 18 16.5 17.1 16.5 16 15.6 14 14.5 14M9.5 14C8.4 14 7.5 14.9 7.5 16S8.4 18 9.5 18 11.5 17.1 11.5 16 10.6 14 9.5 14M12 18C10.9 18 10 18.9 10 20S10.9 22 12 22 14 21.1 14 20 13.1 18 12 18M14.4 2.2L13.6 1C11.4 2 11.2 5.6 11.2 6H12.7C12.8 5.2 13.1 2.7 14.4 2.2Z",M11="M19 12C19 10.61 18.05 9.47 16.78 9.12C16.92 8.78 17 8.4 17 8C17 6.34 15.66 5 14 5C13.57 5 13.17 5.1 12.81 5.26C13 4.19 13.39 2.59 14.4 2.2L13.6 1C11.9 1.77 11.4 4.09 11.26 5.29C10.87 5.11 10.45 5 10 5C8.34 5 7 6.34 7 8C7 8.4 7.08 8.77 7.22 9.12C5.94 9.46 5 10.62 5 12C5 13.39 5.95 14.54 7.23 14.88C7.09 15.22 7 15.6 7 16C7 17.39 7.94 18.54 9.22 18.88C9.08 19.23 9 19.61 9 20C9 21.66 10.34 23 12 23S15 21.66 15 20C15 19.61 14.92 19.23 14.78 18.88C16.06 18.54 17 17.39 17 16C17 15.6 16.92 15.23 16.77 14.88C18.05 14.54 19 13.39 19 12M16.31 9.88V9.9H16.3L16.31 9.88M14 6.5C14.83 6.5 15.5 7.17 15.5 8S14.83 9.5 14 9.5 12.5 8.83 12.5 8 13.17 6.5 14 6.5M13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5S10.5 12.83 10.5 12 11.17 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12M10 6.5C10.83 6.5 11.5 7.17 11.5 8S10.83 9.5 10 9.5 8.5 8.83 8.5 8 9.17 6.5 10 6.5M6.5 12C6.5 11.17 7.17 10.5 8 10.5S9.5 11.17 9.5 12 8.83 13.5 8 13.5 6.5 12.83 6.5 12M8.5 16C8.5 15.17 9.17 14.5 10 14.5S11.5 15.17 11.5 16 10.83 17.5 10 17.5 8.5 16.83 8.5 16M12 21.5C11.17 21.5 10.5 20.83 10.5 20S11.17 18.5 12 18.5 13.5 19.17 13.5 20 12.83 21.5 12 21.5M14 17.5C13.17 17.5 12.5 16.83 12.5 16S13.17 14.5 14 14.5 15.5 15.17 15.5 16 14.83 17.5 14 17.5M16 13.5C15.17 13.5 14.5 12.83 14.5 12S15.17 10.5 16 10.5 17.5 11.17 17.5 12 16.83 13.5 16 13.5Z",A11="M18 16C18 19.31 15.31 22 12 22C8.69 22 6 19.31 6 16C6 13 8 13 8 10C8 8.56 8.75 7.22 10 6.5C10.4 6.27 10.82 6.12 11.25 6.04V5C11.25 4.63 11.17 4.42 11.03 4.28C10.9 4.14 10.63 4 10 4V2.5C10.88 2.5 11.6 2.73 12.09 3.22C12.58 3.71 12.75 4.38 12.75 5V6.04C13.18 6.12 13.61 6.27 14 6.5C15.25 7.22 16 8.56 16 10C16 13 18 13 18 16Z",i11="M14.4 7.7C16.4 6.4 19 7 19 7C17.2 4.6 15.1 4.7 13.6 5.2V5C14.7 3.4 16.9 3.5 16.9 3.5C15.3 2.1 13.9 2.5 13 3C12.5 1.8 12 1 12 1C11.6 1.7 11.3 2.4 11 3.1C10.1 2.5 8.6 2.1 7 3.5C7 3.5 9.3 3.5 10.4 5.2C8.9 4.7 6.8 4.6 5 7C5 7 7.6 6.4 9.6 7.7C7.5 8.9 6 11.7 6 15C6 19.4 8.7 23 12 23S18 19.4 18 15C18 11.7 16.5 8.9 14.4 7.7M15.8 16.8C15.7 17.2 15.6 17.6 15.4 18L14 16L12.5 18L14.1 20.1C13.8 20.3 13.6 20.5 13.3 20.7L12 19L10.7 20.7C10.4 20.6 10.1 20.4 9.9 20.1L11.5 18L10 16L8.5 17.9C8.4 17.5 8.2 17.1 8.1 16.7L9.5 15L8.2 13.2C8.3 12.8 8.4 12.4 8.6 12L10 14L11.5 12L9.9 9.9C10.2 9.7 10.4 9.5 10.7 9.3L12 11L13.3 9.3C13.6 9.4 13.9 9.6 14.1 9.9L12.5 12L14 14L15.5 12.1C15.6 12.5 15.8 12.9 15.9 13.3L14.5 15L15.8 16.8M12 13L13.5 15L12 17L10.5 15L12 13Z",r11="M16.4 16.4C19.8 13 19.8 7.5 16.4 4.2L4.2 16.4C7.5 19.8 13 19.8 16.4 16.4M16 7C16.6 7 17 7.4 17 8C17 8.6 16.6 9 16 9S15 8.6 15 8C15 7.4 15.4 7 16 7M16 11C16.6 11 17 11.4 17 12C17 12.6 16.6 13 16 13S15 12.6 15 12C15 11.4 15.4 11 16 11M12 11C12.6 11 13 11.4 13 12C13 12.6 12.6 13 12 13S11 12.6 11 12C11 11.4 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 15.4 13 16C13 16.6 12.6 17 12 17S11 16.6 11 16C11 15.4 11.4 15 12 15M8 17C7.4 17 7 16.6 7 16C7 15.4 7.4 15 8 15S9 15.4 9 16C9 16.6 8.6 17 8 17M18.6 18.6C14 23.2 6.6 23.2 2 18.6L3.4 17.2C7.2 21 13.3 21 17.1 17.2C20.9 13.4 20.9 7.3 17.1 3.5L18.6 2C23.1 6.6 23.1 14 18.6 18.6Z",a11="M3,2H6C6.28,2 6.53,2.11 6.71,2.29L8.79,4.38L9.59,3.59C10,3.2 10.5,3 11,3H17C17.5,3 18,3.2 18.41,3.59L19.41,4.59C19.8,5 20,5.5 20,6V19A2,2 0 0,1 18,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19V13L6,12V8C6,7.5 6.2,7 6.59,6.59L7.38,5.79L5.59,4H3V2M11,5V7H17V5H11M11.41,11L9.41,9H8V10.41L10,12.41V15.59L8,17.59V19H9.41L11.41,17H14.59L16.59,19H18V17.59L16,15.59V12.41L18,10.41V9H16.59L14.59,11H11.41M12,13H14V15H12V13Z",e11="M6 3V5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H7C8.1 22 9 21.1 9 20V19H15V20C15 21.1 15.9 22 17 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V19C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17H11V5H8V3H6M16 3V5H13V7H22C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5H18V3H16M7 7V11H9L6 17V13H4L7 7M13 9V11H22V9H13M13 13V15H22V13H13Z",d11="M5,5H10V7H7V10H5V5M14,5H19V10H17V7H14V5M17,14H19V19H14V17H17V14M10,17V19H5V14H7V17H10Z",m11="M14,14H19V16H16V19H14V14M5,14H10V19H8V16H5V14M8,5H10V10H5V8H8V5M19,8V10H14V5H16V8H19Z",t11="M15.6,5.29C14.5,5.19 13.53,6 13.43,7.11L13.18,10H16V12H13L12.56,17.07C12.37,19.27 10.43,20.9 8.23,20.7C6.92,20.59 5.82,19.86 5.17,18.83L6.67,17.33C6.91,18.07 7.57,18.64 8.4,18.71C9.5,18.81 10.47,18 10.57,16.89L11,12H8V10H11.17L11.44,6.93C11.63,4.73 13.57,3.1 15.77,3.3C17.08,3.41 18.18,4.14 18.83,5.17L17.33,6.67C17.09,5.93 16.43,5.36 15.6,5.29Z",v11="M12.42,5.29C11.32,5.19 10.35,6 10.25,7.11L10,10H12.82V12H9.82L9.38,17.07C9.18,19.27 7.24,20.9 5.04,20.7C3.79,20.59 2.66,19.9 2,18.83L3.5,17.33C3.83,18.38 4.96,18.97 6,18.63C6.78,18.39 7.33,17.7 7.4,16.89L7.82,12H4.82V10H8L8.27,6.93C8.46,4.73 10.39,3.1 12.6,3.28C13.86,3.39 15,4.09 15.66,5.17L14.16,6.67C13.91,5.9 13.23,5.36 12.42,5.29M22,13.65L20.59,12.24L17.76,15.07L14.93,12.24L13.5,13.65L16.35,16.5L13.5,19.31L14.93,20.72L17.76,17.89L20.59,20.72L22,19.31L19.17,16.5L22,13.65Z",l11="M8.5 2C7.12 2 6 3.12 6 4.5S7.12 7 8.5 7 11 5.88 11 4.5 9.88 2 8.5 2M15.5 2C14.12 2 13 3.12 13 4.5S14.12 7 15.5 7 18 5.88 18 4.5 16.88 2 15.5 2M11 8V10H5V12H14.95C14.53 13.13 13.5 14.5 12.16 15.67C11.12 14.74 10.35 13.82 9.82 13H7.5C8.08 14.25 9.13 15.62 10.62 16.96L6.55 20.22L5.76 20.84L7 22.41L7.8 21.78L12.17 18.28L16.55 21.78L17.33 22.41L18.58 20.84L17.8 20.22L13.73 16.97C15.34 15.5 16.7 13.85 17.07 12H19V10H13V8H11Z",o11="M8 5V7H2V9H11.95C11.53 10.13 10.5 11.5 9.16 12.67C8.12 11.74 7.35 10.82 6.82 10H4.5C5.08 11.25 6.13 12.62 7.62 13.96L3.55 17.22L2.76 17.84L4 19.41L4.8 18.78L9.17 15.28L13.55 18.78L14.33 19.41L15.58 17.84L14.8 17.22L10.73 13.97C12.34 12.5 13.7 10.85 14.07 9H16V7H10V5H8M19.5 6C18.12 6 17 7.12 17 8.5S18.12 11 19.5 11 22 9.88 22 8.5 20.88 6 19.5 6M19.47 13C18.09 13 16.97 14.12 16.97 15.5S18.09 18 19.47 18 21.97 16.88 21.97 15.5 20.85 13 19.47 13Z",n11="M8,7V17H15V7H8M11.16,16V12.87H9.41L11.91,8V11.14H13.59L11.16,16M16,2V6H7V2A1,1 0 0,1 8,1H15A1,1 0 0,1 16,2M16,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 15,23H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,22V18H16Z",Z11="M6 7V17H13V7H6M9.16 16V12.87H7.41L9.91 8V11.14H11.59L9.16 16M14 2V6H5V2C5 1.45 5.45 1 6 1H13C13.55 1 14 1.45 14 2M14 18V22C14 22.55 13.55 23 13 23H6C5.45 23 5 22.55 5 22V18H14M19 13H17V7H19V13M19 17H17V15H19V17Z",S11="M10,21H8L6,19V16H10V21M18,16H14V21H16L18,19V16M3,3V4A1,1 0 0,0 4,5V14A1,1 0 0,0 5,15H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,14V5H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,4V3H3M11.83,13V9.73H10L12.61,4.66V7.93H14.36L11.83,13Z",u11="M15 11.8L10.2 7H15V11.8M16 6V2C16 1.45 15.55 1 15 1H8C7.45 1 7 1.45 7 2V3.8L9.2 6H16M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8 9.89V17H15.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7 22C7 22.55 7.45 23 8 23H15C15.55 23 16 22.55 16 22V18H7V22Z",c11="M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9M9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5M7.5,9H2V15H7.5L10.5,12M15,7.5V2H9V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5Z",s11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8Z",O11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",h11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3Z",p11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",f11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",g11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",k11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5M11,18H13V20H11V18Z",B11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M4,11H6V13H4V11M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",P11="M7.5 9H2V15H7.5L10.5 12L7.5 9M6 13H4V11H6V13M15 7.5V2H9V7.5L12 10.5L15 7.5M11 4H13V6H11V4M9 16.5V22H15V16.5L12 13.5L9 16.5M13 20H11V18H13V20M16.5 9L13.5 12L16.5 15H22V9H16.5M20 13H18V11H20V13Z",w11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M18,11H20V13H18V11M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",F11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8Z",T11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M10,16V20H14V16H10Z",b11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M4,10V14H8V10H4Z",y11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M4,10V14H10V20H14V14H20V10H14V4H10V10H4Z",R11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M16,10V14H20V10H16Z",x11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M10,4V8H14V4H10Z",D11="M21,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6M11,13H8V16H6V13H3V11H6V8H8V11H11M15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,15M19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,12Z",E11="M21,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6M21,16H3V8H21M6,15H8V13H10V11H8V9H6V11H4V13H6M14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,12M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,9Z",N11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M11,4H13V6H11V4M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",W11="M7,6H17A6,6 0 0,1 23,12A6,6 0 0,1 17,18C15.22,18 13.63,17.23 12.53,16H11.47C10.37,17.23 8.78,18 7,18A6,6 0 0,1 1,12A6,6 0 0,1 7,6M6,9V11H4V13H6V15H8V13H10V11H8V9H6M15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,12M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9Z",I11="M6,9H8V11H10V13H8V15H6V13H4V11H6V9M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,9M15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12M17,5A7,7 0 0,1 24,12A7,7 0 0,1 17,19C15.04,19 13.27,18.2 12,16.9C10.73,18.2 8.96,19 7,19A7,7 0 0,1 0,12A7,7 0 0,1 7,5H17M7,7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17C8.64,17 10.09,16.21 11,15H13C13.91,16.21 15.36,17 17,17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7H7Z",G11="M11.76 19C12.92 19 13.58 18 13.58 16.29C13.58 15.2 13.5 13.88 13.3 12.67L18 5H15.28L12.71 9.82L12.55 9.33C11.83 7.19 10.82 5 8.68 5C8 5 7.45 5.18 7 5.54C6 6.39 6 8 6 8.5H6.91C6.97 8.06 7.21 6.83 8.25 6.83C10 6.83 10.8 10 11.4 12.42C10.5 14.58 10 16.14 10 16.97C10 17.95 10.56 19 11.76 19",Q11="M21,6H22V4H21V3H18V4H6V3H3V4H2V6H3V20H2V22H7V20H6V6H11V7H11.5V10.62C11,10.79 10.69,11.25 10.69,11.76C10.69,12.2 10.92,12.6 11.3,12.82V14H11.92C12.26,14 12.54,14.27 12.55,14.61C12.55,14.96 12.28,15.24 11.93,15.24C11.71,15.24 11.5,15.12 11.39,14.93C11.22,14.64 10.84,14.54 10.55,14.71C10.26,14.87 10.15,15.25 10.32,15.55C10.65,16.12 11.26,16.47 11.92,16.47C12.94,16.46 13.76,15.62 13.75,14.6C13.74,13.83 13.26,13.14 12.53,12.88V12.82C13.12,12.5 13.34,11.78 13.03,11.2C12.92,11 12.74,10.81 12.53,10.7V7H13V6H18V20H17V22H22V20H21V6M5,15.29V16.71L4,17.71V16.29L5,15.29M4,20V19.24L5,18.24V19.66L4.66,20H4M4,7.29L5,6.29V7.71L4,8.71V7.29M4,10.29L5,9.29V10.71L4,11.71V10.29M4,13.29L5,12.29V13.71L4,14.71V13.24L4,13.29M20,15.29V16.71L19,17.71V16.29L20,15.29M19,20V19.24L20,18.24V19.66L19.66,20H19M19,7.29L20,6.29V7.71L19,8.71V7.29M19,10.29L20,9.29V10.71L19,11.71V10.29M19,13.29L20,12.29V13.71L19,14.71V13.24L19,13.29Z",U11="M19,20H17V11H7V20H5V9L12,5L19,9V20M8,12H16V14H8V12M8,15H16V17H8V15M16,18V20H8V18H16Z",z11="M17,20H15V11H5V20H3V9L10,5L17,9V20M6,12H14V14H6V12M6,15H14V17H6V15M19,15V10H21V15H19M19,19V17H21V19H19Z",_11="M20 9V20H18V11H2V20H0V9L10 5L20 9M17 12H3V14H17V12M17 15H3V17H17V15M22 15V10H24V15H22M22 19V17H24V19H22Z",K11="M20.8 16V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V16C14.6 16 14 16.6 14 17.2V20.7C14 21.4 14.6 22 15.2 22H20.7C21.4 22 22 21.4 22 20.8V17.3C22 16.6 21.4 16 20.8 16M19.5 16H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V16M5 12H13V14H5V12M5 15H12.95C12.42 15.54 12.08 16.24 12 17H5V15M12 20H5V18H12V20M14 11H4V20H2V9L9 5L16 9V10.44C15.19 10.8 14.5 11.36 14 12.06V11Z",j11="M19,20H17V11H7V20H5V9L12,5L19,9V20M8,12H16V14H8V12Z",q11="M22 9V20H20V11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9M19 12H5V14H19V12Z",$11="M22 9V20H20V11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9M19 12H5V14H19V12M19 18H5V20H19V18M19 15H5V17H19V15Z",X11="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 12H15.04C14.61 12.59 14.35 13.27 14.26 14H5V12M16.06 11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9V11.04C21.17 10.4 20.13 10 19 10C17.9 10 16.88 10.39 16.06 11M13 20H5V18H13V20M5 15H13.95C13.42 15.54 13.08 16.24 13 17H5V15Z",Y11="M16.14 8.79L16.12 8.8C16.35 9.07 16.55 9.39 16.7 9.72L16.79 9.91C17.5 11.6 17 13.55 15.69 14.77C14.5 15.86 12.84 16.15 11.3 15.95C9.84 15.77 8.5 14.85 7.73 13.58C7.5 13.19 7.3 12.75 7.2 12.3C7.07 11.93 7.03 11.57 7 11.2C6.91 9.6 7.55 7.9 8.76 6.9C8.21 8.11 8.34 9.62 9.15 10.67L9.26 10.8C9.4 10.92 9.57 10.96 9.73 10.89C9.88 10.83 10 10.68 10 10.5L9.93 10.28C9.05 7.96 9.79 5.25 11.66 3.72C12.17 3.3 12.8 2.92 13.46 2.75C12.78 4.11 13 5.89 14.09 6.96C14.55 7.43 15.1 7.74 15.58 8.18L16.14 8.79M13.86 13.43L13.85 13.42C14.3 13.03 14.55 12.36 14.53 11.76L14.5 11.44C14.3 10.44 13.43 10.11 12.87 9.38C12.7 9.16 12.55 8.88 12.44 8.6C12.22 9.1 12.2 9.57 12.29 10.11C12.39 10.68 12.62 11.17 12.5 11.76C12.34 12.41 11.83 13.06 10.94 13.27C11.44 13.76 12.25 14.15 13.06 13.87C13.32 13.8 13.65 13.61 13.86 13.43M11 18V19C11 19.55 11.45 20 12 20C12.55 20 13 19.55 13 19V18H15V19C15 19.55 15.45 20 16 20C16.55 20 17 19.55 17 19V18C18.11 18 20 18.9 20 20V22H4V20C4 18.9 5.9 18 7 18V19C7 19.55 7.45 20 8 20C8.55 20 9 19.55 9 19V18H11Z",J11="M16,9V14L16,20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V14L8,9C8,7.14 9.27,5.57 11,5.13V4H9V2H15V4H13V5.13C14.73,5.57 16,7.14 16,9Z",C21="M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M12,10H6V5H12M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14C17,12.89 16.1,12 15,12H14V5C14,3.89 13.1,3 12,3H6C4.89,3 4,3.89 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23Z",H21="M17 18.5V8.5C17 7.81 17.28 7.18 17.73 6.73L17.72 6.72L21.44 3L22.5 4.06L20.39 6.17C21.33 6.5 22 7.43 22 8.5C22 8.83 21.94 9.15 21.81 9.46C21.68 9.76 21.5 10.04 21.27 10.27C20.8 10.74 20.16 11 19.5 11C19.14 11 18.81 10.92 18.5 10.79V18.5C18.5 18.83 18.43 19.15 18.31 19.46C18.18 19.76 18 20.04 17.77 20.27C17.54 20.5 17.26 20.69 16.96 20.81C16.65 20.94 16.33 21 16 21C15.34 21 14.7 20.74 14.23 20.27C13.76 19.8 13.5 19.16 13.5 18.5V13.5H12V21H2V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H10C11.1 3 12 3.89 12 5V12H13C14.1 12 15 12.89 15 14V18.5C15 18.77 15.11 19 15.29 19.21C15.5 19.4 15.74 19.5 16 19.5C16.27 19.5 16.5 19.4 16.71 19.21C16.9 19 17 18.77 17 18.5M10 10V5H4V10H10M19.5 9.5C19.77 9.5 20 9.4 20.21 9.21C20.4 9 20.5 8.77 20.5 8.5C20.5 8.24 20.4 8 20.21 7.79C20 7.61 19.77 7.5 19.5 7.5C19.24 7.5 19 7.61 18.79 7.79C18.61 8 18.5 8.24 18.5 8.5C18.5 8.77 18.61 9 18.79 9.21C19 9.4 19.24 9.5 19.5 9.5Z",V21="M17.73 6.73C17.28 7.17999 17 7.81 17 8.5V18.5C17 18.7652 16.8946 19.0196 16.7071 19.2071C16.5196 19.3946 16.2652 19.5 16 19.5C15.7348 19.5 15.4804 19.3946 15.2929 19.2071C15.1054 19.0196 15 18.7652 15 18.5V14C15 12.89 14.1 12 13 12H12V5C12 3.89 11.1 3 10 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V21H12V13.5H13.5V18.5C13.5 19.163 13.7634 19.7989 14.2322 20.2678C14.7011 20.7366 15.337 21 16 21C16.3283 21 16.6534 20.9353 16.9567 20.8097C17.26 20.6841 17.5356 20.4999 17.7678 20.2678C17.9999 20.0356 18.1841 19.76 18.3097 19.4567C18.4353 19.1534 18.5 18.8283 18.5 18.5V10.79C18.81 10.92 19.14 11 19.5 11C20.163 11 20.7989 10.7366 21.2678 10.2678C21.4999 10.0356 21.6841 9.76003 21.8097 9.45671C21.9353 9.1534 22 8.82831 22 8.5C22 7.42999 21.33 6.5 20.39 6.17L22.5 4.06L21.44 3L17.72 6.72L17.73 6.73ZM4 10V5H10V10H4ZM20.2071 9.20711C20.0196 9.39464 19.7652 9.5 19.5 9.5C19.2348 9.5 18.9804 9.39464 18.7929 9.20711C18.6054 9.01958 18.5 8.76521 18.5 8.5C18.5 8.23479 18.6054 7.98042 18.7929 7.79289C18.9804 7.60536 19.2348 7.5 19.5 7.5C19.7652 7.5 20.0196 7.60536 20.2071 7.79289C20.3946 7.98042 20.5 8.23479 20.5 8.5C20.5 8.76521 20.3946 9.01958 20.2071 9.20711ZM10 12V19H4V12H10Z",L21="M1 4.27L2.28 3L21 21.72L19.73 23L17.71 21C16.56 20.85 15.65 19.94 15.5 18.78L14 17.27V21H4V7.27L1 4.27M18 10C18.55 10 19 9.55 19 9C19 8.45 18.55 8 18 8C17.45 8 17 8.45 17 9C17 9.55 17.45 10 18 10M12 10V5H6.82L5.06 3.23C5.34 3.08 5.66 3 6 3H12C13.1 3 14 3.89 14 5V12H15C16.1 12 17 12.89 17 14V15.18L11.82 10H12M6 10H6.73L6 9.27V10M19.77 7.23C20.22 7.68 20.5 8.31 20.5 9L20.5 18.67L19 17.18V11.29C18.69 11.42 18.36 11.5 18 11.5C16.62 11.5 15.5 10.38 15.5 9C15.5 7.93 16.17 7.03 17.11 6.67L15 4.56L16.06 3.5L19.78 7.22L19.77 7.23Z",M21="M1 4.27L2.28 3L6 6.72L21 21.72L19.73 23L17.72 21C16.56 20.85 15.65 19.94 15.5 18.78L14 17.27V21H4V7.27L1 4.27M19.77 7.23C20.22 7.68 20.5 8.31 20.5 9L20.5 18.67L19 17.18V11.29C18.69 11.42 18.36 11.5 18 11.5C16.62 11.5 15.5 10.38 15.5 9C15.5 7.93 16.17 7.03 17.11 6.67L15 4.56L16.06 3.5L19.78 7.22L19.77 7.23M11.82 10H12V5H6.82L5.06 3.24C5.34 3.09 5.66 3 6 3H12C13.1 3 14 3.9 14 5V12H15C16.1 12 17 12.9 17 14V15.18L11.82 10M6 10H6.73L6 9.27V10M6 12V19H12V15.27L8.73 12H6M18 10C18.55 10 19 9.55 19 9C19 8.45 18.55 8 18 8C17.45 8 17 8.45 17 9C17 9.55 17.45 10 18 10Z",A21="M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7.03 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14A2,2 0 0,0 15,12H14V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23M12,13.5V19H6V12H12V13.5M12,10H6V5H12V10M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10Z",i21="M9 6V11H7V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V7H17V11H15V6H13V11H11V6H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13Z",r21="M21 17H19V19H21V17M21 9H19V15H21V9M17 13V11H15V6H13V11H11V6H9V11H7V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V17H15V13H17M5 17H3V13H5V17M9 17H7V13H9V17M13 17H11V13H13V17Z",a21="M2,4V20H14A8,8 0 0,0 22,12A8,8 0 0,0 14,4H2M4,6H14A6,6 0 0,1 20,12A6,6 0 0,1 14,18H4V6Z",e21="M9 6H7V11H5V6H3V11H2V13H3V14.81C3.62 14.45 4.3 14.21 5 14.09V13H7V14.09C7.7 14.21 8.38 14.45 9 14.81V13H11V16.69C11.65 17.67 12 18.82 12 20C12 20.34 11.97 20.67 11.91 21H13V19H15V21H17V9H15V11H13V7H11V11H9V6M15 13V17H13V13H15M2 20L5 23V21H9V19H5V17L2 20Z",d21="M15 6V11H13V7H11V11H9V9H7V21H9V19H11V21H12.09C12.03 20.67 12 20.34 12 20C12 18.82 12.35 17.67 13 16.69V13H15V14.81C15.62 14.45 16.3 14.21 17 14.09V13H19V14.09C19.7 14.21 20.38 14.45 21 14.81V13H22V11H21V6H19V11H17V6H15M9 13H11V17H9V13M19 17V19H15V21H19V23L22 20L19 17Z",m21="M6 7.24L15.53 12L6 16.76V7.24M4 4V20L20 12L4 4Z",t21="M2,4V20H10C13.43,20 16.5,17.84 17.6,14.6C18,14.8 18.5,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.5,9 18.03,9.15 17.6,9.4C16.5,6.16 13.43,4 10,4H2M4,6H10A6,6 0 0,1 16,12A6,6 0 0,1 10,18H4V6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",v21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H5C9.4,20 13,17.7 16.6,13.7C17.15,14.5 18.04,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.04,9 17.15,9.5 16.6,10.3C13,6.3 9.4,4 5,4H2M5,6C8.8,6 12,8.1 15.3,12C12,15.9 8.8,18 5,18C6.5,14 6.5,10 5,6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",l21="M2,4V20L16.2,13C16.62,14.19 17.74,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C17.74,9 16.62,9.81 16.2,11L2,4M4,7.3L13.7,12L4,16.7V7.3M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",o21="M7 21V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7M3 17V13H5V17H3M21 9V11H19V7H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21M21 17H19V13H21V17Z",n21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H8C13,20 19,16 22,12C19,8 13,4 8,4H2M5,6H8C11.5,6 16.3,9 19.3,12C16.3,15 11.5,18 8,18H5C6.4,13.9 6.4,10.1 5,6Z",Z21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H4C7,14 7,10 4.1,4H2M6,4C9,10 9,14 6,20H9C12.2,20 14.8,16.8 16.7,14C17.28,14.65 18.12,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.12,9 17.28,9.35 16.7,10C14.7,7.2 12.2,4 9,4H6M9,6C12,6 14,10 15.5,12C14,14 12,18 9,18C10.6,14 10.6,10 9,6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",S21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H4C7,14 7,10 4.1,4H2M6,4C9,10 9,14 6,20H9C14,20 18,17 22,12C18,7 14,4 9,4H6M9,6C12.8,6 16,8.1 19.3,12C15.9,15.9 12.8,18 9,18C10.5,14 10.5,10 9,6Z",u21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C8.27,4 5.14,6.55 4.25,10L14,19.75C17.45,18.86 20,15.73 20,12H14.75V13.5H18.2C17.71,15.54 16.24,17.19 14.31,17.94L6.06,9.69C7,7.31 9.3,5.63 12,5.63C14.13,5.63 16,6.67 17.18,8.28L18.41,7.22C16.95,5.26 14.63,4 12,4M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C12.04,20 12.09,20 4,12Z",c21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12C20,14.4 19,16.5 17.3,18C15.9,16.7 14,16 12,16C10,16 8.2,16.7 6.7,18C5,16.5 4,14.4 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M14,5.89C13.62,5.9 13.26,6.15 13.1,6.54L11.81,9.77L11.71,10C11,10.13 10.41,10.6 10.14,11.26C9.73,12.29 10.23,13.45 11.26,13.86C12.29,14.27 13.45,13.77 13.86,12.74C14.12,12.08 14,11.32 13.57,10.76L13.67,10.5L14.96,7.29L14.97,7.26C15.17,6.75 14.92,6.17 14.41,5.96C14.28,5.91 14.15,5.89 14,5.89M10,6A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,6M7,9A1,1 0 0,0 6,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,9M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,11A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,9Z",s21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.4 5,16.5 6.7,18C8.1,16.7 10,16 12,16C14,16 15.8,16.7 17.3,18C19,16.5 20,14.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6M10,6A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8A1,1 0 0,1 9,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,6M6.91,8.94C7.04,8.94 7.16,8.97 7.3,9L10.5,10.32L10.77,10.43C11.33,10 12.09,9.88 12.75,10.15C13.77,10.56 14.27,11.73 13.85,12.75C13.44,13.77 12.27,14.27 11.25,13.85C10.59,13.59 10.12,13 10,12.28L9.77,12.18L6.55,10.88L6.53,10.87C6,10.66 5.77,10.08 5.97,9.56C6.13,9.18 6.5,8.93 6.91,8.94V8.94M17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9Z",O21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12C20,14.4 19,16.5 17.3,18C15.9,16.7 14,16 12,16C10,16 8.2,16.7 6.7,18C5,16.5 4,14.4 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M10,6A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,6M14,6A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 14,8A1,1 0 0,0 15,7A1,1 0 0,0 14,6M17.09,8.94C16.96,8.94 16.84,8.97 16.7,9L13.5,10.32L13.23,10.43C12.67,10 11.91,9.88 11.25,10.15C10.23,10.56 9.73,11.73 10.15,12.75C10.56,13.77 11.73,14.27 12.75,13.85C13.41,13.59 13.88,13 14,12.28L14.23,12.18L17.45,10.88L17.47,10.87C18,10.66 18.23,10.08 18.03,9.56C17.87,9.18 17.5,8.93 17.09,8.94M7,9A1,1 0 0,0 6,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,9Z",h21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.4 5,16.5 6.7,18C8.1,16.7 10,16 12,16C14,16 15.8,16.7 17.3,18C19,16.5 20,14.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M10,5.89C10.38,5.9 10.74,6.15 10.9,6.54L12.19,9.77L12.29,10C13,10.13 13.59,10.6 13.86,11.26C14.27,12.29 13.77,13.45 12.74,13.86C11.71,14.27 10.55,13.77 10.14,12.74C9.88,12.08 10,11.32 10.43,10.76L10.33,10.5L9.04,7.29L9.03,7.26C8.83,6.75 9.08,6.17 9.59,5.96C9.72,5.91 9.85,5.89 10,5.89V5.89M14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6M17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9M7,9A1,1 0 0,1 8,10A1,1 0 0,1 7,11A1,1 0 0,1 6,10A1,1 0 0,1 7,9Z",p21="M2.3,20.28L11.9,10.68L10.5,9.26L9.78,9.97C9.39,10.36 8.76,10.36 8.37,9.97L7.66,9.26C7.27,8.87 7.27,8.24 7.66,7.85L13.32,2.19C13.71,1.8 14.34,1.8 14.73,2.19L15.44,2.9C15.83,3.29 15.83,3.92 15.44,4.31L14.73,5L16.15,6.43C16.54,6.04 17.17,6.04 17.56,6.43C17.95,6.82 17.95,7.46 17.56,7.85L18.97,9.26L19.68,8.55C20.07,8.16 20.71,8.16 21.1,8.55L21.8,9.26C22.19,9.65 22.19,10.29 21.8,10.68L16.15,16.33C15.76,16.72 15.12,16.72 14.73,16.33L14.03,15.63C13.63,15.24 13.63,14.6 14.03,14.21L14.73,13.5L13.32,12.09L3.71,21.7C3.32,22.09 2.69,22.09 2.3,21.7C1.91,21.31 1.91,20.67 2.3,20.28M20,19A2,2 0 0,1 22,21V22H12V21A2,2 0 0,1 14,19H20Z",f21="M12,4A6,6 0 0,1 18,10C18,12.97 15.84,15.44 13,15.92V18H15V20H13V22H11V20H9V18H11V15.92C8.16,15.44 6,12.97 6,10A6,6 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,14A4,4 0 0,0 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",g21="M9,9C10.29,9 11.5,9.41 12.47,10.11L17.58,5H13V3H21V11H19V6.41L13.89,11.5C14.59,12.5 15,13.7 15,15A6,6 0 0,1 9,21A6,6 0 0,1 3,15A6,6 0 0,1 9,9M9,11A4,4 0 0,0 5,15A4,4 0 0,0 9,19A4,4 0 0,0 13,15A4,4 0 0,0 9,11Z",k21="M17.58,4H14V2H21V9H19V5.41L15.17,9.24C15.69,10.03 16,11 16,12C16,14.42 14.28,16.44 12,16.9V19H14V21H12V23H10V21H8V19H10V16.9C7.72,16.44 6,14.42 6,12A5,5 0 0,1 11,7C12,7 12.96,7.3 13.75,7.83L17.58,4M11,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,15A3,3 0 0,0 14,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,9Z",B21="M7 3A5 5 0 0 0 9 7A5 5 0 0 0 7 11A5 5 0 0 0 11 15.9V18H9V20H11V22H13V20H15V18H13V15.9A5 5 0 0 0 17 11A5 5 0 0 0 15 7A5 5 0 0 0 17 3H15A3 3 0 0 1 12 6A3 3 0 0 1 9 3M12 8A3 3 0 0 1 15 11A3 3 0 0 1 12 14A3 3 0 0 1 9 11A3 3 0 0 1 12 8Z",P21="M13 3H11V5.27L9.04 4.13L8.04 5.87L10 7L8.04 8.13L9.04 9.87L11 8.73V12.1C8.72 12.56 7 14.58 7 17C7 19.76 9.24 22 12 22S17 19.76 17 17C17 14.58 15.28 12.56 13 12.1V8.73L14.96 9.87L15.96 8.13L14 7L15.96 5.87L14.96 4.13L13 5.27V3M12 20C10.35 20 9 18.65 9 17S10.35 14 12 14 15 15.35 15 17 13.65 20 12 20Z",w21="M19.58,3H15V1H23V9H21V4.41L16.17,9.24C16.69,10.03 17,11 17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V19H15V21H13V23H11V21H9V19H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12C7,11 7.3,10.04 7.82,9.26L6.64,8.07L5.24,9.46L3.83,8.04L5.23,6.65L3,4.42V8H1V1H8V3H4.41L6.64,5.24L8.08,3.81L9.5,5.23L8.06,6.66L9.23,7.84C10,7.31 11,7 12,7C13,7 13.96,7.3 14.75,7.83L19.58,3M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",F21="M4 2H2V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.1C12.03 20.68 12 20.34 12 20C12 19.66 12.03 19.32 12.1 19H4V2M13 17C13.91 15.79 15.36 15 17 15C18.64 15 20.09 15.79 21 17H22V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H8C6.9 4 6 4.89 6 6V17H13M20 6V8H14V6H20M14 10H20V12H14V10M7 11L10 5V9H12L9 15V11H7M14.17 19C14.06 19.31 14 19.65 14 20C14 20.35 14.06 20.69 14.17 21C14.58 22.17 15.7 23 17 23C18.66 23 20 21.66 20 20C20 18.34 18.66 17 17 17C15.69 17 14.58 17.84 14.17 19Z",T21="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V20H4V21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H6C6.55 22 7 21.55 7 21V20H17V21C17 21.55 17.45 22 18 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21V20H22V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6H19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2H7M14 10V8H20V10H14M14 14V12H20V14H14M7 4H17V6H7V4M7 8V12H9L6 18V14H4L7 8Z",b21="M6 3C4.89 3 4 3.9 4 5V16H6V17C6 17.55 6.45 18 7 18H8C8.55 18 9 17.55 9 17V16H15V17C15 17.55 15.45 18 16 18H17C17.55 18 18 17.55 18 17V16H20V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3H6M12 7V5H18V7H12M12 9H18V11H12V9M8 5V9H10L7 15V11H5L8 5M22 20V22H2V20H22Z",y21="M10.28,2C9.93,2 9.57,2.03 9.23,2.1C5.61,2.76 3.06,5.89 2.85,7.96C2.74,8.97 3.29,9.73 3.59,10.06C4.4,10.97 6.03,11.66 7.07,12.23C5.56,13.5 4.87,14.14 4.19,14.86C3.17,15.93 2.45,17.1 2.45,17.95C2.45,18.22 2.4,19.09 2.76,19.77C2.89,20.03 3.27,20.89 4.41,21.53C5.14,21.94 6.17,22.09 7.19,21.95C10.33,21.5 14.54,18.83 17.55,16.35C19.46,14.77 20.86,13.23 21.26,12.5C21.59,11.87 21.63,10.78 21.44,10.09C20.9,8.14 16.53,4.15 12.96,2.55C12.14,2.18 11.2,2 10.28,2M11.34,4.91C11.59,4.91 11.81,4.94 12,5C13.15,5.3 15.08,6.68 14.91,7.94C14.68,9.6 13.23,10.27 11.56,10.03C10.58,9.9 8.63,8.8 8.78,6.89C8.89,5.4 10.3,4.9 11.34,4.91M11.32,6.65C11.05,6.65 10.84,6.71 10.74,6.87C10.27,7.59 10.5,8.09 10.92,8.42C11.07,8.04 12.71,8.45 12.75,8.79C14.17,7.72 12.36,6.66 11.32,6.65Z",R21="M4.59,6.89C5.29,6.18 6,5.54 6.3,5.67C6.8,5.87 6.3,6.7 6,7.19C5.75,7.61 3.14,11.08 3.14,13.5C3.14,14.78 3.62,15.84 4.5,16.5C5.23,17.04 6.22,17.21 7.12,16.94C8.19,16.63 9.07,15.54 10.18,14.17C11.39,12.68 13,10.73 14.26,10.73C15.89,10.73 15.91,11.74 16,12.5C12.24,13.16 10.64,16.19 10.64,17.89C10.64,19.59 12.08,21 13.85,21C15.5,21 18.14,19.65 18.54,14.88H21V12.38H18.53C18.38,10.73 17.44,8.18 14.5,8.18C12.25,8.18 10.32,10.09 9.56,11C9,11.75 7.5,13.5 7.27,13.74C7,14.04 6.59,14.58 6.16,14.58C5.71,14.58 5.44,13.75 5.8,12.66C6.15,11.57 7.2,9.8 7.65,9.14C8.43,8 8.95,7.22 8.95,5.86C8.95,3.69 7.31,3 6.44,3C5.12,3 3.97,4 3.72,4.25C3.36,4.61 3.06,4.91 2.84,5.18L4.59,6.89M13.88,18.55C13.57,18.55 13.14,18.29 13.14,17.83C13.14,17.23 13.87,15.63 16,15.07C15.71,17.76 14.58,18.55 13.88,18.55Z",x21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M11,5A4,4 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.5 14.2,11.77 13,12.46V11.24C13.61,10.69 14,9.89 14,9A3,3 0 0,0 11,6A3,3 0 0,0 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9A4,4 0 0,1 11,5M11,3A6,6 0 0,1 17,9C17,10.7 16.29,12.23 15.16,13.33L14.16,12.88C15.28,11.96 16,10.56 16,9A5,5 0 0,0 11,4A5,5 0 0,0 6,9C6,11.05 7.23,12.81 9,13.58V14.66C6.67,13.83 5,11.61 5,9A6,6 0 0,1 11,3Z",D21="M13,9A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 15,9V13.47L16.21,13.6L21.15,15.8C21.67,16.04 22,16.56 22,17.14V21.5C21.97,22.32 21.32,22.97 20.5,23H14C13.62,23 13.26,22.85 13,22.57L8.1,18.37L8.84,17.6C9.03,17.39 9.3,17.28 9.58,17.28H9.8L13,19V9M14,5C15.42,5 16.74,5.76 17.45,7C18.56,8.9 17.91,11.35 16,12.46V11.23C16.64,10.67 17,9.85 17,9A3,3 0 0,0 14,6A3,3 0 0,0 11,9C11,9.85 11.36,10.67 12,11.23V12.46C10.77,11.75 10,10.43 10,9A4,4 0 0,1 14,5M4,9L7,12H5V15H3V12H1L4,9M4,7L1,4H3V1H5V4H7L4,7M9,14C9.73,14 10.41,14.19 11,14.54V15.76C10.47,15.29 9.77,15 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 6,18C6,19 6.5,19.87 7.22,20.42L9.31,22H9A4,4 0 0,1 5,18A4,4 0 0,1 9,14Z",E21="M4,1L7,4H5V7H3V4H1L4,1M4,15L1,12H3V9H5V12H7L4,15M13,9A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 15,9V13.47L16.21,13.6L21.15,15.8C21.67,16.04 22,16.56 22,17.14V21.5C21.97,22.32 21.32,22.97 20.5,23H14C13.62,23 13.26,22.85 13,22.57L8.1,18.37L8.84,17.6C9.03,17.39 9.3,17.28 9.58,17.28H9.8L13,19V9M14,5C15.42,5 16.74,5.76 17.45,7C18.56,8.9 17.91,11.35 16,12.46V11.23C16.64,10.67 17,9.85 17,9A3,3 0 0,0 14,6A3,3 0 0,0 11,9C11,9.85 11.36,10.67 12,11.23V12.46C10.77,11.75 10,10.43 10,9A4,4 0 0,1 14,5M9,14C9.73,14 10.41,14.19 11,14.54V15.76C10.47,15.29 9.77,15 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 6,18C6,19 6.5,19.87 7.22,20.42L9.31,22H9A4,4 0 0,1 5,18A4,4 0 0,1 9,14Z",N21="M20.11,3.89L22,2V7H17L19.08,4.92C18.55,4.23 17.64,3.66 16.36,3.19C15.08,2.72 13.63,2.5 12,2.5C10.38,2.5 8.92,2.72 7.64,3.19C6.36,3.66 5.45,4.23 4.92,4.92L7,7H2V2L3.89,3.89C4.64,3 5.74,2.31 7.2,1.78C8.65,1.25 10.25,1 12,1C13.75,1 15.35,1.25 16.8,1.78C18.26,2.31 19.36,3 20.11,3.89M19.73,16.27V16.45L19,21.7C18.92,22.08 18.76,22.39 18.5,22.64C18.23,22.89 17.91,23 17.53,23H10.73C10.36,23 10,22.86 9.7,22.55L4.73,17.63L5.53,16.83C5.75,16.61 6,16.5 6.33,16.5H6.56L10,17.25V6.5C10,6.11 10.13,5.76 10.43,5.46C10.73,5.16 11.08,5 11.5,5C11.89,5 12.24,5.16 12.54,5.46C12.84,5.76 13,6.11 13,6.5V12.5H13.78C13.88,12.5 14.05,12.55 14.3,12.61L18.84,14.86C19.44,15.14 19.73,15.61 19.73,16.27Z",W21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M1,9L4,12L7,9H5V3H3V9H1Z",I21="M6,1L3,4L6,7V5H9V7L12,4L9,1V3H6V1M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9V19L6.8,17.28H6.58C6.3,17.28 6.03,17.39 5.84,17.6L5.1,18.37L10,22.57C10.26,22.85 10.62,23 11,23H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,21.5V17.14C19,16.56 18.68,16.03 18.15,15.79L13.21,13.6L12,13.47V9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",G21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M3,4L6,7V5H12V3H6V1L3,4Z",Q21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M12,4L9,1V3H3V5H9V7L12,4Z",U21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M7,6L4,3L1,6H3V12H5V6H7Z",z21="M4,3L1,6H3V9H1L4,12L7,9H5V6H7L4,3M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9V19L6.8,17.28H6.58C6.3,17.28 6.03,17.39 5.84,17.6L5.1,18.37L10,22.57C10.26,22.85 10.62,23 11,23H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,21.5V17.14C19,16.56 18.68,16.03 18.15,15.79L13.21,13.6L12,13.47V9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",_21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M11,5A4,4 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.5 14.2,11.77 13,12.46V11.24C13.61,10.69 14,9.89 14,9A3,3 0 0,0 11,6A3,3 0 0,0 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9A4,4 0 0,1 11,5Z",K21="M20 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.89 21.11 2 20 2M11 4C13.21 4 15 5.79 15 8C15 9.5 14.2 10.77 13 11.46V10.24C13.61 9.69 14 8.89 14 8C14 6.34 12.66 5 11 5S8 6.34 8 8C8 8.89 8.39 9.69 9 10.24V11.46C7.8 10.77 7 9.5 7 8C7 5.79 8.79 4 11 4M18 18.5C17.97 19.32 17.32 19.97 16.5 20H11C10.62 20 10.26 19.85 10 19.57L6 15.37L6.74 14.6C6.93 14.39 7.2 14.28 7.5 14.28H7.7L10 16V8C10 7.45 10.45 7 11 7S12 7.45 12 8V12.47L13.21 12.6L17.15 14.79C17.68 15.03 18 15.56 18 16.14V18.5Z",j21="M13 5C15.21 5 17 6.79 17 9C17 10.5 16.2 11.77 15 12.46V11.24C15.61 10.69 16 9.89 16 9C16 7.34 14.66 6 13 6S10 7.34 10 9C10 9.89 10.39 10.69 11 11.24V12.46C9.8 11.77 9 10.5 9 9C9 6.79 10.79 5 13 5M20 20.5C19.97 21.32 19.32 21.97 18.5 22H13C12.62 22 12.26 21.85 12 21.57L8 17.37L8.74 16.6C8.93 16.39 9.2 16.28 9.5 16.28H9.7L12 18V9C12 8.45 12.45 8 13 8S14 8.45 14 9V13.47L15.21 13.6L19.15 15.79C19.68 16.03 20 16.56 20 17.14V20.5M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.11 2.9 14 4 14H8V12L4 12L4 4H20L20 12H18V14H20V13.96L20.04 14C21.13 14 22 13.09 22 12V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2Z",q21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M9,12.44V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7A2,2 0 0,1 13,9V12.44C14.19,11.75 15,10.47 15,9A4,4 0 0,0 11,5A4,4 0 0,0 7,9C7,10.47 7.81,11.75 9,12.44Z",$21="M19,15.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V7A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V12L18.15,13.84C18.66,14.07 19,14.58 19,15.14M13,3A4,4 0 0,1 17,7C17,8.5 16.2,9.77 15,10.46V9.24C15.61,8.69 16,7.89 16,7A3,3 0 0,0 13,4C11.65,4 10.5,4.9 10.13,6.13C8.9,6.5 8,7.65 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9C7,7.38 7.97,6 9.35,5.35C10,3.97 11.38,3 13,3M13,1A6,6 0 0,1 19,7C19,9.06 17.96,10.88 16.38,11.96L15.26,11.46C16.89,10.64 18,8.95 18,7A5,5 0 0,0 13,2C11.11,2 9.46,3.05 8.61,4.61C7.05,5.46 6,7.11 6,9C6,11.05 7.23,12.81 9,13.58V14.66C6.67,13.83 5,11.61 5,9C5,6.83 6.15,4.93 7.88,3.88C8.93,2.15 10.83,1 13,1Z",X21="M19,15.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V7A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V12L18.15,13.84C18.66,14.07 19,14.58 19,15.14M15,10.45V9.24L15,9.23C15.23,9.03 15.42,8.79 15.57,8.54C15.84,8.09 16,7.56 16,7A3,3 0 0,0 13,4C12.21,4 11.5,4.31 10.95,4.81L10.81,4.95C10.68,5.09 10.56,5.24 10.46,5.4C10.36,5.56 10.27,5.74 10.2,5.92C10.17,6 10.15,6.06 10.13,6.13C8.9,6.5 8,7.65 8,9C8,9.7 8.24,10.34 8.64,10.85C8.74,11 8.87,11.11 9,11.23V11.24L9,12.46V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9C7,7.38 7.97,6 9.35,5.35C10,3.97 11.38,3 13,3A4,4 0 0,1 17,7C17,8.5 16.2,9.77 15,10.46V10.45Z",Y21="M12,2A9,9 0 0,0 3,11V22L6,19L9,22L12,19L15,22L18,19L21,22V11A9,9 0 0,0 12,2M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,12A2,2 0 0,1 7,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,8M15,8A2,2 0 0,1 17,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,8Z",J21="M2,3.27L3.28,2L22,20.72L20.73,22L17.87,19.13L15,22L12,19L9,22L6,19L3,22V11C3,9.09 3.59,7.33 4.6,5.87L2,3.27M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11V17.18L15.7,11.88C16.46,11.59 17,10.86 17,10A2,2 0 0,0 15,8C14.14,8 13.41,8.54 13.13,9.3L7.2,3.38C8.59,2.5 10.24,2 12,2M7,10A2,2 0 0,0 9,12C9.5,12 9.93,11.83 10.27,11.54L7.46,8.73C7.17,9.07 7,9.5 7,10Z",C51="M8.29 5.09L6.84 3.64C8.3 2.61 10.08 2 12 2C16.97 2 21 6.03 21 11V17.8L19 15.8V11C19 7.14 15.86 4 12 4C10.63 4 9.36 4.4 8.29 5.09M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.56 19.45L15 22L12 19L9 22L6 19L3 22V11C3 9.26 3.5 7.63 4.36 6.25L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.89 6.23L8.69 8.03H8.69L10.97 10.31V10.31L17.41 16.76L17.42 16.76L21 20.34V20.35L22.11 21.46M16.14 18.03L9.89 11.78C9.62 11.92 9.32 12 9 12C7.9 12 7 11.11 7 10C7 9.68 7.08 9.38 7.22 9.11L5.82 7.71C5.3 8.69 5 9.81 5 11V17.17L6 16.17L7.41 17.59L9 19.17L10.59 17.59L12 16.17L13.41 17.59L15 19.17L16.14 18.03M15 8C13.96 8 13.11 8.8 13 9.82L15.18 12C16.2 11.89 17 11.04 17 10C17 8.9 16.11 8 15 8Z",H51="M12 2C7.03 2 3 6.03 3 11V22L6 19L9 22L12 19L15 22L18 19L21 22V11C21 6.03 16.97 2 12 2M19 17.17L18 16.17L16.59 17.59L15 19.17L13.41 17.59L12 16.17L10.59 17.59L9 19.17L7.41 17.59L6 16.17L5 17.17V11C5 7.14 8.14 4 12 4S19 7.14 19 11V17.17M11 10C11 11.11 10.11 12 9 12S7 11.11 7 10 7.9 8 9 8 11 8.9 11 10M17 10C17 11.11 16.11 12 15 12S13 11.11 13 10 13.9 8 15 8 17 8.9 17 10Z",V51="M9.06,1.93C7.17,1.92 5.33,3.74 6.17,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V10A1,1 0 0,0 2,11H11V8H13V11H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,10V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6H17.83C19,2.73 14.6,0.42 12.57,3.24L12,4L11.43,3.22C10.8,2.33 9.93,1.94 9.06,1.93M9,4C9.89,4 10.34,5.08 9.71,5.71C9.08,6.34 8,5.89 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,4M15,4C15.89,4 16.34,5.08 15.71,5.71C15.08,6.34 14,5.89 14,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,4M2,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12H13V20H11V12H2Z",L51="M1.11 3L4.14 6.04H3C1.9 6.04 1 6.93 1 8.04V10.04C1 10.59 1.45 11.04 2 11.04H9.15L10.15 12.04H2V20.04C2 21.14 2.9 22.04 4 22.04H20C20.05 22.04 20.09 22.03 20.13 22L21.56 23.45L22.83 22.18L2.39 1.73L1.11 3M11 12.89L13 14.89V20.04H11V12.89M22 12.04V18.8L15.24 12.04H22M21 6.04H17.83C19 2.77 14.6 .455 12.57 3.28L12 4.04L11.43 3.26C10.8 2.37 9.93 2 9.06 1.97C8.06 1.96 7.08 2.5 6.5 3.3L8.04 4.84C8.13 4.38 8.5 4.04 9 4.04C9.89 4.04 10.34 5.12 9.71 5.75C9.56 5.89 9.39 6 9.21 6L11.24 8.04H13V9.8L14.24 11.04H22C22.55 11.04 23 10.59 23 10.04V8.04C23 6.93 22.11 6.04 21 6.04M15.71 5.75C15.08 6.38 14 5.93 14 5.04C14 4.5 14.45 4.04 15 4.04C15.89 4.04 16.34 5.12 15.71 5.75Z",M51="M21 6H17.83C17.94 5.69 18 5.35 18 5C18 3.34 16.66 2 15 2C14 2 13.12 2.5 12.57 3.24V3.23L12 4L11.43 3.23V3.24C10.88 2.5 10 2 9 2C7.97 2 7.06 2.5 6.5 3.32L8.03 4.83C8.12 4.36 8.5 4 9 4C9.55 4 10 4.45 10 5C10 5.5 9.64 5.88 9.17 5.97L13 9.8V8H21V10H13.2L15.2 12H20V16.8L22 18.8V12C22.55 12 23 11.55 23 11V8C23 6.9 22.11 6 21 6M15 6C14.45 6 14 5.55 14 5S14.45 4 15 4 16 4.45 16 5 15.55 6 15 6M1.11 3L4.11 6H3C1.9 6 1 6.9 1 8V11C1 11.55 1.45 12 2 12V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C20.03 22 20.07 22 20.1 22L21.56 23.45L22.83 22.18L2.39 1.73L1.11 3M13 14.89L18.11 20H13V14.89M11 12.89V20H4V12H10.11L11 12.89M8.11 10H3V8H6.11L8.11 10Z",A51="M22 10.92L19.26 9.33C21.9 7.08 19.25 2.88 16.08 4.31L15.21 4.68L15.1 3.72C15 2.64 14.44 1.87 13.7 1.42C12.06 .467 9.56 1.12 9.16 3.5L6.41 1.92C5.45 1.36 4.23 1.69 3.68 2.65L2.68 4.38C2.4 4.86 2.57 5.47 3.05 5.75L10.84 10.25L12.34 7.65L14.07 8.65L12.57 11.25L20.36 15.75C20.84 16 21.46 15.86 21.73 15.38L22.73 13.65C23.28 12.69 22.96 11.47 22 10.92M12.37 5C11.5 5.25 10.8 4.32 11.24 3.55C11.5 3.07 12.13 2.91 12.61 3.18C13.38 3.63 13.23 4.79 12.37 5M17.56 8C16.7 8.25 16 7.32 16.44 6.55C16.71 6.07 17.33 5.91 17.8 6.18C18.57 6.63 18.42 7.79 17.56 8M20.87 16.88C21.28 16.88 21.67 16.74 22 16.5V20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V11H10.15L11 11.5V20H13V12.65L19.87 16.61C20.17 16.79 20.5 16.88 20.87 16.88Z",i51="M22 10.87L19.26 9.28C19.5 9.07 19.73 8.8 19.9 8.5C20.73 7.07 20.24 5.23 18.8 4.4C17.94 3.9 16.93 3.9 16.08 4.26L16.09 4.25L15.21 4.64L15.1 3.68L15.09 3.69C15 2.78 14.47 1.9 13.61 1.4C12.17 .575 10.34 1.07 9.5 2.5C9.33 2.8 9.22 3.13 9.16 3.45L6.41 1.87C5.45 1.32 4.23 1.64 3.68 2.6L2.18 5.2C1.9 5.68 2.07 6.29 2.55 6.56L4.28 7.56L8.5 10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V14.87L22.73 13.6C23.28 12.64 22.96 11.42 22 10.87M16.44 6.5C16.71 6 17.33 5.86 17.8 6.13C18.28 6.41 18.45 7 18.17 7.5C17.89 8 17.28 8.14 16.8 7.87C16.33 7.59 16.16 7 16.44 6.5M14.07 8.6L21 12.6L20 14.33L13.07 10.33L14.07 8.6M11 20H4V12H11V20M11.34 9.33L4.41 5.33L5.41 3.6L12.34 7.6L11.34 9.33M11.61 4.87C11.13 4.59 10.97 4 11.24 3.5C11.5 3 12.13 2.86 12.61 3.13C13.09 3.41 13.25 4 12.97 4.5C12.7 5 12.09 5.14 11.61 4.87M13 20V12.6L20 16.64V20H13Z",r51="M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12A1,1 0 0,1 1,11V8A2,2 0 0,1 3,6H6.17C6.06,5.69 6,5.35 6,5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2C10,2 10.88,2.5 11.43,3.24V3.23L12,4L12.57,3.23V3.24C13.12,2.5 14,2 15,2A3,3 0 0,1 18,5C18,5.35 17.94,5.69 17.83,6H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,8V11A1,1 0 0,1 22,12M4,20H11V12H4V20M20,20V12H13V20H20M9,4A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,4M3,8V10H11V8H3M13,8V10H21V8H13Z",a51="M2.6,10.59L8.38,4.8L10.07,6.5C9.83,7.35 10.22,8.28 11,8.73V14.27C10.4,14.61 10,15.26 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16C14,15.26 13.6,14.61 13,14.27V9.41L15.07,11.5C15,11.65 15,11.82 15,12A2,2 0 0,0 17,14A2,2 0 0,0 19,12A2,2 0 0,0 17,10C16.82,10 16.65,10 16.5,10.07L13.93,7.5C14.19,6.57 13.71,5.55 12.78,5.16C12.35,5 11.9,4.96 11.5,5.07L9.8,3.38L10.59,2.6C11.37,1.81 12.63,1.81 13.41,2.6L21.4,10.59C22.19,11.37 22.19,12.63 21.4,13.41L13.41,21.4C12.63,22.19 11.37,22.19 10.59,21.4L2.6,13.41C1.81,12.63 1.81,11.37 2.6,10.59Z",e51="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.42 4.87,20.17 8.84,21.5C9.34,21.58 9.5,21.27 9.5,21C9.5,20.77 9.5,20.14 9.5,19.31C6.73,19.91 6.14,17.97 6.14,17.97C5.68,16.81 5.03,16.5 5.03,16.5C4.12,15.88 5.1,15.9 5.1,15.9C6.1,15.97 6.63,16.93 6.63,16.93C7.5,18.45 8.97,18 9.54,17.76C9.63,17.11 9.89,16.67 10.17,16.42C7.95,16.17 5.62,15.31 5.62,11.5C5.62,10.39 6,9.5 6.65,8.79C6.55,8.54 6.2,7.5 6.75,6.15C6.75,6.15 7.59,5.88 9.5,7.17C10.29,6.95 11.15,6.84 12,6.84C12.85,6.84 13.71,6.95 14.5,7.17C16.41,5.88 17.25,6.15 17.25,6.15C17.8,7.5 17.45,8.54 17.35,8.79C18,9.5 18.38,10.39 18.38,11.5C18.38,15.32 16.04,16.16 13.81,16.41C14.17,16.72 14.5,17.33 14.5,18.26C14.5,19.6 14.5,20.68 14.5,21C14.5,21.27 14.66,21.59 15.17,21.5C19.14,20.16 22,16.42 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",d51="M21.94 13.11L20.89 9.89C20.89 9.86 20.88 9.83 20.87 9.8L18.76 3.32C18.65 3 18.33 2.75 17.96 2.75C17.6 2.75 17.28 3 17.17 3.33L15.17 9.5H8.84L6.83 3.33C6.72 3 6.4 2.75 6.04 2.75H6.04C5.67 2.75 5.35 3 5.24 3.33L3.13 9.82C3.13 9.82 3.13 9.83 3.13 9.83L2.06 13.11C1.9 13.61 2.07 14.15 2.5 14.45L11.72 21.16C11.89 21.28 12.11 21.28 12.28 21.15L21.5 14.45C21.93 14.15 22.1 13.61 21.94 13.11M8.15 10.45L10.72 18.36L4.55 10.45M13.28 18.37L15.75 10.78L15.85 10.45H19.46L13.87 17.61M17.97 3.94L19.78 9.5H16.16M14.86 10.45L13.07 15.96L12 19.24L9.14 10.45M6.03 3.94L7.84 9.5H4.23M3.05 13.69C2.96 13.62 2.92 13.5 2.96 13.4L3.75 10.97L9.57 18.42M20.95 13.69L14.44 18.42L14.46 18.39L20.25 10.97L21.04 13.4C21.08 13.5 21.04 13.62 20.95 13.69",m51="M7.5,7L5.5,5H18.5L16.5,7M11,13V19H6V21H18V19H13V13L21,5V3H3V5L11,13Z",t51="M13.33 12.67L7.66 7L6.13 5.47L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V5L11 13V19H6V21H18V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L13.33 12.67M13 19V14.89L17.11 19H13M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V5L14.6 11.4L10.2 7H16.5L18.5 5H8.2Z",v51="M8,2H16C15.67,5 15.33,8 14.75,9.83C14.17,11.67 13.33,12.33 12.92,14.08C12.5,15.83 12.5,18.67 13.08,20C13.67,21.33 14.83,21.17 15.42,21.25C16,21.33 16,21.67 16,22H8C8,21.67 8,21.33 8.58,21.25C9.17,21.17 10.33,21.33 10.92,20C11.5,18.67 11.5,15.83 11.08,14.08C10.67,12.33 9.83,11.67 9.25,9.83C8.67,8 8.33,5 8,2M10,4C10.07,5.03 10.15,6.07 10.24,7H13.76C13.85,6.07 13.93,5.03 14,4H10Z",l51="M13 20H18V22H6V20H11V13.97C8.19 13.7 6 11.34 6 8.46C6 8.15 6.03 7.85 6.08 7.55L7 2H13.54L12.33 4.41L11.79 5.5H13.79L12.33 8.41L11.79 9.5H14L13 12.75L15.67 9.09L16.46 8H14.21L15.67 5.09L16.21 4H14.21L15.21 2H17L17.93 7.55C18 7.85 18 8.15 18 8.46C18 11.34 15.81 13.7 13 13.97V20Z",o51="M10,4V7H18V4H10M8,2H20L21,2V3L20,4V20L21,21V22H20L8,22H7V21L8,20V18.6L4.2,16.83C3.5,16.5 3,15.82 3,15V8A2,2 0 0,1 5,6H8V4L7,3V2H8M5,15L8,16.39V8H5V15Z",n51="M20 19.35V19.34L6.66 6L6.07 5.41L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.26 6.15C3.5 6.44 3 7.16 3 8V15C3 15.82 3.5 16.5 4.2 16.83L8 18.6V20L7 21V22H20.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35M8 16.39L5 15V8H6.11L8 9.89V16.39M8 4L7 3V2H21V3L20 4V16.8L10.2 7H18V4H10V6.8L8 4.8V4Z",Z51="M9.5 3C7.56 3 5.85 4.24 5.23 6.08C3.36 6.44 2 8.09 2 10C2 12.21 3.79 14 6 14V22H17V20H20C20.55 20 21 19.55 21 19V11C21 10.45 20.55 10 20 10H18V8C18 5.79 16.21 4 14 4H12.32C11.5 3.35 10.53 3 9.5 3M9.5 5C10.29 5 11.03 5.37 11.5 6H14C15.11 6 16 6.9 16 8H12C10 8 9.32 9.13 8.5 10.63C7.68 12.13 6 12 6 12C4.89 12 4 11.11 4 10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H7V7.5C7 6.12 8.12 5 9.5 5M17 12H19V18H17Z",S51="M8.44 5.24L7 3.79C7.71 3.29 8.57 3 9.5 3C10.53 3 11.5 3.35 12.32 4H14C16.21 4 18 5.79 18 8V10H20C20.55 10 21 10.45 21 11V17.8L19 15.8V12H17V13.8L11.26 8.06C11.5 8 11.73 8 12 8H16C16 6.9 15.11 6 14 6H11.5C11.03 5.37 10.29 5 9.5 5C9.12 5 8.76 5.09 8.44 5.24M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H17V22H6V14C3.79 14 2 12.21 2 10C2 8.37 3 6.94 4.44 6.33L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L7.19 6.54L9.61 8.96L17 16.34V16.35L18.65 18H18.66L20.5 19.84V19.85L22.11 21.46M8.59 10.5L6.11 8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10C4 11.11 4.89 12 6 12C6 12 7.68 12.13 8.5 10.63L8.59 10.5Z",u51="M4 2L6 22H17L19 2H4M6.2 4H16.8L15.2 20H7.8L6.2 4Z",c51="M8,2H16V22H8V2M10,4V7H14V4H10Z",s51="M8,2H16C15.67,2.67 15.33,3.33 15.58,5C15.83,6.67 16.67,9.33 16.25,10.74C15.83,12.14 14.17,12.28 13.33,13.86C12.5,15.44 12.5,18.47 13.08,19.9C13.67,21.33 14.83,21.17 15.42,21.25C16,21.33 16,21.67 16,22H8C8,21.67 8,21.33 8.58,21.25C9.17,21.17 10.33,21.33 10.92,19.9C11.5,18.47 11.5,15.44 10.67,13.86C9.83,12.28 8.17,12.14 7.75,10.74C7.33,9.33 8.17,6.67 8.42,5C8.67,3.33 8.33,2.67 8,2M10,4C10,5.19 9.83,6.17 9.64,7H14.27C14.13,6.17 14,5.19 14,4H10Z",O51="M15.5,21.27L14.66,21.18C13.9,21.11 13.25,20.6 13,19.87C12.47,17.91 12.47,15.83 13,13.87C15.32,13.4 17,11.37 17,9C17,7 15,2 15,2H9C9,2 7,7 7,9C7,11.38 8.67,13.42 11,13.9C11.53,15.86 11.53,17.94 11,19.9C10.76,20.62 10.12,21.13 9.37,21.21L8.5,21.3C8.5,21.3 8,21.28 8,22H16C16,21.28 15.5,21.27 15.5,21.27M9.44,7L10.44,4H13.56L14.56,7H9.44Z",h51="M3,10C2.76,10 2.55,10.09 2.41,10.25C2.27,10.4 2.21,10.62 2.24,10.86L2.74,13.85C2.82,14.5 3.4,15 4,15H7C7.64,15 8.36,14.44 8.5,13.82L9.56,10.63C9.6,10.5 9.57,10.31 9.5,10.19C9.39,10.07 9.22,10 9,10H3M7,17H4C2.38,17 0.96,15.74 0.76,14.14L0.26,11.15C0.15,10.3 0.39,9.5 0.91,8.92C1.43,8.34 2.19,8 3,8H9C9.83,8 10.58,8.35 11.06,8.96C11.17,9.11 11.27,9.27 11.35,9.45C11.78,9.36 12.22,9.36 12.64,9.45C12.72,9.27 12.82,9.11 12.94,8.96C13.41,8.35 14.16,8 15,8H21C21.81,8 22.57,8.34 23.09,8.92C23.6,9.5 23.84,10.3 23.74,11.11L23.23,14.18C23.04,15.74 21.61,17 20,17H17C15.44,17 13.92,15.81 13.54,14.3L12.64,11.59C12.26,11.31 11.73,11.31 11.35,11.59L10.43,14.37C10.07,15.82 8.56,17 7,17M15,10C14.78,10 14.61,10.07 14.5,10.19C14.42,10.31 14.4,10.5 14.45,10.7L15.46,13.75C15.64,14.44 16.36,15 17,15H20C20.59,15 21.18,14.5 21.25,13.89L21.76,10.82C21.79,10.62 21.73,10.4 21.59,10.25C21.45,10.09 21.24,10 21,10H15Z",p51="M7.1 10C8.1 9 9.5 8.3 11 8.1V2H13V8.1C14.5 8.3 15.9 9 16.9 10H7.1M5.3 13C5.1 13.6 5 14.3 5 15C5 18.9 8.1 22 12 22S19 18.9 19 15C19 14.3 18.9 13.6 18.7 13H5.3Z",f51="M13 8.08V2H11V8.08C7.61 8.57 5 11.47 5 15C5 18.87 8.13 22 12 22S19 18.87 19 15C19 11.47 16.39 8.57 13 8.08M12 20C9.24 20 7 17.76 7 15C7 13.87 7.39 12.84 8.03 12H15.97C16.61 12.84 17 13.87 17 15C17 17.76 14.76 20 12 20Z",g51="M17.36,2.64L15.95,4.06C17.26,5.37 18,7.14 18,9A7,7 0 0,1 11,16C9.15,16 7.37,15.26 6.06,13.95L4.64,15.36C6.08,16.8 7.97,17.71 10,17.93V20H6V22H16V20H12V17.94C16.55,17.43 20,13.58 20,9C20,6.62 19.05,4.33 17.36,2.64M11,3.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,9A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 11,14.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 11,3.5M11,5.5C12.94,5.5 14.5,7.07 14.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 11,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 7.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 11,5.5Z",k51="M20,18H18V9.25L12,13L6,9.25V18H4V6H5.2L12,10.25L18.8,6H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",B51="M18.42,2C14.26,2 13.5,7.93 15.82,7.93C18.16,7.93 22.58,2 18.42,2M12,2.73C11.92,2.73 11.85,2.73 11.78,2.74C9.44,3.04 10.26,7.12 11.5,7.19C12.72,7.27 14.04,2.73 12,2.73M7.93,4.34C7.81,4.34 7.67,4.37 7.53,4.43C5.65,5.21 7.24,8.41 8.3,8.2C9.27,8 9.39,4.3 7.93,4.34M4.93,6.85C4.77,6.84 4.59,6.9 4.41,7.03C2.9,8.07 4.91,10.58 5.8,10.19C6.57,9.85 6.08,6.89 4.93,6.85M13.29,8.77C10.1,8.8 6.03,10.42 5.32,13.59C4.53,17.11 8.56,22 12.76,22C14.83,22 17.21,20.13 17.66,17.77C18,15.97 13.65,16.69 13.81,17.88C14,19.31 12.76,20 11.55,19.1C7.69,16.16 17.93,14.7 17.25,10.69C17.03,9.39 15.34,8.76 13.29,8.77Z",P51="M18,10H15.53L14.38,8.28L15.8,7.33L14.7,5.67L10.2,8.67L11.3,10.33L12.73,9.38L13.88,11.12L13,12H10.2L5.83,5.45L4.17,6.55L5.87,9.11C3.04,9.65 1,12.12 1,15V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V15A5,5 0 0,0 18,10M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5Z",w51="M22,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15,5.5V6A3,3 0 0,1 12,9C10,9 9,6 6,6A4,4 0 0,0 2,10V11H4V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8C6.86,8 7.42,8.45 8.32,9.24C9.28,10.27 10.6,10.9 12,11A5,5 0 0,0 17,6V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,5.5C19.86,6.35 19.58,7.18 19.17,7.94C18.5,9.2 18.11,10.58 18,12C18.09,13.37 18.5,14.71 19.21,15.89C19.6,16.54 19.87,17.25 20,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,18A3.75,3.75 0 0,0 12.25,14.25A3.75,3.75 0 0,0 8.5,18V18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,20A3,3 0 0,1 4,17V15H6V13H0V15H2V17A5,5 0 0,0 7,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 10.5,18.5V18A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 12.25,16.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 14,18A4,4 0 0,0 18,22A4,4 0 0,0 22,18C22,16 20,14 20,12C20,10 22,7.5 22,5.5Z",F51="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M10.46,5.54C9.95,5.54 9.54,5.95 9.54,6.46V9.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 10.46,10.46H13.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 14.46,9.54V6.46C14.46,5.95 14.05,5.54 13.54,5.54H10.46M11.08,6.77H12.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 13.23,7.08V8.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 12.92,9.23H11.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 10.77,8.92V7.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 11.08,6.77M4.92,5.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 4,6.46V9.54C4,10.05 4.41,10.46 4.92,10.46H7.08V9.23H5.54C5.37,9.23 5.23,9.09 5.23,8.92V7.08C5.23,6.91 5.37,6.77 5.54,6.77H7.38A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 7.69,7.08V10.77A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 7.38,11.08H4V12.31H8C8.5,12.31 8.92,11.89 8.92,11.38V6.46A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 8,5.54H4.92M16,5.54C15.5,5.54 15.08,5.95 15.08,6.46V9.54C15.08,10.05 15.5,10.46 16,10.46H18.15V9.23H16.62C16.45,9.23 16.31,9.09 16.31,8.92V7.08C16.31,6.91 16.45,6.77 16.62,6.77H18.46C18.63,6.77 18.77,6.91 18.77,7.08V10.77C18.77,10.94 18.63,11.08 18.46,11.08H15.08V12.31H19.08C19.59,12.31 20,11.89 20,11.38V6.46C20,5.95 19.59,5.54 19.08,5.54H16M9.85,13.54C9.34,13.54 8.92,13.95 8.92,14.46V17.54C8.92,18.05 9.34,18.46 9.85,18.46H12.92C13.43,18.46 13.85,18.05 13.85,17.54V14.46C13.85,13.95 13.43,13.54 12.92,13.54H9.85M10.46,14.77H12.31C12.5,14.77 12.62,14.91 12.62,15.08V16.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 12.31,17.23H10.46C10.29,17.23 10.15,17.09 10.15,16.92V15.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 10.46,14.77M4.92,13.54C4.41,13.54 4,13.95 4,14.46V17.54C4,18.05 4.41,18.46 4.92,18.46H8.31V17.23H5.54C5.37,17.23 5.23,17.09 5.23,16.92V15.08C5.23,14.91 5.37,14.77 5.54,14.77H8.31V13.54H4.92M15.38,13.54C14.87,13.54 14.46,13.95 14.46,14.46V18.46H15.69V15.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 16,14.77H16.62V18.46H17.85V14.77H18.77V18.46H20V13.54H15.38Z",T51="M1 22L2.5 17H9.5L11 22H1M13 22L14.5 17H21.5L23 22H13M6 15L7.5 10H14.5L16 15H6M23 6.05L19.14 7.14L18.05 11L16.96 7.14L13.1 6.05L16.96 4.96L18.05 1.1L19.14 4.96L23 6.05Z",b51="M19.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,18M17,5.92L11,9V18.03C13.84,18.19 16,19 16,20C16,21.1 13.31,22 10,22C6.69,22 4,21.1 4,20C4,19.26 5.21,18.62 7,18.27V20H9V2L17,5.92Z",y51="M19.89 12.37L18.25 5H19V3H3V7H1V9H3V12.54A6 6 0 0 0 1 17V19H3A3 3 0 0 0 9 19H15A3 3 0 0 0 21 19H23V17A5 5 0 0 0 19.89 12.37M6 20.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6 20.5M15.53 12L14.38 10.28L15.8 9.33L14.7 7.67L10.2 10.67L11.3 12.33L12.73 11.38L13.88 13.12L13 14H10.2L5 7V5H16.2L17.75 12M18 20.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 19.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 20.5Z",R51="M7 19V17H17V19H15C14.5 19 14 19.2 13.6 19.6S13 20.5 13 21V22H11V21C11 20.5 10.8 20 10.4 19.6S9.5 19 9 19H7M11 6C11 5.7 11.1 5.5 11.3 5.3S11.7 5 12 5 12.5 5.1 12.7 5.3 13 5.7 13 6 12.9 6.5 12.7 6.7 12.3 7 12 7 11.5 6.9 11.3 6.7 11 6.3 11 6M13 8C13 7.7 13.1 7.5 13.3 7.3S13.7 7 14 7 14.5 7.1 14.7 7.3 15 7.7 15 8 14.9 8.5 14.7 8.7 14.3 9 14 9 13.5 8.9 13.3 8.7 13 8.3 13 8M9 8C9 7.7 9.1 7.5 9.3 7.3S9.7 7 10 7 10.5 7.1 10.7 7.3 11 7.7 11 8 10.9 8.5 10.7 8.7 10.3 9 10 9 9.5 8.9 9.3 8.7 9 8.3 9 8M16.9 4.1C15.5 2.7 13.9 2.1 12 2.1S8.4 2.8 7.1 4.1 5 7.1 5 9 5.7 12.6 7 13.9 10 15.9 11.9 15.9 15.5 15.2 16.8 13.9 18.8 10.9 18.8 9 18.3 5.4 16.9 4.1M15.5 12.5C14.5 13.5 13.3 14 12 14S9.4 13.5 8.5 12.5 7 10.4 7 9 7.5 6.4 8.5 5.5 10.6 4 12 4 14.6 4.5 15.5 5.5 17 7.6 17 9 16.5 11.6 15.5 12.5Z",x51="M18,10H13V7.59L22.12,6.07L21.88,4.59L16.41,5.5C16.46,5.35 16.5,5.18 16.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,5C13.5,5.35 13.63,5.68 13.84,5.93L13,6.07V5H11V6.41L10.41,6.5C10.46,6.35 10.5,6.18 10.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,6C7.5,6.36 7.63,6.68 7.83,6.93L1.88,7.93L2.12,9.41L11,7.93V10H6C4.89,10 4,10.9 4,12V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V12A2,2 0 0,0 18,10M6,12H8.25V16H6V12M9.75,16V12H14.25V16H9.75M18,16H15.75V12H18V16Z",D51="M17,12.77C15.96,14.42 14.22,15.5 12.25,15.5C9.07,15.5 6.5,12.7 6.5,9.25C6.5,5.8 9.07,3 12.25,3C14.22,3 15.96,4.08 17,5.73V3H18V15.25C18,20.71 14.54,21 11.5,21C9,21 7.55,19.31 7.13,17H8.14C8.5,18.75 9.54,20 11.5,20C13.72,20 17,20.05 17,15.25V15.25L17,12.77M12.25,4C9.63,4 7.5,6.35 7.5,9.25C7.5,12.15 9.63,14.5 12.25,14.5C14.87,14.5 17,12.15 17,9.25C17,6.35 14.87,4 12.25,4Z",E51="M21.35,11.1H12.18V13.83H18.69C18.36,17.64 15.19,19.27 12.19,19.27C8.36,19.27 5,16.25 5,12C5,7.9 8.2,4.73 12.2,4.73C15.29,4.73 17.1,6.7 17.1,6.7L19,4.72C19,4.72 16.56,2 12.1,2C6.42,2 2.03,6.8 2.03,12C2.03,17.05 6.16,22 12.25,22C17.6,22 21.5,18.33 21.5,12.91C21.5,11.76 21.35,11.1 21.35,11.1V11.1Z",N51="M12.25 1.47C11.55 1.42 10.82 1.58 10.17 1.96C8.41 2.97 7.81 5.21 8.82 6.96L16.16 19.66C17.17 21.42 19.41 22 21.17 21C22.92 20 23.5 17.75 22.5 16L15.18 3.3C14.54 2.2 13.43 1.56 12.25 1.47M6.82 6.76L1.5 16A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 1 17.83A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 4.67 21.5A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 7.84 19.66V19.67L11 14.19C9.65 11.89 8.27 9.6 7.03 7.23C6.95 7.08 6.88 6.92 6.83 6.76ZL16.4 5Z",W51="M15.86 4.39V19.39C15.86 21.06 17 22 18.25 22C19.39 22 20.64 21.21 20.64 19.39V4.5C20.64 2.96 19.5 2 18.25 2S15.86 3.06 15.86 4.39M9.61 12V19.39C9.61 21.07 10.77 22 12 22C13.14 22 14.39 21.21 14.39 19.39V12.11C14.39 10.57 13.25 9.61 12 9.61S9.61 10.67 9.61 12M5.75 17.23C7.07 17.23 8.14 18.3 8.14 19.61C8.14 20.93 7.07 22 5.75 22S3.36 20.93 3.36 19.61C3.36 18.3 4.43 17.23 5.75 17.23Z",I51="M7,2A6,6 0 0,0 1,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,14A6,6 0 0,0 13,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,2M21.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 23,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,6M17,8A3,3 0 0,0 14,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,14A3,3 0 0,0 20,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,8M17,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 13.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,15Z",G51="M20.74,6H3.2C2.55,6 2,6.57 2,7.27V17.73C2,18.43 2.55,19 3.23,19H8C8.54,19 9,18.68 9.16,18.21L10.55,14.74C10.79,14.16 11.35,13.75 12,13.75C12.65,13.75 13.21,14.16 13.45,14.74L14.84,18.21C15.03,18.68 15.46,19 15.95,19H20.74C21.45,19 22,18.43 22,17.73V7.27C22,6.57 21.45,6 20.74,6M7.22,14.58C6,14.58 5,13.55 5,12.29C5,11 6,10 7.22,10C8.44,10 9.43,11 9.43,12.29C9.43,13.55 8.44,14.58 7.22,14.58M16.78,14.58C15.56,14.58 14.57,13.55 14.57,12.29C14.57,11.03 15.56,10 16.78,10C18,10 19,11.03 19,12.29C19,13.55 18,14.58 16.78,14.58Z",Q51="M12,20L15.46,14H15.45C15.79,13.4 16,12.73 16,12C16,10.8 15.46,9.73 14.62,9H19.41C19.79,9.93 20,10.94 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M4,12C4,10.54 4.39,9.18 5.07,8L8.54,14H8.55C9.24,15.19 10.5,16 12,16C12.45,16 12.88,15.91 13.29,15.77L10.89,19.91C7,19.37 4,16.04 4,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12M12,4C14.96,4 17.54,5.61 18.92,8H12C10.06,8 8.45,9.38 8.08,11.21L5.7,7.08C7.16,5.21 9.44,4 12,4M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",U51="M16.66,15H17C18,15 19,14.8 19.87,14.46C19.17,18.73 15.47,22 11,22C6,22 2,17.97 2,13C2,8.53 5.27,4.83 9.54,4.13C9.2,5 9,6 9,7V7.34C6.68,8.16 5,10.38 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19C13.62,19 15.84,17.32 16.66,15M17,10A3,3 0 0,0 20,7A3,3 0 0,0 17,4A3,3 0 0,0 14,7A3,3 0 0,0 17,10M17,1A6,6 0 0,1 23,7A6,6 0 0,1 17,13A6,6 0 0,1 11,7C11,3.68 13.69,1 17,1Z",z51="M15,12C13.89,12 13,12.89 13,14A2,2 0 0,0 15,16A2,2 0 0,0 17,14C17,12.89 16.1,12 15,12M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M14,9C14,7.89 13.1,7 12,7C10.89,7 10,7.89 10,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,11A2,2 0 0,0 14,9M9,12A2,2 0 0,0 7,14A2,2 0 0,0 9,16A2,2 0 0,0 11,14C11,12.89 10.1,12 9,12Z",_51="M18,19C16.89,19 16,18.1 16,17C16,15.89 16.89,15 18,15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17A2,2 0 0,1 18,19M18,13A4,4 0 0,0 14,17A4,4 0 0,0 18,21A4,4 0 0,0 22,17A4,4 0 0,0 18,13M12,11.1A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 10.1,13A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 12,14.9A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 13.9,13A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 12,11.1M6,19C4.89,19 4,18.1 4,17C4,15.89 4.89,15 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,19M6,13A4,4 0 0,0 2,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,21A4,4 0 0,0 10,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,13M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8C10.89,8 10,7.1 10,6C10,4.89 10.89,4 12,4M12,10A4,4 0 0,0 16,6A4,4 0 0,0 12,2A4,4 0 0,0 8,6A4,4 0 0,0 12,10Z",K51="M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12C3,13.11 3.9,14 5,14C6.11,14 7,13.11 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16M10.5,11H14V8L18,12L14,16V13H10.5V11M5,6C4.55,6 4.11,6.05 3.69,6.14C5.63,3.05 9.08,1 13,1C19.08,1 24,5.92 24,12C24,18.08 19.08,23 13,23C9.08,23 5.63,20.95 3.69,17.86C4.11,17.95 4.55,18 5,18C5.8,18 6.56,17.84 7.25,17.56C8.71,19.07 10.74,20 13,20A8,8 0 0,0 21,12A8,8 0 0,0 13,4C10.74,4 8.71,4.93 7.25,6.44C6.56,6.16 5.8,6 5,6Z",j51="M23,2H1A1,1 0 0,0 0,3V21A1,1 0 0,0 1,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V3A1,1 0 0,0 23,2M22,20H20V19H15V20H2V4H22V20M10.29,9.71A1.71,1.71 0 0,1 12,8C12.95,8 13.71,8.77 13.71,9.71C13.71,10.66 12.95,11.43 12,11.43C11.05,11.43 10.29,10.66 10.29,9.71M5.71,11.29C5.71,10.58 6.29,10 7,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 8.29,11.29C8.29,12 7.71,12.57 7,12.57C6.29,12.57 5.71,12 5.71,11.29M15.71,11.29A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 17,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 18.29,11.29C18.29,12 17.71,12.57 17,12.57C16.29,12.57 15.71,12 15.71,11.29M20,15.14V16H16L14,16H10L8,16H4V15.14C4,14.2 5.55,13.43 7,13.43C7.55,13.43 8.11,13.54 8.6,13.73C9.35,13.04 10.7,12.57 12,12.57C13.3,12.57 14.65,13.04 15.4,13.73C15.89,13.54 16.45,13.43 17,13.43C18.45,13.43 20,14.2 20,15.14Z",q51="M23 14.75C23 18.2 20.2 21 16.75 21H7.25C3.8 21 1 18.2 1 14.75C1 12.61 2.08 10.72 3.71 9.6C4.58 5.82 7.96 3 12 3C16.04 3 19.42 5.82 20.29 9.6C21.93 10.72 23 12.61 23 14.75M16.63 17C17.94 17 19 15.94 19 14.63C19 13.35 18 12.3 16.72 12.25L16.75 11.75C16.75 9.13 14.62 7 12 7C10.58 7 9.3 7.62 8.43 8.61C9.93 8.9 11.23 9.72 12.14 10.86L9.5 13.5C9.08 12.77 8.29 12.25 7.38 12.25C6.06 12.25 5 13.31 5 14.63C5 15.9 6 16.93 7.25 17V17H16.63Z",$51="M13 2V3H12V9H11V10H9V11H8V12H7V13H5V12H4V11H3V9H2V15H3V16H4V17H5V18H6V22H8V21H7V20H8V19H9V18H10V19H11V22H13V21H12V17H13V16H14V15H15V12H16V13H17V11H15V9H20V8H17V7H22V3H21V2M14 3H15V4H14Z",X51="M7.71,3.5L1.15,15L4.58,21L11.13,9.5M9.73,15L6.3,21H19.42L22.85,15M22.28,14L15.42,2H8.58L8.57,2L15.43,14H22.28Z",Y51="M12,12.14C11.09,10.77 10.14,9.78 9.14,9.19C8.14,8.59 7.27,8.38 6.5,8.55C5.77,8.73 5.14,9.14 4.64,9.8C4.2,10.39 4,11.06 4,11.81V12C4,12.78 4.11,13.58 4.36,14.39C4.45,14.64 4.5,14.64 4.55,14.39C4.67,13.77 4.96,13.31 5.41,13.03C5.87,12.75 6.47,12.76 7.22,13.05C7.97,13.35 8.7,14 9.42,14.95C10.7,16.67 12.2,17.72 13.92,18.09C16.14,18.41 17.81,17.7 18.94,16C19.25,15.39 19.5,14.86 19.64,14.39C19.73,14.08 19.69,14.05 19.5,14.3C19.03,14.92 18.4,15.33 17.6,15.5C16.8,15.7 15.89,15.5 14.86,15C13.83,14.43 12.88,13.5 12,12.14M16.97,8.16C15.41,5.81 13.72,4.5 11.91,4.17C10.47,3.95 8.91,4.45 7.22,5.67C7,5.83 6.9,5.91 6.91,5.93C6.93,5.95 7.06,5.89 7.31,5.77C9.81,4.55 12.22,5.83 14.53,9.61C15.03,10.45 15.55,11.11 16.1,11.58C16.65,12.05 17.16,12.33 17.65,12.42C18.13,12.5 18.57,12.5 18.96,12.38C19.35,12.25 19.7,12.05 20,11.77C20,11.17 19.91,10.5 19.69,9.8C19.19,9.92 18.74,9.88 18.35,9.68C17.96,9.5 17.5,8.97 16.97,8.16M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",J51="M17,4A5,5 0 0,1 22,9C22,10.38 21.44,11.63 20.54,12.54L12,21.07L3.46,12.54C2.56,11.63 2,10.38 2,9A5,5 0 0,1 7,4C8.38,4 9.63,4.56 10.54,5.46L12,6.93L13.46,5.46C14.37,4.56 15.62,4 17,4M15.59,7.59L9.17,14L12,16.83L18.41,10.41C18.78,10.05 19,9.55 19,9A2,2 0 0,0 17,7C16.45,7 15.95,7.22 15.59,7.59M8.41,7.59C8.05,7.22 7.55,7 7,7A2,2 0 0,0 5,9C5,9.55 5.22,10.05 5.59,10.41L7.05,11.88L9.88,9.05L8.41,7.59Z",C31="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16.75 18H15.25V8.9L6.72 18H4.66L15.45 6.5C15.66 6.26 16 6.19 16.27 6.3C16.56 6.42 16.75 6.69 16.75 7V18Z",H31="M15,11L14,13H12.5L13.5,11H12V8H15M11,11L10,13H8.5L9.5,11H8V8H11M11.5,2A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 11.5,19H12V22.5C16.86,20.15 20,15 20,10.5C20,5.8 16.19,2 11.5,2Z",V31="M4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V17.33L17.33 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M17 17V20.25L20.25 17H17M10 19H14V18H15V13C16.21 12.09 17 10.64 17 9C17 6.24 14.76 4 12 4S7 6.24 7 9C7 10.64 7.79 12.09 9 13V18H10V19M14 17H10V15H14V17M12 5C14.21 5 16 6.79 16 9C16 10.5 15.2 11.77 14 12.46V14H10V12.46C8.8 11.77 8 10.5 8 9C8 6.79 9.79 5 12 5Z",L31="M6,2H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,6V12H20V6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H12V22H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,18V6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M18,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,16Z",M31="M18.27 6C19.28 8.17 19.05 10.73 17.94 12.81C17 14.5 15.65 15.93 14.5 17.5C14 18.2 13.5 18.95 13.13 19.76C13 20.03 12.91 20.31 12.81 20.59C12.71 20.87 12.62 21.15 12.53 21.43C12.44 21.69 12.33 22 12 22H12C11.61 22 11.5 21.56 11.42 21.26C11.18 20.53 10.94 19.83 10.57 19.16C10.15 18.37 9.62 17.64 9.08 16.93L18.27 6M9.12 8.42L5.82 12.34C6.43 13.63 7.34 14.73 8.21 15.83C8.42 16.08 8.63 16.34 8.83 16.61L13 11.67L12.96 11.68C11.5 12.18 9.88 11.44 9.3 10C9.22 9.83 9.16 9.63 9.12 9.43C9.07 9.06 9.06 8.79 9.12 8.43L9.12 8.42M6.58 4.62L6.57 4.63C4.95 6.68 4.67 9.53 5.64 11.94L9.63 7.2L9.58 7.15L6.58 4.62M14.22 2.36L11 6.17L11.04 6.16C12.38 5.7 13.88 6.28 14.56 7.5C14.71 7.78 14.83 8.08 14.87 8.38C14.93 8.76 14.95 9.03 14.88 9.4L14.88 9.41L18.08 5.61C17.24 4.09 15.87 2.93 14.23 2.37L14.22 2.36M9.89 6.89L13.8 2.24L13.76 2.23C13.18 2.08 12.59 2 12 2C10.03 2 8.17 2.85 6.85 4.31L6.83 4.32L9.89 6.89Z",A31="M22 8.5C22 9.87 20.88 11 19.5 11S17 9.87 17 8.5C17 9.87 15.88 11 14.5 11C13.12 11 12 9.87 12 8.5C12 9.87 10.88 11 9.5 11S7 9.87 7 8.5C7 9.87 5.88 11 4.5 11S2 9.87 2 8.5L3.39 3.08C3.39 3.08 3.68 2 4.7 2H19.3C20.32 2 20.61 3.08 20.61 3.08L22 8.5M21 12.2V20C21 21.1 20.1 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V12.2C3.46 12.39 3.97 12.5 4.5 12.5C5.45 12.5 6.32 12.17 7 11.62C7.69 12.17 8.56 12.5 9.5 12.5C10.45 12.5 11.32 12.17 12 11.62C12.69 12.17 13.56 12.5 14.5 12.5C15.45 12.5 16.32 12.17 17 11.62C17.68 12.17 18.56 12.5 19.5 12.5C20.03 12.5 20.54 12.39 21 12.2M19 17.33C19 17.13 19 16.92 18.95 16.7L18.92 16.54H15.95V17.71H17.76C17.7 17.93 17.62 18.15 17.45 18.33C17.12 18.66 16.67 18.84 16.19 18.84C15.69 18.84 15.2 18.63 14.84 18.28C14.15 17.57 14.15 16.42 14.86 15.7C15.55 15 16.69 15 17.41 15.67L17.55 15.8L18.39 14.95L18.23 14.81C17.67 14.29 16.93 14 16.15 14H16.14C15.33 14 14.57 14.31 14 14.87C13.41 15.45 13.08 16.21 13.08 17C13.08 17.8 13.39 18.54 13.96 19.09H13.96C14.54 19.66 15.35 20 16.18 20H16.2C17 20 17.71 19.71 18.23 19.2C18.7 18.72 19 18 19 17.33Z",i31="M21.36,10.46L13.54,2.64C12.69,1.79 11.31,1.79 10.46,2.64L2.64,10.46C1.79,11.31 1.79,12.69 2.64,13.54L10.46,21.36C11.31,22.21 12.69,22.21 13.54,21.36L21.36,13.54C22.21,12.69 22.21,11.31 21.36,10.46M12,19L5,12L12,5L19,12L12,19M16.5,12L12,16.5L7.5,12L12,7.5L16.5,12Z",r31="M3,20.5V3.5C3,2.91 3.34,2.39 3.84,2.15L13.69,12L3.84,21.85C3.34,21.6 3,21.09 3,20.5M16.81,15.12L6.05,21.34L14.54,12.85L16.81,15.12M20.16,10.81C20.5,11.08 20.75,11.5 20.75,12C20.75,12.5 20.53,12.9 20.18,13.18L17.89,14.5L15.39,12L17.89,9.5L20.16,10.81M6.05,2.66L16.81,8.88L14.54,11.15L6.05,2.66Z",a31="M23,11H21V9H19V11H17V13H19V15H21V13H23M8,11V13.4H12C11.8,14.4 10.8,16.4 8,16.4C5.6,16.4 3.7,14.4 3.7,12C3.7,9.6 5.6,7.6 8,7.6C9.4,7.6 10.3,8.2 10.8,8.7L12.7,6.9C11.5,5.7 9.9,5 8,5C4.1,5 1,8.1 1,12C1,15.9 4.1,19 8,19C12,19 14.7,16.2 14.7,12.2C14.7,11.7 14.7,11.4 14.6,11H8Z",e31="M17.68,7.22V8.62C17.68,9.3 17.13,9.86 16.43,9.86C15.74,9.86 15.18,9.3 15.18,8.62V7.22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 16.43,5.97C17.13,5.97 17.68,6.53 17.68,7.22M13.25,8.36V15.63C13.25,16.32 12.69,16.88 12,16.88C11.31,16.88 10.75,16.32 10.75,15.63V8.36C10.75,7.68 11.31,7.11 12,7.11C12.69,7.11 13.25,7.68 13.25,8.36M22,11.3V12.7C22,13.38 21.44,13.94 20.75,13.94C20.06,13.94 19.5,13.38 19.5,12.7V11.3C19.5,10.61 20.06,10.06 20.75,10.06C21.44,10.06 22,10.61 22,11.3M4.5,11.3V12.7C4.5,13.38 3.94,13.94 3.25,13.94C2.55,13.94 2,13.38 2,12.7V11.3C2,10.61 2.55,10.06 3.25,10.06C3.94,10.06 4.5,10.61 4.5,11.3M8.82,15.38V16.77C8.82,17.45 8.26,18 7.57,18C6.88,18 6.32,17.45 6.32,16.77V15.38C6.32,14.68 6.88,14.13 7.57,14.13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.82,15.38M13.25,19.36V20.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.75,20.75V19.36A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,18.11A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13.25,19.36M13.25,3.25V4.64A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,5.89A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.75,4.64V3.25C10.75,2.55 11.31,2 12,2A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13.25,3.25M17.68,12.34V16.77C17.68,17.46 17.13,18 16.43,18C15.74,18 15.18,17.46 15.18,16.77V12.34C15.18,11.64 15.74,11.09 16.43,11.09C17.13,11.09 17.68,11.64 17.68,12.34M8.82,7.22V11.65C8.82,12.35 8.26,12.9 7.57,12.9A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 6.32,11.65V7.22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 7.57,5.97A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.82,7.22Z",d31="M19,11V9H11V5H9V9H5V11H9V19H11V11H19M19,3C19.5,3 20,3.2 20.39,3.61C20.8,4 21,4.5 21,5V19C21,19.5 20.8,20 20.39,20.39C20,20.8 19.5,21 19,21H5C4.5,21 4,20.8 3.61,20.39C3.2,20 3,19.5 3,19V5C3,4.5 3.2,4 3.61,3.61C4,3.2 4.5,3 5,3H19Z",m31="M11.95,9.27C13.96,9.27 15.59,7.64 15.59,5.63C15.59,3.63 13.96,2 11.95,2C9.94,2 8.32,3.63 8.32,5.63C8.32,7.64 9.94,9.27 11.95,9.27M9.36,12.97C9.36,12.97 8.27,15.94 7.96,16.5C7.85,16.71 7.87,16.77 7.6,16.77C7.33,16.77 6.91,16.5 6.91,16.5C6.91,16.5 6.71,16.37 6.79,16.14C7.03,15.4 8.12,11.08 8.35,10.25C8.6,9.36 9.28,9.39 9.28,9.39H9.93L12.03,13.04L14.14,9.39H14.92C14.92,9.39 15.23,9.43 15.46,9.7C15.7,9.97 15.75,10.44 15.75,10.44L17.14,15.84C17.14,15.84 17.24,16.22 17.21,16.33C17.17,16.5 17.08,16.5 17.08,16.5C17.08,16.5 16.69,16.62 16.47,16.69C16.07,16.82 16,16.44 16,16.44L14.7,13.04L14.55,22H12.6L12.27,16.89C12.27,16.89 12.21,16.76 12.03,16.76C11.86,16.76 11.8,16.89 11.8,16.89L11.45,22H9.5L9.37,12.97H9.36Z",t31="M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z",v31="M9 13V11H11V13M11 15V13H13V15M11 11V9H13V11M9 9V7H11V9M9 17V15H11V17M3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M18 15V17H16V15M18 11V13H16V11M18 7V9H16V7M11 5V7H13V5H15V7H13V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H13V17H15V19H13V17H11V19H5V5Z",l31="M11,9H13V11H11V9M9,11H11V13H9V11M13,11H15V13H13V11M15,9H17V11H15V9M7,9H9V11H7V9M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9,18H7V16H9V18M13,18H11V16H13V18M17,18H15V16H17V18M19,11H17V13H19V15H17V13H15V15H13V13H11V15H9V13H7V15H5V13H7V11H5V5H19V11Z",o31="M10,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,12M6,8A2,2 0 0,0 4,10A2,2 0 0,0 6,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,10A2,2 0 0,0 6,8M6,16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20A2,2 0 0,0 8,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,16M18,8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4A2,2 0 0,0 16,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,8M14,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,20A2,2 0 0,0 16,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16M18,12A2,2 0 0,0 16,14A2,2 0 0,0 18,16A2,2 0 0,0 20,14A2,2 0 0,0 18,12M14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 16,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8M10,4A2,2 0 0,0 8,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,4Z",n31="M19.5 17C19.37 17 19.24 17 19.11 17.04L17.5 13.79C17.95 13.34 18.25 12.71 18.25 12C18.25 10.62 17.13 9.5 15.75 9.5C15.62 9.5 15.5 9.5 15.36 9.54L13.73 6.29C14.21 5.84 14.5 5.21 14.5 4.5C14.5 3.12 13.38 2 12 2S9.5 3.12 9.5 4.5C9.5 5.21 9.79 5.84 10.26 6.29L8.64 9.54C8.5 9.5 8.38 9.5 8.25 9.5C6.87 9.5 5.75 10.62 5.75 12C5.75 12.71 6.05 13.34 6.5 13.79L4.89 17.04C4.76 17 4.63 17 4.5 17C3.12 17 2 18.12 2 19.5C2 20.88 3.12 22 4.5 22S7 20.88 7 19.5C7 18.8 6.71 18.16 6.24 17.71L7.86 14.46C8 14.5 8.12 14.5 8.25 14.5C8.38 14.5 8.5 14.5 8.64 14.46L10.27 17.71C9.8 18.16 9.5 18.8 9.5 19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5C14.5 18.12 13.38 17 12 17C11.87 17 11.74 17 11.61 17.04L10 13.79C10.46 13.34 10.75 12.71 10.75 12S10.46 10.66 10 10.21L11.61 6.96C11.74 7 11.87 7 12 7S12.26 7 12.39 6.96L14 10.21C13.55 10.66 13.25 11.3 13.25 12C13.25 13.38 14.37 14.5 15.75 14.5C15.88 14.5 16 14.5 16.14 14.46L17.77 17.71C17.3 18.16 17 18.8 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.12 20.88 17 19.5 17Z",Z31="M19.5 17C19.36 17 19.24 17 19.11 17.04L17.5 13.8C17.95 13.35 18.25 12.71 18.25 12C18.25 10.62 17.13 9.5 15.75 9.5C15.61 9.5 15.5 9.5 15.35 9.54L13.74 6.3C14.21 5.84 14.5 5.21 14.5 4.5C14.5 3.12 13.38 2 12 2S9.5 3.12 9.5 4.5C9.5 5.2 9.79 5.84 10.26 6.29L8.65 9.54C8.5 9.5 8.39 9.5 8.25 9.5C6.87 9.5 5.75 10.62 5.75 12C5.75 12.71 6.04 13.34 6.5 13.79L4.89 17.04C4.76 17 4.64 17 4.5 17C3.12 17 2 18.12 2 19.5C2 20.88 3.12 22 4.5 22S7 20.88 7 19.5C7 18.8 6.71 18.16 6.24 17.71L7.86 14.46C8 14.5 8.12 14.5 8.25 14.5C8.38 14.5 8.5 14.5 8.63 14.46L10.26 17.71C9.79 18.16 9.5 18.8 9.5 19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5C14.5 18.12 13.38 17 12 17C11.87 17 11.74 17 11.61 17.04L10 13.8C10.45 13.35 10.75 12.71 10.75 12C10.75 11.3 10.46 10.67 10 10.21L11.61 6.96C11.74 7 11.87 7 12 7C12.13 7 12.26 7 12.39 6.96L14 10.21C13.54 10.66 13.25 11.3 13.25 12C13.25 13.38 14.37 14.5 15.75 14.5C15.88 14.5 16 14.5 16.13 14.46L17.76 17.71C17.29 18.16 17 18.8 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.12 20.88 17 19.5 17M4.5 20.5C3.95 20.5 3.5 20.05 3.5 19.5S3.95 18.5 4.5 18.5 5.5 18.95 5.5 19.5 5.05 20.5 4.5 20.5M13 19.5C13 20.05 12.55 20.5 12 20.5S11 20.05 11 19.5 11.45 18.5 12 18.5 13 18.95 13 19.5M7.25 12C7.25 11.45 7.7 11 8.25 11S9.25 11.45 9.25 12 8.8 13 8.25 13 7.25 12.55 7.25 12M11 4.5C11 3.95 11.45 3.5 12 3.5S13 3.95 13 4.5 12.55 5.5 12 5.5 11 5.05 11 4.5M14.75 12C14.75 11.45 15.2 11 15.75 11S16.75 11.45 16.75 12 16.3 13 15.75 13 14.75 12.55 14.75 12M19.5 20.5C18.95 20.5 18.5 20.05 18.5 19.5S18.95 18.5 19.5 18.5 20.5 18.95 20.5 19.5 20.05 20.5 19.5 20.5Z",S31="M12,5.37L11.56,5.31L6,14.9C6.24,15.11 6.4,15.38 6.47,15.68H17.53C17.6,15.38 17.76,15.11 18,14.9L12.44,5.31L12,5.37M6.6,16.53L10.88,19.06C11.17,18.79 11.57,18.63 12,18.63C12.43,18.63 12.83,18.79 13.12,19.06L17.4,16.53H6.6M12,22A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 10.32,20.32L10.41,19.76L6.11,17.21C5.8,17.57 5.35,17.79 4.84,17.79A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 3.16,16.11C3.16,15.32 3.69,14.66 4.42,14.47V9.36C3.59,9.25 2.95,8.54 2.95,7.68A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 4.63,6C5.18,6 5.66,6.26 5.97,6.66L10.38,4.13L10.32,3.68C10.32,2.75 11.07,2 12,2C12.93,2 13.68,2.75 13.68,3.68L13.62,4.13L18.03,6.66C18.34,6.26 18.82,6 19.37,6A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 21.05,7.68C21.05,8.54 20.41,9.25 19.58,9.36V14.47C20.31,14.66 20.84,15.32 20.84,16.11A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 19.16,17.79C18.65,17.79 18.2,17.57 17.89,17.21L13.59,19.76L13.68,20.32A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 12,22M10.8,4.86L6.3,7.44L6.32,7.68C6.32,8.39 5.88,9 5.26,9.25L5.29,14.5L10.8,4.86M13.2,4.86L18.71,14.5L18.74,9.25C18.12,9 17.68,8.39 17.68,7.68L17.7,7.44L13.2,4.86Z",u31="M12 20H2V18H7.75C7 15.19 4.81 13 2 12.26C2.64 12.1 3.31 12 4 12C8.42 12 12 15.58 12 20M22 12.26C21.36 12.1 20.69 12 20 12C17.07 12 14.5 13.58 13.12 15.93C13.41 16.59 13.65 17.28 13.79 18C13.92 18.65 14 19.32 14 20H22V18H16.24C17 15.19 19.19 13 22 12.26M15.64 11C16.42 8.93 17.87 7.18 19.73 6C15.44 6.16 12 9.67 12 14V14C12.95 12.75 14.2 11.72 15.64 11M11.42 8.85C10.58 6.66 8.88 4.89 6.7 4C8.14 5.86 9 8.18 9 10.71C9 10.92 8.97 11.12 8.96 11.32C9.39 11.56 9.79 11.84 10.18 12.14C10.39 10.96 10.83 9.85 11.42 8.85Z",c31="M10,2H14C17.31,2 19,4.69 19,8V18.66C16.88,17.63 15.07,17 12,17C8.93,17 7.12,17.63 5,18.66V8C5,4.69 6.69,2 10,2M8,8V9.5H16V8H8M9,12V13.5H15V12H9M3,22V21.31C5.66,19.62 13.23,15.84 21,21.25V22H3Z",s31="M18.62,1.5C18.11,1.5 17.6,1.69 17.21,2.09L10.75,8.55L14.95,12.74L21.41,6.29C22.2,5.5 22.2,4.24 21.41,3.46L20.04,2.09C19.65,1.69 19.14,1.5 18.62,1.5M9.8,9.5L3.23,16.07L3.93,16.77C3.4,17.24 2.89,17.78 2.38,18.29C1.6,19.08 1.6,20.34 2.38,21.12C3.16,21.9 4.42,21.9 5.21,21.12C5.72,20.63 6.25,20.08 6.73,19.58L7.43,20.27L14,13.7",O31="M5.5,4.14L4.5,5.86L15,12L4.5,18.14L5.5,19.86L19,12L5.5,4.14Z",h31="M6.5,2.27L20,10.14L6.5,18L5.5,16.27L16.03,10.14L5.5,4L6.5,2.27M20,20V22H5V20H20Z",p31="M12 3L4 9V21H20V9L12 3M10 10H14V19H10V10M16 10H18V13H16V10M15.33 8H8.67L12 5.5L15.33 8M8 10V13H6V10H8M6 15H8V19H6V15M16 19V15H18V19H16Z",f31="M10,4V8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,10V14H20V10H16M16,16V20H20V16H16M14,20V16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10H4V14H8M8,8V4H4V8H8M10,14H14V10H10V14M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",g31="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V11H11V4H4M4,20H11V13H4V20M20,20V13H13V20H20M20,4H13V11H20V4Z",k31="M0,2.77L1.28,1.5L22.5,22.72L21.23,24L19.23,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4.77L0,2.77M10,4V7.68L8,5.68V4H6.32L4.32,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V19.7L20,17.7V16H18.32L16.32,14H20V10H16V13.68L14,11.68V10H12.32L10.32,8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,20H17.23L16,18.77V20M4,8H5.23L4,6.77V8M10,14H11.23L10,12.77V14M14,20V16.77L13.23,16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10.77L7.23,10H4V14H8Z",B31="M8.06,2C7.88,3.17 8.17,4.16 8.95,4.97C9.45,5.47 9.61,6.14 9.42,7H10.41C10.53,6.45 10.55,6 10.45,5.55C10.36,5.13 10.05,4.63 9.5,4.03C9.05,3.47 8.89,2.8 9.05,2H8.06M10.55,2C10.36,3.17 10.66,4.16 11.44,4.97C11.94,5.47 12.09,6.14 11.91,7H12.89C13,6.45 13.03,6 12.94,5.55C12.84,5.13 12.53,4.63 12,4.03C11.53,3.47 11.38,2.8 11.53,2H10.55M13.08,2C12.89,3.17 13.19,4.16 13.97,4.97C14.47,5.47 14.61,6.14 14.39,7H15.42C15.55,6.45 15.56,6 15.47,5.55C15.38,5.13 15.06,4.63 14.53,4.03C14.06,3.47 13.91,2.8 14.06,2H13.08M5,8C5,9.42 5.39,10.7 6.14,11.84C6.87,12.96 7.91,13.85 9.14,14.39L5.16,20.44C5.06,20.56 5,20.75 5,21C5,21.41 5.16,21.69 5.44,21.84C5.56,21.94 5.75,22 6,22C6.41,22 6.69,21.84 6.84,21.56L7.83,19.97H14.2C14.41,20.55 14.79,21.05 15.28,21.42C15.78,21.8 16.36,22 17,22C17.83,22 18.53,21.69 19.13,21.09C19.72,20.5 20,19.8 20,19C20,18.17 19.72,17.47 19.13,16.88C18.53,16.28 17.83,16 17,16C16.36,16 15.78,16.17 15.28,16.55C14.78,16.92 14.42,17.41 14.2,18H9.14L11.11,14.95C11.27,15 11.56,15 12,15C12.44,15 12.73,15 12.89,14.95L13.88,16.5C14.29,15.96 14.84,15.54 15.47,15.28L14.91,14.39C16.03,13.89 17,13 17.79,11.77C18.59,10.5 19,9.27 19,8H5M17,18C17.3,18 17.53,18.09 17.72,18.28C17.91,18.47 18,18.72 18,19C18,19.27 17.91,19.5 17.72,19.71C17.54,19.91 17.28,20 17,20C16.74,20 16.5,19.91 16.29,19.71C16.09,19.5 16,19.26 16,19C16,18.7 16.09,18.47 16.29,18.28C16.5,18.09 16.73,18 17,18Z",P31="M17 22A3 3 0 1 0 14.18 18H9.14L11.13 14.94A6.36 6.36 0 0 0 12.87 14.94L13.89 16.5C14.31 16 14.85 15.56 15.5 15.3L14.89 14.37A7 7 0 0 0 19 8H5A7 7 0 0 0 9.12 14.37L5.17 20.45A1 1 0 0 0 6.84 21.54L7.84 20H14.18A3 3 0 0 0 17 22M17 18A1 1 0 0 1 18 19C18 19.55 17.55 20 17 20S16 19.55 16 19A1 1 0 0 1 17 18M7.42 10H16.58A5 5 0 0 1 7.42 10M9.41 7H10.41C10.56 5.85 10.64 5.36 9.5 4.04C9.1 3.54 8.84 3.27 9.06 2H8.07A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 8.96 4.96C9.18 5.2 9.75 5.63 9.41 7M11.89 7H12.89C13.04 5.85 13.12 5.36 12 4.04C11.58 3.54 11.32 3.26 11.54 2H10.55A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 11.44 4.96C11.67 5.2 12.24 5.63 11.89 7M14.41 7H15.41C15.56 5.85 15.64 5.36 14.5 4.04C14.1 3.54 13.84 3.27 14.06 2H13.07A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 13.96 4.96C14.18 5.2 14.75 5.63 14.41 7Z",w31="M1,1V5H2V19H1V23H5V22H19V23H23V19H22V5H23V1H19V2H5V1M5,4H19V5H20V19H19V20H5V19H4V5H5M6,6V14H9V18H18V9H14V6M8,8H12V12H8M14,11H16V16H11V14H14",F31="M19.59,3H22V5H20.41L16.17,9.24C15.8,8.68 15.32,8.2 14.76,7.83L19.59,3M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12C16,13.82 14.77,15.42 13,15.87V16A5,5 0 0,1 8,21A5,5 0 0,1 3,16A5,5 0 0,1 8,11H8.13C8.58,9.24 10.17,8 12,8M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5M6.94,14.24L6.23,14.94L9.06,17.77L9.77,17.06L6.94,14.24Z",T31="M19.59,3H22V5H20.41L15.12,10.29L13.71,8.9L19.59,3M12,9C12.26,9 12.5,9.1 12.71,9.3L14.71,11.3C14.89,11.5 15,11.73 15,12L14.9,12.4L10.9,20.4C10.71,20.75 10.36,20.93 10,20.93C9.65,20.93 9.29,20.75 9.11,20.4L7.25,16.7L3.55,14.9C3.18,14.7 3,14.35 3,14C3,13.65 3.18,13.3 3.55,13.1L11.55,9.1C11.69,9 11.84,9 12,9M9.35,11.82L8.65,12.5L11.5,15.35L12.18,14.65L9.35,11.82M7.94,13.23L7.23,13.94L10.06,16.77L10.77,16.06L7.94,13.23Z",b31="M19,4.1C18.1,3.3 17,2.8 15.8,2.5C15.5,2.4 13.6,2 12.2,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2C12,2 11.9,2 11.8,2C10.4,2 8.4,2.4 8.1,2.5C7,2.8 5.9,3.3 5,4.1C3,5.9 3,8.7 4,11C5,13.5 6.1,15.7 7.6,17.9C8.8,19.6 10.1,22 12,22C13.9,22 15.2,19.6 16.5,17.9C18,15.8 19.1,13.5 20.1,11C21,8.7 21,5.9 19,4.1Z",y31="M19,4.1C18.1,3.3 17,2.8 15.8,2.5C15.5,2.4 13.6,2 12.2,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2C12,2 11.9,2 11.8,2C10.4,2 8.4,2.4 8.1,2.5C7,2.8 5.9,3.3 5,4.1C3,5.9 3,8.7 4,11C5,13.5 6.1,15.7 7.6,17.9C8.8,19.6 10.1,22 12,22C13.9,22 15.2,19.6 16.5,17.9C18,15.8 19.1,13.5 20.1,11C21,8.7 21,5.9 19,4.1M18.2,10.2C17.1,12.9 16.1,14.9 14.8,16.7C14.6,16.9 14.5,17.2 14.3,17.4C13.8,18.2 12.6,20 12,20C12,20 12,20 12,20C11.3,20 10.2,18.3 9.6,17.4C9.4,17.2 9.3,16.9 9.1,16.7C7.9,14.9 6.8,12.9 5.7,10.2C5.5,9.5 4.7,7 6.3,5.5C6.8,5 7.6,4.7 8.6,4.4C9,4.4 10.7,4 11.8,4C11.8,4 12.1,4 12.1,4C13.2,4 14.9,4.3 15.3,4.4C16.3,4.7 17.1,5 17.6,5.5C19.3,7 18.5,9.5 18.2,10.2Z",R31="M21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13L3.03,4.43C5.68,2.88 8.76,2 12.05,2C15.3,2 18.36,2.87 21,4.38V13M13,19.93C16.39,19.44 19,16.5 19,13V5.59C16.9,4.57 14.54,4 12.05,4C9.5,4 7.08,4.6 4.94,5.66L5,13C5,16.5 7.63,19.44 11,19.93V18H13V19.93M11,16H8L6,13L9,14H10L11,13H13L14,14H15L18,13L16,16H13L12,15L11,16M6,9.03C6.64,8.4 7.5,8.05 8.5,8.05C9.45,8.05 10.34,8.4 11,9.03C10.34,9.65 9.45,10 8.5,10C7.5,10 6.64,9.65 6,9.03M13,9.03C13.64,8.4 14.5,8.05 15.5,8.05C16.45,8.05 17.34,8.4 18,9.03C17.34,9.65 16.45,10 15.5,10C14.5,10 13.64,9.65 13,9.03Z",x31="M4 6C4 4.9 4.9 4 6 4S8 4.9 8 6 7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6M1 9H7L14 4L15.31 5.5L11.14 8.5H14L21.8 4L23 5.4L14.5 12L14 22H12L11.5 12L8 11H1V9Z",D31="M4,16H7V22H4V16M19,2.39C18.92,3.86 18.55,5.13 17.86,6.21C17.17,7.29 16.22,8 15,8.39V22H13V16H11V22H9V10.08C8.72,10.17 8.5,10.28 8.39,10.41C7.45,11.16 7,12.19 7,13.5V14H5V13.5C5,11.53 5.72,9.94 7.13,8.72C8.53,7.56 10.16,7 12,7C13.41,7 14.56,6.64 15.47,5.95C16.5,5.11 17,3.95 17,2.5V2H19V2.39M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2Z",E31="M22 9A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 19.78 8.45A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 18 8V7A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 20.22 7.55A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 22 8M22 6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 5.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 5V6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 6.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 7M22 10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 9.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 9V10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 10.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 11M10 12.73A70.39 70.39 0 0 0 17 11V4S10.5 2 7.5 2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 6.12 12.82L7 19H8A3 3 0 0 0 9.46 21.33A3.15 3.15 0 0 1 11 24H12A4.12 4.12 0 0 0 10.09 20.55C9.39 20 9 19.63 9 19H10M7.5 10A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 10 7.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 7.5 10Z",N31="M10 12.73A70.39 70.39 0 0 0 17 11V4S10.5 2 7.5 2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 6.12 12.82L7 19H8A3 3 0 0 0 9.46 21.33A3.15 3.15 0 0 1 11 24H12A4.12 4.12 0 0 0 10.09 20.55C9.39 20 9 19.63 9 19H10M4 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 7.5 4A37.08 37.08 0 0 1 15 5.5V9.5A37.08 37.08 0 0 1 7.5 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4 7.5M22 9A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 19.78 8.45A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 18 8V7A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 20.22 7.55A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 22 8M22 6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 5.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 5V6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 6.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 7M22 10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 9.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 9V10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 10.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 11M9 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7.5 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 9 7.5Z",W31="M6.5,6C7.47,6 8.37,6.5 9.11,7.38C9.66,6.79 10.31,6.36 11,6.15V4A2,2 0 0,1 13,2H15V4H13V6.15C13.69,6.36 14.34,6.79 14.89,7.38C15.63,6.5 16.53,6 17.5,6C20,6 22,9.36 22,13.5C22,17.64 20,21 17.5,21C16.53,21 15.63,20.5 14.89,19.62C14.08,20.5 13.08,21 12,21C10.92,21 9.92,20.5 9.11,19.62C8.37,20.5 7.47,21 6.5,21C4,21 2,17.64 2,13.5C2,9.36 4,6 6.5,6M9,10L7.75,12.25H10.25L9,10M15,10L13.75,12.25H16.25L15,10M8,17H10L11,16L12,17H14L15,16L16,17L17.5,14L13.92,14.62L13,16L12,15H10L9,16L8,15L6,14L8,17Z",I31="M22 13C22 14.11 21.11 15 20 15H4C2.9 15 2 14.11 2 13S2.9 11 4 11H13L15.5 13L18 11H20C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13M12 3C3 3 3 9 3 9H21C21 9 21 3 12 3M3 18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H18C19.66 21 21 19.66 21 18V17H3V18Z",G31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Q31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",U31="M20 11C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13S21.11 15 20 15H18.2L14.2 11H20M20.42 19.77L20.42 19.76L17.66 17H17.65L15.65 15H15.66L11.66 11H11.66L9.66 9H9.66L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.12 6C3 7.5 3 9 3 9H7.11L9.11 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H13.11L15.11 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H18C18.33 21 18.65 20.93 18.94 20.83L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.42 19.77M21 9C21 9 21 3 12 3C9.88 3 8.28 3.34 7.05 3.85L12.2 9H21Z",z31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",_31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",K31="M2 19.63L13.43 8.2L12.72 7.5L14.14 6.07L12 3.89C13.2 2.7 15.09 2.7 16.27 3.89L19.87 7.5L18.45 8.91H21.29L22 9.62L18.45 13.21L17.74 12.5V9.62L16.27 11.04L15.56 10.33L4.13 21.76L2 19.63Z",j31="M16.06 13.09L21.69 18.68L18.37 21.96L12.78 16.37V15.45L15.14 13.09H16.06M16.97 10.56L16 9.6L11.21 14.4V16.37L5.58 22L2.3 18.68L7.89 13.09H9.86L10.64 12.31L6.8 8.46H5.5L2.69 5.62L5.31 3L8.11 5.8V7.11L12 10.95L14.66 8.29L13.7 7.28L15 5.97H12.34L11.69 5.32L15 2L15.66 2.66V5.32L16.97 4L20.25 7.28C21.34 8.38 21.34 10.17 20.25 11.26L18.28 9.25L16.97 10.56Z",q31="M22 20.59L20.59 22L17.45 18.86C16.89 19.23 16.3 19.56 15.66 19.78C14 20.36 12.2 20.4 10.53 19.88C9.5 19.58 8.56 19.05 7.75 18.37L4.56 21.56C4 22.15 3.03 22.15 2.44 21.56C1.86 21 1.86 20 2.44 19.44L5.82 16.06L8.47 15.54C9.19 16.45 10.19 17.13 11.28 17.5C12.44 17.85 13.72 17.84 14.87 17.46C15.16 17.37 15.44 17.26 15.7 17.12L7.6 9L5.83 10.78L3 7.95L7.95 3L12.19 4.41L9 7.6L17.31 15.89C17.5 15.71 17.65 15.53 17.8 15.33C19.3 13.36 19.42 10.42 18.09 8C16.78 5.57 14.5 3.55 12 2C13.41 2.5 14.76 3.17 16 4.04C17.24 4.91 18.43 5.93 19.33 7.25C20.23 8.54 20.87 10.12 21 11.79C21.1 13.47 20.66 15.23 19.7 16.65C19.5 17 19.24 17.28 19 17.56L22 20.59Z",$31="M13.78 15.3L19.78 21.3L21.89 19.14L15.89 13.14L13.78 15.3M17.5 10.1C17.11 10.1 16.69 10.05 16.36 9.91L4.97 21.25L2.86 19.14L10.27 11.74L8.5 9.96L7.78 10.66L6.33 9.25V12.11L5.63 12.81L2.11 9.25L2.81 8.55H5.62L4.22 7.14L7.78 3.58C8.95 2.41 10.83 2.41 12 3.58L9.89 5.74L11.3 7.14L10.59 7.85L12.38 9.63L14.2 7.75C14.06 7.42 14 7 14 6.63C14 4.66 15.56 3.11 17.5 3.11C18.09 3.11 18.61 3.25 19.08 3.53L16.41 6.2L17.91 7.7L20.58 5.03C20.86 5.5 21 6 21 6.63C21 8.55 19.45 10.1 17.5 10.1Z",X31="M3 16V5.75C3 5.06 3.56 4.5 4.25 4.5S5.5 5.06 5.5 5.75V12H6.5V2.75C6.5 2.06 7.06 1.5 7.75 1.5C8.44 1.5 9 2.06 9 2.75V12H10V1.25C10 .56 10.56 0 11.25 0S12.5 .56 12.5 1.25V12H13.5V3.25C13.5 2.56 14.06 2 14.75 2S16 2.56 16 3.25V15H16.75L18.16 11.47C18.38 10.92 18.84 10.5 19.4 10.31L20.19 10.05C21 9.79 21.74 10.58 21.43 11.37L18.4 19C17.19 22 14.26 24 11 24C6.58 24 3 20.42 3 16Z",Y31="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.21 5.1C3.09 5.29 3 5.5 3 5.75V16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C13.93 24 16.58 22.39 17.97 19.86L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5.5 12V7.39L6.5 8.39V12H5.5M10 12H9V10.89L10 11.89V12M16 12.8L13.5 10.3V3.25C13.5 2.56 14.06 2 14.75 2S16 2.56 16 3.25V12.8M19.5 16.28L17.16 13.96L18.16 11.47C18.38 10.92 18.84 10.5 19.4 10.31L20.19 10.05C21 9.79 21.74 10.58 21.43 11.37L19.5 16.28M9 5.8L6.5 3.3V2.75C6.5 2.06 7.06 1.5 7.75 1.5S9 2.06 9 2.75V5.8M12.5 9.3L10 6.8V1.25C10 .56 10.56 0 11.25 0S12.5 .56 12.5 1.25V9.3Z",J31="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.56 5.45C3.21 5.87 3 6.41 3 7V16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C13.94 24 16.62 22.45 18.12 20L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 22C7.69 22 5 19.31 5 16V7C5 6.97 5 6.94 5 6.91L6 7.89V12H8V9.89L9 10.89V12H10.11L16.65 18.54C15.57 20.64 13.41 22 11 22M8 4.8L6.21 3C6.59 2.12 7.47 1.5 8.5 1.5C8.73 1.5 8.96 1.53 9.17 1.59C9.54 .66 10.44 0 11.5 0C12.73 0 13.75 .89 13.96 2.06C14.13 2 14.31 2 14.5 2C15.88 2 17 3.12 17 4.5V10.39C17.34 10.08 17.76 9.85 18.22 9.73L19 9.5C19.82 9.29 20.69 9.61 21.18 10.35C21.56 10.92 21.58 11.66 21.33 12.3L19.67 16.47L18.13 14.93L19.5 11.45L19 11.59C18.5 11.71 18.15 12.05 18 12.5L17.34 14.14L15 11.8V4.5C15 4.22 14.78 4 14.5 4S14 4.22 14 4.5V10.8L12 8.8V2.5C12 2.22 11.78 2 11.5 2S11 2.22 11 2.5V7.8L9 5.8V4C9 3.72 8.78 3.5 8.5 3.5S8 3.72 8 4V4.8Z",C01="M3 16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C14.43 24 17.5 21.91 18.77 18.73L21.33 12.3C21.58 11.66 21.56 10.92 21.18 10.35C20.69 9.61 19.82 9.29 19 9.5L18.22 9.73C17.76 9.85 17.34 10.08 17 10.39V4.5C17 3.12 15.88 2 14.5 2C14.31 2 14.13 2 13.96 2.06C13.75 .89 12.73 0 11.5 0C10.44 0 9.54 .66 9.17 1.59C8.96 1.53 8.73 1.5 8.5 1.5C7.12 1.5 6 2.62 6 4V4.55C5.84 4.5 5.67 4.5 5.5 4.5C4.12 4.5 3 5.62 3 7V16M5 7C5 6.72 5.22 6.5 5.5 6.5S6 6.72 6 7V12H8V4C8 3.72 8.22 3.5 8.5 3.5S9 3.72 9 4V12H11V2.5C11 2.22 11.22 2 11.5 2S12 2.22 12 2.5V12H14V4.5C14 4.22 14.22 4 14.5 4S15 4.22 15 4.5V15H17L18 12.5C18.15 12.05 18.5 11.71 19 11.59L19.5 11.45L16.91 18C15.95 20.41 13.61 22 11 22C7.69 22 5 19.31 5 16V7Z",H01="M13 24C9.74 24 6.81 22 5.6 19L2.57 11.37C2.26 10.58 3 9.79 3.81 10.05L4.6 10.31C5.16 10.5 5.62 10.92 5.84 11.47L7.25 15H8V3.25C8 2.56 8.56 2 9.25 2S10.5 2.56 10.5 3.25V12H11.5V1.25C11.5 .56 12.06 0 12.75 0S14 .56 14 1.25V12H15V2.75C15 2.06 15.56 1.5 16.25 1.5C16.94 1.5 17.5 2.06 17.5 2.75V12H18.5V5.75C18.5 5.06 19.06 4.5 19.75 4.5S21 5.06 21 5.75V16C21 20.42 17.42 24 13 24Z",V01="M20.84 22.73L19.17 21.06C17.7 22.85 15.5 24 13 24C9.74 24 6.81 22 5.6 19L2.57 11.37C2.26 10.58 3 9.79 3.81 10.05L4.6 10.31C5.16 10.5 5.62 10.92 5.84 11.47L7.25 15H8V9.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M14 1.25C14 .56 13.44 0 12.75 0S11.5 .56 11.5 1.25V8.3L14 10.8V1.25M21 16V5.75C21 5.06 20.44 4.5 19.75 4.5S18.5 5.06 18.5 5.75V12H17.5V2.75C17.5 2.06 16.94 1.5 16.25 1.5S15 2.06 15 2.75V11.8L20.83 17.63C20.94 17.11 21 16.56 21 16M10.5 3.25C10.5 2.56 9.94 2 9.25 2S8 2.56 8 3.25V4.8L10.5 7.3V3.25Z",L01="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7 8.89V10.39C6.66 10.08 6.24 9.85 5.78 9.73L5 9.5C4.18 9.29 3.31 9.61 2.82 10.35C2.44 10.92 2.42 11.66 2.67 12.3L5.23 18.73C6.5 21.91 9.57 24 13 24C15.5 24 17.7 22.85 19.17 21.06L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M13 22C10.39 22 8.05 20.41 7.09 18L4.5 11.45L5 11.59C5.5 11.71 5.85 12.05 6 12.5L7 15H9V10.89L17.75 19.64C16.66 21.07 14.94 22 13 22M9 5.8L7.09 3.89C7.36 2.8 8.33 2 9.5 2C9.69 2 9.87 2 10.04 2.06C10.25 .89 11.27 0 12.5 0C13.56 0 14.46 .66 14.83 1.59C15.04 1.53 15.27 1.5 15.5 1.5C16.88 1.5 18 2.62 18 4V4.55C18.16 4.5 18.33 4.5 18.5 4.5C19.88 4.5 21 5.62 21 7V16C21 16.56 20.94 17.11 20.83 17.63L19 15.8V7C19 6.72 18.78 6.5 18.5 6.5S18 6.72 18 7V12H16V4C16 3.72 15.78 3.5 15.5 3.5S15 3.72 15 4V11.8L13 9.8V2.5C13 2.22 12.78 2 12.5 2S12 2.22 12 2.5V8.8L10 6.8V4.5C10 4.22 9.78 4 9.5 4S9 4.22 9 4.5V5.8Z",M01="M21 7C21 5.62 19.88 4.5 18.5 4.5C18.33 4.5 18.16 4.5 18 4.55V4C18 2.62 16.88 1.5 15.5 1.5C15.27 1.5 15.04 1.53 14.83 1.59C14.46 .66 13.56 0 12.5 0C11.27 0 10.25 .89 10.04 2.06C9.87 2 9.69 2 9.5 2C8.12 2 7 3.12 7 4.5V10.39C6.66 10.08 6.24 9.85 5.78 9.73L5 9.5C4.18 9.29 3.31 9.61 2.82 10.35C2.44 10.92 2.42 11.66 2.67 12.3L5.23 18.73C6.5 21.91 9.57 24 13 24C17.42 24 21 20.42 21 16V7M19 16C19 19.31 16.31 22 13 22C10.39 22 8.05 20.41 7.09 18L4.5 11.45L5 11.59C5.5 11.71 5.85 12.05 6 12.5L7 15H9V4.5C9 4.22 9.22 4 9.5 4S10 4.22 10 4.5V12H12V2.5C12 2.22 12.22 2 12.5 2S13 2.22 13 2.5V12H15V4C15 3.72 15.22 3.5 15.5 3.5S16 3.72 16 4V12H18V7C18 6.72 18.22 6.5 18.5 6.5S19 6.72 19 7V16Z",A01="M7.9 21.47C6 19.81 5.35 17.17 6.18 14.84L8.31 8.91C8.53 8.3 9.36 8.22 9.69 8.78L10 9.33C10.24 9.72 10.29 10.2 10.14 10.63L9.16 13.37L9.59 13.75L15.55 7C15.9 6.6 16.5 6.56 16.91 6.91C17.3 7.26 17.34 7.87 17 8.26L12.55 13.29L13.13 13.8L18.58 7.62C18.93 7.22 19.54 7.18 19.93 7.53C20.33 7.88 20.37 8.5 20 8.89L14.56 15.07L15.14 15.58L19.83 10.26C20.18 9.86 20.79 9.82 21.18 10.17S21.62 11.13 21.27 11.5L16.58 16.84L17.15 17.35L20.32 13.76C20.67 13.36 21.28 13.32 21.68 13.67S22.11 14.63 21.76 15L16.56 20.92C14.32 23.47 10.44 23.71 7.9 21.47M11.59 9.22L14.43 6C14.67 5.73 14.97 5.5 15.3 5.37L15.68 4.59C15.92 4.12 15.72 3.54 15.24 3.31C14.77 3.08 14.19 3.28 13.96 3.75L11.45 8.89C11.5 9 11.56 9.11 11.59 9.22M11 8L11 8.05L13.78 2.38C14 1.9 13.81 1.33 13.33 1.1C12.86 .865 12.28 1.06 12.05 1.54L9.41 6.95C10.06 7.06 10.63 7.43 11 8M4.77 14.33L6.9 8.4C7.17 7.65 7.8 7.14 8.55 6.97L10.69 2.58C10.92 2.1 10.72 1.53 10.25 1.3C9.77 1.07 9.2 1.26 8.97 1.74L5 9.84L4.5 9.59L4.71 6.68C4.75 6.23 4.57 5.78 4.25 5.46L3.79 5C3.32 4.57 2.55 4.86 2.5 5.5L2 11.79C1.87 13.83 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4.42,17.68L4.44,18.75L10.87,18.25C11.25,18.26 11.61,18.12 11.89,17.85L16.5,13.25C17.03,12.71 17.05,11.7 16.5,11.13Z",u01="M7,19H15V22H7V19M16.15,12V12L12.97,10.34C12.82,10.34 12.69,10.4 12.6,10.5L12.3,10.81L12.89,13.23L11.91,13.47L10.72,8.5L9.25,9.18L10.29,13.47L9.32,13.7L8.32,9.59L7.85,9.8C7.35,10 7,10.53 7,11.14V15.5C7,16.3 7.73,17 8.5,17H15C15.39,17 15.74,16.84 16,16.57L16.5,16.16C16.5,16.16 17,15.78 17,15.36V13.7C17,13.7 17,12.56 16.15,12M16.94,1C16.4,0.91 15.87,1.25 15.76,1.8L14.69,7.97C14.47,7.94 14.38,7.86 14.08,7.83L13.65,7.88L12.41,1.8C12.3,1.26 11.78,0.91 11.24,1C10.69,1.13 10.34,1.66 10.45,2.2L11.65,8.11V8.11L12,9.67C12.28,9.47 12.61,9.34 12.97,9.34H13.31L16.31,10.95L17.72,2.2C17.83,1.66 17.5,1.13 16.94,1Z",c01="M7,19H15V22H7V19M16.94,1C16.4,0.91 15.87,1.25 15.76,1.8L14.75,7.57C14.53,7.54 14.29,7.5 14,7.47L13.57,7.5L12.41,1.8C12.31,1.26 11.78,0.91 11.24,1C10.7,1.13 10.35,1.66 10.45,2.2L11.65,8.11L7.85,9.8C7.35,10 7,10.53 7,11.14V15.5C7,16.3 7.73,17 8.5,17H15C15.39,17 15.74,16.84 16,16.57L16.5,16.16C16.5,16.16 17,15.78 17,15.36V13C17,13 17,11.86 16.13,11.3L17.71,2.2C17.83,1.66 17.5,1.13 16.94,1Z",s01="M9.9,21V11L6.7,12.69L6.5,12.72C6.19,12.72 5.93,12.6 5.74,12.4L5,11.63L9.9,7.43C10.16,7.16 10.5,7 10.9,7H17.4C18.17,7 18.9,7.7 18.9,8.5V12.86C18.9,13.47 18.55,14 18.05,14.2L13.11,16.4L11.9,16.53V21A1,1 0 0,1 10.9,22A1,1 0 0,1 9.9,21M18.9,5H10.9V2H18.9V5Z",O01="M3,9H13L11.31,5.8L11.28,5.58C11.28,5.29 11.4,5.03 11.6,4.84L12.37,4.1L16.57,9C16.84,9.26 17,9.61 17,10V16.5C17,17.27 16.3,18 15.5,18H11.14C10.53,18 10,17.65 9.8,17.15L7.6,12.21L7.47,11H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9M19,18V10H22V18H19Z",h01="M21,9A1,1 0 0,1 22,10A1,1 0 0,1 21,11H16.53L16.4,12.21L14.2,17.15C14,17.65 13.47,18 12.86,18H8.5C7.7,18 7,17.27 7,16.5V10C7,9.61 7.16,9.26 7.43,9L11.63,4.1L12.4,4.84C12.6,5.03 12.72,5.29 12.72,5.58L12.69,5.8L11,9H21M2,18V10H5V18H2Z",p01="M14,3V13L17.2,11.31L17.42,11.28C17.71,11.28 17.97,11.4 18.16,11.6L18.9,12.37L14,16.57C13.74,16.84 13.39,17 13,17H6.5C5.73,17 5,16.3 5,15.5V11.14C5,10.53 5.35,10 5.85,9.8L10.79,7.6L12,7.47V3A1,1 0 0,1 13,2A1,1 0 0,1 14,3M5,19H13V22H5V19Z",f01="M9.8,17L5.9,11.6L20,2L22,5V8H19V11H16V14H13V17M9.7,18.7L9.2,21.5L7.6,22.7C6.7,23.3 5.5,23.1 4.8,22.2L1.3,17.3C0.7,16.4 0.9,15.2 1.8,14.5L5.1,12.2L9.7,18.7M4.6,15L3,16.1L6.5,21L8.1,19.8L4.6,15Z",g01="M17 5L17.62 6.37L19 7L17.62 7.63L17 9L16.36 7.63L15 7L16.36 6.37L17 5M11 6.13V4H13C13.57 4 14.1 4.17 14.55 4.45L16 3C15.15 2.39 14.13 2 13 2H7.5V4H9V6.14C7.23 6.5 5.81 7.8 5.26 9.5H9.24L15 11.65V11.03C15 8.61 13.28 6.59 11 6.13M1 22H5V11H1V22M20 17H13L10.91 16.27L11.24 15.33L13 16H15.82C16.47 16 17 15.47 17 14.82C17 14.33 16.69 13.89 16.23 13.71L8.97 11H7V20L14 22L22 19C22 17.9 21.11 17 20 17M20 14C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12S20 8 20 8 18 10.9 18 12 18.9 14 20 14Z",k01="M17 5L17.62 6.37L19 7L17.62 7.63L17 9L16.36 7.63L15 7L16.36 6.37L17 5M20 14C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12S20 8 20 8 18 10.9 18 12 18.9 14 20 14M11 6.1V4H13C13.57 4 14.1 4.17 14.55 4.45L16 3C15.15 2.39 14.13 2 13 2H7.5V4H9V6.11C7.22 6.5 5.8 7.79 5.25 9.5H7.41C7.94 8.61 8.89 8 10 8C11.62 8 12.94 9.29 13 10.9L15 11.65V11C15 8.58 13.28 6.56 11 6.1M22 19V20L14 22.5L7 20.56V22H1V11H8.97L15.13 13.3C16.25 13.72 17 14.8 17 16H19C20.66 16 22 17.34 22 19M5 20V13H3V20H5M19.9 18.57C19.74 18.24 19.39 18 19 18H13.65C13.11 18 12.58 17.92 12.07 17.75L9.69 16.96L10.32 15.06L12.7 15.85C13 15.95 15 16 15 16C15 15.63 14.77 15.3 14.43 15.17L8.61 13H7V18.5L13.97 20.41L19.9 18.57Z",B01="M17.42 22.5H5.33C3.5 22.5 2 21 2 19.17V13.08C2 12.18 2.36 11.33 3 10.71L8.63 5.17C8.63 5.17 9.66 6.22 9.67 6.25C9.83 6.43 9.92 6.66 9.92 6.91C9.92 7.09 9.87 7.26 9.78 7.41C9.77 7.44 8 10 8 10H18.67C19.36 10 19.92 10.56 19.92 11.25C19.92 11.94 19.36 12.5 18.67 12.5H12.83V13.33H20.75C21.44 13.33 22 13.89 22 14.58C22 15.28 21.44 15.83 20.75 15.83H12.83V16.67H19.92C20.61 16.67 21.17 17.22 21.17 17.92C21.17 18.61 20.61 19.17 19.92 19.17H12.83V20H17.42C18.11 20 18.67 20.56 18.67 21.25C18.67 21.94 18.11 22.5 17.42 22.5M13.5 4.8C13.5 4.8 12 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9.55,18H14.43C14.8,18 15.17,17.94 15.53,17.84L22,16Z",E01="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M12,4A6,6 0 0,0 6,10C6,13.31 8.69,16 12.1,16L11.22,13.77C10.95,13.29 11.11,12.68 11.59,12.4L12.45,11.9C12.93,11.63 13.54,11.79 13.82,12.27L15.74,14.69C17.12,13.59 18,11.9 18,10A6,6 0 0,0 12,4M12,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,9M7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,20A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18M12.09,13.27L14.58,19.58L17.17,18.08L12.95,12.77L12.09,13.27Z",N01="M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 9M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 9M18 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 5 13A5.71 5.71 0 0 1 7 13.36A6 6 0 1 1 15.71 14.69L13.79 12.27A1 1 0 0 0 12.42 11.9L11.56 12.4A1 1 0 0 0 11.19 13.77L12.1 16A6.12 6.12 0 0 1 10 15.62A6 6 0 0 1 10.19 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 18 2M14.58 19.58L12.09 13.27L12.95 12.77L17.17 18.08M12 11A1 1 0 1 0 11 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 11M9 20H6V23H4V20H1V18H4V15H6V18H9Z",W01="M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 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3.43,14.14C3,14.29 2.65,14.57 2.39,14.93C2.14,15.29 2,15.72 2,16.17C2,17.11 2.61,17.9 3.45,18.18V18.18Z",G01="M12,12L14.33,16H9.68L12,12M12,8L6.21,18H17.8L12,8M12,2L1,21H23L12,2M12,6L19.53,19H4.47L12,6Z",Q01="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V14C1 15.1 1.9 16 3 16H4L5.4 17.4C5.8 17.8 6.3 18 6.8 18H17.1C17.6 18 18.1 17.8 18.5 17.4L20 16H21C22.1 16 23 15.1 23 14V9C23 7.9 22.1 7 21 7M3 14V9H21V14H19.2L17.2 16H6.8L4.8 14H3M19 11H5V13H19V11Z",U01="M21,11.5V10.5C21,9.7 20.3,9 19.5,9H16V15H17.5V13H18.6L19.5,15H21L20.1,12.9C20.6,12.6 21,12.1 21,11.5M19.5,11.5H17.5V10.5H19.5V11.5M6.5,11H4.5V9H3V15H4.5V12.5H6.5V15H8V9H6.5V11M13,9H9.5V15H13C13.8,15 14.5,14.3 14.5,13.5V10.5C14.5,9.7 13.8,9 13,9M13,13.5H11V10.5H13V13.5Z",z01="M17.5,15V13H18.6L19.5,15H21L20.1,12.9C20.6,12.7 21,12.1 21,11.5V10.5C21,9.7 20.3,9 19.5,9H16V13.9L17.1,15H17.5M17.5,10.5H19.5V11.5H17.5V10.5M13,10.5V10.9L14.5,12.4V10.5C14.5,9.7 13.8,9 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5.3C15 5.43 15.28 5.92 15.16 6.41L14.63 8.37L16.59 7.84C17.08 7.72 17.57 8 17.7 8.5C17.82 8.96 17.54 9.45 17.06 9.57Z",Z71="M13 3C16.88 3 20 6.14 20 10C20 12.8 18.37 15.19 16 16.31V21H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V13H4.5C4.08 13 3.84 12.5 4.08 12.19L6 9.66C6.19 5.95 9.23 3 13 3M13 1C8.41 1 4.61 4.42 4.06 8.9L2.5 11L2.47 11L2.45 11.03C1.9 11.79 1.83 12.79 2.26 13.62C2.62 14.31 3.26 14.79 4 14.94V16C4 17.85 5.28 19.42 7 19.87V23H18V17.5C20.5 15.83 22 13.06 22 10C22 5.03 17.96 1 13 1M17.33 9.3L15.37 9.81L16.81 11.27C17.16 11.61 17.16 12.19 16.81 12.54S15.88 12.89 15.54 12.54L14.09 11.1L13.57 13.06C13.45 13.55 12.96 13.82 12.5 13.7C12 13.57 11.72 13.08 11.84 12.59L12.37 10.63L10.41 11.16C9.92 11.28 9.43 11 9.3 10.5C9.18 10.05 9.46 9.55 9.94 9.43L11.9 8.91L10.46 7.46C10.11 7.12 10.11 6.55 10.46 6.19C10.81 5.84 11.39 5.84 11.73 6.19L13.19 7.63L13.7 5.67C13.82 5.18 14.32 4.9 14.79 5.03C15.28 5.16 15.56 5.65 15.43 6.13L14.9 8.1L16.87 7.57C17.35 7.44 17.84 7.72 17.97 8.21C18.1 8.68 17.82 9.18 17.33 9.3Z",S71="M13 3C9.23 3 6.19 5.95 6 9.66L4.08 12.19C3.84 12.5 4.08 13 4.5 13H6V16C6 17.11 6.89 18 8 18H9V21H16V16.31C18.37 15.19 20 12.8 20 10C20 6.14 16.88 3 13 3M13 15V13.5C10.79 13.5 9 11.71 9 9.5C9 8.68 9.25 7.92 9.67 7.29L10.76 8.38C10.59 8.72 10.5 9.1 10.5 9.5C10.5 10.88 11.62 12 13 12V10.5L15.25 12.75L13 15M16.33 11.71L15.24 10.62C15.41 10.28 15.5 9.9 15.5 9.5C15.5 8.12 14.38 7 13 7V8.5L10.75 6.25L13 4V5.5C15.21 5.5 17 7.29 17 9.5C17 10.32 16.75 11.08 16.33 11.71Z",u71="M13 3C16.88 3 20 6.14 20 10C20 12.8 18.37 15.19 16 16.31V21H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V13H4.5C4.08 13 3.84 12.5 4.08 12.19L6 9.66C6.19 5.95 9.23 3 13 3M13 1C8.41 1 4.61 4.42 4.06 8.9L2.5 11L2.47 11L2.45 11.03C1.9 11.79 1.83 12.79 2.26 13.62C2.62 14.31 3.26 14.79 4 14.94V16C4 17.85 5.28 19.42 7 19.87V23H18V17.5C20.5 15.83 22 13.06 22 10C22 5.03 17.96 1 13 1M14 15V13.5C11.79 13.5 10 11.71 10 9.5C10 8.68 10.25 7.92 10.67 7.29L11.76 8.38C11.59 8.72 11.5 9.1 11.5 9.5C11.5 10.88 12.62 12 14 12V10.5L16.25 12.75L14 15M17.33 11.71L16.24 10.62C16.41 10.28 16.5 9.9 16.5 9.5C16.5 8.12 15.38 7 14 7V8.5L11.75 6.25L14 4V5.5C16.21 5.5 18 7.29 18 9.5C18 10.32 17.75 11.08 17.33 11.71Z",c71="M12,1C7,1 3,5 3,10V17A3,3 0 0,0 6,20H9V12H5V10A7,7 0 0,1 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V20H18A3,3 0 0,0 21,17V10C21,5 16.97,1 12,1Z",s71="M8,6A6,6 0 0,0 2,12V16.8C2,17.46 2.54,18 3.2,18H6V14H4V12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12V14H10V18H12.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,0 14,16.8V12A6,6 0 0,0 8,6M19,7V10.79L16.71,8.5L16,9.21L18.79,12L16,14.79L16.71,15.5L19,13.21V17H19.5L22.35,14.14L20.21,12L22.35,9.85L19.5,7H19M20,8.91L20.94,9.85L20,10.79V8.91M20,13.21L20.94,14.14L20,15.08V13.21Z",O71="M7.2,18C6.54,18 6,17.46 6,16.8V13.2L6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12V13.2L18,16.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 16.8,18H14V14H16V12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12V14H10V18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",h71="M12,1A9,9 0 0,1 21,10V17C21,17.62 20.81,18.19 20.5,18.67L15,13.18V12H19V10A7,7 0 0,0 12,3C10,3 8.23,3.82 6.96,5.14L5.55,3.72C7.18,2.04 9.47,1 12,1M2.78,3.5L20.5,21.22L19.23,22.5L16.73,20H15V18.27L9,12.27V20H6A3,3 0 0,1 3,17V10C3,8.89 3.2,7.82 3.57,6.84L1.5,4.77L2.78,3.5M5.17,8.44C5.06,8.94 5,9.46 5,10V12H8.73L5.17,8.44Z",p71="M12,1A9,9 0 0,1 21,10V17A3,3 0 0,1 18,20H15V12H19V10A7,7 0 0,0 12,3A7,7 0 0,0 5,10V12H9V20H6A3,3 0 0,1 3,17V10A9,9 0 0,1 12,1M15,24V22H17V24H15M11,24V22H13V24H11M7,24V22H9V24H7Z",f71="M12,1C7,1 3,5 3,10V17A3,3 0 0,0 6,20H9V12H5V10A7,7 0 0,1 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V20H19V21H12V23H18A3,3 0 0,0 21,20V10C21,5 16.97,1 12,1Z",g71="M2,18H9V6.13C7.27,6.57 6,8.14 6,10V11H8V17H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,15V10A6,6 0 0,1 10,4H11A6,6 0 0,1 17,10V12H18V9H20V12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H13V11H15V10C15,8.14 13.73,6.57 12,6.13V18H22V20H2V18Z",k71="M1.5,4.77L3.57,6.84C3.2,7.82 3,8.89 3,10V20A3,3 0 0,0 6,23H12V21H5V20H9V12.27L15,18.27V20H16.73L19.23,22.5L20.5,21.22L2.78,3.5L1.5,4.77M12,1C9.47,1 7.18,2.04 5.55,3.72L6.96,5.14C8.23,3.82 10,3 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V13.18L20.5,18.67C20.81,18.19 21,17.62 21,17V10A9,9 0 0,0 12,1M5,12V10C5,9.46 5.06,8.94 5.17,8.44L8.73,12H5Z",B71="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z",P71="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,17L12.72,16.34C15.3,14 17,12.46 17,10.57C17,9.03 15.79,7.82 14.25,7.82C13.38,7.82 12.55,8.23 12,8.87C11.45,8.23 10.62,7.82 9.75,7.82C8.21,7.82 7,9.03 7,10.57C7,12.46 8.7,14 11.28,16.34L12,17Z",w71="M12,17L11.28,16.34C8.7,14 7,12.46 7,10.57C7,9.03 8.21,7.82 9.75,7.82C10.62,7.82 11.45,8.23 12,8.87C12.55,8.23 13.38,7.82 14.25,7.82C15.79,7.82 17,9.03 17,10.57C17,12.46 15.3,14 12.72,16.34L12,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",F71="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C8.17,3 8.82,3.12 9.44,3.33L13,9.35L9,14.35L12,21.35V21.35M16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35L11,14.35L15.5,9.35L12.85,4.27C13.87,3.47 15.17,3 16.5,3Z",T71="M7.5,5C7.7,5 7.9,5 8.1,5.1L10.5,9.2L6.8,13.8C5.1,11.8 4,10.2 4,8.5C4,6.5 5.5,5 7.5,5M7.5,3C4.4,3 2,5.4 2,8.5C2,12.3 5.4,15.4 10.6,20L12,21.3L9,14.3L13,9.3L9.4,3.3C8.8,3.1 8.2,3 7.5,3M16.5,5C18.5,5 20,6.5 20,8.5C20,11.1 17.4,13.7 13.4,17.3L13.1,15L17.9,9.7L15.6,5.2C15.9,5 16.2,5 16.5,5M16.5,3C15.2,3 13.9,3.5 12.9,4.3L15.5,9.4L11,14.4L12,21.4L13.4,20.1C18.6,15.4 22,12.3 22,8.6C22,5.4 19.6,3 16.5,3Z",b71="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M9.75,7.82C10.62,7.82 11.45,8.23 12,8.87C12.55,8.23 13.38,7.82 14.25,7.82C15.79,7.82 17,9.03 17,10.57C17,12.46 15.3,14 12.72,16.34L12,17L11.28,16.34C8.7,14 7,12.46 7,10.57C7,9.03 8.21,7.82 9.75,7.82Z",y71="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M9.75,7.82C8.21,7.82 7,9.03 7,10.57C7,12.46 8.7,14 11.28,16.34L12,17L12.72,16.34C15.3,14 17,12.46 17,10.57C17,9.03 15.79,7.82 14.25,7.82C13.38,7.82 12.55,8.23 12,8.87C11.45,8.23 10.62,7.82 9.75,7.82Z",R71="M12 19C12 19.71 12.12 20.4 12.32 21.06L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.8 21.59 11 20.84 12.25C20.25 12.09 19.63 12 19 12C15.14 12 12 15.14 12 19M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",x71="M16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12 18.63C12 18.75 12 18.88 12 19C12 19.71 12.12 20.4 12.32 21.06L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.8 21.59 11 20.84 12.25C20.25 12.09 19.63 12 19 12C18.87 12 18.74 12 18.6 12C19.5 10.79 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",D71="M16.5,2.83C14.76,2.83 13.09,3.64 12,4.9C10.91,3.64 9.24,2.83 7.5,2.83C4.42,2.83 2,5.24 2,8.33C2,12.1 5.4,15.19 10.55,19.86L12,21.17L13.45,19.86C18.6,15.19 22,12.1 22,8.33C22,5.24 19.58,2.83 16.5,2.83M12,17.83V13.83H9L12,6.83V10.83H15",E71="M13,7.2V17.74L13,20.44L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C10,3 13,5 13,7.2Z",N71="M16.5,5C15,5 13.58,5.91 13,7.2V17.74C17.25,13.87 20,11.2 20,8.5C20,6.5 18.5,5 16.5,5M16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3Z",W71="M4,8.5C4,11.2 6.75,13.87 11,17.74V7.2C10.42,5.91 9,5 7.5,5C5.5,5 4,6.5 4,8.5M13,7.2V17.74L13,20.44L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C10,3 13,5 13,7.2Z",I71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",G71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",Q71="M13.5,20C6.9,13.9 3.5,10.8 3.5,7.1C3.5,4 5.9,1.6 9,1.6C10.7,1.6 12.4,2.4 13.5,3.7C14.6,2.4 16.3,1.6 18,1.6C21.1,1.6 23.5,4 23.5,7.1C23.5,10.9 20.1,14 13.5,20M12,21.1C5.4,15.2 1.5,11.7 1.5,7C1.5,6.8 1.5,6.6 1.5,6.4C0.9,7.3 0.5,8.4 0.5,9.6C0.5,13.4 3.9,16.5 10.5,22.4L12,21.1Z",U71="M12,21.1L10.5,22.4C3.9,16.5 0.5,13.4 0.5,9.6C0.5,8.4 0.9,7.3 1.5,6.4C1.5,6.6 1.5,6.8 1.5,7C1.5,11.7 5.4,15.2 12,21.1M13.6,17C18.3,12.7 21.5,9.9 21.6,7C21.6,5 20.1,3.5 18.1,3.5C16.5,3.5 15,4.5 14.5,5.9H12.6C12,4.5 10.5,3.5 9,3.5C7,3.5 5.5,5 5.5,7C5.5,9.9 8.6,12.7 13.4,17L13.5,17.1M18,1.5C21.1,1.5 23.5,3.9 23.5,7C23.5,10.7 20.1,13.8 13.5,19.8C6.9,13.9 3.5,10.8 3.5,7C3.5,3.9 5.9,1.5 9,1.5C10.7,1.5 12.4,2.3 13.5,3.6C14.6,2.3 16.3,1.5 18,1.5Z",z71="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.18,18.44L13.45,20.03L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,7.55 2.23,6.67 2.63,5.9L1,4.27M7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,11.07 20.42,13.32 17.79,15.97L5.27,3.45C5.95,3.16 6.7,3 7.5,3Z",_71="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.19 5.08C2.45 6 2 7.19 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C14.32 19.24 15.14 18.5 15.9 17.79L20 22L21.27 20.73M12.1 18.55L12 18.65L11.89 18.55C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 7.74 4.22 7.06 4.61 6.5L14.5 16.37C13.74 17.06 12.95 17.78 12.1 18.55M8.3 5.1L6.33 3.13C6.7 3.05 7.1 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 10.84 20.69 12.92 18.47 15.27L17.06 13.86C18.91 11.88 20 10.2 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C15.1 5 13.74 5.83 13.11 7H10.89C10.38 6.06 9.39 5.34 8.3 5.1Z",K71="M12.1,18.55L12,18.65L11.89,18.55C7.14,14.24 4,11.39 4,8.5C4,6.5 5.5,5 7.5,5C9.04,5 10.54,6 11.07,7.36H12.93C13.46,6 14.96,5 16.5,5C18.5,5 20,6.5 20,8.5C20,11.39 16.86,14.24 12.1,18.55M16.5,3C14.76,3 13.09,3.81 12,5.08C10.91,3.81 9.24,3 7.5,3C4.42,3 2,5.41 2,8.5C2,12.27 5.4,15.36 10.55,20.03L12,21.35L13.45,20.03C18.6,15.36 22,12.27 22,8.5C22,5.41 19.58,3 16.5,3Z",j71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M19 14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14Z",q71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",$71="M7.5,4A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 2,9.5C2,10 2.09,10.5 2.22,11H6.3L7.57,7.63C7.87,6.83 9.05,6.75 9.43,7.63L11.5,13L12.09,11.58C12.22,11.25 12.57,11 13,11H21.78C21.91,10.5 22,10 22,9.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,4C14.64,4 13,4.93 12,6.34C11,4.93 9.36,4 7.5,4V4M3,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 2,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 3,14.5H5.44L11,20C12,20.9 12,20.9 13,20L18.56,14.5H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 21,12.5H13.4L12.47,14.8C12.07,15.81 10.92,15.67 10.55,14.83L8.5,9.5L7.54,11.83C7.39,12.21 7.05,12.5 6.6,12.5H3Z",X71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.12 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",Y71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",J71="M19.3 14.9C19.7 14.2 20 13.4 20 12.5C20 10 18 8 15.5 8S11 10 11 12.5 13 17 15.5 17C16.4 17 17.2 16.7 17.9 16.3L20.8 19.2L22.2 17.8L19.3 14.9M15.5 15C14.1 15 13 13.9 13 12.5S14.1 10 15.5 10 18 11.1 18 12.5 16.9 15 15.5 15M14.7 18.9C14.3 19.3 13.9 19.6 13.5 20L12 21.3L10.5 20C5.4 15.4 2 12.3 2 8.5C2 5.4 4.4 3 7.5 3C9.2 3 10.9 3.8 12 5.1C13.1 3.8 14.8 3 16.5 3C19.6 3 22 5.4 22 8.5C22 9.2 21.9 9.8 21.7 10.5C20.8 7.9 18.4 6 15.5 6C11.9 6 9 8.9 9 12.5C9 15.8 11.5 18.5 14.7 18.9Z",C91="M15 22H17V24H15V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M16.5 3C14.76 3 13.09 3.81 12 5.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3Z",H91="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M22 8.5C22 12.27 18.6 15.36 13.45 20.03L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5M20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.1 18.55C16.86 14.24 20 11.39 20 8.5Z",V91="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12.75 7.08C13.57 7.2 14.32 7.5 14.95 8L12.75 10.19V7.08M11.25 7.08V10.19L9.05 8C9.68 7.5 10.43 7.2 11.25 7.08M8 9.05L10.19 11.25H7.08C7.2 10.43 7.5 9.68 8 9.05M7.08 12.75H10.19L8 14.95C7.5 14.32 7.2 13.57 7.08 12.75M11.25 16.92C10.43 16.8 9.68 16.5 9.05 16L11.25 13.81V16.92M12 13C11.45 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.45 11 12 11 13 11.45 13 12 12.55 13 12 13M12.75 16.92V13.81L14.95 16C14.32 16.5 13.57 16.8 12.75 16.92M16 14.95L13.81 12.75H16.92C16.8 13.57 16.5 14.32 16 14.95M13.81 11.25L16 9.05C16.5 9.69 16.8 10.44 16.92 11.25H13.81Z",L91="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12S15.31 6 12 6 6 8.69 6 12 8.69 18 12 18M11.25 15.92C10.7 15.82 10.2 15.6 9.75 15.3L11.25 13.8V15.92M12.75 15.92V13.81L14.25 15.31C13.8 15.61 13.3 15.82 12.75 15.92M15.31 14.25L13.81 12.75H15.92C15.82 13.3 15.61 13.8 15.31 14.25M15.92 11.25H13.81L15.31 9.75C15.61 10.2 15.82 10.7 15.92 11.25M12.75 8.08C13.3 8.18 13.8 8.4 14.25 8.7L12.75 10.2V8.08M12 11C12.55 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.55 13 12 13 11 12.55 11 12 11.45 11 12 11M11.25 8.08V10.19L9.75 8.69C10.2 8.39 10.7 8.18 11.25 8.08M8.69 9.75L10.19 11.25H8.08C8.18 10.7 8.39 10.2 8.69 9.75M10.19 12.75L8.69 14.25C8.39 13.81 8.18 13.3 8.07 12.75H10.19Z",M91="M8.5 4.5L5.4 9.5L8.5 14.7L5.2 20.5L3.4 19.6L6.1 14.7L3 9.5L6.7 3.6L8.5 4.5M14.7 4.4L11.6 9.5L14.7 14.5L11.4 20.3L9.6 19.4L12.3 14.5L9.2 9.5L12.9 3.5L14.7 4.4M21 4.4L17.9 9.5L21 14.5L17.7 20.3L15.9 19.4L18.6 14.5L15.5 9.5L19.2 3.5L21 4.4",A91="M19 17C20.21 17 22 16.2 22 14S20.21 11 19 11H17V9H19C21.2 9 22 7.21 22 6C22 3.8 20.21 3 19 3H17V2H16V3H8V2H7V3H2V5H7V7H5C3.79 7 2 7.8 2 10S3.79 13 5 13H7V15H5C3.79 15 2 15.8 2 18S3.79 21 5 21H7V22H8V21H16V22H17V21H22V19H17V17H19M19 13C19.45 13 20 13.19 20 14S19.45 15 19 15H17V13H19M16 11H8V9H16V11M19 5C19.45 5 20 5.2 20 6C20 6.45 19.81 7 19 7H17V5H19M8 5H16V7H8V5M5 11C4.55 11 4 10.81 4 10S4.55 9 5 9H7V11H5M8 13H16V15H8V13M5 19C4.55 19 4 18.81 4 18S4.55 17 5 17H7V19H5M16 19H8V17H16V19Z",i91="M3,3H17V5H3V3M23,6V10.5L14.75,12.2C14.91,12.6 15,13.04 15,13.5C15,14.9 14.18,16.1 13,16.66V17L13,19H16V21H4A3,3 0 0,1 1,18V17H3V18A1,1 0 0,0 4,19H5V16.74C3.25,16.13 2,14.46 2,12.5C2,10 4,8 6.5,8H9V6H11V8H21V6H23M11,19V17H7V19H11M7.5,10C6.12,10 5,10.9 5,12C5,13.1 6.12,14 7.5,14C8.88,14 10,13.1 10,12C10,10.9 8.88,10 7.5,10Z",r91="M10,19H13V22H10V19M12,2C17.35,2.22 19.68,7.62 16.5,11.67C15.67,12.67 14.33,13.33 13.67,14.17C13,15 13,16 13,17H10C10,15.33 10,13.92 10.67,12.92C11.33,11.92 12.67,11.33 13.5,10.67C15.92,8.43 15.32,5.26 12,5A3,3 0 0,0 9,8H6A6,6 0 0,1 12,2Z",a91="M11,18H13V16H11V18M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10C14,12 11,11.75 11,15H13C13,12.75 16,12.5 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",e91="M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20H16M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15 14H13V12H15V14M16.8 8.8C16.5 9.2 16.1 9.5 15.7 9.7C15.5 9.9 15.3 10 15.2 10.2C15 10.4 15 10.7 15 11H13C13 10.5 13.1 10.1 13.3 9.8C13.5 9.5 13.8 9.2 14.3 8.9C14.6 8.7 14.8 8.5 14.9 8.3C15.1 8.1 15.1 7.8 15.1 7.5C15.1 7.2 15 6.9 14.8 6.7C14.6 6.5 14.4 6.4 14 6.4C13.7 6.4 13.5 6.5 13.3 6.6C13.1 6.8 13 7 13 7.3H11.1C11.1 6.5 11.3 5.9 11.9 5.5C12.6 5.2 13.3 5 14.2 5C15.1 5 15.9 5.2 16.4 5.7C16.9 6.2 17.2 6.8 17.2 7.5C17.2 8 17 8.4 16.8 8.8Z",d91="M20 16V4H8V16H20M22 16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20H16M14.2 5C13.3 5 12.6 5.2 12.1 5.6C11.6 6 11.3 6.6 11.3 7.4H13.2C13.2 7.1 13.3 6.9 13.5 6.7C13.7 6.6 13.9 6.5 14.2 6.5C14.5 6.5 14.8 6.6 15 6.8C15.2 7 15.3 7.2 15.3 7.6C15.3 7.9 15.2 8.2 15.1 8.4C15 8.6 14.7 8.8 14.5 9C14 9.3 13.6 9.6 13.5 9.9C13.1 10.1 13 10.5 13 11H15C15 10.7 15 10.4 15.1 10.3C15.2 10.1 15.4 9.9 15.6 9.8C16 9.6 16.4 9.3 16.7 8.9C17 8.4 17.2 8 17.2 7.5C17.2 6.7 16.9 6.1 16.4 5.7C15.9 5.2 15.1 5 14.2 5M13 12V14H15V12H13Z",m91="M11 18H13V16H11V18M12 6C9.8 6 8 7.8 8 10H10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8S14 8.9 14 10C14 12 11 11.8 11 15H13C13 12.8 16 12.5 16 10C16 7.8 14.2 6 12 6M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",t91="M15.07,11.25L14.17,12.17C13.45,12.89 13,13.5 13,15H11V14.5C11,13.39 11.45,12.39 12.17,11.67L13.41,10.41C13.78,10.05 14,9.55 14,9C14,7.89 13.1,7 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 10,9H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,5A4,4 0 0,1 16,9C16,9.88 15.64,10.67 15.07,11.25M13,19H11V17H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",v91="M11,18H13V16H11V18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10C14,12 11,11.75 11,15H13C13,12.75 16,12.5 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",l91="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12.19,5C11.32,5 10.62,5.2 10.08,5.59C9.56,6 9.3,6.57 9.31,7.36L9.32,7.39H11.25C11.26,7.09 11.35,6.86 11.53,6.7C11.71,6.55 11.93,6.47 12.19,6.47C12.5,6.47 12.76,6.57 12.94,6.75C13.12,6.94 13.2,7.2 13.2,7.5C13.2,7.82 13.13,8.09 12.97,8.32C12.83,8.55 12.62,8.75 12.36,8.91C11.85,9.25 11.5,9.55 11.31,9.82C11.11,10.08 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.69 13.04,10.44 13.13,10.26C13.22,10.07 13.39,9.9 13.64,9.74C14.09,9.5 14.46,9.21 14.75,8.81C15.04,8.41 15.19,8 15.19,7.5C15.19,6.74 14.92,6.13 14.38,5.68C13.85,5.23 13.12,5 12.19,5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",o91="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M11.95,6C11.17,6 10.55,6.18 10.07,6.5C9.61,6.89 9.38,7.4 9.39,8.1L9.4,8.13H11.11C11.12,7.86 11.2,7.65 11.36,7.5C11.5,7.38 11.72,7.31 11.95,7.31C12.22,7.31 12.45,7.4 12.61,7.56C12.77,7.73 12.85,7.96 12.85,8.22C12.85,8.5 12.78,8.75 12.64,8.95C12.5,9.16 12.33,9.33 12.1,9.5C11.65,9.78 11.34,10.05 11.17,10.29C11,10.5 10.89,10.89 10.89,11.33H12.67C12.67,11.06 12.7,10.84 12.78,10.68C12.86,10.5 13,10.36 13.24,10.21C13.64,10 13.97,9.74 14.22,9.39C14.5,9.03 14.62,8.67 14.62,8.22C14.62,7.55 14.38,7 13.9,6.61C13.42,6.2 12.77,6 11.95,6M10.89,12.22V14H12.67V12.22H10.89Z",n91="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 6.95C14.7 7.06 15.87 9.78 14.28 11.81C13.86 12.31 13.19 12.64 12.85 13.07C12.5 13.5 12.5 14 12.5 14.5H11C11 13.65 11 12.94 11.35 12.44C11.68 11.94 12.35 11.64 12.77 11.31C14 10.18 13.68 8.59 12 8.46C11.18 8.46 10.5 9.13 10.5 9.97H9C9 8.3 10.35 6.95 12 6.95M11 15.5H12.5V17H11V15.5Z",Z91="M11 15.5H12.5V17H11V15.5M12 6.95C14.7 7.06 15.87 9.78 14.28 11.81C13.86 12.31 13.19 12.64 12.85 13.07C12.5 13.5 12.5 14 12.5 14.5H11C11 13.65 11 12.94 11.35 12.44C11.68 11.94 12.35 11.64 12.77 11.31C14 10.18 13.68 8.59 12 8.46C11.18 8.46 10.5 9.13 10.5 9.97H9C9 8.3 10.35 6.95 12 6.95M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12Z",S91="M7 7C5.9 7 5 7.9 5 9V15C5 16.11 5.9 17 7 17H9C10.11 17 11 16.11 11 15V9C11 7.9 10.11 7 9 7H7M7 9H9V15H7V9M17.6 17L15.5 14.9L13.4 17L12 15.6L14.1 13.5L12 11.4L13.4 10L15.5 12.1L17.6 10L19 11.4L16.9 13.5L19 15.6L17.6 17Z",u91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5Z",c91="M10.25,2C10.44,2 10.61,2.11 10.69,2.26L12.91,6.22L13,6.5L12.91,6.78L10.69,10.74C10.61,10.89 10.44,11 10.25,11H5.75C5.56,11 5.39,10.89 5.31,10.74L3.09,6.78L3,6.5L3.09,6.22L5.31,2.26C5.39,2.11 5.56,2 5.75,2H10.25M10.25,13C10.44,13 10.61,13.11 10.69,13.26L12.91,17.22L13,17.5L12.91,17.78L10.69,21.74C10.61,21.89 10.44,22 10.25,22H5.75C5.56,22 5.39,21.89 5.31,21.74L3.09,17.78L3,17.5L3.09,17.22L5.31,13.26C5.39,13.11 5.56,13 5.75,13H10.25M19.5,7.5C19.69,7.5 19.86,7.61 19.94,7.76L22.16,11.72L22.25,12L22.16,12.28L19.94,16.24C19.86,16.39 19.69,16.5 19.5,16.5H15C14.81,16.5 14.64,16.39 14.56,16.24L12.34,12.28L12.25,12L12.34,11.72L14.56,7.76C14.64,7.61 14.81,7.5 15,7.5H19.5Z",s91="M9.37 4L10.78 6.5L9.37 9H6.63L5.23 6.5L6.63 4H9.37M10.25 2H5.75C5.56 2 5.39 2.11 5.31 2.26L3.09 6.22L3 6.5L3.09 6.78L5.31 10.74C5.39 10.89 5.56 11 5.75 11H10.25C10.44 11 10.61 10.89 10.69 10.74L12.91 6.78L13 6.5L12.91 6.22L10.69 2.26C10.61 2.11 10.44 2 10.25 2M18.62 9.5L20 12L18.62 14.5H15.88L14.5 12L15.88 9.5H18.62M19.5 7.5H15C14.81 7.5 14.64 7.61 14.56 7.76L12.34 11.72L12.25 12L12.34 12.28L14.56 16.24C14.64 16.39 14.81 16.5 15 16.5H19.5C19.69 16.5 19.86 16.39 19.94 16.24L22.16 12.28L22.25 12L22.16 11.72L19.94 7.76C19.86 7.61 19.69 7.5 19.5 7.5M9.37 15L10.78 17.5L9.37 20H6.63L5.23 17.5L6.63 15H9.37M10.25 13H5.75C5.56 13 5.39 13.11 5.31 13.26L3.09 17.22L3 17.5L3.09 17.78L5.31 21.74C5.39 21.89 5.56 22 5.75 22H10.25C10.44 22 10.61 21.89 10.69 21.74L12.91 17.78L13 17.5L12.91 17.22L10.69 13.26C10.61 13.11 10.44 13 10.25 13Z",O91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",h91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15M12,12V5.32L17.94,8.66L12,12Z",p91="M18,15.38L12,12V5.32L18,8.69V15.38M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",f91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",g91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6.06,15.34L12,12V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",k91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6,15.31V8.69L12,12V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",B91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6,15.31V8.69L12,5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",P91="M14.5,7.66L20.64,6.97L17,12L20.68,16.97L14.5,16.32L12.03,22L9.5,16.34L3.36,17.03L7,12L3.32,7.03L9.5,7.68L11.97,2L14.5,7.66Z",w91="M12,7L13.3,9.8L16.5,9.4L14.5,12L16.4,14.5L13.2,14.1L12,17L10.7,14.2L7.5,14.6L9.5,12L7.6,9.5L10.8,9.9L12,7M12,2L9.5,7.7L3.3,7L7,12L3.4,17L9.6,16.3L12,22L14.5,16.3L20.7,16.9L17,12L20.6,7L14.4,7.7L12,2Z",F91="M5,7H7V11H9V7H11V17H9V13H7V17H5V7M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16Z",T91="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,15H9.5V13H7.5V15H6V9H7.5V11.5H9.5V9H11V15M13,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H13V9M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5V13.5Z",b91="M10,2L8,8H11V2H10M13,2V8H16L14,2H13M2,9V10H4V11H6V10H18L18.06,11H20V10H22V9H2M7,11L3.34,22H11V11H7M13,11V22H20.66L17,11H13Z",y91="M17.47 8.67H19V23H17.47V12.6C16.67 12.44 15.92 12.14 15.21 11.71S13.9 10.78 13.39 10.2L12.77 13.27L15 15.47V23H13V17L10.76 14.8L8.89 23H6.73C6.73 23 9.86 7.22 9.89 7.09C10 6.61 10.22 6.24 10.59 6C10.96 5.73 11.33 5.6 11.71 5.6C12.1 5.6 12.46 5.69 12.79 5.87C13.13 6.04 13.39 6.29 13.58 6.61L14.64 8.24C14.93 8.78 15.32 9.25 15.81 9.63S16.86 10.3 17.47 10.5V8.67M8.55 5.89L7.4 5.65C6.83 5.5 6.31 5.62 5.84 5.94C5.38 6.26 5.1 6.7 5 7.28L4.19 11.26C4.16 11.55 4.22 11.81 4.38 12.05C4.54 12.29 4.75 12.42 5 12.46L7.21 12.89L8.55 5.89M13 1C11.9 1 11 1.9 11 3S11.9 5 13 5 15 4.11 15 3 14.11 1 13 1Z",R91="M13.5,8H12V13L16.28,15.54L17,14.33L13.5,12.25V8M13,3A9,9 0 0,0 4,12H1L4.96,16.03L9,12H6A7,7 0 0,1 13,5A7,7 0 0,1 20,12A7,7 0 0,1 13,19C11.07,19 9.32,18.21 8.06,16.94L6.64,18.36C8.27,20 10.5,21 13,21A9,9 0 0,0 22,12A9,9 0 0,0 13,3",x91="M12,5C6.5,5 2,6.57 2,8.5C2,10.43 6.5,12 12,12C17.5,12 22,10.43 22,8.5C22,6.57 17.5,5 12,5M2,11.76V16.5C2,18.43 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,18.43 22,16.5V11.76C21.33,12.22 20.58,12.57 19.73,12.86C17.62,13.6 14.95,14 12,14C9.05,14 6.38,13.6 4.27,12.86C3.42,12.57 2.67,12.22 2,11.76Z",D91="M17.68 4H14.3L12.56 8C12.53 8.04 12.45 8.22 12.31 8.5S12.06 9.04 12 9.19L9.7 4H6.32L10.41 12.84C10.5 13.06 10.73 13.59 11.11 14.43C11.5 15.28 11.78 15.91 12 16.35L13.41 19.44C13.6 19.78 13.89 19.95 14.3 19.95L19 20V16H15L13.6 12.84L17.68 4M20.03 16V20H22V17C22 16.73 21.91 16.5 21.72 16.28C21.53 16.08 21.3 16 21 16H20.03M5 16V20L9.7 19.95C10.11 19.95 10.4 19.78 10.59 19.44L11.44 17.5L9.84 14.06L9 16H5M2 20H3.97V16H3C2.7 16 2.47 16.08 2.28 16.28C2.09 16.5 2 16.73 2 17V20Z",E91="M12,8C12,8 22,8 22,11C22,11 22.09,14.36 21.75,14.25C21,11 12,11 12,11C12,11 3,11 2.25,14.25C1.91,14.36 2,11 2,11C2,8 12,8 12,8M12,12C20,12 20.75,14.25 20.75,14.25C19.75,17.25 19,18 15,18C12,18 13,16.5 12,16.5C11,16.5 12,18 9,18C5,18 4.25,17.25 3.25,14.25C3.25,14.25 4,12 12,12Z",N91="M10,20V14H14V20H19V12H22L12,3L2,12H5V20H10Z",W91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,11A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,13.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,11A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,8.75M12,15C13.5,15 16.5,15.75 16.5,17.25V18H7.5V17.25C7.5,15.75 10.5,15 12,15Z",I91="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22L12 3M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V8H13V14Z",G91="M12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20M13 8H11V13H13V8M13 15H11V17H13V15",Q91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22M9,18H7V12H9M13,18H11V10H13M17,18H15V14H17",U91="M21.8,13H20V21H13V17.67L15.79,14.88L16.5,15C17.66,15 18.6,14.06 18.6,12.9C18.6,11.74 17.66,10.8 16.5,10.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 14.4,12.9L14.5,13.61L13,15.13V9.65C13.66,9.29 14.1,8.6 14.1,7.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12,5.7A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9.9,7.8C9.9,8.6 10.34,9.29 11,9.65V15.13L9.5,13.61L9.6,12.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.5,10.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 5.4,12.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.5,15L8.21,14.88L11,17.67V21H4V13H2.25C1.83,13 1.42,13 1.42,12.79C1.43,12.57 1.85,12.15 2.28,11.72L11,3C11.33,2.67 11.67,2.33 12,2.33C12.33,2.33 12.67,2.67 13,3L17,7V6H19V9L21.78,11.78C22.18,12.18 22.59,12.59 22.6,12.8C22.6,13 22.2,13 21.8,13M7.5,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 8.4,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 7.5,13.8A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 6.6,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 7.5,12M16.5,12C17,12 17.4,12.4 17.4,12.9C17.4,13.4 17,13.8 16.5,13.8A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 15.6,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 16.5,12M12,6.9C12.5,6.9 12.9,7.3 12.9,7.8C12.9,8.3 12.5,8.7 12,8.7C11.5,8.7 11.1,8.3 11.1,7.8C11.1,7.3 11.5,6.9 12,6.9Z",z91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8.5C14.34,8.5 16.46,9.43 18,10.94L16.8,12.12C15.58,10.91 13.88,10.17 12,10.17C10.12,10.17 8.42,10.91 7.2,12.12L6,10.94C7.54,9.43 9.66,8.5 12,8.5M12,11.83C13.4,11.83 14.67,12.39 15.6,13.3L14.4,14.47C13.79,13.87 12.94,13.5 12,13.5C11.06,13.5 10.21,13.87 9.6,14.47L8.4,13.3C9.33,12.39 10.6,11.83 12,11.83M12,15.17C12.94,15.17 13.7,15.91 13.7,16.83C13.7,17.75 12.94,18.5 12,18.5C11.06,18.5 10.3,17.75 10.3,16.83C10.3,15.91 11.06,15.17 12,15.17Z",_91="M12 20L5 20V12H2L12 3L14.78 5.5H14V7.17C12.84 7.58 12 8.7 12 10V20M15 9H16V7.5H20V9H21C21.55 9 22 9.45 22 10V21C22 21.55 21.55 22 21 22H15C14.45 22 14 21.55 14 21V10C14 9.45 14.45 9 15 9M16 11V14H20V11H16Z",K91="M15 9H16V7.5H20V9H21C21.55 9 22 9.45 22 10V21C22 21.55 21.55 22 21 22H15C14.45 22 14 21.55 14 21V10C14 9.45 14.45 9 15 9M16 11V14H20V11H16M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12V20H5V12H2L12 3L14.78 5.5H14V7.17L13.76 7.27L12 5.69Z",j91="M19.07,4.93C17.22,3 14.66,1.96 12,2C9.34,1.96 6.79,3 4.94,4.93C3,6.78 1.96,9.34 2,12C1.96,14.66 3,17.21 4.93,19.06C6.78,21 9.34,22.04 12,22C14.66,22.04 17.21,21 19.06,19.07C21,17.22 22.04,14.66 22,12C22.04,9.34 21,6.78 19.07,4.93M17,12V18H13.5V13H10.5V18H7V12H5L12,5L19.5,12H17Z",q91="M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12S7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12 16.4 20 12 20M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M11 14H13V17H16V12H18L12 7L6 12H8V17H11V14",$91="M0,21V10L7.5,5L15,10V21H10V14H5V21H0M24,2V21H17V8.93L16,8.27V6H14V6.93L10,4.27V2H24M21,14H19V16H21V14M21,10H19V12H21V10M21,6H19V8H21V6Z",X91="M10,2V4.26L12,5.59V4H22V19H17V21H24V2H10M7.5,5L0,10V21H15V10L7.5,5M14,6V6.93L15.61,8H16V6H14M18,6V8H20V6H18M7.5,7.5L13,11V19H10V13H5V19H2V11L7.5,7.5M18,10V12H20V10H18M18,14V16H20V14H18Z",Y91="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.62 23 11.53 21.81 10.26 20H4V12H1L11 3L18 9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",J91="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.62 23 11.53 21.81 10.26 20H4V12H1L11 3L18 9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M9.29 18C9.11 17.37 9 16.7 9 16C9 12.54 11.5 9.68 14.8 9.11L11 5.69L6 10.19V18H9.29M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",C41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H10V14H14V15.11L19.43 9.68L12 3M21.04 11.14C20.9 11.14 20.76 11.2 20.65 11.3L19.65 12.3L21.7 14.35L22.7 13.35C22.91 13.14 22.91 12.79 22.7 12.58L21.42 11.3C21.32 11.2 21.18 11.14 21.04 11.14M19.06 12.88L13 18.94V21H15.06L21.11 14.93L19.06 12.88Z",H41="M 21.0413,11.14C 21.1827,11.14 21.3173,11.1973 21.4213,11.3027L 22.6973,12.5787C 22.912,12.792 22.912,13.14 22.6973,13.3493L 21.6973,14.3493L 19.6507,12.3027L 20.6507,11.3027C 20.76,11.1973 20.9013,11.14 21.0413,11.14 Z M 19.0627,12.88L 21.1093,14.932L 15.0627,21L 13,21L 13,18.9373L 19.0627,12.88 Z M 12,5.688L 7,10.188L 7,18L 11,18L 11,20L 5,20L 5,12L 2,12L 12,3L 19.4587,9.71285L 17,12.1716L 17,10.188L 12,5.688 Z",V41="M24 13L20 17V14H11V12H20V9L24 13M4 20V12H1L11 3L18 9.3V10H15.79L11 5.69L6 10.19V18H16V16H18V20H4Z",L41="M18.67 19C16.72 19 16.58 20 15.34 20C14.15 20 13.92 19 12 19C10.06 19 9.91 20 8.67 20S7.29 19 5.34 19 3.24 20 2 20V22C3.95 22 4.11 21 5.34 21C6.58 21 6.72 22 8.67 22S10.77 21 12 21C13.23 21 13.41 22 15.34 22S17.44 21 18.67 21C19.89 21 20.07 22 22 22V20C20.76 20 20.62 19 18.67 19M8.68 17.5C10.63 17.5 10.77 16.5 12 16.5C13.2 16.5 13.43 17.5 15.34 17.5C17.29 17.5 17.43 16.5 18.67 16.5C19.86 16.5 20.07 17.5 22 17.5V15.5C21.35 15.5 21 15.22 20.5 14.95L18.5 7.42L20.57 8.27L21.31 6.41L9.78 2L2 11.61L3.57 12.84L4.96 11.06L5.89 14.54C5.71 14.5 5.54 14.5 5.33 14.5C3.38 14.5 3.24 15.5 2 15.5V17.5C3.9 17.5 4.17 16.5 5.35 16.5C6.54 16.5 6.77 17.5 8.68 17.5M14.04 10.18L15.46 15.5C14.12 15.58 14 14.5 12 14.5C11.63 14.5 11.34 14.54 11.08 14.6L10.17 11.21L14.04 10.18Z",M41="M11,10H13V16H11V10M22,12H19V20H5V12H2L12,3L22,12M15,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,10V16A2,2 0 0,0 11,18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,16V10Z",A41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M10,8H14V18H12V10H10V8Z",i41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14H11V16H15V18H9V14A2,2 0 0,1 11,12H13V10H9V8Z",r41="M12,3L22,12H19V20H5V12H2L12,3M15,11.5V10C15,8.89 14.1,8 13,8H9V10H13V12H11V14H13V16H9V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,16V14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,11.5Z",a41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V18H13V15H11V18H9V10C9,8.89 9.9,8 11,8M11,10V13H13V10H11Z",e41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5V16A2,2 0 0,1 13,18H9V8M11,10V12H13V10H11M11,14V16H13V14H11Z",d41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,8H15V10H11V16H13V12H15V16C15,17.11 14.1,18 13,18H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,16V10C9,8.89 9.9,8 11,8Z",m41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H11V16H15V18H9V8Z",t41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,15H7V13H11V15M15,18H13V10H11V8H15V18Z",v41="M17,16H15V22H12V17H8V22H5V16H3L10,10L17,16M6,2L10,6H9V9H7V6H5V9H3V6H2L6,2M18,3L23,8H22V12H19V9H17V12H15.34L14,10.87V8H13L18,3Z",l41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",o41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",n41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",Z41="M2,12L12,3L22,12H19V20H5V12H2M12,18L12.72,17.34C15.3,15 17,13.46 17,11.57C17,10.03 15.79,8.82 14.25,8.82C13.38,8.82 12.55,9.23 12,9.87C11.45,9.23 10.62,8.82 9.75,8.82C8.21,8.82 7,10.03 7,11.57C7,13.46 8.7,15 11.28,17.34L12,18Z",S41="M15 13L11 17V14H2V12H11V9L15 13M5 20V16H7V18H17V10.19L12 5.69L7.21 10H4.22L12 3L22 12H19V20H5Z",u41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22M13 18H11V17H13M13.5 14.58V16H10.5V14.58A3 3 0 1 1 13.5 14.58Z",c41="M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H19V20H5M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H17V10.19L12 5.69M11 17V16H13V17H11M11 15C10.72 15 10.5 14.78 10.5 14.5V13.6C9.6 13.08 9 12.11 9 11C9 9.34 10.34 8 12 8C13.66 8 15 9.34 15 11C15 12.11 14.4 13.08 13.5 13.6V14.5C13.5 14.78 13.28 15 13 15H11Z",s41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22L12 3M11.5 18V14H9L12.5 7V11H15L11.5 18Z",O41="M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H19V20H5M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H17V10.19L12 5.69M11.5 18V14H9L12.5 7V11H15L11.5 18Z",h41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12V13H16V17H8V13H9V12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12V13H13V12C13,11.5 12.6,11 12,11Z",p41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8A3,3 0 0,1 15,11H13A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 11,11V13H16V17H8V13H9V11A3,3 0 0,1 12,8Z",f41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,7.7C14.1,7.7 15.8,9.4 15.8,11.5C15.8,14.5 12,18 12,18C12,18 8.2,14.5 8.2,11.5C8.2,9.4 9.9,7.7 12,7.7M12,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10Z",g41="M22 17V19H14V17H22M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",k41="M14 17H22V19H14V17M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H17V10.19L12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5Z",B41="M6,21V8A2,2 0 0,1 8,6L16,3V6A2,2 0 0,1 18,8V21H12V16H8V21H6M14,19H16V16H14V19M8,13H10V9H8V13M12,13H16V9H12V13Z",P41="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H14V15.89L12.11 14H10V20H5V12H2L6.27 8.16L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 12H22L12 3L8.95 5.75L19 15.8V12Z",w41="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.27 8.16L2 12H5V20H11V14H12.11L13 14.89V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M9 12V18H7V10.19L7.68 9.57L10.11 12H9M15 18V16.89L16.11 18H15M10.36 7.16L8.95 5.75L12 3L22 12H19V15.8L17 13.8V10.19L12 5.69L10.36 7.16Z",F41="M12 5.69L17 10.19V18H15V12H9V18H7V10.19L12 5.69M12 3L2 12H5V20H11V14H13V20H19V12H22",T41="M19 12V20H5V12H2L12 3L22 12H19M15.53 11.03L14.47 9.97L8.47 15.97L9.53 17.03L15.53 11.03M10.63 10.37C10.4 10.13 10.08 10 9.75 10C9.42 10 9.1 10.13 8.87 10.37C8.63 10.6 8.5 10.92 8.5 11.25C8.5 11.58 8.63 11.9 8.87 12.13C9.1 12.37 9.42 12.5 9.75 12.5C10.08 12.5 10.4 12.37 10.63 12.13C10.87 11.9 11 11.58 11 11.25C11 10.92 10.87 10.6 10.63 10.37M15.13 14.87C14.9 14.63 14.58 14.5 14.25 14.5C13.92 14.5 13.6 14.63 13.37 14.87C13.13 15.1 13 15.42 13 15.75C13 16.08 13.13 16.4 13.37 16.63C13.6 16.87 13.92 17 14.25 17C14.58 17 14.9 16.87 15.13 16.63C15.37 16.4 15.5 16.08 15.5 15.75C15.5 15.42 15.37 15.1 15.13 14.87Z",b41="M15.53 11.03L14.47 9.97L8.47 15.97L9.53 17.03L15.53 11.03M10.63 10.37C10.4 10.13 10.08 10 9.75 10C9.42 10 9.1 10.13 8.87 10.37C8.63 10.6 8.5 10.92 8.5 11.25C8.5 11.58 8.63 11.9 8.87 12.13C9.1 12.37 9.42 12.5 9.75 12.5C10.08 12.5 10.4 12.37 10.63 12.13C10.87 11.9 11 11.58 11 11.25C11 10.92 10.87 10.6 10.63 10.37M15.13 14.87C14.9 14.63 14.58 14.5 14.25 14.5C13.92 14.5 13.6 14.63 13.37 14.87C13.13 15.1 13 15.42 13 15.75C13 16.08 13.13 16.4 13.37 16.63C13.6 16.87 13.92 17 14.25 17C14.58 17 14.9 16.87 15.13 16.63C15.37 16.4 15.5 16.08 15.5 15.75C15.5 15.42 15.37 15.1 15.13 14.87M19 12V20H5V12H2L12 3L22 12H19M17 10.2L12 5.7L7 10.2V18H17V10.2Z",y41="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",R41="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H17V10.19L12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5Z",x41="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",D41="M14.46 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20H5Z",I41="M24 7.8C23.6 4.5 20.9 2 17.5 2C15.8 2 14.1 2.7 12.9 3.9C12.2 4.6 11.7 5.3 11.4 6.2L17 9.9V10H20V12H17V14H20V16H17V18H20V20H17V22H24V7.8M13.3 7C13.9 5.2 15.6 4 17.5 4S21.1 5.2 21.7 7H13.3M0 11V22H5V15H10V22H15V11L7.5 6L0 11Z",G41="M20 21H17V19H20V21M20 17H17V15H20V17M20 13H17V11H20V13M24 7.8C23.6 4.5 20.8 2 17.5 2C15.8 2 14.1 2.7 12.9 3.9C12.2 4.6 11.7 5.3 11.4 6.2L15.6 9H22V22H24V7.8M13.3 7C13.9 5.2 15.6 4 17.5 4S21.1 5.2 21.7 7H13.3M7.5 6L0 11V22H15V11L7.5 6M13 20H10V14H5V20H2V12L7.5 8.5L13 12V20Z",Q41="M6.58045 2C6.50974 4.6163 4.52984 6.59619 1.98426 6.59619V8.01041C5.44908 8.08112 8.13609 5.39411 7.99467 2H6.58045Z M1.98426 3.62635V5.04056C3.75202 4.96985 5.02482 3.69706 5.02482 2H3.6106C3.46918 2.84853 2.83278 3.48492 1.98426 3.62635Z M22.0157 6.59619C19.4702 6.59619 17.4903 4.6163 17.4196 2H16.0053C15.8639 5.39411 18.5509 8.08112 22.0157 8.01041V6.59619Z M22.0157 5.04056V3.62635C21.1672 3.48492 20.5308 2.84853 20.3894 2H18.9752C18.9752 3.69706 20.248 4.96985 22.0157 5.04056Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19Z",U41="M6.58045 2C6.50974 4.6163 4.52984 6.59619 1.98425 6.59619V8.01041C5.44908 8.08112 8.13608 5.39411 7.99466 2H6.58045Z M1.98425 3.62635V5.04056C3.75202 4.96985 5.02481 3.69706 5.02481 2H3.6106C3.46918 2.84853 2.83278 3.48492 1.98425 3.62635Z M22.0157 6.59619C19.4702 6.59619 17.4903 4.6163 17.4195 2H16.0053C15.8639 5.39411 18.5509 8.08112 22.0157 8.01041V6.59619Z M22.0157 5.04056V3.62635C21.1672 3.48492 20.5308 2.84853 20.3894 2H18.9752C18.9752 3.69706 20.248 4.96985 22.0157 5.04056Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19ZM12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7Z",z41="M2.4038 7.01172C2.47451 4.39542 4.45441 2.41552 7 2.41552V1.00131C3.53517 0.9306 0.848167 3.61761 0.989589 7.01172L2.4038 7.01172Z M7 5.38537V3.97116C5.23223 4.04187 3.95944 5.31466 3.95944 7.01172H5.37365C5.51507 6.16319 6.15147 5.52679 7 5.38537Z M17 2.41552C19.5456 2.41552 21.5255 4.39542 21.5962 7.01172L23.0104 7.01172C23.1518 3.61761 20.4648 0.9306 17 1.00131V2.41552Z M17 3.97116V5.38537C17.8485 5.52679 18.4849 6.16319 18.6263 7.01172H20.0406C20.0406 5.31466 18.7678 4.04187 17 3.97116Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19Z",_41="M2.4038 7.01172C2.47451 4.39542 4.45441 2.41552 7 2.41552V1.00131C3.53517 0.9306 0.848167 3.61761 0.989589 7.01172L2.4038 7.01172Z M7 5.38537V3.97116C5.23223 4.04187 3.95944 5.31466 3.95944 7.01172H5.37365C5.51507 6.16319 6.15147 5.52679 7 5.38537Z M17 2.41552C19.5456 2.41552 21.5255 4.39542 21.5962 7.01172L23.0104 7.01172C23.1518 3.61761 20.4648 0.9306 17 1.00131V2.41552Z M17 3.97116V5.38537C17.8485 5.52679 18.4849 6.16319 18.6263 7.01172H20.0406C20.0406 5.31466 18.7678 4.04187 17 3.97116Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19ZM12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7Z",K41="M6.5 15V11H9.5V15H13V9H15L8 3L1 9H3V15H6.5M9 16V18H15V16L18 19L15 22V20H9V22L6 19L9 16M23 9H21V15H15V10H19L13.54 5.11L16 3L23 9Z",j41="M8 3L1 9H3V15H7V11H9V15H13V9H15L8 3M11.5 9V13.5H10.5V9.5H5.5V13.5H4.5V8L8 5L11.5 8V9M9 16V18H15V16L18 19L15 22V20H9V22L6 19L9 16M23 9H21V15H15V10H19L13.54 5.11L16 3L23 9Z",q41="M19 8C20.11 8 21 8.9 21 10V16.76C21.61 17.31 22 18.11 22 19C22 20.66 20.66 22 19 22C17.34 22 16 20.66 16 19C16 18.11 16.39 17.31 17 16.76V10C17 8.9 17.9 8 19 8M19 9C18.45 9 18 9.45 18 10V11H20V10C20 9.45 19.55 9 19 9M5 20V12H2L12 3L16.4 6.96C15.54 7.69 15 8.78 15 10V16C14.37 16.83 14 17.87 14 19L14.1 20H5Z",$41="M19 8C20.11 8 21 8.9 21 10V16.76C21.61 17.31 22 18.11 22 19C22 20.66 20.66 22 19 22C17.34 22 16 20.66 16 19C16 18.11 16.39 17.31 17 16.76V10C17 8.9 17.9 8 19 8M19 9C18.45 9 18 9.45 18 10V11H20V10C20 9.45 19.55 9 19 9M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H14.1L14 19L14.1 20H5V12H2L12 3L16.4 6.96C15.89 7.4 15.5 7.97 15.25 8.61L12 5.69Z",X41="M12,3L20,9V21H15V14H9V21H4V9L12,3Z",Y41="M9,13H15V19H18V10L12,5.5L6,10V19H9V13M4,21V9L12,3L20,9V21H4Z",J41="M18,6C18,7.82 16.76,9.41 15,9.86V17A5,5 0 0,1 10,22A5,5 0 0,1 5,17V12L10,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17V9.86C11.23,9.4 10,7.8 10,5.97C10,3.76 11.8,2 14,2C16.22,2 18,3.79 18,6M14,8A2,2 0 0,0 16,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,8Z",C61="M13,9.86V11.18L15,13.18V9.86C17.14,9.31 18.43,7.13 17.87,5C17.32,2.85 15.14,1.56 13,2.11C10.86,2.67 9.57,4.85 10.13,7C10.5,8.4 11.59,9.5 13,9.86M14,4A2,2 0 0,1 16,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,4M18.73,22L14.86,18.13C14.21,20.81 11.5,22.46 8.83,21.82C6.6,21.28 5,19.29 5,17V12L10,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17V16.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L13,13.72L15,15.72L20,20.72L18.73,22Z",H61="M12 5C6.5 5 2 9.5 2 15V21H22V15C22 9.5 17.5 5 12 5M12 7C14.53 7 16.78 8.17 18.25 10H5.76C7.22 8.17 9.47 7 12 7M8 19H4V15C4 13.94 4.21 12.93 4.58 12H8V19M14 19H10V12H14V19M20 19H16V12H19.42C19.79 12.93 20 13.94 20 15V19Z",V61="M21,12C21,12 12.5,10 12.5,2C12.5,2 21,2 21,12M3,12C3,2 11.5,2 11.5,2C11.5,10 3,12 3,12M12,6.5C12,6.5 13,8.66 15,10.5C14.76,14.16 12,16 12,16C12,16 9.24,14.16 9,10.5C11,8.66 12,6.5 12,6.5M20.75,13.25C20.75,13.25 20,17 18,19C18,19 15.53,17.36 14.33,14.81C15.05,13.58 15.5,12.12 15.75,11.13C17.13,12.18 18.75,13 20.75,13.25M15.5,18.25C14.5,20.25 12,21.75 12,21.75C12,21.75 9.5,20.25 8.5,18.25C8.5,18.25 9.59,17.34 10.35,15.8C10.82,16.35 11.36,16.79 12,17C12.64,16.79 13.18,16.35 13.65,15.8C14.41,17.34 15.5,18.25 15.5,18.25M3.25,13.25C5.25,13 6.87,12.18 8.25,11.13C8.5,12.12 8.95,13.58 9.67,14.81C8.47,17.36 6,19 6,19C4,17 3.25,13.25 3.25,13.25Z",L61="M12 14L8 10L4 14H7.1C7.56 18.56 9.58 22 12 22S16.44 18.56 16.9 14H14.91C14.57 17.45 13.4 20 12 20S9.43 17.45 9.09 14H12M12 4C13.4 4 14.57 6.55 14.91 10H16.9C16.44 5.44 14.42 2 12 2C9.84 2 8 4.74 7.3 8.58L8 7.88L9.21 9.08C9.64 6.11 10.73 4 12 4M22 13V11H11L13 13H22M2 13H3L5 11H2V13Z",M61="M12 10H9.09C9.43 6.55 10.6 4 12 4S14.57 6.55 14.91 10H16.9C16.44 5.44 14.42 2 12 2S7.56 5.44 7.1 10H4L8 14L12 10M12 20C10.73 20 9.64 17.89 9.21 14.92L8 16.12L7.3 15.42C8 19.26 9.84 22 12 22C14.42 22 16.44 18.56 16.9 14H14.91C14.57 17.45 13.4 20 12 20M22 11H13L11 13H22V11M2 13H5L3 11H2V13",A61="M22 6V9.5L20.5 10L18.96 7.54C18.83 7.33 18.5 7.42 18.5 7.67V11.25C18.5 12.23 18.11 13.11 17.5 13.78V21H15V15C14.92 15 14.84 15 14.75 15C14.54 15 14.33 14.97 14.13 14.94L9.69 14.2L8.57 16.21L9.53 21H7L6 16.25C5.97 15.95 6 15.65 6.16 15.39L7.18 13.58C6.2 13.03 5.53 12 5.5 10.81C5.46 10.96 5.44 11.18 5.47 11.5C5.5 11.94 5.61 12.59 5.54 13.31C5.5 14.03 5.17 14.77 4.75 15.26C4.32 15.75 3.85 16.09 3.35 16.35L2.65 15.65C2.84 15.18 3.03 14.76 3.07 14.37C3.13 14 3.06 13.7 2.95 13.43L2.42 12.3C2.21 11.79 1.95 11.05 2 10.18C2.03 9.33 2.5 8.22 3.39 7.61C4.29 7 5.26 6.92 6.05 7.08C6.55 7.18 7.06 7.42 7.5 7.76C7.87 7.59 8.3 7.5 8.75 7.5H14.5V7C14.5 4.79 16.29 3 18.5 3H22L21.11 4.34C21.65 4.7 22 5.31 22 6Z",i61="M10 3.5C10 2.67 10.67 2 11.5 2S13 2.67 13 3.5 12.33 5 11.5 5 10 4.33 10 3.5M22 8V11.5L20.97 11.85C20.8 13.06 19.76 14 18.5 14H18.42C18.28 14.68 17.95 15.29 17.5 15.78V22H15V17C14.92 17 14.84 17 14.75 17C14.54 17 14.33 16.97 14.13 16.94L9.69 16.2L8.57 18.21L9.32 22H6.78L6 18.25C5.97 17.95 6 17.65 6.16 17.39L7.18 15.58C6.2 15.03 5.53 14 5.5 12.81C5.46 12.96 5.44 13.18 5.47 13.5C5.5 13.94 5.61 14.59 5.54 15.31C5.5 16.03 5.17 16.77 4.75 17.26C4.32 17.75 3.85 18.09 3.35 18.35L2.65 17.65C2.84 17.18 3.03 16.76 3.07 16.37C3.13 16 3.06 15.7 2.95 15.43L2.42 14.3C2.21 13.79 1.95 13.05 2 12.18C2.03 11.33 2.5 10.22 3.39 9.61C4.29 9 5.26 8.91 6.05 9.08C6.55 9.18 7.06 9.42 7.5 9.76C7.87 9.59 8.3 9.5 8.75 9.5H9V8.11C9 7.11 9.68 6.19 10.66 6.03C11.92 5.82 13 6.79 13 8V9.5H14.5V9C14.5 6.79 16.29 5 18.5 5H22L21.11 6.34C21.65 6.7 22 7.31 22 8M20 11.2L18.96 9.54C18.83 9.33 18.5 9.42 18.5 9.67V13C19.33 13 20 12.33 20 11.5V11.2Z",r61="M20 8V16L17 17L13.91 11.5C13.65 11.04 12.92 11.27 13 11.81L14 21L4 17L5.15 8.94C5.64 5.53 8.56 3 12 3H20L18.42 5.37C19.36 5.88 20 6.86 20 8Z",a61="M23 8V16L20 17L16.91 11.5C16.65 11.04 15.92 11.27 16 11.81L17 21L7 17L8.15 8.94C8.64 5.53 11.56 3 15 3H23L21.42 5.37C22.36 5.88 23 6.86 23 8M4 5H7.58C8.08 4.24 8.7 3.57 9.41 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5M5.84 11H2C1.45 11 1 11.45 1 12S1.45 13 2 13H5.55L5.84 11M3 9H6.12L6.17 8.66C6.25 8.08 6.39 7.53 6.58 7H3C2.45 7 2 7.45 2 8S2.45 9 3 9Z",e61="M19,4H20V1H16V4C16,4 18,8 18,12C18,16 16,19 12,19C8,19 6,16 6,12C6,8 8,4 8,4V1H4V4H5C5,4 2,8 2,14C2,19 7,23 12,23C17,23 22,19 22,14C22,8 19,4 19,4M4,13C3.4,13 3,12.6 3,12C3,11.4 3.4,11 4,11C4.6,11 5,11.4 5,12C5,12.6 4.6,13 4,13M6,19C5.4,19 5,18.6 5,18C5,17.4 5.4,17 6,17C6.6,17 7,17.4 7,18C7,18.6 6.6,19 6,19M12,22C11.4,22 11,21.6 11,21C11,20.4 11.4,20 12,20C12.6,20 13,20.4 13,21C13,21.6 12.6,22 12,22M18,19C17.4,19 17,18.6 17,18C17,17.4 17.4,17 18,17C18.6,17 19,17.4 19,18C19,18.6 18.6,19 18,19M20,13C19.4,13 19,12.6 19,12C19,11.4 19.4,11 20,11C20.6,11 21,11.4 21,12C21,12.6 20.6,13 20,13Z",d61="M18 14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18",m61="M18,14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",t61="M18 14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 20H4V4H20V20Z",v61="M2,22V7A1,1 0 0,1 3,6H7V2H17V6H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,7V22H14V17H10V22H2M9,4V10H11V8H13V10H15V4H13V6H11V4H9M4,20H8V17H4V20M4,15H8V12H4V15M16,20H20V17H16V20M16,15H20V12H16V15M10,15H14V12H10V15Z",l61="M12,2C15.86,2 19,5.13 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M9,6V12H11V10H13V12H15V6H13V8H11V6H9Z",o61="M7,4A2,2 0 0,1 9,6A2,2 0 0,1 7,8A2,2 0 0,1 5,6A2,2 0 0,1 7,4M11.15,12H22V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12H5V11.25C5,10 6,9 7.25,9H7.28C7.62,9 7.95,9.09 8.24,9.23C8.5,9.35 8.74,9.5 8.93,9.73L10.33,11.28C10.56,11.54 10.84,11.78 11.15,12M7,20V14H5V20H7M11,20V14H9V20H11M15,20V14H13V20H15M19,20V14H17V20H19M18.65,5.86C19.68,6.86 20.16,8.21 19.95,9.57L19.89,10H18L18.09,9.41C18.24,8.62 18,7.83 17.42,7.21L17.35,7.15C16.32,6.14 15.85,4.79 16.05,3.43L16.11,3H18L17.91,3.59C17.76,4.38 18,5.17 18.58,5.79L18.65,5.86M14.65,5.86C15.68,6.86 16.16,8.21 15.95,9.57L15.89,10H14L14.09,9.41C14.24,8.62 14,7.83 13.42,7.21L13.35,7.15C12.32,6.14 11.85,4.79 12.05,3.43L12.11,3H14L13.91,3.59C13.76,4.38 14,5.17 14.58,5.79L14.65,5.86Z",n61="M13 2V4C17 4.5 20 7.8 20 11.9C20 15.1 18.1 17.9 15.3 19.2L13 17V22H18L16.8 20.8C19.9 19.1 22 15.8 22 12C22 6.8 18 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.1 2.2 7.2 3 5.7 4.2L7.1 5.6C8.2 4.8 9.6 4.2 11 4V2M4.2 5.7C3 7.2 2.2 9.1 2 11H4C4.2 9.6 4.8 8.2 5.6 7.1L4.2 5.7M2 13C2.2 14.9 3 16.8 4.2 18.3L5.6 16.9C4.8 15.8 4.2 14.4 4 13H2M7.1 18.4L5.7 19.8C7.2 21 9.1 21.8 11 22V20C9.6 19.8 8.2 19.2 7.1 18.4M12 8V10H15V11H14C12.9 11 12 11.9 12 13V16H17V14H14V13H15C16.1 13 17 12.1 17 11V10C17 8.9 16.1 8 15 8H12M7 8V10H8V16H10V8H7Z",Z61="M13 2.05V4.07C16.95 4.56 20 7.92 20 12C20 15.21 18.08 18 15.28 19.28L13 17V22H18L16.78 20.78C19.91 19.07 22 15.76 22 12C22 6.82 18.05 2.55 13 2.05M11 2C9.05 2.2 7.2 2.96 5.68 4.21L7.1 5.63C8.23 4.75 9.58 4.2 11 4V2M4.2 5.68C2.96 7.2 2.2 9.05 2 11H4C4.19 9.58 4.75 8.23 5.63 7.1L4.2 5.68M6 8V10H9V11H8C6.9 11 6 11.9 6 13V16H11V14H8V13H9C10.11 13 11 12.11 11 11V10C11 8.9 10.11 8 9 8H6M12 8V13H15V16H17V13H18V11H17V8H15V11H14V8H12M2 13C2.2 14.95 2.97 16.8 4.22 18.32L5.64 16.9C4.76 15.77 4.2 14.42 4 13H2M7.11 18.37L5.68 19.79C7.2 21.03 9.05 21.8 11 22V20C9.58 19.81 8.24 19.25 7.11 18.37Z",S61="M8.4 18.2C8.8 18.7 9 19.3 9 20C9 21.7 7.7 23 6 23S3 21.7 3 20 4.3 17 6 17C6.4 17 6.8 17.1 7.2 17.3L8.6 15.5C7.7 14.5 7.3 13.1 7.5 11.8L5.5 11.1C5 11.9 4.1 12.5 3 12.5C1.3 12.5 0 11.2 0 9.5S1.3 6.5 3 6.5 6 7.8 6 9.5V9.7L8 10.4C8.6 9.2 9.8 8.3 11.2 8.1V5.9C10 5.6 9 4.4 9 3C9 1.3 10.3 0 12 0S15 1.3 15 3C15 4.4 14 5.6 12.8 5.9V8.1C14.2 8.3 15.4 9.2 16 10.4L18 9.7V9.5C18 7.8 19.3 6.5 21 6.5S24 7.8 24 9.5 22.7 12.5 21 12.5C19.9 12.5 19 11.9 18.5 11.1L16.5 11.8C16.7 13.1 16.3 14.5 15.4 15.5L16.8 17.3C17.2 17.1 17.6 17 18 17C19.7 17 21 18.3 21 20S19.7 23 18 23 15 21.7 15 20C15 19.3 15.2 18.7 15.6 18.2L14.2 16.4C12.8 17.2 11.2 17.2 9.8 16.4L8.4 18.2Z",u61="M21 6.5C19.3 6.5 18 7.8 18 9.5V9.7L16 10.4C15.4 9.2 14.2 8.3 12.8 8.1V5.9C14 5.6 15 4.4 15 3C15 1.3 13.7 0 12 0S9 1.3 9 3C9 4.4 10 5.6 11.2 5.9V8.1C9.9 8.3 8.7 9.2 8 10.4L6 9.7V9.5C6 7.8 4.7 6.5 3 6.5S0 7.8 0 9.5 1.3 12.5 3 12.5C4.1 12.5 5 11.9 5.5 11.1L7.5 11.8C7.3 13.1 7.7 14.5 8.6 15.5L7.2 17.3C6.8 17.1 6.4 17 6 17C4.3 17 3 18.3 3 20S4.3 23 6 23 9 21.7 9 20C9 19.3 8.8 18.7 8.4 18.2L9.8 16.4C11.2 17.2 12.8 17.2 14.2 16.4L15.6 18.2C15.2 18.7 15 19.3 15 20C15 21.7 16.3 23 18 23S21 21.7 21 20 19.7 17 18 17C17.6 17 17.1 17.1 16.8 17.3L15.4 15.5C16.3 14.5 16.7 13.1 16.5 11.8L18.5 11.1C19 11.9 20 12.5 21 12.5C22.7 12.5 24 11.2 24 9.5S22.7 6.5 21 6.5M3 10.5C2.5 10.5 2 10.1 2 9.5S2.5 8.5 3 8.5 4 8.9 4 9.5 3.5 10.5 3 10.5M6 21C5.4 21 5 20.5 5 20S5.4 19 6 19 7 19.5 7 20 6.6 21 6 21M11 3C11 2.5 11.4 2 12 2S13 2.5 13 3 12.6 4 12 4 11 3.5 11 3M12 15C10.6 15 9.5 13.9 9.5 12.5S10.6 10 12 10 14.5 11.1 14.5 12.5 13.4 15 12 15M18 19C18.5 19 19 19.5 19 20S18.5 21 18 21 17 20.5 17 20 17.5 19 18 19M21 10.5C20.5 10.5 20 10.1 20 9.5S20.5 8.5 21 8.5 22 8.9 22 9.5 21.5 10.5 21 10.5Z",c61="M17.1,8.6V6.2C17.7,5.9 18.2,5.3 18.2,4.6V4.5C18.2,3.5 17.4,2.7 16.4,2.7H16.3C15.3,2.7 14.5,3.5 14.5,4.5V4.6C14.5,5.3 14.9,5.9 15.6,6.2V8.6C14.7,8.7 13.8,9.1 13.1,9.7L6.5,4.6C6.8,3.5 6.1,2.3 5,2.1C3.9,1.9 2.8,2.4 2.5,3.5C2.2,4.6 2.9,5.8 4,6.1C4.5,6.2 5.1,6.2 5.6,5.9L12,10.9C10.8,12.7 10.8,15 12.1,16.8L10.1,18.8C9.9,18.8 9.8,18.7 9.6,18.7C8.7,18.7 7.9,19.5 7.9,20.4C7.9,21.3 8.7,22 9.6,22C10.5,22 11.3,21.2 11.3,20.3V20.3C11.3,20.1 11.3,20 11.2,19.8L13.1,17.9C15.4,19.6 18.7,19.2 20.4,16.9C22.1,14.6 21.7,11.3 19.4,9.6C18.8,9.1 18,8.7 17.1,8.6M16.3,16.4C14.8,16.4 13.6,15.2 13.6,13.7C13.6,12.2 14.8,11 16.3,11C17.8,11 19,12.2 19,13.7C19,15.2 17.8,16.4 16.3,16.4",s61="M19.5,12.8V22H14.7V13.9C14.7,13.2 14.1,12.6 13.4,12.6H10.5C9.8,12.6 9.2,13.2 9.2,13.9V22H4.5V2H9.3V8.4C9.6,8.3 9.9,8.2 10.2,8.2H15C17.5,8.2 19.5,10.3 19.5,12.8Z",O61="M21,9H15V22H13V16H11V22H9V9H3V7H21M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6C10.89,6 10,5.1 10,4C10,2.89 10.89,2 12,2Z",h61="M6.5 6.08C5.72 6.12 5 6.62 4.72 7.4L3 12.13V22H7V12.84L8.42 8.94L10.7 10H14V8H11.15L7.29 6.2C7.03 6.11 6.76 6.07 6.5 6.08M9 17H21V19H9M10 3.5A2 2 0 0 1 8 5.5A2 2 0 0 1 6 3.5A2 2 0 0 1 8 1.5A2 2 0 0 1 10 3.5M21 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 21 14.5M9 11V13H11V14C11 15.11 11.89 16 13 16H15C16.11 16 17 15.11 17 14V11H15V13H13V12A1 1 0 0 0 12 11Z",p61="M18 12.24V22H17.06V12.24C17.06 12.09 17 12 16.93 11.89C16.84 11.8 16.74 11.76 16.62 11.76C16.47 11.76 16.36 11.8 16.27 11.89C16.18 12 16.14 12.1 16.14 12.24V13.16H15.23V12.5C14.53 12.33 13.9 12.04 13.35 11.63C12.8 11.22 12.34 10.74 11.96 10.19L11.61 11.39C11.5 11.81 11.5 12.24 11.5 12.68L11.5 13L11.5 13.33L13.35 15.94V22H11.5V17.34L9.82 15L9.65 18.25L6.86 22L5.38 20.87L7.77 17.64V12.68C7.77 12.15 7.82 11.63 7.91 11.11L8.25 9.54L6.86 10.32V13.63H5V9.23L10 6.4C10.29 6.26 10.59 6.18 10.91 6.18C11.23 6.18 11.54 6.27 11.83 6.44C12.15 6.62 12.39 6.88 12.57 7.23L13.31 8.8C13.6 9.38 14.04 9.87 14.64 10.26C15.23 10.65 15.89 10.85 16.62 10.85C17 10.85 17.32 11 17.6 11.24C17.88 11.5 18 11.83 18 12.24M12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.11 13.11 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.11 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2Z",f61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7C17.33 7 16.69 7.1 16.08 7.28C16.66 7.83 17 8.6 17 9.43V10H22V9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M7.92 7.28C7.31 7.1 6.67 7 6 7C5 7 4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H7V9.43C7 8.6 7.34 7.83 7.92 7.28M10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4 13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4M16 10H8V9.43C8 8.62 8.5 7.9 9.22 7.58C10.07 7.21 11 7 12 7C13 7 13.93 7.21 14.78 7.58C15.5 7.9 16 8.62 16 9.43V10M15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14S19 14.9 19 16 18.1 18 17 18 15 17.1 15 16M21 22H13V21.43C13 20.62 13.5 19.9 14.22 19.58C15.07 19.21 16 19 17 19C18 19 18.93 19.21 19.78 19.58C20.5 19.9 21 20.62 21 21.43V22M5 16C5 14.9 5.9 14 7 14S9 14.9 9 16 8.1 18 7 18 5 17.1 5 16M11 22H3V21.43C3 20.62 3.5 19.9 4.22 19.58C5.07 19.21 6 19 7 19C8 19 8.93 19.21 9.78 19.58C10.5 19.9 11 20.62 11 21.43V22M12.75 13V11H11.25V13H9L12 16L15 13H12.75Z",g61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2C19.1 2 20 2.9 20 4C20 5.1 19.1 6 18 6C16.9 6 16 5.1 16 4M20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7C17.33 7 16.69 7.1 16.08 7.28C16.66 7.83 17 8.6 17 9.43V10H22V9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4C8 2.9 7.1 2 6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4C4 5.1 4.9 6 6 6M7.92 7.28C7.31 7.1 6.67 7 6 7C5 7 4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H7V9.43C7 8.6 7.34 7.83 7.92 7.28M10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.1 13.1 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.1 10 4M16 10H8V9.43C8 8.62 8.5 7.9 9.22 7.58C10.07 7.21 11 7 12 7C13 7 13.93 7.21 14.78 7.58C15.5 7.9 16 8.62 16 9.43M15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14C18.1 14 19 14.9 19 16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18C15.9 18 15 17.1 15 16M21 22H13V21.43C13 20.62 13.5 19.9 14.22 19.58C15.07 19.21 16 19 17 19C18 19 18.93 19.21 19.78 19.58C20.5 19.9 21 20.62 21 21.43M5 16C5 14.9 5.9 14 7 14C8.1 14 9 14.9 9 16C9 17.1 8.1 18 7 18C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16M11 22H3V21.43C3 20.62 3.5 19.9 4.22 19.58C5.07 19.21 6 19 7 19C8 19 8.93 19.21 9.78 19.58C10.5 19.9 11 20.62 11 21.43M12.75 14V16H11.25V14H9L12 11L15 14Z",k61="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M11,22H8V16H6V9H18V16H16V22H13V18H11V22Z",B61="M16.78 21.84C15.77 22.27 14.59 21.8 14.16 20.78C13.73 19.77 14.2 18.59 15.22 18.16C16.23 17.73 17.41 18.2 17.84 19.22C18.27 20.23 17.8 21.41 16.78 21.84M7.62 6C8.73 6 9.62 5.11 9.62 4C9.62 2.9 8.73 2 7.62 2C6.5 2 5.62 2.9 5.62 4C5.62 5.11 6.5 6 7.62 6M22.05 16.34L18.2 18C18.42 18.22 18.62 18.5 18.76 18.82C18.9 19.15 18.96 19.5 19 19.82L22.83 18.18L22.05 16.34M10.16 8.78L10.9 10.59C10.66 10.5 10.44 10.38 10.26 10.26C9.66 9.87 9.22 9.38 8.93 8.8L8.19 7.23C8 6.88 7.77 6.62 7.45 6.44C7.16 6.27 6.85 6.18 6.53 6.18C6.21 6.18 5.91 6.26 5.62 6.4C4.22 7.5 3.87 9.54 3.87 9.54L3.53 11.11C3.44 11.63 3.39 12.15 3.39 12.68V17.64L1 20.87L2.5 22L5.27 18.25L5.44 15L7.12 17.34V22H8.97V15.94L7.12 13.33V12.68C7.12 12.24 7.12 11.81 7.23 11.39L7.58 10.19C7.96 10.74 8.42 11.22 8.97 11.63C9.42 11.97 10.68 12.57 11.87 12.86L14 17.8C14.22 17.58 14.5 17.38 14.83 17.24C15.15 17.1 15.5 17.04 15.82 17L12 8L10.16 8.78M15.36 12.12L17.32 16.72L22.95 14.31L21 9.72",P61="M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M21 9H15V16L13 18V16H11V22H9V9H3V7H21V9M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.1 13.1 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.1 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2Z",w61="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M10.5,22V16H7.5L10.09,8.41C10.34,7.59 11.1,7 12,7C12.9,7 13.66,7.59 13.91,8.41L16.5,16H13.5V22H10.5Z",F61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16H9V22H6M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M13.5,15H19.5V19H18V22H15V19H13.5V15Z",T61="M17 17H15V23H13V17H10.88L9.34 18.93L11.71 21.29L10.29 22.71L7.93 20.34C7.58 20 7.38 19.53 7.35 19.04C7.32 18.55 7.47 18.06 7.78 17.68L8.32 17H7L9 13V10C8.38 10.47 7.88 11.07 7.53 11.76C7.18 12.46 7 13.22 7 14H5C5 12.14 5.74 10.36 7.05 9.05C8.36 7.74 10.14 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 6.47 15.54 5.54C16.47 4.6 17 3.33 17 2H19C19 3.32 18.62 4.62 17.91 5.73C17.2 6.85 16.2 7.74 15 8.31V13L17 17M14 4C14 4.4 13.88 4.78 13.66 5.11C13.44 5.44 13.13 5.7 12.77 5.85C12.4 6 12 6.04 11.61 5.96C11.22 5.88 10.87 5.69 10.59 5.41C10.31 5.13 10.12 4.78 10.04 4.39C9.96 4 10 3.6 10.15 3.24C10.3 2.87 10.56 2.56 10.89 2.34C11.22 2.12 11.6 2 12 2C12.53 2 13.04 2.21 13.41 2.59C13.79 2.96 14 3.47 14 4Z",b61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16L14.6,8.4C14.9,7.6 15.6,7 16.5,7C17.4,7 18.2,7.6 18.4,8.4L21,16H18V22H15V16H12L9,16V22H6M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2Z",y61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20 16H22.5L20 8.4C19.7 7.6 19 7 18.1 7H18C17.1 7 16.4 7.6 16.1 8.4L15.2 11C16.3 11.6 17 12.7 17 14.1V22H20M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5 6C6.1 6 7 5.1 7 4S6.1 2 5 2 3 2.9 3 4 3.9 6 5 6M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14M7 22V16H9.5L7 8.4C6.7 7.6 6 7 5.1 7H5C4.1 7 3.4 7.6 3.1 8.4L1.5 16H4V22H7Z",R61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16H9V22H6M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M15,15H18L19.5,19H18V22H15V19H13.5L15,15Z",x61="M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M15.9 8.1C15.5 7.7 14.8 7 13.5 7H11C8.2 7 6 4.8 6 2H4C4 5.2 6.1 7.8 9 8.7V22H11V16H13V22H15V10.1L19 14L20.4 12.6L15.9 8.1Z",D61="M11 14H9C9 9.03 13.03 5 18 5V7C14.13 7 11 10.13 11 14M18 11V9C15.24 9 13 11.24 13 14H15C15 12.34 16.34 11 18 11M7 4C7 2.89 6.11 2 5 2S3 2.89 3 4 3.89 6 5 6 7 5.11 7 4M11.45 4.5H9.45C9.21 5.92 8 7 6.5 7H3.5C2.67 7 2 7.67 2 8.5V11H8V8.74C9.86 8.15 11.25 6.5 11.45 4.5M19 17C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15S20.11 13 19 13 17 13.89 17 15 17.89 17 19 17M20.5 18H17.5C16 18 14.79 16.92 14.55 15.5H12.55C12.75 17.5 14.14 19.15 16 19.74V22H22V19.5C22 18.67 21.33 18 20.5 18Z",E61="M1.5,4V5.5C1.5,9.65 3.71,13.28 7,15.3V20H22V18C22,15.34 16.67,14 14,14C14,14 13.83,14 13.75,14C9,14 5,10 5,5.5V4M14,4A4,4 0 0,0 10,8A4,4 0 0,0 14,12A4,4 0 0,0 18,8A4,4 0 0,0 14,4Z",N61="M12,1C10.89,1 10,1.9 10,3C10,4.11 10.89,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,4.11 14,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,1M10,6C9.73,6 9.5,6.11 9.31,6.28H9.3L4,11.59L5.42,13L9,9.41V22H11V15H13V22H15V9.41L18.58,13L20,11.59L14.7,6.28C14.5,6.11 14.27,6 14,6",W61="M5,1C5,3.7 6.56,6.16 9,7.32V22H11V15H13V22H15V7.31C17.44,6.16 19,3.7 19,1H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,6A5,5 0 0,1 7,1M12,1C10.89,1 10,1.89 10,3C10,4.11 10.89,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,4.11 14,3C14,1.89 13.11,1 12,1Z",I61="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M10.5,7H13.5A2,2 0 0,1 15.5,9V14.5H14V22H10V14.5H8.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,7Z",G61="M20,17A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H9.46C9.81,2.61 10,3.3 10,4H20V15H11V17M15,7V9H9V22H7V16H5V22H3V14H1.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 3.5,7H15M8,4A2,2 0 0,1 6,6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2A2,2 0 0,1 8,4Z",Q61="M20 17C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H9.5C9.8 2.6 10 3.3 10 4H20V15H11V17M15 7V9H9V22H7V16H5V22H3V14H1.5V9C1.5 7.9 2.4 7 3.5 7H15M8 4C8 5.1 7.1 6 6 6S4 5.1 4 4 4.9 2 6 2 8 2.9 8 4M17 6H19V14H17V6M14 10H16V14H14V10M11 10H13V14H11V10Z",U61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M13.5,15H19.5V19H18V22H15V19H13.5V15Z",z61="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4S5.9 6 7 6 9 5.11 9 4 8.11 2 7 2M5 7C3.89 7 3 7.89 3 9V15H5V22H10V11.6L12.53 16H14.97L16 14.66V22H20V17H21V14C21 12.89 20.11 12 19 12H16.5C15.9 12 15.37 12.26 15 12.68C14.67 13.1 14.32 13.56 14 14H13.69L10 7.66C9.84 7.38 9.22 7 8.5 7H5M18 8C17.17 8 16.5 8.67 16.5 9.5S17.17 11 18 11 19.5 10.33 19.5 9.5 18.83 8 18 8Z",_61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2M15,22V16H12L14.59,8.41C14.84,7.59 15.6,7 16.5,7C17.4,7 18.16,7.59 18.41,8.41L21,16H18V22H15Z",K61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20 22V16H22.5L20 8.4C19.7 7.6 19 7 18.1 7H18C17.1 7 16.4 7.6 16.1 8.4L15.2 11C16.3 11.6 17 12.7 17 14.1V22H20M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5.5 6C6.6 6 7.5 5.1 7.5 4S6.6 2 5.5 2 3.5 2.9 3.5 4 4.4 6 5.5 6M7.5 22V15H9V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15H3.5V22H7.5M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14Z",j61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M15,15H18L19.5,19H18V22H15V19H13.5L15,15Z",q61="M7,2C8.78,2 9.67,4.16 8.42,5.42C7.16,6.67 5,5.78 5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M5.5,7H8.5A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,9V14.5H9V22H5V14.5H3.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,7M21,8H15V10H21M21,11H18V13H21M21,2H15V4H21M21,5H18V7H21M21,14H15V16H21M21,20H15V22H21M21,17H18V19H21",$61="M7,2C8.78,2 9.67,4.16 8.42,5.42C7.16,6.67 5,5.78 5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M5.5,7H8.5A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,9V14.5H9V22H5V14.5H3.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,7M19,8H21L18,4L15,8H17V16H15L18,20L21,16H19M22,2H14V4H22M22,20H14V22H22",X61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2M15,7H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,9V14.5H18.5V22H14.5V14.5H13V9A2,2 0 0,1 15,7Z",Y61="M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5.5 6C6.6 6 7.5 5.1 7.5 4S6.6 2 5.5 2 3.5 2.9 3.5 4 4.4 6 5.5 6M7.5 22V15H9V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15H3.5V22H7.5M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14M18.5 6C19.6 6 20.5 5.1 20.5 4S19.6 2 18.5 2 16.5 2.9 16.5 4 17.4 6 18.5 6M22 9V15H20.5V22H17V14C17 12.6 16.2 11.4 15 10.9V9C15 7.9 15.9 7 17 7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9Z",J61="M12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.11 6 12 6 10 5.11 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M13.91 8.41C13.66 7.59 12.9 7 12 7H10.5C9.4 7 8.5 7.9 8.5 9V14.5H10V22H13.5V16H16.5L13.91 8.41Z",C81="M9,4C9,2.89 9.89,2 11,2C12.11,2 13,2.89 13,4C13,5.11 12.11,6 11,6C9.89,6 9,5.11 9,4M16,13C16,11.66 15.17,10.5 14,10A3,3 0 0,0 11,7A3,3 0 0,0 8,10V17H10V22H13V17H16V13Z",H81="M5 6C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8S3.9 10 5 10 7 9.11 7 8 6.11 6 5 6M12 4C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6S10.9 8 12 8 14 7.11 14 6 13.11 4 12 4M19 2C17.9 2 17 2.9 17 4S17.9 6 19 6 21 5.11 21 4 20.11 2 19 2M3.5 11C2.67 11 2 11.67 2 12.5V17H3V22H7V17H8V12.5C8 11.67 7.33 11 6.5 11H3.5M10.5 9C9.67 9 9 9.67 9 10.5V15H10V20H14V15H15V10.5C15 9.67 14.33 9 13.5 9H10.5M17.5 7C16.67 7 16 7.67 16 8.5V13H17V18H21V13H22V8.5C22 7.67 21.33 7 20.5 7H17.5Z",V81="M16.5 2.25C17.33 2.25 18 2.92 18 3.75C18 4.58 17.33 5.25 16.5 5.25C15.67 5.25 15 4.58 15 3.75C15 2.92 15.67 2.25 16.5 2.25M20 18C21.11 18 22 18.9 22 20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22C19.26 22 18.61 21.6 18.27 21H8.73C8.39 21.6 7.74 22 7 22C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20C5 18.9 5.9 18 7 18C7.74 18 8.39 18.4 8.73 19H13V13.5L9.73 11.23L6.77 14C6.36 14.37 5.73 14.34 5.35 13.94L2.28 10.65C1.91 10.24 1.93 9.61 2.33 9.23C2.74 8.86 3.37 8.88 3.74 9.28L6.13 11.84L13.26 5.2L13.3 5.18C13.72 4.82 14.35 4.88 14.71 5.3L16.97 8H20C20.55 8 21 8.45 21 9C21 9.55 20.55 10 20 10H16.5C16.15 10 15.85 9.82 15.67 9.56L14.17 7.77L11.64 10.13L14.57 12.18H14.57C14.83 12.36 15 12.66 15 13V19H15.61C16.04 17.13 17.63 15.7 19.58 15.5L18.81 11H20.31L21.39 17.34C20.97 17.12 20.5 17 20 17C18.69 17 17.58 17.84 17.17 19H18.27C18.61 18.4 19.26 18 20 18Z",L81="M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M19.8 17.7L19.2 11.3C19.1 10.5 18.5 10 17.7 10H16C14.5 10 13.1 9.5 12.2 8.6L10.2 6.6C10.1 6.4 9.6 6 8.8 6C8.3 6 7.8 6.2 7.4 6.6L4.1 9.9C3.6 10.6 3.6 11.5 3.9 12L5.3 14.8L2.2 18.8L3.8 20L7.5 15.3L7.2 14L8 14.8V20H10V13.9L7.9 11.8L10.3 9.4C11.2 10.3 12 11.2 13.9 11.7L13 20H14.5L14.9 16.5H18.1L18.2 17.7C17.8 18 17.5 18.4 17.5 19C17.5 19.8 18.2 20.5 19 20.5S20.5 19.8 20.5 19C20.5 18.5 20.2 18 19.8 17.7M15.1 15L15.5 11.5H17.5L17.9 15H15.1Z",M81="M8.5 4A2 2 0 0 1 6.5 6A2 2 0 0 1 4.5 4A2 2 0 0 1 6.5 2A2 2 0 0 1 8.5 4M5 7C3.89 7 3 7.89 3 9V15H5V22H8.61A7 7 0 0 1 6.5 17A7 7 0 0 1 10 10.95V9C10 7.89 9.11 7 8 7M13 8V16H18.5L21.2 19.6L22.8 18.4L19.5 14H15V8M12 12.23A5 5 0 0 0 8.5 17A5 5 0 0 0 13.5 22A5 5 0 0 0 18.5 17H16.5A3 3 0 0 1 13.5 20A3 3 0 0 1 10.5 17A3 3 0 0 1 12 14.41Z",A81="M8 4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2C11.11 2 12 2.9 12 4C12 5.11 11.11 6 10 6C8.9 6 8 5.11 8 4M20.65 21.5L14.5 10.85L14.5 10.85V10.85C13.77 10.85 13.23 10.65 12.64 10.26C12.04 9.87 11.6 9.38 11.31 8.8L10.57 7.23C10.39 6.88 10.15 6.62 9.83 6.44C9.54 6.27 9.23 6.18 8.91 6.18C8.59 6.18 8.29 6.26 8 6.4L3 9.23V13.63H4.86V10.32L6.25 9.54L5.91 11.11C5.82 11.63 5.77 12.15 5.77 12.68V17.64L3.38 20.87L4.86 22L7.65 18.25L7.82 15L9.5 17.34V22H11.35V15.94L9.5 13.33V12.68C9.5 12.24 9.5 11.81 9.61 11.39L9.96 10.19C10.34 10.74 10.81 11.2 11.35 11.63C12.2 12.31 13 12.59 14.35 12.58L19.78 22L20.65 21.5Z",i81="M16.91,18.12C14.09,18.12 18.43,2.13 18.43,2.13H15.53C15.53,2.13 14.34,5.89 13.55,10.07H11.05C11.11,9.21 11.15,8.34 11.13,7.5C11,0.59 7,1.87 5.18,3.45C3.47,4.95 2.03,7.8 2,10C2.27,10 3.35,10 3.35,10C3.35,10 4.25,5.88 7.07,5.88C9.89,5.88 5.54,21.87 5.54,21.87H8.45C8.45,21.87 9.95,17.59 10.7,12.81L13.09,12.8C12.95,14.04 12.91,15.4 12.93,16.67C13.04,23.56 17.06,22.08 18.86,20.5C20.67,18.92 22,15.58 22,14H20.61C20.62,14.12 19.73,18.12 16.91,18.12V18.12Z",r81="M8.58 14C8.3 13.55 8.11 13.03 8.06 12.5H15.94C15.89 13.03 15.7 13.55 15.47 14H8.58M12 16C10.97 16 10.08 15.61 9.38 15H14.63C13.92 15.61 13.03 16 12 16M12 8C13.03 8 13.92 8.39 14.63 9H9.38C10.08 8.39 10.97 8 12 8M8.58 10H15.42C15.7 10.45 15.89 10.97 15.94 11.5H8.06C8.11 10.97 8.3 10.45 8.58 10M3 3V21H21V3H3M12 18C8.67 18 6 15.33 6 12S8.67 6 12 6 18 8.67 18 12 15.33 18 12 18Z",a81="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 18C8.67 18 6 15.33 6 12C6 10.82 6.34 9.73 6.92 8.81L8.43 10.32C8.24 10.69 8.1 11.09 8.06 11.5H9.61L10.61 12.5H8.06C8.11 13.03 8.3 13.55 8.58 14H12.11L13.11 15H9.38C10.08 15.61 10.97 16 12 16C12.63 16 13.19 15.84 13.7 15.59L15.19 17.08C14.27 17.66 13.18 18 12 18M12 8C13.03 8 13.92 8.39 14.63 9H12.2L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M9.67 6.47L6.2 3H21V17.8L17.53 14.33C17.83 13.62 18 12.83 18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C11.17 6 10.38 6.17 9.67 6.47M15.94 11.5H14.7L13.2 10H15.42C15.7 10.45 15.89 10.97 15.94 11.5Z",e81="M15 18C13.34 18 12 16.66 12 15C12 13 15 9.63 15 9.63S18 13 18 15C18 16.66 16.66 18 15 18M20 4V20H10V4H8V20C8 21.11 8.89 22 10 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4H20M2 19L7 14L2 9V19M16 6V2H14V6H11V8H19V6H16Z",d81="M9 18C7.34 18 6 16.66 6 15C6 13 9 9.63 9 9.63S12 13 12 15C12 16.66 10.66 18 9 18M14 4V20H4V4H2V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H14C15.11 22 16 21.11 16 20V4H14M10 6V2H8V6H5V8H13V6H10M21 17.5V5.5C21 4.67 20.33 4 19.5 4S18 4.67 18 5.5V17.5C17.37 17.97 17 18.71 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.71 21.63 18 21 17.5M20 13H19V6H20V13Z",m81="M17.12 3.55A2 2 0 0 0 15.2 4.95L14.4 7.5A3 3 0 0 0 13.33 7.74L11.5 5.77L10.17 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 10.05 7.12L11.86 9.09A3 3 0 0 0 11.64 9.6A3 3 0 0 0 11.53 10.13L8.92 10.71L6.96 11.15A2 2 0 0 0 9.35 12.67L11.96 12.08A3 3 0 0 0 12.7 12.89L11.9 15.44L11.3 17.35A2 2 0 0 0 13.8 16.04L14.61 13.5A3 3 0 0 0 15.68 13.26L17.5 15.23L18.83 16.7A2 2 0 0 0 18.96 13.88L17.15 11.91A3 3 0 0 0 17.36 11.4A3 3 0 0 0 17.5 10.86L20.09 10.28L22.04 9.85A2 2 0 0 0 19.66 8.33L17.05 8.91A3 3 0 0 0 16.31 8.11L17.11 5.55L17.71 3.65A2 2 0 0 0 17.12 3.55M14.56 9A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.95 9.07A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15.93 10.95A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.05 11.93A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.07 10.05A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.55 9M8 13.67C6.78 14.53 5.39 15 4 15H2V17H4C5.37 17 6.74 16.65 8 16C8.77 16.4 9.58 16.66 10.41 16.81L10.94 15.14L11.03 14.88C9.97 14.73 8.93 14.32 8 13.67M20.45 15C20.5 15.7 20.33 16.41 19.91 17C19.93 17 19.97 17 20 17H22V15H20.45M8 17.67C6.78 18.53 5.39 19 4 19H2V21H4C5.37 21 6.74 20.65 8 20C10.5 21.3 13.5 21.3 16 20C17.26 20.65 18.62 21 20 21H22V19H20C18.61 19 17.22 18.53 16 17.67C13.56 19.38 10.44 19.38 8 17.67Z",t81="M6 3C4.89 3 4 3.9 4 5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21S20.5 19.88 20.5 18.5V9C20.5 8.31 20.22 7.68 19.77 7.23L19.78 7.22L16.06 3.5L15 4.56L17.11 6.67C16.17 7.03 15.5 7.93 15.5 9C15.5 10.38 16.62 11.5 18 11.5C18.36 11.5 18.69 11.42 19 11.29V18.5C19 19.05 18.55 19.5 18 19.5S17 19.05 17 18.5V14C17 12.9 16.11 12 15 12H14V5C14 3.9 13.11 3 12 3H6M6 7H8V11H10V7H12V17H10V13H8V17H6V7M18 8C18.55 8 19 8.45 19 9S18.55 10 18 10 17 9.55 17 9 17.45 8 18 8Z",v81="M17.5 6.05C17.25 3.22 14.89 1 12 1S6.75 3.22 6.5 6.05C5.09 6.28 4 7.5 4 9C4 10.66 5.34 12 7 12L12 22L17 12C18.66 12 20 10.66 20 9C20 7.5 18.91 6.28 17.5 6.05M12 17.53L8.89 11.31C8.95 11.26 9 11.21 9.08 11.16C9.93 11.69 10.93 12 12 12S14.07 11.69 14.92 11.16C15 11.21 15.05 11.26 15.11 11.31L12 17.53Z",l81="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.95 6.84C4.37 7.38 4 8.14 4 9C4 10.66 5.34 12 7 12L12 22L14.7 16.59L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 17.53L8.89 11.31C8.95 11.26 9 11.21 9.08 11.16C9.21 11.24 9.35 11.3 9.5 11.37L13.21 15.1L12 17.53M7.15 3.95C8.07 2.2 9.89 1 12 1C14.89 1 17.25 3.22 17.5 6.05C18.91 6.28 20 7.5 20 9C20 10.66 18.66 12 17 12L16.4 13.2L7.15 3.95Z",o81="M18.15 14.96L9.95 18.65L5.85 9.65C7.21 9.13 8.12 7.82 8.15 6.36C8.14 5 7.36 3.76 6.15 3.15C6.54 2.8 7 2.5 7.45 2.25C9.71 1.25 12.37 2.23 13.45 4.46M13.15 18.36L14.75 21.86L17.45 20.65L15.85 17.15",n81="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4M4 6H20V10H4V6M4 12H8V14H4V12M10 12H20V14H10V12M4 16H14V18H4V16M16 16H20V18H16V16Z",Z81="M10 7V9H9V15H10V17H6V15H7V9H6V7H10M16 7C17.11 7 18 7.9 18 9V15C18 16.11 17.11 17 16 17H12V7M16 9H14V15H16V9Z",S81="M11 4V6H4V10H6V8H18V10H20V6H13V4M8 10V12H13.59L11.59 14H4V16H11V18H10V20H13V16H20V14H14.21L16 12.21V10Z",u81="M11 4V6H4V8H15.36C15.13 8.87 14.63 9.77 13.88 10.69C13.35 11.35 12.71 12 12 12.67C11.29 12 10.65 11.35 10.12 10.69C9.65 10.12 9.3 9.55 9.03 9H6.85C7.21 10.05 7.82 11.03 8.56 11.95C9.13 12.66 9.79 13.34 10.5 14L5.36 18.23L6.64 19.77L12 15.34L17.36 19.77L18.64 18.23L13.5 14C14.21 13.34 14.87 12.66 15.44 11.95C16.41 10.74 17.16 9.43 17.4 8H20V6H13V4Z",c81="M8.5,13.5L11,16.5L14.5,12L19,18H5M21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19Z",s81="M6,19L9,15.14L11.14,17.72L14.14,13.86L18,19H6M6,4H11V12L8.5,10.5L6,12M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",O81="M20,5A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,5.89 2.89,5 4,5H20M5,16H19L14.5,10L11,14.5L8.5,11.5L5,16Z",h81="M12,23L8,19H16L12,23M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H20M5,14H19L14.5,8L11,12.5L8.5,9.5L5,14Z",p81="M19 10V19H5V5H14V3H5C3.92 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.92 21 5 21H19C20.12 21 21 20.1 21 19V10H19M17 10L17.94 7.94L20 7L17.94 6.06L17 4L16.06 6.06L14 7L16.06 7.94L17 10M13.25 10.75L12 8L10.75 10.75L8 12L10.75 13.25L12 16L13.25 13.25L16 12L13.25 10.75Z",f81="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11H19V13H19L17,13V15H15V17H13V19H11V21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M21,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H19L15,21V19H17V17H19V15H21M19,8.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 18.5,8H5.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 5,8.5V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 5.5,16H11V15H13V13H15V11H17V9H19V8.5Z",g81="M21,5V11.59L18,8.58L14,12.59L10,8.59L6,12.59L3,9.58V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M18,11.42L21,14.43V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V12.42L6,15.41L10,11.41L14,15.41",k81="M12.5 21C12.18 20.23 12 19.39 12 18.5C12 18.33 12 18.17 12.03 18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L15.19 12.92C16.16 12.34 17.29 12 18.5 12C19.39 12 20.23 12.18 21 12.5V5C21 4.47 20.79 3.96 20.41 3.59C20.04 3.21 19.53 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.5M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22Z",B81="M12.18 17C12.54 15.5 13.43 14.16 14.68 13.25L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H12.18M5 5V19H12.03C12.09 19.7 12.24 20.38 12.5 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C19.53 3 20.04 3.21 20.41 3.59C20.79 3.96 21 4.47 21 5V12.5C20.38 12.24 19.7 12.09 19 12.03V5H5M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22Z",P81="M22.7 14.3L21.7 15.3L19.7 13.3L20.7 12.3C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.1 21.1 12.1C21.2 12.1 21.4 12.2 21.5 12.3L22.8 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.3M13 19.9V22H15.1L21.2 15.9L19.2 13.9L13 19.9M21 5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.1L12.1 18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L16.1 14.1L21 9.1V5Z",w81="M22.7 14.3L21.7 15.3L19.7 13.3L20.7 12.3C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.1 21.1 12.1C21.2 12.1 21.4 12.2 21.5 12.3L22.8 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.3M13 19.9V22H15.1L21.2 15.9L19.2 13.9L13 19.9M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.12L15.66 14.55L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M11 19.9V19.05L11.05 19H5V5H19V11.31L21 9.38V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.9Z",F81="M19,19L12,11V19H5L12,11V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",T81="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M5,5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5V15Z",b81="M12 8C8.44 8 6.65 12.31 9.17 14.83C11.69 17.35 16 15.56 16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19",y81="M17 12C17 7.55 11.62 5.31 8.46 8.46C5.31 11.61 7.55 17 12 17C14.76 17 17 14.76 17 12M12 15C9.33 15 8 11.77 9.88 9.88C11.77 8 15 9.33 15 12C15 13.66 13.66 15 12 15M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19",R81="M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5M5,5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14Z",x81="M6.5 20H18.5Q20.38 20 21.69 18.69 23 17.38 23 15.5 23 13.8 21.79 12.4 20.58 11 19 11 19 8.05 17 6.03 14.95 4 12 4 9.88 4 8.29 5.08 6.7 6.15 6.25 8 8.8 8.45 10.4 10.19 12 11.93 12 14.5H10Q10 12.68 8.66 11.34 7.33 10 5.5 10T2.34 11.34Q1 12.68 1 14.5 1 16.8 2.6 18.4T6.5 20Z",D81="M6.5 20Q4.2 20 2.6 18.4T1 14.5Q1 12.55 2.21 11.06 3.43 9.57 5.25 9.15 5.88 6.9 7.73 5.45 9.57 4 12 4 15 4 17 6.06 19 8.13 19 11 20.88 11.2 21.94 12.55 23 13.9 23 15.5 23 17.35 21.69 18.68 20.38 20 18.5 20M6.5 18H18.5Q19.55 18 20.27 17.27 21 16.55 21 15.5 21 14.45 20.27 13.73 19.55 13 18.5 13H17V11Q17 8.93 15.54 7.46 14.08 6 12 6 10.43 6 9.2 6.86 8 7.73 7.4 9.07 9.35 9.4 10.68 10.91 12 12.43 12 14.5H10Q10 13.05 9 12.03 7.95 11 6.5 11 5.05 11 4.03 12.03 3 13.05 3 14.5 3 15.95 4.03 17 5.05 18 6.5 18Z",E81="M18,8H6V18H18M20,20H4V6H8.5L12.04,2.5L15.5,6H20M20,4H16L12,0L8,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4Z",N81="M14,6L10.25,11L13.1,14.8L11.5,16C9.81,13.75 7,10 7,10L1,18H23L14,6Z",W81="M23 18H1L8.25 8.33L10.25 11L14 6L23 18M11.5 12.67L14 16L19 16L14 9.33L11.5 12.67M5 16L11.5 16L8.25 11.67L5 16Z",I81="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",G81="M5.68,19.74C7.16,20.95 9,21.75 11,21.95V19.93C9.54,19.75 8.21,19.17 7.1,18.31M13,19.93V21.95C15,21.75 16.84,20.95 18.32,19.74L16.89,18.31C15.79,19.17 14.46,19.75 13,19.93M18.31,16.9L19.74,18.33C20.95,16.85 21.75,15 21.95,13H19.93C19.75,14.46 19.17,15.79 18.31,16.9M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12M4.07,13H2.05C2.25,15 3.05,16.84 4.26,18.32L5.69,16.89C4.83,15.79 4.25,14.46 4.07,13M5.69,7.1L4.26,5.68C3.05,7.16 2.25,9 2.05,11H4.07C4.25,9.54 4.83,8.21 5.69,7.1M19.93,11H21.95C21.75,9 20.95,7.16 19.74,5.68L18.31,7.1C19.17,8.21 19.75,9.54 19.93,11M18.32,4.26C16.84,3.05 15,2.25 13,2.05V4.07C14.46,4.25 15.79,4.83 16.9,5.69M11,4.07V2.05C9,2.25 7.16,3.05 5.68,4.26L7.1,5.69C8.21,4.83 9.54,4.25 11,4.07Z",Q81="M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M18.7,12.4C18.42,12.24 18.13,12.11 17.84,12C18.13,11.89 18.42,11.76 18.7,11.6C20.62,10.5 21.69,8.5 21.7,6.41C19.91,5.38 17.63,5.3 15.7,6.41C15.42,6.57 15.16,6.76 14.92,6.95C14.97,6.64 15,6.32 15,6C15,3.78 13.79,1.85 12,0.81C10.21,1.85 9,3.78 9,6C9,6.32 9.03,6.64 9.08,6.95C8.84,6.75 8.58,6.56 8.3,6.4C6.38,5.29 4.1,5.37 2.3,6.4C2.3,8.47 3.37,10.5 5.3,11.59C5.58,11.75 5.87,11.88 6.16,12C5.87,12.1 5.58,12.23 5.3,12.39C3.38,13.5 2.31,15.5 2.3,17.58C4.09,18.61 6.37,18.69 8.3,17.58C8.58,17.42 8.84,17.23 9.08,17.04C9.03,17.36 9,17.68 9,18C9,20.22 10.21,22.15 12,23.19C13.79,22.15 15,20.22 15,18C15,17.68 14.97,17.36 14.92,17.05C15.16,17.25 15.42,17.43 15.7,17.59C17.62,18.7 19.9,18.62 21.7,17.59C21.69,15.5 20.62,13.5 18.7,12.4Z",U81="M10,14.29L6.5,19H17.46L14.75,15.46L12.78,17.8L10,14.29M5,21V7H18.96V21H5M12,2.4L14.61,5.03H9.37L12,2.4M5,5.03C4.5,5.03 4,5.22 3.61,5.61C3.2,6 3,6.46 3,7V21C3,21.5 3.2,22 3.61,22.39C4,22.8 4.5,23 5,23H18.96C19.5,23 19.96,22.8 20.37,22.39C20.77,22 21,21.5 21,21V7C21,6.46 20.77,6 20.37,5.61C19.96,5.22 19.5,5.03 18.96,5.03H16L12,1L7.96,5.03H5Z",z81="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L14.77 12.37C15.61 10.89 17.27 10 19 10C19.69 10 20.37 10.16 21 10.42V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5Z",_81="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V19H5V5H19V10C19.69 10 20.37 10.16 21 10.42V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13C13.08 16.14 13.46 15.46 13.96 14.96C14.03 14.89 14.13 14.85 14.2 14.79V14.5C14.2 13.95 14.3 13.44 14.47 12.97L13.96 12.29Z",K81="M13.55 18C13.97 19.08 14.59 20.12 15.19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.63C20.25 10.23 19.39 10 18.5 10C16.29 10 14.33 11.39 13.47 13.33L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.55M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",j81="M14 19C14.36 19.72 14.78 20.4 15.19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V10.63C20.39 10.3 19.71 10.09 19 10.03V5H5V19H14M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.22C13.09 16.5 13 16 13 15.5C13 14.35 13.38 13.26 14 12.37L13.96 12.29M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",q81="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21Z",$81="M15.4 14.21C14.47 14.91 13.75 15.88 13.35 17H6.5L9.25 13.47L11.21 15.83L13.96 12.29L15.4 14.21M5 19V5H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",X81="M15,3H19V0L24,5L19,10V7H15V3M21,11.94V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H12.06C12,3.33 12,3.67 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20.33,12 20.67,12 21,11.94M19,18L14.5,12L11,16.5L8.5,13.5L5,18H19Z",Y81="M22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16M11,12L13.03,14.71L16,11L20,16H8M2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6",J81="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M15.96,10.29L13.21,13.83L11.25,11.47L8.5,15H19.5L15.96,10.29Z",CC1="M21 17.2L6.8 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.2M20.7 22L19.7 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V4.3L2 3.3L3.3 2L22 20.7L20.7 22M16.8 18L12.9 14.1L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H16.8Z",HC1="M22 20.7L3.3 2L2 3.3L3 4.3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19.7L20.7 22L22 20.7M5 19V6.3L12.6 13.9L11.1 15.8L9 13.1L6 17H15.7L17.7 19H5M8.8 5L6.8 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.2L19 15.2V5H8.8",VC1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13.96,12.29L11.21,15.83L9.25,13.47L6.5,17H17.5L13.96,12.29Z",LC1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21Z",MC1="M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.35C13.75 15.88 14.47 14.91 15.4 14.21L13.96 12.29M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",AC1="M12 18.5C12 19.39 12.18 20.23 12.5 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.5C20.23 12.18 19.39 12 18.5 12C17.29 12 16.16 12.34 15.19 12.92L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H12.03C12 18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",iC1="M14.68 13.25C13.45 14.15 12.54 15.47 12.18 17H6.5L9.25 13.47L11.21 15.83L13.96 12.29L14.68 13.25M5 19V5H19V12.03C19.7 12.09 20.38 12.24 21 12.5V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.5C12.24 20.38 12.09 19.7 12.03 19H5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",rC1="M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21M20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9L20.4 19Z",aC1="M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.35C13.75 15.88 14.47 14.91 15.4 14.21L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",eC1="M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.21 19.31,8.9L22.39,12L21,13.39L17.88,10.32C17.19,10.75 16.37,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4M7.5,14.5L4,19H18L13.5,13L10,17.5L7.5,14.5M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H9.5C9.18,4.77 9,5.61 9,6.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,13C16.18,13 16.84,12.89 17.46,12.7L20,15.24V20Z",dC1="M15.5,9C16.2,9 16.79,8.76 17.27,8.27C17.76,7.79 18,7.2 18,6.5C18,5.83 17.76,5.23 17.27,4.73C16.79,4.23 16.2,4 15.5,4C14.83,4 14.23,4.23 13.73,4.73C13.23,5.23 13,5.83 13,6.5C13,7.2 13.23,7.79 13.73,8.27C14.23,8.76 14.83,9 15.5,9M19.31,8.91L22.41,12L21,13.41L17.86,10.31C17.08,10.78 16.28,11 15.47,11C14.22,11 13.16,10.58 12.3,9.7C11.45,8.83 11,7.77 11,6.5C11,5.27 11.45,4.2 12.33,3.33C13.2,2.45 14.27,2 15.5,2C16.77,2 17.83,2.45 18.7,3.33C19.58,4.2 20,5.27 20,6.5C20,7.33 19.78,8.13 19.31,8.91M16.5,18H5.5L8.25,14.5L10.22,16.83L12.94,13.31L16.5,18M18,13L20,15V20C20,20.55 19.81,21 19.41,21.4C19,21.79 18.53,22 18,22H4C3.45,22 3,21.79 2.6,21.4C2.21,21 2,20.55 2,20V6C2,5.47 2.21,5 2.6,4.59C3,4.19 3.45,4 4,4H9.5C9.2,4.64 9.03,5.31 9,6H4V20H18V13Z",mC1="M21,3H3C2,3 1,4 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21C22,21 23,20 23,19V5C23,4 22,3 21,3M5,17L8.5,12.5L11,15.5L14.5,11L19,17H5Z",tC1="M21,15H23V17H21V15M21,11H23V13H21V11M23,19H21V21C22,21 23,20 23,19M13,3H15V5H13V3M21,7H23V9H21V7M21,3V5H23C23,4 22,3 21,3M1,7H3V9H1V7M17,3H19V5H17V3M17,19H19V21H17V19M3,3C2,3 1,4 1,5H3V3M9,3H11V5H9V3M5,3H7V5H5V3M1,11V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H15V11H1M3,19L5.5,15.79L7.29,17.94L9.79,14.72L13,19H3Z",vC1="M23,15H21V17H23V15M23,11H21V13H23V11M23,19H21V21C22,21 23,20 23,19M15,3H13V5H15V3M23,7H21V9H23V7M21,3V5H23C23,4 22,3 21,3M3,21H11V15H1V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21M3,7H1V9H3V7M15,19H13V21H15V19M19,3H17V5H19V3M19,19H17V21H19V19M3,3C2,3 1,4 1,5H3V3M3,11H1V13H3V11M11,3H9V5H11V3M7,3H5V5H7V3Z",lC1="M8.5 13.5L5 18H13.03C13.11 19.1 13.47 20.12 14.03 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V11.18C20.5 11.07 20 11 19.5 11C17.78 11 16.23 11.67 15.07 12.76L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",oC1="M13.18 19C13.35 19.72 13.64 20.39 14.03 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11.18C20.5 11.07 20 11 19.5 11C19.33 11 19.17 11 19 11.03V5H5V19H13.18M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.03C13.14 15.54 13.73 14.22 14.64 13.19L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",nC1="M22 13H14V11H22V13M22 7H14V9H22V7M14 17H22V15H14V17M12 9V15C12 16.1 11.1 17 10 17H4C2.9 17 2 16.1 2 15V9C2 7.9 2.9 7 4 7H10C11.1 7 12 7.9 12 9M10.5 15L8.3 12L6.5 14.3L5.3 12.8L3.5 15H10.5Z",ZC1="M14,12L10,8V11H2V13H10V16M20,18V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V9H6V6H18V18H6V15H4V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18Z",SC1="M19,15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5V5H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",uC1="M16,10H14V7H10V10H8L12,14M19,15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5V5H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",cC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19M16 10H14V7H10V10H8L12 14",sC1="M14,14H10V11H8L12,7L16,11H14V14M16,11M5,15V5H19V15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3",OC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19M8 11H10V14H14V11H16L12 7",hC1="M19 15V5H5V15H9C9 16.66 10.34 18 12 18C13.66 18 15 16.66 15 15H19M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19L3 5C3 3.9 3.89 3 5 3H19M7 13V11H17V13H7M7 9V7H17V9H7Z",pC1="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M5 19H9.4C8.79 18.47 8.35 17.78 8.13 17H5V19M19 19V17H15.87C15.65 17.78 15.21 18.47 14.6 19H19M19 15V5H5V15H10V16C10 18.67 14 18.67 14 16V15H19M7 7H17V9H7V7M17 11V13H7V11H17Z",fC1="M19,8V5H5V8H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,11A3,3 0 0,0 15,8H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12A2,2 0 0,1 19,14H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,12V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M3,15H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15H21V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V15Z",gC1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12A2,2 0 0,1 19,14H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,12V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,10V12H9.4C8.8,11.47 8.34,10.78 8.13,10H5M19,12V10H15.87C15.66,10.78 15.2,11.47 14.6,12H19M19,8V5H5V8H10V9C10,10.07 10.93,11 12,11C13.07,11 14,10.07 14,9V8H19M21,19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V15H10V16C10,17.07 10.93,18 12,18C13.07,18 14,17.07 14,16V15H21V19M5,17V19H9.4C8.8,18.47 8.34,17.78 8.13,17H5M19,19V17H15.87C15.66,17.78 15.2,18.47 14.6,19H19Z",kC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19Z",BC1="M19 15H15C15 16.7 13.7 18 12 18S9 16.7 9 15H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 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6.31,8.62 5.4,8.62C3.53,8.62 2,10.13 2,12C2,13.87 3.53,15.38 5.4,15.38C6.31,15.38 7.16,15.03 7.8,14.39M16.2,9.61L13.5,12L16.16,14.35C16.84,15.03 17.7,15.38 18.6,15.38C20.47,15.38 22,13.87 22,12C22,10.13 20.47,8.62 18.6,8.62C17.69,8.62 16.84,8.97 16.2,9.61Z",xC1="M13,9H11V7H13M13,17H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",DC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M13 9V7H11V9H13M13 17V11H11V17H13Z",EC1="M13 9H11V7H13V9M13 17H11V11H13V17M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19Z",NC1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M13 17H11V12.9L13 14.9V17M11 7.8L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L12.2 9H13V7H11V7.8Z",WC1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L11 12.9V17H13V14.9L16.6 18.5C15.3 19.4 13.7 20 12 20M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L19 15.8C19.6 14.7 20 13.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.4 8.2 5M11 7H13V9H11V7Z",IC1="M11,9H13V7H11M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M11,17H13V11H11V17Z",GC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M11 9H13V7H11V9M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14Z",QC1="M11 9H13V7H11V9M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19Z",UC1="M12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22M11 7H13V9H11V7M14 17H10V15H11V13H10V11H13V15H14V17Z",zC1="M11 7V9H13V7H11M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12Z",_C1="M13 9H11V7H13V9M14 15V17H10V15H11V13H10V11H13V15H14Z",KC1="M11 9H13V7H11V9M11 17H13V11H11V17Z",jC1="M13.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,4M13.14,8.77C11.95,8.87 8.7,11.46 8.7,11.46C8.5,11.61 8.56,11.6 8.72,11.88C8.88,12.15 8.86,12.17 9.05,12.04C9.25,11.91 9.58,11.7 10.13,11.36C12.25,10 10.47,13.14 9.56,18.43C9.2,21.05 11.56,19.7 12.17,19.3C12.77,18.91 14.38,17.8 14.54,17.69C14.76,17.54 14.6,17.42 14.43,17.17C14.31,17 14.19,17.12 14.19,17.12C13.54,17.55 12.35,18.45 12.19,17.88C12,17.31 13.22,13.4 13.89,10.71C14,10.07 14.3,8.67 13.14,8.77Z",qC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M12.3 7.29C12.11 7.5 12 7.74 12 8C12 8.27 12.11 8.5 12.3 8.71C12.5 8.9 12.74 9 13 9C13.27 9 13.5 8.9 13.71 8.71C13.9 8.5 14 8.27 14 8C14 7.74 13.9 7.5 13.71 7.29C13.5 7.11 13.27 7 13 7C12.74 7 12.5 7.11 12.3 7.29M9.8 11.97C9.7 12.06 9.7 12.07 9.77 12.17L9.82 12.25L9.85 12.31C9.92 12.44 9.93 12.44 10.04 12.36C10.17 12.27 10.39 12.13 10.76 11.91C11.68 11.32 11.5 12 11.09 13.5C10.87 14.33 10.59 15.39 10.38 16.62C10.14 18.37 11.71 17.47 12.12 17.2C12.5 16.96 13.44 16.3 13.66 16.15L13.7 16.13C13.82 16.04 13.77 16 13.68 15.86L13.62 15.78C13.54 15.67 13.46 15.75 13.46 15.75L13.3 15.86C12.85 16.16 12.23 16.59 12.13 16.25C12.04 16 12.41 14.64 12.79 13.25C12.96 12.64 13.13 12 13.26 11.47L13.28 11.41C13.35 10.97 13.5 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22,7.8V16.2A5.8,5.8 0 0,1 16.2,22H7.8C4.6,22 2,19.4 2,16.2V7.8A5.8,5.8 0 0,1 7.8,2M7.6,4A3.6,3.6 0 0,0 4,7.6V16.4C4,18.39 5.61,20 7.6,20H16.4A3.6,3.6 0 0,0 20,16.4V7.6C20,5.61 18.39,4 16.4,4H7.6M17.25,5.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 18.5,6.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 17.25,8A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 16,6.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 17.25,5.5M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",CH1="M11.5 2H10.5V6.2C10.4 6.3 10.3 6.3 10.2 6.5L2.1 20.7C1.8 21.3 2.2 22 2.9 22H16V20H4.8L11 9.2L16.7 19.2L18.4 18.2L11.8 6.4L11.5 6.1V2M21 6H20V18L19.5 22H21.5L21 18V6Z",HH1="M10 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V8H18.59L16 10.59V14.59L14 16.59V20H10V16.59L8 14.59V9.41L10 7.41V4M18 11.41V14H22V10H19.41L18 11.41M6.59 8L8 6.59V4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V8H6.59M6 14V10H2V14H6M8 17.41L6.59 16H2V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H8V17.41M17.41 16L16 17.41V20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V16H17.41Z",VH1="M12,19.58V19.58C10.4,19.58 8.89,18.96 7.76,17.83C6.62,16.69 6,15.19 6,13.58C6,12 6.62,10.47 7.76,9.34L12,5.1M17.66,7.93L12,2.27V2.27L6.34,7.93C3.22,11.05 3.22,16.12 6.34,19.24C7.9,20.8 9.95,21.58 12,21.58C14.05,21.58 16.1,20.8 17.66,19.24C20.78,16.12 20.78,11.05 17.66,7.93Z",LH1="M20.65,20.87L18.3,18.5L12,12.23L8.44,8.66L7,7.25L4.27,4.5L3,5.77L5.78,8.55C3.23,11.69 3.42,16.31 6.34,19.24C7.9,20.8 9.95,21.58 12,21.58C13.79,21.58 15.57,21 17.03,19.8L19.73,22.5L21,21.23L20.65,20.87M12,19.59C10.4,19.59 8.89,18.97 7.76,17.83C6.62,16.69 6,15.19 6,13.59C6,12.27 6.43,11 7.21,10L12,14.77V19.59M12,5.1V9.68L19.25,16.94C20.62,14 20.09,10.37 17.65,7.93L12,2.27L8.3,5.97L9.71,7.38L12,5.1Z",MH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22Z",AH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",iH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 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11.1V3H3V22L6 20L9 22M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C18.76 11 21 13.24 21 16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21Z",tH1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M10.87 20.76L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V11.1C22.24 12.36 23 14.09 23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.97 23 12.14 22.14 10.87 20.76M9.73 19.11C9.26 18.17 9 17.12 9 16C9 12.13 12.13 9 16 9C17.07 9 18.09 9.24 19 9.67V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.73 19.11M16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21Z",vH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.1 9.82 19 10 18.24 10.75L9.86 19.13V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15Z",lH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.37 9.93 19.64 9.93 19 10.22V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.86 19V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17Z",oH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V9.67L19 7.67V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26V16.33L21 14.33V22M20.5 12L15.5 7L14.08 8.41L16.67 11H7V13H16.67L14.08 15.58L15.5 17L20.5 12Z",nH1="M22 5H7V21L9.5 19.32L12 21L14.5 19.32L17 21L19.5 19.32L22 21V5M2 8C2 7.4 2.4 7 3 7H5V9H3C2.4 9 2 8.6 2 8M1 12C1 11.4 1.4 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.4 13 1 12.6 1 12M0 16C0 15.4 .4 15 1 15H5V17H1C.4 17 0 16.6 0 16Z",ZH1="M19.5 19.32L22 21V5H7V21L9.5 19.32L12 21L14.5 19.32L17 21L19.5 19.32M20 7V16.57L17 18.59L14.5 16.9L12 18.59L9 16.57V7H20M2 8C2 7.4 2.4 7 3 7H5V9H3C2.4 9 2 8.6 2 8M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12C1 12.6 1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M0 16C0 15.4 .4 15 1 15H5V17H1C.4 17 0 16.6 0 16Z",SH1="M18 20L21 22V3H3V11H12.67L10.08 8.41L11.5 7L16.5 12L11.5 17L10.08 15.58L12.67 13H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20Z",uH1="M18 20L21 22V3H3V9H5V5H19V18.26L18 17.6L15 19.6L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V15H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20M11.5 17L10.08 15.58L12.67 13H3V11H12.67L10.08 8.41L11.5 7L16.5 12L11.5 17Z",cH1="M3 22V3H21V22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M17 9V7H15V9H17M13 9V7H7V9H13M13 11H7V13H13V11M15 13H17V11H15V13Z",sH1="M17 7V9H15V7H17M13 7V9H7V7H13M13 11H7V13H13V11M15 11V13H17V11H15M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22M19 18.26V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26Z",OH1="M3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",hH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",pH1="M17 2H2V17H4V4H17V2M21 22L18.5 20.32L16 22L13.5 20.32L11 22L8.5 20.32L6 22V6H21V22Z",fH1="M2 2V17H4V4H17V2H2M18.5 20.32L21 22V6H6V22L8.5 20.32L11 22L13.5 20.32L16 22L18.5 20.32M19 8V17.57L16 19.59L13.5 17.9L11 19.59L8 17.57V8H19Z",gH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22M19 18.26V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26Z",kH1="M3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",BH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",PH1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5L19 17.6Z",wH1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 18.76 13 18.5 13.04 18.29L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V13M19 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22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",DH1="M13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",EH1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M15.5 19L18.25 22L23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19Z",NH1="M12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 18.76 13 18.5 13.04 18.29L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15M15.5 19L18.25 22L23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19Z",WH1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M3 22V3H21V11.1C22.24 12.36 23 14.09 23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.97 23 12.14 22.14 10.87 20.76L9 22L6 20L3 22M9.67 13C10.03 12.25 10.5 11.57 11.1 11H7V13H9.67M17 9V7H7V9H17M16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21Z",IH1="M17 9H7V7H17V9M15 13V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13H15M9 22L10.87 20.76C12.14 22.14 13.97 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.36 21 11.1V3H3V22L6 20L9 22M9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V9.67C18.09 9.24 17.07 9 16 9C14.09 9 12.36 9.76 11.1 11H7V13H9.67C9.24 13.91 9 14.93 9 16C9 17.12 9.26 18.17 9.73 19.11L9 19.6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C18.76 11 21 13.24 21 16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21Z",GH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.1 9.82 19 10 18.24 10.75L9.86 19.13V21.43M17 7H7V9H17V7M15 11H7V13H15V11M11.86 19.96V22H13.9L20.03 15.87L18 13.83L11.86 19.96M21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47Z",QH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.37 9.93 19.64 9.93 19 10.22V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.86 19V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M21.71 14.19L20.73 15.17L18.69 13.13L19.67 12.15L19.68 12.14L19.69 12.13C19.86 11.97 20.12 11.96 20.31 12.09C20.34 12.1 20.37 12.13 20.39 12.15L21.71 13.47C21.91 13.67 21.91 14 21.71 14.19M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15Z",UH1="M7 5H22V21L19.5 19.32L17 21L14.5 19.32L12 21L9.5 19.32L7 21V5M18 9H11V11H18V9M11 13V15H16V13H11M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8C2 8.6 2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M1 12C1 11.4 1.4 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.4 13 1 12.6 1 12M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",zH1="M18 9H11V11H18V9M11 13H16V15H11V13M22 21L19.5 19.32L17 21L14.5 19.32L12 21L9.5 19.32L7 21V5H22V21M20 16.57V7H9V16.57L12 18.59L14.5 16.9L17 18.59L20 16.57M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8C2 8.6 2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12C1 12.6 1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",_H1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",KH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",jH1="M17 2H2V17H4V4H17V2M21 22L18.5 20.32L16 22L13.5 20.32L11 22L8.5 20.32L6 22V6H21V22M10 10V12H17V10H10M15 14H10V16H15V14Z",qH1="M2 2V17H4V4H17V2H2M10 10H17V12H10V10M15 14H10V16H15V14M18.5 20.32L21 22V6H6V22L8.5 20.32L11 22L13.5 20.32L16 22L18.5 20.32M19 8V17.57L16 19.59L13.5 17.9L11 19.59L8 17.57V8H19Z",$H1="M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M18 20L21 22V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20M19 5V18.26L18 17.6L15 19.6L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19Z",XH1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",YH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 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13V11H7V13H12Z",LV1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.04 10.5 2.11V4.85C11 4.75 11.5 4.7 12 4.7C12.5 4.7 13 4.75 13.5 4.85V2.12C13 2.04 12.5 2 12 2M9.82 2.25C5.4 3.25 2.11 7.24 2.11 12C2.11 17.5 6.53 22 12 22C17.47 22 21.89 17.5 21.89 12C21.89 7.24 18.6 3.25 14.19 2.25V5.03C17.17 5.96 19.34 8.73 19.34 12C19.34 16 16.05 19.3 12 19.3C7.96 19.3 4.67 16 4.67 12C4.67 8.73 6.84 5.96 9.82 5.03M12 5.45C11.5 5.45 11 5.5 10.5 5.62V18.27C11 18.38 11.5 18.44 12 18.44C12.5 18.44 13 18.39 13.5 18.27V5.62C13 5.5 12.5 5.45 12 5.45Z",MV1="M16,11H14V9H16V11M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M10,7H8V17H10V7M12,17H14V13H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 16,7H12V17Z",AV1="M15,9H13V7H15V9M22,20V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22M9,5H7V15H9V5M11,15H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7A2,2 0 0,0 15,5H11V15Z",iV1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M10,6H8V14H10V6M14,6H11V14H13V12H14A2,2 0 0,0 16,10V8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6M14,10H13V8H14V10Z",rV1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 7H7V17H9V7M15 7H11V17H13V13H15C16.1 13 17 12.1 17 11V9C17 7.9 16.1 7 15 7M15 11H13V9H15V11Z",aV1="M7,2A2,2 0 0,0 5,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 17,2H7M7,4H17V10H7V4M12,12A4,4 0 0,1 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12M12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",eV1="M21 6C19.34 6 18 7.34 18 9V13C18 13.55 17.55 14 17 14V10C17 8.34 15.66 7 14 7H10C8.34 7 7 8.34 7 10H9C9 9.45 9.45 9 10 9H14C14.55 9 15 9.45 15 10V11H6C3.79 11 2 12.79 2 15V18H17V16C18.66 16 20 14.66 20 13V9C20 8.45 20.45 8 21 8H22V6H21Z",dV1="M19 6H16V4.8C16 3.68 16.56 2.63 17.5 2C18.44 2.63 19 3.68 19 4.8V6M15.28 13.63L19.59 19C20.38 19.06 21 19.7 21 20.5C21 21.33 20.33 22 19.5 22S18 21.33 18 20.5C18 20.42 18 20.34 18 20.26L14 15.23L10 20.26C10 20.34 10 20.42 10 20.5C10 21.33 9.33 22 8.5 22S7 21.33 7 20.5C7 19.7 7.63 19.06 8.41 19L12.72 13.63L9 9H3V7H21V9H19L15.28 13.63M14 12L16.42 9H11.58L14 12Z",mV1="M21 6C19.34 6 18 7.34 18 9V13C18 13.55 17.55 14 17 14V10C17 8.34 15.66 7 14 7H10C8.34 7 7 8.34 7 10H9C9 9.45 9.45 9 10 9H14C14.55 9 15 9.45 15 10V11H6C3.79 11 2 12.79 2 15V18H17V16C18.66 16 20 14.66 20 13V9C20 8.45 20.45 8 21 8H22V6H21M15 16H4V15C4 13.9 4.9 13 6 13H15V16Z",tV1="M20 20C18.61 20 17.22 19.53 16 18.67C13.56 20.38 10.44 20.38 8 18.67C6.78 19.53 5.39 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.37 22 6.74 21.65 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.26 21.65 18.62 22 20 22H22V20H20M20.78 19H20C18.82 19 17.64 18.6 16.58 17.85L16 17.45L15.42 17.85C14.39 18.57 13.21 18.95 12 18.95C10.77 18.95 9.59 18.57 8.56 17.85L8 17.45L7.43 17.85C6.36 18.6 5.18 19 4 19H3.22C3.75 17.54 5.58 15 12 15C14 15 15 15.24 15 15.24C15.68 13.87 16.83 10.77 16 6.82L17.06 7.53C17.39 8.96 18 11.75 16.8 15.65C19.43 16.5 20.42 18 20.78 19M22 7.59C21.21 6.5 20 5.71 18.58 5.53C18.7 5.67 18.81 5.83 18.92 6C20.12 7.91 19.87 10.32 18.47 11.95C19.06 10.5 19 8.79 18.08 7.36C18 7.28 17.96 7.2 17.9 7.11C17.5 6.53 16.96 6.06 16.38 5.72C14.35 6.37 12.88 8.27 12.88 10.5C12.88 11.03 12.96 11.53 13.1 12C12.5 11.17 12.16 10.17 12.16 9.07C12.16 7.41 12.96 5.95 14.2 5.03C13.16 4.95 12.09 5.18 11.14 5.78C10.7 6.05 10.32 6.38 10 6.76C10.39 5.82 11.05 5 12 4.4C13.04 3.74 14.25 3.5 15.39 3.69C15.1 3.29 14.75 2.92 14.33 2.6C13.92 2.29 13.47 2.05 13 1.88C14 1.91 15.04 2.24 15.91 2.89C16.35 3.22 16.7 3.62 17 4.05C17.06 4.05 17.12 4.04 17.19 4.04C19.45 4.04 21.37 5.53 22 7.59Z",vV1="M15 15.26V13H11L15 9H12L15 6H13L16 3L19 6H17L20 9H17L21 13H17V15.76C19.13 16.47 20.68 17.67 21 19C19.3 18.87 17.62 18.54 16 18C14.79 18.61 13.37 19 12 19C10.71 19 9.17 18.58 8 18C6.37 18.54 4.72 18.87 3 19C3.54 16.77 7.4 15 12 15C13.05 15 14.06 15.09 15 15.26M8 19C8 19 5 20 2 20V22C5 22 8 21 8 21C8 21 10 22 12 22C14 22 16 21 16 21C16 21 19 22 22 22V20C19 20 16 19 16 19C16 19 14 20 12 20C10 20 8 19 8 19Z",lV1="M14 1H10C5 1 5 3 5 3V15C5 15 5 17 10 17V19H11V20C11 21.21 11.8 23 14 23H18V21H14C13.19 21 13 20.45 13 20V19H14V17C19 17 19 15 19 15V3C19 3 19 1 14 1M17 12H14V11H17V12M17 5H14V6H17V8H14V9H17V10H7V3.5C7.3 3.32 8.13 3 10 3H14C15.88 3 16.7 3.32 17 3.5V5Z",oV1="M5.23,5.72C4.61,5.55 5,3.19 5,3.17C5,3.19 12.58,-0.71 16.7,5.73C20.8,12.15 15.86,14.86 13.97,16.06C12.08,17.27 12.73,19.72 12.73,20.13C12.73,20.53 12.16,20.97 12,20.41C11.88,19.84 11.25,16.55 13.33,15.16C17.13,12.61 17.9,10.1 16,6.42C14.2,3 8.28,3.41 7.03,4.08C5.78,4.75 5.86,5.89 5.23,5.72M9.33,12.63L9.11,12.16C9.23,10.28 7.63,10.39 8.08,13.33C8.21,14.16 7.47,13.8 7.45,13.73C6.89,11.44 7.42,10.22 8.55,10.45C9.62,10.68 9.53,11.83 9.53,11.83C9.56,11.78 11,10.17 11.5,10.92C12.58,12.5 10.53,14.47 10.41,14.63C10.28,14.78 10.14,15.05 9.92,14.84C9.7,14.64 9.72,14.5 9.89,14.27C12.77,10 9.59,12.22 9.33,12.63M6.5,15.33V15.31C6.5,15.31 8,18.13 10.61,17.08C11,16.92 11.17,17.14 11.2,17.27C11.27,17.53 11.13,17.64 10.86,17.73C7.86,18.72 5.89,16.63 5.63,16.13C5.39,15.68 5.5,15.38 5.75,15.22C6,15.06 6.5,15.33 6.5,15.33M6,17.5C6,17.5 7.67,19.5 10.8,19C11.09,18.94 11.2,19.13 11.25,19.38C11.3,19.63 11.22,19.84 10.92,19.94C10.63,20.03 7.08,20.5 5.13,17.72C5,17.56 5.3,17.36 5.47,17.36C5.64,17.36 6.03,17.5 6,17.5M5.95,19.39C7.53,21.5 10.33,21.55 11.28,20.88C11.5,20.73 11.7,21.05 11.56,21.19C9.64,23.16 5.67,21 5.27,20.33C5.09,20.05 5.13,19.66 5.31,19.45C5.5,19.25 5.93,19.38 5.95,19.39Z",nV1="M19,13V7H20V4H4V7H5V13H2C2,13.93 2.5,14.71 3.5,14.93V20A1,1 0 0,0 4.5,21H5.5A1,1 0 0,0 6.5,20V19H17.5V20A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,21H19.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,20V14.93C21.5,14.7 22,13.93 22,13H19M8,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,15M16,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,15M17.5,10.5C15.92,10.18 14.03,10 12,10C9.97,10 8,10.18 6.5,10.5V7H17.5V10.5Z",ZV1="M19.5,14.5C18.92,14.43 18.43,14.92 18.5,15.5C18.5,16.17 17.5,16.17 17.5,15.5V13.2L19.2,12.7C19.92,12.36 20.41,11.68 20.5,10.9C20.5,5.5 16.7,2 12,2C7.3,2 3.5,5.5 3.5,10.9C3.56,11.7 4.06,12.4 4.8,12.7L6.5,13.2V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 6,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 5.5,15.5C5.57,14.92 5.08,14.43 4.5,14.5C3.92,14.43 3.43,14.92 3.5,15.5C3.44,16.91 4.59,18.06 6,18C7.41,18.06 8.56,16.91 8.5,15.5V13.7H9.5V19.4C9.5,20.07 8.5,20.07 8.5,19.4C8.57,18.82 8.08,18.33 7.5,18.4C6.92,18.33 6.43,18.82 6.5,19.4C6.38,20.84 7.55,22.07 9,22C10.41,22.06 11.56,20.91 11.5,19.5V14H12.5V19.5C12.44,20.91 13.59,22.06 15,22C16.41,22.06 17.56,20.91 17.5,19.5C17.5,18.17 15.5,18.17 15.5,19.5C15.5,20.17 14.5,20.17 14.5,19.5V13.8H15.5V15.6C15.5,16.96 16.63,18.06 18,18C19.41,18.06 20.56,16.91 20.5,15.5C20.57,14.92 20.08,14.43 19.5,14.5M10.6,4.7C9.09,5.03 7.79,5.97 7,7.3C6.83,7.5 6.5,7.57 6.3,7.4C6.08,7.23 6.04,6.92 6.2,6.7C7.16,5.19 8.67,4.12 10.4,3.7C10.67,3.68 10.91,3.85 11,4.1C11.06,4.37 10.88,4.65 10.6,4.7Z",SV1="M12,4C15.8,4 18.5,6.8 18.5,10.8C14.31,12.39 9.69,12.39 5.5,10.8C5.5,6.8 8.2,4 12,4M12,2C7.3,2 3.5,5.5 3.5,10.9C3.56,11.7 4.06,12.4 4.8,12.7L6.5,13.2V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 6,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 5.5,15.5C5.57,14.92 5.08,14.43 4.5,14.5C3.92,14.43 3.43,14.92 3.5,15.5C3.44,16.86 4.54,18 5.9,18H6C7.41,18.06 8.56,16.91 8.5,15.5V13.7H9.5V19.4C9.5,20.07 8.5,20.07 8.5,19.4C8.57,18.82 8.08,18.33 7.5,18.4C6.92,18.33 6.43,18.82 6.5,19.4C6.39,20.8 7.5,22 8.9,22H9C10.41,22.06 11.56,20.91 11.5,19.5V14H12.5V19.5C12.44,20.91 13.59,22.06 15,22H15.1C16.47,22 17.56,20.86 17.5,19.5C17.5,18.17 15.5,18.17 15.5,19.5C15.5,20.17 14.5,20.17 14.5,19.5V13.8H15.5V15.6C15.5,16.96 16.63,18.06 18,18H18.1C19.47,18 20.56,16.86 20.5,15.5C20.5,14.17 18.5,14.17 18.5,15.5C18.5,16.17 17.5,16.17 17.5,15.5V13.2L19.2,12.7C19.92,12.36 20.41,11.68 20.5,10.9C20.5,5.5 16.7,2 12,2M12,6.2C10.53,6.6 9.24,7.53 8.4,8.8C8,9.33 7.2,8.73 7.6,8.2C8.6,6.73 10.09,5.67 11.8,5.2C12.08,5.14 12.35,5.32 12.4,5.6C12.5,5.9 12.3,6.1 12,6.2Z",uV1="M11.53,2C11.53,4.4 13.5,6.35 15.88,6.35H17.66V8.05C17.66,10.45 19.6,12.39 22,12.4V2.84A0.84,0.84 0 0,0 21.16,2H11.53M6.77,6.8C6.78,9.19 8.72,11.13 11.11,11.14H12.91V12.86C12.92,15.25 14.86,17.19 17.25,17.2V7.63C17.24,7.17 16.88,6.81 16.42,6.8H6.77M2,11.6C2,14 3.95,15.94 6.35,15.94H8.13V17.66C8.14,20.05 10.08,22 12.47,22V12.43A0.84,0.84 0 0,0 11.63,11.59L2,11.6Z",cV1="M22.88,10.41C20.77,12.18 17.61,11.9 15.84,9.79C14.06,7.67 14.34,4.5 16.45,2.75L16.96,2.37C15.27,4.19 15.16,7.03 16.8,9C18.43,10.94 21.25,11.32 23.34,9.97L22.88,10.41M21.1,14.5C17.93,17.17 13.2,16.76 10.54,13.58C7.87,10.41 8.29,5.68 11.46,3L12.38,2.36C9.96,5.09 9.84,9.26 12.26,12.14C14.68,15 18.8,15.63 21.91,13.72L21.1,14.5M19.97,19.38C15.53,23.11 8.9,22.53 5.17,18.08C1.45,13.64 2.03,7 6.47,3.29L7.58,2.5C4.07,6.3 3.85,12.23 7.28,16.32C10.71,20.4 16.59,21.22 20.96,18.43L19.97,19.38Z",sV1="M17.34 13.7C17.34 15 16.23 16.04 14.86 16.04C13.65 16.04 12.64 15 11.75 14.04L11.5 13.79C11.5 13.76 11.47 13.73 11.45 13.7C10.74 12.96 9.96 12.22 9.21 12.22C8.32 12.22 7.6 12.88 7.6 13.69C7.6 14.5 8.32 15.17 9.21 15.17C9.97 15.17 10.35 14.75 10.63 14.45L10.7 14.37C10.86 14.2 11.14 14.19 11.31 14.35C11.5 14.5 11.5 14.79 11.33 14.96L11.27 15.03C10.94 15.38 10.35 16.03 9.21 16.03C7.84 16.03 6.73 15 6.73 13.69C6.73 12.4 7.84 11.35 9.21 11.35C10.42 11.35 11.43 12.41 12.32 13.35L12.56 13.6C12.58 13.63 12.6 13.66 12.62 13.69C13.33 14.43 14.11 15.17 14.86 15.17C15.75 15.17 16.47 14.5 16.47 13.69C16.47 12.88 15.75 12.22 14.86 12.22C14.11 12.22 13.72 12.64 13.44 12.94L13.37 13C13.21 13.19 12.94 13.2 12.76 13.04C12.59 12.87 12.58 12.6 12.74 12.42L12.81 12.36C13.13 12 13.73 11.36 14.86 11.36C16.23 11.36 17.34 12.4 17.34 13.7M22 14.85C22 15.96 21.57 17 20.78 17.79C20 18.57 18.95 19 17.84 19H6.28C3.96 18.96 2.07 17.06 2.07 14.75C2.07 13.37 2.76 12.07 3.89 11.28C3.85 11.09 3.83 10.9 3.83 10.7C3.83 9.03 5.2 7.67 6.88 7.67C7.39 7.67 7.88 7.79 8.32 8.03C9.41 6.17 11.43 5 13.6 5C16.97 5 19.7 7.72 19.7 11.07L19.7 11.14C21.11 11.84 22 13.27 22 14.85M21.13 14.85C21.13 13.5 20.33 12.32 19.09 11.81C18.92 11.74 18.81 11.57 18.82 11.38L18.83 11.29C18.83 11.22 18.84 11.14 18.84 11.07C18.84 8.2 16.5 5.87 13.6 5.87C11.6 5.87 9.74 7.03 8.87 8.83C8.82 8.95 8.71 9.04 8.58 9.07C8.46 9.1 8.32 9.07 8.22 9C7.83 8.69 7.37 8.53 6.88 8.53C5.68 8.53 4.7 9.5 4.7 10.7C4.7 10.92 4.73 11.14 4.8 11.34C4.86 11.54 4.78 11.75 4.61 11.85C3.56 12.47 2.94 13.55 2.94 14.75C2.94 16.59 4.44 18.1 6.29 18.13H17.83C18.72 18.13 19.54 17.79 20.16 17.17C20.79 16.55 21.13 15.73 21.13 14.85Z",OV1="M21 4.5V10.5C21 11.2 20.5 11.9 19.8 12V17.3C19.8 18.6 19 21.1 16 21.1H14.5C14.9 20.7 15.3 20.2 15.5 19.6H16C18.1 19.6 18.2 17.7 18.2 17.4V12C17.5 11.9 17 11.3 17 10.5V4.5C17 3.7 17.7 3 18.5 3H19.5C20.3 3 21 3.7 21 4.5M14.8 18.2C14.8 19.7 13.6 21 12 21H8C5 21 4.2 18.5 4.2 17.2V12C3.5 11.9 3 11.2 3 10.5V4.5C3 3.7 3.7 3 4.5 3H5.5C6.3 3 7 3.7 7 4.5V10.5C7 11.2 6.5 11.9 5.8 12V17.3C5.8 17.7 5.9 19.5 8 19.5H9.6C9.4 19.1 9.3 18.7 9.3 18.3V8.3C9.3 6.8 10.5 5.5 12.1 5.5S14.8 6.7 14.8 8.3M13.2 8.2C13.2 7.6 12.7 7 12 7S10.8 7.6 10.8 8.2V18.2C10.8 18.9 11.4 19.4 12 19.4S13.2 18.8 13.2 18.2V8.2Z",hV1="M11.2 10.6C12.2 11.6 13.4 12.1 14.8 12.1L14.9 14.2C13 14.2 11.3 13.5 9.8 12.1L9.1 11.4L6.8 13.8L9 15.9V21.9H7V16.7L5.7 15.5V17.7L1.5 22L.1 20.6L3.7 17L2.5 13.5C2.3 12.9 2.6 12.4 3.1 12L6.4 8.7C6.8 8.2 7.3 8 7.8 8C8.3 8 8.6 8.1 8.9 8.3L11.2 10.6M24 11.9H22V8.5L20.2 7.8L21.1 12.2L22.1 17.4L23 21.8H20.9L19.1 13.8L17 15.8V21.8H15V14.3L17.1 12.3L16.5 9.3C15.9 9.9 15.2 10.5 14.4 10.9C13.5 10.8 12.6 10.4 11.9 9.7C13.5 9.4 14.6 8.6 15.3 7.4L16.3 5.8C16.9 4.8 17.8 4.5 18.9 5L24 7.2V11.9M11.4 4.4C12.5 4.4 13.4 5.3 13.4 6.4C13.4 7.5 12.5 8.4 11.4 8.4C10.3 8.4 9.4 7.5 9.4 6.4C9.4 5.3 10.3 4.4 11.4 4.4M16.5 .3C17.6 .3 18.5 1.2 18.5 2.3C18.5 3.4 17.6 4.3 16.5 4.3C15.4 4.3 14.5 3.4 14.5 2.3C14.5 1.2 15.4 .3 16.5 .3Z",pV1="M19.8 6.59L19 7.97V10.04L17.69 11.61L17.31 13.25L16 14L15.5 13.12L16.44 12.59L16.7 11.45L16.7 11.45L16.77 11.15L16.77 11.15V11.15L17.47 10.31C17.65 10.1 17.62 9.78 17.41 9.61C17.2 9.43 16.88 9.46 16.7 9.67L15.85 10.69L15.56 11.93C15.38 11.96 15.2 12 15 12C14.31 12 13.68 11.76 13.23 11.4C13.15 12.7 12.73 13.81 12.13 14.43L10.5 16.19L9.96 19.79L8.07 21L7.53 20.17L9.04 19.19L9.5 15.92L9.5 15.91L10 14.54C9.47 14.08 9.08 13.28 8.88 12.3L8.71 12.61C8.35 13.25 8 13.9 7.56 14.56C7.11 15.2 6.66 15.9 5.78 16.44C5.34 16.72 4.7 16.84 4.17 16.73C3.61 16.61 3.14 16.26 2.86 15.89C2.31 15.13 2.15 14.35 2 13.62L2.97 13.36C3.2 14 3.5 14.65 3.88 15C4.26 15.33 4.57 15.26 4.84 15C5.16 14.73 5.47 14.15 5.73 13.55C6 12.94 6.22 12.28 6.45 11.6C6.93 10.24 7.39 8.82 8.2 7.36C8.62 6.64 9.13 5.89 9.92 5.22C10.7 4.55 11.73 4 13 4S15.7 5.22 16.58 6.34C17 6.89 17.87 6.82 18.22 6.21L19.14 4.63C19 4.58 18.89 4.5 18.79 4.4C18.4 4 18.4 3.38 18.79 3L19.93 4.13C19.96 4.13 20 4.11 20 4.11C20.41 4.11 20.75 4.35 20.91 4.69L22 7L21 7.5L19.8 6.59Z",fV1="M19.8 2L11.6 8.7L10.39 7.66L14 5.58L9.41 1L8 2.41L10.74 5.15L5 8.46L3.81 12.75L6.27 17L8 16L5.97 12.5L6.32 11.18L9.5 13L10 22H12L12.5 12L21 3.4L19.8 2M5 3C6.11 3 7 3.9 7 5S6.11 7 5 7 3 6.11 3 5 3.9 3 5 3Z",gV1="M22 23V21C20.58 21.05 19.21 20.9 18 20C16.23 21.25 13.77 21.25 12 20C10.23 21.25 7.77 21.25 6 20C4.79 20.9 3.42 21.05 2 21V23C3.38 23.05 4.79 22.94 6 22.25C7.84 23.25 10.16 23.25 12 22.25C13.84 23.25 16.16 23.25 18 22.25C19.21 22.94 20.62 23.05 22 23M23.39 17.21C21.13 16.29 18.3 15.56 15.66 15.22L19.36 6.88L20.67 6.41L22 3.41L18.8 2L17.5 4.95L18 6.27L16.31 9.97L13.5 11.47L11 10.2C10.95 10.14 10.86 10.09 10.74 10.06C9.82 9.73 8.77 10.32 8.5 11.23L7.13 15.41C6.59 15.18 1.25 16.97 .915 17.12L0 17.47C1.33 18.04 2.2 18.39 3.94 18.88C4.75 18.63 5.44 18.09 6 17.47C7.5 19.42 10.5 19.42 12 17.47C13.5 19.42 16.5 19.42 18 17.47C18.56 18.09 19.25 18.63 20.06 18.88L22.95 17.91L24 17.47L23.39 17.21M14.06 15.08C13.07 15 12.06 15 11.06 15L11.77 12.83L13.5 13.77L15 12.92L14.06 15.08M14 7.5C14 8.61 13.11 9.5 12 9.5S10 8.61 10 7.5 10.9 5.5 12 5.5 14 6.4 14 7.5Z",kV1="M5,22V20H6V16H5V14H6V11H5V7H11V3H10V2H11L13,2H14V3H13V7H19V11H18V14H19V16H18V20H19V22H5M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,8H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 14,10H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,9Z",BV1="M12.5,3C7.81,3 4,5.69 4,9V9C4,10.19 4.5,11.34 5.44,12.33C4.53,13.5 4,14.96 4,16.5C4,17.64 4,18.83 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H19C20.11,22 21,21.11 21,20C21,18.85 21,17.61 21,16.5C21,15.28 20.66,14.07 20,13L22,11L19,8L16.9,10.1C15.58,9.38 14.05,9 12.5,9C10.65,9 8.95,9.53 7.55,10.41C7.19,9.97 7,9.5 7,9C7,7.21 9.46,5.75 12.5,5.75V5.75C13.93,5.75 15.3,6.08 16.33,6.67L18.35,4.65C16.77,3.59 14.68,3 12.5,3M12.5,11C12.84,11 13.17,11.04 13.5,11.09C10.39,11.57 8,14.25 8,17.5V20H6V17.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 12.5,11Z",PV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 1 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C12.6 9.4 11.1 9 9.5 9C7.7 9 5.9 9.5 4.6 10.4C4.2 10 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.8 9.5 5.8C10.9 5.8 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.8 3.6 11.7 3 9.5 3M9.5 11C9.8 11 10.2 11 10.5 11.1C7.4 11.6 5 14.2 5 17.5V20H3V17.5C3 13.9 5.9 11 9.5 11M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",wV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 1 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C11 8.5 7.4 8.6 4.6 10.4C4.2 10 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.7 9.5 5.7C10.9 5.7 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.6 3.5 11.6 3 9.5 3M9.5 11C13 11 16 14 16 16.5V20H3V16.5C3 14 6 11 9.5 11M10 12.5C7 12.5 5 14 5 17V18H7V17C7 16 7 13.5 10 12.5M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",FV1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.7 6.6C4.3 7.3 4 8.1 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3C4.5 13.5 4 15 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19C19.3 22 19.6 21.9 19.9 21.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8.2 10.1L7.6 10.4C7.2 10 7 9.5 7 9V8.9L8.2 10.1M8 17.5V20H6V17.5C6 14.9 7.5 12.7 9.7 11.6L10.5 12.4C9 13.6 8 15.4 8 17.5M16.9 10.1L19 8L22 11L20 13C20.7 14.1 21 15.3 21 16.5V17.8L12.2 9H12.5C14 9 15.6 9.4 16.9 10.1M9.5 6.3L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.6 3 12.5 3C14.7 3 16.8 3.6 18.3 4.7L16.3 6.7C15.3 6.1 13.9 5.8 12.5 5.8C11.4 5.8 10.4 5.9 9.5 6.3Z",TV1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.7 6.6C4.3 7.3 4 8.1 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3C4.5 13.5 4 15 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19C19.3 22 19.6 21.9 19.9 21.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8.2 10.1L7.6 10.4C7.2 10 7 9.5 7 9V8.9L8.2 10.1M6 20V16.5C6 14.7 7.6 12.6 9.7 11.6L10.9 12.8C9.1 13.4 8 14.8 8 17V18H10V17C10 16.2 10 14.5 11.4 13.3L18.1 20H6M16.9 10.1L19 8L22 11L20 13C20.7 14.1 21 15.3 21 16.5V17.8L18.9 15.7C18.5 13.9 16.8 12.1 14.6 11.4L12.2 9C13.8 8.9 15.4 9.3 16.9 10.1M9.5 6.3L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.6 3 12.5 3C14.6 3 16.6 3.5 18.3 4.7L16.3 6.7C15.3 6.1 13.9 5.7 12.5 5.7C11.4 5.7 10.3 5.9 9.5 6.3Z",bV1="M12.5 3C7.8 3 4 5.7 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3A6.8 6.8 0 0 0 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 20V16.5C21 15.3 20.7 14.1 20 13L22 11L19 8L16.9 10.1A9.2 9.2 0 0 0 7.6 10.4A2 2 0 0 1 7 9C7 7.2 9.5 5.7 12.5 5.7C13.9 5.7 15.3 6.1 16.3 6.7L18.3 4.7A10 10 0 0 0 12.5 3M12.5 11C16 11 19 14 19 16.5V20H6V16.5C6 14 9 11 12.5 11M13 12.5C10 12.5 8 14 8 17V18H10V17C10 16 10 13.5 13 12.5Z",yV1="M10 4C9.4 4 9 4.4 9 5V6H14V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4H10M3 7L4.1 14.1C4.2 14.8 4.5 15.5 5.1 16.1C5.5 16.6 6.2 16.9 7 17C7 17.6 7.4 18 8 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17L15 11H17L20.3 16L22 15L18.7 10L20 9.2L19 7.5L16.4 9H15V7H8V11L7.2 16C6.5 15.9 6.1 15.7 5.8 15.4C5.4 15 5.2 14.5 5.1 13.9L4 7H3M4 19V21H20V19H4Z",RV1="M19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C12.58 9.38 11.05 9 9.5 9C7.65 9 5.95 9.53 4.55 10.41C4.19 9.97 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.21 6.46 5.75 9.5 5.75C10.93 5.75 12.3 6.08 13.33 6.67L15.35 4.65C13.77 3.59 11.68 3 9.5 3C4.81 3 1 5.69 1 9C1 10.19 1.5 11.34 2.44 12.33C1.53 13.5 1 14.96 1 16.5V20C1 21.11 1.89 22 3 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V16.5C18 15.28 17.66 14.07 17 13L19 11M5 17.5V20H3V17.5C3 13.91 5.91 11 9.5 11C9.84 11 10.17 11.04 10.5 11.09C7.39 11.57 5 14.25 5 17.5M23 7.3C23 8.93 21.91 10.6 20.38 10.97L19.71 10.29L19 9.6H19.75C20.75 9.6 21.5 8.22 21.5 7.2C21.5 6.18 20.65 5.14 19.65 5.14V3.64C21.5 3.64 23 5.45 23 7.3M17.65 6.73C17.03 6.12 16.65 5.28 16.65 4.35C16.65 2.5 18.15 1 20 1V2.5C19 2.5 18.15 3.33 18.15 4.35C18.15 5.37 19 6.2 20 6.2V7.7C19.18 7.7 18.42 7.95 17.79 8.38L16.72 7.31C17 7.09 17.32 6.89 17.65 6.73Z",xV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 .985 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C10.97 8.5 7.42 8.63 4.6 10.4C4.22 10.03 4 9.53 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.7 9.5 5.7C10.9 5.7 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.59 3.55 11.56 2.96 9.5 3M9.5 11C13 11 16 14 16 16.5V20H3V16.5C3 14 6 11 9.5 11M10 12.5C7 12.5 5 14 5 17V18H7V17C7 16 7 13.5 10 12.5M23 7.3C23 8.93 21.91 10.6 20.38 10.97L19.71 10.29L19 9.6H19.75C20.75 9.6 21.5 8.22 21.5 7.2C21.5 6.18 20.65 5.14 19.65 5.14V3.64C21.5 3.64 23 5.45 23 7.3M17.65 6.73C17.03 6.12 16.65 5.28 16.65 4.35C16.65 2.5 18.15 1 20 1V2.5C19 2.5 18.15 3.33 18.15 4.35C18.15 5.37 19 6.2 20 6.2V7.7C19.18 7.7 18.42 7.95 17.79 8.38L16.72 7.31C17 7.09 17.32 6.89 17.65 6.73Z",DV1="M16.2 10.7L16.8 8.3C16.9 8 17.3 6.6 16.5 5.4C15.9 4.5 14.7 4 13 4H11C9.3 4 8.1 4.5 7.5 5.4C6.7 6.6 7.1 7.9 7.2 8.3L7.8 10.7C6.7 11.8 6 13.3 6 15C6 17.1 7.1 18.9 8.7 20H15.3C16.9 18.9 18 17.1 18 15C18 13.3 17.3 11.8 16.2 10.7M9.6 9.5L9.1 7.8V7.7C9.1 7.7 8.9 7 9.2 6.6C9.4 6.2 10 6 11 6H13C13.9 6 14.6 6.2 14.9 6.5C15.2 6.9 15 7.6 15 7.6L14.5 9.5C13.7 9.2 12.9 9 12 9C11.1 9 10.3 9.2 9.6 9.5Z",EV1="M7 14C5.9 14 5 13.1 5 12S5.9 10 7 10 9 10.9 9 12 8.1 14 7 14M12.6 10C11.8 7.7 9.6 6 7 6C3.7 6 1 8.7 1 12S3.7 18 7 18C9.6 18 11.8 16.3 12.6 14H16V18H20V14H23V10H12.6Z",NV1="M4 6.5C4 4 6 2 8.5 2S13 4 13 6.5C13 8.46 11.75 10.13 10 10.74V15H13V18H10V22H7V10.74C5.25 10.13 4 8.46 4 6.5M7 6.5C7 7.33 7.67 8 8.5 8S10 7.33 10 6.5 9.33 5 8.5 5 7 5.67 7 6.5M18 7H20V13H18M18 17H20V15H18",WV1="M16 22H12V24H6V13.32C3.58 12.17 2 9.72 2 7C2 3.14 5.14 0 9 0C12.86 0 16 3.14 16 7C16 9.72 14.42 12.18 12 13.32V16H16V22M14 18H10V11.94L10.67 11.71C12.66 11 14 9.11 14 7C14 4.24 11.76 2 9 2S4 4.24 4 7C4 9.11 5.34 11 7.33 11.71L8 11.94V22H10V20H14V18M12 7C12 8.66 10.66 10 9 10S6 8.66 6 7 7.34 4 9 4 12 5.34 12 7M9 8C9.55 8 10 7.55 10 7S9.55 6 9 6 8 6.45 8 7 8.45 8 9 8M20 7H22V13H20M20 17H22V15H20",IV1="M11.7 6C11.1 4.2 9.4 3 7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7M7.5 9C6.7 9 6 8.3 6 7.5S6.7 6 7.5 6 9 6.7 9 7.5 8.3 9 7.5 9M13 21V19H8V17H13V15L16 18L13 21",GV1="M12.67 13.67C12.2 14.13 11.63 14.5 11 14.73V23H8V21H5V18H8V14.72C6.26 14.1 5 12.46 5 10.5C5 8 7 6 9.5 6C9.54 6 9.57 6 9.6 6C9.13 6.95 8.92 8 9.03 9.08C8.44 9.28 8 9.84 8 10.5C8 11.33 8.67 12 9.5 12C9.73 12 9.95 11.94 10.15 11.85C10.79 12.69 11.67 13.32 12.67 13.67M20.73 19.44L17.97 20.6L17.19 18.76L14.43 19.93L13.26 17.16L16.03 16L14.76 13C12.91 13.08 11.11 12.05 10.35 10.25C9.39 7.96 10.47 5.32 12.76 4.35C13 4.25 13.26 4.18 13.5 4.12C12.84 2.87 11.5 2 10 2C7.79 2 6 3.79 6 6C6 6.08 6 6.16 6 6.24C5.7 6.5 5.4 6.82 5.15 7.15C5.06 6.78 5 6.4 5 6C5 3.24 7.24 1 10 1S15 3.24 15 6C15 7.42 14.4 8.67 13.45 9.57C13.87 10 14.5 10.13 15.08 9.88C15.85 9.56 16.2 8.68 15.88 7.92C15.85 7.83 15.8 7.74 15.74 7.66C15.9 7.13 16 6.58 16 6C16 5.37 15.9 4.76 15.72 4.19C17 4.55 18.1 5.44 18.65 6.76C19.41 8.56 18.89 10.57 17.5 11.81L20.73 19.44M13 8.6C13.37 8.19 13.65 7.71 13.82 7.18C13.28 7.45 12.97 8 13 8.6Z",QV1="M12.66 13.67C12.32 14 11.93 14.29 11.5 14.5V21L9.5 23L7.5 21L9.5 19.29L8 18L9.5 16.71L7.5 15V14.5C6 13.77 5 12.26 5 10.5C5 8 7 6 9.5 6C9.54 6 9.58 6 9.61 6C9.59 6.07 9.54 6.12 9.5 6.18C9.23 6.79 9.08 7.43 9.03 8.08C8.43 8.28 8 8.84 8 9.5C8 10.33 8.67 11 9.5 11C9.53 11 9.57 11 9.6 11C10.24 12.25 11.34 13.2 12.66 13.67M16 6C16 5.37 15.9 4.75 15.72 4.18C17.06 4.56 18.21 5.55 18.73 6.96C19.33 8.62 18.89 10.39 17.75 11.59L20 17.68L18.78 20.25L16.22 19.05L17.5 16.76L15.66 16.06L16.63 14.34L14.16 13.41L14 12.95C12.36 12.77 10.88 11.7 10.27 10.04C9.42 7.71 10.63 5.12 12.96 4.27C13.14 4.21 13.33 4.17 13.5 4.13C12.84 2.87 11.53 2 10 2C7.79 2 6 3.79 6 6C6 6.09 6 6.17 6.03 6.26C5.7 6.53 5.4 6.82 5.15 7.15C5.06 6.78 5 6.4 5 6C5 3.24 7.24 1 10 1S15 3.24 15 6C15 7.16 14.6 8.21 13.94 9.06C16.08 8.88 16 6 16 6M12.81 8.1C12.87 8.27 12.96 8.41 13.06 8.54C13.62 7.88 13.97 7.04 14 6.11C13.89 6.13 13.8 6.15 13.7 6.18C12.92 6.47 12.5 7.33 12.81 8.1Z",UV1="M7.5 2C9.5 2 11.1 3.2 11.7 5H21V8H18V11H15V8H11.7C11.1 9.8 9.4 11 7.5 11C5 11 3 9 3 6.5S5 2 7.5 2M7.5 5C6.7 5 6 5.7 6 6.5S6.7 8 7.5 8 9 7.3 9 6.5 8.3 5 7.5 5M7.5 13C9.5 13 11.1 14.2 11.7 16H21V19H20V22H18V19H16V22H13V19H11.7C11.1 20.8 9.4 22 7.5 22C5 22 3 20 3 17.5S5 13 7.5 13M7.5 16C6.7 16 6 16.7 6 17.5S6.7 19 7.5 19 9 18.3 9 17.5 8.3 16 7.5 16Z",zV1="M7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7C11.1 4.2 9.5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C8.3 6 9 6.7 9 7.5S8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5 6.7 6 7.5 6M10 14C8.4 14 6 15.1 6 18C6 20.9 8.4 22 10 22H11V20H10C9.7 20 8 19.9 8 18C8 16.2 9.5 16 10 16H11V14M13 14V16H14C14.3 16 16 16.1 16 18C16 19.8 14.5 20 14 20H13V22H14C15.6 22 18 20.9 18 18C18 15.1 15.6 14 14 14M9 17V19H15V17H9Z",_V1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M8 17H16V19H8V17Z",KV1="M21 18H15V15H13.3C12.2 17.4 9.7 19 7 19C3.1 19 0 15.9 0 12S3.1 5 7 5C9.7 5 12.2 6.6 13.3 9H24V15H21V18M17 16H19V13H22V11H11.9L11.7 10.3C11 8.3 9.1 7 7 7C4.2 7 2 9.2 2 12S4.2 17 7 17C9.1 17 11 15.7 11.7 13.7L11.9 13H17V16M7 15C5.3 15 4 13.7 4 12S5.3 9 7 9 10 10.3 10 12 8.7 15 7 15M7 11C6.4 11 6 11.4 6 12S6.4 13 7 13 8 12.6 8 12 7.6 11 7 11Z",jV1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M8 17H11V14H13V17H16V19H13V22H11V19H8V17Z",qV1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M14.6 14L16 15.4L13.4 18L16 20.6L14.6 22L12 19.4L9.4 22L8 20.6L10.6 18L8 15.4L9.4 14L12 16.6L14.6 14Z",$V1="M7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7C11.1 4.2 9.5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C8.3 6 9 6.7 9 7.5S8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5 6.7 6 7.5 6M12 14L10.9 16.6L8 16.9L10.2 18.8L9.5 21.6L12 20.1L14.4 21.6L13.8 18.8L16 16.9L13.1 16.7L12 14Z",XV1="M22,18V22H18V19H15V16H12L9.74,13.74C9.19,13.91 8.61,14 8,14A6,6 0 0,1 2,8A6,6 0 0,1 8,2A6,6 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.61 13.91,9.19 13.74,9.74L22,18M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5Z",YV1="M4.9 5.9L6.3 7.3C9.4 4.2 14.5 4.2 17.6 7.3L19 5.9C15.2 2 8.8 2 4.9 5.9M7.8 8.8L9.2 10.2C10.8 8.6 13.3 8.6 14.9 10.2L16.3 8.8C13.9 6.4 10.1 6.4 7.8 8.8M11.8 15C11 12.7 8.4 11.4 6.1 12.3S2.4 15.7 3.3 18 6.7 21.6 9 20.7C10.3 20.2 11.3 19.2 11.7 18H15V21H18V18H21V15M7.5 18C6.7 18 6 17.3 6 16.5C6 15.7 6.7 15 7.5 15S9 15.7 9 16.5C9 17.3 8.3 18 7.5 18Z",JV1="M19,10H17V8H19M19,13H17V11H19M16,10H14V8H16M16,13H14V11H16M16,17H8V15H16M7,10H5V8H7M7,13H5V11H7M8,11H10V13H8M8,8H10V10H8M11,11H13V13H11M11,8H13V10H11M20,5H4C2.89,5 2,5.89 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7C22,5.89 21.1,5 20,5Z",CL1="M21,11H6.83L10.41,7.41L9,6L3,12L9,18L10.41,16.58L6.83,13H21V11Z",HL1="M6,18H18V16H6M12,8.41L16.59,13L18,11.58L12,5.58L6,11.58L7.41,13L12,8.41Z",VL1="M12,23L16,19H8M19,8H17V6H19M19,11H17V9H19M16,8H14V6H16M16,11H14V9H16M16,15H8V13H16M7,8H5V6H7M7,11H5V9H7M8,9H10V11H8M8,6H10V8H8M11,9H13V11H11M11,6H13V8H11M20,3H4C2.89,3 2,3.89 2,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V5C22,3.89 21.1,3 20,3Z",LL1="M12 23L16 19H8M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V15C2 16.1 2.9 17 4 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4M4 5H20V15H4V5M5 6V8H7V6H5M8 6V8H10V6H8M11 6V8H13V6H11M14 6V8H16V6H14M17 6V8H19V6H17M5 9V11H7V9H5M8 9V11H10V9H8M11 9V11H13V9H11M14 9V11H16V9H14M17 9V11H19V9H17M8 12V14H16V12H8Z",ML1="M1 7H7V9H3V11H7V13H3V15H7V17H1V7M11 7H15V9H11V11H13C14.11 11 15 11.9 15 13V15C15 16.11 14.11 17 13 17H9V15H13V13H11C9.9 13 9 12.11 9 11V9C9 7.9 9.9 7 11 7M19 7H21C22.11 7 23 7.9 23 9V10H21V9H19V15H21V14H23V15C23 16.11 22.11 17 21 17H19C17.9 17 17 16.11 17 15V9C17 7.9 17.9 7 19 7Z",AL1="M6 7H12V9H8V11H11V13H8V17H6V7M14 7H18V17H16V9H14V7Z",iL1="M2 7H8V9H4V11H7V13H4V17H2V7M10 7H14V17H12V9H10V7M18 7H20C21.11 7 22 7.9 22 9V15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H18C16.9 17 16 16.11 16 15V9C16 7.9 16.9 7 18 7M18 9V15H20V9H18Z",rL1="M3 7H9V9H5V11H8V13H5V17H3V7M11 7H15V17H13V9H11V7M17 7H21V17H19V9H17V7Z",aL1="M2 7H8V9H4V11H7V13H4V17H2V7M16 7H20C21.11 7 22 7.9 22 9V11C22 12.11 21.11 13 20 13H18V15H22V17H16V13C16 11.9 16.9 11 18 11H20V9H16V7M10 7H14V17H12V9H10V7Z",eL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H17C18.11 7 19 7.9 19 9V11C19 12.11 18.11 13 17 13H15V15H19V17H13V13C13 11.9 13.9 11 15 11H17V9H13V7Z",dL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M19 15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H15V11H17V9H13V7H17C18.1 7 19 7.89 19 9V10.5C19 11.33 18.33 12 17.5 12C18.33 12 19 12.67 19 13.5V15Z",mL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H15V11H17V7H19V17H17V13H13V7Z",tL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H13V7Z",vL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H15C13.9 17 13 16.11 13 15V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7M15 13V15H17V13H15Z",lL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 17H13L17 9H13V7H19V9L15 17Z",oL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 13V15H17V13H15M15 9V11H17V9H15M15 17C13.9 17 13 16.11 13 15V13.5C13 12.67 13.67 12 14.5 12C13.67 12 13 11.33 13 10.5V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7H17C18.1 7 19 7.89 19 9V10.5C19 11.33 18.33 12 17.5 12C18.33 12 19 12.67 19 13.5V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H15Z",nL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M17 17H13V15H17V13H15C13.9 13 13 12.11 13 11V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7H17C18.11 7 19 7.9 19 9V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17M17 11V9H15V11H17Z",ZL1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.73,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,6.5 2.18,6.07 2.46,5.73L1,4.27M19,10V8H17V10H19M19,13V11H17V13H19M16,10V8H14V10H16M16,13V11H14V12.18L11.82,10H13V8H11V9.18L9.82,8L6.82,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17C22,17.86 21.46,18.59 20.7,18.87L14.82,13H16M8,15V17H13.73L11.73,15H8M5,10H6.73L5,8.27V10M7,13V11H5V13H7M8,13H9.73L8,11.27V13Z",SL1="M1,4.27L2.47,5.74C2.18,6.08 2,6.5 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H15.73L18.73,22L20,20.72L2.28,3L1,4.27M4,17V7.27L5,8.27V10H6.73L8,11.27V13H9.73L10.73,14H8V16H12.73L13.73,17H4M5,11H7V13H5V11M17,11H19V13H17V11M19,10H17V8H19V10M14,11H16V13H14.83L14,12.17V11M13,10H11.83L11,9.17V8H13V10M22,7V17C22,17.86 21.45,18.58 20.7,18.87L18.83,17H20V7H8.83L6.83,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7M16,10H14V8H16V10Z",uL1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H20V17H4V7M5,8V10H7V8H5M8,8V10H10V8H8M11,8V10H13V8H11M14,8V10H16V8H14M17,8V10H19V8H17M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M14,11V13H16V11H14M17,11V13H19V11H17M8,14V16H16V14H8Z",cL1="M19,7V11H5.83L9.41,7.41L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.41,16.58L5.83,13H21V7H19Z",sL1="M19,10H17V8H19M19,13H17V11H19M16,10H14V8H16M16,13H14V11H16M16,17H8V15H16M7,10H5V8H7M7,13H5V11H7M8,11H10V13H8M8,8H10V10H8M11,11H13V13H11M11,8H13V10H11M20,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",OL1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H20V17H4V7M5,8V10H7V8H5M8,8V10H10V8H8M11,8V10H13V8H11M14,8V10H16V8H14M17,8V10H19V8H17M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M14,11V13H16V11H14M17,11V13H19V11H17M8,14V16H16V14H8Z",hL1="M3 15H5V19H19V15H21V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V15Z",pL1="M20,18H22V6H20M11.59,7.41L15.17,11H1V13H15.17L11.59,16.58L13,18L19,12L13,6L11.59,7.41Z",fL1="M4 6H2V18H4M11 6L5 12L11 18L12.41 16.58L8.83 13H23V11H8.83L12.41 7.41L11 6Z",gL1="M6,16H18V18H6V16M6,13V15H2V13H6M7,15V13H10V15H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M14,15V13H17V15H14M18,15V13H22V15H18M2,10H5V12H2V10M19,12V10H22V12H19M18,12H16V10H18V12M8,12H6V10H8V12M12,12H9V10H12V12M15,12H13V10H15V12M2,9V7H4V9H2M5,9V7H7V9H5M8,9V7H10V9H8M11,9V7H13V9H11M14,9V7H16V9H14M17,9V7H22V9H17Z",kL1="M16 20C19.72 18 22 15.27 22 12C22 9.34 20.46 6.9 17.89 5H17.82C19 6.35 19.68 8.09 19.68 10C19.68 13 18 15 15.5 16.83C15.5 16.84 14.38 17.54 13 18.41V17.33L15 16C15 16 14.8 15.4 14.58 14.46C16.6 13.58 18 11.69 18 9.5C18 7.34 16.64 5.47 14.65 4.57C14.84 3.63 15 3 15 3L12 1L9 3C9 3 9.16 3.63 9.35 4.57C7.37 5.47 6 7.34 6 9.5C6 11.69 7.4 13.58 9.42 14.46C9.2 15.4 9 16 9 16L11 17.33V18.41C9.62 17.54 8.5 16.84 8.5 16.83C6 15 4.32 13 4.32 10C4.32 8.09 5 6.35 6.18 5H6.12C3.54 6.9 2 9.34 2 12C2 15.27 4.29 18 8 20L9 18.5L10.92 19.73L7.34 22L8 23L11 21.07V23H13V21.07L16 23L16.66 22L13.08 19.73L15 18.5L16 20M16.75 9.5C16.75 11.09 15.76 12.46 14.31 13.19C14.14 12.23 14 11.12 14 10C14 8.67 14.2 7.15 14.42 5.86C15.81 6.6 16.75 7.95 16.75 9.5M7.25 9.5C7.25 7.95 8.19 6.6 9.59 5.86C9.8 7.15 10 8.67 10 10C10 11.12 9.86 12.23 9.69 13.19C8.24 12.46 7.25 11.09 7.25 9.5Z",BL1="M19.3 10.2L17.5 12L19.3 13.8C21.19 15.67 21.19 18.72 19.3 20.59C17.42 22.46 14.35 22.46 12.47 20.59L11.8 19.93C10.93 21.19 9.5 22 7.83 22C5.16 22 3 19.85 3 17.2V6.8C3 4.15 5.16 2 7.83 2C9.5 2 10.93 2.82 11.8 4.07L12.47 3.41C14.35 1.54 17.42 1.54 19.3 3.41C21.19 5.28 21.19 8.33 19.3 10.2Z",PL1="M13.69 3.46C13.35 3.15 12.96 3 12.5 3C12.05 3 11.66 3.15 11.33 3.46L5.54 9.08C5.23 9.38 5.06 9.75 5 10.2C5 10.64 5.08 11.04 5.33 11.4L11.45 19.83C11.2 20.36 10.75 20.62 10.09 20.62C9.29 20.62 8.79 20.25 8.6 19.5C8.4 18.84 8 18.27 7.38 17.8C6.76 17.34 6.1 17.1 5.41 17.1C4.36 17.1 3.5 17.5 2.85 18.3L4.21 19.42C4.5 19.03 4.92 18.84 5.41 18.84C6.21 18.84 6.71 19.21 6.9 19.95C7.09 20.62 7.5 21.19 8.12 21.67C8.74 22.15 9.4 22.4 10.09 22.4C11.33 22.4 12.28 21.83 12.94 20.7L19.68 11.39C19.93 11.04 20.03 10.64 20 10.2C19.95 9.75 19.77 9.38 19.47 9.08L13.69 3.46Z",wL1="M12.5 5.1L17.95 10.38L12.5 17.88L7.07 10.38L12.5 5.1M12.5 3C12.05 3 11.66 3.15 11.33 3.46L5.54 9.08C5.23 9.38 5.06 9.75 5 10.2C5 10.64 5.08 11.04 5.33 11.4L11.45 19.83C11.2 20.36 10.75 20.62 10.09 20.62C9.29 20.62 8.79 20.25 8.6 19.5C8.4 18.84 8 18.27 7.38 17.8C6.76 17.34 6.1 17.1 5.41 17.1C4.36 17.1 3.5 17.5 2.85 18.3L4.21 19.42C4.5 19.03 4.92 18.84 5.41 18.84C6.21 18.84 6.71 19.21 6.9 19.95C7.09 20.62 7.5 21.19 8.12 21.67S9.4 22.4 10.09 22.4C11.33 22.4 12.28 21.83 12.94 20.7L19.68 11.4C19.93 11.04 20.03 10.64 20 10.2C19.95 9.76 19.77 9.38 19.47 9.08L13.68 3.46C13.35 3.15 12.96 3 12.5 3Z",FL1="M16.5 4.5L15.5 3.43L17.92 1H20L16.5 4.5M20.96 23C19.9 23 18.9 22.75 17.96 22.25C16.12 23.25 13.81 23.25 11.97 22.25C10.13 23.25 7.82 23.25 6 22.25C4.77 22.94 3.36 23.05 2 23V21C3.41 21.05 4.77 20.9 6 20C7.74 21.25 10.21 21.25 11.97 20C13.74 21.25 16.2 21.25 17.96 20C19.17 20.9 20.54 21.05 21.94 21V23H20.96M20.35 12.26C18.3 11.5 16.14 12.61 14.08 13.36L12.39 11.5H9.58V8C11.89 8.19 14.29 7.67 15.9 5.96L14.5 4.56C13.6 5.46 12.3 6 11 6H8C6.89 6 5.95 6.92 6 8C6.07 9.35 5.67 12.73 6.45 13.87L8 16.82C7.43 17.23 6.93 17.62 6.5 18C8.09 19.5 10.65 19.17 11.97 17.5C12.91 18.59 14.45 19.3 15.9 18.83C17.45 17.77 22.74 14 20.35 12.26M11.43 14.65C11 14.89 10.16 15.37 9.82 15.61L8.97 13.59L11.46 13.5L12.16 14.25L11.43 14.65M8 1C6.9 1 6 1.9 6 3S6.9 5 8 5 10 4.11 10 3 9.11 1 8 1Z",TL1="M4.79 21.5L4.71 21.24C4.53 20.65 4.47 20.08 4.5 19.4C4.6 18.17 5.14 17.31 5.82 16.59C5.64 16 5.53 15.39 5.53 14.74C5.53 13 6.26 11.44 7.45 10.3C8.33 9.46 9.46 8.86 10.71 8.6C11.37 6.23 11.8 3.8 12 1.5C12.24 3.5 12.65 6.12 13.3 8.58C14.6 8.82 15.76 9.43 16.67 10.3C17.85 11.44 18.59 13 18.59 14.74C18.59 15.35 18.5 15.93 18.33 16.5C19.21 16.92 20.2 17.17 21.5 17.29L21.44 17.44C21.32 17.77 21 18 20.71 18.18L20.69 18.19C20.13 18.57 19.18 19 17.85 19C17.7 19 17.56 19 17.41 19C17.23 19 17.06 18.97 16.9 18.95C16.83 19 16.75 19.1 16.67 19.18C15.5 20.31 13.86 21 12.06 21C10.27 21 8.64 20.31 7.46 19.18C7.42 19.14 7.38 19.1 7.34 19.06C6.34 19.59 5.54 20.33 4.94 21.27L4.8 21.5M6.5 15.94C6.65 15.82 8.2 14.5 8.63 13.78L8.73 13.61C9.65 15 10.4 16.28 11.43 18.08L11.22 18.09C10.08 18.16 9.05 18.37 8.15 18.7C9.17 19.62 10.55 20.19 12.06 20.19C13.54 20.19 14.88 19.65 15.89 18.77C15.64 18.72 15.39 18.65 15.15 18.59C14.38 18.41 13.65 18.22 12.81 18.19L12.62 18.18L12.7 18C13.1 17.2 14.8 14.41 15.23 13.63L15.34 13.81C16 14.77 16.73 15.5 17.58 16.07C17.69 15.64 17.75 15.2 17.75 14.75C17.75 13.25 17.11 11.89 16.09 10.9C15.4 10.24 14.53 9.74 13.55 9.5C13.85 10.5 14.2 11.5 14.59 12.35L14.62 12.4L14.59 12.46C14.2 13.22 13.76 13.95 13.33 14.66C12.94 15.3 12.54 15.96 12.18 16.64L12.08 16.83L11.96 16.65C11.39 15.82 9.75 13.06 9.41 12.5C9.81 11.5 10.15 10.5 10.45 9.5C9.5 9.78 8.7 10.26 8.03 10.9C7 11.88 6.37 13.25 6.37 14.74C6.37 15.16 6.42 15.56 6.5 15.95",bL1="M20.62,2C23.97,7.61 12.47,20.15 12.47,20.15L9.6,17.28L4.91,22L2.77,19.86L20.62,2Z",yL1="M22,2L17.39,3.75L10.46,10.68L14,14.22L20.92,7.29C22.43,5.78 22,2 22,2M8.33,10L6.92,11.39L8.33,12.8L2.68,18.46L6.21,22L11.87,16.34L13.28,17.76L14.7,16.34L8.33,10Z",RL1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M13 10H11V4.1C11.3 4 11.7 4 12 4S12.7 4 13 4.1V10Z",xL1="M19 3C18.1 3 15.5 3 14.3 6.1C13.9 6 13.4 6 13 6H11C10.6 6 10.1 6 9.7 6.1C8.5 3 5.9 3 5 3C4 3 1 4 1 9C1 12.6 3.5 13.6 5 13.9V15C5 18.3 7.7 21 11 21H13C16.3 21 19 18.3 19 15V13.9C20.5 13.6 23 12.6 23 9C23 4 20 3 19 3M5 12V12.4C2.9 11.8 3.3 9.5 4.3 8.7C4 8.3 3 9 3 8.6C3 8.1 4.8 7.4 5.1 7.3C4.8 6.8 3.6 7 3.6 6.6C3.6 6.3 4.8 5.8 5.8 6C6.3 6.1 6.9 6.3 7.4 6.7C6 8 5 9.8 5 12M8.5 15C6.5 15 6.5 12 8.5 12C10.5 12 10.5 15 8.5 15M12.5 18H11.5C10.8 18 10.3 17.3 10.6 16.7L11.3 13.7C11.4 13.3 11.8 13.1 12.1 13C12.4 13 12.7 13.2 12.9 13.7L13.6 16.7C13.7 17.3 13.2 18 12.5 18M15.5 15C13.5 15 13.5 12 15.5 12C17.5 12 17.5 15 15.5 15M19.7 8.6C20.7 9.4 21.1 11.7 19 12.3C19.1 10.1 18.1 8 16.6 6.7C17.1 6.3 17.7 6.1 18.2 6C19.2 5.8 20.4 6.2 20.4 6.6C20.4 7 19.2 6.8 18.9 7.2C19.2 7.4 21 8.1 21 8.6C21 9 20.1 8.3 19.7 8.6Z",DL1="M12.03,1C11.82,1 11.6,1.11 11.41,1.31C10.56,2.16 9.72,3 8.88,3.84C8.66,4.06 8.6,4.18 8.38,4.38C8.09,4.62 7.96,4.91 7.97,5.28C8,6.57 8,7.84 8,9.13C8,10.46 8,11.82 8,13.16C8,13.26 8,13.34 8.03,13.44C8.11,13.75 8.31,13.82 8.53,13.59C9.73,12.39 10.8,11.3 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4H8.5M10 2H4L2 9H12L10 2M6 10H8V20H11V22H3V20H6V10M18.5 10L19.35 13H14.65L15.5 10H18.5M20 8H14L12 15H22L20 8M16 16H18V20H21V22H13V20H16V16Z",VM1="M10,2C8.89,2 8,2.89 8,4V7C8,8.11 8.89,9 10,9H11V11H2V13H6V15H5C3.89,15 3,15.89 3,17V20C3,21.11 3.89,22 5,22H9C10.11,22 11,21.11 11,20V17C11,15.89 10.11,15 9,15H8V13H16V15H15C13.89,15 13,15.89 13,17V20C13,21.11 13.89,22 15,22H19C20.11,22 21,21.11 21,20V17C21,15.89 20.11,15 19,15H18V13H22V11H13V9H14C15.11,9 16,8.11 16,7V4C16,2.89 15.11,2 14,2H10M10,4H14V7H10V4M5,17H9V20H5V17M15,17H19V20H15V17Z",LM1="M4 1C2.89 1 2 1.89 2 3V7C2 8.11 2.89 9 4 9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11 9 12 8.11 12 7V3C12 1.89 11.11 1 10 1H4M4 3H10V7H4V3M14 13C12.89 13 12 13.89 12 15V19C12 20.11 12.89 21 14 21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V15C22 13.89 21.11 13 20 13H14M14 15H20V19H14V15M5.5 20.5L10.5 15.5L9 14L5.5 17.5L3.5 15.5L2 17L5.5 20.5Z",MM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M3,13V18L3,20H10V18H5V13H3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M14,15H20V19H14V15Z",AM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M3.88,13.46L2.46,14.88L4.59,17L2.46,19.12L3.88,20.54L6,18.41L8.12,20.54L9.54,19.12L7.41,17L9.54,14.88L8.12,13.46L6,15.59L3.88,13.46M14,15H20V19H14V15Z",iM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M3,12V14H5V12H3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M3,15V17H5V15H3M14,15H20V19H14V15M3,18V20H5V18H3M6,18V20H8V18H6M9,18V20H11V18H9Z",rM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15.3 4C14.5 5.1 14 6.5 14 8H10C10 6.4 10.8 4.9 12 4H15.3M14 14H10C10 12.5 9.5 11.1 8.7 10H12C13.2 10.9 14 12.4 14 14M4 4H9.3C8.5 5.1 8 6.5 8 8H4V4M4 10H6C7.2 10.9 8 12.3 8 14H4V10M4 20V16H9.3C8.5 17.1 8 18.5 8 20H4M10 20C10 18.4 10.8 16.9 12 16H15.3C14.5 17.1 14 18.5 14 20H10M20 20H16C16 18.4 16.8 16.9 18 16H20V20M20 14H16C16 12.5 15.5 11.1 14.7 10H20V14M20 8H16C16 6.4 16.8 4.9 18 4H20V8Z",aM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M4 4H8V14H4V4M4 20V16H8V20H4M20 20H10V10H20V20M20 8H10V4H20V8Z",eM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M13 7.5C13 5.6 14.6 4 16.5 4C18.4 4 20 5.6 20 7.5C20 9.4 18.4 11 16.5 11C14.6 11 13 9.4 13 7.5M4 4H11V11H4V4M4 20V13H11V20H4M20 20H13V13H20V20Z",dM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 9C20 11.8 17.8 14 15 14C12.2 14 10 11.8 10 9C10 6.2 12.2 4 15 4C17.8 4 20 6.2 20 9M4 4H8V14H4V4M4 20V16H8V20H4M20 20H10V16H20V20Z",mM1="M4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H10V20H14.55C14.73 20.3 14.91 20.58 15.09 20.84C15.38 21.27 15.66 21.66 15.92 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M8 4H4V14H8V4M4 16V20H8V16H4M10 8H20V4H10V8M18.5 22C18.5 22 17.92 21.35 17.23 20.41C17.14 20.28 17.04 20.14 16.94 20C16 18.66 15 16.89 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12C19.03 12 19.54 12.13 20 12.35C21.17 12.92 22 14.13 22 15.5C22 17.04 20.77 19.04 19.77 20.41C19.08 21.35 18.5 22 18.5 22M17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6Z",tM1="M22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20M4 6.5V4H20V6.5H4M4 11V8.5H20V11H4M4 15.5V13H20V15.5H4M4 20V17.5H20V20H4Z",vM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M6.5 20H4V4H6.5V20M11 20H8.5V4H11V20M15.5 20H13V4H15.5V20M20 20H17.5V4H20V20Z",lM1="M15.47 13.79L12.89 12.76L6 15.05L2 13.5V15.61L6 16.95L15.47 13.79M10.57 11.42L8 8H2V11.61L6 12.95L10.57 11.42M6 19.05L2 17.72V22H22L17.03 15.38L6 19.05M17 6V1L12 0L9 2V6L12 8L17 6M18.5 7L16 9V12L18.5 14L23 12V8L18.5 7Z",oM1="M11 12L8 8H2V22H22L16 14L11 12M12.53 14.77L6 16.95L4 16.28V14.39L6 15.06L9.95 13.74L12.53 14.77M7 10L8.57 12.09L6 12.95L4 12.28V10H7M4 20V18.39L6 19.06L15.03 16.05L18 20H4M17 6V1L12 0L9 2V6L12 8L17 6M11 3.07L12.42 2.12L15 2.64V4.65L12.23 5.76L11 4.93V3.07M18.5 7L16 9V12L18.5 14L23 12V8L18.5 7M21 10.7L18.8 11.68L18 11.04V9.96L19 9.16L21 9.6V10.7Z",nM1="M15.45,15.97L15.87,18.41C15.61,18.55 15.19,18.68 14.63,18.8C14.06,18.93 13.39,19 12.62,19C10.41,18.96 8.75,18.3 7.64,17.04C6.5,15.77 5.96,14.16 5.96,12.21C6,9.9 6.68,8.13 8,6.89C9.28,5.64 10.92,5 12.9,5C13.65,5 14.3,5.07 14.84,5.19C15.38,5.31 15.78,5.44 16.04,5.59L15.44,8.08L14.4,7.74C14,7.64 13.53,7.59 13,7.59C11.85,7.58 10.89,7.95 10.14,8.69C9.38,9.42 9,10.54 8.96,12.03C8.97,13.39 9.33,14.45 10.04,15.23C10.75,16 11.74,16.4 13.03,16.41L14.36,16.29C14.79,16.21 15.15,16.1 15.45,15.97Z",ZM1="M10.5,15.97L10.91,18.41C10.65,18.55 10.23,18.68 9.67,18.8C9.1,18.93 8.43,19 7.66,19C5.45,18.96 3.79,18.3 2.68,17.04C1.56,15.77 1,14.16 1,12.21C1.05,9.9 1.72,8.13 3,6.89C4.32,5.64 5.96,5 7.94,5C8.69,5 9.34,5.07 9.88,5.19C10.42,5.31 10.82,5.44 11.08,5.59L10.5,8.08L9.44,7.74C9.04,7.64 8.58,7.59 8.05,7.59C6.89,7.58 5.93,7.95 5.18,8.69C4.42,9.42 4.03,10.54 4,12.03C4,13.39 4.37,14.45 5.08,15.23C5.79,16 6.79,16.4 8.07,16.41L9.4,16.29C9.83,16.21 10.19,16.1 10.5,15.97M11,11H13V9H15V11H17V13H15V15H13V13H11V11M18,11H20V9H22V11H24V13H22V15H20V13H18V11Z",SM1="M11.5,15.97L11.91,18.41C11.65,18.55 11.23,18.68 10.67,18.8C10.1,18.93 9.43,19 8.66,19C6.45,18.96 4.79,18.3 3.68,17.04C2.56,15.77 2,14.16 2,12.21C2.05,9.9 2.72,8.13 4,6.89C5.32,5.64 6.96,5 8.94,5C9.69,5 10.34,5.07 10.88,5.19C11.42,5.31 11.82,5.44 12.08,5.59L11.5,8.08L10.44,7.74C10.04,7.64 9.58,7.59 9.05,7.59C7.89,7.58 6.93,7.95 6.18,8.69C5.42,9.42 5.03,10.54 5,12.03C5,13.39 5.37,14.45 6.08,15.23C6.79,16 7.79,16.4 9.07,16.41L10.4,16.29C10.83,16.21 11.19,16.1 11.5,15.97M13.89,19L14.5,15H13L13.34,13H14.84L15.16,11H13.66L14,9H15.5L16.11,5H18.11L17.5,9H18.5L19.11,5H21.11L20.5,9H22L21.66,11H20.16L19.84,13H21.34L21,15H19.5L18.89,19H16.89L17.5,15H16.5L15.89,19H13.89M16.84,13H17.84L18.16,11H17.16L16.84,13Z",uM1="M5,3L4.35,6.34H17.94L17.5,8.5H3.92L3.26,11.83H16.85L16.09,15.64L10.61,17.45L5.86,15.64L6.19,14H2.85L2.06,18L9.91,21L18.96,18L20.16,11.97L20.4,10.76L21.94,3H5Z",cM1="M5 4V6H6C6.55 6 7 6.45 7 7V17C7 17.55 6.55 18 6 18H5V20H14V18H12C11.45 18 11 17.55 11 17V13H13C13.55 13 14 13.45 14 14V16H16V8H14V10C14 10.55 13.55 11 13 11H11V6H16C17.11 6 18 7.34 18 9V10H20V4Z",sM1="M2.64,10.33L2.62,10.27L2.84,10L2.96,9.92H6.8L6.83,10L6.65,10.26L6.54,10.32L2.64,10.33M1.03,11.31L1,11.26L1.22,10.97L1.34,10.91H6.24L6.29,11L6.21,11.24L6.11,11.31H1.03M3.63,12.3L3.59,12.24L3.75,11.96L3.85,11.9H6L6.07,11.97L6.05,12.22L5.97,12.3H3.63M14.78,10.14L13,10.61C12.81,10.65 12.8,10.66 12.66,10.5C12.5,10.32 12.39,10.21 12.16,10.1C11.5,9.76 10.83,9.86 10.22,10.25C9.5,10.73 9.11,11.42 9.12,12.3C9.13,13.16 9.72,13.87 10.57,14C11.3,14.09 11.91,13.83 12.4,13.28L12.69,12.89H10.62C10.4,12.89 10.35,12.75 10.42,12.57L10.97,11.39C11,11.33 11.08,11.22 11.24,11.22H14.68C14.83,10.72 15.09,10.26 15.43,9.81C16.21,8.78 17.16,8.24 18.43,8C19.5,7.82 20.56,7.93 21.5,8.57C22.34,9.15 22.87,9.93 23,10.96C23.19,12.41 22.76,13.59 21.76,14.61C21.05,15.33 20.18,15.78 19.19,16L18.33,16.08C17.35,16.06 16.46,15.78 15.71,15.13C15.19,14.68 14.83,14.14 14.65,13.5C14.5,13.74 14.38,13.97 14.21,14.2C13.44,15.22 12.43,15.85 11.15,16C10.1,16.16 9.12,15.95 8.26,15.31C7.47,14.71 7,13.91 6.9,12.92C6.76,11.75 7.1,10.7 7.81,9.78C8.57,8.78 9.58,8.15 10.82,7.92C11.82,7.74 12.79,7.86 13.66,8.44C14.23,8.82 14.63,9.34 14.9,9.96C14.94,10.05 14.9,10.11 14.78,10.14M20.89,11.74L20.86,11.38C20.67,10.32 19.69,9.72 18.67,9.95C17.66,10.17 17,10.8 16.79,11.81C16.6,12.65 17,13.5 17.77,13.84C18.36,14.1 18.96,14.06 19.53,13.78C20.37,13.35 20.84,12.66 20.89,11.74Z",OM1="M2.08,19L6.75,12L2.08,5H5.58L10.25,12L5.58,19H2.08M6.75,19L11.42,12L6.75,5H10.25L19.59,19H16.09L13.17,14.63L10.25,19H6.75M18.03,14.92L16.5,12.58H21.92V14.92H18.03M15.7,11.42L14.14,9.08H21.92V11.42H15.7Z",hM1="M12,17.56L16.07,16.43L16.62,10.33H9.38L9.2,8.3H16.8L17,6.31H7L7.56,12.32H14.45L14.22,14.9L12,15.5L9.78,14.9L9.64,13.24H7.64L7.93,16.43L12,17.56M4.07,3H19.93L18.5,19.2L12,21L5.5,19.2L4.07,3Z",pM1="M16.5,6.08C16.5,6.08 9.66,7.79 12.94,11.56C13.91,12.67 12.69,13.67 12.69,13.67C12.69,13.67 15.14,12.42 14,10.82C12.94,9.35 12.14,8.62 16.5,6.08M12.03,7.28C16.08,4.08 14,2 14,2C14.84,5.3 11.04,6.3 9.67,8.36C8.73,9.76 10.13,11.27 12,13C11.29,11.3 8.78,9.84 12.03,7.28M9.37,17.47C6.29,18.33 11.25,20.1 15.16,18.43C14.78,18.28 14.41,18.1 14.06,17.89C12.7,18.2 11.3,18.26 9.92,18.07C8.61,17.91 9.37,17.47 9.37,17.47M14.69,15.79C12.94,16.17 11.13,16.26 9.35,16.05C8.04,15.92 8.9,15.28 8.9,15.28C5.5,16.41 10.78,17.68 15.5,16.3C15.21,16.19 14.93,16 14.69,15.79M18.11,19.09C18.11,19.09 18.68,19.56 17.5,19.92C15.22,20.6 8.07,20.81 6.09,19.95C5.38,19.64 6.72,19.21 7.14,19.12C7.37,19.06 7.6,19.04 7.83,19.04C7.04,18.5 2.7,20.14 5.64,20.6C13.61,21.9 20.18,20 18.11,19.09M15.37,14.23C15.66,14.04 15.97,13.88 16.29,13.74C16.29,13.74 14.78,14 13.27,14.14C11.67,14.3 10.06,14.32 8.46,14.2C6.11,13.89 9.75,13 9.75,13C8.65,13 7.57,13.26 6.59,13.75C4.54,14.75 11.69,15.2 15.37,14.23M16.27,16.65C16.25,16.69 16.23,16.72 16.19,16.75C21.2,15.44 19.36,12.11 16.96,12.94C16.83,13 16.72,13.08 16.65,13.19C16.79,13.14 16.93,13.1 17.08,13.07C18.28,12.83 20,14.7 16.27,16.65M16.4,21.26C13.39,21.78 10.31,21.82 7.28,21.4C7.28,21.4 7.74,21.78 10.09,21.93C13.69,22.16 19.22,21.8 19.35,20.1C19.38,20.11 19.12,20.75 16.4,21.26Z",fM1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M7.73,18.04C8.13,18.89 8.92,19.59 10.27,19.59C11.77,19.59 12.8,18.79 12.8,17.04V11.26H11.1V17C11.1,17.86 10.75,18.08 10.2,18.08C9.62,18.08 9.38,17.68 9.11,17.21L7.73,18.04M13.71,17.86C14.21,18.84 15.22,19.59 16.8,19.59C18.4,19.59 19.6,18.76 19.6,17.23C19.6,15.82 18.79,15.19 17.35,14.57L16.93,14.39C16.2,14.08 15.89,13.87 15.89,13.37C15.89,12.96 16.2,12.64 16.7,12.64C17.18,12.64 17.5,12.85 17.79,13.37L19.1,12.5C18.55,11.54 17.77,11.17 16.7,11.17C15.19,11.17 14.22,12.13 14.22,13.4C14.22,14.78 15.03,15.43 16.25,15.95L16.67,16.13C17.45,16.47 17.91,16.68 17.91,17.26C17.91,17.74 17.46,18.09 16.76,18.09C15.93,18.09 15.45,17.66 15.09,17.06L13.71,17.86Z",gM1="M2 2H22L12 12L22 22H2Z",kM1="M10.5,5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 2,13.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 10.5,22A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 19,13.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 10.5,5M13.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,13M19.5,2A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 22,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,2",BM1="M20.56 18H3.44C2.65 18 2 17.37 2 16.59V7.41C2 6.63 2.65 6 3.44 6H20.56C21.35 6 22 6.63 22 7.41V16.59C22 17.37 21.35 18 20.56 18M6.81 15.19V11.53L8.73 13.88L10.65 11.53V15.19H12.58V8.81H10.65L8.73 11.16L6.81 8.81H4.89V15.19H6.81M19.69 12H17.77V8.81H15.85V12H13.92L16.81 15.28L19.69 12Z",PM1="M20.56 18H3.44C2.65 18 2 17.37 2 16.59V7.41C2 6.63 2.65 6 3.44 6H20.56C21.35 6 22 6.63 22 7.41V16.59C22 17.37 21.35 18 20.56 18M3.44 6.94C3.18 6.94 2.96 7.15 2.96 7.41V16.6C2.96 16.85 3.18 17.06 3.44 17.06H20.56C20.82 17.06 21.04 16.85 21.04 16.6V7.41C21.04 7.15 20.82 6.94 20.56 6.94H3.44M4.89 15.19V8.81H6.81L8.73 11.16L10.65 8.81H12.58V15.19H10.65V11.53L8.73 13.88L6.81 11.53V15.19H4.89M16.9 15.19L14 12.09H15.94V8.81H17.86V12.09H19.79L16.9 15.19",wM1="M12,18.08C5.37,18.08 0,15.36 0,12C0,8.64 5.37,5.92 12,5.92C18.63,5.92 24,8.64 24,12C24,15.36 18.63,18.08 12,18.08M6.81,10.13C7.35,10.13 7.72,10.23 7.9,10.44C8.08,10.64 8.12,11 8.03,11.47C7.93,12 7.74,12.34 7.45,12.56C7.17,12.78 6.74,12.89 6.16,12.89H5.29L5.82,10.13H6.81M3.31,15.68H4.75L5.09,13.93H6.32C6.86,13.93 7.3,13.87 7.65,13.76C8,13.64 8.32,13.45 8.61,13.18C8.85,12.96 9.04,12.72 9.19,12.45C9.34,12.19 9.45,11.89 9.5,11.57C9.66,10.79 9.55,10.18 9.17,9.75C8.78,9.31 8.18,9.1 7.35,9.1H4.59L3.31,15.68M10.56,7.35L9.28,13.93H10.7L11.44,10.16H12.58C12.94,10.16 13.18,10.22 13.29,10.34C13.4,10.46 13.42,10.68 13.36,11L12.79,13.93H14.24L14.83,10.86C14.96,10.24 14.86,9.79 14.56,9.5C14.26,9.23 13.71,9.1 12.91,9.1H11.64L12,7.35H10.56M18,10.13C18.55,10.13 18.91,10.23 19.09,10.44C19.27,10.64 19.31,11 19.22,11.47C19.12,12 18.93,12.34 18.65,12.56C18.36,12.78 17.93,12.89 17.35,12.89H16.5L17,10.13H18M14.5,15.68H15.94L16.28,13.93H17.5C18.05,13.93 18.5,13.87 18.85,13.76C19.2,13.64 19.5,13.45 19.8,13.18C20.04,12.96 20.24,12.72 20.38,12.45C20.53,12.19 20.64,11.89 20.7,11.57C20.85,10.79 20.74,10.18 20.36,9.75C20,9.31 19.37,9.1 18.54,9.1H15.79L14.5,15.68Z",FM1="M19.14,7.5A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 22,10.36V14.14A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 19.14,17H12C12,17.39 12.32,17.96 12.71,17.96H17V19.64A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 14.14,22.5H9.86A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 7,19.64V15.89C7,14.31 8.28,13.04 9.86,13.04H15.11C16.69,13.04 17.96,11.76 17.96,10.18V7.5H19.14M14.86,19.29C14.46,19.29 14.14,19.59 14.14,20.18C14.14,20.77 14.46,20.89 14.86,20.89A0.71,0.71 0 0,0 15.57,20.18C15.57,19.59 15.25,19.29 14.86,19.29M4.86,17.5C3.28,17.5 2,16.22 2,14.64V10.86C2,9.28 3.28,8 4.86,8H12C12,7.61 11.68,7.04 11.29,7.04H7V5.36C7,3.78 8.28,2.5 9.86,2.5H14.14C15.72,2.5 17,3.78 17,5.36V9.11C17,10.69 15.72,11.96 14.14,11.96H8.89C7.31,11.96 6.04,13.24 6.04,14.82V17.5H4.86M9.14,5.71C9.54,5.71 9.86,5.41 9.86,4.82C9.86,4.23 9.54,4.11 9.14,4.11C8.75,4.11 8.43,4.23 8.43,4.82C8.43,5.41 8.75,5.71 9.14,5.71Z",TM1="M12,4.29C6.5,4.29 2,7.29 2,11C2,14.28 5.56,17 10.24,17.58V19.71H13.65V17.59C14.5,17.5 15.29,17.34 16.04,17.11L17.42,19.71H21.28L18.96,15.8C20.83,14.58 22,12.87 22,11C22,7.29 17.5,4.29 12,4.29V4.29M13.53,6.91C17.73,6.91 20.83,8.31 20.83,11.5C20.83,13.21 19.91,14.41 18.41,15.15C18.32,15.1 18.24,15.05 18.19,15C17.83,14.84 17.23,14.66 17.23,14.66C17.23,14.66 20.21,14.44 20.21,11.47C20.21,8.5 17.09,8.45 17.09,8.45H10.24V15.61C7.69,14.87 5.93,13.3 5.93,11.5C5.93,8.96 9.33,6.91 13.53,6.91M13.68,10.89H15.75C15.75,10.89 16.7,10.84 16.7,11.83C16.7,12.8 15.75,12.8 15.75,12.8H13.68V10.89M13.65,15.3H14.57C14.75,15.3 14.84,15.35 15,15.5C15.13,15.6 15.27,15.79 15.39,15.96C14.84,16.03 14.26,16.06 13.65,16.06V15.3Z",bM1="M18.8,2.07C21.32,2.5 22.04,4.23 22,6.04V6L20.86,20.93L6.08,21.94H6.09C4.86,21.89 2.13,21.77 2,17.95L3.37,15.45L6.14,21.91L8.5,14.29L8.45,14.3L8.47,14.28L16.18,16.74L14.19,8.96L21.54,8.5L15.75,3.76L18.8,2.06V2.07M2,17.91V17.93L2,17.91V17.91M6.28,6.23C9.24,3.28 13.07,1.54 14.54,3.03C16,4.5 14.46,8.12 11.5,11.06C8.5,14 4.73,15.84 3.26,14.36C1.79,12.87 3.3,9.17 6.27,6.23H6.28Z",yM1="M19.8,16.7C19.8,16.7 21.6,16.5 21.6,14.3C21.6,12.1 19.5,11.8 19.5,11.8H15.7V19H17.6V17.3L19.3,19H22L19.8,16.7M19,15.3H17.5V13.7H19C19,13.7 19.4,13.9 19.4,14.5C19.5,15.1 19,15.3 19,15.3M21.3,8.2V8.4C13.2,6.1 10,13.2 10.6,18.7C10.6,18.7 4.9,18.7 4.3,18.7C5,13.3 11.8,2.6 21.3,8.2M20.5,6.9C19.8,6.6 19.1,6.3 18.4,6.1L18.5,4.8L20.6,5.6L20.5,6.9M18.5,8.7C19.2,8.7 19.9,8.8 20.6,9L20.5,10.2L18.7,10L18.5,8.7M13.9,5.8L13.5,4.6L15.6,4.4L16,5.7C15.8,5.7 14.1,5.8 13.9,5.8M15.2,9.5C15.6,9.3 16.3,9 17.2,8.8L17.6,10L15.8,10.7L15.2,9.5M11.8,6.5C11.2,6.8 10.6,7.1 10,7.5L9.2,6.2L11,5.2L11.8,6.5M14.3,10.1L15.1,11.3L14,12.6L12.9,11.6C13.2,11 13.7,10.5 14.3,10.1M11.6,15C11.7,14.2 11.9,13.5 12.2,12.7L13.4,13.7L13.1,15.6L11.6,15M7.9,9.3C7.4,9.8 6.9,10.4 6.5,10.9L5.2,9.8L6.7,8.2L7.9,9.3M4.8,13.7C4.4,14.5 4.1,15.3 3.8,16L2,15.3L2.9,13L4.8,13.7M11.5,16.3L13.3,16.9L13.6,18.9L11.6,18.4C11.6,18.2 11.5,17.5 11.5,16.3Z",RM1="M21.9 11.7L21 11.2V11L21.7 10.3C21.8 10.2 21.8 10 21.7 9.9L21.6 9.8L20.7 9.5C20.7 9.4 20.7 9.3 20.6 9.3L21.2 8.5C21.3 8.4 21.3 8.2 21.1 8.1C21.1 8.1 21 8.1 21 8L20 7.8C20 7.7 19.9 7.7 19.9 7.6L20.3 6.7V6.4C20.2 6.3 20.1 6.3 20 6.3H19C19 6.3 19 6.2 18.9 6.2L19.1 5.2C19.1 5 19 4.9 18.9 4.9H18.8L17.8 5.1C17.8 5 17.7 5 17.6 4.9V3.9C17.6 3.7 17.5 3.6 17.3 3.6H17.2L16.3 4H16.2L16 3C16 2.8 15.8 2.7 15.7 2.8H15.6L14.8 3.4C14.7 3.4 14.6 3.4 14.6 3.3L14.3 2.4C14.2 2.3 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6.2 16.3H12.2C12.3 16.3 12.3 16.3 12.3 16.2V14.1C12.3 14 12.3 14 12.2 14H10.5V12.7H12.4C12.6 12.7 13.3 12.7 13.6 13.7C13.7 14 13.8 15 14 15.3C14.1 15.6 14.6 16.3 15.1 16.3H18.2C18 16.6 17.8 16.8 17.5 17.1L16 16.8M7.7 18.7C7.4 18.8 7.1 18.6 7 18.2C6.9 17.9 7.1 17.6 7.5 17.5S8.1 17.6 8.2 18C8.2 18.3 8 18.6 7.7 18.7M5.4 9.5C5.5 9.8 5.4 10.2 5.1 10.3C4.8 10.4 4.4 10.3 4.3 10C4.2 9.7 4.3 9.3 4.6 9.2C5 9.1 5.3 9.2 5.4 9.5M4.7 11.1L6 10.6C6.3 10.5 6.4 10.2 6.3 9.9L6 9.3H7V14H5C4.7 13 4.6 12.1 4.7 11.1M10.3 10.7V9.3H12.8C12.9 9.3 13.7 9.4 13.7 10C13.7 10.5 13.1 10.7 12.6 10.7H10.3M19.3 11.9V12.4H18.5C18.4 12.4 18.4 12.4 18.4 12.5V12.8C18.4 13.6 17.9 13.8 17.5 13.8C17.1 13.8 16.7 13.6 16.6 13.4C16.4 12.1 16 11.9 15.4 11.4C16.1 10.9 16.9 10.2 16.9 9.3C16.9 8.3 16.2 7.7 15.8 7.4C15.1 7 14.4 6.9 14.2 6.9H6.6C7.7 5.7 9.1 4.9 10.7 4.6L11.6 5.6C11.8 5.8 12.1 5.8 12.4 5.6L13.4 4.6C15.5 5 17.3 6.3 18.4 8.2L17.7 9.8C17.6 10.1 17.7 10.4 18 10.5L19.3 11.1V11.9M11.6 3.9C11.8 3.7 12.2 3.7 12.4 3.9C12.6 4.1 12.6 4.5 12.4 4.7C12.1 5 11.8 5 11.5 4.7C11.3 4.5 11.4 4.2 11.6 3.9M18.5 9.5C18.6 9.2 19 9.1 19.3 9.2C19.6 9.3 19.7 9.7 19.6 10C19.5 10.3 19.1 10.4 18.8 10.3C18.5 10.2 18.4 9.8 18.5 9.5Z",xM1="M17.09,19.72C14.73,21.08 11.5,21.22 8.23,19.82C5.59,18.7 3.4,16.74 2,14.5C2.67,15.05 3.46,15.5 4.3,15.9C7.67,17.47 11.03,17.36 13.4,15.9C10.03,13.31 7.16,9.94 5.03,7.19C4.58,6.74 4.25,6.18 3.91,5.68C12.19,11.73 11.83,13.27 6.32,4.67C11.21,9.61 15.75,12.41 15.75,12.41C15.91,12.5 16,12.57 16.11,12.63C16.21,12.38 16.3,12.12 16.37,11.85C17.16,9 16.26,5.73 14.29,3.04C18.84,5.79 21.54,10.95 20.41,15.28C20.38,15.39 20.35,15.5 20.36,15.67C22.6,18.5 22,21.45 21.71,20.89C20.5,18.5 18.23,19.24 17.09,19.72V19.72Z",DM1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M13.71,17.86C14.21,18.84 15.22,19.59 16.8,19.59C18.4,19.59 19.6,18.76 19.6,17.23C19.6,15.82 18.79,15.19 17.35,14.57L16.93,14.39C16.2,14.08 15.89,13.87 15.89,13.37C15.89,12.96 16.2,12.64 16.7,12.64C17.18,12.64 17.5,12.85 17.79,13.37L19.1,12.5C18.55,11.54 17.77,11.17 16.7,11.17C15.19,11.17 14.22,12.13 14.22,13.4C14.22,14.78 15.03,15.43 16.25,15.95L16.67,16.13C17.45,16.47 17.91,16.68 17.91,17.26C17.91,17.74 17.46,18.09 16.76,18.09C15.93,18.09 15.45,17.66 15.09,17.06L13.71,17.86M13,11.25H8V12.75H9.5V20H11.25V12.75H13V11.25Z",EM1="M16.93 7.9L19.31 12L16.95 16.09L16.33 15L17.8 12.5C17.97 12.19 17.97 11.83 17.8 11.54L16.32 9L16.93 7.9M16.92 6.57C16.89 6.57 16.85 6.59 16.83 6.62L15.56 8.87C15.5 8.94 15.5 9 15.56 9.09L17.18 11.9C17.22 11.97 17.22 12.05 17.18 12.12L15.57 14.91C15.53 14.97 15.53 15.06 15.57 15.13L16.85 17.36C16.87 17.4 16.91 17.42 16.94 17.42C17 17.42 17 17.4 17.04 17.36L20 12.23C20.08 12.09 20.08 11.92 20 11.79L17 6.62C17 6.59 16.96 6.57 16.92 6.57M21.91 11.67L17.23 3.58C17.11 3.38 16.89 3.25 16.66 3.25H7.28C7.05 3.25 6.83 3.38 6.71 3.58L2 11.67C1.91 11.87 1.91 12.13 2 12.33L6.71 20.42C6.83 20.62 7.05 20.75 7.28 20.75H16.66C16.89 20.75 17.11 20.62 17.23 20.42L21.91 12.33C22.03 12.13 22.03 11.88 21.91 11.67M7.3 3.95H16.12L11.76 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16,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12M8,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,14A2,2 0 0,1 8,12M2,12A2,2 0 0,1 4,10A2,2 0 0,1 6,12A2,2 0 0,1 4,14A2,2 0 0,1 2,12M22,5H20V19H22V5Z",_M1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 4C15 4 17.5 5.6 18.9 8H5.1C6.5 5.6 9 4 12 4M12 20C9 20 6.5 18.4 5.1 16H18.9C17.5 18.4 15 20 12 20M4.3 14C4.1 13.4 4 12.7 4 12S4.1 10.6 4.3 10H19.8C20 10.6 20.1 11.3 20.1 12S20 13.4 19.8 14H4.3Z",KM1="M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z",jM1="M10,3L8,16H16L14,3H10M11.5,5.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 12.25,6.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,7.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.75,6.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,5.75M12.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,9.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,8.5M11.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,12M8,17L10,19L8,21H16L14,19L16,17H8Z",qM1="M12,16L19.36,10.27L21,9L12,2L3,9L4.63,10.27M12,18.54L4.62,12.81L3,14.07L12,21.07L21,14.07L19.37,12.8L12,18.54Z",$M1="M4.63 10.27L3 9L12 2L19.94 8.17L12.5 15.61L12 16L4.63 10.27M10 18.94V18.11L10.59 17.53L10.63 17.5L4.62 12.81L3 14.07L10 19.5V18.94M21.7 12.58L20.42 11.3C20.21 11.09 19.86 11.09 19.65 11.3L18.65 12.3L20.7 14.35L21.7 13.35C21.91 13.14 21.91 12.79 21.7 12.58M12 21H14.06L20.11 14.93L18.06 12.88L12 18.94V21Z",XM1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",YM1="M3.27,1L2,2.27L6.22,6.5L3,9L4.63,10.27L12,16L14.1,14.37L15.53,15.8L12,18.54L4.63,12.81L3,14.07L12,21.07L16.95,17.22L20.73,21L22,19.73L3.27,1M19.36,10.27L21,9L12,2L9.09,4.27L16.96,12.15L19.36,10.27M19.81,15L21,14.07L19.57,12.64L18.38,13.56L19.81,15Z",JM1="M12,4.53L10.83,5.44L9.41,4L12,2L21,9L17.28,11.89L15.85,10.47L17.74,9L12,4.53M21,14.07L20.13,14.75L18.7,13.32L19.37,12.8L21,14.07M3.41,0.86L22.14,19.59L20.73,21L16.95,17.22L12,21.07L3,14.07L4.62,12.81L12,18.54L15.5,15.79L14.1,14.37L12,16L3,9L6.22,6.5L2,2.27L3.41,0.86M12,13.47L12.67,12.94L7.65,7.92L6.26,9L12,13.47Z",CA1="M12,18.54L19.37,12.8L21,14.07L12,21.07L3,14.07L4.62,12.81L12,18.54M12,16L3,9L12,2L21,9L12,16M12,4.53L6.26,9L12,13.47L17.74,9L12,4.53Z",HA1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",VA1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",LA1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M9.59 19.2L3 14.07L4.62 12.81L9 16.22C9 16.32 9 16.41 9 16.5C9 17.46 9.22 18.38 9.59 19.2M4.63 10.27L3 9L12 2L21 9L19.36 10.27L18.65 10.82C17.72 10.3 16.64 10 15.5 10C12.79 10 10.46 11.68 9.5 14.05L4.63 10.27Z",MA1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 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22,3C21,5 14,5.25 9,6.25C4,7.25 2,11.5 2,13.5C2,15.5 3.75,17.25 3.75,17.25C7,8 17,8 17,8Z",eA1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M9.6 17.2C9.38 17.2 9.08 17.12 8.8 17L8.23 18.4L7.09 18L7.25 17.61C8.45 14.59 9.83 11.15 15 10C15 10 9 10 7.05 15.55C7.05 15.55 6 14.5 6 13.3S7.2 9.55 10.2 8.95C11.05 8.78 12 8.65 12.94 8.5C15.3 8.18 17.57 7.86 18 7C18 7 16.2 17.2 9.6 17.2Z",dA1="M8.04 16.34C9.05 13.83 10.19 10.96 14.5 10C14.5 10 9.5 10 7.88 14.63C7.88 14.63 7 13.75 7 12.75S8 9.63 10.5 9.13C11.21 9 12 8.87 12.78 8.76C14.75 8.5 16.64 8.22 17 7.5C17 7.5 15.5 16 10 16C9.82 16 9.57 15.94 9.33 15.85L8.86 17L7.91 16.67L8.04 16.34M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2Z",mA1="M21.79,13L16,16L17,18L13,17.25V21H11V17.25L7,18L8,16L2.21,13L3.21,11.27L1.61,8L5.21,7.77L6.21,6L9.63,9.9L8,5H10L12,2L14,5H16L14.37,9.9L17.79,6L18.79,7.73L22.39,7.96L20.79,11.19L21.79,13Z",tA1="M18.11 14.91L8.2 5H10L12 2L14 5H16L14.37 9.9L17.79 6L18.79 7.73L22.39 7.96L20.79 11.19L21.79 13L18.11 14.91M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.45 7.34L5.21 7.77L1.61 8L3.21 11.27L2.21 13L8 16L7 18L11 17.25V21H13V17.25L15.91 17.8L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",vA1="M20.84 22.73L15.14 17.03C13.26 18.79 10.92 20 8 20C7.64 20 7.14 19.87 6.66 19.7L5.71 22L3.82 21.34C5.15 18.03 6.5 14.32 9.66 11.55L8.77 10.66C6.76 12.03 4.86 14.1 3.75 17.25C3.75 17.25 2 15.5 2 13.5C2 12 3.12 9.32 5.72 7.61L1.11 3L2.39 1.73C2.39 1.73 16.39 15.74 16.39 15.74L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17 8C15.35 8.37 13.93 8.88 12.7 9.5L17.5 14.29C20.87 9.35 22 3 22 3C21.03 4.95 14.35 5.24 9.38 6.18L12.15 8.95C14.81 8 17 8 17 8Z",lA1="M6,3H3V6A3,3 0 0,0 6,3M14,3H12A9,9 0 0,1 3,12V14C9.08,14 14,9.07 14,3M10,3H8A5,5 0 0,1 3,8V10A7,7 0 0,0 10,3M10,21H12A9,9 0 0,1 21,12V10A11,11 0 0,0 10,21M18,21H21V18A3,3 0 0,0 18,21M14,21H16A5,5 0 0,1 21,16V14A7,7 0 0,0 14,21Z",oA1="M10,3H8C8,3.37 7.96,3.72 7.88,4.06L9.47,5.65C9.81,4.84 10,3.94 10,3M3,4.27L5.84,7.11C5.03,7.67 4.06,8 3,8V10C4.61,10 6.09,9.45 7.27,8.54L8.7,9.97C7.14,11.24 5.16,12 3,12V14C5.71,14 8.19,13 10.11,11.38L12.61,13.88C11,15.81 10,18.29 10,21H12C12,18.84 12.76,16.86 14.03,15.31L15.46,16.74C14.55,17.91 14,19.39 14,21H16C16,19.94 16.33,18.97 16.89,18.16L19.73,21L21,19.73L4.27,3L3,4.27M14,3H12C12,4.5 11.63,5.91 11,7.16L12.44,8.62C13.42,7 14,5.06 14,3M19.94,16.12C20.28,16.04 20.63,16 21,16V14C20.06,14 19.16,14.19 18.34,14.5L19.94,16.12M15.38,11.56L16.84,13C18.09,12.37 19.5,12 21,12V10C18.94,10 17,10.58 15.38,11.56Z",nA1="M17 21V22H7V21H9V11H15V21H17M17.5 6C17.5 4.39 16.41 3.05 14.93 2.64C14.78 2.27 14.43 2 14 2C13.45 2 13 2.45 13 3C13 3.55 13.45 4 14 4C14.31 4 14.58 3.85 14.76 3.63C15.77 3.95 16.5 4.89 16.5 6H4L5 10H19L20 6H17.5Z",ZA1="M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",SA1="M11,0V4H13V0H11M18.3,2.29L15.24,5.29L16.64,6.71L19.7,3.71L18.3,2.29M5.71,2.29L4.29,3.71L7.29,6.71L8.71,5.29L5.71,2.29M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M2,9V11H6V9H2M18,9V11H22V9H18Z",uA1="M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10V15H10V10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8Z",cA1="M2.81,8.46L14.83,20.5L15.54,19.78L16.95,21.19L18.36,19.78L16.95,18.36L18.36,16.95L19.78,18.36L21.19,16.95L19.78,15.54L20.5,14.83L8.46,2.81L2.81,8.46M5.64,8.46L8.46,5.64L17.66,14.83L14.83,17.66L5.64,8.46M7.05,8.46L8.46,9.88L9.88,8.46L8.46,7.05L7.05,8.46M9.17,10.59L10.59,12L12,10.59L10.59,9.17L9.17,10.59M11.29,12.71L12.71,14.12L14.12,12.71L12.71,11.29L11.29,12.71M13.41,14.83L14.83,16.24L16.24,14.83L14.83,13.41L13.41,14.83Z",sA1="M2.95 3L2 6.91L19.34 11.25L20.29 7.34L2.95 3M6.09 6.89L4.16 6.41L4.64 4.46L6.57 4.94L6.09 6.89M9.94 7.86L8 7.38L8.5 5.42L10.42 5.91L9.94 7.86M13.8 8.82L11.87 8.34L12.35 6.39L14.27 6.87L13.8 8.82M17.65 9.79L15.72 9.31L16.2 7.35L18.13 7.84L17.65 9.79M4.66 12.75L3.71 16.66L21.05 21L22 17.1L4.66 12.75M7.8 16.65L5.88 16.16L6.35 14.21L8.28 14.69L7.8 16.65M11.65 17.61L9.73 17.13L10.2 15.18L12.13 15.66L11.65 17.61M15.5 18.58L13.58 18.09L14.06 16.14L16 16.62L15.5 18.58M19.36 19.54L17.43 19.06L17.91 17.11L19.84 17.59L19.36 19.54M6.25 12.11L11 10.2L17.75 11.89L13 13.8L6.25 12.11Z",OA1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.59 4.5L2 6.91L6.03 7.92L9.08 10.97L6.25 12.11L11.55 13.44L12.94 14.83L4.66 12.75L3.71 16.66L18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7.8 16.65L5.88 16.16L6.35 14.21L8.28 14.69L7.8 16.65M11.65 17.61L9.73 17.13L10.2 15.18L12.13 15.66L11.65 17.61M15.5 18.58L13.58 18.09L14.06 16.14L14.31 16.2L15.74 17.63L15.5 18.58M19.73 16.53L22 17.1L21.67 18.47L19.73 16.53M15.85 12.65L14.2 11L17.75 11.89L15.85 12.65M10.42 5.91L10.16 6.96L12.82 9.62L19.34 11.25L20.29 7.34L7.29 4.09L8.66 5.46L10.42 5.91M16.2 7.35L18.13 7.84L17.65 9.79L15.72 9.31L16.2 7.35M12.35 6.39L14.27 6.87L13.8 8.82L11.87 8.34L12.35 6.39Z",hA1="M12,3C10.05,3 8.43,4.4 8.08,6.25L16.82,15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3M3.28,4L2,5.27L8,11.27V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H11.73L13,16.27V21H15V18.27L18.73,22L20,20.72L15,15.72L8,8.72L3.28,4Z",pA1="M12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H13V21H15V15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3Z",fA1="M12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H13V21H15V15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7V12H10V7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5Z",gA1="M10 2V5.55L12 7.55L14 5.55V2H10M6.34 4L3.87 6.5L15 17.62V12.67L6.34 4M17.66 4L13.06 8.61L15.54 11.09L20.13 6.5L17.66 4M9 13.74V20A2 2 0 0 0 11 22H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 20V19.74L13 17.74V20H11V15.74L9 13.74Z",kA1="M18.5,4.14L19.5,5.86L8.97,12L19.5,18.14L18.5,19.86L5,12L18.5,4.14Z",BA1="M18.5,2.27L5,10.14L18.5,18L19.5,16.27L8.97,10.14L19.5,4L18.5,2.27M5,20V22H20V20H5Z",PA1="M12,8A3,3 0 0,0 15,5A3,3 0 0,0 12,2A3,3 0 0,0 9,5A3,3 0 0,0 12,8M12,11.54C9.64,9.35 6.5,8 3,8V19C6.5,19 9.64,20.35 12,22.54C14.36,20.35 17.5,19 21,19V8C17.5,8 14.36,9.35 12,11.54Z",wA1="M12 14.27L10.64 13C9.09 11.57 7.16 10.57 5 10.18V17.13C7.61 17.47 10 18.47 12 19.95C14 18.47 16.39 17.47 19 17.13V10.18C16.84 10.57 14.91 11.57 13.36 13M19 8.15C19.65 8.05 20.32 8 21 8V19C17.5 19 14.36 20.35 12 22.54C9.64 20.35 6.5 19 3 19V8C3.68 8 4.35 8.05 5 8.15C7.69 8.56 10.1 9.78 12 11.54C13.9 9.78 16.31 8.56 19 8.15M12 6C12.27 6 12.5 5.9 12.71 5.71C12.9 5.5 13 5.27 13 5S12.9 4.5 12.71 4.29C12.5 4.11 12.27 4 12 4S11.5 4.11 11.29 4.29C11.11 4.5 11 4.74 11 5S11.11 5.5 11.29 5.71C11.5 5.9 11.74 6 12 6M14.12 7.12C13.56 7.68 12.8 8 12 8S10.44 7.68 9.88 7.12C9.32 6.56 9 5.8 9 5S9.32 3.44 9.88 2.88C10.44 2.32 11.2 2 12 2S13.56 2.32 14.12 2.88 15 4.2 15 5 14.68 6.56 14.12 7.12Z",FA1="M19.5,9V1.5H16.5V9H13.5V1.5H10.5V9H7.5V1.5H4.65V9H3V10.5H21V9H19.5M19.5,13.5H16.5V21H13.5V13.5H10.5V21H7.5V13.5H4.65V21H3V22.5H21V21H19.5V13.5Z",TA1="M9 10A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 12 7A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 15 10A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 12 13A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 9 10M12 19L16 20V16.92A7.54 7.54 0 0 1 12 18A7.54 7.54 0 0 1 8 16.92V20M12 4A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 7.76 5.74A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 6 10A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 7.76 14.23A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 12 16A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 16.24 14.23A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 18 10A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 16.24 5.74A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 12 4M20 10A8.04 8.04 0 0 1 19.43 12.8A7.84 7.84 0 0 1 18 15.28V23L12 21L6 23V15.28A7.9 7.9 0 0 1 4 10A7.68 7.68 0 0 1 6.33 4.36A7.73 7.73 0 0 1 12 2A7.73 7.73 0 0 1 17.67 4.36A7.68 7.68 0 0 1 20 10Z",bA1="M19.79,15.41C20.74,13.24 20.74,10.75 19.79,8.59L17.05,9.83C17.65,11.21 17.65,12.78 17.06,14.17L19.79,15.41M15.42,4.21C13.25,3.26 10.76,3.26 8.59,4.21L9.83,6.94C11.22,6.35 12.79,6.35 14.18,6.95L15.42,4.21M4.21,8.58C3.26,10.76 3.26,13.24 4.21,15.42L6.95,14.17C6.35,12.79 6.35,11.21 6.95,9.82L4.21,8.58M8.59,19.79C10.76,20.74 13.25,20.74 15.42,19.78L14.18,17.05C12.8,17.65 11.22,17.65 9.84,17.06L8.59,19.79M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8Z",yA1="M8 11H2V9H8C8.55 9 9 9.45 9 10C9 10.55 8.55 11 8 11M14.87 4.35L14.5 5.27L8.18 4.86L6.9 8H8C9.1 8 10 8.9 10 10S9.1 12 8 12H5.27L4.41 14.12L9.21 18.24L8.83 19.16L10.69 19.92L16.72 5.1L14.87 4.35M20.81 6.29L21.57 8.14L19.26 9.1L18.5 7.25L20.81 6.29M18.78 13.57L21.55 14.72L20.79 16.57L18 15.42L18.78 13.57M16.15 21.23L14.3 22L13.34 19.69L15.19 18.93L16.15 21.23Z",RA1="M8 15H2V13H8C8.55 13 9 13.45 9 14C9 14.55 8.55 15 8 15M16.72 18.9L10.69 4.08L8.83 4.84L9.21 5.76L4.41 9.88L5.27 12H8C9.1 12 10 12.9 10 14S9.1 16 8 16H6.9L8.18 19.14L14.5 18.73L14.87 19.65L16.72 18.9M20.81 17.71L18.5 16.75L19.26 14.9L21.57 15.86L20.81 17.71M18.78 10.43L18 8.58L20.79 7.43L21.55 9.28L18.78 10.43M15.19 5.07L13.34 4.31L14.3 2L16.15 2.77L15.19 5.07Z",xA1="M12 7C6.5 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S6.5 18 12 18 22 15.54 22 12.5 17.5 7 12 7M16.5 10C16.5 10.4 14.9 11.54 12 11.54S7.5 10.4 7.5 10C7.5 9.91 7.65 9.74 7.9 9.55C9.06 9.21 10.44 9 12 9S14.94 9.21 16.1 9.55C16.35 9.74 16.5 9.91 16.5 10M12 16C7.12 16 4 13.93 4 12.5C4 11.81 4.73 11 6.03 10.29C6.3 11.83 8.87 13.04 12 13.04C15.13 13.04 17.7 11.83 17.97 10.29C19.27 11 20 11.81 20 12.5C20 13.93 16.88 16 12 16Z",DA1="M8 6V18H16V6H8M14 10H10V8H14V10M19.4 1.6C19 1.2 18.5 1 18 1H6C5.5 1 5 1.2 4.6 1.6C4.2 2 4 2.5 4 3V21C4 21.5 4.2 22 4.6 22.4C5 22.8 5.5 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 19 22.8 19.4 22.4C19.8 22 20 21.5 20 21V3C20 2.5 19.8 2 19.4 1.6M18 21H6V3H18V21Z",EA1="M19.4 1.6C19 1.2 18.5 1 18 1H6C5.5 1 5 1.2 4.6 1.6C4.2 2 4 2.5 4 3V21C4 21.5 4.2 22 4.6 22.4C5 22.8 5.5 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 19 22.8 19.4 22.4C19.8 22 20 21.5 20 21V3C20 2.5 19.8 2 19.4 1.6M18 21H6V3H18V21M8 6V18H16V6H8M15 17H9V7H15V17M10 14H14V16H10V14Z",NA1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,11.38 6.19,13.47 8,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V14.74C17.81,13.47 19,11.38 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2M9,21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,21V20H9V21Z",WA1="M10 2C6.1 2 3 5.1 3 9C3 11.4 4.2 13.5 6 14.7V17C6 17.6 6.4 18 7 18H13C13.6 18 14 17.6 14 17V14.7C15.8 13.4 17 11.3 17 9C17 5.1 13.9 2 10 2M7 21C7 21.6 7.4 22 8 22H12C12.6 22 13 21.6 13 21V20H7V21M19 12V7H21V13H19M19 17V15H21V17H19Z",IA1="M10 2C13.9 2 17 5.1 17 9C17 11.4 15.8 13.5 14 14.7V17C14 17.6 13.6 18 13 18H7C6.4 18 6 17.6 6 17V14.7C4.2 13.5 3 11.4 3 9C3 5.1 6.1 2 10 2M7 21V20H13V21C13 21.6 12.6 22 12 22H8C7.4 22 7 21.6 7 21M10 4C7.2 4 5 6.2 5 9C5 11.1 6.2 12.8 8 13.6V16H12V13.6C13.8 12.8 15 11.1 15 9C15 6.2 12.8 4 10 4M19 12V7H21V13H19M19 17V15H21V17H19Z",GA1="M9 2C5.13 2 2 5.13 2 9C2 11.38 3.19 13.47 5 14.74V17C5 17.55 5.45 18 6 18H12C12.55 18 13 17.55 13 17V14.74C14.81 13.47 16 11.38 16 9C16 5.13 12.87 2 9 2M6 21C6 21.55 6.45 22 7 22H11C11.55 22 12 21.55 12 21V20H6V21M19 13H17L13.8 22H15.7L16.4 20H19.6L20.3 22H22.2L19 13M16.85 18.65L18 15L19.15 18.65H16.85Z",QA1="M9 2C12.87 2 16 5.13 16 9C16 11.38 14.81 13.47 13 14.74V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18H6C5.45 18 5 17.55 5 17V14.74C3.19 13.47 2 11.38 2 9C2 5.13 5.13 2 9 2M6 21V20H12V21C12 21.55 11.55 22 11 22H7C6.45 22 6 21.55 6 21M9 4C6.24 4 4 6.24 4 9C4 11.05 5.23 12.81 7 13.58V16H11V13.58C12.77 12.81 14 11.05 14 9C14 6.24 11.76 4 9 4M19 13H17L13.8 22H15.7L16.4 20H19.6L20.3 22H22.2L19 13M16.85 18.65L18 15L19.15 18.65H16.85Z",UA1="M10.5 2C11.88 2 13 3.12 13 4.5V14H14V4.47C14 3.56 13.63 2.7 13 2.05C13.17 2 13.33 2 13.5 2C14.88 2 16 3.12 16 4.5V14H17V17C17 17.55 16.55 18 16 18H8C7.45 18 7 17.55 7 17V14H8V4.5C8 3.12 9.12 2 10.5 2M10.5 4C10.22 4 10 4.22 10 4.5V14H11V4.5C11 4.22 10.78 4 10.5 4M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20Z",zA1="M14 4.47C14 3.56 13.63 2.7 13 2.05C13.17 2 13.33 2 13.5 2C14.88 2 16 3.12 16 4.5V14H17V15.18L14 12.18V4.5L14 4.47M10 4.5C10 4.22 10.22 4 10.5 4S11 4.22 11 4.5V9.18L13 11.18V4.5C13 3.12 11.88 2 10.5 2S8 3.12 8 4.5V6.18L10 8.18V4.5M9 21C9 21.55 9.45 22 10 22H14C14.55 22 15 21.55 15 21V20H9V21M20 20.72L18.73 22L14.73 18H8C7.45 18 7 17.55 7 17V14H8V11.27L2 5.27L3.28 4L20 20.72Z",_A1="M11 2C10.84 2 10.69 2.03 10.55 2.1L8.55 3.1C7.56 3.66 8 5 9 5C9.16 5 9.32 4.95 9.45 4.9L11.45 3.9C12.43 3.36 12 2 11 2M15 4C14.83 4 14.69 4.03 14.55 4.1L8.55 7.1C7.56 7.68 8 9 9 9C9.18 9 9.32 8.95 9.45 8.9L15.45 5.9C16.41 5.43 16 4 15 4M15 8C14.84 8 14.69 8.03 14.55 8.1L8.7 11.03C8.2 11.25 8 11.6 8 12V14H7V17C7 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11.31C1.85 9.27 3.25 7.5 5.2 7.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15 6C13.22 4.67 10.86 4.72 9.13 5.93L16.08 12.88C17.63 10.67 17.17 7.63 15 6M19.79 16.59C19.91 16.42 20 16.22 20 16V14.45C21.91 13.34 22.57 10.9 21.46 9C20.8 7.85 19.63 7.11 18.32 7C18.77 7.94 19 8.96 19 10C19 11.57 18.47 13.09 17.5 14.31L19.79 16.59M10 19C10 19.55 10.45 20 11 20H13C13.55 20 14 19.55 14 19V18H10V19M7 18H5V19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H7.17C7.06 19.68 7 19.34 7 19V18Z",YA1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.2 7.09C3.25 7.5 1.85 9.27 2 11.31C2.12 12.62 2.86 13.79 4 14.45V16C4 16.55 4.45 17 5 17H7V14.88C5.72 13.58 5 11.83 5 10C5 9.11 5.18 8.23 5.5 7.4L7.12 9C6.74 10.84 7.4 12.8 9 14V16C9 16.55 9.45 17 10 17H14C14.31 17 14.57 16.86 14.75 16.64L17 18.89V19C17 19.34 16.94 19.68 16.83 20H18C18.03 20 18.06 20 18.09 20L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M9.23 11.12L10.87 12.76C10.11 12.46 9.53 11.86 9.23 11.12M13 15H11V12.89L13 14.89V15M10.57 7.37L9.13 5.93C10.86 4.72 13.22 4.67 15 6C16.26 6.94 17 8.43 17 10C17 11.05 16.67 12.05 16.08 12.88L14.63 11.43C14.86 11 15 10.5 15 10C15 8.34 13.67 7 12 7C11.5 7 11 7.14 10.57 7.37M17.5 14.31C18.47 13.09 19 11.57 19 10C19 8.96 18.77 7.94 18.32 7C19.63 7.11 20.8 7.85 21.46 9C22.57 10.9 21.91 13.34 20 14.45V16C20 16.22 19.91 16.42 19.79 16.59L17.5 14.31M10 18H14V19C14 19.55 13.55 20 13 20H11C10.45 20 10 19.55 10 19V18M7 19C7 19.34 7.06 19.68 7.17 20H6C5.45 20 5 19.55 5 19V18H7V19Z",JA1="M7 19A2.93 2.93 0 0 0 7.17 20H6A1 1 0 0 1 5 19V18H7M10 19A1 1 0 0 0 11 20H13A1 1 0 0 0 14 19V18H10M4 16A1 1 0 0 0 5 17H7V14.88A6.92 6.92 0 0 1 5 10A6.79 6.79 0 0 1 5.68 7A4 4 0 0 0 4 14.45M17 19A2.93 2.93 0 0 1 16.83 20H18A1 1 0 0 0 19 19V18H17M17 10A5 5 0 0 1 15 14V16A1 1 0 0 1 14 17H10A1 1 0 0 1 9 16V14A5 5 0 1 1 17 10M15 10A3 3 0 1 0 11 12.82V15H13V12.82A3 3 0 0 0 15 10M18.32 7A6.79 6.79 0 0 1 19 10A6.92 6.92 0 0 1 17 14.88V17H19A1 1 0 0 0 20 16V14.45A4 4 0 0 0 18.32 7Z",Ci1="M17 16V18C17 18.55 16.53 19 16 19H12C11.42 19 11 18.55 11 18V16C8.77 14.34 8.32 11.21 10 9S14.77 6.34 17 8 19.63 12.79 18 15C17.69 15.38 17.35 15.72 17 16M16 20H12V21C12 21.55 12.42 22 13 22H15C15.53 22 16 21.55 16 21M7.66 15H7V16C7 16.55 7.42 17 8 17H9V16.88C8.44 16.33 8 15.7 7.66 15M13.58 5C12.46 2.47 9.5 1.33 7 2.45S3.31 6.5 4.43 9.04C4.77 9.81 5.3 10.5 6 11V13C6 13.55 6.42 14 7 14H7.28C7.07 13.35 6.97 12.68 7 12C6.97 8.29 9.87 5.21 13.58 5Z",Hi1="M20.84 22.73L16.74 18.63C16.55 18.85 16.29 19 16 19H12C11.42 19 11 18.55 11 18V16C9.37 14.8 8.71 12.82 9.1 11L7.5 9.39C7.17 10.2 6.97 11.08 7 12C6.97 12.68 7.07 13.35 7.28 14H7C6.42 14 6 13.55 6 13V11C5.3 10.5 4.77 9.81 4.43 9.04C4 8.05 3.91 7 4.12 6L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M13.58 5C12.46 2.47 9.5 1.33 7 2.45C6.68 2.58 6.39 2.75 6.13 2.93L9.67 6.47C10.76 5.63 12.1 5.08 13.58 5M18.06 14.86C19.6 12.66 19.14 9.62 17 8C15.2 6.67 12.84 6.72 11.12 7.92L18.06 14.86M12 21C12 21.55 12.42 22 13 22H15C15.53 22 16 21.55 16 21V20H12V21M7 15V16C7 16.55 7.42 17 8 17H9V16.88C8.43 16.33 8 15.7 7.66 15H7Z",Vi1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.14 6.03C3.93 7 4 8.05 4.45 9.04C4.79 9.81 5.33 10.5 6 11V13C6 13.55 6.45 14 7 14H7.3C7.1 13.35 7 12.68 7 12C7 11.08 7.19 10.21 7.5 9.41L9.11 11C9.05 11.33 9 11.66 9 12C9 13.57 9.74 15.06 11 16V18C11 18.55 11.45 19 12 19H16C16.31 19 16.57 18.86 16.75 18.64L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11.23 13.12L12.87 14.76C12.1 14.44 11.53 13.85 11.23 13.12M15 17H13V14.89L15 16.89V17M9.69 6.5L6.14 2.94C6.41 2.75 6.7 2.58 7 2.44C9.53 1.33 12.5 2.47 13.6 5C12.12 5.09 10.77 5.63 9.69 6.5M11.12 7.92C11.94 7.35 12.93 7 14 7C15.57 7 17.06 7.74 18 9C19.33 10.78 19.28 13.14 18.07 14.87L16.62 13.42C16.7 13.28 16.77 13.14 16.83 13C17.38 11.43 16.56 9.72 15 9.16C14.16 8.87 13.29 8.97 12.57 9.37L11.12 7.92M7.68 15C8 15.7 8.46 16.33 9 16.88V17H8C7.45 17 7 16.55 7 16V15H7.68M12 20H16V21C16 21.55 15.55 22 15 22H13C12.45 22 12 21.55 12 21V20Z",Li1="M12 21C12 21.55 12.45 22 13 22H15C15.55 22 16 21.55 16 21V20H12M14 7C11.24 7 9 9.24 9 12C9 13.57 9.74 15.06 11 16V18C11 18.55 11.45 19 12 19H16C16.55 19 17 18.55 17 18V16C19.21 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17,9C17,10.68 16.16,12.16 14.89,13.06L16.31,14.5C17.94,13.21 19,11.24 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2M3.28,4L2,5.27L5.04,8.3C5,8.53 5,8.76 5,9C5,11.38 6.19,13.47 8,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18H14.73L18.73,22L20,20.72L3.28,4M7.23,10.5L12.73,16H10V13.58C8.68,13 7.66,11.88 7.23,10.5M9,20V21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,21V20H9Z",ai1="M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.22 16.79,16.16 15,17.2V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V17.2C7.21,16.16 6,14.22 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M14,21V22A1,1 0 0,1 13,23H11A1,1 0 0,1 10,22V21H14M20,11H23V13H20V11M1,11H4V13H1V11M13,1V4H11V1H13M4.92,3.5L7.05,5.64L5.63,7.05L3.5,4.93L4.92,3.5M16.95,5.63L19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L18.37,7.05L16.95,5.63Z",ei1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M11 1H13V4H11V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M12 6C8.7 6 6 8.7 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.2 9 17.2V19C9 19.6 9.4 20 10 20H14C14.6 20 15 19.6 15 19V17.2C16.8 16.2 18 14.2 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6M13 15.9V17H11V15.9C9.3 15.5 8 13.9 8 12C8 9.8 9.8 8 12 8S16 9.8 16 12C16 13.9 14.7 15.4 13 15.9M20 11H23V13H20V11Z",di1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12 9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12Z",mi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12C8 13.2 8.54 14.27 9.38 15H14.62C15.46 14.27 16 13.2 16 12M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",ti1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M13 1H11V4H13V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12C8 12.74 8.22 13.41 8.57 14H15.43C15.78 13.41 16 12.74 16 12Z",vi1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M13 1H11V4H13V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8 12C8 12.35 8.05 12.68 8.14 13H15.86C15.95 12.68 16 12.35 16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12Z",li1="M10 21H14V22C14 22.6 13.6 23 13 23H11C10.4 23 10 22.6 10 22V21M1 13H4V11H1V13M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8 12H16C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",oi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M13 1H11V4H13V1M1 13H4V11H1V13M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8.14 11H15.86C15.41 9.28 13.86 8 12 8S8.59 9.28 8.14 11M20 11V13H23V11H20Z",ni1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8.56 10H15.44C14.75 8.81 13.5 8 12 8S9.25 8.81 8.56 10Z",Zi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M12 8C11 8 10.09 8.38 9.39 9H14.61C13.91 8.38 13 8 12 8Z",Si1="M20,11H23V13H20V11M1,11H4V13H1V11M13,1V4H11V1H13M4.92,3.5L7.05,5.64L5.63,7.05L3.5,4.93L4.92,3.5M16.95,5.63L19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L18.37,7.05L16.95,5.63M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.22 16.79,16.16 15,17.2V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V17.2C7.21,16.16 6,14.22 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M14,21V22A1,1 0 0,1 13,23H11A1,1 0 0,1 10,22V21H14M11,18H13V15.87C14.73,15.43 16,13.86 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.86 9.27,15.43 11,15.87V18Z",ui1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,11.38 17.81,13.47 16,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,17V14.74C6.19,13.47 5,11.38 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M9,21V20H15V21A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,21M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,11.05 8.23,12.81 10,13.58V16H14V13.58C15.77,12.81 17,11.05 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4Z",ci1="M8 2C4.1 2 1 5.1 1 9C1 11.4 2.2 13.5 4 14.7V17C4 17.6 4.4 18 5 18H11C11.6 18 12 17.6 12 17V14.7C13.8 13.4 15 11.3 15 9C15 5.1 11.9 2 8 2M5 21C5 21.6 5.4 22 6 22H10C10.6 22 11 21.6 11 21V20H5V21M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.3 18.3 6 20 6S23 7.3 23 9C23 10 22.5 10.9 21.7 11.4L21.4 11.6C20.8 12 20.5 12.6 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.1 19.6 11 20.6 10.4L20.9 10.2C21.3 9.9 21.5 9.5 21.5 9C21.5 8.2 20.8 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.2 18.5 9V9.5Z",si1="M8 2C11.9 2 15 5.1 15 9C15 11.4 13.8 13.5 12 14.7V17C12 17.6 11.6 18 11 18H5C4.4 18 4 17.6 4 17V14.7C2.2 13.5 1 11.4 1 9C1 5.1 4.1 2 8 2M5 21V20H11V21C11 21.6 10.6 22 10 22H6C5.4 22 5 21.6 5 21M8 4C5.2 4 3 6.2 3 9C3 11.1 4.2 12.8 6 13.6V16H10V13.6C11.8 12.8 13 11.1 13 9C13 6.2 10.8 4 8 4M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.3 18.3 6 20 6S23 7.3 23 9C23 10 22.5 10.9 21.7 11.4L21.4 11.6C20.8 12 20.5 12.6 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.1 19.6 11 20.6 10.4L20.9 10.2C21.3 9.9 21.5 9.5 21.5 9C21.5 8.2 20.8 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.2 18.5 9V9.5Z",Oi1="M9 19H11V22H9L9 19M13 22H15V19H13V22M2 2V4H22V2H2M9 14L9 17H15V14C17.5 12.57 20 11 20 6H4C4 11 6.5 12.57 9 14Z",hi1="M20.84 22.73L15.11 17H9L9 14C6.5 12.57 4 11 4 6V5.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M22 4V2H5.2L7.2 4H22M20 6H9.2L16.37 13.17C18.33 11.87 20 10.07 20 6M13 22H15V19H13V22M9 22H11V19H9L9 22Z",pi1="M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20M19 9C19 11.38 17.81 13.47 16 14.74V17C16 17.55 15.55 18 15 18H9C8.45 18 8 17.55 8 17V14.74C6.19 13.47 5 11.38 5 9C5 5.13 8.13 2 12 2S19 5.13 19 9M14.71 8.29C14.32 7.9 13.68 7.9 13.29 8.29L12 9.59L10.71 8.29C10.32 7.9 9.68 7.9 9.29 8.29C8.9 8.68 8.9 9.32 9.29 9.71L11 11.41V16H13V11.41L14.71 9.71C15.1 9.32 15.1 8.68 14.71 8.29Z",fi1="M12 2C8.13 2 5 5.13 5 9C5 11.38 6.19 13.47 8 14.74V17C8 17.55 8.45 18 9 18H15C15.55 18 16 17.55 16 17V14.74C17.81 13.47 19 11.38 19 9C19 5.13 15.87 2 12 2M14 13.58V16H13V11.41L14.71 9.71C15.1 9.32 15.1 8.68 14.71 8.29C14.32 7.9 13.68 7.9 13.29 8.29L12 9.59L10.71 8.29C10.32 7.9 9.68 7.9 9.29 8.29C8.9 8.68 8.9 9.32 9.29 9.71L11 11.41V16H10V13.58C8.23 12.81 7 11.05 7 9C7 6.24 9.24 4 12 4S17 6.24 17 9C17 11.05 15.77 12.81 14 13.58M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20Z",gi1="M8,10V8H9V4H8V3L12,1L16,3V4H15V8H16V10H14.74L8.44,13.64L9,10H8M13,8V4H11V8H13M7,23L7.04,22.76L16.15,17.5L16.67,20.88L13,23H7M8.05,16.17L15.31,12L15.83,15.37L7.43,20.22L8.05,16.17Z",ki1="M1,10V2L10,5V7L1,10M8,10V8H13V4H8V3L12,1L16,3V4H15V8H16V10H14.74L8.44,13.64L9,10H8M7,23L7.04,22.76L16.15,17.5L16.67,20.88L13,23H7M8.05,16.17L15.31,12L15.83,15.37L7.43,20.22L8.05,16.17Z",Bi1="M11 15H6L13 1V9H18L11 23V15Z",Pi1="M11.5,20L16.36,10.27H13V4L8,13.73H11.5V20M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",wi1="M11 9.47V11H14.76L13 14.53V13H9.24L11 9.47M13 1L6 15H11V23L18 9H13V1Z",Fi1="M17 22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22 20.9 21.8 21.2 21.5 21.5C21.2 21.8 20.8 22 20.5 22H17M7 22H3.5C3.1 22 2.8 21.8 2.5 21.5C2.2 21.2 2 20.8 2 20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17 2H20.5C20.9 2 21.2 2.2 21.5 2.5C21.8 2.8 22 3.1 22 3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7 2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2 3.1 2.2 2.8 2.5 2.5S3.1 2 3.5 2H7M19 11H5V13H19V11Z",Ti1="M22 7H20V2H18V4.34L12 6.91L6 4.34V2H4V7H2V9H4.05C4.3 11.25 6.19 13 8.5 13C9.92 13 11.18 12.33 12 11.3C12.83 12.33 14.08 13 15.5 13C17.81 13 19.7 11.25 19.95 9H22V7M8.5 11C7.12 11 6 9.88 6 8.5V6.5L11 8.65C10.9 9.96 9.83 11 8.5 11M18 8.5C18 9.88 16.88 11 15.5 11C14.17 11 13.1 9.96 13 8.65L18 6.5V8.5M2 15V17H3C5.97 17 8.43 19.17 8.91 22H15.09C15.57 19.17 18.03 17 21 17H22V15H2M13.59 20H10.41C9.94 18.84 9.21 17.82 8.29 17H15.71C14.79 17.82 14.06 18.84 13.59 20Z",bi1="M3.9,12C3.9,10.29 5.29,8.9 7,8.9H11V7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H11V15.1H7C5.29,15.1 3.9,13.71 3.9,12M8,13H16V11H8V13M17,7H13V8.9H17C18.71,8.9 20.1,10.29 20.1,12C20.1,13.71 18.71,15.1 17,15.1H13V17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7Z",yi1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,16H10C8.39,16 6,14.94 6,12C6,9.07 8.39,8 10,8H11V10H10C9.54,10 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.9 9.67,14 10,14H11V16M15,11V13H9V11H15M14,16H13V14H14C14.46,14 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.1 14.33,10 14,10H13V8H14C15.61,8 18,9.07 18,12C18,14.94 15.61,16 14,16Z",Ri1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M11,16H10C8.39,16 6,14.94 6,12C6,9.07 8.39,8 10,8H11V10H10C9.54,10 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.9 9.67,14 10,14H11V16M14,16H13V14H14C14.46,14 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.1 14.33,10 14,10H13V8H14C15.61,8 18,9.07 18,12C18,14.94 15.61,16 14,16M15,13H9V11H15V13Z",xi1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13.94,14.81L11.73,17C11.08,17.67 10.22,18 9.36,18C8.5,18 7.64,17.67 7,17C5.67,15.71 5.67,13.58 7,12.26L8.35,10.9L8.34,11.5C8.33,12 8.41,12.5 8.57,12.94L8.62,13.09L8.22,13.5C7.91,13.8 7.74,14.21 7.74,14.64C7.74,15.07 7.91,15.47 8.22,15.78C8.83,16.4 9.89,16.4 10.5,15.78L12.7,13.59C13,13.28 13.18,12.87 13.18,12.44C13.18,12 13,11.61 12.7,11.3C12.53,11.14 12.44,10.92 12.44,10.68C12.44,10.45 12.53,10.23 12.7,10.06C13.03,9.73 13.61,9.74 13.94,10.06C14.57,10.7 14.92,11.54 14.92,12.44C14.92,13.34 14.57,14.18 13.94,14.81M17,11.74L15.66,13.1V12.5C15.67,12 15.59,11.5 15.43,11.06L15.38,10.92L15.78,10.5C16.09,10.2 16.26,9.79 16.26,9.36C16.26,8.93 16.09,8.53 15.78,8.22C15.17,7.6 14.1,7.61 13.5,8.22L11.3,10.42C11,10.72 10.82,11.13 10.82,11.56C10.82,12 11,12.39 11.3,12.7C11.47,12.86 11.56,13.08 11.56,13.32C11.56,13.56 11.47,13.78 11.3,13.94C11.13,14.11 10.91,14.19 10.68,14.19C10.46,14.19 10.23,14.11 10.06,13.94C8.75,12.63 8.75,10.5 10.06,9.19L12.27,7C13.58,5.67 15.71,5.68 17,7C17.65,7.62 18,8.46 18,9.36C18,10.26 17.65,11.1 17,11.74Z",Di1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M13.94,10.06C14.57,10.7 14.92,11.54 14.92,12.44C14.92,13.34 14.57,14.18 13.94,14.81L11.73,17C11.08,17.67 10.22,18 9.36,18C8.5,18 7.64,17.67 7,17C5.67,15.71 5.67,13.58 7,12.26L8.35,10.9L8.34,11.5C8.33,12 8.41,12.5 8.57,12.94L8.62,13.09L8.22,13.5C7.91,13.8 7.74,14.21 7.74,14.64C7.74,15.07 7.91,15.47 8.22,15.78C8.83,16.4 9.89,16.4 10.5,15.78L12.7,13.59C13,13.28 13.18,12.87 13.18,12.44C13.18,12 13,11.61 12.7,11.3C12.53,11.14 12.44,10.92 12.44,10.68C12.44,10.45 12.53,10.23 12.7,10.06C13.03,9.73 13.61,9.74 13.94,10.06M18,9.36C18,10.26 17.65,11.1 17,11.74L15.66,13.1V12.5C15.67,12 15.59,11.5 15.43,11.06L15.38,10.92L15.78,10.5C16.09,10.2 16.26,9.79 16.26,9.36C16.26,8.93 16.09,8.53 15.78,8.22C15.17,7.6 14.1,7.61 13.5,8.22L11.3,10.42C11,10.72 10.82,11.13 10.82,11.56C10.82,12 11,12.39 11.3,12.7C11.47,12.86 11.56,13.08 11.56,13.32C11.56,13.56 11.47,13.78 11.3,13.94C11.13,14.11 10.91,14.19 10.68,14.19C10.46,14.19 10.23,14.11 10.06,13.94C8.75,12.63 8.75,10.5 10.06,9.19L12.27,7C13.58,5.67 15.71,5.68 17,7C17.65,7.62 18,8.46 18,9.36Z",Ei1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M10 16H11V14H10C9.67 14 8 13.9 8 12C8 10.17 9.54 10 10 10H11V8H10C8.39 8 6 9.07 6 12C6 14.94 8.39 16 10 16M13 16H14C15.61 16 18 14.94 18 12C18 9.07 15.61 8 14 8H13V10H14C14.33 10 16 10.1 16 12C16 13.83 14.46 14 14 14H13V16M9 13H15V11H9V13Z",Ni1="M10 16H11V14H10C9.67 14 8 13.9 8 12C8 10.17 9.54 10 10 10H11V8H10C8.39 8 6 9.07 6 12C6 14.94 8.39 16 10 16M13 16H14C15.61 16 18 14.94 18 12C18 9.07 15.61 8 14 8H13V10H14C14.33 10 16 10.1 16 12C16 13.83 14.46 14 14 14H13V16M9 13H15V11H9V13M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",Wi1="M13 22V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.88L15.04 22H13M21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15M20.54 8.46C20.73 8.65 20.9 8.86 21.06 9.08L19.68 10.45C19.15 9.5 18.15 8.9 17 8.9H13V7H17C18.33 7 19.6 7.53 20.54 8.46M3.9 12C3.9 10.29 5.29 8.9 7 8.9H11V7H7C5.67 7 4.4 7.53 3.46 8.46C2.53 9.4 2 10.67 2 12C2 13.33 2.53 14.6 3.46 15.54C4.4 16.47 5.67 17 7 17H11V15.1H7C5.29 15.1 3.9 13.71 3.9 12M8 13H16V11H8V13Z",Ii1="M23 16V15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 15.5V16A1 1 0 0 0 17 17V21A1 1 0 0 0 18 22H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 21V17A1 1 0 0 0 23 16M22 16H19V15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 15.5M7 8.9H11V7H7A5 5 0 0 0 7 17H11V15.1H7A3.1 3.1 0 0 1 7 8.9M8 11V13H16V11M13 15.1V17H15V15.1M17 7H13V8.9H17A3.09 3.09 0 0 1 19.94 11A5.12 5.12 0 0 1 20.5 11H21.9A5 5 0 0 0 17 7Z",Gi1="M17,7H13V8.9H17C18.71,8.9 20.1,10.29 20.1,12C20.1,13.43 19.12,14.63 17.79,15L19.25,16.44C20.88,15.61 22,13.95 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M16,11H13.81L15.81,13H16V11M2,4.27L5.11,7.38C3.29,8.12 2,9.91 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H11V15.1H7C5.29,15.1 3.9,13.71 3.9,12C3.9,10.41 5.11,9.1 6.66,8.93L8.73,11H8V13H10.73L13,15.27V17H14.73L18.74,21L20,19.74L3.27,3L2,4.27Z",Qi1="M7,7H11V9H7A3,3 0 0,0 4,12A3,3 0 0,0 7,15H11V17H7A5,5 0 0,1 2,12A5,5 0 0,1 7,7M17,7A5,5 0 0,1 22,12H20A3,3 0 0,0 17,9H13V7H17M8,11H16V13H8V11M17,12H19V15H22V17H19V20H17V17H14V15H17V12Z",Ui1="M10.59,13.41C11,13.8 11,14.44 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C7.22,12.88 7.22,9.71 9.17,7.76V7.76L12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.59,9.17C9.41,10.34 9.41,12.24 10.59,13.41M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.78,11.12 16.78,14.29 14.83,16.24V16.24L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L13.41,14.83C14.59,13.66 14.59,11.76 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z",zi1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M23 18V20H15V18M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7Z",_i1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L13.9,17.17L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L12.5,15.76L10.88,14.15C10.87,14.39 10.77,14.64 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C8.12,13.77 7.63,12.37 7.72,11L2,5.27M12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.79,8.97L9.38,7.55L12.71,4.22M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.2,10.54 16.61,12.5 16.06,14.23L14.28,12.46C14.23,11.78 13.94,11.11 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z",Ki1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7Z",ji1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9Z",qi1="M19 3A2 2 0 0 1 21 5V19A2 2 0 0 1 19 21H5A2 2 0 0 1 3 19V5A2 2 0 0 1 5 3H19M18.5 18.5V13.2A3.26 3.26 0 0 0 15.24 9.94C14.39 9.94 13.4 10.46 12.92 11.24V10.13H10.13V18.5H12.92V13.57C12.92 12.8 13.54 12.17 14.31 12.17A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 15.71 13.57V18.5H18.5M6.88 8.56A1.68 1.68 0 0 0 8.56 6.88C8.56 5.95 7.81 5.19 6.88 5.19A1.69 1.69 0 0 0 5.19 6.88C5.19 7.81 5.95 8.56 6.88 8.56M8.27 18.5V10.13H5.5V18.5H8.27Z",$i1="M14.62,8.35C14.2,8.63 12.87,9.39 12.67,9.54C12.28,9.85 11.92,9.83 11.53,9.53C11.33,9.37 10,8.61 9.58,8.34C9.1,8.03 9.13,7.64 9.66,7.42C11.3,6.73 12.94,6.78 14.57,7.45C15.06,7.66 15.08,8.05 14.62,8.35M21.84,15.63C20.91,13.54 19.64,11.64 18,9.97C17.47,9.42 17.14,8.8 16.94,8.09C16.84,7.76 16.77,7.42 16.7,7.08C16.5,6.2 16.41,5.3 16,4.47C15.27,2.89 14,2.07 12.16,2C10.35,2.05 9,2.81 8.21,4.4C8,4.83 7.85,5.28 7.75,5.74C7.58,6.5 7.43,7.29 7.25,8.06C7.1,8.71 6.8,9.27 6.29,9.77C4.68,11.34 3.39,13.14 2.41,15.12C2.27,15.41 2.13,15.7 2.04,16C1.85,16.66 2.33,17.12 3.03,16.96C3.47,16.87 3.91,16.78 4.33,16.65C4.74,16.5 4.9,16.6 5,17C5.65,19.15 7.07,20.66 9.24,21.5C13.36,23.06 18.17,20.84 19.21,16.92C19.28,16.65 19.38,16.55 19.68,16.65C20.14,16.79 20.61,16.89 21.08,17C21.57,17.09 21.93,16.84 22,16.36C22.03,16.1 21.94,15.87 21.84,15.63",Xi1="M2,3.23V6.8H3.5C4.59,6.8 4.78,7.53 4.78,8.55V14.86C4.78,18.12 7.65,20.77 11.18,20.77H19.9C21,20.77 22,20.07 22,19V9.2C22,5.93 19.13,3.28 15.6,3.28H11.93V3.27L2,3.23V3.23M6.62,5.46H8.37V14.45C8.37,15.65 9.19,16.59 10.16,16.59L16.13,16.61C17.38,16.61 18.35,15.75 18.35,14.73L18.34,9.96C18.34,9.65 18.24,9.41 18,9.19C17.79,8.96 17.56,8.86 17.25,8.86C16.94,8.86 16.71,8.96 16.5,9.19C16.27,9.41 16.16,9.65 16.16,9.96V14.05H14.31V9.96C14.31,9.65 14.21,9.41 14,9.19C13.77,8.96 13.54,8.86 13.22,8.86C12.92,8.86 12.68,8.96 12.46,9.19C12.24,9.41 12.14,9.65 12.14,9.96V14.05H10.29V9.96C10.29,9.15 10.58,8.44 11.15,7.86C11.72,7.29 12.43,7 13.22,7C14,7 14.68,7.28 15.24,7.82C15.79,7.28 16.47,7 17.25,7C18.05,7 18.76,7.29 19.32,7.86C19.89,8.44 20.19,9.15 20.19,9.96L20.2,15.06C20.11,15.91 19.75,16.67 19.13,17.31V17.31C18.4,18.04 17.5,18.42 16.5,18.42H9.83C9,18.34 8.29,17.95 7.69,17.36C7,16.65 6.62,15.79 6.62,14.79V5.46H6.62Z",Yi1="M9 23C8.45 23 8 22.55 8 22V13C8 12.45 8.45 12 9 12H15C15.55 12 16 12.45 16 13V22C16 22.55 15.55 23 15 23H9M10 11C9.45 11 9 10.55 9 10V5.25C9 5.25 11 3 11.75 1C12.83 1.67 13.92 2.33 14.46 3.83C15 5.33 15 7.67 15 10C15 10.55 14.55 11 14 11H10Z",Ji1="M18.14 16.7C17.23 18.21 16.08 17.73 15 17.09S12.9 15.68 12.25 16.59C11.54 17.37 12.09 18.62 12.37 19.72C12.65 20.83 12.67 21.79 10.9 22C9.5 21.81 9.58 20.65 9.81 19.42C10.04 18.19 10.4 16.89 9.5 16.43C8.78 15.95 8.28 16.78 7.65 17.6C7 18.41 6.26 19.2 5.04 18.62C3.94 17.71 4.36 17.18 4.94 16.5S6.27 14.91 5.84 13.31C5.66 12.66 4.76 12.81 3.87 12.79C3 12.77 2.12 12.59 2.03 11.29C1.96 10.5 2.55 10.18 3.16 9.93C3.78 9.68 4.41 9.5 4.42 8.87C4.45 8.26 4.04 7.83 3.78 7.38S3.41 6.46 4.03 5.76C5.08 4.9 5.92 5.63 6.76 6.42S8.43 8.04 9.46 7.39C10.28 6.85 9.53 5.9 8.95 4.97S7.96 3.15 9.46 2.74C10.76 2.38 11.26 3.27 11.71 4.3C12.17 5.33 12.57 6.5 13.67 6.71C15.24 7 16.38 5.16 17.47 3.7S19.63 1.15 21 2.95C22.5 4.84 21.07 5.72 19.4 6.5C17.73 7.23 15.81 7.87 16.27 9.28C16.54 10.1 17.42 9.65 18.35 9.34C19.27 9.03 20.26 8.86 20.74 10.27C21.25 11.76 20.04 12.1 18.68 12.24C17.32 12.38 15.8 12.32 15.7 13C15.59 13.71 16.5 14 17.29 14.42C18.08 14.85 18.75 15.42 18.14 16.7M20.5 19C19.55 19 19.06 18.26 19.06 17.5C19.06 16.74 19.54 16 20.5 16C21.5 16 22 16.74 22 17.5C22 18.26 21.5 19 20.5 19Z",Cr1="M3 14C3 15.3 3.8 16.4 5 16.8V20H3V22H9V20H7V16.8C8.2 16.4 9 15.3 9 14V6H3V14M5 8H7V11H5V8M20.6 8.5L19.6 8.2C19.3 8.1 19 7.7 19 7.3V3C19 2.5 18.5 2 18 2H15C14.4 2 14 2.5 14 3V7.3C14 7.7 13.7 8.1 13.3 8.3L12.4 8.6C11.6 8.9 11 9.6 11 10.5V20C11 21.1 11.9 22 13 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V10.4C22 9.6 21.5 8.8 20.6 8.5M16 4H17V5H16V4M13 10.4L13.9 10.1C15.2 9.7 16 8.6 16 7.3V7H17V7.3C17 8.6 17.8 9.7 19 10.1L20 10.4V12H13V10.4M20 20H13V18H20V20Z",Hr1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7 7H9V9H7V7M7 11H9V13H7V11M7 15H9V17H7V15M17 17H11V15H17V17M17 13H11V11H17V13M17 9H11V7H17V9Z",Vr1="M11 15H17V17H11V15M9 7H7V9H9V7M11 13H17V11H11V13M11 9H17V7H11V9M9 11H7V13H9V11M21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5M19 5H5V19H19V5M9 15H7V17H9V15Z",Lr1="M16.5 11L13 7.5L14.4 6.1L16.5 8.2L20.7 4L22.1 5.4L16.5 11M11 7H2V9H11V7M21 13.4L19.6 12L17 14.6L14.4 12L13 13.4L15.6 16L13 18.6L14.4 20L17 17.4L19.6 20L21 18.6L18.4 16L21 13.4M11 15H2V17H11V15Z",Mr1="M12.55,15.92L13.16,13.78L14.81,13.19L16.25,7.63L14.56,8.31L16.25,2H8L5.38,11.77L3.72,12.34L2.22,17.91L4,17.27L2.66,22H20.16L21.78,15.92H12.55M19.39,21H4L5.46,15.65L3.72,16.3L4.58,13.11L6.24,12.54L8.74,3H15L13.13,10L14.83,9.3L14,12.42L12.33,13L11.22,16.91H20.5L19.39,21Z",Ar1="M12,4V2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12H4A8,8 0 0,1 12,4Z",ir1="M14 12L10 8V11H2V13H10V16M22 12A10 10 0 0 1 2.46 15H4.59A8 8 0 1 0 4.59 9H2.46A10 10 0 0 1 22 12Z",rr1="M22 12L18 8V11H10V13H18V16M20 18A10 10 0 1 1 20 6H17.27A8 8 0 1 0 17.27 18Z",ar1="M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15C14,13.89 13.1,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V10C4,8.89 4.9,8 6,8H7V6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6V8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3Z",er1="M10 17C11.1 17 12 16.1 12 15C12 13.9 11.1 13 10 13C8.9 13 8 13.9 8 15S8.9 17 10 17M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H5V6C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 3C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6V8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3M22 13H20V7H22V13M22 17H20V15H22V17Z",dr1="M10 17C8.9 17 8 16.1 8 15C8 13.9 8.9 13 10 13C11.1 13 12 13.9 12 15S11.1 17 10 17M16 20V10H4V20H16M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H5V6C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 3C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6V8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3M22 7H20V13H22V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",mr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",tr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",vr1="M8.5,2C6,2 4,4 4,6.5V7C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V18C2,19.11 2.89,20 4,20H8.72C10.18,21.29 12.06,22 14,22A8,8 0 0,0 22,14A8,8 0 0,0 14,6C13.66,6 13.32,6.03 13,6.08C12.76,3.77 10.82,2 8.5,2M8.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,6.5V7H6V6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,4M14,8A6,6 0 0,1 20,14A6,6 0 0,1 14,20A6,6 0 0,1 8,14A6,6 0 0,1 14,8M13,10V15L16.64,17.19L17.42,15.9L14.5,14.15V10H13Z",lr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",or1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",nr1="M9 5.82L7.36 4.16C8.09 2.31 9.89 1 12 1C14.76 1 17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V16.8L11.2 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3C10.41 3 9.11 4.25 9 5.82M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.9 8 6 8H6.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M13.85 15.74L11.26 13.15C10.5 13.44 10 14.16 10 15C10 16.11 10.9 17 12 17C12.84 17 13.56 16.5 13.85 15.74Z",Zr1="M9 5.82L7.36 4.16C8.09 2.31 9.89 1 12 1C14.76 1 17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V16.8L18 14.8V10H13.2L11.2 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3C10.41 3 9.11 4.25 9 5.82M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H6.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M18 19.89L13.85 15.74C13.56 16.5 12.84 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 14.15 10.5 13.44 11.26 13.15L8.11 10H6V20H18V19.89Z",Sr1="M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",ur1="M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3S7 4.3 7 6H5C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 17C11.1 17 12 16.1 12 15S11.1 13 10 13 8 13.9 8 15 8.9 17 10 17M22 13H20V7H22V13M22 17H20V15H22V17Z",cr1="M16 20V10H4V20H16M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3S7 4.3 7 6H5C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 17C8.9 17 8 16.1 8 15S8.9 13 10 13 12 13.9 12 15 11.1 17 10 17M22 7H20V13H22V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",sr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",Or1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",hr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",pr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",fr1="M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,17A2,2 0 0,1 10,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17Z",gr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",kr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Br1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",Pr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",wr1="M18 1C15.24 1 13 3.24 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.89 2 10V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.11 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.34 16.34 3 18 3C19.66 3 21 4.34 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.24 20.76 1 18 1M10 13C11.1 13 12 13.89 12 15C12 16.11 11.11 17 10 17C8.9 17 8 16.11 8 15C8 13.9 8.9 13 10 13Z",Fr1="M10 13C11.1 13 12 13.89 12 15C12 16.11 11.11 17 10 17S8 16.11 8 15 8.9 13 10 13M18 1C15.24 1 13 3.24 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.34 16.34 3 18 3S21 4.34 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.24 20.76 1 18 1M16 10V20H4V10H16Z",Tr1="M12,17C10.89,17 10,16.1 10,15C10,13.89 10.89,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10C4,8.89 4.89,8 6,8H7V6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6V8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3Z",br1="M7,3A4,4 0 0,1 11,7C11,8.86 9.73,10.43 8,10.87V13.13C8.37,13.22 8.72,13.37 9.04,13.56L13.56,9.04C13.2,8.44 13,7.75 13,7A4,4 0 0,1 17,3A4,4 0 0,1 21,7A4,4 0 0,1 17,11C16.26,11 15.57,10.8 15,10.45L10.45,15C10.8,15.57 11,16.26 11,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,21A4,4 0 0,1 3,17C3,15.14 4.27,13.57 6,13.13V10.87C4.27,10.43 3,8.86 3,7A4,4 0 0,1 7,3M17,13A4,4 0 0,1 21,17A4,4 0 0,1 17,21A4,4 0 0,1 13,17A4,4 0 0,1 17,13M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",yr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9 6C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H9V6M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2Z",Rr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2Z",xr1="M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M18 20H6V10H18V20Z",Dr1="M18 1C15.2 1 13 3.2 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.3 16.3 3 18 3S21 4.3 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.2 20.8 1 18 1M7.5 11C8.3 11 9 11.7 9 12.5S8.3 14 7.5 14 6 13.3 6 12.5 6.7 11 7.5 11M12.5 19C11.7 19 11 18.3 11 17.5S11.7 16 12.5 16 14 16.7 14 17.5 13.3 19 12.5 19M7.2 19.2L5.8 17.8L12.9 10.7L14.3 12.1L7.2 19.2Z",Er1="M7.5 11C8.3 11 9 11.7 9 12.5S8.3 14 7.5 14 6 13.3 6 12.5 6.7 11 7.5 11M12.5 19C11.7 19 11 18.3 11 17.5S11.7 16 12.5 16 14 16.7 14 17.5 13.3 19 12.5 19M7.2 19.2L5.8 17.8L12.9 10.7L14.3 12.1L7.2 19.2M18 1C15.2 1 13 3.2 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.3 16.3 3 18 3S21 4.3 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.2 20.8 1 18 1M16 10V20H4V10H16Z",Nr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9 6C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H9V6M18 20H6V10H18V20M11 12.5C11 13.3 10.3 14 9.5 14S8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11 11 11.7 11 12.5M16 17.5C16 18.3 15.3 19 14.5 19S13 18.3 13 17.5 13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5M16.2 12.2L9.1 19.3L7.7 17.9L14.8 10.8L16.2 12.2Z",Wr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",Ir1="M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",Gr1="M12,1A5,5 0 0,0 7,6V8H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,10V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V10A2,2 0 0,0 18,8H17V6A5,5 0 0,0 12,1M12,2.9C13.71,2.9 15.1,4.29 15.1,6V8H8.9V6C8.9,4.29 10.29,2.9 12,2.9M12.19,10.5C13.13,10.5 13.88,10.71 14.42,11.12C14.96,11.54 15.23,12.1 15.23,12.8C15.23,13.24 15.08,13.63 14.79,14C14.5,14.36 14.12,14.64 13.66,14.85C13.4,15 13.23,15.15 13.14,15.32C13.05,15.5 13,15.72 13,16H11C11,15.5 11.1,15.16 11.29,14.92C11.5,14.68 11.84,14.4 12.36,14.08C12.62,13.94 12.83,13.76 13,13.54C13.14,13.33 13.22,13.08 13.22,12.8C13.22,12.5 13.13,12.28 12.95,12.11C12.77,11.93 12.5,11.85 12.19,11.85C11.92,11.85 11.7,11.92 11.5,12.06C11.34,12.2 11.24,12.41 11.24,12.69H9.27C9.22,12 9.5,11.4 10.05,11.04C10.59,10.68 11.3,10.5 12.19,10.5M11,17H13V19H11V17Z",Qr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",Ur1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",zr1="M12.63,2C18.16,2 22.64,6.5 22.64,12C22.64,17.5 18.16,22 12.63,22C9.12,22 6.05,20.18 4.26,17.43L5.84,16.18C7.25,18.47 9.76,20 12.64,20A8,8 0 0,0 20.64,12A8,8 0 0,0 12.64,4C8.56,4 5.2,7.06 4.71,11H7.47L3.73,14.73L0,11H2.69C3.19,5.95 7.45,2 12.63,2M15.59,10.24C16.09,10.25 16.5,10.65 16.5,11.16V15.77C16.5,16.27 16.09,16.69 15.58,16.69H10.05C9.54,16.69 9.13,16.27 9.13,15.77V11.16C9.13,10.65 9.54,10.25 10.04,10.24V9.23C10.04,7.7 11.29,6.46 12.81,6.46C14.34,6.46 15.59,7.7 15.59,9.23V10.24M12.81,7.86C12.06,7.86 11.44,8.47 11.44,9.23V10.24H14.19V9.23C14.19,8.47 13.57,7.86 12.81,7.86Z",_r1="M12,2A6,6 0 0,0 6,8V16A6,6 0 0,0 12,22A6,6 0 0,0 18,16V8A6,6 0 0,0 12,2M8,6H10V8H8V6M11,6H13V8H11V6M14,6H16V8H14V6M8,9H10V11H8V9M11,9H13V11H11V9M14,9H16V11H14V9M8,12H10V14H8V12M11,12H13V14H11V12M14,12H16V14H14V12M12,16A2,2 0 0,1 14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,16Z",Kr1="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,4V20H16V4H8M10,13H12V17H10V13M10,6H14V7.5H10V6M10,9H14V10.5H10V9Z",jr1="M3,2H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 21,22H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 3,2M13,4V20H21V4H13M3,4V20H11V4H3M5,13H7V17H5V13M5,6H9V7.5H5V6M5,9H9V10.5H5V9M15,13H17V17H15V13M15,6H19V7.5H15V6M15,9H19V10.5H15V9Z",qr1="M11 7L9.6 8.4L12.2 11H2V13H12.2L9.6 15.6L11 17L16 12L11 7M20 19H12V21H20C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H12V5H20V19Z",$r1="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V9H5V5H19V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10.08,15.58L11.5,17L16.5,12L11.5,7L10.08,8.41L12.67,11H3V13H12.67L10.08,15.58Z",Xr1="M17 7L15.59 8.41L18.17 11H8V13H18.17L15.59 15.58L17 17L22 12M4 5H12V3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H12V19H4V5Z",Yr1="M14.08,15.59L16.67,13H7V11H16.67L14.08,8.41L15.5,7L20.5,12L15.5,17L14.08,15.59M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9.67L19,7.67V5H5V19H19V16.33L21,14.33V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19Z",Jr1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10.03 10.03 0 0 0 12 2M9.4 19.6A8.05 8.05 0 0 1 9.4 4.4A16.45 16.45 0 0 0 7.5 12A16.45 16.45 0 0 0 9.4 19.6M12 20A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 9.5 12A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 12 4A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 14.5 12A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 12 20M14.6 19.6A16.15 16.15 0 0 0 14.6 4.4A8.03 8.03 0 0 1 20 12A7.9 7.9 0 0 1 14.6 19.6Z",Ca1="M12,6A11,11 0 0,0 1,17H3C3,12.04 7.04,8 12,8C16.96,8 21,12.04 21,17H23A11,11 0 0,0 12,6M12,10C8.14,10 5,13.14 5,17H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,12A5,5 0 0,1 17,17H19C19,13.14 15.86,10 12,10Z",Ha1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M16 12V22H4V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12Z",Va1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M16 12V20C16 21.1 15.1 22 14 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12M14 12C14 9.79 12.21 8 10 8S6 9.79 6 12V20H14V12Z",La1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M13 14H11V12H9V14H7V16H9V18H11V16H13V14M16 12V22H4V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12Z",Ma1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M13 14H11V12H9V14H7V16H9V18H11V16H13V14M16 12V20C16 21.1 15.1 22 14 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12M14 12C14 9.79 12.21 8 10 8S6 9.79 6 12V20H14V12Z",Aa1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z",ia1="M12.35,1.75L20.13,9.53L13.77,15.89L12.35,14.47L17.3,9.53L10.94,3.16L12.35,1.75M15.89,9.53L14.47,10.94L10.23,6.7L5.28,11.65L3.87,10.23L10.23,3.87L15.89,9.53M10.23,8.11L11.65,9.53L6.7,14.47L13.06,20.84L11.65,22.25L3.87,14.47L10.23,8.11M8.11,14.47L9.53,13.06L13.77,17.3L18.72,12.35L20.13,13.77L13.77,20.13L8.11,14.47Z",ra1="M15.47 3.11C15 2.85 14.37 3.05 14.11 3.54C14.04 3.68 14 3.84 14 4V6.59L13.29 5.88C13.1 5.69 13 5.44 13 5.18V1H11V5.17C11 5.44 10.9 5.69 10.71 5.88L10 6.59V4C10 3.44 9.54 3 9 3C8.83 3 8.67 3.04 8.53 3.11C4.72 5 2 9.97 2 15.77C2 17.67 2.33 19.55 3 21.32C3.19 21.85 3.76 22.13 4.29 21.94C4.34 21.92 4.39 21.9 4.44 21.87L9.5 19.07C9.81 18.9 10 18.56 10 18.19V9.41L11.3 8.12C11.69 7.73 12.32 7.73 12.71 8.12L14 9.42V18.2C14 18.56 14.21 18.9 14.5 19.08L19.58 21.88C20.07 22.14 20.68 21.96 20.94 21.46C20.96 21.42 21 21.37 21 21.32C21.67 19.55 22 17.67 22 15.77C22 9.97 19.29 5 15.47 3.11Z",aa1="M19.92 9.27C19.97 9 20 8.76 20 8.5S19.97 8 19.92 7.73L23 8.5L19.92 9.27M14.69 12.92L15.5 16.16L16.31 12.92C16.05 12.97 15.78 13 15.5 13S14.95 12.97 14.69 12.92M11.7 10.89L6.79 15.79L6.09 15.09L1 20.17L3.83 23L8.91 17.91L8.21 17.21L13.11 12.3C12.54 11.94 12.06 11.46 11.7 10.89M16.27 4.08L15.5 1L14.73 4.08C15 4.03 15.24 4 15.5 4S16 4.03 16.27 4.08M8 8.5L11.08 9.27C11.03 9 11 8.76 11 8.5S11.03 8 11.08 7.73L8 8.5M18.63 10.04C18.86 9.58 19 9.06 19 8.5S18.86 7.42 18.63 6.96L21 3L17.04 5.37C16.58 5.14 16.06 5 15.5 5S14.42 5.14 13.96 5.37L10 3L12.37 6.96C12.14 7.42 12 7.94 12 8.5C12 10.43 13.57 12 15.5 12C16.06 12 16.58 11.86 17.04 11.63L21 14L18.63 10.04Z",ea1="M14 1L12 3H7L9 21H8V23H18V21L16 1M9 5H12L12.24 7H9.24M9.47 9H12.47L12.71 11H9.71M9.94 13H12.94L13.18 15H10.18M10.41 17H13.41L13.65 19H10.65Z",da1="M7 1V3H8V13L5 19L14 23L18 13V3H19V1M10 3H16V5H11.88V13.45L9.6 18.14L8 17.5L10 13.5Z",ma1="M17.5 9C16.12 9 15 7.88 15 6.5S16.12 4 17.5 4 20 5.12 20 6.5 18.88 9 17.5 9M14.43 8.15L2 20.59L3.41 22L15.85 9.57C15.25 9.24 14.76 8.75 14.43 8.15M13 5L13.63 3.63L15 3L13.63 2.37L13 1L12.38 2.37L11 3L12.38 3.63L13 5M21 5L21.63 3.63L23 3L21.63 2.37L21 1L20.38 2.37L19 3L20.38 3.63L21 5M21 9L20.38 10.37L19 11L20.38 11.63L21 13L21.63 11.63L23 11L21.63 10.37L21 9Z",ta1="M3,7V13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13V7H17V13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13V7M17,5H21V2H17M3,5H7V2H3",va1="M3,7V13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13V7H17V13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13V7M17,5H21V2H17M3,5H7V2H3M13,1.5L9,9H11V14.5L15,7H13V1.5Z",la1="M9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.44,13.73L14.71,14H15.5L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.44C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z",oa1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.5 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.5,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M11.12,5.46L9,7.59L6.88,5.46L5.46,6.88L7.59,9L5.46,11.12L6.88,12.54L9,10.41L11.12,12.54L12.54,11.12L10.41,9L12.54,6.88L11.12,5.46Z",na1="M18 16H17.42L16.61 15.19C17.5 14 18 12.5 18 11C18 7.13 14.87 4 11 4C9.5 4 8 4.5 6.79 5.4C3.7 7.72 3.07 12.11 5.39 15.2C7.71 18.29 12.1 18.92 15.19 16.6L16 17.41V18L21 23L23 21L18 16M11 16C8.24 16 6 13.76 6 11S8.24 6 11 6 16 8.24 16 11 13.76 16 11 16M3 6L1 8V1H8L6 3H3V6M21 1V8L19 6V3H16L14 1H21M6 19L8 21H1V14L3 16V19H6Z",Za1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.57 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.57,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M5,8V10H13V8H5Z",Sa1="M11,4A7,7 0 0,1 18,11C18,12.5 17.5,14 16.61,15.19L17.42,16H18L23,21L21,23L16,18V17.41L15.19,16.6C12.1,18.92 7.71,18.29 5.39,15.2C3.07,12.11 3.7,7.72 6.79,5.4C8,4.5 9.5,4 11,4M7,10V12H15V10H7M1,1V8L8,1H1Z",ua1="M15.5,14H14.71L14.43,13.73C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,16C11.11,16 12.59,15.41 13.73,14.43L14,14.71V15.5L19,20.5L20.5,19L15.5,14M9.5,14C7,14 5,12 5,9.5C5,7 7,5 9.5,5C12,5 14,7 14,9.5C14,12 12,14 9.5,14M7,9H12V10H7V9Z",ca1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.57 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.57,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M8,5V8H5V10H8V13H10V10H13V8H10V5H8Z",sa1="M11,4A7,7 0 0,1 18,11C18,12.5 17.5,14 16.61,15.19L17.42,16H18L23,21L21,23L16,18V17.41L15.19,16.6C12.1,18.92 7.71,18.29 5.39,15.2C3.07,12.11 3.7,7.72 6.79,5.4C8,4.5 9.5,4 11,4M10,7V10H7V12H10V15H12V12H15V10H12V7H10M1,1V8L8,1H1Z",Oa1="M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14M12,10H10V12H9V10H7V9H9V7H10V9H12V10Z",ha1="M1 1V8L8 1H1M18 16H17.42L16.61 15.19C17.5 14 18 12.5 18 11C18 7.13 14.87 4 11 4C9.5 4 8 4.5 6.79 5.4C3.7 7.72 3.07 12.11 5.39 15.2C7.71 18.29 12.1 18.92 15.19 16.6L16 17.41V18L21 23L23 21L18 16M14.6 13.16L13.18 14.58L11.06 12.45L8.94 14.58L7.5 13.16L9.65 11.04L7.5 8.92L8.94 7.5L11.06 9.63L13.18 7.5L14.6 8.92L12.47 11.04L14.6 13.16Z",pa1="M15.5 14H14.71L14.43 13.73C15.41 12.59 16 11.11 16 9.5C16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16C11.11 16 12.59 15.41 13.73 14.43L14 14.71V15.5L19 20.5L20.5 19L15.5 14M9.5 14C7 14 5 12 5 9.5S7 5 9.5 5 14 7 14 9.5 12 14 9.5 14M10.91 11.62L9.5 10.21L8.09 11.62L7.38 10.91L8.79 9.5L7.38 8.09L8.09 7.38L9.5 8.79L10.91 7.38L11.62 8.09L10.21 9.5L11.62 10.91L10.91 11.62Z",fa1="M17 22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22 20.89 21.84 21.24 21.54 21.54C21.24 21.84 20.89 22 20.5 22H17M7 22H3.5C3.11 22 2.76 21.84 2.46 21.54C2.16 21.24 2 20.89 2 20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17 2H20.5C20.89 2 21.24 2.16 21.54 2.46C21.84 2.76 22 3.11 22 3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7 2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2 3.11 2.16 2.76 2.46 2.46C2.76 2.16 3.11 2 3.5 2H7M10.5 6C13 6 15 8 15 10.5C15 11.38 14.75 12.2 14.31 12.9L17.57 16.16L16.16 17.57L12.9 14.31C12.2 14.75 11.38 15 10.5 15C8 15 6 13 6 10.5C6 8 8 6 10.5 6M10.5 8C9.12 8 8 9.12 8 10.5C8 11.88 9.12 13 10.5 13C11.88 13 13 11.88 13 10.5C13 9.12 11.88 8 10.5 8Z",ga1="M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M17,17H7V15H17M17,13H7V11H17M20,9H17V6H20",ka1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M19,15H17V13H13V11H19V15M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",Ba1="M8,4A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4H8M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,11H20V15H18V13H14V11Z",Pa1="M14,11H20V15H18V13H14V11M18,4H8A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4M11,18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18M21,18H13V9C13,7.92 12.65,6.86 12,6H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,9V18Z",wa1="M8,4A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4H8M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M13,13V7H17V9H15V13H13Z",Fa1="M14,12.85V6.85H18V8.85H16V12.85H14M18,3.85H8A5,5 0 0,0 3,8.85V17.85H1V19.85H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17.85V8.85A5,5 0 0,0 18,3.85M11,17.85H5V8.85A3,3 0 0,1 8,5.85A3,3 0 0,1 11,8.85V17.85M21,17.85H13V8.85C13,7.76 12.65,6.71 12,5.85H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,8.85V17.85Z",Ta1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M20,18H12V9C12,7.92 11.65,6.86 11,6H17A3,3 0 0,1 20,9V18M13,11V13H17V15H19V11H13M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",ba1="M5,9H9V11H5V9M22,9V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H2V9A5,5 0 0,1 7,4H17A5,5 0 0,1 22,9M10,9A3,3 0 0,0 7,6A3,3 0 0,0 4,9V18H10V9M16,7H12V13H14V9H16V7Z",ya1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M20,18H12V9C12,7.92 11.65,6.86 11,6H17A3,3 0 0,1 20,9V18M13,13H15V9H17V7H13V13M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",Ra1="M2 2V22H7.6V7.6H14.8V2H2M9.2 9.2V22H14.8V9.2H9.2M16.4 2V22H22V2H16.4Z",xa1="M15,19L9,16.89V5L15,7.11M20.5,3C20.44,3 20.39,3 20.34,3L15,5.1L9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21C3.55,21 3.61,21 3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3Z",Da1="M18.25,22L15.5,19L16.66,17.82L18.25,19.41L21.84,15.82L23,17.23M20.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 21,3.5V13.36C20.36,13.13 19.69,13 19,13C17.46,13 16.06,13.6 15,14.56V7.1L9,5V16.9L13.04,18.3C13,18.54 13,18.77 13,19C13,19.46 13.06,19.92 13.16,20.36L9,18.9L3.66,20.97C3.59,21 3.55,21 3.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,20.5V5.38C3,5.15 3.16,4.97 3.35,4.9L9,3L15,5.1L20.33,3",Ea1="M18.25,22L15.5,19L16.66,17.82L18.25,19.41L21.84,15.82L23,17.23L18.25,22M20.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 21,3.5V13.34C20.37,13.12 19.7,13 19,13V5.7L16,6.86V13.8C15.2,14.27 14.5,14.91 14,15.68V6.87L10,5.47V17.13L13.05,18.2L13,19C13,19.46 13.05,19.92 13.15,20.35L9,18.9L3.66,20.97L3.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,20.5V5.38C3,5.15 3.15,4.97 3.36,4.9L9,3L15,5.1L20.34,3.03L20.5,3M5,6.46V18.31L8,17.15V5.45L5,6.46Z",Na1="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13,23 10.4,21.08 9.42,18.4L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V10.25C21.81,11.5 23,13.62 23,16M9,16C9,12.83 11.11,10.15 14,9.29V6.11L8,4V15.89L9,16.24C9,16.16 9,16.08 9,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",Wa1="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M16,9C16.69,9 17.37,9.1 18,9.29V4.7L15,5.86V9.07C15.33,9 15.66,9 16,9M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13,23 10.4,21.08 9.42,18.4L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2.03L19.5,2A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V10.25C21.81,11.5 23,13.62 23,16M9,16C9,13.21 10.63,10.8 13,9.67V5.87L9,4.47V16.13H9C9,16.09 9,16.04 9,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11M4,5.46V17.31L7,16.15V4.45L4,5.46Z",Ia1="M9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21L3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19.03 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3L20.34,3.03L15,5.1L9,3M8,5.45V17.15L5,18.31V6.46L8,5.45M10,5.47L14,6.87V18.53L10,17.13V5.47M19,5.7V17.54L16,18.55V6.86L19,5.7M7.46,6.3L5.57,6.97V9.12L7.46,8.45V6.3M7.46,9.05L5.57,9.72V11.87L7.46,11.2V9.05M7.46,11.8L5.57,12.47V14.62L7.46,13.95V11.8M7.46,14.55L5.57,15.22V17.37L7.46,16.7V14.55Z",Ga1="M12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2Z",Qa1="M12 2C8.14 2 5 5.14 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9C19 5.14 15.86 2 12 2M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6C14 7.11 13.1 8 12 8S10 7.11 10 6C10 4.9 10.9 4 12 4M12 14C10.33 14 8.86 13.15 8 11.85C8 10.53 10.67 9.8 12 9.8S16 10.53 16 11.85C15.14 13.15 13.67 14 12 14Z",Ua1="M12 4C14.8 4 17 6.2 17 9C17 11.9 14.1 16.2 12 18.9C9.9 16.2 7 11.9 7 9C7 6.2 9.2 4 12 4M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M12 10C13.33 10 16 10.67 16 12V12.16C15.03 13.28 13.6 14 12 14S8.97 13.28 8 12.16V12C8 10.67 10.67 10 12 10M12 9C10.9 9 10 8.1 10 7S10.9 5 12 5 14 5.9 14 7 13.1 9 12 9Z",za1="M12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 14.2 12 22 12 22S5 14.2 5 9C5 5.1 8.1 2 12 2M11 6V12H13V6H11M11 14V16H13V14H11Z",_a1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,10 7,12 12,18.71C17,12 17,10 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4M11,6H13V11H11V6M11,13H13V15H11V13Z",Ka1="M12,2C15.86,2 19,5.14 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9C5,5.14 8.14,2 12,2M10.47,14L17,7.41L15.6,6L10.47,11.18L8.4,9.09L7,10.5L10.47,14Z",ja1="M12 4C14.8 4 17 6.2 17 9C17 11.9 14.1 16.2 12 18.9C9.9 16.2 7 11.9 7 9C7 6.2 9.2 4 12 4M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M11.3 14L16.2 9L14.8 7.6L11.3 11.2L9.7 9.6L8.3 11L11.3 14Z",qa1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,12.5M12,7.2C9.9,7.2 8.2,8.9 8.2,11C8.2,14 12,17.5 12,17.5C12,17.5 15.8,14 15.8,11C15.8,8.9 14.1,7.2 12,7.2Z",$a1="M6.5,8.11C5.61,8.11 4.89,7.39 4.89,6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 6.5,4.89C7.39,4.89 8.11,5.61 8.11,6.5V6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 6.5,8.11M6.5,2C4,2 2,4 2,6.5C2,9.87 6.5,14.86 6.5,14.86C6.5,14.86 11,9.87 11,6.5C11,4 9,2 6.5,2M17.5,8.11A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 15.89,6.5C15.89,5.61 16.61,4.89 17.5,4.89C18.39,4.89 19.11,5.61 19.11,6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 17.5,8.11M17.5,2C15,2 13,4 13,6.5C13,9.87 17.5,14.86 17.5,14.86C17.5,14.86 22,9.87 22,6.5C22,4 20,2 17.5,2M17.5,16C16.23,16 15.1,16.8 14.68,18H9.32C8.77,16.44 7.05,15.62 5.5,16.17C3.93,16.72 3.11,18.44 3.66,20C4.22,21.56 5.93,22.38 7.5,21.83C8.35,21.53 9,20.85 9.32,20H14.69C15.24,21.56 16.96,22.38 18.5,21.83C20.08,21.28 20.9,19.56 20.35,18C19.92,16.8 18.78,16 17.5,16V16M17.5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,20.5Z",Xa1="M12 2A7 7 0 0 0 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9A7 7 0 0 0 12 2M7.5 10H10V5H14V10H16.5L12 14.5Z",Ya1="M15 11.5C13.62 11.5 12.5 10.38 12.5 9S13.62 6.5 15 6.5 17.5 7.62 17.5 9 16.38 11.5 15 11.5M8 9C8 14.25 15 22 15 22S22 14.25 22 9C22 5.13 18.87 2 15 2S8 5.13 8 9M6 7L1 12L6 17V7Z",Ja1="M15 6.5C16.38 6.5 17.5 7.62 17.5 9S16.38 11.5 15 11.5 12.5 10.38 12.5 9 13.62 6.5 15 6.5M15 2C18.87 2 22 5.13 22 9C22 14.25 15 22 15 22S8 14.25 8 9C8 5.13 11.13 2 15 2M10 9C10 10 10 12 15 18.71C20 12 20 10 20 9C20 6.24 17.76 4 15 4S10 6.24 10 9M6 7L1 12L6 17V7Z",Ce1="M9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,11.5M9,2C12.86,2 16,5.13 16,9C16,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 2,14.25 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M15,17H23V19H15V17Z",He1="M15 17H23V19H15V17M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",Ve1="M14,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,11.5M14,2C17.86,2 21,5.13 21,9C21,14.25 14,22 14,22C14,22 7,14.25 7,9A7,7 0 0,1 14,2M5,9C5,13.5 10.08,19.66 11,20.81L10,22C10,22 3,14.25 3,9C3,5.83 5.11,3.15 8,2.29C6.16,3.94 5,6.33 5,9Z",Le1="M11.5 9C11.5 7.62 12.62 6.5 14 6.5C15.1 6.5 16.03 7.21 16.37 8.19C16.45 8.45 16.5 8.72 16.5 9C16.5 10.38 15.38 11.5 14 11.5C12.91 11.5 12 10.81 11.64 9.84C11.55 9.58 11.5 9.29 11.5 9M5 9C5 13.5 10.08 19.66 11 20.81L10 22C10 22 3 14.25 3 9C3 5.83 5.11 3.15 8 2.29C6.16 3.94 5 6.33 5 9M14 2C17.86 2 21 5.13 21 9C21 14.25 14 22 14 22C14 22 7 14.25 7 9C7 5.13 10.14 2 14 2M14 4C11.24 4 9 6.24 9 9C9 10 9 12 14 18.71C19 12 19 10 19 9C19 6.24 16.76 4 14 4Z",Me1="M16.37,16.1L11.75,11.47L11.64,11.36L3.27,3L2,4.27L5.18,7.45C5.06,7.95 5,8.46 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 13.67,20.15 15.37,17.65L18.73,21L20,19.72M12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9C14.5,9.73 14.17,10.39 13.67,10.85L17.3,14.5C18.28,12.62 19,10.68 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2C10,2 8.24,2.82 6.96,4.14L10.15,7.33C10.61,6.82 11.26,6.5 12,6.5Z",Ae1="M20 19.7L3.3 3L2 4.3L5.2 7.5C5.1 8 5 8.5 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S13.7 20.1 15.4 17.6L18.8 21L20 19.7M12 18.7C7.4 12.5 7 10.4 7 9.3L13.8 16.1C13.3 16.9 12.7 17.7 12 18.7M8.4 5.6L7 4.2C8.2 2.8 10 2 12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 10.7 18.3 12.6 17.3 14.5L15.8 13C17 10.6 17 9.6 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.6 8.4 5.6M12 6.5C13.4 6.5 14.5 7.6 14.5 9C14.5 9.7 14.2 10.4 13.7 10.9L10.2 7.4C10.6 6.8 11.3 6.5 12 6.5Z",ie1="M12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,10 7,12 12,18.71C17,12 17,10 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4Z",re1="M18,15A3,3 0 0,1 21,18A3,3 0 0,1 18,21C16.69,21 15.58,20.17 15.17,19H14V17H15.17C15.58,15.83 16.69,15 18,15M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17M18,8A1.43,1.43 0 0,0 19.43,6.57C19.43,5.78 18.79,5.14 18,5.14C17.21,5.14 16.57,5.78 16.57,6.57A1.43,1.43 0 0,0 18,8M18,2.57A4,4 0 0,1 22,6.57C22,9.56 18,14 18,14C18,14 14,9.56 14,6.57A4,4 0 0,1 18,2.57M8.83,17H10V19H8.83C8.42,20.17 7.31,21 6,21A3,3 0 0,1 3,18C3,16.69 3.83,15.58 5,15.17V14H7V15.17C7.85,15.47 8.53,16.15 8.83,17M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6C9,7.31 8.17,8.42 7,8.83V10H5V8.83C3.83,8.42 3,7.31 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M11,19V17H13V19H11M7,13H5V11H7V13Z",ae1="M9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,11.5M9,2C12.86,2 16,5.13 16,9C16,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 2,14.25 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M15,17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17Z",ee1="M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",de1="M12,2C8.14,2 5,5.14 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9C19,5.14 15.86,2 12,2M12.88,15.75H11.13V14H12.88M12.88,12.88H11.13C11.13,10.04 13.75,10.26 13.75,8.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 12,6.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 10.25,8.5H8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,8.5C15.5,10.69 12.88,10.91 12.88,12.88Z",me1="M12,1C7.59,1 4,4.59 4,9C4,14.57 10.96,22.34 11.26,22.67L12,23.5L12.74,22.67C13.04,22.34 20,14.57 20,9C20,4.59 16.41,1 12,1M12,20.47C9.82,17.86 6,12.54 6,9A6,6 0 0,1 12,3A6,6 0 0,1 18,9C18,12.83 13.75,18.36 12,20.47M11.13,14H12.88V15.75H11.13M12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5H10.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 12,6.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 13.75,8.5C13.75,10.26 11.13,10.04 11.13,12.88H12.88C12.88,10.91 15.5,10.69 15.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5Z",te1="M12,2C15.31,2 18,4.66 18,7.95C18,12.41 12,19 12,19C12,19 6,12.41 6,7.95C6,4.66 8.69,2 12,2M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M20,19C20,21.21 16.42,23 12,23C7.58,23 4,21.21 4,19C4,17.71 5.22,16.56 7.11,15.83L7.75,16.74C6.67,17.19 6,17.81 6,18.5C6,19.88 8.69,21 12,21C15.31,21 18,19.88 18,18.5C18,17.81 17.33,17.19 16.25,16.74L16.89,15.83C18.78,16.56 20,17.71 20,19Z",ve1="M12 4C14.2 4 16 5.8 16 8C16 10.1 13.9 13.5 12 15.9C10.1 13.4 8 10.1 8 8C8 5.8 9.8 4 12 4M12 2C8.7 2 6 4.7 6 8C6 12.5 12 19 12 19S18 12.4 18 8C18 4.7 15.3 2 12 2M12 6C10.9 6 10 6.9 10 8S10.9 10 12 10 14 9.1 14 8 13.1 6 12 6M20 19C20 21.2 16.4 23 12 23S4 21.2 4 19C4 17.7 5.2 16.6 7.1 15.8L7.7 16.7C6.7 17.2 6 17.8 6 18.5C6 19.9 8.7 21 12 21S18 19.9 18 18.5C18 17.8 17.3 17.2 16.2 16.7L16.8 15.8C18.8 16.6 20 17.7 20 19Z",le1="M9,2C5.14,2 2,5.14 2,9C2,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 16,14.25 16,9A7,7 0 0,0 9,2M9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9,6.5M16.58,14.16L15.17,15.58L17.58,18L15.17,20.41L16.58,21.82L19,19.41L21.41,21.82L22.83,20.41L20.41,18L22.83,15.58L21.41,14.16L19,16.58",oe1="M16.6 14.2L15.2 15.6L17.6 18L15.2 20.4L16.6 21.8L19 19.4L21.4 21.8L22.8 20.4L20.4 18L22.8 15.6L21.4 14.2L19 16.6M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",ne1="M12,2C8.14,2 5,5.14 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9C19,5.14 15.86,2 12,2M9.59,5.17L12,7.58L14.41,5.17L15.83,6.58L13.41,9L15.83,11.41L14.41,12.83L12,10.41L9.59,12.83L8.17,11.41L10.59,9L8.17,6.58",Ze1="M9 11.5C7.62 11.5 6.5 10.38 6.5 9S7.62 6.5 9 6.5 11.5 7.62 11.5 9 10.38 11.5 9 11.5M9 2C5.13 2 2 5.13 2 9C2 14.25 9 22 9 22S16 14.25 16 9C16 5.13 12.87 2 9 2M18 17L23 12L18 7V17Z",Se1="M9 6.5C10.38 6.5 11.5 7.62 11.5 9S10.38 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.38 6.5 9 7.62 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.87 2 16 5.13 16 9C16 14.25 9 22 9 22S2 14.25 2 9C2 5.13 5.13 2 9 2M9 4C6.24 4 4 6.24 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.71C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.24 11.76 4 9 4M18 17L23 12L18 7V17Z",ue1="M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M14.5 13L12 11.5L9.5 13L10.2 10.2L8 8.3L10.9 8.1L12 5.4L13.1 8L16 8.3L13.8 10.2L14.5 13Z",ce1="M12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 14.2 12 22 12 22S5 14.2 5 9C5 5.1 8.1 2 12 2M12 4C9.2 4 7 6.2 7 9C7 10 7 12 12 18.7C17 12 17 10 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4M12 11.5L14.4 13L13.8 10.2L16 8.3L13.1 8.1L12 5.4L10.9 8L8 8.3L10.2 10.2L9.5 13L12 11.5Z",se1="M12 2A7 7 0 0 0 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9A7 7 0 0 0 12 2M16.5 9H14V14H10V9H7.5L12 4.5Z",Oe1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.16 20.36L9 18.9L3.66 20.97C3.6 21 3.55 21 3.5 21C3.22 21 3 20.78 3 20.5V5.38C3 5.15 3.16 4.97 3.36 4.9L9 3L15 5.1L20.34 3H20.5C20.78 3 21 3.22 21 3.5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.46 13 16.06 13.58 15 14.54V7.1L9 5V16.9L13.04 18.32C13 18.54 13 18.77 13 19C13 19.47 13.06 19.92 13.16 20.36Z",he1="M20.5,3L20.34,3.03L15,5.1L9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21L3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19.03 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3M10,5.47L14,6.87V18.53L10,17.13V5.47M5,6.46L8,5.45V17.15L5,18.31V6.46M19,17.54L16,18.55V6.86L19,5.7V17.54Z",pe1="M9,3L3.36,4.9C3.16,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21C3.55,21 3.6,21 3.66,20.97L9,18.9L13.16,20.36C13.06,19.92 13,19.46 13,19C13,18.77 13,18.54 13.04,18.3L9,16.9V5L15,7.1V14.56C16.07,13.6 17.47,13 19,13C19.7,13 20.37,13.13 21,13.36V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3H20.34L15,5.1L9,3M18,15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",fe1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M14,6.11L8,4V15.89L9,16.24V16.5C9,17.14 9.09,17.76 9.26,18.34L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V11.81C18.83,10.69 17.25,10 15.5,10C15,10 14.5,10.06 14,10.17V6.11Z",ge1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.2 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M19.5,2A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V11.81C19.42,11.26 18.75,10.81 18,10.5V4.7L15,5.86V10C14.3,10.07 13.62,10.24 13,10.5V5.87L9,4.47V16.13H9V16.5C9,17.14 9.09,17.76 9.26,18.34L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2.03L19.5,2M4,5.46V17.31L7,16.15V4.45L4,5.46Z",ke1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M16.75,14.45C18.65,12.55 18.58,9.39 16.59,7.41C14.6,5.43 11.45,5.35 9.55,7.25C6.12,10.68 7.22,16.78 7.22,16.78C7.22,16.78 13.33,17.87 16.75,14.45M13.15,7.86L14.13,9.87L16.14,10.85L14.13,11.83L13.15,13.84L12.17,11.83L10.16,10.85L12.17,9.87L13.15,7.86Z",Be1="M20,4V9L18.5,7.5L5.5,20.5L3.5,18.5L16.5,5.5L15,4H20M17,20A3,3 0 0,1 14,17V15A3,3 0 0,1 17,12A3,3 0 0,1 20,15V17A3,3 0 0,1 17,20M17,14A1,1 0 0,0 16,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14M7,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9V7A3,3 0 0,1 7,4A3,3 0 0,1 10,7V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,12M7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7V9A1,1 0 0,0 7,10A1,1 0 0,0 8,9V7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6Z",Pe1="M18.5,1.15C17.97,1.15 17.46,1.34 17.07,1.73L11.26,7.55L16.91,13.2L22.73,7.39C23.5,6.61 23.5,5.35 22.73,4.56L19.89,1.73C19.5,1.34 19,1.15 18.5,1.15M10.3,8.5L4.34,14.46C3.56,15.24 3.56,16.5 4.36,17.31C3.14,18.54 1.9,19.77 0.67,21H6.33L7.19,20.14C7.97,20.9 9.22,20.89 10,20.12L15.95,14.16",we1="M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13M17.5,14.5C16.94,14.5 16.42,14.65 16,14.92L20.08,19C20.35,18.58 20.5,18.06 20.5,17.5A3,3 0 0,0 17.5,14.5M14.5,17.5A3,3 0 0,0 17.5,20.5C18.06,20.5 18.58,20.35 19,20.08L14.92,16C14.65,16.42 14.5,16.94 14.5,17.5M18.5,1.15C19,1.15 19.5,1.34 19.89,1.73L22.73,4.56C23.5,5.35 23.5,6.61 22.73,7.39L18.95,11.16C18.5,11.06 18,11 17.5,11C16.67,11 15.88,11.16 15.15,11.44L11.26,7.55L17.07,1.73C17.46,1.34 17.97,1.15 18.5,1.15M10.3,8.5L13.89,12.1C12.15,13.26 11,15.25 11,17.5C11,18 11.06,18.5 11.16,18.95L10,20.12C9.22,20.89 7.97,20.9 7.19,20.14L6.33,21H0.67L4.36,17.31C3.56,16.5 3.56,15.24 4.34,14.46L10.3,8.5Z",Fe1="M10,16L5,11L6.41,9.58L10,13.17L17.59,5.58L19,7M19,1H5C3.89,1 3,1.89 3,3V15.93C3,16.62 3.35,17.23 3.88,17.59L12,23L20.11,17.59C20.64,17.23 21,16.62 21,15.93V3C21,1.89 20.1,1 19,1Z",Te1="M20.94,14C20.66,15.41 18.5,16.96 15.97,17.26C14.66,17.41 13.37,17.56 12,17.5C9.75,17.39 8,16.96 8,16.96V17.58C8.32,19.8 10.22,19.93 12.03,20C13.85,20.05 15.47,19.54 15.47,19.54L15.55,21.19C15.55,21.19 14.27,21.87 12,22C10.75,22.07 9.19,21.97 7.38,21.5C3.46,20.45 2.78,16.26 2.68,12L2.67,8.57C2.67,4.23 5.5,2.96 5.5,2.96C6.95,2.3 9.41,2 11.97,2H12.03C14.59,2 17.05,2.3 18.5,2.96C18.5,2.96 21.33,4.23 21.33,8.57C21.33,8.57 21.37,11.78 20.94,14M18,8.91C18,7.83 17.7,7 17.15,6.35C16.59,5.72 15.85,5.39 14.92,5.39C13.86,5.39 13.05,5.8 12.5,6.62L12,7.5L11.5,6.62C10.94,5.8 10.14,5.39 9.07,5.39C8.15,5.39 7.41,5.72 6.84,6.35C6.29,7 6,7.83 6,8.91V14.17H8.1V9.06C8.1,8 8.55,7.44 9.46,7.44C10.46,7.44 10.96,8.09 10.96,9.37V12.16H13.03V9.37C13.03,8.09 13.53,7.44 14.54,7.44C15.44,7.44 15.89,8 15.89,9.06V14.17H18V8.91Z",be1="M21,12C21,9.97 20.33,8.09 19,6.38V17.63C20.33,15.97 21,14.09 21,12M17.63,19H6.38C7.06,19.55 7.95,20 9.05,20.41C10.14,20.8 11.13,21 12,21C12.88,21 13.86,20.8 14.95,20.41C16.05,20 16.94,19.55 17.63,19M11,17L7,9V17H11M17,9L13,17H17V9M12,14.53L15.75,7H8.25L12,14.53M17.63,5C15.97,3.67 14.09,3 12,3C9.91,3 8.03,3.67 6.38,5H17.63M5,17.63V6.38C3.67,8.09 3,9.97 3,12C3,14.09 3.67,15.97 5,17.63M23,12C23,15.03 21.94,17.63 19.78,19.78C17.63,21.94 15.03,23 12,23C8.97,23 6.38,21.94 4.22,19.78C2.06,17.63 1,15.03 1,12C1,8.97 2.06,6.38 4.22,4.22C6.38,2.06 8.97,1 12,1C15.03,1 17.63,2.06 19.78,4.22C21.94,6.38 23,8.97 23,12Z",ye1="M8,16.61V15.37L14,11.91V7.23L9,10.12L4,7.23V13L3,13.58L2,13V5L3.07,4.38L9,7.81L12.93,5.54L14.93,4.38L16,5V13.06L10.92,16L14.97,18.33L20,15.43V11L21,10.42L22,11V16.58L14.97,20.64L8,16.61M22,9.75L21,10.33L20,9.75V8.58L21,8L22,8.58V9.75Z",Re1="M20,19.88V22L18.2,20.83L13.41,11.83C14.07,11.62 14.67,11.28 15.19,10.83L20,19.88M15,7A3,3 0 0,1 12,10C11.85,10 11.71,10 11.56,10L5.8,20.83L4,22V19.88L9.79,9C8.69,7.77 8.79,5.87 10.03,4.76C10.57,4.28 11.27,4 12,4V2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3V4.18C14.2,4.6 15,5.73 15,7M13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7Z",xe1="M4,7A2,2 0 0,0 2,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,15V14H6V15H4V9H6V10H8V9A2,2 0 0,0 6,7H4M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 18,13H20V15H16V17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 20,11H18V9H22V7H18Z",De1="M11.5 19.1C11.3 20.2 10.9 21 10.2 21.5C9.5 22 8.6 22.1 7.5 21.9C7.1 21.8 6.3 21.7 6 21.5L6.5 20C6.8 20.1 7.4 20.3 7.7 20.3C8.8 20.5 9.4 20 9.6 18.8L12 5.2C12.2 4 12.7 3.2 13.4 2.6C14.1 2.1 15.1 1.9 16.2 2.1C16.6 2.2 17.4 2.3 18 2.6L17.5 4C17.3 3.9 16.6 3.8 16.3 3.7C15 3.5 14.3 4.1 14 5.6L11.5 19.1Z",Ee1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M15.9 6.9C15.9 6.9 15.2 6.6 14.9 6.6C14.3 6.5 13.9 6.7 13.7 7.7L12 16.8C11.8 17.6 11.5 18.2 11 18.6C10.6 18.9 10.2 19 9.7 19C8.9 19 7.7 18.5 7.7 18.5L8.2 17.1C8.2 17.1 9 17.4 9.2 17.4C9.5 17.5 9.7 17.4 9.9 17.3C10.1 17.2 10.2 16.9 10.3 16.6L11.9 7.4C12 6.6 12.4 6 12.9 5.5C13.5 5.1 14.2 5 15 5.1C15.7 5.2 16.5 5.6 16.5 5.6L15.9 6.9Z",Ne1="M18 7C16.9 7 16 7.9 16 9V15C16 16.1 16.9 17 18 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V11H20V15H18V9H22V7H18M2 7V17H8V15H4V7H2M11 7C9.9 7 9 7.9 9 9V15C9 16.1 9.9 17 11 17H13C14.1 17 15 16.1 15 15V9C15 7.9 14.1 7 13 7H11M11 9H13V15H11V9Z",We1="M14 21V3H16V21H14M8 21V3H10V21H8Z",Ie1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 18H8V6H10V18M16 18H14V6H16V18Z",Ge1="M4,7A2,2 0 0,0 2,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 4,13H6V15H2V17H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 6,11H4V9H8V7H4M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M16,7V17H18V12L20,17H22V7H20V12L18,7H16Z",Qe1="M2,7V9H4V17H6V9H8V7H2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9M16,7V17H18V12L20,17H22V7H20V12L18,7H16Z",Ue1="M2,2H6V4H4V20H6V22H2V2M20,4H18V2H22V22H18V20H20V4M9,5H10V10H11V11H8V10H9V6L8,6.5V5.5L9,5M15,13H16V18H17V19H14V18H15V14L14,14.5V13.5L15,13M9,13C10.1,13 11,14.34 11,16C11,17.66 10.1,19 9,19C7.9,19 7,17.66 7,16C7,14.34 7.9,13 9,13M9,14C8.45,14 8,14.9 8,16C8,17.1 8.45,18 9,18C9.55,18 10,17.1 10,16C10,14.9 9.55,14 9,14M15,5C16.1,5 17,6.34 17,8C17,9.66 16.1,11 15,11C13.9,11 13,9.66 13,8C13,6.34 13.9,5 15,5M15,6C14.45,6 14,6.9 14,8C14,9.1 14.45,10 15,10C15.55,10 16,9.1 16,8C16,6.9 15.55,6 15,6Z",ze1="M20,2H4V4L9.81,8.36C6.14,9.57 4.14,13.53 5.35,17.2C6.56,20.87 10.5,22.87 14.19,21.66C17.86,20.45 19.86,16.5 18.65,12.82C17.95,10.71 16.3,9.05 14.19,8.36L20,4V2M14.94,19.5L12,17.78L9.06,19.5L9.84,16.17L7.25,13.93L10.66,13.64L12,10.5L13.34,13.64L16.75,13.93L14.16,16.17L14.94,19.5Z",_e1="M14.94 19.5L12 17.77L9.06 19.5L9.84 16.16L7.25 13.92L10.66 13.63L12 10.5L13.34 13.63L16.75 13.92L14.16 16.16M20 2H4V4L8.86 7.64A8 8 0 1 0 15.14 7.64L20 4M18 15A6 6 0 1 1 10.82 9.12A5.86 5.86 0 0 1 13.18 9.12A6 6 0 0 1 18 15M12.63 7H11.37L7.37 4H16.71Z",Ke1="M10,3L8,5V7H5C3.85,7 3.12,8 3,9L2,19C1.88,20 2.54,21 4,21H20C21.46,21 22.12,20 22,19L21,9C20.88,8 20.06,7 19,7H16V5L14,3H10M10,5H14V7H10V5M11,10H13V13H16V15H13V18H11V15H8V13H11V10Z",je1="M3 3H15V5H3V3M2 21H16V6H2V21M5 12H7.5V9.5H10.5V12H13V15H10.5V17.5H7.5V15H5V12M20 6C18.3 6 17 7.8 17 10C17 11.8 17.8 13.2 19 13.8V21H21V13.8C22.2 13.3 23 11.8 23 10C23 7.8 21.7 6 20 6Z",qe1="M6 3H18V5H6V3M17 6H7C5.9 6 5 6.9 5 8V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V8C19 6.9 18.1 6 17 6M16 15H13.5V17.5H10.5V15H8V12H10.5V9.5H13.5V12H16V15Z",$e1="M10.5 15H8V12H10.5V9.5H13.5V12H16V15H13.5V17.5H10.5V15M19 8V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V8C5 6.9 5.9 6 7 6H17C18.1 6 19 6.9 19 8M17 8H7V19H17V8M18 3H6V5H18V3",Xe1="M12 4C13.11 4 14 4.89 14 6S13.11 8 12 8 10 7.11 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M21 16V14C18.76 14 16.84 13.04 15.4 11.32L14.06 9.72C13.68 9.26 13.12 9 12.53 9H11.5C10.89 9 10.33 9.26 9.95 9.72L8.61 11.32C7.16 13.04 5.24 14 3 14V16C5.77 16 8.19 14.83 10 12.75V15L6.12 16.55C5.45 16.82 5 17.5 5 18.21C5 19.2 5.8 20 6.79 20H9V19.5C9 18.12 10.12 17 11.5 17H14.5C14.78 17 15 17.22 15 17.5S14.78 18 14.5 18H11.5C10.67 18 10 18.67 10 19.5V20H17.21C18.2 20 19 19.2 19 18.21C19 17.5 18.55 16.82 17.88 16.55L14 15V12.75C15.81 14.83 18.23 16 21 16Z",Ye1="M17,17H7V7H17M21,11V9H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3H9V5H7C5.89,5 5,5.89 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11M13,13H11V11H13M15,9H9V15H15V9Z",Je1="M19 19V15H17V19H15L18 22L21 19H19M12.1 19H11V21H9V19H7C5.9 19 5 18.1 5 17V15H3V13H5V11H3V9H5V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5H9V3H11V5H13V3H15V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V9H21V11H19V12.1C18.7 12 18.3 12 18 12S17.3 12 17 12.1V7H7V17H12.1C12 17.3 12 17.7 12 18S12 18.7 12.1 19M9 15H12.8C13.3 14.1 14.1 13.3 15 12.8V9H9V15M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",Cd1="M21 11V6L19 5V11H17V6L15 5V11H13V3L11 2V11H9V6L7 5V11H5V6L3 5V11C2.45 11 2 11.45 2 12S2.45 13 3 13H4.25C4.95 14.92 6.94 17.58 11 17.95V20H10C8.9 20 8 20.9 8 22H16C16 20.9 15.11 20 14 20H13V17.95C17.06 17.57 19.05 14.92 19.75 13H21C21.55 13 22 12.55 22 12S21.55 11 21 11M11 15.94C8.34 15.63 7.05 14.11 6.45 13H11V15.94M13 15.94V13H17.55C16.95 14.11 15.66 15.63 13 15.94Z",Hd1="M21.5 11.15V10C21.5 9.45 21.05 9 20.5 9H19.5C18.95 9 18.5 9.45 18.5 10V11H17.5V10C17.5 9.45 17.05 9 16.5 9H15.5C14.95 9 14.5 9.45 14.5 10V11H13.5V8C13.5 7.45 13.05 7 12.5 7H11.5C10.95 7 10.5 7.45 10.5 8V11H9.5V10C9.5 9.45 9.05 9 8.5 9H7.5C6.95 9 6.5 9.45 6.5 10V11H5.5V10C5.5 9.45 5.05 9 4.5 9H3.5C2.95 9 2.5 9.45 2.5 10V11.15C2.21 11.33 2 11.63 2 12C2 12.55 2.45 13 3 13H4.25C4.95 14.92 6.94 17.58 11 17.95V20H10C8.9 20 8 20.9 8 22H16C16 20.9 15.11 20 14 20H13V17.95C17.06 17.57 19.05 14.92 19.75 13H21C21.55 13 22 12.55 22 12C22 11.63 21.79 11.33 21.5 11.15M6.45 13H11V15.94C8.34 15.63 7.05 14.11 6.45 13M13 15.94V13H17.55C16.95 14.11 15.66 15.63 13 15.94M12 6C12.83 6 13.5 5.33 13.5 4.5C13.5 3.67 12.83 2 12 2S10.5 3.67 10.5 4.5C10.5 5.33 11.17 6 12 6M12 4.25C12.28 4.25 12.5 4.47 12.5 4.75S12.28 5.25 12 5.25 11.5 5.03 11.5 4.75 11.72 4.25 12 4.25M16 8C16.83 8 17.5 7.33 17.5 6.5C17.5 5.67 16.83 4 16 4S14.5 5.67 14.5 6.5C14.5 7.33 15.17 8 16 8M16 6.25C16.28 6.25 16.5 6.47 16.5 6.75S16.28 7.25 16 7.25 15.5 7.03 15.5 6.75 15.72 6.25 16 6.25M20 8C20.83 8 21.5 7.33 21.5 6.5C21.5 5.67 20.83 4 20 4S18.5 5.67 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 19.17 8 20 8M20 6.25C20.28 6.25 20.5 6.47 20.5 6.75S20.28 7.25 20 7.25 19.5 7.03 19.5 6.75 19.72 6.25 20 6.25M4 8C4.83 8 5.5 7.33 5.5 6.5C5.5 5.67 4.83 4 4 4S2.5 5.67 2.5 6.5C2.5 7.33 3.17 8 4 8M4 6.25C4.28 6.25 4.5 6.47 4.5 6.75S4.28 7.25 4 7.25 3.5 7.03 3.5 6.75 3.72 6.25 4 6.25M8 8C8.83 8 9.5 7.33 9.5 6.5C9.5 5.67 8.83 4 8 4S6.5 5.67 6.5 6.5C6.5 7.33 7.17 8 8 8M8 6.25C8.28 6.25 8.5 6.47 8.5 6.75S8.28 7.25 8 7.25 7.5 7.03 7.5 6.75 7.72 6.25 8 6.25Z",Vd1="M3,6H21V8H3V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,16H21V18H3V16Z",Ld1="M3 6H13V8H3V6M3 16H13V18H3V16M3 11H15V13H3V11M16 7L14.58 8.39L18.14 12L14.58 15.61L16 17L21 12L16 7Z",Md1="M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",Ad1="M18,9V10.5L12,16.5L6,10.5V9H18M12,13.67L14.67,11H9.33L12,13.67Z",id1="M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",rd1="M15,18H13.5L7.5,12L13.5,6H15V18M10.33,12L13,14.67V9.33L10.33,12Z",ad1="M21,15.61L19.59,17L14.58,12L19.59,7L21,8.39L17.44,12L21,15.61M3,6H16V8H3V6M3,13V11H13V13H3M3,18V16H16V18H3Z",ed1="M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",dd1="M9,6H10.5L16.5,12L10.5,18H9V6M13.67,12L11,9.33V14.67L13.67,12Z",md1="M12,6L7,11H17L12,6M7,13L12,18L17,13H7Z",td1="M12,3.5L6,9.5V11H18V9.5L12,3.5M12,6.33L14.67,9H9.33L12,6.33M6,13V14.5L12,20.5L18,14.5V13H6M9.33,15H14.67L12,17.67L9.33,15Z",vd1="M7,15L12,10L17,15H7Z",ld1="M18,16V14.5L12,8.5L6,14.5V16H18M12,11.33L14.67,14H9.33L12,11.33Z",od1="M8 17L12 13H15.2C15.6 14.2 16.7 15 18 15C19.7 15 21 13.7 21 12S19.7 9 18 9C16.7 9 15.6 9.8 15.2 11H12L8 7V3H3V8H6L10.2 12L6 16H3V21H8V17Z",nd1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Zd1="M13 11H11V5H13M13 15H11V13H13M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",Sd1="M13,10H11V6H13V10M13,12H11V14H13V12M22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,4H4V17.2L5.2,16H20V4Z",ud1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16 11H11.5L13.3 12.8L12 14L8 10L12 6L13.2 7.2L11.5 9H16V11Z",cd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16 11V9H11.5L13.3 7.2L12 6L8 10L12 14L13.2 12.8L11.5 11H16Z",sd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14L10.8 12.8L12.6 11H8V9H12.5L10.7 7.2L12 6L16 10L12 14Z",Od1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M8 9V11H12.5L10.7 12.8L12 14L16 10L12 6L10.8 7.2L12.5 9H8Z",hd1="M22 7V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H14.1C14 2.3 14 2.7 14 3C14 5.8 16.2 8 19 8C20.1 8 21.2 7.6 22 7M16 3C16 4.7 17.3 6 19 6S22 4.7 22 3 20.7 0 19 0 16 1.3 16 3Z",pd1="M22 7V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H14.1C14 2.3 14 2.7 14 3S14 3.7 14.1 4H4V16H20V7.9C20.7 7.8 21.4 7.4 22 7M16 3C16 4.7 17.3 6 19 6S22 4.7 22 3 20.7 0 19 0 16 1.3 16 3Z",fd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M19 13L16.5 11.5L14 13V5H19V13Z",gd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M18 14V6H13V14L15.5 12.5L18 14",kd1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M8,14H6V12H8V14M8,11H6V9H8V11M8,8H6V6H8V8M15,14H10V12H15V14M18,11H10V9H18V11M18,8H10V6H18V8Z",Bd1="M1.27,1.73L0,3L2,5V22L6,18H15L20.73,23.73L22,22.46L1.27,1.73M8,14H6V12H8V14M6,11V9L8,11H6M20,2H4.08L10,7.92V6H18V8H10.08L11.08,9H18V11H13.08L20.07,18C21.14,17.95 22,17.08 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2Z",Pd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",wd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",Fd1="M13.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11.5C11.16,11.5 10.5,10.83 10.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,10M22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M16.77,11.32L15.7,10.5C15.71,10.33 15.71,10.16 15.7,10C15.72,9.84 15.72,9.67 15.7,9.5L16.76,8.68C16.85,8.6 16.88,8.47 16.82,8.36L15.82,6.63C15.76,6.5 15.63,6.47 15.5,6.5L14.27,7C14,6.8 13.73,6.63 13.42,6.5L13.23,5.19C13.21,5.08 13.11,5 13,5H11C10.88,5 10.77,5.09 10.75,5.21L10.56,6.53C10.26,6.65 9.97,6.81 9.7,7L8.46,6.5C8.34,6.46 8.21,6.5 8.15,6.61L7.15,8.34C7.09,8.45 7.11,8.58 7.21,8.66L8.27,9.5C8.23,9.82 8.23,10.16 8.27,10.5L7.21,11.32C7.12,11.4 7.09,11.53 7.15,11.64L8.15,13.37C8.21,13.5 8.34,13.53 8.46,13.5L9.7,13C9.96,13.2 10.24,13.37 10.55,13.5L10.74,14.81C10.77,14.93 10.88,15 11,15H13C13.12,15 13.23,14.91 13.25,14.79L13.44,13.47C13.74,13.34 14,13.18 14.28,13L15.53,13.5C15.65,13.5 15.78,13.5 15.84,13.37L16.84,11.64C16.9,11.53 16.87,11.4 16.77,11.32Z",Td1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16.8 11.3L15.7 10.5V10 9.5L16.8 8.7C16.9 8.6 16.9 8.5 16.9 8.4L15.9 6.7C15.8 6.6 15.7 6.5 15.6 6.6L14.3 7C14 6.8 13.8 6.6 13.4 6.5L13.2 5.2C13.2 5.1 13.1 5 13 5H11C10.9 5 10.8 5.1 10.8 5.2L10.6 6.5C10.3 6.7 10 6.8 9.7 7L8.5 6.5C8.4 6.5 8.3 6.5 8.2 6.6L7.2 8.3C7.1 8.4 7.2 8.5 7.3 8.6L8.4 9.4V10.4L7.3 11.2C7.2 11.3 7.2 11.4 7.2 11.5L8.2 13.2C8.3 13.3 8.4 13.4 8.5 13.3L9.7 13C10 13.2 10.2 13.4 10.5 13.5L10.7 14.8C10.7 14.9 10.8 15 11 15H13C13.1 15 13.2 14.9 13.2 14.8L13.4 13.5C13.7 13.4 14 13.2 14.2 13L15.4 13.5C15.5 13.5 15.6 13.5 15.7 13.4L16.7 11.7C16.9 11.5 16.9 11.4 16.8 11.3M12 11.5C11.2 11.5 10.5 10.8 10.5 10S11.2 8.5 12 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10 12.8 11.5 12 11.5Z",bd1="M18,14H10.5L12.5,12H18M6,14V11.5L12.88,4.64C13.07,4.45 13.39,4.45 13.59,4.64L15.35,6.41C15.55,6.61 15.55,6.92 15.35,7.12L8.47,14M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",yd1="M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5Z",Rd1="M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5M20 15H10.2L9 16.2V7H20V15M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",xd1="M22 4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H15V10H22V4M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16Z",Dd1="M4 17.2V4H20V10H22V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H15V16H5.2L4 17.2M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16Z",Ed1="M5,14L8.5,9.5L11,12.5L14.5,8L19,14M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Nd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M5 14L8.5 9.5L11 12.5L14.5 8L19 14",Wd1="M20.5 0A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 2.5V3A1 1 0 0 0 17 4V8A1 1 0 0 0 18 9H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 8V4A1 1 0 0 0 23 3V2.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 0M20.5 1A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 2.5V3H19V2.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 20.5 1M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V22L6 18H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 16V11H17C15.89 11 15 10.11 15 9V2H4Z",Id1="M23 3V2.5C23 1.1 21.9 0 20.5 0S18 1.1 18 2.5V3C17.5 3 17 3.5 17 4V8C17 8.5 17.5 9 18 9H23C23.5 9 24 8.5 24 8V4C24 3.5 23.5 3 23 3M22 3H19V2.5C19 1.7 19.7 1 20.5 1S22 1.7 22 2.5V3M22 11V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H15V4H4V17.2L5.2 16H20V11H22Z",Gd1="M20 2C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20M8 9V11H16V9H8Z",Qd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M8 9V11H16V9H8Z",Ud1="M20.95 17.75L5.2 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2 3.9C2 3.93 2 3.97 2 4V22L6 18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",zd1="M7.2 4L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75L19.2 16H20V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H6L2 22V4C2 3.97 2 3.93 2 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.1 5.44L16.65 16H16.66L18.66 18H18.65L22.11 21.46M14.11 16L4 5.89V18L6 16H14.11Z",_d1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16Z",Kd1="M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",jd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16 9V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6H13V9H16Z",qd1="M17,11H15V9H17M13,11H11V9H13M9,11H7V9H9M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",$d1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M17 11H15V9H17M13 11H11V9H13M9 11H7V9H9",Xd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M13 14H11V12H13V14M14.8 9C14.5 9.4 14.1 9.6 13.7 9.8C13.4 10 13.3 10.1 13.2 10.3C13 10.5 13 10.7 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.2 11.3 9.9C11.5 9.7 11.9 9.4 12.4 9.1C12.7 9 12.9 8.8 13 8.6C13.1 8.4 13.2 8.1 13.2 7.9C13.2 7.6 13.1 7.4 12.9 7.2C12.7 7 12.4 6.9 12.1 6.9C11.8 6.9 11.6 7 11.4 7.1C11.2 7.2 11.1 7.4 11.1 7.7H9.1C9.2 7 9.5 6.4 10 6C10.5 5.6 11.2 5.5 12.1 5.5C13 5.5 13.8 5.7 14.3 6.1C14.8 6.5 15.1 7.1 15.1 7.8C15.2 8.2 15.1 8.6 14.8 9Z",Yd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M12.2 5.5C11.3 5.5 10.6 5.7 10.1 6C9.5 6.4 9.2 7 9.3 7.7H11.3C11.3 7.4 11.4 7.2 11.6 7.1C11.8 7 12 6.9 12.3 6.9C12.6 6.9 12.9 7 13.1 7.2C13.3 7.4 13.4 7.6 13.4 7.9C13.4 8.2 13.3 8.4 13.2 8.6C13 8.8 12.8 9 12.6 9.1C12.1 9.4 11.7 9.7 11.5 9.9C11.1 10.2 11 10.5 11 11H13C13 10.7 13.1 10.5 13.1 10.3C13.2 10.1 13.4 10 13.6 9.8C14.1 9.6 14.4 9.3 14.7 8.9C15 8.5 15.1 8.1 15.1 7.7C15.1 7 14.8 6.4 14.3 6C13.9 5.7 13.1 5.5 12.2 5.5M11 12V14H13V12H11Z",Jd1="M22,4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H18L22,22V4Z",Cm1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H18L22 22V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 17.2L18.8 16H4V4H20V17.2Z",Hm1="M18,8H6V6H18V8M18,11H6V9H18V11M18,14H6V12H18V14M22,4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H18L22,22V4Z",Vm1="M9 11H18V13H9V11M18 7H6V9H18V7M22 4V22L18 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4M20 4H4V16H18.83L20 17.17V4Z",Lm1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M11,24H13V22H11V24M7,24H9V22H7V24M15,24H17V22H15V24Z",Mm1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24",Am1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M14.6 14L12 12.4L9.4 14L10.1 11L7.8 9L10.8 8.7L12 6L13.2 8.8L16.2 9.1L13.9 11.1L14.6 14Z",im1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M12 12.4L14.6 14L13.9 11L16.2 9L13.2 8.7L12 6L10.8 8.8L7.8 9L10.1 11L9.4 14L12 12.4Z",rm1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M6,9H18V11H6M14,14H6V12H14M18,8H6V6H18",am1="M22 12.41V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H9.29C10.15 20.89 12.83 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.69 22.63 13.46 22 12.41M6 6H18V8H6V6M16 9C14.1 9 12.37 9.77 11.11 11H6V9H16M6 12H10.26C9.84 12.6 9.5 13.28 9.3 14H6V12M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16S18.67 20.85 16 20.85M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82Z",em1="M22 12.41V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V22L6 18H9.29C10.15 20.89 12.83 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.69 22.63 13.46 22 12.41M5.17 16L4 17.17V4H20V10.26C18.86 9.47 17.5 9 16 9C14.1 9 12.37 9.77 11.11 11H6V13H9.69C9.25 13.91 9 14.93 9 16H5.17M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16S18.67 20.85 16 20.85M18 9H6V7H18V9M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82Z",dm1="M9 5C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5H9M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M11 8H19V10H11V8M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M11 12H16V14H11V12M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",mm1="M10 11.5H17V13H10V11.5M10 8.5H19V10H10V8.5M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5M20 15H10.2L9 16.2V7H20V15M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",tm1="M20.5 0A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 2.5V3A1 1 0 0 0 17 4V8A1 1 0 0 0 18 9H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 8V4A1 1 0 0 0 23 3V2.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 0M20.5 1A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 2.5V3H19V2.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 20.5 1M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V22L6 18H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 16V11H17C15.89 11 15 10.11 15 9V2H4M6 6H13V8H6V6M6 9H13V11H6V9M6 12H14V14H6V12Z",vm1="M23 3V2.5C23 1.12 21.88 0 20.5 0S18 1.12 18 2.5V3C17.45 3 17 3.45 17 4V8C17 8.55 17.45 9 18 9H23C23.55 9 24 8.55 24 8V4C24 3.45 23.55 3 23 3M22 3H19V2.5C19 1.67 19.67 1 20.5 1S22 1.67 22 2.5V3M6 11H15V13H6V11M6 7H15V9H6V7M22 11V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H15V4H4V17.17L5.17 16H20V11H22Z",lm1="M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20M4,4V17.17L5.17,16H20V4H4M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H15V13H6V11Z",om1="M18,14L14,10.8V14H6V6H14V9.2L18,6M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",nm1="M2.8,3L19.67,18.82C19.67,18.82 20,19.27 19.58,19.71C19.17,20.15 18.63,19.77 18.63,19.77L2.8,3M7.81,4.59L20.91,16.64C20.91,16.64 21.23,17.08 20.82,17.5C20.4,17.97 19.86,17.59 19.86,17.59L7.81,4.59M4.29,8L17.39,20.03C17.39,20.03 17.71,20.47 17.3,20.91C16.88,21.36 16.34,21 16.34,21L4.29,8M12.05,5.96L21.2,14.37C21.2,14.37 21.42,14.68 21.13,15C20.85,15.3 20.47,15.03 20.47,15.03L12.05,5.96M5.45,11.91L14.6,20.33C14.6,20.33 14.82,20.64 14.54,20.95C14.25,21.26 13.87,21 13.87,21L5.45,11.91M16.38,7.92L20.55,11.74C20.55,11.74 20.66,11.88 20.5,12.03C20.38,12.17 20.19,12.05 20.19,12.05L16.38,7.92M7.56,16.1L11.74,19.91C11.74,19.91 11.85,20.06 11.7,20.2C11.56,20.35 11.37,20.22 11.37,20.22L7.56,16.1Z",Zm1="M12 2C7.04 2 3 6.04 3 11C3 14.91 5.5 18.24 9 19.47V22H11V19.94C11.33 20 11.66 20 12 20S12.67 20 13 19.94V22H15V19.47C18.5 18.23 21 14.9 21 11C21 6.04 16.96 2 12 2M14.25 14L11.25 17L9.75 15.5L11 14.25L9.75 13L12.75 10L14.25 11.5L13 12.75L14.25 14M16 9H8V7H16V9Z",Sm1="M21 11C21 6.03 16.97 2 12 2S3 6.03 3 11C3 14.92 5.5 18.24 9 19.5V22H11V19.94C11.33 20 11.66 20 12 20S12.67 20 13 19.94V22H15V19.5C18.5 18.24 21 14.92 21 11M12 18C8.14 18 5 14.86 5 11S8.14 4 12 4 19 7.14 19 11 15.86 18 12 18M8 7H16V9H8V7M12.75 10L9.75 13L11 14.25L9.75 15.5L11.25 17L14.25 14L13 12.75L14.25 11.5L12.75 10Z",um1="M16 4H15V2H13V4H11V2H9V4H8C5.79 4 4 5.79 4 8V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V8C20 5.79 18.21 4 16 4M12 18C10.62 18 9.5 16.9 9.5 15.54C9.5 14.45 9.93 14.15 12 11.75C14.05 14.13 14.5 14.45 14.5 15.54C14.5 16.9 13.38 18 12 18M16 10H8V8H16V10Z",cm1="M16 4H15V2H13V4H11V2H9V4H8C5.79 4 4 5.79 4 8V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V8C20 5.79 18.21 4 16 4M18 18C18 19.1 17.1 20 16 20H8C6.9 20 6 19.1 6 18V8C6 6.9 6.9 6 8 6H16C17.1 6 18 6.9 18 8V18M9.5 15.54C9.5 16.9 10.62 18 12 18S14.5 16.9 14.5 15.54C14.5 14.45 14.05 14.13 12 11.75C9.93 14.15 9.5 14.46 9.5 15.54M8 8H16V10H8V8Z",sm1="M12,1.75L8.57,2.67L4.06,19.53C4.03,19.68 4,19.84 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20C20,19.84 19.97,19.68 19.94,19.53L18.58,14.42L17,16L17.2,17H13.41L16.25,14.16L14.84,12.75L10.59,17H6.8L10.29,4H13.71L15.17,9.43L16.8,7.79L15.43,2.67L12,1.75M11.25,5V14.75L12.75,13.25V5H11.25M19.79,7.8L16.96,10.63L16.25,9.92L14.84,11.34L17.66,14.16L19.08,12.75L18.37,12.04L21.2,9.21L19.79,7.8Z",Om1="M12,1.75L8.57,2.67L4.07,19.5C4.06,19.5 4,19.84 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20C20,19.84 19.94,19.5 19.93,19.5L15.43,2.67L12,1.75M10.29,4H13.71L17.2,17H13V12H11V17H6.8L10.29,4M11,5V9H10V11H14V9H13V5H11Z",hm1="M8,2A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V11L4,13V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H8M9,4H11V8H9V4M12,4H14V8H12V4M15,4H17V8H15V4Z",pm1="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 12,14A3,3 0 0,1 9,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M19,11C19,14.53 16.39,17.44 13,17.93V21H11V17.93C7.61,17.44 5,14.53 5,11H7A5,5 0 0,0 12,16A5,5 0 0,0 17,11H19Z",fm1="M8,7A2,2 0 0,1 10,9V14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7M14,14C14,16.97 11.84,19.44 9,19.92V22H7V19.92C4.16,19.44 2,16.97 2,14H4A4,4 0 0,0 8,18A4,4 0 0,0 12,14H14M21.41,9.41L17.17,13.66L18.18,10H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,8V4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V8C22,8.55 21.78,9.05 21.41,9.41Z",gm1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L13.38,16.65C12.55,18.35 10.93,19.59 9,19.92V22H7V19.92C4.16,19.44 2,16.97 2,14H4A4,4 0 0,0 8,18C9.82,18 11.36,16.78 11.84,15.11L10,13.27V14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14V9.27L2,5.27M21.41,9.41L17.17,13.66L18.18,10H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,8V4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V8C22,8.55 21.78,9.05 21.41,9.41Z",km1="M9,2A3,3 0 0,1 12,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2M16,11C16,14.5 13.44,17.43 10,17.93V21H8V17.93C4.56,17.43 2,14.5 2,11H4A5,5 0 0,0 9,16A5,5 0 0,0 14,11H16M15,5H23V7H15V5Z",Bm1="M19,11C19,12.19 18.66,13.3 18.1,14.28L16.87,13.05C17.14,12.43 17.3,11.74 17.3,11H19M15,11.16L9,5.18V5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5V11L15,11.16M4.27,3L21,19.73L19.73,21L15.54,16.81C14.77,17.27 13.91,17.58 13,17.72V21H11V17.72C7.72,17.23 5,14.41 5,11H6.7C6.7,14 9.24,16.1 12,16.1C12.81,16.1 13.6,15.91 14.31,15.58L12.65,13.92L12,14A3,3 0 0,1 9,11V10.28L3,4.27L4.27,3Z",Pm1="M17.3,11C17.3,14 14.76,16.1 12,16.1C9.24,16.1 6.7,14 6.7,11H5C5,14.41 7.72,17.23 11,17.72V21H13V17.72C16.28,17.23 19,14.41 19,11M10.8,4.9C10.8,4.24 11.34,3.7 12,3.7C12.66,3.7 13.2,4.24 13.2,4.9L13.19,11.1C13.19,11.76 12.66,12.3 12,12.3C11.34,12.3 10.8,11.76 10.8,11.1M12,14A3,3 0 0,0 15,11V5A3,3 0 0,0 12,2A3,3 0 0,0 9,5V11A3,3 0 0,0 12,14Z",wm1="M9,2A3,3 0 0,1 12,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2M16,11C16,14.5 13.44,17.43 10,17.93V21H8V17.93C4.56,17.43 2,14.5 2,11H4A5,5 0 0,0 9,16A5,5 0 0,0 14,11H16M15,5H18V2H20V5H23V7H20V10H18V7H15V5Z",Fm1="M9 2C10.66 2 12 3.34 12 5V11C12 12.66 10.66 14 9 14S6 12.66 6 11V5C6 3.34 7.34 2 9 2M16 11C16 14.53 13.39 17.44 10 17.93V21H8V17.93C4.61 17.44 2 14.53 2 11H4C4 13.76 6.24 16 9 16S14 13.76 14 11H16M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.34 18.34 6 20 6S23 7.34 23 9C23 9.97 22.5 10.88 21.71 11.41L21.41 11.6C20.84 12 20.5 12.61 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.11 19.6 11 20.59 10.35L20.88 10.16C21.27 9.9 21.5 9.47 21.5 9C21.5 8.17 20.83 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.17 18.5 9V9.5Z",Tm1="M14.3 11C14.3 14 11.76 16.1 9 16.1S3.7 14 3.7 11H2C2 14.41 4.72 17.23 8 17.72V21H10V17.72C13.28 17.23 16 14.41 16 11M7.8 4.9C7.8 4.24 8.34 3.7 9 3.7S10.2 4.24 10.2 4.9L10.19 11.1C10.19 11.76 9.66 12.3 9 12.3S7.8 11.76 7.8 11.1M9 14C10.66 14 12 12.66 12 11V5C12 3.34 10.66 2 9 2S6 3.34 6 5V11C6 12.66 7.34 14 9 14M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.34 18.34 6 20 6S23 7.34 23 9C23 9.97 22.5 10.88 21.71 11.41L21.41 11.6C20.84 12 20.5 12.61 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.11 19.6 11 20.59 10.35L20.88 10.16C21.27 9.9 21.5 9.47 21.5 9C21.5 8.17 20.83 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.17 18.5 9V9.5Z",bm1="M19,10H17.3C17.3,13 14.76,15.1 12,15.1C9.24,15.1 6.7,13 6.7,10H5C5,13.41 7.72,16.23 11,16.72V20H13V16.72C16.28,16.23 19,13.41 19,10M15,24H17V22H15M11,24H13V22H11M12,13A3,3 0 0,0 15,10V4A3,3 0 0,0 12,1A3,3 0 0,0 9,4V10A3,3 0 0,0 12,13M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",ym1="M9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7H5A4,4 0 0,1 9,3M11.84,9.82L11,18H10V19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V14A4,4 0 0,1 18,10H20L19,11L20,12H18A2,2 0 0,0 16,14V19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19V18H7L6.16,9.82C5.67,9.32 5.31,8.7 5.13,8H12.87C12.69,8.7 12.33,9.32 11.84,9.82M9,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,11Z",Rm1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L16,19.26C15.86,21.35 14.12,23 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19V18H7L6.16,9.82C5.82,9.47 5.53,9.06 5.33,8.6L2,5.27M9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7H8.82L6.08,4.26C6.81,3.5 7.85,3 9,3M11.84,9.82L11.82,10L9.82,8H12.87C12.69,8.7 12.33,9.32 11.84,9.82M11,18H10V19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V17.27L11.35,14.62L11,18M18,10H20L19,11L20,12H18A2,2 0 0,0 16,14V14.18L14.3,12.5C14.9,11 16.33,10 18,10M8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13C9.21,13 9.4,12.94 9.56,12.83L8.17,11.44C8.06,11.6 8,11.79 8,12Z",xm1="M9.46,6.28L11.05,9C8.47,9.26 6.5,11.41 6.5,14A5,5 0 0,0 11.5,19C13.55,19 15.31,17.77 16.08,16H13.5V14H21.5V16H19.25C18.84,17.57 17.97,18.96 16.79,20H19.5V22H3.5V20H6.21C4.55,18.53 3.5,16.39 3.5,14C3.5,10.37 5.96,7.2 9.46,6.28M12.74,2.07L13.5,3.37L14.36,2.87L17.86,8.93L14.39,10.93L10.89,4.87L11.76,4.37L11,3.07L12.74,2.07Z",Dm1="M2,3H11V12H2V3M11,22H2V13H11V22M21,3V12H12V3H21M21,22H12V13H21V22Z",Em1="M14.5 2.63Q15.84 2.63 17.18 2.77L17.85 2.86Q18.3 2.93 18.84 3.04 19.37 3.15 19.93 3.31 20.5 3.47 20.96 3.69 21.42 3.91 21.71 4.19 22 4.47 22 4.81V19.19Q22 19.53 21.71 19.81 21.41 20.09 20.96 20.31 20.5 20.53 19.93 20.69 19.37 20.85 18.83 20.96 18.3 21.07 17.86 21.14 17.41 21.21 17.17 21.23 15.84 21.38 14.5 21.38 13.15 21.38 11.82 21.23 11.59 21.21 11.15 21.14 10.7 21.07 10.16 20.96 9.63 20.85 9.07 20.69 8.5 20.53 8.05 20.31 7.59 20.09 7.29 19.81 7 19.53 7 19.19V17H2.83Q2.5 17 2.24 16.76 2 16.5 2 16.17V7.83Q2 7.5 2.24 7.24 2.5 7 2.83 7H7V4.81Q7 4.47 7.29 4.19 7.59 3.91 8.05 3.69 8.5 3.47 9.07 3.31 9.63 3.15 10.17 3.04 10.7 2.93 11.14 2.86 11.59 2.8 11.83 2.77 13.15 2.63 14.5 2.63M14.5 3.88Q13.87 3.88 13.08 3.92 12.3 3.96 11.5 4.07 10.69 4.18 9.93 4.36 9.17 4.54 8.58 4.81 9.19 5.1 9.95 5.28 10.7 5.46 11.5 5.56 12.29 5.66 13.07 5.71 13.85 5.75 14.5 5.75 15.16 5.75 15.93 5.71 16.71 5.66 17.5 5.56 18.3 5.46 19.06 5.28 19.81 5.1 20.42 4.81 19.83 4.54 19.07 4.36 18.31 4.18 17.5 4.07 16.7 3.96 15.92 3.92 15.14 3.88 14.5 3.88M5.94 13.79H8.06L8.55 15.28H10.22L7.83 8.72H6.2L3.78 15.28H5.44M20.75 19V16Q20.11 16.31 19.31 16.5 18.5 16.68 17.67 16.79 16.83 16.9 16 16.95 15.19 17 14.5 17 13.79 17 13.08 16.96 12.37 16.91 11.67 16.83 11.44 17 11.17 17H8.25V19Q8.53 19.21 9 19.38 9.5 19.56 10.07 19.68 10.65 19.81 11.29 19.9 11.92 20 12.5 20.03 13.12 20.09 13.64 20.11 14.16 20.13 14.5 20.13 14.84 20.12 15.36 20.1 15.88 20.09 16.5 20.03 17.08 20 17.71 19.9 18.35 19.81 18.93 19.68 19.5 19.56 20 19.38 20.47 19.21 20.75 19M20.75 14.63V11Q20.11 11.31 19.31 11.5 18.5 11.68 17.67 11.79 16.83 11.9 16 11.95 15.19 12 14.5 12 13.88 12 13.25 11.97 12.63 11.93 12 11.87V15.62Q12.63 15.69 13.25 15.72 13.88 15.75 14.5 15.75 14.86 15.75 15.38 15.73 15.9 15.71 16.5 15.66 17.08 15.6 17.7 15.5 18.33 15.44 18.9 15.31 19.5 15.18 19.96 15 20.45 14.85 20.75 14.63M20.75 9.63V6Q20.11 6.31 19.31 6.5 18.5 6.68 17.67 6.79 16.83 6.9 16 6.95 15.19 7 14.5 7 13.81 7 13 6.95 12.17 6.9 11.33 6.79 10.5 6.68 9.69 6.5 8.89 6.31 8.25 6V7H11.17Q11.5 7 11.76 7.24 12 7.5 12 7.83V10.62Q12.63 10.69 13.25 10.72 13.88 10.75 14.5 10.75 14.86 10.75 15.38 10.73 15.9 10.71 16.5 10.66 17.08 10.6 17.7 10.5 18.33 10.44 18.9 10.31 19.5 10.18 19.96 10 20.44 9.85 20.75 9.63M6.32 12.5L7 10.5L7.65 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14.5 14.54 14.82 14.93 15.12 15.33 15.34 15.79 15.55 16.25 15.66 16.74 16.32 17 17 17Z",Ym1="M19.19 8.77Q18.73 8.77 18.33 8.6 17.94 8.43 17.64 8.13 17.34 7.83 17.17 7.44 17 7.04 17 6.58 17 6.13 17.17 5.73 17.34 5.33 17.64 5.04 17.94 4.74 18.33 4.57 18.73 4.39 19.19 4.4 19.64 4.39 20.04 4.57 20.44 4.74 20.74 5.04 21.03 5.33 21.21 5.73 21.38 6.13 21.38 6.58 21.38 7.04 21.21 7.44 21.04 7.83 20.74 8.13 20.44 8.43 20.04 8.6 19.64 8.77 19.19 8.77M19.19 5.65Q18.8 5.65 18.5 5.92 18.25 6.19 18.25 6.58 18.25 6.97 18.5 7.25 18.8 7.5 19.19 7.5 19.58 7.5 19.85 7.25 20.13 7 20.13 6.58 20.13 6.19 19.85 5.92 19.58 5.65 19.19 5.65M22 10.33V15Q22 15.63 21.76 16.2 21.5 16.77 21.09 17.19 20.66 17.62 20.09 17.86 19.5 18.11 18.88 18.11 18.5 18.11 18.12 18 17.73 17.93 17.41 17.75 17.17 18.54 16.7 19.19 16.23 19.84 15.6 20.3 14.97 20.76 14.21 21 13.45 21.27 12.63 21.27 11.67 21.27 10.82 20.94 10 20.61 9.32 20 8.66 19.43 8.23 18.64 7.79 17.84 7.66 16.9H2.83Q2.5 16.9 2.24 16.65 2 16.41 2 16.07V7.73Q2 7.39 2.24 7.14 2.5 6.9 2.83 6.9H10Q9.71 6.3 9.71 5.65 9.71 5.04 9.94 4.5 10.16 4 10.56 3.58 10.96 3.19 11.5 2.96 12 2.73 12.62 2.73 13.23 2.73 13.76 2.96 14.29 3.19 14.69 3.58 15.09 4 15.31 4.5 15.54 5.04 15.54 5.65 15.54 6.25 15.31 6.79 15.09 7.32 14.69 7.71 14.29 8.11 13.76 8.34 13.23 8.57 12.62 8.57 12.47 8.57 12.31 8.55 12.16 8.53 12 8.5V9.4H21.06Q21.45 9.4 21.73 9.67 22 9.94 22 10.33M12.63 4Q12.28 4 12 4.11 11.67 4.24 11.44 4.47 11.22 4.7 11.09 5 10.96 5.31 10.96 5.65 10.96 6 11.09 6.3 11.22 6.6 11.44 6.83 11.67 7.05 12 7.19 12.28 7.32 12.63 7.32 12.97 7.32 13.27 7.19 13.57 7.05 13.8 6.83 14.03 6.6 14.16 6.3 14.3 6 14.3 5.65 14.3 5.31 14.16 5 14.03 4.7 13.8 4.47 13.57 4.24 13.27 4.11 12.97 4 12.63 4M7.78 10.18H9.66V8.62H4.34V10.18H6.22V15.18H7.78M16.38 16.27V10.65H12V16.07Q12 16.41 11.76 16.65 11.5 16.9 11.17 16.9H8.92Q9.05 17.57 9.39 18.15 9.73 18.72 10.21 19.14 10.69 19.55 11.31 19.79 11.92 20 12.63 20 13.4 20 14.08 19.73 14.76 19.43 15.28 18.92 15.79 18.41 16.08 17.73 16.38 17.05 16.38 16.27M20.75 15V10.65H17.63V16.36Q17.88 16.61 18.2 16.74 18.5 16.86 18.88 16.86 19.27 16.86 19.61 16.71 19.95 16.56 20.2 16.31 20.46 16.06 20.6 15.71 20.75 15.37 20.75 15Z",Jm1="M17,8.5L12.25,12.32L17,16V8.5M4.7,18.4L2,16.7V7.7L5,6.7L9.3,10.03L18,2L22,4.5V20L17,22L9.34,14.66L4.7,18.4M5,14L6.86,12.28L5,10.5V14Z",Ct1="M17,16.47V7.39L11,11.93M2.22,9.19C1.92,8.87 1.91,8.37 2.2,8.04L3.4,6.93C3.6,6.75 4.09,6.67 4.45,6.93L7.87,9.54L15.8,2.29C16.12,1.97 16.67,1.84 17.3,2.17L21.3,4.08C21.66,4.29 22,4.62 22,5.23V18.73C22,19.13 21.71,19.56 21.4,19.73L17,21.83C16.68,21.96 16.08,21.84 15.87,21.63L7.85,14.33L4.45,16.93C4.07,17.19 3.6,17.12 3.4,16.93L2.2,15.83C1.88,15.5 1.92,14.96 2.25,14.63L5.25,11.93",Ht1="M3,12V6.75L9,5.43V11.91L3,12M20,3V11.75L10,11.9V5.21L20,3M3,13L9,13.09V19.9L3,18.75V13M20,13.25V22L10,20.09V13.1L20,13.25Z",Vt1="M2.67,5.3V5.91L1.96,6.21V5.6L2.67,5.3M2.67,11.24V11.86L1.96,12.15V11.56L2.67,11.24M2.67,17.27V17.89L1.96,18.18V17.59L2.67,17.27M2.6,7.29V7.84L2.03,8.1V7.56L2.6,7.29M2.6,9.28V9.82L2.03,10.08V9.54L2.6,9.28M2.6,13.31V13.84L2.03,14.1V13.56L2.6,13.31M2.6,15.33V15.87L2.03,16.13V15.6L2.6,15.33M4.5,5.64V6.36L3.5,6.73V6L4.5,5.64M4.5,11.66V12.37L3.5,12.74V12.03L4.5,11.66M4.5,17.7V18.41L3.5,18.81V18.1L4.5,17.7M4.43,7.72V8.38L3.64,8.68V8L4.43,7.72M4.43,9.73V10.37L3.65,10.67V10L4.43,9.73M4.43,13.74V14.38L3.65,14.69V14.03L4.43,13.74M4.43,15.76V16.41L3.65,16.72V16.06L4.43,15.76M6.31,6.09V6.94L5.05,7.43V6.59L6.31,6.09M6.31,12.11V12.96L5.05,13.45V12.61L6.31,12.11M6.31,18.08V18.93L5.05,19.43V18.58L6.31,18.08M6.25,8.18V8.94L5.19,9.34V8.61L6.25,8.18M6.25,10.18V10.93L5.19,11.35V10.6L6.25,10.18M6.25,14.19V14.94L5.19,15.37V14.62L6.25,14.19M6.25,16.14V16.9L5.19,17.32V16.57L6.25,16.14M8.29,6.04V7.16L6.72,7.78V6.67L8.29,6.04M8.29,12.06V13.19L6.72,13.8V12.68L8.29,12.06M8.29,18.03V19.15L6.72,19.77V18.66L8.29,18.03M8.2,8.13V9.16L6.89,9.69V8.66L8.2,8.13M8.2,10.13V11.15L6.89,11.68V10.65L8.2,10.13M8.2,14.15V15.18L6.89,15.7V14.67L8.2,14.15M8.2,16.1V17.12L6.89,17.64V16.63L8.2,16.1M10.34,5.85V7.32L8.61,8V6.56L10.34,5.85M10.34,11.87V13.33L8.61,14.03V12.56L10.34,11.87M10.34,17.84V19.3L8.61,20V18.54L10.34,17.84M10.26,8.05V9.28L8.78,9.87V8.64L10.26,8.05M10.26,9.97V11.2L8.78,11.78V10.56L10.26,9.97M10.26,14.06V15.31L8.78,15.88V14.65L10.26,14.06M10.26,16V17.25L8.78,17.84V16.6L10.26,16M12.45,5.12V7.12L10.59,7.89V6C11.23,5.65 11.85,5.35 12.45,5.12M12.45,7.33V9.06L10.59,9.84V8.1L12.45,7.33M12.45,9.28V11.04L10.59,11.82V10.06L12.45,9.28M12.45,11.25V13L10.59,13.77V12L12.45,11.25M12.45,13.21V15L10.59,15.78V14L12.45,13.21M12.45,15.21V16.96L10.59,17.76V16L12.45,15.21M12.45,17.17V19.04C11.72,19.32 11.1,19.59 10.59,19.84V17.96L12.45,17.17M22.04,5.18V19.23C20.85,18.44 19.37,18.05 17.59,18.05C16.12,18.05 14.47,18.35 12.65,18.96V17.06C13.62,16.69 14.68,16.42 15.84,16.26V11.69C14.86,11.81 13.8,12.15 12.65,12.71V11.4C13.64,10.94 14.71,10.63 15.84,10.46V6C14.82,6.18 13.76,6.53 12.65,7V5.03C14.27,4.34 15.86,4 17.41,4C19.09,4 20.63,4.39 22.04,5.18M20.15,6.41C19.39,6 18.5,5.82 17.42,5.82C17.29,5.82 17.17,5.83 17.05,5.84V10.38L17.46,10.37C18.37,10.37 19.27,10.5 20.15,10.8V6.41M20.15,12.1C19.34,11.74 18.43,11.56 17.44,11.56C17.31,11.56 17.18,11.57 17.05,11.58V16.16H17.46C18.45,16.16 19.35,16.28 20.15,16.53V12.1H20.15Z",Lt1="M21.17 3.25Q21.5 3.25 21.76 3.5 22 3.74 22 4.08V19.92Q22 20.26 21.76 20.5 21.5 20.75 21.17 20.75H7.83Q7.5 20.75 7.24 20.5 7 20.26 7 19.92V17H2.83Q2.5 17 2.24 16.76 2 16.5 2 16.17V7.83Q2 7.5 2.24 7.24 2.5 7 2.83 7H7V4.08Q7 3.74 7.24 3.5 7.5 3.25 7.83 3.25M7.03 11.34L8.23 15.28H9.6L10.91 8.72H9.53L8.75 12.6L7.64 8.85H6.5L5.31 12.62L4.53 8.72H3.09L4.4 15.28H5.77M20.75 19.5V17H8.25V19.5M20.75 15.75V12.63H12V15.75M20.75 11.38V8.25H12V11.38M20.75 7V4.5H8.25V7Z",Mt1="M6.43,3.72C6.5,3.66 6.57,3.6 6.62,3.56C8.18,2.55 10,2 12,2C13.88,2 15.64,2.5 17.14,3.42C17.25,3.5 17.54,3.69 17.7,3.88C16.25,2.28 12,5.7 12,5.7C10.5,4.57 9.17,3.8 8.16,3.5C7.31,3.29 6.73,3.5 6.46,3.7M19.34,5.21C19.29,5.16 19.24,5.11 19.2,5.06C18.84,4.66 18.38,4.56 18,4.59C17.61,4.71 15.9,5.32 13.8,7.31C13.8,7.31 16.17,9.61 17.62,11.96C19.07,14.31 19.93,16.16 19.4,18.73C21,16.95 22,14.59 22,12C22,9.38 21,7 19.34,5.21M15.73,12.96C15.08,12.24 14.13,11.21 12.86,9.95C12.59,9.68 12.3,9.4 12,9.1C12,9.1 11.53,9.56 10.93,10.17C10.16,10.94 9.17,11.95 8.61,12.54C7.63,13.59 4.81,16.89 4.65,18.74C4.65,18.74 4,17.28 5.4,13.89C6.3,11.68 9,8.36 10.15,7.28C10.15,7.28 9.12,6.14 7.82,5.35L7.77,5.32C7.14,4.95 6.46,4.66 5.8,4.62C5.13,4.67 4.71,5.16 4.71,5.16C3.03,6.95 2,9.35 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C14.93,22 17.57,20.74 19.4,18.73C19.4,18.73 19.19,17.4 17.84,15.5C17.53,15.07 16.37,13.69 15.73,12.96Z",At1="M8.75,15.75C6.75,15.75 6,18 4,19C2,19 0.5,16 4.5,7.5H4.75L5.19,6.67C5.19,6.67 8,5 9.33,6.23H14.67C16,5 18.81,6.67 18.81,6.67L19.25,7.5H19.5C23.5,16 22,19 20,19C18,18 17.25,15.75 15.25,15.75H8.75M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7Z",it1="M21,19V7H15V19H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8M17,9H19V14H17V9M17,15H19V17H17V15Z",rt1="M20,5H21.67C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5M21,7H15V19H21V7M15.5,14L18.5,7.5V12H20.5L17.5,18.5V14H15.5M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",at1="M21,19V7H15V19H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",et1="M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",dt1="M21,16V7H15V16H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",mt1="M21,12V7H15V12H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",tt1="M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8M18.19,8C17.32,8 16.62,8.2 16.08,8.59C15.56,9 15.3,9.57 15.31,10.36L15.32,10.39H17.25C17.26,10.09 17.35,9.86 17.53,9.7C17.71,9.55 17.93,9.47 18.19,9.47C18.5,9.47 18.76,9.57 18.94,9.75C19.12,9.94 19.2,10.2 19.2,10.5C19.2,10.82 19.13,11.09 18.97,11.32C18.83,11.55 18.62,11.75 18.36,11.91C17.85,12.25 17.5,12.55 17.31,12.82C17.11,13.08 17,13.5 17,14H19C19,13.69 19.04,13.44 19.13,13.26C19.22,13.08 19.39,12.9 19.64,12.74C20.09,12.5 20.46,12.21 20.75,11.81C21.04,11.41 21.19,11 21.19,10.5C21.19,9.74 20.92,9.13 20.38,8.68C19.85,8.23 19.12,8 18.19,8M17,15V17H19V15H17Z",vt1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H18V13H6V11M6,15H18V17H6V15Z",lt1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.5,15.75H8.75C6.75,15.75 6,18 4,19C2,19 0.5,16.04 4.42,7.69L2,5.27M9.33,6.23H14.67C16,5 18.81,6.67 18.81,6.67L19.25,7.5H19.5C23,15 22.28,18.2 20.69,18.87L7.62,5.8C8.25,5.73 8.87,5.81 9.33,6.23M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7Z",ot1="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M6,7H15V9H8V14H6V7M9,10H18V17H9V10M11,12V15H16V12H11Z",nt1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H16V17H4V7M19,7A1,1 0 0,1 20,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,7M13,9V15H15V9H13M19,11A1,1 0 0,1 20,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,11Z",Zt1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.26 5.15C2.5 5.44 2 6.16 2 7V17C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19H17.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M4 17V7H5.11L15.11 17H4M16 7V12.8L21.5 18.31C21.81 17.95 22 17.5 22 17V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5H8.2L10.2 7H16M19 7C19.55 7 20 7.45 20 8S19.55 9 19 9 18 8.55 18 8 18.45 7 19 7M19 11C19.55 11 20 11.45 20 12S19.55 13 19 13 18 12.55 18 12 18.45 11 19 11M13 9.8V9H15V11.8L13 9.8Z",St1="M23 12L19 8V11H14.82C14.4 9.84 13.3 9 12 9S9.6 9.84 9.18 11H5L2 8V16L5 13H9.18C9.6 14.16 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.16 14.82 13H19V16L23 12Z",ut1="M23 12L19 8V11H15.86C15.41 9.28 13.86 8 12 8S8.59 9.28 8.14 11H5L2 8V16L5 13H8.14C8.59 14.72 10.14 16 12 16S15.41 14.72 15.86 13H19V16L23 12M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.1 10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10S14 10.9 14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14Z",ct1="M20.15 8.26H22V15.74H20.15M13 8.26H18.43C19 8.26 19.3 8.74 19.3 9.3V14.81C19.3 15.5 19 15.74 18.38 15.74H13V11H14.87V13.91H17.5V9.95H13M10.32 8.26H12.14V15.74H10.32M2 8.26H8.55C9.1 8.26 9.41 8.74 9.41 9.3V15.74H7.59V10.15H6.5V15.74H4.87V10.15H3.83V15.74H2Z",st1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M20.18,12C20.18,8.18 17.55,4.96 14,4.07V6H10V4.07C6.45,4.96 3.82,8.18 3.82,12A8.18,8.18 0 0,0 12,20.18A8.18,8.18 0 0,0 20.18,12M7,10.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 8.36,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 7,13.36C6.25,13.36 5.64,12.75 5.64,12C5.64,11.25 6.25,10.64 7,10.64M17,10.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 18.36,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 17,13.36A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 15.64,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 17,10.64M8.36,14.27A1.37,1.37 0 0,1 9.73,15.64C9.73,16.39 9.12,17 8.36,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 7,15.64C7,14.88 7.61,14.27 8.36,14.27M15.64,14.27C16.39,14.27 17,14.88 17,15.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 15.64,17C14.88,17 14.27,16.39 14.27,15.64A1.37,1.37 0 0,1 15.64,14.27M12,15.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 13.36,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 12,18.36A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 10.64,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 12,15.64Z",Ot1="M23,13V11H19.93C19.75,9.58 19.19,8.23 18.31,7.1L20.5,4.93L19.07,3.5L16.9,5.69C15.77,4.81 14.42,4.25 13,4.07V1H11V4.07C9.58,4.25 8.23,4.81 7.1,5.69L4.93,3.5L3.5,4.93L5.69,7.1C4.81,8.23 4.25,9.58 4.07,11H1V13H4.07C4.25,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L3.5,19.07L4.93,20.5L7.1,18.31C8.23,19.19 9.58,19.75 11,19.93V23H13V19.93C14.42,19.75 15.77,19.19 16.9,18.31L19.07,20.5L20.5,19.07L18.31,16.9C19.19,15.77 19.75,14.42 19.93,13H23M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12H6A6,6 0 0,1 12,6V8Z",ht1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M6,6V10H10V12H8V18H10V16H14V18H16V12H14V10H18V6H14V10H10V6H6Z",pt1="M6,4A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V12L18,10V6A2,2 0 0,0 16,4H6M7,6H9V10H7V6M10,6H12V10H10V6M13,6H15V10H13V6Z",ft1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M12,5C15.09,5 17.82,7.04 18.7,10H16A1,1 0 0,0 15,11V13A1,1 0 0,0 16,14H18.71C17.82,16.97 15.09,19 12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",gt1="M19,13H5V11H19V13Z",kt1="M17,13H7V11H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Bt1="M19 11H9V9H19M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",Pt1="M18 11H10V9H18M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",wt1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M17,11V13H7V11H17Z",Ft1="M17,13H7V11H17M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Tt1="M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M20 13H10V11H20V13Z",bt1="M11 11V13H19V11H11M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M15 19C11.14 19 8 15.86 8 12S11.14 5 15 5 22 8.14 22 12 18.86 19 15 19Z",yt1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M7 13V11H9.1L11.1 13H7M14.2 11L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L16.2 13H17V11H14.2Z",Rt1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L9.1 11H7V13H11.1L16.6 18.5C15.3 19.4 13.7 20 12 20M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L19 15.8C19.6 14.7 20 13.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.4 8.2 5M16.2 13L14.2 11H17V13H16.2Z",xt1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,13H17V11H7",Dt1="M16,11V9H8V11H16M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",Et1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15,11V9H9V11H15",Nt1="M20 14H4V10H20",Wt1="M12 1C16.69 1 20.5 5.93 20.5 12C20.5 18.08 16.69 23 12 23C7.31 23 3.5 18.08 3.5 12C3.5 5.93 7.31 1 12 1M12 3C8.41 3 5.5 7.03 5.5 12C5.5 16.97 8.41 21 12 21C15.59 21 18.5 16.97 18.5 12C18.5 7.03 15.59 3 12 3M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61Z",It1="M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61M18 3V21H6V3H18M20 1H4V23H20V1Z",Gt1="M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61M14.17 3L18 6.83V17.17L14.17 21H9.83L6 17.17V6.83L9.83 3H14.17M15 1H9L4 6V18L9 23H15L20 18V6L15 1Z",Qt1="M15,10V7H7V10H15M18,7C18.28,7 18.5,7.09 18.7,7.29C18.89,7.5 19,7.73 19,8V10.78C19,10.97 18.97,11.11 18.94,11.2L18.14,15.19C18,15.72 17.7,16 17.2,16H6.8C6.27,16 5.95,15.72 5.86,15.19L5.06,11.2C5.03,11.11 5,10.97 5,10.78V5C5,4.5 5.21,4 5.6,3.61C6,3.2 6.45,3 7,3H15C15.53,3 16,3.2 16.41,3.61C16.81,4 17,4.5 17,5V8C17,7.73 17.11,7.5 17.3,7.29C17.5,7.09 17.72,7 18,7M7,20V17H17V20C17,20.3 16.91,20.53 16.71,20.72C16.5,20.91 16.27,21 16,21H8C7.73,21 7.5,20.91 7.29,20.72C7.09,20.53 7,20.3 7,20Z",Ut1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M8.25,15H9.75L10.75,11.57V15H12.25V9H10L9,12.43L8,9H5.75V15H7.25V11.57L8.25,15M13.5,9V15H15V13H16.15L17,15H18.5L17.6,12.9C18.1,12.65 18.5,12.1 18.5,11.5V10.5C18.5,9.65 17.85,9 17,9H13.5M15,10.5H17V11.5H15V10.5Z",zt1="M7.27,10L9,7H14.42L15.58,5L15.5,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,4.5C18.5,5.21 18,5.81 17.33,5.96L16.37,7.63L17.73,10L18.59,8.5L18.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21.5,8C21.5,8.71 21,9.3 20.35,9.46L18.89,12L20.62,15C21.39,15.07 22,15.71 22,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,16.5V16.24L17.73,14L16.37,16.37L17.33,18.04C18,18.19 18.5,18.79 18.5,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,19.5L15.58,19L14.42,17H10.58L9.42,19L9.5,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,19.5C6.5,18.79 7,18.19 7.67,18.04L8.63,16.37L4.38,9C3.61,8.93 3,8.29 3,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,7.5C6,7.59 6,7.68 6,7.76L7.27,10M10.15,9L8.42,12L10.15,15H14.85L16.58,12L14.85,9H10.15Z",_t1="M8 7C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V15C6 16.11 6.9 17 8 17H11V15H8V9H11V7H8M14 7C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7H14M14 9H16V15H14V9",Kt1="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17H8V15H5V9H8V7H5M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M16,10.5V12H19V13.5H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,15V18H20.5V16.5H17.5V15H19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,13.5V12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,10.5H16Z",jt1="M21,16H3V4H21M21,2H3C1.89,2 1,2.89 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4C23,2.89 22.1,2 21,2Z",qt1="M21 2C22.05 2 22.92 2.81 23 3.85L23 4V16C23 17.05 22.18 17.92 21.15 18L21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.95 18 1.08 17.18 1 16.15L1 16V4C1 2.94 1.81 2.08 2.85 2L3 2H21M21 4H3V16H21V4M12 11C14.21 11 16 11.9 16 13V14H8V13C8 11.9 9.79 11 12 11M12 6C13.11 6 14 6.9 14 8S13.11 10 12 10 10 9.11 10 8 10.9 6 12 6Z",$t1="M21 16H3V4H21M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 16V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M16 10H13V6H11V10H8L12 14L16 10",Xt1="M17 14L22 9L20.6 7.6L18 10.2V3H16V10.2L13.4 7.6L12 9L17 14M23 14V16C23 17.1 22.1 18 21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.9 18 1 17.1 1 16V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2H12V4H3V16H21V14H23Z",Yt1="M23,11H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V21A1,1 0 0,0 18,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V12A1,1 0 0,0 23,11M23,20H18V13H23V20M20,2H2C0.89,2 0,2.89 0,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H9V20H7V22H15V20H13V18H15V16H2V4H20V9H22V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Jt1="M23,11H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V21A1,1 0 0,0 18,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V12A1,1 0 0,0 23,11M23,20H18V13H23V20M20,2H2C0.89,2 0,2.89 0,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H9V20H7V22H15V20H13V18H15V16H2V4H20V9H22V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2M11.97,9L11,6L10.03,9H7L9.47,10.76L8.53,13.67L11,11.87L13.47,13.67L12.53,10.76L15,9H11.97Z",Cv1="M21,16V4H3V16H21M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.89,18 1,17.1 1,16V4C1,2.89 1.89,2 3,2H21M5,6H14V11H5V6M15,6H19V8H15V6M19,9V14H15V9H19M5,12H9V14H5V12M10,12H14V14H10V12Z",Hv1="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.11 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V4C23 2.9 22.11 2 21 2M21 16H3V4H21V16M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",Vv1="M3 4V16H21V4H3M3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.89 23 4V16C23 16.53 22.79 17.04 22.41 17.41C22.04 17.79 21.53 18 21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C2.47 18 1.96 17.79 1.59 17.41C1.21 17.04 1 16.53 1 16V4C1 2.89 1.89 2 3 2M10.84 8.93C11.15 8.63 11.57 8.45 12 8.45C12.43 8.46 12.85 8.63 13.16 8.94C13.46 9.24 13.64 9.66 13.64 10.09C13.64 10.53 13.46 10.94 13.16 11.25C12.85 11.56 12.43 11.73 12 11.73C11.57 11.73 11.15 11.55 10.84 11.25C10.54 10.94 10.36 10.53 10.36 10.09C10.36 9.66 10.54 9.24 10.84 8.93M10.07 12C10.58 12.53 11.28 12.82 12 12.82C12.72 12.82 13.42 12.53 13.93 12C14.44 11.5 14.73 10.81 14.73 10.09C14.73 9.37 14.44 8.67 13.93 8.16C13.42 7.65 12.72 7.36 12 7.36C11.28 7.36 10.58 7.65 10.07 8.16C9.56 8.67 9.27 9.37 9.27 10.09C9.27 10.81 9.56 11.5 10.07 12M6 10.09C6.94 7.7 9.27 6 12 6C14.73 6 17.06 7.7 18 10.09C17.06 12.5 14.73 14.18 12 14.18C9.27 14.18 6.94 12.5 6 10.09Z",Lv1="M20.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 23,15.5V16A1,1 0 0,1 24,17V21A1,1 0 0,1 23,22H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,21V17A1,1 0 0,1 18,16V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 20.5,13M20.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,15.5V16H22V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,14M20,4H2V16H15V18H13V20H15V22H7V20H9V18H2C0.89,18 0,17.1 0,16V4C0,2.89 0.89,2 2,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V11.53C21.41,11.19 20.73,11 20,11V4Z",Mv1="M22,17V7H6V17H22M22,5A2,2 0 0,1 24,7V17C24,18.11 23.1,19 22,19H16V21H18V23H10V21H12V19H6C4.89,19 4,18.11 4,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 6,5H22M2,3V15H0V3A2,2 0 0,1 2,1H20V3H2Z",Av1="M14,18V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,16V4L0,3L1.41,1.58L22.16,22.34L20.75,23.75L15,18H14M3,16H13L3,6V16M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H20.66L18.66,16H21V4H6.66L4.66,2H21Z",iv1="M9,6H5V10H7V8H9M19,10H17V12H15V14H19M21,16H3V4H21M21,2H3C1.89,2 1,2.89 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4C23,2.89 22.1,2 21,2",rv1="M23 4V16C23 17.11 22.11 18 21 18H15V16H21V4H3V16H9V18H3C1.9 18 1 17.11 1 16V4C1 2.89 1.89 2 3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.89 23 4M13 13H16L12 9L8 13H11V20H8V22H16V20H13V13Z",av1="M21 16H3V4H21M21 2H3C1.89 2 1 2.89 1 4V16C1 17.11 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V4C23 2.89 22.1 2 21 2M15 5.5L14.38 6.87L13 7.5L14.38 8.13L15 9.5L15.63 8.13L17 7.5L15.63 6.87L15 5.5M10.5 7.5L9.41 9.91L7 11L9.41 12.09L10.5 14.5L11.6 12.09L14 11L11.6 9.91L10.5 7.5",ev1="M19 2H5C3.89 2 3 2.89 3 4V16C3 17.11 3.9 18 5 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H19C20.11 18 21 17.11 21 16V4C21 2.89 20.1 2 19 2M19 16H5V4H19V16Z",dv1="M3 2C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H12V16H3V4H21V7H23V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2H3M21 9H16C14.9 9 14 9.9 14 11V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 10.5C19.3 10.5 20 11.2 20 12S19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5 17 12.8 17 12 17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5C15.5 15.9 16.8 14.5 18.4 14.5H18.5C20.2 14.5 21.5 15.8 21.5 17.5S20.2 20.5 18.5 20.5M18.5 16C17.7 16 17 16.7 17 17.5S17.7 19 18.5 19 20 18.3 20 17.5 19.3 16 18.5 16Z",mv1="M2.4 1.7L1.1 3L1.2 3.1C1.1 3.4 1 3.7 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H12V16H3V4.9L14 15.9V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H20.1L20.8 22.7C20.8 22.7 22 21.7 22.2 21.5L2.4 1.7M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5V17.4L18.6 20.5H18.5M23 4V7H21V4H7.2L5.2 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.9 23 4M21 9H16C15 9 14.1 9.8 14 10.8L17.8 14.6C18 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.5 14.5H18.6C20.3 14.5 21.6 15.8 21.6 17.5C21.6 17.7 21.6 18 21.5 18.2L23.1 19.8V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 13.5C17.7 13.5 17 12.8 17 12S17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5 20 11.2 20 12 19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5Z",tv1="M21,16V4H3V16H21M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.89,18 1,17.1 1,16V4C1,2.89 1.89,2 3,2H21M12.97,9H16L13.53,10.76L14.47,13.67L12,11.87L9.53,13.67L10.47,10.76L8,9H11.03L12,6L12.97,9Z",vv1="M16 2H8C6.89 2 6 2.89 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H16C17.11 18 18 17.11 18 16V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2M16 16H8V4H16V16Z",lv1="M12 2V22A10 10 0 0 0 12 2Z",ov1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 1 2 12A10 10 0 0 1 12 2Z",nv1="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 12 22Z",Zv1="M12 20A8 8 0 1 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2Z",Sv1="M2 12A10 10 0 0 0 15 21.54A10 10 0 0 1 15 2.46A10 10 0 0 0 2 12Z",uv1="M18 12C18 7.5 16.08 3.26 12 2A10 10 0 0 0 12 22C16.08 20.74 18 16.5 18 12Z",cv1="M12 2A9.91 9.91 0 0 0 9 2.46A10 10 0 0 1 9 21.54A10 10 0 1 0 12 2Z",sv1="M6 12C6 7.5 7.93 3.26 12 2A10 10 0 0 1 12 22C7.93 20.74 6 16.5 6 12Z",Ov1="M19 15C19.55 15 20 15.45 20 16C20 16.55 19.55 17 19 17S18 16.55 18 16C18 15.45 18.45 15 19 15M19 13C17.34 13 16 14.34 16 16S17.34 19 19 19 22 17.66 22 16 20.66 13 19 13M10 6H5V8H10V6M17 5H14V7H17V9.65L13.5 14H10V9H6C3.79 9 2 10.79 2 13V16H4C4 17.66 5.34 19 7 19S10 17.66 10 16H14.5L19 10.35V7C19 5.9 18.11 5 17 5M7 17C6.45 17 6 16.55 6 16H8C8 16.55 7.55 17 7 17Z",hv1="M19 5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H14V5H17V7.65L13.5 12H10V7H6C3.79 7 2 8.79 2 11V14H4C4 15.66 5.34 17 7 17S10 15.66 10 14H14.5L19 8.35V5M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14H8C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M5 4H10V6H5V4M19 11C17.34 11 16 12.34 16 14S17.34 17 19 17 22 15.66 22 14 20.66 11 19 11M19 15C18.45 15 18 14.55 18 14S18.45 13 19 13 20 13.45 20 14 19.55 15 19 15M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",pv1="M19 5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H14V5H17V7.65L13.5 12H10V7H6C3.79 7 2 8.79 2 11V14H4C4 15.66 5.34 17 7 17S10 15.66 10 14H14.5L19 8.35V5M4 12V11C4 9.9 4.9 9 6 9H8V12H4M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14H8C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M5 4H10V6H5V4M19 11C17.34 11 16 12.34 16 14S17.34 17 19 17 22 15.66 22 14 20.66 11 19 11M19 15C18.45 15 18 14.55 18 14S18.45 13 19 13 20 13.45 20 14 19.55 15 19 15M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",fv1="M19 7C19 5.9 18.11 5 17 5H14V7H17V9.65L13.5 14H10V9H6C3.79 9 2 10.79 2 13V16H4C4 17.66 5.34 19 7 19S10 17.66 10 16H14.5L19 10.35V7M7 17C6.45 17 6 16.55 6 16H8C8 16.55 7.55 17 7 17M8 14H4V13C4 11.9 4.9 11 6 11H8V14M19 13C17.34 13 16 14.34 16 16S17.34 19 19 19 22 17.66 22 16 20.66 13 19 13M19 17C18.45 17 18 16.55 18 16S18.45 15 19 15 20 15.45 20 16 19.55 17 19 17M10 8H5V6H10V8Z",gv1="M19,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,13.5M14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5M9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,13.5M22,3H7C6.31,3 5.77,3.35 5.41,3.88L0,12L5.41,20.11C5.77,20.64 6.37,21 7.06,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5C24,3.89 23.1,3 22,3Z",kv1="M21 7L19 13L21 19V21H3V19L5 13L3 7V5H15.7L17.2 1L19.5 1.8L18.3 5H21V7Z",Bv1="M16,14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12H16M21,5H18.35L19.5,1.85L17.15,1L15.69,5H3V7L5,13L3,19V21H21V19L19,13L21,7V5Z",Pv1="M7 8H17C17.3 8 17.6 8.1 17.8 8.1C17.9 7.8 18 7.4 18 7.1C18 5.8 17.4 4.6 16.3 3.9L12 1L7.7 3.8C6.7 4.6 6 5.8 6 7.1C6 7.5 6.1 7.8 6.2 8.1C6.4 8.1 6.7 8 7 8M24 7C24 5.9 22 4 22 4S20 5.9 20 7C20 7.7 20.4 8.4 21 8.7V13H19V11C19 9.9 18.1 9 17 9H7C5.9 9 5 9.9 5 11V13H3V8.7C3.6 8.4 4 7.7 4 7C4 5.9 2 4 2 4S0 5.9 0 7C0 7.7 .4 8.4 1 8.7V21H10V17C10 15.9 10.9 15 12 15S14 15.9 14 17V21H23V8.7C23.6 8.4 24 7.7 24 7Z",wv1="M24 7C24 5.9 22 4 22 4S20 5.9 20 7C20 7.7 20.4 8.4 21 8.7V13H19V11C19 10.1 18.3 9.3 17.5 9.1C17.8 8.5 18 7.9 18 7.1C18 5.8 17.4 4.6 16.3 3.9L12 1L7.7 3.8C6.7 4.6 6 5.8 6 7.1C6 7.8 6.2 8.5 6.6 9.1C5.7 9.3 5 10.1 5 11V13H3V8.7C3.6 8.4 4 7.7 4 7C4 5.9 2 4 2 4S0 5.9 0 7C0 7.7 .4 8.4 1 8.7V21H11V17C11 16.5 11.4 16 12 16S13 16.5 13 17V21H23V8.7C23.6 8.4 24 7.7 24 7M8.9 5.5L12 3.4L15.1 5.5C15.7 5.9 16 6.4 16 7.1C16 8.1 15.1 9 14.1 9H9.9C8.9 9 8 8.1 8 7.1C8 6.4 8.3 5.9 8.9 5.5M21 19H15V17C15 15.4 13.6 14 12 14S9 15.4 9 17V19H3V15H7V11H17V15H21V19Z",Fv1="M12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5S13.66 8 12 8 9 6.66 9 5 10.34 2 12 2M20 18L18 12.56C17.65 11.57 17.34 10.71 16 10C14.63 9.3 13.63 9 12 9C10.39 9 9.39 9.3 8 10C6.68 10.71 6.37 11.57 6 12.56L4 18C3.77 19.13 6.38 20.44 8.13 21.19C9.34 21.72 10.64 22 12 22C13.38 22 14.67 21.72 15.89 21.19C17.64 20.44 20.25 19.13 20 18M15.42 17.5L12 21L8.58 17.5C8.22 17.12 8 16.61 8 16.05C8 14.92 8.9 14 10 14C10.55 14 11.06 14.23 11.42 14.61L12 15.2L12.58 14.6C12.94 14.23 13.45 14 14 14C15.11 14 16 14.92 16 16.05C16 16.61 15.78 17.13 15.42 17.5Z",Tv1="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M20,18L18,12.56C17.65,11.57 17.34,10.71 16,10C14.62,9.3 13.62,9 12,9C10.37,9 9.38,9.3 8,10C6.66,10.71 6.35,11.57 6,12.56L4,18C3.68,19.35 6.36,20.44 8.11,21.19V19C8.11,18.05 8.97,17.38 10.69,16.97C10.85,16.93 11,16.91 11.12,16.89C10.58,16.07 10.36,15.34 10.34,15.28L12.11,14.68C12.12,14.7 12.63,16.27 13.84,17.06C14.05,17.13 14.26,17.21 14.46,17.3C15.23,17.64 15.69,18.08 15.84,18.61C14.5,19.14 13.22,19.41 12,19.41L11,19.31V21.94L12,22C13.37,22 14.67,21.72 15.89,21.19C17.64,20.44 20.25,19.13 20,18M15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,17Z",bv1="M7 13H3C2.45 13 2 12.55 2 12S2.45 11 3 11H7C7.55 11 8 11.45 8 12S7.55 13 7 13M6 8C6 7.45 5.55 7 5 7H4C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8S3.45 9 4 9H5C5.55 9 6 8.55 6 8M22 12C22 14.76 19.76 17 17 17H4C3.45 17 3 16.55 3 16S3.45 15 4 15H13C12.58 14.42 12.25 13.74 12.1 13H10C9.45 13 9 12.55 9 12S9.45 11 10 11H12.1C12.25 10.26 12.58 9.58 13 9H8C7.45 9 7 8.55 7 8S7.45 7 8 7H17C19.76 7 22 9.24 22 12Z",yv1="M7 13H3C2.45 13 2 12.55 2 12S2.45 11 3 11H7C7.55 11 8 11.45 8 12S7.55 13 7 13M6 8C6 7.45 5.55 7 5 7H4C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8S3.45 9 4 9H5C5.55 9 6 8.55 6 8M22 12C22 14.76 19.76 17 17 17H4C3.45 17 3 16.55 3 16S3.45 15 4 15H13C12.58 14.42 12.25 13.74 12.1 13H10C9.45 13 9 12.55 9 12S9.45 11 10 11H12.1C12.25 10.26 12.58 9.58 13 9H8C7.45 9 7 8.55 7 8S7.45 7 8 7H17C19.76 7 22 9.24 22 12M20 12C20 10.35 18.65 9 17 9S14 10.35 14 12C14 13.65 15.35 15 17 15S20 13.65 20 12Z",Rv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97M18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C8.67 6 6 8.67 6 12C6 15.33 8.67 18 12 18C15.33 18 18 15.33 18 12M11 9V15H9V9M15 9V15H13V9",xv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7M9 9H11V15H9M13 9H15V15H13",Dv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97M18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C8.67 6 6 8.67 6 12C6 15.33 8.67 18 12 18C15.33 18 18 15.33 18 12M15 12L10 15V9",Ev1="M10 16.5L16 12L10 7.5M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97Z",Nv1="M10,0.2C9,0.2 8.2,1 8.2,2C8.2,3 9,3.8 10,3.8C11,3.8 11.8,3 11.8,2C11.8,1 11,0.2 10,0.2M15.67,1A7.33,7.33 0 0,0 23,8.33V7A6,6 0 0,1 17,1H15.67M18.33,1C18.33,3.58 20.42,5.67 23,5.67V4.33C21.16,4.33 19.67,2.84 19.67,1H18.33M21,1A2,2 0 0,0 23,3V1H21M7.92,4.03C7.75,4.03 7.58,4.06 7.42,4.11L2,5.8V11H3.8V7.33L5.91,6.67L2,22H3.8L6.67,13.89L9,17V22H10.8V15.59L8.31,11.05L9.04,8.18L10.12,10H15V8.2H11.38L9.38,4.87C9.08,4.37 8.54,4.03 7.92,4.03Z",Wv1="M11.4 8.2H15V10H13.2L11.4 8.2M19.67 1H18.33C18.33 3.58 20.42 5.67 23 5.67V4.33C21.16 4.33 19.67 2.84 19.67 1M21 1C21 2.11 21.9 3 23 3V1H21M17 1H15.67C15.67 5.05 18.95 8.33 23 8.33V7C19.69 7 17 4.31 17 1M10 3.8C11 3.8 11.8 3 11.8 2S11 .2 10 .2 8.2 1 8.2 2 9 3.8 10 3.8M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.46 5.35L2 5.8V11H3.8V7.33L5.05 6.94L5.68 7.57L2 22H3.8L6.67 13.89L9 17V22H10.8V15.59L8.31 11.05L8.5 10.37L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M9.38 4.87C9.08 4.37 8.54 4.03 7.92 4.03C7.75 4.03 7.58 4.06 7.42 4.11L7.34 4.14L11.35 8.15L9.38 4.87Z",Iv1="M17.42,10L13.41,6H9V8H12.59L14.59,10H6.5C4,10 2,12 2,14.5C2,17 4,19 6.5,19C8.72,19 10.56,17.38 10.92,15.27L13.04,14C13,14.17 13,14.33 13,14.5C13,17 15,19 17.5,19C20,19 22,17 22,14.5C22,12 20,10 17.5,10M8.84,15.26C8.5,16.27 7.58,17 6.47,17C5.09,17 3.97,15.88 3.97,14.5C3.97,13.12 5.09,12 6.47,12C7.59,12 8.5,12.74 8.84,13.75H6V15.25L8.84,15.26M17.47,17C16.09,17 14.97,15.88 14.97,14.5C14.97,13.12 16.09,12 17.47,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.97,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.47,17Z",Gv1="M17.42 8L13.41 4H9V6H12.59L14.59 8H6.5C4 8 2 10 2 12.5S4 17 6.5 17C8.72 17 10.56 15.38 10.92 13.27L13.04 12C13 12.17 13 12.33 13 12.5C13 15 15 17 17.5 17S22 15 22 12.5 20 8 17.5 8M8.84 13.26C8.5 14.27 7.58 15 6.47 15C5.09 15 3.97 13.88 3.97 12.5S5.09 10 6.47 10C7.59 10 8.5 10.74 8.84 11.75H6V13.25L8.84 13.26M17.47 15C16.09 15 14.97 13.88 14.97 12.5S16.09 10 17.47 10C18.85 10 19.97 11.12 19.97 12.5S18.85 15 17.47 15M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",Qv1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.1 10H6.5C4 10 2 12 2 14.5S4 19 6.5 19C8.7 19 10.6 17.4 10.9 15.3L12.4 14.4L13 15C13.2 17.1 14.9 18.8 17 19L20.8 22.8L22.1 21.5M8.8 15.3C8.5 16.3 7.5 17 6.4 17C5.1 17 4 15.9 4 14.5S5.1 12 6.5 12C7.6 12 8.5 12.7 8.9 13.8H6V15.3H8.8M11.2 8L9.2 6H13.4L17.4 10H17.5C20 10 22 12 22 14.5C22 15.7 21.5 16.8 20.8 17.6L19.4 16.2C19.8 15.8 20 15.2 20 14.6C20 13.2 18.9 12.1 17.5 12.1C16.9 12.1 16.3 12.3 15.9 12.7L13.2 10H14.6L12.6 8H11.2Z",Uv1="M11,1.07C7.05,1.56 4,4.92 4,9H11M4,15A8,8 0 0,0 12,23A8,8 0 0,0 20,15V11H4M13,1.07V9H20C20,4.92 16.94,1.56 13,1.07Z",zv1="M20,7H20.5L23.35,9.85L21.21,12L23.35,14.14L20.5,17H20V13.21L17.71,15.5L17,14.79L19.79,12L17,9.21L17.71,8.5L20,10.79V7M21,8.91V10.79L21.94,9.85L21,8.91M21,13.21V15.08L21.94,14.14L21,13.21M15,9V10H9V2.07C12.39,2.56 15,5.47 15,9M1,10V9C1,5.47 3.61,2.56 7,2.07V10H1M15,15A7,7 0 0,1 8,22A7,7 0 0,1 1,15V12H15V15Z",_v1="M13 9V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M6.34 20.66C4.84 19.16 4 17.12 4 15V11H20V15C20 17.12 19.16 19.16 17.66 20.66C16.16 22.16 14.12 23 12 23C9.88 23 7.84 22.16 6.34 20.66M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34Z",Kv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15M11 9V1.07C7.06 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11Z",jv1="M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9M20 7H18V13H15L19 17L23 13H20V7M9 3.09V9H14C14 6.04 11.83 3.57 9 3.09M2 15C2 18.3 4.7 21 8 21S14 18.3 14 15V11H2V15Z",qv1="M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9M18 17H20V11H23L19 7L15 11H18V17M9 3.09V9H14C14 6.04 11.83 3.57 9 3.09M2 15C2 18.3 4.7 21 8 21S14 18.3 14 15V11H2V15Z",$v1="M20 6H23L19 2L15 6H18V18H15L19 22L23 18H20V6M9 3.09C11.83 3.57 14 6.04 14 9H9V3.09M14 11V15C14 18.3 11.3 21 8 21S2 18.3 2 15V11H14M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9Z",Xv1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.5,20.79C16.08,22.16 14.14,23 12,23A8,8 0 0,1 4,15V11H7.73L5.73,9H4C4,8.46 4.05,7.93 4.15,7.42L2,5.27M11,1.07V9H10.82L5.79,3.96C7.05,2.4 8.9,1.33 11,1.07M20,11V15C20,15.95 19.83,16.86 19.53,17.71L12.82,11H20M13,1.07C16.94,1.56 20,4.92 20,9H13V1.07Z",Yv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15Z",Jv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M11 9V1.07C7.06 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11M6.34 20.66C4.84 19.16 4 17.12 4 15V11H20V15C20 17.12 19.16 19.16 17.66 20.66C16.16 22.16 14.12 23 12 23C9.88 23 7.84 22.16 6.34 20.66Z",Cl1="M13 9V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15Z",Hl1="M11 1.07C7.05 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11V7.73C10.4 7.39 10 6.74 10 6V4C10 3.26 10.4 2.61 11 2.27V1.07M13 9V7.73C13.6 7.39 14 6.74 14 6V4C14 3.26 13.6 2.61 13 2.27V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15M13 6V4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4V6C11 6.55 11.45 7 12 7C12.55 7 13 6.55 13 6Z",Vl1="M14,7H10V2.1C12.28,2.56 14,4.58 14,7M4,7C4,4.58 5.72,2.56 8,2.1V7H4M14,12C14,14.42 12.28,16.44 10,16.9V18A3,3 0 0,0 13,21A3,3 0 0,0 16,18V13A4,4 0 0,1 20,9H22L21,10L22,11H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,13H18V18A5,5 0 0,1 13,23A5,5 0 0,1 8,18V16.9C5.72,16.44 4,14.42 4,12V9H14V12Z",Ll1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.29,20.56C16.42,22 14.82,23 13,23A5,5 0 0,1 8,18V16.9C5.72,16.44 4,14.42 4,12V9H5.73L2,5.27M14,7H10V2.1C12.28,2.56 14,4.58 14,7M8,2.1V6.18L5.38,3.55C6.07,2.83 7,2.31 8,2.1M14,12V12.17L10.82,9H14V12M10,16.9V18A3,3 0 0,0 13,21C14.28,21 15.37,20.2 15.8,19.07L12.4,15.67C11.74,16.28 10.92,16.71 10,16.9M16,13A4,4 0 0,1 20,9H22L21,10L22,11H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,13V16.18L16,14.18V13Z",Ml1="M9,1V2H10V5H9V6H12V5H11V2H12V1M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V21C7,22.11 7.89,23 9,23H21C22.11,23 23,22.11 23,21V9C23,7.89 22.11,7 21,7M1,9V12H2V11H5V12H6V9H5V10H2V9M9,9H21V21H9M14,10V11H15V16H11V15H10V18H11V17H15V19H14V20H17V19H16V17H19V18H20V15H19V16H16V11H17V10",Al1="M1.88,0.46L0.46,1.88L5.59,7H2V9H9V2H7V5.59M11,7V9H21V15H23V9A2,2 0 0,0 21,7M7,11V21A2,2 0 0,0 9,23H15V21H9V11M15.88,14.46L14.46,15.88L19.6,21H17V23H23V17H21V19.59",il1="M18,4L20,8H17L15,4H13L15,8H12L10,4H8L10,8H7L5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V4H18Z",rl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",al1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",el1="M12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V12.68C21.09 12.25 20.08 12 19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",dl1="M12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V12.68C21.38 12.39 20.71 12.18 20 12.08V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H12.08C12.03 18.33 12 18.66 12 19M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 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2.18L16.91 2.96L19.65 6.5L21.62 6.1M19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.91 1.4 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",xl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.9 1.39 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M4 20V12H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H4M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Dl1="M14.75 5.46L12 1.93L13.97 1.54L16.71 5.07L14.75 5.46M21.62 4.1L20.84 .18L16.91 .96L19.65 4.5L21.62 4.1M11.81 6.05L9.07 2.5L7.1 2.91L9.85 6.44L11.81 6.05M2 8V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8H2M4.16 3.5L3.18 3.69C2.1 3.91 1.4 4.96 1.61 6.04L2 8L6.9 7.03L4.16 3.5M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",El1="M19.65 4.5L16.91 .96L20.84 .18L21.62 4.1L19.65 4.5M16.71 5.07L13.97 1.54L12 1.93L14.75 5.46L16.71 5.07M11.81 6.05L9.07 2.5L7.1 2.91L9.85 6.44L11.81 6.05M4.16 3.5L3.18 3.69C2.1 3.9 1.39 4.96 1.61 6.04L2 8L6.9 7.03L4.16 3.5M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V8H22M20 10H4V18H20V10M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",Nl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.91 1.4 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Wl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.9 1.39 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M4 20V12H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H4M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Il1="M5.76,10H20V18H4V6.47M22,4H18L20,8H17L15,4H13L15,8H12L10,4H8L10,8H7L5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V4Z",Gl1="M22 4V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",Ql1="M22 4V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",Ul1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",zl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",_l1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Kl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",jl1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,4M4.4,9.53C3.97,10.84 4.69,12.25 6,12.68C7.32,13.1 8.73,12.39 9.15,11.07C9.58,9.76 8.86,8.35 7.55,7.92C6.24,7.5 4.82,8.21 4.4,9.53M19.61,9.5C19.18,8.21 17.77,7.5 16.46,7.92C15.14,8.34 14.42,9.75 14.85,11.07C15.28,12.38 16.69,13.1 18,12.67C19.31,12.25 20.03,10.83 19.61,9.5M7.31,18.46C8.42,19.28 10,19.03 10.8,17.91C11.61,16.79 11.36,15.23 10.24,14.42C9.13,13.61 7.56,13.86 6.75,14.97C5.94,16.09 6.19,17.65 7.31,18.46M16.7,18.46C17.82,17.65 18.07,16.09 17.26,14.97C16.45,13.85 14.88,13.6 13.77,14.42C12.65,15.23 12.4,16.79 13.21,17.91C14,19.03 15.59,19.27 16.7,18.46M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5Z",ql1="M11.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.05C20.85 11.22 18.82 10 16.5 10C12.92 10 10 12.92 10 16.5C10 17.79 10.38 19 11.03 20M23.39 22L22 23.39L18.88 20.32C18.19 20.75 17.37 21 16.5 21C14 21 12 19 12 16.5S14 12 16.5 12 21 14 21 16.5C21 17.38 20.75 18.21 20.31 18.9L23.39 22M19 16.5C19 15.12 17.88 14 16.5 14S14 15.12 14 16.5 15.12 19 16.5 19 19 17.88 19 16.5Z",$l1="M11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13C21.5 12.2 20.8 11.5 20 11V10H5.8L4 6.5V18H10.2C10.4 18.7 10.6 19.4 11 20M20.3 18.9C20.7 18.2 21 17.4 21 16.5C21 14 19 12 16.5 12S12 14 12 16.5 14 21 16.5 21C17.4 21 18.2 20.8 18.9 20.3L22 23.4L23.4 22L20.3 18.9M16.5 19C15.1 19 14 17.9 14 16.5S15.1 14 16.5 14 19 15.1 19 16.5 17.9 19 16.5 19Z",Xl1="M22 4V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",Yl1="M18 4L20 8H17L15 4H13L15 8H12L10 4H8L10 8H7L5 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V4H18M20 18H4V6.47L5.76 10H20V18M11 22H13V24H11V22M7 22H9V24H7V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",Jl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Co1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Ho1="M18.5 14C17.55 14 16.69 14.38 16.06 15H9.39L5.74 3H2V5H4.26L7 14.05C6.85 14.03 6.68 14 6.5 14C4.57 14 3 15.57 3 17.5S4.57 21 6.5 21C7.89 21 9.09 20.18 9.65 19H15.35C15.91 20.18 17.11 21 18.5 21C20.43 21 22 19.43 22 17.5S20.43 14 18.5 14M6.5 19C5.67 19 5 18.33 5 17.5S5.67 16 6.5 16 8 16.67 8 17.5 7.33 19 6.5 19M18.5 19C17.67 19 17 18.33 17 17.5S17.67 16 18.5 16 20 16.67 20 17.5 19.33 19 18.5 19M10.13 14L9.53 12H12.76C13.5 12 14.21 12.43 14.55 13.11L15 14H10.13Z",Vo1="M11.95 14L10.82 12H14.76C15.5 12 16.21 12.43 16.55 13.11L17 14H11.95M23 18C23 19.66 21.66 21 20 21C18.7 21 17.6 20.16 17.18 19H11.65C11.09 20.18 9.89 21 8.5 21S5.91 20.18 5.35 19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V11C1 10.67 1.17 10.36 1.44 10.17C1.71 10 2.06 9.95 2.37 10.07L7.43 12.09L3.42 5H1V3H4.58L11.37 15H20C21.66 15 23 16.34 23 18M7.34 14.21L3 12.5V17H5.05C5.24 15.7 6.13 14.64 7.34 14.21M10 17.5C10 16.67 9.33 16 8.5 16S7 16.67 7 17.5 7.67 19 8.5 19 10 18.33 10 17.5M21 18C21 17.45 20.55 17 20 17S19 17.45 19 18 19.45 19 20 19 21 18.55 21 18Z",Lo1="M12 2H14V7H12V2M22 6.3L20.6 4.9L17 8.4L18.4 9.8C18.4 9.8 21.9 6.3 22 6.3M10.8 12L11.9 14H17L16.5 13.1C16.2 12.4 15.5 12 14.7 12H10.8M20 15H11.4L4.6 3H1V5H3.4L7.4 12.1L2.3 10.1C2.1 10 1.7 10 1.4 10.2C1.2 10.4 1 10.7 1 11V18C1 18.5 1.5 19 2 19H5.3C5.9 20.2 7.1 21 8.5 21S11.1 20.2 11.7 19H17.2C17.6 20.2 18.7 21 20 21C21.7 21 23 19.7 23 18S21.7 15 20 15M5 17H3V12.5L7.3 14.2C6.1 14.6 5.2 15.7 5 17M8.5 19C7.7 19 7 18.3 7 17.5S7.7 16 8.5 16 10 16.7 10 17.5 9.3 19 8.5 19M20 19C19.5 19 19 18.5 19 18S19.5 17 20 17 21 17.5 21 18 20.5 19 20 19Z",Mo1="M12 2H14V7H12V2M22 6.3L20.6 4.9L17 8.4L18.4 9.8C18.4 9.8 21.9 6.3 22 6.3M18.5 14C17.5 14 16.7 14.4 16.1 15H9.4L5.7 3H2V5H4.3L7 14H6.5C4.6 14 3 15.6 3 17.5S4.6 21 6.5 21C7.9 21 9.1 20.2 9.7 19H15.4C16 20.2 17.2 21 18.6 21C20.5 21 22.1 19.4 22.1 17.5S20.4 14 18.5 14M6.5 19C5.7 19 5 18.3 5 17.5S5.7 16 6.5 16 8 16.7 8 17.5 7.3 19 6.5 19M18.5 19C17.7 19 17 18.3 17 17.5S17.7 16 18.5 16 20 16.7 20 17.5 19.3 19 18.5 19M9.5 12L10.1 14H15L14.6 13.1C14.3 12.4 13.5 12 12.8 12H9.5Z",Ao1="M16,5C16,5 15,2 12,2C9,2 8,5 8,5C6,5 4,7 4,9C1.3,9 1.3,13 4,13H20C22.7,13 22.7,9 20,9C20,7 18,5 16,5M5,15L7,22H9L8,15H5M10,15L11,22H13L14,15H10M16,15L15,22H17L19,15H16Z",io1="M17 2V4H12C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6V9H12V6H17V8L20 5L17 2M17 9V11H6.73C6.37 10.38 5.71 10 5 10C3.9 10 3 10.9 3 12S3.9 14 5 14C5.71 14 6.37 13.62 6.73 13H17V15L20 12L17 9M10 15V18C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20H17V22L20 19L17 16V18H12V15H10Z",ro1="M9 13V5C9 3.9 9.9 3 11 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V11H18.57L17.29 9.26C17.23 9.17 17.11 9.17 17.05 9.26L15.06 12C15 12.06 14.88 12.07 14.82 12L13.39 10.25C13.33 10.18 13.22 10.18 13.16 10.25L11.05 12.91C10.97 13 11.04 13.15 11.16 13.15H17.5V15H11C9.89 15 9 14.11 9 13M6 22V21H4V22H2V2H4V3H6V2H8.39C7.54 2.74 7 3.8 7 5V13C7 15.21 8.79 17 11 17H15.7C14.67 17.83 14 19.08 14 20.5C14 21.03 14.11 21.53 14.28 22H6M4 7H6V5H4V7M4 11H6V9H4V11M4 15H6V13H4V15M6 19V17H4V19H6M23 13V15H21V20.5C21 21.88 19.88 23 18.5 23S16 21.88 16 20.5 17.12 18 18.5 18C18.86 18 19.19 18.07 19.5 18.21V13H23Z",ao1="M11,3H13V10.27L19.29,6.64L20.29,8.37L14,12L20.3,15.64L19.3,17.37L13,13.72V21H11V13.73L4.69,17.36L3.69,15.63L10,12L3.72,8.36L4.72,6.63L11,10.26V3Z",eo1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M11,17H13V13.73L15.83,15.36L16.83,13.63L14,12L16.83,10.36L15.83,8.63L13,10.27V7H11V10.27L8.17,8.63L7.17,10.36L10,12L7.17,13.63L8.17,15.36L11,13.73V17Z",do1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A2,2 0 0,1 20,14H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4A2,2 0 0,0 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8M17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,8A2,2 0 0,0 15,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12M7,12A2,2 0 0,0 9,10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8A2,2 0 0,0 5,10A2,2 0 0,0 7,12M15,15L16.27,19.45L16.35,20C16.35,21.1 15.45,22 14.35,22H9.65A2,2 0 0,1 7.65,20L7.73,19.45L9,15H15Z",mo1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H12.1L13.1 15H9L7.7 19.5V20C7.7 21.1 8.6 22 9.7 22H14.4C15.5 22 16.4 21.1 16.4 20L16.3 19.5L15.8 17.7L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 12C5.9 12 5 11.1 5 10C5 9.2 5.5 8.4 6.3 8.1L8.9 10.7C8.6 11.5 7.8 12 7 12M10 6C10 4.9 10.9 4 12 4S14 4.9 14 6 13.1 8 12 8C11.5 8 11.1 7.8 10.7 7.5L17.2 14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.6 6.7 3.5L10.4 7.2C10.2 6.9 10 6.5 10 6M17 8C18.1 8 19 8.9 19 10S18.1 12 17 12 15 11.1 15 10 15.9 8 17 8Z",to1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H12.1L13.1 15H9L8 18.5L7.7 19.5C7.4 20.6 8.1 21.7 9.1 21.9L9.7 22H14.4C15.5 22 16.4 21.1 16.4 20L16.3 19.5L16 18.5L15.8 17.6L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L6.2 8.1C6.1 8.4 6 8.7 6 9C6 10.1 6.9 11 8 11C8.3 11 8.6 10.9 8.9 10.8L10.1 12H4M9.7 20L10 19L10.6 17H13.6L14.2 19L14.5 20H9.7M16 11C14.9 11 14 10.1 14 9S14.9 7 16 7 18 7.9 18 9 17.1 11 16 11M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.1 21.1 14 20 14H17.2L15.2 12H20C20 8.3 17.4 5.1 14 4.2C13.9 5.2 13 6 12 6S10.1 5.2 10 4.2C9.4 4.4 8.7 4.7 8.2 5Z",vo1="M4,12H20C20,8.27 17.44,5.13 14,4.25C13.86,5.24 13,6 12,6C11,6 10.14,5.24 10,4.25C6.56,5.13 4,8.27 4,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A2,2 0 0,1 20,14H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13.5,17H10.5L9.92,19L9.65,20H14.35L14.08,19L13.5,17M15,15L16,18.5L16.27,19.45L16.35,20C16.35,21.1 15.45,22 14.35,22H9.65L9.17,21.94C8.1,21.66 7.45,20.57 7.73,19.5L8,18.5L9,15H15M16,7A2,2 0 0,1 18,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,7M8,7A2,2 0 0,1 10,9A2,2 0 0,1 8,11A2,2 0 0,1 6,9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7Z",lo1="M21,3V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 17.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 17.5,12C18.04,12 18.55,12.12 19,12.34V6.47L9,8.6V17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,21A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,14C6.04,14 6.55,14.12 7,14.34V6L21,3Z",oo1="M15.5 9C14.8 9 14.11 9.28 13.5 9.67V5H11.5V9.62C11.04 9.24 10.39 9 9.5 9C8.8 9 8.11 9.28 7.5 9.67V5H5.5V19C8.5 17.32 10.43 15.79 11.5 14.41V19C16.36 16.26 18.5 13.91 18.5 12C18.5 10.59 17.79 9 15.5 9M7.5 15.38V12.26C8.12 11.59 8.95 11 9.5 11C10.09 11 10.5 11.07 10.5 12C10.5 12.15 10.4 13.3 7.5 15.38M13.5 15.38V12.26C14.12 11.59 14.95 11 15.5 11C16.09 11 16.5 11.07 16.5 12C16.5 12.15 16.4 13.3 13.5 15.38Z",no1="M15.41 10H17V7H14V8.59L12 10.59L10 8.59V7H7V10H8.59L10.59 12L8.59 14H7V17H10V15.41L12 13.41L14 15.41V17H17V14H15.41L13.41 12L15.41 10Z",Zo1="M8.5 19C13.36 16.26 15.5 13.91 15.5 12C15.5 10.59 14.79 9 12.5 9C11.8 9 11.11 9.28 10.5 9.67V5H8.5M10.5 15.38V12.26C11.12 11.59 11.95 11 12.5 11C13.09 11 13.5 11.07 13.5 12C13.5 12.15 13.4 13.3 10.5 15.38Z",So1="M10 8.75V3.5H8V17.5L14 15.25V20.5H16V6.5L10 8.75M14 13.25L10 14.75V10.75L14 9.25V13.25Z",uo1="M17 9.5V7.5L15 8.1V5.5H13V8.7L11 9.3V6.5H9V9.9L7 10.5V12.5L9 11.9V13.9L7 14.5V16.5L9 15.9V18.5H11V15.3L13 14.7V17.5H15V14.1L17 13.5V11.5L15 12.1V10.1L17 9.5M13 12.7L11 13.3V11.3L13 10.7V12.7Z",co1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",so1="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4M18,7H15V12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,10C13.07,10 13.58,10.19 14,10.5V5H18M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2Z",Oo1="M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,16H8V4H20M12.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,12.5V7H18V5H14V10.5C13.58,10.19 13.07,10 12.5,10A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12.5,15M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4",ho1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16V9M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",po1="M16,9V7H12V12.5C11.58,12.19 11.07,12 10.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,14.5V9H16M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",fo1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",go1="M5 4H7V20H5M15.46 13H14.83L13.83 12L14.83 11H15.46A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 11.96 7.5H13.96A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15.46 9H14L12 11H11V4H9V20H11V13H12L14 15H15.46A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 13.96 16.5H11.96A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 15.46 13Z",ko1="M18.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18.5 5M18.5 11A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 12.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18.5 11M10 4A5 5 0 0 0 5 9V10A2 2 0 1 0 7.18 8A3 3 0 0 1 10 6A4 4 0 0 1 14 10C14 13.59 11.77 16.19 7 18.2L7.76 20.04C13.31 17.72 16 14.43 16 10A6 6 0 0 0 10 4Z",Bo1="M13 11V7.5L15.2 5.29C16 4.5 16.15 3.24 15.59 2.26C15.14 1.47 14.32 1 13.45 1C13.24 1 13 1.03 12.81 1.09C11.73 1.38 11 2.38 11 3.5V6.74L7.86 9.91C6.2 11.6 5.7 14.13 6.61 16.34C7.38 18.24 9.06 19.55 11 19.89V20.5C11 20.76 10.77 21 10.5 21H9V23H10.5C11.85 23 13 21.89 13 20.5V20C15.03 20 17.16 18.08 17.16 15.25C17.16 12.95 15.24 11 13 11M13 3.5C13 3.27 13.11 3.09 13.32 3.03C13.54 2.97 13.77 3.06 13.88 3.26C14 3.46 13.96 3.71 13.8 3.87L13 4.73V3.5M11 11.5C10.03 12.14 9.3 13.24 9.04 14.26L11 14.78V17.83C9.87 17.53 8.9 16.71 8.43 15.57C7.84 14.11 8.16 12.45 9.26 11.33L11 9.5V11.5M13 18V12.94C14.17 12.94 15.18 14.04 15.18 15.25C15.18 17 13.91 18 13 18Z",Po1="M12 3V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V7H18V3H12Z",wo1="M22 9.85L19.14 7H18.64V10.79L16.35 8.5L15.64 9.21L18.43 12L15.64 14.79L16.35 15.5L18.64 13.21V17H19.14L22 14.15L19.85 12L22 9.85M19.64 8.91L20.58 9.85L19.64 10.79V8.91M20.58 14.15L19.64 15.09V13.21L20.58 14.15M9.64 3V13.55C9.05 13.21 8.37 13 7.64 13C5.43 13 3.64 14.79 3.64 17S5.43 21 7.64 21 11.64 19.21 11.64 17V7H15.64V3H9.64Z",Fo1="M22 9.85L19.14 7H18.64V10.79L16.35 8.5L15.64 9.21L18.43 12L15.64 14.79L16.35 15.5L18.64 13.21V17H19.14L22 14.15L19.85 12L22 9.85M19.64 8.91L20.58 9.85L19.64 10.79V8.91M20.58 14.15L19.64 15.09V13.21L20.58 14.15M1.96 3L.687 4.27L9.69 13.27V13.55C9.1 13.21 8.42 13 7.69 13C5.5 13 3.69 14.79 3.69 17S5.5 21 7.69 21 11.69 19.21 11.69 17V15.27L17.42 21L18.69 19.73L1.96 3M11.69 7H15.69V3H9.69V8.18L11.69 10.18V7Z",To1="M12 3V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V7H18V3H12Z",bo1="M12 3V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V7H18V3M16.5 20A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 20Z",yo1="M16 3H14V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 12 13A4 4 0 1 0 16 17V3M12 19A2 2 0 1 1 14 17A2 2 0 0 1 12 19Z",Ro1="M14 3H12V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V3M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19M16.5 20A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 20Z",xo1="M14 12V14H22V12H14M9 3V13.55C8.41 13.21 7.73 13 7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17V7H15V3H9Z",Do1="M4.27 3L3 4.27L12 13.27V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V15.27L19.73 21L21 19.73L4.27 3M14 7H18V3H12V8.18L14 10.18Z",Eo1="M14 7H18V3H12V7.61L14 9.61M12 10.44L4.41 2.86L3 4.27L12 13.27V13.55A3.94 3.94 0 0 0 8.67 13.23A4 4 0 0 0 10.65 20.95A4.1 4.1 0 0 0 14 16.85V15.27L19.73 21L21.14 19.59M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19Z",No1="M12 3V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V7H18V3M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19Z",Wo1="M17 9V12H14V14H17V17H19V14H22V12H19V9H17M9 3V13.55C8.41 13.21 7.73 13 7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17V7H15V3H9Z",Io1="M14 3V13.56C13.41 13.21 12.73 13 12 13C9.79 13 8 14.79 8 17S9.79 21 12 21 16 19.21 16 17V3H14Z",Go1="M12 13V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V3H12M16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",Qo1="M18 7V3H12V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V11H18V8H14V7H18Z",Uo1="M18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 18.5M18 7V3H12V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V11H18V8H14V7Z",zo1="M12 15A2 2 0 1 1 10 17A2 2 0 0 1 12 15M12 13A4 4 0 1 0 16 17A4 4 0 0 0 12 13Z",_o1="M10 15A2 2 0 1 1 8 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 15M10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17A4 4 0 0 0 10 13M16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",Ko1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L9,12.27V17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,21A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,14C6.04,14 6.55,14.12 7,14.34V10.27L2,5.27M21,3V15.5C21,16.5 20.57,17.42 19.88,18.06L14.94,13.12C15.58,12.43 16.5,12 17.5,12C18.04,12 18.55,12.12 19,12.34V6.47L10.17,8.35L7.66,5.84L21,3Z",jo1="M14 6A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 10.95 7.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 9.5 9H9.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 13.25 7.93L10 18H12L16 6Z",qo1="M6 14H8V10H16V14H18V15H6V14Z",$o1="M11.71 16.81C10.91 17.6 10.88 18.84 11.64 19.58L10.19 21C8.66 19.5 8.72 17.03 10.32 15.46C10.85 14.94 11.5 14.61 12.16 14.42L9 11.34L10.45 9.92L10.82 9.57C11.82 8.59 11.85 7.04 10.9 6.11L9.16 4.42L10.62 3L14.78 7.06C15.54 7.81 15.5 9.05 14.71 9.83L12.53 11.95L16 15.33L15.61 15.72C15.11 16.21 14.38 16.46 13.72 16.28C13.04 16.1 12.26 16.28 11.71 16.81Z",Xo1="M15 3A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 11.95 4.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 10.5 6H10.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 14.25 4.93L12.9 9.1A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 9.95 10.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8.5 12H8.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 12.25 10.93L9 21H11L17 3Z",Yo1="M18 10H16V14H8V10H6V9H18V10Z",Jo1="M21 12C19 12 18 9 15 9S12 11 12 11 12 9 9 9 5 12 3 12C2 12 1 11 1 11S2 16 6 16C11 16 12 13 12 13S13 16 18 16C22 16 23 11 23 11S22 12 21 12Z",Cn1="M13.5,5V16L12,22L10.5,16V5H13.5M17,2H7V4H17V2Z",Hn1="M4,5C2.89,5 2,5.89 2,7V17C2,18.11 2.89,19 4,19H20C21.11,19 22,18.11 22,17V7C22,5.89 21.11,5 20,5H4M4.5,7A1,1 0 0,1 5.5,8A1,1 0 0,1 4.5,9A1,1 0 0,1 3.5,8A1,1 0 0,1 4.5,7M7,7H20V17H7V7M8,8V16H11V8H8M12,8V16H15V8H12M16,8V16H19V8H16M9,9H10V10H9V9M13,9H14V10H13V9M17,9H18V10H17V9Z",Vn1="M7.5,3H16.5C19,3 21,5 21,7.5V16.5C21,19 19,21 16.5,21H7.5C5,21 3,19 3,16.5V7.5C3,5 5,3 7.5,3M6,13.5V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,18H9V10.5L15,18H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,10.5V7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,6H15V13.5L9,6H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,7.5V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5Z",Ln1="M13,16.12C16.47,15.71 19.17,12.76 19.17,9.17C19.17,5.3 16.04,2.17 12.17,2.17A7,7 0 0,0 5.17,9.17C5.17,12.64 7.69,15.5 11,16.06V20H5V22H19V20H13V16.12Z",Mn1="M12.08 14.22L12.77 14.13C15.24 13.84 17.17 11.73 17.17 9.17C17.17 6.41 14.94 4.17 12.17 4.17C10.84 4.17 9.57 4.7 8.63 5.63C7.7 6.57 7.17 7.84 7.17 9.17C7.17 11.64 8.96 13.69 11.33 14.09L12.08 14.22M13 16.12V20H19V22H5V20H11V16.06C7.69 15.5 5.17 12.64 5.17 9.17C5.17 7.31 5.91 5.53 7.22 4.22C8.53 2.91 10.31 2.17 12.17 2.17C16.04 2.17 19.17 5.3 19.17 9.17C19.17 12.76 16.47 15.71 13 16.12Z",An1="M4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11M22.17,9.17C22.17,5.3 19.04,2.17 15.17,2.17A7,7 0 0,0 8.17,9.17C8.17,12.64 10.69,15.5 14,16.06V20H6V17H7V13A1,1 0 0,0 6,12H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,13V17H3V22H19V20H16V16.12C19.47,15.71 22.17,12.76 22.17,9.17Z",in1="M16 20V16.12C19.47 15.71 22.17 12.76 22.17 9.17C22.17 5.3 19.04 2.17 15.17 2.17C13.31 2.17 11.53 2.91 10.22 4.22C8.91 5.53 8.17 7.31 8.17 9.17C8.17 9.95 8.3 10.69 8.53 11.38C8.64 11.71 8.77 12.03 8.93 12.33C9.91 14.27 11.78 15.68 14 16.06V20H6V17H7V12.95C7 12.72 6.89 12.5 6.74 12.33L6.71 12.29L6.66 12.25C6.5 12.09 6.25 12 6 12H3C2.76 12 2.5 12.09 2.34 12.25L2.29 12.29C2.11 12.5 2 12.74 2 13V17H3V22H19V20H16M15.08 14.22L14.33 14.09C11.96 13.69 10.17 11.64 10.17 9.17C10.17 7.84 10.7 6.57 11.63 5.63C12.57 4.7 13.85 4.17 15.17 4.17C17.93 4.17 20.17 6.41 20.17 9.17C20.17 11.73 18.24 13.84 15.77 14.13L15.08 14.21M4.5 11C5.33 11 6 10.33 6 9.5C6 8.67 5.33 8 4.5 8C3.67 8 3 8.67 3 9.5C3 10.33 3.67 11 4.5 11Z",rn1="M12,2L4.5,20.29L5.21,21L12,18L18.79,21L19.5,20.29L12,2Z",an1="M12 7.3L16.3 17.7L12.8 16.2L12 15.8L11.2 16.2L7.7 17.7L12 7.3M12 2L4.5 20.3L5.2 21L12 18L18.8 21L19.5 20.3L12 2Z",en1="M21 3L3 10.53V11.5L9.84 14.16L12.5 21H13.46L21 3Z",dn1="M17.27 6.73L13.03 16.86L11.71 13.44L11.39 12.61L10.57 12.29L7.14 10.96L17.27 6.73M21 3L3 10.53V11.5L9.84 14.16L12.5 21H13.46L21 3Z",mn1="M21,3L3,10.53V11.5L9.84,14.16L12.5,21H13.46L21,3Z",tn1="M21.5 5H19.5C19.5 9.14 16.14 12.5 12 12.5C7.86 12.5 4.5 9.14 4.5 5H2.5C2.55 10.11 6.59 14.29 11.7 14.5C11.1 15.4 10 17.2 10 18C10 20.67 14 20.67 14 18C14 17.2 12.9 15.4 12.3 14.5C17.41 14.29 21.45 10.11 21.5 5Z",vn1="M11.15,15.18L9.73,13.77L11.15,12.35L12.56,13.77L13.97,12.35L12.56,10.94L13.97,9.53L15.39,10.94L16.8,9.53L13.97,6.7L6.9,13.77L9.73,16.6L11.15,15.18M3.08,19L6.2,15.89L4.08,13.77L13.97,3.87L16.1,6L17.5,4.58L16.1,3.16L17.5,1.75L21.75,6L20.34,7.4L18.92,6L17.5,7.4L19.63,9.53L9.73,19.42L7.61,17.3L3.08,21.84V19Z",ln1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8 9.9L4.1 13.8L6.2 15.9L3.1 19V21.8L7.6 17.3L9.7 19.4L13.6 15.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M11.2 15.2L9.8 16.6L7 13.8L9.5 11.3L10.9 12.7L9.8 13.8L11.2 15.2M11.9 8.7L10.5 7.3L14 3.9L16.1 6L17.5 4.6L16.1 3.2L17.5 1.8L21.8 6L20.4 7.4L18.9 6L17.5 7.4L19.6 9.5L16.2 13L13.4 10.2L14 9.5L15.4 10.9L16.8 9.5L14 6.7L11.9 8.7Z",on1="M6.5,2H10.5L13.44,10.83L13.5,2H17.5V22C16.25,21.78 14.87,21.64 13.41,21.58L10.5,13L10.43,21.59C9.03,21.65 7.7,21.79 6.5,22V2Z",nn1="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",Zn1="M1,5.27L5,9.27V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H17.73L19.73,24L21,22.72L2.28,4L1,5.27M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.27L15.73,20H15M17.69,16.87L5.13,4.31C5.41,3.55 6.14,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15C19,15.86 18.45,16.59 17.69,16.87M22,20V21.18L20.82,20H22Z",Sn1="M1.04,5.27L5,9.23V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H17.77L19.77,24L21.04,22.72L2.32,4L1.04,5.27M7,11.23L10.77,15H7V11.23M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.23L15.77,20H15M22,20V21.14L20.86,20H22M7,6.14L5.14,4.28C5.43,3.53 6.16,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15C19,15.85 18.47,16.57 17.72,16.86L15.86,15H17V5H7V6.14Z",un1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7Z",cn1="M17 9H8V7H17V9M7 7H5V9H7V7M7 4H5V6H7V4M10 4H8V6H10V4M13 17V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4C2.89 17 2 16.11 2 15L2 3C2 1.89 2.9 1 4 1H20C21.11 1 22 1.89 22 3L22 15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H13M20 15V3H4V15L20 15M11 6H19V4H11V6M5 12H11V10H5V12M13 14H19V12H13V14Z",sn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H11V13.83",On1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H11V13.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",hn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H13V11.83",pn1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H13V11.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",fn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H16V8.83",gn1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H16V8.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",kn1="M1,21H21V1",Bn1="M19 17H21V11H19M19 21H21V19H19M1 21H17V9H21V1",Pn1="M17 13C16.9 13 16.8 13.1 16.7 13.2L16.5 14.5C16.2 14.6 15.9 14.8 15.7 15L14.5 14.5C14.4 14.5 14.3 14.5 14.2 14.6L13.2 16.3C13.1 16.4 13.2 16.5 13.3 16.6L14.4 17.4V18.4L13.3 19.2C13.2 19.3 13.2 19.4 13.2 19.5L14.2 21.2C14.3 21.3 14.4 21.3 14.5 21.3L15.7 20.8C16 21 16.2 21.2 16.5 21.3L16.7 22.6C16.7 22.7 16.8 22.8 17 22.8H19C19.1 22.8 19.2 22.7 19.2 22.6L19.4 21.3C19.7 21.2 20 21 20.2 20.8L21.4 21.3C21.5 21.3 21.7 21.3 21.7 21.2L22.7 19.5C22.8 19.4 22.7 19.3 22.6 19.2L21.5 18.4V17.9 17.4L22.6 16.6C22.7 16.5 22.7 16.4 22.7 16.3L21.7 14.6C21.6 14.5 21.5 14.5 21.4 14.5L20.3 15C20 14.8 19.8 14.6 19.4 14.5L19.2 13.2C19.2 13.1 19.1 13 19 13H17M18 16.5C18.8 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18S18.8 19.5 18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5M11.7 21H1L21 1V11.7C20.1 11.3 19.1 11 18 11C14.1 11 11 14.1 11 18C11 19.1 11.2 20.1 11.7 21Z",wn1="M21,1L12.4,9.6L21,18.19M4.77,4.5L3.5,5.77L9.86,12.13L1,21H18.73L20.73,23L22,21.73",Fn1="M21,1L12.4,9.6L13.85,11.05L19,5.83V16.19L21,18.19M4.77,4.5L3.5,5.77L9.86,12.13L1,21H18.73L20.73,23L22,21.73M11.33,13.6L16.73,19H6",Tn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H6",bn1="M20,4C21.11,4 22,4.89 22,6V18C22,19.11 21.11,20 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.11 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20M8.5,15V9H7.25V12.5L4.75,9H3.5V15H4.75V11.5L7.3,15H8.5M13.5,10.26V9H9.5V15H13.5V13.75H11V12.64H13.5V11.38H11V10.26H13.5M20.5,14V9H19.25V13.5H18.13V10H16.88V13.5H15.75V9H14.5V14A1,1 0 0,0 15.5,15H19.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,14Z",yn1="M20,11H4V8H20M20,15H13V13H20M20,19H13V17H20M11,19H4V13H11M20.33,4.67L18.67,3L17,4.67L15.33,3L13.67,4.67L12,3L10.33,4.67L8.67,3L7,4.67L5.33,3L3.67,4.67L2,3V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V3L20.33,4.67Z",Rn1="M20.33 4.67L18.67 3L17 4.67L15.33 3L13.67 4.67L12 3L10.33 4.67L8.67 3L7 4.67L5.33 3L3.67 4.67L2 3V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.8C12.29 20.12 12 19.09 12 18C12 16.77 12.37 15.63 13 14.68V13H14.68C15.63 12.37 16.77 12 18 12C19.53 12 20.93 12.58 22 13.5V3L20.33 4.67M11 19H4V13H11V19M20 11H4V8H20V11M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",xn1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M20,11V8H4V11H20M13,13V14.68C12.37,15.63 12,16.77 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V3L3.67,4.67L5.33,3L7,4.67L8.67,3L10.33,4.67L12,3L13.67,4.67L15.33,3L17,4.67L18.67,3L20.33,4.67L22,3V13.5C20.93,12.58 19.53,12 18,12C16.77,12 15.63,12.37 14.68,13H13M11,19V13H4V19H11Z",Dn1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M20,11V8H4V11H20M13,13V14.68C12.37,15.63 12,16.77 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V3L3.67,4.67L5.33,3L7,4.67L8.67,3L10.33,4.67L12,3L13.67,4.67L15.33,3L17,4.67L18.67,3L20.33,4.67L22,3V13.5C20.93,12.58 19.53,12 18,12C16.77,12 15.63,12.37 14.68,13H13M11,19V13H4V19H11Z",En1="M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46M20.33 4.67L18.67 3L17 4.67L15.33 3L13.67 4.67L12 3L10.33 4.67L8.67 3L7 4.67L5.33 3L3.67 4.67L2 3V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.8C12.29 20.12 12 19.09 12 18C12 16.77 12.37 15.63 13 14.68V13H14.68C15.63 12.37 16.77 12 18 12C19.53 12 20.93 12.58 22 13.5V3L20.33 4.67M11 19H4V13H11V19M20 11H4V8H20V11Z",Nn1="M20 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V5C22 3.89 21.11 3 20 3M5 7H10V13H5V7M19 17H5V15H19V17M19 13H12V11H19V13M19 9H12V7H19V9Z",Wn1="M4 7V19H19V21H4C2 21 2 19 2 19V7H4M21.3 3H7.7C6.76 3 6 3.7 6 4.55V15.45C6 16.31 6.76 17 7.7 17H21.3C22.24 17 23 16.31 23 15.45V4.55C23 3.7 22.24 3 21.3 3M8 5H13V11H8V5M21 15H8V13H21V15M21 11H15V9H21V11M21 7H15V5H21V7Z",In1="M4 7V19H19V21H4C2 21 2 19 2 19V7H4M21 5V15H8V5H21M21.3 3H7.7C6.76 3 6 3.7 6 4.55V15.45C6 16.31 6.76 17 7.7 17H21.3C22.24 17 23 16.31 23 15.45V4.55C23 3.7 22.24 3 21.3 3M9 6H12V11H9V6M20 14H9V12H20V14M20 8H14V6H20V8M20 11H14V9H20V11Z",Gn1="M20 5L20 19L4 19L4 5H20M20 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V5C22 3.89 21.11 3 20 3M18 15H6V17H18V15M10 7H6V13H10V7M12 9H18V7H12V9M18 11H12V13H18V11Z",Qn1="M7.24 2C5.6 2 3.96 2 3.55 2.04C2.67 2.09 2.08 2.73 2.04 3.56C2 4.37 2 19.59 2.04 20.41C2.09 21.23 2.71 21.86 3.55 21.91C4.46 21.96 7.44 21.97 8.29 21.97C6.76 20.91 6.55 18.92 6.41 15.23C6.33 13.04 6.4 5.36 6.41 5.04L6.45 2.94L14.5 11V13.5L8.09 7.11C8.08 8.38 8.06 10.03 8.06 11.54C8.06 13 8.08 14.34 8.12 15.05C8.36 19.07 8.74 20.96 10.83 21.7C11.5 21.93 12.07 22 13.07 22C13.89 22 19.63 22 20.45 21.96C21.33 21.91 21.93 21.27 21.97 20.44C22 19.63 22 4.45 21.97 3.62C21.91 2.8 21.29 2.18 20.45 2.13C19.54 2.08 16.57 2.03 15.71 2.03C17.24 3.09 17.44 5.08 17.59 8.78C17.67 10.97 17.6 18.64 17.59 18.97L17.55 21.06L9.53 13V10.5L15.91 16.89C15.92 15.62 15.94 13.97 15.94 12.46C15.94 11 15.92 9.66 15.88 8.96C15.64 4.93 15.26 3.04 13.17 2.3C12.53 2.07 11.93 2 10.93 2H7.24Z",Un1="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.76,18.21 20.32,18.9L23.4,22L22,23.39L18.89,20.32C18.2,20.75 17.38,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19C17.89,19 19,17.88 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M18,6V10.18C17.33,10 16.66,9.97 16,10V8H13V10.28L13.53,10.72C12.34,11.33 11.35,12.3 10.72,13.53C10.28,13.17 10,12.62 10,12C10,11.26 10.41,10.62 11,10.28V8A2,2 0 0,1 13,6H18M6,18V6H8L10,6V8H8V16H10C9.96,16.68 10,17.35 10.17,18H6M20,4H4V20H11C11.53,20.8 12.21,21.5 13.03,22H4C2.89,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V13.04C21.5,12.24 20.82,11.54 20,11V4Z",zn1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M4,4H11A2,2 0 0,1 13,6V9H11V6H4V11H6V9L9,12L6,15V13H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,11V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M20,20H13A2,2 0 0,1 11,18V15H13V18H20V13H18V15L15,12L18,9V11H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,13V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20Z",_n1="M18,6H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,8V10.28C10.41,10.62 10,11.26 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14C13.11,14 14,13.1 14,12C14,11.26 13.6,10.62 13,10.28V8H16V16H8V8H10V6H8L6,6V18H18M20,20H4V4H20M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.1 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2Z",Kn1="M1.25,2.05L21.95,22.75L20.7,24L18.7,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V5.3L0,3.3L1.25,2.05M3.81,2C3.87,2 3.94,2 4,2H20C21.11,2 22,2.89 22,4V20C22,20.06 22,20.13 22,20.19L20,18.2V4H5.8L3.81,2M6,9.3L4,7.3V20H16.7L14.7,18H6V9.3M18,16.2L16,14.2V8H13V10.28C13.6,10.62 14,11.26 14,12C14,12.06 14,12.13 14,12.19L11,9.2V8A2,2 0 0,1 13,6H18V16.2M8,16H12.7L8,11.3V16M10,8H9.8L7.8,6H10V8Z",jn1="M7.75,13C7.74,12.65 7.9,12.31 8.17,12.08C8.92,12.24 9.62,12.55 10.25,13C10.25,13.68 9.69,14.24 9,14.24C8.31,14.24 7.76,13.69 7.75,13M13.75,13C14.38,12.56 15.08,12.25 15.83,12.09C16.1,12.32 16.26,12.66 16.25,13C16.25,13.7 15.69,14.26 15,14.26C14.31,14.26 13.75,13.7 13.75,13V13M12,9C9.23,8.96 6.5,9.65 4.07,11L4,12C4,13.23 4.29,14.44 4.84,15.54C7.21,15.18 9.6,15 12,15C14.4,15 16.79,15.18 19.16,15.54C19.71,14.44 20,13.23 20,12L19.93,11C17.5,9.65 14.77,8.96 12,9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",qn1="M7 1C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V21C5 22.11 5.9 23 7 23H14C16.76 23 19 20.76 19 18V3C19 1.9 18.11 1 17 1H7M8 4H16V11H8V4M9 14H10V16H12V17H10V19H9V17H7V16H9V14M16 15C16.55 15 17 15.45 17 16C17 16.55 16.55 17 16 17C15.45 17 15 16.55 15 16C15 15.45 15.45 15 16 15M14 17C14.55 17 15 17.45 15 18C15 18.55 14.55 19 14 19C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18C13 17.45 13.45 17 14 17Z",$n1="M10.04,20.4H7.12C6.19,20.4 5.3,20 4.64,19.36C4,18.7 3.6,17.81 3.6,16.88V7.12C3.6,6.19 4,5.3 4.64,4.64C5.3,4 6.19,3.62 7.12,3.62H10.04V20.4M7.12,2A5.12,5.12 0 0,0 2,7.12V16.88C2,19.71 4.29,22 7.12,22H11.65V2H7.12M5.11,8C5.11,9.04 5.95,9.88 7,9.88C8.03,9.88 8.87,9.04 8.87,8C8.87,6.96 8.03,6.12 7,6.12C5.95,6.12 5.11,6.96 5.11,8M17.61,11C18.72,11 19.62,11.89 19.62,13C19.62,14.12 18.72,15 17.61,15C16.5,15 15.58,14.12 15.58,13C15.58,11.89 16.5,11 17.61,11M16.88,22A5.12,5.12 0 0,0 22,16.88V7.12C22,4.29 19.71,2 16.88,2H13.65V22H16.88Z",Xn1="M17.84,16.94H15.97V10.79H17.84V16.94M18,8.58C18,9.19 17.5,9.69 16.9,9.69A1.11,1.11 0 0,1 15.79,8.58C15.79,7.96 16.29,7.46 16.9,7.46C17.5,7.46 18,7.96 18,8.58M21.82,16.94H19.94V10.79H21.82V16.94M22,8.58C22,9.19 21.5,9.69 20.88,9.69A1.11,1.11 0 0,1 19.77,8.58C19.77,7.96 20.27,7.46 20.88,7.46C21.5,7.46 22,7.96 22,8.58M12.9,8.05H14.9L12.78,15.5C12.78,15.5 12.5,17.04 11.28,17.04C10.07,17.04 9.79,15.5 9.79,15.5L8.45,10.64L7.11,15.5C7.11,15.5 6.82,17.04 5.61,17.04C4.4,17.04 4.12,15.5 4.12,15.5L2,8.05H4L5.72,14.67L7.11,9.3C7.43,7.95 8.45,7.97 8.45,7.97C8.45,7.97 9.47,7.95 9.79,9.3L11.17,14.67L12.9,8.05Z",Yn1="M2,15.96C2,18.19 3.54,19.5 5.79,19.5H18.57C20.47,19.5 22,18.2 22,16.32V6.97C22,5.83 21.15,4.6 20.11,4.6H17.15V12.3C17.15,18.14 6.97,18.09 6.97,12.41V4.5H4.72C3.26,4.5 2,5.41 2,6.85V15.96M9.34,11.23C9.34,15.74 14.66,15.09 14.66,11.94V4.5H9.34V11.23Z",Jn1="M9.9 8.7L5 17.2L3.9 15.3L5.2 13H2.6L2 12L2.6 11H6.3L7.6 8.7H9.9M10.2 15.5H19.9L18.8 17.4H16.2L17.5 19.7L16.9 20.7H15.8L14 17.4H11.3L10.2 15.5M15.9 11.8L11 3.3H13.2L14.5 5.6L15.8 3.3H16.9L17.5 4.3L15.6 7.5L17 9.8L15.9 11.8M13.8 8.5H4L5.1 6.6H7.7L6.4 4.3L7 3.3H8.1L10 6.5H12.7L13.8 8.5M14.1 15.3L19 6.8L20.1 8.7L18.8 11H21.4L22 12L21.4 13H17.7L16.4 15.3H14.1M8.1 12.2L13 20.6H10.8L9.5 18.3L8.4 20.6H7.1L6.5 19.6L8.4 16.4L7 14.2L8.1 12.2Z",CZ1="M12,1.85C11.73,1.85 11.45,1.92 11.22,2.05L3.78,6.35C3.3,6.63 3,7.15 3,7.71V16.29C3,16.85 3.3,17.37 3.78,17.65L5.73,18.77C6.68,19.23 7,19.24 7.44,19.24C8.84,19.24 9.65,18.39 9.65,16.91V8.44C9.65,8.32 9.55,8.22 9.43,8.22H8.5C8.37,8.22 8.27,8.32 8.27,8.44V16.91C8.27,17.57 7.59,18.22 6.5,17.67L4.45,16.5C4.38,16.45 4.34,16.37 4.34,16.29V7.71C4.34,7.62 4.38,7.54 4.45,7.5L11.89,3.21C11.95,3.17 12.05,3.17 12.11,3.21L19.55,7.5C19.62,7.54 19.66,7.62 19.66,7.71V16.29C19.66,16.37 19.62,16.45 19.55,16.5L12.11,20.79C12.05,20.83 11.95,20.83 11.88,20.79L10,19.65C9.92,19.62 9.84,19.61 9.79,19.64C9.26,19.94 9.16,20 8.67,20.15C8.55,20.19 8.36,20.26 8.74,20.47L11.22,21.94C11.46,22.08 11.72,22.15 12,22.15C12.28,22.15 12.54,22.08 12.78,21.94L20.22,17.65C20.7,17.37 21,16.85 21,16.29V7.71C21,7.15 20.7,6.63 20.22,6.35L12.78,2.05C12.55,1.92 12.28,1.85 12,1.85M14,8C11.88,8 10.61,8.89 10.61,10.39C10.61,12 11.87,12.47 13.91,12.67C16.34,12.91 16.53,13.27 16.53,13.75C16.53,14.58 15.86,14.93 14.3,14.93C12.32,14.93 11.9,14.44 11.75,13.46C11.73,13.36 11.64,13.28 11.53,13.28H10.57C10.45,13.28 10.36,13.37 10.36,13.5C10.36,14.74 11.04,16.24 14.3,16.24C16.65,16.24 18,15.31 18,13.69C18,12.08 16.92,11.66 14.63,11.35C12.32,11.05 12.09,10.89 12.09,10.35C12.09,9.9 12.29,9.3 14,9.3C15.5,9.3 16.09,9.63 16.32,10.66C16.34,10.76 16.43,10.83 16.53,10.83H17.5C17.55,10.83 17.61,10.81 17.65,10.76C17.69,10.72 17.72,10.66 17.7,10.6C17.56,8.82 16.38,8 14,8Z",HZ1="M22 3L10 4.41V6H22V7H10V12H22C22 13.81 21.43 15.46 20.32 16.95S17.77 19.53 16 20.25V22H8V20.25C6.24 19.53 4.79 18.43 3.68 16.95S2 13.81 2 12H5V4L22 2V3M6 4.88V6H7V4.78L6 4.88M6 7V12H7V7H6M9 12V7H8V12H9M9 6V4.55L8 4.64V6H9Z",VZ1="M21,10H9V8H21V10M21,16H9V14H21V16M4,5H6V16H4V5M6,18V20H4V18H6Z",LZ1="M14.08,4.61L15.92,5.4L14.8,8H19V10H13.95L12.23,14H19V16H11.38L9.92,19.4L8.08,18.61L9.2,16H5V14H10.06L11.77,10H5V8H12.63L14.08,4.61Z",MZ1="M14,10V4.5L19.5,10M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V9L15,3H5Z",AZ1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V19C1 20.11 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V9L13 3H3M12 10V4.5L17.5 10H12M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",iZ1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.89 21 3 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V9L13 3H3M17 19H3V5H10V12H17V19M12 10V4.5L17.5 10H12M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",rZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",aZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",eZ1="M21 10V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.13L19.39 10.74C19.83 10.3 20.39 10.06 21 10M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83Z",dZ1="M18.13 12L19.39 10.74C19.83 10.3 20.39 10.06 21 10V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11V19.13L11.13 19H5V5H12V12H18.13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19Z",mZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",tZ1="M23 18V20H15V18H23M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H15L21 9V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V12H12V5H5V19H13M14 10H19.5L14 4.5V10Z",vZ1="M16,9H21.5L16,3.5V9M7,2H17L23,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 21,20H7C5.89,20 5,19.1 5,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M3,6V22H21V24H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,22V6H3Z",lZ1="M3,6V22H21V24H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,22V6H3M16,9H21.5L16,3.5V9M7,2H17L23,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 21,20H7C5.89,20 5,19.1 5,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V18H21V11H14V4H7Z",oZ1="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L20.7 20.04L20.7 20.05L22.11 21.46M21 17.8L6.2 3H15L21 9V17.8M19.5 10L14 4.5V10H19.5Z",nZ1="M12 5V8.8L15.2 12H19V15.8L21 17.8V9L15 3H6.2L8.2 5H12M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.7 20.05L20.7 20.04L19 18.34V18.35L12.66 12H12.66L12 11.34V11.35L6.14 5.5L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.7 20.05M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5Z",ZZ1="M14,10H19.5L14,4.5V10M5,3H15L21,9V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M5,5V19H19V12H12V5H5Z",SZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",uZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",cZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",sZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",OZ1="M15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V10.82C5.55 8.37 9.59 8.4 12.1 10.9C14.63 13.44 14.63 17.56 12.1 20.1C11.74 20.45 11.35 20.74 10.94 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9L15 3M14 10V4.5L19.5 10H14M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18Z",hZ1="M15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V10.82C3.6 10.24 4.28 9.8 5 9.5V5H12V10.82C12.03 10.85 12.07 10.87 12.1 10.9C12.44 11.24 12.73 11.61 12.97 12H19V19H12.97C12.73 19.39 12.44 19.76 12.1 20.1C11.74 20.45 11.35 20.74 10.94 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9L15 3M14 10V4.5L19.5 10H14M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18Z",pZ1="M14,10H19.5L14,4.5V10M5,3H15L21,9V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M5,12V14H19V12H5M5,16V18H14V16H5Z",fZ1="M15 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V9L15 3M19 19H5V5H14V10H19M17 14H7V12H17M14 17H7V15H14",gZ1="M3,7V5H5V4C5,2.89 5.9,2 7,2H13V9L15.5,7.5L18,9V2H19C20.05,2 21,2.95 21,4V20C21,21.05 20.05,22 19,22H7C5.95,22 5,21.05 5,20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M7,11H5V13H7V11M7,7V5H5V7H7M7,19V17H5V19H7Z",kZ1="M16.75 22.16L14 19.16L15.16 18L16.75 19.59L20.34 16L21.5 17.41L16.75 22.16M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.8C20.12 13.29 19.09 13 18 13C14.69 13 12 15.69 12 19C12 20.09 12.29 21.12 12.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13Z",BZ1="M16.75 22.16L14 19.16L15.16 18L16.75 19.59L20.34 16L21.5 17.41L16.75 22.16M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.08C12.2 20.72 12.45 21.39 12.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.8C20.39 13.45 19.72 13.2 19 13.08V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7Z",PZ1="M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V10L11 20V22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 7H7V5H5V7M5 11V13H7V11H5M5 17V19H7V17H5Z",wZ1="M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H11V22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V10L19 12V4H17M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 11V13H7V11H5M5 17V19H7V17H5Z",FZ1="M19 23.3L18.4 22.8C16.4 20.9 15 19.7 15 18.2C15 17 16 16 17.2 16C17.9 16 18.6 16.3 19 16.8C19.4 16.3 20.1 16 20.8 16C22 16 23 16.9 23 18.2C23 19.7 21.6 20.9 19.6 22.8L19 23.3M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 20.09 13.29 21.12 13.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13Z",TZ1="M19 23.3L18.4 22.8C16.4 20.9 15 19.7 15 18.2C15 17 16 16 17.2 16C17.9 16 18.6 16.3 19 16.8C19.4 16.3 20.1 16 20.8 16C22 16 23 16.9 23 18.2C23 19.7 21.6 20.9 19.6 22.8L19 23.3M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H13.08C13.2 20.72 13.45 21.39 13.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7Z",bZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M14 18V20H22V18H14Z",yZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M14 18V20H22V18H14Z",RZ1="M9.05,9H7.06V6H9.05V4.03H7.06V3.03C7.06,1.92 7.95,1.04 9.05,1.04H15.03V8L17.5,6.5L20,8V1.04H21C22.05,1.04 23,2 23,3.03V17C23,18.03 22.05,19 21,19H9.05C8,19 7.06,18.05 7.06,17V16H9.05V14H7.06V11H9.05V9M1,18H3V15H1V13H3V10H1V8H3V5H5V8H3V10H5V13H3V15H5V18H3V20H5V21H21V23H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,21V20H1V18Z",xZ1="M17,4V10L15,8L13,10V4H9V20H19V4H17M3,7V5H5V4C5,2.89 5.9,2 7,2H19C20.05,2 21,2.95 21,4V20C21,21.05 20.05,22 19,22H7C5.95,22 5,21.05 5,20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5,5V7H7V5H5M5,19H7V17H5V19M5,13H7V11H5V13Z",DZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M17 15V18H14V20H17V23H19V20H22V18H19V15H17Z",EZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M17 15V18H14V20H17V23H19V20H22V18H19V15H17Z",NZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M20.1 15.5L18 17.6L15.9 15.5L14.5 16.9L16.6 19L14.5 21.1L15.9 22.5L18 20.4L20.1 22.5L21.5 21.1L19.4 19L21.5 16.9L20.1 15.5Z",WZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M20.1 15.5L18 17.6L15.9 15.5L14.5 16.9L16.6 19L14.5 21.1L15.9 22.5L18 20.4L20.1 22.5L21.5 21.1L19.4 19L21.5 16.9L20.1 15.5Z",IZ1="M5,13H19V11H5M3,17H17V15H3M7,7V9H21V7",GZ1="M4,10V14H6V11H7V14H8V10H4M9,10V15H11V14H13V10H9M12,11V13H11V11H12M14,10V14H16V11H17V14H18V11H19V14H20V10H14M3,9H21V15H12V16H8V15H3V9Z",QZ1="M14.04,12H10V11H5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,4C6.53,4 7.45,4.44 8.09,5.15C8.5,3.35 10.08,2 12,2C13.92,2 15.5,3.35 15.91,5.15C16.55,4.44 17.47,4 18.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,11H14.04V12M10,16.9V15.76H5V13.76H19V15.76H14.04V16.92L20,19.08C20.58,19.29 21,19.84 21,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,22H4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3,20.5C3,19.84 3.42,19.29 4,19.08L10,16.9Z",UZ1="M12,2C13.85,2 15.55,2.78 16.9,4.1L18.6,1.93L20.18,3.16L18.2,5.68C19.33,7.41 20,9.6 20,12C20,17.5 16.42,22 12,22C10.15,22 8.45,21.22 7.1,19.9L5.4,22.07L3.82,20.84L5.8,18.32C4.67,16.59 4,14.4 4,12C4,6.5 7.58,2 12,2M12,4C8.69,4 6,7.58 6,12C6,13.73 6.41,15.33 7.11,16.64L15.67,5.67C14.66,4.62 13.38,4 12,4M12,20C15.31,20 18,16.42 18,12C18,10.27 17.59,8.67 16.89,7.36L8.33,18.33C9.34,19.38 10.62,20 12,20Z",zZ1="M4,17V9H2V7H6V17H4M22,15C22,16.11 21.1,17 20,17H16V15H20V13H18V11H20V9H16V7H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 22,13.5V15M14,15V17H8V13C8,11.89 8.9,11 10,11H12V9H8V7H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,9V11C14,12.11 13.1,13 12,13H10V15H14Z",_Z1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",KZ1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",jZ1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M13,5A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7A2,2 0 0,0 15,5H13M13,7H15V13H13V7Z",qZ1="M21,17V3H7V17H21M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,5H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V13A2,2 0 0,1 15,15H13A2,2 0 0,1 11,13V7A2,2 0 0,1 13,5M13,7V13H15V7H13Z",$Z1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",XZ1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",YZ1="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",JZ1="M10,7V9H12V17H14V7H10Z",CS1="M14,17H12V9H10V7H14M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",HS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M14,15H16V5H12V7H14V15Z",VS1="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M14,15H16V5H12V7H14M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",LS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,17H14V7H10V9H12",MS1="M10,7V9H12V17H14V7H10M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",AS1="M10,7H14V17H12V9H10V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",iS1="M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7M16 15H14V9H16V15Z",rS1="M14,9H16V15H14V9M21,5V19C21,20.11 20.11,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5M10,7H6V9H8V17H10V7M18,9A2,2 0 0,0 16,7H14A2,2 0 0,0 12,9V15C12,16.11 12.9,17 14,17H16C17.11,17 18,16.11 18,15V9Z",aS1="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V5H3M16 13H18V7H16V13M21 1H7C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.9 22.11 1 21 1M12 15H10V7H8V5H12V15M20 13C20 14.11 19.11 15 18 15H16C14.9 15 14 14.11 14 13V7C14 5.9 14.9 5 16 5H18C19.11 5 20 5.9 20 7V13Z",eS1="M21 17V3H7V17H21M21 1C22.11 1 23 1.9 23 3V17C23 18.11 22.11 19 21 19H7C5.9 19 5 18.11 5 17V3C5 1.9 5.9 1 7 1H21M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V5H3M12 5H8V7H10V15H12V5M18 5H16C14.9 5 14 5.9 14 7V13C14 14.11 14.9 15 16 15H18C19.11 15 20 14.11 20 13V7C20 5.9 19.11 5 18 5M18 13H16V7H18V13Z",dS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M8,17H10V7H6V9H8M14,7H16C17.11,7 18,7.9 18,9V15C18,16.11 17.11,17 16,17H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 14,7M14,9V15H16V9H14Z",mS1="M14 9H16V15H14V9M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M18 9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9Z",tS1="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12S7.58 20 12 20 20 16.42 20 12 16.42 4 12 4M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7M16 15H14V9H16V15Z",vS1="M9,7V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H11L15,17V15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9Z",lS1="M15,11C15,12.11 14.1,13 13,13H11V15H15V17H9V13C9,11.89 9.9,11 11,11H13V9H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",oS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M17,13H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11V15H17V13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",nS1="M17,13H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11V15H17M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",ZS1="M15,15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",SS1="M9,7V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H11L15,17V15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",uS1="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V15H15V17H11L9,17V13A2,2 0 0,1 11,11H13V9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",cS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15",sS1="M15,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12C14.34,12 15,12.67 15,13.5V15C15,16.11 14.11,17 13,17H9V15H13V13H11V11H13V9H9V7H13C14.11,7 15,7.89 15,9M19,3H5C3.91,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.1 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",OS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",hS1="M17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1Z",pS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",fS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",gS1="M15,15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11V11H13V9H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V15M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",kS1="M9,7V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",BS1="M15,17H13V13H9V7H11V11H13V7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",PS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M15,15H17V5H15V9H13V5H11V11H15V15Z",wS1="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M15,15H17V5H15V9H13V5H11V11H15M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",FS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13,17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9V13H13",TS1="M9,7V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",bS1="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",yS1="M9,7V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H9Z",RS1="M15,9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15C15,16.11 14.1,17 13,17H9V15H13V13H9V7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",xS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H11V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13Z",DS1="M17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H11V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1Z",ES1="M15,15V13C15,11.89 14.1,11 13,11H11V9H15V7H9V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",NS1="M9,7V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",WS1="M9,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",IS1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M11,13H13V15H11V13Z",GS1="M15,9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15C15,16.11 14.1,17 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9C9,7.89 9.9,7 11,7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,15H13V13H11V15Z",QS1="M13,11H15V13H13V11M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15Z",US1="M13,11H15V13H13M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",zS1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13C15,11.89 14.1,11 13,11H11V9H15V7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",_S1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M11,13H13V15H11V13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",KS1="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,13V15H13V13H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",jS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17",qS1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17H11Z",$S1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,15L17,7V5H11V7H15L11,15H13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",XS1="M13,15L17,7V5H11V7H15L11,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",YS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",JS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Cu1="M11,17H9L13,9H9V7H15V9L11,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Hu1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17",Vu1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",Lu1="M13,11H15V13H13V11M13,7H15V9H13V7M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,11.5V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",Mu1="M13,11H15V13H13M13,7H15V9H13M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,11.5V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",Au1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",iu1="M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",ru1="M11,13V15H13V13H11M11,9V11H13V9H11M11,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",au1="M13,17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",eu1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M13,11H11V9H13V11M13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11C9,12.11 9.9,13 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7Z",du1="M15,9H13V7H15V9M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9C11,10.11 11.9,11 13,11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",mu1="M15,9H13V7H15M15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9C11,10.11 11.9,11 13,11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",tu1="M13,11H11V9H13M13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11C9,12.11 9.9,13 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",vu1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13,17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",lu1="M13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17M13,11V9H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",ou1="M19 11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10 7H8C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V11C6 12.11 6.9 13 8 13H10V15H6V17H10C11.11 17 12 16.11 12 15V9C12 7.89 11.1 7 10 7M10 11H8V9H10V11Z",nu1="M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10,7H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,9V11C6,12.11 6.9,13 8,13H10V15H6V17H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,15V9C12,7.89 11.1,7 10,7M8,9H10V11H8V9Z",Zu1="M11,9V8H12V9H11M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M15,9V11H17V13H19V11H21V9H19V7H17V9H15M14,12V8C14,6.89 13.1,6 12,6H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,8V9C9,10.11 9.9,11 11,11H12V12H9V14H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",Su1="M21,9H19V7H17V9H15V11H17V13H19V11H21V17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M11,9V8H12V9M14,12V8C14,6.89 13.1,6 12,6H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,8V9C9,10.11 9.9,11 11,11H12V12H9V14H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,12M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",uu1="M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9,11V10H10V11M12,14V10C12,8.89 11.1,8 10,8H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,10V11C7,12.11 7.9,13 9,13H10V14H7V16H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",cu1="M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10,7H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,9V11C6,12.11 6.9,13 8,13H10V15H6V17H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,15V9C12,7.89 11.1,7 10,7M8,9H10V11H8V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",su1="M19,11V13H17V15H15V13H13V11H15V9H17V11H19M10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9V15C12,16.11 11.1,17 10,17H6V15H10V13H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,11V9C6,7.89 6.9,7 8,7H10M8,9V11H10V9H8M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Ou1="M13 7V9H15V17H17V7H13M11 13H5V11H11V13Z",hu1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H2V9H4V17H6V7.9L9.3 11.2C8.5 11.4 8 12.2 8 13V17H14V15.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M10 15V13H11.1L13.1 15H10M14 10.8L10.2 7H12C13.1 7 14 7.9 14 9V10.8M20 9H16V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V10.5C22 11.3 21.3 12 20.5 12C21.3 12 22 12.7 22 13.5V15C22 16 21.2 16.9 20.2 17L18.2 15H20V13H18V11H20V9Z",pu1="M13 7V9H15V17H17V7H13M11 13H9V15H7V13H5V11H7V9H9V11H11V13Z",fu1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7Z",gu1="M22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22H14A4,4 0 0,1 10,18V16H22V18M4,3H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,5V14H8V19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,6V8H6V6H4M14,8V6H8V8H14M4,10V12H6V10H4M8,10V12H14V10H8M4,14V16H6V14H4Z",ku1="M21.8 18.36L16.03 8.08C15.93 8 15.63 7.43 15.03 7.43C14.78 7.43 14.43 7.53 14.07 8.08L13.33 9.26L11.31 5.65C11.26 5.55 10.91 5 10.31 5C10.06 5 9.66 5.1 9.36 5.65L2.18 18.31C2.13 18.41 1.83 19 2.13 19.5C2.23 19.75 2.53 20 3.19 20H20.85C20.95 20 21.6 20 21.9 19.5C22 19.26 22.1 18.86 21.8 18.36M8.1 18.31L7.95 18.86H3.24L10.36 6.34L12.66 10.47L8.1 18.31M9.21 18.86L13.32 11.66L17.5 18.86H9.21M18.74 18.86L18.54 18.31L14 10.46L15.03 8.73L20.75 18.86H18.74Z",Bu1="M20.23,15.21C18.77,13.75 14.97,10.2 12.77,11.27L4.5,3L3,4.5L11.28,12.79C10.3,15 13.88,18.62 15.35,20.08C17.11,21.84 18.26,20.92 19.61,19.57C21.1,18.08 21.61,16.61 20.23,15.21Z",Pu1="M20,12C16.8,10.4 13.4,9.7 10.8,9.3L9.7,5.9C9.3,4.8 7.7,4.8 7.3,5.9L6.3,9C3.9,9.4 2,11.5 2,14C2,16.8 4.2,19 7,19C7,19 14,19 20,16C20,16 22,15 22,14C22,13 20,12 20,12M5,14C4.4,14 4,13.6 4,13C4,12.4 4.4,12 5,12C5.6,12 6,12.4 6,13C6,13.5 5.6,14 5,14M7,17C6.4,17 6,16.6 6,16C6,15.4 6.4,15 7,15C7.6,15 8,15.4 8,16C8,16.5 7.6,17 7,17M9,14C8.4,14 8,13.6 8,13C8,12.4 8.4,12 9,12C9.6,12 10,12.4 10,13C10,13.5 9.6,14 9,14M11,17C10.4,17 10,16.6 10,16C10,15.4 10.4,15 11,15C11.6,15 12,15.4 12,16C12,16.5 11.6,17 11,17M16,14C15.4,14 15,13.6 15,13C15,12.4 15.4,12 16,12C16.6,12 17,12.4 17,13C17,13.5 16.6,14 16,14M19,15C18.4,15 18,14.6 18,14C18,13.4 18.4,13 19,13C19.6,13 20,13.4 20,14C20,14.5 19.6,15 19,15Z",wu1="M2 2V22H22V2M19.12 19.03H4.87V5H19.13V19.03M14.83 10.71H17.69V17.59H14.83M14.83 6.41H17.69V9.27H14.83M6.3 6.41V17.59H13.4V14.72H9.17V9.28H13.4V6.41Z",Fu1="M2 5V19H14V17H12C10.89 17 10 16.11 10 15V9C10 7.89 10.89 7 12 7H14V5M14 7V9H16V7M14 9H12V15H14M14 15V17H16V15M5 7H7C8.11 7 9 7.89 9 9V15C9 16.11 8.11 17 7 17H5C3.89 17 3 16.11 3 15V9C3 7.89 3.89 7 5 7M17 7V17H19V13H20V14H21V17H23V14H22V12H23V8H22V7M5 9V15H7V9M19 9H21V11H19Z",Tu1="M15.73,3H8.27L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73L21,15.73V8.27",bu1="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1",yu1="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06Z",Ru1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.94 10C20.38 10.06 19.82 10.3 19.38 10.75L11 19.13V20.53L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13M21.17 15.88L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.88L21.17 15.88Z",xu1="M3.88 12L2.2 16.06L6.26 17.74L7.94 21.8L11 20.53V18.36L9 19.19L7.79 16.21L4.81 15L6.05 12L4.81 9L7.79 7.79L9 4.81L12 6.05L15 4.81L16.21 7.79L19.19 9L17.95 12L18 12.13L19.38 10.75C19.82 10.3 20.38 10.06 20.94 10L21.8 7.94L17.74 6.26L16.06 2.2L12 3.88L7.94 2.2L6.26 6.26L2.2 7.94L3.88 12M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Du1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M15 20V18H23V20H15Z",Eu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C18.79 13 18.58 13 18.38 13.03L17.95 12L19.19 9L16.21 7.79L15 4.81L12 6.05L9 4.81L7.79 7.79L4.81 9L6.05 12L4.81 15L7.79 16.21L9 19.19L12 17.95L13.03 18.38C13 18.58 13 18.79 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Nu1="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M4.81,9L6.05,12L4.81,15L7.79,16.21L9,19.19L12,17.95L15,19.19L16.21,16.21L19.19,15L17.95,12L19.19,9L16.21,7.79L15,4.81L12,6.05L9,4.81L7.79,7.79L4.81,9Z",Wu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M20 20H23V18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20Z",Iu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C18.79 13 18.58 13 18.38 13.03L17.95 12L19.19 9L16.21 7.79L15 4.81L12 6.05L9 4.81L7.79 7.79L4.81 9L6.05 12L4.81 15L7.79 16.21L9 19.19L12 17.95L13.03 18.38C13 18.58 13 18.79 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M20 20H23V18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20Z",Gu1="M21.7 11.29H21.71L12.71 2.29C12.5 2.1 12.26 2 12 2C11.74 2 11.5 2.1 11.29 2.29L2.29 11.29H2.3C1.91 11.68 1.91 12.32 2.3 12.71H2.29L11.29 21.71C11.5 21.9 11.74 22 12 22C12.26 22 12.5 21.9 12.71 21.71L21.71 12.71H21.7C22.09 12.32 22.09 11.68 21.7 11.29M13 8.28V5.41L17.3 9.71L13 8.28M11 8.28L6.7 9.71L11 5.41V8.28M12 10.05L17.84 12L12 13.95L6.16 12L12 10.05M11 15.72V18.59L6.7 14.29L11 15.72M13 15.72L17.3 14.29L13 18.59V15.72Z",Qu1="M11 5.41V7.8L13.88 10.68L17.84 12L15.86 12.66L18.81 15.61L21.71 12.71H21.7C22.09 12.32 22.09 11.68 21.7 11.29H21.71L12.71 2.29C12.5 2.1 12.26 2 12 2S11.5 2.1 11.29 2.29L8.39 5.19L9.81 6.61L11 5.41M13 5.41L17.3 9.71L13 8.28V5.41M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.85 7.74L2.29 11.29H2.3C1.91 11.68 1.91 12.32 2.3 12.71H2.29L11.29 21.71C11.5 21.9 11.74 22 12 22S12.5 21.9 12.71 21.71L16.26 18.15L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7.26 9.15L7.54 9.43L6.7 9.71L7.26 9.15M11 18.59L6.7 14.29L11 15.72V18.59M12 13.95L6.16 12L9.12 11L12.04 13.93L12 13.95M13 18.59V15.72L13.62 15.5L14.85 16.74L13 18.59Z",Uu1="M17.83,12.74C17.55,12.17 16.76,11.69 15.71,12.5C14.28,13.64 12,13.64 12,13.64C12,13.64 9.72,13.64 8.29,12.5C7.24,11.69 6.45,12.17 6.17,12.74C5.67,13.74 6.23,14.23 7.5,15.04C8.59,15.74 10.08,16 11.04,16.1L10.24,16.9C9.1,18.03 8,19.12 7.25,19.88C6.8,20.34 6.8,21.07 7.25,21.5L7.39,21.66C7.84,22.11 8.58,22.11 9.03,21.66L12,18.68C13.15,19.81 14.24,20.9 15,21.66C15.45,22.11 16.18,22.11 16.64,21.66L16.77,21.5C17.23,21.07 17.23,20.34 16.77,19.88L13.79,16.9L13,16.09C13.95,16 15.42,15.73 16.5,15.04C17.77,14.23 18.33,13.74 17.83,12.74M12,4.57C13.38,4.57 14.5,5.69 14.5,7.06C14.5,8.44 13.38,9.55 12,9.55C10.62,9.55 9.5,8.44 9.5,7.06C9.5,5.69 10.62,4.57 12,4.57M12,12.12C14.8,12.12 17.06,9.86 17.06,7.06C17.06,4.27 14.8,2 12,2C9.2,2 6.94,4.27 6.94,7.06C6.94,9.86 9.2,12.12 12,12.12Z",zu1="M21 13C21.6 13 22.1 13.2 22.4 13.6C22.8 14 23 14.5 23 15L15 18L8 16V7H9.9L17.2 9.7C17.7 9.9 18 10.3 18 10.8C18 11.1 17.9 11.4 17.7 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22S22 18.11 22 15.5C22 13.61 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.81C17.8 16.81 17.3 16.21 17.3 15.61C17.3 14.91 17.9 14.41 18.5 14.41S19.7 15 19.7 15.61C19.8 16.21 19.2 16.81 18.5 16.81Z",$u1="M15 9H17V11H15V9M17 5H15V7H17V5M11 15H13V13H11V15M13 5H11V7H13V5M11 11H13V9H11V11M9 5H7V7H9V5M9 9H7V11H9V9M14.55 21H13V17.5H11V21H5V3H19V11.03C19.71 11.09 20.39 11.31 21 11.63V1H3V23H15.91C15.5 22.44 15 21.76 14.55 21M7 19H9V17H7V19M9 13H7V15H9V13M22 16.5C22 19.1 18.5 23 18.5 23S15 19.1 15 16.5C15 14.6 16.6 13 18.5 13S22 14.6 22 16.5M19.7 16.6C19.7 16 19.1 15.4 18.5 15.4S17.3 15.9 17.3 16.6C17.3 17.2 17.8 17.8 18.5 17.8S19.8 17.2 19.7 16.6Z",Xu1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Yu1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Ju1="M19 3V21H13V17.5H11V21H5V3H19M15 7H17V5H15V7M11 7H13V5H11V7M7 7H9V5H7V7M15 11H17V9H15V11M11 11H13V9H11V11M7 11H9V9H7V11M15 15H17V13H15V15M11 15H13V13H11V15M7 15H9V13H7V15M15 19H17V17H15V19M7 19H9V17H7V19M21 1H3V23H21V1Z",Cc1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Hc1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",Vc1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",Lc1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",Mc1="M22,12.5C22,12.5 24,14.67 24,16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18A2,2 0 0,1 20,16C20,14.67 22,12.5 22,12.5M6,6H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8H9V10H11C11.74,10 12.39,10.4 12.73,11L19.24,7.24L22.5,9.13C23,9.4 23.14,10 22.87,10.5C22.59,10.97 22,11.14 21.5,10.86L19.4,9.65L15.75,15.97C15.41,16.58 14.75,17 14,17H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,15V12A2,2 0 0,1 5,10H7V8H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,7A1,1 0 0,1 6,6M5,12V15H14L16.06,11.43L12.6,13.43L11.69,12H5M0.38,9.21L2.09,7.5C2.5,7.11 3.11,7.11 3.5,7.5C3.89,7.89 3.89,8.5 3.5,8.91L1.79,10.62C1.4,11 0.77,11 0.38,10.62C0,10.23 0,9.6 0.38,9.21Z",Ac1="M5,20H16V22H5M11,5H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,7H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,5M16,8H22A2,2 0 0,1 20,10H19A4,4 0 0,0 15,14V15A4,4 0 0,1 11,19H10A4,4 0 0,1 6,15H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,13V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M6,10H4V13H6M19,5A2,2 0 0,1 21,7H22A2.9,2.9 0 0,0 19,4A2,2 0 0,1 17,2H16A2.9,2.9 0 0,0 19,5",ic1="M8 18C6.67 18 5.79 18.79 5.29 19.29S4.67 20 4 20 3.21 19.79 2.71 19.29C2.35 18.93 1.79 18.42 1 18.16V20.41C1.09 20.5 1.18 20.59 1.29 20.71C1.79 21.21 2.67 22 4 22S6.21 21.21 6.71 20.71 7.33 20 8 20 8.79 20.21 9.29 20.71C9.73 21.14 10.44 21.8 11.5 21.96C11.66 22 11.83 22 12 22C13.33 22 14.21 21.21 14.71 20.71S15.33 20 16 20 16.79 20.21 17.29 20.71 18.67 22 20 22 22.21 21.21 22.71 20.71C22.82 20.59 22.91 20.5 23 20.41V18.16C22.21 18.42 21.65 18.93 21.29 19.29C20.79 19.79 20.67 20 20 20S19.21 19.79 18.71 19.29 17.33 18 16 18 13.79 18.79 13.29 19.29 12.67 20 12 20C11.78 20 11.63 19.97 11.5 19.92C11.22 19.82 11.05 19.63 10.71 19.29C10.21 18.79 9.33 18 8 18M22 10.5C22 10.5 24 12.67 24 14C24 15.1 23.1 16 22 16S20 15.1 20 14C20 12.67 22 10.5 22 10.5M22.5 7.13L19.24 5.24L12.73 9C12.39 8.4 11.74 8 11 8H9V6H10C10.55 6 11 5.55 11 5S10.55 4 10 4H6C5.45 4 5 4.45 5 5S5.45 6 6 6H7V8H5C3.9 8 3 8.9 3 10V13C3 14.1 3.9 15 5 15H14C14.75 15 15.41 14.58 15.75 13.97L19.4 7.65L21.5 8.86C22 9.14 22.59 8.97 22.87 8.5C23.14 8 23 7.4 22.5 7.13M14 13H5V10H11.69L12.6 11.43L16.06 9.43L14 13M3.5 6.92L1.79 8.62A1 1 0 0 1 .38 7.21L2.09 5.5A1 1 0 0 1 3.5 5.5C3.89 5.89 3.89 6.5 3.5 6.92Z",rc1="M10 5H13V3H10V2C10 1.4 9.6 1 9 1S8 1.4 8 2V15.3C7.4 15.6 7 16.3 7 17C7 18.1 7.9 19 9 19S11 18.1 11 17C11 16.3 10.6 15.6 10 15.3V13H13V11H10V9H13V7H10V5M22 17.5C22 17.5 24 19.7 24 21C24 22.1 23.1 23 22 23S20 22.1 20 21C20 19.7 22 17.5 22 17.5M22.9 15.5C22.6 16 22 16.1 21.5 15.9L19.4 14.7L15.8 21C15.5 21.6 14.8 22 14 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V17C3 15.9 3.9 15 5 15V20H14L16.1 16.4L13 18.2V15.8L19.2 12.2L22.5 14.1C23 14.4 23.1 15 22.9 15.5M3.5 13.9L1.8 15.6C1.4 16 .8 16 .4 15.6S0 14.6.4 14.2L2.1 12.5C2.5 12.1 3.1 12.1 3.5 12.5S3.9 13.5 3.5 13.9Z",ac1="M15,2L13.5,3.5L15,5L16.5,3.5L15,2M11,3C10,9 17,10 20,6L18,4.5C17,6 13,8 11,3M9,7C7,7 4.5,8.5 4.5,8.5L6,11C7,10 9,9.5 10,10C12,11 9,13 7,12V15.5C10,14 12,16 11,17.5C8,22 3,16 3,13C1,19 6,22 9,22C12,22 14,20 12.5,15H14C12.5,19.5 18,24 21,18C22,16 22,9.5 17,9.5C13,9.5 14,15 10.5,13.5C14,10 12,7 9,7M19,12C22,15 15,21 15,15C15,13 17,10.5 19,12Z",ec1="M19.15,19H13.39V16.87C15.5,15.25 16.59,13.24 16.59,10.84C16.59,9.34 16.16,8.16 15.32,7.29C14.47,6.42 13.37,6 12.03,6C10.68,6 9.57,6.42 8.71,7.3C7.84,8.17 7.41,9.37 7.41,10.88C7.41,13.26 8.5,15.26 10.61,16.87V19H4.85V16.87H8.41C6.04,15.32 4.85,13.23 4.85,10.6C4.85,8.5 5.5,6.86 6.81,5.66C8.12,4.45 9.84,3.85 11.97,3.85C14.15,3.85 15.89,4.45 17.19,5.64C18.5,6.83 19.15,8.5 19.15,10.58C19.15,13.21 17.95,15.31 15.55,16.87H19.15V19Z",dc1="M10,19V19C9.4,19 9,18.6 9,18V17C9,16.5 9.4,16 10,16V16C10.5,16 11,16.4 11,17V18C11,18.6 10.6,19 10,19M15,18V17C15,16.5 14.6,16 14,16V16C13.5,16 13,16.4 13,17V18C13,18.5 13.4,19 14,19V19C14.6,19 15,18.6 15,18M22,12C22,14.6 20.4,16.9 18,18.4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V18.4C3.6,16.9 2,14.6 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7,10C7,8.9 6.4,7.9 5.5,7.4C4.5,8.7 4,10.3 4,12C4,12.3 4,12.7 4.1,13C5.7,12.9 7,11.6 7,10M9,9C9,10.7 10.3,12 12,12C13.7,12 15,10.7 15,9C15,7.3 13.7,6 12,6C10.3,6 9,7.3 9,9M16,20V15.5C14.8,15.2 13.4,15 12,15C10.6,15 9.2,15.2 8,15.5V20H16M19.9,13C20,12.7 20,12.3 20,12C20,10.3 19.5,8.7 18.5,7.4C17.6,7.9 17,8.9 17,10C17,11.6 18.3,12.9 19.9,13Z",mc1="M12,1C5.92,1 1,5.92 1,12C1,18.08 5.92,23 12,23C18.08,23 23,18.08 23,12C23,5.92 18.08,1 12,1M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M13,13.5C13,14.13 13.4,14.7 14,14.91V18H10V11.91C10.78,11.64 11.19,10.8 10.93,10C10.78,9.58 10.44,9.24 10,9.09V6H14V12.09C13.4,12.3 13,12.87 13,13.5Z",tc1="M17.66,8L12,2.35L6.34,8C4.78,9.56 4,11.64 4,13.64C4,15.64 4.78,17.75 6.34,19.31C7.9,20.87 9.95,21.66 12,21.66C14.05,21.66 16.1,20.87 17.66,19.31C19.22,17.75 20,15.64 20,13.64C20,11.64 19.22,9.56 17.66,8M6,14C6,12 6.62,10.73 7.76,9.6L12,5.27L16.24,9.65C17.38,10.77 18,12 18,14H6Z",vc1="M12,10L8,14H11V20H13V14H16M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.9 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H9V18H5V8H19V18H15V20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4Z",lc1="M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z",oc1="M15.41,22C15.35,22 15.28,22 15.22,22C15.1,21.95 15,21.85 14.96,21.73L12.74,15.93C12.65,15.69 12.77,15.42 13,15.32C13.71,15.06 14.28,14.5 14.58,13.83C15.22,12.4 14.58,10.73 13.15,10.09C11.72,9.45 10.05,10.09 9.41,11.5C9.11,12.21 9.09,13 9.36,13.69C9.66,14.43 10.25,15 11,15.28C11.24,15.37 11.37,15.64 11.28,15.89L9,21.69C8.96,21.81 8.87,21.91 8.75,21.96C8.63,22 8.5,22 8.39,21.96C3.24,19.97 0.67,14.18 2.66,9.03C4.65,3.88 10.44,1.31 15.59,3.3C18.06,4.26 20.05,6.15 21.13,8.57C22.22,11 22.29,13.75 21.33,16.22C20.32,18.88 18.23,21 15.58,22C15.5,22 15.47,22 15.41,22M12,3.59C7.03,3.46 2.9,7.39 2.77,12.36C2.68,16.08 4.88,19.47 8.32,20.9L10.21,16C8.38,15 7.69,12.72 8.68,10.89C9.67,9.06 11.96,8.38 13.79,9.36C15.62,10.35 16.31,12.64 15.32,14.47C14.97,15.12 14.44,15.65 13.79,16L15.68,20.93C17.86,19.95 19.57,18.16 20.44,15.93C22.28,11.31 20.04,6.08 15.42,4.23C14.33,3.8 13.17,3.58 12,3.59Z",nc1="M14,2L11,3.5V19.94C7,19.5 4,17.46 4,15C4,12.75 6.5,10.85 10,10.22V8.19C4.86,8.88 1,11.66 1,15C1,18.56 5.36,21.5 11,21.94C11.03,21.94 11.06,21.94 11.09,21.94L14,20.5V2M15,8.19V10.22C16.15,10.43 17.18,10.77 18.06,11.22L16.5,12L23,13.5L22.5,9L20.5,10C19,9.12 17.12,8.47 15,8.19Z",Zc1="M9.04,17.07C8.04,15.9 7.4,14.16 7.35,12.21V11.79C7.4,9.84 8.04,8.1 9.04,6.93C9.86,5.95 10.93,5.37 12.1,5.37C14.72,5.37 16.84,8.34 16.84,12C16.84,15.66 14.72,18.63 12.1,18.63C10.93,18.63 10.33,18.5 9.04,17.07M12.03,3H12A9,9 0 0,0 3,12C3,16.83 6.8,20.77 11.57,21H12C14.3,21 16.4,20.13 18,18.71C19.84,17.06 21,14.67 21,12C21,9.33 19.84,6.94 18,5.29C16.41,3.87 14.32,3 12.03,3Z",Sc1="M8.11,1.75C9.3,1.25 10.62,1 12,1C18.08,1 23,5.92 23,12C23,18.08 18.08,23 12,23C5.92,23 1,18.08 1,12C1,10.62 1.25,9.3 1.72,8.08C2.24,8.61 2.83,8.96 3.45,9.18C3.16,10.07 3,11 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3C11,3 10.07,3.16 9.18,3.45C8.96,2.83 8.61,2.24 8.11,1.75M4.93,2.93C6.03,2.93 6.93,3.82 6.93,4.93A2,2 0 0,1 4.93,6.93C3.82,6.93 2.93,6.03 2.93,4.93C2.93,3.82 3.82,2.93 4.93,2.93M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7Z",uc1="M19 8L15 12H18C18 15.31 15.31 18 12 18C11 18 10.03 17.75 9.2 17.3L7.74 18.76C8.97 19.54 10.43 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12H23M6 12C6 8.69 8.69 6 12 6C13 6 13.97 6.25 14.8 6.7L16.26 5.24C15.03 4.46 13.57 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12H1L5 16L9 12M14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14S10 13.11 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12Z",cc1="M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12M9 13V15L5.67 19H9V21H3V19L6.33 15H3V13M7 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V11H5V9H7V11H9V5C9 3.9 8.11 3 7 3M7 7H5V5H7Z",sc1="M7 13H5C3.9 13 3 13.9 3 15V21H5V19H7V21H9V15C9 13.9 8.11 13 7 13M7 17H5V15H7M9 3V5L5.67 9H9V11H3V9L6.33 5H3V3M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",Oc1="M6 3C3.79 3 2 4.79 2 7S3.79 11 6 11 10 9.21 10 7 8.21 3 6 3M6 9C4.9 9 4 8.1 4 7S4.9 5 6 5 8 5.9 8 7 7.1 9 6 9M6 13C3.79 13 2 14.79 2 17S3.79 21 6 21 10 19.21 10 17 8.21 13 6 13M12 5H22V7H12V5M12 19V17H22V19H12M12 11H22V13H12V11Z",hc1="M4 13C2.89 13 2 13.89 2 15V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H8C9.11 21 10 20.11 10 19V15C10 13.89 9.11 13 8 13M8.2 14.5L9.26 15.55L5.27 19.5L2.74 16.95L3.81 15.9L5.28 17.39M4 3C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V9C2 10.11 2.89 11 4 11H8C9.11 11 10 10.11 10 9V5C10 3.89 9.11 3 8 3M4 5H8V9H4M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",pc1="M6 13C3.79 13 2 14.79 2 17S3.79 21 6 21 10 19.21 10 17 8.21 13 6 13M6 19C4.9 19 4 18.1 4 17S4.9 15 6 15 8 15.9 8 17 7.1 19 6 19M6 3C3.79 3 2 4.79 2 7S3.79 11 6 11 10 9.21 10 7 8.21 3 6 3M12 5H22V7H12V5M12 19V17H22V19H12M12 11H22V13H12V11Z",fc1="M4 3C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V9C2 10.11 2.89 11 4 11H8C9.11 11 10 10.11 10 9V5C10 3.89 9.11 3 8 3M8.2 4.5L9.26 5.55L5.27 9.5L2.74 6.95L3.81 5.9L5.28 7.39M4 13C2.89 13 2 13.89 2 15V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H8C9.11 21 10 20.11 10 19V15C10 13.89 9.11 13 8 13M4 15H8V19H4M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",gc1="M7 21H3V19H7V18H5C3.9 18 3 17.11 3 16V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13H7C8.11 13 9 13.9 9 15V19C9 20.11 8.11 21 7 21M7 15H5V16H7M5 3H7C8.11 3 9 3.9 9 5V9C9 10.11 8.11 11 7 11H5C3.9 11 3 10.11 3 9V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 9H7V5H5M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",kc1="M7 11H3V9H7V8H5C3.9 8 3 7.11 3 6V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H7C8.11 3 9 3.9 9 5V9C9 10.11 8.11 11 7 11M7 5H5V6H7M5 13H7C8.11 13 9 13.9 9 15V19C9 20.11 8.11 21 7 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13M5 19H7V15H5M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",Bc1="M12,2.13C12,2.23 11.95,2.33 11.89,2.41C11.5,3 11.16,3.64 11.04,4.33L11,4.56L12,4.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 19.5,12C19.5,13.62 19,15.11 18.12,16.34C16.73,18.68 14.72,20.65 12.34,21.97C12.25,22 12.12,22 12.06,21.93C12,21.83 12,21.7 12.09,21.61C12.47,21.09 12.73,20.5 12.87,19.85L12.93,19.44L12,19.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 4.5,12C4.5,10.39 5,8.89 5.88,7.67C7.26,5.32 9.28,3.34 11.67,2C11.78,1.95 11.94,2 12,2.13M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",Pc1="M12,1A3,3 0 0,1 15,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6V7.07C18.39,8.45 20,11.04 20,14A8,8 0 0,1 12,22A8,8 0 0,1 4,14C4,11.04 5.61,8.45 8,7.07V6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V4A3,3 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4V5H13V4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M12,8C10.22,8 8.63,8.77 7.53,10H16.47C15.37,8.77 13.78,8 12,8M6.34,16H7.59L6,14.43C6.05,15 6.17,15.5 6.34,16M12.59,16L8.59,12H6.41L10.41,16H12.59M17.66,12H16.41L18,13.57C17.95,13 17.83,12.5 17.66,12M11.41,12L15.41,16H17.59L13.59,12H11.41M12,20C13.78,20 15.37,19.23 16.47,18H7.53C8.63,19.23 10.22,20 12,20Z",wc1="M12,1A3,3 0 0,1 15,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6V7.07C18.39,8.45 20,11.04 20,14A8,8 0 0,1 12,22A8,8 0 0,1 4,14C4,11.04 5.61,8.45 8,7.07V6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V4A3,3 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4V5H13V4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M12,8C10.22,8 8.63,8.77 7.53,10H16.47C15.37,8.77 13.78,8 12,8M12,20C13.78,20 15.37,19.23 16.47,18H7.53C8.63,19.23 10.22,20 12,20M12,12A2,2 0 0,0 10,14A2,2 0 0,0 12,16A2,2 0 0,0 14,14A2,2 0 0,0 12,12M18,14C18,13.31 17.88,12.65 17.67,12C16.72,12.19 16,13 16,14C16,15 16.72,15.81 17.67,15.97C17.88,15.35 18,14.69 18,14M6,14C6,14.69 6.12,15.35 6.33,15.97C7.28,15.81 8,15 8,14C8,13 7.28,12.19 6.33,12C6.12,12.65 6,13.31 6,14Z",Fc1="M15 22H13C11.9 22 11 21.1 11 20V15H17V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22M7 14H21L15 9.71V6C15 4.39 13.94 2 11 2S7 4.39 7 6C7 6.45 6.81 7 6 7H5V3H3V12H5V9H6C8.2 9 9 7.21 9 6C9 5.67 9.1 4 11 4C12.83 4 13 5.54 13 6V9.71L7 14Z",Tc1="M12 5.5L10 8H14L12 5.5M18 10V14L20.5 12L18 10M6 10L3.5 12L6 14V10M14 16H10L12 18.5L14 16M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H21C22.1 21 23 20.1 23 19V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3M21 19H3V5H21V19Z",bc1="M12,16C12.56,16.84 13.31,17.53 14.2,18L12,20.2L9.8,18C10.69,17.53 11.45,16.84 12,16M17,11.2A2,2 0 0,0 15,13.2A2,2 0 0,0 17,15.2A2,2 0 0,0 19,13.2C19,12.09 18.1,11.2 17,11.2M7,11.2A2,2 0 0,0 5,13.2A2,2 0 0,0 7,15.2A2,2 0 0,0 9,13.2C9,12.09 8.1,11.2 7,11.2M17,8.7A4,4 0 0,1 21,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 17,16.7A4,4 0 0,1 13,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 17,8.7M7,8.7A4,4 0 0,1 11,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 7,16.7A4,4 0 0,1 3,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 7,8.7M2.24,1C4,4.7 2.73,7.46 1.55,10.2C1.19,11 1,11.83 1,12.7A6,6 0 0,0 7,18.7C7.21,18.69 7.42,18.68 7.63,18.65L10.59,21.61L12,23L13.41,21.61L16.37,18.65C16.58,18.68 16.79,18.69 17,18.7A6,6 0 0,0 23,12.7C23,11.83 22.81,11 22.45,10.2C21.27,7.46 20,4.7 21.76,1C19.12,3.06 15.36,4.69 12,4.7C8.64,4.69 4.88,3.06 2.24,1Z",yc1="M12,12L19.07,19.07C15.17,23 8.83,23 4.93,19.07C1,15.17 1,8.84 4.93,4.93C8.83,1 15.16,1 19.07,4.93L12,12M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",Rc1="M5.12,5H18.87L17.93,4H5.93L5.12,5M20.54,5.23C20.83,5.57 21,6 21,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V6.5C3,6 3.17,5.57 3.46,5.23L4.84,3.55C5.12,3.21 5.53,3 6,3H18C18.47,3 18.88,3.21 19.15,3.55L20.54,5.23M6,18H12V15H6V18Z",xc1="M6 3C5.5 3 5.1 3.2 4.8 3.6L3.5 5.2C3.2 5.6 3 6 3 6.5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13.3C13.1 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.7 15.7 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.3V6.5C21 6 20.8 5.6 20.5 5.2L19.1 3.5C18.9 3.2 18.5 3 18 3H6M5.9 4H17.9L18.8 5H5.1L5.9 4M6 15H12V18H6V15M21.3 15.8L17.7 19.4L16.1 17.8L15 19L17.8 22L22.6 17.2L21.3 15.8Z",Dc1="M5.12,5L5.93,4H17.93L18.87,5M12,17.5L6.5,12H10V10H14V12H17.5L12,17.5M20.54,5.23L19.15,3.55C18.88,3.21 18.47,3 18,3H6C5.53,3 5.12,3.21 4.84,3.55L3.46,5.23C3.17,5.57 3,6 3,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V6.5C21,6 20.83,5.57 20.54,5.23Z",Ec1="M20.54,5.23C20.83,5.57 21,6 21,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V6.5C3,6 3.17,5.57 3.46,5.23L4.84,3.55C5.12,3.21 5.53,3 6,3H18C18.47,3 18.88,3.21 19.15,3.55L20.54,5.23M5.12,5H18.87L17.93,4H5.93L5.12,5M12,9.5L6.5,15H10V17H14V15H17.5L12,9.5Z",Nc1="M2,10.96C1.5,10.68 1.35,10.07 1.63,9.59L3.13,7C3.24,6.8 3.41,6.66 3.6,6.58L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.66,6.72 20.82,6.88 20.91,7.08L22.36,9.6C22.64,10.08 22.47,10.69 22,10.96L21,11.54V16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V10.96C2.7,11.13 2.32,11.14 2,10.96M12,4.15V4.15L12,10.85V10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V12.69L14,15.59C13.67,15.77 13.3,15.76 13,15.6V19.29L19,15.91M13.85,13.36L20.13,9.73L19.55,8.72L13.27,12.35L13.85,13.36Z",Wc1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L10.11,5.22L16,8.61L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M6.04,7.5L12,10.85L13.96,9.75L8.08,6.35L6.04,7.5M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V9.21L13,12.58V19.29L19,15.91Z",Ic1="M12 2C11.8 2 11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3V12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.3V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M8.1 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.9L6 7.5L8.1 6.3M5 9.2L11 12.6V19.3L5 15.9V9.2M21.3 15.8L17.7 19.4L16.1 17.8L15 19L17.8 22L22.6 17.2L21.3 15.8Z",Gc1="M13 12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Qc1="M13 19.3V12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Uc1="M13 12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5Z",zc1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M23 20H15V18H23V20Z",_c1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Kc1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",jc1="M18.41,16.59L13.82,12L18.41,7.41L17,6L11,12L17,18L18.41,16.59M6,6H8V18H6V6Z",qc1="M5.59,7.41L10.18,12L5.59,16.59L7,18L13,12L7,6L5.59,7.41M16,6H18V18H16V6Z",$c1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,8V16H18V8H6Z",Xc1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,16V20H18V16H6Z",Yc1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,4V8H18V4H6Z",Jc1="M18 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2M18 20H6V16H18V20M18 8H6V4H18V8Z",Cs1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,8V16H10V8H6Z",Hs1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M14,8V16H18V8H14Z",Vs1="M20,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V11H7V9L11,12L7,15V13H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3M17,17H13V15H17V17M20,13H13V11H20V13M20,9H13V7H20V9M3,13H0V11H3V13Z",Ls1="M22,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5V5H22V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M7,15V13H0V11H7V9L11,12L7,15M20,13H13V11H20V13M20,9H13V7H20V9M17,17H13V15H17V17Z",Ms1="M4,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V13H17V15L13,12L17,9V11H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21M4,15H8V17H4V15M4,11H11V13H4V11M4,7H11V9H4V7M21,11H24V13H21V11Z",As1="M2,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9H19V5H2V19H19V15H21V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 2,3M17,15V13H24V11H17V9L13,12L17,15M4,13H11V11H4V13M4,9H11V7H4V9M4,17H8V15H4V17Z",is1="M11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63M7 21L5.79 14.97L13.21 10.69C14 10.26 14.5 9.44 14.5 8.5C14.5 7.12 13.38 6 12 6C11.53 6 11.09 6.13 10.71 6.36L4.76 9.79L4 6H3V4H21V6H20L17 21H7Z",rs1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",as1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",es1="M20.84 22.73L17.35 19.24L17 21H7L5.79 14.97L10.41 12.3L9.31 11.2L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L7.85 9.74L6.75 8.64L4.76 9.79L4 6H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.27 14.16 9.94 13.6 10.4L18.2 15L20 6H21V4H7.2L10 6.78L10.71 6.36M11.5 7.63L11.08 7.88L12.53 9.33C12.97 9.05 13.13 8.46 12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63Z",ds1="M20.84 22.73L17.35 19.24L17 21H7L5.9 15.5L7.73 14.43L8.64 19H15.36L15.65 17.54L9.31 11.2L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L7.85 9.74L6.38 8.27L4.65 9.27L4 6H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17.96 6L16.5 13.3L18.2 15L20 6H21V4H7.2L9.2 6H17.96M11.5 7.63L11.08 7.88L12.53 9.33C12.97 9.05 13.13 8.46 12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63Z",ms1="M11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75S2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63M3 4V6H4L4.65 9.27L6.5 8.22L6.04 6H17.96L15.36 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H17L20 6H21V4H3Z",ts1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",vs1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",ls1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",os1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.58 19L15.46 21.12L16.87 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.53 21.12L20.41 19L22.53 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",ns1="M17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12M14.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8M9.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,8M6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,12M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,19.5C13.5,19.11 13.35,18.76 13.11,18.5C12.88,18.23 12.73,17.88 12.73,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.23,16H16A5,5 0 0,0 21,11C21,6.58 16.97,3 12,3Z",Zs1="M22,22H10V20H22V22M2,22V20H9V22H2M18,18V10H22V18H18M18,3H22V9H18V3M2,18V3H16V18H2M9,14.56A3,3 0 0,0 12,11.56C12,9.56 9,6.19 9,6.19C9,6.19 6,9.56 6,11.56A3,3 0 0,0 9,14.56Z",Ss1="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C17.5,2 22,6 22,11A6,6 0 0,1 16,17H14.2C13.9,17 13.7,17.2 13.7,17.5C13.7,17.6 13.8,17.7 13.8,17.8C14.2,18.3 14.4,18.9 14.4,19.5C14.5,20.9 13.4,22 12,22M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C12.3,20 12.5,19.8 12.5,19.5C12.5,19.3 12.4,19.2 12.4,19.1C12,18.6 11.8,18.1 11.8,17.5C11.8,16.1 12.9,15 14.3,15H16A4,4 0 0,0 20,11C20,7.1 16.4,4 12,4M6.5,10C7.3,10 8,10.7 8,11.5C8,12.3 7.3,13 6.5,13C5.7,13 5,12.3 5,11.5C5,10.7 5.7,10 6.5,10M9.5,6C10.3,6 11,6.7 11,7.5C11,8.3 10.3,9 9.5,9C8.7,9 8,8.3 8,7.5C8,6.7 8.7,6 9.5,6M14.5,6C15.3,6 16,6.7 16,7.5C16,8.3 15.3,9 14.5,9C13.7,9 13,8.3 13,7.5C13,6.7 13.7,6 14.5,6M17.5,10C18.3,10 19,10.7 19,11.5C19,12.3 18.3,13 17.5,13C16.7,13 16,12.3 16,11.5C16,10.7 16.7,10 17.5,10Z",us1="M2.53,19.65L3.87,20.21V11.18L1.44,17.04C1.03,18.06 1.5,19.23 2.53,19.65M22.03,15.95L17.07,4C16.76,3.23 16.03,2.77 15.26,2.75C15,2.75 14.73,2.79 14.47,2.9L7.1,5.95C6.35,6.26 5.89,7 5.87,7.75C5.86,8 5.91,8.29 6,8.55L11,20.5C11.29,21.28 12.03,21.74 12.81,21.75C13.07,21.75 13.33,21.7 13.58,21.6L20.94,18.55C21.96,18.13 22.45,16.96 22.03,15.95M7.88,8.75A1,1 0 0,1 6.88,7.75A1,1 0 0,1 7.88,6.75C8.43,6.75 8.88,7.2 8.88,7.75C8.88,8.3 8.43,8.75 7.88,8.75M5.88,19.75A2,2 0 0,0 7.88,21.75H9.33L5.88,13.41V19.75Z",cs1="M2.5 19.6L3.8 20.2V11.2L1.4 17C1 18.1 1.5 19.2 2.5 19.6M15.2 4.8L20.2 16.8L12.9 19.8L7.9 7.9V7.8L15.2 4.8M15.3 2.8C15 2.8 14.8 2.8 14.5 2.9L7.1 6C6.4 6.3 5.9 7 5.9 7.8C5.9 8 5.9 8.3 6 8.6L11 20.5C11.3 21.3 12 21.7 12.8 21.7C13.1 21.7 13.3 21.7 13.6 21.6L21 18.5C22 18.1 22.5 16.9 22.1 15.9L17.1 4C16.8 3.2 16 2.8 15.3 2.8M10.5 9.9C9.9 9.9 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.9S9.9 7.9 10.5 7.9C11.1 7.9 11.5 8.4 11.5 8.9S11.1 9.9 10.5 9.9M5.9 19.8C5.9 20.9 6.8 21.8 7.9 21.8H9.3L5.9 13.5V19.8Z",ss1="M20 14H6C3.8 14 2 15.8 2 18S3.8 22 6 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V16C22 14.9 21.1 14 20 14M6 20C4.9 20 4 19.1 4 18S4.9 16 6 16 8 16.9 8 18 7.1 20 6 20M6.3 12L13 5.3C13.8 4.5 15 4.5 15.8 5.3L18.6 8.1C19.4 8.9 19.4 10.1 18.6 10.9L17.7 12H6.3M2 13.5V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H8C9.1 2 10 2.9 10 4V5.5L2 13.5Z",Os1="M12 9C13.59 16.61 10 22 10 22H13C14.88 16.2 14 12.09 13.5 10M15.66 7.16C15.83 7.37 16 7.59 16.13 7.82C17.84 10.53 17.5 13.95 15.5 16.26C16.34 14.21 16.22 11.79 14.95 9.77C14.87 9.64 14.78 9.53 14.7 9.41C14.11 8.58 13.36 7.92 12.54 7.43C9.66 8.35 7.58 11.04 7.58 14.22C7.58 14.96 7.69 15.67 7.89 16.33C7.05 15.16 6.56 13.73 6.56 12.19C6.56 9.84 7.7 7.76 9.45 6.46C8 6.35 6.46 6.67 5.12 7.5C4.5 7.91 3.96 8.38 3.5 8.91C4.05 7.58 5 6.39 6.3 5.57C7.8 4.63 9.5 4.32 11.14 4.56C10.73 4 10.23 3.47 9.63 3C9.05 2.58 8.42 2.24 7.76 2C9.2 2.04 10.64 2.5 11.87 3.43C12.5 3.9 13 4.47 13.4 5.07C13.5 5.07 13.59 5.06 13.69 5.06C16.89 5.06 19.6 7.17 20.5 10.08C19.38 8.5 17.65 7.43 15.66 7.16Z",hs1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ps1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M5.35,13L11,18.65L5,19L5.35,13Z",fs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M13,18.65L18.65,13L19,19L13,18.65Z",gs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ks1="M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Bs1="M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Ps1="M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ws1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M11,5.35L5.35,11L5,5L11,5.35Z",Fs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M18.65,11L13,5.35L19,5L18.65,11Z",Ts1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",bs1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ys1="M12,3C13.74,3 15.36,3.5 16.74,4.35C17.38,3.53 18.38,3 19.5,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 23,6.5C23,8 22.05,9.28 20.72,9.78C20.9,10.5 21,11.23 21,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,21A9,9 0 0,1 3,12C3,11.23 3.1,10.5 3.28,9.78C1.95,9.28 1,8 1,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 4.5,3C5.62,3 6.62,3.53 7.26,4.35C8.64,3.5 10.26,3 12,3M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5M16.19,10.3C16.55,11.63 16.08,12.91 15.15,13.16C14.21,13.42 13.17,12.54 12.81,11.2C12.45,9.87 12.92,8.59 13.85,8.34C14.79,8.09 15.83,8.96 16.19,10.3M7.81,10.3C8.17,8.96 9.21,8.09 10.15,8.34C11.08,8.59 11.55,9.87 11.19,11.2C10.83,12.54 9.79,13.42 8.85,13.16C7.92,12.91 7.45,11.63 7.81,10.3M12,14C12.6,14 13.13,14.19 13.5,14.5L12.5,15.5C12.5,15.92 12.84,16.25 13.25,16.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14.5,15A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 13.25,17.25C12.76,17.25 12.32,17.05 12,16.72C11.68,17.05 11.24,17.25 10.75,17.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 9,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 9.5,15A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10,15.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 10.75,16.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 11.5,15.5L10.5,14.5C10.87,14.19 11.4,14 12,14Z",Rs1="M10,20A1,1 0 0,1 9,21H4V3H13.71A6.75,6.75 0 0,1 20.46,9.75C20.46,13.5 17.44,16.5 13.71,16.5H10V20Z",xs1="M8.5,12.5L11,15.5L14.5,11L19,17H5M23,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18Z",Ds1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2Z",Es1="M12 5.5C8.1 5.5 5.1 4.7 3.3 4.1C2.7 3.8 2 4.3 2 5V19C2 19.7 2.7 20.2 3.3 20C5.4 19.3 8.1 18.5 12 18.5C15.9 18.5 18.7 19.3 20.7 20C21.4 20.2 22 19.7 22 19V5C22 4.3 21.3 3.8 20.7 4.1C18.7 4.7 15.9 5.5 12 5.5Z",Ns1="M21.43,4C21.33,4 21.23,4 21.12,4.06C18.18,5.16 15.09,5.7 12,5.7C8.91,5.7 5.82,5.15 2.88,4.06C2.77,4 2.66,4 2.57,4C2.23,4 2,4.23 2,4.63V19.38C2,19.77 2.23,20 2.57,20C2.67,20 2.77,20 2.88,19.94C5.82,18.84 8.91,18.3 12,18.3C15.09,18.3 18.18,18.85 21.12,19.94C21.23,20 21.33,20 21.43,20C21.76,20 22,19.77 22,19.37V4.63C22,4.23 21.76,4 21.43,4M20,6.54V17.45C17.4,16.68 14.72,16.29 12,16.29C9.28,16.29 6.6,16.68 4,17.45V6.54C6.6,7.31 9.28,7.7 12,7.7C14.72,7.71 17.4,7.32 20,6.54Z",Ws1="M21 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H21C22.1 20 23 19.1 23 18V6C23 4.9 22.1 4 21 4M21 18H3V6H21V18M14.5 11L11 15.5L8.5 12.5L5 17H19L14.5 11Z",Is1="M22 8.1C21.7 8 21.3 7.8 21 7.7C19.4 4.3 16 2 12 2S4.6 4.3 3 7.7C2.7 7.8 2.3 8 2.1 8.1C1.4 8.5 1 9.2 1 9.9V14.1C1 14.8 1.4 15.5 2 15.9C2.3 16 2.7 16.2 3 16.3C4.6 19.7 8 22 12 22S19.4 19.7 21 16.3C21.3 16.2 21.6 16 21.9 15.8C22.5 15.4 23 14.8 23 14V9.9C23 9.2 22.6 8.5 22 8.1M12 4C14.4 4 16.5 5 18 6.7C16.2 6.2 14.1 6 12 6S7.8 6.2 6.1 6.7C7.5 5 9.6 4 12 4M12 20C9.6 20 7.5 19 6.1 17.3C7.8 17.8 9.9 18 12 18S16.2 17.8 18 17.3C16.5 19 14.4 20 12 20Z",Gs1="M22 8.1C21.7 8 21.3 7.8 21 7.7C19.4 4.3 16 2 12 2S4.6 4.3 3 7.7C2.7 7.8 2.3 8 2.1 8.1C1.4 8.5 1 9.2 1 9.9V14.1C1 14.8 1.4 15.5 2 15.9C2.3 16 2.7 16.2 3 16.3C4.6 19.7 8 22 12 22S19.4 19.7 21 16.3C21.3 16.2 21.6 16 21.9 15.8C22.5 15.4 23 14.8 23 14V9.9C23 9.2 22.6 8.5 22 8.1M21 9.9V14.1C18.8 15.3 15.5 16 12 16S5.2 15.3 3 14.1V9.9C5.2 8.7 8.5 8 12 8S18.8 8.7 21 9.9M12 4C14.4 4 16.5 5 18 6.7C16.2 6.2 14.1 6 12 6S7.8 6.2 6.1 6.7C7.5 5 9.6 4 12 4M12 20C9.6 20 7.5 19 6.1 17.3C7.8 17.8 9.9 18 12 18S16.2 17.8 18 17.3C16.5 19 14.4 20 12 20Z",Qs1="M20.7 4.1C18.7 4.8 15.9 5.5 12 5.5C8.1 5.5 5.1 4.7 3.3 4.1C2.7 3.8 2 4.3 2 5V19C2 19.7 2.7 20.2 3.3 20C5.4 19.3 8.1 18.5 12 18.5C15.9 18.5 18.7 19.3 20.7 20C21.4 20.2 22 19.7 22 19V5C22 4.3 21.3 3.8 20.7 4.1M12 15C9.7 15 7.5 15.1 5.5 15.4L9.2 11L11.2 13.4L14 10L18.5 15.4C16.5 15.1 14.3 15 12 15Z",Us1="M21 4C20.4 4 17.4 5.5 12 5.5C6.7 5.5 3.5 4 3 4C2.5 4 2 4.4 2 5V19C2 19.6 2.5 20 3 20C3.6 20 6.5 18.5 12 18.5C17.4 18.5 20.4 20 21 20C21.5 20 22 19.6 22 19V5C22 4.4 21.5 4 21 4M20 17.6C18 17 15.4 16.5 12 16.5C8.6 16.5 6 17 4 17.6V6.4C6.6 7.1 9.3 7.5 12 7.5C15.4 7.5 18 7 20 6.4V17.6M9.2 11L5.5 15.4C7.5 15.1 9.7 15 12 15C14.3 15 16.5 15.1 18.5 15.4L14 10L11.2 13.4L9.2 11Z",zs1="M18.5 12C18.5 8.1 19.3 5.1 19.9 3.3C20.1 2.7 19.7 2 19 2H5C4.3 2 3.8 2.7 4.1 3.3C4.7 5.4 5.5 8.1 5.5 12C5.5 15.9 4.7 18.7 4.1 20.7C3.8 21.3 4.3 22 5 22H19C19.7 22 20.2 21.3 20 20.7C19.3 18.7 18.5 15.9 18.5 12Z",_s1="M6.54,20C7.31,17.4 7.7,14.72 7.7,12C7.7,9.28 7.31,6.6 6.54,4H17.45C16.68,6.6 16.29,9.28 16.29,12C16.29,14.72 16.68,17.4 17.45,20M19.94,21.12C18.84,18.18 18.3,15.09 18.3,12C18.3,8.91 18.85,5.82 19.94,2.88C20,2.77 20,2.66 20,2.57C20,2.23 19.77,2 19.37,2H4.63C4.23,2 4,2.23 4,2.57C4,2.67 4,2.77 4.06,2.88C5.16,5.82 5.71,8.91 5.71,12C5.71,15.09 5.16,18.18 4.07,21.12C4,21.23 4,21.34 4,21.43C4,21.76 4.23,22 4.63,22H19.38C19.77,22 20,21.76 20,21.43C20,21.33 20,21.23 19.94,21.12Z",Ks1="M12 4C8 4 5.2 4.6 3 5C2.5 7 2 8.9 2 12C2 15 2.5 17 3 19C5.2 19.4 8 20 12 20C16 20 18.9 19.4 21 19C21.6 17 22 15 22 12C22 9 21.5 6.9 21 5C18.9 4.6 16 4 12 4Z",js1="M12,4C9.27,4 6.78,4.24 4.05,4.72L3.12,4.88L2.87,5.78C2.29,7.85 2,9.93 2,12C2,14.07 2.29,16.15 2.87,18.22L3.12,19.11L4.05,19.27C6.78,19.76 9.27,20 12,20C14.73,20 17.22,19.76 19.95,19.28L20.88,19.12L21.13,18.23C21.71,16.15 22,14.07 22,12C22,9.93 21.71,7.85 21.13,5.78L20.88,4.89L19.95,4.73C17.22,4.24 14.73,4 12,4M12,6C14.45,6 16.71,6.2 19.29,6.64C19.76,8.42 20,10.22 20,12C20,13.78 19.76,15.58 19.29,17.36C16.71,17.8 14.45,18 12,18C9.55,18 7.29,17.8 4.71,17.36C4.24,15.58 4,13.78 4,12C4,10.22 4.24,8.42 4.71,6.64C7.29,6.2 9.55,6 12,6Z",qs1="M11.43,3.23L12,4L12.57,3.23V3.24C13.12,2.5 14,2 15,2A3,3 0 0,1 18,5C18,5.35 17.94,5.69 17.83,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H6.17C6.06,5.69 6,5.35 6,5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2C10,2 10.88,2.5 11.43,3.24V3.23M4,8V20H11A1,1 0 0,1 12,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,20H20V8H15L14.9,8L17,10.92L15.4,12.1L12.42,8H11.58L8.6,12.1L7,10.92L9.1,8H9L4,8M9,4A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,4M12,16A1,1 0 0,1 13,17A1,1 0 0,1 12,18A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 12,16M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,15A1,1 0 0,1 11,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,10A1,1 0 0,1 13,11A1,1 0 0,1 12,12A1,1 0 0,1 11,11A1,1 0 0,1 12,10Z",$s1="M9 3C5.69 3 3.14 5.69 3 9V21H12V13.46C13.1 14.45 14.5 15 16 15C19.31 15 22 12.31 22 9C22 5.69 19.31 3 16 3H9M16 5C18.21 5 20 6.79 20 9C20 11.21 18.21 13 16 13C13.79 13 12 11.21 12 9C12 6.79 13.79 5 16 5M16 7.25C15.03 7.25 14.25 8.03 14.25 9C14.25 9.97 15.03 10.75 16 10.75C16.97 10.75 17.75 9.97 17.75 9C17.75 8.03 16.97 7.25 16 7.25M4 12H5V13H4V12M6 12H7V13H6V12M8 12H9V13H8V12M10 12H11V13H10V12Z",Xs1="M9 3C5.69 3 3.14 5.69 3 9V21H12V13.46C13.1 14.45 14.5 15 16 15C19.31 15 22 12.31 22 9C22 5.69 19.31 3 16 3H9M9 5H11.54C10.55 6.1 10 7.5 10 9V12H9V13H10V19H5V13H6V12H5V9C5 6.79 6.79 5 9 5M16 5C18.21 5 20 6.79 20 9C20 11.21 18.21 13 16 13C13.79 13 12 11.21 12 9C12 6.79 13.79 5 16 5M16 7.25C15.03 7.25 14.25 8.03 14.25 9C14.25 9.97 15.03 10.75 16 10.75C16.97 10.75 17.75 9.97 17.75 9C17.75 8.03 16.97 7.25 16 7.25M7 12V13H8V12H7Z",Ys1="M16.5,6V17.5A4,4 0 0,1 12.5,21.5A4,4 0 0,1 8.5,17.5V5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,2.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,5V15.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,16.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,15.5V6H10V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,15.5V5A4,4 0 0,0 11,1A4,4 0 0,0 7,5V17.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 12.5,23A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 18,17.5V6H16.5Z",Js1="M13.5 21.36C13.7 21.84 13.97 22.29 14.29 22.7C13.73 22.89 13.13 23 12.5 23C9.46 23 7 20.54 7 17.5V5C7 2.79 8.79 1 11 1S15 2.79 15 5V14.54C14.03 15.41 13.35 16.58 13.1 17.92C12.91 17.97 12.71 18 12.5 18C11.12 18 10 16.88 10 15.5V6H11.5V15.5C11.5 16.05 11.95 16.5 12.5 16.5S13.5 16.05 13.5 15.5V5C13.5 3.62 12.38 2.5 11 2.5S8.5 3.62 8.5 5V17.5C8.5 19.71 10.29 21.5 12.5 21.5C12.84 21.5 13.17 21.44 13.5 21.36M18 6H16.5V13.55C16.97 13.34 17.47 13.18 18 13.09V6M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",CO1="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M8.9 2C6.8 2 5 3.8 5 6V16.5C5 19.5 7.5 22 10.5 22C11 22 11.5 21.9 12 21.8V20.2C11.5 20.4 11 20.5 10.5 20.5C8.3 20.5 6.5 18.7 6.5 16.5V6C6.5 4.6 7.6 3.5 9 3.5S11.5 4.6 11.5 6V14.5C11.5 15.1 11.1 15.5 10.5 15.5S9.5 15.1 9.5 14.5V7H8V14.5C8 15.9 9.1 17 10.5 17S13 15.9 13 14.5V6C13 3.8 11.2 2 8.9 2C9 2 9 2 8.9 2M14.5 7V12.4C14.9 12 15.4 11.6 16 11.4V7H14.5Z",HO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1S7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",VO1="M8.5 5.3L7.16 3.96C7.62 2.26 9.15 1 11 1C13.21 1 15 2.79 15 5V11.8L13.5 10.3V5C13.5 3.62 12.38 2.5 11 2.5S8.5 3.62 8.5 5V5.3M18 6H16.5V13.3L18 14.8V6M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.62 19.5C16.81 21.55 14.83 23 12.5 23C9.46 23 7 20.54 7 17.5V8.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M11.5 15.5C11.5 16.05 11.95 16.5 12.5 16.5S13.5 16.05 13.5 15.5V15.39L11.5 13.39V15.5M16.42 18.31L14.73 16.62C14.32 17.43 13.5 18 12.5 18C11.12 18 10 16.88 10 15.5V11.89L8.5 10.39V17.5C8.5 19.71 10.29 21.5 12.5 21.5C14.43 21.5 16.04 20.13 16.42 18.31M10 6.8L11.5 8.3V6H10V6.8Z",LO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1S7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",MO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M11 1C8.79 1 7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",AO1="M21.2,10.95L12,23L2.78,10.96L2.87,10.88C3.08,10.67 3.33,10.5 3.58,10.36L10.73,19.69L8.58,13L9.24,11.81L12,20.38L14.73,11.8L15.4,13L13.27,19.69L20.41,10.35C20.66,10.5 20.9,10.64 21.1,10.85L21.2,10.95M5,9C6.5,9 7.81,9.86 8.5,11.1C9.17,9.86 10.47,9 12,9C13.5,9 14.8,9.85 15.5,11.09C16.16,9.84 17.47,9 19,9C20.09,9 21.09,9.42 21.81,10.14C20.94,5.5 16.88,2 12,2C7.09,2 3.03,5.5 2.16,10.17C2.89,9.45 3.89,9 5,9Z",iO1="M21.2,10.95L12,23L2.78,10.96L2.87,10.88C3.08,10.67 3.33,10.5 3.58,10.36L10.73,19.69L8.58,13L9.24,11.81L12,20.38L14.73,11.8L15.4,13L13.27,19.69L20.41,10.35C20.66,10.5 20.9,10.64 21.1,10.85L21.2,10.95M12,4C14.5,4 16.77,5.17 18.25,7.03C17.24,7.15 16.28,7.54 15.47,8.13C14.47,7.41 13.26,7 12,7C10.71,7 9.5,7.41 8.5,8.14C7.68,7.55 6.72,7.17 5.71,7.04C7.19,5.17 9.47,4 12,4M12,2C7.09,2 3.03,5.5 2.16,10.17C2.89,9.45 3.89,9 5,9C6.5,9 7.81,9.86 8.5,11.1C9.17,9.86 10.47,9 12,9C13.5,9 14.8,9.85 15.5,11.09C16.16,9.84 17.47,9 19,9C20.09,9 21.09,9.42 21.81,10.14C20.94,5.5 16.88,2 12,2Z",rO1="M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M19 14H17C17 16.76 14.76 19 12 19S7 16.76 7 14H5C5 16.79 6.64 19.19 9 20.32V23H15V20.32C17.36 19.19 19 16.79 19 14M23 7.76C23.04 8.56 22.05 9.06 21.41 8.6C21.27 8.46 21.16 8.44 21 8.32L18.97 13H17L15.5 6.73C13.21 6.5 10.79 6.5 8.5 6.73L7 13H5.03L3 8.32C2.84 8.44 2.73 8.46 2.59 8.6C1.95 9.06 .959 8.56 1 7.76V4C1 4 1 1 12 1S23 4 23 4M6.9 7C6 7.2 5.15 7.43 4.37 7.71L5.87 11.27L6.9 7M19.63 7.71C18.85 7.43 18 7.2 17.1 7L18.13 11.27L19.63 7.71Z",aO1="M13.2,11H10V7H13.2A2,2 0 0,1 15.2,9A2,2 0 0,1 13.2,11M13,3H6V21H10V15H13A6,6 0 0,0 19,9C19,5.68 16.31,3 13,3Z",eO1="M14.53 1.45L13.45 2.53L15.05 4.13C15.27 4.38 15.38 4.67 15.38 5S15.27 5.64 15.05 5.86L11.5 9.47L12.5 10.55L16.13 6.94C16.66 6.35 16.92 5.7 16.92 5C16.92 4.3 16.66 3.64 16.13 3.05L14.53 1.45M10.55 3.47L9.47 4.55L10.08 5.11C10.3 5.33 10.41 5.63 10.41 6S10.3 6.67 10.08 6.89L9.47 7.45L10.55 8.53L11.11 7.92C11.64 7.33 11.91 6.69 11.91 6C11.91 5.28 11.64 4.63 11.11 4.03L10.55 3.47M21 5.06C20.31 5.06 19.67 5.33 19.08 5.86L13.45 11.5L14.53 12.5L20.11 6.94C20.36 6.69 20.66 6.56 21 6.56S21.64 6.69 21.89 6.94L22.5 7.55L23.53 6.47L22.97 5.86C22.38 5.33 21.72 5.06 21 5.06M7 8L2 22L16 17L7 8M19 11.06C18.3 11.06 17.66 11.33 17.06 11.86L15.47 13.45L16.55 14.53L18.14 12.94C18.39 12.69 18.67 12.56 19 12.56C19.33 12.56 19.63 12.69 19.88 12.94L21.5 14.53L22.55 13.5L20.95 11.86C20.36 11.33 19.7 11.06 19 11.06Z",dO1="M6,2A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H6M12,5A5,5 0 0,1 17,10A5,5 0 0,1 12,15A5,5 0 0,1 7,10A5,5 0 0,1 12,5M12,6C11.59,6.62 11.25,7.29 11.04,8H12.96C12.75,7.29 12.42,6.62 12,6M10.7,6.22C9.78,6.53 9,7.17 8.54,8H10C10.18,7.38 10.4,6.78 10.7,6.22M13.29,6.22C13.59,6.78 13.82,7.38 14,8H15.46C15,7.17 14.21,6.54 13.29,6.22M8.13,9C8.05,9.32 8,9.65 8,10C8,10.35 8.05,10.68 8.13,11H9.82C9.78,10.67 9.75,10.34 9.75,10C9.75,9.66 9.78,9.33 9.82,9H8.13M10.83,9C10.78,9.32 10.75,9.66 10.75,10C10.75,10.34 10.78,10.67 10.83,11H13.17C13.21,10.67 13.25,10.34 13.25,10C13.25,9.66 13.21,9.32 13.17,9H10.83M14.18,9C14.22,9.33 14.25,9.66 14.25,10C14.25,10.34 14.22,10.67 14.18,11H15.87C15.95,10.68 16,10.35 16,10C16,9.65 15.95,9.32 15.87,9H14.18M8.54,12C9,12.83 9.78,13.46 10.7,13.78C10.4,13.22 10.18,12.63 10,12H8.54M11.04,12C11.25,12.72 11.59,13.38 12,14C12.42,13.38 12.75,12.72 12.96,12H11.04M14,12C13.82,12.63 13.59,13.22 13.29,13.78C14.21,13.46 15,12.83 15.46,12H14M7,17H17V19H7V17Z",mO1="M10 6C9.59 6.62 9.25 7.29 9.04 8H10.96C10.75 7.29 10.42 6.62 10 6M8.7 6.22C7.78 6.53 7 7.17 6.54 8H8C8.18 7.38 8.4 6.78 8.7 6.22M11.29 6.22C11.59 6.78 11.82 7.38 12 8H13.46C13 7.17 12.21 6.54 11.29 6.22M6.13 9C6.05 9.32 6 9.65 6 10C6 10.35 6.05 10.68 6.13 11H7.82C7.78 10.67 7.75 10.34 7.75 10C7.75 9.66 7.78 9.33 7.82 9H6.13M8.83 9C8.78 9.32 8.75 9.66 8.75 10C8.75 10.34 8.78 10.67 8.83 11H11.17C11.21 10.67 11.25 10.34 11.25 10C11.25 9.66 11.21 9.32 11.17 9H8.83M12.18 9C12.22 9.33 12.25 9.66 12.25 10C12.25 10.34 12.22 10.67 12.18 11H13.87C13.95 10.68 14 10.35 14 10C14 9.65 13.95 9.32 13.87 9H12.18M6.54 12C7 12.83 7.78 13.46 8.7 13.78C8.4 13.22 8.18 12.63 8 12H6.54M9.04 12C9.25 12.72 9.59 13.38 10 14C10.42 13.38 10.75 12.72 10.96 12H9.04M12 12C11.82 12.63 11.59 13.22 11.29 13.78C12.21 13.46 13 12.83 13.46 12H12M4 2C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V20C2 20.53 2.21 21.04 2.59 21.41C2.96 21.79 3.47 22 4 22H16C16.53 22 17.04 21.79 17.41 21.41C17.79 21.04 18 20.53 18 20V4C18 3.47 17.79 2.96 17.41 2.59C17.04 2.21 16.53 2 16 2H4M10 5C11.33 5 12.6 5.53 13.54 6.46C14.47 7.4 15 8.67 15 10C15 11.33 14.47 12.6 13.54 13.54C12.6 14.47 11.33 15 10 15C8.67 15 7.4 14.47 6.46 13.54C5.53 12.6 5 11.33 5 10C5 8.67 5.53 7.4 6.46 6.46C7.4 5.53 8.67 5 10 5M15 17V19H5V17H15M20 7H22V13H20V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",tO1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V11H8.13C8.59,9.24 10.18,8 12,8C13.82,8 15.41,9.24 15.87,11H22V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M2,13V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V13H15.87C15.41,14.76 13.82,16 12,16C10.18,16 8.59,14.76 8.13,13H2Z",vO1="M6 2C5.47 2 4.96 2.21 4.59 2.59C4.21 2.96 4 3.47 4 4V20C4 20.53 4.21 21.04 4.59 21.41C4.96 21.79 5.47 22 6 22H13C12.46 21.12 12.1 20.1 12 19H7V17H12.17C12.36 16.23 12.67 15.5 13.1 14.88C12.74 14.96 12.37 15 12 15C10.67 15 9.4 14.47 8.46 13.54C7.53 12.6 7 11.33 7 10C7 8.67 7.53 7.4 8.46 6.46C9.4 5.53 10.67 5 12 5C13.33 5 14.6 5.53 15.54 6.46C16.47 7.4 17 8.67 17 10C17 10.82 16.8 11.63 16.42 12.34C17.07 12.12 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20,8C20,8.3 20.3,8.6 20.6,9C21.1,9.5 21.6,9.9 21.5,10.4C21.5,10.9 21,11.4 20.5,11.9L16.4,16L15,14.7L19.2,10.5L18.2,9.5L16.8,10.9L13,7.1L17,3.3C17.4,2.9 18,2.9 18.4,3.3L20.7,5.6C21.1,6 21.1,6.7 20.7,7M3,17.2L12.6,7.6L16.3,11.4L6.8,21H3V17.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",GO1="M20.7,7C20.4,7.4 20,7.7 20,8C20,8.3 20.3,8.6 20.6,9C21.1,9.5 21.6,9.9 21.5,10.4C21.5,10.9 21,11.4 20.5,11.9L16.4,16L15,14.7L19.2,10.5L18.2,9.5L16.8,10.9L13,7.1L17,3.3C17.4,2.9 18,2.9 18.4,3.3L20.7,5.6C21.1,6 21.1,6.7 20.7,7M3,17.2L12.6,7.6L16.3,11.4L6.8,21H3V17.2M3.88,2.46L6,4.59L8.12,2.46L9.54,3.88L7.41,6L9.54,8.12L8.12,9.54L6,7.41L3.88,9.54L2.46,8.12L4.59,6L2.46,3.88L3.88,2.46Z",QO1="M20.71,7.04C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18,2.9 17.35,2.9 16.96,3.29L15.12,5.12L18.87,8.87M3,17.25V21H6.75L17.81,9.93L14.06,6.18L3,17.25Z",UO1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M16.7,9.35C16.92,9.14 16.92,8.79 16.7,8.58L15.42,7.3C15.21,7.08 14.86,7.08 14.65,7.3L13.65,8.3L15.7,10.35L16.7,9.35M7,14.94V17H9.06L15.12,10.94L13.06,8.88L7,14.94Z",zO1="M20.22 2H7.78C6.8 2 6 2.8 6 3.78V16.22C6 17.2 6.8 18 7.78 18H20.22C21.2 18 22 17.21 22 16.22V3.78C22 2.8 21.2 2 20.22 2M11.06 15H9V12.94L15.06 6.88L17.12 8.94L11.06 15M18.7 7.35L17.7 8.35L15.65 6.3L16.65 5.3C16.86 5.08 17.21 5.08 17.42 5.3L18.7 6.58C18.92 6.79 18.92 7.14 18.7 7.35M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",_O1="M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M18.7 7.35L17.7 8.35L15.65 6.3L16.65 5.3C16.86 5.08 17.21 5.08 17.42 5.3L18.7 6.58C18.92 6.79 18.92 7.14 18.7 7.35M9 12.94L15.06 6.88L17.12 8.94L11.06 15H9V12.94M20 4L20 4L20 16L8 16L8 4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",KO1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M16.7,9.35L15.7,10.35L13.65,8.3L14.65,7.3C14.86,7.08 15.21,7.08 15.42,7.3L16.7,8.58C16.92,8.79 16.92,9.14 16.7,9.35M7,14.94L13.06,8.88L15.12,10.94L9.06,17H7V14.94Z",jO1="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2M15.1,7.07C15.24,7.07 15.38,7.12 15.5,7.23L16.77,8.5C17,8.72 17,9.07 16.77,9.28L15.77,10.28L13.72,8.23L14.72,7.23C14.82,7.12 14.96,7.07 15.1,7.07M13.13,8.81L15.19,10.87L9.13,16.93H7.07V14.87L13.13,8.81Z",qO1="M7,14.94L13.06,8.88L15.12,10.94L9.06,17H7V14.94M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M16.7,9.35L15.7,10.35L13.65,8.3L14.65,7.3C14.86,7.08 15.21,7.08 15.42,7.3L16.7,8.58C16.92,8.79 16.92,9.14 16.7,9.35M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2",$O1="M5.5,2A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,4.5V5A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V10A1,1 0 0,0 3,11H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,10V6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5V4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,2M5.5,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,4.5V5H4V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,3M19.66,3C19.4,3 19.16,3.09 18.97,3.28L17.13,5.13L20.88,8.88L22.72,7.03C23.11,6.64 23.11,6 22.72,5.63L20.38,3.28C20.18,3.09 19.91,3 19.66,3M16.06,6.19L5,17.25V21H8.75L19.81,9.94L16.06,6.19Z",XO1="M16.1,9L17,9.9L7.9,19H7V18.1L16.1,9M19.7,3C19.5,3 19.2,3.1 19,3.3L17.2,5.1L20.9,8.9L22.7,7C23.1,6.6 23.1,6 22.7,5.6L20.4,3.3C20.2,3.1 19.9,3 19.7,3M16.1,6.2L5,17.2V21H8.8L19.8,9.9L16.1,6.2M8,5V4.5C8,3.1 6.9,2 5.5,2C4.1,2 3,3.1 3,4.5V5C2.4,5 2,5.4 2,6V10C2,10.6 2.4,11 3,11H8C8.6,11 9,10.6 9,10V6C9,5.4 8.6,5 8,5M7,5H4V4.5C4,3.7 4.7,3 5.5,3C6.3,3 7,3.7 7,4.5V5Z",YO1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M10,5V7H2V5H10Z",JO1="M14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M10,5V7H2V5H10Z",Ch1="M18.66,2C18.4,2 18.16,2.09 17.97,2.28L16.13,4.13L19.88,7.88L21.72,6.03C22.11,5.64 22.11,5 21.72,4.63L19.38,2.28C19.18,2.09 18.91,2 18.66,2M3.28,4L2,5.28L8.5,11.75L4,16.25V20H7.75L12.25,15.5L18.72,22L20,20.72L13.5,14.25L9.75,10.5L3.28,4M15.06,5.19L11.03,9.22L14.78,12.97L18.81,8.94L15.06,5.19Z",Hh1="M10,10.2L14,6.2L17.8,10L13.8,14L12.4,12.6L15,9.9L14.1,9L11.5,11.6L10,10.2M20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.7 21.1,6 20.7,5.6M19,21.7L17.7,23L11.2,16.5L6.8,21H3V17.2L7.5,12.7L1,6.3L2.3,5L19,21.7M9.8,15.1L8.9,14.2L5,18.1V19H5.9L9.8,15.1Z",Vh1="M14.06,9L15,9.94L5.92,19H5V18.08L14.06,9M17.66,3C17.41,3 17.15,3.1 16.96,3.29L15.13,5.12L18.88,8.87L20.71,7.04C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18.17,3.09 17.92,3 17.66,3M14.06,6.19L3,17.25V21H6.75L17.81,9.94L14.06,6.19Z",Lh1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",Mh1="M14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",Ah1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M3.9,2.4L6,4.5L8.1,2.4L9.5,3.8L7.4,5.9L9.5,8L8.1,9.5L6,7.4L3.9,9.5L2.5,8.1L4.6,6L2.5,3.8L3.9,2.4Z",ih1="M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19M3.9,2.5L6,4.6L8.1,2.5L9.5,3.9L7.4,6L9.5,8.1L8.1,9.5L6,7.4L3.9,9.5L2.5,8.1L4.6,6L2.5,3.9L3.9,2.5Z",rh1="M3 17.25V21H6.75L17.81 9.93L14.06 6.18L3 17.25M22.61 18.36L18.36 22.61L13.16 17.41L14.93 15.64L15.93 16.64L18.4 14.16L19.82 15.58L18.36 17L19.42 18L20.84 16.6L22.61 18.36M6.61 10.83L1.39 5.64L5.64 1.39L7.4 3.16L4.93 5.64L6 6.7L8.46 4.22L9.88 5.64L8.46 7.05L9.46 8.05L6.61 10.83M20.71 7C21.1 6.61 21.1 6 20.71 5.59L18.37 3.29C18 2.9 17.35 2.9 16.96 3.29L15.12 5.12L18.87 8.87L20.71 7Z",ah1="M22.61 18.36L18.36 22.61L13.16 17.41L14.93 15.64L15.93 16.64L18.4 14.16L19.82 15.58L18.36 17L19.42 18L20.84 16.6L22.61 18.36M6.61 10.83L1.39 5.64L5.64 1.39L7.4 3.16L4.93 5.64L6 6.7L8.46 4.22L9.88 5.64L8.46 7.05L9.46 8.05L6.61 10.83M14.06 9L15 9.93L5.92 19H5V18.08L14.06 9M17.67 3C17.42 3 17.16 3.09 16.96 3.29L15.12 5.12L18.87 8.87L20.71 7C21.1 6.61 21.1 6 20.71 5.59L18.37 3.29C18.18 3.1 17.93 3 17.67 3M14.06 6.18L3 17.25V21H6.75L17.81 9.93L14.06 6.18Z",eh1="M19,16C19,17.72 18.37,19.3 17.34,20.5C17.75,20.89 18,21.41 18,22H6C6,21.41 6.25,20.89 6.66,20.5C5.63,19.3 5,17.72 5,16H3C3,14.75 3.57,13.64 4.46,12.91L4.47,12.89C6,11.81 7,10 7,8V7A5,5 0 0,1 12,2A5,5 0 0,1 17,7V8C17,10 18,11.81 19.53,12.89L19.54,12.91C20.43,13.64 21,14.75 21,16H19M16,16A4,4 0 0,0 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 8,16A4,4 0 0,0 12,20A4,4 0 0,0 16,16M10,9L12,10.5L14,9L12,7.5L10,9M10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5M14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5Z",dh1="M12,2.5L2,9.8L5.8,21.5H18.2L22,9.8L12,2.5Z",mh1="M12,5L19.6,10.5L16.7,19.4H7.3L4.4,10.5L12,5M12,2.5L2,9.8L5.8,21.5H18.1L22,9.8L12,2.5Z",th1="M16.15 14.4L18.71 22.26L12 17.4L5.28 22.3L7.85 14.37L1.15 9.5H9.44L12 1.61L14.56 9.5H22.89L16.15 14.4M13.3 16.47L15.86 18.33L14.88 15.32L13.3 16.47M11 9.5H13L12 6.47L11 9.5M10.74 16.47L9.13 15.3L8.13 18.37L10.74 16.47M18.28 11H15.05L15.67 12.9L18.28 11M10.53 11L9.62 13.8L12 15.54L14.39 13.82L13.47 11H10.53M5.76 11L8.34 12.87L8.95 11H5.76Z",vh1="M18.5,3.5L3.5,18.5L5.5,20.5L20.5,5.5M7,4A3,3 0 0,0 4,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,10A3,3 0 0,0 10,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,4M17,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,20A3,3 0 0,0 20,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,14Z",lh1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05M15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03Z",oh1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03M7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83Z",nh1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05M15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03Z",Zh1="M17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22M8.83 10.6C9.81 10.6 10.6 9.81 10.6 8.83C10.6 7.84 9.81 7.05 8.83 7.05C7.84 7.05 7.05 7.84 7.05 8.83C7.05 9.81 7.84 10.6 8.83 10.6M7 15.53L8.5 17.03L17.03 8.5L15.53 7L7 15.53M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4C7.59 4 4 7.59 4 12C4 16.41 7.59 20 12 20C16.41 20 20 16.41 20 12Z",Sh1="M18.5 3.5L20.5 5.5L5.5 20.5L3.5 18.5L18.5 3.5M7 4C8.66 4 10 5.34 10 7C10 8.66 8.66 10 7 10C5.34 10 4 8.66 4 7C4 5.34 5.34 4 7 4M17 14C18.66 14 20 15.34 20 17C20 18.66 18.66 20 17 20C15.34 20 14 18.66 14 17C14 15.34 15.34 14 17 14M7 6C6.45 6 6 6.45 6 7C6 7.55 6.45 8 7 8C7.55 8 8 7.55 8 7C8 6.45 7.55 6 7 6M17 16C16.45 16 16 16.45 16 17C16 17.55 16.45 18 17 18C17.55 18 18 17.55 18 17C18 16.45 17.55 16 17 16Z",uh1="M2,4V6H4V4H2M20,4V6H22V4H20M2,7V9H4V7H2M5,7V9H7V7H5M14,7V9H16V7H14M17,7V9H19V7H17M20,7V9H22V7H20M2,10V12H4V10H2M5,10V12H7V10H5M8,10V12H10V10H8M11,10V12H13V10H11M14,10V12H16V10H14M17,10V12H19V10H17M20,10V12H22V10H20M2,13V15H4V13H2M5,13V15H7V13H5M8,13V15H10V13H8M11,13V15H13V13H11M14,13V15H16V13H14M17,13V15H19V13H17M20,13V15H22V13H20M5,17V19H7V17H5M8,17V19H10V17H8M11,17V19H13V17H11M14,17V19H16V17H14M17,17V19H19V17H17Z",ch1="M16.56,12L19.23,20H4.78L7.44,12H16.56M7,1L3,5L7,9V6H11V4H7V1M17,1V4H13V6H17V9L21,5L17,1M18,10H6L2,22H22L18,10Z",sh1="M16.56,12L19.23,20H4.78L7.44,12H16.56M17,1L13,5L17,9V6H21V4H17V1M7,1V4H3V6H7V9L11,5L7,1M18,10H6L2,22H22L18,10Z",Oh1="M13 7V17H15V13H17V17H19V7H17V11H15V7H13M11 15V13C11 11.9 10.11 11 9 11H5V21H7V17H9C10.11 17 11 16.11 11 15M9 15H7V13H9V15Z",hh1="M6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.25 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.59L6.62,10.79Z",ph1="M6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4C3,3.44 3.45,3 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.24 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.58L6.62,10.79M17,12V10H19V12H17M17,8V2H19V8H17Z",fh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 12V10H19V12H17M17 8V2H19V8H17Z",gh1="M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M18,7.21L18.94,8.14L18,9.08M18,2.91L18.94,3.85L18,4.79M14.71,9.5L17,7.21V11H17.5L20.35,8.14L18.21,6L20.35,3.85L17.5,1H17V4.79L14.71,2.5L14,3.21L16.79,6L14,8.79L14.71,9.5Z",kh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M18 7.21L18.94 8.14L18 9.08M18 2.91L18.94 3.85L18 4.79M14.71 9.5L17 7.21V11H17.5L20.35 8.14L18.21 6L20.35 3.85L17.5 1H17V4.79L14.71 2.5L14 3.21L16.79 6L14 8.79L14.71 9.5Z",Bh1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M16.5 2C14 2 12 4 12 6.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 9 21 6.5 19 2 16.5 2M16.5 9.5C14.84 9.5 13.5 8.16 13.5 6.5C13.5 5.94 13.65 5.42 13.92 5L18 9.08C17.58 9.35 17.06 9.5 16.5 9.5M19.08 8L15 3.92C15.42 3.65 15.94 3.5 16.5 3.5C18.16 3.5 19.5 4.84 19.5 6.5C19.5 7.06 19.35 7.58 19.08 8Z",Ph1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M16.5 2C14 2 12 4 12 6.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 9 21 6.5 19 2 16.5 2M16.5 9.5C14.84 9.5 13.5 8.16 13.5 6.5C13.5 5.94 13.65 5.42 13.92 5L18 9.08C17.58 9.35 17.06 9.5 16.5 9.5M19.08 8L15 3.92C15.42 3.65 15.94 3.5 16.5 3.5C18.16 3.5 19.5 4.84 19.5 6.5C19.5 7.06 19.35 7.58 19.08 8Z",wh1="M6.62 10.79A15.1 15.1 0 0 0 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18A1 1 0 0 1 16.41 14.93A11.36 11.36 0 0 0 20 15.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 16.5V20A1 1 0 0 1 20 21A17 17 0 0 1 3 4A1 1 0 0 1 4 3H7.5A1 1 0 0 1 8.5 4A11.36 11.36 0 0 0 9.07 7.57A1 1 0 0 1 8.82 8.57M21.71 4.71L20.29 3.29L15 8.59L12.71 6.29L11.29 7.71L15 11.41Z",Fh1="M20 15.5A11.36 11.36 0 0 1 16.43 14.93A1 1 0 0 0 15.43 15.18L13.23 17.38A15.1 15.1 0 0 1 6.64 10.79L8.84 8.59A1 1 0 0 0 9.09 7.59A11.36 11.36 0 0 1 8.5 4A1 1 0 0 0 7.5 3H4A1 1 0 0 0 3 4A17 17 0 0 0 20 21A1 1 0 0 0 21 20V16.5A1 1 0 0 0 20 15.5M5 5H6.54A12.54 12.54 0 0 0 7 7.59L5.79 8.8A15 15 0 0 1 5 5M19 19A15 15 0 0 1 15.2 18.24L16.41 17A12.31 12.31 0 0 0 19 17.45M15 11.44L11.29 7.74L12.71 6.32L15 8.59L20.29 3.29L21.71 4.71Z",Th1="M12,3C7.46,3 3.34,4.78 0.29,7.67C0.11,7.85 0,8.1 0,8.38C0,8.66 0.11,8.91 0.29,9.09L2.77,11.57C2.95,11.75 3.2,11.86 3.5,11.86C3.75,11.86 4,11.75 4.18,11.58C4.97,10.84 5.87,10.22 6.84,9.73C7.17,9.57 7.4,9.23 7.4,8.83V5.73C8.85,5.25 10.39,5 12,5C13.59,5 15.14,5.25 16.59,5.72V8.82C16.59,9.21 16.82,9.56 17.15,9.72C18.13,10.21 19,10.84 19.82,11.57C20,11.75 20.25,11.85 20.5,11.85C20.8,11.85 21.05,11.74 21.23,11.56L23.71,9.08C23.89,8.9 24,8.65 24,8.37C24,8.09 23.88,7.85 23.7,7.67C20.65,4.78 16.53,3 12,3M9,7V10C9,10 3,15 3,18V22H21V18C21,15 15,10 15,10V7H13V9H11V7H9M12,12A4,4 0 0,1 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12M12,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,13.5Z",bh1="M12 3C16.53 3 20.65 4.78 23.7 7.67C23.88 7.85 24 8.09 24 8.37C24 8.65 23.89 8.9 23.71 9.08L21.23 11.56C21.05 11.74 20.8 11.85 20.5 11.85C20.25 11.85 20 11.75 19.82 11.57C19 10.84 18.13 10.21 17.15 9.72C16.82 9.56 16.59 9.21 16.59 8.82V5.72C15.14 5.25 13.59 5 12 5C10.44 5 8.93 5.24 7.5 5.69L5.94 4.11C7.82 3.4 9.86 3 12 3M9 7H11V9H13V7H15V10C15 10 21 15 21 18V19.18L9 7.18V7M1 4.27L2.28 3L21.5 22.22L20.23 23.5L18.73 22H3V18C3 15.86 6.05 12.71 7.8 11.07L6.59 9.86C5.71 10.33 4.9 10.9 4.18 11.58C4 11.75 3.75 11.86 3.5 11.86C3.2 11.86 2.95 11.75 2.77 11.57L.29 9.09C.11 8.91 0 8.66 0 8.38C0 8.1 .11 7.85 .29 7.67C.996 7 2.58 5.85 2.58 5.85L1 4.27M8 16C8 18.21 9.79 20 12 20C13.29 20 14.44 19.39 15.17 18.44L14.1 17.36C13.65 18.05 12.88 18.5 12 18.5C10.62 18.5 9.5 17.38 9.5 16C9.5 15.12 9.95 14.35 10.64 13.91L9.56 12.83C8.61 13.56 8 14.71 8 16Z",yh1="M15.9 1C12.1 1.1 9 4.2 9 8C9 11.9 12.1 15 16 15S23 11.9 23 8 19.9 1 15.9 1C16 1 15.9 1 15.9 1M16 3C18.8 3 21 5.2 21 8S18.8 13 16 13 11 10.8 11 8 13.2 3 16 3M15 4V9L18.6 11.2L19.4 10L16.5 8.3V4H15M4.6 12.8C6 15.6 8.4 18 11.2 19.4L13.4 17.2C13.7 16.9 14.1 16.8 14.4 17C15.5 17.4 16.7 17.6 18 17.6C18.5 17.6 19 18.1 19 18.6V22C19 22.5 18.5 23 18 23C8.6 23 1 15.4 1 6C1 5.4 1.5 5 2 5H5.5C6.1 5 6.5 5.4 6.5 6C6.5 7.2 6.7 8.4 7.1 9.6C7.2 10 7.1 10.3 6.9 10.6L4.6 12.8",Rh1="M6.6 10.8C8 13.6 10.4 15.9 13.2 17.4L15.4 15.2C15.7 14.9 16.1 14.8 16.4 15C17.5 15.4 18.7 15.6 20 15.6C20.6 15.6 21 16 21 16.6V20C21 20.6 20.6 21 20 21C10.6 21 3 13.4 3 4C3 3.4 3.5 3 4 3H7.5C8.1 3 8.5 3.4 8.5 4C8.5 5.2 8.7 6.4 9.1 7.6C9.2 7.9 9.1 8.3 8.9 8.6L6.6 10.8M14 3C13.4 3 13 3.4 13 4S13.4 5 14 5 15 4.6 15 4 14.6 3 14 3M17 3C16.4 3 16 3.4 16 4S16.4 5 17 5 18 4.6 18 4 17.6 3 17 3M20 3C19.4 3 19 3.4 19 4S19.4 5 20 5 21 4.6 21 4 20.6 3 20 3M14 6C13.4 6 13 6.4 13 7S13.4 8 14 8 15 7.6 15 7 14.6 6 14 6M17 6C16.4 6 16 6.4 16 7S16.4 8 17 8 18 7.6 18 7 17.6 6 17 6M20 6C19.4 6 19 6.4 19 7S19.4 8 20 8 21 7.6 21 7 20.6 6 20 6M14 9C13.4 9 13 9.4 13 10S13.4 11 14 11 15 10.6 15 10 14.6 9 14 9M17 9C16.4 9 16 9.4 16 10S16.4 11 17 11 18 10.6 18 10 17.6 9 17 9M20 9C19.4 9 19 9.4 19 10S19.4 11 20 11 21 10.6 21 10 20.6 9 20 9Z",xh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 4C15 4.6 14.6 5 14 5S13 4.6 13 4 13.4 3 14 3 15 3.4 15 4M18 4C18 4.6 17.6 5 17 5S16 4.6 16 4 16.4 3 17 3 18 3.4 18 4M21 4C21 4.6 20.6 5 20 5S19 4.6 19 4 19.4 3 20 3 21 3.4 21 4M15 7C15 7.6 14.6 8 14 8S13 7.6 13 7 13.4 6 14 6 15 6.4 15 7M18 7C18 7.6 17.6 8 17 8S16 7.6 16 7 16.4 6 17 6 18 6.4 18 7M21 7C21 7.6 20.6 8 20 8S19 7.6 19 7 19.4 6 20 6 21 6.4 21 7M15 10C15 10.6 14.6 11 14 11S13 10.6 13 10 13.4 9 14 9 15 9.4 15 10M18 10C18 10.6 17.6 11 17 11S16 10.6 16 10 16.4 9 17 9 18 9.4 18 10M21 10C21 10.6 20.6 11 20 11S19 10.6 19 10 19.4 9 20 9 21 9.4 21 10Z",Dh1="M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M18,11L23,6L18,1V4H14V8H18V11Z",Eh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M18 11L23 6L18 1V4H14V8H18V11Z",Nh1="M12,9C10.4,9 8.85,9.25 7.4,9.72V12.82C7.4,13.22 7.17,13.56 6.84,13.72C5.86,14.21 4.97,14.84 4.17,15.57C4,15.75 3.75,15.86 3.5,15.86C3.2,15.86 2.95,15.74 2.77,15.56L0.29,13.08C0.11,12.9 0,12.65 0,12.38C0,12.1 0.11,11.85 0.29,11.67C3.34,8.77 7.46,7 12,7C16.54,7 20.66,8.77 23.71,11.67C23.89,11.85 24,12.1 24,12.38C24,12.65 23.89,12.9 23.71,13.08L21.23,15.56C21.05,15.74 20.8,15.86 20.5,15.86C20.25,15.86 20,15.75 19.82,15.57C19.03,14.84 18.14,14.21 17.16,13.72C16.83,13.56 16.6,13.22 16.6,12.82V9.72C15.15,9.25 13.6,9 12,9Z",Wh1="M23.71 11.67A17 17 0 0 0 .29 11.67A1 1 0 0 0 0 12.38A1 1 0 0 0 .29 13.08L2.77 15.56A1 1 0 0 0 3.5 15.85A1 1 0 0 0 4.18 15.57A11.5 11.5 0 0 1 6.84 13.72A1 1 0 0 0 7.4 12.82V9.72A14.91 14.91 0 0 1 12 9A14.5 14.5 0 0 1 16.59 9.73V12.83A1 1 0 0 0 17.15 13.73A11.27 11.27 0 0 1 19.82 15.58A1 1 0 0 0 20.5 15.86A1 1 0 0 0 21.23 15.57L23.71 13.09A1 1 0 0 0 23.71 11.67M5.4 12.22A13.68 13.68 0 0 0 3.53 13.5L2.46 12.42A15.54 15.54 0 0 1 5.4 10.5M20.5 13.5A13.75 13.75 0 0 0 18.6 12.23V10.53A14.26 14.26 0 0 1 21.55 12.43Z",Ih1="M15,12H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,7V9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12M19,12H21C21,7 16.97,3 12,3V5C15.86,5 19,8.13 19,12M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5Z",Gh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 12H17A5 5 0 0 0 12 7V9A3 3 0 0 1 15 12M19 12H21C21 7 16.97 3 12 3V5C15.86 5 19 8.13 19 12Z",Qh1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.17L13.21,17.37C10.38,15.93 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.78L8.82,8.57C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4M19,11V9.5H15.5L21,4L20,3L14.5,8.5V5H13V11H19Z",Uh1="M20 17.5V21C20 21.55 19.55 22 19 22C9.61 22 2 14.39 2 5C2 4.45 2.45 4 3 4H6.5C7.05 4 7.5 4.45 7.5 5C7.5 6.25 7.7 7.45 8.07 8.57C8.18 8.92 8.1 9.31 7.82 9.57L5.62 11.78C7.06 14.62 9.38 16.93 12.21 18.37L14.41 16.17C14.69 15.9 15.08 15.82 15.43 15.93C16.55 16.3 17.75 16.5 19 16.5C19.55 16.5 20 16.95 20 17.5M16 7.5H12.5L18 2L17 1L11.5 6.5V3H10V9H16V7.5M17 6V7.5H20.5L15 13L16 14L21.5 8.5V12H23V6H17Z",zh1="M19 16.5C17.8 16.5 16.5 16.3 15.4 15.9H15.1C14.8 15.9 14.6 16 14.4 16.2L12.2 18.4C9.4 16.9 7 14.6 5.6 11.8L7.8 9.6C8.1 9.3 8.2 8.9 8 8.6C7.7 7.5 7.5 6.2 7.5 5C7.5 4.5 7 4 6.5 4H3C2.5 4 2 4.5 2 5C2 14.4 9.6 22 19 22C19.5 22 20 21.5 20 21V17.5C20 17 19.5 16.5 19 16.5M4 6H5.5C5.6 6.9 5.8 7.8 6 8.6L4.8 9.8C4.4 8.6 4.1 7.3 4 6M18 20C16.7 19.9 15.4 19.6 14.2 19.2L15.4 18C16.2 18.2 17.1 18.4 18 18.4V20M16 9V7.5H12.5L18 2L17 1L11.5 6.5V3H10V9H16M17 6V7.5H20.5L15 13L16 14L21.5 8.5V12H23V6H17Z",_h1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19 11V9.5H15.5L21 4L20 3L14.5 8.5V5H13V11H19Z",Kh1="M19.2,4H15.8V3.5C15.8,2.56 16.56,1.8 17.5,1.8C18.44,1.8 19.2,2.56 19.2,3.5M20,4V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,3.5V4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5V9A1,1 0 0,0 15,10H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,9V5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5Z",jh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19.2 4H15.8V3.5C15.8 2.56 16.56 1.8 17.5 1.8C18.44 1.8 19.2 2.56 19.2 3.5M20 4V3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17.5 1A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15 3.5V4A1 1 0 0 0 14 5V9A1 1 0 0 0 15 10H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 9V5A1 1 0 0 0 20 4Z",qh1="M20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.24 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.58L6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5M12,3H14V5H12M15,3H21V5H15M12,6H14V8H12M15,6H21V8H15M12,9H14V11H12M15,9H21V11H15",$h1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M12 3H14V5H12M15 3H21V5H15M12 6H14V8H12M15 6H21V8H15M12 9H14V11H12M15 9H21V11H15Z",Xh1="M20 15.5C18.75 15.5 17.55 15.3 16.43 14.93C16.08 14.82 15.69 14.9 15.41 15.17L13.21 17.37C10.38 15.93 8.06 13.62 6.62 10.79L8.82 8.58C9.1 8.31 9.18 7.92 9.07 7.57C8.7 6.45 8.5 5.25 8.5 4C8.5 3.45 8.05 3 7.5 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4C3 13.39 10.61 21 20 21C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20V16.5C21 15.95 20.55 15.5 20 15.5M12 3V13L15 10H21V3H12Z",Yh1="M20 15.5C18.75 15.5 17.55 15.3 16.43 14.93C16.33 14.9 16.22 14.88 16.12 14.88C15.86 14.88 15.61 15 15.41 15.17L13.21 17.37C10.38 15.93 8.06 13.62 6.62 10.79L8.82 8.58C9.1 8.31 9.18 7.92 9.07 7.57C8.7 6.45 8.5 5.25 8.5 4C8.5 3.45 8.05 3 7.5 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4C3 13.39 10.61 21 20 21C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20V16.5C21 15.95 20.55 15.5 20 15.5M5.03 5H6.53C6.6 5.88 6.75 6.75 7 7.59L5.79 8.8C5.38 7.59 5.12 6.32 5.03 5M19 18.97C17.68 18.88 16.4 18.62 15.2 18.21L16.4 17C17.25 17.25 18.12 17.4 19 17.46V18.97M12 3V13L15 10H21V3H12M19 8H14V5H19V8Z",Jh1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.76,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.07,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.58C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.24 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3M13,6V8H21V6",Cp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M13 6V8H21V6Z",Hp1="M23.71,16.67C20.66,13.77 16.54,12 12,12C7.46,12 3.34,13.77 0.29,16.67C0.11,16.85 0,17.1 0,17.38C0,17.65 0.11,17.9 0.29,18.08L2.77,20.56C2.95,20.74 3.2,20.86 3.5,20.86C3.75,20.86 4,20.75 4.18,20.57C4.97,19.83 5.86,19.21 6.84,18.72C7.17,18.56 7.4,18.22 7.4,17.82V14.72C8.85,14.25 10.39,14 12,14C13.6,14 15.15,14.25 16.6,14.72V17.82C16.6,18.22 16.83,18.56 17.16,18.72C18.14,19.21 19.03,19.83 19.82,20.57C20,20.75 20.25,20.86 20.5,20.86C20.8,20.86 21.05,20.74 21.23,20.56L23.71,18.08C23.89,17.9 24,17.65 24,17.38C24,17.1 23.89,16.85 23.71,16.67M6.5,5.5L12,11L19,4L18,3L12,9L7.5,4.5H11V3H5V9H6.5V5.5Z",Vp1="M18.6 15.5v1.8c.7.4 1.3.8 1.9 1.3l1.1-1.1c-.9-.9-1.9-1.5-3-2m-13.2 0c-1 .5-2 1.1-2.9 1.9l1.1 1.1c.6-.5 1.2-.9 1.9-1.3v-1.7M12 12c4.5 0 8.7 1.7 11.7 0 .3-.1.5-.3.7l-2.5 2.5c-.2.2-.4.3-.7.3-.2 0-.5-.1-.7-.3-.8-.7-1.7-1.4-2.7-1.8-.3-.2-.6-.5-.6-.9v-3.1c-1.5-.5-3-.7-4.6-.7-1.6 0-3.1.2-4.6.7v3.1c0 .4-.2.7-.6.9-1 .5-1.9 1.1-2.7 1.8-.2.2-.4.3-.7.3-.3 0-.5-.1-.7-.3L.1 18.1c0-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7 0-.3.1-.5.3-.7C3.3 13.8 7.5 12 12 12zM6.5 5.5V9H5V3h6v1.5H7.5L12 9l6-6 1 1-7 7-5.5-5.5z",Lp1="M20.22,2.5L2.5,20.22L3.77,21.5L8.65,16.62C11.76,19.43 15.81,21 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C12.06,16.8 11,16.06 10.06,15.21L21.5,3.77L20.22,2.5M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4C3,7.57 4.14,11.05 6.24,13.94L7.66,12.5C7.28,11.97 6.93,11.39 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4Z",Mp1="M16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.5V19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.7 15.2 18.2L16.4 17M20.2 2.5L2.5 20.2L3.8 21.5L8.7 16.6C11.8 19.4 15.8 21 20 21C20.6 21 21 20.6 21 20V16.5C21 15.9 20.6 15.5 20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C12.1 16.8 11 16.1 10.1 15.2L21.5 3.8L20.2 2.5M6.5 5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5H6.5M7.5 3H4C3.4 3 3 3.4 3 4C3 7.6 4.1 11 6.2 13.9L7.6 12.5C7.2 12 6.9 11.4 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.4 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.4 8.1 3 7.5 3Z",Ap1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.17L13.21,17.37C10.38,15.93 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.78L8.82,8.57C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4M15,3V4.5H18.5L13,10L14,11L19.5,5.5V9H21V3H15Z",ip1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 3V4.5H18.5L13 10L14 11L19.5 5.5V9H21V3H15Z",rp1="M20,15.5C18.8,15.5 17.5,15.3 16.4,14.9C16.3,14.9 16.2,14.9 16.1,14.9C15.8,14.9 15.6,15 15.4,15.2L13.2,17.4C10.4,15.9 8,13.6 6.6,10.8L8.8,8.6C9.1,8.3 9.2,7.9 9,7.6C8.7,6.5 8.5,5.2 8.5,4C8.5,3.5 8,3 7.5,3H4C3.5,3 3,3.5 3,4C3,13.4 10.6,21 20,21C20.5,21 21,20.5 21,20V16.5C21,16 20.5,15.5 20,15.5M5,5H6.5C6.6,5.9 6.8,6.8 7,7.6L5.8,8.8C5.4,7.6 5.1,6.3 5,5M19,19C17.7,18.9 16.4,18.6 15.2,18.2L16.4,17C17.2,17.2 18.1,17.4 19,17.4V19Z",ap1="M19,10H21V3H19M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M17,3H15V10H17V3Z",ep1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19 10H21V3H19M17 3H15V10H17V3Z",dp1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.76,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.07,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.58C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.24 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3M16,3V6H13V8H16V11H18V8H21V6H18V3",mp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M16 3V6H13V8H16V11H18V8H21V6H18V3Z",tp1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M17 7L18.77 5.23C18.32 4.78 17.69 4.5 17 4.5C15.62 4.5 14.5 5.62 14.5 7S15.62 9.5 17 9.5C17.82 9.5 18.54 9.11 19 8.5H20.71C20.12 9.97 18.68 11 17 11C14.79 11 13 9.21 13 7S14.79 3 17 3C18.11 3 19.11 3.45 19.83 4.17L21 3V7H17Z",vp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 7L18.77 5.23C18.32 4.78 17.69 4.5 17 4.5C15.62 4.5 14.5 5.62 14.5 7S15.62 9.5 17 9.5C17.82 9.5 18.54 9.11 19 8.5H20.71C20.12 9.97 18.68 11 17 11C14.79 11 13 9.21 13 7S14.79 3 17 3C18.11 3 19.11 3.45 19.83 4.17L21 3V7H17Z",lp1="M4 3C3.4 3 3 3.4 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.6 21 21 20.6 21 20V16.5C21 15.9 20.6 15.5 20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9C16 14.8 15.7 14.9 15.4 15.1L13.2 17.3C10.4 15.9 8.1 13.5 6.6 10.7L8.8 8.5C9.1 8.2 9.2 7.8 9 7.5C8.7 6.4 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.4 8.1 3 7.5 3M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L14.9 3.5L13.5 4.9L15.6 7L13.5 9.1L14.9 10.5L17 8.4L19.1 10.5L20.5 9.1L18.4 7L20.5 4.9",op1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L14.9 3.5L13.5 4.9L15.6 7L13.5 9.1L14.9 10.5L17 8.4L19.1 10.5L20.5 9.1L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",np1="M21,6V11H19.5V7.5H13.87L16.3,9.93L15.24,11L11,6.75L15.24,2.5L16.3,3.57L13.87,6H21M8.82,8.58C9.08,8.32 9.17,7.93 9.06,7.58C8.69,6.42 8.5,5.22 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.79,15.5 17.58,15.31 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.91 15.43,15.17L13.23,17.37C10.39,15.92 8.09,13.62 6.64,10.78L8.82,8.58Z",Zp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M21 6V11H19.5V7.5H13.87L16.3 9.93L15.24 11L11 6.75L15.24 2.5L16.3 3.57L13.87 6H21Z",Sp1="M23.71 16.67C20.66 13.78 16.54 12 12 12S3.34 13.78.29 16.67c-.18.18-.29.43-.29.71 0 . 2.48c. 0 .52-.11.7-.28.79-.74 1.69-1.36 2.66-1.85.33-.16.56-.5.56-.9v-3.1c1.45-.48 3-.73 4.6-.73s3.15.25 4.6.72v3.1c0 . 1.87 1.12 2.66 0 .53-.11.71-.29l2.48-2.48c.18-.18.29-.43.29-.71a.99.99 0 0 0-.29-.7zM21.16 6.26l-1.41-1.41-3.56 3.55 1.41 1.41s3.45-3.52 3.56-3.55zM13 2h-2v5h2V2zM6.4 9.81L7.81 8.4 4.26 4.84 2.84 6.26c.11.03 3.56 3.55 3.56 3.55z",up1="M23.71 16.67C20.66 13.78 16.54 12 12 12S3.34 13.78.29 16.67c-.18.18-.29.43-.29.71 0 . 2.48c. 0 .52-.11.7-.28.79-.74 1.69-1.36 2.66-1.85.33-.16.56-.5.56-.9v-3.1c1.45-.48 3-.73 4.6-.73s3.15.25 4.6.72v3.1c0 . 1.87 1.12 2.66 0 .53-.11.71-.29l2.48-2.48c.18-.18.29-.43.29-.71a.99.99 0 0 0-.29-.7zm-18.31.56c-.66.37-1.29.8-1.87 1.27l-1.07-1.07c.91-.75 1.9-1.39 2.95-1.9v1.7H5.4zm15.07 1.26c-.59-.48-1.21-.9-1.87-1.27v-1.7c1.04.51 2.03 1.15 2.94 1.9l-1.07 1.07zm.69-12.23l-1.41-1.41-3.56 3.55 1.41 1.41s3.45-3.52 3.56-3.55zM11 2h2v5h-2V2zM6.4 9.81L7.81 8.4 4.26 4.84 2.84 6.26c.11.03 3.56 3.55 3.56 3.55z",cp1="M9,1H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,3V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H9A2,2 0 0,0 11,16V3A2,2 0 0,0 9,1M9,15H3V3H9V15M21,13H13V15H21V21H9V20H6V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,21V15A2,2 0 0,0 21,13M23,10L19,8L20.91,7.09C19.74,4.31 17,2.5 14,2.5V1A9,9 0 0,1 23,10Z",sp1="M9,1H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,3V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H4V15H3V3H9V11H11V3A2,2 0 0,0 9,1M23,21V15A2,2 0 0,0 21,13H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,15V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,21M9,21V15H21V21H9M23,10H21.5C21.5,7 19.69,4.27 16.92,3.09L16,5L14,1A9,9 0 0,1 23,10Z",Op1="M19,11H21V9H19M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M17,9H15V11H17M13,9H11V11H13V9Z",hp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 9H15V11H17M13 9H11V11H13V9M19 11H21V9H19Z",pp1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M17 3V1.5L14.75 3.75L17 6V4.5C18.38 4.5 19.5 5.62 19.5 7C19.5 7.4 19.41 7.78 19.24 8.12L20.33 9.21C20.75 8.58 21 7.82 21 7C21 4.79 19.21 3 17 3M17 9.5C15.62 9.5 14.5 8.38 14.5 7C14.5 6.6 14.59 6.22 14.76 5.88L13.67 4.79C13.25 5.42 13 6.18 13 7C13 9.21 14.79 11 17 11V12.5L19.25 10.25L17 8V9.5Z",fp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 3V1.5L14.75 3.75L17 6V4.5C18.38 4.5 19.5 5.62 19.5 7C19.5 7.4 19.41 7.78 19.24 8.12L20.33 9.21C20.75 8.58 21 7.82 21 7C21 4.79 19.21 3 17 3M17 9.5C15.62 9.5 14.5 8.38 14.5 7C14.5 6.6 14.59 6.22 14.76 5.88L13.67 4.79C13.25 5.42 13 6.18 13 7C13 9.21 14.79 11 17 11V12.5L19.25 10.25L17 8V9.5Z",gp1="M13,17V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H13M23.7,7.67C23.88,7.85 24,8.09 24,8.37C24,8.65 23.89,8.9 23.71,9.08L21.23,11.56C21.05,11.74 20.8,11.85 20.5,11.85C20.25,11.85 20,11.75 19.82,11.57C19,10.84 18.13,10.21 17.15,9.72C16.82,9.56 16.59,9.21 16.59,8.82V5.72C15.14,5.25 13.59,5 12,5C10.4,5 8.85,5.25 7.4,5.73V8.83C7.4,9.23 7.17,9.57 6.84,9.73C5.87,10.22 4.97,10.84 4.18,11.58C4,11.75 3.75,11.86 3.5,11.86C3.2,11.86 2.95,11.75 2.77,11.57L0.29,9.09C0.11,8.91 0,8.66 0,8.38C0,8.1 0.11,7.85 0.29,7.67C3.34,4.78 7.46,3 12,3C16.53,3 20.65,4.78 23.7,7.67M11,10V15H10V10H11M12,10H15V13H13V15H12V10M14,12V11H13V12H14Z",kp1="M4,5V7H6V19H8V7H14V16A3,3 0 0,0 17,19A3,3 0 0,0 20,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17A1,1 0 0,1 16,16V7H18V5",Bp1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M6,7H17V9H15V14A1,1 0 0,0 16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14H19A3,3 0 0,1 16,17A3,3 0 0,1 13,14V9H10V17H8V9H6",Pp1="M5.62,2C9.5,2 11.57,4.29 11.77,7.93C12.5,3.57 15.93,4.08 15.93,4.08C16.1,6.55 14.07,8.05 11.77,8.17C11.12,6.81 7.25,3.47 7.25,3.47C7.23,3.5 10.97,6.74 10.83,8.15C8.33,7.88 5.82,6 5.62,2M6.06,13.11L9.92,9.25C11.09,8.08 13,8.08 14.16,9.25L18,13.11C19.19,14.28 19.19,16.18 18,17.35L14.16,21.21C13,22.38 11.09,22.38 9.92,21.21L6.06,17.35C4.89,16.18 4.89,14.28 6.06,13.11M9.39,19.59C9.39,18.36 10.15,16.85 12.09,16.85C13.4,16.85 14.87,18.1 16.31,17.96C14.87,17.92 13.59,16.85 13.59,15.19C13.59,13.86 14.69,12.9 14.69,11.34C14.63,12.33 13.82,13.77 12,13.77C10.59,13.77 9.55,12.63 7.87,12.63C8.58,12.67 10.5,13.3 10.5,15.35C10.5,17 9.39,17.5 9.39,19.59Z",wp1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M14.74 14H15V20H9V14H9.31C9.86 14 10.3 13.56 10.3 13V4H13.75V13C13.75 13.56 14.19 14 14.74 14M4 4H6.8V13C6.8 13.56 7.24 14 7.79 14H8V20H4V4M20 20H16V14H16.26C16.81 14 17.25 13.56 17.25 13V4H20V20Z",Fp1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2 3.89V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8 20H4V5.89L6.8 8.69V13C6.8 13.56 7.24 14 7.79 14H8V20M15 20H9V14H9.31C9.86 14 10.3 13.56 10.3 13V12.19L15 16.89V20M16 20V17.89L18.11 20H16M10.3 7.1L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V18.8L20 16.8V4H17.25V13C17.25 13.3 17.13 13.55 16.93 13.73L13.75 10.55V4H10.3V7.1Z",Tp1="M14.79,10.62L3.5,21.9L2.1,20.5L13.38,9.21L14.79,10.62M19.27,7.73L19.86,7.14L19.07,6.35L19.71,5.71L18.29,4.29L17.65,4.93L16.86,4.14L16.27,4.73C14.53,3.31 12.57,2.17 10.47,1.37L9.64,3.16C11.39,4.08 13,5.19 14.5,6.5L14,7L17,10L17.5,9.5C18.81,11 19.92,12.61 20.84,14.36L22.63,13.53C21.83,11.43 20.69,9.47 19.27,7.73Z",bp1="M19,11H11V17H19V11M23,19V5C23,3.88 22.1,3 21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19M21,19H3V4.97H21V19Z",yp1="M19,11H11V17H19V11M17,15H13V13H17V15M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.88 22.1,3 21,3M21,19H3V4.97H21V19Z",Rp1="M19,7H11V13H19V7M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",xp1="M19,7H11V13H19V7M17,11H13V9H17V11M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19C1,20.11 1.9,21 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.91 22.1,3 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",Dp1="M20,18C18.6,18 17.2,17.5 16,16.7C13.6,18.4 10.4,18.4 8,16.7C6.8,17.5 5.4,18 4,18H2V20H4C5.4,20 6.7,19.6 8,19C10.5,20.3 13.5,20.3 16,19C17.3,19.6 18.6,20 20,20H22V18H20M20,13H19V16.9C18.3,16.8 17.6,16.6 17,16.2V13H12V17C11.3,17 10.7,16.9 10,16.7V13H5V16.9C4.7,17 4.3,17 4,17H3V13H2V11H3V9H5V11H10V9H12V11H17V9H19V11H20V13Z",Ep1="M20,20C18.61,20 17.22,19.53 16,18.67C13.56,20.38 10.44,20.38 8,18.67C6.78,19.53 5.39,20 4,20H2V22H4C5.37,22 6.74,21.65 8,21C10.5,22.3 13.5,22.3 16,21C17.26,21.65 18.62,22 20,22H22V20H20M20,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 19,2H9V1H6V2H5V4H6V13H5V11H3V13H2V15H3V19H4C4.33,19 4.67,18.97 5,18.92V15H10V18.65C10.65,18.85 11.33,18.95 12,18.95V18.92L12,15H13V13H12V11H10V13H9V4H17V8.62C16.53,8.79 16.19,9.23 16.19,9.76C16.19,10.2 16.43,10.6 16.8,10.82V12H17.42C17.76,12 18.03,12.28 18.03,12.62C18.03,12.96 17.76,13.24 17.42,13.24C17.2,13.24 17,13.12 16.88,12.93C16.71,12.64 16.34,12.54 16.05,12.71C15.75,12.87 15.65,13.25 15.82,13.55C16.15,14.11 16.76,14.47 17.42,14.47C18.43,14.47 19.26,13.64 19.26,12.62C19.26,11.84 18.76,11.14 18.03,10.88V10.82C18.41,10.6 18.65,10.2 18.65,9.76C18.65,9.3 18.38,8.91 18,8.7V4H20M8,11.66L7,12.66V11.24L8,10.24V11.66M8,8.71L7,9.71V8.29L8,7.29V8.71M7,6.71V5.29L8,4.29V5.71L7,6.71Z",Np1="M9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,9M14.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,9M12,4L12.68,4.03C13.62,3.24 14.82,2.59 15.72,2.35C17.59,1.85 20.88,2.23 21.31,3.83C21.62,5 20.6,6.45 19.03,7.38C20.26,8.92 21,10.87 21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13C3,10.87 3.74,8.92 4.97,7.38C3.4,6.45 2.38,5 2.69,3.83C3.12,2.23 6.41,1.85 8.28,2.35C9.18,2.59 10.38,3.24 11.32,4.03L12,4M10,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,16M14,16A1,1 0 0,1 15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,16M12,13C9.24,13 7,15.34 7,17C7,18.66 9.24,20 12,20C14.76,20 17,18.66 17,17C17,15.34 14.76,13 12,13M7.76,4.28C7.31,4.16 4.59,4.35 4.59,4.35C4.59,4.35 6.8,6.1 7.24,6.22C7.69,6.34 9.77,6.43 9.91,5.9C10.06,5.36 8.2,4.4 7.76,4.28M16.24,4.28C15.8,4.4 13.94,5.36 14.09,5.9C14.23,6.43 16.31,6.34 16.76,6.22C17.2,6.1 19.41,4.35 19.41,4.35C19.41,4.35 16.69,4.16 16.24,4.28Z",Wp1="M19.83 7.5L17.56 5.23C17.63 4.81 17.74 4.42 17.88 4.08C17.96 3.9 18 3.71 18 3.5C18 2.67 17.33 2 16.5 2C14.86 2 13.41 2.79 12.5 4H7.5C4.46 4 2 6.46 2 9.5S4.5 21 4.5 21H10V19H12V21H17.5L19.18 15.41L22 14.47V7.5H19.83M16 11C15.45 11 15 10.55 15 10S15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11Z",Ip1="M15 10C15 9.45 15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11 15 10.55 15 10M22 7.5V14.47L19.18 15.41L17.5 21H12V19H10V21H4.5C4.5 21 2 12.54 2 9.5S4.46 4 7.5 4H12.5C13.41 2.79 14.86 2 16.5 2C17.33 2 18 2.67 18 3.5C18 3.71 17.96 3.9 17.88 4.08C17.74 4.42 17.62 4.81 17.56 5.23L19.83 7.5H22M20 9.5H19L15.5 6C15.5 5.35 15.59 4.71 15.76 4.09C14.79 4.34 14 5.06 13.67 6H7.5C5.57 6 4 7.57 4 9.5C4 11.38 5.22 16.15 6 19H8V17H14V19H16L17.56 13.85L20 13.03V9.5Z",Gp1="M19.83 7.5L17.56 5.23C17.63 4.81 17.74 4.42 17.88 4.08C17.96 3.9 18 3.71 18 3.5C18 2.67 17.33 2 16.5 2C14.86 2 13.41 2.79 12.5 4H7.5C4.46 4 2 6.46 2 9.5S4.5 21 4.5 21H10V19H12V21H17.5L19.18 15.41L22 14.47V7.5H19.83M13 9H8V7H13V9M16 11C15.45 11 15 10.55 15 10S15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11Z",Qp1="M15 10C15 9.45 15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11 15 10.55 15 10M8 9H13V7H8V9M22 7.5V14.47L19.18 15.41L17.5 21H12V19H10V21H4.5C4.5 21 2 12.54 2 9.5S4.46 4 7.5 4H12.5C13.41 2.79 14.86 2 16.5 2C17.33 2 18 2.67 18 3.5C18 3.71 17.96 3.9 17.88 4.08C17.74 4.42 17.62 4.81 17.56 5.23L19.83 7.5H22M20 9.5H19L15.5 6C15.5 5.35 15.59 4.71 15.76 4.09C14.79 4.34 14 5.06 13.67 6H7.5C5.57 6 4 7.57 4 9.5C4 11.38 5.22 16.15 6 19H8V17H14V19H16L17.56 13.85L20 13.03V9.5Z",Up1="M4.22,11.29L11.29,4.22C13.64,1.88 17.43,1.88 19.78,4.22C22.12,6.56 22.12,10.36 19.78,12.71L12.71,19.78C10.36,22.12 6.56,22.12 4.22,19.78C1.88,17.43 1.88,13.64 4.22,11.29M5.64,12.71C4.59,13.75 4.24,15.24 4.6,16.57L10.59,10.59L14.83,14.83L18.36,11.29C19.93,9.73 19.93,7.2 18.36,5.64C16.8,4.07 14.27,4.07 12.71,5.64L5.64,12.71Z",zp1="M16.2 3.5C15.2 2.5 13.9 2 12.7 2S10.1 2.5 9.2 3.5L3.4 9.1C1.4 11.1 1.4 14.2 3.4 16.2S8.5 18.2 10.5 16.2L16.2 10.5C18.1 8.6 18.1 5.4 16.2 3.5M14.8 9.1L12 11.9L8.4 8.4L4 12.8C4 12 4.2 11.1 4.9 10.5L10.6 4.8C11.1 4.3 11.9 4 12.6 4S14.1 4.3 14.7 4.8C15.9 6.1 15.9 7.9 14.8 9.1M19.6 7.1C19.6 7.9 19.4 8.6 19.2 9.4C20.2 10.6 20.2 12.4 19.1 13.5L16.3 16.3L14.8 14.8L12 17.6C10.7 18.9 8.9 19.6 7.2 19.6C7.4 19.9 7.6 20.2 7.9 20.5C9.9 22.5 13 22.5 15 20.5L20.7 14.8C22.7 12.8 22.7 9.7 20.7 7.7C20.2 7.5 19.9 7.3 19.6 7.1Z",_p1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.81 8.7L4.22 11.29C1.88 13.64 1.88 17.43 4.22 19.78C6.56 22.12 10.36 22.12 12.71 19.78L15.3 17.19L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M4.6 16.57C4.24 15.24 4.59 13.75 5.64 12.71L8.23 10.12L9.64 11.53L4.6 16.57M10.78 7.58L9.36 6.16L11.29 4.22C13.64 1.88 17.43 1.88 19.78 4.22C22.12 6.56 22.12 10.36 19.78 12.71L17.85 14.65L16.43 13.23L18.36 11.29C19.93 9.73 19.93 7.2 18.36 5.64C16.8 4.07 14.27 4.07 12.71 5.64L10.78 7.58Z",Kp1="M6,5H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,6A1,1 0 0,1 18,7H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5M21,2V4H3V2H21M15,8H17V22H15V8M7,8H9V22H7V8M11,8H13V22H11V8Z",jp1="M16,12V4H17V2H7V4H8V12L6,14V16H11.2V22H12.8V16H18V14L16,12Z",qp1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.8,16.07V22H11.2V16H6V14L8,12V11.27L2,5.27M16,12L18,14V16H17.82L8,6.18V4H7V2H17V4H16V12Z",$p1="M8,6.2V4H7V2H17V4H16V12L18,14V16H17.8L14,12.2V4H10V8.2L8,6.2M20,20.7L18.7,22L12.8,16.1V22H11.2V16H6V14L8,12V11.3L2,5.3L3.3,4L20,20.7M8.8,14H10.6L9.7,13.1L8.8,14Z",Xp1="M16,12V4H17V2H7V4H8V12L6,14V16H11.2V22H12.8V16H18V14L16,12M8.8,14L10,12.8V4H14V12.8L15.2,14H8.8Z",Yp1="M10,21V18H3L8,13H5L10,8H7L12,3L17,8H14L19,13H16L21,18H14V21H10Z",Jp1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M11,19H13V17H18L14,13H17L13,9H16L12,5L8,9H11L7,13H10L6,17H11V19Z",Cf1="M22.14 14.84L22.12 14.85C22.35 15.13 22.55 15.44 22.7 15.77L22.79 15.96C23.5 17.65 23 19.6 21.69 20.82C20.5 21.91 18.84 22.2 17.3 22C15.84 21.82 14.5 20.9 13.73 19.63C13.5 19.24 13.3 18.8 13.2 18.35C13.07 18 13.03 17.62 13 17.25C12.91 15.65 13.55 13.95 14.76 12.95C14.21 14.16 14.34 15.67 15.15 16.72L15.26 16.85C15.4 16.97 15.57 17 15.73 16.94C15.88 16.88 16 16.73 16 16.57L15.93 16.33C15.05 14 15.79 11.3 17.66 9.77C18.17 9.35 18.8 8.97 19.46 8.8C18.78 10.16 19 11.94 20.09 13C20.55 13.5 21.11 13.79 21.58 14.23L22.14 14.84M19.86 19.5L19.85 19.47C20.3 19.08 20.55 18.41 20.53 17.81L20.5 17.5C20.3 16.5 19.43 16.16 18.87 15.43C18.7 15.21 18.55 14.93 18.44 14.65C18.22 15.15 18.2 15.62 18.29 16.16C18.39 16.73 18.61 17.22 18.5 17.81C18.34 18.46 17.83 19.11 16.94 19.32C17.44 19.81 18.25 20.2 19.06 19.92C19.32 19.85 19.65 19.66 19.86 19.5M9 21V18H2L7 13H4L9 8H6L11 3L16 8H13L14.82 9.82C12.55 11.06 11 13.59 11 16.5C11 18.19 11.5 19.75 12.4 21H9Z",Hf1="M19 12L12 2L5 12H6.86L3 18H10V22H14V18H21L17.14 12H19Z",Vf1="M19 12L12 2L5 12H6.86L3 18H10V22H14V18H21L17.14 12H19M15.16 10H13.5L17.34 16H6.67L10.53 10H8.84L12 5.5L15.16 10Z",Lf1="M9.04,21.54C10,21.83 10.97,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.25 4.67,19.9 8.44,21.34C8.35,20.56 8.26,19.27 8.44,18.38L9.59,13.44C9.59,13.44 9.3,12.86 9.3,11.94C9.3,10.56 10.16,9.53 11.14,9.53C12,9.53 12.4,10.16 12.4,10.97C12.4,11.83 11.83,13.06 11.54,14.24C11.37,15.22 12.06,16.08 13.06,16.08C14.84,16.08 16.22,14.18 16.22,11.5C16.22,9.1 14.5,7.46 12.03,7.46C9.21,7.46 7.55,9.56 7.55,11.77C7.55,12.63 7.83,13.5 8.29,14.07C8.38,14.13 8.38,14.21 8.35,14.36L8.06,15.45C8.06,15.62 7.95,15.68 7.78,15.56C6.5,15 5.76,13.18 5.76,11.71C5.76,8.55 8,5.68 12.32,5.68C15.76,5.68 18.44,8.15 18.44,11.43C18.44,14.87 16.31,17.63 13.26,17.63C12.29,17.63 11.34,17.11 11,16.5L10.33,18.87C10.1,19.73 9.47,20.88 9.04,21.57V21.54Z",Mf1="M12,12C12,9 14.5,6.5 17.5,6.5C20.5,6.5 23,9 23,12H12M12,12C12,15 9.5,17.5 6.5,17.5C3.5,17.5 1,15 1,12H12M12,12C9,12 6.5,9.5 6.5,6.5C6.5,3.5 9,1 12,1V12M12,12C15,12 17.5,14.5 17.5,17.5C17.5,20.5 15,23 12,23V12Z",Af1="M12,23H11V16.43C9.93,17.4 8.5,18 7,18C3.75,18 1,15.25 1,12V11H7.57C6.6,9.93 6,8.5 6,7C6,3.75 8.75,1 12,1H13V7.57C14.07,6.6 15.5,6 17,6C20.25,6 23,8.75 23,12V13H16.43C17.4,14.07 18,15.5 18,17C18,20.25 15.25,23 12,23M13,13.13V20.87C14.7,20.41 16,18.83 16,17C16,15.17 14.7,13.59 13,13.13M3.13,13C3.59,14.7 5.17,16 7,16C8.83,16 10.41,14.7 10.87,13H3.13M13.13,11H20.87C20.41,9.3 18.82,8 17,8C15.18,8 13.59,9.3 13.13,11M11,3.13C9.3,3.59 8,5.18 8,7C8,8.82 9.3,10.41 11,10.87V3.13Z",if1="M22,14H20V16H14V13H16V11H14V6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4H4V2H2V10H4V8H10V11H8V13H10V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20H20V22H22",rf1="M16,9V11H8V9H10V8H4V10H2V2H4V4H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,6V9H16M10,15V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20H20V22H22V14H20V16H14V15H16V13H8V15H10Z",af1="M2,5V13H4V11H10L12,9L10,7H4V5H2M20,5V7H12L14,9L12,11H20V13H22V5H20M12,13C12,13 10,15.17 10,16.5A2,2 0 0,0 12,18.5A2,2 0 0,0 14,16.5C14,15.17 12,13 12,13Z",ef1="M22 13V21H20V19H16.58C15.81 20.76 14.05 22 12 22S8.19 20.76 7.42 19H4V21H2V13H4V15H7.43C7.93 13.85 8.85 12.93 10 12.42V11H8V9H16V11H14V12.42C15.15 12.93 16.07 13.85 16.57 15H20V13H22M17 2H7C6.45 2 6 2.45 6 3S6.45 4 7 4H10V5H11V8H13V5H14V4H17C17.55 4 18 3.55 18 3S17.55 2 17 2Z",df1="M16.17 5.63L14.06 7.78L11.91 5.63L16.17 1.41L19.69 4.92C20.86 6.09 20.86 8 19.69 9.19L16.17 5.63M4.83 12.7L7 14.81L10.5 11.3L8.39 9.19L4.83 12.7M15.47 7.78L19 11.3L17.58 12.7L16.88 12L6.23 22.59L3.42 19.78L11.91 11.3L7.69 7.03L9.8 4.92L14.06 9.19L15.47 7.78Z",mf1="M8.2,12.1C7.9,12.3 7.7,12.7 7.8,13C7.8,13.7 8.5,14.2 9.1,14.2C9.7,14.2 10.3,13.7 10.3,13C9.7,12.6 9,12.3 8.2,12.1M22,11L23,7C23,7 21,7 18,5C15,3 15,1 12,1C9,1 9,3 6,5C3,7 1,7 1,7L2,11H2.1C2,11.3 2,11.7 2,12C2,15.5 3.8,18.6 6.5,20.4L6,21.3C12.4,25.4 18,21.3 18,21.3L17.5,20.4C20.2,18.6 22,15.5 22,12C22,11.7 22,11.3 22,11M11.3,4.5L9.9,3.1L10.6,2.4L12,3.8L13.4,2.4L14.1,3.1L12.7,4.5L14.1,5.9L13.4,6.6L12,5.2L10.6,6.6L9.9,5.9L11.3,4.5M9.3,8.5C10.3,8.2 11.3,8 12,8C14.2,8 17.9,9.6 19.8,10.4C19.9,10.7 19.9,11 19.9,11.3L9.3,8.5M13.6,19.1C12.9,19.5 12.2,19.8 11.4,19.9C10.9,19.5 10.9,18.7 11.4,18.3C11.8,17.9 12.7,17.7 13.2,18.2C13.5,18.3 13.6,18.8 13.6,19.1M20,13.4C19.5,15.5 18.2,17.4 16.5,18.6L15,16H9L7.5,18.6C5.4,17.2 4,14.8 4,12C4,11.5 4.1,11 4.2,10.5C4.7,10.3 5.3,10 6,9.7L13.1,11.6V14C13.1,14.5 13.5,15 14.1,15H16.1C16.6,15 17.1,14.6 17.1,14V12.6L20,13.4Z",tf1="M7,5H23V9H22V10H16A1,1 0 0,0 15,11V12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14H9.62C9.24,14 8.89,14.22 8.72,14.56L6.27,19.45C6.1,19.79 5.76,20 5.38,20H2C2,20 -1,20 3,14C3,14 6,10 2,10V5H3L3.5,4H6.5L7,5M14,12V11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10H12C12,10 11,11 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A1,1 0 0,0 9,11V12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12Z",vf1="M13,16.18C13.5,16.35 13.9,16.63 14.23,17H15V21H14.21C13.89,21.35 13.5,21.63 13,21.8C11.85,22.22 10.58,21.87 9.78,21H9V17H9.77C10.1,16.63 10.5,16.35 11,16.18V12H13V16.18M12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20M17,4H15V5H17V11H7V5H9V4H7V2H17V4M12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9Z",lf1="M15.9 .9L13.1 3.7C12.3 4.5 12.3 5.7 13.1 6.5L14.5 8L9.2 13.4L7.8 12C7 11.2 5.8 11.2 5 12L1 16L2.4 17.4L6.4 13.4L7.8 14.8L3.8 18.8L5.2 20.2L9.2 16.2L10.6 17.6L9.9 18.4L6.7 21.6L8 23L12 19C12.8 18.2 12.8 17 12 16.2L10.6 14.8L15.9 9.4L17.3 10.8C18.1 11.6 19.3 11.6 20.1 10.8L23 8L15.9 .9M18.7 9.4L14.5 5.2L15.9 3.8L20.1 8L18.7 9.4Z",of1="M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13C10,11.89 10.9,11 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15M7,7C7,5.89 7.89,5 9,5A2,2 0 0,1 11,7A2,2 0 0,1 9,9C7.89,9 7,8.1 7,7M12,2C8.43,2 5.23,3.54 3,6L12,22L21,6C18.78,3.54 15.57,2 12,2Z",nf1="M21.57 12.66C21.43 12.26 21.05 12 20.6 12H13.41C12.95 12 12.58 12.26 12.43 12.66L11 16.77V22.28C11 22.66 11.32 23 11.7 23H12.32C12.7 23 13 22.62 13 22.24V21H21V22.24C21 22.62 21.31 23 21.69 23H22.3C22.68 23 23 22.66 23 22.28V16.77L21.57 12.66M13.41 13H20.6L21.63 16H12.38L13.41 13M13 19C12.45 19 12 18.55 12 18S12.45 17 13 17 14 17.45 14 18 13.55 19 13 19M21 19C20.45 19 20 18.55 20 18S20.45 17 21 17 22 17.45 22 18 21.55 19 21 19M6.66 14.53L7 17L5.95 18.06L4.19 14.88L1 13.11L2.06 12.03L4.56 12.4L8.43 8.53L1 4.62L2.42 3.21L11.61 5.33L15.5 1.44C16.06 .855 17.06 .855 17.62 1.44C18.21 2.03 18.21 3 17.62 3.56L13.73 7.45L14.55 11H13.41C12.54 11 11.79 11.5 11.5 12.31L11.47 12.37L10.56 10.63L6.66 14.53Z",Zf1="M20 8H14C12.34 8 11 9.34 11 11V18C11 19.66 12.34 21 14 21L13 22V23H14L16 20.97H18L20 23H21V22L20 21C21.66 21 23 19.66 23 18V11C23 9.34 21.66 8 20 8M14 19C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18S13.45 17 14 17 15 17.45 15 18 14.55 19 14 19M20 19C19.45 19 19 18.55 19 18S19.45 17 20 17 21 17.45 21 18 20.55 19 20 19M21 16H13V10H21V16M6.66 14.53L7 17L5.95 18.06L4.19 14.88L1 13.11L2.06 12.03L4.56 12.4L8.43 8.53L1 4.62L2.42 3.21L11.61 5.33L15.5 1.44C16.06 .855 17.06 .855 17.62 1.44C18.21 2.03 18.21 3 17.62 3.56L14.18 7H14C11.79 7 10 8.79 10 11V11.19L6.66 14.53Z",Sf1="M8,5.14V19.14L19,12.14L8,5.14Z",uf1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M10 16V8L15 12",cf1="M13 18.9L19.1 12.8L21.2 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M21.4 11.3L22.7 12.6C22.9 12.8 22.9 13.1 22.7 13.3L21.7 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1S21.3 11.1 21.4 11.3M11 21H5C4.5 21 4 20.8 3.6 20.4C3.2 20 3 19.5 3 19V5C3 4.5 3.2 4 3.6 3.6C4 3.2 4.5 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9H19V5H5V19H11V21M15 12L10 8V16L15 12Z",sf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12C20.4 12 21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M13 19V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V10.1L19 10L18 10.1C15.79 10.55 14.12 12.45 14 14.76C13.39 15.31 13 16.11 13 17V19M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2C18.2 13.2 17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5M9 8V16L14 12L9 8Z",Of1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M9 8V16L14 12L9 8M13 19V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V9.1L19 9C16.24 9 14 11.24 14 14V14.76C13.39 15.31 13 16.11 13 17V19Z",hf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M18 5H4V19H13V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V9.1L19 9L18 9.1V5M9 8L14 12L9 16V8Z",pf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12C20.4 12 21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2C18.2 13.2 17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5M18 5H4V19H13V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V10.1L19 10L18 10.1V5M9 8L14 12L9 16V8Z",ff1="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M12,14.5V5.5L18,10L12,14.5Z",gf1="M4 6H2V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14.5V5.5L18 10L12 14.5Z",kf1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10,8V16L15,12L10,8Z",Bf1="M10,16.5V7.5L16,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Pf1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M10,16.5L16,12L10,7.5V16.5Z",wf1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M10,14V6L15,10L10,14Z",Ff1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M10,14V6L15,10L10,14Z",Tf1="M8.5,8.64L13.77,12L8.5,15.36V8.64M6.5,5V19L17.5,12",bf1="M3,5V19L11,12M13,19H16V5H13M18,5V19H21V5",yf1="M2,5V18H11V16H4V7H17V11H19V5H2M9,9V14L12.5,11.5L9,9M21.04,11.67L16.09,16.62L13.96,14.5L12.55,15.91L16.09,19.45L22.45,13.09L21.04,11.67Z",Rf1="M13,2.05V4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03V2.05M5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74M7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74M5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1M4.06,13H2.06C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13M10,16.5L16,12L10,7.5V16.5Z",xf1="M14 10H3V12H14V10M14 6H3V8H14V6M3 16H10V14H3V16M21.5 11.5L23 13L16 20L11.5 15.5L13 14L16 17L21.5 11.5Z",Df1="M3 6V8H14V6H3M3 10V12H14V10H3M20 10.1C19.9 10.1 19.7 10.2 19.6 10.3L18.6 11.3L20.7 13.4L21.7 12.4C21.9 12.2 21.9 11.8 21.7 11.6L20.4 10.3C20.3 10.2 20.2 10.1 20 10.1M18.1 11.9L12 17.9V20H14.1L20.2 13.9L18.1 11.9M3 14V16H10V14H3Z",Ef1="M3 16H10V14H3M12 14V16H22V14M14 6H3V8H14M14 10H3V12H14V10Z",Nf1="M15,6H3V8H15V6M15,10H3V12H15V10M3,16H11V14H3V16M17,6V14.18C16.69,14.07 16.35,14 16,14A3,3 0 0,0 13,17A3,3 0 0,0 16,20A3,3 0 0,0 19,17V8H22V6H17Z",Wf1="M15,6V8H3V6H15M15,10V12H3V10H15M3,16V14H11V16H3M17,6H22V8H19V17A3,3 0 0,1 16,20A3,3 0 0,1 13,17A3,3 0 0,1 16,14C16.35,14 16.69,14.07 17,14.18V6M16,16A1,1 0 0,0 15,17A1,1 0 0,0 16,18A1,1 0 0,0 17,17A1,1 0 0,0 16,16Z",If1="M3 10H14V12H3V10M3 6H14V8H3V6M3 14H10V16H3V14M16 13V21L22 17L16 13Z",Gf1="M3 16H10V14H3M18 14V10H16V14H12V16H16V20H18V16H22V14M14 6H3V8H14M14 10H3V12H14V10Z",Qf1="M14 10H3V12H14V10M14 6H3V8H14V6M3 16H10V14H3V16M14.4 22L17 19.4L19.6 22L21 20.6L18.4 18L21 15.4L19.6 14L17 16.6L14.4 14L13 15.4L15.6 18L13 20.6L14.4 22Z",Uf1="M17 19.1L19.5 20.6L18.8 17.8L21 15.9L18.1 15.7L17 13L15.9 15.6L13 15.9L15.2 17.8L14.5 20.6L17 19.1M3 14H11V16H3V14M3 6H15V8H3V6M3 10H15V12H3V10Z",zf1="M4,2C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2H4M8.56,6H12.06L15.5,12L12.06,18H8.56L12,12L8.56,6Z",_f1="M9.4 12.2C9.4 12.2 11.7 15.3 13.8 17.4C14.7 18.3 15.6 18.9 16.3 19.4C17.1 19.9 17.3 21 16.6 21.7C16.2 22.1 15.5 22.3 15 22C14.2 21.6 13 20.8 11.7 19.6C9.6 17.5 7.3 14.4 7.3 14.4L9.4 12.2M12.2 9.4C12.2 9.4 15.3 11.7 17.4 13.8C18.3 14.7 18.9 15.6 19.4 16.3C19.9 17.1 21 17.3 21.7 16.6C22.1 16.2 22.3 15.5 22 15C21.6 14.2 20.8 13 19.6 11.7C17.5 9.6 14.4 7.3 14.4 7.3L12.2 9.4M10.4 5.5L7.6 2.7L4.1 2L3.6 2.5L5.9 4.8C6.4 4.7 6.9 4.8 7.3 5.2C7.9 5.8 7.9 6.7 7.3 7.3S5.8 7.9 5.2 7.3C4.8 6.9 4.7 6.3 4.8 5.8L2.5 3.6L2 4.1L2.7 7.6L5.5 10.4L6.9 13.2L8.8 11.3L7.8 9.5L9.4 7.9L11.3 8.8L13.2 6.9L10.4 5.5Z",Kf1="M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z",jf1="M17,13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7H13V11H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",qf1="M19,11H15V15H13V11H9V9H13V5H15V9H19M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6Z",$f1="M18 11H15V14H13V11H10V9H13V6H15V9H18M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",Xf1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M11,7H13V11H17V13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7Z",Yf1="M17,13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7H13V11H17M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Jf1="M2 12C2 9.2 3.6 6.8 6 5.7V3.5C2.5 4.8 0 8.1 0 12S2.5 19.2 6 20.5V18.3C3.6 17.2 2 14.8 2 12M15 3C10 3 6 7 6 12S10 21 15 21 24 17 24 12 20 3 15 3M20 13H16V17H14V13H10V11H14V7H16V11H20V13Z",Cg1="M16,8H14V11H11V13H14V16H16V13H19V11H16M2,12C2,9.21 3.64,6.8 6,5.68V3.5C2.5,4.76 0,8.09 0,12C0,15.91 2.5,19.24 6,20.5V18.32C3.64,17.2 2,14.79 2,12M15,3C10.04,3 6,7.04 6,12C6,16.96 10.04,21 15,21C19.96,21 24,16.96 24,12C24,7.04 19.96,3 15,3M15,19C11.14,19 8,15.86 8,12C8,8.14 11.14,5 15,5C18.86,5 22,8.14 22,12C22,15.86 18.86,19 15,19Z",Hg1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z",Vg1="M21.14 17.67V17.22C21.14 16 20.2 15 19 15S16.86 16 16.86 17.22V17.67C16.34 17.67 16 18 16 18.56V22.11C16 22.65 16.34 23 16.86 23H21.14C21.66 23 22 22.65 22 22.11V18.55C22 18 21.66 17.67 21.14 17.67M20.29 17.67H17.72V17.22C17.72 16.5 18.31 15.89 19 15.89C19.69 15.89 20.29 16.5 20.29 17.22V17.67M11 5V11H5V13H11V19H13V13H19V11H13V5H11Z",Lg1="M11 5V11H5V13H11V19H13V13H19V11H13V5H11M19 15C17.95 15 16.9 15.8 16.9 16.82V18.64C16.45 18.64 16 19.07 16 19.5V22.05C16 22.56 16.45 23 16.9 23H21.03C21.55 23 22 22.56 22 22.13V19.58C22 19.07 21.55 18.64 21.1 18.64H17.88V16.82C17.88 16.24 18.4 15.87 19 15.87S20.13 16.24 20.13 16.82V17.18H21.1V16.82C21.1 15.8 20.05 15 19 15Z",Mg1="M11,4V9H6V11H11V16H13V11H18V9H13V4H11M6,18V20H18V18H6Z",Ag1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6M8,16H16V18H8V16Z",ig1="M3 7H6V4H8V7H11V9H8V12H6V9H3V7M13 15H21V17H13V15M16.04 3H18.35L7.96 21H5.65L16.04 3Z",rg1="M16,11V9H13V6H11V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",ag1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15,11H13V13H11V11H9V9H11V7H13V9H15V11Z",eg1="M4,9H9V4H15V9H20V15H15V20H9V15H4V9M11,13V18H13V13H18V11H13V6H11V11H6V13H11Z",dg1="M20 14H14V20H10V14H4V10H10V4H14V10H20V14Z",mg1="M4 3H20V17.63L12 22.25L4 17.63V3M18 9H6V16.5L12 19.94L18 16.5V9M18 5H6V7H18V5Z",tg1="M17,18.25V21.5H7V18.25C7,16.87 9.24,15.75 12,15.75C14.76,15.75 17,16.87 17,18.25M12,5.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 18.5,12C18.5,13.25 18.15,14.42 17.54,15.41L16,14.04C16.32,13.43 16.5,12.73 16.5,12C16.5,9.5 14.5,7.5 12,7.5C9.5,7.5 7.5,9.5 7.5,12C7.5,12.73 7.68,13.43 8,14.04L6.46,15.41C5.85,14.42 5.5,13.25 5.5,12A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M12,1.5A10.5,10.5 0 0,1 22.5,12C22.5,14.28 21.77,16.39 20.54,18.11L19.04,16.76C19.96,15.4 20.5,13.76 20.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 12,3.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 3.5,12C3.5,13.76 4.04,15.4 4.96,16.76L3.46,18.11C2.23,16.39 1.5,14.28 1.5,12A10.5,10.5 0 0,1 12,1.5M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9.5Z",vg1="M12,7.09L14.45,8.58L13.8,5.77L16,3.89L13.11,3.64L12,1L10.87,3.64L8,3.89L10.18,5.77L9.5,8.58L12,7.09M4,13.09L6.45,14.58L5.8,11.77L8,9.89L5.11,9.64L4,7L2.87,9.64L0,9.89L2.18,11.77L1.5,14.58L4,13.09M20,10.09L22.45,11.58L21.8,8.77L24,6.89L21.11,6.64L20,4L18.87,6.64L16,6.89L18.18,8.77L17.5,11.58L20,10.09M15,23H9V10H15V23M7,23H1V17H7V23M23,23H17V13H23V23Z",lg1="M4,13.09L6.45,14.58L5.8,11.77L8,9.89L5.11,9.64L4,7L2.87,9.64L0,9.89L2.18,11.77L1.5,14.58L4,13.09M7,23H1V17H7V23M9,10V23H15V10H9M13,21H11V12H13V21M17,13V23H23V13H17M21,21H19V15H21V21Z",og1="M12,7.09L14.45,8.58L13.8,5.77L16,3.89L13.11,3.64L12,1L10.87,3.64L8,3.89L10.18,5.77L9.5,8.58L12,7.09M15,23H9V10H15V23M1,17V23H7V17H1M5,21H3V19H5V21M17,13V23H23V13H17M21,21H19V15H21V21Z",ng1="M20,10.09L22.45,11.58L21.8,8.77L24,6.89L21.11,6.64L20,4L18.87,6.64L16,6.89L18.18,8.77L17.5,11.58L20,10.09M23,23H17V13H23V23M1,17V23H7V17H1M5,21H3V19H5V21M9,10V23H15V10H9M13,21H11V12H13V21Z",Zg1="M20,5C19.4,5 19,5.5 19,6.1V16C19,16.6 19.4,17 20,17.1C20.6,17.1 21,16.6 21,16V6.1C21,5.5 20.6,5 20,5M16.4,2H4.6C3.7,2 3,2.7 3,3.6V17.4C3,18.3 3.7,19 4.6,19H6V21C6,21.6 6.4,22 7,22H13C13.6,22 14,21.6 14,21V19H16.4C17.3,19 18,18.3 18,17.4V3.6C18,2.7 17.3,2 16.4,2M5,8H8V10H5V8M12,11V13H9V11H12M9,10V8H12V10H9M12,14V16H9V14H12M5,11H8V13H5V11M5,16V14H8V16H5M8,21H7V19H8V21M13,21H10V19H13V21M16,16H13V14H16V16M16,13H13V11H16V13M16,10H13V8H16V10M16,6H5V4H16V6Z",Sg1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C7.92,4 4.55,7.05 4.06,11H8.13C8.57,9.27 10.14,8 12,8C13.86,8 15.43,9.27 15.87,11H19.94C19.45,7.05 16.08,4 12,4M12,20C16.08,20 19.45,16.95 19.94,13H15.87C15.43,14.73 13.86,16 12,16C10.14,16 8.57,14.73 8.13,13H4.06C4.55,16.95 7.92,20 12,20M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ug1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,10.4 18.59,11.71 17.88,12.8L12,22.21L6.12,12.8C5.41,11.71 5,10.4 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,3.5C9.3,3.5 7.06,5.44 6.59,8H9.17C9.58,6.83 10.69,6 12,6C13.31,6 14.42,6.83 14.83,8H17.41C16.94,5.44 14.7,3.5 12,3.5M12,12C10.69,12 9.58,11.17 9.17,10H6.59C6.72,10.69 6.97,11.34 7.34,11.91V11.91L7.38,12C8.36,13.5 10.06,14.5 12,14.5C13.94,14.5 15.64,13.5 16.62,12L16.66,11.91V11.91C17.03,11.34 17.28,10.69 17.41,10H14.83C14.42,11.17 13.31,12 12,12M12,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,7.5Z",cg1="M23,12C23,18.08 18.08,23 12,23C5.92,23 1,18.08 1,12C1,5.92 5.92,1 12,1C18.08,1 23,5.92 23,12M13,4.06C15.13,4.33 17.07,5.45 18.37,7.16L20.11,6.16C18.45,3.82 15.86,2.3 13,2V4.06M3.89,6.16L5.63,7.16C6.93,5.45 8.87,4.33 11,4.06V2C8.14,2.3 5.55,3.82 3.89,6.16M2.89,16.1L4.62,15.1C3.79,13.12 3.79,10.88 4.62,8.9L2.89,7.9C1.7,10.5 1.7,13.5 2.89,16.1M11,19.94C8.87,19.67 6.93,18.55 5.63,16.84L3.89,17.84C5.55,20.18 8.14,21.7 11,22V19.94M20.11,17.84L18.37,16.84C17.07,18.55 15.13,19.67 13,19.94V21.94C15.85,21.65 18.44,20.16 20.11,17.84M21.11,16.1C22.3,13.5 22.3,10.5 21.11,7.9L19.38,8.9C20.21,10.88 20.21,13.12 19.38,15.1L21.11,16.1M15,12L12,7L9,12L12,17L15,12Z",sg1="M6,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 18,21H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3M6,5V17H18V5H6Z",Og1="M22 4L20 2C18.85 2.64 17.4 3 16 3C14.6 3 13.14 2.63 12 2C10.86 2.63 9.4 3 8 3C6.6 3 5.15 2.64 4 2L2 4C2 4 4 6 4 8S2 14 2 16C2 20 12 22 12 22S22 20 22 16C22 14 20 10 20 8S22 4 22 4M15.05 16.45L11.97 14.59L8.9 16.45L9.72 12.95L7 10.61L10.58 10.3L11.97 7L13.37 10.29L16.95 10.6L14.23 12.94L15.05 16.45Z",hg1="M12 4.21C13.24 4.72 14.65 5 16 5C17.05 5 18.1 4.84 19.08 4.54C18.5 5.5 18 6.71 18 8C18 9.32 18.54 10.93 19.1 12.63C19.5 13.83 20 15.33 20 16C20 17.03 16.47 19 12 19.96C7.54 19 4 17.03 4 16C4 15.33 4.5 13.83 4.9 12.63C5.46 10.93 6 9.32 6 8C6 6.71 5.5 5.5 4.92 4.54C5.9 4.84 6.96 5 8 5C9.35 5 10.76 4.72 12 4.21M20 2C18.85 2.64 17.4 3 16 3C14.6 3 13.14 2.63 12 2C10.86 2.63 9.4 3 8 3C6.6 3 5.15 2.64 4 2L2 4C2 4 4 6 4 8S2 14 2 16C2 20 12 22 12 22S22 20 22 16C22 14 20 10 20 8S22 4 22 4L20 2M15.05 16.45L11.97 14.59L8.9 16.45L9.72 12.95L7 10.61L10.58 10.3L11.97 7L13.37 10.29L16.95 10.6L14.23 12.94L15.05 16.45",pg1="M12 10C12 10 16 9.2 16 7.6C16 6.8 15.2 5.2 15.2 4.4C15.2 3.6 16 2.8 16 2.8L15.2 2C14.74 2.26 14.16 2.4 13.6 2.4S12.46 2.25 12 2C11.54 2.25 10.96 2.4 10.4 2.4C9.84 2.4 9.26 2.26 8.8 2L8 2.8C8 2.8 8.8 3.6 8.8 4.4C8.8 5.2 8 6.8 8 7.6C8 9.2 12 10 12 10M11.43 5.32L12 4L12.55 5.32L14 5.44L12.89 6.38L13.22 7.78L12 7.04L10.76 7.78L11.09 6.38L10 5.44L11.43 5.32M21 6H16.65C16.84 6.58 17 7.12 17 7.6C17 9.85 13.32 10.76 12.2 11L12 11L11.8 11C10.68 10.76 7 9.85 7 7.6C7 7.12 7.16 6.58 7.35 6H3C2.45 6 2 6.45 2 7V22H10V17H14V22H22V7C22 6.45 21.55 6 21 6M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M14 15H10V12H14V15M20 20H16V17H20V20M20 15H16V12H20V15Z",fg1="M3,22V8H7V22H3M10,22V2H14V22H10M17,22V14H21V22H17Z",gg1="M22 9.5C22 10.88 20.88 12 19.5 12S17 10.88 17 9.5 18.12 7 19.5 7 22 8.12 22 9.5M11 17V3H8V17H2L6 21H13V17H11M16 17H14V21H16V17Z",kg1="M19,4H15L7.1,16.63L4.5,12L9,4H5L0.5,12L5,20H9L16.89,7.37L19.5,12L15,20H19L23.5,12L19,4Z",Bg1="M2,15C3.67,14.25 5.33,13.5 7,13.17V5A3,3 0 0,1 10,2C11.31,2 12.42,2.83 12.83,4H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,5V6H14V5A3,3 0 0,1 17,2C18.31,2 19.42,2.83 19.83,4H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,5V14.94C18,14.62 20,13 22,13V15C19.78,15 17.56,17 15.33,17C13.11,17 10.89,15 8.67,15C6.44,15 4.22,16 2,17V15M14,8H9V10H14V8M14,12H9V13C10.67,13.16 12.33,14.31 14,14.79V12M2,19C4.22,18 6.44,17 8.67,17C10.89,17 13.11,19 15.33,19C17.56,19 19.78,17 22,17V19C19.78,19 17.56,21 15.33,21C13.11,21 10.89,19 8.67,19C6.44,19 4.22,20 2,21V19Z",Pg1="M19 6C17.9 6 17 6.9 17 8V14.8C16.4 15.4 16 16.2 16 17C16 18.7 17.3 20 19 20S22 18.7 22 17C22 16.1 21.6 15.3 21 14.8V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6M19 7C19.5 7 20 7.4 20 8V9H18V8C18 7.4 18.5 7 19 7M15 20.3C14.1 20.7 13.2 21 12.3 21C10.1 21 7.9 19 5.6 19C4.4 19 3.2 19.3 1.9 19.7V17.7C3.2 17.3 4.4 17 5.7 17C7.9 17 10.1 19 12.4 19C13.3 19 14.2 18.7 15.1 18.3V20.3M12.3 17C13.2 17 14.1 16.7 15 16.3V14.3C14.3 14.6 13.7 14.8 13 15V5C13 4.4 13.4 4 14 4H16.8C16.4 2.8 15.3 2 14 2C12.3 2 11 3.3 11 5V6H6V5C6 4.4 6.4 4 7 4H9.8C9.4 2.8 8.3 2 7 2C5.3 2 4 3.3 4 5V13.2C3.3 13.3 2.7 13.5 2 13.8V15.8C3.2 15.3 4.4 15 5.7 15C7.9 15 10.1 17 12.3 17M6 8H11V10H6V8M6 12H11V14.8C9.3 14.3 7.7 13.2 6 13V12Z",wg1="M7,22H4.75C4.75,22 4,22 3.81,20.65L2.04,3.81L2,3.5C2,2.67 2.9,2 4,2C5.1,2 6,2.67 6,3.5C6,2.67 6.9,2 8,2C9.1,2 10,2.67 10,3.5C10,2.67 10.9,2 12,2C13.09,2 14,2.66 14,3.5V3.5C14,2.67 14.9,2 16,2C17.1,2 18,2.67 18,3.5C18,2.67 18.9,2 20,2C21.1,2 22,2.67 22,3.5L21.96,3.81L20.19,20.65C20,22 19.25,22 19.25,22H17L16.5,22H13.75L10.25,22H7.5L7,22M17.85,4.93C17.55,4.39 16.84,4 16,4C15.19,4 14.36,4.36 14,4.87L13.78,20H16.66L17.85,4.93M10,4.87C9.64,4.36 8.81,4 8,4C7.16,4 6.45,4.39 6.15,4.93L7.34,20H10.22L10,4.87Z",Fg1="M3 3V21H21V3H3M18 18H6V17H18V18M18 16H6V15H18V16M18 12H6V6H18V12Z",Tg1="M14 3L13 1H11L10 3L5 6H7L8 14L10 16L10.5 17H9V23H15V17H13.5L14 16L16 14L17 6H19L14 3M14.16 13H9.84L9 6H15L14.16 13Z",bg1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M21 3H3V21H21V3M17 17H7V16H17V17M17 15H7V14H17V15M17 12H7V7H17V12Z",yg1="M2,2V5.5C3.1,5.5 4,6.62 4,8C4,9.38 3.1,10.5 2,10.5V13.5C3.1,13.5 4,14.62 4,16C4,17.38 3.1,18.5 2,18.5V22H5.5C5.5,20.9 6.62,20 8,20C9.38,20 10.5,20.9 10.5,22H13.5C13.5,20.9 14.62,20 16,20C17.38,20 18.5,20.9 18.5,22H22V18.5C20.9,18.5 20,17.38 20,16V16C20,14.62 20.9,13.5 22,13.5V10.5C20.9,10.5 20,9.38 20,8V8C20,6.62 20.9,5.5 22,5.5V2H18.5C18.5,3.1 17.38,4 16,4C14.62,4 13.5,3.1 13.5,2H10.5C10.5,3.1 9.38,4 8,4C6.62,4 5.5,3.1 5.5,2H2M6,6H18V18H6V6M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7M17,10L14,13L12,12L7,17H17V10Z",Rg1="M19 19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V12H3V10H21V12H19V19Z",xg1="M14.6 9L18 3.1L19.7 4.1L16.9 9H14.6M14 10H3V12H5V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V12H21V10H14Z",Dg1="M14.6 9L18 3.1L19.7 4.1L16.9 9H14.6M16.3 10H21V12H19V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V12H3V10H16.3M17 12H7V19H17V12Z",Eg1="M3 10V12H5V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V12H21V10H3M7 12H17V19H7V12Z",Ng1="M19 19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V12H3V10H21V12H19M8 1.5C6.15 1.5 4.65 3 4.65 4.85C4.65 6.7 6.15 8.2 8 8.2H9.53C9.92 8.2 10.29 8.3 10.61 8.5H12.63C12.05 7.45 10.86 6.75 9.53 6.75H8C7 6.75 6.15 5.77 6.15 4.75C6.15 3.73 7 3 8 3M12.85 2C12.85 3 12 3.85 11 3.85V5.35C12.92 5.35 14.5 6.7 14.89 8.5H16.42C16.12 6.67 14.96 5.15 13.35 4.38C13.97 3.77 14.35 2.93 14.35 2Z",Wg1="M8 1.5C6.15 1.5 4.65 3 4.65 4.85C4.65 6.7 6.15 8.2 8 8.2H9.53C9.92 8.2 10.29 8.3 10.61 8.5H12.63C12.05 7.45 10.86 6.75 9.53 6.75H8C7 6.75 6.15 5.77 6.15 4.75C6.15 3.73 7 3 8 3V1.5M12.85 2C12.85 3 12 3.85 11 3.85V5.35C12.92 5.35 14.5 6.7 14.89 8.5H16.42C16.12 6.67 14.96 5.15 13.35 4.38C13.97 3.77 14.35 2.93 14.35 2H12.85M3 10V12H5V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V12H21V10H3M7 12H17V19H7V12Z",Ig1="M5.41,21L6.12,17H2.12L2.47,15H6.47L7.53,9H3.53L3.88,7H7.88L8.59,3H10.59L9.88,7H15.88L16.59,3H18.59L17.88,7H21.88L21.53,9H17.53L16.47,15H20.47L20.12,17H16.12L15.41,21H13.41L14.12,17H8.12L7.41,21H5.41M9.53,9L8.47,15H14.47L15.53,9H9.53Z",Gg1="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M7,18H9L9.35,16H13.35L13,18H15L15.35,16H17.35L17.71,14H15.71L16.41,10H18.41L18.76,8H16.76L17.12,6H15.12L14.76,8H10.76L11.12,6H9.12L8.76,8H6.76L6.41,10H8.41L7.71,14H5.71L5.35,16H7.35L7,18M10.41,10H14.41L13.71,14H9.71L10.41,10Z",Qg1="M19 19H5V5H19M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M7 9H9.31L9.63 6H11.63L11.31 9H13.31L13.63 6H15.63L15.31 9H17V11H15.1L14.9 13H17V15H14.69L14.37 18H12.37L12.69 15H10.69L10.37 18H8.37L8.69 15H7V13H8.9L9.1 11H7V9M11.1 11L10.9 13H12.9L13.1 11Z",Ug1="M16.56,5.44L15.11,6.89C16.84,7.94 18,9.83 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12C6,9.83 7.16,7.94 8.88,6.88L7.44,5.44C5.36,6.88 4,9.28 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.28 18.64,6.88 16.56,5.44M13,3H11V13H13",zg1="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19M13,17H11V7H13V17Z",_g1="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19Z",Kg1="M11,3H13V21H11V3Z",jg1="M16,7V3H14V7H10V3H8V7H8C7,7 6,8 6,9V14.5L9.5,18V21H14.5V18L18,14.5V9C18,8 17,7 16,7Z",qg1="M12 10C12 9.35 11.57 8.7 11 8.32C10.7 8.12 10.35 8 10 8V4H8V8H4V4H2V8C1 8 0 9 0 10V15.5L3.5 19V22H8.5V19L12 15.5V10M12.33 4C12.22 4 12.11 4 12 4.04V6.59C12.3 6.77 12.56 7 12.79 7.21C13.44 7.87 14 8.85 14 10V16.33L11 19.33V20.67C11 21.4 11.6 22 12.33 22H21.67C22 22 22.36 21.86 22.61 21.61C22.86 21.36 23 21 23 20.67V5.33C23 4.6 22.4 4 21.67 4H20V2H14V4H12.33Z",$g1="M11 8.32C11.57 8.7 12 9.35 12 10V15.5L8.5 19V22H3.5V19L0 15.5V10C0 9 1 8 2 8V4H4V8H8V4H10V8C10.35 8 10.7 8.12 11 8.32M7.09 17.59L10 14.67V10.09C10 10.06 9.95 10 9.92 10H2.09C2.06 10 2 10.06 2 10.09V14.67L5.33 18H6.67L7.09 17.59M12 4.04C12.11 4 12.22 4 12.33 4H14V2H20V4H21.67C22.4 4 23 4.6 23 5.33V20.67C23 21 22.86 21.36 22.61 21.61C22.36 21.86 22 22 21.67 22H12.33C11.6 22 11 21.4 11 20.67V19.33L13 17.33V20H21V6H12V4.04Z",Xg1="M20.84 22.73L15.31 17.2L14.5 18V21H9.5V18L6 14.5V9C6 8.7 6.1 8.41 6.25 8.14L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18 14.5V9C18 8 17 7 16 7V3H14V7H10.2L17.85 14.65L18 14.5M10 3H8V4.8L10 6.8V3Z",Yg1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.25 8.14C6.1 8.41 6 8.7 6 9V14.5L9.5 18V21H14.5V18L15.31 17.2L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M13.09 16.59L12.67 17H11.33L10.92 16.59L8 13.67V9.89L13.89 15.78L13.09 16.59M12.2 9L10.2 7H14V3H16V7C17 7 18 8 18 9V14.5L17.85 14.65L16 12.8V9.09C16 9.06 15.95 9 15.92 9H12.2M10 6.8L8 4.8V3H10V6.8Z",Jg1="M16 7V3H14V7H10V3H8V7C7 7 6 8 6 9V14.5L9.5 18V21H14.5V18L18 14.5V9C18 8 17 7 16 7M16 13.67L13.09 16.59L12.67 17H11.33L10.92 16.59L8 13.67V9.09C8 9.06 8.06 9 8.09 9H15.92C15.95 9 16 9.06 16 9.09V13.67Z",Ck1="M15,24H17V22H15M16.56,4.44L15.11,5.89C16.84,6.94 18,8.83 18,11A6,6 0 0,1 12,17A6,6 0 0,1 6,11C6,8.83 7.16,6.94 8.88,5.88L7.44,4.44C5.36,5.88 4,8.28 4,11A8,8 0 0,0 12,19A8,8 0 0,0 20,11C20,8.28 18.64,5.88 16.56,4.44M13,2H11V12H13M11,24H13V22H11M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",Hk1="M18.73,18C15.4,21.69 9.71,22 6,18.64C2.33,15.31 2.04,9.62 5.37,5.93C6.9,4.25 9,3.2 11.27,3C7.96,6.7 8.27,12.39 12,15.71C13.63,17.19 15.78,18 18,18C18.25,18 18.5,18 18.73,18Z",Vk1="M15,15H17V11H15M7,15H9V11H7M11,13H13V9H11M8.83,7H15.2L19,10.8V17H5V10.8M8,5L3,10V19H21V10L16,5H8Z",Lk1="M4.22,2A2.22,2.22 0 0,0 2,4.22V19.78C2,21 3,22 4.22,22H19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,0 22,19.78V4.22C22,3 21,2 19.78,2H4.22M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M8.27,7.54L6.27,11L8,12L10,8.54L8.27,7.54M15.73,7.54L14,8.54L16,12L17.73,11L15.73,7.54M11,14V18H13V14H11Z",Mk1="M19.78 2H4.22C3 2 2 3 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78C21 22 22 21 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2M20 13L16.55 16.45C16.19 16.81 15.75 17 15.3 17H8.7C8.25 17 7.81 16.81 7.45 16.45L4 13C3.5 12.5 3.5 11.5 4 11L7.45 7.55C7.81 7.19 8.25 7 8.7 7H15.3C15.75 7 16.19 7.19 16.55 7.55L20 11C20.5 11.5 20.5 12.5 20 13M10.5 14C10.5 13.17 11.17 12.5 12 12.5S13.5 13.17 13.5 14 12.83 15.5 12 15.5 10.5 14.83 10.5 14M15.5 12C15.5 11.17 16.17 10.5 17 10.5S18.5 11.17 18.5 12 17.83 13.5 17 13.5 15.5 12.83 15.5 12M5.5 12C5.5 11.17 6.17 10.5 7 10.5S8.5 11.17 8.5 12 7.83 13.5 7 13.5 5.5 12.83 5.5 12Z",Ak1="M4.22 2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2H4.22M11 4.07V6H13V4.07A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 13 19.93V18H11V19.93A8 8 0 0 1 4 12A8 8 0 0 1 11 4.07M7.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6 12C6 12.83 6.66 13.5 7.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 10.5M16.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 15 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 10.5Z",ik1="M7.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13.5C6.66,13.5 6,12.83 6,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,10.5M4.22,2H19.78C21,2 22,3 22,4.22V19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 19.78,22H4.22C3,22 2,21 2,19.78V4.22A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 4.22,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",rk1="M4.22 2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2H4.22M12 4A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20A8 8 0 0 1 4 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 4M12 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 10.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 9A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 13.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6M7.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6 12C6 12.83 6.66 13.5 7.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 10.5M16.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 15 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 10.5Z",ak1="M10.5 16.5C10.5 15.68 11.17 15 12 15C12.83 15 13.5 15.68 13.5 16.5C13.5 17.34 12.83 18 12 18C11.17 18 10.5 17.34 10.5 16.5M10.5 7.5C10.5 6.67 11.17 6 12 6C12.83 6 13.5 6.67 13.5 7.5C13.5 8.33 12.83 9 12 9C11.17 9 10.5 8.33 10.5 7.5M4.22 2H19.78C21 2 22 3 22 4.22V19.78C22 21 21 22 19.78 22H4.22C3 22 2 21 2 19.78V4.22C2 3 3 2 4.22 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M10.5 12C10.5 11.17 11.17 10.5 12 10.5C12.83 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12Z",ek1="M10 9.5V14.5H8V9.5M19.78 2C21 2 22 3 22 4.22V19.78C22 21 21 22 19.78 22H4.22C3 22 2 21 2 19.78V4.22C2 3 3 2 4.22 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M16 9.5V14.5H14V9.5Z",dk1="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 20 2H4M4 4H20V20H4V4M11 7V11H13V7H11M6 14.75V17H9.5V14.75H6M14.5 14.75V17H18V14.75H14.5Z",mk1="M8,7H10V12H8V7M4.22,2H19.78C21,2 22,3 22,4.22V19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 19.78,22H4.22C3,22 2,21 2,19.78V4.22A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 4.22,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M14,7.5H16V11.5H14V7.5M10.5,16.25A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,14.75A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,16.25V17H10.5V16.25Z",tk1="M13,3H11V13H13V3M17.83,5.17L16.41,6.59C18.05,7.91 19,9.9 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19C8.14,19 5,15.88 5,12C5,9.91 5.95,7.91 7.58,6.58L6.17,5.17C2.38,8.39 1.92,14.07 5.14,17.86C8.36,21.64 14.04,22.1 17.83,18.88C19.85,17.17 21,14.65 21,12C21,9.37 19.84,6.87 17.83,5.17Z",vk1="M21.83,4C22.32,4 22.63,4.4 22.5,4.89L19.34,19.11C19.23,19.6 18.75,20 18.26,20H2.17C1.68,20 1.37,19.6 1.5,19.11L4.66,4.89C4.77,4.4 5.25,4 5.74,4H21.83M15.83,16H11.83C11.37,16 11,16.38 11,16.84C11,17.31 11.37,17.69 11.83,17.69H15.83C16.3,17.69 16.68,17.31 16.68,16.84C16.68,16.38 16.3,16 15.83,16M5.78,16.28C5.38,16.56 5.29,17.11 5.57,17.5C5.85,17.92 6.41,18 6.81,17.73C14.16,12.56 14.21,12.5 14.26,12.47C14.44,12.31 14.53,12.09 14.54,11.87C14.55,11.67 14.5,11.5 14.38,11.31L9.46,6.03C9.13,5.67 8.57,5.65 8.21,6C7.85,6.32 7.83,6.88 8.16,7.24L12.31,11.68L5.78,16.28Z",lk1="M4,4V10L4,14H6V10H8L13.41,15.41L9.83,19L11.24,20.41L14.83,16.83L18.41,20.41L19.82,19L16.24,15.41L19.82,11.83L18.41,10.41L14.83,14L10.83,10H11A3,3 0 0,0 14,7A3,3 0 0,0 11,4H4M6,6H11A1,1 0 0,1 12,7A1,1 0 0,1 11,8H6V6Z",ok1="M2,3H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3H22V5H21V16H15.25L17,22H15L13.25,16H10.75L9,22H7L8.75,16H3V5H2V3M5,5V14H19V5H5Z",nk1="M2,3H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3H22V5H21V16H15.25L17,22H15L13.25,16H10.75L9,22H7L8.75,16H3V5H2V3M5,5V14H19V5H5M11.85,11.85C11.76,11.94 11.64,12 11.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,11.5V7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,7C11.64,7 11.76,7.06 11.85,7.15L13.25,8.54C13.57,8.86 13.89,9.18 13.89,9.5C13.89,9.82 13.57,10.14 13.25,10.46L11.85,11.85Z",Zk1="M5.15 15.84C3.81 14.27 3 12.23 3 10V9.97C3 7.22 5.25 5 8 5C9.64 5 11.09 5.79 12 7C12.91 5.79 14.37 5 16 5C18.76 5 21 7.24 21 10C21 12.23 20.19 14.27 18.85 15.84L20.21 17.2L18.79 18.61L17.39 17.21C15.89 18.33 14 19 12 19C10 19 8.11 18.33 6.61 17.21L5.21 18.61L3.79 17.2L5.15 15.84M15.96 15.77L12 11.82L8.04 15.77C9.17 16.55 10.53 17 12 17C13.47 17 14.83 16.55 15.96 15.77M11 10C11 8.34 9.65 7 8 7C6.34 7 5 8.34 5 10C5 11.68 5.59 13.21 6.57 14.42L11 10M17.43 14.42C18.41 13.21 19 11.68 19 10V10C19 8.33 17.65 7 16 7C14.35 7 13 8.34 13 10L17.43 14.42Z",Sk1="M18,3H6V7H18M19,12A1,1 0 0,1 18,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,10A1,1 0 0,1 20,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,12M16,19H8V14H16M19,8H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,11V17H6V21H18V17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8Z",uk1="M19,6A1,1 0 0,0 20,5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5A1,1 0 0,0 19,6M19,2A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V11H18V7H6V11H2V5A3,3 0 0,1 5,2H19M18,18.25C18,18.63 17.79,18.96 17.47,19.13L12.57,21.82C12.4,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L6.53,19.13C6.21,18.96 6,18.63 6,18.25V13C6,12.62 6.21,12.29 6.53,12.12L11.43,9.68C11.59,9.56 11.79,9.5 12,9.5C12.21,9.5 12.4,9.56 12.57,9.68L17.47,12.12C17.79,12.29 18,12.62 18,13V18.25M12,11.65L9.04,13L12,14.6L14.96,13L12,11.65M8,17.66L11,19.29V16.33L8,14.71V17.66M16,17.66V14.71L13,16.33V19.29L16,17.66Z",ck1="M7,2H17V8H19V13H16.5L13,17H11L7.5,13H5V8H7V2M10,22H2V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V18H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22Z",sk1="M7 2H17V8H19V13H16.5L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V8H7V2M10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.5 11 19V18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Ok1="M7 2H17V7H19V13H16.5L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V7H7V2M10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.5 11 19V18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22M7 9V11H8.5L12 15L15.5 11H17V9H15V4H9V9H7M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",hk1="M4 2H14V7H16V13H13.5L10 17H8L4.5 13H2V7H4V2M23 14.5L21.6 16.7L23 18.9L21 22L19.2 21.1L20.7 18.9L19.2 16.7L21.2 13.6L23 14.5M18.7 14.5L17.2 16.7L18.7 18.9L16.7 22L14.9 21.1L16.3 18.9L14.9 16.7L16.9 13.6L18.7 14.5",pk1="M23 14.5L21.6 16.7L23 18.9L21 22L19.2 21.1L20.7 18.9L19.2 16.7L21.2 13.6L23 14.5M18.7 14.5L17.2 16.7L18.7 18.9L16.7 22L14.9 21.1L16.3 18.9L14.9 16.7L16.9 13.6L18.7 14.5M4 2H14V7H16V13H13.5L10 17H8L4.5 13H2V7H4V2M4 9V11H5.5L9 15L12.5 11H14V9H12V4H6V9H4Z",fk1="M20.8 22.7L14 15.9L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V8H6.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M11 19C11 19.6 10.6 20 10 20H2V22H10C11.7 22 13 20.7 13 19V18H11V19M19 13V8H17V2H7V3.8L16.2 13H19Z",gk1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H5V13H7.5L11 17H13L14 15.9L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M12 15L8.5 11H7V9H7.1L12.5 14.4L12 15M11 18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.6 11 19V18M9 5.8L7 3.8V2H17V7H19V13H16.2L14.9 11.7L15.5 11H17V9H15V4H9V5.8Z",kk1="M7,2H17V7H19V13H16.5L13,17H11L7.5,13H5V7H7V2M10,22H2V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V18H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22M7,9V11H8.5L12,15L15.5,11H17V9H15V4H9V9H7Z",Bk1="M2.3 2L1 3.3L2.1 4.4C2 4.6 2 4.8 2 5V11H6V8.3L8.7 11L6.5 12.1C6.2 12.3 6 12.6 6 13V18.2C6 18.6 6.2 18.9 6.5 19.1L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L17.1 19.3L20.8 23L22.1 21.7L2.3 2M4.9 2H4.8L9.8 7H18V11H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H4.9C5 2 5 2 4.9 2M19 4C19.6 4 20 4.4 20 5S19.6 6 19 6 18 5.6 18 5 18.4 4 19 4M12.4 9.6L18 15.2V13C18 12.6 17.8 12.3 17.5 12.1L12.6 9.7C12.5 9.7 12.5 9.6 12.4 9.6M10.2 12.5L12.2 14.5L12 14.6L9 13L10.2 12.5M8 14.7L11 16.3V19.3L8 17.7V14.7M13.7 16L15.6 17.9L13 19.3V16.3L13.7 16Z",Pk1="M16 3H4V7H16M17 12C16.4 12 16 11.6 16 11S16.4 10 17 10 18 10.4 18 11 17.6 12 17 12M14 19H6V14H14M17 8H3C1.3 8 0 9.3 0 11V17H4V21H16V17H20V11C20 9.3 18.7 8 17 8M24 13H22V7H24V13M24 17H22V15H24V17Z",wk1="M18 7H6V3H18V7M6 21V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8H19C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14H8V19H13C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H6M18 11C18 11.55 18.45 12 19 12S20 11.55 20 11 19.55 10 19 10 18 10.45 18 11M23.5 17L22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17",Fk1="M9.8 21C9.6 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.2 19.7L8.8 19H8V14H13C14.2 13.4 15.6 13 17 13C18.9 13 20.6 13.6 22 14.6V11C22 9.3 20.7 8 19 8H5C3.3 8 2 9.3 2 11V17H6V21H9.8M19 10C19.6 10 20 10.4 20 11S19.6 12 19 12 18 11.6 18 11 18.4 10 19 10M18 7H6V3H18V7M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",Tk1="M6,3V4.18L8.82,7H18V3H6M2.28,3L1,4.27L4.75,8C3.19,8.15 2,9.44 2,11V17H6V21H17.73L19.73,23L21,21.72L2.28,3M9.82,8L18.82,17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8H9.82M19,10A1,1 0 0,1 20,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,12A1,1 0 0,1 18,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,10M8,14H10.73L15.73,19H8V14Z",bk1="M1.41 1.6L22.36 22.55L20.95 23.96L18 21H6V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8L0 3L1.41 1.6M6 15V13H10L7 10H5C4.45 10 4 10.45 4 11V15H6M8 19H16L12 15H8V19M8 5V5.36L6 3.36V3H18V8H19C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V17H19.66L15.66 13H18V15L20 15V11C20 10.45 19.55 10 19 10H12.66L10.66 8H16V5H8M19 11.5C19 12.06 18.55 12.5 18 12.5C17.45 12.5 17 12.06 17 11.5C17 10.96 17.45 10.5 18 10.5C18.55 10.5 19 10.96 19 11.5Z",yk1="M19 8C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V17H18V21H6V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8H6V3H18V8H19M8 5V8H16V5H8M16 19V15H8V19H16M18 15H20V11C20 10.45 19.55 10 19 10H5C4.45 10 4 10.45 4 11V15H6V13H18V15M19 11.5C19 12.05 18.55 12.5 18 12.5C17.45 12.5 17 12.05 17 11.5C17 10.95 17.45 10.5 18 10.5C18.55 10.5 19 10.95 19 11.5Z",Rk1="M18 10H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 12V19H20V12A2 2 0 0 0 18 10M18 14H14V12H18M17 9H7V4H17Z",xk1="M16 10H4C2.9 10 2 10.9 2 12V19H18V12C18 10.9 17.11 10 16 10M16 14H12V12H16V14M15 9H5V4H15V9M22 7V13H20V7H22M20 15H22V17H20V15Z",Dk1="M15 15H11V13H15V15M18 12V19H2V12C2 10.9 2.9 10 4 10H5V4H15V10H16C17.11 10 18 10.9 18 12M7 10H13V6H7V10M16 12H4V17H16V12M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20Z",Ek1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Nk1="M18.5 14C16 14 14 16 14 18.5S16 23 18.5 23 23 21 23 18.5 21 14 18.5 14M18.5 21.5C16.84 21.5 15.5 20.16 15.5 18.5C15.5 17.94 15.65 17.42 15.92 17L20 21.08C19.58 21.35 19.06 21.5 18.5 21.5M21.08 20L17 15.92C17.42 15.65 17.94 15.5 18.5 15.5C20.16 15.5 21.5 16.84 21.5 18.5C21.5 19.06 21.35 19.58 21.08 20M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17V12H20C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H12.03C12 18.83 12 18.67 12 18.5C12 18 12.07 17.5 12.18 17H6M9 6H15V10H9V6Z",Wk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Ik1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Gk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.08C19.67 12.03 19.34 12 19 12M10 12H6V14H10V12M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Qk1="M22.7 19.6V18.6L23.8 17.8C23.9 17.7 24 17.6 23.9 17.5L22.9 15.8C22.9 15.7 22.7 15.7 22.6 15.7L21.4 16.2C21.1 16 20.8 15.8 20.5 15.7L20.3 14.4C20.3 14.3 20.2 14.2 20.1 14.2H18.1C17.9 14.2 17.8 14.3 17.8 14.4L17.6 15.7C17.3 15.9 17.1 16 16.8 16.2L15.6 15.7C15.5 15.7 15.4 15.7 15.3 15.8L14.3 17.5C14.3 17.6 14.3 17.7 14.4 17.8L15.5 18.6V19.6L14.4 20.4C14.3 20.5 14.2 20.6 14.3 20.7L15.3 22.4C15.4 22.5 15.5 22.5 15.6 22.5L16.8 22C17 22.2 17.3 22.4 17.6 22.5L17.8 23.8C17.9 23.9 18 24 18.1 24H20.1C20.2 24 20.3 23.9 20.3 23.8L20.5 22.5C20.8 22.3 21 22.2 21.3 22L22.5 22.4C22.6 22.4 22.7 22.4 22.8 22.3L23.8 20.6C23.9 20.5 23.9 20.4 23.8 20.4L22.7 19.6M19 20.5C18.2 20.5 17.5 19.8 17.5 19S18.2 17.5 19 17.5 20.5 18.2 20.5 19 19.8 20.5 19 20.5M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 12H20C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H12C12 18.31 12.11 17.63 12.29 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6Z",Uk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19.39 10.74L11.13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C18.59 10 19.11 10.26 19.5 10.67C19.45 10.69 19.42 10.71 19.39 10.74M10 12H6V14H10V12M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47Z",zk1="M6 17V12H18.13L19.39 10.74C19.42 10.71 19.45 10.69 19.5 10.67C19.11 10.26 18.59 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H11.13L13.13 17H6M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83Z",_k1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Kk1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",jk1="M17 7H7V2H17V7M22 20V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4V10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22M18 10H14V12H18V10Z",qk1="M13 11H17V13H13V11M22 20V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4V10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H7V2H17V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22M9 8H15V4H9V8M18 15V10H6V15H18Z",$k1="M12.2 9L7.2 4H17V9H12.2M20 16.8V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H13.2L20 16.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.11 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 12H6V14H10V12Z",Xk1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7 8.89V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H17.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6 17V12H10.11L15.11 17H6M9.2 6L7.2 4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V16.8L18 14.8V12H15.2L13.2 10H15V6H9.2M7 13H11V15H7V13Z",Yk1="M18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H20V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10M9 6H15V10H9V6M18 17H6V12H18V17M17 15H13V13H17V15Z",Jk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M20 13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09M10 12H6V14H10V12M16 22H18V16H16V22M20 16V22H22V16H20Z",CB1="M20 12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12M15 10H9V6H15V10M7 15V13H11V15H7M16 16H18V22H16V16M22 16V22H20V16H22Z",HB1="M20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M10 14H6V12H10V14M17 9H7V4H17V9M22 19L17 22V16L22 19Z",VB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",LB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",MB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",AB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",iB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22M12.18 17C12.07 17.5 12 18 12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12H6V17H12.18M9 10H15V6H9V10Z",rB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",aB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",eB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",dB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M20.8 19.77L21.45 22.58L19 21.09L16.5 22.58L17.18 19.77L15 17.89L17.87 17.64L19 15L20.11 17.64L23 17.89L20.8 19.77Z",mB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M16 16V22H22V16H16Z",tB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M22 16V22H16V16H22Z",vB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M13 17.5C13 18 13.07 18.5 13.18 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C18.74 10 19.38 10.41 19.73 11C19.65 11 19.58 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",lB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M13 17.5C13 18 13.07 18.5 13.18 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C18.74 10 19.38 10.41 19.73 11C19.65 11 19.58 11 19.5 11C18.23 11 17.05 11.37 16.05 12H6V17H13.03C13 17.17 13 17.33 13 17.5M9 10H15V6H9V10M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",oB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M11 16C11 17.13 11.39 18.16 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.03C19.09 11.8 17.64 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16M10 12H6V14H10V12M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",nB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M13.03 12H6V17H11.1C11.25 17.74 11.58 18.42 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.03C19.09 11.8 17.64 11 16 11C14.88 11 13.86 11.38 13.03 12M9 10H15V6H9V10M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",ZB1="M20.3 18.9C20.7 18.2 21 17.4 21 16.5C21 14 19 12 16.5 12S12 14 12 16.5 14 21 16.5 21C17.4 21 18.2 20.8 18.9 20.3L22 23.4L23.4 22L20.3 18.9M16.5 19C15.1 19 14 17.9 14 16.5S15.1 14 16.5 14 19 15.1 19 16.5 17.9 19 16.5 19M18 7H6V3H18V7M6 21V17H2V11C2 9.3 3.3 8 5 8H19C20.7 8 22 9.3 22 11V13C20.8 11.2 18.8 10 16.5 10C13.8 10 11.5 11.7 10.5 14H8V19H10.5C10.8 19.7 11.3 20.4 11.8 21H6Z",SB1="M18,2V6H6V2H18M19,11A1,1 0 0,0 20,10A1,1 0 0,0 19,9A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 19,11M16,18V13H8V18H16M19,7A3,3 0 0,1 22,10V16H18V20H6V16H2V10A3,3 0 0,1 5,7H19M15,24V22H17V24H15M11,24V22H13V24H11M7,24V22H9V24H7Z",uB1="M4.93,3.92L6.34,5.33C9.46,2.2 14.53,2.2 17.66,5.33L19.07,3.92C15.17,0 8.84,0 4.93,3.92M7.76,6.75L9.17,8.16C10.73,6.6 13.26,6.6 14.83,8.16L16.24,6.75C13.9,4.41 10.1,4.41 7.76,6.75M19,14A1,1 0 0,1 18,13A1,1 0 0,1 19,12A1,1 0 0,1 20,13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14M16,20H8V15H16V20M19,10H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,13V18H6V22H18V18H22V13A3,3 0 0,0 19,10Z",cB1="M14,19H22V17H14V19M14,13.5H22V11.5H14V13.5M14,8H22V6H14V8M2,12.5C2,8.92 4.92,6 8.5,6H9V4L12,7L9,10V8H8.5C6,8 4,10 4,12.5C4,15 6,17 8.5,17H12V19H8.5C4.92,19 2,16.08 2,12.5Z",sB1="M14,5H22V7H14V5M14,10.5H22V12.5H14V10.5M14,16H22V18H14V16M2,11.5C2,15.08 4.92,18 8.5,18H9V20L12,17L9,14V16H8.5C6,16 4,14 4,11.5C4,9 6,7 8.5,7H12V5H8.5C4.92,5 2,7.92 2,11.5Z",OB1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M5,9V15H6.25V13H7A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 7,9H5M6.25,12V10H6.75A1,1 0 0,1 7.75,11A1,1 0 0,1 6.75,12H6.25M9.75,9V15H11V13H11.75L12.41,15H13.73L12.94,12.61C13.43,12.25 13.75,11.66 13.75,11A2,2 0 0,0 11.75,9H9.75M11,12V10H11.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,11A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,12H11M17,9C15.62,9 14.5,10.34 14.5,12C14.5,13.66 15.62,15 17,15C18.38,15 19.5,13.66 19.5,12C19.5,10.34 18.38,9 17,9M17,10.25C17.76,10.25 18.38,11.03 18.38,12C18.38,12.97 17.76,13.75 17,13.75C16.24,13.75 15.63,12.97 15.63,12C15.63,11.03 16.24,10.25 17,10.25Z",hB1="M13,2V4C17.39,4.54 20.5,8.53 19.96,12.92C19.5,16.56 16.64,19.43 13,19.88V21.88C18.5,21.28 22.45,16.34 21.85,10.85C21.33,6.19 17.66,2.5 13,2M11,2C9.04,2.18 7.19,2.95 5.67,4.2L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.24,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.06,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37H7.06M13,13V7H11V13H13M13,17V15H11V17H13Z",pB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M15.5,8.5L10.62,13.38L8.5,11.26L7.44,12.32L10.62,15.5L16.56,9.56L15.5,8.5M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37Z",fB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37M12.5,7V12.25L17,14.92L16.25,16.15L11,13V7H12.5Z",gB1="M13 2.03V4.05C17.39 4.59 20.5 8.58 19.96 12.97C19.5 16.61 16.64 19.5 13 19.93V21.93C18.5 21.38 22.5 16.5 21.95 11C21.5 6.25 17.73 2.5 13 2.03M11 2.06C9.05 2.25 7.19 3 5.67 4.26L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.25 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.1 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8Z",kB1="M13,2.03C17.73,2.5 21.5,6.25 21.95,11C22.5,16.5 18.5,21.38 13,21.93V19.93C16.64,19.5 19.5,16.61 19.96,12.97C20.5,8.58 17.39,4.59 13,4.05V2.05L13,2.03M11,2.06V4.06C9.57,4.26 8.22,4.84 7.1,5.74L5.67,4.26C7.19,3 9.05,2.25 11,2.06M4.26,5.67L5.69,7.1C4.8,8.23 4.24,9.58 4.05,11H2.05C2.25,9.04 3,7.19 4.26,5.67M2.06,13H4.06C4.24,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L4.27,18.33C3.03,16.81 2.26,14.96 2.06,13M7.1,18.37C8.23,19.25 9.58,19.82 11,20V22C9.04,21.79 7.18,21 5.67,19.74L7.1,18.37M12,16.5L7.5,12H11V8H13V12H16.5L12,16.5Z",BB1="M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06Z",PB1="M15.84 10.2L14.83 11.21L12.76 9.18L13.77 8.16C13.97 7.95 14.31 7.94 14.55 8.16L15.84 9.41C16.05 9.62 16.06 9.96 15.84 10.2M8 13.91L12.17 9.72L14.24 11.8L10.08 16H8V13.91M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06Z",wB1="M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 15H11C11 11.75 14 12 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10H8C8 7.79 9.79 6 12 6C14.21 6 16 7.79 16 10C16 12.5 13 12.75 13 15M22 12C22 17.18 18.05 21.45 13 21.95V19.94C16.95 19.45 20 16.08 20 12C20 7.92 16.95 4.55 13 4.06V2.05C18.05 2.55 22 6.82 22 12M11 2.05V4.06C9.54 4.24 8.2 4.82 7.09 5.68L5.67 4.26C7.15 3.05 9 2.25 11 2.05M4.06 11H2.05C2.25 9 3.05 7.15 4.26 5.67L5.68 7.1C4.82 8.2 4.24 9.54 4.06 11M11 19.94V21.95C9 21.75 7.15 20.96 5.67 19.74L7.09 18.32C8.2 19.18 9.54 19.76 11 19.94M2.05 13H4.06C4.24 14.46 4.82 15.8 5.68 16.91L4.26 18.33C3.05 16.85 2.25 15 2.05 13Z",FB1="M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06M8.58 16.8L9.5 12.91L6.5 10.33L10.45 9.96L12 6.35L13.55 10L17.5 10.33L14.5 12.91L15.42 16.8L12 14.74L8.58 16.8",TB1="M13 4V2C17.66 2.5 21.33 6.19 21.85 10.85C22.45 16.34 18.5 21.28 13 21.88V19.88C16.64 19.43 19.5 16.56 19.96 12.92C20.5 8.53 17.39 4.54 13 4M5.67 4.2C7.19 2.95 9.04 2.18 11 2V4.06C9.57 4.26 8.22 4.84 7.1 5.74L5.67 4.2M2.05 11C2.24 9.04 3 7.19 4.26 5.67L5.69 7.1C4.8 8.23 4.24 9.58 4.05 11H2.05M4.27 18.33C3.03 16.81 2.26 14.96 2.06 13H4.06C4.24 14.42 4.81 15.77 5.69 16.9L4.27 18.33M5.67 19.74L7.06 18.37H7.1C8.23 19.25 9.58 19.82 11 20V22C9.04 21.79 7.18 21 5.67 19.74M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",bB1="M13 4V2C17.66 2.5 21.33 6.19 21.85 10.85C22.45 16.34 18.5 21.28 13 21.88V19.88C16.64 19.43 19.5 16.56 19.96 12.92C20.5 8.53 17.39 4.54 13 4M5.67 4.2C7.19 2.95 9.04 2.18 11 2V4.06C9.57 4.26 8.22 4.84 7.1 5.74L5.67 4.2M2.05 11C2.24 9.04 3 7.19 4.26 5.67L5.69 7.1C4.8 8.23 4.24 9.58 4.05 11H2.05M4.27 18.33C3.03 16.81 2.26 14.96 2.06 13H4.06C4.24 14.42 4.81 15.77 5.69 16.9L4.27 18.33M5.67 19.74L7.06 18.37H7.1C8.23 19.25 9.58 19.82 11 20V22C9.04 21.79 7.18 21 5.67 19.74M11.6 8C11.8 8 12 8.1 12.2 8.2L15.8 11.8C15.9 12 16 12.2 16 12.4C16 12.7 15.9 12.9 15.8 13L13 15.8C12.8 15.9 12.6 16 12.4 16C12.1 16 11.9 15.9 11.8 15.8L8.2 12.2C8.1 12 8 11.8 8 11.6V8.8C8 8.4 8.4 8 8.8 8H11.6M8.8 9.4C8.8 9.7 9.1 10 9.4 10C9.7 10 10 9.7 10 9.4C10 9.1 9.7 8.8 9.4 8.8C9.1 8.8 8.8 9.1 8.8 9.4Z",yB1="M13,2.03C17.73,2.5 21.5,6.25 21.95,11C22.5,16.5 18.5,21.38 13,21.93V19.93C16.64,19.5 19.5,16.61 19.96,12.97C20.5,8.58 17.39,4.59 13,4.05V2.05L13,2.03M11,2.06V4.06C9.57,4.26 8.22,4.84 7.1,5.74L5.67,4.26C7.19,3 9.05,2.25 11,2.06M4.26,5.67L5.69,7.1C4.8,8.23 4.24,9.58 4.05,11H2.05C2.25,9.04 3,7.19 4.26,5.67M2.06,13H4.06C4.24,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L4.27,18.33C3.03,16.81 2.26,14.96 2.06,13M7.1,18.37C8.23,19.25 9.58,19.82 11,20V22C9.04,21.79 7.18,21 5.67,19.74L7.1,18.37M12,7.5L7.5,12H11V16H13V12H16.5L12,7.5Z",RB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37M16.82,15.19L12.71,11.08C13.12,10.04 12.89,8.82 12.03,7.97C11.13,7.06 9.78,6.88 8.69,7.38L10.63,9.32L9.28,10.68L7.29,8.73C6.75,9.82 7,11.17 7.88,12.08C8.74,12.94 9.96,13.16 11,12.76L15.11,16.86C15.29,17.05 15.56,17.05 15.74,16.86L16.78,15.83C17,15.65 17,15.33 16.82,15.19Z",xB1="M16,6C14.87,6 13.77,6.35 12.84,7H4C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V15C2,16.11 2.89,17 4,17H5V18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,18V17H15V18A1,1 0 0,0 16,19H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,18V17H20C21.11,17 22,16.11 22,15V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H19.15C18.23,6.35 17.13,6 16,6M16,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19.5,11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12.5,11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 16,7.5M4,9H8V10H4V9M16,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 16,13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11A2,2 0 0,0 16,9M4,11H8V12H4V11M4,13H8V14H4V13Z",DB1="M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M15 14.35H15L18.95 18.31V18.3M7.64 7L12.65 12V12L7.65 7M20 7H19.15C17.26 5.67 14.73 5.67 12.84 7H10.19L12.8 9.61C13.78 7.34 16.73 6.78 18.5 8.53C20.22 10.27 19.66 13.22 17.39 14.2L20.18 17C21.21 16.9 22 16.04 22 15V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M22.25 21.61L2.53 1.89L1.26 3.16L5.1 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15C2 16.11 2.9 17 4 17H5V18C5 18.55 5.45 19 6 19H8C8.55 19 9 18.55 9 18V17H15V18C15 18.55 15.45 19 16 19H17.1L21 22.89L22.26 21.61M8 14H4V13H8M8 12H4V11H8M8 10H4V9H7.1L8 9.9M2.54 1.89L7.64 7L2.53 1.89M7.65 7L12.65 12V12L7.64 7M18.95 18.3V18.31L15 14.35H15M7.64 7L2.53 1.89H2.54M12.65 12V12L7.64 7H7.65M18.95 18.3V18.31L15 14.35H15",EB1="M4,2A1,1 0 0,0 3,3V4A1,1 0 0,0 4,5H5V14H11V16.59L6.79,20.79L8.21,22.21L11,19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79,22.21L17.21,20.79L13,16.59V14H19V5H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 20,2H4Z",NB1="M13 14.89V16.59L17.21 20.79L15.79 22.21L13 19.41V22H11V19.41L8.21 22.21L6.79 20.79L11 16.59V14H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L13 14.89M19 14V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4V3C21 2.45 20.55 2 20 2H5.2L17.2 14H19Z",WB1="M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V14H11V16.59L6.79 20.79L8.21 22.21L11 19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79 22.21L17.21 20.79L13 16.59V14.89L20.84 22.73M7 12V8.89L10.11 12H7M8.2 5L5.2 2H20C20.55 2 21 2.45 21 3V4C21 4.55 20.55 5 20 5H19V14H17.2L15.2 12H17V5H8.2Z",IB1="M20 2H4C3.45 2 3 2.45 3 3V4C3 4.55 3.45 5 4 5H5V14H11V16.59L6.79 20.79L8.21 22.21L11 19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79 22.21L17.21 20.79L13 16.59V14H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4V3C21 2.45 20.55 2 20 2M17 12H7V5H17V12Z",GB1="M19 18V9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H19Z",QB1="M20.84 22.73L16.11 18H5V9H4C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8V7C3 6.45 3.45 6 4 6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6H9.2L19 15.8V9Z",UB1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.11 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7 16V9H7.11L14.11 16H7M12.2 9L9.2 6H20C20.55 6 21 6.45 21 7V8C21 8.55 20.55 9 20 9H19V15.8L17 13.8V9H12.2Z",zB1="M20 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H19V9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6M17 16H7V9H17V16Z",_B1="M4 15V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V15H4M20 13V10C20 8.14 18.72 6.59 17 6.14V4C17 2.9 16.1 2 15 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V6.14C5.28 6.59 4 8.14 4 10V13H20M9 4H15V6H13C13 5.45 12.55 5 12 5S11 5.45 11 6H9V4Z",KB1="M17 6.14V4C17 2.9 16.1 2 15 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V6.14C5.28 6.59 4 8.14 4 10V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V10C20 8.14 18.72 6.59 17 6.14M9 4H15V6H13C13 5.45 12.55 5 12 5S11 5.45 11 6H9V4M8 8H16C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V13H6V10C6 8.9 6.9 8 8 8M16 20H8C6.9 20 6 19.1 6 18V15H18V18C18 19.1 17.1 20 16 20Z",jB1="M18 20H14L18 4H22M16 4H12L8 20H12M2 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 19A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 14A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 16.5M2 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 7A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 9.5Z",qB1="M5,4V6H19V4H5M5,14H9V20H15V14H19L12,7L5,14Z",$B1="M20.8 22.7L15 16.9V20H9V14H5L8.6 10.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M19 6V4H7.2L9.2 6H19M17.2 14H19L12 7L11.1 7.9L17.2 14Z",XB1="M3,13H5.79L10.1,4.79L11.28,13.75L14.5,9.66L17.83,13H21V15H17L14.67,12.67L9.92,18.73L8.94,11.31L7,15H3V13Z",YB1="M2 21V15H3.5C3.18 14.06 3 13.05 3 12C3 7.03 7.03 3 12 3H22V9H20.5C20.82 9.94 21 10.95 21 12C21 16.97 16.97 21 12 21H2M5 12C5 13.28 5.34 14.47 5.94 15.5L9.4 13.5C9.15 13.06 9 12.55 9 12C9 11.35 9.21 10.75 9.56 10.26L6.3 7.93C5.5 9.08 5 10.5 5 12M12 19C14.59 19 16.85 17.59 18.06 15.5L14.6 13.5C14.08 14.4 13.11 15 12 15L11.71 15L11.33 18.97L12 19M12 9C13.21 9 14.26 9.72 14.73 10.76L18.37 9.1C17.27 6.68 14.83 5 12 5V9M12 11C11.45 11 11 11.45 11 12C11 12.55 11.45 13 12 13C12.55 13 13 12.55 13 12C13 11.45 12.55 11 12 11Z",JB1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.8 6.7C3.7 8.2 3 10 3 12C3 13 3.2 14.1 3.5 15H2V21H12C14 21 15.8 20.3 17.3 19.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5.9 15.5C5.3 14.5 5 13.3 5 12C5 10.6 5.5 9.2 6.2 8.1L9.2 11.1C9.1 11.3 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.5 9.2 13.1 9.4 13.5L5.9 15.5M12 19H11.3L11.7 15H12C12.3 15 12.6 14.9 12.9 14.8L15.9 17.8C14.8 18.5 13.4 19 12 19M12 8.8L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.3 3 12 3H22V9H20.5C20.8 9.9 21 11 21 12C21 13.7 20.5 15.2 19.8 16.6L12.2 9C13.3 9.1 14.3 9.8 14.7 10.7L18.3 9C17.3 6.7 14.8 5 12 5V8.8Z",CP1="M6.5,6C7.47,6 8.37,6.5 9.11,7.38C9.66,6.79 10.31,6.36 11,6.15V4A2,2 0 0,1 13,2H15V4H13V6.15C13.69,6.36 14.34,6.79 14.89,7.38C15.63,6.5 16.53,6 17.5,6C20,6 22,9.36 22,13.5C22,17.64 20,21 17.5,21C16.53,21 15.63,20.5 14.89,19.62C14.08,20.5 13.08,21 12,21C10.92,21 9.92,20.5 9.11,19.62C8.37,20.5 7.47,21 6.5,21C4,21 2,17.64 2,13.5C2,9.36 4,6 6.5,6Z",HP1="M22,19.1L21,10.5A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 19.3,9H16V5L14,3H10L8,5V9H4.7A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 3,10.5L2,19.1A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 3.7,21H20.3A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 22,19.1M10,5H14V9H10",VP1="M19,11L20,19H4L5,11H19M14,3H10L8,5V9H4.7A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 3,10.5L2,19.1A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 3.7,21H20.3A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 22,19.1L21,10.5A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 19.3,9H16V5L14,3M10,9V5H14V9",LP1="M20.5,11H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H13V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,3.5V5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V10.8H3.5C5,10.8 6.2,12 6.2,13.5C6.2,15 5,16.2 3.5,16.2H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H7.8V20.5C7.8,19 9,17.8 10.5,17.8C12,17.8 13.2,19 13.2,20.5V22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V16H20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 23,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,11Z",MP1="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M20.5 11C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.81 22.94 14.11 22.84 14.39C21.8 13.5 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19V19.54C12.64 18.5 11.65 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.89 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 .998 10.5 .998S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5",AP1="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M22 13.5L22 13.8C21.37 13.44 20.67 13.19 19.94 13.07C19.75 12.45 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4C9.67 4 9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4L4 9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5C7 15.5 5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.8L13 19C13 20.09 13.29 21.12 13.8 22H13.2V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5C5 12 3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2C12.26 2 13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5Z",iP1="M21.04 12.13C20.9 12.13 20.76 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.35L22.7 14.35C22.92 14.14 22.92 13.79 22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.31 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93L19.07 13.88M19 11.12L11.91 18.2C11.5 17.95 11 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11.12Z",rP1="M21.04 12.13C20.9 12.13 20.76 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.35L22.7 14.35C22.92 14.14 22.92 13.79 22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.31 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93L19.07 13.88M11.05 19.06C10.87 19 10.69 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C19.36 10.09 19.69 10.21 20 10.36C19.73 10.5 19.46 10.66 19.24 10.89L18.12 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.26 17 12 17.18 12.61 17.5L11.05 19.06Z",aP1="M19 22.3L18.4 21.8C16.4 19.9 15 18.7 15 17.2C15 16 16 15 17.2 15C17.9 15 18.6 15.3 19 15.8C19.4 15.3 20.1 15 20.8 15C22 15 23 15.9 23 17.2C23 18.7 21.6 19.9 19.6 21.8L19 22.3M20.5 11H19V7C19 5.89 18.1 5 17 5H13V3.5C13 2.12 11.88 1 10.5 1S8 2.12 8 3.5V5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V10.8H3.5C5 10.8 6.2 12 6.2 13.5S5 16.2 3.5 16.2H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H7.8V20.5C7.8 19 9 17.8 10.5 17.8C11.44 17.8 12.27 18.27 12.75 19H13.09C13.04 18.67 13 18.34 13 18C13 14.69 15.69 12 19 12C20.54 12 21.94 12.58 23 13.53C23 13.5 23 13.5 23 13.5C23 12.12 21.88 11 20.5 11Z",eP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.45 10.25 21.61 11.34 21.91 12.76C21.05 12.28 20.06 12 19 12C18.89 12 18.78 12 18.67 12C18.61 12 18.56 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.43 17 12.29 17.28 13 17.74C13 17.83 13 17.91 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.54 22H13.2M19 22.3L19.6 21.8C21.6 19.9 23 18.7 23 17.2C23 15.9 22 15 20.8 15C20.1 15 19.4 15.3 19 15.8C18.6 15.3 17.9 15 17.2 15C16 15 15 16 15 17.2C15 18.7 16.4 19.9 18.4 21.8L19 22.3",dP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",mP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5C22 13.6 22 13.7 21.97 13.79C21.35 13.44 20.67 13.2 19.93 13.08C19.75 12.46 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.81C13.04 18.19 13 18.59 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H13.2M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",tP1="M22,13.5C22,15.26 20.7,16.72 19,16.96V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H13.2V21.7A2.7,2.7 0 0,0 10.5,19C9,19 7.8,20.21 7.8,21.7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V16.2H2.3C3.79,16.2 5,15 5,13.5C5,12 3.79,10.8 2.3,10.8H2V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5H7.04C7.28,3.3 8.74,2 10.5,2C12.26,2 13.72,3.3 13.96,5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V10.04C20.7,10.28 22,11.74 22,13.5M17,15H18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,12H17V7H12V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76,9.8 7,11.5 7,13.5C7,15.5 5.75,17.2 4,17.88V20H6.12C6.8,18.25 8.5,17 10.5,17C12.5,17 14.2,18.25 14.88,20H17V15Z",vP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",lP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5C22 13.6 22 13.7 21.97 13.79C21.35 13.44 20.67 13.2 19.93 13.08C19.75 12.46 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.81C13.04 18.19 13 18.59 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H13.2M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",oP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 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18C13 18.34 13.04 18.67 13.09 19H12.75C12.27 18.27 11.44 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5Z",SP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.45 10.25 21.61 11.34 21.91 12.76C21.05 12.28 20.06 12 19 12C18.89 12 18.78 12 18.67 12C18.61 12 18.56 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.43 17 12.29 17.28 13 17.74C13 17.83 13 17.91 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.54 22H13.2M19 20.09L16.5 21.58L17.18 18.77L15 16.89L17.87 16.64L19 14L20.11 16.64L23 16.89L20.8 18.77L21.45 21.58L19 20.09",uP1="M21.85 16.96H21.85L12.85 2.47C12.65 2.16 12.33 2 12 2S11.35 2.16 11.15 2.47L2.15 16.96H2.15C1.84 17.45 2 18.18 2.64 18.43L11.64 21.93C11.75 22 11.88 22 12 22S12.25 22 12.36 21.93L21.36 18.43C22 18.18 22.16 17.45 21.85 16.96M11 6.5V13.32L5.42 15.5L11 6.5M12 19.93L5.76 17.5L12 15.07L18.24 17.5L12 19.93M13 13.32V6.5L18.58 15.5L13 13.32Z",cP1="M10.5 7.3L9.05 5.85L11.15 2.47C11.35 2.16 11.67 2 12 2C12.33 2 12.65 2.16 12.85 2.47L21.85 16.96H21.85C22.13 17.4 22 18 21.5 18.32L18.41 15.21L13 6.5V9.8L11 7.8V6.5L10.5 7.3M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.89 19.78L12.36 21.93C12.25 22 12.12 22 12 22S11.75 22 11.64 21.93L2.64 18.43C2 18.18 1.84 17.45 2.15 16.96H2.15L7.1 9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M5.42 15.5L11 13.32V12.89L8.55 10.44L5.42 15.5M16.35 18.24L13.94 15.83L12 15.07L5.76 17.5L12 19.93L16.35 18.24Z",sP1="M12.09,6.56V14.64C12.09,14.72 12,14.79 11.94,14.79C9.62,14.79 7.75,12.91 7.75,10.6C7.75,8.28 9.62,6.4 11.94,6.4C12,6.4 12.09,6.47 12.09,6.56M12.09,17.86V20.29C12.06,21.69 13.12,22.87 14.5,23C14.66,23 14.78,22.89 14.79,22.73V4.47C14.78,4.3 14.68,4.15 14.5,4.09C10.92,2.67 6.86,4.44 5.44,8.03C4,11.63 5.79,15.69 9.38,17.11C10.16,17.42 11,17.58 11.81,17.6C11.95,17.59 12.07,17.71 12.08,17.87M16.19,5.5V15.72C16.19,16 16.19,16.2 16.46,16V16C19.42,13.5 19.81,9.09 17.33,6.13C17.07,5.81 16.77,5.5 16.46,5.26C16.19,5.05 16.19,5.26 16.19,5.53M14.79,2.43C14.79,1.66 15.42,1.03 16.19,1.03C16.96,1.03 17.59,1.66 17.59,2.43C17.59,3.2 16.96,3.83 16.19,3.83V3.83C15.42,3.83 14.79,3.2 14.79,2.43",OP1="M3.18,13.54C3.76,12.16 4.57,11.14 5.17,10.92C5.16,10.12 5.31,9.62 5.56,9.22C5.56,9.19 5.5,8.86 5.72,8.45C5.87,4.85 8.21,2 12,2C15.79,2 18.13,4.85 18.28,8.45C18.5,8.86 18.44,9.19 18.44,9.22C18.69,9.62 18.84,10.12 18.83,10.92C19.43,11.14 20.24,12.16 20.82,13.55C21.57,15.31 21.69,17 21.09,17.3C20.68,17.5 20.03,17 19.42,16.12C19.18,17.1 18.58,18 17.73,18.71C18.63,19.04 19.21,19.58 19.21,20.19C19.21,21.19 17.63,22 15.69,22C13.93,22 12.5,21.34 12.21,20.5H11.79C11.5,21.34 10.07,22 8.31,22C6.37,22 4.79,21.19 4.79,20.19C4.79,19.58 5.37,19.04 6.27,18.71C5.42,18 4.82,17.1 4.58,16.12C3.97,17 3.32,17.5 2.91,17.3C2.31,17 2.43,15.31 3.18,13.54Z",hP1="M3,11H5V13H3V11M11,5H13V9H11V5M9,11H13V15H11V13H9V11M15,11H17V13H19V11H21V13H19V15H21V19H19V21H17V19H13V21H11V17H15V15H17V13H15V11M19,19V15H17V19H19M15,3H21V9H15V3M17,5V7H19V5H17M3,3H9V9H3V3M5,5V7H7V5H5M3,15H9V21H3V15M5,17V19H7V17H5Z",pP1="M5,5H7V7H5V5M1,1H11V11H1V1M3,3V9H9V3H3M5,17H7V19H5V17M1,13H11V23H1V13M3,15V21H9V15H3M13,13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21,21V19H19V21H21M19,17H17V15H15V19H19V17M22.7,3.35L21.7,4.35L19.65,2.35L20.65,1.35C20.85,1.14 21.19,1.13 21.42,1.35L22.7,2.58C22.91,2.78 22.92,3.12 22.7,3.35M13,8.94L19.07,2.88L21.12,4.93L15.06,11H13V8.94Z",fP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M14 5V7H22V5Z",gP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M17 2V5H14V7H17V10H19V7H22V5H19V2Z",kP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M15.17 1.76L13.76 3.17L16.59 6L13.76 8.83L15.17 10.24L18 7.41L20.83 10.24L22.24 8.83L19.41 6L22.24 3.17L20.83 1.76L18 4.59L15.17 1.76Z",BP1="M4,4H10V10H4V4M20,4V10H14V4H20M14,15H16V13H14V11H16V13H18V11H20V13H18V15H20V18H18V20H16V18H13V20H11V16H14V15M16,15V18H18V15H16M4,20V14H10V20H4M6,6V8H8V6H6M16,6V8H18V6H16M6,16V18H8V16H6M4,11H6V13H4V11M9,11H13V15H11V13H9V11M11,6H13V10H11V6M2,2V6H0V2A2,2 0 0,1 2,0H6V2H2M22,0A2,2 0 0,1 24,2V6H22V2H18V0H22M2,18V22H6V24H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V18H2M22,22V18H24V22A2,2 0 0,1 22,24H18V22H22Z",PP1="M5.5,1C8,1 10,3 10,5.5C10,6.38 9.75,7.2 9.31,7.9L9.41,8H14.59L14.69,7.9C14.25,7.2 14,6.38 14,5.5C14,3 16,1 18.5,1C21,1 23,3 23,5.5C23,8 21,10 18.5,10C17.62,10 16.8,9.75 16.1,9.31L15,10.41V13.59L16.1,14.69C16.8,14.25 17.62,14 18.5,14C21,14 23,16 23,18.5C23,21 21,23 18.5,23C16,23 14,21 14,18.5C14,17.62 14.25,16.8 14.69,16.1L14.59,16H9.41L9.31,16.1C9.75,16.8 10,17.62 10,18.5C10,21 8,23 5.5,23C3,23 1,21 1,18.5C1,16 3,14 5.5,14C6.38,14 7.2,14.25 7.9,14.69L9,13.59V10.41L7.9,9.31C7.2,9.75 6.38,10 5.5,10C3,10 1,8 1,5.5C1,3 3,1 5.5,1M5.5,3A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,3M5.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,16M18.5,3A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,3M18.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,16M3.91,17.25L5.04,17.91C5.17,17.81 5.33,17.75 5.5,17.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 6.25,18.5L6.24,18.6L7.37,19.25L7.09,19.75L5.96,19.09C5.83,19.19 5.67,19.25 5.5,19.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 4.75,18.5L4.76,18.4L3.63,17.75L3.91,17.25M3.63,6.25L4.76,5.6L4.75,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5.5,4.75C5.67,4.75 5.83,4.81 5.96,4.91L7.09,4.25L7.37,4.75L6.24,5.4L6.25,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5.5,6.25C5.33,6.25 5.17,6.19 5.04,6.09L3.91,6.75L3.63,6.25M16.91,4.25L18.04,4.91C18.17,4.81 18.33,4.75 18.5,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 19.25,5.5L19.24,5.6L20.37,6.25L20.09,6.75L18.96,6.09C18.83,6.19 18.67,6.25 18.5,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,5.5L17.76,5.4L16.63,4.75L16.91,4.25M16.63,19.25L17.75,18.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,17.75C18.67,17.75 18.83,17.81 18.96,17.91L20.09,17.25L20.37,17.75L19.25,18.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,19.25C18.33,19.25 18.17,19.19 18.04,19.09L16.91,19.75L16.63,19.25Z",wP1="M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5M18,14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H16.25V16.5H14.75V15H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 14,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M11,15H9.5V13H7.5V15H6V9H7.5V11.5H9.5V9H11M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.89 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6C21,4.89 20.1,4 19,4Z",FP1="M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5M18,14C18,14.6 17.6,15 17,15H16.25V16.5H14.75V15H14C13.4,15 13,14.6 13,14V10C13,9.4 13.4,9 14,9H17C17.6,9 18,9.4 18,10M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4M11,13.5V15H6V9H7.5V13.5H11Z",TP1="M21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6M12,10C12,9.5 11.5,9 11,9H6.5C6,9 5.5,9.5 5.5,10V15H7V10.5H8V14H9.5V10.5H10.5V15H12V10M14.5,9A1,1 0 0,0 13.5,10V14A1,1 0 0,0 14.5,15H15.5V16.5H16.75V15H17.5A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 17.5,9H14.5M15,10.5H17V13.5H15V10.5Z",bP1="M6 6H18V8H6V6M6 10.5H18V12.5H6V10.5M6 15H18V17H6V15M9 19H15L12 22L9 19M9 2H15L12 5L9 2Z",yP1="M19.7,18.8C20.2,18.2 20.1,17.7 20.1,17.7H21.6C21.6,17.7 21.6,18.1 21.5,18.6C21.4,19 21.3,19.3 21.2,19.6C21,20.3 20,21.1 20,21.1C18.9,22 17.7,21.9 17.7,21.9C17.7,21.9 16.3,22.1 15.2,21.4C14.1,20.7 13.2,19.2 13.2,19.2C13.2,19.2 8.8,20.4 5.4,17.5C2,14.6 2.2,11.1 2.2,10.8C2.2,10.1 2.6,2.3 10.8,2C15.6,1.8 18.2,4.8 19.2,7.2C19.9,8.9 19.9,10.2 19.9,10.4C19.9,10.6 19.9,11.5 19.7,12.4C19.6,13.3 19.2,14.3 18.9,14.8C18.6,15.3 18.2,16 17.7,16.5C17.2,17.1 16.6,17.6 16.5,17.7C16.5,17.7 17.5,18.9 18.1,19.1C18.3,19.1 19.2,19.4 19.7,18.8M12.7,17.3C12.8,17.2 12.4,16.7 12.2,16.4C12,16.1 12.3,16.5 11.5,15.4C11.2,14.9 10.8,14.7 10.2,14.6C10,14.6 9.7,14.6 9.5,14.6C9,14.6 8.7,14.7 8.6,14.7C8.6,14.6 8.4,14.4 8.3,14.2C8.2,14 8.2,13.7 8.2,13.7C8.2,13.5 9.7,12.8 11.4,12.8C12.8,12.8 13.8,13.6 14.2,14C14.6,14.3 14.7,14.7 15.1,15C15.1,15 15.2,15 15.2,15.1C15.6,15.4 16.1,12.1 16,9.9C15.9,7.7 15.8,6.6 15,5.5C14.3,4.5 12.8,3.7 11.4,3.7C10.7,3.7 8.4,3.8 7.4,5.5C6.2,7.5 6.4,11.1 6.4,11.1C6.4,11.1 6.1,14.3 7.8,16C9.5,17.7 11.2,17.4 12,17.4L12.7,17.3Z",RP1="M18.05,21L15.32,16.26C15.32,14.53 14.25,13.42 12.95,13.42C12.05,13.42 11.27,13.92 10.87,14.66C11.2,14.47 11.59,14.37 12,14.37C13.3,14.37 14.36,15.43 14.36,16.73C14.36,18.04 13.31,19.11 12,19.11H15.3V21H6.79C6.55,21 6.3,20.91 6.12,20.72C5.75,20.35 5.75,19.75 6.12,19.38V19.38L6.62,18.88C6.28,18.73 6,18.5 5.72,18.26C5.5,18.76 5,19.11 4.42,19.11C3.64,19.11 3,18.47 3,17.68C3,16.9 3.64,16.26 4.42,16.26L4.89,16.34V14.37C4.89,11.75 7,9.63 9.63,9.63H9.65C11.77,9.64 13.42,10.47 13.42,9.16C13.42,8.23 13.62,7.86 13.96,7.34C13.23,7 12.4,6.79 11.53,6.79C11,6.79 10.58,6.37 10.58,5.84C10.58,5.41 10.86,5.05 11.25,4.93L10.58,4.89C10.06,4.89 9.63,4.47 9.63,3.95C9.63,3.42 10.06,3 10.58,3H11.53C13.63,3 15.47,4.15 16.46,5.85L16.74,5.84C17.45,5.84 18.11,6.07 18.65,6.45L19.1,6.83C21.27,8.78 21,10.1 21,10.11C21,11.39 19.94,12.44 18.65,12.44L18.16,12.39V12.47C18.16,13.58 17.68,14.57 16.93,15.27L20.24,21H18.05M18.16,7.74C17.63,7.74 17.21,8.16 17.21,8.68C17.21,9.21 17.63,9.63 18.16,9.63C18.68,9.63 19.11,9.21 19.11,8.68C19.11,8.16 18.68,7.74 18.16,7.74Z",xP1="M16.84 14.5C16.58 14.33 16.22 13.89 16.05 13.68C17.24 12 19 8.87 19 5C19 3.05 18.26 2 17 2C15.46 2 13.04 4.06 12 7.97C10.96 4.06 8.54 2 7 2C5.74 2 5 3.05 5 5C5 8.87 6.76 12 7.95 13.68C7.78 13.89 7.42 14.33 7.16 14.5C6.66 14.93 5.5 15.89 5.5 17.5C5.5 19.71 7.29 21.5 9.5 21.5C11.05 21.5 12 20.94 12 20.94S12.95 21.5 14.5 21.5C16.71 21.5 18.5 19.71 18.5 17.5C18.5 15.89 17.34 14.93 16.84 14.5M9.35 12.2C8.34 10.7 7 8.12 7 5C7 4.5 7.06 4.2 7.12 4.03C8.06 4.34 10.36 6.74 10.5 11.67C10.03 11.79 9.66 11.97 9.35 12.2M10.5 16.75C10.22 16.75 10 16.41 10 16S10.22 15.25 10.5 15.25 11 15.59 11 16 10.78 16.75 10.5 16.75M12 19.5C11.45 19.5 11 18.78 11 18.5S11.45 18 12 18 13 18.22 13 18.5 12.55 19.5 12 19.5M13.5 16.75C13.22 16.75 13 16.41 13 16S13.22 15.25 13.5 15.25 14 15.59 14 16 13.78 16.75 13.5 16.75M13.5 11.67C13.64 6.74 15.94 4.34 16.88 4.03C16.94 4.2 17 4.5 17 5C17 8.12 15.66 10.7 14.65 12.2C14.34 11.97 13.97 11.79 13.5 11.67Z",DP1="M17 14C16.76 13.76 16.56 13.5 16.35 13.25C17.5 11.5 19 8.56 19 5C19 3.05 18.26 2 17 2C15.46 2 13.04 4.06 12 7.97C10.96 4.06 8.54 2 7 2C5.74 2 5 3.05 5 5C5 8.56 6.5 11.5 7.65 13.25C7.44 13.5 7.24 13.76 7 14C6.75 14.25 5 15.39 5 17.5C5 20 7 22 9.5 22C11 22 12 21.5 12 21.5S13 22 14.5 22C17 22 19 20 19 17.5C19 15.39 17.25 14.25 17 14M16.88 4.03C16.94 4.2 17 4.5 17 5C17 7.84 15.89 10.24 14.93 11.78C14.55 11.5 14.1 11.3 13.53 11.16C13.77 6.64 15.97 4.33 16.88 4.03M7 5C7 4.5 7.06 4.2 7.12 4.03C8.03 4.33 10.23 6.64 10.5 11.16C9.9 11.3 9.45 11.5 9.08 11.78C8.11 10.24 7 7.84 7 5M14.5 20C13.5 20 12.7 19.67 12.28 19.44C12.7 19.26 13 18.73 13 18.5C13 18.22 12.55 18 12 18S11 18.22 11 18.5C11 18.73 11.3 19.26 11.72 19.44C11.3 19.67 10.5 20 9.5 20C8.12 20 7 18.88 7 17.5C7 16.8 7.43 16.26 8 15.77C8.44 15.41 8.61 15.25 9.3 14.4C10.06 13.45 10.39 13 12 13S13.94 13.45 14.7 14.4C15.39 15.25 15.56 15.41 16 15.77C16.57 16.26 17 16.8 17 17.5C17 18.88 15.88 20 14.5 20M14 16C14 16.41 13.78 16.75 13.5 16.75S13 16.41 13 16 13.22 15.25 13.5 15.25 14 15.59 14 16M11 16C11 16.41 10.78 16.75 10.5 16.75S10 16.41 10 16 10.22 15.25 10.5 15.25 11 15.59 11 16Z",EP1="M2.2,11.2C2,13.6 2.7,15.6 4.2,17.4C5.7,19.2 7.7,20 10.1,20H20.1C20.6,20 21.1,19.8 21.5,19.4C21.9,19 22.1,18.5 22.1,18V17.2C22.1,16.6 22,15.9 21.9,15H13.7C12.7,15 11.9,14.6 11.2,13.9C10.5,13.2 10.1,12.3 10.1,11.4C10.1,9.8 10.8,8.7 12.3,8.1L17.1,6C15.4,4.8 13.4,4.1 11.1,4C8.9,3.8 6.9,4.5 5.1,5.9C3.3,7.3 2.4,9 2.2,11.2M12.1,11.4C12.1,11.8 12.3,12.2 12.6,12.5C12.9,12.8 13.3,13 13.7,13H21.5C20.9,10.8 20,9 18.7,7.6L13.1,9.9C12.4,10.1 12.1,10.6 12.1,11.4Z",NP1="M18.5,16C19.9,16 21,17.1 21,18.5C21,19.9 19.9,21 18.5,21C17.1,21 16,19.9 16,18.5C16,17.1 17.1,16 18.5,16M10.5,1C3,1 3,3.7 3,9.8C3,13.2 6.4,16.9 9,18.1V23H12V18.1C14.6,16.9 18,13.2 18,9.8C18,3.6 18,1 10.5,1M15.4,4.2C15.7,4.6 15.8,5.2 15.9,6H15V3.8C15.2,3.9 15.3,4.1 15.4,4.2M16,9.8C16,9.9 16,10 16,10H15V7H16C16,7.8 16,8.7 16,9.8M14,14H11V11H14V14M7,14V11H10V14H7M5,9.8C5,8.8 5,7.9 5,7H6V10H5C5,9.9 5,9.8 5,9.8M7,7H10V10H7V7M11,3C12.4,3 13.4,3.2 14,3.3V6H11V3M10,6H7V3.4C7.6,3.2 8.6,3 10,3V6M11,10V7H14V10H11M6,3.8V6H5.1C5.2,5.2 5.3,4.6 5.6,4.2C5.7,4.1 5.8,4 6,3.8M5.2,11H6V12.7C5.7,12.1 5.4,11.6 5.2,11M8,15H10V16.3L9.8,16.2C9.2,16 8.6,15.5 8,15M11.2,16.3H11V15H13C12.4,15.5 11.8,16 11.2,16.3M15,12.7V11H15.8C15.6,11.5 15.3,12.1 15,12.7Z",WP1="M19.07,4.93L17.66,6.34C19.1,7.79 20,9.79 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12C4,7.92 7.05,4.56 11,4.07V6.09C8.16,6.57 6,9.03 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12C18,10.34 17.33,8.84 16.24,7.76L14.83,9.17C15.55,9.9 16,10.9 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12C8,10.14 9.28,8.59 11,8.14V10.28C10.4,10.63 10,11.26 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12C14,11.26 13.6,10.62 13,10.28V2H12A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.24 20.88,6.74 19.07,4.93Z",IP1="M7.95,3L6.53,5.19L7.95,7.4H7.94L5.95,10.5L4.22,9.6L5.64,7.39L4.22,5.19L6.22,2.09L7.95,3M13.95,2.89L12.53,5.1L13.95,7.3L13.94,7.31L11.95,10.4L10.22,9.5L11.64,7.3L10.22,5.1L12.22,2L13.95,2.89M20,2.89L18.56,5.1L20,7.3V7.31L18,10.4L16.25,9.5L17.67,7.3L16.25,5.1L18.25,2L20,2.89M2,22V14A2,2 0 0,1 4,12H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,14V22H20V20H4V22H2M6,14A1,1 0 0,0 5,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 6,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 6,14M10,14A1,1 0 0,0 9,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 10,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 10,14M14,14A1,1 0 0,0 13,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 14,18A1,1 0 0,0 15,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 14,14M18,14A1,1 0 0,0 17,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 18,14Z",GP1="M20,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V22H4V20H20V22H22V14A2,2 0 0,0 20,12M7,17A1,1 0 0,1 6,18A1,1 0 0,1 5,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V17M11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 10,14A1,1 0 0,1 11,15V17M15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 14,14A1,1 0 0,1 15,15V17M19,17A1,1 0 0,1 18,18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14A1,1 0 0,1 19,15V17Z",QP1="M3.28,2L2,3.27L4.77,6.04L5.64,7.39L4.22,9.6L5.95,10.5L7.23,8.5L10.73,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V22H4V20H18.73L20,21.27V22H22V20.73L22,20.72V20.72L3.28,2M7,17A1,1 0 0,1 6,18A1,1 0 0,1 5,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V17M11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 10,14A1,1 0 0,1 11,15V17M15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17V15C13,14.79 13.08,14.61 13.18,14.45L15,16.27V17M16.25,9.5L17.67,7.3L16.25,5.1L18.25,2L20,2.89L18.56,5.1L20,7.3V7.31L18,10.4L16.25,9.5M22,14V18.18L19,15.18V15A1,1 0 0,0 18,14C17.95,14 17.9,14 17.85,14.03L15.82,12H20C21.11,12 22,12.9 22,14M11.64,7.3L10.22,5.1L12.22,2L13.95,2.89L12.53,5.1L13.95,7.3L13.94,7.31L12.84,9L11.44,7.62L11.64,7.3M7.5,3.69L6.1,2.28L6.22,2.09L7.95,3L7.5,3.69Z",UP1="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8C2,7.15 2.53,6.42 3.28,6.13L15.71,1L16.47,2.83L8.83,6H20M20,8H4V12H16V10H18V12H20V8M7,14A3,3 0 0,0 4,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,20A3,3 0 0,0 10,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,14Z",zP1="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V17H5V13H7V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,0 7,7H5M5,9H7V11H5V9M13,7A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V17H13V9H15V16H17V9H19V17H21V9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7H13Z",_P1="M3,7V17H5V13H8V11H5V9H9V7H3M13,7A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V17H13V9H15V16H17V9H19V17H21V9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7H13Z",KP1="M9,2A1,1 0 0,0 8,3C8,8.67 8,14.33 8,20C8,21.11 8.89,22 10,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V9C17,7.89 16.11,7 15,7H10V3A1,1 0 0,0 9,2M10,9H15V13H10V9Z",jP1="M1 4.27L3 6.27C2.4 6.61 2 7.26 2 8V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18.73L20.73 24L22 22.72L2.28 3L1 4.27M20 6H8.83L16.47 2.83L15.71 1L6.59 4.76L9.82 8H20V12H18V10H16V12H13.82L22 20.18V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6M4 8H4.73L8.73 12H4V8M7 14C8.66 14 10 15.34 10 17C10 18.66 8.66 20 7 20C5.34 20 4 18.66 4 17C4 15.34 5.34 14 7 14Z",qP1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12C14,12.5 13.82,12.94 13.53,13.29L16.7,22H14.57L12,14.93L9.43,22H7.3L10.47,13.29C10.18,12.94 10,12.5 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,12.5 8.1,13 8.28,13.46L7.4,15.86C6.53,14.81 6,13.47 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13.47 17.47,14.81 16.6,15.86L15.72,13.46C15.9,13 16,12.5 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.36 5,16.5 6.64,17.94L5.92,19.94C3.54,18.11 2,15.23 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,15.23 20.46,18.11 18.08,19.94L17.36,17.94C19,16.5 20,14.36 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",$P1="M14 11C14 12.1 13.1 13 12 13S10 12.1 10 11 10.9 9 12 9 14 9.9 14 11M16 11H22C22 7.3 20 4.1 17 2.3L14 7.5C15.2 8.2 16 9.5 16 11M12 15C11.3 15 10.6 14.8 10 14.4C8.8 16.5 7.4 18.8 7 19.6C8.5 20.5 10.2 20.9 12 20.9S15.5 20.4 17 19.6L14 14.4C13.4 14.8 12.7 15 12 15M10 7.6C8.8 5.5 7.4 3.1 7 2.3C4 4 2 7.3 2 11H8C8 9.5 8.8 8.2 10 7.6Z",XP1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M20 12H16C16 10.5 15.2 9.2 14 8.6L16 5.1C18.4 6.5 20 9 20 12M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M8 5.1C8.6 6.1 9.3 7.4 10 8.6C8.8 9.3 8 10.6 8 12H4C4 9 5.6 6.5 8 5.1M8 18.9C8.6 17.9 9.3 16.6 10 15.4C10.6 15.7 11.3 16 12 16S13.4 15.8 14 15.4L16 18.9C14.8 19.6 13.5 20 12 20C10.5 20 9.2 19.6 8 18.9Z",YP1="M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M15 17.2L13.2 14.2C12.8 14.4 12.4 14.5 12 14.5S11.1 14.4 10.8 14.2C10.3 15.1 9.6 16.2 9 17.2C9.9 17.7 10.9 18 12 18S14.1 17.7 15 17.2M15 6.8L13.2 9.8C13.9 10.2 14.5 11 14.5 12H18C18 9.8 16.8 7.8 15 6.8M12 13C12.6 13 13 12.6 13 12S12.6 11 12 11 11 11.4 11 12 11.4 13 12 13M6 12H9.5C9.5 11.1 10 10.3 10.8 9.8C10.3 8.9 9.6 7.8 9 6.8C7.2 7.8 6 9.8 6 12Z",JP1="M20.8 22.7L15.9 17.8L16.9 19.6C15.4 20.5 13.7 20.9 11.9 20.9S8.4 20.4 6.9 19.6C7.3 18.8 8.7 16.5 9.9 14.4C10.5 14.7 11.2 15 11.9 15C12.2 15 12.6 15 12.9 14.9L8.1 10C8.1 10.3 8 10.7 8 11H2C2 9 2.6 7.1 3.6 5.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M16 11H22C22 7.3 20 4.1 17 2.3L14 7.5C15.2 8.2 16 9.5 16 11M12.2 9L14 10.8C13.9 9.9 13.1 9.1 12.2 9M7 2.3L6.1 2.9L9 5.8C8.1 4.3 7.3 2.9 7 2.3Z",Cw1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Hw1="M8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46L8.46 15.54C7.53 14.6 7 13.33 7 12C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",Vw1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7Z",Lw1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M17.1 13H13V14H17C17 14 16.94 17 15.5 17C14.15 17 14.5 15.47 13 15V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18S11 17.55 11 17V15C9.5 15.47 9.85 17 8.5 17C7.06 17 7 14 7 14H11V13H6.9C6.85 12.69 6.84 12.35 6.8 12H11V11H6.81C6.83 10.67 6.91 10.33 7 10H11V9H7.34C7.5 8.65 7.65 8.31 7.83 8H11V7C11 6.45 11.45 6 12 6S13 6.45 13 7V8H16.17C16.35 8.31 16.5 8.65 16.66 9H13V10H17C17.1 10.33 17.17 10.67 17.19 11H13V12H17.2C17.16 12.35 17.15 12.69 17.1 13Z",Mw1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M12 6C12.55 6 13 6.45 13 7V8H16.17C16.35 8.31 16.5 8.65 16.66 9H13V10H17C17.1 10.33 17.17 10.67 17.19 11H13V12H17.2C17.16 12.35 17.15 12.69 17.1 13H13V14H17C17 14 16.94 17 15.5 17C14.15 17 14.5 15.47 13 15V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18S11 17.55 11 17V15C9.5 15.47 9.85 17 8.5 17C7.06 17 7 14 7 14H11V13H6.9C6.85 12.69 6.84 12.35 6.8 12H11V11H6.81C6.83 10.67 6.91 10.33 7 10H11V9H7.34C7.5 8.65 7.65 8.31 7.83 8H11V7C11 6.45 11.45 6 12 6Z",Aw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,15V13H13.72C13.36,13.62 12.71,14 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10C12.71,10 13.36,10.38 13.72,11H17V9L20,12L17,15Z",iw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16,15V13H13.72C13.36,13.62 12.71,14 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10C12.71,10 13.36,10.38 13.72,11H16V9L19,12L16,15Z",rw1="M17.67,10.5C16.4,10.5 15.27,11.3 14.85,12.5H13.17V7.77L16.66,9.86L17.66,8.14L14.11,6L17.68,3.86L16.68,2.14L13.17,4.23V2H11.17V4.23L7.68,2.14L6.68,3.86L10.23,6L6.66,8.14L7.66,9.86L11.17,7.77V12.5H9.5C8.36,9.32 3.66,10.13 3.66,13.5C3.66,16.87 8.36,17.68 9.5,14.5H11.17V20A2,2 0 0,0 9.17,22H15.17A2,2 0 0,0 13.17,20V14.5H14.85C15.66,16.8 18.73,17.22 20.13,15.23C21.53,13.24 20.1,10.5 17.67,10.5M6.67,14.5C5.78,14.5 5.33,13.42 5.96,12.79C6.59,12.16 7.67,12.61 7.67,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.67,14.5M17.67,14.5C16.78,14.5 16.33,13.42 16.96,12.79C17.59,12.16 18.67,12.61 18.67,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.67,14.5Z",aw1="M10.5 17.05L9.43 16L22.07 3.35L20.66 1.93L8 14.58L6.95 13.5C6.17 12.73 4.9 12.73 4.12 13.5L2 15.64L2.71 16.34L4.83 14.22L5.54 14.93L3.41 17.05L4.12 17.76L6.24 15.64L6.95 16.34L4.83 18.46L5.54 19.17L7.66 17.05L8.36 17.76L6.24 19.88L6.95 20.59L9.07 18.46L9.78 19.17L7.66 21.29L8.36 22L10.5 19.88C11.27 19.1 11.27 17.83 10.5 17.05Z",ew1="M20,8H22V10H20V8M4,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7H19V9H5V13H8V16H19V17H22A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H16V20H14V19H11V20H7V19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M19,15H9V10H19V11H22V13H19V15M13,12V14H15V12H13M5,6V8H6V6H5M7,6V8H8V6H7M9,6V8H10V6H9M11,6V8H12V6H11M13,6V8H14V6H13M15,6V8H16V6H15M20,14H22V16H20V14Z",dw1="M6.5 9C7.3 9 8 9.7 8 10.5V11.5C8 12.1 7.6 12.6 7.1 12.9L8 15H6.5L5.6 13H4.5V15H3V9H6.5M6.5 11.5V10.5H4.5V11.5H6.5M10.25 9H12.75L14.25 15H12.75L12.38 13.5H10.63L10.25 15H8.75L10.25 9M11 12H12L11.75 11H11.25L11 12M20 9H21.5L20 15H18.5L17.74 11.96L17 15H15.5L14 9H15.5L16.24 12L17 9H18.5L19.24 12L20 9Z",mw1="M17.15 14.32L14.72 11.9L14 9H15.5L16.24 12L17 9H18.5L19.24 12L20 9H21.5L20 15H18.5L17.74 11.96L17.15 14.32M1.39 4.22L2.81 2.81L21.19 21.2L19.78 22.61L10.67 13.5H10.63L10.25 15H8.75L9.43 12.26L8 10.83V11.5C8 12.1 7.6 12.6 7.1 12.9L8 15H6.5L5.6 13H4.5V15H3V9H6.17L1.39 4.22M6.5 11.5V10.5H4.5V11.5H6.5Z",tw1="M20,9C18.69,9 17.58,9.83 17.17,11H2V13H17.17C17.58,14.17 18.69,15 20,15A3,3 0 0,0 23,12A3,3 0 0,0 20,9Z",vw1="M1,12L5,16V13H17.17C17.58,14.17 18.69,15 20,15A3,3 0 0,0 23,12A3,3 0 0,0 20,9C18.69,9 17.58,9.83 17.17,11H5V8L1,12Z",lw1="M4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H22V13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9Z",ow1="M23,12L19,16V13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H19V8L23,12Z",nw1="M4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H17.17C17.58,9.83 18.69,9 20,9A3,3 0 0,1 23,12A3,3 0 0,1 20,15C18.69,15 17.58,14.17 17.17,13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9Z",Zw1="M20 9C18.69 9 17.58 9.83 17.17 11H14.82C14.4 9.84 13.3 9 12 9S9.6 9.84 9.18 11H6.83C6.42 9.83 5.31 9 4 9C2.34 9 1 10.34 1 12S2.34 15 4 15C5.31 15 6.42 14.17 6.83 13H9.18C9.6 14.16 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.16 14.82 13H17.17C17.58 14.17 18.69 15 20 15C21.66 15 23 13.66 23 12S21.66 9 20 9",Sw1="M2,11H9.17C9.58,9.83 10.69,9 12,9C13.31,9 14.42,9.83 14.83,11H22V13H14.83C14.42,14.17 13.31,15 12,15C10.69,15 9.58,14.17 9.17,13H2V11Z",uw1="M20 8C19.45 8 19 7.55 19 7C19 6.45 19.45 6 20 6V5H4V6C4.55 6 5 6.45 5 7C5 7.55 4.55 8 4 8H2V15H4C4.55 15 5 15.45 5 16C5 16.55 4.55 17 4 17V18H20V17C19.45 17 19 16.55 19 16C19 15.45 19.45 15 20 15H22V8H20M20 12H19V13H17V12H13.41C13.2 12.58 12.65 13 12 13S10.8 12.58 10.59 12H7V13H5V12H4V11H5V10H7V11H10.59C10.8 10.42 11.35 10 12 10S13.2 10.42 13.41 11H17V10H19V11H20V12Z",cw1="M22 5V8H2V5H22M22 13V18H2V13H3.5C4.33 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S4.33 10 3.5 10L2 10V9H22V10H20.5C19.67 10 19 10.67 19 11.5S19.67 13 20.5 13H22M13 11C13 10.45 12.55 10 12 10S11 10.45 11 11V13C11 13.55 11.45 14 12 14S13 13.55 13 13V11Z",sw1="M12,10.11C13.03,10.11 13.87,10.95 13.87,12C13.87,13 13.03,13.85 12,13.85C10.97,13.85 10.13,13 10.13,12C10.13,10.95 10.97,10.11 12,10.11M7.37,20C8,20.38 9.38,19.8 10.97,18.3C10.45,17.71 9.94,17.07 9.46,16.4C8.64,16.32 7.83,16.2 7.06,16.04C6.55,18.18 6.74,19.65 7.37,20M8.08,14.26L7.79,13.75C7.68,14.04 7.57,14.33 7.5,14.61C7.77,14.67 8.07,14.72 8.38,14.77C8.28,14.6 8.18,14.43 8.08,14.26M14.62,13.5L15.43,12L14.62,10.5C14.32,9.97 14,9.5 13.71,9.03C13.17,9 12.6,9 12,9C11.4,9 10.83,9 10.29,9.03C10,9.5 9.68,9.97 9.38,10.5L8.57,12L9.38,13.5C9.68,14.03 10,14.5 10.29,14.97C10.83,15 11.4,15 12,15C12.6,15 13.17,15 13.71,14.97C14,14.5 14.32,14.03 14.62,13.5M12,6.78C11.81,7 11.61,7.23 11.41,7.5C11.61,7.5 11.8,7.5 12,7.5C12.2,7.5 12.39,7.5 12.59,7.5C12.39,7.23 12.19,7 12,6.78M12,17.22C12.19,17 12.39,16.77 12.59,16.5C12.39,16.5 12.2,16.5 12,16.5C11.8,16.5 11.61,16.5 11.41,16.5C11.61,16.77 11.81,17 12,17.22M16.62,4C16,3.62 14.62,4.2 13.03,5.7C13.55,6.29 14.06,6.93 14.54,7.6C15.36,7.68 16.17,7.8 16.94,7.96C17.45,5.82 17.26,4.35 16.62,4M15.92,9.74L16.21,10.25C16.32,9.96 16.43,9.67 16.5,9.39C16.23,9.33 15.93,9.28 15.62,9.23C15.72,9.4 15.82,9.57 15.92,9.74M17.37,2.69C18.84,3.53 19,5.74 18.38,8.32C20.92,9.07 22.75,10.31 22.75,12C22.75,13.69 20.92,14.93 18.38,15.68C19,18.26 18.84,20.47 17.37,21.31C15.91,22.15 13.92,21.19 12,19.36C10.08,21.19 8.09,22.15 6.62,21.31C5.16,20.47 5,18.26 5.62,15.68C3.08,14.93 1.25,13.69 1.25,12C1.25,10.31 3.08,9.07 5.62,8.32C5,5.74 5.16,3.53 6.62,2.69C8.09,1.85 10.08,2.81 12,4.64C13.92,2.81 15.91,1.85 17.37,2.69M17.08,12C17.42,12.75 17.72,13.5 17.97,14.26C20.07,13.63 21.25,12.73 21.25,12C21.25,11.27 20.07,10.37 17.97,9.74C17.72,10.5 17.42,11.25 17.08,12M6.92,12C6.58,11.25 6.28,10.5 6.03,9.74C3.93,10.37 2.75,11.27 2.75,12C2.75,12.73 3.93,13.63 6.03,14.26C6.28,13.5 6.58,12.75 6.92,12M15.92,14.26C15.82,14.43 15.72,14.6 15.62,14.77C15.93,14.72 16.23,14.67 16.5,14.61C16.43,14.33 16.32,14.04 16.21,13.75L15.92,14.26M13.03,18.3C14.62,19.8 16,20.38 16.62,20C17.26,19.65 17.45,18.18 16.94,16.04C16.17,16.2 15.36,16.32 14.54,16.4C14.06,17.07 13.55,17.71 13.03,18.3M8.08,9.74C8.18,9.57 8.28,9.4 8.38,9.23C8.07,9.28 7.77,9.33 7.5,9.39C7.57,9.67 7.68,9.96 7.79,10.25L8.08,9.74M10.97,5.7C9.38,4.2 8,3.62 7.37,4C6.74,4.35 6.55,5.82 7.06,7.96C7.83,7.8 8.64,7.68 9.46,7.6C9.94,6.93 10.45,6.29 10.97,5.7Z",Ow1="M21.59,11.59L23,13L13.5,22.5L8.42,17.41L9.83,16L13.5,19.68L21.59,11.59M4,16V3H6L9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7C13,8.54 12.13,9.88 10.85,10.55L14,16H12L9.11,11H6V16H4M6,9H9A2,2 0 0,0 11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,5H6V9Z",hw1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2",pw1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69Z",fw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5M19 9.68C18.07 9.24 17.05 9 16 9C12.14 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.05 9.24 18.07 9.68 19H5V5H19V9.68M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69Z",gw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",kw1="M4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L12 9.76V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5M14 19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23V19Z",Bw1="M18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L19 13.26V5H5V19H12V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2M14 19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23V19Z",Pw1="M3,22L4.5,20.5L6,22L7.5,20.5L9,22L10.5,20.5L12,22L13.5,20.5L15,22L16.5,20.5L18,22L19.5,20.5L21,22V2L19.5,3.5L18,2L16.5,3.5L15,2L13.5,3.5L12,2L10.5,3.5L9,2L7.5,3.5L6,2L4.5,3.5L3,2M18,9H6V7H18M18,13H6V11H18M18,17H6V15H18V17Z",ww1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",Fw1="M12 22L13.26 20.74C13.1 20.22 13 19.66 13 19.09H5V4.91H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22M13.35 17C13.61 16.25 14 15.58 14.54 15H6V17H13.35M18 11H6V13H18V11M18 7H6V9H18V7M18 20V22L15 19L18 16V18H22V20H18Z",Tw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",bw1="M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V4.91H5V19.09H13C13 19.66 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",yw1="M18.25 22L15.5 19L16.66 17.82L18.25 19.41L21.84 15.82L23 17.23M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Rw1="M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M6 15V17H13.35C13.61 16.25 14 15.58 14.54 15H6M6 13H18V11H6V13M6 9H18V7H6V9M23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19L18.25 22",xw1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5M11.1 11C10.5 11.57 10.03 12.25 9.67 13H6V11H11.1M9.07 15C9 15.33 9 15.66 9 16C9 16.34 9 16.67 9.07 17H6V15H9.07M18 9H6V7H18V9M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16Z",Dw1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M10.58 20.42L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V11.1C22.28 12.41 23 14.17 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.88 20.78 10.72 20.61 10.58 20.42M9.72 19.09C9.4 18.43 9.18 17.73 9.07 17H6V15H9.07C9.17 14.29 9.38 13.62 9.68 13H6V11H11.1C12.37 9.76 14.1 9 16 9H6V7H18V9H16C17.05 9 18.07 9.24 19 9.68V4.91H5V19.09H9.72M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",Ew1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5V19.63L13.13 17H6V15H15.13L17.13 13H6V11H18V12.13L21 9.13V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22M6 9V7H18V9H6M13 22V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13M21 12.03C21.18 11.97 21.39 12 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15L20.83 12.13C20.88 12.09 20.94 12.05 21 12.03Z",Nw1="M18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V9.13L19 11.13V4.91H5V19.09H10.5V20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2M13 19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96M19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15L20.83 12.13C20.88 12.09 20.94 12.05 21 12.03C21.18 11.97 21.39 12 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13M18 12.13L17.13 13H6V11H18V12.13M15.13 15L13.13 17H6V15H15.13M18 9V7H6V9H18Z",Ww1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Iw1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Gw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5M19 19H5V5H19V19M6 15H18V17H6M6 11H18V13H6M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Qw1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Uw1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",zw1="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",_w1="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Kw1="M4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L18 12.76V11H6V13H12V15H6V17H12V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5M6 7V9H18V7H6M14 13L24 18L14 23V19L18 18L14 17V13Z",jw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22V19.09H5V4.91H19V13.26L21 14.26V2L19.5 3.5M14 23V19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23M12 11V13H6V11H12M6 17V15H12V17H6M18 7V9H6V7H18Z",qw1="M19,12C19,15.86 15.86,19 12,19C8.14,19 5,15.86 5,12C5,8.14 8.14,5 12,5C15.86,5 19,8.14 19,12Z",$w1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",Xw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",Yw1="M5,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 4.5,18H3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,17.5V17H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,16V13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12H19V10H7L6,11V9A1,1 0 0,1 7,8H19V7H21V8A1,1 0 0,1 22,9V10H21V12H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,13V16A1,1 0 0,1 22,17H21V17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20.5,18H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,17.5V17H5V17.5M3,14V15H5V14H3M6,14V15H8V14H6M20.5,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,14.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,15.5A1,1 0 0,0 21.5,14.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13.5Z",Jw1="M12.5,5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 5,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 12.5,20A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 20,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 12.5,5M7,10H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,11V12C10,12.5 9.62,12.9 9.14,12.97L10.31,15H9.15L8,13V15H7M12,10H14V11H12V12H14V13H12V14H14V15H12A1,1 0 0,1 11,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 12,10M16,10H18V11H16V14H18V15H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10M8,11V12H9V11",CF1="M4,6V19H20V6H4Z",HF1="M4,6V19H20V6H4M18,17H6V8H18V17Z",VF1="M21.82,15.42L19.32,19.75C18.83,20.61 17.92,21.06 17,21H15V23L12.5,18.5L15,14V16H17.82L15.6,12.15L19.93,9.65L21.73,12.77C22.25,13.54 22.32,14.57 21.82,15.42M9.21,3.06H14.21C15.19,3.06 16.04,3.63 16.45,4.45L17.45,6.19L19.18,5.19L16.54,9.6L11.39,9.69L13.12,8.69L11.71,6.24L9.5,10.09L5.16,7.59L6.96,4.47C7.37,3.64 8.22,3.06 9.21,3.06M5.05,19.76L2.55,15.43C2.06,14.58 2.13,13.56 2.64,12.79L3.64,11.06L1.91,10.06L7.05,10.14L9.7,14.56L7.97,13.56L6.56,16H11V21H7.4C6.47,21.07 5.55,20.61 5.05,19.76Z",LF1="M7.17 7.91L8.9 8.91L12.08 3.42L14.33 7.31L11.73 8.81L17.19 10.27L18.66 4.81L16.06 6.31L13.81 2.41C13.26 1.45 12.03 1.12 11.08 1.68C10.81 1.83 10.58 2.05 10.41 2.31M10 20V18L3.66 18L5.9 14.1L8.5 15.6L7.04 10.14L1.57 11.6L4.17 13.1L1.92 17C1.37 17.96 1.7 19.18 2.65 19.73C2.92 19.89 3.22 19.97 3.54 20M19.06 11.5L17.32 12.5L20.5 18H16V15L12 19L16 23V20H20.5C21.61 20 22.5 19.11 22.5 18C22.5 17.69 22.42 17.38 22.28 17.11Z",MF1="M14.5 15.41C14.58 15.5 14.58 15.69 14.5 15.8C13.77 16.5 12.41 16.56 12 16.56C11.61 16.56 10.25 16.5 9.54 15.8C9.44 15.69 9.44 15.5 9.54 15.41C9.65 15.31 9.82 15.31 9.92 15.41C10.38 15.87 11.33 16 12 16C12.69 16 13.66 15.87 14.1 15.41C14.21 15.31 14.38 15.31 14.5 15.41M10.75 13.04C10.75 12.47 10.28 12 9.71 12C9.14 12 8.67 12.47 8.67 13.04C8.67 13.61 9.14 14.09 9.71 14.08C10.28 14.08 10.75 13.61 10.75 13.04M14.29 12C13.72 12 13.25 12.5 13.25 13.05S13.72 14.09 14.29 14.09C14.86 14.09 15.33 13.61 15.33 13.05C15.33 12.5 14.86 12 14.29 12M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M18.67 12C18.67 11.19 18 10.54 17.22 10.54C16.82 10.54 16.46 10.7 16.2 10.95C15.2 10.23 13.83 9.77 12.3 9.71L12.97 6.58L15.14 7.05C15.16 7.6 15.62 8.04 16.18 8.04C16.75 8.04 17.22 7.57 17.22 7C17.22 6.43 16.75 5.96 16.18 5.96C15.77 5.96 15.41 6.2 15.25 6.55L12.82 6.03C12.75 6 12.68 6.03 12.63 6.07C12.57 6.11 12.54 6.17 12.53 6.24L11.79 9.72C10.24 9.77 8.84 10.23 7.82 10.96C7.56 10.71 7.2 10.56 6.81 10.56C6 10.56 5.35 11.21 5.35 12C5.35 12.61 5.71 13.11 6.21 13.34C6.19 13.5 6.18 13.62 6.18 13.78C6.18 16 8.79 17.85 12 17.85C15.23 17.85 17.85 16.03 17.85 13.78C17.85 13.64 17.84 13.5 17.81 13.34C18.31 13.11 18.67 12.6 18.67 12Z",AF1="M15.34 13.16C16.66 13.16 18.56 12.89 18.56 11.32C18.57 11.2 18.56 11.08 18.53 10.96L17.75 7.56C17.57 6.81 17.41 6.47 16.09 5.81C15.07 5.29 12.85 4.43 12.19 4.43C11.58 4.43 11.4 5.22 10.67 5.22C9.97 5.22 9.45 4.63 8.79 4.63C8.16 4.63 7.75 5.06 7.43 5.94C7.43 5.94 6.55 8.44 6.43 8.8C6.42 8.87 6.41 8.93 6.41 9C6.41 9.97 10.23 13.15 15.34 13.15M18.77 11.96C18.95 12.82 18.95 12.91 18.95 13C18.95 14.5 17.29 15.31 15.12 15.31C10.2 15.31 5.89 12.43 5.89 10.53C5.89 10.26 5.95 10 6.05 9.76C4.28 9.84 2 10.16 2 12.18C2 15.5 9.84 19.57 16.05 19.57C20.81 19.57 22 17.42 22 15.72C22 14.38 20.85 12.86 18.77 11.96",iF1="M18.4,10.6C16.55,9 14.15,8 11.5,8C6.85,8 2.92,11.03 1.54,15.22L3.9,16C4.95,12.81 7.95,10.5 11.5,10.5C13.45,10.5 15.23,11.22 16.62,12.38L13,16H22V7L18.4,10.6Z",rF1="M10.5,7A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 4,13.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10.5,20H14V18H10.5C8,18 6,16 6,13.5C6,11 8,9 10.5,9H16.17L13.09,12.09L14.5,13.5L20,8L14.5,2.5L13.08,3.91L16.17,7H10.5M18,18H16V20H18V18Z",aF1="M22,20H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,19V4.97C13,4.5 13.31,4.12 13.74,4C14.19,3.88 14.65,4.08 14.87,4.47L22.89,18.5C23.07,18.81 23.07,19.19 22.89,19.5C22.71,19.81 22.38,20 22,20M2,20C1.62,20 1.29,19.81 1.11,19.5C0.93,19.19 0.93,18.81 1.11,18.5L9.13,4.47C9.35,4.08 9.81,3.88 10.26,4C10.69,4.12 11,4.5 11,4.97V19A1,1 0 0,1 10,20H2M9,18V8.74L3.71,18H9Z",eF1="M18,23H6C5.61,23 5.26,22.79 5.09,22.45C4.92,22.11 4.96,21.7 5.19,21.4L11.2,13.38C11.58,12.87 12.42,12.87 12.8,13.38L18.81,21.4C19.04,21.7 19.08,22.11 18.91,22.45C18.74,22.79 18.39,23 18,23M18,1C18.39,1 18.74,1.21 18.91,1.55C19.08,1.89 19.04,2.3 18.81,2.6L12.8,10.62C12.42,11.13 11.58,11.13 11.2,10.62L5.19,2.6C4.96,2.3 4.92,1.89 5.09,1.55C5.26,1.21 5.61,1 6,1H18M8,3L12,8.35L16,3H8Z",dF1="M17.65,6.35C16.2,4.9 14.21,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C15.73,20 18.84,17.45 19.73,14H17.65C16.83,16.33 14.61,18 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13.66,6 15.14,6.69 16.22,7.78L13,11H20V4L17.65,6.35Z",mF1="M12.68 6H11.32L7 16H9L9.73 14H14.27L15 16H17L12.68 6M10.3 12.5L12 8L13.7 12.5H10.3M17.4 20.4L19 22H14V17L16 19C18.39 17.61 20 14.95 20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4S4 7.59 4 12C4 14.95 5.61 17.53 8 18.92V21.16C4.47 19.61 2 16.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12C22 15.53 20.17 18.62 17.4 20.4Z",tF1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M18 11H13L14.81 9.19A3.94 3.94 0 0 0 12 8A4 4 0 1 0 15.86 13H17.91A6 6 0 1 1 12 6A5.91 5.91 0 0 1 16.22 7.78L18 6Z",vF1="M16,16.92C15.67,16.97 15.34,17 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.92V13.41L11.5,15.89C11,15.5 10.5,15 10.11,14.5L12.59,12H9.08C9.03,11.67 9,11.34 9,11C9,10.66 9.03,10.33 9.08,10H12.59L10.11,7.5C10.3,7.25 10.5,7 10.76,6.76V6.76C11,6.5 11.25,6.3 11.5,6.11L14,8.59V5.08C14.33,5.03 14.66,5 15,5C15.34,5 15.67,5.03 16,5.08V8.59L18.5,6.11C19,6.5 19.5,7 19.89,7.5L17.41,10H20.92C20.97,10.33 21,10.66 21,11C21,11.34 20.97,11.67 20.92,12H17.41L19.89,14.5C19.7,14.75 19.5,15 19.24,15.24V15.24C19,15.5 18.75,15.7 18.5,15.89L16,13.41V16.92H16V16.92M5,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19H5Z",lF1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12.25,13.27H10.81V16.5H9V7.71H12.26C13.29,7.71 14.09,7.94 14.66,8.4C15.22,8.87 15.5,9.5 15.5,10.36C15.5,10.96 15.37,11.46 15.11,11.86C14.85,12.26 14.46,12.58 13.93,12.81L15.83,16.4V16.5H13.89L12.25,13.27M10.81,11.81H12.27C12.72,11.81 13.07,11.69 13.32,11.46C13.57,11.23 13.69,10.91 13.69,10.5C13.69,10.09 13.58,9.77 13.34,9.53C13.11,9.29 12.75,9.18 12.26,9.18H10.81V11.81Z",oF1="M10.5 4A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 4 10H1L5 14L9 10H6.03A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 10.5 6A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 15 10.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 10.5 15H2V17H10.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 17 10.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 10.5 4M19 12V15H16.5A7.5 7.5 0 0 1 14.24 17H19V20L23 16Z",nF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H19L21 13Z",ZF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",SF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",uF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",cF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",sF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",OF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",hF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",pF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",fF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",gF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7L3 5H2V11H3L5 9V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",kF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7L3 5H2V11H3L5 9V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",BF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",PF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",wF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",FF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",TF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7H2V9H5V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",bF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7H2V9H5V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",yF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",RF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",xF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",DF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",EF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H8V5H6V7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H6V11H8V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",NF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H8V5H6V7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H6V11H8V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",WF1="M21 13L19 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",IF1="M19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",GF1="M21 13L19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",QF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18V13H16V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H16V19H18V17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",UF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",zF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",_F1="M21 13L19 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",KF1="M19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",jF1="M21 13L19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",qF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18V13H16V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H16V19H18V17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",$F1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",XF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",YF1="M20,18H4V6H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M12,10H10V12H12M8,10H6V12H8M16,14H14V16H16M16,10H14V12H16V10Z",JF1="M2 12C2 16.97 6.03 21 11 21C13.39 21 15.68 20.06 17.4 18.4L15.9 16.9C14.63 18.25 12.86 19 11 19C4.76 19 1.64 11.46 6.05 7.05C10.46 2.64 18 5.77 18 12H15L19 16H19.1L23 12H20C20 7.03 15.97 3 11 3C6.03 3 2 7.03 2 12Z",CT1="M2 12C2 17 6 21 11 21C13.4 21 15.7 20.1 17.4 18.4L15.9 16.9C14.6 18.3 12.9 19 11 19C4.8 19 1.6 11.5 6.1 7.1S18 5.8 18 12H15L19 16H19.1L23 12H20C20 7 16 3 11 3S2 7 2 12M10 15H12V17H10V15M10 7H12V13H10V7",HT1="M7.25,3C7.9,3 8.5,3.21 9,3.56V3A2,2 0 0,1 11,1A2,2 0 0,1 13,3V3.57C13.5,3.22 14.1,3 14.75,3A3,3 0 0,1 17.75,6C17.75,7.58 16.54,8.87 15,9H13V10H14.24L14.72,10.13L19.31,12.42C20.13,12.73 20.53,13.34 20.53,14.25L20.5,14.39V14.53L19.5,21.28C19.44,21.75 19.22,22.16 18.84,22.5C18.47,22.84 18.05,23 17.58,23H10C9.45,23 9,22.81 8.58,22.41L2,15.84L3.05,14.77C3.33,14.5 3.69,14.34 4.13,14.34H4.45L9,15.33V10L9,9H7V9C5.46,8.86 4.25,7.57 4.25,6A3,3 0 0,1 7.25,3M9,6A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 7.25,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 5.5,6C5.5,6.88 6.15,7.61 7,7.73V7.75H9V6M15,7.75V7.74C15.85,7.62 16.5,6.89 16.5,6C16.5,5.04 15.72,4.26 14.75,4.26C13.78,4.26 13,5.04 13,6V7.75H15Z",VT1="M12,0C8.96,0 6.21,1.23 4.22,3.22L5.63,4.63C7.26,3 9.5,2 12,2C14.5,2 16.74,3 18.36,4.64L19.77,3.23C17.79,1.23 15.04,0 12,0M7.05,6.05L8.46,7.46C9.37,6.56 10.62,6 12,6C13.38,6 14.63,6.56 15.54,7.46L16.95,6.05C15.68,4.78 13.93,4 12,4C10.07,4 8.32,4.78 7.05,6.05M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15M15,9H9A1,1 0 0,0 8,10V22A1,1 0 0,0 9,23H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,22V10A1,1 0 0,0 15,9Z",LT1="M3,2A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16C1,17.11 1.9,18 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M3,4H21V16H3M15,5L11.5,8.5L15,12L16.4,10.6L14.3,8.5L16.4,6.4M9,8L7.6,9.4L9.7,11.5L7.6,13.6L9,15L12.5,11.5",MT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L16,19.27V22A1,1 0 0,1 15,23H9C8.46,23 8,22.55 8,22V11.27L2,5.27M12,0C15.05,0 17.8,1.23 19.77,3.23L18.36,4.64C16.75,3 14.5,2 12,2C9.72,2 7.64,2.85 6.06,4.24L4.64,2.82C6.59,1.07 9.17,0 12,0M12,4C13.94,4 15.69,4.78 16.95,6.05L15.55,7.46C14.64,6.56 13.39,6 12,6C10.83,6 9.76,6.4 8.9,7.08L7.5,5.66C8.7,4.62 10.28,4 12,4M15,9C15.56,9 16,9.45 16,10V14.18L13.5,11.69L13.31,11.5L10.82,9H15M10.03,13.3C10.16,14.16 10.84,14.85 11.71,15L10.03,13.3Z",AT1="M9,2C7.89,2 7,2.89 7,4V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V4C17,2.89 16.11,2 15,2H13V4H11V2H9M11,6H13V8H15V10H13V12H11V10H9V8H11V6M9,14H11V16H9V14M13,14H15V16H13V14M9,18H11V20H9V18M13,18H15V20H13V18Z",iT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17,20.25C16.86,21.24 16,22 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V10.27L2,5.27M9,2H11V4H13V2H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,4V15.18L13,11.18V10H15V8H13V6H11V8H9.82L7,5.18V4A2,2 0 0,1 9,2M9,20H11V18H9V20M13,20H15V18.27L14.73,18H13V20M9,14V16H11V14.27L10.73,14H9Z",rT1="M15 16L11 20H21V16H15M12.06 7.19L3 16.25V20H6.75L15.81 10.94L12.06 7.19M18.71 8.04C19.1 7.65 19.1 7 18.71 6.63L16.37 4.29C16.17 4.09 15.92 4 15.66 4C15.41 4 15.15 4.1 14.96 4.29L13.13 6.12L16.88 9.87L18.71 8.04Z",aT1="M18,17H10.5L12.5,15H18M6,17V14.5L13.88,6.65C14.07,6.45 14.39,6.45 14.59,6.65L16.35,8.41C16.55,8.61 16.55,8.92 16.35,9.12L8.47,17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",eT1="M17 17H11.5L13.5 15H17M7 17V14.5L14.9 6.7C15.1 6.5 15.4 6.5 15.6 6.7L17.4 8.5C17.6 8.7 17.6 9 17.4 9.2L9.5 17M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",dT1="M15 16L11 20H21V16H15M12.06 7.19L3 16.25V20H6.75L15.81 10.94L12.06 7.19M5.92 18H5V17.08L12.06 10L13 10.94L5.92 18M18.71 8.04C19.1 7.65 19.1 7 18.71 6.63L16.37 4.29C16.17 4.09 15.92 4 15.66 4C15.41 4 15.15 4.1 14.96 4.29L13.13 6.12L16.88 9.87L18.71 8.04Z",mT1="M3,15H21V13H3V15M3,19H21V17H3V19M3,11H21V9H3V11M3,5V7H21V5H3Z",tT1="M9,3V21H11V3H9M5,3V21H7V3H5M13,3V21H15V3H13M19,3H17V21H19V3Z",vT1="M17,17H7V14L3,18L7,22V19H19V13H17M7,7H17V10L21,6L17,2V5H5V11H7V7Z",lT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.73,19H7V22L3,18L7,14V17H13.73L7,10.27V11H5V8.27L2,5.27M17,13H19V17.18L17,15.18V13M17,5V2L21,6L17,10V7H8.82L6.82,5H17Z",oT1="M13,15V9H12L10,10V11H11.5V15M17,17H7V14L3,18L7,22V19H19V13H17M7,7H17V10L21,6L17,2V5H5V11H7V7Z",nT1="M6,5.75L10.25,10H7V16H13.5L15.5,18H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,16V10H1.75L6,5.75M18,18.25L13.75,14H17V8H10.5L8.5,6H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,8V14H22.25L18,18.25Z",ZT1="M12,5V1L7,6L12,11V7A6,6 0 0,1 18,13A6,6 0 0,1 12,19A6,6 0 0,1 6,13H4A8,8 0 0,0 12,21A8,8 0 0,0 20,13A8,8 0 0,0 12,5Z",ST1="M10,9V5L3,12L10,19V14.9C15,14.9 18.5,16.5 21,20C20,15 17,10 10,9Z",uT1="M13,9V5L6,12L13,19V14.9C18,14.9 21.5,16.5 24,20C23,15 20,10 13,9M7,8V5L0,12L7,19V16L3,12L7,8Z",cT1="M11,9.8V10.7L12.7,10.9C15.3,11.3 17.2,12.3 18.6,13.6C16.9,13.1 15.1,12.8 13,12.8H11V14.1L8.8,12L11,9.8M13,5L6,12L13,19V14.9C18,14.9 21.5,16.5 24,20C23,15 20,10 13,9M7,8V5L0,12L7,19V16L3,12",sT1="M2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2 2 6.5 2 12M5 11L10 6V9C15.06 9.73 17.28 13.33 18 17C16.19 14.43 13.61 13 10 13V16L5 11Z",OT1="M8,9.8V10.7L9.7,11C12.3,11.4 14.2,12.4 15.6,13.7C13.9,13.2 12.1,12.9 10,12.9H8V14.2L5.8,12L8,9.8M10,5L3,12L10,19V14.9C15,14.9 18.5,16.5 21,20C20,15 17,10 10,9",hT1="M12.72,13.15L13.62,12.26C13.6,11 14.31,9.44 15.62,8.14C17.57,6.18 20.11,5.55 21.28,6.72C22.45,7.89 21.82,10.43 19.86,12.38C18.56,13.69 17,14.4 15.74,14.38L14.85,15.28C14.5,15.61 14,15.66 13.6,15.41C12.76,15.71 12,16.08 11.56,16.8C11.03,17.68 11.03,19.1 10.47,19.95C9.91,20.81 8.79,21.1 7.61,21.1C6.43,21.1 5,21 3.95,19.5L6.43,19.92C7,20 8.5,19.39 9.05,18.54C9.61,17.68 9.61,16.27 10.14,15.38C10.61,14.6 11.5,14.23 12.43,13.91C12.42,13.64 12.5,13.36 12.72,13.15M7,2A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 2,7A5,5 0 0,1 7,2M7,4A3,3 0 0,0 4,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,10A3,3 0 0,0 10,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,4Z",pT1="M2,11H7L10.07,15.35L13.11,4L18,11H22V13H17L13.93,8.65L10.89,20L6,13H2V11Z",fT1="M2,11H3.67C4.08,9.83 5.19,9 6.5,9A3,3 0 0,1 9.5,12C9.5,12.65 9.29,13.25 8.94,13.74L10.07,15.35L13.11,4L14.61,6.13L16.7,9.11L17.5,9C18.81,9 19.92,9.83 20.33,11H22V13H20.33C19.92,14.17 18.81,15 17.5,15A3,3 0 0,1 14.5,12C14.5,11.35 14.71,10.75 15.06,10.26L13.93,8.65L10.89,20L7.3,14.89C7.05,14.96 6.78,15 6.5,15C5.19,15 4.08,14.17 3.67,13H2V11M17.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10.5M6.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5Z",gT1="M10.59,12L14.59,8H11V6H18V13H16V9.41L12,13.41V16H20V4H8V12H10.59M22,2V18H12V22H2V12H6V2H22M10,14H4V20H10V14Z",kT1="M22,22H20V20H22V22M22,18H20V16H22V18M18,22H16V20H18V22M18,18H16V16H18V18M14,22H12V20H14V22M22,14H20V12H22V14Z",BT1="M4,6V16H9V12A2,2 0 0,1 11,10H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,12V16H20V6H4M0,20V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H24V20H18V20C18,21.11 17.1,22 16,22H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,20H9L0,20M11.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11.5,20M15.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15.5,20M13,20V21H14V20H13M11,12V19H16V12H11Z",PT1="M12,4C14.1,4 16.1,4.8 17.6,6.3C20.7,9.4 20.7,14.5 17.6,17.6C15.8,19.5 13.3,20.2 10.9,19.9L11.4,17.9C13.1,18.1 14.9,17.5 16.2,16.2C18.5,13.9 18.5,10.1 16.2,7.7C15.1,6.6 13.5,6 12,6V10.6L7,5.6L12,0.6V4M6.3,17.6C3.7,15 3.3,11 5.1,7.9L6.6,9.4C5.5,11.6 5.9,14.4 7.8,16.2C8.3,16.7 8.9,17.1 9.6,17.4L9,19.4C8,19 7.1,18.4 6.3,17.6Z",wT1="M10 4.03V.633L5 5.63L10 10.63V6.03C11.5 6.03 13.11 6.63 14.21 7.73C16.5 10.13 16.5 13.93 14.21 16.23C12.91 17.53 11.11 18.13 9.4 17.93L8.9 19.93C11.31 20.23 13.81 19.53 15.61 17.63C18.7 14.53 18.7 9.43 15.61 6.33C14.11 4.83 12.11 4.03 10 4.03M4.31 17.63C5.11 18.43 6 19.03 7 19.43L7.61 17.43C6.91 17.13 6.31 16.73 5.81 16.23C3.91 14.43 3.5 11.63 4.61 9.43L3.11 7.93C1.31 11.03 1.71 15.03 4.31 17.63M20 13H22V7H20V13M20 17H22V15H20V17Z",FT1="M20.8,22.7L16.6,18.5C14.9,19.7 12.9,20.2 10.9,19.9L11.4,17.9C12.7,18 14,17.7 15.1,17L1.1,3L2.4,1.7L16.5,15.8L17.9,17.2L22.1,21.4L20.8,22.7M12,6C13.5,6 15.1,6.6 16.2,7.8C18,9.6 18.4,12.2 17.5,14.4L19,15.9C20.7,12.9 20.2,9 17.6,6.4C16.1,4.8 14,4 12,4V0.7L7.9,4.7L12,8.8V6M6.6,9.4L5.1,7.9C3.3,11 3.7,15 6.3,17.7C7.1,18.4 8,19 9,19.4L9.5,17.4C8.9,17.1 8.3,16.7 7.7,16.2C5.9,14.4 5.5,11.6 6.6,9.4Z",TT1="M13,3A9,9 0 0,0 4,12H1L4.89,15.89L4.96,16.03L9,12H6A7,7 0 0,1 13,5A7,7 0 0,1 20,12A7,7 0 0,1 13,19C11.07,19 9.32,18.21 8.06,16.94L6.64,18.36C8.27,20 10.5,21 13,21A9,9 0 0,0 22,12A9,9 0 0,0 13,3Z",bT1="M13 3C8 3 4 7 4 12H1L4.9 15.9L5 16L9 12H6C6 8.1 9.1 5 13 5S20 8.1 20 12 16.9 19 13 19C11.1 19 9.3 18.2 8.1 16.9L6.7 18.3C8.3 20 10.5 21 13 21C18 21 22 17 22 12S18 3 13 3M12 15H14V17H12V15M12 7H14V13H12V7",yT1="M11.5,12L20,18V6M11,18V6L2.5,12L11,18Z",RT1="M12.5,3C17.15,3 21.08,6.03 22.47,10.22L20.1,11C19.05,7.81 16.04,5.5 12.5,5.5C10.54,5.5 8.77,6.22 7.38,7.38L10,10H3V3L5.6,5.6C7.45,4 9.85,3 12.5,3M10,12V22H8V14H6V12H10M18,14V20C18,21.11 17.11,22 16,22H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12H16C17.11,12 18,12.9 18,14M14,14V20H16V14H14Z",xT1="M12.5 3C17.15 3 21.08 6.03 22.47 10.22L20.1 11C19.05 7.81 16.04 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.54 5.5 8.77 6.22 7.38 7.38L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.45 4 9.85 3 12.5 3M10 12V22H8V14H6V12H10M12 12H18V14H14V16H16C17.11 16 18 16.9 18 18V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H12V20H16V18H12V12Z",DT1="M19,14V20C19,21.11 18.11,22 17,22H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 15,12H17C18.11,12 19,12.9 19,14M15,14V20H17V14H15M11,20C11,21.11 10.1,22 9,22H5V20H9V18H7V16H9V14H5V12H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,14V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,18.5V20M12.5,3C17.15,3 21.08,6.03 22.47,10.22L20.1,11C19.05,7.81 16.04,5.5 12.5,5.5C10.54,5.5 8.77,6.22 7.38,7.38L10,10H3V3L5.6,5.6C7.45,4 9.85,3 12.5,3Z",ET1="M12.5 3C17.1 3 21.1 6 22.5 10.2L20.1 11C19 7.8 16 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.5 5.5 8.8 6.2 7.4 7.4L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.4 4 9.9 3 12.5 3M13 12H19V14H15V16H17C18.1 16 19 16.9 19 18V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H13V20H17V18H13V12M5 12V18H9V22H11V12H9V16H7V12H5Z",NT1="M12.5 3C17.15 3 21.08 6.03 22.47 10.22L20.1 11C19.05 7.81 16.04 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.54 5.5 8.77 6.22 7.38 7.38L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.45 4 9.85 3 12.5 3M9 12H15V14H11V16H13C14.11 16 15 16.9 15 18V20C15 21.11 14.11 22 13 22H9V20H13V18H9V12Z",WT1="M19 14V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H15C13.9 22 13 21.1 13 20V14C13 12.9 13.9 12 15 12H17C18.1 12 19 12.9 19 14M15 14V20H17V14H15M12.5 3C17.1 3 21.1 6 22.5 10.2L20.1 11C19 7.8 16 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.5 5.5 8.8 6.2 7.4 7.4L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.4 4 9.9 3 12.5 3M7 12C5.9 12 5 12.9 5 14V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H9C10.1 22 11 21.1 11 20V18C11 16.9 10.1 16 9 16H7V14H11V12H7M7 18H9V20H7V18Z",IT1="M10,9.9L7,12L10,14.1V9.9M19,9.9L16,12L19,14.1V9.9M12,6V18L3.5,12L12,6M21,6V18L12.5,12L21,6Z",GT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2Z",QT1="M12 6.46C11.72 6.46 11.44 6.56 11.22 6.78L6.78 11.22C6.35 11.65 6.35 12.35 6.78 12.78L11.22 17.22C11.65 17.65 12.35 17.65 12.78 17.22L17.22 12.78C17.65 12.35 17.65 11.65 17.22 11.22L12.78 6.78C12.56 6.56 12.28 6.46 12 6.46Z",UT1="M12 6.46C11.72 6.46 11.44 6.56 11.22 6.78L6.78 11.22C6.35 11.65 6.35 12.35 6.78 12.78L11.22 17.22C11.65 17.65 12.35 17.65 12.78 17.22L17.22 12.78C17.65 12.35 17.65 11.65 17.22 11.22L12.78 6.78C12.56 6.56 12.28 6.46 12 6.46M12 8.83L15.17 12L12 15.17L8.83 12L12 8.83Z",zT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12Z",_T1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L7.29 5.88L12 10.58L16.71 5.88L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M5.88 7.29L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L5.88 16.71L10.58 12L5.88 7.29M18.12 7.29L13.42 12L18.12 16.71L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L18.12 7.29M12 13.42L7.29 18.12L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L16.71 18.12L12 13.42Z",KT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L15.29 7.29L12 10.59L8.71 7.29L12 4M7.29 8.71L10.59 12L7.29 15.29L4 12L7.29 8.71M16.71 8.71L20 12L16.71 15.29L13.41 12L16.71 8.71M12 13.41L15.29 16.71L12 20L8.71 16.71L12 13.41Z",jT1="M13.41,19.31L16.59,22.5L18,21.07L14.83,17.9M15.54,11.53H15.53L12,15.07L8.47,11.53H8.46V11.53C7.56,10.63 7,9.38 7,8A5,5 0 0,1 12,3A5,5 0 0,1 17,8C17,9.38 16.44,10.63 15.54,11.53M16.9,13C18.2,11.73 19,9.96 19,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,1A7,7 0 0,0 5,8C5,9.96 5.81,11.73 7.1,13V13L10.59,16.5L6,21.07L7.41,22.5L16.9,13Z",qT1="M22,11H19.7C19.4,9.9 18.9,8.8 18.2,8L21.6,2.6L19.9,1.5L16.7,6.6C16.3,6.3 16,6.1 15.5,5.9L16.4,2.3L14.5,1.8L13.7,5.2C13.1,5.1 12.6,5 12,5C8.3,5 5.2,7.6 4.3,11H2C2,15.1 4.5,18.6 8,20.2V22H16V20.2C19.5,18.6 22,15.1 22,11M12,7C14.6,7 16.8,8.7 17.6,11H6.4C7.2,8.7 9.4,7 12,7Z",$T1="M20 14.05V12.73C20 12.26 19.84 11.8 19.54 11.44L15.6 6.72C15.22 6.26 14.66 6 14.06 6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V15C2 16.1 2.9 17 4 17H4.05C4.28 18.14 5.29 19 6.5 19S8.72 18.14 8.95 17H17.05C17.28 18.14 18.29 19 19.5 19C20.88 19 22 17.88 22 16.5C22 15.29 21.14 14.28 20 14.05M3.5 8C3.5 7.73 3.73 7.5 4 7.5H7V12H3.5V8M6.5 17.5C5.95 17.5 5.5 17.05 5.5 16.5S5.95 15.5 6.5 15.5 7.5 15.95 7.5 16.5 7.05 17.5 6.5 17.5M13 15.5H9V14H11V12H9V7.5H13V15.5M15 8.34L18.05 12H15V8.34M19.5 17.5C18.95 17.5 18.5 17.05 18.5 16.5S18.95 15.5 19.5 15.5 20.5 15.95 20.5 16.5 20.05 17.5 19.5 17.5Z",XT1="M20 12.05V10.73C20 10.26 19.84 9.8 19.54 9.44L15.6 4.72C15.22 4.26 14.66 4 14.06 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V13C2 14.1 2.9 15 4 15H4.05C4.28 16.14 5.29 17 6.5 17S8.72 16.14 8.95 15H17.05C17.28 16.14 18.29 17 19.5 17C20.88 17 22 15.88 22 14.5C22 13.29 21.14 12.28 20 12.05M3.5 6C3.5 5.73 3.73 5.5 4 5.5H7V10H3.5V6M6.5 15.5C5.95 15.5 5.5 15.05 5.5 14.5S5.95 13.5 6.5 13.5 7.5 13.95 7.5 14.5 7.05 15.5 6.5 15.5M13 13.5H9V12H11V10H9V5.5H13V13.5M15 6.34L18.05 10H15V6.34M19.5 15.5C18.95 15.5 18.5 15.05 18.5 14.5S18.95 13.5 19.5 13.5 20.5 13.95 20.5 14.5 20.05 15.5 19.5 15.5M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",YT1="M12,10L8,4.4L9.6,2H14.4L16,4.4L12,10M15.5,6.8L14.3,8.5C16.5,9.4 18,11.5 18,14A6,6 0 0,1 12,20A6,6 0 0,1 6,14C6,11.5 7.5,9.4 9.7,8.5L8.5,6.8C5.8,8.1 4,10.8 4,14A8,8 0 0,0 12,22A8,8 0 0,0 20,14C20,10.8 18.2,8.1 15.5,6.8Z",JT1="M11.43,2C10.61,2 9.94,2.65 9.94,3.5C9.94,4.64 9.94,5.8 9.94,6.96H7.95V7.95H15.91V6.96H13.92C13.92,5.8 13.92,4.64 13.92,3.5C13.92,2.65 13.25,2 12.43,2H11.43M10.94,8.95V21.87L11.93,22.87L12.92,21.87V8.95H10.94Z",Cb1="M11,16H13V20H11M11,10H13V14H11M11,4H13V8H11M4,22H20V2H4V22Z",Hb1="M18.1,4.8C18,4.3 17.6,4 17.1,4H13L13.2,7H10.8L11,4H6.8C6.3,4 5.9,4.4 5.8,4.8L3.1,18.8C3,19.4 3.5,20 4.1,20H10L10.3,15H13.7L14,20H19.8C20.4,20 20.9,19.4 20.8,18.8L18.1,4.8M10.4,13L10.6,9H13.2L13.4,13H10.4Z",Vb1="M10.7 12.5C10.7 12.8 9.4 13.2 8.4 13.2S6.3 12.5 6.3 12.3C6.3 12 7 11.1 8.6 11C9.5 10.9 10.5 11.5 10.7 12.5M15.4 11C14.4 10.9 13.5 11.5 13.3 12.5C13.3 12.8 14.5 13.2 15.6 13.2C16.7 13.2 17.7 12.5 17.7 12.3S17 11.1 15.4 11M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 11.2C20 9.2 19.3 8.5 16.7 8.5C14.1 8.5 13.3 9.6 12 9.6S10 8.5 7.3 8.5 4 9.1 4 11.2C4 14.6 5.5 16.5 7.6 16.5C9.2 16.5 10.4 14.5 12 14.5S14.7 16.5 16.4 16.5C18.5 16.5 20 14.6 20 11.2Z",Lb1="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.74 13.6,5.39 13,5.73V7H14A7,7 0 0,1 21,14H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,15V18A1,1 0 0,1 22,19H21V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V19H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,18V15A1,1 0 0,1 2,14H3A7,7 0 0,1 10,7H11V5.73C10.4,5.39 10,4.74 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M7.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7.5,13M16.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,13Z",Mb1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5C5 14.68 5.4 13.96 6 13.5L9.83 16.38C9.5 17.32 8.57 18 7.5 18M16.5 18C15.43 18 14.5 17.32 14.17 16.38L18 13.5C18.6 13.96 19 14.68 19 15.5C19 16.88 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",Ab1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M21 17H19V20H5V17H3V16H5V14C5 11.24 7.24 9 10 9H14C16.76 9 19 11.24 19 14V16H21V17M17.5 15.5C17.5 16.61 16.61 17.5 15.5 17.5C14.53 17.5 13.73 16.81 13.54 15.9L16.5 13.78C17.1 14.13 17.5 14.76 17.5 15.5M7.5 13.78L10.46 15.9C10.28 16.81 9.47 17.5 8.5 17.5C7.4 17.5 6.5 16.61 6.5 15.5C6.5 14.76 6.9 14.13 7.5 13.78Z",ib1="M20 4H18V3H20.5C20.78 3 21 3.22 21 3.5V5.5C21 5.78 20.78 6 20.5 6H20V7H19V5H20V4M19 9H20V8H19V9M17 3H16V7H17V3M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C14.34 7 14.67 7.03 15 7.08V10H19.74C20.53 11.13 21 12.5 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M10 15.5C10 14.12 8.88 13 7.5 13S5 14.12 5 15.5 6.12 18 7.5 18 10 16.88 10 15.5M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5M17 8H16V9H17V8Z",rb1="M19 8H20V9H19V8M20 5H19V7H20V6H20.5C20.78 6 21 5.78 21 5.5V3.5C21 3.22 20.78 3 20.5 3H18V4H20V5M17 3H16V7H17V3M13.5 15.5C13.5 16.61 14.4 17.5 15.5 17.5S17.5 16.61 17.5 15.5 16.61 13.5 15.5 13.5 13.5 14.4 13.5 15.5M17 8H16V9H17V8M22 14H21C21 12.5 20.53 11.13 19.74 10H16.97C18.19 10.91 19 12.36 19 14V16H21V17H19V20H5V17H3V16H5V14C5 11.24 7.24 9 10 9H14C14.34 9 14.68 9.04 15 9.1V7.08C14.67 7.03 14.34 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5Z",ab1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M9.86 16.68L8.68 17.86L7.5 16.68L6.32 17.86L5.14 16.68L6.32 15.5L5.14 14.32L6.32 13.14L7.5 14.32L8.68 13.14L9.86 14.32L8.68 15.5L9.86 16.68M18.86 16.68L17.68 17.86L16.5 16.68L15.32 17.86L14.14 16.68L15.32 15.5L14.14 14.32L15.32 13.14L16.5 14.32L17.68 13.14L18.86 14.32L17.68 15.5L18.86 16.68Z",eb1="M10.62 14.44L9.56 15.5L10.62 16.56L9.56 17.62L8.5 16.56L7.44 17.62L6.38 16.56L7.44 15.5L6.38 14.44L7.44 13.38L8.5 14.44L9.56 13.38L10.62 14.44M16.56 13.38L15.5 14.44L14.44 13.38L13.38 14.44L14.44 15.5L13.38 16.56L14.44 17.62L15.5 16.56L16.56 17.62L17.62 16.56L16.56 15.5L17.62 14.44L16.56 13.38M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 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6.5 15.87 6.5 15.5C6.5 14.4 7.4 13.5 8.5 13.5S10.5 14.4 10.5 15.5M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M21 16H19V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H10C7.24 9 5 11.24 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H19V17H21V16M15.5 13.5C14.4 13.5 13.5 14.4 13.5 15.5C13.5 15.87 13.61 16.2 13.78 16.5C14.12 15.91 14.76 15.5 15.5 15.5S16.88 15.91 17.22 16.5C17.4 16.2 17.5 15.87 17.5 15.5C17.5 14.4 16.61 13.5 15.5 13.5Z",lb1="M18.41,4L16,6.41V6.59L18.41,9H22V11H17.59L16,9.41V12H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,10V7.5H9.86C9.77,7.87 9.62,8.22 9.42,8.55L15.18,19H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,21V22H2V21A2,2 0 0,1 4,19H10.61L5.92,10.5C4.12,10.47 2.56,9.24 2.11,7.5C1.56,5.36 2.85,3.18 5,2.63C7.13,2.08 9.31,3.36 9.86,5.5H13V3A2,2 0 0,1 15,1H16V3.59L17.59,2H22V4H18.41M6,4.5A2,2 0 0,0 4,6.5A2,2 0 0,0 6,8.5A2,2 0 0,0 8,6.5A2,2 0 0,0 6,4.5Z",ob1="M4 19H8.6L2.62 8.64C2.23 8 2 7.29 2 6.5C2 4.29 3.79 2.5 6 2.5C7.86 2.5 9.43 3.78 9.87 5.5H14V3C14 1.9 14.9 1 16 1V3.59L17.59 2H22V4H18.41L16 6.41V6.59L18.41 9H22V11H17.59L16 9.41V12C14.9 12 14 11.11 14 10V7.5H9.87C9.77 7.89 9.61 8.26 9.41 8.6L15.41 19H20C21.11 19 22 19.9 22 21V22H2V21C2 19.9 2.9 19 4 19M7.91 10C7.35 10.32 6.7 10.5 6 10.5L10.91 19H13.1L7.91 10M6 4.5C4.89 4.5 4 5.4 4 6.5C4 7.61 4.89 8.5 6 8.5C7.11 8.5 8 7.61 8 6.5C8 5.4 7.11 4.5 6 4.5Z",nb1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M9.7 15.45L8.97 16.18L7.5 17.65L5.3 15.45C4.9 15.05 4.9 14.39 5.3 14C5.71 13.58 6.36 13.58 6.77 14L7.5 14.72L8.23 14C8.64 13.58 9.29 13.58 9.7 14C10.1 14.39 10.1 15.05 9.7 15.45M18.7 15.45L17.97 16.18L16.5 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19C16.69 19 15.58 18.17 15.17 17H10C9.09 18.21 7.64 19 6 19C3.24 19 1 16.76 1 14M6 11C4.34 11 3 12.34 3 14C3 15.66 4.34 17 6 17C7.66 17 9 15.66 9 14C9 12.34 7.66 11 6 11M15 10V12H20.25C19.92 11.27 19.5 10.6 19 10H15Z",ub1="M1 14C1 16.76 3.24 19 6 19C7.64 19 9.09 18.21 10 17H15.17C15.58 18.17 16.7 19 18 19C19.31 19 20.42 18.17 20.83 17H23V15C23 9.5 18.5 5 13 5H1V14M21 15H10.9C10.97 14.68 11 14.34 11 14C11 11.24 8.76 9 6 9C4.87 9 3.84 9.37 3 10V7H12.5C15.1 7 17.42 8.16 19 10H15V12H20.25C20.67 12.92 20.92 13.94 21 15M6 11C7.66 11 9 12.34 9 14C9 15.66 7.66 17 6 17C4.34 17 3 15.66 3 14C3 12.34 4.34 11 6 11Z",cb1="M23 15V18C23 18.5 22.64 18.88 22.17 18.97L18.97 15.77C19 15.68 19 15.59 19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13C16.41 13 16.32 13 16.23 13.03L10.2 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.89 21.78C19.62 21.92 19.32 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 11.53 4.29 9.36 6.22 8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 15.5C10 14.12 8.88 13 7.5 13S5 14.12 5 15.5 6.12 18 7.5 18 10 16.88 10 15.5M16.07 17.96L14.04 15.93C14.23 16.97 15.04 17.77 16.07 17.96Z",sb1="M23 15V18C23 18.5 22.64 18.88 22.17 18.97L20.2 17H21V16H19.2L19 15.8V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H12.2L10.2 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.89 21.78C19.62 21.92 19.32 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 11.53 4.29 9.36 6.22 8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M18.11 20L15.6 17.5C15.57 17.5 15.53 17.5 15.5 17.5C14.4 17.5 13.5 16.61 13.5 15.5C13.5 15.47 13.5 15.43 13.5 15.4L7.7 9.59C6.1 10.42 5 12.08 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H18.11Z",Ob1="M17.5 15.5C17.5 16.61 16.61 17.5 15.5 17.5S13.5 16.61 13.5 15.5 14.4 13.5 15.5 13.5 17.5 14.4 17.5 15.5M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M21 16H19V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H10C7.24 9 5 11.24 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H19V17H21V16Z",hb1="M12,2C14.65,2 17.19,3.06 19.07,4.93L17.65,6.35C16.15,4.85 14.12,4 12,4C9.88,4 7.84,4.84 6.35,6.35L4.93,4.93C6.81,3.06 9.35,2 12,2M3.66,6.5L5.11,7.94C4.39,9.17 4,10.57 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,10.57 19.61,9.17 18.88,7.94L20.34,6.5C21.42,8.12 22,10.04 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,10.04 2.58,8.12 3.66,6.5M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13.59 17.37,15.12 16.24,16.24L14.83,14.83C14.08,15.58 13.06,16 12,16C10.94,16 9.92,15.58 9.17,14.83L7.76,16.24C6.63,15.12 6,13.59 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M12,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,8Z",pb1="M10 2C12.6 2 15.2 3.1 17.1 4.9L15.7 6.3C14.1 4.8 12.1 4 10 4S5.8 4.8 4.3 6.3L2.9 4.9C4.8 3.1 7.4 2 10 2M1.7 6.5L3.2 7.9C2.4 9.2 2 10.6 2 12C2 16.4 5.6 20 10 20S18 16.4 18 12C18 10.6 17.6 9.2 16.9 7.9L18.4 6.5C19.4 8.1 20 10 20 12C20 17.5 15.5 22 10 22S0 17.5 0 12C0 10 .6 8.1 1.7 6.5M10 6C13.3 6 16 8.7 16 12C16 13.6 15.4 15.1 14.2 16.2L12.8 14.8C12.1 15.6 11.1 16 10 16S7.9 15.6 7.2 14.8L5.8 16.2C4.6 15.1 4 13.6 4 12C4 8.7 6.7 6 10 6M10 8C9.4 8 9 8.4 9 9S9.4 10 10 10 11 9.6 11 9 10.6 8 10 8M22 12V7H24V13H22M22 17V15H24V17H22Z",fb1="M20.8 22.7L18 19.9C16.3 21.2 14.2 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 10 2.6 8.1 3.7 6.5L5.2 7.9C4.4 9.2 4 10.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.7 20 15.3 19.4 16.6 18.5L13.7 15.6C13.2 15.9 12.6 16 12 16C10.9 16 9.9 15.6 9.2 14.8L7.8 16.2C6.6 15.1 6 13.6 6 12C6 10.8 6.3 9.7 6.9 8.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M20 12C20 13.4 19.6 14.7 19 15.8L20.5 17.3C21.5 15.8 22 14 22 12C22 10 21.4 8.1 20.3 6.5L18.8 7.9C19.6 9.2 20 10.6 20 12M12 4C14.1 4 16.2 4.8 17.7 6.3L19.1 4.9C17.2 3.1 14.7 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.5 6.7 3.5L8.2 5C9.3 4.3 10.7 4 12 4M17.5 14.3C17.8 13.6 18 12.8 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6C11.2 6 10.4 6.2 9.7 6.5L11.4 8.2C11.6 8.1 11.8 8 12 8C12.6 8 13 8.4 13 9C13 9.2 12.9 9.4 12.8 9.6L17.5 14.3Z",gb1="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7H5V5H19V7H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M8,7V9H16V7H8M3,9V12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12V9H19V12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12V9H3M12,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,12Z",kb1="M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V7H3V5H17V7H19V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H3M6 7V9H14V7H6M1 9V12C1 17 5 21 10 21S19 17 19 12V9H17V12C17 15.9 13.9 19 10 19S3 15.9 3 12V9H1M10 12C8.6 12 7.5 13.1 7.5 14.5S8.6 17 10 17 12.5 15.9 12.5 14.5 11.4 12 10 12M21 12V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Bb1="M20.8 22.7L17.3 19.2C15.8 20.3 14 21 12 21C7 21 3 17 3 12V9H5V12C5 15.9 8.1 19 12 19C13.4 19 14.8 18.5 15.9 17.8L14 15.9C13.5 16.5 12.8 17 12 17C10.6 17 9.5 15.9 9.5 14.5C9.5 13.7 9.9 12.9 10.6 12.5L5 6.9V7H3V4.9L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M19 5V7H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H6.2L8.2 5H19M19 12C19 13.1 18.7 14.1 18.3 15.1L19.8 16.6C20.6 15.3 21 13.7 21 12V9H19V12M16 9V7H10.2L12.2 9H16Z",Pb1="M20 22L16.14 20.45C16.84 18.92 17.34 17.34 17.65 15.73L20 22M7.86 20.45L4 22L6.35 15.73C6.66 17.34 7.16 18.92 7.86 20.45M12 2C12 2 17 4 17 12C17 15.1 16.25 17.75 15.33 19.83C15 20.55 14.29 21 13.5 21H10.5C9.71 21 9 20.55 8.67 19.83C7.76 17.75 7 15.1 7 12C7 4 12 2 12 2M12 12C13.1 12 14 11.1 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10C10 11.1 10.9 12 12 12Z",wb1="M13.13 22.19L11.5 18.36C13.07 17.78 14.54 17 15.9 16.09L13.13 22.19M5.64 12.5L1.81 10.87L7.91 8.1C7 9.46 6.22 10.93 5.64 12.5M21.61 2.39C21.61 2.39 16.66 .269 11 5.93C8.81 8.12 7.5 10.53 6.65 12.64C6.37 13.39 6.56 14.21 7.11 14.77L9.24 16.89C9.79 17.45 10.61 17.63 11.36 17.35C13.5 16.53 15.88 15.19 18.07 13C23.73 7.34 21.61 2.39 21.61 2.39M14.54 9.46C13.76 8.68 13.76 7.41 14.54 6.63S16.59 5.85 17.37 6.63C18.14 7.41 18.15 8.68 17.37 9.46C16.59 10.24 15.32 10.24 14.54 9.46M8.88 16.53L7.47 15.12L8.88 16.53M6.24 22L9.88 18.36C9.54 18.27 9.21 18.12 8.91 17.91L4.83 22H6.24M2 22H3.41L8.18 17.24L6.76 15.83L2 20.59V22M2 19.17L6.09 15.09C5.88 14.79 5.73 14.47 5.64 14.12L2 17.76V19.17Z",Fb1="M13.13 22.19L11.5 18.36C13.07 17.78 14.54 17 15.9 16.09L13.13 22.19M5.64 12.5L1.81 10.87L7.91 8.1C7 9.46 6.22 10.93 5.64 12.5M19.22 4C19.5 4 19.75 4 19.96 4.05C20.13 5.44 19.94 8.3 16.66 11.58C14.96 13.29 12.93 14.6 10.65 15.47L8.5 13.37C9.42 11.06 10.73 9.03 12.42 7.34C15.18 4.58 17.64 4 19.22 4M19.22 2C17.24 2 14.24 2.69 11 5.93C8.81 8.12 7.5 10.53 6.65 12.64C6.37 13.39 6.56 14.21 7.11 14.77L9.24 16.89C9.62 17.27 10.13 17.5 10.66 17.5C10.89 17.5 11.13 17.44 11.36 17.35C13.5 16.53 15.88 15.19 18.07 13C23.73 7.34 21.61 2.39 21.61 2.39S20.7 2 19.22 2M14.54 9.46C13.76 8.68 13.76 7.41 14.54 6.63S16.59 5.85 17.37 6.63C18.14 7.41 18.15 8.68 17.37 9.46C16.59 10.24 15.32 10.24 14.54 9.46M8.88 16.53L7.47 15.12L8.88 16.53M6.24 22L9.88 18.36C9.54 18.27 9.21 18.12 8.91 17.91L4.83 22H6.24M2 22H3.41L8.18 17.24L6.76 15.83L2 20.59V22M2 19.17L6.09 15.09C5.88 14.79 5.73 14.47 5.64 14.12L2 17.76V19.17Z",Tb1="M12 2C12 2 7 4 7 12C7 15.1 7.76 17.75 8.67 19.83C9 20.55 9.71 21 10.5 21H13.5C14.29 21 15 20.55 15.33 19.83C16.25 17.75 17 15.1 17 12C17 4 12 2 12 2M13.5 19H10.5C9.5 16.76 9 14.41 9 12C9 7.36 10.9 5.2 12 4.33C13.1 5.2 15 7.36 15 12C15 14.41 14.5 16.76 13.5 19M20 22L16.14 20.45C16.84 18.92 17.34 17.34 17.65 15.73M7.86 20.45L4 22L6.35 15.73C6.66 17.34 7.16 18.92 7.86 20.45M12 12C10.9 12 10 11.1 10 10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8C13.1 8 14 8.9 14 10C14 11.1 13.1 12 12 12Z",bb1="M21.33 17.39C22.73 18.66 21.8 21 19.92 21H11.06C8.25 21 6 18.75 6 15.94V15.89C3.7 15.42 2 13.41 2 11C2 8.25 4.22 6 7 6H9.5C9.8 6 10 5.77 10 5.5S9.8 5 9.5 5H7V3H9.5C10.88 3 12 4.13 12 5.5C12 6.89 10.88 8 9.5 8H7C5.34 8 4 9.33 4 11C4 12.37 4.92 13.5 6.14 13.87C6.7 11.67 8.67 10 11.06 10C11.86 10 12.66 10.22 13.36 10.55C11.95 11.34 11 12.8 11 14.5C11 15.75 11.5 16.87 12.33 17.67L13.03 16.97C12.38 16.36 12 15.47 12 14.5C12 11.91 14.34 11 15.5 11C17.58 11 19.45 12.89 18.94 15.23L21.33 17.39M18 19C18.56 19 19 18.56 19 18S18.56 17 18 17 17 17.44 17 18 17.44 19 18 19Z",yb1="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M6 19V13H11V14.8C10.6 15.1 10.2 15.6 10.2 16.2C10.2 17.2 11 18 12 18S13.8 17.2 13.8 16.2C13.8 15.6 13.5 15.1 13 14.8V13H18V19H6Z",Rb1="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H10.25C10.25 21.97 11.03 22.75 12 22.75S13.75 21.97 13.75 21H22V19H20M6 19V17H11V19H6M13 19V17H18V19H13Z",xb1="M6.5 18C5.1 18 4 19.12 4 20.5S5.1 23 6.5 23 9 21.88 9 20.5 7.86 18 6.5 18M16.5 18C15.1 18 14 19.12 14 20.5S15.1 23 16.5 23 19 21.88 19 20.5 17.86 18 16.5 18M20 17C20 15.63 20.09 13.81 19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13 10 12 9 11.82 8H9C8.71 8 8.5 7.78 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.22 8.71 7 9 7H11.5V6H9C8.71 6 8.5 5.78 8.5 5.5C8.5 5.22 8.71 5 9 5H11.5V2H3V17H20Z",Db1="M20.84 22.73L18.95 20.84C18.78 22.06 17.75 23 16.5 23C15.1 23 14 21.88 14 20.5C14 19.24 14.93 18.2 16.14 18.03L15.11 17H3V4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M9 5H11.5V2H5.2L8.5 5.32C8.59 5.13 8.77 5 9 5M12.56 9.36C12.18 9 11.9 8.5 11.82 8H11.2L12.56 9.36M19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13.45 10.03 13 9.77 12.6 9.4L20 16.79C20 15.45 20.06 13.76 19.5 12.95M9.2 6L10.2 7H11.5V6H9.2M6.5 18C5.1 18 4 19.12 4 20.5C4 21.88 5.1 23 6.5 23S9 21.88 9 20.5C9 19.12 7.86 18 6.5 18Z",Eb1="M4.5 18C3.12 18 2 19.12 2 20.5S3.12 23 4.5 23 7 21.88 7 20.5 5.88 18 4.5 18M18.5 18C17.12 18 16 19.12 16 20.5S17.12 23 18.5 23 21 21.88 21 20.5 19.88 18 18.5 18M20 17C20 15.63 20.09 13.81 19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13 10 12 9 11.82 8H9C8.71 8 8.5 7.78 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.22 8.71 7 9 7H11.5V6H9C8.71 6 8.5 5.78 8.5 5.5C8.5 5.22 8.71 5 9 5H11.5V2H3V17H20M11.5 18C10.12 18 9 19.12 9 20.5S10.12 23 11.5 23 14 21.88 14 20.5 12.88 18 11.5 18Z",Nb1="M20.84 22.73L20.32 22.21C19.86 22.69 19.22 23 18.5 23C17.12 23 16 21.88 16 20.5C16 19.78 16.31 19.14 16.79 18.68L15.11 17H3V4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13.45 10.03 13 9.77 12.6 9.4L20 16.79C20 15.45 20.06 13.76 19.5 12.95M9.2 6L10.2 7H11.5V6H9.2M12.56 9.36C12.18 9 11.9 8.5 11.82 8H11.2L12.56 9.36M11.5 18C10.12 18 9 19.12 9 20.5C9 21.88 10.12 23 11.5 23S14 21.88 14 20.5C14 19.12 12.88 18 11.5 18M9 5H11.5V2H5.2L8.5 5.32C8.59 5.13 8.77 5 9 5M4.5 18C3.12 18 2 19.12 2 20.5C2 21.88 3.12 23 4.5 23S7 21.88 7 20.5C7 19.12 5.88 18 4.5 18Z",Wb1="M19.46,8.64C19.46,11.11 18.11,13.26 16.12,14.4C16,14.5 15.93,14.66 16,14.81L19.41,21.55C19.5,21.76 19.36,22 19.13,22H6.1L6.17,21.96C6.66,21.68 10.06,14.97 13.38,11.79C16.7,8.61 17.12,9.67 15.29,6.21C15.29,6.21 16.7,8.96 15.5,9.17C14.56,9.34 12.4,7.25 13.2,5.37C14,3.53 17.15,3.88 18.6,5.38C19.15,6.34 19.46,7.45 19.46,8.64M7.16,13.13C5.84,15.56 5,17.33 4.54,18.57V2.31C4.54,2.14 4.68,2 4.85,2H12.92C15.26,2.04 17.31,3.28 18.46,5.15C17.62,4.1 16.3,3.5 15,3.5C12.53,3.5 11.91,4.4 7.16,13.13Z",Ib1="M19.89 5H18.5V7C18.5 8.38 17.38 9.5 16 9.5S13.5 8.38 13.5 7V5.25C13.5 5.11 13.39 5 13.25 5H10.75C10.61 5 10.5 5.11 10.5 5.25V7C10.5 8.38 9.38 9.5 8 9.5S5.5 8.38 5.5 7V5H4.11C3 4.97 2.03 5.87 2 7V19C2.03 20.13 3 21.03 4.11 21H19.89C21 21.03 21.97 20.13 22 19V7C21.97 5.87 21 4.97 19.89 5M7 18H5V16H7V18M7 14H5V12H7V14M11 18H9V16H11V18M11 14H9V12H11V14M15 18H13V16H15V18M15 14H13V12H15V14M19 18H17V16H19V18M19 14H17V12H19V14M16 8C15.45 8 15 7.55 15 7V4C15 3.45 15.45 3 16 3C16.55 3 17 3.45 17 4V7C17 7.55 16.55 8 16 8M8 8C7.45 8 7 7.55 7 7V4C7 3.45 7.45 3 8 3C8.55 3 9 3.45 9 4V7C9 7.55 8.55 8 8 8Z",Gb1="M7 18H5V16H7V18M7 14H5V12H7V14M11 18H9V16H11V18M11 14H9V12H11V14M15 18H13V16H15V18M15 14H13V12H15V14M19 18H17V16H19V18M19 14H17V12H19V14M16 8C15.45 8 15 7.55 15 7V4C15 3.45 15.45 3 16 3C16.55 3 17 3.45 17 4V7C17 7.55 16.55 8 16 8M8 8C7.45 8 7 7.55 7 7V4C7 3.45 7.45 3 8 3C8.55 3 9 3.45 9 4V7C9 7.55 8.55 8 8 8M19.89 5H18.5V7C18.5 8.38 17.38 9.5 16 9.5S13.5 8.38 13.5 7V5.25C13.5 5.11 13.39 5 13.25 5H10.75C10.61 5 10.5 5.11 10.5 5.25V7C10.5 8.38 9.38 9.5 8 9.5S5.5 8.38 5.5 7V5H4.11C3 4.97 2.03 5.87 2 7V19C2.03 20.13 3 21.03 4.11 21H19.89C21 21.03 21.97 20.13 22 19V7C21.97 5.87 21 4.97 19.89 5M20 19H4V11H20V19Z",Qb1="M14 7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14Z",Ub1="M9 7L11 12L9 17H11L12 14.5L13 17H15L13 12L15 7H13L12 9.5L11 7H9Z",zb1="M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17Z",_b1="M9 7V9H8V15H9V17H5V15H6V9H5V7H9M14 7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M19 7V9H18V15H19V17H15V15H16V9H15V7H19Z",Kb1="M12 7L14 17H16L18 7H16L15 12L14 7H12M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11Z",jb1="M9 7L11 17H13L15 7H13L12 12L11 7H9Z",qb1="M6 7L8 17H10L12 7H10L9 12L8 7H6M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17Z",$b1="M4 7L6 17H8L10 7H8L7 12L6 7H4M15 7V9H14V15H15V17H11V15H12V9H11V7H15M20 7V9H19V15H20V17H16V15H17V9H16V7H20Z",Xb1="M1 7L3 17H5L7 7H5L4 12L3 7H1M12 7V9H11V15H12V17H8V15H9V9H8V7H12M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17M22 7V9H21V15H22V17H18V15H19V9H18V7H22Z",Yb1="M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11M12 7L14 12L12 17H14L15 14.5L16 17H18L16 12L18 7H16L15 9.5L14 7H12Z",Jb1="M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7C14,7.24 13.96,7.47 13.88,7.69C17.95,8.5 21,11.91 21,16H3C3,11.91 6.05,8.5 10.12,7.69C10.04,7.47 10,7.24 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M22,19H2V17H22V19Z",Cy1="M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7C14,7.24 13.96,7.47 13.88,7.69C17.95,8.5 21,11.91 21,16H3C3,11.91 6.05,8.5 10.12,7.69C10.04,7.47 10,7.24 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M22,19H2V17H22V19M12,9.5C8.89,9.5 6.25,11.39 5.34,14H18.66C17.75,11.39 15.11,9.5 12,9.5Z",Hy1="M12 7C6.5 7 2 9.2 2 12C2 14.2 4.9 16.1 9 16.8V20L13 16L9 12V14.7C5.8 14.1 4 12.8 4 12C4 10.9 7 9 12 9S20 10.9 20 12C20 12.7 18.5 13.9 16 14.5V16.6C19.5 15.8 22 14.1 22 12C22 9.2 17.5 7 12 7Z",Vy1="M7.47,21.5C4.2,19.94 1.86,16.76 1.5,13H0C0.5,19.16 5.66,24 11.95,24L12.61,23.97L8.8,20.16L7.47,21.5M8.36,14.96C8.17,14.96 8,14.93 7.84,14.88C7.68,14.82 7.55,14.75 7.44,14.64C7.33,14.54 7.24,14.42 7.18,14.27C7.12,14.13 7.09,13.97 7.09,13.8H5.79C5.79,14.16 5.86,14.5 6,14.75C6.14,15 6.33,15.25 6.56,15.44C6.8,15.62 7.07,15.76 7.38,15.85C7.68,15.95 8,16 8.34,16C8.71,16 9.06,15.95 9.37,15.85C9.69,15.75 9.97,15.6 10.2,15.41C10.43,15.22 10.62,15 10.75,14.69C10.88,14.4 10.95,14.08 10.95,13.72C10.95,13.53 10.93,13.34 10.88,13.16C10.83,13 10.76,12.81 10.65,12.65C10.55,12.5 10.41,12.35 10.25,12.22C10.08,12.09 9.88,12 9.64,11.91C9.84,11.82 10,11.71 10.16,11.58C10.31,11.45 10.43,11.31 10.53,11.16C10.63,11 10.7,10.86 10.75,10.7C10.8,10.54 10.82,10.38 10.82,10.22C10.82,9.86 10.76,9.54 10.64,9.26C10.5,9 10.35,8.75 10.13,8.57C9.93,8.38 9.66,8.24 9.36,8.14C9.05,8.05 8.71,8 8.34,8C8,8 7.65,8.05 7.34,8.16C7.04,8.27 6.77,8.42 6.55,8.61C6.34,8.8 6.17,9 6.04,9.28C5.92,9.54 5.86,9.82 5.86,10.13H7.16C7.16,9.96 7.19,9.81 7.25,9.68C7.31,9.55 7.39,9.43 7.5,9.34C7.61,9.25 7.73,9.17 7.88,9.12C8.03,9.07 8.18,9.04 8.36,9.04C8.76,9.04 9.06,9.14 9.25,9.35C9.44,9.55 9.54,9.84 9.54,10.21C9.54,10.39 9.5,10.55 9.46,10.7C9.41,10.85 9.32,10.97 9.21,11.07C9.1,11.17 8.96,11.25 8.8,11.31C8.64,11.37 8.44,11.4 8.22,11.4H7.45V12.43H8.22C8.44,12.43 8.64,12.45 8.82,12.5C9,12.55 9.15,12.63 9.27,12.73C9.39,12.84 9.5,12.97 9.56,13.13C9.63,13.29 9.66,13.5 9.66,13.7C9.66,14.11 9.54,14.42 9.31,14.63C9.08,14.86 8.76,14.96 8.36,14.96M16.91,9.04C16.59,8.71 16.21,8.45 15.77,8.27C15.34,8.09 14.85,8 14.31,8H11.95V16H14.25C14.8,16 15.31,15.91 15.76,15.73C16.21,15.55 16.6,15.3 16.92,14.97C17.24,14.64 17.5,14.24 17.66,13.78C17.83,13.31 17.92,12.79 17.92,12.21V11.81C17.92,11.23 17.83,10.71 17.66,10.24C17.5,9.77 17.23,9.37 16.91,9.04M16.5,12.2C16.5,12.62 16.47,13 16.38,13.33C16.28,13.66 16.14,13.95 15.95,14.18C15.76,14.41 15.5,14.59 15.24,14.71C14.95,14.83 14.62,14.89 14.25,14.89H13.34V9.12H14.31C15.03,9.12 15.58,9.35 15.95,9.81C16.33,10.27 16.5,10.93 16.5,11.8M11.95,0L11.29,0.03L15.1,3.84L16.43,2.5C19.7,4.06 22.04,7.23 22.39,11H23.89C23.39,4.84 18.24,0 11.95,0Z",Ly1="M12,5C16.97,5 21,7.69 21,11C21,12.68 19.96,14.2 18.29,15.29C19.36,14.42 20,13.32 20,12.13C20,9.29 16.42,7 12,7V10L8,6L12,2V5M12,19C7.03,19 3,16.31 3,13C3,11.32 4.04,9.8 5.71,8.71C4.64,9.58 4,10.68 4,11.88C4,14.71 7.58,17 12,17V14L16,18L12,22V19Z",My1="M13,4.07V1L8.45,5.55L13,10V6.09C15.84,6.57 18,9.03 18,12C18,14.97 15.84,17.43 13,17.91V19.93C16.95,19.44 20,16.08 20,12C20,7.92 16.95,4.56 13,4.07M7.1,18.32C8.26,19.22 9.61,19.76 11,19.93V17.9C10.13,17.75 9.29,17.41 8.54,16.87L7.1,18.32M6.09,13H4.07C4.24,14.39 4.79,15.73 5.69,16.89L7.1,15.47C6.58,14.72 6.23,13.88 6.09,13M7.11,8.53L5.7,7.11C4.8,8.27 4.24,9.61 4.07,11H6.09C6.23,10.13 6.58,9.28 7.11,8.53Z",Ay1="M4,2H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M20,15A2,2 0 0,1 22,17V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H11V15H20M14,4A8,8 0 0,1 22,12L21.94,13H19.92L20,12A6,6 0 0,0 14,6V9L10,5L14,1V4Z",iy1="M8,14.25L4.75,11H7C7.25,5.39 9.39,1 12,1C14,1 15.77,3.64 16.55,7.45C20.36,8.23 23,10 23,12C23,13.83 20.83,15.43 17.6,16.3L17.89,14.27C19.8,13.72 21,12.91 21,12C21,10.94 19.35,10 16.87,9.5C16.95,10.29 17,11.13 17,12C17,18.08 14.76,23 12,23C10.17,23 8.57,20.83 7.7,17.6L9.73,17.89C10.28,19.8 11.09,21 12,21C13.66,21 15,16.97 15,12C15,11 14.95,10.05 14.85,9.15C13.95,9.05 13,9 12,9L10.14,9.06L10.43,7.05L12,7C12.87,7 13.71,7.05 14.5,7.13C14,4.65 13.06,3 12,3C10.46,3 9.18,6.5 9,11H11.25L8,14.25M14.25,16L11,19.25V17C5.39,16.75 1,14.61 1,12C1,10.17 3.17,8.57 6.4,7.7L6.11,9.73C4.2,10.28 3,11.09 3,12C3,13.54 6.5,14.82 11,15V12.75L14.25,16Z",ry1="M16.89,15.5L18.31,16.89C19.21,15.73 19.76,14.39 19.93,13H17.91C17.77,13.87 17.43,14.72 16.89,15.5M13,17.9V19.92C14.39,19.75 15.74,19.21 16.9,18.31L15.46,16.87C14.71,17.41 13.87,17.76 13,17.9M19.93,11C19.76,9.61 19.21,8.27 18.31,7.11L16.89,8.53C17.43,9.28 17.77,10.13 17.91,11M15.55,5.55L11,1V4.07C7.06,4.56 4,7.92 4,12C4,16.08 7.05,19.44 11,19.93V17.91C8.16,17.43 6,14.97 6,12C6,9.03 8.16,6.57 11,6.09V10L15.55,5.55Z",ay1="M10,4V1L14,5L10,9V6A6,6 0 0,0 4,12L4.08,13H2.06L2,12A8,8 0 0,1 10,4M17,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H17A2,2 0 0,1 15,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 17,2M4,15H13V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V17A2,2 0 0,1 4,15Z",ey1="M19,19H21V21H19V19M19,17H21V15H19V17M3,13H5V11H3V13M3,17H5V15H3V17M3,9H5V7H3V9M3,5H5V3H3V5M7,5H9V3H7V5M15,21H17V19H15V21M11,21H13V19H11V21M15,21H17V19H15V21M7,21H9V19H7V21M3,21H5V19H3V21M21,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,3H11V5H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,8V13H21V8Z",dy1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20M13 13V16H15L12 19L9 16H11V13M5 13H8V15L11 12L8 9V11H5M11 11V8H9L12 5L15 8H13V11M19 11H16V9L13 12L16 15V13H19",my1="M5 9C3.9 9 3 9.9 3 11V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V11C21 9.9 20.11 9 19 9H5M6 12H8V14H6V12M9.5 12H11.5V14H9.5V12M13 12H15V14H13V12Z",ty1="M21 3.1L20.2 3.9C19 2.8 17.5 2.2 16 2.2C14.5 2.2 13 2.8 11.8 3.9L11 3.1C12.4 1.7 14.2 1 16 1C17.8 1 19.6 1.7 21 3.1M16 3.3C17.2 3.3 18.4 3.8 19.3 4.7L18.5 5.5C17.8 4.8 16.9 4.5 16 4.5C15.1 4.5 14.2 4.8 13.5 5.5L12.7 4.7C13.6 3.8 14.8 3.3 16 3.3M17 10H19C19.53 10 20.04 10.21 20.41 10.59C20.79 10.96 21 11.47 21 12V14C21 14.53 20.79 15.04 20.41 15.41C20.04 15.79 19.53 16 19 16H13V18H14C14.55 18 15 18.45 15 19H22V21H15C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21H2V19H9C9 18.45 9.45 18 10 18H11V16H5C4.47 16 3.96 15.79 3.59 15.41C3.21 15.04 3 14.53 3 14V12C3 11.47 3.21 10.96 3.59 10.59C3.96 10.21 4.47 10 5 10H15V6H17V10M5 14H7V12H5V14M8.5 14H10.5V12H8.5V14M12 14H14V12H12V14Z",vy1="M20.2,5.9L21,5.1C19.6,3.7 17.8,3 16,3C14.2,3 12.4,3.7 11,5.1L11.8,5.9C13,4.8 14.5,4.2 16,4.2C17.5,4.2 19,4.8 20.2,5.9M19.3,6.7C18.4,5.8 17.2,5.3 16,5.3C14.8,5.3 13.6,5.8 12.7,6.7L13.5,7.5C14.2,6.8 15.1,6.5 16,6.5C16.9,6.5 17.8,6.8 18.5,7.5L19.3,6.7M19,13H17V9H15V13H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,15V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13M8,18H6V16H8V18M11.5,18H9.5V16H11.5V18M15,18H13V16H15V18Z",ly1="M11.8 5.9L11 5.1C12.4 3.7 14.2 3 16 3S19.6 3.7 21 5.1L20.2 5.9C19 4.8 17.5 4.2 16 4.2S13 4.8 11.8 5.9M21 15C21 13.9 20.1 13 19 13H17V9H15V11.8L21 17.8V15M18.5 7.5L19.3 6.7C18.4 5.8 17.2 5.3 16 5.3S13.6 5.8 12.7 6.7L13.5 7.5C14.2 6.8 15.1 6.5 16 6.5C16.9 6.5 17.8 6.8 18.5 7.5M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L19.1 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13H11.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M8 16H6V18H8V16M11.5 16H9.5V18H11.5V16M15 16.9L14.1 16H13V18H15V16.9Z",oy1="M20.2,4.9C19,3.8 17.5,3.2 16,3.2C14.5,3.2 13,3.8 11.8,4.9L11,4.1C12.4,2.7 14.2,2 16,2C17.8,2 19.6,2.7 21,4.1L20.2,4.9M19.3,5.7L18.5,6.5C17.8,5.8 16.9,5.5 16,5.5C15.1,5.5 14.2,5.8 13.5,6.5L12.7,5.7C13.6,4.8 14.8,4.3 16,4.3C17.2,4.3 18.4,4.8 19.3,5.7M19,12A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 5,12H15V8H17V12H19M8,17V15H6V17H8M11.5,17V15H9.5V17H11.5M15,17V15H13V17H15M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",ny1="M11,10H5L3,8L5,6H11V3L12,2L13,3V4H19L21,6L19,8H13V10H19L21,12L19,14H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V10Z",Zy1="M16.5 13H15V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13M16 9C14.04 9 12.27 9.82 11 11.12V7H17L19 5L17 3H11V2L10 1L9 2V6H3L1 8L3 10H9V20C7.9 20 7 20.9 7 22H12.41C13.46 22.63 14.69 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16S19.87 9 16 9M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16 18.68 20.85 16 20.85Z",Sy1="M8.5,14.5L4,19L5.5,20.5L9,17H11L8.5,14.5M15,1A2,2 0 0,0 13,3A2,2 0 0,0 15,5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3A2,2 0 0,0 15,1M21,21L18,24L15,21V19.5L7.91,12.41C7.6,12.46 7.3,12.5 7,12.5V10.32C8.66,10.35 10.61,9.45 11.67,8.28L13.07,6.73C13.26,6.5 13.5,6.35 13.76,6.23C14.05,6.09 14.38,6 14.72,6H14.75C16,6 17,7 17,8.26V14C17,14.85 16.65,15.62 16.08,16.17L12.5,12.59V10.32C11.87,10.84 11.07,11.34 10.21,11.71L16.5,18H18L21,21Z",uy1="M6.18,15.64A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 8.36,17.82C8.36,19 7.38,20 6.18,20C5,20 4,19 4,17.82A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 6.18,15.64M4,4.44A15.56,15.56 0 0,1 19.56,20H16.73A12.73,12.73 0 0,0 4,7.27V4.44M4,10.1A9.9,9.9 0 0,1 13.9,20H11.07A7.07,7.07 0 0,0 4,12.93V10.1Z",cy1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15M6,10V12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18H14A8,8 0 0,0 6,10M6,6V8A10,10 0 0,1 16,18H18A12,12 0 0,0 6,6Z",sy1="M2.5,3.77L3.78,2.5L21.5,20.22L20.23,21.5L18.73,20H16.73C16.73,19.25 16.67,18.5 16.54,17.81L6.19,7.46C5.5,7.33 4.75,7.27 4,7.27V5.27L2.5,3.77M6.18,15.64A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 8.36,17.82C8.36,19 7.38,20 6.18,20C5,20 4,19 4,17.82A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 6.18,15.64M4,10.1A9.9,9.9 0 0,1 13.9,20H11.07A7.07,7.07 0 0,0 4,12.93V10.1M9.13,5.31C13.59,6.87 17.13,10.41 18.69,14.87L9.13,5.31Z",Oy1="M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14M23 19H1V17H4V15H1V13H4V11H1V9H4V7H1V5H23V7H20V9H23V11H20V13H23V15H20V17H23V19M12 15.92C12.62 16.62 13.66 16.81 14.5 16.33C15.34 15.85 15.69 14.84 15.4 13.96C16.31 13.78 17 12.97 17 12S16.31 10.22 15.4 10.04C15.69 9.16 15.34 8.15 14.5 7.67C13.66 7.19 12.62 7.38 12 8.08C11.38 7.38 10.34 7.19 9.5 7.67C8.66 8.15 8.31 9.16 8.61 10.04C7.69 10.22 7 11.03 7 12S7.69 13.78 8.61 13.96C8.31 14.84 8.66 15.85 9.5 16.33C10.34 16.82 11.38 16.62 12 15.92Z",hy1="M16.22,16.22C18.25,14.19 19.33,11.5 19.45,8.2C18.36,10.61 16.81,12.81 14.81,14.81C12.81,16.81 10.61,18.36 8.2,19.45C11.5,19.36 14.16,18.28 16.22,16.22M7.78,7.78C5.75,9.81 4.67,12.5 4.55,15.8C5,14.8 5.7,13.65 6.61,12.35C7.5,11.05 8.38,10 9.19,9.19C11.19,7.19 13.39,5.64 15.8,4.55C12.5,4.64 9.84,5.72 7.78,7.78M20.5,3.5C21,4.05 21.34,5.11 21.47,6.7C21.59,8.3 21.35,10.16 20.74,12.3C20.13,14.45 19.11,16.23 17.67,17.67C16.36,19 14.8,19.95 13,20.55C11.21,21.16 9.44,21.47 7.69,21.47C5.56,21.47 4.17,21.14 3.5,20.5C3,19.95 2.66,18.89 2.53,17.3C2.41,15.7 2.65,13.84 3.26,11.7C3.87,9.55 4.89,7.77 6.33,6.33C7.64,5 9.2,4.05 11,3.45C12.79,2.84 14.56,2.53 16.31,2.53C18.44,2.53 19.83,2.86 20.5,3.5Z",py1="M1.39,18.36L3.16,16.6L4.58,18L5.64,16.95L4.22,15.54L5.64,14.12L8.11,16.6L9.17,15.54L6.7,13.06L8.11,11.65L9.53,13.06L10.59,12L9.17,10.59L10.59,9.17L13.06,11.65L14.12,10.59L11.65,8.11L13.06,6.7L14.47,8.11L15.54,7.05L14.12,5.64L15.54,4.22L18,6.7L19.07,5.64L16.6,3.16L18.36,1.39L22.61,5.64L5.64,22.61L1.39,18.36Z",fy1="M3,5V21H9V19.5H7V18H9V16.5H5V15H9V13.5H7V12H9V10.5H5V9H9V5H10.5V9H12V7H13.5V9H15V5H16.5V9H18V7H19.5V9H21V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5M6,7A1,1 0 0,1 5,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,7Z",gy1="M20 19.88V22L18.2 20.83L13.41 11.83A4.94 4.94 0 0 0 15.19 10.83M15 7A3 3 0 0 1 12 10A3.27 3.27 0 0 1 11.56 10L5.8 20.83L4 22V19.88L9.79 9A3 3 0 0 1 12 4V2A1 1 0 0 1 13 3V4.18A3 3 0 0 1 15 7M13 7A1 1 0 1 0 12 8A1 1 0 0 0 13 7M4.22 10L6 11.8L4.56 14.56L2.1 12.1M12 17.76L10.5 16.25L9 19L12 22L15 19L13.53 16.23M19.78 10L18 11.8L19.5 14.56L21.9 12.1Z",ky1="M13.5,5.5C14.59,5.5 15.5,4.58 15.5,3.5C15.5,2.38 14.59,1.5 13.5,1.5C12.39,1.5 11.5,2.38 11.5,3.5C11.5,4.58 12.39,5.5 13.5,5.5M9.89,19.38L10.89,15L13,17V23H15V15.5L12.89,13.5L13.5,10.5C14.79,12 16.79,13 19,13V11C17.09,11 15.5,10 14.69,8.58L13.69,7C13.29,6.38 12.69,6 12,6C11.69,6 11.5,6.08 11.19,6.08L6,8.28V13H8V9.58L9.79,8.88L8.19,17L3.29,16L2.89,18L9.89,19.38Z",By1="M16.5,5.5A2,2 0 0,0 18.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,0 16.5,1.5A2,2 0 0,0 14.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,0 16.5,5.5M12.9,19.4L13.9,15L16,17V23H18V15.5L15.9,13.5L16.5,10.5C17.89,12.09 19.89,13 22,13V11C20.24,11.03 18.6,10.11 17.7,8.6L16.7,7C16.34,6.4 15.7,6 15,6C14.7,6 14.5,6.1 14.2,6.1L9,8.3V13H11V9.6L12.8,8.9L11.2,17L6.3,16L5.9,18L12.9,19.4M4,9A1,1 0 0,1 3,8A1,1 0 0,1 4,7H7V9H4M5,5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4A1,1 0 0,1 5,3H10V5H5M3,13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12A1,1 0 0,1 3,11H7V13H3Z",Py1="M20 8H22V6L20 4H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 6V15A2 2 0 0 0 3 17H4A3 3 0 0 0 7 20A3 3 0 0 0 10 17H15A3 3 0 0 0 21 17H23V12M7 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 18.5M9 12H3V9H9M14 15H11V9H14M18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 19.5 17A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12Z",wy1="M16,9C20,11 21,18 21,18C21,18 22,22 16,22C10,22 8,22 8,22C2,22 3,18 3,18C3,18 4,11 8,9M14,4L12,2L10,4L6,2L8,7H16L18,2L14,4Z",Fy1="M19 18.28V18.05C18.95 17.88 18.9 17.63 18.83 17.32C18.69 16.69 18.46 15.85 18.13 14.95C17.5 13.23 16.58 11.74 15.47 11H8.53C7.42 11.74 6.5 13.23 5.87 14.95C5.54 15.85 5.31 16.69 5.17 17.32C5.1 17.63 5.05 17.88 5 18.05V18.29L4.97 18.39L4.95 18.45C4.94 18.5 4.94 18.55 4.94 18.63C4.94 18.79 4.97 18.96 5.04 19.11C5.09 19.21 5.5 20 8 20H16C18.5 20 18.91 19.21 18.96 19.11C19.03 18.96 19.06 18.79 19.06 18.63C19.06 18.55 19.06 18.5 19.05 18.45L19.03 18.39L19 18.29V18.28M3 18C3 18 4 11 8 9H16C20 11 21 18 21 18C21 18 22 22 16 22H8C2 22 3 18 3 18M10 4L12 2L14 4L18 2L16 7H8L6 2L10 4Z",Ty1="M8,7L6,2L10,4L12,2L14,4L18,2L16,7H8M16,22C10,22 8,22 8,22C2,22 3,18 3,18C3,18 4,11 8,9H16C20,11 21,18 21,18C21,18 22,22 16,22M7.5,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,12.5M16.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,18.5M16.5,12.35L15.15,11L7.5,18.65L8.87,20L16.5,12.35Z",by1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19V20H6V19H17V20H19V19A2,2 0 0,0 21,17V16H22V14H21V9H22V7H21V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4H4M4,6H19V17H4V6M13.5,7.5A4,4 0 0,0 9.5,11.5A4,4 0 0,0 13.5,15.5A4,4 0 0,0 17.5,11.5A4,4 0 0,0 13.5,7.5M5,9V14H7V9H5M13.5,9.5A2,2 0 0,1 15.5,11.5A2,2 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A2,2 0 0,1 11.5,11.5A2,2 0 0,1 13.5,9.5Z",yy1="M20 2C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H19V23H15V22H9V23H5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20M17 12C17 11 16.7 10 16.2 9.2L17.7 7.7L16.3 6.3L14.8 7.8C14 7.3 13 7 12 7C11 7 10 7.3 9.2 7.8L7.8 6.3L6.3 7.8L7.8 9.3C7.3 10 7 11 7 12C7 13 7.3 14 7.8 14.8L6.3 16.3L7.8 17.7L9.3 16.2C10 16.7 11 17 12 17C13 17 14 16.7 14.8 16.2L16.3 17.7L17.7 16.3L16.2 14.8C16.7 14 17 13 17 12M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12C15 13.7 13.7 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12C9 10.3 10.3 9 12 9M12 14C13.1 14 14 13.1 14 12C14 10.9 13.1 10 12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12C10 13.1 10.9 14 12 14Z",Ry1="M10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.1 10 12M7.8 17.7L6.3 16.3L7.8 14.8C7.3 14 7 13 7 12C7 11 7.3 10 7.8 9.3L6.3 7.8L7.8 6.3L9.2 7.8C10 7.3 11 7 12 7C13 7 14 7.3 14.8 7.8L16.3 6.3L17.7 7.7L16.2 9.2C16.7 10 17 11 17 12C17 13 16.7 14 16.2 14.8L17.7 16.3L16.3 17.7L14.8 16.2C14 16.7 13 17 12 17C11 17 10 16.7 9.3 16.2L7.8 17.7M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 15 12 15C13.7 15 15 13.7 15 12C15 10.3 13.7 9 12 9M20 2C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H19V23H15V22H9V23H5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20M20 20V4H4V20H20Z",xy1="M18,9C19.11,9 20,9.89 20,11V14C20,15.11 19.11,16 18,16H15.77L14.53,14.77C13.78,14 12.77,13.6 11.7,13.6C10.63,13.6 9.63,14 8.87,14.77L7.64,16H6C4.89,16 4,15.11 4,14V11C4,9.89 4.89,9 6,9H18M18,7H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,11H2L1,11V14H2V14A4,4 0 0,0 6,18H8.5C8.54,17.94 8.59,17.88 10.29,16.18C10.68,15.79 11.19,15.6 11.7,15.6C12.22,15.6 12.73,15.79 13.12,16.18L14.91,18H18A4,4 0 0,0 22,14H22L23,14V11H22V11A4,4 0 0,0 18,7Z",Dy1="M3 13.5L11 2.03V13.5H3M12.5 13.5C13.85 9.75 13.67 4.71 12.5 1C17.26 2.54 20.9 8.4 20.96 13.5H12.5M21.1 17.08C20.69 17.72 20.21 18.27 19.65 18.74C19 18.45 18.42 18 17.96 17.5C16.47 19.43 13.46 19.43 11.97 17.5C10.5 19.43 7.47 19.43 6 17.5C5.5 18 4.95 18.45 4.3 18.74C3.16 17.8 2.3 16.46 2 15H21.94C21.78 15.75 21.5 16.44 21.1 17.08M20.96 23C19.9 23 18.9 22.75 17.96 22.25C16.12 23.25 13.81 23.25 11.97 22.25C10.13 23.25 7.82 23.25 6 22.25C4.77 22.94 3.36 23.05 2 23V21C3.41 21.05 4.77 20.9 6 20C7.74 21.25 10.21 21.25 11.97 20C13.74 21.25 16.2 21.25 17.96 20C19.17 20.9 20.54 21.05 21.94 21V23H20.96Z",Ey1="M20.96 21C19.9 21 18.9 20.74 17.96 20.24C16.12 21.24 13.81 21.24 11.97 20.24C10.13 21.24 7.82 21.24 6 20.24C4.77 20.93 3.36 21.04 2 21V19C3.41 19.04 4.77 18.89 6 18C7.74 19.24 10.21 19.24 11.97 18C13.74 19.24 16.2 19.24 17.96 18C19.17 18.89 20.54 19.04 21.94 19V21H20.96M22 3.5L7.11 5.96L13.11 12.17L22 3.5M10.81 16.36L11.97 15.54L13.12 16.36C13.65 16.72 14.3 16.93 14.97 16.93C15.12 16.93 15.28 16.91 15.43 16.89L5.2 6.31C4.29 7.65 3.9 9.32 4 10.92L9.74 16.83C10.13 16.74 10.5 16.58 10.81 16.36Z",Ny1="M18.65,2.85L19.26,6.71L22.77,8.5L21,12L22.78,15.5L19.24,17.29L18.63,21.15L14.74,20.54L11.97,23.3L9.19,20.5L5.33,21.14L4.71,17.25L1.22,15.47L3,11.97L1.23,8.5L4.74,6.69L5.35,2.86L9.22,3.5L12,0.69L14.77,3.46L18.65,2.85M9.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,7M14.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,14M8.41,17L17,8.41L15.59,7L7,15.59L8.41,17Z",Wy1="M9.5 7C10.33 7 11 7.67 11 8.5C11 9.33 10.33 10 9.5 10C8.67 10 8 9.33 8 8.5C8 7.67 8.67 7 9.5 7M14.5 14C15.33 14 16 14.67 16 15.5C16 16.33 15.33 17 14.5 17C13.67 17 13 16.33 13 15.5C13 14.67 13.67 14 14.5 14M8.41 17L7 15.59L15.59 7L17 8.41L8.41 17M18.65 2.85L19.26 6.71L22.77 8.5L21 12L22.78 15.5L19.24 17.29L18.63 21.15L14.74 20.54L11.97 23.31L9.19 20.5L5.33 21.14L4.71 17.25L1.22 15.47L3 11.97L1.23 8.5L4.74 6.69L5.35 2.87L9.22 3.5L12 .695L14.76 3.46L18.65 2.85M20.1 9.37L17.5 8L17 5.11L14.1 5.53L12 3.5L9.9 5.53L7 5.11L6.5 8L3.9 9.37L5.2 12L3.9 14.63L6.5 16L7 18.89L9.9 18.47L12 20.5L14.1 18.47L17 18.89L17.5 16L20.1 14.63L18.8 12L20.1 9.37Z",Iy1="M18.38,6.37C17.68,6.37 17.07,6.58 16.47,6.78C15.77,5.57 14.46,4.77 13.05,4.77C11.95,4.77 10.95,5.27 10.24,5.97C9.44,4.97 8.23,4.26 6.83,4.26C4.5,4.26 2.5,6.17 2.5,8.5C2.5,9.09 2.71,9.69 2.91,10.29C1.8,10.9 1,12.1 1,13.5C1,15.5 2.61,17.22 4.62,17.22C4.92,17.22 5.22,17.22 5.42,17.12C5.82,18.63 7.33,19.74 9.14,19.74C10.84,19.74 12.25,18.73 12.75,17.32C13.26,17.53 13.76,17.73 14.26,17.73C15.57,17.73 16.77,17 17.37,15.92C17.68,16 18,16 18.28,16C20.89,16 23,13.91 23,11.2C23.1,8.5 21,6.37 18.38,6.37Z",Gy1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M10,15.33C10.16,15.87 10.14,16.37 10,16.83C10,16.88 9.96,16.93 9.94,17C9.92,17 9.9,17.07 9.87,17.12C9.76,17.36 9.6,17.59 9.41,17.79C8.83,18.43 8,18.67 7.67,18.47C7.29,18.25 7.5,17.35 8.16,16.64C8.88,15.88 9.92,15.38 9.92,15.38V15.38L10,15.33M18.27,6.28C17.82,4.5 14.87,3.92 12.09,4.91C10.43,5.5 8.63,6.42 7.34,7.63C5.81,9.07 5.56,10.32 5.66,10.84C6,12.68 8.54,13.89 9.58,14.78V14.79C9.28,14.94 7.04,16.07 6.5,17.23C5.96,18.45 6.6,19.33 7,19.45C8.34,19.81 9.69,19.16 10.41,18.07C11.11,17.03 11.06,15.68 10.75,15C11.17,14.9 11.66,14.85 12.28,14.92C14.04,15.13 14.38,16.22 14.31,16.68C14.25,17.14 13.88,17.39 13.76,17.47C13.64,17.54 13.6,17.57 13.61,17.63C13.62,17.71 13.68,17.71 13.78,17.69C13.93,17.66 14.71,17.32 14.74,16.47C14.78,15.39 13.75,14.19 11.93,14.22C11.18,14.24 10.71,14.31 10.37,14.44L10.29,14.35C9.16,13.15 7.08,12.3 7.17,10.68C7.2,10.09 7.4,8.55 11.17,6.67C14.25,5.13 16.72,5.55 17.15,6.5C17.76,7.83 15.83,10.32 12.63,10.68C11.41,10.82 10.76,10.34 10.6,10.17C10.43,10 10.41,9.97 10.35,10C10.24,10.07 10.31,10.23 10.35,10.33C10.44,10.58 10.84,11 11.5,11.24C12.09,11.43 13.53,11.54 15.26,10.87C17.2,10.12 18.72,8.03 18.27,6.28Z",Qy1="M5,18L8.5,13.5L11,16.5L14.5,12L19,18M5,12V10A5,5 0 0,0 10,5H12A7,7 0 0,1 5,12M5,5H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,8M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Uy1="M11.86,2L11.34,3.93C15.75,4.78 19.2,8.23 20.05,12.65L22,12.13C20.95,7.03 16.96,3.04 11.86,2M10.82,5.86L10.3,7.81C13.34,8.27 15.72,10.65 16.18,13.68L18.12,13.16C17.46,9.44 14.55,6.5 10.82,5.86M3.72,9.69C3.25,10.73 3,11.86 3,13C3,14.95 3.71,16.82 5,18.28V22H8V20.41C8.95,20.8 9.97,21 11,21C12.14,21 13.27,20.75 14.3,20.28L3.72,9.69M9.79,9.76L9.26,11.72A3,3 0 0,1 12.26,14.72L14.23,14.2C14,11.86 12.13,10 9.79,9.76Z",zy1="M11.62,1L17.28,6.67L15.16,8.79L13.04,6.67L11.62,8.09L13.95,10.41L12.79,11.58L13.24,12.04C14.17,11.61 15.31,11.77 16.07,12.54L12.54,16.07C11.77,15.31 11.61,14.17 12.04,13.24L11.58,12.79L10.41,13.95L8.09,11.62L6.67,13.04L8.79,15.16L6.67,17.28L1,11.62L3.14,9.5L5.26,11.62L6.67,10.21L3.84,7.38C3.06,6.6 3.06,5.33 3.84,4.55L4.55,3.84C5.33,3.06 6.6,3.06 7.38,3.84L10.21,6.67L11.62,5.26L9.5,3.14L11.62,1M18,14A4,4 0 0,1 14,18V16A2,2 0 0,0 16,14H18M22,14A8,8 0 0,1 14,22V20A6,6 0 0,0 20,14H22Z",_y1="M19 5.3C20.2 5.8 21 7.1 21 8.5C21 15.4 15.4 21 8.5 21C7.1 21 5.9 20.2 5.3 19L3 20.5V14.5L5.3 16C5.9 14.8 7.1 14 8.5 14C11.5 14 14 11.5 14 8.5C14 7.1 14.8 5.9 16 5.3L14.5 3H20.5L19 5.3Z",Ky1="M20.8 22.7L16.3 18.2C14.2 19.9 11.4 21 8.5 21C7.1 21 5.9 20.2 5.3 19L3 20.5V14.5L5.3 16C5.8 14.8 7.1 14 8.5 14C9.5 14 10.5 13.7 11.3 13.2L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M21 8.5C21 7.1 20.2 5.9 19 5.3L20.5 3H14.5L16 5.3C14.8 5.8 14 7.1 14 8.5C14 9.2 13.9 9.8 13.6 10.4L18.7 15.6C20.2 13.6 21 11.1 21 8.5Z",jy1="M20,15C20,15 18.6,16.3 21.1,17L18.3,19.8H15.5C15.5,19.8 13.6,19.7 15,22H11L9,20C9,20 7.7,18.6 7,21.1L4.2,18.3V15.5C4.2,15.5 4.3,13.6 2,15V11L4,9C4,9 5.4,7.7 2.8,7.1L5.6,4.2H8.5C8.5,4.2 10.4,4.3 9,2H13L15,4C15,4 16.3,5.4 17,2.8L19.8,5.6V8.5C19.8,8.5 19.7,10.4 22,9V13L20,15M14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",qy1="M11 22V6.83L2 16V13.17L13 2V17.17L22 8V10.83L11 22Z",$y1="M4,2A1,1 0 0,0 3,3A1,1 0 0,0 4,4A3,3 0 0,1 7,7V8.66L7,15.5C7,19.1 9.9,22 13.5,22C17.1,22 20,19.1 20,15.5V13A1,1 0 0,0 21,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 14,13V15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15V11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9V8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6V5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,2H4Z",Xy1="M8.46,15.06L7.05,16.47L5.68,15.1C4.82,16.21 4.24,17.54 4.06,19H6V21H2V20C2,15.16 5.44,11.13 10,10.2V8.2L2,5V3H22V5L14,8.2V10.2C18.56,11.13 22,15.16 22,20V21H18V19H19.94C19.76,17.54 19.18,16.21 18.32,15.1L16.95,16.47L15.54,15.06L16.91,13.68C15.8,12.82 14.46,12.24 13,12.06V14H11V12.06C9.54,12.24 8.2,12.82 7.09,13.68L8.46,15.06M12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22C11.68,22 11.38,21.93 11.12,21.79L7.27,20L11.12,18.21C11.38,18.07 11.68,18 12,18Z",Yy1="M12,3C10.73,3 9.6,3.8 9.18,5H3V7H4.95L2,14C1.53,16 3,17 5.5,17C8,17 9.56,16 9,14L6.05,7H9.17C9.5,7.85 10.15,8.5 11,8.83V20H2V22H22V20H13V8.82C13.85,8.5 14.5,7.85 14.82,7H17.95L15,14C14.53,16 16,17 18.5,17C21,17 22.56,16 22,14L19.05,7H21V5H14.83C14.4,3.8 13.27,3 12,3M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 12,7A1,1 0 0,1 11,6A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M5.5,10.25L7,14H4L5.5,10.25M18.5,10.25L20,14H17L18.5,10.25Z",Jy1="M5,2H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 5,2M12,4A4,4 0 0,0 8,8H11.26L10.85,5.23L12.9,8H16A4,4 0 0,0 12,4M5,10V20H19V10H5Z",CR1="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H18V19.89L12.11 14H11V12.89L10.31 12.2A7.92 7.92 0 0 0 7.09 13.68L8.46 15.06L7.05 16.47L5.68 15.1A7.94 7.94 0 0 0 4.06 19H6V21H2V20A10 10 0 0 1 8.68 10.57L3.85 5.74L2 5V3.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73M21.91 18.71A10 10 0 0 0 14 10.2V8.2L22 5V3H6.2M12 18A1.84 1.84 0 0 0 11.12 18.21L7.27 20L11.12 21.79A1.84 1.84 0 0 0 12 22A2 2 0 0 0 12 18Z",HR1="M13 20V8.8C13.5 8.6 14 8.3 14.3 7.9L17.8 9.2L14.9 16C14.4 18 15.9 19 18.4 19S22.5 18 21.9 16L19.3 9.7L20.2 10L20.9 8.1L15 6C15 4.8 14.3 3.6 13 3.1C11.8 2.6 10.5 3.1 9.7 4L3.9 2L3.2 3.8L4.8 4.4L2.1 11C1.6 13 3.1 14 5.6 14S9.7 13 9.1 11L6.6 5.1L9 6C9 7.2 9.7 8.4 11 8.9V20H2V22H22V20H13M19.9 16H16.9L18.4 12.2L19.9 16M7.1 11H4.1L5.6 7.2L7.1 11M11.1 5.7C11.3 5.2 11.9 4.9 12.4 5.1S13.2 5.9 13 6.4 12.2 7.2 11.7 7 10.9 6.2 11.1 5.7Z",VR1="M0 2A2 2 0 0 1 2 0H6V2H2V6H0V2M24 22A2 2 0 0 1 22 24H18V22H22V18H24V22M2 24A2 2 0 0 1 0 22V18H2V22H6V24H2M22 0A2 2 0 0 1 24 2V6H22V2H18V0H22Z",LR1="M4.2,10.7L19.8,5L20.5,6.9L6.4,12H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V12.5C3,11.7 3.5,10.9 4.2,10.7M17,17H19V15H17V17M5,17H15V15H5V17Z",MR1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V12.5C3,11.7 3.5,10.9 4.2,10.7L6.57,9.84L2,5.27M6.4,12H8.73L8.11,11.38L6.4,12M5,15V17H13.73L11.73,15H5M19.8,5L20.5,6.9L11.85,10.03L10.3,8.47L19.8,5M19,12A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18C21,18.34 20.91,18.66 20.76,18.94L19,17.18V15H16.82L13.82,12H19Z",AR1="M7,11A3,3 0 0,1 10,14A3,3 0 0,1 7,17A3,3 0 0,1 4,14A3,3 0 0,1 7,11M11,3A3,3 0 0,1 14,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,3M16.6,14.6C18.25,14.6 19.6,15.94 19.6,17.6A3,3 0 0,1 16.6,20.6C14.94,20.6 13.6,19.25 13.6,17.6A3,3 0 0,1 16.6,14.6Z",iR1="M7,18A4,4 0 0,1 3,14A4,4 0 0,1 7,10A4,4 0 0,1 11,14A4,4 0 0,1 7,18M7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,16A2,2 0 0,0 9,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12M11,10A4,4 0 0,1 7,6A4,4 0 0,1 11,2A4,4 0 0,1 15,6A4,4 0 0,1 11,10M11,4A2,2 0 0,0 9,6A2,2 0 0,0 11,8A2,2 0 0,0 13,6A2,2 0 0,0 11,4M16.6,21.6C14.39,21.6 12.6,19.81 12.6,17.6A4,4 0 0,1 16.6,13.6C18.81,13.6 20.6,15.39 20.6,17.6A4,4 0 0,1 16.6,21.6M16.6,15.6A2,2 0 0,0 14.6,17.6C14.6,18.7 15.5,19.6 16.6,19.6A2,2 0 0,0 18.6,17.6C18.6,16.5 17.7,15.6 16.6,15.6Z",rR1="M17.5 5.1C18.5 6.4 19 7.6 19 9C19 10.7 18.3 12.3 16.6 14.1C14.7 16.1 13 18.3 13 20.5C13 20.9 13.1 21.3 13.2 21.8C13.2 21.9 13.2 22 13.1 22.1C13 22.2 12.9 22.1 12.9 22C11.9 20.7 11.4 19.5 11.4 18.1C11.4 16.4 12.1 14.8 13.8 13C15.7 11 17.4 8.8 17.4 6.6C17.4 6.2 17.3 5.8 17.2 5.3C17.2 5.2 17.2 5.1 17.3 5C17.4 5 17.4 5 17.5 5.1M9.7 2.1C10.4 3 10.7 4 10.7 4.9C10.7 6.2 10.1 7.4 8.9 8.7C7.5 10.2 6.2 11.9 6.2 13.5C6.2 13.8 6.3 14.2 6.4 14.4C6.4 14.5 6.4 14.5 6.3 14.6C6.2 14.7 6.1 14.6 6.1 14.6C5.3 13.6 5 12.6 5 11.7C5 10.4 5.6 9.2 6.8 7.9C8.2 6.4 9.5 4.7 9.5 3.1C9.5 2.8 9.4 2.4 9.3 2.2V2C9.5 2 9.6 2 9.7 2.1M10.1 9.9C12 7.9 13.7 5.7 13.7 3.5C13.7 3.1 13.6 2.7 13.5 2.2C13.5 2.1 13.5 2 13.6 1.9C13.7 1.8 13.8 1.9 13.8 2C14.8 3.3 15.3 4.5 15.3 5.9C15.3 7.6 14.6 9.2 12.9 11C11 13 9.3 15.2 9.3 17.4C9.3 17.8 9.4 18.2 9.5 18.7C9.5 18.8 9.5 18.9 9.4 19C9.3 19.1 9.2 19 9.2 18.9C8.2 17.6 7.7 16.4 7.7 15C7.7 13.3 8.4 11.7 10.1 9.9Z",aR1="M14.6 16.5C13.7 17.8 13 19.2 13 20.5C13 20.9 13.1 21.3 13.2 21.8C13.2 21.9 13.2 22 13.1 22.1C13 22.2 12.9 22.1 12.9 22C11.9 20.7 11.4 19.5 11.4 18.1C11.4 16.9 11.8 15.7 12.6 14.5L11.2 13.1C10.1 14.5 9.4 16 9.4 17.5C9.4 17.9 9.5 18.3 9.6 18.8C9.6 18.9 9.6 19 9.5 19.1C9.4 19.2 9.3 19.1 9.3 19C8.3 17.7 7.8 16.5 7.8 15.1C7.8 13.8 8.3 12.5 9.3 11.1L7.9 9.8C6.9 11 6.2 12.2 6.2 13.4C6.2 13.7 6.3 14.1 6.4 14.3C6.4 14.4 6.4 14.4 6.3 14.5C6.2 14.6 6.1 14.5 6.1 14.5C5.3 13.6 5 12.6 5 11.7C5 10.6 5.5 9.5 6.4 8.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7L14.6 16.5M10.2 7C10.6 6.3 10.8 5.6 10.8 4.9C10.8 4 10.5 3 9.7 2.1C9.6 2 9.5 2 9.4 2C9.3 2 9.4 2.1 9.4 2.2C9.5 2.5 9.6 2.8 9.6 3.1C9.6 3.9 9.3 4.7 8.8 5.5L10.2 7M17.3 6.5C17.3 8.2 16.2 10 14.8 11.6L16.8 13.6C18.3 12.1 19 10.6 19 9C19 7.7 18.5 6.4 17.5 5.1C17.4 5 17.4 5 17.3 5C17.2 5.1 17.2 5.2 17.2 5.3C17.2 5.7 17.3 6.1 17.3 6.5M13.5 10.3C14.7 8.8 15.3 7.4 15.3 5.9C15.3 4.6 14.8 3.3 13.8 2H13.6C13.5 2.1 13.5 2.2 13.5 2.3C13.6 2.7 13.7 3.1 13.7 3.6C13.7 5.2 12.8 6.8 11.5 8.4L13.5 10.3Z",eR1="M12,3L1,9L12,15L21,10.09V17H23V9M5,13.18V17.18L12,21L19,17.18V13.18L12,17L5,13.18Z",dR1="M12 3L1 9L5 11.18V17.18L12 21L19 17.18V11.18L21 10.09V17H23V9L12 3M18.82 9L12 12.72L5.18 9L12 5.28L18.82 9M17 16L12 18.72L7 16V12.27L12 15L17 12.27V16Z",mR1="M11,21H7V19H11V21M15.5,19H17V21H13V19H13.2L11.8,12.9L9.3,13.5C9.2,14 9,14.4 8.8,14.8C7.9,16.3 6,16.7 4.5,15.8C3,14.9 2.6,13 3.5,11.5C4.4,10 6.3,9.6 7.8,10.5C8.2,10.7 8.5,11.1 8.7,11.4L11.2,10.8L10.6,8.3C10.2,8.2 9.8,8 9.4,7.8C8,6.9 7.5,5 8.4,3.5C9.3,2 11.2,1.6 12.7,2.5C14.2,3.4 14.6,5.3 13.7,6.8C13.5,7.2 13.1,7.5 12.8,7.7L15.5,19M7,11.8C6.3,11.3 5.3,11.6 4.8,12.3C4.3,13 4.6,14 5.3,14.4C6,14.9 7,14.7 7.5,13.9C7.9,13.2 7.7,12.2 7,11.8M12.4,6C12.9,5.3 12.6,4.3 11.9,3.8C11.2,3.3 10.2,3.6 9.7,4.3C9.3,5 9.5,6 10.3,6.5C11,6.9 12,6.7 12.4,6M12.8,11.3C12.6,11.2 12.4,11.2 12.3,11.4C12.2,11.6 12.2,11.8 12.4,11.9C12.6,12 12.8,12 12.9,11.8C13.1,11.6 13,11.4 12.8,11.3M21,8.5L14.5,10L15,12.2L22.5,10.4L23,9.7L21,8.5M23,19H19V21H23V19M5,19H1V21H5V19Z",tR1="M7.82 19H15V18C15 15.79 16.79 14 19 14H19.74L17.84 5.56C17.63 4.65 16.82 4 15.89 4H12V6H15.89L17.29 12.25H17.28C15.12 12.9 13.47 14.73 13.09 17H7.82C7.34 15.66 5.96 14.76 4.4 15.06C3.22 15.29 2.27 16.26 2.05 17.44C1.7 19.34 3.16 21 5 21C6.3 21 7.4 20.16 7.82 19M5 19C4.45 19 4 18.55 4 18S4.45 17 5 17 6 17.45 6 18 5.55 19 5 19M19 15C17.34 15 16 16.34 16 18S17.34 21 19 21 22 19.66 22 18 20.66 15 19 15M19 19C18.45 19 18 18.55 18 18S18.45 17 19 17 20 17.45 20 18 19.55 19 19 19Z",vR1="M7.82 16H15V15C15 12.79 16.79 11 19 11H19.74L17.84 2.56C17.63 1.65 16.82 1 15.89 1H12V3H15.89L17.29 9.25H17.28C15.12 9.9 13.47 11.73 13.09 14H7.82C7.34 12.66 5.96 11.76 4.4 12.06C3.22 12.29 2.27 13.26 2.05 14.44C1.7 16.34 3.16 18 5 18C6.3 18 7.4 17.16 7.82 16M5 16C4.45 16 4 15.55 4 15S4.45 14 5 14 6 14.45 6 15 5.55 16 5 16M19 12C17.34 12 16 13.34 16 15S17.34 18 19 18 22 16.66 22 15 20.66 12 19 12M19 16C18.45 16 18 15.55 18 15S18.45 14 19 14 20 14.45 20 15 19.55 16 19 16M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",lR1="M6 9H8V15H6V9M16 9H18V15H16V9M21 3C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5V19C23 20.1 22.1 21 21 21H3C1.9 21 1 20.1 1 19V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H21M5 7C4.4 7 4 7.4 4 8V16C4 16.6 4.4 17 5 17H9C9.6 17 10 16.6 10 16V8C10 7.4 9.6 7 9 7H5M15 7C14.4 7 14 7.4 14 8V16C14 16.6 14.4 17 15 17H19C19.6 17 20 16.6 20 16V8C20 7.4 19.6 7 19 7H15M12 11C12.6 11 13 10.6 13 10C13 9.4 12.6 9 12 9C11.4 9 11 9.4 11 10C11 10.6 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 14.6 13 14C13 13.4 12.6 13 12 13C11.4 13 11 13.4 11 14C11 14.6 11.4 15 12 15Z",oR1="M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H21C22.1 21 23 20.1 23 19V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3M21 19H3V5H21M5 7H9C9.6 7 10 7.4 10 8V16C10 16.6 9.6 17 9 17H5C4.4 17 4 16.6 4 16V8C4 7.4 4.4 7 5 7M6 9V15H8V9M15 7H19C19.6 7 20 7.4 20 8V16C20 16.6 19.6 17 19 17H15C14.4 17 14 16.6 14 16V8C14 7.4 14.4 7 15 7M16 9V15H18V9M12 11C12.6 11 13 10.6 13 10C13 9.4 12.6 9 12 9C11.4 9 11 9.4 11 10C11 10.6 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 14.6 13 14C13 13.4 12.6 13 12 13C11.4 13 11 13.4 11 14C11 14.6 11.4 15 12 15Z",nR1="M7.5,21.5C4.25,19.94 1.91,16.76 1.55,13H0.05C0.56,19.16 5.71,24 12,24L12.66,23.97L8.85,20.16M14.83,21.19L2.81,9.17L9.17,2.81L21.19,14.83M10.23,1.75C9.64,1.16 8.69,1.16 8.11,1.75L1.75,8.11C1.16,8.7 1.16,9.65 1.75,10.23L13.77,22.25C14.36,22.84 15.31,22.84 15.89,22.25L22.25,15.89C22.84,15.3 22.84,14.35 22.25,13.77L10.23,1.75M16.5,2.5C19.75,4.07 22.09,7.24 22.45,11H23.95C23.44,4.84 18.29,0 12,0L11.34,0.03L15.15,3.84L16.5,2.5Z",ZR1="M16.8,2.5C16.8,1.56 17.56,0.8 18.5,0.8C19.44,0.8 20.2,1.56 20.2,2.5V3H16.8V2.5M16,9H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,8V4A1,1 0 0,0 21,3V2.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,0A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,2.5V3A1,1 0 0,0 15,4V8A1,1 0 0,0 16,9M8.47,20.5C5.2,18.94 2.86,15.76 2.5,12H1C1.5,18.16 6.66,23 12.95,23L13.61,22.97L9.8,19.15L8.47,20.5M23.25,12.77L20.68,10.2L19.27,11.61L21.5,13.83L15.83,19.5L4.5,8.17L10.17,2.5L12.27,4.61L13.68,3.2L11.23,0.75C10.64,0.16 9.69,0.16 9.11,0.75L2.75,7.11C2.16,7.7 2.16,8.65 2.75,9.23L14.77,21.25C15.36,21.84 16.31,21.84 16.89,21.25L23.25,14.89C23.84,14.3 23.84,13.35 23.25,12.77Z",SR1="M13.5,17V19L12,22L10.5,19L13.5,17M14.5,6.3L13.5,7V6H10.5V9L9.5,9.7V10.7L14.5,7.4V6.3M14.5,10.3L13.5,11V9L10.5,11V13L9.5,13.7V14.7L14.5,11.4V10.3M14.5,14.3L13.5,15V13L10.5,15V17L9.5,17.7V18.7L14.5,15.4V14.3M8,2C8,2 7,2 7,3L10,5H14L17,3C17,3 17,2 16,2C15,2 8,2 8,2Z",uR1="M10,19.3L14,16.6V20L12,22L10,20V19.3M14,12.7L10,15.4V17.4L9,18V19L15,15.1V14L14,14.7V12.7M7,2V5H17V2H7M9,6V9L10,9.7V13.4L9,14V15L15,11.1V10L14,10.7C14,10.7 14,10.3 14,9.7L15,9V6H9Z",cR1="M14.5,7.3L13.5,8V7H10.5V10L9.5,10.7V11.7L14.5,8.4V7.3M14.5,11.3L13.5,12V10L10.5,12V14L9.5,14.7V15.7L14.5,12.4V11.3M14.5,15.3L13.5,16V14L10.5,16V18L9.5,18.7V19.7L14.5,16.4V15.3M8,3C8,3 7,3 7,4L10,6H14L17,4C17,4 17,3 16,3C15,3 8,3 8,3M13.5,18V21H10.5V20L13.5,18Z",sR1="M14.5,7.3L13.5,8V7H10.5V10L9.5,10.7V11.7L14.5,8.4V7.3M14.5,11.3L13.5,12V10L10.5,12V14L9.5,14.7V15.7L14.5,12.4V11.3M14.5,15.3L13.5,16V14L10.5,16V18L9.5,18.7V19.7L14.5,16.4V15.3M7,6H17C17,6 16,3 12,3C8,3 7,6 7,6M13.5,18V21H10.5V20L13.5,18Z",OR1="M13.5,17V19L12,22L10.5,19L13.5,17M14.5,6.3L13.5,7V6H10.5V9L9.5,9.7V10.7L14.5,7.4V6.3M14.5,10.3L13.5,11V9L10.5,11V13L9.5,13.7V14.7L14.5,11.4V10.3M14.5,14.3L13.5,15V13L10.5,15V17L9.5,17.7V18.7L14.5,15.4V14.3M7,5H17C17,5 16,2 12,2C8,2 7,5 7,5Z",hR1="M18,1.83C17.5,1.83 17,2 16.59,2.41C13.72,5.28 8,11 8,11L9.5,12.5L6,16H4L2,20L4,22L8,20V18L11.5,14.5L13,16C13,16 18.72,10.28 21.59,7.41C22.21,6.5 22.37,5.37 21.59,4.59L19.41,2.41C19,2 18.5,1.83 18,1.83M18,4L20,6L13,13L11,11L18,4Z",pR1="M17.8,20C17.4,21.2 16.3,22 15,22H5C3.3,22 2,20.7 2,19V18H5L14.2,18C14.6,19.2 15.7,20 17,20H17.8M19,2H8C6.3,2 5,3.3 5,5V16H16V17C16,17.6 16.4,18 17,18H18V5C18,4.4 18.4,4 19,4C19.6,4 20,4.4 20,5V6H22V5C22,3.3 20.7,2 19,2Z",fR1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 16,19V4H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,5V16H5V5A3,3 0 0,1 8,2H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V6H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5V9L18,19A3,3 0 0,1 15,22H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,19V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,20Z",gR1="M17.8,20C17.4,21.2 16.3,22 15,22H5C3.3,22 2,20.7 2,19V18H5L14.2,18C14.6,19.2 15.7,20 17,20H17.8M19,2C20.7,2 22,3.3 22,5V6H20V5C20,4.4 19.6,4 19,4C18.4,4 18,4.4 18,5V18H17C16.4,18 16,17.6 16,17V16H5V5C5,3.3 6.3,2 8,2H19M8,6V8H15V6H8M8,10V12H14V10H8Z",kR1="M17.8 19C17.4 17.8 16.3 17 15 17C13.3 17 12 18.3 12 20S13.3 23 15 23C16.3 23 17.4 22.2 17.8 21H19V23H21V21H23V19H17.8M15 21.3C14.3 21.3 13.7 20.7 13.7 20S14.3 18.7 15 18.7 16.3 19.3 16.3 20 15.7 21.3 15 21.3M15 15C16.1 15 17.2 15.4 18 16V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H12C12.8 15.4 13.9 15 15 15M8 6H15V8H8V6M8 10H14V12H8V10M10.4 22H5C3.3 22 2 20.7 2 19V18H10.4C10.1 18.6 10 19.3 10 20S10.1 21.4 10.4 22",BR1="M17.8 19C17.4 17.8 16.3 17 15 17C13.3 17 12 18.3 12 20S13.3 23 15 23C16.3 23 17.4 22.2 17.8 21H19V23H21V21H23V19H17.8M15 21.3C14.3 21.3 13.7 20.7 13.7 20S14.3 18.7 15 18.7 16.3 19.3 16.3 20 15.7 21.3 15 21.3M9 10H14V12H9V10M9 6H14V8H9V6M7 5C7 4.4 7.4 4 8 4H16V15.1C16.7 15.3 17.4 15.6 18 16V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H7V5M10 20C10 19.3 10.1 18.6 10.4 18H2V19C2 20.7 3.3 22 5 22H10.4C10.1 21.4 10 20.7 10 20M9 16H12C12.6 15.6 13.3 15.2 14 15.1V14H9V16Z",PR1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 16,19V4H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,5V16H5V5A3,3 0 0,1 8,2H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V6H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5V9L18,19A3,3 0 0,1 15,22H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,19V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,20M9,6H14V8H9V6M9,10H14V12H9V10M9,14H14V16H9V14Z",wR1="M13.8 22H5C3.3 22 2 20.7 2 19V18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.1 13.8 22M13.8 16H5V5C5 3.3 6.3 2 8 2H19C20.7 2 22 3.3 22 5V6H20V5C20 4.4 19.6 4 19 4S18 4.4 18 5V13.1C16.2 13.4 14.7 14.5 13.8 16M8 8H15V6H8V8M8 12H14V10H8V12M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",FR1="M9 14H14V15.7C13.9 15.8 13.9 15.9 13.8 16H9V14M9 12H14V10H9V12M9 8H14V6H9V8M7 5C7 4.4 7.4 4 8 4H16V13.8C16.6 13.4 17.3 13.2 18 13.1V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H7V5M13 19V18.4 18H2V19C2 20.7 3.3 22 5 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",TR1="M18,8H16V4H18M15,8H13V4H15M12,8H10V4H12M18,2H10L4,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",bR1="M20.39,19.37L16.38,18L15,22L11.92,16L9,22L7.62,18L3.61,19.37L6.53,13.37C5.57,12.17 5,10.65 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,10.65 18.43,12.17 17.47,13.37L20.39,19.37M7,9L9.69,10.34L9.5,13.34L12,11.68L14.5,13.33L14.33,10.34L17,9L14.32,7.65L14.5,4.67L12,6.31L9.5,4.65L9.67,7.66L7,9Z",yR1="M17.71 6.15C17.46 5.38 16.79 5.21 16.45 4.77C16.14 4.31 16.18 3.62 15.53 3.15S14.23 2.92 13.7 2.77 12.81 2 12 2 10.82 2.58 10.3 2.77 9.13 2.67 8.47 3.15 7.86 4.31 7.55 4.77C7.21 5.21 6.55 5.38 6.29 6.15S6.5 7.45 6.5 8 6 9.08 6.29 9.85 7.21 10.79 7.55 11.23C7.86 11.69 7.82 12.38 8.47 12.85S9.77 13.08 10.3 13.23 11.19 14 12 14 13.18 13.42 13.7 13.23 14.87 13.33 15.53 12.85 16.14 11.69 16.45 11.23C16.79 10.79 17.45 10.62 17.71 9.85S17.5 8.55 17.5 8 18 6.92 17.71 6.15M12 12A4 4 0 1 1 16 8A4 4 0 0 1 12 12M14 8A2 2 0 1 1 12 6A2 2 0 0 1 14 8M13.71 15.56L13.08 19.16L12.35 23.29L9.74 20.8L6.44 22.25L7.77 14.75A4 4 0 0 0 9.66 15.17A4.15 4.15 0 0 0 11 15.85A3.32 3.32 0 0 0 12 16A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 13.71 15.56M17.92 18.78L15.34 17.86L15.85 14.92A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 16.7 14.47L16.82 14.37Z",RR1="M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,4.5L8.95,4.53C8.71,5.05 8.34,5.93 8.07,7H10.93C10.66,5.93 10.29,5.05 10.05,4.53C9.87,4.5 9.69,4.5 9.5,4.5M13.83,7C13.24,5.97 12.29,5.17 11.15,4.78C11.39,5.31 11.7,6.08 11.93,7H13.83M5.17,7H7.07C7.3,6.08 7.61,5.31 7.85,4.78C6.71,5.17 5.76,5.97 5.17,7M4.5,9.5C4.5,10 4.58,10.53 4.73,11H6.87L6.75,9.5L6.87,8H4.73C4.58,8.47 4.5,9 4.5,9.5M14.27,11C14.42,10.53 14.5,10 14.5,9.5C14.5,9 14.42,8.47 14.27,8H12.13C12.21,8.5 12.25,9 12.25,9.5C12.25,10 12.21,10.5 12.13,11H14.27M7.87,8L7.75,9.5L7.87,11H11.13C11.21,10.5 11.25,10 11.25,9.5C11.25,9 11.21,8.5 11.13,8H7.87M9.5,14.5C9.68,14.5 9.86,14.5 10.03,14.47C10.28,13.95 10.66,13.07 10.93,12H8.07C8.34,13.07 8.72,13.95 8.97,14.47L9.5,14.5M13.83,12H11.93C11.7,12.92 11.39,13.69 11.15,14.22C12.29,13.83 13.24,13.03 13.83,12M5.17,12C5.76,13.03 6.71,13.83 7.85,14.22C7.61,13.69 7.3,12.92 7.07,12H5.17Z",xR1="M4,18V21H7V18H17V21H20V15H4V18M19,10H22V13H19V10M2,10H5V13H2V10M17,13H7V5A2,2 0 0,1 9,3H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,5V13Z",DR1="M22,11V13H9V7H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,11M2,14V16H8V18H16V16H22V14M7.14,12.1C8.3,10.91 8.28,9 7.1,7.86C5.91,6.7 4,6.72 2.86,7.9C1.7,9.09 1.72,11 2.9,12.14C4.09,13.3 6,13.28 7.14,12.1Z",ER1="M22.25,14.29L21.56,16.18L9.2,11.71L11.28,6.05L19.84,9.14C21.94,9.9 23,12.2 22.25,14.29M1.5,12.14L8,14.5V19H16V17.37L20.5,19L21.21,17.11L2.19,10.25M7.3,10.2C8.79,9.5 9.42,7.69 8.71,6.2C8,4.71 6.2,4.08 4.7,4.8C3.21,5.5 2.58,7.3 3.3,8.8C4,10.29 5.8,10.92 7.3,10.2Z",NR1="M7,13A3,3 0 0,0 10,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,7A3,3 0 0,0 4,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,13M19,7H11V14H3V7H1V17H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7Z",WR1="M4,12V3H2V12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H13V15H7A3,3 0 0,1 4,12M22.83,17.24C22.45,16.5 21.54,16.27 20.8,16.61L19.71,17.11L16.3,10.13C15.96,9.45 15.27,9 14.5,9H11V3H5V11A3,3 0 0,0 8,14H15L18.41,21L22.13,19.3C22.9,18.94 23.23,18 22.83,17.24Z",IR1="M5,12V3H3V12A5,5 0 0,0 8,17H14V15H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,12M20.5,18H19V11A2,2 0 0,0 17,9H12V3H6V11A3,3 0 0,0 9,14H16V21H20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 22,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,18Z",GR1="M19.97,19.2C20.15,20.16 19.42,21 18.5,21H14V18L15,14H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V3H12V9H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,11L17,18H18.44C19.17,18 19.83,18.5 19.97,19.2M5,12V3H3V12A5,5 0 0,0 8,17H12V15H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,12Z",QR1="M15,5V12H9V5H15M15,3H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,5V14H17V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M22,10H19V13H22V10M5,10H2V13H5V10M20,15H4V21H6V17H18V21H20V15Z",UR1="M9 19H15V21H9C6.24 21 4 18.76 4 16V7H6V16C6 17.66 7.34 19 9 19M10.42 5.41C11.2 4.63 11.2 3.36 10.42 2.58C9.64 1.8 8.37 1.8 7.59 2.58C6.81 3.36 6.81 4.63 7.59 5.41C8.37 6.2 9.63 6.2 10.42 5.41M11.5 9C11.5 7.9 10.6 7 9.5 7H9C7.9 7 7 7.9 7 9V15C7 16.66 8.34 18 10 18H15.07L18.57 21.5L20 20.07L14.93 15H11.5L11.5 9Z",zR1="M5.35,5.64C4.45,5 4.23,3.76 4.86,2.85C5.5,1.95 6.74,1.73 7.65,2.36C8.55,3 8.77,4.24 8.14,5.15C7.5,6.05 6.26,6.27 5.35,5.64M16,19H8.93C7.45,19 6.19,17.92 5.97,16.46L4,7H2L4,16.76C4.37,19.2 6.47,21 8.94,21H16M16.23,15H11.35L10.32,10.9C11.9,11.79 13.6,12.44 15.47,12.12V10C13.84,10.3 12.03,9.72 10.78,8.74L9.14,7.47C8.91,7.29 8.65,7.17 8.38,7.09C8.06,7 7.72,6.97 7.39,7.03H7.37C6.14,7.25 5.32,8.42 5.53,9.64L6.88,15.56C7.16,17 8.39,18 9.83,18H16.68L20.5,21L22,19.5",_R1="M7.59,5.41C6.81,4.63 6.81,3.36 7.59,2.58C8.37,1.8 9.64,1.8 10.42,2.58C11.2,3.36 11.2,4.63 10.42,5.41C9.63,6.2 8.37,6.2 7.59,5.41M6,16V7H4V16A5,5 0 0,0 9,21H15V19H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,16M20,20.07L14.93,15H11.5V11.32C12.9,12.47 15.1,13.5 17,13.5V11.32C15.34,11.34 13.39,10.45 12.33,9.28L10.93,7.73C10.74,7.5 10.5,7.35 10.24,7.23C9.95,7.09 9.62,7 9.28,7H9.25C8,7 7,8 7,9.25V15A3,3 0 0,0 10,18H15.07L18.57,21.5",KR1="M12,2C13.11,2 14,2.9 14,4C14,5.11 13.11,6 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M12.39,14.79C14.03,14.79 15.46,14.89 16.64,15.04C16.7,12.32 16.46,9.92 16,9C15.87,8.73 15.69,8.5 15.5,8.3L7.43,15.22C8.79,15 10.5,14.79 12.39,14.79M7.46,17C7.59,18.74 7.85,20.5 8.27,22H10.34C10.05,21.12 9.84,20.09 9.68,19C9.68,19 12,18.56 14.32,19C14.16,20.09 13.95,21.12 13.66,22H15.73C16.17,20.45 16.43,18.61 16.56,16.79C15.41,16.65 14,16.54 12.39,16.54C10.46,16.54 8.78,16.75 7.46,17M12,7C12,7 9,7 8,9C7.66,9.68 7.44,11.15 7.37,12.96L13.92,7.34C12.93,7 12,7 12,7M18.57,5.67L17.43,4.34L13.92,7.35C14.47,7.54 15.05,7.84 15.5,8.3L18.57,5.67M20.67,15.83C20.58,15.8 19.14,15.33 16.64,15.04C16.63,15.61 16.6,16.2 16.56,16.79C18.81,17.07 20.1,17.5 20.12,17.5L20.67,15.83M7.37,12.96L3.43,16.34L4.32,17.82C4.34,17.81 5.5,17.36 7.46,17C7.35,15.59 7.32,14.2 7.37,12.96Z",jR1="M12,12H19C18.47,16.11 15.72,19.78 12,20.92V12H5V6.3L12,3.19M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.73 12,23C17.16,21.73 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",qR1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17.34C8.07,16.13 6,13 6,9.67V5.67L12,3L18,5.67V9.67C18,13 15.93,16.13 13,17.34V19M12,5L8,6.69V10H12V5M12,10V16C13.91,15.53 16,13.06 16,11V10H12Z",$R1="M20.7,3.3C20.7,3.3 19.3,3 17.2,3C11.7,3 1.6,5.1 3.2,20.8C4.3,20.9 5.4,21 6.4,21C24.3,21 20.7,3.3 20.7,3.3M7,17C7,17 7,7 17,7C17,7 11,9 7,17Z",XR1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.9 7.8C3.8 10.5 2.6 14.6 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C10.9 21 14.1 19.9 16.3 18.2L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 17C7 17 7 13.7 8.9 10.8L10.2 12.1C9.1 13.4 8 15 7 17M11.6 8.4L8.5 5.3C11.3 3.4 14.7 3 17.2 3C19.3 3 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S22.1 10.3 18.7 15.5L12.8 9.6C15.1 7.6 17 7 17 7C14.7 7 12.9 7.5 11.6 8.4Z",YR1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.9 7.8C3.8 10.5 2.6 14.6 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C10.9 21 14.1 19.9 16.3 18.2L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M6.4 19H5.1C4.9 14.8 5.6 11.5 7.3 9.2L8.9 10.8C7 13.7 7 17 7 17C8 15 9.1 13.4 10.2 12.1L14.8 16.7C12.8 18.2 10 19 6.4 19M10 6.8L8.5 5.3C11.3 3.4 14.7 3 17.2 3C19.3 3 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S22.1 10.3 18.7 15.5L17.2 14C19.1 10.9 19 7.1 18.9 5.1C18.4 5 17.8 5 17.2 5C15.1 5 12.3 5.3 10 6.8M12.8 9.6L11.6 8.4C12.9 7.5 14.7 7 17 7C17 7 15.1 7.6 12.8 9.6Z",JR1="M17.2,5V5C17.8,5 18.4,5 18.9,5.1C19.1,7.4 19.1,12 16.4,15.2C14.4,17.7 11,19 6.4,19C6,19 5.5,19 5.1,19C4.9,14.4 5.8,10.8 7.9,8.5C10.4,5.6 14.4,5 17.2,5M17.2,3C11.7,3 1.6,5.1 3.2,20.8C4.3,20.9 5.4,21 6.4,21C24.3,21 20.7,3.3 20.7,3.3C20.7,3.3 19.3,3 17.2,3M17,7C7,7 7,17 7,17C11,9 17,7 17,7Z",Cx1="M17 17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17V17M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.77 12 19.5 12.15 20.17 12.41C21.63 7.9 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S19.3 3 17.2 3C11.7 3 1.6 5.1 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C8.76 21 10.74 20.69 12.41 20.15C12.15 19.5 12 18.76 12 18M7 17C7 17 7 7 17 7C17 7 11 9 7 17Z",Hx1="M17.2 5C17.8 5 18.4 5 18.9 5.1C19.04 6.7 19.08 9.42 18.18 12C18.89 12 19.56 12.17 20.18 12.41C21.64 7.9 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S19.3 3 17.2 3C11.7 3 1.6 5.1 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C8.75 21 10.74 20.69 12.4 20.16C12.16 19.54 12 18.87 12 18.17C10.41 18.72 8.53 19 6.4 19H5.1C4.9 14.4 5.8 10.8 7.9 8.5C10.4 5.6 14.4 5 17.2 5M17 7C7 7 7 17 7 17C11 9 17 7 17 7M17 17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17V17Z",Vx1="M21.68 13.26L22.04 15.23L2.35 18.77L2 16.8L4.95 16.27L4.6 14.3C4.5 13.76 4.86 13.24 5.41 13.14C5.95 13.04 6.47 13.4 6.57 13.95L6.92 15.91L16.76 14.15L16.41 12.18C16.31 11.63 16.67 11.11 17.22 11C17.76 10.92 18.28 11.28 18.38 11.82L18.73 13.79L21.68 13.26M10.06 18.4L8 22H16L13.58 17.77L10.06 18.4Z",Lx1="M21,8H3V6H21M9,13H21V11H9M9,18H21V16H9",Mx1="M4,3H5V5H3V4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3M20,3A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V5H19V3H20M15,5V3H17V5H15M11,5V3H13V5H11M7,5V3H9V5H7M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H19V19H21V20M15,21V19H17V21H15M11,21V19H13V21H11M7,21V19H9V21H7M4,21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V19H5V21H4M3,15H5V17H3V15M21,15V17H19V15H21M3,11H5V13H3V11M21,11V13H19V11H21M3,7H5V9H3V7M21,7V9H19V7H21Z",Ax1="M9,9H15V15H9M7,17H17V7H7M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,21A2,2 0 0,0 21,19H19M19,13H21V11H19M11,21H13V19H11M9,3H7V5H9M3,17H5V15H3M5,21V19H3A2,2 0 0,0 5,21M19,3V5H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13,3H11V5H13M3,9H5V7H3M7,21H9V19H7M3,13H5V11H3M3,5H5V3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5Z",ix1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.4 3.4 3 4 3M20 3C20.6 3 21 3.4 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.4 21 3 20.6 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19 22L22 19H20V15H18V19H16L19 22Z",rx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.4 3.4 3 4 3M20 3C20.6 3 21 3.4 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.4 21 3 20.6 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19 15L16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15Z",ax1="M3.88,3C3.38,3.06 3,3.5 3,4V4L3,5H4L5,5V4L5,3H4L3.88,3M7,3V5H9V3H7M11,3V5H13V3H11M15,3V5H17V3H15M19,3V4L19,5H20L21,5V4L21,3.88C20.94,3.38 20.5,3 20,3H19M3,7V9H5V7H3M19,7V9H21V7H19M3,11V13H5V11H3M19.31,12C19.18,12 19.05,12.05 18.95,12.14L17.39,13.71L16.43,12.75L15.72,13.46L16.43,14.17L11.97,18.63V21H14.35L18.8,16.54L19.5,17.25L20.22,16.54L19.26,15.58L20.82,14.03C21,13.83 21,13.5 20.82,13.31L19.65,12.14C19.56,12.05 19.44,12 19.31,12M3,15V17H5V15H3M17,15L17.97,15.97L13.93,20L12.97,19.04L17,15M3,19V20L3,20.12C3.06,20.62 3.5,21 4,21V21H5V20L5,19H4L3,19M7,19V21H9V19H7Z",ex1="M13,23H11V1H13V23M9,19H5V5H9V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H9V19M19,7V9H21V7H19M19,5H21C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3V5M21,15H19V17H21V15M19,11V13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17V3M19,21C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19H19V21M17,19H15V21H17V19Z",dx1="M13,17H17V13H19V17H23V19H19V23H17V19H13V17M11,17V19H9V17H11M7,17V19H5V17H7M19,9V11H17V9H19M19,5V7H17V5H19M15,5V7H13V5H15M11,5V7H9V5H11M7,5V7H5V5H7M7,13V15H5V13H7M7,9V11H5V9H7Z",mx1="M5 3A2 2 0 0 0 3 5H5M7 3V5H9V3M11 3V5H13V3M15 3V5H17V3M19 3V5H21A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M3 7V9H5V7M7 7V11H11V7M13 7V11H17V7M19 7V9H21V7M3 11V13H5V11M19 11V13H21V11M7 13V17H11V13M13 13V17H17V13M3 15V17H5V15M19 15V17H21V15M3 19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21V19M7 19V21H9V19M11 19V21H13V19M15 19V21H17V19M19 19V21A2 2 0 0 0 21 19Z",tx1="M5,3H7V5H9V3H11V5H13V3H15V5H17V3H19V5H21V7H19V9H21V11H19V13H21V15H19V17H21V19H19V21H17V19H15V21H13V19H11V21H9V19H7V21H5V19H3V17H5V15H3V13H5V11H3V9H5V7H3V5H5V3Z",vx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M20 3C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19.5 13C21.4 13 23 14.6 23 16.5C23 19.1 19.5 23 19.5 23C19.5 23 16 19.1 16 16.5C16 14.6 17.6 13 19.5 13M19.5 17.8C20.2 17.8 20.8 17.2 20.7 16.6C20.7 16 20.1 15.4 19.5 15.4C18.9 15.4 18.3 15.9 18.3 16.6C18.3 17.2 18.8 17.8 19.5 17.8Z",lx1="M18 12H20V14H18V12M14 16H16V18H14V16M20 17C20 17.55 19.55 18 19 18H18V16H20V17M7 4H8V6H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V6H18V4H19M14 6V4H16V6H14M10 6V4H12V6H10M10 18V16H12V18H10M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V16H8V18H7M6 12H8V14H6V12M6 8H8V10H6V8M20 8V10H18V8H20M3 8H4V20H16V21C16 21.54 15.57 22 15.03 22H15L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8Z",ox1="M7 4H8V6H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V6H18V4H19M14 6V4H16V6H14M10 6V4H12V6H10M10 18V16H12V18H10M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V16H8V18H7M6 12H8V14H6V12M6 8H8V10H6V8M20 8V10H18V8H20M3 8H4V20H14.58L16.03 22L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",nx1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L17,20.27V21H15V19H15.73L5,8.27V9H3V7H3.73L1,4.27M20,3A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V5H19V3H20M15,5V3H17V5H15M11,5V3H13V5H11M7,5V3H9V5H7M11,21V19H13V21H11M7,21V19H9V21H7M4,21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V19H5V21H4M3,15H5V17H3V15M21,15V17H19V15H21M3,11H5V13H3V11M21,11V13H19V11H21M21,7V9H19V7H21Z",Zx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.5 3.5 3 4 3M20 3C20.5 3 21 3.5 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M21 12C21 12.5 20.5 13 20 13H19V11H21V12M15 13V11H17V13H15M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 13V11H9V13H7M4 13C3.5 13 3 12.5 3 12V11H5V13H4M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M7 16L12 21L17 16H7Z",Sx1="M21 20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21H19V19H21V20M15 21V19H17V21H15M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M21 15V17H19V15H21M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M20 3C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7Z",ux1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M21 9H19V7H21V9M21 5H19V3H20C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5M19 11.03V11H21V13H20.97C20.46 12.21 19.79 11.54 19 11.03M17 5H15V3H17V5M13 5H11V3H13V5M3 7H5V9H3V7M7 19H9V21H7V19M3 11H5V13H3V11M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M9 5H7V3H9V5M3 19H5V21H4C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19M3 15H5V17H3V15Z",cx1="M2,4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22,4V7H20V4H17V2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,20V17H22V20C22,21.11 21.1,22 20,22H17V20H20M2,20V17H4V20H7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20M10,2H14V4H10V2M10,20H14V22H10V20M20,10H22V14H20V10M2,10H4V14H2V10Z",sx1="M14,17H17V14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17M12,17V19H9V17H12M7,17V19H3V15H5V17H7M3,13V10H5V13H3M3,8V4H7V6H5V8H3M9,4H12V6H9V4M15,4H19V8H17V6H15V4M19,10V12H17V10H19Z",Ox1="M6.35,20.25L7.56,18.66C8.42,19.23 9.39,19.64 10.43,19.85L10.16,21.83C8.77,21.57 7.5,21 6.35,20.25M16.43,18.66L17.64,20.26C16.5,21.03 15.23,21.57 13.84,21.83L13.57,19.85C14.61,19.64 15.57,19.23 16.43,18.66M19.84,13.59L21.83,13.86C21.57,15.25 21,16.54 20.24,17.66L18.65,16.45C19.22,15.6 19.63,14.63 19.84,13.59M2.17,13.84L4.15,13.57C4.36,14.61 4.77,15.58 5.34,16.44L3.75,17.65C3,16.5 2.43,15.23 2.17,13.84M18.66,7.56L20.25,6.35C21.03,7.5 21.58,8.78 21.83,10.18L19.85,10.45C19.64,9.4 19.23,8.42 18.66,7.56M13.57,4.15L13.84,2.17C15.23,2.43 16.5,3 17.65,3.75L16.44,5.34C15.58,4.77 14.61,4.36 13.57,4.15M7.56,5.34L6.35,3.75C7.5,3 8.77,2.43 10.16,2.17L10.43,4.15C9.39,4.36 8.42,4.77 7.56,5.34M4.15,10.43L2.17,10.16C2.43,8.77 3,7.5 3.75,6.35L5.34,7.56C4.77,8.42 4.36,9.39 4.15,10.43Z",hx1="M11.2 4C9.94 4.12 8.72 4.53 7.64 5.2L6.64 3.47C7.95 2.64 9.45 2.13 11 2M17.53 6.25C16.62 5.39 15.53 4.73 14.34 4.33L15 2.39C16.5 2.84 17.89 3.66 19 4.78M5.34 7.41C4.64 8.44 4.19 9.6 4 10.83L2 10.55C2.2 9 2.79 7.5 3.7 6.23M22 12V12.66L20 12.5V12C20 10.92 19.81 9.86 19.39 8.86L21.22 8.06C21.75 9.31 22 10.65 22 12M6 17.3L4.5 18.61C3.47 17.43 2.72 16.04 2.3 14.53L4.17 14C4.53 15.22 5.16 16.35 6 17.3M12.14 22H12C10.5 22 9 21.68 7.64 21.07L8.53 19.24C9.62 19.75 10.8 20 12 20H12.19M17 21H15V15H21V17H18.42L21.14 19.76L19.73 21.17L17 18.5",px1="M6.35 20.25L7.56 18.66C8.42 19.23 9.39 19.64 10.43 19.85L10.16 21.83C8.77 21.57 7.5 21 6.35 20.25M16.43 18.66L17.64 20.26C16.5 21.03 15.23 21.57 13.84 21.83L13.57 19.85C14.61 19.64 15.57 19.23 16.43 18.66M19.84 13.59L21.83 13.86C21.57 15.25 21 16.54 20.24 17.66L18.65 16.45C19.22 15.6 19.63 14.63 19.84 13.59M2.17 13.84L4.15 13.57C4.36 14.61 4.77 15.58 5.34 16.44L3.75 17.65C3 16.5 2.43 15.23 2.17 13.84M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M18.66 7.56L20.25 6.35C21.03 7.5 21.58 8.78 21.83 10.18L19.85 10.45C19.64 9.4 19.23 8.42 18.66 7.56M4.15 10.43L2.17 10.16C2.43 8.77 3 7.5 3.75 6.35L5.34 7.56C4.77 8.42 4.36 9.39 4.15 10.43M13.57 4.15L13.84 2.17C15.23 2.43 16.5 3 17.65 3.75L16.44 5.34C15.58 4.77 14.61 4.36 13.57 4.15M7.56 5.34L6.35 3.75C7.5 3 8.77 2.43 10.16 2.17L10.43 4.15C9.39 4.36 8.42 4.77 7.56 5.34Z",fx1="M2 4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22 4V7H20V4H17V2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4M2 20V17H4V20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20M10 2H14V4H10V2M10 20H14V22H10V20M2 10H4V14H2V10M18.5 13C20.4 13 22 14.6 22 16.5C22 19.1 18.5 23 18.5 23C18.5 23 15 19.1 15 16.5C15 14.6 16.6 13 18.5 13M18.5 17.8C19.2 17.8 19.8 17.2 19.7 16.6C19.7 16 19.1 15.4 18.5 15.4C17.9 15.4 17.3 15.9 17.3 16.6C17.3 17.2 17.8 17.8 18.5 17.8M20 10H22V12.34C21.42 11.84 20.74 11.45 20 11.23V10Z",gx1="M11 6V4H15V6H11M6 9H8V13H6V9M6 6C6 4.89 6.9 4 8 4H9V6H8V7H6V6M8 18C6.89 18 6 17.1 6 16V15H8V16H9V18H8M18 4C19.11 4 20 4.9 20 6V7H18V6H17V4H18M15 16V18H11V16H15M20 13H18V9H20V13M20 16C20 17.11 19.1 18 18 18H17V16H18V15H20V16M3 8H4V20H16V21C16 21.54 15.57 22 15.03 22H15L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8Z",kx1="M7 4H9V6H8V7H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V7H18V6H17V4H19M11 6V4H15V6H11M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V15H8V16H9V18H7M6 9H8V13H6V9M3 8H4V20H14.58L16.03 22L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8M11 18V16H13C13.09 16.66 13.27 17.33 13.5 18H11M20 9V10.23C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10L18 10.03V9H20Z",Bx1="M0.5,3.77L1.78,2.5L21.5,22.22L20.23,23.5L18.73,22H17V20.27L3.73,7H2V5.27L0.5,3.77M4,2H7V4H5.82L3.83,2H4M22,4V7H20V4H17V2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,17H22V20L22,20.17L20,18.18V17M2,20V17H4V20H7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20M10,2H14V4H10V2M10,20H14V22H10V20M20,10H22V14H20V10M2,10H4V14H2V10Z",Px1="M20 20V17H22V20C22 21.11 21.1 22 20 22H17V20H20M2 20V17H4V20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20M10 20H14V22H10V20M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M20 10H22V14H20V10M2 10H4V14H2V10M2 4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22 4V7H20V4H17V2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M10 2H14V4H10V2Z",wx1="M19.27 18.9C19.7 18.21 19.95 17.38 19.95 16.5C19.95 14 17.95 12 15.46 12S10.96 14 10.96 16.5 12.96 21 15.46 21C16.33 21 17.15 20.75 17.84 20.32L20.96 23.39L22.35 22L19.27 18.9M15.46 19C14.07 19 12.96 17.88 12.96 16.5S14.07 14 15.46 14 17.95 15.12 17.95 16.5 16.84 19 15.46 19M22 14H21.45C21.12 13.19 20.62 12.47 20 11.86V10H22V14M20 4H17V2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V7H20V4M14 4H10V2H14V4M4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2M12 22H10V20C10.5 20.82 11.2 21.5 12 22M4 20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V17H4V20M4 14H2V10H4V14Z",Fx1="M12.9 4.22C18.73 6.84 20 2 20 2S18.89 8.07 13.79 10.55C12.75 11.06 12.1 11.33 12.1 11.33L3.73 7.25L12.1 3.82C12.1 3.82 11.9 3.76 12.9 4.22M11.12 22L3.33 17.78V9.07L11.12 13.04V22M12.88 22L20.68 17.78V9.07L12.88 13.04V22Z",Tx1="M2,21L23,12L2,3V10L17,12L2,14V21Z",bx1="M2 3V10L17 12L2 14V21L23 12M22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17Z",yx1="M2 3V10L17 12L2 14V21L23 12M4 6.03L11.53 9.25L4 8.25M11.53 14.75L4 17.97V15.75M22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17Z",Rx1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M8,7.71V11.05L15.14,12L8,12.95V16.29L18,12L8,7.71Z",xx1="M8,7.71L18,12L8,16.29V12.95L15.14,12L8,11.05V7.71M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Dx1="M2 3V10L11 12L2 14V21L9.27 17.89A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 16 9L2 3M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12.5V16.5L18 18.5L18.75 17.25L16.5 15.75V12.5H15Z",Ex1="M2 3V10L11 12L2 14V21L9.27 17.89A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 16 9L2 3M4 6.03L12.78 9.8A7 7 0 0 0 12.1 10.2L4 8.4V6.03M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12.5V16.5L18 18.5L18.75 17.25L16.5 15.75V12.5H15M9.18 14.45A7 7 0 0 0 9 15.82L4 17.97V15.6L9.18 14.45Z",Nx1="M23,18V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,17.5V18A1,1 0 0,0 17,19V23A1,1 0 0,0 18,24H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,23V19A1,1 0 0,0 23,18M22,18H19V17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 22,17.5V18M23,12L2,21V14L17,12L2,10V3L23,12Z",Wx1="M23 18V17.5C23 16.12 21.88 15 20.5 15S18 16.12 18 17.5V18C17.45 18 17 18.45 17 19V23C17 23.55 17.45 24 18 24H23C23.55 24 24 23.55 24 23V19C24 18.45 23.55 18 23 18M22 18H19V17.5C19 16.67 19.67 16 20.5 16S22 16.67 22 17.5V18M4 6.03L11.5 9.25L4 8.25L4 6.03M11.5 14.75L4 17.97V15.75L11.5 14.75M2 3L2 10L17 12L2 14L2 21L23 12L2 3Z",Ix1="M4 6.03L11.5 9.25L4 8.25L4 6.03M11.5 14.75L4 17.97V15.75L11.5 14.75M2 3L2 10L17 12L2 14L2 21L23 12L2 3Z",Gx1="M3 20V14L11 12L3 10V4L22 12Z",Qx1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M3 20V14L10.11 12.22C10.19 12.09 10.28 11.97 10.37 11.84L3 10V4L15.03 9.07C15.35 9 15.67 9 16 9C17.86 9 19.64 9.74 20.95 11.05C21.2 11.3 21.43 11.57 21.63 11.85L22 12L21.8 12.08C22.58 13.23 23 14.59 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.08 20 9.42 18.74 9.14 17.41L3 20M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",Ux1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M21.63 11.85L22 12L21.8 12.08C22.58 13.23 23 14.59 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.08 20 9.42 18.74 9.14 17.41L3 20V4L15.03 9.07C15.35 9 15.67 9 16 9C17.86 9 19.64 9.74 20.95 11.05C21.2 11.3 21.43 11.57 21.63 11.85M12.28 10.07L5 7V10.5L10.37 11.84C10.89 11.14 11.54 10.54 12.28 10.07M10.11 12.22L5 13.5V17L9.04 15.3C9.15 14.17 9.53 13.13 10.11 12.22M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",zx1="M3 20V4L22 12M5 17L16.85 12L5 7V10.5L11 12L5 13.5M5 17V7 13.5Z",_x1="M7,3H17V5H19V8H16V14H8V8H5V5H7V3M17,9H19V14H17V9M11,15H13V22H11V15M5,9H7V14H5V9Z",Kx1="M4,1H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 20,7H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,6V2A1,1 0 0,1 4,1M4,9H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 20,15H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 4,9M4,17H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 20,23H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 4,17M9,5H10V3H9V5M9,13H10V11H9V13M9,21H10V19H9V21M5,3V5H7V3H5M5,11V13H7V11H5M5,19V21H7V19H5Z",jx1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M8,16H16V18H8V16Z",qx1="M8 17H16V19H8V17M2 5.6V10.4C2 11.3 2.5 12 3.2 12H20.9C21.5 12 22.1 11.3 22.1 10.4V5.6C22 4.7 21.5 4 20.8 4H3.2C2.5 4 2 4.7 2 5.6M10 9V7H9V9H10M5 9H7V7H5V9M20 10H4V6H20V10Z",$x1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,12V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H13V19M4,3H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V8A1,1 0 0,1 20,9H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,8V4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3M9,7H10V5H9V7M9,15H10V13H9V15M5,5V7H7V5H5M5,13V15H7V13H5Z",Xx1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H15.73L13,17.27V19M22,20V21.18L20.82,20H22M21,22.72L19.73,24L17.73,22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11H6.73L4.73,9H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,8V7.27L1,5.27L2.28,4L21,22.72M4,3H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V8A1,1 0 0,1 20,9H9.82L7,6.18V5H5.82L3.84,3C3.89,3 3.94,3 4,3M20,11A1,1 0 0,1 21,12V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H17.82L11.82,11H20M9,7H10V5H9V7M9,15H10V14.27L9,13.27V15M5,13V15H7V13H5Z",Yx1="M13 13V15H14C14.6 15 15 15.4 15 16H22V18H15C15 18.6 14.6 19 14 19H10C9.4 19 9 18.6 9 18H2V16H9C9 15.4 9.4 15 10 15H11V13H3.2C2.5 13 2 12.3 2 11.4V6.6C2 5.7 2.5 5 3.2 5H20.8C21.5 5 22 5.7 22 6.6V11.4C22 12.3 21.5 13 20.8 13H13M9 10V8H10V10H9M5 8H7V10H5V8M20 7H4V11H20V7Z",Jx1="M4,1H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 20,7H8.82L6.82,5H7V3H5V3.18L3.21,1.39C3.39,1.15 3.68,1 4,1M22,22.72L20.73,24L19.73,23H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 4,17H13.73L11.73,15H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 4,9H5.73L3.68,6.95C3.38,6.85 3.15,6.62 3.05,6.32L1,4.27L2.28,3L22,22.72M20,9A1,1 0 0,1 21,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 20,15H16.82L10.82,9H20M20,17A1,1 0 0,1 21,18V19.18L18.82,17H20M9,5H10V3H9V5M9,13H9.73L9,12.27V13M9,21H10V19H9V21M5,11V13H7V11H5M5,19V21H7V19H5Z",CD1="M2 4.6V9.4C2 10.3 2.5 11 3.2 11H20.9C21.5 11 22.1 10.3 22.1 9.4V4.6C22 3.7 21.5 3 20.8 3H3.2C2.5 3 2 3.7 2 4.6M10 8V6H9V8H10M5 8H7V6H5V8M20 9H4V5H20V9M2 14.6V19.4C2 20.3 2.5 21 3.2 21H20.9C21.5 21 22.1 20.3 22.1 19.4V14.6C22.1 13.7 21.6 13 20.9 13H3.2C2.5 13 2 13.7 2 14.6M10 18V16H9V18H10M5 18H7V16H5V18M20 19H4V15H20V19Z",HD1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M8,16H11V13H13V16H16V18H13V21H11V18H8V16Z",VD1="M2 4.6V9.4C2 10.3 2.5 11 3.2 11H20.9C21.5 11 22.1 10.3 22.1 9.4V4.6C22 3.7 21.5 3 20.8 3H3.2C2.5 3 2 3.7 2 4.6M10 8V6H9V8H10M5 8H7V6H5V8M20 9H4V5H20V9M8 16H11V13H13V16H16V18H13V21H11V18H8V16Z",LD1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M10.59,17L8,14.41L9.41,13L12,15.59L14.59,13L16,14.41L13.41,17L16,19.59L14.59,21L12,18.41L9.41,21L8,19.59L10.59,17Z",MD1="M3,1H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 19,7H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,6V2A1,1 0 0,1 3,1M3,9H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,10V10.67L17.5,9.56L11,12.44V15H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9M3,17H11C11.06,19.25 12,21.4 13.46,23H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 3,17M8,5H9V3H8V5M8,13H9V11H8V13M8,21H9V19H8V21M4,3V5H6V3H4M4,11V13H6V11H4M4,19V21H6V19H4M17.5,12L22,14V17C22,19.78 20.08,22.37 17.5,23C14.92,22.37 13,19.78 13,17V14L17.5,12M17.5,13.94L15,15.06V17.72C15,19.26 16.07,20.7 17.5,21.06V13.94Z",AD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M8.5,12C8.5,13.87 9.29,15.56 10.56,16.75L11.56,16.29C10.31,15.29 9.5,13.74 9.5,12C9.5,10.26 10.31,8.71 11.56,7.71L10.56,7.25C9.29,8.44 8.5,10.13 8.5,12M15.5,12C15.5,10.13 14.71,8.44 13.44,7.25L12.44,7.71C13.69,8.71 14.5,10.26 14.5,12C14.5,13.74 13.69,15.29 12.44,16.29L13.44,16.75C14.71,15.56 15.5,13.87 15.5,12Z",iD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M9,7C9.34,7 9.67,7.03 10,7.1C8.72,8.41 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.83 8.72,15.59 10,16.89C9.67,16.96 9.34,17 9,17A5,5 0 0,1 4,12A5,5 0 0,1 9,7M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7Z",rD1="M15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19M9,17L10,16.89C8.72,15.59 8,13.83 8,12C8,10.17 8.72,8.41 10,7.1L9,7A5,5 0 0,0 4,12A5,5 0 0,0 9,17M15.5,12C15.5,10.13 14.71,8.44 13.44,7.25L12.44,7.71C13.69,8.71 14.5,10.26 14.5,12C14.5,13.74 13.69,15.29 12.44,16.29L13.44,16.75C14.71,15.56 15.5,13.87 15.5,12Z",aD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7M12,8C13.26,8.95 14,10.43 14,12C14,13.57 13.26,15.05 12,16C10.74,15.05 10,13.57 10,12C10,10.43 10.74,8.95 12,8Z",eD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M15,7L14,7.11C15.28,8.41 16,10.17 16,12C16,13.83 15.28,15.59 14,16.9L15,17A5,5 0 0,0 20,12A5,5 0 0,0 15,7M8.5,12C8.5,13.87 9.29,15.56 10.56,16.75L11.56,16.29C10.31,15.29 9.5,13.74 9.5,12C9.5,10.26 10.31,8.71 11.56,7.71L10.56,7.25C9.29,8.44 8.5,10.13 8.5,12Z",dD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M9,12C9,14.22 10.21,16.16 12,17.2C13.79,16.16 15,14.22 15,12C15,9.78 13.79,7.84 12,6.8C10.21,7.84 9,9.78 9,12Z",mD1="M2 7V9H7V7H2M12 9V11H9V13H12V15L15 12L12 9M17 9V15H22V9H17M2 11V13H7V11H2M2 15V17H7V15H2Z",tD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M9,7C9.34,7 9.67,7.03 10,7.1C8.72,8.41 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.83 8.72,15.59 10,16.89C9.67,16.96 9.34,17 9,17A5,5 0 0,1 4,12A5,5 0 0,1 9,7M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7M12,8C13.26,8.95 14,10.43 14,12C14,13.57 13.26,15.05 12,16C10.74,15.05 10,13.57 10,12C10,10.43 10.74,8.95 12,8Z",vD1="M15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19M9,17L10,16.89C8.72,15.59 8,13.83 8,12C8,10.17 8.72,8.41 10,7.1L9,7A5,5 0 0,0 4,12A5,5 0 0,0 9,17M12,16C13.26,15.05 14,13.57 14,12C14,10.43 13.26,8.95 12,8C10.74,8.95 10,10.43 10,12C10,13.57 10.74,15.05 12,16Z",lD1="M17 7V9H22V7H17M2 9V15H7V9H2M12 9V11H9V13H12V15L15 12L12 9M17 11V13H22V11H17M17 15V17H22V15H17Z",oD1="M17.7 17.7L16.6 18.8L15.9 18L17 17L15 15L14 16.1L13.3 15.4L14.4 14.3L12.5 12.4L11.4 13.5L10.7 12.8L11.8 11.7L9.8 9.8L8.7 10.9L8 10.2L9 9L7.1 7.1L6 8.1L5.3 7.4L6.4 6.3L4 4V20H20L17.7 17.7M7 17V11.2L12.8 17H7Z",nD1="M5,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 4.5,16H3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,15.5V15H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 2,10H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,11V14A1,1 0 0,1 22,15H21V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20.5,16H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,15.5V15H5V15.5M3,12V13H5V12H3M6,12V13H8V12H6M20.5,11.5A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 21.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,11.5Z",ZD1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",SD1="M7 16C7 16.55 6.55 17 6 17S5 16.55 5 16C5 15.45 5.45 15 6 15S7 15.45 7 16M9 16C8.45 16 8 16.45 8 17S8.45 18 9 18 10 17.55 10 17 9.55 16 9 16M4 18C3.45 18 3 18.45 3 19S3.45 20 4 20 5 19.55 5 19 4.55 18 4 18M7 19C6.45 19 6 19.45 6 20S6.45 21 7 21 8 20.55 8 20 7.55 19 7 19M15.33 2.72L9.8 9.65L13.34 13.19L20.28 7.67C21.18 6.91 21.25 5.54 20.41 4.7L18.3 2.59C17.46 1.75 16.09 1.82 15.33 2.72M8.39 12.5L10.5 14.6C10.9 15 11.54 15 11.93 14.6L12.63 13.9L9.1 10.36L8.39 11.07C8 11.46 8 12.09 8.39 12.5Z",uD1="M16.88 4L16.88 4L19.03 6.1L13.5 10.5L12.5 9.5L16.87 4L16.88 4M16.88 2C16.3 2 15.73 2.24 15.33 2.72L9.8 9.65L13.34 13.19L20.28 7.67C21.18 6.91 21.25 5.54 20.41 4.7L18.3 2.59C17.9 2.19 17.39 2 16.88 2M9.1 10.36L8.39 11.07C8 11.46 8 12.09 8.39 12.5L10.5 14.6C10.71 14.8 10.96 14.89 11.22 14.89S11.73 14.8 11.93 14.6L12.63 13.9L9.1 10.36M6 15C5.45 15 5 15.45 5 16C5 16.55 5.45 17 6 17C6.55 17 7 16.55 7 16C7 15.45 6.55 15 6 15M9 16C8.45 16 8 16.45 8 17S8.45 18 9 18C9.55 18 10 17.55 10 17S9.55 16 9 16M4 18C3.45 18 3 18.45 3 19S3.45 20 4 20C4.55 20 5 19.55 5 19S4.55 18 4 18M7 19C6.45 19 6 19.45 6 20S6.45 21 7 21C7.55 21 8 20.55 8 20S7.55 19 7 19Z",cD1="M11,13.5V21.5H3V13.5H11M12,2L17.5,11H6.5L12,2M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13Z",sD1="M11,19A6,6 0 0,0 17,13H19A8,8 0 0,1 11,21A8,8 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,5V7A6,6 0 0,0 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5Z",OD1="M11,13.5V21.5H3V13.5H11M9,15.5H5V19.5H9V15.5M12,2L17.5,11H6.5L12,2M12,5.86L10.08,9H13.92L12,5.86M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13M17.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,15Z",hD1="M19 5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5M11 4L12 4.09V6.14C11.68 6.05 11.34 6 11 6C8.24 6 6 9.13 6 13C6 16.87 8.24 20 11 20C13.76 20 16 16.87 16 13L15.95 12H17.96L18 13C18 17.97 14.87 22 11 22C7.13 22 4 17.97 4 13C4 8.03 7.13 4 11 4Z",pD1="M2,2H11V11H2V2M17.5,2C20,2 22,4 22,6.5C22,9 20,11 17.5,11C15,11 13,9 13,6.5C13,4 15,2 17.5,2M6.5,14L11,22H2L6.5,14M19,17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17Z",fD1="M11 11V2H2V11M4 9V4H9V9M20 6.5C20 7.9 18.9 9 17.5 9S15 7.9 15 6.5 16.11 4 17.5 4 20 5.11 20 6.5M6.5 14L2 22H11M7.58 20H5.42L6.5 18.08M22 6.5C22 4 20 2 17.5 2S13 4 13 6.5 15 11 17.5 11 22 9 22 6.5M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17Z",gD1="M17,15.7V13H19V17L10,21L3,14L7,5H11V7H8.3L5.4,13.6L10.4,18.6L17,15.7M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",kD1="M19,6H22V8H19V11H17V8H14V6H17V3H19V6M17,17V14H19V19H3V6H11V8H5V17H17Z",BD1="M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5M17,19V13H19V21H3V5H11V7H5V19H17Z",PD1="M17 2H19V5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2M7 5H11V7H7C5.9 7 5 7.9 5 9V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H15C16.11 19 17 18.11 17 17V13H19V17C19 19.21 17.21 21 15 21H7C4.79 21 3 19.21 3 17V9C3 6.79 4.79 5 7 5Z",wD1="M21,12L14,5V9C7,10 4,15 3,20C5.5,16.5 9,14.9 14,14.9V19L21,12Z",FD1="M11 9V5L18 12L11 19V14.9C6 14.9 2.5 16.5 0 20C1 15 4 10 11 9M17 8V5L24 12L17 19V16L21 12L17 8Z",TD1="M13 9.8V10.7L11.3 10.9C8.7 11.3 6.8 12.3 5.4 13.6C7.1 13.1 8.9 12.8 11 12.8H13V14.1L15.2 12L13 9.8M11 5L18 12L11 19V14.9C6 14.9 2.5 16.5 0 20C1 15 4 10 11 9M17 8V5L24 12L17 19V16L21 12",bD1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M14 16V13C10.39 13 7.81 14.43 6 17C6.72 13.33 8.94 9.73 14 9V6L19 11L14 16Z",yD1="M20.8 22.7L15.6 17.5L14 19V15.9L13.1 14.9C8.6 15.2 5.4 16.8 3 20.1C3.58 16.31 5.72 12.94 8.9 10.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M18.1 14.9L21 12L14 5V9L12.5 9.3",RD1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.9 10.8C5.4 12.9 3.7 16.4 3 20C5.3 16.7 8.6 15.1 13 14.9L14 15.9V19L15.6 17.4L20.8 22.7M8.3 13.8C8.94 13.22 9.65 12.71 10.4 12.3L11.3 13.1M14.2 11L12.5 9.3L14 9V5L21 12L18.1 14.9L16.7 13.5L18.2 12L16 9.8V10.7",xD1="M14,5V9C7,10 4,15 3,20C5.5,16.5 9,14.9 14,14.9V19L21,12L14,5M16,9.83L18.17,12L16,14.17V12.9H14C11.93,12.9 10.07,13.28 8.34,13.85C9.74,12.46 11.54,11.37 14.28,11L16,10.73V9.83Z",DD1="M18,16.08C17.24,16.08 16.56,16.38 16.04,16.85L8.91,12.7C8.96,12.47 9,12.24 9,12C9,11.76 8.96,11.53 8.91,11.3L15.96,7.19C16.5,7.69 17.21,8 18,8A3,3 0 0,0 21,5A3,3 0 0,0 18,2A3,3 0 0,0 15,5C15,5.24 15.04,5.47 15.09,5.7L8.04,9.81C7.5,9.31 6.79,9 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 3,12A3,3 0 0,0 6,15C6.79,15 7.5,14.69 8.04,14.19L15.16,18.34C15.11,18.55 15.08,18.77 15.08,19C15.08,20.61 16.39,21.91 18,21.91C19.61,21.91 20.92,20.61 20.92,19A2.92,2.92 0 0,0 18,16.08Z",ED1="M18 16.08C17.24 16.08 16.56 16.38 16.04 16.85L8.91 12.7C8.96 12.47 9 12.24 9 12S8.96 11.53 8.91 11.3L15.96 7.19C16.5 7.69 17.21 8 18 8C19.66 8 21 6.66 21 5S19.66 2 18 2 15 3.34 15 5C15 5.24 15.04 5.47 15.09 5.7L8.04 9.81C7.5 9.31 6.79 9 6 9C4.34 9 3 10.34 3 12S4.34 15 6 15C6.79 15 7.5 14.69 8.04 14.19L15.16 18.34C15.11 18.55 15.08 18.77 15.08 19C15.08 20.61 16.39 21.91 18 21.91S20.92 20.61 20.92 19C20.92 17.39 19.61 16.08 18 16.08M18 4C18.55 4 19 4.45 19 5S18.55 6 18 6 17 5.55 17 5 17.45 4 18 4M6 13C5.45 13 5 12.55 5 12S5.45 11 6 11 7 11.45 7 12 6.55 13 6 13M18 20C17.45 20 17 19.55 17 19S17.45 18 18 18 19 18.45 19 19 18.55 20 18 20Z",ND1="M15.56 9.09C14.66 7.18 12.54 6 11 6C11.47 7.4 11.28 8.57 10.95 9.43C8.45 10 6 11 6 11S3 7 1 7L3 13L2 17C4 17 6 14 6 14S11 16 14 16V18C14.65 18 15.91 17.17 16.73 15.77C17.97 15.56 19 15.21 19.87 14.81C19.72 14.63 19.53 14.44 19.28 14.3C18.63 13.91 17.82 13.67 17 13.5C17.82 13.34 18.67 13.22 19.59 13.35C20.05 13.41 20.54 13.54 21 13.86C21.1 13.92 21.17 14 21.24 14.05C22.4 13.26 23 12.44 23 12C23 11.13 19.19 9.5 15.56 9.09M18 12C17.45 12 17 11.55 17 11C17 10.76 17.1 10.55 17.23 10.38C17.84 10.5 18.43 10.67 18.97 10.84C19 10.89 19 10.94 19 11C19 11.55 18.55 12 18 12Z",WD1="M22 16V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16H22M5.28 13.79C5.82 13.63 6.37 13.38 6.89 13.04L8.03 12.27L9.16 13.07C10 13.66 11 14 12 14C13 14 14 13.66 14.84 13.07L15.97 12.27L17.11 13.04C17.93 13.59 18.83 13.9 19.67 13.97C18.24 7.4 12.37 2 6 2C5.65 2 5.33 2.18 5.15 2.47C4.97 2.77 4.95 3.14 5.11 3.45C7.28 7.79 6.61 11.29 5.28 13.79M16 18.7C13.6 20.4 10.4 20.4 8 18.7C6.8 19.5 5.4 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.4 22 6.8 21.6 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.2 21.6 18.6 22 20 22H22V20H20C18.6 20 17.2 19.5 16 18.7Z",ID1="M22 16V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16H22M5.28 13.79C5.82 13.63 6.37 13.38 6.89 13.04L8 12.28C8.69 10 8.78 7.27 7.59 4.14C11.95 4.89 15.89 8.65 17.37 13.19C18.12 13.64 18.91 13.91 19.66 13.97C18.24 7.4 12.37 2 6 2C5.65 2 5.33 2.18 5.15 2.47C4.97 2.77 4.95 3.14 5.11 3.45C7.28 7.79 6.61 11.29 5.28 13.79M16 18.7C13.6 20.4 10.4 20.4 8 18.7C6.8 19.5 5.4 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.4 22 6.8 21.6 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.2 21.6 18.6 22 20 22H22V20H20C18.6 20 17.2 19.5 16 18.7Z",GD1="M11.26 8.06L18.53 15.33C19 15.17 19.46 15 19.87 14.81C19.72 14.63 19.53 14.44 19.28 14.3C18.63 13.91 17.82 13.67 17 13.5C17.82 13.34 18.67 13.22 19.59 13.35C20.05 13.41 20.54 13.54 21 13.86C21.1 13.92 21.17 14 21.24 14.05C22.4 13.26 23 12.44 23 12C23 11.13 19.19 9.5 15.56 9.09C14.66 7.18 12.54 6 11 6C11.25 6.76 11.31 7.45 11.26 8.06M17.23 10.38C17.84 10.5 18.43 10.67 18.97 10.84C19 10.89 19 10.94 19 11C19 11.55 18.55 12 18 12S17 11.55 17 11C17 10.76 17.1 10.55 17.23 10.38M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L15.42 17.31C14.88 17.75 14.35 18 14 18V16C11 16 6 14 6 14S4 17 2 17L3 13L1 7C3 7 6 11 6 11S6.96 10.62 8.3 10.19L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",QD1="M20,8.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,11C16.42,11 15.5,10.31 15.16,9.36C14.72,9.75 14.14,10 13.5,10C12.94,10 12.42,9.81 12,9.5C11.58,9.81 11.07,10 10.5,10C9.86,10 9.28,9.75 8.84,9.36C8.5,10.31 7.58,11 6.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 4,8.5C4,7.26 4.91,6.23 6.1,6.04C6.04,5.87 6,5.69 6,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,4C7.7,4 7.89,4.04 8.06,4.11C8.23,3.47 8.81,3 9.5,3C9.75,3 10,3.07 10.18,3.17C10.5,2.5 11.19,2 12,2C12.81,2 13.5,2.5 13.82,3.17C14,3.07 14.25,3 14.5,3C15.19,3 15.77,3.47 15.94,4.11C16.11,4.04 16.3,4 16.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,5.5C18,5.69 17.96,5.87 17.9,6.04C19.09,6.23 20,7.26 20,8.5M10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,14A1,1 0 0,0 11,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12M14,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,14A1,1 0 0,0 15,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12M20.23,10.66C19.59,11.47 18.61,12 17.5,12C17.05,12 16.62,11.9 16.21,11.73C16.2,14.28 15.83,17.36 14.45,18.95C13.93,19.54 13.3,19.86 12.5,19.96V18H11.5V19.96C10.7,19.86 10.07,19.55 9.55,18.95C8.16,17.35 7.79,14.29 7.78,11.74C7.38,11.9 6.95,12 6.5,12C5.39,12 4.41,11.47 3.77,10.66C2.88,11.55 2,12 2,12C2,12 3,14 5,14C5.36,14 5.64,13.96 5.88,13.91C6.22,17.73 7.58,22 12,22C16.42,22 17.78,17.73 18.12,13.91C18.36,13.96 18.64,14 19,14C21,14 22,12 22,12C22,12 21.12,11.55 20.23,10.66Z",UD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",zD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,5A3,3 0 0,1 15,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 9,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,5M17.13,17C15.92,18.85 14.11,20.24 12,20.92C9.89,20.24 8.08,18.85 6.87,17C6.53,16.5 6.24,16 6,15.47C6,13.82 8.71,12.47 12,12.47C15.29,12.47 18,13.79 18,15.47C17.76,16 17.47,16.5 17.13,17Z",_D1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,3.18L19,6.3V11.22C19,12.92 18.5,14.65 17.65,16.17C16,14.94 13.26,14.5 12,14.5C10.74,14.5 8,14.94 6.35,16.17C5.5,14.65 5,12.92 5,11.22V6.3L12,3.18M12,6A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,13A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8M12,16.5C13.57,16.5 15.64,17.11 16.53,17.84C15.29,19.38 13.7,20.55 12,21C10.3,20.55 8.71,19.38 7.47,17.84C8.37,17.11 10.43,16.5 12,16.5Z",KD1="M17 11C17.3 11 17.7 11 18 11.1V6.3L10.5 3L3 6.3V11.2C3 15.7 6.2 20 10.5 21C11.1 20.9 11.6 20.7 12.1 20.5C11.4 19.5 11 18.3 11 17C11 13.7 13.7 11 17 11M17 13C14.8 13 13 14.8 13 17S14.8 21 17 21 21 19.2 21 17 19.2 13 17 13M17 14.4C17.6 14.4 18.1 14.9 18.1 15.5C18.1 16.1 17.6 16.6 17 16.6S15.9 16.1 15.9 15.5 16.4 14.4 17 14.4M17 19.8C16.1 19.8 15.3 19.3 14.8 18.6C14.9 17.9 16.3 17.5 17 17.5S19.2 17.9 19.2 18.6C18.7 19.3 17.9 19.8 17 19.8Z",jD1="M17 14.4C17.6 14.4 18.1 14.9 18.1 15.5S17.6 16.6 17 16.6 15.9 16.1 15.9 15.5 16.4 14.4 17 14.4M17 17.5C16.3 17.5 14.8 17.9 14.8 18.6C15.3 19.3 16.1 19.8 17 19.8S18.7 19.3 19.2 18.6C19.2 17.9 17.7 17.5 17 17.5M18 11.1V6.3L10.5 3L3 6.3V11.2C3 15.7 6.2 20 10.5 21C11.1 20.9 11.6 20.7 12.1 20.5C13.2 22 15 23 17 23C20.3 23 23 20.3 23 17C23 14 20.8 11.6 18 11.1M11 17C11 17.6 11.1 18.1 11.2 18.6C11 18.7 10.7 18.8 10.5 18.9C7.3 17.9 5 14.7 5 11.2V7.6L10.5 5.2L16 7.6V11.1C13.2 11.6 11 14 11 17M17 21C14.8 21 13 19.2 13 17S14.8 13 17 13 21 14.8 21 17 19.2 21 17 21Z",qD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,5.68C12.5,5.68 12.95,6.11 12.95,6.63V10.11L18,13.26V14.53L12.95,12.95V16.42L14.21,17.37V18.32L12,17.68L9.79,18.32V17.37L11.05,16.42V12.95L6,14.53V13.26L11.05,10.11V6.63C11.05,6.11 11.5,5.68 12,5.68Z",$D1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M12,5.68C12.5,5.68 12.95,6.11 12.95,6.63V10.11L18,13.26V14.53L12.95,12.95V16.42L14.21,17.37V18.32L12,17.68L9.79,18.32V17.37L11.05,16.42V12.95L6,14.53V13.26L11.05,10.11V6.63C11.05,6.11 11.5,5.68 12,5.68Z",XD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5M11,7H13V13H11M11,15H13V17H11",YD1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M11,7H13V13H11V7M11,15H13V17H11V15Z",JD1="M11 13H13V14H11V13M21 5V11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5M17 10H14.8C14.6 9.4 14.2 8.9 13.7 8.5L14.9 7.3L14.2 6.6L12.8 8H12C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1L9.9 6.6L9.1 7.4L10.3 8.6C9.8 8.9 9.4 9.4 9.2 10H7V11H9V12H7V13H9V14H7V15H9.2C9.6 16.2 10.7 17 12 17S14.4 16.2 14.8 15H17V14H15V13H17V12H15V11H17V10M11 12H13V11H11V12Z",CE1="M9.9 6.6L9.1 7.4L10.3 8.6C9.8 8.9 9.4 9.4 9.2 10H7V11H9V12H7V13H9V14H7V15H9.2C9.6 16.2 10.7 17 12 17S14.4 16.2 14.8 15H17V14H15V13H17V12H15V11H17V10H14.8C14.6 9.4 14.2 8.9 13.7 8.5L14.9 7.3L14.2 6.6L12.8 8H12C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1L9.9 6.6M11 11H13V12H11V11M11 13H13V14H11V13M21 11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21Z",HE1="M14.42 7.5L16 11H8L9.42 7.5H14.42M9 12C8.45 12 8 12.45 8 13S8.45 14 9 14 10 13.55 10 13 9.55 12 9 12M15 12C14.45 12 14 12.45 14 13S14.45 14 15 14 16 13.55 16 13 15.55 12 15 12M21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5M18 12L15.84 7C15.64 6.42 15.08 6 14.42 6H9.42C8.76 6 8.2 6.42 8 7L6 12V16C6 16.55 6.45 17 7 17H8C8.55 17 9 16.55 9 16V15H15V16C15 16.55 15.45 17 16 17H17C17.55 17 18 16.55 18 16V12Z",VE1="M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",LE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9",ME1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.5 6.8,21.7 12,23C17.2,21.7 21,16.5 21,11V5L12,1M16,10H13V18H11V10H8V8H11V5H13V8H16V10Z",AE1="M21,11C21,16.5 17.2,21.7 12,23C6.8,21.7 3,16.5 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.8,20 19,15.5 19,11.2V6.3L12,3.2L5,6.3V11.2C5,15.5 8.3,20 12,21M16,9H13V6H11V9H8V11H11V19H13V11H16V9Z",iE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1M16 14H8V15.5C8 15.77 8.19 15.96 8.47 16L8.57 16H15.43C15.74 16 15.95 15.84 16 15.59L16 15.5V14M17 8L17 8L14.33 10.67L12 8.34L9.67 10.67L7 8L7 8L8 13H16L17 8Z",rE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1M12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18M16 14V15.5L16 15.59C15.96 15.81 15.78 15.96 15.53 16L15.43 16H8.57L8.47 16C8.22 15.96 8.04 15.81 8 15.59L8 15.5V14H16M17 8L16 13H8L7 8L7 8L9.67 10.67L12 8.34L14.33 10.67L17 8L17 8Z",aE1="M21.7 14.4L20.7 15.4L18.6 13.3L19.6 12.3C19.8 12.1 20.2 12.1 20.4 12.3L21.7 13.6C21.9 13.8 21.9 14.1 21.7 14.4M12 19.9L18.1 13.8L20.2 15.9L14.1 22H12V19.9M10 19.1L21 8.1V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 15.8 5.9 20.3 10 22.3V19.1Z",eE1="M21.7 13.6L20.4 12.3C20.3 12.2 20.2 12.1 20 12.1C19.9 12.1 19.7 12.2 19.6 12.3L18.6 13.3L20.6 15.3L21.6 14.3C21.9 14.1 21.9 13.8 21.7 13.6M12 19.9V22H14.1L20.2 15.9L18.2 13.8L12 19.9M10 22.3C5.9 20.3 3 15.8 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V8.1L19 10.1V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 14.7 7.2 18.3 10 20.1V22.3Z",dE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23V1Z",mE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18V21Z",tE1="M11,13H13V16H16V11H18L12,6L6,11H8V16H11V13M12,1L21,5V11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",vE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M11,14H13V17H16V12H18L12,7L6,12H8V17H11V14",lE1="M12,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,9A1,1 0 0,1 12,10A1,1 0 0,1 11,9A1,1 0 0,1 12,8M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,6A3,3 0 0,0 9,9C9,10.31 9.83,11.42 11,11.83V18H13V16H15V14H13V11.83C14.17,11.42 15,10.31 15,9A3,3 0 0,0 12,6Z",oE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.31 14.17,11.42 13,11.83V14H15V16H13V18H11V11.83C9.83,11.42 9,10.31 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M12,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,8Z",nE1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M14.28,14.08L12.26,16.1C11.66,16.7 10.87,17 10.08,17C9.29,17 8.5,16.7 7.9,16.1C6.7,14.9 6.7,12.95 7.9,11.74L9.15,10.5L9.14,11.06C9.14,11.5 9.21,11.95 9.36,12.37L9.41,12.5L9.04,12.87C8.76,13.15 8.6,13.53 8.6,13.92C8.6,14.32 8.76,14.69 9.04,14.97C9.6,15.53 10.57,15.53 11.13,14.97L13.14,12.96C13.43,12.67 13.58,12.3 13.58,11.91C13.58,11.5 13.43,11.14 13.15,10.86C13,10.71 12.9,10.5 12.9,10.29C12.9,10.08 13,9.88 13.15,9.73C13.45,9.42 14,9.43 14.28,9.73C14.86,10.31 15.18,11.08 15.18,11.9C15.18,12.73 14.86,13.5 14.28,14.08M17.1,11.26L15.85,12.5L15.86,11.94C15.86,11.5 15.79,11.06 15.64,10.64L15.6,10.5L15.96,10.13C16.25,9.85 16.4,9.5 16.4,9.08C16.4,8.69 16.25,8.32 15.97,8.04C15.4,7.47 14.43,7.47 13.87,8.04L11.86,10.05C11.58,10.33 11.42,10.7 11.42,11.1C11.42,11.5 11.57,11.86 11.86,12.14C12,12.29 12.1,12.5 12.1,12.71C12.1,12.93 12,13.13 11.85,13.28C11.7,13.44 11.5,13.5 11.29,13.5C11.09,13.5 10.88,13.43 10.72,13.28C9.5,12.08 9.5,10.12 10.72,8.92L12.74,6.9C13.95,5.7 15.9,5.7 17.1,6.9C17.68,7.5 18,8.26 18,9.08C18,9.9 17.68,10.68 17.1,11.26Z",ZE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M14.28,9.73C14.86,10.31 15.18,11.08 15.18,11.9C15.18,12.73 14.86,13.5 14.28,14.08L12.26,16.1C11.66,16.7 10.87,17 10.08,17C9.29,17 8.5,16.7 7.9,16.1C6.7,14.9 6.7,12.95 7.9,11.74L9.15,10.5L9.14,11.06C9.14,11.5 9.21,11.95 9.36,12.36L9.4,12.5L9.04,12.87C8.75,13.15 8.6,13.5 8.6,13.92C8.6,14.31 8.75,14.68 9.03,14.96C9.6,15.53 10.57,15.53 11.13,14.97L13.14,12.95C13.43,12.67 13.58,12.3 13.58,11.91C13.58,11.5 13.43,11.14 13.14,10.86C13,10.71 12.9,10.5 12.9,10.29C12.9,10.08 13,9.87 13.14,9.72C13.45,9.42 14,9.42 14.28,9.73M18,9.08C18,9.9 17.68,10.68 17.1,11.26L15.85,12.5L15.86,11.94C15.86,11.5 15.79,11.06 15.64,10.64L15.59,10.5L15.96,10.13C16.25,9.85 16.4,9.5 16.4,9.08C16.4,8.69 16.25,8.32 15.96,8.04C15.4,7.47 14.43,7.47 13.87,8.03L11.86,10.05C11.57,10.33 11.42,10.7 11.42,11.1C11.42,11.5 11.57,11.86 11.85,12.14C12,12.29 12.1,12.5 12.1,12.71C12.1,12.93 12,13.13 11.85,13.28C11.7,13.43 11.5,13.5 11.29,13.5C11.09,13.5 10.88,13.43 10.72,13.28C9.5,12.07 9.5,10.12 10.72,8.92L12.74,6.9C13.95,5.7 15.9,5.7 17.1,6.9C17.68,7.5 18,8.26 18,9.08Z",SE1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,7C13.4,7 14.8,8.1 14.8,9.5V11C15.4,11 16,11.6 16,12.3V15.8C16,16.4 15.4,17 14.7,17H9.2C8.6,17 8,16.4 8,15.7V12.2C8,11.6 8.6,11 9.2,11V9.5C9.2,8.1 10.6,7 12,7M12,8.2C11.2,8.2 10.5,8.7 10.5,9.5V11H13.5V9.5C13.5,8.7 12.8,8.2 12,8.2Z",uE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C17.2 21.7 21 16.5 21 11V5L12 1M16 15.8C16 16.4 15.4 17 14.7 17H9.2C8.6 17 8 16.4 8 15.7V12.2C8 11.6 8.6 11 9.2 11V8.5C9.2 7.1 10.6 6 12 6S14.8 7.1 14.8 8.5V9H13.5V8.5C13.5 7.7 12.8 7.2 12 7.2S10.5 7.7 10.5 8.5V11H14.8C15.4 11 16 11.6 16 12.3V15.8Z",cE1="M21 11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21M14.8 11H10.5V8.5C10.5 7.7 11.2 7.2 12 7.2S13.5 7.7 13.5 8.5V9H14.8V8.5C14.8 7.1 13.4 6 12 6S9.2 7.1 9.2 8.5V11C8.6 11 8 11.6 8 12.2V15.7C8 16.4 8.6 17 9.2 17H14.7C15.4 17 16 16.4 16 15.8V12.3C16 11.6 15.4 11 14.8 11Z",sE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M14.8,11V9.5C14.8,8.1 13.4,7 12,7C10.6,7 9.2,8.1 9.2,9.5V11C8.6,11 8,11.6 8,12.2V15.7C8,16.4 8.6,17 9.2,17H14.7C15.4,17 16,16.4 16,15.8V12.3C16,11.6 15.4,11 14.8,11M13.5,11H10.5V9.5C10.5,8.7 11.2,8.2 12,8.2C12.8,8.2 13.5,8.7 13.5,9.5V11Z",OE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M15.97 14.41C14.13 16.58 10.76 16.5 9 14.34C6.82 11.62 8.36 7.62 11.7 7C12.04 6.95 12.33 7.28 12.21 7.61C11.75 8.84 11.82 10.25 12.53 11.47C13.24 12.69 14.42 13.46 15.71 13.67C16.05 13.72 16.2 14.14 15.97 14.41Z",hE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M9 14.33C10.76 16.5 14.13 16.57 15.97 14.4C16.2 14.13 16.05 13.72 15.71 13.66C14.42 13.45 13.23 12.68 12.53 11.46C11.82 10.24 11.75 8.83 12.21 7.6C12.33 7.27 12.05 6.94 11.7 7C8.36 7.62 6.81 11.61 9 14.33",pE1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20.5,21.22L19.23,22.5L17,20.25C15.57,21.57 13.87,22.54 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V6.27L1,4.27M12,1L21,5V11C21,13.28 20.35,15.5 19.23,17.41L5.65,3.82L12,1Z",fE1="M1,4.27L3,6.27V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C13.87,22.54 15.57,21.56 16.97,20.24L19.23,22.5L20.5,21.22L2.28,3L1,4.27M12,21C8.25,20 5,15.54 5,11.22V8.27L15.59,18.86C14.53,19.89 13.3,20.65 12,21M21,5V11C21,13.28 20.35,15.5 19.23,17.4L17.77,15.95C18.54,14.5 19,12.84 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L7.16,5.34L5.65,3.82L12,1L21,5Z",gE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21Z",kE1="M19,20V22.97H17V20H14V18H17V15H19V18H22V20H19M12,1L21,5V11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C19.9,13.23 19,13 18,13A6,6 0 0,0 12,19C12,20.36 12.45,21.62 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",BE1="M19,20V22.97H17V20H14V18H17V15H19V18H22V20H19M21,11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C20.13,13.35 19.5,13.15 18.81,13.05C18.93,12.45 19,11.83 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21L12.31,20.91C12.5,21.53 12.83,22.11 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11Z",PE1="M18 12C19 12 20 12.2 20.9 12.7C21 12.1 21 11.6 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C12.4 22.9 12.7 22.8 13 22.7C12 21.5 11.5 20 11.5 18.5C11.5 14.9 14.4 12 18 12M18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5Z",wE1="M12 21C8.2 20 5 15.5 5 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L19 6.3V12.1C19.7 12.2 20.3 12.4 20.9 12.7C21 12.1 21 11.6 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C12.4 22.9 12.7 22.8 13 22.7C12.6 22.2 12.2 21.6 12 21M18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5Z",FE1="M19.43,19L21.5,21.11L20.12,22.5L18.03,20.41L15.91,22.53L14.5,21.11L16.61,19L14.5,16.86L15.88,15.47L18,17.59L20.12,15.47L21.55,16.9L19.43,19M12,1L21,5V11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C19.9,13.23 19,13 18,13A6,6 0 0,0 12,19C12,20.36 12.45,21.62 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",TE1="M19.43,19L21.5,21.11L20.12,22.5L18.03,20.41L15.91,22.53L14.5,21.11L16.61,19L14.5,16.86L15.88,15.47L18,17.59L20.12,15.47L21.55,16.9L19.43,19M21,11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C20.13,13.35 19.5,13.15 18.81,13.05C18.93,12.45 19,11.83 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21L12.31,20.91C12.5,21.53 12.83,22.11 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11Z",bE1="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M17.86,19.31C16.23,21.22 14.28,22.45 12,23C9.44,22.39 7.3,20.93 5.58,18.63C3.86,16.34 3,13.8 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11C21,13.39 20.36,15.61 19.08,17.67L16.17,14.76C16.69,13.97 17,13 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C13,17 13.97,16.69 14.76,16.17L17.86,19.31Z",yE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M15.08 16L12 14.15L8.93 16L9.74 12.5L7.03 10.16L10.61 9.85L12 6.55L13.39 9.84L16.97 10.15L14.26 12.5L15.08 16Z",RE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M15.05 16L11.97 14.15L8.9 16L9.71 12.5L7 10.16L10.58 9.85L11.97 6.55L13.37 9.84L16.95 10.15L14.23 12.5L15.05 16",xE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M12 8.89C13.6 8.89 14.89 10.18 14.89 11.78S13.6 14.67 12 14.67 9.11 13.37 9.11 11.78 10.41 8.89 12 8.89M12 6L13.38 8C12.96 7.82 12.5 7.73 12 7.73S11.05 7.82 10.62 8L12 6M7 8.89L9.4 8.69C9.06 9 8.74 9.34 8.5 9.76C8.25 10.18 8.1 10.62 8 11.08L7 8.89M7 14.67L8.03 12.5C8.11 12.93 8.27 13.38 8.5 13.8C8.75 14.23 9.06 14.59 9.4 14.88L7 14.67M17 8.89L16 11.08C15.9 10.62 15.74 10.18 15.5 9.76C15.26 9.34 14.95 9 14.6 8.68L17 8.89M17 14.67L14.6 14.87C14.94 14.58 15.25 14.22 15.5 13.8C15.74 13.38 15.89 12.93 15.97 12.5L17 14.67M12 17.55L10.61 15.57C11.04 15.72 11.5 15.82 12 15.82C12.5 15.82 12.95 15.72 13.37 15.57L12 17.55Z",DE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M12 8.89C13.6 8.89 14.89 10.18 14.89 11.78S13.6 14.67 12 14.67 9.11 13.37 9.11 11.78 10.41 8.89 12 8.89M12 6L13.38 8C12.96 7.82 12.5 7.73 12 7.73S11.05 7.82 10.62 8L12 6M7 8.89L9.4 8.69C9.06 9 8.74 9.34 8.5 9.76C8.25 10.18 8.1 10.62 8 11.08L7 8.89M7 14.67L8.03 12.5C8.11 12.93 8.27 13.38 8.5 13.8C8.75 14.23 9.06 14.59 9.4 14.88L7 14.67M17 8.89L16 11.08C15.9 10.62 15.74 10.18 15.5 9.76C15.26 9.34 14.95 9 14.6 8.68L17 8.89M17 14.67L14.6 14.87C14.94 14.58 15.25 14.22 15.5 13.8C15.74 13.38 15.89 12.93 15.97 12.5L17 14.67M12 17.55L10.61 15.57C11.04 15.72 11.5 15.82 12 15.82C12.5 15.82 12.95 15.72 13.37 15.57L12 17.55Z",EE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C17.2 21.7 21 16.5 21 11V5L12 1M15 15H13V18H11V15H9V13H11L10 7.1L12 5.5L14 7.1L13 13H15V15Z",NE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1M12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2M12 5.5L14 7.1L13 13H15V15H13V18H11V15H9V13H11L10 7.1L12 5.5Z",WE1="M18 12A6.41 6.41 0 0 1 20.87 12.67A11.63 11.63 0 0 0 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C12.35 22.91 12.7 22.8 13 22.68A6.42 6.42 0 0 1 11.5 18.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 18 12M18 14.5V13L15.75 15.25L18 17.5V16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 20.24 19.62L21.33 20.71A4 4 0 0 0 18 14.5M18 21A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.76 17.38L14.67 16.29A4 4 0 0 0 18 22.5V24L20.25 21.75L18 19.5Z",IE1="M12 21C8.25 20 5 15.54 5 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L19 6.3V12.07A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 20.91 12.67A11.63 11.63 0 0 0 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C12.35 22.91 12.7 22.8 13 22.68A6.3 6.3 0 0 1 12 21M18 14.5V13L15.75 15.25L18 17.5V16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 20.24 19.62L21.33 20.71A4 4 0 0 0 18 14.5M18 21A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.76 17.38L14.67 16.29A4 4 0 0 0 18 22.5V24L20.25 21.75L18 19.5Z",GE1="M10.6 9.6L9 15L7.4 9.6L2 8L7.4 6.4L9 1L10.6 6.4L16 8L10.6 9.6M17 14.2L21 12L18.8 16L21 20L17 17.8L13 20L15.2 16L13 12L17 14.2M10 16L8.3 19L10 22L7 20.3L4 22L5.7 19L4 16L7 17.7L10 16",QE1="M2,11L4.05,11.1C4.3,8.83 5.5,6.85 7.25,5.56L6.13,3.84C5.86,3.36 6,2.75 6.5,2.47C7,2.2 7.59,2.36 7.87,2.84L8.8,4.66C9.78,4.24 10.86,4 12,4C13.14,4 14.22,4.24 15.2,4.66L16.13,2.84C16.41,2.36 17,2.2 17.5,2.47C18,2.75 18.14,3.36 17.87,3.84L16.75,5.56C18.5,6.85 19.7,8.83 19.95,11.1L22,11A1,1 0 0,1 23,12A1,1 0 0,1 22,13L19.95,12.9C19.7,15.17 18.5,17.15 16.75,18.44L17.87,20.16C18.14,20.64 18,21.25 17.5,21.53C17,21.8 16.41,21.64 16.13,21.16L15.2,19.34C14.22,19.76 13.14,20 12,20C10.86,20 9.78,19.76 8.8,19.34L7.87,21.16C7.59,21.64 7,21.8 6.5,21.53C6,21.25 5.86,20.64 6.13,20.16L7.25,18.44C5.5,17.15 4.3,15.17 4.05,12.9L2,13A1,1 0 0,1 1,12A1,1 0 0,1 2,11M9.07,11.35C9.2,10.74 9.53,10.2 10,9.79L8.34,7.25C7.11,8.19 6.27,9.6 6.05,11.2L9.07,11.35M12,9C12.32,9 12.62,9.05 12.9,9.14L14.28,6.45C13.58,6.16 12.81,6 12,6C11.19,6 10.42,6.16 9.72,6.45L11.1,9.14C11.38,9.05 11.68,9 12,9M14.93,11.35L17.95,11.2C17.73,9.6 16.89,8.19 15.66,7.25L14,9.79C14.47,10.2 14.8,10.74 14.93,11.35M14.93,12.65C14.8,13.26 14.47,13.8 14,14.21L15.66,16.75C16.89,15.81 17.73,14.4 17.95,12.8L14.93,12.65M12,15C11.68,15 11.38,14.95 11.09,14.86L9.72,17.55C10.42,17.84 11.19,18 12,18C12.81,18 13.58,17.84 14.28,17.55L12.91,14.86C12.62,14.95 12.32,15 12,15M9.07,12.65L6.05,12.8C6.27,14.4 7.11,15.81 8.34,16.75L10,14.21C9.53,13.8 9.2,13.26 9.07,12.65Z",UE1="M3 20H5V18H11V20H13V18H19V20H21V15H19V16H17V15H15V16H13V15H11V16H9V15H7V16H5V15H3M5 13H19V4H5Z",zE1="M12.78 11.97C12.27 8.54 10.86 2 7.53 2S2.8 8.54 2.28 11.97C2.07 13.42 2 14.89 2.16 16.35C2.5 19.39 3.55 20.84 4.27 21.5C4.64 21.83 5.11 22 5.6 22H9.47C9.96 22 10.43 21.83 10.8 21.5C11.5 20.84 12.55 19.39 12.91 16.35C13.08 14.89 13 13.42 12.78 11.97M7.53 4C7.89 3.87 8.59 4.73 9.27 6.31L4.58 10.33C5.41 6.26 6.94 3.79 7.53 4M9.75 13H5.31C5.1 13 4.92 12.92 4.76 12.81L10 8.33C10.29 9.35 10.56 10.5 10.75 11.83C10.84 12.44 10.37 13 9.75 13M21.78 11.97C21.27 8.54 19.86 2 16.53 2C15.04 2 13.94 3.32 13.13 5.08C13.5 6.04 13.84 7.14 14.13 8.37L19.31 12.81C19.15 12.92 18.97 13 18.75 13H14.92C15.04 14.27 15.03 15.45 14.89 16.59C14.62 18.87 14 20.45 13.32 21.53C13.68 21.84 14.13 22 14.6 22H18.47C18.96 22 19.43 21.83 19.8 21.5C20.5 20.84 21.55 19.39 21.91 16.35C22.08 14.89 22 13.42 21.78 11.97M14.8 6.31C15.5 4.73 16.18 3.87 16.53 4C17.13 3.79 18.65 6.26 19.5 10.33L14.8 6.31Z",_E1="M21 8C20.76 8 20.53 8 20.3 8L20.25 7.97C18.14 7.84 16.38 7.17 15.53 6.23L14 7C13.95 7.1 13.89 7.19 13.84 7.28C14.55 7.89 15 8.65 15 9.5C15 9.83 14.91 10.14 14.79 10.45L12.92 8.58C12.7 8.83 12.47 9.07 12.22 9.29L14.25 11.32C14.04 11.57 13.8 11.79 13.5 12L11.43 9.91C11.14 10.11 10.85 10.28 10.55 10.45L12.58 12.5C12.25 12.63 11.89 12.74 11.5 12.82L9.59 10.91C9.25 11.05 8.91 11.18 8.56 11.29L10.26 13C10.17 13 10.09 13 10 13C8.5 13 7.2 12.54 6.28 11.82C5.46 11.95 4.68 12 4 12C2 12 2 15 2 15V15C2 16.11 2.89 17 4 17H4V18C4 18.55 4.45 19 5 19S6 18.55 6 18V17H7V18C7 18.55 7.45 19 8 19S9 18.55 9 18V17H10V18C10 18.55 10.45 19 11 19S12 18.55 12 18V17H15V18C15 18.55 15.45 19 16 19S17 18.55 17 18V17H18V18C18 18.55 18.45 19 19 19S20 18.55 20 18V17H21C21 17 22 17 22 12.5C22 9 21 8 21 8Z",KE1="M21.5,9V8H20.5L19.5,9H15L14,8H13L7,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V16H10L13,15H15V16H21.5V14C21.5,14 22,13 22,11.5C22,10 21.5,9 21.5,9Z",jE1="M3,18H11.7L17,14H18V18H20V14C20,14 21,12 21,10C21,8 20.5,6 20.5,6H18.5L18,7L10,14H8L3,16V18Z",qE1="M10.74,11.72C11.21,12.95 11.16,14.23 9.75,14.74C6.85,15.81 6.2,13 6.16,12.86L10.74,11.72M5.71,10.91L10.03,9.84C9.84,8.79 10.13,7.74 10.13,6.5C10.13,4.82 8.8,1.53 6.68,2.06C4.26,2.66 3.91,5.35 4,6.65C4.12,7.95 5.64,10.73 5.71,10.91M17.85,19.85C17.82,20 17.16,22.8 14.26,21.74C12.86,21.22 12.8,19.94 13.27,18.71L17.85,19.85M20,13.65C20.1,12.35 19.76,9.65 17.33,9.05C15.22,8.5 13.89,11.81 13.89,13.5C13.89,14.73 14.17,15.78 14,16.83L18.3,17.9C18.38,17.72 19.89,14.94 20,13.65Z",$E1="M2 15C2 15 2 12 4 12C4.68 12 5.46 11.95 6.28 11.82C7.2 12.54 8.5 13 10 13H10.25L8.56 11.29C8.91 11.18 9.25 11.05 9.59 10.91L11.5 12.82C11.89 12.74 12.25 12.63 12.58 12.5L10.55 10.45C10.85 10.28 11.14 10.11 11.43 9.91L13.5 12C13.8 11.79 14.04 11.56 14.25 11.32L12.22 9.29C12.46 9.07 12.7 8.83 12.92 8.58L14.79 10.45C14.91 10.14 15 9.83 15 9.5C15 8.65 14.55 7.89 13.84 7.28C13.89 7.19 13.95 7.1 14 7L15.53 6.23C16.38 7.17 18.14 7.84 20.25 7.97L20.3 8H21C21 8 22 9 22 12.5C22 13.07 22 13.57 21.96 14H19C17.9 14 16.58 14.26 15.3 14.5C14.12 14.76 12.9 15 12 15H2M21 17C21 17 21.58 17 21.86 15H19C17 15 14 16 12 16H2.28C2.62 16.6 3.26 17 4 17H21Z",XE1="M12,13A5,5 0 0,1 7,8H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,11A3,3 0 0,0 15,8H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,13M12,3A3,3 0 0,1 15,6H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,3M19,6H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,1A5,5 0 0,0 7,6H5C3.89,6 3,6.89 3,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V8C21,6.89 20.1,6 19,6Z",YE1="M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H15A3,3 0 0,0 12,3M19,6A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5C3.89,22 3,21.1 3,20V8C3,6.89 3.89,6 5,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6H19M9,19L16.5,14L9,10V19Z",JE1="M19 6H17C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H5C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.1 22 21 21.1 21 20V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6M12 3C13.7 3 15 4.3 15 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3M19 20H5V8H19V20M12 12C10.3 12 9 10.7 9 9H7C7 11.8 9.2 14 12 14S17 11.8 17 9H15C15 10.7 13.7 12 12 12Z",CN1="M19 6H17A5 5 0 0 0 7 6H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 8V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H12.05A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 9 16.5A6.4 6.4 0 0 1 10.25 12.68A5 5 0 0 1 7 8H9A3 3 0 0 0 12 11H12.06A6.22 6.22 0 0 1 14.06 10.16A3 3 0 0 0 15 8H17A4.88 4.88 0 0 1 16.54 10.09A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 13.09V8A2 2 0 0 0 19 6M9 6A3 3 0 0 1 15 6M19.31 18.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22M15.5 19A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 18 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.5 19Z",HN1="M19.31 18.9C20.64 16.8 20 14 17.91 12.69S13.03 12 11.7 14.1 11 19 13.1 20.3C14.56 21.22 16.42 21.23 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M10.03 20H5V8H19V11.03C19.81 11.55 20.5 12.24 21 13.05V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H17C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H5C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H12.05C11.24 21.5 10.55 20.81 10.03 20M12 3C13.7 3 15 4.3 15 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3M15 9H17C17 9.4 16.95 9.78 16.86 10.15C16.42 10.05 15.97 10 15.5 10C15.27 10 15.04 10 14.82 10.04C14.93 9.71 15 9.37 15 9M9.76 13.46C8.12 12.65 7 11 7 9H9C9 10.34 9.82 11.42 11 11.82C10.5 12.3 10.08 12.85 9.76 13.46Z",VN1="M20 12H22V14H20C18.6 14 17.3 13.6 16 13C13.5 14.3 10.5 14.3 8 13C6.7 13.6 5.4 14 4 14H2V12H4C5.4 12 6.8 11.5 8 10.7C10.4 12.4 13.6 12.4 16 10.7C17.2 11.5 18.6 12 20 12M20 6H22V8H20C18.6 8 17.3 7.7 16 7C13.5 8.3 10.5 8.3 8 7C6.7 7.7 5.4 8 4 8H2V6H4C5.4 6 6.8 5.5 8 4.7C10.4 6.4 13.6 6.4 16 4.7C17.2 5.5 18.6 6 20 6M22 20H2V18H22",LN1="M15.1,1.81L12.27,4.64C11.5,5.42 11.5,6.69 12.27,7.47L13.68,8.88L9.13,13.43L6.31,10.6L4.89,12C-0.06,17 3.5,20.5 3.5,20.5C3.5,20.5 7,24 12,19.09L13.41,17.68L10.61,14.88L15.15,10.34L16.54,11.73C17.32,12.5 18.59,12.5 19.37,11.73L22.2,8.9L15.1,1.81M17.93,10.28L16.55,8.9L15.11,7.46L13.71,6.06L15.12,4.65L19.35,8.88L17.93,10.28Z",MN1="M15.1,1.81L12.27,4.65C11.5,5.43 11.5,6.69 12.27,7.47L13.68,8.89L13,9.62L14.44,11.06L15.17,10.33L16.56,11.72C17.34,12.5 18.61,12.5 19.39,11.72L22.22,8.88L15.1,1.81M17.93,10.28L13.7,6.06L15.11,4.65L19.34,8.88L17.93,10.28M20.7,20.24L19.29,21.65L11.5,13.88L10.5,14.88L13.33,17.69L12,19.09C7,24 3.5,20.5 3.5,20.5C3.5,20.5 -0.06,17 4.89,12L6.31,10.6L9.13,13.43L10.13,12.43L2.35,4.68L3.77,3.26L20.7,20.24Z",AN1="M21,14V15C21,16.91 19.93,18.57 18.35,19.41L19,22H17L16.5,20C16.33,20 16.17,20 16,20H8C7.83,20 7.67,20 7.5,20L7,22H5L5.65,19.41C4.07,18.57 3,16.91 3,15V14H2V12H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4C18.5,4 18.12,4.34 18,4.79C18.63,5.33 19,6.13 19,7H13A3,3 0 0,1 16,4C16.06,4 16.11,4 16.17,4C16.58,2.84 17.69,2 19,2A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V14H21V14M19,14H5V15A3,3 0 0,0 8,18H16A3,3 0 0,0 19,15V14Z",iN1="M20,20A1,1 0 0,1 21,21A1,1 0 0,1 20,22A1,1 0 0,1 19,21A1,1 0 0,1 20,20M16,20A1,1 0 0,1 17,21A1,1 0 0,1 16,22A1,1 0 0,1 15,21A1,1 0 0,1 16,20M12,20A1,1 0 0,1 13,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,22A1,1 0 0,1 11,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,20M8,20A1,1 0 0,1 9,21A1,1 0 0,1 8,22A1,1 0 0,1 7,21A1,1 0 0,1 8,20M4,20A1,1 0 0,1 5,21A1,1 0 0,1 4,22A1,1 0 0,1 3,21A1,1 0 0,1 4,20M6,17A1,1 0 0,1 7,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,19H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,17H6M10,17A1,1 0 0,1 11,18A1,1 0 0,1 10,19A1,1 0 0,1 9,18A1,1 0 0,1 10,17M14,17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18A1,1 0 0,1 14,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,18A1,1 0 0,1 14,17M18,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18A1,1 0 0,1 18,19A1,1 0 0,1 17,18A1,1 0 0,1 18,17M8,14A1,1 0 0,1 9,15A1,1 0 0,1 8,16A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 8,14M12,14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,14M16,14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 16,16A1,1 0 0,1 15,15A1,1 0 0,1 16,14M19,12H5V10H19V12M17.92,9H6.08C6.5,6.5 8.5,4.5 11,4.08V2H13V4.08C15.5,4.5 17.5,6.5 17.92,9Z",rN1="M6,3V7H8V5H16V7H18V3H6M5,8A3,3 0 0,0 2,11V17H5V14H19V17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8H5M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 19,11A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M7,16V21H9V16H7M11,16V20H13V16H11M15,16V21H17V16H15Z",aN1="M14.83,13.41L13.42,14.82L16.55,17.95L14.5,20H20V14.5L17.96,16.54L14.83,13.41M14.5,4L16.54,6.04L4,18.59L5.41,20L17.96,7.46L20,9.5V4M10.59,9.17L5.41,4L4,5.41L9.17,10.58L10.59,9.17Z",eN1="M16,4.5V7H5V9H16V11.5L19.5,8M16,12.5V15H5V17H16V19.5L19.5,16",dN1="M17,3L22.25,7.5L17,12L22.25,16.5L17,21V18H14.26L11.44,15.18L13.56,13.06L15.5,15H17V12L17,9H15.5L6.5,18H2V15H5.26L14.26,6H17V3M2,6H6.5L9.32,8.82L7.2,10.94L5.26,9H2V6Z",mN1="M14.5 9.5L12 2L9.5 9.5L2 12L9.5 14.5L12 22L14.5 14.5L22 12L14.5 9.5M12 13.7C11.1 13.7 10.3 13 10.3 12C10.3 11.1 11 10.3 12 10.3C12.9 10.3 13.7 11 13.7 12C13.7 12.9 12.9 13.7 12 13.7Z",tN1="M19.3 7.2C17.5 4.7 14.9 3 12 2C26.2 10.5 15.4 22.9 8.5 15.5L5.9 16L2.5 19.4C1.9 20 1.9 21 2.5 21.5C3.1 22.1 4.1 22.1 4.6 21.5L7.8 18.3C15.3 24.3 25 15 19.3 7.2Z",vN1="M18,6H8.83L14.83,12L8.83,18H18V20H6V18L12,12L6,6V4H18V6Z",lN1="M19,12C19,16.42 15.64,20 11.5,20C7.36,20 4,16.42 4,12C4,7.58 7.36,4 11.5,4H20V6H16.46C18,7.47 19,9.61 19,12M11.5,6C8.46,6 6,8.69 6,12C6,15.31 8.46,18 11.5,18C14.54,18 17,15.31 17,12C17,8.69 14.54,6 11.5,6Z",oN1="M2,3H22V13H18V21H16V13H8V21H6V13H2V3M18.97,11L20,9.97V7.15L16.15,11H18.97M13.32,11L19.32,5H16.5L10.5,11H13.32M7.66,11L13.66,5H10.83L4.83,11H7.66M5.18,5L4,6.18V9L8,5H5.18Z",nN1="M11,12H3.5L6,9.5L3.5,7H11V3L12,2L13,3V7H18L20.5,9.5L18,12H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V12Z",ZN1="M20.5 9.5L18 12H13V22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18M23 18H15V20H23Z",SN1="M13 20H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 13.81 22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18L20.5 9.5L18 12H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15Z",uN1="M13 20H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 13.81 22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18L20.5 9.5L18 12H13M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",cN1="M7.5 4C7.9 3.6 8.5 3.6 8.9 4L11.8 7C11 7.4 10.6 7.6 10.2 8.2L7.5 5.5C7.1 5.1 7.1 4.4 7.5 4M6.3 7.2C6.7 6.8 7.3 6.8 7.7 7.2L9.6 9.2C9.4 9.8 9.3 10.5 9.4 11H8.6L6.3 8.6C5.9 8.2 5.9 7.6 6.3 7.2M19 21.5C19 22.9 17.9 24 16.5 24H5.5C5 24 4.5 23.5 4.5 23S5 22 5.5 22H10V21H4C3.5 21 3 20.5 3 20S3.5 19 4 19H10V18H3C2.5 18 2 17.5 2 17S2.5 16 3 16H10V15H4.5C4 15 3.5 14.5 3.5 14S4 13 4.5 13H12.5L11.6 11.1C11.2 10.4 11.5 9.5 12.3 9.1L12.5 9L18.2 14.5C18.7 15 19 15.6 19 16.3V21.5M22 11.3C22 12 21.7 12.6 21.2 13.1L20.3 13.9C20.1 13.6 19.9 13.3 19.6 13L19 12.4L15.4 9L12.7 6.6L8.9 2.6C8.5 2.2 8.5 1.6 8.9 1.2C9.3 .8 9.9 .8 10.3 1.2L15.1 6.3L15.8 5.6L12 1.6C11.6 1.2 11.6 .6 12 .2S13-.2 13.4 .2L18.9 6L19.6 4C20.1 3.4 21 3 21.7 3.2L22 3.3V11.3Z",sN1="M7.5 4C7.9 3.6 8.5 3.6 8.9 4L11.8 7C11 7.4 10.6 7.6 10.2 8.2L7.5 5.5C7.1 5.1 7.1 4.4 7.5 4M6.3 7.2C6.7 6.8 7.3 6.8 7.7 7.2L9.6 9.2C9.4 9.8 9.3 10.5 9.4 11H8.6L6.3 8.6C5.9 8.2 5.9 7.6 6.3 7.2M18.2 14.5L12.5 9L12.2 9.1C11.5 9.5 11.2 10.4 11.5 11.1L12.4 13H4.4C3.9 13 3.4 13.5 3.4 14S3.9 15 4.4 15H10V16H3C2.5 16 2 16.5 2 17S2.5 18 3 18H10V19H4C3.5 19 3 19.5 3 20S3.5 21 4 21H10V22H5.5C5 22 4.5 22.5 4.5 23S5 24 5.5 24H16.5C17.9 24 19 22.9 19 21.5V16.3C19 15.6 18.7 14.9 18.2 14.5M17 21C17 21.5 16.5 22 16 22H12V15H14V13.2L16.7 15.7C16.9 15.9 17 16.2 17 16.4V21M22 11.3C22 12 21.7 12.6 21.2 13.1L20.3 13.9C20.1 13.6 19.9 13.3 19.6 13L19 12.4L19.7 11.7C19.9 11.5 20 11.2 20 11V7.3L18.7 8.5L17.3 7L15.4 9L12.7 6.6L8.9 2.6C8.5 2.2 8.5 1.6 8.9 1.2C9.3 .8 9.9 .8 10.3 1.2L15.1 6.3L15.8 5.6L12 1.6C11.6 1.2 11.6 .6 12 .2S13-.2 13.4 .2L18.9 6L19.6 4C20.1 3.4 21 3 21.7 3.2L22 3.3V11.3Z",ON1="M11 3L12 2L13 3V20C14.11 20 15 20.9 15 22H9C9 20.9 9.9 20 11 20V3Z",hN1="M18 8H8C6.9 8 6 8.9 6 10V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H18C19.11 18 20 17.11 20 16V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8M14 16H8V14H14V16M18 12H8V10H18V12M22 6H4V22H2V2H4V4H22V6Z",pN1="M11,3L12,2L13,3V5H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,6V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V6A1,1 0 0,1 4,5H11V3M6,8V10H18V8H6M6,12V14H13V12H6Z",fN1="M20.5 3H3.5C2.4 3 1.6 4.3 2.2 5.3L10.7 20.2C11 20.7 11.5 21 12 21S13 20.7 13.3 20.2L21.8 5.3C22.4 4.3 21.6 3 20.5 3M12 18.5L4.3 5H19.6L12 18.5M6.9 6.5H17.1L12 15.5L6.9 6.5Z",gN1="M3,21H6V18H3M8,21H11V14H8M13,21H16V9H13M18,21H21V3H18V21Z",kN1="M11,19.5H2V13.5A3,3 0 0,1 5,10.5H8V7.5H2V4.5H8A3,3 0 0,1 11,7.5V10.5A3,3 0 0,1 8,13.5H5V16.5H11M22,10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5",BN1="M11,16.5V14.25C11,13 10,12 8.75,12C10,12 11,11 11,9.75V7.5A3,3 0 0,0 8,4.5H2V7.5H8V10.5H5V13.5H8V16.5H2V19.5H8A3,3 0 0,0 11,16.5M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5Z",PN1="M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5M8,19.5H11V4.5H8V10.5H5V4.5H2V13.5H8V19.5Z",wN1="M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5M10,4.5H3V12L3,13.5H7V16.5H3V19.5H8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,18V12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,10.5H6V7.5H10V4.5Z",FN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M12.5,10.5V18.5H10.5V10.5H12.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",TN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",bN1="M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",yN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M12.5,10.5V18.5H10.5V10.5H12.5M5.5,15.5V18.5H3.5V15.5H5.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",RN1="M4,6V4A12,12 0 0,1 16,16H14A10,10 0 0,0 4,6M4,10V8A8,8 0 0,1 12,16H10A6,6 0 0,0 4,10M4,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,16H4V12M3,18H19V16L22,19L19,22V20H3V18Z",xN1="M10.5,10.5H13.5V4.5H16.5V19.5H13.5V13.5H10.5V19.5H7.5V4.5H10.5V10.5Z",DN1="M19,8V11H22V14H19V17H16V14H13V11H16V8H19M5,10.5H8V4.5H11V19.5H8V13.5H5V19.5H2V4.5H5V10.5Z",EN1="M18,3V16.18L21,19.18V3H18M4.28,5L3,6.27L10.73,14H8V21H11V14.27L13,16.27V21H16V19.27L19.73,23L21,21.72L4.28,5M13,9V11.18L16,14.18V9H13M3,18V21H6V18H3Z",NN1="M4,6V4H4.1C12.9,4 20,11.1 20,19.9V20H18V19.9C18,12.2 11.8,6 4,6M4,10V8A12,12 0 0,1 16,20H14A10,10 0 0,0 4,10M4,14V12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20H10A6,6 0 0,0 4,14M4,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,20H4V16Z",WN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M2.26,16.83L5.09,14L2.26,11.17L3.67,9.76L6.5,12.59L9.33,9.76L10.74,11.17L7.91,14L10.74,16.83L9.33,18.24L6.5,15.41L3.67,18.24L2.26,16.83Z",IN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L5.5,18L4.1,16.6L2.7,18L2,17.3L3.4,15.9L2,14.5L2.7,13.8L4.1,15.2L5.5,13.8L6.2,14.5L4.8,15.9L6.2,17.3M16.22,14.43C16.22,13.85 15.5,13.2 14.06,12.46C12.23,11.54 11,10.79 10.36,10.24C9.71,9.68 9.39,9.06 9.39,8.37C9.39,6.59 10.3,5.12 12.12,3.95C13.94,2.78 15.43,2.19 16.57,2.19C17.31,2.19 17.85,2.32 18.18,2.58C18.5,2.83 18.68,3.27 18.68,3.9C18.68,4.18 18.56,4.42 18.31,4.63C18.07,4.83 17.87,4.93 17.74,4.93C17.63,4.93 17.43,4.83 17.13,4.64L16.55,4.38C16.08,4.38 15.14,4.71 13.71,5.38C12.29,6.04 11.58,6.79 11.58,7.63C11.58,8.14 11.82,8.6 12.32,9C12.82,9.42 13.71,9.93 15,10.53C16.03,11 16.86,11.5 17.5,12.07C18.1,12.61 18.41,13.25 18.41,14C18.41,15.34 17.47,16.41 15.58,17.17C13.7,17.94 11.9,18.32 10.19,18.32C8.75,18.32 8,17.83 8,16.86C8,16.5 8.19,16.27 8.5,16.11C8.83,15.95 9.16,15.87 9.5,15.87L10.25,16L10.97,16.13C11.95,16.13 13,15.97 14.13,15.64C15.26,15.32 15.96,14.91 16.22,14.43Z",GN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L4.8,15.9L6.2,14.5L5.5,13.8L4.1,15.2L2.7,13.8L2,14.5L3.4,15.9L2,17.3L2.7,18L4.1,16.6L5.5,18L6.2,17.3M20,5H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,7V16A2,2 0 0,0 10,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M10,16L12.6,12.7L14.4,14.9L16.8,11.6L20,16H10Z",QN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L4.8,15.9L6.2,14.5L5.5,13.8L4.1,15.2L2.7,13.8L2,14.5L3.4,15.9L2,17.3L2.7,18L4.1,16.6L5.5,18L6.2,17.3M20.5,3L21.7,7.4L20.7,7.7C20.2,6.8 19.8,6 19.3,5.5C18.7,5 18.1,5 17.5,5H15V15.5C15,16 15,16.5 15.3,16.7C15.6,16.9 16.3,16.9 17,16.9V17.9H11V16.9C11.7,16.9 12.3,16.9 12.7,16.7C13,16.5 13,16 13,15.5V5H10.5C9.9,5 9.3,5 8.7,5.4C8.2,5.8 7.7,6.7 7.3,7.6L6.3,7.3L7.5,3H20.5Z",UN1="M15 7.8C14.6 4.5 11.8 2 8.5 2C6.8 2 5.1 2.7 3.9 3.9S2 6.8 2 8.5V22H15V9.8L18 11.6V22H20V12.8L22 14V12L15 7.8M11 20H6V18H11V20M11 16H6V14H11V16M11 12H6V10H11V12M4.3 7C4.9 5.2 6.6 4 8.5 4S12.1 5.2 12.7 7H4.3Z",zN1="M8.5,2C11.85,2 14.6,4.53 14.96,7.78L22,12V14L20,12.8V22H18V11.6L15,9.8V22H13V9H4V22H2V8.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 8.5,2M8.5,4C6.54,4 4.87,5.25 4.26,7H12.74C12.13,5.25 10.46,4 8.5,4M6,11H11V13H6V11M6,15H11V17H6V15M6,19H11V21H6V19Z",_N1="M8.1,13.34L3.91,9.16C2.35,7.59 2.35,5.06 3.91,3.5L10.93,10.5L8.1,13.34M14.88,11.53L13.41,13L20.29,19.88L18.88,21.29L12,14.41L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.47,10.12C12.76,8.59 13.26,6.44 14.85,4.85C16.76,2.93 19.5,2.57 20.96,4.03C22.43,5.5 22.07,8.24 20.15,10.15C18.56,11.74 16.41,12.24 14.88,11.53Z",KN1="M15 0L14.38 1.37L13 2L14.38 2.63L15 4L15.63 2.63L17 2L15.63 1.37L15 0M10.5 2L9.41 4.41L7 5.5L9.41 6.59L10.5 9L11.6 6.59L14 5.5L11.6 4.41L10.5 2M18.89 5.14C17.56 5.06 16.04 5.65 14.84 6.84C13.25 8.43 12.75 10.58 13.46 12.11L3.7 21.87L5.11 23.28L12 16.41L18.88 23.29L20.29 21.88L13.41 15L14.88 13.53C16.41 14.24 18.56 13.74 20.15 12.15C22.06 10.24 22.43 7.5 20.96 6.03C20.41 5.5 19.68 5.19 18.89 5.14M3.91 5.5C2.35 7.06 2.35 9.59 3.91 11.16L8.1 15.34L10.93 12.5L3.91 5.5Z",jN1="M5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.36,10.22L13.16,10C12.38,9.23 12.38,7.97 13.16,7.19L17.5,2.82L18.43,3.74L15.19,7L16.15,7.94L19.39,4.69L20.31,5.61L17.06,8.85L18,9.81L21.26,6.56L22.18,7.5L17.81,11.84C17.03,12.62 15.77,12.62 15,11.84L14.78,11.64L5.12,21.29Z",qN1="M11,9H9V2H7V9H5V2H3V9C3,11.12 4.66,12.84 6.75,12.97V22H9.25V12.97C11.34,12.84 13,11.12 13,9V2H11V9M16,6V14H18.5V22H21V2C18.24,2 16,4.24 16,6Z",$N1="M14.88,11.53L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.47,10.12C12.76,8.59 13.26,6.44 14.85,4.85C16.76,2.93 19.5,2.57 20.96,4.03C22.43,5.5 22.07,8.24 20.15,10.15C18.56,11.74 16.41,12.24 14.88,11.53Z",XN1="M8.1,13.34L3.91,9.16C2.35,7.59 2.35,5.06 3.91,3.5L10.93,10.5L8.1,13.34M13.41,13L20.29,19.88L18.88,21.29L12,14.41L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.36,10.22L13.16,10C12.38,9.23 12.38,7.97 13.16,7.19L17.5,2.82L18.43,3.74L15.19,7L16.15,7.94L19.39,4.69L20.31,5.61L17.06,8.85L18,9.81L21.26,6.56L22.18,7.5L17.81,11.84C17.03,12.62 15.77,12.62 15,11.84L14.78,11.64L13.41,13Z",YN1="M20,4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H10L4,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.1 20,20V4M9,19H7V17H9V19M17,19H15V17H17V19M9,15H7V11H9V15M13,19H11V15H13V19M13,13H11V11H13V13M17,15H15V11H17V15Z",JN1="M13 13H11V7H13M13 17H11V15H13M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2Z",CW1="M13 13H11V7H13M13 17H11V15H13M18 4V20H6V8.8L10.8 4H18M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2Z",HW1="M20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V8L5.06 6.95L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M20 4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H10L7.6 4.4L20 16.8V4Z",VW1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.06 6.95L4 8V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M18 20H6V8.83L6.47 8.36L18 19.89V20M10.83 4H18V14.8L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H10L7.6 4.4L9 5.81L10.83 4Z",LW1="M18 4V20H6V8.8L10.8 4H18M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2M9.5 19H7.5V17H9.5V19M16.5 19H14.5V17H16.5V19M9.5 15H7.5V11H9.5V15M13 19H11V15H13V19M13 13H11V11H13V13M16.5 15H14.5V11H16.5V15Z",MW1="M18.25 17C18.25 17.88 18.07 18.74 17.71 19.53H16.31C17.71 17.15 16.91 14.09 14.53 12.69C13.76 12.24 12.89 12 12 12C9.24 12 7 9.76 7 7C7 4.24 9.24 2 12 2C14.76 2 17 4.24 17 7H15.75C15.75 4.93 14.07 3.25 12 3.25C9.93 3.25 8.25 4.93 8.25 7C8.25 9.07 9.93 10.75 12 10.75C15.45 10.75 18.25 13.56 18.25 17M6.29 19.53C5.93 18.74 5.75 17.87 5.75 17H7C7 17.93 7.25 18.79 7.69 19.53H6.29M18.25 20.75V22H5.75V20.75H9.5V15.75H8.25V14.5H15.75V15.75H14.5V20.75H18.25M13.25 15.75H10.75V20.75H13.25V15.75M14.44 7.07C14.4 8.4 13.33 9.47 12 9.5C10.62 9.46 9.53 8.32 9.57 6.94C9.6 5.61 10.67 4.53 12 4.5C13.38 4.54 14.47 5.68 14.44 7.07M13.25 7C13.25 6.31 12.69 5.75 12 5.75C11.31 5.75 10.75 6.31 10.75 7C10.75 7.69 11.31 8.25 12 8.25C12.69 8.25 13.25 7.69 13.25 7Z",AW1="M9.82,13.87C10.89,13.87 11.77,14.74 11.77,15.82A1.95,1.95 0 0,1 9.82,17.77C8.74,17.77 7.87,16.89 7.87,15.82C7.87,14.74 8.74,13.87 9.82,13.87M14.5,3.34L15.18,3.31C18.94,3.31 22,6.37 22,10.13L21.95,10.95L20.76,10.58L20.78,10.13C20.78,7.04 18.27,4.53 15.18,4.53L14.83,4.54L14.5,3.34M15.32,6.23C17.38,6.3 19.05,8 19.08,10.06L17.84,9.68C17.65,8.56 16.78,7.68 15.67,7.5L15.32,6.23M2,15.41C1.97,14.8 2.07,12.64 4.95,9.97C8.35,6.81 9.82,7.05 9.82,7.05C9.82,7.05 13,6.75 11.06,10.46H11.13C11.6,9.96 12.62,9.21 14.69,9C16.77,8.79 16.77,10.5 16.5,11.7C18.38,12.64 19.56,14.03 19.56,15.58C19.56,18.4 15.63,20.69 10.78,20.69H10.65L10.5,20.69C7,20.69 4,19.42 2.71,17.59C2.25,16.97 2,16.29 2,15.58V15.41M9.82,11.92C6.59,11.92 3.97,13.67 3.97,15.82C3.97,17.97 6.59,19.72 9.82,19.72C13.05,19.72 15.67,17.97 15.67,15.82C15.67,13.67 13.05,11.92 9.82,11.92Z",iW1="M16.5,21C13.5,21 12.31,16.76 11.05,12.28C10.14,9.04 9,5 7.5,5C4.11,5 4,11.93 4,12H2C2,11.63 2.06,3 7.5,3C10.5,3 11.71,7.25 12.97,11.74C13.83,14.8 15,19 16.5,19C19.94,19 20.03,12.07 20.03,12H22.03C22.03,12.37 21.97,21 16.5,21Z",rW1="M9,2V8H11V11H5C3.89,11 3,11.89 3,13V16H1V22H7V16H5V13H11V16H9V22H15V16H13V13H19V16H17V22H23V16H21V13C21,11.89 20.11,11 19,11H13V8H15V2H9Z",aW1="M21 16V13C21 11.89 20.11 11 19 11H13V8H15V2H9V8H11V11H5C3.89 11 3 11.89 3 13V16H1V22H7V16H5V13H11V16H9V22H15V16H13V13H19V16H17V22H23V16H21M11 4H13V6H11V4M5 20H3V18H5V20M13 20H11V18H13V20M21 20H19V18H21V20Z",eW1="M9 7V17H15V15H11V7H9Z",dW1="M9 7C7.9 7 7 7.9 7 9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9C17 7.9 16.11 7 15 7H9Z",mW1="M11 7C9.9 7 9 7.9 9 9V11C9 12.11 9.9 13 11 13H13V15H9V17H13C14.11 17 15 16.11 15 15V13C15 11.9 14.11 11 13 11H11V9H15V7H11Z",tW1="M6 7H8L9 9.5L10 7H12L10 12L12 17H10L9 14.5L8 17H6L8 12L6 7M13 7H15V15H19V17H13V7Z",vW1="M6 7H8L9 9.5L10 7H12L10 12L12 17H10L9 14.5L8 17H6L8 12L6 7M15 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H15C13.9 13 13 12.11 13 11V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7Z",lW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M16 7H18V15H22V17H16V7M2 7H4L5 9.5L6 7H8L6 12L8 17H6L5 14.5L4 17H2L4 12L2 7Z",oW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M18 7H22V9H18V11H20C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13V15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H16V15H20V13H18C16.9 13 16 12.11 16 11V9C16 7.9 16.9 7 18 7M2 7H4L5 9.5L6 7H8L6 12L8 17H6L5 14.5L4 17H2L4 12L2 7Z",nW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M16 7H18V15H22V17H16V7M8 15C8 16.11 7.11 17 6 17H2V15H6V13H4V11H6V9H2V7H6C7.1 7 8 7.89 8 9V10.5C8 11.33 7.33 12 6.5 12C7.33 12 8 12.67 8 13.5V15Z",ZW1="M20.95 17C20.7 18.69 19.26 20 17.5 20H16V18H19C18.93 16.72 19.26 14.04 18.53 12.95C17.56 10.9 14.83 10.56 12.93 10.05C12 10 11 9 10.84 8H8C7.72 8 7.5 7.78 7.5 7.5C7.5 7.22 7.72 7 8 7H10.5V6H8C7.72 6 7.5 5.78 7.5 5.5C7.5 5.22 7.72 5 8 5H10.5V2H2.03V18H5V20H1V22H17.5C20.36 22 22.72 19.8 23 17H20.95M14 20H7V18H14V20Z",SW1="M19 15.81L13.36 10.16C15.22 10.62 17.63 11.05 18.53 12.95C18.95 13.57 19 14.71 19 15.81M20.95 17C20.92 17.21 20.87 17.41 20.8 17.6L22.32 19.12C22.68 18.5 22.92 17.77 23 17H20.95M10.5 7V6H9.2L10.2 7H10.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.66 21.55C19 21.83 18.27 22 17.5 22H1V20H5V18H2.03V3.92L1.11 3L2.03 2.09V2H2.12L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14 18H7V20H14V18M18.06 19.95L16.11 18H16V20H17.5C17.69 20 17.88 20 18.06 19.95M10.5 5V2H5.2L8.2 5H10.5Z",uW1="M9 14.5C9 15.33 8.33 16 7.5 16S6 15.33 6 14.5 6.67 13 7.5 13 9 13.67 9 14.5M16.5 13C15.67 13 15 13.67 15 14.5S15.67 16 16.5 16C17.33 16 18 15.33 18 14.5S17.33 13 16.5 13M21.59 9.19C21.14 8.87 20.5 8.97 20.19 9.41L20.06 9.59C19.88 9.85 19.57 10 19.26 10L4.74 10C4.43 10 4.13 9.85 3.94 9.59L3.81 9.41C3.5 8.97 2.86 8.87 2.41 9.19C1.96 9.5 1.87 10.15 2.19 10.59L2.32 10.77C2.88 11.54 3.79 12 4.74 12H19.26C20.21 12 21.12 11.54 21.68 10.77L21.81 10.59C22.13 10.15 22.04 9.5 21.59 9.19Z",cW1="M19.78 18.39C19.93 18.54 20 18.7 20 18.88C20 19 19.94 19.17 19.82 19.32C19.44 19.85 18.96 20.26 18.37 20.56C17.78 20.85 17.15 21 16.47 21H7.53C6.82 21 6.17 20.85 5.59 20.56C5 20.26 4.5 19.85 4.13 19.32C4.04 19.17 4 19.03 4 18.88C4 18.7 4.07 18.54 4.2 18.39S4.5 18.17 4.71 18.17C4.94 18.17 5.13 18.27 5.28 18.5C5.69 19 6.22 19.36 6.87 19.54L9.82 15.96L8.54 12.07C8.36 11.5 8.44 11 8.76 10.5L11 6.86H8.8L7 9.77L5.41 8.76L7.75 5H13.12C13.54 5 13.87 5.12 14.14 5.35C14.4 5.59 14.58 5.8 14.67 5.97L15.15 7.12C15.5 7.89 16 8.5 16.7 9C17.4 9.45 18.18 9.69 19.03 9.69V11.59C17.94 11.59 16.95 11.32 16.03 10.79C15.12 10.26 14.4 9.57 13.87 8.71L12.16 11.41L16.21 13.93V19.59H16.47C16.92 19.59 17.33 19.5 17.73 19.28S18.46 18.81 18.72 18.5C18.87 18.27 19.05 18.17 19.25 18.17S19.63 18.25 19.78 18.39M14.36 15.25L11.05 13.18L12 16.32L9.24 19.59H14.36V15.25M15 1C13.9 1 13 1.9 13 3S13.9 5 15 5 17 4.11 17 3 16.11 1 15 1M8 21.5C7.59 21.5 7.25 21.84 7.25 22.25S7.59 23 8 23C8.41 23 8.75 22.66 8.75 22.25S8.41 21.5 8 21.5M16 21.5C15.59 21.5 15.25 21.84 15.25 22.25S15.59 23 16 23 16.75 22.66 16.75 22.25 16.41 21.5 16 21.5Z",sW1="M17.5,11L15.41,20H10.5L12.59,11H17.5M20,9H11L8,22H17L20,9M4,6L8,2V5H16V7H8V10L4,6Z",OW1="M12.5,11L10.41,20H5.5L7.59,11H12.5M15,9H6L3,22H12L15,9M21,6L17,2V5H9V7H17V10L21,6Z",hW1="M17.92 13.32C17.67 13.28 16.71 13 16.46 12.89L14.39 19.37L11.3 18.24L13.5 12.47L10.45 9L13 7.54C13.45 8.67 14.17 9.62 15.12 10.4S17.16 11.67 18.38 11.86L19.5 8.43L18.06 7.96L17.54 9.56C16.88 9.28 16.3 8.86 15.8 8.32C15.3 7.77 14.94 7.13 14.72 6.41L14.39 5.33C14.27 4.93 14.04 4.61 13.71 4.37C13.38 4.14 13 4 12.63 3.97C12.24 3.94 11.86 4 11.5 4.21L8 6.23C7.63 6.44 7.36 6.74 7.19 7.12C7 7.5 6.96 7.88 7 8.29S7.26 9.06 7.54 9.37L11.11 13.08L9.42 17.54L2.47 15.05L2 16.46L16.04 21.58C16.82 21.86 17.65 22 18.53 22C19.15 22 19.76 21.92 20.36 21.77C20.95 21.61 21.5 21.39 22 21.11L20.87 20C20.12 20.33 19.34 20.5 18.53 20.5C17.87 20.5 17.21 20.39 16.55 20.17L15.8 19.89L17.92 13.32M19 3C19 4.11 18.11 5 17 5S15 4.11 15 3 15.9 1 17 1 19 1.9 19 3Z",pW1="M19 14H17.6V22H19V14M6.44 22H5L7 14H8.44L6.44 22M8.76 9.54V13H7V8.32L11.61 6.31C12.04 6.14 12.5 6.13 12.96 6.27S13.79 6.69 14.06 7.1L15 8.58C15.37 9.25 15.9 9.95 16.62 10.37C17.33 10.79 18.13 11 19 11V12.83C18 12.83 17 12.62 16.13 12.2S14.5 11.06 13.88 10.37L13.31 13.16L15.28 15V22H13.4V16.5L11.5 14.55L9.77 22H7.8L10.43 8.89L8.76 9.54M16 4C16 5.11 15.11 6 14 6S12 5.11 12 4 12.9 2 14 2 16 2.9 16 4Z",fW1="M4.2 3.5C4.2 2.7 4.9 1.9 5.8 1.9C6.7 1.9 7.4 2.6 7.4 3.5S6.6 5 5.8 5 4.2 4.3 4.2 3.5M22 3.9L21.5 3L13.5 7.1L14 8L22 3.9M20.8 20.3L21.7 21.2C21.1 21.8 20.5 22.2 19.8 22.5S18.3 23 17.5 23H2V21.7H4.7L6.8 18.2L4.5 15L3.7 7.2C3.7 6.3 4.5 5.5 5.4 5.5C5.7 5.5 6 5.6 6.2 5.7L9.7 8.3L12 7.5L12.8 9.1L9.3 10.6C9.2 10.5 7.7 9.4 6.6 8.5L7 12L12.3 16.5L14 21.7H17.5C18.1 21.7 18.7 21.6 19.3 21.3C19.9 21.1 20.4 20.7 20.8 20.3M7 21.7H12L10.4 17.8L8.1 15.9L9.3 18.4L7 21.7Z",gW1="M20,5V19L13,12M6,5V19H4V5M13,5V19L6,12",kW1="M18,14.17L15.83,12L18,9.83V14.17M20,19V5L13,12M4,19H6V5H4M11,14.17L8.83,12L11,9.83V14.17M13,19V5L6,12",BW1="M4,5V19L11,12M18,5V19H20V5M11,5V19L18,12",PW1="M6,9.83L8.17,12L6,14.17V9.83M4,5V19L11,12M20,5H18V19H20M13,9.83L15.17,12L13,14.17V9.83M11,5V19L18,12",wW1="M16,18H18V6H16M6,18L14.5,12L6,6V18Z",FW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M8,8L13,12L8,16M14,8H16V16H14",TW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4M8,8V16L13,12M14,8V16H16V8",bW1="M6,18L14.5,12L6,6M8,9.86L11.03,12L8,14.14M16,6H18V18H16",yW1="M6,18V6H8V18H6M9.5,12L18,6V18L9.5,12Z",RW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M8,8H10V16H8M16,8V16L11,12",xW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C7.59,4 4,7.59 4,12C4,16.41 7.59,20 12,20C16.41,20 20,16.41 20,12C20,7.59 16.41,4 12,4M16,8V16L11,12M10,8V16H8V8",DW1="M6,6H8V18H6M9.5,12L18,18V6M16,14.14L12.97,12L16,9.86V14.14Z",EW1="M12,2A9,9 0 0,0 3,11C3,14.03 4.53,16.82 7,18.47V22H9V19H11V22H13V19H15V22H17V18.46C19.47,16.81 21,14 21,11A9,9 0 0,0 12,2M8,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,15A2,2 0 0,1 6,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,11M16,11A2,2 0 0,1 18,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,11M12,14L13.5,17H10.5L12,14Z",NW1="M15.8,18.5L21.8,20.1L21.4,22L12,19.5L2.6,22L2.1,20.1L8.1,18.5L2,16.9L2.5,15L11.9,17.5L21.3,15L21.8,16.9L15.8,18.5M18,8C18,9.8 17.2,11.3 16,12.4V15H14V13.7L14,13H13V15H11V13H10V13.7L10,15H8V12.4C6.8,11.3 6,9.8 6,8A6,6 0 0,1 12,2A6,6 0 0,1 18,8M11,7.5C11,6.7 10.3,6 9.5,6C8.7,6 8,6.7 8,7.5C8,8.3 8.7,9 9.5,9C10.3,9 11,8.3 11,7.5M13,11L12,9L11,11H13M16,7.5C16,6.7 15.3,6 14.5,6C13.7,6 13,6.7 13,7.5C13,8.3 13.7,9 14.5,9C15.3,9 16,8.3 16,7.5Z",WW1="M15.8,18.5L21.8,20.1L21.4,22L12,19.5L2.6,22L2.1,20.1L8.1,18.5L2,16.9L2.5,15L11.9,17.5L21.3,15L21.8,16.9L15.8,18.5M9.5,6C8.7,6 8,6.7 8,7.5C8,8.3 8.7,9 9.5,9C10.3,9 11,8.3 11,7.5C11,6.7 10.3,6 9.5,6M14.5,6C13.7,6 13,6.7 13,7.5C13,8.3 13.7,9 14.5,9C15.3,9 16,8.3 16,7.5C16,6.7 15.3,6 14.5,6M13,11L12,9L11,11H13M12,1C8.1,1 5,4.1 5,8C5,9.9 5.8,11.6 7,12.9V16H17V12.9C18.2,11.6 19,9.9 19,8C19,4.1 15.9,1 12,1M15,12V14H14V12H13V14H11V12H10V14H9V12H9C7.8,11.1 7,9.7 7,8C7,5.2 9.2,3 12,3C14.8,3 17,5.2 17,8C17,9.6 16.2,11.1 15,12Z",IW1="M8,15A2,2 0 0,1 6,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,15M10.5,17L12,14L13.5,17H10.5M16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,11A2,2 0 0,1 18,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15M22,11A10,10 0 0,0 12,1A10,10 0 0,0 2,11C2,13.8 3.2,16.3 5,18.1V22H19V18.1C20.8,16.3 22,13.8 22,11M17,20H15V18H13V20H11V18H9V20H7V17.2C5.2,15.7 4,13.5 4,11A8,8 0 0,1 12,3A8,8 0 0,1 20,11C20,13.5 18.8,15.8 17,17.2V20Z",GW1="M2 0C.9 0 0 .9 0 2V6H2V2H6V0H2M18 0V2H22V6H24V2C24 .9 23.1 0 22 0H18M12 3C7.6 3 4 6.6 4 11C4 13.5 5.2 15.8 7 17.2V21H9V18H11V21H13V18H15V21H17V17.2C18.8 15.7 20 13.5 20 11C20 6.6 16.4 3 12 3M8 14C6.9 14 6 13.1 6 12S6.9 10 8 10 10 10.9 10 12 9.1 14 8 14M10.5 16L12 13L13.5 16H10.5M16 14C14.9 14 14 13.1 14 12S14.9 10 16 10 18 10.9 18 12 17.1 14 16 14M0 18V22C0 23.1 .9 24 2 24H6V22H2V18H0M22 18V22H18V24H22C23.1 24 24 23.1 24 22V18H22Z",QW1="M2 0C.9 0 0 .9 0 2V6H2V2H6V0H2M18 0V2H22V6H24V2C24 .9 23.1 0 22 0H18M9.5 13C8.7 13 8 12.3 8 11.5S8.7 10 9.5 10 11 10.7 11 11.5 10.3 13 9.5 13M11 15L12 13L13 15H11M14.5 13C13.7 13 13 12.3 13 11.5S13.7 10 14.5 10 16 10.7 16 11.5 15.3 13 14.5 13M0 18V22C0 23.1 .9 24 2 24H6V22H2V18H0M22 18V22H18V24H22C23.1 24 24 23.1 24 22V18H22M12 3C7.6 3 4 6.6 4 11C4 13 4.8 14.9 6 16.3V21H18V16.3C19.2 14.9 20 13.1 20 11C20 6.6 16.4 3 12 3M16 15.4V19H14V17H13V19H11V17H10V19H8V15.4C6.8 14.3 6 12.7 6 11C6 7.7 8.7 5 12 5S18 7.7 18 11C18 12.8 17.2 14.3 16 15.4Z",UW1="M18,6C20.07,8.04 20.85,10.89 20.36,13.55C20.77,14.27 21,15.11 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21C15.11,21 14.27,20.77 13.55,20.36C10.89,20.85 8.04,20.07 6,18C3.93,15.96 3.15,13.11 3.64,10.45C3.23,9.73 3,8.89 3,8A5,5 0 0,1 8,3C8.89,3 9.73,3.23 10.45,3.64C13.11,3.15 15.96,3.93 18,6M12.04,17.16C14.91,17.16 16.34,15.78 16.34,13.92C16.34,12.73 15.78,11.46 13.61,10.97L11.62,10.53C10.86,10.36 10,10.13 10,9.42C10,8.7 10.6,8.2 11.7,8.2C13.93,8.2 13.72,9.73 14.83,9.73C15.41,9.73 15.91,9.39 15.91,8.8C15.91,7.43 13.72,6.4 11.86,6.4C9.85,6.4 7.7,7.26 7.7,9.54C7.7,10.64 8.09,11.81 10.25,12.35L12.94,13.03C13.75,13.23 13.95,13.68 13.95,14.1C13.95,14.78 13.27,15.45 12.04,15.45C9.63,15.45 9.96,13.6 8.67,13.6C8.09,13.6 7.67,14 7.67,14.57C7.67,15.68 9,17.16 12.04,17.16Z",zW1="M12.03,16.53C9.37,16.53 8.18,15.22 8.18,14.24C8.18,13.74 8.55,13.38 9.06,13.38C10.2,13.38 9.91,15 12.03,15C13.12,15 13.73,14.43 13.73,13.82C13.73,13.46 13.55,13.06 12.83,12.88L10.46,12.29C8.55,11.81 8.2,10.78 8.2,9.81C8.2,7.79 10.1,7.03 11.88,7.03C13.5,7.03 15.46,7.94 15.46,9.15C15.46,9.67 15,9.97 14.5,9.97C13.5,9.97 13.7,8.62 11.74,8.62C10.77,8.62 10.23,9.06 10.23,9.69C10.23,10.32 11,10.5 11.66,10.68L13.42,11.07C15.34,11.5 15.83,12.62 15.83,13.67C15.83,15.31 14.57,16.53 12.03,16.53M18,6C20.07,8.04 20.85,10.89 20.36,13.55C20.77,14.27 21,15.11 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21C15.11,21 14.27,20.77 13.55,20.36C10.89,20.85 8.04,20.07 6,18C3.93,15.96 3.15,13.11 3.64,10.45C3.23,9.73 3,8.89 3,8A5,5 0 0,1 8,3C8.89,3 9.73,3.23 10.45,3.64C13.11,3.15 15.96,3.93 18,6M8,5A3,3 0 0,0 5,8C5,8.79 5.3,9.5 5.8,10.04C5.1,12.28 5.63,14.82 7.4,16.6C9.18,18.37 11.72,18.9 13.96,18.2C14.5,18.7 15.21,19 16,19A3,3 0 0,0 19,16C19,15.21 18.7,14.5 18.2,13.96C18.9,11.72 18.37,9.18 16.6,7.4C14.82,5.63 12.28,5.1 10.04,5.8C9.5,5.3 8.79,5 8,5Z",_W1="M6,15A2,2 0 0,1 4,17A2,2 0 0,1 2,15A2,2 0 0,1 4,13H6V15M7,15A2,2 0 0,1 9,13A2,2 0 0,1 11,15V20A2,2 0 0,1 9,22A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V15M9,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5A2,2 0 0,1 9,3A2,2 0 0,1 11,5V7H9M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,12H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8H9M17,10A2,2 0 0,1 19,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,10A2,2 0 0,1 19,12H17V10M16,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10V5A2,2 0 0,1 14,3A2,2 0 0,1 16,5V10M14,18A2,2 0 0,1 16,20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V18H14M14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,15A2,2 0 0,1 19,17H14Z",KW1="M7 21L14.9 3H17L9.1 21H7Z",jW1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9.3 19H7L14.7 5H17L9.3 19Z",qW1="M22.91 16.64C22.75 15.95 22.44 15.34 21.97 14.81C21.5 14.28 20.91 13.91 20.2 13.69L19.77 15.14C20.43 15.33 20.91 15.73 21.23 16.36C21.54 17 21.58 17.62 21.37 18.27C21.15 18.93 20.73 19.41 20.12 19.73S18.88 20.08 18.23 19.86L14.9 18.79L15.37 17.38L18.7 18.46L19.16 17L17.2 16.4L15.14 11.91C14.95 11.5 14.66 11.19 14.27 10.97C13.88 10.75 13.45 10.67 13 10.74L10.88 11.11L11.91 7.84C12.06 7.37 12.03 6.91 11.81 6.5C11.6 6.04 11.24 5.74 10.74 5.59C10.33 5.46 9.91 5.5 9.47 5.68L4 8V12.1L2.4 11.58L1.94 13L5.87 14.3L5.4 15.7L1.47 14.44L1 15.84L17.76 21.32C18.45 21.54 19.13 21.57 19.82 21.41C20.5 21.26 21.12 20.94 21.65 20.5C22.18 20 22.55 19.43 22.77 18.74C23 18 23.07 17.32 22.91 16.64M6 9.33L7.93 8.5L6.9 11.67C6.74 12.14 6.79 12.61 7.04 13.08L6 12.75V9.33M13.5 18.32L6.81 16.17L7.27 14.76L13.92 16.92L13.5 18.32M9.47 13.87L13.45 13L14.62 15.56L9.47 13.87M14 3C14 4.11 13.11 5 12 5S10 4.11 10 3 10.9 1 12 1 14 1.9 14 3Z",$W1="M23,12H17V10L20.39,6H17V4H23V6L19.62,10H23V12M15,16H9V14L12.39,10H9V8H15V10L11.62,14H15V16M7,20H1V18L4.39,14H1V12H7V14L3.62,18H7V20Z",XW1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.73,16H9V14L9.79,13.06L2,5.27M23,12H17V10L20.39,6H17V4H23V6L19.62,10H23V12M9.82,8H15V10L13.54,11.72L9.82,8M7,20H1V18L4.39,14H1V12H7V14L3.62,18H7V20Z",YW1="M14.83 15.45C14.47 14.9 14.18 14.39 13.91 13.92C12.74 11.91 11.79 10.55 9 10.13V5.5C9 3.57 7.43 2 5.5 2S2 3.57 2 5.5V22H4V20H7V22H9V12.16C10.76 12.5 11.29 13.39 12.17 14.92C12.46 15.43 12.78 15.97 13.17 16.56C15.41 19.92 17.67 22 22 22V20C18.53 20 16.8 18.4 14.83 15.45M5.5 4C6.33 4 7 4.67 7 5.5V10H4V5.5C4 4.67 4.67 4 5.5 4M4 18V16H7V18H4M7 14H4V12H7V14Z",JW1="M22,19V22H2V13L22,19M19.09,7.5L18.25,10.26L8.13,7.26C8.06,5.66 6.7,4.42 5.1,4.5C3.5,4.57 2.26,5.93 2.34,7.53C2.41,9.13 3.77,10.36 5.37,10.29C6.24,10.25 7.05,9.82 7.57,9.11L17.69,12.11L16.85,14.89L21.67,12.29L19.09,7.5Z",CI1="M22,13V22H2V19L22,13M21.68,7.06L16.86,4.46L17.7,7.24L7.58,10.24C6.63,8.95 4.82,8.67 3.53,9.62C2.24,10.57 1.96,12.38 2.91,13.67C3.85,14.97 5.67,15.24 6.96,14.29C7.67,13.78 8.1,12.97 8.14,12.09L18.26,9.09L19.1,11.87L21.68,7.06Z",HI1="M5 12L7 8V7H4V8H6L4 12M9 12L11 8V7H8V8H10L8 12M13 12L15 8V7H12V8H14L12 12M21 2C19.9 2 19 2.9 19 4C19 4.7 19.4 5.4 20 5.7V17H17V15C17.6 15 18 14.6 18 14V5C18 4.4 17.6 4 17 4H13.2C12.4 2.8 11 2 9.5 2S6.6 2.8 5.8 4H2C1.4 4 1 4.4 1 5V14C1 14.6 1.4 15 2 15V22H17V19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5.7C22.6 5.4 23 4.7 23 4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M13 19H6V17H13V19M16 13H3V6H16V13Z",VI1="M5 12L7 8V7H4V8H6L4 12M9 12L11 8V7H8V8H10L8 12M13 12L15 8V7H12V8H14L12 12M21 2C19.9 2 19 2.9 19 4C19 4.7 19.4 5.4 20 5.7V17H17V15C17.6 15 18 14.6 18 14V5C18 4.4 17.6 4 17 4H13.2C12.4 2.8 11 2 9.5 2S6.6 2.8 5.8 4H2C1.4 4 1 4.4 1 5V14C1 14.6 1.4 15 2 15V22H17V19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5.7C22.6 5.4 23 4.7 23 4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M3 6H16V13H3V6M15 20H4V15H15V20M13 19H6V17H13V19Z",LI1="M2 3H22A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 24 5V19A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 22 21H2A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 0 19V5A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 2 3M8 13.91C6 13.91 2 15 2 17V18H14V17C14 15 10 13.91 8 13.91M8 6A3 3 0 1 0 11 9A3 3 0 0 0 8 6M17 10V13H21V10H17",MI1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L1.27 3.16C.545 3.47 .028 4.17 0 5V19C.036 20.09 .911 20.96 2 21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M14 18H2V17C2 15 6 13.91 8 13.91S14 15 14 17V18M8 12C6.34 12 5 10.66 5 9C5 8.4 5.18 7.84 5.5 7.38L9.62 11.5C9.16 11.82 8.6 12 8 12M22 3H6.2L9.88 6.68C10.04 6.81 10.19 6.96 10.32 7.12L23.5 20.29C23.79 19.94 24 19.5 24 19V5C23.96 3.91 23.09 3.04 22 3M21 13H17V10H21V13Z",AI1="M19 13H16.2L15 11.8V10H19V13M22 3H6.2L8.2 5H22V18.8L23.5 20.29C23.79 19.94 24 19.5 24 19V5C23.96 3.91 23.09 3.04 22 3M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H2C.911 20.96 .036 20.09 0 19V5C.028 4.17 .545 3.47 1.27 3.16L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17.11 19L14 15.89V17H4V15.75C4 14.09 7.34 13.25 9 13.25C9.78 13.25 10.91 13.44 11.91 13.8L9.91 11.8C9.63 11.92 9.33 12 9 12C7.62 12 6.5 10.88 6.5 9.5C6.5 9.17 6.58 8.87 6.7 8.59L3.11 5H2V19H17.11Z",iI1="M22 3H2A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 0 5V19A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 2 21H22A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 24 19V5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 22 3M22 19H2V5H22M14 17V15.75C14 14.09 10.66 13.25 9 13.25S4 14.09 4 15.75V17H14M9 7A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 11.5 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 7M15 10V13H19V10H15",rI1="M21 4A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 19 2H5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 3 4V18H21M8.25 16H7V6H8.25C9.91 6 10.75 9.34 10.75 11S9.91 16 8.25 16M14.5 13.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 17 11A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 14.5 13.5M23 21V22H1V21A2 2 0 0 1 3 19H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 21Z",aI1="M14.5 8.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 17 11A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.5 8.5M8.25 6H7V16H8.25C9.91 16 10.75 12.66 10.75 11S9.91 6 8.25 6M19 2H5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 3 4V18H5V4H19V18H21V4A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 19 2M23 22H1V21A2 2 0 0 1 3 19H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 21Z",eI1="M12,2C10.08,2 8.5,3.35 8.09,5.15C7.45,4.44 6.53,4 5.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 2,7.5H2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,11H6.68V12H10.72V11H13.28V12H17.32V11H18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 22,7.5H22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,4H18.5C17.47,4 16.55,4.44 15.91,5.15C15.5,3.35 13.92,2 12,2M7.2,14L6.4,22H11L10.2,14H7.2M13.8,14L13,22H17.6L16.8,14H13.8Z",dI1="M17 19V22H15V19C15 17.9 14.1 17 13 17H10C7.2 17 5 14.8 5 12C5 10.8 5.4 9.8 6.1 8.9C3.8 8.5 2 6.4 2 4C2 3.3 2.2 2.6 2.4 2H4.8C4.3 2.5 4 3.2 4 4C4 5.7 5.3 7 7 7H10V9C8.3 9 7 10.3 7 12S8.3 15 10 15H13C15.2 15 17 16.8 17 19M17.9 8.9C20.2 8.5 22 6.4 22 4C22 3.3 21.8 2.6 21.6 2H19.2C19.7 2.5 20 3.2 20 4C20 5.7 18.7 7 17 7H15.8C15.9 7.3 16 7.6 16 8C16 9.7 14.7 11 13 11V13C15.8 13 18 15.2 18 18V22H20V18C20 15.3 18.5 13 16.2 11.8C17.1 11.1 17.7 10.1 17.9 8.9Z",mI1="M12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12C18,8.68 15.31,6 12,6C8.68,6 6,8.68 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12Z",tI1="M10 18C13.3 18 16 15.3 16 12C16 8.7 13.3 6 10 6C6.7 6 4 8.7 4 12C4 15.3 6.7 18 10 18M17 3C18.1 3 19 3.9 19 5V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H3C1.9 21 1 20.1 1 19V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H17M6 12C6 9.8 7.8 8 10 8S14 9.8 14 12 12.2 16 10 16 6 14.2 6 12M23 7H21V13H23V8M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",vI1="M17 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3M17 19H3V5H17V19M10 18C13.3 18 16 15.3 16 12C16 8.7 13.3 6 10 6C6.7 6 4 8.7 4 12C4 15.3 6.7 18 10 18M10 8C12.2 8 14 9.8 14 12S12.2 16 10 16 6 14.2 6 12 7.8 8 10 8M23 7H21V13H23V8M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",lI1="M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M12 6C15.31 6 18 8.68 18 12C18 12.83 17.82 13.6 17.5 14.32L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H6.2L9.68 6.5C10.4 6.18 11.17 6 12 6M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M15.19 17.08L13.71 15.6C13.19 15.85 12.62 16 12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12C8 11.39 8.15 10.81 8.4 10.29L6.92 8.81C6.34 9.74 6 10.83 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18C13.17 18 14.26 17.66 15.19 17.08Z",oI1="M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2M17.5 14.32C17.82 13.6 18 12.83 18 12C18 8.68 15.31 6 12 6C11.17 6 10.4 6.18 9.68 6.5L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73L17.5 14.32M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M8 12C8 14.21 9.79 16 12 16C12.62 16 13.19 15.85 13.71 15.6L8.4 10.29C8.15 10.81 8 11.39 8 12M17.11 19L15.19 17.08C14.26 17.66 13.17 18 12 18C8.69 18 6 15.31 6 12C6 10.83 6.34 9.74 6.92 8.81L5 6.89V19H17.11Z",nI1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12C18 8.68 15.31 6 12 6C8.68 6 6 8.68 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12S14.21 16 12 16 8 14.21 8 12 9.79 8 12 8Z",ZI1="M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 11C11.45 11 11 11.45 11 12S11.45 13 12 13 13 12.55 13 12 12.55 11 12 11M10.72 9.3C11.11 9.11 11.54 9 12 9S12.89 9.11 13.29 9.3L14 8.57C13.43 8.22 12.74 8 12 8S10.58 8.22 10 8.57L10.72 9.3M15 12C15 12.46 14.89 12.89 14.7 13.29L15.43 14C15.79 13.43 16 12.74 16 12S15.79 10.58 15.43 10L14.7 10.72C14.89 11.11 15 11.54 15 12M9 12C9 11.54 9.11 11.11 9.3 10.72L8.57 10C8.22 10.58 8 11.26 8 12S8.22 13.43 8.57 14L9.3 13.29C9.11 12.89 9 12.46 9 12M13.29 14.7C12.89 14.89 12.46 15 12 15S11.11 14.89 10.72 14.7L10 15.43C10.58 15.79 11.26 16 12 16S13.43 15.79 14 15.43L13.29 14.7M16.89 8.53L16.17 9.25C16.69 10.04 17 11 17 12S16.69 13.96 16.17 14.75L16.89 15.47C17.59 14.5 18 13.3 18 12S17.59 9.5 16.89 8.53M9.25 7.83C10.04 7.31 11 7 12 7S13.96 7.31 14.75 7.83L15.47 7.11C14.5 6.42 13.3 6 12 6S9.5 6.42 8.53 7.11L9.25 7.83M14.75 16.17C13.96 16.69 13 17 12 17S10.04 16.69 9.25 16.17L8.53 16.89C9.5 17.59 10.7 18 12 18S14.5 17.59 15.47 16.89L14.75 16.17M7.83 14.75C7.31 13.96 7 13 7 12S7.31 10.04 7.83 9.25L7.11 8.53C6.42 9.5 6 10.7 6 12S6.42 14.5 7.11 15.47L7.83 14.75Z",SI1="M10 4C14.4 4 18 7.6 18 12S14.4 20 10 20 2 16.4 2 12 5.6 4 10 4M10 2C4.5 2 0 6.5 0 12S4.5 22 10 22 20 17.5 20 12 15.5 2 10 2M10 11C9.4 11 9 11.4 9 12S9.4 13 10 13 11 12.6 11 12 10.6 11 10 11M8.7 9.3C9.1 9.1 9.5 9 10 9S10.9 9.1 11.3 9.3L12 8.6C11.4 8.2 10.7 8 10 8S8.6 8.2 8 8.6L8.7 9.3M13 12C13 12.5 12.9 12.9 12.7 13.3L13.4 14C13.8 13.4 14 12.7 14 12S13.8 10.6 13.4 10L12.7 10.7C12.9 11.1 13 11.5 13 12M7 12C7 11.5 7.1 11.1 7.3 10.7L6.6 10C6.2 10.6 6 11.3 6 12S6.2 13.4 6.6 14L7.3 13.3C7.1 12.9 7 12.5 7 12M11.3 14.7C10.9 14.9 10.5 15 10 15S9.1 14.9 8.7 14.7L8 15.4C8.6 15.8 9.3 16 10 16S11.4 15.8 12 15.4L11.3 14.7M14.9 8.5L14.2 9.2C14.7 10 15 11 15 12S14.7 14 14.2 14.8L14.9 15.5C15.6 14.5 16 13.3 16 12S15.6 9.5 14.9 8.5M7.2 7.8C8 7.3 9 7 10 7S12 7.3 12.8 7.8L13.5 7.1C12.5 6.4 11.3 6 10 6S7.5 6.4 6.5 7.1L7.2 7.8M12.8 16.2C12 16.7 11 17 10 17S8 16.7 7.2 16.2L6.5 16.9C7.5 17.6 8.7 18 10 18S12.5 17.6 13.5 16.9L12.8 16.2M5.8 14.8C5.3 14 5 13 5 12S5.3 10 5.8 9.2L5.1 8.5C4.4 9.5 4 10.7 4 12S4.4 14.5 5.1 15.5L5.8 14.8M24 7H22V13H24V8M24 15H22V17H24V15Z",uI1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.77 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12C4 10.28 4.56 8.69 5.5 7.38L6.93 8.82C6.35 9.75 6 10.83 6 12C6 13.3 6.42 14.5 7.11 15.47L7.83 14.75C7.31 13.96 7 13 7 12C7 11.11 7.25 10.28 7.66 9.55L8.4 10.3C8.15 10.81 8 11.39 8 12C8 12.74 8.22 13.43 8.57 14L9.3 13.29C9.11 12.89 9 12.46 9 12C9 11.67 9.07 11.36 9.18 11.07L12.93 14.82C12.64 14.93 12.33 15 12 15C11.54 15 11.11 14.89 10.72 14.7L10 15.43C10.58 15.79 11.26 16 12 16C12.61 16 13.19 15.85 13.71 15.6L14.45 16.34C13.72 16.75 12.89 17 12 17C11 17 10.04 16.69 9.25 16.17L8.53 16.89C9.5 17.59 10.7 18 12 18C13.17 18 14.25 17.65 15.18 17.07L16.62 18.5C15.32 19.44 13.72 20 12 20M12 8C12.74 8 13.43 8.22 14 8.57L13.29 9.3C12.96 9.15 12.6 9.06 12.23 9.03L11.28 8.08C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M14.97 11.77C14.94 11.4 14.86 11.04 14.7 10.72L15.43 10C15.79 10.58 16 11.26 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.92 12.72L14.97 11.77M14.75 7.83C13.96 7.31 13 7 12 7C11.46 7 10.94 7.09 10.45 7.25L9.69 6.5C10.4 6.18 11.18 6 12 6C13.3 6 14.5 6.42 15.47 7.11L14.75 7.83M8.18 5L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19 15.83C19.65 14.69 20 13.38 20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4C10.62 4 9.31 4.35 8.18 5M16.75 13.55C16.91 13.06 17 12.54 17 12C17 11 16.69 10.04 16.17 9.25L16.89 8.53C17.59 9.5 18 10.7 18 12C18 12.83 17.82 13.6 17.5 14.32L16.75 13.55Z",cI1="M2,16H17V19H2V16M20.5,16H22V19H20.5V16M18,16H19.5V19H18V16M18.85,7.73C19.47,7.12 19.85,6.28 19.85,5.35C19.85,3.5 18.35,2 16.5,2V3.5C17.5,3.5 18.35,4.33 18.35,5.35C18.35,6.37 17.5,7.2 16.5,7.2V8.7C18.74,8.7 20.5,10.53 20.5,12.77V15H22V12.76C22,10.54 20.72,8.62 18.85,7.73M16.03,10.2H14.5C13.5,10.2 12.65,9.22 12.65,8.2C12.65,7.18 13.5,6.45 14.5,6.45V4.95C12.65,4.95 11.15,6.45 11.15,8.3A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 14.5,11.65H16.03C17.08,11.65 18,12.39 18,13.7V15H19.5V13.36C19.5,11.55 17.9,10.2 16.03,10.2Z",sI1="M2,6L9,13H2V16H12L19,23L20.25,21.75L3.25,4.75L2,6M20.5,13H22V16H20.5V13M18,13H19.5V16H18V13M18.85,4.88C19.47,4.27 19.85,3.43 19.85,2.5H18.35C18.35,3.5 17.5,4.35 16.5,4.35V5.85C18.74,5.85 20.5,7.68 20.5,9.92V12H22V9.92C22,7.69 20.72,5.77 18.85,4.88M14.5,8.7H16.03C17.08,8.7 18,9.44 18,10.75V12H19.5V10.41C19.5,8.61 17.9,7.25 16.03,7.25H14.5C13.5,7.25 12.65,6.27 12.65,5.25C12.65,4.23 13.5,3.5 14.5,3.5V2A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 11.15,5.35A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 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8,10.59L5.04,8.87L4.83,8.71L2.29,9.39L2.03,8.43L4.24,7.84L2.26,6.69L2.76,5.82L4.74,6.97L4.15,4.75L5.11,4.5L5.8,7.04L6.04,7.14L8.73,8.69C9.11,8.15 9.62,7.71 10.22,7.42C9.5,6.87 9,6 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5C15,6 14.5,6.87 13.78,7.42C14.38,7.71 14.89,8.15 15.27,8.69L17.96,7.14L18.2,7.04L18.89,4.5L19.85,4.75L19.26,6.97L21.24,5.82L21.74,6.69L19.76,7.84L21.97,8.43L21.71,9.39L19.17,8.71L18.96,8.87L16,10.59V11C16,11.83 15.74,12.61 15.31,13.25C16.35,14.17 17,15.5 17,17Z",xI1="M20.34 17.93L18.4 16C19.5 15.91 22.66 15.53 22.97 13.36C23 13.12 22.92 12.89 22.78 12.7C22.12 11.82 19.88 9.07 15 5H12V7H14L16 9L12 11L3 10L1 13L5.58 14.38L2.58 16.09C2.22 16.26 1 16.89 1 18.05C1 18.4 1 18.89 1.33 19.32C1.83 20 2.71 20 3 20H9C10.26 20 12.53 19.13 12.93 16H15.59L17.59 18H15V20H20C21.65 20 23 18.65 23 17H21C21 17.43 20.73 17.79 20.34 17.93M9 18H3.25C3.33 17.95 3.41 17.91 3.5 17.87L8.22 15.17L10.92 16C10.58 17.84 9.28 18 9 18Z",DI1="M12.5 3.5C12.5 2.4 13.4 1.5 14.5 1.5S16.5 2.4 16.5 3.5 15.6 5.5 14.5 5.5 12.5 4.6 12.5 3.5M6.32 19.03L5.18 17.56L4 18.5L6.38 21.54C6.89 22.19 7.54 22.69 8.26 22.95C8.54 23.05 8.79 23 9 22.84C9.28 22.61 9.4 22.14 9.1 21.77C9 21.67 8.9 21.6 8.79 21.55C8.36 21.37 7.97 21.1 7.65 20.72L7.57 20.62L11 18.2L11.89 15L14 17V21.5H12V23H15.87C16.69 23 17.5 22.79 18.13 22.39C18.39 22.23 18.5 22 18.5 21.75C18.5 21.37 18.2 21 17.73 21C17.6 21 17.47 21.04 17.36 21.1C16.96 21.33 16.5 21.47 16 21.5V15.5L13.89 13.5L14.5 10.5C15.79 12 17.8 13 20 13V11C18.1 11 16.5 10 15.69 8.58L14.69 7C14.29 6.4 13.69 6 13 6C12.24 6 11.58 6.34 7 8.28V13H9V9.58L10.79 8.88L9.2 17L6.32 19.03Z",EI1="M16.93 17.12L16.13 15.76L17.59 11.39L19 10.92L20 11.67C20 11.7 20 11.75 20 11.81C20 11.88 20.03 11.94 20.03 12C20.03 13.97 19.37 15.71 18.06 17.21L16.93 17.12M9.75 15L8.38 10.97L12 8.43L15.62 10.97L14.25 15H9.75M12 20.03C11.12 20.03 10.29 19.89 9.5 19.61L8.81 18.1L9.47 17H14.58L15.19 18.1L14.5 19.61C13.71 19.89 12.88 20.03 12 20.03M5.94 17.21C5.41 16.59 4.95 15.76 4.56 14.75C4.17 13.73 3.97 12.81 3.97 12C3.97 11.94 4 11.88 4 11.81C4 11.75 4 11.7 4 11.67L5 10.92L6.41 11.39L7.87 15.76L7.07 17.12L5.94 17.21M11 5.29V6.69L7 9.46L5.66 9.04L5.24 7.68C5.68 7 6.33 6.32 7.19 5.66S8.87 4.57 9.65 4.35L11 5.29M14.35 4.35C15.13 4.57 15.95 5 16.81 5.66C17.67 6.32 18.32 7 18.76 7.68L18.34 9.04L17 9.47L13 6.7V5.29L14.35 4.35M4.93 4.93C3 6.89 2 9.25 2 12S3 17.11 4.93 19.07 9.25 22 12 22 17.11 21 19.07 19.07 22 14.75 22 12 21 6.89 19.07 4.93 14.75 2 12 2 6.89 3 4.93 4.93Z",NI1="M4,4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4M4,6H11V8.13C9.24,8.59 8,10.18 8,12C8,13.82 9.24,15.41 11,15.87V18H4V16H7V8H4V6M13,6H20V8H17V16H20V18H13V15.87C14.76,15.41 16,13.82 16,12C16,10.18 14.76,8.59 13,8.13V6M4,10H5V14H4V10M19,10H20V14H19V10M13,10.27C13.62,10.63 14,11.29 14,12C14,12.71 13.62,13.37 13,13.73V10.27M11,10.27V13.73C10.38,13.37 10,12.71 10,12C10,11.29 10.38,10.63 11,10.27Z",WI1="M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M10 9.43C10 8.62 9.5 7.9 8.78 7.58C7.93 7.21 7 7 6 7S4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H10V9.43M18 6C19.1 6 20 5.1 20 4S19.1 2 18 2 16 2.9 16 4 16.9 6 18 6M22 9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7S16.07 7.21 15.22 7.58C14.5 7.9 14 8.62 14 9.43V10H22V9.43M19 17V15L5 15V17L2 14L5 11V13L19 13V11L22 14L19 17M9 20.5V21H11V22H8V20.5C8 19.95 8.45 19.5 9 19.5H10V19H8V18H10C10.55 18 11 18.45 11 19V19.5C11 20.05 10.55 20.5 10 20.5H9M16 19V22H15V19H14.5V21H13.5V19H13V22H12V19C12 18.45 12.45 18 13 18H15C15.55 18 16 18.45 16 19Z",II1="M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M10 9.43C10 8.62 9.5 7.9 8.78 7.58C7.93 7.21 7 7 6 7S4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H10V9.43M18 6C19.1 6 20 5.1 20 4S19.1 2 18 2 16 2.9 16 4 16.9 6 18 6M22 9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7S16.07 7.21 15.22 7.58C14.5 7.9 14 8.62 14 9.43V10H22V9.43M19 17V15H5V17L2 14L5 11V13H19V11L22 14L19 17M10 19V18H7.5C7.22 18 7 18.22 7 18.5V21.5C7 21.78 7.22 22 7.5 22H9.5C9.78 22 10 21.78 10 21.5V20C10 19.72 9.78 19.5 9.5 19.5H8V19H10M9 20.5V21H8V20.5H9M17.5 19H16.5V22H15.5V19H14.5V18H17.5V19M12.5 19V19.5H13.5V20.5H12.5V22H11.5V18H14V19H12.5Z",GI1="M12.5 7C12.5 5.89 13.39 5 14.5 5H18C19.1 5 20 5.9 20 7V9.16C18.84 9.57 18 10.67 18 11.97V14H12.5V7M6 11.96V14H11.5V7C11.5 5.89 10.61 5 9.5 5H6C4.9 5 4 5.9 4 7V9.15C5.16 9.56 6 10.67 6 11.96M20.66 10.03C19.68 10.19 19 11.12 19 12.12V15H5V12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10S1 10.9 1 12V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19V21H5V19H19V21H21V19C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V12C23 10.79 21.91 9.82 20.66 10.03Z",QI1="M21 9V7C21 5.35 19.65 4 18 4H14C13.23 4 12.53 4.3 12 4.78C11.47 4.3 10.77 4 10 4H6C4.35 4 3 5.35 3 7V9C1.35 9 0 10.35 0 12V17C0 18.65 1.35 20 3 20V22H5V20H19V22H21V20C22.65 20 24 18.65 24 17V12C24 10.35 22.65 9 21 9M14 6H18C18.55 6 19 6.45 19 7V9.78C18.39 10.33 18 11.12 18 12V14H13V7C13 6.45 13.45 6 14 6M5 7C5 6.45 5.45 6 6 6H10C10.55 6 11 6.45 11 7V14H6V12C6 11.12 5.61 10.33 5 9.78V7M22 17C22 17.55 21.55 18 21 18H3C2.45 18 2 17.55 2 17V12C2 11.45 2.45 11 3 11S4 11.45 4 12V16H20V12C20 11.45 20.45 11 21 11S22 11.45 22 12V17Z",UI1="M5 9.15V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V9.16C17.84 9.57 17 10.67 17 11.97V14H7V11.96C7 10.67 6.16 9.56 5 9.15M20 10C18.9 10 18 10.9 18 12V15H6V12C6 10.9 5.11 10 4 10S2 10.9 2 12V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19V21H6V19H18V21H20V19C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V12C22 10.9 21.1 10 20 10Z",zI1="M19 9V7C19 5.35 17.65 4 16 4H8C6.35 4 5 5.35 5 7V9C3.35 9 2 10.35 2 12V17C2 18.65 3.35 20 5 20V22H7V20H17V22H19V20C20.65 20 22 18.65 22 17V12C22 10.35 20.65 9 19 9M7 7C7 6.45 7.45 6 8 6H16C16.55 6 17 6.45 17 7V9.78C16.39 10.33 16 11.12 16 12V14H8V12C8 11.12 7.61 10.33 7 9.78V7M20 17C20 17.55 19.55 18 19 18H5C4.45 18 4 17.55 4 17V12C4 11.45 4.45 11 5 11S6 11.45 6 12V16H18V12C18 11.45 18.45 11 19 11S20 11.45 20 12V17Z",_I1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H15V20H18V22H13V16H11V22H6V20H9V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V8H11V4H4M4,14H11V10H4V14M20,14V10H13V14H20M20,4H13V8H20V4Z",KI1="M3,6H6V3H3V6M8,3V6H11V3H8M13,3V6H16V3H13M18,3V6H21V3H18M21,8H18V11H21V8M21,13H18V16H21V13M16,16V13H13V16H16M11,16V13H8V16H11M6,16V13H3V16H6M3,11H6V8H3V11M13,8V11H16V8H13M8,8V11H11V8H8M3,1H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H15V21H18V23H13V18H11V23H6V21H9V18H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,16V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1Z",jI1="M11.45,2V5.55L15,3.77L11.45,2M10.45,8L8,10.46L11.75,11.71L10.45,8M2,11.45L3.77,15L5.55,11.45H2M10,2H2V10C2.57,10.17 3.17,10.25 3.77,10.25C7.35,10.26 10.26,7.35 10.27,3.75C10.26,3.16 10.17,2.57 10,2M17,22V16H14L19,7V13H22L17,22Z",qI1="M3.33 16H11V13H4L3.33 16M13 16H20.67L20 13H13V16M21.11 18H13V22H22L21.11 18M2 22H11V18H2.89L2 22M11 8H13V11H11V8M15.76 7.21L17.18 5.79L19.3 7.91L17.89 9.33L15.76 7.21M4.71 7.91L6.83 5.79L8.24 7.21L6.12 9.33L4.71 7.91M3 2H6V4H3V2M18 2H21V4H18V2M12 7C14.76 7 17 4.76 17 2H7C7 4.76 9.24 7 12 7Z",$I1="M20 12H4L2 22H22L20 12M18.36 14L18.76 16H13V14H18.36M11 14V16H5.24L5.64 14H11M4.84 18H11V20H4.44L4.84 18M13 20V18H19.16L19.56 20H13M11 8H13V11H11V8M15.76 7.21L17.18 5.79L19.3 7.91L17.89 9.33L15.76 7.21M4.71 7.91L6.83 5.79L8.24 7.21L6.12 9.33L4.71 7.91M3 2H6V4H3V2M18 2H21V4H18V2M12 7C14.76 7 17 4.76 17 2H15C15 3.65 13.65 5 12 5S9 3.65 9 2H7C7 4.76 9.24 7 12 7Z",XI1="M4.86 4.03L2.03 6.86L5.21 10.04V12.87L6.63 14.28L12.28 8.63L10.87 7.21H8.04L4.86 4.03M17 6V7.5C18 7.5 18.85 8.33 18.85 9.35C18.85 10.37 18 11.2 17 11.2V12.7C19.24 12.7 21 14.53 21 16.77V21H22.5V16.76C22.5 14.54 21.22 12.62 19.35 11.73C19.97 11.12 20.35 10.28 20.35 9.35C20.35 7.5 18.85 6 17 6M11.93 11.1L9.1 13.93L14.05 18.88L14.76 18.17L16.88 20.29L19 21L18.29 18.88L16.17 16.76L16.88 16.05L11.93 11.1Z",YI1="M0,0H24V24H0",JI1="M9.5,4.27C10.88,4.53 12.9,5.14 14,5.5C16.75,6.45 17.69,7.63 17.69,10.29C17.69,12.89 16.09,13.87 14.05,12.89V8.05C14.05,7.5 13.95,6.97 13.41,6.82C13,6.69 12.76,7.07 12.76,7.63V19.73L9.5,18.69V4.27M13.37,17.62L18.62,15.75C19.22,15.54 19.31,15.24 18.83,15.08C18.34,14.92 17.47,14.97 16.87,15.18L13.37,16.41V14.45L13.58,14.38C13.58,14.38 14.59,14 16,13.87C17.43,13.71 19.17,13.89 20.53,14.4C22.07,14.89 22.25,15.61 21.86,16.1C21.46,16.6 20.5,16.95 20.5,16.95L13.37,19.5V17.62M3.5,17.42C1.93,17 1.66,16.05 2.38,15.5C3.05,15 4.18,14.65 4.18,14.65L8.86,13V14.88L5.5,16.09C4.9,16.3 4.81,16.6 5.29,16.76C5.77,16.92 6.65,16.88 7.24,16.66L8.86,16.08V17.77L8.54,17.83C6.92,18.09 5.2,18 3.5,17.42Z",CG1="M18 21L14 17H17V7H14L18 3L22 7H19V17H22M2 19V17H12V19M2 13V11H9V13M2 7V5H6V7H2Z",HG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19M11 13V15L7.67 19H11V21H5V19L8.33 15H5V13M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V11H7V9H9V11H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 7H7V5H9Z",VG1="M9.25 5L12.5 1.75L15.75 5H9.25M8.89 14.3H6L5.28 17H2.91L6 7H9L12.13 17H9.67L8.89 14.3M6.33 12.68H8.56L7.93 10.56L7.67 9.59L7.42 8.63H7.39L7.17 9.6L6.93 10.58L6.33 12.68M13.05 17V15.74L17.8 8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09 15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",LG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M11 13V15L7.67 19H11V21H5V19L8.33 15H5V13M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V11H7V9H9V11H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 7H7V5H9Z",MG1="M15.75 19L12.5 22.25L9.25 19H15.75M8.89 14.3H6L5.28 17H2.91L6 7H9L12.13 17H9.67L8.89 14.3M6.33 12.68H8.56L7.93 10.56L7.67 9.59L7.42 8.63H7.39L7.17 9.6L6.93 10.58L6.33 12.68M13.05 17V15.74L17.8 8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09 15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",AG1="M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75M8.89,14.3H6L5.28,17H2.91L6,7H9L12.13,17H9.67L8.89,14.3M6.33,12.68H8.56L7.93,10.56L7.67,9.59L7.42,8.63H7.39L7.17,9.6L6.93,10.58L6.33,12.68M13.05,17V15.74L17.8,8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09,15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",iG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19M2 17H12V19H2M6 5V7H2V5M2 11H9V13H2V11Z",rG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M7 3C4.79 3 3 4.79 3 7S4.79 11 7 11 11 9.21 11 7 9.21 3 7 3M7 9C5.9 9 5 8.1 5 7S5.9 5 7 5 9 5.9 9 7 8.1 9 7 9M7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17 9.21 13 7 13Z",aG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M9 13H5C3.89 13 3 13.89 3 15V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.89 10.11 13 9 13M6.27 19.5L3.74 16.95L4.81 15.9L6.28 17.39L9.2 14.5L10.26 15.55L6.27 19.5M9 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V9C3 10.11 3.89 11 5 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.89 10.11 3 9 3M9 9H5V5H9V9Z",eG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M5 7C5 8.1 5.9 9 7 9C8.1 9 9 8.1 9 7C9 5.9 8.1 5 7 5C5.9 5 5 5.9 5 7M7 3C9.21 3 11 4.79 11 7C11 9.21 9.21 11 7 11C4.79 11 3 9.21 3 7C3 4.79 4.79 3 7 3M7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17C3 19.21 4.79 21 7 21C9.21 21 11 19.21 11 17C11 14.79 9.21 13 7 13Z",dG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M5 13C3.89 13 3 13.89 3 15V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.89 10.11 13 9 13M9.2 14.5L10.26 15.55L6.27 19.5L3.74 16.95L4.81 15.9L6.28 17.39M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V9C3 10.11 3.89 11 5 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.89 10.11 3 9 3M5 5H9V9H5Z",mG1="M21 17H24L20 21L16 17H19V3H21V17M8 16H11V13H8V16M13 5H12V3H10V5H6V3H4V5H3C1.89 5 1 5.89 1 7V18C1 19.11 1.89 20 3 20H13C14.11 20 15 19.11 15 18V7C15 5.89 14.11 5 13 5M3 18L3 11H13L13 18L3 18Z",tG1="M19 7H16L20 3L24 7H21V21H19V7M8 16H11V13H8V16M13 5H12V3H10V5H6V3H4V5H3C1.89 5 1 5.89 1 7V18C1 19.11 1.89 20 3 20H13C14.11 20 15 19.11 15 18V7C15 5.89 14.11 5 13 5M3 18L3 11H13L13 18L3 18Z",vG1="M20 17H23L19 21L15 17H18V3H20V17M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M10.19 14.53L7 12.69V9H8.5V11.82L10.94 13.23L10.19 14.53Z",lG1="M20 17H23L19 21L15 17H18V3H20V17M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M8 7.15C10.67 7.15 12.85 9.32 12.85 12C12.85 14.68 10.68 16.85 8 16.85C5.32 16.85 3.15 14.68 3.15 12C3.15 9.32 5.32 7.15 8 7.15M7 9V12.69L10.19 14.53L10.94 13.23L8.5 11.82V9",oG1="M18 7H15L19 3L23 7H20V21H18V7M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M10.19 14.53L7 12.69V9H8.5V11.82L10.94 13.23L10.19 14.53Z",nG1="M18 7H15L19 3L23 7H20V21H18V7M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M8 7.15C10.67 7.15 12.85 9.32 12.85 12C12.85 14.68 10.68 16.85 8 16.85C5.32 16.85 3.15 14.68 3.15 12C3.15 9.32 5.32 7.15 8 7.15M7 9V12.69L10.19 14.53L10.94 13.23L8.5 11.82V9",ZG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M2 17H12V19H2M6 5V7H2V5M2 11H9V13H2V11Z",SG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M9 13H7C5.9 13 5 13.9 5 15V16C5 17.11 5.9 18 7 18H9V19H5V21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.9 10.11 13 9 13M9 16H7V15H9V16M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V9C5 10.11 5.9 11 7 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 9H7V5H9V9Z",uG1="M7.78 7C9.08 7.04 10 7.53 10.57 8.46C11.13 9.4 11.41 10.56 11.39 11.95C11.4 13.5 11.09 14.73 10.5 15.62C9.88 16.5 8.95 16.97 7.71 17C6.45 16.96 5.54 16.5 4.96 15.56C4.38 14.63 4.09 13.45 4.09 12S4.39 9.36 5 8.44C5.59 7.5 6.5 7.04 7.78 7M7.75 8.63C7.31 8.63 6.96 8.9 6.7 9.46C6.44 10 6.32 10.87 6.32 12C6.31 13.15 6.44 14 6.69 14.54C6.95 15.1 7.31 15.37 7.77 15.37C8.69 15.37 9.16 14.24 9.17 12C9.17 9.77 8.7 8.65 7.75 8.63M13.33 17V15.22L13.76 15.24L14.3 15.22L15.34 15.03C15.68 14.92 16 14.78 16.26 14.58C16.59 14.35 16.86 14.08 17.07 13.76C17.29 13.45 17.44 13.12 17.53 12.78L17.5 12.77C17.05 13.19 16.38 13.4 15.47 13.41C14.62 13.4 13.91 13.15 13.34 12.65S12.5 11.43 12.46 10.5C12.47 9.5 12.81 8.69 13.47 8.03C14.14 7.37 15 7.03 16.12 7C17.37 7.04 18.29 7.45 18.88 8.24C19.47 9 19.76 10 19.76 11.19C19.75 12.15 19.61 13 19.32 13.76C19.03 14.5 18.64 15.13 18.12 15.64C17.66 16.06 17.11 16.38 16.47 16.61C15.83 16.83 15.12 16.96 14.34 17H13.33M16.06 8.63C15.65 8.64 15.32 8.8 15.06 9.11C14.81 9.42 14.68 9.84 14.68 10.36C14.68 10.8 14.8 11.16 15.03 11.46C15.27 11.77 15.63 11.92 16.11 11.93C16.43 11.93 16.7 11.86 16.92 11.74C17.14 11.61 17.3 11.46 17.41 11.28C17.5 11.17 17.53 10.97 17.53 10.71C17.54 10.16 17.43 9.69 17.2 9.28C16.97 8.87 16.59 8.65 16.06 8.63M9.25 5L12.5 1.75L15.75 5H9.25",cG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M9 21H5V19H9V18H7C5.9 18 5 17.11 5 16V15C5 13.9 5.9 13 7 13H9C10.11 13 11 13.9 11 15V19C11 20.11 10.11 21 9 21M9 15H7V16H9M7 3H9C10.11 3 11 3.9 11 5V9C11 10.11 10.11 11 9 11H7C5.9 11 5 10.11 5 9V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3M7 9H9V5H7Z",sG1="M7.78 7C9.08 7.04 10 7.53 10.57 8.46C11.13 9.4 11.41 10.56 11.39 11.95C11.4 13.5 11.09 14.73 10.5 15.62C9.88 16.5 8.95 16.97 7.71 17C6.45 16.96 5.54 16.5 4.96 15.56C4.38 14.63 4.09 13.45 4.09 12S4.39 9.36 5 8.44C5.59 7.5 6.5 7.04 7.78 7M7.75 8.63C7.31 8.63 6.96 8.9 6.7 9.46C6.44 10 6.32 10.87 6.32 12C6.31 13.15 6.44 14 6.69 14.54C6.95 15.1 7.31 15.37 7.77 15.37C8.69 15.37 9.16 14.24 9.17 12C9.17 9.77 8.7 8.65 7.75 8.63M13.33 17V15.22L13.76 15.24L14.3 15.22L15.34 15.03C15.68 14.92 16 14.78 16.26 14.58C16.59 14.35 16.86 14.08 17.07 13.76C17.29 13.45 17.44 13.12 17.53 12.78L17.5 12.77C17.05 13.19 16.38 13.4 15.47 13.41C14.62 13.4 13.91 13.15 13.34 12.65S12.5 11.43 12.46 10.5C12.47 9.5 12.81 8.69 13.47 8.03C14.14 7.37 15 7.03 16.12 7C17.37 7.04 18.29 7.45 18.88 8.24C19.47 9 19.76 10 19.76 11.19C19.75 12.15 19.61 13 19.32 13.76C19.03 14.5 18.64 15.13 18.12 15.64C17.66 16.06 17.11 16.38 16.47 16.61C15.83 16.83 15.12 16.96 14.34 17H13.33M16.06 8.63C15.65 8.64 15.32 8.8 15.06 9.11C14.81 9.42 14.68 9.84 14.68 10.36C14.68 10.8 14.8 11.16 15.03 11.46C15.27 11.77 15.63 11.92 16.11 11.93C16.43 11.93 16.7 11.86 16.92 11.74C17.14 11.61 17.3 11.46 17.41 11.28C17.5 11.17 17.53 10.97 17.53 10.71C17.54 10.16 17.43 9.69 17.2 9.28C16.97 8.87 16.59 8.65 16.06 8.63M15.75 19L12.5 22.25L9.25 19H15.75Z",OG1="M7.78,7C9.08,7.04 10,7.53 10.57,8.46C11.13,9.4 11.41,10.56 11.39,11.95C11.4,13.5 11.09,14.73 10.5,15.62C9.88,16.5 8.95,16.97 7.71,17C6.45,16.96 5.54,16.5 4.96,15.56C4.38,14.63 4.09,13.45 4.09,12C4.09,10.55 4.39,9.36 5,8.44C5.59,7.5 6.5,7.04 7.78,7M7.75,8.63C7.31,8.63 6.96,8.9 6.7,9.46C6.44,10 6.32,10.87 6.32,12C6.31,13.15 6.44,14 6.69,14.54C6.95,15.1 7.31,15.37 7.77,15.37C8.69,15.37 9.16,14.24 9.17,12C9.17,9.77 8.7,8.65 7.75,8.63M13.33,17V15.22L13.76,15.24L14.3,15.22L15.34,15.03C15.68,14.92 16,14.78 16.26,14.58C16.59,14.35 16.86,14.08 17.07,13.76C17.29,13.45 17.44,13.12 17.53,12.78L17.5,12.77C17.05,13.19 16.38,13.4 15.47,13.41C14.62,13.4 13.91,13.15 13.34,12.65C12.77,12.15 12.5,11.43 12.46,10.5C12.47,9.5 12.81,8.69 13.47,8.03C14.14,7.37 15,7.03 16.12,7C17.37,7.04 18.29,7.45 18.88,8.24C19.47,9 19.76,10 19.76,11.19C19.75,12.15 19.61,13 19.32,13.76C19.03,14.5 18.64,15.13 18.12,15.64C17.66,16.06 17.11,16.38 16.47,16.61C15.83,16.83 15.12,16.96 14.34,17H13.33M16.06,8.63C15.65,8.64 15.32,8.8 15.06,9.11C14.81,9.42 14.68,9.84 14.68,10.36C14.68,10.8 14.8,11.16 15.03,11.46C15.27,11.77 15.63,11.92 16.11,11.93C16.43,11.93 16.7,11.86 16.92,11.74C17.14,11.61 17.3,11.46 17.41,11.28C17.5,11.17 17.53,10.97 17.53,10.71C17.54,10.16 17.43,9.69 17.2,9.28C16.97,8.87 16.59,8.65 16.06,8.63M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75Z",hG1="M3 11H15V13H3M3 18V16H21V18M3 6H9V8H3Z",pG1="M3,13H15V11H3M3,6V8H21V6M3,18H9V16H3V18Z",fG1="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M3 13V11H15V13H3M3 6H21V8H3V6M3 18V16H9V18H3",gG1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11S21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2S17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M3 13V11H15V13H3M3 6H21V8H3V6M3 18V16H9V18H3",kG1="M20.84 22.73L11.11 13H3V11H9.11L6.11 8H3V6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15 11H14.2L15 11.8V11M21 8V6H9.2L11.2 8H21M3 18H9V16H3V18Z",BG1="M3 13H15V11H3M3 6V8H21V6M3 18H9V16H3V18M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88",PG1="M4 8C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V14C2 15.11 2.9 16 4 16H20C21.11 16 22 15.11 22 14V10C22 8.9 21.11 8 20 8M9 10C10.11 10 11 10.9 11 12C11 13.11 10.11 14 9 14C7.9 14 7 13.11 7 12C7 10.9 7.9 10 9 10M15 10C16.11 10 17 10.9 17 12C17 13.11 16.11 14 15 14C13.9 14 13 13.11 13 12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10M5 11C5.55 11 6 11.45 6 12C6 12.55 5.55 13 5 13C4.45 13 4 12.55 4 12C4 11.45 4.45 11 5 11M9 11C8.45 11 8 11.45 8 12C8 12.55 8.45 13 9 13C9.55 13 10 12.55 10 12C10 11.45 9.55 11 9 11M15 11C14.45 11 14 11.45 14 12C14 12.55 14.45 13 15 13C15.55 13 16 12.55 16 12C16 11.45 15.55 11 15 11M19 11C19.55 11 20 11.45 20 12C20 12.55 19.55 13 19 13C18.45 13 18 12.55 18 12C18 11.45 18.45 11 19 11Z",wG1="M11.56,8.87V17H20.32V17C22.17,16.87 23,15.73 23,14.33C23,12.85 21.88,11.66 20.38,11.66C20,11.66 19.68,11.74 19.35,11.88C19.11,9.54 17.12,7.71 14.67,7.71C13.5,7.71 12.39,8.15 11.56,8.87M10.68,9.89C10.38,9.71 10.06,9.57 9.71,9.5V17H11.1V9.34C10.95,9.5 10.81,9.7 10.68,9.89M8.33,9.35V17H9.25V9.38C9.06,9.35 8.87,9.34 8.67,9.34C8.55,9.34 8.44,9.34 8.33,9.35M6.5,10V17H7.41V9.54C7.08,9.65 6.77,9.81 6.5,10M4.83,12.5C4.77,12.5 4.71,12.44 4.64,12.41V17H5.56V10.86C5.19,11.34 4.94,11.91 4.83,12.5M2.79,12.22V16.91C3,16.97 3.24,17 3.5,17H3.72V12.14C3.64,12.13 3.56,12.12 3.5,12.12C3.24,12.12 3,12.16 2.79,12.22M1,14.56C1,15.31 1.34,15.97 1.87,16.42V12.71C1.34,13.15 1,13.82 1,14.56Z",FG1="M13,14C9.64,14 8.54,15.35 8.18,16.24C9.25,16.7 10,17.76 10,19A3,3 0 0,1 7,22A3,3 0 0,1 4,19C4,17.69 4.83,16.58 6,16.17V7.83C4.83,7.42 4,6.31 4,5A3,3 0 0,1 7,2A3,3 0 0,1 10,5C10,6.31 9.17,7.42 8,7.83V13.12C8.88,12.47 10.16,12 12,12C14.67,12 15.56,10.66 15.85,9.77C14.77,9.32 14,8.25 14,7A3,3 0 0,1 17,4A3,3 0 0,1 20,7C20,8.34 19.12,9.5 17.91,9.86C17.65,11.29 16.68,14 13,14M7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,20A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M17,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,7A1,1 0 0,0 17,8A1,1 0 0,0 18,7A1,1 0 0,0 17,6Z",TG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",bG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",yG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",RG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M18 14C19.1 14 20.1 14.4 20.8 15.2L22 14V18H18L19.8 16.2C19.3 15.8 18.7 15.5 18 15.5C16.6 15.5 15.5 16.6 15.5 18S16.6 20.5 18 20.5C18.8 20.5 19.5 20.1 20 19.5H21.7C21.1 21 19.7 22 18 22C15.8 22 14 20.2 14 18S15.8 14 18 14Z",xG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",DG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M18 13V14.5C20.21 14.5 22 16.29 22 18.5C22 19.32 21.75 20.08 21.33 20.71L20.24 19.62C20.41 19.28 20.5 18.9 20.5 18.5C20.5 17.12 19.38 16 18 16V17.5L15.75 15.25L15.72 15.22C15.78 15.17 15.85 15.13 18 13M18 24V22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 17.68 14.25 16.92 14.67 16.29L15.76 17.38C15.59 17.72 15.5 18.1 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21V19.5L20.25 21.75L20.28 21.78C20.22 21.83 20.15 21.87 18 24",EG1="M17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V21H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",NG1="M17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",WG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,5V3H13V5H11Z",IG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,5V3H13V5H11M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",GG1="M17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",QG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V21H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",UG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",zG1="M6,2A3,3 0 0,1 9,5C9,6.28 8.19,7.38 7.06,7.81C7.15,8.27 7.39,8.83 8,9.63C9,10.92 11,12.83 12,14.17C13,12.83 15,10.92 16,9.63C16.61,8.83 16.85,8.27 16.94,7.81C15.81,7.38 15,6.28 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 18,2A3,3 0 0,1 21,5C21,6.32 20.14,7.45 18.95,7.85C18.87,8.37 18.64,9 18,9.83C17,11.17 15,13.08 14,14.38C13.39,15.17 13.15,15.73 13.06,16.19C14.19,16.62 15,17.72 15,19A3,3 0 0,1 12,22A3,3 0 0,1 9,19C9,17.72 9.81,16.62 10.94,16.19C10.85,15.73 10.61,15.17 10,14.38C9,13.08 7,11.17 6,9.83C5.36,9 5.13,8.37 5.05,7.85C3.86,7.45 3,6.32 3,5A3,3 0 0,1 6,2M6,4A1,1 0 0,0 5,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,4M18,4A1,1 0 0,0 17,5A1,1 0 0,0 18,6A1,1 0 0,0 19,5A1,1 0 0,0 18,4M12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18Z",_G1="M7,3A3,3 0 0,1 10,6C10,7.29 9.19,8.39 8.04,8.81C8.58,13.81 13.08,14.77 15.19,14.96C15.61,13.81 16.71,13 18,13A3,3 0 0,1 21,16A3,3 0 0,1 18,19C16.69,19 15.57,18.16 15.16,17C10.91,16.8 9.44,15.19 8,13.39V15.17C9.17,15.58 10,16.69 10,18A3,3 0 0,1 7,21A3,3 0 0,1 4,18C4,16.69 4.83,15.58 6,15.17V8.83C4.83,8.42 4,7.31 4,6A3,3 0 0,1 7,3M7,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,5M7,17A1,1 0 0,0 6,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,19A1,1 0 0,0 8,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,17M18,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,16A1,1 0 0,0 18,17A1,1 0 0,0 19,16A1,1 0 0,0 18,15Z",KG1="M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6C9,7.31 8.17,8.42 7,8.83V15.17C8.17,15.58 9,16.69 9,18A3,3 0 0,1 6,21A3,3 0 0,1 3,18C3,16.69 3.83,15.58 5,15.17V8.83C3.83,8.42 3,7.31 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M21,18A3,3 0 0,1 18,21A3,3 0 0,1 15,18C15,16.69 15.83,15.58 17,15.17V7H15V10.25L10.75,6L15,1.75V5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V15.17C20.17,15.58 21,16.69 21,18M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17Z",jG1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M12.75,13.5C15.5,13.5 16.24,11.47 16.43,10.4C17.34,10.11 18,9.26 18,8.25C18,7 17,6 15.75,6C14.5,6 13.5,7 13.5,8.25C13.5,9.19 14.07,10 14.89,10.33C14.67,11 14,12 12,12C10.62,12 9.66,12.35 9,12.84V8.87C9.87,8.56 10.5,7.73 10.5,6.75C10.5,5.5 9.5,4.5 8.25,4.5C7,4.5 6,5.5 6,6.75C6,7.73 6.63,8.56 7.5,8.87V15.13C6.63,15.44 6,16.27 6,17.25C6,18.5 7,19.5 8.25,19.5C9.5,19.5 10.5,18.5 10.5,17.25C10.5,16.32 9.94,15.5 9.13,15.18C9.41,14.5 10.23,13.5 12.75,13.5M8.25,16.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9,17.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,18A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 7.5,17.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,16.5M8.25,6A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9,6.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,7.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 7.5,6.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,6M15.75,7.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 16.5,8.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15.75,9A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15,8.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15.75,7.5Z",qG1="M8,0H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,2V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,18V2A2,2 0 0,1 8,0M14.75,11.5C17.5,11.5 18.24,9.47 18.43,8.4C19.34,8.11 20,7.26 20,6.25C20,5 19,4 17.75,4C16.5,4 15.5,5 15.5,6.25C15.5,7.19 16.07,8 16.89,8.33C16.67,9 16,10 14,10C12.62,10 11.66,10.35 11,10.84V6.87C11.87,6.56 12.5,5.73 12.5,4.75C12.5,3.5 11.5,2.5 10.25,2.5C9,2.5 8,3.5 8,4.75C8,5.73 8.63,6.56 9.5,6.87V13.13C8.63,13.44 8,14.27 8,15.25C8,16.5 9,17.5 10.25,17.5C11.5,17.5 12.5,16.5 12.5,15.25C12.5,14.32 11.94,13.5 11.13,13.18C11.41,12.5 12.23,11.5 14.75,11.5M10.25,14.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11,15.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,16A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9.5,15.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,14.5M10.25,4A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9.5,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,4M17.75,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,7A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,5.5M16,22V24H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,22V6H4V22H16Z",$G1="M13.9,7.5C13.9,6.8 14.1,6.3 14.2,6H14.8L15.7,3.5H16.5V2H7.5V3.5H8.3L9.2,6H9.8C10,6.3 10.1,6.8 10.1,7.5C10.1,8.8 6,13.7 6,17.6V19.6C6,21 8.7,21.9 12,21.9C15.3,21.9 18,21 18,19.6V17.6C18,13.7 13.9,8.8 13.9,7.5M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15Z",XG1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.6 10.5C7.5 12.6 6 15.3 6 17.6V19.6C6 21 8.7 21.9 12 21.9C15.1 21.9 17.7 21.1 18 19.9L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M12 15C10.9 15 10 14.1 10 13C10 12.7 10.1 12.4 10.2 12.1L12.9 14.8C12.6 14.9 12.3 15 12 15M8.3 3.5H7.5V2H16.5V3.5H15.7L14.8 6H14.2C14.1 6.3 13.9 6.8 13.9 7.5C13.9 8.4 15.9 11 17.1 13.9L10.1 6.9C10 6.5 9.9 6.2 9.8 6H9.2L8.3 3.5Z",YG1="M15.5,9.63C15.31,6.84 14.18,4.12 12.06,2C9.92,4.14 8.74,6.86 8.5,9.63C9.79,10.31 10.97,11.19 12,12.26C13.03,11.2 14.21,10.32 15.5,9.63M12,15.45C9.85,12.17 6.18,10 2,10C2,20 11.32,21.89 12,22C12.68,21.88 22,20 22,10C17.82,10 14.15,12.17 12,15.45Z",JG1="M15.5,9.63C14.21,10.32 13.03,11.2 12,12.26C10.97,11.19 9.79,10.31 8.5,9.63C8.74,6.86 9.92,4.14 12.06,2C14.18,4.12 15.31,6.84 15.5,9.63M12,15.45C14.15,12.17 17.82,10 22,10C22,20 12.68,21.88 12,22C11.32,21.89 2,20 2,10C6.18,10 9.85,12.17 12,15.45M12.05,5.19C11.39,6.23 10.93,7.38 10.68,8.58L12,9.55L13.35,8.57C13.12,7.37 12.68,6.22 12.05,5.19M12,19.97C12,19.97 18,19 19.74,12.25C14,14 12,19.1 12,19.1C12,19.1 9,13 4.26,12.26C6,19 12,19.97 12,19.97Z",CQ1="M7,6H5V4H7V6M17,6H19V4H17V6M23,12V18H21V14H19V18H17V16H7V18H5V14H3V18H1V12H3V10H5V8H7V6H9V8H15V6H17V8H19V10H21V12H23M15,10V12H17V10H15M7,12H9V10H7V12M11,18H7V20H11V18M17,18H13V20H17V18Z",HQ1="M15.5 19V21H13.73C13.39 21.6 12.74 22 12 22C11.26 22 10.61 21.6 10.27 21H8.5V19H10.27C10.44 18.7 10.7 18.44 11 18.27V17H10C9.45 17 9 16.55 9 16V13H6V17C6 17.55 5.55 18 5 18H3C2.45 18 2 17.55 2 17V8C2 7.45 2.45 7 3 7H5C5.55 7 6 7.45 6 8V11H9V8C9 7.45 9.45 7 10 7H11V6H10C9.45 6 9 5.55 9 5V4C9 3.45 9.45 3 10 3H14C14.55 3 15 3.45 15 4V5C15 5.55 14.55 6 14 6H13V7H14C14.55 7 15 7.45 15 8V11H18V8C18 7.45 18.45 7 19 7H21C21.55 7 22 7.45 22 8V17C22 17.55 21.55 18 21 18H19C18.45 18 18 17.55 18 17V13H15V16C15 16.55 14.55 17 14 17H13V18.27C13.3 18.44 13.56 18.7 13.73 19H15.5M3 16V17H5V16H3M3 14V15H5V14H3M3 12V13H5V12H3M3 10V11H5V10H3M3 8V9H5V8H3M19 16V17H21V16H19M19 14V15H21V14H19M19 12V13H21V12H19M19 10V11H21V10H19M19 8V9H21V8H19Z",VQ1="M15.71,1.22L12.88,4.05C12.1,4.83 12.1,6.09 12.88,6.87L14.3,8.29L10.06,12.53L7.58,10.06L1.22,16.42L7.58,22.78L13.94,16.42L11.47,13.94L15.71,9.7L17.13,11.12C17.91,11.9 19.17,11.9 19.95,11.12L22.78,8.29L15.71,1.22M15.71,4.05L19.95,8.29L18.54,9.7L14.3,5.46L15.71,4.05Z",LQ1="M12,12A3,3 0 0,0 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,12M12,20A5,5 0 0,1 7,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,10A5,5 0 0,1 17,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8C10.89,8 10,7.1 10,6C10,4.89 10.89,4 12,4M17,2H7C5.89,2 5,2.89 5,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V4C19,2.89 18.1,2 17,2Z",MQ1="M4,3A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H4M8,5A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 8,9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5M19,7V10.79L16.71,8.5L16,9.21L18.79,12L16,14.79L16.71,15.5L19,13.21V17H19.5L22.35,14.14L20.21,12L22.35,9.85L19.5,7H19M20,8.91L20.94,9.85L20,10.79V8.91M8,11A4,4 0 0,1 12,15A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 4,15A4,4 0 0,1 8,11M8,13A2,2 0 0,0 6,15A2,2 0 0,0 8,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 8,13M20,13.21L20.94,14.14L20,15.08V13.21Z",AQ1="M16.5 3H21.5C22.3 3 23 3.7 23 4.5V7.5C23 8.3 22.3 9 21.5 9H18L15 12V4.5C15 3.7 15.7 3 16.5 3M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H11C12.1 21 13 20.1 13 19V5C13 3.9 12.1 3 11 3H3M7 5C8.1 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.1 9 7 9 5 8.1 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M7 11C9.2 11 11 12.8 11 15S9.2 19 7 19 3 17.2 3 15 4.8 11 7 11M7 13C5.9 13 5 13.9 5 15S5.9 17 7 17 9 16.1 9 15 8.1 13 7 13",iQ1="M14,10A3,3 0 0,0 11,13A3,3 0 0,0 14,16A3,3 0 0,0 17,13A3,3 0 0,0 14,10M14,18A5,5 0 0,1 9,13A5,5 0 0,1 14,8A5,5 0 0,1 19,13A5,5 0 0,1 14,18M14,2A2,2 0 0,1 16,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2M19,0H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,2V18A2,2 0 0,0 9,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V2A2,2 0 0,0 19,0M5,22H17V24H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,22V4H5",rQ1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L18.27,21.54C17.93,21.83 17.5,22 17,22H7C5.89,22 5,21.1 5,20V8.27L2,5.27M12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15C9,14.24 9.28,13.54 9.75,13L8.33,11.6C7.5,12.5 7,13.69 7,15A5,5 0 0,0 12,20C13.31,20 14.5,19.5 15.4,18.67L14,17.25C13.45,17.72 12.76,18 12,18M17,15A5,5 0 0,0 12,10H11.82L5.12,3.3C5.41,2.54 6.14,2 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V17.18L17,15.17V15M12,4C10.89,4 10,4.89 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6C14,4.89 13.1,4 12,4Z",aQ1="M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78M19 15H21V21H19M15 15H17V21H15V15Z",eQ1="M16 15V21L21 18L16 15M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78Z",dQ1="M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78M21 15H15V21H21V15Z",mQ1="M20.07,19.07L18.66,17.66C20.11,16.22 21,14.21 21,12C21,9.78 20.11,7.78 18.66,6.34L20.07,4.93C21.88,6.74 23,9.24 23,12C23,14.76 21.88,17.26 20.07,19.07M17.24,16.24L15.83,14.83C16.55,14.11 17,13.11 17,12C17,10.89 16.55,9.89 15.83,9.17L17.24,7.76C18.33,8.85 19,10.35 19,12C19,13.65 18.33,15.15 17.24,16.24M4,3H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 12,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M8,5A2,2 0 0,0 6,7A2,2 0 0,0 8,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 8,5M8,11A4,4 0 0,0 4,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,19A4,4 0 0,0 12,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,11M8,13A2,2 0 0,1 10,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,13Z",tQ1="M16 9H16.41L3.41 22L2 20.59L15 7.59V9H16M16 4V8H20L22 2L16 4Z",vQ1="M12,16A3,3 0 0,1 9,13C9,11.88 9.61,10.9 10.5,10.39L20.21,4.77L14.68,14.35C14.18,15.33 13.17,16 12,16M12,3C13.81,3 15.5,3.5 16.97,4.32L14.87,5.53C14,5.19 13,5 12,5A8,8 0 0,0 4,13C4,15.21 4.89,17.21 6.34,18.65H6.35C6.74,19.04 6.74,19.67 6.35,20.06C5.96,20.45 5.32,20.45 4.93,20.07V20.07C3.12,18.26 2,15.76 2,13A10,10 0 0,1 12,3M22,13C22,15.76 20.88,18.26 19.07,20.07V20.07C18.68,20.45 18.05,20.45 17.66,20.06C17.27,19.67 17.27,19.04 17.66,18.65V18.65C19.11,17.2 20,15.21 20,13C20,12 19.81,11 19.46,10.1L20.67,8C21.5,9.5 22,11.18 22,13Z",lQ1="M12 1.38L9.14 12.06C8.8 13.1 9.04 14.29 9.86 15.12C11.04 16.29 12.94 16.29 14.11 15.12C14.9 14.33 15.16 13.2 14.89 12.21M14.6 3.35L15.22 5.68C18.04 6.92 20 9.73 20 13C20 15.21 19.11 17.21 17.66 18.65H17.65C17.26 19.04 17.26 19.67 17.65 20.06C18.04 20.45 18.68 20.45 19.07 20.07C20.88 18.26 22 15.76 22 13C22 8.38 18.86 4.5 14.6 3.35M9.4 3.36C5.15 4.5 2 8.4 2 13C2 15.76 3.12 18.26 4.93 20.07C5.32 20.45 5.95 20.45 6.34 20.06C6.73 19.67 6.73 19.04 6.34 18.65C4.89 17.2 4 15.21 4 13C4 9.65 5.94 6.86 8.79 5.65",oQ1="M12 16C13.66 16 15 14.66 15 13C15 11.88 14.39 10.9 13.5 10.39L3.79 4.77L9.32 14.35C9.82 15.33 10.83 16 12 16M12 3C10.19 3 8.5 3.5 7.03 4.32L9.13 5.53C10 5.19 11 5 12 5C16.42 5 20 8.58 20 13C20 15.21 19.11 17.21 17.66 18.65H17.65C17.26 19.04 17.26 19.67 17.65 20.06C18.04 20.45 18.68 20.45 19.07 20.07C20.88 18.26 22 15.76 22 13C22 7.5 17.5 3 12 3M2 13C2 15.76 3.12 18.26 4.93 20.07C5.32 20.45 5.95 20.45 6.34 20.06C6.73 19.67 6.73 19.04 6.34 18.65C4.89 17.2 4 15.21 4 13C4 12 4.19 11 4.54 10.1L3.33 8C2.5 9.5 2 11.18 2 13Z",nQ1="M21.59,11.59L13.5,19.68L9.83,16L8.42,17.41L13.5,22.5L23,13M6.43,11L8.5,5.5L10.57,11M12.45,16H14.54L9.43,3H7.57L2.46,16H4.55L5.67,13H11.31L12.45,16Z",ZQ1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 14C7.58 14 4 13.11 4 12C4 10.9 7.58 10 12 10S20 10.9 20 12C20 13.11 16.42 14 12 14M12 4C15.37 4 18.25 6.09 19.43 9.05C17.93 8.43 15.61 8 12 8C9.8 8 6.73 8.19 4.57 9.05C5.75 6.09 8.63 4 12 4M12 20C8.63 20 5.75 17.91 4.57 14.95C6.07 15.57 8.39 16 12 16C14.2 16 17.27 15.81 19.43 14.95C18.25 17.91 15.37 20 12 20Z",SQ1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.77 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5.5 7.39L6.58 8.47C5.87 8.62 5.18 8.8 4.57 9.05C4.81 8.45 5.13 7.9 5.5 7.39M4 12C4 11.23 5.76 10.56 8.33 10.22L12.11 14L12 14C7.58 14 4 13.11 4 12M12 20C8.63 20 5.75 17.91 4.57 14.95C6.07 15.57 8.39 16 12 16C12.63 16 13.33 16 14.05 15.94L16.63 18.5C15.32 19.45 13.73 20 12 20M8.19 5L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19 15.81C19.17 15.54 19.31 15.25 19.43 14.96C19.13 15.08 18.81 15.18 18.47 15.27L16.8 13.6C18.74 13.23 20 12.65 20 12C20 11 17.06 10.17 13.23 10.03L11.21 8C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.61 8 17.93 8.43 19.43 9.05C18.25 6.09 15.37 4 12 4C10.61 4 9.32 4.36 8.19 5Z",uQ1="M21.29 16.71L22.71 15.29L19.5 12.11L16.5 11.26L18.41 11L22.6 7.8L21.4 6.2L17.59 9.05L14.91 9.5L18.11 6.31L17 1.76L15 2.24L15.86 5.69L14.76 6.83A3 3 0 0 0 9.24 6.83L8.11 5.69L9 2.24L7 1.76L5.89 6.31L9.09 9.5L6.4 9.05L2.6 6.2L1.4 7.8L5.6 11L7.46 11.31L4.46 12.16L1.29 15.29L2.71 16.71L5.5 13.89L7.87 13.22L4 16.54V22H6V17.46L7.56 16.12A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 16.44 16.12L18 17.46V22H20V16.54L16.13 13.22L18.5 13.89Z",cQ1="M20 22H18V17.46L16.44 16.12C16.32 16.83 16.04 17.5 15.62 18.06C15.42 18.34 15.18 18.59 14.91 18.82C14.1 19.5 13.07 19.89 12 19.89C10.93 19.89 9.9 19.5 9.09 18.82C8.82 18.59 8.58 18.34 8.38 18.06C7.96 17.5 7.68 16.83 7.56 16.12L6 17.46V22H4V16.54L7.87 13.22L5.5 13.89L2.71 16.71L1.29 15.29L4.46 12.16L7.46 11.31L5.6 11L1.4 7.8L2.6 6.2L6.4 9.05L9.09 9.5L5.89 6.31L7 1.76L9 2.24L8.11 5.69L9.24 6.83L9.24 6.83C9.36 6.56 9.5 6.32 9.69 6.1C9.84 5.92 10 5.75 10.2 5.61C10.25 5.57 10.3 5.54 10.35 5.5C10.43 5.45 10.5 5.4 10.59 5.36C11.03 5.13 11.5 5 12 5C12.5 5 12.97 5.13 13.4 5.36C13.5 5.4 13.57 5.45 13.65 5.5C13.69 5.53 13.73 5.56 13.77 5.59C13.97 5.73 14.15 5.9 14.3 6.08C14.5 6.3 14.64 6.56 14.76 6.83L14.76 6.83L15.86 5.69L15 2.24L17 1.76L18.11 6.31L14.91 9.5L17.59 9.05L21.4 6.2L22.6 7.8L22.6 7.8L18.41 11L16.5 11.26L19.5 12.11L22.71 15.29L21.29 16.71L18.5 13.89L16.13 13.22L20 16.54V22M14.47 15.79L15 12.5L12 12L9 12.5L9.53 15.79C9.63 16.38 9.93 16.91 10.38 17.29C10.83 17.68 11.41 17.89 12 17.89C12.59 17.89 13.17 17.68 13.62 17.29C14.07 16.91 14.37 16.38 14.47 15.79M12 9.58L13.23 8.35L12.92 7.61C12.84 7.43 12.72 7.28 12.55 7.17C12.39 7.06 12.2 7 12 7C11.8 7 11.61 7.06 11.45 7.17C11.29 7.28 11.16 7.43 11.08 7.61L10.77 8.35L12 9.58Z",sQ1="M13 2V7.08A5.47 5.47 0 0 0 12 7A5.47 5.47 0 0 0 11 7.08V2M16.9 15A5 5 0 0 1 16.73 15.55L20 17.42V22H18V18.58L15.74 17.29A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 8.26 17.29L6 18.58V22H4V17.42L7.27 15.55A5 5 0 0 1 7.1 15H5.3L2.55 16.83L1.45 15.17L4.7 13H7.1A5 5 0 0 1 7.37 12.12L5.81 11.12L2.24 12L1.76 10L6.19 8.92L8.5 10.45A5 5 0 0 1 15.5 10.45L17.77 8.92L22.24 10L21.76 12L18.19 11.11L16.63 12.11A5 5 0 0 1 16.9 13H19.3L22.55 15.16L21.45 16.82L18.7 15M11 14A1 1 0 1 0 10 15A1 1 0 0 0 11 14M15 14A1 1 0 1 0 14 15A1 1 0 0 0 15 14Z",OQ1="M13.62,13.28L15.26,15.54C15.29,15 15.38,14.47 15.56,13.93C15.74,13.37 16,12.86 16.3,12.41L13.62,13.28M17.77,19C17.75,17.68 17.95,16.27 18.41,14.85C18.88,13.42 19.56,12.14 20.36,11.09L18.32,11.75C17.54,12.26 16.87,13.14 16.5,14.23C16.17,15.29 16.18,16.36 16.5,17.22L17.77,19M19.25,21C18.75,21.46 18.21,21.86 17.63,22.2L17.31,21.76C15.9,21 14.04,20.5 12,20.5C9.96,20.5 8.1,21 6.69,21.76L6.37,22.2C5.79,21.86 5.25,21.46 4.75,21L5,20.69C5.33,19.08 5.22,17.12 4.58,15.14C3.94,13.19 2.9,11.56 1.71,10.46L1.27,10.32C1.42,9.66 1.63,9 1.89,8.41L2.29,8.54C3.92,8.37 5.74,7.65 7.43,6.43C9.09,5.22 10.32,3.73 11,2.26V1.79L12,1.75L13,1.79V2.21C13.67,3.71 14.91,5.23 16.6,6.45C18.26,7.66 20.06,8.37 21.67,8.56L22.11,8.41C22.37,9 22.58,9.66 22.73,10.32L22.23,10.5C21.04,11.58 20,13.21 19.37,15.16C18.74,17.09 18.62,19 18.92,20.57L19.25,21M11,11.37V8.5C10.66,8.92 10.26,9.32 9.78,9.67C9.29,10 8.77,10.29 8.25,10.5L11,11.37M11,4.22C10.25,5.31 9.24,6.35 8,7.24C6.78,8.14 5.46,8.78 4.18,9.16L6.15,9.8C7.11,9.88 8.22,9.56 9.19,8.86C10.13,8.18 10.76,7.27 11,6.36V4.22M13,11.37L15.74,10.5C15.23,10.3 14.72,10.03 14.25,9.69C13.76,9.33 13.34,8.92 13,8.5V11.37M19.8,9.16C18.53,8.78 17.23,8.15 16,7.26C14.77,6.36 13.76,5.31 13,4.2V6.27C13.22,7.21 13.86,8.17 14.84,8.88C15.77,9.56 16.83,9.87 17.77,9.82L19.8,9.16M10.38,13.28L7.64,12.39C7.95,12.84 8.2,13.35 8.38,13.91C8.57,14.5 8.66,15.06 8.68,15.62L10.38,13.28M3.58,11.07C4.38,12.12 5.06,13.4 5.53,14.83C6,16.29 6.2,17.74 6.17,19.08L7.38,17.41C7.76,16.5 7.8,15.36 7.43,14.22C7.07,13.12 6.4,12.24 5.61,11.73L3.58,11.07M12,14.45L10.35,16.72C10.87,16.58 11.42,16.5 12,16.5C12.58,16.5 13.13,16.58 13.65,16.72L12,14.45M7.84,20.18C9.08,19.75 10.5,19.5 12,19.5C13.5,19.5 14.92,19.75 16.16,20.18L14.88,18.42C14.16,17.85 13.13,17.5 12,17.5C10.87,17.5 9.84,17.85 9.12,18.42L7.84,20.18Z",hQ1="M22 8H2V16H22V8M18 14V10H20V14H18M11 12H13C14.1 12 15 11.11 15 10H17V14H7V10H9C9 11.11 9.9 12 11 12M4 14V10H6V14H4Z",pQ1="M6 13H3V10H6V13M10 10H7V13H10V10M8 6H5V9H8V6M18 12C14.25 12 12.28 13.25 11 14H2C2 16.21 3.79 18 6 18H7C8 18 8.92 17.63 9.62 17C11.06 15.78 12.68 14.74 14.55 14.36C15.61 14.15 16.78 14 18 14H22V12H18Z",fQ1="M17.9,10.9C14.7,9 9.35,8.8 6.3,9.75C5.8,9.9 5.3,9.6 5.15,9.15C5,8.65 5.3,8.15 5.75,8C9.3,6.95 15.15,7.15 18.85,9.35C19.3,9.6 19.45,10.2 19.2,10.65C18.95,11 18.35,11.15 17.9,10.9M17.8,13.7C17.55,14.05 17.1,14.2 16.75,13.95C14.05,12.3 9.95,11.8 6.8,12.8C6.4,12.9 5.95,12.7 5.85,12.3C5.75,11.9 5.95,11.45 6.35,11.35C10,10.25 14.5,10.8 17.6,12.7C17.9,12.85 18.05,13.35 17.8,13.7M16.6,16.45C16.4,16.75 16.05,16.85 15.75,16.65C13.4,15.2 10.45,14.9 6.95,15.7C6.6,15.8 6.3,15.55 6.2,15.25C6.1,14.9 6.35,14.6 6.65,14.5C10.45,13.65 13.75,14 16.35,15.6C16.7,15.75 16.75,16.15 16.6,16.45M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",gQ1="M2,6L7.09,8.55C6.4,9.5 6,10.71 6,12C6,13.29 6.4,14.5 7.09,15.45L2,18V6M6,3H18L15.45,7.09C14.5,6.4 13.29,6 12,6C10.71,6 9.5,6.4 8.55,7.09L6,3M22,6V18L16.91,15.45C17.6,14.5 18,13.29 18,12C18,10.71 17.6,9.5 16.91,8.55L22,6M18,21H6L8.55,16.91C9.5,17.6 10.71,18 12,18C13.29,18 14.5,17.6 15.45,16.91L18,21M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",kQ1="M9,16.5L9.91,15.59L15.13,20.8L14.21,21.71L9,16.5M15.5,10L16.41,9.09L21.63,14.3L20.71,15.21L15.5,10M6.72,2.72L10.15,6.15L6.15,10.15L2.72,6.72C1.94,5.94 1.94,4.67 2.72,3.89L3.89,2.72C4.67,1.94 5.94,1.94 6.72,2.72M14.57,7.5L15.28,8.21L8.21,15.28L7.5,14.57L6.64,11.07L11.07,6.64L14.57,7.5Z",BQ1="M10,4H12V6H10V4M7,3H9V5H7V3M7,6H9V8H7V6M6,8V10H4V8H6M6,5V7H4V5H6M6,2V4H4V2H6M13,22A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 13,8V7H14V4H17V7H18V8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H13M13,10V20H18V10H13Z",PQ1="M16.72 10.43C14.68 8.39 14.5 4.66 14.5 4H13V6H9V4H7C7 2.9 7.9 2 9 2H16V3C16 3.08 16.04 7.63 17.78 9.37L16.72 10.43M17 2V4H18V2H17M15 12C13 10 13 7 13 7H9V9C9 10 9 10 8 11S7 13 7 13V20C7 21.1 7.9 22 9 22H13C14.1 22 15 21.1 15 20V12Z",wQ1="M11 7H13V9H11V7M5 22H9V10H5V22M14 11H16V9H14V11M17 10H19V8H17V10M17 5V7H19V5H17M14 8H16V6H14V8M17 13H19V11H17V13M5 7H5.33L6 9H8L8.67 7H9V6H5V7Z",FQ1="M5 21V23H7V21H5M11 21H9V23H11V21M7 18V20H9V18H7M11 15V17H9V15H11M15 21H13V23H15V21M11 18V20H13V18H11M15 15V17H13V15H15M19 21H17V23H19V21M15 18V20H17V18H15M16 11V13H8V11H11V5H13V11H16M21 1V3H18V6L14 10V7.2L16 5.2V3H8V5.2L10 7.2V10L6 6V3H3V1H21Z",TQ1="M10 10H14V22H10V10M7 9H9V7H7V9M4 8H6V6H4V8M4 11H6V9H4V11M1 13H3V11H1V13M1 7H3V5H1V7M1 10H3V8H1V10M18 11H20V9H18V11M21 10H23V8H21V10M21 5V7H23V5H21M21 13H23V11H21V13M15 9H17V7H15V9M18 8H20V6H18V8M10 7H10.33L11 9H13L13.67 7H14V6H10V7Z",bQ1="M2,22V20C2,20 7,18 12,18C17,18 22,20 22,20V22H2M11.3,9.1C10.1,5.2 4,6.1 4,6.1C4,6.1 4.2,13.9 9.9,12.7C9.5,9.8 8,9 8,9C10.8,9 11,12.4 11,12.4V17C11.3,17 11.7,17 12,17C12.3,17 12.7,17 13,17V12.8C13,12.8 13,8.9 16,7.9C16,7.9 14,10.9 14,12.9C21,13.6 21,4 21,4C21,4 12.1,3 11.3,9.1Z",yQ1="M23,4.1V2.3L21.2,2.1C21.1,2.1 20.5,2 19.5,2C15.4,2 12.4,3.2 10.7,5.3C9.4,4.5 7.6,4 5.5,4C4.5,4 3.8,4.1 3.8,4.1L1.9,4.4L2,6.1C2.1,9.1 3.6,14.8 8.8,14.8C8.9,14.8 8.9,14.8 9,14.8V18.2C5.2,18.7 2,20 2,20V22H22V20C22,20 18.8,18.7 15,18.2V15C21.3,14.9 23,7.8 23,4.1M12,18C11.7,18 11.3,18 11,18V12.4C11,12.4 10.8,9 8,9C8,9 9.5,9.8 9.9,12.7C9.5,12.8 9.1,12.8 8.8,12.8C4.2,12.8 4,6.1 4,6.1C4,6.1 4.6,6 5.5,6C7.4,6 10.5,6.4 11.4,9.1C11.9,4.6 17,4 19.5,4C20.4,4 21,4.1 21,4.1C21,4.1 21,13.1 14.7,13.1C14.5,13.1 14.2,13.1 14,13.1C14,11.1 16,8.1 16,8.1C13,9.1 13,13 13,13V18C12.7,18 12.3,18 12,18Z",RQ1="M3,3V21H21V3",xQ1="M20 4V20H4V4H20M22 2H2V22H22V2M12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12S8.69 18 12 18 18 15.31 18 12 15.31 6 12 6Z",DQ1="M18 12C18 8.69 15.31 6 12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.8 16 12C16 14.21 14.21 16 12 16C9.8 16 8 14.21 8 12C8 9.8 9.8 8 12 8M20 4H4V20H20V4M22 2V22H2V2H22Z",EQ1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19H5V5H12V3H5M17.78,4C17.61,4 17.43,4.07 17.3,4.2L16.08,5.41L18.58,7.91L19.8,6.7C20.06,6.44 20.06,6 19.8,5.75L18.25,4.2C18.12,4.07 17.95,4 17.78,4M15.37,6.12L8,13.5V16H10.5L17.87,8.62L15.37,6.12Z",NQ1="M16,8H8V16H16V8Z",WQ1="M14,10V14H10V10H14M16,8H8V16H16V8Z",IQ1="M20.84 22.73L19.11 21H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 3H6.2L21 17.8V3Z",GQ1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2Z",QQ1="M19 13V11H21V13H19M21 9V7H19V9H21M21 3H19V5H21V3M17 15H19V13H17V15M21 17V15H19V17H21M13 17V15H15V13H13V11H15V9H13V7H15V5H13V3H3V21H13V19H15V17H13M15 21H17V19H15V21M17 3H15V5H17V3M17 11H19V9H17V11M15 17H17V15H15V17M17 19H19V17H17V19M21 21V19H19V21H21M15 9H17V7H15V9M15 13H17V11H15V13M17 5V7H19V5H17Z",UQ1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",zQ1="M11.76,16.83L14.59,14L11.76,11.17L13.17,9.76L16,12.59L18.83,9.76L20.24,11.17L17.41,14L20.24,16.83L18.83,18.24L16,15.41L13.17,18.24L11.76,16.83M2,11H5V11H5L7.29,16.4L10,6H22V8H11.55L8.68,19H6.22L3.68,13H2V11Z",_Q1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M11.24,6H19V8H12.76L10,18H8L6.25,12H5V10H7.75L9,14.28L11.24,6V6M14,10.59L15.79,12.38L17.59,10.59L19,12L17.21,13.79L19,15.59L17.59,17L15.79,15.21L14,17L12.59,15.59L14.38,13.79L12.59,12L14,10.59Z",KQ1="M8 3H16C18.76 3 21 5.24 21 8V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3Z",jQ1="M19.5 8C21.43 8 23 6.43 23 4.5C23 2.57 21.43 1 19.5 1C17.57 1 16 2.57 16 4.5C16 6.43 17.57 8 19.5 8M19.5 10C20 10 20.5 9.93 21 9.79V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3H14.21C14.07 3.5 14 4 14 4.5C14 7.54 16.46 10 19.5 10Z",qQ1="M19.5 8C21.43 8 23 6.43 23 4.5C23 2.57 21.43 1 19.5 1C17.57 1 16 2.57 16 4.5C16 6.43 17.57 8 19.5 8M21 16V9.79C20.5 9.93 20 10 19.5 10C19.33 10 19.17 10 19 10V16C19 17.66 17.66 19 16 19H8C6.34 19 5 17.66 5 16V8C5 6.34 6.34 5 8 5H14C14 4.84 14 4.67 14 4.5C14 4 14.07 3.5 14.21 3H8C5.24 3 3 5.24 3 8V16C3 18.76 5.24 21 8 21H16C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",$Q1="M8 3H16C18.76 3 21 5.24 21 8V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3M8 5C6.34 5 5 6.34 5 8V16C5 17.66 6.34 19 8 19H16C17.66 19 19 17.66 19 16V8C19 6.34 17.66 5 16 5H8Z",XQ1="M10,14V10H14V14H10Z",YQ1="M2 2V12H4V4H11V22H22V12H20V20H13V2H2Z",JQ1="M22,2V5H2V2H22M2,8H7L9,10H10V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22A2,2 0 0,0 14,20V10H15L17,8H22V6H2V8Z",CU1="M4.5,9C3.9,9 3.5,9.5 3.5,10V11.75C3.5,12.25 3.9,12.75 4.5,12.75H7V13.5H3.5V15H7.5C8.1,15 8.5,14.5 8.5,14V12.25C8.5,11.75 8.1,11.25 7.5,11.25H5V10.5H8.5V9H4.5M10.5,9C9.9,9 9.5,9.5 9.5,10V11.75C9.5,12.25 9.9,12.75 10.5,12.75H13V13.5H9.5V15H13.5C14.1,15 14.5,14.5 14.5,14V12.25C14.5,11.75 14.1,11.25 13.5,11.25H11V10.5H14.5V9H10.5M15.5,9V15H17V12.5H19V15H20.5V9H19V11H17V9H15.5Z",HU1="M3.9 10.72H20V14.03H3.9V10.72M3.9 6.44H20V9.75H3.9V6.44M17.5 2H6.5C5.06 2 3.9 3.18 3.9 4.65V5.5H20V4.65C20 3.18 18.88 2 17.5 2M3.9 15V15.84C3.9 17.31 5.06 18.5 6.5 18.5H13.37V22L16.77 18.5H17.5C18.94 18.5 20.11 17.31 20.11 15.84V15H3.9Z",VU1="M17.36,20.2V14.82H19.15V22H3V14.82H4.8V20.2H17.36M6.77,14.32L7.14,12.56L15.93,14.41L15.56,16.17L6.77,14.32M7.93,10.11L8.69,8.5L16.83,12.28L16.07,13.9L7.93,10.11M10.19,6.12L11.34,4.74L18.24,10.5L17.09,11.87L10.19,6.12M14.64,1.87L20,9.08L18.56,10.15L13.2,2.94L14.64,1.87M6.59,18.41V16.61H15.57V18.41H6.59Z",LU1="M4.91 8C4.04 8 3.32 8.2 2.76 8.61C2.19 9 1.91 9.53 1.91 10.19C1.91 10.85 2.15 11.37 2.62 11.72C3.1 12.07 3.82 12.41 4.8 12.72C5.27 12.88 5.6 13.04 5.78 13.19C5.96 13.34 6.05 13.55 6.05 13.83C6.05 14.07 5.96 14.26 5.78 14.41C5.6 14.56 5.32 14.63 4.94 14.63C4.45 14.63 4.09 14.54 3.85 14.35C3.6 14.16 3.5 13.84 3.5 13.39H1.72L1.71 13.42C1.7 14.25 2 14.89 2.66 15.33C3.3 15.78 4.06 16 4.94 16C5.82 16 6.5 15.8 7.06 15.42C7.59 15.03 7.86 14.5 7.86 13.81C7.86 13.14 7.63 12.61 7.19 12.23C6.74 11.84 6.08 11.5 5.2 11.26C4.62 11.05 4.23 10.88 4 10.74C3.81 10.6 3.71 10.42 3.71 10.2C3.71 9.96 3.81 9.76 4 9.6C4.22 9.44 4.5 9.36 4.87 9.36C5.24 9.36 5.53 9.46 5.74 9.65C5.96 9.84 6.07 10.12 6.06 10.41H7.8L7.82 10.37C7.84 9.68 7.57 9.11 7 8.66C6.47 8.22 5.77 8 4.91 8M9 8.05V15.93H10.84V13.23H11.96C12.89 13.23 13.63 13 14.18 12.5C14.73 12.05 15 11.42 15 10.64C15 9.87 14.73 9.25 14.18 8.77C13.63 8.29 12.89 8.05 11.96 8.05H9M17.24 8.05L14.5 15.93H16.22L19 8.05M20.5 8.05L17.79 15.93H19.5L22.29 8.05M10.84 9.46H11.96C12.35 9.46 12.66 9.57 12.86 9.8C13.07 10 13.17 10.31 13.17 10.65C13.17 11 13.07 11.28 12.86 11.5C12.66 11.71 12.35 11.82 11.96 11.82H10.84",MU1="M7 5L3 7V3L7 5M18 3V7L22 5L18 3M11 2V6L15 4L11 2M5 10C6.4 10.5 8.8 11 12 11S17.6 10.5 19 10C19 9.8 16.2 9 12 9S5 9.9 5 10M15 17H9V21.9C4.9 21.5 2 20.4 2 19V10C2 8.3 6.5 7 12 7S22 8.3 22 10V19C22 20.3 19.1 21.5 15 21.9V17Z",AU1="M7 5L3 7V3L7 5M18 3V7L22 5L18 3M11 2V6L15 4L11 2M13 18H11V22C5.9 21.9 2 20.6 2 19V10C2 8.3 6.5 7 12 7S22 8.3 22 10V19C22 20.6 18 21.9 13 22V18M5 10C6.4 10.5 8.8 11 12 11S17.6 10.5 19 10C19 9.8 16.2 9 12 9S5 9.9 5 10M20 11.8C18.2 12.5 15.3 13 12 13S5.8 12.5 4 11.8V18.6C4.6 19 6.4 19.6 9 19.9V16H15V19.9C17.6 19.6 19.4 19 20 18.6V11.8Z",iU1="M5,3H7L10,5L7,7V8.33C8.47,8.12 10.18,8 12,8C13.82,8 15.53,8.12 17,8.33V3H19L22,5L19,7V8.71C20.85,9.17 22,9.8 22,10.5C22,11.88 17.5,13 12,13C6.5,13 2,11.88 2,10.5C2,9.8 3.15,9.17 5,8.71V3M12,9.5C8.69,9.5 7,9.67 7,10.5C7,11.33 8.69,11.5 12,11.5C15.31,11.5 17,11.33 17,10.5C17,9.67 15.31,9.5 12,9.5M12,14.75C15.81,14.75 19.2,14.08 21.4,13.05L20,21H15V19A2,2 0 0,0 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,19V21H4L2.6,13.05C4.8,14.08 8.19,14.75 12,14.75Z",rU1="M15,5V9H11V13H7V17H3V20H10V16H14V12H18V8H22V5H15Z",aU1="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M14 7H19V9H16V12H13V15H10V18H5V16H8V13H11V10H14V7Z",eU1="M15 6H22V9H18V13H14V17H10V21H3V18H7V14H11V10H15V6M4.83 8.34L10.34 2.83L12.17 4.66L6.66 10.17L8.5 12H3V6.5L4.83 8.34Z",dU1="M15 6H22V9H18V13H14V17H10V21H3V18H7V14H11V10H15V6M10.17 6.66L4.66 12.17L2.83 10.34L8.34 4.83L6.5 3H12V8.5L10.17 6.66Z",mU1="M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6C9,9 14,13 6,13A2,2 0 0,0 4,15V17H20V15A2,2 0 0,0 18,13C10,13 15,9 15,6C15,4 13.66,3 12,3M6,19V21H18V19H6Z",tU1="M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16M7,7H11V9H7V11H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17H5V15H9V13H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 7,7Z",vU1="M12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24L14.81,8.62L12,2L9.19,8.62L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27Z",lU1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M15.58,17L14.63,12.92L17.79,10.19L13.62,9.83L12,6L10.38,9.84L6.21,10.2L9.37,12.93L8.42,17L12,14.84L15.58,17Z",oU1="M4 6V20H18V22H3C2.4 22 2 21.6 2 21V6H4M8 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.11 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2M16.3 13.3L15.9 10.7L17.8 8.8L15.2 8.4L14 6L12.8 8.4L10.2 8.8L12.1 10.6L11.6 13.2L14 12L16.3 13.3Z",nU1="M4 6V20H18V22H3C2.4 22 2 21.6 2 21V6H4M12.1 10.6L10.2 8.8L12.8 8.4L14 6L15.2 8.4L17.8 8.8L15.9 10.7L16.3 13.3L14 12L11.6 13.2L12.1 10.6M8 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.11 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2M8 4V16H20V4H8Z",ZU1="M15.58,17L12,14.84L8.42,17L9.37,12.93L6.21,10.2L10.38,9.84L12,6L13.62,9.83L17.79,10.19L14.63,12.92L15.58,17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",SU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M17.8 21.2L22.6 16.4L21.3 15L17.7 18.6L16.2 17L15 18.2L17.8 21.2",uU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M17.8 21.2L15 18.2L16.2 17L17.8 18.6L21.4 15L22.6 16.4L17.8 21.2",cU1="M16.23,18L12,15.45L7.77,18L8.89,13.19L5.16,9.96L10.08,9.54L12,5L13.92,9.53L18.84,9.95L15.11,13.18L16.23,18M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",sU1="M8.58,17.25L9.5,13.36L6.5,10.78L10.45,10.41L12,6.8L13.55,10.45L17.5,10.78L14.5,13.36L15.42,17.25L12,15.19L8.58,17.25M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",OU1="M18.8 12C15.59 12.1 12.91 14.37 12.19 17.39L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.62L12 2L14.81 8.62L22 9.24L18.8 12M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",hU1="M10.29 10.13L5.91 10.5L9.23 13.38L8.24 17.66L12 15.39L12.76 15.85C12.5 16.33 12.32 16.85 12.19 17.39L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.63L12 2L14.81 8.63L22 9.24L18.8 12C17.29 12.05 15.91 12.57 14.78 13.43L14.77 13.38L18.09 10.5L13.71 10.13L12 6.09L10.29 10.13M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",pU1="M12.3,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15,22 16.7,21 18.5,19.5C13,21 8,17 8,12C8,7 13,3 18.5,4.5C16.86,2.86 14.62,1.96 12.3,2M16.8,6.2L15.3,9.7L11.6,10L14.5,12.5L13.6,16L16.8,14L20,16L19,12.5L22,10L18.3,9.7L16.8,6.2Z",fU1="M12,2L9.1,7H3.3L6.3,12L3.3,17H9.1L12,22L14.9,17H20.7L17.7,12L20.7,7H14.9L12,2M12,5L13.2,7H10.8L12,5M8.2,8.5L7.1,10.5L5.9,8.5H8.2M10,8.5H14L16,12L14,15.5H10L8,12L10,8.5M18,8.5L16.8,10.5L15.7,8.5H18M7.1,13.5L8.2,15.5H6L7.1,13.5M16.9,13.5L18.1,15.5H15.8L16.9,13.5M13.3,17L12,19L10.8,17H13.3Z",gU1="M12,2.5L8.42,8.06L2,9.74L6.2,14.88L5.82,21.5L12,19.09L18.18,21.5L17.8,14.88L22,9.74L15.58,8.06L12,2.5M9.38,10.5C10,10.5 10.5,11 10.5,11.63A1.12,1.12 0 0,1 9.38,12.75C8.75,12.75 8.25,12.25 8.25,11.63C8.25,11 8.75,10.5 9.38,10.5M14.63,10.5C15.25,10.5 15.75,11 15.75,11.63A1.12,1.12 0 0,1 14.63,12.75C14,12.75 13.5,12.25 13.5,11.63C13.5,11 14,10.5 14.63,10.5M9,15H15C14.5,16.21 13.31,17 12,17C10.69,17 9.5,16.21 9,15Z",kU1="M12,1L9,9L1,12L9,15L12,23L15,15L23,12L15,9L12,1Z",BU1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",PU1="M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M5 19H19V5H5V19Z",wU1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",FU1="M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",TU1="M12,6.7L13.45,10.55L17.3,12L13.45,13.45L12,17.3L10.55,13.45L6.7,12L10.55,10.55L12,6.7M12,1L9,9L1,12L9,15L12,23L15,15L23,12L15,9L12,1Z",bU1="M10.74 10.75L12 8L13.25 10.75L16 12L13.25 13.26L12 16L10.74 13.26L8 12L10.74 10.75Z",yU1="M12 2L9.19 8.62L2 9.24L7.45 13.97L5.82 21L12 17.27V2Z",RU1="M12,15.4V6.1L13.71,10.13L18.09,10.5L14.77,13.39L15.76,17.67M22,9.24L14.81,8.63L12,2L9.19,8.63L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24Z",xU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",DU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",EU1="M20.8 22.7L17.9 19.8L18.2 21L12 17.3L5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L6.9 8.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M22 9.2L14.8 8.6L12 2L10 6.8L16.9 13.7L22 9.2Z",NU1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.9 8.8L2 9.2L7.5 14L5.9 21L12.1 17.3L18.3 21L18 19.8L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M15.8 17.7L12 15.4L8.2 17.7L9.2 13.4L5.9 10.5L8.4 10.3L15.8 17.7M11.2 8L10 6.8L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L16.9 13.6L15.8 12.5L18.2 10.5L13.8 10.1L12.1 6.1L11.2 8Z",WU1="M12,15.39L8.24,17.66L9.23,13.38L5.91,10.5L10.29,10.13L12,6.09L13.71,10.13L18.09,10.5L14.77,13.38L15.76,17.66M22,9.24L14.81,8.63L12,2L9.19,8.63L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24Z",IU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",GU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",QU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",UU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",zU1="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M22 9.24L14.81 8.62L12 2L9.19 8.62L2 9.24L7.45 13.97L5.82 21L12 17.27L18.18 21L16.54 13.97L22 9.24Z",_U1="M11 22H13V24H11V22M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M16.54 13.97L18.18 21L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.63L12 2L14.81 8.63L22 9.24L16.54 13.97M15.76 17.66L14.77 13.38L18.09 10.5L13.71 10.13L12 6.09L10.29 10.13L5.91 10.5L9.23 13.38L8.24 17.66L12 15.39L15.76 17.66Z",KU1="M18.09 11.77L19.56 18.1L14 14.74L8.44 18.1L9.9 11.77L5 7.5L11.47 6.96L14 1L16.53 6.96L23 7.5L18.09 11.77M2 12.43C2.19 12.43 2.38 12.37 2.55 12.26L5.75 10.15L4.18 8.79L1.45 10.59C.989 10.89 .861 11.5 1.16 12C1.36 12.27 1.68 12.43 2 12.43M1.16 21.55C1.36 21.84 1.68 22 2 22C2.19 22 2.38 21.95 2.55 21.84L6.66 19.13L7 17.76L7.31 16.31L1.45 20.16C.989 20.47 .861 21.09 1.16 21.55M1.45 15.38C.989 15.68 .861 16.3 1.16 16.76C1.36 17.06 1.68 17.21 2 17.21C2.19 17.21 2.38 17.16 2.55 17.05L7.97 13.5L8.24 12.31L7.32 11.5L1.45 15.38Z",jU1="M23 7.5L16.53 6.96L14 1L11.47 6.96L5 7.5L9.9 11.77L8.44 18.1L14 14.74L19.56 18.1L18.09 11.77L23 7.5M16.14 12.23L16.54 13.94L15.03 13.03L14 12.41L12.97 13.03L11.46 13.94L11.85 12.23L12.13 11.05L11.22 10.26L9.88 9.1L11.64 8.95L12.84 8.85L13.31 7.74L14 6.12L14.69 7.74L15.16 8.85L16.36 8.95L18.11 9.1L16.78 10.26L15.86 11.05L16.14 12.23M1.16 12C.861 11.5 .989 10.89 1.45 10.59L4.18 8.79L5.75 10.15L2.55 12.26C2.38 12.37 2.19 12.43 2 12.43C1.68 12.43 1.36 12.27 1.16 12M1.45 20.16L7.31 16.31L7 17.76L6.66 19.13L2.55 21.84C2.38 21.95 2.19 22 2 22C1.68 22 1.36 21.84 1.16 21.55C.861 21.09 .989 20.47 1.45 20.16M7.32 11.5L8.24 12.31L7.97 13.5L2.55 17.05C2.38 17.16 2.19 17.21 2 17.21C1.68 17.21 1.36 17.06 1.16 16.76C.861 16.3 .989 15.68 1.45 15.38L7.32 11.5Z",qU1="M12,2.6L9,12.4L2,19.9L12,17.6L22,20L15,12.5L12,2.6Z",$U1="M12,9.5L13.2,13.5L16,16.5L12,15.6L7.9,16.5L10.7,13.5L12,9.5M12,2.6L9,12.4L2,19.9L12,17.6L22,20L15,12.5L12,2.6Z",XU1="M6.27 17.05C6.72 17.58 7 18.25 7 19C7 20.66 5.66 22 4 22S1 20.66 1 19 2.34 16 4 16C4.18 16 4.36 16 4.53 16.05L7.6 10.69L5.86 9.7L9.95 8.58L11.07 12.67L9.33 11.68L6.27 17.05M20 16C18.7 16 17.6 16.84 17.18 18H11V16L8 19L11 22V20H17.18C17.6 21.16 18.7 22 20 22C21.66 22 23 20.66 23 19S21.66 16 20 16M12 8C12.18 8 12.36 8 12.53 7.95L15.6 13.31L13.86 14.3L17.95 15.42L19.07 11.33L17.33 12.32L14.27 6.95C14.72 6.42 15 5.75 15 5C15 3.34 13.66 2 12 2S9 3.34 9 5 10.34 8 12 8Z",YU1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C7.4,22 3.55,18.92 2.36,14.73L6.19,16.31C6.45,17.6 7.6,18.58 8.97,18.58C10.53,18.58 11.8,17.31 11.8,15.75V15.62L15.2,13.19H15.28C17.36,13.19 19.05,11.5 19.05,9.42C19.05,7.34 17.36,5.65 15.28,5.65C13.2,5.65 11.5,7.34 11.5,9.42V9.47L9.13,12.93L8.97,12.92C8.38,12.92 7.83,13.1 7.38,13.41L2,11.2C2.43,6.05 6.73,2 12,2M8.28,17.17C9.08,17.5 10,17.13 10.33,16.33C10.66,15.53 10.28,14.62 9.5,14.29L8.22,13.76C8.71,13.58 9.26,13.57 9.78,13.79C10.31,14 10.72,14.41 10.93,14.94C11.15,15.46 11.15,16.04 10.93,16.56C10.5,17.64 9.23,18.16 8.15,17.71C7.65,17.5 7.27,17.12 7.06,16.67L8.28,17.17M17.8,9.42C17.8,10.81 16.67,11.94 15.28,11.94C13.9,11.94 12.77,10.81 12.77,9.42A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15.28,6.91C16.67,6.91 17.8,8.04 17.8,9.42M13.4,9.42C13.4,10.46 14.24,11.31 15.29,11.31C16.33,11.31 17.17,10.46 17.17,9.42C17.17,8.38 16.33,7.53 15.29,7.53C14.24,7.53 13.4,8.38 13.4,9.42Z",JU1="M13,19.92C14.8,19.7 16.35,18.95 17.65,17.65C18.95,16.35 19.7,14.8 19.92,13H16.92C16.7,14 16.24,14.84 15.54,15.54C14.84,16.24 14,16.7 13,16.92V19.92M10,8H14L17,11H19.92C19.67,9.05 18.79,7.38 17.27,6C15.76,4.66 14,4 12,4C10,4 8.24,4.66 6.73,6C5.21,7.38 4.33,9.05 4.08,11H7L10,8M11,19.92V16.92C10,16.7 9.16,16.24 8.46,15.54C7.76,14.84 7.3,14 7.08,13H4.08C4.3,14.77 5.05,16.3 6.35,17.6C7.65,18.9 9.2,19.67 11,19.92M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",Cz1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.25,20.5C15.7,21.5 13.95,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,10.05 2.5,8.3 3.5,6.75L2,5.27M13,19.92C14,19.8 14.93,19.5 15.78,19.05L13.5,16.78C13.34,16.84 13.16,16.88 13,16.92V19.92M4.08,11H7L7.37,10.63L4.96,8.23C4.5,9.08 4.21,10 4.08,11M19.92,13H16.92C16.8,13.54 16.6,14.05 16.33,14.5L9.91,8.09L10,8H14L17,11H19.92C19.67,9.05 18.79,7.38 17.27,6C15.76,4.66 14,4 12,4C10.26,4 8.71,4.5 7.34,5.5L5.91,4.09C7.66,2.71 9.69,2 12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.31 21.29,16.34 19.91,18.09L18.5,16.67C19.28,15.59 19.76,14.36 19.92,13M11,19.92V16.92C10,16.7 9.16,16.24 8.46,15.54C7.76,14.84 7.3,14 7.08,13H4.08C4.3,14.77 5.05,16.3 6.35,17.6C7.65,18.9 9.2,19.67 11,19.92Z",Hz1="M19,5V19H16V5M14,5V19L3,12",Vz1="M17,5H14V19H17V5M12,5L1,12L12,19V5M22,5H19V19H22V5Z",Lz1="M5,5V19H8V5M10,5V19L21,12",Mz1="M7,5H10V19H7V5M12,5L23,12L12,19V5M2,5H5V19H2V5Z",Az1="M19,8C19.56,8 20,8.43 20,9A1,1 0 0,1 19,10C18.43,10 18,9.55 18,9C18,8.43 18.43,8 19,8M2,2V11C2,13.96 4.19,16.5 7.14,16.91C7.76,19.92 10.42,22 13.5,22A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V11.81C21.16,11.39 22,10.29 22,9A3,3 0 0,0 19,6A3,3 0 0,0 16,9C16,10.29 16.84,11.4 18,11.81V15.41C18,17.91 16,19.91 13.5,19.91C11.5,19.91 9.82,18.7 9.22,16.9C12,16.3 14,13.8 14,11V2H10V5H12V11A4,4 0 0,1 8,15A4,4 0 0,1 4,11V5H6V2H2Z",iz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",rz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M13 17H11V15H13V16M13 13H11V7H13V12M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",az1="M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 13H13V7H11V13M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",ez1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M7 12.5L8.3 11.1L10.4 13.2L15.6 8L17 9.4L10.5 16L7 12.5M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",dz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M20 15H18.5C16.6 15 15 16.6 15 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15M15.2 8.2L16.7 9.7L10.7 15.7L7.2 12.2L8.7 10.7L10.7 12.7L15.2 8.2Z",mz1="M12.12,18.46L18.3,12.28C16.94,12.59 15.31,13.2 14.07,14.46C13.04,15.5 12.39,16.83 12.12,18.46M20.75,10H21.05C21.44,10 21.79,10.27 21.93,10.64C22.07,11 22,11.43 21.7,11.71L11.7,21.71C11.5,21.9 11.26,22 11,22L10.64,21.93C10.27,21.79 10,21.44 10,21.05C9.84,17.66 10.73,14.96 12.66,13.03C15.5,10.2 19.62,10 20.75,10M12,2C16.5,2 20.34,5 21.58,9.11L20,9H19.42C18.24,6.07 15.36,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,15.36 6.07,18.24 9,19.42C8.97,20.13 9,20.85 9.11,21.57C5,20.33 2,16.5 2,12C2,6.47 6.5,2 12,2Z",tz1="M5.5,2C3.56,2 2,3.56 2,5.5V18.5C2,20.44 3.56,22 5.5,22H16L22,16V5.5C22,3.56 20.44,2 18.5,2H5.5M5.75,4H18.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 20,5.75V15H18.5C16.56,15 15,16.56 15,18.5V20H5.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 4,18.25V5.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 5.75,4M14.44,6.77C14.28,6.77 14.12,6.79 13.97,6.83C13.03,7.09 12.5,8.05 12.74,9C12.79,9.15 12.86,9.3 12.95,9.44L16.18,8.56C16.18,8.39 16.16,8.22 16.12,8.05C15.91,7.3 15.22,6.77 14.44,6.77M8.17,8.5C8,8.5 7.85,8.5 7.7,8.55C6.77,8.81 6.22,9.77 6.47,10.7C6.5,10.86 6.59,11 6.68,11.16L9.91,10.28C9.91,10.11 9.89,9.94 9.85,9.78C9.64,9 8.95,8.5 8.17,8.5M16.72,11.26L7.59,13.77C8.91,15.3 11,15.94 12.95,15.41C14.9,14.87 16.36,13.25 16.72,11.26Z",vz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M8 11H16V13H8V11M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",lz1="M8 11H16V13H8V11M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",oz1="M5.5 2C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2H5.5M5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15H18.6C16.7 15 15.1 16.6 15.1 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4",nz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M13 16H11V13H8V11H11V8H13V11H16V13H13V16M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",Zz1="M13 11H16V13H13V16H11V13H8V11H11V8H13V11M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",Sz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M12 13.4L9.9 15.5L8.5 14.1L10.6 12L8.5 9.9L9.9 8.5L12 10.6L14.1 8.5L15.5 9.9L13.4 12L15.5 14.1L14.1 15.5L12 13.4M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",uz1="M16 9.4L13.4 12L16 14.6L14.6 16L12 13.4L9.4 16L8 14.6L10.6 12L8 9.4L9.4 8L12 10.6L14.6 8L16 9.4M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",cz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M6 7H18V9H6V7M6 11H18V13H6V11M13 17H6V15H13V17M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",sz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M20.1 15H18.6C16.7 15 15.1 16.6 15.1 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15M7 7H17V9H7V7M7 11H17V13H7V11M7 15H13V17H7V15Z",Oz1="M17,2A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V7A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17C17,17.85 16.5,18.57 15.74,18.86L9.5,21.77C8.5,22.24 7.29,21.81 6.83,20.81L6,19C5.5,18 5.95,16.8 6.95,16.34L10,14.91V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H17M10,4V7H17V4H10Z",hz1="M4 18C4.67 19.85 6.07 22 12 22C14.36 22 17.07 21.93 19 20C20 19 22 17 22 11S20 4 18 4C16.62 4 15 4 14 6V6.03A1.82 1.82 0 0 1 12.13 6.95C11 6.81 11 6.37 11 6V2H9V6A2.92 2.92 0 0 0 12 9C13 9 13 10.78 13 12C13 13.89 12.5 15.26 11 16C8.69 17.15 6.39 17 5.61 15.47A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 3.14 14.87A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 2 18V22H4Z",pz1="M20 6C20 3.79 18.21 2 16 2H8C5.78 2 4 3.79 4 6V8H7L4 22H6L7.5 15H11V22H13V15H16.5L18 22H20L17 8H20V6M7.93 13L9 8H11V13H7.93M16.07 13H13V8H15L16.07 13Z",fz1="M20 6C20 3.79 18.21 2 16 2H8C5.78 2 4 3.79 4 6V8H7L4 22H6L7.5 15H11V22H13V15H16.5L18 22H20L17 8H20V6M7.93 13L9 8H11V13H7.93M16.07 13H13V8H15L16.07 13M6 6C6 4.9 6.89 4 8 4H16C17.1 4 18 4.9 18 6H6Z",gz1="M18,18H6V6H18V18Z",kz1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M9,9H15V15H9",Bz1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4M9,9V15H15V9",Pz1="M17 6H16V5C16 3.9 15.1 3 14 3H10C8.9 3 8 3.9 8 5V6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18V21H9V18H15V21H17V18C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M10 5H14V6H10V5Z",wz1="M17 6H16V5C16 3.9 15.1 3 14 3H10C8.9 3 8 3.9 8 5V6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18V21H9V18H15V21H17V18C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M10 5H14V6H10V5M17 16H7C4.79 16 3 14.21 3 12S4.79 8 7 8H17C19.21 8 21 9.79 21 12S19.21 16 17 16Z",Fz1="M12,18H6V14H12M21,14V12L20,7H4L3,12V14H4V20H14V14H18V20H20V14M20,4H4V6H20V4Z",Tz1="M16,12H15V10H13V7H14V9H15V7H16M11,10H9V11H11V12H8V9H10V8H8V7H11M19,7V4H5V7H2V20H10V16H14V20H22V7H19Z",bz1="M2 7L1 12V14H2V20H12V14H16V20H18V14H19V12L18 7H2M10 18H4V14H10V18M18 6H2V4H18V6M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",yz1="M2 7L1 12V14H2V20H12V14H16V20H18V14H19V12L18 7H2M10 18H4V14H10V18M3.04 12L3.64 9H16.36L16.96 12H3.04M18 6H2V4H18V6M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",Rz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",xz1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V12L20 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 17.77 13.37 16.64 14 15.69V14H15.69C16.64 13.37 17.77 13 19 13M12 18H6V14H12V18M5.04 12L5.64 9H18.36L18.96 12H5.04M20 6H4V4H20V6M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25",Dz1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M17.5 13H16V18L19.61 20.16L20.36 18.94L17.5 17.25V13M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24C13.47 24 10.57 21.39 10.08 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L19 10V10.29C21.89 11.16 24 13.83 24 17M4 16H10V12H4V16M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",Ez1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M17.5 13H16V18L19.61 20.16L20.36 18.94L17.5 17.25V13M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24C13.47 24 10.57 21.39 10.08 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L19 10V10.29C21.89 11.16 24 13.83 24 17M3.04 10H16.96L16.36 7H3.64L3.04 10M4 16H10V12H4V16M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",Nz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M19 12C17.09 12 15.37 12.76 14.11 14H14V14.11C12.76 15.37 12 17.09 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V12.3C20.37 12.11 19.7 12 19 12M12 14H6V18H12V14M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Wz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M19 12C17.09 12 15.37 12.76 14.11 14H14V14.11C12.76 15.37 12 17.09 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V12.3C20.37 12.11 19.7 12 19 12M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Iz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14 16.13L11 19.13V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.61 10.07C20.16 10.17 19.73 10.4 19.39 10.74L16.13 14H14V16.13M12 14H6V18H12V14M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Gz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14 16.13L11 19.13V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.61 10.07C20.16 10.17 19.73 10.4 19.39 10.74L18.82 11.31L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.13L16.13 14H14V16.13M12 14H6V18H12V14M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Qz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M13 15.5C13 16.64 13.43 17.86 14 19V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.7 10.5C20 10.18 19.28 10 18.5 10C15.5 10 13 12.5 13 15.5M12 14H6V18H12V14M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",Uz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14.3 12C13.5 12.96 13 14.18 13 15.5C13 16.64 13.43 17.86 14 19V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.7 10.5C20.04 10.18 19.32 10 18.56 10L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H14.3M12 14H6V18H12V14M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",zz1="M4 4V6H20V4M4 7L3 12V14H4V20H13C12.95 19.66 12.92 19.31 12.92 18.95C12.92 17.73 13.3 16.53 14 15.53V14H15.54C16.54 13.33 17.71 12.96 18.91 12.96C19.62 12.96 20.33 13.09 21 13.34V12L20 7M6 14H12V18H6M15 18V20H23V18",_z1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Kz1="M9.2 6L7.2 4H20V6H9.2M20 16.8V14H21V12L20 7H10.2L17.2 14H18V14.8L20 16.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L14 15.89V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H5.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M12 14H6V18H12V14Z",jz1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.11 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H14V15.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5.64 9H7.11L10.11 12H5.04L5.64 9M12 18H6V14H12V18M18 14.8V14H17.2L15.2 12H18.96L18.36 9H12.2L10.2 7H20L21 12V14H20V16.8L18 14.8M9.2 6L7.2 4H20V6H9.2Z",qz1="M18.36 9L18.96 12H5.04L5.64 9H18.36M20 4H4V6H20V4M20 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H14V14H18V20H20V14H21V12L20 7M6 18V14H12V18H6Z",$z1="M4 4V6H20V4M4 7L3 12V14H4V20H13C12.95 19.66 12.92 19.31 12.92 18.95C12.92 17.73 13.3 16.53 14 15.53V14H15.54C16.54 13.33 17.71 12.96 18.91 12.96C19.62 12.96 20.33 13.09 21 13.34V12L20 7M6 14H12V18H6M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15",Xz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Yz1="M4 4H20V6H4V4M15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88M4 7H20L21 12V13.34C20.33 13.09 19.62 12.96 18.91 12.96C17.71 12.96 16.54 13.33 15.54 14H14V15.53C13.3 16.53 12.92 17.73 12.92 18.95L13 20H4V14H3V12L4 7M6 14V18H12V14H6Z",Jz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",C_1="M11.9 10.9C10.64 12.17 10 13.84 10 15.5V12H4V16H10V15.5C10 16.35 10.17 17.2 10.5 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L18.89 9.46C16.56 8.53 13.79 9 11.9 10.9M18 2H2V4H18V2M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",H_1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M13.04 10H3.04L3.64 7H16.36L16.76 9C17.5 9.04 18.21 9.19 18.89 9.46L18 5H2L1 10V12H2V18H10.5C10.17 17.2 10 16.35 10 15.5V16H4V12H10V15.5C10 13.84 10.64 12.17 11.9 10.9C12.26 10.55 12.64 10.25 13.04 10M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 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15.17 13 14.3 13C13.45 13 12.68 12.7 12 12.07C11.44 12.63 10.64 13 9.8 13C8.86 13 8.1 12.67 7.47 12.05C6.91 12.59 6.16 13 5.22 13C5.15 13 5.07 13 5 13V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C4.5 21 4 20.78 3.61 20.39S3 19.5 3 19V12.03C2.9 11.94 2.8 11.84 2.69 11.73C2.06 10.92 1.86 10 2.11 8.91L3.14 4.5C3.24 4.06 3.46 3.7 3.84 3.42M19.97 9.38L18.89 4.97L16.97 5L17.58 9.84C17.61 10.16 17.73 10.43 17.95 10.66C18.17 10.9 18.44 11 18.75 11C19.13 11 19.44 10.86 19.69 10.55C19.97 10.2 20.06 9.81 19.97 9.38M7.03 5H5.06L4.03 9.38C3.94 9.81 4.03 10.2 4.31 10.55C4.53 10.86 4.84 11 5.25 11C5.91 11 6.3 10.63 6.42 9.84L7.03 5M11 5H9.05L8.5 9.5V9.66C8.5 10 8.61 10.3 8.84 10.59S9.36 11 9.7 11C10.08 11 10.39 10.88 10.64 10.62C10.89 10.35 11 10.05 11 9.7V5M14.95 5H13V9.7C13 10.05 13.11 10.35 13.36 10.62C13.61 10.88 13.89 11 14.2 11C14.61 11 14.95 10.87 15.21 10.57C15.5 10.27 15.58 9.92 15.5 9.5L14.95 5M21.54 15.88L20.12 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",n_1="M6,14H8L11,17H9L6,14M4,4H5V3A1,1 0 0,1 6,2H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,3V4H13V3A1,1 0 0,1 14,2H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,3V4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21V22H17V21H7V22H4V21A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M18,7A1,1 0 0,1 19,8A1,1 0 0,1 18,9A1,1 0 0,1 17,8A1,1 0 0,1 18,7M14,7A1,1 0 0,1 15,8A1,1 0 0,1 14,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,8A1,1 0 0,1 14,7M20,6H4V10H20V6M4,19H20V12H4V19M6,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,9A1,1 0 0,1 5,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,7M13,14H15L18,17H16L13,14Z",Z_1="M6.91 5.5L9.21 7.79L7.79 9.21L5.5 6.91L3.21 9.21L1.79 7.79L4.09 5.5L1.79 3.21L3.21 1.79L5.5 4.09L7.79 1.79L9.21 3.21M22.21 16.21L20.79 14.79L18.5 17.09L16.21 14.79L14.79 16.21L17.09 18.5L14.79 20.79L16.21 22.21L18.5 19.91L20.79 22.21L22.21 20.79L19.91 18.5M20.4 6.83L17.18 11L15.6 9.73L16.77 8.23A9.08 9.08 0 0 0 10.11 13.85A4.5 4.5 0 1 1 7.5 13A4 4 0 0 1 8.28 13.08A11.27 11.27 0 0 1 16.43 6.26L15 5.18L16.27 3.6M10 17.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 7.5 20A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10 17.5Z",S_1="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M9,19H5V15L6.29,16.29L7.83,14.75L9.25,16.17L7.71,17.71M7.83,9.25L6.29,7.71L5,9V5H9L7.71,6.29L9.25,7.83M19,19H15L16.29,17.71L14.75,16.17L16.17,14.75L17.71,16.29L19,15M19,9L17.71,7.71L16.17,9.25L14.75,7.83L16.29,6.29L15,5H19",u_1="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20M8.83,10.25L7.29,8.71L6,10V6H10L8.71,7.29L10.25,8.83M13.75,8.83L15.29,7.29L14,6H18V10L16.71,8.71L15.17,10.25M15.17,13.75L16.71,15.29L18,14V18H14L15.29,16.71L13.75,15.17M10.25,15.17L8.71,16.71L10,18H6V14L7.29,15.29L8.83,13.75",c_1="M22.56 11.39C22.36 10.59 21.82 9.85 21.05 9.44L20.63 7.74C21.11 7.58 21.57 7.41 22 7.23V5C20 6.07 16.53 7.03 12 7.03S4 6.07 2 5V7.23C2.43 7.41 2.89 7.58 3.37 7.74L2.95 9.44C2.18 9.85 1.64 10.59 1.44 11.39C.905 13.57 .385 17.31 2.92 17.93C4 18.2 6 17.89 7.27 12.82C7.46 12 7.33 11.12 6.84 10.39L7.26 8.67C8.14 8.81 9.05 8.9 10 8.96V10.74C9.35 11.33 9 12.17 9 13C9 15.24 9.39 19 12 19C13.12 19 15 18.22 15 13C15 12.17 14.65 11.33 14 10.74V8.96C14.95 8.9 15.86 8.81 16.74 8.67L17.16 10.39C16.67 11.12 16.54 12 16.73 12.82C18 17.89 20 18.2 21.08 17.93C23.61 17.31 23.09 13.57 22.56 11.39M5.81 12.47C5.81 12.47 4.74 16.84 3.28 16.5C1.82 16.12 2.9 11.75 2.9 11.75S3.26 10.29 4.71 10.65 5.81 12.47 5.81 12.47M12 17.5C10.5 17.5 10.5 13 10.5 13S10.5 11.5 12 11.5 13.5 13 13.5 13 13.5 17.5 12 17.5M20.72 16.5C19.27 16.84 18.19 12.47 18.19 12.47S17.83 11 19.29 10.65 21.1 11.75 21.1 11.75 22.18 16.12 20.72 16.5Z",s_1="M14 10.74V8.96C14.95 8.9 15.86 8.81 16.74 8.67L17.16 10.39C16.67 11.12 16.54 12 16.73 12.82C16.82 13.17 16.91 13.5 17 13.8L21.12 17.92C23.61 17.26 23.09 13.55 22.56 11.39C22.36 10.59 21.82 9.85 21.05 9.44L20.63 7.74C21.11 7.58 21.57 7.41 22 7.23V5C20 6.07 16.53 7.03 12 7.03C11.37 7.03 10.76 7 10.17 6.97M20.72 16.5C19.27 16.84 18.19 12.47 18.19 12.47S17.83 11 19.29 10.65 21.1 11.75 21.1 11.75 22.18 16.12 20.72 16.5M14.95 14.29L13.5 12.83V12.83L12.18 11.5H12.18L10 9.34V9.34L9.58 8.93H9.59L7.32 6.66H7.32L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.91 5.8C3.19 5.55 2.53 5.28 2 5V7.23C2.43 7.41 2.89 7.58 3.37 7.74L2.95 9.44C2.18 9.85 1.64 10.59 1.44 11.39C.905 13.57 .385 17.31 2.92 17.93C4 18.2 6 17.89 7.27 12.82C7.46 12 7.33 11.12 6.84 10.39L7.17 9.06L9.5 11.38C9.18 11.87 9 12.44 9 13C9 15.24 9.39 19 12 19C12.8 19 13.97 18.59 14.59 16.5L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L14.95 14.3L14.95 14.29M5.81 12.47C5.81 12.47 4.74 16.84 3.28 16.5C1.82 16.12 2.9 11.75 2.9 11.75S3.26 10.29 4.71 10.65 5.81 12.47 5.81 12.47M12 17.5C10.5 17.5 10.5 13 10.5 13S10.5 12.77 10.6 12.5L13.32 15.21C13.13 16.35 12.76 17.5 12 17.5Z",O_1="M11,9L12.42,10.42L8.83,14H18V4H20V16H8.83L12.42,19.58L11,21L5,15L11,9Z",h_1="M19,15L13,21L11.58,19.58L15.17,16H4V4H6V14H15.17L11.58,10.42L13,9L19,15Z",p_1="M8 3.67C6.78 4.53 5.39 4.93 4 5H2V7H4C5.37 7 6.74 6.65 8 6C10.5 7.3 13.5 7.3 16 6C17.26 6.65 18.62 6.94 20 7H22V5H20C18.61 5 17.22 4.53 16 3.67C13.56 5.38 10.44 5.38 8 3.67M16 8.67L15 10V12H14L12 14H9L6 16L5 14H4V16L2 17L4 18V20H5.14L6 18L9 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V16A2 2 0 0 0 20 14H18L17 13V12H16V10H17V8.67Z",f_1="M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M4,12H8V14H4V12M14,18H4V16H14V18M20,18H16V16H20V18M20,14H10V12H20V14Z",g_1="M20,4A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20M20,18V6H4V18H20M6,10H8V12H6V10M6,14H14V16H6V14M16,14H18V16H16V14M10,10H18V12H10V10Z",k_1="M8.5,15A1,1 0 0,1 9.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,17A1,1 0 0,1 7.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,15M7,9H17V14H7V9M15.5,15A1,1 0 0,1 16.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 15.5,17A1,1 0 0,1 14.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 15.5,15M18,15.88V9C18,6.38 15.32,6 12,6C9,6 6,6.37 6,9V15.88A2.62,2.62 0 0,0 8.62,18.5L7.5,19.62V20H9.17L10.67,18.5H13.5L15,20H16.5V19.62L15.37,18.5C16.82,18.5 18,17.33 18,15.88M17.8,2.8C20.47,3.84 22,6.05 22,8.86V22H2V8.86C2,6.05 3.53,3.84 6.2,2.8C8,2.09 10.14,2 12,2C13.86,2 16,2.09 17.8,2.8Z",B_1="M16 11V6H11V11H16M14.5 17C15.3 17 16 16.3 16 15.5C16 14.7 15.3 14 14.5 14S13 14.7 13 15.5C13 16.3 13.7 17 14.5 17M9 11V6H4V11H9M5.5 17C6.3 17 7 16.3 7 15.5C7 14.7 6.3 14 5.5 14S4 14.7 4 15.5C4 16.3 4.7 17 5.5 17M10 2C14.4 2 18 2.5 18 6V15.5C18 17.4 16.4 19 14.5 19L16 20.5V21H4V20.5L5.5 19C3.6 19 2 17.4 2 15.5V6C2 2.5 5.6 2 10 2M20 13V7H22V13H20M20 17V15H22V17H20Z",P_1="M18,11H13V6H18M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17M11,11H6V6H11M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M12,2C7.58,2 4,2.5 4,6V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2Z",w_1="M15,3H17L22,5L17,7V10.17L22,21H2L8,13L11.5,17.7L15,10.17V3Z",F_1="M13.8 5.2C13 5 12.2 5 11.4 5L14.6 2.3L16 6.3C15.3 5.8 14.6 5.5 13.8 5.2M7 7.1C7.6 6.5 8.3 6 9 5.7L4.9 4.9L5.6 9C6 8.3 6.4 7.6 7 7.1M5.2 13.8C5 13 5 12.2 5 11.4L2.3 14.6L6.3 16C5.8 15.4 5.4 14.6 5.2 13.8M22 19V21H3L8.4 15.5C6.5 13.5 6.5 10.4 8.4 8.4C10.3 6.5 13.5 6.5 15.4 8.4L18.4 5.4L19.8 6.8L7.7 19H22Z",T_1="M13.8 5.2C13 5 12.2 5 11.4 5L14.6 2.3L16 6.3C15.3 5.8 14.6 5.5 13.8 5.2M7 7.1C7.6 6.5 8.3 6 9 5.7L4.9 4.9L5.6 9C6 8.3 6.4 7.6 7 7.1M5.2 13.8C5 13 5 12.2 5 11.4L2.3 14.6L6.3 16C5.8 15.4 5.4 14.6 5.2 13.8M22 19V21H3L8.4 15.5C6.5 13.5 6.5 10.4 8.4 8.4C10.3 6.5 13.5 6.5 15.4 8.4L18.4 5.4L19.8 6.8L7.7 19H22M9.8 14.1L14 9.8C12.8 8.7 11 8.7 9.8 9.8C8.7 11 8.7 12.9 9.8 14.1Z",b_1="M18.1 9.3L19.6 6L15.5 5.6C16.1 6.1 16.6 6.7 17 7.5C17.3 8.1 17.5 8.6 17.7 9.2C17.2 9.1 16.6 9 16 9H15.6C14.8 7.2 13.1 6 11 6C8.2 6 6 8.2 6 11C6 13.1 7.2 14.8 9 15.6V16C9 19.9 12.1 23 16 23S23 19.9 23 16C23 12.9 20.9 10.2 18.1 9.3M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M16.5 16.2L19.4 17.9L18.6 19.1L15 17V12H16.5V16.2M11 4C10.2 4 9.4 4.2 8.6 4.4L11 1L13.4 4.4C12.6 4.2 11.8 4 11 4M4.9 14.5C5.3 15.2 5.9 15.9 6.5 16.4L2.4 16L4.2 12.2C4.3 13 4.5 13.8 4.9 14.5M4.1 9.8L2.3 6L6.5 5.7C5.9 6.2 5.4 6.8 4.9 7.5C4.5 8.2 4.2 9 4.1 9.8Z",y_1="M18.1 9.32L19.65 6L15.5 5.64C16.1 6.15 16.63 6.78 17.05 7.5C17.37 8.05 17.58 8.63 17.73 9.22C17.18 9.08 16.6 9 16 9C15.86 9 15.72 9 15.58 9C14.81 7.25 13.06 6 11 6C8.24 6 6 8.24 6 11C6 13.06 7.25 14.81 9 15.58C9 15.72 9 15.86 9 16C9 19.87 12.13 23 16 23S23 19.87 23 16C23 12.87 20.94 10.21 18.1 9.32M8 11C8 9.35 9.35 8 11 8C12.08 8 13.03 8.58 13.56 9.45C11.66 10.15 10.15 11.66 9.45 13.56C8.58 13.03 8 12.08 8 11M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M11 4C10.16 4 9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4M4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5M4.11 9.79L2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79Z",R_1="M9.7 4.3L12 1L14.3 4.3C13.6 4.1 12.8 4 12 4S10.4 4.1 9.7 4.3M17.5 6.2C18.6 7.3 19.5 8.7 19.8 10.3L21.5 6.6L17.5 6.2M5 8.1C5.1 8 5.1 8 5 8.1C5.1 8 5.1 8 5.1 7.9C5.5 7.3 6 6.7 6.5 6.2L2.5 6.5L4.2 10.2C4.4 9.5 4.7 8.7 5 8.1M19.2 15.4C19.2 15.4 19.2 15.5 19.2 15.4C19.1 15.6 19 15.8 18.9 15.9V16.1C18.5 16.8 18 17.3 17.5 17.9L21.6 17.6L19.9 13.9C19.7 14.4 19.5 14.9 19.2 15.4M5.2 16.2C5.2 16.1 5.1 16.1 5.1 16C5 15.9 5 15.9 5 15.8C4.9 15.6 4.8 15.5 4.8 15.3C4.6 14.8 4.4 14.3 4.3 13.8L2.6 17.5L6.7 17.8C6 17.3 5.6 16.8 5.2 16.2M12.6 20H11.4C10.8 20 10.2 19.8 9.7 19.7L12 23L14.3 19.7C13.8 19.8 13.2 19.9 12.6 20M16.2 7.8C13.9 5.5 10.1 5.5 7.7 7.8S5.4 13.9 7.7 16.3 13.8 18.6 16.2 16.3 18.6 10.1 16.2 7.8M8.5 15.5L10.6 10.6L15.6 8.4L13.5 13.3L8.5 15.5M12.7 12.7C12.3 13.1 11.7 13.1 11.3 12.7C10.9 12.3 10.9 11.7 11.3 11.3C11.7 10.9 12.3 10.9 12.7 11.3C13.1 11.7 13.1 12.3 12.7 12.7Z",x_1="M12 .69L8.69 4H4V8.69L.69 12L4 15.31V20H8.69L12 23.31L13 22.31V17.83L16.24 21.07L17.66 19.66L13 15V13H15L19.66 17.66L21.07 16.24L17.83 13H22V11H17.83L21.07 7.76L19.66 6.34L15 11H13V9L17.66 4.34L16.24 2.93L13 6.17V1.69M11 6.09V8.13C9.24 8.59 8 10.18 8 12C8 13.82 9.24 15.41 11 15.87V17.91C8.12 17.42 6 14.93 6 12C6 9.07 8.11 6.57 11 6.09Z",D_1="M12.92 1.58L11.18 2.58L12.39 4.67L11.8 6.85L9 7.6L7.38 6L7.42 3.59L5.43 3.59L5.43 5.42L3.59 5.42L3.6 7.42L6 7.42L7.65 9.03L6.9 11.82L4.68 12.4L2.59 11.2L1.59 12.93L3.17 13.84L2.26 15.42L4 16.42L5.19 14.33L7.42 13.75L7.92 14.26L9.32 12.86L8.78 12.32L9.53 9.54L12.32 8.78L12.85 9.32L14.26 7.91L13.73 7.37L14.32 5.19L16.41 4L15.41 2.25L13.83 3.16L12.92 1.58M20.72 4L4 20.72L5.27 22L10.16 17.11C10.63 17.43 11.15 17.68 11.71 17.83C14.38 18.55 17.12 16.96 17.83 14.29C18.22 12.86 17.93 11.36 17.11 10.16L22 5.27L20.72 4M18.74 9C19.18 9.63 19.53 10.38 19.75 11.19C19.97 12 20.03 12.81 19.96 13.61L22.65 10.41L18.74 9M19.32 15.95C19 16.67 18.5 17.35 17.93 17.94C17.34 18.53 16.66 19 15.96 19.34L20.05 20.06L19.32 15.95M9 18.71L10.41 22.66L13.59 19.95C12.81 20 12 19.97 11.19 19.76C10.36 19.54 9.62 19.17 9 18.71Z",E_1="M10 2L7.6 5.4C8.4 5.2 9.2 5 10 5C10.8 5 11.6 5.2 12.4 5.4M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19C20.66 19 22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M5.5 6.7L1.3 7L3.1 10.8C3.2 10 3.5 9.2 3.9 8.5C4.4 7.8 4.9 7.2 5.5 6.7M10 7C7.2 7 5 9.2 5 12C5 14.8 7.2 17 10 17C12.8 17 15 14.8 15 12C15 9.2 12.8 7 10 7M3.2 13.2L1.4 17L5.5 17.4C5 16.9 4.4 16.2 4 15.5C3.5 14.8 3.3 14 3.2 13.2M7.6 18.6L10 22L12.4 18.6C11.6 18.8 10.8 19 10 19C9.1 19 8.3 18.8 7.6 18.6Z",N_1="M10 2L7.6 5.4C8.4 5.2 9.2 5 10 5S11.6 5.2 12.4 5.4L10 2M21 13.8V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5S17 5.9 17 7V13.8C16.4 14.4 16 15.2 16 16C16 17.7 17.3 19 19 19S22 17.7 22 16C22 15.1 21.6 14.3 21 13.8M20 8H18V7C18 6.4 18.4 6 19 6S20 6.4 20 7V8M5.5 6.7L1.3 7L3.1 10.8C3.2 10 3.5 9.2 3.9 8.5C4.4 7.8 4.9 7.2 5.5 6.7M10 7C7.2 7 5 9.2 5 12S7.2 17 10 17 15 14.8 15 12 12.8 7 10 7M10 15C8.3 15 7 13.7 7 12S8.3 9 10 9 13 10.3 13 12 11.7 15 10 15M3.2 13.2L1.4 17L5.5 17.4C5 16.9 4.4 16.2 4 15.5C3.5 14.8 3.3 14 3.2 13.2M7.6 18.6L10 22L12.4 18.6C11.6 18.8 10.8 19 10 19C9.1 19 8.3 18.8 7.6 18.6Z",W_1="M11 6C13.76 6 16 8.24 16 11S13.76 16 11 16 6 13.76 6 11 8.24 6 11 6M11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4S9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1M2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79L2.34 6M2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16M19.65 6L17.88 9.79C17.74 9 17.47 8.23 17.05 7.5C16.63 6.78 16.1 6.15 15.5 5.64L19.65 6M23 13H21C21 15.05 20.22 17.1 18.66 18.66C17.09 20.23 15.05 21 13 21V23C15.56 23 18.12 22 20.07 20.07S23 15.56 23 13M19 13H17C17 14 16.61 15.05 15.83 15.83C15.05 16.61 14 17 13 17V19C14.54 19 16.08 18.41 17.25 17.24C18.41 16.08 19 14.54 19 13",I_1="M11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4S9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1M2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79L2.34 6M2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16M19.65 6L17.88 9.79C17.74 9 17.47 8.23 17.05 7.5C16.63 6.78 16.1 6.15 15.5 5.64L19.65 6M23 13H21C21 15.05 20.22 17.1 18.66 18.66C17.09 20.23 15.05 21 13 21V23C15.56 23 18.12 22 20.07 20.07S23 15.56 23 13M19 13H17C17 14 16.61 15.05 15.83 15.83C15.05 16.61 14 17 13 17V19C14.54 19 16.08 18.41 17.25 17.24C18.41 16.08 19 14.54 19 13M11 8C12.65 8 14 9.35 14 11S12.65 14 11 14 8 12.65 8 11 9.35 8 11 8M11 6C8.24 6 6 8.24 6 11S8.24 16 11 16 16 13.76 16 11 13.76 6 11 6Z",G_1="M7,17H4C2.38,17 0.96,15.74 0.76,14.14L0.26,11.15C0.15,10.3 0.39,9.5 0.91,8.92C1.43,8.34 2.19,8 3,8H9C9.83,8 10.58,8.35 11.06,8.96C11.17,9.11 11.27,9.27 11.35,9.45C11.78,9.36 12.22,9.36 12.64,9.45C12.72,9.27 12.82,9.11 12.94,8.96C13.41,8.35 14.16,8 15,8H21C21.81,8 22.57,8.34 23.09,8.92C23.6,9.5 23.84,10.3 23.74,11.11L23.23,14.18C23.04,15.74 21.61,17 20,17H17C15.44,17 13.92,15.81 13.54,14.3L12.64,11.59C12.26,11.31 11.73,11.31 11.35,11.59L10.43,14.37C10.07,15.82 8.56,17 7,17Z",Q_1="M22 23V21C20.59 21.05 19.22 20.9 18 20C16.24 21.25 13.77 21.25 12 20C10.23 21.25 7.76 21.25 6 20C4.78 20.9 3.41 21.05 2 21V23C3.37 23.05 4.78 22.94 6 22.25C7.84 23.25 10.15 23.25 12 22.25C13.85 23.25 16.16 23.25 18 22.25C19.22 22.94 20.63 23.05 22 23M20.5 11.97V9.95C18.74 9.96 17 9 16.18 7.41L15.29 5.86C15 5.4 14.55 5.11 14.07 4.97L8.5 3.94L5 6.38L6.13 8L8.95 6.1L10.97 6.43L8.81 7.88C8.21 8.29 7.88 9 8 9.71L8.53 12.81C7.12 12.26 3.21 11 3 13.23C3.36 15.67 6.07 17.32 8.06 18.82C9.5 19.29 11.06 18.58 12 17.46C13.32 19.16 15.89 19.46 17.5 18C17.03 17.58 16.5 17.15 16 16.8V12.95L12.19 9.95L14.44 8.44C15.62 10.59 18 12 20.5 11.97M14 14V15.47C14 15.43 11.66 14.16 11.81 14.24L10.73 13.7L10.31 11.08L14 14M19 3.5C19 4.61 18.11 5.5 17 5.5S15 4.61 15 3.5 15.9 1.5 17 1.5 19 2.4 19 3.5Z",U_1="M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M7.76,16.24L6.35,17.65C4.78,16.1 4,14.05 4,12C4,9.95 4.78,7.9 6.34,6.34L7.75,7.75C6.59,8.93 6,10.46 6,12C6,13.54 6.59,15.07 7.76,16.24M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M17.66,17.66L16.25,16.25C17.41,15.07 18,13.54 18,12C18,10.46 17.41,8.93 16.24,7.76L17.65,6.35C19.22,7.9 20,9.95 20,12C20,14.05 19.22,16.1 17.66,17.66M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",z_1="M3 7V9H7V11H5C3.9 11 3 11.9 3 13V17H9V15H5V13H7C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H3M13 17H11V15H13V17M17 7C15.9 7 15 7.9 15 9V15C15 16.1 15.9 17 17 17H19C20.1 17 21 16.1 21 15V9C21 7.9 20.1 7 19 7H17M17 9H19V15H17V9Z",__1="M4 7V9H8V11H6C4.9 11 4 11.9 4 13V17H10V15H6V13H8C9.1 13 10 12.1 10 11V9C10 7.9 9.1 7 8 7H4M14 17H12V15H14V17M16 7V9H18V17H20V7H16Z",K_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M10 15C10 16.1 9.1 17 8 17H4V15H8V13H6V11H8V9H4V7H8C9.1 7 10 7.9 10 9V10.5C10 11.3 9.3 12 8.5 12C9.3 12 10 12.7 10 13.5V15",j_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M10 7V9H6V11H8C9.1 11 10 11.9 10 13V15C10 16.1 9.1 17 8 17H4V15H8V13H4V7H10Z",q_1="M18 7V9H22V11H20C18.9 11 18 11.9 18 13V17H24V15H20V13H22C23.1 13 24 12.1 24 11V9C24 7.9 23.1 7 22 7H18M9 17H7V15H9V17M9 7V9H11V17H13V7H9M0 7V13H4V15H0V17H4C5.1 17 6 16.1 6 15V13C6 11.9 5.1 11 4 11H2V9H6V7H0M17 17H15V15H17V17",$_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M4 17L8 9H4V7H10V9L6 17",X_1="M5.13,10.71H8.87L6.22,8.06C5.21,8.06 4.39,7.24 4.39,6.22A1.83,1.83 0 0,1 6.22,4.39C7.24,4.39 8.06,5.21 8.06,6.22L10.71,8.87V5.13C10,4.41 10,3.25 10.71,2.54C11.42,1.82 12.58,1.82 13.29,2.54C14,3.25 14,4.41 13.29,5.13V8.87L15.95,6.22C15.95,5.21 16.76,4.39 17.78,4.39C18.79,4.39 19.61,5.21 19.61,6.22C19.61,7.24 18.79,8.06 17.78,8.06L15.13,10.71H18.87C19.59,10 20.75,10 21.46,10.71C22.18,11.42 22.18,12.58 21.46,13.29C20.75,14 19.59,14 18.87,13.29H15.13L17.78,15.95C18.79,15.95 19.61,16.76 19.61,17.78A1.83,1.83 0 0,1 17.78,19.61C16.76,19.61 15.95,18.79 15.95,17.78L13.29,15.13V18.87C14,19.59 14,20.75 13.29,21.46C12.58,22.18 11.42,22.18 10.71,21.46C10,20.75 10,19.59 10.71,18.87V15.13L8.06,17.78C8.06,18.79 7.24,19.61 6.22,19.61C5.21,19.61 4.39,18.79 4.39,17.78C4.39,16.76 5.21,15.95 6.22,15.95L8.87,13.29H5.13C4.41,14 3.25,14 2.54,13.29C1.82,12.58 1.82,11.42 2.54,10.71C3.25,10 4.41,10 5.13,10.71Z",Y_1="M21,9L17,5V8H10V10H17V13M7,11L3,15L7,19V16H14V14H7V11Z",J_1="M8,10V13H14V18H8V21L2,15.5L8,10M22,8.5L16,3V6H10V11H16V14L22,8.5Z",CK1="M22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12M15 6.5L18.5 10L15 13.5V11H11V9H15V6.5M9 17.5L5.5 14L9 10.5V13H13V15H9V17.5Z",HK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M15 6.5V9H11V11H15V13.5L18.5 10L15 6.5M9 10.5L5.5 14L9 17.5V15H13V13H9V10.5Z",VK1="M17 5L21 9L17 13V5M16 8H13V10H16V8M12 10V8H10V10H12M3 15L7 11V19L3 15M8 16H11V14H8V16M12 14V16H14V14H12Z",LK1="M4,6L8,10V7H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,11H8A4,4 0 0,0 4,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,19H16V22L20,18L16,14V17H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,13H16A4,4 0 0,0 20,9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5H8V2L4,6Z",MK1="M9,3L5,7H8V14H10V7H13M16,17V10H14V17H11L15,21L19,17H16Z",AK1="M14,8H11V14H6V8H3L8.5,2L14,8M15.5,22L21,16H18V10H13V16H10L15.5,22Z",iK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M6.5 9L10 5.5L13.5 9H11V13H9V9H6.5M17.5 15L14 18.5L10.5 15H13V11H15V15H17.5Z",rK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M6.5 9L10 5.5L13.5 9H11V13H9V9H6.5M17.5 15L14 18.5L10.5 15H13V11H15V15H17.5Z",aK1="M18,4L14,8H17V16A2,2 0 0,1 15,18A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V8A4,4 0 0,0 9,4A4,4 0 0,0 5,8V16H2L6,20L10,16H7V8A2,2 0 0,1 9,6A2,2 0 0,1 11,8V16A4,4 0 0,0 15,20A4,4 0 0,0 19,16V8H22L18,4Z",eK1="M2,18C4.22,17 6.44,16 8.67,16C10.89,16 13.11,18 15.33,18C17.56,18 19.78,16 22,16V19C19.78,19 17.56,21 15.33,21C13.11,21 10.89,19 8.67,19C6.44,19 4.22,20 2,21V18M8.67,13C7.89,13 7.12,13.12 6.35,13.32L11.27,9.88L10.23,8.64C10.09,8.47 10,8.24 10,8C10,7.66 10.17,7.35 10.44,7.17L16.16,3.17L17.31,4.8L12.47,8.19L17.7,14.42C16.91,14.75 16.12,15 15.33,15C13.11,15 10.89,13 8.67,13M18,7A2,2 0 0,1 20,9A2,2 0 0,1 18,11A2,2 0 0,1 16,9A2,2 0 0,1 18,7Z",dK1="M13,18H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,19H22V21H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,21H2V19H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,18H11V16H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V3A1,1 0 0,1 8,2H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,3V15A1,1 0 0,1 16,16H13V18M13,6H14V4H13V6M9,4V6H11V4H9M9,8V10H11V8H9M9,12V14H11V12H9Z",mK1="M6.92,5H5L14,14L15,13.06M19.96,19.12L19.12,19.96C18.73,20.35 18.1,20.35 17.71,19.96L14.59,16.84L11.91,19.5L10.5,18.09L11.92,16.67L3,7.75V3H7.75L16.67,11.92L18.09,10.5L19.5,11.91L16.83,14.58L19.95,17.7C20.35,18.1 20.35,18.73 19.96,19.12Z",tK1="M6.2,2.44L18.1,14.34L20.22,12.22L21.63,13.63L19.16,16.1L22.34,19.28C22.73,19.67 22.73,20.3 22.34,20.69L21.63,21.4C21.24,21.79 20.61,21.79 20.22,21.4L17,18.23L14.56,20.7L13.15,19.29L15.27,17.17L3.37,5.27V2.44H6.2M15.89,10L20.63,5.26V2.44H17.8L13.06,7.18L15.89,10M10.94,15L8.11,12.13L5.9,14.34L3.78,12.22L2.37,13.63L4.84,16.1L1.66,19.29C1.27,19.68 1.27,20.31 1.66,20.7L2.37,21.41C2.76,21.8 3.39,21.8 3.78,21.41L7,18.23L9.44,20.7L10.85,19.29L8.73,17.17L10.94,15Z",vK1="M8 4V6H4V8H6.39C5.55 8.74 5 9.8 5 11C5 13.2 6.8 15 9 15C11.2 15 13 13.2 13 11C13 9.8 12.45 8.74 11.61 8H14V6H10V4M15 4V16H17V11H20V9H17V4M9 9C10.12 9 11 9.88 11 11C11 12.12 10.12 13 9 13C7.88 13 7 12.12 7 11C7 9.88 7.88 9 9 9M7 16V20H17V18H9V16Z",lK1="M9 4V6H6V8H9V10C6.25 10 4 12.27 4 15.03C4 17.8 6.26 20.06 9.03 20.06C9.89 20.06 10.72 19.77 11.4 19.26C11.63 19.54 11.88 19.82 12.15 20.09L13.56 18.67C13.3 18.42 13.07 18.15 12.86 17.89L13.86 16.89C14.93 15.82 15.78 14.23 16.42 12.59C17.31 13.11 18 13.9 18 15C18 16.32 17.47 17.6 16.54 18.54L17.95 19.95C19.26 18.64 20 16.86 20 15C20 13.04 18.82 11.36 17.15 10.55L17.5 9.29L15.55 8.78L15.21 10.05C15.13 10.05 15.06 10 14.97 10H11V8H16V6H11V4M11 12H14.5C13.94 13.37 13.19 14.72 12.44 15.47L11.79 16.13C11.25 14.93 11 13.59 11 12M9 12C9 14.07 9.41 15.94 10.3 17.59C9.94 17.89 9.5 18.06 9.03 18.06C7.33 18.06 6 16.73 6 15.03C6 13.34 7.32 12 9 12Z",oK1="M4 4V6H18V6.09L14.29 9.79L15.71 11.21L20 6.91V4M11 9V13C11 15.78 10.25 16.89 8.36 18.46L9.64 20C11.75 18.24 13 16.22 13 13V9Z",nK1="M8 4V6H14L13 10.81L15 11.2L16 6.1V4M10 9V12C10 14.86 9.34 17.29 8.08 18.61L9.5 20C11.35 18.08 12 15.15 12 12V9Z",ZK1="M2 7V14H4V7H2M6 7V9H10V11H8V14H10V13C11.11 13 12 12.11 12 11V9C12 7.89 11.11 7 10 7H6M15.8 7L15.6 9H14V11H15.4L15.2 13H14V15H15L14.8 17H16.8L17 15H18.4L18.2 17H20.2L20.4 15H22V13H20.6L20.8 11H22V9H21L21.2 7H19.2L19 9H17.6L17.8 7H15.8M17.4 11H18.8L18.6 13H17.2L17.4 11M2 15V17H4V15H2M8 15V17H10V15H8Z",SK1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.37,5.7V5.7C17.39,5.67 18.15,6.13 18.21,6.84C18.22,7.15 18.04,7.75 17.42,7.77C16.95,7.79 16.63,7.5 16.62,7.09C16.61,6.93 16.88,6.42 16.88,6.33C16.87,6.06 16.47,6.05 16.36,6.06C14.86,6.11 14.46,8.13 14.14,9.78L14,10.65C14.84,10.78 15.46,10.62 15.8,10.4C16.28,10.09 15.66,9.77 15.74,9.41C15.82,9.04 16.15,8.87 16.41,8.86C16.78,8.85 17.04,9.23 17.03,9.62C17,10.26 16.17,11.14 14.5,11.1C14.28,11.1 14.09,11.08 13.91,11.06C13.3,14.16 12.92,16 11.56,17.58C10.39,18.97 9.2,19.18 8.67,19.2C7.67,19.24 7,18.71 7,18C6.97,17.32 7.57,16.94 7.97,16.93C8.5,16.91 8.87,17.3 8.88,17.74C8.9,18.11 8.7,18.23 8.57,18.3C8.5,18.37 8.35,18.45 8.36,18.6C8.36,18.67 8.43,18.82 8.65,18.81C9.07,18.8 9.34,18.59 9.54,18.45C10.5,17.65 10.88,16.24 11.37,13.68C11.63,12.23 11.82,11.3 12.1,10.38C11.42,9.87 11,9.23 10.09,9C9.46,8.81 9.08,8.96 8.81,9.3C8.5,9.71 8.6,10.23 8.9,10.54C10.05,11.82 10.39,12.38 10.26,13.14C10.06,14.35 8.62,15.27 6.92,14.75C5.47,14.3 5.2,13.28 5.37,12.71C5.53,12.22 5.92,12.12 6.31,12.24C6.73,12.37 6.89,12.87 6.77,13.26C6.75,13.3 6.55,13.67 6.5,13.79C6.41,14.1 6.83,14.31 7.12,14.4C7.77,14.6 8.4,14.26 8.55,13.73C8.7,13.25 8.4,12.91 8.27,12.78C7.38,11.8 6.76,10.93 7.06,9.95C7.18,9.58 7.42,9.18 7.78,8.91C8.53,8.36 9.35,8.26 10.12,8.5C11.13,8.77 11.61,9.44 12.24,9.95C12.59,8.93 13.08,7.92 13.81,7.07C14.47,6.3 15.35,5.74 16.37,5.7Z",uK1="M6 8V21H10V16C10 14.9 10.9 14 12 14S14 14.9 14 16V21H18V8L12 3L6 8M13.5 10C13.5 10.8 12.8 11.5 12 11.5S10.5 10.8 10.5 10 11.2 8.5 12 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10M3 5C1.9 5 1 5.9 1 7V8H5V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5M1 9H5V21H1V9M21 5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V8H23V7C23 5.9 22.1 5 21 5M19 9H23V21H19V9Z",cK1="M20 4C18.3 4 17 5.3 17 7V7.3L12 3L7 7.3V7C7 5.3 5.7 4 4 4S1 5.3 1 7V21H11V16C11 15.4 11.4 15 12 15S13 15.4 13 16V21H23V7C23 5.3 21.7 4 20 4M20 6C20.5 6 21 6.4 21 7V8H19V7C19 6.4 19.5 6 20 6M4 6C4.6 6 5 6.4 5 7V8H3V7C3 6.4 3.5 6 4 6M3 19V10H5V19H3M17 19H15V16C15 14.4 13.6 13 12 13S9 14.4 9 16V19H7V9.9L12 5.6L17 9.9V19M19 19V10H21V19H19M12 8.5C12.8 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10S12.8 11.5 12 11.5 10.5 10.8 10.5 10 11.2 8.5 12 8.5Z",sK1="M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12C6,11 6.25,10.03 6.7,9.2L5.24,7.74C4.46,8.97 4,10.43 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20V23L16,19L12,15M12,4V1L8,5L12,9V6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13 17.75,13.97 17.3,14.8L18.76,16.26C19.54,15.03 20,13.57 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",OK1="M11,13H13V7H11M21,4H15V10L17.24,7.76C18.32,8.85 19,10.34 19,12C19,14.61 17.33,16.83 15,17.65V19.74C18.45,18.85 21,15.73 21,12C21,9.79 20.09,7.8 18.64,6.36M11,17H13V15H11M3,12C3,14.21 3.91,16.2 5.36,17.64L3,20H9V14L6.76,16.24C5.68,15.15 5,13.66 5,12C5,9.39 6.67,7.17 9,6.35V4.26C5.55,5.15 3,8.27 3,12Z",hK1="M2 12A10 10 0 1 0 12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12M15.6 13.72A4 4 0 0 0 16 12A4 4 0 0 0 12 8V10L8.88 7L12 4V6A6 6 0 0 1 18 12A5.9 5.9 0 0 1 17.07 15.19M6 12A5.9 5.9 0 0 1 6.93 8.81L8.4 10.28A4 4 0 0 0 8 12A4 4 0 0 0 12 16V14L15 17L12 20V18A6 6 0 0 1 6 12Z",pK1="M20,4H14V10L16.24,7.76C17.32,8.85 18,10.34 18,12C18,13 17.75,13.94 17.32,14.77L18.78,16.23C19.55,15 20,13.56 20,12C20,9.79 19.09,7.8 17.64,6.36L20,4M2.86,5.41L5.22,7.77C4.45,9 4,10.44 4,12C4,14.21 4.91,16.2 6.36,17.64L4,20H10V14L7.76,16.24C6.68,15.15 6,13.66 6,12C6,11 6.25,10.06 6.68,9.23L14.76,17.31C14.5,17.44 14.26,17.56 14,17.65V19.74C14.79,19.53 15.54,19.2 16.22,18.78L18.58,21.14L19.85,19.87L4.14,4.14L2.86,5.41M10,6.35V4.26C9.2,4.47 8.45,4.8 7.77,5.22L9.23,6.68C9.5,6.56 9.73,6.44 10,6.35Z",fK1="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H13V9H21V19Z",gK1="M3,3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3H3M3,5H13V9H21V19H3V5M7,13V15H15V13H7Z",kK1="M3,3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3H3M3,5H13V9H21V19H3V5M10,10V13H7V15H10V18H12V15H15V13H12V10H10Z",BK1="M7.46,11.88L8.88,10.46L11,12.59L13.12,10.46L14.54,11.88L12.41,14L14.54,16.12L13.12,17.54L11,15.41L8.88,17.54L7.46,16.12L9.59,14L7.46,11.88M3,3H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 21,21H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 3,3M3,5V19H21V9H13V5H3Z",PK1="M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18M23 5V19C23 20.11 22.11 21 21 21H10.95C11.76 20.5 12.45 19.81 12.97 19H21V9H13V5H3V10.82C1.77 12 1 13.66 1 15.5V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H21C22.11 3 23 3.9 23 5Z",wK1="M1,9H3V7H1V9M1,13H3V11H1V13M1,5H3V3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5M9,21H11V19H9V21M1,17H3V15H1V17M3,21V19H1A2,2 0 0,0 3,21M21,3H13V9H23V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,17H23V15H21V17M9,5H11V3H9V5M5,21H7V19H5V21M5,5H7V3H5V5M21,21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19H21V21M21,13H23V11H21V13M13,21H15V19H13V21M17,21H19V19H17V21Z",FK1="M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,8V12H11V8H5M13,8V12H19V8H13M5,14V18H11V14H5M13,14V18H19V14H13Z",TK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M23 22V21C23 19.67 20.33 19 19 19S15 19.67 15 21V22H23M19 14C17.9 14 17 14.9 17 16S17.9 18 19 18 21 17.11 21 16 20.11 14 19 14Z",bK1="M3 4H17C18.11 4 19 4.89 19 6V18C19 19.11 18.11 20 17 20H3C1.9 20 1 19.11 1 18V6C1 4.89 1.9 4 3 4M3 8V12H9V8H3M11 8V12H17V8H11M3 14V18H9V14H3M11 14V18H17V14H11M23 7H21V13H23V7M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",yK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M15.94 18.5H17.94V14.5H19.94V18.5H21.94L18.94 21.5L15.94 18.5",RK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M18.44 15V17H22.44V19H18.44V21L15.44 18L18.44 15",xK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M19.44 21V19H15.44V17H19.44V15L22.44 18L19.44 21",DK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M21.94 17.5H19.94V21.5H17.94V17.5H15.94L18.94 14.5L21.94 17.5",EK1="M21,19A1,1 0 0,1 20,20H19V18H21V19M15,20V18H17V20H15M11,20V18H13V20H11M7,20V18H9V20H7M4,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V18H5V20H4M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V8H5L11,8H13L19,8H21V6C21,4.89 20.11,4 19,4M5,14H3V16H5V14M5,10H3V12H5V10M21,10H19V12H21V10M21,14H19V16H21V14M11,16V14H13V16H11M11,12V10H13V12H11",NK1="M3 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V12.08C17.45 11.82 15.92 12.18 14.68 13H11V17H12.08C11.97 17.68 11.97 18.35 12.08 19H3C1.9 19 1 18.11 1 17V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3M3 7V11H9V7H3M11 7V11H17V7H11M3 13V17H9V13H3M18.5 14C16 14 14 16 14 18.5S16 23 18.5 23 23 21 23 18.5 21 14 18.5 14M18.5 21.5C16.84 21.5 15.5 20.16 15.5 18.5C15.5 17.94 15.65 17.42 15.92 17L20 21.08C19.58 21.35 19.06 21.5 18.5 21.5M21.08 20L17 15.92C17.42 15.65 17.94 15.5 18.5 15.5C20.16 15.5 21.5 16.84 21.5 18.5C21.5 19.06 21.35 19.58 21.08 20Z",WK1="M12 22H6A2 2 0 0 1 8 20V8H2V5H16V8H10V20A2 2 0 0 1 12 22M22 2V22H20V15H15V22H13V14A2 2 0 0 1 15 12H20V2Z",IK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",GK1="M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82M20 10.26V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19H9.68C10.81 21.36 13.21 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 13.62 21.81 11.53 20 10.26M18 7V9.29C17.37 9.11 16.7 9 16 9C14.5 9 13.13 9.47 12 10.26V7H18M4 7H10V11H4V7M4 17V13H9.68C9.25 13.91 9 14.93 9 16C9 16.34 9.03 16.67 9.08 17H4M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21Z",QK1="M3 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V12.08C17.45 11.82 15.92 12.18 14.68 13H11V17H12.08C11.97 17.68 11.97 18.35 12.08 19H3C1.9 19 1 18.11 1 17V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3M3 7V11H9V7H3M11 7V11H17V7H11M3 13V17H9V13H3M22.78 19.32L21.71 18.5C21.73 18.33 21.75 18.17 21.75 18S21.74 17.67 21.71 17.5L22.77 16.68C22.86 16.6 22.89 16.47 22.83 16.36L21.83 14.63C21.77 14.5 21.64 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.28 15C20 14.82 19.74 14.65 19.43 14.53L19.24 13.21C19.23 13.09 19.12 13 19 13H17C16.88 13 16.77 13.09 16.75 13.21L16.56 14.53C16.26 14.66 15.97 14.82 15.71 15L14.47 14.5C14.36 14.5 14.23 14.5 14.16 14.63L13.16 16.36C13.1 16.47 13.12 16.6 13.22 16.68L14.28 17.5C14.26 17.67 14.25 17.83 14.25 18S14.26 18.33 14.28 18.5L13.22 19.32C13.13 19.4 13.1 19.53 13.16 19.64L14.16 21.37C14.22 21.5 14.35 21.5 14.47 21.5L15.71 21C15.97 21.18 16.25 21.35 16.56 21.47L16.75 22.79C16.77 22.91 16.87 23 17 23H19C19.12 23 19.23 22.91 19.25 22.79L19.44 21.47C19.74 21.34 20 21.18 20.28 21L21.5 21.5C21.64 21.5 21.77 21.5 21.84 21.37L22.84 19.64C22.9 19.53 22.87 19.4 22.78 19.32M18 19.5C17.17 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.18 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.84 19.5 18 19.5Z",UK1="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,10V14H16V10H8M8,16V20H16V16H8M8,4V8H16V4H8Z",zK1="M11,2A2,2 0 0,1 13,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 11,22H2V2H11M4,10V14H11V10H4M4,16V20H11V16H4M4,4V8H11V4H4M15,11H18V8H20V11H23V13H20V16H18V13H15V11Z",_K1="M13,2A2,2 0 0,0 11,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 13,22H22V2H13M20,10V14H13V10H20M20,16V20H13V16H20M20,4V8H13V4H20M9,11H6V8H4V11H1V13H4V16H6V13H9V11Z",KK1="M4,2H11A2,2 0 0,1 13,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 11,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,10V14H11V10H4M4,16V20H11V16H4M4,4V8H11V4H4M17.59,12L15,9.41L16.41,8L19,10.59L21.59,8L23,9.41L20.41,12L23,14.59L21.59,16L19,13.41L16.41,16L15,14.59L17.59,12Z",jK1="M5,8H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 5,8M5,12V15H11V12H5M13,12V15H19V12H13M5,17V20H11V17H5M13,17V20H19V17H13M11,2H21V6H19V4H13V6H11V2Z",qK1="M21.7,13.35L20.7,14.35L18.65,12.3L19.65,11.3C19.86,11.08 20.21,11.08 20.42,11.3L21.7,12.58C21.92,12.79 21.92,13.14 21.7,13.35M12,18.94L18.07,12.88L20.12,14.93L14.06,21H12V18.94M4,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V8.17L16.17,12H12V16.17L10.17,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,6V10H10V6H4M12,6V10H18V6H12M4,12V16H10V12H4Z",$K1="M17 16.88C17.56 16.88 18 17.32 18 17.88S17.56 18.88 17 18.88 16 18.43 16 17.88 16.44 16.88 17 16.88M17 13.88C19.73 13.88 22.06 15.54 23 17.88C22.06 20.22 19.73 21.88 17 21.88S11.94 20.22 11 17.88C11.94 15.54 14.27 13.88 17 13.88M17 15.38C15.62 15.38 14.5 16.5 14.5 17.88S15.62 20.38 17 20.38 19.5 19.26 19.5 17.88 18.38 15.38 17 15.38M18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19H9.42C9.26 18.68 9.12 18.34 9 18C9.12 17.66 9.26 17.32 9.42 17H4V13H10V15.97C10.55 15.11 11.23 14.37 12 13.76V13H13.15C14.31 12.36 15.62 12 17 12C18.06 12 19.07 12.21 20 12.59V5C20 3.9 19.1 3 18 3M10 11H4V7H10V11M18 11H12V7H18V11Z",XK1="M12 8.8L6.2 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.59C19.07 12.21 18.06 12 17 12C16.45 12 15.91 12.07 15.38 12.18L14.2 11H18V7H12V8.8M17.09 13.89L22.31 19.11C22.58 18.73 22.82 18.32 23 17.88C22.07 15.57 19.78 13.92 17.09 13.89M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.5 21.37C18.71 21.69 17.88 21.88 17 21.88C14.27 21.88 11.94 20.22 11 17.88C11.45 16.76 12.23 15.8 13.21 15.1L11.93 13.82C11.19 14.42 10.53 15.14 10 15.97V13H4V17H9.42C9.26 17.32 9.12 17.66 9 18C9.12 18.34 9.26 18.68 9.42 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.1 2 17V5C2 4.68 2.08 4.38 2.22 4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9.11 11L5.11 7H4V11H9.11M18.18 20.07L14.81 16.7C14.61 17.05 14.5 17.45 14.5 17.88C14.5 19.26 15.62 20.38 17 20.38C17.43 20.38 17.83 20.27 18.18 20.07Z",YK1="M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M12 11H20V3C20 1.9 19.11 1 18 1H4C2.9 1 2 1.9 2 3V15C2 16.11 2.9 17 4 17H13.42L12 15V11M12 5H18V9H12V5M10 15H4V11H10V15M10 9H4V5H10V9Z",JK1="M2 7H22V10H20L21 19H18.5L17.94 14H6.06L5.5 19H3L4 10H2V7M17.5 10H6.5L6.29 12H17.71L17.5 10Z",Cj1="M1 6V19A2 2 0 0 0 3 21H9V11H21V6A2 2 0 0 0 19 4H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 6M3 6H7V9H3M7 19H3V16H7M7 14H3V11H7M9 9V6H13V9M19 9H15V6H19M17 16A1 1 0 1 1 16 17A1 1 0 0 1 17 16M17 13A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 23 17A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 17 13M17 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 19.5 17A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 14.5",Hj1="M2.38 1.73L1.11 3L2.26 4.15A2 2 0 0 0 1 6V19A2 2 0 0 0 3 21H9V11H9.11L12.72 14.61A6.21 6.21 0 0 0 11 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 0 17 21A6.55 6.55 0 0 0 18.84 20.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.58 19.93M7 19H3V16H7M7 14H3V11H7M7 9H3V6H4.11L7 8.89M17 19.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 14.56 16.45L17.56 19.45A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 17 19.5M16.24 13L17.85 14.61A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 19.35 16.11L21.94 18.7A6.44 6.44 0 0 0 23 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 0 17 13H16.24M13 6V9H12.2L14.2 11H21V6A2 2 0 0 0 19 4H7.2L9.2 6M15 6H19V9H15Z",Vj1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M19 22.3L18.4 21.8C16.4 19.9 15 18.7 15 17.2C15 16 16 15 17.2 15C17.9 15 18.6 15.3 19 15.8C19.4 15.3 20.1 15 20.8 15C22 15 23 15.9 23 17.2C23 18.7 21.6 19.9 19.6 21.8L19 22.3",Lj1="M16.8 17C16.4 15.8 15.3 15 14 15C12.3 15 11 16.3 11 18S12.3 21 14 21C15.3 21 16.4 20.2 16.8 19H19V21H21V19H23V17H16.8M14 19C13.4 19 13 18.5 13 18S13.4 17 14 17 15 17.5 15 18 14.6 19 14 19M9 18H4V14H10V15C10.9 13.8 12.4 13 14 13C15.1 13 16.1 13.4 17 14H18V15H20V6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H9.4C9.1 19.4 9 18.7 9 18M12 8H18V12H12V8M4 8H10V12H4V8Z",Mj1="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V10H8V7H4M10,7V10H14V7H10M20,10V7H16V10H20M4,12V15H8V12H4M4,20H8V17H4V20M10,12V15H14V12H10M10,20H14V17H10V20M20,20V17H16V20H20M20,12H16V15H20V12Z",Aj1="M12.35 20H10V17H12.09C12.21 16.28 12.46 15.61 12.81 15H10V12H14V13.54C14.58 13 15.25 12.61 16 12.35V12H20V12.35C20.75 12.61 21.42 13 22 13.54V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20M16 7H20V10H16V7M10 7H14V10H10V7M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M8 10H4V7H8V10M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14",ij1="M12.35 20H10V17H12.09C12.21 16.28 12.46 15.61 12.81 15H10V12H14V13.54C14.58 13 15.25 12.61 16 12.35V12H20V12.35C20.75 12.61 21.42 13 22 13.54V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20M16 7H20V10H16V7M10 7H14V10H10V7M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M8 10H4V7H8V10M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.46 15.88",rj1="M21 16V15.5C21 14.12 19.88 13 18.5 13S16 14.12 16 15.5V16C15.45 16 15 16.45 15 17V21C15 21.55 15.45 22 16 22H21C21.55 22 22 21.55 22 21V17C22 16.45 21.55 16 21 16M20 16H17V15.5C17 14.67 17.67 14 18.5 14S20 14.67 20 15.5V16M13 18H12V14H14.26C14.54 13.21 15.04 12.5 15.69 12H12V8H18V11.05C18.17 11.03 18.33 11 18.5 11C19.03 11 19.53 11.1 20 11.26V6C20 4.89 19.11 4 18 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13V18M10 18H4V14H10V18M10 12H4V8H10V12Z",aj1="M5,10H3V4H11V6H5V10M19,18H13V20H21V14H19V18M5,18V14H3V20H11V18H5M21,4H13V6H19V10H21V4M8,13V15L11,12L8,9V11H3V13H8M16,11V9L13,12L16,15V13H21V11H16Z",ej1="M15 19V17H23V19H15M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",dj1="M7 2H21C22.11 2 23 2.9 23 4V16C23 17.11 22.11 18 21 18H7C5.9 18 5 17.11 5 16V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2M7 6V10H13V6H7M15 6V10H21V6H15M7 12V16H13V12H7M15 12V16H21V12H15M3 20V6H1V20C1 21.11 1.89 22 3 22H19V20H3Z",mj1="M15 20C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V3C21 1.9 20.11 1 19 1H5C3.9 1 3 1.9 3 3V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15M13 5H19V9H13V5M13 11H19V15H13V11M5 5H11V9H5V5M5 15V11H11V15H5Z",tj1="M3,9H17V7H3V9M3,13H17V11H3V13M3,17H17V15H3V17M19,17H21V15H19V17M19,7V9H21V7H19M19,13H21V11H19V13Z",vj1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.22 5.11C3.08 5.38 3 5.68 3 6V18C3 19.11 3.9 20 5 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M10.11 12H5V8H6.11L10.11 12M11 18H5V14H11V18M13 18V14.89L16.11 18H13M13 9.8L7.2 4H19C20.11 4 21 4.89 21 6V17.8L19 15.8V14H17.2L15.2 12H19V8H13V9.8Z",lj1="M4 6H20V9H18L18.22 11H23V13H18.44L19 18H16.5L15.94 13H8.06L7.5 18H5L5.56 13H1V11H5.78L6 9H4M15.5 9H8.5L8.29 11H15.71Z",oj1="M22 15H20V18C20 19.11 19.11 20 18 20H15V22L12 19L15 16V18H18V15H16L19 12L22 15M22 4V8C22 9.1 21.1 10 20 10H10V20C10 21.1 9.1 22 8 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M4 8H8V4H4V8M4 10V14H8V10H4M8 20V16H4V20L8 20M14 8V4H10V8H14M20 4L20 4H16V8H20L20 4Z",nj1="M18,14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M4,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V12.08C18.45,11.82 16.92,12.18 15.68,13H12V17H13.08C12.97,17.68 12.97,18.35 13.08,19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V11H10V7H4M12,7V11H18V7H12M4,13V17H10V13H4Z",Zj1="M19.5 20.5V22H18V20.5H19.5M17.5 15.5H16V15C16 13.34 17.34 12 19 12S22 13.34 22 15C22 15.97 21.5 16.88 20.71 17.41L20.41 17.6C19.84 18 19.5 18.61 19.5 19.3V19.5H18V19.3C18 18.11 18.6 17 19.59 16.35L19.88 16.16C20.27 15.9 20.5 15.47 20.5 15C20.5 14.17 19.83 13.5 19 13.5S17.5 14.17 17.5 15V15.5M18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19H14V17H12V13H14.42C14.78 12.2 15.34 11.5 16.03 11H12V7H18V10.1C18.32 10.04 18.66 10 19 10S19.68 10.04 20 10.1V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3M10 17H4V13H10V17M10 11H4V7H10V11Z",Sj1="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.55 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12C17.23 12 16.04 12.37 15.04 13H12V17H12.18C12.06 17.5 12 18 12 18.5L12 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",uj1="M15.46,15.88L16.88,14.46L19,16.59L21.12,14.46L22.54,15.88L20.41,18L22.54,20.12L21.12,21.54L19,19.41L16.88,21.54L15.46,20.12L17.59,18L15.46,15.88M4,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V12.08C18.45,11.82 16.92,12.18 15.68,13H12V17H13.08C12.97,17.68 12.97,18.35 13.08,19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V11H10V7H4M12,7V11H18V7H12M4,13V17H10V13H4Z",cj1="M22,14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14M4,14H8V10H4V14M10,14H14V10H10V14M16,14H20V10H16V14Z",sj1="M3,5H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 15,19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 3,5M3,9V12H8V9H3M10,9V12H15V9H10M3,14V17H8V14H3M10,14V17H15V14H10M23,14V7H19V9H21V12H19V14H23Z",Oj1="M22,10A2,2 0 0,1 20,12H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,10V3H4V5H8V3H10V5H14V3H16V5H20V3H22V10M4,10H8V7H4V10M10,10H14V7H10V10M20,10V7H16V10H20M11,14H13V17H16V19H13V22H11V19H8V17H11V14Z",hj1="M22,14A2,2 0 0,0 20,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V21H4V19H8V21H10V19H14V21H16V19H20V21H22V14M4,14H8V17H4V14M10,14H14V17H10V14M20,14V17H16V14H20M11,10H13V7H16V5H13V2H11V5H8V7H11V10Z",pj1="M9.41,13L12,15.59L14.59,13L16,14.41L13.41,17L16,19.59L14.59,21L12,18.41L9.41,21L8,19.59L10.59,17L8,14.41L9.41,13M22,9A2,2 0 0,1 20,11H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,9V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V9M4,9H8V6H4V9M10,9H14V6H10V9M16,9H20V6H16V9Z",fj1="M19.3,17.89C20.62,15.79 20,13 17.89,11.68C15.79,10.36 13,11 11.68,13.09C10.36,15.2 11,18 13.09,19.3C14.56,20.22 16.42,20.22 17.89,19.3L21,22.39L22.39,21L19.3,17.89M17.3,17.27C16.32,18.25 14.74,18.24 13.76,17.27C12.79,16.29 12.79,14.71 13.77,13.73C14.74,12.76 16.32,12.76 17.3,13.73C18.26,14.72 18.25,16.3 17.27,17.27H17.3M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H10.81C10.25,19.42 9.8,18.74 9.5,18H5V14H9.18C9.34,13.29 9.61,12.61 10,12H5V8H11V10.81C11.58,10.25 12.26,9.8 13,9.5V8H19V10C19.4,10.25 19.77,10.55 20.1,10.88C20.44,11.22 20.74,11.59 21,12V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4Z",gj1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,8V12H11V8H5M13,8V12H19V8H13M5,14V18H11V14H5M13,14V18H19V14H13Z",kj1="M19 14H21V20H3V14H5V18H19V14M3 4V10H5V6H19V10H21V4H3M11 11V13H8V15L5 12L8 9V11H11M16 11V9L19 12L16 15V13H13V11H16Z",Bj1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M16.5 21.6L17.2 18.8L15 16.9L17.9 16.7L19 14L20.1 16.6L23 16.8L20.8 18.7L21.5 21.5L19 20.1L16.5 21.6Z",Pj1="M19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5C23 18.32 22.76 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12M19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V11L19.5 11C17.66 11 16 11.77 14.81 13H12V17H13L13 17.5C13 18 13.06 18.5 13.17 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",wj1="M18.5,14C19.9,14 21,15.1 21,16.5C21,17.9 19.9,19 18.5,19C17.1,19 16,17.9 16,16.5C16,15.1 17.1,14 18.5,14M7,15C7,15 8,16 8,17V20.5C8,21.3 8.7,22 9.5,22C10.3,22 11,21.3 11,20.5V17C11,16 12,15 12,15H7M8,14H11C11,14 16,14 16,9C16,4 12,2 9.5,2C7,2 3,4 3,9C3,14 8,14 8,14Z",Fj1="M19,18H5V6H19M21,4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V6C23,4.89 22.1,4 21,4Z",Tj1="M3,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V8H18V6H5V18H14V20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 3,4M17,10H23A1,1 0 0,1 24,11V21A1,1 0 0,1 23,22H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,21V11A1,1 0 0,1 17,10M18,12V19H22V12H18Z",bj1="M19,18H5V6H19M21,4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V6C23,4.89 22.1,4 21,4M7,8H13V13H7V8M14,8H17V10H14V8M17,11V16H14V11H17M7,14H13V16H7V14Z",yj1="M19,18H5A4,4 0 0,1 1,14A8,8 0 0,1 9,6C10.06,6 11.07,6.21 12,6.58C12.93,6.21 13.94,6 15,6A8,8 0 0,1 23,14A4,4 0 0,1 19,18M3,14A2,2 0 0,0 5,16A2,2 0 0,0 7,14C7,11.63 8.03,9.5 9.67,8.04L9,8A6,6 0 0,0 3,14M19,16A2,2 0 0,0 21,14A6,6 0 0,0 15,8A6,6 0 0,0 9,14C9,14.73 8.81,15.41 8.46,16H19Z",Rj1="M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.41L11.58,21.41C11.95,21.77 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.77 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.44 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58Z",xj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M7 19V15H5V19H3L6 22L9 19H7Z",Dj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M8 18V14H6V18H4L7 21L10 18H8Z",Ej1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M5 19H9V17H5V15L2 18L5 21V19Z",Nj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M5 19H9V17H5V15L2 18L5 21V19Z",Wj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M6 17H2V19H6V21L9 18L6 15V17Z",Ij1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6 17H2V19H6V21L9 18L6 15V17Z",Gj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M5 17V21H7V17H9L6 14L3 17H5Z",Qj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6 17V21H8V17H10L7 14L4 17H6Z",Uj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M8.63 14.27L4.76 18.17L3.41 16.8L2 18.22L4.75 21L10.03 15.68L8.63 14.27",zj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M8.63 14.27L4.76 18.17L3.41 16.8L2 18.22L4.75 21L10.03 15.68L8.63 14.27",_j1="M12.41 2.58L21.41 11.58C21.77 11.94 22 12.44 22 13C22 13.55 21.78 14.05 21.41 14.41L14.41 21.41C14.05 21.77 13.55 22 13 22C12.45 22 11.95 21.77 11.58 21.41L9.45 19.28L10.7 18.03L10.7 18.04L13.11 15.62C14.11 14.63 14.11 13 13.11 12L11.83 10.74C10.84 9.75 9.23 9.75 8.24 10.74L8.07 10.91L8.06 10.91L4.57 14.4L2.59 12.41C2.22 12.05 2 11.55 2 11V4C2 2.89 2.89 2 4 2H11C11.55 2 12.05 2.22 12.41 2.58M4.44 6.56C4.72 6.84 5.1 7 5.5 7C5.9 7 6.28 6.84 6.56 6.56C6.84 6.28 7 5.9 7 5.5C7 5.1 6.84 4.72 6.56 4.44C6.28 4.16 5.9 4 5.5 4C5.1 4 4.72 4.16 4.44 4.44C4.16 4.72 4 5.1 4 5.5C4 5.9 4.16 6.28 4.44 6.56M10.7 15.35L11.7 14.35C11.91 14.14 11.91 13.79 11.7 13.58L10.42 12.3C10.21 12.09 9.86 12.09 9.65 12.3L8.65 13.3L10.7 15.35M8.06 13.88L2 19.94V22H4.06L10.11 15.93L8.06 13.88Z",Kj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V11C2 11.26 2.05 11.53 2.15 11.77C2.25 12 2.4 12.23 2.59 12.42L4.57 14.4L6 13L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L10.87 17.87L10.7 18.04L10.7 18.03L9.45 19.28L11.59 21.42C11.97 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.74 21.95 12.5 21.85 12.23C21.75 12 21.6 11.77 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C6.8 5 7.09 5.09 7.33 5.25C7.58 5.42 7.77 5.65 7.89 5.93C8 6.2 8.03 6.5 7.97 6.79C7.91 7.08 7.77 7.35 7.56 7.56C7.35 7.77 7.08 7.91 6.79 7.97C6.5 8.03 6.2 8 5.93 7.89C5.65 7.77 5.42 7.58 5.25 7.33C5.09 7.09 5 6.8 5 6.5C5 6.1 5.16 5.72 5.44 5.44C5.72 5.16 6.1 5 6.5 5M10.7 15.35L11.7 14.35C11.91 14.14 11.91 13.79 11.7 13.58L10.42 12.3C10.21 12.09 9.86 12.09 9.65 12.3L8.65 13.3L10.7 15.35M8.06 13.88L2 19.94V22H4.06L10.11 15.93L8.06 13.88Z",jj1="M15,18C11.68,18 9,15.31 9,12C9,8.68 11.68,6 15,6A6,6 0 0,1 21,12A6,6 0 0,1 15,18M4,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11A1,1 0 0,1 5,12A1,1 0 0,1 4,13M22,3H7.63C6.97,3 6.38,3.32 6,3.81L0,12L6,20.18C6.38,20.68 6.97,21 7.63,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5C24,3.89 23.1,3 22,3M13,11A1,1 0 0,0 14,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,11M15,16C16.86,16 18.35,14.72 18.8,13H11.2C11.65,14.72 13.14,16 15,16M17,11A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,11Z",qj1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.42L11.59,21.42C11.95,21.78 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.78 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.45 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M17.27,15.27L13,19.54L8.73,15.27C8.28,14.81 8,14.19 8,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,11C11.19,11 11.82,11.28 12.27,11.74L13,12.46L13.73,11.73C14.18,11.28 14.81,11 15.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18,13.5C18,14.19 17.72,14.82 17.27,15.27Z",$j1="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.42L11.59,21.42C11.95,21.78 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.78 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.45 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4V2M11,4L20,13L13,20L4,11V4H11V4H11M6.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,5M10.95,10.5C9.82,10.5 8.9,11.42 8.9,12.55C8.9,13.12 9.13,13.62 9.5,14L13,17.5L16.5,14C16.87,13.63 17.1,13.11 17.1,12.55A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 15.05,10.5C14.5,10.5 13.97,10.73 13.6,11.1L13,11.7L12.4,11.11C12.03,10.73 11.5,10.5 10.95,10.5Z",Xj1="M13.64 3.81L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H10V4H11L12.23 5.23L13.64 3.81M12.93 5.93L14.35 4.5L16.47 6.64L15.05 8.05L12.93 5.93M4 11L5.23 12.23L3.81 13.64L2.59 12.42C2.4 12.23 2.25 12 2.15 11.77C2.05 11.53 2 11.26 2 11V10H4V11M4.5 14.35L5.93 12.93L8.05 15.05L6.64 16.47L4.5 14.35M9.47 19.3L7.35 17.18L8.76 15.76L10.88 17.88L9.47 19.3M15.76 8.76L17.88 10.88L19.3 9.47L17.18 7.35L15.76 8.76M18.59 11.59L20 10.17L21.41 11.58C21.6 11.77 21.75 12 21.85 12.23C21.95 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.53 21.79 14.04 21.41 14.41L18.59 11.59M20.7 15.12L19.29 13.71L16.85 16.15L18.26 17.56L20.7 15.12M16.15 16.85L17.56 18.26L15.12 20.7L13.71 19.29L16.15 16.85M14.41 21.41L11.59 18.59L10.17 20L11.59 21.42C11.97 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41M4 9H2V6H4V9M2 5H4V4H5V2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V5M6 4V2H9V4H6M6.5 8C7.33 8 8 7.33 8 6.5C8 5.67 7.33 5 6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5C5 7.33 5.67 8 6.5 8Z",Yj1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M10,19H2V17H10V19Z",Jj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M10 19H2V17H10V19Z",Cq1="M5.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,9M17.41,11.58C17.77,11.94 18,12.44 18,13C18,13.55 17.78,14.05 17.41,14.41L12.41,19.41C12.05,19.77 11.55,20 11,20C10.45,20 9.95,19.78 9.58,19.41L2.59,12.42C2.22,12.05 2,11.55 2,11V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H9C9.55,4 10.05,4.22 10.41,4.58L17.41,11.58M13.54,5.71L14.54,4.71L21.41,11.58C21.78,11.94 22,12.45 22,13C22,13.55 21.78,14.05 21.42,14.41L16.04,19.79L15.04,18.79L20.75,13L13.54,5.71Z",Hq1="M6.5 10C7.3 10 8 9.3 8 8.5S7.3 7 6.5 7 5 7.7 5 8.5 5.7 10 6.5 10M9 6L16 13L11 18L4 11V6H9M9 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V11C2 11.6 2.2 12.1 2.6 12.4L9.6 19.4C9.9 19.8 10.4 20 11 20S12.1 19.8 12.4 19.4L17.4 14.4C17.8 14 18 13.5 18 13C18 12.4 17.8 11.9 17.4 11.6L10.4 4.6C10.1 4.2 9.6 4 9 4M13.5 5.7L14.5 4.7L21.4 11.6C21.8 12 22 12.5 22 13S21.8 14.1 21.4 14.4L16 19.8L15 18.8L20.7 13L13.5 5.7Z",Vq1="M18.33 8.5L22.92 3.92L21.5 2.5L2.5 21.5L3.92 22.92L8.5 18.33L11.58 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M5.61 15.43L15.47 5.65L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.41M5.5 4A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 4 5.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5.5 4Z",Lq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M18.33 8.5L22.92 3.92L21.5 2.5L2.5 21.5L3.92 22.92L8.5 18.33L11.59 21.42A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M13 20L9.92 16.92L16.92 9.92L20 13M5.61 15.43L7 14L4 11V4H11L14.06 7.06L15.47 5.66L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42M5 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5 6.5Z",Mq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L11.59 21.42A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M13 20L4 11V4H11L20 13M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 5 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 5Z",Aq1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M10,19H7V22H5V19H2V17H5V14H7V17H10V19Z",iq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L3 12.82A5.62 5.62 0 0 1 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92A5.57 5.57 0 0 1 11.18 21L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M10 19H7V22H5V19H2V17H5V14H7V17H10Z",rq1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M8.12,21.54L6,19.41L3.88,21.54L2.46,20.12L4.59,18L2.46,15.88L3.87,14.47L6,16.59L8.12,14.47L9.53,15.88L7.41,18L9.53,20.12L8.12,21.54Z",aq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L3 12.82A5.62 5.62 0 0 1 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92A5.57 5.57 0 0 1 11.18 21L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M8.12 21.54L6 19.41L3.88 21.54L2.46 20.12L4.59 18L2.46 15.88L3.88 14.46L6 16.59L8.12 14.46L9.54 15.88L7.41 18L9.54 20.12Z",eq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V11C2 11.55 2.22 12.05 2.59 12.41L11.58 21.41C11.95 21.77 12.45 22 13 22S14.05 21.77 14.41 21.41L14.83 21C11.6 20.9 9 18.26 9 15C9 11.69 11.69 9 15 9C18.26 9 20.9 11.6 21 14.83L21.41 14.41C21.78 14.05 22 13.55 22 13C22 12.44 21.77 11.94 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M15.11 10.61C17.61 10.61 19.61 12.61 19.61 15.11C19.61 16 19.36 16.82 18.92 17.5L22 20.61L20.61 22L17.5 18.93C16.8 19.36 16 19.61 15.11 19.61C12.61 19.61 10.61 17.61 10.61 15.11S12.61 10.61 15.11 10.61M15.11 12.61C13.73 12.61 12.61 13.73 12.61 15.11S13.73 17.61 15.11 17.61 17.61 16.5 17.61 15.11 16.5 12.61 15.11 12.61",dq1="M22 13C22 13.53 21.79 14.04 21.41 14.41L21 14.83C20.91 11.97 18.84 9.62 16.11 9.11L11 4H4V11L9.11 16.11C9.62 18.84 11.97 20.91 14.83 21L14.41 21.41C14.04 21.79 13.53 22 13 22C12.47 22 11.97 21.79 11.59 21.42L2.59 12.42C2.21 12.04 2 11.53 2 11V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H11C11.53 2 12.04 2.21 12.41 2.58L21.41 11.58C21.79 11.96 22 12.47 22 13M5 6.5C5 7.33 5.67 8 6.5 8S8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5 5 5.67 5 6.5M15.11 10.61C12.61 10.61 10.61 12.61 10.61 15.11S12.61 19.61 15.11 19.61C16 19.61 16.8 19.36 17.5 18.93L20.61 22L22 20.61L18.92 17.5C19.36 16.82 19.61 16 19.61 15.11C19.61 12.61 17.61 10.61 15.11 10.61M15.11 12.61C16.5 12.61 17.61 13.73 17.61 15.11S16.5 17.61 15.11 17.61 12.61 16.5 12.61 15.11 13.73 12.61 15.11 12.61",mq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.41L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 8M11.59 15.41L7.59 11.41L9 10L13 14M15.59 14.41L10.09 8.91L11.5 7.5L17 13Z",tq1="M21.4 11.6L12.4 2.6C12 2.2 11.5 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.5 2.2 12 2.6 12.4L11.6 21.4C12 21.8 12.5 22 13 22C13.5 22 14 21.8 14.4 21.4L21.4 14.4C21.8 14 22 13.5 22 13C22 12.5 21.8 12 21.4 11.6M13 20L4 11V4H11L20 13M6.5 5C7.3 5 8 5.7 8 6.5S7.3 8 6.5 8 5 7.3 5 6.5 5.7 5 6.5 5M10.1 8.9L11.5 7.5L17 13L15.6 14.4L10.1 8.9M7.6 11.4L9 10L13 14L11.6 15.4L7.6 11.4Z",vq1="M12 6C9.33 6 7.67 7.33 7 10C8 8.67 9.17 8.17 10.5 8.5C11.26 8.69 11.81 9.24 12.41 9.85C13.39 10.85 14.5 12 17 12C19.67 12 21.33 10.67 22 8C21 9.33 19.83 9.83 18.5 9.5C17.74 9.31 17.2 8.76 16.59 8.15C15.61 7.15 14.5 6 12 6M7 12C4.33 12 2.67 13.33 2 16C3 14.67 4.17 14.17 5.5 14.5C6.26 14.69 6.8 15.24 7.41 15.85C8.39 16.85 9.5 18 12 18C14.67 18 16.33 16.67 17 14C16 15.33 14.83 15.83 13.5 15.5C12.74 15.31 12.2 14.76 11.59 14.15C10.61 13.15 9.5 12 7 12Z",lq1="M13 19H11V5H13V19Z",oq1="M11 19H9V5H11V19M15 5H13V19H15V5Z",nq1="M9 19H7V5H9V19M13 5H11V19H13V5M17 5H15V19H17V5Z",Zq1="M7 19H5V5H7V19M11 5H9V19H11V5M15 5H13V19H15V5M19 5H17V19H19V5Z",Sq1="M19 10.73V19H17V11.36L15 12V19H13V12.62L11 13.26V19H9V13.89L7 14.5V19H5V15.15L2.57 15.92L2 14L5 13.05V5H7V12.42L9 11.79V5H11V11.16L13 10.53V5H15V9.9L17 9.26V5H19V8.63L21 8L21.57 9.92L19 10.73Z",uq1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M18.59 4L12 10.59L5.41 4H18.59M13.41 12L16.5 8.91L19.59 12L16.5 15.09L13.41 12M14.59 16H9.41L12 13.41L14.59 16M4 5.41L10.59 12L4 18.59V5.41M11.59 20H5.41L7.41 18H13.59L11.59 20M20 20H14.41L20 14.41V20M20 9.59L17.91 7.5L20 5.41V9.59Z",cq1="M20,12H4V11H6L7,6H12L13,11H20V12M13.22,7L13.62,9H22V7H13.22M22,16A3,3 0 0,1 19,19H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,16A3,3 0 0,1 5,13H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,16M6,16A1,1 0 0,0 5,15A1,1 0 0,0 4,16A1,1 0 0,0 5,17A1,1 0 0,0 6,16M13,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,16M20,16A1,1 0 0,0 19,15A1,1 0 0,0 18,16A1,1 0 0,0 19,17A1,1 0 0,0 20,16Z",sq1="M20 8H15V14H2V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.2 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17S5.2 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17 6.8 18.5 6 18.5M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17S17.2 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17M14 9.5C14 11.4 12.4 13 10.5 13H4.5C2.6 13 1 11.4 1 9.5S2.6 6 4.5 6H5V5H4V4H8V5H7V6H10.5C12.4 6 14 7.6 14 9.5Z",Oq1="M12 10C13.11 10 14 10.9 14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V17H16.9C18.2 15.73 19 13.96 19 12C19 8.13 15.87 5 12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12C5 15.87 8.13 19 12 19H21C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3Z",hq1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,1 16,12H17V15H16V19H9A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M9,8A4,4 0 0,0 5,12A4,4 0 0,0 9,16A4,4 0 0,0 13,12A4,4 0 0,0 9,8M17,17H22V19L22,21H20V19H17V17Z",pq1="M11,2V4.07C7.38,4.53 4.53,7.38 4.07,11H2V13H4.07C4.53,16.62 7.38,19.47 11,19.93V22H13V19.93C16.62,19.47 19.47,16.62 19.93,13H22V11H19.93C19.47,7.38 16.62,4.53 13,4.07V2M11,6.08V8H13V6.09C15.5,6.5 17.5,8.5 17.92,11H16V13H17.91C17.5,15.5 15.5,17.5 13,17.92V16H11V17.91C8.5,17.5 6.5,15.5 6.08,13H8V11H6.09C6.5,8.5 8.5,6.5 11,6.08M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11Z",fq1="M20.95,11H22.5V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V22.5H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13H1.5V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1.5H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11M5.07,11H6.5V13H5.07C5.5,16.07 7.93,18.5 11,18.93V17.5H13V18.93C16.07,18.5 18.5,16.07 18.93,13H17.5V11H18.93C18.5,7.93 16.07,5.5 13,5.07V6.5H11V5.07C7.93,5.5 5.5,7.93 5.07,11M16,16H8V15C8,13.67 10.67,13 12,13C13.33,13 16,13.67 16,15V16M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8Z",gq1="M22.08,11.04H20.08V4H13.05V2H11.04V4H4V11.04H2V13.05H4V20.08H11.04V22.08H13.05V20.08H20.08V13.05H22.08V11.04M18.07,18.07H13.05V16.06H11.04V18.07H6V13.05H8.03V11.04H6V6H11.04V8.03H13.05V6H18.07V11.04H16.06V13.05H18.07V18.07M13.05,12.05A1,1 0 0,1 12.05,13.05C11.5,13.05 11.04,12.6 11.04,12.05C11.04,11.5 11.5,11.04 12.05,11.04C12.6,11.04 13.05,11.5 13.05,12.05Z",kq1="M5,11L6.5,6.5H17.5L19,11M17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,16M6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,16M18.92,6C18.72,5.42 18.16,5 17.5,5H15V3H9V5H6.5C5.84,5 5.28,5.42 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V19H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6Z",Bq1="M4,19H20V21H4V19M20,8V5H18V8H20M20,3C20.6,3 21,3.2 21.4,3.6C21.8,4 22,4.5 22,5V8C22,8.6 21.8,9 21.4,9.4C21,9.8 20.6,10 20,10H18V13C18,14.1 17.6,15 16.8,15.8C16,16.6 15.1,17 14,17H8C6.9,17 6,16.6 5.2,15.8C4.4,15 4,14.1 4,13V3H9V5.4L7.2,6.8C7.1,6.9 7,7.1 7,7.2V11.5C7,11.8 7.2,12 7.5,12H11.5C11.8,12 12,11.8 12,11.5V7.2C12,7 11.9,6.9 11.8,6.8L10,5.4V3H20Z",Pq1="M4,19H20V21H4V19M21.4,3.6C21,3.2 20.6,3 20,3H4V13C4,14.1 4.4,15 5.2,15.8C6,16.6 6.9,17 8,17H14C15.1,17 16,16.6 16.8,15.8C17.6,15 18,14.1 18,13V10H20C20.6,10 21,9.8 21.4,9.4C21.8,9 22,8.6 22,8V5C22,4.5 21.8,4 21.4,3.6M16,5V8L16,10V13C16,13.6 15.8,14 15.4,14.4C15,14.8 14.6,15 14,15H8C7.4,15 7,14.8 6.6,14.4C6.2,14 6,13.5 6,13V5H10V6.4L8.2,7.8C8,7.9 8,8.1 8,8.2V12.5C8,12.8 8.2,13 8.5,13H12.5C12.8,13 13,12.8 13,12.5V8.2C13,8 12.9,7.9 12.8,7.8L11,6.4V5H16M20,8H18V5H20V8Z",wq1="M10.04 9.2L9.3 11H14.75L14 9.2L19.55 12L14 14.8L14.75 13H9.3L10.04 14.8L4.5 12L10.04 9.2M20.83 22H3.17C2.53 22 2 21.5 2 20.83V3.17C2 2.53 2.53 2 3.17 2H20.83C21.5 2 22 2.53 22 3.17V20.83C22 21.47 21.5 22 20.83 22M11.93 3.76C7.41 3.82 3.78 7.5 3.76 12C3.72 16.5 7.35 20.2 11.86 20.24H12C16.53 20.18 20.18 16.53 20.24 12C20.31 7.5 16.74 3.83 12.26 3.76C12.15 3.75 12.04 3.76 11.93 3.76Z",Fq1="M15.75 19.13C14.92 19.13 14.25 18.29 14.25 17.25C14.25 16.22 14.92 15.38 15.75 15.38C16.58 15.38 17.25 16.22 17.25 17.25C17.25 18.29 16.58 19.13 15.75 19.13M12 11.25C10.76 11.25 9.75 10.41 9.75 9.38C9.75 8.34 10.76 7.5 12 7.5C13.24 7.5 14.25 8.34 14.25 9.38C14.25 10.41 13.24 11.25 12 11.25M8.25 19.13C7.42 19.13 6.75 18.29 6.75 17.25C6.75 16.22 7.42 15.38 8.25 15.38C9.08 15.38 9.75 16.22 9.75 17.25C9.75 18.29 9.08 19.13 8.25 19.13M12 8.25C12.41 8.25 12.75 8.59 12.75 9C12.75 9.41 12.41 9.75 12 9.75C11.59 9.75 11.25 9.41 11.25 9C11.25 8.59 11.59 8.25 12 8.25M18.75 12C18.43 12 18.12 12.07 17.84 12.2C17.36 11.59 16.71 11.07 15.93 10.67C16.5 9.87 16.84 8.9 16.84 7.85C16.84 7.83 16.84 7.81 16.84 7.79C17.93 7.56 18.75 6.59 18.75 5.42C18.75 4.09 17.66 3 16.33 3C15.64 3 15 3.29 14.58 3.75C13.83 3.28 12.95 3 12 3C11.05 3 10.16 3.28 9.42 3.75C9 3.29 8.36 3 7.67 3C6.34 3 5.25 4.09 5.25 5.42C5.25 6.58 6.07 7.55 7.15 7.79C7.15 7.81 7.15 7.83 7.15 7.85C7.15 8.9 7.5 9.88 8.06 10.67C7.29 11.07 6.64 11.59 6.16 12.2C5.88 12.07 5.57 12 5.25 12C4 12 3 13 3 14.25C3 15.5 4 16.5 5.25 16.5C5.27 16.5 5.29 16.5 5.31 16.5C5.27 16.74 5.25 17 5.25 17.25C5.25 19.32 6.59 21 8.25 21C9.26 21 10.15 20.37 10.7 19.41C11.12 19.47 11.55 19.5 12 19.5C12.45 19.5 12.88 19.47 13.3 19.41C13.85 20.37 14.74 21 15.75 21C17.41 21 18.75 19.32 18.75 17.25C18.75 17 18.73 16.74 18.69 16.5C18.71 16.5 18.73 16.5 18.75 16.5C20 16.5 21 15.5 21 14.25C21 13 20 12 18.75 12",Tq1="M21.9,8.9L20.2,9.9L16.2,3L17.9,2L21.9,8.9M9.8,7.9L12.8,13.1L18.9,9.6L15.9,4.4L9.8,7.9M11.4,12.7L9.4,9.2L5.1,11.7L7.1,15.2L11.4,12.7M2.1,14.6L3.1,16.3L5.7,14.8L4.7,13.1L2.1,14.6M12.1,14L11.8,13.6L7.5,16.1L7.8,16.5C8,16.8 8.3,17.1 8.6,17.3L7,22H9L10.4,17.7H10.5L12,22H14L12.1,16.4C12.6,15.7 12.6,14.8 12.1,14Z",bq1="M21,17H3V5H21M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H8V21H16V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3Z",yq1="M3 11H0V9H3V11M3 14H0V16H3V14M5 5.12L2.88 3L1.46 4.41L3.59 6.54L5 5.12M10 5V2H8V5H10M24 9H21V11H24V9M16 5V2H14V5H16M20.41 6.54L22.54 4.42L21.12 3L19 5.12L20.41 6.54M24 14H21V16H24V14M19 9V16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18H15V20H9V18H7C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16V9C5 7.9 5.9 7 7 7H17C18.1 7 19 7.9 19 9M17 9H7V16H17V9M19 19.88L21.12 22L22.54 20.59L20.41 18.47L19 19.88M3.59 18.46L1.47 20.59L2.88 22L5 19.88L3.59 18.46Z",Rq1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M16,16L19,8H16.5L15,12.5L13.5,8H5V10H8V16H10V10H11.77L14,16H16Z",xq1="M8.16,3L6.75,4.41L9.34,7H4C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H14.66L17.25,4.41L15.84,3L12,6.84L8.16,3M4,9H17V19H4V9M19.5,9A1,1 0 0,1 20.5,10A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,11A1,1 0 0,1 18.5,10A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,9M19.5,12A1,1 0 0,1 20.5,13A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,14A1,1 0 0,1 18.5,13A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,12Z",Dq1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L17.73,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.11 2,19V9C2,8 2.76,7.14 3.75,7L2,5.27M8.16,3L12,6.84L15.84,3L17.25,4.41L14.66,7H20C21.11,7 22,7.89 22,9V19C22,19.34 21.92,19.66 21.77,19.94L17,15.18V9H10.82L8.82,7H9.34L6.75,4.41L8.16,3M4,9V19H15.73L5.73,9H4M19.5,9A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,10A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,11A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,10A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,9M19.5,12A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,13A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,14A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,12Z",Eq1="M21,17V5H3V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16V21H8V19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 3,3H21M5,7H11V11H5V7M5,13H11V15H5V13M13,7H19V9H13V7M13,11H19V15H13V11Z",Nq1="M0.5,2.77L1.78,1.5L21,20.72L19.73,22L16.73,19H16V21H8V19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V5C1,4.5 1.17,4.07 1.46,3.73L0.5,2.77M21,17V5H7.82L5.82,3H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17C23,17.85 22.45,18.59 21.7,18.87L19.82,17H21M3,17H14.73L3,5.27V17Z",Wq1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H16V19H21C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V5C23 3.89 22.1 3 21 3M3 5H21V17H3M9 8V14H11V8M13 8V14H15V8",Iq1="M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H8V21H16V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M21,17H3V5H21M16,11L9,15V7",Gq1="M21 17H3V5H21M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V17C1 18.11 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H16V19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V5C23 3.9 22.11 3 21 3M15 6.5L14.38 7.87L13 8.5L14.38 9.13L15 10.5L15.63 9.13L17 8.5L15.63 7.87L15 6.5M10.5 8.5L9.41 10.91L7 12L9.41 13.09L10.5 15.5L11.6 13.09L14 12L11.6 10.91L10.5 8.5",Qq1="M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H12V17H3V5H21V7H23V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3H3M21 9H16C14.9 9 14 9.9 14 11V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 10.5C19.3 10.5 20 11.2 20 12S19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5 17 12.8 17 12 17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5C15.5 15.9 16.8 14.5 18.4 14.5H18.5C20.2 14.5 21.5 15.8 21.5 17.5S20.2 20.5 18.5 20.5M18.5 16C17.7 16 17 16.7 17 17.5S17.7 19 18.5 19 20 18.3 20 17.5 19.3 16 18.5 16Z",Uq1="M21 9H16C15 9 14.1 9.8 14 10.8L17.8 14.6C18 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.5 14.5H18.6C20.3 14.5 21.6 15.8 21.6 17.5C21.6 17.7 21.6 18 21.5 18.2L23.1 19.8V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 13.5C17.7 13.5 17 12.8 17 12S17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5 20 11.2 20 12 19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5M23 5V7H21V5H8.2L6.2 3H21C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5M2.4 1.7L1.1 3L1.6 3.5C1.3 3.9 1 4.4 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H12V17H3V5H3.1L14 15.9V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H20.1L20.8 22.7L22.2 21.5L2.4 1.7M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5V17.4L18.6 20.5H18.5Z",zq1="M3 3H21C22.1 3 23 3.89 23 5V17C23 18.1 22.1 19 21 19H16V21H8V19H3C1.9 19 1 18.1 1 17V5C1 3.89 1.89 3 3 3M3 5V17H21V5H3M9 8H15V14H9V8Z",_q1="M16.5,5C18.05,5 19.5,5.47 20.69,6.28L19.53,9.17C18.73,8.44 17.67,8 16.5,8C14,8 12,10 12,12.5C12,15 14,17 16.5,17C17.53,17 18.47,16.66 19.23,16.08L20.37,18.93C19.24,19.61 17.92,20 16.5,20A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 9,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 16.5,5M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,9A3,3 0 0,1 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",Kq1="M11,20V5H20V8H14V11H19V14H14V20H11M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,9A3,3 0 0,1 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",jq1="M7,5H10V11L15,5H19L13.88,10.78L19,20H15.38L11.76,13.17L10,15.15V20H7V5Z",qq1="M21 9C21 10.1 20.1 11 19 11H5C3.9 11 3 10.1 3 9H1C1 10.9 2.3 12.4 4 12.8V22H10V19C10 17.9 10.9 17 12 17S14 17.9 14 19V22H20V12.9C20.5 12.8 23 11.9 23 9H21M6 8.9V10H18V8.9C18.5 8.8 21 7.9 21 5H19C19 6.1 18.1 7 17 7H7C5.9 7 5 6.1 5 5H3C3 6.9 4.3 8.4 6 8.9M12 1L8.2 6H15.7L12 1Z",$q1="M21 9C21 10.1 20.1 11 19 11H18V8.9C19.7 8.5 21 6.9 21 5.1H19C19 6.2 18.1 7.1 17 7.1H16.5L12 1L7.5 7H7C5.9 7 5 6.1 5 5H3C3 6.9 4.3 8.4 6 8.8V11H5C3.9 11 3 10.1 3 9H1C1 10.9 2.3 12.4 4 12.8V22H11V18C11 17.5 11.4 17 12 17S13 17.5 13 18V22H20V12.9C21.7 12.5 23 10.9 23 9.1L21 9M12 4.3L14 7H10L12 4.3M8 9H16V11H8V9M18 20H15V18C15 16.4 13.6 15 12 15S9 16.4 9 18V20H6V13H18V20Z",Xq1="M6.6 11H17.4L16.5 8H7.5L6.6 11M20 11V13H4V11H2V22H10V17H14V22H22V11H20M15.9 6L15 3V1H13V3H11V1H9V3.1L8.1 6H15.9Z",Yq1="M20 11V13H18L15 3V1H13V3H11V1H9V3.1L6 13H4V11H2V22H11V17H13V22H22V11H20M15.3 11H8.7L9.3 9H14.7L15.3 11M14.1 7H9.9L10.5 5H13.5L14.1 7M20 20H15V15H9V20H4V15H7.5L8.1 13H15.9L16.5 15H20V20Z",Jq1="M18,15A4,4 0 0,1 22,19A4,4 0 0,1 18,23A4,4 0 0,1 14,19A4,4 0 0,1 18,15M18,17A2,2 0 0,0 16,19A2,2 0 0,0 18,21A2,2 0 0,0 20,19A2,2 0 0,0 18,17M6.05,14.54C6.05,14.54 7.46,13.12 7.47,10.3C7.11,8.11 7.97,5.54 9.94,3.58C12.87,0.65 17.14,0.17 19.5,2.5C21.83,4.86 21.35,9.13 18.42,12.06C16.46,14.03 13.89,14.89 11.7,14.53C8.88,14.54 7.46,15.95 7.46,15.95L3.22,20.19L1.81,18.78L6.05,14.54M18.07,3.93C16.5,2.37 13.5,2.84 11.35,5C9.21,7.14 8.73,10.15 10.29,11.71C11.86,13.27 14.86,12.79 17,10.65C19.16,8.5 19.63,5.5 18.07,3.93Z",C$1="M12,2C14.5,2 16.75,2.9 18.5,4.4C16.36,6.23 15,8.96 15,12C15,15.04 16.36,17.77 18.5,19.6C16.75,21.1 14.5,22 12,22C9.5,22 7.25,21.1 5.5,19.6C7.64,17.77 9,15.04 9,12C9,8.96 7.64,6.23 5.5,4.4C7.25,2.9 9.5,2 12,2M22,12C22,14.32 21.21,16.45 19.88,18.15C18.12,16.68 17,14.47 17,12C17,9.53 18.12,7.32 19.88,5.85C21.21,7.55 22,9.68 22,12M2,12C2,9.68 2.79,7.55 4.12,5.85C5.88,7.32 7,9.53 7,12C7,14.47 5.88,16.68 4.12,18.15C2.79,16.45 2,14.32 2,12Z",H$1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.89 18.15C8.32 19.34 10.12 20 12 20C13.88 20 15.68 19.34 17.11 18.15C15.79 16.46 15 14.32 15 12C15 9.68 15.79 7.55 17.11 5.85C15.69 4.66 13.88 4 12 4C10.12 4 8.32 4.66 6.89 5.85C8.21 7.55 9 9.68 9 12C9 14.32 8.21 16.46 6.89 18.15M5.5 16.67C6.44 15.35 7 13.74 7 12C7 10.26 6.44 8.65 5.5 7.34C4.53 8.69 4 10.32 4 12C4 13.68 4.53 15.31 5.5 16.67M18.5 7.34C17.56 8.65 17 10.26 17 12C17 13.74 17.56 15.35 18.5 16.67C19.47 15.31 20 13.69 20 12C20 10.32 19.47 8.69 18.5 7.34Z",V$1="M4,6C4,7.19 4.39,8.27 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 2,6A3,3 0 0,1 5,3C4.39,3.73 4,4.81 4,6M2,21V19H4.76L12,4.78L19.24,19H22V21H2M12,9.19L7,19H17L12,9.19Z",L$1="M21 5.4V11.8L15.4 15V8.7L21 5.4M14.8 8.7V15L9.2 11.8V5.4L14.8 8.7M14.8 15.7V22.1L9.2 18.9V12.5L14.8 15.7M8.6 5.1V11.5L3 8.3V1.9L8.6 5.1Z",M$1="M14,6L10.25,11L13.1,14.8L11.5,16C9.81,13.75 7,10 7,10L1,18H23L14,6Z",A$1="M7,2V4H8V18A4,4 0 0,0 12,22A4,4 0 0,0 16,18V4H17V2H7M11,16C10.4,16 10,15.6 10,15C10,14.4 10.4,14 11,14C11.6,14 12,14.4 12,15C12,15.6 11.6,16 11,16M13,12C12.4,12 12,11.6 12,11C12,10.4 12.4,10 13,10C13.6,10 14,10.4 14,11C14,11.6 13.6,12 13,12M14,7H10V4H14V7Z",i$1="M7,2H17V4H16V18A4,4 0 0,1 12,22A4,4 0 0,1 8,18V4H7V2M14,4H10V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20A2,2 0 0,0 14,18V4Z",r$1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.84,19.11C15.36,20.77 13.82,22 12,22A4,4 0 0,1 8,18V11.27L2,5.27M7,2H17V4H16V14.18L13.63,11.81C13.86,11.63 14,11.35 14,11C14,10.4 13.6,10 13,10C12.65,10 12.37,10.14 12.19,10.37L8,6.18V4H7V2M11,16C11.5,16 11.88,15.71 12,15.24L10.76,14C10.29,14.12 10,14.5 10,15C10,15.6 10.4,16 11,16M14,7V4H10V7H14Z",a$1="M21,6V8H3V6H21M3,18H12V16H3V18M3,13H21V11H3V13Z",e$1="M21 5V7H3V5H21M3 17H12V15H3V17M3 12H21V10H3V12M18 14C19.11 14 20 14.9 20 16S19.11 18 18 18 16 17.11 16 16 16.9 14 18 14M14 22V21C14 19.9 15.79 19 18 19S22 19.9 22 21V22H14Z",d$1="M14,17H7V15H14M17,13H7V11H17M17,9H7V7H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",m$1="M17,21L14.25,18L15.41,16.84L17,18.43L20.59,14.84L21.75,16.25M12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21M12,15H7V17H12M17,7H7V9H17",t$1="M17,21L14.25,18L15.41,16.84L17,18.43L20.59,14.84L21.75,16.25M12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21M12,17H7V15H12M14.68,13H7V11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13M17,9H7V7H17",v$1="M10 19.11L12.11 17H7V15H14V15.12L16.12 13H7V11H17V12.12L18.24 10.89C18.72 10.41 19.35 10.14 20.04 10.14C20.37 10.14 20.7 10.21 21 10.33V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H10V19.11M7 7H17V9H7V7M21.7 14.35L20.7 15.35L18.65 13.3L19.65 12.3C19.86 12.09 20.21 12.09 20.42 12.3L21.7 13.58C21.91 13.79 21.91 14.14 21.7 14.35M12 19.94L18.06 13.88L20.11 15.93L14.06 22H12V19.94Z",l$1="M10 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.33C20.7 10.21 20.37 10.14 20.04 10.14C19.67 10.14 19.32 10.22 19 10.37V5H5V19H10.11L10 19.11V21M7 9H17V7H7V9M7 17H12.11L14 15.12V15H7V17M7 13H16.12L17 12.12V11H7V13M21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3C20.21 12.09 19.86 12.09 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.91 14.14 21.91 13.79 21.7 13.58M12 22H14.06L20.11 15.93L18.06 13.88L12 19.94V22Z",o$1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",n$1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",Z$1="M16,15H9V13H16M19,11H9V9H19M19,7H9V5H19M21,1H7C5.89,1 5,1.89 5,3V17C5,18.11 5.9,19 7,19H21C22.11,19 23,18.11 23,17V3C23,1.89 22.1,1 21,1M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3Z",S$1="M16,15H9V13H16V15M19,11H9V9H19V11M19,7H9V5H19V7M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17C23,18.11 22.11,19 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3C5,1.89 5.89,1 7,1H21M7,3V17H21V3H7Z",u$1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.89,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3H5M5,5H19V19H5V5M7,7V9H17V7H7M7,11V13H17V11H7M7,15V17H14V15H7Z",c$1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",s$1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",O$1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",h$1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",p$1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M7,15V17H9C9.14,18.55 9.8,19.94 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.03C19.85,11.21 17.82,10 15.5,10C14.23,10 13.04,10.37 12.04,11H7V13H10C9.64,13.6 9.34,14.28 9.17,15H7M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",f$1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V13.03C20.5,12.23 19.81,11.54 19,11V5H5V19H9.5C9.81,19.75 10.26,20.42 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H12.03C11.23,11.5 10.54,12.19 10,13H7V11M7,15H9.17C9.06,15.5 9,16 9,16.5V17H7V15Z",g$1="M4,5H20V7H4V5M4,9H20V11H4V9M4,13H20V15H4V13M4,17H14V19H4V17Z",k$1="M2 4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H8V4H4V8H2V4M22 20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22H16V20H20V16H22V20M4 22C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16H4V20H8V22H4M20 2C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V8H20V4H16V2H20M9 7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9Z",B$1="M19.31 18.9L22.39 22L21 23.39L17.88 20.32C17.19 20.75 16.37 21 15.5 21C13 21 11 19 11 16.5C11 14 13 12 15.5 12C18 12 20 14 20 16.5C20 17.38 19.75 18.21 19.31 18.9M15.5 19C16.88 19 18 17.88 18 16.5C18 15.12 16.88 14 15.5 14C14.12 14 13 15.12 13 16.5C13 17.88 14.12 19 15.5 19M21 4V6H3V4H21M3 16V14H9V16H3M3 11V9H21V11H18.97C17.96 10.37 16.77 10 15.5 10C14.23 10 13.04 10.37 12.03 11H3Z",P$1="M9 6V8H2V6H9M9 11V13H2V11H9M18 16V18H2V16H18M19.31 11.5C19.75 10.82 20 10 20 9.11C20 6.61 18 4.61 15.5 4.61S11 6.61 11 9.11 13 13.61 15.5 13.61C16.37 13.61 17.19 13.36 17.88 12.93L21 16L22.39 14.61L19.31 11.5M15.5 11.61C14.12 11.61 13 10.5 13 9.11S14.12 6.61 15.5 6.61 18 7.73 18 9.11 16.88 11.61 15.5 11.61Z",w$1="M3,3H16V6H11V18H8V6H3V3M12,7H14V9H12V7M15,7H17V9H15V7M18,7H20V9H18V7M12,10H14V12H12V10M12,13H14V15H12V13M12,16H14V18H12V16M12,19H14V21H12V19Z",F$1="M4,9H20V11H4V9M4,13H14V15H4V13Z",T$1="M9.29,21H12.12L21,12.12V9.29M19,21C19.55,21 20.05,20.78 20.41,20.41C20.78,20.05 21,19.55 21,19V17L17,21M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7L7,3M11.88,3L3,11.88V14.71L14.71,3M19.5,3.08L3.08,19.5C3.17,19.85 3.35,20.16 3.59,20.41C3.84,20.65 4.15,20.83 4.5,20.92L20.93,4.5C20.74,3.8 20.2,3.26 19.5,3.08Z",b$1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6L6 4H10.9L4 10.9V6M4 13.7L13.7 4H18.6L4 18.6V13.7M20 18L18 20H13.1L20 13.1V18M20 10.3L10.3 20H5.4L20 5.4V10.3Z",y$1="M4,15H6A2,2 0 0,1 8,17V19H9V17A2,2 0 0,1 11,15H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,17V19H16V17A2,2 0 0,1 18,15H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,17V19H23V22H1V19H2V17A2,2 0 0,1 4,15M11,7L15,10L11,13V7M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V13.54C21.41,13.19 20.73,13 20,13V4H4V13C3.27,13 2.59,13.19 2,13.54V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",R$1="M7.5,2C5.71,3.15 4.5,5.18 4.5,7.5C4.5,9.82 5.71,11.85 7.53,13C4.46,13 2,10.54 2,7.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 7.5,2M19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L4.93,20.5L3.5,19.07L19.07,3.5M12.89,5.93L11.41,5L9.97,6L10.39,4.3L9,3.24L10.75,3.12L11.33,1.47L12,3.1L13.73,3.13L12.38,4.26L12.89,5.93M9.59,9.54L8.43,8.81L7.31,9.59L7.65,8.27L6.56,7.44L7.92,7.35L8.37,6.06L8.88,7.33L10.24,7.36L9.19,8.23L9.59,9.54M19,13.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 13.5,19C12.28,19 11.15,18.6 10.24,17.93L17.93,10.24C18.6,11.15 19,12.28 19,13.5M14.6,20.08L17.37,18.93L17.13,22.28L14.6,20.08M18.93,17.38L20.08,14.61L22.28,17.15L18.93,17.38M20.08,12.42L18.94,9.64L22.28,9.88L20.08,12.42M9.63,18.93L12.4,20.08L9.87,22.27L9.63,18.93Z",x$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5V8H11V5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",D$1="M17 13V7H19V13H17M17 17V15H19V17H17M13 13V5C13 3.3 11.7 2 10 2S7 3.3 7 5V13C4.8 14.7 4.3 17.8 6 20S10.8 22.7 13 21 15.7 16.2 14 14C13.7 13.6 13.4 13.3 13 13M10 4C10.6 4 11 4.4 11 5V8H9V5C9 4.4 9.4 4 10 4Z",E$1="M12 14C11.7 13.6 11.4 13.3 11 13V5C11 3.3 9.7 2 8 2S5 3.3 5 5V13C2.8 14.7 2.3 17.8 4 20S8.8 22.7 11 21 13.7 16.2 12 14M9 8H7V5C7 4.5 7.5 4 8 4S9 4.5 9 5V8M18 3H16L12.8 12H14.7L15.4 10H18.6L19.3 12H21.2L18 3M15.8 8.7L17 5L18.2 8.7H15.8Z",N$1="M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4M18 8V11.79L15.71 9.5L15 10.21L17.79 13L15 15.79L15.71 16.5L18 14.21V18H18.5L21.35 15.14L19.21 13L21.35 10.85L18.5 8H18M19 9.91L19.94 10.85L19 11.79V9.91M19 14.21L19.94 15.14L19 16.08V14.21Z",W$1="M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M16.25 15.16L13.5 12.16L14.66 11L16.25 12.59L19.84 9L21 10.41L16.25 15.16",I$1="M17.41 12.17L14.24 9L12.83 10.41L17.41 15L22 10.41L20.58 9M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4Z",G$1="M17.41 11.83L20.58 15L22 13.59L17.41 9L12.82 13.59L14.24 15L17.41 11.83M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4Z",Q$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5H11A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",U$1="M17 3H21V5H17V3M17 7H21V9H17V7M17 11H21V13H17.75L17 12.1V11M21 15V17H19C19 16.31 18.9 15.63 18.71 15H21M7 3V5H3V3H7M7 7V9H3V7H7M7 11V12.1L6.25 13H3V11H7M3 15H5.29C5.1 15.63 5 16.31 5 17H3V15M15 13V5C15 3.34 13.66 2 12 2S9 3.34 9 5V13C6.79 14.66 6.34 17.79 8 20S12.79 22.66 15 21 17.66 16.21 16 14C15.72 13.62 15.38 13.28 15 13M12 4C12.55 4 13 4.45 13 5V8H11V5C11 4.45 11.45 4 12 4Z",z$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5V12H11V5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",_$1="M22 11H14V13H22V11M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4Z",K$1="M11 7.8L9 5.8V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2S15 3.34 15 5V11.8L11.2 8H13V5C13 4.45 12.55 4 12 4S11 4.45 11 5V7.8M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9 10.89V13C6.79 14.66 6.34 17.79 8 20C9.66 22.21 12.79 22.66 15 21C15.84 20.37 16.4 19.5 16.71 18.6L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46Z",j$1="M19 11V8H17V11H14V13H17V16H19V13H22V11M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4Z",q$1="M19.47 3.47L13.47 9.47L10.53 10C10.22 10.03 9.94 10.18 9.72 10.4L2.81 17.31C1.74 18.38 1.74 20.12 2.81 21.2C3.88 22.27 5.62 22.27 6.7 21.2L13.61 14.29C13.83 14.07 14 13.79 14.03 13.5L14.54 10.54L20.54 4.54L22 2L19.47 3.47M11 14.38C10.24 14.38 9.62 13.76 9.62 13S10.24 11.62 11 11.62 12.38 12.24 12.38 13C12.37 13.76 11.76 14.38 11 14.38Z",$$1="M2 3.64L9.24 10.88L2.81 17.31C1.74 18.38 1.74 20.12 2.81 21.2C3.88 22.27 5.62 22.27 6.7 21.2L13.13 14.77L20.73 22.37L22 21.1L3.27 2.37L2 3.64M10.23 11.86L12.14 13.77C11.89 14.14 11.47 14.38 11 14.38C10.24 14.38 9.62 13.76 9.62 13C9.62 12.53 9.86 12.11 10.23 11.86M14.46 11L13 9.55L13.47 9.47L19.47 3.47L22 2L20.54 4.54L14.54 10.54L14.46 11Z",X$1="M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M18 7C18 7 14 11.34 14 14.07C14 19.31 22 19.31 22 14.07C22 11.34 18 7 18 7Z",Y$1="M16.95,16.95L14.83,14.83C15.55,14.1 16,13.1 16,12C16,11.26 15.79,10.57 15.43,10L17.6,7.81C18.5,9 19,10.43 19,12C19,13.93 18.22,15.68 16.95,16.95M12,5C13.57,5 15,5.5 16.19,6.4L14,8.56C13.43,8.21 12.74,8 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.1 8.45,14.1 9.17,14.83L7.05,16.95C5.78,15.68 5,13.93 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",J$1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22C12.4 22 12.7 22 13.1 21.9L15.4 15.3L14.8 14.7C15.5 14 16 13 16 11.9C16 11.2 15.8 10.5 15.4 9.9L17.6 7.7C18.5 9 19 10.4 19 12H20C20.3 12 20.6 12.1 20.8 12.2C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.2 20.9 12.3C21.3 12.5 21.7 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 12.9 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M14 8.6C13.4 8.2 12.7 8 12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.1 8.4 14.1 9.2 14.8L7.1 16.9C5.8 15.7 5 13.9 5 12C5 8.1 8.1 5 12 5C13.6 5 15 5.5 16.2 6.4L14 8.6M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8Z",CX1="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M12,5C13.57,5 15,5.5 16.19,6.4L14,8.56C13.43,8.21 12.74,8 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.1 8.45,14.1 9.17,14.83L7.05,16.95C5.78,15.68 5,13.93 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M17.6,7.81C18.5,9 19,10.43 19,12C19,13.93 18.22,15.68 16.95,16.95L14.83,14.83C15.55,14.1 16,13.1 16,12C16,11.26 15.79,10.57 15.43,10L17.6,7.81Z",HX1="M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8M15.4 15.4L14.8 14.8C15.5 14.1 16 13.1 16 12C16 11.3 15.8 10.6 15.4 10L17.6 7.8C18.5 9 19 10.4 19 12H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13.4L15.4 15.4M9.2 14.8L7 17C5.7 15.7 5 14 5 12C5 8.1 8.1 5 12 5C13.6 5 15 5.5 16.2 6.4L14 8.6C13.4 8.2 12.7 8 12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.1 8.5 14.1 9.2 14.8Z",VX1="M22 12.66C21.07 12.24 20.07 12 19 12C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L15.43 10C15.79 10.57 16 11.26 16 12C16 12.24 16 12.5 15.94 12.7C13.61 13.84 12 16.23 12 19C12 20.07 12.24 21.07 12.66 22C12.44 22 12.22 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.47 22 12C22 12.22 22 12.44 22 12.66M12 5C10.14 5 8.36 5.74 7.05 7.05C5.74 8.36 5 10.14 5 12C5 13.93 5.78 15.68 7.05 16.95L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.1 8 13.1 8 12C8 10.94 8.42 9.92 9.17 9.17C9.92 8.42 10.94 8 12 8C12.74 8 13.43 8.21 14 8.56L16.19 6.4C15 5.5 13.57 5 12 5M23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.87 20.39 23.77 20.32L22.72 19.5C22.74 19.33 22.75 19.16 22.75 19C22.75 18.84 22.74 18.67 22.72 18.5L23.77 17.68C23.87 17.61 23.89 17.5 23.83 17.36L22.83 15.64C22.77 15.53 22.64 15.5 22.53 15.53L21.28 16L21.14 15.91C20.91 15.77 20.7 15.64 20.44 15.54L20.25 14.21C20.23 14.09 20.13 14 20 14H18C17.88 14 17.77 14.09 17.75 14.21L17.57 15.54C17.3 15.64 17.09 15.78 16.86 15.92L16.72 16L15.5 15.53C15.37 15.5 15.23 15.53 15.17 15.64L14.17 17.36C14.11 17.5 14.14 17.61 14.23 17.68L15.29 18.5L15.29 18.53C15.27 18.69 15.25 18.84 15.25 19C15.25 19.16 15.27 19.31 15.29 19.47C15.29 19.5 15.29 19.5 15.29 19.5L14.23 20.32C14.14 20.39 14.11 20.53 14.17 20.64L15.17 22.37C15.23 22.5 15.37 22.5 15.5 22.5L16.72 21.97C17 22.17 17.25 22.34 17.57 22.47L17.75 23.79C17.77 23.91 17.88 24 18 24H20C20.13 24 20.23 23.91 20.25 23.79L20.44 22.47C20.75 22.34 21 22.17 21.28 21.97L22.53 22.5C22.64 22.5 22.77 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64M19 17.25C19.97 17.25 20.75 18.03 20.75 19C20.75 19.97 19.96 20.75 19 20.75C18.04 20.75 17.25 19.97 17.25 19C17.25 18.03 18.03 17.25 19 17.25Z",LX1="M3.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,22A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,19M8.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,16M14.5,15C13.31,15 12.23,14.5 11.5,13.65C10.77,14.5 9.69,15 8.5,15C6.54,15 4.91,13.59 4.57,11.74C3.07,11.16 2,9.7 2,8A4,4 0 0,1 6,4C6.26,4 6.5,4.03 6.77,4.07C7.5,3.41 8.45,3 9.5,3C10.69,3 11.77,3.5 12.5,4.35C13.23,3.5 14.31,3 15.5,3C17.46,3 19.09,4.41 19.43,6.26C20.93,6.84 22,8.3 22,10A4,4 0 0,1 18,14L17.23,13.93C16.5,14.59 15.55,15 14.5,15Z",MX1="M3.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,22A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,19M8.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,16M14.5,15C13.31,15 12.23,14.5 11.5,13.65C10.77,14.5 9.69,15 8.5,15C6.54,15 4.91,13.59 4.57,11.74C3.07,11.16 2,9.7 2,8A4,4 0 0,1 6,4L6.77,4.07C7.5,3.41 8.45,3 9.5,3C10.69,3 11.77,3.5 12.5,4.35C13.23,3.5 14.31,3 15.5,3C17.46,3 19.09,4.41 19.43,6.26C20.93,6.84 22,8.3 22,10A4,4 0 0,1 18,14L17.23,13.93C16.5,14.59 15.55,15 14.5,15M6,6A2,2 0 0,0 4,8A2,2 0 0,0 6,10C6.33,10 6.64,9.92 6.92,9.78C6.66,10.12 6.5,10.54 6.5,11A2,2 0 0,0 8.5,13C9.1,13 9.64,12.73 10,12.31V12.31L11.47,10.63L13,12.34V12.34C13.38,12.74 13.91,13 14.5,13C15.5,13 16.33,12.26 16.5,11.3C16.84,11.73 17.39,12 18,12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10A2,2 0 0,0 18,8C17.67,8 17.36,8.08 17.08,8.22C17.34,7.88 17.5,7.46 17.5,7A2,2 0 0,0 15.5,5C14.91,5 14.38,5.26 14,5.66L12.47,7.37L11,5.69V5.69C10.64,5.27 10.1,5 9.5,5C8.5,5 7.67,5.74 7.5,6.7C7.16,6.27 6.61,6 6,6M8.5,17.5A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,18.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,19.5A1,1 0 0,0 9.5,18.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,17.5Z",AX1="M19,15H23V3H19M15,3H6C5.17,3 4.46,3.5 4.16,4.22L1.14,11.27C1.05,11.5 1,11.74 1,12V14A2,2 0 0,0 3,16H9.31L8.36,20.57C8.34,20.67 8.33,20.77 8.33,20.88C8.33,21.3 8.5,21.67 8.77,21.94L9.83,23L16.41,16.41C16.78,16.05 17,15.55 17,15V5C17,3.89 16.1,3 15,3Z",iX1="M19,15V3H23V15H19M15,3A2,2 0 0,1 17,5V15C17,15.55 16.78,16.05 16.41,16.41L9.83,23L8.77,21.94C8.5,21.67 8.33,21.3 8.33,20.88L8.36,20.57L9.31,16H3C1.89,16 1,15.1 1,14V12C1,11.74 1.05,11.5 1.14,11.27L4.16,4.22C4.46,3.5 5.17,3 6,3H15M15,5H5.97L3,12V14H11.78L10.65,19.32L15,14.97V5Z",rX1="M23,10C23,8.89 22.1,8 21,8H14.68L15.64,3.43C15.66,3.33 15.67,3.22 15.67,3.11C15.67,2.7 15.5,2.32 15.23,2.05L14.17,1L7.59,7.58C7.22,7.95 7,8.45 7,9V19A2,2 0 0,0 9,21H18C18.83,21 19.54,20.5 19.84,19.78L22.86,12.73C22.95,12.5 23,12.26 23,12V10M1,21H5V9H1V21Z",aX1="M5,9V21H1V9H5M9,21A2,2 0 0,1 7,19V9C7,8.45 7.22,7.95 7.59,7.59L14.17,1L15.23,2.06C15.5,2.33 15.67,2.7 15.67,3.11L15.64,3.43L14.69,8H21C22.11,8 23,8.9 23,10V12C23,12.26 22.95,12.5 22.86,12.73L19.84,19.78C19.54,20.5 18.83,21 18,21H9M9,19H18.03L21,12V10H12.21L13.34,4.68L9,9.03V19Z",eX1="M22.5,10H15.75C15.13,10 14.6,10.38 14.37,10.91L12.11,16.2C12.04,16.37 12,16.56 12,16.75V18A1,1 0 0,0 13,19H18.18L17.5,22.18V22.42C17.5,22.73 17.63,23 17.83,23.22L18.62,24L23.56,19.06C23.83,18.79 24,18.41 24,18V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 22.5,10M12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5H5.82L6.5,1.82V1.59C6.5,1.28 6.37,1 6.17,0.79L5.38,0L0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6V12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 1.5,14H8.25C8.87,14 9.4,13.62 9.63,13.09L11.89,7.8C11.96,7.63 12,7.44 12,7.25V6Z",dX1="M12 6C12 5.45 11.55 5 11 5H5.82L6.5 1.82L6.5 1.59C6.5 1.28 6.37 1 6.17 .79L5.38 0L.44 4.94C.17 5.21 0 5.59 0 6V12.5C0 13.33 .67 14 1.5 14H8.25C8.87 14 9.4 13.62 9.63 13.09L11.89 7.8C11.96 7.63 12 7.44 12 7.25V6M10 7.13L7.92 12H2V6.21L3.93 4.28L3.36 7H10V7.13M22.5 10H15.75C15.13 10 14.6 10.38 14.37 10.91L12.11 16.2C12.04 16.37 12 16.56 12 16.75V18C12 18.55 12.45 19 13 19H18.18L17.5 22.18L17.5 22.42C17.5 22.73 17.63 23 17.83 23.22L18.62 24L23.56 19.06C23.83 18.79 24 18.41 24 18V11.5C24 10.67 23.33 10 22.5 10M22 17.79L20.07 19.72L20.64 17H14V16.87L16.08 12H22V17.79Z",mX1="M15.58,16.8L12,14.5L8.42,16.8L9.5,12.68L6.21,10L10.46,9.74L12,5.8L13.54,9.74L17.79,10L14.5,12.68M20,12C20,10.89 20.9,10 22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12Z",tX1="M20,12A2,2 0 0,0 22,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V14C3.11,14 4,13.1 4,12A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V10A2,2 0 0,0 20,12M16.5,16.25C16.5,14.75 13.5,14 12,14C10.5,14 7.5,14.75 7.5,16.25V17H16.5V16.25M12,12.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 14.25,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,12.25Z",vX1="M13,8.5H11V6.5H13V8.5M13,13H11V11H13V13M13,17.5H11V15.5H13V17.5M22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 22,10Z",lX1="M22 10V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V10C3.11 10 4 10.9 4 12S3.11 14 2 14V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V14C20.9 14 20 13.1 20 12S20.9 10 22 10M20 8.54C18.81 9.23 18 10.53 18 12S18.81 14.77 20 15.46V18H4V15.46C5.19 14.77 6 13.47 6 12C6 10.5 5.2 9.23 4 8.54L4 6H20V8.54M11 15H13V17H11M11 11H13V13H11M11 7H13V9H11Z",oX1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4M4,6H20V8.54C18.76,9.25 18,10.57 18,12C18,13.43 18.76,14.75 20,15.46V18H4V15.46C5.24,14.75 6,13.43 6,12C6,10.57 5.24,9.25 4,8.54V6Z",nX1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12C20,10.89 20.9,10 22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4M15.5,7L17,8.5L8.5,17L7,15.5L15.5,7M8.81,7.04C9.79,7.04 10.58,7.83 10.58,8.81A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.81,10.58C7.83,10.58 7.04,9.79 7.04,8.81A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.81,7.04M15.19,13.42C16.17,13.42 16.96,14.21 16.96,15.19A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.19,16.96C14.21,16.96 13.42,16.17 13.42,15.19A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.19,13.42Z",ZX1="M14.8 8L16 9.2L9.2 16L8 14.8L14.8 8M4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V10C20.9 10 20 10.9 20 12C20 13.11 20.9 14 22 14V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V14C3.11 14 4 13.11 4 12C4 10.9 3.11 10 2 10V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4M4 6V8.54C5.24 9.26 6 10.57 6 12C6 13.43 5.24 14.75 4 15.46V18H20V15.46C18.76 14.75 18 13.43 18 12C18 10.57 18.76 9.26 20 8.54V6H4M9.5 8C10.33 8 11 8.67 11 9.5C11 10.33 10.33 11 9.5 11C8.67 11 8 10.33 8 9.5C8 8.67 8.67 8 9.5 8M14.5 13C15.33 13 16 13.67 16 14.5C16 15.33 15.33 16 14.5 16C13.67 16 13 15.33 13 14.5C13 13.67 13.67 13 14.5 13Z",SX1="M6,2L10,6L7,17L12,22L17,17L14,6L18,2Z",uX1="M2,15C2,15 2,9 8,9C12,9 12.5,12.5 15.5,12.5C19.5,12.5 19.5,9 19.5,9H22C22,9 22,15 16,15C12,15 10.5,11.5 8.5,11.5C4.5,11.5 4.5,15 4.5,15H2",cX1="M20.84 22.73L10.78 12.67C10 12.03 9.27 11.5 8.5 11.5C4.5 11.5 4.5 15 4.5 15H2C2 15 2 9.59 7.16 9.05L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L10.03 9.37L10.03 9.37L15.64 15L15.63 15L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M22 9H19.5C19.5 9 19.5 12.38 15.69 12.5L17.95 14.75C22 13.62 22 9 22 9Z",sX1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.24,7.76C15.07,6.58 13.53,6 12,6V12L7.76,16.24C10.1,18.58 13.9,18.58 16.24,16.24C18.59,13.9 18.59,10.1 16.24,7.76Z",OX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6Z",hX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M15 7V13H17V7H15M15 15V17H17V15H15Z",pX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10M15 7H17V13H15V7M15 15H17V17H15V15Z",fX1="M4 8H2V2H4V8M2 22H4V16H2V22M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M19.75 10.33L18.59 8.92L15 12.5L13.41 10.92L12.25 12.08L15 15.08L19.75 10.33Z",gX1="M22 4H10C8.9 4 8 4.89 8 6V10L6 12L8 14V18C8 19.11 8.9 20 10 20H22C23.11 20 24 19.11 24 18V6C24 4.89 23.11 4 22 4M22 18H10V6H22V18M4 8H2V2H4V8M2 16H4V22H2V16M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M15 15.08L12.25 12.08L13.41 10.92L15 12.5L18.59 8.92L19.75 10.33L15 15.08Z",kX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M16 4C20.42 4 24 7.58 24 12C24 16.42 20.42 20 16 20C12.4 20 9.36 17.62 8.35 14.35L6 12L8.35 9.65C9.36 6.38 12.4 4 16 4M15 13L19.53 15.79L20.33 14.5L16.5 12.2V7H15V13Z",BX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M16 4C20.42 4 24 7.58 24 12C24 16.42 20.42 20 16 20C12.4 20 9.36 17.62 8.35 14.35L6 12L8.35 9.65C9.36 6.38 12.4 4 16 4M16 6C12.69 6 10 8.69 10 12C10 15.31 12.69 18 16 18C19.31 18 22 15.31 22 12C22 8.69 19.31 6 16 6M15 13V8H16.5V12.2L19.5 14L18.68 15.26L15 13Z",PX1="M4 8H2V2H4V8M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M20 11H12V13H20V11M2 22H4V16H2V22M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10Z",wX1="M2 16H4V22H2V16M4 2H2V8H4V2M20 11H12V13H20V11M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M22 6H10V18H22V6Z",FX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10Z",TX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M20 11H17V8H15V11H12V13H15V16H17V13H20V11Z",bX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M20 11V13H17V16H15V13H12V11H15V8H17V11H20M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10Z",yX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M16.5 15.5H15V17H16.5V15.5M14.5 10.5V10C14.5 9.17 15.17 8.5 16 8.5C16.83 8.5 17.5 9.18 17.5 10C17.5 10.47 17.27 10.9 16.88 11.16L16.59 11.35C15.6 12 15 13.11 15 14.3V14.5H16.5V14.3C16.5 13.62 16.84 13 17.41 12.6L17.71 12.41C18.5 11.88 19 10.97 19 10C19 8.34 17.66 7 16 7C14.34 7 13 8.34 13 10V10.5H14.5Z",RX1="M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 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8.81,12.77C9.08,12.85 9.31,12.96 9.5,13.12C9.69,13.28 9.84,13.5 9.94,13.73C10.04,13.97 10.1,14.27 10.1,14.6C10.1,15.22 9.92,15.69 9.57,16C9.22,16.35 8.73,16.5 8.12,16.5C7.83,16.5 7.56,16.47 7.32,16.38C7.08,16.3 6.88,16.18 6.71,16C6.54,15.86 6.41,15.68 6.32,15.46C6.23,15.24 6.18,15 6.18,14.74H4.19C4.19,15.29 4.3,15.77 4.5,16.19C4.72,16.61 5,16.96 5.37,17.24C5.73,17.5 6.14,17.73 6.61,17.87C7.08,18 7.57,18.08 8.09,18.08C8.66,18.08 9.18,18 9.67,17.85C10.16,17.7 10.58,17.47 10.93,17.17C11.29,16.87 11.57,16.5 11.77,16.07C11.97,15.64 12.07,15.14 12.07,14.59C12.07,14.3 12.03,14 11.96,13.73C11.88,13.5 11.77,13.22 11.61,12.97Z",QX1="M18.45 5.97C18 5.46 17.55 5 17.04 4.56L15.62 6C14.07 4.74 12.12 4 10 4C5.03 4 1 8.03 1 13S5.03 22 10 22C15 22 19 17.97 19 13C19 10.88 18.26 8.93 17.03 7.39L18.45 5.97M11 14H9V7H11V14M13 3H7V1H13V3M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",UX1="M9 8H11V14H9V8M13 1H7V3H13V1M17.03 7.39C18.26 8.93 19 10.88 19 13C19 17.97 15 22 10 22C5.03 22 1 17.97 1 13S5.03 4 10 4C12.12 4 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16Z",nY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",ZY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",SY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M12 18.5C12 19.77 12.37 20.94 13 21.94C12.67 22 12.34 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.16 8.81 20.87 10.57 21 12.5C20.22 12.18 19.38 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M13 7H11V14H13V7M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",uY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6C15.54 6 18.45 8.62 18.93 12.03C19.65 12.08 20.34 12.23 21 12.5C20.87 10.57 20.16 8.81 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.34 22 12.67 22 13 21.94C12.63 21.35 12.35 20.69 12.18 20C12.12 20 12.06 20 12 20M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",cY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",sY1="M13.08 19.91C13.18 20.6 13.4 21.25 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C19 9.13 15.87 6 12 6S5 9.13 5 13 8.13 20 12 20C12.37 20 12.72 19.96 13.08 19.91M11 14H13V8H11V14M15 1H9V3H15V1M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",OY1="M6,2H18V8H18V8L14,12L18,16V16H18V22H6V16H6V16L10,12L6,8V8H6V2M16,16.5L12,12.5L8,16.5V20H16V16.5M12,11.5L16,7.5V4H8V7.5L12,11.5M10,6H14V6.75L12,8.75L10,6.75V6Z",hY1="M18 22H6V16L10 12L6 8V2H18V8L14 12L18 16M8 7.5L12 11.5L16 7.5V4H8M12 12.5L8 16.5V20H16V16.5M14 18H10V17.2L12 15.2L14 17.2Z",pY1="M6,2V8H6V8L10,12L6,16V16H6V22H18V16H18V16L14,12L18,8V8H18V2H6M16,16.5V20H8V16.5L12,12.5L16,16.5M12,11.5L8,7.5V4H16V7.5L12,11.5Z",fY1="M6,2V8H6V8L10,12L6,16V16H6V22H18V16H18V16L14,12L18,8V8H18V2H6Z",gY1="M22 6V18H16L12 14L8 18H2V6H8L12 10L16 6M7.5 16L11.5 12L7.5 8H4V16M12.5 12L16.5 16H20V8H16.5M18 12V14H17.2L15.2 12M8.8 12L6.8 14H6V12Z",kY1="M19 6.4L20.5 5C20 4.5 19.5 4 19 3.6L17.6 5C16 3.7 14.1 3 12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21C17 21 21 17 21 12C21 9.9 20.3 7.9 19 6.4M13 13H11V6H13V13M15 0H9V2H15V0M13 24H11V22H13V24M17 24H15V22H17V24M9 24H7V22H9V24Z",BY1="M12 19C8.1 19 5 15.9 5 12S8.1 5 12 5 19 8.1 19 12 15.9 19 12 19M19 6.4L20.5 5C20 4.5 19.5 4 19 3.6L17.6 5C16 3.7 14.1 3 12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21C17 21 21 17 21 12C21 9.9 20.3 7.9 19 6.4M11 13H13V7H11M15 0H9V2H15V0M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",PY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",wY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",FY1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.26 21 13 20.03 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 14H11V7H13V14M15 3H9V1H15V3M21.5 16.5V21.5H16.5V16.5H21.5Z",TY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M15 1H9V3H15V1M16.5 16.5V21.5H21.5V16.5H16.5Z",bY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 17.5C13 19.08 13.56 20.5 14.5 21.65C13.7 21.87 12.87 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C19.89 8.46 20.5 9.74 20.8 11.13C20.38 11.05 19.94 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M13 7H11V14H13V7M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",yY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6C15.19 6 17.88 8.14 18.72 11.05C19 11 19.24 11 19.5 11C19.94 11 20.38 11.05 20.8 11.13C20.5 9.74 19.89 8.46 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.87 22 13.7 21.87 14.5 21.65C14.05 21.11 13.7 20.5 13.45 19.85C13 19.95 12.5 20 12 20M15 1H9V3H15V1M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",RY1="M14,12H15.5V14.82L17.94,16.23L17.19,17.53L14,15.69V12M4,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V10.1C21.24,11.36 22,13.09 22,15A7,7 0 0,1 15,22C13.09,22 11.36,21.24 10.1,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,15V18H8.67C8.24,17.09 8,16.07 8,15H4M4,8H10V5H4V8M18,8V5H12V8H18M4,13H8.29C8.63,11.85 9.26,10.82 10.1,10H4V13M15,10.15A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 10.15,15C10.15,17.68 12.32,19.85 15,19.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 19.85,15C19.85,12.32 17.68,10.15 15,10.15Z",xY1="M19.66 9.64L19.3 8.7L21.16 8C20.24 5.88 18.6 4.18 16.54 3.14L15.74 4.92L14.82 4.5L15.62 2.7C14.5 2.26 13.28 2 12 2C10.94 2 9.92 2.22 8.96 2.5L9.64 4.34L8.7 4.7L8 2.84C5.88 3.76 4.18 5.4 3.14 7.46L4.92 8.26L4.5 9.18L2.7 8.38C2.26 9.5 2 10.72 2 12C2 13.06 2.22 14.08 2.5 15.04L4.34 14.36L4.7 15.3L2.84 16C3.76 18.12 5.4 19.82 7.46 20.86L8.26 19.08L9.18 19.5L8.38 21.3C9.5 21.74 10.72 22 12 22C13.06 22 14.08 21.78 15.04 21.5L14.36 19.66L15.3 19.3L16 21.16C18.12 20.24 19.82 18.6 20.86 16.54L19.08 15.74L19.5 14.82L21.3 15.62C21.74 14.5 22 13.28 22 12C22 10.94 21.78 9.92 21.5 8.96L19.66 9.64M14.3 17.54C11.24 18.8 7.72 17.36 6.46 14.3S6.64 7.72 9.7 6.46 16.28 6.64 17.54 9.7C18.82 12.76 17.36 16.28 14.3 17.54Z",DY1="M21 11A2 2 0 0 0 19 9H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 11H2V13H3V20H21V13H22V11M17 15A2 2 0 1 1 19 13A2 2 0 0 1 17 15M18 8H6C6.33 5.75 8.88 4 12 4S17.63 5.75 18 8Z",EY1="M20.8 22.7L18.1 20H3V13H2V11H3C3 9.9 3.9 9 5 9H7.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15.3 12.1C15.6 11.5 16.3 11 17 11C18.1 11 19 11.9 19 13C19 13.8 18.6 14.4 17.9 14.7L21 17.8V13H22V11H21C21 9.9 20.1 9 19 9H12.2L15.3 12.1M18 8C17.6 5.8 15.1 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.2 4.4 8.2 5L11.2 8H18Z",NY1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H16V17H4V7M19,7A1,1 0 0,1 20,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,7M6,9V11H14V9H6M19,11A1,1 0 0,1 20,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,11Z",WY1="M17,7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M17,15A3,3 0 0,1 14,12A3,3 0 0,1 17,9A3,3 0 0,1 20,12A3,3 0 0,1 17,15Z",IY1="M17,7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M7,15A3,3 0 0,1 4,12A3,3 0 0,1 7,9A3,3 0 0,1 10,12A3,3 0 0,1 7,15Z",GY1="M17 6H7c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6h10c3.31 0 6-2.69 6-6s-2.69-6-6-6zm0 10H7c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4h10c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4s-1.79 4-4 4zM7 9c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z",QY1="M17 6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18H17C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M17 16H7C4.79 16 3 14.21 3 12S4.79 8 7 8H17C19.21 8 21 9.79 21 12S19.21 16 17 16M17 9C15.34 9 14 10.34 14 12S15.34 15 17 15 20 13.66 20 12 18.66 9 17 9Z",UY1="M18.4 1.6C18 1.2 17.5 1 17 1H7C6.5 1 6 1.2 5.6 1.6C5.2 2 5 2.5 5 3V21C5 21.5 5.2 22 5.6 22.4C6 22.8 6.5 23 7 23H17C17.5 23 18 22.8 18.4 22.4C18.8 22 19 21.5 19 21V3C19 2.5 18.8 2 18.4 1.6M16 7C16 7.6 15.6 8 15 8H9C8.4 8 8 7.6 8 7V5C8 4.4 8.4 4 9 4H15C15.6 4 16 4.4 16 5V7Z",zY1="M5.6 1.6C6 1.2 6.5 1 7 1H17C17.5 1 18 1.2 18.4 1.6C18.8 2 19 2.5 19 3V21C19 21.5 18.8 22 18.4 22.4C18 22.8 17.5 23 17 23H7C6.5 23 6 22.8 5.6 22.4C5.2 22 5 21.5 5 21V3C5 2.5 5.2 2 5.6 1.6M8 3C7.4 3 7 3.4 7 4V20C7 20.6 7.4 21 8 21H16C16.6 21 17 20.6 17 20V4C17 3.4 16.6 3 16 3H8M8 17C8 16.4 8.4 16 9 16H15C15.6 16 16 16.4 16 17V19C16 19.6 15.6 20 15 20H9C8.4 20 8 19.6 8 19V17Z",_Y1="M9,22H17V19.5C19.41,17.87 21,15.12 21,12V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2H15C13.89,2 13,2.9 13,4V12H3C3,15.09 5,18 9,19.5V22M5.29,14H18.71C18.14,15.91 16.77,17.5 15,18.33V20H11V18.33C9,18 5.86,15.91 5.29,14M15,4H19V12H15V4M16,5V8H18V5H16Z",KY1="M18 16H16V15H8V16H6V15H2V20H22V15H18V16M20 8H17V6C17 4.9 16.1 4 15 4H9C7.9 4 7 4.9 7 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V14H6V12H8V14H16V12H18V14H22V10C22 8.9 21.1 8 20 8M15 8H9V6H15V8Z",jY1="M20 8H17V6C17 4.9 16.1 4 15 4H9C7.9 4 7 4.9 7 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20H22V10C22 8.9 21.1 8 20 8M9 6H15V8H9V6M20 18H4V15H6V16H8V15H16V16H18V15H20V18M18 13V12H16V13H8V12H6V13H4V10H20V13H18Z",qY1="M21.71 20.29L20.29 21.71A1 1 0 0 1 18.88 21.71L7 9.85A3.81 3.81 0 0 1 6 10A4 4 0 0 1 2.22 4.7L4.76 7.24L5.29 6.71L6.71 5.29L7.24 4.76L4.7 2.22A4 4 0 0 1 10 6A3.81 3.81 0 0 1 9.85 7L21.71 18.88A1 1 0 0 1 21.71 20.29M2.29 18.88A1 1 0 0 0 2.29 20.29L3.71 21.71A1 1 0 0 0 5.12 21.71L10.59 16.25L7.76 13.42M20 2L16 4V6L13.83 8.17L15.83 10.17L18 8H20L22 4Z",$Y1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",XY1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H8L12,22L16,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M12,4.3C13.5,4.3 14.7,5.5 14.7,7C14.7,8.5 13.5,9.7 12,9.7C10.5,9.7 9.3,8.5 9.3,7C9.3,5.5 10.5,4.3 12,4.3M18,15H6V14.1C6,12.1 10,11 12,11C14,11 18,12.1 18,14.1V15Z",YY1="M9 6H15V14H9V6M22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H16L12 22L8 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4M16 5.09C16 4.5 15.5 4 14.86 4H9.14C8.5 4 8 4.5 8 5.09V14.91C8 15.5 8.5 16 9.14 16H14.86C15.5 16 16 15.5 16 14.91V5.09Z",JY1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M10.46 14L6.96 10.5L8.37 9.08L10.46 11.17L15.64 6L17.05 7.41L10.46 14Z",CJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M10.75 13.71L7.25 10.21L8.66 8.79L10.75 10.88L15.34 6.3L16.75 7.71L10.75 13.71Z",HJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M9.08 15H7V12.91L13.17 6.72L15.24 8.8L9.08 15M16.84 7.2L15.83 8.21L13.76 6.18L14.77 5.16C14.97 4.95 15.31 4.94 15.55 5.16L16.84 6.41C17.05 6.62 17.06 6.96 16.84 7.2Z",VJ1="M4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H16L12 22L8 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M4 4V16H8.83L12 19.17L15.17 16H20V4H4M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",LJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M19,15V7L15,11L13,9L7,15H19M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5Z",MJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M7.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,6M6,14L11,9L13,11L18,6V14H6Z",AJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",iJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",rJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4Z",aJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",eJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6Z",dJ1="M20 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V16C2 16.53 2.21 17.04 2.59 17.41C2.96 17.79 3.47 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C20.53 18 21.04 17.79 21.41 17.41S22 16.53 22 16V4C22 3.47 21.79 2.96 21.41 2.59C21.04 2.21 20.53 2 20 2M10.05 6.04C10.59 5.68 11.3 5.5 12.19 5.5C13.13 5.5 13.88 5.71 14.42 6.12C14.96 6.54 15.23 7.1 15.23 7.8C15.23 8.24 15.08 8.63 14.79 9C14.5 9.36 14.12 9.64 13.66 9.85C13.4 10 13.23 10.15 13.14 10.32C13.05 10.5 13 10.72 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.16 11.29 9.92C11.5 9.68 11.84 9.4 12.36 9.08C12.62 8.94 12.83 8.76 13 8.54C13.14 8.33 13.22 8.08 13.22 7.8C13.22 7.5 13.13 7.28 12.95 7.11C12.77 6.93 12.5 6.85 12.19 6.85C11.92 6.85 11.7 6.92 11.5 7.06C11.34 7.2 11.24 7.41 11.24 7.69H9.27C9.22 7 9.5 6.4 10.05 6.04M11 14V12H13V14Z",mJ1="M20 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V16C2 16.53 2.21 17.04 2.59 17.41C2.96 17.79 3.47 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C20.53 18 21.04 17.79 21.41 17.41S22 16.53 22 16V4C22 3.47 21.79 2.96 21.41 2.59C21.04 2.21 20.53 2 20 2M4 16V4H20V16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16M10.05 6.04C10.59 5.68 11.3 5.5 12.19 5.5C13.13 5.5 13.88 5.71 14.42 6.12C14.96 6.54 15.23 7.1 15.23 7.8C15.23 8.24 15.08 8.63 14.79 9C14.5 9.36 14.12 9.64 13.66 9.85C13.4 10 13.23 10.15 13.14 10.32C13.05 10.5 13 10.72 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.16 11.29 9.92C11.5 9.68 11.84 9.4 12.36 9.08C12.62 8.94 12.83 8.76 13 8.54C13.14 8.33 13.22 8.08 13.22 7.8C13.22 7.5 13.13 7.28 12.95 7.11C12.77 6.93 12.5 6.85 12.19 6.85C11.92 6.85 11.7 6.92 11.5 7.06C11.34 7.2 11.24 7.41 11.24 7.69H9.27C9.22 7 9.5 6.4 10.05 6.04M11 14V12H13V14Z",tJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M15.54 12.12L14.12 13.54L12 11.41L9.88 13.54L8.47 12.12L10.59 10L8.46 7.88L9.88 6.47L12 8.59L14.12 6.47L15.54 7.88L13.41 10L15.54 12.12Z",vJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M8.46 12.12L10.59 10L8.46 7.88L9.88 6.47L12 8.59L14.12 6.47L15.54 7.88L13.41 10L15.54 12.12L14.12 13.54L12 11.41L9.88 13.54L8.46 12.12Z",lJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M5,5V7H19V5H5M5,9V11H15V9H5M5,13V15H17V13H5Z",oJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H16V13H6V11Z",nJ1="M7,2C4,2 2,5 2,8C2,10.11 3,13 4,14C5,15 6,22 8,22C12.54,22 10,15 12,15C14,15 11.46,22 16,22C18,22 19,15 20,14C21,13 22,10.11 22,8C22,5 20,2 17,2C14,2 14,3 12,3C10,3 10,2 7,2Z",ZJ1="M7,2C4,2 2,5 2,8C2,10.11 3,13 4,14C5,15 6,22 8,22C12.54,22 10,15 12,15C14,15 11.46,22 16,22C18,22 19,15 20,14C21,13 22,10.11 22,8C22,5 20,2 17,2C14,2 14,3 12,3C10,3 10,2 7,2M7,4C9,4 10,5 12,5C14,5 15,4 17,4C18.67,4 20,6 20,8C20,9.75 19.14,12.11 18.19,13.06C17.33,13.92 16.06,19.94 15.5,19.94C15.29,19.94 15,18.88 15,17.59C15,15.55 14.43,13 12,13C9.57,13 9,15.55 9,17.59C9,18.88 8.71,19.94 8.5,19.94C7.94,19.94 6.67,13.92 5.81,13.06C4.86,12.11 4,9.75 4,8C4,6 5.33,4 7,4Z",SJ1="M12.91 6.43L15.03 8.55L16.09 7.5L15.03 6.43L17.86 3.6L18.92 4.66L20 3.6L17.86 1.5M3 20.57L4.43 22L14.5 11.9L16.63 11.19L21.4 6.43C22.18 5.65 22.18 4.38 21.4 3.6L15.55 9.44L13.43 10.15Z",uJ1="M12 1.5V14C10.34 14 9 15.34 9 17V22H17V17C17 15.34 15.66 14 14 14V3.5C14 2.4 13.11 1.5 12 1.5M7.5 2V9H11V7.5H9V3.5H11V2H7.5M13 17.5C13.83 17.5 14.5 18.17 14.5 19C14.5 19.83 13.83 20.5 13 20.5C12.17 20.5 11.5 19.83 11.5 19C11.5 18.17 12.17 17.5 13 17.5Z",cJ1="M17.86 1.5L12.91 6.43L15.03 8.55L16.09 7.5L15.03 6.43L17.86 3.6L18.92 4.66L20 3.6M21.4 3.6L15.56 9.44L13.43 10.15L3 20.57L4.43 22L10.08 16.33L14.33 20.57L18.57 16.33L14.33 12.09L14.5 11.9L16.63 11.19L21.4 6.43C22.18 5.65 22.18 4.38 21.4 3.6M6.55 4.31L2.31 8.55L7.26 13.5L11.5 9.26M18.22 18.1L16.09 20.22L17.5 21.63L19.63 19.5Z",sJ1="M8.6 9.6C9 10.2 9.5 10.7 10.2 11H14.2C14.5 10.9 14.7 10.7 14.9 10.5C15.9 9.5 16.3 8 15.8 6.7L15.7 6.5C15.6 6.2 15.4 6 15.2 5.8C15.1 5.6 14.9 5.5 14.8 5.3C14.4 5 14 4.7 13.6 4.3C12.7 3.4 12.6 2 13.1 1C12.6 1.1 12.1 1.4 11.7 1.8C10.2 3 9.6 5.1 10.3 7V7.2C10.3 7.3 10.2 7.4 10.1 7.5C10 7.6 9.8 7.5 9.7 7.4L9.6 7.3C9 6.5 8.9 5.3 9.3 4.3C8.4 5.1 7.9 6.4 8 7.7C8 8 8.1 8.3 8.2 8.6C8.2 8.9 8.4 9.3 8.6 9.6M12.3 8.1C12.4 7.6 12.2 7.2 12.1 6.8C12 6.4 12 6 12.2 5.6L12.5 6.2C12.9 6.8 13.6 7 13.8 7.8V8.1C13.8 8.6 13.6 9.1 13.3 9.4C13.1 9.5 12.9 9.7 12.7 9.7C12.1 9.9 11.4 9.6 11 9.2C11.8 9.2 12.2 8.6 12.3 8.1M15 12V14H14L13 22H11L10 14H9V12H15Z",OJ1="M19.31,5.6C18.09,5.56 16.88,6.5 16.5,8C16,10 16,10 15,11C13,13 10,14 4,15C3,15.16 2.5,15.5 2,16C4,16 6,16 4.5,17.5L3,19H6L8,17C10,18 11.33,18 13.33,17L14,19H17L16,16C16,16 17,12 18,11C19,10 19,11 20,11C21,11 22,10 22,8.5C22,8 22,7 20.5,6C20.15,5.76 19.74,5.62 19.31,5.6M9,6A6,6 0 0,0 3,12C3,12.6 3.13,13.08 3.23,13.6C9.15,12.62 12.29,11.59 13.93,9.94L14.43,9.44C13.44,7.34 11.32,6 9,6Z",hJ1="M20 10V7L17 4H7L4 7V10C2.9 10 2 10.9 2 12S2.9 14 4 14V18C4 19.1 4.9 20 6 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V14C21.11 14 22 13.11 22 12S21.11 10 20 10M12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12S9.79 8 12 8 16 9.79 16 12 14.21 16 12 16M14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14S10 13.11 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12Z",pJ1="M7 7H17V9H7V7M12.69 15.81H13.2V15H7V17H10.38L10.71 16.65C11.18 16.13 11.92 15.81 12.69 15.81M9 19H5V5H19V13.56L21 14.45V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11.33L9 19M7 13H13.2V11.73C13.2 11.5 13.25 11.24 13.31 11H7V13M15.2 19.07L12.85 17.81H12.69C12.5 17.81 12.29 17.89 12.15 18.04L11.61 18.61L15.2 21.69C15.39 21.89 15.66 22 15.93 22H20.7C21.3 22 21.78 21.5 21.8 20.9V17.7C21.8 17.28 21.57 16.89 21.18 16.71L17.55 15.11L16.67 15V11.73C16.67 11.33 16.34 11 15.93 11C15.53 11 15.2 11.33 15.2 11.73V19.07Z",fJ1="M2,2V4H7V8H2V10H7C8.11,10 9,9.11 9,8V7H14V17H9V16C9,14.89 8.11,14 7,14H2V16H7V20H2V22H7C8.11,22 9,21.11 9,20V19H14C15.11,19 16,18.11 16,17V13H22V11H16V7C16,5.89 15.11,5 14,5H9V4C9,2.89 8.11,2 7,2H2Z",gJ1="M15,10H20.39L17.06,6H15V10M17.5,18.5C17.89,18.5 18.24,18.37 18.54,18.07C18.84,17.77 19,17.42 19,17C19,16.61 18.84,16.26 18.54,15.96C18.24,15.66 17.89,15.5 17.5,15.5C17.08,15.5 16.73,15.66 16.43,15.96C16.13,16.26 16,16.61 16,17C16,17.42 16.13,17.77 16.43,18.07C16.73,18.37 17.08,18.5 17.5,18.5M6,18.5C6.44,18.5 6.8,18.37 7.08,18.07C7.36,17.77 7.5,17.42 7.5,17C7.5,16.61 7.36,16.26 7.08,15.96C6.8,15.66 6.44,15.5 6,15.5C5.56,15.5 5.2,15.66 4.92,15.96C4.64,16.26 4.5,16.61 4.5,17C4.5,17.42 4.64,17.77 4.92,18.07C5.2,18.37 5.56,18.5 6,18.5M18,4L23,10V17H20.5C20.5,17.83 20.19,18.53 19.59,19.13C19,19.72 18.3,20 17.5,20C16.67,20 15.97,19.72 15.38,19.13C14.78,18.53 14.5,17.83 14.5,17H9C9,17.83 8.7,18.53 8.11,19.13C7.5,19.72 6.81,20 6,20C5.19,20 4.5,19.72 3.89,19.13C3.3,18.53 3,17.83 3,17H1V13H9.19L3,8.11V11H1V5H2L13,11.06V4H18Z",kJ1="M17,4V8H18V10H17.64L21,23H18.93L18.37,20.83L12,17.15L5.63,20.83L5.07,23H3L6.36,10H6V8H7V4H6V3L18,1V4H17M7.28,14.43L6.33,18.12L10,16L7.28,14.43M15.57,10H8.43L7.8,12.42L12,14.85L16.2,12.42L15.57,10M17.67,18.12L16.72,14.43L14,16L17.67,18.12Z",BJ1="M17,4V8H18V10H17.64L21,23H18.93L18.37,20.83L12,17.15L5.63,20.83L5.07,23H3L6.36,10H6V8H7V4H6V3L12,1L18,3V4H17M7.28,14.43L6.33,18.12L10,16L7.28,14.43M15.57,10H8.43L7.8,12.42L12,14.85L16.2,12.42L15.57,10M17.67,18.12L16.72,14.43L14,16L17.67,18.12Z",PJ1="M21 10H17V8L12.5 6.2V4H15V2H11.5V6.2L7 8V10H3C2.45 10 2 10.45 2 11V22H10V17H14V22H22V11C22 10.45 21.55 10 21 10M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M12 8C12.55 8 13 8.45 13 9S12.55 10 12 10 11 9.55 11 9 11.45 8 12 8M14 15H10V12H14V15M20 20H16V17H20V20M20 15H16V12H20V15Z",wJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H21V6Z",FJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14.54A9.55 9.55 0 0 1 13 15.5A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 18.5 10A5.3 5.3 0 0 1 21 10.63V6M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8Z",TJ1="M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14.54A15.55 15.55 0 0 1 13.54 18H5V8H19V10A5.11 5.11 0 0 1 21 10.6V6Z",bJ1="M23 20H15V18H23V20M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6H19V5C19 3.9 18.11 3 17 3H15C13.9 3 13 3.9 13 5V6H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V6H3V20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19Z",yJ1="M13.09 20H3V6H5V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3H9C10.11 3 11 3.9 11 5V6H13V5C13 3.9 13.9 3 15 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V6H21V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V8H5V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19S13.04 19.67 13.09 20M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",RJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H21V6M19 18H5V8H19Z",xJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V6M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",DJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14V18H5V8H19V13H21V6M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15Z",EJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V6M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",NJ1="M19 6V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H15C13.9 3 13 3.9 13 5V6H11V5C11 3.9 10.1 3 9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V6H3V20H14V18H5V8H19V13H21V6M17.88 15.46L20 17.59L22.12 15.47L23.54 16.88L21.41 19L23.54 21.12L22.12 22.54L20 20.41L17.88 22.54L16.46 21.12L18.59 19L16.47 16.88",WJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H11.81A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 10.81V6M20.31 17.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21M16.5 18A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 19 15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 16.5 18Z",IJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H11.81A6.59 6.59 0 0 1 10.5 18H5V8H19V9.5A6.59 6.59 0 0 1 21 10.81V6M20.31 17.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21M16.5 18A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 19 15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 16.5 18Z",GJ1="M6,1V3H9V6.4L4.11,4.38L1.43,10.84L6.97,13.14L11.94,16.82L13.79,17.59L17.62,8.35L15.77,7.58L11,6.87V3H14V1H6M21.81,6.29L19.5,7.25L20.26,9.1L22.57,8.14L21.81,6.29M19.78,13.57L19,15.42L21.79,16.57L22.55,14.72L19.78,13.57M16.19,18.93L14.34,19.69L15.3,22L17.15,21.23L16.19,18.93Z",QJ1="M19.78 13.57L22.55 14.72L21.79 16.57L19 15.42L19.78 13.57M22.57 8.14L21.81 6.29L19.5 7.25L20.26 9.1L22.57 8.14M14.34 19.69L15.3 22L17.15 21.23L16.19 18.93L14.34 19.69M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.64 5.53L1.43 10.84L6.97 13.14L11.94 16.82L13.79 17.59L14.35 16.24L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6.2 3L6 2.8V1H14V3H11V6.87L15.77 7.58L17.62 8.35L15.84 12.64L9 5.8V3H6.2Z",UJ1="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,5V13H20V5H4M4,19H11V15H4V19M20,19V15H13V19H20Z",zJ1="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V17C1,18.11 1.89,19 3,19H14V17H12V13H16.68C17.5,12.35 18.47,12 19.5,12C20,12 20.5,12.09 21,12.26V3C21,1.89 20.11,1 19,1H3M3,3H19V11H3V3M3,13H10V17H3V13M19.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17,16.5V17A1,1 0 0,0 16,18V22A1,1 0 0,0 17,23H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,22V18A1,1 0 0,0 22,17V16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,14M19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,16.5V17H18V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15Z",_J1="M5,4V11.26C3.2,11.9 2,13.6 2,15.5C2,18 4,20 6.5,20C8.79,20 10.71,18.28 10.97,16H15.17C15.06,16.32 15,16.66 15,17A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17C21,16.66 20.94,16.32 20.82,16H22V13C22,11.89 21.11,11 20,11H15.04L13.65,4H5M7,6H12L13,11V14H10.74C10.16,12.38 8.71,11.23 7,11.03V6M6.5,13.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 8.75,15.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 6.5,17.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 4.25,15.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 6.5,13.25M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",KJ1="M13.3 2.79L9.8 6.29L10.5 7L11.9 5.61L13 6.71V9C13 10.11 12.11 11 11 11H10.46A6 6 0 0 1 12 15A6 6 0 0 1 11.91 16H15.03A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 19.5 12A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 22 12.76V8C22 6.89 21.11 6 20 6H13.71L12.61 4.9L14 3.5L13.3 2.79M4 7C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H9C9 7.9 8.11 7 7 7H4M6 10A5 5 0 0 0 4.44 10.25L4.8 11.18L4.33 11.36L4 10.43A5 5 0 0 0 1.54 12.74L2.45 13.15L2.24 13.6L1.34 13.2A5 5 0 0 0 1 15A5 5 0 0 0 1.25 16.56L2.18 16.2L2.36 16.67L1.43 17A5 5 0 0 0 3.74 19.46L4.14 18.55L4.6 18.76L4.2 19.66A5 5 0 0 0 6 20A5 5 0 0 0 7.56 19.75L7.2 18.82L7.67 18.64L8 19.57A5 5 0 0 0 10.46 17.26L9.55 16.86L9.76 16.4L10.66 16.8A5 5 0 0 0 11 15A5 5 0 0 0 10.75 13.44L9.82 13.8L9.64 13.33L10.57 13A5 5 0 0 0 8.26 10.54L7.86 11.45L7.4 11.24L7.8 10.34A5 5 0 0 0 6 10M6 12A3 3 0 0 1 9 15A3 3 0 0 1 6 18A3 3 0 0 1 3 15A3 3 0 0 1 6 12M19.5 13A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 16 16.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 19.5 20A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 23 16.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 19.5 13M19.5 15A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 21 16.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 18A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 16.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 15Z",jJ1="M9.8,8.44H6.87V16H4.89V8.44H2V7H9.8V8.44M13.5,7L15.96,13.5L18.41,7H21V16H19V13.5L19.22,9.24L16.63,16H15.28L12.7,9.25L12.9,13.5V16H10.93V7H13.5Z",qJ1="M17 15L18 19H21V22H3V19H6L7 15H17M15 8L16 12H8L9 8H15M13 1L14 5H10L11 1H13Z",$J1="M12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7C10,5.89 10.9,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,5.89 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12C10,10.89 10.9,10 12,10C13.11,10 14,10.89 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M12,19A2,2 0 0,1 10,17C10,15.89 10.9,15 12,15C13.11,15 14,15.89 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,19M20,10H17V8.86C18.72,8.41 20,6.86 20,5H17V4A1,1 0 0,0 16,3H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,4V5H4C4,6.86 5.28,8.41 7,8.86V10H4C4,11.86 5.28,13.41 7,13.86V15H4C4,16.86 5.28,18.41 7,18.86V20A1,1 0 0,0 8,21H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,20V18.86C18.72,18.41 20,16.86 20,15H17V13.86C18.72,13.41 20,11.86 20,10Z",XJ1="M20 10H17V8.86C18.72 8.41 20 6.86 20 5H17V4C17 3.45 16.55 3 16 3H8C7.45 3 7 3.45 7 4V5H4C4 6.86 5.28 8.41 7 8.86V10H4C4 11.86 5.28 13.41 7 13.86V15H4C4 16.86 5.28 18.41 7 18.86V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H16C16.55 21 17 20.55 17 20V18.86C18.72 18.41 20 16.86 20 15H17V13.86C18.72 13.41 20 11.86 20 10M15 19H9V5H15V19M12 18C12.83 18 13.5 17.33 13.5 16.5S12.83 15 12 15 10.5 15.67 10.5 16.5 11.17 18 12 18M12 13.5C12.83 13.5 13.5 12.83 13.5 12S12.83 10.5 12 10.5 10.5 11.17 10.5 12 11.17 13.5 12 13.5M12 9C12.83 9 13.5 8.33 13.5 7.5S12.83 6 12 6 10.5 6.67 10.5 7.5 11.17 9 12 9Z",YJ1="M12,2C8,2 4,2.5 4,6V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H8.23L10.23,19H14L16,21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M11,10H6V6H11V10M13,10V6H18V10H13M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17Z",JJ1="M5 2H12C12.8 2 13.56 2.32 14.12 2.88C14.68 3.44 15 4.2 15 5V6H13V4H4V11H9V16H8L5 19H4V17L5 16C4.2 16 3.44 15.68 2.88 15.12C2.32 14.56 2 13.8 2 13V5C2 4.2 2.32 3.44 2.88 2.88C3.44 2.32 4.2 2 5 2M5.71 12.29C5.5 12.11 5.27 12 5 12C4.74 12 4.5 12.11 4.29 12.29C4.11 12.5 4 12.74 4 13C4 13.27 4.11 13.5 4.29 13.71C4.5 13.9 4.74 14 5 14C5.27 14 5.5 13.9 5.71 13.71C5.9 13.5 6 13.27 6 13C6 12.74 5.9 12.5 5.71 12.29M11 11C11 9.34 12 8 15 8H18C21 8 22 9.34 22 11V18C22 18.74 21.6 19.39 21 19.73V21C21 21.55 20.55 22 20 22C19.45 22 19 21.55 19 21V20H14V21C14 21.55 13.55 22 13 22C12.45 22 12 21.55 12 21V19.73C11.4 19.39 11 18.74 11 18V11M13 10V14H20V10H13M14 18C14.55 18 15 17.55 15 17C15 16.45 14.55 16 14 16C13.45 16 13 16.45 13 17C13 17.55 13.45 18 14 18M20 17C20 16.45 19.55 16 19 16C18.45 16 18 16.45 18 17C18 17.55 18.45 18 19 18C19.55 18 20 17.55 20 17Z",C12="M12,4H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,7V15A3,3 0 0,0 5,18L4,19V20H5L7,17.97L9,18V13H4V6H13V8H15V7A3,3 0 0,0 12,4M5,14A1,1 0 0,1 6,15A1,1 0 0,1 5,16A1,1 0 0,1 4,15A1,1 0 0,1 5,14M20.57,9.66C20.43,9.26 20.05,9 19.6,9H12.41C11.95,9 11.58,9.26 11.43,9.66L10,13.77V19.28C10,19.66 10.32,20 10.7,20H11.32C11.7,20 12,19.62 12,19.24V18H20V19.24C20,19.62 20.31,20 20.69,20H21.3C21.68,20 22,19.66 22,19.28V17.91L22,13.77L20.57,9.66M12.41,10H19.6L20.63,13H11.38L12.41,10M12,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,16M20,16A1,1 0 0,1 19,15A1,1 0 0,1 20,14A1,1 0 0,1 21,15A1,1 0 0,1 20,16Z",H12="M21 6H3C1.9 6 1 6.9 1 8V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8C23 6.9 22.11 6 21 6M7.58 12.18C8.19 12.18 8.68 12.68 8.68 13.29S8.19 14.39 7.58 14.39C6.97 14.39 6.47 13.9 6.47 13.29S6.97 12.18 7.58 12.18M7.03 11.08L8.68 9.61H11.63L14.58 11.08H7.03M9.66 14.03H14.34C14.5 14.42 14.74 14.75 15.05 15H8.95C9.26 14.75 9.5 14.42 9.66 14.03M15.32 13.29C15.32 12.68 15.81 12.18 16.42 12.18C17.03 12.18 17.53 12.68 17.53 13.29S17.03 14.39 16.42 14.39C15.81 14.4 15.32 13.9 15.32 13.29M17.79 15C18.11 14.75 18.36 14.42 18.5 14.03H20.11V13.29C20.11 12.47 19.35 12.21 18.63 11.82L12 8.5H8.32L6.11 10.34H5.37C4.55 10.34 3.89 11 3.89 11.82V14.03H5.5C5.64 14.42 5.89 14.75 6.21 15H3V8H21V15H17.79Z",V12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1Z",L12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1M16 16H14V11H10V16H8V9H16V16Z",M12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1M16 16H8V9H16V16Z",A12="M23 9V7H15V6H16V4H8V6H9V7H1V9H2V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H22V9H23M4 15H3V9H4V15M11 12H6V9H11V12M18 12H13V9H18V12M21 15H20V9H21V15Z",i12="M23 6V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V6H3V15H21V6H23Z",r12="M23 6V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V6H3V15H21V6H23M8 12H4V14H8V12M15 12H9V14H15V12M20 12H16V14H20V12M8 9H4V11H8V9M15 9H9V11H15V9M20 9H16V11H20V9M8 6H4V8H8V6M15 6H9V8H15V6M20 6H16V8H20V6Z",a12="M1 6V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V6H1M21 15H19V9H17V15H15V9H13V15H11V9H9V15H7V9H5V15H3V8H21V15Z",e12="M23 15V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V15H23Z",d12="M23 13V10C23 8.89 22.11 8 21 8H19L16 4H6L3 8C1.89 8 1 8.89 1 10V13H3C3 13.77 3.3 14.47 3.78 15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H20.22C20.7 14.47 21 13.77 21 13H23M19.5 13C19.5 13.83 18.83 14.5 18 14.5S16.5 13.83 16.5 13 17.17 11.5 18 11.5 19.5 12.17 19.5 13M12 5.5H15.25L17.14 8H12V5.5M15.78 15H8.22C8.7 14.47 9 13.77 9 13H15C15 13.77 15.3 14.47 15.78 15M6.75 5.5H10.5V8H4.86L6.75 5.5M6 11.5C6.83 11.5 7.5 12.17 7.5 13S6.83 14.5 6 14.5 4.5 13.83 4.5 13 5.17 11.5 6 11.5Z",m12="M21.22 15C21.7 14.47 22 13.77 22 13C22 11.34 20.66 10 19 10H5C3.34 10 2 11.34 2 13C2 13.77 2.3 14.47 2.78 15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H21.22M19 12C19.55 12 20 12.45 20 13S19.55 14 19 14 18 13.55 18 13 18.45 12 19 12M12 12C12.55 12 13 12.45 13 13S12.55 14 12 14 11 13.55 11 13 11.45 12 12 12M5 12C5.55 12 6 12.45 6 13S5.55 14 5 14 4 13.55 4 13 4.45 12 5 12M13.62 6L13.22 4H22V6H13.62M20 9H4V8H6L7 3H12L13 8H20V9Z",t12="M1 10V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V10H1M21 15H19V13H17V15H15V13H13V15H11V13H9V15H7V13H5V15H3V12H21V15Z",v12="M21 10C19.04 8.19 15.74 7 12 7S4.96 8.19 3 10H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V10H21M21 15H19V13H17V15H15V13H13V15H11V13H9V15H7V13H5V15H3V12H21V15Z",l12="M1 8V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8H1M13 15V11H11V15H8V11H6V15H3V10H21V15H18V11H16V15H13Z",o12="M23 9V7H1V9L2 10.33V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H10L11 18H13L14 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H22V10.33L23 9M4 15V13L5.5 15H4M5 10V9H19V10H5M20 15H18.5L20 13V15Z",n12="M21 8C19.04 6.19 15.74 5 12 5S4.96 6.19 3 8H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8H21M13 15V11H11V15H8V11H6V15H3V10H21V15H18V11H16V15H13Z",Z12="M21 15V11H3V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H21M16 14H8V13H16V14M21 5H3V10H21V5M16 8H8V7H16V8Z",S12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M7 12H3V9H7V12M15 12H9V9H15V12M21 12H17V9H21V12Z",u12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M7 12H3V9H7V12M11 16H9V9H11V16M15 16H13V9H15V16M21 12H17V9H21V12Z",c12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M8 12H3V9H8V12M14 16H10V9H14V16M21 12H16V9H21V12Z",s12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M11 12H3V9H11V12M21 12H13V9H21V12Z",O12="M23 15V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V15H23M21 8H15V7H9V8H3C1.9 8 1 8.9 1 10V12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14H21C22.11 14 23 13.11 23 12V10C23 8.9 22.11 8 21 8Z",h12="M18,10H6V5H18M12,17C10.89,17 10,16.1 10,15C10,13.89 10.89,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17M4,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V5C20,1.5 16.42,1 12,1C7.58,1 4,1.5 4,5V15.5Z",p12="M19,16.94V8.5C19,5.71 16.39,5.1 13,5L13.75,3.5H17V2H7V3.5H11.75L11,5C7.86,5.11 5,5.73 5,8.5V16.94C5,18.39 6.19,19.6 7.59,19.91L6,21.5V22H8.23L10.23,20H14L16,22H18V21.5L16.5,20H16.42C18.11,20 19,18.63 19,16.94M12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18.5M17,14H7V9H17V14Z",f12="M9 1L5 4L7.5 6H5C5 6 2 6 2 9V19H7C7 19 7 17 9 17H22V14H18V8H22V6H10.5L13 4L9 1M4 8H9V14H4V8M11 8H16V14H11V8M4 16H5V18H4V16M9 19V19.5C9 20.88 10.12 22 11.5 22C12.5 22 13.39 21.41 13.79 20.5H15.21C15.61 21.41 16.5 22 17.5 22C18.88 22 20 20.88 20 19.5V19H9Z",g12="M20,5A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,5.89 2.89,5 4,5H20M18,17V15H12.5L10.5,17H18M6,17H8.5L15.35,10.12C15.55,9.93 15.55,9.61 15.35,9.41L13.59,7.65C13.39,7.45 13.07,7.45 12.88,7.65L6,14.53V17Z",k12="M12,23L8,19H16L12,23M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H20M18,15V13H12.5L10.5,15H18M6,15H8.5L15.35,8.12C15.55,7.93 15.55,7.61 15.35,7.42L13.59,5.65C13.39,5.45 13.07,5.45 12.88,5.65L6,12.53V15Z",B12="M8 4A2 2 0 0 0 6 6V10H8V6H16V9H13.5L17 12.5L20.5 9H18V6A2 2 0 0 0 16 4H8M3 12V14H11V12H3M3 15V17H11V15H3M13 15V17H21V15H13M3 18V20H11V18H3M13 18V20H21V18H13Z",P12="M16,3V5H8V3H16M16,7V9H8V7H16M16,11V13H8V11H16M5,15H19L12,22L5,15Z",w12="M21,16H19V8H21V16M17,16H15V8H17V16M13,16H11V8H13V16M9,5V19L2,12L9,5Z",F12="M3,8H5V16H3V8M7,8H9V16H7V8M11,8H13V16H11V8M15,19.25V4.75L22.25,12L15,19.25Z",T12="M8,21V19H16V21H8M8,17V15H16V17H8M8,13V11H16V13H8M19,9H5L12,2L19,9Z",b12="M15,12C15,10.7 14.16,9.6 13,9.18V6.82C14.16,6.4 15,5.3 15,4A3,3 0 0,0 12,1A3,3 0 0,0 9,4C9,5.3 9.84,6.4 11,6.82V9.19C9.84,9.6 9,10.7 9,12C9,13.3 9.84,14.4 11,14.82V17.18C9.84,17.6 9,18.7 9,20A3,3 0 0,0 12,23A3,3 0 0,0 15,20C15,18.7 14.16,17.6 13,17.18V14.82C14.16,14.4 15,13.3 15,12M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M12,21A1,1 0 0,1 11,20A1,1 0 0,1 12,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,20A1,1 0 0,1 12,21Z",y12="M12 9C10.7 9 9.6 9.8 9.2 11H6.8C6.4 9.8 5.3 9 4 9C2.3 9 1 10.3 1 12S2.3 15 4 15C5.3 15 6.4 14.2 6.8 13H9.2C9.6 14.2 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.2 14.8 13H17.2C17.6 14.2 18.7 15 20 15C21.7 15 23 13.7 23 12S21.7 9 20 9C18.7 9 17.6 9.8 17.2 11H14.8C14.4 9.8 13.3 9 12 9M3 12C3 11.4 3.4 11 4 11S5 11.4 5 12 4.6 13 4 13 3 12.6 3 12M21 12C21 12.6 20.6 13 20 13S19 12.6 19 12 19.4 11 20 11 21 11.4 21 12Z",R12="M18,11H14.82C14.4,9.84 13.3,9 12,9C10.7,9 9.6,9.84 9.18,11H6C5.67,11 4,10.9 4,9V8C4,6.17 5.54,6 6,6H16.18C16.6,7.16 17.7,8 19,8A3,3 0 0,0 22,5A3,3 0 0,0 19,2C17.7,2 16.6,2.84 16.18,4H6C4.39,4 2,5.06 2,8V9C2,11.94 4.39,13 6,13H9.18C9.6,14.16 10.7,15 12,15C13.3,15 14.4,14.16 14.82,13H18C18.33,13 20,13.1 20,15V16C20,17.83 18.46,18 18,18H7.82C7.4,16.84 6.3,16 5,16A3,3 0 0,0 2,19A3,3 0 0,0 5,22C6.3,22 7.4,21.16 7.82,20H18C19.61,20 22,18.93 22,16V15C22,12.07 19.61,11 18,11M19,4A1,1 0 0,1 20,5A1,1 0 0,1 19,6A1,1 0 0,1 18,5A1,1 0 0,1 19,4M5,20A1,1 0 0,1 4,19A1,1 0 0,1 5,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,19A1,1 0 0,1 5,20Z",x12="M19 3A3 3 0 0 0 16.61 4.21A11.5 11.5 0 0 0 13.75 4L13.88 6A9.47 9.47 0 0 1 16 6.13A3 3 0 1 0 19 3M19 7A1 1 0 1 1 20 6A1 1 0 0 1 19 7M8.86 7.86L7.67 6.25A11.5 11.5 0 0 1 11.6 4.37L12.1 6.31A9.5 9.5 0 0 0 8.86 7.86M21 18A3 3 0 1 1 15.69 16.11A9.47 9.47 0 0 0 8.59 13.46C8.37 13.47 8.16 13.5 7.94 13.54A3 3 0 1 1 4.39 10.06A11.54 11.54 0 0 1 6.04 7.7L7.5 9.06A9.34 9.34 0 0 0 6.5 10.41A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 7.62 11.56C7.91 11.5 8.19 11.5 8.5 11.46A11.47 11.47 0 0 1 17.46 15.05A2.96 2.96 0 0 1 18 15A3 3 0 0 1 21 18Z",D12="M21 12C21 8 18.5 4.7 15 3.5C14.7 2.1 13.5 1 12 1C10.3 1 9 2.3 9 4S10.3 7 12 7C13.1 7 14.1 6.4 14.6 5.5C17.2 6.5 19 9 19 12C19 14.9 17.2 17.5 14.6 18.5C14.1 17.6 13.1 17 12 17C10.3 17 9 18.3 9 20S10.3 23 12 23C13.5 23 14.7 21.9 15 20.5C18.5 19.3 21 15.9 21 12M12 5C11.4 5 11 4.6 11 4S11.4 3 12 3 13 3.4 13 4 12.6 5 12 5M12 21C11.4 21 11 20.6 11 20S11.4 19 12 19 13 19.4 13 20 12.6 21 12 21M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12S13.7 15 12 15 9 13.7 9 12 10.3 9 12 9Z",E12="M16.5,15.5H22V17H16.5V18.75L14,16.25L16.5,13.75V15.5M19.5,19.75V18L22,20.5L19.5,23V21.25H14V19.75H19.5M9.5,5.5A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,1.5A2,2 0 0,1 11.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,5.5M5.75,8.9L4,9.65V13H2V8.3L7.25,6.15C7.5,6.05 7.75,6 8,6C8.7,6 9.35,6.35 9.7,6.95L10.65,8.55C11.55,10 13.15,11 15,11V13C12.8,13 10.85,12 9.55,10.4L8.95,13.4L11,15.45V23H9V17L6.85,15L5.1,23H3L5.75,8.9Z",N12="M15,2A7,7 0 0,1 22,9C22,11.71 20.46,14.05 18.22,15.22C17.55,16.5 16.5,17.55 15.22,18.22C14.05,20.46 11.71,22 9,22A7,7 0 0,1 2,15C2,12.29 3.54,9.95 5.78,8.78C6.45,7.5 7.5,6.45 8.78,5.78C9.95,3.54 12.29,2 15,2M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12C4.37,12.84 4,13.87 4,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,20C10.13,20 11.16,19.63 12,19M15,16A7,7 0 0,1 8,9H8C7.37,9.84 7,10.87 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C13.13,17 14.16,16.63 15,16V16M15,4C13.87,4 12.84,4.37 12,5V5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12H19C19.63,11.16 20,10.13 20,9A5,5 0 0,0 15,4M10,9A5,5 0 0,0 15,14C15.6,14 16.17,13.9 16.7,13.7C16.9,13.17 17,12.6 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C11.4,7 10.83,7.1 10.3,7.3C10.1,7.83 10,8.4 10,9Z",W12="M15,2C16.94,2 18.59,2.7 19.95,4.05C21.3,5.41 22,7.06 22,9C22,10.56 21.5,11.96 20.58,13.2C19.64,14.43 18.44,15.27 16.97,15.7L17,15.38V15C17,12.81 16.23,10.93 14.65,9.35C13.07,7.77 11.19,7 9,7H8.63L8.3,7.03C8.73,5.56 9.57,4.36 10.8,3.42C12.04,2.5 13.44,2 15,2M9,8A7,7 0 0,1 16,15A7,7 0 0,1 9,22A7,7 0 0,1 2,15A7,7 0 0,1 9,8M9,10A5,5 0 0,0 4,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,20A5,5 0 0,0 14,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,10Z",I12="M12.87,15.07L10.33,12.56L10.36,12.53C12.1,10.59 13.34,8.36 14.07,6H17V4H10V2H8V4H1V6H12.17C11.5,7.92 10.44,9.75 9,11.35C8.07,10.32 7.3,9.19 6.69,8H4.69C5.42,9.63 6.42,11.17 7.67,12.56L2.58,17.58L4,19L9,14L12.11,17.11L12.87,15.07M18.5,10H16.5L12,22H14L15.12,19H19.87L21,22H23L18.5,10M15.88,17L17.5,12.67L19.12,17H15.88Z",G12="M12.17,5.81C11.87,6.69 11.47,7.55 11,8.39L12.35,9.74C13.11,8.5 13.71,7.18 14.13,5.81H17.16V3.75H9.94V1.69H7.87V3.75H6.37L8.43,5.81H12.17M15.53,12.91L17.03,14.41L17.67,12.69L19.08,16.47L22.39,19.77L18.7,9.94H16.64L15.53,12.91M1.31,1.31L0,2.62L1.13,3.75H0.65V5.81H3.19L5.26,7.88H4.46C5.21,9.56 6.24,11.15 7.53,12.58L2.28,17.76L3.75,19.22L8.91,14.07L12.11,17.27L12.8,15.43L14.1,16.72L12,22.31H14.06L15.22,19.22H16.6L21.38,24L22.69,22.69L1.31,1.31Z",Q12="M11 1H3C1.9 1 1 1.9 1 3V15L4 12H9V11C9 8.8 10.79 7 13 7V3C13 1.9 12.1 1 11 1M11 4L9.5 4C9.16 5.19 8.54 6.3 7.68 7.26L7.66 7.28L8.92 8.53L8.55 9.54L7 8L4.5 10.5L3.81 9.77L6.34 7.28C5.72 6.59 5.22 5.82 4.86 5H5.85C6.16 5.6 6.54 6.17 7 6.68C7.72 5.88 8.24 4.97 8.57 4L3 4V3H6.5V2H7.5V3H11V4M21 9H13C11.9 9 11 9.9 11 11V18C11 19.1 11.9 20 13 20H20L23 23V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M19.63 19L18.78 16.75H15.22L14.38 19H12.88L16.25 10H17.75L21.13 19H19.63M17 12L18.22 15.25H15.79L17 12Z",U12="M8.28,5.45L6.5,4.55L7.76,2H16.23L17.5,4.55L15.72,5.44L15,4H9L8.28,5.45M18.62,8H14.09L13.3,5H10.7L9.91,8H5.38L4.1,10.55L5.89,11.44L6.62,10H17.38L18.1,11.45L19.89,10.56L18.62,8M17.77,22H15.7L15.46,21.1L12,15.9L8.53,21.1L8.3,22H6.23L9.12,11H11.19L10.83,12.35L12,14.1L13.16,12.35L12.81,11H14.88L17.77,22M11.4,15L10.5,13.65L9.32,18.13L11.4,15M14.68,18.12L13.5,13.64L12.6,15L14.68,18.12Z",z12="M5.18 5.45L3.4 4.55L4.66 2H13.13L14.4 4.55L12.62 5.44L11.9 4H5.9L5.18 5.45M15.5 8H11L10.2 5H7.6L6.81 8H2.28L1 10.55L2.79 11.44L3.5 10H14.28L15 11.45L16.79 10.56L15.5 8M14.67 22H12.6L12.36 21.1L8.9 15.9L5.43 21.1L5.2 22H3.13L6 11H8.09L7.73 12.35L8.9 14.1L10.06 12.35L9.71 11H11.78L14.67 22M8.3 15L7.4 13.65L6.22 18.13L8.3 15M11.58 18.12L10.4 13.64L9.5 15L11.58 18.12M23 16L19 12V15H15V17H19V20L23 16Z",_12="M11.39 5.45L9.61 4.55L10.87 2H19.34L20.61 4.55L18.83 5.44L18.11 4H12.11L11.39 5.45M21.73 8H17.2L16.41 5H13.81L13 8H8.5L7.21 10.55L9 11.44L9.73 10H20.5L21.21 11.45L23 10.56L21.73 8M20.88 22H18.81L18.57 21.1L15.11 15.9L11.64 21.1L11.41 22H9.34L12.23 11H14.3L13.94 12.35L15.11 14.1L16.27 12.35L15.92 11H18L20.88 22M14.5 15L13.61 13.65L12.43 18.13L14.5 15M17.79 18.12L16.61 13.64L15.71 15L17.79 18.12M9 16L5 12V15H1V17H5V20L9 16Z",K12="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.1 8H5.4L4.1 10.5L5.9 11.4L6.6 10H8.1L9.1 11L6.2 22H8.3L8.5 21.1L12 15.9L15.5 21.1L15.7 22H17.8L17 18.8L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M9.3 18.1L10.5 13.6L11.4 14.9L9.3 18.1M14.7 18.1L12.6 15L12.8 14.7L14.1 16L14.7 18.1M14.2 11H14.9L15.1 11.9L14.2 11M14.1 8H18.6L19.9 10.6L18.1 11.5L17.4 10H13.2L10.2 7L10.7 5H13.3L14.1 8M8.4 5.2L6.9 3.7L7.8 2H16.3L17.6 4.5L15.8 5.4L15 4H9L8.4 5.2Z",j12="M9,3V4H4V6H5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V6H20V4H15V3H9M9,8H11V17H9V8M13,8H15V17H13V8Z",q12="M9,3V4H4V6H5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V6H20V4H15V3H9M7,6H17V19H7V6M9,8V17H11V8H9M13,8V17H15V8H13Z",$12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17Z",X12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M13 12H11V14H13M13 4H11V10H13Z",Y12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V12M12 15L17.55 9.54L16.13 8.13L13 11.25V2H11V11.25L7.88 8.13L6.46 9.55L12 15Z",J12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V12M12 2L6.46 7.46L7.88 8.88L11 5.75V15H13V5.75L16.13 8.88L17.55 7.45L12 2Z",C22="M18 5H6V7H18M6 9H18V11H6M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M18 13H6V15H18Z",H22="M16 10H8V8H16M2 17A2 2 0 0 0 4 19H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 17V12H20V17H4V12H2Z",V22="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M11 5H13V8H16V10H13V13H11V10H8V8H11Z",L22="M2 17A2 2 0 0 0 4 19H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 17V12H20V17H4V12H2M14.12 5.46L15.54 6.88L13.41 9L15.54 11.12L14.12 12.54L12 10.41L9.88 12.54L8.46 11.12L10.59 9L8.46 6.88L9.88 5.46L12 7.59Z",M22="M5,4H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,7V11H15V10H9V11H2V7A3,3 0 0,1 5,4M11,11H13V13H11V11M2,12H9V13L11,15H13L15,13V12H22V20H2V12Z",A22="M2 20H22V7C22 6.2 21.68 5.44 21.12 4.88C20.56 4.32 19.8 4 19 4H5C4.2 4 3.44 4.32 2.88 4.88C2.32 5.44 2 6.2 2 7V20M20 11H15V9H9V11H4V7C4 6.74 4.11 6.5 4.29 6.29C4.5 6.11 4.74 6 5 6H19C19.27 6 19.5 6.11 19.71 6.29C19.9 6.5 20 6.74 20 7V11M15 13H20V18H4V13H9L11 15H13L15 13M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",i22="M11,21V16.74C10.53,16.91 10.03,17 9.5,17C7,17 5,15 5,12.5C5,11.23 5.5,10.09 6.36,9.27C6.13,8.73 6,8.13 6,7.5C6,5 8,3 10.5,3C12.06,3 13.44,3.8 14.25,5C14.33,5 14.41,5 14.5,5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 14.5,16C14,16 13.5,15.93 13,15.79V21H11Z",r22="M10.5,3C8,3 6,5 6,7.5C6,8.11 6.13,8.71 6.37,9.27C5.5,10.12 5,11.28 5,12.5C5,15 7,17 9.5,17C10,17 10.5,16.89 11,16.72V21H13V15.77C13.5,15.91 14,16 14.5,16A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 20,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 14.5,5C14.41,5 14.33,5 14.24,5C13.41,3.76 12,3 10.5,3M10.5,5C11.82,5 12.91,6.03 13,7.35C13.46,7.12 14,7 14.5,7A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18,10.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 14.5,14C13.54,14 12.63,13.61 11.96,12.91C11.76,14.12 10.72,15 9.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 7,12.5C7,11.12 7.8,10.54 9,9.79C8.2,8.76 8,8.16 8,7.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,5Z",a22="M19.5,2H4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 2,4.5V19.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 4.5,22H19.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 22,19.5V4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,2M10.7,17.2A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 9.5,18.4H5.8C5.14,18.4 4.6,17.86 4.6,17.2V5.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 5.8,4.6H9.5C10.16,4.6 10.7,5.14 10.7,5.8V17.2M19.4,12.2C19.4,12.86 18.86,13.4 18.2,13.4H14.5C13.84,13.4 13.3,12.86 13.3,12.2V5.8C13.3,5.14 13.84,4.6 14.5,4.6H18.2C18.86,4.6 19.4,5.14 19.4,5.8V12.2Z",e22="M16,18L18.29,15.71L13.41,10.83L9.41,14.83L2,7.41L3.41,6L9.41,12L13.41,8L19.71,14.29L22,12V18H16Z",d22="M22,12L18,8V11H3V13H18V16L22,12Z",m22="M16,6L18.29,8.29L13.41,13.17L9.41,9.17L2,16.59L3.41,18L9.41,12L13.41,16L19.71,9.71L22,12V6H16Z",t22="M1,21H23L12,2",v22="M1 3H23L12 22",l22="M12 22L1 3H23M12 18L19.53 5H4.47",o22="M12,2L1,21H23M12,6L19.53,19H4.47",n22="M8 9H16L12 16",Z22="M8 15H16L12 8",S22="M22 12L17 22L7.1 6.04L4.24 12H2L7 2L16.9 17.96L19.76 12H22Z",u22="M1.5,21L12,3.5L22.5,21H1.5M12,21L17,12H7L12,21Z",c22="M18 2C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2C6.6 15 7.9 16.7 11 17V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V17C16.1 16.7 17.4 15 17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18M6 11H4V4H6V11M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",s22="M15.2 10.7L16.6 16L12 12.2L7.4 16L8.8 10.8L4.6 7.3L10 7L12 2L14 7L19.4 7.3L15.2 10.7M14 19H13V16L12 15L11 16V19H10C8.9 19 8 19.9 8 21V22H16V21C16 19.9 15.11 19 14 19Z",O22="M6.2 13C6.6 14.8 7.6 16.3 10 16.8V19.34C8 20.12 8 22 8 22H13.2L10.2 15L14.2 10L10.7 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2M6 11H4V4H6V11M17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H13.9L16.7 10L12.2 15L13.2 22H16C16 22 16 20.12 14 19.34L14 16.85C16.39 16.35 17.5 14.7 17.8 13M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",h22="M18 2C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2C6.6 15 7.9 16.7 11 17V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V17C16.1 16.7 17.4 15 17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18M6 11H4V4H6V11M16 11.5C16 13.43 15.42 15 12 15C8.59 15 8 13.43 8 11.5V6H16V11.5M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",p22="M17 4V2H7V4H2V11C2 12.1 2.9 13 4 13H7.1C7.5 14.96 9.04 16.5 11 16.9V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V16.9C14.96 16.5 16.5 14.96 16.9 13H20C21.1 13 22 12.1 22 11V4H17M4 11V6H7V11L4 11M20 11L17 11V6H20L20 11Z",f22="M17 4V2H7V4H2V11C2 12.1 2.9 13 4 13H7.1C7.5 14.96 9.04 16.5 11 16.9V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V16.9C14.96 16.5 16.5 14.96 16.9 13H20C21.1 13 22 12.1 22 11V4H17M4 11V6H7V11L4 11M15 12C15 13.65 13.65 15 12 15S9 13.65 9 12V4H15V12M20 11L17 11V6H20L20 11Z",g22="M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5M19.5,9.5L21.46,12H17V9.5M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M20,8H17V4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8Z",k22="M3 4C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8H17V4H3M8 6H10V10H8V6M17 9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17V9.5M8 12H10V14H8V12M6 15.5C6.8 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17S6.8 18.5 6 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17 5.2 15.5 6 15.5M18 15.5C18.8 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17S18.8 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17 17.2 15.5 18 15.5Z",B22="M8 12H10V14H8V12M8 7H10V11H8V7M18 18.5C18.8 18.5 19.5 17.8 19.5 17S18.8 15.5 18 15.5 16.5 16.2 16.5 17 17.2 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.5L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.8 18.5 7.5 17.8 7.5 17S6.8 15.5 6 15.5 4.5 16.2 4.5 17 5.2 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.7 19.7 20 18 20S15 18.7 15 17H9C9 18.7 7.7 20 6 20S3 18.7 3 17H1V6C1 4.9 1.9 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.8C4.3 14.4 5.2 14 6 14S7.7 14.4 8.2 15H15V6H3Z",P22="M20 8H17V4H1V17H3C3 18.66 4.34 20 6 20S9 18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M15 7H13V14H11V7H9V14H7V7H5V14H3V6H15V7M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17Z",w22="M3,4H17V8H20L23,12V17H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,20A3,3 0 0,1 15,17H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,20A3,3 0 0,1 3,17H1V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4M17,9.5V12H21.47L19.5,9.5H17M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,15.5M8,14L14,8L12.59,6.58L8,11.17L5.91,9.08L4.5,10.5L8,14Z",F22="M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H9C9 18.66 7.66 20 6 20C4.34 20 3 18.66 3 17H1V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.76C4.31 14.39 5.11 14 6 14C6.89 14 7.69 14.39 8.24 15H15V6H3M5 10.5L6.5 9L8 10.5L11.5 7L13 8.5L8 13.5L5 10.5Z",T22="M3,4A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8H17V4M10,6L14,10L10,14V11H4V9H10M17,9.5H19.5L21.47,12H17M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",b22="M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H9C9 18.66 7.66 20 6 20C4.34 20 3 18.66 3 17H1V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.76C4.31 14.39 5.11 14 6 14C6.89 14 7.69 14.39 8.24 15H15V6H3M10 7L13.5 10.5L10 14V11.5H5V9.5H10V7Z",y22="M3,13.5L2.25,12H7.5L6.9,10.5H2L1.25,9H9.05L8.45,7.5H1.11L0.25,6H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,4H18V8H21L24,12V17H22A3,3 0 0,1 19,20A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H12A3,3 0 0,1 9,20A3,3 0 0,1 6,17H4V13.5H3M19,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,18.5M20.5,9.5H18V12H22.46L20.5,9.5M9,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,18.5Z",R22="M.75 7.5H10.5L11.25 9H1.5L.75 7.5M1.75 10.5H11.5L12.25 12H2.5L1.75 10.5M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M8 18.5C8.83 18.5 9.5 17.83 9.5 17C9.5 16.17 8.83 15.5 8 15.5C7.17 15.5 6.5 16.17 6.5 17C6.5 17.83 7.17 18.5 8 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H11C11 18.66 9.65 20 8 20C6.34 20 5 18.66 5 17H3V13.5 13.5H5V15H5.76C6.31 14.39 7.11 14 8 14C8.89 14 9.69 14.39 10.24 15H15V6H3V6C3 4.89 3.89 4 5 4H17V8H20Z",x22="M18 4H13V13H1V17H3C3 17.83 3.3 18.53 3.89 19.13C4.5 19.72 5.19 20 6 20S7.5 19.72 8.11 19.13C8.7 18.53 9 17.83 9 17H14.5C14.5 17.83 14.78 18.53 15.38 19.13C15.97 19.72 16.67 20 17.5 20C18.3 20 19 19.72 19.59 19.13C20.19 18.53 20.5 17.83 20.5 17H23V10L18 4M7.08 18.07C6.8 18.37 6.44 18.5 6 18.5S5.2 18.37 4.92 18.07C4.64 17.77 4.5 17.42 4.5 17C4.5 16.61 4.64 16.26 4.92 15.96C5.2 15.66 5.56 15.5 6 15.5S6.8 15.66 7.08 15.96C7.36 16.26 7.5 16.61 7.5 17C7.5 17.42 7.36 17.77 7.08 18.07M18.54 18.07C18.24 18.37 17.89 18.5 17.5 18.5C17.08 18.5 16.73 18.37 16.43 18.07S16 17.42 16 17C16 16.61 16.13 16.26 16.43 15.96C16.73 15.66 17.08 15.5 17.5 15.5C17.89 15.5 18.24 15.66 18.54 15.96C18.84 16.26 19 16.61 19 17C19 17.42 18.84 17.77 18.54 18.07M15 10V6H17.06L20.39 10H15Z",D22="M20 8H17V4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V17H3C3 18.66 4.34 20 6 20S9 18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M13 11H5V9H13V11M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17",E22="M20 8H17V4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.2 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17S5.2 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17 6.8 18.5 6 18.5M15 15H8.2C7.7 14.4 6.9 14 6 14S4.3 14.4 3.8 15H3V6H15V15M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17S17.2 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17M6 11V9H12V11H6Z",N22="M14.81 3.4L9.39 4.36L10.09 8.3L.733 9.95L1.6 14.87L3.57 14.53C3.71 15.31 4.15 16 4.81 16.46C5.46 16.92 6.26 17.1 7.05 16.96C7.83 16.82 8.53 16.38 9 15.73C9.44 15.07 9.62 14.27 9.5 13.5L15.39 12.44C15.53 13.23 15.97 13.92 16.62 14.38C17.27 14.83 18.08 15 18.86 14.88C19.65 14.74 20.34 14.29 20.8 13.64C21.26 13 21.44 12.18 21.3 11.4L23.27 11.05L22.75 8.1C22.55 7 21.5 6.28 20.43 6.5L18.46 6.82L14.81 3.4M11.13 5.58L14.58 4.97L16.94 7.09L11.57 8.04L11.13 5.58M6.27 12.53C6.66 12.46 7.06 12.55 7.39 12.78C7.71 13 7.93 13.35 8 13.74C8.07 14.14 8 14.54 7.75 14.86C7.53 15.19 7.18 15.41 6.79 15.5C6.39 15.55 6 15.46 5.67 15.23C5.34 15 5.12 14.66 5.05 14.26C5 13.87 5.07 13.47 5.3 13.14C5.53 12.82 5.87 12.6 6.27 12.53M18.08 10.44C18.47 10.37 18.88 10.46 19.2 10.69C19.53 10.92 19.75 11.27 19.82 11.66C19.89 12.05 19.8 12.46 19.57 12.78C19.34 13.11 19 13.33 18.6 13.4C18.21 13.47 17.81 13.38 17.5 13.15C17.16 12.92 16.93 12.57 16.87 12.18C16.8 11.79 16.89 11.39 17.11 11.06C17.34 10.73 17.69 10.5 18.08 10.44M2.83 19.17L2 20V22H22V16H16.62C15.55 16 14.5 16.17 13.46 16.5L12.08 16.97C10.04 17.65 7.9 18 5.75 18H5.66C4.6 18 3.58 18.42 2.83 19.17Z",W22="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.96 8.85L.733 9.95L1.6 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18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M15 15H8.24C7.69 14.39 6.89 14 6 14S4.31 14.39 3.76 15H3V6H15V15M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17M5.82 11.77L7.59 10L5.82 8.23L7.23 6.82L9 8.59L10.77 6.82L12.18 8.23L10.41 10L12.18 11.77L10.77 13.18L9 11.41L7.23 13.18L5.82 11.77Z",_22="M17 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8H17V4M10.2 5.3H10.5C11 5.4 11.3 5.9 11.2 6.4L10.7 8.4L12.7 7.9C13.2 7.8 13.7 8.1 13.8 8.6C13.9 9.1 13.6 9.6 13.2 9.7L11.2 10.2L12.6 11.6C13 11.9 13 12.5 12.6 12.9C12.3 13.3 11.7 13.3 11.3 12.9L9.8 11.5L9.3 13.5C9.2 14 8.7 14.3 8.2 14.1C7.7 14 7.4 13.5 7.6 13L8.1 11L6.1 11.5C5.6 11.6 5.1 11.3 5 10.9C4.9 10.4 5.2 9.9 5.6 9.8L7.6 9.3L6.2 7.7C5.9 7.4 5.9 6.8 6.2 6.4C6.5 6.1 7.1 6.1 7.5 6.4L8.9 7.8L9.4 5.8C9.5 5.6 9.8 5.3 10.2 5.3M17 9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17V9.5M6 15.5C6.8 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17S6.8 18.5 6 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17 5.2 15.5 6 15.5M18 15.5C18.8 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17S18.8 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17 17.2 15.5 18 15.5Z",K22="M22,15V17H10A3,3 0 0,1 7,20A3,3 0 0,1 4,17H2V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,6V15H22M7,16A1,1 0 0,0 6,17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 8,17A1,1 0 0,0 7,16Z",j22="M22 6C21 11 15 11 15 11H4C3 11 2 10 2 10H1V14H2C2 14 3 13 4 13H4.3C4.1 13.3 4 13.6 4 14V16C4 17.1 4.9 18 6 18H7V19H9V18H10V19H12V18H13V19H15V18H16C17.1 18 18 17.1 18 16V14C18 13.9 18 13.7 17.9 13.6C19.6 14.2 21.4 15.4 22 18H23V6H22M6 16.5C5.7 16.5 5.5 16.3 5.5 16V14C5.5 13.7 5.7 13.5 6 13.5H7V16.5H6M9 16.5V13.5H10V16.5H9M12 16.5V13.5H13V16.5H12M16.5 16C16.5 16.3 16.3 16.5 16 16.5H15V13.5H16C16.3 13.5 16.5 13.7 16.5 14V16M9 10H7V9H9V10M12 10H10V9H12V10M15 10H13V9H15V10Z",q22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.07C5.31,13.46 4.68,13.46 4.29,13.07L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10.34,5 12,5C13.66,5 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.12V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21",$22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.12C5.31,13.5 4.68,13.5 4.29,13.12L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10.34,5 12,5C13.66,5 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.07V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21M20.42,9.58L16.11,5.28C15.8,5.63 15.43,5.94 15,6.2C14.16,6.7 13.13,7 12,7C10.3,7 8.79,6.32 7.89,5.28L3.58,9.58L5,11L8,9H9V19H15V9H16L19,11L20.42,9.58Z",X22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.07C5.31,13.46 4.68,13.46 4.29,13.07L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9.29,4.8 10.4,6.37 12,7.25C13.6,6.37 14.71,4.8 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.12V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21",Y22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.12C5.31,13.5 4.68,13.5 4.29,13.12L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10,6 12,7.25C14,6 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.07V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21M20.42,9.58L16.11,5.28C15,7 14,8.25 12,9.25C10,8.25 9,7 7.89,5.28L3.58,9.58L5,11L8,9H9V19H15V9H16L19,11L20.42,9.58Z",J22="M18.67 17.63C14.87 20.43 12.55 18.03 12 17.63C11.34 18.12 9.08 20.39 5.33 17.63C3.43 19.03 2.65 19 2 19V21C3.16 21 4.3 20.68 5.33 20.07C7.39 21.29 9.94 21.29 12 20.07C14.06 21.29 16.61 21.29 18.67 20.07C19.7 20.68 20.84 21 22 21V19C21.34 19 20.5 19 18.67 17.63M19.33 12H22V10H19.33C17.5 10 16 8.5 16 6.67C16 5.65 16.38 4.93 17.09 3.33C15.72 3.12 15.09 3 14 3C7.36 3 2.15 8.03 2 14.5L2 16.5C3.16 16.5 4.3 16.18 5.33 15.57C7.39 16.79 9.94 16.79 12 15.57C14.06 16.79 16.61 16.79 18.67 15.57C19.7 16.18 20.84 16.5 22 16.5V14.5C21.34 14.5 20.5 14.5 18.67 13.13C14.87 15.93 12.55 13.53 12 13.13C11.1 13.8 11.46 13.54 11.09 13.76C10.39 12.82 10 11.7 10 10.5C10 7.92 11.77 5.76 14.21 5.17C14.08 5.68 14 6.19 14 6.67C14 9.61 16.39 12 19.33 12Z",C52="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M10,4A1,1 0 0,0 9,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4M12,8A6,6 0 0,0 6,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,8M8.11,10.5H10C9.76,11.88 10,12.67 10.58,13.29C11.68,14.36 12.16,15.71 11.89,17.5H10C10.24,16.12 10,15.33 9.42,14.71C8.32,13.64 7.85,12.29 8.11,10.5M12.11,10.5H14C13.76,11.88 14,12.67 14.58,13.29C15.68,14.36 16.16,15.71 15.89,17.5H14C14.24,16.12 14,15.33 13.42,14.71C12.32,13.64 11.85,12.29 12.11,10.5Z",H52="M4 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M5 4C4.45 4 4 4.45 4 5S4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5 5.55 4 5 4M8 4C7.45 4 7 4.45 7 5S7.45 6 8 6 9 5.55 9 5 8.55 4 8 4M10 8C6.69 8 4 10.69 4 14S6.69 20 10 20 16 17.31 16 14 13.31 8 10 8M6.11 10.5H8C7.76 11.88 8 12.67 8.58 13.29C9.68 14.36 10.16 15.71 9.89 17.5H8C8.24 16.12 8 15.33 7.42 14.71C6.32 13.64 5.85 12.29 6.11 10.5M10.11 10.5H12C11.76 11.88 12 12.67 12.58 13.29C13.68 14.36 14.16 15.71 13.89 17.5H12C12.24 16.12 12 15.33 11.42 14.71C10.32 13.64 9.85 12.29 10.11 10.5M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",V52="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.32 6.7 10.8 7.82 9.71L8.61 10.5H8.11C7.85 12.29 8.32 13.64 9.42 14.71C10 15.33 10.24 16.12 10 17.5H11.89C12.16 15.71 11.68 14.36 10.58 13.29C10.22 12.91 10 12.44 9.95 11.84L14.03 15.92C14.11 16.35 14.11 16.86 14 17.5H15.61L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20M11.25 8.05C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.31 8 18 10.69 18 14C18 14.25 18 14.5 17.95 14.75L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.25 8.05M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",L52="M3,17V19H9V17H3M3,5V7H13V5H3M13,21V19H21V17H13V15H11V21H13M7,9V11H3V13H7V15H9V9H7M21,13V11H11V13H21M15,9H17V7H21V5H17V3H15V9Z",M52="M8 13C6.14 13 4.59 14.28 4.14 16H2V18H4.14C4.59 19.72 6.14 21 8 21S11.41 19.72 11.86 18H22V16H11.86C11.41 14.28 9.86 13 8 13M8 19C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17C6 15.9 6.9 15 8 15S10 15.9 10 17C10 18.1 9.1 19 8 19M19.86 6C19.41 4.28 17.86 3 16 3S12.59 4.28 12.14 6H2V8H12.14C12.59 9.72 14.14 11 16 11S19.41 9.72 19.86 8H22V6H19.86M16 9C14.9 9 14 8.1 14 7C14 5.9 14.9 5 16 5S18 5.9 18 7C18 8.1 17.1 9 16 9Z",A52="M7 3H5V9H7V3M19 3H17V13H19V3M3 13H5V21H7V13H9V11H3V13M15 7H13V3H11V7H9V9H15V7M11 21H13V11H11V21M15 15V17H17V21H19V17H21V15H15Z",i52="M8 12.14V2H6V12.14C4.28 12.59 3 14.14 3 16S4.28 19.41 6 19.86V22H8V19.86C9.72 19.41 11 17.86 11 16S9.72 12.59 8 12.14M7 14C8.1 14 9 14.9 9 16S8.1 18 7 18C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16S5.9 14 7 14M18 2H16V4.14C14.28 4.59 13 6.14 13 8S14.28 11.41 16 11.86V22H18V11.86C19.72 11.41 21 9.86 21 8S19.72 4.59 18 4.14V2M17 6C18.1 6 19 6.9 19 8S18.1 10 17 10C15.9 10 15 9.1 15 8S15.9 6 17 6Z",r52="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M7.1 5.69C8.21 4.83 9.54 4.25 11 4.07V6.09C10.09 6.24 9.25 6.6 8.53 7.11L7.1 5.69M15.47 7.11C14.75 6.6 13.91 6.24 13 6.09V4.07C14.46 4.25 15.79 4.83 16.9 5.69L15.47 7.11M5.69 7.1L7.11 8.53C6.6 9.25 6.24 10.09 6.09 11H4.07C4.25 9.54 4.83 8.21 5.69 7.1M6 13V15.5H4V13H6M4 20V17.5H6V20H4M16.89 8.53L18.31 7.1C19.17 8.21 19.75 9.54 19.93 11H17.91C17.76 10.09 17.4 9.25 16.89 8.53M18 13H20V15.5H18V13M18 20V17.5H20V20H18Z",a52="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M15.47 7.11C14.75 6.6 13.91 6.24 13 6.09V4.07C14.46 4.25 15.79 4.83 16.9 5.69L15.47 7.11M8.53 7.11L7.1 5.69C8.21 4.83 9.54 4.25 11 4.07V6.09C10.09 6.24 9.25 6.6 8.53 7.11M5.69 7.1L7.11 8.53C6.6 9.25 6.24 10.09 6.09 11H4.07C4.25 9.54 4.83 8.21 5.69 7.1M6 13V15.5H4V13H6M4 20V17.5H6V20H4M16 20H8V12C8 9.79 9.79 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12V20M16.89 8.53L18.31 7.1C19.17 8.21 19.75 9.54 19.93 11H17.91C17.76 10.09 17.4 9.25 16.89 8.53M18 13H20V15.5H18V13M18 20V17.5H20V20H18Z",e52="M2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2 2 6.5 2 12M20 12C20 16.4 16.4 20 12 20S4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12M12.5 7L12.2 8.3L11.3 5C10.3 5.3 9.7 6.3 9.9 7.4L10.2 8.7L7.9 6.3C7.2 7 7.2 8.3 7.9 9L8.9 10L5.6 9.1C5.3 10.1 5.9 11.2 7 11.5L8.3 11.8L5 12.7C5.3 13.7 6.3 14.3 7.4 14.1L8.7 13.8L6.3 16.2C7.1 16.9 8.3 16.9 9 16.2L9.9 15.3L9 18.6C10 18.9 11.1 18.3 11.4 17.2L11.7 15.9L12.6 19.2C13.6 18.9 14.2 17.9 14 16.8L13.7 15.5L16.1 17.9C16.8 17.1 16.8 15.9 16.1 15.2L15.1 14L18.4 14.9C18.7 13.9 18.1 12.8 17 12.5L15.7 12.2L19 11.3C18.7 10.3 17.7 9.7 16.6 9.9L15.3 10.2L17.7 7.8C16.9 7.1 15.7 7.1 15 7.8L14.1 8.8L15 5.5C13.9 5.3 12.8 5.9 12.5 7M13.5 12C13.5 12.8 12.8 13.5 12 13.5S10.5 12.8 10.5 12 11.2 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.2 13.5 12Z",d52="M10.5 19.44C9.75 19.8 8.9 20 8 20C4.69 20 2 17.31 2 14V9C2 5.69 4.69 3 8 3L10.5 7.58C8.1 8.81 6.5 11 6.5 13.5C6.5 16 8.11 18.2 10.5 19.44M16 18.94V20H17C17.55 20 18 20.45 18 21S17.55 22 17 22H14C13.45 22 13 21.55 13 21S13.45 20 14 20V18.94C10.61 18.56 8 16.27 8 13.5C8 10.46 11.13 8 15 8C15.19 8 15.37 8 15.56 8C14.84 6.63 14 5.23 14 4C14 2.9 14.9 2 16 2C18.21 2 20 3.79 20 6H18C18 6 22 9 22 13.5C22 16.27 19.39 18.56 16 18.94M16 4C16 4.55 16.45 5 17 5S18 4.55 18 4 17.55 3 17 3 16 3.45 16 4M17 12C17 10.9 16.11 10 15 10C12.79 10 11 11.79 11 14H15C16.11 14 17 13.11 17 12Z",m52="M22,22H16V11L10,5V2H22V22M9.17,6.17C8.42,6.92 8,7.94 8,9H2V11H8.55C8.9,11.6 9.4,12.1 10,12.45V19H12V13C13.06,13 14.08,12.58 14.83,11.83L9.17,6.17Z",t52="M13.41,10.41C13.04,10.79 12.53,11 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,9C10,8.47 10.21,7.96 10.59,7.59L9.17,6.17C8.42,6.92 8,7.94 8,9H2V11H8.55C8.9,11.6 9.4,12.1 10,12.45V19H12V13C13.06,13 14.08,12.58 14.83,11.83L13.41,10.41M10,2V5L16,11V22H22V2H10M20,20H18V10.17L12,4.17V4H20V20Z",v52="M8.47,5.95C8.95,5.67 9.47,5.44 10,5.28V4C10,2.9 10.87,2 11.97,1.97C13.13,2 14,2.9 14,4V5.28C14.53,5.45 15.05,5.67 15.53,5.95L13.93,8.07H10.07L8.47,5.95M19,12C19,12.5 18.95,12.95 18.86,13.4L16.33,12.62L15.14,8.96L16.74,6.85C17.17,7.25 17.55,7.7 17.88,8.2C18.67,8.13 19.43,8.25 20.11,8.59C21.14,9.12 21.84,10.13 22,11.28L19,11.64C19,11.76 19,11.88 19,12M5,12C5,11.88 5,11.76 5,11.65L2,11.28C2.16,10.13 2.86,9.12 3.89,8.59C4.57,8.25 5.34,8.13 6.08,8.26C6.41,7.75 6.79,7.28 7.24,6.87L8.86,8.95L7.67,12.62L5.14,13.4C5.05,12.95 5,12.5 5,12M10.24,9.57H13.76L14.85,12.93L12,15L9.15,12.93L10.24,9.57M8.13,14.05L11.25,16.31V18.96C10.68,18.9 10.13,18.77 9.62,18.58L8.39,21.34C7.33,20.87 6.57,19.9 6.37,18.76C6.23,18 6.35,17.24 6.69,16.56C6.24,16.04 5.87,15.46 5.59,14.82L8.13,14.05M15.87,14.05L18.41,14.82C18.13,15.46 17.76,16.04 17.31,16.56C17.65,17.24 17.77,18 17.64,18.76C17.43,19.9 16.67,20.87 15.61,21.34L14.39,18.58C13.86,18.77 13.33,18.94 12.75,19V16.31L15.87,14.05Z",l52="M11.64 5.93H13.07V10.21H11.64M15.57 5.93H17V10.21H15.57M7 2L3.43 5.57V18.43H7.71V22L11.29 18.43H14.14L20.57 12V2M19.14 11.29L16.29 14.14H13.43L10.93 16.64V14.14H7.71V3.43H19.14Z",o52="M22.46,6C21.69,6.35 20.86,6.58 20,6.69C20.88,6.16 21.56,5.32 21.88,4.31C21.05,4.81 20.13,5.16 19.16,5.36C18.37,4.5 17.26,4 16,4C13.65,4 11.73,5.92 11.73,8.29C11.73,8.63 11.77,8.96 11.84,9.27C8.28,9.09 5.11,7.38 3,4.79C2.63,5.42 2.42,6.16 2.42,6.94C2.42,8.43 3.17,9.75 4.33,10.5C3.62,10.5 2.96,10.3 2.38,10C2.38,10 2.38,10 2.38,10.03C2.38,12.11 3.86,13.85 5.82,14.24C5.46,14.34 5.08,14.39 4.69,14.39C4.42,14.39 4.15,14.36 3.89,14.31C4.43,16 6,17.26 7.89,17.29C6.43,18.45 4.58,19.13 2.56,19.13C2.22,19.13 1.88,19.11 1.54,19.07C3.44,20.29 5.7,21 8.12,21C16,21 20.33,14.46 20.33,8.79C20.33,8.6 20.33,8.42 20.32,8.23C21.16,7.63 21.88,6.87 22.46,6Z",n52="M2,7V9H6V11H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,13V17H8V15H4V13H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,11V9C8,7.89 7.1,7 6,7H2M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9V17H18V14H20V17H22V9A2,2 0 0,0 20,7H18M18,9H20V12H18V9Z",Z52="M20 13H16C16 14.1 15.1 15 14 15H10C8.9 15 8 14.1 8 13H4L2 18V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V18M6 20C5.11 20 4.66 18.92 5.29 18.29C5.92 17.66 7 18.11 7 19C7 19.55 6.55 20 6 20M10 20C9.11 20 8.66 18.92 9.29 18.29C9.92 17.66 11 18.11 11 19C11 19.55 10.55 20 10 20M14 20C13.11 20 12.66 18.92 13.29 18.29C13.92 17.66 15 18.11 15 19C15 19.55 14.55 20 14 20M18 20C17.11 20 16.66 18.92 17.29 18.29C17.92 17.66 19 18.11 19 19C19 19.55 18.55 20 18 20M18 10V3H6V10H3V12H21V10M8 5H16V6H8M8 7H14V8H8",S52="M11.41,2C5.21,2 2.53,7.53 2.53,7.53L3.32,8.09C3.32,8.09 2.33,10 2.35,12.4C2.35,17.34 6.29,22 12.07,22C17.33,22 21.67,17.71 21.67,12.41C21.67,5.5 16.31,2 11.41,2M11.47,3.69C16.31,3.69 20.07,7.6 20.07,12.14C20.07,16.95 16.45,20.3 12.23,20.3C9.13,20.3 6.33,17.94 6.33,14.7C6.33,12.82 7.32,11.5 8.44,10.82L8.6,11C8.3,11.24 7.43,12.64 7.43,14C7.43,16.56 9.43,18.33 11.95,18.33C15.16,18.33 17.3,15.59 17.3,12.41C17.3,8.71 14.03,5.57 10.1,5.57C7.93,5.57 6.09,6.5 5.03,7.33L4.86,7.18C6.25,5.04 8.65,3.69 11.47,3.69M10,7.23C12.53,7.23 14.97,8.89 15.59,11.25L15.36,11.33C14.27,9.88 12.47,8.68 10.35,8.68C6.44,8.68 4.39,12.23 4.69,15.19L4.46,15.28C4.46,15.28 4.03,14.33 4.03,13.2C4.03,9.93 6.71,7.23 10,7.23M11.68,11.33C12.86,11.33 13.81,12.3 13.81,13.44C13.81,14.38 13.21,14.94 13.21,14.94L13.92,15.45C13.92,15.45 13.21,16.57 11.76,16.57C10.37,16.57 9.13,15.44 9.13,13.93C9.13,12.38 10.47,11.33 11.68,11.33Z",u52="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M14.34,7.74C14.92,8.07 15.65,7.87 16,7.3C16.31,6.73 16.12,6 15.54,5.66C14.97,5.33 14.23,5.5 13.9,6.1C13.57,6.67 13.77,7.41 14.34,7.74M11.88,15.5C11.35,15.5 10.85,15.39 10.41,15.18L9.57,16.68C10.27,17 11.05,17.22 11.88,17.22C12.37,17.22 12.83,17.15 13.28,17.03C13.36,16.54 13.64,16.1 14.1,15.84C14.56,15.57 15.08,15.55 15.54,15.72C16.43,14.85 17,13.66 17.09,12.33L15.38,12.31C15.22,14.1 13.72,15.5 11.88,15.5M11.88,8.5C13.72,8.5 15.22,9.89 15.38,11.69L17.09,11.66C17,10.34 16.43,9.15 15.54,8.28C15.08,8.45 14.55,8.42 14.1,8.16C13.64,7.9 13.36,7.45 13.28,6.97C12.83,6.85 12.37,6.78 11.88,6.78C11.05,6.78 10.27,6.97 9.57,7.32L10.41,8.82C10.85,8.61 11.35,8.5 11.88,8.5M8.37,12C8.37,10.81 8.96,9.76 9.86,9.13L9,7.65C7.94,8.36 7.15,9.43 6.83,10.69C7.21,11 7.45,11.47 7.45,12C7.45,12.53 7.21,13 6.83,13.31C7.15,14.56 7.94,15.64 9,16.34L9.86,14.87C8.96,14.24 8.37,13.19 8.37,12M14.34,16.26C13.77,16.59 13.57,17.32 13.9,17.9C14.23,18.47 14.97,18.67 15.54,18.34C16.12,18 16.31,17.27 16,16.7C15.65,16.12 14.92,15.93 14.34,16.26M5.76,10.8C5.1,10.8 4.56,11.34 4.56,12C4.56,12.66 5.1,13.2 5.76,13.2C6.43,13.2 6.96,12.66 6.96,12C6.96,11.34 6.43,10.8 5.76,10.8Z",c52="M15.94 10.28C15.66 7.87 14 6 12 6S8.34 7.87 8.06 10.28C4.5 10.82 2 12.06 2 13.5C2 15.43 6.5 17 12 17S22 15.43 22 13.5C22 12.06 19.5 10.82 15.94 10.28Z",s52="M17 10.54C16.78 7.44 14.63 5 12 5S7.22 7.44 7 10.54C4 11.23 2 12.5 2 14C2 16.21 6.5 18 12 18S22 16.21 22 14C22 12.5 20 11.23 17 10.54M14.93 11.84C13.03 12.05 10.97 12.05 9.07 11.84C9.03 11.56 9 11.28 9 11C9 8.8 10.35 7 12 7S15 8.8 15 11C15 11.28 15 11.56 14.93 11.84Z",O52="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M17,7H20A3,3 0 0,1 23,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 20,17H17V7M20,15A1,1 0 0,0 21,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 20,9H19V15H20M7,14A3,3 0 0,1 4,17A3,3 0 0,1 1,14V7H3V14A1,1 0 0,0 4,15A1,1 0 0,0 5,14V7H7V14Z",h52="M8.6,8.6L7.17,8.38C6.5,11.67 6.46,14.24 7.61,15.5C8.6,16.61 11.89,16.61 11.89,16.61C11.89,16.61 15.29,16.61 16.28,15.5C17.43,14.24 17.38,11.67 16.72,8.38L15.29,8.6C15.29,8.6 16.54,13.88 14.69,14.69C13.81,15.07 11.89,15.07 11.89,15.07C11.89,15.07 10.08,15.07 9.2,14.69C7.35,13.88 8.6,8.6 8.6,8.6M12,3A9,9 0 0,1 21,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,21A9,9 0 0,1 3,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,3Z",p52="M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22A3,3 0 0,1 7,19V18H9V19A1,1 0 0,0 10,20A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V11H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,2Z",f52="M13.13 14.56L14.56 13.13L21 19.57L19.57 21L13.13 14.56M17.42 8.83L20.28 5.97C16.33 2 9.93 2 6 5.95C9.91 4.65 14.29 5.7 17.42 8.83M5.95 6C2 9.93 2 16.33 5.97 20.28L8.83 17.42C5.7 14.29 4.65 9.91 5.95 6M5.97 5.96L5.96 5.97C5.58 9 7.13 12.85 10.26 16L16 10.26C12.86 7.13 9 5.58 5.97 5.96Z",g52="M21 19.57L19.57 21L13.13 14.56L14.56 13.13L21 19.57M13.12 3C10.54 3 7.96 4 6 5.95L5.97 5.96C2 9.91 2 16.32 5.97 20.27L20.27 5.96C18.3 4 15.71 3 13.12 3M6.14 17.27C5.4 16.03 5 14.61 5 13.12C5 12.19 5.16 11.3 5.46 10.45C5.65 12.36 6.35 14.24 7.53 15.89L6.14 17.27M9 14.43C7.63 12.38 7.12 9.93 7.6 7.6C8.18 7.5 8.76 7.42 9.35 7.42C11.15 7.42 12.9 7.97 14.43 9L9 14.43M10.45 5.46C11.3 5.16 12.19 5 13.12 5C14.61 5 16.03 5.4 17.27 6.14L15.88 7.53C14.23 6.35 12.36 5.65 10.45 5.46Z",k52="M12 2C11.6 2 11.3 2.2 11.1 2.6L6.5 15H11V19C11 19.6 10.6 20 10 20C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V18H7V19C7 20.7 8.3 22 10 22S13 20.7 13 19V15H17.5L12.9 2.6C12.7 2.2 12.4 2 12 2Z",B52="M12 2C12.4 2 12.8 2.2 12.9 2.6L17.5 15H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22S7 20.7 7 19V18H9V19C9 19.6 9.4 20 10 20C10.6 20 11 19.6 11 19V15H6.5L11.1 2.6C11.2 2.2 11.6 2 12 2M12 5.9L9.4 13H14.7L12 5.9Z",P52="M15 7L13 6V3.5C13 3.2 13.2 3 13.5 3S14 3.2 14 3.5V4H16V3.5C16 2.1 14.9 1 13.5 1S11 2.1 11 3.5V6L9 7L6 6L11.1 21.3C11.4 22.2 12.7 22.2 13 21.3C14.6 16.2 18 6 18 6L15 7M11 15L9 8.9L9.7 9.1L11 8.1V15M13 8.1L14.3 9.1L15 8.9L13 15V8.1Z",w52="M12,4C8.9,4 6.18,6.03 5.3,9H18.7C17.82,6.04 15.09,4 12,4M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22A3,3 0 0,1 7,19V18H9V19A1,1 0 0,0 10,20A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V11H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,2Z",F52="M3 4C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V10C2 15.5 6.5 20 12 20C17.5 20 22 15.5 22 10V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4H3M20 6V8H4V6H20M4 10H20C20 10.34 20 10.67 19.94 11C16.12 11.03 13.03 14.12 13 17.94C12.67 18 12.34 18 12 18C11.66 18 11.33 18 11 17.94C10.97 14.12 7.88 11.03 4.06 11C4 10.67 4 10.34 4 10M15.04 17.4C15.31 15.12 17.12 13.31 19.41 13.04C18.59 15 17 16.59 15.03 17.41M4.6 13.04C6.88 13.31 8.7 15.12 8.97 17.41C7 16.59 5.41 15 4.6 13.03Z",T52="M12.5,8C9.85,8 7.45,9 5.6,10.6L2,7V16H11L7.38,12.38C8.77,11.22 10.54,10.5 12.5,10.5C16.04,10.5 19.05,12.81 20.1,16L22.47,15.22C21.08,11.03 17.15,8 12.5,8Z",b52="M13.5,7A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 20,13.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 13.5,20H10V18H13.5C16,18 18,16 18,13.5C18,11 16,9 13.5,9H7.83L10.91,12.09L9.5,13.5L4,8L9.5,2.5L10.92,3.91L7.83,7H13.5M6,18H8V20H6V18Z",y52="M16.59,5.41L15.17,4L12,7.17L8.83,4L7.41,5.41L12,10M7.41,18.59L8.83,20L12,16.83L15.17,20L16.58,18.59L12,14L7.41,18.59Z",R52="M5.41,7.41L10,12L5.41,16.59L4,15.17L7.17,12L4,8.83L5.41,7.41M18.59,16.59L14,12L18.59,7.42L20,8.83L16.83,12L20,15.17L18.59,16.59Z",x52="M12,18.17L8.83,15L7.42,16.41L12,21L16.59,16.41L15.17,15M12,5.83L15.17,9L16.58,7.59L12,3L7.41,7.59L8.83,9L12,5.83Z",D52="M18.17,12L15,8.83L16.41,7.41L21,12L16.41,16.58L15,15.17L18.17,12M5.83,12L9,15.17L7.59,16.59L3,12L7.59,7.42L9,8.83L5.83,12Z",E52="M2,2H6V3H13V2H17V6H16V9H18V8H22V12H21V18H22V22H18V21H12V22H8V18H9V16H6V17H2V13H3V6H2V2M18,12V11H16V13H17V17H13V16H11V18H12V19H18V18H19V12H18M13,6V5H6V6H5V13H6V14H9V12H8V8H12V9H14V6H13M12,12H11V14H13V13H14V11H12V12Z",N52="M22 6A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 20.54 7.44A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 19.09 6A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 20.54 4.5A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 22 6M21.56 8.86H19.53C19.4 8.85 19.34 8.91 19.34 9V12.59C19.34 13.08 19.34 13.5 19.35 13.86L19.37 14.76C19.38 15 19.39 15.21 19.39 15.39C19.4 15.56 19.4 15.72 19.4 15.86H19.38C19.26 15.6 19.07 15.22 18.82 14.74C18.58 14.27 18.29 13.72 17.97 13.11C17.64 12.5 17.29 11.84 16.92 11.15C16.55 10.47 16.18 9.78 15.81 9.11C15.45 8.43 15.09 7.78 14.75 7.16C14.4 6.54 14.1 6 13.85 5.54C13.82 5.5 13.79 5.44 13.77 5.42C13.74 5.4 13.68 5.39 13.6 5.39H10.62C10.5 5.39 10.47 5.44 10.47 5.54H10.5C10.47 5.56 10.47 5.57 10.47 5.58V13.84C10.47 14.5 10.4 15 10.25 15.45C10.1 15.88 9.9 16.23 9.64 16.5C9.38 16.75 9.07 16.93 8.72 17.05C8.36 17.16 8 17.22 7.56 17.22C6.54 17.22 5.79 16.91 5.3 16.31C4.8 15.7 4.56 14.89 4.56 13.88V5.56C4.56 5.45 4.5 5.39 4.39 5.39H2.17C2.06 5.39 2 5.45 2 5.58V14.07C2 15 2.13 15.78 2.38 16.46C2.63 17.13 3 17.69 3.5 18.14C3.96 18.58 4.53 18.92 5.21 19.14C5.89 19.36 6.64 19.5 7.47 19.5C8.24 19.5 8.97 19.38 9.65 19.17C10.34 18.97 10.93 18.64 11.42 18.2C11.91 17.75 12.3 17.18 12.59 16.5C12.88 15.79 13.03 14.95 13.03 13.96V8.62C13.14 8.86 13.28 9.15 13.44 9.47C13.73 10.05 14.05 10.68 14.42 11.38C14.79 12.08 15.17 12.8 15.58 13.56C16 14.32 16.39 15.06 16.77 15.76C17.16 16.46 17.5 17.11 17.83 17.7C18.15 18.29 18.4 18.76 18.58 19.12C18.63 19.22 18.73 19.27 18.85 19.27H21.54C21.68 19.27 21.75 19.2 21.75 19.08V9.05C21.75 8.92 21.68 8.85 21.56 8.85Z",W52="M22 5L21.11 6.34C21.65 6.7 22 7.31 22 8V11.5L20.5 12L18.96 9.54C18.83 9.33 18.5 9.42 18.5 9.67V13.25C18.5 14.23 18.11 15.11 17.5 15.78V22H15V17C14.92 17 14.84 17 14.75 17C14.54 17 14.33 16.97 14.13 16.94L9.45 16.16L8.57 18.12L9.54 22H6.96L6.04 18.3C5.97 18.03 6 17.74 6.11 17.5L7 15.5C6.12 14.92 5.53 13.94 5.5 12.81C5.46 12.96 5.44 13.18 5.47 13.5C5.5 13.94 5.61 14.59 5.54 15.31C5.5 16.03 5.18 16.77 4.76 17.26C4.32 17.75 3.85 18.09 3.35 18.35L2.65 17.65C2.84 17.18 3.03 16.76 3.07 16.37C3.13 16 3.06 15.7 2.95 15.43L2.42 14.3C2.21 13.79 1.95 13.05 2 12.18C2.03 11.33 2.5 10.22 3.39 9.61C4.29 9 5.26 8.91 6.05 9.08C6.55 9.18 7.06 9.42 7.5 9.76C7.87 9.59 8.3 9.5 8.75 9.5H14.5V9C14.5 6.79 16.29 5 18.5 5L22 2L21 5H22Z",I52="M20 12V19L17 20L14 15.33C13.71 14.89 13 15.14 13.08 15.67L14 23L4 18L4.96 12.75C5.56 9.42 8.46 7 11.84 7H13L19 1L17 7H20L18.42 9.37C19.36 9.88 20 10.86 20 12Z",G52="M13 9.09V5H14C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4S14.55 3 14 3H10C9.45 3 9 3.45 9 4S9.45 5 10 5H11V9.09C8.16 9.57 6 12.03 6 15C6 18.31 8.69 21 12 21S18 18.31 18 15C18 12.03 15.84 9.57 13 9.09M12 19C9.79 19 8 17.21 8 15C8 13.14 9.28 11.59 11 11.14V16H13V11.14C14.72 11.59 16 13.14 16 15C16 17.21 14.21 19 12 19Z",Q52="M10.11,17H7.5L2.59,12L7.5,7H10.11L11.42,4.74L18.21,3L20.08,9.74L18.77,12L20.08,14.26L18.21,21L11.42,19.26L10.11,17M10.25,16.75L15.38,18.13L12.42,13H6.5L10.25,16.75M17.12,17.13L18.5,12L17.12,6.87L14.15,12L17.12,17.13M10.25,7.25L6.5,11H12.42L15.38,5.87L10.25,7.25Z",U52="M2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12M5.24,18.76C3.43,16.95 2.44,14.55 2.44,12C2.44,9.45 3.43,7.05 5.24,5.24C7.05,3.43 9.45,2.44 12,2.44C14.55,2.44 16.95,3.43 18.76,5.24C20.57,7.05 21.56,9.45 21.56,12C21.56,14.55 20.57,16.95 18.76,18.76C16.95,20.57 14.55,21.56 12,21.56C9.45,21.56 7.05,20.57 5.24,18.76M6.35,9.5C4.34,11.79 4.73,13.68 4.73,13.68C4.73,13.68 5.28,12.38 6.61,11C7.25,10.37 7.72,10.15 8.04,10.15C8.4,10.15 8.57,10.41 8.57,10.65V15.29C8.57,15.75 8.27,15.85 8,15.84C7.77,15.84 7.55,15.76 7.55,15.76C8.92,17.73 12.19,18 12.19,18L13.63,16.5H13.67L15,17.63C17.39,16.21 18.55,13.58 18.55,13.58C17.5,14.7 16.79,14.97 16.39,14.96C16.03,14.96 15.88,14.75 15.88,14.75C15.87,14.65 15.82,8.9 15.89,8.9C16.31,8.13 17.63,6.56 17.63,6.56C15.16,7.05 13.81,8.66 13.81,8.66C13.41,8.35 12.59,8.4 12.59,8.4C12.97,8.61 13.35,9.21 13.35,9.72V14.65C13.35,14.65 12.5,15.38 11.88,15.38C11.5,15.38 11.27,15.17 11.14,15C11.05,14.88 11,14.79 11,14.79V8.69C10.93,8.75 10.82,8.8 10.71,8.8C10.57,8.79 10.43,8.73 10.34,8.53C10.26,8.38 10.22,8.15 10.22,7.83C10.22,6.7 11.5,5.96 11.5,5.96C9.87,6.39 8.36,7.22 6.35,9.5",z52="M21,10.12H14.22L16.96,7.3C14.23,4.6 9.81,4.5 7.08,7.2C4.35,9.91 4.35,14.28 7.08,17C9.81,19.7 14.23,19.7 16.96,17C18.32,15.65 19,14.08 19,12.1H21C21,14.08 20.12,16.65 18.36,18.39C14.85,21.87 9.15,21.87 5.64,18.39C2.14,14.92 2.11,9.28 5.62,5.81C9.13,2.34 14.76,2.34 18.27,5.81L21,3V10.12M12.5,8V12.25L16,14.33L15.28,15.54L11,13V8H12.5Z",_52="M9,16V10H5L12,3L19,10H15V16H9M5,20V18H19V20H5Z",K52="M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M16 17V15H8V17H16M16 11L12 7L8 11H10.5V14H13.5V11H16Z",j52="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 11L12 7L8 11H10.5V14H13.5V11H16M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 5V19H19V5H5Z",q52="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2ZM16 17V15H8V17H16ZM16 10L12 6L8 10H10.5V14H13.5V10H16Z",$52="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 6L8 10H10.5V14H13.5V10H16M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",X52="M22 22H17C16.5 22 16 21.5 16 21V17C16 16.5 16.5 16 17 16V14.5C17 13.1 18.1 12 19.5 12C20.9 12 22 13.1 22 14.5V16C22.5 16 23 16.5 23 17V21C23 21.5 22.5 22 22 22M14 20H5V18H14V20M21 16V14.5C21 13.7 20.3 13 19.5 13C18.7 13 18 13.7 18 14.5V16H21M15 16H9V10H5L12 3L19 10H15V16Z",Y52="M22 22H17C16.5 22 16 21.5 16 21V17C16 16.5 16.5 16 17 16V14.5C17 13.1 18.1 12 19.5 12C20.9 12 22 13.1 22 14.5V16C22.5 16 23 16.5 23 17V21C23 21.5 22.5 22 22 22M5 18H14V20H5V18M21 16V14.5C21 13.7 20.3 13 19.5 13C18.7 13 18 13.7 18 14.5V16H21M9 16V10H5L12 3L19 10H15V16H9M9.83 8H11V14H13V8H14.17L12 5.83L9.83 8Z",J52="M9,14V8H5L12,1L19,8H15V14H9M5,18V16H19V18H5M19,20H5V22H19V20Z",C32="M19 8H15V14H9V8H5L12 1L19 8M14.17 6L12 3.83L9.83 6H11V12H13V6H14.17M5 16V18H19V16H5M19 20V22H5V20H19Z",H32="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12,5.5L7.5,10H11V14H13V10H16.5L12,5.5Z",V32="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M12,6L8,10H11V14H13V10H16L12,6Z",L32="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.56 8.45L5 10H8.11L9 10.89V16H14.11L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M15 10H19L12 3L9.1 5.9L15 11.8V10Z",M32="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.56 8.45L5 10H8.11L9 10.89V16H14.11L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 14V12.89L12.11 14H11M12 5.8L14.2 8H13V9.8L15 11.8V10H19L12 3L9.1 5.9L10.5 7.3L12 5.8Z",A32="M9,10V16H15V10H19L12,3L5,10H9M12,5.8L14.2,8H13V14H11V8H9.8L12,5.8M19,18H5V20H19V18Z",i32="M15,7V11H16V13H13V5H15L12,1L9,5H11V13H8V10.93C8.7,10.56 9.2,9.85 9.2,9C9.2,7.78 8.21,6.8 7,6.8C5.78,6.8 4.8,7.78 4.8,9C4.8,9.85 5.3,10.56 6,10.93V13A2,2 0 0,0 8,15H11V18.05C10.29,18.41 9.8,19.15 9.8,20A2.2,2.2 0 0,0 12,22.2A2.2,2.2 0 0,0 14.2,20C14.2,19.15 13.71,18.41 13,18.05V15H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,13V11H19V7H15Z",r32="M6 12H18C18.55 12 19 12.45 19 13C19 13.55 18.55 14 18 14H6C5.45 14 5 13.55 5 13C5 12.45 5.45 12 6 12M6 10C4.34 10 3 11.34 3 13C3 14.66 4.34 16 6 16H18C19.66 16 21 14.66 21 13C21 11.34 19.66 10 18 10H6M6 8H18C20.76 8 23 10.24 23 13C23 15.76 20.76 18 18 18H6C3.24 18 1 15.76 1 13C1 10.24 3.24 8 6 8Z",a32="M8 15C8.55 15 9 15.45 9 16C9 16.55 8.55 17 8 17C7.45 17 7 16.55 7 16C7 15.45 7.45 15 8 15M15.07 4.69L16.5 6.1L15.07 7.5L13.66 6.1L15.07 4.69M17.9 7.5L19.31 8.93L17.9 10.34L16.5 8.93L17.9 7.5M8 13C6.34 13 5 14.34 5 16C5 17.66 6.34 19 8 19C9.66 19 11 17.66 11 16C11 14.34 9.66 13 8 13M9.77 4.33L10.5 5.08L14.29 1.29C14.47 1.11 14.72 1 15 1C15.28 1 15.53 1.11 15.71 1.29L22.78 8.36L22.78 8.37C22.92 8.54 23 8.76 23 9C23 9.3 22.87 9.57 22.66 9.76L22.66 9.76L18.93 13.5L19.67 14.23L12.95 20.95C11.68 22.22 9.93 23 8 23C4.13 23 1 19.87 1 16C1 14.07 1.78 12.32 3.05 11.05L9.77 4.33M20.59 9L15 3.41L11.93 6.5L17.5 12.08L20.59 9Z",e32="M8 13C9.66 13 11 14.34 11 16C11 17.66 9.66 19 8 19C6.34 19 5 17.66 5 16C5 14.34 6.34 13 8 13M8 15C7.45 15 7 15.45 7 16C7 16.55 7.45 17 8 17C8.55 17 9 16.55 9 16C9 15.45 8.55 15 8 15M9.77 4.33L10.5 5.08L14.29 1.29C14.47 1.11 14.72 1 15 1C15.28 1 15.53 1.11 15.71 1.29L22.78 8.36L22.78 8.37C22.92 8.54 23 8.76 23 9C23 9.3 22.87 9.57 22.66 9.76L22.66 9.76L18.93 13.5L19.67 14.23L12.95 20.95C11.68 22.22 9.93 23 8 23C4.13 23 1 19.87 1 16C1 14.07 1.78 12.32 3.05 11.05L9.77 4.33M11.54 19.54L16.84 14.23L9.77 7.16L4.46 12.46C3.56 13.37 3 14.62 3 16C3 18.76 5.24 21 8 21C9.38 21 10.63 20.44 11.54 19.54M15.07 4.69L16.5 6.1L15.07 7.5L13.66 6.1L15.07 4.69M17.9 7.5L19.31 8.93L17.9 10.34L16.5 8.93L17.9 7.5M20.59 9L15 3.41L11.93 6.5L17.5 12.08L20.59 9Z",d32="M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V12H5V16L9 20V22H15V20L19 16V12H18V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M8 4H16V12H8M9 7V9H11V7M13 7V9H15V7Z",m32="M23 20V22H16L16 20H18.46L12 4.61C11.81 4.14 11.5 3.76 11.06 3.46S10.14 3 9.61 3C8.9 3 8.28 3.27 7.76 3.79S7 4.92 7 5.64L7 9H8C10.21 9 12 10.79 12 13V22H8C8.61 21.16 9 20.13 9 19C9 16.24 6.76 14 4 14C3.29 14 2.61 14.15 2 14.42V9H5V5.64C5 4.8 5.23 4 5.63 3.32C6.04 2.62 6.59 2.06 7.3 1.63C8 1.21 8.77 1 9.61 1C10.55 1 11.4 1.26 12.16 1.77S13.5 2.97 13.87 3.81L20.66 20H23M7 19C7 20.66 5.66 22 4 22S1 20.66 1 19 2.34 16 4 16 7 17.34 7 19M5 19C5 18.45 4.55 18 4 18S3 18.45 3 19 3.45 20 4 20 5 19.55 5 19Z",t32="M20.66 20L13.87 3.81C13.5 2.97 12.93 2.29 12.16 1.77C11.4 1.26 10.55 1 9.61 1C8.77 1 8 1.21 7.3 1.63S6.04 2.62 5.63 3.32 5 4.8 5 5.64L5.03 9H2.03V14.45C2.65 14.17 3.31 14.03 4 14.03V11.03H9C9.57 11.03 10.04 11.23 10.43 11.62C10.82 12 11 12.47 11 13V20.03H8.91C8.76 20.75 8.44 21.41 7.97 22H13V13C13 12.28 12.8 11.62 12.45 11S11.61 9.91 11 9.56C10.42 9.2 9.75 9 9 9H7V5.64C7 4.92 7.25 4.31 7.76 3.79S8.89 3 9.61 3C10.14 3 10.63 3.16 11.06 3.46S11.81 4.14 12 4.61L18.46 20L16 20.03V22H23V20.03L20.66 20M4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19S4.55 20 4 20 3 19.55 3 19 3.45 18 4 18M4 16C2.34 16 1 17.34 1 19S2.34 22 4 22 7 20.66 7 19 5.66 16 4 16Z",v32="M4 22H2V2H4M22 2H20V22H22M17.24 5.34L13.24 9.34A3 3 0 0 0 9.24 13.34L5.24 17.34L6.66 18.76L10.66 14.76A3 3 0 0 0 14.66 10.76L18.66 6.76Z",l32="M22 2V22H20V13H14.82A3 3 0 0 1 9.18 13H4V22H2V2H4V11H9.18A3 3 0 0 1 14.82 11H20V2Z",o32="M4 22H2V2H4M22 2H20V22H22M11 4V9.18A3 3 0 0 0 11 14.82V20H13V14.82A3 3 0 0 0 13 9.18V4Z",n32="M3,7C1.89,7 1,7.89 1,9V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V13C23,11.89 22.11,11 21,11L18,7H3M3,8.5H7V11H3V8.5M9,8.5H13V11H9V8.5M15,8.5H17.5L19.46,11H15V8.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",Z32="M3,7C1.89,7 1,7.89 1,9V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V13C23,11.89 22.11,11 21,11L18,7H3M15,8.5H17.5L19.46,11H15V8.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",S32="M16,13V11H21V13H16M14.83,7.76L17.66,4.93L19.07,6.34L16.24,9.17L14.83,7.76M11,16H13V21H11V16M11,3H13V8H11V3M4.93,17.66L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L6.34,19.07L4.93,17.66M4.93,6.34L6.34,4.93L9.17,7.76L7.76,9.17L4.93,6.34M8,13H3V11H8V13M19.07,17.66L17.66,19.07L14.83,16.24L16.24,14.83L19.07,17.66Z",u32="M11 3H13V8H11V3M4.9 6.3L6.3 4.9L9.1 7.7L7.8 9.2L4.9 6.3M8 13H3V11H8V13",c32="M22 20H16C16 18.34 17.34 13 19 13S22 18.34 22 20M12 13C10.34 13 9 18.34 9 20H15C15 18.34 13.66 13 12 13M5 13C3.34 13 2 18.34 2 20H8C8 18.34 6.66 13 5 13M14.82 6C14.26 4.44 12.53 3.64 11 4.2C10.14 4.5 9.5 5.17 9.18 6H2V8H4V12H6V8H9.18C9.5 8.85 10.15 9.5 11 9.82V12H13V9.82C13.85 9.5 14.5 8.85 14.82 8H18V12H20V8H22V6H14.82Z",s32="M20.41,3C21.8,5.71 22.35,8.84 22,12C21.8,15.16 20.7,18.29 18.83,21L17.3,20C18.91,17.57 19.85,14.8 20,12C20.34,9.2 19.89,6.43 18.7,4L20.41,3M5.17,3L6.7,4C5.09,6.43 4.15,9.2 4,12C3.66,14.8 4.12,17.57 5.3,20L3.61,21C2.21,18.29 1.65,15.17 2,12C2.2,8.84 3.3,5.71 5.17,3M12.08,10.68L14.4,7.45H16.93L13.15,12.45L15.35,17.37H13.09L11.71,14L9.28,17.33H6.76L10.66,12.21L8.53,7.45H10.8L12.08,10.68Z",O32="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7.4 18C5.9 16.5 5 14.3 5 12S5.9 7.5 7.4 6L9 6.7C7.7 7.9 7 9.9 7 12S7.7 16.1 9 17.3L7.4 18M12.7 15L11.9 13L10.5 15H9L11.3 11.9L10 9H11.3L12.1 11L13.5 9H15L12.8 12L14.1 15H12.7M16.6 18L15 17.3C16.3 16 17 14.1 17 12S16.3 7.9 15 6.7L16.6 6C18.1 7.5 19 9.7 19 12S18.1 16.5 16.6 18Z",h32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C6.67,16 10.33,16 14,16C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14C16,10.33 16,6.67 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14V14H3V3M18,7V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18Z",p32="M20,22C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C16.33,7 12.67,7 9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9C7,12.67 7,16.33 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20M20,20H9V9H20V20M5,16V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5Z",f32="M7.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,7C8.13,7 8.7,6.6 8.91,6H13C13.67,5.33 14.33,5 15,5H8.91C8.7,4.4 8.13,4 7.5,4M19,5C8,5 14,17 5,17V19C16,19 10,7 19,7V5M16.5,17C15.87,17 15.3,17.4 15.09,18H11C10.33,18.67 9.67,19 9,19H15.09C15.3,19.6 15.87,20 16.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17Z",g32="M9,2V4.06C6.72,4.92 4.92,6.72 4.05,9H2V15H4.06C4.92,17.28 6.72,19.09 9,19.95V22H15V19.94C17.28,19.08 19.09,17.28 19.95,15H22V9H19.94C19.08,6.72 17.28,4.92 15,4.05V2M11,4H13V6H11M9,6.25V8H15V6.25C16.18,6.86 17.14,7.82 17.75,9H16V15H17.75C17.14,16.18 16.18,17.14 15,17.75V16H9V17.75C7.82,17.14 6.86,16.18 6.25,15H8V9H6.25C6.86,7.82 7.82,6.86 9,6.25M4,11H6V13H4M18,11H20V13H18M11,18H13V20H11",k32="M22,9H19.97C18.7,5.41 15.31,3 11.5,3A9,9 0 0,0 2.5,12C2.5,17 6.53,21 11.5,21C15.31,21 18.7,18.6 20,15H22M20,11V13H18V11M17.82,15C16.66,17.44 14.2,19 11.5,19C7.64,19 4.5,15.87 4.5,12C4.5,8.14 7.64,5 11.5,5C14.2,5 16.66,6.57 17.81,9H16V15",B32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C4.33,16 7,16 7,16C7,16 7,18.67 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C18.67,7 16,7 16,7C16,7 16,4.33 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14C14,4.33 14,7 14,7H9C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V14C7,14 4.33,14 3,14V3M9,9H14V14H9V9M16,9C16,9 18.67,9 20,9V20H9C9,18.67 9,16 9,16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V9Z",P32="M18.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,5C18.27,5 18.05,4.95 17.85,4.85L14.16,8.55L14.5,9C16.69,7.74 19.26,7 22,7L23,7.03V9.04L22,9C19.42,9 17,9.75 15,11.04A3.96,3.96 0 0,1 11.04,15C9.75,17 9,19.42 9,22L9.04,23H7.03L7,22C7,19.26 7.74,16.69 9,14.5L8.55,14.16L4.85,17.85C4.95,18.05 5,18.27 5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,17C3.73,17 3.95,17.05 4.15,17.15L7.84,13.45C7.31,12.78 7,11.92 7,11A4,4 0 0,1 11,7C11.92,7 12.78,7.31 13.45,7.84L17.15,4.15C17.05,3.95 17,3.73 17,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,2M11,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,9Z",w32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V11H9V9H11V7H9M13,7V9H14V10H16V7H13M18,7V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18M14,12V14H12V16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V12H14M7,13V16H10V14H9V13H7Z",F32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V5H3V3H5V1H3M7,1V3H10V1H7M12,1V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H12M1,7V10H3V7H1M14,7C14,7 14,11.67 14,14C11.67,14 7,14 7,14C7,14 7,18 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C18,7 14,7 14,7M16,9H20V20H9V16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V9M1,12V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5V14H3V12H1Z",T32="M20,22C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V18H20V20H18V22H20M16,22V20H13V22H16M11,22V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H11M22,16V13H20V16H22M9,16C9,16 9,11.33 9,9C11.33,9 16,9 16,9C16,9 16,5 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C5,16 9,16 9,16M7,14H3V3H14V7H9C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V14M22,11V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18V9H20V11H22Z",b32="M23,9V15H20.35C19.38,17.12 17.43,18.78 15,19.54V22H9V19.54C5.5,18.45 3,15.5 3,12C3,7.58 7.03,4 12,4C15.78,4 19,6.07 20.35,9H23M17,15V9H18.06C16.85,7.21 14.59,6 12,6C8.13,6 5,8.69 5,12C5,14.39 6.64,16.46 9,17.42V16H15V17.42C16.29,16.9 17.35,16.05 18.06,15H17M19,13H21V11H19V13M11,20H13V18H11V20Z",y32="M3.14,1A2.14,2.14 0 0,0 1,3.14V5H3V3H5V1H3.14M7,1V3H10V1H7M12,1V3H14V5H16V3.14C16,1.96 15.04,1 13.86,1H12M1,7V10H3V7H1M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9C7,11.33 7,16 7,16C7,16 11.57,16 13.86,16A2.14,2.14 0 0,0 16,13.86C16,11.57 16,7 16,7C16,7 11.33,7 9,7M18,7V9H20V11H22V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18M9,9H14V14H9V9M1,12V13.86C1,15.04 1.96,16 3.14,16H5V14H3V12H1M20,13V16H22V13H20M7,18V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H11V20H9V18H7M20,18V20H18V22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V18H20M13,20V22H16V20H13Z",R32="M15,3V7.59L7.59,15H3V21H9V16.42L16.42,9H21V3M17,5H19V7H17M5,17H7V19H5",x32="M3 1C1.89 1 1 1.89 1 3V14C1 15.11 1.89 16 3 16H14C15.11 16 16 15.11 16 14V11H14V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16 1.89 15.11 1 14 1M9 7C7.89 7 7 7.89 7 9V12H9V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7 21.11 7.89 22 9 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V9C22 7.89 21.11 7 20 7H9",D32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",E32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M21.2 13C21.1 13 20.9 13.1 20.8 13.2L19.8 14.2L21.9 16.3L22.9 15.3C23.1 15.1 23.1 14.7 22.9 14.5L21.6 13.2C21.4 13.1 21.3 13 21.2 13M19.1 14.8L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.8L19.1 14.8Z",N32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",W32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",I32="M12,20L7,22L12,11L17,22L12,20M8,2H16V5H22V7H16V10H8V7H2V5H8V2M10,4V8H14V4H10Z",G32="M2,2V8H4.28L5.57,16H4V22H10V20.06L15,20.05V22H21V16H19.17L20,9H22V3H16V6.53L14.8,8H9.59L8,5.82V2M4,4H6V6H4M18,5H20V7H18M6.31,8H7.11L9,10.59V14H15V10.91L16.57,9H18L17.16,16H15V18.06H10V16H7.6M11,10H13V12H11M6,18H8V20H6M17,18H19V20H17",Q32="M22 8V2H16V5.8L14.4 8H9.6L8 5.8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22M11 10H13V12H11V10M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M16 18H8V16H6V8H7.1L9 10.6V14H15V10.6L16.9 8H18V16H16V18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18Z",U32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3M4 5H6V7H4M18 7H20V9H18M8 17H10V19H8Z",z32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M21.15 13C21 13 20.87 13.05 20.76 13.16L19.75 14.18L21.82 16.25L22.84 15.24C23.05 15.03 23.05 14.67 22.84 14.46L21.54 13.16C21.43 13.05 21.29 13 21.15 13M19.15 14.76L13 20.91V23H15.09L21.23 16.84L19.15 14.76M8 17H10V19H8V17Z",_32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M8 17H10V19H8V17M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",K32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M8 17H10V19H8V17Z",j32="M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5M16 5V9.6L10.6 15H9.1L7.1 9H8V3H2V9H5L7 15H6V21H12V16.4L17.4 11H22V5H16M6 7H4V5H6V7M10 19H8V17H10V19M20 9H18V7H20V9",q32="M2,4H4V2H10V4A10,10 0 0,1 20,14H22V20H20V22H18V20H16V14H18A8,8 0 0,0 10,6V8H4V6H2V4M18,16V18H20V16H18M6,4V6H8V4H6Z",$32="M2,4H8V6H16V4H22V10H20V14H22V20H16V18H8V20H2V14H4V10H2V4M16,10V8H8V10H6V14H8V16H16V14H18V10H16M4,6V8H6V6H4M18,6V8H20V6H18M4,16V18H6V16H4M18,16V18H20V16H18Z",X32="M3,1H5V3H3V5H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1M14,1A2,2 0 0,1 16,3V5H14V3H12V1H14M20,7A2,2 0 0,1 22,9V11H20V9H18V7H20M22,20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H18V20H20V18H22V20M20,13H22V16H20V13M13,9V7H16V10H14V9H13M13,22V20H16V22H13M9,22A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V18H9V20H11V22H9M7,16V13H9V14H10V16H7M7,3V1H10V3H7M3,16A2,2 0 0,1 1,14V12H3V14H5V16H3M1,7H3V10H1V7M9,7H11V9H9V11H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M16,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,16H12V14H14V12H16V14Z",Y32="M2,2H8V4H16V2H22V8H20V16H22V22H16V20H8V22H2V16H4V8H2V2M16,8V6H8V8H6V16H8V18H16V16H18V8H16M4,4V6H6V4H4M18,4V6H20V4H18M4,18V20H6V18H4M18,18V20H20V18H18Z",J32="M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M18 8V16H16V18H8V16H6V8H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22V2H16V8H18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18M14 6H10V4H14V6Z",C02="M22.7 14.4L21.7 15.4L19.6 13.3L20.6 12.3C20.8 12.1 21.2 12.1 21.4 12.3L22.7 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.4M13 19.9L19.1 13.8L21.2 15.9L15.1 22H13V19.9M11 19.9V19.1L11.6 18.5L12.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V12.1L19.1 11L19.3 10.8C19.5 10.6 19.8 10.4 20.1 10.3V8H22.1V2H16.1V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20L11 19.9M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20Z",H02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",V02="M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M18 8V16H16V18H8V16H6V8H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22V2H16V8H18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18Z",L02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",M02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",A02="M9,3V9H9.73L5.79,16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H18.21L14.27,9H15V3M11,5H13V7H11M12,9.04L16,16.15V18H8V16.15M4,18H6V20H4M18,18H20V20H18",i02="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14V9H20V20H9V14H3V3Z",r02="M4,6A2,2 0 0,0 2,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6H4M4.54,10H7V14H4.54C4.19,13.39 4,12.7 4,12C4,11.3 4.19,10.61 4.54,10M9,10H15V14H9V10M17,10H19.46C19.81,10.61 20,11.3 20,12C20,12.7 19.81,13.39 19.46,14H17V10Z",a02="M16,19H8V5H16M16.5,3H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,4.5V19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,21H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,19.5V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,3M19,17H21V7H19M22,9V15H24V9M3,17H5V7H3M0,15H2V9H0V15Z",e02="M8.2,5L6.55,3.35C6.81,3.12 7.15,3 7.5,3H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,4.5V14.8L16,12.8V5H8.2M0,15H2V9H0V15M21,17V7H19V15.8L20.2,17H21M3,17H5V7H3V17M18,17.35L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73L18,19.85C17.83,20.54 17.21,21 16.5,21H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,19.5V7.89L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L6.09,5.44L8,7.34L16,15.34L18,17.34V17.35M16,17.89L8,9.89V19H16V17.89M22,9V15H24V9H22Z",d02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5Z",m02="M13 7H16C17.66 7 19 8.34 19 10V14C19 15.66 17.66 17 16 17H13V7M16 15C16.55 15 17 14.55 17 14V10C17 9.45 16.55 9 16 9H15V15H16M5 7H9C10.11 7 11 7.9 11 9V11C11 12.11 10.11 13 9 13H7V15H11V17H5V13C5 11.9 5.9 11 7 11H9V9H5V7Z",t02="M5,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17H5V15H9V13H6V11H9V9H5V7M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16Z",v02="M2.61 2L21.35 20.74L19.94 22.15L14.8 17H13V15.2L11 13.23V15.21C10.93 15.68 10.74 16.08 10.41 16.41C10.08 16.73 9.68 16.93 9.21 17H5V15H9V13H6V11H8.8L6.79 9H5V7.23L1.2 3.41L2.61 2M16 7H16.22C17 7.07 17.63 7.36 18.14 7.88C18.65 8.39 18.93 9 19 9.76V14.24C18.95 14.63 18.87 15 18.72 15.3L17 13.6V9.85C16.95 9.63 16.84 9.44 16.69 9.28C16.53 9.13 16.34 9.03 16.12 9H15V11.59L13 9.57V7H16Z",l02="M14,10V14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,14.5H12.5V9.5H13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14,10M21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M9.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,8H4.5V9.5H8V11.25H5.5V12.75H8V14.5H4.5V16H8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,14.5M15.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8H11V16H14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14.5",o02="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,13.5H11V15H9.5V13.5H6.5V9H8V12H9.5V9H11V12H12V13.5M18,15H16.2L14.4,12.8V15H13V9H14.5V11.2L16.2,9H18L15.8,12L18,15Z",n02="M17,10.5L21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M14,16V15C14,13.67 11.33,13 10,13C8.67,13 6,13.67 6,15V16H14M10,8A2,2 0 0,0 8,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,8Z",Z02="M18,16L14,12.8V16H6V8H14V11.2L18,8M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",S02="M6,8H6.73L14,15.27V16H6M2.27,1L1,2.27L3,4.28C2.41,4.62 2,5.26 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H18.73L20.73,22L22,20.73M20,4H7.82L11.82,8H14V10.18L14.57,10.75L18,8V14.18L22,18.17C22,18.11 22,18.06 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4Z",u02="M17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5M8.93 15L6 11.8L7.24 10.56L8.93 12.26L12.76 8.43L14 9.93L8.93 15Z",c02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M6.35 12.08L7.5 10.95L9 12.5L12.5 9L13.65 10.37L9 15L6.35 12.08Z",s02="M14 10V14C14 14.3 13.8 14.5 13.5 14.5H12.5V9.5H13.5C13.8 9.5 14 9.7 14 10M17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V17C3 17.6 3.4 18 4 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5M9.5 16H8V12.8H6V16H4.5V8H6V11.2H8V8H9.5V16M15.5 14.5C15.5 15.3 14.8 16 14 16H11V8H14C14.8 8 15.5 8.7 15.5 9.5V14.5Z",O02="M17,10.5L21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M10.91,9.55L9.2,11.82L10.5,13.55L9.77,14.09L7.73,11.36L5,15H15L10.91,9.55Z",h02="M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H19A7,7 0 0,0 12,5M13,14.29C13.88,13.9 14.5,13.03 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12C9.5,13 10.12,13.9 11,14.29V17.59L7.59,21L9,22.41L12,19.41L15,22.41L16.41,21L13,17.59V14.29M12,1A11,11 0 0,0 1,12H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,3A9,9 0 0,1 21,12H23A11,11 0 0,0 12,1Z",p02="M5,2A1,1 0 0,0 4,1A1,1 0 0,0 3,2V6H1V12H7V6H5V2M9,16C9,17.3 9.84,18.4 11,18.82V23H13V18.82C14.16,18.41 15,17.31 15,16V14H9V16M1,16C1,17.3 1.84,18.4 3,18.82V23H5V18.82C6.16,18.4 7,17.3 7,16V14H1V16M21,6V2A1,1 0 0,0 20,1A1,1 0 0,0 19,2V6H17V12H23V6H21M13,2A1,1 0 0,0 12,1A1,1 0 0,0 11,2V6H9V12H15V6H13V2M17,16C17,17.3 17.84,18.4 19,18.82V23H21V18.82C22.16,18.41 23,17.31 23,16V14H17V16Z",f02="M18,7V4A2,2 0 0,0 16,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V7H5V13L8,19V22H16V19L19,13V7H18M8,4H16V7H14V5H13V7H11V5H10V7H8V4Z",g02="M20.6 2.2L17.3 2.4L13.8 4.4L13.3 3.5L2 10V17H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H15C16.1 21 17 20.1 17 19V17H18V10H17L16.8 9.6L20.3 7.6L22.1 4.8L20.6 2.2M15 17V19H5V17H15Z",k02="M8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,11.5M15,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,5H10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,8H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,6.5M8.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,15M12,1A11,11 0 0,0 1,12A11,11 0 0,0 12,23A11,11 0 0,0 23,12A11,11 0 0,0 12,1M12,21C7.04,21 3,16.96 3,12C3,7.04 7.04,3 12,3C16.96,3 21,7.04 21,12C21,16.96 16.96,21 12,21M17.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10M15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,15Z",B02="M5.5 16.8C4.8 16.8 4.3 16.2 4.3 15.6C4.3 14.9 4.9 14.4 5.5 14.4S6.7 15 6.7 15.6C6.8 16.2 6.2 16.8 5.5 16.8M5.5 12C3.6 12 2 13.6 2 15.5C2 18.1 5.5 22 5.5 22S9 18.1 9 15.5C9 13.6 7.4 12 5.5 12M4 6C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V10.6C3.8 10.2 4.6 10 5.5 10C8.5 10 11 12.5 11 15.5C11 16.4 10.8 17.2 10.5 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4Z",P02="M5.5 16.8C4.8 16.8 4.3 16.2 4.3 15.6C4.3 14.9 4.9 14.4 5.5 14.4S6.7 15 6.7 15.6C6.8 16.2 6.2 16.8 5.5 16.8M5.5 12C3.6 12 2 13.6 2 15.5C2 18.1 5.5 22 5.5 22S9 18.1 9 15.5C9 13.6 7.4 12 5.5 12M4 6C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V10.6C3.6 10.3 4.3 10.1 5 10V8H15V16H11C10.9 16.7 10.8 17.4 10.5 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4Z",w02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5M14,13H6V11H14V13Z",F02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M13 13H7V11H13V13Z",T02="M3.27,2L2,3.27L4.73,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16C16.2,18 16.39,17.92 16.54,17.82L19.73,21L21,19.73M21,6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H9.82L21,17.18V6.5Z",b02="M3.41,1.86L2,3.27L4.73,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16C16.21,18 16.39,17.92 16.55,17.82L19.73,21L21.14,19.59L12.28,10.73L3.41,1.86M5,16V8H6.73L14.73,16H5M15,8V10.61L21,16.61V6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H10.39L12.39,8H15Z",y02="M15,8V16H5V8H15M16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6Z",R02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5M14,13H11V16H9V13H6V11H9V8H11V11H14V13Z",x02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M13 13H11V15H9V13H7V11H9V9H11V11H13V13Z",D02="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M7.24,6.58L18.83,9.69L16.76,17.42L5.17,14.31L7.24,6.58Z",E02="M14 14V10C14 9.7 13.8 9.5 13.5 9.5H12.5V14.5H13.5C13.8 14.5 14 14.3 14 14M17 7V10.5L21 6.5V17.5L17 13.5V17C17 17.6 16.6 18 16 18H4C3.4 18 3 17.6 3 17V7C3 6.4 3.4 6 4 6H16C16.6 6 17 6.4 17 7M14 16C14.8 16 15.5 15.3 15.5 14.5V9.5C15.5 8.7 14.8 8 14 8H11V16H14M9 8H5.5C4.67 8 4 8.67 4 9.5V11C4 11.83 4.67 12.5 5.5 12.5H7.5V14.5H4V16H7.5C8.33 16 9 15.33 9 14.5V12.5C9 11.67 8.33 11 7.5 11H5.5V9.5H9V8Z",N02="M13,15.5V13H7V15.5L3.5,12L7,8.5V11H13V8.5L16.5,12M18,9.5V6A1,1 0 0,0 17,5H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 3,19H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18V14.5L22,18.5V5.5L18,9.5Z",W02="M8 13H12V15L15 12L12 9V11H8V9L5 12L8 15V13M18 9.5V6C18 5.4 17.5 5 17 5H3C2.5 5 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 18.5 2.5 19 3 19H17C17.5 19 18 18.5 18 18V14.5L22 18.5V5.5L18 9.5M16 17H4V7H16V17Z",I02="M18,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 17,10H16C18.24,8.39 18.76,5.27 17.15,3C15.54,0.78 12.42,0.26 10.17,1.87C9.5,2.35 8.96,3 8.6,3.73C6.25,2.28 3.17,3 1.72,5.37C0.28,7.72 1,10.8 3.36,12.25C3.57,12.37 3.78,12.5 4,12.58V21A1,1 0 0,0 5,22H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,21V17.5L22,21.5V10.5L18,14.5M13,4A2,2 0 0,1 15,6A2,2 0 0,1 13,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,6A2,2 0 0,1 13,4M6,6A2,2 0 0,1 8,8A2,2 0 0,1 6,10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8A2,2 0 0,1 6,6Z",G02="M17,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,10H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,11V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,21V17.5L21,21.5V10.5M3,3.86L4.4,5.24C7.5,2.19 12.5,2.19 15.6,5.24L17,3.86C13.14,0.05 6.87,0.05 3,3.86M5.8,6.62L7.2,8C8.75,6.5 11.25,6.5 12.8,8L14.2,6.62C11.88,4.34 8.12,4.34 5.8,6.62Z",Q02="M15,12V20H5V12H15M16,10H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,11V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,21V17.5L21,21.5V10.5L17,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,10M3,3.86L4.4,5.24C7.5,2.19 12.5,2.19 15.6,5.24L17,3.86C13.14,0.05 6.87,0.05 3,3.86M5.8,6.63L7.2,8C8.75,6.5 11.25,6.5 12.8,8L14.2,6.63C11.88,4.34 8.12,4.34 5.8,6.63Z",U02="M21 3H3C2.4 3 2 3.4 2 4V10C2 10.6 2.4 11 3 11H21C21.6 11 22 10.6 22 10V4C22 3.4 21.6 3 21 3M21 13H3C2.4 13 2 13.4 2 14V20C2 20.6 2.4 21 3 21H21C21.6 21 22 20.6 22 20V14C22 13.4 21.6 13 21 13Z",z02="M21 13H3A1 1 0 0 0 2 14V20A1 1 0 0 0 3 21H21A1 1 0 0 0 22 20V14A1 1 0 0 0 21 13M20 19H4V15H20M21 3H3A1 1 0 0 0 2 4V10A1 1 0 0 0 3 11H21A1 1 0 0 0 22 10V4A1 1 0 0 0 21 3M20 9H4V5H20Z",_02="M8,18H17V5H8M18,5V18H21V5M4,18H7V5H4V18Z",K02="M15 7V16H10V7H15M21 5H18V18H21V5M17 5H8V18H17V5M7 5H4V18H7V5Z",j02="M18,6V17H22V6M2,17H6V6H2M7,19H17V4H7V19Z",q02="M2 6H6V17H2V6M7 19H17V4H7V19M9 6H15V17H9V6M18 6H22V17H18V6Z",$02="M16,5V18H21V5M4,18H9V5H4M10,18H15V5H10V18Z",X02="M4 5V18H21V5H4M14 7V16H11V7H14M6 7H9V16H6V7M19 16H16V7H19V16Z",Y02="M3,9H7V5H3V9M3,14H7V10H3V14M8,14H12V10H8V14M13,14H17V10H13V14M8,9H12V5H8V9M13,5V9H17V5H13M18,14H22V10H18V14M3,19H7V15H3V19M8,19H12V15H8V19M13,19H17V15H13V19M18,19H22V15H18V19M18,5V9H22V5H18Z",J02="M3 5V19H22V5H3M20 9H17.75V7H20V9M9.25 11H11.5V13H9.25V11M7.25 13H5V11H7.25V13M11.5 9H9.25V7H11.5V9M13.5 7H15.75V9H13.5V7M11.5 15V17H9.25V15H11.5M13.5 15H15.75V17H13.5V15M13.5 13V11H15.75V13H13.5M17.75 11H20V13H17.75V11M7.25 7V9H5V7H7.25M5 15H7.25V17H5V15M17.75 17V15H20V17H17.75Z",C72="M3,19H9V12H3V19M10,19H22V12H10V19M3,5V11H22V5H3Z",H72="M3,5V19H22V5H3M5,7H20V11H5V7M5,17V13H9V17H5M11,17V13H20V17H11Z",V72="M13,3V9H21V3M13,21H21V11H13M3,21H11V15H3M3,13H11V3H3V13Z",L72="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M21 9H13V3H21V9M13 18.06V11H21V11.1C20.24 11.1 19.57 11.5 19.19 11.89L13 18.06M11 13H3V3H11V13M11 21H3V15H11V21Z",M72="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M21 3H13V9H21V3M19 7H15V5H19V7M13 18.06V11H21V11.1C20.24 11.1 19.57 11.5 19.19 11.89L18.07 13H15V16.07L13 18.06M11 3H3V13H11V3M9 11H5V5H9V11M11 20.06V15H3V21H11V20.06M9 19H5V17H9V19Z",A72="M19,5V7H15V5H19M9,5V11H5V5H9M19,13V19H15V13H19M9,17V19H5V17H9M21,3H13V9H21V3M11,3H3V13H11V3M21,11H13V21H21V11M11,15H3V21H11V15Z",i72="M2,5V19H8V5H2M9,5V10H15V5H9M16,5V14H22V5H16M9,11V19H15V11H9M16,15V19H22V15H16Z",r72="M2 5V19H22V5H2M20 12H16V7H20V12M14 10H10V7H14V10M10 12H14V17H10V12M4 7H8V17H4V7M16 17V14H20V17H16Z",a72="M2,3V6H21V3M20,8H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,9V15A1,1 0 0,0 3,16H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,15V9A1,1 0 0,0 20,8M2,21H21V18H2V21Z",e72="M21 18H2V20H21V18M19 10V14H4V10H19M20 8H3C2.45 8 2 8.45 2 9V15C2 15.55 2.45 16 3 16H20C20.55 16 21 15.55 21 15V9C21 8.45 20.55 8 20 8M21 4H2V6H21V4Z",d72="M21 3H2V16H21V3M2 17H6V21H2V17M7 17H11V21H7V17M12 17H16V21H12V17M17 17H21V21H17V17Z",m72="M1 3V21H23V3H1M21 5V14H3V5H21M11 16V19H8V16H11M3 16H6V19H3V16M13 19V16H16V19H13M18 19V16H21V19H18Z",t72="M3,11H11V3H3M3,21H11V13H3M13,21H21V13H13M13,3V11H21V3",v72="M2 5H4V7H2V5M5 5H7V7H5V5M8 5H10V7H8V5M11 5H13V7H11V5M14 5H16V7H14V5M17 5H19V7H17V5M20 5H22V7H20V5M2 8H4V10H2V8M5 8H7V10H5V8M8 8H10V10H8V8M11 8H13V10H11V8M14 8H16V10H14V8M17 8H19V10H17V8M20 8H22V10H20V8M2 11H4V13H2V11M5 11H7V13H5V11M8 11H10V13H8V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M14 11H16V13H14V11M17 11H19V13H17V11M20 11H22V13H20V11M2 14H4V16H2V14M5 14H7V16H5V14M8 14H10V16H8V14M11 14H13V16H11V14M14 14H16V16H14V14M17 14H19V16H17V14M20 14H22V16H20V14M2 17H4V19H2V17M5 17H7V19H5V17M8 17H10V19H8V17M11 17H13V19H11V17M14 17H16V19H14V17M17 17H19V19H17V17M20 17H22V19H20V17",l72="M3 11H11V3H3M5 5H9V9H5M13 21H21V13H13M15 15H19V19H15M3 21H11V13H3M5 15H9V19H5M13 3V11H21V3M19 9H15V5H19Z",o72="M13 3V11H21V3H13M3 21H11V13H3V21M3 3V11H11V3H3M13 16H16V13H18V16H21V18H18V21H16V18H13V16Z",n72="M3 21H11V13H3M5 15H9V19H5M3 11H11V3H3M5 5H9V9H5M13 3V11H21V3M19 9H15V5H19M18 16H21V18H18V21H16V18H13V16H16V13H18Z",Z72="M4,5V7H21V5M4,11H21V9H4M4,19H21V17H4M4,15H21V13H4V15Z",S72="M9,5V9H21V5M9,19H21V15H9M9,14H21V10H9M4,9H8V5H4M4,19H8V15H4M4,14H8V10H4V14Z",u72="M3 5V19H20V5H3M7 7V9H5V7H7M5 13V11H7V13H5M5 15H7V17H5V15M18 17H9V15H18V17M18 13H9V11H18V13M18 9H9V7H18V9Z",c72="M16,5V11H21V5M10,11H15V5H10M16,18H21V12H16M10,18H15V12H10M4,18H9V12H4M4,11H9V5H4V11Z",s72="M4 5V18H21V5H4M14 7V10.5H11V7H14M6 7H9V10.5H6V7M6 16V12.5H9V16H6M11 16V12.5H14V16H11M19 16H16V12.5H19V16M16 10.5V7H19V10.5H16Z",O72="M19 3V21H15V3H19M14 3V21H10V3H14M9 3V21H5V3H9Z",h72="M19 3H5V21H19V3M17 19H15V5H17V19M13 19H11V5H13V19M7 5H9V19H7V5Z",p72="M10,5V11H21V5M16,18H21V12H16M4,18H9V5H4M10,18H15V12H10V18Z",f72="M4 5V18H21V5H4M6 16V7H9V16H6M11 16V12.5H14V16H11M19 16H16V12.5H19V16M11 10.5V7H19V10.5H11Z",g72="M3 5H21V9H3V5M3 10H21V14H3V10M3 15H21V19H3V15Z",k72="M3 5V19H21V5H3M19 7V9H5V7H19M19 11V13H5V11H19M5 17V15H19V17H5Z",B72="M3,5H21V7H3V5M3,11V9H21V11H3M3,19V13H21V19H3Z",P72="M13,5H21V19H13V5M3,5H11V7H3V5M3,11V9H11V11H3M3,19V17H11V19H3M3,15V13H11V15H3Z",w72="M4,5V11H21V5M4,18H21V12H4V18Z",F72="M4 6V18H21V6H4M19 16H6V13H19V16M6 11V8H19V11H6Z",T72="M13,5H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 13,5M20,5H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 17,19H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 20,5M6,5H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 3,19H6A1,1 0 0,0 7,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",b72="M21 4H3C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V19C2 19.55 2.45 20 3 20H21C21.55 20 22 19.55 22 19V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4M8 18H4V6H8V18M14 18H10V6H14V18M20 18H16V6H20V18Z",y72="M22,7.42C21.91,9.37 20.55,12.04 17.92,15.44C15.2,19 12.9,20.75 11,20.75C9.85,20.75 8.86,19.67 8.05,17.5C7.5,15.54 7,13.56 6.44,11.58C5.84,9.42 5.2,8.34 4.5,8.34C4.36,8.34 3.84,8.66 2.94,9.29L2,8.07C3,7.2 3.96,6.33 4.92,5.46C6.24,4.32 7.23,3.72 7.88,3.66C9.44,3.5 10.4,4.58 10.76,6.86C11.15,9.33 11.42,10.86 11.57,11.46C12,13.5 12.5,14.5 13.05,14.5C13.47,14.5 14.1,13.86 14.94,12.53C15.78,11.21 16.23,10.2 16.29,9.5C16.41,8.36 15.96,7.79 14.94,7.79C14.46,7.79 13.97,7.9 13.46,8.12C14.44,4.89 16.32,3.32 19.09,3.41C21.15,3.47 22.12,4.81 22,7.42Z",R72="M11,2A1,1 0 0,0 10,3V5L10,9A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,9.5H12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,10.5H10.5C9.73,10.5 9,9.77 9,9V5.16C7.27,5.6 6,7.13 6,9V10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,15.5V17C6,19.77 8.23,22 11,22H13C15.77,22 18,19.77 18,17V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18,10.5V9C18,6.78 16.22,5 14,5V3A1,1 0 0,0 13,2H11M10.75,16.5H13.25L12.75,20H11.25L10.75,16.5Z",x72="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M6,9H7.5L8.5,12.43L9.5,9H11L9.25,15H7.75L6,9M13,9H16.5C17.35,9 18,9.65 18,10.5V11.5C18,12.1 17.6,12.65 17.1,12.9L18,15H16.5L15.65,13H14.5V15H13V9M14.5,10.5V11.5H16.5V10.5H14.5Z",D72="M19.82 14C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.5 6.57 20.07 6.41 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C19.81 2.83 18.7 2.83 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5S10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.1 5.21 9.26 5.5 8.5 5.94L7.39 4.35C7.58 3.83 7.53 3.23 7.19 2.75C6.63 1.96 5.54 1.76 4.75 2.32C3.96 2.87 3.76 3.96 4.32 4.75C4.66 5.24 5.2 5.5 5.75 5.5L6.93 7.18C6.5 7.61 6.16 8.09 5.87 8.62C5.25 8.38 4.5 8.5 4 9C3.33 9.7 3.33 10.8 4 11.5C4.29 11.77 4.64 11.93 5 12L5 12C5 12.54 5.07 13.06 5.18 13.56L3.87 13.91C3.45 13.56 2.87 13.41 2.29 13.56C1.36 13.81 .808 14.77 1.06 15.71C1.31 16.64 2.28 17.19 3.21 16.94C3.78 16.78 4.21 16.36 4.39 15.84L5.9 15.43C6.35 16.22 6.95 16.92 7.65 17.5L6.55 19.5C6 19.58 5.5 19.89 5.21 20.42C4.75 21.27 5.07 22.33 5.92 22.79C6.77 23.25 7.83 22.93 8.29 22.08C8.57 21.56 8.56 20.96 8.31 20.47L9.38 18.5C10.19 18.82 11.07 19 12 19C12.06 19 12.12 19 12.18 19C12.05 19.26 12 19.56 12 19.88C12.08 20.85 12.92 21.57 13.88 21.5S15.57 20.58 15.5 19.62C15.46 19.12 15.21 18.68 14.85 18.39C15.32 18.18 15.77 17.91 16.19 17.6L18.53 19.94C18.43 20.5 18.59 21.07 19 21.5C19.7 22.17 20.8 22.17 21.5 21.5S22.17 19.7 21.5 19C21.07 18.59 20.5 18.43 19.94 18.53L17.6 16.19C18.09 15.54 18.47 14.8 18.71 14H19.82M10.5 12C9.67 12 9 11.33 9 10.5S9.67 9 10.5 9 12 9.67 12 10.5 11.33 12 10.5 12M14 15C13.45 15 13 14.55 13 14C13 13.45 13.45 13 14 13S15 13.45 15 14C15 14.55 14.55 15 14 15Z",E72="M7.42 4.22L5.28 2.08C5.97 1.88 6.75 2.12 7.19 2.75C7.5 3.19 7.56 3.73 7.42 4.22M21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.5 6.57 20.07 6.41 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C19.81 2.83 18.7 2.83 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5S10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.26 5.19 9.57 5.41 8.92 5.72L18.28 15.08C18.45 14.73 18.6 14.38 18.71 14H19.82C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L20.1 22C19.7 21.96 19.31 21.8 19 21.5C18.7 21.19 18.54 20.8 18.5 20.4L15.9 17.79C15.57 18 15.22 18.23 14.85 18.39C15.21 18.68 15.46 19.12 15.5 19.62C15.57 20.58 14.84 21.43 13.88 21.5S12.08 20.85 12 19.88C12 19.56 12.05 19.26 12.18 19H12C11.07 19 10.19 18.82 9.38 18.5L8.31 20.47C8.56 20.96 8.57 21.56 8.29 22.08C7.83 22.93 6.77 23.25 5.92 22.79C5.07 22.33 4.75 21.27 5.21 20.42C5.5 19.89 6 19.58 6.55 19.5L7.65 17.5C6.95 16.92 6.35 16.22 5.9 15.43L4.39 15.84C4.21 16.36 3.78 16.78 3.21 16.94C2.28 17.19 1.31 16.64 1.06 15.71C.808 14.77 1.36 13.81 2.29 13.56C2.87 13.41 3.45 13.56 3.87 13.91L5.18 13.56C5.07 13.06 5 12.54 5 12C4.64 11.93 4.29 11.77 4 11.5C3.33 10.8 3.33 9.7 4 9C4.5 8.5 5.25 8.38 5.87 8.62C5.97 8.44 6.09 8.27 6.2 8.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",N72="M23 13C23 13.97 22.22 14.75 21.25 14.75C20.66 14.75 20.13 14.45 19.82 14H18.71C18.6 14.38 18.45 14.73 18.28 15.08L16.73 13.53C16.89 13.05 17 12.54 17 12C17 9.24 14.76 7 12 7C11.46 7 10.95 7.11 10.47 7.27L8.92 5.72C9.57 5.41 10.26 5.19 11 5.08V3.68C10.55 3.37 10.25 2.84 10.25 2.25C10.25 1.28 11.03 .5 12 .5S13.75 1.28 13.75 2.25C13.75 2.84 13.45 3.37 13 3.68V5.08C14.19 5.25 15.27 5.71 16.19 6.4L17.53 5.06C17.43 4.5 17.59 3.93 18 3.5C18.35 3.17 18.8 3 19.25 3S20.15 3.17 20.5 3.5C21.17 4.2 21.17 5.31 20.5 6C20.15 6.33 19.7 6.5 19.25 6.5C19.15 6.5 19.05 6.5 18.94 6.47L17.6 7.81C18.5 9 19 10.43 19 12H19.82C20.13 11.55 20.66 11.25 21.25 11.25C22.22 11.25 23 12.03 23 13M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L20.1 22C19.7 21.95 19.31 21.79 19 21.5C18.7 21.19 18.54 20.8 18.5 20.4L15.9 17.79C15.57 18 15.22 18.23 14.85 18.39C15.21 18.68 15.46 19.12 15.5 19.62C15.57 20.58 14.85 21.42 13.88 21.5H13.75C12.84 21.5 12.08 20.8 12 19.88C12 19.56 12.05 19.26 12.18 19H12C11.07 19 10.19 18.82 9.38 18.5L8.31 20.47C8.56 20.96 8.57 21.56 8.29 22.08C7.97 22.67 7.37 23 6.75 23C6.47 23 6.18 22.93 5.92 22.79C5.07 22.33 4.75 21.27 5.21 20.42C5.5 19.89 6 19.58 6.55 19.5L7.65 17.5C6.95 16.92 6.35 16.22 5.9 15.43L4.39 15.84C4.21 16.36 3.78 16.78 3.21 16.94C3.05 17 2.9 17 2.75 17C2 17 1.27 16.5 1.06 15.71C.809 14.77 1.36 13.81 2.29 13.56C2.44 13.5 2.6 13.5 2.75 13.5C3.16 13.5 3.56 13.65 3.87 13.91L5.18 13.56C5.07 13.06 5 12.54 5 12C4.64 11.92 4.29 11.77 4 11.5C3.33 10.8 3.33 9.7 4 9C4.35 8.67 4.8 8.5 5.25 8.5C5.46 8.5 5.67 8.54 5.87 8.62C5.97 8.44 6.09 8.27 6.2 8.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14.45 16.34L7.66 9.55C7.25 10.28 7 11.11 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.9 17 13.73 16.75 14.45 16.34M7.19 2.75C6.84 2.26 6.3 2 5.75 2C5.59 2 5.43 2.03 5.27 2.07L7.42 4.22C7.56 3.73 7.5 3.19 7.19 2.75Z",W72="M12 .5C11.03 .5 10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.1 5.21 9.26 5.5 8.5 5.94L7.39 4.35C7.58 3.83 7.53 3.23 7.19 2.75C6.84 2.26 6.3 2 5.75 2C5.4 2 5.05 2.1 4.75 2.32C3.96 2.87 3.76 3.96 4.32 4.75C4.66 5.24 5.2 5.5 5.75 5.5L6.93 7.18C6.5 7.61 6.16 8.09 5.87 8.62C5.67 8.54 5.46 8.5 5.25 8.5C4.8 8.5 4.35 8.67 4 9C3.33 9.7 3.33 10.8 4 11.5C4.29 11.77 4.64 11.92 5 12L5 12C5 12.54 5.07 13.06 5.18 13.56L3.87 13.91C3.56 13.65 3.16 13.5 2.75 13.5C2.6 13.5 2.44 13.5 2.29 13.56C1.36 13.81 .809 14.77 1.06 15.71C1.27 16.5 2 17 2.75 17C2.9 17 3.05 17 3.21 16.94C3.78 16.78 4.21 16.36 4.39 15.84L5.9 15.43C6.35 16.22 6.95 16.92 7.65 17.5L6.55 19.5C6 19.58 5.5 19.89 5.21 20.42C4.75 21.27 5.07 22.33 5.92 22.79C6.18 22.93 6.47 23 6.75 23C7.37 23 7.97 22.67 8.29 22.08C8.57 21.56 8.56 20.96 8.31 20.47L9.38 18.5C10.19 18.82 11.07 19 12 19C12.06 19 12.12 19 12.18 19C12.05 19.26 12 19.56 12 19.88C12.08 20.8 12.84 21.5 13.75 21.5C13.79 21.5 13.84 21.5 13.88 21.5C14.85 21.42 15.57 20.58 15.5 19.62C15.46 19.12 15.21 18.68 14.85 18.39C15.32 18.18 15.77 17.91 16.19 17.6L18.53 19.94C18.43 20.5 18.59 21.07 19 21.5C19.35 21.83 19.8 22 20.25 22S21.15 21.83 21.5 21.5C22.17 20.8 22.17 19.7 21.5 19C21.15 18.67 20.7 18.5 20.25 18.5C20.15 18.5 20.05 18.5 19.94 18.53L17.6 16.19C18.09 15.54 18.47 14.8 18.71 14H19.82C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.05 6.5 19.15 6.5 19.25 6.5C19.7 6.5 20.15 6.33 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C20.15 3.17 19.7 3 19.25 3S18.35 3.17 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5M12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12 14.76 17 12 17M10.5 9C9.67 9 9 9.67 9 10.5S9.67 12 10.5 12 12 11.33 12 10.5 11.33 9 10.5 9M14 13C13.45 13 13 13.45 13 14C13 14.55 13.45 15 14 15C14.55 15 15 14.55 15 14C15 13.45 14.55 13 14 13Z",I72="M12,1C11.58,1 11.19,1.23 11,1.75L9.88,4.88C10.36,5.4 11.28,5.5 12,5.5C12.72,5.5 13.64,5.4 14.13,4.88L13,1.75C12.82,1.25 12.42,1 12,1M8.44,8.91L7,12.91C8.07,14.27 10.26,14.5 12,14.5C13.74,14.5 15.93,14.27 17,12.91L15.56,8.91C14.76,9.83 13.24,10 12,10C10.76,10 9.24,9.83 8.44,8.91M5.44,15C4.62,15 3.76,15.65 3.53,16.44L2.06,21.56C1.84,22.35 2.3,23 3.13,23H20.88C21.7,23 22.16,22.35 21.94,21.56L20.47,16.44C20.24,15.65 19.38,15 18.56,15H17.75L18.09,15.97C18.21,16.29 18.29,16.69 18.09,16.97C16.84,18.7 14.14,19 12,19C9.86,19 7.16,18.7 5.91,16.97C5.71,16.69 5.79,16.29 5.91,15.97L6.25,15H5.44Z",G72="M18.5,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,8A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,15M5.5,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,8A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,15M18.5,6A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 13,11.5C13,12.83 13.47,14.05 14.26,15H9.74C10.53,14.05 11,12.83 11,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,6A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 0,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,17H18.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 24,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 18.5,6Z",Q72="M18 8H11L9 13H6L2 22H22L18 8M13 1H15V5H13V1M16.12 5.47L18.95 2.64L20.36 4.05L17.54 6.88L16.12 5.47M7.64 4.05L9.05 2.64L11.88 5.46L10.47 6.88L7.64 4.05Z",U72="M18 8H11L9 13H6L2 22H22L18 8M7.3 15H10.35L10.85 13.74L12.35 10H16.5L19.35 20H5.08L7.3 15M13 1H15V5H13V1M16.12 5.47L18.95 2.64L20.36 4.05L17.54 6.88L16.12 5.47M7.64 4.05L9.05 2.64L11.88 5.46L10.47 6.88L7.64 4.05Z",z72="M19.04 4.85C17.34 3.2 15.33 2.25 13 2V5.62L22 10.8C21.72 8.5 20.73 6.5 19.04 4.85M12 22C15.44 22 18.16 20.62 20.17 17.86L17.06 16L8.07 21.2C9.32 21.73 10.64 22 12 22M13 11.41L21.15 16.07C21.59 15.13 21.88 14.14 22 13.11L13 7.93V11.41M3.88 17.81C4.54 18.72 5.26 19.46 6.05 20L15.04 14.9L12 13.15L3.88 17.81M11.04 2C10 2.09 9 2.36 8 2.8V13.15L11.04 11.41V2M2 12C2 13.39 2.3 14.77 2.89 16.12L6 14.28V4C3.33 6 2 8.65 2 12Z",_72="M3 9H7L12 4V20L7 15H3V9M14 13H22V15H14M14 9H22V11H14Z",K72="M14,3.23V5.29C16.89,6.15 19,8.83 19,12C19,15.17 16.89,17.84 14,18.7V20.77C18,19.86 21,16.28 21,12C21,7.72 18,4.14 14,3.23M16.5,12C16.5,10.23 15.5,8.71 14,7.97V16C15.5,15.29 16.5,13.76 16.5,12M3,9V15H7L12,20V4L7,9H3Z",j72="M7,9V15H11L16,20V4L11,9H7Z",q72="M5,9V15H9L14,20V4L9,9M18.5,12C18.5,10.23 17.5,8.71 16,7.97V16C17.5,15.29 18.5,13.76 18.5,12Z",$72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M14,11H22V13H14V11Z",X72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M16.59,12L14,9.41L15.41,8L18,10.59L20.59,8L22,9.41L19.41,12L22,14.59L20.59,16L18,13.41L15.41,16L14,14.59L16.59,12Z",Y72="M12,4L9.91,6.09L12,8.18M4.27,3L3,4.27L7.73,9H3V15H7L12,20V13.27L16.25,17.53C15.58,18.04 14.83,18.46 14,18.7V20.77C15.38,20.45 16.63,19.82 17.68,18.96L19.73,21L21,19.73L12,10.73M19,12C19,12.94 18.8,13.82 18.46,14.64L19.97,16.15C20.62,14.91 21,13.5 21,12C21,7.72 18,4.14 14,3.23V5.29C16.89,6.15 19,8.83 19,12M16.5,12C16.5,10.23 15.5,8.71 14,7.97V10.18L16.45,12.63C16.5,12.43 16.5,12.21 16.5,12Z",J72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M14,11H17V8H19V11H22V13H19V16H17V13H14V11Z",C92="M3 9V15H7L12 20V4L7 9H3M16 15H14V9H16V15M20 19H18V5H20V19Z",H92="M5.64,3.64L21.36,19.36L19.95,20.78L16,16.83V20L11,15H7V9H8.17L4.22,5.05L5.64,3.64M16,4V11.17L12.41,7.58L16,4Z",V92="M4 9V15H8L13 20V4L8 9H4M16.55 2.47L15.5 3.53L17.93 6L15 9L17.93 12L15 15L17.93 18L15.5 20.47L16.55 21.53L20 18L17.07 15L20 12L17.07 9L20 6L16.55 2.47Z",L92="M18,13H17.32L15.32,15H17.23L19,17H5L6.78,15H8.83L6.83,13H6L3,16V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V16L18,13M17,7.95L12.05,12.9L8.5,9.36L13.46,4.41L17,7.95M12.76,2.29L6.39,8.66C6,9.05 6,9.68 6.39,10.07L11.34,15C11.73,15.41 12.36,15.41 12.75,15L19.11,8.66C19.5,8.27 19.5,7.64 19.11,7.25L14.16,2.3C13.78,1.9 13.15,1.9 12.76,2.29Z",M92="M18,13L21,16V20C21,21.11 20.1,22 19,22H5C3.89,22 3,21.1 3,20V16L6,13H6.83L8.83,15H6.78L5,17H19L17.23,15H15.32L17.32,13H18M19,20V19H5V20H19M11.34,15L6.39,10.07C6,9.68 6,9.05 6.39,8.66L12.76,2.29C13.15,1.9 13.78,1.9 14.16,2.3L19.11,7.25C19.5,7.64 19.5,8.27 19.11,8.66L12.75,15C12.36,15.41 11.73,15.41 11.34,15M13.46,4.41L8.5,9.36L12.05,12.9L17,7.95L13.46,4.41Z",A92="M9,5H15L12,8L9,5M10.5,14.66C10.2,15 10,15.5 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16C14,15.45 13.78,14.95 13.41,14.59L14.83,13.17C15.55,13.9 16,14.9 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16C8,14.93 8.42,13.96 9.1,13.25L9.09,13.24L16.17,6.17V6.17C16.89,5.45 17.89,5 19,5A4,4 0 0,1 23,9A4,4 0 0,1 19,13C17.9,13 16.9,12.55 16.17,11.83L17.59,10.41C17.95,10.78 18.45,11 19,11A2,2 0 0,0 21,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7C18.45,7 17.95,7.22 17.59,7.59L10.5,14.66M6.41,7.59C6.05,7.22 5.55,7 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9A2,2 0 0,0 5,11C5.55,11 6.05,10.78 6.41,10.41L7.83,11.83C7.1,12.55 6.1,13 5,13A4,4 0 0,1 1,9A4,4 0 0,1 5,5C6.11,5 7.11,5.45 7.83,6.17V6.17L10.59,8.93L9.17,10.35L6.41,7.59Z",i92="M2,3H5.5L12,15L18.5,3H22L12,21L2,3M6.5,3H9.5L12,7.58L14.5,3H17.5L12,13.08L6.5,3Z",r92="M12,11.64L7.92,2H16.08L12,11.64M12,21.95L3.27,4.91H7.84L12,14.47L16.16,4.91H20.73L12,21.95Z",a92="M14.12,10H19V8.2H15.38L13.38,4.87C13.08,4.37 12.54,4.03 11.92,4.03C11.74,4.03 11.58,4.06 11.42,4.11L6,5.8V11H7.8V7.33L9.91,6.67L6,22H7.8L10.67,13.89L13,17V22H14.8V15.59L12.31,11.05L13.04,8.18M14,3.8C15,3.8 15.8,3 15.8,2C15.8,1 15,0.2 14,0.2C13,0.2 12.2,1 12.2,2C12.2,3 13,3.8 14,3.8Z",e92="M3,16H12V21H3V16M2,10H8V15H2V10M9,10H15V15H9V10M16,10H22V15H16V10M13,16H21V21H13V16M3,4H11V9H3V4M12,4H21V9H12V4Z",d92="M22.14 15.34L22.12 15.35C22.35 15.63 22.55 15.94 22.7 16.27L22.79 16.46C23.5 18.15 23 20.1 21.69 21.32C20.5 22.41 18.84 22.7 17.3 22.5C15.84 22.32 14.5 21.4 13.73 20.13C13.5 19.74 13.3 19.3 13.2 18.85C13.07 18.5 13.03 18.12 13 17.75C12.91 16.15 13.55 14.45 14.76 13.45C14.21 14.66 14.34 16.17 15.15 17.22L15.26 17.35C15.4 17.47 15.57 17.5 15.73 17.44C15.88 17.38 16 17.23 16 17.07L15.93 16.83C15.05 14.5 15.79 11.8 17.66 10.27C18.17 9.85 18.8 9.47 19.46 9.3C18.78 10.66 19 12.44 20.09 13.5C20.55 14 21.11 14.29 21.58 14.73L22.14 15.34M19.86 20L19.85 19.97C20.3 19.58 20.55 18.91 20.53 18.31L20.5 18C20.3 17 19.43 16.66 18.87 15.93L18.44 15.15C18.22 15.65 18.2 16.12 18.29 16.66C18.39 17.23 18.61 17.72 18.5 18.31C18.34 18.96 17.83 19.61 16.94 19.82C17.44 20.31 18.25 20.7 19.06 20.42C19.32 20.35 19.65 20.16 19.86 20M3 16H11.06L11 17C11 18.41 11.36 19.73 12 20.88V21H3V16M2 10H8V15H2V10M9 10H15V10.07C13.17 11.13 11.79 12.9 11.25 15H9V10M3 4H11V9H3V4M12 4H21V9H12V4Z",m92="M11,4L7,13H19L15,4H11M4,14V22H6V19H14V14H12V17H6V14H4Z",t92="M5,5V11H19V5H5M5.27,13.32L3.5,15.09L4.91,16.5L6.68,14.73L5.27,13.32M18.73,13.32L17.32,14.73L19.09,16.5L20.5,15.09L18.73,13.32M11,16V19H13V16H11Z",v92="M5 5V11H19V5H5M17 9H7V7H17V9M5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32M18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32M11 16V19H13V16H11Z",l92="M19 19V13H5V19H19M18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68M5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68M13 8V5H11V8H13Z",o92="M5 13V19H19V13H5M17 17H7V15H17V17M18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68M5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68M13 8V5H11V8H13Z",n92="M13.7 6L15.92 11H10.08L12.3 6H13.7M15 4H11L7 13H19L15 4M4 14V22H6V19H14V14H12V17H6V14H4Z",Z92="M13 19V16H11V19H13M19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5M4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5M20 12C20 9.14 18.5 6.5 16 5.07S10.5 3.64 8 5.07 4 9.14 4 12H20Z",S92="M13 19V16H11V19H13M19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5M4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5M12 6C13.04 6 14.08 6.28 15 6.81C16.26 7.5 17.19 8.67 17.66 10H6.34C6.81 8.67 7.74 7.5 9 6.81C9.92 6.28 10.96 6 12 6M12 4C10.63 4 9.25 4.36 8 5.07C5.5 6.5 4 9.14 4 12H20C20 9.14 18.5 6.5 16 5.07C14.75 4.36 13.38 4 12 4Z",u92="M11 5V8H13V5H11M4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5M19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5M4 12C4 14.86 5.5 17.5 8 18.93S13.5 20.36 16 18.93 20 14.86 20 12H4Z",c92="M11 5V8H13V5H11M4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5M19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5M17.66 14C17.19 15.33 16.26 16.5 15 17.19C14.08 17.72 13.04 18 12 18S9.92 17.72 9 17.19C7.74 16.5 6.81 15.33 6.34 14H17.66M20 12H4C4 14.86 5.5 17.5 8 18.93C9.25 19.65 10.63 20 12 20S14.75 19.65 16 18.93C18.5 17.5 20 14.86 20 12Z",s92="M21,18V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V6H12C10.89,6 10,6.9 10,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18M12,16H22V8H12M16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,13.5Z",O92="M17 3H7C4.79 3 3 4.79 3 7V17C3 19.21 4.79 21 7 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9C21 7.9 20.11 7 19 7V5C19 3.9 18.11 3 17 3M17 5V7H7C6.27 7 5.59 7.2 5 7.54V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5M15.5 15.5C14.67 15.5 14 14.83 14 14S14.67 12.5 15.5 12.5 17 13.17 17 14 16.33 15.5 15.5 15.5Z",h92="M15.5 15.5C16.33 15.5 17 14.83 17 14C17 13.17 16.33 12.5 15.5 12.5C14.67 12.5 14 13.17 14 14C14 14.83 14.67 15.5 15.5 15.5M7 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V7C20.11 7 21 7.9 21 9V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H7C4.79 21 3 19.21 3 17V7C3 4.79 4.79 3 7 3M17 7V5H7C5.9 5 5 5.9 5 7V7.54C5.59 7.2 6.27 7 7 7H17M5 17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H19V9H7C5.9 9 5 9.9 5 11V17Z",p92="M20,14H4V8H9.08L7,10.83L8.62,12L11,8.76L12,7.4L13,8.76L15.38,12L17,10.83L14.92,8H20M20,19H4V17H20M9,4A1,1 0 0,1 10,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,1 16,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,4M20,6H17.82C17.93,5.69 18,5.35 18,5A3,3 0 0,0 15,2C13.95,2 13.04,2.54 12.5,3.35L12,4L11.5,3.34C10.96,2.54 10.05,2 9,2A3,3 0 0,0 6,5C6,5.35 6.07,5.69 6.18,6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V8C22,6.89 21.11,6 20,6Z",f92="M20,10H4V4H20M20,15H4V13H20M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V15C2,16.11 2.89,17 4,17H8V22L12,20L16,22V17H20C21.11,17 22,16.11 22,15V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2Z",g92="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V16.72C21.59,16.37 22,15.74 22,15V9C22,8.26 21.59,7.63 21,7.28V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M5,5H19V7H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 13,17H19V19H5V5M13,9H20V15H13V9M16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,10.5Z",k92="M3 0V3H0V5H3V8H5V5H8V3H5V0H3M9 3V6H6V9H3V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V18H12C10.9 18 10 17.11 10 16V8C10 6.9 10.89 6 12 6H21V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H9M12 8V16H22V8H12M16 10.5C16.83 10.5 17.5 11.17 17.5 12C17.5 12.83 16.83 13.5 16 13.5C15.17 13.5 14.5 12.83 14.5 12C14.5 11.17 15.17 10.5 16 10.5Z",B92="M3 0V3H0V5H3V8H5V5H8V3H5V0H3M10 3V5H19V7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V15C11 16.1 11.9 17 13 17H19V19H5V10H3V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V16.72C21.59 16.37 22 15.74 22 15V9C22 8.26 21.59 7.63 21 7.28V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H10M13 9H20V15H13V9M16 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 14.5 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 17.5 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16 10.5Z",P92="M20,14H4V8H7V10H9V8H15V10H17V8H20M20,19H4V17H20M9,4H15V6H9M20,6H17V4C17,2.89 16.11,2 15,2H9C7.89,2 7,2.89 7,4V6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V8C22,6.89 21.11,6 20,6Z",w92="M4,4H11V2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11H4V4M10,13L6,18H18L15,14L12.97,16.71L10,13M17,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5M20,2H13V4H20V11H22V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,20H13V22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V13H20V20M4,13H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H11V20H4V13Z",F92="M12,2A8,8 0 0,0 4,10C4,14.03 7,17.42 11,17.93V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.93C17,17.43 20,14.03 20,10A8,8 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C12,4 12.74,5.28 13.26,7H10.74C11.26,5.28 12,4 12,4M9.77,4.43C9.5,4.93 9.09,5.84 8.74,7H6.81C7.5,5.84 8.5,4.93 9.77,4.43M14.23,4.44C15.5,4.94 16.5,5.84 17.19,7H15.26C14.91,5.84 14.5,4.93 14.23,4.44M6.09,9H8.32C8.28,9.33 8.25,9.66 8.25,10C8.25,10.34 8.28,10.67 8.32,11H6.09C6.03,10.67 6,10.34 6,10C6,9.66 6.03,9.33 6.09,9M10.32,9H13.68C13.72,9.33 13.75,9.66 13.75,10C13.75,10.34 13.72,10.67 13.68,11H10.32C10.28,10.67 10.25,10.34 10.25,10C10.25,9.66 10.28,9.33 10.32,9M15.68,9H17.91C17.97,9.33 18,9.66 18,10C18,10.34 17.97,10.67 17.91,11H15.68C15.72,10.67 15.75,10.34 15.75,10C15.75,9.66 15.72,9.33 15.68,9M6.81,13H8.74C9.09,14.16 9.5,15.07 9.77,15.56C8.5,15.06 7.5,14.16 6.81,13M10.74,13H13.26C12.74,14.72 12,16 12,16C12,16 11.26,14.72 10.74,13M15.26,13H17.19C16.5,14.16 15.5,15.07 14.23,15.57C14.5,15.07 14.91,14.16 15.26,13Z",T92="M4 4V19C4 20.1 4.9 21 6 21V22H8V21H11.5V2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4M8 10H10V13H8V10M18 2H12.5V21H16V22H18V21C19.1 21 20 20.1 20 19V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2M16 13H14V10H16V13Z",b92="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V19C4 20.11 4.89 21 6 21V22H8V21H16V22H18V21C19.11 21 20 20.11 20 19V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6M6 4H11V19H6V4M13 4H18V19H13V4M8 10V13H10V10H8M14 10V13H16V10H14Z",y92="M6 19H8V21H6V19M12 3L2 8V21H4V13H20V21H22V8L12 3M8 11H4V9H8V11M14 11H10V9H14V11M20 11H16V9H20V11M6 15H8V17H6V15M10 15H12V17H10V15M10 19H12V21H10V19M14 19H16V21H14V19Z",R92="M14.83,11.17C16.39,12.73 16.39,15.27 14.83,16.83C13.27,18.39 10.73,18.39 9.17,16.83L14.83,11.17M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M10,4A1,1 0 0,0 9,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4M12,8A6,6 0 0,0 6,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,8Z",x92="M12.83 11.17C14.39 12.73 14.39 15.27 12.83 16.83S8.73 18.39 7.17 16.83L12.83 11.17M4 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M5 4C4.45 4 4 4.45 4 5S4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5 5.55 4 5 4M8 4C7.45 4 7 4.45 7 5S7.45 6 8 6 9 5.55 9 5 8.55 4 8 4M10 8C6.69 8 4 10.69 4 14S6.69 20 10 20 16 17.31 16 14 13.31 8 10 8M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",D92="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.32 6.7 10.8 7.82 9.71L12.06 13.95L9.17 16.83C10.73 18.39 13.27 18.39 14.83 16.83C14.85 16.81 14.86 16.79 14.88 16.77L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20M11.25 8.05C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.31 8 18 10.69 18 14C18 14.25 18 14.5 17.95 14.75L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.25 8.05M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",E92="M6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12M20,12C20,9.45 18.81,7.19 16.95,5.73L16,0H8L7.05,5.73C5.19,7.19 4,9.45 4,12C4,14.54 5.19,16.81 7.05,18.27L8,24H16L16.95,18.27C18.81,16.81 20,14.54 20,12Z",N92="M14,11H19L16.5,8.5L17.92,7.08L22.84,12L17.92,16.92L16.5,15.5L19,13H14V11M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13.4,6 14.69,6.5 15.71,7.29L17.13,5.87L16.95,5.73L16,0H8L7.05,5.73C5.19,7.19 4,9.46 4,12C4,14.55 5.19,16.81 7.05,18.27L8,24H16L16.95,18.27L17.13,18.13L15.71,16.71C14.69,17.5 13.4,18 12,18Z",W92="M14,11H19L16.5,8.5L17.92,7.08L22.84,12L17.92,16.92L16.5,15.5L19,13H14V11M8,0H16L16.83,5H17C17.28,5 17.54,5.06 17.78,5.16L15.94,7H7V17H15.94L17.78,18.84C17.54,18.94 17.28,19 17,19H16.83L16,24H8L7.17,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7C5,5.89 5.9,5 7,5H7.17L8,0Z",I92="M2,11H7L4.5,8.5L5.92,7.08L10.84,12L5.92,16.92L4.5,15.5L7,13H2V11M12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6C10.6,6 9.31,6.5 8.29,7.29L6.87,5.87L7.05,5.73L8,0H16L16.95,5.73C18.81,7.19 20,9.45 20,12C20,14.54 18.81,16.81 16.95,18.27L16,24H8L7.05,18.27L6.87,18.13L8.29,16.71C9.31,17.5 10.6,18 12,18Z",G92="M1,11H6L3.5,8.5L4.92,7.08L9.84,12L4.92,16.92L3.5,15.5L6,13H1V11M8,0H16L16.83,5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V17C19,18.11 18.1,19 17,19H16.83L16,24H8L7.17,19H7C6.46,19 6,18.79 5.62,18.44L7.06,17H17V7H7.06L5.62,5.56C6,5.21 6.46,5 7,5H7.17L8,0Z",Q92="M8,0L7.17,5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V17C5,18.11 5.9,19 7,19H7.17L8,24H16L16.83,19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H16.83L16,0H8M7,7H17V17H7V7Z",U92="M3,17V7H5V17H3M19,17V7H21V17H19M22,9H24V15H22V9M0,15V9H2V15H0M17.96,11.97C17.96,13.87 17.07,15.57 15.68,16.67L14.97,20.95H9L8.27,16.67C6.88,15.57 6,13.87 6,11.97C6,10.07 6.88,8.37 8.27,7.28L9,3H14.97L15.68,7.28C17.07,8.37 17.96,10.07 17.96,11.97M7.5,11.97C7.5,14.45 9.5,16.46 11.97,16.46A4.5,4.5 0 0,0 16.46,11.97C16.46,9.5 14.45,7.5 11.97,7.5A4.47,4.47 0 0,0 7.5,11.97Z",z92="M0,9H2V15H0V9M12,7.5C14.47,7.5 16.47,9.53 16.46,12C16.45,12.38 16.4,12.76 16.3,13.13L17.5,14.31C17.81,13.58 18,12.8 18,12C18,10.17 17.16,8.44 15.72,7.31L15,3H9L8.59,5.39L10.86,7.66C11.23,7.55 11.61,7.5 12,7.5M21,17V7H19V15.8L20.2,17H21M16.5,15.86L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73L15.55,17.44L15,21H9L8.27,16.72C5.85,14.82 5.27,11.4 6.91,8.8L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L8.09,7.44L9.17,8.5L15.44,14.79L16.5,15.86M14.05,15.94L8.05,9.94C7.7,10.57 7.5,11.28 7.5,12C7.5,14.47 9.53,16.47 12,16.46C12.72,16.46 13.42,16.28 14.05,15.94M22,9V15H24V9H22M3,17H5V7H3V17Z",_92="M12,20A6,6 0 0,1 6,14C6,10 12,3.25 12,3.25C12,3.25 18,10 18,14A6,6 0 0,1 12,20Z",K92="M10 3.25C10 3.25 16 10 16 14C16 17.31 13.31 20 10 20S4 17.31 4 14C4 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17Z",j92="M10 3.25C10 3.25 4 10 4 14C4 17.31 6.69 20 10 20S16 17.31 16 14C16 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M10 18C7.79 18 6 16.21 6 14C6 12.23 8 8.96 10 6.39C12 8.95 14 12.23 14 14C14 16.21 12.21 18 10 18M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17Z",q92="M8 2C6.89 2 6 2.89 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.89 18 8 18H9V20H6V22H9C10.11 22 11 21.11 11 20V18H13V20C13 21.11 13.89 22 15 22H18V20H15V18H16C17.11 18 18 17.11 18 16V4C18 2.89 17.11 2 16 2H8M12 4.97A2 2 0 0 1 14 6.97A2 2 0 0 1 12 8.97A2 2 0 0 1 10 6.97A2 2 0 0 1 12 4.97M10 14.5H14V16H10V14.5Z",$92="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V16C4 17.11 4.89 18 6 18H7V20H4V22H7C8.11 22 9 21.11 9 20V18H11V20C11 21.11 11.89 22 13 22H16V20H13V18H14C15.11 18 16 17.11 16 16V4C16 2.89 15.11 2 14 2H6M10 4.97C11.11 4.97 12 5.87 12 6.97S11.11 8.97 10 8.97C8.9 8.97 8 8.07 8 6.97C8 5.87 8.9 4.97 10 4.97M8 14.5H12V16H8V14.5M18 15H20V17H18V15M18 7H20V13H18V7Z",X92="M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.89 18 4 18H5V20H2V22H5C6.11 22 7 21.11 7 20V18H9V20C9 21.11 9.89 22 11 22H13L13.75 20H11V18H12C13.11 18 14 17.11 14 16V4C14 2.89 13.11 2 12 2H4M8 4.97C9.11 4.97 10 5.87 10 6.97S9.11 8.97 8 8.97C6.9 8.97 6 8.07 6 6.97C6 5.87 6.9 4.97 8 4.97M6 14.5H10V16H6V14.5M19.8 13H17.8L14.6 22H16.5L17.2 20H20.4L21.1 22H23L19.8 13M17.6 18.7L18.8 15L20 18.7H17.6Z",Y92="M10 6.82L6.25 3.05C6.59 2.42 7.24 2 8 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.89 18 4V14.8L12.16 8.96C13.19 8.87 14 8 14 6.97C14 5.87 13.11 4.97 12 4.97C10.95 4.97 10.1 5.78 10 6.82M15 18V20H18V22H15C13.89 22 13 21.11 13 20V18H11V20C11 21.11 10.11 22 9 22H6V20H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V7.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.1 18C16.06 18 16.03 18 16 18H15M14 16V15.89L12.61 14.5H10V16H14Z",J92="M21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25M17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20H12.34C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C12 14.82 14.5 12.22 17.62 12Z",C42="M21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25M8 14C8 12.23 10 8.96 12 6.39C13.5 8.33 15 10.67 15.67 12.47C16.27 12.21 16.93 12.06 17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C9.79 18 8 16.21 8 14Z",H42="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 19C9.24 19 7 16.76 7 14C7 10.67 12 5.04 12 5.04S17 10.67 17 14C17 16.76 14.76 19 12 19Z",V42="M22 17V19H14V17H22M17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C12 14.82 14.5 12.22 17.62 12Z",L42="M22 17V19H14V17H22M8 14C8 12.23 10 8.96 12 6.39C13.5 8.33 15 10.67 15.67 12.47C16.27 12.21 16.93 12.06 17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C9.79 18 8 16.21 8 14Z",M42="M20.84 22.73L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.67 6.67 11.03 7.55 9.44L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18 14C18 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S10.84 4.55 9.55 6.35L17.95 14.75C18 14.5 18 14.25 18 14Z",A42="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.65 9.54C6.74 11.03 6 12.65 6 14.23C6 17.54 8.69 20.23 12 20.23C13.74 20.23 15.3 19.5 16.4 18.29L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 18.23C9.78 18.23 8 16.45 8 14.23C8 13.5 8.5 12.27 9.14 11.03L15 16.88C14.26 17.71 13.2 18.23 12 18.23M11.14 7.94L9.71 6.5C10.57 5.38 11.25 4.61 11.25 4.61L12 3.77L12.75 4.61C12.75 4.61 14.03 6.06 15.32 7.94S18 12.07 18 14.23C18 14.41 18 14.59 17.97 14.77L15.46 12.26C15 11.23 14.37 10.07 13.68 9.07C12.84 7.85 12.44 7.42 12 6.9C11.73 7.21 11.5 7.5 11.14 7.94Z",i42="M16 14V12H17.61C17.85 12.71 18 13.39 18 14H16M15.58 8C15.12 7.29 14.65 6.61 14.2 6H14V8H15.58M16 12V10H14V12H16M16 8.68V10H16.74C16.5 9.56 16.26 9.11 16 8.68M12 16V14H14V12H12V10H14V8H12V6H14V5.73C12.9 4.26 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20V18H14V16H12M14 19.65C14.75 19.39 15.42 19 16 18.46V18H14V19.65M14 16H16V14H14V16M16 18H16.46C17 17.42 17.39 16.75 17.65 16H16V18Z",r42="M12,3.77L11.25,4.61C11.25,4.61 9.97,6.06 8.68,7.94C7.39,9.82 6,12.07 6,14.23A6,6 0 0,0 12,20.23A6,6 0 0,0 18,14.23C18,12.07 16.61,9.82 15.32,7.94C14.03,6.06 12.75,4.61 12.75,4.61L12,3.77M12,6.9C12.44,7.42 12.84,7.85 13.68,9.07C14.89,10.83 16,13.07 16,14.23C16,16.45 14.22,18.23 12,18.23C9.78,18.23 8,16.45 8,14.23C8,13.07 9.11,10.83 10.32,9.07C11.16,7.85 11.56,7.42 12,6.9Z",a42="M12,3.25C12,3.25 6,10 6,14C6,17.32 8.69,20 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14C18,10 12,3.25 12,3.25M14.47,9.97L15.53,11.03L9.53,17.03L8.47,15.97M9.75,10A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 11,11.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.75,12.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.5,11.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.75,10M14.25,14.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 15.5,15.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.25,17A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13,15.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.25,14.5Z",e42="M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17M10 3.25C10 3.25 4 10 4 14C4 17.32 6.69 20 10 20S16 17.31 16 14C16 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M7.75 10C8.44 10 9 10.56 9 11.25S8.44 12.5 7.75 12.5 6.5 11.94 6.5 11.25 7.06 10 7.75 10M12.25 17C11.56 17 11 16.44 11 15.75S11.56 14.5 12.25 14.5 13.5 15.06 13.5 15.75 12.94 17 12.25 17M7.53 17.03L6.47 15.97L12.47 9.97L13.53 11.03L7.53 17.03Z",d42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C14.5 12.22 12 14.82 12 18M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19Z",m42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C16.93 12.06 16.28 12.22 15.67 12.47C15 10.68 13.5 8.33 12 6.39C10 8.96 8 12.23 8 14C8 16.21 9.79 18 12 18M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19Z",t42="M20 16H22V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16M13 10.6C13.6 10.3 14.3 10 15 9.9V10.2C15.3 11.2 15.3 12.1 15.2 13.1C14.3 13.6 13.2 13.9 12.2 13.9C12.7 12.9 13 11.7 13 10.6M12.9 3.6C11.5 4 10.3 4.7 9.3 5.7C8.9 4.7 8.7 3.7 8.7 2.7C10.9 1.7 13.4 1.8 15.6 2.9C15.9 3 16.2 3.1 16.4 3.3C15.2 3.2 14 3.3 12.9 3.6M6.8 13.3C6.2 13.6 5.6 13.8 5 13.9C4.3 12.6 4 11.2 4 9.8C4.5 10.8 5.2 11.8 6 12.6C6.3 12.8 6.5 13.1 6.8 13.3M19 13.9C18.4 13.8 17.8 13.6 17.3 13.4C17.5 12.2 17.4 11 17.1 9.8C18.2 9.9 19.2 10.2 20.1 10.8C20 11.8 19.7 12.7 19.2 13.6L19 13.9M7.4 11.2C6.2 10.1 5.5 8.5 5.2 6.9L5.1 6C5.6 5.2 6.1 4.6 6.8 4C6.9 5.4 7.4 6.7 8.2 7.8C8.9 8.9 9.9 9.9 11 10.5C11 11.3 10.8 12.1 10.5 12.9C9.3 12.6 8.3 12 7.4 11.2M13.5 5.5C15 5.1 16.7 5.2 18.2 5.7L19 6.1C19.4 6.8 19.6 7.6 19.8 8.4C17.3 7.3 14.4 7.5 12 8.8C11.3 8.5 10.8 8 10.3 7.4L10.4 7.3C11.3 6.5 12.3 5.8 13.5 5.5M16 18.7C17.2 19.5 18.6 20 20 20H22V22H20C18.6 22 17.2 21.6 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.8 21.6 5.4 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.4 20 6.8 19.5 8 18.7C10.4 20.4 13.6 20.4 16 18.7Z",v42="M19,14.5C19,14.5 21,16.67 21,18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20A2,2 0 0,1 17,18C17,16.67 19,14.5 19,14.5M5,18V9A2,2 0 0,1 3,7A2,2 0 0,1 5,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,4V5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V9L21,11A1,1 0 0,1 22,12A1,1 0 0,1 21,13H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,12A1,1 0 0,1 17,11V9H11V18H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,20V22H2V20A2,2 0 0,1 4,18H5Z",l42="M5.7 2.5A2 2 0 0 1 7 2H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 4V5H19A2 2 0 0 1 21 7V11A1 1 0 0 1 21 13H17A1 1 0 0 1 17 11V9H12.2M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L11 10.34L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.65 5.54A2 2 0 0 0 5 9V18H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 20V22H14V20A2 2 0 0 0 12 18H11V12.89Z",o42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C14.5 12.22 12 14.82 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.13 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",n42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C16.93 12.06 16.28 12.22 15.67 12.47C15 10.68 13.5 8.33 12 6.39C10 8.96 8 12.23 8 14C8 16.21 9.79 18 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.13 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",Z42="M12 3.2C12 3.2 6 10 6 14C6 17.3 8.7 20 12 20S18 17.3 18 14C18 10 12 3.2 12 3.2M12 8.5V10C14.2 10 16 11.8 16 14C16 14.8 15.8 15.6 15.3 16.2L14.2 15.1C14.4 14.8 14.5 14.4 14.5 14C14.5 12.6 13.4 11.5 12 11.5V13L9.8 10.8L12 8.5M8.7 11.8L9.8 12.9C9.6 13.2 9.5 13.6 9.5 14C9.5 15.4 10.6 16.5 12 16.5V15L14.2 17.2L12 19.5V18C9.8 18 8 16.2 8 14C8 13.2 8.2 12.4 8.7 11.8Z",S42="M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19S22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M8 20C4.69 20 2 17.31 2 14C2 10 8 3.25 8 3.25S14 10 14 14C14 17.31 11.31 20 8 20Z",u42="M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19S22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M8 3.54L7.25 4.38C7.25 4.38 5.97 5.83 4.68 7.71S2 11.84 2 14C2 17.31 4.69 20 8 20S14 17.31 14 14C14 11.84 12.61 9.59 11.32 7.71S8.75 4.38 8.75 4.38L8 3.54M8 6.67C8.44 7.19 8.84 7.62 9.68 8.84C10.89 10.6 12 12.84 12 14C12 16.22 10.22 18 8 18S4 16.22 4 14C4 12.84 5.11 10.6 6.32 8.84C7.16 7.62 7.56 7.19 8 6.67Z",c42="M22 16H2V18H4V22H20V18H22V16M10.44 15C10.19 15 10 14.81 9.95 14.56L9.57 11.56C9.57 11.54 9.57 11.5 9.57 11.5C9.57 11.22 9.79 11 10.07 11H13.93C13.95 11 13.97 11 14 11C14.27 11.04 14.46 11.29 14.43 11.56L14.05 14.56C14 14.81 13.81 15 13.56 15H10.44M19 2L21.56 6.68C21.6 6.78 21.61 6.89 21.61 7C21.61 7.56 21.16 8 20.61 8H19V15H17V8H13V10H11V8H7V15H5V8H3.62C3.46 8 3.31 7.96 3.16 7.89C2.67 7.64 2.47 7.04 2.72 6.55L5 2H19Z",s42="M3.62 8H5V15H7V8H11V10H13V8H17V15H19V8H20.61C21.16 8 21.61 7.56 21.61 7C21.61 6.89 21.6 6.78 21.56 6.68L19 2H5L2.72 6.55C2.47 7.04 2.67 7.64 3.16 7.89C3.31 7.96 3.46 8 3.62 8M6.24 4H17.76L18.76 6H5.24L6.24 4M2 16V18H4V22H20V18H22V16H2M18 20H6V18H18V20M13.93 11C14.21 11 14.43 11.22 14.43 11.5C14.43 11.5 14.43 11.54 14.43 11.56L14.05 14.56C14 14.81 13.81 15 13.56 15H10.44C10.19 15 10 14.81 9.95 14.56L9.57 11.56C9.54 11.29 9.73 11.04 10 11C10.03 11 10.05 11 10.07 11H13.93Z",O42="M20 20C18.61 20 17.22 19.53 16 18.67C13.56 20.38 10.44 20.38 8 18.67C6.78 19.53 5.39 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.37 22 6.74 21.65 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.26 21.65 18.62 22 20 22H22V20M20 16C18.61 16 17.22 15.53 16 14.67C13.56 16.38 10.44 16.38 8 14.67C6.78 15.53 5.39 16 4 16H2V18H4C5.37 18 6.74 17.65 8 17C10.5 18.3 13.5 18.3 16 17C17.26 17.65 18.62 18 20 18H22V16M22 2H2V4H6V16H18V4H22M9 4H11V10H9M13 8H15V14H13Z",h42="M18.5 7.47C17.76 8.2 17.57 9.25 17.92 10.15L15 13.07V11C15 10.45 14.55 10 14 10H12.97C13 9.83 13 9.67 13 9.5C13 6.46 10.54 4 7.5 4S2 6.46 2 9.5C2 11.21 2.78 12.73 4 13.74V20C4 20.55 4.45 21 5 21H14C14.55 21 15 20.55 15 20V15.89L19.33 11.56C20.23 11.91 21.28 11.73 22 11L18.5 7.47M4.05 10C4.03 9.83 4 9.67 4 9.5C4 7.57 5.57 6 7.5 6S11 7.57 11 9.5C11 9.67 10.97 9.83 10.95 10H4.05Z",p42="M18.5 7.47C17.76 8.2 17.57 9.25 17.92 10.15L15 13.07V11C15 10.45 14.55 10 14 10H12.97C13 9.83 13 9.67 13 9.5C13 6.46 10.54 4 7.5 4S2 6.46 2 9.5C2 11.21 2.78 12.73 4 13.74V20C4 20.55 4.45 21 5 21H14C14.55 21 15 20.55 15 20V15.89L19.33 11.56C20.23 11.91 21.28 11.73 22 11L18.5 7.47M4.05 10C4.03 9.83 4 9.67 4 9.5C4 7.57 5.57 6 7.5 6S11 7.57 11 9.5C11 9.67 10.97 9.83 10.95 10M13 19H6V12H13V19Z",f42="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H12V13H21V19Z",g42="M20,12C18.61,12 17.22,11.53 16,10.67C13.56,12.38 10.44,12.38 8,10.67C6.78,11.53 5.39,12 4,12H2V14H4C5.37,14 6.74,13.65 8,13C10.5,14.3 13.5,14.3 16,13C17.26,13.65 18.62,14 20,14H22V12",k42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 22L8 18H11V11H13V18H16L12 22Z",B42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 11L16 15H13V22H11V15H8L12 11Z",P42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 12.5C14.21 12.5 16 14.29 16 16.5C16 17.32 15.75 18.08 15.33 18.71L14.24 17.62C14.41 17.28 14.5 16.9 14.5 16.5C14.5 15.12 13.38 14 12 14V15.5L9.75 13.25L12 11V12.5M12 19V17.5L14.25 19.75L12 22V20.5C9.79 20.5 8 18.71 8 16.5C8 15.68 8.25 14.92 8.67 14.29L9.76 15.38C9.59 15.72 9.5 16.1 9.5 16.5C9.5 17.88 10.62 19 12 19Z",w42="M22 12L20 13L19 14L18 13L17 16L16 13L15 21L14 13L13 15L12 13L11 17L10 13L9 22L8 13L7 19L6 13L5 14L4 13L2 12L4 11L5 10L6 11L7 5L8 11L9 2L10 11L11 7L12 11L13 9L14 11L15 3L16 11L17 8L18 11L19 10L20 11L22 12Z",F42="M20,12H22V14H20C18.62,14 17.26,13.65 16,13C13.5,14.3 10.5,14.3 8,13C6.74,13.65 5.37,14 4,14H2V12H4C5.39,12 6.78,11.53 8,10.67C10.44,12.38 13.56,12.38 16,10.67C17.22,11.53 18.61,12 20,12M20,6H22V8H20C18.62,8 17.26,7.65 16,7C13.5,8.3 10.5,8.3 8,7C6.74,7.65 5.37,8 4,8H2V6H4C5.39,6 6.78,5.53 8,4.67C10.44,6.38 13.56,6.38 16,4.67C17.22,5.53 18.61,6 20,6M20,18H22V20H20C18.62,20 17.26,19.65 16,19C13.5,20.3 10.5,20.3 8,19C6.74,19.65 5.37,20 4,20H2V18H4C5.39,18 6.78,17.53 8,16.67C10.44,18.38 13.56,18.38 16,16.67C17.22,17.53 18.61,18 20,18Z",T42="M4 14C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14H22V16H20C18.63 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.38 16 4 16H2V14H4M8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20H22V22H20C18.63 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.38 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67M6 10V7H11V5H6V2L2 6",b42="M20 14H22V16H20C18.62 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.37 16 4 16H2V14H4C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14M20 20H22V22H20C18.62 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.37 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20M22 6L18 2V5H13V7H18V10",y42="M20 14H22V16H20C18.62 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.37 16 4 16H2V14H4C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14M20 20H22V22H20C18.62 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.37 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20M7 2L3 6H6V11H8V6H11M17 2L13 6H16V11H18V6H21",R42="M20.54,6.63C21.23,7.57 21.69,8.67 21.89,9.82C22.1,11.07 22,12.34 21.58,13.54C21.18,14.71 20.5,15.76 19.58,16.6C18.91,17.24 18.15,17.77 17.32,18.18C17.73,19.25 17.19,20.45 16.12,20.86C15.88,20.95 15.63,21 15.38,21C14.27,21 13.35,20.11 13.31,19C13.05,19 10.73,19 10.24,19C10.13,20.14 9.11,21 7.97,20.87C6.91,20.77 6.11,19.89 6.09,18.83C6.1,18.64 6.13,18.44 6.19,18.26C4.6,17.73 3.21,16.74 2.19,15.41C1.86,14.97 1.96,14.34 2.42,14C2.6,13.86 2.82,13.78 3.05,13.78C3.77,13.78 4.05,13.53 4.22,13.15C4.46,12.43 4.6,11.68 4.61,10.92C4.64,10.39 4.7,9.87 4.78,9.35C5.13,7.62 6.1,6.07 7.5,5C9.16,3.7 11.19,3 13.29,3C14.72,3 16.13,3.35 17.4,4C18.64,4.62 19.71,5.5 20.54,6.63M16.72,17.31C18.5,16.5 19.9,15.04 20.59,13.21C22.21,8.27 18,4.05 13.29,4.05C12.94,4.05 12.58,4.07 12.23,4.12C9.36,4.5 6.4,6.5 5.81,9.5C5.43,11.5 6,14.79 3.05,14.79C4,16 5.32,16.93 6.81,17.37C7.66,16.61 8.97,16.69 9.74,17.55C9.85,17.67 9.94,17.8 10,17.94C10.59,17.94 13.2,17.94 13.55,17.94C14.07,16.92 15.33,16.5 16.35,17.04C16.5,17.12 16.6,17.21 16.72,17.31M10.97,10.31C10.39,10.34 9.88,9.9 9.85,9.31C9.82,8.73 10.27,8.23 10.85,8.19C11.43,8.16 11.94,8.61 11.97,9.25C12,9.8 11.56,10.27 11,10.29L10.97,10.31M15.66,10.31C15.08,10.34 14.57,9.9 14.54,9.31C14.5,8.73 14.96,8.23 15.54,8.19C16.12,8.16 16.63,8.61 16.66,9.25C16.68,9.8 16.25,10.27 15.66,10.29V10.31M9.71,12.07C9.65,11.79 9.84,11.5 10.12,11.45C10.4,11.4 10.68,11.58 10.74,11.86V11.86C11.09,12.97 12.16,13.69 13.32,13.6C14.46,13.66 15.5,12.96 15.89,11.88C16.03,11.62 16.35,11.5 16.6,11.65C16.78,11.75 16.89,11.92 16.89,12.12C16.7,12.83 16.26,13.45 15.66,13.88C14.97,14.36 14.16,14.63 13.32,14.64H13.21C11.58,14.71 10.11,13.64 9.68,12.06L9.71,12.07Z",x42="M6,19A5,5 0 0,1 1,14A5,5 0 0,1 6,9C7,6.65 9.3,5 12,5C15.43,5 18.24,7.66 18.5,11.03L19,11A4,4 0 0,1 23,15A4,4 0 0,1 19,19H6M19,13H17V12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C9.5,7 7.45,8.82 7.06,11.19C6.73,11.07 6.37,11 6,11A3,3 0 0,0 3,14A3,3 0 0,0 6,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13Z",D42="M6,19A5,5 0 0,1 1,14A5,5 0 0,1 6,9C7,6.65 9.3,5 12,5C15.43,5 18.24,7.66 18.5,11.03L19,11A4,4 0 0,1 23,15A4,4 0 0,1 19,19H6M19,13H17V12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C9.5,7 7.45,8.82 7.06,11.19C6.73,11.07 6.37,11 6,11A3,3 0 0,0 3,14A3,3 0 0,0 6,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13M13,12H11V8H13V12M13,16H11V14H13",E42="M6,7L6.69,7.06C7.32,4.72 9.46,3 12,3A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 17.5,8.5L17.42,9.45C17.88,9.16 18.42,9 19,9A3,3 0 0,1 22,12A3,3 0 0,1 19,15H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,11A4,4 0 0,1 6,7M6,9A2,2 0 0,0 4,11A2,2 0 0,0 6,13H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,12A1,1 0 0,0 19,11H15.5V8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5V9H6M22,19L19,22V20H2V18H19V16L22,19",N42="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M18.13 9.33C17.23 6.81 14.83 5 12 5C9.3 5 7 6.65 6 9C3.24 9 1 11.24 1 14S3.24 19 6 19H9.68C10.81 21.36 13.21 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 12.88 20.96 10.24 18.13 9.33M6 17C4.34 17 3 15.66 3 14S4.34 11 6 11C6.37 11 6.73 11.07 7.06 11.19C7.45 8.82 9.5 7 12 7C13.63 7 15.07 7.79 16 9C12.12 9 9 12.14 9 16C9 16.34 9.03 16.67 9.08 17H6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21Z",W42="M3 5C3 4.4 3.4 4 4 4H5C5.6 4 6 4.4 6 5S5.6 6 5 6H4C3.4 6 3 5.6 3 5M4 13C4 12.4 4.4 12 5 12H6C6.6 12 7 12.4 7 13S6.6 14 6 14H5C4.4 14 4 13.6 4 13M4 16C3.4 16 3 16.4 3 17S3.4 18 4 18H9C9.6 18 10 17.6 10 17S9.6 16 9 16H4M18 5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4H21C21.6 4 22 4.4 22 5S21.6 6 21 6H19C18.4 6 18 5.6 18 5M7 20C6.4 20 6 20.4 6 21S6.4 22 7 22H11C11.6 22 12 21.6 12 21S11.6 20 11 20H7M3 10C2.4 10 2 9.6 2 9S2.4 8 3 8H12C13.1 8 14 7.1 14 6S13.1 4 12 4C11.4 4 10.9 4.2 10.6 4.6C10.2 5 9.6 5 9.2 4.6C8.8 4.2 8.8 3.6 9.2 3.2C9.9 2.5 10.9 2 12 2C14.2 2 16 3.8 16 6S14.2 10 12 10H3M19 12C19.6 12 20 11.6 20 11S19.6 10 19 10C18.7 10 18.5 10.1 18.3 10.3C17.9 10.7 17.3 10.7 16.9 10.3C16.5 9.9 16.5 9.3 16.9 8.9C17.4 8.3 18.2 8 19 8C20.7 8 22 9.3 22 11S20.7 14 19 14H10C9.4 14 9 13.6 9 13S9.4 12 10 12H19M18 18H13C12.4 18 12 17.6 12 17S12.4 16 13 16H18C19.7 16 21 17.3 21 19S19.7 22 18 22C17.2 22 16.4 21.7 15.9 21.1C15.5 20.7 15.5 20.1 15.9 19.7C16.3 19.3 16.9 19.3 17.3 19.7C17.5 19.9 17.7 20 18 20C18.6 20 19 19.6 19 19S18.6 18 18 18Z",I42="M3,15H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,16A1,1 0 0,1 13,17H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,16A1,1 0 0,1 3,15M16,15H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,16A1,1 0 0,1 21,17H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,15M1,12A5,5 0 0,1 6,7C7,4.65 9.3,3 12,3C15.43,3 18.24,5.66 18.5,9.03L19,9C21.19,9 22.97,10.76 23,13H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,11H17V10A5,5 0 0,0 12,5C9.5,5 7.45,6.82 7.06,9.19C6.73,9.07 6.37,9 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 3,12C3,12.35 3.06,12.69 3.17,13H1.1L1,12M3,19H5A1,1 0 0,1 6,20A1,1 0 0,1 5,21H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19M8,19H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,20A1,1 0 0,1 21,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20A1,1 0 0,1 8,19Z",G42="M6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14M10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,22A2,2 0 0,1 8,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18M14.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,16M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12Z",Q42="M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64M14,15A1,1 0 0,0 13,14H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,15A1,1 0 0,0 3,16H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,15M22,15A1,1 0 0,0 21,14H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,16H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,15M10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,20H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18H11A1,1 0 0,0 10,19M3,19A1,1 0 0,0 4,20H7A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,19M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",U42="M15,6.79C16.86,7.86 18,9.85 18,12C18,22 6,22 6,22C7.25,21.06 8.38,19.95 9.34,18.71C9.38,18.66 9.41,18.61 9.44,18.55C9.69,18.06 9.5,17.46 9,17.21C7.14,16.14 6,14.15 6,12C6,2 18,2 18,2C16.75,2.94 15.62,4.05 14.66,5.29C14.62,5.34 14.59,5.39 14.56,5.45C14.31,5.94 14.5,6.54 15,6.79M12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",z42="M12 14C13.11 14 14 13.11 14 12C14 10.9 13.11 10 12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12C10 13.11 10.9 14 12 14M18 2C17.1 2.68 16.26 3.45 15.5 4.29C15.21 4.61 14.93 4.95 14.66 5.29C14.62 5.34 14.59 5.39 14.56 5.45C14.31 5.94 14.5 6.54 15 6.79C16.86 7.86 18 9.85 18 12C18 18.41 13.08 20.71 9.54 21.54C7.55 22 6 22 6 22C6.9 21.32 7.74 20.55 8.5 19.71C8.79 19.39 9.07 19.05 9.34 18.71C9.38 18.66 9.41 18.61 9.44 18.55C9.69 18.06 9.5 17.46 9 17.21C7.14 16.14 6 14.15 6 12C6 5.59 10.93 3.29 14.47 2.46C16.45 2 18 2 18 2M9.44 7.47C8.61 8.5 8 9.93 8 12C8 13.43 8.75 14.74 9.96 15.46C11.2 16.12 11.78 17.5 11.47 18.8C12.67 18.27 13.76 17.54 14.56 16.53C15.39 15.5 16 14.07 16 12C16 10.57 15.25 9.26 14.04 8.54C12.8 7.88 12.22 6.5 12.54 5.2C11.33 5.73 10.24 6.47 9.44 7.47Z",_42="M6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14H7A1,1 0 0,1 8,15A1,1 0 0,1 7,16H6M12,11H15L13,15H15L11.25,22L12,17H9.5L12,11Z",K42="M4.5,13.59C5,13.87 5.14,14.5 4.87,14.96C4.59,15.44 4,15.6 3.5,15.33V15.33C2,14.47 1,12.85 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A1,1 0 0,1 18,15A1,1 0 0,1 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,12.11 3.6,13.08 4.5,13.6V13.59M9.5,11H12.5L10.5,15H12.5L8.75,22L9.5,17H7L9.5,11M17.5,18.67C17.5,19.96 16.5,21 15.25,21C14,21 13,19.96 13,18.67C13,17.12 15.25,14.5 15.25,14.5C15.25,14.5 17.5,17.12 17.5,18.67Z",j42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M5 16H19C19.27 16 19.5 16.11 19.71 16.29C19.9 16.5 20 16.74 20 17C20 17.27 19.9 17.5 19.71 17.71C19.5 17.9 19.27 18 19 18H5C4.74 18 4.5 17.9 4.29 17.71C4.11 17.5 4 17.27 4 17C4 16.74 4.11 16.5 4.29 16.29C4.5 16.11 4.74 16 5 16M17 20C17.27 20 17.5 20.11 17.71 20.29C17.9 20.5 18 20.74 18 21C18 21.27 17.9 21.5 17.71 21.71C17.5 21.9 17.27 22 17 22H7C6.74 22 6.5 21.9 6.29 21.71C6.11 21.5 6 21.27 6 21C6 20.74 6.11 20.5 6.29 20.29C6.5 20.11 6.74 20 7 20H17Z",q42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M12.71 20.71L15.82 17.6C16.21 17.21 16.21 16.57 15.82 16.18C15.43 15.79 14.8 15.79 14.41 16.18L12 18.59L9.59 16.18C9.2 15.79 8.57 15.79 8.18 16.18C7.79 16.57 7.79 17.21 8.18 17.6L11.29 20.71C11.5 20.9 11.74 21 12 21C12.26 21 12.5 20.9 12.71 20.71Z",$42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M12.71 16.3L15.82 19.41C16.21 19.8 16.21 20.43 15.82 20.82C15.43 21.21 14.8 21.21 14.41 20.82L12 18.41L9.59 20.82C9.2 21.21 8.57 21.21 8.18 20.82C7.79 20.43 7.79 19.8 8.18 19.41L11.29 16.3C11.5 16.1 11.74 16 12 16C12.26 16 12.5 16.1 12.71 16.3Z",X42="M17.75,4.09L15.22,6.03L16.13,9.09L13.5,7.28L10.87,9.09L11.78,6.03L9.25,4.09L12.44,4L13.5,1L14.56,4L17.75,4.09M21.25,11L19.61,12.25L20.2,14.23L18.5,13.06L16.8,14.23L17.39,12.25L15.75,11L17.81,10.95L18.5,9L19.19,10.95L21.25,11M18.97,15.95C19.8,15.87 20.69,17.05 20.16,17.8C19.84,18.25 19.5,18.67 19.08,19.07C15.17,23 8.84,23 4.94,19.07C1.03,15.17 1.03,8.83 4.94,4.93C5.34,4.53 5.76,4.17 6.21,3.85C6.96,3.32 8.14,4.21 8.06,5.04C7.79,7.9 8.75,10.87 10.95,13.06C13.14,15.26 16.1,16.22 18.97,15.95M17.33,17.97C14.5,17.81 11.7,16.64 9.53,14.5C7.36,12.31 6.2,9.5 6.04,6.68C3.23,9.82 3.34,14.64 6.35,17.66C9.37,20.67 14.19,20.78 17.33,17.97Z",Y42="M22,10.28C21.74,10.3 21.5,10.31 21.26,10.31C19.32,10.31 17.39,9.57 15.91,8.09C14.25,6.44 13.5,4.19 13.72,2C13.77,1.53 13.22,1 12.71,1C12.57,1 12.44,1.04 12.32,1.12C12,1.36 11.66,1.64 11.36,1.94C9.05,4.24 8.55,7.66 9.84,10.46C8.31,11.11 7.13,12.43 6.69,14.06L6,14A4,4 0 0,0 2,18A4,4 0 0,0 6,22H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,19A3,3 0 0,0 19,16C18.42,16 17.88,16.16 17.42,16.45L17.5,15.5C17.5,15.28 17.5,15.05 17.46,14.83C19.14,14.67 20.77,13.94 22.06,12.64C22.38,12.34 22.64,12 22.88,11.68C23.27,11.13 22.65,10.28 22.04,10.28M19,18A1,1 0 0,1 20,19A1,1 0 0,1 19,20H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,18A2,2 0 0,1 6,16H8.5V15.5C8.5,13.94 9.53,12.64 10.94,12.18C11.1,12.13 11.26,12.09 11.43,12.06C11.61,12.03 11.8,12 12,12C12.23,12 12.45,12.03 12.66,12.07C12.73,12.08 12.8,12.1 12.87,12.13C13,12.16 13.15,12.2 13.28,12.25C13.36,12.28 13.44,12.32 13.5,12.36C13.63,12.41 13.74,12.47 13.84,12.54C13.92,12.59 14,12.64 14.07,12.7C14.17,12.77 14.25,12.84 14.34,12.92C14.41,13 14.5,13.05 14.55,13.12C14.63,13.2 14.69,13.29 14.76,13.37C14.82,13.45 14.89,13.53 14.94,13.62C15,13.71 15.04,13.8 15.09,13.9C15.14,14 15.2,14.08 15.24,14.18C15.41,14.59 15.5,15.03 15.5,15.5V18M16.83,12.86C15.9,11.16 14.08,10 12,10H11.87C11.41,9.19 11.14,8.26 11.14,7.29C11.14,6.31 11.39,5.37 11.86,4.55C12.21,6.41 13.12,8.14 14.5,9.5C15.86,10.88 17.58,11.79 19.45,12.14C18.66,12.6 17.76,12.84 16.83,12.86Z",J42="M12.74,5.47C15.1,6.5 16.35,9.03 15.92,11.46C17.19,12.56 18,14.19 18,16V16.17C18.31,16.06 18.65,16 19,16A3,3 0 0,1 22,19A3,3 0 0,1 19,22H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,18A4,4 0 0,1 6,14H6.27C5,12.45 4.6,10.24 5.5,8.26C6.72,5.5 9.97,4.24 12.74,5.47M11.93,7.3C10.16,6.5 8.09,7.31 7.31,9.07C6.85,10.09 6.93,11.22 7.41,12.13C8.5,10.83 10.16,10 12,10C12.7,10 13.38,10.12 14,10.34C13.94,9.06 13.18,7.86 11.93,7.3M13.55,3.64C13,3.4 12.45,3.23 11.88,3.12L14.37,1.82L15.27,4.71C14.76,4.29 14.19,3.93 13.55,3.64M6.09,4.44C5.6,4.79 5.17,5.19 4.8,5.63L4.91,2.82L7.87,3.5C7.25,3.71 6.65,4.03 6.09,4.44M18,9.71C17.91,9.12 17.78,8.55 17.59,8L19.97,9.5L17.92,11.73C18.03,11.08 18.05,10.4 18,9.71M3.04,11.3C3.11,11.9 3.24,12.47 3.43,13L1.06,11.5L3.1,9.28C3,9.93 2.97,10.61 3.04,11.3M19,18H16V16A4,4 0 0,0 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 8,16H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18Z",C62="M19,15C18.65,15 18.31,15.06 18,15.17V15C18,13.19 17.19,11.56 15.92,10.46C16.35,8.03 15.1,5.5 12.75,4.47C9.97,3.24 6.72,4.5 5.5,7.25C4.6,9.24 5,11.45 6.27,13H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,21H7C7,21 8,21 8,20C8,19 7,19 7,19H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,15H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,11A4,4 0 0,1 16,15V17H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18A1,1 0 0,1 19,19H17C17,19 16,19 16,20C16,21 17,21 17,21H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18A3,3 0 0,0 19,15M12,9C10.16,9 8.5,9.83 7.41,11.13C6.93,10.22 6.85,9.09 7.31,8.07C8.09,6.31 10.16,5.5 11.93,6.3C13.18,6.86 13.94,8.06 14,9.34C13.38,9.12 12.7,9 12,9M13.55,2.63C13,2.4 12.45,2.23 11.88,2.12L14.37,0.82L15.27,3.71C14.76,3.29 14.19,2.93 13.55,2.63M6.09,3.44C5.6,3.79 5.17,4.19 4.8,4.63L4.91,1.82L7.87,2.5C7.25,2.71 6.65,3.03 6.09,3.44M18,8.71C17.91,8.12 17.78,7.55 17.59,7L19.97,8.5L17.92,10.73C18.03,10.08 18.05,9.4 18,8.71M3.04,10.3C3.11,10.9 3.25,11.47 3.43,12L1.06,10.5L3.1,8.28C3,8.93 2.97,9.61 3.04,10.3M11.8,15H14.25L12.61,18.27H14.25L11.18,24L11.8,19.91H9.75",H62="M12.75,4.47C15.1,5.5 16.35,8.03 15.92,10.46C17.19,11.56 18,13.19 18,15V15.17C18.31,15.06 18.65,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,1 22,18A3,3 0 0,1 19,21H17C17,21 16,21 16,20C16,19 17,19 17,19H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17H16V15A4,4 0 0,0 12,11A4,4 0 0,0 8,15H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,17A2,2 0 0,0 6,19H7C7,19 8,19 8,20C8,21 7,21 7,21H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,17A4,4 0 0,1 6,13H6.27C5,11.45 4.6,9.24 5.5,7.25C6.72,4.5 9.97,3.24 12.75,4.47M11.93,6.3C10.16,5.5 8.09,6.31 7.31,8.07C6.85,9.09 6.93,10.22 7.41,11.13C8.5,9.83 10.16,9 12,9C12.7,9 13.38,9.12 14,9.34C13.94,8.06 13.18,6.86 11.93,6.3M13.55,2.63C13,2.4 12.45,2.23 11.88,2.12L14.37,0.82L15.27,3.71C14.76,3.29 14.19,2.93 13.55,2.63M6.09,3.44C5.6,3.79 5.17,4.19 4.8,4.63L4.91,1.82L7.87,2.5C7.25,2.71 6.65,3.03 6.09,3.44M18,8.71C17.91,8.12 17.78,7.55 17.59,7L19.97,8.5L17.92,10.73C18.03,10.08 18.05,9.4 18,8.71M3.04,10.3C3.11,10.9 3.25,11.47 3.43,12L1.06,10.5L3.1,8.28C3,8.93 2.97,9.61 3.04,10.3M12,18.91C12.59,19.82 13,20.63 13,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,22A1,1 0 0,1 11,21C11,20.63 11.41,19.82 12,18.91M12,15.62C12,15.62 9,19 9,21A3,3 0 0,0 12,24A3,3 0 0,0 15,21C15,19 12,15.62 12,15.62Z",V62="M6,19.03A2,2 0 0,1 4,17.03C4,15.92 4.9,15.03 6,15.03H8C8,12.81 9.79,11.03 12,11.03A4,4 0 0,1 16,15.03V17.03H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18.03C20,18.57 19.55,19.03 19,19.03H17C17,19.03 16,19.03 16,20.03C16,21.03 17,21.03 17,21.03H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18.03C22,16.37 20.66,15.03 19,15.03C18.65,15.03 18.31,15.08 18,15.19V15.03C18,13.21 17.19,11.58 15.92,10.5C16.35,8.05 15.1,5.53 12.75,4.5C9.97,3.27 6.72,4.53 5.5,7.28C4.6,9.27 5,11.47 6.27,13.03H6C3.79,13.03 2,14.81 2,17.03A4,4 0 0,0 6,21.03C6,21.03 7,21.03 7,20.03C7,19.03 6,19.03 6,19.03M12,9.03C10.16,9.03 8.5,9.85 7.41,11.16C6.93,10.25 6.85,9.11 7.31,8.09C8.09,6.33 10.16,5.53 11.93,6.32C13.18,6.89 13.94,8.08 14,9.37C13.38,9.15 12.7,9.03 12,9.03M13.55,2.66C13,2.42 12.45,2.26 11.88,2.15L14.37,0.84L15.27,3.73C14.76,3.31 14.19,2.95 13.55,2.66M6.09,3.46C5.6,3.81 5.17,4.21 4.8,4.66L4.91,1.84L7.87,2.53C7.25,2.73 6.65,3.05 6.09,3.46M18,8.73C17.91,8.15 17.78,7.57 17.59,7.03L19.97,8.53L17.92,10.76C18.03,10.1 18.05,9.42 18,8.73M3.04,10.32C3.11,10.92 3.25,11.5 3.43,12.03L1.06,10.53L3.1,8.3C3,8.95 2.97,9.64 3.04,10.32M8.03,21.45C8.13,21.84 8.53,22.06 8.91,21.96L10.5,21.54L10.06,23.11C9.96,23.5 10.19,23.9 10.57,24C10.95,24.1 11.35,23.87 11.45,23.5L11.87,21.91L13.03,23.07C13.3,23.35 13.77,23.35 14.05,23.07C14.33,22.79 14.33,22.32 14.05,22.05L12.89,20.88L14.47,20.47C14.85,20.37 15.08,19.97 15,19.59C14.88,19.21 14.5,19 14.09,19.08L12.5,19.5L12.94,17.93C13.04,17.54 12.82,17.15 12.43,17.05C12.05,16.95 11.66,17.17 11.55,17.56L11.14,19.14L10,17.97C9.7,17.69 9.23,17.69 8.95,17.97C8.68,18.27 8.68,18.72 8.95,19L10.11,20.16L8.54,20.57C8.15,20.68 7.93,21.07 8.03,21.45Z",L62="M13.55,2.66C13,2.42 12.45,2.26 11.88,2.15L14.37,0.84L15.27,3.73C14.76,3.31 14.19,2.95 13.55,2.66M6.09,3.46C5.6,3.81 5.17,4.21 4.8,4.66L4.91,1.84L7.87,2.53C7.25,2.73 6.65,3.05 6.09,3.46M18,8.73C17.91,8.15 17.78,7.57 17.59,7.03L19.97,8.53L17.92,10.76C18.03,10.1 18.05,9.42 18,8.73M3.04,10.32C3.11,10.92 3.25,11.5 3.43,12.03L1.06,10.53L3.1,8.3C3,8.95 2.97,9.64 3.04,10.32M16.68,22.21C16.68,23.2 15.91,24 14.95,24C14,24 13.23,23.2 13.23,22.21C13.23,21.03 14.95,19.03 14.95,19.03C14.95,19.03 16.68,21.03 16.68,22.21M6.03,21.45C5.93,21.07 6.15,20.68 6.54,20.58L8.13,20.15L6.96,19C6.68,18.72 6.68,18.27 6.96,18C7.23,17.7 7.7,17.7 8,18L9.14,19.14L9.55,17.56C9.65,17.17 10.05,16.94 10.43,17.05C10.82,17.15 11.05,17.55 10.93,17.93L10.5,19.5L12.1,19.1C12.5,19 12.88,19.21 13,19.6C13.08,19.97 12.86,20.37 12.47,20.47L10.89,20.89L12.05,22.05C12.33,22.32 12.33,22.79 12.05,23.07C11.77,23.35 11.31,23.35 11.03,23.07L9.87,21.9L9.45,23.5C9.35,23.88 8.95,24.1 8.57,24C8.18,23.9 7.97,23.5 8.06,23.12L8.5,21.55L6.91,21.96C6.5,22.06 6.13,21.84 6.03,21.45M19,15.03C18.65,15.03 18.31,15.08 18,15.19V15.03C18,13.21 17.19,11.58 15.92,10.5C16.35,8.05 15.1,5.53 12.75,4.5C9.97,3.27 6.72,4.53 5.5,7.28C4.6,9.27 5,11.47 6.27,13.03H6C3.79,13.03 2,14.81 2,17.03C2,18.17 2.5,19.2 3.27,19.93V19.93C3.27,19.93 3.97,20.64 4.68,19.93C5.39,19.22 4.68,18.5 4.68,18.5C4.27,18.15 4,17.62 4,17.03C4,15.92 4.9,15.03 6,15.03H8C8,12.81 9.79,11.03 12,11.03A4,4 0 0,1 16,15.03V17.03H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18.03C20,18.57 19.55,19.03 19,19.03H18C18,19.03 17,19.03 17,20.03C17,21.03 18,21.03 18,21.03H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18.03C22,16.37 20.66,15.03 19,15.03M12,9.03C10.16,9.03 8.5,9.85 7.41,11.16C6.93,10.25 6.85,9.11 7.31,8.09C8.09,6.33 10.16,5.53 11.93,6.32C13.18,6.89 13.94,8.08 14,9.37C13.38,9.15 12.7,9.03 12,9.03Z",M62="M9,12C9.53,12.14 9.85,12.69 9.71,13.22L8.41,18.05C8.27,18.59 7.72,18.9 7.19,18.76C6.65,18.62 6.34,18.07 6.5,17.54L7.78,12.71C7.92,12.17 8.47,11.86 9,12M13,12C13.53,12.14 13.85,12.69 13.71,13.22L11.64,20.95C11.5,21.5 10.95,21.8 10.41,21.66C9.88,21.5 9.56,20.97 9.7,20.43L11.78,12.71C11.92,12.17 12.47,11.86 13,12M17,12C17.53,12.14 17.85,12.69 17.71,13.22L16.41,18.05C16.27,18.59 15.72,18.9 15.19,18.76C14.65,18.62 14.34,18.07 14.5,17.54L15.78,12.71C15.92,12.17 16.47,11.86 17,12M17,10V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,12.11 3.6,13.08 4.5,13.6V13.59C5,13.87 5.14,14.5 4.87,14.96C4.59,15.43 4,15.6 3.5,15.32V15.33C2,14.47 1,12.85 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12C23,13.5 22.2,14.77 21,15.46V15.46C20.5,15.73 19.91,15.57 19.63,15.09C19.36,14.61 19.5,14 20,13.72V13.73C20.6,13.39 21,12.74 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17Z",A62="M6,14.03A1,1 0 0,1 7,15.03C7,15.58 6.55,16.03 6,16.03C3.24,16.03 1,13.79 1,11.03C1,8.27 3.24,6.03 6,6.03C7,3.68 9.3,2.03 12,2.03C15.43,2.03 18.24,4.69 18.5,8.06L19,8.03A4,4 0 0,1 23,12.03C23,14.23 21.21,16.03 19,16.03H18C17.45,16.03 17,15.58 17,15.03C17,14.47 17.45,14.03 18,14.03H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12.03A2,2 0 0,0 19,10.03H17V9.03C17,6.27 14.76,4.03 12,4.03C9.5,4.03 7.45,5.84 7.06,8.21C6.73,8.09 6.37,8.03 6,8.03A3,3 0 0,0 3,11.03A3,3 0 0,0 6,14.03M12,14.15C12.18,14.39 12.37,14.66 12.56,14.94C13,15.56 14,17.03 14,18C14,19.11 13.1,20 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18C10,17.03 11,15.56 11.44,14.94C11.63,14.66 11.82,14.4 12,14.15M12,11.03L11.5,11.59C11.5,11.59 10.65,12.55 9.79,13.81C8.93,15.06 8,16.56 8,18A4,4 0 0,0 12,22A4,4 0 0,0 16,18C16,16.56 15.07,15.06 14.21,13.81C13.35,12.55 12.5,11.59 12.5,11.59",i62="M6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14M7.88,18.07L10.07,17.5L8.46,15.88C8.07,15.5 8.07,14.86 8.46,14.46C8.85,14.07 9.5,14.07 9.88,14.46L11.5,16.07L12.07,13.88C12.21,13.34 12.76,13.03 13.29,13.17C13.83,13.31 14.14,13.86 14,14.4L13.41,16.59L15.6,16C16.14,15.86 16.69,16.17 16.83,16.71C16.97,17.24 16.66,17.79 16.12,17.93L13.93,18.5L15.54,20.12C15.93,20.5 15.93,21.15 15.54,21.54C15.15,21.93 14.5,21.93 14.12,21.54L12.5,19.93L11.93,22.12C11.79,22.66 11.24,22.97 10.71,22.83C10.17,22.69 9.86,22.14 10,21.6L10.59,19.41L8.4,20C7.86,20.14 7.31,19.83 7.17,19.29C7.03,18.76 7.34,18.21 7.88,18.07Z",r62="M4,16.36C3.86,15.82 4.18,15.25 4.73,15.11L7,14.5L5.33,12.86C4.93,12.46 4.93,11.81 5.33,11.4C5.73,11 6.4,11 6.79,11.4L8.45,13.05L9.04,10.8C9.18,10.24 9.75,9.92 10.29,10.07C10.85,10.21 11.17,10.78 11,11.33L10.42,13.58L12.67,13C13.22,12.83 13.79,13.15 13.93,13.71C14.08,14.25 13.76,14.82 13.2,14.96L10.95,15.55L12.6,17.21C13,17.6 13,18.27 12.6,18.67C12.2,19.07 11.54,19.07 11.15,18.67L9.5,17L8.89,19.27C8.75,19.83 8.18,20.14 7.64,20C7.08,19.86 6.77,19.29 6.91,18.74L7.5,16.5L5.26,17.09C4.71,17.23 4.14,16.92 4,16.36M1,10A5,5 0 0,1 6,5C7,2.65 9.3,1 12,1C15.43,1 18.24,3.66 18.5,7.03L19,7A4,4 0 0,1 23,11A4,4 0 0,1 19,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A2,2 0 0,0 21,11A2,2 0 0,0 19,9H17V8A5,5 0 0,0 12,3C9.5,3 7.45,4.82 7.06,7.19C6.73,7.07 6.37,7 6,7A3,3 0 0,0 3,10C3,10.85 3.35,11.61 3.91,12.16C4.27,12.55 4.26,13.16 3.88,13.54C3.5,13.93 2.85,13.93 2.47,13.54C1.56,12.63 1,11.38 1,10M14.03,20.43C14.13,20.82 14.5,21.04 14.91,20.94L16.5,20.5L16.06,22.09C15.96,22.5 16.18,22.87 16.57,22.97C16.95,23.08 17.35,22.85 17.45,22.46L17.86,20.89L19.03,22.05C19.3,22.33 19.77,22.33 20.05,22.05C20.33,21.77 20.33,21.3 20.05,21.03L18.89,19.86L20.46,19.45C20.85,19.35 21.08,18.95 20.97,18.57C20.87,18.18 20.5,17.96 20.09,18.06L18.5,18.5L18.94,16.91C19.04,16.5 18.82,16.13 18.43,16.03C18.05,15.92 17.65,16.15 17.55,16.54L17.14,18.11L15.97,16.95C15.7,16.67 15.23,16.67 14.95,16.95C14.67,17.24 14.67,17.7 14.95,17.97L16.11,19.14L14.54,19.55C14.15,19.65 13.92,20.05 14.03,20.43Z",a62="M18.5,18.67C18.5,19.96 17.5,21 16.25,21C15,21 14,19.96 14,18.67C14,17.12 16.25,14.5 16.25,14.5C16.25,14.5 18.5,17.12 18.5,18.67M4,17.36C3.86,16.82 4.18,16.25 4.73,16.11L7,15.5L5.33,13.86C4.93,13.46 4.93,12.81 5.33,12.4C5.73,12 6.4,12 6.79,12.4L8.45,14.05L9.04,11.8C9.18,11.24 9.75,10.92 10.29,11.07C10.85,11.21 11.17,11.78 11,12.33L10.42,14.58L12.67,14C13.22,13.83 13.79,14.15 13.93,14.71C14.08,15.25 13.76,15.82 13.2,15.96L10.95,16.55L12.6,18.21C13,18.6 13,19.27 12.6,19.67C12.2,20.07 11.54,20.07 11.15,19.67L9.5,18L8.89,20.27C8.75,20.83 8.18,21.14 7.64,21C7.08,20.86 6.77,20.29 6.91,19.74L7.5,17.5L5.26,18.09C4.71,18.23 4.14,17.92 4,17.36M1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A1,1 0 0,1 18,15A1,1 0 0,1 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,11.85 3.35,12.61 3.91,13.16C4.27,13.55 4.26,14.16 3.88,14.54C3.5,14.93 2.85,14.93 2.47,14.54C1.56,13.63 1,12.38 1,11Z",e62="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M3.36,17L5.12,13.23C5.26,14 5.53,14.78 5.95,15.5C6.37,16.24 6.91,16.86 7.5,17.37L3.36,17M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M20.64,17L16.5,17.36C17.09,16.85 17.62,16.22 18.04,15.5C18.46,14.77 18.73,14 18.87,13.21L20.64,17M12,22L9.59,18.56C10.33,18.83 11.14,19 12,19C12.82,19 13.63,18.83 14.37,18.56L12,22Z",d62="M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M3.36,17L5.12,13.23C5.26,14 5.53,14.78 5.95,15.5C6.37,16.24 6.91,16.86 7.5,17.37L3.36,17M12,22L9.59,18.56C10.33,18.83 11.14,19 12,19C12.82,19 13.63,18.83 14.37,18.56M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17",m62="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.97 6.86L3.34 7L5.11 10.79C5.25 10 5.5 9.24 5.94 8.5C6 8.36 6.13 8.24 6.22 8.11L7.66 9.55C7.25 10.27 7 11.11 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.9 17 13.73 16.75 14.45 16.34L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 15C10.34 15 9 13.66 9 12C9 11.67 9.07 11.36 9.17 11.06L12.94 14.83C12.64 14.93 12.33 15 12 15M18.05 8.5C17.63 7.78 17.1 7.15 16.5 6.64L20.65 7L18.88 10.79C18.74 10 18.47 9.23 18.05 8.5M12 7C14.76 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.54 16.89 13.05 16.74 13.54L15 11.78C14.87 10.3 13.7 9.13 12.22 9L10.47 7.27C10.95 7.11 11.46 7 12 7M12 5C11.16 5 10.35 5.15 9.61 5.42L12 2L14.39 5.42C13.65 5.15 12.84 5 12 5M18.87 13.21L20.64 17L20.24 17.04L18.25 15.05C18.54 14.45 18.76 13.84 18.87 13.21M12 19C12.82 19 13.63 18.83 14.37 18.56L12 22L9.59 18.56C10.33 18.83 11.14 19 12 19M5.95 15.5C6.37 16.24 6.91 16.86 7.5 17.37L3.36 17L5.12 13.23C5.26 14 5.53 14.78 5.95 15.5Z",t62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M5,16H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,17A1,1 0 0,1 5,16M17,20A1,1 0 0,1 18,21A1,1 0 0,1 17,22H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,21A1,1 0 0,1 7,20H17M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7Z",v62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M12.71,20.71L15.82,17.6C16.21,17.21 16.21,16.57 15.82,16.18C15.43,15.79 14.8,15.79 14.41,16.18L12,18.59L9.59,16.18C9.2,15.79 8.57,15.79 8.18,16.18C7.79,16.57 7.79,17.21 8.18,17.6L11.29,20.71C11.5,20.9 11.74,21 12,21C12.26,21 12.5,20.9 12.71,20.71Z",l62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M12.71,16.3L15.82,19.41C16.21,19.8 16.21,20.43 15.82,20.82C15.43,21.21 14.8,21.21 14.41,20.82L12,18.41L9.59,20.82C9.2,21.21 8.57,21.21 8.18,20.82C7.79,20.43 7.79,19.8 8.18,19.41L11.29,16.3C11.5,16.1 11.74,16 12,16C12.26,16 12.5,16.1 12.71,16.3Z",o62="M21,5H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,4A1,1 0 0,1 3,3H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,4A1,1 0 0,1 21,5M20,8A1,1 0 0,0 19,7H5A1,1 0 0,0 4,8A1,1 0 0,0 5,9H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,8M21,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,12M16,16A1,1 0 0,0 15,15H9A1,1 0 0,0 8,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,17H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,16M13,20A1,1 0 0,0 12,19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20A1,1 0 0,0 10,21H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,20Z",n62="M4,10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9A1,1 0 0,1 4,8H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4C11.45,4 10.95,4.22 10.59,4.59C10.2,5 9.56,5 9.17,4.59C8.78,4.2 8.78,3.56 9.17,3.17C9.9,2.45 10.9,2 12,2A4,4 0 0,1 16,6A4,4 0 0,1 12,10H4M19,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10C18.72,10 18.47,10.11 18.29,10.29C17.9,10.68 17.27,10.68 16.88,10.29C16.5,9.9 16.5,9.27 16.88,8.88C17.42,8.34 18.17,8 19,8A3,3 0 0,1 22,11A3,3 0 0,1 19,14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13A1,1 0 0,1 5,12H19M18,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17A1,1 0 0,1 4,16H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22C17.17,22 16.42,21.66 15.88,21.12C15.5,20.73 15.5,20.1 15.88,19.71C16.27,19.32 16.9,19.32 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19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",P62="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,16A7,7 0 0,1 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,14A5,5 0 0,0 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M6,22A2,2 0 0,1 4,20C4,19.62 4.1,19.27 4.29,18.97L6.11,15.81C7.69,17.17 9.75,18 12,18C14.25,18 16.31,17.17 17.89,15.81L19.71,18.97C19.9,19.27 20,19.62 20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",w62="M12 6C13.66 6 15 7.34 15 9C15 9.78 14.7 10.5 14.21 11L10 6.79C10.5 6.3 11.22 6 12 6M12 4C14.76 4 17 6.24 17 9C17 10.33 16.47 11.53 15.62 12.42L17.04 13.84C18.25 12.59 19 10.88 19 9C19 5.13 15.87 2 12 2C10.12 2 8.41 2.75 7.16 3.96L8.58 5.38C9.47 4.53 10.67 4 12 4M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20C4 19.62 4.1 19.27 4.29 18.97L6.11 15.81C7.69 17.17 9.75 18 12 18C13.21 18 14.37 17.75 15.43 17.32L13.85 15.74C13.26 15.91 12.64 16 12 16C8.13 16 5 12.87 5 9C5 8.36 5.09 7.74 5.26 7.15L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M12.1 14L7 8.9C7 8.93 7 8.97 7 9C7 11.76 9.24 14 12 14C12.03 14 12.07 14 12.1 14Z",F62="M10.46,19C9,21.07 6.15,21.59 4.09,20.15C2.04,18.71 1.56,15.84 3,13.75C3.87,12.5 5.21,11.83 6.58,11.77L6.63,13.2C5.72,13.27 4.84,13.74 4.27,14.56C3.27,16 3.58,17.94 4.95,18.91C6.33,19.87 8.26,19.5 9.26,18.07C9.57,17.62 9.75,17.13 9.82,16.63V15.62L15.4,15.58L15.47,15.47C16,14.55 17.15,14.23 18.05,14.75C18.95,15.27 19.26,16.43 18.73,17.35C18.2,18.26 17.04,18.58 16.14,18.06C15.73,17.83 15.44,17.46 15.31,17.04L11.24,17.06C11.13,17.73 10.87,18.38 10.46,19M17.74,11.86C20.27,12.17 22.07,14.44 21.76,16.93C21.45,19.43 19.15,21.2 16.62,20.89C15.13,20.71 13.9,19.86 13.19,18.68L14.43,17.96C14.92,18.73 15.75,19.28 16.75,19.41C18.5,19.62 20.05,18.43 20.26,16.76C20.47,15.09 19.23,13.56 17.5,13.35C16.96,13.29 16.44,13.36 15.97,13.53L15.12,13.97L12.54,9.2H12.32C11.26,9.16 10.44,8.29 10.47,7.25C10.5,6.21 11.4,5.4 12.45,5.44C13.5,5.5 14.33,6.35 14.3,7.39C14.28,7.83 14.11,8.23 13.84,8.54L15.74,12.05C16.36,11.85 17.04,11.78 17.74,11.86M8.25,9.14C7.25,6.79 8.31,4.1 10.62,3.12C12.94,2.14 15.62,3.25 16.62,5.6C17.21,6.97 17.09,8.47 16.42,9.67L15.18,8.95C15.6,8.14 15.67,7.15 15.27,6.22C14.59,4.62 12.78,3.85 11.23,4.5C9.67,5.16 8.97,7 9.65,8.6C9.93,9.26 10.4,9.77 10.97,10.11L11.36,10.32L8.29,15.31C8.32,15.36 8.36,15.42 8.39,15.5C8.88,16.41 8.54,17.56 7.62,18.05C6.71,18.54 5.56,18.18 5.06,17.24C4.57,16.31 4.91,15.16 5.83,14.67C6.22,14.46 6.65,14.41 7.06,14.5L9.37,10.73C8.9,10.3 8.5,9.76 8.25,9.14Z",T62="M20.45 17.39L12.36 21.97V18.4L17.4 15.63L20.45 17.39M21 16.89V7.31L18.04 9V15.18L21 16.89M3.55 17.39L11.64 21.96V18.4L6.6 15.63L3.55 17.39M3 16.89V7.31L5.96 9V15.18L3 16.89M3.35 6.69L11.64 2V5.45L6.33 8.37L6.28 8.39L3.35 6.69M20.65 6.69L12.36 2V5.45L17.67 8.38L17.71 8.4L20.65 6.69M11.64 17.59L6.67 14.85V9.44L11.64 12.31V17.59M12.36 17.59L17.33 14.86V9.44L12.36 12.31V17.59M7 8.81L12 6.06L17 8.81L12 11.69L7 8.81Z",b62="M12 2C14.44 2 16.5 3.75 16.91 6.07L17.75 6C20.5 6 22.75 8.24 22.75 11C22.75 12.89 21.7 14.53 20.16 15.38C20.54 16.09 20.75 16.89 20.75 17.75C20.75 20.5 18.5 22.75 15.75 22.75C14.26 22.75 12.92 22.1 12 21.06C11.08 22.1 9.74 22.75 8.25 22.75C5.5 22.75 3.25 20.5 3.25 17.75C3.25 16.89 3.47 16.09 3.84 15.38C2.3 14.53 1.25 12.89 1.25 11C1.25 8.24 3.5 6 6.25 6L7.09 6.07C7.5 3.75 9.56 2 12 2M6.75 20.25L13.66 17H17C17.55 17 18 16.55 18 16V9C18 8.45 17.55 8 17 8H7C6.45 8 6 8.45 6 9V16C6 16.55 6.45 17 7 17H7.77L6.75 20.25Z",y62="M9.5,4C5.36,4 2,6.69 2,10C2,11.89 3.08,13.56 4.78,14.66L4,17L6.5,15.5C7.39,15.81 8.37,16 9.41,16C9.15,15.37 9,14.7 9,14C9,10.69 12.13,8 16,8C16.19,8 16.38,8 16.56,8.03C15.54,5.69 12.78,4 9.5,4M6.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 7.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 5.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.5,6.5M11.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,6.5M16,9C12.69,9 10,11.24 10,14C10,16.76 12.69,19 16,19C16.67,19 17.31,18.92 17.91,18.75L20,20L19.38,18.13C20.95,17.22 22,15.71 22,14C22,11.24 19.31,9 16,9M14,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 15,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 14,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 13,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 14,11.5M18,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 19,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,11.5Z",R62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5Z",x62="M19.95,10.56C19.75,9.67 18.95,9 18,9H15.46C15.81,8.41 16,7.73 16,7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7C8,7.73 8.19,8.41 8.54,9H6C5.05,9 4.25,9.67 4.05,10.56C2.04,18.57 2,18.78 2,19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19C22,18.78 21.96,18.57 19.95,10.56M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M15,13H11V17H13V14H15V19H11C9.89,19 9,18.11 9,17V13C9,11.89 9.89,11 11,11H15V13Z",D62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M6,11V19H8V16.5L9,17.5V19H11V17L9,15L11,13V11H9V12.5L8,13.5V11H6M15,11C13.89,11 13,11.89 13,13V17C13,18.11 13.89,19 15,19H18V14H16V17H15V13H18V11H15Z",E62="M12 5C10.89 5 10 5.89 10 7S10.89 9 12 9 14 8.11 14 7 13.11 5 12 5M22 1V6H20V4H4V6H2V1H4V3H20V1H22M15 11.26V23H13V18H11V23H9V11.26C6.93 10.17 5.5 8 5.5 5.5L5.5 5H7.5L7.5 5.5C7.5 8 9.5 10 12 10S16.5 8 16.5 5.5L16.5 5H18.5L18.5 5.5C18.5 8 17.07 10.17 15 11.26Z",N62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M6,11V19H11V17H8V11H6M13,11V19H16C17.11,19 18,18.11 18,17V16.5C18,15.93 17.75,15.38 17.32,15C17.75,14.62 18,14.07 18,13.5V13C18,11.89 17.11,11 16,11H13M15,13H16V14H15V13M15,16H16V17H15V16Z",W62="M12.04 2C6.58 2 2.13 6.45 2.13 11.91C2.13 13.66 2.59 15.36 3.45 16.86L2.05 22L7.3 20.62C8.75 21.41 10.38 21.83 12.04 21.83C17.5 21.83 21.95 17.38 21.95 11.92C21.95 9.27 20.92 6.78 19.05 4.91C17.18 3.03 14.69 2 12.04 2M12.05 3.67C14.25 3.67 16.31 4.53 17.87 6.09C19.42 7.65 20.28 9.72 20.28 11.92C20.28 16.46 16.58 20.15 12.04 20.15C10.56 20.15 9.11 19.76 7.85 19L7.55 18.83L4.43 19.65L5.26 16.61L5.06 16.29C4.24 15 3.8 13.47 3.8 11.91C3.81 7.37 7.5 3.67 12.05 3.67M8.53 7.33C8.37 7.33 8.1 7.39 7.87 7.64C7.65 7.89 7 8.5 7 9.71C7 10.93 7.89 12.1 8 12.27C8.14 12.44 9.76 14.94 12.25 16C12.84 16.27 13.3 16.42 13.66 16.53C14.25 16.72 14.79 16.69 15.22 16.63C15.7 16.56 16.68 16.03 16.89 15.45C17.1 14.87 17.1 14.38 17.04 14.27C16.97 14.17 16.81 14.11 16.56 14C16.31 13.86 15.09 13.26 14.87 13.18C14.64 13.1 14.5 13.06 14.31 13.3C14.15 13.55 13.67 14.11 13.53 14.27C13.38 14.44 13.24 14.46 13 14.34C12.74 14.21 11.94 13.95 11 13.11C10.26 12.45 9.77 11.64 9.62 11.39C9.5 11.15 9.61 11 9.73 10.89C9.84 10.78 10 10.6 10.1 10.45C10.23 10.31 10.27 10.2 10.35 10.04C10.43 9.87 10.39 9.73 10.33 9.61C10.27 9.5 9.77 8.26 9.56 7.77C9.36 7.29 9.16 7.35 9 7.34C8.86 7.34 8.7 7.33 8.53 7.33Z",I62="M18 15.5C18.83 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17S18.83 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17 17.17 15.5 18 15.5M18 14C16.34 14 15 15.34 15 17S16.34 20 18 20C19.66 20 21 18.66 21 17S19.66 14 18 14M7 8L5 5H2V7H5.13L8 11.3V20H10L12.57 15H14.55C15.25 13.81 16.5 13 18 13C18.88 13 19.69 13.29 20.35 13.78L22 8H7M9.39 19H9V12.8L9.87 14.11C10.23 14.64 10.82 14.96 11.45 15L9.39 19Z",G62="M14 16L15.32 17.76C14.32 19.68 12.31 21 10 21C6.69 21 4 18.31 4 15C4 12.57 5.46 10.5 7.55 9.55L7.76 11.72C6.71 12.44 6 13.63 6 15C6 17.21 7.79 19 10 19C11.86 19 13.41 17.72 13.86 16H14M19.55 16.11L18.3 16.73L15.5 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4.08,8.25 4.66,7.93L6.89,10.16C6.15,10.5 5.44,10.91 4.8,11.4L6.6,13.8C7.38,13.22 8.26,12.77 9.2,12.47L11.75,15C10.5,15.07 9.34,15.5 8.4,16.2L12,21L14.46,17.73L17.74,21L19,19.72M12,3C9.85,3 7.8,3.38 5.9,4.07L8.29,6.47C9.5,6.16 10.72,6 12,6C15.38,6 18.5,7.11 21,9L22.8,6.6C19.79,4.34 16.06,3 12,3M12,9C11.62,9 11.25,9 10.88,9.05L14.07,12.25C15.29,12.53 16.43,13.07 17.4,13.8L19.2,11.4C17.2,9.89 14.7,9 12,9Z",l82="M12 6C8.62 6 5.5 7.12 3 9L1.2 6.6C4.21 4.34 7.95 3 12 3S19.79 4.34 22.8 6.6L21 9C18.5 7.12 15.38 6 12 6M12 15C10.65 15 9.4 15.45 8.4 16.2L12 21L13.04 19.61C13 19.41 13 19.21 13 19C13 17.66 13.44 16.43 14.19 15.43C13.5 15.16 12.77 15 12 15M16.84 13.41C17.18 13.27 17.55 13.17 17.92 13.1L19.2 11.4C17.19 9.89 14.7 9 12 9S6.81 9.89 4.8 11.4L6.6 13.8C8.1 12.67 9.97 12 12 12C13.78 12 15.44 12.5 16.84 13.41M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",o82="M12 12C9.97 12 8.1 12.67 6.6 13.8L4.8 11.4C6.81 9.89 9.3 9 12 9S17.19 9.89 19.2 11.4L18.74 12C18.66 12 18.58 12 18.5 12C17.43 12 16.42 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22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",Z82="M12 20L8.4 15.2C9.4 14.45 10.65 14 12 14S14.6 14.45 15.6 15.2L12 20M4.8 10.4L6.6 12.8C8.1 11.67 9.97 11 12 11S15.9 11.67 17.4 12.8L19.2 10.4C17.19 8.89 14.7 8 12 8S6.81 8.89 4.8 10.4M12 2C7.95 2 4.21 3.34 1.2 5.6L3 8C5.5 6.12 8.62 5 12 5S18.5 6.12 21 8L22.8 5.6C19.79 3.34 16.05 2 12 2M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",S82="M12,6C8.6,6 5.5,7.1 3,9L1.2,6.6C4.2,4.3 8,3 12,3C16,3 19.8,4.3 22.8,6.6L21,9C18.5,7.1 15.4,6 12,6M13,19C13,17.7 13.4,16.4 14.2,15.4C13.5,15.2 12.8,15 12,15C10.7,15 9.4,15.5 8.4,16.2L12,21L13,19.6C13,19.4 13,19.2 13,19M16.8,13.4C17.1,13.3 17.5,13.2 17.9,13.1L19.2,11.4C17.2,9.9 14.7,9 12,9C9.3,9 6.8,9.9 4.8,11.4L6.6,13.8C8.1,12.7 10,12 12,12C13.8,12 15.4,12.5 16.8,13.4M16.5,22.6L17.2,19.8L15,17.9L17.9,17.7L19,15L20.1,17.6L23,17.8L20.8,19.7L21.5,22.5L19,21.1L16.5,22.6Z",u82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L15.61,13.81C14.5,13.28 13.25,13 12,13C10.75,13 9.5,13.28 8.39,13.8L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",c82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L15.6 13.8C14.5 13.3 13.2 13 12 13S9.5 13.3 8.4 13.8L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",s82="M12 13C12.8 13 13.61 13.13 14.38 13.36C14.28 13.73 14.2 14.11 14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.75 10.03 18.62 10.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L8.38 13.8C9.5 13.28 10.74 13 12 13M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",O82="M12 13C12.74 13 13.5 13.12 14.22 13.31C14.22 13.38 14.2 13.44 14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.16 9.11 19.42 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L8.38 13.8C9.5 13.28 10.74 13 12 13M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",h82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L17.5,11.43C16.26,10.74 14.37,10 12,10C9.62,10 7.74,10.75 6.5,11.43L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",p82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L17.5 11.4C16.3 10.7 14.4 10 12 10C9.6 10 7.7 10.8 6.5 11.4L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",f82="M14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.74 10.03 18.61 10.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L6.5 11.43C7.73 10.75 9.61 10 12 10C13.68 10 15.12 10.38 16.26 10.84C15.03 11.67 14.2 13 14.2 14.5M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",g82="M15.44 10.55C14.68 11.35 14.2 12.38 14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.16 9.1 19.41 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L6.5 11.43C7.73 10.75 9.61 10 12 10C13.29 10 14.45 10.23 15.44 10.55M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",k82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L18.77,9.88C17.26,9 14.88,8 12,8C9,8 6.68,9 5.21,9.84L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",B82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L18.8 9.9C17.3 9 14.9 8 12 8C9 8 6.7 9 5.2 9.8L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",P82="M19 10C19.68 10 20.32 10.14 20.91 10.39L23.64 7C20.31 4.41 16.2 3 12 3C7.78 3 3.69 4.41 .365 7C4.39 12.06 7.88 16.37 12 21.5L13 20.24V17.2C13 16.24 13.5 15.34 14.2 14.74V14.5C14.2 12.06 16.4 10 19 10M12 8C9 8 6.67 9 5.2 9.84L3.26 7.44C5.9 5.85 8.91 5 12 5S18.08 5.86 20.7 7.45L18.76 9.88C17.25 9 14.87 8 12 8M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16Z",w82="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.17 9.11 19.42 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L5.2 9.84C6.67 9 9 8 12 8C14.18 8 16.08 8.58 17.53 9.25C15.63 9.85 14.2 11.54 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",F82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3Z",T82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V8H22.8C23 7.7 23.4 7.3 23.6 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",b82="M14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C16.4 10 14.2 12.06 14.2 14.5M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",y82="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.75 9.26 19.9 9 19 9C16.4 9 14.2 11.06 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",R82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.3 11.8 8.2 16.7 12 21.5C14.3 18.6 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L12 18.3L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5C15.1 5 18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.2 7.7 23.4 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",x82="M23.65 7H23.64C22.92 7.9 22.2 8.79 21.5 9.69C20.87 9.33 20.17 9.11 19.43 9.04L20.71 7.45C18.09 5.86 15.07 5 12 5C8.91 5 5.9 5.85 3.27 7.44L12 18.3L13 17C13 17.08 13 17.14 13 17.2V20.25L12 21.5C8.13 16.66 4.24 11.83 .355 7H.375C3.7 4.41 7.79 3 12 3C16.22 3 20.32 4.41 23.65 7M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",D82="M23.65 7H23.64L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.75 10.03 18.63 10.04L20.71 7.45C18.09 5.86 15.07 5 12 5C8.91 5 5.9 5.85 3.27 7.44L12 18.3L13 17C13 17.08 13 17.14 13 17.2V20.25L12 21.5C8.13 16.66 4.24 11.83 .355 7H.375C3.7 4.41 7.79 3 12 3C16.22 3 20.32 4.41 23.65 7M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",E82="M3.27,1.44L2,2.72L4.05,4.77C2.75,5.37 1.5,6.11 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 12,21.5 12,21.5L15.91,16.63L19.23,19.95L20.5,18.68M12,3C10.6,3 9.21,3.17 7.86,3.5L18.18,13.81C20,11.5 22.05,9 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3Z",N82="M3.27,1.44L2,2.72L4.05,4.77C2.75,5.37 1.5,6.11 0.38,7C4.2,11.8 8.14,16.67 12,21.5L15.91,16.63L19.23,19.95L20.5,18.68C14.87,13.04 3.27,1.44 3.27,1.44M12,3C10.6,3 9.21,3.17 7.86,3.5L9.56,5.19C10.37,5.07 11.18,5 12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L16.76,12.38L18.18,13.8C20.08,11.43 22,9 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M5.57,6.29L14.5,15.21L12,18.3L3.27,7.44C4,7 4.78,6.61 5.57,6.29Z",W82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7H0.36C4.24,11.83 8.13,16.66 12,21.5C15.89,16.66 19.77,11.83 23.64,7H23.65C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L12,18.3L3.27,7.44C5.9,5.85 8.92,5 12,5Z",I82="M12 6C8.62 6 5.5 7.12 3 9L1.2 6.6C4.21 4.34 7.95 3 12 3S19.79 4.34 22.8 6.6L21 9C18.5 7.12 15.38 6 12 6M12 15C10.65 15 9.4 15.45 8.4 16.2L12 21L13.26 19.32C13.1 18.74 13 18.13 13 17.5C13 16.69 13.16 15.91 13.43 15.19C12.97 15.08 12.5 15 12 15M15.23 12.61C16.19 11.77 17.38 11.22 18.7 11.05C16.78 9.76 14.5 9 12 9C9.3 9 6.81 9.89 4.8 11.4L6.6 13.8C8.1 12.67 9.97 12 12 12C13.14 12 14.23 12.22 15.23 12.61M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",G82="M14.97,18.95L12.41,12.92C11.39,14.91 10.27,17 9.31,18.95C9.3,18.96 8.84,18.95 8.84,18.95C7.37,15.5 5.85,12.1 4.37,8.68C4.03,7.84 2.83,6.5 2,6.5C2,6.4 2,6.18 2,6.05H7.06V6.5C6.46,6.5 5.44,6.9 5.7,7.55C6.42,9.09 8.94,15.06 9.63,16.58C10.1,15.64 11.43,13.16 12,12.11C11.55,11.23 10.13,7.93 9.71,7.11C9.39,6.57 8.58,6.5 7.96,6.5C7.96,6.35 7.97,6.25 7.96,6.06L12.42,6.07V6.47C11.81,6.5 11.24,6.71 11.5,7.29C12.1,8.53 12.45,9.42 13,10.57C13.17,10.23 14.07,8.38 14.5,7.41C14.76,6.76 14.37,6.5 13.29,6.5C13.3,6.38 13.3,6.17 13.3,6.07C14.69,6.06 16.78,6.06 17.15,6.05V6.47C16.44,6.5 15.71,6.88 15.33,7.46L13.5,11.3C13.68,11.81 15.46,15.76 15.65,16.2L19.5,7.37C19.2,6.65 18.34,6.5 18,6.5C18,6.37 18,6.2 18,6.05L22,6.08V6.1L22,6.5C21.12,6.5 20.57,7 20.25,7.75C19.45,9.54 17,15.24 15.4,18.95C15.4,18.95 14.97,18.95 14.97,18.95Z",Q82="M4 3H10V5H4V3M1 7H6V9H1V7M3 19H8V21H3V19M13.73 10.61C14.5 10.84 15.03 11.39 15.3 12.07L19.57 4.96C20.22 3.88 19.87 2.5 18.79 1.83C17.92 1.31 16.8 1.42 16.06 2.12L12.63 5.33C12.23 5.7 12 6.23 12 6.78V10.71C12.36 10.56 13 10.38 13.73 10.61M10.61 12.27C10.77 11.75 11.09 11.31 11.5 11H3.28C2 11 1 12 1 13.28C1 14.3 1.67 15.19 2.65 15.47L7.16 16.76C7.69 16.91 8.26 16.84 8.74 16.55L11.43 14.94C10.66 14.32 10.3 13.27 10.61 12.27M22.21 18.61L19.93 14.5C19.66 14.03 19.2 13.68 18.67 13.54L15.5 12.74C15.5 13.06 15.5 13.4 15.39 13.73C15.07 14.79 14.11 15.5 13 15.5C12.39 15.5 12 15.28 12 15.28V21C10.9 21 10 21.9 10 23H16C16 21.9 15.1 21 14 21V16.72L18.61 21.33C19.5 22.22 20.94 22.22 21.83 21.33C22.55 20.61 22.71 19.5 22.21 18.61M12.56 14.43C13.35 14.67 14.19 14.23 14.43 13.43C14.67 12.64 14.23 11.8 13.43 11.56C12.64 11.32 11.8 11.76 11.56 12.56C11.32 13.35 11.77 14.19 12.56 14.43Z",U82="M4 3H10V5H4V3M1 7H6V9H1V7M3 19H8V21H3V19M22.21 18.61L19.93 14.5C19.66 14.03 19.2 13.68 18.67 13.54L16 12.87C15.96 12.4 15.84 11.95 15.61 11.54L19.57 4.95C20.22 3.87 19.87 2.47 18.79 1.82C18.43 1.6 18 1.5 17.62 1.5C17.06 1.5 16.5 1.71 16.06 2.12L12.63 5.33C12.23 5.7 12 6.23 12 6.78V10.18C11.53 10.35 11.11 10.63 10.77 11H3.28C2 11 1 12 1 13.28C1 14.3 1.67 15.19 2.65 15.47L7.16 16.76C7.34 16.81 7.53 16.84 7.71 16.84C8.07 16.84 8.43 16.74 8.74 16.55L11 15.21C11.27 15.47 11.61 15.68 12 15.82V21C10.9 21 10 21.9 10 23H16C16 21.9 15.1 21 14 21V16.72L18.61 21.33C19.06 21.78 19.64 22 20.22 22S21.39 21.78 21.83 21.33C22.55 20.61 22.71 19.5 22.21 18.61M7.72 14.84L3.2 13.55C3.08 13.5 3 13.4 3 13.28C3 13.13 3.13 13 3.28 13H10C10 13.15 10 13.3 10.04 13.44L7.72 14.84M13 14C12.45 14 12 13.55 12 13S12.45 12 13 12 14 12.45 14 13 13.55 14 13 14M14 10.14V6.78L17.43 3.57C17.5 3.5 17.62 3.45 17.77 3.53C17.9 3.61 17.95 3.78 17.87 3.91L14.13 10.15L14 10.14M20.42 19.92C20.37 19.97 20.18 20.08 20 19.92L15.17 15.07C15.25 15 15.33 14.89 15.41 14.79L18.19 15.5L20.47 19.58C20.53 19.69 20.5 19.83 20.42 19.92Z",z82="M13.33,11.67L16.21,14.58C17.62,13.16 16.21,11.75 16.21,11.75L14.72,10.24C14.9,9.86 15,9.44 15,9C15,7.95 14.46,7.03 13.64,6.5L15,2.11C13.09,1.53 12.5,3.44 12.5,3.44L11.69,6.03C10.46,6.16 9.46,7 9.13,8.18L4.67,9.63C5.31,11.53 7.2,10.9 7.2,10.9L9.27,10.23C9.61,10.97 10.23,11.54 11,11.82V19C11,19 9,19 9,21C9,21.5 9,21.81 9,22H15V21C15,21 15,19 13,19V11.82C13.12,11.78 13.23,11.72 13.33,11.67M10.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9Z",_82="M12.33 11.67L15.21 14.58C16.62 13.16 15.21 11.75 15.21 11.75L13.72 10.24C13.9 9.86 14 9.44 14 9C14 7.95 13.46 7.03 12.64 6.5L14 2.11C12.09 1.53 11.5 3.44 11.5 3.44L10.69 6.03C9.46 6.16 8.46 7 8.13 8.18L3.67 9.63C4.31 11.53 6.2 10.9 6.2 10.9L8.27 10.23C8.61 10.97 9.23 11.54 10 11.82V19C10 19 8 19 8 21V22H14V21C14 21 14 19 12 19V11.82C12.12 11.78 12.23 11.72 12.33 11.67M9.5 9C9.5 8.17 10.17 7.5 11 7.5S12.5 8.17 12.5 9 11.83 10.5 11 10.5 9.5 9.83 9.5 9M18 12V7H20V13H18M18 17V15H20V17H18Z",K82="M11.33 11.67L14.21 14.58C15.62 13.16 14.21 11.75 14.21 11.75L12.72 10.24C12.9 9.86 13 9.44 13 9C13 7.95 12.46 7.03 11.64 6.5L13 2.11C11.09 1.53 10.5 3.44 10.5 3.44L9.69 6.03C8.46 6.16 7.46 7 7.13 8.18L2.67 9.63C3.31 11.53 5.2 10.9 5.2 10.9L7.27 10.23C7.61 10.97 8.23 11.54 9 11.82V19C9 19 7 19 7 21V22H13V21C13 21 13 19 11 19V11.82C11.12 11.78 11.23 11.72 11.33 11.67M8.5 9C8.5 8.17 9.17 7.5 10 7.5S11.5 8.17 11.5 9 10.83 10.5 10 10.5 8.5 9.83 8.5 9M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",j82="M13.46,12L19,17.54V19H17.54L12,13.46L6.46,19H5V17.54L10.54,12L5,6.46V5H6.46L12,10.54L17.54,5H19V6.46L13.46,12Z",q82="M6,11H10V9H14V11H18V4H6V11M18,13H6V20H18V13M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",$82="M21 20V2H3V20H1V23H23V20M19 4V11H13V4M5 4H11V11H5M5 20V13H11V20M13 20V13H19V20Z",X82="M4,4H20V20H4V4M6,8V18H18V8H6Z",Y82="M20,14H4V10H20",J82="M6,8H10V6H14V8H18V4H6V8M18,10H6V15H18V10M6,20H18V17H6V20M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",CC2="M21 20V2H3V20H1V23H23V20M19 4V11H17V4M5 4H7V11H5M5 20V13H7V20M9 20V4H15V20M17 20V13H19V20Z",HC2="M4,8H8V4H20V16H16V20H4V8M16,8V14H18V6H10V8H16M6,12V18H14V12H6Z",VC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9M8 12H16V14H8V12M8 15H16V17H8V15M8 18H16V20H8V18Z",LC2="M2 4H20V8H18V20H16V8H6V20H4V8H2V4M7 9H15V11H7V9M7 12H15V14H7V12M20 19V17H22V19H20M20 15V10H22V15H20Z",MC2="M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8M7 9H15V11H7V9M7 12H15V14H7V12M7 15H15V16.5L14.8 17H7V15M13.7 20H7V18H14.5L13.7 20M16 8H6V20H4V8H2V4H20V8H18V12H16.6L16.1 13.3L16 13.7V8Z",AC2="M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 13.2 19.1 13.2H17.1C16.9 13.2 16.8 13.3 16.8 13.4L16.6 14.7C16.3 14.9 16.1 15 15.8 15.2L14.6 14.7C14.5 14.7 14.4 14.7 14.3 14.8L13.3 16.5C13.3 16.6 13.3 16.7 13.4 16.8L14.5 17.6V18.6L13.4 19.4C13.3 19.5 13.2 19.6 13.3 19.7L14.3 21.4C14.4 21.5 14.5 21.5 14.6 21.5L15.8 21C16 21.2 16.3 21.4 16.6 21.5L16.8 22.8C16.9 22.9 17 23 17.1 23H19.1C19.2 23 19.3 22.9 19.3 22.8L19.5 21.5C19.8 21.3 20 21.2 20.3 21L21.5 21.4C21.6 21.4 21.7 21.4 21.8 21.3L22.8 19.6C22.9 19.5 22.9 19.4 22.8 19.4L21.7 18.6M18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18 18.8 19.5 18 19.5M8 9H16V11H8V9M17 8H7V20H5V8H3V4H21V8H19V11.1C18.7 11.1 18.3 11 18 11S17.3 11 17 11.1V8M11.3 20H8V18H11C11 18.7 11.1 19.4 11.3 20M8 12H14.4C13.6 12.5 12.8 13.2 12.3 14H8V12M8 15H11.7C11.4 15.6 11.2 16.3 11.1 17H8V15Z",iC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9Z",rC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9M8 12H16V14H8V12M8 15H16V17H8V15M8 18H16V20H8V18M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",aC2="M7 5V13L22 11V7L7 5M10 6.91L13 7.31V10.69L10 11.09V6.91M16 7.71L19 8.11V9.89L16 10.29V7.71M5 10V11H6V12H5V21H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3S5 3.45 5 4V6H6V7H5V10Z",eC2="M12,4C5,4 2,9 2,9L9,16C9,16 9.5,15.1 10.4,14.5L10.7,16.5C10.3,16.8 10,17.4 10,18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20A2,2 0 0,0 14,18C14,17.1 13.5,16.4 12.7,16.1L12.3,14C14.1,14.2 15,16 15,16L22,9C22,9 19,4 12,4M15.1,13.1C14.3,12.5 13.3,12 12,12L11,6.1C11.3,6 11.7,6 12,6C15.7,6 18.1,7.7 19.3,8.9L15.1,13.1M8.9,13.1L4.7,8.9C5.5,8 7,7 9,6.4L10,12.4C9.6,12.6 9.2,12.8 8.9,13.1Z",dC2="M13,6C13,5.7 13.1,4.6 13.8,3.8L12,2.4L10.2,3.9C10.9,4.6 11,5.7 11,6C4.7,6.4 2,11 2,11L9,18C9,18 9.7,16.7 11,16.2V18.3C10.4,18.6 10,19.3 10,20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22A2,2 0 0,0 14,20C14,19.3 13.6,18.6 13,18.3V16.2C14.3,16.7 15,18 15,18L22,11C22,11 19.3,6.5 13,6M11,14.1C10.2,14.3 9.5,14.6 8.9,15.1L4.7,10.9C5.8,9.8 7.8,8.3 11,8.1V14.1M15.1,15.1C14.5,14.7 13.8,14.3 13,14.1V8.1C16.2,8.4 18.2,9.8 19.3,10.9L15.1,15.1M18,1.3L17.3,3.2C16.6,2.9 15.5,2.9 14.7,3.2L14,1.3C15.2,0.9 16.8,0.9 18,1.3M21,6H19C19,6 19,4.7 18.2,3.9L19.7,2.6C21,4 21,5.9 21,6M4.2,2.6L5.7,3.9C5,4.7 5,6 5,6H3C3,5.9 3,4 4.2,2.6M10,1.3L9.3,3.2C8.6,2.9 7.5,2.9 6.7,3.2L6,1.3C7.2,0.9 8.8,0.9 10,1.3Z",mC2="M11 6C11 5.7 11.1 4.6 11.8 3.8L10 2.4L8.2 3.9C8.9 4.6 9 5.7 9 6C2.7 6.4 0 11 0 11L7 18C7 18 7.7 16.7 9 16.2V18.3C8.4 18.6 8 19.3 8 20C8 21.11 8.9 22 10 22S12 21.11 12 20C12 19.3 11.6 18.6 11 18.3V16.2C12.3 16.7 13 18 13 18L20 11C20 11 17.3 6.5 11 6M9 14.1C8.2 14.3 7.5 14.6 6.9 15.1L2.7 10.9C3.8 9.8 5.8 8.3 9 8.1V14.1M13.1 15.1C12.5 14.7 11.8 14.3 11 14.1V8.1C14.2 8.4 16.2 9.8 17.3 10.9L13.1 15.1M16 1.3L15.3 3.2C14.6 2.9 13.5 2.9 12.7 3.2L12 1.3C13.2 .9 14.8 .9 16 1.3M19 6H17C17 6 17 4.7 16.2 3.9L17.7 2.6C19 4 19 5.9 19 6M2.2 2.6L3.7 3.9C3 4.7 3 6 3 6H1C1 5.9 1 4 2.2 2.6M8 1.3L7.3 3.2C6.6 2.9 5.5 2.9 4.7 3.2L4 1.3C5.2 .9 6.8 .9 8 1.3M22 12V7H24V13H22M22 17H24V15H22",tC2="M21 22H3V20H21V22M19 19H5L11.1 2.6C11.3 2.2 11.6 2 12 2L18 5H13.9L19 19M10 7.5L11.04 7.97L11.5 9L11.97 7.97L13 7.5L11.97 7.03L11.5 6L11.04 7.03L10 7.5M13 15L10.94 14.07L10 12L9.07 14.07L7 15L9.07 15.93L10 18L10.94 15.93L13 15M13.97 11.97L15 11.5L13.97 11.03L13.5 10L13.04 11.03L12 11.5L13.04 11.97L13.5 13L13.97 11.97M15.97 15.97L17 15.5L15.97 15.03L15.5 14L15.04 15.03L14 15.5L15.04 15.97L15.5 17L15.97 15.97Z",vC2="M3.42,12C3.42,10.76 3.69,9.58 4.16,8.5L8.26,19.72C5.39,18.33 3.42,15.4 3.42,12M17.79,11.57C17.79,12.3 17.5,13.15 17.14,14.34L16.28,17.2L13.18,8L14.16,7.9C14.63,7.84 14.57,7.16 14.11,7.19C14.11,7.19 12.72,7.3 11.82,7.3L9.56,7.19C9.1,7.16 9.05,7.87 9.5,7.9L10.41,8L11.75,11.64L9.87,17.27L6.74,8L7.73,7.9C8.19,7.84 8.13,7.16 7.67,7.19C7.67,7.19 6.28,7.3 5.38,7.3L4.83,7.29C6.37,4.96 9,3.42 12,3.42C14.23,3.42 16.27,4.28 17.79,5.67H17.68C16.84,5.67 16.24,6.4 16.24,7.19C16.24,7.9 16.65,8.5 17.08,9.2C17.41,9.77 17.79,10.5 17.79,11.57M12.15,12.75L14.79,19.97L14.85,20.09C13.96,20.41 13,20.58 12,20.58C11.16,20.58 10.35,20.46 9.58,20.23L12.15,12.75M19.53,7.88C20.2,9.11 20.58,10.5 20.58,12C20.58,15.16 18.86,17.93 16.31,19.41L18.93,11.84C19.42,10.62 19.59,9.64 19.59,8.77L19.53,7.88M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,21.54C17.26,21.54 21.54,17.26 21.54,12C21.54,6.74 17.26,2.46 12,2.46C6.74,2.46 2.46,6.74 2.46,12C2.46,17.26 6.74,21.54 12,21.54Z",lC2="M21,5H3V7H21V5M3,19H10V17H3V19M3,13H18C19,13 20,13.43 20,15C20,16.57 19,17 18,17H16V15L12,18L16,21V19H18C20.95,19 22,17.73 22,15C22,12.28 21,11 18,11H3V13Z",oC2="M16,7H3V5H16V7M3,19H16V17H3V19M22,12L18,9V11H3V13H18V15L22,12Z",nC2="M22.7,19L13.6,9.9C14.5,7.6 14,4.9 12.1,3C10.1,1 7.1,0.6 4.7,1.7L9,6L6,9L1.6,4.7C0.4,7.1 0.9,10.1 2.9,12.1C4.8,14 7.5,14.5 9.8,13.6L18.9,22.7C19.3,23.1 19.9,23.1 20.3,22.7L22.6,20.4C23.1,20 23.1,19.3 22.7,19Z",ZC2="M9 2C10.8 2.6 12 4.3 12 6.2C12 8.2 10.8 9.9 9 10.5V21.5C9 21.8 8.8 22 8.5 22H6.5C6.2 22 6 21.8 6 21.4V10.4C4.2 9.8 3 8.1 3 6.2S4.2 2.6 6 2V5.7H9V2M20.6 13L22 14.41L15.47 21L12 17.5L13.4 16.09L15.47 18.17L20.6 13",SC2="M9 1.09V6H7V1.09C4.16 1.57 2 4.03 2 7C2 9.22 3.21 11.15 5 12.19V21C5 21.55 5.45 22 6 22H10C10.55 22 11 21.55 11 21V12.19C12.79 11.15 14 9.22 14 7C14 4.03 11.84 1.57 9 1.09M10 10.46L9 11.04V20H7V11.04L6 10.46C4.77 9.74 4 8.42 4 7C4 6 4.37 5.06 5 4.35V8H11V4.35C11.63 5.06 12 6 12 7C12 8.42 11.23 9.74 10 10.46M21.6 13L23 14.41L16.47 21L13 17.5L14.4 16.09L16.47 18.17L21.6 13",uC2="M10 6.2C10 4.3 8.8 2.6 7 2V5.7H4V2C2.2 2.6 1 4.3 1 6.2C1 8.1 2.2 9.8 4 10.4V21.4C4 21.8 4.2 22 4.5 22H6.5C6.8 22 7 21.8 7 21.5V10.5C8.8 9.9 10 8.2 10 6.2M16 8C16 8 15.9 8 16 8C12.1 8.1 9 11.2 9 15C9 18.9 12.1 22 16 22S23 18.9 23 15 19.9 8 16 8M16 20C13.2 20 11 17.8 11 15S13.2 10 16 10 21 12.2 21 15 18.8 20 16 20M15 11V16L18.6 18.2L19.4 17L16.5 15.3V11H15Z",cC2="M16 8C14.8 8.03 13.67 8.35 12.68 8.89C12.88 8.29 13 7.66 13 7C13 4.03 10.84 1.57 8 1.09V6H6V1.09C3.16 1.57 1 4.03 1 7C1 9.22 2.21 11.15 4 12.19V21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H9C9.55 22 10 21.55 10 21V18.62C11.22 20.65 13.43 22 16 22C19.9 22 23 18.9 23 15S19.9 8 16 8M8 11.04V20H6V11.04L5 10.46C3.77 9.74 3 8.42 3 7C3 6 3.37 5.06 4 4.35V8H10V4.35C10.63 5.06 11 6 11 7C11 8.42 10.23 9.74 9 10.46L8 11.04M16 20C13.2 20 11 17.8 11 15S13.2 10 16 10 21 12.2 21 15 18.8 20 16 20M16.5 15.3L19.4 17L18.6 18.2L15 16V11H16.5V15.3Z",sC2="M19.94 17.94C19.96 17.79 19.97 17.65 19.97 17.5S19.96 17.2 19.94 17.05L20.91 16.32C21 16.25 21.03 16.13 20.97 16.03L20.05 14.47C20 14.37 19.86 14.33 19.76 14.37L18.61 14.82C18.37 14.65 18.12 14.5 17.83 14.38L17.66 13.19C17.64 13.08 17.54 13 17.43 13H15.58C15.46 13 15.36 13.08 15.34 13.19L15.17 14.38C14.88 14.5 14.63 14.65 14.39 14.82L13.24 14.37C13.14 14.33 13 14.37 12.96 14.47L12.03 16.03C11.97 16.13 12 16.25 12.09 16.32L13.06 17.05C13.05 17.2 13.03 17.35 13.03 17.5S13.05 17.79 13.06 17.94L12.09 18.68C12 18.75 11.97 18.87 12.03 18.97L12.96 20.53C13 20.63 13.14 20.66 13.24 20.63L14.39 20.17C14.63 20.35 14.88 20.5 15.17 20.62L15.34 21.81C15.36 21.92 15.46 22 15.58 22H17.43C17.54 22 17.64 21.92 17.66 21.81L17.83 20.62C18.12 20.5 18.37 20.35 18.61 20.17L19.76 20.63C19.86 20.66 20 20.63 20.05 20.53L20.97 18.97C21.03 18.87 21 18.75 20.91 18.68L19.94 17.94M16.5 19C15.67 19 15 18.33 15 17.5S15.67 16 16.5 16 18 16.67 18 17.5 17.33 19 16.5 19M9 2C10.8 2.6 12 4.3 12 6.2C12 8.2 10.8 9.9 9 10.5V21.5C9 21.8 8.8 22 8.5 22H6.5C6.2 22 6 21.8 6 21.4V10.4C4.2 9.8 3 8.1 3 6.2S4.2 2.6 6 2V5.7H9V2Z",OC2="M9 1.09V6H7V1.09C4.16 1.57 2 4.03 2 7C2 9.22 3.21 11.15 5 12.19V21C5 21.55 5.45 22 6 22H10C10.55 22 11 21.55 11 21V12.19C12.79 11.15 14 9.22 14 7C14 4.03 11.84 1.57 9 1.09M10 10.46L9 11.04V20H7V11.04L6 10.46C4.77 9.74 4 8.42 4 7C4 6 4.37 5.06 5 4.35V8H11V4.35C11.63 5.06 12 6 12 7C12 8.42 11.23 9.74 10 10.46M20.94 17.94C20.96 17.79 20.97 17.65 20.97 17.5S20.96 17.2 20.94 17.05L21.91 16.32C22 16.25 22.03 16.13 21.97 16.03L21.05 14.47C21 14.37 20.87 14.33 20.76 14.37L19.61 14.82C19.37 14.65 19.12 14.5 18.83 14.38L18.66 13.19C18.64 13.08 18.54 13 18.43 13H16.58C16.46 13 16.36 13.08 16.34 13.19L16.17 14.38C15.88 14.5 15.63 14.65 15.39 14.82L14.24 14.37C14.14 14.33 14 14.37 13.96 14.47L13.03 16.03C12.97 16.13 13 16.25 13.09 16.32L14.06 17.05C14.05 17.2 14.03 17.35 14.03 17.5S14.05 17.79 14.06 17.94L13.09 18.68C13 18.75 12.97 18.87 13.03 18.97L13.96 20.53C14 20.63 14.14 20.66 14.24 20.63L15.39 20.17C15.63 20.35 15.88 20.5 16.17 20.62L16.34 21.81C16.36 21.92 16.46 22 16.58 22H18.43C18.54 22 18.64 21.92 18.66 21.81L18.83 20.62C19.12 20.5 19.37 20.35 19.61 20.17L20.76 20.63C20.87 20.66 21 20.63 21.05 20.53L21.97 18.97C22.03 18.87 22 18.75 21.91 18.68L20.94 17.94M17.5 19C16.67 19 16 18.33 16 17.5S16.67 16 17.5 16 19 16.67 19 17.5 18.33 19 17.5 19Z",hC2="M22.61,19L13.53,9.91C14.46,7.57 14,4.81 12.09,2.91C9.79,0.61 6.21,0.4 3.66,2.26L7.5,6.11L6.08,7.5L2.25,3.69C0.39,6.23 0.6,9.82 2.9,12.11C4.76,13.97 7.47,14.46 9.79,13.59L18.9,22.7C19.29,23.09 19.92,23.09 20.31,22.7L22.61,20.4C23,20 23,19.39 22.61,19M19.61,20.59L10.15,11.13C9.54,11.58 8.86,11.85 8.15,11.95C6.79,12.15 5.36,11.74 4.32,10.7C3.37,9.76 2.93,8.5 3,7.26L6.09,10.35L10.33,6.11L7.24,3C8.5,2.95 9.73,3.39 10.68,4.33C11.76,5.41 12.17,6.9 11.92,8.29C11.8,9 11.5,9.66 11.04,10.25L20.5,19.7L19.61,20.59Z",pC2="M22.75,11.07C22.91,11.35 23,11.67 23,12C23,12.33 22.91,12.65 22.75,12.93L18.08,21C17.72,21.62 17.06,22 16.35,22H7.65C6.94,22 6.28,21.62 5.92,21L1.25,12.93C1.09,12.65 1,12.33 1,12C1,11.67 1.09,11.35 1.25,11.07L5.92,3C6.28,2.38 6.94,2 7.65,2H16.35C17.06,2 17.72,2.38 18.08,3L22.75,11.07M12,12V11.9L9.42,7.1L9.25,7H7.66L7.5,7.1V7.3L10,12L7.5,16.7V16.9L7.66,17H9.25L9.42,16.9L12,12.1V12L12.03,12.1L14.58,16.9L14.75,17H16.34L16.5,16.9V16.7L14,12L16.5,7.3V7.1L16.34,7H14.75L14.58,7.1L12.03,11.9L12,12Z",fC2="M12.89,3L14.85,3.4L11.11,21L9.15,20.6L12.89,3M19.59,12L16,8.41V5.58L22.42,12L16,18.41V15.58L19.59,12M1.58,12L8,5.58V8.41L4.41,12L8,15.58V18.41L1.58,12Z",gC2="M12,15.4C9.75,13.09 8,9.54 8,6C2,4 8,6 2,4C2,9.65 6.33,14.11 10.55,16.66C9.38,17.5 8.15,18 7,18C7,19 7,18 7,19C8.2,19 10.03,18.46 12,17.46C13.97,18.46 15.8,19 17,19C17,18 17,19 17,18C15.85,18 14.62,17.5 13.45,16.66C17.66,14.11 22,9.65 22,4C16,6 22,4 16,6C16,9.54 14.25,13.09 12,15.4Z",kC2="M10.5 7.59L8.16 13.2L5.85 7.59H2L6.29 17.23L4.75 20.7H8.5L14.24 7.59H10.5M15 12.73C13.63 12.73 12.59 13.77 12.59 15C12.59 16.17 13.59 17.16 14.93 17.16C16.32 17.16 17.36 16.13 17.36 14.9C17.36 13.69 16.36 12.73 15 12.73M17.72 3.3L13.89 11.89H18.17L22 3.3H17.72Z",BC2="M18,14A4,4 0 0,1 22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22A4,4 0 0,1 14,18L14.09,17.15C14.05,16.45 13.92,15.84 13.55,15.5C13.35,15.3 13.07,15.19 12.75,15.13C11.79,15.68 10.68,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,10.68 15.68,11.79 15.13,12.75C15.19,13.07 15.3,13.35 15.5,13.55C15.84,13.92 16.45,14.05 17.15,14.09L18,14M7.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z",PC2="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 16,8A4,4 0 0,0 12,4M12,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,6.5M12,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,14.5Z",wC2="M13 2C11.9 2 11 2.9 11 4C11 5.11 11.9 6 13 6C14.11 6 15 5.11 15 4C15 2.9 14.11 2 13 2M4 7V9H10V15L4.93 20.07L6.34 21.5L13.06 14.77L17 17.13V21H19V16.57C19 16.21 18.82 15.89 18.5 15.71L15 13.6V9H21V7H4Z",FC2="M10,15L15.19,12L10,9V15M21.56,7.17C21.69,7.64 21.78,8.27 21.84,9.07C21.91,9.87 21.94,10.56 21.94,11.16L22,12C22,14.19 21.84,15.8 21.56,16.83C21.31,17.73 20.73,18.31 19.83,18.56C19.36,18.69 18.5,18.78 17.18,18.84C15.88,18.91 14.69,18.94 13.59,18.94L12,19C7.81,19 5.2,18.84 4.17,18.56C3.27,18.31 2.69,17.73 2.44,16.83C2.31,16.36 2.22,15.73 2.16,14.93C2.09,14.13 2.06,13.44 2.06,12.84L2,12C2,9.81 2.16,8.2 2.44,7.17C2.69,6.27 3.27,5.69 4.17,5.44C4.64,5.31 5.5,5.22 6.82,5.16C8.12,5.09 9.31,5.06 10.41,5.06L12,5C16.19,5 18.8,5.16 19.83,5.44C20.73,5.69 21.31,6.27 21.56,7.17Z",TC2="M22 13V8L17 5L12 8L7 5L2 8V13L12 19L22 13M9 11H7V13H6V11H4V10H6V8H7V10H9V11M15 13C14.45 13 14 12.55 14 12S14.45 11 15 11 16 11.45 16 12 15.55 13 15 13M18 11C17.45 11 17 10.55 17 10S17.45 9 18 9 19 9.45 19 10 18.55 11 18 11Z",bC2="M10,15L15,12L10,9V15M19.45,13L21.56,14.63C21.78,14.78 21.81,15 21.66,15.28L19.64,18.75C19.5,18.97 19.31,19.03 19.03,18.94L16.55,17.95C15.89,18.42 15.33,18.75 14.86,18.94L14.5,21.56C14.42,21.84 14.27,22 14,22H10C9.73,22 9.58,21.84 9.5,21.56L9.14,18.94C8.55,18.69 8,18.36 7.45,17.95L4.97,18.94C4.69,19.03 4.5,18.97 4.36,18.75L2.34,15.28C2.19,15 2.22,14.78 2.44,14.63L4.55,13C4.5,12.77 4.5,12.44 4.5,12C4.5,11.56 4.5,11.23 4.55,11L2.44,9.38C2.22,9.22 2.19,9 2.34,8.72L4.36,5.25C4.5,5.03 4.69,4.97 4.97,5.06L7.45,6.05C8.11,5.58 8.67,5.25 9.14,5.06L9.5,2.44C9.58,2.16 9.73,2 10,2H14C14.27,2 14.42,2.16 14.5,2.44L14.86,5.06C15.45,5.31 16,5.64 16.55,6.05L19.03,5.06C19.31,4.97 19.5,5.03 19.64,5.25L21.66,8.72C21.81,9 21.78,9.22 21.56,9.38L19.45,11C19.5,11.23 19.5,11.56 19.5,12C19.5,12.44 19.5,12.77 19.45,13Z",yC2="M20,8H4V6H20V8M18,2H6V4H18V2M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 4,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M16,16L10,12.73V19.26L16,16Z",RC2="M2.5,4.5H21.5C22.34,4.5 23,5.15 23,6V17.5C23,18.35 22.34,19 21.5,19H2.5C1.65,19 1,18.35 1,17.5V6C1,5.15 1.65,4.5 2.5,4.5M9.71,8.5V15L15.42,11.7L9.71,8.5M17.25,21H6.65C6.35,21 6.15,20.8 6.15,20.5C6.15,20.2 6.35,20 6.65,20H17.35C17.65,20 17.85,20.2 17.85,20.5C17.85,20.8 17.55,21 17.25,21Z",xC2="M22 14.87V22H14V16H10V22H2V14.87C2 14.33 2.29 13.83 2.76 13.57L8.66 10.2C8.88 10.07 9.14 10 9.4 10H12.5V9H14V10H14.59C14.85 10 15.11 10.07 15.33 10.2L21.23 13.57C21.71 13.84 22 14.33 22 14.87M7.86 6.25H9.4C10.73 6.25 11.92 6.95 12.5 8H14C13.6 6.2 12 4.85 10.1 4.85V3.35C11.1 3.35 11.95 2.5 11.95 1.5V1H7.86V2.5C6.86 2.5 6 3.23 6 4.25S6.86 6.25 7.86 6.25Z",DC2="M16.3,10.58C13.14,10.58 10.6,13.13 10.6,16.28C10.6,19.43 13.15,22 16.3,22C19.45,22 22,19.43 22,16.28C22,13.13 19.45,10.58 16.3,10.58M18,19.08H13.19L15.81,15H13.31L14.4,13.23H19.18L16.63,17.28H19.18L18,19.08M16.3,3.93V2C8.41,2 2,8.42 2,16.31H3.92C3.94,9.46 9.5,3.93 16.3,3.93M16.3,7.74V5.82C10.5,5.82 5.81,10.53 5.81,16.31H7.73C7.75,11.58 11.59,7.74 16.3,7.74",EC2="M11.28,9.81C11.28,9.81 11.28,7 14.09,7H22.5C22.5,7 22.5,9.81 19.71,9.81H11.28M11.28,13.41C11.28,13.41 11.28,10.6 14.09,10.6H18.31C18.31,10.6 18.31,13.41 15.5,13.41H11.28M11.28,17C11.28,17 11.28,14.19 14.09,14.19H15.5C15.5,14.19 15.5,17 12.68,17H11.28M10.46,14.8V17H1.58L7.3,9.21H2.4V7H11.66L5.96,14.8H10.46Z",NC2="M4.06,6.15C3.97,6.17 3.88,6.22 3.8,6.28C2.66,7.9 2,9.87 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15,22 17.68,20.68 19.5,18.6L17,18.85C14.25,19.15 11.45,19.19 8.66,18.96C7.95,18.94 7.24,18.76 6.59,18.45C5.73,18.06 5.15,17.23 5.07,16.29C5.06,16.13 5.12,16 5.23,15.87L7.42,13.6L15.03,5.7V5.6H10.84C8.57,5.64 6.31,5.82 4.06,6.15M20.17,17.5C20.26,17.47 20.35,17.44 20.43,17.39C21.42,15.83 22,14 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2C9.22,2 6.7,3.13 4.89,4.97H5.17C8.28,4.57 11.43,4.47 14.56,4.65C15.5,4.64 16.45,4.82 17.33,5.17C18.25,5.53 18.89,6.38 19,7.37C19,7.53 18.93,7.7 18.82,7.82L9.71,17.19L9,17.95V18.06H13.14C15.5,18 17.84,17.81 20.17,17.5Z",WC2="M14,17H12V15H10V13H12V15H14M14,9H12V11H14V13H12V11H10V9H12V7H10V5H12V7H14M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",IC2="M12 17V15H14V17H12M14 13V11H12V13H14M14 9V7H12V9H14M10 11H12V9H10V11M10 15H12V13H10V15M21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5M19 5H12V7H10V5H5V19H19V5Z",GC2="M7,3L3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5L17,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V3H7M8,10H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,11V19H7V11A1,1 0 0,1 8,10Z",QC2="M15,12.41L12,9.41L9,12.41L6,9.41L3.71,11.71L2.29,10.29L6,6.59L9,9.59L12,6.59L15,9.59L18,6.59L21.71,10.29L20.29,11.71L18,9.41L15,12.41M18,15.41L20.29,17.71L21.71,16.29L18,12.59L15,15.59L12,12.59L9,15.59L6,12.59L2.29,16.29L3.71,17.71L6,15.41L9,18.41L12,15.41L15,18.41L18,15.41Z",UC2="M16,2C14.95,2 13.91,2.27 13,2.81C12.64,3 12.3,3.26 12,3.54C11.7,3.26 11.36,3 11,2.81C10.09,2.27 9.05,2 8,2A6,6 0 0,0 2,8A6,6 0 0,0 8,14V12A4,4 0 0,1 4,8A4,4 0 0,1 8,4C9,4 10,4.39 10.75,5.1C10.84,5.18 10.92,5.27 11,5.36V22H13V5.36C13.08,5.27 13.16,5.18 13.25,5.1C14.85,3.58 17.38,3.64 18.91,5.25C20.43,6.85 20.36,9.38 18.76,10.9C18,11.61 17.03,12 16,12V14A6,6 0 0,0 22,8A6,6 0 0,0 16,2Z",zC2="M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,14.12 3.65,15.87 5.76,16H6A4,4 0 0,0 10,12A4,4 0 0,0 6,8H5.76C7.44,6.41 9.69,5.55 12,5.6C13.77,5.58 15.5,6.07 17,7L18.25,5.75C16.38,4.58 14.21,3.97 12,4M6,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12C8,13.11 7.08,14 6,14C4.96,14 4.1,13.22 4,12.2C4,12.07 4,11.93 4,11.8C4.1,10.77 4.97,10 6,10M18.24,8H18A4,4 0 0,0 14,12A4,4 0 0,0 18,16H18.24C16.56,17.59 14.31,18.45 12,18.4C10.23,18.42 8.5,17.93 7,17L5.76,18.24C7.63,19.41 9.79,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,9.88 20.35,8.13 18.24,8M18,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12C16,10.89 16.92,10 18,10C19.04,10 19.9,10.78 20,11.8C20,11.93 20,12.07 20,12.2C19.9,13.23 19.03,14 18,14Z",_C2="M15,13C14.3,13 13.61,13.19 13,13.55V6A3,3 0 0,0 10,3C9.25,3 8.55,3.29 8,3.78C7.45,3.28 6.74,3 6,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6V16H9V6A1,1 0 0,1 10,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,6V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19V21C10.15,21 11.25,20.5 12,19.62C13.45,21.29 15.97,21.47 17.64,20C19.31,18.58 19.5,16.05 18.04,14.38C17.28,13.5 16.17,13 15,13M15,19A2,2 0 0,1 13,17A2,2 0 0,1 15,15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17A2,2 0 0,1 15,19Z",KC2="M18,5.3C19.35,4.97 20.66,4.54 21.94,4L21.18,2.14C18.27,3.36 15.15,4 12,4C8.85,4 5.73,3.38 2.82,2.17L2.06,4C3.34,4.54 4.65,4.97 6,5.3V18.7C4.65,19.03 3.34,19.46 2.06,20L2.82,21.86C8.7,19.42 15.3,19.42 21.18,21.86L21.94,20C20.66,19.46 19.35,19.03 18,18.7V5.3M8,18.3V5.69C9.32,5.89 10.66,6 12,6C13.34,6 14.68,5.89 16,5.69V18.31C13.35,17.9 10.65,17.9 8,18.31V18.3Z",jC2="M20,17A3,3 0 0,1 17,20C15.38,19.92 14.08,18.62 14,17C14.16,15.39 14.5,13.8 15,12.26C15.54,10.55 15.87,8.79 16,7C15.93,4.27 13.73,2.07 11,2C8.27,2.07 6.07,4.27 6,7C6.15,8.53 6.5,10.03 7,11.5L7.21,12.2C5.1,11.53 2.86,12.7 2.19,14.8C1.5,16.91 2.68,19.16 4.79,19.83C6.9,20.5 9.14,19.33 9.81,17.22C9.94,16.83 10,16.41 10,16C9.84,14.27 9.5,12.56 8.91,10.92C8.47,9.65 8.16,8.34 8,7C8.08,5.38 9.38,4.08 11,4C12.62,4.08 13.92,5.38 14,7C13.84,8.61 13.5,10.2 13,11.74C12.46,13.45 12.13,15.21 12,17C12.07,19.73 14.27,21.93 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17H20M6,18A2,2 0 0,1 4,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,18Z",qC2="M20,16V18H13V15.91C16,15.36 17.96,12.5 17.41,9.5C16.86,6.5 14,4.54 11,5.09C8,5.65 6.04,8.5 6.59,11.5C7,13.74 8.76,15.5 11,15.91V18H4V16H6.92C5.37,14.59 4.5,12.59 4.5,10.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,3A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 19.5,10.5C19.5,12.59 18.63,14.59 17.08,16H20M20,19H4V21H20V19Z",$C2="M20,11H18C18.11,8.19 18.73,5.42 19.81,2.82L18,2.06C16.81,4.9 16.13,7.92 16,11H8C7.87,7.92 7.19,4.9 6,2.06L4.14,2.82C5.24,5.41 5.87,8.18 6,11H4V13H6C5.89,15.81 5.27,18.58 4.19,21.18L6,21.94C7.19,19.1 7.87,16.08 8,13H16C16.13,16.08 16.81,19.1 18,21.94L19.86,21.18C18.76,18.59 18.13,15.82 18,13H20V11Z",XC2="M22,2V12H20V5.41L10.41,15L12.71,17.29L11.29,18.71L9,16.41L3.71,21.71L2.29,20.29L7.59,15L5.29,12.71L6.71,11.29L9,13.59L18.59,4H12V2H22Z",YC2="M17.71,15.29L16.29,16.71L17.59,18H16A2,2 0 0,1 14,16V6A3,3 0 0,0 11,3C10.25,3 9.55,3.29 9,3.78C7.86,2.76 6.14,2.76 5,3.78C4.45,3.28 3.74,3 3,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,6V16H6V6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5A1,1 0 0,1 8,6V16H10V6A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 12,6V16A4,4 0 0,0 16,20H17.59L16.29,21.29L17.71,22.71L21.41,19L17.71,15.29Z",JC2="M15.59,9C17.7,7.74 19,5.46 19,3H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 7,3H5C5,5.46 6.3,7.74 8.41,9C5.09,11 4,15.28 6,18.6C7.97,21.92 12.27,23 15.59,21C18.91,19.04 20,14.74 18,11.42C17.42,10.43 16.58,9.59 15.59,9M12,20A5,5 0 0,1 7,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,10A5,5 0 0,1 17,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,20Z",CH2="M18.5,19.13C20,17.77 20,15.18 20,14A4,4 0 0,0 16,10C15.3,10 14.6,10.2 14,10.56V6A3,3 0 0,0 11,3C10.25,3 9.55,3.29 9,3.78C7.86,2.76 6.14,2.76 5,3.78C4.45,3.28 3.74,3 3,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,6V16H6V6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5A1,1 0 0,1 8,6V16H10V6A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 12,6V14C12,15.18 12,17.77 13.5,19.13C12.72,19.54 11.88,19.84 11,20V22C12.29,22 14.84,20.74 16,20.13C17.16,20.74 19.71,22 21,22V20C20.12,19.84 19.28,19.54 18.5,19.13M16,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14C18,16.92 17.46,18 16,18C14.54,18 14,16.92 14,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12Z";const 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1,mdiTooltipOutline:rJ1,mdiTooltipPlus:aJ1,mdiTooltipPlusOutline:eJ1,mdiTooltipQuestion:dJ1,mdiTooltipQuestionOutline:mJ1,mdiTooltipRemove:tJ1,mdiTooltipRemoveOutline:vJ1,mdiTooltipText:lJ1,mdiTooltipTextOutline:oJ1,mdiTooth:nJ1,mdiToothOutline:ZJ1,mdiToothbrush:SJ1,mdiToothbrushElectric:uJ1,mdiToothbrushPaste:cJ1,mdiTorch:sJ1,mdiTortoise:OJ1,mdiToslink:hJ1,mdiTouchTextOutline:pJ1,mdiTournament:fJ1,mdiTowTruck:gJ1,mdiTowerBeach:kJ1,mdiTowerFire:BJ1,mdiTownHall:PJ1,mdiToyBrick:wJ1,mdiToyBrickMarker:FJ1,mdiToyBrickMarkerOutline:TJ1,mdiToyBrickMinus:bJ1,mdiToyBrickMinusOutline:yJ1,mdiToyBrickOutline:RJ1,mdiToyBrickPlus:xJ1,mdiToyBrickPlusOutline:DJ1,mdiToyBrickRemove:EJ1,mdiToyBrickRemoveOutline:NJ1,mdiToyBrickSearch:WJ1,mdiToyBrickSearchOutline:IJ1,mdiTrackLight:GJ1,mdiTrackLightOff:QJ1,mdiTrackpad:UJ1,mdiTrackpadLock:zJ1,mdiTractor:_J1,mdiTractorVariant:KJ1,mdiTrademark:jJ1,mdiTrafficCone:qJ1,mdiTrafficLight:$J1,mdiTrafficLightOutline:XJ1,mdiTrain:YJ1,mdiTrainBus:JJ1,mdiTrainCar:C12,mdiTrainCarAutorack:H12,mdiTrainCarBox:V12,mdiTrainCarBoxFull:L12,mdiTrainCarBoxOpen:M12,mdiTrainCarCaboose:A12,mdiTrainCarCenterbeam:i12,mdiTrainCarCenterbeamFull:r12,mdiTrainCarContainer:a12,mdiTrainCarFlatbed:e12,mdiTrainCarFlatbedCar:d12,mdiTrainCarFlatbedTank:m12,mdiTrainCarGondola:t12,mdiTrainCarGondolaFull:v12,mdiTrainCarHopper:l12,mdiTrainCarHopperCovered:o12,mdiTrainCarHopperFull:n12,mdiTrainCarIntermodal:Z12,mdiTrainCarPassenger:S12,mdiTrainCarPassengerDoor:u12,mdiTrainCarPassengerDoorOpen:c12,mdiTrainCarPassengerVariant:s12,mdiTrainCarTank:O12,mdiTrainVariant:h12,mdiTram:p12,mdiTramSide:f12,mdiTranscribe:g12,mdiTranscribeClose:k12,mdiTransfer:B12,mdiTransferDown:P12,mdiTransferLeft:w12,mdiTransferRight:F12,mdiTransferUp:T12,mdiTransitConnection:b12,mdiTransitConnectionHorizontal:y12,mdiTransitConnectionVariant:R12,mdiTransitDetour:x12,mdiTransitSkip:D12,mdiTransitTransfer:E12,mdiTransition:N12,mdiTransitionMasked:W12,mdiTranslate:I12,mdiTranslateOff:G12,mdiTranslateVariant:Q12,mdiTransmissionTower:U12,mdiTransmissionTowerExport:z12,mdiTransmissionTowerImport:_12,mdiTransmissionTowerOff:K12,mdiTrashCan:j12,mdiTrashCanOutline:q12,mdiTray:$12,mdiTrayAlert:X12,mdiTrayArrowDown:Y12,mdiTrayArrowUp:J12,mdiTrayFull:C22,mdiTrayMinus:H22,mdiTrayPlus:V22,mdiTrayRemove:L22,mdiTreasureChest:M22,mdiTreasureChestOutline:A22,mdiTree:i22,mdiTreeOutline:r22,mdiTrello:a22,mdiTrendingDown:e22,mdiTrendingNeutral:d22,mdiTrendingUp:m22,mdiTriangle:t22,mdiTriangleDown:v22,mdiTriangleDownOutline:l22,mdiTriangleOutline:o22,mdiTriangleSmallDown:n22,mdiTriangleSmallUp:Z22,mdiTriangleWave:S22,mdiTriforce:u22,mdiTrophy:c22,mdiTrophyAward:s22,mdiTrophyBroken:O22,mdiTrophyOutline:h22,mdiTrophyVariant:p22,mdiTrophyVariantOutline:f22,mdiTruck:g22,mdiTruckAlert:k22,mdiTruckAlertOutline:B22,mdiTruckCargoContainer:P22,mdiTruckCheck:w22,mdiTruckCheckOutline:F22,mdiTruckDelivery:T22,mdiTruckDeliveryOutline:b22,mdiTruckFast:y22,mdiTruckFastOutline:R22,mdiTruckFlatbed:x22,mdiTruckMinus:D22,mdiTruckMinusOutline:E22,mdiTruckOffRoad:N22,mdiTruckOffRoadOff:W22,mdiTruckOutline:I22,mdiTruckPlus:G22,mdiTruckPlusOutline:Q22,mdiTruckRemove:U22,mdiTruckRemoveOutline:z22,mdiTruckSnowflake:_22,mdiTruckTrailer:K22,mdiTrumpet:j22,mdiTshirtCrew:q22,mdiTshirtCrewOutline:$22,mdiTshirtV:X22,mdiTshirtVOutline:Y22,mdiTsunami:J22,mdiTumbleDryer:C52,mdiTumbleDryerAlert:H52,mdiTumbleDryerOff:V52,mdiTune:L52,mdiTuneVariant:M52,mdiTuneVertical:A52,mdiTuneVerticalVariant:i52,mdiTunnel:r52,mdiTunnelOutline:a52,mdiTurbine:e52,mdiTurkey:d52,mdiTurnstile:m52,mdiTurnstileOutline:t52,mdiTurtle:v52,mdiTwitch:l52,mdiTwitter:o52,mdiTwoFactorAuthentication:n52,mdiTypewriter:Z52,mdiUbisoft:S52,mdiUbuntu:u52,mdiUfo:c52,mdiUfoOutline:s52,mdiUltraHighDefinition:O52,mdiUmbraco:h52,mdiUmbrella:p52,mdiUmbrellaBeach:f52,mdiUmbrellaBeachOutline:g52,mdiUmbrellaClosed:k52,mdiUmbrellaClosedOutline:B52,mdiUmbrellaClosedVariant:P52,mdiUmbrellaOutline:w52,mdiUnderwearOutline:F52,mdiUndo:T52,mdiUndoVariant:b52,mdiUnfoldLessHorizontal:y52,mdiUnfoldLessVertical:R52,mdiUnfoldMoreHorizontal:x52,mdiUnfoldMoreVertical:D52,mdiUngroup:E52,mdiUnicode:N52,mdiUnicorn:W52,mdiUnicornVariant:I52,mdiUnicycle:G52,mdiUnity:Q52,mdiUnreal:U52,mdiUpdate:z52,mdiUpload:_52,mdiUploadBox:K52,mdiUploadBoxOutline:j52,mdiUploadCircle:q52,mdiUploadCircleOutline:$52,mdiUploadLock:X52,mdiUploadLockOutline:Y52,mdiUploadMultiple:J52,mdiUploadMultipleOutline:C32,mdiUploadNetwork:H32,mdiUploadNetworkOutline:V32,mdiUploadOff:L32,mdiUploadOffOutline:M32,mdiUploadOutline:A32,mdiUsb:i32,mdiUsbCPort:r32,mdiUsbFlashDrive:a32,mdiUsbFlashDriveOutline:e32,mdiUsbPort:d32,mdiVacuum:m32,mdiVacuumOutline:t32,mdiValve:v32,mdiValveClosed:l32,mdiValveOpen:o32,mdiVanPassenger:n32,mdiVanUtility:Z32,mdiVanish:S32,mdiVanishQuarter:u32,mdiVanityLight:c32,mdiVariable:s32,mdiVariableBox:O32,mdiVectorArrangeAbove:h32,mdiVectorArrangeBelow:p32,mdiVectorBezier:f32,mdiVectorCircle:g32,mdiVectorCircleVariant:k32,mdiVectorCombine:B32,mdiVectorCurve:P32,mdiVectorDifference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N(V){return Array.isArray?Array.isArray(V):k1(V)==="[object Array]"}const VH2=1/0;function LH2(V){if(typeof V=="string")return V;let C=V+"";return C=="0"&&1/V==-VH2?"-0":C}function MH2(V){return V==null?"":LH2(V)}function x(V){return typeof V=="string"}function f1(V){return typeof V=="number"}function AH2(V){return V===!0||V===!1||iH2(V)&&k1(V)=="[object Boolean]"}function g1(V){return typeof V=="object"}function iH2(V){return g1(V)&&V!==null}function k(V){return V!=null}function m1(V){return!V.trim().length}function k1(V){return V==null?V===void 0?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]":Object.prototype.toString.call(V)}const rH2="Incorrect 'index' type",aH2=V=>`Invalid value for key ${V}`,eH2=V=>`Pattern length exceeds max of ${V}.`,dH2=V=>`Missing ${V} property in key`,mH2=V=>`Property 'weight' in key '${V}' must be a positive integer`,c1=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;class tH2{constructor(C){this._keys=[],this._keyMap={};let L=0;C.forEach(M=>{let H=B1(M);this._keys.push(H),this._keyMap[H.id]=H,L+=H.weight}),this._keys.forEach(M=>{M.weight/=L})}get(C){return this._keyMap[C]}keys(){return this._keys}toJSON(){return JSON.stringify(this._keys)}}function B1(V){let C=null,L=null,M=null,H=1,A=null;if(x(V)||N(V))M=V,C=s1(V),L=t1(V);else{if(!c1.call(V,"name"))throw new Error(dH2("name"));const i=V.name;if(M=i,c1.call(V,"weight")&&(H=V.weight,H<=0))throw new Error(mH2(i));C=s1(i),L=t1(i),A=V.getFn}return{path:C,id:L,weight:H,src:M,getFn:A}}function s1(V){return N(V)?V:V.split(".")}function t1(V){return N(V)?V.join("."):V}function vH2(V,C){let L=[],M=!1;const H=(A,i,r)=>{if(k(A))if(!i[r])L.push(A);else{let a=i[r];const e=A[a];if(!k(e))return;if(r===i.length-1&&(x(e)||f1(e)||AH2(e)))L.push(MH2(e));else if(N(e)){M=!0;for(let d=0,l=e.length;dV.score===C.score?V.idx{this._keysMap[L.id]=M})}create(){this.isCreated||!this.docs.length||(this.isCreated=!0,x(this.docs[0])?this.docs.forEach((C,L)=>{this._addString(C,L)}):this.docs.forEach((C,L)=>{this._addObject(C,L)}),this.norm.clear())}add(C){const L=this.size();x(C)?this._addString(C,L):this._addObject(C,L)}removeAt(C){this.records.splice(C,1);for(let L=C,M=this.size();L{let i=H.getFn?H.getFn(C):this.getFn(C,H.path);if(k(i)){if(N(i)){let r=[];const a=[{nestedArrIndex:-1,value:i}];for(;a.length;){const{nestedArrIndex:e,value:d}=a.pop();if(k(d))if(x(d)&&!m1(d)){let l={v:d,i:e,n:this.norm.get(d)};r.push(l)}else N(d)&&d.forEach((l,o)=>{a.push({nestedArrIndex:o,value:l})})}M.$[A]=r}else if(x(i)&&!m1(i)){let r={v:i,n:this.norm.get(i)};M.$[A]=r}}}),this.records.push(M)}toJSON(){return{keys:this.keys,records:this.records}}}function P1(V,C,{getFn:L=t.getFn,fieldNormWeight:M=t.fieldNormWeight}={}){const H=new S1({getFn:L,fieldNormWeight:M});return H.setKeys(V.map(B1)),H.setSources(C),H.create(),H}function cH2(V,{getFn:C=t.getFn,fieldNormWeight:L=t.fieldNormWeight}={}){const{keys:M,records:H}=V,A=new S1({getFn:C,fieldNormWeight:L});return A.setKeys(M),A.setIndexRecords(H),A}function r1(V,{errors:C=0,currentLocation:L=0,expectedLocation:M=0,distance:H=t.distance,ignoreLocation:A=t.ignoreLocation}={}){const i=C/V.length;if(A)return i;const r=Math.abs(M-L);return H?i+r/H:r?1:i}function sH2(V=[],C=t.minMatchCharLength){let L=[],M=-1,H=-1,A=0;for(let i=V.length;A=C&&L.push([M,H]),M=-1)}return V[A-1]&&A-M>=C&&L.push([M,A-1]),L}const _=32;function OH2(V,C,L,{location:M=t.location,distance:H=t.distance,threshold:A=t.threshold,findAllMatches:i=t.findAllMatches,minMatchCharLength:r=t.minMatchCharLength,includeMatches:a=t.includeMatches,ignoreLocation:e=t.ignoreLocation}={}){if(C.length>_)throw new Error(eH2(_));const d=C.length,l=V.length,o=Math.max(0,Math.min(M,l));let Z=A,u=o;const O=r>1||a,w=O?Array(l):[];let B;for(;(B=V.indexOf(C,u))>-1;){let s=r1(C,{currentLocation:B,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e});if(Z=Math.min(s,Z),u=B+d,O){let F=0;for(;F=q;f-=1){let Q=f-1,E=L[V.charAt(Q)];if(O&&(w[Q]=+!!E),p[f]=(p[f+1]<<1|1)&E,s&&(p[f]|=(T[f+1]|T[f])<<1|1|T[f+1]),p[f]&A1&&(D=r1(C,{errors:s,currentLocation:Q,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e}),D<=Z)){if(Z=D,u=Q,u<=o)break;q=Math.max(1,2*o-u)}}if(r1(C,{errors:s+1,currentLocation:o,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e})>Z)break;T=p}const G={isMatch:u>=0,score:Math.max(.001,D)};if(O){const s=sH2(w,r);s.length?a&&(G.indices=s):G.isMatch=!1}return G}function hH2(V){let C={};for(let L=0,M=V.length;L{this.chunks.push({pattern:o,alphabet:hH2(o),startIndex:Z})},l=this.pattern.length;if(l>_){let o=0;const Z=l%_,u=l-Z;for(;o{const{isMatch:B,score:T,indices:D}=OH2(C,u,O,{location:H+w,distance:A,threshold:i,findAllMatches:r,minMatchCharLength:a,includeMatches:M,ignoreLocation:e});B&&(o=!0),l+=T,B&&D&&(d=[...d,...D])});let Z={isMatch:o,score:o?l/this.chunks.length:1};return o&&M&&(Z.indices=d),Z}}class I{constructor(C){this.pattern=C}static isMultiMatch(C){return O1(C,this.multiRegex)}static isSingleMatch(C){return O1(C,this.singleRegex)}search(){}}function O1(V,C){const L=V.match(C);return L?L[1]:null}class pH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^="(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^=(.*)$/}search(C){const L=C===this.pattern;return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,this.pattern.length-1]}}}class fH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!(.*)$/}search(C){const M=C.indexOf(this.pattern)===-1;return{isMatch:M,score:M?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class gH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"prefix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^\^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^\^(.*)$/}search(C){const L=C.startsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,this.pattern.length-1]}}}class kH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-prefix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!\^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!\^(.*)$/}search(C){const L=!C.startsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class BH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"suffix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^"(.*)"\$$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^(.*)\$$/}search(C){const L=C.endsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[C.length-this.pattern.length,C.length-1]}}}class PH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-suffix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!"(.*)"\$$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!(.*)\$$/}search(C){const L=!C.endsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class F1 extends I{constructor(C,{location:L=t.location,threshold:M=t.threshold,distance:H=t.distance,includeMatches:A=t.includeMatches,findAllMatches:i=t.findAllMatches,minMatchCharLength:r=t.minMatchCharLength,isCaseSensitive:a=t.isCaseSensitive,ignoreLocation:e=t.ignoreLocation}={}){super(C),this._bitapSearch=new w1(C,{location:L,threshold:M,distance:H,includeMatches:A,findAllMatches:i,minMatchCharLength:r,isCaseSensitive:a,ignoreLocation:e})}static get type(){return"fuzzy"}static get multiRegex(){return/^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^(.*)$/}search(C){return this._bitapSearch.searchIn(C)}}class T1 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"include"}static get multiRegex(){return/^'"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^'(.*)$/}search(C){let L=0,M;const H=[],A=this.pattern.length;for(;(M=C.indexOf(this.pattern,L))>-1;)L=M+A,H.push([M,L-1]);const i=!!H.length;return{isMatch:i,score:i?0:1,indices:H}}}const v1=[pH2,T1,gH2,kH2,PH2,BH2,fH2,F1],h1=v1.length,wH2=/ +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)/,FH2="|";function TH2(V,C={}){return V.split(FH2).map(L=>{let M=L.trim().split(wH2).filter(A=>A&&!!A.trim()),H=[];for(let A=0,i=M.length;A!!(V[a1.AND]||V[a1.OR]),xH2=V=>!!V[n1.PATH],DH2=V=>!N(V)&&g1(V)&&!Z1(V),p1=V=>({[a1.AND]:Object.keys(V).map(C=>({[C]:V[C]}))});function b1(V,C,{auto:L=!0}={}){const M=H=>{let A=Object.keys(H);const i=xH2(H);if(!i&&A.length>1&&!Z1(H))return M(p1(H));if(DH2(H)){const a=i?H[n1.PATH]:A[0],e=i?H[n1.PATTERN]:H[a];if(!x(e))throw new Error(aH2(a));const d={keyId:t1(a),pattern:e};return L&&(d.searcher=o1(e,C)),d}let r={children:[],operator:A[0]};return A.forEach(a=>{const e=H[a];N(e)&&e.forEach(d=>{r.children.push(M(d))})}),r};return Z1(V)||(V=p1(V)),M(V)}function EH2(V,{ignoreFieldNorm:C=t.ignoreFieldNorm}){V.forEach(L=>{let M=1;L.matches.forEach(({key:H,norm:A,score:i})=>{const r=H?H.weight:null;M*=Math.pow(i===0&&r?Number.EPSILON:i,(r||1)*(C?1:A))}),L.score=M})}function NH2(V,C){const L=V.matches;C.matches=[],k(L)&&L.forEach(M=>{if(!k(M.indices)||!M.indices.length)return;const{indices:H,value:A}=M;let i={indices:H,value:A};M.key&&(i.key=M.key.src),M.idx>-1&&(i.refIndex=M.idx),C.matches.push(i)})}function WH2(V,C){C.score=V.score}function IH2(V,C,{includeMatches:L=t.includeMatches,includeScore:M=t.includeScore}={}){const H=[];return L&&H.push(NH2),M&&H.push(WH2),V.map(A=>{const{idx:i}=A,r={item:C[i],refIndex:i};return H.length&&H.forEach(a=>{a(A,r)}),r})}class K{constructor(C,L={},M){this.options={...t,...L},this.options.useExtendedSearch,this._keyStore=new tH2(this.options.keys),this.setCollection(C,M)}setCollection(C,L){if(this._docs=C,L&&!(L instanceof S1))throw new Error(rH2);this._myIndex=L||P1(this.options.keys,this._docs,{getFn:this.options.getFn,fieldNormWeight:this.options.fieldNormWeight})}add(C){k(C)&&(this._docs.push(C),this._myIndex.add(C))}remove(C=()=>!1){const L=[];for(let M=0,H=this._docs.length;M-1&&(a=a.slice(0,L)),IH2(a,this._docs,{includeMatches:M,includeScore:H})}_searchStringList(C){const L=o1(C,this.options),{records:M}=this._myIndex,H=[];return M.forEach(({v:A,i,n:r})=>{if(!k(A))return;const{isMatch:a,score:e,indices:d}=L.searchIn(A);a&&H.push({item:A,idx:i,matches:[{score:e,value:A,norm:r,indices:d}]})}),H}_searchLogical(C){const L=b1(C,this.options),M=(r,a,e)=>{if(!r.children){const{keyId:l,searcher:o}=r,Z=this._findMatches({key:this._keyStore.get(l),value:this._myIndex.getValueForItemAtKeyId(a,l),searcher:o});return Z&&Z.length?[{idx:e,item:a,matches:Z}]:[]}const d=[];for(let l=0,o=r.children.length;l{if(k(r)){let e=M(L,r,a);e.length&&(A[a]||(A[a]={idx:a,item:r,matches:[]},i.push(A[a])),e.forEach(({matches:d})=>{A[a].matches.push(...d)}))}}),i}_searchObjectList(C){const L=o1(C,this.options),{keys:M,records:H}=this._myIndex,A=[];return H.forEach(({$:i,i:r})=>{if(!k(i))return;let a=[];M.forEach((e,d)=>{a.push(...this._findMatches({key:e,value:i[d],searcher:L}))}),a.length&&A.push({idx:r,item:i,matches:a})}),A}_findMatches({key:C,value:L,searcher:M}){if(!k(L))return[];let H=[];if(N(L))L.forEach(({v:A,i,n:r})=>{if(!k(A))return;const{isMatch:a,score:e,indices:d}=M.searchIn(A);a&&H.push({score:e,key:C,value:A,idx:i,norm:r,indices:d})});else{const{v:A,n:i}=L,{isMatch:r,score:a,indices:e}=M.searchIn(A);r&&H.push({score:a,key:C,value:A,norm:i,indices:e})}return H}}K.version="7.0.0";K.createIndex=P1;K.parseIndex=cH2;K.config=t;K.parseQuery=b1;RH2(yH2);const GH2=[{displayName:"Cam Tilt",variableName:"CamTilt",iconName:"mdi-camera-retake",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Cam Pan",variableName:"CamPan",iconName:"mdi-camera-retake",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Tether Turns",variableName:"TetherTrn",iconName:"mdi-horizontal-rotate-clockwise",variableUnit:"x",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Lights (1)",variableName:"Lights1",iconName:"mdi-flashlight",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Lights (2)",variableName:"Lights2",iconName:"mdi-flashlight",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Pilot Gain",variableName:"PilotGain",iconName:"mdi-account-hard-hat",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Input Hold",variableName:"InputHold",iconName:"mdi-gesture-tap-hold",variableUnit:"",variableMultiplier:1},{displayName:"Roll Pitch",variableName:"RollPitch",iconName:"mdi-controller",variableUnit:"",variableMultiplier:1}],Y=V=>(C2("data-v-bff6299d"),V=V(),H2(),V),QH2={class:"h-12 p-1 text-white transition-all w-[8.5rem] relative scroll-container"},UH2={class:"absolute left-[3rem] h-full select-none font-semibold scroll-container w-[5.5rem]"},zH2={class:"font-mono text-xl leading-6"},_H2={class:"text-xl leading-6"},KH2={class:"w-full text-sm absolute bottom-[0.5rem] whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis overflow-x-hidden"},jH2={class:"flex items-center mb-3 mt-[-5px] justify-evenly"},qH2={key:0,class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-around"},$H2={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between w-full mt-3"},XH2=Y(()=>v("span",{class:"w-full mb-1 text-sm text-slate-100/50"},"Display name",-1)),YH2={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between w-full mt-3"},JH2=Y(()=>v("span",{class:"w-full mb-1 text-sm text-slate-100/50"},"Variable",-1)),CV2={class:"relative w-full"},HV2={class:"text-ellipsis overflow-x-clip"},VV2=Y(()=>v("span",{class:"absolute right-0.5 m-1 text-2xl -translate-y-1 cursor-pointer text-slate-500 mdi mdi-swap-horizontal-bold"},null,-1)),LV2={key:0,class:"flex flex-col justify-center w-full mx-1 my-3 align-center"},MV2={class:"grid w-full h-32 grid-cols-1 my-2 overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-scroll"},AV2=["onClick"],iV2={class:"flex items-center justify-between w-full mt-2"},rV2={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between w-full mx-5"},aV2=Y(()=>v("span",{class:"w-full mb-1 text-sm 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m<0&&m>-10||m<=-10&&m>-100?m.toFixed(1):m<=-100&&m>-1e3?m.toFixed(0):m<=-1e3&&m>-1e4?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(1)}k`:m<=-1e4?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(0)}k`:m<1?m.toFixed(3):m>=1&&m<100?m.toFixed(2):m>=100&&m<1e3?m.toFixed(1):m>=1e3&&m<1e4?m.toFixed(0):m>=1e4&&m<1e5?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(1)}k`:m>=1e5?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(0)}k`:m.toFixed(0)}),d=$(()=>a.value<=-1e5||a.value>=1e6),l=y(Array.from(J.getAllVariables())),o=y(""),Z=()=>{l.value=Array.from(J.getAllVariables())},u=$(()=>H.value.options.displayName!==""&&H.value.options.variableName!==""),O=async()=>{const m=i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash);u.value&&(J.removeVariable(o.value),J.addVariable(H.value.options.displayName),o.value=H.value.options.displayName,Z()),m.configMenuOpen=!1},w=()=>{r.value=A.genericVariables[H.value.options.variableName]},B=()=>{H.value.name=H.value.options.displayName||H.value.options.variableName},T=()=>{q.value=A.availableGenericVariables},D=$(()=>({displayName:M.miniWidget.options.displayName,variableValue:`${e.value} ${M.miniWidget.options.variableUnit}`,lastChanged:0,currentView:i.currentView.name})),j=()=>{H.value.options.variableName&&J1.registerVeryGenericData(D.value)};C1(a,()=>{i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen===!1&&j()},{immediate:!0}),C1(A.genericVariables,()=>w()),C1(()=>A.availableGenericVariables,()=>T(),{deep:!0}),C1(H,()=>{w(),B(),T()},{deep:!0}),Q1(()=>{H.value.options.variableName&&(H.value.options.variableName=H.value.options.variableName.replaceAll(".","/")),w(),B(),T(),H.value.options.displayName&&i.editingMode===!1&&J.addVariable(H.value.options.displayName),H.value.options.variableName&&A.registerUsageOfGenericVariable(H.value.options.variableName),o.value=H.value.options.displayName});const A1={includeScore:!0,ignoreLocation:!0,threshold:.3};let G=[];const s=y(""),F=y([]);U1(s,()=>{const S=new K(G,A1).search(s.value);F.value=S.map(U=>U.item)},{throttle:1e3});const h=y(""),q=y([]),b=y(!1),p=y(!1),e1=$(()=>h.value===""?q.value:new K(q.value,A1).search(h.value).map(U=>U.item).filter((U,n,z)=>z.indexOf(U)===n)),f=m=>{H.value.options.variableName=m,h.value="",b.value=!1,A.registerUsageOfGenericVariable(m)},Q=m=>{H.value.options.iconName=m,s.value="",p.value=!1};C1(b,async m=>{m===!0&&e1.value.isEmpty()&&(i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen=!1,b.value=!1,await C({message:"No variables found to choose from. Please make sure your vehicle is connected.",variant:"error"}),i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen=!0)});const E=y(u.value?"custom":"presets"),y1=m=>{H.value.options.displayName=m.displayName,H.value.options.variableName=m.variableName,H.value.options.iconName=m.iconName,H.value.options.variableUnit=m.variableUnit,H.value.options.variableMultiplier=m.variableMultiplier};return(m,S)=>{const U=z1("RecycleScroller");return g(),P(i1,null,[v("div",QH2,[v("span",{class:W(["h-full left-[0.5rem] bottom-[5%] absolute mdi text-[2.25rem]",[c(H).options.iconName]])},null,2),v("div",UH2,[v("div",{class:W(["w-full",{"scroll-text":d.value}])},[v("span",zH2,R(e.value),1),v("span",_H2,R(" ")+" "+R(c(H).options.variableUnit),1)],2),v("span",KH2,R(c(H).options.displayName),1)])]),H1(Y1,{modelValue:c(i).miniWidgetManagerVars(c(H).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":S[9]||(S[9]=n=>c(i).miniWidgetManagerVars(c(H).hash).configMenuOpen=n),class:"w-[100vw] flex justify-center 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"+R(n.variableUnit),1),v("span",hV2,R(n.displayName),1)])],8,cV2))),128))])):M1("",!0)]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64)}}}),gV2=V2(pV2,[["__scopeId","data-v-bff6299d"]]);export{gV2 as default}; +import{d as x1,F as D1,p as E1,a5 as N1,a9 as W1,u as I1,a4 as G1,v as y,l as $,ai as J,x as C1,A as Q1,aj as U1,r as z1,o as g,c as P,a as v,n as W,b as c,t as R,i as H1,J as X,T as _1,K as K1,Q as j1,ak as q1,w as V1,al as L1,am as u1,L as i1,M as d1,k as M1,j as $1,ah as X1,_ as Y1,q as J1,a1 as C2,a2 as H2,a3 as V2}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";var L2="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V12H4V8H6V12H8V4A2 2 0 0 0 6 2H4M4 4H6V6H4M22 15.5V14A2 2 0 0 0 20 12H16V22H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 20V18.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 20.5 17A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 22 15.5M20 20H18V18H20V20M20 16H18V14H20M5.79 21.61L4.21 20.39L18.21 2.39L19.79 3.61Z",M2="M5 5H7V11H5V5M10 5H8V11H10V5M5 19H7V13H5V19M10 13H8V19H10V17H15V15H10V13M2 21H4V3H2V21M20 3V7H13V5H11V11H13V9H20V15H18V13H16V19H18V17H20V21H22V3H20Z",A2="M12 4C10.08 4 8.5 5.58 8.5 7.5C8.5 8.43 8.88 9.28 9.5 9.91C7.97 10.91 7 12.62 7 14.5C7 17.53 9.47 20 12.5 20C14.26 20 16 19.54 17.5 18.66L16.5 16.93C15.28 17.63 13.9 18 12.5 18C10.56 18 9 16.45 9 14.5C9 12.91 10.06 11.53 11.59 11.12L16.8 9.72L16.28 7.79L11.83 9C11.08 8.9 10.5 8.28 10.5 7.5C10.5 6.66 11.16 6 12 6C12.26 6 12.5 6.07 12.75 6.2L13.75 4.47C13.22 4.16 12.61 4 12 4Z",i2="M3.9 4L9 10.03C7.58 10.17 6.36 11.18 6 12.59L4 20H6.07L7.92 13.11C8.09 12.46 8.69 12 9.36 12H10.69L17.47 20H20.1L15 13.97C16.42 13.83 17.64 12.82 18 11.41L20 4H17.93L16.08 10.89C15.91 11.54 15.31 12 14.64 12H13.31L6.53 4Z",r2="M8 3V5H11C12.32 5 13.41 5.83 13.82 7H6V9H14V10H12C9.25 10 7 12.25 7 15C7 17.75 9.25 20 12 20C12.77 20 13.45 19.73 14 19.3V21H16V17H14C13.55 17.62 12.83 18 12 18C10.33 18 9 16.67 9 15C9 13.33 10.33 12 12 12H16V9H18V7H15.9C15.43 4.72 13.41 3 11 3H8Z",a2="M9 20C9 17.44 10.87 12.42 13.86 7.25C14.29 6.5 15.08 6 16 6C17.12 6 18 6.88 18 8V20H20V8C20 5.8 18.2 4 16 4C14.34 4 12.9 4.92 12.13 6.25C10.56 8.96 9.61 11.15 9 13.03V6.5C9 5.13 7.87 4 6.5 4C5.13 4 4 5.13 4 6.5C4 7.87 5.13 9 6.5 9C6.67 9 6.84 9 7 8.95V20M6.5 6C6.79 6 7 6.21 7 6.5C7 6.79 6.79 7 6.5 7C6.21 7 6 6.79 6 6.5C6 6.21 6.21 6 6.5 6Z",e2="M4.93,4.93C3.12,6.74 2,9.24 2,12C2,14.76 3.12,17.26 4.93,19.07L6.34,17.66C4.89,16.22 4,14.22 4,12C4,9.79 4.89,7.78 6.34,6.34L4.93,4.93M19.07,4.93L17.66,6.34C19.11,7.78 20,9.79 20,12C20,14.22 19.11,16.22 17.66,17.66L19.07,19.07C20.88,17.26 22,14.76 22,12C22,9.24 20.88,6.74 19.07,4.93M7.76,7.76C6.67,8.85 6,10.35 6,12C6,13.65 6.67,15.15 7.76,16.24L9.17,14.83C8.45,14.11 8,13.11 8,12C8,10.89 8.45,9.89 9.17,9.17L7.76,7.76M16.24,7.76L14.83,9.17C15.55,9.89 16,10.89 16,12C16,13.11 15.55,14.11 14.83,14.83L16.24,16.24C17.33,15.15 18,13.65 18,12C18,10.35 17.33,8.85 16.24,7.76M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",d2="M20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84M19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12V12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93M15.96 12.36C16.6 12.13 17.28 12 18 12C18 10.35 17.33 8.85 16.24 7.76L14.83 9.17C15.55 9.89 16 10.89 16 12C16 12.12 15.97 12.24 15.96 12.36M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76Z",m2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M14 19H22V17H14V19Z",t2="M4.93,3.93C3.12,5.74 2,8.24 2,11C2,13.76 3.12,16.26 4.93,18.07L6.34,16.66C4.89,15.22 4,13.22 4,11C4,8.79 4.89,6.78 6.34,5.34L4.93,3.93M19.07,3.93L17.66,5.34C19.11,6.78 20,8.79 20,11C20,13.22 19.11,15.22 17.66,16.66L19.07,18.07C20.88,16.26 22,13.76 22,11C22,8.24 20.88,5.74 19.07,3.93M7.76,6.76C6.67,7.85 6,9.35 6,11C6,12.65 6.67,14.15 7.76,15.24L9.17,13.83C8.45,13.11 8,12.11 8,11C8,9.89 8.45,8.89 9.17,8.17L7.76,6.76M16.24,6.76L14.83,8.17C15.55,8.89 16,9.89 16,11C16,12.11 15.55,13.11 14.83,13.83L16.24,15.24C17.33,14.15 18,12.65 18,11C18,9.35 17.33,7.85 16.24,6.76M12,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9M11,15V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V15H11Z",v2="M14.83,13.83C15.55,13.11 16,12.11 16,11C16,9.89 15.55,8.89 14.83,8.17L16.24,6.76C17.33,7.85 18,9.35 18,11C18,12.65 17.33,14.15 16.24,15.24L14.83,13.83M14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9C11.4,9 10.87,9.27 10.5,9.68L13.32,12.5C13.73,12.13 14,11.6 14,11M17.66,16.66L19.07,18.07C20.88,16.26 22,13.76 22,11C22,8.24 20.88,5.74 19.07,3.93L17.66,5.34C19.11,6.78 20,8.79 20,11C20,13.22 19.11,15.22 17.66,16.66M22,21.18V20H20.82L22,21.18M20.27,22L21,22.73L19.73,24L17.73,22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V15.27L8.34,12.61C8.54,13.07 8.82,13.5 9.17,13.83L7.76,15.24C6.67,14.15 6,12.65 6,11C6,10.77 6,10.54 6.04,10.31L4.37,8.64C4.14,9.39 4,10.18 4,11C4,13.22 4.89,15.22 6.34,16.66L4.93,18.07C3.12,16.26 2,13.76 2,11C2,9.61 2.29,8.28 2.81,7.08L1,5.27L2.28,4L3.7,5.42L5.15,6.87L6.63,8.35V8.35L8.17,9.9L10.28,12L11,12.71L18.27,20H18.28L20.28,22H20.27M15.73,20L13,17.27V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H15.73Z",l2="M20.84 22.73L12.1 14C12.06 14 12.03 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12C10 11.97 10 11.94 10 11.9L8.4 10.29C8.15 10.81 8 11.38 8 12C8 13.11 8.45 14.11 9.17 14.83L7.76 16.24C6.67 15.15 6 13.65 6 12C6 10.83 6.34 9.74 6.93 8.82L5.5 7.37C4.55 8.67 4 10.27 4 12C4 14.22 4.89 16.22 6.34 17.66L4.93 19.07C3.12 17.26 2 14.76 2 12C2 9.72 2.77 7.63 4.06 5.95L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15.93 12.73L17.53 14.33C17.83 13.61 18 12.83 18 12C18 10.35 17.33 8.85 16.24 7.76L14.83 9.17C15.55 9.89 16 10.89 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73M19.03 15.83L20.5 17.28C21.44 15.75 22 13.94 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 13.39 19.65 14.7 19.03 15.83Z",o2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M19 14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14Z",n2="M16 12C16 10.89 15.55 9.89 14.83 9.17L16.24 7.76C17.33 8.85 18 10.35 18 12C17.28 12 16.6 12.13 15.96 12.36C15.97 12.24 16 12.12 16 12M6.34 6.34L4.93 4.93C3.12 6.74 2 9.24 2 12S3.12 17.26 4.93 19.07L6.34 17.66C4.89 16.22 4 14.22 4 12C4 9.79 4.89 7.78 6.34 6.34M19.07 4.93L17.66 6.34C19.11 7.78 20 9.79 20 12C20 12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34C20.68 12.59 21.33 12.96 21.88 13.43C21.95 12.96 22 12.5 22 12C22 9.24 20.88 6.74 19.07 4.93M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M7.76 7.76C6.67 8.85 6 10.35 6 12S6.67 15.15 7.76 16.24L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.11 8 13.11 8 12S8.45 9.89 9.17 9.17L7.76 7.76M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.53 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",Z2="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z",S2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 1 14 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 12A4 4 0 0 1 6 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 4M10 14C14.42 14 18 15.79 18 18V20H2V18C2 15.79 5.58 14 10 14M20 12V7H22V13H20M20 17V15H22V17H20Z",u2="M20 12V7H22V13H20M20 17H22V15H20M10 13C12.67 13 18 14.34 18 17V20H2V17C2 14.34 7.33 13 10 13M10 4A4 4 0 0 1 14 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 12A4 4 0 0 1 6 8A4 4 0 0 1 10 4M10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H16.1V17C16.1 16.36 12.97 14.9 10 14.9M10 5.9A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 7.9 8A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 10 10.1A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 12.1 8A2.1 2.1 0 0 0 10 5.9Z",c2="M19 18V14H17V18H15L18 21L21 18H19M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",s2="M19 18V14H17V18H15L18 21L21 18H19M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",O2="M17 18H21V16H17V14L14 17L17 20V18M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",h2="M17 18H21V16H17V14L14 17L17 20V18M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",p2="M18 16H14V18H18V20L21 17L18 14V16M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",f2="M18 16H14V18H18V20L21 17L18 14V16M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",g2="M17 17V21H19V17H21L18 14L15 17H17M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 14C6.6 14 3 15.8 3 18V20H12.5C12.2 19.2 12 18.4 12 17.5C12 16.3 12.3 15.2 12.9 14.1C12.3 14.1 11.7 14 11 14",k2="M17 17V21H19V17H21L18 14L15 17H17M11 4C8.8 4 7 5.8 7 8S8.8 12 11 12 15 10.2 15 8 13.2 4 11 4M11 6C12.1 6 13 6.9 13 8S12.1 10 11 10 9 9.1 9 8 9.9 6 11 6M11 13C8.3 13 3 14.3 3 17V20H12.5C12.2 19.4 12.1 18.8 12 18.1H4.9V17C4.9 16.4 8 14.9 11 14.9C11.5 14.9 12 15 12.5 15C12.8 14.4 13.1 13.8 13.6 13.3C12.6 13.1 11.7 13 11 13",B2="M14 19.5C14 17.5 15.1 15.7 16.7 14.8C15.4 14.3 13.8 14 12 14C7.6 14 4 15.8 4 18V20H14V19.5M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M16 8C16 10.2 14.2 12 12 12S8 10.2 8 8 9.8 4 12 4 16 5.8 16 8Z",P2="M14 20H4V17C4 14.3 9.3 13 12 13C13.5 13 15.9 13.4 17.7 14.3C16.9 14.6 16.3 15 15.7 15.5C14.6 15.1 13.3 14.9 12 14.9C9 14.9 5.9 16.4 5.9 17V18.1H14.2C14.1 18.5 14 19 14 19.5V20M23 19.5C23 21.4 21.4 23 19.5 23S16 21.4 16 19.5 17.6 16 19.5 16 23 17.6 23 19.5M12 6C13.1 6 14 6.9 14 8S13.1 10 12 10 10 9.1 10 8 10.9 6 12 6M12 4C9.8 4 8 5.8 8 8S9.8 12 12 12 16 10.2 16 8 14.2 4 12 4Z",w2="M6,17C6,15 10,13.9 12,13.9C14,13.9 18,15 18,17V18H6M15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9M3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5Z",F2="M21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3C20.21 12.09 19.86 12.09 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.91 14.14 21.91 13.79 21.7 13.58M12 22H14.06L20.11 15.93L18.06 13.88L12 19.94V22M10 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 4.47 3.21 3.96 3.59 3.59C3.96 3.21 4.47 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.33C20.36 10.07 19.63 10.08 19 10.36V5H5V19H10.11L10 19.11V21M14.62 14.5L12.11 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.7 14 13.73 14.16 14.62 14.5M13.59 11.59C13.17 12 12.6 12.25 12 12.25C11.4 12.25 10.83 12 10.41 11.59C10 11.17 9.75 10.6 9.75 10C9.75 9.4 10 8.83 10.41 8.41C10.83 8 11.4 7.75 12 7.75C12.6 7.75 13.17 8 13.59 8.41C14 8.83 14.25 9.4 14.25 10C14.25 10.6 14 11.17 13.59 11.59Z",T2="M13.4 14.15C12.73 14.95 12.26 15.93 12.08 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.39 14 12.88 14.05 13.4 14.15M19 5V12.08C19.72 12.2 20.39 12.45 21 12.8V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C4.47 3 3.96 3.21 3.59 3.59C3.21 3.96 3 4.47 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.8C12.45 20.39 12.2 19.72 12.08 19H5V5H19M12 12.25C12.6 12.25 13.17 12 13.59 11.59C14 11.17 14.25 10.6 14.25 10C14.25 9.4 14 8.83 13.59 8.41C13.17 8 12.6 7.75 12 7.75C11.4 7.75 10.83 8 10.41 8.41C10 8.83 9.75 9.4 9.75 10C9.75 10.6 10 11.17 10.41 11.59C10.83 12 11.4 12.25 12 12.25M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",b2="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2H20M17,7A3,3 0 0,0 14,4A3,3 0 0,0 11,7A3,3 0 0,0 14,10A3,3 0 0,0 17,7M8,15V16H20V15C20,13 16,11.9 14,11.9C12,11.9 8,13 8,15Z",y2="M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M18.5 14.25C18.5 12.75 15.5 12 14 12S9.5 12.75 9.5 14.25V15H18.5M14 10.25C15.24 10.25 16.25 9.24 16.25 8S15.24 5.75 14 5.75 11.75 6.76 11.75 8 12.76 10.25 14 10.25M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H8V4H20V16Z",R2="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M16.5,16.25C16.5,14.75 13.5,14 12,14C10.5,14 7.5,14.75 7.5,16.25V17H16.5M12,12.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 14.25,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,12.25Z",x2="M13.4 14.15C12.73 14.95 12.26 15.93 12.08 17H7.5V16.25C7.5 14.75 10.5 14 12 14C12.39 14 12.88 14.05 13.4 14.15M19 5V12.08C19.72 12.2 20.39 12.45 21 12.8V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C4.47 3 3.96 3.21 3.59 3.59C3.21 3.96 3 4.47 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.8C12.45 20.39 12.2 19.72 12.08 19H5V5H19M12 12.25C12.6 12.25 13.17 12 13.59 11.59C14 11.17 14.25 10.6 14.25 10C14.25 9.4 14 8.83 13.59 8.41C13.17 8 12.6 7.75 12 7.75C11.4 7.75 10.83 8 10.41 8.41C10 8.83 9.75 9.4 9.75 10C9.75 10.6 10 11.17 10.41 11.59C10.83 12 11.4 12.25 12 12.25M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",D2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M17.5 13C15 13 13 15 13 17.5C13 20 15 22 17.5 22C20 22 22 20 22 17.5C22 15 20 13 17.5 13M10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11.95 14.14C11.32 14.06 10.68 14 10 14M17.5 14.5C19.16 14.5 20.5 15.84 20.5 17.5C20.5 18.06 20.35 18.58 20.08 19L16 14.92C16.42 14.65 16.94 14.5 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08C18.58 20.35 18.06 20.5 17.5 20.5C15.84 20.5 14.5 19.16 14.5 17.5C14.5 16.94 14.65 16.42 14.92 16Z",E2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M10 6A2 2 0 0 1 12 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 10A2 2 0 0 1 8 8A2 2 0 0 1 10 6M10 13C7.33 13 2 14.33 2 17V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11.03 18.1H3.9V17C3.9 16.36 7.03 14.9 10 14.9C10.5 14.9 11 14.95 11.5 15.03A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 12.55 13.29C11.61 13.1 10.71 13 10 13M17.5 13C15 13 13 15 13 17.5C13 20 15 22 17.5 22C20 22 22 20 22 17.5C22 15 20 13 17.5 13M17.5 14.5C19.16 14.5 20.5 15.84 20.5 17.5C20.5 18.06 20.35 18.58 20.08 19L16 14.92C16.42 14.65 16.94 14.5 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08C18.58 20.35 18.06 20.5 17.5 20.5C15.84 20.5 14.5 19.16 14.5 17.5C14.5 16.94 14.65 16.42 14.92 16Z",N2="M7 12C9.2 12 11 10.2 11 8S9.2 4 7 4 3 5.8 3 8 4.8 12 7 12M11 20V14.7C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11M15 4C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4H15Z",W2="M7 4C4.8 4 3 5.8 3 8S4.8 12 7 12 11 10.2 11 8 9.2 4 7 4M7 10C5.9 10 5 9.1 5 8S5.9 6 7 6 9 6.9 9 8 8.1 10 7 10M0 18C0 15.8 3.1 14 7 14C8.5 14 9.9 14.3 11 14.7V17C10.2 16.5 8.8 16 7 16C3.8 16 2 17.4 2 18H11V20H0V18M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M22 18H15V6H22V18Z",I2="M11 8C11 10.21 9.21 12 7 12C4.79 12 3 10.21 3 8C3 5.79 4.79 4 7 4C9.21 4 11 5.79 11 8M11 14.72V20H0V18C0 15.79 3.13 14 7 14C8.5 14 9.87 14.27 11 14.72M24 20H13V3H24V20M16 11.5C16 10.12 17.12 9 18.5 9C19.88 9 21 10.12 21 11.5C21 12.88 19.88 14 18.5 14C17.12 14 16 12.88 16 11.5M22 7C20.9 7 20 6.11 20 5H17C17 6.11 16.11 7 15 7V16C16.11 16 17 16.9 17 18H20C20 16.9 20.9 16 22 16V7Z",G2="M16 11.5C16 10.12 17.12 9 18.5 9S21 10.12 21 11.5 19.88 14 18.5 14 16 12.88 16 11.5M13 3V20H24V3H13M22 16C20.9 16 20 16.9 20 18H17C17 16.9 16.11 16 15 16V7C16.11 7 17 6.11 17 5H20C20 6.11 20.9 7 22 7V16M7 6C8.1 6 9 6.9 9 8S8.1 10 7 10 5 9.1 5 8 5.9 6 7 6M7 4C4.79 4 3 5.79 3 8S4.79 12 7 12 11 10.21 11 8 9.21 4 7 4M7 14C3.13 14 0 15.79 0 18V20H11V18H2C2 17.42 3.75 16 7 16C8.83 16 10.17 16.45 11 16.95V14.72C9.87 14.27 8.5 14 7 14Z",Q2="M21.1,12.5L22.5,13.91L15.97,20.5L12.5,17L13.9,15.59L15.97,17.67L21.1,12.5M10,17L13,20H3V18C3,15.79 6.58,14 11,14L12.89,14.11L10,17M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4Z",U2="M21.1,12.5L22.5,13.91L15.97,20.5L12.5,17L13.9,15.59L15.97,17.67L21.1,12.5M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4M11,6A2,2 0 0,0 9,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,6M11,13C11.68,13 12.5,13.09 13.41,13.26L11.74,14.93L11,14.9C8.03,14.9 4.9,16.36 4.9,17V18.1H11.1L13,20H3V17C3,14.34 8.33,13 11,13Z",z2="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M12,9C13.63,9 15.12,9.35 16.5,10.05C17.84,10.76 18.5,11.61 18.5,12.61V18.38C18.5,19.5 17.64,20.44 15.89,21.19V19C15.89,18.05 15.03,17.38 13.31,16.97C12.75,16.84 12.31,16.78 12,16.78C11.13,16.78 10.3,16.95 9.54,17.3C8.77,17.64 8.31,18.08 8.16,18.61C9.5,19.14 10.78,19.41 12,19.41L13,19.31V21.94L12,22C10.63,22 9.33,21.72 8.11,21.19C6.36,20.44 5.5,19.5 5.5,18.38V12.61C5.5,11.61 6.16,10.76 7.5,10.05C8.88,9.35 10.38,9 12,9M12,11A2,2 0 0,0 10,13A2,2 0 0,0 12,15A2,2 0 0,0 14,13A2,2 0 0,0 12,11Z",_2="M12,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,16C12.72,16 13.4,16.15 14.04,16.5C14.68,16.8 15,17.2 15,17.67V19.41C16.34,18.81 17,18.08 17,17.2V12.8C17,12 16.5,11.35 15.45,10.8C14.4,10.26 13.25,10 12,10C10.75,10 9.6,10.26 8.55,10.8C7.5,11.35 7,12 7,12.8V17.2C7,18 7.53,18.69 8.63,19.22C9.72,19.75 10.84,20 12,20L13,19.92V17.91L12,18C11,18 10,17.8 9.05,17.39C9.17,17 9.53,16.69 10.13,16.41C10.72,16.13 11.34,16 12,16M12,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,4Z",K2="M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.9 10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.9 14 15C14 16.1 13.1 17 12 17M12 10C14.34 10 19 11.16 19 13.5V18.63C19 19.5 18.31 20.24 17.34 20.79V13.38C17.34 12.82 14.6 11.54 12 11.54C9.4 11.54 6.66 12.82 6.66 13.38V18.75C6.66 19 7.31 19.46 8.28 19.85C9 19 10.93 18.56 12 18.56C13.33 18.56 16 19.22 16 20.56V21.39C14.63 21.88 13.07 22.13 12 22.13C10.93 22.13 9.38 21.88 8 21.39H8C6.37 20.81 5 19.89 5 18.63V13.5C5 11.16 9.66 10 12 10M12 3.75C11.03 3.75 10.25 4.53 10.25 5.5C10.25 6.47 11.03 7.25 12 7.25C12.97 7.25 13.75 6.47 13.75 5.5C13.75 4.53 12.97 3.75 12 3.75M12 9C10.07 9 8.5 7.43 8.5 5.5C8.5 3.57 10.07 2 12 2C13.93 2 15.5 3.57 15.5 5.5C15.5 7.43 13.93 9 12 9Z",j2="M12,19.2C9.5,19.2 7.29,17.92 6,16C6.03,14 10,12.9 12,12.9C14,12.9 17.97,14 18,16C16.71,17.92 14.5,19.2 12,19.2M12,5A3,3 0 0,1 15,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 9,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",q2="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7.07,18.28C7.5,17.38 10.12,16.5 12,16.5C13.88,16.5 16.5,17.38 16.93,18.28C15.57,19.36 13.86,20 12,20C10.14,20 8.43,19.36 7.07,18.28M18.36,16.83C16.93,15.09 13.46,14.5 12,14.5C10.54,14.5 7.07,15.09 5.64,16.83C4.62,15.5 4,13.82 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,13.82 19.38,15.5 18.36,16.83M12,6C10.06,6 8.5,7.56 8.5,9.5C8.5,11.44 10.06,13 12,13C13.94,13 15.5,11.44 15.5,9.5C15.5,7.56 13.94,6 12,6M12,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11Z",$2="M10.63,14.1C12.23,10.58 16.38,9.03 19.9,10.63C23.42,12.23 24.97,16.38 23.37,19.9C22.24,22.4 19.75,24 17,24C14.3,24 11.83,22.44 10.67,20H1V18C1.06,16.86 1.84,15.93 3.34,15.18C4.84,14.43 6.72,14.04 9,14C9.57,14 10.11,14.05 10.63,14.1V14.1M9,4C10.12,4.03 11.06,4.42 11.81,5.17C12.56,5.92 12.93,6.86 12.93,8C12.93,9.14 12.56,10.08 11.81,10.83C11.06,11.58 10.12,11.95 9,11.95C7.88,11.95 6.94,11.58 6.19,10.83C5.44,10.08 5.07,9.14 5.07,8C5.07,6.86 5.44,5.92 6.19,5.17C6.94,4.42 7.88,4.03 9,4M17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14Z",X2="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M17,10A7,7 0 0,1 24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H1V17C1,14.34 6.33,13 9,13C9.6,13 10.34,13.07 11.12,13.2C12.36,11.28 14.53,10 17,10M10,17C10,16.3 10.1,15.62 10.29,15C9.87,14.93 9.43,14.9 9,14.9C6.03,14.9 2.9,16.36 2.9,17V18.1H10.09C10.03,17.74 10,17.37 10,17M9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4M9,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 6.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 11.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,5.9Z",Y2="M10 4A4 4 0 0 0 6 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 12A4 4 0 0 0 14 8A4 4 0 0 0 10 4M17 12C16.87 12 16.76 12.09 16.74 12.21L16.55 13.53C16.25 13.66 15.96 13.82 15.7 14L14.46 13.5C14.35 13.5 14.22 13.5 14.15 13.63L13.15 15.36C13.09 15.47 13.11 15.6 13.21 15.68L14.27 16.5C14.25 16.67 14.24 16.83 14.24 17C14.24 17.17 14.25 17.33 14.27 17.5L13.21 18.32C13.12 18.4 13.09 18.53 13.15 18.64L14.15 20.37C14.21 20.5 14.34 20.5 14.46 20.5L15.7 20C15.96 20.18 16.24 20.35 16.55 20.47L16.74 21.79C16.76 21.91 16.86 22 17 22H19C19.11 22 19.22 21.91 19.24 21.79L19.43 20.47C19.73 20.34 20 20.18 20.27 20L21.5 20.5C21.63 20.5 21.76 20.5 21.83 20.37L22.83 18.64C22.89 18.53 22.86 18.4 22.77 18.32L21.7 17.5C21.72 17.33 21.74 17.17 21.74 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2.1C10.6 1.8 9.8 1.9 9.3 2.4C9.1 2.6 9 2.8 8.9 3L7.5 6H6V5C6 4.4 5.6 4 5 4S4 4.4 4 5V6C4 7.1 4.9 8 6 8H18C19.1 8 20 7.1 20 6V5C20 4.5 19.6 4 19 4M4 22V19C4 16.33 9.33 15 12 15S20 16.33 20 19V22H4M18.1 20.1V19C18.1 18.36 14.97 16.9 12 16.9S5.9 18.36 5.9 19V20.1H18.1M16 9V10C16 12.21 14.21 14 12 14S8 12.21 8 10V9H10V10C10 11.11 10.9 12 12 12S14 11.11 14 10V9H16Z",M5="M7 12C9.2 12 11 10.2 11 8S9.2 4 7 4 3 5.8 3 8 4.8 12 7 12M11 20V14.7C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M18 18H16V6H18V18Z",A5="M7 4C4.8 4 3 5.8 3 8S4.8 12 7 12 11 10.2 11 8 9.2 4 7 4M7 10C5.9 10 5 9.1 5 8S5.9 6 7 6 9 6.9 9 8 8.1 10 7 10M7 14C3.1 14 0 15.8 0 18V20H11V18H2C2 17.4 3.8 16 7 16C8.8 16 10.2 16.5 11 17V14.8C9.9 14.3 8.5 14 7 14M22 4H15C13.9 4 13 4.9 13 6V18C13 19.1 13.9 20 15 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M16 18H15V6H16V18M22 18H18V6H22V18Z",i5="M11 9C11 10.66 9.66 12 8 12C6.34 12 5 10.66 5 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14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M15 18.7L12.7 15.9C12.3 15.4 12.1 14.8 12.1 14.2C11.4 14 10.7 14 10 14C5.6 14 2 15.8 2 18V20H15V18.7Z",Z5="M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M15 20H2V17C2 14.3 7.3 13 10 13C10.6 13 11.3 13.1 12.1 13.2C11.9 13.8 12 14.5 12.2 15.1C11.5 15 10.7 14.9 10 14.9C7 14.9 3.9 16.4 3.9 17V18.1H14.5L15 18.7V20M10 4C7.8 4 6 5.8 6 8S7.8 12 10 12 14 10.2 14 8 12.2 4 10 4M10 10C8.9 10 8 9.1 8 8S8.9 6 10 6 12 6.9 12 8 11.1 10 10 10Z",S5="M12,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M5,8C5.56,8 6.08,8.15 6.53,8.42C6.38,9.85 6.8,11.27 7.66,12.38C7.16,13.34 6.16,14 5,14A3,3 0 0,1 2,11A3,3 0 0,1 5,8M19,8A3,3 0 0,1 22,11A3,3 0 0,1 19,14C17.84,14 16.84,13.34 16.34,12.38C17.2,11.27 17.62,9.85 17.47,8.42C17.92,8.15 18.44,8 19,8M5.5,18.25C5.5,16.18 8.41,14.5 12,14.5C15.59,14.5 18.5,16.18 18.5,18.25V20H5.5V18.25M0,20V18.5C0,17.11 1.89,15.94 4.45,15.6C3.86,16.28 3.5,17.22 3.5,18.25V20H0M24,20H20.5V18.25C20.5,17.22 20.14,16.28 19.55,15.6C22.11,15.94 24,17.11 24,18.5V20Z",u5="M12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5M12,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,7M5.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,10.5C3,11.44 3.53,12.25 4.29,12.68C4.65,12.88 5.06,13 5.5,13C5.94,13 6.35,12.88 6.71,12.68C7.08,12.47 7.39,12.17 7.62,11.81C6.89,10.86 6.5,9.7 6.5,8.5C6.5,8.41 6.5,8.31 6.5,8.22C6.2,8.08 5.86,8 5.5,8M18.5,8C18.14,8 17.8,8.08 17.5,8.22C17.5,8.31 17.5,8.41 17.5,8.5C17.5,9.7 17.11,10.86 16.38,11.81C16.5,12 16.63,12.15 16.78,12.3C16.94,12.45 17.1,12.58 17.29,12.68C17.65,12.88 18.06,13 18.5,13C18.94,13 19.35,12.88 19.71,12.68C20.47,12.25 21,11.44 21,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,8M12,14C9.66,14 5,15.17 5,17.5V19H19V17.5C19,15.17 14.34,14 12,14M4.71,14.55C2.78,14.78 0,15.76 0,17.5V19H3V17.07C3,16.06 3.69,15.22 4.71,14.55M19.29,14.55C20.31,15.22 21,16.06 21,17.07V19H24V17.5C24,15.76 21.22,14.78 19.29,14.55M12,16C13.53,16 15.24,16.5 16.23,17H7.77C8.76,16.5 10.47,16 12,16Z",c5="M12,15C7.58,15 4,16.79 4,19V21H20V19C20,16.79 16.42,15 12,15M8,9A4,4 0 0,0 12,13A4,4 0 0,0 16,9M11.5,2C11.2,2 11,2.21 11,2.5V5.5H10V3C10,3 7.75,3.86 7.75,6.75C7.75,6.75 7,6.89 7,8H17C16.95,6.89 16.25,6.75 16.25,6.75C16.25,3.86 14,3 14,3V5.5H13V2.5C13,2.21 12.81,2 12.5,2H11.5Z",s5="M16 9C16 14.33 8 14.33 8 9H10C10 11.67 14 11.67 14 9M20 18V21H4V18C4 15.33 9.33 14 12 14C14.67 14 20 15.33 20 18M18.1 18C18.1 17.36 14.97 15.9 12 15.9C9.03 15.9 5.9 17.36 5.9 18V19.1H18.1M12.5 2C12.78 2 13 2.22 13 2.5V5.5H14V3C15.45 3.67 16.34 5.16 16.25 6.75C16.25 6.75 16.95 6.89 17 8H7C7 6.89 7.75 6.75 7.75 6.75C7.66 5.16 8.55 3.67 10 3V5.5H11V2.5C11 2.22 11.22 2 11.5 2",O5="M15,14C12.3,14 7,15.3 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.3 17.7,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12M5,15L4.4,14.5C2.4,12.6 1,11.4 1,9.9C1,8.7 2,7.7 3.2,7.7C3.9,7.7 4.6,8 5,8.5C5.4,8 6.1,7.7 6.8,7.7C8,7.7 9,8.6 9,9.9C9,11.4 7.6,12.6 5.6,14.5L5,15Z",h5="M5,15L4.4,14.5C2.4,12.6 1,11.4 1,9.9C1,8.7 2,7.7 3.2,7.7C3.9,7.7 4.6,8 5,8.5C5.4,8 6.1,7.7 6.8,7.7C8,7.7 9,8.6 9,9.9C9,11.4 7.6,12.6 5.6,14.5L5,15M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M21.1,18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1Z",p5="M8 6C8 3.79 9.79 2 12 2S16 3.79 16 6 14.21 10 12 10 8 8.21 8 6M17 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V15.22C20 14.1 19.39 13.07 18.39 12.56C17.96 12.34 17.5 12.13 17 11.94V22M12.34 17L15 11.33C14.07 11.12 13.07 11 12 11C9.47 11 7.29 11.7 5.61 12.56C4.61 13.07 4 14.1 4 15.22V22H6.34C6.12 21.55 6 21.04 6 20.5C6 18.57 7.57 17 9.5 17H12.34M10 22L11.41 19H9.5C8.67 19 8 19.67 8 20.5S8.67 22 9.5 22H10Z",f5="M12 10C14.21 10 16 8.21 16 6S14.21 2 12 2 8 3.79 8 6 9.79 10 12 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M18.39 12.56C16.71 11.7 14.53 11 12 11S7.29 11.7 5.61 12.56C4.61 13.07 4 14.1 4 15.22V22H6V15.22C6 14.84 6.2 14.5 6.5 14.34C7.71 13.73 9.63 13 12 13C12.76 13 13.47 13.07 14.13 13.2L12.58 16.5H9.75C8.23 16.5 7 17.73 7 19.25S8.23 22 9.75 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V15.22C20 14.1 19.39 13.07 18.39 12.56M10.94 20H9.75C9.34 20 9 19.66 9 19.25S9.34 18.5 9.75 18.5H11.64L10.94 20M18 20H13.15L16.09 13.73C16.63 13.93 17.1 14.14 17.5 14.34C17.8 14.5 18 14.84 18 15.22V20Z",g5="M11 10V12H9V14H7V12H5.8C5.4 13.2 4.3 14 3 14C1.3 14 0 12.7 0 11S1.3 8 3 8C4.3 8 5.4 8.8 5.8 10H11M3 10C2.4 10 2 10.4 2 11S2.4 12 3 12 4 11.6 4 11 3.6 10 3 10M16 14C18.7 14 24 15.3 24 18V20H8V18C8 15.3 13.3 14 16 14M16 12C13.8 12 12 10.2 12 8S13.8 4 16 4 20 5.8 20 8 18.2 12 16 12Z",k5="M5.8 10C5.4 8.8 4.3 8 3 8C1.3 8 0 9.3 0 11S1.3 14 3 14C4.3 14 5.4 13.2 5.8 12H7V14H9V12H11V10H5.8M3 12C2.4 12 2 11.6 2 11S2.4 10 3 10 4 10.4 4 11 3.6 12 3 12M16 4C13.8 4 12 5.8 12 8S13.8 12 16 12 20 10.2 20 8 18.2 4 16 4M16 10.1C14.8 10.1 13.9 9.2 13.9 8C13.9 6.8 14.8 5.9 16 5.9C17.2 5.9 18.1 6.8 18.1 8S17.2 10.1 16 10.1M16 13C13.3 13 8 14.3 8 17V20H24V17C24 14.3 18.7 13 16 13M22.1 18.1H9.9V17C9.9 16.4 13 14.9 16 14.9C19 14.9 22.1 16.4 22.1 17V18.1Z",B5="M6 8C6 5.79 7.79 4 10 4S14 5.79 14 8 12.21 12 10 12 6 10.21 6 8M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V15.5C13.2 15.11 13.27 14.74 13.38 14.38C12.35 14.14 11.21 14 10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H12V18.2M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V15.5C15.2 14.1 16.6 13 18 13C19.4 13 20.8 14.1 20.8 15.5V17C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M19.5 15.5C19.5 14.7 18.8 14.2 18 14.2C17.2 14.2 16.5 14.7 16.5 15.5V17H19.5V15.5Z",P5="M6 8C6 5.79 7.79 4 10 4S14 5.79 14 8 12.21 12 10 12 6 10.21 6 8M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V14.5C13.2 14.45 13.22 14.39 13.22 14.34C12.23 14.12 11.15 14 10 14C5.58 14 2 15.79 2 18V20H12V18.2M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3Z",w5="M10 12C12.21 12 14 10.21 14 8S12.21 4 10 4 6 5.79 6 8 7.79 12 10 12M10 6C11.11 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.11 10 10 10 8 9.11 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M12 20H2V17C2 14.33 7.33 13 10 13C10.91 13 12.13 13.16 13.35 13.47C13.26 13.8 13.2 14.15 13.2 14.5V15.39C12.22 15.1 11.1 14.9 10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H12C12 18.13 12 18.17 12 18.2V20M20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17Z",F5="M10 12C12.21 12 14 10.21 14 8S12.21 4 10 4 6 5.79 6 8 7.79 12 10 12M10 6C11.11 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.11 10 10 10 8 9.11 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M12 20H2V17C2 14.33 7.33 13 10 13C11 13 12.38 13.19 13.71 13.56C13.41 14.12 13.23 14.74 13.21 15.39C12.23 15.1 11.11 14.9 10 14.9C7.03 14.9 3.9 16.36 3.9 17V18.1H12C12 18.13 12 18.17 12 18.2V20M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",T5="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M1,10V12H9V10M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12Z",b5="M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9M1,10V12H9V10H1M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9Z",y5="M16 17V19H2V17S2 13 9 13 16 17 16 17M12.5 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 9 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.5 7.5M15.94 13A5.32 5.32 0 0 1 18 17V19H22V17S22 13.37 15.94 13M15 4A3.39 3.39 0 0 0 13.07 4.59A5 5 0 0 1 13.07 10.41A3.39 3.39 0 0 0 15 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 15 4Z",R5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M7.34 8.92L8.5 10.33L3.75 15.08L1 12.08L2.16 10.92L3.75 12.5L7.34 8.92",x5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M7.34 8.92L8.5 10.33L3.75 15.08L1 12.08L2.16 10.92L3.75 12.5L7.34 8.92",D5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M8 10H0V12H8Z",E5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M8 12H0V10H8Z",N5="M13.07 10.41A5 5 0 0 0 13.07 4.59A3.39 3.39 0 0 1 15 4A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 15 11A3.39 3.39 0 0 1 13.07 10.41M5.5 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 1 1 9 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 5.5 7.5M7.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 9 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 7.5M16 17V19H2V17S2 13 9 13 16 17 16 17M14 17C13.86 16.22 12.67 15 9 15S4.07 16.31 4 17M15.95 13A5.32 5.32 0 0 1 18 17V19H22V17S22 13.37 15.94 13Z",W5="M19 17V19H7V17S7 13 13 13 19 17 19 17M16 8A3 3 0 1 0 13 11A3 3 0 0 0 16 8M19.2 13.06A5.6 5.6 0 0 1 21 17V19H24V17S24 13.55 19.2 13.06M18 5A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A5 5 0 0 1 17.11 10.86A2.91 2.91 0 0 0 18 11A3 3 0 0 0 18 5M8 10H5V7H3V10H0V12H3V15H5V12H8Z",I5="M13 11A3 3 0 1 0 10 8A3 3 0 0 0 13 11M13 7A1 1 0 1 1 12 8A1 1 0 0 1 13 7M17.11 10.86A5 5 0 0 0 17.11 5.14A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 18 5A3 3 0 0 1 18 11A2.91 2.91 0 0 1 17.11 10.86M13 13C7 13 7 17 7 17V19H19V17S19 13 13 13M9 17C9 16.71 9.32 15 13 15C16.5 15 16.94 16.56 17 17M24 17V19H21V17A5.6 5.6 0 0 0 19.2 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M8 12H5V15H3V12H0V10H3V7H5V10H8Z",G5="M24 17V19H21V17C21 15.45 20.3 14.06 19.18 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M18 5C19.66 5 21 6.34 21 8C21 9.66 19.66 11 18 11C17.69 11 17.38 10.95 17.1 10.86C17.67 10.05 18 9.07 18 8C18 6.94 17.67 5.95 17.1 5.14C17.38 5.05 17.69 5 18 5M13 5C14.66 5 16 6.34 16 8C16 9.66 14.66 11 13 11C11.34 11 10 9.66 10 8C10 6.34 11.34 5 13 5M19 17V19H7V17C7 14.79 9.69 13 13 13C16.31 13 19 14.79 19 17M.464 13.12L2.59 11L.464 8.88L1.88 7.46L4 9.59L6.12 7.46L7.54 8.88L5.41 11L7.54 13.12L6.12 14.54L4 12.41L1.88 14.54Z",Q5="M24 17V19H21V17C21 15.45 20.3 14.06 19.18 13.06C24 13.55 24 17 24 17M18 5C19.66 5 21 6.34 21 8C21 9.66 19.66 11 18 11C17.69 11 17.38 10.95 17.1 10.86C17.67 10.05 18 9.07 18 8C18 6.94 17.67 5.95 17.1 5.14C17.38 5.05 17.69 5 18 5M13 5C14.66 5 16 6.34 16 8C16 9.66 14.66 11 13 11C11.34 11 10 9.66 10 8C10 6.34 11.34 5 13 5M19 17V19H7V17C7 14.79 9.69 13 13 13C16.31 13 19 14.79 19 17M13 7C12.45 7 12 7.45 12 8C12 8.55 12.45 9 13 9C13.55 9 14 8.55 14 8C14 7.45 13.55 7 13 7M13 15C10.79 15 9 15.9 9 17H17C17 15.9 15.21 15 13 15M.464 13.12L2.59 11L.464 8.88L1.88 7.46L4 9.59L6.12 7.46L7.54 8.88L5.41 11L7.54 13.12L6.12 14.54L4 12.41L1.88 14.54Z",U5="M11,14C12,14 13.05,14.16 14.2,14.44C13.39,15.31 13,16.33 13,17.5C13,18.39 13.25,19.23 13.78,20H3V18C3,16.81 3.91,15.85 5.74,15.12C7.57,14.38 9.33,14 11,14M11,12C9.92,12 9,11.61 8.18,10.83C7.38,10.05 7,9.11 7,8C7,6.92 7.38,6 8.18,5.18C9,4.38 9.92,4 11,4C12.11,4 13.05,4.38 13.83,5.18C14.61,6 15,6.92 15,8C15,9.11 14.61,10.05 13.83,10.83C13.05,11.61 12.11,12 11,12M18.5,10H20L22,10V12H20V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,15C17.86,15 18.19,15.07 18.5,15.21V10Z",z5="M11,4A4,4 0 0,1 15,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,12A4,4 0 0,1 7,8A4,4 0 0,1 11,4M11,6A2,2 0 0,0 9,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8A2,2 0 0,0 11,6M11,13C12.1,13 13.66,13.23 15.11,13.69C14.5,14.07 14,14.6 13.61,15.23C12.79,15.03 11.89,14.9 11,14.9C8.03,14.9 4.9,16.36 4.9,17V18.1H13.04C13.13,18.8 13.38,19.44 13.76,20H3V17C3,14.34 8.33,13 11,13M18.5,10H20L22,10V12H20V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,15C17.86,15 18.19,15.07 18.5,15.21V10Z",_5="M13,17V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H5V15.5C5,13.57 8.13,12 12,12C15.87,12 19,13.57 19,15.5V17H13M12,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,10A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,3Z",K5="M13.03 9.83L8.67 5.47C9.11 4.04 10.43 3 12 3C13.93 3 15.5 4.57 15.5 6.5C15.5 8.07 14.46 9.39 13.03 9.83M19 15.5C19 14.26 17.7 13.17 15.75 12.55L19 15.8V15.5M22 22H21.57L20.84 22.73L20.11 22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H5V15.5C5 13.88 7.22 12.5 10.23 12.12L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22 21.34V21.35L22.11 21.46L22 21.57V22M18.11 20L15.11 17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H18.11Z",j5="M19 15.8L15.75 12.55C17.7 13.17 19 14.26 19 15.5V15.8M13.03 9.83L8.67 5.47C9.11 4.04 10.43 3 12 3C13.93 3 15.5 4.57 15.5 6.5C15.5 8.07 14.46 9.39 13.03 9.83M12 8C12.83 8 13.5 7.33 13.5 6.5S12.83 5 12 5 10.5 5.67 10.5 6.5 11.17 8 12 8M22 22H21.57L20.84 22.73L20.11 22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H5V15.5C5 13.88 7.22 12.5 10.23 12.12L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22 21.34V21.35L22.11 21.46L22 21.57V22M13.11 15L12.11 14C12.08 14 12.04 14 12 14C9.89 14 8.39 14.53 7.61 15H13.11M18.11 20L15.11 17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H18.11Z",q5="M12,10A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,10M12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,5M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H19V15.5C19,13.57 15.87,12 12,12C8.13,12 5,13.57 5,15.5V17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7.61,15C8.39,14.53 9.89,14 12,14C14.11,14 15.61,14.53 16.39,15H7.61Z",$5="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8C16,9.95 14.6,11.58 12.75,11.93L8.07,7.25C8.42,5.4 10.05,4 12,4M12.28,14L18.28,20L20,21.72L18.73,23L15.73,20H4V18C4,16.16 6.5,14.61 9.87,14.14L2.78,7.05L4.05,5.78L12.28,14M20,18V19.18L15.14,14.32C18,14.93 20,16.35 20,18Z",X5="M2.75,7L4.03,5.75L13.26,15L20,21.72L18.73,23L15.73,20H4V17C4,15.14 6.61,13.92 9.09,13.36L2.75,7M20,17V19.18L18.1,17.28V17C18.1,16.74 17.6,16.35 16.8,16L14,13.18C16.71,13.63 20,14.91 20,17M5.9,17V18.1H13.83L10.72,15C8.19,15.3 5.9,16.45 5.9,17M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8C16,9.95 14.6,11.58 12.75,11.93L8.07,7.25C8.42,5.4 10.05,4 12,4M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6Z",Y5="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M12,13C14.67,13 20,14.33 20,17V20H4V17C4,14.33 9.33,13 12,13M12,14.9C9.03,14.9 5.9,16.36 5.9,17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1,16.36 14.97,14.9 12,14.9Z",J5="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M6,10V7H4V10H1V12H4V15H6V12H9V10M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12Z",C3="M15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4M15,5.9C16.16,5.9 17.1,6.84 17.1,8C17.1,9.16 16.16,10.1 15,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,1 15,5.9M4,7V10H1V12H4V15H6V12H9V10H6V7H4M15,13C12.33,13 7,14.33 7,17V20H23V17C23,14.33 17.67,13 15,13M15,14.9C17.97,14.9 21.1,16.36 21.1,17V18.1H8.9V17C8.9,16.36 12,14.9 15,14.9Z",H3="M13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8M17,18V20H1V18C1,15.79 4.58,14 9,14C13.42,14 17,15.79 17,18M20.5,14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5,9.5H17V9A3,3 0 0,1 20,6A3,3 0 0,1 23,9C23,9.97 22.5,10.88 21.71,11.41L21.41,11.6C20.84,12 20.5,12.61 20.5,13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19,12.11 19.6,11 20.59,10.35L20.88,10.16C21.27,9.9 21.5,9.47 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9V9.5Z",V3="M20.5,14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5,9.5H17V9A3,3 0 0,1 20,6A3,3 0 0,1 23,9C23,9.97 22.5,10.88 21.71,11.41L21.41,11.6C20.84,12 20.5,12.61 20.5,13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19,12.11 19.6,11 20.59,10.35L20.88,10.16C21.27,9.9 21.5,9.47 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9V9.5M9,13C11.67,13 17,14.34 17,17V20H1V17C1,14.34 6.33,13 9,13M9,4A4,4 0 0,1 13,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,4M9,14.9C6.03,14.9 2.9,16.36 2.9,17V18.1H15.1V17C15.1,16.36 11.97,14.9 9,14.9M9,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 6.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 11.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9,5.9Z",L3="M21.5 9H16.5L18.36 7.14C16.9 5.23 14.59 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 13.83 4.61 15.5 5.64 16.85C6.86 15.45 9.15 14.5 12 14.5C14.85 14.5 17.15 15.45 18.36 16.85C19.39 15.5 20 13.83 20 12H22C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C15.14 2 17.95 3.45 19.78 5.72L21.5 4V9M12 7C13.66 7 15 8.34 15 10C15 11.66 13.66 13 12 13C10.34 13 9 11.66 9 10C9 8.34 10.34 7 12 7Z",M3="M21.5 9H16.5L18.36 7.14C16.9 5.23 14.59 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 13.83 4.61 15.5 5.64 16.85C6.86 15.45 9.15 14.5 12 14.5C14.85 14.5 17.15 15.45 18.36 16.85C19.39 15.5 20 13.83 20 12H22C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C15.14 2 17.95 3.45 19.78 5.72L21.5 4V9M12 20C13.9 20 15.64 19.34 17 18.24C16.36 17.23 14.45 16.5 12 16.5C9.55 16.5 7.64 17.23 7 18.24C8.36 19.34 10.1 20 12 20M12 6C13.93 6 15.5 7.57 15.5 9.5C15.5 11.43 13.93 13 12 13C10.07 13 8.5 11.43 8.5 9.5C8.5 7.57 10.07 6 12 6M12 8C11.17 8 10.5 8.67 10.5 9.5C10.5 10.33 11.17 11 12 11C12.83 11 13.5 10.33 13.5 9.5C13.5 8.67 12.83 8 12 8Z",A3="M15,14C17.67,14 23,15.33 23,18V20H7V18C7,15.33 12.33,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12M5,9.59L7.12,7.46L8.54,8.88L6.41,11L8.54,13.12L7.12,14.54L5,12.41L2.88,14.54L1.46,13.12L3.59,11L1.46,8.88L2.88,7.46L5,9.59Z",i3="M1.46,8.88L2.88,7.46L5,9.59L7.12,7.46L8.54,8.88L6.41,11L8.54,13.12L7.12,14.54L5,12.41L2.88,14.54L1.46,13.12L3.59,11L1.46,8.88M15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4M15,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 15,10.1C16.16,10.1 17.1,9.16 17.1,8C17.1,6.84 16.16,5.9 15,5.9M15,13C17.67,13 23,14.33 23,17V20H7V17C7,14.33 12.33,13 15,13M15,14.9C12,14.9 8.9,16.36 8.9,17V18.1H21.1V17C21.1,16.36 17.97,14.9 15,14.9Z",r3="M16 8C16 10.21 14.21 12 12 12C9.79 12 8 10.21 8 8L8.11 7.06L5 5.5L12 2L19 5.5V10.5H18V6L15.89 7.06L16 8M12 14C16.42 14 20 15.79 20 18V20H4V18C4 15.79 7.58 14 12 14Z",a3="M18 10.5V6L15.89 7.06C15.96 7.36 16 7.67 16 8C16 10.21 14.21 12 12 12C9.79 12 8 10.21 8 8C8 7.67 8.04 7.36 8.11 7.06L5 5.5L12 2L19 5.5V10.5H18M12 9L10 8C10 9.1 10.9 10 12 10C13.1 10 14 9.1 14 8L12 9M14.75 5.42L12.16 4.1L9.47 5.47L12.07 6.79L14.75 5.42M12 13C14.67 13 20 14.33 20 17V20H4V17C4 14.33 9.33 13 12 13M12 14.9C9 14.9 5.9 16.36 5.9 17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1 16.36 14.97 14.9 12 14.9Z",e3="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M10,4A4,4 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.91 13.69,9.75 13.18,10.43C12.32,10.75 11.55,11.26 10.91,11.9L10,12A4,4 0 0,1 6,8A4,4 0 0,1 10,4M2,20V18C2,15.88 5.31,14.14 9.5,14C9.18,14.78 9,15.62 9,16.5C9,17.79 9.38,19 10,20H2Z",d3="M10,13C9.65,13.59 9.36,14.24 9.19,14.93C6.5,15.16 3.9,16.42 3.9,17V18.1H9.2C9.37,18.78 9.65,19.42 10,20H2V17C2,14.34 7.33,13 10,13M10,4A4,4 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.91 13.69,9.75 13.18,10.43C12.32,10.75 11.55,11.26 10.91,11.9L10,12A4,4 0 0,1 6,8A4,4 0 0,1 10,4M10,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 10,10.1A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.1,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 10,5.9M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14Z",m3="M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",t3="M12 4C14.21 4 16 5.79 16 8S14.21 12 12 12 8 10.21 8 8 9.79 4 12 4M12 6C10.9 6 10 6.9 10 8S10.9 10 12 10 14 9.11 14 8 13.11 6 12 6M12 13C14.67 13 20 14.33 20 17V20H4V17C4 14.33 9.33 13 12 13M12 14.9C9.03 14.9 5.9 16.36 5.9 17V18.1H18.1V17C18.1 16.36 14.97 14.9 12 14.9M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",v3="M15,14C12.33,14 7,15.33 7,18V20H23V18C23,15.33 17.67,14 15,14M15,12A4,4 0 0,0 19,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,4A4,4 0 0,0 11,8A4,4 0 0,0 15,12M5,13.28L7.45,14.77L6.8,11.96L9,10.08L6.11,9.83L5,7.19L3.87,9.83L1,10.08L3.18,11.96L2.5,14.77L5,13.28Z",l3="M15,4A4,4 0 0,1 19,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 11,8A4,4 0 0,1 15,4M15,5.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12.9,8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 15,10.1C16.16,10.1 17.1,9.16 17.1,8C17.1,6.84 16.16,5.9 15,5.9M15,13C17.67,13 23,14.33 23,17V20H7V17C7,14.33 12.33,13 15,13M15,14.9C12,14.9 8.9,16.36 8.9,17V18.1H21.1V17C21.1,16.36 17.97,14.9 15,14.9M5,13.28L2.5,14.77L3.18,11.96L1,10.08L3.87,9.83L5,7.19L6.11,9.83L9,10.08L6.8,11.96L7.45,14.77L5,13.28Z",o3="M16.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,12M9,11A3,3 0 0,0 12,8A3,3 0 0,0 9,5A3,3 0 0,0 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 9,11M16.5,14C14.67,14 11,14.92 11,16.75V19H22V16.75C22,14.92 18.33,14 16.5,14M9,13C6.67,13 2,14.17 2,16.5V19H9V16.75C9,15.9 9.33,14.41 11.37,13.28C10.5,13.1 9.66,13 9,13Z",n3="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M15.6,8.34C16.67,8.34 17.53,9.2 17.53,10.27C17.53,11.34 16.67,12.2 15.6,12.2A1.93,1.93 0 0,1 13.67,10.27C13.66,9.2 14.53,8.34 15.6,8.34M9.6,6.76C10.9,6.76 11.96,7.82 11.96,9.12C11.96,10.42 10.9,11.5 9.6,11.5C8.3,11.5 7.24,10.42 7.24,9.12C7.24,7.81 8.29,6.76 9.6,6.76M9.6,15.89V19.64C7.2,18.89 5.3,17.04 4.46,14.68C5.5,13.56 8.13,13 9.6,13C10.13,13 10.8,13.07 11.5,13.21C9.86,14.08 9.6,15.23 9.6,15.89M12,20C11.72,20 11.46,20 11.2,19.96V15.89C11.2,14.47 14.14,13.76 15.6,13.76C16.67,13.76 18.5,14.15 19.44,14.91C18.27,17.88 15.38,20 12,20Z",Z3="M12.5 10C12.5 8.34 11.16 7 9.5 7C7.86 7 6.5 8.34 6.5 10C6.5 11.64 7.86 13 9.5 13C11.16 13 12.5 11.64 12.5 10M9.5 11C8.96 11 8.5 10.54 8.5 10C8.5 9.44 8.96 9 9.5 9C10.06 9 10.5 9.44 10.5 10C10.5 10.54 10.06 11 9.5 11M16 13C17.12 13 18 12.1 18 11C18 9.88 17.12 9 16 9C14.9 9 14 9.88 14 11C14 12.1 14.9 13 16 13M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M5.85 17.11C6.53 16.57 8.12 16 9.5 16C9.58 16 9.66 16 9.74 16C10 15.37 10.41 14.72 11.04 14.15C10.5 14.05 9.95 14 9.5 14C8.21 14 6.12 14.44 4.78 15.42C4.28 14.38 4 13.22 4 12C4 7.58 7.59 4 12 4C16.41 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 13.19 19.73 14.33 19.25 15.36C18.25 14.77 16.89 14.5 16 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4 16.5 4 18V22H20V18C20 16.5 18.4 15.2 16 14.5M6 4.5C6 3.1 8.7 2 12 2S18 3.1 18 4.5C18 4.9 17.8 5.2 17.5 5.5C16.6 4.6 14.5 4 12 4S7.4 4.6 6.5 5.5C6.2 5.2 6 4.9 6 4.5M15.9 7.4C16 7.6 16 7.8 16 8C16 10.2 14.2 12 12 12S8 10.2 8 8C8 7.8 8 7.6 8.1 7.4C9.1 7.8 10.5 8 12 8S14.9 7.8 15.9 7.4M16.6 6.1C15.5 6.6 13.9 7 12 7S8.5 6.6 7.4 6.1C8.1 5.5 9.8 5 12 5S15.9 5.5 16.6 6.1Z",k3="M6 4.5C6 3.1 8.7 2 12 2S18 3.1 18 4.5C18 4.9 17.8 5.2 17.5 5.5C16.6 4.6 14.5 4 12 4S7.4 4.6 6.5 5.5C6.2 5.2 6 4.9 6 4.5M12 5C9.8 5 8.1 5.5 7.4 6.1C8.5 6.6 10.1 7 12 7S15.5 6.6 16.6 6.1C15.9 5.5 14.2 5 12 5M14 8C14 9.1 13.1 10 12 10S10 9.1 10 8V7.9C9.3 7.8 8.6 7.7 8 7.5V8C8 10.2 9.8 12 12 12S16 10.2 16 8C16 7.8 16 7.6 15.9 7.4C15.3 7.6 14.6 7.7 13.9 7.8C14 7.9 14 7.9 14 8M16.4 13.8L15.7 15L15.5 15.5C17 16 18.1 16.6 18.1 17V20.1H13.9L13 15L13.9 13.1C13.3 13.1 12.7 13 12 13S10.7 13 10.1 13.1L11 15L10.1 20.1H5.9V17C5.9 16.6 7 16 8.5 15.5L8.3 15L7.7 13.8C5.7 14.4 4 15.5 4 17V22H20V17C20 15.5 18.3 14.4 16.4 13.8Z",B3="M16.36 12.76C18.31 13.42 20 14.5 20 16V21H4V16C4 14.5 5.69 13.42 7.65 12.76L8.27 14L8.5 14.5C7 14.96 5.9 15.62 5.9 16V19.1H10.12L11 14.03L10.06 12.15C10.68 12.08 11.33 12.03 12 12.03C12.67 12.03 13.32 12.08 13.94 12.15L13 14.03L13.88 19.1H18.1V16C18.1 15.62 17 14.96 15.5 14.5L15.73 14L16.36 12.76M12 5C10.9 5 10 5.9 10 7C10 8.1 10.9 9 12 9C13.1 9 14 8.1 14 7C14 5.9 13.1 5 12 5M12 11C9.79 11 8 9.21 8 7C8 4.79 9.79 3 12 3C14.21 3 16 4.79 16 7C16 9.21 14.21 11 12 11Z",P3="M16.75 4.36C18.77 6.56 18.77 9.61 16.75 11.63L15.07 9.94C15.91 8.76 15.91 7.23 15.07 6.05L16.75 4.36M20.06 1C24 5.05 23.96 11.11 20.06 15L18.43 13.37C21.2 10.19 21.2 5.65 18.43 2.63L20.06 1M9 4C11.2 4 13 5.79 13 8S11.2 12 9 12 5 10.21 5 8 6.79 4 9 4M13 14.54C13 15.6 12.71 18.07 10.8 20.83L10 16L10.93 14.12C10.31 14.05 9.66 14 9 14S7.67 14.05 7.05 14.12L8 16L7.18 20.83C5.27 18.07 5 15.6 5 14.54C2.6 15.24 .994 16.5 .994 18V22H17V18C17 16.5 15.39 15.24 13 14.54Z",w3="M12.7 9.5L7.5 4.3C7.96 4.11 8.46 4 9 4C11.2 4 13 5.79 13 8C13 8.53 12.89 9.04 12.7 9.5M16.75 11.63C18.77 9.61 18.77 6.56 16.75 4.36L15.07 6.05C15.91 7.23 15.91 8.76 15.07 9.94L16.75 11.63M20.06 15C23.96 11.11 24 5.05 20.06 1L18.43 2.63C21.2 5.65 21.2 10.19 18.43 13.37L20.06 15M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.13 7C5.05 7.34 5 7.66 5 8C5 10.21 6.79 12 9 12C9.33 12 9.66 11.94 9.97 11.86L13 14.87C12.93 16.06 12.54 18.32 10.8 20.83L10 16L10.93 14.12C10.31 14.05 9.66 14 9 14C8.32 14 7.67 14.05 7.05 14.12L8 16L7.18 20.83C5.27 18.07 5 15.6 5 14.54C2.6 15.24 .994 16.5 .994 18V22H17V18.88L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",F3="M9.22 6L7.5 4.3C7.96 4.11 8.47 4 9 4C11.21 4 13 5.79 13 8C13 8.53 12.89 9.04 12.7 9.5L11 7.78C10.87 6.86 10.14 6.13 9.22 6M20.06 15C23.96 11.11 24 5.05 20.06 1L18.43 2.63C21.2 5.65 21.2 10.19 18.43 13.37L20.06 15M16.75 11.63C18.77 9.61 18.77 6.56 16.75 4.36L15.07 6.05C15.91 7.23 15.91 8.76 15.07 9.94L16.75 11.63M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.14 7.03C5.06 7.34 5 7.66 5 8C5 10.21 6.79 12 9 12C9.34 12 9.66 11.94 9.97 11.86L12.86 14.75L12.73 15L12.5 15.5C13.3 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16 7C16 4.79 14.21 3 12 3H11.94M8.86 13.32C6 13.93 4 15.35 4 17V21H12L9 17H6.5M12 21L13.78 13.81C13.78 13.81 13 14 12 14C11 14 10.22 13.81 10.22 13.81M12 21H20V17C20 15.35 18 13.93 15.14 13.32L17.5 17H15Z",y3="M9,5A4,4 0 0,1 13,9A4,4 0 0,1 9,13A4,4 0 0,1 5,9A4,4 0 0,1 9,5M9,15C11.67,15 17,16.34 17,19V21H1V19C1,16.34 6.33,15 9,15M16.76,5.36C18.78,7.56 18.78,10.61 16.76,12.63L15.08,10.94C15.92,9.76 15.92,8.23 15.08,7.05L16.76,5.36M20.07,2C24,6.05 23.97,12.11 20.07,16L18.44,14.37C21.21,11.19 21.21,6.65 18.44,3.63L20.07,2Z",R3="M2,3.27L3.28,2L22,20.72L20.73,22L16.73,18C16.9,18.31 17,18.64 17,19V21H1V19C1,16.34 6.33,15 9,15C10.77,15 13.72,15.59 15.5,16.77L11.12,12.39C10.5,12.78 9.78,13 9,13A4,4 0 0,1 5,9C5,8.22 5.22,7.5 5.61,6.88L2,3.27M9,5A4,4 0 0,1 13,9V9.17L8.83,5H9M16.76,5.36C18.78,7.56 18.78,10.61 16.76,12.63L15.08,10.94C15.92,9.76 15.92,8.23 15.08,7.05L16.76,5.36M20.07,2C24,6.05 23.97,12.11 20.07,16L18.44,14.37C21.21,11.19 21.21,6.65 18.44,3.63L20.07,2Z",x3="M22.9 21.2L18.8 17.1C19.2 16.1 19 14.8 18.1 14C17.2 13.1 15.9 12.9 14.8 13.4L16.7 15.3L15.3 16.7L13.3 14.7C12.8 15.8 13 17.1 13.9 18.1C14.8 19 16 19.2 17 18.8L21.1 22.9C21.3 23.1 21.6 23.1 21.7 22.9L22.7 21.9C23 21.6 23 21.3 22.9 21.2M13 20H2V18C2 15.8 5.6 14 10 14C10.5 14 11 14 11.4 14.1C11.1 14.7 11 15.3 11 16C11 17.6 11.8 19.1 13 20M10 4C7.8 4 6 5.8 6 8S7.8 12 10 12 14 10.2 14 8 12.2 4 10 4",D3="M22.9 21.2L18.8 17.1C19.2 16.1 19 14.8 18.1 14C17.2 13.1 15.9 12.9 14.8 13.4L16.7 15.3L15.3 16.7L13.3 14.7C12.8 15.8 13 17.1 13.9 18.1C14.8 19 16 19.2 17 18.8L21.1 22.9C21.3 23.1 21.6 23.1 21.7 22.9L22.7 21.9C23 21.6 23 21.3 22.9 21.2M10 12C12.2 12 14 10.2 14 8S12.2 4 10 4 6 5.8 6 8 7.8 12 10 12M10 6C11.1 6 12 6.9 12 8S11.1 10 10 10 8 9.1 8 8 8.9 6 10 6M13 20H2V17C2 14.3 7.3 13 10 13C10.5 13 11.2 13.1 11.9 13.2C11.5 13.7 11.3 14.3 11.1 15C10.7 15 10.4 14.9 10 14.9C7 14.9 3.9 16.4 3.9 17V18.1H11.5C11.8 18.9 12.4 19.5 13 20Z",E3="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12Z",N3="M19 7C17.9 7 17 7.9 17 9V11C17 12.1 17.9 13 19 13H21V15H17V17H21C22.1 17 23 16.1 23 15V13C23 11.9 22.1 11 21 11H19V9H23V7H19M9 7V17H13C14.1 17 15 16.1 15 15V9C15 7.9 14.1 7 13 7H9M11 9H13V15H11V9M3 7C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H3V13H5V17H7V9C7 7.9 6.1 7 5 7H3M3 9H5V11H3V9Z",W3="M12.2 9L10.2 7H13C14.1 7 15 7.9 15 9V11.8L13 9.8V9H12.2M23 9V7H19C17.9 7 17 7.9 17 9V11C17 12.1 17.9 13 19 13H21V15H18.2L20.2 17H21C22.1 17 23 16.1 23 15V13C23 11.9 22.1 11 21 11H19V9H23M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L14.4 16.4C14.1 16.7 13.6 17 13 17H9V10.9L7 8.9V17H5V13H3V17H1V9C1 7.9 1.9 7 3 7H5.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M5 9H3V11H5V9M13 14.9L11 12.9V15H13V14.9Z",I3="M6.59,0.66C8.93,-1.15 11.47,1.06 12.04,4.5C12.47,4.5 12.89,4.62 13.27,4.84C13.79,4.24 14.25,3.42 14.07,2.5C13.65,0.35 16.06,-1.39 18.35,1.58C20.16,3.92 17.95,6.46 14.5,7.03C14.5,7.46 14.39,7.89 14.16,8.27C14.76,8.78 15.58,9.24 16.5,9.06C18.63,8.64 20.38,11.04 17.41,13.34C15.07,15.15 12.53,12.94 11.96,9.5C11.53,9.5 11.11,9.37 10.74,9.15C10.22,9.75 9.75,10.58 9.93,11.5C10.35,13.64 7.94,15.39 5.65,12.42C3.83,10.07 6.05,7.53 9.5,6.97C9.5,6.54 9.63,6.12 9.85,5.74C9.25,5.23 8.43,4.76 7.5,4.94C5.37,5.36 3.62,2.96 6.59,0.66M5,16H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,18V24H7V22H5V24H3V18A2,2 0 0,1 5,16M5,18V20H7V18H5M12.93,16H15L12.07,24H10L12.93,16M18,16H21V18H18V22H21V24H18A2,2 0 0,1 16,22V18A2,2 0 0,1 18,16Z",G3="M19,18.31V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V16.3C4.54,16.12 3.95,16 3,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,14C3.82,14 4.47,14.08 5,14.21V12.3C4.54,12.12 3.95,12 3,12A1,1 0 0,1 2,11A1,1 0 0,1 3,10C3.82,10 4.47,10.08 5,10.21V8.3C4.54,8.12 3.95,8 3,8A1,1 0 0,1 2,7A1,1 0 0,1 3,6C3.82,6 4.47,6.08 5,6.21V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V6.16C20.78,6.47 21.54,7.13 21.71,7.29C22.1,7.68 22.1,8.32 21.71,8.71C21.32,9.1 20.8,9.09 20.29,8.71V8.71C20.29,8.71 19.25,8 17,8C15.74,8 14.91,8.41 13.95,8.9C12.91,9.41 11.74,10 10,10C9.64,10 9.31,10 9,9.96V7.95C9.3,8 9.63,8 10,8C11.26,8 12.09,7.59 13.05,7.11C14.09,6.59 15.27,6 17,6V4H7V20H17V18C18.5,18 18.97,18.29 19,18.31M17,10C15.27,10 14.09,10.59 13.05,11.11C12.09,11.59 11.26,12 10,12C9.63,12 9.3,12 9,11.95V13.96C9.31,14 9.64,14 10,14C11.74,14 12.91,13.41 13.95,12.9C14.91,12.42 15.74,12 17,12C19.25,12 20.29,12.71 20.29,12.71V12.71C20.8,13.1 21.32,13.1 21.71,12.71C22.1,12.32 22.1,11.69 21.71,11.29C21.5,11.08 20.25,10 17,10M17,14C15.27,14 14.09,14.59 13.05,15.11C12.09,15.59 11.26,16 10,16C9.63,16 9.3,16 9,15.95V17.96C9.31,18 9.64,18 10,18C11.74,18 12.91,17.41 13.95,16.9C14.91,16.42 15.74,16 17,16C19.25,16 20.29,16.71 20.29,16.71V16.71C20.8,17.1 21.32,17.1 21.71,16.71C22.1,16.32 22.1,15.69 21.71,15.29C21.5,15.08 20.25,14 17,14Z",Q3="M19,2.8V6L19,9.2C19,9.5 18.7,9.8 18.4,9.7C18.4,9.7 14.5,7.1 10,7.1V9.5H10.2C10.7,9.5 11.2,9.7 11.4,10.1L12.7,11.9C12.9,12.1 13,12.4 13,12.6V20.6C13,21.3 12.3,22 11.5,22H6.5C5.7,22 5,21.4 5,20.6V12.6C5,12.3 5.1,12.1 5.3,11.9L6.6,10.1C6.9,9.7 7.3,9.5 7.8,9.5H8V8C7.6,8.5 7,8.8 6.4,8.8C5.1,8.8 4,7.5 4,6C4,4.5 5.1,3.2 6.4,3.2C7,3.3 7.6,3.6 8,4V2.6H10V5C14.5,5 18.4,2.4 18.4,2.4C18.7,2.3 19,2.5 19,2.8Z",U3="M11 9C8.79 9 7 10.79 7 13S8.79 17 11 17 15 15.21 15 13 13.21 9 11 9M11 15C9.9 15 9 14.11 9 13S9.9 11 11 11 13 11.9 13 13 12.11 15 11 15M7 4H14C16.21 4 18 5.79 18 8V9H16V8C16 6.9 15.11 6 14 6H7C5.9 6 5 6.9 5 8V20H16V18H18V22H3V8C3 5.79 4.79 4 7 4M19 10.5C19 10.5 21 12.67 21 14C21 15.1 20.1 16 19 16S17 15.1 17 14C17 12.67 19 10.5 19 10.5",z3="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L3.8 5.7C3.3 6.3 3 7.1 3 8V22H18V19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M9.6 11.5L12.4 14.3C12.1 14.7 11.6 15 11 15C9.9 15 9 14.1 9 13C9 12.4 9.3 11.9 9.6 11.5M16 17.9V20H5V8C5 7.7 5.1 7.4 5.2 7.1L8.2 10.1C7.5 10.8 7 11.9 7 13C7 15.2 8.8 17 11 17C12.1 17 13.2 16.5 13.9 15.8L16 17.9M17 13.8C17.1 12.5 19 10.5 19 10.5S21 12.7 21 14C21 15 20.2 15.9 19.2 16L17 13.8M9.2 6L7.2 4H14C16.2 4 18 5.8 18 8V9H16V8C16 6.9 15.1 6 14 6H9.2Z",_3="M11,9A4,4 0 0,1 15,13A4,4 0 0,1 11,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,13A4,4 0 0,1 11,9M11,11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,15A2,2 0 0,0 13,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11M7,4H14A4,4 0 0,1 18,8V9H16V8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,8V20H16V18H18V22H3V8A4,4 0 0,1 7,4M16,11C18.5,11 18.5,9 21,9V11C18.5,11 18.5,13 16,13V11M16,15C18.5,15 18.5,13 21,13V15C18.5,15 18.5,17 16,17V15Z",K3="M21 11C18.6 11 18.5 12.9 16.2 13L16 12.8V11C18.5 11 18.5 9 21 9V11M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L18 19.9V22H3V8C3 7.1 3.3 6.3 3.8 5.7L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M9 13C9 14.1 9.9 15 11 15C11.6 15 12.1 14.7 12.5 14.4L9.7 11.6C9.3 11.9 9 12.4 9 13M16 17.9L13.9 15.8C13.2 16.5 12.1 17 11 17C8.8 17 7 15.2 7 13C7 11.9 7.5 10.8 8.2 10.1L5.2 7.1C5.1 7.4 5 7.7 5 8V20H16V17.9M21 15V13C19.3 13 18.7 14 17.7 14.5L18.8 15.6C19.4 15.3 20 15 21 15M14 6C15.1 6 16 6.9 16 8V9H18V8C18 5.8 16.2 4 14 4H7.2L9.2 6H14Z",j3="M14,8A5,5 0 0,1 9,13A5,5 0 0,1 4,8A5,5 0 0,1 9,3A5,5 0 0,1 14,8M10.46,15.55L13,18.03L11,18.05L7.5,21.58L6,20.09L10.46,15.55M17,2C18.08,2 19,2.88 19,4C19,5.08 18.12,6 17,6C15.92,6 15,5.12 15,4C15,2.92 15.89,2 17,2M14.41,15H11.59L17.29,20.71L18.71,19.29L14.41,15M15.12,14.29L19.41,18.59L19.63,18.8C19.86,18.42 20,18 20,17.5V9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,9.5V14.17L15.12,14.29Z",q3="M11,23A2,2 0 0,1 9,21V19H15V21A2,2 0 0,1 13,23H11M12,1C12.71,1 13.39,1.09 14.05,1.26C15.22,2.83 16,5.71 16,9C16,11.28 15.62,13.37 15,16A2,2 0 0,1 13,18H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,16C8.38,13.37 8,11.28 8,9C8,5.71 8.78,2.83 9.95,1.26C10.61,1.09 11.29,1 12,1M20,8C20,11.18 18.15,15.92 15.46,17.21C16.41,15.39 17,11.83 17,9C17,6.17 16.41,3.61 15.46,1.79C18.15,3.08 20,4.82 20,8M4,8C4,4.82 5.85,3.08 8.54,1.79C7.59,3.61 7,6.17 7,9C7,11.83 7.59,15.39 8.54,17.21C5.85,15.92 4,11.18 4,8Z",$3="M11 23C9.9 23 9 22.1 9 21V19H15V21C15 22.1 14.1 23 13 23H11M12 3C12.28 3 12.55 3 12.81 3.05C13.42 4.22 14 6.26 14 9C14 11.1 13 16 13 16H11C11 16 10 11.1 10 9C10 6.26 10.58 4.22 11.19 3.05C11.45 3 11.72 3 12 3M12 1C11.29 1 10.61 1.09 9.95 1.26C8.78 2.83 8 5.71 8 9C8 11.28 8.38 13.37 9 16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18H13C14.1 18 15 17.1 15 16C15.62 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1.85 18.62 2.44C19.2 3.03 19.2 4 18.62 4.56L14.73 8.45L15.97 13.83M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",i0="M20.84 22.73L18 19.9L17.38 20.53L16 17.89L12.35 14.24L9.6 17L9.96 19.47L8.89 20.53L7.13 17.35L3.94 15.58L5 14.5L7.5 14.87L10.23 12.12L6.59 8.5L3.94 7.09L4.57 6.46L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M16.67 9.92L20.56 6.03C21.15 5.45 21.15 4.5 20.56 3.91S19 3.33 18.44 3.91L14.55 7.8L9.94 6.74L17.74 14.54L16.67 9.92Z",r0="M15.97 13.83C15.08 14.35 14.34 15.09 13.82 16L11.55 11.63L7.66 15.5L8 18L6.95 19.06L5.18 15.87L2 14.11L3.06 13.05L5.54 13.4L9.43 9.5L2 5.62L3.41 4.21L12.61 6.33L16.5 2.44C17.08 1.85 18.03 1.85 18.62 2.44C19.2 3.03 19.2 4 18.62 4.56L14.73 8.45L15.97 13.83M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",a0="M15.97 13.83C15.08 14.35 14.34 15.09 13.82 16L11.55 11.63L7.66 15.5L8 18L6.95 19.06L5.18 15.87L2 14.11L3.06 13.05L5.54 13.4L9.43 9.5L2 5.62L3.41 4.21L12.61 6.33L16.5 2.44C17.08 1.85 18.03 1.85 18.62 2.44C19.2 3.03 19.2 4 18.62 4.56L14.73 8.45L15.97 13.83M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",e0="M9.55 9.63L10.9 12.22C11.5 11.17 12.41 10.31 13.5 9.74L12.73 6.45L16.62 2.56C17.2 1.97 17.2 1 16.62 .438S15.08-.148 14.5 .438L10.61 4.33L1.41 2.21L0 3.62L7.43 7.5L3.54 11.4L1.06 11.05L0 12.11L3.18 13.87L4.95 17.06L6 16L5.66 13.5L9.55 9.63M16.5 11C19 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11M16.5 13C15.12 13 14 14.12 14 15.5S15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5 17.88 13 16.5 13",d0="M20.09 4.56L16.2 8.45L18.32 17.64L16.91 19.06L13 11.63L9.13 15.5L9.5 18L8.42 19.06L6.65 15.87L3.47 14.11L4.53 13.04L7 13.4L10.9 9.5L3.47 5.62L4.89 4.21L14.08 6.33L17.97 2.44C18.55 1.85 19.5 1.85 20.09 2.44C20.68 3 20.68 3.97 20.09 4.56M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",m0="M2.5,19H21.5V21H2.5V19M22.07,9.64C21.86,8.84 21.03,8.36 20.23,8.58L14.92,10L8,3.57L6.09,4.08L10.23,11.25L5.26,12.58L3.29,11.04L1.84,11.43L3.66,14.59L4.43,15.92L6.03,15.5L11.34,14.07L15.69,12.91L21,11.5C21.81,11.26 22.28,10.44 22.07,9.64Z",t0="M14.97,5.92C14.83,5.41 14.3,5.1 13.79,5.24L10.39,6.15L5.95,2.03L4.72,2.36L7.38,6.95L4.19,7.8L2.93,6.82L2,7.07L3.66,9.95L14.28,7.11C14.8,6.96 15.1,6.43 14.97,5.92M21,10L20,12H15L14,10L15,9H17V7H18V9H20L21,10M22,20V22H2V20H15V13H20V20H22Z",v0="M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M12.5,8H11V14L15.75,16.85L16.5,15.62L12.5,13.25V8M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72Z",l0="M15,18.66V22H5V18.66C8.09,20.45 11.91,20.45 15,18.66M22,4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2C19.69,2 19.39,2.07 19.12,2.21C18.82,2.36 18.56,2.58 18.36,2.85C17.72,3.75 17.94,5 18.85,5.64C19.18,5.87 19.59,6 20,6C20.08,6 20.16,6 20.24,6C21.97,10.43 20.66,15.46 17,18.5C16.68,18.75 16.35,19 16,19.22V21H17V19.74C20.14,17.5 22,13.86 22,10C22,8.5 21.72,7 21.17,5.62C21.69,5.24 22,4.64 22,4M18,10A8,8 0 0,1 10,18A8,8 0 0,1 2,10A8,8 0 0,1 10,2A8,8 0 0,1 18,10Z",o0="M10.54,14.53L8.41,12.4L7.35,13.46L10.53,16.64L16.53,10.64L15.47,9.58L10.54,14.53M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72Z",n0="M6,6.9L3.87,4.78L5.28,3.37L7.4,5.5L6,6.9M13,1V4H11V1H13M20.13,4.78L18,6.9L16.6,5.5L18.72,3.37L20.13,4.78M4.5,10.5V12.5H1.5V10.5H4.5M19.5,10.5H22.5V12.5H19.5V10.5M6,20H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,20M12,5A6,6 0 0,1 18,11V19H6V11A6,6 0 0,1 12,5Z",Z0="M18 14.8L9 5.8C9.9 5.3 10.9 5 12 5C15.3 5 18 7.7 18 11V14.8M20.1 4.8L18.7 3.4L16.6 5.5L18 6.9L20.1 4.8M19.5 10.5V12.5H22.5V10.5H19.5M4.5 10.5H1.5V12.5H4.5V10.5M1.1 3L6.6 8.5C6.2 9.2 6 10.1 6 11V19H17.1L18.1 20H6C4.9 20 4 20.9 4 22H20.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.4L2.4 1.7L1.1 3M13 1H11V4H13V1Z",S0="M10.5 7.3L9 5.8C9.9 5.3 10.9 5 12 5C15.3 5 18 7.7 18 11V14.8L16 12.8V11C16 8.8 14.2 7 12 7C11.5 7 11 7.1 10.5 7.3M20.1 4.8L18.7 3.4L16.6 5.5L18 6.9L20.1 4.8M19.5 10.5V12.5H22.5V10.5H19.5M4.5 10.5H1.5V12.5H4.5V10.5M2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7L20.1 22H4C4 20.9 4.9 20 6 20H18.1L17.1 19H6V11C6 10.1 6.2 9.2 6.6 8.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7M8 17H15.1L8.1 10C8.1 10.3 8 10.7 8 11V17M13 1H11V4H13V1Z",u0="M6,6.9L3.87,4.78L5.28,3.37L7.4,5.5L6,6.9M13,1V4H11V1H13M20.13,4.78L18,6.9L16.6,5.5L18.72,3.37L20.13,4.78M4.5,10.5V12.5H1.5V10.5H4.5M19.5,10.5H22.5V12.5H19.5V10.5M6,20H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,20M12,5A6,6 0 0,1 18,11V19H6V11A6,6 0 0,1 12,5M12,7A4,4 0 0,0 8,11V17H16V11A4,4 0 0,0 12,7Z",c0="M9.29,3.25L5.16,6.72L4,5.34L8.14,1.87L9.29,3.25M22,5.35L20.84,6.73L16.7,3.25L17.86,1.87L22,5.35M13,4A8,8 0 0,1 21,12A8,8 0 0,1 13,20A8,8 0 0,1 5,12A8,8 0 0,1 13,4M13,6A6,6 0 0,0 7,12A6,6 0 0,0 13,18A6,6 0 0,0 19,12A6,6 0 0,0 13,6M12,7.5H13.5V12.03L16.72,13.5L16.1,14.86L12,13V7.5M1,14C1,11.5 2.13,9.3 3.91,7.83C3.33,9.1 3,10.5 3,12L3.06,13.13L3,14C3,16.28 4.27,18.26 6.14,19.28C7.44,20.5 9.07,21.39 10.89,21.78C10.28,21.92 9.65,22 9,22A8,8 0 0,1 1,14Z",s0="M17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72L17.4,1.86M6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C12.33,22 12.67,22 13,21.94V19.94C12.67,20 12.33,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6C15.1,6 17.83,8.03 18.71,11H20.78C19.85,6.9 16.2,4 12,4M23,15H20V20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,23A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,18C18.04,18 18.57,18.18 19,18.5V13H23V15M11.5,8V13.25L7.5,15.62L8.25,16.85L13,14V8H11.5Z",O0="M19,13V15.8L20,16.8V15H23V13H19M2.38,1.73L1.11,3L3,4.88L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L4.41,6.3L5.21,7.1C1.95,10.85 2.35,16.54 6.11,19.8C7.74,21.22 9.83,22 12,22C12.33,22 12.67,22 13,21.94V19.94C12.67,20 12.33,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13C5,11.36 5.57,9.77 6.63,8.5L11.41,13.3L7.5,15.62L8.25,16.85L12.44,14.33L16.38,18.27C15.14,18.88 14.64,20.38 15.25,21.62C15.86,22.86 17.36,23.36 18.6,22.75C19.09,22.5 19.5,22.11 19.73,21.62L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L2.38,1.73M12,6C15.1,6 17.83,8.03 18.71,11H20.78C19.85,6.9 16.2,4 12,4C10.65,4 9.31,4.3 8.1,4.9L9.62,6.42C10.38,6.14 11.19,6 12,6M11.5,8.3L13,9.8V8H11.5V8.3M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L5.76,2.56L7.18,4L7.88,3.39M17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72L17.4,1.86Z",h0="M8,3.28L6.6,1.86L5.74,2.57L7.16,4M16.47,18.39C15.26,19.39 13.7,20 12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13C5,11.3 5.61,9.74 6.61,8.53M2.92,2.29L1.65,3.57L3,4.9L1.87,5.83L3.29,7.25L4.4,6.31L5.2,7.11C3.83,8.69 3,10.75 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C14.25,22 16.31,21.17 17.89,19.8L20.09,22L21.36,20.73L3.89,3.27L2.92,2.29M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72M12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13C19,13.84 18.84,14.65 18.57,15.4L20.09,16.92C20.67,15.73 21,14.41 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4C10.59,4 9.27,4.33 8.08,4.91L9.6,6.43C10.35,6.16 11.16,6 12,6Z",p0="M20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M8 19H5V17H8V19M8 16H5V14H8V16M8 13H5V11H8V13M13.5 19H10.5V17H13.5V19M13.5 16H10.5V14H13.5V16M13.5 13H10.5V11H13.5V13M19 19H16V17H19V19M19 16H16V14H19V16M19 13H16V11H19V13M19 9H5V5H19V9Z",f0="M9 12H6V10H9V12M13.5 10H10.5V12H13.5V10M18 10H15V12H18V10M18 6H6V9H18V6M20 5H4L4 19L20 19L20 5L20 5M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V19C22 20.1 21.1 21 20 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3H20M9 13H6V15H9V13M13.5 13H10.5V15H13.5V13M18 13H15V15H18V13M9 16H6V18H9V16M13.5 16H10.5V18H13.5V16M18 16H15V18H18V16Z",g0="M13,9H11V12H8V14H11V17H13V14H16V12H13M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39Z",k0="M7.88,3.39L6.6,1.86L2,5.71L3.29,7.24L7.88,3.39M22,5.72L17.4,1.86L16.11,3.39L20.71,7.25L22,5.72M12,4A9,9 0 0,0 3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,4M12,20A7,7 0 0,1 5,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,6A7,7 0 0,1 19,13A7,7 0 0,1 12,20M9,11H12.63L9,15.2V17H15V15H11.37L15,10.8V9H9V11Z",B0="M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11M12,16.5C9.5,16.5 7.5,14.5 7.5,12C7.5,9.5 9.5,7.5 12,7.5C14.5,7.5 16.5,9.5 16.5,12C16.5,14.5 14.5,16.5 12,16.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",P0="M13 14H11V9H13M13 18H11V16H13M1 21H23L12 2L1 21Z",w0="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M13,13V7H11V13H13M13,17V15H11V17H13Z",F0="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",T0="M13,13H11V7H13M13,17H11V15H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",b0="M18.75 22.16L16 19.16L17.16 18L18.75 19.59L22.34 16L23.5 17.41L18.75 22.16M13 13V7H11V13H13M13 17V15H11V17H13M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.91 13.31C21.31 13.11 20.67 13 20 13C16.69 13 14 15.69 14 19C14 19.95 14.22 20.85 14.62 21.65C13.78 21.88 12.91 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2Z",y0="M18.75 22.16L16 19.16L17.16 18L18.75 19.59L22.34 16L23.5 17.41L18.75 22.16M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 7H13V13H11V7M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.92 13.31C21.31 13.11 20.67 13 19.94 13L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C12.71 20 13.39 19.91 14.05 19.74C14.13 20.42 14.33 21.06 14.62 21.65C13.78 21.88 12.9 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2Z",R0="M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20Z",x0="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12M13,17H11V15H13V17M13,13H11V7H13V13Z",D0="M23,12L20.56,14.78L20.9,18.46L17.29,19.28L15.4,22.46L12,21L8.6,22.47L6.71,19.29L3.1,18.47L3.44,14.78L1,12L3.44,9.21L3.1,5.53L6.71,4.72L8.6,1.54L12,3L15.4,1.54L17.29,4.72L20.9,5.54L20.56,9.22L23,12M20.33,12L18.5,9.89L18.74,7.1L16,6.5L14.58,4.07L12,5.18L9.42,4.07L8,6.5L5.26,7.09L5.5,9.88L3.67,12L5.5,14.1L5.26,16.9L8,17.5L9.42,19.93L12,18.81L14.58,19.92L16,17.5L18.74,16.89L18.5,14.1L20.33,12M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",E0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M24 18V20H16V18H24Z",N0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M16 18V20H24V18H16Z",W0="M13 13H11V7H13M11 15H13V17H11M15.73 3H8.27L3 8.27V15.73L8.27 21H15.73L21 15.73V8.27L15.73 3Z",I0="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",G0="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M13,17V15H11V17H13M13,13V7H11V13H13Z",Q0="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M4.81,9L6.05,12L4.81,15L7.79,16.21L9,19.19L12,17.95L15,19.19L16.21,16.21L19.19,15L17.95,12L19.19,9L16.21,7.79L15,4.81L12,6.05L9,4.81L7.79,7.79L4.81,9M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7",U0="M12,2L1,21H23M12,6L19.53,19H4.47M11,10V14H13V10M11,16V18H13V16",z0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21Z",_0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M19 15V18H16V20H19V23H21V20H24V18H21V15H19Z",K0="M14 19C14 16.21 15.91 13.87 18.5 13.2L12 2L1 21H14.35C14.13 20.37 14 19.7 14 19M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V10H13V14M23.54 16.88L21.41 19L23.54 21.12L22.12 22.54L20 20.41L17.88 22.54L16.47 21.12L18.59 19L16.47 16.88L17.88 15.47L20 17.59L22.12 15.46L23.54 16.88Z",j0="M11 15.5H13V17.5H11V15.5M14 19C14 18.86 14 18.73 14 18.6H5.4L12 7.3L16.11 14.44C16.62 14 17.2 13.65 17.84 13.41L12 3.3L2 20.6H14.22C14.08 20.09 14 19.56 14 19M13 10.5H11V14.5H13V10.5M22.12 15.46L20 17.59L17.88 15.46L16.47 16.88L18.59 19L16.47 21.12L17.88 22.54L20 20.41L22.12 22.54L23.54 21.12L21.41 19L23.54 16.88L22.12 15.46Z",q0="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M11 7H13V13H11V7M11 15H13V17H11V15Z",$0="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12M11 7V13H13V7M11 15V17H13V15Z",X0="M12,3C16.97,3 21,6.58 21,11C21,15.42 15,21 12,21C9,21 3,15.42 3,11C3,6.58 7.03,3 12,3M10.31,10.93C9.29,9.29 7.47,8.58 6.25,9.34C5.03,10.1 4.87,12.05 5.89,13.69C6.92,15.33 8.74,16.04 9.96,15.28C11.18,14.5 11.33,12.57 10.31,10.93M13.69,10.93C12.67,12.57 12.82,14.5 14.04,15.28C15.26,16.04 17.08,15.33 18.11,13.69C19.13,12.05 18.97,10.1 17.75,9.34C16.53,8.58 14.71,9.29 13.69,10.93M12,17.75C10,17.75 9.5,17 9.5,17C9.5,17.03 10,19 12,19C14,19 14.5,17 14.5,17C14.5,17 14,17.75 12,17.75Z",Y0="M10.31 10.93C11.33 12.57 11.18 14.5 9.96 15.28C8.74 16.04 6.92 15.33 5.89 13.69C4.87 12.05 5.03 10.1 6.25 9.34C7.47 8.58 9.29 9.29 10.31 10.93M12 17.75C14 17.75 14.5 17 14.5 17C14.5 17 14 19 12 19C10 19 9.5 17.03 9.5 17C9.5 17 10 17.75 12 17.75M17.75 9.34C18.97 10.1 19.13 12.05 18.11 13.69C17.08 15.33 15.26 16.04 14.04 15.28C12.82 14.5 12.67 12.57 13.69 10.93C14.71 9.29 16.53 8.58 17.75 9.34M12 20C14.5 20 20 14.86 20 11C20 7.14 16.41 4 12 4C7.59 4 4 7.14 4 11C4 14.86 9.5 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.04 22 11C22 15.08 16.32 22 12 22C7.68 22 2 15.08 2 11C2 6.04 6.5 2 12 2Z",J0="M11 2H13V7H21V10H13V14H18V17H13V22H11V17H6V14H11V10H3V7H11V2Z",C7="M4 22H2V2H4V22M22 2H20V22H22V2M13.5 7H10.5V17H13.5V7Z",H7="M4 22H2V2H4V22M22 7H6V10H22V7M16 14H6V17H16V14Z",V7="M20 2H22V22H20V2M2 10H18V7H2V10M8 17H18V14H8V17Z",L7="M22 22H2V20H22V22M10 2H7V18H10V2M17 8H14V18H17V8Z",M7="M22 11H17V6H14V11H10V3H7V11H1.8V13H7V21H10V13H14V18H17V13H22V11Z",A7="M22 2V4H2V2H22M7 10.5V13.5H17V10.5H7M2 20V22H22V20H2Z",i7="M22 2V4H2V2H22M7 22H10V6H7V22M14 16H17V6H14V16Z",r7="M18.6,6.62C17.16,6.62 15.8,7.18 14.83,8.15L7.8,14.39C7.16,15.03 6.31,15.38 5.4,15.38C3.53,15.38 2,13.87 2,12C2,10.13 3.53,8.62 5.4,8.62C6.31,8.62 7.16,8.97 7.84,9.65L8.97,10.65L10.5,9.31L9.22,8.2C8.2,7.18 6.84,6.62 5.4,6.62C2.42,6.62 0,9.04 0,12C0,14.96 2.42,17.38 5.4,17.38C6.84,17.38 8.2,16.82 9.17,15.85L16.2,9.61C16.84,8.97 17.69,8.62 18.6,8.62C20.47,8.62 22,10.13 22,12C22,13.87 20.47,15.38 18.6,15.38C17.7,15.38 16.84,15.03 16.16,14.35L15,13.34L13.5,14.68L14.78,15.8C15.8,16.81 17.15,17.37 18.6,17.37C21.58,17.37 24,14.96 24,12C24,9 21.58,6.62 18.6,6.62Z",a7="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M16.1 15.9C15.07 15.9 14.09 15.5 13.35 14.76L12.71 14.12L14.13 12.71L14.76 13.34C15.12 13.7 15.6 13.9 16.11 13.9C17.15 13.9 18 13.05 18 12S17.15 10.1 16.1 10.1C15.6 10.1 15.12 10.3 14.76 10.66L10.65 14.76C9.91 15.5 8.94 15.9 7.9 15.9C5.75 15.9 4 14.15 4 12S5.75 8.1 7.9 8.1C8.94 8.1 9.91 8.5 10.65 9.24L11.29 9.88L9.87 11.3L9.24 10.66C8.88 10.3 8.4 10.1 7.9 10.1C6.85 10.1 6 10.95 6 12S6.85 13.9 7.9 13.9C8.4 13.9 8.88 13.7 9.24 13.34L13.35 9.24C14.09 8.5 15.06 8.1 16.1 8.1C18.25 8.1 20 9.85 20 12S18.25 15.9 16.1 15.9Z",e7="M19 12C19 13.84 17.5 15.34 15.66 15.34C14.77 15.34 13.94 15 13.31 14.36L12.71 13.76L13.77 12.71C14.04 13 14.37 13.3 14.37 13.3C14.71 13.65 15.18 13.84 15.67 13.84C16.68 13.84 17.5 13 17.5 12S16.68 10.16 15.67 10.16C15.18 10.16 14.71 10.36 14.37 10.7L10.7 14.36C10.07 15 9.23 15.34 8.34 15.34C6.5 15.34 5 13.84 5 12S6.5 8.66 8.34 8.66C9.23 8.66 10.07 9 10.7 9.64L11.29 10.24L10.23 11.3L9.64 10.7C9.29 10.36 8.83 10.16 8.34 10.16C7.32 10.16 6.5 11 6.5 12S7.32 13.84 8.34 13.84C8.83 13.84 9.29 13.65 9.64 13.3L13.31 9.64C13.94 9 14.77 8.66 15.66 8.66C17.5 8.66 19 10.16 19 12M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5M19 5H5V19H19V5Z",d7="M19.75 5.33A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 18.5 6.58V11.17H17.67V4.08A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15.17 4.08V11.17H14.33V3.25A1.25 1.25 0 1 0 11.83 3.25V11.17H11V5.33A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 8.5 5.33V15.26L4.91 13.26A1 1 0 0 0 4.41 13.12A1 1 0 0 0 3.75 13.37L2.67 14.37L9.21 21A3.29 3.29 0 0 0 11.58 22H17.67A3.33 3.33 0 0 0 21 18.67V6.58A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 19.75 5.33M11 15A1 1 0 1 1 12 14A1 1 0 0 1 11 15M13 18A1 1 0 1 1 14 17A1 1 0 0 1 13 18M18 16A1 1 0 1 1 19 15A1 1 0 0 1 18 16M17 19A1 1 0 1 1 18 18A1 1 0 0 1 17 19M15 15A1 1 0 1 1 16 14A1 1 0 0 1 15 15Z",m7="M18.08,17.8C17.62,17.93 17.21,18 16.85,18C15.65,18 14.84,17.12 14.43,15.35H14.38C13.39,17.26 12,18.21 10.25,18.21C8.94,18.21 7.89,17.72 7.1,16.73C6.31,15.74 5.92,14.5 5.92,13C5.92,11.25 6.37,9.85 7.26,8.76C8.15,7.67 9.36,7.12 10.89,7.12C11.71,7.12 12.45,7.35 13.09,7.8C13.73,8.26 14.22,8.9 14.56,9.73H14.6L15.31,7.33H17.87L15.73,12.65C15.97,13.89 16.22,14.74 16.5,15.19C16.74,15.64 17.08,15.87 17.5,15.87C17.74,15.87 17.93,15.83 18.1,15.76L18.08,17.8M13.82,12.56C13.61,11.43 13.27,10.55 12.81,9.95C12.36,9.34 11.81,9.04 11.18,9.04C10.36,9.04 9.7,9.41 9.21,10.14C8.72,10.88 8.5,11.79 8.5,12.86C8.5,13.84 8.69,14.65 9.12,15.31C9.54,15.97 10.11,16.29 10.82,16.29C11.42,16.29 11.97,16 12.46,15.45C12.96,14.88 13.37,14.05 13.7,12.96L13.82,12.56Z",t7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",v7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",l7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V17H13V13H11V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V11H13V9H11Z",o7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",n7="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V17H13V13H11V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Z7="M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",S7="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",u7="M15,10.5C15,11.3 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,12.7 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5M13,15V13H11V15H13M13,11V9H11V11H13M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",c7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5C15,12.7 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,11.3 15,10.5M13,15H11V13H13V15M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",s7="M15,10.5C15,11.3 14.3,12 13.5,12C14.3,12 15,12.7 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5M13,15V13H11V15H13M13,11V9H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",O7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",h7="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",p7="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10H13V9H11V15H13V14H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7Z",f7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V14H13V15H11V9H13V10H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11Z",g7="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10H13V9H11V15H13V14H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",k7="M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",B7="M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",P7="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7M11,9V15H13V9H11M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",w7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",F7="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",T7="M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",b7="M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",y7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H15V13H11V15H15V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",R7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H15V15H11V13H15V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",x7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H15V13H11V15H15V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",D7="M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",E7="M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",N7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H14V13H11V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",W7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9Z",I7="M9,7H15V9H11V11H14V13H11V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",G7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11Z",Q7="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",U7="M11,7H15V9H11V15H13V11H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",z7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V11H13V15H11V9H15V7H11Z",_7="M11,7H15V9H11V15H13V11H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",K7="M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",j7="M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",q7="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",$7="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",X7="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Y7="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14Z",J7="M14,7H10V9H11V15H10V17H14V15H13V9H14V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",C9="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",H9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M14,7H10V9H11V15H10V17H14V15H13V9H14V7Z",V9="M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",L9="M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13Z",M9="M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",A9="M13,7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V14H11V15H13V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",i9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13,7V15H11V14H9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13Z",r9="M13,7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V14H11V15H13V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",a9="M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9Z",e9="M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",d9="M9,7H11V10.33L13,7H15L12,12L15,17H13L11,13.67V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",m9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M9,7V17H11V13.67L13,17H15L12,12L15,7H13L11,10.33V7H9Z",t9="M9,7H11V10.33L13,7H15L12,12L15,17H13L11,13.67V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",v9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9Z",l9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",o9="M9,7H11V15H15V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",n9="M9,7V17H15V15H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Z9="M9,7H11V15H15V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",S9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9Z",u9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",c9="M9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17H15V9H13V16H11V9H9V17H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",s9="M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",O9="M9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17H15V9H13V16H11V9H9V17H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",h9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9Z",p9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",f9="M9,7H11L13,12V7H15V17H13L11,12V17H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",g9="M9,7V17H11V12L13,17H15V7H13V12L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",k9="M9,7H11L13,12V7H15V17H13L11,12V17H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",B9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",P9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",w9="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",F9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",T9="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",b9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",y9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",R9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",x9="M9,7V17H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",D9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",E9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",N9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4Z",W9="M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,6V20H19V6H5M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17V19H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",I9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17V19H13V17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",G9="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17V19H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",Q9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",U9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",z9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11C15,11.84 14.5,12.55 13.76,12.85L15,17H13L11.8,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",_9="M9,7V17H11V13H11.8L13,17H15L13.76,12.85C14.5,12.55 15,11.84 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M11,9H13V11H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",K9="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11C15,11.84 14.5,12.55 13.76,12.85L15,17H13L11.8,13H11V17H9V7M11,9V11H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,16.41 7.58,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",j9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11Z",q9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",$9="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",X9="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Y9="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",J9="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9Z",C4="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",H4="M9,7H15V9H13V17H11V9H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",V4="M9,7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",L4="M9,7H15V9H13V17H11V9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",M4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9Z",A4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",i4="M9,7H11V15H13V7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",r4="M9,7V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V7H13V15H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",a4="M9,7H11V15H13V7H15V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",e4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9Z",d4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",m4="M9,7H11L12,12L13,7H15L13,17H11L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",t4="M9,7L11,17H13L15,7H13L12,12L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",v4="M9,7H11L12,12L13,7H15L13,17H11L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",l4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9Z",o4="M9,17H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,15V7H15V15H13V8H11V15H9V7H7V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",n4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",Z4="M9,17H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,15V7H15V15H13V8H11V15H9V7H7V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",S4="M9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15V7H9V15H11V8H13V15H15V7H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",u4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9Z",c4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",s4="M9,7H11L12,9.5L13,7H15L13,12L15,17H13L12,14.5L11,17H9L11,12L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",O4="M9,7L11,12L9,17H11L12,14.5L13,17H15L13,12L15,7H13L12,9.5L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",h4="M9,7H11L12,9.5L13,7H15L13,12L15,17H13L12,14.5L11,17H9L11,12L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",p4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9Z",f4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",g4="M9,7H11L12,10L13,7H15L13,13V17H11V13L9,7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",k4="M9,7L11,13V17H13V13L15,7H13L12,10L11,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",B4="M9,7H11L12,10L13,7H15L13,13V17H11V13L9,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",P4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9Z",w4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",F4="M9,7H15V9L11,15H15V17H9V15L13,9H9V7M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",T4="M9,7V9H13L9,15V17H15V15H11L15,9V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",b4="M9,7H15V9L11,15H15V17H9V15L13,9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",y4="M3 4V11H14.23L22 4H19L13.46 9H5V4H3M3 13V20H5V15H13.46L19 20H22L14.23 13H3Z",R4="M16 6C14.36 6 13 7.36 13 9V15C13 16.65 14.36 18 16 18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V12C20 10.36 18.65 9 17 9H15C15 8.44 15.44 8 16 8H18C19.09 8 20 7.09 20 6M5 9V11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12H7C5.36 12 4 13.36 4 15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H11V12C11 10.36 9.65 9 8 9M15 11H17C17.57 11 18 11.43 18 12V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16C15.43 16 15 15.57 15 15M7 14H9V16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15C6 14.43 6.43 14 7 14Z",x4="M16 6C14.36 6 13 7.36 13 9V21H15V9C15 8.43 15.43 8 16 8H17C17.57 8 18 8.43 18 9V10C18 10.57 17.57 11 17 11H16V13H17C17.57 13 18 13.43 18 14V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16V18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V14C20 13.18 19.59 12.46 19 12C19.59 11.54 20 10.82 20 10V9C20 7.36 18.65 6 17 6M7 9C5.36 9 4 10.36 4 12V15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H7.7C8.2 18 8.65 17.81 9 17.5V18H11V9H9V9.5C8.65 9.19 8.2 9 7.7 9M7 11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12V15C9 15.57 8.57 16 8 16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15V12C6 11.43 6.43 11 7 11Z",D4="M13 6V18H15V17.31C15.37 17.73 15.9 18 16.5 18H17C18.65 18 20 16.65 20 15V12C20 10.36 18.65 9 17 9H16.5C15.9 9 15.37 9.27 15 9.7V6M5 9V11H8C8.57 11 9 11.43 9 12H7C5.36 12 4 13.36 4 15C4 16.65 5.36 18 7 18H11V12C11 10.36 9.65 9 8 9M16 11H17C17.57 11 18 11.43 18 12V15C18 15.57 17.57 16 17 16H16C15.43 16 15 15.57 15 15V12C15 11.43 15.43 11 16 11M7 14H9V16H7C6.43 16 6 15.57 6 15C6 14.43 6.43 14 7 14Z",E4="M13.04 4L6.54 17.85C6.21 18.55 5.5 19 4.73 19H4V20H16C17.2 20 18.27 20.54 19 21.39H20C19.05 19.32 17 18 14.7 18H12C11.29 18 10.62 17.63 10.24 17.03C9.85 16.43 9.8 15.68 10.1 15.03L10.58 14H19V13H17.5C15.29 13 13.5 11.21 13.5 9C13.5 6.79 15.29 5 17.5 5H20V4Z",N4="M10 7L12.5 3H15L11 7H10M12.5 9C11.96 9 11.46 9.13 11 9.35V9H8V11H9V21H11V12.5C11 11.67 11.67 11 12.5 11C13.33 11 14 11.67 14 12.5V14.5C14 15.33 13.33 16 12.5 16H12V18H12.5C14.43 18 16 16.43 16 14.5V12.5C16 10.57 14.43 9 12.5 9Z",W4="M6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13V17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V13A2,2 0 0,1 4,11H6M4,13V15H6V13H4M20,13V15H22V17H20A2,2 0 0,1 18,15V13A2,2 0 0,1 20,11H22V13H20M12,7V11H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,15V7H12M12,15H14V13H12V15Z",I4="M22.11 21.46L16 15.31L14 13.31L13.65 13L10 9.34L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L10 11.89V15A2 2 0 0 0 12 17H14A1.92 1.92 0 0 0 14.89 16.78L20.84 22.73M12 15V13.89L13.11 15M16 12.78L14.22 11A2 2 0 0 1 16 12.78M20.2 17L18 14.8V13A2 2 0 0 1 20 11H22V13H20V15H22V17M6 11H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 13V15A2 2 0 0 0 4 17H8V13A2 2 0 0 0 6 11M6 15H4V13H6M12 8.8L10.2 7H12Z",G4="M3 7A2 2 0 0 0 1 9V17H3V13H5V17H7V9A2 2 0 0 0 5 7H3M3 9H5V11H3M15 10.5V9A2 2 0 0 0 13 7H9V17H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 15V13.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 13.5 12A1.54 1.54 0 0 0 15 10.5M13 15H11V13H13V15M13 11H11V9H13M19 7A2 2 0 0 0 17 9V15A2 2 0 0 0 19 17H21A2 2 0 0 0 23 15V14H21V15H19V9H21V10H23V9A2 2 0 0 0 21 7Z",Q4="M12.2 9L10.2 7H13A2 2 0 0 1 15 9V10.5A1.47 1.47 0 0 1 14.64 11.44L13 9.8V9M23 10V9A2 2 0 0 0 21 7H19A2 2 0 0 0 17 9V13.8L20.2 17H21A2 2 0 0 0 23 15V14H21V15H19V9H21V10M15 14.35L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L14.46 16.35A2 2 0 0 1 13 17H9V10.89L7 8.89V17H5V13H3V17H1V9A2 2 0 0 1 3 7H5.12L1.12 3L2.39 1.73L9 8.34L11 10.34L11.66 11L15 14.34M5 9H3V11H5M13 14.89L11.11 13H11V15H13Z",U4="M7,3V5H17V3H7M9,7V9H15V7H9M2,7.96V16.04L6.03,12L2,7.96M22.03,7.96L18,12L22.03,16.04V7.96M7,11V13H17V11H7M9,15V17H15V15H9M7,19V21H17V19H7Z",z4="M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5M19.5,9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5,9.5M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,18.5M20,8L23,12V17H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,20A3,3 0 0,1 15,17H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,20A3,3 0 0,1 3,17H1V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H17V8H20M8,6V9H5V11H8V14H10V11H13V9H10V6H8Z",_4="M14,22H10V21H14V22M13,10V7H11V10L10,11.5V20H14V11.5L13,10M12,2C12,2 11,3 11,5V6H13V5C13,5 13,3 12,2M8,22H4V21H8V22M7,10V7H5V10L4,11.5V20H8V11.5L7,10M6,2C6,2 5,3 5,5V6H7V5C7,5 7,3 6,2M20,22H16V21H20V22M19,10V7H17V10L16,11.5V20H20V11.5L19,10M18,2C18,2 17,3 17,5V6H19V5C19,5 19,3 18,2Z",K4="M4.4,16.5C4.4,15.6 4.7,14.7 5.2,13.9C5.7,13.1 6.7,12.2 8.2,11.2C7.3,10.1 6.8,9.3 6.5,8.7C6.1,8 6,7.4 6,6.7C6,5.2 6.4,4.1 7.3,3.2C8.2,2.3 9.4,2 10.9,2C12.2,2 13.3,2.4 14.2,3.2C15.1,4 15.5,5 15.5,6.1C15.5,6.9 15.3,7.6 14.9,8.3C14.5,9 13.8,9.7 12.8,10.4L11.4,11.5L15.7,16.7C16.3,15.5 16.6,14.3 16.6,12.8H18.8C18.8,15.1 18.3,17 17.2,18.5L20,21.8H17L15.7,20.3C15,20.9 14.3,21.3 13.4,21.6C12.5,21.9 11.6,22.1 10.7,22.1C8.8,22.1 7.3,21.6 6.1,20.6C5,19.5 4.4,18.2 4.4,16.5M10.7,20C12,20 13.2,19.5 14.3,18.5L9.6,12.8L9.2,13.1C7.7,14.2 7,15.3 7,16.5C7,17.6 7.3,18.4 8,19C8.7,19.6 9.5,20 10.7,20M8.5,6.7C8.5,7.6 9,8.6 10.1,9.9L11.7,8.8C12.3,8.4 12.7,8 12.9,7.6C13.1,7.2 13.2,6.7 13.2,6.2C13.2,5.6 13,5.1 12.5,4.7C12.1,4.3 11.5,4.1 10.8,4.1C10.1,4.1 9.5,4.3 9.1,4.8C8.7,5.3 8.5,5.9 8.5,6.7Z",j4="M10,2H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,3H21V21H19A1,1 0 0,1 18,22A1,1 0 0,1 17,21H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,22A1,1 0 0,1 5,21H3V3H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,2M5,5V9H19V5H5M7,6A1,1 0 0,1 8,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,6M12,6H14V7H12V6M15,6H16V8H15V6M17,6H18V8H17V6M12,11A4,4 0 0,0 8,15A4,4 0 0,0 12,19A4,4 0 0,0 16,15A4,4 0 0,0 12,11M10,6A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8A1,1 0 0,1 9,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,6Z",q4="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L3 4.9V21H5C5 21.6 5.4 22 6 22S7 21.6 7 21H17C17 21.6 17.4 22 18 22S19 21.6 19 21H19.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5 9V6.9L7.1 9H5M12 19C9.8 19 8 17.2 8 15C8 13.6 8.7 12.4 9.8 11.7L15.3 17.2C14.6 18.3 13.4 19 12 19M14 6V7H12V6H14M10 6C10.6 6 11 6.4 11 7C11 7.2 10.9 7.4 10.8 7.6L9.4 6.2C9.6 6.1 9.8 6 10 6M8.2 5L6.2 3H9C9 2.4 9.4 2 10 2H14C14.6 2 15 2.4 15 3H21V17.8L12.2 9H19V5H8.2M16 6V8H15V6H16M18 6V8H17V6H18Z",$4="M12 2A3 3 0 0 0 9 5A3 3 0 0 0 11 7.83V9H8V11H11V19.92C10.26 19.79 9.5 19.58 8.79 19.27C8.05 18.95 7.4 18.56 6.82 18.09C6.24 17.62 5.78 17.11 5.44 16.55L7 15L3 12V15C3 15.97 3.27 16.88 3.82 17.72C4.37 18.56 5.09 19.31 6 19.95C6.87 20.59 7.84 21.09 8.88 21.45C9.93 21.81 10.97 22 12 22C13.03 22 14.07 21.8 15.12 21.44C16.16 21.08 17.13 20.58 18 19.95C18.92 19.31 19.63 18.57 20.18 17.72C20.73 16.88 21 15.97 21 15V12L17 15L18.56 16.55C18.22 17.11 17.76 17.62 17.18 18.09C16.6 18.56 15.95 18.95 15.21 19.27C14.5 19.58 13.74 19.79 13 19.92V11H16V9H13V7.82A3 3 0 0 0 15 5A3 3 0 0 0 12 2M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 6A1 1 0 0 1 11 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",X4="M16.61 15.15C16.15 15.15 15.77 14.78 15.77 14.32S16.15 13.5 16.61 13.5H16.61C17.07 13.5 17.45 13.86 17.45 14.32C17.45 14.78 17.07 15.15 16.61 15.15M7.41 15.15C6.95 15.15 6.57 14.78 6.57 14.32C6.57 13.86 6.95 13.5 7.41 13.5H7.41C7.87 13.5 8.24 13.86 8.24 14.32C8.24 14.78 7.87 15.15 7.41 15.15M16.91 10.14L18.58 7.26C18.67 7.09 18.61 6.88 18.45 6.79C18.28 6.69 18.07 6.75 18 6.92L16.29 9.83C14.95 9.22 13.5 8.9 12 8.91C10.47 8.91 9 9.24 7.73 9.82L6.04 6.91C5.95 6.74 5.74 6.68 5.57 6.78C5.4 6.87 5.35 7.08 5.44 7.25L7.1 10.13C4.25 11.69 2.29 14.58 2 18H22C21.72 14.59 19.77 11.7 16.91 10.14H16.91Z",Y4="M11,2H13V4H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,5.5V9L14.56,9.44L16.2,12.28C17.31,11.19 18,9.68 18,8H20C20,10.42 18.93,12.59 17.23,14.06L20.37,19.5L20.5,21.72L18.63,20.5L15.56,15.17C14.5,15.7 13.28,16 12,16C10.72,16 9.5,15.7 8.44,15.17L5.37,20.5L3.5,21.72L3.63,19.5L9.44,9.44L9,9V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,4H11V2M9.44,13.43C10.22,13.8 11.09,14 12,14C12.91,14 13.78,13.8 14.56,13.43L13.1,10.9H13.09C12.47,11.5 11.53,11.5 10.91,10.9H10.9L9.44,13.43M12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6Z",J4="M20,19H4.09L14.18,4.43L15.82,5.57L11.28,12.13C12.89,12.96 14,14.62 14,16.54C14,16.7 14,16.85 13.97,17H20V19M7.91,17H11.96C12,16.85 12,16.7 12,16.54C12,15.28 11.24,14.22 10.14,13.78L7.91,17Z",C6="M21,19H9.31L4.07,5.36L5.93,4.64L8.96,12.5C9.5,12.29 10.09,12.17 10.71,12.17V12.17C13.38,12.17 15.56,14.34 15.58,17H21V19M10.69,17H13.58C13.56,15.42 12.3,14.17 10.71,14.17C10.34,14.17 10,14.24 9.67,14.36L10.69,17Z",H6="M5,4H7V11H13V17H20V19H5V4M7,17H11V13H7V17Z",V6="M12,2.5L20.84,5.65L19.5,17.35L12,21.5L4.5,17.35L3.16,5.65L12,2.5M12,4.6L6.47,17H8.53L9.64,14.22H14.34L15.45,17H17.5L12,4.6M13.62,12.5H10.39L12,8.63L13.62,12.5Z",L6="M12,2.5L20.84,5.65L19.5,17.35L12,21.5L4.5,17.35L3.16,5.65L12,2.5M12,4.5L5,7L6.08,16.22L12,19.5L17.92,16.22L19,7L12,4.5M12,5.72L16.58,16H14.87L13.94,13.72H10.04L9.12,16H7.41L12,5.72M13.34,12.3L12,9.07L10.66,12.3H13.34Z",M6="M4,2C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6C6.89,6 6,6.89 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M12,10C10.89,10 10,10.89 10,12V20C10,21.11 10.89,22 12,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V12C22,10.89 21.11,10 20,10H12Z",A6="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10Z",i6="M4,2H14V4H4V14H2V4C2,2.89 2.89,2 4,2M8,6H18V8H8V18H6V8C6,6.89 6.89,6 8,6M12,10H20C21.11,10 22,10.89 22,12V20C22,21.11 21.11,22 20,22H12C10.89,22 10,21.11 10,20V12C10,10.89 10.89,10 12,10M14,12V20L20,16L14,12Z",r6="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M14,13V19L18,16L14,13Z",a6="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M16.1 17C15.91 17 15.76 16.9 15.55 16.73L10.39 12.56L8.66 16.9H7.17L11.54 6.39C11.65 6.11 11.89 5.97 12.17 5.97C12.45 5.97 12.67 6.11 12.79 6.39L16.77 15.97C16.81 16.08 16.84 16.19 16.84 16.26C16.83 16.68 16.5 17 16.1 17M12.17 8.11L14.76 14.5L10.85 11.42L12.17 8.11Z",e6="M12 7.5C12.69 7.5 13.27 7.73 13.76 8.2S14.5 9.27 14.5 10C14.5 11.05 14 11.81 13 12.28V21H11V12.28C10 11.81 9.5 11.05 9.5 10C9.5 9.27 9.76 8.67 10.24 8.2S11.31 7.5 12 7.5M16.69 5.3C17.94 6.55 18.61 8.11 18.7 10C18.7 11.8 18.03 13.38 16.69 14.72L15.5 13.5C16.5 12.59 17 11.42 17 10C17 8.67 16.5 7.5 15.5 6.5L16.69 5.3M6.09 4.08C4.5 5.67 3.7 7.64 3.7 10S4.5 14.3 6.09 15.89L4.92 17.11C3 15.08 2 12.7 2 10C2 7.3 3 4.94 4.92 2.91L6.09 4.08M19.08 2.91C21 4.94 22 7.3 22 10C22 12.8 21 15.17 19.08 17.11L17.91 15.89C19.5 14.3 20.3 12.33 20.3 10S19.5 5.67 17.91 4.08L19.08 2.91M7.31 5.3L8.5 6.5C7.5 7.42 7 8.58 7 10C7 11.33 7.5 12.5 8.5 13.5L7.31 14.72C5.97 13.38 5.3 11.8 5.3 10C5.3 8.2 5.97 6.64 7.31 5.3Z",d6="M9,5V10C13.03,12.47 8.44,14.97 6,16V19H21V16C14.59,13.27 17.47,9 22,8V5H9M2,6C2.81,8.13 4.42,9.5 7,10V6H2Z",m6="M15.54 12.97C14.86 12.97 14.24 13.22 13.76 13.64L12.47 12.89C12.56 12.6 12.6 12.29 12.6 11.97C12.6 11.65 12.56 11.34 12.5 11.05L13.73 10.32C14.21 10.76 14.85 11 15.54 11C17.03 11 18.24 9.81 18.24 8.32S17.03 5.63 15.54 5.63 12.84 6.84 12.84 8.33C12.84 8.5 12.86 8.7 12.89 8.88L11.64 9.6C11.21 9.15 10.64 8.82 10 8.65V7.26C11.09 6.91 11.88 5.89 11.88 4.69C11.88 3.2 10.67 2 9.18 2C7.69 2 6.5 3.2 6.5 4.69C6.5 5.89 7.26 6.9 8.34 7.26V8.66C6.86 9.04 5.76 10.37 5.76 11.97C5.76 13.57 6.86 14.91 8.34 15.28V16.73C7.26 17.09 6.5 18.1 6.5 19.3C6.5 20.79 7.69 22 9.18 22C10.67 22 11.88 20.79 11.88 19.3C11.88 18.1 11.09 17.08 10 16.73V15.29C10.64 15.13 11.2 14.8 11.64 14.35L12.9 15.08C12.86 15.27 12.84 15.46 12.84 15.66C12.84 17.15 14.05 18.36 15.54 18.36S18.24 17.15 18.24 15.66 17.03 12.97 15.54 12.97M15.54 7C16.28 7 16.87 7.59 16.87 8.32S16.28 9.66 15.54 9.66 14.21 9.06 14.21 8.32 14.8 7 15.54 7M7.85 4.69C7.85 3.95 8.44 3.35 9.18 3.35C9.92 3.35 10.5 3.95 10.5 4.69S9.92 6.03 9.18 6.03C8.44 6.03 7.85 5.43 7.85 4.69M10.5 19.3C10.5 20.04 9.92 20.64 9.18 20.64C8.44 20.64 7.85 20.04 7.85 19.3C7.85 18.56 8.44 17.96 9.18 17.96C9.92 17.96 10.5 18.56 10.5 19.3M9.18 13.89C8.12 13.89 7.26 13.03 7.26 11.97C7.26 10.91 8.12 10.05 9.18 10.05S11.1 10.91 11.1 11.97C11.1 13.03 10.24 13.89 9.18 13.89M15.54 17C14.8 17 14.21 16.4 14.21 15.66S14.8 14.33 15.54 14.33 16.87 14.93 16.87 15.66 16.28 17 15.54 17Z",t6="M7 7H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 9V17H5V13H7V17H9V9A2 2 0 0 0 7 7M7 11H5V9H7M14 7H10V17H12V13H14A2 2 0 0 0 16 11V9A2 2 0 0 0 14 7M14 11H12V9H14M20 9V15H21V17H17V15H18V9H17V7H21V9Z",v6="M7 11H5V9H7M14 7H11.38L13.29 9H14V9.75L15.87 11.71C15.95 11.5 16 11.25 16 11V9C16 7.9 15.11 7 14 7M4.45 2.62L3 4L5.86 7H5C3.9 7 3 7.9 3 9V17H5V13H7V17H9V10.3L10 11.34V17H12V13.45L19.55 21.38L21 20M20.9 17H21V15H20V9H21V7H17V9H18V13.95Z",l6="M18.71,19.5C17.88,20.74 17,21.95 15.66,21.97C14.32,22 13.89,21.18 12.37,21.18C10.84,21.18 10.37,21.95 9.1,22C7.79,22.05 6.8,20.68 5.96,19.47C4.25,17 2.94,12.45 4.7,9.39C5.57,7.87 7.13,6.91 8.82,6.88C10.1,6.86 11.32,7.75 12.11,7.75C12.89,7.75 14.37,6.68 15.92,6.84C16.57,6.87 18.39,7.1 19.56,8.82C19.47,8.88 17.39,10.1 17.41,12.63C17.44,15.65 20.06,16.66 20.09,16.67C20.06,16.74 19.67,18.11 18.71,19.5M13,3.5C13.73,2.67 14.94,2.04 15.94,2C16.07,3.17 15.6,4.35 14.9,5.19C14.21,6.04 13.07,6.7 11.95,6.61C11.8,5.46 12.36,4.26 13,3.5Z",o6="M8 11C7.45 11 7 10.55 7 10V8C7 7.45 7.45 7 8 7C8.55 7 9 7.45 9 8V10C9 10.55 8.55 11 8 11M17 10V8C17 7.45 16.55 7 16 7C15.45 7 15 7.45 15 8V10C15 10.55 15.45 11 16 11C16.55 11 17 10.55 17 10M22 5V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5M4 20L13.06 20C12.96 19.35 12.89 18.64 12.83 17.94C12.56 17.96 12.3 18 12 18C8.24 18 6.31 15.73 6.23 15.63C5.88 15.21 5.94 14.58 6.36 14.22C6.78 13.87 7.41 13.93 7.77 14.35C7.83 14.43 9.23 16 12 16C12.27 16 12.5 15.97 12.74 15.95C12.71 14.75 12.73 13.74 12.74 13.26H10.93C10.28 13.26 9.75 12.7 9.75 12C9.77 11.75 10.07 7.82 11 5H4L4 20M20 20L20 5H12.6C11.74 7.19 11.37 10.73 11.27 11.76H13.08C13.72 11.76 14.25 12.32 14.25 13C14.25 13.04 14.21 14.15 14.24 15.6C15.54 15.11 16.22 14.35 16.23 14.34C16.58 13.92 17.21 13.85 17.63 14.2C18.06 14.55 18.12 15.18 17.77 15.61C17.71 15.68 16.55 17.05 14.32 17.68C14.38 18.5 14.46 19.29 14.58 20H20Z",n6="M22,15.04C22,17.23 20.24,19 18.07,19H5.93C3.76,19 2,17.23 2,15.04C2,13.07 3.43,11.44 5.31,11.14C5.28,11 5.27,10.86 5.27,10.71C5.27,9.33 6.38,8.2 7.76,8.2C8.37,8.2 8.94,8.43 9.37,8.8C10.14,7.05 11.13,5.44 13.91,5.44C17.28,5.44 18.87,8.06 18.87,10.83C18.87,10.94 18.87,11.06 18.86,11.17C20.65,11.54 22,13.13 22,15.04Z",Z6="M2.09 16.8H3.75V9.76H2.09M2.92 8.84C3.44 8.84 3.84 8.44 3.84 7.94C3.84 7.44 3.44 7.04 2.92 7.04C2.4 7.04 2 7.44 2 7.94C2 8.44 2.4 8.84 2.92 8.84M9.25 7.06C6.46 7.06 4.7 8.96 4.7 12C4.7 15.06 6.46 16.96 9.25 16.96C12.04 16.96 13.8 15.06 13.8 12C13.8 8.96 12.04 7.06 9.25 7.06M9.25 8.5C10.96 8.5 12.05 9.87 12.05 12C12.05 14.15 10.96 15.5 9.25 15.5C7.54 15.5 6.46 14.15 6.46 12C6.46 9.87 7.54 8.5 9.25 8.5M14.5 14.11C14.57 15.87 16 16.96 18.22 16.96C20.54 16.96 22 15.82 22 14C22 12.57 21.18 11.77 19.23 11.32L18.13 11.07C16.95 10.79 16.47 10.42 16.47 9.78C16.47 9 17.2 8.45 18.28 8.45C19.38 8.45 20.13 9 20.21 9.89H21.84C21.8 8.2 20.41 7.06 18.29 7.06C16.21 7.06 14.73 8.21 14.73 9.91C14.73 11.28 15.56 12.13 17.33 12.53L18.57 12.82C19.78 13.11 20.27 13.5 20.27 14.2C20.27 15 19.47 15.57 18.31 15.57C17.15 15.57 16.26 15 16.16 14.11H14.5Z",S6="M15,14V8H17.17L12,2.83L6.83,8H9V14H15M12,0L22,10H17V16H7V10H2L12,0M7,18H17V24H7V18M15,20H9V22H15V20Z",u6="M6,2A4,4 0 0,1 10,6V8H14V6A4,4 0 0,1 18,2A4,4 0 0,1 22,6A4,4 0 0,1 18,10H16V14H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22A4,4 0 0,1 14,18V16H10V18A4,4 0 0,1 6,22A4,4 0 0,1 2,18A4,4 0 0,1 6,14H8V10H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M16,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,20A2,2 0 0,0 20,18A2,2 0 0,0 18,16H16V18M14,10H10V14H14V10M6,16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20A2,2 0 0,0 8,18V16H6M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,4A2,2 0 0,0 4,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8H8V6M18,8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4A2,2 0 0,0 16,6V8H18Z",c6="M19.78,11.78L18.36,13.19L12,6.83L5.64,13.19L4.22,11.78L12,4L19.78,11.78Z",s6="M3,4H9.11L16.15,18H21V20H14.88L7.84,6H3V4M14,4H21V6H14V4Z",O6="M15,18V12H17.17L12,6.83L6.83,12H9V18H15M12,4L22,14H17V20H7V14H2L12,4Z",h6="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.09 4.8,16 6.11,17.41L9.88,9.88L17.41,6.11C16,4.8 14.09,4 12,4M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.91 19.2,8 17.89,6.59L14.12,14.12L6.59,17.89C8,19.2 9.91,20 12,20M12,12L11.23,11.23L9.7,14.3L12.77,12.77L12,12M12,17.5H13V19H12V17.5M15.88,15.89L16.59,15.18L17.65,16.24L16.94,16.95L15.88,15.89M17.5,12V11H19V12H17.5M12,6.5H11V5H12V6.5M8.12,8.11L7.41,8.82L6.35,7.76L7.06,7.05L8.12,8.11M6.5,12V13H5V12H6.5Z",p6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",f6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M10 11H8V18H10V20H6V9H10V11M18 20H14V18H16V11H14V9H18V20M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",g6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20M6 8V18H10V16H8V10H10V8H6M16 16H14V18H18V8H14V10H16V16",k6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M11 11H9V12.5C9 13.6 8.1 14.5 7 14.5C8.1 14.5 9 15.4 9 16.5V18H11V20H9C7.9 20 7 19.1 7 18V17.5C7 16.4 6.1 15.5 5 15.5V13.5C6.1 13.5 7 12.6 7 11.5V11C7 9.9 7.9 9 9 9H11V11M19 15.5C17.9 15.5 17 16.4 17 17.5V18C17 19.1 16.1 20 15 20H13V18H15V16.5C15 15.4 15.9 14.5 17 14.5C15.9 14.5 15 13.6 15 12.5V11H13V9H15C16.1 9 17 9.9 17 11V11.5C17 12.6 17.9 13.5 19 13.5V15.5M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",B6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20M9 8C7.9 8 7 8.9 7 10C7 11.1 6.1 12 5 12V14C6.1 14 7 14.9 7 16C7 17.1 7.9 18 9 18H11V16H9V15C9 13.9 8.1 13 7 13C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11V10H11V8M15 8C16.1 8 17 8.9 17 10C17 11.1 17.9 12 19 12V14C17.9 14 17 14.9 17 16C17 17.1 16.1 18 15 18H13V16H15V15C15 13.9 15.9 13 17 13C15.9 13 15 12.1 15 11V10H13V8H15Z",P6="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 3,22H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M11,17.5L9.5,19L5,14.5L9.5,10L11,11.5L8,14.5L11,17.5M14.5,19L13,17.5L16,14.5L13,11.5L14.5,10L19,14.5L14.5,19M21,7H3V4H21V7Z",w6="M9.5,8.5L11,10L8,13L11,16L9.5,17.5L5,13L9.5,8.5M14.5,17.5L13,16L16,13L13,10L14.5,8.5L19,13L14.5,17.5M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 3,22H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M21,20H3V6H21V20Z",F6="M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 13.2 19.1 13.2H17.1C16.9 13.2 16.8 13.3 16.8 13.4L16.6 14.7C16.3 14.9 16.1 15 15.8 15.2L14.6 14.7C14.5 14.7 14.4 14.7 14.3 14.8L13.3 16.5C13.3 16.6 13.3 16.7 13.4 16.8L14.5 17.6V18.6L13.4 19.4C13.3 19.5 13.2 19.6 13.3 19.7L14.3 21.4C14.4 21.5 14.5 21.5 14.6 21.5L15.8 21C16 21.2 16.3 21.4 16.6 21.5L16.8 22.8C16.9 22.9 17 23 17.1 23H19.1C19.2 23 19.3 22.9 19.3 22.8L19.5 21.5C19.8 21.3 20 21.2 20.3 21L21.5 21.4C21.6 21.4 21.7 21.4 21.8 21.3L22.8 19.6C22.9 19.5 22.9 19.4 22.8 19.4L21.7 18.6M18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18 18.8 19.5 18 19.5M11 18C11 14.1 14.1 11 18 11C20 11 21.7 11.8 23 13.1V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H12.3C11.5 20.9 11 19.5 11 18M3 4H21V7H3V4Z",T6="M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 13.2 19.1 13.2H17.1C16.9 13.2 16.8 13.3 16.8 13.4L16.6 14.7C16.3 14.9 16.1 15 15.8 15.2L14.6 14.7C14.5 14.7 14.4 14.7 14.3 14.8L13.3 16.5C13.3 16.6 13.3 16.7 13.4 16.8L14.5 17.6V18.6L13.4 19.4C13.3 19.5 13.2 19.6 13.3 19.7L14.3 21.4C14.4 21.5 14.5 21.5 14.6 21.5L15.8 21C16 21.2 16.3 21.4 16.6 21.5L16.8 22.8C16.9 22.9 17 23 17.1 23H19.1C19.2 23 19.3 22.9 19.3 22.8L19.5 21.5C19.8 21.3 20 21.2 20.3 21L21.5 21.4C21.6 21.4 21.7 21.4 21.8 21.3L22.8 19.6C22.9 19.5 22.9 19.4 22.8 19.4L21.7 18.6M18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18 18.8 19.5 18 19.5M12.3 22H3C1.9 22 1 21.1 1 20V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.9 23 4V13.1C22.4 12.5 21.7 12 21 11.7V6H3V20H11.3C11.5 20.7 11.8 21.4 12.3 22Z",b6="M11 20.1L19.2 11.9C19.7 11.4 20.3 11.1 21 11.1C21.7 11.1 22.3 11.4 22.8 11.9L23 12.1V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H11V20.1M3 4H21V7H3V4M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9Z",y6="M11 20V22H3C1.9 22 1 21.1 1 20V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.9 23 4V12.1L22.8 11.9C22.3 11.4 21.7 11.1 21 11.1V6H3V20H11M21.4 13.3L22.7 14.6C22.9 14.8 22.9 15.2 22.7 15.4L21.7 16.4L19.6 14.3L20.6 13.3C20.7 13.2 20.8 13.1 21 13.1C21.2 13.1 21.3 13.2 21.4 13.3M21.1 16.9L15.1 23H13V20.9L19.1 14.8L21.1 16.9Z",R6="M9 12H18.8L16.3 9.5L17.7 8.1L22.6 13L17.7 17.9L16.3 16.5L18.8 14H9V12M21 17.4V20H3V6H21V8.6L23 10.6V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V15.4L21 17.4Z",x6="M1 12H10.8L8.3 9.5L9.7 8.1L14.6 13L9.7 17.9L8.3 16.5L10.8 14H1V12M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V10.1H3V6H21V20H3V16H1V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2",D6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20Z",E6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M10 19.4L8.4 20C6.9 18.6 6 16.6 6 14.5S6.9 10.4 8.4 9L10 9.6C8.7 10.7 8 12.6 8 14.5S8.7 18.2 10 19.4M15.6 20L14 19.4C15.3 18.2 16 16.4 16 14.5S15.3 10.8 14 9.6L15.6 9C17.1 10.4 18 12.4 18 14.5C18 16.6 17.1 18.6 15.6 20M21 7H3V4H21V7Z",N6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M21 20H3V6H21V20M15.6 8C17.1 9.3 18 11.1 18 13C18 14.9 17.1 16.7 15.6 18L14 17.4C15.3 16.4 16 14.7 16 13S15.3 9.6 14 8.6L15.6 8M8.4 8L10 8.6C8.7 9.6 8 11.3 8 13S8.7 16.4 10 17.4L8.4 18C6.9 16.7 6 14.9 6 13S6.9 9.3 8.4 8Z",W6="M21 0H3C1.9 0 1 .9 1 2V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H21C22.1 20 23 19.1 23 18V2C23 .9 22.1 0 21 0M21 5H3V2H21V5M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22",I6="M21 0H3C1.9 0 1 .9 1 2V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H21C22.1 20 23 19.1 23 18V2C23 .9 22.1 0 21 0M21 18H3V4H21V18M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22",G6="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 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20 18 19.56 18 19 17.56 18 17 18M23 19C22.06 21.34 19.73 23 17 23S11.94 21.34 11 19C11.94 16.66 14.27 15 17 15S22.06 16.66 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.62 18.38 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.62 14.5 19 15.62 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.38 19.5 19Z",l8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V12.06C15.87 10.83 17.35 10 19 10C19.34 10 19.68 10.04 20 10.11V8H4V21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V17.2C13 16.24 13.5 15.34 14.2 14.74V14.5C14.2 14 14.32 13.47 14.5 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",o8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M19 9C19.34 9 19.68 9.04 20 9.11V8H4V21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V17.2C13 16.24 13.5 15.34 14.2 14.74V13.5C14.2 13.33 14.24 13.17 14.26 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5C14.67 11 14.82 11.09 14.91 11.22C15.75 9.91 17.28 9 19 9M21.8 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14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",S8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13.63 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5C14.72 11 14.9 11.14 14.97 11.33C15.93 10.5 17.17 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8H4V21H15.19C14.12 19.43 13 17.35 13 15.5C13 14.61 13.23 13.76 13.63 13M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",u8="M14.5 11C14.72 11 14.9 11.14 14.97 11.33C14.42 11.79 13.96 12.36 13.63 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M6 19V10H4V21H15.19C14.78 20.4 14.36 19.72 14 19H6M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",c8="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 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3H21V7H10.2M20 8H11.2L20 16.8V8M20 19.35V19.34L8.66 8H8.66L7.66 7H7.66L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V7H5.11L6.11 8H4V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35Z",f8="M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V9H12.2L10.2 7H19V5H8.2M20 16.8V10H18V14.8L20 16.8M20 19.35V19.34L18 17.34V17.35L9.66 9H9.66L7.66 7H7.66L6.13 5.47L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V9H7.11L17.11 19H6V10H4V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35Z",g8="M20 21H4V10H6V19H18V10H20V21M3 3H21V9H3V3M9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11M5 5V7H19V5H5Z",k8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",B8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",P8="M18.5 12C19 12 19.5 12.07 20 12.18V8H4V21H12.5C12.18 20.23 12 19.39 12 18.5C12 14.91 14.91 12 18.5 12M9 13V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V13H9M21 7H3V3H21V7M18 18.5L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18Z",w8="M18 12.03V10H20V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C18.33 12 18.17 12 18 12.03M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M6 19V10H4V21H12.5C12.24 20.38 12.09 19.7 12.03 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",F8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",T8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",b8="M20 6H2V2H20V6M11.03 12H8V10.5C8 10.22 8.22 10 8.5 10H13.04C14.84 8.87 17.07 8.7 19 9.5V7H3V20H11.82C9.7 17.8 9.44 14.5 11.03 12M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",y8="M13.04 10C12.64 10.25 12.26 10.55 11.9 10.9C11.57 11.24 11.27 11.61 11.03 12H8V10.5C8 10.22 8.22 10 8.5 10H13.04M20 8H2V2H20V8M18 4H4V6H18V4M5 18V9H3V20H11.82C11.24 19.4 10.8 18.72 10.5 18H5M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",R8="M21 2V6H3V2H21M4 7H20V20H4V7M9 12H15V10.5C15 10.22 14.78 10 14.5 10H9.5C9.22 10 9 10.22 9 10.5V12M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",x8="M3 2V8H21V2H3M19 6H5V4H19V6M18 9H20V20H4V9H6V18H18V9M15 10.5V12H9V10.5C9 10.22 9.22 10 9.5 10H14.5C14.78 10 15 10.22 15 10.5M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",D8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H4V8H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 13V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",E8="M18 13.09V10H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09M9.5 11C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H15V11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5M6 19V10H4V21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",N8="M21 7H3V3H21V7M9.5 11H14.5C14.78 11 15 11.22 15 11.5V12.82C16.17 11.69 17.75 11 19.5 11C19.67 11 19.84 11 20 11.03V8H4V21H14.03C13.38 20 13 18.79 13 17.5C13 15.75 13.69 14.17 14.82 13H9V11.5C9 11.22 9.22 11 9.5 11M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",W8="M18 11.18V10H20V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C19 11 18.5 11.07 18 11.18M15 11.5C15 11.22 14.78 11 14.5 11H9.5C9.22 11 9 11.22 9 11.5V13H14.82C14.88 12.94 14.94 12.88 15 12.82V11.5M6 19V10H4V21H14.03C13.64 20.39 13.35 19.72 13.18 19H6M21 9H3V3H21V9M19 5H5V7H19V5M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",I8="M3 18.34C3 18.34 4 7.09 7 3L12 4L11 7.09H9V14.25H10C12 11.18 16.14 10.06 18.64 11.18C21.94 12.71 21.64 17.32 18.64 19.36C16.24 21 9 22.43 3 18.34Z",G8="M7 7.76V16.25H11.08L11.68 15.34C12.84 13.55 14.93 12.75 16.47 12.75C17 12.75 17.45 12.84 17.79 13C18.7 13.41 18.95 14.18 19 14.74C19.08 15.87 18.5 17.03 17.5 17.71C16.6 18.33 14.44 19 11.87 19C10.12 19 7.61 18.69 5.12 17.3C5.41 14.85 6 10.88 7 7.76M7 3C4 7.09 3 18.34 3 18.34C5.9 20.31 9.08 21 11.87 21C14.86 21 17.39 20.21 18.64 19.36C21.64 17.32 21.94 12.71 18.64 11.18C18 10.89 17.26 10.75 16.47 10.75C14.17 10.75 11.5 11.96 10 14.25H9V7.09H11L12 4L7 3Z",Q8="M2,2H16V16H2V2M22,8V22H8V18H10V20H20V10H18V8H22Z",U8="M2,2H11V6H9V4H4V9H6V11H2V2M22,13V22H13V18H15V20H20V15H18V13H22M8,8H16V16H8V8Z",z8="M2,2H16V16H2V2M22,8V22H8V18H18V8H22M4,4V14H14V4H4Z",_8="M2,2H11V11H2V2M9,4H4V9H9V4M22,13V22H13V13H22M15,20H20V15H15V20M16,8V11H13V8H16M11,16H8V13H11V16Z",K8="M13,11H18L16.5,9.5L17.92,8.08L21.84,12L17.92,15.92L16.5,14.5L18,13H13V18L14.5,16.5L15.92,17.92L12,21.84L8.08,17.92L9.5,16.5L11,18V13H6L7.5,14.5L6.08,15.92L2.16,12L6.08,8.08L7.5,9.5L6,11H11V6L9.5,7.5L8.08,6.08L12,2.16L15.92,6.08L14.5,7.5L13,6V11Z",j8="M19,6.41L17.59,5L7,15.59V9H5V19H15V17H8.41L19,6.41Z",q8="M5 21C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5M15.3 16L13.2 13.9L17 10L14.2 7.2L10.4 11.1L8.2 8.9V16H15.3Z",$8="M8 16V8.9L10.1 11L14.2 7.1L17 10L12.9 13.9L15 16H8M21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",X8="M18.36,19.78H4.22V5.64L8.47,9.88L14.12,4.22L19.78,9.88L14.12,15.54L18.36,19.78M6.34,17.66H13.41L11.29,15.54L16.95,9.88L14.12,7.05L8.46,12.71L6.34,10.59V17.66Z",Y8="M15.5,5.69L18.31,8.5L11.94,14.89H16.89V18.31H5.69V7.11H9.12V12.06L15.5,5.69Z",J8="M12.07 19L9.24 16.18L19 6.42L17.58 5L7.82 14.76L5 11.94V19Z",CC="M12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22M10.12 12.47L8 10.36V16H13.64L11.53 13.88L16.5 8.9L15.1 7.5",HC="M5,6.41L6.41,5L17,15.59V9H19V19H9V17H15.59L5,6.41Z",VC="M19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21M15.8 16V8.9L13.7 11L9.8 7.2L7 10L10.8 13.9L8.7 16H15.8Z",LC="M16 16H8.9L11 13.9L7 10L9.8 7.2L13.9 11.1L16 8.9V16M5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21M5 5H19V19H5V5Z",MC="M9.88,15.54L4.22,9.88L9.88,4.22L15.54,9.88L19.78,5.64V19.78H5.64L9.88,15.54M17.66,10.59L15.54,12.71L9.88,7.05L7.05,9.88L12.71,15.54L10.59,17.66H17.66V10.59Z",AC="M14.89,12.06V7.11H18.31V18.31H7.11V14.89H12.06L5.69,8.5L8.5,5.69L14.89,12.06Z",iC="M11.93 19L14.76 16.18L5 6.42L6.42 5L16.18 14.76L19 11.94V19Z",rC="M12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 7.59 7.59 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C6.46 2 2 6.46 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22M13.88 12.47L16 10.36V16H10.36L12.47 13.88L7.5 8.9L8.9 7.5",aC="M19.5,3.09L15,7.59V4H13V11H20V9H16.41L20.91,4.5L19.5,3.09M4,13V15H7.59L3.09,19.5L4.5,20.91L9,16.41V20H11V13H4Z",eC="M19.5,3.09L20.91,4.5L16.41,9H20V11H13V4H15V7.59L19.5,3.09M20.91,19.5L19.5,20.91L15,16.41V20H13V13H20V15H16.41L20.91,19.5M4.5,3.09L9,7.59V4H11V11H4V9H7.59L3.09,4.5L4.5,3.09M3.09,19.5L7.59,15H4V13H11V20H9V16.41L4.5,20.91L3.09,19.5Z",dC="M19.92,12.08L12,20L4.08,12.08L5.5,10.67L11,16.17V2H13V16.17L18.5,10.66L19.92,12.08M12,20H2V22H22V20H12Z",mC="M13,20V4H15.03V20H13M10,20V4H12.03V20H10M5,8L9.03,12L5,16V13H2V11H5V8M20,16L16,12L20,8V11H23V13H20V16Z",tC="M11.92,19.92L4,12L11.92,4.08L13.33,5.5L7.83,11H22V13H7.83L13.34,18.5L11.92,19.92M4,12V2H2V22H4V12Z",vC="M12.08,4.08L20,12L12.08,19.92L10.67,18.5L16.17,13H2V11H16.17L10.67,5.5L12.08,4.08M20,12V22H22V2H20V12Z",lC="M4.08,11.92L12,4L19.92,11.92L18.5,13.33L13,7.83V22H11V7.83L5.5,13.33L4.08,11.92M12,4H22V2H2V4H12Z",oC="M4,12H20V14H4V12M4,9H20V11H4V9M16,4L12,8L8,4H11V1H13V4H16M8,19L12,15L16,19H13V22H11V19H8Z",nC="M11,5H8L12,1L16,5H13V9.43C12.25,9.89 11.58,10.46 11,11.12V5M22,11L18,7V10C14.39,9.85 11.31,12.57 11,16.17C9.44,16.72 8.62,18.44 9.17,20C9.72,21.56 11.44,22.38 13,21.83C14.56,21.27 15.38,19.56 14.83,18C14.53,17.14 13.85,16.47 13,16.17C13.47,12.17 17.47,11.97 17.95,11.97V14.97L22,11M10.63,11.59C9.3,10.57 7.67,10 6,10V7L2,11L6,15V12C7.34,12.03 8.63,12.5 9.64,13.4C9.89,12.76 10.22,12.15 10.63,11.59Z",ZC="M12,5H9L13,1L17,5H14V9.43C13.25,9.89 12.58,10.46 12,11.12V5M10.4,15H8.5L7.8,13H4.6L3.9,15H2L5.2,6H7.2L10.4,15M7.35,11.65L6.2,8L5.05,11.65H7.35M23,11L19,7V10C15.39,9.85 12.31,12.57 12,16.17C10.44,16.72 9.62,18.44 10.17,20C10.72,21.56 12.44,22.38 14,21.83C15.56,21.27 16.38,19.56 15.83,18C15.53,17.14 14.85,16.47 14,16.17C14.47,12.17 18.47,11.97 18.95,11.97V14.97L23,11Z",SC="M19,15V12C18.5,12 14.5,12.16 14.05,16.2C15.61,16.75 16.43,18.47 15.88,20.03C15.33,21.59 13.61,22.41 12.05,21.86C10.5,21.3 9.67,19.59 10.22,18.03C10.5,17.17 11.2,16.5 12.05,16.2C12.34,12.61 15.4,9.88 19,10V7L23,11L19,15M14,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19M12,11.12C12.58,10.46 13.25,9.89 14,9.43V5H17L13,1L9,5H12V11.12M7.2,6H5.2L2,15H3.9L4.6,13H7.8L8.5,15H10.4L7.2,6M5.05,11.65L6.2,8L7.35,11.65H5.05Z",uC="M9.64,13.4C8.63,12.5 7.34,12.03 6,12V15L2,11L6,7V10C7.67,10 9.3,10.57 10.63,11.59C10.22,12.15 9.89,12.76 9.64,13.4M18,15V12C17.5,12 13.5,12.16 13.05,16.2C14.61,16.75 15.43,18.47 14.88,20.03C14.33,21.59 12.61,22.41 11.05,21.86C9.5,21.3 8.67,19.59 9.22,18.03C9.5,17.17 10.2,16.5 11.05,16.2C11.34,12.61 14.4,9.88 18,10V7L22,11L18,15M13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19M11,11.12C11.58,10.46 12.25,9.89 13,9.43V5H16L12,1L8,5H11V11.12Z",cC="M11,4H13V16L18.5,10.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L5.5,10.5L11,16V4Z",sC="M9,4H15V12H19.84L12,19.84L4.16,12H9V4Z",OC="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,17L17,12H14V8H10V12H7L12,17Z",hC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",pC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,17L17,12H14V8H10V12H7L12,17Z",fC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",gC="M12,17L7,12H10V8H14V12H17L12,17M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",kC="M22,11L12,21L2,11H8V3H16V11H22M12,18L17,13H14V5H10V13H7L12,18Z",BC="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M11,6V14.5L7.5,11L6.08,12.42L12,18.34L17.92,12.42L16.5,11L13,14.5V6H11Z",PC="M11,6V14L7.5,10.5L6.08,11.92L12,17.84L17.92,11.92L16.5,10.5L13,14V6H11M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22Z",wC="M11,6H13V14L16.5,10.5L17.92,11.92L12,17.84L6.08,11.92L7.5,10.5L11,14V6M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20Z",FC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",TC="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",bC="M20 4V6H13.5C11 6 9 8 9 10.5V16.17L12.09 13.09L13.5 14.5L8 20L2.5 14.5L3.91 13.08L7 16.17V10.5C7 6.91 9.91 4 13.5 4H20Z",yC="M21 3V7H13.5C11.57 7 10 8.57 10 10.5V13H14L8 20L2 13H6V10.5C6 6.36 9.36 3 13.5 3H21Z",RC="M21.5 14.5L16 20L10.5 14.5L11.91 13.09L15 16.17V10.5C15 8 13 6 10.5 6H4V4H10.5C14.09 4 17 6.91 17 10.5V16.17L20.09 13.08L21.5 14.5Z",xC="M10.5 3C14.64 3 18 6.36 18 10.5V13H22L16 20L10 13H14V10.5C14 8.57 12.43 7 10.5 7H3V3H10.5Z",DC="M10,4H14V13L17.5,9.5L19.92,11.92L12,19.84L4.08,11.92L6.5,9.5L10,13V4Z",EC="M7.03 13.92H11.03V5L13.04 4.97V13.92H17.03L12.03 18.92Z",NC="M12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03M12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22M11 13.54H8L12 17.5L16 13.54H13V6.5H11",WC="M10,21V19H6.41L10.91,14.5L9.5,13.09L5,17.59V14H3V21H10M14.5,10.91L19,6.41V10H21V3H14V5H17.59L13.09,9.5L14.5,10.91Z",IC="M9.5,13.09L10.91,14.5L6.41,19H10V21H3V14H5V17.59L9.5,13.09M10.91,9.5L9.5,10.91L5,6.41V10H3V3H10V5H6.41L10.91,9.5M14.5,13.09L19,17.59V14H21V21H14V19H17.59L13.09,14.5L14.5,13.09M13.09,9.5L17.59,5H14V3H21V10H19V6.41L14.5,10.91L13.09,9.5Z",GC="M22,4V2H2V4H11V18.17L5.5,12.67L4.08,14.08L12,22L19.92,14.08L18.5,12.67L13,18.17V4H22Z",QC="M9,11H15V8L19,12L15,16V13H9V16L5,12L9,8V11M2,20V4H4V20H2M20,20V4H22V20H20Z",UC="M20,22H22V2H20V11H5.83L11.33,5.5L9.92,4.08L2,12L9.92,19.92L11.33,18.5L5.83,13H20V22Z",zC="M4,2H2V22H4V13H18.17L12.67,18.5L14.08,19.92L22,12L14.08,4.08L12.67,5.5L18.17,11H4V2Z",_C="M2,20V22H22V20H13V5.83L18.5,11.33L19.92,9.92L12,2L4.08,9.92L5.5,11.33L11,5.83V20H2Z",KC="M13,9V15H16L12,19L8,15H11V9H8L12,5L16,9H13M4,2H20V4H4V2M4,20H20V22H4V20Z",jC="M14.8 7V5.5C14.8 4.1 13.4 3 12 3S9.2 4.1 9.2 5.5V7C8.6 7 8 7.6 8 8.2V11.7C8 12.4 8.6 13 9.2 13H14.7C15.4 13 16 12.4 16 11.8V8.3C16 7.6 15.4 7 14.8 7M13.5 7H10.5V5.5C10.5 4.7 11.2 4.2 12 4.2S13.5 4.7 13.5 5.5V7M6 17V20L2 16L6 12V15H18V12L22 16L18 20V17H6Z",qC="M20,11V13H8L13.5,18.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L13.5,5.5L8,11H20Z",$C="M20,9V15H12V19.84L4.16,12L12,4.16V9H20Z",XC="M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M7,12L12,17V14H16V10H12V7L7,12Z",YC="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M19,5H5V19H19V5Z",JC="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7,12L12,17V14H16V10H12V7L7,12Z",CH="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12Z",HH="M7,12L12,7V10H16V14H12V17L7,12M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",VH="M13,22L3,12L13,2V8H21V16H13V22M6,12L11,17V14H19V10H11V7L6,12Z",LH="M20 4V10.5C20 14.09 17.09 17 13.5 17H7.83L10.92 20.09L9.5 21.5L4 16L9.5 10.5L10.91 11.91L7.83 15H13.5C16 15 18 13 18 10.5V4H20Z",MH="M21 10.5C21 14.64 17.64 18 13.5 18H11V22L4 16L11 10V14H13.5C15.43 14 17 12.43 17 10.5V3H21V10.5Z",AH="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M18,11H9.5L13,7.5L11.58,6.08L5.66,12L11.58,17.92L13,16.5L9.5,13H18V11Z",iH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M18,11H10L13.5,7.5L12.08,6.08L6.16,12L12.08,17.92L13.5,16.5L10,13H18V11Z",rH="M18,11V13H10L13.5,16.5L12.08,17.92L6.16,12L12.08,6.08L13.5,7.5L10,11H18M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12Z",aH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",eH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",dH="M6.45,17.45L1,12L6.45,6.55L7.86,7.96L4.83,11H19.17L16.14,7.96L17.55,6.55L23,12L17.55,17.45L16.14,16.04L19.17,13H4.83L7.86,16.04L6.45,17.45Z",mH="M8,14V18L2,12L8,6V10H16V6L22,12L16,18V14H8Z",tH="M14,16V22L24,12L14,2V8H10V2L0,12L10,22V16H14M8,14V17L3,12L8,7V10H16V7L21,12L16,17V14H8Z",vH="M20,10V14H11L14.5,17.5L12.08,19.92L4.16,12L12.08,4.08L14.5,6.5L11,10H20Z",lH="M10.05 16.94V12.94H18.97L19 10.93H10.05V6.94L5.05 11.94Z",oH="M3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12M2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12M10.46 11V8L6.5 12L10.46 16V13H17.5V11",nH="M20 13.5V20H18V13.5C18 11 16 9 13.5 9H7.83L10.91 12.09L9.5 13.5L4 8L9.5 2.5L10.92 3.91L7.83 7H13.5C17.09 7 20 9.91 20 13.5Z",ZH="M21 21H17V13.5C17 11.57 15.43 10 13.5 10H11V14L4 8L11 2V6H13.5C17.64 6 21 9.36 21 13.5V21Z",SH="M6 14H9L5 18L1 14H4C4 11.3 5.7 6.6 11 6.1V8.1C7.6 8.6 6 11.9 6 14M20 14C20 11.3 18.3 6.6 13 6.1V8.1C16.4 8.7 18 11.9 18 14H15L19 18L23 14H20Z",uH="M13 8.1V6.1C18.3 6.6 20 11.4 20 14H23L20.1 16.9L17.2 14H18C18 11.9 16.4 8.6 13 8.1M7.8 7.1L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.3 8.2C4.7 10 4 12.4 4 14H1L5 18L9 14H6C6 12.7 6.6 11 7.9 9.7L20.9 22.7L22.2 21.4L9.3 8.7L7.8 7.1M11 6.1L9.5 6.4L11 7.8V6.1Z",cH="M22 2L20 7L19.03 6.03L8 17.06V19L5 22L4 20L2 19L5 16H6.94L17.97 4.97L17 4L22 2Z",sH="M19 16L22 19L20 20L19 22L16 19V17.06L12 13.06L8 17.06V19L5 22L4 20L2 19L5 16H6.94L10.94 12L4.97 6.03L4 7L2 2L7 4L6.03 4.97L12 10.94L17.97 4.97L17 4L22 2L20 7L19.03 6.03L13.06 12L17.06 16H19Z",OH="M4,11V13H16L10.5,18.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L10.5,5.5L16,11H4Z",hH="M4,15V9H12V4.16L19.84,12L12,19.84V15H4Z",pH="M3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19M17,12L12,7V10H8V14H12V17L17,12Z",fH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19M5,19H19V5H5V19Z",gH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M17,12L12,7V10H8V14H12V17L17,12Z",kH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12Z",BH="M17,12L12,17V14H8V10H12V7L17,12M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",PH="M11,16H3V8H11V2L21,12L11,22V16M13,7V10H5V14H13V17L18,12L13,7Z",wH="M20 16L14.5 21.5L13.08 20.09L16.17 17H10.5C6.91 17 4 14.09 4 10.5V4H6V10.5C6 13 8 15 10.5 15H16.17L13.09 11.91L14.5 10.5L20 16Z",FH="M3 3H7V10.5C7 12.43 8.57 14 10.5 14H13V10L20 16L13 22V18H10.5C6.36 18 3 14.64 3 10.5V3Z",TH="M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5M6,13H14.5L11,16.5L12.42,17.92L18.34,12L12.42,6.08L11,7.5L14.5,11H6V13Z",bH="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M6,13H14L10.5,16.5L11.92,17.92L17.84,12L11.92,6.08L10.5,7.5L14,11H6V13Z",yH="M6,13V11H14L10.5,7.5L11.92,6.08L17.84,12L11.92,17.92L10.5,16.5L14,13H6M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12Z",RH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",xH="M2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12M4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",DH="M4,10V14H13L9.5,17.5L11.92,19.92L19.84,12L11.92,4.08L9.5,6.5L13,10H4Z",EH="M14 16.94V12.94H5.08L5.05 10.93H14V6.94L19 11.94Z",NH="M20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12M22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12M13.54 13V16L17.5 12L13.54 8V11H6.5V13",WH="M20 8L14.5 13.5L13.09 12.09L16.17 9H10.5C8 9 6 11 6 13.5V20H4V13.5C4 9.91 6.91 7 10.5 7H16.17L13.08 3.91L14.5 2.5L20 8Z",IH="M3 13.5C3 9.36 6.36 6 10.5 6H13V2L20 8L13 14V10H10.5C8.57 10 7 11.57 7 13.5V21H3V13.5Z",GH="M8,18H11V15H2V13H22V15H13V18H16L12,22L8,18M12,2L8,6H11V9H2V11H22V9H13V6H16L12,2Z",QH="M18,16V13H15V22H13V2H15V11H18V8L22,12L18,16M2,12L6,16V13H9V22H11V2H9V11H6V8L2,12Z",UH="M19,17.59L17.59,19L7,8.41V15H5V5H15V7H8.41L19,17.59Z",zH="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M8.2 8V15.1L10.3 13L14.1 16.9L17 14L13.2 10.1L15.3 8H8.2Z",_H="M8 8H15.1L13 10.1L17 14L14.2 16.8L10.1 12.9L8 15.1V8M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",KH="M14.12,8.46L19.78,14.12L14.12,19.78L8.46,14.12L4.22,18.36V4.22H18.36L14.12,8.46M6.34,13.41L8.46,11.29L14.12,16.95L16.95,14.12L11.29,8.47L13.41,6.34H6.34V13.41Z",jH="M13,21H21V13H19V17.59L6.41,5H11V3H3V11H5V6.41L17.59,19H13V21Z",qH="M5.83,8.66L3,11.5V3H11.5L8.66,5.83L18.17,15.34L21,12.5V21H12.5L15.34,18.17L5.83,8.66Z",$H="M9.12,11.94V16.89H5.69V5.69H16.89V9.12H11.94L18.31,15.5L15.5,18.31L9.12,11.94Z",XH="M12.07 5L9.24 7.83L19 17.59L17.58 19L7.82 9.25L5 12.07V5Z",YH="M12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 7.59 7.59 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C6.46 2 2 6.46 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2M10.12 11.53L8 13.64V8H13.64L11.53 10.12L16.5 15.1L15.1 16.5",JH="M5,17.59L15.59,7H9V5H19V15H17V8.41L6.41,19L5,17.59Z",CV="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M8.7 8L10.8 10.1L7 14L9.8 16.8L13.6 12.9L15.7 15V8H8.7Z",HV="M16 8V15.1L13.9 13L9.8 16.9L7 14L11.1 10.1L8.9 8H16M3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M5 5H19V19H5V5Z",VV="M5.64,4.22H19.78V18.36L15.54,14.12L9.88,19.78L4.22,14.12L9.88,8.46L5.64,4.22M17.66,6.34H10.59L12.71,8.46L7.05,14.12L9.88,16.95L15.54,11.29L17.66,13.41V6.34H17.66Z",LV="M11,21H3V13H5V17.59L17.59,5H13V3H21V11H19V6.41L6.41,19H11V21Z",MV="M18.17,8.66L21,11.5V3H12.5L15.34,5.83L5.83,15.34L3,12.5V21H11.5L8.66,18.17L18.17,8.66Z",AV="M8.5,18.31L5.69,15.5L12.06,9.12H7.11V5.69H18.31V16.89H14.89V11.94L8.5,18.31Z",iV="M11.93 5L14.76 7.83L5 17.59L6.42 19L16.18 9.25L19 12.07V5H11.93Z",rV="M12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2M13.88 11.53L16 13.64V8H10.36L12.47 10.12L7.5 15.1L8.9 16.5",aV="M20 10.5V18H18V10.5C18 8 16 6 13.5 6S9 8 9 10.5V16.17L12.09 13.09L13.5 14.5L8 20L2.5 14.5L3.91 13.08L7 16.17V10.5C7 6.91 9.91 4 13.5 4S20 6.91 20 10.5Z",eV="M21 10.5V18H17V10.5C17 8.57 15.43 7 13.5 7S10 8.57 10 10.5V13H14L8 20L2 13H6V10.5C6 6.36 9.36 3 13.5 3S21 6.36 21 10.5Z",dV="M21.5 14.5L16 20L10.5 14.5L11.91 13.09L15 16.17V10.5C15 8 13 6 10.5 6S6 8 6 10.5V18H4V10.5C4 6.91 6.91 4 10.5 4S17 6.91 17 10.5V16.17L20.09 13.08L21.5 14.5Z",mV="M10.5 3C14.64 3 18 6.36 18 10.5V13H22L16 20L10 13H14V10.5C14 8.57 12.43 7 10.5 7S7 8.57 7 10.5V18H3V10.5C3 6.36 6.36 3 10.5 3Z",tV="M20 10.5C20 14.09 17.09 17 13.5 17H7.83L10.92 20.09L9.5 21.5L4 16L9.5 10.5L10.91 11.91L7.83 15H13.5C16 15 18 13 18 10.5S16 6 13.5 6H6V4H13.5C17.09 4 20 6.91 20 10.5Z",vV="M21 10.5C21 14.64 17.64 18 13.5 18H11V22L4 16L11 10V14H13.5C15.43 14 17 12.43 17 10.5S15.43 7 13.5 7H6V3H13.5C17.64 3 21 6.36 21 10.5Z",lV="M20 13.5C20 17.09 17.09 20 13.5 20H6V18H13.5C16 18 18 16 18 13.5S16 9 13.5 9H7.83L10.91 12.09L9.5 13.5L4 8L9.5 2.5L10.92 3.91L7.83 7H13.5C17.09 7 20 9.91 20 13.5Z",oV="M13.5 21H6V17H13.5C15.43 17 17 15.43 17 13.5S15.43 10 13.5 10H11V14L4 8L11 2V6H13.5C17.64 6 21 9.36 21 13.5S17.64 21 13.5 21Z",nV="M20 16L14.5 21.5L13.08 20.09L16.17 17H10.5C6.91 17 4 14.09 4 10.5S6.91 4 10.5 4H18V6H10.5C8 6 6 8 6 10.5S8 15 10.5 15H16.17L13.09 11.91L14.5 10.5L20 16Z",ZV="M10.5 3H18V7H10.5C8.57 7 7 8.57 7 10.5S8.57 14 10.5 14H13V10L20 16L13 22V18H10.5C6.36 18 3 14.64 3 10.5S6.36 3 10.5 3Z",SV="M10.5 18H18V20H10.5C6.91 20 4 17.09 4 13.5S6.91 7 10.5 7H16.17L13.08 3.91L14.5 2.5L20 8L14.5 13.5L13.09 12.09L16.17 9H10.5C8 9 6 11 6 13.5S8 18 10.5 18Z",uV="M3 13.5C3 9.36 6.36 6 10.5 6H13V2L20 8L13 14V10H10.5C8.57 10 7 11.57 7 13.5S8.57 17 10.5 17H18V21H10.5C6.36 21 3 17.64 3 13.5Z",cV="M20 6V13.5C20 17.09 17.09 20 13.5 20S7 17.09 7 13.5V7.83L3.91 10.92L2.5 9.5L8 4L13.5 9.5L12.09 10.91L9 7.83V13.5C9 16 11 18 13.5 18S18 16 18 13.5V6H20Z",sV="M13.5 21C9.36 21 6 17.64 6 13.5V11H2L8 4L14 11H10V13.5C10 15.43 11.57 17 13.5 17S17 15.43 17 13.5V6H21V13.5C21 17.64 17.64 21 13.5 21Z",OV="M21.5 9.5L20.09 10.92L17 7.83V13.5C17 17.09 14.09 20 10.5 20S4 17.09 4 13.5V6H6V13.5C6 16 8 18 10.5 18S15 16 15 13.5V7.83L11.91 10.91L10.5 9.5L16 4L21.5 9.5Z",hV="M3 13.5V6H7V13.5C7 15.43 8.57 17 10.5 17S14 15.43 14 13.5V11H10L16 4L22 11H18V13.5C18 17.64 14.64 21 10.5 21S3 17.64 3 13.5Z",pV="M13,20H11V8L5.5,13.5L4.08,12.08L12,4.16L19.92,12.08L18.5,13.5L13,8V20Z",fV="M15,20H9V12H4.16L12,4.16L19.84,12H15V20Z",gV="M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M12,7L7,12H10V16H14V12H17L12,7Z",kV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M19,19V5H5V19H19Z",BV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,7L7,12H10V16H14V12H17L12,7Z",PV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20Z",wV="M12,7L17,12H14V16H10V12H7L12,7M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",FV="M16,13V21H8V13H2L12,3L22,13H16M7,11H10V19H14V11H17L12,6L7,11Z",TV="M21,19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5V19M13,18V9.5L16.5,13L17.92,11.58L12,5.66L6.08,11.58L7.5,13L11,9.5V18H13Z",bV="M13,18V10L16.5,13.5L17.92,12.08L12,6.16L6.08,12.08L7.5,13.5L11,10V18H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",yV="M13,18H11V10L7.5,13.5L6.08,12.08L12,6.16L17.92,12.08L16.5,13.5L13,10V18M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",RV="M17.45,17.55L12,23L6.55,17.55L7.96,16.14L11,19.17V4.83L7.96,7.86L6.55,6.45L12,1L17.45,6.45L16.04,7.86L13,4.83V19.17L16.04,16.14L17.45,17.55Z",xV="M10,8H6L12,2L18,8H14V16H18L12,22L6,16H10V8Z",DV="M16,10H22L12,0L2,10H8V14H2L12,24L22,14H16V10M14,16H17L12,21L7,16H10V8H7L12,3L17,8H14V16Z",EV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M17,14L12,9L7,14H17Z",NV="M12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M17,14L12,9L7,14H17Z",WV="M20 18V20H13.5C9.91 20 7 17.09 7 13.5V7.83L3.91 10.92L2.5 9.5L8 4L13.5 9.5L12.09 10.91L9 7.83V13.5C9 16 11 18 13.5 18H20Z",IV="M13.5 21C9.36 21 6 17.64 6 13.5V11H2L8 4L14 11H10V13.5C10 15.43 11.57 17 13.5 17H21V21H13.5Z",GV="M21.5 9.5L20.09 10.92L17 7.83V13.5C17 17.09 14.09 20 10.5 20H4V18H10.5C13 18 15 16 15 13.5V7.83L11.91 10.91L10.5 9.5L16 4L21.5 9.5Z",QV="M3 21V17H10.5C12.43 17 14 15.43 14 13.5V11H10L16 4L22 11H18V13.5C18 17.64 14.64 21 10.5 21H3Z",UV="M14,20H10V11L6.5,14.5L4.08,12.08L12,4.16L19.92,12.08L17.5,14.5L14,11V20Z",zV="M7.03 9.97H11.03V18.89L13.04 18.92V9.97H17.03L12.03 4.97Z",_V="M12 3.97C7.59 3.97 3.97 7.59 3.97 12C3.97 16.41 7.59 20.03 12 20.03C16.41 20.03 20.03 16.41 20.03 12C20.03 7.59 16.41 3.97 12 3.97M12 2C17.54 2 22 6.46 22 12C22 17.54 17.54 22 12 22C6.46 22 2 17.54 2 12C2 6.46 6.46 2 12 2M13 10.46H16L12 6.5L8 10.46H11V17.5H13",KV="M18.8 11V9.5C18.8 8.1 17.4 7 16 7S13.2 8.1 13.2 9.5V11C12.6 11 12 11.6 12 12.2V15.7C12 16.4 12.6 17 13.2 17H18.7C19.4 17 20 16.4 20 15.8V12.3C20 11.6 19.4 11 18.8 11M17.5 11H14.5V9.5C14.5 8.7 15.2 8.2 16 8.2C16.8 8.2 17.5 8.7 17.5 9.5V11M9 6H12L8 2L4 6H7V18H4L8 22L12 18H9V6Z",jV="M17 9V15H7V9H17M19 3H17V6H19V3M7 3H5V6H7V3M23 7H20V9H23V7M19 7H5V17H19V7M4 7H1V9H4V7M23 15H20V17H23V15M4 15H1V17H4V15M19 18H17V21H19V18M7 18H5V21H7V18Z",qV="M1.77,16.88L3.5,19.86C3.84,20.54 4.54,21 5.33,21H16.79L14.43,16.88H1.77M22.23,16.9C22.23,16.5 22.11,16.11 21.9,15.78L15.17,4.1C14.82,3.44 14.15,3 13.35,3H9.8L20.18,21L21.82,18.14C22.13,17.6 22.23,17.36 22.23,16.9M12.73,13.94L8.1,5.92L3.45,13.94H12.73Z",$V="M19,12H17V15H14V17H19V12M7,9H10V7H5V12H7V9M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",XV="M19,2H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,4V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H9L12,23L15,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2M13.88,12.88L12,17L10.12,12.88L6,11L10.12,9.12L12,5L13.88,9.12L18,11",YV="M21 13H14.4L19.1 17.7L17.7 19.1L13 14.4V21H11V14.3L6.3 19L4.9 17.6L9.4 13H3V11H9.6L4.9 6.3L6.3 4.9L11 9.6V3H13V9.4L17.6 4.8L19 6.3L14.3 11H21V13Z",JV="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.61 20 4 16.39 4 12C4 7.61 7.61 4 12 4C16.39 4 20 7.61 20 12C20 16.39 16.39 20 12 20M13 10.27L15.83 8.63L16.83 10.37L14 12L16.83 13.63L15.83 15.37L13 13.73V17H11V13.73L8.17 15.37L7.17 13.63L10 12L7.17 10.37L8.17 8.63L11 10.27V7H13V10.27Z",CL="M12,15C12.81,15 13.5,14.7 14.11,14.11C14.7,13.5 15,12.81 15,12C15,11.19 14.7,10.5 14.11,9.89C13.5,9.3 12.81,9 12,9C11.19,9 10.5,9.3 9.89,9.89C9.3,10.5 9,11.19 9,12C9,12.81 9.3,13.5 9.89,14.11C10.5,14.7 11.19,15 12,15M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12V13.45C22,14.45 21.65,15.3 21,16C20.3,16.67 19.5,17 18.5,17C17.3,17 16.31,16.5 15.56,15.5C14.56,16.5 13.38,17 12,17C10.63,17 9.45,16.5 8.46,15.54C7.5,14.55 7,13.38 7,12C7,10.63 7.5,9.45 8.46,8.46C9.45,7.5 10.63,7 12,7C13.38,7 14.55,7.5 15.54,8.46C16.5,9.45 17,10.63 17,12V13.45C17,13.86 17.16,14.22 17.46,14.53C17.76,14.84 18.11,15 18.5,15C18.92,15 19.27,14.84 19.57,14.53C19.87,14.22 20,13.86 20,13.45V12C20,9.81 19.23,7.93 17.65,6.35C16.07,4.77 14.19,4 12,4C9.81,4 7.93,4.77 6.35,6.35C4.77,7.93 4,9.81 4,12C4,14.19 4.77,16.07 6.35,17.65C7.93,19.23 9.81,20 12,20H17V22H12C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",HL="M7.93,11.24C7.74,11 7.38,10.94 7.13,11.13C7.06,11.19 7,11.26 6.96,11.34L2.06,21.15C1.91,21.44 2.03,21.79 2.32,21.94C2.4,22 2.5,22 2.59,22H9.41C9.63,22 9.84,21.88 9.94,21.68C11.41,18.63 10.5,14 7.93,11.24M11.53,2.31C9.05,6.14 8.76,11 10.77,15.09L14.06,21.68C14.17,21.88 14.37,22 14.59,22H21.41A0.59,0.59 0 0,0 22,21.41C22,21.32 22,21.23 21.94,21.15C21.94,21.15 12.76,2.77 12.5,2.31C12.39,2.04 12.06,1.92 11.78,2.06C11.67,2.11 11.58,2.2 11.53,2.31Z",VL="M8,9V10.5H10.25V15H11.75V10.5H14V9H8M6,9H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,10V15H3.5V13.5H5.5V15H7V10A1,1 0 0,0 6,9M5.5,12H3.5V10.5H5.5V12M21,9H16.5A1,1 0 0,0 15.5,10V15H17V10.5H18V14H19.5V10.5H20.5V15H22V10A1,1 0 0,0 21,9Z",LL="M12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11M4.22,4.22C5.65,2.79 8.75,3.43 12,5.56C15.25,3.43 18.35,2.79 19.78,4.22C21.21,5.65 20.57,8.75 18.44,12C20.57,15.25 21.21,18.35 19.78,19.78C18.35,21.21 15.25,20.57 12,18.44C8.75,20.57 5.65,21.21 4.22,19.78C2.79,18.35 3.43,15.25 5.56,12C3.43,8.75 2.79,5.65 4.22,4.22M15.54,8.46C16.15,9.08 16.71,9.71 17.23,10.34C18.61,8.21 19.11,6.38 18.36,5.64C17.62,4.89 15.79,5.39 13.66,6.77C14.29,7.29 14.92,7.85 15.54,8.46M8.46,15.54C7.85,14.92 7.29,14.29 6.77,13.66C5.39,15.79 4.89,17.62 5.64,18.36C6.38,19.11 8.21,18.61 10.34,17.23C9.71,16.71 9.08,16.15 8.46,15.54M5.64,5.64C4.89,6.38 5.39,8.21 6.77,10.34C7.29,9.71 7.85,9.08 8.46,8.46C9.08,7.85 9.71,7.29 10.34,6.77C8.21,5.39 6.38,4.89 5.64,5.64M9.88,14.12C10.58,14.82 11.3,15.46 12,16.03C12.7,15.46 13.42,14.82 14.12,14.12C14.82,13.42 15.46,12.7 16.03,12C15.46,11.3 14.82,10.58 14.12,9.88C13.42,9.18 12.7,8.54 12,7.97C11.3,8.54 10.58,9.18 9.88,9.88C9.18,10.58 8.54,11.3 7.97,12C8.54,12.7 9.18,13.42 9.88,14.12M18.36,18.36C19.11,17.62 18.61,15.79 17.23,13.66C16.71,14.29 16.15,14.92 15.54,15.54C14.92,16.15 14.29,16.71 13.66,17.23C15.79,18.61 17.62,19.11 18.36,18.36Z",ML="M18.36,2.64C20,2.64 21.36,4 21.36,5.64C21.36,7.29 20,8.64 18.36,8.64C16.71,8.64 15.36,7.29 15.36,5.64C15.36,5.34 15.41,5.06 15.5,4.8C14.43,4.29 13.25,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12L4.04,12.84L2.05,13.05L2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C13.69,2 15.28,2.42 16.67,3.16C17.16,2.83 17.74,2.64 18.36,2.64M18.36,4.64A1,1 0 0,0 17.36,5.64A1,1 0 0,0 18.36,6.64C18.92,6.64 19.36,6.19 19.36,5.64C19.36,5.08 18.92,4.64 18.36,4.64M5.64,15.36C7.29,15.36 8.64,16.71 8.64,18.36C8.64,18.66 8.59,18.94 8.5,19.2C9.57,19.71 10.75,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12L19.96,11.16L21.95,10.95L22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C10.31,22 8.72,21.58 7.33,20.84C6.84,21.17 6.26,21.36 5.64,21.36C4,21.36 2.64,20 2.64,18.36C2.64,16.71 4,15.36 5.64,15.36M5.64,17.36C5.08,17.36 4.64,17.81 4.64,18.36C4.64,18.92 5.08,19.36 5.64,19.36A1,1 0 0,0 6.64,18.36A1,1 0 0,0 5.64,17.36M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8Z",AL="M7.5,18A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 2,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 7.5,7H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,11A4,4 0 0,1 18,15H9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 7,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,10H17V11.5H9.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 9.5,13.5H18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,8.5H7.5A4,4 0 0,0 3.5,12.5A4,4 0 0,0 7.5,16.5H17V18H7.5Z",iL="M16.61 13.5C15.81 13.85 15.11 14.36 14.54 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5S8.12 10 9.5 10H17V11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5S8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H16.61M3.5 12.5C3.5 10.29 5.29 8.5 7.5 8.5H18C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11C20.5 11.84 20.08 12.58 19.45 13.03C20.05 13.07 20.63 13.2 21.17 13.41C21.69 12.74 22 11.91 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H7.5C4.46 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S4.46 18 7.5 18H13.09C13.18 17.47 13.34 16.97 13.55 16.5H7.5C5.29 16.5 3.5 14.71 3.5 12.5M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",rL="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M7.5 5C4.5 5 2 7.5 2 10.5S4.5 16 7.5 16H13.2V15.5C13.2 15.2 13.2 14.8 13.3 14.5H7.5C5.3 14.5 3.5 12.7 3.5 10.5S5.3 6.5 7.5 6.5H18C19.4 6.5 20.5 7.6 20.5 9C20.5 9.9 20 10.7 19.2 11.2C19.8 11.3 20.3 11.6 20.8 11.9C21.6 11.1 22 10.1 22 9C22 6.8 20.2 5 18 5H7.5M9.5 8C8.1 8 7 9.1 7 10.5S8.1 13 9.5 13H14C14.5 12.3 15.1 11.8 15.8 11.5H9.5C8.9 11.5 8.5 11.1 8.5 10.5S8.9 9.5 9.5 9.5H17V8H9.5Z",aL="M16.61 13.5C15.81 13.85 15.11 14.36 14.54 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5S8.12 10 9.5 10H17V11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5S8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H16.61M3.5 12.5C3.5 10.29 5.29 8.5 7.5 8.5H18C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11C20.5 11.84 20.08 12.58 19.45 13.03C20.05 13.07 20.63 13.2 21.17 13.41C21.69 12.74 22 11.91 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H7.5C4.46 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S4.46 18 7.5 18H13.09C13.18 17.47 13.34 16.97 13.55 16.5H7.5C5.29 16.5 3.5 14.71 3.5 12.5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",eL="M17 10V11.5H14.7L13.2 10H17M18 8.5C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11S19.38 13.5 18 13.5H16.7L18.18 15C20.31 14.89 22 13.15 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H10.2L11.7 8.5H18M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H7.5C4.46 18 2 15.54 2 12.5C2 10.17 3.45 8.19 5.5 7.38L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M8.5 12.5C8.5 13.05 8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H11.61L9.61 11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5M14.61 16.5L13.11 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5C7 11.5 7.57 10.69 8.38 10.27L6.69 8.58C4.87 8.96 3.5 10.57 3.5 12.5C3.5 14.71 5.29 16.5 7.5 16.5H14.61Z",dL="M7.5 16.5H13.55C13.34 16.97 13.18 17.47 13.09 18H7.5C4.46 18 2 15.54 2 12.5S4.46 7 7.5 7H18C20.21 7 22 8.79 22 11C22 11.91 21.69 12.74 21.17 13.41C20.63 13.2 20.05 13.07 19.45 13.03C20.08 12.58 20.5 11.84 20.5 11C20.5 9.62 19.38 8.5 18 8.5H7.5C5.29 8.5 3.5 10.29 3.5 12.5S5.29 16.5 7.5 16.5M9.5 13.5C8.95 13.5 8.5 13.05 8.5 12.5S8.95 11.5 9.5 11.5H17V10H9.5C8.12 10 7 11.12 7 12.5S8.12 15 9.5 15H14.54C15.11 14.36 15.81 13.85 16.61 13.5H9.5M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",mL="M16.61 13.5C15.81 13.85 15.11 14.36 14.54 15H9.5C8.12 15 7 13.88 7 12.5S8.12 10 9.5 10H17V11.5H9.5C8.95 11.5 8.5 11.95 8.5 12.5S8.95 13.5 9.5 13.5H16.61M3.5 12.5C3.5 10.29 5.29 8.5 7.5 8.5H18C19.38 8.5 20.5 9.62 20.5 11C20.5 11.84 20.08 12.58 19.45 13.03C20.05 13.07 20.63 13.2 21.17 13.41C21.69 12.74 22 11.91 22 11C22 8.79 20.21 7 18 7H7.5C4.46 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S4.46 18 7.5 18H13.09C13.18 17.47 13.34 16.97 13.55 16.5H7.5C5.29 16.5 3.5 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6.5,10.42C6.5,10.26 6.55,10.07 6.55,9.84V9.57C6.35,9.5 6.15,9.5 5.93,9.45C5.72,9.43 5.5,9.41 5.31,9.41C4.86,9.41 4.54,9.5 4.32,9.68C4.1,9.86 4,10.11 4,10.44C4,10.76 4.07,11 4.24,11.15C4.4,11.32 4.63,11.4 4.94,11.4M10.28,12.11C10.16,12.11 10.08,12.09 10,12.05C9.97,12 9.92,11.91 9.88,11.79L8.32,6.65C8.28,6.5 8.26,6.43 8.26,6.38C8.26,6.27 8.31,6.21 8.42,6.21H9.07C9.2,6.21 9.29,6.23 9.33,6.28C9.39,6.32 9.43,6.41 9.47,6.54L10.58,10.94L11.62,6.54C11.65,6.41 11.69,6.32 11.75,6.28C11.8,6.24 11.89,6.21 12,6.21H12.55C12.67,6.21 12.76,6.23 12.81,6.28C12.86,6.32 12.91,6.41 12.94,6.54L14,11L15.14,6.54C15.18,6.41 15.23,6.32 15.27,6.28C15.33,6.24 15.41,6.21 15.53,6.21H16.15C16.26,6.21 16.32,6.27 16.32,6.38C16.32,6.41 16.31,6.45 16.3,6.5C16.3,6.5 16.28,6.58 16.26,6.65L14.65,11.79C14.61,11.93 14.57,12 14.5,12.05C14.46,12.09 14.37,12.12 14.26,12.12H13.69C13.56,12.12 13.5,12.1 13.42,12.05C13.37,12 13.32,11.92 13.3,11.79L12.27,7.5L11.24,11.78C11.21,11.91 11.17,12 11.12,12.05C11.06,12.09 10.97,12.11 10.85,12.11H10.28M18.83,12.29C18.5,12.29 18.13,12.25 17.8,12.17C17.47,12.09 17.21,12 17.04,11.91C16.93,11.85 16.86,11.78 16.83,11.72C16.8,11.66 16.79,11.6 16.79,11.54V11.2C16.79,11.06 16.84,11 16.94,11C17,11 17,11 17.06,11C17.1,11 17.16,11.05 17.23,11.08C17.45,11.18 17.7,11.26 17.96,11.31C18.23,11.36 18.5,11.39 18.75,11.39C19.17,11.39 19.5,11.32 19.72,11.17C19.95,11 20.07,10.81 20.07,10.54C20.07,10.35 20,10.2 19.89,10.07C19.77,9.95 19.54,9.83 19.22,9.73L18.25,9.43C17.77,9.27 17.41,9.05 17.19,8.75C16.97,8.46 16.86,8.13 16.86,7.78C16.86,7.5 16.92,7.26 17.04,7.05C17.16,6.83 17.32,6.65 17.5,6.5C17.72,6.35 17.94,6.24 18.21,6.16C18.47,6.08 18.75,6.04 19.05,6.04C19.19,6.04 19.34,6.05 19.5,6.07C19.64,6.09 19.78,6.12 19.92,6.14C20.06,6.18 20.18,6.21 20.3,6.25C20.42,6.29 20.5,6.33 20.58,6.37C20.67,6.42 20.74,6.47 20.78,6.53C20.82,6.59 20.84,6.66 20.84,6.75V7.07C20.84,7.21 20.79,7.28 20.69,7.28C20.64,7.28 20.55,7.25 20.43,7.2C20.06,7.03 19.63,6.94 19.16,6.94C18.78,6.94 18.5,7 18.27,7.13C18.07,7.25 17.96,7.45 17.96,7.72C17.96,7.91 18.03,8.07 18.16,8.19C18.29,8.32 18.54,8.44 18.89,8.56L19.84,8.86C20.32,9 20.66,9.22 20.87,9.5C21.07,9.77 21.17,10.08 21.17,10.43C21.17,10.71 21.11,10.97 21,11.2C20.88,11.42 20.72,11.62 20.5,11.78C20.31,11.95 20.06,12.07 19.78,12.16C19.5,12.25 19.16,12.29 18.83,12.29M20.08,15.53C17.89,17.14 14.71,18 12,18C8.15,18 4.7,16.58 2.09,14.23C1.88,14.04 2.07,13.79 2.32,13.94C5.14,15.57 8.61,16.56 12.21,16.56C14.64,16.56 17.31,16.06 19.76,15C20.13,14.85 20.44,15.26 20.08,15.53M21,14.5C20.71,14.13 19.14,14.32 18.43,14.4C18.22,14.43 18.19,14.24 18.38,14.1C19.63,13.23 21.69,13.5 21.92,13.77C22.16,14.07 21.86,16.13 20.69,17.11C20.5,17.26 20.33,17.18 20.41,17C20.68,16.32 21.27,14.84 21,14.5Z",wL="M12,2L22,8C22,12 20,14 16,15L13,10L9,6L12,2M4.11,19.84L2.12,18.33L9.19,9L11,10.81L4.11,19.84Z",FL="M21.47 12.43C19.35 14.55 15.82 13.84 15.82 13.84V9.6L3.41 22L2 20.59L14.4 8.18H10.16C10.16 8.18 9.45 4.65 11.57 2.53C13.69 .406 17.23 1.11 17.23 1.11V5.36L17.94 4.65L19.35 6.06L18.64 6.77H22.89C22.89 6.77 23.59 10.31 21.47 12.43Z",TL="M2.61,21L1.61,19.27L11,13.85V3H13V13.85L22.39,19.27L21.39,21L12,15.58L2.61,21Z",bL="M12,2L16,6H13V13.85L19.53,17.61L21,15.03L22.5,20.5L17,21.96L18.53,19.35L12,15.58L5.47,19.35L7,21.96L1.5,20.5L3,15.03L4.47,17.61L11,13.85V6H8L12,2Z",yL="M12 2L16 6H13V13.85L19.53 17.61L21 15.03L22.5 20.5L17 21.96L18.53 19.35L12 15.58L5.47 19.35L7 21.96L1.5 20.5L3 15.03L4.47 17.61L11 13.85V6H8L12 2M21 5H19V3H21V5M22 10V12H18V10H19V8H18V6H21V10H22Z",RL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.68,16.34L9,13.85V6H6L10,2L14,6H11V13.85L18.03,17.86L19.5,15.28L21,20.74L15.5,22.21L17.03,19.6L10,15.58L5.68,18.07L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",xL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M11,13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V3H11V13.82Z",DL="M1.5,20.5L3,15.03L4.46,17.6L11,13.82V3H13V13.82L22.39,19.25L21.39,21L12,15.56L5.46,19.33L7,21.96L1.5,20.5Z",EL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.31,2.2 17.69,2.58 17.54,3.2C17.5,3.29 17.5,3.39 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.67,16.32L9,13.82V3H11V13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L5.67,18.06L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",NL="M12,10H14.91C14.57,6.55 13.4,4 12,4C10.42,4 9.12,7.27 9,11.42L7,12.57V12C7,6.5 9.24,2 12,2C14.42,2 16.44,5.44 16.9,10H20L16,14L12,10M12,22C10.12,22 8.47,19.92 7.62,16.84L9.37,15.83C9.87,18.31 10.86,20 12,20C13.27,20 14.36,17.89 14.79,14.92L16,16.12L16.7,15.42C16,19.26 14.16,22 12,22M2.11,18.87L1.11,17.13L1.06,17.06L11.12,11.25L12.72,12.84L2.15,18.94L2.11,18.87M21.89,5.13L22.89,6.87L19.2,9H17.77L17.5,7.66L21.89,5.13Z",WL="M12,14L16,10L20,14H16.9C16.44,18.56 14.42,22 12,22C10.12,22 8.47,19.92 7.62,16.84L9.37,15.83C9.87,18.31 10.86,20 12,20C13.4,20 14.57,17.45 14.91,14H12M1.11,17.13L13.89,9.75L13.96,10.54L10.5,14H10.54L2.11,18.87L1.11,17.13M21.89,5.13L22.89,6.87L17.88,9.76C17.79,9.03 17.67,8.33 17.5,7.66L21.89,5.13M12,2C14.3,2 16.23,5.1 16.82,9.32L16,8.5L14.87,9.63C14.5,6.37 13.35,4 12,4C10.42,4 9.12,7.27 9,11.42L7,12.57V12C7,6.5 9.24,2 12,2Z",IL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M1.74,19.25L3.21,13.79L4.68,16.34L9,13.85V3H11V13.85L17.53,17.61L19,15.03L20.5,20.5L15,21.96L16.53,19.35L10,15.58L5.68,18.07L7.21,20.71L1.74,19.25Z",GL="M22.5,20.5L17,21.96L18.53,19.35L12,15.58L2.61,21L1.61,19.27L11,13.85V3H13V13.85L19.53,17.61L21,15.03L22.5,20.5Z",QL="M11,13.82L18,17.88L19.5,15.28L21,20.74L15.5,22.21L17,19.61L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V3H11V13.82M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5Z",UL="M12,10L16,14L20,10H16.9C16.44,5.44 14.42,2 12,2C10.12,2 8.47,4.08 7.62,7.16L9.37,8.17C9.87,5.69 10.86,4 12,4C13.4,4 14.57,6.55 14.91,10H12M1.11,6.87L13.89,14.25L13.96,13.46L10.5,10H10.54L2.11,5.13L1.11,6.87M21.89,18.87L22.89,17.13L17.88,14.24C17.79,14.97 17.67,15.67 17.5,16.34L21.89,18.87M12,22C14.3,22 16.23,18.9 16.82,14.68L16,15.5L14.87,14.37C14.5,17.63 13.35,20 12,20C10.42,20 9.12,16.73 9,12.58L7,11.43V12C7,17.5 9.24,22 12,22Z",zL="M12,14H14.91C14.57,17.45 13.4,20 12,20C10.42,20 9.12,16.73 9,12.58L7,11.43V12C7,17.5 9.24,22 12,22C14.42,22 16.44,18.56 16.9,14H20L16,10L12,14M12,2C10.12,2 8.47,4.08 7.62,7.16L9.37,8.17C9.87,5.69 10.86,4 12,4C13.27,4 14.36,6.11 14.79,9.08L16,7.88L16.7,8.58C16,4.74 14.16,2 12,2M2.11,5.13L1.11,6.87L1.06,6.94L11.12,12.75L12.72,11.16L2.15,5.06L2.11,5.13M21.89,18.87L22.89,17.13L19.2,15H17.77L17.5,16.34L21.89,18.87Z",_L="M12,2L16,6H13V13.82L22.39,19.25L21.39,21L12,15.56L2.61,21L1.61,19.25L11,13.82V6H8L12,2Z",KL="M21.8,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.3V9.8C23,10.4 22.4,11 21.7,11H16.2C15.6,11 15,10.4 15,9.7V6.2C15,5.6 15.6,5 16.2,5V3.5C16.2,2.1 17.6,1 19,1C20.4,1 21.8,2.1 21.8,3.5V5M20.5,5V3.5C20.5,2.7 19.8,2.2 19,2.2C18.2,2.2 17.5,2.7 17.5,3.5V5H20.5M10,2L14,6H11V13.82L20.39,19.25L19.39,21L10,15.56L3.17,19.5L2.17,17.77L9,13.82V6H6L10,2Z",jL="M14,12L10,16L14,20V16.9C18.56,16.44 22,14.42 22,12C22,9.58 18.56,7.56 14,7.1V9.09C17.45,9.43 20,10.6 20,12C20,13.4 17.45,14.57 14,14.91V12M4,12C4,10.6 6.55,9.43 10,9.09V7.1C5.44,7.56 2,9.58 2,12C2,14.16 4.74,16 8.58,16.7L7.88,16L9.08,14.79C6.11,14.36 4,13.27 4,12M13,2H11V13L13,11V2M13,22V21L11,19V22H13Z",qL="M10,12L14,16L10,20V16.9C5.44,16.44 2,14.42 2,12C2,9.58 5.44,7.56 10,7.1V9.09C6.55,9.43 4,10.6 4,12C4,13.4 6.55,14.57 10,14.91V12M20,12C20,10.6 17.45,9.43 14,9.09V7.1C18.56,7.56 22,9.58 22,12C22,14.16 19.26,16 15.42,16.7L16.12,16L14.92,14.79C17.89,14.36 20,13.27 20,12M11,2H13V13L11,11V2M11,22V21L13,19V22H11Z",$L="M15.14 2C13.8 2.12 12.04 2.59 9.87 3.43C9.28 3.87 8.6 4.3 7.84 4.72V4.85C7.9 4.85 7.96 4.81 8.04 4.77C8.13 4.76 8.19 4.79 8.19 4.88L8.32 4.8L8.39 4.79L8.4 4.86C8.41 4.92 7.93 5.29 7 5.96L7.06 6.09H7L6.84 6.04C6.84 6.09 6.78 6.11 6.64 6.12L6.65 6.19L6.81 6.37C6.75 6.37 6.68 6.36 6.6 6.32C6.29 6.35 6 6.58 5.69 7L5.77 7.12C6.03 6.88 6.18 6.76 6.22 6.76L6.24 6.95C6.2 6.95 6.12 7 6.04 7.03L6.2 7.27C6.5 6.93 6.86 6.64 7.24 6.41C7.43 6.46 7.53 6.5 7.53 6.58L7.67 6.57C8.69 5.81 9.71 5.27 10.71 4.93L10.72 5.06C10.53 5.34 10.4 5.5 10.33 5.5C10.34 5.59 10.38 5.67 10.43 5.74C10.45 5.92 10 7.06 9.07 9.19C6.95 14.13 5.19 17.78 3.77 20.16C3.77 20.2 3.8 20.27 3.85 20.35C4.2 20.26 4.42 20.18 4.5 20.1L4.6 20.09L4.61 20.22L4.74 20.21L4.88 20.13C4.88 20.18 4.93 20.19 5 20.18L5.03 20.31C5.03 20.45 4.96 20.65 4.8 20.92C4.65 21.08 4.5 21.42 4.34 21.94V22H4.47C5.04 21.35 5.5 20.72 5.78 20.11C7.44 19.62 8.71 19.15 9.59 18.67C10.47 18.6 11.15 18.37 11.61 18L11.6 17.91L11.27 18H11.19L11.18 17.95C11.83 17.85 12.28 17.7 12.5 17.5C13.79 16.54 14.74 15.85 15.39 15.44C17.39 13.97 18.33 12.55 18.22 11.21C18.21 11.07 17.76 10.5 16.9 9.56C16.88 9.38 17.19 9.12 17.8 8.77L19.53 7.24C19.92 6.74 20.15 5.94 20.23 4.83L20.2 4.57C20.14 3.79 19.58 3.16 18.5 2.68C17.88 2.25 16.76 2.03 15.14 2M17.24 2.87C18.53 2.92 19.19 3.14 19.23 3.55L19.18 3.68L17.24 2.87M16 3.96C16.89 3.95 17.35 4.18 17.4 4.68L17.5 4.67V4.34L17.64 4.33C18 4.5 18.16 4.74 18.18 5C18.2 5.2 18.1 5.42 17.89 5.69C17.8 5.7 17.75 5.64 17.74 5.5H17.6L17.56 5.91C17 6.78 16.56 7.23 16.3 7.26C16.06 7.58 15.91 7.75 15.85 7.75C15.67 7.97 15.17 8.35 14.35 8.87C14.08 8.9 13.07 9.28 11.34 10.04C11.25 10 11.16 10 11.06 10L11.05 9.88C11.03 9.62 11.14 9.31 11.39 8.92C11.5 8.21 11.67 7.8 11.83 7.7L13.28 4.44C13.27 4.24 13.57 4.09 14.21 4L14.42 3.96L14.44 4.15C15.06 4.05 15.45 4 15.6 4C15.74 3.97 15.88 3.96 16 3.96M19 4.29H19.04C19.16 4.3 19.28 4.5 19.41 4.91L19.42 5.03C19.35 5.04 19.22 4.83 19.03 4.41L19 4.29M10.82 6.36H10.88L10.9 6.55C10.84 6.56 10.75 6.65 10.65 6.83L10.64 6.7C10.76 6.55 10.82 6.43 10.82 6.36M6.67 6.46L6.68 6.5C6.63 6.5 6.56 6.56 6.5 6.6L6.41 6.61L6.39 6.5L6.67 6.46M10.24 7.72L10.26 8H10.19L10.16 7.73L10.24 7.72M10.07 8.19C10.05 8.41 10 8.5 9.89 8.53L9.82 8.54C9.9 8.39 9.94 8.29 9.93 8.21L10.07 8.19M9.78 8.87L9.79 8.93L9.67 9.14L9.54 9.15L9.53 9.09C9.66 9.08 9.72 9 9.71 8.88L9.78 8.87M9.5 9.5L9.45 9.81H9.38L9.36 9.5H9.5M16.57 9.72L16.85 9.89C16.86 10 16.82 10.03 16.73 10.04C16.61 9.96 16.5 9.93 16.44 9.93L16.43 9.73L16.57 9.72M11 10.46L11.03 10.58L10.76 10.61L10.75 10.5L11 10.46M15.5 10.91C15.68 11 15.78 11.09 15.79 11.16L15.8 11.22C15.61 11.24 15.45 11.14 15.29 10.93L15.5 10.91M17.66 11.12C17.81 11.18 17.88 11.25 17.89 11.31L17.93 11.82C17.87 11.96 17.81 12.03 17.74 12.03L17.66 11.12M14.16 11.18C14.86 11.17 15.4 11.33 15.76 11.68L15.79 11.94C15.5 12.85 15.13 13.38 14.75 13.54L13 14.93C11.7 15.79 11 16.21 10.9 16.22C8.83 17.36 7.54 17.95 7.04 18H6.96C7.03 17.76 7.95 15.87 9.73 12.33C10.5 12.26 11.76 11.89 13.44 11.23L13.85 11.19C13.96 11.19 14.06 11.18 14.16 11.18M11.62 11.59L11.63 11.65L11.35 11.67L11.34 11.61L11.62 11.59M7.26 15.81C7.17 16.26 7.08 16.5 7 16.5L6.97 16.43C6.95 16.2 7.05 16 7.26 15.81M13.18 16.09L13.19 16.21C13.2 16.27 13 16.43 12.6 16.72C11.44 17.29 10.76 17.68 10.56 17.88C9.3 18.32 8.68 18.59 8.69 18.69C7.57 19.14 6.84 19.46 6.5 19.66C6.41 19.67 6.29 19.63 6.13 19.56C6.12 19.34 6.21 19.15 6.44 19C6.63 19 6.82 19 7 19.09C7.21 19 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15.85,9.25 16.06,9.87L18.92,18C19.2,18.78 18.78,19.64 18,19.92C17.22,20.19 16.36,19.78 16.09,19Z",YL="M11.28 2.8L10.78 3.3A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 6.41 2.87L6.33 2.8A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.8 6.33L2.87 6.41A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 3.3 10.78L2.8 11.28A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.8 13.4L4.21 14.82A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.33 14.82L6.68 14.46L13.76 21.53A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 15.88 21.53L21.53 15.88A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 21.53 13.76L14.46 6.68L14.82 6.33A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 14.82 4.21L13.4 2.8A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 11.28 2.8M13.76 5.27L5.27 13.76L3.86 12.34L12.34 3.86M14.82 11.63L11.63 14.82L10.57 13.76L13.76 10.57M16.94 13.76L13.76 16.94L12.69 15.88L15.88 12.69Z",JL="M11.28 2.8L10.78 3.3C9.44 2.55 7.84 2.4 6.41 2.87L6.33 2.8C5.36 1.82 3.77 1.82 2.8 2.8S1.82 5.36 2.8 6.33L2.87 6.41C2.4 7.84 2.55 9.44 3.3 10.78L2.8 11.28C2.21 11.87 2.21 12.81 2.8 13.4L4.21 14.82C4.8 15.4 5.74 15.4 6.33 14.82L6.68 14.46L13.76 21.53C14.34 22.12 15.29 22.12 15.88 21.53L21.53 15.88C22.12 15.29 22.12 14.34 21.53 13.75L14.46 6.68L14.82 6.33C15.4 5.74 15.4 4.8 14.82 4.21L13.4 2.79C12.82 2.21 11.87 2.21 11.28 2.8M4.25 7.05C4.33 6.71 4.47 6.38 4.66 6.07L3.86 5.27C3.75 5.16 3.67 5.04 3.63 4.9C3.5 4.56 3.57 4.14 3.86 3.86S4.56 3.5 4.9 3.63C5.04 3.67 5.16 3.75 5.27 3.86L6.07 4.66C6.38 4.47 6.71 4.33 7.05 4.25C7.91 4 8.83 4.06 9.65 4.42L4.42 9.65C4.06 8.83 4 7.91 4.25 7.05M20.47 14.82L14.82 20.47L7.75 13.4L13.4 7.75L20.47 14.82M13.76 5.27L5.27 13.76L3.86 12.34L12.34 3.86L13.76 5.27M14.82 11.63L11.63 14.82L10.57 13.76L13.76 10.57L14.82 11.63M16.94 13.76L13.76 16.94L12.69 15.88L15.88 12.69L16.94 13.76Z",CM="M17 20A2 2 0 0 1 15 22A2 2 0 0 1 13 20A2 2 0 0 1 15 18A2 2 0 0 1 17 20M7 20A2 2 0 0 1 5 22A2 2 0 0 1 3 20A2 2 0 0 1 5 18A2 2 0 0 1 7 20M17.61 3C16.95 3 16.44 3.2 16 3.5C15.32 3.91 14.88 4.59 14.47 5.07L5.71 15.35C5.16 16 5.62 17 6.47 17H14C15.11 17 16 16.1 16 15V6.38C16.58 5.7 16.93 5 17.61 5C18.38 5 19 5.66 19 6.5V7H21V6.5C21 4.56 19.5 3 17.61 3M8.86 3.09C7.04 3.16 5.23 3.76 3.68 4.9L8.44 9.66L12.32 5.1C12.59 4.78 12.91 4.38 13.3 4C12.14 3.45 10.9 3.15 9.65 3.09C9.39 3.08 9.12 3.08 8.86 3.09Z",HM="M17 20C17 21.11 16.11 22 15 22S13 21.11 13 20 13.9 18 15 18 17 18.9 17 20M5 18C3.9 18 3 18.9 3 20S3.9 22 5 22 7 21.11 7 20 6.11 18 5 18M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9.28 11.17L5.71 15.35C5.16 16 5.62 17 6.47 17H14C14.32 17 14.62 16.92 14.89 16.78L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M16 12.8V6.38C16.58 5.7 16.93 5 17.61 5C18.38 5 19 5.66 19 6.5V7H21V6.5C21 4.56 19.5 3 17.61 3C16.95 3 16.44 3.2 16 3.5C15.32 3.91 14.88 4.59 14.47 5.07L11.62 8.42L16 12.8M12.32 5.1C12.59 4.78 12.91 4.38 13.3 4C12.14 3.45 10.9 3.15 9.65 3.09C9.39 3.08 9.12 3.08 8.86 3.09C8.12 3.12 7.38 3.26 6.66 3.46L10.47 7.27L12.32 5.1Z",VM="M13,2V10H21A8,8 0 0,0 13,2M19.32,15.89C20.37,14.54 21,12.84 21,11H6.44L5.5,9H2V11H4.22C4.22,11 6.11,15.07 6.34,15.42C5.24,16 4.5,17.17 4.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8,22C9.76,22 11.22,20.7 11.46,19H13.54C13.78,20.7 15.24,22 17,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5C20.5,17.46 20.04,16.53 19.32,15.89M8,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,20M17,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,20Z",LM="M22 10C22 5.6 18.4 2 14 2V10H22M14.2 11H22C22 12.8 21.4 14.5 20.3 15.9C21 16.5 21.4 17.4 21.5 18.3L14.2 11M20.8 22.7L22.1 21.4L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L9.1 11H7.4L6.5 9H3V11H5.2C5.2 11 7.1 15.1 7.3 15.4C6.3 15.9 5.6 16.9 5.5 18C5.2 19.9 6.6 21.7 8.5 22C10.4 22.3 12.2 20.9 12.5 19H14.6C14.7 19.4 14.8 19.8 15 20.2C15.9 21.9 18.1 22.5 19.7 21.6L20.8 22.7M10.5 18.5C10.5 19.3 9.8 20 9 20S7.5 19.3 7.5 18.5 8.2 17 9 17 10.5 17.7 10.5 18.5M18.1 20C17.2 20 16.5 19.3 16.5 18.5V18.4L18.1 20Z",MM="M1,12C1,10.19 2.2,8.66 3.86,8.17C5.29,5.11 8.4,3 12,3C15.6,3 18.71,5.11 20.15,8.17C21.8,8.66 23,10.19 23,12C23,13.81 21.8,15.34 20.15,15.83C18.71,18.89 15.6,21 12,21C8.4,21 5.29,18.89 3.86,15.83C2.2,15.34 1,13.81 1,12M14.5,9.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.25,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 14.5,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15.75,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 14.5,9.25M9.5,9.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 8.25,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9.5,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 10.75,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9.5,9.25M7.5,14C8.26,15.77 10,17 12,17C14,17 15.74,15.77 16.5,14H7.5M3,12C3,12.82 3.5,13.53 4.21,13.84C4.07,13.25 4,12.63 4,12C4,11.37 4.07,10.75 4.21,10.16C3.5,10.47 3,11.18 3,12M21,12C21,11.18 20.5,10.47 19.79,10.16C19.93,10.75 20,11.37 20,12C20,12.63 19.93,13.25 19.79,13.84C20.5,13.53 21,12.82 21,12Z",AM="M14.5,9.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 15.75,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.5,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13.25,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.5,9.25M9.5,9.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.75,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.5,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.25,10.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.5,9.25M7.5,14H16.5C15.74,15.77 14,17 12,17C10,17 8.26,15.77 7.5,14M1,12C1,10.19 2.2,8.66 3.86,8.17C5.29,5.11 8.4,3 12,3C15.6,3 18.71,5.11 20.15,8.17C21.8,8.66 23,10.19 23,12C23,13.81 21.8,15.34 20.15,15.83C18.71,18.89 15.6,21 12,21C8.4,21 5.29,18.89 3.86,15.83C2.2,15.34 1,13.81 1,12M12,5C8.82,5 6.14,7.12 5.28,10H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14H5.28C6.14,16.88 8.82,19 12,19C15.18,19 17.86,16.88 18.72,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H18.72C17.86,7.12 15.18,5 12,5Z",iM="M5,13L9,17L7.6,18.42L1.18,12L7.6,5.58L9,7L5,11H21V13H5M21,6V8H11V6H21M21,16V18H11V16H21Z",rM="M22,3H7C6.31,3 5.77,3.35 5.41,3.88L0,12L5.41,20.11C5.77,20.64 6.31,21 7,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M19,15.59L17.59,17L14,13.41L10.41,17L9,15.59L12.59,12L9,8.41L10.41,7L14,10.59L17.59,7L19,8.41L15.41,12",aM="M19,15.59L17.59,17L14,13.41L10.41,17L9,15.59L12.59,12L9,8.41L10.41,7L14,10.59L17.59,7L19,8.41L15.41,12L19,15.59M22,3A2,2 0 0,1 24,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 22,21H7C6.31,21 5.77,20.64 5.41,20.11L0,12L5.41,3.88C5.77,3.35 6.31,3 7,3H22M22,5H7L2.28,12L7,19H22V5Z",eM="M2,21H17C17.7,21 18.2,20.6 18.6,20.1L24,12L18.6,3.9C18.2,3.4 17.7,3 17,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21M5,8.4L6.4,7L10,10.6L13.6,7L15,8.4L11.4,12L15,15.6L13.6,17L10,13.4L6.4,17L5,15.6L8.6,12",dM="M5,15.59L6.41,17L10,13.41L13.59,17L15,15.59L11.41,12L15,8.41L13.59,7L10,10.59L6.41,7L5,8.41L8.59,12L5,15.59M2,3A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H17C17.69,21 18.23,20.64 18.59,20.11L24,12L18.59,3.88C18.23,3.35 17.69,3 17,3H2M2,5H17L21.72,12L17,19H2V5Z",mM="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12H0L4,16L8,12H5A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19C10.5,19 9.09,18.5 7.94,17.7L6.5,19.14C8.04,20.3 9.94,21 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",tM="M21,16C21,15.5 20.95,15.08 20.88,14.68L22.45,13.9L21.55,12.1L20.18,12.79C19.63,11.96 18.91,11.5 18.29,11.28L18.95,9.32L17.05,8.68L16.29,10.96C14.96,10.83 14.17,10.32 13.7,9.77L15.45,8.9L14.55,7.1L13,7.89C12.97,7.59 12.86,6.72 12.28,5.87L13.83,3.55L12.17,2.44L10.76,4.56C10.28,4.33 9.7,4.15 9,4.06V2H7V4.1C6.29,4.25 5.73,4.54 5.32,4.91L2.7,2.29L1.29,3.71L4.24,6.65C4,7.39 4,8 4,8H2V10H4.04C4.1,10.63 4.21,11.36 4.4,12.15L1.68,13.05L2.31,14.95L5,14.05C5.24,14.56 5.5,15.08 5.82,15.58L3.44,17.17L4.55,18.83L7.07,17.15C7.63,17.71 8.29,18.21 9.06,18.64L8.1,20.55L9.89,21.45L10.89,19.45L10.73,19.36C11.68,19.68 12.76,19.9 14,19.97V22H16V19.93C16.76,19.84 17.81,19.64 18.77,19.19L20.29,20.71L21.7,19.29L20.37,17.95C20.75,17.44 21,16.8 21,16M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11M11,14A1,1 0 0,1 10,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,14M15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,17Z",vM="M9,2H7V4.1C6.29,4.25 5.73,4.54 5.32,4.91L2.7,2.29L1.29,3.71L4.24,6.65C4,7.39 4,8 4,8H2V10H4.04C4.1,10.63 4.21,11.36 4.4,12.15L1.68,13.05L2.31,14.95L5,14.05C5.24,14.56 5.5,15.08 5.82,15.58L3.44,17.17L4.55,18.83L7.07,17.15C7.63,17.71 8.29,18.21 9.06,18.64L8.1,20.55L9.89,21.45L10.89,19.45L10.73,19.36C11.68,19.68 12.76,19.9 14,19.97V22H16V19.93C16.76,19.84 17.81,19.64 18.77,19.19L20.29,20.71L21.7,19.29L20.37,17.95C20.75,17.44 21,16.8 21,16C21,15.5 20.95,15.08 20.88,14.68L22.45,13.9L21.55,12.1L20.18,12.79C19.63,11.96 18.91,11.5 18.29,11.28L18.95,9.32L17.05,8.68L16.29,10.96C14.96,10.83 14.17,10.32 13.7,9.77L15.45,8.9L14.55,7.1L13,7.89C12.97,7.59 12.86,6.72 12.28,5.87L13.83,3.55L12.17,2.44L10.76,4.56C10.28,4.33 9.7,4.15 9,4.06M15,18C12.06,18 9.81,17.18 8.31,15.56C5.68,12.72 6,8.2 6,8.17V8.11L6,8.03C6,7.1 6.39,6 8,6C10.63,6 10.97,7.43 11,8C11,10 12.6,13 17,13C17.33,13 19,13.15 19,16C19,17.89 15.03,18 15,18M8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8M11,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,12M15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14Z",lM="M17,3H14V6H10V3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8M16,16H8V15C8,13.67 10.67,13 12,13C13.33,13 16,13.67 16,15V16M13,5H11V1H13V5M16,19H8V18H16V19M12,21H8V20H12V21Z",oM="M15,3H12V6H8V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 5,23H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M10,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 8,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,8M14,16H6V15C6,13.67 8.67,13 10,13C11.33,13 14,13.67 14,15V16M11,5H9V1H11V5M14,19H6V18H14V19M10,21H6V20H10V21M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17H19Z",nM="M15,3H12V5H15V21H5V5H8V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 5,23H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7M14,15H6V14C6,12.67 8.67,12 10,12C11.33,12 14,12.67 14,14V15M14,18H6V17H14V18M10,20H6V19H10V20M11,5H9V1H11V5M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17H19Z",ZM="M22,4H14V7H10V4H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13A2,2 0 0,1 6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9M12,17H4V16C4,14.67 6.67,14 8,14C9.33,14 12,14.67 12,16V17M20,18H14V16H20V18M20,14H14V12H20V14M20,10H14V8H20V10M13,6H11V2H13V6Z",SM="M8,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,13A2,2 0 0,1 6,11A2,2 0 0,1 8,9M12,17H4V16C4,14.67 6.67,14 8,14C9.33,14 12,14.67 12,16V17M20,8H14V10H20V8M20,12H14V14H20V12M20,16H14V18H20V16M22,4H14V6H22V20H2V6H10V4H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M13,6H11V2H13V6Z",uM="M17,3H14V5H17V21H7V5H10V3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M12,7A2,2 0 0,1 14,9A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,9A2,2 0 0,1 12,7M16,15H8V14C8,12.67 10.67,12 12,12C13.33,12 16,12.67 16,14V15M16,18H8V17H16V18M12,20H8V19H12V20M13,5H11V1H13V5Z",cM="M12.3,2C11.33,2.03 10.58,2.84 10.61,3.8C10.62,4.04 10.67,4.27 10.77,4.5L11.06,5.14V5.14C11.1,5.27 11.03,5.41 10.89,5.45C10.8,5.5 10.7,5.45 10.63,5.37L10.21,4.82C9.88,4.4 9.38,4.14 8.85,4.13C7.88,4.11 7.08,4.88 7.06,5.84C7.05,6.26 7.19,6.66 7.45,7L7.87,7.5H7.88C7.96,7.63 7.93,7.79 7.82,7.87C7.73,7.94 7.61,7.94 7.53,7.87L7,7.45C6.66,7.19 6.25,7.05 5.84,7.06C4.88,7.08 4.11,7.88 4.13,8.85C4.14,9.38 4.4,9.88 4.82,10.21L5.39,10.65C5.5,10.75 5.5,10.91 5.38,11C5.31,11.07 5.21,11.09 5.12,11.05H5.11L4.5,10.77C4.27,10.68 4.04,10.62 3.8,10.61C2.84,10.58 2.03,11.34 2,12.31C2,13.03 2.4,13.69 3.06,13.97L14.45,19.04L19.04,14.45L13.97,3.06C13.69,2.39 13,1.97 12.3,2M13.13,6.1C13.55,6.09 13.93,6.33 14.09,6.71L17.14,13.55L13.19,9.61L12.26,7.5C11.96,6.87 12.42,6.12 13.13,6.1M9.85,8.85C10.12,8.85 10.37,8.95 10.56,9.15L15.37,13.96C15.77,14.34 15.78,14.97 15.4,15.37C15,15.77 14.38,15.78 13.96,15.37L9.15,10.56C8.75,10.18 8.74,9.54 9.13,9.15C9.32,8.95 9.58,8.85 9.85,8.85M7.13,12.17C7.26,12.17 7.4,12.21 7.5,12.26L9.63,13.2L13.57,17.14L6.71,14.09C5.69,13.65 6.03,12.14 7.13,12.17M20.28,16.04L16.04,20.28L16.89,21.13C17.65,21.88 18.75,22.17 19.78,21.9C20.81,21.62 21.62,20.81 21.9,19.78C22.17,18.75 21.88,17.65 21.13,16.89L20.28,16.04Z",sM="M14.6 21.4C15 21.8 15.4 22 16 22S17 21.8 17.4 21.4 18 20.6 18 20 17.8 19 17.4 18.6 16.5 18 16 18 15 18.2 14.6 18.6 14 19.4 14 20 14.2 21 14.6 21.4M6 19C6 19.5 6.2 20 6.6 20.4C7 20.8 7.5 21 8 21V7C7.5 7 7 7.2 6.6 7.6C6.2 8 6 8.5 6 9V19M16 2H12C12 2.5 12.2 3 12.6 3.4C13 3.8 13.5 4 14 4V7H9V21H13.2C13 20.5 13 20.2 13 20C13 19.2 13.3 18.5 13.9 17.9C14.5 17.3 15.2 17 16 17V2Z",OM="M15.28,16.69L18.14,13.88L18.84,14.58L15.28,18.14L13.17,16L13.88,15.28L15.28,16.69M8,21A2,2 0 0,1 6,19V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7V21M9,7H14V4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2H16V10A6,6 0 0,1 22,16A6,6 0 0,1 16,22C14.77,22 13.63,21.63 12.68,21H9V7M16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,20A4,4 0 0,0 20,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12Z",hM="M2.1 4.9L6 8.9V19C6 19.5 6.2 20 6.6 20.4C7 20.8 7.5 21 8 21V10.8L9 11.8V21H13.2C13.1 20.6 13 20.2 13 20C13 18.8 13.5 18 14.6 17.4L15.4 18.2C14.5 18.5 14.1 19.2 14.1 20.1C14.1 20.6 14.3 21.1 14.7 21.5C15 21.8 15.5 22 16 22C16.9 22 17.6 21.6 17.9 20.7L19.1 21.9L20.5 20.5L3.5 3.5L2.1 4.9M12 2C12 2.5 12.2 3 12.6 3.4S13.5 4 14 4V7H9.8L16 13.2V2H12Z",pM="M22 19H2V21H22V19M4 15C4 15.5 4.2 16 4.6 16.4C5 16.8 5.5 17 6 17V6C5.5 6 5 6.2 4.6 6.6C4.2 7 4 7.5 4 8V15M13.5 6H10.5C10.5 5.6 10.6 5.2 10.9 4.9C11.2 4.6 11.5 4.5 12 4.5C12.4 4.5 12.8 4.6 13.1 4.9C13.3 5.2 13.5 5.6 13.5 6M7 6V17H17V6H15C15 5.2 14.7 4.5 14.1 3.9S12.8 3 12 3C11.2 3 10.5 3.3 9.9 3.9C9.3 4.5 9 5.2 9 6H7M18 17C18.5 17 19 16.8 19.4 16.4C19.8 16 20 15.5 20 15V8C20 7.5 19.8 7 19.4 6.6C19 6.2 18.5 6 18 6V17Z",fM="M16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V5A4,4 0 0,0 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5M10,4H14V5H10V4M12,9L14,11L12,13L10,11L12,9M18,16H9V18H8V16H6V15H18V16Z",gM="M20,19.35L2.38,1.73L1.11,3L4.77,6.66C4.27,7.34 4,8.16 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.56,22 19.08,21.76 19.46,21.35L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20,19.35M9,16V18H8V16H6V15H13.11L14.11,16H9M20,9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V4.8L20,16.8V9M14,5H10V4H14V5Z",kM="M20,19.35L2.38,1.73L1.11,3L4.77,6.66C4.27,7.34 4,8.16 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.56,22 19.08,21.76 19.46,21.35L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20,19.35M6,9C6,8.69 6.08,8.38 6.22,8.11L13.11,15H6V9M18,20H6V16H8V18H9V16H14.11L18,19.89V20M16,7A2,2 0 0,1 18,9V14.8L20,16.8V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V4.8L10.2,7H16M10,4H14V5H10V4Z",BM="M16,5V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,4V5A4,4 0 0,0 4,9V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5M10,4H14V5H10V4M12,9L14,11L12,13L10,11L12,9M18,20H6V16H8V18H9V16H18V20M18,15H6V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,9V15Z",PM="M22 19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22V19M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.5C12.5 20.9 12 19.5 12 18C12 17.3 12.1 16.6 12.3 16H7V18H6V16H4V15H12.8C13.8 13.2 15.8 12 18 12V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8M8 4H12V5H8V4M10 9L12 11L10 13L8 11L10 9Z",wM="M22 19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22V19M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H4V16H6V18H7V16H12.3C12.4 15.7 12.6 15.3 12.8 15H4V9C4 7.9 4.9 7 6 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9V12.3C16.6 12.1 17.3 12 18 12V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8M8 4H12V5H8V4M10 9L8 11L10 13L12 11L10 9Z",FM="M14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H15.2L12.8 19.6C12.2 19.1 11.9 18.3 11.9 17.6V16H7V18H6V16H4V15H12V14.8C12 13.3 13.2 12 14.8 12H18V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5M10 13L8 11L10 9L12 11L10 13M12 5H8V4H12V5M21.8 17.8L18.2 14.2C18 14.1 17.8 14 17.6 14H14.8C14.4 14 14 14.4 14 14.8V17.6C14 17.8 14.1 18 14.2 18.2L17.8 21.8C17.9 21.9 18.1 22 18.4 22C18.6 22 18.8 21.9 19 21.8L21.8 19C21.9 18.9 22 18.7 22 18.4C22 18.2 21.9 18 21.8 17.8M15.4 16C15.1 16 14.8 15.7 14.8 15.4C14.8 15.1 15.1 14.8 15.4 14.8C15.7 14.8 16 15.1 16 15.4C16 15.7 15.7 16 15.4 16Z",TM="M14 5V4C14 2.9 13.1 2 12 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V5C3.8 5 2 6.8 2 9V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H15.2L13.2 20H4V16H6V18H7V16H12V15H4V9C4 7.9 4.9 7 6 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9V12H18V9C18 6.8 16.2 5 14 5M12 5H8V4H12V5M10 9L8 11L10 13L12 11L10 9M21.8 17.8L18.2 14.2C18 14.1 17.8 14 17.6 14H14.8C14.4 14 14 14.4 14 14.8V17.6C14 17.8 14.1 18 14.2 18.2L17.8 21.8C17.9 21.9 18.1 22 18.4 22C18.6 22 18.8 21.9 19 21.8L21.8 19C21.9 18.9 22 18.7 22 18.4C22 18.2 21.9 18 21.8 17.8M15.4 16C15.1 16 14.8 15.7 14.8 15.4C14.8 15.1 15.1 14.8 15.4 14.8C15.7 14.8 16 15.1 16 15.4C16 15.7 15.7 16 15.4 16Z",bM="M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V19C19 20.13 18.11 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V8C5 6.88 5.89 6 6.97 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M13.5 6V3.5H10.5V6H13.5M8 9V18H9.5V9H8M14.5 9V18H16V9H14.5M11.25 9V18H12.75V9H11.25Z",yM="M2 4.77L3.28 3.5L21 21.22L19.73 22.5L18 20.76C17.71 20.93 17.38 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V7.77L2 4.77M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V16.68L16 13.68V9H14.5V12.18L12.75 10.43V9H11.32L8.31 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M8 18H9.5V12.27L8 10.77V18M11.25 18H12.75V15.5L11.25 14V18M14.5 18H15.23L14.5 17.27V18M13.5 6V3.5H10.5V6H13.5Z",RM="M2 4.77L3.28 3.5L21 21.22L19.73 22.5L18 20.76C17.71 20.93 17.38 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19L5 7.78L2 4.77M9.5 18H8V10.78L6.97 9.74V19H16.23L15.25 18H14.5V17.26L12.75 15.5V18H11.25V14L9.5 12.28V18M12.75 9V10.43L11.32 9H12.75M14.5 9H16V13.67L14.5 12.17V9M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V16.68L17.03 14.7V8H10.33L8.31 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6H17.03M10.5 3.5V6H13.5V3.5H10.5Z",xM="M9.5 18V9H8V18M12.75 18V9H11.25V18M16 18V9H14.5V18M17.03 6C18.11 6 19 6.88 19 8V19C19 20.13 18.11 21 17.03 21C17.03 21.58 16.56 22 16 22C15.5 22 15 21.58 15 21H9C9 21.58 8.5 22 8 22C7.44 22 6.97 21.58 6.97 21C5.89 21 5 20.13 5 19V8C5 6.88 5.89 6 6.97 6H9V3C9 2.42 9.46 2 10 2H14C14.54 2 15 2.42 15 3V6M10.5 3.5V6H13.5V3.5M17.03 19V8H6.97V19",DM="M5 22C3.68 22 3.15 19.64 3.04 18.7A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 3.36 16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 5.23 14.38C6.4 14.18 7.23 14.88 8.29 15.12A1.21 1.21 0 0 0 9.85 13.75C9.41 12.03 6.28 12 5 12C5 10.14 7.04 9.9 8.5 10.04A10.8 10.8 0 0 1 11.04 10.6C11.54 10.77 12.12 11.2 12.67 11.16C13.5 11.09 13.67 10.23 13.31 9.6C12.44 8.12 9.97 8 8.5 8C8.5 6 10.23 5.62 11.89 5.92A11.58 11.58 0 0 1 14.38 6.71C14.89 6.93 15.5 7.35 16.06 7.16C17.5 6.72 16 5.18 15.36 4.81A6.6 6.6 0 0 0 13.94 4.23C13.4 4.07 12.74 4.13 13.23 3.5A5.13 5.13 0 0 1 15.96 2.26C17.85 1.82 20.46 1.74 20.92 4.12A5.3 5.3 0 0 1 20.07 7.7A38.96 38.96 0 0 1 13.22 16.33A36.6 36.6 0 0 1 8.62 20.32C7.62 21.04 6.3 22 5 22Z",EM="M10 10V12H8V10H10M16 12V10H14V12H16M21 14V22H3V14H4V10C4 5.58 7.58 2 12 2S20 5.58 20 10V14H21M7 16H5V20H7V16M11 16H9V20H11V16M11 4.08C8.16 4.56 6 7.03 6 10V14H11V4.08M13 14H18V10C18 7.03 15.84 4.56 13 4.08V14M15 16H13V20H15V16M19 16H17V20H19V16Z",NM="M13.16,12.74L14,14H12.5C12.35,16.71 12,19.41 11.5,22.08L10.5,21.92C11,19.3 11.34,16.66 11.5,14H10L10.84,12.74C8.64,11.79 7,8.36 7,6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6C17,8.36 15.36,11.79 13.16,12.74Z",WM="M13,9.5H18V7.5H13V9.5M13,16.5H18V14.5H13V16.5M19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21M6,11H11V6H6V11M7,7H10V10H7V7M6,18H11V13H6V18M7,14H10V17H7V14Z",IM="M13,7.5H18V9.5H13V7.5M13,14.5H18V16.5H13V14.5M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M19,19V5H5V19H19M11,6V11H6V6H11M10,10V7H7V10H10M11,13V18H6V13H11M10,17V14H7V17H10Z",GM="M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23M10,17H7V14H10V17M10,7V10H7V7H10M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.17C20.5,11.06 20,11 19.5,11A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 13,17.5C13,18.79 13.38,20 14,21H5M13,9.5H18V7.5H13V9.5M11,13H6V18H11V13M11,6H6V11H11V6Z",QM="M6,18V13H11V18H6M7,14V17H10V14H7M13,7.5H18V9.5H13V7.5M5,21A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.17C20.5,11.06 20,11 19.5,11H19V5H5V19H13.17C13.34,19.72 13.63,20.39 14,21H5M11,6V11H6V6H11M10,10V7H7V10H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23Z",UM="M17.73,12L21.71,8.04C22.1,7.65 22.1,7 21.71,6.63L17.37,2.29C17,1.9 16.35,1.9 15.96,2.29L12,6.27L8,2.29C7.8,2.1 7.55,2 7.29,2C7.04,2 6.78,2.1 6.59,2.29L2.25,6.63C1.86,7 1.86,7.65 2.25,8.04L6.23,12L2.25,16C1.86,16.39 1.86,17 2.25,17.41L6.59,21.75C7,22.14 7.61,22.14 8,21.75L12,17.77L15.96,21.75C16.16,21.95 16.41,22.04 16.67,22.04C16.93,22.04 17.18,21.94 17.38,21.75L21.72,17.41C22.11,17 22.11,16.39 21.72,16L17.73,12M12,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,9M7.29,10.96L3.66,7.34L7.29,3.71L10.91,7.33L7.29,10.96M10,13A1,1 0 0,1 9,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,13M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 11,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,15M14,11A1,1 0 0,1 15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11M16.66,20.34L13.03,16.72L16.66,13.09L20.28,16.71L16.66,20.34Z",zM="M11.5,1L2,6V8H21V6M16,10V17H19V10M2,22H21V19H2M10,10V17H13V10M4,10V17H7V10H4Z",_M="M17.8 21.2L15 18.2L16.2 17L17.8 18.6L21.4 15L22.6 16.4L17.8 21.2M13 10H10V17H12.1C12.2 16.2 12.6 15.4 13 14.7V10M16 10V12.3C16.6 12.1 17.3 12 18 12C18.3 12 18.7 12 19 12.1V10H16M12.1 19H2V22H13.5C12.8 21.2 12.3 20.1 12.1 19M21 6L11.5 1L2 6V8H21V6M7 17V10H4V17H7Z",KM="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17 17H7V15H17V17M8 14V11H10V14H8M11 14V11H13V14H11M14 14V11H16V14H14M17 10H7V8.5L12 6L17 8.5V10Z",jM="M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17 17H7V15H17V17M8 14V11H10V14H8M11 14V11H13V14H11M14 14V11H16V14H14M17 10H7V8.5L12 6L17 8.5V10Z",qM="M14,17H22V19H14V17M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",$M="M20.8 22.7L20.1 22H2V19H17.1L13 14.9V17H10V11.9L6.1 8H2V6L3.4 5.3L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M4 10V17H7V10H4M21 8V6L11.5 1L6.7 3.5L11.2 8H21M19 15.8V10H16V12.8L19 15.8Z",XM="M20.8 22.7L19.1 21H2V19H17.1L12.5 14.4V17H10.5V12.4L6.1 8H2V6L3.4 5.3L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M4.5 10V17H6.5V10H4.5M11.5 3.3L16.7 6H9.2L11.2 8H21V6L11.5 1L6.7 3.5L8.2 5L11.5 3.3M18.5 15.3V10H16.5V13.3L18.5 15.3Z",YM="M6.5,10H4.5V17H6.5V10M12.5,10H10.5V17H12.5V10M21,19H2V21H21V19M18.5,10H16.5V17H18.5V10M11.5,3.26L16.71,6H6.29L11.5,3.26M11.5,1L2,6V8H21V6L11.5,1Z",JM="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",CA="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M11.5,1L21,6V8H2V6L11.5,1M16,10H19V12.08L18,12C17.3,12 16.63,12.12 16,12.34V10M2,22V19H12.08C12.27,20.14 12.79,21.17 13.53,22H2M10,10H13V14.68C12.54,15.37 12.22,16.15 12.08,17H10V10M4,10H7V17H4V10Z",HA="M15,14V11H18V9L22,12.5L18,16V14H15M14,7.7V9H2V7.7L8,4L14,7.7M7,10H9V15H7V10M3,10H5V15H3V10M13,10V12.5L11,14.3V10H13M9.1,16L8.5,16.5L10.2,18H2V16H9.1M17,15V18H14V20L10,16.5L14,13V15H17Z",VA="M2,15V12H5V10L9,13.5L5,17V15H2M22,8.7V10H10V8.7L16,5L22,8.7M10,17H22V19H10V17M15,11H17V16H15V11M11,11H13V16H11V11M19,11H21V16H19V11Z",LA="M15,15V12H18V10L22,13.5L18,17V15H15M14,8.7V10H2V8.7L8,5L14,8.7M2,17H14V19H2V17M7,11H9V16H7V11M3,11H5V16H3V11M11,11H13V16H11V11Z",MA="M2,6H4V18H2V6M5,6H6V18H5V6M7,6H10V18H7V6M11,6H12V18H11V6M14,6H16V18H14V6M17,6H20V18H17V6M21,6H22V18H21V6Z",AA="M20.84 22.73L16 17.89V18H14V15.89L12 13.89V18H11V12.89L10 11.89V18H7V8.89L6 7.89V18H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L7 6.34L10 9.34L11 10.34L12 11.34L14 13.35V13.34L16 15.34V15.35L17 16.35V16.34L18.66 18H18.65L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M16 6H14V10.8L16 12.8V6M12 6H11V7.8L12 8.8V6M20 6H17V13.8L20 16.8V6M22 18V6H21V17.8L21.2 18H22M10 6H9.2L10 6.8V6M2 18H4V6H2V18Z",iA="M4,6H6V18H4V6M7,6H8V18H7V6M9,6H12V18H9V6M13,6H14V18H13V6M16,6H18V18H16V6M19,6H20V18H19V6M2,4V8H0V4A2,2 0 0,1 2,2H6V4H2M22,2A2,2 0 0,1 24,4V8H22V4H18V2H22M2,16V20H6V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V16H2M22,20V16H24V20A2,2 0 0,1 22,22H18V20H22Z",rA="M7.33,18.33C6.5,17.17 6.5,15.83 6.5,14.5C8.17,15.5 9.83,16.5 10.67,17.67L11,18.23V15.95C9.5,15.05 8.08,14.13 7.33,13.08C6.5,11.92 6.5,10.58 6.5,9.25C8.17,10.25 9.83,11.25 10.67,12.42L11,13V10.7C9.5,9.8 8.08,8.88 7.33,7.83C6.5,6.67 6.5,5.33 6.5,4C8.17,5 9.83,6 10.67,7.17C10.77,7.31 10.86,7.46 10.94,7.62C10.77,7 10.66,6.42 10.65,5.82C10.64,4.31 11.3,2.76 11.96,1.21C12.65,2.69 13.34,4.18 13.35,5.69C13.36,6.32 13.25,6.96 13.07,7.59C13.15,7.45 13.23,7.31 13.33,7.17C14.17,6 15.83,5 17.5,4C17.5,5.33 17.5,6.67 16.67,7.83C15.92,8.88 14.5,9.8 13,10.7V13L13.33,12.42C14.17,11.25 15.83,10.25 17.5,9.25C17.5,10.58 17.5,11.92 16.67,13.08C15.92,14.13 14.5,15.05 13,15.95V18.23L13.33,17.67C14.17,16.5 15.83,15.5 17.5,14.5C17.5,15.83 17.5,17.17 16.67,18.33C15.92,19.38 14.5,20.3 13,21.2V23H11V21.2C9.5,20.3 8.08,19.38 7.33,18.33Z",aA="M11.96,1.21C11.3,2.76 10.64,4.31 10.65,5.82C10.66,6.42 10.77,7 10.94,7.62C10.86,7.46 10.77,7.31 10.67,7.17C9.83,6 8.17,5 6.5,4C6.5,4.8 6.5,5.59 6.68,6.36L13,12.68V10.7C14.5,9.8 15.92,8.88 16.67,7.83C17.5,6.67 17.5,5.33 17.5,4C15.83,5 14.17,6 13.33,7.17C13.23,7.31 13.15,7.45 13.07,7.59C13.25,6.96 13.36,6.32 13.35,5.69C13.34,4.18 12.65,2.69 11.96,1.21M3.28,5.5L2,6.77L6.64,11.41C6.75,12 6.95,12.55 7.33,13.08C8.08,14.13 9.5,15.05 11,15.95V18.23L10.67,17.67C9.83,16.5 8.17,15.5 6.5,14.5C6.5,15.83 6.5,17.17 7.33,18.33C8.08,19.38 9.5,20.3 11,21.2V23H13V21.2C13.74,20.76 14.45,20.31 15.07,19.84L18.73,23.5L20,22.22C14,16.23 9.1,11.32 3.28,5.5M17.5,9.25C15.83,10.25 14.17,11.25 13.33,12.42L13.12,12.79L15,14.66C15.67,14.16 16.27,13.64 16.67,13.08C17.5,11.92 17.5,10.58 17.5,9.25M17.5,14.5C16.93,14.84 16.38,15.18 15.85,15.53L17.29,16.97C17.5,16.17 17.5,15.33 17.5,14.5Z",eA="M12,3L3,8.2V21H9L11.9,18L15,21H21V8.2L12,3M7.9,20V14L10.9,17L7.9,20M8.9,13H14.9L11.9,16L8.9,13M15.9,20L12.9,17L15.9,14V20M15,11H8.8V9H15V11Z",dA="M20 13C20.55 13 21 12.55 21 12S20.55 11 20 11H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4S20.55 3 20 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5H5V11H4C3.45 11 3 11.45 3 12S3.45 13 4 13H5V19H4C3.45 19 3 19.45 3 20S3.45 21 4 21H20C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20S20.55 19 20 19H19V13H20M12 16C10.34 16 9 14.68 9 13.05C9 11.75 9.5 11.38 12 8.5C14.47 11.36 15 11.74 15 13.05C15 14.68 13.66 16 12 16Z",mA="M9 13.05C9 14.68 10.34 16 12 16S15 14.68 15 13.05C15 11.74 14.47 11.36 12 8.5C9.5 11.38 9 11.75 9 13.05M20 13C20.55 13 21 12.55 21 12S20.55 11 20 11H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4S20.55 3 20 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5H5V11H4C3.45 11 3 11.45 3 12S3.45 13 4 13H5V19H4C3.45 19 3 19.45 3 20S3.45 21 4 21H20C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20S20.55 19 20 19H19V13H20M17 19H7V13C7.55 13 8 12.55 8 12S7.55 11 7 11V5H17V11C16.45 11 16 11.45 16 12S16.45 13 17 13V19Z",tA="M12,2C9.5,2 7.25,2.9 5.5,4.4C6,4.81 6.41,5.27 6.8,5.76L7.89,5.13L8.89,6.87L7.89,7.44C8.45,8.53 8.82,9.73 8.95,11H10V12L10,13H8.95C8.82,14.27 8.45,15.47 7.89,16.56L8.89,17.13L7.89,18.87L6.8,18.24C6.41,18.73 6,19.19 5.5,19.6C7.25,21.1 9.5,22 12,22C14.5,22 16.75,21.1 18.5,19.6C18,19.19 17.59,18.73 17.19,18.24L16.11,18.87L15.11,17.13L16.11,16.55C15.55,15.47 15.18,14.27 15.05,13H14V11H15.05C15.18,9.73 15.55,8.53 16.11,7.45L15.11,6.87L16.11,5.13L17.19,5.76C17.59,5.27 18,4.81 18.5,4.4C16.75,2.9 14.5,2 12,2M4.12,5.85C2.79,7.55 2,9.68 2,12C2,14.32 2.79,16.45 4.12,18.15C4.46,17.87 4.76,17.55 5.05,17.22L4.43,16.87L5.43,15.13L6.16,15.56C6.55,14.77 6.82,13.91 6.93,13H6V12L6,11H6.93C6.82,10.09 6.55,9.23 6.16,8.44L5.43,8.87L4.43,7.13L5.05,6.78C4.76,6.45 4.46,6.13 4.12,5.85M19.88,5.85C19.54,6.13 19.24,6.45 18.95,6.78L19.57,7.13L18.57,8.87L17.84,8.44C17.45,9.23 17.18,10.09 17.07,11H18V13H17.07C17.18,13.91 17.45,14.77 17.84,15.56L18.57,15.13L19.57,16.87L18.95,17.22C19.24,17.55 19.54,17.87 19.88,18.15C21.21,16.45 22,14.32 22,12C22,9.68 21.21,7.55 19.88,5.85Z",vA="M20,2C19.72,2 19.5,2.11 19.29,2.29L9.79,11.79C9.75,11.83 9.72,11.87 7.23,15.35L4,18.59L3.71,18.29C3.5,18.1 3.26,18 3,18C2.44,18 2,18.44 2,19C2,19.26 2.1,19.5 2.29,19.71L4.29,21.71C4.68,22.11 5.31,22.12 5.71,21.74C6.11,21.35 6.12,20.72 5.71,20.29L5.41,20L8.64,16.77L12.21,14.21L21.71,4.71C22.1,4.32 22.1,3.68 21.71,3.29L20.71,2.29C20.5,2.1 20.26,2 20,2M18.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,13Z",lA="M5.79 12.79L2 9C2 9 6 3 12 3S22 9 22 9L18.21 12.79L12 6.59L5.79 12.79M13.5 18H10.5V20L12 21L13.5 20V18M16.79 14.21L14.2 16.8C13.6 16.31 12.84 16 12 16S10.4 16.31 9.8 16.8L7.21 14.21L12 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13.46 4 12 4C10.54 4 9.12 4.4 7.89 5.14L8.89 6.87L7.89 7.44C8.45 8.53 8.82 9.73 8.95 11H10V13H8.95C8.82 14.27 8.45 15.47 7.89 16.56L8.89 17.13L7.89 18.86M5 15.88L5.43 15.13L6.16 15.56C6.55 14.77 6.82 13.91 6.93 13H6V11H6.93C6.82 10.09 6.55 9.23 6.16 8.44L5.43 8.87L5 8.12C4.35 9.3 4 10.63 4 12C4 13.37 4.35 14.7 5 15.88M19 8.13L18.57 8.87L17.84 8.44C17.45 9.23 17.18 10.09 17.07 11H18V13H17.07C17.18 13.91 17.45 14.77 17.84 15.56L18.57 15.13L19 15.88C19.65 14.7 20 13.37 20 12C20 10.63 19.65 9.3 19 8.12Z",ZA="M5 9H7.31L7.63 6H9.63L9.31 9H11.31L11.63 6H13.63L13.31 9H15V11H13.1L12.9 13H15V15H12.69L12.37 18H10.37L10.69 15H8.69L8.37 18H6.37L6.69 15H5V13H6.9L7.1 11H5V9M9.1 11L8.9 13H10.9L11.1 11M19 6H17V14H19M19 16H17V18H19Z",SA="M5.5,21C4.72,21 4.04,20.55 3.71,19.9V19.9L1.1,10.44L1,10A1,1 0 0,1 2,9H6.58L11.18,2.43C11.36,2.17 11.66,2 12,2C12.34,2 12.65,2.17 12.83,2.44L17.42,9H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,10L22.96,10.29L20.29,19.9C19.96,20.55 19.28,21 18.5,21H5.5M12,4.74L9,9H15L12,4.74M12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,13Z",uA="M21.63 16.27L17.76 20.17L16.41 18.8L15 20.22L17.75 23L23.03 17.68L21.63 16.27M13 20C13 16.69 15.69 14 19 14C20 14 20.92 14.24 21.74 14.67L22.96 10.29L23 10C23 9.45 22.55 9 22 9H17.42L12.83 2.44C12.65 2.17 12.34 2 12 2S11.36 2.17 11.18 2.43L6.58 9H2C1.45 9 1 9.45 1 10L1.1 10.44L3.71 19.9C4.04 20.55 4.72 21 5.5 21H13.09C13.04 20.67 13 20.34 13 20M12 4.74L15 9H9L12 4.74M10 15C10 13.9 10.9 13 12 13S14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17 10 16.11 10 15Z",cA="M21.63 16.27L17.76 20.17L16.41 18.8L15 20.22L17.75 23L23.03 17.68L21.63 16.27M14 15C14 16.1 13.1 17 12 17S10 16.1 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M13 20C13 19.66 13.04 19.33 13.09 19H5.5L3.31 11H20.7L19.86 14.07C20.54 14.17 21.18 14.37 21.76 14.68L22.97 10.27L23 10C23 9.45 22.55 9 22 9H17.21L12.83 2.44C12.64 2.16 12.32 2 12 2S11.36 2.16 11.17 2.45L6.79 9H2C1.45 9 1 9.45 1 10C1 10.09 1 10.18 1.04 10.27L3.58 19.54C3.81 20.38 4.58 21 5.5 21H13.09C13.04 20.67 13 20.34 13 20M12 4.8L14.8 9H9.2L12 4.8Z",sA="M3,2H6V5H3V2M6,7H9V10H6V7M8,2H11V5H8V2M17,11L12,6H15V2H19V6H22L17,11M7.5,22C6.72,22 6.04,21.55 5.71,20.9V20.9L3.1,13.44L3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,13L20.96,13.29L18.29,20.9C17.96,21.55 17.28,22 16.5,22H7.5M7.61,20H16.39L18.57,14H5.42L7.61,20Z",OA="M23 18V20H15V18H23M23 10L22.96 10.29L22 13.8C21.11 13.29 20.09 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5.5C4.72 21 4.04 20.55 3.71 19.9L1.1 10.44L1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.58L11.18 2.43C11.36 2.17 11.66 2 12 2S12.65 2.17 12.83 2.44L17.42 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10M14 15C14 13.9 13.11 13 12 13S10 13.9 10 15 10.9 17 12 17 14 16.11 14 15M15 9L12 4.74L9 9H15Z",hA="M23 18V20H15V18H23M12 13C10.9 13 10 13.9 10 15S10.9 17 12 17 14 16.1 14 15 13.1 13 12 13M13.35 21H5.5C4.58 21 3.81 20.38 3.58 19.54L1.04 10.27C1 10.18 1 10.09 1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.79L11.17 2.45C11.36 2.16 11.68 2 12 2S12.64 2.16 12.83 2.44L17.21 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10L22.97 10.27L22 13.81C21.43 13.5 20.79 13.24 20.12 13.11L20.7 11H3.31L5.5 19H13C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21M9.2 9H14.8L12 4.8L9.2 9Z",pA="M23 10L22.96 10.29L20.9 17.7L12.2 9H15L12 4.74L10.32 7.12L8.89 5.69L11.18 2.43C11.36 2.17 11.66 2 12 2S12.65 2.17 12.83 2.44L17.42 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.03 20.92C18.86 20.97 18.68 21 18.5 21H5.5C4.72 21 4.04 20.55 3.71 19.9L1.1 10.44L1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.58L6.8 8.69L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M13.85 15.74L11.26 13.15C10.5 13.44 10 14.16 10 15C10 16.11 10.9 17 12 17C12.84 17 13.56 16.5 13.85 15.74Z",fA="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.92 8.81L6.79 9H2C1.45 9 1 9.45 1 10C1 10.09 1 10.18 1.04 10.27L3.58 19.54C3.81 20.38 4.58 21 5.5 21H18.5C18.68 21 18.86 20.96 19.03 20.92L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5.5 19L3.31 11H9.11L11.26 13.15C10.5 13.44 10 14.16 10 15C10 16.1 10.9 17 12 17C12.84 17 13.56 16.5 13.85 15.74L17.11 19H5.5M23 10L22.97 10.27L20.93 17.73L19.3 16.1L20.7 11H14.2L12.2 9H14.8L12 4.8L10.4 7.2L8.96 5.76L11.17 2.45C11.36 2.16 11.68 2 12 2S12.64 2.16 12.83 2.44L17.21 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10Z",gA="M22 9H17.21L12.83 2.44C12.64 2.16 12.32 2 12 2S11.36 2.16 11.17 2.45L6.79 9H2C1.45 9 1 9.45 1 10C1 10.09 1 10.18 1.04 10.27L3.58 19.54C3.81 20.38 4.58 21 5.5 21H18.5C19.42 21 20.19 20.38 20.43 19.54L22.97 10.27L23 10C23 9.45 22.55 9 22 9M12 4.8L14.8 9H9.2L12 4.8M18.5 19L5.5 19L3.31 11H20.7L18.5 19M12 13C10.9 13 10 13.9 10 15S10.9 17 12 17 14 16.1 14 15 13.1 13 12 13Z",kA="M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20M23 10L22.96 10.29L22 13.8C21.11 13.29 20.09 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5.5C4.72 21 4.04 20.55 3.71 19.9L1.1 10.44L1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.58L11.18 2.43C11.36 2.17 11.66 2 12 2S12.65 2.17 12.83 2.44L17.42 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10M14 15C14 13.9 13.11 13 12 13S10 13.9 10 15 10.9 17 12 17 14 16.11 14 15M15 9L12 4.74L9 9H15Z",BA="M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20M12 13C10.9 13 10 13.9 10 15S10.9 17 12 17 14 16.1 14 15 13.1 13 12 13M13.35 21H5.5C4.58 21 3.81 20.38 3.58 19.54L1.04 10.27C1 10.18 1 10.09 1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.79L11.17 2.45C11.36 2.16 11.68 2 12 2S12.64 2.16 12.83 2.44L17.21 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10L22.97 10.27L22 13.81C21.43 13.5 20.79 13.24 20.12 13.11L20.7 11H3.31L5.5 19H13C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21M9.2 9H14.8L12 4.8L9.2 9Z",PA="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88M23 10L22.96 10.29L22 13.8C21.11 13.29 20.09 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5.5C4.72 21 4.04 20.55 3.71 19.9L1.1 10.44L1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.58L11.18 2.43C11.36 2.17 11.66 2 12 2S12.65 2.17 12.83 2.44L17.42 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10M14 15C14 13.9 13.11 13 12 13S10 13.9 10 15 10.9 17 12 17 14 16.11 14 15M15 9L12 4.74L9 9H15Z",wA="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88M12 13C10.9 13 10 13.9 10 15S10.9 17 12 17 14 16.1 14 15 13.1 13 12 13M13.35 21H5.5C4.58 21 3.81 20.38 3.58 19.54L1.04 10.27C1 10.18 1 10.09 1 10C1 9.45 1.45 9 2 9H6.79L11.17 2.45C11.36 2.16 11.68 2 12 2S12.64 2.16 12.83 2.44L17.21 9H22C22.55 9 23 9.45 23 10L22.97 10.27L22 13.81C21.43 13.5 20.79 13.24 20.12 13.11L20.7 11H3.31L5.5 19H13C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21M9.2 9H14.8L12 4.8L9.2 9Z",FA="M3,10H6V7H3V10M5,5H8V2H5V5M8,10H11V7H8V10M17,1L12,6H15V10H19V6H22L17,1M7.5,22C6.72,22 6.04,21.55 5.71,20.9V20.9L3.1,13.44L3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,13L20.96,13.29L18.29,20.9C17.96,21.55 17.28,22 16.5,22H7.5M7.61,20H16.39L18.57,14H5.42L7.61,20Z",TA="M2.34,14.63C2.94,14.41 3.56,14.3 4.22,14.3C5.56,14.3 6.73,14.72 7.73,15.56L4.59,18.7C3.53,17.5 2.78,16.13 2.34,14.63M15.56,9.8C17.53,11.27 19.66,11.63 21.94,10.88C21.97,11.09 22,11.47 22,12C22,13.03 21.75,14.18 21.28,15.45C20.81,16.71 20.23,17.73 19.55,18.5L13.22,12.19L15.56,9.8M8.77,16.64C9.83,18.17 10.05,19.84 9.42,21.66C8,21.25 6.73,20.61 5.67,19.73L8.77,16.64M12.19,13.22L18.5,19.55C16.33,21.45 13.78,22.25 10.88,21.94C11.09,21.28 11.2,20.56 11.2,19.78C11.2,19.16 11.06,18.43 10.78,17.6C10.5,16.77 10.17,16.09 9.8,15.56L12.19,13.22M8.81,14.5C7.88,13.67 6.8,13.15 5.58,12.91C4.36,12.68 3.19,12.75 2.06,13.13C2.03,12.91 2,12.53 2,12C2,10.97 2.25,9.82 2.72,8.55C3.19,7.29 3.77,6.27 4.45,5.5L11.11,12.19L8.81,14.5M15.56,7.73C14.22,6.08 13.91,4.28 14.63,2.34C15.25,2.5 15.96,2.8 16.76,3.26C17.55,3.71 18.2,4.16 18.7,4.59L15.56,7.73M21.66,9.38C21.06,9.59 20.44,9.7 19.78,9.7C18.69,9.7 17.64,9.38 16.64,8.72L19.73,5.67C20.61,6.77 21.25,8 21.66,9.38M12.19,11.11L5.5,4.45C7.67,2.55 10.22,1.75 13.13,2.06C12.91,2.72 12.8,3.44 12.8,4.22C12.8,4.94 12.96,5.75 13.29,6.66C13.62,7.56 14,8.28 14.5,8.81L12.19,11.11Z",bA="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H5V14H19V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M17,12H15V9H9V12H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V12M7,16V19.5L8,23L10,21L12,23L14,21L16,23L17,19.5V16H7Z",yA="M21,2H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H6.57L8,23L10,21L12,23L14,21L16,23L17.43,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M21,16H18V14H17V9A2,2 0 0,0 15,7H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,9V14H6V16H3V4H21V16M9,14V9H15V14H9Z",RA="M0.75,8C0.75,8 5,7 8,9C8,9 8.5,12.75 10.5,12.75V11C10.5,11 11,12 12,12C13,12 13.5,11 13.5,11V12.75C15.5,12.75 16,9 16,9C19,7 23.25,8 23.25,8C21.25,9 21,12.5 21,12.5C17,12.5 17,15.75 17,15.75C12,14.75 12,18.5 12,18.5C12,18.5 12,14.75 7,15.75C7,15.75 7,12.5 3,12.5C3,12.5 2.75,9 0.75,8Z",xA="M7 5C8.11 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.11 9 7 9 5 8.11 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M20 13V4.83C20 3.27 18.73 2 17.17 2C16.42 2 15.7 2.3 15.17 2.83L13.92 4.08C13.76 4.03 13.59 4 13.41 4C13 4 12.64 4.12 12.33 4.32L15.09 7.08C15.29 6.77 15.41 6.4 15.41 6C15.41 5.82 15.38 5.66 15.34 5.5L16.59 4.24C16.74 4.09 16.95 4 17.17 4C17.63 4 18 4.37 18 4.83V13H11.15C10.85 12.79 10.58 12.55 10.33 12.28L8.93 10.73C8.74 10.5 8.5 10.35 8.24 10.23C7.93 10.08 7.59 10 7.24 10C6 10 5 11 5 12.25V13H2V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V13H20Z",DA="M7 5C8.11 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.11 9 7 9 5 8.11 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M20 13V4.83C20 3.27 18.73 2 17.17 2C16.42 2 15.7 2.3 15.17 2.83L13.92 4.08C13.76 4.03 13.59 4 13.41 4C13 4 12.64 4.12 12.33 4.32L15.09 7.08C15.29 6.77 15.41 6.4 15.41 6C15.41 5.82 15.38 5.66 15.34 5.5L16.59 4.24C16.74 4.09 16.95 4 17.17 4C17.63 4 18 4.37 18 4.83V13H11.15C10.85 12.79 10.58 12.55 10.33 12.28L8.93 10.73C8.74 10.5 8.5 10.35 8.24 10.23C7.93 10.08 7.59 10 7.24 10C6 10 5 11 5 12.25V13H2V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V13H20M20 19H4V15H20V19Z",EA="M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",NA="M16,18H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",WA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V18H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",IA="M16,17H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",GA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V17H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",QA="M16,15H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",UA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V15H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",zA="M16,14H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",_A="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V14H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",KA="M16,13H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",jA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V13H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",qA="M16,12H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",$A="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V12H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",XA="M16,10H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",YA="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V10H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",JA="M16,9H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Ci="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V9H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",Hi="M16,8H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Vi="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M4,6H12V8H4V6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",Li="M13 14H11V8H13M13 18H11V16H13M16.7 4H15V2H9V4H7.3C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.3V20.6C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.3 22H16.6C17.3 22 17.9 21.4 17.9 20.7V5.3C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.7 4Z",Mi="M5 2V4H3.3C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.3V20.6C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.3 22H12.6C13.3 22 13.9 21.4 13.9 20.7V5.3C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.7 4H11V2H5M19 8V11.8L16.7 9.5L16 10.2L18.8 13L16 15.8L16.7 16.5L19 14.2V18H19.5L22.4 15.1L20.2 13L22.3 10.9L19.5 8H19M7 8H9V14H7M20 9.9L20.9 10.8L20 11.8V9.9M20 14.2L20.9 15.1L20 16.1V14.2M7 16H9V18H7V16Z",Ai="M14.67 4H13V2H7V4H5.33C4.6 4 4 4.6 4 5.33V20.67C4 21.4 4.6 22 5.33 22H14.67C15.4 22 16 21.4 16 20.67V5.33C16 4.6 15.4 4 14.67 4M21 13H19V7H21V13M21 17H19V15H21V17Z",ii="M14 20H6V6H14M14.67 4H13V2H7V4H5.33C4.6 4 4 4.6 4 5.33V20.67C4 21.4 4.6 22 5.33 22H14.67C15.4 22 16 21.4 16 20.67V5.33C16 4.6 15.4 4 14.67 4M21 7H19V13H21V8M21 15H19V17H21V15Z",ri="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M14.94 18.5L17.94 21.5L20.94 18.5H18.94V14.5H16.94V18.5H14.94",ai="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M14.94 18.5L17.94 21.5L20.94 18.5H18.94V14.5H16.94V18.5H14.94",ei="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M20.94 17.5L17.94 14.5L14.94 17.5H16.94V21.5H18.94V17.5H20.94",di="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M20.94 17.5L17.94 14.5L14.94 17.5H16.94V21.5H18.94V17.5H20.94",mi="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4H11V2H5M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21Z",ti="M9,2V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4H15V2H9M11.83,8H12.33L15.18,10.85L13.04,13L15.17,15.14L12.33,18H11.83V14.21L9.54,16.5L8.83,15.79L11.62,13L8.83,10.21L9.54,9.5L11.83,11.79V8M12.83,9.91V11.79L13.77,10.85L12.83,9.91M12.83,14.21V16.08L13.77,15.14L12.83,14.21Z",vi="M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.66C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.66C17.4,22 18,21.4 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4M11,20V14.5H9L13,7V12.5H15",li="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12,18H4L4.05,6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",oi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",ni="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12.05,17H4.05V6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",Zi="M12,15H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",Si="M13 4H11V2H5V4H3C2.4 4 2 4.4 2 5V21C2 21.6 2.4 22 3 22H13C13.6 22 14 21.6 14 21V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4M12 14.5H4V6H12V14.5M23 11H20V4L15 14H18V22",ui="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,13H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",ci="M12,11H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",si="M12,10H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22L23,11Z",Oi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,9H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",hi="M23,11H20V4L15,14H18V22M12,8H4V6H12M12.67,4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.67C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.67,4Z",pi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M11 7H5V10H11V7M11 11.5H5V14.5H11V11.5M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",fi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",gi="M12 20H4V6H12M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.33V20.67C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.33 22H12.67C13.41 22 14 21.41 14 20.67V5.33C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.67 4M11 16H5V19H11V16M11 11.5H5V14.5H11V11.5M23 10H20V3L15 13H18V21",ki="M23.05,11H20.05V4L15.05,14H18.05V22M12,20H4L4.05,6H12.05M12.72,4H11.05V2H5.05V4H3.38A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2.05,5.33V20.67C2.05,21.4 2.65,22 3.38,22H12.72C13.45,22 14.05,21.4 14.05,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 12.72,4Z",Bi="M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76Z",Pi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,18.5H4V6H12V18.5Z",wi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,17H4V6H12V17Z",Fi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,16H4V6H12V16Z",Ti="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,14.5H4V6H12V14.5Z",bi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,13H4V6H12V13Z",yi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,11.6H4V6H12V11.6Z",Ri="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,10H4V6H12V10Z",xi="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,9H4V6H12V9Z",Di="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,7.5H4V6H12V7.5Z",Ei="M13 4H11V2H5V4H3C2.4 4 2 4.4 2 5V21C2 21.6 2.4 22 3 22H13C13.6 22 14 21.6 14 21V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4M9 18H7V16H9V18M9 14H7V8H9V14M20.1 4.9L18.7 6.3C21.8 9.4 21.8 14.5 18.7 17.6L20.1 19C24 15.2 24 8.8 20.1 4.9M17.2 7.8L15.8 9.2C17.4 10.8 17.4 13.3 15.8 14.9L17.2 16.3C19.6 13.9 19.6 10.1 17.2 7.8Z",Ni="M20.07,4.93L18.66,6.34C21.79,9.46 21.79,14.53 18.66,17.66L20.07,19.07C23.97,15.17 23.97,8.84 20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76L15.83,9.17C17.39,10.73 17.39,13.26 15.83,14.83L17.24,16.24C19.58,13.9 19.58,10.1 17.24,7.76M13,4H11V2H5V4H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,5V21A1,1 0 0,0 3,22H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,21V5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4M12,20H4V6H12V20Z",Wi="M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H13.54C12.58 20.94 12 19.54 12 18Z",Ii="M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16M12.35 20H8V6H16V12.35C16.63 12.13 17.3 12 18 12V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20Z",Gi="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.69 23 13.46 22.63 12.41 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",Qi="M18 9.29V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H12.41C13.46 22.63 14.69 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 12.83 20.89 10.15 18 9.29M8 6H16V9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.5 9.47 18.87 10.26 20H8V6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",Ui="M12.67 4H11V2H5V4H3.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 2 5.33V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 3.33 22H12.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 14 20.67V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 12.67 4M19 16.17L18.42 15.64C16.36 13.77 15 12.54 15 11A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 17.2 8.8A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 19 9.63A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 20.8 8.8A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 23 11C23 12.5 21.64 13.74 19.58 15.61Z",zi="M19 16.2L18.4 15.7C16.4 13.8 15 12.5 15 11C15 9.8 16 8.8 17.2 8.8C17.9 8.8 18.5 9.1 19 9.6C19.5 9.1 20.1 8.8 20.8 8.8C22 8.8 23 9.8 23 11C23 12.5 21.6 13.7 19.6 15.6L19 16.2M12.7 4H11V2H5V4H3.3C2.6 4 2 4.6 2 5.3V20.6C2 21.4 2.6 22 3.3 22H12.6C13.3 22 13.9 21.4 13.9 20.7V5.3C14 4.6 13.4 4 12.7 4M12 20H4V6H12V20Z",_i="M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 6 5.33V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 16.67 4M12.58 15.64L12 16.17L11.42 15.64C9.36 13.77 8 12.54 8 11A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 10.2 8.8A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 12 9.63A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 13.8 8.8A2.18 2.18 0 0 1 16 11C16 12.54 14.64 13.77 12.58 15.64Z",Ki="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16M15 7H9V10H15V7M15 11.5H9V14.5H15V11.5Z",ji="M19.8 16V14.5C19.8 13.1 18.4 12 17 12S14.2 13.1 14.2 14.5V16C13.6 16 13 16.6 13 17.2V20.7C13 21.4 13.6 22 14.2 22H19.7C20.4 22 21 21.4 21 20.8V17.3C21 16.6 20.4 16 19.8 16M18.5 16H15.5V14.5C15.5 13.7 16.2 13.2 17 13.2S18.5 13.7 18.5 14.5V16M11.27 22H5.33C4.6 22 4 21.4 4 20.67V5.33C4 4.6 4.6 4 5.33 4H7V2H13V4H14.67C15.4 4 16 4.6 16 5.33V10.11C13.86 10.55 12.2 12.38 12.2 14.5V14.74C11.5 15.34 11 16.24 11 17.2V20.7C11 21.16 11.1 21.6 11.27 22Z",qi="M19.8 16H15.5V13.5C15.5 12.7 16.2 12.2 17 12.2S18.5 12.7 18.5 13.5V14H19.8V13.5C19.8 12.1 18.4 11 17 11S14.2 12.1 14.2 13.5V16C13.6 16 13 16.6 13 17.2V20.7C13 21.4 13.6 22 14.2 22H19.7C20.4 22 21 21.4 21 20.8V17.3C21 16.6 20.4 16 19.8 16M11.27 22H5.33C4.6 22 4 21.4 4 20.67V5.33C4 4.6 4.6 4 5.33 4H7V2H13V4H14.67C15.4 4 16 4.6 16 5.33V9.11C13.86 9.55 12.2 11.38 12.2 13.5V14.74C11.5 15.34 11 16.24 11 17.2V20.7C11 20.93 11.03 21.15 11.07 21.37L11.08 21.39C11.12 21.6 11.19 21.8 11.27 22Z",$i="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16",Xi="M16 20H8V6H16M16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.33C6.6 4 6 4.6 6 5.33V20.67C6 21.4 6.6 22 7.33 22H16.67C17.41 22 18 21.41 18 20.67V5.33C18 4.6 17.4 4 16.67 4M15 16H9V19H15V16M15 11.5H9V14.5H15V11.5Z",Yi="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",Ji="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",Cr="M16.67,4C17.4,4 18,4.6 18,5.33V20.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 16.67,22H7.33C6.6,22 6,21.4 6,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 7.33,4H9V2H15V4H16.67M8,12V14H16V12",Hr="M11.67,4A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 13,5.33V20.67C13,21.4 12.4,22 11.67,22H2.33C1.6,22 1,21.4 1,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 2.33,4H4V2H10V4H11.67M15,12H23V14H15V12M3,13H11V6H3V13Z",Vr="M18 14.8L7.21 4H9V2H15V4H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 1 18 5.33M18 17.35L3.38 2.73L2.11 4L6 7.89V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46Z",Lr="M18 17.35L3.38 2.73L2.11 4L6 7.89V20.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 7.33 22H16.67A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 18 20.67V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M16 20H8V9.89L16 17.89M16 6V12.8L18 14.8V5.33A1.34 1.34 0 0 0 16.67 4H15V2H9V4H7.21L9.21 6Z",Mr="M16,20H8V6H16M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.67C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 18,20.67V5.33C18,4.6 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",Ar="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M22 17V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22Z",ir="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M22 17V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17H22Z",rr="M16.67,4C17.4,4 18,4.6 18,5.33V20.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 16.67,22H7.33C6.6,22 6,21.4 6,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 7.33,4H9V2H15V4H16.67M16,14V12H13V9H11V12H8V14H11V17H13V14H16Z",ar="M11.67,4A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 13,5.33V20.67C13,21.4 12.4,22 11.67,22H2.33C1.6,22 1,21.4 1,20.67V5.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 2.33,4H4V2H10V4H11.67M23,14H20V17H18V14H15V12H18V9H20V12H23V14M3,13H11V6H3V13Z",er="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12Z",dr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12Z",mr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.54 12.58 20.94 13.54 22M18 13L20.25 15.25L18 17.5V16C16.15 16 14.94 17.96 15.76 19.62L14.67 20.71C12.91 18.05 14.81 14.5 18 14.5V13M18 24L15.75 21.75L18 19.5V21C19.85 21 21.06 19.04 20.24 17.38L21.33 16.29C23.09 18.95 21.19 22.5 18 22.5V24",tr="M13.54 22H7.33C6.6 22 6 21.4 6 20.67V5.33C6 4.6 6.6 4 7.33 4H9V2H15V4H16.67C17.4 4 18 4.6 18 5.33V12C17.3 12 16.63 12.13 16 12.35V6H8V20H12.35C12.61 20.75 13 21.42 13.54 22M18 13L20.25 15.25L18 17.5V16C16.15 16 14.94 17.96 15.76 19.62L14.67 20.71C12.91 18.05 14.81 14.5 18 14.5V13M18 24L15.75 21.75L18 19.5V21C19.85 21 21.06 19.04 20.24 17.38L21.33 16.29C23.09 18.95 21.19 22.5 18 22.5V24",vr="M15.07,12.25L14.17,13.17C13.63,13.71 13.25,14.18 13.09,15H11.05C11.16,14.1 11.56,13.28 12.17,12.67L13.41,11.41C13.78,11.05 14,10.55 14,10C14,8.89 13.1,8 12,8A2,2 0 0,0 10,10H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,6A4,4 0 0,1 16,10C16,10.88 15.64,11.68 15.07,12.25M13,19H11V17H13M16.67,4H15V2H9V4H7.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 6,5.33V20.66C6,21.4 6.6,22 7.33,22H16.67C17.4,22 18,21.4 18,20.66V5.33C18,4.59 17.4,4 16.67,4Z",lr="M5,2V4H3.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,0 2,5.33V20.66C2,21.4 2.6,22 3.33,22H12.67C13.4,22 14,21.4 14,20.66V5.33C14,4.59 13.4,4 12.67,4H11V2H5M8,6A4,4 0 0,1 12,10C12,10.88 11.64,11.68 11.07,12.25L10.17,13.17C9.63,13.71 9.25,14.18 9.09,15H7.05C7.16,14.1 7.56,13.28 8.17,12.67L9.41,11.41C9.78,11.05 10,10.55 10,10C10,8.89 9.1,8 8,8A2,2 0 0,0 6,10H4A4,4 0 0,1 8,6M19,8V11.79L16.71,9.5L16,10.21L18.79,13L16,15.79L16.71,16.5L19,14.21V18H19.5L22.35,15.14L20.21,13L22.35,10.85L19.5,8H19M20,9.91L20.94,10.85L20,11.79V9.91M20,14.21L20.94,15.14L20,16.08V14.21M7,17H9V19H7V17Z",or="M15,18.54C17.13,18.21 19.5,18 22,18V22H5C5,21.35 8.2,19.86 13,18.9V12.4C12.16,12.65 11.45,13.21 11,13.95C10.39,12.93 9.27,12.25 8,12.25C6.73,12.25 5.61,12.93 5,13.95C5.03,10.37 8.5,7.43 13,7.04V7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7V7.04C19.5,7.43 22.96,10.37 23,13.95C22.39,12.93 21.27,12.25 20,12.25C18.73,12.25 17.61,12.93 17,13.95C16.55,13.21 15.84,12.65 15,12.39V18.54M7,2A5,5 0 0,1 2,7V2H7Z",nr="M3,3V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V3H3M7,9H10V10H7V9M7,11H10V12H7V11M10,16H7V15H10V16M12,14H7V13H12V14M12,8H7V7H12V8Z",Zr="M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Sr="M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3M7 5V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H17V5H7M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",ur="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",cr="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",sr="M23 17V19H15V17H23M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",Or="M23 17V19H15V17M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",hr="M3,3H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V3M7,5V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H17V5H7Z",pr="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",fr="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",gr="M0 3H18V5C16.9 5 16 5.9 16 7V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.1 2 19V7C2 5.9 1.1 5 0 5V3M4 9V10H7V9H4M4 11V12H7V11H4M7 16V15H4V16H7M9 14V13H4V14H9M9 8V7H4V8H9M21.5 15.5V17H20V15.5H21.5M19.5 10.5H18V10C18 8.34 19.34 7 21 7C22.66 7 24 8.34 24 10C24 10.97 23.5 11.88 22.71 12.41L22.41 12.6C21.84 13 21.5 13.62 21.5 14.3V14.5H20V14.3C20 13.11 20.6 12 21.59 11.35L21.88 11.16C22.27 10.9 22.5 10.47 22.5 10C22.5 9.18 21.83 8.5 21 8.5C20.17 8.5 19.5 9.17 19.5 10V10.5Z",kr="M0 3H18V5C16.9 5 16 5.9 16 7V19C16 20.11 15.11 21 14 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V7C2 5.9 1.11 5 0 5V3M4 5V7H9V8H4V9H7V10H4V11H7V12H4V13H9V14H4V15H7V16H4V19H14V5H4M21.5 15.5V17H20V15.5H21.5M19.5 10.5H18V10C18 8.34 19.34 7 21 7C22.66 7 24 8.34 24 10C24 10.97 23.5 11.88 22.71 12.41L22.41 12.6C21.84 13 21.5 13.62 21.5 14.3V14.5H20V14.3C20 13.11 20.6 12 21.59 11.35L21.88 11.16C22.27 10.9 22.5 10.47 22.5 10C22.5 9.18 21.83 8.5 21 8.5C20.17 8.5 19.5 9.17 19.5 10V10.5Z",Br="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18C13 19.09 13.29 20.12 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5V3M7 9V10H10V9H7M7 11V12H10V11H7M10 16V15H7V16H10M12 14V13H7V14H12M12 8V7H7V8H12Z",Pr="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M3 3H21V5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V12C18.3 12 17.63 12.12 17 12.34V5H7V7H12V8H7V9H10V10H7V11H10V12H7V13H12V14H7V15H10V16H7V19H13.08C13.2 19.72 13.45 20.39 13.8 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V7C5 5.9 4.11 5 3 5V3Z",wr="M19,7H11V14H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7M7,13A3,3 0 0,0 10,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,7A3,3 0 0,0 4,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,13Z",Fr="M19.2 9.5L16 7.7V4H17.5V6.8L19.9 8.2L19.2 9.5M22.2 11.7C22.7 12.4 23 13.2 23 14V23H21V20H3V23H1V8H3V17H11V10.6C10.4 9.5 10 8.3 10 7C10 3.1 13.1 0 17 0S24 3.1 24 7C24 8.8 23.3 10.4 22.2 11.7M12 7C12 9.8 14.2 12 17 12S22 9.8 22 7 19.8 2 17 2 12 4.2 12 7M7 16C8.7 16 10 14.7 10 13S8.7 10 7 10 4 11.3 4 13 5.3 16 7 16Z",Tr="M18 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 16 5H8A2 2 0 0 0 6 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 4 12V17H5.33L6 19H7L7.67 17H16.33L17 19H18L18.67 17H20V12A2 2 0 0 0 18 10M11 10H8V7H11M16 10H13V7H16Z",br="M8 5C7.5 5 7 5.21 6.61 5.6S6 6.45 6 7V10C5.47 10 5 10.19 4.59 10.59S4 11.47 4 12V17H5.34L6 19H7L7.69 17H16.36L17 19H18L18.66 17H20V12C20 11.47 19.81 11 19.41 10.59S18.53 10 18 10V7C18 6.45 17.8 6 17.39 5.6S16.5 5 16 5M8 7H11V10H8M13 7H16V10H13M6 12H18V15H6Z",yr="M19,7H5V14H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7",Rr="M6 5C5.47 5 5 5.21 4.59 5.6S4 6.45 4 7V10C3.45 10 3 10.19 2.6 10.59S2 11.47 2 12V17H3.33L4 19H5L5.67 17H18.33L19 19H20L20.67 17H22V12C22 11.47 21.79 11 21.4 10.59C21 10.19 20.55 10 20 10V7C20 6.45 19.81 6 19.41 5.6S18.53 5 18 5M6 7H11V10H6M13 7H18V10H13Z",xr="M20 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 18 5H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 2 12V17H3.33L4 19H5L5.67 17H18.33L19 19H20L20.67 17H22V12A2 2 0 0 0 20 10M13 7H18V10H13M6 7H11V10H6M20 15H4V12H20Z",Dr="M7 14C8.66 14 10 12.66 10 11C10 9.34 8.66 8 7 8C5.34 8 4 9.34 4 11C4 12.66 5.34 14 7 14M7 10C7.55 10 8 10.45 8 11C8 11.55 7.55 12 7 12C6.45 12 6 11.55 6 11C6 10.45 6.45 10 7 10M19 7H11V15H3V5H1V20H3V17H21V20H23V11C23 8.79 21.21 7 19 7M21 15H13V9H19C20.1 9 21 9.9 21 11Z",Er="M19 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 17 5H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 3 12V17H4.33L5 19H6L6.67 17H17.33L18 19H19L19.67 17H21V12A2 2 0 0 0 19 10M17 10H7V7H17Z",Nr="M19 10V7A2 2 0 0 0 17 5H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 7V10A2 2 0 0 0 3 12V17H4.33L5 19H6L6.67 17H17.33L18 19H19L19.67 17H21V12A2 2 0 0 0 19 10M7 7H17V10H7M19 15H5V12H19Z",Wr="M17 10V7C17 5.9 16.11 5 15 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V10C5.9 10 4.89 10.9 5 12V17H6.33L7 19H8L8.67 17H15.33L16 19H17L17.67 17H19V12C19 10.9 18.11 10 17 10M15 10H9V7H15Z",Ir="M17 10V7C17 5.9 16.11 5 15 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V10C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12V17H6.33L7 19H8L8.67 17H15.33L16 19H17L17.67 17H19V12C19 10.9 18.11 10 17 10M9 7H15V10H9M17 15H7V12H17Z",Gr="M17.4 9C17 7.8 16.2 7 15 6.5V5H14V6.4H13.6C12.5 6.4 11.6 6.8 10.8 7.6L10.4 8L9 7.5C8.7 7.4 8.4 7.3 8 7.3C7.4 7.3 6.8 7.5 6.3 7.9C5.7 8.3 5.4 8.8 5.2 9.3C5 10 5 10.6 5.2 11.3C5.5 12 5.8 12.5 6.3 12.8C5.9 14.3 6.2 15.6 7.3 16.7C8.1 17.5 9 17.9 10.1 17.9C10.6 17.9 10.9 17.9 11.2 17.8C11.8 18.6 12.6 19.1 13.6 19.1C13.9 19.1 14.3 19.1 14.6 19C15.2 18.8 15.6 18.4 16 17.9C16.4 17.3 16.6 16.8 16.6 16.2C16.6 15.8 16.6 15.5 16.5 15.2L16 13.6L16.6 13.2C17.4 12.4 17.8 11.3 17.7 10.1H19V9H17.4M7.7 11.3C7.1 11 6.9 10.6 7.1 10C7.3 9.4 7.7 9.2 8.3 9.4L11.5 10.6C9.9 11.4 8.7 11.6 7.7 11.3M14 16.9C13.4 17.1 13 16.9 12.7 16.3C12.4 15.3 12.6 14.1 13.4 12.5L14.6 15.6C14.8 16.3 14.6 16.7 14 16.9M15.2 11.6L14.6 10V9.9L14.3 9.6H14.2L12.6 9C13 8.7 13.4 8.5 13.9 8.5C14.4 8.5 14.9 8.7 15.3 9.1C15.7 9.5 15.9 9.9 15.9 10.4C15.7 10.7 15.5 11.2 15.2 11.6Z",Qr="M11.6 13V12.9L11.3 12.6H11.2L9.6 12C10 11.7 10.4 11.5 10.9 11.5C11.4 11.5 11.9 11.7 12.3 12.1C12.7 12.5 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.4C12.9 13.9 12.8 14.3 12.4 14.7L11.6 13M9.7 19.3C9.4 18.3 9.6 17.1 10.4 15.5L11.6 18.6C11.8 19.2 11.6 19.6 11 19.9C10.4 20.2 10 20 9.7 19.3M4.1 13.1C4.3 12.5 4.7 12.3 5.3 12.5L8.5 13.7C6.9 14.5 5.7 14.7 4.7 14.4C4.1 14.1 3.9 13.7 4.1 13.1M12 8.1H11V9.5H10.6C9.5 9.5 8.6 9.9 7.8 10.7L7.4 11.3L6 10.5C5.7 10.4 5.4 10.4 5 10.4C4.4 10.4 3.8 10.6 3.3 11S2.4 11.8 2.2 12.4C2 13.1 2 13.7 2.2 14.4C2.5 15.1 2.8 15.6 3.3 15.9C2.9 17.4 3.2 18.7 4.3 19.8C5.1 20.6 6 21 7.1 21C7.6 21 7.9 21 8.2 20.9C8.8 21.7 9.6 22.2 10.6 22.2C10.9 22.2 11.3 22.2 11.6 22.1C12.2 21.9 12.6 21.5 13 21C13.4 20.4 13.6 19.9 13.6 19.3C13.6 18.9 13.6 18.6 13.5 18.3L12.9 16.9L13.5 16.5C14.3 15.7 14.7 14.6 14.6 13.4H16V12.4H14.4C14 11.2 13.2 10.4 12 10V8.1M17.3 6.8C17.1 6.6 17 6.3 17 6.1C17 5.8 17.1 5.6 17.3 5.4C17.5 5.2 17.7 5.1 18 5.1S18.5 5.2 18.7 5.4C18.9 5.5 19 5.8 19 6.1C19 6.4 18.9 6.6 18.7 6.8C18.5 7 18.3 7 18 7S17.5 7 17.3 6.8M20.7 4.1H19.6L19.3 3.2C19.1 2.5 18.7 2.2 18 2.2C17.3 2.2 16.8 2.5 16.7 3.2L16.4 4.1H15.3C14.7 4.1 14.3 4.4 14 5C13.8 5.6 14 6.1 14.6 6.5L15.5 7L15.1 8.2C14.9 8.6 15 9 15.2 9.4C15.5 9.8 15.8 10 16.3 10C16.7 10 17 9.9 17.2 9.7L18 9.1L18.8 9.8C19 9.9 19.3 10 19.7 10C20.2 10 20.5 9.8 20.8 9.4C21 9 21.1 8.6 20.9 8.2L20.5 7L21.3 6.5C21.9 6.1 22.1 5.6 21.9 5C21.7 4.3 21.3 4.1 20.7 4.1Z",Ur="M1.1 3L4.7 6.5C3.7 7.2 3 8.2 3 9.5C3 10.1 3.2 10.7 3.5 11.2C2 11.6 1 12.9 1 14.5C1 15.8 1.7 16.8 2.7 17.5C2.2 18 2 18.7 2 19.5C2 21.4 3.6 23 5.5 23H18.5C19.3 23 20 22.7 20.6 22.3L21.3 23L22.6 21.7L2.4 1.7L1.1 3M9.2 11H6.5C5.7 11 5 10.3 5 9.5C5 8.8 5.5 8.2 6.2 8L9.2 11M9 21H5.5C4.7 21 4 20.3 4 19.5S4.7 18 5.5 18H9V21M9.2 16H4.5C3.7 16 3 15.3 3 14.5S3.7 13 4.5 13H11.2L12.2 14H12C10.7 14 9.6 14.8 9.2 16M18.5 21H15V18H16.2L19.1 20.9C18.9 21 18.7 21 18.5 21M7.1 3.9L5.7 2.5C6.3 1.6 7.3 1 8.5 1H15.5C17.4 1 19 2.6 19 4.5C19 5.1 18.8 5.7 18.5 6.2C20 6.6 21 7.9 21 9.5C21 10.1 20.8 10.7 20.5 11.2C21.9 11.7 23 13 23 14.5C23 15.8 22.3 16.8 21.3 17.5C21.6 17.9 21.8 18.3 21.9 18.7L19.2 16H19.5C20.3 16 21 15.3 21 14.5S20.3 13 19.5 13H16.2L14.2 11H17.5C18.3 11 19 10.3 19 9.5S18.3 8 17.5 8H11.2L9.2 6H15.5C16.3 6 17 5.3 17 4.5S16.3 3 15.5 3H8.5C7.9 3 7.3 3.4 7.1 3.9Z",zr="M23 14.5C23 12.94 21.97 11.63 20.55 11.18C20.83 10.68 21 10.11 21 9.5C21 7.94 19.97 6.63 18.55 6.18C18.83 5.68 19 5.11 19 4.5C19 2.57 17.43 1 15.5 1H8.5C6.57 1 5 2.57 5 4.5C5 5.11 5.17 5.68 5.45 6.18C4.04 6.63 3 7.94 3 9.5C3 10.11 3.17 10.68 3.45 11.18C2.04 11.63 1 12.94 1 14.5C1 15.76 1.67 16.84 2.67 17.46C2.25 18.03 2 18.74 2 19.5C2 21.43 3.57 23 5.5 23H18.5C20.43 23 22 21.43 22 19.5C22 18.74 21.75 18.03 21.33 17.46C22.33 16.84 23 15.76 23 14.5M8.5 3H15.5C16.33 3 17 3.67 17 4.5S16.33 6 15.5 6H8.5C7.67 6 7 5.33 7 4.5S7.67 3 8.5 3M6.5 8H17.5C18.33 8 19 8.67 19 9.5S18.33 11 17.5 11H6.5C5.67 11 5 10.33 5 9.5S5.67 8 6.5 8M4 19.5C4 18.67 4.67 18 5.5 18H9V21H5.5C4.67 21 4 20.33 4 19.5M18.5 21H15V18H18.5C19.33 18 20 18.67 20 19.5S19.33 21 18.5 21M19.5 16H14.82C14.4 14.84 13.3 14 12 14S9.6 14.84 9.18 16H4.5C3.67 16 3 15.33 3 14.5S3.67 13 4.5 13H19.5C20.33 13 21 13.67 21 14.5S20.33 16 19.5 16Z",_r="M19 5H16C16 3.34 14.21 2 12 2C9.79 2 8 3.34 8 5H5C4.45 5 4 5.45 4 6S4.45 7 5 7V14C5 15.11 5.9 16 7 16H17C18.11 16 19 15.11 19 14V7C19.55 7 20 6.55 20 6S19.55 5 19 5M17 14H7V7H17V14M15.86 8C15.94 8.32 16 8.65 16 9C16 11.21 14.21 13 12 13S8 11.21 8 9C8 8.65 8.06 8.32 8.14 8H10.28C10.11 8.3 10 8.63 10 9C10 10.1 10.9 11 12 11S14 10.1 14 9C14 8.63 13.89 8.3 13.72 8H15.86M20 19V22H4V19C4 18.22 4.47 17.55 5.18 17H12C9.28 17 6.19 18.29 6 19V20H18V19C17.81 18.29 14.72 17 12 17H18.82C19.53 17.55 20 18.22 20 19Z",Kr="M4,2H19L17,22H6L4,2M6.2,4L7.8,20H8.8L7.43,6.34C8.5,6 9.89,5.89 11,7C12.56,8.56 15.33,7.69 16.5,7.23L16.8,4H6.2Z",jr="M4 2L6 22H17L19 2H4M6.2 4H16.8L16.5 7.23C13.18 8.5 11.85 7.67 11.38 7.31C11.13 7.12 10.77 6.69 10.11 6.39C9.45 6.08 8.55 6 7.5 6.32C7.09 6.43 6.77 6.61 6.5 6.79L6.2 4M8.86 8.11C9.05 8.11 9.16 8.15 9.27 8.2C9.5 8.3 9.71 8.55 10.17 8.9C11.03 9.56 13.03 10.36 16.26 9.41L15.2 20H7.8L6.71 9.06C6.76 9 6.91 8.89 7.17 8.71C7.5 8.5 7.91 8.28 8 8.25L8 8.25H8.03C8.41 8.14 8.67 8.1 8.86 8.11Z",qr="M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M14,21A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21",$r="M23 7V13H21V7M21 15H23V17H21M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 14 21Z",Xr="M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M12 6A5 5 0 0 1 17 11V18H7V11A5 5 0 0 1 12 6M21 7V13H23V7H21M21 15V17H23V15H21M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 14 21H10Z",Yr="M21 6.5C21 8.43 19.43 10 17.5 10S14 8.43 14 6.5 15.57 3 17.5 3 21 4.57 21 6.5M19 11.79C18.5 11.92 18 12 17.5 12C14.47 12 12 9.53 12 6.5C12 5.03 12.58 3.7 13.5 2.71C13.15 2.28 12.61 2 12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.29C7.03 5.17 5 7.9 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17V11.79M12 23C13.11 23 14 22.11 14 21H10C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23Z",Jr="M19 17V11.8C18.5 11.9 18 12 17.5 12H17V18H7V11C7 8.2 9.2 6 12 6C12.1 4.7 12.7 3.6 13.5 2.7C13.2 2.3 12.6 2 12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.3C7 5.2 5 7.9 5 11V17L3 19V20H21V19L19 17M10 21C10 22.1 10.9 23 12 23S14 22.1 14 21H10M21 6.5C21 8.4 19.4 10 17.5 10S14 8.4 14 6.5 15.6 3 17.5 3 21 4.6 21 6.5",Ca="M17.5 13A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 13 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 22A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 22 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 13M17.5 14.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.08 19L16 14.92A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 14.5M14.92 16L19 20.08A3 3 0 0 1 17.5 20.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 14.92 16M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H11.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 17.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19 11.18V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.5 23 12.97 22.81 13.33 22.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 12.03 21Z",Ha="M17.5 13A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 13 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 22A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 22 17.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 17.5 13M17.5 14.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.5 17.5A3 3 0 0 1 20.08 19L16 14.92A3 3 0 0 1 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4.29V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4V4.29C16.97 5.18 19 7.9 19 11V12.08L18 12L17 12.08V11C17 8.24 14.76 6 12 6C9.24 6 7 8.24 7 11V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H3Z",Ma="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M17,16V15L16,14V11.39C16,10.3 15.73,9.34 15.21,8.53C14.7,7.72 13.96,7.21 13,7V6.5A1,1 0 0,0 12,5.5A1,1 0 0,0 11,6.5V7C10.04,7.21 9.3,7.72 8.79,8.53C8.27,9.34 8,10.3 8,11.39V14L7,15V16H17M13.5,17H10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17Z",Aa="M17,16H7V15L8,14V11.39C8,10.3 8.27,9.34 8.79,8.53C9.3,7.72 10.04,7.21 11,7V6.5A1,1 0 0,1 12,5.5A1,1 0 0,1 13,6.5V7C13.96,7.21 14.7,7.72 15.21,8.53C15.73,9.34 16,10.3 16,11.39V14L17,15V16M13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,17H13.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",ia="M19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7.03 5.17 10 4.29V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.29C16.97 5.17 19 7.9 19 11V12M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.39 23 12.75 22.88 13.06 22.69C12.74 22.17 12.5 21.6 12.3 21H10M23.77 20.32C23.87 20.39 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.77 22.5 22.64 22.5 22.53 22.5L21.28 21.97C21 22.17 20.75 22.34 20.44 22.47L20.25 23.79C20.23 23.91 20.13 24 20 24H18C17.88 24 17.77 23.91 17.75 23.79L17.57 22.47C17.25 22.34 17 22.17 16.72 21.97L15.5 22.5C15.37 22.5 15.23 22.5 15.17 22.37L14.17 20.64C14.11 20.53 14.14 20.39 14.23 20.32L15.29 19.5C15.27 19.33 15.25 19.17 15.25 19S15.27 18.67 15.29 18.5L14.23 17.68C14.14 17.61 14.11 17.5 14.17 17.36L15.17 15.64C15.23 15.53 15.37 15.5 15.5 15.53L16.72 16C17 15.83 17.25 15.66 17.57 15.54L17.75 14.21C17.77 14.09 17.88 14 18 14H20C20.13 14 20.23 14.09 20.25 14.21L20.44 15.54C20.75 15.66 21 15.83 21.28 16L22.53 15.53C22.64 15.5 22.77 15.53 22.83 15.64L23.83 17.36C23.89 17.5 23.87 17.61 23.77 17.68L22.72 18.5C22.74 18.67 22.75 18.84 22.75 19S22.74 19.33 22.72 19.5L23.77 20.32M20.75 19C20.75 18.03 19.97 17.25 19 17.25S17.25 18.03 17.25 19 18.04 20.75 19 20.75 20.75 19.97 20.75 19Z",ra="M22.72 19.5C22.74 19.33 22.75 19.17 22.75 19S22.74 18.67 22.72 18.5L23.77 17.68C23.87 17.61 23.89 17.5 23.83 17.36L22.83 15.64C22.77 15.53 22.64 15.5 22.53 15.53L21.28 16C21 15.83 20.75 15.66 20.44 15.54L20.25 14.21C20.23 14.09 20.13 14 20 14H18C17.88 14 17.77 14.09 17.75 14.21L17.57 15.54C17.25 15.66 17 15.83 16.72 16L15.5 15.53C15.37 15.5 15.23 15.53 15.17 15.64L14.17 17.36C14.11 17.5 14.14 17.61 14.23 17.68L15.29 18.5C15.27 18.67 15.25 18.84 15.25 19S15.27 19.33 15.29 19.5L14.23 20.32C14.14 20.39 14.11 20.53 14.17 20.64L15.17 22.37C15.23 22.5 15.37 22.5 15.5 22.5L16.72 21.97C17 22.17 17.25 22.34 17.57 22.47L17.75 23.79C17.77 23.91 17.88 24 18 24H20C20.13 24 20.23 23.91 20.25 23.79L20.44 22.47C20.75 22.34 21 22.17 21.28 21.97L22.53 22.5C22.64 22.5 22.77 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.87 20.39 23.77 20.32L22.72 19.5M19 20.75C18.04 20.75 17.25 19.97 17.25 19S18.04 17.25 19 17.25 20.75 18.03 20.75 19 19.97 20.75 19 20.75M12.08 20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7 5.2 10 4.3V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.3C17 5.2 19 7.9 19 11V12C18.31 12 17.63 12.11 17 12.29V11C17 8.2 14.8 6 12 6S7 8.2 7 11V18H12.08C12.03 18.33 12 18.66 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20M12.3 21C12.5 21.6 12.74 22.17 13.06 22.69C12.75 22.88 12.39 23 12 23C10.9 23 10 22.1 10 21H12.3Z",aa="M22 19V17H14V19H22M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21H10Z",ea="M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4V4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11C7 8.24 9.24 6 12 6S17 8.24 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.03 17.67 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29V4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M14 17V19H22V17M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21H10Z",da="M20.84,22.73L18.11,20H3V19L5,17V11C5,9.86 5.29,8.73 5.83,7.72L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73M19,15.8V11C19,7.9 16.97,5.17 14,4.29C14,4.19 14,4.1 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,2A2,2 0 0,0 10,4C10,4.1 10,4.19 10,4.29C9.39,4.47 8.8,4.74 8.26,5.09L19,15.8M12,23A2,2 0 0,0 14,21H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,23Z",ma="M22.11,21.46L2.39,1.73L1.11,3L5.83,7.72C5.29,8.73 5,9.86 5,11V17L3,19V20H18.11L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46M7,18V11C7,10.39 7.11,9.79 7.34,9.23L16.11,18H7M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M8.29,5.09C8.82,4.75 9.4,4.5 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V15.8L17,13.8V11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6C11.22,6 10.45,6.2 9.76,6.56L8.29,5.09Z",ta="M10 21H14C14 22.1 13.1 23 12 23S10 22.1 10 21M21 19V20H3V19L5 17V11C5 7.9 7 5.2 10 4.3V4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4V4.3C17 5.2 19 7.9 19 11V17L21 19M17 11C17 8.2 14.8 6 12 6S7 8.2 7 11V18H17V11Z",va="M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M12 2A2 2 0 0 0 10 4A2 2 0 0 0 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35A6 6 0 0 1 12 18A6 6 0 0 1 18 12A6 6 0 0 1 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 14 4A2 2 0 0 0 12 2M10 21A2 2 0 0 0 12 23A2 2 0 0 0 13.65 22.13A6 6 0 0 1 12.81 21Z",la="M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11C7 8.24 9.24 6 12 6C14.76 6 17 8.24 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.03 17.67 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",oa="M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.46L14.46 15.88L16.59 18L14.46 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",na="M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.46L14.46 15.88L16.59 18L14.46 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88M12 2C10.9 2 10 2.9 10 4C10 4.1 10 4.19 10 4.29C7.12 5.14 5 7.82 5 11V17L3 19V20H12.35C12.12 19.36 12 18.68 12 18H7V11A5 5 0 0 1 12 6A5 5 0 0 1 17 11V12.09C17.33 12.04 17.66 12 18 12C18.34 12 18.67 12.03 19 12.09V11C19 7.82 16.88 5.14 14 4.29C14 4.19 14 4.1 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2M10 21C10 22.11 10.9 23 12 23C12.66 23 13.28 22.67 13.65 22.13C13.33 21.79 13.05 21.41 12.81 21Z",Za="M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M14,21A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M19.75,3.19L18.33,4.61C20.04,6.3 21,8.6 21,11H23C23,8.07 21.84,5.25 19.75,3.19M1,11H3C3,8.6 3.96,6.3 5.67,4.61L4.25,3.19C2.16,5.25 1,8.07 1,11Z",Sa="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M17,11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6A5,5 0 0,0 7,11V18H17V11M19.75,3.19L18.33,4.61C20.04,6.3 21,8.6 21,11H23C23,8.07 21.84,5.25 19.75,3.19M1,11H3C3,8.6 3.96,6.3 5.67,4.61L4.25,3.19C2.16,5.25 1,8.07 1,11Z",ua="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M15,9H9V11H12.24L9,13.7V16H15V14H11.76L15,11.3V9Z",ca="M10,21H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,23A2,2 0 0,1 10,21M21,19V20H3V19L5,17V11C5,7.9 7.03,5.17 10,4.29C10,4.19 10,4.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.1 14,4.19 14,4.29C16.97,5.17 19,7.9 19,11V17L21,19M17,11A5,5 0 0,0 12,6A5,5 0 0,0 7,11V18H17V11M9,9V11H12.24L9,13.7V16H15V14H11.76L15,11.3V9H9Z",sa="M23 13H1V15H3V19H5V15H19V19H21V15H23V13Z",Oa="M4 5C3.45 5 3 5.45 3 6V10C3 10.55 3.45 11 4 11H5V13H1V15H3V19H5V15H19V19H21V15H23V13H19V11H20C20.55 11 21 10.55 21 10V6C21 5.45 20.55 5 20 5H4M17 11V13H7V11H17Z",ha="M9.23,17.59V23.12H6.88V6.72C6.88,5.27 7.31,4.13 8.16,3.28C9,2.43 10.17,2 11.61,2C13,2 14.07,2.34 14.87,3C15.66,3.68 16.05,4.62 16.05,5.81C16.05,6.63 15.79,7.4 15.27,8.11C14.75,8.82 14.08,9.31 13.25,9.58V9.62C14.5,9.82 15.47,10.27 16.13,11C16.79,11.71 17.12,12.62 17.12,13.74C17.12,15.06 16.66,16.14 15.75,16.97C14.83,17.8 13.63,18.21 12.13,18.21C11.07,18.21 10.1,18 9.23,17.59M10.72,10.75V8.83C11.59,8.72 12.3,8.4 12.87,7.86C13.43,7.31 13.71,6.7 13.71,6C13.71,4.62 13,3.92 11.6,3.92C10.84,3.92 10.25,4.16 9.84,4.65C9.43,5.14 9.23,5.82 9.23,6.71V15.5C10.14,16.03 11.03,16.29 11.89,16.29C12.73,16.29 13.39,16.07 13.86,15.64C14.33,15.2 14.56,14.58 14.56,13.79C14.56,12 13.28,11 10.72,10.75Z",pa="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M8,9A4,4 0 0,1 12,13A4,4 0 0,1 8,17A4,4 0 0,1 4,13A4,4 0 0,1 8,9M13,9H20V17H13V9M8,11A2,2 0 0,0 6,13A2,2 0 0,0 8,15A2,2 0 0,0 10,13A2,2 0 0,0 8,11Z",fa="M12.88,3.64C13.65,3.64 14.28,4.27 14.28,5.04C14.28,5.81 13.65,6.44 12.88,6.44C12.11,6.44 11.5,5.81 11.5,5.04C11.5,4.27 12.11,3.64 12.88,3.64M15,13H16.5V19H15V13M15,8.5H16.5V10H15V8.5M10.04,2.6L8,2.04L6.06,8.58L3.9,11.42L7.17,12.37L10.04,2.6M19.67,18.55C19.31,18.93 18.88,19.5 18.4,19.7C17.91,19.92 17.54,20 17,20H13.5L13.43,17C13.42,16.83 13.37,16.67 13.28,16.5L10.88,12.24L11.76,9.5C12.34,10.55 13,11.73 13.06,11.83C13.21,12 13.45,12.13 13.69,12.13H15.9A0.81,0.81 0 0,0 16.71,11.32C16.71,10.9 16.38,10.56 15.96,10.53L14.29,10.4L12.4,7C12.4,7 12,6.42 11.14,6.42C10.27,6.42 10,6.84 9.83,7.42L6,20H3V22H17C18.37,22 19.53,21.34 20.5,20.37L19.67,18.55M9.75,14.39L11.62,17.39L11.75,20H7.75L9.75,14.39Z",ga="M19 10C18.44 10 17.91 10.11 17.41 10.28L14.46 4.5H11V6H13.54L14.42 7.72L12 13.13L10.23 8.95C10.5 8.85 10.74 8.58 10.74 8.25C10.74 7.84 10.41 7.5 10 7.5H8C7.58 7.5 7.24 7.84 7.24 8.25S7.58 9 8 9H8.61L10.86 14.25H9.92C9.56 11.85 7.5 10 5 10C2.24 10 0 12.24 0 15S2.24 20 5 20C7.5 20 9.56 18.15 9.92 15.75H12.5L15.29 9.43L16.08 10.96C14.82 11.87 14 13.34 14 15C14 17.76 16.24 20 19 20S24 17.76 24 15 21.76 10 19 10M5 18.5C3.07 18.5 1.5 16.93 1.5 15S3.07 11.5 5 11.5C6.67 11.5 8.07 12.68 8.41 14.25H4V15.75H8.41C8.07 17.32 6.67 18.5 5 18.5M19 18.5C17.07 18.5 15.5 16.93 15.5 15C15.5 13.92 16 12.97 16.77 12.33L18.57 15.85L19.89 15.13L18.1 11.63C18.39 11.56 18.69 11.5 19 11.5C20.93 11.5 22.5 13.07 22.5 15S20.93 18.5 19 18.5Z",ka="M11.74 13.36L14.14 7.71L13.06 5.5H10.5V4H14L14.73 5.5H21.75L20.75 9H16.44L17.11 10.37C17.69 10.13 18.33 10 19 10C21.76 10 24 12.24 24 15C24 17.76 21.76 20 19 20C16.24 20 14 17.76 14 15C14 13.45 14.71 12.06 15.82 11.15L15 9.5L12.25 16H9.9C9.44 18.28 7.42 20 5 20C2.24 20 0 17.76 0 15C0 12.24 2.24 10 5 10C7.59 10 9.72 11.97 10 14.5H10.58L8.3 9H7.5C7.09 9 6.75 8.66 6.75 8.25C6.75 7.84 7.09 7.5 7.5 7.5H10.25C10.66 7.5 11 7.84 11 8.25C11 8.66 10.66 9 10.25 9H9.97L11.74 13.36M5 11.5C3.07 11.5 1.5 13.07 1.5 15C1.5 16.93 3.07 18.5 5 18.5C6.59 18.5 7.93 17.45 8.36 16H4V14.5H8.47C8.22 12.8 6.76 11.5 5 11.5M19 11.5C18.57 11.5 18.15 11.58 17.77 11.72L19.7 15.68L18.35 16.34L16.5 12.55C15.88 13.18 15.5 14.05 15.5 15C15.5 16.93 17.07 18.5 19 18.5C20.93 18.5 22.5 16.93 22.5 15C22.5 13.07 20.93 11.5 19 11.5Z",Ba="M21 11.5V10L13.5 9V5H9V6.5H12V14.3H11L9 10C9.3 9.9 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.3C9.5 8.9 9.2 8.5 8.8 8.5H6.8C6.3 8.5 6 8.8 6 9.2S6.3 10 6.8 10H7.4L9.4 14.2H7.9C7.6 12.4 6 11 4 11C1.8 11 0 12.8 0 15S1.8 19 4 19C6 19 7.6 17.6 7.9 15.8H16.5C16.7 13.4 18.6 11.5 21 11.5M6.4 15.8C6.1 16.8 5.1 17.6 4 17.6C2.6 17.6 1.5 16.5 1.5 15.1S2.6 12.6 4 12.6C5.1 12.6 6.1 13.3 6.4 14.4H4V15.9H6.4M21 13C19.3 13 18 14.3 18 16S19.3 19 21 19 24 17.7 24 16 22.7 13 21 13M21 17.5C20.2 17.5 19.5 16.8 19.5 16S20.2 14.5 21 14.5 22.5 15.2 22.5 16 21.8 17.5 21 17.5Z",Pa="M19 7C18.44 7 17.91 7.11 17.41 7.28L14.46 1.5H11V3H13.54L14.42 4.72L12 10.13L10.23 5.95C10.5 5.85 10.74 5.58 10.74 5.25C10.74 4.84 10.41 4.5 10 4.5H8C7.58 4.5 7.24 4.84 7.24 5.25S7.58 6 8 6H8.61L10.86 11.25H9.92C9.56 8.85 7.5 7 5 7C2.24 7 0 9.24 0 12S2.24 17 5 17C7.5 17 9.56 15.15 9.92 12.75H12.5L15.29 6.43L16.08 7.96C14.82 8.87 14 10.34 14 12C14 14.76 16.24 17 19 17S24 14.76 24 12 21.76 7 19 7M5 15.5C3.07 15.5 1.5 13.93 1.5 12S3.07 8.5 5 8.5C6.67 8.5 8.07 9.68 8.41 11.25H4V12.75H8.41C8.07 14.32 6.67 15.5 5 15.5M19 15.5C17.07 15.5 15.5 13.93 15.5 12C15.5 10.92 16 9.97 16.77 9.33L18.57 12.85L19.89 12.13L18.1 8.63C18.39 8.56 18.69 8.5 19 8.5C20.93 8.5 22.5 10.07 22.5 12S20.93 15.5 19 15.5M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",wa="M15.5 5.06V2H12V4H13.5V5.04C12.71 5.11 11.94 5.27 11.2 5.5C11.03 5.2 10.72 5 10.36 5H7C6.45 5 6 5.45 6 6S6.45 7 7 7H8.05C5.09 9 3.12 12.36 3 16.18C1.85 16.59 1 17.69 1 19C1 20.66 2.34 22 4 22S7 20.66 7 19C7 17.7 6.17 16.61 5 16.19C5.07 14.67 5.46 13.25 6.14 12C6.05 12.5 6 13 6 13.5C6 18.19 9.81 22 14.5 22C19.19 22 23 18.19 23 13.5C23 9.14 19.72 5.56 15.5 5.06M4 20C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19S3.45 18 4 18 5 18.45 5 19 4.55 20 4 20M14.5 20C10.92 20 8 17.08 8 13.5C8 10.26 10.39 7.57 13.5 7.09V15H15.5V7.09C18.61 7.57 21 10.26 21 13.5C21 17.08 18.08 20 14.5 20Z",Fa="M5,20.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 1.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5,13.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5,20.5M5,12A5,5 0 0,0 0,17A5,5 0 0,0 5,22A5,5 0 0,0 10,17A5,5 0 0,0 5,12M14.8,10H19V8.2H15.8L13.86,4.93C13.57,4.43 13,4.1 12.4,4.1C11.93,4.1 11.5,4.29 11.2,4.6L7.5,8.29C7.19,8.6 7,9 7,9.5C7,10.13 7.33,10.66 7.85,10.97L11.2,13V18H13V11.5L10.75,9.85L13.07,7.5M19,20.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19,13.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22.5,17A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19,20.5M19,12A5,5 0 0,0 14,17A5,5 0 0,0 19,22A5,5 0 0,0 24,17A5,5 0 0,0 19,12M16,4.8C17,4.8 17.8,4 17.8,3C17.8,2 17,1.2 16,1.2C15,1.2 14.2,2 14.2,3C14.2,4 15,4.8 16,4.8Z",Ta="M16 1.2C15 1.2 14.2 2 14.2 3S15 4.8 16 4.8 17.8 4 17.8 3 17 1.2 16 1.2M12.4 4.1C11.93 4.1 11.5 4.29 11.2 4.6L7.5 8.29C7.19 8.6 7 9 7 9.5C7 10.13 7.33 10.66 7.85 10.97L11.2 13V18H13V11.5L10.75 9.85L13.07 7.5L14.8 10H19V8.2H15.8L13.86 4.93C13.57 4.43 13 4.1 12.4 4.1M10 3H3C2.45 3 2 2.55 2 2S2.45 1 3 1H12.79C12.58 1.34 12.41 1.71 12.32 2.11C11.46 2.13 10.65 2.45 10 3M5 12C2.24 12 0 14.24 0 17S2.24 22 5 22 10 19.76 10 17 7.76 12 5 12M5 20.5C3.07 20.5 1.5 18.93 1.5 17S3.07 13.5 5 13.5 8.5 15.07 8.5 17 6.93 20.5 5 20.5M19 12C16.24 12 14 14.24 14 17S16.24 22 19 22 24 19.76 24 17 21.76 12 19 12M19 20.5C17.07 20.5 15.5 18.93 15.5 17S17.07 13.5 19 13.5 22.5 15.07 22.5 17 20.93 20.5 19 20.5M5.32 11H1C.448 11 0 10.55 0 10S.448 9 1 9H5.05C5.03 9.16 5 9.33 5 9.5C5 10.03 5.12 10.54 5.32 11M6 7H2C1.45 7 1 6.55 1 6S1.45 5 2 5H7.97L6.09 6.87C6.05 6.91 6 6.96 6 7Z",ba="M6.85 5C5.87 5 5.04 5.71 4.87 6.67L4 12L4.87 17.33C5.04 18.29 5.87 19 6.85 19H14.15C15.13 19 15.97 18.29 16.13 17.33L16.68 14H18V13H20V11H18V10H16.68L16.13 6.67C15.97 5.71 15.13 5 14.15 5H6.85M6.85 7H14.15L14.82 11H6.18L6.85 7M6.18 13H14.82L14.15 17H6.85L6.18 13Z",ya="M14.43 16.11L15.28 14H16V13H20V11H16V10H15.28L14.43 7.89C14 6.75 12.87 6 11.65 6H9.35C8.13 6 7 6.75 6.57 7.89L5.37 10.89C5.08 11.6 5.08 12.4 5.37 13.11L6.57 16.11C7 17.25 8.13 18 9.35 18H11.65C12.87 18 14 17.25 14.43 16.11M9.35 8H11.65C12.06 8 12.42 8.25 12.57 8.63L13.12 10H7.88L8.43 8.63C8.58 8.25 8.95 8 9.35 8M8.43 15.37L7.88 14H13.12L12.57 15.37C12.42 15.75 12.05 16 11.65 16H9.35C8.95 16 8.58 15.75 8.43 15.37Z",Ra="M6.82 5C5.87 5 5.05 5.67 4.86 6.61L4.04 10.71C4 10.84 4 10.97 4 11.1V12.9C4 13.03 4 13.16 4.04 13.29L4.86 17.39C5.05 18.33 5.87 19 6.82 19H13.38C14.14 19 14.83 18.57 15.17 17.89L16.79 14.66C16.89 14.45 16.96 14.23 17 14H18V13H20V11H18V10H17C16.96 9.77 16.89 9.55 16.79 9.34L15.17 6.11C14.83 5.43 14.14 5 13.38 5H6.82M6.82 7H7.38L9.88 12L7.38 17H6.82L6 12.9V11.1L6.82 7M11.62 11L9.62 7H13.38L15 10.24V11H11.62M11.62 13H15V13.76L13.38 17H9.62L11.62 13Z",xa="M20 22H18V17H20M6 22H4V17H6M23 4V13A2 2 0 0 1 21 15H3A2 2 0 0 1 1 13V4A2 2 0 0 1 3 2H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 4M21 4H3V13H21M20 6H15V8H20M18 9H15V11H18M14 11H4L6.73 7.36L8.73 10.09L9.46 9.55L8.2 7.82L9.91 5.55Z",Da="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17M12,1C5.92,1 1,5.92 1,12C1,18.08 5.92,23 12,23C18.08,23 23,18.08 23,12C23,5.92 18.08,1 12,1M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19Z",Ea="M20.31,16.44L14.54,6.47C13.72,5.04 11.89,4.55 10.46,5.38C10,5.64 9.63,6 9.36,6.47L3.6,16.44C2.77,17.87 3.26,19.69 4.69,20.5C5.14,20.78 5.65,20.92 6.18,20.92H17.73C19.38,20.91 20.72,19.57 20.71,17.92C20.71,17.4 20.57,16.89 20.31,16.44M5.37,17.43L11.11,7.47C11.38,7 12,6.82 12.46,7.1C12.62,7.18 12.75,7.31 12.84,7.47L18.58,17.43C18.85,17.91 18.69,18.5 18.21,18.79C18.06,18.88 17.89,18.93 17.72,18.93H6.21C5.66,18.92 5.21,18.47 5.22,17.92C5.22,17.75 5.26,17.58 5.35,17.43H5.37M11.97,13.45C10.87,13.45 10,12.56 10,11.46C10,10.35 10.87,9.46 11.97,9.46A2,2 0 0,1 13.97,11.46C13.97,12.56 13.07,13.45 11.95,13.45H11.97M9.46,17.93C8.36,17.93 7.47,17.04 7.47,15.94C7.47,14.84 8.36,13.95 9.46,13.95C10.56,13.95 11.46,14.84 11.46,15.94C11.46,17.04 10.56,17.93 9.46,17.93M14.44,17.93A2,2 0 0,1 12.45,15.94A2,2 0 0,1 14.44,13.95C15.54,13.95 16.44,14.84 16.44,15.94C16.44,17.04 15.54,17.93 14.44,17.93Z",Na="M11,6H13V13H11V6M9,20A1,1 0 0,1 8,21H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,20V15L6,6H10V13A1,1 0 0,1 9,14V20M10,5H7V3H10V5M15,20V14A1,1 0 0,1 14,13V6H18L20,15V20A1,1 0 0,1 19,21H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,20M14,5V3H17V5H14Z",Wa="M17,12H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,14V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H17A2,2 0 0,1 15,17V14A2,2 0 0,1 17,12M17,14V17H20V14H17M2,7H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 7,13A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V17A2,2 0 0,1 7,19H2V13L2,7M4,9V12H7V9H4M4,17H7V14H4V17M11,13H13V19H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",Ia="M23,16.06C23,16.29 23,16.5 22.96,16.7C22.78,14.14 20.64,12.11 18,12.11C17.63,12.11 17.27,12.16 16.92,12.23C16.96,12.5 17,12.73 17,13C17,15.35 15.31,17.32 13.07,17.81C13.42,20.05 15.31,21.79 17.65,21.96C17.43,22 17.22,22 17,22C14.92,22 13.07,20.94 12,19.34C10.93,20.94 9.09,22 7,22C6.78,22 6.57,22 6.35,21.96C8.69,21.79 10.57,20.06 10.93,17.81C8.68,17.32 7,15.35 7,13C7,12.73 7.04,12.5 7.07,12.23C6.73,12.16 6.37,12.11 6,12.11C3.36,12.11 1.22,14.14 1.03,16.7C1,16.5 1,16.29 1,16.06C1,12.85 3.59,10.24 6.81,10.14C6.3,9.27 6,8.25 6,7.17C6,4.94 7.23,3 9.06,2C7.81,2.9 7,4.34 7,6C7,7.35 7.56,8.59 8.47,9.5C9.38,8.59 10.62,8.04 12,8.04C13.37,8.04 14.62,8.59 15.5,9.5C16.43,8.59 17,7.35 17,6C17,4.34 16.18,2.9 14.94,2C16.77,3 18,4.94 18,7.17C18,8.25 17.7,9.27 17.19,10.14C20.42,10.24 23,12.85 23,16.06M9.27,10.11C10.05,10.62 11,10.92 12,10.92C13,10.92 13.95,10.62 14.73,10.11C14,9.45 13.06,9.03 12,9.03C10.94,9.03 10,9.45 9.27,10.11M12,14.47C12.82,14.47 13.5,13.8 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,13C10.5,13.8 11.17,14.47 12,14.47M10.97,16.79C10.87,14.9 9.71,13.29 8.05,12.55C8.03,12.7 8,12.84 8,13C8,14.82 9.27,16.34 10.97,16.79M15.96,12.55C14.29,13.29 13.12,14.9 13,16.79C14.73,16.34 16,14.82 16,13C16,12.84 15.97,12.7 15.96,12.55Z",Ga="M23 11.5L19.95 10.37C19.69 9.22 19.04 8.56 19.04 8.56C17.4 6.92 14.75 6.92 13.11 8.56L11.63 10.04L5 3C4 7 5 11 7.45 14.22L2 19.5C2 19.5 10.89 21.5 16.07 17.45C18.83 15.29 19.45 14.03 19.84 12.7L23 11.5M17.71 11.72C17.32 12.11 16.68 12.11 16.29 11.72C15.9 11.33 15.9 10.7 16.29 10.31C16.68 9.92 17.32 9.92 17.71 10.31C18.1 10.7 18.1 11.33 17.71 11.72Z",Qa="M2.65 3C2.3 3 2 3.3 2 3.65C2 3.69 2 3.73 2 3.77L4.73 20.27C4.8 20.69 5.16 21 5.58 21H18.63C18.94 21 19.22 20.78 19.27 20.46L22 3.77C22.05 3.42 21.81 3.09 21.46 3.04C21.43 3.03 21.39 3.03 21.35 3.03L2.65 3M14.1 14.95H9.94L8.81 9.07H15.11L14.1 14.95Z",Ua="M14.24 10.56C13.93 11.8 12 11.17 11.4 11L11.95 8.82C12.57 9 14.56 9.26 14.24 10.56M11.13 12.12L10.53 14.53C11.27 14.72 13.56 15.45 13.9 14.09C14.26 12.67 11.87 12.3 11.13 12.12M21.7 14.42C20.36 19.78 14.94 23.04 9.58 21.7C4.22 20.36 .963 14.94 2.3 9.58C3.64 4.22 9.06 .964 14.42 2.3C19.77 3.64 23.03 9.06 21.7 14.42M14.21 8.05L14.66 6.25L13.56 6L13.12 7.73C12.83 7.66 12.54 7.59 12.24 7.53L12.68 5.76L11.59 5.5L11.14 7.29C10.9 7.23 10.66 7.18 10.44 7.12L10.44 7.12L8.93 6.74L8.63 7.91C8.63 7.91 9.45 8.1 9.43 8.11C9.88 8.22 9.96 8.5 9.94 8.75L8.71 13.68C8.66 13.82 8.5 14 8.21 13.95C8.22 13.96 7.41 13.75 7.41 13.75L6.87 15L8.29 15.36C8.56 15.43 8.82 15.5 9.08 15.56L8.62 17.38L9.72 17.66L10.17 15.85C10.47 15.93 10.76 16 11.04 16.08L10.59 17.87L11.69 18.15L12.15 16.33C14 16.68 15.42 16.54 16 14.85C16.5 13.5 16 12.7 15 12.19C15.72 12 16.26 11.55 16.41 10.57C16.61 9.24 15.59 8.53 14.21 8.05Z",za="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.39 5.05,16.53 6.71,18H9V12H17L19.15,15.59C19.69,14.5 20,13.29 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",_a="M16.13 15.13L18 3H14V2H10V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9C3 10.1 3.9 11 5 11H7.23L7.87 15.13C6.74 16.05 6 17.43 6 19V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V19C18 17.43 17.26 16.05 16.13 15.13M5 9V5H6.31L6.93 9H5M12 19C11.45 19 11 18.55 11 18S11.45 17 12 17 13 17.45 13 18 12.55 19 12 19M14.29 14H9.72L8.33 5H15.67L14.29 14Z",Ka="M16.13 15.13L18 3H14V2H10V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9C3 10.1 3.9 11 5 11H7.23L7.87 15.13C6.74 16.05 6 17.43 6 19V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V19C18 17.43 17.26 16.05 16.13 15.13M5 9V5H6.31L6.93 9H5M15.67 5L14.29 14H9.72L8.33 5H15.67M16 20H8V19C8 17.35 9.35 16 11 16H13C14.65 16 16 17.35 16 19V20M12 17C12.55 17 13 17.45 13 18S12.55 19 12 19 11 18.55 11 18 11.45 17 12 17Z",ja="M12.58,3.12V3.13C12.27,3.13 11.96,3.22 11.71,3.39C11.21,3.74 11.15,4.32 11.6,4.69L14.46,7L5.73,7.03H5.72C5,7.03 4.3,7.5 4.16,8.1C4,8.71 4.5,9.22 5.26,9.22L9.69,9.21L1.76,15.3C1,15.87 0.77,16.82 1.24,17.42C1.72,18.03 2.73,18.03 3.5,17.42L7.8,13.89C7.8,13.89 7.73,14.37 7.74,14.65C7.74,14.94 7.84,15.5 7.97,15.93C8.26,16.86 8.75,17.71 9.43,18.46C10.13,19.23 11,19.85 12,20.29C13.03,20.76 14.17,21 15.34,21C16.5,21 17.65,20.75 18.69,20.28C19.69,19.84 20.55,19.21 21.25,18.44C21.93,17.69 22.42,16.83 22.71,15.91C22.85,15.44 22.94,14.97 23,14.5C23,14.03 23,13.56 22.94,13.09C22.81,12.18 22.5,11.32 22,10.54C21.56,9.83 21,9.2 20.31,8.67V8.67L13.42,3.38C13.19,3.21 12.89,3.12 12.58,3.12M15.34,9.21C16.5,9.21 17.59,9.59 18.46,10.29C18.9,10.65 19.25,11.07 19.5,11.54C19.77,12 19.94,12.55 20,13.11C20.04,13.67 19.96,14.23 19.77,14.77C19.57,15.31 19.25,15.81 18.82,16.26C17.93,17.16 16.69,17.68 15.34,17.68C14,17.68 12.75,17.17 11.86,16.27C11.43,15.83 11.11,15.32 10.91,14.78C10.72,14.25 10.64,13.69 10.69,13.12C10.74,12.56 10.91,12.03 11.17,11.55C11.43,11.08 11.79,10.66 12.23,10.3C13.09,9.59 14.19,9.21 15.34,9.21M15.44,10.61C14.66,10.61 13.94,10.89 13.41,11.34C12.87,11.8 12.5,12.44 12.47,13.18C12.43,13.93 12.73,14.63 13.26,15.15C13.8,15.68 14.58,16 15.44,16C16.3,16 17.07,15.68 17.62,15.15C18.15,14.63 18.45,13.93 18.41,13.18C18.37,12.44 18,11.8 17.47,11.34C16.94,10.89 16.22,10.61 15.44,10.61Z",qa="M3,2H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 21,6H20V13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14H13V16.17C14.17,16.58 15,17.69 15,19A3,3 0 0,1 12,22A3,3 0 0,1 9,19C9,17.69 9.83,16.58 11,16.17V14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13V6H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,5V3A1,1 0 0,1 3,2M12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18Z",$a="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M16 9H18V11H16V9M14 11H6V9H14V11M18 7H16V5H18V7M14 5V7H6V5H14M6 19V13H14V14.82C13.55 15.14 13.25 15.66 13.25 16.25C13.25 17.22 14.03 18 15 18S16.75 17.22 16.75 16.25C16.75 15.66 16.45 15.13 16 14.82V13H18V19H6Z",Xa="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H13.25C13.25 21.97 14.03 22.75 15 22.75S16.75 21.97 16.75 21H22V19H20M18 11H16V9H18V11M14 11H6V9H14V11M14 13V15H6V13H14M16 13H18V15H16V13M18 7H16V5H18V7M14 5V7H6V5H14M6 19V17H14V19H6M16 19V17H18V19H16Z",Ya="M3 2H21C21.55 2 22 2.45 22 3V5C22 5.55 21.55 6 21 6H20V7C20 7.55 19.55 8 19 8H13V10.17C14.17 10.58 15 11.7 15 13C15 14.66 13.66 16 12 16C10.34 16 9 14.66 9 13C9 11.69 9.84 10.58 11 10.17V8H5C4.45 8 4 7.55 4 7V6H3C2.45 6 2 5.55 2 5V3C2 2.45 2.45 2 3 2M12 12C11.45 12 11 12.45 11 13C11 13.55 11.45 14 12 14C12.55 14 13 13.55 13 13C13 12.45 12.55 12 12 12Z",Ja="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M10 19V5H14V19H10Z",Ce="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M13 5H14.5V19H13V5M11 19H9.5V5H11V19M6 5H7.5V19H6V5M16.5 19V5H18V19H16.5Z",He="M12,0A12,12 0 0,1 24,12A12,12 0 0,1 12,24A12,12 0 0,1 0,12A12,12 0 0,1 12,0M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,14.4 2.85,16.6 4.26,18.33L18.33,4.26C16.6,2.85 14.4,2 12,2M12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.6 21.15,7.4 19.74,5.67L5.67,19.74C7.4,21.15 9.6,22 12,22Z",Ve="M21,7C20,7 20,6 20,6V5H18V7H16V6C16,4.27 14.75,1 10,1C5.25,1 4,4.27 4,6V19C4,19.33 3.9,21 2,21V23C4.93,23 6,20.61 6,19V6C6,5.88 6.05,3 10,3C13.83,3 14,5.7 14,6V7H12V5H10V6C10,6 10,7 9,7C8,7 8,8 8,8V20C8,20 8,22 13,22C13.24,22 14.13,22 17,22C22,22 22,20 22,20V8C22,8 22,7 21,7M15,19.4A3,3 0 0,1 12,16.4C12,14.4 15,11 15,11C15,11 18,14.4 18,16.4A3,3 0 0,1 15,19.4Z",Le="M14.88,16.29L13,18.17V14.41M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13,9.58M17.71,7.71L12,2H11V9.58L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.58L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L17.71,16.29L13.41,12L17.71,7.71Z",Me="M12.88,16.29L11,18.17V14.41M11,5.83L12.88,7.71L11,9.58M15.71,7.71L10,2H9V9.58L4.41,5L3,6.41L8.59,12L3,17.58L4.41,19L9,14.41V22H10L15.71,16.29L11.41,12M19.53,6.71L18.26,8C18.89,9.18 19.25,10.55 19.25,12C19.25,13.45 18.89,14.82 18.26,16L19.46,17.22C20.43,15.68 21,13.87 21,11.91C21,10 20.46,8.23 19.53,6.71M14.24,12L16.56,14.33C16.84,13.6 17,12.82 17,12C17,11.18 16.84,10.4 16.57,9.68L14.24,12Z",Ae="M19,10L17,12L19,14L21,12M14.88,16.29L13,18.17V14.41M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13,9.58M17.71,7.71L12,2H11V9.58L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.58L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L17.71,16.29L13.41,12M7,12L5,10L3,12L5,14L7,12Z",ie="M13,5.83L14.88,7.71L13.28,9.31L14.69,10.72L17.71,7.7L12,2H11V7.03L13,9.03M5.41,4L4,5.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L11,14.41V22H12L16.29,17.71L18.59,20L20,18.59M13,18.17V14.41L14.88,16.29",re="M14.88,14.29L13,16.17V12.41L14.88,14.29M13,3.83L14.88,5.71L13,7.59M17.71,5.71L12,0H11V7.59L6.41,3L5,4.41L10.59,10L5,15.59L6.41,17L11,12.41V20H12L17.71,14.29L13.41,10L17.71,5.71M15,24H17V22H15M7,24H9V22H7M11,24H13V22H11V24Z",ae="M14.71,7.71L10.41,12L14.71,16.29L9,22H8V14.41L3.41,19L2,17.59L7.59,12L2,6.41L3.41,5L8,9.59V2H9L14.71,7.71M10,5.83V9.59L11.88,7.71L10,5.83M11.88,16.29L10,14.41V18.17L11.88,16.29M22,8H20V11H18V8H16L19,4L22,8M22,16L19,20L16,16H18V13H20V16H22Z",ee="M14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5M14,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,12.5M10,17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,17M10,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,8.5M14,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,20.5M14,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,19A1,1 0 0,0 15,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,17M21,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,13.5M18,5A1,1 0 0,0 17,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,7A1,1 0 0,0 19,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,5M18,9A1,1 0 0,0 17,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,9M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17M18,13A1,1 0 0,0 17,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,15A1,1 0 0,0 19,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,13M10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,12.5M10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7M10,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,3.5M10,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,20.5M3,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,13.5M14,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,3.5M14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7M21,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,10.5M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M3,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,9.5M6,9A1,1 0 0,0 5,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,11A1,1 0 0,0 7,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,9M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M6,13A1,1 0 0,0 5,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,15A1,1 0 0,0 7,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,13Z",de="M13,17A1,1 0 0,0 14,16A1,1 0 0,0 13,15A1,1 0 0,0 12,16A1,1 0 0,0 13,17M13,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,11A1,1 0 0,0 12,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,13M13,9A1,1 0 0,0 14,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,9M17,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,12.5M17,8.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,8A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,8A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,8.5M3,3V5H21V3M17,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,16.5M9,17A1,1 0 0,0 10,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,15A1,1 0 0,0 8,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,17M5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,13.5M5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,9.5M3,21H21V19H3M9,9A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8A1,1 0 0,0 9,9M9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13M5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,17.5Z",me="M3,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,13.5M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M10,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,20.5M3,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 2.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3,9.5M6,13A1,1 0 0,0 5,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,15A1,1 0 0,0 7,14A1,1 0 0,0 6,13M21,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,13.5M10,17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 10,17M2.5,5.27L6.28,9.05L6,9A1,1 0 0,0 5,10A1,1 0 0,0 6,11A1,1 0 0,0 7,10C7,9.9 6.97,9.81 6.94,9.72L9.75,12.53C9.04,12.64 8.5,13.26 8.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,15.5C10.74,15.5 11.36,14.96 11.47,14.25L14.28,17.06C14.19,17.03 14.1,17 14,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 14,19A1,1 0 0,0 15,18C15,17.9 14.97,17.81 14.94,17.72L18.72,21.5L20,20.23L3.77,4L2.5,5.27M14,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,21.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,20.5M18,7A1,1 0 0,0 19,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,5A1,1 0 0,0 17,6A1,1 0 0,0 18,7M18,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,9A1,1 0 0,0 17,10A1,1 0 0,0 18,11M18,15A1,1 0 0,0 19,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,13A1,1 0 0,0 17,14A1,1 0 0,0 18,15M10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7M21,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 21,10.5M10,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,3.5M14,3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,3.5M13.8,11.5H14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10V10.2C12.61,10.87 13.13,11.39 13.8,11.5M14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7Z",te="M14,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,14A1,1 0 0,0 14,15A1,1 0 0,0 15,14A1,1 0 0,0 14,13M14,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,16.5M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,9.5M17,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17,13.5M14,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 14,7.5M14,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,10A1,1 0 0,0 14,11A1,1 0 0,0 15,10A1,1 0 0,0 14,9M10,7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,6.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,7A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,7.5M7,13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 6.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,13.5M10,16.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 9.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10,16.5M7,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 6.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 7,9.5M10,13A1,1 0 0,0 9,14A1,1 0 0,0 10,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 10,13M10,9A1,1 0 0,0 9,10A1,1 0 0,0 10,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 10,9Z",ve="M14,17.7V21H10V20.3L14,17.7M17,3H7V6H17V3M15,7L14,7.7V7H10V10.3L9,11V12L15,8.1V7M15,11L14,11.7V9.7L10,12.4V14.4L9,15V16L15,12.1V11M15,15L14,15.7V13.7L10,16.4V18.4L9,19V20L15,16.1V15Z",le="M11.25,6A3.25,3.25 0 0,1 14.5,2.75A3.25,3.25 0 0,1 17.75,6C17.75,6.42 18.08,6.75 18.5,6.75C18.92,6.75 19.25,6.42 19.25,6V5.25H20.75V6A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 18.5,8.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 16.25,6A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 14.5,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 12.75,6H14V7.29C16.89,8.15 19,10.83 19,14A7,7 0 0,1 12,21A7,7 0 0,1 5,14C5,10.83 7.11,8.15 10,7.29V6H11.25M22,6H24V7H22V6M19,4V2H20V4H19M20.91,4.38L22.33,2.96L23.04,3.67L21.62,5.09L20.91,4.38Z",oe="M14.5,2.75C12.7,2.75 11.25,4.2 11.25,6H10V7.29C9.31,7.5 8.67,7.81 8.08,8.2L17.79,17.91C18.58,16.76 19,15.39 19,14C19,10.83 16.89,8.15 14,7.29V6H12.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 14.5,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 16.25,6A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 18.5,8.25C19.74,8.25 20.74,7.24 20.74,6V5.25H19.25V6C19.25,6.42 18.91,6.75 18.5,6.75C18.08,6.75 17.75,6.42 17.75,6C17.75,4.2 16.29,2.75 14.5,2.75M3.41,6.36L2,7.77L5.55,11.32C5.2,12.14 5,13.04 5,14C5,17.86 8.13,21 12,21C12.92,21 13.83,20.81 14.68,20.45L18.23,24L19.64,22.59L3.41,6.36Z",ne="M8,14A3,3 0 0,1 5,17A3,3 0 0,1 2,14C2,13.23 2.29,12.53 2.76,12C2.29,11.47 2,10.77 2,10A3,3 0 0,1 5,7A3,3 0 0,1 8,10C9.33,10.08 10.67,10.17 12,10.17C13.33,10.17 14.67,10.08 16,10A3,3 0 0,1 19,7A3,3 0 0,1 22,10C22,10.77 21.71,11.47 21.24,12C21.71,12.53 22,13.23 22,14A3,3 0 0,1 19,17A3,3 0 0,1 16,14C14.67,13.92 13.33,13.83 12,13.83C10.67,13.83 9.33,13.92 8,14Z",Ze="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H5C3.3 7 2 8.3 2 10C2 10.8 2.3 11.5 2.8 12C2.3 12.5 2 13.2 2 14C2 15.7 3.3 17 5 17S8 15.7 8 14C9.3 13.9 10.6 13.8 11.9 13.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M20 16.8L13.3 10.1C14.2 10.1 15.1 10 16 10C16 8.3 17.3 7 19 7S22 8.3 22 10C22 10.8 21.7 11.5 21.2 12C21.7 12.5 22 13.2 22 14C22 15.3 21.2 16.4 20 16.8Z",Se="M18,22A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4C20,2.89 19.1,2 18,2H12V9L9.5,7.5L7,9V2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18Z",ue="M18 2H12V9L9.5 7.5L7 9V2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 18 2M14 12A2 2 0 1 1 12 14A2 2 0 0 1 14 12M18 20H10V19C10 17.67 12.67 17 14 17S18 17.67 18 19Z",ce="M18 2A2 2 0 0 1 20 4V20A2 2 0 0 1 18 22H6A2 2 0 0 1 4 20V4A2 2 0 0 1 6 2H18M18 4H13V9L10.5 6.7L8 9V4H6V20H18M13 11A2 2 0 1 1 11 13A2 2 0 0 1 13 11M17 19H9V18C9 16.67 11.67 16 13 16S17 16.67 17 18V19",se="M18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H5V9L7.5 7.5L10 9V2H16C17.1 2 18 2.89 18 4M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20Z",Oe="M16 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M16 20H4V4H6V12L8.5 9.75L11 12V4H16V20M20 15H22V17H20V15M22 7V13H20V7H22Z",he="M5.81,2C4.83,2.09 4,3 4,4V20C4,21.05 4.95,22 6,22H18C19.05,22 20,21.05 20,20V4C20,2.89 19.1,2 18,2H12V9L9.5,7.5L7,9V2H6C5.94,2 5.87,2 5.81,2M12,13H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,14V18H13V16H12V18H11V14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,14V15H13V14H12M15,15H18V16L16,19H18V20H15V19L17,16H15V15Z",pe="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 20V16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20Z",fe="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 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12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",Ye="M13 15.5C13 17.78 14.7 20.41 15.91 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V10.22C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10C15.5 10 13 12.5 13 15.5M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",Je="M14.55 20C15 20.76 15.5 21.44 15.91 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V10.22C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10C18.33 10 18.17 10 18 10.03V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H14.55M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",Cd="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Hd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H13.81C13.44 21.39 13.2 20.71 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V16C7 17.11 7.9 18 9 18H13.09C13.64 14.73 16.74 12.53 20 13.08C20.34 13.14 20.68 13.23 21 13.34V4C21 2.9 20.11 2 19 2M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Vd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H13.81C13.44 21.39 13.2 20.71 13.09 20M19 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V16C7 17.11 7.9 18 9 18H13.09C13.2 17.29 13.44 16.61 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13C19.68 13 20.36 13.11 21 13.34V4C21 2.9 20.11 2 19 2M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Ld="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Md="M19,18H9A2,2 0 0,1 7,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 9,2H10V7L12,5.5L14,7V2H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18M17,20V22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V6H5V20H17Z",Ad="M19 2A2 2 0 0 1 21 4V16A2 2 0 0 1 19 18H9A2 2 0 0 1 7 16V4A2 2 0 0 1 9 2H19M19 4H16V10L13.5 7.75L11 10V4H9V16H19M3 20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H17V20H5V6H3Z",id="M13 20.5C13 21.03 13.09 21.53 13.26 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V11H16.5V16.11C14.5 16.57 13 18.36 13 20.5M20 13H18.5V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H20Z",rd="M13 20.5C13 21.03 13.09 21.53 13.26 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V11H18V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.04C13.03 20.17 13 20.33 13 20.5M20 13H18.5V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H20Z",ad="M18.68 2.12L12 8.8V2H18C18.24 2 18.46 2.05 18.68 2.12M9.5 7.5L7 9V2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V16.8L11.88 8.93L9.5 7.5M21.61 1.73L1.89 21.46L3.16 22.73L4.54 21.35C4.9 21.75 5.42 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V5.89L22.89 3L21.61 1.73Z",ed="M6 14.8L4 16.8V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C18.24 2 18.47 2.04 18.68 2.12L16.8 4H13V7.8L10.79 10L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V14.8M22.89 3L20 5.89V20C20 21.11 19.11 22 18 22H6C5.42 22 4.9 21.75 4.54 21.35L3.16 22.73L1.89 21.46L21.61 1.73L22.89 3M18 7.89L6 19.89V20H18V7.89Z",dd="M13,12H20V13.5H13M13,9.5H20V11H13M13,14.5H20V16H13M21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4M21,19H12V6H21",md="M6.5 20C8.2 20 10.65 20.65 12 21.5C13.35 20.65 15.8 20 17.5 20C19.15 20 20.85 20.3 22.25 21.05C22.35 21.1 22.4 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.75 21.1 23 20.85 23 20.6V6C22.4 5.55 21.75 5.25 21 5C19.89 4.65 18.67 4.5 17.5 4.5C15.55 4.5 13.45 4.9 12 6C10.55 4.9 8.45 4.5 6.5 4.5C5.33 4.5 4.11 4.65 3 5C2.25 5.25 1.6 5.55 1 6V20.6C1 20.85 1.25 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.6 21.1 1.65 21.1 1.75 21.05C3.15 20.3 4.85 20 6.5 20M12 19.5V8C13.35 7.15 15.8 6.5 17.5 6.5C18.7 6.5 19.9 6.65 21 7V18.5C19.9 18.15 18.7 18 17.5 18C15.8 18 13.35 18.65 12 19.5Z",td="M12 21.5C10.65 20.65 8.2 20 6.5 20C4.85 20 3.15 20.3 1.75 21.05C1.65 21.1 1.6 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.25 21.1 1 20.85 1 20.6V6C1.6 5.55 2.25 5.25 3 5C4.11 4.65 5.33 4.5 6.5 4.5C8.45 4.5 10.55 4.9 12 6C13.45 4.9 15.55 4.5 17.5 4.5C18.67 4.5 19.89 4.65 21 5C21.75 5.25 22.4 5.55 23 6V20.6C23 20.85 22.75 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.4 21.1 22.35 21.1 22.25 21.05C20.85 20.3 19.15 20 17.5 20C15.8 20 13.35 20.65 12 21.5M11 7.5C9.64 6.9 7.84 6.5 6.5 6.5C5.3 6.5 4.1 6.65 3 7V18.5C4.1 18.15 5.3 18 6.5 18C7.84 18 9.64 18.4 11 19V7.5M13 19C14.36 18.4 16.16 18 17.5 18C18.7 18 19.9 18.15 21 18.5V7C19.9 6.65 18.7 6.5 17.5 6.5C16.16 6.5 14.36 6.9 13 7.5V19Z",vd="M21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4M3,19V6H11V19H3M21,19H13V6H21V19M14,9.5H20V11H14V9.5M14,12H20V13.5H14V12M14,14.5H20V16H14V14.5Z",ld="M19 2L14 6.5V17.5L19 13V2M6.5 5C4.55 5 2.45 5.4 1 6.5V21.16C1 21.41 1.25 21.66 1.5 21.66C1.6 21.66 1.65 21.59 1.75 21.59C3.1 20.94 5.05 20.5 6.5 20.5C8.45 20.5 10.55 20.9 12 22C13.35 21.15 15.8 20.5 17.5 20.5C19.15 20.5 20.85 20.81 22.25 21.56C22.35 21.61 22.4 21.59 22.5 21.59C22.75 21.59 23 21.34 23 21.09V6.5C22.4 6.05 21.75 5.75 21 5.5V19C19.9 18.65 18.7 18.5 17.5 18.5C15.8 18.5 13.35 19.15 12 20V6.5C10.55 5.4 8.45 5 6.5 5Z",od="M19 1L14 6V17L19 12.5V1M21 5V18.5C19.9 18.15 18.7 18 17.5 18C15.8 18 13.35 18.65 12 19.5V6C10.55 4.9 8.45 4.5 6.5 4.5C4.55 4.5 2.45 4.9 1 6V20.65C1 20.9 1.25 21.15 1.5 21.15C1.6 21.15 1.65 21.1 1.75 21.1C3.1 20.45 5.05 20 6.5 20C8.45 20 10.55 20.4 12 21.5C13.35 20.65 15.8 20 17.5 20C19.15 20 20.85 20.3 22.25 21.05C22.35 21.1 22.4 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.75 21.1 23 20.85 23 20.6V6C22.4 5.55 21.75 5.25 21 5M10 18.41C8.75 18.09 7.5 18 6.5 18C5.44 18 4.18 18.19 3 18.5V7.13C3.91 6.73 5.14 6.5 6.5 6.5C7.86 6.5 9.09 6.73 10 7.13V18.41Z",nd="M12 21.5C10.65 20.65 8.2 20 6.5 20C4.85 20 3.15 20.3 1.75 21.05C1.65 21.1 1.6 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.25 21.1 1 20.85 1 20.6V6C1.6 5.55 2.25 5.25 3 5C4.11 4.65 5.33 4.5 6.5 4.5C8.45 4.5 10.55 4.9 12 6C13.45 4.9 15.55 4.5 17.5 4.5C18.67 4.5 19.89 4.65 21 5C21.75 5.25 22.4 5.55 23 6V20.6C23 20.85 22.75 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.4 21.1 22.35 21.1 22.25 21.05C20.85 20.3 19.15 20 17.5 20C15.8 20 13.35 20.65 12 21.5M12 8V19.5C13.35 18.65 15.8 18 17.5 18C18.7 18 19.9 18.15 21 18.5V7C19.9 6.65 18.7 6.5 17.5 6.5C15.8 6.5 13.35 7.15 12 8M13 11.5C14.11 10.82 15.6 10.5 17.5 10.5C18.41 10.5 19.26 10.59 20 10.78V9.23C19.13 9.08 18.29 9 17.5 9C15.73 9 14.23 9.28 13 9.84V11.5M17.5 11.67C15.79 11.67 14.29 11.93 13 12.46V14.15C14.11 13.5 15.6 13.16 17.5 13.16C18.54 13.16 19.38 13.24 20 13.4V11.9C19.13 11.74 18.29 11.67 17.5 11.67M20 14.57C19.13 14.41 18.29 14.33 17.5 14.33C15.67 14.33 14.17 14.6 13 15.13V16.82C14.11 16.16 15.6 15.83 17.5 15.83C18.54 15.83 19.38 15.91 20 16.07V14.57Z",Zd="M12 21.5C10.65 20.65 8.2 20 6.5 20C4.85 20 3.15 20.3 1.75 21.05C1.65 21.1 1.6 21.1 1.5 21.1C1.25 21.1 1 20.85 1 20.6V6C1.6 5.55 2.25 5.25 3 5C4.11 4.65 5.33 4.5 6.5 4.5C8.45 4.5 10.55 4.9 12 6C13.45 4.9 15.55 4.5 17.5 4.5C18.67 4.5 19.89 4.65 21 5C21.75 5.25 22.4 5.55 23 6V20.6C23 20.85 22.75 21.1 22.5 21.1C22.4 21.1 22.35 21.1 22.25 21.05C20.85 20.3 19.15 20 17.5 20C15.8 20 13.35 20.65 12 21.5M11 7.5C9.64 6.9 7.84 6.5 6.5 6.5C5.3 6.5 4.1 6.65 3 7V18.5C4.1 18.15 5.3 18 6.5 18C7.84 18 9.64 18.4 11 19V7.5M13 19C14.36 18.4 16.16 18 17.5 18C18.7 18 19.9 18.15 21 18.5V7C19.9 6.65 18.7 6.5 17.5 6.5C16.16 6.5 14.36 6.9 13 7.5V19M14 16.35C14.96 16 16.12 15.83 17.5 15.83C18.54 15.83 19.38 15.91 20 16.07V14.57C19.13 14.41 18.29 14.33 17.5 14.33C16.16 14.33 15 14.5 14 14.76V16.35M14 13.69C14.96 13.34 16.12 13.16 17.5 13.16C18.54 13.16 19.38 13.24 20 13.4V11.9C19.13 11.74 18.29 11.67 17.5 11.67C16.22 11.67 15.05 11.82 14 12.12V13.69M14 11C14.96 10.67 16.12 10.5 17.5 10.5C18.41 10.5 19.26 10.59 20 10.78V9.23C19.13 9.08 18.29 9 17.5 9C16.18 9 15 9.15 14 9.46V11Z",Sd="M18,2A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H18M18,4H13V12L10.5,9.75L8,12V4H6V20H18V4Z",ud="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",cd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",sd="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Od="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",hd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",pd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",fd="M12 18.5C12 19.79 12.39 21 13.04 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",gd="M12.18 20C12.36 20.72 12.65 21.39 13.04 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C18.33 12 18.17 12 18 12.03V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H12.18M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",kd="M13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Bd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H14V7L12 5.5L10 7V2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",Pd="M13.09 20H5V6H3V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H13.81A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.09 20M19 2H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 4V16A2 2 0 0 0 9 18H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 13.81 16H9V4H11V10L13.5 7.75L16 10V4H19V13A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V4A2 2 0 0 0 19 2M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",wd="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.09M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Fd="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M6,22A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.9,2 6,2H7V9L9.5,7.5L12,9V2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V11.81C18.83,10.69 17.25,10 15.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9,16.5C9,18.81 10.21,20.85 12.03,22H6Z",Td="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M13,4V12L10.5,9.75L8,12V4H6V20H10C10.54,20.81 11.23,21.5 12.03,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V11.81C19.42,11.26 18.75,10.81 18,10.5V4H13Z",bd="M20 2V18C20 19.11 19.11 20 18 20H6C4.89 20 4 19.11 4 18V2C4 .895 4.89 0 6 0H7V7L9.5 5.5L12 7V0H18C19.1 0 20 .89 20 2M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",yd="M18 0H6C4.89 0 4 .895 4 2V18C4 19.11 4.89 20 6 20H18C19.11 20 20 19.11 20 18V2C20 .895 19.11 0 18 0M18 18H6V2H8V10L10.5 7.75L13 10V2H18V18M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",Rd="M13 17.5C13 19.25 13.69 20.83 14.82 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H7V9L9.5 7.5L12 9V2H18C19.1 2 20 2.89 20 4V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",xd="M13.5 20C13.81 20.75 14.26 21.42 14.82 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H18C19.11 2 20 2.9 20 4V11.03C19.84 11 19.67 11 19.5 11C19 11 18.5 11.07 18 11.18V4H13V12L10.5 9.75L8 12V4H6V20H13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",Dd="M6,4H11V12L8.5,10.5L6,12M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",Ed="M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",Nd="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M18 14L15.5 12.5L13 14V6H18V14Z",Wd="M4 6H2V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 12L17.5 10.5L15 12V4H20V12Z",Id="M4 20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V6H4V20M22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M20 4H8V16H20V4M18 6H13V13L15.5 11.5L18 13V6Z",Gd="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19M17 7H12V15L14.5 13.5L17 15V7Z",Qd="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,14L17.25,7.76L15.84,6.34L11,11.18L8.41,8.59L7,10L11,14Z",Ud="M9.47 9.65L8.06 11.07L11 14L16.19 8.82L14.78 7.4L11 11.18M17 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5L5 21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3M17 18L12 15.82L7 18V5H17Z",zd="M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3M15,11H9V9H15V11Z",_d="M9,11V9H15V11H9M19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17C18.11,3 19,3.9 19,5M17,5H7V18L12,15.82L17,18V5Z",Kd="M15,5A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V23L10,20L3,23V7C3,5.89 3.9,5 5,5H15M9,1H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,3V19L19,18.13V3H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,1Z",jd="M9,1H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,3V19L19,18.13V3H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,1M15,20V7H5V20L10,17.82L15,20M15,5C16.11,5 17,5.9 17,7V23L10,20L3,23V7A2,2 0 0,1 5,5H15Z",qd="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13A2,2 0 0,0 11,15A2,2 0 0,0 13,13V8H16V6H12V11.27C11.71,11.1 11.36,11 11,11Z",$d="M7 3C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.89 18.1 3 17 3H7M7 5H17V18L12 15.82L7 18V5M12 6V11.3C11.7 11.1 11.4 11 11 11C9.9 11 9 11.9 9 13C9 14.11 9.9 15 11 15C12.11 15 13 14.11 13 13V8H15V6H12Z",Xd="M20,20.72L18.73,22L16.78,20.05L12,18L5,21V8.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72M19,17.16V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3H7C6.41,3 5.89,3.27 5.5,3.68L19,17.16Z",Yd="M3.28,4L2,5.27L5,8.27V21L12,18L16.78,20.05L18.73,22L20,20.72L3.28,4M7,18V10.27L13,16.25L12,15.82L7,18M7,5.16L5.5,3.67C5.88,3.26 6.41,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V17.16L17,15.16V5H7V5.16Z",Jd="M17,18L12,15.82L7,18V5H17M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V21L12,18L19,21V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",Cm="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,7V9H9V11H11V13H13V11H15V9H13V7H11Z",Hm="M17,18V5H7V18L12,15.82L17,18M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M11,7H13V9H15V11H13V13H11V11H9V9H11V7Z",Vm="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V21L12,18L5,21V5C5,3.89 5.9,3 7,3H17M8.17,8.58L10.59,11L8.17,13.41L9.59,14.83L12,12.41L14.41,14.83L15.83,13.41L13.41,11L15.83,8.58L14.41,7.17L12,9.58L9.59,7.17L8.17,8.58Z",Lm="M7 3C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V21L12 18L19 21V5C19 3.89 18.1 3 17 3H7M7 5H17V18L12 15.82L7 18V5M9.88 7.47L8.47 8.88L10.59 11L8.47 13.12L9.88 14.54L12 12.42L14.12 14.53L15.54 13.12L13.42 11L15.53 8.88L14.12 7.47L12 9.59L9.88 7.47Z",Mm="M9 3V18H12V3H9M12 5L16 18L19 17L15 4L12 5M5 5V18H8V5H5M3 19V21H21V19H3Z",Am="M20,9H8.22C7.11,7.77 5.21,7.68 4,8.8C3.36,9.36 3,10.16 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.5,12L9,10H10.5L12,12H10.5M14.5,12L13,10H14.5L16,12H14.5M18.5,12L17,10H18.5L20,12H18.5Z",im="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6M20 18H18V20H20V18M20 10H18V16H20V10Z",rm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M7.5 20H4.5V13.6C5.4 14.1 6.6 14.1 7.5 13.6V20M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6M20 16H18V10H20V16M20 20H18V18H20V20Z",am="M19.86,3C19.31,2.04 18.09,1.71 17.12,2.27L6.92,8.16C6.62,8.06 6.31,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V11.58L19.12,5.73C20.08,5.18 20.41,3.96 19.86,3M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L8.1,8.62L9.4,7.87L11.7,8.87L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L11.56,6.62L12.86,5.87L15.16,6.87L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L15.03,4.62L16.33,3.87L18.62,4.87L17.33,5.62M17,20L12,15H15V11H19V15H22L17,20",em="M19.86,3C20.41,3.96 20.08,5.18 19.12,5.73L9,11.58V20A1,1 0 0,1 10,21V22H2V21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V11A3,3 0 0,1 6,8C6.31,8 6.62,8.06 6.92,8.16L17.12,2.27C18.09,1.71 19.31,2.04 19.86,3M7.5,20V13.6C6.57,14.14 5.43,14.14 4.5,13.6V20H7.5M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L11.7,8.87L9.4,7.87L8.1,8.62L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L15.16,6.87L12.86,5.87L11.56,6.62L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L18.62,4.87L16.33,3.87L15.03,4.62L17.33,5.62M16,11.16H18V16.17L21,16.16L17,20L13,16.16L16,16.17V11.16Z",dm="M19.86,3C19.31,2.04 18.09,1.71 17.12,2.27L6.92,8.16C6.62,8.06 6.31,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V11.58L19.12,5.73C20.08,5.18 20.41,3.96 19.86,3M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L8.1,8.62L9.4,7.87L11.7,8.87L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L11.56,6.62L12.86,5.87L15.16,6.87L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L15.03,4.62L16.33,3.87L18.62,4.87L17.33,5.62M17,11L22,16H19V20H15V16H12L17,11",mm="M19.86,3C20.41,3.96 20.08,5.18 19.12,5.73L9,11.58V20A1,1 0 0,1 10,21V22H2V21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V11A3,3 0 0,1 6,8C6.31,8 6.62,8.06 6.92,8.16L17.12,2.27C18.09,1.71 19.31,2.04 19.86,3M7.5,20V13.6C6.57,14.14 5.43,14.14 4.5,13.6V20H7.5M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5M10.4,9.62L11.7,8.87L9.4,7.87L8.1,8.62L10.4,9.62M13.86,7.62L15.16,6.87L12.86,5.87L11.56,6.62L13.86,7.62M17.33,5.62L18.62,4.87L16.33,3.87L15.03,4.62L17.33,5.62M16,20V15H13L17,11.16L21,15H18V20H16Z",tm="M20,9H8.22C7.11,7.77 5.21,7.68 4,8.8C3.36,9.36 3,10.16 3,11V20A1,1 0 0,0 2,21V22H10V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9M7.5,20H4.5V13.6C5.43,14.14 6.57,14.14 7.5,13.6V20M6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12.5M10.5,12L9,10H10.5L12,12H10.5M14.5,12L13,10H14.5L16,12H14.5M18.5,12L17,10H18.5L20,12H18.5Z",vm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6",lm="M19.9 3C19.3 2 18.1 1.7 17.2 2.3L6.9 8.2C6.6 8.1 6.3 8 6 8C4.3 8 3 9.3 3 11V20C2.4 20 2 20.4 2 21V22H10V21C10 20.4 9.6 20 9 20V11.6L19.1 5.8C20.1 5.2 20.4 4 19.9 3M7.5 20H4.5V13.6C5.4 14.1 6.6 14.1 7.5 13.6V20M6 12.5C5.2 12.5 4.5 11.8 4.5 11S5.2 9.5 6 9.5 7.5 10.2 7.5 11 6.8 12.5 6 12.5M10.4 9.6L8.1 8.6L9.4 7.8L11.7 8.8L10.4 9.6M13.9 7.6L11.6 6.6L12.9 5.8L15.2 6.8L13.9 7.6M17.3 5.6L15 4.6L16.3 3.8L18.6 4.8L17.3 5.6",om="M7,5L5,7V8H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,9V17A1,1 0 0,0 3,18H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,17V9A1,1 0 0,0 21,8H19V7L17,5H7M7,7H17V8H7V7M11,9H13A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,10H11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,9M7.5,10.5A3,3 0 0,1 10.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,16.5A3,3 0 0,1 4.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A3,3 0 0,1 19.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 16.5,16.5A3,3 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A3,3 0 0,1 16.5,10.5M7.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,12M16.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,12Z",nm="M10 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4S2.9 6 4 6H8L10 2M18 2C20.2 2 22 3.8 22 6V12L18 14C18 9.6 14.4 6 10 6L12 2H18M18 20V16L22 14V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22S18 21.1 18 20Z",Zm="M11.79 11.5H9.72V8.19H12.19C13.45 8.19 14.15 8.75 14.15 9.78C14.15 10.9 13.32 11.5 11.79 11.5M12.16 12.63H9.72V16.27L12.28 16.27C13.84 16.27 14.66 15.64 14.66 14.44S13.81 12.63 12.16 12.63M22 5.31V18.69C22 20.5 20.5 22 18.69 22H5.31C3.5 22 2 20.5 2 18.69V5.31C2 3.5 3.5 2 5.31 2H18.69C20.5 2 22 3.5 22 5.31M16 14.5C16 13.12 15.08 12.13 13.67 11.95V11.89C14.67 11.71 15.46 10.71 15.46 9.63C15.46 8.08 14.26 7.05 12.5 7.05H8.43V17.41H12.47C14.68 17.41 16 16.32 16 14.5Z",Sm="M19,11H13V5H19M19,19H13V13H19M11,11H5V5H11M11,19H5V13H11M3,21H21V3H3V21Z",um="M3,21V3H21V21H3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",cm="M5,15H3V17H5M3,21H21V19H3M5,11H3V13H5M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M5,7H3V9H5M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17M13,3H11V5H13M17,11H15V13H17M13,7H11V9H13M5,3H3V5H5M13,11H11V13H13M9,3H7V5H9M13,15H11V17H13M9,11H7V13H9V11Z",sm="M5,15H3V17H5M3,21H21V19H3M5,11H3V13H5M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M5,7H3V9H5M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17M13,3H11V5H13M5,3H3V5H5M9,3H7V5H9",Om="M20.71,4.04C21.1,3.65 21.1,3 20.71,2.63L18.37,0.29C18,-0.1 17.35,-0.1 16.96,0.29L15,2.25L18.75,6M17.75,7L14,3.25L4,13.25V17H7.75L17.75,7Z",hm="M19,21H21V19H19M15,21H17V19H15M11,17H13V15H11M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M3,13H21V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M19,17H21V15H19M13,3H11V5H13M13,7H11V9H13M17,3H15V5H17M9,3H7V5H9M5,3H3V5H5M7,21H9V19H7M3,17H5V15H3M5,7H3V9H5M3,21H5V19H3V21Z",pm="M19,17H21V15H19M19,21H21V19H19M13,3H11V11H3V13H11V21H13V13H21V11H13M15,21H17V19H15M19,5H21V3H19M19,9H21V7H19M17,3H15V5H17M5,3H3V5H5M9,3H7V5H9M3,17H5V15H3M5,7H3V9H5M7,21H9V19H7M3,21H5V19H3V21Z",fm="M15,5H17V3H15M15,13H17V11H15M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,17H21V15H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,9H21V7H19M3,21H5V3H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7M7,21H9V19H7M11,13H13V11H11M11,9H13V7H11M11,5H13V3H11M11,17H13V15H11M11,21H13V19H11V21Z",gm="M15,5H17V3H15M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,17H21V15H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,9H21V7H19M3,21H5V3H3M7,5H9V3H7M7,21H9V19H7M11,5H13V3H11M11,21H13V19H11V21Z",km="M15,5H17V3H15M15,13H17V11H15M15,21H17V19H15M11,5H13V3H11M19,5H21V3H19M11,9H13V7H11M19,9H21V7H19M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,17H21V15H19M11,13H13V11H11M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M11,21H13V19H11M11,17H13V15H11M7,21H9V19H7M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7V5Z",Bm="M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M11,5H13V3H11M19,5H21V3H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,21H21V19H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M11,21H13V19H11M7,21H9V19H7M7,5H9V3H7V5Z",Pm="M9,11H7V13H9M13,15H11V17H13M19,19H5V5H19M3,21H21V3H3M17,11H15V13H17M13,11H11V13H13M13,7H11V9H13V7Z",wm="M3 16C3 18.8 5.2 21 8 21H10V19H8C6.3 19 5 17.7 5 16V14H3V16M21 8C21 5.2 18.8 3 16 3H14V5H16C17.7 5 19 6.3 19 8V10H21V8M16 21C18.8 21 21 18.8 21 16V14H19V16C19 17.7 17.7 19 16 19H14V21H16M8 3C5.2 3 3 5.2 3 8V10H5V8C5 6.3 6.3 5 8 5H10V3H8Z",Fm="M11,9H13V7H11M11,5H13V3H11M11,13H13V11H11M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V3H19M15,13H17V11H15M11,17H13V15H11M3,9H5V7H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M3,21H5V19H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,5H9V3H7M3,5H5V3H3M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",Tm="M11,5H13V3H11M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V3H19M3,9H5V7H3M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3M11,21H13V19H11M3,21H5V19H3M7,5H9V3H7M3,5H5V3H3M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",bm="M15,21H17V19H15M19,21H21V19H19M7,21H9V19H7M11,21H13V19H11M19,17H21V15H19M19,13H21V11H19M3,3V21H5V5H21V3M19,9H21V7H19",ym="M15,13H17V11H15M19,21H21V19H19M11,9H13V7H11M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H21V3H3M19,13H21V11H19M19,9H21V7H19M11,17H13V15H11M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,17H5V15H3M11,21H13V19H11M11,13H13V11H11M7,13H9V11H7M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",Rm="M19,21H21V19H19M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M3,5H21V3H3M19,13H21V11H19M19,9H21V7H19M3,9H5V7H3M3,13H5V11H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,17H5V15H3M11,21H13V19H11M7,21H9V19H7V21Z",xm="M15,13H17V11H15M15,21H17V19H15M15,5H17V3H15M19,9H21V7H19M19,5H21V3H19M19,13H21V11H19M19,21H21V19H19M11,21H13V3H11M19,17H21V15H19M7,5H9V3H7M3,17H5V15H3M3,21H5V19H3M3,13H5V11H3M7,13H9V11H7M7,21H9V19H7M3,5H5V3H3M3,9H5V7H3V9Z",Dm="M15 11V20A2 2 0 0 1 13 22H11A2 2 0 0 1 9 20V11A2 2 0 0 1 9.6 9.58C11.1 7.89 11 4 11 4H10V2H14V4H13S12.9 7.89 14.4 9.58A2 2 0 0 1 15 11Z",Em="M15 13.77A3 3 0 0 0 15 18.23V20A2 2 0 0 1 13 22H11A2 2 0 0 1 9 20V18.23A3 3 0 0 0 9 13.77V9A12.28 12.28 0 0 0 10.91 4H10V2H14V4H13.09A12.28 12.28 0 0 0 15 9Z",Nm="M10 2V4H10.91C10.65 5.79 9 7.5 8 9V13.77C9.32 14.96 9.32 17.04 8 18.23V20C8 21.11 8.9 22 10 22H14C15.11 22 16 21.11 16 20V18.23C14.68 17.04 14.68 14.96 16 13.77V9C15 7.5 13.35 5.79 13.09 4H14V2M12 6.5C12.24 7 13.54 8.5 13.9 8.91L14 9V13C13.35 13.87 13 14.92 13 16C13 17.08 13.35 18.13 14 19V20H10V19C10.65 18.13 11 17.08 11 16C11 14.92 10.65 13.87 10 13V9L10.1 8.91C10.46 8.5 11.76 7 12 6.5Z",Wm="M14.4 9.58C12.9 7.89 13 4 13 4H14V2H10V4H11S11.1 7.89 9.6 9.58A2 2 0 0 0 9 11V20A2 2 0 0 0 11 22H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 20V11A2 2 0 0 0 14.4 9.58M13 20H11V11L11.1 10.91A6.26 6.26 0 0 0 12 9.5A6.26 6.26 0 0 0 12.9 10.91L13 11Z",Im="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13Z",Gm="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M17 13C17 11.35 15.65 10 14 10H10C8.35 10 7 11.35 7 13V20H17V13Z",Qm="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M14 8V6H15V5H9V6H10V8C7.24 8 5 10.24 5 13V22H19V13C19 10.24 16.76 8 14 8M16 17H13V20H11V17H8V15H11V12H13V15H16V17Z",Um="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M17 13C17 11.35 15.65 10 14 10H10C8.35 10 7 11.35 7 13V20H17V13M15 16H13V18H11V16H9V14H11V12H13V14H15V16Z",zm="M19 13V22H5V13C5 10.24 7.24 8 10 8V6H9V5H15V6H14V8C16.76 8 19 10.24 19 13M13 4L14 2H10L11 4H13M12 11C9.79 11 8 12.79 8 15C8 16 8.39 16.9 9 17.59V19H10.25V17.5H11.38V19H12.63V17.5H13.75V19H15V17.59C15.61 16.9 16 16 16 15C16 12.79 14.21 11 12 11M10.5 15C9.95 15 9.5 14.55 9.5 14S9.95 13 10.5 13 11.5 13.45 11.5 14 11.05 15 10.5 15M11.25 16.25L12 15L12.75 16.25H11.25M13.5 15C12.95 15 12.5 14.55 12.5 14S12.95 13 13.5 13 14.5 13.45 14.5 14 14.05 15 13.5 15Z",_m="M13 4H11L10 2H14L13 4M14 8V6H15V5H9V6H10V8C7.24 8 5 10.24 5 13V22H19V13C19 10.24 16.76 8 14 8M17 20H7V13C7 11.35 8.35 10 10 10H14C15.65 10 17 11.35 17 13V20M12 11C9.79 11 8 12.79 8 15C8 16 8.39 16.9 9 17.59V19H10.25V17.5H11.38V19H12.63V17.5H13.75V19H15V17.59C15.61 16.9 16 16 16 15C16 12.79 14.21 11 12 11M10.5 15C9.95 15 9.5 14.55 9.5 14S9.95 13 10.5 13 11.5 13.45 11.5 14 11.05 15 10.5 15M11.25 16.25L12 15L12.75 16.25H11.25M13.5 15C12.95 15 12.5 14.55 12.5 14S12.95 13 13.5 13 14.5 13.45 14.5 14 14.05 15 13.5 15Z",Km="M10,22A1,1 0 0,1 9,21V11C9,9 10,7.25 11,7V2.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,2H12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,2.5V7C14,7.25 15,9 15,11V21A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10Z",jm="M11.5 2C11.22 2 11 2.22 11 2.5V7C10.93 7 10.85 7 10.78 7.03C9.82 7.27 9.21 8 8.76 8.89C8.3 9.76 8 10.84 8 12C8.05 15 8 18.03 8 21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22C11 22 13 22 15 22C15.55 22 16 21.55 16 21C16.04 18 16 15 16 12C16 10.84 15.74 9.76 15.28 8.88C14.83 8 14.22 7.27 13.26 7.04C13.18 7 13.05 7 13 7V2.5C13 2.22 12.78 2 12.5 2M12 8.85C12.32 8.85 12.63 8.9 12.78 9C12.85 9.03 13.2 9.26 13.5 9.81C13.78 10.37 14 11.17 14 12V20H10V12C10 11.17 10.22 10.37 10.5 9.81C10.8 9.26 11.15 9.03 11.22 9C11.36 8.9 11.68 8.85 12 8.85Z",qm="M19.03 6.03L20 7L22 2L17 4L17.97 4.97L16.15 6.79C10.87 2.16 3.3 3.94 2.97 4L2 4.26L2.5 6.2L3.29 6L10.12 12.82L6.94 16H5L2 19L4 20L5 22L8 19V17.06L11.18 13.88L18 20.71L17.81 21.5L19.74 22L20 21.03C20.06 20.7 21.84 13.13 17.21 7.85L19.03 6.03M4.5 5.78C6.55 5.5 11.28 5.28 14.73 8.21L10.82 12.12L4.5 5.78M18.22 19.5L11.88 13.18L15.79 9.27C18.72 12.72 18.5 17.45 18.22 19.5Z",$m="M15,14L21,17V7L15,10V14M9,14L3,17V7L9,10V14M10,10H14V14H10V10Z",Xm="M22 15C22 18.9 18.9 22 15 22H9C5.1 22 2 18.9 2 15V12H22V15Z",Ym="M16.2 11L20.3 4.5L22 5.5L18.6 11H16.2M15.6 12H2V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H15.6Z",Jm="M15.6 12H2V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H15.6M20 15C20 17.8 17.8 20 15 20H9C6.2 20 4 17.8 4 15V14H20V15M16.2 11L20.3 4.4L22 5.5L18.6 11H16.2Z",Ct="M2 12V15C2 18.9 5.1 22 9 22H15C18.9 22 22 18.9 22 15V12H2M4 14H20V15C20 17.8 17.8 20 15 20H9C6.2 20 4 17.8 4 15V14Z",Ht="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,11M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M5.93,8.5C5.38,9.45 5.71,10.67 6.66,11.22C7.62,11.78 8.84,11.45 9.4,10.5C9.95,9.53 9.62,8.31 8.66,7.76C7.71,7.21 6.5,7.53 5.93,8.5Z",Vt="M15.39,14.04V14.04C15.39,12.62 14.24,11.47 12.82,11.47C11.41,11.47 10.26,12.62 10.26,14.04V14.04C10.26,15.45 11.41,16.6 12.82,16.6C14.24,16.6 15.39,15.45 15.39,14.04M17.1,14.04C17.1,16.4 15.18,18.31 12.82,18.31C11.19,18.31 9.77,17.39 9.05,16.04C8.33,17.39 6.91,18.31 5.28,18.31C2.94,18.31 1.04,16.43 1,14.11V14.11H1V7H1V7C1,6.56 1.39,6.18 1.86,6.18C2.33,6.18 2.7,6.56 2.71,7V7H2.71V10.62C3.43,10.08 4.32,9.76 5.28,9.76C6.91,9.76 8.33,10.68 9.05,12.03C9.77,10.68 11.19,9.76 12.82,9.76C15.18,9.76 17.1,11.68 17.1,14.04V14.04M7.84,14.04V14.04C7.84,12.62 6.69,11.47 5.28,11.47C3.86,11.47 2.71,12.62 2.71,14.04V14.04C2.71,15.45 3.86,16.6 5.28,16.6C6.69,16.6 7.84,15.45 7.84,14.04M22.84,16.96V16.96C22.95,17.12 23,17.3 23,17.47C23,17.73 22.88,18 22.66,18.15C22.5,18.26 22.33,18.32 22.15,18.32C21.9,18.32 21.65,18.21 21.5,18L19.59,15.47L17.7,18V18C17.53,18.21 17.28,18.32 17.03,18.32C16.85,18.32 16.67,18.26 16.5,18.15C16.29,18 16.17,17.72 16.17,17.46C16.17,17.29 16.23,17.11 16.33,16.96V16.96H16.33V16.96L18.5,14.04L16.33,11.11V11.11H16.33V11.11C16.22,10.96 16.17,10.79 16.17,10.61C16.17,10.35 16.29,10.1 16.5,9.93C16.89,9.65 17.41,9.72 17.7,10.09V10.09L19.59,12.61L21.5,10.09C21.76,9.72 22.29,9.65 22.66,9.93C22.89,10.1 23,10.36 23,10.63C23,10.8 22.95,10.97 22.84,11.11V11.11H22.84V11.11L20.66,14.04L22.84,16.96V16.96H22.84Z",Lt="M7.22,11.91C6.89,12.24 6.71,12.65 6.66,13.08L12.17,15.44L20.66,6.96C21.44,6.17 21.44,4.91 20.66,4.13L19.24,2.71C18.46,1.93 17.2,1.93 16.41,2.71L7.22,11.91M5,16V21.75L10.81,16.53L5.81,14.53L5,16M17.12,4.83C17.5,4.44 18.15,4.44 18.54,4.83C18.93,5.23 18.93,5.86 18.54,6.25C18.15,6.64 17.5,6.64 17.12,6.25C16.73,5.86 16.73,5.23 17.12,4.83Z",Mt="M20.84 22.73L12.86 14.75L12.17 15.44L6.66 13.08C6.71 12.65 6.89 12.24 7.22 11.91L8.62 10.5L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15.41 12.21L11.16 7.96L16.41 2.71C17.2 1.93 18.46 1.93 19.24 2.71L20.66 4.13C21.44 4.91 21.44 6.17 20.66 6.96L15.41 12.21M17.12 6.25C17.5 6.64 18.15 6.64 18.54 6.25C18.93 5.86 18.93 5.23 18.54 4.83C18.15 4.44 17.5 4.44 17.12 4.83C16.73 5.23 16.73 5.86 17.12 6.25M5 16V21.75L10.81 16.53L5.81 14.53L5 16Z",At="M3,3H18V18H3V3M19,19H21V21H19V19M19,16H21V18H19V16M19,13H21V15H19V13M19,10H21V12H19V10M19,7H21V9H19V7M16,19H18V21H16V19M13,19H15V21H13V19M10,19H12V21H10V19M7,19H9V21H7V19Z",it="M19,16V6H22V16H19M12,4C8,4 7,4 7,4C7,4 2,4 2,8V14C2,15.77 3,16.76 4.07,17.31C4.4,15.43 6.03,14 8,14H11V16H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,18C6,19.11 6.9,20 8,20H13C17,20 17,16 17,16V6C17,6 16,4 12,4Z",rt="M7,8A1,1 0 0,1 8,7A1,1 0 0,1 9,8V12.47L10.21,12.6L15.15,14.79C15.67,15.03 16,15.56 16,16.14V20.5C15.97,21.32 15.32,21.97 14.5,22H8C7.62,22 7.26,21.85 7,21.57L2.1,17.37L2.84,16.6C3.03,16.39 3.3,16.28 3.58,16.28H3.8L7,18V8M19.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,2M19.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,7M14.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,7M19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,12Z",at="M21.33,12.91C21.42,14.46 20.71,15.95 19.44,16.86L20.21,18.35C20.44,18.8 20.47,19.33 20.27,19.8C20.08,20.27 19.69,20.64 19.21,20.8L18.42,21.05C18.25,21.11 18.06,21.14 17.88,21.14C17.37,21.14 16.89,20.91 16.56,20.5L14.44,18C13.55,17.85 12.71,17.47 12,16.9C11.5,17.05 11,17.13 10.5,17.13C9.62,17.13 8.74,16.86 8,16.34C7.47,16.5 6.93,16.57 6.38,16.56C5.59,16.57 4.81,16.41 4.08,16.11C2.65,15.47 1.7,14.07 1.65,12.5C1.57,11.78 1.69,11.05 2,10.39C1.71,9.64 1.68,8.82 1.93,8.06C2.3,7.11 3,6.32 3.87,5.82C4.45,4.13 6.08,3 7.87,3.12C9.47,1.62 11.92,1.46 13.7,2.75C14.12,2.64 14.56,2.58 15,2.58C16.36,2.55 17.65,3.15 18.5,4.22C20.54,4.75 22,6.57 22.08,8.69C22.13,9.8 21.83,10.89 21.22,11.82C21.29,12.18 21.33,12.54 21.33,12.91M16.33,11.5C16.9,11.57 17.35,12 17.35,12.57A1,1 0 0,1 16.35,13.57H15.72C15.4,14.47 14.84,15.26 14.1,15.86C14.35,15.95 14.61,16 14.87,16.07C20,16 19.4,12.87 19.4,12.82C19.34,11.39 18.14,10.27 16.71,10.33A1,1 0 0,1 15.71,9.33A1,1 0 0,1 16.71,8.33C17.94,8.36 19.12,8.82 20.04,9.63C20.09,9.34 20.12,9.04 20.12,8.74C20.06,7.5 19.5,6.42 17.25,6.21C16,3.25 12.85,4.89 12.85,5.81V5.81C12.82,6.04 13.06,6.53 13.1,6.56A1,1 0 0,1 14.1,7.56C14.1,8.11 13.65,8.56 13.1,8.56V8.56C12.57,8.54 12.07,8.34 11.67,8C11.19,8.31 10.64,8.5 10.07,8.56V8.56C9.5,8.61 9.03,8.21 9,7.66C8.92,7.1 9.33,6.61 9.88,6.56C10.04,6.54 10.82,6.42 10.82,5.79V5.79C10.82,5.13 11.07,4.5 11.5,4C10.58,3.75 9.59,4.08 8.59,5.29C6.75,5 6,5.25 5.45,7.2C4.5,7.67 4,8 3.78,9C4.86,8.78 5.97,8.87 7,9.25C7.5,9.44 7.78,10 7.59,10.54C7.4,11.06 6.82,11.32 6.3,11.13C5.57,10.81 4.75,10.79 4,11.07C3.68,11.34 3.68,11.9 3.68,12.34C3.68,13.08 4.05,13.77 4.68,14.17C5.21,14.44 5.8,14.58 6.39,14.57C6.24,14.31 6.11,14.04 6,13.76C5.81,13.22 6.1,12.63 6.64,12.44C7.18,12.25 7.77,12.54 7.96,13.08C8.36,14.22 9.38,15 10.58,15.13C11.95,15.06 13.17,14.25 13.77,13C14,11.62 15.11,11.5 16.33,11.5M18.33,18.97L17.71,17.67L17,17.83L18,19.08L18.33,18.97M13.68,10.36C13.7,9.83 13.3,9.38 12.77,9.33C12.06,9.29 11.37,9.53 10.84,10C10.27,10.58 9.97,11.38 10,12.19A1,1 0 0,0 11,13.19C11.57,13.19 12,12.74 12,12.19C12,11.92 12.07,11.65 12.23,11.43C12.35,11.33 12.5,11.28 12.66,11.28C13.21,11.31 13.68,10.9 13.68,10.36Z",et="M12,2C17.5,2 22,5.36 22,9.5C22,11.19 21.26,12.75 20,14V22H4V14C2.74,12.75 2,11.19 2,9.5C2,5.36 6.5,2 12,2M8,18H12V14H8V18Z",dt="M12,2C17.5,2 22,5.36 22,9.5C22,11.19 21.26,12.75 20,14V22H4V14C2.74,12.75 2,11.19 2,9.5C2,5.36 6.5,2 12,2M18,13.14C19.24,12.17 20,10.89 20,9.5C20,6.46 16.42,4 12,4C7.58,4 4,6.46 4,9.5C4,10.89 4.76,12.17 6,13.14V20H18V13.14M8,18V14H12V18H8Z",mt="M7,14V10.91C6.28,10.58 5.61,10.18 5,9.71V14H7M5,18H3V16H1V14H3V7H5V8.43C6.8,10 9.27,11 12,11C14.73,11 17.2,10 19,8.43V7H21V14H23V16H21V18H19V16H5V18M17,10.91V14H19V9.71C18.39,10.18 17.72,10.58 17,10.91M16,14V11.32C15.36,11.55 14.69,11.72 14,11.84V14H16M13,14V11.96L12,12L11,11.96V14H13M10,14V11.84C9.31,11.72 8.64,11.55 8,11.32V14H10Z",tt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",vt="M20,6H16V4A2,2 0 0,0 14,2H10C8.89,2 8,2.89 8,4V6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M10,4H14V6H10V4M12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9M17,19H7V17.75C7,16.37 9.24,15.25 12,15.25C14.76,15.25 17,16.37 17,17.75V19Z",lt="M20,6C20.58,6 21.05,6.2 21.42,6.59C21.8,7 22,7.45 22,8V19C22,19.55 21.8,20 21.42,20.41C21.05,20.8 20.58,21 20,21H4C3.42,21 2.95,20.8 2.58,20.41C2.2,20 2,19.55 2,19V8C2,7.45 2.2,7 2.58,6.59C2.95,6.2 3.42,6 4,6H8V4C8,3.42 8.2,2.95 8.58,2.58C8.95,2.2 9.42,2 10,2H14C14.58,2 15.05,2.2 15.42,2.58C15.8,2.95 16,3.42 16,4V6H20M4,8V19H20V8H4M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,11.25C14.25,12.5 13.24,13.5 12,13.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,11.25C9.75,10 10.76,9 12,9M16.5,18H7.5V16.88C7.5,15.63 9.5,14.63 12,14.63C14.5,14.63 16.5,15.63 16.5,16.88V18Z",ot="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C20.94 12.58 19.54 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.09 12.29 20.12 12.8 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M19 18.5V17H15V15H19V13.5L22 16L19 18.5M17 19H21V21H17V22.5L14 20L17 17.5V19Z",nt="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C21.42 13 20.75 12.6 20 12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V8C2 6.9 2.9 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M19 18.5V17H15V15H19V13.5L22 16L19 18.5M17 19H21V21H17V22.5L14 20L17 17.5V19Z",Zt="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C20.94 12.58 19.54 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.09 12.29 20.12 12.8 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M17.5 19H19V15H21V19H22.5L20 22L17.5 19M17 17V21H15V17H13.5L16 14L18.5 17H17Z",St="M10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V13.53C21.42 13 20.75 12.6 20 12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H4C2.9 21 2 20.11 2 19V8C2 6.9 2.9 6 4 6H8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2M14 6V4H10V6H14M17.5 19H19V15H21V19H22.5L20 22L17.5 19M17 17V21H15V17H13.5L16 14L18.5 17H17Z",ut="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M10.5,17.5L17.09,10.91L15.68,9.5L10.5,14.67L8.41,12.59L7,14L10.5,17.5Z",ct="M20 6C20.58 6 21.05 6.2 21.42 6.59C21.8 7 22 7.45 22 8V19C22 19.55 21.8 20 21.42 20.41C21.05 20.8 20.58 21 20 21H4C3.42 21 2.95 20.8 2.58 20.41C2.2 20 2 19.55 2 19V8C2 7.45 2.2 7 2.58 6.59C2.95 6.2 3.42 6 4 6H8V4C8 3.42 8.2 2.95 8.58 2.58C8.95 2.2 9.42 2 10 2H14C14.58 2 15.05 2.2 15.42 2.58C15.8 2.95 16 3.42 16 4V6H20M4 8V19H20V8H4M14 6V4H10V6H14M10.46 17.5L17.05 10.91L15.64 9.5L10.46 14.67L8.37 12.59L6.96 14L10.46 17.5Z",st="M21 11.11V7A2 2 0 0 0 19 5H15V3A2 2 0 0 0 13 1H9A2 2 0 0 0 7 3V5H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 7V18A2 2 0 0 0 3 20H10.26A7 7 0 1 0 21 11.11M9 3H13V5H9M19 20A5 5 0 0 1 13 20A5 5 0 1 1 19 20M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13",Ot="M21 11.11V7A2 2 0 0 0 20.42 5.59A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 19 5H15V3A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 14.42 1.58A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 13 1H9A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 7.58 1.58A1.9 1.9 0 0 0 7 3V5H3A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 1.58 5.59A2 2 0 0 0 1 7V18A2 2 0 0 0 1.58 19.41A1.87 1.87 0 0 0 3 20H10.26A7 7 0 1 0 21 11.11M9 3H13V5H9M3 18V7H19V9.68A6.84 6.84 0 0 0 16 9A7 7 0 0 0 9 16A6.91 6.91 0 0 0 9.29 18M19 20A5 5 0 0 1 13 20A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 19 12A5 5 0 0 1 19 20M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13",ht="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,19L17,14H14V10H10V14H7L12,19Z",pt="M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17L12,18M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M4,8V19H20V8H4Z",ft="M14,2A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8L10.85,19C10.85,20.1 10.85,19.5 10.85,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2H14M14,6V4H10V6H14M21.04,12.13C20.9,12.13 20.76,12.19 20.65,12.3L19.65,13.3L21.7,15.35L22.7,14.35C22.92,14.14 22.92,13.79 22.7,13.58L21.42,12.3C21.31,12.19 21.18,12.13 21.04,12.13M19.07,13.88L13,19.94V22H15.06L21.12,15.93L19.07,13.88Z",gt="M21.04,12.13C21.18,12.13 21.31,12.19 21.42,12.3L22.7,13.58C22.92,13.79 22.92,14.14 22.7,14.35L21.7,15.35L19.65,13.3L20.65,12.3C20.76,12.19 20.9,12.13 21.04,12.13M19.07,13.88L21.12,15.93L15.06,22H13V19.94L19.07,13.88M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8L20,10V8H4V19H11V21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",kt="M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M9.1 19.7L8.8 19L9.1 18.3C10.4 15.1 13.5 13 17 13C18.9 13 20.6 13.6 22 14.6V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6H16V4C16 2.9 15.1 2 14 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H9.8C9.5 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.1 19.7M10 4H14V6H10V4M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",Bt="M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5M9.1 19.7L8.8 19H4V8H20V13.6C20.7 13.9 21.4 14.2 22 14.7V8C22 7.5 21.8 7 21.4 6.6C21 6.2 20.6 6 20 6H16V4C16 3.4 15.8 3 15.4 2.6C15 2.2 14.6 2 14 2H10C9.4 2 9 2.2 8.6 2.6C8.2 3 8 3.4 8 4V6H4C3.4 6 3 6.2 2.6 6.6C2.2 7 2 7.5 2 8V19C2 19.5 2.2 20 2.6 20.4C3 20.8 3.4 21 4 21H9.8C9.5 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.1 19.7M10 4H14V6H10V4Z",Pt="M22,17V19H14V17H22M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",wt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14,17H22V19H14V17Z",Ft="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V8C2 6.89 2.89 6 4 6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 18.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.89 8.89 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8V18.8M14 4H10V6H14V4Z",Tt="M20 8V16.8L22 18.8V8C22 7.45 21.8 7 21.42 6.59C21.05 6.2 20.58 6 20 6H16V4C16 3.42 15.8 2.95 15.42 2.58C15.05 2.2 14.58 2 14 2H10C9.42 2 8.95 2.2 8.58 2.58C8.2 2.95 8 3.42 8 4V4.8L11.2 8H20M10 4H14V6H10V4M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.11 6H4C3.42 6 2.95 6.2 2.58 6.59C2.2 7 2 7.45 2 8V19C2 19.55 2.2 20 2.58 20.41C2.95 20.8 3.42 21 4 21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M4 19V8H6.11L17.11 19H4Z",bt="M20,6C20.58,6 21.05,6.2 21.42,6.59C21.8,7 22,7.45 22,8V19C22,19.55 21.8,20 21.42,20.41C21.05,20.8 20.58,21 20,21H4C3.42,21 2.95,20.8 2.58,20.41C2.2,20 2,19.55 2,19V8C2,7.45 2.2,7 2.58,6.59C2.95,6.2 3.42,6 4,6H8V4C8,3.42 8.2,2.95 8.58,2.58C8.95,2.2 9.42,2 10,2H14C14.58,2 15.05,2.2 15.42,2.58C15.8,2.95 16,3.42 16,4V6H20M4,8V19H20V8H4M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",yt="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Rt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14,17H17V14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17Z",xt="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C20.94,12.58 19.54,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Dt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.53C21.42,13 20.75,12.6 20,12.34V8H4V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88Z",Et="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.03C20.85,11.21 18.82,10 16.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10,16.5C10,18.25 10.69,19.83 11.81,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14Z",Nt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V13.03C21.5,12.23 20.8,11.54 20,11V8H4V19H10.5C10.81,19.75 11.26,20.42 11.81,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19Z",Wt="M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M12,9L7,14H10V18H14V14H17L12,9Z",It="M12,9L17,14H14V18H10V14H7L12,9M10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V8C2,6.89 2.89,6 4,6H8V4C8,2.89 8.89,2 10,2M14,6V4H10V6H14M4,8V19H20V8H4Z",Gt="M10 16V15H3L3 19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V15H14V16H10M20 7H16V5L14 3H10L8 5V7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V12C2 13.11 2.89 14 4 14H10V12H14V14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M14 7H10V5H14V7Z",Qt="M10 6.8L8.1 4.9L10 3H14L16 5V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V12C22 13.1 21.1 14 20 14H17.2L10.2 7H14V5H10V6.8M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.11 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V12C2 13.11 2.89 14 4 14H10V12H10.11L14 15.89V16H10V15H3V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M21 17.8V15H18.2L21 17.8Z",Ut="M10 6.8L8.1 4.9L10 3H14L16 5V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V14C22 14.73 21.59 15.37 21 15.72V17.8L17.2 14H20V9H12.2L10.2 7H14V5H10V6.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.11 3 19V15.73C2.4 15.38 2 14.75 2 14V9C2 7.9 2.9 7 4 7H5.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M11 15H13V14.89L11.11 13H11V15M9 14V11H9.11L7.11 9H4V14H9M17.11 19L15 16.89V17H9V16H5V19H17.11Z",zt="M20 7H16V5L14 3H10L8 5V7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V14C2 14.75 2.4 15.38 3 15.73V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V15.72C21.59 15.37 22 14.73 22 14V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M10 5H14V7H10V5M4 9H20V14H15V11H9V14H4V9M13 15H11V13H13V15M19 19H5V16H9V17H15V16H19V19Z",_t="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Kt="M10,2C8.18,2 6.47,2.5 5,3.35C8,5.08 10,8.3 10,12C10,15.7 8,18.92 5,20.65C6.47,21.5 8.18,22 10,22A10,10 0 0,0 20,12A10,10 0 0,0 10,2Z",jt="M9,2C7.95,2 6.95,2.16 6,2.46C10.06,3.73 13,7.5 13,12C13,16.5 10.06,20.27 6,21.54C6.95,21.84 7.95,22 9,22A10,10 0 0,0 19,12A10,10 0 0,0 9,2Z",qt="M12,18C11.11,18 10.26,17.8 9.5,17.45C11.56,16.5 13,14.42 13,12C13,9.58 11.56,7.5 9.5,6.55C10.26,6.2 11.11,6 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69Z",$t="M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31Z",Xt="M12,18V6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31Z",Yt="M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69Z",Jt="M14.3,16L13.6,14H10.4L9.7,16H7.8L11,7H13L16.2,16H14.3M20,8.69V4H15.31L12,0.69L8.69,4H4V8.69L0.69,12L4,15.31V20H8.69L12,23.31L15.31,20H20V15.31L23.31,12L20,8.69M10.85,12.65H13.15L12,9L10.85,12.65Z",Cv="M20.04,8.71V4H15.34L12,0.69L8.71,4H4V8.71L0.69,12L4,15.34V20.04H8.71L12,23.35L15.34,20.04H20.04V15.34L23.35,12L20.04,8.71M8.83,7.05C9.81,7.05 10.6,7.84 10.6,8.83A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.83,10.6C7.84,10.6 7.05,9.81 7.05,8.83C7.05,7.84 7.84,7.05 8.83,7.05M15.22,17C14.24,17 13.45,16.2 13.45,15.22A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.22,13.45C16.2,13.45 17,14.24 17,15.22A1.78,1.78 0 0,1 15.22,17M8.5,17.03L7,15.53L15.53,7L17.03,8.5L8.5,17.03Z",Hv="M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6S6 8.7 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.1 9 17.2L10 15.5C8.8 14.8 8 13.5 8 12.1C8 9.9 9.8 8.1 12 8.1S16 9.9 16 12.1C16 13.6 15.2 14.9 14 15.5L15 17.2C16.8 16.2 18 14.2 18 12M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 15.7 4 18.9 7 20.6L8 18.9C5.6 17.5 4 14.9 4 12C4 7.6 7.6 4 12 4S20 7.6 20 12C20 15 18.4 17.5 16 18.9L17 20.6C20 18.9 22 15.7 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2Z",Vv="M17.6 14.2C17.9 13.5 18 12.8 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6C11.2 6 10.4 6.2 9.8 6.4L11.4 8H12C14.2 8 16 9.8 16 12C16 12.2 16 12.4 15.9 12.6L17.6 14.2M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12C20 13.4 19.6 14.6 19 15.7L20.5 17.2C21.4 15.7 22 13.9 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.5 6.8 3.5L8.3 5C9.4 4.3 10.6 4 12 4M3.3 2.5L2 3.8L4.1 5.9C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 15.7 4 18.9 7 20.6L8 18.9C5.6 17.5 4 14.9 4 12C4 10.2 4.6 8.6 5.5 7.3L7 8.8C6.4 9.7 6 10.8 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.1 9 17.2L10 15.5C8.8 14.8 8 13.5 8 12.1C8 11.5 8.2 10.9 8.4 10.3L10 11.9V12.1C10 13.2 10.9 14.1 12 14.1H12.2L19.7 21.6L21 20.3L4.3 3.5L3.3 2.5Z",Lv="M19.36,2.72L20.78,4.14L15.06,9.85C16.13,11.39 16.28,13.24 15.38,14.44L9.06,8.12C10.26,7.22 12.11,7.37 13.65,8.44L19.36,2.72M5.93,17.57C3.92,15.56 2.69,13.16 2.35,10.92L7.23,8.83L14.67,16.27L12.58,21.15C10.34,20.81 7.94,19.58 5.93,17.57Z",Mv="M20.71,4.63L19.37,3.29C19,2.9 18.35,2.9 17.96,3.29L9,12.25L11.75,15L20.71,6.04C21.1,5.65 21.1,5 20.71,4.63M7,14A3,3 0 0,0 4,17C4,18.31 2.84,19 2,19C2.92,20.22 4.5,21 6,21A4,4 0 0,0 10,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,14Z",Av="M20.8 22.7L12.4 14.3L11.8 15L9 12.2L9.7 11.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M7 14C5.3 14 4 15.3 4 17C4 18.3 2.8 19 2 19C2.9 20.2 4.5 21 6 21C8.2 21 10 19.2 10 17C10 15.3 8.7 14 7 14M20.7 6C21.1 5.6 21.1 5 20.7 4.6L19.4 3.3C19 2.9 18.4 2.9 18 3.3L12.2 9L15 11.8L20.7 6Z",iv="M7 16C7.55 16 8 16.45 8 17C8 18.1 7.1 19 6 19C5.83 19 5.67 19 5.5 18.95C5.81 18.4 6 17.74 6 17C6 16.45 6.45 16 7 16M18.67 3C18.41 3 18.16 3.1 17.96 3.29L9 12.25L11.75 15L20.71 6.04C21.1 5.65 21.1 5 20.71 4.63L19.37 3.29C19.17 3.09 18.92 3 18.67 3M7 14C5.34 14 4 15.34 4 17C4 18.31 2.84 19 2 19C2.92 20.22 4.5 21 6 21C8.21 21 10 19.21 10 17C10 15.34 8.66 14 7 14Z",rv="M8 3C5.79 3 4 4.79 4 7V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H9V20C9 21.1 9.9 22 11 22H13C14.1 22 15 21.1 15 20V16H18C19.1 16 20 15.1 20 14V3H8M8 5H12V7H14V5H15V9H17V5H18V10H6V7C6 5.9 6.9 5 8 5M6 14V12H18V14H6Z",av="M3 4H21V7H20L17.5 21H6.5L4 7H3V4Z",ev="M3 4H21V7H20L17.5 21H6.5L4 7H3V4M17.97 7H6.03L8.15 19H15.85L17.97 7Z",dv="M9 14C9.55 14 10 14.45 10 15C10 15.55 9.55 16 9 16C8.45 16 8 15.55 8 15C8 14.45 8.45 14 9 14M15 14C15.55 14 16 14.45 16 15C16 15.55 15.55 16 15 16C14.45 16 14 15.55 14 15C14 14.45 14.45 14 15 14M3 22L4 19H3C2.45 19 2 18.55 2 18V12C2 11.45 2.45 11 3 11H21C21.55 11 22 11.45 22 12V18C22 18.55 21.55 19 21 19H20L21 22H19L18 19H6L5 22H3M13 13V17H20V13H13M4 13V17H11V13H4Z",mv="M14,12H10V10H14M14,16H10V14H14M20,8H17.19C16.74,7.22 16.12,6.55 15.37,6.04L17,4.41L15.59,3L13.42,5.17C12.96,5.06 12.5,5 12,5C11.5,5 11.04,5.06 10.59,5.17L8.41,3L7,4.41L8.62,6.04C7.88,6.55 7.26,7.22 6.81,8H4V10H6.09C6.04,10.33 6,10.66 6,11V12H4V14H6V15C6,15.34 6.04,15.67 6.09,16H4V18H6.81C7.85,19.79 9.78,21 12,21C14.22,21 16.15,19.79 17.19,18H20V16H17.91C17.96,15.67 18,15.34 18,15V14H20V12H18V11C18,10.66 17.96,10.33 17.91,10H20V8Z",tv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16Z",vv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M21.34 16L17.75 19.59L16.16 18L15 19.16L17.75 22.16L22.5 17.41L21.34 16M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13Z",lv="M20,8H17.19C16.74,7.2 16.12,6.5 15.37,6L17,4.41L15.59,3L13.42,5.17C12.96,5.06 12.5,5 12,5C11.5,5 11.05,5.06 10.59,5.17L8.41,3L7,4.41L8.62,6C7.87,6.5 7.26,7.21 6.81,8H4V10H6.09C6.03,10.33 6,10.66 6,11V12H4V14H6V15C6,15.34 6.03,15.67 6.09,16H4V18H6.81C8.47,20.87 12.14,21.84 15,20.18C15.91,19.66 16.67,18.9 17.19,18H20V16H17.91C17.97,15.67 18,15.34 18,15V14H20V12H18V11C18,10.66 17.97,10.33 17.91,10H20V8M16,15A4,4 0 0,1 12,19A4,4 0 0,1 8,15V11A4,4 0 0,1 12,7A4,4 0 0,1 16,11V15M14,10V12H10V10H14M10,14H14V16H10V14Z",ov="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M20 16H22V22H20M16 16H18V22H16V16Z",nv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M20 16H22V22H20M16 16H18V22H16V16Z",Zv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",Sv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",uv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 16.46 14.61 14.2 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 15H9V13H13V15M13 11H9V9H13V11M16 16H22V22H16V16Z",cv="M19 7H16.19C15.74 6.2 15.12 5.5 14.37 5L16 3.41L14.59 2L12.42 4.17C11.96 4.06 11.5 4 11 4S10.05 4.06 9.59 4.17L7.41 2L6 3.41L7.62 5C6.87 5.5 6.26 6.21 5.81 7H3V9H5.09C5.03 9.33 5 9.66 5 10V11H3V13H5V14C5 14.34 5.03 14.67 5.09 15H3V17H5.81C7.26 19.5 10.28 20.61 13 19.65V19C13 18.43 13.09 17.86 13.25 17.31C12.59 17.76 11.8 18 11 18C8.79 18 7 16.21 7 14V10C7 7.79 8.79 6 11 6S15 7.79 15 10V14C15 14.19 15 14.39 14.95 14.58C15.54 14.04 16.24 13.62 17 13.35V13H19V11H17V10C17 9.66 16.97 9.33 16.91 9H19V7M13 9V11H9V9H13M13 13V15H9V13H13M16 16H22V22H16V16Z",sv="M21,6C21,11 12,11 12,11C12,11 6,11 5,11C4,11 3,10 3,10H2V14H3C3,14 4,13 5,13C5.2,13 5.7,13 6.3,13C5.5,13.5 5,14.2 5,15C5,16.8 7.3,18 10.5,18C13.7,18 16,16.8 16,15C16,14.4 15.7,13.8 15.2,13.3C17.8,13.8 21,15 21,18H22V6H21M10.5,16.7C8.2,16.7 6.4,15.9 6.4,15C6.4,14.1 8.2,13.3 10.5,13.3C12.8,13.3 14.6,14.1 14.6,15C14.6,15.9 12.8,16.7 10.5,16.7Z",Ov="M13 2.09C13 2.06 13 2.03 13 2C13 1.45 12.55 1 12 1S11 1.45 11 2C11 2.03 11 2.06 11 2.09C8.19 2.56 6.03 5 6.03 7.97V16C6.03 19 8.19 21.44 11 21.91C11 21.94 11 21.97 11 22C11 22.55 11.45 23 12 23S13 22.55 13 22C13 21.97 13 21.94 13 21.91C15.81 21.44 17.97 19 17.97 16V7.97C18 5 15.81 2.56 13 2.09M16 8H15V5.4C15.6 6.09 16 7 16 8V8M14 19.44C13.41 19.79 12.73 20 12 20C11.27 20 10.59 19.79 10 19.44V16H14V19.44M10 15V9H14V15H10M9 15H8.03V9H9V15M10 4.56C10.59 4.21 11.27 4 12 4C12.73 4 13.41 4.21 14 4.56V8H10V4.56M15 9H16V15H15V9M9 5.4V8H8.03V7.97C8.03 7 8.4 6.09 9 5.4M8.03 16H9V18.6C8.4 17.91 8.03 17 8.03 16.03V16M15 18.6V16H16V16C16 17 15.6 17.91 15 18.6Z",hv="M4,4A1,1 0 0,0 3,5V10C2.54,10 2.14,10.31 2.03,10.76V13.97H2.29C2.65,13.37 3.3,13 4,13H13C13.7,13 14.35,13.37 14.71,13.97H16.03L16,11V11A1,1 0 0,0 15,10H13V8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8V10H9V5A1,1 0 0,0 8,4H4M5,6H7V10L7,11H5V6M17,11V19H22V18L19,17L18,11H17M4,15A2,2 0 0,0 2,17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 13,15H4Z",pv="M14,22H10V21H14V22M13,10V7H11V10L10,11.5V20H14V11.5L13,10M12,2C12,2 11,3 11,5V6H13V5C13,5 13,3 12,2Z",fv="M12.04,2.5L9.53,5H14.53L12.04,2.5M4,7V20H20V7H4M12,0L17,5V5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5H7V5L12,0M7,18V14H12V18H7M14,17V10H18V17H14M6,12V9H11V12H6Z",gv="M12,8H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V14A2,2 0 0,0 4,16H5V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V16H12L17,20V4L12,8M21.5,12C21.5,13.71 20.54,15.26 19,16V8C20.53,8.75 21.5,10.3 21.5,12Z",kv="M12,8H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V14A2,2 0 0,0 4,16H5V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V16H12L17,20V4L12,8M15,15.6L13,14H4V10H13L15,8.4V15.6M21.5,12C21.5,13.71 20.54,15.26 19,16V8C20.53,8.75 21.5,10.3 21.5,12Z",Bv="M20 2V4L4 8V6H2V18H4V16L6 16.5V18.5C6 20.4 7.6 22 9.5 22S13 20.4 13 18.5V18.3L20 20V22H22V2H20M11 18.5C11 19.3 10.3 20 9.5 20S8 19.3 8 18.5V17L11 17.8V18.5Z",Pv="M20 2V4L4 8V6H2V18H4V16L6 16.5V18.5C6 20.4 7.6 22 9.5 22S13 20.4 13 18.5V18.3L20 20V22H22V2H20M11 18.5C11 19.3 10.3 20 9.5 20S8 19.3 8 18.5V17L11 17.8V18.5M20 18L4 14V10L20 6V18Z",wv="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Fv="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,10.84 21.79,9.69 21.39,8.61L19.79,10.21C19.93,10.8 20,11.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4C12.6,4 13.2,4.07 13.79,4.21L15.4,2.6C14.31,2.21 13.16,2 12,2M19,2L15,6V7.5L12.45,10.05C12.3,10 12.15,10 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12C14,11.85 14,11.7 13.95,11.55L16.5,9H18L22,5H19V2M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12H16A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8V6Z",Tv="M11.38 2L6.38 7L5.13 15.75L11.38 22L18.88 17L13.88 12L17.63 8.25L11.38 2Z",bv="M1 2V23H3V21H21V23H23V7C23 4.79 21.21 3 19 3H10V8H3V2M6.5 2A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 7A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 2M3 11H21V13.56C20.41 13.21 19.73 13 19 13H10V18H3M6.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 17A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 12Z",yv="M1 2H3V9H10V3H19C21.2 3 23 4.8 23 7V23H21V21H3V23H1V2M12 5V9H21V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5H12M3 11V19H10V13H19C19.7 13 20.4 13.2 21 13.6V11H3M6.5 13C7.9 13 9 14.1 9 15.5S7.9 18 6.5 18 4 16.9 4 15.5 5.1 13 6.5 13M6.5 14.6C6 14.6 5.6 15 5.6 15.5S6 16.4 6.5 16.4 7.4 16 7.4 15.5 7 14.6 6.5 14.6M12 15V19H21V17C21 15.9 20.1 15 19 15H12M6.5 3C7.9 3 9 4.1 9 5.5S7.9 8 6.5 8 4 6.9 4 5.5 5.1 3 6.5 3M6.5 4.6C6 4.6 5.6 5 5.6 5.5S6 6.4 6.5 6.4 7.4 6 7.4 5.5 7 4.6 6.5 4.6Z",Rv="M18,11H6V6H18M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M4,16C4,16.88 4.39,17.67 5,18.22V20A1,1 0 0,0 6,21H7A1,1 0 0,0 8,20V19H16V20A1,1 0 0,0 17,21H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,20V18.22C19.61,17.67 20,16.88 20,16V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2C7.58,2 4,2.5 4,6V16Z",xv="M16,1A7,7 0 0,1 23,8C23,11.53 20.39,14.45 17,14.93V18C17,18.84 16.65,19.58 15.96,20.2V22C15.96,22.27 15.87,22.5 15.68,22.71C15.5,22.91 15.26,23 15,23H14C13.71,23 13.47,22.91 13.27,22.71C13.06,22.5 12.96,22.27 12.96,22V21H5.04V22C5.04,22.27 4.94,22.5 4.73,22.71C4.53,22.91 4.29,23 4,23H3C2.74,23 2.5,22.91 2.32,22.71C2.13,22.5 2.04,22.27 2.04,22V20.2C1.35,19.58 1,18.84 1,18V8C1,6.42 1.7,5.35 3.07,4.8C4.44,4.26 6.42,4 9,4L10.23,4.03C11.5,2.2 13.61,1 16,1M16,3A5,5 0 0,0 11,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,13A5,5 0 0,0 21,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,3M15,10H17V12H15V10M15,4H17V9H15V4M3,13H11.09C9.8,11.72 9,9.96 9,8H3V13M4.5,16C3.69,16 3,16.67 3,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,19C5.35,19 6,18.33 6,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,16M13.5,16C12.65,16 12,16.67 12,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,19C14.31,19 15,18.33 15,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,16Z",Dv="M21.5,6L20,7.5L21.5,9L20,10.5L21.5,12L20,13.5L21.5,15H12.5A3,3 0 0,1 9.5,18A3,3 0 0,1 6.5,15H2.5V8C2.5,6.89 3.39,6 4.5,6H21.5M18.5,7.5H15V10H18.5V7.5M13.5,7.5H9.5V10H13.5V7.5M8,7.5H4V10H8V7.5M9.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,13.5Z",Ev="M1,6L2.5,7.5L1,9L2.5,10.5L1,12L2.5,13.5L1,15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V8C23,6.89 22.11,6 21,6H1M4,7.5H6.5V10H4V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M19,7.5H21.5V13L19,11V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",Nv="M16.5,4V8.25L19.36,9.94L18.61,11.16L15,9V4H16.5M16,13C17.36,13 18.54,12.5 19.5,11.53C20.5,10.56 21,9.39 21,8C21,6.64 20.5,5.46 19.5,4.5C18.54,3.5 17.36,3 16,3C14.61,3 13.44,3.5 12.47,4.5C11.5,5.46 11,6.64 11,8C11,9.39 11.5,10.56 12.47,11.53C13.44,12.5 14.61,13 16,13M13.5,19C13.94,19 14.3,18.84 14.58,18.54C14.86,18.24 15,17.89 15,17.5C15,17.08 14.86,16.73 14.58,16.43C14.3,16.13 13.94,16 13.5,16C13.06,16 12.7,16.13 12.42,16.43C12.14,16.73 12,17.08 12,17.5C12,17.89 12.14,18.24 12.42,18.54C12.7,18.84 13.06,19 13.5,19M3,13H11.11C9.7,11.64 9,10 9,8H3V13M4.5,19C4.94,19 5.3,18.84 5.58,18.54C5.86,18.24 6,17.89 6,17.5C6,17.08 5.86,16.73 5.58,16.43C5.3,16.13 4.94,16 4.5,16C4.06,16 3.7,16.13 3.42,16.43C3.14,16.73 3,17.08 3,17.5C3,17.89 3.14,18.24 3.42,18.54C3.7,18.84 4.06,19 4.5,19M16,1C17.92,1 19.58,1.67 20.95,3.05C22.33,4.42 23,6.08 23,8C23,9.77 22.44,11.29 21.28,12.59C20.13,13.88 18.7,14.66 17,14.91V18C17,18.84 16.67,19.58 16,20.2V22C16,22.27 15.89,22.5 15.7,22.71C15.5,22.91 15.28,23 15,23H14C13.73,23 13.5,22.91 13.29,22.71C13.09,22.5 13,22.27 13,22V21H5V22C5,22.27 4.91,22.5 4.71,22.71C4.5,22.91 4.27,23 4,23H3C2.72,23 2.5,22.91 2.3,22.71C2.11,22.5 2,22.27 2,22V20.2C1.33,19.58 1,18.84 1,18V8C1,6.42 1.67,5.35 3.05,4.8C4.42,4.26 6.41,4 9,4C9.13,4 9.33,4 9.61,4C9.89,4 10.09,4.03 10.22,4.03C11.63,2 13.55,1 16,1Z",Wv="M3,4C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V14C23,12.89 22.11,12 21,12H19V9.5H23V6C23,4.89 22.11,4 21,4H3M2.5,5.5H6.5V8H2.5V5.5M8,5.5H12V8H8V5.5M13.5,5.5H17.5V8H13.5V5.5M19,5.5H21.5V8H19V5.5M13.5,9.5H17.5V12H13.5V9.5M2.5,9.5H6.5V12H2.5V9.5M8,9.5H12V12H8V9.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",Iv="M18 8H6V4H18M16.5 14C15.7 14 15 13.3 15 12.5C15 11.7 15.7 11 16.5 11C17.3 11 18 11.7 18 12.5C18 13.3 17.3 14 16.5 14M7.5 14C6.7 14 6 13.3 6 12.5C6 11.7 6.7 11 7.5 11S9 11.7 9 12.5C9 13.3 8.3 14 7.5 14M4 13C4 13.9 4.4 14.7 5 15.2V17C5 17.6 5.4 18 6 18H7C7.6 18 8 17.6 8 17V16H16V17C16 17.6 16.4 18 17 18H18C18.6 18 19 17.6 19 17V15.2C19.6 14.7 20 13.9 20 13V4C20 .5 16.4 0 12 0S4 .5 4 4V13M7 21H11V19L17 22H13V24L7 21Z",Gv="M12 2C7.58 2 4 2.5 4 6V16A3 3 0 0 0 5 18.22V20A1 1 0 0 0 6 21H7A1 1 0 0 0 8 20V19H14A8 8 0 0 1 13 15.5A5.55 5.55 0 0 1 15.38 11H6V6H18V10A4.07 4.07 0 0 1 18.5 10A5.34 5.34 0 0 1 20 10.22V6C20 2.5 16.42 2 12 2M7.5 14A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 6 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7.5 14M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8Z",Qv="M10 5C5.58 5 2 5.5 2 9V19C2 19.85 2.37 20.66 3 21.22V23C3 23.55 3.45 24 4 24H5C5.55 24 6 23.55 6 23V22H14V23C14 23.55 14.45 24 15 24H16C16.55 24 17 23.55 17 23V21.22C17.63 20.66 18 19.85 18 19V9C18 5.5 14.42 5 10 5M5.5 20C4.67 20 4 19.33 4 18.5S4.67 17 5.5 17 7 17.67 7 18.5 6.33 20 5.5 20M14.5 20C13.67 20 13 19.33 13 18.5S13.67 17 14.5 17 16 17.67 16 18.5 15.33 20 14.5 20M16 14H4V9H16V14M22 5V15C22 15.85 21.63 16.66 21 17.22V19C21 19.55 20.55 20 20 20H19.88C19.95 19.68 20 19.35 20 19V9C20 3 13 3 10 3C9.09 3 7.8 3 6.46 3.17C7.55 1.32 10.5 1 14 1C18.42 1 22 1.5 22 5Z",Uv="M3,6C1.89,6 1,6.89 1,8V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19V8C19,6.89 18.11,6 17,6H3M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M2.5,7.5H6.5V10H2.5V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",zv="M3,6C1.89,6 1,6.89 1,8V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V8C23,6.89 22.11,6 21,6H3M2.5,7.5H6.5V10H2.5V7.5M8,7.5H12V10H8V7.5M13.5,7.5H17.5V10H13.5V7.5M19,7.5H21.5V13L19,11V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",_v="M4 11H11.07C10.39 12.18 10 13.54 10 15C10 16.46 10.39 17.82 11.07 19H6V20C6 20.27 5.9 20.5 5.71 20.71C5.5 20.9 5.27 21 5 21H4C3.74 21 3.5 20.9 3.29 20.71C3.11 20.5 3 20.27 3 20V18.22C2.39 17.67 2 16.88 2 16V6C2 2.5 5.58 2 10 2C14.42 2 18 2.5 18 6V7C17.31 7 16.64 7.09 16 7.25V6H4V11M5.5 17C5.9 17 6.28 16.84 6.56 16.56C6.84 16.28 7 15.9 7 15.5C7 15.1 6.84 14.72 6.56 14.44C6.28 14.16 5.9 14 5.5 14C5.1 14 4.72 14.16 4.44 14.44C4.16 14.72 4 15.1 4 15.5C4 15.9 4.16 16.28 4.44 16.56C4.72 16.84 5.1 17 5.5 17M15 20V21H21V20C21 19.45 20.55 19 20 19H19V14H21L23 12L21 10H13L15 12L13 14H17V19H16C15.45 19 15 19.45 15 20Z",Kv="M22 7V16C22 16.71 21.62 17.36 21 17.72V19.25C21 19.66 20.66 20 20.25 20H19.75C19.34 20 19 19.66 19 19.25V18H12V19.25C12 19.66 11.66 20 11.25 20H10.75C10.34 20 10 19.66 10 19.25V17.72C9.39 17.36 9 16.71 9 16V7C9 4 12 4 15.5 4S22 4 22 7M13 15C13 14.45 12.55 14 12 14S11 14.45 11 15 11.45 16 12 16 13 15.55 13 15M20 15C20 14.45 19.55 14 19 14S18 14.45 18 15 18.45 16 19 16 20 15.55 20 15M20 7H11V11H20V7M7 9.5C6.97 8.12 5.83 7 4.45 7.05C3.07 7.08 1.97 8.22 2 9.6C2.03 10.77 2.86 11.77 4 12V20H5V12C6.18 11.76 7 10.71 7 9.5Z",jv="M20 3H7V2H6A1.78 1.78 0 0 0 4.59 3H2V5H3.73C2 10.58 2 22 2 22H7V5H20M22 8.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 19 11V22H20V11A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 22 8.5M15 11.5V16H14V22H12.5V17H11.5V22H10V16H9V11.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10.5 10H13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15 11.5M12 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 13.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6.5Z",qv="M6 22V19H4V22H2V14A1 1 0 0 1 3 13A1 1 0 0 1 4 14V17H7A1 1 0 0 1 8 18V22M20 11V22H19V11A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 20 11M15 11.55V16H14V22H12.5V17H11.5V22H10V16H9V11.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 10.5 10H13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15 11.5M12 6.55A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 13.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6.5Z",$v="M20 13V6C20 2.5 16.42 2 12 2C7.58 2 4 2.5 4 6V16C4 16.88 4.39 17.67 5 18.22V20C5 20.27 5.11 20.5 5.29 20.71C5.5 20.9 5.74 21 6 21H7C7.27 21 7.5 20.9 7.71 20.71C7.9 20.5 8 20.27 8 20V19H12C11.37 18.16 11 17.13 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C17.64 11 19.09 11.79 20 13M16 11H6V6H18V11H16M6.44 16.56C6.16 16.28 6 15.9 6 15.5C6 15.1 6.16 14.72 6.44 14.44C6.72 14.16 7.1 14 7.5 14C7.9 14 8.28 14.16 8.56 14.44C8.84 14.72 9 15.1 9 15.5C9 15.9 8.84 16.28 8.56 16.56C8.28 16.84 7.9 17 7.5 17C7.1 17 6.72 16.84 6.44 16.56M15.5 16.92L13.29 14.71C13.11 15.1 13 15.54 13 16C13 17.66 14.34 19 16 19C16.46 19 16.9 18.9 17.29 18.71L21.29 22.71L22.71 21.29L18.71 17.29C18.9 16.9 19 16.46 19 16C19 14.34 17.66 13 16 13C15.54 13 15.1 13.11 14.71 13.29L16.91 15.5L15.5 16.91Z",Xv="M13 21H11V6L9.03 3.97L10 3L12 5L14 3L15 4L13 6V21M7 6C4.24 6 2 8.24 2 11C2 12.64 2.79 14.09 4 15H4V17C4 19.21 5.79 21 8 21C8.72 21 9.39 20.81 9.97 20.5L10 20.46V7C9.16 6.37 8.13 6 7 6M6.5 12.5L5 11L6.5 9.5L8 11L6.5 12.5M22 11C22 8.24 19.76 6 17 6C15.88 6 14.85 6.37 14 7L14 7V20.46C14.59 20.81 15.27 21 16 21C18.21 21 20 19.21 20 17V15H20C21.21 14.09 22 12.64 22 11M17.5 12.5L16 11L17.5 9.5L19 11L17.5 12.5Z",Yv="M13 21H11V6L9.03 3.97L10 3L12 5L14 3L15 4L13 6V21M14 9H14V7C14.84 6.37 15.88 6 17 6C19.76 6 22 8.24 22 11C22 12.64 21.21 14.09 20 15H20V17C20 19.21 18.21 21 16 21C15.27 21 14.59 20.81 14 20.46V18.46C14.59 18.81 15.27 19 16 19C17.1 19 18 18.1 18 17V13.83C19.17 13.42 20 12.31 20 11C20 9.35 18.67 8 17 8H17C15.88 8 14.84 8.37 14 9M10 9H10C9.16 8.37 8.13 8 7 8H7C5.33 8 4 9.35 4 11C4 12.31 4.84 13.42 6 13.83V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19C8.73 19 9.41 18.81 10 18.46V20.46C9.41 20.81 8.73 21 8 21C5.79 21 4 19.21 4 17V15H4C2.79 14.09 2 12.64 2 11C2 8.24 4.24 6 7 6C8.13 6 9.16 6.37 10 7V9M9 11L7.5 9.5L6 11L7.5 12.5L9 11M18 11L16.5 9.5L15 11L16.5 12.5L18 11Z",Jv="M18.1 15.3C18 15.4 17.8 15.5 17.7 15.6L15.3 16L17 19.6C17.2 20 17 20.4 16.6 20.6L13.8 21.9C13.7 22 13.6 22 13.5 22C13.2 22 12.9 21.8 12.8 21.6L11.2 18L9.3 19.5C9.2 19.6 9 19.7 8.8 19.7C8.4 19.7 8 19.4 8 18.9V7.5C8 7 8.3 6.7 8.8 6.7C9 6.7 9.2 6.8 9.3 6.9L18 14.3C18.3 14.5 18.4 15 18.1 15.3M6 12H4V4H20V12H18.4L20.6 13.9C21.4 13.6 21.9 12.9 21.9 12V4C21.9 2.9 21 2 19.9 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H6V12Z",Cl="M20 20.5C20 21.3 19.3 22 18.5 22H13C12.6 22 12.3 21.9 12 21.6L8 17.4L8.7 16.6C8.9 16.4 9.2 16.3 9.5 16.3H9.7L12 18V9C12 8.4 12.4 8 13 8S14 8.4 14 9V13.5L15.2 13.6L19.1 15.8C19.6 16 20 16.6 20 17.1V20.5M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H8V12H4V4H20V12H18V14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",Hl="M12 3L4 21H20L12 3M9 19H7.08L9 14.67V19M13 19H11V14H13V19M10.19 12L12 7.92L13.81 12H10.19M15 14.67L16.92 19H15V14.67Z",Vl="M7.05 3.5C5.68 4.88 5.68 7.1 7.05 8.47L15.54 16.95C16.12 17.54 16.12 18.5 15.54 19.07C14.95 19.66 14 19.66 13.41 19.07L9.17 14.83L10.23 13.77L6.7 10.23L6.34 10.59L4.93 9.17C4.54 8.78 3.91 8.78 3.5 9.17L2.1 10.59C1.71 11 1.71 11.61 2.1 12L3.5 13.41L3.16 13.77L6.7 17.3L7.76 16.24L12 20.5C13.37 21.85 15.58 21.85 16.95 20.5C18.32 19.12 18.32 16.9 16.95 15.54L8.46 7.05C7.88 6.46 7.88 5.5 8.46 4.93C9.05 4.34 10 4.34 10.59 4.93L14.83 9.17L13.77 10.23L17.3 13.77L17.66 13.41L19.07 14.83C19.46 15.22 20.1 15.22 20.5 14.83L21.9 13.41C22.29 13 22.29 12.39 21.9 12L20.5 10.59L20.84 10.23L17.3 6.7L16.24 7.76L12 3.5C10.63 2.15 8.42 2.15 7.05 3.5M2.81 11.29L4.22 9.88L5.64 11.29L4.22 12.71M18.36 12.71L19.78 11.29L21.19 12.71L19.78 14.12Z",Ll="M19,8L15,12H18A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C11,18 10.03,17.75 9.2,17.3L7.74,18.76C8.97,19.54 10.43,20 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12H23M6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13,6 13.97,6.25 14.8,6.7L16.26,5.24C15.03,4.46 13.57,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12H1L5,16L9,12",Ml="M14,16V21H10V18H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,15V12A1,1 0 0,1 7,11A1,1 0 0,1 8,12V15C8,15.56 8.45,16 9,16H10V6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6V14H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,13V11A1,1 0 0,1 17,10A1,1 0 0,1 18,11V13A3,3 0 0,1 15,16H14Z",Al="M11.5,0.5C12,0.75 13,2.4 13,3.5C13,4.6 12.33,5 11.5,5C10.67,5 10,4.85 10,3.75C10,2.65 11,2 11.5,0.5M18.5,9C21,9 23,11 23,13.5C23,15.06 22.21,16.43 21,17.24V23H12L3,23V17.24C1.79,16.43 1,15.06 1,13.5C1,11 3,9 5.5,9H10V6H13V9H18.5M12,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,13.5H16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,11H5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,13.5H9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,16Z",il="M21,21V17C21,15.89 20.1,15 19,15H18V12C18,10.89 17.1,10 16,10H13V8H11V10H8C6.89,10 6,10.89 6,12V15H5C3.89,15 3,15.89 3,17V21H1V23H23V21M12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5C14,4.62 13.9,4.27 13.71,3.97L12,1L10.28,3.97C10.1,4.27 10,4.62 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7Z",rl="M12,6C13.11,6 14,5.1 14,4C14,3.62 13.9,3.27 13.71,2.97L12,0L10.29,2.97C10.1,3.27 10,3.62 10,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M16.6,16L15.53,14.92L14.45,16C13.15,17.29 10.87,17.3 9.56,16L8.5,14.92L7.4,16C6.75,16.64 5.88,17 4.96,17C4.23,17 3.56,16.77 3,16.39V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,21V16.39C20.44,16.77 19.77,17 19.04,17C18.12,17 17.25,16.64 16.6,16M18,9H13V7H11V9H6A3,3 0 0,0 3,12V13.54C3,14.62 3.88,15.5 4.96,15.5C5.5,15.5 6,15.3 6.34,14.93L8.5,12.8L10.61,14.93C11.35,15.67 12.64,15.67 13.38,14.93L15.5,12.8L17.65,14.93C18,15.3 18.5,15.5 19.03,15.5C20.11,15.5 21,14.62 21,13.54V12A3,3 0 0,0 18,9Z",al="M12 6C13.11 6 14 5.1 14 4C14 3.62 13.9 3.27 13.71 2.97L12 0L10.29 2.97C10.1 3.27 10 3.62 10 4C10 5.1 10.9 6 12 6M18 9H13V7H11V9H6C4.34 9 3 10.34 3 12V21C3 21.55 3.45 22 4 22H20C20.55 22 21 21.55 21 21V12C21 10.34 19.66 9 18 9M19 20H5V17C5.9 17 6.76 16.63 7.4 16L8.5 14.92L9.56 16C10.87 17.3 13.15 17.29 14.45 16L15.53 14.92L16.6 16C17.24 16.63 18.1 17 19 17V20M19 15.5C18.5 15.5 18 15.3 17.65 14.93L15.5 12.8L13.38 14.93C12.64 15.67 11.35 15.67 10.61 14.93L8.5 12.8L6.34 14.93C6 15.29 5.5 15.5 5 15.5V12C5 11.45 5.45 11 6 11H18C18.55 11 19 11.45 19 12V15.5Z",el="M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V8H17V4H7M7,10V12H9V10H7M11,10V12H13V10H11M15,10V12H17V10H15M7,14V16H9V14H7M11,14V16H13V14H11M15,14V16H17V14H15M7,18V20H9V18H7M11,18V20H13V18H11M15,18V20H17V18H15Z",dl="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M13 7.1L14.1 6L15.5 7.4L16.9 6L18 7.1L16.6 8.5L18 9.9L16.9 11L15.5 9.6L14.1 11L13 9.9L14.4 8.5L13 7.1M6.2 7.7H11.2V9.2H6.2V7.7M11.5 16H9.5V18H8V16H6V14.5H8V12.5H9.5V14.5H11.5V16M18 17.2H13V15.7H18V17.2M18 14.8H13V13.3H18V14.8Z",ml="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M6.2 7.7H11.2V9.2H6.2V7.7M13 15.8H18V17.3H13V15.8M13 13.2H18V14.7H13V13.2M8 18H9.5V16H11.5V14.5H9.5V12.5H8V14.5H6V16H8V18M14.1 10.9L15.5 9.5L16.9 10.9L18 9.9L16.6 8.5L18 7.1L16.9 6L15.5 7.4L14.1 6L13 7.1L14.4 8.5L13 9.9L14.1 10.9Z",tl="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1M17,12H12V17H17V12Z",vl="M12 9C14 9 15 11.42 13.59 12.84C12.17 14.26 9.75 13.25 9.75 11.25C9.75 10 10.75 9 12 9M16.5 18H7.5V16.88C7.5 15.63 9.5 14.63 12 14.63S16.5 15.63 16.5 16.88M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16Z",ll="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19M12 10C14 10 15 12.42 13.59 13.84C12.17 15.26 9.75 14.25 9.75 12.25C9.75 11 10.75 10 12 10M16.5 17.88V18H7.5V17.88C7.5 16.63 9.5 15.63 12 15.63S16.5 16.63 16.5 17.88Z",ol="M6 1V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6M5 8H19V19H5V8M11 9V14H13V9H11M11 16V18H13V16H11Z",nl="M11 16H13V18H11V16M11 10H13V14H11V10M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",Zl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V8H19V19M12 10V12H16V15H12V17L8 13.5L12 10Z",Sl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V8H19V19M12 17V15H8V12H12V10L16 13.5L12 17Z",ul="M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M14.21 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V14.21C20.5 14.08 20 14 19.5 14C19.33 14 19.17 14 19 14.03V8H5V19H14.03C14 19.17 14 19.33 14 19.5C14 20 14.08 20.5 14.21 21Z",cl="M19.5 16C17.6 16 16 17.6 16 19.5S17.6 23 19.5 23 23 21.4 23 19.5 21.4 16 19.5 16M14 19.5C14 19.33 14 19.17 14.03 19H5V9H19V14.03C19.17 14 19.33 14 19.5 14C20 14 20.5 14.08 21 14.21V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H14.21C14.08 20.5 14 20 14 19.5M5 5H19V7H5V5Z",sl="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1",Ol="M21 17V8H7V17H21M21 3C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5V17C23 18.1 22.1 19 21 19H7C5.89 19 5 18.1 5 17V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M3 21H17V23H3C1.89 23 1 22.1 1 21V9H3V21Z",hl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7Z",pl="M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M16.53,11.06L15.47,10L10.59,14.88L8.47,12.76L7.41,13.82L10.59,17L16.53,11.06Z",fl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M10.56 17.46L16.5 11.53L15.43 10.47L10.56 15.34L8.45 13.23L7.39 14.29L10.56 17.46Z",gl="M15,13H16.5V15.82L18.94,17.23L18.19,18.53L15,16.69V13M19,8H5V19H9.67C9.24,18.09 9,17.07 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8M5,21C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C14.09,23 12.36,22.24 11.1,21H5M16,11.15A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 11.15,16C11.15,18.68 13.32,20.85 16,20.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 20.85,16C20.85,13.32 18.68,11.15 16,11.15Z",kl="M6 1V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.1C12.36 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.36 21 11.1V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1M5 5H19V7H5M5 9H19V9.67C18.09 9.24 17.07 9 16 9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.07 9.24 18.09 9.67 19H5M16 11.15C18.68 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16C20.85 18.68 18.68 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 13.32 13.32 11.15 16 11.15M15 13V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13Z",Bl="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1M11 14L8 11V13H6V15H8V17L11 14M18 13H16V11L13 14L16 17V15H18V13Z",Pl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M16 11L13 14L16 17V15H18V13H16V11M8 13H6V15H8V17L11 14L8 11V13Z",wl="M22.86 17.74C22.77 17.85 22.65 17.91 22.53 17.94L20.66 18.3L21.95 21.14C22.11 21.43 21.97 21.79 21.67 21.93L19.53 22.94C19.44 23 19.36 23 19.27 23C19.05 23 18.84 22.88 18.74 22.66L17.45 19.83L15.96 21.04C15.86 21.12 15.74 21.17 15.59 21.17C15.26 21.17 15 20.9 15 20.57V11.6C15 11.27 15.26 11 15.59 11C15.74 11 15.88 11.05 16 11.13L22.77 16.89C23.04 17.12 23.07 17.5 22.86 17.74M12 15V10H7V15H12M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13V19H5V8H19V11.06L21 12.76V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",Fl="M5 9H19V11.1L21 12.8V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13V19H5V9M19 5V7H5V5H19M7 16V11H12V16H7M22.9 17.7C22.8 17.8 22.7 17.9 22.6 17.9L20.7 18.3L22 21.1C22.2 21.4 22 21.7 21.7 21.9L19.6 22.9C19.4 23 19.4 23 19.3 23C19.1 23 18.9 22.9 18.8 22.7L17.5 19.9L16 21C15.9 21.1 15.8 21.1 15.6 21.1C15.3 21.1 15 20.8 15 20.5V11.5C15 11.2 15.3 10.9 15.6 10.9C15.7 10.9 15.9 11 16 11L22.8 16.8C23 17.1 23.1 17.5 22.9 17.7Z",Tl="M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H10V19H5V8H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M21.7,13.35L20.7,14.35L18.65,12.35L19.65,11.35C19.85,11.14 20.19,11.13 20.42,11.35L21.7,12.63C21.89,12.83 21.89,13.15 21.7,13.35M12,18.94L18.07,12.88L20.12,14.88L14.06,21H12V18.94Z",bl="M21.7 13.35L20.7 14.35L18.65 12.35L19.65 11.35C19.85 11.14 20.19 11.13 20.42 11.35L21.7 12.63C21.89 12.83 21.89 13.15 21.7 13.35M12 18.94V21H14.06L20.12 14.88L18.07 12.88L12 18.94M5 19H10V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V9H5V19M5 5V7H19V5H5Z",yl="M22 14V22H20V18L16 22V19H11V17H16V14L20 18V14H22M5 19L9 19V21L5 21C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3H6V.998H8V3H16V.998H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5L21 12H19V8H5V19Z",Rl="M5 9H19V12H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V9M19 5V7H5V5H19M16 17H11V19H16V22L20 18L16 14V17M20 14V22H22V14H20Z",xl="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1M18 14L15 11V13H9V11L6 14L9 17V15H15V17L18 14Z",Dl="M15 13H9V11L6 14L9 17V15H15V17L18 14L15 11V13M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",El="M12 22L16 18H13V12H11V18H8L12 22M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H8L6 19H5V8H19V19H18L16 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3Z",Nl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H8L6 19H5V9H19V19H18L16 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5M13 18V12H11V18H8L12 22L16 18H13Z",Wl="M6 1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11H19V8H5V19H15V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21",Il="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H4.75C4.31 3.07 3.9 3.27 3.58 3.58C3.27 3.9 3.07 4.31 3 4.75V19.25C3.07 19.69 3.27 20.1 3.58 20.42C3.9 20.73 4.31 20.93 4.75 21H15V19H5V9H19V11H21V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21",Gl="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M12 17.17L11.42 16.64C9.36 14.77 8 13.54 8 12.03C8 10.8 8.97 9.83 10.2 9.83C10.9 9.83 11.56 10.15 12 10.66C12.44 10.15 13.1 9.83 13.8 9.83C15.03 9.83 16 10.8 16 12.03C16 13.54 14.64 14.77 12.58 16.64L12 17.17Z",Ql="M16 12.2C16 13.71 14.64 14.94 12.58 16.81L12 17.34L11.42 16.81C9.36 14.94 8 13.71 8 12.2C8 10.97 8.97 10 10.2 10C10.9 10 11.56 10.32 12 10.83C12.44 10.32 13.1 10 13.8 10C15.03 10 16 10.97 16 12.2M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 5V7H19V5H5M19 19V9H5V19H19Z",Ul="M12 12L8 16H11V22H13V16H16M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V8H19V19H15V21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3Z",zl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V9H19V19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5M12 12L8 16H11V22H13V16H16L12 12Z",_l="M12 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V12C20.4 11.6 19.7 11.2 19 11.1V8H5V19H12V21M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V15.5C15.2 14.1 16.6 13 18 13S20.8 14.1 20.8 15.5V17C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M19.5 15.5C19.5 14.7 18.8 14.2 18 14.2S16.5 14.7 16.5 15.5V17H19.5V15.5Z",Kl="M12 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V11C20.4 10.6 19.7 10.2 19 10.1V8H5V19H12V21M22 18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3Z",jl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H12V19H5V9H19V10.1C19.7 10.3 20.4 10.6 21 11V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M22 21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3V21.8Z",ql="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H12V19H5V9H19V11C19.7 11.2 20.4 11.5 21 11.9V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19V7M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",$l="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M16 12.5V14.5H8V12.5H16Z",Xl="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M8 13H16V15H8V13Z",Yl="M9,10V12H7V10H9M13,10V12H11V10H13M17,10V12H15V10H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19,19V8H5V19H19M9,14V16H7V14H9M13,14V16H11V14H13M17,14V16H15V14H17Z",Jl="M7 11H9V13H7V11M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 7H19V5H5V7M19 19V9H5V19H19M15 13V11H17V13H15M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 15H9V17H7V15M15 17V15H17V17H15M11 17V15H13V17H11Z",Co="M21,17V8H7V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M3,21H17V23H3C1.89,23 1,22.1 1,21V9H3V21M19,15H15V11H19V15Z",Ho="M21,17V8H7V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H8V1H10V3H18V1H20V3H21M17.53,11.06L13.09,15.5L10.41,12.82L11.47,11.76L13.09,13.38L16.47,10L17.53,11.06M3,21H17V23H3C1.89,23 1,22.1 1,21V9H3V21Z",Vo="M19,19V8H5V19H19M16,1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1M7,10H9V12H7V10M15,10H17V12H15V10M11,14H13V16H11V14M15,14H17V16H15V14Z",Lo="M7 11H9V13H7V11M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5M11 15H13V17H11V15M15 15H17V17H15V15M15 11H17V13H15V11Z",Mo="M12 12H17V17H12V12M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",Ao="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M11 9.5H13V12.5H16V14.5H13V17.5H11V14.5H8V12.5H11V9.5Z",io="M13 13H16V15H13V18H11V15H8V13H11V10H13V13M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 5V7H19V5H5M19 19V9H5V19H19Z",ro="M6,1V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6M5,8H19V19H5V8M12.19,9C11.32,9 10.62,9.2 10.08,9.59C9.56,10 9.3,10.57 9.31,11.36L9.32,11.39H11.25C11.26,11.09 11.35,10.86 11.53,10.7C11.71,10.55 11.93,10.47 12.19,10.47C12.5,10.47 12.76,10.57 12.94,10.75C13.12,10.94 13.2,11.2 13.2,11.5C13.2,11.82 13.13,12.09 12.97,12.32C12.83,12.55 12.62,12.75 12.36,12.91C11.85,13.25 11.5,13.55 11.31,13.82C11.11,14.08 11,14.5 11,15H13C13,14.69 13.04,14.44 13.13,14.26C13.22,14.08 13.39,13.9 13.64,13.74C14.09,13.5 14.46,13.21 14.75,12.81C15.04,12.41 15.19,12 15.19,11.5C15.19,10.74 14.92,10.13 14.38,9.68C13.85,9.23 13.12,9 12.19,9M11,16V18H13V16H11Z",ao="M11.95 10C11.21 10 10.61 10.18 10.15 10.5C9.71 10.89 9.5 11.4 9.5 12.1L9.5 12.12H11.15C11.16 11.86 11.24 11.65 11.39 11.5C11.54 11.38 11.73 11.31 11.95 11.31C12.21 11.31 12.43 11.4 12.59 11.56C12.74 11.73 12.81 11.96 12.81 12.22C12.81 12.5 12.75 12.75 12.61 12.95C12.5 13.16 12.31 13.33 12.09 13.5C11.66 13.78 11.36 14.05 11.2 14.29C11.03 14.5 10.94 14.89 10.94 15.33H12.64C12.64 15.06 12.67 14.84 12.75 14.68C12.83 14.5 12.97 14.36 13.18 14.21C13.57 14 13.88 13.74 14.13 13.39C14.37 13.03 14.5 12.67 14.5 12.22C14.5 11.55 14.27 11 13.81 10.61C13.36 10.2 12.74 10 11.95 10M10.94 16.22V18H12.64V16.22H10.94M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 5V7H5V5H19M5 19V9H19V19H5Z",eo="M9,10H7V12H9V10M13,10H11V12H13V10M17,10H15V12H17V10M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V8H19V19Z",mo="M7 11H9V13H7V11M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M5 7H19V5H5V7M19 19V9H5V19H19M15 13H17V11H15V13M11 13H13V11H11V13Z",to="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H14C13.4 20.5 12.9 19.8 12.5 19H5V8H19V10.6C19.7 10.7 20.4 10.9 21 11.3V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M18 12.5C19.1 12.5 20.1 12.9 20.8 13.7L22 12.5V16.5H18L19.8 14.7C19.3 14.3 18.7 14 18 14C16.6 14 15.5 15.1 15.5 16.5S16.6 19 18 19C18.8 19 19.5 18.6 20 18H21.7C21.1 19.5 19.7 20.5 18 20.5C15.8 20.5 14 18.7 14 16.5S15.8 12.5 18 12.5Z",vo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H14C13.4 20.5 12.9 19.8 12.5 19H5V9H19V10.6C19.7 10.7 20.4 10.9 21 11.3V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 7H5V5H19M18 12.5C19.1 12.5 20.1 12.9 20.8 13.7L22 12.5V16.5H18L19.8 14.7C19.3 14.3 18.7 14 18 14C16.6 14 15.5 15.1 15.5 16.5S16.6 19 18 19C18.8 19 19.5 18.6 20 18H21.7C21.1 19.5 19.7 20.5 18 20.5C15.8 20.5 14 18.7 14 16.5S15.8 12.5 18 12.5Z",lo="M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9.31,17L11.75,14.56L14.19,17L15.25,15.94L12.81,13.5L15.25,11.06L14.19,10L11.75,12.44L9.31,10L8.25,11.06L10.69,13.5L8.25,15.94L9.31,17Z",oo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M8.23 16.41L9.29 17.47L11.73 15.03L14.17 17.47L15.23 16.41L12.79 13.97L15.23 11.53L14.17 10.47L11.73 12.91L9.29 10.47L8.23 11.53L10.67 13.97L8.23 16.41Z",no="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M19,8H5V19H9.5C9.81,19.75 10.26,20.42 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.03C20.5,12.22 19.8,11.54 19,11V8Z",Zo="M19.3 18.9C19.7 18.2 20 17.4 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.4 21 17.2 20.8 17.9 20.3L21 23.4L22.4 22L19.3 18.9M15.5 19C14.1 19 13 17.9 13 16.5S14.1 14 15.5 14 18 15.1 18 16.5 16.9 19 15.5 19M5 19V9H19V11C19.8 11.5 20.5 12.2 21 13V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H10.8C10.2 20.4 9.8 19.8 9.5 19H5M19 5V7H5V5H19Z",So="M19 19H5V8H19M16 1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H18V1M10.88 12H7.27L10.19 14.11L9.08 17.56L12 15.43L14.92 17.56L13.8 14.12L16.72 12H13.12L12 8.56L10.88 12Z",uo="M10.74 12.25L12 9.5L13.25 12.25L16 13.5L13.25 14.76L12 17.5L10.74 14.76L8 13.5L10.74 12.25M16 3V1H18V3H19C19.53 3 20.04 3.21 20.41 3.59C20.79 3.96 21 4.47 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 4.47 3.21 3.96 3.59 3.59C3.96 3.21 4.47 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16M5 8V19H19V8H5Z",co="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19V7M11 13H7.8L10.4 15L9.4 18L12 16.2L14.6 18L13.6 15L16.2 13H13L12 10L11 13Z",so="M2 14H4V17H9V14L13 18L9 22V19H4V22H2V14M19 19V8H5V12H3L3 5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V.998H8V3H16V.998H18V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21L12.83 21L14.83 19L19 19Z",Oo="M13 18L9 14V17H4V14H2V22H4V19H9V22L13 18M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V12H5V9H19V19H14.8L12.8 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 7V5H19V7H5Z",ho="M18,11V12.5C21.19,12.5 23.09,16.05 21.33,18.71L20.24,17.62C21.06,15.96 19.85,14 18,14V15.5L15.75,13.25L18,11M18,22V20.5C14.81,20.5 12.91,16.95 14.67,14.29L15.76,15.38C14.94,17.04 16.15,19 18,19V17.5L20.25,19.75L18,22M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H14C13.36,20.45 12.86,19.77 12.5,19H5V8H19V10.59C19.71,10.7 20.39,10.94 21,11.31V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",po="M18,11V12.5C21.19,12.5 23.09,16.05 21.33,18.71L20.24,17.62C21.06,15.96 19.85,14 18,14V15.5L15.75,13.25L18,11M18,22V20.5C14.81,20.5 12.91,16.95 14.67,14.29L15.76,15.38C14.94,17.04 16.15,19 18,19V17.5L20.25,19.75L18,22M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H14C13.36,20.45 12.86,19.77 12.5,19H5V9H19V10.59C19.71,10.7 20.39,10.94 21,11.31V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,7H5V5H19",fo="M14,14H7V16H14M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M17,10H7V12H17V10Z",go="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M5 7V5H19V7H5M7 11H17V13H7V11M7 15H14V17H7V15Z",ko="M7,10H12V15H7M19,19H5V8H19M19,3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Bo="M19 3H18V1H16V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V9H19V19M19 7H5V5H19M7 11H12V16H7",Po="M6 1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H6V1M5 8V19H19V8H5M7 10H17V12H7V10Z",wo="M19,19H5V8H19M16,1V3H8V1H6V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H18V1M9,10H7V17H9V10Z",Fo="M19 3C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19 19V9H5V19H19M19 7V5H5V7H19M7 11H9V17H7V11",To="M5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.9 3 5 3M5 19H19V9H5V19M5 7H19V5H5V7M17 11V13H7V11H17",bo="M19 19V8H5V19H19M16 1H18V3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1M7 17V10H9V17H7M15 10H17V17H15V10Z",yo="M19 3C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H6V1H8V3H16V1H18V3H19M19 19V9H5V19H19M19 7V5H5V7H19M7 11H9V17H7V11M15 11H17V17H15V11Z",Ro="M9,5V7H15.59L4,18.59L5.41,20L17,8.41V15H19V5",xo="M17,20.41L18.41,19L15,15.59L13.59,17M7.5,8H11V13.59L5.59,19L7,20.41L13,14.41V8H16.5L12,3.5",Do="M19.59,7L12,14.59L6.41,9H11V7H3V15H5V10.41L12,17.41L21,8.41",Eo="M20,5.41L18.59,4L7,15.59V9H5V19H15V17H8.41",No="M14,4L16.29,6.29L13.41,9.17L14.83,10.59L17.71,7.71L20,10V4M10,4H4V10L6.29,7.71L11,12.41V20H13V11.59L7.71,6.29",Wo="M7 2C4.24 2 2 4.24 2 7V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H10C11.1 22 12 21.1 12 20V7C12 4.24 9.76 2 7 2M5 20C4.45 20 4 19.55 4 19S4.45 18 5 18 6 18.45 6 19 5.55 20 5 20M7 10C5.34 10 4 8.66 4 7S5.34 4 7 4 10 5.34 10 7 8.66 10 7 10M22 9V14C22 15.1 21.1 16 20 16H13V14H20V9H13V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9Z",Io="M22.1 21.5L9.4 8.8L2.4 1.8L1.1 3L2.7 4.6C2.2 5.3 2 6.1 2 7V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H10C11.1 22 12 21.1 12 20V13.9L13 14.9V16H14.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5 20C4.5 20 4 19.5 4 19S4.5 18 5 18 6 18.5 6 19 5.5 20 5 20M7 10C5.3 10 4 8.7 4 7C4 6.7 4.1 6.4 4.2 6.1L8 9.9C7.6 9.9 7.3 10 7 10M7.2 4L5.5 2.3C6 2.1 6.5 2 7 2C9.8 2 12 4.2 12 7V8.8L10 6.8C9.9 5.3 8.7 4.1 7.2 4M20 9H13V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V14C22 15.1 21.1 16 20 16H19.2L17.2 14H20V9Z",Go="M4,4H7L9,2H15L17,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",Qo="M4,5H7L9,3H15L17,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M16,17V16C16,14.67 13.33,14 12,14C10.67,14 8,14.67 8,16V17H16M12,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 12,9Z",Uo="M1,5H3V19H1V5M5,5H7V19H5V5M22,5H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 22,5M11,17L13.5,13.85L15.29,16L17.79,12.78L21,17H11Z",zo="M9,12C9,11.19 9.3,10.5 9.89,9.89C10.5,9.3 11.19,9 12,9C12.81,9 13.5,9.3 14.11,9.89C14.7,10.5 15,11.19 15,12C15,12.81 14.7,13.5 14.11,14.11C13.5,14.7 12.81,15 12,15C11.19,15 10.5,14.7 9.89,14.11C9.3,13.5 9,12.81 9,12M5.53,8.44L7.31,10.22L5.53,12L7.31,13.78L5.53,15.56L2,12L5.53,8.44M8.44,18.47L10.22,16.69L12,18.47L13.78,16.69L15.56,18.47L12,22L8.44,18.47M18.47,15.56L16.69,13.78L18.47,12L16.69,10.22L18.47,8.44L22,12L18.47,15.56M15.56,5.53L13.78,7.31L12,5.53L10.22,7.31L8.44,5.53L12,2L15.56,5.53Z",_o="M21 7V22H3V20H19V7H14.72C14.38 7.6 13.74 8 13 8C13 9.11 12.1 10 11 10H8C6.9 10 6 9.1 6 8V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H11C12.1 2 13 2.9 13 4C13.74 4 14.38 4.41 14.72 5H19C20.11 5 21 5.89 21 7M6 15H13L11 11H8L6 15Z",Ko="M20.84 22.73L20.11 22H3V20H18.11L12.89 14.78L13 15H6L8 11H9.11L8.11 10H8C6.9 10 6 9.1 6 8V7.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M13 8C13.74 8 14.38 7.6 14.72 7H19V15.8L21 17.8V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5H14.72C14.38 4.41 13.74 4 13 4C13 2.9 12.1 2 11 2H8C7.24 2 6.59 2.43 6.25 3.05L12.5 9.3C12.81 8.95 13 8.5 13 8Z",jo="M9,3L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H16.83L15,3M12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18M12,17L13.25,14.25L16,13L13.25,11.75L12,9L10.75,11.75L8,13L10.75,14.25",qo="M12,10L11.06,12.06L9,13L11.06,13.94L12,16L12.94,13.94L15,13L12.94,12.06L12,10M20,5H16.83L15,3H9L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M20,19H4V7H8.05L8.64,6.35L9.88,5H14.12L15.36,6.35L15.95,7H20V19M12,8A5,5 0 0,0 7,13A5,5 0 0,0 12,18A5,5 0 0,0 17,13A5,5 0 0,0 12,8M12,16A3,3 0 0,1 9,13A3,3 0 0,1 12,10A3,3 0 0,1 15,13A3,3 0 0,1 12,16Z",$o="M20 5H17L15 3H9L7 5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5M5 12H7.1C7.65 9.29 10.29 7.55 13 8.1C13.76 8.25 14.43 8.59 15 9L13.56 10.45C13.11 10.17 12.58 10 12 10C10.74 10 9.6 10.8 9.18 12H11L8 15L5 12M16.91 14C16.36 16.71 13.72 18.45 11 17.9C10.25 17.74 9.58 17.41 9 17L10.44 15.55C10.9 15.83 11.43 16 12 16C13.27 16 14.41 15.2 14.83 14H13L16 11L19 14H16.91Z",Xo="M20 5H16.83L15 3H9L7.17 5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5M20 19H4V7H8.05L9.88 5H14.12L16 7H20V19M5 12H7.1C7.65 9.29 10.29 7.55 13 8.1C13.76 8.25 14.43 8.59 15 9L13.56 10.45C13.11 10.17 12.58 10 12 10C10.74 10 9.6 10.8 9.18 12H11L8 15L5 12M16.91 14C16.36 16.71 13.72 18.45 11 17.9C10.25 17.74 9.58 17.41 9 17L10.44 15.55C10.9 15.83 11.43 16 12 16C13.27 16 14.41 15.2 14.83 14H13L16 11L19 14H16.91Z",Yo="M7,2H17V12.5C17,10.83 13.67,10 12,10C10.33,10 7,10.83 7,12.5M17,0H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,2V16A2,2 0 0,0 7,18H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,16V2A2,2 0 0,0 17,0M12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4A2,2 0 0,0 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8M14,20V22H19V20M10,20H5V22H10V24L13,21L10,18V20Z",Jo="M6,0H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,2V22A2,2 0 0,1 18,24H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,22V2A2,2 0 0,1 6,0M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M11,1V3H13V1H11M6,4V16.5C6,15.12 8.69,14 12,14C15.31,14 18,15.12 18,16.5V4H6M13,18H9V20H13V22L16,19L13,16V18Z",Cn="M20,5H15A2,2 0 0,0 13,7V12A2,2 0 0,0 15,14H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,12V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M17.5,12.5A3,3 0 0,1 14.5,9.5A3,3 0 0,1 17.5,6.5A3,3 0 0,1 20.5,9.5A3,3 0 0,1 17.5,12.5M17.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,11M12,15V5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V15H12M10,12H4V7H10V12Z",Hn="M4,5H7L9,3H15L17,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M13.09,9.45L11.05,12.18L12.6,14.25L11.73,14.91L9.27,11.64L6,16H18L13.09,9.45Z",Vn="M13.73,15L9.83,21.76C10.53,21.91 11.25,22 12,22C14.4,22 16.6,21.15 18.32,19.75L14.66,13.4M2.46,15C3.38,17.92 5.61,20.26 8.45,21.34L12.12,15M8.54,12L4.64,5.25C3,7 2,9.39 2,12C2,12.68 2.07,13.35 2.2,14H9.69M21.8,10H14.31L14.6,10.5L19.36,18.75C21,16.97 22,14.6 22,12C22,11.31 21.93,10.64 21.8,10M21.54,9C20.62,6.07 18.39,3.74 15.55,2.66L11.88,9M9.4,10.5L14.17,2.24C13.47,2.09 12.75,2 12,2C9.6,2 7.4,2.84 5.68,4.25L9.34,10.6L9.4,10.5Z",Ln="M4 4H7L9 2H15L17 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V12C21.16 11.37 20.13 11 19 11C18.21 11 17.46 11.18 16.79 11.5C16.18 9.22 14.27 7 12 7C9.24 7 7 9.24 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.42 17 12.84 16.95 13.23 16.85C13.08 17.2 13 17.59 13 18V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4M12 9C13.66 9 15 10.34 15 12C15 13.66 13.66 15 12 15C10.34 15 9 13.66 9 12C9 10.34 10.34 9 12 9M23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3M20.5 15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5V15.5Z",Mn="M15 12C14.6 12.6 14.4 13.3 14.3 14C13.7 14.6 12.9 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9 15 10.3 15 12M13 18.2C13 17.7 13.1 17.2 13.4 16.8C12.9 16.9 12.5 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.3 7 16.1 8.5 16.8 10.6C17.5 10.3 18.2 10 19 10C20.1 10 21.2 10.4 22 11V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H17L15 2H9L7 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13V18.2M21.8 17H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V15H21.8V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17Z",An="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H7.2L9 2H15L16.8 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V11C21.4 10.6 20.7 10.2 20 10.1V6H16L14.2 4H9.9L8 6H4V18H13V20M12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17C12.5 17 12.9 16.9 13.4 16.8C13.6 16.4 13.9 16 14.2 15.8V14.6C14.2 14.4 14.2 14.2 14.3 14.1C13.7 14.7 12.9 15.1 12 15.1C10.3 15.1 9 13.8 9 12.1S10.3 9.1 12 9.1 15 10.4 15 12.1V12.2C15.4 11.6 16.1 11.1 16.8 10.7C16.1 8.5 14.3 7 12 7M21.8 17H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V15H21.8V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17Z",rn="M23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3M20.5 15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5V15.5M20 4C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V12C21.42 11.56 20.74 11.25 20 11.1V6H15.95L14.12 4H9.88L8.05 6H4V18H13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H7.17L9 2H15L16.83 4H20M12 7C14.57 7 16.68 8.94 16.97 11.43C15.29 12.18 14.1 13.83 14 15.76C13.67 16.06 13.4 16.43 13.23 16.85C12.84 16.95 12.42 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12C7 9.24 9.24 7 12 7M12 15C13.65 15 15 13.65 15 12C15 10.35 13.65 9 12 9C10.35 9 9 10.35 9 12C9 13.65 10.35 15 12 15Z",an="M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M9 2L7 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H14.5C13.9 19.1 13.4 18.1 13.1 16.9C12.8 17 12.4 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.1 7 16 8.3 16.7 10.3C17.3 10.1 17.9 10 18.5 10C19.8 10 21 10.5 22 11.3V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H17L15 2H9M11.9 9C10.3 9 9 10.4 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 15 12 15C12.4 15 12.7 14.9 13 14.8C13.2 13.4 13.9 12.2 14.9 11.3C14.6 10 13.4 9 11.9 9C12 9 12 9 11.9 9Z",en="M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M9 2L7.2 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H14.5C14.1 19.4 13.7 18.7 13.5 18H4V6H8.1L9.9 4H14.1L15.9 6H20V10.2C20.7 10.4 21.4 10.8 22 11.3V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H16.8L15 2H9M12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17C12.4 17 12.8 17 13.2 16.9C13.1 16.4 13 16 13 15.5V14.8C12.7 14.9 12.3 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9C13.4 9 14.6 10 14.9 11.3C15.4 10.9 16 10.5 16.7 10.3C16 8.3 14.1 7 12 7Z",dn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5M12,7.5C14.14,7.5 15.93,9 16.39,11H14.83C14.42,9.83 13.31,9 12,9C10.69,9 9.58,9.83 9.17,11H7.61C8.07,9 9.86,7.5 12,7.5M12,16.5C9.86,16.5 8.07,15 7.61,13H9.17C9.58,14.17 10.69,15 12,15C13.31,15 14.42,14.17 14.83,13H16.39C15.93,15 14.14,16.5 12,16.5Z",mn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M5.5,7.5H11V9.17C10.15,9.47 9.47,10.15 9.17,11H5.5V7.5M18.5,7.5V11H14.83C14.53,10.15 13.85,9.47 13,9.17V7.5H18.5M18.5,16.5H13V14.83C13.85,14.53 14.53,13.85 14.83,13H18.5V16.5M5.5,16.5V13H9.17C9.47,13.85 10.15,14.53 11,14.83V16.5H5.5M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5Z",tn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,7.5C14.14,7.5 15.93,9 16.39,11H14.83C14.42,9.83 13.31,9 12,9C10.69,9 9.58,9.83 9.17,11H7.61C8.07,9 9.86,7.5 12,7.5M12,16.5C9.86,16.5 8.07,15 7.61,13H9.17C9.58,14.17 10.69,15 12,15C13.31,15 14.42,14.17 14.83,13H16.39C15.93,15 14.14,16.5 12,16.5Z",vn="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5Z",ln="M1.2,4.47L2.5,3.2L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.78 2.04,5.57 2.1,5.37L1.2,4.47M7,4L9,2H15L17,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.6 21.74,19.13 21.32,19.5L16.33,14.5C16.76,13.77 17,12.91 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C11.09,7 10.23,7.24 9.5,7.67L5.82,4H7M7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C12.5,17 13.03,16.92 13.5,16.77L11.72,15C10.29,14.85 9.15,13.71 9,12.28L7.23,10.5C7.08,10.97 7,11.5 7,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12C15,12.35 14.94,12.69 14.83,13L11,9.17C11.31,9.06 11.65,9 12,9Z",on="M17 12C17 12.54 16.9 13.05 16.74 13.54L15 11.78C14.87 10.3 13.7 9.13 12.22 9L10.46 7.26C10.95 7.1 11.46 7 12 7C14.76 7 17 9.24 17 12M9.88 4H14.12L15.95 6H20V16.8L21.88 18.68C21.96 18.47 22 18.24 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H16.83L15 2H9L7.18 4L8.6 5.4L9.88 4M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9 12C9 13.66 10.34 15 12 15C12.33 15 12.65 14.93 12.94 14.83L9.17 11.06C9.07 11.36 9 11.67 9 12M16.11 18L14.45 16.34C13.72 16.75 12.89 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12C7 11.11 7.25 10.28 7.66 9.55L4.11 6H4V18H16.11Z",nn="M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M20,18H4V6H8.05L9.88,4H14.12L15.95,6H20V18M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15Z",Zn="M12,17C10.37,17 8.94,16.21 8,15H12A3,3 0 0,0 15,12C15,11.65 14.93,11.31 14.82,11H16.9C16.96,11.32 17,11.66 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,7C13.63,7 15.06,7.79 16,9H12A3,3 0 0,0 9,12C9,12.35 9.07,12.68 9.18,13H7.1C7.03,12.68 7,12.34 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",Sn="M3 4V1H5V4H8V6H5V9H3V6H0V4M6 10V7H9V4H16L17.8 6H21C22.1 6 23 6.9 23 8V20C23 21.1 22.1 22 21 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V10M13 19C17.45 19 19.69 13.62 16.54 10.46C13.39 7.31 8 9.55 8 14C8 16.76 10.24 19 13 19M9.8 14C9.8 16.85 13.25 18.28 15.26 16.26C17.28 14.25 15.85 10.8 13 10.8C11.24 10.8 9.8 12.24 9.8 14Z",un="M21 6H17.8L16 4H10V6H15.1L17 8H21V20H5V11H3V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V8C23 6.9 22.1 6 21 6M8 14C8 18.45 13.39 20.69 16.54 17.54C19.69 14.39 17.45 9 13 9C10.24 9 8 11.24 8 14M13 11C14.64 11.05 15.95 12.36 16 14C15.95 15.64 14.64 16.95 13 17C11.36 16.95 10.05 15.64 10 14C10.05 12.36 11.36 11.05 13 11M5 6H8V4H5V1H3V4H0V6H3V9H5",cn="M12,6C10.89,6 10,5.1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2C13.09,2 14,2.9 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6M17,0H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,2V16A2,2 0 0,0 7,18H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,16V2A2,2 0 0,0 17,0M14,20V22H19V20M10,20H5V22H10V24L13,21L10,18V20Z",sn="M6,0H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,2V22A2,2 0 0,1 18,24H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,22V2A2,2 0 0,1 6,0M12,2A2,2 0 0,0 10,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,2M13,18H9V20H13V22L16,19L13,16V18Z",On="M20,5H17L15,3H9L7,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M12,18C10.92,18 9.86,17.65 9,17L10.44,15.56C10.91,15.85 11.45,16 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10C10.74,10 9.6,10.8 9.18,12H11L8,15L5,12H7.1C7.65,9.29 10.29,7.55 13,8.1C15.7,8.65 17.45,11.29 16.9,14C16.42,16.33 14.38,18 12,18Z",hn="M20,5H16.83L15,3H9L7.17,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M20,19H4V7H8.05L9.88,5H14.12L16,7H20V19M12,18C10.92,18 9.86,17.65 9,17L10.44,15.56C10.91,15.85 11.45,16 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10C10.74,10 9.6,10.8 9.18,12H11L8,15L5,12H7.1C7.65,9.29 10.29,7.55 13,8.1C15.7,8.65 17.45,11.29 16.9,14C16.42,16.33 14.38,18 12,18Z",pn="M15,15.5V13H9V15.5L5.5,12L9,8.5V11H15V8.5L18.5,12M20,4H16.83L15,2H9L7.17,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",fn="M20 4H16.8L15 2H9L7.2 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M9.9 4H14.1L15.9 6H20V18H4V6H8.1M15 11H9V8.5L5.5 12L9 15.5V13H15V15.5L18.5 12L15 8.5V11Z",gn="M4.94,6.35C4.55,5.96 4.55,5.32 4.94,4.93C5.33,4.54 5.96,4.54 6.35,4.93L13.07,10.31L13.42,10.59C14.2,11.37 14.2,12.64 13.42,13.42C12.64,14.2 11.37,14.2 10.59,13.42L10.31,13.07L4.94,6.35M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.79 19.1,7.79 17.66,6.34L19.07,4.93C20.88,6.74 22,9.24 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12H4A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3A2,2 0 0,1 12,5A2,2 0 0,1 10,3A2,2 0 0,1 12,1Z",kn="M12,10.8A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 15.2,14A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 12,17.2A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 8.8,14A3.2,3.2 0 0,1 12,10.8M16,3.33V2A6,6 0 0,1 22,8H20.67C20.67,5.42 18.58,3.33 16,3.33M16,6V4.67C17.84,4.67 19.33,6.16 19.33,8H18C18,6.89 17.11,6 16,6M17,9H22V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H7.17L9,4H15V7C16.11,7 17,7.89 17,9M12,19A5,5 0 0,0 17,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,9A5,5 0 0,0 7,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,19Z",Bn="M20,9V20H4V8H8.05L9.88,6H15V4H9L7.17,6H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V9H20M20.67,8H22C22,4.68 19.31,2 16,2V3.33C18.58,3.33 20.66,5.41 20.67,8M18,8H19.33C19.32,6.15 17.84,4.67 16,4.67V6C17.11,6 18,6.89 18,8M7,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,19A5,5 0 0,0 17,14A5,5 0 0,0 12,9A5,5 0 0,0 7,14M15,14A3,3 0 0,1 12,17A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 15,14Z",Pn="M15.9,18.5L21.9,20.1L21.5,22L12.1,19.5L2.7,22L2.2,20.1L8.2,18.5L2.1,16.9L2.6,15L12,17.5L21.4,15L21.9,16.9L15.9,18.5M16.07,7.92C15.91,7.7 15.71,7.5 15.5,7.33C15.05,6.9 14.5,6.59 14.06,6.13C13,5.08 12.79,3.34 13.44,2C12.79,2.17 12.18,2.54 11.67,2.95C9.84,4.46 9.11,7.1 10,9.38C10,9.45 10.04,9.53 10.04,9.62C10.04,9.78 9.93,9.92 9.79,10C9.63,10.05 9.46,10 9.33,9.9C9.28,9.86 9.25,9.82 9.22,9.77C8.42,8.74 8.29,7.26 8.84,6.07C7.65,7.06 7,8.72 7.11,10.29C7.13,10.65 7.18,11 7.3,11.36C7.41,11.8 7.59,12.23 7.82,12.61C8.57,13.86 9.9,14.76 11.32,14.94C12.84,15.14 14.46,14.85 15.63,13.79C16.93,12.59 17.4,10.67 16.71,9L16.61,8.83C16.47,8.5 16.28,8.2 16.04,7.93L16.07,7.92M13.83,12.47C13.63,12.65 13.31,12.83 13.05,12.91C12.26,13.19 11.46,12.79 11,12.31C11.84,12.11 12.34,11.47 12.5,10.83C12.61,10.25 12.39,9.78 12.29,9.22C12.21,8.69 12.22,8.23 12.42,7.73C12.55,8 12.69,8.28 12.86,8.5C13.41,9.22 14.27,9.54 14.45,10.5C14.47,10.63 14.5,10.72 14.5,10.83C14.5,11.43 14.26,12.07 13.82,12.47",wn="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C10.1 4 8.4 4.6 7.1 5.7L18.3 16.9C19.3 15.5 20 13.8 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4M16.9 18.3L5.7 7.1C4.6 8.4 4 10.1 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.9 20 15.6 19.4 16.9 18.3Z",Fn="M20.5 11C20.5 11.55 20.05 12 19.5 12H19V14C19 15.11 18.11 16 17 16H13V20H14C15.11 20 16 20.9 16 22H8C8 20.9 8.9 20 10 20H11V16H7C5.9 16 5 15.11 5 14V12H4.5C3.95 12 3.5 11.55 3.5 11S3.95 10 4.5 10H5V4L7 5V10H7.5C8.05 10 8.5 10.45 8.5 11S8.05 12 7.5 12H7V14H11V12H10.5C9.95 12 9.5 11.55 9.5 11S9.95 10 10.5 10H11V2L13 3V10H13.5C14.05 10 14.5 10.45 14.5 11S14.05 12 13.5 12H13V14H17V12H16.5C15.95 12 15.5 11.55 15.5 11S15.95 10 16.5 10H17V4L19 5V10H19.5C20.05 10 20.5 10.45 20.5 11Z",Tn="M18 7C18.83 7 19.5 6.33 19.5 5.5C19.5 4.67 18.83 3 18 3S16.5 4.67 16.5 5.5C16.5 6.33 17.17 7 18 7M18 5.25C18.28 5.25 18.5 5.47 18.5 5.75S18.28 6.25 18 6.25 17.5 6.03 17.5 5.75 17.72 5.25 18 5.25M12 6C12.83 6 13.5 5.33 13.5 4.5C13.5 3.67 12.83 2 12 2S10.5 3.67 10.5 4.5C10.5 5.33 11.17 6 12 6M12 4.25C12.28 4.25 12.5 4.47 12.5 4.75S12.28 5.25 12 5.25 11.5 5.03 11.5 4.75 11.72 4.25 12 4.25M6 7C6.83 7 7.5 6.33 7.5 5.5C7.5 4.67 6.83 3 6 3S4.5 4.67 4.5 5.5C4.5 6.33 5.17 7 6 7M6 5.25C6.28 5.25 6.5 5.47 6.5 5.75S6.28 6.25 6 6.25 5.5 6.03 5.5 5.75 5.72 5.25 6 5.25M20.5 11C20.5 11.55 20.05 12 19.5 12H19V14C19 15.11 18.11 16 17 16H13V20H14C15.11 20 16 20.9 16 22H8C8 20.9 8.9 20 10 20H11V16H7C5.9 16 5 15.11 5 14V12H4.5C3.95 12 3.5 11.55 3.5 11S3.95 10 4.5 10V9C4.5 8.45 4.95 8 5.5 8H6.5C7.05 8 7.5 8.45 7.5 9V10C8.05 10 8.5 10.45 8.5 11S8.05 12 7.5 12H7V14H11V12H10.5C9.95 12 9.5 11.55 9.5 11S9.95 10 10.5 10V8C10.5 7.45 10.95 7 11.5 7H12.5C13.05 7 13.5 7.45 13.5 8V10C14.05 10 14.5 10.45 14.5 11S14.05 12 13.5 12H13V14H17V12H16.5C15.95 12 15.5 11.55 15.5 11S15.95 10 16.5 10V9C16.5 8.45 16.95 8 17.5 8H18.5C19.05 8 19.5 8.45 19.5 9V10C20.05 10 20.5 10.45 20.5 11Z",bn="M12.5,2C10.84,2 9.5,5.34 9.5,7A3,3 0 0,0 12.5,10A3,3 0 0,0 15.5,7C15.5,5.34 14.16,2 12.5,2M12.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,6.5M10,11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12V20H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,19V18A1,1 0 0,0 5,17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18V19A3,3 0 0,0 7,22H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 19,20H16V12A1,1 0 0,0 15,11H10Z",yn="M15.54 8.46C17.5 10.42 17.5 13.58 15.54 15.54S10.42 17.5 8.47 15.54 6.5 10.42 8.47 8.46 13.58 6.5 15.54 8.46M19.47 4.55C19.47 4.55 18.5 4.67 17.43 5.36C17.28 4.32 16.78 3.27 15.93 2.42C14.68 3.66 14.53 5.22 14.83 6.34C16.22 6.7 17.3 7.78 17.66 9.17C18.78 9.47 20.34 9.32 21.58 8.07C20.74 7.23 19.71 6.74 18.68 6.58C19.07 6 19.38 5.33 19.47 4.55M4.53 19.45C4.53 19.45 5.5 19.33 6.57 18.64C6.72 19.68 7.22 20.73 8.07 21.58C9.32 20.34 9.47 18.78 9.17 17.66C7.78 17.3 6.7 16.22 6.34 14.83C5.22 14.53 3.66 14.68 2.42 15.93C3.26 16.77 4.29 17.27 5.32 17.42C4.93 18 4.62 18.68 4.53 19.45Z",Rn="M20.8 22.7L14.4 16.3C12.5 17.4 10 17.1 8.4 15.5C6.8 13.9 6.5 11.4 7.6 9.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15.5 8.5C14.1 7.1 12.2 6.7 10.4 7.3L16.7 13.6C17.3 11.8 16.9 9.8 15.5 8.5M17.7 9.2C18.8 9.5 20.4 9.3 21.6 8.1C20.8 7.3 19.7 6.8 18.7 6.6C19.1 6 19.4 5.3 19.5 4.6C19.5 4.6 18.5 4.7 17.5 5.4C17.4 4.4 16.9 3.3 16 2.5C14.8 3.7 14.6 5.3 14.9 6.4C16.2 6.7 17.3 7.8 17.7 9.2M6.3 14.8C5.2 14.5 3.6 14.7 2.4 15.9C3.2 16.7 4.3 17.2 5.3 17.4C4.9 18 4.6 18.7 4.5 19.4C4.5 19.4 5.5 19.3 6.5 18.6C6.6 19.6 7.1 20.7 8 21.5C9.2 20.3 9.4 18.7 9.1 17.6C7.8 17.3 6.7 16.2 6.3 14.8Z",xn="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.7 9.6C6.6 11.5 6.9 14 8.5 15.6S12.6 17.5 14.5 16.4L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M9.9 14.1C9.1 13.3 8.8 12.1 9.2 11L13 14.8C11.9 15.2 10.7 15 9.9 14.1M14.8 6.3C14.5 5.2 14.6 3.6 15.9 2.4C16.8 3.3 17.3 4.3 17.4 5.3C18.5 4.6 19.4 4.5 19.4 4.5C19.3 5.3 19 6 18.6 6.5C19.6 6.7 20.7 7.2 21.5 8C20.3 9.2 18.7 9.4 17.6 9.1C17.3 7.8 16.2 6.7 14.8 6.3M12.2 9L10.4 7.2C12.1 6.6 14.1 7 15.5 8.4C16.9 9.8 17.3 11.7 16.7 13.5L15 11.8C14.9 11.1 14.7 10.4 14.1 9.9S12.9 9.1 12.2 9M9.2 17.7C9.5 18.8 9.4 20.4 8.1 21.6C7.2 20.7 6.7 19.7 6.6 18.7C5.5 19.4 4.6 19.5 4.6 19.5C4.7 18.7 5 18 5.4 17.5C4.4 17.3 3.3 16.8 2.5 16C3.7 14.8 5.3 14.6 6.4 14.9C6.7 16.2 7.8 17.3 9.2 17.7Z",Dn="M9.88 9.88C11.05 8.71 12.95 8.71 14.12 9.88S15.29 12.95 14.12 14.12 11.05 15.29 9.88 14.12 8.71 11.05 9.88 9.88M8.46 8.46C6.5 10.42 6.5 13.58 8.46 15.54S13.58 17.5 15.54 15.54 17.5 10.42 15.54 8.46 10.42 6.5 8.46 8.46M19.47 4.55C19.47 4.55 18.5 4.67 17.43 5.37C17.28 4.32 16.78 3.27 15.93 2.42C14.68 3.67 14.53 5.22 14.83 6.34C16.22 6.7 17.3 7.78 17.66 9.17C18.78 9.47 20.34 9.32 21.58 8.07C20.74 7.23 19.71 6.74 18.68 6.58C19.07 6 19.38 5.33 19.47 4.55M4.53 19.45C4.53 19.45 5.5 19.33 6.57 18.64C6.72 19.68 7.22 20.73 8.07 21.58C9.32 20.34 9.47 18.78 9.17 17.66C7.79 17.3 6.7 16.22 6.34 14.83C5.22 14.53 3.67 14.68 2.42 15.93C3.26 16.77 4.29 17.27 5.32 17.42C4.93 18 4.62 18.68 4.53 19.45Z",En="M10,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,10V8C6,7.37 6.1,6.77 6.27,6.2L10,9.93V10M12,2C12.74,2 13.44,2.13 14.09,2.38L11.97,6C11.14,6 10.44,6.5 10.15,7.25L7.24,4.34C8.34,2.92 10.06,2 12,2M17.76,6.31L14,10.07V8C14,7.62 13.9,7.27 13.72,6.97L15.83,3.38C16.74,4.13 17.42,5.15 17.76,6.31M18,13.09L14,17.09V12.9L18,8.9V13.09M18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22A2,2 0 0,1 14,20V19.91L18,15.91V20Z",Nn="M11.5,22V17.35C11,18.13 10,19.09 8.03,19.81C8.03,19.81 8.53,18.1 9.94,16.95C8.64,17.23 6.68,17.19 4,16C4,16 6.47,14.59 9.28,14.97C7.69,14 5.7,12.08 4.17,8.11C4.17,8.11 8.67,9.34 10.91,13.14C8.88,8.24 12,2 12,2C14.43,7.47 13.91,11.1 13.12,13.1C15.37,9.33 19.83,8.11 19.83,8.11C18.3,12.08 16.31,14 14.72,14.97C17.53,14.59 20,16 20,16C17.32,17.19 15.36,17.23 14.06,16.95C15.47,18.1 15.97,19.81 15.97,19.81C14,19.09 13,18.13 12.5,17.35V22H11.5Z",Wn="M16.62 13.42L14.5 11.32C16.84 8.94 19.83 8.11 19.83 8.11C18.87 10.6 17.73 12.27 16.62 13.42M12 2C12 2 10.86 4.3 10.41 7.21L13.72 10.5C13.92 8.45 13.61 5.63 12 2M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8.62 10.5C6.5 8.75 4.17 8.11 4.17 8.11C5.7 12.08 7.69 14 9.28 14.97C6.47 14.59 4 16 4 16C6.68 17.19 8.64 17.23 9.94 16.95C8.53 18.1 8.03 19.81 8.03 19.81C10 19.09 11 18.13 11.5 17.35V22H12.5V17.35C13 18.13 14 19.09 15.97 19.81C15.97 19.81 15.47 18.1 14.06 16.95C14.39 17 14.77 17.07 15.2 17.09L20.84 22.73Z",In="M9.96,13.71L12,8.29L14.03,13.72M11.14,6L6.43,18H8.36L9.32,15.43H14.68L15.64,18H17.57L12.86,6H11.14M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.9,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20V20Z",Gn="M5,11L6.5,6.5H17.5L19,11M17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,16M6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,16M18.92,6C18.72,5.42 18.16,5 17.5,5H6.5C5.84,5 5.28,5.42 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V19H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6Z",Qn="M8 16C8 13.6 9.1 11.5 10.7 10H3L4.5 5.5H15.5L16.3 8C16.9 8 17.5 8.1 18 8.3L16.9 5C16.7 4.4 16.1 4 15.5 4H4.5C3.8 4 3.3 4.4 3.1 5L1 11V19C1 19.5 1.5 20 2 20H3C3.5 20 4 19.5 4 19V18H8.3C8.1 17.4 8 16.7 8 16M4.5 15C3.7 15 3 14.3 3 13.5S3.7 12 4.5 12 6 12.7 6 13.5 5.3 15 4.5 15M16 20V18H13V17H14C15.1 17 16 16.1 16 15V14C16 12.9 15.1 12 14 12H11V14H14V15H13C11.9 15 11 15.9 11 17V20M23 17H21V19H19V17H17V15H19V13H21V15H23V17Z",Un="M16.9 5C16.7 4.4 16.1 4 15.5 4H4.5C3.8 4 3.3 4.4 3.1 5L1 11V19C1 19.5 1.5 20 2 20H3C3.5 20 4 19.5 4 19V18H8.3C8.1 17.4 8 16.7 8 16C8 13.6 9.1 11.5 10.7 10H3L4.5 5.5H15.5L16.3 8C16.9 8 17.5 8.1 18 8.3L16.9 5M4.5 12C5.3 12 6 12.7 6 13.5S5.3 15 4.5 15 3 14.3 3 13.5 3.7 12 4.5 12M23 17H21V19H19V17H17V15H19V13H21V15H23V17M14.5 16C15.3 16 16 14.8 16 14C16 12.9 15.1 12 14 12H11V14H14V15H12V17H14V18H11V20H14C15.1 20 16 19.1 16 18C16 17.2 15.3 16 14.5 16Z",zn="M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C19.09 12 20.12 12.3 21 12.81V12L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H12.09C12.04 18.67 12 18.34 12 18M6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11H5L6.5 6.5M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",_n="M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C19.09 12 20.12 12.3 21 12.81V12L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H12.09C12.04 18.67 12 18.34 12 18M6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11H5L6.5 6.5M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",Kn="M6,11L7,7H17L18,11M18.92,6C18.71,5.4 18.14,5 17.5,5H6.5C5.86,5 5.29,5.4 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V18H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6M7,16H5V14H7V16M19,16H17V14H19V16M14,16H10V14H14V16Z",jn="M4,3V6H1V20H23V6H20V3H14V6H10V3H4M3,8H21V18H3V8M15,10V12H13V14H15V16H17V14H19V12H17V10H15M5,12V14H11V12H5Z",qn="M24,12C24,15.31 22.66,18.31 20.5,20.5L19.42,19.42C21.32,17.5 22.5,14.9 22.5,12C22.5,9.11 21.32,6.5 19.42,4.58L20.5,3.5C22.66,5.69 24,8.69 24,12M20,9.6V8H16.8C15.92,8 15.2,8.72 15.2,9.6V11.2A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 16.8,12.8H18.4V14.4H15.2V16H18.4C19.28,16 20,15.28 20,14.4V12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 18.4,11.2H16.8V9.6H20M8.42,6C9.47,5.37 10.69,5 12,5C13.31,5 14.53,5.37 15.58,6H18.69C17.05,4.16 14.66,3 12,3C9.34,3 6.95,4.16 5.31,6H8.42M13.2,12C13.84,12 14.4,12.56 14.4,13.2V14.4A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 12.8,16H9.6V8H12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 14.4,9.6V10.8C14.4,11.44 13.84,12 13.2,12M12.8,12.8H11.2V14.4H12.8V12.8M12.8,9.6H11.2V11.2H12.8V9.6M4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58M7.2,16V12.8H5.6V16H4V9.6A1.6,1.6 0 0,1 5.6,8H7.2C8.08,8 8.8,8.72 8.8,9.6V16H7.2M7.2,11.2V9.6H5.6V11.2H7.2M15.58,18C14.53,18.63 13.31,19 12,19C10.69,19 9.47,18.63 8.42,18H5.31C6.95,19.84 9.34,21 12,21C14.66,21 17.05,19.84 18.69,18H15.58Z",$n="M11,15H13V17H11V15M11,7H13V13H11V7M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19C8.14,19 5,15.86 5,12C5,8.14 8.14,5 12,5C15.86,5 19,8.14 19,12C19,15.86 15.86,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.66,18.31 24,15.31 24,12C24,8.69 22.66,5.69 20.5,3.5L19.42,4.58C21.32,6.5 22.5,9.11 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.32,17.5 19.42,19.42L20.5,20.5M4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42Z",Xn="M1.5 12C1.5 14.9 2.68 17.5 4.58 19.42L3.5 20.5C1.34 18.31 0 15.31 0 12S1.34 5.69 3.5 3.5L4.58 4.58C2.68 6.5 1.5 9.11 1.5 12M21 12C21 16.97 16.97 21 12 21S3 16.97 3 12 7.03 3 12 3 21 7.03 21 12M5 12C5 12.44 5.05 12.86 5.12 13.28C5.3 13.09 5.46 13 5.78 13C6.3 13 6.39 13.21 6.78 13.71C7.17 14.21 7.85 15 8.89 15C9.92 15 10.61 14.21 11 13.71C11.26 13.37 11.39 13.18 11.61 13.08C11.71 13.03 11.83 13 12 13C12.5 13 12.61 13.21 13 13.71C13.39 14.21 14.08 15 15.11 15C16.15 15 16.83 14.21 17.22 13.71C17.61 13.21 17.7 13 18.22 13C18.54 13 18.7 13.09 18.88 13.28C18.95 12.86 19 12.44 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5S5 8.14 5 12M20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C21.32 6.5 22.5 9.11 22.5 12C22.5 14.9 21.32 17.5 19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C22.66 18.31 24 15.31 24 12S22.66 5.69 20.5 3.5Z",Yn="M12,3C7,3 3,7 3,12C3,17 7,21 12,21C17,21 21,17 21,12C21,7 17,3 12,3M12,19C8.1,19 5,15.9 5,12C5,8.1 8.1,5 12,5C15.9,5 19,8.1 19,12C19,15.9 15.9,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.7,18.3 24,15.3 24,12C24,8.7 22.7,5.7 20.5,3.5L19.4,4.6C21.3,6.5 22.5,9.1 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.3,17.5 19.4,19.4L20.5,20.5M4.6,19.4C2.7,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.1 2.7,6.5 4.6,4.6L3.5,3.5C1.3,5.7 0,8.7 0,12C0,15.3 1.3,18.3 3.5,20.5L4.6,19.4M9,7V17H11V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",Jn="M13 12C13 12.55 12.55 13 12 13S11 12.55 11 12 11.45 11 12 11 13 11.45 13 12M10 12L7 9V11H3V13H7V15L10 12M14 12L17 15V13H21V11H17V9L14 12M20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C21.32 6.5 22.5 9.11 22.5 12C22.5 14.9 21.32 17.5 19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C22.66 18.31 24 15.31 24 12S22.66 5.69 20.5 3.5M5.69 9C6.81 6.64 9.22 5 12 5S17.19 6.64 18.32 9H20.5C19.24 5.5 15.92 3 12 3S4.76 5.5 3.5 9H5.69M4.58 4.58L3.5 3.5C1.34 5.69 0 8.69 0 12S1.34 18.31 3.5 20.5L4.58 19.42C2.68 17.5 1.5 14.9 1.5 12C1.5 9.11 2.68 6.5 4.58 4.58M18.32 15C17.19 17.36 14.79 19 12 19S6.81 17.36 5.69 15H3.5C4.76 18.5 8.08 21 12 21S19.24 18.5 20.5 15H18.32Z",CZ="M12,3C7,3 3,7 3,12C3,17 7,21 12,21C17,21 21,17 21,12C21,7 17,3 12,3M12,19C8.1,19 5,15.9 5,12C5,8.1 8.1,5 12,5C15.9,5 19,8.1 19,12C19,15.9 15.9,19 12,19M20.5,20.5C22.7,18.3 24,15.3 24,12C24,8.7 22.7,5.7 20.5,3.5L19.4,4.6C21.3,6.5 22.5,9.1 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.3,17.5 19.4,19.4L20.5,20.5M4.6,19.4C2.7,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.1 2.7,6.5 4.6,4.6L3.5,3.5C1.3,5.7 0,8.7 0,12C0,15.3 1.3,18.3 3.5,20.5L4.6,19.4M9.5,7V17H11.5V13H13.5A2,2 0 0,0 15.5,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13.5,7H9.5M11.5,9H13.5V11H11.5V9Z",HZ="M12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21 21 17 21 12 17 3 12 3M12 19C8.1 19 5 15.9 5 12S8.1 5 12 5 19 8.1 19 12 15.9 19 12 19M20.5 20.5C22.7 18.3 24 15.3 24 12S22.7 5.7 20.5 3.5L19.4 4.6C21.3 6.5 22.5 9.1 22.5 12S21.3 17.5 19.4 19.4L20.5 20.5M4.6 19.4C2.7 17.5 1.5 14.9 1.5 12S2.7 6.5 4.6 4.6L3.5 3.5C1.3 5.7 0 8.7 0 12S1.3 18.3 3.5 20.5L4.6 19.4M15.3 10.5C15.96 10.5 16.5 11.17 16.5 12C16.5 12.81 15.95 13.5 15.3 13.5C14.93 13.5 14.66 13.29 14.5 13.11L14.47 13.08L14.44 13.05L13.38 12L14.47 10.92L14.5 10.89L14.53 10.86C14.74 10.63 15 10.5 15.3 10.5M8.7 10.5C9.07 10.5 9.34 10.71 9.5 10.88L9.5 10.92L9.56 10.95L10.62 12L9.53 13.08L9.5 13.11L9.47 13.15C9.26 13.37 9 13.5 8.7 13.5C8.05 13.5 7.5 12.81 7.5 12S8.05 10.5 8.7 10.5M15.3 9C14.58 9 13.9 9.31 13.42 9.85L12 11.25L10.61 9.88C10.1 9.31 9.42 9 8.7 9C7.21 9 6 10.35 6 12S7.21 15 8.7 15C9.42 15 10.1 14.69 10.59 14.15L12 12.75L13.39 14.12C13.9 14.68 14.58 15 15.3 15C16.79 15 18 13.65 18 12C18 10.33 16.79 9 15.3 9Z",VZ="M12 10H15V8H12V7C12 6.4 11.6 6 11 6S10 6.4 10 7V17.3C9.4 17.6 9 18.3 9 19C9 20.1 9.9 21 11 21S13 20.1 13 19C13 18.3 12.6 17.6 12 17.3V14H15V12H12V10M24 12C24 15.31 22.66 18.31 20.5 20.5L19.42 19.42C21.32 17.5 22.5 14.9 22.5 12C22.5 9.11 21.32 6.5 19.42 4.58L20.5 3.5C22.66 5.69 24 8.69 24 12M1.5 12C1.5 14.9 2.68 17.5 4.58 19.42L3.5 20.5C1.34 18.31 0 15.31 0 12S1.34 5.69 3.5 3.5L4.58 4.58C2.68 6.5 1.5 9.11 1.5 12M21 12C21 15.53 18.96 18.58 16 20.05V17.74C17.81 16.47 19 14.37 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5S5 8.14 5 12C5 14.37 6.19 16.47 8 17.74V20.05C5.04 18.58 3 15.53 3 12C3 7.03 7.03 3 12 3S21 7.03 21 12Z",LZ="M12 5C15.86 5 19 8.14 19 12S15.86 19 12 19 5 15.86 5 12 8.14 5 12 5M12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21 21 16.97 21 12 16.97 3 12 3M4.58 4.58L3.5 3.5C2.37 4.65 1.47 6.03 .861 7.55L2.3 8C2.84 6.71 3.61 5.56 4.58 4.58M1.71 14.1C1.57 13.42 1.5 12.72 1.5 12C1.5 11.28 1.57 10.58 1.71 9.9L.275 9.46C.098 10.28 0 11.13 0 12S.098 13.72 .275 14.54L1.71 14.1M23.14 7.55C22.53 6.03 21.63 4.65 20.5 3.5L19.42 4.58C20.39 5.56 21.16 6.71 21.7 8L23.14 7.55M.861 16.45C1.47 18 2.37 19.35 3.5 20.5L4.58 19.42C3.61 18.44 2.84 17.29 2.3 16L.861 16.45M19.42 19.42L20.5 20.5C21.63 19.35 22.53 18 23.14 16.45L21.7 16C21.16 17.29 20.39 18.44 19.42 19.42M22.29 9.9C22.43 10.58 22.5 11.28 22.5 12C22.5 12.72 22.43 13.42 22.29 14.1L23.73 14.54C23.9 13.72 24 12.87 24 12S23.9 10.28 23.73 9.46L22.29 9.9Z",MZ="M17 4.5C17 5.9 15.9 7 14.5 7S12 5.9 12 4.5 13.1 2 14.5 2 17 3.1 17 4.5M15 8H14.2C12.1 8 10.1 6.8 9.1 4.9C9 4.8 8.9 4.7 8.9 4.6L7.1 5.4C7.6 6.8 9.2 8.6 11.5 9.5L9.7 14.5L5.8 13.4L3 18.9L5 19.4L6.8 15.8L11.3 17C12.3 17.2 13.3 16.7 13.7 15.8L16 9.4C16.2 8.7 15.7 8 15 8M18.9 7L15.5 16.4C14.9 18 13.4 19 11.8 19C11.5 19 11.1 19 10.8 18.9L7.9 18.1L7 19.9L9 20.4L10.4 20.8C10.9 20.9 11.4 21 11.9 21C14.4 21 16.6 19.5 17.5 17.1L21 7H18.9Z",AZ="M23 8C23 4.13 19.87 1 16 1C12.47 1 9.57 3.61 9.08 7H4.5C3.84 7 3.28 7.42 3.08 8L1 14V22C1 22.55 1.45 23 2 23H3C3.55 23 4 22.55 4 22V21H16V22C16 22.55 16.45 23 17 23H18C18.55 23 19 22.55 19 22V14.32C21.36 13.19 23 10.79 23 8M4.5 8.5H9.03C9.15 10.26 9.92 11.84 11.11 13H3L4.5 8.5M4.5 18C3.67 18 3 17.33 3 16.5S3.67 15 4.5 15 6 15.67 6 16.5 5.33 18 4.5 18M15.5 18C14.67 18 14 17.33 14 16.5S14.67 15 15.5 15 17 15.67 17 16.5 16.33 18 15.5 18M16 13C14.61 13 13.44 12.5 12.47 11.53C11.5 10.56 11 9.39 11 8C11 6.64 11.5 5.46 12.47 4.5C13.44 3.5 14.61 3 16 3C17.36 3 18.54 3.5 19.5 4.5C20.5 5.46 21 6.64 21 8C21 9.39 20.5 10.56 19.5 11.53C18.54 12.5 17.36 13 16 13M16.5 8.25L19.36 9.94L18.61 11.16L15 9V4H16.5V8.25Z",iZ="M10 18.84L14 20.7V23L8 20V14H5V10H8V4L14 1V3.3L10 5.16V18.84M19 10H15V5.41L12 6.8V17.2L15 18.6V14H19V10Z",rZ="M6.5 5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20A1 1 0 0 0 4 21H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 20V19H11.3A7 7 0 0 1 11 17A7 7 0 0 1 14.41 11H5L6.5 6.5H17.5L18.68 10.03A7 7 0 0 1 20.47 10.46L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5M17 12C16.87 12 16.76 12.09 16.74 12.21L16.55 13.53C16.25 13.66 15.96 13.82 15.7 14L14.46 13.5C14.35 13.5 14.22 13.5 14.15 13.63L13.15 15.36C13.09 15.47 13.11 15.6 13.21 15.68L14.27 16.5C14.25 16.67 14.24 16.83 14.24 17C14.24 17.17 14.25 17.33 14.27 17.5L13.21 18.32C13.12 18.4 13.09 18.53 13.15 18.64L14.15 20.37C14.21 20.5 14.34 20.5 14.46 20.5L15.7 20C15.96 20.18 16.24 20.35 16.55 20.47L16.74 21.79C16.76 21.91 16.86 22 17 22H19C19.11 22 19.22 21.91 19.24 21.79L19.43 20.47C19.73 20.34 20 20.18 20.27 20L21.5 20.5C21.63 20.5 21.76 20.5 21.83 20.37L22.83 18.64C22.89 18.53 22.86 18.4 22.77 18.32L21.7 17.5C21.72 17.33 21.74 17.17 21.74 17C21.74 16.83 21.73 16.67 21.7 16.5L22.76 15.68C22.85 15.6 22.88 15.47 22.82 15.36L21.82 13.63C21.76 13.5 21.63 13.5 21.5 13.5L20.27 14C20 13.82 19.73 13.65 19.42 13.53L19.23 12.21C19.22 12.09 19.11 12 19 12H17M6.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 13M18 15.5C18.83 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17C19.5 17.83 18.83 18.5 18 18.5C17.16 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17C16.5 16.17 17.17 15.5 18 15.5Z",aZ="M5,14H19L17.5,9.5H6.5L5,14M17.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,19M6.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,19M18.92,9L21,15V23A1,1 0 0,1 20,24H19A1,1 0 0,1 18,23V22H6V23A1,1 0 0,1 5,24H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,23V15L5.08,9C5.28,8.42 5.85,8 6.5,8H17.5C18.15,8 18.72,8.42 18.92,9M12,0C14.12,0 16.15,0.86 17.65,2.35L16.23,3.77C15.11,2.65 13.58,2 12,2C10.42,2 8.89,2.65 7.77,3.77L6.36,2.35C7.85,0.86 9.88,0 12,0M12,4C13.06,4 14.07,4.44 14.82,5.18L13.4,6.6C13.03,6.23 12.53,6 12,6C11.5,6 10.97,6.23 10.6,6.6L9.18,5.18C9.93,4.44 10.94,4 12,4Z",eZ="M16,6L15,6.75L17.5,10H13.5V8.5H12V10H3C1.89,10 1,10.89 1,12V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",dZ="M19 7V5H21V3H13V5H15V7H1V21H23V7H19M21 14.42C20.71 14.13 20.5 14 20 14C19.33 14 19.21 14.21 18.71 14.71S17.33 16 16 16 13.79 15.21 13.29 14.71 12.67 14 12 14C11.78 14 11.63 14.03 11.5 14.08C11.22 14.18 11.05 14.37 10.71 14.71C10.21 15.21 9.33 16 8 16S5.79 15.21 5.29 14.71 4.67 14 4 14C3.5 14 3.29 14.13 3 14.42V9H21V14.42Z",mZ="M22,15C22,17.6 20.8,19.9 18.9,21.3L18.4,20.8L16.3,18.7L17.7,17.3L18.9,18.5C19.4,17.8 19.8,16.9 19.9,16H18V14H19.9C19.7,13.1 19.4,12.3 18.9,11.5L17.7,12.7L16.3,11.3L17.5,10.1C16.8,9.6 15.9,9.2 15,9.1V11H13V9.1C12.1,9.3 11.3,9.6 10.5,10.1L13.5,13.1C13.7,13.1 13.8,13 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15C12,14.8 12,14.7 12.1,14.5L9.1,11.5C8.6,12.2 8.2,13.1 8.1,14H10V16H8.1C8.3,16.9 8.6,17.7 9.1,18.5L10.3,17.3L11.7,18.7L9.1,21.3C7.2,19.9 6,17.6 6,15A8,8 0 0,1 14,7A8,8 0 0,1 22,15M6.7,5.3L3.4,2L2,3.4L5.3,6.7L4,8H8V4L6.7,5.3Z",tZ="M15,23C14.7,23 14.5,22.9 14.3,22.7C13.9,22.3 14,21.7 14.4,21.3V21.3C14.9,20.9 16.1,19.5 16.1,18.4C16.1,17.8 15.7,17.2 15.3,16.5C14.8,15.7 14.1,14.7 14.1,13.5C14.1,11.2 15.4,10.3 15.6,10.2C16.1,9.9 16.7,10.1 17,10.5C17.3,11 17.1,11.6 16.7,11.9V11.9C16.7,11.9 16.2,12.3 16.2,13.5C16.2,14.1 16.6,14.7 17,15.4C17.5,16.2 18.2,17.2 18.2,18.4C18.2,20.6 16.1,22.6 15.9,22.8C15.5,22.9 15.2,23 15,23M11.7,22.7C11.9,22.5 14,20.5 14,18.3C14,17.1 13.4,16.1 12.8,15.3C12.4,14.6 12,14 12,13.4C12,12.2 12.5,11.8 12.5,11.8V11.8C13,11.5 13.1,10.9 12.8,10.4C12.5,9.9 11.9,9.8 11.4,10.1C11.2,10.2 9.9,11.1 9.9,13.4C9.9,14.6 10.5,15.6 11.1,16.4C11.5,17.1 11.9,17.7 11.9,18.3C11.9,19.4 10.7,20.8 10.2,21.2V21.2C9.8,21.6 9.8,22.2 10.1,22.6C10.3,22.8 10.6,22.9 10.8,22.9C11.2,23 11.5,22.9 11.7,22.7M7.7,22.7C7.9,22.5 10,20.5 10,18.3C10,17.1 9.4,16.1 8.8,15.3C8.4,14.7 8,14.1 8,13.4C8,12.2 8.5,11.8 8.5,11.8V11.8C9,11.5 9.1,10.9 8.8,10.4C8.6,10 7.9,9.9 7.5,10.1C7.3,10.2 6,11.1 6,13.4C6,14.6 6.6,15.6 7.2,16.4C7.6,17.1 8,17.7 8,18.3C8,19.4 6.8,20.8 6.3,21.2V21.2C5.9,21.6 5.9,22.2 6.2,22.6C6.5,22.9 6.7,23 7,23C7.2,23 7.5,22.9 7.7,22.7M12,3C9.4,3 1,3.3 1,7C1,9.4 2.2,15.4 2.8,18H4L4.8,18H5V16H4.4C3.8,13.1 3,8.8 3,7C3,6 7.4,5 12,5C16.6,5 21,6 21,7C21,8.8 20.2,13.1 19.6,16H19V18H19.2L20,18H21.2C21.8,15.4 23,9.4 23,7C23,3.3 14.6,3 12,3Z",vZ="M10,18.3C10,20.5 7.9,22.5 7.7,22.7C7.5,22.9 7.2,23 7,23C6.7,23 6.5,22.9 6.2,22.6C5.9,22.2 5.9,21.6 6.3,21.2C6.8,20.8 8,19.4 8,18.3C8,17.7 7.6,17.1 7.2,16.4C6.6,15.6 6,14.6 6,13.4C6,11.1 7.3,10.2 7.5,10.1C7.9,9.9 8.6,10 8.8,10.4C9.1,10.9 9,11.5 8.5,11.8C8.5,11.8 8,12.2 8,13.4C8,14.1 8.4,14.7 8.8,15.3C9.4,16.1 10,17.1 10,18.3M12,13.4C12,12.2 12.5,11.8 12.5,11.8C13,11.5 13.1,10.9 12.8,10.4C12.5,9.9 11.9,9.8 11.4,10.1C11.2,10.2 9.9,11.1 9.9,13.4C9.9,14.6 10.5,15.6 11.1,16.4C11.5,17.1 11.9,17.7 11.9,18.3C11.9,19.4 10.7,20.8 10.2,21.2C9.8,21.6 9.8,22.2 10.1,22.6C10.3,22.8 10.6,22.9 10.8,22.9C11.2,23 11.5,22.9 11.7,22.7C11.9,22.5 14,20.5 14,18.3C14,17.1 13.4,16.1 12.8,15.3C12.4,14.6 12,14 12,13.4M20,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H5V16H4V5H20V16H19V18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3M16.2,13.5C16.2,12.3 16.7,11.9 16.7,11.9C17.1,11.6 17.3,11 17,10.5C16.7,10.1 16.1,9.9 15.6,10.2C15.4,10.3 14.1,11.2 14.1,13.5C14.1,14.7 14.8,15.7 15.3,16.5C15.7,17.2 16.1,17.8 16.1,18.4C16.1,19.5 14.9,20.9 14.4,21.3C14,21.7 13.9,22.3 14.3,22.7C14.5,22.9 14.7,23 15,23C15.2,23 15.5,22.9 15.9,22.8C16.1,22.6 18.2,20.6 18.2,18.4C18.2,17.2 17.5,16.2 17,15.4C16.6,14.7 16.2,14.1 16.2,13.5Z",lZ="M19,14H16V16H19V14M22,21H3V11L11,3H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,4V21M11.83,5L5.83,11H20V5H11.83Z",oZ="M7.8 17V15.5C7.8 14.1 6.4 13 5 13S2.2 14.1 2.2 15.5V17C1.6 17 1 17.6 1 18.2V21.7C1 22.4 1.6 23 2.2 23H7.7C8.4 23 9 22.4 9 21.8V18.3C9 17.6 8.4 17 7.8 17M6.5 17H3.5V15.5C3.5 14.7 4.2 14.2 5 14.2S6.5 14.7 6.5 15.5V17M21 3H11L3 11V11.44C3.61 11.17 4.29 11 5 11C7.6 11 9.8 13.06 9.8 15.5V15.75C10.53 16.36 11 17.28 11 18.3V21H22V4C22 3.45 21.55 3 21 3M19 16H16V14H19V16M20 11H5.83L11.83 5H20V11Z",nZ="M22 21H11V16C11 15.26 10.6 14.61 10 14.26C10 14.18 10 14.09 10 14C10 12.87 9.63 11.84 9 11H20V5H11.83L7.28 9.55C6.6 9.2 5.82 9 5 9L11 3H21C21.27 3 21.5 3.11 21.71 3.29C21.9 3.5 22 3.74 22 4V21M19 14H16V16H19V14M7.8 16H3.5V13.5C3.5 12.7 4.2 12.2 5 12.2C5.8 12.2 6.5 12.7 6.5 13.5V14H7.8V13.5C7.8 12.1 6.4 11 5 11C3.6 11 2.2 12.1 2.2 13.5V16C1.6 16 1 16.6 1 17.2V20.7C1 21.4 1.6 22 2.2 22H7.7C8.4 22 9 21.4 9 20.8V17.3C9 16.6 8.4 16 7.8 16Z",ZZ="M18.92 2C18.72 1.42 18.16 1 17.5 1H6.5C5.84 1 5.29 1.42 5.08 2L3 8V16C3 16.55 3.45 17 4 17H5C5.55 17 6 16.55 6 16V15H18V16C18 16.55 18.45 17 19 17H20C20.55 17 21 16.55 21 16V8L18.92 2M6.5 12C5.67 12 5 11.33 5 10.5S5.67 9 6.5 9 8 9.67 8 10.5 7.33 12 6.5 12M17.5 12C16.67 12 16 11.33 16 10.5S16.67 9 17.5 9 19 9.67 19 10.5 18.33 12 17.5 12M5 7L6.5 2.5H17.5L19 7H5M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",SZ="M18.92 2C18.72 1.42 18.16 1 17.5 1H6.5C5.84 1 5.29 1.42 5.08 2L3 8V16C3 16.55 3.45 17 4 17H5C5.55 17 6 16.55 6 16V15H18V16C18 16.55 18.45 17 19 17H20C20.55 17 21 16.55 21 16V8L18.92 2M6.85 3H17.14L18.22 6.11H5.77L6.85 3M19 13H5V8H19V13M7.5 9C8.33 9 9 9.67 9 10.5S8.33 12 7.5 12 6 11.33 6 10.5 6.67 9 7.5 9M16.5 9C17.33 9 18 9.67 18 10.5S17.33 12 16.5 12C15.67 12 15 11.33 15 10.5S15.67 9 16.5 9M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",uZ="M11 0V3H13V0H11M7.88 1.46L6.46 2.87L8.59 5L10 3.58L7.88 1.46M16.12 1.46L14 3.58L15.41 5L17.54 2.88L16.12 1.46M12 5A2 2 0 0 0 10 7V8H6.5C5.84 8 5.28 8.42 5.08 9L3 15V23A1 1 0 0 0 4 24H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 23V22H18V23A1 1 0 0 0 19 24H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 23V15L18.92 9C18.72 8.42 18.16 8 17.5 8H14V7A2 2 0 0 0 12 5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16M17.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 17.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 16Z",cZ="M5.31,6C6.95,4.16 9.34,3 12,3C14.66,3 17.05,4.16 18.69,6H15.58C14.53,5.37 13.31,5 12,5C10.69,5 9.47,5.37 8.42,6H5.31M14.4,9.6V8H11.2A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 9.6,9.6V11.2C9.6,12.08 10.32,12.8 11.2,12.8H12.8V14.4H9.6V16H12.8A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 14.4,14.4V12.8C14.4,11.92 13.68,11.2 12.8,11.2H11.2V9.6H14.4M18.4,8H15.2V16H16.8V12.8H18.4A1.6,1.6 0 0,0 20,11.2V9.6C20,8.72 19.28,8 18.4,8M18.4,11.2H16.8V9.6H18.4V11.2M8.8,9.6V8H4V16H8.8V14.4H5.6V12.8H8.8V11.2H5.6V9.6H8.8M15.58,18C14.53,18.63 13.31,19 12,19C10.69,19 9.47,18.63 8.42,18H5.31C6.95,19.84 9.34,21 12,21C14.66,21 17.05,19.84 18.69,18H15.58M20.5,3.5L19.42,4.58C21.32,6.5 22.5,9.11 22.5,12C22.5,14.9 21.32,17.5 19.42,19.42L20.5,20.5C22.66,18.31 24,15.31 24,12C24,8.69 22.66,5.69 20.5,3.5M4.58,4.58L3.5,3.5C1.34,5.69 0,8.69 0,12C0,15.31 1.34,18.31 3.5,20.5L4.58,19.42C2.68,17.5 1.5,14.9 1.5,12C1.5,9.11 2.68,6.5 4.58,4.58Z",sZ="M3,6H16L19,10H21C22.11,10 23,10.89 23,12V15H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,18A3,3 0 0,1 3,15H1V8C1,6.89 1.89,6 3,6M2.5,7.5V10H10.5V7.5H2.5M12,7.5V10H17.14L15.25,7.5H12M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5Z",OZ="M16,6H6L1,12V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M6.5,7.5H10.5V10H4.5L6.5,7.5M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",hZ="M19 15H17V13H19M20 20V22H16V20H17V18H16V16H19V20M18.92 5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 17.5 4H6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5.08 5L3 11V19A1 1 0 0 0 4 20H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 19V18H11A7 7 0 0 1 18 11A6.84 6.84 0 0 1 21 11.68V11M6.5 15A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 15M5 10L6.5 5.5H17.5L19 10Z",pZ="M9 0C7.3 0 6 1.3 6 3S7.3 6 9 6C10.3 6 11.4 5.2 11.8 4H14V6H16V4H18V2H11.8C11.4 .8 10.3 0 9 0M9 2C9.6 2 10 2.4 10 3S9.6 4 9 4 8 3.6 8 3 8.4 2 9 2M6.5 8C5.8 8 5.3 8.4 5.1 9L3 15V23C3 23.6 3.4 24 4 24H5C5.6 24 6 23.6 6 23V22H18V23C18 23.6 18.4 24 19 24H20C20.6 24 21 23.6 21 23V15L18.9 9C18.7 8.4 18.1 8 17.5 8H6.5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16C7.3 16 8 16.7 8 17.5S7.3 19 6.5 19 5 18.3 5 17.5 5.7 16 6.5 16M17.5 16C18.3 16 19 16.7 19 17.5S18.3 19 17.5 19 16 18.3 16 17.5 16.7 16 17.5 16Z",fZ="M18 14L18.79 14.1L18.77 14.33L19.24 14.5L19.39 14.34C19.89 14.6 20.32 15 20.6 15.5L20.43 15.67L20.63 16.12L20.86 16.1C20.95 16.39 21 16.69 21 17L20.9 17.78L20.66 17.77L20.47 18.24L20.66 18.39C20.39 18.9 20 19.32 19.5 19.6L19.33 19.42L18.87 19.62L18.89 19.86C18.61 19.95 18.31 20 18 20L17.21 19.9L17.22 19.65L16.76 19.47L16.6 19.66C16.1 19.39 15.67 19 15.39 18.5L15.57 18.32L15.37 17.86L15.13 17.88C15.05 17.6 15 17.31 15 17L15.11 16.2L15.34 16.21L15.53 15.75L15.35 15.6C15.62 15.09 16 14.68 16.5 14.39L16.67 14.56L17.13 14.36L17.11 14.14C17.39 14.05 17.69 14 18 14M18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5M6 14L6.79 14.1L6.77 14.33L7.24 14.5L7.39 14.34C7.89 14.6 8.32 15 8.6 15.5L8.43 15.67L8.63 16.12L8.86 16.1C8.95 16.39 9 16.69 9 17L8.9 17.78L8.65 17.77L8.47 18.24L8.66 18.39C8.39 18.9 8 19.32 7.5 19.6L7.33 19.42L6.87 19.62L6.89 19.86C6.61 19.95 6.31 20 6 20L5.21 19.9L5.22 19.65L4.76 19.47L4.6 19.66C4.1 19.39 3.67 19 3.39 18.5L3.57 18.32L3.37 17.86L3.13 17.88C3.05 17.6 3 17.31 3 17L3.11 16.2L3.34 16.21L3.53 15.75L3.35 15.6C3.62 15.09 4 14.68 4.5 14.39L4.67 14.56L5.13 14.36L5.11 14.14C5.39 14.05 5.69 14 6 14M6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5M16 6L19 10H21C22.11 10 23 10.89 23 12V15H21C21 13.34 19.66 12 18 12C16.34 12 15 13.34 15 15H9C9 13.34 7.66 12 6 12C4.34 12 3 13.34 3 15H1V10H10.5V6L16 6M12 7.5V10H17.46L15.5 7.5H12Z",gZ="M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 17H23V15H21V17M1 9V11H5C5.1 10.3 5.1 9.6 5.2 9H1M5 13H1V15H5.2C5.1 14.4 5.1 13.7 5 13M5.9 6.4C6 5.8 6.3 5.4 6.5 5H1V7H5.7C5.8 6.8 5.8 6.6 5.9 6.4M1 17V19H6.6C6.2 18.4 5.9 17.8 5.7 17H1M10 4.8C6 4.8 6 19.2 10 19.2S19 16.5 19 12 14 4.8 10 4.8M10.1 17.2C9.7 16.8 9 15 9 12S9.7 7.2 10.1 6.8C13 6.9 17 8.7 17 12S13 17.1 10.1 17.2",kZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 15.9,17.1 13.1,17.2M8,10.5C8,11 7.9,11.5 7.9,12C7.9,12.2 7.9,12.4 7.9,12.6L2.4,14L1.9,12.1L8,10.5M2,7L9.4,5.1C9.2,5.4 9,5.8 8.9,6.3C8.8,6.6 8.7,7 8.6,7.4L2.5,8.9L2,7M8.2,15.5C8.3,16.2 8.5,16.9 8.7,17.4L2.4,19L1.9,17.1L8.2,15.5Z",BZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 16,17.1 13.1,17.2M6,8V11H8C8,11.3 8,11.7 8,12C8,12.3 8,12.7 8,13H6V16H8.4C8.6,16.7 8.8,17.4 9,18H6V21H4V18H2V16H4V13H2V11H4V8H2V6H4V3H6V6H9C9,6.1 8.9,6.2 8.9,6.4C8.7,6.9 8.5,7.4 8.4,8H6Z",PZ="M13,4.8C9,4.8 9,19.2 13,19.2C17,19.2 22,16.5 22,12C22,7.5 17,4.8 13,4.8M13.1,17.2C12.7,16.8 12,15 12,12C12,9 12.7,7.2 13.1,6.8C16,6.9 20,8.7 20,12C20,15.3 16,17.1 13.1,17.2M2,5H9.5C9.3,5.4 9,5.8 8.9,6.4C8.8,6.6 8.8,6.8 8.7,7H2V5M8,11H2V9H8.2C8.1,9.6 8.1,10.3 8,11M8.7,17C8.9,17.8 9.2,18.4 9.6,19H2.1V17H8.7M8.2,15H2V13H8C8.1,13.7 8.1,14.4 8.2,15Z",wZ="M1,6L2.5,7.5L1,9L2.5,10.5L1,12L2.5,13.5L1,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6H1M4.62,7.5H10.5V10H4.12L3.12,9L4.62,7.5M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",FZ="M8,11L9.5,6.5H18.5L20,11M18.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,16M9.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,16M19.92,6C19.71,5.4 19.14,5 18.5,5H9.5C8.86,5 8.29,5.4 8.08,6L6,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 7,21H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,20V19H19V20A1,1 0 0,0 20,21H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,20V12L19.92,6M14.92,3C14.71,2.4 14.14,2 13.5,2H4.5C3.86,2 3.29,2.4 3.08,3L1,9V17A1,1 0 0,0 2,18H3A1,1 0 0,0 4,17V12.91C3.22,12.63 2.82,11.77 3.1,11C3.32,10.4 3.87,10 4.5,10H4.57L5.27,8H3L4.5,3.5H15.09L14.92,3Z",TZ="M20.5,19.85L6.41,5.76L2.41,1.76L1.11,3L4.57,6.46L3,11V19A1,1 0 0,0 4,20H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,19V18H16.11L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46L20.5,19.85M6.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,15M5,10L5.78,7.67L8.11,10H5M17.5,5.5L19,10H13.2L16.12,12.92C16.5,12.17 17.37,11.86 18.12,12.21C18.87,12.57 19.18,13.47 18.83,14.21C18.68,14.5 18.43,14.77 18.12,14.92L21,17.8V11L18.92,5C18.71,4.4 18.14,4 17.5,4H7.2L8.7,5.5H17.5Z",bZ="M18.9 6C18.7 5.4 18.1 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.8 5 5.3 5.4 5.1 6L3 12V20C3 20.5 3.5 21 4 21H5C5.6 21 6 20.5 6 20V19H18V20C18 20.5 18.5 21 19 21H20C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V12L18.9 6M6.8 7H17.1L18.2 10H5.8L6.8 7M19 17H5V12H19V17M7.5 13C8.3 13 9 13.7 9 14.5S8.3 16 7.5 16 6 15.3 6 14.5 6.7 13 7.5 13M16.5 13C17.3 13 18 13.7 18 14.5S17.3 16 16.5 16C15.7 16 15 15.3 15 14.5S15.7 13 16.5 13Z",yZ="M7.3,9.2C8.1,9.6 9,10.5 9,12C9,13.5 8.1,14.4 7.3,14.8C6.9,13.4 6.9,10.6 7.3,9.2M6.5,7C4.5,7 4.5,17 6.5,17C8.5,17 11,15.1 11,12C11,8.9 8.5,7 6.5,7M16.7,9.2C17,10.6 17,13.4 16.7,14.8C15.9,14.4 15,13.5 15,12C15,10.5 15.9,9.6 16.7,9.2M17.5,7C15.5,7 13,8.9 13,12C13,15.1 15.5,17 17.5,17C19.5,17 19.5,7 17.5,7M4.9,6.2L2.5,4.6L1.4,6.3L4,8C4.2,7.3 4.5,6.6 4.9,6.2M20,8L22.6,6.3L21.5,4.6L19.1,6.2C19.4,6.6 19.8,7.2 20,8M4,16L1.4,17.7L2.5,19.4L4.9,17.8C4.6,17.4 4.2,16.8 4,16M20.5,11C20.5,11.3 20.5,11.7 20.5,12C20.5,12.3 20.5,12.6 20.5,13H24V11H20.5M19.1,17.8L21.5,19.4L22.6,17.7L20,16C19.8,16.7 19.5,17.4 19.1,17.8M3.5,12C3.5,11.7 3.5,11.4 3.5,11H0V13H3.5C3.5,12.7 3.5,12.3 3.5,12Z",RZ="M16,6H10.5V10H1V15H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,18A3,3 0 0,0 9,15H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,18A3,3 0 0,0 21,15H23V12C23,10.89 22.11,10 21,10H19L16,6M12,7.5H15.5L17.46,10H12V7.5M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",xZ="M9.61 16.11C9.61 14.03 10.59 12.19 12.1 11H5L6.5 6.5H17.5L18.72 10.16C19.56 10.53 20.3 11.07 20.91 11.74L18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20C3 20.55 3.45 21 4 21H5C5.55 21 6 20.55 6 20V19H10.29C9.86 18.13 9.61 17.15 9.61 16.11M6.5 16C5.67 16 5 15.33 5 14.5S5.67 13 6.5 13 8 13.67 8 14.5 7.33 16 6.5 16M20.71 20.7L20.7 20.71L20.71 20.7M16.11 11.61C18.61 11.61 20.61 13.61 20.61 16.11C20.61 17 20.36 17.82 19.92 18.5L23 21.61L21.61 23L18.5 19.93C17.8 20.36 17 20.61 16.11 20.61C13.61 20.61 11.61 18.61 11.61 16.11S13.61 11.61 16.11 11.61M16.11 13.61C14.73 13.61 13.61 14.73 13.61 16.11S14.73 18.61 16.11 18.61 18.61 17.5 18.61 16.11 17.5 13.61 16.11 13.61",DZ="M10.29 19H6V20C6 20.5 5.6 21 5 21H4C3.5 21 3 20.5 3 20V12L5.1 6C5.3 5.4 5.8 5 6.5 5H17.5C18.1 5 18.7 5.4 18.9 6L20.91 11.74C20.17 10.93 19.24 10.31 18.18 9.95L17.1 7H6.8L5.8 10H13.91C12.79 10.4 11.81 11.1 11.08 12H5V17H9.68C9.78 17.71 10 18.38 10.29 19M6 14.5C6 15.3 6.7 16 7.5 16S9 15.3 9 14.5 8.3 13 7.5 13 6 13.7 6 14.5M16.11 11.61C13.61 11.61 11.61 13.61 11.61 16.11S13.61 20.61 16.11 20.61C17 20.61 17.8 20.36 18.5 19.93L21.61 23L23 21.61L19.92 18.5C20.36 17.82 20.61 17 20.61 16.11C20.61 13.61 18.61 11.61 16.11 11.61M16.11 13.61C17.5 13.61 18.61 14.73 18.61 16.11S17.5 18.61 16.11 18.61 13.61 17.5 13.61 16.11 14.73 13.61 16.11 13.61",EZ="M7 18C7 18 4 10 4 6S6 2 6 2H7C7 2 8 2 8 3S7 4 7 6 10 10 10 13 7 18 7 18M12 17C11 17 8 19.5 8 19.5C7.7 19.7 7.8 20 8 20.3C8 20.3 9 22.1 11 22.1H17C18.1 22.1 19 21.2 19 20.1V19.1C19 18 18.1 17.1 17 17.1H12Z",NZ="M20.8 10.2L19.4 10.6L18.2 9.9V8.2L19.4 7.5L20.8 7.9L21.1 6.8L20 6.5L20.3 5.4L19.2 5.1L18.8 6.5L17.6 7.2L16.1 6.3V5L17.1 4L16.3 3.2L15.5 4L14.7 3.2L13.9 4L14.9 5V6.3L13.4 7.2L12.2 6.5L11.9 5.1L10.8 5.4L11.1 6.5L10 6.7L10.3 7.8L11.7 7.4L12.9 8.1V9.8L11.7 10.5L10.3 10.1L10 11.4L11.1 11.7L10.8 12.7L11.9 13L12.3 11.6L13.5 10.9L15 11.8V13.1L14 14.1L14.8 14.9L15.6 14.1L16.4 14.9L17.2 14.1L16.2 13.1V11.8L17.7 10.9L18.9 11.6L19.3 13L20.4 12.7L20 11.6L21.1 11.3L20.8 10.2M14 8.2L15.5 7.3L17 8.2V9.9L15.5 10.8L14 9.9V8.2M5 18C5 18 2 10 2 6S4 2 4 2H5C5 2 6 2 6 3S5 4 5 6 8 10 8 13 5 18 5 18M15 17C16.1 17 17 17.9 17 19V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22H9C7 22 6 20.2 6 20.2C5.8 20 5.7 19.6 6 19.4C6 19.4 9 16.9 10 16.9H15Z",WZ="M5 18C5 18 2 10 2 6S4 2 4 2H5C5 2 6 2 6 3S5 4 5 6 8 10 8 13 5 18 5 18M15 17C16.1 17 17 17.9 17 19V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22H9C7 22 6 20.2 6 20.2C5.8 20 5.7 19.6 6 19.4C6 19.4 9 16.9 10 16.9H15M13.7 3.4L12.3 6.8L13.7 10.2L11.7 15L10 13.6L11.4 10.2L10 6.8L12 2L13.7 3.4M17.9 3.4L16.5 6.8L17.9 10.2L15.9 15L14.2 13.6L15.6 10.2L14.2 6.8L16.2 2L17.9 3.4M22 3.4L20.6 6.8L22 10.2L20 15L18.3 13.6L19.7 10.2L18.3 6.8L20.3 2L22 3.4",IZ="M5 13L6.5 8.5H17.5L19 13M17.5 18C16.7 18 16 17.3 16 16.5S16.7 15 17.5 15 19 15.7 19 16.5 18.3 18 17.5 18M6.5 18C5.7 18 5 17.3 5 16.5S5.7 15 6.5 15 8 15.7 8 16.5 7.3 18 6.5 18M18.9 8C18.7 7.4 18.1 7 17.5 7H6.5C5.8 7 5.3 7.4 5.1 8L3 14V22C3 22.6 3.4 23 4 23H5C5.6 23 6 22.6 6 22V21H18V22C18 22.6 18.4 23 19 23H20C20.6 23 21 22.6 21 22V14M8 1L12 5.5L16 1Z",GZ="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M5 11L6.5 6.5H17.5L19 11M17.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 16M6.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 16M18.92 6C18.72 5.42 18.16 5 17.5 5H6.5C5.84 5 5.28 5.42 5.08 6L3 12V20A1 1 0 0 0 4 21H5A1 1 0 0 0 6 20V19H18V20A1 1 0 0 0 19 21H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 20V12Z",QZ="M8 5H4V2H8V5M4 22H8V19H4V22M14 2H10V5H14V2M10 22H14V19H10V22M16 2V5H20V2H16M17 11H13V7H11V11H7V7H5V17H7V13H11V17H13V13H19V7H17V11Z",UZ="M16,6L19,10H21C22.11,10 23,10.89 23,12V15H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,18A3,3 0 0,1 3,15H1V12C1,10.89 1.89,10 3,10L6,6H16M10.5,7.5H6.75L4.86,10H10.5V7.5M12,7.5V10H17.14L15.25,7.5H12M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,13.5Z",zZ="M18 15C18 17.6 16.8 19.9 14.9 21.3L14.4 20.8L12.3 18.7L13.7 17.3L14.9 18.5C15.4 17.8 15.8 16.9 15.9 16H14V14H15.9C15.7 13.1 15.4 12.3 14.9 11.5L13.7 12.7L12.3 11.3L13.5 10.1C12.8 9.6 11.9 9.2 11 9.1V11H9V9.1C8.1 9.3 7.3 9.6 6.5 10.1L9.5 13.1C9.7 13.1 9.8 13 10 13C11.11 13 12 13.9 12 15S11.11 17 10 17 8 16.11 8 15C8 14.8 8 14.7 8.1 14.5L5.1 11.5C4.6 12.2 4.2 13.1 4.1 14H6V16H4.1C4.3 16.9 4.6 17.7 5.1 18.5L6.3 17.3L7.7 18.7L5.1 21.3C3.2 19.9 2 17.6 2 15C2 10.58 5.58 7 10 7S18 10.58 18 15M23 5C23 3.34 21.66 2 20 2S17 3.34 17 5C17 6.3 17.84 7.4 19 7.82V11H21V7.82C22.16 7.4 23 6.3 23 5M20 6C19.45 6 19 5.55 19 5S19.45 4 20 4 21 4.45 21 5 20.55 6 20 6Z",_Z="M12,8.5H7L4,11H3C1.89,11 1,11.89 1,13V16H3.17C3.6,17.2 4.73,18 6,18C7.27,18 8.4,17.2 8.82,16H15.17C15.6,17.2 16.73,18 18,18C19.27,18 20.4,17.2 20.82,16H23V15C23,13.89 21.97,13.53 21,13L12,8.5M5.25,12L7.5,10H11.5L15.5,12H5.25M6,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5M18,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,13.5Z",KZ="M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,5H13V11H11V5M17,4.76C18.86,6.19 20,8.61 20,11C20,14 18.33,16.64 15.86,18H8.14C5.67,16.64 4,14 4,11C4,8.61 5.09,6.17 7,4.76V2H5V3.86C3.15,5.68 2,8.2 2,11C2,13.8 3.15,16.32 5,18.14V22H7V20H9V22H11V20H13V22H15V20H17V22H19V18.14C20.85,16.32 22,13.8 22,11C22,8.2 20.85,5.68 19,3.86V2H17V4.76Z",jZ="M9.5,11H10.5C10.8,11 11,10.8 11,10.5V9H19V10.5C19,10.8 19.2,11 19.5,11H20.5C20.8,11 21,10.8 21,10.5V9L21,8.5V6L19.6,1.7C19.5,1.3 19.1,1 18.7,1H11.4C11,1 10.6,1.3 10.5,1.7L9,6V8.5L9,9V10.5C9,10.8 9.2,11 9.5,11M11.3,2H18.6L19.5,5H10.4L11.3,2M12,23H10C10,22.2 8.1,21.5 6.6,20.9C4.5,20.1 2,19.2 2,17C2,14.7 4.3,14.1 6.2,13.5C7.9,13.1 9,12.7 9,12H11C11,14.3 8.7,14.9 6.8,15.5C5.1,15.9 4,16.3 4,17C4,17.8 5.9,18.5 7.4,19.1C9.5,19.9 12,20.8 12,23M22,23H20C20,22.2 18.1,21.5 16.6,20.9C14.5,20.1 12,19.2 12,17C12,14.7 14.3,14.1 16.2,13.5C17.8,13 19,12.7 19,12H21C21,14.3 18.7,14.9 16.8,15.5C15.2,15.9 14,16.3 14,17C14,17.8 15.9,18.5 17.4,19.1C19.5,19.9 22,20.8 22,23Z",qZ="M22 13V15H18.32C18.75 14.09 19 13.08 19 12C19 8.14 15.86 5 12 5H2V3H12C16.97 3 21 7.03 21 12C21 12.34 20.97 12.67 20.94 13H22M12 19C8.14 19 5 15.86 5 12C5 10.93 5.25 9.91 5.69 9H2V11H3.06C3.03 11.33 3 11.66 3 12C3 16.97 7.03 21 12 21H22V19H12M16.86 12.2C15.93 12.94 14.72 12.47 14 12.05V12C16.79 10.31 15.39 7.89 15.39 7.89S14.33 6.04 14.61 7.89C14.78 9.07 13.76 9.88 13.04 10.3L13 10.28C12.93 7 10.13 7 10.13 7S8 7 9.74 7.69C10.85 8.13 11.04 9.42 11.05 10.25L11 10.28C8.14 8.7 6.74 11.12 6.74 11.12S5.67 12.97 7.14 11.8C8.07 11.07 9.28 11.54 10 11.95V12C7.21 13.7 8.61 16.12 8.61 16.12S9.67 17.97 9.4 16.11C9.22 14.94 10.25 14.13 10.97 13.7L11 13.73C11.07 17 13.87 17 13.87 17S16 17 14.26 16.31C13.15 15.87 12.96 14.58 12.95 13.75L13 13.73C15.86 15.31 17.26 12.88 17.26 12.88S18.33 11.04 16.86 12.2Z",$Z="M5,13L6.5,8.5H17.5L19,13M17.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,18M6.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,18M18.92,8C18.72,7.42 18.16,7 17.5,7H6.5C5.84,7 5.28,7.42 5.08,8L3,14V22A1,1 0 0,0 4,23H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,22V21H18V22A1,1 0 0,0 19,23H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,22V14M7,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,3.5C8.5,2.5 7,0.8 7,0.8C7,0.8 5.5,2.5 5.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,5M12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,3.5C13.5,2.5 12,0.8 12,0.8C12,0.8 10.5,2.5 10.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5M17,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,3.5C18.5,2.5 17,0.8 17,0.8C17,0.8 15.5,2.5 15.5,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,5Z",XZ="M22.63 15.5L20.21 5.85A1 1 0 0 0 19.14 5.1C17.8 5.24 14.14 5.5 12 5.5S6.2 5.24 4.86 5.1A1 1 0 0 0 3.79 5.85L1.37 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.55 17.36A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 12 18A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 21.45 17.36A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 22.63 15.5Z",YZ="M22.63 15.5L20.21 5.85A1 1 0 0 0 19.14 5.1C17.8 5.24 14.14 5.5 12 5.5S6.2 5.24 4.86 5.1A1 1 0 0 0 3.79 5.85L1.37 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 2.55 17.36A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 12 18A61.5 61.5 0 0 0 21.45 17.36A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 22.63 15.5M12 16A63.33 63.33 0 0 1 3.44 15.5L5.5 7.18C7 7.32 10.16 7.5 12 7.5S17 7.32 18.5 7.18L20.56 15.5A63.33 63.33 0 0 1 12 16Z",JZ="M12 5C10.9 5 10 5.9 10 7V8H6.5C5.84 8 5.28 8.42 5.08 9L3 15V23C3 23.55 3.45 24 4 24H5C5.55 24 6 23.55 6 23V22H18V23C18 23.55 18.45 24 19 24H20C20.55 24 21 23.55 21 23V15L18.92 9C18.72 8.42 18.16 8 17.5 8H14V7C14 5.9 13.11 5 12 5M6.5 9.5H17.5L19 14H5L6.5 9.5M6.5 16C7.33 16 8 16.67 8 17.5S7.33 19 6.5 19 5 18.33 5 17.5 5.67 16 6.5 16M17.5 16C18.33 16 19 16.67 19 17.5S18.33 19 17.5 19 16 18.33 16 17.5 16.67 16 17.5 16M16.2 3.4C15 2.3 13.5 1.7 12 1.7S9 2.3 7.8 3.4L7 2.6C8.4 1.2 10.2 .5 12 .5S15.6 1.2 17 2.6L16.2 3.4M15.3 4.2L14.5 5C13.8 4.3 12.9 4 12 4S10.2 4.3 9.5 5L8.7 4.2C9.6 3.3 10.8 2.8 12 2.8S14.4 3.3 15.3 4.2",CS="M20.96 16.45C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16V16.5L20.96 16.45M11 16C11 16.71 11.15 17.39 11.42 18H6V19C6 19.55 5.55 20 5 20H4C3.45 20 3 19.55 3 19V11L5.08 5C5.28 4.42 5.84 4 6.5 4H17.5C18.16 4 18.72 4.42 18.92 5L21 11V16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16M8 13.5C8 12.67 7.33 12 6.5 12S5 12.67 5 13.5 5.67 15 6.5 15 8 14.33 8 13.5M19 10L17.5 5.5H6.5L5 10H19M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",HS="M8 17.5C8 18.33 7.33 19 6.5 19S5 18.33 5 17.5 5.67 16 6.5 16 8 16.67 8 17.5M18 5.59C17.79 3.54 16.18 2 14.24 2H8.88C6.95 2 5.36 3.5 5.15 5.53L5 6.59C4.92 7.34 5.5 8 6.24 8C6.87 8 7.39 7.53 7.47 6.91L7.61 5.82C7.68 5.07 8.23 4.5 8.88 4.5H14.24C14.89 4.5 15.44 5.07 15.5 5.82L16.5 16.88C16.59 17.74 16 18.5 15.25 18.5L10.04 17.82C9.95 18.77 9.5 19.6 8.8 20.18L14.93 21L15.09 21H15.25C16.27 21 17.26 20.56 17.96 19.78C18.71 18.94 19.09 17.8 19 16.65L18 5.59M11.66 7.94C11.08 7.57 10.31 7.75 9.94 8.34L6.39 14C6.43 14 6.46 14 6.5 14C7.38 14 8.18 14.34 8.8 14.88L12.06 9.66C12.43 9.08 12.25 8.31 11.66 7.94Z",VS="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17H21V15H19V9A2,2 0 0,0 17,7H5M5,9H10V12H5V9M13,9H17V12H13V9M10,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,16Z",LS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20Z",MS="M2,3H22C23.05,3 24,3.95 24,5V19C24,20.05 23.05,21 22,21H2C0.95,21 0,20.05 0,19V5C0,3.95 0.95,3 2,3M14,6V7H22V6H14M14,8V9H21.5L22,9V8H14M14,10V11H21V10H14M8,13.91C6,13.91 2,15 2,17V18H14V17C14,15 10,13.91 8,13.91M8,6A3,3 0 0,0 5,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,6Z",AS="M22,3H2C0.91,3.04 0.04,3.91 0,5V19C0.04,20.09 0.91,20.96 2,21H22C23.09,20.96 23.96,20.09 24,19V5C23.96,3.91 23.09,3.04 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M14,17V15.75C14,14.09 10.66,13.25 9,13.25C7.34,13.25 4,14.09 4,15.75V17H14M9,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,7M14,7V8H20V7H14M14,9V10H20V9H14M14,11V12H18V11H14",iS="M20 22.09L22.45 23.58L21.8 20.77L24 18.89L21.11 18.64L20 16L18.87 18.64L16 18.89L18.18 20.77L17.5 23.58L20 22.09M14.08 21H2C.95 21 0 20.05 0 19V5C0 3.95 .95 3 2 3H22C23.05 3 24 3.95 24 5V15.53C22.94 14.58 21.54 14 20 14C16.69 14 14 16.69 14 20C14 20.34 14.03 20.68 14.08 21M8 13.91C6 13.91 2 15 2 17V18H14V17C14 15 10 13.91 8 13.91M8 6C6.35 6 5 7.35 5 9C5 10.65 6.35 12 8 12C9.65 12 11 10.65 11 9C11 7.35 9.65 6 8 6M21 10H14V11H21V10M22 8H14V9H22V8M22 6H14V7H22V6Z",rS="M20 22.09L22.45 23.58L21.8 20.77L24 18.89L21.11 18.64L20 16L18.87 18.64L16 18.89L18.18 20.77L17.5 23.58L20 22.09M14.08 21H2C.91 20.96 .04 20.09 0 19V5C.04 3.91 .91 3.04 2 3H22C23.09 3.04 23.96 3.91 24 5V15.53C23.42 15 22.75 14.61 22 14.34V5H2V19H14.08C14.03 19.33 14 19.66 14 20C14 20.34 14.03 20.68 14.08 21M14 17H4V15.75C4 14.09 7.34 13.25 9 13.25C10.66 13.25 14 14.09 14 15.75V17M14 11H18V12H14V11M9 7C7.63 7 6.5 8.13 6.5 9.5C6.5 10.87 7.63 12 9 12C10.37 12 11.5 10.87 11.5 9.5C11.5 8.13 10.37 7 9 7M14 9H20V10H14V9M14 7H20V8H14V7Z",aS="M21,8V7L18,9L15,7V8L18,10M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,12A3,3 0 0,1 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,18H2V17C2,15 6,13.9 8,13.9C10,13.9 14,15 14,17M22,12H14V6H22",eS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M21,6H14V11H21V6M20,8L17.5,9.75L15,8V7L17.5,8.75L20,7V8M9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,6A3,3 0 0,0 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12M9,8A1,1 0 0,1 10,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,8M15,16.59C15,14.09 11.03,13 9,13C6.97,13 3,14.09 3,16.59V18H15V16.59M5.5,16C6.22,15.5 7.7,15 9,15C10.3,15 11.77,15.5 12.5,16H5.5Z",dS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,12A3,3 0 0,1 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,18H2V17C2,15 6,13.9 8,13.9C10,13.9 14,15 14,17V18M17.85,14H19.5L21,16L19,18C17.7,17 16.73,15.61 16.28,14C16.1,13.36 16,12.69 16,12C16,11.31 16.1,10.64 16.28,10C16.73,8.38 17.7,7 19,6L21,8L19.5,10H17.85C17.63,10.63 17.5,11.3 17.5,12C17.5,12.7 17.63,13.37 17.85,14Z",mS="M22,3H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 2,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M22,19H2V5H22V19M19,18L21,16L19.5,14H17.85C17.63,13.37 17.5,12.7 17.5,12C17.5,11.3 17.63,10.63 17.85,10H19.5L21,8L19,6C17.7,7 16.73,8.38 16.28,10C16.1,10.64 16,11.31 16,12C16,12.69 16.1,13.36 16.28,14C16.73,15.61 17.7,17 19,18M9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,6A3,3 0 0,0 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12M9,8A1,1 0 0,1 10,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9A1,1 0 0,1 9,8M15,16.59C15,14.09 11.03,13 9,13C6.97,13 3,14.09 3,16.59V18H15V16.59M5.5,16C6.22,15.5 7.7,15 9,15C10.3,15 11.77,15.5 12.5,16H5.5Z",tS="M20,4A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20M11,13H9V15H11V13M19,13H13V15H19V13M7,9H5V11H7V9M19,9H9V11H19V9Z",vS="M3.35,3.58L20.65,20.87L19.23,22.29L16.94,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.72 2.06,5.46 2.16,5.22L1.23,4.29L2.65,2.87L3.35,3.58M6.6,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.4 21.88,18.77 21.68,19.08L17.6,15H20V13H15.6L13.6,11H20V9H11.6L6.6,4M9.94,13H9V15H11V14.06L9.94,13M5.94,9H5V11H7V10.06L5.94,9Z",lS="M20.59,20.87L19.17,22.29L16.88,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,5.74 2.05,5.5 2.14,5.26L1.17,4.29L2.59,2.87L3.73,4L20.59,20.87V20.87M6.54,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.41 21.87,18.8 21.66,19.12L20,17.46V6H8.54L6.54,4M4,18H14.88L11.88,15H10V13.12L7.88,11H6V9.12L4,7.12V18M18,15H17.54L15.54,13H18V15M18,11H13.54L11.54,9H18V11Z",oS="M12,15H10V13H12V15M18,15H14V13H18V15M8,11H6V9H8V11M18,11H10V9H18V11M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",nS="M9,22V24H7V22H9M13,22V24H11V22H13M17,22V24H15V22H17M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M11,13H9V15H11V13M19,13H13V15H19V13M7,9H5V11H7V9M19,9H9V11H19V9Z",ZS="M9,22V24H7V22H9M13,22V24H11V22H13M17,22V24H15V22H17M12,15H10V13H12V15M18,15H14V13H18V15M8,11H6V9H8V11M18,11H10V9H18V11M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",SS="M23 18V20H15V18H23M19 13C20.09 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13Z",uS="M23 18V20H15V18H23M13.09 18H4V6H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18Z",cS="M21 3C21.53 3 22.04 3.21 22.41 3.59C22.79 3.96 23 4.47 23 5V15C23 15.53 22.79 16.04 22.41 16.41C22.04 16.79 21.53 17 21 17H7C6.47 17 5.96 16.79 5.59 16.41C5.21 16.04 5 15.53 5 15V5C5 4.47 5.21 3.96 5.59 3.59C5.96 3.21 6.47 3 7 3H21M3 19H18V21H3C2.47 21 1.96 20.79 1.59 20.41C1.21 20.04 1 19.53 1 19V8H3V19Z",sS="M21 16V6H7V16H21M21 4C21.53 4 22.04 4.21 22.41 4.59C22.79 4.96 23 5.47 23 6V16C23 16.53 22.79 17.04 22.41 17.41C22.04 17.79 21.53 18 21 18H7C5.89 18 5 17.1 5 16V6C5 4.89 5.89 4 7 4H21M3 20H18V22H3C2.47 22 1.96 21.79 1.59 21.41C1.21 21.04 1 20.53 1 20V9H3V20Z",OS="M21.88 18.68L7.2 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68M20.56 19.91L20.57 19.91L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.65 4.54C2.25 4.9 2 5.42 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.56 19.91Z",hS="M9.2 6L7.2 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68L20 16.8V6H9.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.66 6L18.65 18H18.66L20.57 19.91L20.56 19.91L22.11 21.46M16.11 18L4.11 6H4V18H16.11Z",pS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4Z",fS="M13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.09 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",gS="M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21M14 18H3V6H19V13H21V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.11 1.9 20 3 20H14V18Z",kS="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M19 13C20.09 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13Z",BS="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M13.09 18H4V6H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18Z",PS="M11.5 9C10.12 9 9 10.12 9 11.5S10.12 14 11.5 14 14 12.88 14 11.5 12.88 9 11.5 9M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M16.79 18.21L13.88 15.3C13.19 15.74 12.37 16 11.5 16C9 16 7 14 7 11.5S9 7 11.5 7 16 9 16 11.5C16 12.38 15.74 13.19 15.3 13.89L18.21 16.79L16.79 18.21Z",wS="M11.5 16C12.37 16 13.19 15.74 13.88 15.3L16.32 17.74L17.74 16.32L15.3 13.89C15.74 13.19 16 12.38 16 11.5C16 9 14 7 11.5 7S7 9 7 11.5 9 16 11.5 16M11.5 9C12.88 9 14 10.12 14 11.5S12.88 14 11.5 14 9 12.88 9 11.5 10.12 9 11.5 9M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M20 18H4V6H20V18Z",FS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M5,13V15H16V13H5M5,9V11H19V9H5Z",TS="M20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20M4,6V18H20V6H4M6,9H18V11H6V9M6,13H16V15H6V13Z",bS="M21.47,4.35L20.13,3.79V12.82L22.56,6.96C22.97,5.94 22.5,4.77 21.47,4.35M1.97,8.05L6.93,20C7.24,20.77 7.97,21.24 8.74,21.26C9,21.26 9.27,21.21 9.53,21.1L16.9,18.05C17.65,17.74 18.11,17 18.13,16.26C18.14,16 18.09,15.71 18,15.45L13,3.5C12.71,2.73 11.97,2.26 11.19,2.25C10.93,2.25 10.67,2.31 10.42,2.4L3.06,5.45C2.04,5.87 1.55,7.04 1.97,8.05M18.12,4.25A2,2 0 0,0 16.12,2.25H14.67L18.12,10.59",yS="M12,2C14.3,2 16.3,4 16.3,6.2C16.21,8.77 14.34,9.83 14.04,10C15.04,9.5 16.5,9.5 16.5,9.5C19,9.5 21,11.3 21,13.8C21,16.3 19,18 16.5,18C16.5,18 15,18 13,17C13,17 12.7,19 15,22H9C11.3,19 11,17 11,17C9,18 7.5,18 7.5,18C5,18 3,16.3 3,13.8C3,11.3 5,9.5 7.5,9.5C7.5,9.5 8.96,9.5 9.96,10C9.66,9.83 7.79,8.77 7.7,6.2C7.7,4 9.7,2 12,2Z",RS="M16.6 9.5C16.8 8.9 17 8.2 17 7.5C17 4.5 14.8 2 12 2S7 4.5 7 7.5C7 8.2 7.1 8.9 7.4 9.5C4.9 9.6 3 11.4 3 13.8C3 16.3 5 18 7.5 18C7.5 18 10 18 11 17C11 17 11.3 19 9 22H15C12.7 19 13 17 13 17C14 18 16.5 18 16.5 18C19 18 21 16.3 21 13.8C21 11.4 19.1 9.6 16.6 9.5M16.5 16C16.5 16 14 16 13 15H11C10 16 7.5 16 7.5 16C6.3 16 5 15.3 5 13.8C5 12.5 6.1 11.5 7.5 11.5C7.8 11.5 8.3 11.6 8.8 11.7C8.9 11.7 9 11.8 9.1 11.8L10 10.1C9.8 9.9 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.5C9.2 8.9 9 8.3 9 7.5C9 5.6 10.3 4 12 4S15 5.6 15 7.5C15 8.3 14.8 9 14.4 9.6C14.3 9.8 14.2 9.9 14.1 10.1L15 11.8C15.1 11.8 15.2 11.7 15.3 11.7C15.7 11.6 16.2 11.5 16.6 11.5C18 11.5 19.1 12.5 19.1 13.8C19 15.3 17.7 16 16.5 16Z",xS="M19,12L12,22L5,12L12,2",DS="M12 2L5 12L12 22L19 12M7.44 12L12 5.5L16.56 12L12 18.5",ES="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z",NS="M12.1 18.55L12 18.65L11.89 18.55C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5C9.04 5 10.54 6 11.07 7.36H12.93C13.46 6 14.96 5 16.5 5C18.5 5 20 6.5 20 8.5C20 11.39 16.86 14.24 12.1 18.55M16.5 3C14.76 3 13.09 3.81 12 5.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3Z",WS="M11.19,2.25C10.93,2.25 10.67,2.31 10.42,2.4L3.06,5.45C2.04,5.87 1.55,7.04 1.97,8.05L6.93,20C7.24,20.77 7.97,21.23 8.74,21.25C9,21.25 9.27,21.22 9.53,21.1L16.9,18.05C17.65,17.74 18.11,17 18.13,16.25C18.14,16 18.09,15.71 18,15.45L13,3.5C12.71,2.73 11.97,2.26 11.19,2.25M14.67,2.25L18.12,10.6V4.25A2,2 0 0,0 16.12,2.25M20.13,3.79V12.82L22.56,6.96C22.97,5.94 22.5,4.78 21.47,4.36M11.19,4.22L16.17,16.24L8.78,19.3L3.8,7.29",IS="M14.7 2.2H16.2C17.3 2.2 18.2 3.1 18.2 4.2V10.6L14.7 2.2M20.1 3.8L21.4 4.4C22.4 4.8 22.9 6 22.5 7L20.1 12.9V3.8M18 15.5L13 3.5C12.7 2.7 12 2.3 11.2 2.3C10.9 2.3 10.7 2.4 10.4 2.5L3 5.5C2 5.9 1.5 7 2 8L7 20C7.3 20.8 8 21.2 8.8 21.2C9.1 21.2 9.3 21.2 9.6 21L17 18C17.8 17.7 18.2 17 18.2 16.2C18.1 16 18.1 15.7 18 15.5M11.4 15L8.2 12.6L8.6 8.6L11.8 11L11.4 15",GS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M14 15C13.4 15 12.9 14.7 12.5 14.3L13.5 17H10.5L11.5 14.3C11.1 14.7 10.6 15 10 15C8.9 15 8 14.1 8 13S8.9 11 10 11H10.3C10.1 10.7 10 10.3 10 10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8S14 8.9 14 10C14 10.4 13.9 10.7 13.7 11H14C15.1 11 16 11.9 16 13S15.1 15 14 15Z",QS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M16 13C15.4 13 14.9 12.7 14.5 12.3L15.5 15H12.5L13.5 12.3C13.1 12.7 12.6 13 12 13C10.9 13 10 12.1 10 11S10.9 9 12 9H12.3C12.1 8.7 12 8.4 12 8C12 6.9 12.9 6 14 6S16 6.9 16 8C16 8.4 15.9 8.7 15.7 9H16C17.1 9 18 9.9 18 11S17.1 13 16 13Z",US="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 6C12.9 6 12 6.9 12 8C12 8.4 12.1 8.7 12.3 9H12C10.9 9 10 9.9 10 11S10.9 13 12 13C12.6 13 13.1 12.7 13.5 12.3L12.5 15H15.5L14.5 12.3C14.9 12.7 15.4 13 16 13C17.1 13 18 12.1 18 11S17.1 9 16 9H15.7C15.9 8.7 16 8.4 16 8C16 6.9 15.1 6 14 6Z",zS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10C10 10.4 10.1 10.7 10.3 11H10C8.9 11 8 11.9 8 13S8.9 15 10 15C10.6 15 11.1 14.7 11.5 14.3L10.5 17H13.5L12.5 14.3C12.9 14.7 13.4 15 14 15C15.1 15 16 14.1 16 13S15.1 11 14 11H13.7C13.9 10.7 14 10.3 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8Z",_S="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M12 17L9 12L12 7L15 12L12 17Z",KS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M14 15L11 10L14 5L17 10L14 15Z",jS="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 5L11 10L14 15L17 10L14 5Z",qS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 7L9 12L12 17L15 12L12 7Z",$S="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M12.6 15.8L12 16.3L11.4 15.8C9.4 13.9 8 12.7 8 11.2C8 10 9 9 10.2 9C10.9 9 11.6 9.3 12 9.8C12.4 9.3 13.1 9 13.8 9C15 9 16 9.9 16 11.2C16 12.7 14.6 13.9 12.6 15.8Z",XS="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M14.6 13.8L14 14.3L13.4 13.8C11.4 11.9 10 10.7 10 9.2C10 8 11 7 12.2 7C12.9 7 13.6 7.3 14 7.8C14.4 7.3 15.1 7 15.8 7C17 7 18 7.9 18 9.2C18 10.7 16.6 11.9 14.6 13.8Z",YS="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M12.2 7C11 7 10 8 10 9.2C10 10.7 11.4 11.9 13.4 13.8L14 14.3L14.6 13.8C16.6 11.9 18 10.7 18 9.2C18 7.9 17 7 15.8 7C15.1 7 14.4 7.3 14 7.8C13.6 7.3 12.9 7 12.2 7Z",JS="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M10.2 9C9 9 8 10 8 11.2C8 12.7 9.4 13.9 11.4 15.8L12 16.3L12.6 15.8C14.6 13.9 16 12.7 16 11.2C16 9.9 15 9 13.8 9C13.1 9 12.4 9.3 12 9.8C11.6 9.3 10.9 9 10.2 9Z",Cu="M11.19,2.25C11.97,2.26 12.71,2.73 13,3.5L18,15.45C18.09,15.71 18.14,16 18.13,16.25C18.11,17 17.65,17.74 16.9,18.05L9.53,21.1C9.27,21.22 9,21.25 8.74,21.25C7.97,21.23 7.24,20.77 6.93,20L1.97,8.05C1.55,7.04 2.04,5.87 3.06,5.45L10.42,2.4C10.67,2.31 10.93,2.25 11.19,2.25M14.67,2.25H16.12A2,2 0 0,1 18.12,4.25V10.6L14.67,2.25M20.13,3.79L21.47,4.36C22.5,4.78 22.97,5.94 22.56,6.96L20.13,12.82V3.79M11.19,4.22L3.8,7.29L8.77,19.3L16.17,16.24L11.19,4.22M8.65,8.54L11.88,10.95L11.44,14.96L8.21,12.54L8.65,8.54Z",Hu="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M13.8 15C13.4 15 13 14.9 12.6 14.7L13.5 17H10.5L11.4 14.7C11 14.9 10.6 15 10.2 15C9 15 8 14 8 12.8C8 11.3 9.4 10.1 11.4 8.2L12 7.7L12.6 8.2C14.6 10.1 16 11.3 16 12.8C16 14.1 15 15 13.8 15Z",Vu="M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M15.8 13C15.4 13 15 12.9 14.6 12.7L15.5 15H12.5L13.4 12.7C13 12.9 12.6 13 12.2 13C11 13 10 12 10 10.8C10 9.3 11.4 8.1 13.4 6.2L14 5.7L14.6 6.2C16.6 8.1 18 9.3 18 10.8C18 12.1 17 13 15.8 13Z",Lu="M19 0H9C7.9 0 7 .9 7 2V18C7 19.1 7.9 20 9 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V2C21 .9 20.1 0 19 0M19 18H9V2H19V18M3 4V22C3 23.1 3.9 24 5 24H17V22H5V4H3M14 5.7L13.4 6.2C11.4 8.1 10 9.3 10 10.8C10 12 11 13 12.2 13C12.6 13 13 12.9 13.4 12.7L12.5 15H15.5L14.6 12.7C14.9 12.9 15.4 13 15.8 13C17 13 18 12.1 18 10.8C18 9.3 16.6 8.1 14.6 6.2L14 5.7Z",Mu="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H17C18.1 22 19 21.1 19 20V4C19 2.9 18.1 2 17 2M17 20H7V4H17V20M12 7.7L11.4 8.2C9.4 10.1 8 11.3 8 12.8C8 14 9 15 10.2 15C10.6 15 11 14.9 11.4 14.7L10.5 17H13.5L12.6 14.7C12.9 14.9 13.4 15 13.8 15C15 15 16 14.1 16 12.8C16 11.3 14.6 10.1 12.6 8.2L12 7.7Z",Au="M12,2C9,7 4,9 4,14C4,16 6,18 8,18C9,18 10,18 11,17C11,17 11.32,19 9,22H15C13,19 13,17 13,17C14,18 15,18 16,18C18,18 20,16 20,14C20,9 15,7 12,2Z",iu="M11 17C11 17 11.3 19 9 22H15C12.7 19 13 17 13 17S14 18 16 18 20 16 20 14C20 9 15 7 12 2C9 7 4 9 4 14C4 16 6 18 8 18S11 17 11 17M13 14H11C11 14 10 16 8 16C7.1 16 6 14.9 6 14C5.8 11 9.9 8.2 12 5.4C14.1 8.1 18.2 10.9 18 14C18 14.9 16.9 16 16 16C14 16 13 14 13 14Z",ru="M5,2H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,3V13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13V3A1,1 0 0,1 5,2M6,4V12H18V4H6M20,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,17V16H20V17M20,21A1,1 0 0,1 19,22H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,21V20H20V21Z",au="M16,10L15.8,11H13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 13.5,12H15.6L14.6,17H12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12.5,18H14.4L14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20L9,15H10.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11,14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,14H8.8L8,10C8,8.8 8.93,7.77 10.29,7.29L8.9,5.28C8.59,4.82 8.7,4.2 9.16,3.89C9.61,3.57 10.23,3.69 10.55,4.14L11,4.8V3A1,1 0 0,1 12,2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3V5.28L14.5,3.54C14.83,3.12 15.47,3.07 15.89,3.43C16.31,3.78 16.36,4.41 16,4.84L13.87,7.35C15.14,7.85 16,8.85 16,10Z",eu="M17,18C15.89,18 15,18.89 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22A2,2 0 0,0 19,20C19,18.89 18.1,18 17,18M1,2V4H3L6.6,11.59L5.24,14.04C5.09,14.32 5,14.65 5,15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H19V15H7.42A0.25,0.25 0 0,1 7.17,14.75C7.17,14.7 7.18,14.66 7.2,14.63L8.1,13H15.55C16.3,13 16.96,12.58 17.3,11.97L20.88,5.5C20.95,5.34 21,5.17 21,5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4H5.21L4.27,2M7,18C5.89,18 5,18.89 5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22A2,2 0 0,0 9,20C9,18.89 8.1,18 7,18Z",du="M10 0V4H8L12 8L16 4H14V0M1 2V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18Z",mu="M9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22A2,2 0 0,1 5,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20M17,18A2,2 0 0,0 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22A2,2 0 0,0 19,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,18M7.2,14.63C7.19,14.67 7.19,14.71 7.2,14.75A0.25,0.25 0 0,0 7.45,15H19V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15C5,14.65 5.07,14.31 5.24,14L6.6,11.59L3,4H1V2H4.27L5.21,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5C21,5.17 20.95,5.34 20.88,5.5L17.3,12C16.94,12.62 16.27,13 15.55,13H8.1L7.2,14.63M9,9.5H13V11.5L16,8.5L13,5.5V7.5H9V9.5Z",tu="M12 0L8 4H10V8H14V4H16M1 2V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18Z",vu="M9 20C9 21.1 8.1 22 7 22S5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18 9 18.9 9 20M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8M18 2.8L16.6 1.4L11.8 6.2L9.2 3.6L7.8 5L11.8 9L18 2.8Z",lu="M9 20C9 21.1 8.1 22 7 22S5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18 9 18.9 9 20M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8M12 9.3L11.4 8.8C9.4 6.9 8 5.7 8 4.2C8 3 9 2 10.2 2C10.9 2 11.6 2.3 12 2.8C12.4 2.3 13.1 2 13.8 2C15 2 16 2.9 16 4.2C16 5.7 14.6 6.9 12.6 8.8L12 9.3Z",ou="M16 6V4H8V6M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8Z",nu="M22.73,22.73L1.27,1.27L0,2.54L4.39,6.93L6.6,11.59L5.25,14.04C5.09,14.32 5,14.65 5,15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H14.46L15.84,18.38C15.34,18.74 15,19.33 15,20A2,2 0 0,0 17,22C17.67,22 18.26,21.67 18.62,21.16L21.46,24L22.73,22.73M7.42,15A0.25,0.25 0 0,1 7.17,14.75L7.2,14.63L8.1,13H10.46L12.46,15H7.42M15.55,13C16.3,13 16.96,12.59 17.3,11.97L20.88,5.5C20.96,5.34 21,5.17 21,5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4H6.54L15.55,13M7,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22A2,2 0 0,0 9,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,18Z",Zu="M17,18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22C15.89,22 15,21.1 15,20C15,18.89 15.89,18 17,18M1,2H4.27L5.21,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5C21,5.17 20.95,5.34 20.88,5.5L17.3,11.97C16.96,12.58 16.3,13 15.55,13H8.1L7.2,14.63L7.17,14.75A0.25,0.25 0 0,0 7.42,15H19V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15C5,14.65 5.09,14.32 5.24,14.04L6.6,11.59L3,4H1V2M7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22C5.89,22 5,21.1 5,20C5,18.89 5.89,18 7,18M16,11L18.78,6H6.14L8.5,11H16Z",Su="M7 18C8.1 18 9 18.9 9 20S8.1 22 7 22 5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18M17 18C18.1 18 19 18.9 19 20S18.1 22 17 22 15 21.1 15 20 15.9 18 17 18M7.2 14.8C7.2 14.9 7.3 15 7.4 15H19V17H7C5.9 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.6 5.1 14.3 5.2 14L6.5 11.6L3 4H1V2H4.3L8.6 11H15.6L19.5 4L21.2 5L17.3 12C17 12.6 16.3 13 15.6 13H8.1L7.2 14.6V14.8M9.4 1C10.2 1 10.8 1.6 10.8 2.4S10.2 3.8 9.4 3.8 8 3.2 8 2.4 8.7 1 9.4 1M14.6 9C13.8 9 13.2 8.4 13.2 7.6S13.8 6.2 14.6 6.2 16 6.8 16 7.6 15.3 9 14.6 9M9.2 9L8 7.8L14.8 1L16 2.2L9.2 9",uu="M11 9H13V6H16V4H13V1H11V4H8V6H11M7 18C5.9 18 5 18.9 5 20S5.9 22 7 22 9 21.1 9 20 8.1 18 7 18M17 18C15.9 18 15 18.9 15 20S15.9 22 17 22 19 21.1 19 20 18.1 18 17 18M7.2 14.8V14.7L8.1 13H15.5C16.2 13 16.9 12.6 17.2 12L21.1 5L19.4 4L15.5 11H8.5L4.3 2H1V4H3L6.6 11.6L5.2 14C5.1 14.3 5 14.6 5 15C5 16.1 5.9 17 7 17H19V15H7.4C7.3 15 7.2 14.9 7.2 14.8Z",cu="M14.1 8.5L12 6.4L9.9 8.5L8.5 7.1L10.6 5L8.5 2.9L9.9 1.5L12 3.6L14.1 1.5L15.5 2.9L13.4 5L15.5 7.1L14.1 8.5M7 18C8.1 18 9 18.9 9 20S8.1 22 7 22 5 21.1 5 20 5.9 18 7 18M17 18C18.1 18 19 18.9 19 20S18.1 22 17 22 15 21.1 15 20 15.9 18 17 18M7.2 14.8C7.2 14.9 7.3 15 7.4 15H19V17H7C5.9 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.6 5.1 14.3 5.2 14L6.5 11.6L3 4H1V2H4.3L8.6 11H15.6L19.5 4L21.2 5L17.3 12C17 12.6 16.3 13 15.6 13H8.1L7.2 14.6V14.8Z",su="M19 20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22C15.89 22 15 21.1 15 20C15 18.89 15.89 18 17 18C18.11 18 19 18.9 19 20M7 18C5.89 18 5 18.89 5 20C5 21.1 5.89 22 7 22C8.11 22 9 21.11 9 20S8.11 18 7 18M7.2 14.63L7.17 14.75C7.17 14.89 7.28 15 7.42 15H19V17H7C5.89 17 5 16.1 5 15C5 14.65 5.09 14.32 5.24 14.04L6.6 11.59L3 4H1V2H4.27L5.21 4H20C20.55 4 21 4.45 21 5C21 5.17 20.95 5.34 20.88 5.5L17.3 11.97C16.96 12.58 16.3 13 15.55 13H8.1L7.2 14.63M8.5 11H10V9H7.56L8.5 11M11 9V11H14V9H11M14 8V6H11V8H14M17.11 9H15V11H16L17.11 9M18.78 6H15V8H17.67L18.78 6M6.14 6L7.08 8H10V6H6.14Z",Ou="M20,14C20,12.5 19.5,12 18,12H16V11C16,10 16,10 14,10V15.4L14,19H16L18,19C19.5,19 20,18.47 20,17V14M12,12C12,10.5 11.47,10 10,10H6C4.5,10 4,10.5 4,12V19H6V16H10V19H12V12M10,7H14V5H10V7M22,9V20C22,21.11 21.11,22 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V9C2,7.89 2.89,7 4,7H8V5L10,3H14L16,5V7H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,9H22M16,17H18V14H16V17M6,12H10V14H6V12Z",hu="M3,6H21V18H3V6M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M7,8A2,2 0 0,1 5,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 7,16H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 17,8H7Z",pu="M2,5H22V20H2V5M20,18V7H4V18H20M17,8A2,2 0 0,0 19,10V15A2,2 0 0,0 17,17H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,15V10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8H17M17,13V12C17,10.9 16.33,10 15.5,10C14.67,10 14,10.9 14,12V13C14,14.1 14.67,15 15.5,15C16.33,15 17,14.1 17,13M15.5,11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 16,11.5V13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,11M13,13V12C13,10.9 12.33,10 11.5,10C10.67,10 10,10.9 10,12V13C10,14.1 10.67,15 11.5,15C12.33,15 13,14.1 13,13M11.5,11A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,11.5V13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,13.5V11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M8,15H9V10H8L7,10.5V11.5L8,11V15Z",fu="M3 6V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3M12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9M21.63 12.27L17.76 16.17L16.41 14.8L15 16.22L17.75 19L23.03 13.68L21.63 12.27Z",gu="M17.5 16.82L19.94 18.23L19.19 19.53L16 17.69V14H17.5V16.82M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24S10 20.87 10 17C10 16.66 10.03 16.33 10.08 16H2V4H20V10.68C22.36 11.81 24 14.21 24 17M10.68 14C10.86 13.64 11.05 13.3 11.28 12.97C11.19 13 11.1 13 11 13C9.34 13 8 11.66 8 10S9.34 7 11 7 14 8.34 14 10C14 10.25 13.96 10.5 13.9 10.73C14.84 10.27 15.89 10 17 10C17.34 10 17.67 10.03 18 10.08V8C16.9 8 16 7.11 16 6H6C6 7.11 5.11 8 4 8V12C5.11 12 6 12.9 6 14H10.68M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",ku="M3 6H21V9.1C19.96 9.1 19.35 9.72 19.2 9.87L19.19 9.89L19 10.07V10C18.47 10 17.96 9.79 17.59 9.41C17.21 9.04 17 8.53 17 8H7C7 8.53 6.79 9.04 6.41 9.41C6.04 9.79 5.53 10 5 10V14C5.53 14 6.04 14.21 6.41 14.59C6.79 14.96 7 15.47 7 16H13.07L11.07 18H3V6M12 9C12.8 9 13.56 9.32 14.12 9.88C14.68 10.44 15 11.2 15 12C15 12.8 14.68 13.56 14.12 14.12C13.56 14.68 12.8 15 12 15C11.2 15 10.44 14.68 9.88 14.12C9.32 13.56 9 12.8 9 12C9 11.2 9.32 10.44 9.88 9.88C10.44 9.32 11.2 9 12 9M22.7 12.6L21.4 11.3C21.3 11.2 21.2 11.1 21 11.1C20.8 11.1 20.7 11.2 20.6 11.3L19.6 12.3L21.7 14.4L22.7 13.4C22.9 13.2 22.9 12.8 22.7 12.6M15.1 21L21.1 14.9L19.1 12.8L13 18.9V21H15.1Z",Bu="M17.12 9.88C16.56 9.32 15.8 9 15 9S13.44 9.32 12.88 9.88C12.32 10.44 12 11.2 12 12S12.32 13.56 12.88 14.12 14.2 15 15 15 16.56 14.68 17.12 14.12 18 12.8 18 12 17.68 10.44 17.12 9.88M7 6V18H23V6H7M21 14C20.47 14 19.96 14.21 19.59 14.59C19.21 14.96 19 15.47 19 16H11C11 15.47 10.79 14.96 10.41 14.59C10.04 14.21 9.53 14 9 14V10C9.53 10 10.04 9.79 10.41 9.41C10.79 9.04 11 8.53 11 8H19C19 8.53 19.21 9.04 19.59 9.41C19.96 9.79 20.47 10 21 10V14M5 8H3C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7C2 6.45 2.45 6 3 6H5V8M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13M5 18H1C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17C0 16.45 .448 16 1 16H5V18Z",Pu="M21.8 15C22.4 15 23 15.6 23 16.3V19.8C23 20.4 22.4 21 21.7 21H16.2C15.6 21 15 20.4 15 19.7V16.2C15 15.6 15.6 15 16.2 15V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V15M20.5 15V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V15H20.5M2 6H20V9.1L19 9C18.18 9 17.41 9.2 16.73 9.54C16.28 9.18 16 8.62 16 8H6C6 9.11 5.11 10 4 10V14C5.11 14 6 14.9 6 16H13.04L13 16.5V18H2V6M11 9C12.66 9 14 10.34 14 12C14 13.66 12.66 15 11 15C9.34 15 8 13.66 8 12C8 10.34 9.34 9 11 9Z",wu="M21.8 16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8M2 6H20V9.1L19 9C18.18 9 17.41 9.2 16.73 9.54C16.28 9.18 16 8.62 16 8H6C6 9.11 5.11 10 4 10V14C5.11 14 6 14.9 6 16H13.04L13 16.5V18H2V6M11 9C12.66 9 14 10.34 14 12C14 13.66 12.66 15 11 15C9.34 15 8 13.66 8 12C8 10.34 9.34 9 11 9Z",Fu="M18.5,16.8C17.8,16.8 17.3,16.2 17.3,15.6C17.3,14.9 17.9,14.4 18.5,14.4C19.1,14.4 19.7,15 19.7,15.6C19.8,16.2 19.2,16.8 18.5,16.8M18.5,12C16.6,12 15,13.6 15,15.5C15,18.1 18.5,22 18.5,22C18.5,22 22,18.1 22,15.5C22,13.6 20.4,12 18.5,12M14.9,11.3C14.6,10 13.4,9 12,9C10.3,9 9,10.3 9,12C9,13.7 10.3,15 12,15C12.4,15 12.7,14.9 13,14.8C13.2,13.4 13.9,12.2 14.9,11.3M13,16H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,14V10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,10C19,10 20,10 21,10.6V6H3V18H13.5C13.3,17.3 13.1,16.7 13,16Z",Tu="M15 15V17H23V15M14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",bu="M5,6H23V18H5V6M14,9A3,3 0 0,1 17,12A3,3 0 0,1 14,15A3,3 0 0,1 11,12A3,3 0 0,1 14,9M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 7,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 9,16H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 19,8H9M1,10H3V20H19V22H1V10Z",yu="M3 4.9V4.95L3.05 4.94L4.11 6H3V18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L4.57 3.91L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9M6.41 9.41C6.61 9.22 6.76 9 6.86 8.75L9.16 11.05C9.05 11.35 9 11.67 9 12C9 12.8 9.32 13.56 9.88 14.12C10.44 14.68 11.2 15 12 15C12.33 15 12.65 14.95 12.95 14.84L14.11 16H7C7 15.47 6.79 14.96 6.41 14.59C6.04 14.21 5.53 14 5 14V10C5.53 10 6.04 9.79 6.41 9.41M17.69 14.5L21 17.8V6H9.2L11.2 8H17C17 8.53 17.21 9.04 17.59 9.41C17.96 9.79 18.47 10 19 10V14C18.5 14 18.05 14.18 17.69 14.5Z",Ru="M15 15V17H18V20H20V17H23V15H20V12H18V15M14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",xu="M12.3 8.93L9.88 6.5H15.5V10H17V5H9.88L12.3 2.57L11.24 1.5L7 5.75L11.24 10L12.3 8.93M12 14A3 3 0 1 0 15 17A3 3 0 0 0 12 14M3 11V23H21V11M19 19A2 2 0 0 0 17 21H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 19V15A2 2 0 0 0 7 13H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 15Z",Du="M2,17H22V21H2V17M6.25,7H9V6H6V3H14V6H11V7H17.8C18.8,7 19.8,8 20,9L20.5,16H3.5L4.05,9C4.05,8 5.05,7 6.25,7M13,9V11H18V9H13M6,9V10H8V9H6M9,9V10H11V9H9M6,11V12H8V11H6M9,11V12H11V11H9M6,13V14H8V13H6M9,13V14H11V13H9M7,4V5H13V4H7Z",Eu="M15.46 18.12L16.88 19.54L19 17.41L21.12 19.54L22.54 18.12L20.41 16L22.54 13.88L21.12 12.46L19 14.59L16.88 12.46L15.46 13.88L17.59 16M14.97 11.62C14.86 10.28 13.58 8.97 12 9C10.3 9.04 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 14.94 12 15C12.39 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.62M13 16H7C7 14.9 6.1 14 5 14V10C6.1 10 7 9.1 7 8H17C17 9.1 17.9 10 19 10V10.05C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16Z",Nu="M3 6V18H13.32C13.1 17.33 13 16.66 13 16H7C7 14.9 6.11 14 5 14V10C6.11 10 7 9.11 7 8H17C17 9.11 17.9 10 19 10V10.06C19.67 10.06 20.34 10.18 21 10.4V6H3M12 9C10.3 9.03 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 14.94 12 15C12.38 15 12.77 14.92 13.14 14.77C13.41 13.67 13.86 12.63 14.97 11.61C14.85 10.28 13.59 8.97 12 9M19 11L21.25 13.25L19 15.5V14C17.15 14 15.94 15.96 16.76 17.62L15.67 18.71C13.91 16.05 15.81 12.5 19 12.5V11M19 22L16.75 19.75L19 17.5V19C20.85 19 22.06 17.04 21.24 15.38L22.33 14.29C24.09 16.95 22.19 20.5 19 20.5V22",Wu="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H6L7,17H17L18,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M9,10H15V13H9V10M17.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,10Z",Iu="M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3Z",Gu="M2 11V13C7 13 11 17 11 22H13C13 15.9 8.1 11 2 11M20 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V10.5C9 11 9.9 11.7 10.7 12.4C11.6 11 13.2 10 15 10C17.8 10 20 12.2 20 15S17.8 20 15 20H14.8C14.9 20.7 15 21.3 15 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15 8C13.9 8 13 7.1 13 6C13 4.9 13.9 4 15 4C16.1 4 17 4.9 17 6S16.1 8 15 8M15 18C14.8 18 14.5 18 14.3 17.9C13.8 16.4 13.1 15.1 12.2 13.9C12.6 12.8 13.7 11.9 15 11.9C16.7 11.9 18 13.2 18 14.9S16.7 18 15 18M2 15V17C4.8 17 7 19.2 7 22H9C9 18.1 5.9 15 2 15M2 19V22H5C5 20.3 3.7 19 2 19",Qu="M14.5 12C14.5 10.62 13.38 9.5 12 9.5C10.62 9.5 9.5 10.62 9.5 12C9.5 13 10.09 13.84 10.93 14.25L9.82 15.35C8.73 14.64 8 13.41 8 12C8 9.79 9.79 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 13.41 15.27 14.64 14.18 15.35L13.08 14.25C13.92 13.84 14.5 13 14.5 12M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 15.06 3.38 17.8 5.54 19.63L6.61 18.57C4.71 17 3.5 14.64 3.5 12C3.5 7.31 7.31 3.5 12 3.5C16.69 3.5 20.5 7.31 20.5 12C20.5 14.64 19.29 17 17.39 18.57L18.46 19.63C20.62 17.79 22 15.06 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M19 12C19 8.13 15.87 5 12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12C5 14.23 6.05 16.22 7.68 17.5L8.75 16.43C7.39 15.42 6.5 13.82 6.5 12C6.5 8.97 8.97 6.5 12 6.5C15.03 6.5 17.5 8.97 17.5 12C17.5 13.82 16.61 15.42 15.25 16.43L16.33 17.5C17.95 16.22 19 14.23 19 12M6 22H18L12 16L6 22Z",Uu="M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M19,7H5V8.63C8.96,9.91 12.09,13.04 13.37,17H19M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18Z",zu="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V8H3V5H21V19H14V21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.07,10 1,10M11,11.09V13.09L14.5,15L18,13.09V11.09L14.5,13L11,11.09M14.5,6L9,9L14.5,12L20,9L14.5,6Z",_u="M1.6,1.27L0.25,2.75L1.41,3.8C1.16,4.13 1,4.55 1,5V8H3V5.23L18.2,19H14V21H20.41L22.31,22.72L23.65,21.24M6.5,3L8.7,5H21V16.14L23,17.95V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M1,10V12A9,9 0 0,1 10,21H12C12,14.92 7.08,10 1,10M1,14V16A5,5 0 0,1 6,21H8A7,7 0 0,0 1,14M1,18V21H4A3,3 0 0,0 1,18Z",Ku="M6,22H18L12,16M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H7V17H3V5H21V17H17V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3Z",ju="M2,13H4V15H6V13H8V15H10V13H12V15H14V10L17,7V1H19L23,3L19,5V7L22,10V22H11V19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19V22H2V13M18,10C17.45,10 17,10.54 17,11.2V13H19V11.2C19,10.54 18.55,10 18,10Z",qu="M12,8L10.67,8.09C9.81,7.07 7.4,4.5 5,4.5C5,4.5 3.03,7.46 4.96,11.41C4.41,12.24 4.07,12.67 4,13.66L2.07,13.95L2.28,14.93L4.04,14.67L4.18,15.38L2.61,16.32L3.08,17.21L4.53,16.32C5.68,18.76 8.59,20 12,20C15.41,20 18.32,18.76 19.47,16.32L20.92,17.21L21.39,16.32L19.82,15.38L19.96,14.67L21.72,14.93L21.93,13.95L20,13.66C19.93,12.67 19.59,12.24 19.04,11.41C20.97,7.46 19,4.5 19,4.5C16.6,4.5 14.19,7.07 13.33,8.09L12,8M9,11A1,1 0 0,1 10,12A1,1 0 0,1 9,13A1,1 0 0,1 8,12A1,1 0 0,1 9,11M15,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,12A1,1 0 0,1 15,13A1,1 0 0,1 14,12A1,1 0 0,1 15,11M11,14H13L12.3,15.39C12.5,16.03 13.06,16.5 13.75,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.25,15H15.75A2,2 0 0,1 13.75,17C13,17 12.35,16.59 12,16V16H12C11.65,16.59 11,17 10.25,17A2,2 0 0,1 8.25,15H8.75A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.25,16.5C10.94,16.5 11.5,16.03 11.7,15.39L11,14Z",$u="M6.03 12.03L8.03 15.5L5.5 18.68L2 12.62L6.03 12.03M17 18V15.29C17.88 14.9 18.5 14.03 18.5 13C18.5 12.43 18.3 11.9 17.97 11.5L19.94 10.35C20.95 9.76 21.3 8.47 20.71 7.46L19.33 5.06C18.74 4.05 17.45 3.7 16.44 4.28L8.31 9C7.36 9.53 7.03 10.75 7.58 11.71L9.08 14.31C9.63 15.26 10.86 15.59 11.81 15.04L13.69 13.96C13.94 14.55 14.41 15.03 15 15.29V18C15 19.1 15.9 20 17 20H22V18H17Z",Xu="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H17C15.9 20 15 19.1 15 18V16.89L12.66 14.55L11.81 15.04C10.86 15.59 9.63 15.26 9.08 14.31L7.58 11.71C7.18 11 7.25 10.18 7.68 9.57L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18.5 13C18.5 12.43 18.3 11.9 17.97 11.5L19.94 10.35C20.95 9.76 21.3 8.47 20.71 7.46L19.33 5.06C18.74 4.05 17.45 3.7 16.44 4.28L10.77 7.57L17.86 14.66C18.26 14.22 18.5 13.64 18.5 13M2 12.62L5.5 18.68L8.03 15.5L6.03 12.03L2 12.62Z",Yu="M8 3V5H11V10.27C10.38 10.63 10 11.29 10 12V13H14V12C14 11.29 13.62 10.63 13 10.27V5H16V3H8M6 12C3.79 12 2 12.67 2 13.5S3.79 15 6 15 10 14.33 10 13.5 8.21 12 6 12M18 12C15.79 12 14 12.67 14 13.5S15.79 15 18 15 22 14.33 22 13.5 20.21 12 18 12M10 14V15C10 15.72 10.38 16.38 11 16.73C11.62 17.09 12.38 17.09 13 16.73C13.62 16.38 14 15.71 14 15V14H10Z",Ju="M8 3V5H11V10.27C10.38 10.63 10 11.29 10 12V13H14V12C14 11.29 13.62 10.63 13 10.27V5H16V3H8M6 12C3.79 12 2 12.67 2 13.5C2 14.33 3.79 15 6 15S10 14.33 10 13.5C10 12.67 8.21 12 6 12M18 12C15.79 12 14 12.67 14 13.5C14 14.33 15.79 15 18 15S22 14.33 22 13.5C22 12.67 20.21 12 18 12M10 14V15C10 15.72 10.38 16.38 11 16.73C11.62 17.09 12.38 17.09 13 16.73C13.62 16.38 14 15.71 14 15V14H10M13 19V22H11V19H13M15.88 16.46L18 18.59L16.59 20L14.47 17.88L15.88 16.46M9.54 17.88L7.41 20L6 18.59L8.12 16.47L9.54 17.88",Cc="M8,9H11V4H13V9H16L20,17H4L8,9M14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18H14Z",Hc="M10 11H13V6H15V11H18L22 19H6L10 11M16 20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22S12 21.11 12 20H16M8.21 10.11L8.76 9H11V2H9V7H6L2 15H5.76L8.21 10.11Z",Vc="M16.76 13L18.76 17H9.24L11.24 13H16.76M15 6H13V11H10L6 19H22L18 11H15V6M16 20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22S12 21.11 12 20H16M8.21 10.11L8.76 9H11V2H9V7H6L2 15H5.76L8.21 10.11Z",Lc="M14.76 11L16.76 15H7.24L9.24 11H14.76M13 4H11V9H8L4 17H20L16 9H13V4M14 18H10C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20S14 19.11 14 18Z",Mc="M17,19H7V5H17M17,1H7C5.89,1 5,1.89 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3C19,1.89 18.1,1 17,1Z",Ac="M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1M17,19H7V5H17V19M16,13H13V8H11V13H8L12,17L16,13Z",ic="M18 14L23 9L21.6 7.6L19 10.2V3H17V10.2L14.4 7.6L13 9L18 14M19 16V21C19 22.1 18.1 23 17 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.1 5 21V3C5 1.9 5.9 1 7 1H14V5H7V19H17V16H19Z",rc="M15,2A1,1 0 0,0 14,3V6H10C8.89,6 8,6.89 8,8V20C8,21.11 8.89,22 10,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V8C17,7.26 16.6,6.62 16,6.28V3A1,1 0 0,0 15,2M10,8H15V13H10V8M10,15H11V16H10V15M12,15H13V16H12V15M14,15H15V16H14V15M10,17H11V18H10V17M12,17H13V18H12V17M14,17H15V18H14V17M10,19H11V20H10V19M12,19H13V20H12V19M14,19H15V20H14V19Z",ac="M11 18.5V13H9L13 5.5V11H15M17 19H7V5H17M17 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V21A2 2 0 0 0 7 23H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 21V3C19 1.89 18.1 1 17 1Z",ec="M14.54 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V13C18.3 13 17.63 13.13 17 13.35V5H7V19H13C13 20.54 13.58 21.94 14.54 23M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",dc="M9.82,12.5C9.84,12.33 9.86,12.17 9.86,12C9.86,11.83 9.84,11.67 9.82,11.5L10.9,10.69C11,10.62 11,10.5 10.96,10.37L9.93,8.64C9.87,8.53 9.73,8.5 9.62,8.53L8.34,9.03C8.07,8.83 7.78,8.67 7.47,8.54L7.27,7.21C7.27,7.09 7.16,7 7.03,7H5C4.85,7 4.74,7.09 4.72,7.21L4.5,8.53C4.21,8.65 3.92,8.83 3.65,9L2.37,8.5C2.25,8.47 2.12,8.5 2.06,8.63L1.03,10.36C0.97,10.5 1,10.61 1.1,10.69L2.18,11.5C2.16,11.67 2.15,11.84 2.15,12C2.15,12.17 2.17,12.33 2.19,12.5L1.1,13.32C1,13.39 1,13.53 1.04,13.64L2.07,15.37C2.13,15.5 2.27,15.5 2.38,15.5L3.66,15C3.93,15.18 4.22,15.34 4.53,15.47L4.73,16.79C4.74,16.91 4.85,17 5,17H7.04C7.17,17 7.28,16.91 7.29,16.79L7.5,15.47C7.8,15.35 8.09,15.17 8.36,15L9.64,15.5C9.76,15.53 9.89,15.5 9.95,15.37L11,13.64C11.04,13.53 11,13.4 10.92,13.32L9.82,12.5M6,13.75C5,13.75 4.2,12.97 4.2,12C4.2,11.03 5,10.25 6,10.25C7,10.25 7.8,11.03 7.8,12C7.8,12.97 7,13.75 6,13.75M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V6H7V4H17V20H7V18H5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1Z",mc="M16,15H8V5H16M16,1H8C6.89,1 6,1.89 6,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 8,19H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,17V3C18,1.89 17.1,1 16,1M8,23H16V21H8V23Z",tc="M13 7H11V9H13V7M13 11H11V17H13V11M17 1H7C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.9 18.1 1 17 1M17 19H7V5H17V19Z",vc="M7 1C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V7H7V4H17V20H7V17H5V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.9 18.1 1 17 1H7M6 9C4.3 9 3 10.3 3 12S4.3 15 6 15C7.3 15 8.4 14.2 8.8 13H11V15H13V13H15V11H8.8C8.4 9.8 7.3 9 6 9M6 11C6.6 11 7 11.4 7 12S6.6 13 6 13 5 12.6 5 12 5.4 11 6 11Z",lc="M22,17H18V10H22M23,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,9V19A1,1 0 0,0 17,20H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,19V9A1,1 0 0,0 23,8M4,6H22V4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V17H0V20H14V17H4V6Z",oc="M23,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,9V13.18L18,15.18V10H22V17H19.82L22.82,20H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,19V9A1,1 0 0,0 23,8M4,6.27L14.73,17H4V6.27M1.92,1.65L0.65,2.92L2.47,4.74C2.18,5.08 2,5.5 2,6V17H0V20H17.73L20.08,22.35L21.35,21.08L3.89,3.62L1.92,1.65M22,6V4H6.82L8.82,6H22Z",nc="M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V6H7V4H17V20H7V18H5V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1M8.8,11V9.5C8.8,8.1 7.4,7 6,7C4.6,7 3.2,8.1 3.2,9.5V11C2.6,11 2,11.6 2,12.2V15.7C2,16.4 2.6,17 3.2,17H8.7C9.4,17 10,16.4 10,15.8V12.3C10,11.6 9.4,11 8.8,11M7.5,11H4.5V9.5C4.5,8.7 5.2,8.2 6,8.2C6.8,8.2 7.5,8.7 7.5,9.5V11Z",Zc="M18.5 13C16.6 13 15 14.61 15 16.5C15 19.11 18.5 23 18.5 23S22 19.11 22 16.5C22 14.61 20.4 13 18.5 13M18.5 17.81C17.8 17.81 17.3 17.21 17.3 16.61C17.3 15.91 17.9 15.41 18.5 15.41S19.7 16 19.7 16.61C19.8 17.21 19.2 17.81 18.5 17.81M15.91 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V11.03C18.84 11 18.67 11 18.5 11C18 11 17.5 11.08 17 11.22V5H7V19H13.54C14.14 20.5 15.12 21.97 15.91 23Z",Sc="M11,17V7H4V17H11M11,3A2,2 0 0,1 13,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 11,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H11M16.5,3H21.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 23,4.5V7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21.5,9H18L15,12V9L15,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,3Z",uc="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.22 4.11C2.08 4.38 2 4.68 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.89 21 4 21H11C12.1 21 13 20.1 13 19V14.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M11 17H4V7H5.11L11 12.89V17M23 4.5V7.5C23 8.33 22.33 9 21.5 9H18L15.1 11.9L15 11.8V4.5C15 3.67 15.67 3 16.5 3H21.5C22.33 3 23 3.67 23 4.5M10.2 7L6.2 3H11C12.1 3 13 3.9 13 5V9.8L11 7.8V7H10.2",cc="M2,16V18A5,5 0 0,1 7,23H9A7,7 0 0,0 2,16M2,20V23H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,20M2,12V14A9,9 0 0,1 11,23H13C13,16.92 8.08,12 2,12M17,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V10.37C5.69,10.53 6.36,10.74 7,11V5H17V18H13.97C14.5,19.25 14.81,20.59 14.92,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1Z",sc="M20.84 22.73L18.85 20.74C18.56 21.5 17.84 22 17 22H14.92C14.81 20.59 14.5 19.25 13.97 18H16.11L7 8.89V11C6.36 10.74 5.69 10.53 5 10.37V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17 5V13.8L19 15.8V3C19 1.9 18.11 1 17 1H7C6.24 1 5.59 1.43 5.25 2.05L8.2 5H17M2 20V23H5C5 21.34 3.66 20 2 20M2 16V18C4.76 18 7 20.24 7 23H9C9 19.13 5.87 16 2 16M2 12V14C6.97 14 11 18.03 11 23H13C13 16.92 8.08 12 2 12Z",Oc="M2.38,1.73L1.11,3L5,6.89V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V20.89L20.84,22.73L22.11,21.46M17,19H7V8.89L17,18.89V19M17,5V13.8L19,15.8V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1H7C6.28,1 5.6,1.37 5.24,2L8.24,5H17Z",hc="M17 19H7V5H17M17 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V21C5 22.1 5.9 23 7 23H17C18.1 23 19 22.1 19 21V3C19 1.89 18.1 1 17 1M10 9V15L14 12L10 9Z",pc="M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88M14.54 23H7C5.9 23 5 22.11 5 21V3C5 1.89 5.89 1 7 1H17C18.1 1 19 1.89 19 3V13C18.3 13 17.63 13.13 17 13.35V5H7V19H13C13 20.54 13.58 21.94 14.54 23Z",fc="M7,1A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 7,23H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 17,1H7M7,4H17V20H7V4M9,6V10H10.5V7.5H13V6H9M13.5,14V16.5H11V18H15V14H13.5Z",gc="M16,16H8V4H16M16,0H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,2V18A2,2 0 0,0 8,20H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,18V2A2,2 0 0,0 16,0M15,24H17V22H15M11,24H13V22H11M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",kc="M19.1,8.7C20.9,10.5 20.9,13.3 19.1,15.2L20.1,16.2C22.6,13.9 22.6,10.1 20.1,7.7L19.1,8.7M18,9.8L17,10.8C17.5,11.5 17.5,12.4 17,13.1L18,14.1C19.2,12.9 19.2,11.1 18,9.8M14,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V21A2,2 0 0,0 4,23H14A2,2 0 0,0 16,21V3A2,2 0 0,0 14,1M14,20H4V4H14V20Z",Bc="M17,19V5H7V19H17M17,1A2,2 0 0,1 19,3V21A2,2 0 0,1 17,23H7C5.89,23 5,22.1 5,21V3C5,1.89 5.89,1 7,1H17M9,7H15V9H9V7M9,11H13V13H9V11Z",Pc="M20.07,4.93C21.88,6.74 23,9.24 23,12C23,14.76 21.88,17.26 20.07,19.07L18.66,17.66C20.11,16.22 21,14.22 21,12C21,9.79 20.11,7.78 18.66,6.34L20.07,4.93M17.24,7.76C18.33,8.85 19,10.35 19,12C19,13.65 18.33,15.15 17.24,16.24L15.83,14.83C16.55,14.11 17,13.11 17,12C17,10.89 16.55,9.89 15.83,9.17L17.24,7.76M13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14A2,2 0 0,1 11,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,10M11.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,3.5V8H12V4H3V19H12V16H14V20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11.5,23H3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 1,20.5V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 3.5,1H11.5Z",wc="M19.07 14.93L22 12L19.07 9.07V4.93H14.93L12 2L9.07 4.93H4.93V9.07L2 12L4.93 14.93V19.07H9.07L12 22L14.93 19.07H19.07V14.93M21.41 12L19.07 14.34V12.46H13.69L13.23 12L13.69 11.54H19.07V9.66L21.41 12M18.66 14.76L17.32 16.09L14.11 12.87H18.66V14.76M12.46 13.1L12 12.65L11.54 13.1V12.46H10.9L11.36 12L10.9 11.54H11.54V10.9L12 11.36L12.46 10.9V11.54H13.1L12.65 12L13.1 12.46H12.46V13.1M14.11 11.13L17.32 7.91L18.66 9.24V11.13H14.11M18.66 5.35V8.65L17.32 7.32L13.5 11.13H12.87V10.5L16.68 6.68L15.35 5.35H18.66M12.87 9.89V5.35H14.76L16.09 6.68L12.87 9.89M12 2.59L14.34 4.93H12.46V10.31L12 10.77L11.54 10.31V4.93H9.66L12 2.59M11.13 9.89L7.91 6.68L9.24 5.35H11.13V9.89M5.35 5.35H8.65L7.32 6.68L11.13 10.5V11.13H10.5L6.68 7.32L5.35 8.65V5.35M5.35 9.24L6.68 7.91L9.89 11.13H5.35V9.24M2.59 12L4.93 9.66V11.54H10.31L10.77 12L10.31 12.46H4.93V14.34L2.59 12M9.89 12.87L6.68 16.09L5.35 14.76V12.87H9.89M5.35 18.66V15.35L6.68 16.68L10.5 12.87H11.13V13.5L7.32 17.32L8.65 18.65H5.35M11.13 14.11V18.66H9.24L7.91 17.32L11.13 14.11M12 21.41L9.66 19.07H11.54V13.69L12 13.23L12.46 13.69V19.07H14.34L12 21.41M12.87 14.11L16.09 17.32L14.76 18.66H12.87V14.11M15.35 18.66L16.68 17.32L12.87 13.5V12.87H13.5L17.32 16.68L18.65 15.35V18.66H15.35Z",Fc="M4,3C2.89,3 2,3.89 2,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H12V22L15,19L18,22V17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V8L22,6V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3H16V3H4M12,5L15,7L18,5V8.5L21,10L18,11.5V15L15,13L12,15V11.5L9,10L12,8.5V5M4,5H9V7H4V5M4,9H7V11H4V9M4,13H9V15H4V13Z",Tc="M13 21L15 20L17 21V14H13M17 9V7L15 8L13 7V9L11 10L13 11V13L15 12L17 13V11L19 10M20 3H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 5V15A2 2 0 0 0 4 17H11V15H4V5H20V15H19V17H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 15V5A2 2 0 0 0 20 3M11 8H5V6H11M9 11H5V9H9M11 14H5V12H11Z",bc="M22 10V13H19V10H22M2 13H5V10H2V13M17 5C17 3.9 16.1 3 15 3H9C7.9 3 7 3.9 7 5V13H17V5M7 15H6V17H11V18L7 22H9.8L12 19.8L14.2 22H17L13 18V17H18V15H7Z",yc="M22,5V7H17L13.53,12H16V14H14.46L18.17,22H15.97L15.04,20H6.38L5.35,22H3.1L7.23,14H7C6.55,14 6.17,13.7 6.04,13.3L2.87,3.84L3.82,3.5C4.34,3.34 4.91,3.63 5.08,4.15L7.72,12H12.1L15.57,7H12V5H22M9.5,14L7.42,18H14.11L12.26,14H9.5Z",Rc="M15 13.1C15 14.76 13.66 16.1 12 16.1S9 14.76 9 13.1 10.34 10.1 12 10.1 15 11.44 15 13.1M9 2V3C9 4.11 9.9 5 11 5V9.1C11.32 9.04 11.66 9 12 9S12.68 9.04 13 9.1V5C14.11 5 15 4.11 15 3V2H9M4 11.1C2.34 11.1 1 12.44 1 14.1S2.34 17.1 4 17.1 7 15.76 7 14.1 5.66 11.1 4 11.1M20 11.1C18.34 11.1 17 12.44 17 14.1S18.34 17.1 20 17.1 23 15.76 23 14.1 21.66 11.1 20 11.1M20 18.1C19.32 18.1 18.67 17.96 18.08 17.71C17.6 17.95 17.07 18.1 16.5 18.1C15.39 18.1 14.41 17.57 13.77 16.77C13.22 17 12.63 17.1 12 17.1S10.78 17 10.23 16.77C9.59 17.57 8.61 18.1 7.5 18.1C6.93 18.1 6.4 17.95 5.92 17.71C5.33 17.96 4.68 18.1 4 18.1C3.73 18.1 3.46 18.06 3.2 18C4.21 19.29 5.76 20.1 7.5 20.1C8.83 20.1 10.05 19.63 11 18.84V21.1C11 21.65 11.45 22.1 12 22.1C12.55 22.1 13 21.65 13 21.1V18.84C13.95 19.63 15.17 20.1 16.5 20.1C18.24 20.1 19.79 19.29 20.8 18C20.54 18.06 20.27 18.1 20 18.1Z",xc="M12.75,3.94C13.75,3.22 14.91,2.86 16.22,2.86C16.94,2.86 17.73,3.05 18.59,3.45C19.45,3.84 20.13,4.3 20.63,4.83C21.66,6.11 22.09,7.6 21.94,9.3C21.78,11 21.22,12.33 20.25,13.27L12.66,20.86C12.47,21.05 12.23,21.14 11.95,21.14C11.67,21.14 11.44,21.05 11.25,20.86C11.06,20.67 10.97,20.44 10.97,20.16C10.97,19.88 11.06,19.64 11.25,19.45L15.84,14.86C16.09,14.64 16.09,14.41 15.84,14.16C15.59,13.91 15.36,13.91 15.14,14.16L10.55,18.75C10.36,18.94 10.13,19.03 9.84,19.03C9.56,19.03 9.33,18.94 9.14,18.75C8.95,18.56 8.86,18.33 8.86,18.05C8.86,17.77 8.95,17.53 9.14,17.34L13.73,12.75C14,12.5 14,12.25 13.73,12C13.5,11.75 13.28,11.75 13.03,12L8.44,16.64C8.25,16.83 8,16.92 7.73,16.92C7.45,16.92 7.21,16.83 7,16.64C6.8,16.45 6.7,16.22 6.7,15.94C6.7,15.66 6.81,15.41 7.03,15.19L11.63,10.59C11.88,10.34 11.88,10.11 11.63,9.89C11.38,9.67 11.14,9.67 10.92,9.89L6.28,14.5C6.06,14.7 5.83,14.81 5.58,14.81C5.3,14.81 5.06,14.71 4.88,14.5C4.69,14.3 4.59,14.06 4.59,13.78C4.59,13.5 4.69,13.27 4.88,13.08C7.94,10 9.83,8.14 10.55,7.45L14.11,10.97C14.5,11.34 14.95,11.53 15.5,11.53C16.2,11.53 16.75,11.25 17.16,10.69C17.44,10.28 17.54,9.83 17.46,9.33C17.38,8.83 17.17,8.41 16.83,8.06L12.75,3.94M14.81,10.27L10.55,6L3.47,13.08C2.63,12.23 2.15,10.93 2.04,9.16C1.93,7.4 2.41,5.87 3.47,4.59C4.66,3.41 6.08,2.81 7.73,2.81C9.39,2.81 10.8,3.41 11.95,4.59L16.22,8.86C16.41,9.05 16.5,9.28 16.5,9.56C16.5,9.84 16.41,10.08 16.22,10.27C16.03,10.45 15.8,10.55 15.5,10.55C15.23,10.55 15,10.45 14.81,10.27V10.27Z",Dc="M10.5 6L3.4 13.1C2.6 12.2 2.2 10.9 2 9.2C1.9 7.4 2.4 5.9 3.5 4.6C4.7 3.4 6.1 2.8 7.8 2.8C9.5 2.8 10.9 3.4 12 4.6L13.7 6.3C13 6.5 12.4 6.8 11.8 7.2L10.5 6M15.5 6C18.4 6 20.9 7.9 21.7 10.6C21.8 10.2 21.9 9.8 21.9 9.3C22.1 7.6 21.6 6.1 20.6 4.8C20.1 4.3 19.4 3.8 18.6 3.4C17.7 3 16.9 2.8 16.2 2.8C14.9 2.8 13.7 3.2 12.7 3.9L14.8 6H15.5M11 7.9L10.6 7.5C9.8 8.1 7.9 10 4.9 13.1C4.7 13.3 4.6 13.5 4.6 13.8C4.6 14.1 4.7 14.3 4.9 14.5C5.1 14.7 5.3 14.8 5.6 14.8C5.8 14.8 6.1 14.7 6.3 14.5L9 11.8C9.2 10.2 9.9 8.9 11 7.9M10.2 16.3L9.1 17.4C9 17.5 8.9 17.8 8.9 18C8.9 18.3 9 18.5 9.2 18.7S9.6 19 9.8 19C10.1 19 10.3 18.9 10.5 18.7L11.6 17.6C11.1 17.3 10.6 16.8 10.2 16.3M9 13.2L7 15.2C6.8 15.4 6.7 15.7 6.7 16C6.7 16.3 6.8 16.5 7 16.7C7.2 16.9 7.5 17 7.7 17C8 17 8.2 16.9 8.4 16.7L9.6 15.4C9.3 14.7 9.1 14 9 13.2M12.5 18.2L11.3 19.4C11.1 19.6 11 19.8 11 20.1C11 20.4 11.1 20.6 11.3 20.8S11.7 21.1 12 21.1C12.3 21.1 12.5 21 12.7 20.8L14.6 18.9C13.8 18.8 13.1 18.6 12.5 18.2M22.2 17.8L20.8 19.2L17.9 16.3C17.2 16.7 16.4 17 15.5 17C13 17 11 15 11 12.5S13 8 15.5 8 20 10 20 12.5C20 13.4 19.7 14.2 19.3 14.9L22.2 17.8M18 12.5C18 11.1 16.9 10 15.5 10S13 11.1 13 12.5 14.1 15 15.5 15 18 13.9 18 12.5Z",Ec="M16.18,19.6L14.17,16.12C15.15,15.4 15.83,14.28 15.97,13H20C19.83,15.76 18.35,18.16 16.18,19.6M13,7.03V3C17.3,3.26 20.74,6.7 21,11H16.97C16.74,8.91 15.09,7.26 13,7.03M7,12.5C7,13.14 7.13,13.75 7.38,14.3L3.9,16.31C3.32,15.16 3,13.87 3,12.5C3,7.97 6.54,4.27 11,4V8.03C8.75,8.28 7,10.18 7,12.5M11.5,21C8.53,21 5.92,19.5 4.4,17.18L7.88,15.17C8.7,16.28 10,17 11.5,17C12.14,17 12.75,16.87 13.3,16.62L15.31,20.1C14.16,20.68 12.87,21 11.5,21Z",Nc="M17.45,15.18L22,7.31V19L22,21H2V3H4V15.54L9.5,6L16,9.78L20.24,2.45L21.97,3.45L16.74,12.5L10.23,8.75L4.31,19H6.57L10.96,11.44L17.45,15.18Z",Wc="M22,21H2V3H4V15.54L9.5,6L16,9.78L20.24,2.45L21.97,3.45L22,21Z",Ic="M22,21H2V3H4V19H6V10H10V19H12V6H16V19H18V14H22V21Z",Gc="M22,21H2V3H4V19H6V17H10V19H12V16H16V19H18V17H22V21M18,14H22V16H18V14M12,6H16V9H12V6M16,15H12V10H16V15M6,10H10V12H6V10M10,16H6V13H10V16Z",Qc="M9.96,11.31C10.82,8.1 11.5,6 13,6C14.5,6 15.18,8.1 16.04,11.31C17,14.92 18.1,19 22,19V17C19.8,17 19,14.54 17.97,10.8C17.08,7.46 16.15,4 13,4C9.85,4 8.92,7.46 8.03,10.8C7.03,14.54 6.2,17 4,17V2H2V22H22V20H4V19C7.9,19 9,14.92 9.96,11.31Z",Uc="M4 19V20H22V22H2V2H4V17C7 17 10 15 12.1 11.4C15.1 6.4 18.4 4 22 4V6C19.2 6 16.5 8.1 13.9 12.5C11.3 16.6 7.7 19 4 19Z",zc="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 17H7V10H9V17M13 17H11V7H13V17M17 17H15V13H17V17Z",_c="M4 20H16V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4M22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M12 8H10V14H12M15 6H13V14H15M18 11H16V14H18Z",Kc="M20 16V4H8V16M22 16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20M16 11H18V14H16M13 6H15V14H13M10 8H12V14H10Z",jc="M9 17H7V10H9V17M13 17H11V7H13V17M17 17H15V13H17V17M19 19H5V5H19V19.1M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",qc="M22 5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22M19 19H5V5H11V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V13H19V19M15 13V17H17V13H15M11 17H13V9H11V17M9 17V11H7V17H9Z",$c="M7.2,11.2C8.97,11.2 10.4,12.63 10.4,14.4C10.4,16.17 8.97,17.6 7.2,17.6C5.43,17.6 4,16.17 4,14.4C4,12.63 5.43,11.2 7.2,11.2M14.8,16A2,2 0 0,1 16.8,18A2,2 0 0,1 14.8,20A2,2 0 0,1 12.8,18A2,2 0 0,1 14.8,16M15.2,4A4.8,4.8 0 0,1 20,8.8C20,11.45 17.85,13.6 15.2,13.6A4.8,4.8 0 0,1 10.4,8.8C10.4,6.15 12.55,4 15.2,4Z",Xc="M13,2.05V5.08C16.39,5.57 19,8.47 19,12C19,12.9 18.82,13.75 18.5,14.54L21.12,16.07C21.68,14.83 22,13.45 22,12C22,6.82 18.05,2.55 13,2.05M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12C5,8.47 7.61,5.57 11,5.08V2.05C5.94,2.55 2,6.81 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15.3,22 18.23,20.39 20.05,17.91L17.45,16.38C16.17,18 14.21,19 12,19Z",Yc="M13,2.05C18.05,2.55 22,6.82 22,12C22,13.45 21.68,14.83 21.12,16.07L18.5,14.54C18.82,13.75 19,12.9 19,12C19,8.47 16.39,5.57 13,5.08V2.05M12,19C14.21,19 16.17,18 17.45,16.38L20.05,17.91C18.23,20.39 15.3,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.5 2,12C2,6.81 5.94,2.55 11,2.05V5.08C7.61,5.57 5,8.47 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.97 15.84,17.44 13,17.92V14.83C14.17,14.42 15,13.31 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9L11.45,9.05L9.91,6.38C10.56,6.13 11.26,6 12,6M6,12C6,10.14 6.85,8.5 8.18,7.38L9.72,10.05C9.27,10.57 9,11.26 9,12C9,13.31 9.83,14.42 11,14.83V17.92C8.16,17.44 6,14.97 6,12Z",Jc="M2,5H10V2H12V22H10V18H6V15H10V13H4V10H10V8H2V5M14,5H17V8H14V5M14,10H19V13H14V10M14,15H22V18H14V15Z",Cs="M3,3H5V13H9V7H13V11H17V15H21V21H3V3Z",Hs="M16,11.78L20.24,4.45L21.97,5.45L16.74,14.5L10.23,10.75L5.46,19H22V21H2V3H4V17.54L9.5,8L16,11.78Z",Vs="M17.45,15.18L22,6.81V19L22,21H2V3H4V15.54L4,19H4.31L6,19H6.57L10.96,11.44L17.45,15.18M22,3L21.97,3.45L17,11L10,6L6,12V3H22Z",Ls="M3.5,18.5L9.5,12.5L13.5,16.5L22,6.92L20.59,5.5L13.5,13.5L9.5,9.5L2,17L3.5,18.5Z",Ms="M22,6.92L20.59,5.5L17.74,8.72C15.68,6.4 12.83,5 9.61,5C6.72,5 4.07,6.16 2,8L3.42,9.42C5.12,7.93 7.27,7 9.61,7C12.35,7 14.7,8.26 16.38,10.24L13.5,13.5L9.5,9.5L2,17L3.5,18.5L9.5,12.5L13.5,16.5L17.55,11.93C18.3,13.28 18.8,14.83 19,16.5H21C20.78,14.18 20.05,12.09 18.96,10.34L22,6.92Z",As="M22 16V18H6V2H8V13.57L13.71 4.57L16.87 6.68L19.29 4.26L20.71 5.68L17.13 9.29L14.29 7.4L8.82 16M4 20V4H2V22H22V20Z",is="M11,2V22C5.9,21.5 2,17.2 2,12C2,6.8 5.9,2.5 11,2M13,2V11H22C21.5,6.2 17.8,2.5 13,2M13,13V22C17.7,21.5 21.5,17.8 22,13H13Z",rs="M13 11H19.95Q19.58 8.25 17.66 6.34 15.75 4.43 13 4.05M11 19.95V4.05Q8 4.43 6 6.69 4 8.95 4 12T6 17.31Q8 19.58 11 19.95M13 19.95Q15.75 19.6 17.68 17.68 19.6 15.75 19.95 13H13M12 12M12 22Q9.93 22 8.1 21.21 6.28 20.43 4.93 19.08 3.58 17.73 2.79 15.9 2 14.08 2 12T2.79 8.1Q3.58 6.28 4.93 4.93 6.28 3.58 8.1 2.79 9.93 2 12 2T15.89 2.79Q17.7 3.58 19.06 4.94 20.43 6.3 21.21 8.11 22 9.93 22 12 22 14.05 21.21 15.88 20.43 17.7 19.08 19.06 17.73 20.43 15.9 21.21 14.08 22 12 22Z",as="M5 6V8C8.2 8 11.36 9.18 13.57 11.15C15.64 13 16.83 15.5 17 18H18.97A14 12.5 0 0 0 5 6M22 21H2V3H4V19H22Z",es="M22 5H4V2H2V22H22V20H4V9C8.09 9 10.13 11 12.29 13.21S17.09 18 22 18V16C17.91 16 15.87 14 13.71 11.79S8.91 7 4 7H22Z",ds="M20 4V6H4V4H2V12H4V10C8.16 10 9.92 12.11 11.77 14.34S15.65 19 20 19V21H22V15H20V17C16.59 17 15.07 15.17 13.31 13.06C11.34 10.69 9.1 8 4 8H20V10H22V4Z",ms="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M9,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,16A3,3 0 0,1 6,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,10M13,2A3,3 0 0,1 16,5A3,3 0 0,1 13,8A3,3 0 0,1 10,5A3,3 0 0,1 13,2M18,12A3,3 0 0,1 21,15A3,3 0 0,1 18,18A3,3 0 0,1 15,15A3,3 0 0,1 18,12Z",ts="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M14,14.5L12,18H7.94L5.92,14.5L7.94,11H12L14,14.5M14.08,6.5L12.06,10H8L6,6.5L8,3H12.06L14.08,6.5M21.25,10.5L19.23,14H15.19L13.17,10.5L15.19,7H19.23L21.25,10.5Z",vs="M2,2H4V20H22V22H2V2M7,10H17V13H7V10M11,15H21V18H11V15M6,4H22V8H20V6H8V8H6V4Z",ls="M3,14L3.5,14.07L8.07,9.5C7.89,8.85 8.06,8.11 8.59,7.59C9.37,6.8 10.63,6.8 11.41,7.59C11.94,8.11 12.11,8.85 11.93,9.5L14.5,12.07L15,12C15.18,12 15.35,12 15.5,12.07L19.07,8.5C19,8.35 19,8.18 19,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,6A2,2 0 0,1 23,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,10C20.82,10 20.65,10 20.5,9.93L16.93,13.5C17,13.65 17,13.82 17,14A2,2 0 0,1 15,16A2,2 0 0,1 13,14L13.07,13.5L10.5,10.93C10.18,11 9.82,11 9.5,10.93L4.93,15.5L5,16A2,2 0 0,1 3,18A2,2 0 0,1 1,16A2,2 0 0,1 3,14Z",os="M21 8C19.5 8 18.7 9.4 19.1 10.5L15.5 14.1C15.2 14 14.8 14 14.5 14.1L11.9 11.5C12.3 10.4 11.5 9 10 9C8.6 9 7.7 10.4 8.1 11.5L3.5 16C2.4 15.7 1 16.5 1 18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20C4.4 20 5.3 18.6 4.9 17.5L9.4 12.9C9.7 13 10.1 13 10.4 12.9L13 15.5C12.7 16.5 13.5 18 15 18C16.5 18 17.3 16.6 16.9 15.5L20.5 11.9C21.6 12.2 23 11.4 23 10C23 8.9 22.1 8 21 8M15 9L15.9 6.9L18 6L15.9 5.1L15 3L14.1 5.1L12 6L14.1 6.9L15 9M3.5 11L4 9L6 8.5L4 8L3.5 6L3 8L1 8.5L3 9L3.5 11Z",ns="M14,6H22V22H14V6M2,4H22V2H2V4M2,8H12V6H2V8M9,22H12V10H9V22M2,22H7V10H2V22Z",Zs="M2 2H4V20H22V22H2V2M17 2H20V18H17V2M6 11H9V18H6V11M13 3H16V7H13V3M10 8H13V12H10V8Z",Ss="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3Z",us="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3M11,14V16H13V14H11M11,12H13V6H11V12Z",cs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M11 13V15H13V13H11M11 11H13V7H11V11Z",ss="M23 17V19H15V17H23M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Os="M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5S4 7.69 4 11 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3M23 17V19H15V17H23Z",hs="M12,3C6.5,3 2,6.58 2,11C2.05,13.15 3.06,15.17 4.75,16.5C4.75,17.1 4.33,18.67 2,21C4.37,20.89 6.64,20 8.47,18.5C9.61,18.83 10.81,19 12,19C17.5,19 22,15.42 22,11C22,6.58 17.5,3 12,3M12,17C7.58,17 4,14.31 4,11C4,7.69 7.58,5 12,5C16.42,5 20,7.69 20,11C20,14.31 16.42,17 12,17Z",ps="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",fs="M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5C7.58 5 4 7.69 4 11C4 14.31 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14Z",gs="M12,3C17.5,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,15.42 17.5,19 12,19C10.76,19 9.57,18.82 8.47,18.5C5.55,21 2,21 2,21C4.33,18.67 4.7,17.1 4.75,16.5C3.05,15.07 2,13.13 2,11C2,6.58 6.5,3 12,3M17,12V10H15V12H17M13,12V10H11V12H13M9,12V10H7V12H9Z",ks="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M17 12V10H15V12H17M13 12V10H11V12H13M9 12V10H7V12H9Z",Bs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.6 2 11C2 13.1 3 15.1 4.8 16.5C4.8 17.1 4.4 18.7 2 21C2 21 5.5 21 8.5 18.5C9.6 18.8 10.8 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.4 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M13 15H11V13H13V15M14.8 10C14.5 10.4 14.1 10.6 13.7 10.8C13.4 11 13.3 11.1 13.2 11.3C13 11.5 13 11.7 13 12H11C11 11.5 11.1 11.2 11.3 10.9C11.5 10.7 11.9 10.4 12.4 10.1C12.7 10 12.9 9.8 13 9.6C13.1 9.4 13.2 9.1 13.2 8.9C13.2 8.6 13.1 8.4 12.9 8.2C12.7 8 12.4 7.9 12.1 7.9C11.8 7.9 11.6 8 11.4 8.1C11.2 8.2 11.1 8.4 11.1 8.7H9.1C9.2 8 9.5 7.4 10 7C10.5 6.6 11.2 6.5 12.1 6.5C13 6.5 13.8 6.7 14.3 7.1C14.8 7.5 15.1 8.1 15.1 8.8C15.2 9.2 15.1 9.6 14.8 10Z",Ps="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.6 2 11C2 13.2 3.1 15.2 4.8 16.5C4.8 17.1 4.4 18.7 2 21C4.4 20.9 6.6 20 8.5 18.5C9.6 18.8 10.8 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.4 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.6 17 4 14.3 4 11S7.6 5 12 5 20 7.7 20 11 16.4 17 12 17M12.2 6.5C11.3 6.5 10.6 6.7 10.1 7C9.5 7.4 9.2 8 9.3 8.7H11.3C11.3 8.4 11.4 8.2 11.6 8.1C11.8 8 12 7.9 12.3 7.9C12.6 7.9 12.9 8 13.1 8.2C13.3 8.4 13.4 8.6 13.4 8.9C13.4 9.2 13.3 9.4 13.2 9.6C13 9.8 12.8 10 12.6 10.1C12.1 10.4 11.7 10.7 11.5 10.9C11.1 11.2 11 11.5 11 12H13C13 11.7 13.1 11.5 13.1 11.3C13.2 11.1 13.4 11 13.6 10.8C14.1 10.6 14.4 10.3 14.7 9.9C15 9.5 15.1 9.1 15.1 8.7C15.1 8 14.8 7.4 14.3 7C13.9 6.7 13.1 6.5 12.2 6.5M11 13V15H13V13H11Z",ws="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.54 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.54L15.46 20.12L17.59 18L15.47 15.88M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C20.95 12.25 20 12 19 12C15.69 12 13 14.69 13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.76 19 9.57 18.82 8.47 18.5C5.55 21 2 21 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.7 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.05 15.07 2 13.14 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Fs="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.54 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.54L15.46 20.12L17.59 18L15.47 15.88M12 3C17.5 3 22 6.58 22 11C22 11.58 21.92 12.14 21.78 12.68C21.19 12.38 20.55 12.16 19.88 12.06C19.96 11.72 20 11.36 20 11C20 7.69 16.42 5 12 5C7.58 5 4 7.69 4 11C4 14.31 7.58 17 12 17L13.09 16.95L13 18L13.08 18.95L12 19C10.81 19 9.62 18.83 8.47 18.5C6.64 20 4.37 20.89 2 21C4.33 18.67 4.75 17.1 4.75 16.5C3.06 15.17 2.05 13.15 2 11C2 6.58 6.5 3 12 3Z",Ts="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2 13.13 3.05 15.07 4.75 16.5C4.7 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C2 21 5.55 21 8.47 18.5C9.57 18.82 10.76 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M15 9.3L11.76 13H15V15H9V12.7L12.24 9H9V7H15V9.3Z",bs="M12 3C6.5 3 2 6.58 2 11C2.05 13.15 3.06 15.17 4.75 16.5C4.75 17.1 4.33 18.67 2 21C4.37 20.89 6.64 20 8.47 18.5C9.61 18.83 10.81 19 12 19C17.5 19 22 15.42 22 11S17.5 3 12 3M12 17C7.58 17 4 14.31 4 11S7.58 5 12 5 20 7.69 20 11 16.42 17 12 17M15 7H9V9H12.24L9 12.7V15H15V13H11.76L15 9.3V7Z",ys="M21,7L9,19L3.5,13.5L4.91,12.09L9,16.17L19.59,5.59L21,7Z",Rs="M0.41,13.41L6,19L7.41,17.58L1.83,12M22.24,5.58L11.66,16.17L7.5,12L6.07,13.41L11.66,19L23.66,7M18,7L16.59,5.58L10.24,11.93L11.66,13.34L18,7Z",xs="M9,20.42L2.79,14.21L5.62,11.38L9,14.77L18.88,4.88L21.71,7.71L9,20.42Z",Ds="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M10 17L5 12L6.41 10.59L10 14.17L17.59 6.58L19 8L10 17Z",Es="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M16.59 7.58L10 14.17L7.41 11.59L6 13L10 17L18 9L16.59 7.58Z",Ns="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9L10,17Z",Ws="M23 12L20.6 9.2L20.9 5.5L17.3 4.7L15.4 1.5L12 3L8.6 1.5L6.7 4.7L3.1 5.5L3.4 9.2L1 12L3.4 14.8L3.1 18.5L6.7 19.3L8.6 22.5L12 21L15.4 22.5L17.3 19.3L20.9 18.5L20.6 14.8L23 12M18.7 16.9L16 17.5L14.6 19.9L12 18.8L9.4 19.9L8 17.5L5.3 16.9L5.5 14.1L3.7 12L5.5 9.9L5.3 7.1L8 6.5L9.4 4.1L12 5.2L14.6 4.1L16 6.5L18.7 7.1L18.5 9.9L20.3 12L18.5 14.1L18.7 16.9M16.6 7.6L18 9L10 17L6 13L7.4 11.6L10 14.2L16.6 7.6Z",Is="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M8.25,10.08L9.41,8.92L11,10.5L14.59,6.92L15.75,8.33L11,13.08L8.25,10.08Z",Gs="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M8,10.37L9.24,9.13L10.93,10.83L14.76,7L16,8.5L10.93,13.57L8,10.37Z",Qs="M19.78,2.2L24,6.42L8.44,22L0,13.55L4.22,9.33L8.44,13.55L19.78,2.2M19.78,5L8.44,16.36L4.22,12.19L2.81,13.55L8.44,19.17L21.19,6.42L19.78,5Z",Us="M21,5L9,17L3.5,11.5L4.91,10.09L9,14.17L19.59,3.59L21,5M3,21V19H21V21H3Z",zs="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,18H7V16H17V18M10.3,14L7,10.7L8.4,9.3L10.3,11.2L15.6,5.9L17,7.3L10.3,14Z",_s="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M7,15H17V17H7V15M10.3,11.2L8.4,9.3L7,10.7L10.3,14L17,7.3L15.6,5.9L10.3,11.2Z",Ks="M5,14H19V15H5V14M21,17V8H3V17H21M1,5H23V19H1V5M5,10H12V12H5V10Z",js="M5 14H15.53C15.25 14.31 15 14.64 14.8 15H5V14M21 8V12.08C21.72 12.2 22.39 12.45 23 12.8V5H1V19H14.08C14.03 18.68 14 18.34 14 18C14 17.66 14.03 17.33 14.08 17H3V8H21M5 10H12V12H5V10M16 18L19 15V17H23V19H19V21L16 18Z",qs="M5 14H15.53C15.25 14.31 15 14.64 14.8 15H5V14M21 8V12.08C21.72 12.2 22.39 12.45 23 12.8V5H1V19H14.08C14.03 18.68 14 18.34 14 18C14 17.66 14.03 17.33 14.08 17H3V8H21M5 10H12V12H5V10M24 18L21 15V17H17V19H21V21L24 18Z",$s="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Xs="M23 4.5C23 6.43 21.43 8 19.5 8S16 6.43 16 4.5 17.57 1 19.5 1 23 2.57 23 4.5M19.5 10C16.47 10 14 7.53 14 4.5C14 4 14.08 3.5 14.21 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9.79C20.5 9.92 20 10 19.5 10Z",Ys="M23 4.5C23 6.43 21.43 8 19.5 8S16 6.43 16 4.5 17.57 1 19.5 1 23 2.57 23 4.5M19.5 10C19.33 10 19.17 10 19 10V19H5V5H14.03C14 4.84 14 4.67 14 4.5C14 4 14.08 3.5 14.21 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9.79C20.5 9.92 20 10 19.5 10Z",Js="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",CO="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",HO="M20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.06 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.94 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H6.2L21 17.8V5Z",VO="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19.1L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2Z",LO="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M19,5V19H5V5H19Z",MO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M17,17H7V7H17V17Z",AO="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M7 17V7H17",iO="M10,17L5,12L6.41,10.58L10,14.17L17.59,6.58L19,8M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",rO="M10,17L5,12L6.41,10.58L10,14.17L17.59,6.58L19,8M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",aO="M12 22C12.8 22 13.6 21.9 14.3 21.7C13.9 21.2 13.5 20.6 13.3 19.9C12.9 20 12.4 20 12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 7.6 7.6 4 12 4C12.8 4 13.5 4.1 14.2 4.3L15.8 2.7C14.6 2.3 13.3 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22M6.5 11.5L7.9 10.1L11 13.2L19.6 4.6L21 6L11 16L6.5 11.5M19 14L17.74 16.75L15 18L17.74 19.26L19 22L20.25 19.26L23 18L20.25 16.75L19 14Z",eO="M14.3 21.7C13.6 21.9 12.8 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C13.3 2 14.6 2.3 15.8 2.7L14.2 4.3C13.5 4.1 12.8 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C12.4 20 12.9 20 13.3 19.9C13.5 20.6 13.9 21.2 14.3 21.7M7.9 10.1L6.5 11.5L11 16L21 6L19.6 4.6L11 13.2L7.9 10.1M15 17V19H23V17H15Z",dO="M20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4C12.76,4 13.5,4.11 14.2,4.31L15.77,2.74C14.61,2.26 13.34,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12M7.91,10.08L6.5,11.5L11,16L21,6L19.59,4.58L11,13.17L7.91,10.08Z",mO="M14.3 21.7C13.6 21.9 12.8 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2C13.3 2 14.6 2.3 15.8 2.7L14.2 4.3C13.5 4.1 12.8 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12S7.6 20 12 20C12.4 20 12.9 20 13.3 19.9C13.5 20.6 13.9 21.2 14.3 21.7M7.9 10.1L6.5 11.5L11 16L21 6L19.6 4.6L11 13.2L7.9 10.1M18 14V17H15V19H18V22H20V19H23V17H20V14H18Z",tO="M19,19H5V5H15V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V11H19M7.91,10.08L6.5,11.5L11,16L21,6L19.59,4.58L11,13.17L7.91,10.08Z",vO="M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",lO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",oO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M14,4C17.32,4 20,6.69 20,10C20,13.32 17.32,16 14,16A6,6 0 0,1 8,10A6,6 0 0,1 14,4M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",nO="M20,16V4H8V16H20M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",ZO="M22,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16M13,14L20,7L18.59,5.59L13,11.17L9.91,8.09L8.5,9.5L13,14Z",SO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,2M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82M18.09,6.08L19.5,7.5L13,14L9.21,10.21L10.63,8.79L13,11.17",uO="M14,2A8,8 0 0,0 6,10A8,8 0 0,0 14,18A8,8 0 0,0 22,10H20C20,13.32 17.32,16 14,16A6,6 0 0,1 8,10A6,6 0 0,1 14,4C14.43,4 14.86,4.05 15.27,4.14L16.88,2.54C15.96,2.18 15,2 14,2M20.59,3.58L14,10.17L11.62,7.79L10.21,9.21L14,13L22,5M4.93,5.82C3.08,7.34 2,9.61 2,12A8,8 0 0,0 10,20C10.64,20 11.27,19.92 11.88,19.77C10.12,19.38 8.5,18.5 7.17,17.29C5.22,16.25 4,14.21 4,12C4,11.7 4.03,11.41 4.07,11.11C4.03,10.74 4,10.37 4,10C4,8.56 4.32,7.13 4.93,5.82Z",cO="M20,16V10H22V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H8C6.89,18 6,17.1 6,16V4C6,2.89 6.89,2 8,2H16V4H8V16H20M10.91,7.08L14,10.17L20.59,3.58L22,5L14,13L9.5,8.5L10.91,7.08M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16Z",sO="M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,16H8V4H20V16M16,20V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V7H4V20H16M18.53,8.06L17.47,7L12.59,11.88L10.47,9.76L9.41,10.82L12.59,14L18.53,8.06Z",OO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,5V19H5V5H19M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.58L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9",hO="M2 2V22H22V2H2M20 12H16V16H20V20H16V16H12V20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12M16 8V12H12V8H16M12 12V16H8V12H12Z",pO="M14 17V19H22V17M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.4C20.7 12.7 21.4 13.1 22 13.6V2H2Z",fO="M19 17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.54C13 21.42 12.63 20.74 12.36 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.36C20.74 12.63 21.42 13 22 13.54V2H2Z",gO="M8 16H12V12H8V16M12 12H16V8H12V12M2 2V22H13.5C13 21.4 12.6 20.7 12.3 20H8V16H4V12H8V8H4V4H8V8H12V4H16V8H20V12.4C20.7 12.7 21.4 13.1 22 13.6V2H2M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",kO="M11 17.5C11 16.67 11.67 16 12.5 16C12.79 16 13.06 16.09 13.29 16.23L20.75 11.93C20.35 11.22 19.9 10.55 19.41 9.9C19.29 9.96 19.15 10 19 10C18.45 10 18 9.55 18 9C18 8.8 18.08 8.62 18.18 8.46C16.45 6.64 14.34 5.2 12 4.25C11.85 5.24 11 6 10 6C8.9 6 8 5.11 8 4C8 3.72 8.06 3.45 8.16 3.21C7.3 3.08 6.41 3 5.5 3C5.33 3 5.17 3 5 3.03V9.05C6.14 9.28 7 10.29 7 11.5S6.14 13.72 5 13.95V21L11 17.54C11 17.53 11 17.5 11 17.5M14 9C15.11 9 16 9.9 16 11S15.11 13 14 13 12 12.11 12 11 12.9 9 14 9M9 16C8.45 16 8 15.55 8 15S8.45 14 9 14 10 14.45 10 15 9.55 16 9 16M9 10C8.45 10 8 9.55 8 9S8.45 8 9 8 10 8.45 10 9 9.55 10 9 10Z",BO="M3.5 1.7L2.2 3L6.1 6.9V9C7.2 9.2 8.1 10.2 8.1 11.5S7.2 13.7 6.1 14V21L12.1 17.5C12.1 16.7 12.8 16 13.6 16C13.9 16 14.2 16.1 14.4 16.2L15.1 15.8L20.3 21L21.6 19.7L3.5 1.7M10.1 16C9.6 16 9.1 15.5 9.1 15S9.6 14 10.1 14 11.1 14.5 11.1 15 10.6 16 10.1 16M13.8 9.5L9.9 5.6C10.2 5.9 10.6 6 11.1 6C12.1 6 12.9 5.2 13.1 4.2C15.4 5.2 17.6 6.6 19.3 8.4C19.2 8.6 19.1 8.7 19.1 8.9C19.1 9.4 19.6 9.9 20.1 9.9C20.3 9.9 20.4 9.9 20.5 9.8C21 10.4 21.4 11.1 21.8 11.8L18.3 13.8L16.6 12.1C16.9 11.8 17.1 11.3 17.1 10.8C17.1 9.7 16.2 8.8 15.1 8.8C14.6 9 14.1 9.2 13.8 9.5M9.5 5.2L7.3 3C8 3 8.6 3.1 9.2 3.2C9.1 3.5 9.1 3.7 9.1 4C9.1 4.4 9.2 4.9 9.5 5.2Z",PO="M12.5,1.5C10.73,1.5 9.17,2.67 8.67,4.37C8.14,4.13 7.58,4 7,4A4,4 0 0,0 3,8C3,9.82 4.24,11.41 6,11.87V19H19V11.87C20.76,11.41 22,9.82 22,8A4,4 0 0,0 18,4C17.42,4 16.86,4.13 16.33,4.37C15.83,2.67 14.27,1.5 12.5,1.5M12,10.5H13V17.5H12V10.5M9,12.5H10V17.5H9V12.5M15,12.5H16V17.5H15V12.5M6,20V21A1,1 0 0,0 7,22H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,21V20H6Z",wO="M11,7.83C9.83,7.42 9,6.3 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5C15,6.31 14.16,7.42 13,7.83V10.64C12.68,10.55 12.35,10.5 12,10.5C11.65,10.5 11.32,10.55 11,10.64V7.83M18.3,21.1C17.16,20.45 16.62,19.18 16.84,17.96L14.4,16.55C14.88,16.09 15.24,15.5 15.4,14.82L17.84,16.23C18.78,15.42 20.16,15.26 21.29,15.91C22.73,16.74 23.22,18.57 22.39,20C21.56,21.44 19.73,21.93 18.3,21.1M2.7,15.9C3.83,15.25 5.21,15.42 6.15,16.22L8.6,14.81C8.76,15.5 9.11,16.08 9.6,16.54L7.15,17.95C7.38,19.17 6.83,20.45 5.7,21.1C4.26,21.93 2.43,21.44 1.6,20C0.77,18.57 1.26,16.73 2.7,15.9M14,14A2,2 0 0,1 12,16C10.89,16 10,15.1 10,14A2,2 0 0,1 12,12C13.11,12 14,12.9 14,14M17,14L16.97,14.57L15.5,13.71C15.4,12.64 14.83,11.71 14,11.12V9.41C15.77,10.19 17,11.95 17,14M14.97,18.03C14.14,18.64 13.11,19 12,19C10.89,19 9.86,18.64 9.03,18L10.5,17.17C10.96,17.38 11.47,17.5 12,17.5C12.53,17.5 13.03,17.38 13.5,17.17L14.97,18.03M7.03,14.56L7,14C7,11.95 8.23,10.19 10,9.42V11.13C9.17,11.71 8.6,12.64 8.5,13.7L7.03,14.56Z",FO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M17.16,8.26C18.22,9.63 18.86,11.28 19,13C19,15.76 15.87,18 12,18C8.13,18 5,15.76 5,13C5,10.62 7.33,6.39 10.46,5.27C10.16,4.91 10,4.46 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.46 13.84,4.91 13.54,5.27C14.4,5.6 15.18,6.1 15.84,6.74L11.29,11.29L12.71,12.71L17.16,8.26Z",TO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M17,10C15.58,10 14.26,10.77 13.55,12H13V7H16V5H13V2H11V5H8V7H11V12H10.45C9.35,10.09 6.9,9.43 5,10.54C3.07,11.64 2.42,14.09 3.5,16C4.24,17.24 5.57,18 7,18H17A4,4 0 0,0 21,14A4,4 0 0,0 17,10Z",bO="M19,22H5V20H19V22M13,2V2C11.75,2 10.58,2.62 9.89,3.66L7,8L9,10L11.06,8.63C11.5,8.32 12.14,8.44 12.45,8.9C12.47,8.93 12.5,8.96 12.5,9V9C12.8,9.59 12.69,10.3 12.22,10.77L7.42,15.57C6.87,16.13 6.87,17.03 7.43,17.58C7.69,17.84 8.05,18 8.42,18H17V6A4,4 0 0,0 13,2Z",yO="M19 22H5V20H19V22M16 18H8L10.18 10H8V8H10.72L10.79 7.74C10.1 7.44 9.55 6.89 9.25 6.2C8.58 4.68 9.27 2.91 10.79 2.25C12.31 1.58 14.08 2.27 14.74 3.79C15.41 5.31 14.72 7.07 13.2 7.74L13.27 8H16V10H13.82L16 18Z",RO="M18,3A2,2 0 0,1 20,5C20,5.81 19.5,6.5 18.83,6.82L17,13.15V18H7V13.15L5.17,6.82C4.5,6.5 4,5.81 4,5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3A2,2 0 0,1 8,5C8,5.5 7.82,5.95 7.5,6.3L10.3,9.35L10.83,5.62C10.33,5.26 10,4.67 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.67 13.67,5.26 13.17,5.62L13.7,9.35L16.47,6.29C16.18,5.94 16,5.5 16,5A2,2 0 0,1 18,3M5,20H19V22H5V20Z",xO="M5,20H19V22H5V20M17,2V5H15V2H13V5H11V2H9V5H7V2H5V8H7V18H17V8H19V2H17Z",DO="M16.59,5.59L18,7L12,13L6,7L7.41,5.59L12,10.17L16.59,5.59M16.59,11.59L18,13L12,19L6,13L7.41,11.59L12,16.17L16.59,11.59Z",EO="M18.41,7.41L17,6L11,12L17,18L18.41,16.59L13.83,12L18.41,7.41M12.41,7.41L11,6L5,12L11,18L12.41,16.59L7.83,12L12.41,7.41Z",NO="M5.59,7.41L7,6L13,12L7,18L5.59,16.59L10.17,12L5.59,7.41M11.59,7.41L13,6L19,12L13,18L11.59,16.59L16.17,12L11.59,7.41Z",WO="M7.41,18.41L6,17L12,11L18,17L16.59,18.41L12,13.83L7.41,18.41M7.41,12.41L6,11L12,5L18,11L16.59,12.41L12,7.83L7.41,12.41Z",IO="M7.41,8.58L12,13.17L16.59,8.58L18,10L12,16L6,10L7.41,8.58Z",GO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,15.71L6,9.71L7.41,8.29L12,12.88L16.59,8.29L18,9.71L12,15.71Z",QO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M7.41,8.29L12,12.88L16.59,8.29L18,9.71L12,15.71L6,9.71L7.41,8.29Z",UO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M6,10L12,16L18,10L16.6,8.6L12,13.2L7.4,8.6L6,10Z",zO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M6,10L12,16L18,10L16.6,8.6L12,13.2L7.4,8.6L6,10Z",_O="M15.41,16.58L10.83,12L15.41,7.41L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.41,16.58Z",KO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M15.71,16.59L14.29,18L8.29,12L14.29,6L15.71,7.41L11.12,12L15.71,16.59Z",jO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M15.71,7.41L11.12,12L15.71,16.59L14.29,18L8.29,12L14.29,6L15.71,7.41Z",qO="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M15.4,16.6L10.8,12L15.4,7.4L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.4,16.6Z",$O="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M15.4,16.6L10.8,12L15.4,7.4L14,6L8,12L14,18L15.4,16.6Z",XO="M8.59,16.58L13.17,12L8.59,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.59,16.58Z",YO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9.71,18L8.29,16.59L12.88,12L8.29,7.41L9.71,6L15.71,12L9.71,18Z",JO="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M8.29,16.59L12.88,12L8.29,7.41L9.71,6L15.71,12L9.71,18L8.29,16.59Z",Ch="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10,18L16,12L10,6L8.6,7.4L13.2,12L8.6,16.6L10,18Z",Hh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M8.6,16.6L13.2,12L8.6,7.4L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.6,16.6Z",Vh="M7.41,14.58L12,19.17L16.59,14.58L18,16L12,22L6,16L7.41,14.58M7.41,8.58L12,13.17L16.59,8.58L18,10L12,16L6,10L7.41,8.58M7.41,2.58L12,7.17L16.59,2.58L18,4L12,10L6,4L7.41,2.58Z",Lh="M9.42,7.41L4.83,12L9.42,16.59L8,18L2,12L8,6L9.42,7.41M15.42,7.41L10.83,12L15.42,16.59L14,18L8,12L14,6L15.42,7.41M21.42,7.41L16.83,12L21.42,16.59L20,18L14,12L20,6L21.42,7.41Z",Mh="M14.58,16.59L19.17,12L14.58,7.41L16,6L22,12L16,18L14.58,16.59M8.58,16.59L13.17,12L8.58,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.58,16.59M2.58,16.59L7.17,12L2.58,7.41L4,6L10,12L4,18L2.58,16.59Z",Ah="M16.59,9.42L12,4.83L7.41,9.42L6,8L12,2L18,8L16.59,9.42M16.59,15.42L12,10.83L7.41,15.42L6,14L12,8L18,14L16.59,15.42M16.59,21.42L12,16.83L7.41,21.42L6,20L12,14L18,20L16.59,21.42Z",ih="M7.41,15.41L12,10.83L16.59,15.41L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.41,15.41Z",rh="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M16.59,15.71L12,11.12L7.41,15.71L6,14.29L12,8.29L18,14.29L16.59,15.71Z",ah="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M16.59,15.71L12,11.12L7.41,15.71L6,14.29L12,8.29L18,14.29L16.59,15.71Z",eh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7.4,15.4L12,10.8L16.6,15.4L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.4,15.4Z",dh="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M7.4,15.4L12,10.8L16.6,15.4L18,14L12,8L6,14L7.4,15.4Z",mh="M9.25 7.5L7.73 6.63C8.26 5.7 9.03 5 9.94 4.69C9.8 4.29 9.44 4 9 4V2C10.54 2 11.79 3.16 11.97 4.65C12.91 4.94 13.72 5.66 14.27 6.63L12.75 7.5L11 6.5L9.25 7.5M14 8.28L12.75 9L11 8L9.25 9L8 8.28C7.4 8.63 7 9.27 7 10V11C7 20 15 22 15 22V10C15 9.27 14.6 8.63 14 8.28M17 7V13H19V7H17M17 17H19V15H17V17Z",th="M14 8.28L12.75 9L11 8L9.25 9L8 8.28C7.4 8.63 7 9.27 7 10V11C7 20 15 22 15 22V10C15 9.27 14.6 8.63 14 8.28M13 18.87C11.23 17.69 9.17 15.44 9 11.43L11 10.3L13 11.45V18.87M9.25 7.5L7.73 6.63C8.26 5.7 9.03 5 9.94 4.69C9.8 4.29 9.44 4 9 4V2C10.54 2 11.79 3.16 11.97 4.65C12.91 4.94 13.72 5.66 14.27 6.63L12.75 7.5L11 6.5L9.25 7.5M19 7V13H17V7H19M17 15H19V17H17V15Z",vh="M10.43 7.32L8.86 6.42C9.38 5.6 10.11 5 10.94 4.7C10.81 4.3 10.45 4 10 4V2C10.77 2 11.47 2.29 12 2.77V4C12.45 4 12.81 4.3 12.94 4.7C11.83 5.08 10.93 6.05 10.43 7.32M10 11C10 10.23 10.23 9.5 10.6 8.91L9.26 8.15C8.5 8.44 8 9.16 8 10V11C8 18.05 12.9 20.8 15.03 21.66C12.41 19.62 10 16.2 10 11M6.43 7.32L4.86 6.42C5.38 5.6 6.11 5 6.94 4.7C6.81 4.3 6.45 4 6 4V2C6.77 2 7.47 2.29 8 2.77V4C8.45 4 8.81 4.3 8.94 4.7C7.83 5.08 6.93 6.05 6.43 7.32M6 11C6 10.23 6.23 9.5 6.6 8.91L5.26 8.15C4.5 8.44 4 9.16 4 10V11C4 18.05 8.9 20.8 11.03 21.66C8.41 19.62 6 16.2 6 11M19 8.28L17.75 9L16 8L14.25 9L13 8.28C12.4 8.63 12 9.27 12 10V11C12 20 20 22 20 22V10C20 9.27 19.6 8.63 19 8.28M12.73 6.63L14.25 7.5L16 6.5L17.75 7.5L19.27 6.63C18.72 5.66 17.91 4.94 16.97 4.65C16.79 3.16 15.54 2 14 2V4C14.44 4 14.8 4.29 14.94 4.69C14.03 5 13.26 5.7 12.73 6.63Z",lh="M10.94 4.7C10.81 4.3 10.45 4 10 4V2C10.77 2 11.47 2.29 12 2.77V4C12.45 4 12.81 4.3 12.94 4.7C11.83 5.08 10.93 6.05 10.43 7.32L8.86 6.42C9.38 5.6 10.11 5 10.94 4.7M10 11C10 10.23 10.23 9.5 10.6 8.91L9.26 8.15C8.5 8.44 8 9.16 8 10V11C8 18.05 12.9 20.8 15.03 21.66C12.41 19.62 10 16.2 10 11M8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2.77C7.47 2.29 6.77 2 6 2V4C6.45 4 6.81 4.3 6.94 4.7C6.11 5 5.38 5.6 4.86 6.42L6.43 7.32C6.93 6.05 7.83 5.08 8.94 4.7M6 11C6 10.23 6.23 9.5 6.6 8.91L5.26 8.15C4.5 8.44 4 9.16 4 10V11C4 18.05 8.9 20.8 11.03 21.66C8.41 19.62 6 16.2 6 11M20 10V22C20 22 12 20 12 11V10C12 9.27 12.4 8.63 13 8.28L14.25 9L16 8L17.75 9L19 8.28C19.6 8.63 20 9.27 20 10M18 18.87V11.45L16 10.3L14 11.43C14.17 15.44 16.23 17.69 18 18.87M12.73 6.63L14.25 7.5L16 6.5L17.75 7.5L19.27 6.63C18.72 5.66 17.91 4.94 16.97 4.65C16.79 3.16 15.54 2 14 2V4C14.44 4 14.8 4.29 14.94 4.69C14.03 5 13.26 5.7 12.73 6.63Z",oh="M8.43 7.32L6.86 6.42C7.38 5.6 8.11 5 8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2C8.77 2 9.47 2.29 10 2.77V4C10.45 4 10.81 4.3 10.94 4.7C9.83 5.08 8.93 6.05 8.43 7.32M8 11C8 10.23 8.23 9.5 8.6 8.91L7.26 8.15C6.5 8.44 6 9.16 6 10V11C6 18.05 10.9 20.8 13.03 21.66C10.41 19.62 8 16.2 8 11M17 8.28L15.75 9L14 8L12.25 9L11 8.28C10.4 8.63 10 9.27 10 10V11C10 20 18 22 18 22V10C18 9.27 17.6 8.63 17 8.28M10.73 6.63L12.25 7.5L14 6.5L15.75 7.5L17.27 6.63C16.72 5.66 15.91 4.94 14.97 4.65C14.79 3.16 13.54 2 12 2V4C12.44 4 12.8 4.29 12.94 4.69C12.03 5 11.26 5.7 10.73 6.63Z",nh="M8.43 7.32L6.86 6.42C7.38 5.6 8.11 5 8.94 4.7C8.81 4.3 8.45 4 8 4V2C8.77 2 9.47 2.29 10 2.77V4C10.45 4 10.81 4.3 10.94 4.7C9.83 5.08 8.93 6.05 8.43 7.32M8 11C8 10.23 8.23 9.5 8.6 8.91L7.26 8.15C6.5 8.44 6 9.16 6 10V11C6 18.05 10.9 20.8 13.03 21.66C10.41 19.62 8 16.2 8 11M18 10V22C18 22 10 20 10 11V10C10 9.27 10.4 8.63 11 8.28L12.25 9L14 8L15.75 9L17 8.28C17.6 8.63 18 9.27 18 10M16 18.87V11.45L14 10.3L12 11.43C12.17 15.44 14.23 17.69 16 18.87M10.73 6.63L12.25 7.5L14 6.5L15.75 7.5L17.27 6.63C16.72 5.66 15.91 4.94 14.97 4.65C14.79 3.16 13.54 2 12 2V4C12.44 4 12.8 4.29 12.94 4.69C12.03 5 11.26 5.7 10.73 6.63Z",Zh="M16 10V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.27 8.4 8.63 9 8.28L10.25 9L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.03 5 9.26 5.7 8.73 6.63L10.25 7.5L12 6.5Z",Sh="M10.25 7.5L8.73 6.63C9.26 5.7 10.03 5 10.94 4.69C10.8 4.29 10.44 4 10 4V2C11.54 2 12.79 3.16 12.97 4.65C13.91 4.94 14.72 5.66 15.27 6.63L13.75 7.5L12 6.5L10.25 7.5M16 10V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.27 8.4 8.63 9 8.28L10.25 9L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10M14 11.45L12 10.3L10 11.43C10.17 15.44 12.23 17.69 14 18.87V11.45Z",uh="M15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10V12.8L11.5 8.29L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.26 4.92 9.66 5.37 9.17 5.97L10.54 7.34L12 6.5M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8 9.9C8 9.94 8 9.97 8 10V11C8 20 16 22 16 22V17.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",ch="M15 8.28C15.6 8.63 16 9.27 16 10V12.8L11.5 8.29L12 8L13.75 9L15 8.28M12 6.5L13.75 7.5L15.27 6.63C14.72 5.66 13.91 4.94 12.97 4.65C12.79 3.16 11.54 2 10 2V4C10.44 4 10.8 4.29 10.94 4.69C10.26 4.92 9.66 5.37 9.17 5.97L10.54 7.34L12 6.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16 17.89V22C16 22 8 20 8 11V10C8 9.97 8 9.94 8 9.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14 15.89L10.07 11.96C10.38 15.63 12.31 17.74 14 18.87V15.89Z",sh="M6,4H18V5H21V7H18V9H21V11H18V13H21V15H18V17H21V19H18V20H6V19H3V17H6V15H3V13H6V11H3V9H6V7H3V5H6V4M11,15V18H12V15H11M13,15V18H14V15H13M15,15V18H16V15H15Z",Oh="M18 12.22V9L13 6.5V5H15V3H13V1H11V3H9V5H11V6.5L6 9V12.22L2 14V22H10V19C10 17.9 10.9 17 12 17S14 17.9 14 19V22H22V14L18 12.22M12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12S11.17 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12 12.83 13.5 12 13.5Z",hh="M18 12.22V9L13 6.5V5H15V3H13V1H11V3H9V5H11V6.5L6 9V12.22L2 14V22H11V18C11 17.45 11.45 17 12 17C12.55 17 13 17.45 13 18V22H22V14L18 12.22M20 20H15V17.96C15 16.27 13.65 14.9 12 14.9C10.35 14.9 9 16.27 9 17.96V20H4V15.21L8 13.4V10.05L12 8L16 10.04V13.39L20 15.2V20M12 10.5C12.83 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12C10.5 11.17 11.17 10.5 12 10.5Z",ph="M16 10.2H14.5A2 2 0 0 1 12.65 8.2A1.78 1.78 0 0 1 14.5 6.45V5A3.35 3.35 0 1 0 14.5 11.7H16A1.93 1.93 0 0 1 18 13.7V15H19.5V13.36A3.31 3.31 0 0 0 16 10.2M18.82 7.73A3.34 3.34 0 0 0 16.5 2V3.5A1.85 1.85 0 1 1 16.5 7.2V8.7A4 4 0 0 1 20.5 12.77V15H22V12.76A5.55 5.55 0 0 0 18.85 7.73M18 16V22H19.5V16M20.5 16V22H22V16M12 16V17.27A2 2 0 0 1 12 20.73V22H17V16M2.88 16.88A3 3 0 0 0 5 22H10V20.73A2 2 0 0 1 10 17.27V16H5A3 3 0 0 0 2.88 16.88M12 19A1 1 0 1 1 11 18A1 1 0 0 1 12 19Z",fh="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H18V19.89L17 18.89V20H12V18.73C12.3 18.56 12.55 18.31 12.73 18C13.28 17.05 12.96 15.83 12 15.27V14H12.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M14.5 9.7H16C17.07 9.66 17.96 10.5 18 11.56C18 11.61 18 11.65 18 11.7V13H19.5V11.36C19.42 9.53 17.88 8.12 16.05 8.2L16 8.2H14.5C13.45 8.12 12.65 7.25 12.65 6.2C12.67 5.22 13.5 4.43 14.46 4.45L14.5 4.45V3C12.65 3 11.15 4.5 11.15 6.35S12.65 9.7 14.5 9.7M20.5 10.7L20.5 10.77V13H22V10.76C22 8.62 20.78 6.66 18.85 5.73H18.82C19.58 5 19.9 4 19.8 3H18.32C18.34 3.11 18.35 3.23 18.35 3.35C18.35 4.37 17.5 5.2 16.5 5.2H16.5V6.7C18.71 6.7 20.5 8.5 20.5 10.7M9.27 16C9.45 15.7 9.7 15.45 10 15.27V14H5C4.21 14 3.44 14.32 2.88 14.88C1.71 16.05 1.71 17.95 2.88 19.12C3.45 19.68 4.21 20 5 20H10V18.73C9.05 18.18 8.72 16.95 9.27 16M18 14.8L19.5 16.3V14H18V14.8M20.5 17.3L22 18.8V14H20.5V17.3M11 16C10.45 16 10 16.45 10 17S10.45 18 11 18 12 17.55 12 17 11.55 16 11 16Z",gh="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",kh="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12S9.79 8 12 8 16 9.79 16 12 14.21 16 12 16Z",Bh="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.79 8 12S9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12 14.21 8 12 8Z",Ph="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A6,6 0 0,0 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8Z",wh="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12H20A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4V2M18.78,3C18.61,3 18.43,3.07 18.3,3.2L17.08,4.41L19.58,6.91L20.8,5.7C21.06,5.44 21.06,5 20.8,4.75L19.25,3.2C19.12,3.07 18.95,3 18.78,3M16.37,5.12L9,12.5V15H11.5L18.87,7.62L16.37,5.12Z",Fh="M16,4L20,8V4M20,16L16,20H20M8,20L4,16V20M4,8L8,4H4M16.95,7.05C14.22,4.32 9.78,4.32 7.05,7.05C4.32,9.78 4.32,14.22 7.05,16.95C9.78,19.68 14.22,19.68 16.95,16.95C19.68,14.22 19.68,9.79 16.95,7.05M15.85,15.85C13.72,18 10.28,18 8.15,15.85C6,13.72 6,10.28 8.15,8.15C10.28,6 13.72,6 15.85,8.15C18,10.28 18,13.72 15.85,15.85Z",Th="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 22V2Z",bh="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 22A10 10 0 0 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M12 4A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20V4Z",yh="M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8Z",Rh="M15 4A8 8 0 1 1 7 12A8 8 0 0 1 15 4M3 12A6 6 0 0 0 7 17.65V19.74A8 8 0 0 1 7 4.26V6.35A6 6 0 0 0 3 12Z",xh="M15,4A8,8 0 0,1 23,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,20A8,8 0 0,1 7,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,4M15,18A6,6 0 0,0 21,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,6A6,6 0 0,0 9,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,18M3,12C3,14.61 4.67,16.83 7,17.65V19.74C3.55,18.85 1,15.73 1,12C1,8.27 3.55,5.15 7,4.26V6.35C4.67,7.17 3,9.39 3,12Z",Dh="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.78 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 10.27 4.56 8.68 5.5 7.38L16.62 18.5C15.32 19.45 13.73 20 12 20M8.17 4.97L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19.03 15.83C19.65 14.69 20 13.39 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C10.61 4 9.31 4.35 8.17 4.97Z",Eh="M18 10V8H20V10H18M18 12V10H16V12H18M18 8V6H16V8H18M16 2.84V4H18C17.37 3.54 16.71 3.15 16 2.84M18 4V6H20C19.42 5.25 18.75 4.58 18 4M20 6V8H21.16C20.85 7.29 20.46 6.63 20 6M22 12C22 11.32 21.93 10.65 21.8 10H20V12H22M16 6V4H14V6H16M16 16H18V14H16V16M18 18H20L20 18V16H18V18M16 20H18L18 20V18H16V20M14 21.8C14.7 21.66 15.36 21.44 16 21.16V20H14V21.8M18 14H20V12H18V14M16 8H14V10H16V8M20 16H21.16C21.44 15.36 21.66 14.7 21.8 14H20V16M16 12H14V14H16V12M12 18V16H14V14H12V12H14V10H12V8H14V6H12V4H14V2.2C13.35 2.07 12.69 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22V20H14V18H12M14 18H16V16H14V18Z",Nh="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Wh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C13.93 5 15.68 5.78 16.95 7.05L12 12V5Z",Ih="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12H12V5Z",Gh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 13.93 18.22 15.68 16.95 16.95L12 12V5Z",Qh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19V5Z",Uh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C10.07 19 8.32 18.22 7.05 16.95L12 12V5Z",zh="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12H12V5Z",_h="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 10.07 5.78 8.32 7.05 7.05L12 12V5Z",Kh="M12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 15.87 15.87 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 8.13 8.13 5 12 5M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",jh="M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12C10,13.11 10.9,14 12,14C13.11,14 14,13.11 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",qh="M13,11A1,1 0 0,1 14,12A1,1 0 0,1 13,13A1,1 0 0,1 12,12A1,1 0 0,1 13,11M7.86,6.25C9.14,4.87 10.97,4 13,4C16.5,4 19.44,6.61 19.93,10H22V12H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,9A3,3 0 0,0 10,12H2V10H2.05C2.25,7.73 3.14,5.66 4.5,4L7.86,6.25M6.73,7.89L5.06,6.77C4.53,7.75 4.18,8.84 4.06,10H6.07C6.18,9.25 6.4,8.54 6.73,7.89M7.4,15.4L6,14H11.79C12.03,14.42 12.5,14.7 13,14.7C13.5,14.7 13.97,14.42 14.21,14H20V15.4C18.39,14.42 18.46,15.75 18.46,15.75V17.71L16.5,19.67C16,17.92 15.1,18.9 15.1,18.9L13.7,20.3H10.9C11.88,18.69 10.55,18.76 10.55,18.76H8.59L6.63,16.8C8.38,16.31 7.4,15.4 7.4,15.4Z",$h="M19,15H17V13H19M19,19H17V17H19M13,7H11V5H13M13,11H11V9H13M13,15H11V13H13M13,19H11V17H13M7,11H5V9H7M7,15H5V13H7M7,19H5V17H7M15,11V5L12,2L9,5V7H3V21H21V11H15Z",Xh="M21 15V9H15V3L12 0L9 3V5H3V15H21M19 13H17V11H19V13M11 5V3H13V5H11M11 9V7H13V9H11M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 9H5V7H7V9M7 13H5V11H7V13M9 17V19H15V17L18 20L15 23V21H9V23L6 20L9 17Z",Yh="M19,9V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H16V2H14V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11V12H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,14V22H6V20H8V22H12V20H14V22H16V20H18V22H21V11A2,2 0 0,0 19,9M8,18H6V16H8V18M14,18H12V16H14V18M14,14H12V12H14V14M13,9V7H17V9H13M18,18H16V16H18V18M18,14H16V12H18V14Z",Jh="M15,23H13V21H15V23M19,21H17V23H19V21M15,17H13V19H15V17M7,21H5V23H7V21M7,17H5V19H7V17M19,17H17V19H19V17M15,13H13V15H15V13M19,13H17V15H19V13M21,9A2,2 0 0,1 23,11V23H21V11H11V23H9V15H3V23H1V15A2,2 0 0,1 3,13H9V11A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V7A2,2 0 0,1 13,5H15V1H17V5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V9M19,9V7H13V9H19Z",Cp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3",Hp="M18,19H6V17.6C6,15.6 10,14.5 12,14.5C14,14.5 18,15.6 18,17.6M12,7A3,3 0 0,1 15,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 9,10A3,3 0 0,1 12,7M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Vp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M12,9A2,2 0 0,1 14,11A2,2 0 0,1 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 10,11A2,2 0 0,1 12,9M8,17V16C8,14.9 9.79,14 12,14C14.21,14 16,14.9 16,16V17H8Z",Lp="M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M13,14H11V8H13M13,18H11V16H13M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Mp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M11,9H13V13.5H11V9M11,15H13V17H11V15Z",Ap="M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",ip="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M12,18L7,13H10V9H14V13H17L12,18Z",rp="M16,15H12V18L7,13L12,8V11H16M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",ap="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M7,13L12,18V15H16V11H12V8L7,13Z",ep="M17,13L12,18V15H8V11H12V8M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",dp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7M16.91,13L11.91,18V15H7.91V11H11.91V8L16.91,13Z",mp="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,8L7,13H10V17H14V13H17L12,8M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3Z",tp="M12,8L17,13H14V17H10V13H7L12,8M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.6,1.84 10.7,1 12,1C13.3,1 14.4,1.84 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M7,7V5H5V19H19V5H17V7H7Z",vp="M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",lp="M4 7H2V21C2 22.1 2.9 23 4 23H18V21H4M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3M12.3 15.1L9 11.8L10.4 10.4L12.3 12.3L17.6 7L19 8.4",op="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M12.8 15.35L9.5 12.05L10.9 10.65L12.8 12.55L17.1 8.25L18.5 9.65L12.8 15.35M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7H10Z",np="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M7.5,13.5L9,12L11,14L15.5,9.5L17,11L11,17L7.5,13.5Z",Zp="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.37 22.24 11.11 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1S14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11.11C22.24 12.37 23 14.09 23 16M11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5S13 4.55 13 4 12.55 3 12 3 11 3.45 11 4M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",Sp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M5 19V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.68C18.09 9.25 17.08 9 16 9C12.13 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.08 9.25 18.09 9.68 19H5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",up="M21.04 12.13C21.18 12.13 21.31 12.19 21.42 12.3L22.7 13.58C22.92 13.79 22.92 14.14 22.7 14.35L21.7 15.35L19.65 13.3L20.65 12.3C20.76 12.19 20.9 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L21.12 15.93L15.06 22H13V19.94L19.07 13.88M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9L11 19V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",cp="M21.04 12.13C21.18 12.13 21.31 12.19 21.42 12.3L22.7 13.58C22.92 13.79 22.92 14.14 22.7 14.35L21.7 15.35L19.65 13.3L20.65 12.3C20.76 12.19 20.9 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L21.12 15.93L15.06 22H13V19.94L19.07 13.88M11 19L9 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9L19 11V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",sp="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9.17L19.83 8H15C12.79 8 11 9.79 11 12V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3M15 23C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15M21 14.83L18.17 12H18V15H21V14.83Z",Op="M15 23C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15M15 21H21V14.83L18.17 12H15V21M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9.17L19.83 8H19V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.6 1.84 10.7 1 12 1C13.3 1 14.4 1.84 14.82 3H19M12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5C12.55 5 13 4.55 13 4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3Z",hp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M15,19L11,15H14V8H16V15H19L15,19M10,16H8V9H5L9,5L13,9H10V16",pp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M10 16H8V11H6L9 8L12 11H10V16M14 10H16V15H18L15 18L12 15H14V10Z",fp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7 8H9V12H8V9H7V8M10 17V18H7V17.08L9 15H7V14H9.25C9.66 14 10 14.34 10 14.75C10 14.95 9.92 15.14 9.79 15.27L8.12 17H10M11 4C11 3.45 11.45 3 12 3S13 3.45 13 4 12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4M17 17H12V15H17V17M17 11H12V9H17V11Z",gp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M12 17V15H17V17H12M12 11V9H17V11H12M8 12V9H7V8H9V12H8M9.25 14C9.66 14 10 14.34 10 14.75C10 14.95 9.92 15.14 9.79 15.27L8.12 17H10V18H7V17.08L9 15H7V14H9.25",kp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M16 14H8V12H16V14Z",Bp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M19 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V19M8 12H16V14H8V12Z",Pp="M4 7H2V21C2 22.1 2.9 23 4 23H18V21H4M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3Z",wp="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7H10Z",Fp="M21 5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L21 17.8V5M12 5C11.45 5 11 4.55 11 4S11.45 3 12 3 13 3.45 13 4 12.55 5 12 5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",Tp="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M17 7V5H19V15.8L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3Z",bp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7Z",yp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M10,17V9L15,13L10,17Z",Rp="M4 21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.2C11.6 1.8 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.8 16.8 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5M13 4C13 4.5 13.5 5 14 5C14.5 5 15 4.5 15 4C15 3.5 14.6 3 14 3C13.4 3 13 3.5 13 4M17 12L12 8V16",xp="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.2C11.6 1.8 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.8 16.8 3H20M14 3C13.4 3 13 3.5 13 4C13 4.5 13.4 5 14 5C14.6 5 15 4.6 15 4C15 3.4 14.6 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7M12 15V9L17 12",Dp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M10,17V9L15,13L10,17Z",Ep="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M13,12H16V14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12Z",Np="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M7 7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M13 12H16V14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12Z",Wp="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M5,13.46H7.17L10.5,7.08L11.44,14.05L13.93,10.86L16.53,13.46H19V15H15.89L14.07,13.21L10.38,17.92L9.62,12.15L8.11,15H5V13.46Z",Ip="M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M5,15H8.11L9.62,12.15L10.38,17.92L14.07,13.21L15.89,15H19V19H5V15M19,13.46H16.53L13.93,10.86L11.44,14.05L10.5,7.08L7.17,13.46H5V5H7V6H17V5H19V6L19,13.46Z",Gp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M15.54 15.12L14.12 16.54L12 14.41L9.88 16.54L8.47 15.12L10.59 13L8.47 10.88L9.88 9.47L12 11.59L14.12 9.47L15.54 10.88L13.41 13L15.54 15.12Z",Qp="M19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M19 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V19M15.54 10.88L13.41 13L15.54 15.12L14.12 16.54L12 14.41L9.88 16.54L8.47 15.12L10.59 13L8.47 10.88L9.88 9.47L12 11.59L14.12 9.47L15.54 10.88Z",Up="M11.9 10.9C14.41 8.4 18.45 8.37 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C9.37 17.56 9.37 13.44 11.9 10.9M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",zp="M11.03 19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.5C19.72 9.8 20.4 10.24 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C11.57 19.76 11.27 19.39 11.03 19M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",_p="M17,9H7V7H17M17,13H7V11H17M14,17H7V15H14M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M19,3H14.82C14.4,1.84 13.3,1 12,1C10.7,1 9.6,1.84 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",Kp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M6 7H18V9H6V7M9.08 17H6V15H9.08C9.03 15.33 9 15.66 9 16S9.03 16.67 9.08 17M6 13V11H11.11C10.5 11.57 10.04 12.25 9.68 13H6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",jp="M21 11.11V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.11C12.37 22.24 14.09 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.37 21 11.11M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M5 19V5H7V7H17V5H19V9.68C18.09 9.25 17.08 9 16 9H7V11H11.1C10.5 11.57 10.04 12.25 9.68 13H7V15H9.08C9.03 15.33 9 15.66 9 16C9 17.08 9.25 18.09 9.68 19H5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",qp="M20 3H16.8C16.4 1.8 15.3 1 14 1C12.7 1 11.6 1.8 11.2 3H8C6.9 3 6 3.9 6 5V17C6 18.1 6.9 19 8 19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3M14 3C14.6 3 15 3.5 15 4C15 4.5 14.5 5 14 5C13.5 5 13 4.5 13 4C13 3.5 13.4 3 14 3M16 14H9V12H16M19 10H9V8H19M4 21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4",$p="M4 7V21H18V23H4C2.9 23 2 22.1 2 21V7H4M20 3C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V17C22 18.1 21.1 19 20 19H8C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17V5C6 3.9 6.9 3 8 3H11.18C11.6 1.84 12.7 1 14 1C15.3 1 16.4 1.84 16.82 3H20M14 3C13.45 3 13 3.45 13 4C13 4.55 13.45 5 14 5C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4C15 3.45 14.55 3 14 3M10 7V5H8V17H20V5H18V7M15 15H10V13H15M18 11H10V9H18V11Z",Xp="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7 11H9.11L11.11 13H7V11M14 17H7V15H13.11L14 15.89V17M17 7V9H12.2L14.2 11H17V13H16.2L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3Z",Yp="M17 7V5H19V15.8L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.25 1.44 12.53 .64 11 1.2C10.14 1.5 9.5 2.16 9.18 3H6.2L10.2 7H17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M14.2 11L12.2 9H17V11H14.2M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5 19V6.89L7.11 9H7V11H9.11L11.11 13H7V15H13.11L17.11 19H5Z",Jp="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M7,7H17V5H19V19H5V5H7V7M17,11H7V9H17V11M15,15H7V13H15V15Z",Cf="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.34C20.36,13.11 19.68,13 19,13C15.68,13 13,15.69 13,19C13,19.68 13.11,20.36 13.34,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H9.18C9.5,2.16 10.14,1.5 11,1.2C12.53,0.64 14.25,1.44 14.82,3H19M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M11,17V15H7V17H11M13,13V11H7V13H13M17,9V7H7V9H17M17,16L22,19L17,22V16Z",Hf="M19,3H14.82C14.25,1.44 12.53,0.64 11,1.2C10.14,1.5 9.5,2.16 9.18,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H15V19H5V5H7V7H17V5H19V14H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M17,16V22L22,19L17,16M17,11H7V9H17V11M15,15H7V13H15V15Z",Vf="M10.18 17H7V15H10C10.08 14.32 10.23 13.64 10.5 13H7V11H11.82C11.85 10.97 11.87 10.94 11.9 10.9C13.17 9.64 14.84 9 16.5 9H7V7H17V9H16.5C18.12 9 19.74 9.61 21 10.82V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H14.82C14.4 1.84 13.3 1 12 1S9.6 1.84 9.18 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.06C12.65 20.74 12.26 20.45 11.9 20.1C11 19.21 10.45 18.13 10.18 17M12 3C12.55 3 13 3.45 13 4S12.55 5 12 5 11 4.55 11 4 11.45 3 12 3M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",Lf="M17 9H16.5 17M7 15H10C10.08 14.32 10.23 13.64 10.5 13H7V15M11.9 10.9C13.17 9.64 14.84 9 16.5 9H7V11H11.82C11.85 10.97 11.87 10.94 11.9 10.9M11.9 20.1C12.26 20.45 12.65 20.74 13.06 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H9.18C9.5 2.16 10.14 1.5 11 1.2C12.53 .64 14.25 1.44 14.82 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V10.82C20.4 10.24 19.72 9.8 19 9.5V5H17V7H7V5H5V19H11.03C11.27 19.39 11.57 19.76 11.9 20.1M11 4C11 4.55 11.45 5 12 5S13 4.55 13 4 12.55 3 12 3 11 3.45 11 4M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",Mf="M15,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10,15.5V13.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.75,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,13.75V15.5A1,1 0 0,0 12.5,16.5A1,1 0 0,0 13.5,15.5V11.89C12.63,11.61 12,10.87 12,10C12,8.9 13,8 14.25,8C15.5,8 16.5,8.9 16.5,10C16.5,10.87 15.87,11.61 15,11.89V15.5M8.25,8C9.5,8 10.5,8.9 10.5,10C10.5,10.87 9.87,11.61 9,11.89V17.25A3.25,3.25 0 0,0 12.25,20.5A3.25,3.25 0 0,0 15.5,17.25V13.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 16.25,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17,13.75V17.25A4.75,4.75 0 0,1 12.25,22A4.75,4.75 0 0,1 7.5,17.25V11.89C6.63,11.61 6,10.87 6,10C6,8.9 7,8 8.25,8M10.06,6.13L9.63,7.59C9.22,7.37 8.75,7.25 8.25,7.25C7.34,7.25 6.53,7.65 6.03,8.27L4.83,7.37C5.46,6.57 6.41,6 7.5,5.81V5.75A3.75,3.75 0 0,1 11.25,2A3.75,3.75 0 0,1 15,5.75V5.81C16.09,6 17.04,6.57 17.67,7.37L16.47,8.27C15.97,7.65 15.16,7.25 14.25,7.25C13.75,7.25 13.28,7.37 12.87,7.59L12.44,6.13C12.77,6 13.13,5.87 13.5,5.81V5.75C13.5,4.5 12.5,3.5 11.25,3.5C10,3.5 9,4.5 9,5.75V5.81C9.37,5.87 9.73,6 10.06,6.13M14.25,9.25C13.7,9.25 13.25,9.59 13.25,10C13.25,10.41 13.7,10.75 14.25,10.75C14.8,10.75 15.25,10.41 15.25,10C15.25,9.59 14.8,9.25 14.25,9.25M8.25,9.25C7.7,9.25 7.25,9.59 7.25,10C7.25,10.41 7.7,10.75 8.25,10.75C8.8,10.75 9.25,10.41 9.25,10C9.25,9.59 8.8,9.25 8.25,9.25Z",Af="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.2,16.2L11,13V7H12.5V12.2L17,14.9L16.2,16.2Z",rf="M20 12H22V18H20V12M20 20H22V22H20V20M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.3 21.2 18 20V10H21.8C20.9 5.4 16.8 2 12 2M16.2 16.2L11 13V7H12.5V12.2L17 14.9L16.2 16.2Z",af="M11 7V13L16.2 16.1L17 14.9L12.5 12.2V7H11M20 12V18H22V12H20M20 20V22H22V20H20M18 20C16.3 21.3 14.3 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2C16.8 2 20.9 5.4 21.8 10H19.7C18.8 6.6 15.7 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12S7.6 20 12 20C14.4 20 16.5 18.9 18 17.3V20Z",ef="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13 19C13 17.5 13.5 16.2 14.4 15.1L11 13V7H12.5V12.2L15.6 14.1C16.6 13.4 17.7 13 19 13C20 13 21 13.3 21.8 13.7C21.9 13.1 22 12.6 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.6 22 13.2 21.9 13.7 21.8C13.3 21 13 20 13 19Z",df="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13.1 19.9C12.7 20 12.4 20 12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12S7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12C20 12.4 20 12.7 19.9 13.1C20.6 13.2 21.2 13.4 21.8 13.7C21.9 13.1 22 12.6 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C12.6 22 13.2 21.9 13.7 21.8C13.4 21.3 13.2 20.6 13.1 19.9M15.6 14.1L12.5 12.3V7H11V13L14.5 15.1C14.8 14.7 15.2 14.4 15.6 14.1Z",mf="M2,6A2,2 0 0,0 0,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 22,6M2,8H22V16H2M3,9V10.5H6.25L3,15H4.75L8,10.5V9M9.25,9V10.5H10.75V9M12,9V10.5H13.5V15H15V9M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10V14A1,1 0 0,0 17,15H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 20,9M17.5,10.5H19.5V13.5H17.5M9.25,13.5V15H10.75V13.5",tf="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M11 21.9C5.9 21.4 2 17.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.3 2 21.6 6.1 22 11.3C21.7 11.2 21.4 11.1 21 11.1C20.2 11.1 19.6 11.5 19.2 11.9L16.5 14.6L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L15.4 15.7L11 20.1V21.9Z",vf="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M12.5 7V12.2L16.5 14.6L15.5 15.6L11 13V7H12.5M11 21.9C5.9 21.4 2 17.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.3 2 21.6 6.1 22 11.3C21.7 11.2 21.4 11.1 21 11.1C20.6 11.1 20.3 11.2 20 11.3C19.6 7.2 16.2 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.1 7.1 19.5 11.1 19.9L11 20.1V21.9Z",lf="M12,1C8.14,1 5,4.14 5,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,15C15.86,15 19,11.87 19,8C19,4.14 15.86,1 12,1M12,3.15C14.67,3.15 16.85,5.32 16.85,8C16.85,10.68 14.67,12.85 12,12.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 7.15,8A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,3.15M11,5V8.69L14.19,10.53L14.94,9.23L12.5,7.82V5M15,16V19H3V21H15V24L19,20M19,20V24H21V16H19",of="M15,4A8,8 0 0,1 23,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,20A8,8 0 0,1 7,12A8,8 0 0,1 15,4M15,6A6,6 0 0,0 9,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,18A6,6 0 0,0 21,12A6,6 0 0,0 15,6M14,8H15.5V11.78L17.83,14.11L16.77,15.17L14,12.4V8M2,18A1,1 0 0,1 1,17A1,1 0 0,1 2,16H5.83C6.14,16.71 6.54,17.38 7,18H2M3,13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12A1,1 0 0,1 3,11H5.05L5,12L5.05,13H3M4,8A1,1 0 0,1 3,7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H7C6.54,6.62 6.14,7.29 5.83,8H4Z",nf="M2.21,0.79L0.79,2.21L4.8,6.21L3,8H8V3L6.21,4.8M12,8C8.14,8 5,11.13 5,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,22C15.86,22 19,18.87 19,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,8M12,10.15C14.67,10.15 16.85,12.32 16.85,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,19.85C9.32,19.85 7.15,17.68 7.15,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,10.15M11,12V15.69L14.19,17.53L14.94,16.23L12.5,14.82V12",Zf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Sf="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",uf="M18,1L19.8,2.79L15.79,6.79L17.21,8.21L21.21,4.21L23,6V1M12,8C8.14,8 5,11.13 5,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,22C15.86,22 19,18.87 19,15A7,7 0 0,0 12,8M12,10.15C14.67,10.15 16.85,12.32 16.85,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,19.85C9.32,19.85 7.15,17.68 7.15,15A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,10.15M11,12V15.69L14.19,17.53L14.94,16.23L12.5,14.82V12",cf="M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12.5,7V12.25L17,14.92L16.25,16.15L11,13V7H12.5Z",sf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",Of="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",hf="M13.72 21.84C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12S6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.94 13.16 21.84 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.74 13 16.57 13.39 15.6 14.06L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.43 15.11C13.54 16.16 13 17.5 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.84M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",pf="M14.47 15.08L11 13V7H12.5V12.25L15.58 14.08C15.17 14.36 14.79 14.7 14.47 15.08M13.08 19.92C12.72 19.97 12.37 20 12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 12.37 19.97 12.72 19.92 13.08C20.61 13.18 21.25 13.4 21.84 13.72C21.94 13.16 22 12.59 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.47 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.72 21.84C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.61 13.08 19.92M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",ff="M14.4 15.1C13.5 16.2 13 17.5 13 19C13 20 13.3 21 13.7 21.8C13.2 21.9 12.6 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.5 21.92 12.97 21.84 13.5L21.8 13.7C21 13.3 20 13 19 13C17.7 13 16.6 13.4 15.6 14.1L12.5 12.2V7H11V13L14.4 15.1M17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75Z",gf="M12 20C12.4 20 12.7 20 13.1 19.9C13.2 20.6 13.4 21.3 13.7 21.8C13.2 21.9 12.6 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.5 21.92 12.97 21.84 13.5L21.8 13.7C21.2 13.4 20.6 13.2 19.9 13.1C20 12.7 20 12.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C7.6 4 4 7.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20M12.5 12.3L15.6 14.1C15.2 14.4 14.8 14.7 14.5 15.1L11 13V7H12.5V12.3M17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75Z",kf="M12,1C8.14,1 5,4.14 5,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,15C15.86,15 19,11.87 19,8C19,4.14 15.86,1 12,1M12,3.15C14.67,3.15 16.85,5.32 16.85,8C16.85,10.68 14.67,12.85 12,12.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 7.15,8A4.85,4.85 0 0,1 12,3.15M11,5V8.69L14.19,10.53L14.94,9.23L12.5,7.82V5M4,16V24H6V21H18V24L22,20L18,16V19H6V16",Bf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M7.7 15.5L7 14.2L11 11.9V7H12.5V12.8L7.7 15.5Z",Pf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 12.8L7.7 15.6L7 14.2L11 11.9V7H12.5V12.8Z",wf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L8.5 8.6L9.8 7.8L11 10V7H12.5V13Z",Ff="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V13H11L8.5 8.6L9.8 7.8L11 10V7H12.5Z",Tf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M14 17L11 11.8V7H12.5V11.4L15.3 16.3L14 17Z",bf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M15.3 16.2L14 17L11 11.8V7H12.5V11.4L15.3 16.2Z",yf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M16.3 15.2L11 12.3V7H12.5V11.4L17 13.9L16.3 15.2Z",Rf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M17 13.9L16.3 15.2L11 12.3V7H12.5V11.4L17 13.9Z",xf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H7V11.5H11V7H12.5V13Z",Df="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V13H7V11.5H11V7H12.5Z",Ef="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.3 13H11V7H12.5V9.7L14 7.1L15.3 7.9L12.3 13Z",Nf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M15.3 7.8L12.3 13H11V7H12.5V9.65L14 7.05L15.3 7.8Z",Wf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 12.2L9.8 17L8.5 16.2L11 11.8V7H12.5V12.2Z",If="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V12.2L9.8 17L8.5 16.2L11 11.8V7H12.5Z",Gf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 17H11V7H12.5V17Z",Qf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 7V17H11V7H12.5Z",Uf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L7 10.7L7.8 9.4L11.1 11.3V7H12.6V13Z",zf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11L7 10.7L7.8 9.4L11.1 11.3V7H12.6V13Z",_f="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M17 13H11V7H12.5V11.5H17V13Z",Kf="M12 20C16.4 20 20 16.4 20 12S16.4 4 12 4 4 7.6 4 12 7.6 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M17 11.5V13H11V7H12.5V11.5H17Z",jf="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11V7H12.5V13Z",qf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13.03H11V7H12.5V13.03Z",$f="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12.5 13H11V7H12.5V11.3L16.2 9.2L17 10.5L12.5 13Z",Xf="M12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12S16.42 4 12 4 4 7.58 4 12 7.58 20 12 20M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12.5 13V13H11V7H12.5V11.26L16.2 9.13L16.95 10.43L12.5 13Z",Yf="M19,6.41L17.59,5L12,10.59L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L12,13.41L17.59,19L19,17.59L13.41,12L19,6.41Z",Jf="M19,3H16.3H7.7H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7.7V16.4V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H7.7H16.4H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V16.3V7.7V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M15.6,17L12,13.4L8.4,17L7,15.6L10.6,12L7,8.4L8.4,7L12,10.6L15.6,7L17,8.4L13.4,12L17,15.6L15.6,17Z",Cg="M4 20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V6H4V20M20.22 2H7.78C6.8 2 6 2.8 6 3.78V16.22C6 17.2 6.8 18 7.78 18H20.22C21.2 18 22 17.2 22 16.22V3.78C22 2.8 21.2 2 20.22 2M19 13.6L17.6 15L14 11.4L10.4 15L9 13.6L12.6 10L9 6.4L10.4 5L14 8.6L17.6 5L19 6.4L15.4 10L19 13.6Z",Hg="M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H8V4H20V16M4 6V20H18V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V6H4M9.77 12.84L12.6 10L9.77 7.15L11.17 5.75L14 8.6L16.84 5.77L18.24 7.17L15.4 10L18.23 12.84L16.83 14.24L14 11.4L11.17 14.24L9.77 12.84Z",Vg="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M17,8.4L13.4,12L17,15.6L15.6,17L12,13.4L8.4,17L7,15.6L10.6,12L7,8.4L8.4,7L12,10.6L15.6,7L17,8.4Z",Lg="M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M15.59,7L12,10.59L8.41,7L7,8.41L10.59,12L7,15.59L8.41,17L12,13.41L15.59,17L17,15.59L13.41,12L17,8.41L15.59,7Z",Mg="M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M20 15.59L18.59 17L15 13.41L11.41 17L10 15.59L13.59 12L10 8.41L11.41 7L15 10.59L18.59 7L20 8.41L16.41 12L20 15.59Z",Ag="M18.54 9.88L17.12 8.47L15 10.59L12.88 8.47L11.47 9.88L13.59 12L11.47 14.12L12.88 15.54L15 13.41L17.12 15.54L18.54 14.12L16.41 12M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M15 19C11.14 19 8 15.86 8 12S11.14 5 15 5 22 8.14 22 12 18.86 19 15 19Z",ig="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2M14.59,8L12,10.59L9.41,8L8,9.41L10.59,12L8,14.59L9.41,16L12,13.41L14.59,16L16,14.59L13.41,12L16,9.41L14.59,8Z",rg="M14.59,6L12,8.59L9.41,6L8,7.41L10.59,10L8,12.59L9.41,14L12,11.41L14.59,14L16,12.59L13.41,10L16,7.41L14.59,6M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",ag="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15.54,12.12L13.41,10L15.53,7.87L14.12,6.46L12,8.59L9.88,6.46L8.47,7.87L10.59,10L8.47,12.13L9.88,13.54L12,11.41L14.12,13.54L15.54,12.12Z",eg="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73L21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M8.41,7L12,10.59L15.59,7L17,8.41L13.41,12L17,15.59L15.59,17L12,13.41L8.41,17L7,15.59L10.59,12L7,8.41",dg="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1M9.12,7.71L7.71,9.12L10.59,12L7.71,14.88L9.12,16.29L12,13.41L14.88,16.29L16.29,14.88L13.41,12L16.29,9.12L14.88,7.71L12,10.59",mg="M3,16.74L7.76,12L3,7.26L7.26,3L12,7.76L16.74,3L21,7.26L16.24,12L21,16.74L16.74,21L12,16.24L7.26,21L3,16.74M12,13.41L16.74,18.16L18.16,16.74L13.41,12L18.16,7.26L16.74,5.84L12,10.59L7.26,5.84L5.84,7.26L10.59,12L5.84,16.74L7.26,18.16L12,13.41Z",tg="M20 6.91L17.09 4L12 9.09L6.91 4L4 6.91L9.09 12L4 17.09L6.91 20L12 14.91L17.09 20L20 17.09L14.91 12L20 6.91Z",vg="M18,11H16.5V10.5H14.5V13.5H16.5V13H18V14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 14,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M11,11H9.5V10.5H7.5V13.5H9.5V13H11V14A1,1 0 0,1 10,15H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 7,9H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,10M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.89 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6C21,4.89 20.1,4 19,4Z",lg="M5,4C4.45,4 4,4.18 3.59,4.57C3.2,4.96 3,5.44 3,6V18C3,18.56 3.2,19.04 3.59,19.43C4,19.82 4.45,20 5,20H19C19.5,20 20,19.81 20.39,19.41C20.8,19 21,18.53 21,18V6C21,5.47 20.8,5 20.39,4.59C20,4.19 19.5,4 19,4H5M4.5,5.5H19.5V18.5H4.5V5.5M7,9C6.7,9 6.47,9.09 6.28,9.28C6.09,9.47 6,9.7 6,10V14C6,14.3 6.09,14.53 6.28,14.72C6.47,14.91 6.7,15 7,15H10C10.27,15 10.5,14.91 10.71,14.72C10.91,14.53 11,14.3 11,14V13H9.5V13.5H7.5V10.5H9.5V11H11V10C11,9.7 10.91,9.47 10.71,9.28C10.5,9.09 10.27,9 10,9H7M14,9C13.73,9 13.5,9.09 13.29,9.28C13.09,9.47 13,9.7 13,10V14C13,14.3 13.09,14.53 13.29,14.72C13.5,14.91 13.73,15 14,15H17C17.3,15 17.53,14.91 17.72,14.72C17.91,14.53 18,14.3 18,14V13H16.5V13.5H14.5V10.5H16.5V11H18V10C18,9.7 17.91,9.47 17.72,9.28C17.53,9.09 17.3,9 17,9H14Z",og="M6.5 20Q4.22 20 2.61 18.43 1 16.85 1 14.58 1 12.63 2.17 11.1 3.35 9.57 5.25 9.15 5.88 6.85 7.75 5.43 9.63 4 12 4 14.93 4 16.96 6.04 19 8.07 19 11 20.73 11.2 21.86 12.5 23 13.78 23 15.5 23 17.38 21.69 18.69 20.38 20 18.5 20Z",ng="M21.86 12.5C21.1 11.63 20.15 11.13 19 11C19 9.05 18.32 7.4 16.96 6.04C15.6 4.68 13.95 4 12 4C10.42 4 9 4.47 7.75 5.43S5.67 7.62 5.25 9.15C4 9.43 2.96 10.08 2.17 11.1S1 13.28 1 14.58C1 16.09 1.54 17.38 2.61 18.43C3.69 19.5 5 20 6.5 20H18.5C19.75 20 20.81 19.56 21.69 18.69C22.56 17.81 23 16.75 23 15.5C23 14.35 22.62 13.35 21.86 12.5M13 17H11V15H13V17M13 13H11V7H13V13Z",Zg="M21.86 12.5C21.1 11.63 20.15 11.13 19 11C19 9.05 18.32 7.4 16.96 6.04C15.6 4.68 13.95 4 12 4C10.42 4 9 4.47 7.75 5.43S5.67 7.62 5.25 9.15C4 9.43 2.96 10.08 2.17 11.1S1 13.28 1 14.58C1 16.09 1.54 17.38 2.61 18.43C3.69 19.5 5 20 6.5 20H18.5C19.75 20 20.81 19.56 21.69 18.69C22.56 17.81 23 16.75 23 15.5C23 14.35 22.62 13.35 21.86 12.5M20.27 17.27C19.79 17.76 19.2 18 18.5 18H6.5C5.53 18 4.71 17.66 4.03 17C3.34 16.29 3 15.47 3 14.5S3.34 12.71 4.03 12.03C4.71 11.34 5.53 11 6.5 11H7C7 9.62 7.5 8.44 8.46 7.46C9.44 6.5 10.62 6 12 6S14.56 6.5 15.54 7.46C16.5 8.44 17 9.62 17 11V13H18.5C19.2 13 19.79 13.24 20.27 13.73S21 14.8 21 15.5 20.76 16.79 20.27 17.27M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 7H13V13H11V7Z",Sg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",ug="M4.03 12.03C3.34 12.71 3 13.53 3 14.5S3.34 16.29 4.03 17C4.71 17.66 5.53 18 6.5 18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C18.89 13 18.79 13 18.68 13C18.62 13 18.56 13 18.5 13H17V11C17 9.62 16.5 8.44 15.54 7.46C14.56 6.5 13.38 6 12 6S9.44 6.5 8.46 7.46C7.5 8.44 7 9.62 7 11H6.5C5.53 11 4.71 11.34 4.03 12.03M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",cg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.4 19 9.05 19 11C20.15 11.13 21.1 11.63 21.86 12.5C22.37 13.07 22.7 13.71 22.86 14.42C21.82 13.54 20.5 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",sg="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H6.5C5 20 3.69 19.5 2.61 18.43C1.54 17.38 1 16.09 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1S4 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.62 6.5 6.38 7.75 5.43S10.42 4 12 4C13.95 4 15.6 4.68 16.96 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14.26 21.34 12.41 19.19 12.07M18.5 19H7.5C6.67 19 6 18.33 6 17.5S6.67 16 7.5 16H10V14C10 12.07 11.57 10.5 13.5 10.5S17 12.07 17 14H18.5C19.88 14 21 15.12 21 16.5S19.88 19 18.5 19Z",ck="M12,11.18C15.3,8.18 17,6.64 17,4.69C17,3.19 15.75,2 14.25,2C13.39,2 12.57,2.36 12,3C11.43,2.36 10.61,2 9.69,2C8.19,2 7,3.25 7,4.75C7,6.64 8.7,8.18 12,11.18M11.18,12C8.18,8.7 6.64,7 4.69,7C3.19,7 2,8.25 2,9.75C2,10.61 2.36,11.43 3,12C2.36,12.57 2,13.39 2,14.31C2,15.81 3.25,17 4.75,17C6.64,17 8.18,15.3 11.18,12M12.83,12C15.82,15.3 17.36,17 19.31,17C20.81,17 22,15.75 22,14.25C22,13.39 21.64,12.57 21,12C21.64,11.43 22,10.61 22,9.69C22,8.19 20.75,7 19.25,7C17.36,7 15.82,8.7 12.83,12M12,12.82C8.7,15.82 7,17.36 7,19.31C7,20.81 8.25,22 9.75,22C10.61,22 11.43,21.64 12,21C12.57,21.64 13.39,22 14.31,22C15.81,22 17,20.75 17,19.25C17,17.36 15.3,15.82 12,12.82Z",sk="M10.61 12.62L10.65 12.58L11.16 12.03L11.18 12L11.16 11.97C11 11.78 10.82 11.6 10.66 11.42L10.61 11.38C8.42 8.97 7.03 7.53 5.58 7.12C5.29 7.04 5 7 4.69 7C3.19 7 2 8.25 2 9.75C2 10.38 2.19 11 2.55 11.5C2.68 11.68 2.83 11.85 3 12C2.83 12.15 2.68 12.32 2.55 12.5C2.19 13 2 13.64 2 14.31C2 15.81 3.25 17 4.75 17C5.03 17 5.31 16.96 5.58 16.89C7 16.5 8.4 15.05 10.61 12.62M8.47 12C7.57 12.97 6.88 13.69 6.26 14.21C5.43 14.91 5 15 4.75 15C4.3 15 4 14.65 4 14.31C4 13.93 4.14 13.66 4.33 13.5L6 12L4.33 10.5C4.13 10.33 4 10.05 4 9.75C4 9.3 4.35 9 4.69 9C5 9 5.43 9.1 6.26 9.8C6.88 10.31 7.57 11.03 8.47 12M7.12 18.43C7.04 18.72 7 19 7 19.31C7 20.81 8.25 22 9.75 22C10.38 22 11 21.81 11.5 21.45C11.68 21.32 11.85 21.17 12 21C12.15 21.17 12.32 21.32 12.5 21.45C13 21.81 13.64 22 14.31 22C15.81 22 17 20.75 17 19.25C17 18.97 16.96 18.69 16.89 18.42C16.5 17 15.05 15.6 12.62 13.39L12.58 13.35L12.03 12.85L12 12.82L11.97 12.85L11.42 13.35L11.38 13.38C8.97 15.58 7.53 16.97 7.12 18.43M12 15.53C12.97 16.43 13.69 17.12 14.21 17.74C14.91 18.57 15 19 15 19.25C15 19.7 14.65 20 14.31 20C13.93 20 13.66 19.86 13.5 19.67L12 18L10.5 19.67C10.33 19.87 10.05 20 9.75 20C9.3 20 9 19.65 9 19.31C9 19 9.1 18.57 9.8 17.74C10.31 17.12 11.03 16.43 12 15.53M13.39 12.62C15.59 15.03 16.97 16.47 18.43 16.88C18.72 16.96 19 17 19.31 17C20.81 17 22 15.75 22 14.25C22 13.62 21.81 13 21.45 12.5C21.32 12.32 21.17 12.15 21 12C21.17 11.85 21.32 11.68 21.45 11.5C21.81 11 22 10.37 22 9.69C22 8.19 20.75 7 19.25 7C18.97 7 18.69 7.04 18.42 7.11C17 7.5 15.6 8.95 13.39 11.38L13.36 11.42L12.83 12L12.83 12L12.83 12L13.36 12.58L13.39 12.62M15.54 12C16.43 11.03 17.13 10.31 17.74 9.79C18.58 9.09 19 9 19.25 9C19.7 9 20 9.35 20 9.69C20 10.07 19.86 10.34 19.67 10.5L18 12L19.67 13.5C19.87 13.68 20 13.95 20 14.25C20 14.7 19.65 15 19.31 15C19 15 18.57 14.9 17.74 14.2C17.13 13.69 16.43 12.97 15.54 12M12.62 10.62C15.03 8.42 16.47 7.03 16.88 5.58C16.96 5.29 17 5 17 4.69C17 3.19 15.75 2 14.25 2C13.62 2 13 2.19 12.5 2.55C12.32 2.68 12.15 2.83 12 3C11.85 2.83 11.68 2.68 11.5 2.55C11 2.19 10.37 2 9.69 2C8.19 2 7 3.25 7 4.75C7 5.03 7.04 5.31 7.11 5.58C7.5 7 8.95 8.4 11.38 10.62L11.42 10.65L11.97 11.15L12 11.18L12.03 11.16L12.59 10.65L12.62 10.61M12 8.47C11.03 7.57 10.31 6.88 9.79 6.26C9.09 5.43 9 5 9 4.75C9 4.3 9.35 4 9.69 4C10.07 4 10.34 4.14 10.5 4.33L12 6L13.5 4.33C13.68 4.13 13.95 4 14.25 4C14.7 4 15 4.35 15 4.69C15 5 14.9 5.43 14.2 6.26C13.69 6.88 12.97 7.57 12 8.47Z",Ok="M16 5L15 2H13L12 5L6 8H8L8.6 11H4V7H2V17H4V13H9L10 18L12 20L13 22H15L16 20L18 18L20 8H22M16.16 17H11.84L10 8H18Z",hk="M12.5 2L12 4L10 6.31L5 9H7L9.5 18L12 20L12.5 22H13.5L14 20L16.5 18L19 9H21L16 6.31L14 4L13.5 2M9 9H17L14.78 17H11.22M3 14V22H11.5L11 20H8L5 17V14Z",pk="M18.33 7.78A1 1 0 0 0 16.66 8.89A2 2 0 1 1 13 10V7.82A3 3 0 1 0 11 7.82V10A2 2 0 1 1 7.34 8.89A1 1 0 1 0 5.67 7.78A4 4 0 0 0 11 13.46V20A2 2 0 0 0 9 22H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 20V13.46A4 4 0 0 0 18.33 7.78M12 4A1 1 0 1 1 11 5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",fk="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M6,6V18H10V16H8V8H10V6H6M16,16H14V18H18V6H14V8H16V16Z",gk="M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5S2.1 7 1 7V9C2.1 9 3 9.9 3 11S3.9 13 5 13H7V11H5V10C5 8.9 4.1 8 3 8C4.1 8 5 7.1 5 6V5H7V3M11 3C12.1 3 13 3.9 13 5S13.9 7 15 7V9C13.9 9 13 9.9 13 11S12.1 13 11 13H9V11H11V10C11 8.9 11.9 8 13 8C11.9 8 11 7.1 11 6V5H9V3H11M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",kk="M2 3V13H6V11H4V5H6V3H2M12 11H10V13H14V3H10V5H12V11M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",Bk="M11.6 3C13.1 4.3 14 6.1 14 8S13.1 11.7 11.6 13L10 12.4C11.3 11.4 12 9.7 12 8S11.3 4.6 10 3.6L11.6 3M4.4 3L6 3.6C4.7 4.6 4 6.3 4 8S4.7 11.4 6 12.4L4.4 13C2.9 11.7 2 9.9 2 8S2.9 4.3 4.4 3M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V15H4V18H20V6H16.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",Pk="M5.59 3.41L7 4.82L3.82 8L7 11.18L5.59 12.6L1 8L5.59 3.41M11.41 3.41L16 8L11.41 12.6L10 11.18L13.18 8L10 4.82L11.41 3.41M22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V14H4V18H20V6H17.03V4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6Z",wk="M8,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,5V9A2,2 0 0,1 4,11H3V13H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,15V19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H10V19H8V14A2,2 0 0,0 6,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,10V5H10V3M16,3A2,2 0 0,1 18,5V9A2,2 0 0,0 20,11H21V13H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H14V19H16V14A2,2 0 0,1 18,12A2,2 0 0,1 16,10V5H14V3H16Z",Fk="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11 8H9V10C9 11.1 8.1 12 7 12C8.1 12 9 12.9 9 14V16H11V18H9C7.9 18 7 17.1 7 16V15C7 13.9 6.1 13 5 13V11C6.1 11 7 10.1 7 9V8C7 6.9 7.9 6 9 6H11V8M19 13C17.9 13 17 13.9 17 15V16C17 17.1 16.1 18 15 18H13V16H15V14C15 12.9 15.9 12 17 12C15.9 12 15 11.1 15 10V8H13V6H15C16.1 6 17 6.9 17 8V9C17 10.1 17.9 11 19 11V13Z",Tk="M15,4V6H18V18H15V20H20V4M4,4V20H9V18H6V6H9V4H4Z",bk="M6,13H11V15H6M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M6,9H11V11H6M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",yk="M10.41,7.41L15,12L10.41,16.6L9,15.18L12.18,12L9,8.82M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Rk="M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M6.91,7.41L11.5,12L6.91,16.6L5.5,15.18L8.68,12L5.5,8.82M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",xk="M5,3H7V5H5V10A2,2 0 0,1 3,12A2,2 0 0,1 5,14V19H7V21H5C3.93,20.73 3,20.1 3,19V15A2,2 0 0,0 1,13H0V11H1A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9A2,2 0 0,0 23,11H24V13H23A2,2 0 0,0 21,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H17V19H19V14A2,2 0 0,1 21,12A2,2 0 0,1 19,10V5H17V3H19M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,17A1,1 0 0,1 11,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15M8,15A1,1 0 0,1 9,16A1,1 0 0,1 8,17A1,1 0 0,1 7,16A1,1 0 0,1 8,15M16,15A1,1 0 0,1 17,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,17A1,1 0 0,1 15,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,15Z",Dk="M13.59,7.41L9,12L13.59,16.6L15,15.18L11.82,12L15,8.82M19,3C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19Z",Ek="M13,13H18V15H13M13,9H18V11H13M10.09,7.41L11.5,8.82L8.32,12L11.5,15.18L10.09,16.6L5.5,12M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Nk="M6,15H8V17H6M11,13H18V15H11M11,9H18V11H11M6,7H8V13H6M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Wk="M11,6.5V9.33L8.33,12L11,14.67V17.5L5.5,12M13,6.43L18.57,12L13,17.57V14.74L15.74,12L13,9.26M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5Z",Ik="M17.62,3C19.13,5.27 20,8.55 20,12C20,15.44 19.13,18.72 17.62,21L16,19.96C17.26,18.07 18,15.13 18,12C18,8.87 17.26,5.92 16,4.03L17.62,3M6.38,3L8,4.04C6.74,5.92 6,8.87 6,12C6,15.13 6.74,18.08 8,19.96L6.38,21C4.87,18.73 4,15.45 4,12C4,8.55 4.87,5.27 6.38,3Z",Gk="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 17.3L8.4 18C6.9 16.5 6 14.3 6 12S6.9 7.5 8.4 6L10 6.7C8.7 7.9 8 9.9 8 12S8.7 16.1 10 17.3M15.6 18L14 17.3C15.3 16 16 14.1 16 12S15.3 7.9 14 6.7L15.6 6C17.1 7.5 18 9.7 18 12C18 14.3 17.1 16.5 15.6 18Z",Qk="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M12.5,11H11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,8H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5H16A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12.5,6H11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 11.5,13H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,16H11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,14.5H8A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 11.5,18H12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 16,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12.5,11Z",Uk="M14.6,16.6L19.2,12L14.6,7.4L16,6L22,12L16,18L14.6,16.6M9.4,16.6L4.8,12L9.4,7.4L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.4,16.6Z",zk="M6.59,3.41L2,8L6.59,12.6L8,11.18L4.82,8L8,4.82L6.59,3.41M12.41,3.41L11,4.82L14.18,8L11,11.18L12.41,12.6L17,8L12.41,3.41M21.59,11.59L13.5,19.68L9.83,16L8.42,17.41L13.5,22.5L23,13L21.59,11.59Z",_k="M8.21 12L6.88 12.89V11.11L8.21 12M11.47 9.82V7.34L7.31 10.12L9.16 11.36L11.47 9.82M16.7 10.12L12.53 7.34V9.82L14.84 11.36L16.7 10.12M7.31 13.88L11.47 16.66V14.18L9.16 12.64L7.31 13.88M12.53 14.18V16.66L16.7 13.88L14.84 12.64L12.53 14.18M12 10.74L10.12 12L12 13.26L13.88 12L12 10.74M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M18.18 10.12C18.18 10.09 18.18 10.07 18.18 10.05L18.17 10L18.17 10L18.16 9.95C18.15 9.94 18.15 9.93 18.14 9.91L18.13 9.89L18.11 9.85L18.1 9.83L18.08 9.8L18.06 9.77L18.03 9.74L18 9.72L18 9.7L17.96 9.68L17.95 9.67L12.3 5.91C12.12 5.79 11.89 5.79 11.71 5.91L6.05 9.67L6.05 9.68L6 9.7C6 9.71 6 9.72 6 9.72L5.97 9.74L5.94 9.77L5.93 9.8L5.9 9.83L5.89 9.85L5.87 9.89L5.86 9.91L5.84 9.95L5.84 10L5.83 10L5.82 10.05C5.82 10.07 5.82 10.09 5.82 10.12V13.88C5.82 13.91 5.82 13.93 5.82 13.95L5.83 14L5.84 14L5.84 14.05C5.85 14.06 5.85 14.07 5.86 14.09L5.87 14.11L5.89 14.15L5.9 14.17L5.92 14.2L5.94 14.23C5.95 14.24 5.96 14.25 5.97 14.26L6 14.28L6 14.3L6.04 14.32L6.05 14.33L11.71 18.1C11.79 18.16 11.9 18.18 12 18.18C12.1 18.18 12.21 18.15 12.3 18.1L17.95 14.33L17.96 14.32L18 14.3L18 14.28L18.03 14.26L18.06 14.23L18.08 14.2L18.1 14.17L18.11 14.15L18.13 14.11L18.14 14.09L18.16 14.05L18.16 14L18.17 14L18.18 13.95C18.18 13.93 18.18 13.91 18.18 13.88V10.12M17.12 12.89V11.11L15.79 12L17.12 12.89Z",Kk="M2,21H20V19H2M20,8H18V5H20M20,3H4V13A4,4 0 0,0 8,17H14A4,4 0 0,0 18,13V10H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,8V5C22,3.89 21.1,3 20,3Z",jk="M18 6V4H20V2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H20V20H15.97C17.2 19.09 18 17.64 18 16V11H8V16C8 17.64 8.81 19.09 10.03 20H6V4H8V6C8 6.55 8.45 7 9 7H17C17.55 7 18 6.55 18 6M13 8C13.55 8 14 8.45 14 9S13.55 10 13 10 12 9.55 12 9 12.45 8 13 8Z",qk="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M13 18C13 15.78 14.21 13.85 16 12.81V11H6V16C6 17.64 6.81 19.09 8.03 20H4V4H6V6C6 6.55 6.45 7 7 7H15C15.55 7 16 6.55 16 6V4H18V2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H14.54C13.58 20.94 13 19.54 13 18M10 9C10 9.55 10.45 10 11 10S12 9.55 12 9 11.55 8 11 8 10 8.45 10 9Z",$k="M17.75 21.16L15 18.16L16.16 17L17.75 18.59L21.34 15L22.5 16.41L17.75 21.16M13 18.21C12.5 18.7 11.78 19 11 19C9.35 19 8 17.65 8 16V13H14V14.69C14.5 13.92 15.2 13.27 16 12.81V11H6V16C6 17.64 6.81 19.09 8.03 20H4V4H6V6C6 6.55 6.45 7 7 7H15C15.55 7 16 6.55 16 6V4H18V2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H14.54C13.63 21 13.06 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18C7.74 18.19 8 18.37 8.26 18.53L9.91 17.13C9.14 16.8 8.46 16.31 7.91 15.68L5.5 16.68L4.73 15.38L6.8 13.8C6.4 12.63 6.4 11.37 6.8 10.2L4.69 8.65L5.44 7.35L7.85 8.35C8.63 7.45 9.68 6.82 10.85 6.57L11.25 4H12.75L13.12 6.62C14.29 6.86 15.34 7.5 16.12 8.39L18.53 7.39L19.28 8.69L17.2 10.2C17.29 10.46 17.36 10.73 17.4 11H19.4L21.5 9.37C21.72 9.23 21.78 8.95 21.66 8.73M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.91 9.35 15.54 11.21 15.92L16 11.86C15.93 9.71 14.16 8 12 8M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.91 9.35 15.54 11.21 15.92L16 11.86C15.93 9.71 14.16 8 12 8M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14Z",hB="M15.9,18.45C17.25,18.45 18.35,17.35 18.35,16C18.35,14.65 17.25,13.55 15.9,13.55C14.54,13.55 13.45,14.65 13.45,16C13.45,17.35 14.54,18.45 15.9,18.45M21.1,16.68L22.58,17.84C22.71,17.95 22.75,18.13 22.66,18.29L21.26,20.71C21.17,20.86 21,20.92 20.83,20.86L19.09,20.16C18.73,20.44 18.33,20.67 17.91,20.85L17.64,22.7C17.62,22.87 17.47,23 17.3,23H14.5C14.32,23 14.18,22.87 14.15,22.7L13.89,20.85C13.46,20.67 13.07,20.44 12.71,20.16L10.96,20.86C10.81,20.92 10.62,20.86 10.54,20.71L9.14,18.29C9.05,18.13 9.09,17.95 9.22,17.84L10.7,16.68L10.65,16L10.7,15.31L9.22,14.16C9.09,14.05 9.05,13.86 9.14,13.71L10.54,11.29C10.62,11.13 10.81,11.07 10.96,11.13L12.71,11.84C13.07,11.56 13.46,11.32 13.89,11.15L14.15,9.29C14.18,9.13 14.32,9 14.5,9H17.3C17.47,9 17.62,9.13 17.64,9.29L17.91,11.15C18.33,11.32 18.73,11.56 19.09,11.84L20.83,11.13C21,11.07 21.17,11.13 21.26,11.29L22.66,13.71C22.75,13.86 22.71,14.05 22.58,14.16L21.1,15.31L21.15,16L21.1,16.68M6.69,8.07C7.56,8.07 8.26,7.37 8.26,6.5C8.26,5.63 7.56,4.92 6.69,4.92A1.58,1.58 0 0,0 5.11,6.5C5.11,7.37 5.82,8.07 6.69,8.07M10.03,6.94L11,7.68C11.07,7.75 11.09,7.87 11.03,7.97L10.13,9.53C10.08,9.63 9.96,9.67 9.86,9.63L8.74,9.18L8,9.62L7.81,10.81C7.79,10.92 7.7,11 7.59,11H5.79C5.67,11 5.58,10.92 5.56,10.81L5.4,9.62L4.64,9.18L3.5,9.63C3.41,9.67 3.3,9.63 3.24,9.53L2.34,7.97C2.28,7.87 2.31,7.75 2.39,7.68L3.34,6.94L3.31,6.5L3.34,6.06L2.39,5.32C2.31,5.25 2.28,5.13 2.34,5.03L3.24,3.47C3.3,3.37 3.41,3.33 3.5,3.37L4.63,3.82L5.4,3.38L5.56,2.19C5.58,2.08 5.67,2 5.79,2H7.59C7.7,2 7.79,2.08 7.81,2.19L8,3.38L8.74,3.82L9.86,3.37C9.96,3.33 10.08,3.37 10.13,3.47L11.03,5.03C11.09,5.13 11.07,5.25 11,5.32L10.03,6.06L10.06,6.5L10.03,6.94Z",pB="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.89,21 5,21H11V3M13,3V11H21V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3M13,13V21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V13",fB="M14,4H4V14H2V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H14V4M18,6H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M20,15H12V17H20V15Z",gB="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M19,17H13V15H19V17Z",kB="M0,24H24V20H0V24Z",BB="M7,3H16.95V12.96L12.96,20.94H8L11.97,12.96H7V3Z",PB="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,13V7H9V13H12L10,17H13L15,13Z",wB="M10,17L12,13H9V7H15V13L13,17H10M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",FB="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M15,13L13,17H10L12,13H9V7H15V13Z",TB="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M10,17H13L15,13V7H9V13H12L10,17Z",bB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9Z",yB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M16,14V13C16,11.67 13.33,11 12,11C10.67,11 8,11.67 8,13V14H16M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6Z",RB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M16,14H8V13C8,11.67 10.67,11 12,11C13.33,11 16,11.67 16,13V14M12,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 10,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,6Z",xB="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M13 11V5H11V11M13 15V13H11V15H13Z",DB="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M13,10H11V6H13V10M13,14H11V12H13V14Z",EB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16 11H11.5L13.3 12.8L12 14L8 10L12 6L13.2 7.2L11.5 9H16V11Z",NB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H13.1L10 19.1V16H4V4H20V16M16 11V9H11.5L13.3 7.2L12 6L8 10L12 14L13.2 12.8L11.5 11H16Z",WB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14L10.8 12.8L12.6 11H8V9H12.5L10.7 7.2L12 6L16 10L12 14Z",IB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H13.1L10 19.1V16H4V4H20V16M8 9V11H12.5L10.7 12.8L12 14L16 10L12 6L10.8 7.2L12.5 9H8Z",GB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M19 13L16.5 11.5L14 13V5H19V13Z",QB="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.1L13.1 16H20V4H4V16H10M18 14V6H13V14L15.5 12.5L18 14Z",UB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",zB="M9 22C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.08L13.08 16H20V4H4V16H10M15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6",_B="M20 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M9.08 15H7V12.91L13.17 6.72L15.24 8.8L9.08 15M16.84 7.2L15.83 8.21L13.76 6.18L14.77 5.16C14.97 4.95 15.31 4.94 15.55 5.16L16.84 6.41C17.05 6.62 17.06 6.96 16.84 7.2Z",KB="M9 22C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.08L13.08 16H20V4H4V16H10M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",jB="M20,12V16C20,17.11 19.11,18 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.89 9.76,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4H9.5C8.95,4.67 8.5,5.42 8.14,6.25L7.85,7L8.14,7.75C9.43,10.94 12.5,13 16,13C17.44,13 18.8,12.63 20,12M16,6C16.56,6 17,6.44 17,7C17,7.56 16.56,8 16,8C15.44,8 15,7.56 15,7C15,6.44 15.44,6 16,6M16,3C18.73,3 21.06,4.66 22,7C21.06,9.34 18.73,11 16,11C13.27,11 10.94,9.34 10,7C10.94,4.66 13.27,3 16,3M16,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,4.5",qB="M16,6C16.56,6 17,6.44 17,7C17,7.56 16.56,8 16,8C15.44,8 15,7.56 15,7C15,6.44 15.44,6 16,6M16,3C18.73,3 21.06,4.66 22,7C21.06,9.34 18.73,11 16,11C13.27,11 10.94,9.34 10,7C10.94,4.66 13.27,3 16,3M16,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,4.5M18,12.75V16H13.08L10,19.08V16H4V6H8.27C8.59,5.27 9,4.6 9.5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V16C2,17.11 2.9,18 4,18H8V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,22H9.5C9.75,22 10,21.9 10.2,21.71L13.9,18H18C19.11,18 20,17.11 20,16V12C19.37,12.33 18.7,12.58 18,12.75Z",$B="M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16M15 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H15V18Z",XB="M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16M15 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H20V4H4V16H10V19.1L13.1 16H15V18Z",YB="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.55 8.45 22 9 22H9.5C9.75 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.71L13.9 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",JB="M16 11H8V9H16V11M22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4M20 4H4V16H10V19.08L13.08 16H20V4",CP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15Z",HP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7C5,5.89 5.9,5 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.9 12.75,23 12.5,23V23H12M13,17V20.08L16.08,17H21V7H7V17H13M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15Z",VP="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H5.2L20.95 17.75C21.57 17.41 22 16.76 22 16Z",LP="M7.2 4L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75L19.2 16H20V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H13.9L10.2 21.71C10 21.9 9.75 22 9.5 22H9C8.45 22 8 21.55 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 3.97 2 3.93 2 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14.11 16L4 5.89V16H10V19.08L13.08 16H14.11Z",MP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10Z",AP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22H9M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",iP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6Z",rP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M17,11V9H15V11H17M13,11V9H11V11H13M9,11V9H7V11H9Z",aP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M17,11H15V9H17V11M13,11H11V9H13V11M9,11H7V9H9V11Z",eP="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2M12.19,5.5C11.3,5.5 10.59,5.68 10.05,6.04C9.5,6.4 9.22,7 9.27,7.69H11.24C11.24,7.41 11.34,7.2 11.5,7.06C11.7,6.92 11.92,6.85 12.19,6.85C12.5,6.85 12.77,6.93 12.95,7.11C13.13,7.28 13.22,7.5 13.22,7.8C13.22,8.08 13.14,8.33 13,8.54C12.83,8.76 12.62,8.94 12.36,9.08C11.84,9.4 11.5,9.68 11.29,9.92C11.1,10.16 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.72 13.05,10.5 13.14,10.32C13.23,10.15 13.4,10 13.66,9.85C14.12,9.64 14.5,9.36 14.79,9C15.08,8.63 15.23,8.24 15.23,7.8C15.23,7.1 14.96,6.54 14.42,6.12C13.88,5.71 13.13,5.5 12.19,5.5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",dP="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H8V21A1,1 0 0,0 9,22H9.5V22C9.75,22 10,21.9 10.2,21.71L13.9,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2H4M4,4H20V16H13.08L10,19.08V16H4V4M12.19,5.5C11.3,5.5 10.59,5.68 10.05,6.04C9.5,6.4 9.22,7 9.27,7.69C0.21,7.69 6.57,7.69 11.24,7.69C11.24,7.41 11.34,7.2 11.5,7.06C11.7,6.92 11.92,6.85 12.19,6.85C12.5,6.85 12.77,6.93 12.95,7.11C13.13,7.28 13.22,7.5 13.22,7.8C13.22,8.08 13.14,8.33 13,8.54C12.83,8.76 12.62,8.94 12.36,9.08C11.84,9.4 11.5,9.68 11.29,9.92C11.1,10.16 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.72 13.05,10.5 13.14,10.32C13.23,10.15 13.4,10 13.66,9.85C14.12,9.64 14.5,9.36 14.79,9C15.08,8.63 15.23,8.24 15.23,7.8C15.23,7.1 14.96,6.54 14.42,6.12C13.88,5.71 13.13,5.5 12.19,5.5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",mP="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H8V21C8 21.6 8.4 22 9 22H9.5C9.7 22 10 21.9 10.2 21.7L13.9 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M11 13H7V8.8L8.3 6H10.3L8.9 9H11V13M17 13H13V8.8L14.3 6H16.3L14.9 9H17V13Z",tP="M9 22C8.4 22 8 21.6 8 21V18H4C2.9 18 2 17.1 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H13.9L10.2 21.7C10 21.9 9.8 22 9.5 22H9M10 16V19.1L13.1 16H20V4H4V16H10M16.3 6L14.9 9H17V13H13V8.8L14.3 6H16.3M10.3 6L8.9 9H11V13H7V8.8L8.3 6H10.3Z",vP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M9.41,6L8,7.41L10.59,10L8,12.59L9.41,14L12,11.41L14.59,14L16,12.59L13.41,10L16,7.41L14.59,6L12,8.59L9.41,6Z",lP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M9.41,6L12,8.59L14.59,6L16,7.41L13.41,10L16,12.59L14.59,14L12,11.41L9.41,14L8,12.59L10.59,10L8,7.41L9.41,6Z",oP="M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.2 19.31,8.89L22.41,12L21,13.39L17.89,10.31C17.2,10.75 16.38,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4M4,4H9.5C9.19,4.79 9,5.64 9,6.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,13C16.18,13 16.83,12.89 17.46,12.69L20,15.23V16A2,2 0 0,1 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.89 9.76,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4Z",nP="M4,4H9.5C9.25,4.64 9.09,5.31 9.04,6H4V16H10V19.08L13.08,16H18V13.23L20,15.23V16A2,2 0 0,1 18,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.2 19.31,8.89L22.41,12L21,13.39L17.89,10.31C17.2,10.75 16.38,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4Z",ZP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M5,5V7H19V5H5M5,9V11H13V9H5M5,13V15H15V13H5Z",SP="M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M9,9V11H19V9H9M9,13V15H17V13H9Z",uP="M12,23A1,1 0 0,1 11,22V19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16.9L13.2,22.71C13,22.89 12.76,23 12.5,23H12M13,17V20.08L16.08,17H21V7H7V17H13M3,15H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1H19V3H3V15M9,9H19V11H9V9M9,13H17V15H9V13Z",cP="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H15V13H6V11Z",sP="M19,3H14V5H19V18L14,12V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10,18H5L10,12M10,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H10V23H12V1H10V3Z",OP="M9 14H2V16H9V19L13 15L9 11V14M15 13V10H22V8H15V5L11 9L15 13Z",hP="M19 5H14V3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.4C20.4 13.2 19.7 13 19 13V5M10 1H12V23H10V21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H10V1M10 12L5 18H10V12M15.7 14L14 12V15.7C14.4 15 15 14.5 15.7 14M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",pP="M14 15V22H16V15H19L15 11L11 15H14M13 9H10V2H8V9H5L9 13L13 9Z",fP="M14.19,14.19L6,18L9.81,9.81L18,6M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,10.9A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 10.9,12A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 12,13.1A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 13.1,12A1.1,1.1 0 0,0 12,10.9Z",gP="M1,3.5L2.28,2.25L21.75,21.72L20.5,23L17.7,20.22C16.08,21.34 14.12,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.88 2.66,7.92 3.78,6.3L1,3.5M6,18L12.47,15L9,11.53L6,18M18,6L11.56,9L6.33,3.76C7.94,2.65 9.9,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,14.1 21.35,16.06 20.24,17.67L15,12.44L18,6Z",kP="M1,3.5L2.28,2.25L21.75,21.72L20.5,23L17.7,20.22C16.08,21.34 14.12,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.88 2.66,7.92 3.78,6.3L1,3.5M7,17L9.39,11.91L5.23,7.74C4.45,9 4,10.44 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C13.56,20 15,19.55 16.26,18.77L12.09,14.61L7,17M17,7L14.62,12.05L11.95,9.38L17,7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,14.1 21.35,16.06 20.24,17.67L18.8,16.22C19.56,15 20,13.55 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4C10.45,4 9,4.44 7.78,5.2L6.33,3.76C7.94,2.65 9.9,2 12,2Z",BP="M7,17L10.2,10.2L17,7L13.8,13.8L7,17M12,11.1A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 11.1,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12.9,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,0 12,11.1M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",PP="M15 9L12 0L9 9L0 12L9 15L12 24L15 15L24 12L15 9M4 12L10 10L11 12H4M12 20L10 14L12 13V20M12 4L14 10L12 11V4M14 14L13 12H20L14 14M8.7 17.3L5 19L6.7 15.3L8.3 15.8L8.7 17.3M17.3 15.3L19 19L15.3 17.3L15.8 15.7L17.3 15.3M6.7 8.7L5 5L8.7 6.7L8.2 8.2L6.7 8.7M15.3 6.7L19 5L17.3 8.7L15.7 8.2L15.3 6.7Z",wP="M18.92 14C18.64 15.97 17.53 17.68 15.96 18.76C15.76 17.93 14.53 17.25 12.92 17.06C13.09 15.87 13.44 14.76 13.68 14.12C14.06 14.36 14.5 14.5 15 14.5C18.55 14.5 18 8.5 18 8.5S17.5 9.5 16 9.5H15C13.62 9.5 12.5 10.62 12.5 12C12.5 12.5 12.64 12.93 12.87 13.31C13.53 12.62 14.24 12 15 11.5C13.68 12.83 12.67 14.5 12 16.1C11.37 14.87 10.58 13.93 10 13.5C10.47 13.7 10.91 14 11.33 14.3C11.44 14.06 11.5 13.79 11.5 13.5C11.45 10.77 7 11 7 11C7.31 11.42 7.5 11.95 7.5 12.5V13.5C7.5 14.6 8.4 15.5 9.5 15.5C10 15.5 10.45 15.32 10.8 15C11.03 15.63 11.2 16.35 11.29 17.04C9.57 17.19 8.25 17.89 8.04 18.77C6.21 17.5 5 15.39 5 13C5 9.14 8.14 6 12 6V9L17 5L12 1V4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C16.63 22 20.44 18.5 20.94 14H18.92Z",FP="M21.62 16.68H21.62L12.85 2.5C12.66 2.16 12.33 2 12 2C11.67 2 11.34 2.16 11.15 2.47L2.38 16.65H2.4C2.15 17.04 2 17.5 2 18C2 19.5 3.3 22 12 22C15.74 22 22 21.5 22 18C22 17.61 21.91 17.15 21.62 16.68M12 4.9L18 14.58C16.53 14.23 14.6 14 12 14C10.25 14 7.96 14.12 6 14.6L12 4.9M12 20C7.58 20 4 19.11 4 18C4 16.9 7.58 16 12 16S20 16.9 20 18C20 19.11 16.42 20 12 20Z",TP="M10.5 7.31L9.06 5.86L11.15 2.47C11.34 2.16 11.67 2 12 2C12.33 2 12.66 2.16 12.85 2.5L21.62 16.68H21.62C21.91 17.15 22 17.61 22 18C22 18.25 21.96 18.5 21.9 18.7L17.73 14.53C17.81 14.55 17.9 14.56 18 14.58L12 4.9L10.5 7.31M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.17 21.06C17.03 21.83 14.11 22 12 22C3.3 22 2 19.5 2 18C2 17.5 2.15 17.04 2.4 16.65H2.38L7.11 9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M6 14.6C7.96 14.12 10.25 14 12 14L12.11 14L8.56 10.45L6 14.6M17.55 19.44L14.19 16.08C13.5 16.03 12.76 16 12 16C7.58 16 4 16.9 4 18S7.58 20 12 20C14.16 20 16.11 19.79 17.55 19.44Z",bP="M21.4 7.5C22.2 8.3 22.2 9.6 21.4 10.3L18.6 13.1L10.8 5.3L13.6 2.5C14.4 1.7 15.7 1.7 16.4 2.5L18.2 4.3L21.2 1.3L22.6 2.7L19.6 5.7L21.4 7.5M15.6 13.3L14.2 11.9L11.4 14.7L9.3 12.6L12.1 9.8L10.7 8.4L7.9 11.2L6.4 9.8L3.6 12.6C2.8 13.4 2.8 14.7 3.6 15.4L5.4 17.2L1.4 21.2L2.8 22.6L6.8 18.6L8.6 20.4C9.4 21.2 10.7 21.2 11.4 20.4L14.2 17.6L12.8 16.2L15.6 13.3Z",yP="M20,19V7H4V19H20M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5C2,3.89 2.9,3 4,3H20M13,17V15H18V17H13M9.58,13L5.57,9H8.4L11.7,12.3C12.09,12.69 12.09,13.33 11.7,13.72L8.42,17H5.59L9.58,13Z",RP="M13,19V16H21V19H13M8.5,13L2.47,7H6.71L11.67,11.95C12.25,12.54 12.25,13.5 11.67,14.07L6.74,19H2.5L8.5,13Z",xP="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M7,7L11,11L7,15H9.85L13.13,11.72C13.5,11.33 13.5,10.7 13.13,10.3L9.83,7H7M17,13H14V15H17V13Z",DP="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M8,6.89L11.56,10.45L8,14H10.53L13.45,11.08C13.78,10.74 13.78,10.18 13.45,9.82L10.5,6.89H8M16,12.22H13.33V14H16V12.22Z",EP="M18 9H20V4H22V9A2 2 0 0 1 20 11H18V13L15 10L18 7M14 10A2 2 0 1 0 12 12A2 2 0 0 0 14 10M2 11V16H4V11H6V13L9 10L6 7V9H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 11M15 16L12 13L9 16H11V18A2 2 0 0 0 13 20H18V18H13V16",NP="M16.79,23C16.37,22.83 16.07,22.45 16,22C15.95,21.74 16,21.56 16.4,20.84C17.9,18.14 18.67,15.09 18.63,12C18.67,9 17.94,6.07 16.5,3.44C16.29,3 16.1,2.58 15.94,2.13C16,1.75 16.19,1.4 16.5,1.19C16.95,0.95 17.5,1 17.91,1.28C18.19,1.64 18.43,2 18.63,2.42C19.71,4.5 20.44,6.7 20.8,9C21.03,10.81 21.06,12.65 20.89,14.47C20.58,16.81 19.89,19.07 18.83,21.18C18.19,22.46 17.83,23 17.45,23C17.37,23 17.28,23 17.2,23C17.06,23 16.93,23 16.79,23V23M12.43,20.79C11.86,20.63 11.5,20.05 11.62,19.47C11.62,19.35 11.93,18.8 12.21,18.24C13.39,15.97 13.9,13.41 13.67,10.86C13.53,9.03 13,7.25 12.13,5.64C11.5,4.38 11.46,4.18 11.83,3.64C12.27,3.15 13,3.08 13.54,3.5C14.26,4.56 14.83,5.72 15.25,6.94C16.53,10.73 16.33,14.86 14.69,18.5C13.85,20.39 13.26,21 12.43,20.74V20.79M7.93,18.56C7.57,18.4 7.3,18.08 7.2,17.7C7.2,17.5 7.2,17.24 7.65,16.44C9.14,13.74 9.14,10.46 7.65,7.76C7,6.5 7,6.24 7.53,5.76C7.72,5.54 8,5.43 8.3,5.47C8.94,5.47 9.3,5.78 9.84,6.91C10.69,8.47 11.13,10.22 11.12,12C11.16,13.81 10.72,15.61 9.85,17.2C9.31,18.25 9.04,18.5 8.5,18.59C8.31,18.61 8.11,18.59 7.93,18.5V18.56M3.72,16.43C3.39,16.27 3.13,16 3,15.65C2.9,15.3 3,15 3.4,14.36C3.9,13.68 4.14,12.84 4.09,12C4.16,11.15 3.93,10.31 3.44,9.61C3.27,9.36 3.13,9.09 3,8.82C2.89,8.19 3.31,7.59 4,7.47C4.54,7.37 4.92,7.6 5.42,8.36C6.87,10.57 6.87,13.42 5.42,15.63C4.91,16.4 4.33,16.63 3.73,16.43H3.72Z",WP="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.43 14.44L7.07 13.83C7.35 13.27 7.5 12.67 7.5 12.05C7.5 11.39 7.35 10.76 7.07 10.17L8.43 9.56C8.81 10.37 9 11.2 9 12.05C9 12.8 8.81 13.6 8.43 14.44M11.53 15.94L10.22 15.29C10.75 14.16 11 13 11 11.86C11 10.73 10.75 9.69 10.22 8.71L11.53 7.96C12.19 9.12 12.5 10.42 12.5 11.86C12.5 13.33 12.19 14.69 11.53 15.94M14.68 17.35L13.31 16.65C14.1 15.11 14.5 13.57 14.5 12S14.1 8.87 13.31 7.31L14.68 6.65C15.55 8.43 16 10.22 16 12C16 13.82 15.55 15.6 14.68 17.35Z",IP="M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.43 14.44L7.07 13.83C7.35 13.27 7.5 12.67 7.5 12.05C7.5 11.39 7.35 10.76 7.07 10.17L8.43 9.56C8.81 10.37 9 11.2 9 12.05C9 12.8 8.81 13.6 8.43 14.44M11.53 15.94L10.22 15.29C10.75 14.16 11 13 11 11.86C11 10.73 10.75 9.69 10.22 8.71L11.53 7.96C12.19 9.12 12.5 10.42 12.5 11.86C12.5 13.33 12.19 14.69 11.53 15.94M14.68 17.35L13.31 16.65C14.1 15.11 14.5 13.57 14.5 12S14.1 8.87 13.31 7.31L14.68 6.65C15.55 8.43 16 10.22 16 12C16 13.82 15.55 15.6 14.68 17.35Z",GP="M20,0H4V2H20V0M4,24H20V22H4V24M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M12,6.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,11.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,9A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,6.75M17,17H7V15.5C7,13.83 10.33,13 12,13C13.67,13 17,13.83 17,15.5V17Z",QP="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4M20 18H4V6H20V18M4 0H20V2H4M4 22H20V24H4M12 12C13.38 12 14.5 10.88 14.5 9.5S13.38 7 12 7 9.5 8.12 9.5 9.5 10.62 12 12 12M12 8.5C12.55 8.5 13 8.95 13 9.5S12.55 10.5 12 10.5 11 10.05 11 9.5 11.45 8.5 12 8.5M17 16C17 13.9 13.69 13 12 13S7 13.9 7 16V17H17V16M8.81 15.5C9.42 15 10.84 14.5 12 14.5C13.17 14.5 14.59 15 15.2 15.5H8.81Z",UP="M2,3H8V5H4V19H8V21H2V3M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15M22,3V21H16V19H20V5H16V3H22Z",zP="M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15M22,3V21H16V19H20V5H16V3H22Z",_P="M2,3H8V5H4V19H8V21H2V3M7,17V15H9V17H7M11,17V15H13V17H11M15,17V15H17V17H15Z",KP="M19,21H8V7H19M19,5H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,7V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,21V7A2,2 0 0,0 19,5M16,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V17H4V3H16V1Z",jP="M19,3L13,9L15,11L22,4V3M12,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,11.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,12.5M6,20A2,2 0 0,1 4,18C4,16.89 4.9,16 6,16A2,2 0 0,1 8,18C8,19.11 7.1,20 6,20M6,8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6C4,4.89 4.9,4 6,4A2,2 0 0,1 8,6C8,7.11 7.1,8 6,8M9.64,7.64C9.87,7.14 10,6.59 10,6A4,4 0 0,0 6,2A4,4 0 0,0 2,6A4,4 0 0,0 6,10C6.59,10 7.14,9.87 7.64,9.64L10,12L7.64,14.36C7.14,14.13 6.59,14 6,14A4,4 0 0,0 2,18A4,4 0 0,0 6,22A4,4 0 0,0 10,18C10,17.41 9.87,16.86 9.64,16.36L12,14L19,21H22V20L9.64,7.64Z",qP="M11,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V3A2,2 0 0,1 4,1H16V3H4V15H11V13L15,16L11,19V17M19,21V7H8V13H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,21V19H8V21H19Z",$P="M19,20H5V4H7V7H17V4H19M12,2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3A1,1 0 0,1 12,4A1,1 0 0,1 11,3A1,1 0 0,1 12,2M19,2H14.82C14.4,0.84 13.3,0 12,0C10.7,0 9.6,0.84 9.18,2H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2Z",XP="M15,9H5V5H15M12,19A3,3 0 0,1 9,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,13A3,3 0 0,1 15,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,19M17,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V7L17,3Z",YP="M13 9H3V5H13M10 19C8.3 19 7 17.7 7 16S8.3 13 10 13 13 14.3 13 16 11.7 19 10 19M15 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V7L15 3M23 13H21V7H23V13M23 17H21V15H23V17Z",JP="M15 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V7L15 3M17 19H3V5H14.2L17 7.8V19M10 12C8.3 12 7 13.3 7 15S8.3 18 10 18 13 16.7 13 15 11.7 12 10 12M4 6H13V10H4V6M23 13H21V7H23V13M23 17H21V15H23V17Z",Cw="M17,7V3H7V7H17M14,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,11A3,3 0 0,0 11,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,17M19,1L23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7C5.89,19 5,18.1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H19M1,7H3V21H17V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V7Z",Hw="M1 7H3V21H17V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V7M19 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.9 5 3V17C5 18.1 5.89 19 7 19H21C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V5L19 1M21 17H7V3H18.17L21 5.83V17M14 10C12.34 10 11 11.34 11 13S12.34 16 14 16 17 14.66 17 13 15.66 10 14 10M8 4H17V8H8V4Z",Vw="M17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11.81C11.42 20.34 11.17 19.6 11.07 18.84C9.5 18.31 8.66 16.6 9.2 15.03C9.61 13.83 10.73 13 12 13C12.44 13 12.88 13.1 13.28 13.29C15.57 11.5 18.83 11.59 21 13.54V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M15.75 21L13 18L14.16 16.84L15.75 18.43L19.34 14.84L20.5 16.25L15.75 21",Lw="M14 12.8C13.5 12.31 12.78 12 12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15C9 16.31 9.84 17.41 11 17.82C11.07 15.67 12.27 13.8 14 12.8M11.09 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.35C19.75 12.61 20.42 13 21 13.54V7L17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.81C11.46 20.39 11.21 19.72 11.09 19M6 10H15V6H6V10M15.75 21L13 18L14.16 16.84L15.75 18.43L19.34 14.84L20.5 16.25L15.75 21",Mw="M21 11.7V7L17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11.7C11.4 20.3 11.2 19.6 11.1 18.8C9.9 18.4 9 17.3 9 16C9 14.3 10.3 13 12 13C12.3 13 12.6 13.1 12.9 13.2C14.2 11.8 16 11 18 11C19.1 11 20.1 11.2 21 11.7M15 9H5V5H15V9M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 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22.8L16.6 21.5C16.3 21.4 16 21.2 15.8 21L14.6 21.5C14.5 21.5 14.4 21.5 14.3 21.4L13.3 19.7C13.2 19.6 13.3 19.5 13.4 19.4L14.5 18.6V17.6L13.4 16.8C13.3 16.7 13.3 16.6 13.3 16.5L14.3 14.8C14.4 14.7 14.5 14.7 14.6 14.7L15.8 15.2C16.1 15 16.3 14.9 16.6 14.7L16.8 13.4C16.8 13.3 16.9 13.2 17.1 13.2H19.1C19.2 13.2 19.3 13.3 19.3 13.4L19.5 14.7C19.8 14.8 20.1 15 20.4 15.2L21.6 14.7C21.7 14.7 21.9 14.7 21.9 14.8L22.9 16.5C23 16.6 22.9 16.7 22.8 16.8L21.7 17.6V18.6L22.8 19.4C22.9 19.4 22.9 19.5 22.8 19.6M19.5 18C19.5 17.2 18.8 16.5 18 16.5S16.5 17.2 16.5 18 17.2 19.5 18 19.5C18.8 19.5 19.5 18.8 19.5 18Z",iw="M10,19L10.14,18.86C8.9,18.5 8,17.36 8,16A3,3 0 0,1 11,13C12.36,13 13.5,13.9 13.86,15.14L20,9V7L16,3H4C2.89,3 2,3.9 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H10V19M4,5H14V9H4V5M20.04,12.13C19.9,12.13 19.76,12.19 19.65,12.3L18.65,13.3L20.7,15.35L21.7,14.35C21.92,14.14 21.92,13.79 21.7,13.58L20.42,12.3C20.31,12.19 20.18,12.13 20.04,12.13M18.07,13.88L12,19.94V22H14.06L20.12,15.93L18.07,13.88Z",rw="M4 19H10V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.9 2.89 3 4 3H16L20 7V9.12L18 11.12V7.83L15.17 5H4V19M14 10V6H5V10H14M20.42 12.3C20.31 12.19 20.18 12.13 20.04 12.13C19.9 12.13 19.76 12.19 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.92 14.14 21.92 13.79 21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3M12 19.94V22H14.06L20.12 15.93L18.07 13.88L12 19.94M14 15C14 13.34 12.66 12 11 12S8 13.34 8 15 9.34 18 11 18C11.04 18 11.08 18 11.13 18L14 15.13C14 15.09 14 15.05 14 15",aw="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19L12 19C10.34 19 9 17.66 9 16S10.34 13 12 13C12.68 13 13.34 13.23 13.87 13.65C15 12.59 16.46 12 18 12C19.05 12 20.09 12.28 21 12.81V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",ew="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.08C19.7 12.2 20.38 12.45 21 12.81V7L17 3H5M6 6V10H15V6H6M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18C12 16.11 12.89 14.34 14.39 13.21C13.85 12.5 13 12 12 12M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",dw="M17,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H11.81C11.42,20.34 11.17,19.6 11.07,18.84C9.5,18.31 8.66,16.6 9.2,15.03C9.61,13.83 10.73,13 12,13C12.44,13 12.88,13.1 13.28,13.29C15.57,11.5 18.83,11.59 21,13.54V7L17,3M15,9H5V5H15V9M13,17H17V14L22,18.5L17,23V20H13V17",mw="M13 17H17V14L22 18.5L17 23V20H13V17M14 12.8C13.5 12.31 12.78 12 12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15C9 16.31 9.84 17.41 11 17.82C11.07 15.67 12.27 13.8 14 12.8M11.09 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.35C19.75 12.61 20.42 13 21 13.54V7L17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11.81C11.46 20.39 11.21 19.72 11.09 19M6 10H15V6H6V10Z",tw="M8.2 5L6.2 3H17L21 7V17.8L12.2 9H15V5H8.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M7.11 9L5 6.89V9H7.11M14.89 16.78L11.22 13.11C9.95 13.46 9 14.61 9 16C9 17.66 10.34 19 12 19C13.39 19 14.54 18.05 14.89 16.78Z",vw="M8.2 5L6.2 3H17L21 7V17.8L19 15.8V7.83L16.17 5H8.2M15 10V6H9.2L13.2 10H15M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17.11 19L14.59 16.5C14.08 17.39 13.12 18 12 18C10.34 18 9 16.66 9 15C9 13.88 9.61 12.92 10.5 12.41L8.11 10H6V7.89L5 6.89V19H17.11Z",lw="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V7L17 3M19 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V19M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18 15 16.66 15 15 13.66 12 12 12M6 6H15V10H6V6Z",ow="M17 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19L12 19C10.34 19 9 17.66 9 16S10.34 13 12 13C12.68 13 13.34 13.23 13.87 13.65C15 12.59 16.46 12 18 12C19.05 12 20.09 12.28 21 12.81V7L17 3M15 9H5V5H15V9M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",nw="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H12.81C12.45 20.38 12.2 19.7 12.08 19H5V5H16.17L19 7.83V12.08C19.7 12.2 20.38 12.45 21 12.81V7L17 3H5M6 6V10H15V6H6M12 12C10.34 12 9 13.34 9 15S10.34 18 12 18C12 16.11 12.89 14.34 14.39 13.21C13.85 12.5 13 12 12 12M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",Zw="M15,8V4H5V8H15M12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,12A3,3 0 0,0 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,18M17,2L21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5C3.89,20 3,19.1 3,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 5,2H17M11,22H13V24H11V22M7,22H9V24H7V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",Sw="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15V22M17 2H5C3.89 2 3 2.9 3 4V18C3 19.1 3.89 20 5 20H19C20.1 20 21 19.1 21 18V6L17 2M19 18H5V4H16.17L19 6.83V18M12 11C10.34 11 9 12.34 9 14S10.34 17 12 17 15 15.66 15 14 13.66 11 12 11M6 5H15V9H6V5Z",uw="M4.38,20.9C3.78,20.71 3.3,20.23 3.1,19.63L19.63,3.1C20.23,3.3 20.71,3.78 20.9,4.38L4.38,20.9M20,16V18H13V16H20M3,6H6V3H8V6H11V8H8V11H6V8H3V6Z",cw="M17,15.5H12V17H17M19,19H5L19,5M5.5,7.5H7.5V5.5H9V7.5H11V9H9V11H7.5V9H5.5M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",sw="M12,20C9.79,20 7.79,19.1 6.34,17.66L17.66,6.34C19.1,7.79 20,9.79 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M6,8H8V6H9.5V8H11.5V9.5H9.5V11.5H8V9.5H6M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,16H17V14.5H12V16Z",Ow="M7.97,16L5,19C4.67,19.3 4.23,19.5 3.75,19.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 2,17.75V17.5L3,10.12C3.21,7.81 5.14,6 7.5,6H16.5C18.86,6 20.79,7.81 21,10.12L22,17.5V17.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 20.25,19.5C19.77,19.5 19.33,19.3 19,19L16.03,16H7.97M7,8V10H5V11H7V13H8V11H10V10H8V8H7M16.5,8A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,9.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,8M14.75,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,9.75M18.25,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 19,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,9.75M16.5,11.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,11.5Z",hw="M6,7H18A5,5 0 0,1 23,12A5,5 0 0,1 18,17C16.36,17 14.91,16.21 14,15H10C9.09,16.21 7.64,17 6,17A5,5 0 0,1 1,12A5,5 0 0,1 6,7M19.75,9.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 18.5,10.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 19.75,12A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 21,10.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 19.75,9.5M17.25,12A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,13.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,14.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 18.5,13.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,12M5,9V11H3V13H5V15H7V13H9V11H7V9H5Z",pw="M17.5,7A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 23,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 17.5,18C15.79,18 14.27,17.22 13.26,16H10.74C9.73,17.22 8.21,18 6.5,18A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 1,12.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 6.5,7H17.5M6.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 3,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 6.5,16C7.9,16 9.1,15.18 9.66,14H14.34C14.9,15.18 16.1,16 17.5,16A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 21,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17.5,9H6.5M5.75,10.25H7.25V11.75H8.75V13.25H7.25V14.75H5.75V13.25H4.25V11.75H5.75V10.25M16.75,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.75,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 16.75,14.5A1,1 0 0,1 15.75,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 16.75,12.5M18.75,10.5A1,1 0 0,1 19.75,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 18.75,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.75,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 18.75,10.5Z",fw="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.73,16H7.97L5,19C4.67,19.3 4.23,19.5 3.75,19.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 2,17.75V17.5L3,10.12C3.1,9.09 3.53,8.17 4.19,7.46L2,5.27M5,10V11H7V13H8V11.27L6.73,10H5M16.5,6C18.86,6 20.79,7.81 21,10.12L22,17.5V17.75C22,18.41 21.64,19 21.1,19.28L7.82,6H16.5M16.5,8A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,9.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,8M14.75,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,9.75M18.25,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 19,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,9.75M16.5,11.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,11.5Z",gw="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12C21,11.5 20.96,11 20.87,10.5C20.6,10 20,10 20,10H18V9C18,8 17,8 17,8H15V7C15,6 14,6 14,6H13V4C13,3 12,3 12,3M9.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,6M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M11.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M16.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,16H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5H15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13M11,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,16Z",kw="M18 10H16V9C16 8 15 8 15 8H13V7C13 6 12 6 12 6H11V4C11 3 10 3 10 3C5 3 1 7 1 12S5 21 10 21 19 17 19 12C19 11.5 19 11 18.9 10.5C18.6 10 18 10 18 10M4.5 13C3.7 13 3 12.3 3 11.5S3.7 10 4.5 10 6 10.7 6 11.5 5.3 13 4.5 13M6 7.5C6 6.7 6.7 6 7.5 6S9 6.7 9 7.5 8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5M9 19C8.2 19 7.5 18.3 7.5 17.5S8.2 16 9 16 10.5 16.7 10.5 17.5 9.8 19 9 19M9.5 14C8.7 14 8 13.3 8 12.5S8.7 11 9.5 11 11 11.7 11 12.5 10.3 14 9.5 14M14.5 16C13.7 16 13 15.3 13 14.5S13.7 13 14.5 13C15.3 13 16 13.7 16 14.5S15.3 16 14.5 16M21 15H23V17H21V15M23 7V13H21V7H23Z",Bw="M16 14.5C16 15.3 15.3 16 14.5 16S13 15.3 13 14.5 13.7 13 14.5 13C15.3 13 16 13.7 16 14.5M18.9 10.5C19 11 19 11.5 19 12C19 17 15 21 10 21S1 17 1 12 5 3 10 3C10 3 11 3 11 4V6H12C12 6 13 6 13 7V8H15C15 8 16 8 16 9V10H18C18 10 18.6 10 18.9 10.5M17 12H15.5C14.7 12 14 11.3 14 10.5V10H12.5C11.7 10 11 9.3 11 8.5V8H10.5C9.7 8 9 7.3 9 6.5V5.1C5.9 5.5 3.5 8 3.1 11.1C3.2 10.5 3.8 10 4.5 10C5.3 10 6 10.7 6 11.5S5.3 13 4.5 13C3.7 13 3.1 12.4 3 11.6C3 12.1 3 12.6 3.1 13.1C3.5 15.8 5.6 18 8.2 18.7C7.8 18.4 7.5 18 7.5 17.5C7.5 16.7 8.2 16 9 16S10.5 16.7 10.5 17.5C10.5 18.2 10 18.8 9.3 19C13.5 19.4 17 16.1 17 12M9.5 11C8.7 11 8 11.7 8 12.5S8.7 14 9.5 14 11 13.3 11 12.5 10.3 11 9.5 11M9 7.5C9 6.7 8.3 6 7.5 6S6 6.7 6 7.5 6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5M21 17H23V15H21V17M21 7V13H23V7H21Z",Pw="M15 14.53C15 14.5 15 14.5 15 14.5C15 13.67 15.67 13 16.5 13C16.8 13 17.08 13.09 17.32 13.24C17.85 13.09 18.42 13 19 13C19.66 13 20.3 13.12 20.89 13.32C20.96 12.89 21 12.45 21 12C21 11.5 20.96 11 20.87 10.5C20.6 10 20 10 20 10H18V9C18 8 17 8 17 8H15V7C15 6 14 6 14 6H13V4C13 3 12 3 12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21C12.45 21 12.89 20.96 13.32 20.89C13.12 20.3 13 19.66 13 19C13 17.22 13.78 15.63 15 14.53M6.5 13C5.67 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S5.67 10 6.5 10 8 10.67 8 11.5 7.33 13 6.5 13M8 7.5C8 6.67 8.67 6 9.5 6S11 6.67 11 7.5 10.33 9 9.5 9 8 8.33 8 7.5M11 19C10.17 19 9.5 18.33 9.5 17.5S10.17 16 11 16 12.5 16.67 12.5 17.5 11.83 19 11 19M11.5 14C10.67 14 10 13.33 10 12.5S10.67 11 11.5 11 13 11.67 13 12.5 12.33 14 11.5 14M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",ww="M15 10H14.5C13.67 10 13 9.33 13 8.5V8H12.5C11.67 8 11 7.33 11 6.5V5.07C7.91 5.5 5.47 8 5.07 11.08C5.25 10.46 5.82 10 6.5 10C7.33 10 8 10.67 8 11.5S7.33 13 6.5 13C5.71 13 5.07 12.39 5 11.62C5 12.11 5 12.61 5.09 13.12C5.5 15.81 7.54 18.04 10.16 18.74C9.76 18.47 9.5 18 9.5 17.5C9.5 16.67 10.17 16 11 16S12.5 16.67 12.5 17.5C12.5 18.22 12 18.82 11.32 18.96C11.9 19 12.46 19 13 18.92C13 18.95 13 18.97 13 19C13 19.66 13.12 20.3 13.32 20.89C12.89 20.96 12.45 21 12 21C7.03 21 3 16.97 3 12S7.03 3 12 3C12 3 13 3 13 4V6H14C14 6 15 6 15 7V8H17C17 8 18 8 18 9V10H20C20 10 20.6 10 20.87 10.5C20.96 11 21 11.5 21 12C21 12.45 20.96 12.89 20.89 13.32C20.3 13.12 19.66 13 19 13C18.97 13 18.95 13 18.92 13C18.97 12.68 19 12.34 19 12H17.5C16.67 12 16 11.33 16 10.5V10H15M15 14.5C15 14.5 15 14.5 15 14.53C15.66 13.95 16.45 13.5 17.32 13.24C17.08 13.09 16.8 13 16.5 13C15.67 13 15 13.67 15 14.5M11.5 14C12.33 14 13 13.33 13 12.5S12.33 11 11.5 11 10 11.67 10 12.5 10.67 14 11.5 14M11 7.5C11 6.67 10.33 6 9.5 6S8 6.67 8 7.5 8.67 9 9.5 9 11 8.33 11 7.5M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Fw="M19.97 10.24C19.95 10 19.91 9.74 19.87 9.5C19.6 9 19 9 19 9H17V8C17 7 16 7 16 7H14V6C14 5 13 5 13 5H12V3C12 2 11 2 11 2C6.03 2 2 6.03 2 11C2 15.71 5.62 19.57 10.23 19.96C11.5 21.8 13.61 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 13.61 21.8 11.5 19.97 10.24M11.64 10.53C10.87 11.15 10.23 11.92 9.78 12.81C9.32 12.55 9 12.06 9 11.5C9 10.67 9.67 10 10.5 10C10.96 10 11.36 10.21 11.64 10.53M5.5 12C4.67 12 4 11.33 4 10.5S4.67 9 5.5 9 7 9.67 7 10.5 6.33 12 5.5 12M7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5S10 5.67 10 6.5 9.33 8 8.5 8 7 7.33 7 6.5M8.5 16.5C8.5 16.04 8.71 15.64 9.03 15.36C9 15.57 9 15.79 9 16C9 16.62 9.09 17.22 9.24 17.79C8.8 17.5 8.5 17.05 8.5 16.5M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25Z",Tw="M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5S7.67 5 8.5 5 10 5.67 10 6.5 9.33 8 8.5 8M16.5 12H15V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.61 23 11.5 21.8 10.23 19.96C5.62 19.57 2 15.71 2 11C2 6.03 6.03 2 11 2C11 2 12 2 12 3V5H13C13 5 14 5 14 6V7H16C16 7 17 7 17 8V9H19C19 9 19.6 9 19.87 9.5C19.91 9.74 19.95 10 19.97 10.24C21.8 11.5 23 13.61 23 16M9.16 17.74C8.76 17.47 8.5 17 8.5 16.5C8.5 16.04 8.71 15.64 9.03 15.36C9.12 14.45 9.38 13.59 9.78 12.81C9.32 12.55 9 12.06 9 11.5C9 10.67 9.67 10 10.5 10C10.96 10 11.36 10.21 11.64 10.53C12.59 9.77 13.74 9.26 15 9.08V9H13.5C12.67 9 12 8.33 12 7.5V7H11.5C10.67 7 10 6.33 10 5.5V4.07C6.91 4.5 4.47 7 4.07 10.08C4.25 9.46 4.82 9 5.5 9C6.33 9 7 9.67 7 10.5S6.33 12 5.5 12C4.71 12 4.07 11.39 4 10.62C4 11.11 4 11.61 4.09 12.12C4.5 14.81 6.54 17.04 9.16 17.74M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",bw="M21 12.29C21 12.19 21 12.1 21 12C21 11.5 20.96 11 20.87 10.5C20.6 10 20 10 20 10H18V9C18 8 17 8 17 8H15V7C15 6 14 6 14 6H13V4C13 3 12 3 12 3C7.03 3 3 7.03 3 12S7.03 21 12 21C12.1 21 12.19 21 12.29 21C12.11 20.36 12 19.69 12 19C12 18.86 12 18.73 12 18.59C11.75 18.84 11.4 19 11 19C10.17 19 9.5 18.33 9.5 17.5S10.17 16 11 16C11.59 16 12.1 16.35 12.34 16.84C13.25 14.03 15.89 12 19 12C19.69 12 20.36 12.11 21 12.29M6.5 13C5.67 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S5.67 10 6.5 10 8 10.67 8 11.5 7.33 13 6.5 13M9.5 9C8.67 9 8 8.33 8 7.5S8.67 6 9.5 6 11 6.67 11 7.5 10.33 9 9.5 9M11.5 14C10.67 14 10 13.33 10 12.5S10.67 11 11.5 11 13 11.67 13 12.5 12.33 14 11.5 14M22.7 19.6V18.6L23.8 17.8C23.9 17.7 24 17.6 23.9 17.5L22.9 15.8C22.9 15.7 22.7 15.7 22.6 15.7L21.4 16.2C21.1 16 20.8 15.8 20.5 15.7L20.3 14.4C20.3 14.3 20.2 14.2 20.1 14.2H18.1C17.9 14.2 17.8 14.3 17.8 14.4L17.6 15.7C17.3 15.9 17.1 16 16.8 16.2L15.6 15.7C15.5 15.7 15.4 15.7 15.3 15.8L14.3 17.5C14.3 17.6 14.3 17.7 14.4 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15.41,12.9C15.41,13.83 15.21,14.59 14.95,14.59M9.22,14.73C8.96,14.73 8.76,13.97 8.76,13.04C8.76,12.1 8.96,11.35 9.22,11.35C9.47,11.35 9.67,12.1 9.67,13.04C9.67,13.97 9.47,14.73 9.22,14.73Z",VF="M11,12H8.82C9.62,12.5 10.35,13.07 11,13.68V12M7,11C7.27,5.88 9.37,2 12,2C14.66,2 16.77,5.94 17,11.12C18.5,10.43 20.17,10 22,10C16.25,12.57 18.25,22 12,22C6,22 7.93,12.57 2,10C3.82,10 5.5,10.4 7,11M11,11V9H8.24L8.03,11H11M11,8V6H9.05C8.8,6.6 8.6,7.27 8.43,8H11M11,5V3.3C10.45,3.63 9.95,4.22 9.5,5H11M12,3V5H13V6H12V8H14V9H12V11H15V12H12V14H14V15H12.23C13.42,16.45 14.15,18 14.32,19.23C15.31,17.56 15.96,14.84 16,11.76C15.94,7 14.13,3 12,3Z",LF="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.2 9.1C7.1 9.7 7 10.3 7 11C5.5 10.4 3.8 10 2 10C7.9 12.6 6 22 12 22C14.5 22 15.7 20.5 16.6 18.5L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M8.1 10L9.1 11H8L8.1 10M8.8 12H10.1L11 12.9V13.7C10.3 13.1 9.6 12.5 8.8 12M14.3 19.2C14.1 18 13.4 16.4 12.2 15H13.1L15.2 17.1C15 17.9 14.7 18.6 14.3 19.2M11 6V7.8L12.2 9H14V8H12V6H13V5H12V3C14.1 3 15.9 7 16 11.8V12.8L18 14.8C18.8 12.8 19.9 10.9 22 10C20.2 10 18.5 10.4 17 11.1C16.8 5.9 14.7 2 12 2C10.5 2 9.2 3.2 8.3 5.1L9.2 6H11M11 3.3V5H9.5C10 4.2 10.5 3.6 11 3.3M15 11.8L14.2 11H15V11.8Z",MF="M22 2V4C20.26 4 19 8.58 17.96 12.27C16.57 17.27 15.26 22 12 22C8.74 22 7.43 17.27 6.04 12.27C5 8.58 3.74 4 2 4V2C5.26 2 6.57 6.73 7.96 11.73C9 15.42 10.26 20 12 20C13.74 20 15 15.42 16.04 11.73C17.43 6.73 18.74 2 22 2Z",AF="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H11V6H4M20,18V6H18.76C19,6.54 18.95,7.07 18.95,7.13C18.88,7.8 18.41,8.5 18.24,8.75L15.91,11.3L19.23,11.28L19.24,12.5L14.04,12.47L14,11.47C14,11.47 17.05,8.24 17.2,7.95C17.34,7.67 17.91,6 16.5,6C15.27,6.05 15.41,7.3 15.41,7.3L13.87,7.31C13.87,7.31 13.88,6.65 14.25,6H13V18H15.58L15.57,17.14L16.54,17.13C16.54,17.13 17.45,16.97 17.46,16.08C17.5,15.08 16.65,15.08 16.5,15.08C16.37,15.08 15.43,15.13 15.43,15.95H13.91C13.91,15.95 13.95,13.89 16.5,13.89C19.1,13.89 18.96,15.91 18.96,15.91C18.96,15.91 19,17.16 17.85,17.63L18.37,18H20M8.92,16H7.42V10.2L5.62,10.76V9.53L8.76,8.41H8.92V16Z",iF="M18 10V7C18 5.34 16.66 4 15 4S12 5.34 12 7H14C14 6.45 14.45 6 15 6S16 6.45 16 7V10H8C9.1 10 10 9.1 10 8V4H4V8C4 9.1 4.9 10 6 10H2V12H4V20H20V12H22V10H18M13 18H11V12H13V18Z",rF="M22 10H18V7C18 5.34 16.66 4 15 4S12 5.34 12 7H14C14 6.45 14.45 6 15 6S16 6.45 16 7V10H8C9.1 10 10 9.1 10 8V4H4V8C4 9.1 4.9 10 6 10H2V12H4V20H20V12H22V10M6 6H8V8H6V6M6 18V12H11V18H6M18 18H13V12H18V18Z",aF="M10.5,18A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,19A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10.5,18M13.5,18A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,19A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,18.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,18M10,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,13A1,1 0 0,1 9,12A1,1 0 0,1 10,11M14,11A1,1 0 0,1 15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11M18,18C18,20.21 15.31,22 12,22C8.69,22 6,20.21 6,18C6,17.1 6.45,16.27 7.2,15.6C6.45,14.6 6,13.35 6,12L6.12,10.78C5.58,10.93 4.93,10.93 4.4,10.78C3.38,10.5 1.84,9.35 2.07,8.55C2.3,7.75 4.21,7.6 5.23,7.9C5.82,8.07 6.45,8.5 6.82,8.96L7.39,8.15C6.79,7.05 7,4 10,3L9.91,3.14V3.14C9.63,3.58 8.91,4.97 9.67,6.47C10.39,6.17 11.17,6 12,6C12.83,6 13.61,6.17 14.33,6.47C15.09,4.97 14.37,3.58 14.09,3.14L14,3C17,4 17.21,7.05 16.61,8.15L17.18,8.96C17.55,8.5 18.18,8.07 18.77,7.9C19.79,7.6 21.7,7.75 21.93,8.55C22.16,9.35 20.62,10.5 19.6,10.78C19.07,10.93 18.42,10.93 17.88,10.78L18,12C18,13.35 17.55,14.6 16.8,15.6C17.55,16.27 18,17.1 18,18M12,16C9.79,16 8,16.9 8,18C8,19.1 9.79,20 12,20C14.21,20 16,19.1 16,18C16,16.9 14.21,16 12,16M12,14C13.12,14 14.17,14.21 15.07,14.56C15.65,13.87 16,13 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13 8.35,13.87 8.93,14.56C9.83,14.21 10.88,14 12,14M14.09,3.14V3.14Z",eF="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.9 8.8L6.8 9C6.4 8.5 5.8 8.1 5.2 7.9C4.2 7.6 2.3 7.7 2 8.5S3.3 10.5 4.3 10.7C4.8 10.8 5.5 10.8 6 10.7V12C6 13.3 6.5 14.6 7.2 15.6C6.5 16.3 6 17.1 6 18C6 20.2 8.7 22 12 22C14.5 22 16.7 21 17.6 19.5L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M9.4 11.2C9.1 11.4 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.6 9.4 13 10 13C10.3 13 10.6 12.9 10.8 12.6L12.2 14H12.1C11 14 9.9 14.2 9 14.6C8.3 13.9 8 13 8 12C8 11.4 8.1 10.8 8.4 10.3L9.4 11.2M16 18C16 19.1 14.2 20 12 20S8 19.1 8 18 9.8 16 12 16C13 16 13.9 16.2 14.6 16.5L16 17.9V18M9.7 6.5L7.8 4.6C8.3 3.9 9 3.3 10 3L9.9 3.1C9.6 3.6 8.9 5 9.7 6.5M11.3 8.1L9.7 6.5C10.4 6.2 11.2 6 12 6S13.6 6.2 14.3 6.5C15.1 5 14.3 3.6 14.1 3.2L14 3C17 4 17.2 7 16.6 8.2L17.2 9C17.6 8.5 18.2 8.1 18.8 7.9C19.8 7.6 21.7 7.7 22 8.5S20.7 10.5 19.7 10.7C19.2 10.8 18.5 10.8 18 10.7V12C18 12.8 17.8 13.6 17.5 14.3L15.9 12.7C15.9 12.5 16 12.2 16 12C16 9.8 14.2 8 12 8C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1M14 18.5C14 18.8 13.8 19 13.5 19S13 18.8 13 18.5 13.2 18 13.5 18 14 18.2 14 18.5M11 18.5C11 18.8 10.8 19 10.5 19S10 18.8 10 18.5 10.2 18 10.5 18 11 18.2 11 18.5Z",dF="M9,3V5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11H21V9H19V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3M7,9H10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,15H7V13.5H10V12.75H8.5V11.25H10V10.5H7M12.5,9H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,10V11.75A1,1 0 0,1 16,12.75H14V13.5H17V15H12.5V12.25A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,11.25H15.5V10.5H12.5",mF="M9,3V5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11H21V9H19V7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3M8,9H11.5V10.5H8.5V11.25H10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,12.25V14A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,15H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9M12.5,9H14V11H15.5V9H17V15H15.5V12.5H12.5M8.5,12.75V13.5H10V12.75",tF="M18 9H12V4H8C5.8 4 4 5.8 4 8V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H8V18.9C7.4 18.5 6.8 18.1 6.3 17.6L4.9 19C6.7 20.9 9.2 22 12 22S17.3 20.9 19.1 19.1L17.7 17.7C17.2 18.2 16.7 18.6 16.1 19V16H18.1C19.2 16 20.1 15.1 20.1 14V11C20 9.9 19.1 9 18 9M14 19.8C13.4 20 12.7 20 12 20S10.6 19.9 10 19.8V16H14V19.8Z",vF="M18 9H12V4H8C5.8 4 4 5.8 4 8V14C4 15.1 4.9 16 6 16H8V18.9C7.4 18.5 6.8 18.1 6.3 17.6L4.9 19C6.7 20.9 9.2 22 12 22S17.3 20.9 19.1 19.1L17.7 17.7C17.2 18.2 16.7 18.6 16.1 19V16H18.1C19.2 16 20.1 15.1 20.1 14V11C20 9.9 19.1 9 18 9M14 19.8C13.4 20 12.7 20 12 20S10.6 19.9 10 19.8V16H14V19.8M18 14H6V8C6 6.9 6.9 6 8 6H10V11H18V14Z",lF="M20,6V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4H9V3H6V4H5V6H6V15H5V13H3V15H2V17H3V21H5V17H10V21H12V19.92L12,17H13V15H12V13H10V15H9V6H17V10.62C16.53,10.79 16.19,11.23 16.19,11.76C16.19,12.2 16.43,12.6 16.8,12.82V14H17.42C17.76,14 18.03,14.28 18.03,14.62C18.03,14.96 17.76,15.24 17.42,15.24C17.2,15.24 17,15.12 16.89,14.93C16.71,14.64 16.34,14.54 16.05,14.71C15.75,14.87 15.65,15.25 15.82,15.55C16.15,16.11 16.76,16.47 17.42,16.47C18.43,16.47 19.26,15.64 19.26,14.62C19.26,13.84 18.76,13.14 18.03,12.88V12.82C18.41,12.6 18.65,12.2 18.65,11.76C18.65,11.3 18.38,10.91 18,10.7V6H20M8,13.66L7,14.66V13.24L8,12.24V13.66M8,10.71L7,11.71V10.29L8,9.29V10.71M7,8.71V7.29L8,6.29V7.71L7,8.71Z",oF="M19,1L17.74,3.75L15,5L17.74,6.26L19,9L20.25,6.26L23,5L20.25,3.75M9,4L6.5,9.5L1,12L6.5,14.5L9,20L11.5,14.5L17,12L11.5,9.5M19,15L17.74,17.74L15,19L17.74,20.25L19,23L20.25,20.25L23,19L20.25,17.74",nF="M9 4L11.5 9.5L17 12L11.5 14.5L9 20L6.5 14.5L1 12L6.5 9.5L9 4M9 8.83L8 11L5.83 12L8 13L9 15.17L10 13L12.17 12L10 11L9 8.83M19 9L17.74 6.26L15 5L17.74 3.75L19 1L20.25 3.75L23 5L20.25 6.26L19 9M19 23L17.74 20.26L15 19L17.74 17.75L19 15L20.25 17.75L23 19L20.25 20.26L19 23Z",ZF="M11.89,10.34L10.55,11.04C10.41,10.74 10.24,10.53 10.03,10.41C9.82,10.29 9.62,10.23 9.45,10.23C8.55,10.23 8.11,10.82 8.11,12C8.11,12.54 8.22,12.97 8.45,13.29C8.67,13.61 9,13.77 9.45,13.77C10.03,13.77 10.44,13.5 10.68,12.91L11.91,13.54C11.65,14.03 11.29,14.41 10.82,14.69C10.36,14.97 9.85,15.11 9.29,15.11C8.39,15.11 7.67,14.84 7.12,14.29C6.58,13.74 6.3,13 6.3,12C6.3,11.05 6.58,10.3 7.13,9.74C7.69,9.18 8.39,8.9 9.23,8.9C10.47,8.89 11.36,9.38 11.89,10.34M17.66,10.34L16.34,11.04C16.2,10.74 16,10.53 15.81,10.41C15.6,10.29 15.4,10.23 15.21,10.23C14.32,10.23 13.87,10.82 13.87,12C13.87,12.54 14,12.97 14.21,13.29C14.44,13.61 14.77,13.77 15.21,13.77C15.8,13.77 16.21,13.5 16.45,12.91L17.7,13.54C17.42,14.03 17.05,14.41 16.59,14.69C16.12,14.97 15.62,15.11 15.07,15.11C14.17,15.11 13.44,14.84 12.9,14.29C12.36,13.74 12.09,13 12.09,12C12.09,11.05 12.37,10.3 12.92,9.74C13.47,9.18 14.17,8.9 15,8.9C16.26,8.89 17.14,9.38 17.66,10.34M12,3.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 12,20.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 3.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,1 12,3.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",SF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20Z",uF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.03 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.06 13 21.09 13.28 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22",cF="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H3V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.89 20 3 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M3 6H19V8H3V6M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22",sF="M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M10 14H5V10H10V14Z",OF="M20 6L20 18L4 18L4 6H20M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M11 10H6V14H11V10Z",hF="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V12.1C23.24,13.36 24,15.09 24,17M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M20,10V7H4V10H20Z",pF="M16,14H17.5V16.82L19.94,18.23L19.19,19.53L16,17.69V14M24,17A7,7 0 0,1 17,24C14.21,24 11.8,22.36 10.67,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V12.1C23.24,13.36 24,15.09 24,17M10,17C10,15.04 10.81,13.27 12.1,12H4V18H10.07C10,17.67 10,17.34 10,17M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12M20,8V6H4V8H20Z",fF="M20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1C21.1 11.1 21.3 11.2 21.4 11.3L22.6 12.5C22.8 12.7 22.8 13.1 22.6 13.3L21.6 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3M13 18.9L19 12.8L21.1 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M11 19.1V18.1L11.6 17.5L18.1 11H4V8H20V9.1L22 7.1V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C3.5 4 3 4.2 2.6 4.6C2.2 5 2 5.5 2 6V18C2 18.5 2.2 19 2.6 19.4C3 19.8 3.5 20 4 20H11V19.1Z",gF="M13 18.9L19.1 12.8L21.2 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M21.4 11.3L22.7 12.6C22.9 12.8 22.9 13.1 22.7 13.3L21.7 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1C21.2 11.1 21.3 11.2 21.4 11.3M11 18H4V12H17.1L22 7.1V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H11V18M4 6H20V8H4V6Z",kF="M3 8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7S2.45 6 3 6H5.54C5.19 6.6 5 7.29 5 8H3M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12S1.45 11 2 11H5V13M1 18C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17S.448 16 1 16H5C5 16.71 5.19 17.4 5.54 18H1M21 6H9C7.89 6 7 6.89 7 8V16C7 17.11 7.89 18 9 18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V8C23 6.89 22.11 6 21 6M21 12H9V9H21V12Z",BF="M3 8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7S2.45 6 3 6H5.54C5.19 6.6 5 7.29 5 8H3M5 13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12S1.45 11 2 11H5V13M1 18C.448 18 0 17.55 0 17S.448 16 1 16H5C5 16.71 5.19 17.4 5.54 18H1M21 6H9C7.89 6 7 6.89 7 8V16C7 17.11 7.89 18 9 18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V8C23 6.89 22.11 6 21 6M21 8V9H9V8H21M9 16L9 12H21L21 16L9 16Z",PF="M21.8 15V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V15C15.6 15 15 15.6 15 16.2V19.7C15 20.4 15.6 21 16.2 21H21.7C22.4 21 23 20.4 23 19.8V16.3C23 15.6 22.4 15 21.8 15M20.5 15H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V15M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V10.04C21.42 9.6 20.75 9.26 20 9.11V8H4V11H15.04C14.5 11.72 14.2 12.58 14.2 13.5V13.74C13.5 14.34 13 15.24 13 16.2V19.7C13 19.8 13 19.9 13.03 20Z",wF="M21.8 15V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V15C15.6 15 15 15.6 15 16.2V19.7C15 20.4 15.6 21 16.2 21H21.7C22.4 21 23 20.4 23 19.8V16.3C23 15.6 22.4 15 21.8 15M20.5 15H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V15M13 19.7V18H4V12H14.5C15.18 10.28 16.96 9 19 9C20.13 9 21.17 9.4 22 10.04V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.03C13 19.9 13 19.8 13 19.7M4 6H20V8H4V6Z",FF="M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M14.55 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V11.3C21.42 10.81 20.74 10.44 20 10.22V8H4V11H15.39C13.96 12 13 13.66 13 15.5C13 17 13.72 18.61 14.55 20Z",TF="M13.5,18H4V12H14.3C15.3,10.8 16.8,10 18.5,10C19.8,10 21,10.5 22,11.3V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H14.6C14.2,19.4 13.8,18.7 13.5,18M4,6H20V8H4V6M18.5,12C16.6,12 15,13.6 15,15.5C15,18.1 18.5,22 18.5,22C18.5,22 22,18.1 22,15.5C22,13.6 20.4,12 18.5,12M18.5,16.8C17.8,16.8 17.3,16.2 17.3,15.6C17.3,14.9 17.9,14.4 18.5,14.4C19.1,14.4 19.7,15 19.7,15.6C19.8,16.2 19.2,16.8 18.5,16.8Z",bF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.03 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.06 13 21.09 13.28 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",yF="M24 18V20H16V18M19 8V6H3V8H19M19 12H3V18H14V20H3C1.89 20 1 19.1 1 18V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H19C20.11 4 21 4.89 21 6V13H19V12Z",RF="M21 9V6H7V9H21M21 3A2 2 0 0 1 23 5V15A2 2 0 0 1 21 17H7A2 2 0 0 1 5 15V5A2 2 0 0 1 7 3H21M3 19H18V21H3A2 2 0 0 1 1 19V8H3Z",xF="M21,8V6H7V8H21M21,16V11H7V16H21M21,4A2,2 0 0,1 23,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H7C5.89,18 5,17.1 5,16V6C5,4.89 5.89,4 7,4H21M3,20H18V22H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,20V9H3V20Z",DF="M11.2 8L7.2 4H20A2 2 0 0 1 22 6V18A1.91 1.91 0 0 1 21.88 18.68L14.2 11H20V8M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 18V6A2 2 0 0 1 2.65 4.54L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9.11 11L6.11 8H4V11Z",EF="M0.93,4.2L2.21,2.93L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,5.78 2.04,5.57 2.11,5.38L0.93,4.2M20,8V6H7.82L5.82,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18C22,18.6 21.74,19.13 21.32,19.5L19.82,18H20V12H13.82L9.82,8H20M4,8H4.73L4,7.27V8M4,12V18H14.73L8.73,12H4Z",NF="M20,8H4V6H20M20,18H4V12H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",WF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 19 13A5.88 5.88 0 0 1 22 13.81V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",IF="M21,18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15H21V18M19,8V6H3V8H19M19,12H3V18H14V20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V13H19V12Z",GF="M20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.68C11.57 19.5 11.5 19 11.5 18.5C11.5 14.91 14.41 12 18 12C19.5 12 20.9 12.53 22 13.4V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4M20 11H4V8H20V11M20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67Z",QF="M20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.68C11.57 19.5 11.5 19 11.5 18.5C11.5 18.33 11.5 18.17 11.53 18H4V12H20V12.32C20.74 12.56 21.41 12.93 22 13.4V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4M20 8H4V6H20V8M20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67Z",UF="M18 11H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 13V21A2 2 0 0 0 6 23H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 21V13A2 2 0 0 0 18 11M18 17H6V14H18M17 5V10H15.5V6.5H9.88L12.3 8.93L11.24 10L7 5.75L11.24 1.5L12.3 2.57L9.88 5Z",zF="M18,11H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,13V21A2,2 0 0,0 6,23H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,21V13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11M18,21H6V17H18V21M18,15H6V13H18V15M17,5V10H15.5V6.5H9.88L12.3,8.93L11.24,10L7,5.75L11.24,1.5L12.3,2.57L9.88,5H17Z",_F="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 19 13A5.88 5.88 0 0 1 22 13.81V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",KF="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H3V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6C21 4.89 20.11 4 19 4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.89 20 3 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M3 6H19V8H3V6M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88Z",jF="M18 6H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 8V16A2 2 0 0 0 6 18H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 16V8A2 2 0 0 0 18 6M18 12H6V9H18M2 4H6V2H2A2 2 0 0 0 0 4V8H2V4M22 2H18V4H22V8H24V4A2 2 0 0 0 22 2M2 16H0V20A2 2 0 0 0 2 22H6V20H2V16M22 20H18V22H22A2 2 0 0 0 24 20V16H22V20",qF="M2,4H6V2H2A2,2 0 0,0 0,4V8H2V4M22,2H18V4H22V8H24V4A2,2 0 0,0 22,2M2,16H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H6V20H2V16M22,20H18V22H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,20V16H22V20M4,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 18,6H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,8M6,16V12H18V16H6M18,8V10H6V8H18Z",$F="M11.82 11C9.4 13.5 9.4 17.5 11.82 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V12.06C21.74 11.65 21.45 11.26 21.1 10.9C20.76 10.57 20.39 10.27 20 10.03V8H4V11H11.82M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",XF="M11.03 12C11.28 11.61 11.57 11.24 11.9 10.9C14.44 8.37 18.56 8.37 21.1 10.9C21.45 11.26 21.74 11.65 22 12.06V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H11.82C11.24 19.4 10.8 18.72 10.5 18H4V12H11.03M4 6H20V8H4V6M20.31 17.9C20.75 17.21 21 16.38 21 15.5C21 13 19 11 16.5 11S12 13 12 15.5 14 20 16.5 20C17.37 20 18.19 19.75 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21L20.31 17.9M16.5 18C15.12 18 14 16.88 14 15.5S15.12 13 16.5 13 19 14.12 19 15.5 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",YF="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 11H4V8H20M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 22H13V24H11V22M15 22H17V24H15Z",JF="M20,8H4V6H20M20,18H4V12H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",CT="M13 17.5C13 18.39 13.18 19.23 13.5 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V11.5C21.23 11.18 20.39 11 19.5 11H20V8H4V11H19.5C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",HT="M4 18V12H16.05C17.05 11.37 18.23 11 19.5 11C20.39 11 21.23 11.18 22 11.5V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.5C13.24 19.38 13.08 18.7 13.03 18H4M4 6H20V8H4V6M23 17.5C23 18.32 22.75 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",VT="M4.93 4.92L6.34 6.33C9.46 3.2 14.53 3.2 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C15.17 1 8.84 1 4.93 4.92M7.76 7.75L9.17 9.16C10.73 7.6 13.26 7.6 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C13.9 5.41 10.1 5.41 7.76 7.75M18 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C19.11 23 20 22.11 20 21V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M18 17H6V14H18V17Z",LT="M12 2C9.85 2 7.7 2.69 5.9 4.08L7.32 5.5C10.45 3.24 14.84 3.5 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C17.12 2.96 14.56 2 12 2M3.28 4L2 5.27L7.73 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 18.92 22.82 19.27 22.54L19.73 23L21 21.72M12 6C10.87 6 9.75 6.31 8.77 6.94L10.24 8.41C11.73 7.68 13.58 7.92 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C15.07 6.58 13.54 6 12 6M12.82 11L15.82 14H18V16.18L20 18.18V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M6 14H10.73L13.73 17H6Z",MT="M12 2C9.85 2 7.7 2.69 5.9 4.08L7.32 5.5C10.45 3.24 14.84 3.5 17.66 6.33L19.07 4.92C17.12 2.96 14.56 2 12 2M3.28 4L2 5.27L7.73 11H6C4.89 11 4 11.9 4 13V21C4 22.11 4.89 23 6 23H18C18.47 23 18.92 22.84 19.27 22.54L19.73 23L21 21.72M12 6C10.87 6 9.75 6.31 8.77 6.94L10.24 8.41C11.73 7.68 13.58 7.92 14.83 9.16L16.24 7.75C15.07 6.58 13.54 6 12 6M12.82 11L14.82 13H18V15H16.82L20 18.18V13C20 11.9 19.11 11 18 11M6 13H9.73L11.73 15H6M6 17H13.73L17.73 21H6Z",AT="M18,11H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,13V21A2,2 0 0,0 6,23H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,21V13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11M18,21H6V17H18V21M18,15H6V13H18V15M4.93,4.92L6.34,6.33C9.46,3.2 14.53,3.2 17.66,6.33L19.07,4.92C15.17,1 8.84,1 4.93,4.92M7.76,7.75L9.17,9.16C10.73,7.6 13.26,7.6 14.83,9.16L16.24,7.75C13.9,5.41 10.1,5.41 7.76,7.75Z",iT="M14.34,17.77L15.75,16.36L20,20.58L18.56,22L14.34,17.77M18.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,2M2.24,7.11L5.07,4.28C5.46,3.89 6.09,3.89 6.5,4.28L14.97,12.77C15.36,13.16 15.36,13.79 14.97,14.18L12.14,17C11.75,17.4 11.12,17.4 10.72,17L2.24,8.53C1.85,8.13 1.85,7.5 2.24,7.11Z",rT="M7,17V1H5V5H1V7H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H17V23H19V19H23V17M17,15H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H9V7H17V15Z",aT="M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5M3,5V9H5V5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5Z",eT="M19,17H5V7H19M19,5H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 5,19H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,17V7C21,5.89 20.1,5 19,5Z",dT="M17,19H7V5H17M17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V5C19,3.89 18.1,3 17,3Z",mT="M7.47,21.5C4.2,19.93 1.86,16.76 1.5,13H0C0.5,19.16 5.66,24 11.95,24C12.18,24 12.39,24 12.61,23.97L8.8,20.15L7.47,21.5M12.05,0C11.82,0 11.61,0 11.39,0.04L15.2,3.85L16.53,2.5C19.8,4.07 22.14,7.24 22.5,11H24C23.5,4.84 18.34,0 12.05,0M16,14H18V8C18,6.89 17.1,6 16,6H10V8H16V14M8,16V4H6V6H4V8H6V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H16V20H18V18H20V16H8Z",tT="M18,18H6V6H18M18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4Z",vT="M10.5,2H13.5V8H19V11H13.5V22H10.5V11H5V8H10.5V2Z",lT="M22,7L21.5,6.5C19.93,8 18.47,9.4 16.93,10.18C15.5,10.91 14.44,10.91 13,11C13.09,9.56 13.09,8.5 13.82,7.07C14.6,5.53 16,4.07 17.5,2.5L17,2C15.32,3.23 13.64,3.83 12,3.83C10.36,3.83 8.68,3.23 7,2L6.5,2.5C8,4.07 9.4,5.53 10.18,7.07C10.91,8.5 10.91,9.56 11,11C9.56,10.91 8.5,10.91 7.07,10.18C5.53,9.4 4.06,8 2.5,6.5L2,7C3.23,8.68 3.83,10.36 3.83,12C3.83,13.64 3.23,15.32 2,17L2.5,17.5C4.07,16 5.53,14.6 7.07,13.82C8.5,13.09 9.56,13.09 11,13C10.91,14.44 10.91,15.5 10.18,16.93C9.4,18.47 8,19.93 6.5,21.5L7,22C8.68,20.77 10.36,20.17 12,20.17C13.64,20.17 15.32,20.77 17,22L17.5,21.5C16,19.93 14.6,18.47 13.82,16.93C13.09,15.5 13.09,14.44 13,13C14.44,13.09 15.5,13.09 16.93,13.82C18.47,14.6 19.93,16 21.5,17.5L22,17C20.77,15.32 20.17,13.64 20.17,12C20.17,10.36 20.77,8.68 22,7Z",oT="M17.8,8C17.26,5.89 15.61,4.24 13.5,3.7V2H10.5V3.7C8.39,4.24 6.74,5.89 6.2,8H4V11H6.2C6.74,13.11 8.39,14.76 10.5,15.3V22H13.5V15.3C15.61,14.76 17.26,13.11 17.8,11H19.97V8H17.8M12.04,9.53L14.5,11H15.76C15.35,12.03 14.53,12.84 13.5,13.26V12L12.06,9.56L12,9.5L11.94,9.56L10.5,12V13.26C9.47,12.84 8.66,12.03 8.24,11H9.5L11.96,9.53L12,9.5H11.96L9.5,8H8.24C8.65,6.97 9.47,6.16 10.5,5.74V7L11.94,9.44L12,9.5L12.06,9.44L13.5,7V5.74C14.53,6.16 15.35,6.97 15.76,8H14.5L12.04,9.5H12L12.04,9.53Z",nT="M15.5,6V1H8.5V6H3V13H8.5V23H15.5V13H21V6H15.5M19,11H13.5V21H10.5V11H5V8H10.5V3H13.5V8H19V11Z",ZT="M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",ST="M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",uT="M20.94 11C20.5 6.83 17.17 3.5 13 3.06V1H11V3.06C9.87 3.18 8.81 3.5 7.84 4.03L9.34 5.53C10.16 5.19 11.06 5 12 5C15.87 5 19 8.13 19 12C19 12.94 18.81 13.84 18.5 14.65L20 16.15C20.5 15.19 20.82 14.13 20.95 13H23V11H20.94M3 4.27L5.04 6.31C3.97 7.62 3.25 9.23 3.06 11H1V13H3.06C3.5 17.17 6.83 20.5 11 20.94V23H13V20.94C14.77 20.74 16.38 20.03 17.69 18.96L19.73 21L21 19.73L4.27 3L3 4.27M16.27 17.54C15.09 18.45 13.61 19 12 19C8.13 19 5 15.87 5 12C5 10.39 5.55 8.91 6.46 7.73L16.27 17.54Z",cT="M3.05 13H1V11H3.05C3.5 6.83 6.83 3.5 11 3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17 3.5 20.5 6.83 20.95 11H23V13H20.95C20.5 17.17 17.17 20.5 13 20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83 20.5 3.5 17.17 3.05 13M12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12S8.13 19 12 19 19 15.87 19 12 15.87 5 12 5M11.13 17.25H12.88V15.5H11.13V17.25M12 6.75C10.07 6.75 8.5 8.32 8.5 10.25H10.25C10.25 9.28 11.03 8.5 12 8.5S13.75 9.28 13.75 10.25C13.75 12 11.13 11.78 11.13 14.63H12.88C12.88 12.66 15.5 12.44 15.5 10.25C15.5 8.32 13.93 6.75 12 6.75Z",sT="M3.69 9.12C3.5 8.93 3.29 8.84 3.04 8.84C2.63 8.84 2.32 9.03 2.12 9.42S1.97 10.18 2.29 10.53C3.47 11.59 4.22 12.34 4.54 12.78C4.95 13.34 5.15 14.16 5.15 15.22C5.15 16.53 5.65 17.5 6.65 18.17C7.21 18.61 7.82 18.94 8.5 19.16L8.5 15.27C8.5 14.33 8.17 13.55 7.54 12.92M16.46 12.97C15.84 13.59 15.5 14.36 15.5 15.27L15.5 19.2C16.46 18.86 17.26 18.33 17.92 17.63C18.57 16.93 18.9 16.16 18.9 15.22C18.9 14.09 19.09 13.28 19.47 12.78C19.56 12.62 19.73 12.42 20 12.17C20.23 11.92 20.47 11.68 20.71 11.46C20.94 11.25 21.17 11.03 21.39 10.81L21.72 10.53C21.91 10.34 22 10.12 22 9.87C22 9.59 21.91 9.34 21.72 9.14C21.53 8.94 21.3 8.84 21 8.84S20.5 8.93 20.31 9.12M12 20C12.69 20 13.36 19.91 14 19.72L14 16.15C14 15.56 13.82 15.1 13.41 14.66C13 14.22 12.53 14 12 14C11.47 14 11 14.2 10.62 14.61C10.22 15 10 15.46 10 16.06L10 19.72C10.64 19.91 11.31 20 12 20M9 8.5C9 9.33 8.33 10 7.5 10S6 9.33 6 8.5 6.67 7 7.5 7 9 7.67 9 8.5M18 8.5C18 9.33 17.33 10 16.5 10C15.67 10 15 9.33 15 8.5S15.67 7 16.5 7C17.33 7 18 7.67 18 8.5M13.5 5.5C13.5 6.33 12.83 7 12 7S10.5 6.33 10.5 5.5 11.17 4 12 4 13.5 4.67 13.5 5.5M13.5 11C13.5 11.83 12.83 12.5 12 12.5S10.5 11.83 10.5 11 11.17 9.5 12 9.5 13.5 10.17 13.5 11Z",OT="M5 16L3 5L8.5 10L12 4L15.5 10L21 5L19 16H5M19 19C19 19.6 18.6 20 18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19V18H19V19Z",hT="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M16 15.44C16 15.78 15.78 16 15.44 16H8.56C8.22 16 8 15.78 8 15.44V15H16V15.44M16 14H8L7 8L10 10L12 7L14 10L17 8L16 14Z",pT="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4S20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20M8 14L7 8L10 10L12 7L14 10L17 8L16 14H8M8.56 16C8.22 16 8 15.78 8 15.44V15H16V15.44C16 15.78 15.78 16 15.44 16H8.56Z",fT="M12 8L15 13.2L18 10.5L17.3 14H6.7L6 10.5L9 13.2L12 8M12 4L8.5 10L3 5L5 16H19L21 5L15.5 10L12 4M19 18H5V19C5 19.6 5.4 20 6 20H18C18.6 20 19 19.6 19 19V18Z",gT="M23.03,12.4M23.03,12.5V12.5C23,13 20.91,15.23 17.82,16.24C14.05,17.5 7.97,17.03 7.97,12.3C7.97,10.08 9.78,8.27 12,8.27C14.25,8.27 16.05,10.09 16.05,12.31C16.05,13.39 15.58,14.44 14.87,15.18C15.54,15.17 17.94,15 20.21,13.12C20.46,12.88 20.62,12.68 20.69,12.55C20.71,12.5 20.74,12.46 20.73,12.4C20.73,11.92 18.12,8.19 12.72,7.12C19.22,7.46 23,11.32 23.03,12.4V12.5H23.03M12,10C10.74,10 9.71,11.04 9.71,12.3C9.71,13.57 10.74,14.59 12,14.59C13.27,14.59 14.29,13.57 14.29,12.3C14.29,11.04 13.27,10 12,10M3.31,12.34C3.31,12.34 3.31,12.31 3.31,12.42V12.42C3.41,12.94 4.82,15.41 10.28,16.88C3.96,16.37 1.12,13.28 1.04,12.42H1.03C1.03,12.31 1.03,12.36 1.03,12.35C1.03,11.5 4.96,7.58 10.92,7.15C6.14,8.26 3.31,11.87 3.31,12.34V12.34Z",kT="M9.38,8.38L11.5,9.34L13.62,8.38L12.66,10.5L13.62,12.62L11.5,11.66L9.38,12.62L10.34,10.5L9.38,8.38M16.5,2.5L17.59,5.41L20.5,6.5L17.59,7.59L16.5,10.5L15.41,7.59L12.5,6.5L15.41,5.41L16.5,2.5M6,19H7V18A1,1 0 0,1 8,17H8.26C6,15.7 4.5,13.28 4.5,10.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,3C13.05,3 14.05,3.22 14.96,3.61L14.59,4.59L13.17,5.12C12.79,5.04 12.4,5 12,5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 12,16C14.91,16 17.3,13.73 17.5,10.87L18.41,8.41L19.12,8.14C19.37,8.88 19.5,9.68 19.5,10.5C19.5,13.28 18,15.7 15.74,17H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,18V19H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,21V22H4V21A2,2 0 0,1 6,19Z",BT="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L6.04,7.5L12,10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15Z",PT="M20.84 22.73L17.28 19.17L12.57 21.82C12.41 21.94 12.21 22 12 22S11.59 21.94 11.43 21.82L3.53 17.38C3.21 17.21 3 16.88 3 16.5V7.5C3 7.12 3.21 6.79 3.53 6.62L4.3 6.19L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M12 4.15L17.96 7.5L13.31 10.11L20.53 17.33C20.82 17.16 21 16.85 21 16.5V7.5C21 7.12 20.79 6.79 20.47 6.62L12.57 2.18C12.41 2.06 12.21 2 12 2S11.59 2.06 11.43 2.18L7.56 4.36L9 5.82L12 4.15Z",wT="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.3 6.19L3.53 6.62C3.21 6.79 3 7.12 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.88 3.21 17.21 3.53 17.38L11.43 21.82C11.59 21.94 11.79 22 12 22S12.41 21.94 12.57 21.82L17.28 19.17L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 15.91V9.21L10.29 12.18L11 12.89V19.29L5 15.91M13 19.29V14.89L15.82 17.7L13 19.29M9 5.82L7.56 4.36L11.43 2.18C11.59 2.06 11.79 2 12 2S12.41 2.06 12.57 2.18L20.47 6.62C20.79 6.79 21 7.12 21 7.5V16.5C21 16.85 20.82 17.16 20.53 17.33L19 15.8V9.21L14.78 11.58L13.31 10.11L17.96 7.5L12 4.15L9 5.82Z",FT="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L6.04,7.5L12,10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V9.21L13,12.58V19.29L19,15.91Z",TT="M17,22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22,20.89 21.84,21.24 21.54,21.54C21.24,21.84 20.89,22 20.5,22H17M7,22H3.5C3.11,22 2.76,21.84 2.46,21.54C2.16,21.24 2,20.89 2,20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17,2H20.5C20.89,2 21.24,2.16 21.54,2.46C21.84,2.76 22,3.11 22,3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7,2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2,3.11 2.16,2.76 2.46,2.46C2.76,2.16 3.11,2 3.5,2H7M13,17.25L17,14.95V10.36L13,12.66V17.25M12,10.92L16,8.63L12,6.28L8,8.63L12,10.92M7,14.95L11,17.25V12.66L7,10.36V14.95M18.23,7.59C18.73,7.91 19,8.34 19,8.91V15.23C19,15.8 18.73,16.23 18.23,16.55L12.75,19.73C12.25,20.05 11.75,20.05 11.25,19.73L5.77,16.55C5.27,16.23 5,15.8 5,15.23V8.91C5,8.34 5.27,7.91 5.77,7.59L11.25,4.41C11.5,4.28 11.75,4.22 12,4.22C12.25,4.22 12.5,4.28 12.75,4.41L18.23,7.59Z",bT="M16,4L9,8.04V15.96L16,20L23,15.96V8.04M16,6.31L19.8,8.5L16,10.69L12.21,8.5M0,7V9H7V7M11,10.11L15,12.42V17.11L11,14.81M21,10.11V14.81L17,17.11V12.42M2,11V13H7V11M4,15V17H7V15",yT="M6,9V4H13V9H23V16H18V21H11V16H1V9H6M16,16H13V19H16V16M8,9H11V6H8V9M6,14V11H3V14H6M18,11V14H21V11H18M13,11V14H16V11H13M8,11V14H11V11H8Z",RT="M18.32,8H5.67L5.23,4H18.77M3,2L5,20.23C5.13,21.23 5.97,22 7,22H17C18,22 18.87,21.23 19,20.23L21,2H3Z",xT="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L18.27,21.54C17.93,21.83 17.5,22 17,22H7C5.97,22 5.13,21.23 5,20.23L3.53,6.8L1,4.27M18.32,8L18.77,4H5.82L3.82,2H21L19.29,17.47L9.82,8H18.32Z",DT="M3.83 2L5.83 4H18.78L17.5 15.66L19.3 17.5L21 2M2.27 3L1 4.27L3.53 6.8L5 20.23C5.13 21.23 5.97 22 7 22H17C17.47 22 17.91 21.82 18.26 21.54L19.73 23L21 21.73M5.78 9.06L16.73 20H7Z",ET="M3 2L5 20.23C5.13 21.23 5.97 22 7 22H17C18 22 18.87 21.23 19 20.23L21 2H3M5.22 4H18.78L17 20H7L5.22 4Z",NT="M18.32,8H5.67L5.23,4H18.77M12,19A3,3 0 0,1 9,16C9,14 12,10.6 12,10.6C12,10.6 15,14 15,16A3,3 0 0,1 12,19M3,2L5,20.23C5.13,21.23 5.97,22 7,22H17C18,22 18.87,21.23 19,20.23L21,2H3Z",WT="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M10 18H8V15H10V18M16 18H14V15H16V18M17 12H7V9H17V12M17 7H7V4H17V7Z",IT="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2H7M7 4H17V7H7V4M7 9H17V12H7V9M7 14H11V19H7V14M13 14H17V19H13V14M8 15V18H10V15H8M14 15V18H16V15H14Z",GT="M12,1.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,1.5M15.87,5C18,5 20,7 20,9C22.7,9 22.7,13 20,13H4C1.3,13 1.3,9 4,9C4,7 6,5 8.13,5C8.57,6.73 10.14,8 12,8C13.86,8 15.43,6.73 15.87,5M5,15H8L9,22H7L5,15M10,15H14L13,22H11L10,15M16,15H19L17,22H15L16,15Z",QT="M10,3V5C12.5,5 13.9,5.05 14.72,5.41C15.26,5.65 15.73,6.21 16.25,7H5V9H19.62L18.89,7.55C17.86,5.5 16.96,4.22 15.53,3.59C14.1,2.95 12.5,3 10,3M6,11C3.78,11 2,12.78 2,15V18C2,20.22 3.78,22 6,22H18C20.22,22 22,20.22 22,18V15C22,12.78 20.22,11 18,11H6Z",UT="M18.09,10.5V9H9.59V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.09,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.59,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.09,6V9H5.09V10.5H8.09V16.7C8.09,19.06 10,20.97 12.34,21C14.68,20.96 16.54,19.04 16.5,16.7C16.5,15.11 15.75,13.61 14.5,12.62C14.28,12.44 14.05,12.28 13.8,12.15C13.58,12.05 13.34,12 13.1,12C12.39,12 11.74,12.39 11.39,13C11.2,13.3 11.1,13.65 11.1,14C11.11,15.1 12,16 13.11,16C13.73,16 14.31,15.69 14.69,15.2C14.9,15.67 15,16.18 15,16.7C15.04,18.2 13.86,19.45 12.34,19.5C10.81,19.5 9.58,18.23 9.59,16.7V10.5H18.09Z",zT="M12,15H14C14,16.08 15.37,17 17,17C18.63,17 20,16.08 20,15C20,13.9 18.96,13.5 16.76,12.97C14.64,12.44 12,11.78 12,9C12,7.21 13.47,5.69 15.5,5.18V3H18.5V5.18C20.53,5.69 22,7.21 22,9H20C20,7.92 18.63,7 17,7C15.37,7 14,7.92 14,9C14,10.1 15.04,10.5 17.24,11.03C19.36,11.56 22,12.22 22,15C22,16.79 20.53,18.31 18.5,18.82V21H15.5V18.82C13.47,18.31 12,16.79 12,15M2,3H5.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 11,8.5C11,10.69 9.71,12.59 7.86,13.47L11.64,21H9.4L5.88,14H5.5L4,14V21H2V3M5.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 9,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,5H4V12H5.5Z",_T="M17.06 11.57C17.65 10.88 18 10 18 9C18 7.14 16.73 5.57 15 5.13V3H13V5H11V3H9V5H6V7H8V17H6V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19C17.21 19 19 17.21 19 15C19 13.55 18.22 12.27 17.06 11.57M10 7H14C15.1 7 16 7.9 16 9S15.1 11 14 11H10V7M15 17H10V13H15C16.1 13 17 13.9 17 15S16.1 17 15 17Z",KT="M13.28 12H18V14H13V21H11V14H6V12H10.72L5 3H7.37L12 10.29L16.63 3H19L13.28 12Z",jT="M6,5H18V7H6M7,11H17V13H7M5.5,17H18.5V19H5.5",qT="M15 18.5C12.5 18.5 10.32 17.08 9.24 15H15L16 13H8.58C8.53 12.67 8.5 12.34 8.5 12S8.53 11.33 8.58 11H15L16 9H9.24C10.32 6.92 12.5 5.5 15 5.5C16.61 5.5 18.09 6.09 19.23 7.07L21 5.3C19.41 3.87 17.3 3 15 3C11.08 3 7.76 5.5 6.5 9H3L2 11H6.06C6 11.33 6 11.66 6 12S6 12.67 6.06 13H3L2 15H6.5C7.76 18.5 11.08 21 15 21C17.31 21 19.41 20.13 21 18.7L19.22 16.93C18.09 17.91 16.62 18.5 15 18.5Z",$T="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.7 8.59C6.64 8.73 6.57 8.86 6.5 9H3L2 11H6.06C6 11.33 6 11.66 6 12S6 12.67 6.06 13H3L2 15H6.5C7.76 18.5 11.08 21 15 21C16.21 21 17.36 20.74 18.41 20.3L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8.58 13C8.53 12.67 8.5 12.34 8.5 12S8.53 11.33 8.58 11H9.11L11.11 13H8.58M15 18.5C12.5 18.5 10.32 17.08 9.24 15H13.11L16.44 18.33C15.97 18.43 15.5 18.5 15 18.5M12.2 9H16L15 11H14.2L12.2 9M10.5 7.32L8.74 5.54C10.36 3.97 12.56 3 15 3C17.3 3 19.41 3.87 21 5.3L19.23 7.07C18.09 6.09 16.61 5.5 15 5.5C13.26 5.5 11.69 6.2 10.5 7.32Z",XT="M18 5V3H7V16H5V18H7V21H9V18H13V16H9V13H17V11H9V5H18Z",YT="M14 21C15.93 21 17.62 19.83 18 18L16.25 17.12C16 18.21 15.33 19 14 19H9.1C9.93 18 10.6 16.66 10.6 15C10.6 14.65 10.57 14.31 10.5 14H14V12H9.82C9 10.42 8 9.6 8 8C8 6.07 9.57 4.5 11.5 4.5C13 4.5 14.29 5.45 14.78 6.78L16.63 6C15.83 3.95 13.84 2.5 11.5 2.5C8.46 2.5 6 4.96 6 8C6 9.78 6.79 10.9 7.5 12H6V14H8.47C8.55 14.31 8.6 14.64 8.6 15C8.6 17.7 6 19 6 19V21H14Z",JT="M22,16A5,5 0 0,1 17,21H8V9H10V19H17A3,3 0 0,0 20,16V3H22V16M16,8V15H14V8A3,3 0 0,0 11,5H4V21H2V3H11A5,5 0 0,1 16,8Z",Cb="M8,3H18L17,5H13.74C14.22,5.58 14.58,6.26 14.79,7H18L17,9H15C14.75,11.57 12.74,13.63 10.2,13.96V14H9.5L15.5,21H13L7,14V12H9.5V12C11.26,12 12.72,10.7 12.96,9H7L8,7H12.66C12.1,5.82 10.9,5 9.5,5H7L8,3Z",Hb="M13.92 11H18V13H13V15H18V17H13V21H11V17H6V15H11V13H6V11H10.08L5 3H7.37L12 10.29L16.63 3H19L13.92 11Z",Vb="M2,3H4L5.33,9H9.33L10.67,3H13.33L14.67,9H18.67L20,3H22L20.67,9H22V11H20.22L19.78,13H22V15H19.33L18,21H15.33L14,15H10L8.67,21H6L4.67,15H2V13H4.22L3.78,11H2V9H3.33L2,3M13.11,11H10.89L10.44,13H13.56L13.11,11M7.33,18L8,15H6.67L7.33,18M8.89,11H5.78L6.22,13H8.44L8.89,11M16.67,18L17.33,15H16L16.67,18M18.22,11H15.11L15.56,13H17.78L18.22,11M12,6L11.33,9H12.67L12,6Z",Lb="M5,3H19V5H5V3M5,6H19V8H13V21H11V8H5V6Z",Mb="M13 5V8.62L17 7.17V9.29L13 10.74V12.5L17 11.07V13.2L13 14.65V21H11V15.38L7 16.84V14.71L11 13.24V11.47L7 12.92V10.8L11 9.35V5H5V3H19V5H13Z",Ab="M4,9H6V3H8L11.42,9H16V3H18V9H20V11H18V13H20V15H18V21H16L12.57,15H8V21H6V15H4V13H6V11H4V9M8,9H9.13L8,7.03V9M8,11V13H11.42L10.28,11H8M16,17V15H14.85L16,17M12.56,11L13.71,13H16V11H12.56Z",ib="M5,2V6H3V8H5V10H3V12H5V22H7V16H13C15.7,16 18.16,14.44 19.32,12H22V10H19.92C20.03,9.34 20.03,8.66 19.92,8H22V6H19.32C18.16,3.56 15.7,2 13,2M7,4H13C14.57,4 16.06,4.74 17,6H7V4M13,14H7V12H17C16.06,13.26 14.57,14 13,14M18,9C18,9.34 17.96,9.67 17.9,10H7V8H17.9C17.96,8.33 18,8.66 18,9Z",rb="M11,17H13V19H11V17M14,17H16V19H14V17M9,4H11V15A4,4 0 0,1 7,19H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,16V12H4V16A1,1 0 0,0 5,17H7C8.11,17 9,16.11 9,15V4M12,4H14V13H17V8H19V13C19,14.11 18.11,15 17,15H14C12.89,15 12,14.11 12,13V4M20,10H22V17A3,3 0 0,1 19,20H17V18H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,17V10Z",ab="M13.5 3H7V12H5V14H7V16H5V18H7V21H9V18H13V16H9V14H13.5C16.54 14 19 11.54 19 8.5S16.54 3 13.5 3M13.5 12H9V5H13.5C15.43 5 17 6.57 17 8.5S15.43 12 13.5 12Z",eb="M13.66 7C13.1 5.82 11.9 5 10.5 5H6V3H18V5H14.74C15.22 5.58 15.58 6.26 15.79 7H18V9H16C15.73 11.8 13.37 14 10.5 14H9.77L16.5 21H13.73L7 14V12H10.5C12.26 12 13.72 10.7 13.96 9H6V7H13.66Z",db="M4.41 3L3 4.41L5.69 7.1C4.63 8.46 4 10.15 4 12C4 13.85 4.63 15.55 5.69 16.9L3 19.59L4.41 21L7.1 18.31C8.46 19.37 10.15 20 12 20C13.85 20 15.55 19.37 16.9 18.31L19.59 21L21 19.59L18.31 16.9C19.37 15.54 20 13.85 20 12C20 10.15 19.37 8.45 18.31 7.1L21 4.41L19.59 3L16.9 5.69C15.54 4.63 13.85 4 12 4C10.15 4 8.45 4.63 7.1 5.69L4.41 3M12 6C15.31 6 18 8.69 18 12C18 15.31 15.31 18 12 18C8.69 18 6 15.31 6 12C6 8.69 8.69 6 12 6Z",mb="M16.1 11.6C16.7 10.9 17 10 17 9C17 7.1 15.7 5.6 14 5.1L13 5V3H11V5H7V19H11V21H13V19H14C16.2 19 18 17.2 18 15C18 13.5 17.2 12.3 16.1 11.6M15 9C15 10.1 14.1 11 13 11V7C14.1 7 15 7.9 15 9M9 7H11V11H9V7M9 17V13H11V17H9M14 17H13V13H14C15.1 13 16 13.9 16 15S15.1 17 14 17Z",tb="M9 8.76V3H11V7.5L15 5V7.36L11 9.87L11 12.22L15 9.72V12.08L11 14.59V19C13.76 19 16 16.76 16 14H18C18 17.87 14.87 21 11 21H9V15.84L6 17.72V15.36L9 13.5V11.12L6 13V10.64L9 8.76Z",vb="M3,11H21V13H15V19H21V21H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,19V13H10.35L5.73,21L4,20L8.04,13H3V11M5,3H19V5H5V3Z",lb="M14.59 11H18V9H16.32C16.74 8.34 17 7.68 17 7C17 4.37 14.5 3 12 3C9.65 3 7.53 5.06 7.29 5.29L8.71 6.71C9.19 6.23 10.71 5 12 5C13.04 5 15 5.42 15 7C15 7.5 14.5 8.24 13.76 9H6V11H11.63C11.21 11.36 9.75 12.67 9.41 13H6V15H7.68C7.26 15.66 7 16.32 7 17C7 19.63 9.5 21 12 21C14.35 21 16.47 18.94 16.71 18.71L15.29 17.29C14.82 17.77 13.29 19 12 19C10.96 19 9 18.58 9 17C9 16.5 9.5 15.76 10.24 15H18V13H12.38L14.59 11Z",ob="M7,15H9C9,16.08 10.37,17 12,17C13.63,17 15,16.08 15,15C15,13.9 13.96,13.5 11.76,12.97C9.64,12.44 7,11.78 7,9C7,7.21 8.47,5.69 10.5,5.18V3H13.5V5.18C15.53,5.69 17,7.21 17,9H15C15,7.92 13.63,7 12,7C10.37,7 9,7.92 9,9C9,10.1 10.04,10.5 12.24,11.03C14.36,11.56 17,12.22 17,15C17,16.79 15.53,18.31 13.5,18.82V21H10.5V18.82C8.47,18.31 7,16.79 7,15Z",nb="M3,4.27L4.28,3L21,19.72L19.73,21L16.06,17.33C15.44,18 14.54,18.55 13.5,18.82V21H10.5V18.82C8.47,18.31 7,16.79 7,15H9C9,16.08 10.37,17 12,17C13.13,17 14.14,16.56 14.65,15.92L11.68,12.95C9.58,12.42 7,11.75 7,9C7,8.77 7,8.55 7.07,8.34L3,4.27M10.5,5.18V3H13.5V5.18C15.53,5.69 17,7.21 17,9H15C15,7.92 13.63,7 12,7C11.63,7 11.28,7.05 10.95,7.13L9.4,5.58L10.5,5.18Z",Zb="M12.43 11C12.28 10.84 10 7 7 7S2.32 10.18 2 11V13H11.57C11.72 13.16 14 17 17 17S21.68 13.82 22 13V11H12.43M7 9C8.17 9 9.18 9.85 10 11H4.31C4.78 10.17 5.54 9 7 9M17 15C15.83 15 14.82 14.15 14 13H19.69C19.22 13.83 18.46 15 17 15Z",Sb="M2,9V11H22V9H2M2,13V15H7V13H2M9,13V15H15V13H9M17,13V15H22V13H17Z",ub="M13.64,21.97C13.14,22.21 12.54,22 12.31,21.5L10.13,16.76L7.62,18.78C7.45,18.92 7.24,19 7,19A1,1 0 0,1 6,18V3A1,1 0 0,1 7,2C7.24,2 7.47,2.09 7.64,2.23L7.65,2.22L19.14,11.86C19.57,12.22 19.62,12.85 19.27,13.27C19.12,13.45 18.91,13.57 18.7,13.61L15.54,14.23L17.74,18.96C18,19.46 17.76,20.05 17.26,20.28L13.64,21.97Z",cb="M10.76,8.69A0.76,0.76 0 0,0 10,9.45V20.9C10,21.32 10.34,21.66 10.76,21.66C10.95,21.66 11.11,21.6 11.24,21.5L13.15,19.95L14.81,23.57C14.94,23.84 15.21,24 15.5,24C15.61,24 15.72,24 15.83,23.92L18.59,22.64C18.97,22.46 19.15,22 18.95,21.63L17.28,18L19.69,17.55C19.85,17.5 20,17.43 20.12,17.29C20.39,16.97 20.35,16.5 20,16.21L11.26,8.86L11.25,8.87C11.12,8.76 10.95,8.69 10.76,8.69M15,10V8H20V10H15M13.83,4.76L16.66,1.93L18.07,3.34L15.24,6.17L13.83,4.76M10,0H12V5H10V0M3.93,14.66L6.76,11.83L8.17,13.24L5.34,16.07L3.93,14.66M3.93,3.34L5.34,1.93L8.17,4.76L6.76,6.17L3.93,3.34M7,10H2V8H7V10",sb="M11.5,11L17.88,16.37L17,16.55L16.36,16.67C15.73,16.8 15.37,17.5 15.65,18.07L15.92,18.65L17.28,21.59L15.86,22.25L14.5,19.32L14.24,18.74C13.97,18.15 13.22,17.97 12.72,18.38L12.21,18.78L11.5,19.35V11M10.76,8.69A0.76,0.76 0 0,0 10,9.45V20.9C10,21.32 10.34,21.66 10.76,21.66C10.95,21.66 11.11,21.6 11.24,21.5L13.15,19.95L14.81,23.57C14.94,23.84 15.21,24 15.5,24C15.61,24 15.72,24 15.83,23.92L18.59,22.64C18.97,22.46 19.15,22 18.95,21.63L17.28,18L19.69,17.55C19.85,17.5 20,17.43 20.12,17.29C20.39,16.97 20.35,16.5 20,16.21L11.26,8.86L11.25,8.87C11.12,8.76 10.95,8.69 10.76,8.69M15,10V8H20V10H15M13.83,4.76L16.66,1.93L18.07,3.34L15.24,6.17L13.83,4.76M10,0H12V5H10V0M3.93,14.66L6.76,11.83L8.17,13.24L5.34,16.07L3.93,14.66M3.93,3.34L5.34,1.93L8.17,4.76L6.76,6.17L3.93,3.34M7,10H2V8H7V10",Ob="M15.59 8C15.26 8 15 8.27 15 8.6V17.57C15 17.9 15.26 18.17 15.59 18.17C15.74 18.17 15.86 18.12 15.96 18.04L17.45 16.83L18.74 19.66C18.84 19.88 19.05 20 19.27 20C19.36 20 19.44 20 19.53 19.94L21.67 18.93C21.97 18.79 22.11 18.43 21.95 18.14L20.66 15.3L22.53 14.94C22.65 14.91 22.77 14.85 22.86 14.74C23.07 14.5 23.04 14.12 22.77 13.89L16 8.13C15.88 8.05 15.74 8 15.59 8M12.5 6.73C12.72 6.66 13.17 7.19 13.59 7.76L15 6.71C14.87 6.5 14.69 6.25 14.47 5.96C14.31 5.75 13.59 4.93 12.66 4.8C12.04 4.72 10.81 5.06 10.6 6.61C10.47 7.58 10.76 8.19 11.21 9.08C11.46 9.6 12.04 10.96 12.18 11.78C12.33 12.59 12.06 13.16 11.74 13.12C11.44 13.08 11.2 12.65 11.03 12.41C10.89 12.22 10 10.82 9.67 10.23C9.22 9.5 8.04 7.96 6.44 7.74C4.35 7.46 3.44 9.2 3.18 10.36L1 10.06V11.88L2.93 12.15C2.75 15.6 4.5 16.82 5.67 17C6.92 17.15 8.08 16.28 8.24 15.06C8.41 13.84 7.56 11.5 4.96 10.69C5.1 10.15 5.21 9.43 6.36 9.59C7.26 9.71 8.21 11.26 8.93 12.44C9.58 13.53 10.1 14.39 10.83 14.72C11.45 15 12.16 14.97 12.73 14.65C13.42 14.26 13.86 13.55 14 12.63C14.22 10.9 12.7 8.17 12.57 7.84C12.4 7.46 12.12 6.82 12.5 6.73M6.5 14.78C6.43 15.11 6.1 15.25 5.88 15.22C5.38 15.16 4.66 14.5 4.71 12.53C6.17 13.13 6.53 14.35 6.5 14.78Z",hb="M16.5 10.54L20.37 13.83L18.5 14.18L19.29 15.92L20.22 17.96L19.72 18.19L18.81 16.2L18 14.43L16.5 15.66V10.54M15.59 8C15.26 8 15 8.27 15 8.6V17.57C15 17.9 15.26 18.17 15.59 18.17C15.74 18.17 15.86 18.12 15.96 18.04L17.45 16.83L18.74 19.66C18.84 19.88 19.05 20 19.27 20C19.36 20 19.44 20 19.53 19.94L21.67 18.93C21.97 18.79 22.11 18.43 21.95 18.14L20.66 15.3L22.53 14.94C22.65 14.91 22.77 14.85 22.86 14.74C23.07 14.5 23.04 14.12 22.77 13.89L16 8.13C15.88 8.05 15.74 8 15.59 8M12.5 6.73C12.72 6.66 13.17 7.19 13.59 7.76L15 6.71C14.87 6.5 14.69 6.25 14.47 5.96C14.31 5.75 13.59 4.93 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0,1 6,18V3A1,1 0 0,1 7,2C7.24,2 7.47,2.09 7.64,2.23L7.65,2.22L19.14,11.86C19.57,12.22 19.62,12.85 19.27,13.27C19.12,13.45 18.91,13.57 18.7,13.61L15.54,14.23L17.74,18.96C18,19.46 17.76,20.05 17.26,20.28L13.64,21.97Z",fb="M13,6V11H18V7.75L22.25,12L18,16.25V13H13V18H16.25L12,22.25L7.75,18H11V13H6V16.25L1.75,12L6,7.75V11H11V6H7.75L12,1.75L16.25,6H13Z",gb="M13.75,10.19L14.38,10.32L18.55,12.4C19.25,12.63 19.71,13.32 19.65,14.06V14.19L19.65,14.32L18.75,20.44C18.69,20.87 18.5,21.27 18.15,21.55C17.84,21.85 17.43,22 17,22H10.12C9.63,22 9.18,21.82 8.85,21.47L2.86,15.5L3.76,14.5C4,14.25 4.38,14.11 4.74,14.13H5.03L9,15V4.5A2,2 0 0,1 11,2.5A2,2 0 0,1 13,4.5V10.19H13.75Z",kb="M13,19A1,1 0 0,0 14,20H16V22H13.5C12.95,22 12,21.55 12,21C12,21.55 11.05,22 10.5,22H8V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4H8V2H10.5C11.05,2 12,2.45 12,3C12,2.45 12.95,2 13.5,2H16V4H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,5V19Z",Bb="M23 3H1V1H23V3M2 22H6C6 19 4 17 4 17C10 13 11 4 11 4H2V22M22 4H13C13 4 14 13 20 17C20 17 18 19 18 22H22V4Z",Pb="M23 3H1V1H23V3M2 22H11V4H2V22M22 4H13V22H22V4Z",wb="M12 2C9.89 2 3 2.29 3 6V18C3 21.71 9.89 22 12 22C14.11 22 21 21.71 21 18V6C21 2.29 14.11 2 12 2M12 10C13.38 10 16.8 9.87 19 8.75V15.25C16.8 14.13 13.38 14 12 14S7.2 14.13 5 15.25V8.75C7.2 9.87 10.62 10 12 10M12 4C15.87 4 19 4.89 19 6C19 7.11 15.87 8 12 8C8.13 8 5 7.11 5 6C5 4.89 8.13 4 12 4M12 20C8.13 20 5 19.11 5 18C5 16.9 8.13 16 12 16C15.87 16 19 16.9 19 18C19 19.11 15.87 20 12 20Z",Fb="M7.64 4.44L6.03 2.83C8.15 2.1 10.82 2 12 2C14.11 2 21 2.29 21 6V17.8L18.06 14.86C18.39 14.97 18.7 15.1 19 15.25V8.75C17.28 9.63 14.82 9.89 13.17 9.97L11.18 8C11.45 8 11.72 8 12 8C15.87 8 19 7.11 19 6S15.87 4 12 4C10.35 4 8.84 4.17 7.64 4.44M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.91 20.8C16.7 21.87 13.36 22 12 22C9.89 22 3 21.71 3 18V6C3 5.66 3.08 5.36 3.18 5.07L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M5 15.25C7.2 14.13 10.62 14 12 14L12.11 14L7.73 9.62C6.76 9.43 5.8 9.15 5 8.75V15.25M17.39 19.28L14.21 16.1C13.5 16.04 12.78 16 12 16C8.13 16 5 16.9 5 18S8.13 20 12 20C14.17 20 16.1 19.72 17.39 19.28Z",Tb="M14 3.5C14 4.33 13.33 5 12.5 5S11 4.33 11 3.5 11.67 2 12.5 2 14 2.67 14 3.5M8.5 5C7.67 5 7 5.67 7 6.5S7.67 8 8.5 8 10 7.33 10 6.5 9.33 5 8.5 5M14 12L13.22 9.75H16.18L18.34 8.67C18.71 8.5 18.86 8.04 18.67 7.67C18.5 7.3 18.04 7.14 17.67 7.33L16.85 7.74L16.36 6.9C16.07 6.25 15.36 5.88 14.66 6.04L12.19 6.57C11.5 6.72 11 7.35 11 8.07V8.77L8.57 10.39H8.58C8.5 10.46 8.39 10.55 8.33 10.67L7.44 12.44L5.66 13.33C5.29 13.5 5.14 13.97 5.33 14.34C5.46 14.6 5.73 14.75 6 14.75C6.11 14.75 6.23 14.73 6.34 14.67L8.56 13.56L9.6 11.5L11 13C10 16 3 20 3 20S7 22 12 22 21 20 21 20 16 16 14 12M16.85 11.09L16.53 11.25H15.33L15.39 11.41C15.91 12.44 16.67 13.5 17.5 14.44L16.97 11.03L16.85 11.09Z",bb="M12 1V2L11.23 1.36L7.76 5.5L11 7.5V5.16L10.78 5L12 3.56V23H14V13.24L15.93 11.31C18.5 11.71 21.13 10.36 22.66 8.83L21.24 7.41C20.1 8.56 17.7 9.61 16 9.26L14 7.24V1M17 4A2 2 0 0 0 15 6A2 2 0 0 0 17 8A2 2 0 0 0 19 6A2 2 0 0 0 17 4M11 7.76L7.1 11.66C5.25 13.5 4.31 14.85 3.06 18.16L4.94 18.86C5.94 16.2 6.66 15.14 7.87 13.84L9.22 15.19L4.27 20.14L5.69 21.56L11 16.24Z",yb="M2 2V22H22V20H20V18H22V16H20V14H22V12H18V10H16V12H14V10H12V8H8V12H12V16H10V18H12V20H10V18H8V16H6V14H4V12H6V6H4V2H2M6 6H8V2H6V6M8 16H10V14H8V16M18 10H22V8H18V10M18 8V4H16V6H14V8H18M16 4V2H14V4H16M18 4H20V2H18V4M20 4V6H22V4H20M10 2V6H12V2H10M14 14H16V16H18V20H14V14M4 18H6V20H4V18Z",Rb="M20 12.1C19.9 12.1 19.7 12.2 19.6 12.3L18.6 13.3L20.7 15.4L21.7 14.4C21.9 14.2 21.9 13.8 21.7 13.6L20.4 12.3C20.3 12.2 20.2 12.1 20 12.1M18.1 13.9L12 19.9V22H14.1L20.2 15.9L18.1 13.9M8 6H6V2H8V6M10 16H8V14H10V16M12 6H10V2H12V6M16 2V4H14V2H16M20 4H18V2H20V4M10 20V18H8V16H6V14H4V12H6V6H4V2H2V22H10V20M6 20H4V18H6V20M22 10H18V8H22V10M20 6V4H22V6H20M18 4V8H14V6H16V4H18M10 18V16H12V12H8V8H12V10H14V12H16V10H18V11.1L15.1 14H14V15.1L11.1 18H10Z",xb="M16 2V4H14V2H16M12 2H10V6H12V2M10 14H8V16H10V14M16 4V6H14V8H18V4H16M8 2H6V6H8V2M20 2H18V4H20V2M13.8 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21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M22 20L19 23L16 20H18V16H20V20H22Z",zb="M4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3S20 4.79 20 7 16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7M19.72 13.05C19.9 12.71 20 12.36 20 12V9C20 11.21 16.42 13 12 13S4 11.21 4 9V12C4 14.21 7.58 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.28 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.24 13 19.5 13 19.72 13.05M13.1 17.96C12.74 18 12.37 18 12 18C7.58 18 4 16.21 4 14V17C4 19.21 7.58 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19C13 18.64 13.04 18.3 13.1 17.96M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",_b="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 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13.9C12 14 12.1 14 12.1 14M18.8 20.7L17.7 19.6C17.6 19.9 17.3 20 17 20C16.4 20 16 19.6 16 19C16 18.7 16.1 18.4 16.4 18.2L15.3 17.1C14.8 17.6 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.9C14.5 20.3 15.6 21.4 17 21.4C17.7 21.5 18.4 21.2 18.8 20.7Z",dy="M9.1 19.7L8.8 19L9 18.6C7.1 18.1 6 17.3 6 17V14.8C7.3 15.4 8.8 15.8 10.6 16C11.3 15.2 12.2 14.5 13.1 14H12C9.6 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.5V9.6C7.5 10.4 9.6 11 12 11S16.5 10.5 18 9.6V12.4C17.7 12.6 17.4 12.8 17 13C18 13 19 13.2 20 13.6V7C20 4.8 16.4 3 12 3S4 4.8 4 7V17C4 18.8 6.4 20.3 9.7 20.8C9.5 20.5 9.3 20.1 9.1 19.7M12 5C15.9 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.9 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.1 5 12 5M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",my="M12,3C8.59,3 5.69,4.07 4.54,5.57L9.79,10.82C10.5,10.93 11.22,11 12,11C16.42,11 20,9.21 20,7C20,4.79 16.42,3 12,3M3.92,7.08L2.5,8.5L5,11H0V13H5L2.5,15.5L3.92,16.92L8.84,12M20,9C20,11.21 16.42,13 12,13C11.34,13 10.7,12.95 10.09,12.87L7.62,15.34C8.88,15.75 10.38,16 12,16C16.42,16 20,14.21 20,12M20,14C20,16.21 16.42,18 12,18C9.72,18 7.67,17.5 6.21,16.75L4.53,18.43C5.68,19.93 8.59,21 12,21C16.42,21 20,19.21 20,17",ty="M8.84 12L3.92 16.92L2.5 15.5L5 13H0V11H5L2.5 8.5L3.92 7.08L8.84 12M12 3C8.59 3 5.68 4.07 4.53 5.57L5 6L6.03 7.07C6 7.05 6 7 6 7C6 6.5 8.13 5 12 5S18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9C9.38 9 7.58 8.31 6.68 7.72L9.8 10.84C10.5 10.94 11.24 11 12 11C14.39 11 16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14C11.04 14 10.1 13.9 9.24 13.73L7.59 15.37C8.91 15.77 10.41 16 12 16C14.28 16 16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17C18 17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V16.96L5 18L4.54 18.43C5.69 19.93 8.6 21 12 21C16.41 21 20 19.21 20 17V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3Z",vy="M11,3C15.42,3 19,4.79 19,7C19,9.21 15.42,11 11,11C6.58,11 3,9.21 3,7C3,4.79 6.58,3 11,3M19,12.03C17.11,12.24 15.57,13.62 15.13,15.43C13.92,15.79 12.5,16 11,16C6.58,16 3,14.21 3,12V9C3,11.21 6.58,13 11,13C15.42,13 19,11.21 19,9V12.03M14,17.71V20.71C13.07,20.9 12.06,21 11,21C6.58,21 3,19.21 3,17V14C3,16.21 6.58,18 11,18C12.06,18 13.07,17.9 14,17.71M19.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 22,16.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 23,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 22,23H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17V16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,14M19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5V17H21V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,15Z",ly="M6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V11.05C18.17 11.03 18.33 11 18.5 11C19.03 11 19.53 11.1 20 11.26V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.34 21 12.67 21 13 20.97V18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.41 16 12.81 15.97 13.21 15.94C13.4 15.46 13.68 15.03 14.07 14.7C14.13 14.39 14.23 14.09 14.34 13.8C13.6 13.93 12.81 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M21 16V15.5C21 14.12 19.88 13 18.5 13S16 14.12 16 15.5V16C15.45 16 15 16.45 15 17V21C15 21.55 15.45 22 16 22H21C21.55 22 22 21.55 22 21V17C22 16.45 21.55 16 21 16M20 16H17V15.5C17 14.67 17.67 14 18.5 14S20 14.67 20 15.5V16Z",oy="M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8M4 12V9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13C12.57 13 13.13 12.97 13.67 12.91C13.25 13.69 13 14.57 13 15.5C13 15.65 13 15.81 13.03 15.96C12.69 16 12.35 16 12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12M4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3S20 4.79 20 7 16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7M15 20.71C14.07 20.9 13.06 21 12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18C12.5 18 13.03 17.97 13.5 17.93C13.9 18.91 14.44 19.87 15 20.71Z",ny="M12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.35 16 12.69 15.97 13.03 15.95C13 15.8 13 15.65 13 15.5C13 14.96 13.09 14.44 13.24 13.94C12.83 14 12.42 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V10.03C18.17 10 18.33 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C13.06 21 14.07 20.89 15 20.71C14.62 20.14 14.25 19.5 13.93 18.85C13.34 18.94 12.71 19 12 19M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",Zy="M23 17V19H15V17M12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7S16.42 11 12 11 4 9.21 4 7 7.58 3 12 3M4 9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13S20 11.21 20 9V12.08L19 12C16.41 12 14.2 13.64 13.36 15.94L12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12V9M4 14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18H13C13 19.05 13.27 20.04 13.75 20.9L12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14Z",Sy="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",uy="M19.07 15.87C19.66 15.31 20 14.68 20 14V16.8L19.07 15.87M20 9C20 10.54 18.27 11.86 15.73 12.53L17.89 14.69C19.19 14 20 13.04 20 12V9M20 7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3C10.13 3 8.42 3.33 7.06 3.86L14.06 10.86C17.5 10.41 20 8.85 20 7M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.21 6.1C4.08 6.39 4 6.69 4 7C4 8.63 5.96 10.04 8.77 10.66L11.08 12.97C7.1 12.74 4 11.06 4 9V12C4 14.21 7.58 16 12 16C12.69 16 13.35 15.95 14 15.87L15.66 17.55C14.57 17.84 13.32 18 12 18C7.58 18 4 16.21 4 14V17C4 19.21 7.58 21 12 21C14.31 21 16.38 20.5 17.84 19.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",cy="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.21 6.1C4.08 6.39 4 6.69 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C14.3 21 16.38 20.5 17.84 19.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6 9.64C6.76 10.07 7.7 10.42 8.76 10.65L12.11 14C12.07 14 12.04 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64M12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.68 16 13.34 15.95 14 15.87L16.34 18.23C15.33 18.65 13.87 19 12 19M8.64 5.44L7.06 3.86C8.42 3.33 10.13 3 12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7V16.8L18 14.8V14.77L18 14.78L16.45 13.25C17.05 13.03 17.58 12.76 18 12.45V9.64C16.97 10.22 15.61 10.65 14.06 10.86L12.19 9C15.94 8.94 18 7.5 18 7C18 6.5 15.87 5 12 5C10.66 5 9.54 5.18 8.64 5.44Z",sy="M12 3C7.58 3 4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21S20 19.21 20 17V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3M18 17C18 17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16S16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11C14.39 11 16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9Z",Oy="M18,14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C16.42,13 20,11.21 20,9V9L20,12.08L19,12C16.41,12 14.2,13.64 13.36,15.94L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18H13C13,19.05 13.27,20.04 13.75,20.9L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",hy="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",py="M12 3C16.42 3 20 4.79 20 7C20 9.21 16.42 11 12 11C7.58 11 4 9.21 4 7C4 4.79 7.58 3 12 3M4 9C4 11.21 7.58 13 12 13C13.11 13 14.18 12.89 15.14 12.68C14.19 13.54 13.5 14.67 13.18 15.96L12 16C7.58 16 4 14.21 4 12V9M20 9V11L19.5 11L18.9 11.03C19.6 10.43 20 9.74 20 9M4 14C4 16.21 7.58 18 12 18L13 17.97C13.09 19.03 13.42 20 13.95 20.88L12 21C7.58 21 4 19.21 4 17V14M19 13.5C20.11 13.5 21.11 13.95 21.83 14.67L23 13.5V17.5H19L20.77 15.73C20.32 15.28 19.69 15 19 15C17.62 15 16.5 16.12 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20C19.82 20 20.54 19.61 21 19H22.71C22.12 20.47 20.68 21.5 19 21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 15.29 16.79 13.5 19 13.5Z",fy="M6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.03C18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5 12C19 12 19.5 12.07 20 12.18V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.17 21 12.33 21 12.5 21C12.24 20.37 12.09 19.7 12.03 19L12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.17 16 12.34 16 12.5 16C12.85 15.18 13.34 14.46 13.95 13.86C13.32 13.95 12.67 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M18 18.5L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5S16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5S15.79 14.5 18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18Z",gy="M15.46,15.88L16.88,14.46L19,16.59L21.12,14.47L22.53,15.88L20.41,18L22.54,20.12L21.12,21.54L19,19.41L16.88,21.53L15.47,20.12L17.59,18L15.46,15.88M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C16.42,13 20,11.21 20,9V12.08L19,12C16.41,12 14.2,13.64 13.36,15.94L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18H13C13,19.05 13.27,20.04 13.75,20.9L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",ky="M20 13.09V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.46 21 12.9 21 13.33 20.94C13.12 20.33 13 19.68 13 19L13 18.95C12.68 19 12.35 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16C12.65 16 13.27 15.96 13.88 15.89C14.93 14.16 16.83 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 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17.5 15.87 19 12 19S6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16S16.39 15.55 18 14.77V17M18 12.45C16.7 13.4 14.42 14 12 14S7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V12.45M12 9C8.13 9 6 7.5 6 7S8.13 5 12 5 18 6.5 18 7 15.87 9 12 9M7 22H9V24H7V22M15 22H17V24H15V22M11 22H13V24H11V22Z",Ty="M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23M12,3C16.42,3 20,4.79 20,7C20,9.21 16.42,11 12,11C7.58,11 4,9.21 4,7C4,4.79 7.58,3 12,3M4,9C4,11.21 7.58,13 12,13C13.11,13 14.17,12.89 15.14,12.68C14.19,13.54 13.5,14.67 13.18,15.96L12,16C7.58,16 4,14.21 4,12V9M20,9V11H19.5L18.9,11.03C19.6,10.43 20,9.74 20,9M4,14C4,16.21 7.58,18 12,18L13,17.97C13.09,19.03 13.42,20 13.95,20.88L12,21C7.58,21 4,19.21 4,17V14Z",by="M12 16C12.41 16 12.81 15.97 13.21 15.94C13.4 15.18 13.72 14.46 14.16 13.83C13.47 13.94 12.74 14 12 14C9.58 14 7.3 13.4 6 12.45V9.64C7.47 10.47 9.61 11 12 11S16.53 10.47 18 9.64V11.19C18.5 11.07 19 11 19.55 11C19.7 11 19.85 11 20 11.03V7C20 4.79 16.42 3 12 3S4 4.79 4 7V17C4 19.21 7.59 21 12 21C12.66 21 13.31 20.96 13.92 20.88C13.57 20.29 13.31 19.64 13.16 18.94C12.79 19 12.41 19 12 19C8.13 19 6 17.5 6 17V14.77C7.61 15.55 9.72 16 12 16M12 5C15.87 5 18 6.5 18 7S15.87 9 12 9 6 7.5 6 7 8.13 5 12 5M23 17.5C23 18.32 22.75 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",yy="M2.05,13H21.95C21.45,18.05 17.19,22 12,22C6.82,22 2.55,18.05 2.05,13M21.95,11H2.05C2.55,5.95 6.82,2 12,2C17.18,2 21.45,5.95 21.95,11M12,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,4.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,9.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,6.75Z",Ry="M2.05,13H21.94C21.88,13.69 21.74,14.36 21.54,15H14V17H17V19H15V21H12.5V22C12.33,22 12.17,22 12,22C6.82,22 2.55,18.05 2.05,13M21.94,11H2.05C2.55,5.95 6.82,2 12,2C13.62,2 15.15,2.39 16.5,3.08V5H18.5V7H20V9H21.54C21.74,9.64 21.88,10.31 21.94,11M12,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,4.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7,6.75A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,9.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,6.75Z",xy="M12,2L1,21H23L12,2M12.75,11.47C14.56,11.87 15.7,13.67 15.3,15.5C15,16.75 14,17.75 12.75,18.03V11.47M11.25,18C9.44,17.6 8.3,15.8 8.7,14C9,12.72 10,11.72 11.25,11.44V18M16.88,14.72C16.83,12.35 15.09,10.36 12.75,10V6.29L20.4,19.5H13.07C15.29,19 16.87,17.03 16.88,14.75V14.72M11.25,6.29V10C8.6,10.4 6.77,12.88 7.18,15.54C7.5,17.5 8.97,19.12 10.93,19.55H3.6L11.25,6.29Z",Dy="M18.5,10.57L18.3,10.94C18.56,10.16 18.41,9.31 18.45,8.57L18.38,8.55C18.31,6.7 16.71,4.73 15.29,4.07C14.06,3.5 12.17,3.4 11.3,3.83C11.42,3.72 11.9,3.68 11.75,3.6C10.38,3.73 10.69,4.07 9.64,4.34C9.35,4.62 10.5,4.12 9.87,4.5C9.31,4.63 9.05,4.38 8.22,5.24C8.29,5.36 8.75,4.89 8.37,5.36C7.58,5.27 5.89,7.16 5.53,7.78L5.72,7.82C5.41,8.59 5,9.08 4.95,9.54C4.87,10.68 4.5,12.75 5.03,13.39L4.97,13.92L5.2,14.37L5.08,14.38C5.66,16.21 5.7,14.42 6.47,16.32C6.36,16.28 6.24,16.24 6.08,16C6.06,16.19 6.32,16.69 6.62,17.08L6.5,17.22C6.66,17.53 6.82,17.6 6.93,17.71C6.3,17.36 7.5,18.84 7.63,19.03L7.73,18.86C7.71,19.1 7.9,19.42 8.26,19.87L8.56,19.86C8.69,20.1 9.14,20.54 9.41,20.56L9.23,20.8C9.92,21 9.56,21.09 10.41,21.39L10.24,21.09C10.67,21.46 10.8,21.79 11.41,22.07C12.26,22.37 12.37,22.25 13.23,22.5C12.5,22.5 11.64,22.5 11.06,22.28C7.1,21.21 3.5,16.56 3.74,11.78C3.68,10.81 3.84,9.6 3.68,9.36C3.9,8.62 4.16,7.72 4.69,6.65C4.65,6.58 4.78,6.86 5.05,6.41C5.21,6.05 5.34,5.66 5.55,5.31L5.65,5.28C5.76,4.67 7.08,3.73 7.5,3.26V3.44C8.36,2.63 9.9,2.09 10.76,1.71C10.53,1.96 11.27,1.68 11.8,1.65L11.31,1.93C11.94,1.77 11.91,2 12.56,1.9C12.33,1.93 12.06,2 12.1,2.06C12.82,2.14 12.94,1.84 13.61,2.06L13.56,1.86C14.5,2.2 14.69,2.14 15.7,2.68C16.06,2.69 16.1,2.46 16.63,2.68C16.73,2.84 16.61,2.87 17.27,3.27C17.34,3.24 17.14,3.05 17,2.9C18.3,3.61 19.75,5.12 20.18,6.74C19.77,6 20.14,7.13 20,7.07C20.18,7.56 20.33,8.07 20.43,8.6C20.31,8.17 20.04,7.12 19.57,6.45C19.54,6.88 18.97,6.15 19.28,7.11C19.5,7.45 19.33,6.76 19.62,7.36C19.62,7.65 19.73,7.94 19.8,8.31C19.7,8.29 19.58,7.9 19.5,8C19.6,8.5 19.77,8.72 19.83,8.76C19.8,8.84 19.71,8.68 19.71,9C19.75,9.74 19.92,9.43 20,9.46C19.91,9.83 19.59,10.25 19.75,10.88L19.55,10.32C19.5,10.85 19.66,10.95 19.42,11.6C19.6,11 19.58,10.5 19.41,10.75C19.5,11.57 18.76,12.2 18.83,12.73L18.62,12.44C18.05,13.27 18.61,12.89 18.22,13.5C18.36,13.27 18.15,13.42 18.33,13.14C18.21,13.15 17.78,13.67 17.39,13.97C15.85,15.2 14,15.37 12.24,14.7H12.23C12.24,14.66 12.23,14.61 12.11,14.53C10.6,13.38 9.71,12.4 10,10.12C10.25,9.95 10.31,9 10.84,8.67C11.16,7.96 12.12,7.31 13.15,7.29C14.2,7.23 15.09,7.85 15.54,8.43C14.72,7.68 13.4,7.45 12.26,8C11.11,8.53 10.42,9.8 10.5,11.07C10.56,11 10.6,11.05 10.62,10.89C10.59,13.36 13.28,15.17 15.22,14.26L15.25,14.31C16.03,14.09 15.93,13.92 16.44,13.56C16.4,13.65 16.1,13.86 16.28,13.86C16.53,13.8 17.31,13.07 17.7,12.73C17.87,12.35 17.6,12.5 17.85,12.04L18.15,11.89C18.32,11.41 18.5,11.14 18.5,10.57",Ey="M12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22M13,2V13L17.5,8.5L18.92,9.92L12,16.84L5.08,9.92L6.5,8.5L11,13V2H13Z",Ny="M12,22A2,2 0 0,1 10,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22M13,16H11V6L6.5,10.5L5.08,9.08L12,2.16L18.92,9.08L17.5,10.5L13,6V16Z",Wy="M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,16A2,2 0 0,1 12,18A2,2 0 0,1 10,16A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M23.46,8.86L21.87,15.75L15,14.16L18.8,11.78C17.39,9.5 14.87,8 12,8C8.05,8 4.77,10.86 4.12,14.63L2.15,14.28C2.96,9.58 7.06,6 12,6C15.58,6 18.73,7.89 20.5,10.72L23.46,8.86Z",Iy="M23,12L20.56,9.22L20.9,5.54L17.29,4.72L15.4,1.54L12,3L8.6,1.54L6.71,4.72L3.1,5.53L3.44,9.21L1,12L3.44,14.78L3.1,18.47L6.71,19.29L8.6,22.47L12,21L15.4,22.46L17.29,19.28L20.9,18.46L20.56,14.78L23,12Z",Gy="M23,12L20.56,14.78L20.9,18.46L17.29,19.28L15.4,22.46L12,21L8.6,22.47L6.71,19.29L3.1,18.47L3.44,14.78L1,12L3.44,9.21L3.1,5.53L6.71,4.72L8.6,1.54L12,3L15.4,1.54L17.29,4.72L20.9,5.54L20.56,9.22L23,12M20.33,12L18.5,9.89L18.74,7.1L16,6.5L14.58,4.07L12,5.18L9.42,4.07L8,6.5L5.26,7.09L5.5,9.88L3.67,12L5.5,14.1L5.26,16.9L8,17.5L9.42,19.93L12,18.81L14.58,19.92L16,17.5L18.74,16.89L18.5,14.1L20.33,12Z",Qy="M10 7A3 3 0 0 0 7 10V13A3 3 0 0 0 13 13V10A3 3 0 0 0 10 7M11 13A1 1 0 0 1 9 13V10A1 1 0 0 1 11 10M17 7A3 3 0 0 0 14 10V13A3 3 0 0 0 20 13V10A3 3 0 0 0 17 7M18 13A1 1 0 0 1 16 13V10A1 1 0 0 1 18 10M6 15A1 1 0 1 1 5 14A1 1 0 0 1 6 15Z",Uy="M10 7A3 3 0 0 1 13 10V13A3 3 0 0 1 7 13V10A3 3 0 0 1 10 7M10 9A1 1 0 0 0 9 10V13A1 1 0 0 0 11 13V10A1 1 0 0 0 10 9M17 7A3 3 0 0 1 20 10V13A3 3 0 0 1 14 13V10A3 3 0 0 1 17 7M17 9A1 1 0 0 0 16 10V13A1 1 0 0 0 18 13V10A1 1 0 0 0 17 9M5 14A1 1 0 0 0 4 15L5 18H6V15A1 1 0 0 0 5 14Z",zy="M5 13V16H4L3 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 13M15 16V14L12 17L15 20V18H21V16M12 11A3 3 0 0 1 6 11V8A3 3 0 0 1 12 8M10 8A1 1 0 0 0 8 8V11A1 1 0 0 0 10 11Z",_y="M9 5A3 3 0 0 0 6 8V11A3 3 0 0 0 12 11V8A3 3 0 0 0 9 5M10 11A1 1 0 0 1 8 11V8A1 1 0 0 1 10 8M16 14A3 3 0 0 0 19 11V8A3 3 0 0 0 13 8V11A3 3 0 0 0 16 14M15 8A1 1 0 0 1 17 8V11A1 1 0 0 1 15 11M19 20V18H13V16H19V14L22 17M5 13V16H4L3 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 13Z",Ky="M12,17L15,20V18H21V16H15V14L12,17M9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5M9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7M4,12A1,1 0 0,1 5,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12Z",jy="M22,17L19,20V18H13V16H19V14L22,17M9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5M9,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 9,7M16,5A3,3 0 0,1 19,8V11A3,3 0 0,1 16,14A3,3 0 0,1 13,11V8A3,3 0 0,1 16,5M16,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,8V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,11V8A1,1 0 0,0 16,7M4,12A1,1 0 0,1 5,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A1,1 0 0,1 4,12Z",qy="M19,4H15.5L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19Z",$y="M17 4V6H3V4H6.5L7.5 3H12.5L13.5 4H17M4 19V7H16V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",Xy="M4 19V7H16V19C16 20.1 15.1 21 14 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19M6 9V19H14V9H6M13.5 4H17V6H3V4H6.5L7.5 3H12.5L13.5 4M19 17V15H21V17H19M19 13V7H21V13H19Z",Yy="M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M17,7H14.5L13.5,6H10.5L9.5,7H7V9H17V7M9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V10H8V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18Z",Jy="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M16,10V17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,17V10H16M13.5,6L14.5,7H17V9H7V7H9.5L10.5,6H13.5Z",CR="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.36 22.24 11.1 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V7H18V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11M19 4V6H5V4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4H19Z",HR="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C14.09 23 12.36 22.24 11.1 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V7H18V9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M9 16C9 12.13 12.13 9 16 9H8V19H9.67C9.24 18.09 9 17.07 9 16M16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11M15.5 4H19V6H5V4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4Z",VR="M20.37,8.91L19.37,10.64L7.24,3.64L8.24,1.91L11.28,3.66L12.64,3.29L16.97,5.79L17.34,7.16L20.37,8.91M6,19V7H11.07L18,11V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19Z",LR="M20.37,8.91L19.37,10.64L7.24,3.64L8.24,1.91L11.28,3.66L12.64,3.29L16.97,5.79L17.34,7.16L20.37,8.91M6,19V7H11.07L18,11V19A2,2 0 0,1 16,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19M8,19H16V12.2L10.46,9H8V19Z",MR="M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8.46,11.88L9.87,10.47L12,12.59L14.12,10.47L15.53,11.88L13.41,14L15.53,16.12L14.12,17.53L12,15.41L9.88,17.53L8.47,16.12L10.59,14L8.46,11.88M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5Z",AR="M14.12,10.47L12,12.59L9.87,10.47L8.46,11.88L10.59,14L8.47,16.12L9.88,17.53L12,15.41L14.12,17.53L15.53,16.12L13.41,14L15.53,11.88L14.12,10.47M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8,9H16V19H8V9Z",iR="M2 5.27L3.28 4L5 5.72L5.28 6L6.28 7L18 18.72L20 20.72L18.73 22L17.27 20.54C16.93 20.83 16.5 21 16 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V9.27L2 5.27M19 4V6H7.82L5.82 4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4H19M18 7V16.18L8.82 7H18Z",rR="M2 5.27L3.28 4L5 5.72L5.28 6L6.28 7L8.28 9L16 16.72L18 18.72L20 20.72L18.73 22L17.27 20.54C16.93 20.83 16.5 21 16 21H8C6.9 21 6 20.1 6 19V9.27L2 5.27M8 19H15.73L8 11.27V19M18 7V16.18L16 14.18V9H10.82L8.82 7H18M15.5 4H19V6H7.82L5.82 4H8.5L9.5 3H14.5L15.5 4Z",aR="M6,19A2,2 0 0,0 8,21H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,19V7H6V19M8,9H16V19H8V9M15.5,4L14.5,3H9.5L8.5,4H5V6H19V4H15.5Z",eR="M14,14H16L12,10L8,14H10V18H14V14M6,7H18V19C18,19.5 17.8,20 17.39,20.39C17,20.8 16.5,21 16,21H8C7.5,21 7,20.8 6.61,20.39C6.2,20 6,19.5 6,19V7M19,4V6H5V4H8.5L9.5,3H14.5L15.5,4H19Z",dR="M15,16H19V18H15V16M15,8H22V10H15V8M15,12H21V14H15V12M3,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H11A2,2 0 0,0 13,18V8H3V18M14,5H11L10,4H6L5,5H2V7H14V5Z",mR="M15,16H19V18H15V16M15,8H22V10H15V8M15,12H21V14H15V12M11,10V18H5V10H11M13,8H3V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H11A2,2 0 0,0 13,18V8M14,5H11L10,4H6L5,5H2V7H14V5Z",tR="M21.03,3L18,20.31C17.83,21.27 17,22 16,22H8C7,22 6.17,21.27 6,20.31L2.97,3H21.03M5.36,5L8,20H16L18.64,5H5.36M9,18V14H13V18H9M13,13.18L9.82,10L13,6.82L16.18,10L13,13.18Z",vR="M12,7.77L18.39,18H5.61L12,7.77M12,4L2,20H22",lR="M3 6H21C21.55 6 22 6.45 22 7C22 7.55 21.55 8 21 8V19H19V17H15V19H13V8H5V19H3V8C2.45 8 2 7.55 2 7C2 6.45 2.45 6 3 6M16 10.5V11H18V10.5C18 10.22 17.78 10 17.5 10H16.5C16.22 10 16 10.22 16 10.5M16 14.5V15H18V14.5C18 14.22 17.78 14 17.5 14H16.5C16.22 14 16 14.22 16 14.5Z",oR="M10.85,2L9.18,4.5L10.32,5.25L7.14,10C7.1,10 7.05,10 7,10A2,2 0 0,0 5,12C5,12.94 5.66,13.75 6.58,13.95L10.62,20H7V22H17V20H13L8.53,13.28C8.83,12.92 9,12.47 9,12C9,11.7 8.93,11.4 8.8,11.13L12,6.37C11.78,8.05 12.75,9.89 14.45,11L18.89,4.37C17.2,3.24 15.12,3.04 13.65,3.87L10.85,2M18.33,7L16.67,9.5C17.35,9.95 18.29,9.77 18.75,9.08C19.21,8.39 19,7.46 18.33,7Z",nR="M9 10.87L8.8 11.13C8.93 11.4 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.47 8.83 12.92 8.53 13.28L13 20H17V22H7V20H10.62L6.58 13.95C5.66 13.75 5 12.94 5 12C5 10.9 5.9 10 7 10H7.14L7.53 9.42L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L9 10.87M18.33 7L16.67 9.5C17.35 9.95 18.29 9.77 18.75 9.08S19 7.46 18.33 7M9.57 6.37L11 7.82L12 6.37C11.78 8.05 12.75 9.89 14.45 11L18.89 4.37C17.2 3.24 15.12 3.04 13.65 3.87L10.85 2L9.18 4.5L10.32 5.25L9.57 6.37Z",ZR="M10.85 2L9.18 4.5L10.32 5.25L7.14 10H7C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12C5 12.94 5.66 13.75 6.58 13.95L10.62 20H7V22H17V20H13L8.53 13.28C8.83 12.92 9 12.47 9 12C9 11.7 8.93 11.4 8.8 11.13L12 6.37C11.78 8.05 12.75 9.89 14.45 11L18.89 4.37C17.2 3.24 15.12 3.04 13.65 3.87L10.85 2M18.33 7L16.67 9.5C17.35 9.95 18.29 9.77 18.75 9.08C19.21 8.39 19 7.46 18.33 7M21.7 12.58L19.58 10.45L20.28 9.75L22.4 11.87L21.7 12.58M23 7H20V6H23V7M16 14V11H17V14H16Z",SR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M15,5V19H19V5H15M5,5V9H13V5H5M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M5,14V16H7V14H5M8,14V16H10V14H8M11,14V16H13V14H11M11,17V19H13V17H11M8,17V19H10V17H8M5,17V19H7V17H5Z",uR="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V12C4,13.11 4.89,14 6,14H18C19.11,14 20,13.11 20,12V4C20,2.89 19.11,2 18,2H6M6,4H18V12H6V4M4,15C2.89,15 2,15.89 2,17V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V17C22,15.89 21.11,15 20,15H4M8,17H20V20H8V17M9,17.75V19.25H13V17.75H9M15,17.75V19.25H19V17.75H15Z",cR="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,4V6H16V4H8M16,8H8V10H16V8M16,18H14V20H16V18Z",sR="M22,18H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 17,6H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,7V17A1,1 0 0,1 22,18M22,8H17V9H22V8M22,10H17V11H22V10M9,15V17H10V18H5V17H6V15H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,14V7A1,1 0 0,1 2,6H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15H9M12,8H3V13H12V8Z",OR="M6.38,6H17.63L12,16L6.38,6M3,4L12,20L21,4H3Z",hR="M7.73 11.93C7.73 13.65 7.71 13.76 7.5 14C7.31 14.17 7.12 14.23 6.74 14.23L6.23 14.24L6.2 11.97L6.18 9.7H6.7C7.05 9.7 7.3 9.77 7.47 9.91C7.71 10.12 7.73 10.16 7.73 11.93M22 7.5V16.5C22 17.61 21.11 18.5 20 18.5H4C2.89 18.5 2 17.61 2 16.5V7.5C2 6.39 2.89 5.5 4 5.5H20C21.11 5.5 22 6.39 22 7.5M8.93 11.73C8.9 9.89 8.88 9.74 8.64 9.34C8.24 8.66 7.79 8.5 6.28 8.5H5V15.5H6.21C7.54 15.5 8.1 15.33 8.5 14.79C8.91 14.26 9 13.81 8.93 11.73M13.12 8.5H11.64C10.15 8.5 10.14 8.5 9.93 8.78S9.7 9.21 9.7 12V14.96L9.97 15.23C10.22 15.5 10.28 15.5 11.68 15.5H13.12V14.31L12.03 14.27L10.93 14.24V12.6L11.61 12.57L12.27 12.53V11.34H10.88V9.7H13.12V8.5M19 8.56C19 8.5 18.7 8.5 18.34 8.5L17.66 8.56L17.07 10.91C16.69 12.39 16.45 13.18 16.4 13.04C16.32 12.77 15.26 8.6 15.26 8.55C15.26 8.5 14.95 8.5 14.58 8.5H13.89L14.3 10.05C14.5 10.92 14.89 12.33 15.11 13.2C15.45 14.55 15.57 14.85 15.86 15.14C16.06 15.36 16.31 15.5 16.47 15.5C16.8 15.5 17.23 15.16 17.37 14.77C17.5 14.5 19 8.69 19 8.56Z",pR="M22,9V7H20V5A2,2 0 0,0 18,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,19V17H22V15H20V13H22V11H20V9H22M18,19H4V5H18V19M6,13H11V17H6V13M12,7H16V10H12V7M6,7H11V12H6V7M12,11H16V17H12V11Z",fR="M6,6H12L14,2H18V6L14.5,13H18V18H12L10,22H6V18L9.5,11H6V6Z",gR="M3 6H21V4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H7V18H3V6M13 12H9V13.78C8.39 14.33 8 15.11 8 16C8 16.89 8.39 17.67 9 18.22V20H13V18.22C13.61 17.67 14 16.88 14 16S13.61 14.33 13 13.78V12M11 17.5C10.17 17.5 9.5 16.83 9.5 16S10.17 14.5 11 14.5 12.5 15.17 12.5 16 11.83 17.5 11 17.5M22 8H16C15.5 8 15 8.5 15 9V19C15 19.5 15.5 20 16 20H22C22.5 20 23 19.5 23 19V9C23 8.5 22.5 8 22 8M21 18H17V10H21V18Z",kR="M11,2V3C9.27,3.2 7.69,3.9 6.4,4.94L5.64,4.18L4.22,5.6L5,6.35C3.9,7.68 3.21,9.3 3,11H2V13H3C3.21,14.68 3.9,16.26 5,17.56L4.22,18.32L5.64,19.74L6.39,19C7.71,20.07 9.3,20.77 11,21V22H13V21C14.69,20.77 16.29,20.07 17.6,19L18.36,19.74L19.78,18.32L19,17.57C20.1,16.27 20.79,14.68 21,13H22V11H21C20.79,9.3 20.1,7.69 19,6.36L19.78,5.6L18.36,4.18L17.61,4.94C16.29,3.87 14.69,3.2 13,3V2H11M11,5V8L10,8.5L7.81,6.35C8.72,5.67 9.81,5.17 11,5M13,5C14.16,5.18 15.26,5.64 16.2,6.35L14,8.5L13,8V5M6.4,7.76L8.5,10L8,11H5C5.16,9.84 5.7,8.7 6.39,7.75L6.4,7.76M17.6,7.76C18.33,8.71 18.81,9.82 19,11H16L15.5,10L17.61,7.76H17.6M12,10C13.12,10 14,10.88 14,12C14,13.12 13.12,14 12,14C10.88,14 10,13.12 10,12C10,10.88 10.88,10 12,10M5,13H8L8.57,14L6.39,16.15C5.67,15.24 5.19,14.16 5,13V13M16,13H19C18.81,14.15 18.33,15.24 17.61,16.16L15.5,14L16,13M10,15.5L11,16V19C9.83,18.8 8.73,18.31 7.8,17.57L10,15.5M14,15.5L16.19,17.57C15.28,18.25 14.19,18.83 13,19V16L14,15.5Z",BR="M14.73 2.29A1 1 0 0 1 16.14 3.7L13 6.79L13.76 7.74L15.7 12.74A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 15.36 14.29L12.27 17.38A1.55 1.55 0 0 1 10.15 17.38L5.55 12.78A1.37 1.37 0 0 1 5.15 11.78L4.65 5.34H5.72A1 1 0 0 1 6.47 5.64L6.61 5.81L7.66 9.29M7.66 22L2 16.36L4.12 14.24L9.78 19.9M19.5 4.5S17 7.26 17 9A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 22 9C22 7.26 19.5 4.5 19.5 4.5Z",PR="M12,19A2,2 0 0,0 10,21A2,2 0 0,0 12,23A2,2 0 0,0 14,21A2,2 0 0,0 12,19M6,1A2,2 0 0,0 4,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,5A2,2 0 0,0 8,3A2,2 0 0,0 6,1M6,7A2,2 0 0,0 4,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,7M6,13A2,2 0 0,0 4,15A2,2 0 0,0 6,17A2,2 0 0,0 8,15A2,2 0 0,0 6,13M18,5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3A2,2 0 0,0 18,1A2,2 0 0,0 16,3A2,2 0 0,0 18,5M12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,13M18,13A2,2 0 0,0 16,15A2,2 0 0,0 18,17A2,2 0 0,0 20,15A2,2 0 0,0 18,13M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9A2,2 0 0,0 18,11A2,2 0 0,0 20,9A2,2 0 0,0 18,7M12,7A2,2 0 0,0 10,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,11A2,2 0 0,0 14,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,7M12,1A2,2 0 0,0 10,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,5A2,2 0 0,0 14,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,1Z",wR="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,15V13H7V15L4,12L7,9V11H17V9L20,12L17,15Z",FR="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16,15V13H8V15L5,12L8,9V11H16V9L19,12L16,15Z",TR="M4.15,21.46L5.47,19.58C3.35,17.74 2,15.03 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C13.78,2 15.44,2.46 16.89,3.27L18.21,1.39L19.85,2.54L18.53,4.42C20.65,6.26 22,8.97 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C10.22,22 8.56,21.54 7.11,20.73L5.79,22.61L4.15,21.46M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.35 5,16.46 6.63,17.93L15.73,4.92C14.62,4.33 13.35,4 12,4M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.65 19,7.54 17.37,6.07L8.27,19.08C9.38,19.67 10.65,20 12,20Z",bR="M6,2L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2H6Z",yR="M18,2H6L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2M4.43,8L7.07,4H16.93L19.57,8L12,18.56L4.43,8Z",RR="M16,9H19L14,16M10,9H14L12,17M5,9H8L10,16M15,4H17L19,7H16M11,4H13L14,7H10M7,4H9L8,7H5M6,2L2,8L12,22L22,8L18,2H6Z",xR="M21 4H3C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V10C2 15.5 6.5 20 12 20C17.5 20 22 15.5 22 10V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4M4 6H20V8H15V10H20C20 10.34 20 10.67 19.94 11C16.12 11.03 13.03 14.12 13 17.94C12.67 18 12.34 18 12 18C11.66 18 11.33 18 11 17.94C10.97 14.12 7.88 11.03 4.06 11C4 10.67 4 10.34 4 10H9V8H4V6M15.04 17.4C15.31 15.12 17.12 13.31 19.41 13.04C18.59 15 17 16.59 15.03 17.41M4.6 13.04C6.88 13.31 8.7 15.12 8.97 17.41C7 16.59 5.41 15 4.6 13.03Z",DR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ER="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M12 10.5C11.17 10.5 10.5 11.17 10.5 12S11.17 13.5 12 13.5 13.5 12.83 13.5 12 12.83 10.5 12 10.5",NR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",WR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M7.5 6C6.67 6 6 6.67 6 7.5S6.67 9 7.5 9 9 8.33 9 7.5 8.33 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.67 15 15 15.67 15 16.5C15 17.33 15.67 18 16.5 18C17.33 18 18 17.33 18 16.5C18 15.67 17.33 15 16.5 15Z",IR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",GR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12 10.5C11.2 10.5 10.5 11.2 10.5 12S11.2 13.5 12 13.5 13.5 12.8 13.5 12 12.8 10.5 12 10.5M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.7 15 15 15.7 15 16.5C15 17.3 15.7 18 16.5 18C17.3 18 18 17.3 18 16.5C18 15.7 17.3 15 16.5 15Z",QR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15M17,5A2,2 0 0,0 15,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5M7,15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,15Z",UR="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M7.5 6C6.67 6 6 6.67 6 7.5S6.67 9 7.5 9 9 8.33 9 7.5 8.33 6 7.5 6M16.5 15C15.67 15 15 15.67 15 16.5C15 17.33 15.67 18 16.5 18C17.33 18 18 17.33 18 16.5C18 15.67 17.33 15 16.5 15M16.5 6C15.67 6 15 6.67 15 7.5S15.67 9 16.5 9C17.33 9 18 8.33 18 7.5S17.33 6 16.5 6M7.5 15C6.67 15 6 15.67 6 16.5C6 17.33 6.67 18 7.5 18S9 17.33 9 16.5C9 15.67 8.33 15 7.5 15Z",zR="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15M17,5A2,2 0 0,0 15,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7A2,2 0 0,0 17,5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M7,15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19A2,2 0 0,0 9,17A2,2 0 0,0 7,15Z",_R="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 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7.64,10.71L6.14,10.76C6.14,10.76 6.18,8.26 8.83,8.26C11.2,8.26 11.23,10.04 11.23,10.5C11.23,12.18 8.15,14.77 8.15,14.77L11.45,14.76Z",Hx="M10.25 15.15L11.92 12.47V15.15H10.25M21.92 21H2.08C1.24 21 .72 20.08 1.16 19.36L11.08 3.13C11.5 2.44 12.5 2.44 12.92 3.13L22.84 19.36C23.28 20.08 22.76 21 21.92 21M14.29 15.15H13.43V10.42H11.91L8.75 15.41L8.82 16.36H11.92V18H13.43V16.36H14.29V15.15Z",Vx="M13.43,15.15H14.29V16.36H13.43V18H11.92V16.36H8.82L8.75,15.41L11.91,10.42H13.43V15.15M10.25,15.15H11.92V12.47L10.25,15.15M22,21H2C1.64,21 1.31,20.81 1.13,20.5C0.95,20.18 0.96,19.79 1.15,19.5L11.15,3C11.5,2.38 12.5,2.38 12.86,3L22.86,19.5C23.04,19.79 23.05,20.18 22.87,20.5C22.69,20.81 22.36,21 22,21M3.78,19H20.23L12,5.43L3.78,19Z",Lx="M13.05 13.5C13.05 14.27 12.61 14.83 12 14.83S10.85 14.27 10.85 13.5L10.83 12.78C10.83 12.78 11.21 12 11.95 12.1C12.56 12.1 13.05 12.73 13.05 13.5M21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5M14.55 13.41C14.5 11.45 13.19 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11.1 9.95 11.1 10.5C11.1 11.05 11.5 11.5 12 11.5C12.5 11.5 12.9 11.05 12.9 10.5C12.9 9.95 12.5 9.5 12 9.5",rx="M19.78,3H11.22C10.55,3 10,3.55 10,4.22V8H16V14H19.78C20.45,14 21,13.45 21,12.78V4.22C21,3.55 20.45,3 19.78,3M12.44,6.67C11.76,6.67 11.21,6.12 11.21,5.44C11.21,4.76 11.76,4.21 12.44,4.21A1.23,1.23 0 0,1 13.67,5.44C13.67,6.12 13.12,6.67 12.44,6.67M18.56,12.78C17.88,12.79 17.33,12.24 17.32,11.56C17.31,10.88 17.86,10.33 18.54,10.32C19.22,10.31 19.77,10.86 19.78,11.56C19.77,12.23 19.23,12.77 18.56,12.78M18.56,6.67C17.88,6.68 17.33,6.13 17.32,5.45C17.31,4.77 17.86,4.22 18.54,4.21C19.22,4.2 19.77,4.75 19.78,5.44C19.78,6.12 19.24,6.66 18.56,6.67M4.22,10H12.78A1.22,1.22 0 0,1 14,11.22V19.78C14,20.45 13.45,21 12.78,21H4.22C3.55,21 3,20.45 3,19.78V11.22C3,10.55 3.55,10 4.22,10M8.5,14.28C7.83,14.28 7.28,14.83 7.28,15.5C7.28,16.17 7.83,16.72 8.5,16.72C9.17,16.72 9.72,16.17 9.72,15.5A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 8.5,14.28M5.44,11.22C4.77,11.22 4.22,11.77 4.22,12.44A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 5.44,13.66C6.11,13.66 6.66,13.11 6.66,12.44V12.44C6.66,11.77 6.11,11.22 5.44,11.22M11.55,17.33C10.88,17.33 10.33,17.88 10.33,18.55C10.33,19.22 10.88,19.77 11.55,19.77A1.22,1.22 0 0,0 12.77,18.55H12.77C12.77,17.88 12.23,17.34 11.56,17.33H11.55Z",ax="M14 8C13.45 8 13 7.55 13 7S13.45 6 14 6C14.55 6 15 6.45 15 7C15 7.55 14.55 8 14 8M12 12V19H5V12H12M12.78 10H4.22C3.55 10 3 10.55 3 11.22V19.78C3 20.45 3.55 21 4.22 21H12.78C13.45 21 14 20.45 14 19.78V11.22C14 10.55 13.45 10 12.78 10M19.78 3H11.22C10.55 3 10 3.55 10 4.22V8H12V5H19V12H16V14H19.78C20.45 14 21 13.45 21 12.78V4.22C21 3.55 20.45 3 19.78 3M17 8C16.45 8 16 7.55 16 7S16.45 6 17 6C17.55 6 18 6.45 18 7C18 7.55 17.55 8 17 8M17 11C16.45 11 16 10.55 16 10S16.45 9 17 9C17.55 9 18 9.45 18 10C18 10.55 17.55 11 17 11M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14S6.45 13 7 13C7.55 13 8 13.45 8 14C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M10 18C9.45 18 9 17.55 9 17S9.45 16 10 16C10.55 16 11 16.45 11 17C11 17.55 10.55 18 10 18",ex="M6 12H2C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22V18H8V14H12V18C15.32 18 18 15.31 18 12C18 8.69 15.31 6 12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12M8 18V21H5V18H8M3 16H5V18H3V16Z",dx="M3,4H7A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 7,20H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 3,4M10,4H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 10,4M17,4H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,5V19A1,1 0 0,1 21,20H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,19V5A1,1 0 0,1 17,4M4,18H6V13H4V18M11,11H13V6H11V11M18,18H20V13H18V18Z",mx="M14,14.5V12H10V15H8V11A1,1 0 0,1 9,10H14V7.5L17.5,11M21.71,11.29L12.71,2.29H12.7C12.31,1.9 11.68,1.9 11.29,2.29L2.29,11.29C1.9,11.68 1.9,12.32 2.29,12.71L11.29,21.71C11.68,22.09 12.31,22.1 12.71,21.71L21.71,12.71C22.1,12.32 22.1,11.68 21.71,11.29Z",tx="M3,4V12.5L6,9.5L9,13C10,14 10,15 10,15V21H14V14C14,14 14,13 13.47,12C12.94,11 12,10 12,10L9,6.58L11.5,4M18,4L13.54,8.47L14,9C14,9 14.93,10 15.47,11C15.68,11.4 15.8,11.79 15.87,12.13L21,7",vx="M12,14C10.89,14 10,13.1 10,12C10,10.89 10.89,10 12,10C13.11,10 14,10.89 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",lx="M10 14C8.9 14 8 13.1 8 12C8 10.9 8.9 10 10 10C11.1 10 12 10.9 12 12S11.1 14 10 14M10 4C5.6 4 2 7.6 2 12S5.6 20 10 20 18 16.4 18 12 14.4 4 10 4M20 13H22V7H20M20 17H22V15H20V17Z",ox="M14.5,10.37C15.54,10.37 16.38,9.53 16.38,8.5C16.38,7.46 15.54,6.63 14.5,6.63C13.46,6.63 12.63,7.46 12.63,8.5A1.87,1.87 0 0,0 14.5,10.37M14.5,1A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 22,8.5C22,10.67 21.08,12.63 19.6,14H9.4C7.93,12.63 7,10.67 7,8.5C7,4.35 10.36,1 14.5,1M6,21V22H4V21H2V15H22V21H20V22H18V21H6M4,18V19H13V18H4M15,17V19H17V17H15M19,17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17Z",nx="M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2M10,4A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 10,6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5A1,1 0 0,1 10,4M7,4A1,1 0 0,1 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,4M18,20H6V8H18V20M14.67,15.33C14.69,16.03 14.41,16.71 13.91,17.21C12.86,18.26 11.15,18.27 10.09,17.21C9.59,16.71 9.31,16.03 9.33,15.33C9.4,14.62 9.63,13.94 10,13.33C10.37,12.5 10.81,11.73 11.33,11L12,10C13.79,12.59 14.67,14.36 14.67,15.33",Zx="M16 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5S8.55 6 8 6 7 5.55 7 5 7.45 4 8 4M5 4C5.55 4 6 4.45 6 5S5.55 6 5 6 4 5.55 4 5 4.45 4 5 4M16 20H4V8H16V20M12.67 15.33C12.69 16.03 12.41 16.71 11.91 17.21C10.86 18.26 9.15 18.27 8.09 17.21C7.59 16.71 7.31 16.03 7.33 15.33C7.4 14.62 7.63 13.94 8 13.33C8.37 12.5 8.81 11.73 9.33 11L10 10C11.79 12.59 12.67 14.36 12.67 15.33M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",Sx="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M18 20H6V8H6.11L10.5 12.37C10.31 12.69 10.15 13 10 13.33C9.63 13.94 9.4 14.62 9.33 15.33C9.31 16.03 9.59 16.71 10.09 17.21C11.15 18.27 12.86 18.26 13.91 17.21C14.16 16.97 14.35 16.68 14.5 16.36L18 19.89V20M11.2 8H18V14.8L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.2 8M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",ux="M12.08,22C9.63,22 7.39,21.11 5.66,19.63L1.41,20.21L3.05,16.15C2.5,14.88 2.16,13.5 2.16,12C2.16,6.5 6.6,2 12.08,2C17.56,2 22,6.5 22,12C22,17.5 17.56,22 12.08,22M17.5,11.97V11.94C17.5,9.06 15.46,7 11.95,7H8.16V17H11.9C15.43,17 17.5,14.86 17.5,11.97M12,14.54H10.89V9.46H12C13.62,9.46 14.7,10.39 14.7,12V12C14.7,13.63 13.62,14.54 12,14.54Z",cx="M8 2V5H10V19H8V22H6V19H4V5H6V2H8M16 2V7H14V17H16V22H18V17H20V7H18V2H16Z",sx="M21 7V17H16V22H14V2H16V7H21M5 2H3V22H5V19H10V5H5V2Z",Ox="M3 17V7H8V2H10V22H8V17H3M19 22H21V2H19V5H14V19H19V22Z",hx="M7 3H17V8H22V10H2V8H7V3M2 19V21H22V19H19V14H5V19H2Z",px="M2 16H5V14H19V16H22V18H19V20H5V18H2V16M2 8H7V10H17V8H22V6H17V4H7V6H2V8Z",fx="M17 21H7V16H2V14H22V16H17V21M22 5V3H2V5H5V10H19V5H22Z",gx="M19 2V4H12C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6V9H12V6H19V8L22 5L19 2M19 9V11H14V13H19V15L22 12L19 9M11.05 10C9.94 10 9.04 10.87 9.03 12S9.9 14 11 14C12.11 14 13 13.11 13 12C13 10.91 12.13 10.03 11.05 10M2 11V13H8V11H2M10 15V18C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20H19V22L22 19L19 16V18H12V15H10Z",kx="M13.26 5.2L13.3 5.18C13.72 4.82 14.35 4.88 14.71 5.3L16.97 8H20C20.55 8 21 8.45 21 9S20.55 10 20 10H16.5C16.15 10 15.85 9.82 15.67 9.56L14.17 7.77L11.64 10.13L14.57 12.18C14.83 12.36 15 12.66 15 13V17C15 17.55 14.55 18 14 18S13 17.55 13 17V13.5L9.77 11.26C8.82 10.6 8.74 9.23 9.6 8.46L13.26 5.2M16.5 5C17.34 5 18 4.33 18 3.5S17.34 2 16.5 2 15 2.67 15 3.5 15.68 5 16.5 5M6 19H5C3.34 19 2 20.34 2 22H6V20.5H15V19H6Z",Bx="M20.28,3.66C19.28,3.44 18.54,2.25 17.57,2.04C16.6,1.83 15.4,2.59 14.42,2.37C13.38,2 12.22,2.13 11.28,2.71L11.21,17L11,18C10.64,19.62 11.67,21.22 13.29,21.58C14.9,21.93 16.5,20.91 16.86,19.29L17.07,18.29L23,5.28C22.39,4.35 21.39,3.76 20.28,3.66M14.91,18.86C14.79,19.41 14.25,19.76 13.7,19.65C13.14,19.53 12.79,19 12.91,18.43L13.77,14.5C13.86,13.97 14.37,13.6 14.92,13.69C15.46,13.78 15.83,14.3 15.74,14.84C15.74,14.88 15.73,14.91 15.72,14.95L14.91,18.86M9.72,21.34C9.33,20.73 9.08,20.05 9,19.34L8.24,16C8.1,15.47 8.41,14.92 9,14.76C9.07,14.75 9.15,14.75 9.22,14.76V3.43C8.31,3.43 7.22,2.86 6.38,3.06C5.54,3.26 4.69,4.44 3.72,4.66C2.61,4.76 1.61,5.35 1,6.28L6.93,19.28L7.14,20.28C7.5,21.9 9.09,22.92 10.71,22.57H10.81C10.38,22.22 10,21.81 9.72,21.34Z",Px="M16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12M19.45,7.89L18.07,8.58L18.32,9H20V15H18.33C17.84,16.03 17.11,16.92 16.21,17.6C17.85,18.11 19.1,18.91 19.67,19.86C18.69,21.1 15.62,22 12,22C8.38,22 5.31,21.1 4.33,19.86C4.9,18.91 6.15,18.11 7.79,17.6C6.89,16.92 6.16,16.03 5.67,15H4V9H5.68C6.37,7.54 7.54,6.37 9,5.68V4H15V5.68C15.68,6 16.29,6.46 16.82,7L18.55,6.14C19.93,5.42 20,4.1 20,2H22C22,4.06 22,6.62 19.45,7.89M17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12Z",wx="M1 13C1 11.9 1.9 11 3 11S5 11.9 5 13 4.1 15 3 15 1 14.1 1 13M8.89 10.11L13.42 8.9L12.64 6L8.11 7.21C7.31 7.42 6.83 8.25 7.05 9.05C7.27 9.85 8.09 10.33 8.89 10.11M20.5 5.9L23 3L22 2L19 5L17 9L7.5 11.87C6.7 12.07 6.13 12.76 6 13.55L5.24 18L2.4 21.8L4 23L7 19L8.14 15.86L14 14L19 10.5L20.5 5.9Z",Fx="M2,6L19,20H2V6M5,4L22,18V4H5Z",Tx="M12,15C13.31,15 14.42,15.83 14.83,17H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,21V22H20V21A2,2 0 0,0 18,19H14.83C14.42,20.17 13.31,21 12,21A3,3 0 0,1 9,18A3,3 0 0,1 12,15M12,17A1,1 0 0,0 11,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,19A1,1 0 0,0 13,18A1,1 0 0,0 12,17M18,3A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V10A2,2 0 0,1 18,12H14.85C14.43,12 14.05,12.24 13.9,12.63C13.7,13.23 13.23,13.71 12.62,13.91C11.58,14.25 10.44,13.68 10.1,12.63C9.95,12.24 9.57,12 9.15,12H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,10V5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3H18M18,10V5H6V10H10.65C10.9,9.46 11.41,9.09 12,9C12.59,9.09 13.1,9.46 13.35,10H18Z",bx="M19,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,18.5C14,17.47 14.62,16.59 15.5,16.21V6H11V7.35C12.22,7.93 13,9.15 13,10.5V22H6V10.5C6,9.15 6.78,7.93 8,7.35V6H6V4H8V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,3.5V4H15.5A2,2 0 0,1 17.5,6V16.21C18.38,16.59 19,17.47 19,18.5Z",yx="M22,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,18.5C17,17.47 17.62,16.59 18.5,16.21V6H14V7.35C15.22,7.93 16,9.15 16,10.5V22H2V10.5C2,9.15 2.78,7.93 4,7.35V6H2V4H4V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,3.5V4H11V3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,3.5V4H18.5A2,2 0 0,1 20.5,6V16.21C21.38,16.59 22,17.47 22,18.5M11,7.35V6H7V7.35C8.22,7.93 9,9.15 9,10.5C9,9.15 9.78,7.93 11,7.35Z",Rx="M16,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V10A2,2 0 0,0 4,12H7.15C7.57,12 7.95,12.24 8.1,12.63C8.44,13.68 9.58,14.25 10.62,13.91C11.23,13.71 11.7,13.23 11.9,12.63C12.05,12.24 12.43,12 12.85,12H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,10V5A2,2 0 0,0 16,3M16,10H11.35C11.1,9.46 10.59,9.09 10,9C9.41,9.09 8.9,9.46 8.65,10H4V5H16V10M22,2V15.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 15.5,22C13.79,22 12.15,21.32 10.93,20.12C8.95,20.58 6.88,19.79 5.71,18.12L7.62,17.29C8.5,18.22 9.84,18.5 11,18C11.2,17.91 11.39,17.8 11.56,17.67C12.4,17.05 12.87,16.04 12.78,15L14.69,14.17C15.1,16.04 14.41,18 12.9,19.17C13.66,19.71 14.57,20 15.5,20C18,20 20,18 20,15.5V2H22Z",xx="M19,13H5V11H19V13M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,19A2,2 0 0,1 10,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15Z",Dx="M17,13V11H7V13H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,15Z",Ex="M21.38,12.56H12.85C11.97,12.56 11.1,12.96 10.61,13.61V13.6C10.12,14.28 9.32,14.72 8.41,14.72C6.92,14.72 5.71,13.5 5.71,12C5.71,10.5 6.92,9.31 8.41,9.31C9.32,9.31 10.12,9.75 10.61,10.43V10.42C11.1,11.07 11.97,11.5 12.85,11.5H21.29C21.45,11.5 22,11.4 22,10.67C21.26,6.43 17.1,3.18 12.06,3.18C8.96,3.18 6.19,4.41 4.34,6.35C4.05,6.79 4.35,6.92 4.63,6.96H10.14C11,6.96 11.89,6.54 12.38,5.89V5.91C12.88,5.23 13.67,4.78 14.58,4.78C16.07,4.78 17.28,6 17.28,7.5C17.28,9 16.07,10.2 14.58,10.2C13.67,10.2 12.88,9.75 12.38,9.07V9.08C11.89,8.44 11,8.03 10.14,8.03H4.13L4.15,8.03C4.15,8.03 3.26,8 2.72,8.75C2.3,9.42 2,10.85 2,12C2,13.16 2.17,14.21 2.72,15.27C3.19,16.03 4.15,16 4.15,16H4.11L10.14,16C11,16 11.89,15.58 12.38,14.93V14.94C12.88,14.26 13.67,13.81 14.58,13.81C16.07,13.81 17.28,15.03 17.28,16.5C17.28,18 16.07,19.23 14.58,19.23C13.67,19.23 12.88,18.78 12.38,18.1V18.12C11.89,17.47 11,17.05 10.14,17.05H4.64C4.36,17.09 4.06,17.22 4.32,17.64C6.17,19.58 8.95,20.82 12.06,20.82C17.11,20.82 21.28,17.57 22,13.31C22,12.72 21.59,12.58 21.38,12.56",Nx="M4,2H6V4C6,5.44 6.68,6.61 7.88,7.78C8.74,8.61 9.89,9.41 11.09,10.2L9.26,11.39C8.27,10.72 7.31,10 6.5,9.21C5.07,7.82 4,6.1 4,4V2M18,2H20V4C20,6.1 18.93,7.82 17.5,9.21C16.09,10.59 14.29,11.73 12.54,12.84C10.79,13.96 9.09,15.05 7.88,16.22C6.68,17.39 6,18.56 6,20V22H4V20C4,17.9 5.07,16.18 6.5,14.79C7.91,13.41 9.71,12.27 11.46,11.16C13.21,10.04 14.91,8.95 16.12,7.78C17.32,6.61 18,5.44 18,4V2M14.74,12.61C15.73,13.28 16.69,14 17.5,14.79C18.93,16.18 20,17.9 20,20V22H18V20C18,18.56 17.32,17.39 16.12,16.22C15.26,15.39 14.11,14.59 12.91,13.8L14.74,12.61M7,3H17V4L16.94,4.5H7.06L7,4V3M7.68,6H16.32C16.08,6.34 15.8,6.69 15.42,7.06L14.91,7.5H9.07L8.58,7.06C8.2,6.69 7.92,6.34 7.68,6M9.09,16.5H14.93L15.42,16.94C15.8,17.31 16.08,17.66 16.32,18H7.68C7.92,17.66 8.2,17.31 8.58,16.94L9.09,16.5M7.06,19.5H16.94L17,20V21H7V20L7.06,19.5Z",Wx="M7,9A2,2 0 0,1 5,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5A2,2 0 0,1 9,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,9M20,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4V10A1,1 0 0,0 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,10V4A1,1 0 0,0 20,3M7,19A2,2 0 0,1 5,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17A2,2 0 0,1 7,19M20,13H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,14V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V14A1,1 0 0,0 20,13Z",Ix="M19,15V19H5V15H19M20,13H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,14V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V14A1,1 0 0,0 20,13M7,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,18.5M19,5V9H5V5H19M20,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4V10A1,1 0 0,0 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,10V4A1,1 0 0,0 20,3M7,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,8.5Z",Gx="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 13H4V6H20Z",Qx="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M20 18H9V6H20Z",Ux="M20 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V6A2 2 0 0 0 20 4M15 18H4V6H15Z",zx="M4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20M4 11H20V18H4V11Z",_x="M18 18V20H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 18V8H4V18M22 6V14A2 2 0 0 1 20 16H8A2 2 0 0 1 6 14V6A2 2 0 0 1 8 4H20A2 2 0 0 1 22 6M20 6H8V14H20Z",Kx="M21.81 10.25C21.75 10.21 21.25 9.82 20.17 9.82C19.89 9.82 19.61 9.85 19.33 9.9C19.12 8.5 17.95 7.79 17.9 7.76L17.61 7.59L17.43 7.86C17.19 8.22 17 8.63 16.92 9.05C16.72 9.85 16.84 10.61 17.25 11.26C16.76 11.54 15.96 11.61 15.79 11.61H2.62C2.28 11.61 2 11.89 2 12.24C2 13.39 2.18 14.54 2.58 15.62C3.03 16.81 3.71 17.69 4.58 18.23C5.56 18.83 7.17 19.17 9 19.17C9.79 19.17 10.61 19.1 11.42 18.95C12.54 18.75 13.62 18.36 14.61 17.79C15.43 17.32 16.16 16.72 16.78 16C17.83 14.83 18.45 13.5 18.9 12.35H19.09C20.23 12.35 20.94 11.89 21.33 11.5C21.59 11.26 21.78 10.97 21.92 10.63L22 10.39L21.81 10.25M3.85 11.24H5.61C5.69 11.24 5.77 11.17 5.77 11.08V9.5C5.77 9.42 5.7 9.34 5.61 9.34H3.85C3.76 9.34 3.69 9.41 3.69 9.5V11.08C3.7 11.17 3.76 11.24 3.85 11.24M6.28 11.24H8.04C8.12 11.24 8.2 11.17 8.2 11.08V9.5C8.2 9.42 8.13 9.34 8.04 9.34H6.28C6.19 9.34 6.12 9.41 6.12 9.5V11.08C6.13 11.17 6.19 11.24 6.28 11.24M8.75 11.24H10.5C10.6 11.24 10.67 11.17 10.67 11.08V9.5C10.67 9.42 10.61 9.34 10.5 9.34H8.75C8.67 9.34 8.6 9.41 8.6 9.5V11.08C8.6 11.17 8.66 11.24 8.75 11.24M11.19 11.24H12.96C13.04 11.24 13.11 11.17 13.11 11.08V9.5C13.11 9.42 13.05 9.34 12.96 9.34H11.19C11.11 9.34 11.04 9.41 11.04 9.5V11.08C11.04 11.17 11.11 11.24 11.19 11.24M6.28 9H8.04C8.12 9 8.2 8.91 8.2 8.82V7.25C8.2 7.16 8.13 7.09 8.04 7.09H6.28C6.19 7.09 6.12 7.15 6.12 7.25V8.82C6.13 8.91 6.19 9 6.28 9M8.75 9H10.5C10.6 9 10.67 8.91 10.67 8.82V7.25C10.67 7.16 10.61 7.09 10.5 7.09H8.75C8.67 7.09 8.6 7.15 8.6 7.25V8.82C8.6 8.91 8.66 9 8.75 9M11.19 9H12.96C13.04 9 13.11 8.91 13.11 8.82V7.25C13.11 7.16 13.04 7.09 12.96 7.09H11.19C11.11 7.09 11.04 7.15 11.04 7.25V8.82C11.04 8.91 11.11 9 11.19 9M11.19 6.72H12.96C13.04 6.72 13.11 6.65 13.11 6.56V5C13.11 4.9 13.04 4.83 12.96 4.83H11.19C11.11 4.83 11.04 4.89 11.04 5V6.56C11.04 6.64 11.11 6.72 11.19 6.72M13.65 11.24H15.41C15.5 11.24 15.57 11.17 15.57 11.08V9.5C15.57 9.42 15.5 9.34 15.41 9.34H13.65C13.57 9.34 13.5 9.41 13.5 9.5V11.08C13.5 11.17 13.57 11.24 13.65 11.24",jx="M14.84,16.26C17.86,16.83 20,18.29 20,20V22H4V20C4,18.29 6.14,16.83 9.16,16.26L12,21L14.84,16.26M8,8H16V10A4,4 0 0,1 12,14A4,4 0 0,1 8,10V8M8,7L8.41,2.9C8.46,2.39 8.89,2 9.41,2H14.6C15.11,2 15.54,2.39 15.59,2.9L16,7H8M12,3H11V4H10V5H11V6H12V5H13V4H12V3Z",qx="M18,4C16.29,4 15.25,4.33 14.65,4.61C13.88,4.23 13,4 12,4C11,4 10.12,4.23 9.35,4.61C8.75,4.33 7.71,4 6,4C3,4 1,12 1,14C1,14.83 2.32,15.59 4.14,15.9C4.78,18.14 7.8,19.85 11.5,20V15.72C10.91,15.35 10,14.68 10,14C10,13 12,13 12,13C12,13 14,13 14,14C14,14.68 13.09,15.35 12.5,15.72V20C16.2,19.85 19.22,18.14 19.86,15.9C21.68,15.59 23,14.83 23,14C23,12 21,4 18,4M4.15,13.87C3.65,13.75 3.26,13.61 3,13.5C3.25,10.73 5.2,6.4 6.05,6C6.59,6 7,6.06 7.37,6.11C5.27,8.42 4.44,12.04 4.15,13.87M9,12A1,1 0 0,1 8,11C8,10.46 8.45,10 9,10A1,1 0 0,1 10,11C10,11.56 9.55,12 9,12M15,12A1,1 0 0,1 14,11C14,10.46 14.45,10 15,10A1,1 0 0,1 16,11C16,11.56 15.55,12 15,12M19.85,13.87C19.56,12.04 18.73,8.42 16.63,6.11C17,6.06 17.41,6 17.95,6C18.8,6.4 20.75,10.73 21,13.5C20.75,13.61 20.36,13.75 19.85,13.87Z",$x="M14,8L17,11V21H15V15H8L6,18V21H4V15L5,14V11L2,8L3,7L5,9H7V12A1,1 0 0,0 8,13H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,12V9L14,8M19,5V3L15,7L18,10L19,9L20,10L22,8L19,5M11.5,9.5L4.5,2.5C4.23,2.22 3.79,2.22 3.5,2.5V2.5C3.22,2.77 3.22,3.21 3.5,3.5L10.5,10.5C10.77,10.78 11.21,10.78 11.5,10.5V10.5C11.78,10.23 11.78,9.79 11.5,9.5Z",Xx="M19,3L15,7L18,10L19,9L20,10L22,8L19,5V3M3,7L2,8L5,11V14L4,15V21H6V18L8,15H15V21H17V11L14,8L13,9H5L3,7Z",Yx="M18 10L15 7L19 3V5L22 8L20 10L19 9L18 10M17 11L14 8L13 9H12.2L17 13.8V11M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.11 9H5L3 7L2 8L5 11V14L4 15V21H6V18L8 15H13.11L15 16.89V21H17V18.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",Jx="M2,5V19H22V5H2M6,17H4V7H6C8.86,7.09 11.1,9.33 11,12C11.1,14.67 8.86,16.91 6,17M20,17H18C15.14,16.91 12.9,14.67 13,12C12.9,9.33 15.14,7.09 18,7H20V17Z",CD="M11.97,19.88C10.93,20.26 9.78,19.72 9.4,18.69C9,17.65 9.55,16.5 10.59,16.13C11.63,15.75 12.78,16.28 13.16,17.31C13.54,18.35 13,19.5 11.97,19.88M9.9,14.25C7.83,15 6.76,17.3 7.5,19.38C8.28,21.45 10.58,22.5 12.66,21.75C14.73,21 15.79,18.7 15.04,16.63C14.28,14.55 11.97,13.5 9.9,14.25M15.94,4.58L9.37,7L10.75,10.74L17.32,8.33M20.32,13.62L15.54,15.37C15.71,15.66 15.85,15.96 15.97,16.28C16.09,16.6 16.17,16.93 16.22,17.25L21,15.5M19.54,8.58L11.09,11.68L11.58,13C12.83,13.09 14,13.64 14.89,14.55L20.92,12.34M2,2V4H5.09L8.66,13.75C8.94,13.57 9.24,13.43 9.56,13.31C9.88,13.19 10.21,13.11 10.53,13.06L6.5,2",HD="M20 7C20 7 20 3 15 3C13.47 3 12.15 3.19 11 3.5C10.5 3.06 7.26 .309 4 3.57L6.56 6.13C2.5 10.53 4 18 4 18S1 18 1 22C1 22 5 21 5 21C5 21 9 22 9 22C9 18 6 18 6 18S6.85 12.24 13 11.18V14C15 14 15.68 12.19 15.89 11H18C22 11 23 10 23 9S21 7 20 7M18 8C17.45 8 17 7.55 17 7S17.45 6 18 6 19 6.45 19 7 18.55 8 18 8Z",VD="M18,15H16V17H18M18,11H16V13H18M20,19H12V17H14V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20M10,7H8V5H10M10,11H8V9H10M10,15H8V13H10M10,19H8V17H10M6,7H4V5H6M6,11H4V9H6M6,15H4V13H6M6,19H4V17H6M12,7V3H2V21H22V7H12Z",LD="M12,19H16L14,17H12V19M10,15V13H8V15H10M10,19V17H8V19H10M6,11V9H4V11H6M6,15V13H4V15H6M6,19V17H4V19H6M1.31,1.78L22.31,22.69L21,24L18,21H2V5L0.09,3.09L1.31,1.78M16,11H18V13H16V11M8,5V5.91L5.11,3H12V7H22V19.92L20,17.91V9H12V9.89L9.09,7H10V5H8Z",MD="M12 7V3H2V21H13.35A5.8 5.8 0 0 1 13 19H12V17H13.35A5 5 0 0 1 14 15.69V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20V13.09A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 22 13.81V7M6 19H4V17H6M6 15H4V13H6M6 11H4V9H6M6 7H4V5H6M10 19H8V17H10M10 15H8V13H10M10 11H8V9H10M10 7H8V5H10M16 13H18V11H16M16 11V13H18V11M16 11V13H18V11M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",AD="M12 7V3H2V21H13.35A5.8 5.8 0 0 1 13 19H12V17H13.35A5 5 0 0 1 14 15.69V15H12V13H14V11H12V9H20V13.09A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 22 13.81V7M6 19H4V17H6M6 15H4V13H6M6 11H4V9H6M6 7H4V5H6M10 19H8V17H10M10 15H8V13H10M10 11H8V9H10M10 7H8V5H10M16 13H18V11H16M16 11V13H18V11M16 11V13H18V11M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",iD="M16 9H18V11H16V9M22 15V5H12V1H2V15H22M20 13H12V11H14V9H12V7H20V13M8 5V3H10V5H8M8 9V7H10V9H8M8 13V11H10V13H8M4 5V3H6V5H4M4 9V7H6V9H4M4 13V11H6V13H4M9 17V19H15V17L18 20L15 23V21H9V23L6 20L9 17Z",rD="M21 10C21 14.97 16.97 19 12 19C7.03 19 3 14.97 3 10V9.03C3 8.76 3.11 8.5 3.3 8.3C3.5 8.11 3.76 8 4.03 8H20C20.25 8 20.5 8.11 20.7 8.3C20.89 8.5 21 8.75 21 9V10M5 10C5 13.86 8.14 17 12 17C15.86 17 19 13.86 19 10H5M20 6V7H4V6C4 5.73 4.1 5.5 4.29 5.29C4.5 5.1 4.73 5 5 5H10V3H14V5H19C19.25 5 19.5 5.11 19.7 5.3C19.89 5.5 20 5.75 20 6Z",aD="M15.83 9.81C14.7 9.7 13.69 10.38 13.46 11.5C13.46 11.84 14.81 12.29 16.05 12.29C17.29 12.29 18.41 11.5 18.41 11.28C18.41 11.05 17.63 9.93 15.83 9.81M8.18 9.81C6.38 9.93 5.59 10.94 5.59 11.27C5.59 11.5 6.82 12.29 7.95 12.29S10.54 11.84 10.54 11.5C10.31 10.38 9.19 9.7 8.18 9.81M16.95 16C15.04 16 13.8 13.75 12 13.75S8.85 16 7.05 16C4.69 16 3 13.86 3 10.04C3 7.68 3.68 7 6.71 7S10.54 8.24 12 8.24 14.36 7 17.29 7 21 7.79 21 10.04C21 13.86 19.31 16 16.95 16Z",eD="M21.34,10.35L21.27,10.28L21.18,10.19L18,7V6A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 17.5,5.5C17.36,5.5 17.22,5.56 17.13,5.66L13.46,9H7C6.32,9 5.69,9.35 5.32,9.92L2.62,12.59C2.29,13.04 2.39,13.66 2.84,14C3.18,14.24 3.65,14.25 4,14L5,13.07V19H8V15H13V19H16V13.83C16,13.3 16.21,12.79 16.59,12.42L18,11L20,12V12C20.15,12.08 20.32,12.13 20.5,12.13C21.1,12.11 21.59,11.61 21.58,11C21.57,10.76 21.5,10.53 21.34,10.35Z",dD="M8,3C6.89,3 6,3.89 6,5V21H18V5C18,3.89 17.11,3 16,3H8M8,5H16V19H8V5M13,11V13H15V11H13Z",mD="M16,11H18V13H16V11M12,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V19H22V21H2V19H10V5C10,3.89 10.89,3 12,3M12,5V19H19V5H12Z",tD="M6.5 11C9 11 11 9 11 6.5C11 4 9 2 6.5 2C4 2 2 4 2 6.5C2 9 4 11 6.5 11M3.92 5L8 9.09C7.58 9.35 7.06 9.5 6.5 9.5C4.84 9.5 3.5 8.16 3.5 6.5C3.5 5.94 3.65 5.42 3.92 5M9.5 6.5C9.5 7.06 9.35 7.58 9.09 8L5 3.92C5.42 3.65 5.94 3.5 6.5 3.5C8.16 3.5 9.5 4.84 9.5 6.5M10 12C10.81 11.46 11.5 10.77 12 9.97V19H19V5H12.83C12.66 4.28 12.37 3.61 12 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V19H22V21H2V19H10V12M16 11H18V13H16V11Z",vD="M16 11H18V13H16V11M12 3H19A2 2 0 0 1 21 5V19H22V21H2V19H10V5A2 2 0 0 1 12 3M12 5V19H19V5M6.2 5H2.8V4.5A1.7 1.7 0 0 1 6.2 4.5M7 5V4.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 4.5V5A1 1 0 0 0 1 6V10A1 1 0 0 0 2 11H7A1 1 0 0 0 8 10V6A1 1 0 0 0 7 5",lD="M12,3C10.89,3 10,3.89 10,5H3V19H2V21H22V19H21V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3H12M12,5H19V19H12V5M5,11H7V13H5V11Z",oD="M10 13H8V11H10V13M16 11H14V13H16V11M21 19V21H3V19H4V5C4 3.9 4.9 3 6 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.9 20 5V19H21M11 5H6V19H11V5M18 5H13V19H18V5Z",nD="M21.8 17V15.5C21.8 14.1 20.4 13 19 13S16.2 14.1 16.2 15.5V17C15.6 17 15 17.6 15 18.2V21.7C15 22.4 15.6 23 16.2 23H21.7C22.4 23 23 22.4 23 21.8V18.3C23 17.6 22.4 17 21.8 17M20.5 17H17.5V15.5C17.5 14.7 18.2 14.2 19 14.2S20.5 14.7 20.5 15.5V17M13 11H15V13H13V11M9 13H7V11H9V13M13 19H12V5H17V11.44C17.61 11.17 18.29 11 19 11V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19H2V21H13V19M10 19H5V5H10V19Z",ZD="M6 11V13H4V11H6M22 5H17V19H22V5M7 5H2L2 19H7V5M22 3C23.11 3 24 3.89 24 5V21H0V5C0 3.89 .894 3 2 3H9V19H15V3H22M20 11H18V13H20V11Z",SD="M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12S10.9 14 12 14 14 13.1 14 12 13.1 10 12 10M16 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V20C6 21.1 6.9 22 8 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V4C18 2.9 17.1 2 16 2M16 20H8V4H16V20Z",uD="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M18 4V20C18 21.1 17.11 22 16 22H8C6.9 22 6 21.11 6 20V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4M10.5 7C10.5 7.83 11.17 8.5 12 8.5S13.5 7.83 13.5 7 12.83 5.5 12 5.5 10.5 6.17 10.5 7M16 10H8V20H16V10Z",cD="M2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,17A1,1 0 0,1 1,16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15M21,17H19V9H17V7H23V9H21V17M16,7V9H14V11H16V13H14V15H16V17H12V7H16M11,7V17H9L6,11V17H4V7H6L9,13V7H11Z",sD="M12 19C13.1 19 14 19.9 14 21S13.1 23 12 23 10 22.1 10 21 10.9 19 12 19M12 1C13.1 1 14 1.9 14 3S13.1 5 12 5 10 4.1 10 3 10.9 1 12 1M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M3 10C4.1 10 5 10.9 5 12S4.1 14 3 14 1 13.1 1 12 1.9 10 3 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M21 10C22.1 10 23 10.9 23 12S22.1 14 21 14 19 13.1 19 12 19.9 10 21 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",OD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M6 10C7.1 10 8 10.9 8 12S7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12 4.9 10 6 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M18 10C19.1 10 20 10.9 20 12S19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12 16.9 10 18 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",hD="M16 12C16 10.9 16.9 10 18 10S20 10.9 20 12 19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12M10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10S14 10.9 14 12 13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12M4 12C4 10.9 4.9 10 6 10S8 10.9 8 12 7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12M13 18C13 16.9 13.9 16 15 16S17 16.9 17 18 16.1 20 15 20 13 19.1 13 18M7 18C7 16.9 7.9 16 9 16S11 16.9 11 18 10.1 20 9 20 7 19.1 7 18M13 6C13 4.9 13.9 4 15 4S17 4.9 17 6 16.1 8 15 8 13 7.1 13 6M7 6C7 4.9 7.9 4 9 4S11 4.9 11 6 10.1 8 9 8 7 7.1 7 6",pD="M16,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,10A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12M10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12M4,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12A2,2 0 0,1 6,14A2,2 0 0,1 4,12Z",fD="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5M6.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5M17.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10.5Z",gD="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5M7.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,10.5Z",kD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M6 10C7.1 10 8 10.9 8 12S7.1 14 6 14 4 13.1 4 12 4.9 10 6 10M6 4C7.1 4 8 4.9 8 6S7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6 4.9 4 6 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16M18 10C19.1 10 20 10.9 20 12S19.1 14 18 14 16 13.1 16 12 16.9 10 18 10M18 4C19.1 4 20 4.9 20 6S19.1 8 18 8 16 7.1 16 6 16.9 4 18 4Z",BD="M12 16C13.1 16 14 16.9 14 18S13.1 20 12 20 10 19.1 10 18 10.9 16 12 16M15 10C16.1 10 17 10.9 17 12S16.1 14 15 14 13 13.1 13 12 13.9 10 15 10M6 16C7.1 16 8 16.9 8 18S7.1 20 6 20 4 19.1 4 18 4.9 16 6 16M9 10C10.1 10 11 10.9 11 12S10.1 14 9 14 7 13.1 7 12 7.9 10 9 10M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6S13.1 8 12 8 10 7.1 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M18 16C19.1 16 20 16.9 20 18S19.1 20 18 20 16 19.1 16 18 16.9 16 18 16",PD="M12,16A2,2 0 0,1 14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,16M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 10,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4Z",wD="M2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12M10.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,17.5M10.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,6.5Z",FD="M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12M10.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,16.5M10.5,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,7.5M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",TD="M5,20H19V18H5M19,9H15V3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9Z",bD="M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M8 17H16V15H8V17M16 10H13.5V7H10.5V10H8L12 14L16 10Z",yD="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 14L8 10H10.5V7H13.5V10H16M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 5V19H19V5H5Z",RD="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M8 17H16V15H8V17M16 10H13.5V6H10.5V10H8L12 14L16 10Z",xD="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 14L8 10H10.5V6H13.5V10H16M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",DD="M5 20H14V18H5M19 9H15V3H9V9H5L12 16M22 16A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 23 17V21A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 22 22H17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 16 21V17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 17 16V14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 22 14.5V16M21 16V14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 14.5V16H21",ED="M22 16A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 23 17V21A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 22 22H17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 16 21V17A1.08 1.08 0 0 1 17 16V14.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 22 14.5V16M21 16V14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 14.5V16H21M13 5V11H14.17L12 13.17L9.83 11H11V5H13M15 3H9V9H5L12 16L19 9H15V3M14 18H5V20H14Z",ND="M9,1V7H5L12,14L19,7H15V1H9M5,16V18H19V16H5M5,20V22H19V20H5Z",WD="M12 14L19 7H15V1H9V7H5L12 14M12 11.17L9.83 9H11V3H13V9H14.17L12 11.17M5 16V18H19V16H5M5 22V20H19V22H5Z",ID="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12,14.5L16.5,10H13V6H11V10H7.5L12,14.5Z",GD="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M12,14L16,10H13V6H11V10H8L12,14Z",QD="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H5V18H16.11L13.06 14.95L12 16L5 9H7.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 9H15V3H9V5.8L15.6 12.4L19 9Z",UD="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.11 9H5L12 16L13.06 14.95L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 5H13V9.8L15.6 12.4L19 9H15V3H9V5.8L11 7.8V5Z",zD="M13,5V11H14.17L12,13.17L9.83,11H11V5H13M15,3H9V9H5L12,16L19,9H15V3M19,18H5V20H19V18Z",_D="M7,19V17H9V19H7M11,19V17H13V19H11M15,19V17H17V19H15M7,15V13H9V15H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M15,15V13H17V15H15M7,11V9H9V11H7M11,11V9H13V11H11M15,11V9H17V11H15M7,7V5H9V7H7M11,7V5H13V7H11M15,7V5H17V7H15Z",KD="M3,15V13H5V15H3M3,11V9H5V11H3M7,15V13H9V15H7M7,11V9H9V11H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M11,11V9H13V11H11M15,15V13H17V15H15M15,11V9H17V11H15M19,15V13H21V15H19M19,11V9H21V11H19Z",jD="M21 11H3V9H21V11M21 13H3V15H21V13Z",qD="M22.67,12L18.18,16.5L15.67,14L17.65,12L15.67,10.04L18.18,7.53L22.67,12M12,1.33L16.47,5.82L13.96,8.33L12,6.35L10,8.33L7.5,5.82L12,1.33M12,22.67L7.53,18.18L10.04,15.67L12,17.65L14,15.67L16.5,18.18L12,22.67M1.33,12L5.82,7.5L8.33,10L6.35,12L8.33,13.96L5.82,16.47L1.33,12M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10Z",$D="M9,3H11V5H9V3M13,3H15V5H13V3M9,7H11V9H9V7M13,7H15V9H13V7M9,11H11V13H9V11M13,11H15V13H13V11M9,15H11V17H9V15M13,15H15V17H13V15M9,19H11V21H9V19M13,19H15V21H13V19Z",XD="M11 21H9V3H11V21M15 3H13V21H15V3Z",YD="M8.11,19.45C5.94,18.65 4.22,16.78 3.71,14.35L2.05,6.54C1.81,5.46 2.5,4.4 3.58,4.17L13.35,2.1L13.38,2.09C14.45,1.88 15.5,2.57 15.72,3.63L16.07,5.3L20.42,6.23H20.45C21.5,6.47 22.18,7.53 21.96,8.59L20.3,16.41C19.5,20.18 15.78,22.6 12,21.79C10.42,21.46 9.08,20.61 8.11,19.45V19.45M20,8.18L10.23,6.1L8.57,13.92V13.95C8,16.63 9.73,19.27 12.42,19.84C15.11,20.41 17.77,18.69 18.34,16L20,8.18M16,16.5C15.37,17.57 14.11,18.16 12.83,17.89C11.56,17.62 10.65,16.57 10.5,15.34L16,16.5M8.47,5.17L4,6.13L5.66,13.94L5.67,13.97C5.82,14.68 6.12,15.32 6.53,15.87C6.43,15.1 6.45,14.3 6.62,13.5L7.05,11.5C6.6,11.42 6.21,11.17 6,10.81C6.06,10.2 6.56,9.66 7.25,9.5C7.33,9.5 7.4,9.5 7.5,9.5L8.28,5.69C8.32,5.5 8.38,5.33 8.47,5.17M15.03,12.23C15.35,11.7 16.03,11.42 16.72,11.57C17.41,11.71 17.91,12.24 18,12.86C17.67,13.38 17,13.66 16.3,13.5C15.61,13.37 15.11,12.84 15.03,12.23M10.15,11.19C10.47,10.66 11.14,10.38 11.83,10.53C12.5,10.67 13.03,11.21 13.11,11.82C12.78,12.34 12.11,12.63 11.42,12.5C10.73,12.33 10.23,11.8 10.15,11.19M11.97,4.43L13.93,4.85L13.77,4.05L11.97,4.43Z",JD="M9.75 20.85C11.53 20.15 11.14 18.22 10.24 17C9.35 15.75 8.12 14.89 6.88 14.06C6 13.5 5.19 12.8 4.54 12C4.26 11.67 3.69 11.06 4.27 10.94C4.86 10.82 5.88 11.4 6.4 11.62C7.31 12 8.21 12.44 9.05 12.96L10.06 11.26C8.5 10.23 6.5 9.32 4.64 9.05C3.58 8.89 2.46 9.11 2.1 10.26C1.78 11.25 2.29 12.25 2.87 13.03C4.24 14.86 6.37 15.74 7.96 17.32C8.3 17.65 8.71 18.04 8.91 18.5C9.12 18.94 9.07 18.97 8.6 18.97C7.36 18.97 5.81 18 4.8 17.36L3.79 19.06C5.32 20 7.88 21.47 9.75 20.85M20.84 5.25C21.06 5.03 21.06 4.67 20.84 4.46L19.54 3.16C19.33 2.95 18.97 2.95 18.76 3.16L17.74 4.18L19.82 6.26M11 10.92V13H13.08L19.23 6.85L17.15 4.77L11 10.92Z",CE="M9.75 20.85C11.53 20.15 11.14 18.22 10.24 17C9.35 15.75 8.12 14.89 6.88 14.06C6 13.5 5.19 12.8 4.54 12C4.26 11.67 3.69 11.06 4.27 10.94C4.86 10.82 5.88 11.4 6.4 11.62C7.31 12 8.21 12.44 9.05 12.96L10.06 11.26C8.5 10.23 6.5 9.32 4.64 9.05C3.58 8.89 2.46 9.11 2.1 10.26C1.78 11.25 2.29 12.25 2.87 13.03C4.24 14.86 6.37 15.74 7.96 17.32C8.3 17.65 8.71 18.04 8.91 18.5C9.12 18.94 9.07 18.97 8.6 18.97C7.36 18.97 5.81 18 4.8 17.36L3.79 19.06C5.32 20 7.88 21.47 9.75 20.85M18.96 7.33L13.29 13H11V10.71L16.67 5.03L18.96 7.33M22.36 6.55C22.35 6.85 22.04 7.16 21.72 7.47L19.2 10L18.33 9.13L20.93 6.54L20.34 5.95L19.67 6.62L17.38 4.33L19.53 2.18C19.77 1.94 20.16 1.94 20.39 2.18L21.82 3.61C22.06 3.83 22.06 4.23 21.82 4.47C21.61 4.68 21.41 4.88 21.41 5.08C21.39 5.28 21.59 5.5 21.79 5.67C22.08 5.97 22.37 6.25 22.36 6.55Z",HE="M8.5,3A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 14,8.5C14,9.83 13.53,11.05 12.74,12H21V21H12V12.74C11.05,13.53 9.83,14 8.5,14A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 3,8.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 8.5,3Z",VE="M18,18H12V12.21C11.34,12.82 10.47,13.2 9.5,13.2C7.46,13.2 5.8,11.54 5.8,9.5A3.7,3.7 0 0,1 9.5,5.8C11.54,5.8 13.2,7.46 13.2,9.5C13.2,10.47 12.82,11.34 12.21,12H18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",LE="M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V8H22V5C22 3.9 21.11 3 20 3H4M10 5H14V6H10V5M2 9V14H22V9H2M10 11H14V12H10V11M2 15V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20V21H6V20H18V21H20V20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V15H2M10 17H14V18H10V17Z",ME="M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20V21H6V20H18V21H20V20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V5C22 3.9 21.11 3 20 3H4M4 5H20V8H4V5M10 6V7H14V6H10M4 10H20V13H4V10M10 11V12H14V11H10M4 15H20V18H4V15M10 16V17H14V16H10Z",AE="M22,11H21L20,9H13.75L16,12.5H14L10.75,9H4C3.45,9 2,8.55 2,8C2,7.45 3.5,5.5 5.5,5.5C7.5,5.5 7.67,6.5 9,7H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,8V9L22,11M10.75,6.5L14,3H16L13.75,6.5H10.75M18,11V9.5H19.75L19,11H18M3,19A1,1 0 0,1 2,18A1,1 0 0,1 3,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,21A1,1 0 0,1 6,22A1,1 0 0,1 5,21A2,2 0 0,0 3,19M11,21A1,1 0 0,1 10,22A1,1 0 0,1 9,21A6,6 0 0,0 3,15A1,1 0 0,1 2,14A1,1 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,21Z",iE="M3 6.2L8 9.39L13 6.2L8 3L3 6.2M13 6.2L18 9.39L23 6.2L18 3L13 6.2M3 12.55L8 15.74L13 12.55L8 9.35L3 12.55M18 9.35L13 12.55L18 15.74L23 12.55L18 9.35M8.03 16.8L13.04 20L18.04 16.8L13.04 13.61L8.03 16.8Z",rE="M20.47,14.65C20.47,15.29 20.25,16.36 19.83,17.1C19.4,17.85 19.08,18.06 18.44,18.06C17.7,17.95 16.31,15.82 15.36,15.72C14.18,15.72 11.73,18.17 9.71,18.17C8.54,18.17 8.11,17.95 7.79,17.74C7.15,17.31 6.94,16.67 6.94,15.82C6.94,14.22 8.43,12.84 10.24,12.84C12.59,12.84 14.18,15.18 15.36,15.08C16.31,15.08 18.23,13.16 19.19,13.16C20.15,12.95 20.47,14 20.47,14.65M16.63,5.28C15.57,4.64 14.61,4.32 13.54,3.68C12.91,3.25 12.05,2.3 11.31,1.44C11,2.83 10.78,3.36 10.24,3.79C9.18,4.53 8.64,4.85 7.69,5.28C6.94,5.7 3,8.05 3,13.16C3,18.27 7.37,22 12.05,22C16.85,22 21,18.5 21,13.27C21.21,8.05 17.27,5.7 16.63,5.28Z",aE="M8.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,5M10,2A5,5 0 0,1 15,7C15,8.7 14.15,10.2 12.86,11.1C14.44,11.25 16.22,11.61 18,12.5C21,14 22,12 22,12C22,12 21,21 15,21H9C9,21 4,21 4,16C4,13 7,12 6,10C2,10 2,6.5 2,6.5C3,7 4.24,7 5,6.65C5.19,4.05 7.36,2 10,2Z",eE="M20.57,14.86L22,13.43L20.57,12L17,15.57L8.43,7L12,3.43L10.57,2L9.14,3.43L7.71,2L5.57,4.14L4.14,2.71L2.71,4.14L4.14,5.57L2,7.71L3.43,9.14L2,10.57L3.43,12L7,8.43L15.57,17L12,20.57L13.43,22L14.86,20.57L16.29,22L18.43,19.86L19.86,21.29L21.29,19.86L19.86,18.43L22,16.29L20.57,14.86Z",dE="M20,8H19L17,8H15V14H2V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5M17,12V9.5H19.5L21.46,12H17M18,7H14V13H3L1.57,8H1V6H13L14,5H18V7Z",mE="M17,20C16.71,20 16.44,19.94 16.24,19.85C15.53,19.5 15.03,18.97 14.53,17.47C14,15.91 13.06,15.18 12.14,14.47C11.35,13.86 10.53,13.23 9.82,11.94C9.29,11 9,9.93 9,9C9,6.2 11.2,4 14,4C16.8,4 19,6.2 19,9H21C21,5.07 17.93,2 14,2C10.07,2 7,5.07 7,9C7,10.26 7.38,11.65 8.07,12.9C9,14.55 10.05,15.38 10.92,16.05C11.73,16.67 12.31,17.12 12.63,18.1C13.23,19.92 14,20.94 15.36,21.65C15.87,21.88 16.43,22 17,22A4,4 0 0,0 21,18H19A2,2 0 0,1 17,20M7.64,2.64L6.22,1.22C4.23,3.21 3,5.96 3,9C3,12.04 4.23,14.79 6.22,16.78L7.63,15.37C6,13.74 5,11.5 5,9C5,6.5 6,4.26 7.64,2.64M11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9Z",tE="M12 6.5C10.62 6.5 9.5 7.62 9.5 9S10.62 11.5 12 11.5 14.5 10.38 14.5 9 13.38 6.5 12 6.5M16 17V19H18V23H20V19H22V17H16M11.69 13.47L3.67 22L2.4 20.73L9.75 12.87C10.33 13.21 11 13.42 11.69 13.47M19 9C19 10.26 18.62 11.65 17.93 12.9C17 14.55 15.95 15.38 15.08 16.05C14.27 16.67 13.69 17.12 13.37 18.1C12.77 19.92 12 20.94 10.64 21.65C10.13 21.88 9.57 22 9 22C7.81 22 6.75 21.47 6 20.65L7.43 19.22C7.79 19.69 8.36 20 9 20C9.29 20 9.56 19.94 9.76 19.85C10.47 19.5 10.97 18.97 11.47 17.47C12 15.91 12.94 15.18 13.86 14.47C14.65 13.86 15.47 13.23 16.18 11.94C16.71 11 17 9.93 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4S7 6.2 7 9H5C5 5.07 8.07 2 12 2S19 5.07 19 9M18.37 4.12L20.72 1.73L22 3L19.32 5.72C19.06 5.15 18.74 4.61 18.37 4.12Z",vE="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.91,16.18C12.19,16.74 11.67,17.19 11.37,18.1C10.77,19.92 10,20.94 8.64,21.65C8.13,21.88 7.57,22 7,22A4,4 0 0,1 3,18H5A2,2 0 0,0 7,20C7.29,20 7.56,19.94 7.76,19.85C8.47,19.5 8.97,18.97 9.47,17.47C9.91,16.12 10.69,15.39 11.5,14.76L5.04,8.31C5,8.54 5,8.77 5,9H3C3,8.17 3.14,7.39 3.39,6.66L1,4.27M14.18,11.94C14.71,11 15,9.93 15,9C15,6.2 12.8,4 10,4C8.81,4 7.74,4.39 6.89,5.06L5.46,3.63C6.67,2.61 8.25,2 10,2C13.93,2 17,5.07 17,9C17,10.26 16.62,11.65 15.93,12.9L15.47,13.65L14.03,12.2L14.18,11.94M16.36,2.64L17.78,1.22C19.77,3.21 21,5.96 21,9C21,11.83 19.93,14.41 18.18,16.36L16.77,14.94C18.15,13.36 19,11.28 19,9C19,6.5 18,4.26 16.36,2.64M12.5,9C12.5,9.5 12.36,9.93 12.13,10.31L8.69,6.87C9.07,6.64 9.5,6.5 10,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,9Z",lE="M10 8V20C10 20.55 9.55 21 9 21H8C7.45 21 7 20.55 7 20V13.27C6.32 13.72 5.61 14 5 14C3 14 2 12 2 11V6C2 5 3 3 5 3S10 6 10 8M16.5 3C13.46 3 11 5.46 11 8.5S13.46 14 16.5 14 22 11.54 22 8.5 19.54 3 16.5 3M14.5 14.68V20C14.5 20.55 14.95 21 15.5 21H17.5C18.05 21 18.5 20.55 18.5 20V14.68C17.87 14.89 17.2 15 16.5 15S15.13 14.89 14.5 14.68Z",oE="M10 9.34V9.34L11.56 10.91L11.56 10.9L14.1 13.45L14.09 13.44L15.58 14.93L15.59 14.93L18.5 17.84V17.85L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.43 20.33C18.3 20.72 17.94 21 17.5 21H15.5C14.95 21 14.5 20.55 14.5 20V16.39L10 11.89V20C10 20.55 9.55 21 9 21H8C7.45 21 7 20.55 7 20V13.27C6.32 13.72 5.61 14 5 14C3 14 2 12 2 11V6C2 5.58 2.19 5 2.55 4.43L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.1 5.44M22 8.5C22 5.46 19.54 3 16.5 3C13.69 3 11.37 5.12 11.04 7.84L17.16 13.96C19.89 13.63 22 11.32 22 8.5Z",nE="M22.11 21.46L18.5 17.85V17.84L15.58 14.93L15.58 14.93L14.09 13.44L14.1 13.44L11.56 10.9L11.56 10.9L10 9.34V9.34L7 6.34L7 6.34L6.66 6L6.67 6L6.1 5.44L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.55 4.43C2.19 5 2 5.58 2 6V11C2 12 3 14 5 14C5.61 14 6.32 13.72 7 13.27V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H9C9.55 21 10 20.55 10 20V11.89L14.5 16.39V20C14.5 20.55 14.95 21 15.5 21H17.5C17.94 21 18.3 20.72 18.43 20.32L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8 10.23L5.91 11.6C5.4 11.93 5.08 12 5 12C4.3 12 4 11.08 4 11L4 6.03C4 6 4 5.97 4.03 5.92L8 9.89V10.23M13.53 10.33L11.04 7.84C11.37 5.12 13.69 3 16.5 3C19.54 3 22 5.46 22 8.5C22 11.32 19.89 13.63 17.16 13.96L14.67 11.47C15.2 11.8 15.83 12 16.5 12C18.43 12 20 10.43 20 8.5S18.43 5 16.5 5 13 6.57 13 8.5C13 9.17 13.2 9.8 13.53 10.33Z",ZE="M5 3C3 3 2 5 2 6V11C2 12 3 14 5 14C5.61 14 6.32 13.72 7 13.27V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H9C9.55 21 10 20.55 10 20V8C10 6 7 3 5 3M8 10.23L5.91 11.6C5.4 11.93 5.08 12 5 12C4.3 12 4 11.08 4 11L4 6.03C4 5.92 4.3 5 5 5C5.9 5 8 7.1 8 8V10.23M16.5 15C17.2 15 17.87 14.89 18.5 14.68V20C18.5 20.55 18.05 21 17.5 21H15.5C14.95 21 14.5 20.55 14.5 20V14.68C15.13 14.89 15.8 15 16.5 15M16.5 3C13.46 3 11 5.46 11 8.5S13.46 14 16.5 14 22 11.54 22 8.5 19.54 3 16.5 3M16.5 12C14.57 12 13 10.43 13 8.5S14.57 5 16.5 5 20 6.57 20 8.5 18.43 12 16.5 12Z",SE="M17.9,17.39C17.64,16.59 16.89,16 16,16H15V13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12H8V10H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,9V7H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,5V4.59C17.93,5.77 20,8.64 20,12C20,14.08 19.2,15.97 17.9,17.39M11,19.93C7.05,19.44 4,16.08 4,12C4,11.38 4.08,10.78 4.21,10.21L9,15V16A2,2 0 0,0 11,18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",uE="M15 19H17V15H19V19H21L18 22L15 19M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",cE="M17 15V17H21V19H17V21L14 18L17 15M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",sE="M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",OE="M21 17H19V21H17V17H15L18 14L21 17M12 18C12 15.8 13.2 13.9 15 12.8C14.9 12.3 14.5 12 14 12H8V10H10C10.6 10 11 9.6 11 9V7H13C14.1 7 15 6.1 15 5V4.6C17.9 5.8 20 8.6 20 12V12.3C20.7 12.5 21.3 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 13 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22C12.5 22 13 22 13.4 21.9C12.5 20.8 12 19.5 12 18M11 19.9C7 19.4 4 16.1 4 12C4 11.4 4.1 10.8 4.2 10.2L9 15V16C9 17.1 9.9 18 11 18V19.9Z",hE="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M15.78,5H19V17.18C18.74,16.38 17.69,15.79 16.8,15.79H15.8V12.79A1,1 0 0,0 14.8,11.79H8.8V9.79H10.8A1,1 0 0,0 11.8,8.79V6.79H13.8C14.83,6.79 15.67,6 15.78,5M5,10.29L9.8,14.79V15.79C9.8,16.9 10.7,17.79 11.8,17.79V19H5V10.29Z",pE="M22 17V19H14V17H22M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",fE="M23,4.27L21,6.27V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H6.27L4.27,23L3,21.72L21.72,3L23,4.27M5,3H19.18L17.18,5H15.78C15.67,6 14.83,6.79 13.8,6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8,9.35 11.35,9.79 10.8,9.79H8.8V11.79H10.38L8.55,13.62L5,10.29V17.18L3,19.18V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M11.8,19V17.79C11.17,17.79 10.6,17.5 10.23,17.04L8.27,19H11.8M15.8,12.79V15.79H16.8C17.69,15.79 18.74,16.38 19,17.18V8.27L15.33,11.94C15.61,12.12 15.8,12.43 15.8,12.79Z",gE="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",kE="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.8C20.39 12.45 19.72 12.2 19 12.08V5H15.78C15.67 6 14.83 6.79 13.8 6.79H11.8V8.79C11.8 9.35 11.35 9.79 10.8 9.79H8.8V11.79H14.8C15.23 11.79 15.6 12.06 15.74 12.44C13.6 13.31 12.07 15.39 12 17.83C10.7 17.79 9.8 16.9 9.8 15.79V14.79L5 10.29V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3Z",BE="M14 17H22V19H14V17M20 12C20 8.64 17.93 5.77 15 4.59V5C15 6.1 14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 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14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 10H8V12H14C14.5 12 14.9 12.35 15 12.81C13.2 13.85 12 15.79 12 18C12 19.5 12.54 20.85 13.44 21.9L12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.9 13.44C21.34 12.96 20.7 12.59 20 12.34L20 12M11 19.93V18C9.9 18 9 17.1 9 16V15L4.21 10.21C4.08 10.78 4 11.38 4 12C4 16.08 7.06 19.44 11 19.93Z",FE="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M20 12C20 8.64 17.93 5.77 15 4.59V5C15 6.1 14.1 7 13 7H11V9C11 9.55 10.55 10 10 10H8V12H14C14.5 12 14.9 12.35 15 12.81C13.2 13.85 12 15.79 12 18C12 19.5 12.54 20.85 13.44 21.9L12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12L21.9 13.44C21.34 12.96 20.7 12.59 20 12.34L20 12M11 19.93V18C9.9 18 9 17.1 9 16V15L4.21 10.21C4.08 10.78 4 11.38 4 12C4 16.08 7.06 19.44 11 19.93Z",TE="M19.5,14.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,22A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 4.5,14.5C4.5,10.36 7.86,2 12,2C16.14,2 19.5,10.36 19.5,14.5Z",bE="M6.89,6.36C8.23,3.91 10,2 12,2C14,2 15.77,3.91 17.11,6.36C16.26,6.57 15.5,7.07 15,7.77C13.79,6.11 11.46,5.75 9.8,6.97C9.5,7.19 9.22,7.46 9,7.77C8.5,7.07 7.74,6.57 6.89,6.36M15,18.06L12,15.06L9,18.06L6,15.06L4.73,16.33C5.75,20.35 9.83,22.77 13.84,21.76C16.5,21.08 18.59,19 19.27,16.33L18,15.06L15,18.06M9,15.94L12,12.94L15,15.94L18,12.94L19.5,14.44C19.37,12.13 18.8,9.86 17.81,7.76C16.65,7.86 15.75,8.83 15.75,10H14.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10H8.25C8.25,8.83 7.35,7.86 6.19,7.76C5.2,9.86 4.63,12.13 4.5,14.44L6,12.94L9,15.94Z",yE="M12 4.5C14.17 4.5 14.58 5.07 15.5 6.32C15.88 6.85 16.32 7.44 16.94 8.06C17.43 8.55 17.86 8.93 18.21 9.24C19.3 10.19 19.5 10.36 19.5 12C19.5 14.93 19.5 15.38 17.94 16.94C16 18.86 15.38 19.5 13 19.5C11.88 19.5 11.5 19.18 10.89 18.69C10.27 18.19 9.43 17.5 8 17.5C4.96 17.5 4.5 14.05 4.5 12C4.5 10.65 5 8.91 6.47 8.42C8.25 7.83 9.2 6.71 9.96 5.81C10.75 4.88 11.11 4.5 12 4.5M12 3C9 3 9 6 6 7C3.88 7.71 3 10 3 12C3 15 4 19 8 19C10 19 10 21 13 21S17 20 19 18 21 15 21 12 20 9 18 7 16 3 12 3M12 8C9.79 8 8 9.79 8 12S9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12 14.21 8 12 8M12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12H9C9 10.35 10.35 9 12 9V10Z",RE="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.1 8C5.1 10.3 4.5 12.8 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.6 7.9 22 12 22C14.2 22 16.2 21 17.6 19.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M19.5 14.5C19.5 10.4 16.1 2 12 2C10.5 2 9.1 3.1 7.9 4.7L19.3 16.1C19.4 15.6 19.5 15.1 19.5 14.5Z",xE="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.1 8C5.1 10.28 4.5 12.76 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.64 7.86 22 12 22C14.23 22 16.22 21 17.59 19.5L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.97 20 6.5 17.53 6.5 14.5C6.5 13.08 6.95 11.25 7.63 9.5L16.17 18.06C15.16 19.24 13.67 20 12 20M9.36 6.16L7.92 4.72C9.1 3.11 10.5 2 12 2C16.14 2 19.5 10.36 19.5 14.5C19.5 15.06 19.43 15.6 19.32 16.12L17.5 14.29C17.38 10.46 14.28 4 12 4C11.17 4 10.22 4.87 9.36 6.16Z",DE="M12 4C14.32 4 17.5 10.7 17.5 14.5C17.5 17.53 15.03 20 12 20S6.5 17.53 6.5 14.5C6.5 10.7 9.68 4 12 4M12 2C7.86 2 4.5 10.36 4.5 14.5C4.5 18.64 7.86 22 12 22S19.5 18.64 19.5 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9,12A3,3 0 0,1 6,15C4.69,15 3.58,14.17 3.17,13H1V11M23,11V13H20.83C20.42,14.17 19.31,15 18,15A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 18,9C19.31,9 20.42,9.83 20.83,11H23M6,11A1,1 0 0,0 5,12A1,1 0 0,0 6,13A1,1 0 0,0 7,12A1,1 0 0,0 6,11M18,11A1,1 0 0,0 17,12A1,1 0 0,0 18,13A1,1 0 0,0 19,12A1,1 0 0,0 18,11Z",zE="M20.83 11A3 3 0 0 0 15.18 11H8.82A3 3 0 0 0 3.17 11H1V13H3.17A3 3 0 0 0 8.82 13H15.18A3 3 0 0 0 20.83 13H23V11M6 13A1 1 0 1 1 7 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 13M18 13A1 1 0 1 1 19 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 13Z",_E="M12 22C10.33 22 8.84 20.5 7.9 17.93C7.83 17.73 7.93 17.5 8.14 17.44C8.34 17.36 8.56 17.47 8.63 17.67C9.44 19.9 10.7 21.23 12 21.23C12.94 21.23 13.87 20.55 14.62 19.31C14.73 19.13 14.96 19.07 15.15 19.18C15.33 19.29 15.39 19.53 15.28 19.71C14.38 21.19 13.22 22 12 22M15.91 17.72C15.87 17.72 15.83 17.71 15.8 17.7C15.59 17.63 15.5 17.42 15.54 17.21C16 15.81 16.22 14.18 16.22 12.5C16.22 8.65 14.97 5.24 13.19 4.14C12.94 4.5 12.5 4.78 12 4.78C11.24 4.78 10.61 4.16 10.61 3.39C10.61 2.62 11.24 2 12 2C12.77 2 13.4 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13.44M16.5 18.9C14.5 18.9 11.94 18.16 9.5 16.77C7.95 15.88 6.57 14.79 5.5 13.63C5.35 13.47 5.36 13.23 5.5 13.08C5.68 12.94 5.92 12.95 6.07 13.11C7.08 14.21 8.4 15.25 9.89 16.1C13.2 18 16.77 18.63 18.65 17.72C18.57 17.55 18.5 17.35 18.5 17.15C18.5 16.38 19.15 15.76 19.92 15.76C20.69 15.76 21.32 16.38 21.32 17.15C21.32 17.92 20.69 18.54 19.92 18.54C19.64 18.54 19.39 18.46 19.17 18.32C18.47 18.71 17.56 18.9 16.5 18.9M19.5 17.63C19.63 17.71 19.77 17.77 19.92 17.77C20.27 17.77 20.55 17.5 20.55 17.15C20.55 16.81 20.27 16.53 19.92 16.53S19.3 16.81 19.3 17.15C19.3 17.29 19.35 17.42 19.43 17.53C19.47 17.55 19.5 17.59 19.5 17.63M4.46 12C4.33 12 4.2 11.92 4.13 11.8C3.23 10.25 3.08 8.81 3.7 7.74C4.54 6.3 6.58 5.76 9.31 6.25C9.5 6.29 9.66 6.5 9.62 6.7C9.59 6.91 9.39 7.05 9.18 7C6.82 6.59 5 7 4.37 8.13C3.89 8.95 4.04 10.11 4.8 11.41C4.9 11.6 4.84 11.83 4.65 11.94C4.59 11.97 4.53 12 4.46 12M12.21 13.4C11.71 13.5 11.21 13.19 11.11 12.69C11 12.2 11.32 11.71 11.81 11.6C12.31 11.5 12.81 11.81 12.91 12.31C13 12.8 12.7 13.29 12.21 13.4Z",KE="M19.5,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 18.5,15.5V8.5C18.5,6.57 16.43,5 14.5,5H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,9V19H6V15H11V19H15V14.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 16,14.5V16A3,3 0 0,0 19,19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16V14H19.5V15.5Z",jE="M21,21H3V11.25L9.45,15L13.22,12.8L21,17.29V21M3,8.94V6.75L9.45,10.5L13.22,8.3L21,12.79V15L13.22,10.5L9.45,12.67L3,8.94Z",qE="M3,21V17.29L10.78,12.8L14.55,15L21,11.25V21H3M21,8.94L14.55,12.67L10.78,10.5L3,15V12.79L10.78,8.3L14.55,10.5L21,6.75V8.94Z",$E="M7,2L11,6H8V10H6V6H3L7,2M17,10L13,6H16V2H18V6H21L17,10M7,12H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,14V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 7,12M7,14V20H17V14H7Z",XE="M7 10L11 6H8V2H6V6H3L7 10M17 10L13 6H16V2H18V6H21L17 10M7 12H17C18.11 12 19 12.9 19 14V20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22H7C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20V14C5 12.9 5.9 12 7 12M7 14V20H17V14H7Z",YE="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M8.5 6C9.19 6 9.75 6.56 9.75 7.25S9.19 8.5 8.5 8.5 7.25 7.94 7.25 7.25 7.81 6 8.5 6M11 14H10V18H7V14H6V11.5C6 10.4 6.9 9.5 8 9.5H9C10.1 9.5 11 10.4 11 11.5V14M15.5 17L13 13H18L15.5 17M13 11L15.5 7L18 11H13Z",JE="M22.11 21.46L20.7 20.05L20.7 20.04L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.94 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.06 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 14H10V18H7V14H6V11.5C6 10.5 6.71 9.71 7.65 9.54L11 12.89V14M13.46 10.26L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L17.31 14.11L18 13H16.2L14.2 11H18L15.5 7L13.46 10.26Z",CN="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.94 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.06 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L7.65 9.54C6.71 9.71 6 10.5 6 11.5V14H7V18H10V14H11V12.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2M18 11H14.2L13.46 10.26L15.5 7L18 11M17.31 14.11L16.2 13H18L17.31 14.11Z",HN="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 18V14H11V11.5C11 10.4 10.1 9.5 9 9.5H8C6.9 9.5 6 10.4 6 11.5V14H7V18H10M8.5 8.5C9.19 8.5 9.75 7.94 9.75 7.25S9.19 6 8.5 6 7.25 6.56 7.25 7.25 7.81 8.5 8.5 8.5M18 11L15.5 7L13 11H18M13 13L15.5 17L18 13H13Z",VN="M7 2L11 6H8V10H6V6H3L7 2M17 2L13 6H16V10H18V6H21L17 2M7 12H17C18.11 12 19 12.9 19 14V20C19 21.11 18.11 22 17 22H7C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20V14C5 12.9 5.9 12 7 12M7 14V20H17V14H7Z",LN="M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,7.58 17.5,4 12,4Z",MN="M12,6C16.41,6 20,8.69 20,12C20,15.31 16.41,18 12,18C7.59,18 4,15.31 4,12C4,8.69 7.59,6 12,6M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,7.58 17.5,4 12,4Z",AN="M20,8L12,13L4,8V6L12,11L20,6M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",iN="M18 8L10 13L2 8V6L10 11L18 6M18 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6V18C0 19.1 .9 20 2 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4M24 7H22V13H24V7M24 15H22V17H24V15Z",rN="M24 7H22V13H24V7M24 15H22V17H24V15M20 6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6V18C0 19.1 .9 20 2 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V6M18 6L10 11L2 6H18M18 18H2V8L10 13L18 8V18Z",aN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M18 16V18H22V20H18V22L15 19L18 16Z",eN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M18 16V18H22V20H18V22L15 19L18 16Z",dN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M20 22V20H16V18H20V16L23 19L20 22Z",mN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 22V20H16V18H20V16L23 19L20 22Z",tN="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M6.4,6.5H17.6C18.37,6.5 19,7.12 19,7.9V16.1A1.4,1.4 0 0,1 17.6,17.5H6.4C5.63,17.5 5,16.87 5,16.1V7.9C5,7.12 5.62,6.5 6.4,6.5M6,8V10L12,14L18,10V8L12,12L6,8Z",vN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",lN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M17.75 22.16L15 19.16L16.16 18L17.75 19.59L21.34 16L22.5 17.41L17.75 22.16",oN="M21,12.13C20.85,12.14 20.71,12.19 20.61,12.3L19.61,13.3L21.66,15.3L22.66,14.3C22.88,14.09 22.88,13.74 22.66,13.53L21.42,12.3C21.32,12.19 21.18,12.14 21.04,12.13M19.04,13.88L13,19.94V22H15.06L21.12,15.93M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H11V19.11L19.24,10.89C19.71,10.4 20.36,10.13 21.04,10.13C21.38,10.13 21.72,10.19 22.04,10.32V6C22.04,4.88 21.12,4 20,4M20,8L12,13L4,8V6L12,11L20,6",nN="M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93M22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.32 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13C20.89 12.14 20.75 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.3L22.7 14.3C22.89 14.1 22.89 13.78 22.7 13.58M11 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V10H22V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H11V18M20 6L12 11L4 6H20Z",ZN="M22 5.5H9C7.9 5.5 7 6.4 7 7.5V16.5C7 17.61 7.9 18.5 9 18.5H22C23.11 18.5 24 17.61 24 16.5V7.5C24 6.4 23.11 5.5 22 5.5M22 9.17L15.5 12.5L9 9.17V7.5L15.5 10.81L22 7.5V9.17M5 16.5C5 16.67 5.03 16.83 5.05 17H1C.448 17 0 16.55 0 16S.448 15 1 15H5V16.5M3 7H5.05C5.03 7.17 5 7.33 5 7.5V9H3C2.45 9 2 8.55 2 8S2.45 7 3 7M1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12Z",SN="M22 5.5H9C7.9 5.5 7 6.4 7 7.5V16.5C7 17.61 7.9 18.5 9 18.5H22C23.11 18.5 24 17.61 24 16.5V7.5C24 6.4 23.11 5.5 22 5.5M22 16.5H9V9.17L15.5 12.5L22 9.17V16.5M15.5 10.81L9 7.5H22L15.5 10.81M5 16.5C5 16.67 5.03 16.83 5.05 17H1C.448 17 0 16.55 0 16S.448 15 1 15H5V16.5M3 7H5.05C5.03 7.17 5 7.33 5 7.5V9H3C2.45 9 2 8.55 2 8S2.45 7 3 7M1 12C1 11.45 1.45 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.45 13 1 12.55 1 12Z",uN="M10 9C8.9 9 8 9.92 8 11.05C8 11.62 8.22 12.12 8.59 12.5L12 16L15.42 12.5C15.78 12.13 16 11.61 16 11.05C16 9.92 15.1 9 14 9C13.46 9 12.95 9.23 12.59 9.6L12 10.2L11.42 9.61C11.05 9.23 10.54 9 10 9M20 4C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 19.1 21.1 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H20M16.7 8.06L20 6H4L7.3 8.06C6.89 8.45 6.55 8.92 6.33 9.45L4 8V18H20V8L17.67 9.45C17.45 8.92 17.11 8.45 16.7 8.06Z",cN="M12 18.2C12 17.24 12.5 16.34 13.2 15.74V15.5C13.2 13.06 15.4 11 18 11C19.65 11 21.13 11.83 22 13.06V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12V18.2M4 6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8V6M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",sN="M12 18.2C12 18.13 12 18.07 12 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V11.44C20.81 11.8 21.5 12.36 22 13.06V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H12V18.2M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17Z",ON="M18.84,7H16.22L10.5,4L4,7.41V17A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V7.17C2,6.5 2.28,6.06 2.81,5.81L10.5,2L18.05,5.81C18.5,6.09 18.78,6.5 18.84,7M7,8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V10A2,2 0 0,1 7,8M20,11.67V10L13.5,13.31L7,10V11.67L13.5,15L20,11.67Z",hN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",pN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",fN="M22,6V4L14,9L6,4V6L14,11L22,6M22,2A2,2 0 0,1 24,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18H6C4.89,18 4,17.1 4,16V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2H22M2,6V20H20V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V6H2Z",gN="M2 6V20H20V22H2C.895 22 0 21.11 0 20V6H2M24 4C24 2.9 23.1 2 22 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V16C4 17.1 4.9 18 6 18H22C23.1 18 24 17.1 24 16V4M22 4L14 9L6 4H22M22 16H6V6L14 11L22 6V16Z",kN="M12 .64L8.23 3H5V5L2.97 6.29C2.39 6.64 2 7.27 2 8V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8C22 7.27 21.61 6.64 21.03 6.29L19 5V3H15.77M7 5H17V9.88L12 13L7 9.88M8 6V7.5H16V6M5 7.38V8.63L4 8M19 7.38L20 8L19 8.63M8 8.5V10H16V8.5Z",BN="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L2.6 4.5C2.2 4.9 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H18.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 8V6L4.3 6.2L9.6 11.5L4 8M13.4 10.2L7.2 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 18.2 22 18.5 21.9 18.7L14.6 11.4L20 8V6L13.4 10.2Z",PN="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L2.6 4.5C2.3 4.9 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H18.1L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 18V8L9.6 11.5L16.1 18H4M9.2 6L7.2 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V18C22 18.2 22 18.5 21.9 18.7L20 16.8V8L14.6 11.4L13.4 10.2L20 6H9.2Z",wN="M4,8L12,13L20,8V8L12,3L4,8V8M22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V8C2,7.27 2.39,6.64 2.97,6.29L12,0.64L21.03,6.29C21.61,6.64 22,7.27 22,8Z",FN="M10 9C8.9 9 8 9.92 8 11.05C8 11.62 8.22 12.12 8.59 12.5L12 16L15.42 12.5C15.78 12.13 16 11.61 16 11.05C16 9.92 15.1 9 14 9C13.46 9 12.95 9.23 12.59 9.6L12 10.2L11.42 9.61C11.05 9.23 10.54 9 10 9M12 .64L21.03 6.29C21.61 6.64 22 7.27 22 8V18C22 19.1 21.1 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V8C2 7.27 2.39 6.64 2.97 6.29L12 .64M4 10V18H20V10L18 11.25C18 11.19 18 11.12 18 11.05C18 10.5 17.88 9.95 17.67 9.45L20 8L12 3L4 8L6.33 9.45C6.12 9.95 6 10.5 6 11.05C6 11.12 6 11.19 6 11.25L4 10Z",TN="M6,8L14,13L22,8V8L14,3L6,8V8M24,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 22,20H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,18V8C4,7.27 4.39,6.64 4.97,6.29L14,0.64L23.03,6.29C23.61,6.64 24,7.27 24,8M2,8V22H20V24H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V8H2Z",bN="M2 8V22H20V24H2C.895 24 0 23.11 0 22V8H2M23.03 6.29L14 .64L4.97 6.29C4.39 6.64 4 7.27 4 8V18C4 19.1 4.9 20 6 20H22C23.1 20 24 19.1 24 18V8C24 7.27 23.61 6.64 23.03 6.29M22 18H6V10L14 15L22 10V18M14 13L6 8L14 3L22 8L14 13Z",yN="M21.03 6.29L12 .64L2.97 6.29C2.39 6.64 2 7.27 2 8V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 7.27 21.61 6.64 21.03 6.29M20 18H4V10L12 15L20 10V18M12 13L4 8L12 3L20 8L12 13Z",RN="M22 6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V18Z",xN="M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M4 8V6L12 11L20 6V8L12 13L4 8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",DN="M13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",EN="M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.89 22 6V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 8V6L12 11L4 6V8L12 13L20 8Z",NN="M13.09 18H4V8L12 13L20 8V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V6C22 4.9 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 18.66 13.04 18.33 13.09 18M20 6L12 11L4 6H20M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",WN="M12.5 13.3C12.2 12.4 12.4 11.7 12.5 11.3C12.4 10.9 12.2 10.3 12.4 9.4C12.7 8.6 13.2 8.2 13.5 7.9C13.6 7.5 13.8 6.9 14.6 6.3C15.3 5.8 16 5.8 16.4 5.8C16.5 5.7 16.7 5.6 16.9 5.5V2.6C17 1.7 16.3 1 15.4 1H2.6C1.7 1 1 1.7 1 2.6V12.4C1 13.3 1.7 14 2.6 14H12.9C12.7 13.8 12.6 13.6 12.5 13.3M3 5V3L9 6L15 3V5L9 8L3 5M22.6 9.9C22.4 9.3 21.9 9.2 21.6 8.9C21.4 8.6 21.4 8 20.9 7.7C20.4 7.3 19.9 7.5 19.5 7.4C19.1 7.3 18.8 6.8 18.2 6.8S17.3 7.2 16.9 7.4C16.5 7.5 16 7.3 15.5 7.7C15 8 15.1 8.5 14.8 8.9C14.5 9.2 14 9.4 13.8 9.9C13.6 10.5 14 10.9 14 11.3C14 11.7 13.6 12.1 13.8 12.7C14 13.3 14.5 13.4 14.8 13.7C15 14 15 14.6 15.5 14.9C16 15.3 16.5 15.1 16.9 15.2C17.3 15.3 17.6 15.8 18.2 15.8S19.1 15.4 19.5 15.2C19.9 15.1 20.4 15.3 20.9 14.9C21.4 14.5 21.4 14 21.6 13.7C21.9 13.4 22.4 13.2 22.6 12.7C22.8 12.1 22.4 11.7 22.4 11.3C22.4 10.9 22.8 10.5 22.6 9.9M18.2 14.4C16.5 14.4 15.2 13 15.2 11.4S16.6 8.4 18.2 8.4 21.2 9.8 21.2 11.4 19.9 14.4 18.2 14.4M19.7 11.3C19.7 12.1 19 12.8 18.2 12.8S16.7 12.1 16.7 11.3C16.7 10.5 17.4 9.8 18.2 9.8S19.7 10.5 19.7 11.3M19.5 17.1L19 19.8L18.4 22.9L16.4 21L14 22.1L15 16.4C15.4 16.6 15.9 16.7 16.4 16.7C16.7 16.9 17.1 17.1 17.4 17.2C17.6 17.3 17.9 17.3 18.2 17.3C18.7 17.4 19.1 17.3 19.5 17.1M22.7 19.5L20.7 18.8L21.1 16.6L21.7 16.3L21.8 16.2L22.7 19.5Z",IN="M12.5 13.3C12.3 12.8 12.3 12.4 12.4 12H3V4.5L9 8.5L15 4.5V6.2C15.6 5.9 16.1 5.9 16.4 5.9C16.5 5.8 16.7 5.7 16.9 5.6V2.6C17 1.7 16.3 1 15.4 1H2.6C1.7 1 1 1.7 1 2.6V12.4C1 13.3 1.7 14 2.6 14H12.9C12.7 13.8 12.6 13.6 12.5 13.3M15 3L9 7L3 3H15M22.6 9.9C22.4 9.3 21.9 9.2 21.6 8.9C21.4 8.6 21.4 8 20.9 7.7C20.4 7.3 19.9 7.5 19.5 7.4C19.1 7.3 18.8 6.8 18.2 6.8S17.3 7.2 16.9 7.4C16.5 7.5 16 7.3 15.5 7.7C15 8 15.1 8.5 14.8 8.9C14.5 9.2 14 9.4 13.8 9.9C13.6 10.5 14 10.9 14 11.3C14 11.7 13.6 12.1 13.8 12.7C14 13.3 14.5 13.4 14.8 13.7C15 14 15 14.6 15.5 14.9C16 15.3 16.5 15.1 16.9 15.2C17.3 15.3 17.6 15.8 18.2 15.8S19.1 15.4 19.5 15.2C19.9 15.1 20.4 15.3 20.9 14.9C21.4 14.5 21.4 14 21.6 13.7C21.9 13.4 22.4 13.2 22.6 12.7C22.8 12.1 22.4 11.7 22.4 11.3C22.4 10.9 22.8 10.5 22.6 9.9M18.2 14.4C16.5 14.4 15.2 13 15.2 11.4S16.6 8.4 18.2 8.4 21.2 9.8 21.2 11.4 19.9 14.4 18.2 14.4M19.7 11.3C19.7 12.1 19 12.8 18.2 12.8S16.7 12.1 16.7 11.3C16.7 10.5 17.4 9.8 18.2 9.8S19.7 10.5 19.7 11.3M19.5 17.1L19 19.8L18.4 22.9L16.4 21L14 22.1L15 16.4C15.4 16.6 15.9 16.7 16.4 16.7C16.7 16.9 17.1 17.1 17.4 17.2C17.6 17.3 17.9 17.3 18.2 17.3C18.7 17.4 19.1 17.3 19.5 17.1M22.7 19.5L20.7 18.8L21.1 16.6L21.7 16.3L21.8 16.2L22.7 19.5Z",GN="M3,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V10.82C20,9.85 18.7,9.23 17.31,9.06L19,8V6L11,11L3,6V8L10.62,12.76C10.21,13.62 10,14.55 10,15.5C10,17.18 10.65,18.79 11.81,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4M16.5,11C19,11 21,13 21,15.5C21,16.38 20.75,17.21 20.31,17.9L23.39,21L22,22.39L18.88,19.32C18.19,19.75 17.37,20 16.5,20C14,20 12,18 12,15.5C12,13 14,11 16.5,11M16.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,13Z",QN="M16.5 11C19 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11M16.5 13C15.12 13 14 14.12 14 15.5S15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5 17.88 13 16.5 13M10.5 18H3V8L10.62 12.76C11.65 10.54 13.9 9 16.5 9C16.77 9 17.04 9 17.31 9.06L19 8V9.5C19.75 9.81 20.42 10.27 21 10.82V6C21 4.9 20.1 4 19 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H11.82C11.27 19.42 10.82 18.75 10.5 18M19 6L11 11L3 6H19Z",UN="M3 4C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V18C1 19.11 1.9 20 3 20H13.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 17.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 11.18V6C21 4.89 20.1 4 19 4H3M3 6L11 11L19 6V8L11 13L3 8V6M19 12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5V12M15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29Z",zN="M3 4C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H13.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 13 18H3V8L11 13L19 8V11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 19.5 11A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 11.18V6C21 4.9 20.1 4 19 4H3M3 6H19L11 11L3 6M19 12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5V12M15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29Z",_N="M12,13L2,6.76V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V6.75L12,13M22,18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V9.11L4,10.36V18H20V10.36L22,9.11V18Z",KN="M22,14.22C22,14.22 17.61,17.35 14.72,17.39C11.84,17.44 12.13,15.56 12.13,15.56C12.13,15.56 22.71,11.94 19.83,4.79C18.53,2.95 17,2.37 14.89,2.42C12.76,2.46 10.17,3.76 8.46,7.6C7.64,9.44 7.41,11.18 7.24,12.5V12.5C7.24,12.5 5.32,12.88 4.32,12.04C3.32,11.2 2.77,12.04 2.77,12.04C2.77,12.04 1.03,14.2 2.75,14.87C4.46,15.54 7.12,15.82 7.12,15.82V15.82C7.36,17 8.08,19 10.17,20.6C13.3,23 19.32,20.4 19.32,20.4M11.63,12.33C11.76,7.36 15,5.18 16.15,6.27C17.27,7.36 16.86,9.7 14.72,11.16C12.59,12.63 11.63,12.33 11.63,12.33Z",jN="M11,2L6,7L7,8L2,13L7,18L8,17L13,22L18,17L17,16L22,11L17,6L16,7L11,2M10,8.5L16,12L10,15.5V8.5Z",qN="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8M8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8M12,17.5C9.67,17.5 7.69,16.04 6.89,14H17.11C16.3,16.04 14.33,17.5 12,17.5Z",$N="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5V8L10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5L17,8V9.5Z",XN="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5V8L10,9.5M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5L17,8V9.5",YN="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M8.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 8.5 8M17 16H13A4 4 0 0 0 9.53 18L7.8 17A6 6 0 0 1 13 14H17M15.5 11A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 15.5 11Z",JN="M20 12A8 8 0 1 0 12 20A8 8 0 0 0 20 12M22 12A10 10 0 1 1 12 2A10 10 0 0 1 22 12M15.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 14 9.5A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 15.5 8M10 9.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8.5 8A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 10 9.5M17 15H13A4 4 0 0 0 9.53 17L7.8 16A6 6 0 0 1 13 13H17Z",CW="M3.22,7.22C4.91,4.11 8.21,2 12,2C15.79,2 19.09,4.11 20.78,7.22L20,8H4L3.22,7.22M21.4,8.6C21.78,9.67 22,10.81 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,10.81 2.22,9.67 2.6,8.6L4,10H5C5,11.38 7.12,12.5 8.5,12.5C9.88,12.5 11.25,11.38 11.25,10H12.75C12.75,11.38 14.12,12.5 15.5,12.5C16.88,12.5 19,11.38 19,10H20L21.4,8.6M16.19,15.42L14.77,14C14.32,14.72 13.25,15.23 12,15.23C10.75,15.23 9.68,14.72 9.23,14L7.81,15.42C8.71,16.5 10.25,17.23 12,17.23C13.75,17.23 15.29,16.5 16.19,15.42Z",HW="M19,10C19,11.38 16.88,12.5 15.5,12.5C14.12,12.5 12.75,11.38 12.75,10H11.25C11.25,11.38 9.88,12.5 8.5,12.5C7.12,12.5 5,11.38 5,10H4.25C4.09,10.64 4,11.31 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,11.31 19.91,10.64 19.75,10H19M12,4C9.04,4 6.45,5.61 5.07,8H18.93C17.55,5.61 14.96,4 12,4M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",VW="M5.14,17.57C5.14,16.5 6.32,14.5 7.57,12.81C8.82,14.5 10,16.5 10,17.57A2.43,2.43 0 0,1 7.57,20C6.23,20 5.14,18.91 5.14,17.57M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C11.08,22 10.18,21.86 9.33,21.63C10.9,20.95 12,19.39 12,17.57C12,17.12 11.89,16.6 11.69,16C11.79,16 11.89,16 12,16C13.25,16 14.32,16.5 14.77,17.23L16.19,15.81C15.29,14.72 13.75,14 12,14C11.59,14 11.19,14.04 10.81,14.12C10.38,13.36 9.85,12.53 9.19,11.63L8.71,11C9.42,10.87 10,10.23 10,9.5C10,8.7 9.3,8 8.5,8C7.7,8 7,8.7 7,9.5C7,9.69 7.04,9.87 7.11,10.04L5.96,11.63C4.4,13.75 3.5,15.5 3.23,16.81C2.45,15.38 2,13.74 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M17,9.5C17,8.7 16.3,8 15.5,8C14.7,8 14,8.7 14,9.5C14,10.3 14.7,11 15.5,11C16.3,11 17,10.3 17,9.5Z",LW="M7.57,20C6.23,20 5.14,18.91 5.14,17.57C5.14,16.5 6.32,14.5 7.57,12.81C8.82,14.5 10,16.5 10,17.57A2.43,2.43 0 0,1 7.57,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,13.75 2.45,15.38 3.24,16.81C3.4,16 3.81,15.07 4.31,14.17C4.11,13.5 4,12.75 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20C11.76,20 11.53,20 11.29,19.96C10.82,20.7 10.14,21.28 9.34,21.63C10.19,21.87 11.08,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,14C11.59,14 11.19,14.04 10.81,14.12C11.16,14.75 11.47,15.4 11.69,16C11.79,16 11.89,16 12,16C13.25,16 14.32,16.5 14.77,17.23L16.19,15.81C15.29,14.72 13.75,14 12,14M15.5,8C14.7,8 14,8.7 14,9.5C14,10.3 14.7,11 15.5,11C16.3,11 17,10.3 17,9.5C17,8.7 16.3,8 15.5,8M10,9.5C10,8.7 9.3,8 8.5,8C7.7,8 7,8.7 7,9.5C7,10.3 7.7,11 8.5,11C9.3,11 10,10.3 10,9.5",MW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M6.76,8.82L7.82,7.76L8.88,8.82L9.94,7.76L11,8.82L9.94,9.88L11,10.94L9.94,12L8.88,10.94L7.82,12L6.76,10.94L7.82,9.88L6.76,8.82M6.89,17.5C7.69,15.46 9.67,14 12,14C14.33,14 16.31,15.46 17.11,17.5H6.89M17.24,10.94L16.18,12L15.12,10.94L14.06,12L13,10.94L14.06,9.88L13,8.82L14.06,7.76L15.12,8.82L16.18,7.76L17.24,8.82L16.18,9.88L17.24,10.94Z",AW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16.18,7.76L15.12,8.82L14.06,7.76L13,8.82L14.06,9.88L13,10.94L14.06,12L15.12,10.94L16.18,12L17.24,10.94L16.18,9.88L17.24,8.82L16.18,7.76M7.82,12L8.88,10.94L9.94,12L11,10.94L9.94,9.88L11,8.82L9.94,7.76L8.88,8.82L7.82,7.76L6.76,8.82L7.82,9.88L6.76,10.94L7.82,12M12,14C9.67,14 7.69,15.46 6.89,17.5H17.11C16.31,15.46 14.33,14 12,14Z",iW="M22.5,2.09C21.6,3 20.13,3.73 18.31,4.25C16.59,2.84 14.39,2 12,2C9.61,2 7.41,2.84 5.69,4.25C3.87,3.73 2.4,3 1.5,2.09C1.53,3.72 2.35,5.21 3.72,6.4C2.63,8 2,9.92 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.92 21.37,8 20.28,6.4C21.65,5.21 22.47,3.72 22.5,2.09M7.5,8.5L10.5,10C10.5,10.8 9.8,11.5 9,11.5C8.2,11.5 7.5,10.8 7.5,10V8.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M16.5,10C16.5,10.8 15.8,11.5 15,11.5C14.2,11.5 13.5,10.8 13.5,10L16.5,8.5V10Z",rW="M1.5,2.09C2.4,3 3.87,3.73 5.69,4.25C7.41,2.84 9.61,2 12,2C14.39,2 16.59,2.84 18.31,4.25C20.13,3.73 21.6,3 22.5,2.09C22.47,3.72 21.65,5.21 20.28,6.4C21.37,8 22,9.92 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,9.92 2.63,8 3.72,6.4C2.35,5.21 1.53,3.72 1.5,2.09M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M10.5,10C10.5,10.8 9.8,11.5 9,11.5C8.2,11.5 7.5,10.8 7.5,10V8.5L10.5,10M16.5,10C16.5,10.8 15.8,11.5 15,11.5C14.2,11.5 13.5,10.8 13.5,10L16.5,8.5V10M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",aW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M8.88,7.82L11,9.94L9.94,11L8.88,9.94L7.82,11L6.76,9.94L8.88,7.82M12,17.5C9.67,17.5 7.69,16.04 6.89,14H17.11C16.31,16.04 14.33,17.5 12,17.5M16.18,11L15.12,9.94L14.06,11L13,9.94L15.12,7.82L17.24,9.94L16.18,11Z",eW="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M13,9.94L14.06,11L15.12,9.94L16.18,11L17.24,9.94L15.12,7.82L13,9.94M8.88,9.94L9.94,11L11,9.94L8.88,7.82L6.76,9.94L7.82,11L8.88,9.94M12,17.5C14.33,17.5 16.31,16.04 17.11,14H6.89C7.69,16.04 9.67,17.5 12,17.5Z",dW="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5S16.33 11 15.5 11 14 10.33 14 9.5 14.67 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5S9.33 11 8.5 11 7 10.33 7 9.5 7.67 8 8.5 8M6.89 17C7.69 14.96 9.67 13.5 12 13.5S16.31 14.96 17.11 17H6.89Z",mW="M12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12S17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12S7.58 4 12 4 20 7.58 20 12 16.42 20 12 20M15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5S16.33 8 15.5 8 14 8.67 14 9.5 14.67 11 15.5 11M8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5S9.33 8 8.5 8 7 8.67 7 9.5 7.67 11 8.5 11M12 13.5C9.67 13.5 7.69 14.96 6.89 17H17.11C16.31 14.96 14.33 13.5 12 13.5Z",tW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11Z",vW="M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23Z",lW="M18.9,18.94L15.94,16C15.76,15.79 15.55,15.5 15.55,15.05A1.3,1.3 0 0,1 16.85,13.75C17.19,13.75 17.53,13.89 17.77,14.15L18.91,15.26L20.03,14.13C20.27,13.89 20.61,13.75 20.95,13.75A1.3,1.3 0 0,1 22.25,15.05C22.25,15.39 22.11,15.73 21.87,15.97L18.9,18.94M17.46,19.62C15.72,21.1 13.47,22 11,22A10,10 0 0,1 1,12A10,10 0 0,1 11,2A10,10 0 0,1 21,12C21,12.09 21,12.17 20.95,12.25C20.21,12.25 19.5,12.55 18.97,13.07L18.9,13.14L18.84,13.09C18.32,12.55 17.6,12.25 16.85,12.25A2.8,2.8 0 0,0 14.05,15.05C14.05,15.78 14.34,16.5 14.87,17.03L17.46,19.62M13,9.5C13,10.3 13.7,11 14.5,11C15.3,11 16,10.3 16,9.5C16,8.7 15.3,8 14.5,8C13.7,8 13,8.7 13,9.5M9,9.5C9,8.7 8.3,8 7.5,8C6.7,8 6,8.7 6,9.5C6,10.3 6.7,11 7.5,11C8.3,11 9,10.3 9,9.5M12.94,15.18L14,14.12L11.88,12L10.82,13.06L11.88,14.12L10.82,15.18L11.88,16.24L10.82,17.3L11.88,18.36L14,16.24L12.94,15.18Z",oW="M9,9.5C9,10.3 8.3,11 7.5,11C6.7,11 6,10.3 6,9.5C6,8.7 6.7,8 7.5,8C8.3,8 9,8.7 9,9.5M16,9.5C16,10.3 15.3,11 14.5,11C13.7,11 13,10.3 13,9.5C13,8.7 13.7,8 14.5,8C15.3,8 16,8.7 16,9.5M14,14.12L11.88,12L10.82,13.06L11.88,14.12L10.82,15.18L11.88,16.24L10.82,17.3L11.88,18.36L14,16.24L12.94,15.18L14,14.12M16.85,13A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 14.8,15.05C14.8,15.62 15.03,16.12 15.4,16.5L18.9,20L22.4,16.5C22.77,16.13 23,15.61 23,15.05A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 20.95,13C20.4,13 19.87,13.23 19.5,13.6L18.9,14.2L18.3,13.61C17.93,13.23 17.4,13 16.85,13M15,18.92C13.82,19.6 12.46,20 11,20A8,8 0 0,1 3,12A8,8 0 0,1 11,4C15.26,4 18.73,7.33 19,11.5C19.58,11.19 20.26,11 20.95,11C20.45,5.95 16.18,2 11,2A10,10 0 0,0 1,12A10,10 0 0,0 11,22C13,22 14.88,21.4 16.45,20.38L15,18.92Z",nW="M15.07 8.93V4.93A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 15.73 2.72A10 10 0 0 0 2.73 15.72A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 4.94 15.06H8.94V19.06A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 8.28 21.27A10 10 0 0 0 21.28 8.27A4.06 4.06 0 0 1 19.07 8.93M11 6H12.5V7.5H14V9H11M7.5 14V12.5H6V11H9V14M15.89 15.9A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 9.8 17L17 9.8A5.5 5.5 0 0 1 15.89 15.89M4.89 21.08A2 2 0 0 1 2.89 19.08A2 2 0 0 1 4.89 17.08H6.89V19.08A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 21.07M19.07 2.93A2 2 0 0 1 21.07 4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 6.93H17.07V4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 2.93Z",ZW="M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M6.34 6.34A8 8 0 0 1 15.08 4.62A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 15.73 2.72A10 10 0 0 0 2.73 15.72A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 4.63 15.07A8 8 0 0 1 6.34 6.34M17.66 17.66A8 8 0 0 1 8.92 19.38A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 8.27 21.28A10 10 0 0 0 21.27 8.28A4.11 4.11 0 0 1 19.37 8.93A8 8 0 0 1 17.66 17.66M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M6 11V12.5H7.5V14H9V11M12.5 6H11V9H14V7.5H12.5M9.8 17A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 17 9.8M4.93 21A2 2 0 0 1 2.93 19A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 17H6.93V19A2 2 0 0 1 4.93 21.07M19.07 2.93A2 2 0 0 1 21.07 4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 6.93H17.07V4.93A2 2 0 0 1 19.07 2.93Z",SW="M15 18H23V20H15V18M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 10.33 7.67 11 8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5C10 8.67 9.33 8 8.5 8Z",uW="M15 18H23V20H15V18M12 17.5C9.67 17.5 7.69 16.04 6.89 14H15.69C14.5 14.78 13.62 15.97 13.23 17.36C12.83 17.45 12.42 17.5 12 17.5M8.5 11C7.67 11 7 10.33 7 9.5C7 8.67 7.67 8 8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5C10 10.33 9.33 11 8.5 11M15.5 11C14.67 11 14 10.33 14 9.5C14 8.67 14.67 8 15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5C17 10.33 16.33 11 15.5 11M12 20L13.07 19.93C13.18 20.61 13.4 21.26 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.58 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21.26 13.4 20.62 13.18 19.93 13.07L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20Z",cW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5M16,16H8V14H16V16M15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11Z",sW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,11M17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,9.5M16,14V16H8V14H16Z",OW="M12,17.5C14.33,17.5 16.3,16.04 17.11,14H6.89C7.69,16.04 9.67,17.5 12,17.5M8.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,11M15.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,11M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",hW="M15 18H18V15H20V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 10.33 7.67 11 8.5 11C9.33 11 10 10.33 10 9.5C10 8.67 9.33 8 8.5 8Z",pW="M15 18H18V15H20V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18M12 17.5C9.67 17.5 7.69 16.04 6.89 14H15.69C14.5 14.78 13.62 15.97 13.23 17.36C12.83 17.45 12.42 17.5 12 17.5M8.5 11C7.67 11 7 10.33 7 9.5C7 8.67 7.67 8 8.5 8C9.33 8 10 8.67 10 9.5C10 10.33 9.33 11 8.5 11M15.5 11C14.67 11 14 10.33 14 9.5C14 8.67 14.67 8 15.5 8C16.33 8 17 8.67 17 9.5C17 10.33 16.33 11 15.5 11M12 20L13.07 19.93C13.18 20.61 13.4 21.26 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.58 22 12 22C6.47 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21.26 13.4 20.62 13.18 19.93 13.07L20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20Z",fW="M11.36,2C11.15,2 10.87,2.12 10.57,2.32C10,2.7 8.85,3.9 8.4,5.1C8.06,6 8.05,6.82 8.19,7.43C7.63,7.53 7.22,7.71 7.06,7.78C6.55,8 5.47,8.96 5.37,10.45C5.34,10.97 5.41,11.5 5.57,12C4.91,12.19 4.53,12.43 4.5,12.44C4.18,12.56 3.65,12.93 3.5,13.13C3.15,13.53 2.92,14 2.79,14.5C2.5,15.59 2.6,16.83 3.13,17.83C3.42,18.39 3.82,19 4.26,19.43C5.7,20.91 8.18,21.47 10.14,21.79C12.53,22.19 15.03,22.05 17.26,21.13C20.61,19.74 21.5,17.5 21.64,16.89C21.93,15.5 21.57,14.19 21.42,13.87C21.2,13.41 20.84,12.94 20.25,12.64C19.85,12.39 19.5,12.26 19.24,12.2C19.5,11.25 19.13,10.5 18.62,9.94C17.85,9.12 17.06,9 17.06,9V9C17.32,8.5 17.42,7.9 17.28,7.32C17.12,6.61 16.73,6.16 16.22,5.86C15.7,5.55 15.06,5.4 14.4,5.28C14.08,5.22 12.75,5.03 12.2,4.27C11.75,3.65 11.74,2.53 11.62,2.2C11.57,2.07 11.5,2 11.36,2M16,9.61C16.07,9.61 16.13,9.62 16.19,9.62C17.62,9.78 18.64,11.16 18.47,12.69C18.3,14.22 17,15.34 15.57,15.18V15.18C14.14,15 13.12,13.65 13.29,12.11C13.45,10.66 14.64,9.56 16,9.61M8.62,9.61C9.95,9.65 11.06,10.78 11.16,12.21C11.28,13.75 10.21,15.08 8.78,15.19H8.77C7.34,15.3 6.08,14.14 5.96,12.6V12.6C5.85,11.06 6.92,9.73 8.35,9.62V9.62C8.44,9.61 8.53,9.61 8.62,9.61M8.64,11.31C8.6,11.31 8.57,11.31 8.53,11.32C7.97,11.39 7.57,11.9 7.64,12.45C7.7,13 8.21,13.39 8.77,13.32C9.33,13.25 9.73,12.74 9.67,12.19C9.61,11.67 9.15,11.3 8.64,11.31M15.94,11.33C15.42,11.35 15,11.75 14.96,12.28C14.92,12.83 15.35,13.31 15.91,13.34C16.5,13.38 16.96,12.95 17,12.4C17.04,11.84 16.61,11.36 16.05,11.33C16,11.33 16,11.33 15.94,11.33M8.71,16.15C9,16.14 9.26,16.23 9.5,16.28C10.68,16.5 11.7,16.53 12.19,16.53C12.68,16.53 13.69,16.5 14.86,16.28C15.27,16.2 15.74,16.03 16.11,16.28C16.59,16.6 16.24,17.75 15.5,18.53C15.04,19 13.97,19.91 12.19,19.91C10.41,19.91 9.33,19 8.88,18.53C8.14,17.75 7.79,16.6 8.26,16.28C8.4,16.19 8.55,16.15 8.71,16.15Z",gW="M21.42,13.87C21.2,13.41 20.84,12.94 20.25,12.64C19.85,12.39 19.5,12.26 19.24,12.2C19.5,11.25 19.13,10.5 18.62,9.94C17.85,9.12 17.06,9 17.06,9C17.32,8.5 17.42,7.9 17.28,7.32C17.12,6.61 16.73,6.16 16.22,5.86C15.7,5.55 15.06,5.4 14.4,5.28C14.08,5.22 12.75,5.03 12.2,4.27C11.75,3.65 11.74,2.53 11.62,2.2C11.57,2.07 11.5,2 11.36,2C11.15,2 10.87,2.12 10.57,2.32C10,2.7 8.85,3.9 8.4,5.1C8.06,6 8.05,6.82 8.19,7.43C7.63,7.53 7.22,7.71 7.06,7.78C6.55,8 5.47,8.96 5.37,10.45C5.34,10.89 5.41,11.34 5.5,11.78C5.5,11.86 5.5,11.94 5.5,12.03C4.88,12.22 4.53,12.43 4.5,12.44C4.18,12.56 3.65,12.93 3.5,13.13C3.15,13.53 2.92,14 2.79,14.5C2.5,15.59 2.6,16.83 3.13,17.83C3.42,18.39 3.82,19 4.26,19.43C5.7,20.91 8.18,21.47 10.14,21.79C10.96,21.93 11.8,22 12.63,22C14.22,22 15.8,21.73 17.26,21.13C20.61,19.74 21.5,17.5 21.64,16.89C21.93,15.5 21.57,14.19 21.42,13.87M16.05,11.33C16.61,11.36 17.04,11.84 17,12.4C16.96,12.95 16.5,13.38 15.91,13.34C15.35,13.31 14.92,12.83 14.96,12.28C15,11.75 15.42,11.35 15.94,11.33C16,11.33 16,11.33 16.05,11.33M20.18,16.55C20.17,16.57 19.7,18.5 16.69,19.74C15.47,20.25 14.1,20.5 12.63,20.5C11.9,20.5 11.14,20.44 10.38,20.31C8.76,20.05 6.5,19.56 5.31,18.36C5.04,18.09 4.72,17.63 4.46,17.13C4.12,16.5 4.04,15.65 4.24,14.88C4.32,14.58 4.45,14.32 4.63,14.12L4.65,14.09C4.74,14 4.95,13.88 5.03,13.84V13.84L5.14,13.8L5.26,13.74C5.32,13.7 5.46,13.63 5.67,13.55C6.13,14.81 7.28,15.7 8.59,15.7C8.67,15.7 8.74,15.69 8.82,15.69C9.65,15.63 10.41,15.22 10.94,14.55C11.47,13.89 11.73,13.04 11.66,12.17C11.54,10.5 10.22,9.16 8.64,9.11H8.62C8.5,9.11 8.4,9.11 8.31,9.12C8,9.15 7.73,9.23 7.46,9.34C7.55,9.24 7.63,9.17 7.66,9.15C7.79,9.1 8.07,9 8.45,8.91L10,8.63L9.65,7.09C9.61,6.9 9.53,6.35 9.81,5.63C9.96,5.2 10.27,4.76 10.58,4.38C10.68,4.65 10.81,4.91 11,5.15C11.77,6.23 13.12,6.58 14.06,6.74L14.13,6.76C14.6,6.84 15.13,6.95 15.46,7.15C15.67,7.28 15.76,7.41 15.82,7.67C15.87,7.87 15.84,8.1 15.73,8.31L15.21,9.2C13.95,9.5 12.95,10.64 12.79,12.06C12.59,13.87 13.78,15.46 15.5,15.68C15.62,15.69 15.74,15.7 15.85,15.7C16.56,15.7 17.25,15.44 17.82,14.95C18.23,14.59 18.54,14.13 18.74,13.62L18.9,13.66C19,13.68 19.17,13.74 19.45,13.91L19.5,13.95L19.57,14C19.78,14.08 19.94,14.26 20.05,14.5C20.13,14.67 20.38,15.6 20.18,16.55M7.64,12.45C7.57,11.9 7.97,11.39 8.53,11.32C8.57,11.31 8.6,11.31 8.64,11.31C9.15,11.3 9.61,11.67 9.67,12.19C9.73,12.74 9.33,13.25 8.77,13.32C8.21,13.39 7.7,13 7.64,12.45M8.71,16.15C9,16.14 9.26,16.23 9.5,16.28C10.68,16.5 11.7,16.53 12.19,16.53C12.68,16.53 13.69,16.5 14.86,16.28C15.27,16.2 15.74,16.03 16.11,16.28C16.59,16.6 16.24,17.75 15.5,18.53C15.04,19 13.97,19.91 12.19,19.91C10.41,19.91 9.33,19 8.88,18.53C8.14,17.75 7.79,16.6 8.26,16.28C8.4,16.19 8.55,16.15 8.71,16.15Z",kW="M16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.46M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 12.59 21.95 13.16 21.85 13.72C21 13.26 20.03 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.63 13.37 15.68 14H6.89C7.69 16.04 9.67 17.5 12 17.5C12.42 17.5 12.83 17.45 13.23 17.36C13.08 17.88 13 18.43 13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.72 21.85C13.16 21.95 12.59 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.47 2 12 2M15.5 8C14.67 8 14 8.67 14 9.5C14 10.33 14.67 11 15.5 11C16.33 11 17 10.33 17 9.5C17 8.67 16.33 8 15.5 8M8.5 8C7.67 8 7 8.67 7 9.5C7 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12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23M15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11Z",wW="M20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M15.5,8C16.3,8 17,8.7 17,9.5C17,10.3 16.3,11 15.5,11C14.7,11 14,10.3 14,9.5C14,8.7 14.7,8 15.5,8M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M12,14C13.75,14 15.29,14.72 16.19,15.81L14.77,17.23C14.32,16.5 13.25,16 12,16C10.75,16 9.68,16.5 9.23,17.23L7.81,15.81C8.71,14.72 10.25,14 12,14Z",FW="M21 9C19.9 9 19 8.1 19 7S21 3 21 3 23 5.9 23 7 22.1 9 21 9M17.5 7C17.5 6.27 17.91 5.29 18.42 4.34C16.68 2.88 14.44 2 12 2C6.47 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.47 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 11.45 21.94 10.91 21.86 10.38C21.58 10.45 21.3 10.5 21 10.5C19.07 10.5 17.5 8.93 17.5 7M15.62 7.38L16.68 8.44L15.62 9.5L16.68 10.56L15.62 11.62L13.5 9.5L15.62 7.38M7.32 8.44L8.38 7.38L10.5 9.5L8.38 11.62L7.32 10.56L8.38 9.5L7.32 8.44M15.44 17C14.75 15.81 13.47 15 12 15S9.25 15.81 8.56 17H6.88C7.18 16.24 7.64 15.57 8.22 15L5.24 13.3C4.79 13.56 4.23 13.58 3.75 13.3C3.03 12.89 2.79 11.97 3.2 11.25S4.53 10.29 5.25 10.7C5.73 11 6 11.5 6 12L9.57 14.06C10.3 13.7 11.12 13.5 12 13.5C14.33 13.5 16.32 14.95 17.12 17H15.44Z",TW="M7.32 10.56L8.38 9.5L7.32 8.44L8.38 7.38L10.5 9.5L8.38 11.62L7.32 10.56M4.5 9C4.53 9 4.55 9 4.58 9C5.77 6.07 8.64 4 12 4C14.19 4 16.16 4.88 17.61 6.3C17.76 5.7 18.06 5 18.42 4.34C16.68 2.88 14.44 2 12 2C7.11 2 3.05 5.5 2.18 10.14C2.74 9.44 3.59 9 4.5 9M21 10.5C20.58 10.5 20.18 10.41 19.81 10.28C19.93 10.83 20 11.41 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20C8.64 20 5.77 17.93 4.58 15C4.55 15 4.53 15 4.5 15C4 15 3.46 14.86 3 14.6C2.68 14.42 2.41 14.18 2.18 13.9C3.07 18.5 7.11 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 11.45 21.94 10.91 21.86 10.38C21.58 10.45 21.3 10.5 21 10.5M21 3C21 3 19 5.9 19 7S19.9 9 21 9 23 8.1 23 7 21 3 21 3M15.62 7.38L13.5 9.5L15.62 11.62L16.68 10.56L15.62 9.5L16.68 8.44L15.62 7.38M8.56 17C9.25 15.81 10.53 15 12 15S14.75 15.81 15.44 17H17.12C16.32 14.95 14.33 13.5 12 13.5C11.13 13.5 10.3 13.7 9.57 14.07L6 12C6 11.5 5.73 11 5.25 10.71C4.53 10.3 3.62 10.54 3.2 11.26C2.79 12 3.03 12.89 3.75 13.31C4.23 13.59 4.8 13.56 5.24 13.31L8.21 15.03C7.64 15.56 7.18 16.24 6.88 17H8.56Z",bW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7.27,11C7.1,10.71 7,10.36 7,10C7,8.89 7.89,8 9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10C11,10.36 10.9,10.71 10.73,11C10.39,10.4 9.74,10 9,10C8.26,10 7.61,10.4 7.27,11M16,15H15C15,17 14.1,18 13,18C11.9,18 11,17 11,15H8V13H16V15M16.73,11C16.39,10.4 15.74,10 15,10C14.26,10 13.61,10.4 13.27,11C13.1,10.71 13,10.36 13,10C13,8.89 13.89,8 15,8A2,2 0 0,1 17,10C17,10.36 16.9,10.71 16.73,11Z",yW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M9,10C8.26,10 7.61,10.4 7.27,11C7.1,10.71 7,10.36 7,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,8C10.11,8 11,8.9 11,10C11,10.36 10.9,10.71 10.73,11C10.39,10.4 9.74,10 9,10M17,10C17,10.36 16.9,10.71 16.73,11C16.39,10.4 15.74,10 15,10C14.26,10 13.61,10.4 13.27,11C13.1,10.71 13,10.36 13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,8C16.11,8 17,8.9 17,10M16,13V15H15C15,17 14.1,18 13,18C11.9,18 11,17 11,15H8V13H16Z",RW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M17,10H13V9H17V10Z",xW="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M10,9.5C10,10.3 9.3,11 8.5,11C7.7,11 7,10.3 7,9.5C7,8.7 7.7,8 8.5,8C9.3,8 10,8.7 10,9.5M12,17.23C10.25,17.23 8.71,16.5 7.81,15.42L9.23,14C9.68,14.72 10.75,15.23 12,15.23C13.25,15.23 14.32,14.72 14.77,14L16.19,15.42C15.29,16.5 13.75,17.23 12,17.23M17,10H13V9H17V10Z",DW="M7,4V6H10V8H7L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V16H20V19H23V9H20V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7Z",EW="M3.78,2.5L21.5,20.22L20.23,21.5L18,19.27V20H10L8,18H5V15H3V18H1V10H3V13H5V10L6.87,8.14L2.5,3.77L3.78,2.5M20,9V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7.82L22.82,19H23V9H20Z",NW="M2.5,3.77L6.87,8.14L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V19.27L21.23,22.5L22.5,21.22L3.78,2.5L2.5,3.77M16,18H11L9,16H7V11L8,10H8.73L16,17.27V18M23,9V19H22.82L16,12.18V10H13.82L7.82,4H15V6H12V8H18V12H20V9H23Z",WW="M8,10H16V18H11L9,16H7V11M7,4V6H10V8H7L5,10V13H3V10H1V18H3V15H5V18H8L10,20H18V16H20V19H23V9H20V12H18V8H12V6H15V4H7Z",IW="M15.05 7.78L16.15 6.18C16.15 6.18 14.91 5 12.77 5C10.04 5 8.35 6.84 8.35 8.76C8.35 10.68 10.08 11.69 10.08 11.69C10.08 11.69 8 12.38 8 15C8 17.63 10.14 19 12.44 19C15.38 19 17 17.04 17 17.04L15.6 15.5C15.6 15.5 14.14 16.87 12.59 16.87C10.66 16.87 10.21 15.69 10.21 14.92C10.21 13.87 10.54 12.65 13.83 12.65L13.82 10.77C13.82 10.77 10.44 11.11 10.44 8.78C10.44 7.21 11.9 6.92 12.64 6.92C14.28 6.92 15.05 7.78 15.05 7.78",GW="M19,10H5V8H19V10M19,16H5V14H19V16Z",QW="M17,16V14H7V16H17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M17,10V8H7V10H17Z",UW="M10,20H14V4H10V20M4,20H8V12H4V20M16,9V20H20V9H16Z",zW="M15,21H9V3H15V21M11,19H13V5H11V19M8,21H2V11H8V21M4,19H6V13H4V19M22,21H16V8H22V21M18,19H20V10H18V19Z",_W="M16.24,3.56L21.19,8.5C21.97,9.29 21.97,10.55 21.19,11.34L12,20.53C10.44,22.09 7.91,22.09 6.34,20.53L2.81,17C2.03,16.21 2.03,14.95 2.81,14.16L13.41,3.56C14.2,2.78 15.46,2.78 16.24,3.56M4.22,15.58L7.76,19.11C8.54,19.9 9.8,19.9 10.59,19.11L14.12,15.58L9.17,10.63L4.22,15.58Z",KW="M15.14,3C14.63,3 14.12,3.2 13.73,3.59L2.59,14.73C1.81,15.5 1.81,16.77 2.59,17.56L5.03,20H12.69L21.41,11.27C22.2,10.5 22.2,9.23 21.41,8.44L16.56,3.59C16.17,3.2 15.65,3 15.14,3M17,18L15,20H22V18",jW="M20,8H18.95L6.95,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18A2,2 0 0,1 4,16H5.29L7,14.29V10A1,1 0 0,1 8,9H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,10V11.29L17.29,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6A2,2 0 0,1 20,8M8.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,5Z",qW="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M14.34 6H17.05C18.16 6 19.05 6.9 19.05 8C19.05 9.11 18.16 10 17.05 10H16L10 18H7.05C5.95 18 5.05 17.11 5.05 16C5.05 14.9 5.95 14 7.05 14H8.34L14.34 6Z",$W="M20 8H18.95L6.95 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18C2 16.9 2.9 16 4 16H5.29L7 14.29V10C7 9.45 7.45 9 8 9H9C9.55 9 10 9.45 10 10V11.29L17.29 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6C22 7.11 21.11 8 20 8M8.5 5C9.33 5 10 5.67 10 6.5C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5M14.83 17.34L20.34 11.83L22.17 13.66L16.66 19.17L18.5 21H13V15.5L14.83 17.34Z",XW="M20 8H18.95L6.95 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18C2 16.9 2.9 16 4 16H5.29L7 14.29V10C7 9.45 7.45 9 8 9H9C9.55 9 10 9.45 10 10V11.29L17.29 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6C22 7.11 21.11 8 20 8M8.5 5C9.33 5 10 5.67 10 6.5C10 7.33 9.33 8 8.5 8C7.67 8 7 7.33 7 6.5C7 5.67 7.67 5 8.5 5M20.17 15.66L14.66 21.17L12.83 19.34L18.34 13.83L16.5 12H22V17.5L20.17 15.66Z",YW="M7.95,9.55L11.84,7.3C11.94,7.25 12.06,7.25 12.16,7.3L16.05,9.55C16.15,9.61 16.21,9.71 16.21,9.82V14.32C16.21,14.43 16.15,14.53 16.05,14.59L12.16,16.84C12.06,16.89 11.94,16.89 11.84,16.84L7.95,14.59C7.85,14.53 7.79,14.43 7.79,14.32V9.82C7.79,9.71 7.85,9.61 7.95,9.55M22.12,11.6C22.29,11.89 22.29,12.23 22.12,12.53L17.47,20.56C17.3,20.86 17,21 16.65,21H7.35C7,21 6.7,20.85 6.53,20.56L1.88,12.53C1.71,12.24 1.71,11.87 1.88,11.58L6.53,3.5C6.7,3.22 7,3 7.35,3H16.65C17,3 17.3,3.22 17.47,3.5L22.12,11.6M18.27,15.5V8.65C18.27,8.53 18.2,8.42 18.09,8.36L12.16,4.95C12.06,4.89 11.93,4.89 11.83,4.95L5.91,8.36C5.8,8.42 5.73,8.53 5.73,8.65V15.5C5.73,15.61 5.8,15.72 5.91,15.78L11.84,19.19C11.94,19.25 12.07,19.25 12.17,19.19L18.09,15.78C18.2,15.72 18.27,15.61 18.27,15.5Z",JW="M23,8.78L21.71,7.22C21.45,7.42 20.53,8 19.77,8C19.26,8 18.3,7.75 17.45,7.53C16.39,7.26 15.39,7 14.6,7C14,7 13.43,7.15 12.93,7.35C12.62,5.45 11,4 9,4C4.58,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,16.42 5.58,19 10,19C12.06,19 13.93,18.43 15.34,17.39L15,21.29L17,21.47L18,9.74C18.66,9.89 19.27,10 19.77,10C21.38,10 22.84,8.91 23,8.78M9,6A2,2 0 0,1 11,8A2,2 0 0,1 9,10H4.23C4.8,7.67 6.39,6 9,6M10,17C6.69,17 4,15.31 4,12H9C10.6,12 11.83,11.17 12.5,9.91V9.91C12.76,9.71 13.85,9 14.6,9C14.94,9 15.5,9.11 16.05,9.25L15.65,13.89C14.82,15.95 12.6,17 10,17Z",CI="M12,1.75L5.75,12.25L12,16L18.25,12.25L12,1.75M5.75,13.5L12,22.25L18.25,13.5L12,17.25L5.75,13.5Z",HI="M7,15H9V18H11V15H13V18H15V15H17V18H19V9H15V6H9V9H5V18H7V15M4.38,3H19.63C20.94,3 22,4.06 22,5.38V19.63A2.37,2.37 0 0,1 19.63,22H4.38C3.06,22 2,20.94 2,19.63V5.38C2,4.06 3.06,3 4.38,3Z",VI="M11,3V7H13V3H11M8,4V11H16V4H14V8H10V4H8M10,12V22H14V12H10Z",LI="M11,3H13V7H11V3M8,4H10V8H14V4H16V11H12.82L8,6.18V4M20,20.72L18.73,22L14,17.27V22H10V13.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72Z",MI="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.32 4.21C2.12 4.56 2 4.95 2 5.38V19.63C2 20.94 3.06 22 4.38 22H19.63C19.78 22 19.92 22 20.07 21.96L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M15 18H13V15H11V18H9V15H7V18H5V9H7.11L15 16.89V18M9.2 6L6.2 3H19.63C20.94 3 22 4.06 22 5.38V18.8L19 15.8V9H15V6H9.2Z",AI="M7.5 20C7.5 20.8 6.8 21.5 6 21.5S4.5 20.8 4.5 20 5.2 18.5 6 18.5 7.5 19.2 7.5 20M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 19.2 16.5 20S17.2 21.5 18 21.5 19.5 20.8 19.5 20 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M22 20C22 22.2 20.2 24 18 24H6C3.8 24 2 22.2 2 20S3.8 16 6 16H6.3C4.3 14.4 3 11.8 3 9C3 4 7 0 12 0S21 4 21 9C21 11.8 19.7 14.4 17.7 16H18C20.2 16 22 17.8 22 20M12 16C15.9 16 19 12.9 19 9S15.9 2 12 2 5 5.1 5 9 8.1 16 12 16M20 20C20 18.9 19.1 18 18 18H6C4.9 18 4 18.9 4 20S4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20M12.9 6.3C12.9 5.3 13.7 4.5 14.7 4.5S16.5 5.3 16.5 6.3 15.7 8.1 14.7 8.1 12.9 7.3 12.9 6.3M7.5 6.3C7.5 5.3 8.3 4.5 9.3 4.5S11.1 5.3 11.1 6.3 10.3 8.1 9.3 8.1 7.5 7.3 7.5 6.3M9.3 10.2C9.3 10.8 8.8 11.3 8.2 11.3C7.6 11.3 7.1 10.8 7.1 10.2S7.5 9 8.1 9C8.8 9 9.3 9.6 9.3 10.2M13.8 12.7C13.8 13.7 13 14.5 12 14.5S10.2 13.7 10.2 12.7 11 10.9 12 10.9 13.8 11.7 13.8 12.7M17 10.2C17 10.8 16.5 11.3 15.9 11.3C15.3 11.3 14.8 10.8 14.8 10.2S15.2 9 15.9 9C16.5 9 17 9.6 17 10.2",iI="M7.5 19C7.5 19.8 6.8 20.5 6 20.5S4.5 19.8 4.5 19 5.2 17.5 6 17.5 7.5 18.2 7.5 19M18 17.5C17.2 17.5 16.5 18.2 16.5 19S17.2 20.5 18 20.5 19.5 19.8 19.5 19 18.8 17.5 18 17.5M18 15H17.7C19.7 13.4 21 10.8 21 8S19.7 2.6 17.7 1H6.3C4.3 2.6 3 5.2 3 8S4.3 13.4 6.3 15H6C3.8 15 2 16.8 2 19S3.8 23 6 23H18C20.2 23 22 21.2 22 19S20.2 15 18 15M5 8C5 6.1 5.8 4.3 7.1 3H16.9C18.2 4.3 19 6.1 19 8C19 11.9 15.9 15 12 15S5 11.9 5 8M18 21H6C4.9 21 4 20.1 4 19S4.9 17 6 17H18C19.1 17 20 17.9 20 19S19.1 21 18 21M12.9 5.3C12.9 6 13.5 6.6 14.2 6.6C14.9 6.6 15.5 6 15.5 5.3S14.9 4 14.1 4C13.4 4 12.9 4.6 12.9 5.3M8.6 5.3C8.6 6 9.2 6.6 9.9 6.6C10.6 6.6 11.2 6 11.2 5.3S10.6 4 9.9 4C9.1 4 8.6 4.6 8.6 5.3M7.7 10C8.7 10 9.4 9.2 9.4 8.3C9.4 7.4 8.6 6.6 7.7 6.6S6 7.3 6 8.3C6 9.2 6.8 10 7.7 10M11.6 11.7C11.6 10.8 10.8 10 9.9 10C8.9 10 8.2 10.8 8.2 11.7C8.2 12.7 9 13.4 9.9 13.4C10.8 13.4 11.6 12.7 11.6 11.7M12 10C13 10 13.7 9.2 13.7 8.3C13.7 7.4 12.9 6.6 12 6.6S10.3 7.4 10.3 8.3C10.3 9.2 11.1 10 12 10M15.9 11.7C15.9 10.8 15.1 10 14.2 10C13.2 10 12.5 10.8 12.5 11.7C12.5 12.7 13.3 13.4 14.2 13.4C15.1 13.4 15.9 12.7 15.9 11.7M18 8.3C18 7.4 17.2 6.6 16.3 6.6C15.3 6.6 14.6 7.4 14.6 8.3C14.6 9.3 15.4 10 16.3 10C17.2 10 18 9.2 18 8.3",rI="M7.5 9.5C6.1 9.5 5 10.6 5 12S6.1 14.5 7.5 14.5 10 13.4 10 12 8.9 9.5 7.5 9.5M16.5 9.5C15.1 9.5 14 10.6 14 12S15.1 14.5 16.5 14.5 19 13.4 19 12 17.9 9.5 16.5 9.5M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 5C10.6 5 9.5 6.1 9.5 7.5S10.6 10 12 10 14.5 8.9 14.5 7.5 13.4 5 12 5M13.5 7.5C13.5 7.7 13.4 7.9 13.3 8.1L12.7 7.5L13.3 6.9C13.4 7.1 13.5 7.3 13.5 7.5M12.6 6.2L12 6.8L11.4 6.2C11.6 6.1 11.8 6 12 6S12.4 6.1 12.6 6.2M10.7 8.1C10.6 7.9 10.5 7.7 10.5 7.5S10.6 7.1 10.7 6.9L11.3 7.5L10.7 8.1M11.4 8.8L12 8.2L12.6 8.8C12.4 8.9 12.2 9 12 9S11.6 8.9 11.4 8.8M12 14C10.6 14 9.5 15.1 9.5 16.5S10.6 19 12 19 14.5 17.9 14.5 16.5 13.4 14 12 14M13.5 16.5C13.5 16.7 13.4 16.9 13.3 17.1L12.7 16.5L13.3 15.9C13.4 16.1 13.5 16.3 13.5 16.5M12.6 15.2L12 15.8L11.4 15.2C11.6 15.1 11.8 15 12 15S12.4 15.1 12.6 15.2M10.7 17.1C10.6 16.9 10.5 16.7 10.5 16.5S10.6 16.1 10.7 15.9L11.3 16.5L10.7 17.1M11.4 17.8L12 17.2L12.6 17.8C12.4 17.9 12.2 18 12 18S11.6 17.9 11.4 17.8Z",aI="M6 9C6 8.45 6.45 8 7 8S8 8.45 8 9 7.55 10 7 10 6 9.55 6 9M17 10C17.55 10 18 9.55 18 9S17.55 8 17 8 16 8.45 16 9 16.45 10 17 10M22 9.93V11C22 15.97 17.97 20 13 20H11C6.03 20 2 16 2 11V9.93C2 6.65 4.65 4 7.93 4H16.07C19.35 4 22 6.65 22 9.93M14.5 9C14.5 10.38 15.62 11.5 17 11.5S19.5 10.38 19.5 9 18.38 6.5 17 6.5 14.5 7.62 14.5 9M4.5 9C4.5 10.38 5.62 11.5 7 11.5S9.5 10.38 9.5 9 8.38 6.5 7 6.5 4.5 7.62 4.5 9M9 17C9 16.45 8.55 16 8 16S7 16.45 7 17 7.45 18 8 18 9 17.55 9 17M13.5 17C13.5 16.17 12.83 15.5 12 15.5S10.5 16.17 10.5 17 11.17 18.5 12 18.5 13.5 17.83 13.5 17M17 17C17 16.45 16.55 16 16 16S15 16.45 15 17 15.45 18 16 18 17 17.55 17 17M19.97 11.66C19.23 12.5 18.18 13 17 13C14.79 13 13 11.21 13 9C13 7.8 13.54 6.73 14.38 6H9.62C10.46 6.73 11 7.8 11 9C11 11.21 9.21 13 7 13C5.82 13 4.76 12.5 4.03 11.66C4.19 13.32 4.93 14.82 6.04 15.94C7.71 14.73 9.76 14 12 14C14.24 14 16.29 14.73 17.96 15.94C19.07 14.82 19.81 13.32 19.97 11.66Z",eI="M13 9C13 10.1 13.9 11 15 11S17 10.1 17 9 16.1 7 15 7 13 7.9 13 9M7 9C7 10.1 7.9 11 9 11S11 10.1 11 9 10.1 7 9 7 7 7.9 7 9M9 13.2C9 12.6 8.4 12 7.8 12S6.6 12.6 6.6 13.2 7.2 14.4 7.8 14.4 9 13.9 9 13.2M14 16C14 14.9 13.1 14 12 14S10 14.9 10 16 10.9 18 12 18 14 17.1 14 16M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M17.5 13.2C17.5 12.5 16.9 12 16.3 12C15.6 12 15.1 12.6 15.1 13.2S15.7 14.4 16.3 14.4C16.9 14.5 17.5 13.9 17.5 13.2",dI="M17.3 5C19 6.5 20 8.6 20 11C20 15.4 16.4 19 12 19S4 15.4 4 11C4 8.6 5.1 6.5 6.7 5H17.3M18 3H6L5.4 3.5C3.2 5.4 2 8.1 2 11C2 16.5 6.5 21 12 21S22 16.5 22 11C22 8.1 20.8 5.4 18.6 3.5L18 3M13 7.5C13 8.3 13.7 9 14.5 9S16 8.3 16 7.5 15.3 6 14.5 6 13 6.7 13 7.5M8 7.5C8 8.3 8.7 9 9.5 9S11 8.3 11 7.5 10.3 6 9.5 6 8 6.7 8 7.5M7 13C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11C9 9.9 8.1 9 7 9S5 9.9 5 11C5 12.1 5.9 13 7 13M11.5 15C11.5 13.9 10.6 13 9.5 13S7.5 13.9 7.5 15C7.5 16.1 8.4 17 9.5 17S11.5 16.1 11.5 15M12 13C13.1 13 14 12.1 14 11C14 9.9 13.1 9 12 9S10 9.9 10 11C10 12.1 10.9 13 12 13M16.5 15C16.5 13.9 15.6 13 14.5 13S12.5 13.9 12.5 15C12.5 16.1 13.4 17 14.5 17S16.5 16.1 16.5 15M19 11C19 9.9 18.1 9 17 9S15 9.9 15 11C15 12.1 15.9 13 17 13S19 12.1 19 11",mI="M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7.03 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14A2,2 0 0,0 15,12H14V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M8,18V13.5H6L10,6V11H12L8,18Z",tI="M15.09,11.63C15.09,11.63 15.28,10.35 16,10.35C16.76,10.35 17.78,12.06 17.78,12.06C17.78,12.06 15.46,11.63 15.09,11.63M19,4.69C18.64,4.09 16.83,3.41 15.89,3.41C14.96,3.41 13.5,3.41 13.5,3.41C13.5,3.41 12.7,2 10.88,2C9.05,2 9.17,2.81 9.17,3.5V6.32L8.34,7.19H4.5C4.5,7.19 3.44,7.91 3.44,9.44C3.44,11 3.92,16.35 7.13,16.85C10.93,17.43 11.58,15.67 11.58,15.46C11.58,14.56 11.6,13.21 11.6,13.21C11.6,13.21 12.71,15.33 14.39,15.33C16.07,15.33 17.04,16.3 17.04,17.29C17.04,18.28 17.04,19.13 17.04,19.13C17.04,19.13 17,20.28 16,20.28C15,20.28 13.89,20.28 13.89,20.28C13.89,20.28 13.2,19.74 13.2,19C13.2,18.25 13.53,18.05 13.93,18.05C14.32,18.05 14.65,18.09 14.65,18.09V16.53C14.65,16.53 11.47,16.5 11.47,18.94C11.47,21.37 13.13,22 14.46,22C15.8,22 16.63,22 16.63,22C16.63,22 20.56,21.5 20.56,13.75C20.56,6 19.33,5.28 19,4.69M7.5,6.31H4.26L8.32,2.22V5.5L7.5,6.31Z",vI="M18.5 18.5C19.04 18.5 19.5 18.96 19.5 19.5S19.04 20.5 18.5 20.5H6.5C5.96 20.5 5.5 20.04 5.5 19.5S5.96 18.5 6.5 18.5H18.5M18.5 17H6.5C5.13 17 4 18.13 4 19.5S5.13 22 6.5 22H18.5C19.88 22 21 20.88 21 19.5S19.88 17 18.5 17M21 11H18V7H13L10 11V16H22L21 11M11.54 11L13.5 8.5H16V11H11.54M9.76 3.41L4.76 2L2 11.83C1.66 13.11 2.41 14.44 3.7 14.8L4.86 15.12L8.15 12.29L4.27 11.21L6.15 4.46L8.94 5.24C9.5 5.53 10.71 6.34 11.47 7.37L12.5 6H12.94C11.68 4.41 9.85 3.46 9.76 3.41Z",lI="M 11,4L 13,4L 13,15L 11,15L 11,4 Z M 13,18L 13,20L 11,20L 11,18L 13,18 Z",oI="M10 3H14V14H10V3M10 21V17H14V21H10Z",nI="M13.34,8.17C12.41,8.17 11.65,7.4 11.65,6.47A1.69,1.69 0 0,1 13.34,4.78C14.28,4.78 15.04,5.54 15.04,6.47C15.04,7.4 14.28,8.17 13.34,8.17M10.3,19.93L4.37,18.75L4.71,17.05L8.86,17.9L10.21,11.04L8.69,11.64V14.5H7V10.54L11.4,8.67L12.07,8.59C12.67,8.59 13.17,8.93 13.5,9.44L14.36,10.79C15.04,12 16.39,12.82 18,12.82V14.5C16.14,14.5 14.44,13.67 13.34,12.4L12.84,14.94L14.61,16.63V23H12.92V17.9L11.14,16.21L10.3,19.93M21,23H19V3H6V16.11L4,15.69V1H21V23M6,23H4V19.78L6,20.2V23Z",ZI="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V9H5V5H19V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10.08,15.58L11.5,17L16.5,12L11.5,7L10.08,8.41L12.67,11H3V13H12.67L10.08,15.58Z",SI="M18,8H8V18H6V8A2,2 0 0,1 8,6H18V8M14,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H12A2,2 0 0,1 10,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M20,15H17V12H15V15H12V17H15V20H17V17H20V15Z",uI="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V14H4V4H14V2H4M8,6A2,2 0 0,0 6,8V18H8V8H18V6H8M20,12V20H12V12H20M20,10H12A2,2 0 0,0 10,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10M19,17H17V19H15V17H13V15H15V13H17V15H19V17Z",cI="M2,7V8.5H3V17H4.5V7C3.7,7 2.8,7 2,7M6,7V7L6,16H7V17H14V16H22V7H6M17.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 20,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,9Z",sI="M2 7H4.5V17H3V8.5H2M22 7V16H14V17H7V16H6V7M10 9H8V12H10M13 9H11V12H13M20 9H15V14H20V9Z",OI="M15.38,3L17.77,8.75C17.55,9.68 17.27,10.32 17,10.7C16.67,11.18 16.44,11.25 16.19,11.25V12.75C16.94,12.75 17.74,12.35 18.24,11.56C19.87,8.94 22,3 22,3H20.38L18.69,7.05L17,3H15.38M3.42,8.59L2,10L6.79,14.79L2,19.59L3.41,21L8.21,16.21L13,21L14.41,19.59L9.62,14.79L14.41,10L13,8.59L8.21,13.38L3.41,8.59H3.42Z",hI="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M13.76,6H15.39L16.5,8.6L17.59,6H19.24C19.24,6 17.5,10.57 16.46,12.32C16.08,12.89 15.35,13.27 14.5,13.25V11.75C14.96,11.76 15.25,11.5 15.5,11.13C15.61,11 15.68,10.8 15.74,10.64L13.76,6M6.41,9.59L9.21,12.38L12,9.59L13.41,11L10.62,13.79L13.41,16.59L12,18L9.21,15.21L6.41,18L5,16.59L7.79,13.79L5,11L6.41,9.59Z",pI="M23,12L19,8V11H10V13H19V16M1,18V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,6V9H15V6H3V18H15V15H17V18A2,2 0 0,1 15,20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18Z",fI="M12,1L8,5H11V14H13V5H16M18,23H6C4.89,23 4,22.1 4,21V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7H9V9H6V21H18V9H15V7H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,9V21A2,2 0 0,1 18,23Z",gI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C17,19.5 21.27,16.39 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5Z",kI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.36 19.5 12.72 19.5 13.08 19.45C13.03 19.13 13 18.82 13 18.5C13 17.94 13.08 17.38 13.24 16.84C12.83 16.94 12.42 17 12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.29 16.97 12.59 16.92 12.88C17.58 12.63 18.29 12.5 19 12.5C20.17 12.5 21.31 12.84 22.29 13.5C22.56 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",BI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.36 19.5 12.72 19.5 13.08 19.45C13.03 19.13 13 18.82 13 18.5C13 18.14 13.04 17.78 13.1 17.42C12.74 17.46 12.37 17.5 12 17.5C8.24 17.5 4.83 15.36 3.18 12C4.83 8.64 8.24 6.5 12 6.5S19.17 8.64 20.82 12C20.7 12.24 20.56 12.45 20.43 12.68C21.09 12.84 21.72 13.11 22.29 13.5C22.56 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M18 15V17H22V19H18V21L15 18L18 15",PI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H13.1C13 19.2 13 18.9 13 18.5C13 17.9 13.1 17.4 13.2 16.8C12.8 16.9 12.4 17 12 17C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7 17 9.2 17 12C17 12.3 17 12.6 16.9 12.9C17.6 12.7 18.3 12.5 19 12.5C20.2 12.5 21.3 12.8 22.3 13.5C22.6 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",wI="M12 4.5C7 4.5 2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H13.1C13 19.2 13 18.9 13 18.5C13 18.1 13 17.8 13.1 17.4C12.7 17.4 12.4 17.5 12 17.5C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12C4.8 8.6 8.2 6.5 12 6.5S19.2 8.6 20.8 12C20.7 12.2 20.5 12.4 20.4 12.7C21.1 12.9 21.7 13.1 22.3 13.5C22.6 13 22.8 12.5 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M19 21V19H15V17H19V15L22 18L19 21",FI="M23.5,17L18.5,22L15,18.5L16.5,17L18.5,19L22,15.5L23.5,17M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,17C12.5,17 12.97,16.93 13.42,16.79C13.15,17.5 13,18.22 13,19V19.45L12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.75,12.64 22.44,13.26 22.08,13.85C21.18,13.31 20.12,13 19,13C18.22,13 17.5,13.15 16.79,13.42C16.93,12.97 17,12.5 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17Z",TI="M23.5,17L18.5,22L15,18.5L16.5,17L18.5,19L22,15.5L23.5,17M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.75,12.65 22.44,13.26 22.08,13.85C21.5,13.5 20.86,13.25 20.18,13.12L20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5L13.21,17.43C13.07,17.93 13,18.46 13,19V19.46L12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5Z",bI="M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,16C9.37,16 7,14.43 6,12C7.38,8.69 11.19,7.12 14.5,8.5C16.08,9.16 17.34,10.42 18,12C17,14.43 14.63,16 12,16M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13Z",yI="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M12,11A1,1 0 0,1 13,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,13A1,1 0 0,1 11,12A1,1 0 0,1 12,11M12,8C14.63,8 17,9.57 18,12C16.62,15.31 12.81,16.88 9.5,15.5C7.92,14.84 6.66,13.58 6,12C7,9.57 9.37,8 12,8M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5",RI="M12 17.5C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12H1C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5S21.3 16.4 23 12H20.8C19.2 15.4 15.8 17.5 12 17.5Z",xI="M20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13S15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17M19.5 17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2S19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17M15 12C14.1 12.7 13.5 13.6 13.3 14.7C12.9 14.9 12.5 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9 15 10.3 15 12M12 19.5C7 19.5 2.7 16.4 1 12C2.7 7.6 7 4.5 12 4.5S21.3 7.6 23 12C22.8 12.5 22.5 13 22.3 13.5C21.5 12 19.8 11 18 11C17.6 11 17.3 11.1 16.9 11.1C16.5 8.8 14.5 7 12 7C9.2 7 7 9.2 7 12S9.2 17 12 17H12.3C12.1 17.4 12 17.8 12 18.2V19.5Z",DI="M14.9 11.1C13.9 11.9 13.2 13.1 13.2 14.5V14.7C12.8 14.9 12.4 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12S10.3 9 12 9C13.4 9 14.5 9.9 14.9 11.1M12 18.2C12 17.8 12.1 17.4 12.3 17H12C9.2 17 7 14.8 7 12S9.2 7 12 7C14.1 7 15.9 8.3 16.7 10.2C17.1 10.1 17.6 10 18 10C20.1 10 21.9 11.3 22.5 13.1C22.7 12.8 22.8 12.4 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5V18.2M20.8 17H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V15H20.8V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 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11.83,9M7.53,9.8L9.08,11.35C9.03,11.56 9,11.77 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15C12.22,15 12.44,14.97 12.65,14.92L14.2,16.47C13.53,16.8 12.79,17 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,11.21 7.2,10.47 7.53,9.8M2,4.27L4.28,6.55L4.73,7C3.08,8.3 1.78,10 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C13.55,19.5 15.03,19.2 16.38,18.66L16.81,19.08L19.73,22L21,20.73L3.27,3M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,12.64 16.87,13.26 16.64,13.82L19.57,16.75C21.07,15.5 22.27,13.86 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5C10.6,4.5 9.26,4.75 8,5.2L10.17,7.35C10.74,7.13 11.35,7 12,7Z",QI="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.65,18.92C14.5,19.3 13.28,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C1.69,10.24 2.79,8.69 4.19,7.46L2,5.27M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12C15,12.35 14.94,12.69 14.83,13L11,9.17C11.31,9.06 11.65,9 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C22.18,14.08 20.79,15.88 19,17.19L17.58,15.76C18.94,14.82 20.06,13.54 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C10.91,6.5 9.84,6.68 8.84,7L7.3,5.47C8.74,4.85 10.33,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C12.69,17.5 13.37,17.43 14,17.29L11.72,15C10.29,14.85 9.15,13.71 9,12.28L5.6,8.87C4.61,9.72 3.78,10.78 3.18,12Z",UI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C17,4.5 21.27,7.61 23,12C21.27,16.39 17,19.5 12,19.5C7,19.5 2.73,16.39 1,12C2.73,7.61 7,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C4.83,15.36 8.24,17.5 12,17.5C15.76,17.5 19.17,15.36 20.82,12C19.17,8.64 15.76,6.5 12,6.5C8.24,6.5 4.83,8.64 3.18,12Z",zI="M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C12.36,19.5 12.72,19.5 13.08,19.45C13.03,19.13 13,18.82 13,18.5C13,17.94 13.08,17.38 13.24,16.84C12.83,16.94 12.42,17 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,12.29 16.97,12.59 16.92,12.88C17.58,12.63 18.29,12.5 19,12.5C20.17,12.5 21.31,12.84 22.29,13.5C22.56,13 22.8,12.5 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M18,14.5V17.5H15V19.5H18V22.5H20V19.5H23V17.5H20V14.5H18Z",_I="M12,4.5C7,4.5 2.73,7.61 1,12C2.73,16.39 7,19.5 12,19.5C12.36,19.5 12.72,19.5 13.08,19.45C13.03,19.13 13,18.82 13,18.5C13,18.14 13.04,17.78 13.1,17.42C12.74,17.46 12.37,17.5 12,17.5C8.24,17.5 4.83,15.36 3.18,12C4.83,8.64 8.24,6.5 12,6.5C15.76,6.5 19.17,8.64 20.82,12C20.7,12.24 20.56,12.45 20.43,12.68C21.09,12.84 21.72,13.11 22.29,13.5C22.56,13 22.8,12.5 23,12C21.27,7.61 17,4.5 12,4.5M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M18,14.5V17.5H15V19.5H18V22.5H20V19.5H23V17.5H20V14.5H18Z",KI="M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12S10.3 15 12 15 15 13.7 15 12 13.7 9 12 9M18 18.5L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18M12.1 19.5C12.1 19.5 12 19.5 12.1 19.5C7 19.5 2.7 16.4 1 12C2.7 7.6 7 4.5 12 4.5S21.3 7.6 23 12C22.8 12.4 22.6 12.9 22.4 13.3C21.3 12.5 20 12 18.5 12C18 12 17.5 12.1 17 12.2V12C17 9.2 14.8 7 12 7S7 9.2 7 12 9.2 17 12 17H12.2C12.1 17.5 12 18 12 18.5C12 18.8 12 19.2 12.1 19.5Z",jI="M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12S13.7 15 12 15 9 13.7 9 12 10.3 9 12 9M18 18.5L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18M12 18.5C12 18.2 12 17.8 12.1 17.5H12C8.2 17.5 4.8 15.4 3.2 12C4.8 8.6 8.2 6.5 12 6.5S19.2 8.6 20.8 12C20.7 12.1 20.7 12.2 20.6 12.4C21.2 12.6 21.8 12.9 22.4 13.3C22.6 12.9 22.8 12.4 23 12C21.3 7.6 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.7 7.6 1 12C2.7 16.4 7 19.5 12 19.5H12.1C12 19.2 12 18.8 12 18.5Z",qI="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.5 16.9 13 16.77 13.43C17.46 13.16 18.21 13 19 13C20.12 13 21.17 13.32 22.07 13.85C22.43 13.27 22.74 12.65 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.35 19.5 12.69 19.5 13.03 19.45C13 19.3 13 19.15 13 19C13 18.21 13.16 17.46 13.43 16.77C13 16.9 12.5 17 12 17Z",$I="M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88M12 9C10.34 9 9 10.34 9 12S10.34 15 12 15 15 13.66 15 12 13.66 9 12 9M12 17.5C8.24 17.5 4.83 15.36 3.18 12C4.83 8.64 8.24 6.5 12 6.5S19.17 8.64 20.82 12C20.63 12.39 20.41 12.77 20.17 13.13C20.85 13.26 21.5 13.5 22.07 13.85C22.43 13.27 22.74 12.65 23 12C21.27 7.61 17 4.5 12 4.5S2.73 7.61 1 12C2.73 16.39 7 19.5 12 19.5C12.35 19.5 12.69 19.5 13.03 19.45C13 19.3 13 19.15 13 19C13 18.45 13.08 17.92 13.22 17.41C12.82 17.46 12.41 17.5 12 17.5Z",XI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17M12,4.5C7.14,4.5 2.78,7.5 1,12C3.39,18.08 10.25,21.06 16.33,18.67C19.38,17.47 21.8,15.06 23,12C21.22,7.5 16.86,4.5 12,4.5M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",YI="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,4.5C16.86,4.5 21.22,7.5 23,12C20.61,18.08 13.75,21.06 7.67,18.67C4.62,17.47 2.2,15.06 1,12C2.78,7.5 7.14,4.5 12,4.5M3.18,12C5.56,16.87 11.45,18.89 16.32,16.5C18.28,15.54 19.86,13.96 20.82,12C18.44,7.13 12.55,5.11 7.68,7.5C5.72,8.46 4.14,10.04 3.18,12M9,22H7V24H9V22M13,22H11V24H13V22M17,22H15V24H17V22Z",JI="M19.35,11.72L17.22,13.85L15.81,12.43L8.1,20.14L3.5,22L2,20.5L3.86,15.9L11.57,8.19L10.15,6.78L12.28,4.65L19.35,11.72M16.76,3C17.93,1.83 19.83,1.83 21,3C22.17,4.17 22.17,6.07 21,7.24L19.08,9.16L14.84,4.92L16.76,3M5.56,17.03L4.5,19.5L6.97,18.44L14.4,11L13,9.6L5.56,17.03Z",CG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M9 4V6H1V4H9Z",HG="M21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24M10.94 8.82L12.36 10.24L13 9.6L14.4 11L13.76 11.64L15.18 13.06L15.81 12.43L17.22 13.85L19.35 11.72L12.28 4.65L10.15 6.78L11.57 8.19L10.94 8.82M19.86 20.29L18.58 21.57L12.63 15.61L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L8.39 11.37L1.86 4.85L3.14 3.57L19.86 20.29M11.21 14.2L9.81 12.79L5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L11.21 14.2Z",VG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M6 1V4H9V6H6V9H4V6H1V4H4V1H6Z",LG="M19.35 11.72L17.22 13.85L15.81 12.43L8.1 20.14L3.5 22L2 20.5L3.86 15.9L11.57 8.19L10.15 6.78L12.28 4.65L19.35 11.72M16.76 3C17.93 1.83 19.83 1.83 21 3S22.17 6.07 21 7.24L19.08 9.16L14.84 4.92L16.76 3M5.56 17.03L4.5 19.5L6.97 18.44L14.4 11L13 9.6L5.56 17.03M8.54 2.88L6.41 5L8.54 7.12L7.12 8.54L5 6.41L2.88 8.54L1.46 7.12L3.59 5L1.46 2.88L2.88 1.47L5 3.59L7.12 1.47L8.54 2.88Z",MG="M6.92,19L5,17.08L13.06,9L15,10.94M20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18,2.9 17.35,2.9 16.96,3.29L13.84,6.41L11.91,4.5L10.5,5.91L11.92,7.33L3,16.25V21H7.75L16.67,12.08L18.09,13.5L19.5,12.09L17.58,10.17L20.7,7.05C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63Z",AG="M18.72,14.76C19.07,13.91 19.26,13 19.26,12C19.26,11.28 19.15,10.59 18.96,9.95C18.31,10.1 17.63,10.18 16.92,10.18C13.86,10.18 11.15,8.67 9.5,6.34C8.61,8.5 6.91,10.26 4.77,11.22C4.73,11.47 4.73,11.74 4.73,12A7.27,7.27 0 0,0 12,19.27C13.05,19.27 14.06,19.04 14.97,18.63C15.54,19.72 15.8,20.26 15.78,20.26C14.14,20.81 12.87,21.08 12,21.08C9.58,21.08 7.27,20.13 5.57,18.42C4.53,17.38 3.76,16.11 3.33,14.73H2V10.18H3.09C3.93,6.04 7.6,2.92 12,2.92C14.4,2.92 16.71,3.87 18.42,5.58C19.69,6.84 20.54,8.45 20.89,10.18H22V14.67H22V14.69L22,14.73H21.94L18.38,18L13.08,17.4V15.73H17.91L18.72,14.76M9.27,11.77C9.57,11.77 9.86,11.89 10.07,12.11C10.28,12.32 10.4,12.61 10.4,12.91C10.4,13.21 10.28,13.5 10.07,13.71C9.86,13.92 9.57,14.04 9.27,14.04C8.64,14.04 8.13,13.54 8.13,12.91C8.13,12.28 8.64,11.77 9.27,11.77M14.72,11.77C15.35,11.77 15.85,12.28 15.85,12.91C15.85,13.54 15.35,14.04 14.72,14.04C14.09,14.04 13.58,13.54 13.58,12.91A1.14,1.14 0 0,1 14.72,11.77Z",iG="M9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,11.75M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,11.71 4,11.42 4.05,11.14C6.41,10.09 8.28,8.16 9.26,5.77C11.07,8.33 14.05,10 17.42,10C18.2,10 18.95,9.91 19.67,9.74C19.88,10.45 20,11.21 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20Z",rG="M10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.25,13M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M10.66,4.12C12.06,6.44 14.6,8 17.5,8C17.96,8 18.41,7.95 18.84,7.88C17.44,5.56 14.9,4 12,4C11.54,4 11.09,4.05 10.66,4.12M4.42,9.47C6.13,8.5 7.45,6.92 8.08,5.03C6.37,6 5.05,7.58 4.42,9.47M20,12C20,11.22 19.88,10.47 19.67,9.76C18.97,9.91 18.25,10 17.5,10C14.37,10 11.58,8.56 9.74,6.31C8.69,8.87 6.6,10.88 4,11.86C4,11.9 4,11.95 4,12C4,16.41 7.59,20 12,20C16.41,20 20,16.41 20,12Z",aG="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,8.39C13.57,9.4 15.42,10 17.42,10C18.2,10 18.95,9.91 19.67,9.74C19.88,10.45 20,11.21 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C9,20 6.39,18.34 5,15.89L6.75,14V13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.25,13V14H12M16,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 14.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 17.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16,11.75Z",eG="M18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.59C19.94 11.05 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.96 4 11.91 4 11.87A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31A10 10 0 0 0 17.5 10A10 10 0 0 0 18.83 9.91L17.35 6.65L12.6 4.5L16.13 2.9C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",dG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.57C19.95 11.04 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.95 4 11.91 4 11.86A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31C11.61 8.61 14.44 10 17.5 10C17.94 10 18.39 9.97 18.83 9.91L17.96 8C17.81 8 17.65 8 17.5 8C14.68 8 12.1 6.5 10.66 4.12C11.1 4.05 11.54 4 12 4C12.5 4 12.96 4.05 13.42 4.13L16.13 2.91C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M8.09 5A8 8 0 0 1 4.41 9.5C5.04 7.57 6.37 6 8.09 5M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",mG="M20.25 6C18.79 6 17.61 7.14 17.5 8.58L12.55 7.16C12.19 7.05 11.81 7.05 11.45 7.16L6.5 8.58C6.39 7.14 5.21 6 3.75 6C2.23 6 1 7.23 1 8.75V12.25C1 13.77 2.23 15 3.75 15H5.68C6.81 17.36 9.21 19 12 19S17.19 17.36 18.32 15H20.25C21.77 15 23 13.77 23 12.25V8.75C23 7.23 21.77 6 20.25 6M5 13.5H3.75C3.06 13.5 2.5 12.94 2.5 12.25V8.75C2.5 8.06 3.06 7.5 3.75 7.5S5 8.06 5 8.75V13.5M15 12L12.4 11.3C12.1 11.2 11.8 11.2 11.6 11.3L9 12V11L11.3 10.3C11.7 10.2 12.2 10.2 12.7 10.3L15 11V12M21.5 12.25C21.5 12.94 20.94 13.5 20.25 13.5H19V8.75C19 8.06 19.56 7.5 20.25 7.5S21.5 8.06 21.5 8.75V12.25Z",tG="M15 12L12.4 11.3C12.1 11.2 11.8 11.2 11.6 11.3L9 12V11L11.3 10.3C11.7 10.2 12.2 10.2 12.7 10.3L15 11V12M20.25 6C18.79 6 17.61 7.14 17.5 8.58L12.55 7.16C12.37 7.11 12.19 7.08 12 7.08C11.82 7.08 11.63 7.11 11.45 7.16L6.5 8.58C6.39 7.14 5.21 6 3.75 6C2.23 6 1 7.23 1 8.75V12.25C1 13.77 2.23 15 3.75 15H5.68C6.81 17.36 9.21 19 12 19S17.19 17.36 18.32 15H20.25C21.77 15 23 13.77 23 12.25V8.75C23 7.23 21.77 6 20.25 6M5 13.5H3.75C3.06 13.5 2.5 12.94 2.5 12.25V8.75C2.5 8.06 3.06 7.5 3.75 7.5S5 8.06 5 8.75V13.5M17 12C17 14.76 14.76 17 12 17S7 14.76 7 12L7 10.5L12 9.08H12L17 10.5V12M21.5 12.25C21.5 12.94 20.94 13.5 20.25 13.5H19V8.75C19 8.06 19.56 7.5 20.25 7.5S21.5 8.06 21.5 8.75V12.25Z",vG="M9,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 7.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 10.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 9,11.75M15,11.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 13.75,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,14.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 16.25,13A1.25,1.25 0 0,0 15,11.75M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12C3.97,11.71 3.97,11.43 4,11.14C6.38,10.1 8.27,8.17 9.26,5.77C11.13,8.42 14.17,10 17.42,10C18.18,10 18.93,9.91 19.67,9.74C20.92,14 18.5,18.43 14.26,19.67C13.5,19.89 12.76,20 12,20M0,2A2,2 0 0,1 2,0H6V2H2V6H0V2M24,22A2,2 0 0,1 22,24H18V22H22V18H24V22M2,24A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V18H2V22H6V24H2M22,0A2,2 0 0,1 24,2V6H22V2H18V0H22Z",lG="M13.75 13C13.75 12.31 14.31 11.75 15 11.75S16.25 12.31 16.25 13 15.69 14.25 15 14.25 13.75 13.69 13.75 13M22 12V22H2V12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M4 12C4 16.41 7.59 20 12 20S20 16.41 20 12C20 11.21 19.88 10.45 19.67 9.74C18.95 9.91 18.2 10 17.42 10C14.05 10 11.07 8.33 9.26 5.77C8.28 8.16 6.41 10.09 4.05 11.14C4 11.42 4 11.71 4 12M9 14.25C9.69 14.25 10.25 13.69 10.25 13S9.69 11.75 9 11.75 7.75 12.31 7.75 13 8.31 14.25 9 14.25Z",oG="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 4C14.9 4 17.44 5.56 18.84 7.88C18.41 7.95 17.96 8 17.5 8C14.6 8 12.06 6.44 10.66 4.12C11.09 4.05 11.54 4 12 4M8.08 5.03C7.45 6.92 6.13 8.5 4.42 9.47C5.05 7.58 6.37 6 8.08 5.03M4 11.86C6.6 10.88 8.69 8.87 9.74 6.31C11.58 8.56 14.37 10 17.5 10C18.25 10 18.97 9.91 19.67 9.76C19.88 10.47 20 11.22 20 12C20 16.41 16.41 20 12 20S4 16.41 4 12V11.86M4 20V18C4.57 18.75 5.25 19.43 6 20H4M20 20H18C18.75 19.43 19.43 18.75 20 18V20M13.75 13C13.75 12.31 14.31 11.75 15 11.75S16.25 12.31 16.25 13 15.69 14.25 15 14.25 13.75 13.69 13.75 13M7.75 13C7.75 12.31 8.31 11.75 9 11.75S10.25 12.31 10.25 13 9.69 14.25 9 14.25 7.75 13.69 7.75 13Z",nG="M17.25 13C17.25 13.69 16.69 14.25 16 14.25S14.75 13.69 14.75 13 15.31 11.75 16 11.75 17.25 12.31 17.25 13M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22H2V12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M7 18C8.41 19.23 10 20 12 20C16.41 20 20 16.41 20 12C20 11.21 19.88 10.45 19.67 9.74C18.95 9.91 18.2 10 17.42 10C15.42 10 13.57 9.4 12 8.39C12 8.39 10.54 13.76 8.03 13C7.37 12.8 7 13.31 7 14",ZG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41L19.5 1M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.59C19.94 11.05 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.96 4 11.91 4 11.87A10 10 0 0 0 9.74 6.31A10 10 0 0 0 17.5 10A10 10 0 0 0 18.83 9.91L17.35 6.65L12.6 4.5L16.13 2.9C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M9 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 7.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 10.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 9 11.75M15 11.75A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 13.75 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 14.25A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 16.25 13A1.25 1.25 0 0 0 15 11.75Z",SG="M19.5 1L18.41 3.41L16 4.5L18.41 5.59L19.5 8L20.6 5.59L23 4.5L20.6 3.41M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 10.53 21.67 9.13 21.1 7.87L19.86 10.57C19.95 11.04 20 11.5 20 12C20 16.43 16.43 20 12 20C7.57 20 4 16.43 4 12C4 11.95 4 11.91 4 11.86C6.61 10.89 8.69 8.88 9.74 6.31C11.61 8.61 14.44 10 17.5 10C17.94 10 18.39 9.97 18.83 9.91L17.96 8C17.81 8 17.65 8 17.5 8C14.68 8 12.1 6.5 10.66 4.12C11.1 4.05 11.54 4 12 4C12.5 4 12.96 4.05 13.42 4.13L16.13 2.91C14.87 2.33 13.47 2 12 2M8.09 5C7.46 6.91 6.15 8.5 4.41 9.5C5.04 7.57 6.37 6 8.09 5M9 11.75C8.31 11.75 7.75 12.31 7.75 13C7.75 13.69 8.31 14.25 9 14.25C9.69 14.25 10.25 13.69 10.25 13C10.25 12.31 9.69 11.75 9 11.75M15 11.75C14.31 11.75 13.75 12.31 13.75 13C13.75 13.69 14.31 14.25 15 14.25C15.69 14.25 16.25 13.69 16.25 13C16.25 12.31 15.69 11.75 15 11.75M4 17.97C4.58 18.74 5.26 19.42 6.03 20H4M20 17.97V20H17.97C18.74 19.42 19.42 18.74 20 17.97Z",uG="M12 2.04C6.5 2.04 2 6.53 2 12.06C2 17.06 5.66 21.21 10.44 21.96V14.96H7.9V12.06H10.44V9.85C10.44 7.34 11.93 5.96 14.22 5.96C15.31 5.96 16.45 6.15 16.45 6.15V8.62H15.19C13.95 8.62 13.56 9.39 13.56 10.18V12.06H16.34L15.89 14.96H13.56V21.96A10 10 0 0 0 22 12.06C22 6.53 17.5 2.04 12 2.04Z",cG="M9.5 14.5V9.5H21V21H15.5V14.5H9.5M3 3H21L21 8.5H8.5V15.5H14.5V21H3V3Z",sG="M12,2C6.36,2 2,6.13 2,11.7C2,14.61 3.19,17.14 5.14,18.87C5.3,19 5.4,19.22 5.41,19.44L5.46,21.22C5.5,21.79 6.07,22.16 6.59,21.93L8.57,21.06C8.74,21 8.93,20.97 9.1,21C10,21.27 11,21.4 12,21.4C17.64,21.4 22,17.27 22,11.7C22,6.13 17.64,2 12,2M18,9.46L15.07,14.13C14.6,14.86 13.6,15.05 12.9,14.5L10.56,12.77C10.35,12.61 10.05,12.61 9.84,12.77L6.68,15.17C6.26,15.5 5.71,15 6,14.54L8.93,9.87C9.4,9.14 10.4,8.95 11.1,9.47L13.44,11.23C13.66,11.39 13.95,11.39 14.16,11.23L17.32,8.83C17.74,8.5 18.29,9 18,9.46Z",OG="M19.69,16.12C19.42,16.43 18.95,16.92 18.19,16.92C17.13,16.92 16.78,16.15 16.46,15.34L14.86,11.41L13.26,15.34C13,16 12.7,16.92 11.53,16.92C10.36,16.92 10.07,16 9.79,15.34L7.11,8.72H9.37L11.53,14.17L13.14,10.2C13.39,9.57 13.69,8.62 14.86,8.62C16,8.62 16.32,9.57 16.58,10.2L18.33,14.5C19.22,13.14 19.6,11.5 19.38,9.89C19.16,8.28 18.37,6.8 17.14,5.73C15.92,4.66 14.34,4.06 12.72,4.06C11.03,4.05 9.39,4.58 8,5.56C6.66,6.55 5.64,7.94 5.12,9.54C4.6,11.14 4.6,12.87 5.12,14.47C5.64,16.07 6.66,17.46 8.03,18.44C9.4,19.43 11.04,19.95 12.72,19.94C13.45,19.94 14.17,19.84 14.87,19.64V21.75C14.16,21.91 13.44,22 12.72,22C10.61,22 8.54,21.34 6.82,20.1C5.1,18.86 3.82,17.11 3.17,15.1C2.5,13.09 2.5,10.92 3.16,8.9C3.82,6.89 5.1,5.14 6.82,3.9C8.53,2.66 10.6,2 12.72,2C17.56,2 21.5,5.94 21.5,10.79C21.5,12.71 20.86,14.59 19.69,16.12V16.12Z",hG="M4,18V20H8V18H4M4,14V16H14V14H4M10,18V20H14V18H10M16,14V16H20V14H16M16,18V20H20V18H16M2,22V8L7,12V8L12,12V8L17,12L18,2H21L22,12V22H2Z",pG="M12 1A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.5 3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 11 5.79V7H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 9V9.71A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 3.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5 14.29V15H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 17V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 .5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 3 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4 18.21V17H8V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 6.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 11.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10 18.21V17A2 2 0 0 0 8 15H7V14.29A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 8.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 9.71V9H17V9.71A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 14.29V15H16A2 2 0 0 0 14 17V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 12.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 16 18.21V17H20V18.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 21 23A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 23.5 20.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 22 18.21V17A2 2 0 0 0 20 15H19V14.29A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 19 9.71V9A2 2 0 0 0 17 7H13V5.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.5 3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 12 1M12 2.5A1 1 0 0 1 13 3.5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4.5A1 1 0 0 1 11 3.5A1 1 0 0 1 12 2.5M6 11A1 1 0 0 1 7 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 13A1 1 0 0 1 5 12A1 1 0 0 1 6 11M18 11A1 1 0 0 1 19 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 13A1 1 0 0 1 17 12A1 1 0 0 1 18 11M3 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 4 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 3 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 2 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 3 19.5M9 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 10 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 9 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 8 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 9 19.5M15 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 16 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 15 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 14 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 15 19.5M21 19.5A1 1 0 0 1 22 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 21.5A1 1 0 0 1 20 20.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 19.5Z",fG="M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11M12.5,2C17,2 17.11,5.57 14.75,6.75C13.76,7.24 13.32,8.29 13.13,9.22C13.61,9.42 14.03,9.73 14.35,10.13C18.05,8.13 22.03,8.92 22.03,12.5C22.03,17 18.46,17.1 17.28,14.73C16.78,13.74 15.72,13.3 14.79,13.11C14.59,13.59 14.28,14 13.88,14.34C15.87,18.03 15.08,22 11.5,22C7,22 6.91,18.42 9.27,17.24C10.25,16.75 10.69,15.71 10.89,14.79C10.4,14.59 9.97,14.27 9.65,13.87C5.96,15.85 2,15.07 2,11.5C2,7 5.56,6.89 6.74,9.26C7.24,10.25 8.29,10.68 9.22,10.87C9.41,10.39 9.73,9.97 10.14,9.65C8.15,5.96 8.94,2 12.5,2Z",gG="M10 11C9.43 11 9 11.45 9 12S9.43 13 10 13C10.54 13 11 12.55 11 12S10.54 11 10 11M10.5 2C15 2 15.09 5.57 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12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M19 19.17L22.17 16L23.59 17.41L19 22L14.41 17.41L15.83 16L19 19.17",PG="M13 19C13 17.59 13.5 16.3 14.3 15.28C14.17 14.97 14.03 14.65 13.86 14.34C14.26 14 14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M19 17.83L15.83 21L14.41 19.59L19 15L23.59 19.59L22.17 21L19 17.83",wG="M16 14H17.5V16.8L19.9 18.2L19.1 19.5L16 17.7V14M21 11.3C20.8 7.9 17 7.2 13.3 9.2C13 8.8 12.6 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7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",yG="M13 19C13 17.59 13.5 16.3 14.3 15.28C14.17 14.97 14.03 14.65 13.86 14.34C14.26 14 14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 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14.57 13.59 14.77 13.11C15.26 13.21 15.78 13.39 16.25 13.67C17.07 13.25 18 13 19 13C20.05 13 21.03 13.27 21.89 13.74C21.95 13.37 22 12.96 22 12.5C22 8.92 18.03 8.13 14.33 10.13C14 9.73 13.59 9.42 13.11 9.22C13.3 8.29 13.74 7.24 14.73 6.75C17.09 5.57 17 2 12.5 2C8.93 2 8.14 5.96 10.13 9.65C9.72 9.97 9.4 10.39 9.21 10.87C8.28 10.68 7.23 10.25 6.73 9.26C5.56 6.89 2 7 2 11.5C2 15.07 5.95 15.85 9.64 13.87C9.96 14.27 10.39 14.59 10.88 14.79C10.68 15.71 10.24 16.75 9.26 17.24C6.9 18.42 7 22 11.5 22C12.31 22 13 21.78 13.5 21.41C13.19 20.67 13 19.86 13 19M12 13C11.43 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.43 11 12 11C12.54 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.54 13 12 13M21 21V20.5C21 19.67 20.33 19 19.5 19C20.33 19 21 18.33 21 17.5V17C21 15.89 20.1 15 19 15H16V17H19V18H17V20H19V21H16V23H19C20.11 23 21 22.11 21 21",EG="M13,6V18L21.5,12M4,18L12.5,12L4,6V18Z",NG="M10,12V22H8V14H6V12H10M18,14V20C18,21.11 17.11,22 16,22H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12H16C17.11,12 18,12.9 18,14M14,14V20H16V14H14M11.5,3C14.15,3 16.55,4 18.4,5.6L21,3V10H14L16.62,7.38C15.23,6.22 13.46,5.5 11.5,5.5C7.96,5.5 4.95,7.81 3.9,11L1.53,10.22C2.92,6.03 6.85,3 11.5,3Z",WG="M11.5 3C14.15 3 16.55 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.62 7.38C15.23 6.22 13.46 5.5 11.5 5.5C7.96 5.5 4.95 7.81 3.9 11L1.53 10.22C2.92 6.03 6.85 3 11.5 3M10 12V22H8V14H6V12H10M12 12H18V14H14V16H16C17.11 16 18 16.9 18 18V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H12V20H16V18H12V12Z",IG="M11.5,3C6.85,3 2.92,6.03 1.53,10.22L3.9,11C4.95,7.81 7.96,5.5 11.5,5.5C13.46,5.5 15.23,6.22 16.62,7.38L14,10H21V3L18.4,5.6C16.55,4 14.15,3 11.5,3M19,14V20C19,21.11 18.11,22 17,22H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 15,12H17C18.11,12 19,12.9 19,14M15,14V20H17V14H15M11,20C11,21.11 10.1,22 9,22H5V20H9V18H7V16H9V14H5V12H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,14V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,18.5V20Z",GG="M11.5 3C14.1 3 16.5 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.6 7.4C15.2 6.2 13.4 5.5 11.5 5.5C8 5.5 4.9 7.8 3.9 11L1.5 10.2C2.9 6 6.8 3 11.5 3M13 12H19V14H15V16H17C18.1 16 19 16.9 19 18V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H13V20H17V18H13V12M5 12V18H9V22H11V12H9V16H7V12H5Z",QG="M11.5 3C14.15 3 16.55 4 18.4 5.6L21 3V10H14L16.62 7.38C15.23 6.22 13.46 5.5 11.5 5.5C7.96 5.5 4.95 7.81 3.9 11L1.53 10.22C2.92 6.03 6.85 3 11.5 3M9 12H15V14H11V16H13C14.11 16 15 16.9 15 18V20C15 21.11 14.11 22 13 22H9V20H13V18H9V12Z",UG="M11.5 3C6.8 3 2.9 6 1.5 10.2L3.9 11C4.9 7.8 8 5.5 11.5 5.5C13.5 5.5 15.2 6.2 16.6 7.4L14 10H21V3L18.4 5.6C16.5 4 14.1 3 11.5 3M19 14V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H15C13.9 22 13 21.1 13 20V14C13 12.9 13.9 12 15 12H17C18.1 12 19 12.9 19 14M15 14V20H17V14H15M7 12C5.9 12 5 12.9 5 14V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H9C10.1 22 11 21.1 11 20V18C11 16.9 10.1 16 9 16H7V14H11V12H7M7 18H9V20H7V18Z",zG="M15,9.9L18,12L15,14.1V9.9M6,9.9L9,12L6,14.1V9.9M13,6V18L21.5,12L13,6M4,6V18L12.5,12L4,6Z",_G="M19 14V16H16V14.28L19 14M19 13C19 11.9 18 11 16.8 11H10V10H5V21H10V13.91L19 13M5 9H10V7L15.36 5.21C15.74 5.09 16 4.73 16 4.33C16 3.68 15.36 3.23 14.75 3.45L5 7V9Z",KG="M21 21H3C3 19.9 3.9 19 5 19H19C20.11 19 21 19.89 21 21M19 7C19 5.39 17.93 3 15 3S11 5.39 11 7V18H13V7C13 6.54 13.17 5 15 5S17 6.54 17 7H16.5V9H19.5V7H19M7 12C6.45 12 6 12.45 6 13V14H3V15H6V18H8V13C8 12.45 7.55 12 7 12M21 14H18V13C18 12.45 17.55 12 17 12S16 12.45 16 13V18H18V15H21V14Z",jG="M19 9H18V4H8V20H22V12C22 10.34 20.66 9 19 9M10 6H16V9H10V6M14 17H10V12H14V17M16 17C15.45 17 15 16.55 15 16C15 15.45 15.45 15 16 15C16.55 15 17 15.45 17 16C17 16.55 16.55 17 16 17M16 14C15.45 14 15 13.55 15 13S15.45 12 16 12C16.55 12 17 12.45 17 13S16.55 14 16 14M19 17C18.45 17 18 16.55 18 16C18 15.45 18.45 15 19 15S20 15.45 20 16C20 16.55 19.55 17 19 17M19 14C18.45 14 18 13.55 18 13S18.45 12 19 12 20 12.45 20 13 19.55 14 19 14M4.5 8C3.12 8 2 9.12 2 10.5V18.5C2 19.88 3.12 21 4.5 21S7 19.88 7 18.5V10.5C7 9.12 5.88 8 4.5 8Z",qG="M22,2C22,2 14.36,1.63 8.34,9.88C3.72,16.21 2,22 2,22L3.94,21C5.38,18.5 6.13,17.47 7.54,16C10.07,16.74 12.71,16.65 15,14C13,13.44 11.4,13.57 9.04,13.81C11.69,12 13.5,11.6 16,12L17,10C15.2,9.66 14,9.63 12.22,10.04C14.19,8.65 15.56,7.87 18,8L19.21,6.07C17.65,5.96 16.71,6.13 14.92,6.57C16.53,5.11 18,4.45 20.14,4.32C20.14,4.32 21.19,2.43 22,2Z",$G="M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H9.5C9.2,4.8 9,5.6 9,6.5C9,10.1 11.9,13 15.5,13C16.3,13 17,12.9 17.6,12.6L20,15V20M19.3,8.9C19.7,8.2 20,7.4 20,6.5C20,4 18,2 15.5,2C13,2 11,4 11,6.5C11,9 13,11 15.5,11C16.4,11 17.2,10.7 17.9,10.3L21,13.4L22.4,12L19.3,8.9M15.5,9C14.1,9 13,7.9 13,6.5C13,5.1 14.1,4 15.5,4C16.9,4 18,5.1 18,6.5C18,7.9 16.9,9 15.5,9Z",XG="M15.5,2C13,2 11,4 11,6.5C11,9 13,11 15.5,11C16.4,11 17.2,10.7 17.9,10.3L21,13.4L22.4,12L19.3,8.9C19.7,8.2 20,7.4 20,6.5C20,4 18,2 15.5,2M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V15L18,13V20H4V6H9.03C9.09,5.3 9.26,4.65 9.5,4H4M15.5,4C16.9,4 18,5.1 18,6.5C18,7.9 16.9,9 15.5,9C14.1,9 13,7.9 13,6.5C13,5.1 14.1,4 15.5,4Z",YG="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.47 2 12H2V19.73H2C2 21 3 22 4.27 22H12C17.53 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M14.03 6.12C15.71 6.12 17.29 7.4 17.29 9.18C17.29 9.34 17.29 9.5 17.27 9.69C17.22 10.16 16.79 10.5 16.32 10.44C15.85 10.37 15.53 9.92 15.62 9.46C15.62 9.4 15.63 9.32 15.63 9.18C15.63 8.17 14.81 7.78 14.03 7.78C13.25 7.78 12.55 8.44 12.55 9.18C12.56 10.03 12.55 10.88 12.55 11.74L14 11.72C15.12 11.7 15.13 13.4 14 13.39L12.55 13.4L12.54 15.79C12.36 17.67 10.77 19.16 8.85 19.16C6.82 19.16 5.14 17.5 5.14 15.46C5.2 13.37 6.88 11.72 9 11.74L10.15 11.73V13.4L9 13.41H8.97C7.81 13.44 6.82 14.23 6.81 15.47C6.81 16.59 7.72 17.5 8.85 17.5C10 17.5 10.88 16.67 10.88 15.47C10.9 13.46 10.87 11.25 10.88 9.17C10.88 9.05 10.89 8.96 10.9 8.83C11.09 7.29 12.47 6.12 14.03 6.12",JG="M9 9V11H7V9H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V9H17V11H15V9H13V11H11V9H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13Z",CQ="M9 9V11H7V9H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V9H17V11H15V9H13V11H11V9H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13M7 4H11V2L17 5H13V7L7 4Z",HQ="M4.5 17.42L5.58 18.5L3.28 20.78C3 21.07 2.5 21.07 2.22 20.78S1.93 20 2.22 19.72L4.5 17.42M18.29 5.42L18.29 4L12 10.29L5.71 4L5.71 5.42L11.29 11L7.5 14.81C6.32 13.97 4.68 14.07 3.63 15.12L7.88 19.37C8.93 18.32 9.03 16.68 8.2 15.5L18.29 5.42M21.78 19.72L19.5 17.42L18.42 18.5L20.72 20.78C21 21.07 21.5 21.07 21.78 20.78S22.07 20 21.78 19.72M16.5 14.81L13.42 11.71L12.71 12.42L15.81 15.5C14.97 16.68 15.07 18.32 16.12 19.37L20.37 15.12C19.32 14.07 17.68 13.97 16.5 14.81Z",VQ="M12,19C12.86,19 13.59,19.54 13.87,20.29C14.42,20.17 14.95,20 15.46,19.77L13.7,15.62C13.18,15.87 12.61,16 12,16C11.39,16 10.82,15.87 10.3,15.62L8.54,19.77C9.05,20 9.58,20.17 10.13,20.29C10.41,19.54 11.14,19 12,19M18.25,17.76C18,17.42 17.81,17 17.81,16.5C17.81,15.41 18.71,14.5 19.81,14.5L20.12,14.53C20.37,13.73 20.5,12.88 20.5,12C20.5,11.12 20.37,10.27 20.12,9.5H19.81C18.7,9.5 17.81,8.61 17.81,7.5C17.81,7 17.97,6.59 18.25,6.24C17.1,5 15.59,4.09 13.87,3.71C13.59,4.46 12.86,5 12,5C11.14,5 10.41,4.46 10.13,3.71C8.41,4.09 6.9,5 5.75,6.24C6.03,6.59 6.2,7.03 6.2,7.5C6.2,8.61 5.3,9.5 4.2,9.5H3.88C3.63,10.28 3.5,11.12 3.5,12C3.5,12.89 3.64,13.74 3.89,14.55L4.2,14.5C5.31,14.5 6.2,15.42 6.2,16.5C6.2,17 6.04,17.43 5.76,17.77C6.08,18.12 6.44,18.44 6.81,18.73L8.71,14.27C8.26,13.62 8,12.84 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12C16,12.84 15.74,13.62 15.29,14.27L17.19,18.73C17.57,18.44 17.92,18.11 18.25,17.76M12,23C11,23 10.16,22.26 10,21.29C9.37,21.16 8.75,20.95 8.15,20.69L7.17,23H5L6.41,19.68C5.88,19.3 5.39,18.86 4.96,18.37C4.72,18.47 4.47,18.5 4.2,18.5A2,2 0 0,1 2.2,16.5C2.2,15.88 2.5,15.32 2.97,14.95C2.66,14 2.5,13.03 2.5,12C2.5,11 2.66,10 2.96,9.08C2.5,8.71 2.2,8.15 2.2,7.5C2.2,6.41 3.09,5.5 4.2,5.5C4.46,5.5 4.71,5.56 4.93,5.65C6.25,4.18 8,3.13 10,2.71C10.16,1.74 11,1 12,1C13,1 13.84,1.74 14,2.71C16,3.13 17.74,4.18 19.06,5.64C19.29,5.55 19.54,5.5 19.81,5.5A2,2 0 0,1 21.81,7.5C21.81,8.14 21.5,8.71 21.04,9.07C21.34,10 21.5,11 21.5,12C21.5,13 21.34,14 21.04,14.93C21.5,15.3 21.81,15.87 21.81,16.5C21.81,17.62 20.92,18.5 19.81,18.5C19.54,18.5 19.29,18.46 19.05,18.36C18.61,18.85 18.12,19.29 17.59,19.68L19,23H16.83L15.85,20.69C15.25,20.95 14.63,21.16 14,21.29C13.84,22.26 13,23 12,23Z",LQ="M6,6H18V9.96L12,8L6,9.96M3.94,19H4C5.6,19 7,18.12 8,17C9,18.12 10.4,19 12,19C13.6,19 15,18.12 16,17C17,18.12 18.4,19 20,19H20.05L21.95,12.31C22.03,12.06 22,11.78 21.89,11.54C21.76,11.3 21.55,11.12 21.29,11.04L20,10.62V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4H15V1H9V4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V10.62L2.71,11.04C2.45,11.12 2.24,11.3 2.11,11.54C2,11.78 1.97,12.06 2.05,12.31M20,21C18.61,21 17.22,20.53 16,19.67C13.56,21.38 10.44,21.38 8,19.67C6.78,20.53 5.39,21 4,21H2V23H4C5.37,23 6.74,22.65 8,22C10.5,23.3 13.5,23.3 16,22C17.26,22.65 18.62,23 20,23H22V21H20Z",MQ="M13,9V3.5L18.5,9M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6Z",AQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M14,20V19C14,17.67 11.33,17 10,17C8.67,17 6,17.67 6,19V20H14M10,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,12Z",iQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M13 13C13 14.1 12.1 15 11 15S9 14.1 9 13 9.9 11 11 11 13 11.9 13 13M15 18V19H7V18C7 16.67 9.67 16 11 16S15 16.67 15 18Z",rQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M11 3.5L16.5 9H11Z",aQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M4 4H11V9H16V20H4Z",eQ="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M20 19.5V18H16V16H20V14.5L23 17L20 19.5M18 20H22V22H18V23.5L15 21L18 18.5V20Z",dQ="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",mQ="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M23.5 20L21 23L18.5 20H20V16H22V20H23.5M19.5 18H18V22H16V18H14.5L17 15L19.5 18Z",tQ="M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22Z",vQ="M14,8H10V6H14V8M20,4V20C20,21.11 19.11,22 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.11 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H18C19.11,2 20,2.9 20,4M18,13H6V20H18V13M18,4H6V11H18V4M14,15H10V17H14V15Z",lQ="M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13M9.88 9.25H11.12V10.19C11.81 10.18 12.38 10.75 12.38 11.44V13.5L12.26 13.63L13.15 15.17C13.47 14.67 13.63 14.09 13.62 13.5H14.88C14.88 14.54 14.5 15.55 13.83 16.35L15.5 19.25V20.5L14.42 19.88L12.87 17.19C12.17 17.65 11.34 17.89 10.5 17.89C9.66 17.89 8.84 17.65 8.13 17.19L6.58 19.88L5.5 20.5V19.25L8.74 13.63L8.62 13.5V11.44C8.62 10.75 9.19 10.18 9.88 10.19M10.5 11.44C9.81 11.44 9.46 12.28 9.95 12.77C10.44 13.26 11.28 12.92 11.28 12.22C11.28 11.79 10.93 11.44 10.5 11.44M9.66 14.54L8.76 16.11C9.81 16.82 11.19 16.82 12.24 16.11L11.34 14.54C10.87 15 10.13 15 9.66 14.54Z",oQ="M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11.25 5.25H12.75V6.38C13.58 6.38 14.25 7.05 14.25 7.88V10.37L14.11 10.5L15.18 12.36C15.55 11.76 15.75 11.07 15.75 10.36H17.25C17.26 11.61 16.81 12.82 16 13.77L18 17.25V18.75L16.7 18L14.84 14.78C13.12 15.91 10.89 15.91 9.16 14.78L7.3 18L6 18.75V17.25L9.89 10.5L9.75 10.37V7.88C9.75 7.05 10.42 6.38 11.25 6.38M12 7.88C11.16 7.88 10.74 8.9 11.34 9.5C11.94 10.08 12.95 9.65 12.94 8.81C12.94 8.29 12.5 7.88 12 7.88M11 11.6L9.91 13.5C11.17 14.36 12.83 14.36 14.09 13.5L13 11.6C12.43 12.11 11.57 12.11 11 11.6Z",nQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M10.5,11C8,11 6,13 6,15.5C6,18 8,20 10.5,20C13,20 15,18 15,15.5C15,13 13,11 10.5,11M10.5,12.5A3,3 0 0,1 13.5,15.5C13.5,16.06 13.35,16.58 13.08,17L9,12.92C9.42,12.65 9.94,12.5 10.5,12.5M7.5,15.5C7.5,14.94 7.65,14.42 7.92,14L12,18.08C11.58,18.35 11.06,18.5 10.5,18.5A3,3 0 0,1 7.5,15.5Z",ZQ="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M11.5,10C14,10 16,12 16,14.5C16,17 14,19 11.5,19C9,19 7,17 7,14.5C7,12 9,10 11.5,10M11.5,11.5C10.94,11.5 10.42,11.65 10,11.92L14.08,16C14.35,15.58 14.5,15.06 14.5,14.5A3,3 0 0,0 11.5,11.5M8.5,14.5A3,3 0 0,0 11.5,17.5C12.06,17.5 12.58,17.35 13,17.08L8.92,13C8.65,13.42 8.5,13.94 8.5,14.5Z",SQ="M14 2H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 4V18A2 2 0 0 0 7 20H10V23L12 22L14 23V20H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 18V7M14 15V17L12 16L10 17V15L8 14L10 13V11L12 12L14 11V13L16 14M13 8V3.5L17.5 8Z",uQ="M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14M14 2H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 4V18A2 2 0 0 0 7 20H8V18H7V4H13V8H17V18H16V20H17A2 2 0 0 0 19 18V7M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14M10 23L12 22L14 23V18H10M14 13V11L12 12L10 11V13L8 14L10 15V17L12 16L14 17V15L16 14Z",cQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M7,20H9V14H7V20M11,20H13V12H11V20M15,20H17V16H15V20Z",sQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19V20H11V12H13V19C13 15.7 15.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M7 14H9V20H7V14Z",OQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.4 21.4 13.2 20.7 13.1 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6M11 11V19H13V11H11M7 13V19H9V13H7Z",hQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9 13V19H7V13H9M15 15V19H17V15H15M11 11V19H13V11H11Z",pQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",fQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13S19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20Z",gQ="M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H12.41A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 18 9.3V8L12 2H4M11 3.5L16.5 9H11V3.5M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12H15Z",kQ="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H12.41A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 18 9.3V8L12 2H4M4 4H11V9H16A7 7 0 0 0 9 16A7 7 0 0 0 10.26 20H4V4M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12V17L18.61 19.16L19.36 17.94L16.5 16.25V12H15Z",BQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M15.68,15C15.34,13.3 13.82,12 12,12C10.55,12 9.3,12.82 8.68,14C7.17,14.18 6,15.45 6,17A3,3 0 0,0 9,20H15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,17.5C18,16.18 16.97,15.11 15.68,15Z",PQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17 16.92C17 18.07 16.07 19 14.92 19H9.5C8.12 19 7 17.88 7 16.5C7 15.21 8 14.15 9.23 14C9.75 13 10.79 12.33 12 12.33C13.5 12.33 14.78 13.42 15.07 14.83C16.14 14.93 17 15.82 17 16.92Z",wQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M6.12,15.5L9.86,19.24L11.28,17.83L8.95,15.5L11.28,13.17L9.86,11.76L6.12,15.5M17.28,15.5L13.54,11.76L12.12,13.17L14.45,15.5L12.12,17.83L13.54,19.24L17.28,15.5Z",FQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9.54 15.65L11.63 17.74L10.35 19L7 15.65L10.35 12.3L11.63 13.56L9.54 15.65M17 15.65L13.65 19L12.38 17.74L14.47 15.65L12.38 13.56L13.65 12.3L17 15.65Z",TQ="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H12.68A7 7 0 0 1 12 19A7 7 0 0 1 19 12A7 7 0 0 1 20 12.08V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14H18M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",bQ="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V12H20V8L14 2M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",yQ="M10,18H6V16H10V18M10,14H6V12H10V14M10,1V2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V23H12V1H10M20,8V20C20,21.11 19.11,22 18,22H14V20H18V11H14V9H18.5L14,4.5V2L20,8M16,14H14V12H16V14M16,18H14V16H16V18Z",RQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M15 16L13 20H10L12 16H9V11H15V16M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",xQ="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10 19L12 15H9V10H15V15L13 19H10",DQ="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M15,18V16H6V18H15M18,14V12H6V14H18Z",EQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20M11 9H16.5L11 3.5V9M4 2H12L18 8V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.89 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.89 2.89 2 4 2M13 18V16H4V18H13M16 14V12H4V14H16Z",NQ="M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7M6 16H11V18H6M6 12H14V14H6M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V8L12 2M4 4H11V9H16V20H4Z",WQ="M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H6V16H13.8C14.3 15.2 14.9 14.5 15.7 14H6V12H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13S19.7 13 20 13.1V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",IQ="M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19M13.8 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.1C19.7 13 19.3 13 19 13S18.3 13 18 13.1V9H13V4H6V20H13.1C13.2 20.7 13.5 21.4 13.8 22M8 12H16V13.8C15.9 13.9 15.8 13.9 15.7 14H8V12M8 16H13V18H8V16Z",GQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",QQ="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",UQ="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V20.09L12.09,18H6V16H14.09L16.09,14H6V12H18.09L20,10.09V8L14,2H6M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5M20.15,13C20,13 19.86,13.05 19.75,13.16L18.73,14.18L20.82,16.26L21.84,15.25C22.05,15.03 22.05,14.67 21.84,14.46L20.54,13.16C20.43,13.05 20.29,13 20.15,13M18.14,14.77L12,20.92V23H14.08L20.23,16.85L18.14,14.77Z",zQ="M8,12H16V14H8V12M10,20H6V4H13V9H18V12.1L20,10.1V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10V20M8,18H12.1L13,17.1V16H8V18M20.2,13C20.3,13 20.5,13.1 20.6,13.2L21.9,14.5C22.1,14.7 22.1,15.1 21.9,15.3L20.9,16.3L18.8,14.2L19.8,13.2C19.9,13.1 20,13 20.2,13M20.2,16.9L14.1,23H12V20.9L18.1,14.8L20.2,16.9Z",_Q="M15 18H23V20H15M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",KQ="M23 18H15V20H23M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",jQ="M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4M15 7H20.5L15 1.5V7M8 0H16L22 6V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H8C6.89 20 6 19.1 6 18V2C6 .89 6.89 0 8 0M17 16V14H8V16H17M20 12V10H8V12H20Z",qQ="M16 0H8C6.9 0 6 .9 6 2V18C6 19.1 6.9 20 8 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6L16 0M20 18H8V2H15V7H20V18M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4M10 10V12H18V10H10M10 14V16H15V14H10Z",$Q="M6,2A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6M6,4H13V9H18V20H6V4M8,12V14H16V12H8M8,16V18H13V16H8Z",XQ="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13S19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",YQ="M23 18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",JQ="M6 2H14L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12H6V14H13.81C13.26 14.58 12.81 15.25 12.5 16H6V18H12V18.5C12 19.79 12.38 21 13 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2M13 9H18.5L13 3.5V9M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5Z",CU="M6 2C5.47 2 4.96 2.21 4.59 2.59C4.21 2.96 4 3.47 4 4V20C4 20.53 4.21 21.04 4.59 21.41C4.96 21.79 5.47 22 6 22H13C12.63 21.4 12.34 20.72 12.17 20H6V4H13V9H18V12H18.5C19 12 19.5 12.06 20 12.17V8L14 2H6M12 18C12.07 17.3 12.24 16.62 12.5 16H8V18H12M13.81 14C14.43 13.36 15.17 12.85 16 12.5V12H8V14H13.81M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5Z",HU="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 18.67 13.03 18.33 13.08 18H6V16H13.81C14.27 15.2 14.91 14.5 15.68 14H6V12H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 3.5L18.5 9H13Z",VU="M22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.45 21.38 13.2 20.7 13.08 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.08C18.33 13.03 18.67 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M8 12V14H16V12M8 16V18H13V16Z",LU="M14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20V8L14,2M12,19L8,15H10.5V12H13.5V15H16L12,19M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",MU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M12,19L8,15H10.5V12H13.5V15H16L12,19Z",AU="M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H10V20.1L20 10.1V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M20.1 13C20 13 19.8 13.1 19.7 13.2L18.7 14.2L20.8 16.3L21.8 15.3C22 15.1 22 14.7 21.8 14.5L20.5 13.2C20.4 13.1 20.3 13 20.1 13M18.1 14.8L12 20.9V23H14.1L20.2 16.9L18.1 14.8Z",iU="M10 20H6V4H13V9H18V12.1L20 10.1V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H10V20M20.2 13C20.3 13 20.5 13.1 20.6 13.2L21.9 14.5C22.1 14.7 22.1 15.1 21.9 15.3L20.9 16.3L18.8 14.2L19.8 13.2C19.9 13.1 20 13 20.2 13M20.2 16.9L14.1 23H12V20.9L18.1 14.8L20.2 16.9Z",rU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.8,20H14L12,16.6L10,20H8.2L11.1,15.5L8.2,11H10L12,14.4L14,11H15.8L12.9,15.5L15.8,20M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",aU="M16.2,17H14.2L12,13.2L9.8,17H7.8L11,12L7.8,7H9.8L12,10.8L14.2,7H16.2L13,12M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",eU="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M13 12L16.2 17H14.2L12 13.2L9.8 17H7.8L11 12L7.8 7H9.8L12 10.8L14.2 7H16.2L13 12Z",dU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M12.9 14.5L15.8 19H14L12 15.6L10 19H8.2L11.1 14.5L8.2 10H10L12 13.4L14 10H15.8L12.9 14.5Z",mU="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.9 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,3.5L18.5,9H13M8.93,12.22H16V19.29L13.88,17.17L11.05,20L8.22,17.17L11.05,14.35",tU="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M16 11V18.1L13.9 16L11.1 18.8L8.3 16L11.1 13.2L8.9 11H16Z",vU="M17,18C17.56,18 18,18.44 18,19C18,19.56 17.56,20 17,20C16.44,20 16,19.56 16,19C16,18.44 16.44,18 17,18M17,15C14.27,15 11.94,16.66 11,19C11.94,21.34 14.27,23 17,23C19.73,23 22.06,21.34 23,19C22.06,16.66 19.73,15 17,15M17,21.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,21.5M9.14,19.75L8.85,19L9.14,18.26C10.43,15.06 13.5,13 17,13C18.05,13 19.06,13.21 20,13.56V8L14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10.5C9.95,21.34 9.5,20.58 9.14,19.75M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5Z",lU="M17,18C17.56,18 18,18.44 18,19C18,19.56 17.56,20 17,20C16.44,20 16,19.56 16,19C16,18.44 16.44,18 17,18M17,15C14.27,15 11.94,16.66 11,19C11.94,21.34 14.27,23 17,23C19.73,23 22.06,21.34 23,19C22.06,16.66 19.73,15 17,15M17,21.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17,21.5M9.27,20H6V4H13V9H18V13.07C18.7,13.15 19.36,13.32 20,13.56V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H10.5C10,21.41 9.59,20.73 9.27,20Z",oU="M9,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,16A3,3 0 0,0 15,13A3,3 0 0,0 12,10A3,3 0 0,0 9,13M20,19.59V8L14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C18.45,22 18.85,21.85 19.19,21.6L14.76,17.17C13.96,17.69 13,18 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13C17,14 16.69,14.96 16.17,15.75L20,19.59Z",nU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M6,4H13L18,9V17.58L16.16,15.74C17.44,13.8 17.23,11.17 15.5,9.46C14.55,8.5 13.28,8 12,8C10.72,8 9.45,8.5 8.47,9.46C6.5,11.41 6.5,14.57 8.47,16.5C9.44,17.5 10.72,17.97 12,17.97C12.96,17.97 13.92,17.69 14.75,17.14L17.6,20H6V4M14.11,15.1C13.55,15.66 12.8,16 12,16C11.2,16 10.45,15.67 9.89,15.1C9.33,14.54 9,13.79 9,13C9,12.19 9.32,11.44 9.89,10.88C10.45,10.31 11.2,10 12,10C12.8,10 13.55,10.31 14.11,10.88C14.67,11.44 15,12.19 15,13C15,13.79 14.68,14.54 14.11,15.1Z",ZU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 10.5H7.5V13.5H8.5V12H10V13.7C10 14.4 9.5 15 8.7 15H7.3C6.5 15 6 14.3 6 13.7V10.4C6 9.7 6.5 9 7.3 9H8.6C9.5 9 10 9.7 10 10.3V10.5M13 15H11.5V9H13V15M17.5 10.5H16V11.5H17.5V13H16V15H14.5V9H17.5V10.5Z",SU="M13,9H14V11H11V7H13V9M18.5,9L16.38,6.88L17.63,5.63L20,8V10H18V11H15V9H18.5M13,3.5V2H12V4H13V6H11V4H9V2H8V4H6V5H4V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2H14L16.36,4.36L15.11,5.61L13,3.5M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H16V20H18V19H20V20M18,15H20V18H18V15M12,22V20H15V22H12M8,22V20H11V22H8M6,22C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V18H6V20H7V22H6M4,14H6V17H4V14M4,10H6V13H4V10M18,11H20V14H18V11M4,6H6V9H4V6Z",uU="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M6,20H15L18,20V12L14,16L12,14L6,20M8,9A2,2 0 0,0 6,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,11A2,2 0 0,0 8,9Z",cU="M6 20L12 14L13.03 15.03C13.28 12.26 15.68 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C15.5 21.44 15 20.76 14.55 20H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",sU="M8.5 12C7.67 12 7 11.33 7 10.5S7.67 9 8.5 9 10 9.67 10 10.5 9.33 12 8.5 12M14 19C13.43 17.86 13 16.64 13 15.5C13 15.34 13 15.18 13.03 15.03L12 14L7 19H14M6 20V4H13V9H18V10.03C18.17 10 18.33 10 18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C15.5 21.44 15 20.76 14.55 20H6M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",OU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",hU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",pU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M17,13V19H7L12,14L14,16M10,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,10.5Z",fU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",gU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",kU="M13.09 20H6L12 14L13.88 15.88C14.5 14.9 15.36 14.1 16.4 13.6L18 12V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M8 9C9.11 9 10 9.9 10 11S9.11 13 8 13 6 12.11 6 11 6.9 9 8 9M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88Z",BU="M7 19L12 14L13.88 15.88C13.33 16.79 13 17.86 13 19H7M10 10.5C10 9.67 9.33 9 8.5 9S7 9.67 7 10.5 7.67 12 8.5 12 10 11.33 10 10.5M13.09 20H6V4H13V9H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.21 20.72 13.09 20M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",PU="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.9 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,3.5L18.5,9H13M10.05,11.22L12.88,14.05L15,11.93V19H7.93L10.05,16.88L7.22,14.05",wU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15 11.93V19H7.93L10.05 16.88L7.22 14.05L10.05 11.22L12.88 14.05L15 11.93Z",FU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 13.5C9 14.6 8.1 15 7 15S5 14.6 5 13.5V12H6.5V13.5H7.5V9H9V13.5M14 11.5C14 12.3 13.3 13 12.5 13H11.5V15H10V9H12.5C13.3 9 14 9.7 14 10.5V11.5M19 10.5H16.5V13.5H17.5V12H19V13.7C19 14.4 18.5 15 17.7 15H16.4C15.6 15 15.1 14.3 15.1 13.7V10.4C15 9.7 15.5 9 16.3 9H17.6C18.4 9 18.9 9.7 18.9 10.3V10.5M11.5 10.5H12.5V11.5H11.5V10.5Z",TU="M11 16C11 16.6 10.6 17 10 17S9 16.6 9 16C9 15.4 9.4 15 10 15S11 15.4 11 16M20 8V20C20 21.1 19.1 22 18 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14M18 15H12.8C12.2 13.4 10.5 12.6 9 13.2C7.4 13.8 6.6 15.5 7.2 17S9.5 19.4 11 18.8C11.9 18.5 12.5 17.8 12.8 17H14V19H16V17H18M18.5 9L13 3.5V9H18.5Z",bU="M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18M12.83 15A3 3 0 1 0 12.83 17H14V19H16V17H17V15M10 17A1 1 0 1 1 11 16A1 1 0 0 1 10 17Z",yU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M11 20H10C8.39 20 6 18.94 6 16C6 13.07 8.39 12 10 12H11V14H10C9.54 14 8 14.17 8 16C8 17.9 9.67 18 10 18H11V20M15 15V17H9V15H15M14 20H13V18H14C14.46 18 16 17.83 16 16C16 14.1 14.33 14 14 14H13V12H14C15.61 12 18 13.07 18 16C18 18.94 15.61 20 14 20M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",RU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M11 19H10.75C9.45 19 7 18.22 7 15.25S9.45 11.5 10.75 11.5H11V13H10.75C10.38 13 8.5 13.13 8.5 15.25C8.5 17.44 10.5 17.5 10.75 17.5H11V19M14 16H10V14.5H14V16M13 11.5H13.25C14.55 11.5 17 12.28 17 15.25S14.55 19 13.25 19H13V17.5H13.25C13.62 17.5 15.5 17.37 15.5 15.25C15.5 13.06 13.5 13 13.25 13H13V11.5Z",xU="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V18.2C12 17.2 12.4 16.5 13 16C13.1 15.9 13.2 15.9 13.2 15.8V15.5C13.2 12.8 15.6 11 18 11C18.7 11 19.4 11.2 20 11.4V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",DU="M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V18.2C12 17.2 12.4 16.5 13 16C13.1 15.9 13.2 15.9 13.2 15.8V14.5C13.2 11.8 15.6 10 18 10C18.7 10 19.4 10.2 20 10.4V8L14 2H6M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5Z",EU="M22 18.3V21.8C22 22.4 21.4 23 20.7 23H15.2C14.6 23 14 22.4 14 21.7V18.2C14 17.6 14.6 17 15.2 17V14.5C15.2 13.1 16.6 12 18 12S20.8 13.1 20.8 14.5V15H19.5V14.5C19.5 13.7 18.8 13.2 18 13.2S16.5 13.7 16.5 14.5V17H20.8C21.4 17 22 17.6 22 18.3M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V10C18.7 10 19.4 10.2 20 10.4V8L14 2H6Z",NU="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12V20H6V4H13V9H18V11C18.7 11 19.4 11.2 20 11.4V8L14 2H6Z",WU="M18.5 10C19 10 19.5 10.08 20 10.22V8L14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H15.91C14.7 20.41 13 17.78 13 15.5C13 12.5 15.5 10 18.5 10M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M18.5 12C16.6 12 15 13.6 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5C22 13.6 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C17.8 16.8 17.3 16.2 17.3 15.6C17.3 14.9 17.9 14.4 18.5 14.4S19.7 15 19.7 15.6C19.8 16.2 19.2 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",IU="M14.55 20C15 20.76 15.5 21.44 15.91 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V10.22C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10C18.33 10 18.17 10 18 10.03V9H13V4H6V20H14.55M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",GU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M23 20H15V18H23V20Z",QU="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",UU="M14,17H18V14L23,18.5L18,23V20H14V17M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V12.34C19.37,12.12 18.7,12 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18C12,19.54 12.58,20.94 13.53,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",zU="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 20.41 4.12 20.8 4.34 21.12C4.41 21.23 4.5 21.33 4.59 21.41C4.95 21.78 5.45 22 6 22H13.53C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20H6V4H13V9H18V12C18.7 12 19.37 12.12 20 12.34V8L14 2M18 23L23 18.5L20 15.8L18 14V17H14V20H18V23Z",_U="M15,7H20.5L15,1.5V7M8,0H16L22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H8C6.89,20 6,19.1 6,18V2A2,2 0 0,1 8,0M4,4V22H20V24H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,22V4H4Z",KU="M16 0H8C6.9 0 6 .9 6 2V18C6 19.1 6.9 20 8 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V6L16 0M20 18H8V2H15V7H20V18M4 4V22H20V24H4C2.9 24 2 23.1 2 22V4H4Z",jU="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13,13H11V18A2,2 0 0,1 9,20A2,2 0 0,1 7,18A2,2 0 0,1 9,16C9.4,16 9.7,16.1 10,16.3V11H13V13M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",qU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M13,10V12H11V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15C9.4,15 9.7,15.1 10,15.3V10H13Z",$U="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M18,20H6V4H13V9H18V20Z",XU="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9.5 11.5C9.5 12.3 8.8 13 8 13H7V15H5.5V9H8C8.8 9 9.5 9.7 9.5 10.5V11.5M14.5 13.5C14.5 14.3 13.8 15 13 15H10.5V9H13C13.8 9 14.5 9.7 14.5 10.5V13.5M18.5 10.5H17V11.5H18.5V13H17V15H15.5V9H18.5V10.5M12 10.5H13V13.5H12V10.5M7 10.5H8V11.5H7V10.5Z",YU="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M7.37,20L15,12.35L13.65,11L6,18.65L7.37,20M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M7.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,11M13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,17Z",JU="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10 11.5C10 12.33 9.33 13 8.5 13S7 12.33 7 11.5 7.67 10 8.5 10 10 10.67 10 11.5M16 17.5C16 18.33 15.33 19 14.5 19S13 18.33 13 17.5 13.67 16 14.5 16 16 16.67 16 17.5M16 11.35L8.37 19L7 17.65L14.65 10L16 11.35Z",Cz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M17 19.44C17 19.75 16.75 20 16.44 20C11.23 20 7 15.77 7 10.56C7 10.25 7.25 10 7.56 10H9.5C9.81 10 10.06 10.25 10.06 10.56C10.06 11.25 10.17 11.92 10.37 12.54C10.43 12.73 10.39 12.95 10.23 13.11L9 14.33C9.81 15.9 11.1 17.19 12.67 18L13.9 16.77C14.05 16.61 14.27 16.57 14.46 16.63C15.08 16.83 15.75 16.95 16.45 16.95C16.75 16.95 17 17.19 17 17.5V19.44M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",Hz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9 13.33C9.81 14.9 11.1 16.19 12.67 17L13.89 15.77C14.05 15.61 14.27 15.57 14.46 15.63C15.08 15.83 15.75 15.95 16.44 15.95C16.75 15.95 17 16.19 17 16.5V18.45C17 18.75 16.75 19 16.44 19C11.23 19 7 14.77 7 9.56C7 9.25 7.25 9 7.56 9H9.5C9.81 9 10.06 9.25 10.06 9.56C10.06 10.25 10.17 10.92 10.37 11.54C10.43 11.73 10.39 11.95 10.23 12.11L9 13.33Z",Vz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13M23 20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23V20Z",Lz="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M23 18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18Z",Mz="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 11.5C9 12.3 8.3 13 7.5 13H6.5V15H5V9H7.5C8.3 9 9 9.7 9 10.5V11.5M14 15H12.5L11.5 12.5V15H10V9H11.5L12.5 11.5V9H14V15M19 10.5H16.5V13.5H17.5V12H19V13.7C19 14.4 18.5 15 17.7 15H16.4C15.6 15 15.1 14.3 15.1 13.7V10.4C15 9.7 15.5 9 16.3 9H17.6C18.4 9 18.9 9.7 18.9 10.3V10.5H19M6.5 10.5H7.5V11.5H6.5V10.5Z",Az="M12.6,12.3H10.6V15.5H12.7C13.3,15.5 13.6,15.3 13.9,15C14.2,14.7 14.3,14.4 14.3,13.9C14.3,13.4 14.2,13.1 13.9,12.8C13.6,12.5 13.2,12.3 12.6,12.3M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.2,16C14.6,16.5 14.1,16.7 12.8,16.7H10.6V20H9V11H12.8C14.1,11 14.7,11.3 15.2,11.8C15.8,12.4 16,13 16,13.9C16,14.8 15.8,15.5 15.2,16M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",iz="M9.8,13.4H12.3C13.8,13.4 14.46,13.12 15.1,12.58C15.74,12.03 16,11.25 16,10.23C16,9.26 15.75,8.5 15.1,7.88C14.45,7.29 13.83,7 12.3,7H8V17H9.8V13.4M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M9.8,12V8.4H12.1C12.76,8.4 13.27,8.65 13.6,9C13.93,9.35 14.1,9.72 14.1,10.24C14.1,10.8 13.92,11.19 13.6,11.5C13.28,11.81 12.9,12 12.22,12H9.8Z",rz="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M15.1 7.88C14.45 7.29 13.83 7 12.3 7H8V17H9.8V13.4H12.3C13.8 13.4 14.46 13.12 15.1 12.58C15.74 12.03 16 11.25 16 10.23C16 9.26 15.75 8.5 15.1 7.88M13.6 11.5C13.28 11.81 12.9 12 12.22 12H9.8V8.4H12.1C12.76 8.4 13.27 8.65 13.6 9C13.93 9.35 14.1 9.72 14.1 10.24C14.1 10.8 13.92 11.19 13.6 11.5Z",az="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15.2 10.8C14.7 10.3 14.1 10 12.8 10H9V19H10.6V15.7H12.8C14.1 15.7 14.6 15.5 15.2 15C15.8 14.5 16 13.8 16 12.9C16 12 15.8 11.4 15.2 10.8M13.9 14C13.6 14.3 13.3 14.5 12.7 14.5H10.6V11.3H12.6C13.2 11.3 13.6 11.5 13.9 11.8C14.2 12.1 14.3 12.4 14.3 12.9S14.2 13.7 13.9 14Z",ez="M19,16H5V8H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",dz="M6,2C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2H6M13,3.5L18.5,9H13V3.5M12,11A3,3 0 0,1 15,14C15,15.88 12.75,16.06 12.75,17.75H11.25C11.25,15.31 13.5,15.5 13.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,14H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,11M11.25,18.5H12.75V20H11.25V18.5Z",mz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M15 13C15 14.89 12.75 15.07 12.75 16.76H11.25C11.25 14.32 13.5 14.5 13.5 13C13.5 12.18 12.83 11.5 12 11.5S10.5 12.18 10.5 13H9C9 11.35 10.34 10 12 10S15 11.35 15 13M12.75 17.5V19H11.25V17.5H12.75Z",tz="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M13 9H18.5L13 3.5V9M6 2H14L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5C12 19.79 12.37 21 13 22H6C4.88 22 4 21.1 4 20L4 4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2Z",vz="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M14 2L20 8V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12L18 12V9H13V4H6V20H12.17C12.34 20.72 12.63 21.39 13 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14Z",lz="M21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.28 21.09 13 20.05 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.03 20 13.08V8L14 2M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",oz="M13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13S18.33 13.04 18 13.09V9H13V4H6V20H13.09C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22M22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12Z",nz="M14,12H19.5L14,6.5V12M8,5H15L21,11V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8C6.89,23 6,22.1 6,21V18H11V20L15,17L11,14V16H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5M13.5,3H4V16H6V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V3A2,2 0 0,1 4,1H11.5L13.5,3Z",Zz="M14,3L12,1H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,3V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H11V19L15,16L11,13V15H4V3H14M21,10V21A2,2 0 0,1 19,23H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,21V19H8V21H19V12H14V7H8V13H6V7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5H16L21,10Z",Sz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M12,18C9.95,18 8.19,16.76 7.42,15H9.13C9.76,15.9 10.81,16.5 12,16.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,13A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,9.5C10.65,9.5 9.5,10.28 8.9,11.4L10.5,13H6.5V9L7.8,10.3C8.69,8.92 10.23,8 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 17,13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18Z",uz="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13L18 9V20M17 13.24C17 15.86 14.87 18 12.24 18C10.29 18 8.61 16.82 7.88 15.14H9.5C10.11 16 11.11 16.57 12.24 16.57C14.08 16.57 15.57 15.07 15.57 13.24S14.08 9.9 12.24 9.9C10.95 9.9 9.86 10.65 9.29 11.71L10.81 13.24H7V9.43L8.24 10.67C9.09 9.35 10.55 8.5 12.24 8.5C14.87 8.47 17 10.61 17 13.24Z",cz="M17 7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V18C11 19.11 11.9 20 13 20H19C20.11 20 21 19.11 21 18V11L17 7M19 12H16V9H16.17L19 11.83V12M4 11C4 6.58 7.58 3 12 3L13 3.06V5.08L12 5C8.69 5 6 7.69 6 11H9L5 15L1 11H4",sz="M4 11C4 6.58 7.58 3 12 3L13 3.06V5.08L12 5C8.69 5 6 7.69 6 11H9L5 15L1 11H4M17 7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V18C11 19.11 11.9 20 13 20H19C20.11 20 21 19.11 21 18V11L17 7M19 18H13V9H16V12H19V18Z",Oz="M5 20C3.9 20 3 19.11 3 18V9C3 7.9 3.9 7 5 7H9L13 11V18C13 19.11 12.11 20 11 20H5M11 11.83L8.17 9H8V12H11V11.83M20 11H23L19 15L15 11H18C18 7.69 15.31 5 12 5L11 5.08V3.06L12 3C16.42 3 20 6.58 20 11",hz="M20 11H23L19 15L15 11H18C18 7.69 15.31 5 12 5L11 5.08V3.06L12 3C16.42 3 20 6.58 20 11M9 7H5C3.9 7 3 7.9 3 9V18C3 19.11 3.9 20 5 20H11C12.11 20 13 19.11 13 18V11L9 7M11 18H5V9H8V12H11V18Z",pz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H13C12.59,21.75 12.2,21.44 11.86,21.1C9.22,18.67 9.05,14.56 11.5,11.92C13.69,9.5 17.33,9.13 20,11V8L14,2M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13M20.31,18.9C21.64,16.79 21,14 18.91,12.68C16.8,11.35 14,12 12.69,14.08C11.35,16.19 12,18.97 14.09,20.3C15.55,21.23 17.41,21.23 18.88,20.32L22,23.39L23.39,22L20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,19Z",fz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H13C12.59,21.75 12.2,21.44 11.86,21.1C11.53,20.77 11.25,20.4 11,20H6V4H13V9H18V10.18C18.71,10.34 19.39,10.61 20,11V8L14,2M20.31,18.9C21.64,16.79 21,14 18.91,12.68C16.8,11.35 14,12 12.69,14.08C11.35,16.19 12,18.97 14.09,20.3C15.55,21.23 17.41,21.23 18.88,20.32L22,23.39L23.39,22L20.31,18.9M16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16.5,19Z",gz="M14,2H6C4.89,2 4,2.89 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M12.54,19.37V17.37H8.54V15.38H12.54V13.38L15.54,16.38L12.54,19.37M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",kz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M12.54 18.5V16.5H8.54V14.5H12.54V12.5L15.54 15.5L12.54 18.5Z",Bz="M6 0C4.89 0 4 .89 4 2V18A2 2 0 0 0 6 20H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 18V6L14 0H6M13 1.5L18.5 7H13V1.5M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",Pz="M6 0A2 2 0 0 0 4 2V18A2 2 0 0 0 6 20H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 18V6L14 0H6M6 2H13V7H18V18H6V2M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",wz="M19.7 12.9L14 18.6H11.7V16.3L17.4 10.6L19.7 12.9M23.1 12.1C23.1 12.4 22.8 12.7 22.5 13L20 15.5L19.1 14.6L21.7 12L21.1 11.4L20.4 12.1L18.1 9.8L20.3 7.7C20.5 7.5 20.9 7.5 21.2 7.7L22.6 9.1C22.8 9.3 22.8 9.7 22.6 10C22.4 10.2 22.2 10.4 22.2 10.6C22.2 10.8 22.4 11 22.6 11.2C22.9 11.5 23.2 11.8 23.1 12.1M3 20V4H10V9H15V10.5L17 8.5V8L11 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H15C16.1 22 17 21.1 17 20H3M11 17.1C10.8 17.1 10.6 17.2 10.5 17.2L10 15H8.5L6.4 16.7L7 14H5.5L4.5 19H6L8.9 16.4L9.5 18.7H10.5L11 18.6V17.1Z",Fz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M14.5 18.9L12 17.5L9.5 19L10.2 16.2L8 14.3L10.9 14.1L12 11.4L13.1 14L16 14.2L13.8 16.1L14.5 18.9M13 9V3.5L18.5 9H13Z",Tz="M4 4C4 2.89 4.89 2 6 2H14L20 8V20C20 20.53 19.79 21.04 19.41 21.41C19.04 21.79 18.53 22 18 22H6C5.47 22 4.96 21.79 4.59 21.41C4.21 21.04 4 20.53 4 20V4M13 3.5V9H18.5L13 3.5M12 11L10.74 13.75L8 15L10.74 16.26L12 19L13.25 16.26L16 15L13.25 13.75L12 11Z",bz="M12 11L10.74 13.75L8 15L10.74 16.26L12 19L13.25 16.26L16 15L13.25 13.75L12 11M6 2H14L20 8V20C20 21.1 19.1 22 18 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2M6 4V20H18V9H13V4H6Z",yz="M14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M9.5 18L10.2 15.2L8 13.3L10.9 13.1L12 10.4L13.1 13L16 13.2L13.8 15.1L14.5 17.9L12 16.5L9.5 18Z",Rz="M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8M14 18V16H10V18L7 15L10 12V14H14V12L17 15M13 9V3.5L18.5 9Z",xz="M17 15L14 12V14H10V12L7 15L10 18V16H14V18M14 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 6 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18Z",Dz="M11 17.5C11 13.9 13.9 11 17.5 11C18.4 11 19.2 11.2 20 11.5V8L14 2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H12.8C11.7 20.8 11 19.2 11 17.5M13 3.5L18.5 9H13V3.5M17 12V13.5C19.2 13.5 21 15.3 21 17.5C21 18.3 20.8 19.1 20.3 19.7L19.2 18.6C19.4 18.3 19.5 17.9 19.5 17.5C19.5 16.1 18.4 15 17 15V16.5L14.8 14.3L17 12M17 23V21.5C14.8 21.5 13 19.7 13 17.5C13 16.7 13.2 15.9 13.7 15.3L14.8 16.4C14.6 16.7 14.5 17.1 14.5 17.5C14.5 18.9 15.6 20 17 20V18.5L19.2 20.7L17 23Z",Ez="M12.8 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H14L20 8V11.5C19.4 11.2 18.7 11.1 18 11V9H13V4H6V20H11.5C11.8 20.7 12.3 21.4 12.8 22M17 12L14.8 14.2L17 16.4V15C18.4 15 19.5 16.1 19.5 17.5C19.5 17.9 19.4 18.3 19.2 18.6L20.3 19.7C20.7 19.1 21 18.3 21 17.5C21 15.3 19.2 13.5 17 13.5V12M19.2 20.8L17 18.5V20C15.6 20 14.5 18.9 14.5 17.5C14.5 17.1 14.6 16.7 14.8 16.4L13.7 15.3C13.3 15.9 13 16.7 13 17.5C13 19.7 14.8 21.5 17 21.5V23L19.2 20.8Z",Nz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M10,19H7V17H10V19M10,16H7V14H10V16M10,13H7V11H10V13M14,19H11V17H14V19M14,16H11V14H14V16M14,13H11V11H14V13M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",Wz="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M9 18H6V16H9V18M9 15H6V13H9V15M9 12H6V10H9V12M13 18H10V16H13V18M13 15H10V13H13V15M13 12H10V10H13V12Z",Iz="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.1 1 21V5H3M21 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.89 22.1 1 21 1M11 16H8V14H11V16M11 13H8V11H11V13M11 10H8V8H11V10M15 16H12V14H15V16M15 13H12V11H15V13M15 10H12V8H15V10Z",Gz="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.1 1 21V5H3M21 1H7C5.89 1 5 1.89 5 3V17C5 18.1 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.9 22.1 1 21 1M21 17H7V3H21V17M11 14H8V16H11V14M15 14H12V16H15V14M11 11H8V13H11V11M15 11H12V13H15V11M11 8H8V10H11V8M15 8H12V10H15V8Z",Qz="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M9 18H6V16H9V18M13 18H10V16H13V18M9 15H6V13H9V15M13 15H10V13H13V15M9 12H6V10H9V12M13 12H10V10H13V12Z",Uz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M18,20H6V4H13V9H18V20M10,13H7V11H10V13M14,13H11V11H14V13M10,16H7V14H10V16M14,16H11V14H14V16M10,19H7V17H10V19M14,19H11V17H14V19Z",zz="M3,3H9V7H3V3M15,10H21V14H15V10M15,17H21V21H15V17M13,13H7V18H13V20H7L5,20V9H7V11H13V13Z",_z="M12 13H7V18H12V20H5V10H7V11H12V13M8 4V6H4V4H8M10 2H2V8H10V2M20 11V13H16V11H20M22 9H14V15H22V9M20 18V20H16V18H20M22 16H14V22H22V16Z",Kz="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M12.16,14.31C10.6,14.31 9.19,14.89 8.11,15.83L6,13.72V19H11.28L9.15,16.88C9.97,16.2 11,15.78 12.16,15.78C14.23,15.78 16,17.13 16.61,19L18,18.54C17.19,16.09 14.88,14.31 12.16,14.31Z",jz="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17 17.61L15.84 18C15.33 16.44 13.86 15.31 12.13 15.31C11.17 15.31 10.31 15.66 9.63 16.23L11.4 18H7V13.6L8.76 15.36C9.66 14.57 10.83 14.09 12.13 14.09C14.4 14.09 16.33 15.57 17 17.61Z",qz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M13.5,16V19H10.5V16H8L12,12L16,16H13.5M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",$z="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M12,12L16,16H13.5V19H10.5V16H8L12,12Z",Xz="M13,9H18.5L13,3.5V9M6,2H14L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V4C4,2.89 4.89,2 6,2M17,19V13L14,15.2V13H7V19H14V16.8L17,19Z",Yz="M14,2L20,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H14M18,20V9H13V4H6V20H18M16,18L13.5,16.3V18H8V13H13.5V14.7L16,13V18Z",Jz="M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V8L14,2M15.2,20H13.8L12,13.2L10.2,20H8.8L6.6,11H8.1L9.5,17.8L11.3,11H12.6L14.4,17.8L15.8,11H17.3L15.2,20M13,9V3.5L18.5,9H13Z",C_="M15.5,17H14L12,9.5L10,17H8.5L6.1,7H7.8L9.34,14.5L11.3,7H12.7L14.67,14.5L16.2,7H17.9M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",H_="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M5 5H19V19H5V5M17.9 7L15.5 17H14L12 9.5L10 17H8.5L6.1 7H7.8L9.34 14.5L11.3 7H12.7L14.67 14.5L16.2 7H17.9Z",V_="M14 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L14 2M18 20H6V4H13V9H18V20M17.35 10L15.25 19H13.85L12.05 12.21L10.25 19H8.85L6.65 10H8.15L9.55 16.81L11.35 10H12.65L14.45 16.81L15.85 10H17.35Z",L_="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M8 15H6.5L6 13L5.5 15H4L4.75 12L4 9H5.5L6 11L6.5 9H8L7.25 12L8 15M15.5 15H14V10.5H13V14H11.5V10.5H10.5V15H9V11C9 9.9 9.9 9 11 9H13.5C14.61 9 15.5 9.9 15.5 11V15M20 15H17V9H18.5V13.5H20V15Z",M_="M3.5,3H5V1.8C5,1.36 5.36,1 5.8,1H10.2C10.64,1 11,1.36 11,1.8V3H12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,4.5V5H22V20H14V20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,22H3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,3M18,7V9H20V7H18M14,7V9H16V7H14M10,7V9H12V7H10M14,16V18H16V16H14M18,16V18H20V16H18M10,16V18H12V16H10Z",A_="M18,9H16V7H18M18,13H16V11H18M18,17H16V15H18M8,9H6V7H8M8,13H6V11H8M8,17H6V15H8M18,3V5H16V3H8V5H6V3H4V21H6V19H8V21H16V19H18V21H20V3H18Z",i_="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M7 18V16H5V18H7M7 13V11H5V13H7M7 8V6H5V8H7M19 18V16H17V18H19M19 13V11H17V13H19M19 8V6H17V8H19Z",r_="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M10,15H8V13H10V15M10,11H8V9H10V11M10,7H8V5H10V7M20,15H18V13H20V15M20,11H18V9H20V11M20,7H18V5H20V7Z",a_="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L16,19.27V21H8V19H6V21H4V7.27L1,4.27M18,9V7H16V9H18M18,13V11H16V13H18M18,15H16.82L6.82,5H8V3H16V5H18V3H20V18.18L18,16.18V15M8,13V11.27L7.73,11H6V13H8M8,17V15H6V17H8M6,3V4.18L4.82,3H6Z",e_="M14,12V19.88C14.04,20.18 13.94,20.5 13.71,20.71C13.32,21.1 12.69,21.1 12.3,20.71L10.29,18.7C10.06,18.47 9.96,18.16 10,17.87V12H9.97L4.21,4.62C3.87,4.19 3.95,3.56 4.38,3.22C4.57,3.08 4.78,3 5,3V3H19V3C19.22,3 19.43,3.08 19.62,3.22C20.05,3.56 20.13,4.19 19.79,4.62L14.03,12H14Z",d_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.87V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",m_="M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",t_="M22.77 19.32L21.7 18.5C21.72 18.33 21.74 18.17 21.74 18S21.73 17.67 21.7 17.5L22.76 16.68C22.85 16.6 22.88 16.47 22.82 16.36L21.82 14.63C21.76 14.5 21.63 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.27 15C20 14.82 19.73 14.65 19.42 14.53L19.23 13.21C19.22 13.09 19.11 13 19 13H17C16.87 13 16.76 13.09 16.74 13.21L16.55 14.53C16.25 14.66 15.96 14.82 15.7 15L14.46 14.5C14.35 14.5 14.22 14.5 14.15 14.63L13.15 16.36C13.09 16.47 13.11 16.6 13.21 16.68L14.27 17.5C14.25 17.67 14.24 17.83 14.24 18S14.25 18.33 14.27 18.5L13.21 19.32C13.12 19.4 13.09 19.53 13.15 19.64L14.15 21.37C14.21 21.5 14.34 21.5 14.46 21.5L15.7 21C15.96 21.18 16.24 21.35 16.55 21.47L16.74 22.79C16.76 22.91 16.86 23 17 23H19C19.11 23 19.22 22.91 19.24 22.79L19.43 21.47C19.73 21.34 20 21.18 20.27 21L21.5 21.5C21.63 21.5 21.76 21.5 21.83 21.37L22.83 19.64C22.89 19.53 22.86 19.4 22.77 19.32M18 19.5C17.16 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.17 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.83 19.5 18 19.5M3 3C2.78 3 2.57 3.08 2.38 3.22C1.95 3.56 1.87 4.19 2.21 4.62L7.97 12H8V17.87C7.96 18.16 8.06 18.47 8.29 18.7L10.3 20.71C10.65 21.06 11.19 21.08 11.58 20.8C11.2 19.91 11 18.96 11 18C11 16.73 11.35 15.5 12 14.4V12H12.03L17.79 4.62C18.13 4.19 18.05 3.56 17.62 3.22C17.43 3.08 17.22 3 17 3H3Z",v_="M22.77 19.32L21.7 18.5C21.72 18.33 21.74 18.17 21.74 18S21.73 17.67 21.7 17.5L22.76 16.68C22.85 16.6 22.88 16.47 22.82 16.36L21.82 14.63C21.76 14.5 21.63 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.27 15C20 14.82 19.73 14.65 19.42 14.53L19.23 13.21C19.22 13.09 19.11 13 19 13H17C16.87 13 16.76 13.09 16.74 13.21L16.55 14.53C16.25 14.66 15.96 14.82 15.7 15L14.46 14.5C14.35 14.5 14.22 14.5 14.15 14.63L13.15 16.36C13.09 16.47 13.11 16.6 13.21 16.68L14.27 17.5C14.25 17.67 14.24 17.83 14.24 18S14.25 18.33 14.27 18.5L13.21 19.32C13.12 19.4 13.09 19.53 13.15 19.64L14.15 21.37C14.21 21.5 14.34 21.5 14.46 21.5L15.7 21C15.96 21.18 16.24 21.35 16.55 21.47L16.74 22.79C16.76 22.91 16.86 23 17 23H19C19.11 23 19.22 22.91 19.24 22.79L19.43 21.47C19.73 21.34 20 21.18 20.27 21L21.5 21.5C21.63 21.5 21.76 21.5 21.83 21.37L22.83 19.64C22.89 19.53 22.86 19.4 22.77 19.32M18 19.5C17.16 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.17 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.83 19.5 18 19.5M17.62 3.22C17.43 3.08 17.22 3 17 3H3C2.78 3 2.57 3.08 2.38 3.22C1.95 3.56 1.87 4.19 2.21 4.62L7 10.75V15.87C6.96 16.16 7.06 16.47 7.29 16.7L11.3 20.71C11.4 20.81 11.5 20.88 11.65 20.93C11.22 20 11 19 11 18C11 16.17 11.72 14.41 13 13.1V10.75L17.79 4.62C18.13 4.19 18.05 3.56 17.62 3.22M11 10.05V17.58L9 15.58V10.06L5.04 5H14.96L11 10.05Z",l_="M11 11L16.76 3.62A1 1 0 0 0 16.59 2.22A1 1 0 0 0 16 2H2A1 1 0 0 0 1.38 2.22A1 1 0 0 0 1.21 3.62L7 11V16.87A1 1 0 0 0 7.29 17.7L9.29 19.7A1 1 0 0 0 10.7 19.7A1 1 0 0 0 11 18.87V11M13 16L18 21L23 16Z",o_="M12 18.88A1 1 0 0 1 11.71 19.71A1 1 0 0 1 10.3 19.71L6.3 15.71A1 1 0 0 1 6 14.87V9.75L1.21 3.62A1 1 0 0 1 1.38 2.22A1 1 0 0 1 2 2H16A1 1 0 0 1 16.62 2.22A1 1 0 0 1 16.79 3.62L12 9.75V18.88M4 4L8 9.06V14.58L10 16.58V9.05L14 4M13 16L18 21L23 16Z",n_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.86V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M15 17H23V19H15V17Z",Z_="M15 17H23V19H15V17M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04Z",S_="M3.46 5C3.25 5 3.04 5.08 2.87 5.21C2.43 5.55 2.35 6.18 2.69 6.61L2.69 6.62L8 13.42V19.41L10.29 21.71C10.68 22.1 11.32 22.1 11.71 21.71C12.1 21.32 12.1 20.68 11.71 20.29L10 18.59V12.73L4.27 5.39C4.08 5.14 3.78 5 3.46 5M16 12V19.88C16.04 20.18 15.94 20.5 15.71 20.71C15.32 21.1 14.69 21.1 14.3 20.71L12.29 18.7C12.06 18.47 11.96 18.16 12 17.87V12H11.97L6.21 4.62C5.87 4.19 5.95 3.56 6.38 3.22C6.57 3.08 6.78 3 7 3H21C21.22 3 21.43 3.08 21.62 3.22C22.05 3.56 22.13 4.19 21.79 4.62L16.03 12H16Z",u_="M3.47 5C3.25 5 3.04 5.08 2.87 5.21C2.43 5.55 2.35 6.18 2.69 6.61L2.69 6.62L7 12.14V18.05L10.64 21.71C11 22.1 11.66 22.1 12.05 21.71L12.05 21.71C12.44 21.32 12.44 20.69 12.06 20.3L9 17.22V11.45L4.27 5.39C4.08 5.14 3.78 5 3.47 5M21.62 3.22C21.43 3.08 21.22 3 21 3H7C6.78 3 6.57 3.08 6.38 3.22C5.95 3.56 5.87 4.19 6.21 4.62L11 10.75V15.87C10.96 16.16 11.06 16.47 11.29 16.7L15.3 20.71C15.69 21.1 16.32 21.1 16.71 20.71C16.94 20.5 17.04 20.18 17 19.88V10.75L21.79 4.62C22.13 4.19 22.05 3.56 21.62 3.22M15 10.05V17.58L13 15.58V10.06L9.04 5H18.96L15 10.05Z",c_="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9.5 11.37L9.97 12H10V17.87C9.96 18.16 10.06 18.47 10.29 18.7L12.3 20.71C12.69 21.1 13.32 21.1 13.71 20.71C13.94 20.5 14.04 20.18 14 19.88V15.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L14 13.35L9.41 8.76L4.15 3.5L2.39 1.73M6.21 3L14.54 11.34L19.79 4.62C20.13 4.19 20.05 3.56 19.62 3.22C19.43 3.08 19.22 3 19 3H6.21Z",s_="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9 10.89V15.87C8.96 16.16 9.06 16.47 9.29 16.7L13.3 20.71C13.69 21.1 14.32 21.1 14.71 20.71C14.94 20.5 15.04 20.18 15 19.88V16.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L15 14.35V14.34L13 12.35L11 10.34L4.15 3.5L2.39 1.73M6.21 3L8.2 5H16.96L13.11 9.91L15 11.8V10.75L19.79 4.62C20.13 4.19 20.05 3.56 19.62 3.22C19.43 3.08 19.22 3 19 3H6.21M11 12.89L13 14.89V17.58L11 15.58V12.89Z",O_="M15,19.88C15.04,20.18 14.94,20.5 14.71,20.71C14.32,21.1 13.69,21.1 13.3,20.71L9.29,16.7C9.06,16.47 8.96,16.16 9,15.87V10.75L4.21,4.62C3.87,4.19 3.95,3.56 4.38,3.22C4.57,3.08 4.78,3 5,3V3H19V3C19.22,3 19.43,3.08 19.62,3.22C20.05,3.56 20.13,4.19 19.79,4.62L15,10.75V19.88M7.04,5L11,10.06V15.58L13,17.58V10.05L16.96,5H7.04Z",h_="M12 12V19.88C12.04 20.18 11.94 20.5 11.71 20.71C11.32 21.1 10.69 21.1 10.3 20.71L8.29 18.7C8.06 18.47 7.96 18.16 8 17.87V12H7.97L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3H17C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L12.03 12H12M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17Z",p_="M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17M13 19.88C13.04 20.18 12.94 20.5 12.72 20.71C12.32 21.1 11.69 21.1 11.3 20.71L7.29 16.7C7.06 16.47 6.96 16.16 7 15.87V10.75L2.21 4.62C1.87 4.19 1.95 3.56 2.38 3.22C2.57 3.08 2.78 3 3 3V3H17V3C17.22 3 17.43 3.08 17.62 3.22C18.05 3.56 18.13 4.19 17.79 4.62L13 10.75V19.88M5.04 5L9 10.07V15.58L11 17.58V10.05L14.96 5H5.04Z",f_="M14.76,20.83L17.6,18L14.76,15.17L16.17,13.76L19,16.57L21.83,13.76L23.24,15.17L20.43,18L23.24,20.83L21.83,22.24L19,19.4L16.17,22.24L14.76,20.83M12,12V19.88C12.04,20.18 11.94,20.5 11.71,20.71C11.32,21.1 10.69,21.1 10.3,20.71L8.29,18.7C8.06,18.47 7.96,18.16 8,17.87V12H7.97L2.21,4.62C1.87,4.19 1.95,3.56 2.38,3.22C2.57,3.08 2.78,3 3,3V3H17V3C17.22,3 17.43,3.08 17.62,3.22C18.05,3.56 18.13,4.19 17.79,4.62L12.03,12H12Z",g_="M14.73,20.83L17.58,18L14.73,15.17L16.15,13.76L19,16.57L21.8,13.76L23.22,15.17L20.41,18L23.22,20.83L21.8,22.24L19,19.4L16.15,22.24L14.73,20.83M13,19.88C13.04,20.18 12.94,20.5 12.71,20.71C12.32,21.1 11.69,21.1 11.3,20.71L7.29,16.7C7.06,16.47 6.96,16.16 7,15.87V10.75L2.21,4.62C1.87,4.19 1.95,3.56 2.38,3.22C2.57,3.08 2.78,3 3,3V3H17V3C17.22,3 17.43,3.08 17.62,3.22C18.05,3.56 18.13,4.19 17.79,4.62L13,10.75V19.88M5.04,5L9,10.06V15.58L11,17.58V10.05L14.96,5H5.04Z",k_="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M14 12V19.88C14.04 20.18 13.94 20.5 13.71 20.71C13.32 21.1 12.69 21.1 12.3 20.71L10.29 18.7C10.06 18.47 9.96 18.16 10 17.87V12H9.97L4.21 4.62C3.87 4.19 3.95 3.56 4.38 3.22C4.57 3.08 4.78 3 5 3H19C19.22 3 19.43 3.08 19.62 3.22C20.05 3.56 20.13 4.19 19.79 4.62L14.03 12Z",B_="M15 22H17V24H15M11 22H13V24H11M7 22H9V24H7M15 19.88C15.04 20.18 14.94 20.5 14.71 20.71C14.32 21.1 13.69 21.1 13.3 20.71L9.29 16.7C9.06 16.47 8.96 16.16 9 15.87V10.75L4.21 4.62C3.87 4.19 3.95 3.56 4.38 3.22C4.57 3.08 4.78 3 5 3H19C19.22 3 19.43 3.08 19.62 3.22C20.05 3.56 20.13 4.19 19.79 4.62L15 10.75V19.88M7.04 5L11 10.06V15.58L13 17.58V10.05L16.96 5Z",P_="M6,13H18V11H6M3,6V8H21V6M10,18H14V16H10V18Z",w_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",F_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",T_="M21 8H3V6H21V8M13.81 16H10V18H13.09C13.21 17.28 13.46 16.61 13.81 16M18 11H6V13H18V11M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 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7V22H19V17C19 17 19 15 15 15C11 15 11 17 11 17V22H8V17H4V22H2M14.47 7.62H14.5L14.14 7.25L13.25 6.5C12.61 5.88 12.46 4.82 12.87 4C12.5 4.1 12.1 4.33 11.79 4.58C10.68 5.5 10.23 7.12 10.76 8.5L10.8 8.65C10.8 8.75 10.73 8.84 10.64 8.87C10.55 8.92 10.44 8.89 10.36 8.82L10.3 8.74C9.81 8.11 9.73 7.21 10.06 6.5C9.34 7.09 8.96 8.1 9 9.06L9.13 9.72C9.19 10 9.3 10.25 9.45 10.5C9.9 11.24 10.71 11.79 11.58 11.9C12.5 12 13.5 11.85 14.21 11.19C15 10.45 15.29 9.3 14.87 8.29L14.81 8.17L14.47 7.62Z",__="M17.04,2C16.85,2 16.66,2.04 16.5,2.14L5.59,8.5H9.55L17.5,3.86C18,3.58 18.13,2.97 17.85,2.5C17.68,2.2 17.38,2 17.04,2M16,8V10H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,12H2V15H1V19H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,22A3,3 0 0,0 9,19H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,22A3,3 0 0,0 21,19H23V12.5L19.5,8H16M18,9.5H19L21.5,12.5V13.5H18V9.5M4,12H7V15H4V12M9,12H12V15H9V12M14,12H16V15H14V12M6,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,17.5M18,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,17.5Z",K_="M20,18.69L12.7,22.74C12.2,23 11.7,23 11.2,22.74L4,18.69L17.05,5.54L17.4,5.44C17.7,5.44 17.87,5.57 17.9,5.84L20,18.69M9.35,5.74L4.8,13.29L6.7,1.34C6.73,1.07 6.9,0.94 7.2,0.94C7.4,0.94 7.53,1 7.6,1.19L9.75,5.14L9.35,5.74M13.85,7L4.3,16.59L11.55,4.29C11.65,4.09 11.8,4 12,4C12.2,4 12.33,4.09 12.4,4.29L13.85,7Z",j_="M9.27 7.94C9.27 7.94 9.27 7.94 9.27 7.94M6.85 6.74C6.86 6.74 6.86 6.74 6.85 6.74M21.28 8.6C20.85 7.55 19.96 6.42 19.27 6.06C19.83 7.17 20.16 8.28 20.29 9.1L20.29 9.12C19.16 6.3 17.24 5.16 15.67 2.68C15.59 2.56 15.5 2.43 15.43 2.3C15.39 2.23 15.36 2.16 15.32 2.09C15.26 1.96 15.2 1.83 15.17 1.69C15.17 1.68 15.16 1.67 15.15 1.67H15.13L15.12 1.67L15.12 1.67L15.12 1.67C12.9 2.97 11.97 5.26 11.74 6.71C11.05 6.75 10.37 6.92 9.75 7.22C9.63 7.27 9.58 7.41 9.62 7.53C9.67 7.67 9.83 7.74 9.96 7.68C10.5 7.42 11.1 7.27 11.7 7.23L11.75 7.23C11.83 7.22 11.92 7.22 12 7.22C12.5 7.21 12.97 7.28 13.44 7.42L13.5 7.44C13.6 7.46 13.67 7.5 13.75 7.5C13.8 7.54 13.86 7.56 13.91 7.58L14.05 7.64C14.12 7.67 14.19 7.7 14.25 7.73C14.28 7.75 14.31 7.76 14.34 7.78C14.41 7.82 14.5 7.85 14.54 7.89C14.58 7.91 14.62 7.94 14.66 7.96C15.39 8.41 16 9.03 16.41 9.77C15.88 9.4 14.92 9.03 14 9.19C17.6 11 16.63 17.19 11.64 16.95C11.2 16.94 10.76 16.85 10.34 16.7C10.24 16.67 10.14 16.63 10.05 16.58C10 16.56 9.93 16.53 9.88 16.5C8.65 15.87 7.64 14.68 7.5 13.23C7.5 13.23 8 11.5 10.83 11.5C11.14 11.5 12 10.64 12.03 10.4C12.03 10.31 10.29 9.62 9.61 8.95C9.24 8.59 9.07 8.42 8.92 8.29C8.84 8.22 8.75 8.16 8.66 8.1C8.43 7.3 8.42 6.45 8.63 5.65C7.6 6.12 6.8 6.86 6.22 7.5H6.22C5.82 7 5.85 5.35 5.87 5C5.86 5 5.57 5.16 5.54 5.18C5.19 5.43 4.86 5.71 4.56 6C4.21 6.37 3.9 6.74 3.62 7.14C3 8.05 2.5 9.09 2.28 10.18C2.28 10.19 2.18 10.59 2.11 11.1L2.08 11.33C2.06 11.5 2.04 11.65 2 11.91L2 11.94L2 12.27L2 12.32C2 17.85 6.5 22.33 12 22.33C16.97 22.33 21.08 18.74 21.88 14C21.9 13.89 21.91 13.76 21.93 13.63C22.13 11.91 21.91 10.11 21.28 8.6Z",q_="M22,22H2V20H22V22M22,6H2V3H22V6M20,7V19H17V11C17,11 14.5,10 12,10C9.5,10 7,11 7,11V19H4V7H20M14.5,14.67H14.47L14.81,15.22L14.87,15.34C15.29,16.35 15,17.5 14.21,18.24C13.5,18.9 12.5,19.07 11.58,18.95C10.71,18.84 9.9,18.29 9.45,17.53C9.3,17.3 9.19,17.03 9.13,16.77L9,16.11C8.96,15.15 9.34,14.14 10.06,13.54C9.73,14.26 9.81,15.16 10.3,15.79L10.36,15.87C10.44,15.94 10.55,15.97 10.64,15.92C10.73,15.89 10.8,15.8 10.8,15.7L10.76,15.56C10.23,14.17 10.68,12.55 11.79,11.63C12.1,11.38 12.5,11.15 12.87,11.05C12.46,11.87 12.61,12.93 13.25,13.57L14.14,14.3L14.5,14.67M13.11,17.44V17.44C13.37,17.2 13.53,16.8 13.5,16.44V16.25C13.38,15.65 12.85,15.46 12.5,15L12.26,14.55C12.13,14.85 12.12,15.13 12.17,15.46C12.23,15.8 12.37,16.09 12.29,16.44C12.2,16.83 11.9,17.22 11.37,17.35C11.67,17.64 12.15,17.87 12.64,17.71L13.11,17.44Z",$_="M22,22H2V20H22V22M22,6H2V3H22V6M20,7V19H17V11C17,11 14.5,10 12,10C9.5,10 7,11 7,11V19H4V7H20Z",X_="M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12S9.8 16 12 16 16 14.2 16 12 14.2 8 12 8M15 17H9V19H15V17M15 20H9V22H15V20M6.3 10.6L10.5 6.4L9.2 4.9L4.9 9.2L6.3 10.6M4.2 8.5L8.4 4.3L7.1 2.8L2.8 7.1L4.2 8.5M15 17H9V19H15V17M13.4 6.3L17.6 10.5L21.1 7L16.9 2.8L13.4 6.3Z",Y_="M5.8,16.59L4.5,15.28L12.26,7.5L16.5,11.74L8.72,19.5L7.29,18.09C7.04,18.16 6.8,18.28 6.63,18.5C6.57,18.57 6.5,18.65 6.5,18.74C6.42,18.88 6.38,19 6.32,19.15C6.21,19.42 6.09,19.69 5.93,19.93C5.81,20.1 5.68,20.26 5.53,20.39C5.42,20.5 5.29,20.59 5.16,20.66C5.08,20.71 5,20.76 4.9,20.79C4.3,21.04 3.63,21 3,21V19C3.23,19 3.83,19 3.9,19C4,19 4.08,19 4.16,18.94C4.18,18.92 4.19,18.91 4.21,18.89C4.28,18.81 4.34,18.7 4.39,18.6C4.47,18.42 4.53,18.24 4.6,18.06L4.64,17.96C4.76,17.69 4.9,17.45 5.08,17.23C5.18,17.1 5.3,17 5.42,16.87C5.54,16.77 5.66,16.67 5.8,16.59M21,3L19.88,11.19L12.81,4.12L21,3Z",J_="M20.84 22.73L13.17 15.06L8.72 19.5L7.29 18.09C7.04 18.16 6.8 18.28 6.63 18.5C6.57 18.57 6.5 18.65 6.5 18.74C6.42 18.88 6.38 19 6.32 19.15C6.21 19.42 6.09 19.69 5.93 19.93C5.81 20.1 5.68 20.26 5.53 20.39C5.42 20.5 5.29 20.59 5.16 20.66C5.08 20.71 5 20.76 4.9 20.79C4.3 21.04 3.63 21 3 21V19H3.9C4 19 4.08 19 4.16 18.94L4.21 18.89C4.28 18.81 4.34 18.7 4.39 18.6C4.47 18.42 4.53 18.24 4.6 18.06L4.64 17.96C4.76 17.69 4.9 17.45 5.08 17.23C5.18 17.1 5.3 17 5.42 16.87C5.54 16.77 5.66 16.67 5.8 16.59L4.5 15.28L8.94 10.83L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 3L12.81 4.12L19.88 11.19L21 3M16.5 11.74L12.26 7.5L11.5 8.28L15.72 12.5L16.5 11.74Z",CK="M12,20L12.76,17C9.5,16.79 6.59,15.4 5.75,13.58C5.66,14.06 5.53,14.5 5.33,14.83C4.67,16 3.33,16 2,16C3.1,16 3.5,14.43 3.5,12.5C3.5,10.57 3.1,9 2,9C3.33,9 4.67,9 5.33,10.17C5.53,10.5 5.66,10.94 5.75,11.42C6.4,10 8.32,8.85 10.66,8.32L9,5C11,5 13,5 14.33,5.67C15.46,6.23 16.11,7.27 16.69,8.38C19.61,9.08 22,10.66 22,12.5C22,14.38 19.5,16 16.5,16.66C15.67,17.76 14.86,18.78 14.17,19.33C13.33,20 12.67,20 12,20M17,11A1,1 0 0,0 16,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,13A1,1 0 0,0 18,12A1,1 0 0,0 17,11Z",HK="M20.8 22.7L15.7 17.6C15.1 18.3 14.6 18.9 14.1 19.3C13.3 20 12.7 20 12 20L12.8 17C9.5 16.8 6.6 15.4 5.8 13.6C5.7 14.1 5.6 14.5 5.4 14.8C4.7 16 3.3 16 2 16C3.1 16 3.5 14.4 3.5 12.5S3.1 9 2 9C3.3 9 4.7 9 5.3 10.2C5.5 10.5 5.6 11 5.7 11.4C6 10.7 6.7 10 7.6 9.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M9.8 6.6L9 5C11 5 13 5 14.3 5.7C15.4 6.3 16.1 7.3 16.7 8.4C19.6 9.1 22 10.7 22 12.5C22 13.8 20.8 15 19 15.8L9.8 6.6M16 12C16 12.6 16.4 13 17 13S18 12.6 18 12 17.6 11 17 11 16 11.4 16 12Z",VK="M19.11,5H21V3H3V5H4.89C3.11,6.8 2,9.27 2,12C2,15.97 4.31,19.39 7.66,21H16.34C19.69,19.39 22,15.97 22,12C22,9.27 20.89,6.8 19.11,5M13.25,17C12.09,17 11.06,16.64 10.33,16.17C9.67,17 8.33,17 7,17C8.1,17 8.5,15.88 8.5,14.5C8.5,13.12 8.1,12 7,12C8.33,12 9.67,12 10.37,12.91C11.06,12.36 12.09,12 13.25,12C15.32,12 17,13.12 17,14.5C17,15.88 15.32,17 13.25,17M16,7C13.56,8.71 10.44,8.71 8,7C7.06,7.66 6,8.09 4.95,8.25C5.31,7.58 5.77,6.96 6.32,6.41L7.7,5H16.3L17.68,6.41C18.23,6.96 18.69,7.58 19.05,8.25C18,8.09 16.94,7.66 16,7Z",LK="M19.11,5H21V3H3V5H4.89C3.11,6.8 2,9.27 2,12C2,15.97 4.31,19.39 7.66,21H16.34C19.69,19.39 22,15.97 22,12C22,9.27 20.89,6.8 19.11,5M6.32,6.41L7.7,5H16.3L17.68,6.41C18.23,6.96 18.69,7.58 19.05,8.25C18,8.09 16.94,7.66 16,7C13.56,8.71 10.44,8.71 8,7C7.06,7.66 6,8.09 4.95,8.25C5.31,7.58 5.77,6.96 6.32,6.41M15.85,19H8.15C5.58,17.59 4,14.95 4,12C4,11.43 4.07,10.86 4.19,10.32C5.5,10.29 6.8,9.95 8,9.33C10.5,10.63 13.5,10.63 16,9.33C17.2,9.95 18.5,10.29 19.81,10.32C19.93,10.86 20,11.43 20,12C20,14.95 18.42,17.59 15.85,19M17,14.5C17,15.88 15.32,17 13.25,17C12.09,17 11.06,16.64 10.33,16.16C9.67,17 8.33,17 7,17C8.1,17 8.5,15.88 8.5,14.5C8.5,13.12 8.1,12 7,12C8.33,12 9.67,12 10.37,12.91C11.06,12.36 12.09,12 13.25,12C15.32,12 17,13.12 17,14.5Z",MK="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M12,4L15,7H13V9H11V7H9M7,15L4,12L7,9V11H9V13H7M12,20L9,17H11V15H13V17H15M17,15V13H15V11H17V9L20,12",AK="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20M13,8V10H11V8H9L12,5L15,8M16,15V13H14V11H16V9L19,12M10,13H8V15L5,12L8,9V11H10M15,16L12,19L9,16H11V14H13V16",iK="M17 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V8H20V6H17V4M4 8V6H7V4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V8H4M20 16V18H17V20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V16H20M7 18H4V16H2V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H7V18M18 8H6V16H18V8Z",rK="M17 4H20C21.1 4 22 4.9 22 6V8H20V6H17V4M4 8V6H7V4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V8H4M20 16V18H17V20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V16H20M7 18H4V16H2V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H7V18M16 10V14H8V10H16M18 8H6V16H18V8Z",aK="M14.4,6L14,4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13,16H20V6H14.4Z",eK="M14.4,6H20V16H13L12.6,14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4,6M14,14H16V12H18V10H16V8H14V10L13,8V6H11V8H9V6H7V8H9V10H7V12H9V10H11V12H13V10L14,12V14M11,10V8H13V10H11M14,10H16V12H14V10Z",dK="M12.4,5H18V15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5M14,17H22V19H14V17Z",mK="M12.36 6L12.76 8H18V14H14.64L14.24 12H7V6H12.36M14 4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13 16H20V6H14.4M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",tK="M20.84 22.73L14.11 16H13L12.72 14.61L12.11 14H7V21H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M20 16V6H14.4L14 4H7.2L19.2 16H20",vK="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V21H7V14H12.11L12.72 14.61L13 16H14.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7 12V8.89L10.11 12H7M9.2 6L7.2 4H14L14.4 6H20V16H19.2L17.2 14H18V8H12.76L12.36 6H9.2Z",lK="M12.36,6L12.76,8H18V14H14.64L14.24,12H7V6H12.36M14,4H5V21H7V14H12.6L13,16H20V6H14.4",oK="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12.4,5H18V12C15.78,12 13.84,13.21 12.8,15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5Z",nK="M13 16L12.6 14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4 6H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V8H12.76L12.36 6H7V12H14.24L14.64 14H15.69C14.92 14.5 14.27 15.2 13.81 16H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",ZK="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M12.4,5H18V12C15.78,12 13.84,13.21 12.8,15H11L10.6,13H5V20H3V3H12L12.4,5Z",SK="M13 16L12.6 14H7V21H5V4H14L14.4 6H20V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V8H12.76L12.36 6H7V12H14.24L14.64 14H15.69C14.92 14.5 14.27 15.2 13.81 16H13M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",uK="M7,2H9V22H7V2M19,9L11,14.6V3.4L19,9Z",cK="M6,3A1,1 0 0,1 7,4V4.88C8.06,4.44 9.5,4 11,4C14,4 14,6 16,6C19,6 20,4 20,4V12C20,12 19,14 16,14C13,14 13,12 11,12C8,12 7,14 7,14V21H5V4A1,1 0 0,1 6,3Z",sK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",OK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",hK="M20.8 22.7L10.2 12.1C7.8 12.4 7 14 7 14V21H5V6.9L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M20 12V4C20 4 19 6 16 6C14 6 14 4 11 4C9.8 4 8.7 4.3 7.8 4.6L17.1 13.9C19.2 13.5 20 12 20 12Z",pK="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5 6.9V21H7V14C7 14 7.8 12.4 10.2 12.1L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 11.5V8.9L8.7 10.6C7.7 11 7 11.5 7 11.5M9.4 6.2L7.8 4.6C8.7 4.3 9.8 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19.2 13.5 17.1 13.9L15 11.8C15.3 11.9 15.6 12 16 12C18 12 18 11 18 11V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6C10.5 6 9.9 6.1 9.4 6.2Z",fK="M6,3A1,1 0 0,1 7,4V4.88C8.06,4.44 9.5,4 11,4C14,4 14,6 16,6C19,6 20,4 20,4V12C20,12 19,14 16,14C13,14 13,12 11,12C8,12 7,14 7,14V21H5V4A1,1 0 0,1 6,3M7,7.25V11.5C7,11.5 9,10 11,10C13,10 14,12 16,12C18,12 18,11 18,11V7.5C18,7.5 17,8 16,8C14,8 13,6 11,6C9,6 7,7.25 7,7.25Z",gK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",kK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",BK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",PK="M6 3C6.6 3 7 3.4 7 4V4.9C8.1 4.4 9.5 4 11 4C14 4 14 6 16 6C19 6 20 4 20 4V12C20 12 19 14 16 14S13 12 11 12C8 12 7 14 7 14V21H5V4C5 3.4 5.4 3 6 3M7 7.2V11.4C7 11.4 9 9.9 11 9.9S14 11.9 16 11.9 18 10.9 18 10.9V7.5C18 7.5 17 8 16 8C14 8 13 6 11 6S7 7.2 7 7.2M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",wK="M7,11H1V13H7V11M9.17,7.76L7.05,5.64L5.64,7.05L7.76,9.17L9.17,7.76M13,1H11V7H13V1M18.36,7.05L16.95,5.64L14.83,7.76L16.24,9.17L18.36,7.05M17,11V13H23V11H17M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M14.83,16.24L16.95,18.36L18.36,16.95L16.24,14.83L14.83,16.24M5.64,16.95L7.05,18.36L9.17,16.24L7.76,14.83L5.64,16.95M11,23H13V17H11V23Z",FK="M7,2V13H10V22L17,10H13L17,2H7Z",TK="M5,2V13H8V22L15,10H11L15,2M17,15H19V17H17V15M17,7H19V13H17V7Z",bK="M5,2H15L11.5,9H15L8,22V14H5V2M7,4V12H10V14.66L12,11H8.24L11.76,4M17,15H19V17H17V15M17,7H19V13H17V7Z",yK="M16.85,7.65L18,4L19.15,7.65M19,2H17L13.8,11H15.7L16.4,9H19.6L20.3,11H22.2M3,2V14H6V23L13,11H9L13,2H3Z",RK="M17,10H13L17,2H7V4.18L15.46,12.64M3.27,3L2,4.27L7,9.27V13H10V22L13.58,15.86L17.73,20L19,18.73L3.27,3Z",xK="M9 6.19L7 4.19V2H17L13.5 9H17L15.18 12.37L11.43 8.62L13.76 4H9V6.19M19 18.73L17.73 20L13.41 15.68L10 22V14H7V9.27L2 4.27L3.27 3L19 18.73Z",DK="M7,2H17L13.5,9H17L10,22V14H7V2M9,4V12H12V14.66L14,11H10.24L13.76,4H9Z",EK="M16,5C15.44,5 15,5.44 15,6C15,6.56 15.44,7 16,7C16.56,7 17,6.56 17,6C17,5.44 16.56,5 16,5M16,2C13.27,2 10.94,3.66 10,6C10.94,8.34 13.27,10 16,10C18.73,10 21.06,8.34 22,6C21.06,3.66 18.73,2 16,2M16,3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18.5,6A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,8.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,6A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,3.5M3,2V14H6V23L13,11H9L10.12,8.5C9.44,7.76 8.88,6.93 8.5,6C9.19,4.29 10.5,2.88 12.11,2H3Z",NK="M12 2L1 21H23L12 2M10 15V10H14L12.5 13.5H14.5L11.5 19V15H10Z",WK="M12 2L1 21H23M12 6L19.5 19H4.5M14 14H12.5L14 11H10V15H11V18L14 14Z",IK="M9,10L6,5H18L15,10H9M18,4H6V2H18V4M9,22V11H15V22H9M12,13A1,1 0 0,0 11,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,15A1,1 0 0,0 13,14A1,1 0 0,0 12,13Z",GK="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15,18.27V22H9V12.27L2,5.27M18,5L15,10H11.82L6.82,5H18M18,4H6V2H18V4M15,11V13.18L12.82,11H15Z",QK="M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L16.53,14.47L14,17L8.93,11.93L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M13,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,11A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 14,11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10Z",UK="M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",zK="M23 17V19H15V17H23M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",_K="M23 17V19H15V17H23M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",KK="M20.8 22.7L19.6 21.5C19.1 21.8 18.6 22 18 22H6C4.3 22 3 20.7 3 19C3 18.4 3.2 17.8 3.5 17.4L7.9 9.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15 7.8V6C15.6 6 16 5.6 16 5V4C16 2.9 15.1 2 14 2H10C8.9 2 8 2.9 8 4V4.8L20.4 17.2L15 7.8Z",jK="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9.4 11.2L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M11 7.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L15 11.8L13 8.4V4H11V7.8Z",qK="M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L13,8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",$K="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",XK="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",YK="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C14.92 12.84 13 15.2 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.53 22H6Z",JK="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19Z",Cj="M23 17V19H15V17H23M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",Hj="M23 17V19H15V17H23M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19M13 16L13.58 15.42C13.21 16.2 13 17.08 13 18H7.73L10.39 13.39L13 16M12.5 12C12.78 12 13 12.22 13 12.5C13 12.78 12.78 13 12.5 13C12.22 13 12 12.78 12 12.5C12 12.22 12.22 12 12.5 12Z",Vj="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9 11.9L14 17L14.6 16.4L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L8 4.8Z",Lj="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L7.9 9.8L3.5 17.4C3.2 17.8 3 18.4 3 19C3 20.7 4.3 22 6 22H18C18.6 22 19.2 21.8 19.6 21.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M18 20H6C5.4 20 5 19.6 5 19C5 18.8 5.1 18.6 5.2 18.4L9.4 11.2L13.6 15.4L13 16L10.4 13.4L7.7 18H16.1L18 20C18.1 20 18 20 18 20M11 7.8L8 4.8V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.1 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.6 15.6 6 15 6V7.8L20.4 17.2L15 11.8L13 8.4V4H11V7.8Z",Mj="M5,19A1,1 0 0,0 6,20H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,19C19,18.79 18.93,18.59 18.82,18.43L13,8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18,18.43C5.07,18.59 5,18.79 5,19M6,22A3,3 0 0,1 3,19C3,18.4 3.18,17.84 3.5,17.37L9,7.81V6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6V7.81L20.5,17.37C20.82,17.84 21,18.4 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22H6M13,16L14.34,14.66L16.27,18H7.73L10.39,13.39L13,16M12.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,13A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,12.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,12Z",Aj="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",ij="M18 14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C16.86 12.35 16.24 12.63 15.69 13L13 8.35V4H11V8.35L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19M13 16L13.58 15.42C13.21 16.2 13 17.08 13 18H7.73L10.39 13.39L13 16M12.5 12C12.78 12 13 12.22 13 12.5C13 12.78 12.78 13 12.5 13C12.22 13 12 12.78 12 12.5C12 12.22 12.22 12 12.5 12Z",rj="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M6 22C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 17.84 3.5 17.36L9 7.81V6C8.45 6 8 5.55 8 5V4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2H14C15.11 2 16 2.9 16 4V5C16 5.55 15.55 6 15 6V7.81L17.5 12.18C15.5 12.7 13.86 14.26 13.26 16.26L8.93 11.93L5.18 18.43C5.07 18.59 5 18.79 5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6M13 10C12.45 10 12 10.45 12 11C12 11.55 12.45 12 13 12C13.55 12 14 11.55 14 11C14 10.45 13.55 10 13 10Z",aj="M15.46 15.88L16.88 14.46L19 16.59L21.12 14.47L22.53 15.88L20.41 18L22.54 20.12L21.12 21.54L19 19.41L16.88 21.53L15.47 20.12L17.59 18L15.46 15.88M5 19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H13.34C13.61 20.75 14 21.42 14.53 22H6C4.34 22 3 20.66 3 19C3 18.4 3.18 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3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M19 3V5H21C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M11 23H13V1H11M19 17H21V15H19M15 5H17V3H15M19 13H21V11H19M19 21C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19H19Z",oj="M15,17H17V15H15M15,5H17V3H15M5,7H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H17V19H5M19,17A2,2 0 0,0 21,15H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,13H21V11H19M9,17V15H7A2,2 0 0,0 9,17M13,3H11V5H13M19,3V5H21C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M13,15H11V17H13M9,3C7.89,3 7,3.89 7,5H9M9,11H7V13H9M9,7H7V9H9V7Z",nj="M7,21H9V19H7M11,21H13V19H11M19,15H9V5H19M19,3H9C7.89,3 7,3.89 7,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 9,17H14L18,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M15,21H17V19H15M3,9H5V7H3M5,21V19H3A2,2 0 0,0 5,21M3,17H5V15H3M3,13H5V11H3V13Z",Zj="M3 15V17H5V15M15 19V21H17V19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M21 19H19V21C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19M1 11V13H23V11M7 19V21H9V19M19 15V17H21V15M11 19V21H13V19M3 19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21V19Z",Sj="M15,2L17,9H7L9,2M11,10H13V20H16V22H8V20H11V10Z",uj="M11.73 10.06L10.17 11.24L11 12.2V20H8V22H16V20H13V12.3L13.85 11.26L12.27 10.07L11.73 10.06M9.08 10.82L3 6.81L9.39 2L11.55 8.93L9.08 10.82M14.61 2L21 6.81L14.92 10.82L12.44 8.95L14.61 2Z",cj="M11.73 10.06L10.17 11.24L11 12.2V20H8V22H16V20H13V12.3L13.85 11.26L12.27 10.07L11.73 10.06M8.32 5.31L9.23 8.19L9 8.37L6.47 6.7L8.32 5.31M9.39 2L3 6.81L9.08 10.82L11.55 8.93L9.39 2M15.67 5.3L17.53 6.7L15 8.37L14.77 8.2L15.67 5.3M14.61 2L12.44 8.95L14.92 10.82L21 6.81L14.61 2Z",sj="M15 2L17 9H7L9 2M13.6 4H10.4L9.55 7H14.45M11 10H13V20H16V22H8V20H11Z",Oj="M7 2L10 9H14L17 2H7M13 20H16V22H8V20H11V10H13V20Z",hj="M14 4L12.7 7H11.3L10 4H14M17 2H7L10 9H14L17 2M13 20H16V22H8V20H11V10H13V20Z",pj="M7 2L10 9H14L17 2H7M15.92 22L13 15V22H11V15L8.08 22H5.92L10.92 10H13.08L18.08 22H15.92Z",fj="M13.97 4L12.68 7H11.32L10.03 4H13.97M17 2H7L10 9H14L17 2M15.92 22L13 15V22H11V15L8.08 22H5.92L10.92 10H13.08L18.08 22H15.92Z",gj="M10,5V10H9V5H5V13H9V12H10V17H9V14H5V19H12V17H13V19H19V17H21V21H3V3H21V15H19V10H13V15H12V9H19V5H10Z",kj="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5.5L18.5,3H17V9A1,1 0 0,1 16,10H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,9V3H5M12,4V9H15V4H12M7,12H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,13V19H6V13A1,1 0 0,1 7,12Z",Bj="M3,3V21H21V3H3M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16V19A1,1 0 0,1 12,20A1,1 0 0,1 11,19V16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15Z",Pj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22C12,17 7.97,13 3,13M12,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M5.6,10.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8.1,12.75C8.63,12.75 9.12,12.58 9.5,12.31C9.5,12.37 9.5,12.43 9.5,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,12.5C14.5,12.43 14.5,12.37 14.5,12.31C14.88,12.58 15.37,12.75 15.9,12.75C17.28,12.75 18.4,11.63 18.4,10.25C18.4,9.25 17.81,8.4 16.97,8C17.81,7.6 18.4,6.74 18.4,5.75C18.4,4.37 17.28,3.25 15.9,3.25C15.37,3.25 14.88,3.41 14.5,3.69C14.5,3.63 14.5,3.56 14.5,3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,3.5C9.5,3.56 9.5,3.63 9.5,3.69C9.12,3.41 8.63,3.25 8.1,3.25A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.6,5.75C5.6,6.74 6.19,7.6 7.03,8C6.19,8.4 5.6,9.25 5.6,10.25M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13C16,13 12,17 12,22Z",wj="M8.66,13.07C6.92,13.07 5.5,11.66 5.5,9.93C5.5,9.22 5.76,8.54 6.19,8C5.77,7.46 5.5,6.78 5.5,6.07C5.5,4.34 6.93,2.93 8.66,2.93L9.09,2.96C9.56,1.81 10.69,1 12,1C13.31,1 14.44,1.81 14.91,2.96L15.34,2.93C17.07,2.93 18.5,4.34 18.5,6.07C18.5,6.78 18.24,7.46 17.81,8C18.23,8.54 18.5,9.22 18.5,9.93C18.5,11.66 17.07,13.07 15.34,13.07L14.91,13.04C14.44,14.19 13.31,15 12,15C10.69,15 9.56,14.19 9.09,13.04L8.66,13.07M12,13C12.62,13 13.12,12.5 13.14,11.9L13.03,10.81C12.71,10.93 12.36,11 12,11C11.64,11 11.3,10.93 11,10.81L10.86,11.9C10.88,12.5 11.38,13 12,13M15.34,11.07C15.97,11.07 16.5,10.56 16.5,9.92C16.5,9.5 16.23,9.08 15.83,8.89L14.95,8.47C14.83,9.21 14.44,9.85 13.89,10.3L14.7,10.87C14.88,11 15.1,11.07 15.34,11.07M14.69,5.13L13.87,5.69C14.43,6.14 14.82,6.78 14.94,7.5L15.82,7.1C16.23,6.9 16.5,6.5 16.5,6.07C16.5,5.44 15.97,4.93 15.34,4.93C15.11,4.93 14.89,5 14.69,5.13M12,3C11.38,3 10.88,3.5 10.86,4.1L11,5.19C11.3,5.07 11.64,5 12,5C12.36,5 12.71,5.07 13.03,5.19L13.14,4.1C13.12,3.5 12.62,3 12,3M8.66,4.93C8.03,4.93 7.5,5.44 7.5,6.07C7.5,6.5 7.77,6.9 8.17,7.1L9.05,7.5C9.17,6.78 9.56,6.14 10.11,5.69L9.3,5.13C9.12,5 8.9,4.93 8.66,4.93M8.17,8.9C7.77,9.1 7.5,9.5 7.5,9.92C7.5,10.55 8.03,11.06 8.66,11.06C8.89,11.06 9.11,11 9.31,10.86L10.12,10.31C9.56,9.86 9.17,9.22 9.05,8.5L8.17,8.9M12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22M14.44,19.56C16.34,18.85 17.85,17.34 18.56,15.44C16.66,16.14 15.15,17.66 14.44,19.56M5.44,15.44C6.15,17.34 7.66,18.85 9.56,19.56C8.86,17.66 7.34,16.15 5.44,15.44Z",Fj="M18.4 12.75C18.4 11.37 17.28 10.25 15.9 10.25C15.37 10.25 14.88 10.41 14.5 10.69V10.5C14.5 9.12 13.38 8 12 8S9.5 9.12 9.5 10.5V10.69C9.12 10.41 8.63 10.25 8.1 10.25C6.72 10.25 5.6 11.37 5.6 12.75C5.6 13.74 6.19 14.6 7.03 15C6.19 15.4 5.6 16.25 5.6 17.25C5.6 18.63 6.72 19.75 8.1 19.75C8.63 19.75 9.12 19.58 9.5 19.31V19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5V19.31C14.88 19.58 15.37 19.75 15.9 19.75C17.28 19.75 18.4 18.63 18.4 17.25C18.4 16.25 17.81 15.4 16.97 15C17.81 14.6 18.4 13.74 18.4 12.75M12 17.5C10.62 17.5 9.5 16.38 9.5 15S10.62 12.5 12 12.5 14.5 13.62 14.5 15 13.38 17.5 12 17.5M11 6C11 5.45 11.45 5 12 5S13 5.45 13 6 12.55 7 12 7 11 6.55 11 6M7 8C7 7.45 7.45 7 8 7S9 7.45 9 8 8.55 9 8 9 7 8.55 7 8M5 6C4.45 6 4 5.55 4 5S4.45 4 5 4 6 4.45 6 5 5.55 6 5 6M8 3C8 2.45 8.45 2 9 2S10 2.45 10 3 9.55 4 9 4 8 3.55 8 3M14 3C14 2.45 14.45 2 15 2S16 2.45 16 3 15.55 4 15 4 14 3.55 14 3M20 5C20 5.55 19.55 6 19 6S18 5.55 18 5 18.45 4 19 4 20 4.45 20 5M16 7C16.55 7 17 7.45 17 8S16.55 9 16 9 15 8.55 15 8 15.45 7 16 7Z",Tj="M11 6C11 5.45 11.45 5 12 5S13 5.45 13 6 12.55 7 12 7 11 6.55 11 6M8 9C8.55 9 9 8.55 9 8S8.55 7 8 7 7 7.45 7 8 7.45 9 8 9M6 5C6 4.45 5.55 4 5 4S4 4.45 4 5 4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5M9 4C9.55 4 10 3.55 10 3S9.55 2 9 2 8 2.45 8 3 8.45 4 9 4M15 4C15.55 4 16 3.55 16 3S15.55 2 15 2 14 2.45 14 3 14.45 4 15 4M19 4C18.45 4 18 4.45 18 5S18.45 6 19 6 20 5.55 20 5 19.55 4 19 4M15 8C15 8.55 15.45 9 16 9S17 8.55 17 8 16.55 7 16 7 15 7.45 15 8M18.5 13.07C18.5 13.78 18.24 14.46 17.81 15C18.23 15.54 18.5 16.22 18.5 16.93C18.5 18.66 17.07 20.07 15.34 20.07L14.91 20.04C14.44 21.19 13.31 22 12 22S9.56 21.19 9.09 20.04L8.66 20.07C6.92 20.07 5.5 18.66 5.5 16.93C5.5 16.22 5.76 15.54 6.19 15C5.77 14.46 5.5 13.78 5.5 13.07C5.5 11.34 6.93 9.93 8.66 9.93L9.09 9.96C9.56 8.81 10.69 8 12 8S14.44 8.81 14.91 9.96L15.34 9.93C17.07 9.93 18.5 11.34 18.5 13.07M7.5 13.07C7.5 13.5 7.77 13.9 8.17 14.1L9.05 14.5C9.17 13.78 9.56 13.14 10.11 12.69L9.3 12.13C9.12 12 8.9 11.93 8.66 11.93C8.03 11.93 7.5 12.44 7.5 13.07M10.12 17.31C9.56 16.86 9.17 16.22 9.05 15.5L8.17 15.9C7.77 16.1 7.5 16.5 7.5 16.92C7.5 17.55 8.03 18.06 8.66 18.06C8.89 18.06 9.11 18 9.31 17.86L10.12 17.31M13.14 18.9L13.03 17.81C12.71 17.93 12.36 18 12 18S11.3 17.93 11 17.81L10.86 18.9C10.88 19.5 11.38 20 12 20S13.12 19.5 13.14 18.9M13.14 11.1C13.12 10.5 12.62 10 12 10S10.88 10.5 10.86 11.1L11 12.19C11.3 12.07 11.64 12 12 12S12.71 12.07 13.03 12.19L13.14 11.1M16.5 16.92C16.5 16.5 16.23 16.08 15.83 15.89L14.95 15.47C14.83 16.21 14.44 16.85 13.89 17.3L14.7 17.87C14.88 18 15.1 18.07 15.34 18.07C15.97 18.07 16.5 17.56 16.5 16.92M16.5 13.07C16.5 12.44 15.97 11.93 15.34 11.93C15.11 11.93 14.89 12 14.69 12.13L13.87 12.69C14.43 13.14 14.82 13.78 14.94 14.5L15.82 14.1C16.23 13.9 16.5 13.5 16.5 13.07Z",bj="M18.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 22,8.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,2A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 2,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 2,15.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 8.5,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,22A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 22,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,12M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,12Z",yj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 3,13M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22M18,3V8A6,6 0 0,1 12,14A6,6 0 0,1 6,8V3C6.74,3 7.47,3.12 8.16,3.39C8.71,3.62 9.2,3.96 9.61,4.39L12,2L14.39,4.39C14.8,3.96 15.29,3.62 15.84,3.39C16.53,3.12 17.26,3 18,3Z",Rj="M3,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 3,13M5.44,15.44C7.35,16.15 8.85,17.65 9.56,19.56C7.65,18.85 6.15,17.35 5.44,15.44M12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22M14.42,19.57C15.11,17.64 16.64,16.11 18.57,15.42C17.86,17.34 16.34,18.86 14.42,19.57M12,14A6,6 0 0,0 18,8V3C17.26,3 16.53,3.12 15.84,3.39C15.29,3.62 14.8,3.96 14.39,4.39L12,2L9.61,4.39C9.2,3.96 8.71,3.62 8.16,3.39C7.47,3.12 6.74,3 6,3V8A6,6 0 0,0 12,14M8,5.61L9.57,7.26L12,4.83L14.43,7.26L16,5.61V8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8V5.61Z",xj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M8 7C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V17H8V13H10V17H12V9C12 7.9 11.1 7 10 7H8M8 9H10V11H8V9M13 7V17H15V13H17V11H15V9H18V7H13Z",Dj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M7 11H9V13H7V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 11H17V13H15V11M7 7H9V9H7V7M11 7H13V9H11V7M15 7H17V9H15V7M7 15H9V17H7V15M11 15H13V17H11V15M15 15H17V17H15V15Z",Ej="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M7 11H9V13H7V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 11H17V13H15V11Z",Nj="M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5V15M11 11H13V13H11V11M11 7H13V9H11V7M11 15H13V17H11V15Z",Wj="M10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6H12L10,4Z",Ij="M19,17H11V16C11,14.67 13.67,14 15,14C16.33,14 19,14.67 19,16M15,9A2,2 0 0,1 17,11A2,2 0 0,1 15,13A2,2 0 0,1 13,11C13,9.89 13.9,9 15,9M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",Gj="M15 14C16.33 14 19 14.67 19 16V17H11V16C11 14.67 13.67 14 15 14M15 13C16.11 13 17 12.11 17 11S16.11 9 15 9C13.9 9 13 9.89 13 11C13 12.11 13.9 13 15 13M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8M20 8H4V18H20V8Z",Qj="M15,12H17V17H15V12M15,18H17V20H15V18M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",Uj="M15,12H17V17H15V12M15,18H17V20H15V18M16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8H3V18H9.29C9.1,17.36 9,16.69 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",zj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",_j="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M20 16H18V20H16L19 23L22 20H20V16Z",Kj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",jj="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18 16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18V16Z",qj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",$j="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 17L20 14.5V16H16V18H20V19.5L23 17M18 18.5L15 21L18 23.5V22H22V20H18V18.5Z",Xj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19Z",Yj="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 19L20 16V18H16V20H20V22L23 19Z",Jj="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15L16 18Z",Cq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22Z",Hq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22 20V16H20V20H18.5L21 23L23.5 20H22M17 15L14.5 18H16V22H18V18H19.5L17 15Z",Vq="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15L16 18Z",Lq="M12 18.5C12 19 12.07 19.5 12.18 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.04C21 12.39 19.79 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Mq="M12 18.5C12 19 12.07 19.5 12.18 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.04C21.39 12.65 20.72 12.36 20 12.18V8H4V18H12.03C12 18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Aq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",iq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",rq="M3,4C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H10.26C11.57,21.88 13.71,23 16,23A7,7 0 0,0 23,16C23,14.17 22.28,12.42 21,11.11V8C21,6.89 20.1,6 19,6H11L9,4H3M16,11A5,5 0 0,1 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21A5,5 0 0,1 11,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,11M15,12V17L18.61,19.16L19.36,17.94L16.5,16.25V12H15Z",aq="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M19,8H3V18H9.29C9.1,17.37 9,16.7 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C17.07,9 18.09,9.24 19,9.67V8M3,20C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.1C22.24,12.36 23,14.09 23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13.62,23 11.5,21.81 10.25,20H3M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",eq="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12.08A7 7 0 0 1 12 19A7 7 0 0 1 19 12A7 7 0 0 1 22 12.69V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14H18M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",dq="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H12V18H4V8H20V12H22V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4M18 14C17.87 14 17.76 14.09 17.74 14.21L17.55 15.53C17.25 15.66 16.96 15.82 16.7 16L15.46 15.5C15.35 15.5 15.22 15.5 15.15 15.63L14.15 17.36C14.09 17.47 14.11 17.6 14.21 17.68L15.27 18.5C15.25 18.67 15.24 18.83 15.24 19C15.24 19.17 15.25 19.33 15.27 19.5L14.21 20.32C14.12 20.4 14.09 20.53 14.15 20.64L15.15 22.37C15.21 22.5 15.34 22.5 15.46 22.5L16.7 22C16.96 22.18 17.24 22.35 17.55 22.47L17.74 23.79C17.76 23.91 17.86 24 18 24H20C20.11 24 20.22 23.91 20.24 23.79L20.43 22.47C20.73 22.34 21 22.18 21.27 22L22.5 22.5C22.63 22.5 22.76 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.86 20.4 23.77 20.32L22.7 19.5C22.72 19.33 22.74 19.17 22.74 19C22.74 18.83 22.73 18.67 22.7 18.5L23.76 17.68C23.85 17.6 23.88 17.47 23.82 17.36L22.82 15.63C22.76 15.5 22.63 15.5 22.5 15.5L21.27 16C21 15.82 20.73 15.65 20.42 15.53L20.23 14.21C20.22 14.09 20.11 14 20 14M19 17.5C19.83 17.5 20.5 18.17 20.5 19C20.5 19.83 19.83 20.5 19 20.5C18.16 20.5 17.5 19.83 17.5 19C17.5 18.17 18.17 17.5 19 17.5Z",mq="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H20M19.25,13H16V9H14V13H10.75L15,17.25",tq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M14 9H16V13H19L15 17L11 13H14Z",vq="M19.39 10.74L11 19.13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.15C21.74 10.06 21.46 10 21.17 10C20.5 10 19.87 10.26 19.39 10.74M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47Z",lq="M4 18H12.13L11 19.13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.15C21.74 10.06 21.46 10 21.17 10C20.75 10 20.36 10.11 20 10.3V8H4V18M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",oq="M9.3 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.9 22 8V14.6C20.6 13.6 18.9 13 17 13C13.5 13 10.4 15.1 9.1 18.3L8.8 19L9.1 19.7C9.2 19.8 9.2 19.9 9.3 20M23 19C22.1 21.3 19.7 23 17 23S11.9 21.3 11 19C11.9 16.7 14.3 15 17 15S22.1 16.7 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.6 18.4 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.6 14.5 19 15.6 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.4 19.5 19M17 18C16.4 18 16 18.4 16 19S16.4 20 17 20 18 19.6 18 19 17.6 18 17 18",nq="M9.3 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.9 22 8V14.6C21.4 14.2 20.7 13.8 20 13.5V8H4V18H9.3C9.3 18.1 9.2 18.2 9.2 18.3L8.8 19L9.1 19.7C9.2 19.8 9.2 19.9 9.3 20M23 19C22.1 21.3 19.7 23 17 23S11.9 21.3 11 19C11.9 16.7 14.3 15 17 15S22.1 16.7 23 19M19.5 19C19.5 17.6 18.4 16.5 17 16.5S14.5 17.6 14.5 19 15.6 21.5 17 21.5 19.5 20.4 19.5 19M17 18C16.4 18 16 18.4 16 19S16.4 20 17 20 18 19.6 18 19 17.6 18 17 18",Zq="M15 8C12.79 8 11 9.79 11 12V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.17L20.41 8.59L19.83 8H15M23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14M21 14.83L18.17 12H18V15H21V14.83Z",Sq="M4 18H11V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.17L20.41 8.59L20 8.17V8H4V18M23 14V21C23 22.11 22.11 23 21 23H15C13.9 23 13 22.11 13 21V12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10H19L23 14M21 15H18V12H15V21H21V15Z",uq="M13.75,9H16.14L19,14H16.05L13.5,9.46M18.3,17H12.75L14.15,14.5H19.27L19.53,14.96M11.5,17L10.4,14.86L13.24,9.9L14.74,12.56L12.25,17M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",cq="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M18.42 13.5L15 17L11.59 13.5C11.22 13.12 11 12.62 11 12.05C11 10.92 11.9 10 13 10C13.54 10 14.05 10.23 14.42 10.61L15 11.2L15.59 10.6C15.95 10.23 16.46 10 17 10C18.1 10 19 10.92 19 12.05C19 12.61 18.78 13.13 18.42 13.5Z",sq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6M13 10C11.9 10 11 10.92 11 12.05C11 12.62 11.22 13.12 11.59 13.5L15 17L18.42 13.5C18.78 13.13 19 12.61 19 12.05C19 10.92 18.1 10 17 10C16.46 10 15.95 10.23 15.59 10.6L15 11.2L14.42 10.61C14.05 10.23 13.54 10 13 10Z",Oq="M9 4V8H6V4H9M4 16V13H2V16H4M2 12H4V9H2V12M18 8H22C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H18V8M22 13H20V16H22V13M20 9V12H22V9H20M9 20V18H6V20H9M5 18H4V17H2V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H5V18M20 17V18H18V20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V17H20M4 8H5V4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V8H4M17 18H14V20H17V18M13 18H10V20H13V18M17 6H14V8H17V6M10 8H13V6H12L10 4V8Z",hq="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M17 13V17H15V14H13V17H11V13H9L14 9L19 13Z",pq="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M20 18H4V8H20M13 17V14H15V17H17V13H19L14 9L9 13H11V17Z",fq="M5,17L9.5,11L13,15.5L15.5,12.5L19,17M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6Z",gq="M21 11.1V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H11L9 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H10.3C11.6 21.9 13.8 23 16 23C19.9 23 23 19.9 23 16C23 14.2 22.3 12.4 21 11.1M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M17 20H15V15H17V20M17 14H15V12H17V14Z",kq="M21 11.1V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H11L9 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H10.2C11.4 21.8 13.6 23 16 23C19.9 23 23 19.9 23 16C23 14.1 22.2 12.4 21 11.1M9.3 18H3V8H19V9.7C18.1 9.2 17.1 9 16 9C12.1 9 9 12.1 9 16C9 16.7 9.1 17.4 9.3 18M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M17 14H15V12H17V14M17 20H15V15H17V20Z",Bq="M4 4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4M11 10C12.3 10 13.4 10.8 13.8 12H20V14H18V16H16V14H13.8C13.4 15.2 12.3 16 11 16C9.3 16 8 14.7 8 13S9.3 10 11 10M11 12C10.4 12 10 12.4 10 13C10 13.6 10.4 14 11 14C11.6 14 12 13.6 12 13S11.6 12 11 12Z",Pq="M6 5C4.9 5 4 5.9 4 7V15C4 16.1 4.9 17 6 17H11V19H10C9.4 19 9 19.4 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.6 9.4 23 10 23H14C14.6 23 15 22.6 15 22H22V20H15C15 19.4 14.6 19 14 19H13V17H18C19.1 17 20 16.1 20 15V9C20 7.9 19.1 7 18 7H12L10 5H6M9 9C10.3 9 11.4 9.8 11.8 11H18V13H16V15H14V13H11.8C11.4 14.2 10.3 15 9 15C7.3 15 6 13.7 6 12S7.3 9 9 9M9 11C8.4 11 8 11.4 8 12C8 12.6 8.4 13 9 13C9.6 13 10 12.6 10 12S9.6 11 9 11Z",wq="M9 8C7.3 8 6 9.3 6 11S7.3 14 9 14C10.3 14 11.4 13.2 11.8 12H14V14H16V12H18V10H11.8C11.4 8.8 10.3 8 9 8M9 12C8.4 12 8 11.6 8 11S8.4 10 9 10 10 10.4 10 11 9.6 12 9 12M15 20C15 19.5 14.6 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.1 17 21 16.1 21 15V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5H13L11 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V15C3 16.1 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.4 19 9 19.5 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.5 9.4 23 10 23H14C14.6 23 15 22.5 15 22H22V20H15M5 15V7H19V15H5Z",Fq="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M12.8 12C12.4 10.8 11.3 10 10 10C8.3 10 7 11.3 7 13S8.3 16 10 16C11.3 16 12.4 15.2 12.8 14H15V16H17V14H19V12H12.8M10 14C9.4 14 9 13.6 9 13C9 12.4 9.4 12 10 12S11 12.4 11 13 10.6 14 10 14Z",Tq="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.04C21.17 10.4 20.13 10 19 10C16.4 10 14.2 12.06 14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",bq="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.04C21.17 9.4 20.13 9 19 9C16.4 9 14.2 11.06 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",yq="M4 18H13V20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V10.04C21.42 9.6 20.75 9.26 20 9.11V8H4V18M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",Rq="M13 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.04C21.42 10.6 20.75 10.26 20 10.11V8H4V18H13V20M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",xq="M10 4L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.34C21.04 10.5 19.82 10 18.5 10C15.5 10 13 12.65 13 15.5C13 16.97 13.65 18.55 14.5 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",Dq="M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8M20 8H4V18H13.5C13.79 18.68 14.13 19.35 14.5 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V11.34C21.42 10.84 20.74 10.45 20 10.23V8Z",Eq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Nq="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Wq="M14,18V15H10V11H14V8L19,13M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",Iq="M20 18H4V8H20V18M12 6L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6H12M11 14V12H15V9L19 13L15 17V14H11Z",Gq="M22,4H14L12,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M2,6H0V11H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H20V20H2V6Z",Qq="M7,15L11.5,9L15,13.5L17.5,10.5L21,15M22,4H14L12,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 6,18H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,16V6A2,2 0 0,0 22,4M2,6H0V11H0V20A2,2 0 0,0 2,22H20V20H2V6Z",Uq="M22,4A2,2 0 0,1 24,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2H12L14,4H22M2,6V20H20V22H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,20V11H0V6H2M6,6V16H22V6H6Z",zq="M2 20V6H0V20C0 21.1 .9 22 2 22H20V20H2M22 4H14L12 2H6C5.6 2 5.2 2.1 4.9 2.3L4.3 2.9C4.1 3.2 4 3.6 4 4V16C4 16.4 4.1 16.8 4.3 17.1C4.4 17.2 4.5 17.3 4.5 17.4C5 17.8 5.5 18 6 18H22C23.1 18 24 17.1 24 16V6C24 4.9 23.1 4 22 4M22 12H19V15H17V12H14V10H17V7H19V10H22V12Z",_q="M22 4C23.1 4 24 4.9 24 6V16C24 17.1 23.1 18 22 18H6C4.9 18 4 17.1 4 16V4C4 2.9 4.9 2 6 2H12L14 4H22M2 6V20H20V22H2C.9 22 0 21.1 0 20V6H2M6 6V16H22V6H6M14 10H16V8H18V10H20V12H18V14H16V12H14V10Z",Kq="M22 8V11H16.5V16.11C14.66 16.53 13.26 18.09 13.04 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18.5 13V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H18.5Z",jq="M22 8V11H20V8H4V18H13.78C13.38 18.59 13.13 19.26 13.04 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M18.5 13V18.21C18.19 18.07 17.86 18 17.5 18C16.12 18 15 19.12 15 20.5S16.12 23 17.5 23 20 21.88 20 20.5V15H22V13H18.5Z",qq="M3,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H11L13,5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V15A2,2 0 0,1 19,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,15Z",$q="M15 20C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V7C21 5.9 20.11 5 19 5H13L11 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15M5 15V7H19V15H5Z",Xq="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 5.42 2.25 4.9 2.64 4.53L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H7.2L21.88 18.68C21.96 18.47 22 18.24 22 18Z",Yq="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.64 4.53C2.25 4.9 2 5.42 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M4 18V8H6.11L16.11 18H4M11.2 8L7.2 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V18C22 18.24 21.96 18.47 21.88 18.68L20 16.8V8H11.2Z",Jq="M19,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8H21L4,8V18L6.14,10H23.21L20.93,18.5C20.7,19.37 19.92,20 19,20Z",C$="M6.1,10L4,18V8H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H19C19.9,20 20.7,19.4 20.9,18.5L23.2,10H6.1M19,18H6L7.6,12H20.6L19,18Z",H$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6Z",V$="M22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",L$="M22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",M$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",A$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",i$="M15.25,13H17.25L16.75,15H14.75L15.25,13M22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8M20,12H18.5L19,10H18L17.5,12H15.5L16,10H15L14.5,12H13V13H14.25L13.75,15H12V16H13.5L13,18H14L14.5,16H16.5L16,18H17L17.5,16H19V15H17.75L18.25,13H20V12Z",r$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8C22,6.89 21.1,6 20,6M19,12V11H17.5L18,9H17L16.5,11H14.5L15,9H14L13.5,11H12V12H13.25L12.75,14H11V15H12.5L12,17H13L13.5,15H15.5L15,17H16L16.5,15H18V14H16.75L17.25,12H19M15.75,14H13.75L14.25,12H16.25L15.75,14Z",a$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M16.8 18H15.3V16.5H16.8V18M16.8 15.8H15.3C15.3 13.4 17.5 13.5 17.5 12C17.5 11.2 16.8 10.5 16 10.5S14.5 11.2 14.5 12H13C13 10.3 14.3 9 16 9S19 10.3 19 12C19 13.9 16.8 14.1 16.8 15.8Z",e$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M19 11.7C19 13.4 17 13.5 17 15H15.7C15.7 12.8 17.7 13 17.7 11.7C17.7 11 17.1 10.4 16.4 10.4C15.7 10.4 15.1 11 15.1 11.7H13.8C13.8 10.2 15 9 16.5 9S19 10.2 19 11.7M17 15.7V17H15.7V15.7H17Z",d$="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M10 4L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13C21 12.38 19.79 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5C12 19 12.06 19.5 12.17 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10Z",m$="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.54 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M20 8H4V18H12L12 18.5C12 19 12.06 19.5 12.17 20H4C2.89 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13C21.39 12.63 20.72 12.34 20 12.17V8Z",t$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",v$="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V8H4V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",l$="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M9,4L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.81C19.83,10.69 18.25,10 16.5,10A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10,16.5C10,17.79 10.37,19 11,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9Z",o$="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.75,18.21 20.31,18.9L23.39,22L22,23.39L18.88,20.32C18.19,20.75 17.37,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M19,8H3V18H10.17C10.34,18.72 10.63,19.39 11,20H3C1.89,20 1,19.1 1,18V6C1,4.89 1.89,4 3,4H9L11,6H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V11.81C20.42,11.26 19.75,10.81 19,10.5V8Z",n$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15Z",Z$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M4 8H20V18H4V8M7 22V24H9V22H7M11 22V24H13V22H11M15 22V24H17V22H15",S$="M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M17.94,17L15,15.28L12.06,17L12.84,13.67L10.25,11.43L13.66,11.14L15,8L16.34,11.14L19.75,11.43L17.16,13.67L17.94,17Z",u$="M2 6H0V20C0 21.11 .895 22 2 22H20V20H2V6M22 4H14L12 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V16C4 17.1 4.89 18 6 18H22C23.11 18 24 17.1 24 16V6C24 4.89 23.11 4 22 4M19.94 15L17 13.27L14.06 15L14.84 11.66L12.25 9.42L15.66 9.13L17 6L18.34 9.13L21.75 9.42L19.16 11.66L19.94 15Z",c$="M2 6V20H20V22H2C.895 22 0 21.11 0 20V6H2M12.78 10.05L15.81 9.79L17 7L18.19 9.79L21.22 10.05L18.92 12.04L19.61 15L17 13.47L14.39 15L15.08 12.04L12.78 10.05M24 6V16C24 17.11 23.11 18 22 18H6C4.9 18 4 17.11 4 16V4C4 2.89 4.9 2 6 2H12L14 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.9 24 6M22 6H6V16H22V6Z",s$="M10.78 12.05L13.81 11.79L15 9L16.19 11.79L19.22 12.05L16.92 14.04L17.61 17L15 15.47L12.39 17L13.08 14.04L10.78 12.05M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.11 6 22 6.9 22 8M20 8H4V18H20V8Z",O$="M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M15 16V14H9V16L6 13L9 10V12H15V10L18 13Z",h$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M18 13L15 10V12H9V10L6 13L9 16V14H15V16Z",p$="M10,4L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V11.5C21.23,11.18 20.39,11 19.5,11A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 13,17.5C13,18.39 13.18,19.23 13.5,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L19,23Z",f$="M10,4L12,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V11.5C21.38,11.24 20.7,11.07 20,11V8H4V18H13C13.07,18.7 13.24,19.38 13.5,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.1 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H10M19,12V13.5A4,4 0 0,1 23,17.5C23,18.32 22.75,19.08 22.33,19.71L21.24,18.62C21.41,18.28 21.5,17.9 21.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15V16.5L16.75,14.25L16.72,14.22C16.78,14.17 16.85,14.13 19,12M19,23V21.5A4,4 0 0,1 15,17.5C15,16.68 15.25,15.92 15.67,15.29L16.76,16.38C16.59,16.72 16.5,17.1 16.5,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,20V18.5L21.25,20.75L21.28,20.78C21.22,20.83 21.15,20.87 19,23Z",g$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M12 9H15V11H12V9M16 9H19V11H16V9M12 12H15V14H12V12M16 12H19V14H16V12M12 15H15V17H12V15M16 15H19V17H16V15Z",k$="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8C22 6.89 21.1 6 20 6H12L10 4H4M4 8H20V18H4V8M12 9V11H15V9H12M16 9V11H19V9H16M12 12V14H15V12H12M16 12V14H19V12H16M12 15V17H15V15H12M16 15V17H19V15H16Z",B$="M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M15,16H6V14H15V16M18,12H6V10H18V12Z",P$="M20,18H4V8H20M20,6H12L10,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6M15,16H6V14H15V16M18,12H6V10H18V12Z",w$="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H10L12,6H20M10.75,13H14V17H16V13H19.25L15,8.75",F$="M20 18H4V8H20M20 6H12L10 4H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 6V18A2 2 0 0 0 4 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V8A2 2 0 0 0 20 6M16 17H14V13H11L15 9L19 13H16Z",T$="M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V17.5L20.96 16.44C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16C11 17.64 11.8 19.09 13.03 20M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",b$="M13.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.89 4 4 4H10L12 6H20C21.1 6 22 6.89 22 8V17.5L20.96 16.44C20.97 16.3 21 16.15 21 16C21 14.88 20.62 13.86 20 13.03V8H4V18H11.42C11.77 18.8 12.33 19.5 13.03 20M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",y$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M18 12H16V14H18V16H16V18H14V16H16V14H14V12H16V10H14V8H16V10H18V12Z",R$="M20 6H12L10 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V8C22 6.9 21.1 6 20 6M20 18H16V16H14V18H4V8H14V10H16V8H20V18M16 12V10H18V12H16M14 12H16V14H14V12M18 16H16V14H18V16Z",x$="M19.76 2H4.24C3 2 2 3 2 4.24V19.76C2 21 3 22 4.24 22H19.76C21 22 22 21 22 19.76V4.24C22 3 21 2 19.76 2M17.73 14.69C17.73 14.88 17.57 14.96 17.38 15.04C16.64 15.36 15.84 15.65 15 15.65C13.78 15.65 13.22 14.91 11.78 14.91C10.74 14.91 9.65 15.28 8.77 15.68C8.71 15.71 8.66 15.71 8.61 15.73V17.76C8.61 17.84 8.61 17.92 8.58 17.97V18.03C8.47 18.4 8.13 18.67 7.73 18.67C7.22 18.67 6.82 18.26 6.82 17.76V8C6.47 7.73 6.24 7.31 6.24 6.83C6.24 6 6.9 5.33 7.73 5.33C8.56 5.33 9.23 6 9.23 6.83C9.23 7.31 9 7.73 8.64 8V8.83C8.72 8.8 8.8 8.77 8.88 8.72C9.71 8.37 10.7 8.08 11.63 8.08C12.64 8.08 13.44 8.35 14.35 8.69C14.54 8.77 14.72 8.8 14.93 8.8C15.95 8.8 17.07 8.08 17.34 8.08C17.55 8.08 17.74 8.24 17.74 8.43V14.69H17.73Z",D$="M18.06 23H19.72C20.56 23 21.25 22.35 21.35 21.53L23 5.05H18V1H16.03V5.05H11.06L11.36 7.39C13.07 7.86 14.67 8.71 15.63 9.65C17.07 11.07 18.06 12.54 18.06 14.94V23M1 22V21H16.03V22C16.03 22.54 15.58 23 15 23H2C1.45 23 1 22.54 1 22M16.03 15C16.03 7 1 7 1 15H16.03M1 17H16V19H1V17Z",E$="M20,10C22,13 17,22 15,22C13,22 13,21 12,21C11,21 11,22 9,22C7,22 2,13 4,10C6,7 9,7 11,8V5C5.38,8.07 4.11,3.78 4.11,3.78C4.11,3.78 6.77,0.19 11,5V3H13V8C15,7 18,7 20,10Z",N$="M20,10C18.58,7.57 15.5,6.69 13,8V3H11V8C8.5,6.69 5.42,7.57 4,10C2,13 7,22 9,22C11,22 11,21 12,21C13,21 13,22 15,22C17,22 22,13 20,10M18.25,13.38C17.63,15.85 16.41,18.12 14.7,20C14.5,20 14.27,19.9 14.1,19.75C12.87,18.76 11.13,18.76 9.9,19.75C9.73,19.9 9.5,20 9.3,20C7.59,18.13 6.36,15.85 5.75,13.39C5.5,12.66 5.45,11.87 5.66,11.12C6.24,10.09 7.32,9.43 8.5,9.4C9.06,9.41 9.61,9.54 10.11,9.79L11,10.24H13L13.89,9.79C14.39,9.54 14.94,9.41 15.5,9.4C16.68,9.43 17.76,10.08 18.34,11.11C18.55,11.86 18.5,12.65 18.25,13.38M11,5C5.38,8.07 4.11,3.78 4.11,3.78C4.11,3.78 6.77,0.19 11,5Z",W$="M22,19L19,17L22,15V19M15,15L19,9L22,13L18,16L15,15M5,17L2,19V15L5,17M9,15L6,16L2,13L5,9L9,15M14,6L18,8L13,15H11L6,8L10,6H14Z",I$="M20.16 12.73C22.93 9.96 22.57 5.26 19.09 3C17.08 1.67 14.39 1.66 12.36 2.97C10.6 4.1 9.63 5.86 9.46 7.68C9.33 9 8.83 10.23 7.91 11.15L7.88 11.18C6.72 12.34 6.72 14.11 7.81 15.19L8.8 16.18C9.89 17.27 11.66 17.27 12.75 16.18C13.72 15.21 15 14.68 16.39 14.53C17.76 14.38 19.1 13.78 20.16 12.73M6.26 19.86C6.53 20.42 6.44 21.1 5.97 21.56C5.39 22.15 4.44 22.15 3.85 21.56C3.58 21.29 3.44 20.94 3.42 20.58C3.06 20.56 2.71 20.42 2.44 20.15C1.85 19.56 1.85 18.61 2.44 18.03C2.9 17.57 3.59 17.47 4.14 17.74L6.62 15.31C6.76 15.5 6.92 15.72 7.1 15.9L8.09 16.89C8.3 17.09 8.5 17.26 8.76 17.41L6.26 19.86Z",G$="M20.8 22.7L13.6 15.5C13.3 15.7 13 15.9 12.7 16.2C11.6 17.3 9.8 17.3 8.7 16.2L7.7 15.2C6.6 14.1 6.6 12.3 7.8 11.2C8 11 8.2 10.7 8.4 10.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M8.1 16.9L7.1 15.9C6.9 15.7 6.8 15.5 6.6 15.3L4.1 17.7C3.5 17.4 2.9 17.5 2.4 18C1.8 18.6 1.8 19.5 2.4 20.1C2.7 20.4 3 20.5 3.4 20.5C3.4 20.9 3.6 21.2 3.8 21.5C4.4 22.1 5.3 22.1 5.9 21.5C6.4 21 6.5 20.4 6.2 19.8L8.7 17.4C8.5 17.3 8.3 17.1 8.1 16.9M20.2 12.7C23 9.9 22.6 5.2 19.1 3C17.1 1.7 14.4 1.7 12.4 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11,18V16H17.79L20.55,11.23L22.11,12.13L19.87,16H22V18M9,22H2C2,19 2,16 2.33,12.83C2.6,10.3 3.08,7.66 3.6,5H3V3H4L7,3H8V5H7.4C7.92,7.66 8.4,10.3 8.67,12.83C9,16 9,19 9,22Z",MX="M2.28 3L1 4.27L3.31 6.58C2.91 8.7 2.55 10.8 2.33 12.83C2 16 2 19 2 22H9C9 19 9 16 8.67 12.83C8.63 12.5 8.58 12.15 8.54 11.81L12.73 16H11V18C11 20.21 12.79 22 15 22H18C18.23 22 18.45 22 18.67 21.94L19.73 23L21 21.72M4.82 3L7.53 5.71C7.5 5.47 7.45 5.24 7.4 5H8V3H7M20.55 11.23L17.8 16L21.59 19.76C21.86 19.21 22 18.61 22 18V16H19.87L22.11 12.13Z",AX="M16 2A2 2 0 1 1 14 4A2 2 0 0 1 16 2M12.04 3A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 10.54 4.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 12.04 3M9.09 4.5A1 1 0 1 1 8.09 5.5A1 1 0 0 1 9.09 4.5M7.04 6A1 1 0 1 1 6.04 7A1 1 0 0 1 7.04 6M14.53 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 9.24A2.6 2.6 0 0 0 14.39 7H11.91A6 6 0 0 0 6.12 11.4A2 2 0 0 0 6.23 12.8A6.8 6.8 0 0 1 6.91 15.76A6.89 6.89 0 0 1 6.22 18.55A1.92 1.92 0 0 0 6.3 20.31A3.62 3.62 0 0 0 10.19 21.91A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 12.36 16.63A2.82 2.82 0 0 1 11.91 15S11.68 12 14.53 12Z",iX="M8.39 21L3 15.61C3 16.7 3.04 17.71 3.2 18.63C3.35 19.55 3.5 20.1 3.71 20.29C3.9 20.5 4.44 20.65 5.35 20.81S7.27 21 8.39 21M15.5 9.89L9.89 15.5L8.5 14.11L14.11 8.5L15.5 9.89M3.29 13.08L10.92 20.71C13.7 20.21 15.9 19.15 17.53 17.53C19.15 15.9 20.21 13.7 20.71 10.92L13.08 3.29C10.3 3.79 8.1 4.85 6.47 6.47S3.79 10.3 3.29 13.08M15.61 3L21 8.39C21 7.3 20.96 6.29 20.81 5.37C20.65 4.45 20.5 3.9 20.29 3.71C20.1 3.5 19.56 3.35 18.65 3.2S16.73 3 15.61 3Z",rX="M7.5,7.5C9.17,5.87 11.29,4.69 13.37,4.18C18,3 21,6 19.82,10.63C19.31,12.71 18.13,14.83 16.5,16.5C14.83,18.13 12.71,19.31 10.63,19.82C6,21 3,18 4.18,13.37C4.69,11.29 5.87,9.17 7.5,7.5M10.62,11.26L10.26,11.62L12.38,13.74L12.74,13.38L10.62,11.26M11.62,10.26L11.26,10.62L13.38,12.74L13.74,12.38L11.62,10.26M9.62,12.26L9.26,12.62L11.38,14.74L11.74,14.38L9.62,12.26M12.63,9.28L12.28,9.63L14.4,11.75L14.75,11.4L12.63,9.28M8.63,13.28L8.28,13.63L10.4,15.75L10.75,15.4L8.63,13.28M13.63,8.28L13.28,8.63L15.4,10.75L15.75,10.4L13.63,8.28Z",aX="M13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12M13.5,3C18.19,3 22,6.58 22,11C22,12.62 22,14 21.09,16C17,16 16,20 12.5,20C10.32,20 9.27,18.28 9.05,16H9L8.24,16L6.96,20.3C6.81,20.79 6.33,21.08 5.84,21H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V16A1,1 0 0,1 2,15A1,1 0 0,1 3,14H6.75L7.23,12.39C6.72,12.14 6.13,12 5.5,12H5.07L5,11C5,6.58 8.81,3 13.5,3M5,16V19H5.26L6.15,16H5Z",eX="M16 12L9 2L2 12H3.86L0 18H7V22H11V18H18L14.14 12H16M20.14 12H22L15 2L12.61 5.41L17.92 13H15.97L19.19 18H24L20.14 12M13 19H17V22H13V19Z",dX="M19.19 18H24L20.14 12H22L15 2L12.61 5.41L17.92 13H15.97L19.19 18M16 12L9 2L2 12H3.86L0 18H7V22H11V18H18L14.14 12H16M12.16 10H10.5L14.34 16H3.67L7.53 10H5.84L9 5.5L12.16 10M13 19V22H17V19H13Z",mX="M6,4V11H4C2.89,11 2,11.89 2,13V17A3,3 0 0,0 5,20A3,3 0 0,0 8,17H10A3,3 0 0,0 13,20A3,3 0 0,0 16,17V13L12,4H6M17,5V19H22V17.5H18.5V5H17M7.5,5.5H11.2L14.5,13H7.5V5.5M5,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,15.5M13,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,15.5Z",tX="M17 5H20L18.5 7L17 5M3 2H21C22.11 2 23 2.9 23 4V8C23 9.11 22.11 10 21 10H16V20C16 21.11 15.11 22 14 22H3C1.9 22 1 21.11 1 20V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2M3 4V8H14V4H3M21 8V4H16V8H21M3 20H14V10H3V20M5 12H12V14H5V12M5 16H12V18H5V16Z",vX="M15 5H18L16.5 7L15 5M5 2H19C20.11 2 21 2.9 21 4V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M5 4V8H19V4H5M5 20H19V10H5V20M7 12H17V14H7V12M7 16H17V18H7V16Z",lX="M13 9H4V23H2V7H13M23 9V7H17V5A1 1 0 0 1 18 4H20V2H17.5C17 2 16 2.45 16 3C16 2.45 15.05 2 14.5 2H12V4H14A1 1 0 0 1 15 5V19A1 1 0 0 1 14 20H12V22H14.5C15.05 22 16 21.55 16 21C16 21.55 16.95 22 17.5 22H20V20H18A1 1 0 0 1 17 19V9Z",oX="M17,7H22V17H17V19A1,1 0 0,0 18,20H20V22H17.5C16.95,22 16,21.55 16,21C16,21.55 15.05,22 14.5,22H12V20H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 14,4H12V2H14.5C15.05,2 16,2.45 16,3C16,2.45 16.95,2 17.5,2H20V4H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,5V7M2,7H13V9H4V15H13V17H2V7M20,15V9H17V15H20Z",nX="M2 7H6V9H4V15H6V17H2V7M10 7H22V12C21.42 11.56 20.74 11.25 20 11.1V9H10V15H14.25C13.56 15 13 15.56 13 16.25V17H10V19C10 19.55 10.45 20 11 20H13V22H10.5C9.95 22 9 21.55 9 21C9 21.55 8.05 22 7.5 22H5V20H7C7.55 20 8 19.55 8 19V5C8 4.45 7.55 4 7 4H5V2H7.5C8.05 2 9 2.45 9 3C9 2.45 9.95 2 10.5 2H13V4H11C10.45 4 10 4.45 10 5V7M21.8 17C22.4 17 23 17.6 23 18.3V21.8C23 22.4 22.4 23 21.7 23H16.2C15.6 23 15 22.4 15 21.7V18.2C15 17.6 15.6 17 16.2 17V15.5C16.2 14.1 17.6 13 19 13C20.4 13 21.8 14.1 21.8 15.5V17M20.5 17V15.5C20.5 14.7 19.8 14.2 19 14.2C18.2 14.2 17.5 14.7 17.5 15.5V17H20.5Z",ZX="M17,7H22V17H17V19A1,1 0 0,0 18,20H20V22H17.5C16.95,22 16,21.55 16,21C16,21.55 15.05,22 14.5,22H12V20H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,19V5A1,1 0 0,0 14,4H12V2H14.5C15.05,2 16,2.45 16,3C16,2.45 16.95,2 17.5,2H20V4H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,5V7M2,7H13V9H4V15H13V17H2V7M20,15V9H17V15H20M8.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,12M13,10.89C12.39,10.33 11.44,10.38 10.88,11C10.32,11.6 10.37,12.55 11,13.11C11.55,13.63 12.43,13.63 13,13.11V10.89Z",SX="M13,9L15.5,6.5L16.92,7.92L12,12.84L7.08,7.92L8.5,6.5L11,9V3H13V9M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H13V21H3V19Z",uX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M7,7H17V9H7V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M7,15H17V17H7V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",cX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H21V9H3V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",sX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H15V9H3V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,15H15V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",OX="M13,6L15,4L16.42,5.42L12,9.84L7.58,5.42L9,4L11,6V2H13V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M13,18V22H11V18L9,20L7.58,18.58L12,14.16L16.42,18.58L15,20L13,18Z",hX="M3,3H21V5H3V3M9,7H21V9H9V7M3,11H21V13H3V11M9,15H21V17H9V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",pX="M13,15L15.5,17.5L16.92,16.08L12,11.16L7.08,16.08L8.5,17.5L11,15V21H13V15M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H13V9H3V7Z",fX="M10.5,7H8.5L3,21H5.2L6.3,18H12.5L13.6,21H16L10.5,7M7.1,16L9.5,9.7L11.9,16H7.1M22,7H14V5H22V7Z",gX="M8.5,7H10.5L16,21H13.6L12.5,18H6.3L5.2,21H3L8.5,7M7.1,16H11.9L9.5,9.7L7.1,16M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",kX="M13.5,15.5H10V12.5H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,15.5M10,6.5H13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,9.5H10M15.6,10.79C16.57,10.11 17.25,9 17.25,8C17.25,5.74 15.5,4 13.25,4H7V18H14.04C16.14,18 17.75,16.3 17.75,14.21C17.75,12.69 16.89,11.39 15.6,10.79Z",BX="M6,5V5.18L8.82,8H11.22L10.5,9.68L12.6,11.78L14.21,8H20V5H6M3.27,5L2,6.27L8.97,13.24L6.5,19H9.5L11.07,15.34L16.73,21L18,19.73L3.55,5.27L3.27,5Z",PX="M19,11.5C19,11.5 17,13.67 17,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 21,15C21,13.67 19,11.5 19,11.5M5.21,10L10,5.21L14.79,10M16.56,8.94L7.62,0L6.21,1.41L8.59,3.79L3.44,8.94C2.85,9.5 2.85,10.47 3.44,11.06L8.94,16.56C9.23,16.85 9.62,17 10,17C10.38,17 10.77,16.85 11.06,16.56L16.56,11.06C17.15,10.47 17.15,9.5 16.56,8.94Z",wX="M4,17L6.75,14.25L6.72,14.23C6.14,13.64 6.14,12.69 6.72,12.11L11.46,7.37L15.7,11.61L10.96,16.35C10.39,16.93 9.46,16.93 8.87,16.37L8.24,17H4M15.91,2.91C16.5,2.33 17.45,2.33 18.03,2.91L20.16,5.03C20.74,5.62 20.74,6.57 20.16,7.16L16.86,10.45L12.62,6.21L15.91,2.91Z",FX="M16.5 8C14 8 12 10 12 12.5S14 17 16.5 17 21 15 21 12.5 19 8 16.5 8M16.5 15.5C14.8 15.5 13.5 14.2 13.5 12.5C13.5 11.9 13.7 11.4 13.9 11L18 15.1C17.6 15.3 17.1 15.5 16.5 15.5M19.1 14L15 9.9C15.4 9.6 15.9 9.5 16.5 9.5C18.2 9.5 19.5 10.8 19.5 12.5C19.5 13.1 19.3 13.6 19.1 14M12.1 7.7L10.6 6.2L13.9 2.9C14.5 2.3 15.4 2.3 16 2.9L18.2 5C18.6 5.4 18.7 5.8 18.6 6.3C18 6.1 17.3 6 16.6 6C14.8 6 13.3 6.7 12.1 7.7M10.5 14.9L9 16.3C8.4 16.9 7.5 16.9 6.9 16.3L6.2 17H2L4.8 14.2C4.2 13.6 4.2 12.7 4.8 12.1L9.5 7.4L11.1 9C10.4 10 10 11.2 10 12.5C10 13.3 10.2 14.1 10.5 14.9Z",TX="M9.62,12L12,5.67L14.37,12M11,3L5.5,17H7.75L8.87,14H15.12L16.25,17H18.5L13,3H11Z",bX="M3,3H11V5H3V3M13,3H21V5H13V3M3,7H11V9H3V7M13,7H21V9H13V7M3,11H11V13H3V11M13,11H21V13H13V11M3,15H11V17H3V15M13,15H21V17H13V15M3,19H11V21H3V19M13,19H21V21H13V19Z",yX="M9,7H15V13H9V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,15H21V17H3V15M3,19H17V21H3V19Z",RX="M3,7H9V13H3V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,7V9H11V7H21M21,11V13H11V11H21M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",xX="M3,7H9V13H3V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,11V13H11V11H21M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",DX="M15,7H21V13H15V7M3,3H21V5H3V3M13,7V9H3V7H13M9,11V13H3V11H9M3,15H17V17H3V15M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",EX="M17,8H20V20H21V21H17V20H18V17H14L12.5,20H14V21H10V20H11L17,8M18,9L14.5,16H18V9M5,3H10C11.11,3 12,3.89 12,5V16H9V11H6V16H3V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M6,5V9H9V5H6Z",NX="M5.12,14L7.5,7.67L9.87,14M6.5,5L1,19H3.25L4.37,16H10.62L11.75,19H14L8.5,5H6.5M18,17L23,11.93L21.59,10.5L19,13.1V7H17V13.1L14.41,10.5L13,11.93L18,17Z",WX="M5.12,14L7.5,7.67L9.87,14M6.5,5L1,19H3.25L4.37,16H10.62L11.75,19H14L8.5,5H6.5M18,7L13,12.07L14.41,13.5L17,10.9V17H19V10.9L21.59,13.5L23,12.07L18,7Z",IX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M14,18V16H16V6.31L13.5,7.75V5.44L16,4H18V16H20V18H14Z",GX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M21,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16C13,15.47 13.2,15 13.54,14.64L18.41,9.41C18.78,9.05 19,8.55 19,8A2,2 0 0,0 17,6A2,2 0 0,0 15,8H13A4,4 0 0,1 17,4A4,4 0 0,1 21,8C21,9.1 20.55,10.1 19.83,10.83L15,16H21V18Z",QX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V15H15V16H19V12H15V10H19V6H15V7H13V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4Z",UX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M18,18V13H13V11L18,4H20V11H21V13H20V18H18M18,11V7.42L15.45,11H18Z",zX="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H20V6H15V10H17A4,4 0 0,1 21,14A4,4 0 0,1 17,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V15H15V16H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 17,12H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,10V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4Z",_X="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M15,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V7H19V6H15V10H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,12V16A2,2 0 0,1 19,18H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 15,4M15,12V16H19V12H15Z",KX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M20.42,7.41L16.83,11L20.42,14.59L19,16L14,11L19,6L20.42,7.41Z",jX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M14,10V8H21V10H14M14,12H21V14H14V12Z",qX="M4,4H6V10H10V4H12V18H10V12H6V18H4V4M14.59,7.41L18.17,11L14.59,14.59L16,16L21,11L16,6L14.59,7.41Z",$X="M3,4H5V10H9V4H11V18H9V12H5V18H3V4M13,8H15.31L15.63,5H17.63L17.31,8H19.31L19.63,5H21.63L21.31,8H23V10H21.1L20.9,12H23V14H20.69L20.37,17H18.37L18.69,14H16.69L16.37,17H14.37L14.69,14H13V12H14.9L15.1,10H13V8M17.1,10L16.9,12H18.9L19.1,10H17.1Z",XX="M19,16V13H23V11H19V8L15,12L19,16M5,8V11H1V13H5V16L9,12L5,8M11,20H13V4H11V20Z",YX="M11,16V13H21V11H11V8L7,12L11,16M3,20H5V4H3V20Z",JX="M13,8V11H3V13H13V16L17,12L13,8M19,20H21V4H19V20Z",CY="M11,13H21V11H11M11,9H21V7H11M3,3V5H21V3M3,21H21V19H3M3,12L7,16V8M11,17H21V15H11V17Z",HY="M11,13H21V11H11M11,9H21V7H11M3,3V5H21V3M11,17H21V15H11M3,8V16L7,12M3,21H21V19H3V21Z",VY="M10,4V7H12.21L8.79,15H6V18H14V15H11.79L15.21,7H18V4H10Z",LY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6Z",MY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6M22,20V22H14.5V20H22Z",AY="M20.06,18C20,17.83 19.91,17.54 19.86,17.11C19.19,17.81 18.38,18.16 17.45,18.16C16.62,18.16 15.93,17.92 15.4,17.45C14.87,17 14.6,16.39 14.6,15.66C14.6,14.78 14.93,14.1 15.6,13.61C16.27,13.12 17.21,12.88 18.43,12.88H19.83V12.24C19.83,11.75 19.68,11.36 19.38,11.07C19.08,10.78 18.63,10.64 18.05,10.64C17.53,10.64 17.1,10.76 16.75,11C16.4,11.25 16.23,11.54 16.23,11.89H14.77C14.77,11.46 14.92,11.05 15.22,10.65C15.5,10.25 15.93,9.94 16.44,9.71C16.95,9.5 17.5,9.36 18.13,9.36C19.11,9.36 19.87,9.6 20.42,10.09C20.97,10.58 21.26,11.25 21.28,12.11V16C21.28,16.8 21.38,17.42 21.58,17.88V18H20.06M17.66,16.88C18.11,16.88 18.54,16.77 18.95,16.56C19.35,16.35 19.65,16.07 19.83,15.73V14.16H18.7C16.93,14.16 16.04,14.63 16.04,15.57C16.04,16 16.19,16.3 16.5,16.53C16.8,16.76 17.18,16.88 17.66,16.88M5.46,13.71H9.53L7.5,8.29L5.46,13.71M6.64,6H8.36L13.07,18H11.14L10.17,15.43H4.82L3.86,18H1.93L6.64,6M2,20H13V22H2V20Z",iY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M20 14V18H2V20H22V14Z",rY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M20 14V18H4V15H2V20H22V14Z",aY="M14.4 10.7H18.5L16.5 5.3L14.4 10.7M15.6 3H17.3L22 15H20.1L19.1 12.4H13.7L12.7 15H10.8L15.6 3M11.2 3H13.1L8.4 15H6.7L2 3H3.9L7.5 12.7M19 22V20H5V22L2 19L5 16V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",eY="M22 3V21H20V3H22M4 3V21H2V3H4M10 13.7H14L12 8.3L10 13.7M11.2 6H12.9L17.6 18H15.6L14.7 15.4H9.4L8.5 18H6.5L11.2 6Z",dY="M11.14 4L6.43 16H8.36L9.32 13.43H14.67L15.64 16H17.57L12.86 4M12 6.29L14.03 11.71H9.96M4 18V15H2V20H22V18Z",mY="M21 22H3V20H21V22M21 4H3V2H21V4M10 13.7H14L12 8.3L10 13.7M11.2 6H12.9L17.6 18H15.6L14.7 15.4H9.4L8.5 18H6.5L11.2 6Z",tY="M10,13H22V11H10M10,19H22V17H10M10,7H22V5H10M6,7H8.5L5,3.5L1.5,7H4V17H1.5L5,20.5L8.5,17H6V7Z",vY="M3,16H8V14H3V16M9.5,16H14.5V14H9.5V16M16,16H21V14H16V16M3,20H5V18H3V20M7,20H9V18H7V20M11,20H13V18H11V20M15,20H17V18H15V20M19,20H21V18H19V20M3,12H11V10H3V12M13,12H21V10H13V12M3,4V8H21V4H3Z",lY="M3,17H21V15H3V17M3,20H21V19H3V20M3,13H21V10H3V13M3,4V8H21V4H3Z",oY="M7,5H21V7H7V5M7,13V11H21V13H7M4,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,4.5M4,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,10.5M7,19V17H21V19H7M4,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,16.5Z",nY="M3,4H7V8H3V4M9,5V7H21V5H9M3,10H7V14H3V10M9,11V13H21V11H9M3,16H7V20H3V16M9,17V19H21V17H9",ZY="M5,15.5L7.5,20H2.5L5,15.5M9,19H21V17H9V19M5,9.5L7.5,14H2.5L5,9.5M9,13H21V11H9V13M5,3.5L7.5,8H2.5L5,3.5M9,7H21V5H9V7Z",SY="M5,9.5L7.5,14H2.5L5,9.5M3,4H7V8H3V4M5,20A2,2 0 0,0 7,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20M9,5V7H21V5H9M9,19H21V17H9V19M9,13H21V11H9V13Z",uY="M21,19V17H8V19H21M21,13V11H8V13H21M8,7H21V5H8V7M4,5V7H6V5H4M3,5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5V7A1,1 0 0,1 6,8H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,7V5M4,11V13H6V11H4M3,11A1,1 0 0,1 4,10H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,11V13A1,1 0 0,1 6,14H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,13V11M4,17V19H6V17H4M3,17A1,1 0 0,1 4,16H6A1,1 0 0,1 7,17V19A1,1 0 0,1 6,20H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V17Z",cY="M3,5H9V11H3V5M5,7V9H7V7H5M11,7H21V9H11V7M11,15H21V17H11V15M5,20L1.5,16.5L2.91,15.09L5,17.17L9.59,12.59L11,14L5,20Z",sY="M5 5V19H7V21H3V3H7V5H5M20 7H7V9H20V7M20 11H7V13H20V11M20 15H7V17H20V15Z",OY="M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14M20 11V12.3C19.4 12.1 18.7 12 18 12C16.8 12 15.6 12.4 14.7 13H7V11H20M12.1 17H7V15H12.8C12.5 15.6 12.2 16.3 12.1 17M7 7H20V9H7V7M5 19H7V21H3V3H7V5H5V19Z",hY="M7,13V11H21V13H7M7,19V17H21V19H7M7,7V5H21V7H7M3,8V5H2V4H4V8H3M2,17V16H5V20H2V19H4V18.5H3V17.5H4V17H2M4.25,10A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5,10.75C5,10.95 4.92,11.14 4.79,11.27L3.12,13H5V14H2V13.08L4,11H2V10H4.25Z",pY="M3,13V11H17V13H3M3,19V17H17V19H3M3,7V5H17V7H3M20,8V5H19V4H21V8H20M19,17V16H22V20H19V19H21V18.5H20V17.5H21V17H19M21.25,10C21.67,10 22,10.34 22,10.75C22,10.95 21.92,11.14 21.79,11.27L20.12,13H22V14H19V13.08L21,11H19V10H21.25Z",fY="M2 14H8V20H2M16 8H10V10H16M2 10H8V4H2M10 4V6H22V4M10 20H16V18H10M10 16H22V14H10",gY="M5,5H19V3H5V5M9.62,16L12,9.67L14.37,16M11,7L5.5,21H7.75L8.87,18H15.12L16.25,21H18.5L13,7H11Z",kY="M18,20H6V18H4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V18H18V20M14,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V12H6V4H14V8H18V12H20V8L14,2M11,16H8V14H11V16M16,16H13V14H16V16M3,14H6V16H3V14M21,16H18V14H21V16Z",BY="M11 11V7H13V11H11M13 1V5H11V1H13M11 17V13H13V17H11M9 20H6V4H9V2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H9V20M15 3V8H18V20H15V22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V8L15 3M13 19H11V23H13V19Z",PY="M18,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 17,2H5A1,1 0 0,0 4,3V7A1,1 0 0,0 5,8H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,7V6H19V10H9V21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,21V12H21V4H18Z",wY="M13,4A4,4 0 0,1 17,8A4,4 0 0,1 13,12H11V18H9V4H13M13,10A2,2 0 0,0 15,8A2,2 0 0,0 13,6H11V10H13Z",FY="M3 17H21V19H3V17M3 2H21V4H3V2M3 20H21V22H3V20M13 8H15L12 5L9 8H11V13H9L12 16L15 13H13V8Z",TY="M10,11A4,4 0 0,1 6,7A4,4 0 0,1 10,3H18V5H16V21H14V5H12V21H10V11Z",bY="M8,17V14L4,18L8,22V19H20V17M10,10V15H12V4H14V15H16V4H18V2H10A4,4 0 0,0 6,6A4,4 0 0,0 10,10Z",yY="M21,18L17,14V17H5V19H17V22M9,10V15H11V4H13V15H15V4H17V2H9A4,4 0 0,0 5,6A4,4 0 0,0 9,10Z",RY="M14,17H17L19,13V7H13V13H16M6,17H9L11,13V7H5V13H8L6,17Z",xY="M13 6V14H14.88L12.88 18H18.62L21 13.24V6M15 8H19V12.76L17.38 16H16.12L18.12 12H15M3 6V14H4.88L2.88 18H8.62L11 13.24V6M5 8H9V12.76L7.38 16H6.12L8.12 12H5Z",DY="M10,7L8,11H11V17H5V11L7,7H10M18,7L16,11H19V17H13V11L15,7H18Z",EY="M11 18V10H9.12L11.12 6H5.38L3 10.76V18M9 16H5V11.24L6.62 8H7.88L5.88 12H9M21 18V10H19.12L21.12 6H15.38L13 10.76V18M19 16H15V11.24L16.62 8H17.88L15.88 12H19Z",NY="M7.34,6.41L0.86,12.9L7.35,19.38L13.84,12.9L7.34,6.41M3.69,12.9L7.35,9.24L11,12.9L7.34,16.56L3.69,12.9M19.36,6.64C17.61,4.88 15.3,4 13,4V0.76L8.76,5L13,9.24V6C14.79,6 16.58,6.68 17.95,8.05C20.68,10.78 20.68,15.22 17.95,17.95C16.58,19.32 14.79,20 13,20C12.03,20 11.06,19.79 10.16,19.39L8.67,20.88C10,21.62 11.5,22 13,22C15.3,22 17.61,21.12 19.36,19.36C22.88,15.85 22.88,10.15 19.36,6.64Z",WY="M15.67,4.42C14.7,3.84 13.58,3.54 12.45,3.56C10.87,3.56 9.66,4.34 9.66,5.56C9.66,6.96 11,7.47 13,8.14C15.5,8.95 17.4,9.97 17.4,12.38C17.36,13.69 16.69,14.89 15.6,15.61C16.25,16.22 16.61,17.08 16.6,17.97C16.6,20.79 14,21.97 11.5,21.97C10.04,22.03 8.59,21.64 7.35,20.87L8,19.34C9.04,20.05 10.27,20.43 11.53,20.44C13.25,20.44 14.53,19.66 14.53,18.24C14.53,17 13.75,16.31 11.25,15.45C8.5,14.5 6.6,13.5 6.6,11.21C6.67,9.89 7.43,8.69 8.6,8.07C7.97,7.5 7.61,6.67 7.6,5.81C7.6,3.45 9.77,2 12.53,2C13.82,2 15.09,2.29 16.23,2.89L15.67,4.42M11.35,13.42C12.41,13.75 13.44,14.18 14.41,14.71C15.06,14.22 15.43,13.45 15.41,12.64C15.41,11.64 14.77,10.76 13,10.14C11.89,9.77 10.78,9.31 9.72,8.77C8.97,9.22 8.5,10.03 8.5,10.91C8.5,11.88 9.23,12.68 11.35,13.42Z",IY="M2 4V7H7V19H10V7H15V4H2M21 9H12V12H15V19H18V12H21V9Z",GY="M3,14H21V12H3M5,4V7H10V10H14V7H19V4M10,19H14V16H10V19Z",QY="M7.2 9.8C6 7.5 7.7 4.8 10.1 4.3C13.2 3.3 17.7 4.7 17.6 8.5H14.6C14.6 8.2 14.5 7.9 14.5 7.7C14.3 7.1 13.9 6.8 13.3 6.6C12.5 6.3 11.2 6.4 10.5 6.9C9 8.2 10.4 9.5 12 10H7.4C7.3 9.9 7.3 9.8 7.2 9.8M21 13V11H3V13H12.6C12.8 13.1 13 13.1 13.2 13.2C13.8 13.5 14.3 13.7 14.5 14.3C14.6 14.7 14.7 15.2 14.5 15.6C14.3 16.1 13.9 16.3 13.4 16.5C11.6 17 9.4 16.3 9.5 14.1H6.5C6.4 16.7 8.6 18.5 11 18.8C14.8 19.6 19.3 17.2 17.3 12.9L21 13Z",UY="M16,7.41L11.41,12L16,16.59L14.59,18L10,13.41L5.41,18L4,16.59L8.59,12L4,7.41L5.41,6L10,10.59L14.59,6L16,7.41M21.85,21.03H16.97V20.03L17.86,19.23C18.62,18.58 19.18,18.04 19.56,17.6C19.93,17.16 20.12,16.75 20.13,16.36C20.14,16.08 20.05,15.85 19.86,15.66C19.68,15.5 19.39,15.38 19,15.38C18.69,15.38 18.42,15.44 18.16,15.56L17.5,15.94L17.05,14.77C17.32,14.56 17.64,14.38 18.03,14.24C18.42,14.1 18.85,14 19.32,14C20.1,14.04 20.7,14.25 21.1,14.66C21.5,15.07 21.72,15.59 21.72,16.23C21.71,16.79 21.53,17.31 21.18,17.78C20.84,18.25 20.42,18.7 19.91,19.14L19.27,19.66V19.68H21.85V21.03Z",zY="M16,7.41L11.41,12L16,16.59L14.59,18L10,13.41L5.41,18L4,16.59L8.59,12L4,7.41L5.41,6L10,10.59L14.59,6L16,7.41M21.85,9H16.97V8L17.86,7.18C18.62,6.54 19.18,6 19.56,5.55C19.93,5.11 20.12,4.7 20.13,4.32C20.14,4.04 20.05,3.8 19.86,3.62C19.68,3.43 19.39,3.34 19,3.33C18.69,3.34 18.42,3.4 18.16,3.5L17.5,3.89L17.05,2.72C17.32,2.5 17.64,2.33 18.03,2.19C18.42,2.05 18.85,2 19.32,2C20.1,2 20.7,2.2 21.1,2.61C21.5,3 21.72,3.54 21.72,4.18C21.71,4.74 21.53,5.26 21.18,5.73C20.84,6.21 20.42,6.66 19.91,7.09L19.27,7.61V7.63H21.85V9Z",_Y="M18.5,4L19.66,8.35L18.7,8.61C18.25,7.74 17.79,6.87 17.26,6.43C16.73,6 16.11,6 15.5,6H13V16.5C13,17 13,17.5 13.33,17.75C13.67,18 14.33,18 15,18V19H9V18C9.67,18 10.33,18 10.67,17.75C11,17.5 11,17 11,16.5V6H8.5C7.89,6 7.27,6 6.74,6.43C6.21,6.87 5.75,7.74 5.3,8.61L4.34,8.35L5.5,4H18.5Z",KY="M14.25 21H10.03L11.44 19.59L2.58 10.73L4.03 9.33L12.84 18.19L14.25 16.78M12.61 8L15.23 10.64L17.43 5.77M19.41 4.92L14.95 16.03L13.5 14.58L14.39 12.38L10.88 8.81L8.68 9.75L7.22 8.25L18.33 3.84Z",jY="M20.58 9.33V13.55L19.17 12.14L10.31 21L8.91 19.59L17.72 10.73L16.31 9.33M7.59 11L10.22 8.39L5.34 6.14M4.5 4.22L15.61 8.63L14.16 10.13L11.96 9.19L8.39 12.75L9.33 14.91L7.83 16.41L3.42 5.25Z",qY="M6,19.73L3,16.73H5V4.27H7V16.73H9L6,19.73M14,9.38V13.13L19.03,11.25L14,9.38M21,12L10,16.73V14.67L12.19,13.73V8.77L10,7.83V5.77L21,10.5V12Z",$Y="M15.25 4H13.75L9 15H11.1L12 12.8H17L17.9 15H20L15.25 4M12.63 11L14.5 6L16.37 11H12.63M5 17.5L8 14.5H6V2H4V14.5H2L5 17.5M22 20L19 17V19H6.5V21H19V23L22 20Z",XY="M20.5,18L17.5,21V19H5V17H17.5V15L20.5,18M10.13,10H13.88L12,4.97L10.13,10M12.75,3L17.5,14H15.42L14.5,11.81H9.5L8.58,14H6.5L11.25,3H12.75Z",YY="M3 12V13.5L14 18.25V16.15L11.8 15.25V10.25L14 9.35V7.25L3 12M10 14.62L5 12.75L10 10.88V14.62M18 4.25L15 7.25H17V19.75H19V7.25H21L18 4.25Z",JY="M15.75 5H14.25L9.5 16H11.6L12.5 13.8H17.5L18.4 16H20.5L15.75 5M13.13 12L15 7L16.87 12H13.13M6 19.75L9 16.75H7V4.25H5V16.75H3L6 19.75Z",CJ="M9.6,14L12,7.7L14.4,14M11,5L5.5,19H7.7L8.8,16H15L16.1,19H18.3L13,5H11Z",HJ="M11 3C10.18 3 9.44 3.5 9.14 4.27L3.64 18.27C3.12 19.58 4.09 21 5.5 21H7.75C8.59 21 9.33 20.5 9.62 19.7L10.26 18H13.74L14.38 19.7C14.67 20.5 15.42 21 16.25 21H18.5C19.91 21 20.88 19.58 20.36 18.27L14.86 4.27C14.56 3.5 13.82 3 13 3M11 5H13L18.5 19H16.25L15.12 16H8.87L7.75 19H5.5M12 7.67L9.62 14H14.37Z",VJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M17,3V11H9V13H17V21H19V3H17Z",LJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M14,3H12V9H14V3M14,15H12V21H14V15M19,12L16,9V11H9V13H16V15L19,12Z",MJ="M7,21H5V3H7V21M19,3H17V21H19V3M13,8H9V10H12.97C13.14,10 14,10.16 14,12C14,13.84 13.14,14 13,14H11V12L8,15L11,18V16H13C14.04,16 16,15.16 16,12C16,8.84 14.04,8 13,8Z",AJ="M21,7V3H17V4H7V3H3V7H4V17H3V21H7V20H17V21H21V17H20V7H21M18,4H20V6H18V4M4,4H6V6H4V4M6,20H4V18H6V20M20,20H18V18H20V20M18,17H17V18H7V17H6V7H7V6H17V7H18V17M16,8V10H13V16H11V10H8V8H16Z",iJ="M5,4V7H10.5V19H13.5V7H19V4H5Z",rJ="M5,21H19V19H5V21M12,17A6,6 0 0,0 18,11V3H15.5V11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,11V3H6V11A6,6 0 0,0 12,17Z",aJ="M12 17C15.31 17 18 14.31 18 11V3H15.5V11C15.5 12.93 13.93 14.5 12 14.5S8.5 12.93 8.5 11V3H6V11C6 14.31 8.69 17 12 17M20 22C18.6 22 17.8 21.3 17.3 20.7C16.8 20.2 16.6 20 16 20S15.2 20.2 14.7 20.7C14.2 21.3 13.4 22 12 22S9.8 21.3 9.3 20.7C8.8 20.2 8.6 20 8 20S7.2 20.2 6.7 20.7C6.2 21.3 5.4 22 4 22V20C4.6 20 4.8 19.8 5.3 19.3C5.8 18.7 6.6 18 8 18S10.2 18.7 10.7 19.3C11.2 19.8 11.4 20 12 20S12.8 19.8 13.3 19.3C13.8 18.7 14.6 18 16 18S18.2 18.7 18.7 19.3C19.2 19.8 19.4 20 20 20V22Z",eJ="M16,13H13V3H11V13H8L12,17L16,13M4,19V21H20V19H4Z",dJ="M8,19H11V23H13V19H16L12,15L8,19M16,5H13V1H11V5H8L12,9L16,5M4,11V13H20V11H4Z",mJ="M8,11H11V21H13V11H16L12,7L8,11M4,3V5H20V3H4Z",tJ="M8,7L13,17H3L8,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M21,15V17H14V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",vJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H6V9H3V7M21,7V9H18V7H21M3,11H6V13H3V11M21,11V13H18V11H21M3,15H6V17H3V15M21,15V17H18V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",lJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,7H9V9H3V7M21,7V9H15V7H21M3,11H7V13H3V11M21,11V13H17V11H21M3,15H6V17H3V15M21,15V17H18V15H21M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",oJ="M12,7L17,17H7L12,7M3,3H21V5H3V3M3,19H21V21H3V19Z",nJ="M17,12V3A1,1 0 0,0 16,2H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,3V17L6,13H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,12M21,6H19V15H6V17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H18L22,22V7A1,1 0 0,0 21,6Z",ZJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",SJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M22 17V19H14V17H22Z",uJ="M15,4V11H5.17L4,12.17V4H15M16,2H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,3V17L6,13H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V3A1,1 0 0,0 16,2M21,6H19V15H6V17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H18L22,22V7A1,1 0 0,0 21,6Z",cJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",sJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14Z",OJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46Z",hJ="M21 6H19V12.1C20.2 12.3 21.2 12.8 22 13.5V7C22 6.5 21.5 6 21 6M6 17C6 17.5 6.5 18 7 18H12C12 16.9 12.3 15.9 12.8 15H6V17M16 2H3C2.5 2 2 2.5 2 3V17L6 13H14.7C15.4 12.5 16.2 12.2 17 12.1V3C17 2.5 16.5 2 16 2M15 11H5.2L4 12.2V4H15V11M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46Z",pJ="M12,8V4L20,12L12,20V16H4V8H12Z",fJ="M19,13H3V11H19L15,7L16.4,5.6L22.8,12L16.4,18.4L15,17L19,13M3,6H13V8H3V6M13,16V18H3V16H13Z",gJ="M7.5,2C4.47,2 2,4.46 2,7.5V7.5L2,8H4V7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 7.5,4C9,4 10.26,4.93 10.76,6.24C10.37,6.08 9.95,6 9.5,6C8.11,6 6.9,6.82 6.34,8L8.08,9C8.29,8.42 8.85,8 9.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,9.5V11H13V9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8C15.16,8 15.71,8.42 15.92,9L17.66,8C17.1,6.82 15.9,6 14.5,6C14.05,6 13.63,6.08 13.24,6.24C13.74,4.93 15,4 16.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 20,7.5V8H22V7.5H22A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,2C14.64,2 13,2.93 12,4.34C11,2.93 9.36,2 7.5,2M6,12V14H7.42C7.92,15.15 8.85,16.07 10,16.57C10,17.38 10,18.19 10,19H2C2,19 2.82,20.23 3.41,21.11C3.78,21.67 4.4,22 5.07,22H18.93C19.6,22 20.22,21.67 20.59,21.11L22,19H14C14,18.19 14,17.38 14,16.57C15.15,16.07 16.08,15.15 16.58,14H18V12H6Z",kJ="M6.95,14.93L11.19,9.27L19.68,2.2C20.07,1.81 20.72,1.81 21.09,2.2L21.8,2.91C22.19,3.28 22.19,3.93 21.8,4.32L14.73,12.81L9.07,17.05L6.95,14.93M8.36,17.76L6.24,15.64L3.41,17.05L2,21.29L4.12,19.17C4.32,19 4.63,19 4.83,19.17C5,19.37 5,19.68 4.83,19.88L2.71,22L6.95,20.59L8.36,17.76Z",BJ="M15.54,3.5L20.5,8.47L19.07,9.88L14.12,4.93L15.54,3.5M3.5,19.78L10,13.31C9.9,13 9.97,12.61 10.23,12.35C10.62,11.96 11.26,11.96 11.65,12.35C12.04,12.75 12.04,13.38 11.65,13.77C11.39,14.03 11,14.1 10.69,14L4.22,20.5L14.83,16.95L18.36,10.59L13.42,5.64L7.05,9.17L3.5,19.78Z",PJ="M5.79 21.61L4.21 20.39L18.21 2.39L19.79 3.61L5.79 21.61M4 2V4H6V12H8V2H4M15 12V14H19V16H17C15.9 16 15 16.9 15 18V22H21V20H17V18H19C20.11 18 21 17.11 21 16V14C21 12.9 20.11 12 19 12H15Z",wJ="M2.69,2C3.54,1.95 6.08,3.16 6.13,3.19C4.84,4 3.74,5.09 2.91,6.38C2.09,4.81 1.34,2.91 2,2.25C2.17,2.08 2.4,2 2.69,2M20.84,2.13C21.25,2.08 21.58,2.14 21.78,2.34C22.85,3.42 19.88,8.15 19.38,8.66C18.87,9.16 17.57,8.7 16.5,7.63C15.43,6.55 14.97,5.26 15.47,4.75C15.88,4.34 19.09,2.3 20.84,2.13M12,2.56C13.29,2.56 14.53,2.82 15.66,3.28C15.17,3.6 14.81,3.85 14.69,3.97C13.7,4.96 14.14,6.83 15.72,8.41C16.7,9.38 17.84,9.97 18.78,9.97C19.46,9.97 19.92,9.68 20.16,9.44C20.33,9.27 20.6,8.88 20.91,8.41C21.42,9.59 21.69,10.88 21.69,12.25C21.69,17.61 17.36,21.97 12,21.97C6.64,21.97 2.31,17.61 2.31,12.25C2.31,6.89 6.64,2.56 12,2.56Z",FJ="M18 11V6H15V4H12V2H8V5H6V11H5L7 22H17L19 11H18M15.86 11C15.7 11.61 15.4 12.16 15 12.62V8.62L17 9.62V11H15.86M17 7V8.5L15 7.5V7H17M12 5H14V8.5L12 9.5V5M12 10.62L14 9.62V13.45C13.41 13.8 12.73 14 12 14V10.62M11 13.86C10.21 13.65 9.5 13.22 9 12.62V9.62L11 8.62V13.86M9 3H11V7.5L10 8V5H9V3M7 6H9V8.5L8 9V11H7V6Z",TJ="M18,15H6L2,19V3A1,1 0 0,1 3,2H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,3V14A1,1 0 0,1 18,15M23,9V23L19,19H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,18V17H21V8H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,9M8.19,4C7.32,4 6.62,4.2 6.08,4.59C5.56,5 5.3,5.57 5.31,6.36L5.32,6.39H7.25C7.26,6.09 7.35,5.86 7.53,5.7C7.71,5.55 7.93,5.47 8.19,5.47C8.5,5.47 8.76,5.57 8.94,5.75C9.12,5.94 9.2,6.2 9.2,6.5C9.2,6.82 9.13,7.09 8.97,7.32C8.83,7.55 8.62,7.75 8.36,7.91C7.85,8.25 7.5,8.55 7.31,8.82C7.11,9.08 7,9.5 7,10H9C9,9.69 9.04,9.44 9.13,9.26C9.22,9.08 9.39,8.9 9.64,8.74C10.09,8.5 10.46,8.21 10.75,7.81C11.04,7.41 11.19,7 11.19,6.5C11.19,5.74 10.92,5.13 10.38,4.68C9.85,4.23 9.12,4 8.19,4M7,11V13H9V11H7M13,13H15V11H13V13M13,4V10H15V4H13Z",bJ="M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V9H5V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M19,19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V10H19V19M8,5V7H10V5H8M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",yJ="M5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4V9H3V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M17 19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V10H17V19M6 5V7H8V5H6M6 12V15H8V12H6M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",RJ="M7 21V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7M5 4V9H15V4H5M5 19H15V11H5V19M6 12H8V15H6V12M6 6H8V8H6V6M19 15H21V17H19V15M19 7H21V13H19V7Z",xJ="M7,2A2,2 0 0,0 5,4V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V4A2,2 0 0,0 17,2H7M8,6H10V8H8V6M7,11H17V19H7V11M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",DJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M10 15H8V10H10V15Z",EJ="M15 2H5C3.9 2 3 2.9 3 4V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21V22H7V21H13V22H15V21C16.11 21 17 20.11 17 19V4C17 2.9 16.11 2 15 2M8 15H6V10H8V15M21 7V13H19V7H21M19 15H21V17H19V15Z",NJ="M8 15H6V10H8V15M17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4M15 4H5V19H15V4M19 17H21V15H19V17M19 7V13H21V7H19Z",WJ="M19 15.8L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 11.89L8.11 10H8V15H10V11.89Z",IJ="M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17 18.89L10 11.89V15H8V10H8.11L7 8.89V19H17V18.89Z",GJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M17 19H7V4H17V19M10 15H8V10H10V15Z",QJ="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V9H7.11L8.11 10H5V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M10 15H8V12H10V15M19 15.8L13.2 10H19V15.8M8.2 5L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V9H12.2L10 6.8V5H8.2Z",UJ="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M17 19H7V11H9.11L17 18.89V19M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V11H14.2L12.2 9H17V4H7.2M8 12H10V15H8V12Z",zJ="M9,21V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9M7,4V9H17V4H7M7,19H17V11H7V19M8,12H10V15H8V12M8,6H10V8H8V6Z",_J="M8,8V6H10V8H8M7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V19A2,2 0 0,1 17,21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V9H17V4H7M8,12V15H10V12H8Z",KJ="M19 4V19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21V22H15V21H12.5V2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4M7 2H11.5V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2M10 10H7V14H10V10Z",jJ="M17 4V19C17 20.11 16.11 21 15 21V22H13V21H10.5V2H15C16.11 2 17 2.9 17 4M5 2H9.5V21H7V22H5V21C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V4C3 2.9 3.9 2 5 2M8 10H5V14H8V10M19 7V13H21V7H19M19 17H21V15H19V17Z",qJ="M15 2H5C3.9 2 3 2.9 3 4V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21V22H7V21H13V22H15V21C16.11 21 17 20.11 17 19V4C17 2.9 16.11 2 15 2M9 19H5V14H8V10H5V4H9V19M15 19H11V4H15V19M19 15H21V17H19V15M21 7V13H19V7H21Z",$J="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H11.5V13.39L12.5 14.39V21H15V22H17V21C17.58 21 18.1 20.75 18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M10 14H7V10H8.11L10 11.89V14M19 15.8L12.5 9.3V2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8M11.5 8.3L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H11.5V8.3Z",XJ="M7.2 4L5.7 2.5C6.05 2.19 6.5 2 7 2H17C18.11 2 19 2.9 19 4V15.8L17 13.8V4H13V9.8L11 7.8V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.46 20.35C18.1 20.75 17.58 21 17 21V22H15V21H9V22H7V21C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M7 10H8.11L7 8.89V10M11 12.89L10 11.89V14H7V19H11V12.89M17 18.89L13 14.89V19H17V18.89Z",YJ="M17 2H7C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21V22H9V21H15V22H17V21C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2M7 19V14H10V10H7V4H11V19H7M17 19H13V4H17V19Z",JJ="M16 13H15.5C14.8 11.7 14.3 10 13.8 8.3L14.7 9.2C17.4 11.3 19.8 10.9 19.8 10.9S20.5 7.1 17.8 5.1C15.5 3.3 13.4 3.3 12.8 3.4C12.7 2.8 12.7 2.3 12.6 1.9L11.2 2C11.2 5.2 8.5 11.1 7.6 13C5.6 13.2 4 14.9 4 17C4 19.2 5.8 21 8 21C9.1 21 10 20.6 10.7 19.9C10.3 19 10 18 10 17S10.3 15 10.7 14.1C10.3 13.7 9.7 13.4 9.2 13.2C9.9 11.7 11.1 9 11.9 6.4C12.3 8.7 13.1 11.4 14.1 13.5C12.9 14.2 12 15.5 12 17C12 19.2 13.8 21 16 21S20 19.2 20 17 18.2 13 16 13M8 15.5C7.2 15.5 6.5 16.2 6.5 17H5.5C5.5 15.6 6.6 14.5 8 14.5V15.5M16 15.5C15.2 15.5 14.5 16.2 14.5 17H13.5C13.5 15.6 14.6 14.5 16 14.5V15.5Z",C11="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.7 10.6C8.3 11.6 7.9 12.5 7.6 13C5.6 13.2 4 14.9 4 17C4 19.2 5.8 21 8 21C9.1 21 10 20.6 10.7 19.9C10.3 19 10 18 10 17S10.3 15 10.7 14.1C10.3 13.7 9.7 13.4 9.2 13.2C9.4 12.8 9.6 12.3 9.9 11.7L12.8 14.6C12.3 15.3 12 16.1 12 17C12 19.2 13.8 21 16 21C16.9 21 17.7 20.7 18.3 20.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8 15.5C7.2 15.5 6.5 16.2 6.5 17H5.5C5.5 15.6 6.6 14.5 8 14.5V15.5M14.5 17H13.5C13.5 16.5 13.6 16.1 13.8 15.7L14.6 16.5C14.5 16.7 14.5 16.8 14.5 17M20 16.8L16.2 13C18.2 13.1 19.9 14.8 20 16.8M11.3 8.1L10.1 6.9C10.7 5.1 11.2 3.3 11.2 2L12.6 1.9C12.7 2.3 12.7 2.8 12.8 3.4C13.4 3.3 15.5 3.3 17.8 5.1C20.5 7.1 19.8 10.9 19.8 10.9S17.4 11.3 14.7 9.2L13.8 8.3C14.1 9.5 14.5 10.7 14.9 11.7L12.6 9.4C12.3 8.4 12.1 7.4 11.9 6.4C11.7 7 11.5 7.6 11.3 8.1Z",H11="M9 15.9C6.9 15.7 5.1 14.9 4 13.6C3.2 13.6 2.4 13.1 2.1 12.3C1.8 11.5 2.1 10.7 2.8 10.2C2.9 7.2 5.6 4.1 9.7 2.7C13.8 1.3 18 2.1 20 4.4C20.8 4.4 21.6 4.9 21.9 5.7C22.2 6.5 21.9 7.3 21.2 7.8C21.2 8.6 21 9.4 20.6 10.2C19.4 9.5 18 9 16.5 9C12.6 9 9.3 12 9 15.9M22 16.5C22 19.5 19.5 22 16.5 22S11 19.5 11 16.5 13.5 11 16.5 11 22 13.5 22 16.5M13.3 18L15.6 16.5L13.3 15C13.1 15.5 13 16 13 16.5S13.1 17.5 13.3 18M16 17.4L13.9 18.8C14.4 19.4 15.2 19.8 16 20V17.4M16 13.1C15.2 13.2 14.4 13.6 13.9 14.3L16 15.7V13.1M17 15.6L19.1 14.2C18.6 13.6 17.8 13.2 17 13V15.6M19.1 18.8L17 17.4V19.9C17.8 19.8 18.6 19.4 19.1 18.8M20 16.5C20 16 19.9 15.5 19.7 15L17.4 16.5L19.7 18C19.9 17.5 20 17 20 16.5Z",V11="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.4 6.3C3.4 7.5 2.9 8.9 2.8 10.2C2.1 10.7 1.8 11.5 2.1 12.3C2.4 13.1 3.2 13.6 4 13.6C5.1 14.9 6.9 15.7 9 15.9C9.1 14.5 9.6 13.3 10.3 12.2L11.8 13.7C11.3 14.5 11 15.5 11 16.5C11 19.5 13.5 22 16.5 22C17.5 22 18.5 21.7 19.3 21.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M13 16.5C13 16 13.1 15.6 13.3 15.1L15 16.8L13.3 18C13.1 17.5 13 17 13 16.5M13.9 18.8L15.7 17.6L16 17.9V20C15.2 19.8 14.4 19.4 13.9 18.8M17 19.9V18.9L17.8 19.7C17.5 19.8 17.3 19.9 17 19.9M20 16.8V16.5C20 16 19.9 15.5 19.7 15L18.8 15.6L18.1 14.9L19.1 14.2C18.6 13.6 17.8 13.2 17 13V13.8L14.6 11.4C15.2 11.2 15.9 11 16.5 11C19.5 11 22 13.5 22 16.5C22 17.2 21.9 17.8 21.6 18.4L20 16.8M13 9.8L7.1 3.9C7.9 3.4 8.8 3 9.7 2.7C13.8 1.3 18 2.1 20 4.4C20.8 4.4 21.6 4.9 21.9 5.7C22.2 6.5 21.9 7.3 21.2 7.8C21.2 8.6 21 9.4 20.6 10.2C19.4 9.5 18 9 16.5 9C15.3 9 14.1 9.3 13 9.8Z",L11="M14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14S10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12M7 10C5.9 10 5 10.9 5 12S5.9 14 7 14 9 13.1 9 12 8.1 10 7 10M17 10C15.9 10 15 10.9 15 12S15.9 14 17 14 19 13.1 19 12 18.1 10 17 10M14.5 6C13.4 6 12.5 6.9 12.5 8S13.4 10 14.5 10 16.5 9.1 16.5 8 15.6 6 14.5 6M9.5 6C8.4 6 7.5 6.9 7.5 8S8.4 10 9.5 10 11.5 9.1 11.5 8 10.6 6 9.5 6M14.5 14C13.4 14 12.5 14.9 12.5 16S13.4 18 14.5 18 16.5 17.1 16.5 16 15.6 14 14.5 14M9.5 14C8.4 14 7.5 14.9 7.5 16S8.4 18 9.5 18 11.5 17.1 11.5 16 10.6 14 9.5 14M12 18C10.9 18 10 18.9 10 20S10.9 22 12 22 14 21.1 14 20 13.1 18 12 18M14.4 2.2L13.6 1C11.4 2 11.2 5.6 11.2 6H12.7C12.8 5.2 13.1 2.7 14.4 2.2Z",M11="M19 12C19 10.61 18.05 9.47 16.78 9.12C16.92 8.78 17 8.4 17 8C17 6.34 15.66 5 14 5C13.57 5 13.17 5.1 12.81 5.26C13 4.19 13.39 2.59 14.4 2.2L13.6 1C11.9 1.77 11.4 4.09 11.26 5.29C10.87 5.11 10.45 5 10 5C8.34 5 7 6.34 7 8C7 8.4 7.08 8.77 7.22 9.12C5.94 9.46 5 10.62 5 12C5 13.39 5.95 14.54 7.23 14.88C7.09 15.22 7 15.6 7 16C7 17.39 7.94 18.54 9.22 18.88C9.08 19.23 9 19.61 9 20C9 21.66 10.34 23 12 23S15 21.66 15 20C15 19.61 14.92 19.23 14.78 18.88C16.06 18.54 17 17.39 17 16C17 15.6 16.92 15.23 16.77 14.88C18.05 14.54 19 13.39 19 12M16.31 9.88V9.9H16.3L16.31 9.88M14 6.5C14.83 6.5 15.5 7.17 15.5 8S14.83 9.5 14 9.5 12.5 8.83 12.5 8 13.17 6.5 14 6.5M13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5S10.5 12.83 10.5 12 11.17 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12M10 6.5C10.83 6.5 11.5 7.17 11.5 8S10.83 9.5 10 9.5 8.5 8.83 8.5 8 9.17 6.5 10 6.5M6.5 12C6.5 11.17 7.17 10.5 8 10.5S9.5 11.17 9.5 12 8.83 13.5 8 13.5 6.5 12.83 6.5 12M8.5 16C8.5 15.17 9.17 14.5 10 14.5S11.5 15.17 11.5 16 10.83 17.5 10 17.5 8.5 16.83 8.5 16M12 21.5C11.17 21.5 10.5 20.83 10.5 20S11.17 18.5 12 18.5 13.5 19.17 13.5 20 12.83 21.5 12 21.5M14 17.5C13.17 17.5 12.5 16.83 12.5 16S13.17 14.5 14 14.5 15.5 15.17 15.5 16 14.83 17.5 14 17.5M16 13.5C15.17 13.5 14.5 12.83 14.5 12S15.17 10.5 16 10.5 17.5 11.17 17.5 12 16.83 13.5 16 13.5Z",A11="M18 16C18 19.31 15.31 22 12 22C8.69 22 6 19.31 6 16C6 13 8 13 8 10C8 8.56 8.75 7.22 10 6.5C10.4 6.27 10.82 6.12 11.25 6.04V5C11.25 4.63 11.17 4.42 11.03 4.28C10.9 4.14 10.63 4 10 4V2.5C10.88 2.5 11.6 2.73 12.09 3.22C12.58 3.71 12.75 4.38 12.75 5V6.04C13.18 6.12 13.61 6.27 14 6.5C15.25 7.22 16 8.56 16 10C16 13 18 13 18 16Z",i11="M14.4 7.7C16.4 6.4 19 7 19 7C17.2 4.6 15.1 4.7 13.6 5.2V5C14.7 3.4 16.9 3.5 16.9 3.5C15.3 2.1 13.9 2.5 13 3C12.5 1.8 12 1 12 1C11.6 1.7 11.3 2.4 11 3.1C10.1 2.5 8.6 2.1 7 3.5C7 3.5 9.3 3.5 10.4 5.2C8.9 4.7 6.8 4.6 5 7C5 7 7.6 6.4 9.6 7.7C7.5 8.9 6 11.7 6 15C6 19.4 8.7 23 12 23S18 19.4 18 15C18 11.7 16.5 8.9 14.4 7.7M15.8 16.8C15.7 17.2 15.6 17.6 15.4 18L14 16L12.5 18L14.1 20.1C13.8 20.3 13.6 20.5 13.3 20.7L12 19L10.7 20.7C10.4 20.6 10.1 20.4 9.9 20.1L11.5 18L10 16L8.5 17.9C8.4 17.5 8.2 17.1 8.1 16.7L9.5 15L8.2 13.2C8.3 12.8 8.4 12.4 8.6 12L10 14L11.5 12L9.9 9.9C10.2 9.7 10.4 9.5 10.7 9.3L12 11L13.3 9.3C13.6 9.4 13.9 9.6 14.1 9.9L12.5 12L14 14L15.5 12.1C15.6 12.5 15.8 12.9 15.9 13.3L14.5 15L15.8 16.8M12 13L13.5 15L12 17L10.5 15L12 13Z",r11="M16.4 16.4C19.8 13 19.8 7.5 16.4 4.2L4.2 16.4C7.5 19.8 13 19.8 16.4 16.4M16 7C16.6 7 17 7.4 17 8C17 8.6 16.6 9 16 9S15 8.6 15 8C15 7.4 15.4 7 16 7M16 11C16.6 11 17 11.4 17 12C17 12.6 16.6 13 16 13S15 12.6 15 12C15 11.4 15.4 11 16 11M12 11C12.6 11 13 11.4 13 12C13 12.6 12.6 13 12 13S11 12.6 11 12C11 11.4 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 15.4 13 16C13 16.6 12.6 17 12 17S11 16.6 11 16C11 15.4 11.4 15 12 15M8 17C7.4 17 7 16.6 7 16C7 15.4 7.4 15 8 15S9 15.4 9 16C9 16.6 8.6 17 8 17M18.6 18.6C14 23.2 6.6 23.2 2 18.6L3.4 17.2C7.2 21 13.3 21 17.1 17.2C20.9 13.4 20.9 7.3 17.1 3.5L18.6 2C23.1 6.6 23.1 14 18.6 18.6Z",a11="M3,2H6C6.28,2 6.53,2.11 6.71,2.29L8.79,4.38L9.59,3.59C10,3.2 10.5,3 11,3H17C17.5,3 18,3.2 18.41,3.59L19.41,4.59C19.8,5 20,5.5 20,6V19A2,2 0 0,1 18,21H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,19V13L6,12V8C6,7.5 6.2,7 6.59,6.59L7.38,5.79L5.59,4H3V2M11,5V7H17V5H11M11.41,11L9.41,9H8V10.41L10,12.41V15.59L8,17.59V19H9.41L11.41,17H14.59L16.59,19H18V17.59L16,15.59V12.41L18,10.41V9H16.59L14.59,11H11.41M12,13H14V15H12V13Z",e11="M6 3V5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H7C8.1 22 9 21.1 9 20V19H15V20C15 21.1 15.9 22 17 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V19C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17H11V5H8V3H6M16 3V5H13V7H22C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5H18V3H16M7 7V11H9L6 17V13H4L7 7M13 9V11H22V9H13M13 13V15H22V13H13Z",d11="M5,5H10V7H7V10H5V5M14,5H19V10H17V7H14V5M17,14H19V19H14V17H17V14M10,17V19H5V14H7V17H10Z",m11="M14,14H19V16H16V19H14V14M5,14H10V19H8V16H5V14M8,5H10V10H5V8H8V5M19,8V10H14V5H16V8H19Z",t11="M15.6,5.29C14.5,5.19 13.53,6 13.43,7.11L13.18,10H16V12H13L12.56,17.07C12.37,19.27 10.43,20.9 8.23,20.7C6.92,20.59 5.82,19.86 5.17,18.83L6.67,17.33C6.91,18.07 7.57,18.64 8.4,18.71C9.5,18.81 10.47,18 10.57,16.89L11,12H8V10H11.17L11.44,6.93C11.63,4.73 13.57,3.1 15.77,3.3C17.08,3.41 18.18,4.14 18.83,5.17L17.33,6.67C17.09,5.93 16.43,5.36 15.6,5.29Z",v11="M12.42,5.29C11.32,5.19 10.35,6 10.25,7.11L10,10H12.82V12H9.82L9.38,17.07C9.18,19.27 7.24,20.9 5.04,20.7C3.79,20.59 2.66,19.9 2,18.83L3.5,17.33C3.83,18.38 4.96,18.97 6,18.63C6.78,18.39 7.33,17.7 7.4,16.89L7.82,12H4.82V10H8L8.27,6.93C8.46,4.73 10.39,3.1 12.6,3.28C13.86,3.39 15,4.09 15.66,5.17L14.16,6.67C13.91,5.9 13.23,5.36 12.42,5.29M22,13.65L20.59,12.24L17.76,15.07L14.93,12.24L13.5,13.65L16.35,16.5L13.5,19.31L14.93,20.72L17.76,17.89L20.59,20.72L22,19.31L19.17,16.5L22,13.65Z",l11="M8.5 2C7.12 2 6 3.12 6 4.5S7.12 7 8.5 7 11 5.88 11 4.5 9.88 2 8.5 2M15.5 2C14.12 2 13 3.12 13 4.5S14.12 7 15.5 7 18 5.88 18 4.5 16.88 2 15.5 2M11 8V10H5V12H14.95C14.53 13.13 13.5 14.5 12.16 15.67C11.12 14.74 10.35 13.82 9.82 13H7.5C8.08 14.25 9.13 15.62 10.62 16.96L6.55 20.22L5.76 20.84L7 22.41L7.8 21.78L12.17 18.28L16.55 21.78L17.33 22.41L18.58 20.84L17.8 20.22L13.73 16.97C15.34 15.5 16.7 13.85 17.07 12H19V10H13V8H11Z",o11="M8 5V7H2V9H11.95C11.53 10.13 10.5 11.5 9.16 12.67C8.12 11.74 7.35 10.82 6.82 10H4.5C5.08 11.25 6.13 12.62 7.62 13.96L3.55 17.22L2.76 17.84L4 19.41L4.8 18.78L9.17 15.28L13.55 18.78L14.33 19.41L15.58 17.84L14.8 17.22L10.73 13.97C12.34 12.5 13.7 10.85 14.07 9H16V7H10V5H8M19.5 6C18.12 6 17 7.12 17 8.5S18.12 11 19.5 11 22 9.88 22 8.5 20.88 6 19.5 6M19.47 13C18.09 13 16.97 14.12 16.97 15.5S18.09 18 19.47 18 21.97 16.88 21.97 15.5 20.85 13 19.47 13Z",n11="M8,7V17H15V7H8M11.16,16V12.87H9.41L11.91,8V11.14H13.59L11.16,16M16,2V6H7V2A1,1 0 0,1 8,1H15A1,1 0 0,1 16,2M16,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 15,23H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,22V18H16Z",Z11="M6 7V17H13V7H6M9.16 16V12.87H7.41L9.91 8V11.14H11.59L9.16 16M14 2V6H5V2C5 1.45 5.45 1 6 1H13C13.55 1 14 1.45 14 2M14 18V22C14 22.55 13.55 23 13 23H6C5.45 23 5 22.55 5 22V18H14M19 13H17V7H19V13M19 17H17V15H19V17Z",S11="M10,21H8L6,19V16H10V21M18,16H14V21H16L18,19V16M3,3V4A1,1 0 0,0 4,5V14A1,1 0 0,0 5,15H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,14V5H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,4V3H3M11.83,13V9.73H10L12.61,4.66V7.93H14.36L11.83,13Z",u11="M15 11.8L10.2 7H15V11.8M16 6V2C16 1.45 15.55 1 15 1H8C7.45 1 7 1.45 7 2V3.8L9.2 6H16M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L8 9.89V17H15.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7 22C7 22.55 7.45 23 8 23H15C15.55 23 16 22.55 16 22V18H7V22Z",c11="M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9M9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5M7.5,9H2V15H7.5L10.5,12M15,7.5V2H9V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5Z",s11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8Z",O11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",h11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3Z",p11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",f11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M12,3A2,2 0 0,0 10,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 14,5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",g11="M5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8M12,1A4,4 0 0,1 16,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,9A4,4 0 0,1 8,5A4,4 0 0,1 12,1M12,15A4,4 0 0,1 16,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 12,15M19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A4,4 0 0,1 15,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,8M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",k11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5M11,18H13V20H11V18Z",B11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M4,11H6V13H4V11M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",P11="M7.5 9H2V15H7.5L10.5 12L7.5 9M6 13H4V11H6V13M15 7.5V2H9V7.5L12 10.5L15 7.5M11 4H13V6H11V4M9 16.5V22H15V16.5L12 13.5L9 16.5M13 20H11V18H13V20M16.5 9L13.5 12L16.5 15H22V9H16.5M20 13H18V11H20V13Z",w11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M18,11H20V13H18V11M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",F11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8Z",T11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M10,16V20H14V16H10Z",b11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M4,10V14H8V10H4Z",y11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M4,10V14H10V20H14V14H20V10H14V4H10V10H4Z",R11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M16,10V14H20V10H16Z",x11="M4,8H8V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,4V8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H16V20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M10,4V8H14V4H10Z",D11="M21,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6M11,13H8V16H6V13H3V11H6V8H8V11H11M15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,15M19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,12Z",E11="M21,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6M21,16H3V8H21M6,15H8V13H10V11H8V9H6V11H4V13H6M14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,12M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,9Z",N11="M9,2V7.5L12,10.5L15,7.5V2H9M11,4H13V6H11V4M2,9V15H7.5L10.5,12L7.5,9H2M16.5,9L13.5,12L16.5,15H22V9H16.5M12,13.5L9,16.5V22H15V16.5L12,13.5Z",W11="M7,6H17A6,6 0 0,1 23,12A6,6 0 0,1 17,18C15.22,18 13.63,17.23 12.53,16H11.47C10.37,17.23 8.78,18 7,18A6,6 0 0,1 1,12A6,6 0 0,1 7,6M6,9V11H4V13H6V15H8V13H10V11H8V9H6M15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,12M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,9Z",I11="M6,9H8V11H10V13H8V15H6V13H4V11H6V9M18.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,9M15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12M17,5A7,7 0 0,1 24,12A7,7 0 0,1 17,19C15.04,19 13.27,18.2 12,16.9C10.73,18.2 8.96,19 7,19A7,7 0 0,1 0,12A7,7 0 0,1 7,5H17M7,7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17C8.64,17 10.09,16.21 11,15H13C13.91,16.21 15.36,17 17,17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7H7Z",G11="M11.76 19C12.92 19 13.58 18 13.58 16.29C13.58 15.2 13.5 13.88 13.3 12.67L18 5H15.28L12.71 9.82L12.55 9.33C11.83 7.19 10.82 5 8.68 5C8 5 7.45 5.18 7 5.54C6 6.39 6 8 6 8.5H6.91C6.97 8.06 7.21 6.83 8.25 6.83C10 6.83 10.8 10 11.4 12.42C10.5 14.58 10 16.14 10 16.97C10 17.95 10.56 19 11.76 19",Q11="M21,6H22V4H21V3H18V4H6V3H3V4H2V6H3V20H2V22H7V20H6V6H11V7H11.5V10.62C11,10.79 10.69,11.25 10.69,11.76C10.69,12.2 10.92,12.6 11.3,12.82V14H11.92C12.26,14 12.54,14.27 12.55,14.61C12.55,14.96 12.28,15.24 11.93,15.24C11.71,15.24 11.5,15.12 11.39,14.93C11.22,14.64 10.84,14.54 10.55,14.71C10.26,14.87 10.15,15.25 10.32,15.55C10.65,16.12 11.26,16.47 11.92,16.47C12.94,16.46 13.76,15.62 13.75,14.6C13.74,13.83 13.26,13.14 12.53,12.88V12.82C13.12,12.5 13.34,11.78 13.03,11.2C12.92,11 12.74,10.81 12.53,10.7V7H13V6H18V20H17V22H22V20H21V6M5,15.29V16.71L4,17.71V16.29L5,15.29M4,20V19.24L5,18.24V19.66L4.66,20H4M4,7.29L5,6.29V7.71L4,8.71V7.29M4,10.29L5,9.29V10.71L4,11.71V10.29M4,13.29L5,12.29V13.71L4,14.71V13.24L4,13.29M20,15.29V16.71L19,17.71V16.29L20,15.29M19,20V19.24L20,18.24V19.66L19.66,20H19M19,7.29L20,6.29V7.71L19,8.71V7.29M19,10.29L20,9.29V10.71L19,11.71V10.29M19,13.29L20,12.29V13.71L19,14.71V13.24L19,13.29Z",U11="M19,20H17V11H7V20H5V9L12,5L19,9V20M8,12H16V14H8V12M8,15H16V17H8V15M16,18V20H8V18H16Z",z11="M17,20H15V11H5V20H3V9L10,5L17,9V20M6,12H14V14H6V12M6,15H14V17H6V15M19,15V10H21V15H19M19,19V17H21V19H19Z",_11="M20 9V20H18V11H2V20H0V9L10 5L20 9M17 12H3V14H17V12M17 15H3V17H17V15M22 15V10H24V15H22M22 19V17H24V19H22Z",K11="M20.8 16V14.5C20.8 13.1 19.4 12 18 12S15.2 13.1 15.2 14.5V16C14.6 16 14 16.6 14 17.2V20.7C14 21.4 14.6 22 15.2 22H20.7C21.4 22 22 21.4 22 20.8V17.3C22 16.6 21.4 16 20.8 16M19.5 16H16.5V14.5C16.5 13.7 17.2 13.2 18 13.2S19.5 13.7 19.5 14.5V16M5 12H13V14H5V12M5 15H12.95C12.42 15.54 12.08 16.24 12 17H5V15M12 20H5V18H12V20M14 11H4V20H2V9L9 5L16 9V10.44C15.19 10.8 14.5 11.36 14 12.06V11Z",j11="M19,20H17V11H7V20H5V9L12,5L19,9V20M8,12H16V14H8V12Z",q11="M22 9V20H20V11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9M19 12H5V14H19V12Z",$11="M22 9V20H20V11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9M19 12H5V14H19V12M19 18H5V20H19V18M19 15H5V17H19V15Z",X11="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 12H15.04C14.61 12.59 14.35 13.27 14.26 14H5V12M16.06 11H4V20H2V9L12 5L22 9V11.04C21.17 10.4 20.13 10 19 10C17.9 10 16.88 10.39 16.06 11M13 20H5V18H13V20M5 15H13.95C13.42 15.54 13.08 16.24 13 17H5V15Z",Y11="M16.14 8.79L16.12 8.8C16.35 9.07 16.55 9.39 16.7 9.72L16.79 9.91C17.5 11.6 17 13.55 15.69 14.77C14.5 15.86 12.84 16.15 11.3 15.95C9.84 15.77 8.5 14.85 7.73 13.58C7.5 13.19 7.3 12.75 7.2 12.3C7.07 11.93 7.03 11.57 7 11.2C6.91 9.6 7.55 7.9 8.76 6.9C8.21 8.11 8.34 9.62 9.15 10.67L9.26 10.8C9.4 10.92 9.57 10.96 9.73 10.89C9.88 10.83 10 10.68 10 10.5L9.93 10.28C9.05 7.96 9.79 5.25 11.66 3.72C12.17 3.3 12.8 2.92 13.46 2.75C12.78 4.11 13 5.89 14.09 6.96C14.55 7.43 15.1 7.74 15.58 8.18L16.14 8.79M13.86 13.43L13.85 13.42C14.3 13.03 14.55 12.36 14.53 11.76L14.5 11.44C14.3 10.44 13.43 10.11 12.87 9.38C12.7 9.16 12.55 8.88 12.44 8.6C12.22 9.1 12.2 9.57 12.29 10.11C12.39 10.68 12.62 11.17 12.5 11.76C12.34 12.41 11.83 13.06 10.94 13.27C11.44 13.76 12.25 14.15 13.06 13.87C13.32 13.8 13.65 13.61 13.86 13.43M11 18V19C11 19.55 11.45 20 12 20C12.55 20 13 19.55 13 19V18H15V19C15 19.55 15.45 20 16 20C16.55 20 17 19.55 17 19V18C18.11 18 20 18.9 20 20V22H4V20C4 18.9 5.9 18 7 18V19C7 19.55 7.45 20 8 20C8.55 20 9 19.55 9 19V18H11Z",J11="M16,9V14L16,20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22H10A2,2 0 0,1 8,20V14L8,9C8,7.14 9.27,5.57 11,5.13V4H9V2H15V4H13V5.13C14.73,5.57 16,7.14 16,9Z",C21="M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M12,10H6V5H12M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14C17,12.89 16.1,12 15,12H14V5C14,3.89 13.1,3 12,3H6C4.89,3 4,3.89 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23Z",H21="M17 18.5V8.5C17 7.81 17.28 7.18 17.73 6.73L17.72 6.72L21.44 3L22.5 4.06L20.39 6.17C21.33 6.5 22 7.43 22 8.5C22 8.83 21.94 9.15 21.81 9.46C21.68 9.76 21.5 10.04 21.27 10.27C20.8 10.74 20.16 11 19.5 11C19.14 11 18.81 10.92 18.5 10.79V18.5C18.5 18.83 18.43 19.15 18.31 19.46C18.18 19.76 18 20.04 17.77 20.27C17.54 20.5 17.26 20.69 16.96 20.81C16.65 20.94 16.33 21 16 21C15.34 21 14.7 20.74 14.23 20.27C13.76 19.8 13.5 19.16 13.5 18.5V13.5H12V21H2V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H10C11.1 3 12 3.89 12 5V12H13C14.1 12 15 12.89 15 14V18.5C15 18.77 15.11 19 15.29 19.21C15.5 19.4 15.74 19.5 16 19.5C16.27 19.5 16.5 19.4 16.71 19.21C16.9 19 17 18.77 17 18.5M10 10V5H4V10H10M19.5 9.5C19.77 9.5 20 9.4 20.21 9.21C20.4 9 20.5 8.77 20.5 8.5C20.5 8.24 20.4 8 20.21 7.79C20 7.61 19.77 7.5 19.5 7.5C19.24 7.5 19 7.61 18.79 7.79C18.61 8 18.5 8.24 18.5 8.5C18.5 8.77 18.61 9 18.79 9.21C19 9.4 19.24 9.5 19.5 9.5Z",V21="M17.73 6.73C17.28 7.17999 17 7.81 17 8.5V18.5C17 18.7652 16.8946 19.0196 16.7071 19.2071C16.5196 19.3946 16.2652 19.5 16 19.5C15.7348 19.5 15.4804 19.3946 15.2929 19.2071C15.1054 19.0196 15 18.7652 15 18.5V14C15 12.89 14.1 12 13 12H12V5C12 3.89 11.1 3 10 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V21H12V13.5H13.5V18.5C13.5 19.163 13.7634 19.7989 14.2322 20.2678C14.7011 20.7366 15.337 21 16 21C16.3283 21 16.6534 20.9353 16.9567 20.8097C17.26 20.6841 17.5356 20.4999 17.7678 20.2678C17.9999 20.0356 18.1841 19.76 18.3097 19.4567C18.4353 19.1534 18.5 18.8283 18.5 18.5V10.79C18.81 10.92 19.14 11 19.5 11C20.163 11 20.7989 10.7366 21.2678 10.2678C21.4999 10.0356 21.6841 9.76003 21.8097 9.45671C21.9353 9.1534 22 8.82831 22 8.5C22 7.42999 21.33 6.5 20.39 6.17L22.5 4.06L21.44 3L17.72 6.72L17.73 6.73ZM4 10V5H10V10H4ZM20.2071 9.20711C20.0196 9.39464 19.7652 9.5 19.5 9.5C19.2348 9.5 18.9804 9.39464 18.7929 9.20711C18.6054 9.01958 18.5 8.76521 18.5 8.5C18.5 8.23479 18.6054 7.98042 18.7929 7.79289C18.9804 7.60536 19.2348 7.5 19.5 7.5C19.7652 7.5 20.0196 7.60536 20.2071 7.79289C20.3946 7.98042 20.5 8.23479 20.5 8.5C20.5 8.76521 20.3946 9.01958 20.2071 9.20711ZM10 12V19H4V12H10Z",L21="M1 4.27L2.28 3L21 21.72L19.73 23L17.71 21C16.56 20.85 15.65 19.94 15.5 18.78L14 17.27V21H4V7.27L1 4.27M18 10C18.55 10 19 9.55 19 9C19 8.45 18.55 8 18 8C17.45 8 17 8.45 17 9C17 9.55 17.45 10 18 10M12 10V5H6.82L5.06 3.23C5.34 3.08 5.66 3 6 3H12C13.1 3 14 3.89 14 5V12H15C16.1 12 17 12.89 17 14V15.18L11.82 10H12M6 10H6.73L6 9.27V10M19.77 7.23C20.22 7.68 20.5 8.31 20.5 9L20.5 18.67L19 17.18V11.29C18.69 11.42 18.36 11.5 18 11.5C16.62 11.5 15.5 10.38 15.5 9C15.5 7.93 16.17 7.03 17.11 6.67L15 4.56L16.06 3.5L19.78 7.22L19.77 7.23Z",M21="M1 4.27L2.28 3L6 6.72L21 21.72L19.73 23L17.72 21C16.56 20.85 15.65 19.94 15.5 18.78L14 17.27V21H4V7.27L1 4.27M19.77 7.23C20.22 7.68 20.5 8.31 20.5 9L20.5 18.67L19 17.18V11.29C18.69 11.42 18.36 11.5 18 11.5C16.62 11.5 15.5 10.38 15.5 9C15.5 7.93 16.17 7.03 17.11 6.67L15 4.56L16.06 3.5L19.78 7.22L19.77 7.23M11.82 10H12V5H6.82L5.06 3.24C5.34 3.09 5.66 3 6 3H12C13.1 3 14 3.9 14 5V12H15C16.1 12 17 12.9 17 14V15.18L11.82 10M6 10H6.73L6 9.27V10M6 12V19H12V15.27L8.73 12H6M18 10C18.55 10 19 9.55 19 9C19 8.45 18.55 8 18 8C17.45 8 17 8.45 17 9C17 9.55 17.45 10 18 10Z",A21="M19.77,7.23L19.78,7.22L16.06,3.5L15,4.56L17.11,6.67C16.17,7.03 15.5,7.93 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,11.5C18.36,11.5 18.69,11.42 19,11.29V18.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,19.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,18.5V14A2,2 0 0,0 15,12H14V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5V9C20.5,8.31 20.22,7.68 19.77,7.23M12,13.5V19H6V12H12V13.5M12,10H6V5H12V10M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10Z",i21="M9 6V11H7V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21V11H19V7H17V11H15V6H13V11H11V6H9M3 13H5V17H3V13M7 13H9V17H7V13M11 13H13V17H11V13M15 13H17V17H15V13M19 13H21V17H19V13Z",r21="M21 17H19V19H21V17M21 9H19V15H21V9M17 13V11H15V6H13V11H11V6H9V11H7V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7V19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17V17H15V13H17M5 17H3V13H5V17M9 17H7V13H9V17M13 17H11V13H13V17Z",a21="M2,4V20H14A8,8 0 0,0 22,12A8,8 0 0,0 14,4H2M4,6H14A6,6 0 0,1 20,12A6,6 0 0,1 14,18H4V6Z",e21="M9 6H7V11H5V6H3V11H2V13H3V14.81C3.62 14.45 4.3 14.21 5 14.09V13H7V14.09C7.7 14.21 8.38 14.45 9 14.81V13H11V16.69C11.65 17.67 12 18.82 12 20C12 20.34 11.97 20.67 11.91 21H13V19H15V21H17V9H15V11H13V7H11V11H9V6M15 13V17H13V13H15M2 20L5 23V21H9V19H5V17L2 20Z",d21="M15 6V11H13V7H11V11H9V9H7V21H9V19H11V21H12.09C12.03 20.67 12 20.34 12 20C12 18.82 12.35 17.67 13 16.69V13H15V14.81C15.62 14.45 16.3 14.21 17 14.09V13H19V14.09C19.7 14.21 20.38 14.45 21 14.81V13H22V11H21V6H19V11H17V6H15M9 13H11V17H9V13M19 17V19H15V21H19V23L22 20L19 17Z",m21="M6 7.24L15.53 12L6 16.76V7.24M4 4V20L20 12L4 4Z",t21="M2,4V20H10C13.43,20 16.5,17.84 17.6,14.6C18,14.8 18.5,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.5,9 18.03,9.15 17.6,9.4C16.5,6.16 13.43,4 10,4H2M4,6H10A6,6 0 0,1 16,12A6,6 0 0,1 10,18H4V6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",v21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H5C9.4,20 13,17.7 16.6,13.7C17.15,14.5 18.04,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.04,9 17.15,9.5 16.6,10.3C13,6.3 9.4,4 5,4H2M5,6C8.8,6 12,8.1 15.3,12C12,15.9 8.8,18 5,18C6.5,14 6.5,10 5,6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",l21="M2,4V20L16.2,13C16.62,14.19 17.74,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C17.74,9 16.62,9.81 16.2,11L2,4M4,7.3L13.7,12L4,16.7V7.3M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",o21="M7 21V7H5V11H3V9H1V21H3V19H5V21H7M3 17V13H5V17H3M21 9V11H19V7H17V21H19V19H21V21H23V9H21M21 17H19V13H21V17Z",n21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H8C13,20 19,16 22,12C19,8 13,4 8,4H2M5,6H8C11.5,6 16.3,9 19.3,12C16.3,15 11.5,18 8,18H5C6.4,13.9 6.4,10.1 5,6Z",Z21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H4C7,14 7,10 4.1,4H2M6,4C9,10 9,14 6,20H9C12.2,20 14.8,16.8 16.7,14C17.28,14.65 18.12,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,0 22,12A3,3 0 0,0 19,9C18.12,9 17.28,9.35 16.7,10C14.7,7.2 12.2,4 9,4H6M9,6C12,6 14,10 15.5,12C14,14 12,18 9,18C10.6,14 10.6,10 9,6M19,11C19.5,11 20,11.5 20,12C20,12.5 19.5,13 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12C18,11.5 18.5,11 19,11Z",S21="M2,4C5,10 5,14 2,20H4C7,14 7,10 4.1,4H2M6,4C9,10 9,14 6,20H9C14,20 18,17 22,12C18,7 14,4 9,4H6M9,6C12.8,6 16,8.1 19.3,12C15.9,15.9 12.8,18 9,18C10.5,14 10.5,10 9,6Z",u21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C8.27,4 5.14,6.55 4.25,10L14,19.75C17.45,18.86 20,15.73 20,12H14.75V13.5H18.2C17.71,15.54 16.24,17.19 14.31,17.94L6.06,9.69C7,7.31 9.3,5.63 12,5.63C14.13,5.63 16,6.67 17.18,8.28L18.41,7.22C16.95,5.26 14.63,4 12,4M4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C12.04,20 12.09,20 4,12Z",c21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12C20,14.4 19,16.5 17.3,18C15.9,16.7 14,16 12,16C10,16 8.2,16.7 6.7,18C5,16.5 4,14.4 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M14,5.89C13.62,5.9 13.26,6.15 13.1,6.54L11.81,9.77L11.71,10C11,10.13 10.41,10.6 10.14,11.26C9.73,12.29 10.23,13.45 11.26,13.86C12.29,14.27 13.45,13.77 13.86,12.74C14.12,12.08 14,11.32 13.57,10.76L13.67,10.5L14.96,7.29L14.97,7.26C15.17,6.75 14.92,6.17 14.41,5.96C14.28,5.91 14.15,5.89 14,5.89M10,6A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,6M7,9A1,1 0 0,0 6,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,9M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,11A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,9Z",s21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.4 5,16.5 6.7,18C8.1,16.7 10,16 12,16C14,16 15.8,16.7 17.3,18C19,16.5 20,14.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6M10,6A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8A1,1 0 0,1 9,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,6M6.91,8.94C7.04,8.94 7.16,8.97 7.3,9L10.5,10.32L10.77,10.43C11.33,10 12.09,9.88 12.75,10.15C13.77,10.56 14.27,11.73 13.85,12.75C13.44,13.77 12.27,14.27 11.25,13.85C10.59,13.59 10.12,13 10,12.28L9.77,12.18L6.55,10.88L6.53,10.87C6,10.66 5.77,10.08 5.97,9.56C6.13,9.18 6.5,8.93 6.91,8.94V8.94M17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9Z",O21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12C20,14.4 19,16.5 17.3,18C15.9,16.7 14,16 12,16C10,16 8.2,16.7 6.7,18C5,16.5 4,14.4 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M10,6A1,1 0 0,0 9,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 10,6M14,6A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 14,8A1,1 0 0,0 15,7A1,1 0 0,0 14,6M17.09,8.94C16.96,8.94 16.84,8.97 16.7,9L13.5,10.32L13.23,10.43C12.67,10 11.91,9.88 11.25,10.15C10.23,10.56 9.73,11.73 10.15,12.75C10.56,13.77 11.73,14.27 12.75,13.85C13.41,13.59 13.88,13 14,12.28L14.23,12.18L17.45,10.88L17.47,10.87C18,10.66 18.23,10.08 18.03,9.56C17.87,9.18 17.5,8.93 17.09,8.94M7,9A1,1 0 0,0 6,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,10A1,1 0 0,0 7,9Z",h21="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.4 5,16.5 6.7,18C8.1,16.7 10,16 12,16C14,16 15.8,16.7 17.3,18C19,16.5 20,14.4 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M10,5.89C10.38,5.9 10.74,6.15 10.9,6.54L12.19,9.77L12.29,10C13,10.13 13.59,10.6 13.86,11.26C14.27,12.29 13.77,13.45 12.74,13.86C11.71,14.27 10.55,13.77 10.14,12.74C9.88,12.08 10,11.32 10.43,10.76L10.33,10.5L9.04,7.29L9.03,7.26C8.83,6.75 9.08,6.17 9.59,5.96C9.72,5.91 9.85,5.89 10,5.89V5.89M14,6A1,1 0 0,1 15,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,7A1,1 0 0,1 14,6M17,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10A1,1 0 0,1 17,9M7,9A1,1 0 0,1 8,10A1,1 0 0,1 7,11A1,1 0 0,1 6,10A1,1 0 0,1 7,9Z",p21="M2.3,20.28L11.9,10.68L10.5,9.26L9.78,9.97C9.39,10.36 8.76,10.36 8.37,9.97L7.66,9.26C7.27,8.87 7.27,8.24 7.66,7.85L13.32,2.19C13.71,1.8 14.34,1.8 14.73,2.19L15.44,2.9C15.83,3.29 15.83,3.92 15.44,4.31L14.73,5L16.15,6.43C16.54,6.04 17.17,6.04 17.56,6.43C17.95,6.82 17.95,7.46 17.56,7.85L18.97,9.26L19.68,8.55C20.07,8.16 20.71,8.16 21.1,8.55L21.8,9.26C22.19,9.65 22.19,10.29 21.8,10.68L16.15,16.33C15.76,16.72 15.12,16.72 14.73,16.33L14.03,15.63C13.63,15.24 13.63,14.6 14.03,14.21L14.73,13.5L13.32,12.09L3.71,21.7C3.32,22.09 2.69,22.09 2.3,21.7C1.91,21.31 1.91,20.67 2.3,20.28M20,19A2,2 0 0,1 22,21V22H12V21A2,2 0 0,1 14,19H20Z",f21="M12,4A6,6 0 0,1 18,10C18,12.97 15.84,15.44 13,15.92V18H15V20H13V22H11V20H9V18H11V15.92C8.16,15.44 6,12.97 6,10A6,6 0 0,1 12,4M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,14A4,4 0 0,0 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",g21="M9,9C10.29,9 11.5,9.41 12.47,10.11L17.58,5H13V3H21V11H19V6.41L13.89,11.5C14.59,12.5 15,13.7 15,15A6,6 0 0,1 9,21A6,6 0 0,1 3,15A6,6 0 0,1 9,9M9,11A4,4 0 0,0 5,15A4,4 0 0,0 9,19A4,4 0 0,0 13,15A4,4 0 0,0 9,11Z",k21="M17.58,4H14V2H21V9H19V5.41L15.17,9.24C15.69,10.03 16,11 16,12C16,14.42 14.28,16.44 12,16.9V19H14V21H12V23H10V21H8V19H10V16.9C7.72,16.44 6,14.42 6,12A5,5 0 0,1 11,7C12,7 12.96,7.3 13.75,7.83L17.58,4M11,9A3,3 0 0,0 8,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,15A3,3 0 0,0 14,12A3,3 0 0,0 11,9Z",B21="M7 3A5 5 0 0 0 9 7A5 5 0 0 0 7 11A5 5 0 0 0 11 15.9V18H9V20H11V22H13V20H15V18H13V15.9A5 5 0 0 0 17 11A5 5 0 0 0 15 7A5 5 0 0 0 17 3H15A3 3 0 0 1 12 6A3 3 0 0 1 9 3M12 8A3 3 0 0 1 15 11A3 3 0 0 1 12 14A3 3 0 0 1 9 11A3 3 0 0 1 12 8Z",P21="M13 3H11V5.27L9.04 4.13L8.04 5.87L10 7L8.04 8.13L9.04 9.87L11 8.73V12.1C8.72 12.56 7 14.58 7 17C7 19.76 9.24 22 12 22S17 19.76 17 17C17 14.58 15.28 12.56 13 12.1V8.73L14.96 9.87L15.96 8.13L14 7L15.96 5.87L14.96 4.13L13 5.27V3M12 20C10.35 20 9 18.65 9 17S10.35 14 12 14 15 15.35 15 17 13.65 20 12 20Z",w21="M19.58,3H15V1H23V9H21V4.41L16.17,9.24C16.69,10.03 17,11 17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V19H15V21H13V23H11V21H9V19H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12C7,11 7.3,10.04 7.82,9.26L6.64,8.07L5.24,9.46L3.83,8.04L5.23,6.65L3,4.42V8H1V1H8V3H4.41L6.64,5.24L8.08,3.81L9.5,5.23L8.06,6.66L9.23,7.84C10,7.31 11,7 12,7C13,7 13.96,7.3 14.75,7.83L19.58,3M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",F21="M4 2H2V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.1C12.03 20.68 12 20.34 12 20C12 19.66 12.03 19.32 12.1 19H4V2M13 17C13.91 15.79 15.36 15 17 15C18.64 15 20.09 15.79 21 17H22V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H8C6.9 4 6 4.89 6 6V17H13M20 6V8H14V6H20M14 10H20V12H14V10M7 11L10 5V9H12L9 15V11H7M14.17 19C14.06 19.31 14 19.65 14 20C14 20.35 14.06 20.69 14.17 21C14.58 22.17 15.7 23 17 23C18.66 23 20 21.66 20 20C20 18.34 18.66 17 17 17C15.69 17 14.58 17.84 14.17 19Z",T21="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4V6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V20H4V21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H6C6.55 22 7 21.55 7 21V20H17V21C17 21.55 17.45 22 18 22H19C19.55 22 20 21.55 20 21V20H22V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6H19V4C19 2.9 18.11 2 17 2H7M14 10V8H20V10H14M14 14V12H20V14H14M7 4H17V6H7V4M7 8V12H9L6 18V14H4L7 8Z",b21="M6 3C4.89 3 4 3.9 4 5V16H6V17C6 17.55 6.45 18 7 18H8C8.55 18 9 17.55 9 17V16H15V17C15 17.55 15.45 18 16 18H17C17.55 18 18 17.55 18 17V16H20V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3H6M12 7V5H18V7H12M12 9H18V11H12V9M8 5V9H10L7 15V11H5L8 5M22 20V22H2V20H22Z",y21="M10.28,2C9.93,2 9.57,2.03 9.23,2.1C5.61,2.76 3.06,5.89 2.85,7.96C2.74,8.97 3.29,9.73 3.59,10.06C4.4,10.97 6.03,11.66 7.07,12.23C5.56,13.5 4.87,14.14 4.19,14.86C3.17,15.93 2.45,17.1 2.45,17.95C2.45,18.22 2.4,19.09 2.76,19.77C2.89,20.03 3.27,20.89 4.41,21.53C5.14,21.94 6.17,22.09 7.19,21.95C10.33,21.5 14.54,18.83 17.55,16.35C19.46,14.77 20.86,13.23 21.26,12.5C21.59,11.87 21.63,10.78 21.44,10.09C20.9,8.14 16.53,4.15 12.96,2.55C12.14,2.18 11.2,2 10.28,2M11.34,4.91C11.59,4.91 11.81,4.94 12,5C13.15,5.3 15.08,6.68 14.91,7.94C14.68,9.6 13.23,10.27 11.56,10.03C10.58,9.9 8.63,8.8 8.78,6.89C8.89,5.4 10.3,4.9 11.34,4.91M11.32,6.65C11.05,6.65 10.84,6.71 10.74,6.87C10.27,7.59 10.5,8.09 10.92,8.42C11.07,8.04 12.71,8.45 12.75,8.79C14.17,7.72 12.36,6.66 11.32,6.65Z",R21="M4.59,6.89C5.29,6.18 6,5.54 6.3,5.67C6.8,5.87 6.3,6.7 6,7.19C5.75,7.61 3.14,11.08 3.14,13.5C3.14,14.78 3.62,15.84 4.5,16.5C5.23,17.04 6.22,17.21 7.12,16.94C8.19,16.63 9.07,15.54 10.18,14.17C11.39,12.68 13,10.73 14.26,10.73C15.89,10.73 15.91,11.74 16,12.5C12.24,13.16 10.64,16.19 10.64,17.89C10.64,19.59 12.08,21 13.85,21C15.5,21 18.14,19.65 18.54,14.88H21V12.38H18.53C18.38,10.73 17.44,8.18 14.5,8.18C12.25,8.18 10.32,10.09 9.56,11C9,11.75 7.5,13.5 7.27,13.74C7,14.04 6.59,14.58 6.16,14.58C5.71,14.58 5.44,13.75 5.8,12.66C6.15,11.57 7.2,9.8 7.65,9.14C8.43,8 8.95,7.22 8.95,5.86C8.95,3.69 7.31,3 6.44,3C5.12,3 3.97,4 3.72,4.25C3.36,4.61 3.06,4.91 2.84,5.18L4.59,6.89M13.88,18.55C13.57,18.55 13.14,18.29 13.14,17.83C13.14,17.23 13.87,15.63 16,15.07C15.71,17.76 14.58,18.55 13.88,18.55Z",x21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M11,5A4,4 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.5 14.2,11.77 13,12.46V11.24C13.61,10.69 14,9.89 14,9A3,3 0 0,0 11,6A3,3 0 0,0 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9A4,4 0 0,1 11,5M11,3A6,6 0 0,1 17,9C17,10.7 16.29,12.23 15.16,13.33L14.16,12.88C15.28,11.96 16,10.56 16,9A5,5 0 0,0 11,4A5,5 0 0,0 6,9C6,11.05 7.23,12.81 9,13.58V14.66C6.67,13.83 5,11.61 5,9A6,6 0 0,1 11,3Z",D21="M13,9A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 15,9V13.47L16.21,13.6L21.15,15.8C21.67,16.04 22,16.56 22,17.14V21.5C21.97,22.32 21.32,22.97 20.5,23H14C13.62,23 13.26,22.85 13,22.57L8.1,18.37L8.84,17.6C9.03,17.39 9.3,17.28 9.58,17.28H9.8L13,19V9M14,5C15.42,5 16.74,5.76 17.45,7C18.56,8.9 17.91,11.35 16,12.46V11.23C16.64,10.67 17,9.85 17,9A3,3 0 0,0 14,6A3,3 0 0,0 11,9C11,9.85 11.36,10.67 12,11.23V12.46C10.77,11.75 10,10.43 10,9A4,4 0 0,1 14,5M4,9L7,12H5V15H3V12H1L4,9M4,7L1,4H3V1H5V4H7L4,7M9,14C9.73,14 10.41,14.19 11,14.54V15.76C10.47,15.29 9.77,15 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 6,18C6,19 6.5,19.87 7.22,20.42L9.31,22H9A4,4 0 0,1 5,18A4,4 0 0,1 9,14Z",E21="M4,1L7,4H5V7H3V4H1L4,1M4,15L1,12H3V9H5V12H7L4,15M13,9A1,1 0 0,1 14,8A1,1 0 0,1 15,9V13.47L16.21,13.6L21.15,15.8C21.67,16.04 22,16.56 22,17.14V21.5C21.97,22.32 21.32,22.97 20.5,23H14C13.62,23 13.26,22.85 13,22.57L8.1,18.37L8.84,17.6C9.03,17.39 9.3,17.28 9.58,17.28H9.8L13,19V9M14,5C15.42,5 16.74,5.76 17.45,7C18.56,8.9 17.91,11.35 16,12.46V11.23C16.64,10.67 17,9.85 17,9A3,3 0 0,0 14,6A3,3 0 0,0 11,9C11,9.85 11.36,10.67 12,11.23V12.46C10.77,11.75 10,10.43 10,9A4,4 0 0,1 14,5M9,14C9.73,14 10.41,14.19 11,14.54V15.76C10.47,15.29 9.77,15 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 6,18C6,19 6.5,19.87 7.22,20.42L9.31,22H9A4,4 0 0,1 5,18A4,4 0 0,1 9,14Z",N21="M20.11,3.89L22,2V7H17L19.08,4.92C18.55,4.23 17.64,3.66 16.36,3.19C15.08,2.72 13.63,2.5 12,2.5C10.38,2.5 8.92,2.72 7.64,3.19C6.36,3.66 5.45,4.23 4.92,4.92L7,7H2V2L3.89,3.89C4.64,3 5.74,2.31 7.2,1.78C8.65,1.25 10.25,1 12,1C13.75,1 15.35,1.25 16.8,1.78C18.26,2.31 19.36,3 20.11,3.89M19.73,16.27V16.45L19,21.7C18.92,22.08 18.76,22.39 18.5,22.64C18.23,22.89 17.91,23 17.53,23H10.73C10.36,23 10,22.86 9.7,22.55L4.73,17.63L5.53,16.83C5.75,16.61 6,16.5 6.33,16.5H6.56L10,17.25V6.5C10,6.11 10.13,5.76 10.43,5.46C10.73,5.16 11.08,5 11.5,5C11.89,5 12.24,5.16 12.54,5.46C12.84,5.76 13,6.11 13,6.5V12.5H13.78C13.88,12.5 14.05,12.55 14.3,12.61L18.84,14.86C19.44,15.14 19.73,15.61 19.73,16.27Z",W21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M1,9L4,12L7,9H5V3H3V9H1Z",I21="M6,1L3,4L6,7V5H9V7L12,4L9,1V3H6V1M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9V19L6.8,17.28H6.58C6.3,17.28 6.03,17.39 5.84,17.6L5.1,18.37L10,22.57C10.26,22.85 10.62,23 11,23H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,21.5V17.14C19,16.56 18.68,16.03 18.15,15.79L13.21,13.6L12,13.47V9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",G21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M3,4L6,7V5H12V3H6V1L3,4Z",Q21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M12,4L9,1V3H3V5H9V7L12,4Z",U21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M7,6L4,3L1,6H3V12H5V6H7Z",z21="M4,3L1,6H3V9H1L4,12L7,9H5V6H7L4,3M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9V19L6.8,17.28H6.58C6.3,17.28 6.03,17.39 5.84,17.6L5.1,18.37L10,22.57C10.26,22.85 10.62,23 11,23H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,21.5V17.14C19,16.56 18.68,16.03 18.15,15.79L13.21,13.6L12,13.47V9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",_21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M11,5A4,4 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.5 14.2,11.77 13,12.46V11.24C13.61,10.69 14,9.89 14,9A3,3 0 0,0 11,6A3,3 0 0,0 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9A4,4 0 0,1 11,5Z",K21="M20 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.89 21.11 2 20 2M11 4C13.21 4 15 5.79 15 8C15 9.5 14.2 10.77 13 11.46V10.24C13.61 9.69 14 8.89 14 8C14 6.34 12.66 5 11 5S8 6.34 8 8C8 8.89 8.39 9.69 9 10.24V11.46C7.8 10.77 7 9.5 7 8C7 5.79 8.79 4 11 4M18 18.5C17.97 19.32 17.32 19.97 16.5 20H11C10.62 20 10.26 19.85 10 19.57L6 15.37L6.74 14.6C6.93 14.39 7.2 14.28 7.5 14.28H7.7L10 16V8C10 7.45 10.45 7 11 7S12 7.45 12 8V12.47L13.21 12.6L17.15 14.79C17.68 15.03 18 15.56 18 16.14V18.5Z",j21="M13 5C15.21 5 17 6.79 17 9C17 10.5 16.2 11.77 15 12.46V11.24C15.61 10.69 16 9.89 16 9C16 7.34 14.66 6 13 6S10 7.34 10 9C10 9.89 10.39 10.69 11 11.24V12.46C9.8 11.77 9 10.5 9 9C9 6.79 10.79 5 13 5M20 20.5C19.97 21.32 19.32 21.97 18.5 22H13C12.62 22 12.26 21.85 12 21.57L8 17.37L8.74 16.6C8.93 16.39 9.2 16.28 9.5 16.28H9.7L12 18V9C12 8.45 12.45 8 13 8S14 8.45 14 9V13.47L15.21 13.6L19.15 15.79C19.68 16.03 20 16.56 20 17.14V20.5M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V12C2 13.11 2.9 14 4 14H8V12L4 12L4 4H20L20 12H18V14H20V13.96L20.04 14C21.13 14 22 13.09 22 12V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2Z",q21="M10,9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V13.47L13.21,13.6L18.15,15.79C18.68,16.03 19,16.56 19,17.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9M9,12.44V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7A2,2 0 0,1 13,9V12.44C14.19,11.75 15,10.47 15,9A4,4 0 0,0 11,5A4,4 0 0,0 7,9C7,10.47 7.81,11.75 9,12.44Z",$21="M19,15.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V7A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V12L18.15,13.84C18.66,14.07 19,14.58 19,15.14M13,3A4,4 0 0,1 17,7C17,8.5 16.2,9.77 15,10.46V9.24C15.61,8.69 16,7.89 16,7A3,3 0 0,0 13,4C11.65,4 10.5,4.9 10.13,6.13C8.9,6.5 8,7.65 8,9C8,9.89 8.39,10.69 9,11.24V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9C7,7.38 7.97,6 9.35,5.35C10,3.97 11.38,3 13,3M13,1A6,6 0 0,1 19,7C19,9.06 17.96,10.88 16.38,11.96L15.26,11.46C16.89,10.64 18,8.95 18,7A5,5 0 0,0 13,2C11.11,2 9.46,3.05 8.61,4.61C7.05,5.46 6,7.11 6,9C6,11.05 7.23,12.81 9,13.58V14.66C6.67,13.83 5,11.61 5,9C5,6.83 6.15,4.93 7.88,3.88C8.93,2.15 10.83,1 13,1Z",X21="M19,15.14V21.5C18.97,22.32 18.32,22.97 17.5,23H11C10.62,23 10.26,22.85 10,22.57L5.1,18.37L5.84,17.6C6.03,17.39 6.3,17.28 6.58,17.28H6.8L10,19V9A1,1 0 0,1 11,8A1,1 0 0,1 12,9V7A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,7V12L18.15,13.84C18.66,14.07 19,14.58 19,15.14M15,10.45V9.24L15,9.23C15.23,9.03 15.42,8.79 15.57,8.54C15.84,8.09 16,7.56 16,7A3,3 0 0,0 13,4C12.21,4 11.5,4.31 10.95,4.81L10.81,4.95C10.68,5.09 10.56,5.24 10.46,5.4C10.36,5.56 10.27,5.74 10.2,5.92C10.17,6 10.15,6.06 10.13,6.13C8.9,6.5 8,7.65 8,9C8,9.7 8.24,10.34 8.64,10.85C8.74,11 8.87,11.11 9,11.23V11.24L9,12.46V12.46C7.8,11.77 7,10.5 7,9C7,7.38 7.97,6 9.35,5.35C10,3.97 11.38,3 13,3A4,4 0 0,1 17,7C17,8.5 16.2,9.77 15,10.46V10.45Z",Y21="M12,2A9,9 0 0,0 3,11V22L6,19L9,22L12,19L15,22L18,19L21,22V11A9,9 0 0,0 12,2M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,12A2,2 0 0,1 7,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,8M15,8A2,2 0 0,1 17,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,12A2,2 0 0,1 13,10A2,2 0 0,1 15,8Z",J21="M2,3.27L3.28,2L22,20.72L20.73,22L17.87,19.13L15,22L12,19L9,22L6,19L3,22V11C3,9.09 3.59,7.33 4.6,5.87L2,3.27M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11V17.18L15.7,11.88C16.46,11.59 17,10.86 17,10A2,2 0 0,0 15,8C14.14,8 13.41,8.54 13.13,9.3L7.2,3.38C8.59,2.5 10.24,2 12,2M7,10A2,2 0 0,0 9,12C9.5,12 9.93,11.83 10.27,11.54L7.46,8.73C7.17,9.07 7,9.5 7,10Z",C51="M8.29 5.09L6.84 3.64C8.3 2.61 10.08 2 12 2C16.97 2 21 6.03 21 11V17.8L19 15.8V11C19 7.14 15.86 4 12 4C10.63 4 9.36 4.4 8.29 5.09M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.56 19.45L15 22L12 19L9 22L6 19L3 22V11C3 9.26 3.5 7.63 4.36 6.25L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.89 6.23L8.69 8.03H8.69L10.97 10.31V10.31L17.41 16.76L17.42 16.76L21 20.34V20.35L22.11 21.46M16.14 18.03L9.89 11.78C9.62 11.92 9.32 12 9 12C7.9 12 7 11.11 7 10C7 9.68 7.08 9.38 7.22 9.11L5.82 7.71C5.3 8.69 5 9.81 5 11V17.17L6 16.17L7.41 17.59L9 19.17L10.59 17.59L12 16.17L13.41 17.59L15 19.17L16.14 18.03M15 8C13.96 8 13.11 8.8 13 9.82L15.18 12C16.2 11.89 17 11.04 17 10C17 8.9 16.11 8 15 8Z",H51="M12 2C7.03 2 3 6.03 3 11V22L6 19L9 22L12 19L15 22L18 19L21 22V11C21 6.03 16.97 2 12 2M19 17.17L18 16.17L16.59 17.59L15 19.17L13.41 17.59L12 16.17L10.59 17.59L9 19.17L7.41 17.59L6 16.17L5 17.17V11C5 7.14 8.14 4 12 4S19 7.14 19 11V17.17M11 10C11 11.11 10.11 12 9 12S7 11.11 7 10 7.9 8 9 8 11 8.9 11 10M17 10C17 11.11 16.11 12 15 12S13 11.11 13 10 13.9 8 15 8 17 8.9 17 10Z",V51="M9.06,1.93C7.17,1.92 5.33,3.74 6.17,6H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,8V10A1,1 0 0,0 2,11H11V8H13V11H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,10V8A2,2 0 0,0 21,6H17.83C19,2.73 14.6,0.42 12.57,3.24L12,4L11.43,3.22C10.8,2.33 9.93,1.94 9.06,1.93M9,4C9.89,4 10.34,5.08 9.71,5.71C9.08,6.34 8,5.89 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,4M15,4C15.89,4 16.34,5.08 15.71,5.71C15.08,6.34 14,5.89 14,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,4M2,12V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12H13V20H11V12H2Z",L51="M1.11 3L4.14 6.04H3C1.9 6.04 1 6.93 1 8.04V10.04C1 10.59 1.45 11.04 2 11.04H9.15L10.15 12.04H2V20.04C2 21.14 2.9 22.04 4 22.04H20C20.05 22.04 20.09 22.03 20.13 22L21.56 23.45L22.83 22.18L2.39 1.73L1.11 3M11 12.89L13 14.89V20.04H11V12.89M22 12.04V18.8L15.24 12.04H22M21 6.04H17.83C19 2.77 14.6 .455 12.57 3.28L12 4.04L11.43 3.26C10.8 2.37 9.93 2 9.06 1.97C8.06 1.96 7.08 2.5 6.5 3.3L8.04 4.84C8.13 4.38 8.5 4.04 9 4.04C9.89 4.04 10.34 5.12 9.71 5.75C9.56 5.89 9.39 6 9.21 6L11.24 8.04H13V9.8L14.24 11.04H22C22.55 11.04 23 10.59 23 10.04V8.04C23 6.93 22.11 6.04 21 6.04M15.71 5.75C15.08 6.38 14 5.93 14 5.04C14 4.5 14.45 4.04 15 4.04C15.89 4.04 16.34 5.12 15.71 5.75Z",M51="M21 6H17.83C17.94 5.69 18 5.35 18 5C18 3.34 16.66 2 15 2C14 2 13.12 2.5 12.57 3.24V3.23L12 4L11.43 3.23V3.24C10.88 2.5 10 2 9 2C7.97 2 7.06 2.5 6.5 3.32L8.03 4.83C8.12 4.36 8.5 4 9 4C9.55 4 10 4.45 10 5C10 5.5 9.64 5.88 9.17 5.97L13 9.8V8H21V10H13.2L15.2 12H20V16.8L22 18.8V12C22.55 12 23 11.55 23 11V8C23 6.9 22.11 6 21 6M15 6C14.45 6 14 5.55 14 5S14.45 4 15 4 16 4.45 16 5 15.55 6 15 6M1.11 3L4.11 6H3C1.9 6 1 6.9 1 8V11C1 11.55 1.45 12 2 12V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C20.03 22 20.07 22 20.1 22L21.56 23.45L22.83 22.18L2.39 1.73L1.11 3M13 14.89L18.11 20H13V14.89M11 12.89V20H4V12H10.11L11 12.89M8.11 10H3V8H6.11L8.11 10Z",A51="M22 10.92L19.26 9.33C21.9 7.08 19.25 2.88 16.08 4.31L15.21 4.68L15.1 3.72C15 2.64 14.44 1.87 13.7 1.42C12.06 .467 9.56 1.12 9.16 3.5L6.41 1.92C5.45 1.36 4.23 1.69 3.68 2.65L2.68 4.38C2.4 4.86 2.57 5.47 3.05 5.75L10.84 10.25L12.34 7.65L14.07 8.65L12.57 11.25L20.36 15.75C20.84 16 21.46 15.86 21.73 15.38L22.73 13.65C23.28 12.69 22.96 11.47 22 10.92M12.37 5C11.5 5.25 10.8 4.32 11.24 3.55C11.5 3.07 12.13 2.91 12.61 3.18C13.38 3.63 13.23 4.79 12.37 5M17.56 8C16.7 8.25 16 7.32 16.44 6.55C16.71 6.07 17.33 5.91 17.8 6.18C18.57 6.63 18.42 7.79 17.56 8M20.87 16.88C21.28 16.88 21.67 16.74 22 16.5V20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V11H10.15L11 11.5V20H13V12.65L19.87 16.61C20.17 16.79 20.5 16.88 20.87 16.88Z",i51="M22 10.87L19.26 9.28C19.5 9.07 19.73 8.8 19.9 8.5C20.73 7.07 20.24 5.23 18.8 4.4C17.94 3.9 16.93 3.9 16.08 4.26L16.09 4.25L15.21 4.64L15.1 3.68L15.09 3.69C15 2.78 14.47 1.9 13.61 1.4C12.17 .575 10.34 1.07 9.5 2.5C9.33 2.8 9.22 3.13 9.16 3.45L6.41 1.87C5.45 1.32 4.23 1.64 3.68 2.6L2.18 5.2C1.9 5.68 2.07 6.29 2.55 6.56L4.28 7.56L8.5 10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V14.87L22.73 13.6C23.28 12.64 22.96 11.42 22 10.87M16.44 6.5C16.71 6 17.33 5.86 17.8 6.13C18.28 6.41 18.45 7 18.17 7.5C17.89 8 17.28 8.14 16.8 7.87C16.33 7.59 16.16 7 16.44 6.5M14.07 8.6L21 12.6L20 14.33L13.07 10.33L14.07 8.6M11 20H4V12H11V20M11.34 9.33L4.41 5.33L5.41 3.6L12.34 7.6L11.34 9.33M11.61 4.87C11.13 4.59 10.97 4 11.24 3.5C11.5 3 12.13 2.86 12.61 3.13C13.09 3.41 13.25 4 12.97 4.5C12.7 5 12.09 5.14 11.61 4.87M13 20V12.6L20 16.64V20H13Z",r51="M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12A1,1 0 0,1 1,11V8A2,2 0 0,1 3,6H6.17C6.06,5.69 6,5.35 6,5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2C10,2 10.88,2.5 11.43,3.24V3.23L12,4L12.57,3.23V3.24C13.12,2.5 14,2 15,2A3,3 0 0,1 18,5C18,5.35 17.94,5.69 17.83,6H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,8V11A1,1 0 0,1 22,12M4,20H11V12H4V20M20,20V12H13V20H20M9,4A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,4M3,8V10H11V8H3M13,8V10H21V8H13Z",a51="M2.6,10.59L8.38,4.8L10.07,6.5C9.83,7.35 10.22,8.28 11,8.73V14.27C10.4,14.61 10,15.26 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16C14,15.26 13.6,14.61 13,14.27V9.41L15.07,11.5C15,11.65 15,11.82 15,12A2,2 0 0,0 17,14A2,2 0 0,0 19,12A2,2 0 0,0 17,10C16.82,10 16.65,10 16.5,10.07L13.93,7.5C14.19,6.57 13.71,5.55 12.78,5.16C12.35,5 11.9,4.96 11.5,5.07L9.8,3.38L10.59,2.6C11.37,1.81 12.63,1.81 13.41,2.6L21.4,10.59C22.19,11.37 22.19,12.63 21.4,13.41L13.41,21.4C12.63,22.19 11.37,22.19 10.59,21.4L2.6,13.41C1.81,12.63 1.81,11.37 2.6,10.59Z",e51="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.42 4.87,20.17 8.84,21.5C9.34,21.58 9.5,21.27 9.5,21C9.5,20.77 9.5,20.14 9.5,19.31C6.73,19.91 6.14,17.97 6.14,17.97C5.68,16.81 5.03,16.5 5.03,16.5C4.12,15.88 5.1,15.9 5.1,15.9C6.1,15.97 6.63,16.93 6.63,16.93C7.5,18.45 8.97,18 9.54,17.76C9.63,17.11 9.89,16.67 10.17,16.42C7.95,16.17 5.62,15.31 5.62,11.5C5.62,10.39 6,9.5 6.65,8.79C6.55,8.54 6.2,7.5 6.75,6.15C6.75,6.15 7.59,5.88 9.5,7.17C10.29,6.95 11.15,6.84 12,6.84C12.85,6.84 13.71,6.95 14.5,7.17C16.41,5.88 17.25,6.15 17.25,6.15C17.8,7.5 17.45,8.54 17.35,8.79C18,9.5 18.38,10.39 18.38,11.5C18.38,15.32 16.04,16.16 13.81,16.41C14.17,16.72 14.5,17.33 14.5,18.26C14.5,19.6 14.5,20.68 14.5,21C14.5,21.27 14.66,21.59 15.17,21.5C19.14,20.16 22,16.42 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",d51="M21.94 13.11L20.89 9.89C20.89 9.86 20.88 9.83 20.87 9.8L18.76 3.32C18.65 3 18.33 2.75 17.96 2.75C17.6 2.75 17.28 3 17.17 3.33L15.17 9.5H8.84L6.83 3.33C6.72 3 6.4 2.75 6.04 2.75H6.04C5.67 2.75 5.35 3 5.24 3.33L3.13 9.82C3.13 9.82 3.13 9.83 3.13 9.83L2.06 13.11C1.9 13.61 2.07 14.15 2.5 14.45L11.72 21.16C11.89 21.28 12.11 21.28 12.28 21.15L21.5 14.45C21.93 14.15 22.1 13.61 21.94 13.11M8.15 10.45L10.72 18.36L4.55 10.45M13.28 18.37L15.75 10.78L15.85 10.45H19.46L13.87 17.61M17.97 3.94L19.78 9.5H16.16M14.86 10.45L13.07 15.96L12 19.24L9.14 10.45M6.03 3.94L7.84 9.5H4.23M3.05 13.69C2.96 13.62 2.92 13.5 2.96 13.4L3.75 10.97L9.57 18.42M20.95 13.69L14.44 18.42L14.46 18.39L20.25 10.97L21.04 13.4C21.08 13.5 21.04 13.62 20.95 13.69",m51="M7.5,7L5.5,5H18.5L16.5,7M11,13V19H6V21H18V19H13V13L21,5V3H3V5L11,13Z",t51="M13.33 12.67L7.66 7L6.13 5.47L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V5L11 13V19H6V21H18V19.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L13.33 12.67M13 19V14.89L17.11 19H13M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V5L14.6 11.4L10.2 7H16.5L18.5 5H8.2Z",v51="M8,2H16C15.67,5 15.33,8 14.75,9.83C14.17,11.67 13.33,12.33 12.92,14.08C12.5,15.83 12.5,18.67 13.08,20C13.67,21.33 14.83,21.17 15.42,21.25C16,21.33 16,21.67 16,22H8C8,21.67 8,21.33 8.58,21.25C9.17,21.17 10.33,21.33 10.92,20C11.5,18.67 11.5,15.83 11.08,14.08C10.67,12.33 9.83,11.67 9.25,9.83C8.67,8 8.33,5 8,2M10,4C10.07,5.03 10.15,6.07 10.24,7H13.76C13.85,6.07 13.93,5.03 14,4H10Z",l51="M13 20H18V22H6V20H11V13.97C8.19 13.7 6 11.34 6 8.46C6 8.15 6.03 7.85 6.08 7.55L7 2H13.54L12.33 4.41L11.79 5.5H13.79L12.33 8.41L11.79 9.5H14L13 12.75L15.67 9.09L16.46 8H14.21L15.67 5.09L16.21 4H14.21L15.21 2H17L17.93 7.55C18 7.85 18 8.15 18 8.46C18 11.34 15.81 13.7 13 13.97V20Z",o51="M10,4V7H18V4H10M8,2H20L21,2V3L20,4V20L21,21V22H20L8,22H7V21L8,20V18.6L4.2,16.83C3.5,16.5 3,15.82 3,15V8A2,2 0 0,1 5,6H8V4L7,3V2H8M5,15L8,16.39V8H5V15Z",n51="M20 19.35V19.34L6.66 6L6.07 5.41L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.26 6.15C3.5 6.44 3 7.16 3 8V15C3 15.82 3.5 16.5 4.2 16.83L8 18.6V20L7 21V22H20.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20 19.35M8 16.39L5 15V8H6.11L8 9.89V16.39M8 4L7 3V2H21V3L20 4V16.8L10.2 7H18V4H10V6.8L8 4.8V4Z",Z51="M9.5 3C7.56 3 5.85 4.24 5.23 6.08C3.36 6.44 2 8.09 2 10C2 12.21 3.79 14 6 14V22H17V20H20C20.55 20 21 19.55 21 19V11C21 10.45 20.55 10 20 10H18V8C18 5.79 16.21 4 14 4H12.32C11.5 3.35 10.53 3 9.5 3M9.5 5C10.29 5 11.03 5.37 11.5 6H14C15.11 6 16 6.9 16 8H12C10 8 9.32 9.13 8.5 10.63C7.68 12.13 6 12 6 12C4.89 12 4 11.11 4 10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H7V7.5C7 6.12 8.12 5 9.5 5M17 12H19V18H17Z",S51="M8.44 5.24L7 3.79C7.71 3.29 8.57 3 9.5 3C10.53 3 11.5 3.35 12.32 4H14C16.21 4 18 5.79 18 8V10H20C20.55 10 21 10.45 21 11V17.8L19 15.8V12H17V13.8L11.26 8.06C11.5 8 11.73 8 12 8H16C16 6.9 15.11 6 14 6H11.5C11.03 5.37 10.29 5 9.5 5C9.12 5 8.76 5.09 8.44 5.24M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L18.11 20H17V22H6V14C3.79 14 2 12.21 2 10C2 8.37 3 6.94 4.44 6.33L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L7.19 6.54L9.61 8.96L17 16.34V16.35L18.65 18H18.66L20.5 19.84V19.85L22.11 21.46M8.59 10.5L6.11 8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10C4 11.11 4.89 12 6 12C6 12 7.68 12.13 8.5 10.63L8.59 10.5Z",u51="M4 2L6 22H17L19 2H4M6.2 4H16.8L15.2 20H7.8L6.2 4Z",c51="M8,2H16V22H8V2M10,4V7H14V4H10Z",s51="M8,2H16C15.67,2.67 15.33,3.33 15.58,5C15.83,6.67 16.67,9.33 16.25,10.74C15.83,12.14 14.17,12.28 13.33,13.86C12.5,15.44 12.5,18.47 13.08,19.9C13.67,21.33 14.83,21.17 15.42,21.25C16,21.33 16,21.67 16,22H8C8,21.67 8,21.33 8.58,21.25C9.17,21.17 10.33,21.33 10.92,19.9C11.5,18.47 11.5,15.44 10.67,13.86C9.83,12.28 8.17,12.14 7.75,10.74C7.33,9.33 8.17,6.67 8.42,5C8.67,3.33 8.33,2.67 8,2M10,4C10,5.19 9.83,6.17 9.64,7H14.27C14.13,6.17 14,5.19 14,4H10Z",O51="M15.5,21.27L14.66,21.18C13.9,21.11 13.25,20.6 13,19.87C12.47,17.91 12.47,15.83 13,13.87C15.32,13.4 17,11.37 17,9C17,7 15,2 15,2H9C9,2 7,7 7,9C7,11.38 8.67,13.42 11,13.9C11.53,15.86 11.53,17.94 11,19.9C10.76,20.62 10.12,21.13 9.37,21.21L8.5,21.3C8.5,21.3 8,21.28 8,22H16C16,21.28 15.5,21.27 15.5,21.27M9.44,7L10.44,4H13.56L14.56,7H9.44Z",h51="M3,10C2.76,10 2.55,10.09 2.41,10.25C2.27,10.4 2.21,10.62 2.24,10.86L2.74,13.85C2.82,14.5 3.4,15 4,15H7C7.64,15 8.36,14.44 8.5,13.82L9.56,10.63C9.6,10.5 9.57,10.31 9.5,10.19C9.39,10.07 9.22,10 9,10H3M7,17H4C2.38,17 0.96,15.74 0.76,14.14L0.26,11.15C0.15,10.3 0.39,9.5 0.91,8.92C1.43,8.34 2.19,8 3,8H9C9.83,8 10.58,8.35 11.06,8.96C11.17,9.11 11.27,9.27 11.35,9.45C11.78,9.36 12.22,9.36 12.64,9.45C12.72,9.27 12.82,9.11 12.94,8.96C13.41,8.35 14.16,8 15,8H21C21.81,8 22.57,8.34 23.09,8.92C23.6,9.5 23.84,10.3 23.74,11.11L23.23,14.18C23.04,15.74 21.61,17 20,17H17C15.44,17 13.92,15.81 13.54,14.3L12.64,11.59C12.26,11.31 11.73,11.31 11.35,11.59L10.43,14.37C10.07,15.82 8.56,17 7,17M15,10C14.78,10 14.61,10.07 14.5,10.19C14.42,10.31 14.4,10.5 14.45,10.7L15.46,13.75C15.64,14.44 16.36,15 17,15H20C20.59,15 21.18,14.5 21.25,13.89L21.76,10.82C21.79,10.62 21.73,10.4 21.59,10.25C21.45,10.09 21.24,10 21,10H15Z",p51="M7.1 10C8.1 9 9.5 8.3 11 8.1V2H13V8.1C14.5 8.3 15.9 9 16.9 10H7.1M5.3 13C5.1 13.6 5 14.3 5 15C5 18.9 8.1 22 12 22S19 18.9 19 15C19 14.3 18.9 13.6 18.7 13H5.3Z",f51="M13 8.08V2H11V8.08C7.61 8.57 5 11.47 5 15C5 18.87 8.13 22 12 22S19 18.87 19 15C19 11.47 16.39 8.57 13 8.08M12 20C9.24 20 7 17.76 7 15C7 13.87 7.39 12.84 8.03 12H15.97C16.61 12.84 17 13.87 17 15C17 17.76 14.76 20 12 20Z",g51="M17.36,2.64L15.95,4.06C17.26,5.37 18,7.14 18,9A7,7 0 0,1 11,16C9.15,16 7.37,15.26 6.06,13.95L4.64,15.36C6.08,16.8 7.97,17.71 10,17.93V20H6V22H16V20H12V17.94C16.55,17.43 20,13.58 20,9C20,6.62 19.05,4.33 17.36,2.64M11,3.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,9A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 11,14.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 11,3.5M11,5.5C12.94,5.5 14.5,7.07 14.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 11,12.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 7.5,9A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 11,5.5Z",k51="M20,18H18V9.25L12,13L6,9.25V18H4V6H5.2L12,10.25L18.8,6H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",B51="M18.42,2C14.26,2 13.5,7.93 15.82,7.93C18.16,7.93 22.58,2 18.42,2M12,2.73C11.92,2.73 11.85,2.73 11.78,2.74C9.44,3.04 10.26,7.12 11.5,7.19C12.72,7.27 14.04,2.73 12,2.73M7.93,4.34C7.81,4.34 7.67,4.37 7.53,4.43C5.65,5.21 7.24,8.41 8.3,8.2C9.27,8 9.39,4.3 7.93,4.34M4.93,6.85C4.77,6.84 4.59,6.9 4.41,7.03C2.9,8.07 4.91,10.58 5.8,10.19C6.57,9.85 6.08,6.89 4.93,6.85M13.29,8.77C10.1,8.8 6.03,10.42 5.32,13.59C4.53,17.11 8.56,22 12.76,22C14.83,22 17.21,20.13 17.66,17.77C18,15.97 13.65,16.69 13.81,17.88C14,19.31 12.76,20 11.55,19.1C7.69,16.16 17.93,14.7 17.25,10.69C17.03,9.39 15.34,8.76 13.29,8.77Z",P51="M18,10H15.53L14.38,8.28L15.8,7.33L14.7,5.67L10.2,8.67L11.3,10.33L12.73,9.38L13.88,11.12L13,12H10.2L5.83,5.45L4.17,6.55L5.87,9.11C3.04,9.65 1,12.12 1,15V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V15A5,5 0 0,0 18,10M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5Z",w51="M22,5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15,5.5V6A3,3 0 0,1 12,9C10,9 9,6 6,6A4,4 0 0,0 2,10V11H4V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8C6.86,8 7.42,8.45 8.32,9.24C9.28,10.27 10.6,10.9 12,11A5,5 0 0,0 17,6V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,5.5C19.86,6.35 19.58,7.18 19.17,7.94C18.5,9.2 18.11,10.58 18,12C18.09,13.37 18.5,14.71 19.21,15.89C19.6,16.54 19.87,17.25 20,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,18A3.75,3.75 0 0,0 12.25,14.25A3.75,3.75 0 0,0 8.5,18V18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,20A3,3 0 0,1 4,17V15H6V13H0V15H2V17A5,5 0 0,0 7,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 10.5,18.5V18A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 12.25,16.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 14,18A4,4 0 0,0 18,22A4,4 0 0,0 22,18C22,16 20,14 20,12C20,10 22,7.5 22,5.5Z",F51="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M10.46,5.54C9.95,5.54 9.54,5.95 9.54,6.46V9.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 10.46,10.46H13.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 14.46,9.54V6.46C14.46,5.95 14.05,5.54 13.54,5.54H10.46M11.08,6.77H12.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 13.23,7.08V8.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 12.92,9.23H11.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 10.77,8.92V7.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 11.08,6.77M4.92,5.54A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 4,6.46V9.54C4,10.05 4.41,10.46 4.92,10.46H7.08V9.23H5.54C5.37,9.23 5.23,9.09 5.23,8.92V7.08C5.23,6.91 5.37,6.77 5.54,6.77H7.38A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 7.69,7.08V10.77A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 7.38,11.08H4V12.31H8C8.5,12.31 8.92,11.89 8.92,11.38V6.46A0.92,0.92 0 0,0 8,5.54H4.92M16,5.54C15.5,5.54 15.08,5.95 15.08,6.46V9.54C15.08,10.05 15.5,10.46 16,10.46H18.15V9.23H16.62C16.45,9.23 16.31,9.09 16.31,8.92V7.08C16.31,6.91 16.45,6.77 16.62,6.77H18.46C18.63,6.77 18.77,6.91 18.77,7.08V10.77C18.77,10.94 18.63,11.08 18.46,11.08H15.08V12.31H19.08C19.59,12.31 20,11.89 20,11.38V6.46C20,5.95 19.59,5.54 19.08,5.54H16M9.85,13.54C9.34,13.54 8.92,13.95 8.92,14.46V17.54C8.92,18.05 9.34,18.46 9.85,18.46H12.92C13.43,18.46 13.85,18.05 13.85,17.54V14.46C13.85,13.95 13.43,13.54 12.92,13.54H9.85M10.46,14.77H12.31C12.5,14.77 12.62,14.91 12.62,15.08V16.92A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 12.31,17.23H10.46C10.29,17.23 10.15,17.09 10.15,16.92V15.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 10.46,14.77M4.92,13.54C4.41,13.54 4,13.95 4,14.46V17.54C4,18.05 4.41,18.46 4.92,18.46H8.31V17.23H5.54C5.37,17.23 5.23,17.09 5.23,16.92V15.08C5.23,14.91 5.37,14.77 5.54,14.77H8.31V13.54H4.92M15.38,13.54C14.87,13.54 14.46,13.95 14.46,14.46V18.46H15.69V15.08A0.31,0.31 0 0,1 16,14.77H16.62V18.46H17.85V14.77H18.77V18.46H20V13.54H15.38Z",T51="M1 22L2.5 17H9.5L11 22H1M13 22L14.5 17H21.5L23 22H13M6 15L7.5 10H14.5L16 15H6M23 6.05L19.14 7.14L18.05 11L16.96 7.14L13.1 6.05L16.96 4.96L18.05 1.1L19.14 4.96L23 6.05Z",b51="M19.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,18M17,5.92L11,9V18.03C13.84,18.19 16,19 16,20C16,21.1 13.31,22 10,22C6.69,22 4,21.1 4,20C4,19.26 5.21,18.62 7,18.27V20H9V2L17,5.92Z",y51="M19.89 12.37L18.25 5H19V3H3V7H1V9H3V12.54A6 6 0 0 0 1 17V19H3A3 3 0 0 0 9 19H15A3 3 0 0 0 21 19H23V17A5 5 0 0 0 19.89 12.37M6 20.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6 20.5M15.53 12L14.38 10.28L15.8 9.33L14.7 7.67L10.2 10.67L11.3 12.33L12.73 11.38L13.88 13.12L13 14H10.2L5 7V5H16.2L17.75 12M18 20.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 19.5 19A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 20.5Z",R51="M7 19V17H17V19H15C14.5 19 14 19.2 13.6 19.6S13 20.5 13 21V22H11V21C11 20.5 10.8 20 10.4 19.6S9.5 19 9 19H7M11 6C11 5.7 11.1 5.5 11.3 5.3S11.7 5 12 5 12.5 5.1 12.7 5.3 13 5.7 13 6 12.9 6.5 12.7 6.7 12.3 7 12 7 11.5 6.9 11.3 6.7 11 6.3 11 6M13 8C13 7.7 13.1 7.5 13.3 7.3S13.7 7 14 7 14.5 7.1 14.7 7.3 15 7.7 15 8 14.9 8.5 14.7 8.7 14.3 9 14 9 13.5 8.9 13.3 8.7 13 8.3 13 8M9 8C9 7.7 9.1 7.5 9.3 7.3S9.7 7 10 7 10.5 7.1 10.7 7.3 11 7.7 11 8 10.9 8.5 10.7 8.7 10.3 9 10 9 9.5 8.9 9.3 8.7 9 8.3 9 8M16.9 4.1C15.5 2.7 13.9 2.1 12 2.1S8.4 2.8 7.1 4.1 5 7.1 5 9 5.7 12.6 7 13.9 10 15.9 11.9 15.9 15.5 15.2 16.8 13.9 18.8 10.9 18.8 9 18.3 5.4 16.9 4.1M15.5 12.5C14.5 13.5 13.3 14 12 14S9.4 13.5 8.5 12.5 7 10.4 7 9 7.5 6.4 8.5 5.5 10.6 4 12 4 14.6 4.5 15.5 5.5 17 7.6 17 9 16.5 11.6 15.5 12.5Z",x51="M18,10H13V7.59L22.12,6.07L21.88,4.59L16.41,5.5C16.46,5.35 16.5,5.18 16.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,5C13.5,5.35 13.63,5.68 13.84,5.93L13,6.07V5H11V6.41L10.41,6.5C10.46,6.35 10.5,6.18 10.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,6C7.5,6.36 7.63,6.68 7.83,6.93L1.88,7.93L2.12,9.41L11,7.93V10H6C4.89,10 4,10.9 4,12V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V12A2,2 0 0,0 18,10M6,12H8.25V16H6V12M9.75,16V12H14.25V16H9.75M18,16H15.75V12H18V16Z",D51="M17,12.77C15.96,14.42 14.22,15.5 12.25,15.5C9.07,15.5 6.5,12.7 6.5,9.25C6.5,5.8 9.07,3 12.25,3C14.22,3 15.96,4.08 17,5.73V3H18V15.25C18,20.71 14.54,21 11.5,21C9,21 7.55,19.31 7.13,17H8.14C8.5,18.75 9.54,20 11.5,20C13.72,20 17,20.05 17,15.25V15.25L17,12.77M12.25,4C9.63,4 7.5,6.35 7.5,9.25C7.5,12.15 9.63,14.5 12.25,14.5C14.87,14.5 17,12.15 17,9.25C17,6.35 14.87,4 12.25,4Z",E51="M21.35,11.1H12.18V13.83H18.69C18.36,17.64 15.19,19.27 12.19,19.27C8.36,19.27 5,16.25 5,12C5,7.9 8.2,4.73 12.2,4.73C15.29,4.73 17.1,6.7 17.1,6.7L19,4.72C19,4.72 16.56,2 12.1,2C6.42,2 2.03,6.8 2.03,12C2.03,17.05 6.16,22 12.25,22C17.6,22 21.5,18.33 21.5,12.91C21.5,11.76 21.35,11.1 21.35,11.1V11.1Z",N51="M12.25 1.47C11.55 1.42 10.82 1.58 10.17 1.96C8.41 2.97 7.81 5.21 8.82 6.96L16.16 19.66C17.17 21.42 19.41 22 21.17 21C22.92 20 23.5 17.75 22.5 16L15.18 3.3C14.54 2.2 13.43 1.56 12.25 1.47M6.82 6.76L1.5 16A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 1 17.83A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 4.67 21.5A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 7.84 19.66V19.67L11 14.19C9.65 11.89 8.27 9.6 7.03 7.23C6.95 7.08 6.88 6.92 6.83 6.76ZL16.4 5Z",W51="M15.86 4.39V19.39C15.86 21.06 17 22 18.25 22C19.39 22 20.64 21.21 20.64 19.39V4.5C20.64 2.96 19.5 2 18.25 2S15.86 3.06 15.86 4.39M9.61 12V19.39C9.61 21.07 10.77 22 12 22C13.14 22 14.39 21.21 14.39 19.39V12.11C14.39 10.57 13.25 9.61 12 9.61S9.61 10.67 9.61 12M5.75 17.23C7.07 17.23 8.14 18.3 8.14 19.61C8.14 20.93 7.07 22 5.75 22S3.36 20.93 3.36 19.61C3.36 18.3 4.43 17.23 5.75 17.23Z",I51="M7,2A6,6 0 0,0 1,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,14A6,6 0 0,0 13,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,2M21.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 23,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,6M17,8A3,3 0 0,0 14,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,14A3,3 0 0,0 20,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,8M17,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 13.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,15Z",G51="M20.74,6H3.2C2.55,6 2,6.57 2,7.27V17.73C2,18.43 2.55,19 3.23,19H8C8.54,19 9,18.68 9.16,18.21L10.55,14.74C10.79,14.16 11.35,13.75 12,13.75C12.65,13.75 13.21,14.16 13.45,14.74L14.84,18.21C15.03,18.68 15.46,19 15.95,19H20.74C21.45,19 22,18.43 22,17.73V7.27C22,6.57 21.45,6 20.74,6M7.22,14.58C6,14.58 5,13.55 5,12.29C5,11 6,10 7.22,10C8.44,10 9.43,11 9.43,12.29C9.43,13.55 8.44,14.58 7.22,14.58M16.78,14.58C15.56,14.58 14.57,13.55 14.57,12.29C14.57,11.03 15.56,10 16.78,10C18,10 19,11.03 19,12.29C19,13.55 18,14.58 16.78,14.58Z",Q51="M12,20L15.46,14H15.45C15.79,13.4 16,12.73 16,12C16,10.8 15.46,9.73 14.62,9H19.41C19.79,9.93 20,10.94 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M4,12C4,10.54 4.39,9.18 5.07,8L8.54,14H8.55C9.24,15.19 10.5,16 12,16C12.45,16 12.88,15.91 13.29,15.77L10.89,19.91C7,19.37 4,16.04 4,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12M12,4C14.96,4 17.54,5.61 18.92,8H12C10.06,8 8.45,9.38 8.08,11.21L5.7,7.08C7.16,5.21 9.44,4 12,4M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",U51="M16.66,15H17C18,15 19,14.8 19.87,14.46C19.17,18.73 15.47,22 11,22C6,22 2,17.97 2,13C2,8.53 5.27,4.83 9.54,4.13C9.2,5 9,6 9,7V7.34C6.68,8.16 5,10.38 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19C13.62,19 15.84,17.32 16.66,15M17,10A3,3 0 0,0 20,7A3,3 0 0,0 17,4A3,3 0 0,0 14,7A3,3 0 0,0 17,10M17,1A6,6 0 0,1 23,7A6,6 0 0,1 17,13A6,6 0 0,1 11,7C11,3.68 13.69,1 17,1Z",z51="M15,12C13.89,12 13,12.89 13,14A2,2 0 0,0 15,16A2,2 0 0,0 17,14C17,12.89 16.1,12 15,12M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M14,9C14,7.89 13.1,7 12,7C10.89,7 10,7.89 10,9A2,2 0 0,0 12,11A2,2 0 0,0 14,9M9,12A2,2 0 0,0 7,14A2,2 0 0,0 9,16A2,2 0 0,0 11,14C11,12.89 10.1,12 9,12Z",_51="M18,19C16.89,19 16,18.1 16,17C16,15.89 16.89,15 18,15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17A2,2 0 0,1 18,19M18,13A4,4 0 0,0 14,17A4,4 0 0,0 18,21A4,4 0 0,0 22,17A4,4 0 0,0 18,13M12,11.1A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 10.1,13A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 12,14.9A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 13.9,13A1.9,1.9 0 0,0 12,11.1M6,19C4.89,19 4,18.1 4,17C4,15.89 4.89,15 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,19M6,13A4,4 0 0,0 2,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,21A4,4 0 0,0 10,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,13M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8C10.89,8 10,7.1 10,6C10,4.89 10.89,4 12,4M12,10A4,4 0 0,0 16,6A4,4 0 0,0 12,2A4,4 0 0,0 8,6A4,4 0 0,0 12,10Z",K51="M5,10A2,2 0 0,0 3,12C3,13.11 3.9,14 5,14C6.11,14 7,13.11 7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,10M5,16A4,4 0 0,1 1,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,8A4,4 0 0,1 9,12A4,4 0 0,1 5,16M10.5,11H14V8L18,12L14,16V13H10.5V11M5,6C4.55,6 4.11,6.05 3.69,6.14C5.63,3.05 9.08,1 13,1C19.08,1 24,5.92 24,12C24,18.08 19.08,23 13,23C9.08,23 5.63,20.95 3.69,17.86C4.11,17.95 4.55,18 5,18C5.8,18 6.56,17.84 7.25,17.56C8.71,19.07 10.74,20 13,20A8,8 0 0,0 21,12A8,8 0 0,0 13,4C10.74,4 8.71,4.93 7.25,6.44C6.56,6.16 5.8,6 5,6Z",j51="M23,2H1A1,1 0 0,0 0,3V21A1,1 0 0,0 1,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V3A1,1 0 0,0 23,2M22,20H20V19H15V20H2V4H22V20M10.29,9.71A1.71,1.71 0 0,1 12,8C12.95,8 13.71,8.77 13.71,9.71C13.71,10.66 12.95,11.43 12,11.43C11.05,11.43 10.29,10.66 10.29,9.71M5.71,11.29C5.71,10.58 6.29,10 7,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 8.29,11.29C8.29,12 7.71,12.57 7,12.57C6.29,12.57 5.71,12 5.71,11.29M15.71,11.29A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 17,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 18.29,11.29C18.29,12 17.71,12.57 17,12.57C16.29,12.57 15.71,12 15.71,11.29M20,15.14V16H16L14,16H10L8,16H4V15.14C4,14.2 5.55,13.43 7,13.43C7.55,13.43 8.11,13.54 8.6,13.73C9.35,13.04 10.7,12.57 12,12.57C13.3,12.57 14.65,13.04 15.4,13.73C15.89,13.54 16.45,13.43 17,13.43C18.45,13.43 20,14.2 20,15.14Z",q51="M23 14.75C23 18.2 20.2 21 16.75 21H7.25C3.8 21 1 18.2 1 14.75C1 12.61 2.08 10.72 3.71 9.6C4.58 5.82 7.96 3 12 3C16.04 3 19.42 5.82 20.29 9.6C21.93 10.72 23 12.61 23 14.75M16.63 17C17.94 17 19 15.94 19 14.63C19 13.35 18 12.3 16.72 12.25L16.75 11.75C16.75 9.13 14.62 7 12 7C10.58 7 9.3 7.62 8.43 8.61C9.93 8.9 11.23 9.72 12.14 10.86L9.5 13.5C9.08 12.77 8.29 12.25 7.38 12.25C6.06 12.25 5 13.31 5 14.63C5 15.9 6 16.93 7.25 17V17H16.63Z",$51="M13 2V3H12V9H11V10H9V11H8V12H7V13H5V12H4V11H3V9H2V15H3V16H4V17H5V18H6V22H8V21H7V20H8V19H9V18H10V19H11V22H13V21H12V17H13V16H14V15H15V12H16V13H17V11H15V9H20V8H17V7H22V3H21V2M14 3H15V4H14Z",X51="M7.71,3.5L1.15,15L4.58,21L11.13,9.5M9.73,15L6.3,21H19.42L22.85,15M22.28,14L15.42,2H8.58L8.57,2L15.43,14H22.28Z",Y51="M12,12.14C11.09,10.77 10.14,9.78 9.14,9.19C8.14,8.59 7.27,8.38 6.5,8.55C5.77,8.73 5.14,9.14 4.64,9.8C4.2,10.39 4,11.06 4,11.81V12C4,12.78 4.11,13.58 4.36,14.39C4.45,14.64 4.5,14.64 4.55,14.39C4.67,13.77 4.96,13.31 5.41,13.03C5.87,12.75 6.47,12.76 7.22,13.05C7.97,13.35 8.7,14 9.42,14.95C10.7,16.67 12.2,17.72 13.92,18.09C16.14,18.41 17.81,17.7 18.94,16C19.25,15.39 19.5,14.86 19.64,14.39C19.73,14.08 19.69,14.05 19.5,14.3C19.03,14.92 18.4,15.33 17.6,15.5C16.8,15.7 15.89,15.5 14.86,15C13.83,14.43 12.88,13.5 12,12.14M16.97,8.16C15.41,5.81 13.72,4.5 11.91,4.17C10.47,3.95 8.91,4.45 7.22,5.67C7,5.83 6.9,5.91 6.91,5.93C6.93,5.95 7.06,5.89 7.31,5.77C9.81,4.55 12.22,5.83 14.53,9.61C15.03,10.45 15.55,11.11 16.1,11.58C16.65,12.05 17.16,12.33 17.65,12.42C18.13,12.5 18.57,12.5 18.96,12.38C19.35,12.25 19.7,12.05 20,11.77C20,11.17 19.91,10.5 19.69,9.8C19.19,9.92 18.74,9.88 18.35,9.68C17.96,9.5 17.5,8.97 16.97,8.16M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",J51="M17,4A5,5 0 0,1 22,9C22,10.38 21.44,11.63 20.54,12.54L12,21.07L3.46,12.54C2.56,11.63 2,10.38 2,9A5,5 0 0,1 7,4C8.38,4 9.63,4.56 10.54,5.46L12,6.93L13.46,5.46C14.37,4.56 15.62,4 17,4M15.59,7.59L9.17,14L12,16.83L18.41,10.41C18.78,10.05 19,9.55 19,9A2,2 0 0,0 17,7C16.45,7 15.95,7.22 15.59,7.59M8.41,7.59C8.05,7.22 7.55,7 7,7A2,2 0 0,0 5,9C5,9.55 5.22,10.05 5.59,10.41L7.05,11.88L9.88,9.05L8.41,7.59Z",C31="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16.75 18H15.25V8.9L6.72 18H4.66L15.45 6.5C15.66 6.26 16 6.19 16.27 6.3C16.56 6.42 16.75 6.69 16.75 7V18Z",H31="M15,11L14,13H12.5L13.5,11H12V8H15M11,11L10,13H8.5L9.5,11H8V8H11M11.5,2A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 11.5,19H12V22.5C16.86,20.15 20,15 20,10.5C20,5.8 16.19,2 11.5,2Z",V31="M4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V17.33L17.33 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M17 17V20.25L20.25 17H17M10 19H14V18H15V13C16.21 12.09 17 10.64 17 9C17 6.24 14.76 4 12 4S7 6.24 7 9C7 10.64 7.79 12.09 9 13V18H10V19M14 17H10V15H14V17M12 5C14.21 5 16 6.79 16 9C16 10.5 15.2 11.77 14 12.46V14H10V12.46C8.8 11.77 8 10.5 8 9C8 6.79 9.79 5 12 5Z",L31="M6,2H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,6V12H20V6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H12V22H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,18V6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M18,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,16Z",M31="M18.27 6C19.28 8.17 19.05 10.73 17.94 12.81C17 14.5 15.65 15.93 14.5 17.5C14 18.2 13.5 18.95 13.13 19.76C13 20.03 12.91 20.31 12.81 20.59C12.71 20.87 12.62 21.15 12.53 21.43C12.44 21.69 12.33 22 12 22H12C11.61 22 11.5 21.56 11.42 21.26C11.18 20.53 10.94 19.83 10.57 19.16C10.15 18.37 9.62 17.64 9.08 16.93L18.27 6M9.12 8.42L5.82 12.34C6.43 13.63 7.34 14.73 8.21 15.83C8.42 16.08 8.63 16.34 8.83 16.61L13 11.67L12.96 11.68C11.5 12.18 9.88 11.44 9.3 10C9.22 9.83 9.16 9.63 9.12 9.43C9.07 9.06 9.06 8.79 9.12 8.43L9.12 8.42M6.58 4.62L6.57 4.63C4.95 6.68 4.67 9.53 5.64 11.94L9.63 7.2L9.58 7.15L6.58 4.62M14.22 2.36L11 6.17L11.04 6.16C12.38 5.7 13.88 6.28 14.56 7.5C14.71 7.78 14.83 8.08 14.87 8.38C14.93 8.76 14.95 9.03 14.88 9.4L14.88 9.41L18.08 5.61C17.24 4.09 15.87 2.93 14.23 2.37L14.22 2.36M9.89 6.89L13.8 2.24L13.76 2.23C13.18 2.08 12.59 2 12 2C10.03 2 8.17 2.85 6.85 4.31L6.83 4.32L9.89 6.89Z",A31="M22 8.5C22 9.87 20.88 11 19.5 11S17 9.87 17 8.5C17 9.87 15.88 11 14.5 11C13.12 11 12 9.87 12 8.5C12 9.87 10.88 11 9.5 11S7 9.87 7 8.5C7 9.87 5.88 11 4.5 11S2 9.87 2 8.5L3.39 3.08C3.39 3.08 3.68 2 4.7 2H19.3C20.32 2 20.61 3.08 20.61 3.08L22 8.5M21 12.2V20C21 21.1 20.1 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V12.2C3.46 12.39 3.97 12.5 4.5 12.5C5.45 12.5 6.32 12.17 7 11.62C7.69 12.17 8.56 12.5 9.5 12.5C10.45 12.5 11.32 12.17 12 11.62C12.69 12.17 13.56 12.5 14.5 12.5C15.45 12.5 16.32 12.17 17 11.62C17.68 12.17 18.56 12.5 19.5 12.5C20.03 12.5 20.54 12.39 21 12.2M19 17.33C19 17.13 19 16.92 18.95 16.7L18.92 16.54H15.95V17.71H17.76C17.7 17.93 17.62 18.15 17.45 18.33C17.12 18.66 16.67 18.84 16.19 18.84C15.69 18.84 15.2 18.63 14.84 18.28C14.15 17.57 14.15 16.42 14.86 15.7C15.55 15 16.69 15 17.41 15.67L17.55 15.8L18.39 14.95L18.23 14.81C17.67 14.29 16.93 14 16.15 14H16.14C15.33 14 14.57 14.31 14 14.87C13.41 15.45 13.08 16.21 13.08 17C13.08 17.8 13.39 18.54 13.96 19.09H13.96C14.54 19.66 15.35 20 16.18 20H16.2C17 20 17.71 19.71 18.23 19.2C18.7 18.72 19 18 19 17.33Z",i31="M21.36,10.46L13.54,2.64C12.69,1.79 11.31,1.79 10.46,2.64L2.64,10.46C1.79,11.31 1.79,12.69 2.64,13.54L10.46,21.36C11.31,22.21 12.69,22.21 13.54,21.36L21.36,13.54C22.21,12.69 22.21,11.31 21.36,10.46M12,19L5,12L12,5L19,12L12,19M16.5,12L12,16.5L7.5,12L12,7.5L16.5,12Z",r31="M3,20.5V3.5C3,2.91 3.34,2.39 3.84,2.15L13.69,12L3.84,21.85C3.34,21.6 3,21.09 3,20.5M16.81,15.12L6.05,21.34L14.54,12.85L16.81,15.12M20.16,10.81C20.5,11.08 20.75,11.5 20.75,12C20.75,12.5 20.53,12.9 20.18,13.18L17.89,14.5L15.39,12L17.89,9.5L20.16,10.81M6.05,2.66L16.81,8.88L14.54,11.15L6.05,2.66Z",a31="M23,11H21V9H19V11H17V13H19V15H21V13H23M8,11V13.4H12C11.8,14.4 10.8,16.4 8,16.4C5.6,16.4 3.7,14.4 3.7,12C3.7,9.6 5.6,7.6 8,7.6C9.4,7.6 10.3,8.2 10.8,8.7L12.7,6.9C11.5,5.7 9.9,5 8,5C4.1,5 1,8.1 1,12C1,15.9 4.1,19 8,19C12,19 14.7,16.2 14.7,12.2C14.7,11.7 14.7,11.4 14.6,11H8Z",e31="M17.68,7.22V8.62C17.68,9.3 17.13,9.86 16.43,9.86C15.74,9.86 15.18,9.3 15.18,8.62V7.22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 16.43,5.97C17.13,5.97 17.68,6.53 17.68,7.22M13.25,8.36V15.63C13.25,16.32 12.69,16.88 12,16.88C11.31,16.88 10.75,16.32 10.75,15.63V8.36C10.75,7.68 11.31,7.11 12,7.11C12.69,7.11 13.25,7.68 13.25,8.36M22,11.3V12.7C22,13.38 21.44,13.94 20.75,13.94C20.06,13.94 19.5,13.38 19.5,12.7V11.3C19.5,10.61 20.06,10.06 20.75,10.06C21.44,10.06 22,10.61 22,11.3M4.5,11.3V12.7C4.5,13.38 3.94,13.94 3.25,13.94C2.55,13.94 2,13.38 2,12.7V11.3C2,10.61 2.55,10.06 3.25,10.06C3.94,10.06 4.5,10.61 4.5,11.3M8.82,15.38V16.77C8.82,17.45 8.26,18 7.57,18C6.88,18 6.32,17.45 6.32,16.77V15.38C6.32,14.68 6.88,14.13 7.57,14.13A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.82,15.38M13.25,19.36V20.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.75,20.75V19.36A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,18.11A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13.25,19.36M13.25,3.25V4.64A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 12,5.89A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 10.75,4.64V3.25C10.75,2.55 11.31,2 12,2A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13.25,3.25M17.68,12.34V16.77C17.68,17.46 17.13,18 16.43,18C15.74,18 15.18,17.46 15.18,16.77V12.34C15.18,11.64 15.74,11.09 16.43,11.09C17.13,11.09 17.68,11.64 17.68,12.34M8.82,7.22V11.65C8.82,12.35 8.26,12.9 7.57,12.9A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 6.32,11.65V7.22A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 7.57,5.97A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.82,7.22Z",d31="M19,11V9H11V5H9V9H5V11H9V19H11V11H19M19,3C19.5,3 20,3.2 20.39,3.61C20.8,4 21,4.5 21,5V19C21,19.5 20.8,20 20.39,20.39C20,20.8 19.5,21 19,21H5C4.5,21 4,20.8 3.61,20.39C3.2,20 3,19.5 3,19V5C3,4.5 3.2,4 3.61,3.61C4,3.2 4.5,3 5,3H19Z",m31="M11.95,9.27C13.96,9.27 15.59,7.64 15.59,5.63C15.59,3.63 13.96,2 11.95,2C9.94,2 8.32,3.63 8.32,5.63C8.32,7.64 9.94,9.27 11.95,9.27M9.36,12.97C9.36,12.97 8.27,15.94 7.96,16.5C7.85,16.71 7.87,16.77 7.6,16.77C7.33,16.77 6.91,16.5 6.91,16.5C6.91,16.5 6.71,16.37 6.79,16.14C7.03,15.4 8.12,11.08 8.35,10.25C8.6,9.36 9.28,9.39 9.28,9.39H9.93L12.03,13.04L14.14,9.39H14.92C14.92,9.39 15.23,9.43 15.46,9.7C15.7,9.97 15.75,10.44 15.75,10.44L17.14,15.84C17.14,15.84 17.24,16.22 17.21,16.33C17.17,16.5 17.08,16.5 17.08,16.5C17.08,16.5 16.69,16.62 16.47,16.69C16.07,16.82 16,16.44 16,16.44L14.7,13.04L14.55,22H12.6L12.27,16.89C12.27,16.89 12.21,16.76 12.03,16.76C11.86,16.76 11.8,16.89 11.8,16.89L11.45,22H9.5L9.37,12.97H9.36Z",t31="M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z",v31="M9 13V11H11V13M11 15V13H13V15M11 11V9H13V11M9 9V7H11V9M9 17V15H11V17M3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5M18 15V17H16V15M18 11V13H16V11M18 7V9H16V7M11 5V7H13V5H15V7H13V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H13V17H15V19H13V17H11V19H5V5Z",l31="M11,9H13V11H11V9M9,11H11V13H9V11M13,11H15V13H13V11M15,9H17V11H15V9M7,9H9V11H7V9M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9,18H7V16H9V18M13,18H11V16H13V18M17,18H15V16H17V18M19,11H17V13H19V15H17V13H15V15H13V13H11V15H9V13H7V15H5V13H7V11H5V5H19V11Z",o31="M10,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,12M6,8A2,2 0 0,0 4,10A2,2 0 0,0 6,12A2,2 0 0,0 8,10A2,2 0 0,0 6,8M6,16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20A2,2 0 0,0 8,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,16M18,8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4A2,2 0 0,0 16,6A2,2 0 0,0 18,8M14,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,20A2,2 0 0,0 16,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16M18,12A2,2 0 0,0 16,14A2,2 0 0,0 18,16A2,2 0 0,0 20,14A2,2 0 0,0 18,12M14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 16,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8M10,4A2,2 0 0,0 8,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,4Z",n31="M19.5 17C19.37 17 19.24 17 19.11 17.04L17.5 13.79C17.95 13.34 18.25 12.71 18.25 12C18.25 10.62 17.13 9.5 15.75 9.5C15.62 9.5 15.5 9.5 15.36 9.54L13.73 6.29C14.21 5.84 14.5 5.21 14.5 4.5C14.5 3.12 13.38 2 12 2S9.5 3.12 9.5 4.5C9.5 5.21 9.79 5.84 10.26 6.29L8.64 9.54C8.5 9.5 8.38 9.5 8.25 9.5C6.87 9.5 5.75 10.62 5.75 12C5.75 12.71 6.05 13.34 6.5 13.79L4.89 17.04C4.76 17 4.63 17 4.5 17C3.12 17 2 18.12 2 19.5C2 20.88 3.12 22 4.5 22S7 20.88 7 19.5C7 18.8 6.71 18.16 6.24 17.71L7.86 14.46C8 14.5 8.12 14.5 8.25 14.5C8.38 14.5 8.5 14.5 8.64 14.46L10.27 17.71C9.8 18.16 9.5 18.8 9.5 19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5C14.5 18.12 13.38 17 12 17C11.87 17 11.74 17 11.61 17.04L10 13.79C10.46 13.34 10.75 12.71 10.75 12S10.46 10.66 10 10.21L11.61 6.96C11.74 7 11.87 7 12 7S12.26 7 12.39 6.96L14 10.21C13.55 10.66 13.25 11.3 13.25 12C13.25 13.38 14.37 14.5 15.75 14.5C15.88 14.5 16 14.5 16.14 14.46L17.77 17.71C17.3 18.16 17 18.8 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.12 20.88 17 19.5 17Z",Z31="M19.5 17C19.36 17 19.24 17 19.11 17.04L17.5 13.8C17.95 13.35 18.25 12.71 18.25 12C18.25 10.62 17.13 9.5 15.75 9.5C15.61 9.5 15.5 9.5 15.35 9.54L13.74 6.3C14.21 5.84 14.5 5.21 14.5 4.5C14.5 3.12 13.38 2 12 2S9.5 3.12 9.5 4.5C9.5 5.2 9.79 5.84 10.26 6.29L8.65 9.54C8.5 9.5 8.39 9.5 8.25 9.5C6.87 9.5 5.75 10.62 5.75 12C5.75 12.71 6.04 13.34 6.5 13.79L4.89 17.04C4.76 17 4.64 17 4.5 17C3.12 17 2 18.12 2 19.5C2 20.88 3.12 22 4.5 22S7 20.88 7 19.5C7 18.8 6.71 18.16 6.24 17.71L7.86 14.46C8 14.5 8.12 14.5 8.25 14.5C8.38 14.5 8.5 14.5 8.63 14.46L10.26 17.71C9.79 18.16 9.5 18.8 9.5 19.5C9.5 20.88 10.62 22 12 22S14.5 20.88 14.5 19.5C14.5 18.12 13.38 17 12 17C11.87 17 11.74 17 11.61 17.04L10 13.8C10.45 13.35 10.75 12.71 10.75 12C10.75 11.3 10.46 10.67 10 10.21L11.61 6.96C11.74 7 11.87 7 12 7C12.13 7 12.26 7 12.39 6.96L14 10.21C13.54 10.66 13.25 11.3 13.25 12C13.25 13.38 14.37 14.5 15.75 14.5C15.88 14.5 16 14.5 16.13 14.46L17.76 17.71C17.29 18.16 17 18.8 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.12 20.88 17 19.5 17M4.5 20.5C3.95 20.5 3.5 20.05 3.5 19.5S3.95 18.5 4.5 18.5 5.5 18.95 5.5 19.5 5.05 20.5 4.5 20.5M13 19.5C13 20.05 12.55 20.5 12 20.5S11 20.05 11 19.5 11.45 18.5 12 18.5 13 18.95 13 19.5M7.25 12C7.25 11.45 7.7 11 8.25 11S9.25 11.45 9.25 12 8.8 13 8.25 13 7.25 12.55 7.25 12M11 4.5C11 3.95 11.45 3.5 12 3.5S13 3.95 13 4.5 12.55 5.5 12 5.5 11 5.05 11 4.5M14.75 12C14.75 11.45 15.2 11 15.75 11S16.75 11.45 16.75 12 16.3 13 15.75 13 14.75 12.55 14.75 12M19.5 20.5C18.95 20.5 18.5 20.05 18.5 19.5S18.95 18.5 19.5 18.5 20.5 18.95 20.5 19.5 20.05 20.5 19.5 20.5Z",S31="M12,5.37L11.56,5.31L6,14.9C6.24,15.11 6.4,15.38 6.47,15.68H17.53C17.6,15.38 17.76,15.11 18,14.9L12.44,5.31L12,5.37M6.6,16.53L10.88,19.06C11.17,18.79 11.57,18.63 12,18.63C12.43,18.63 12.83,18.79 13.12,19.06L17.4,16.53H6.6M12,22A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 10.32,20.32L10.41,19.76L6.11,17.21C5.8,17.57 5.35,17.79 4.84,17.79A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 3.16,16.11C3.16,15.32 3.69,14.66 4.42,14.47V9.36C3.59,9.25 2.95,8.54 2.95,7.68A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 4.63,6C5.18,6 5.66,6.26 5.97,6.66L10.38,4.13L10.32,3.68C10.32,2.75 11.07,2 12,2C12.93,2 13.68,2.75 13.68,3.68L13.62,4.13L18.03,6.66C18.34,6.26 18.82,6 19.37,6A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 21.05,7.68C21.05,8.54 20.41,9.25 19.58,9.36V14.47C20.31,14.66 20.84,15.32 20.84,16.11A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 19.16,17.79C18.65,17.79 18.2,17.57 17.89,17.21L13.59,19.76L13.68,20.32A1.68,1.68 0 0,1 12,22M10.8,4.86L6.3,7.44L6.32,7.68C6.32,8.39 5.88,9 5.26,9.25L5.29,14.5L10.8,4.86M13.2,4.86L18.71,14.5L18.74,9.25C18.12,9 17.68,8.39 17.68,7.68L17.7,7.44L13.2,4.86Z",u31="M12 20H2V18H7.75C7 15.19 4.81 13 2 12.26C2.64 12.1 3.31 12 4 12C8.42 12 12 15.58 12 20M22 12.26C21.36 12.1 20.69 12 20 12C17.07 12 14.5 13.58 13.12 15.93C13.41 16.59 13.65 17.28 13.79 18C13.92 18.65 14 19.32 14 20H22V18H16.24C17 15.19 19.19 13 22 12.26M15.64 11C16.42 8.93 17.87 7.18 19.73 6C15.44 6.16 12 9.67 12 14V14C12.95 12.75 14.2 11.72 15.64 11M11.42 8.85C10.58 6.66 8.88 4.89 6.7 4C8.14 5.86 9 8.18 9 10.71C9 10.92 8.97 11.12 8.96 11.32C9.39 11.56 9.79 11.84 10.18 12.14C10.39 10.96 10.83 9.85 11.42 8.85Z",c31="M10,2H14C17.31,2 19,4.69 19,8V18.66C16.88,17.63 15.07,17 12,17C8.93,17 7.12,17.63 5,18.66V8C5,4.69 6.69,2 10,2M8,8V9.5H16V8H8M9,12V13.5H15V12H9M3,22V21.31C5.66,19.62 13.23,15.84 21,21.25V22H3Z",s31="M18.62,1.5C18.11,1.5 17.6,1.69 17.21,2.09L10.75,8.55L14.95,12.74L21.41,6.29C22.2,5.5 22.2,4.24 21.41,3.46L20.04,2.09C19.65,1.69 19.14,1.5 18.62,1.5M9.8,9.5L3.23,16.07L3.93,16.77C3.4,17.24 2.89,17.78 2.38,18.29C1.6,19.08 1.6,20.34 2.38,21.12C3.16,21.9 4.42,21.9 5.21,21.12C5.72,20.63 6.25,20.08 6.73,19.58L7.43,20.27L14,13.7",O31="M5.5,4.14L4.5,5.86L15,12L4.5,18.14L5.5,19.86L19,12L5.5,4.14Z",h31="M6.5,2.27L20,10.14L6.5,18L5.5,16.27L16.03,10.14L5.5,4L6.5,2.27M20,20V22H5V20H20Z",p31="M12 3L4 9V21H20V9L12 3M10 10H14V19H10V10M16 10H18V13H16V10M15.33 8H8.67L12 5.5L15.33 8M8 10V13H6V10H8M6 15H8V19H6V15M16 19V15H18V19H16Z",f31="M10,4V8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,10V14H20V10H16M16,16V20H20V16H16M14,20V16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10H4V14H8M8,8V4H4V8H8M10,14H14V10H10V14M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",g31="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V11H11V4H4M4,20H11V13H4V20M20,20V13H13V20H20M20,4H13V11H20V4Z",k31="M0,2.77L1.28,1.5L22.5,22.72L21.23,24L19.23,22H4C2.92,22 2,21.1 2,20V4.77L0,2.77M10,4V7.68L8,5.68V4H6.32L4.32,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V19.7L20,17.7V16H18.32L16.32,14H20V10H16V13.68L14,11.68V10H12.32L10.32,8H14V4H10M16,4V8H20V4H16M16,20H17.23L16,18.77V20M4,8H5.23L4,6.77V8M10,14H11.23L10,12.77V14M14,20V16.77L13.23,16H10V20H14M8,20V16H4V20H8M8,14V10.77L7.23,10H4V14H8Z",B31="M8.06,2C7.88,3.17 8.17,4.16 8.95,4.97C9.45,5.47 9.61,6.14 9.42,7H10.41C10.53,6.45 10.55,6 10.45,5.55C10.36,5.13 10.05,4.63 9.5,4.03C9.05,3.47 8.89,2.8 9.05,2H8.06M10.55,2C10.36,3.17 10.66,4.16 11.44,4.97C11.94,5.47 12.09,6.14 11.91,7H12.89C13,6.45 13.03,6 12.94,5.55C12.84,5.13 12.53,4.63 12,4.03C11.53,3.47 11.38,2.8 11.53,2H10.55M13.08,2C12.89,3.17 13.19,4.16 13.97,4.97C14.47,5.47 14.61,6.14 14.39,7H15.42C15.55,6.45 15.56,6 15.47,5.55C15.38,5.13 15.06,4.63 14.53,4.03C14.06,3.47 13.91,2.8 14.06,2H13.08M5,8C5,9.42 5.39,10.7 6.14,11.84C6.87,12.96 7.91,13.85 9.14,14.39L5.16,20.44C5.06,20.56 5,20.75 5,21C5,21.41 5.16,21.69 5.44,21.84C5.56,21.94 5.75,22 6,22C6.41,22 6.69,21.84 6.84,21.56L7.83,19.97H14.2C14.41,20.55 14.79,21.05 15.28,21.42C15.78,21.8 16.36,22 17,22C17.83,22 18.53,21.69 19.13,21.09C19.72,20.5 20,19.8 20,19C20,18.17 19.72,17.47 19.13,16.88C18.53,16.28 17.83,16 17,16C16.36,16 15.78,16.17 15.28,16.55C14.78,16.92 14.42,17.41 14.2,18H9.14L11.11,14.95C11.27,15 11.56,15 12,15C12.44,15 12.73,15 12.89,14.95L13.88,16.5C14.29,15.96 14.84,15.54 15.47,15.28L14.91,14.39C16.03,13.89 17,13 17.79,11.77C18.59,10.5 19,9.27 19,8H5M17,18C17.3,18 17.53,18.09 17.72,18.28C17.91,18.47 18,18.72 18,19C18,19.27 17.91,19.5 17.72,19.71C17.54,19.91 17.28,20 17,20C16.74,20 16.5,19.91 16.29,19.71C16.09,19.5 16,19.26 16,19C16,18.7 16.09,18.47 16.29,18.28C16.5,18.09 16.73,18 17,18Z",P31="M17 22A3 3 0 1 0 14.18 18H9.14L11.13 14.94A6.36 6.36 0 0 0 12.87 14.94L13.89 16.5C14.31 16 14.85 15.56 15.5 15.3L14.89 14.37A7 7 0 0 0 19 8H5A7 7 0 0 0 9.12 14.37L5.17 20.45A1 1 0 0 0 6.84 21.54L7.84 20H14.18A3 3 0 0 0 17 22M17 18A1 1 0 0 1 18 19C18 19.55 17.55 20 17 20S16 19.55 16 19A1 1 0 0 1 17 18M7.42 10H16.58A5 5 0 0 1 7.42 10M9.41 7H10.41C10.56 5.85 10.64 5.36 9.5 4.04C9.1 3.54 8.84 3.27 9.06 2H8.07A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 8.96 4.96C9.18 5.2 9.75 5.63 9.41 7M11.89 7H12.89C13.04 5.85 13.12 5.36 12 4.04C11.58 3.54 11.32 3.26 11.54 2H10.55A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 11.44 4.96C11.67 5.2 12.24 5.63 11.89 7M14.41 7H15.41C15.56 5.85 15.64 5.36 14.5 4.04C14.1 3.54 13.84 3.27 14.06 2H13.07A3.14 3.14 0 0 0 13.96 4.96C14.18 5.2 14.75 5.63 14.41 7Z",w31="M1,1V5H2V19H1V23H5V22H19V23H23V19H22V5H23V1H19V2H5V1M5,4H19V5H20V19H19V20H5V19H4V5H5M6,6V14H9V18H18V9H14V6M8,8H12V12H8M14,11H16V16H11V14H14",F31="M19.59,3H22V5H20.41L16.17,9.24C15.8,8.68 15.32,8.2 14.76,7.83L19.59,3M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12C16,13.82 14.77,15.42 13,15.87V16A5,5 0 0,1 8,21A5,5 0 0,1 3,16A5,5 0 0,1 8,11H8.13C8.58,9.24 10.17,8 12,8M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5M6.94,14.24L6.23,14.94L9.06,17.77L9.77,17.06L6.94,14.24Z",T31="M19.59,3H22V5H20.41L15.12,10.29L13.71,8.9L19.59,3M12,9C12.26,9 12.5,9.1 12.71,9.3L14.71,11.3C14.89,11.5 15,11.73 15,12L14.9,12.4L10.9,20.4C10.71,20.75 10.36,20.93 10,20.93C9.65,20.93 9.29,20.75 9.11,20.4L7.25,16.7L3.55,14.9C3.18,14.7 3,14.35 3,14C3,13.65 3.18,13.3 3.55,13.1L11.55,9.1C11.69,9 11.84,9 12,9M9.35,11.82L8.65,12.5L11.5,15.35L12.18,14.65L9.35,11.82M7.94,13.23L7.23,13.94L10.06,16.77L10.77,16.06L7.94,13.23Z",b31="M19,4.1C18.1,3.3 17,2.8 15.8,2.5C15.5,2.4 13.6,2 12.2,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2C12,2 11.9,2 11.8,2C10.4,2 8.4,2.4 8.1,2.5C7,2.8 5.9,3.3 5,4.1C3,5.9 3,8.7 4,11C5,13.5 6.1,15.7 7.6,17.9C8.8,19.6 10.1,22 12,22C13.9,22 15.2,19.6 16.5,17.9C18,15.8 19.1,13.5 20.1,11C21,8.7 21,5.9 19,4.1Z",y31="M19,4.1C18.1,3.3 17,2.8 15.8,2.5C15.5,2.4 13.6,2 12.2,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2C12,2 11.9,2 11.8,2C10.4,2 8.4,2.4 8.1,2.5C7,2.8 5.9,3.3 5,4.1C3,5.9 3,8.7 4,11C5,13.5 6.1,15.7 7.6,17.9C8.8,19.6 10.1,22 12,22C13.9,22 15.2,19.6 16.5,17.9C18,15.8 19.1,13.5 20.1,11C21,8.7 21,5.9 19,4.1M18.2,10.2C17.1,12.9 16.1,14.9 14.8,16.7C14.6,16.9 14.5,17.2 14.3,17.4C13.8,18.2 12.6,20 12,20C12,20 12,20 12,20C11.3,20 10.2,18.3 9.6,17.4C9.4,17.2 9.3,16.9 9.1,16.7C7.9,14.9 6.8,12.9 5.7,10.2C5.5,9.5 4.7,7 6.3,5.5C6.8,5 7.6,4.7 8.6,4.4C9,4.4 10.7,4 11.8,4C11.8,4 12.1,4 12.1,4C13.2,4 14.9,4.3 15.3,4.4C16.3,4.7 17.1,5 17.6,5.5C19.3,7 18.5,9.5 18.2,10.2Z",R31="M21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13L3.03,4.43C5.68,2.88 8.76,2 12.05,2C15.3,2 18.36,2.87 21,4.38V13M13,19.93C16.39,19.44 19,16.5 19,13V5.59C16.9,4.57 14.54,4 12.05,4C9.5,4 7.08,4.6 4.94,5.66L5,13C5,16.5 7.63,19.44 11,19.93V18H13V19.93M11,16H8L6,13L9,14H10L11,13H13L14,14H15L18,13L16,16H13L12,15L11,16M6,9.03C6.64,8.4 7.5,8.05 8.5,8.05C9.45,8.05 10.34,8.4 11,9.03C10.34,9.65 9.45,10 8.5,10C7.5,10 6.64,9.65 6,9.03M13,9.03C13.64,8.4 14.5,8.05 15.5,8.05C16.45,8.05 17.34,8.4 18,9.03C17.34,9.65 16.45,10 15.5,10C14.5,10 13.64,9.65 13,9.03Z",x31="M4 6C4 4.9 4.9 4 6 4S8 4.9 8 6 7.1 8 6 8 4 7.1 4 6M1 9H7L14 4L15.31 5.5L11.14 8.5H14L21.8 4L23 5.4L14.5 12L14 22H12L11.5 12L8 11H1V9Z",D31="M4,16H7V22H4V16M19,2.39C18.92,3.86 18.55,5.13 17.86,6.21C17.17,7.29 16.22,8 15,8.39V22H13V16H11V22H9V10.08C8.72,10.17 8.5,10.28 8.39,10.41C7.45,11.16 7,12.19 7,13.5V14H5V13.5C5,11.53 5.72,9.94 7.13,8.72C8.53,7.56 10.16,7 12,7C13.41,7 14.56,6.64 15.47,5.95C16.5,5.11 17,3.95 17,2.5V2H19V2.39M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2Z",E31="M22 9A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 19.78 8.45A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 18 8V7A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 20.22 7.55A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 22 8M22 6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 5.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 5V6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 6.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 7M22 10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 9.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 9V10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 10.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 11M10 12.73A70.39 70.39 0 0 0 17 11V4S10.5 2 7.5 2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 6.12 12.82L7 19H8A3 3 0 0 0 9.46 21.33A3.15 3.15 0 0 1 11 24H12A4.12 4.12 0 0 0 10.09 20.55C9.39 20 9 19.63 9 19H10M7.5 10A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 10 7.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 7.5 10Z",N31="M10 12.73A70.39 70.39 0 0 0 17 11V4S10.5 2 7.5 2A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 6.12 12.82L7 19H8A3 3 0 0 0 9.46 21.33A3.15 3.15 0 0 1 11 24H12A4.12 4.12 0 0 0 10.09 20.55C9.39 20 9 19.63 9 19H10M4 7.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 7.5 4A37.08 37.08 0 0 1 15 5.5V9.5A37.08 37.08 0 0 1 7.5 11A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4 7.5M22 9A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 19.78 8.45A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 18 8V7A4.32 4.32 0 0 1 20.22 7.55A3.4 3.4 0 0 0 22 8M22 6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 5.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 5V6A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 6.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 7M22 10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 20.22 9.55A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 18 9V10A3.4 3.4 0 0 1 19.78 10.45A4.32 4.32 0 0 0 22 11M9 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 7.5 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 9 7.5Z",W31="M6.5,6C7.47,6 8.37,6.5 9.11,7.38C9.66,6.79 10.31,6.36 11,6.15V4A2,2 0 0,1 13,2H15V4H13V6.15C13.69,6.36 14.34,6.79 14.89,7.38C15.63,6.5 16.53,6 17.5,6C20,6 22,9.36 22,13.5C22,17.64 20,21 17.5,21C16.53,21 15.63,20.5 14.89,19.62C14.08,20.5 13.08,21 12,21C10.92,21 9.92,20.5 9.11,19.62C8.37,20.5 7.47,21 6.5,21C4,21 2,17.64 2,13.5C2,9.36 4,6 6.5,6M9,10L7.75,12.25H10.25L9,10M15,10L13.75,12.25H16.25L15,10M8,17H10L11,16L12,17H14L15,16L16,17L17.5,14L13.92,14.62L13,16L12,15H10L9,16L8,15L6,14L8,17Z",I31="M22 13C22 14.11 21.11 15 20 15H4C2.9 15 2 14.11 2 13S2.9 11 4 11H13L15.5 13L18 11H20C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13M12 3C3 3 3 9 3 9H21C21 9 21 3 12 3M3 18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H18C19.66 21 21 19.66 21 18V17H3V18Z",G31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Q31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",U31="M20 11C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13S21.11 15 20 15H18.2L14.2 11H20M20.42 19.77L20.42 19.76L17.66 17H17.65L15.65 15H15.66L11.66 11H11.66L9.66 9H9.66L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.12 6C3 7.5 3 9 3 9H7.11L9.11 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H13.11L15.11 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H18C18.33 21 18.65 20.93 18.94 20.83L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.42 19.77M21 9C21 9 21 3 12 3C9.88 3 8.28 3.34 7.05 3.85L12.2 9H21Z",z31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",_31="M21 9H3C3 9 3 3 12 3S21 9 21 9M13.35 17H3V18C3 19.66 4.34 21 6 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17M21.86 13.73C21.95 13.5 22 13.26 22 13C22 11.9 21.11 11 20 11H11L8.5 13L6 11H4C2.9 11 2 11.9 2 13S2.9 15 4 15H14.54C15.64 13.78 17.23 13 19 13C20.04 13 21 13.26 21.86 13.73M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",K31="M2 19.63L13.43 8.2L12.72 7.5L14.14 6.07L12 3.89C13.2 2.7 15.09 2.7 16.27 3.89L19.87 7.5L18.45 8.91H21.29L22 9.62L18.45 13.21L17.74 12.5V9.62L16.27 11.04L15.56 10.33L4.13 21.76L2 19.63Z",j31="M16.06 13.09L21.69 18.68L18.37 21.96L12.78 16.37V15.45L15.14 13.09H16.06M16.97 10.56L16 9.6L11.21 14.4V16.37L5.58 22L2.3 18.68L7.89 13.09H9.86L10.64 12.31L6.8 8.46H5.5L2.69 5.62L5.31 3L8.11 5.8V7.11L12 10.95L14.66 8.29L13.7 7.28L15 5.97H12.34L11.69 5.32L15 2L15.66 2.66V5.32L16.97 4L20.25 7.28C21.34 8.38 21.34 10.17 20.25 11.26L18.28 9.25L16.97 10.56Z",q31="M22 20.59L20.59 22L17.45 18.86C16.89 19.23 16.3 19.56 15.66 19.78C14 20.36 12.2 20.4 10.53 19.88C9.5 19.58 8.56 19.05 7.75 18.37L4.56 21.56C4 22.15 3.03 22.15 2.44 21.56C1.86 21 1.86 20 2.44 19.44L5.82 16.06L8.47 15.54C9.19 16.45 10.19 17.13 11.28 17.5C12.44 17.85 13.72 17.84 14.87 17.46C15.16 17.37 15.44 17.26 15.7 17.12L7.6 9L5.83 10.78L3 7.95L7.95 3L12.19 4.41L9 7.6L17.31 15.89C17.5 15.71 17.65 15.53 17.8 15.33C19.3 13.36 19.42 10.42 18.09 8C16.78 5.57 14.5 3.55 12 2C13.41 2.5 14.76 3.17 16 4.04C17.24 4.91 18.43 5.93 19.33 7.25C20.23 8.54 20.87 10.12 21 11.79C21.1 13.47 20.66 15.23 19.7 16.65C19.5 17 19.24 17.28 19 17.56L22 20.59Z",$31="M13.78 15.3L19.78 21.3L21.89 19.14L15.89 13.14L13.78 15.3M17.5 10.1C17.11 10.1 16.69 10.05 16.36 9.91L4.97 21.25L2.86 19.14L10.27 11.74L8.5 9.96L7.78 10.66L6.33 9.25V12.11L5.63 12.81L2.11 9.25L2.81 8.55H5.62L4.22 7.14L7.78 3.58C8.95 2.41 10.83 2.41 12 3.58L9.89 5.74L11.3 7.14L10.59 7.85L12.38 9.63L14.2 7.75C14.06 7.42 14 7 14 6.63C14 4.66 15.56 3.11 17.5 3.11C18.09 3.11 18.61 3.25 19.08 3.53L16.41 6.2L17.91 7.7L20.58 5.03C20.86 5.5 21 6 21 6.63C21 8.55 19.45 10.1 17.5 10.1Z",X31="M3 16V5.75C3 5.06 3.56 4.5 4.25 4.5S5.5 5.06 5.5 5.75V12H6.5V2.75C6.5 2.06 7.06 1.5 7.75 1.5C8.44 1.5 9 2.06 9 2.75V12H10V1.25C10 .56 10.56 0 11.25 0S12.5 .56 12.5 1.25V12H13.5V3.25C13.5 2.56 14.06 2 14.75 2S16 2.56 16 3.25V15H16.75L18.16 11.47C18.38 10.92 18.84 10.5 19.4 10.31L20.19 10.05C21 9.79 21.74 10.58 21.43 11.37L18.4 19C17.19 22 14.26 24 11 24C6.58 24 3 20.42 3 16Z",Y31="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.21 5.1C3.09 5.29 3 5.5 3 5.75V16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C13.93 24 16.58 22.39 17.97 19.86L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5.5 12V7.39L6.5 8.39V12H5.5M10 12H9V10.89L10 11.89V12M16 12.8L13.5 10.3V3.25C13.5 2.56 14.06 2 14.75 2S16 2.56 16 3.25V12.8M19.5 16.28L17.16 13.96L18.16 11.47C18.38 10.92 18.84 10.5 19.4 10.31L20.19 10.05C21 9.79 21.74 10.58 21.43 11.37L19.5 16.28M9 5.8L6.5 3.3V2.75C6.5 2.06 7.06 1.5 7.75 1.5S9 2.06 9 2.75V5.8M12.5 9.3L10 6.8V1.25C10 .56 10.56 0 11.25 0S12.5 .56 12.5 1.25V9.3Z",J31="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.56 5.45C3.21 5.87 3 6.41 3 7V16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C13.94 24 16.62 22.45 18.12 20L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 22C7.69 22 5 19.31 5 16V7C5 6.97 5 6.94 5 6.91L6 7.89V12H8V9.89L9 10.89V12H10.11L16.65 18.54C15.57 20.64 13.41 22 11 22M8 4.8L6.21 3C6.59 2.12 7.47 1.5 8.5 1.5C8.73 1.5 8.96 1.53 9.17 1.59C9.54 .66 10.44 0 11.5 0C12.73 0 13.75 .89 13.96 2.06C14.13 2 14.31 2 14.5 2C15.88 2 17 3.12 17 4.5V10.39C17.34 10.08 17.76 9.85 18.22 9.73L19 9.5C19.82 9.29 20.69 9.61 21.18 10.35C21.56 10.92 21.58 11.66 21.33 12.3L19.67 16.47L18.13 14.93L19.5 11.45L19 11.59C18.5 11.71 18.15 12.05 18 12.5L17.34 14.14L15 11.8V4.5C15 4.22 14.78 4 14.5 4S14 4.22 14 4.5V10.8L12 8.8V2.5C12 2.22 11.78 2 11.5 2S11 2.22 11 2.5V7.8L9 5.8V4C9 3.72 8.78 3.5 8.5 3.5S8 3.72 8 4V4.8Z",C01="M3 16C3 20.42 6.58 24 11 24C14.43 24 17.5 21.91 18.77 18.73L21.33 12.3C21.58 11.66 21.56 10.92 21.18 10.35C20.69 9.61 19.82 9.29 19 9.5L18.22 9.73C17.76 9.85 17.34 10.08 17 10.39V4.5C17 3.12 15.88 2 14.5 2C14.31 2 14.13 2 13.96 2.06C13.75 .89 12.73 0 11.5 0C10.44 0 9.54 .66 9.17 1.59C8.96 1.53 8.73 1.5 8.5 1.5C7.12 1.5 6 2.62 6 4V4.55C5.84 4.5 5.67 4.5 5.5 4.5C4.12 4.5 3 5.62 3 7V16M5 7C5 6.72 5.22 6.5 5.5 6.5S6 6.72 6 7V12H8V4C8 3.72 8.22 3.5 8.5 3.5S9 3.72 9 4V12H11V2.5C11 2.22 11.22 2 11.5 2S12 2.22 12 2.5V12H14V4.5C14 4.22 14.22 4 14.5 4S15 4.22 15 4.5V15H17L18 12.5C18.15 12.05 18.5 11.71 19 11.59L19.5 11.45L16.91 18C15.95 20.41 13.61 22 11 22C7.69 22 5 19.31 5 16V7Z",H01="M13 24C9.74 24 6.81 22 5.6 19L2.57 11.37C2.26 10.58 3 9.79 3.81 10.05L4.6 10.31C5.16 10.5 5.62 10.92 5.84 11.47L7.25 15H8V3.25C8 2.56 8.56 2 9.25 2S10.5 2.56 10.5 3.25V12H11.5V1.25C11.5 .56 12.06 0 12.75 0S14 .56 14 1.25V12H15V2.75C15 2.06 15.56 1.5 16.25 1.5C16.94 1.5 17.5 2.06 17.5 2.75V12H18.5V5.75C18.5 5.06 19.06 4.5 19.75 4.5S21 5.06 21 5.75V16C21 20.42 17.42 24 13 24Z",V01="M20.84 22.73L19.17 21.06C17.7 22.85 15.5 24 13 24C9.74 24 6.81 22 5.6 19L2.57 11.37C2.26 10.58 3 9.79 3.81 10.05L4.6 10.31C5.16 10.5 5.62 10.92 5.84 11.47L7.25 15H8V9.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M14 1.25C14 .56 13.44 0 12.75 0S11.5 .56 11.5 1.25V8.3L14 10.8V1.25M21 16V5.75C21 5.06 20.44 4.5 19.75 4.5S18.5 5.06 18.5 5.75V12H17.5V2.75C17.5 2.06 16.94 1.5 16.25 1.5S15 2.06 15 2.75V11.8L20.83 17.63C20.94 17.11 21 16.56 21 16M10.5 3.25C10.5 2.56 9.94 2 9.25 2S8 2.56 8 3.25V4.8L10.5 7.3V3.25Z",L01="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7 8.89V10.39C6.66 10.08 6.24 9.85 5.78 9.73L5 9.5C4.18 9.29 3.31 9.61 2.82 10.35C2.44 10.92 2.42 11.66 2.67 12.3L5.23 18.73C6.5 21.91 9.57 24 13 24C15.5 24 17.7 22.85 19.17 21.06L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M13 22C10.39 22 8.05 20.41 7.09 18L4.5 11.45L5 11.59C5.5 11.71 5.85 12.05 6 12.5L7 15H9V10.89L17.75 19.64C16.66 21.07 14.94 22 13 22M9 5.8L7.09 3.89C7.36 2.8 8.33 2 9.5 2C9.69 2 9.87 2 10.04 2.06C10.25 .89 11.27 0 12.5 0C13.56 0 14.46 .66 14.83 1.59C15.04 1.53 15.27 1.5 15.5 1.5C16.88 1.5 18 2.62 18 4V4.55C18.16 4.5 18.33 4.5 18.5 4.5C19.88 4.5 21 5.62 21 7V16C21 16.56 20.94 17.11 20.83 17.63L19 15.8V7C19 6.72 18.78 6.5 18.5 6.5S18 6.72 18 7V12H16V4C16 3.72 15.78 3.5 15.5 3.5S15 3.72 15 4V11.8L13 9.8V2.5C13 2.22 12.78 2 12.5 2S12 2.22 12 2.5V8.8L10 6.8V4.5C10 4.22 9.78 4 9.5 4S9 4.22 9 4.5V5.8Z",M01="M21 7C21 5.62 19.88 4.5 18.5 4.5C18.33 4.5 18.16 4.5 18 4.55V4C18 2.62 16.88 1.5 15.5 1.5C15.27 1.5 15.04 1.53 14.83 1.59C14.46 .66 13.56 0 12.5 0C11.27 0 10.25 .89 10.04 2.06C9.87 2 9.69 2 9.5 2C8.12 2 7 3.12 7 4.5V10.39C6.66 10.08 6.24 9.85 5.78 9.73L5 9.5C4.18 9.29 3.31 9.61 2.82 10.35C2.44 10.92 2.42 11.66 2.67 12.3L5.23 18.73C6.5 21.91 9.57 24 13 24C17.42 24 21 20.42 21 16V7M19 16C19 19.31 16.31 22 13 22C10.39 22 8.05 20.41 7.09 18L4.5 11.45L5 11.59C5.5 11.71 5.85 12.05 6 12.5L7 15H9V4.5C9 4.22 9.22 4 9.5 4S10 4.22 10 4.5V12H12V2.5C12 2.22 12.22 2 12.5 2S13 2.22 13 2.5V12H15V4C15 3.72 15.22 3.5 15.5 3.5S16 3.72 16 4V12H18V7C18 6.72 18.22 6.5 18.5 6.5S19 6.72 19 7V16Z",A01="M7.9 21.47C6 19.81 5.35 17.17 6.18 14.84L8.31 8.91C8.53 8.3 9.36 8.22 9.69 8.78L10 9.33C10.24 9.72 10.29 10.2 10.14 10.63L9.16 13.37L9.59 13.75L15.55 7C15.9 6.6 16.5 6.56 16.91 6.91C17.3 7.26 17.34 7.87 17 8.26L12.55 13.29L13.13 13.8L18.58 7.62C18.93 7.22 19.54 7.18 19.93 7.53C20.33 7.88 20.37 8.5 20 8.89L14.56 15.07L15.14 15.58L19.83 10.26C20.18 9.86 20.79 9.82 21.18 10.17S21.62 11.13 21.27 11.5L16.58 16.84L17.15 17.35L20.32 13.76C20.67 13.36 21.28 13.32 21.68 13.67S22.11 14.63 21.76 15L16.56 20.92C14.32 23.47 10.44 23.71 7.9 21.47M11.59 9.22L14.43 6C14.67 5.73 14.97 5.5 15.3 5.37L15.68 4.59C15.92 4.12 15.72 3.54 15.24 3.31C14.77 3.08 14.19 3.28 13.96 3.75L11.45 8.89C11.5 9 11.56 9.11 11.59 9.22M11 8L11 8.05L13.78 2.38C14 1.9 13.81 1.33 13.33 1.1C12.86 .865 12.28 1.06 12.05 1.54L9.41 6.95C10.06 7.06 10.63 7.43 11 8M4.77 14.33L6.9 8.4C7.17 7.65 7.8 7.14 8.55 6.97L10.69 2.58C10.92 2.1 10.72 1.53 10.25 1.3C9.77 1.07 9.2 1.26 8.97 1.74L5 9.84L4.5 9.59L4.71 6.68C4.75 6.23 4.57 5.78 4.25 5.46L3.79 5C3.32 4.57 2.55 4.86 2.5 5.5L2 11.79C1.87 13.83 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4.42,17.68L4.44,18.75L10.87,18.25C11.25,18.26 11.61,18.12 11.89,17.85L16.5,13.25C17.03,12.71 17.05,11.7 16.5,11.13Z",u01="M7,19H15V22H7V19M16.15,12V12L12.97,10.34C12.82,10.34 12.69,10.4 12.6,10.5L12.3,10.81L12.89,13.23L11.91,13.47L10.72,8.5L9.25,9.18L10.29,13.47L9.32,13.7L8.32,9.59L7.85,9.8C7.35,10 7,10.53 7,11.14V15.5C7,16.3 7.73,17 8.5,17H15C15.39,17 15.74,16.84 16,16.57L16.5,16.16C16.5,16.16 17,15.78 17,15.36V13.7C17,13.7 17,12.56 16.15,12M16.94,1C16.4,0.91 15.87,1.25 15.76,1.8L14.69,7.97C14.47,7.94 14.38,7.86 14.08,7.83L13.65,7.88L12.41,1.8C12.3,1.26 11.78,0.91 11.24,1C10.69,1.13 10.34,1.66 10.45,2.2L11.65,8.11V8.11L12,9.67C12.28,9.47 12.61,9.34 12.97,9.34H13.31L16.31,10.95L17.72,2.2C17.83,1.66 17.5,1.13 16.94,1Z",c01="M7,19H15V22H7V19M16.94,1C16.4,0.91 15.87,1.25 15.76,1.8L14.75,7.57C14.53,7.54 14.29,7.5 14,7.47L13.57,7.5L12.41,1.8C12.31,1.26 11.78,0.91 11.24,1C10.7,1.13 10.35,1.66 10.45,2.2L11.65,8.11L7.85,9.8C7.35,10 7,10.53 7,11.14V15.5C7,16.3 7.73,17 8.5,17H15C15.39,17 15.74,16.84 16,16.57L16.5,16.16C16.5,16.16 17,15.78 17,15.36V13C17,13 17,11.86 16.13,11.3L17.71,2.2C17.83,1.66 17.5,1.13 16.94,1Z",s01="M9.9,21V11L6.7,12.69L6.5,12.72C6.19,12.72 5.93,12.6 5.74,12.4L5,11.63L9.9,7.43C10.16,7.16 10.5,7 10.9,7H17.4C18.17,7 18.9,7.7 18.9,8.5V12.86C18.9,13.47 18.55,14 18.05,14.2L13.11,16.4L11.9,16.53V21A1,1 0 0,1 10.9,22A1,1 0 0,1 9.9,21M18.9,5H10.9V2H18.9V5Z",O01="M3,9H13L11.31,5.8L11.28,5.58C11.28,5.29 11.4,5.03 11.6,4.84L12.37,4.1L16.57,9C16.84,9.26 17,9.61 17,10V16.5C17,17.27 16.3,18 15.5,18H11.14C10.53,18 10,17.65 9.8,17.15L7.6,12.21L7.47,11H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9M19,18V10H22V18H19Z",h01="M21,9A1,1 0 0,1 22,10A1,1 0 0,1 21,11H16.53L16.4,12.21L14.2,17.15C14,17.65 13.47,18 12.86,18H8.5C7.7,18 7,17.27 7,16.5V10C7,9.61 7.16,9.26 7.43,9L11.63,4.1L12.4,4.84C12.6,5.03 12.72,5.29 12.72,5.58L12.69,5.8L11,9H21M2,18V10H5V18H2Z",p01="M14,3V13L17.2,11.31L17.42,11.28C17.71,11.28 17.97,11.4 18.16,11.6L18.9,12.37L14,16.57C13.74,16.84 13.39,17 13,17H6.5C5.73,17 5,16.3 5,15.5V11.14C5,10.53 5.35,10 5.85,9.8L10.79,7.6L12,7.47V3A1,1 0 0,1 13,2A1,1 0 0,1 14,3M5,19H13V22H5V19Z",f01="M9.8,17L5.9,11.6L20,2L22,5V8H19V11H16V14H13V17M9.7,18.7L9.2,21.5L7.6,22.7C6.7,23.3 5.5,23.1 4.8,22.2L1.3,17.3C0.7,16.4 0.9,15.2 1.8,14.5L5.1,12.2L9.7,18.7M4.6,15L3,16.1L6.5,21L8.1,19.8L4.6,15Z",g01="M17 5L17.62 6.37L19 7L17.62 7.63L17 9L16.36 7.63L15 7L16.36 6.37L17 5M11 6.13V4H13C13.57 4 14.1 4.17 14.55 4.45L16 3C15.15 2.39 14.13 2 13 2H7.5V4H9V6.14C7.23 6.5 5.81 7.8 5.26 9.5H9.24L15 11.65V11.03C15 8.61 13.28 6.59 11 6.13M1 22H5V11H1V22M20 17H13L10.91 16.27L11.24 15.33L13 16H15.82C16.47 16 17 15.47 17 14.82C17 14.33 16.69 13.89 16.23 13.71L8.97 11H7V20L14 22L22 19C22 17.9 21.11 17 20 17M20 14C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12S20 8 20 8 18 10.9 18 12 18.9 14 20 14Z",k01="M17 5L17.62 6.37L19 7L17.62 7.63L17 9L16.36 7.63L15 7L16.36 6.37L17 5M20 14C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12S20 8 20 8 18 10.9 18 12 18.9 14 20 14M11 6.1V4H13C13.57 4 14.1 4.17 14.55 4.45L16 3C15.15 2.39 14.13 2 13 2H7.5V4H9V6.11C7.22 6.5 5.8 7.79 5.25 9.5H7.41C7.94 8.61 8.89 8 10 8C11.62 8 12.94 9.29 13 10.9L15 11.65V11C15 8.58 13.28 6.56 11 6.1M22 19V20L14 22.5L7 20.56V22H1V11H8.97L15.13 13.3C16.25 13.72 17 14.8 17 16H19C20.66 16 22 17.34 22 19M5 20V13H3V20H5M19.9 18.57C19.74 18.24 19.39 18 19 18H13.65C13.11 18 12.58 17.92 12.07 17.75L9.69 16.96L10.32 15.06L12.7 15.85C13 15.95 15 16 15 16C15 15.63 14.77 15.3 14.43 15.17L8.61 13H7V18.5L13.97 20.41L19.9 18.57Z",B01="M17.42 22.5H5.33C3.5 22.5 2 21 2 19.17V13.08C2 12.18 2.36 11.33 3 10.71L8.63 5.17C8.63 5.17 9.66 6.22 9.67 6.25C9.83 6.43 9.92 6.66 9.92 6.91C9.92 7.09 9.87 7.26 9.78 7.41C9.77 7.44 8 10 8 10H18.67C19.36 10 19.92 10.56 19.92 11.25C19.92 11.94 19.36 12.5 18.67 12.5H12.83V13.33H20.75C21.44 13.33 22 13.89 22 14.58C22 15.28 21.44 15.83 20.75 15.83H12.83V16.67H19.92C20.61 16.67 21.17 17.22 21.17 17.92C21.17 18.61 20.61 19.17 19.92 19.17H12.83V20H17.42C18.11 20 18.67 20.56 18.67 21.25C18.67 21.94 18.11 22.5 17.42 22.5M13.5 4.8C13.5 4.8 12 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9.55,18H14.43C14.8,18 15.17,17.94 15.53,17.84L22,16Z",E01="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M12,4A6,6 0 0,0 6,10C6,13.31 8.69,16 12.1,16L11.22,13.77C10.95,13.29 11.11,12.68 11.59,12.4L12.45,11.9C12.93,11.63 13.54,11.79 13.82,12.27L15.74,14.69C17.12,13.59 18,11.9 18,10A6,6 0 0,0 12,4M12,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,11A1,1 0 0,1 11,10A1,1 0 0,1 12,9M7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,20A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18M12.09,13.27L14.58,19.58L17.17,18.08L12.95,12.77L12.09,13.27Z",N01="M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 9M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 9M18 2H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 4V13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 5 13A5.71 5.71 0 0 1 7 13.36A6 6 0 1 1 15.71 14.69L13.79 12.27A1 1 0 0 0 12.42 11.9L11.56 12.4A1 1 0 0 0 11.19 13.77L12.1 16A6.12 6.12 0 0 1 10 15.62A6 6 0 0 1 10.19 22H18A2 2 0 0 0 20 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 18 2M14.58 19.58L12.09 13.27L12.95 12.77L17.17 18.08M12 11A1 1 0 1 0 11 10A1 1 0 0 0 12 11M9 20H6V23H4V20H1V18H4V15H6V18H9Z",W01="M12 9A1 1 0 1 0 13 10A1 1 0 0 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3.43,14.14C3,14.29 2.65,14.57 2.39,14.93C2.14,15.29 2,15.72 2,16.17C2,17.11 2.61,17.9 3.45,18.18V18.18Z",G01="M12,12L14.33,16H9.68L12,12M12,8L6.21,18H17.8L12,8M12,2L1,21H23L12,2M12,6L19.53,19H4.47L12,6Z",Q01="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V14C1 15.1 1.9 16 3 16H4L5.4 17.4C5.8 17.8 6.3 18 6.8 18H17.1C17.6 18 18.1 17.8 18.5 17.4L20 16H21C22.1 16 23 15.1 23 14V9C23 7.9 22.1 7 21 7M3 14V9H21V14H19.2L17.2 16H6.8L4.8 14H3M19 11H5V13H19V11Z",U01="M21,11.5V10.5C21,9.7 20.3,9 19.5,9H16V15H17.5V13H18.6L19.5,15H21L20.1,12.9C20.6,12.6 21,12.1 21,11.5M19.5,11.5H17.5V10.5H19.5V11.5M6.5,11H4.5V9H3V15H4.5V12.5H6.5V15H8V9H6.5V11M13,9H9.5V15H13C13.8,15 14.5,14.3 14.5,13.5V10.5C14.5,9.7 13.8,9 13,9M13,13.5H11V10.5H13V13.5Z",z01="M17.5,15V13H18.6L19.5,15H21L20.1,12.9C20.6,12.7 21,12.1 21,11.5V10.5C21,9.7 20.3,9 19.5,9H16V13.9L17.1,15H17.5M17.5,10.5H19.5V11.5H17.5V10.5M13,10.5V10.9L14.5,12.4V10.5C14.5,9.7 13.8,9 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5.3C15 5.43 15.28 5.92 15.16 6.41L14.63 8.37L16.59 7.84C17.08 7.72 17.57 8 17.7 8.5C17.82 8.96 17.54 9.45 17.06 9.57Z",Z71="M13 3C16.88 3 20 6.14 20 10C20 12.8 18.37 15.19 16 16.31V21H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V13H4.5C4.08 13 3.84 12.5 4.08 12.19L6 9.66C6.19 5.95 9.23 3 13 3M13 1C8.41 1 4.61 4.42 4.06 8.9L2.5 11L2.47 11L2.45 11.03C1.9 11.79 1.83 12.79 2.26 13.62C2.62 14.31 3.26 14.79 4 14.94V16C4 17.85 5.28 19.42 7 19.87V23H18V17.5C20.5 15.83 22 13.06 22 10C22 5.03 17.96 1 13 1M17.33 9.3L15.37 9.81L16.81 11.27C17.16 11.61 17.16 12.19 16.81 12.54S15.88 12.89 15.54 12.54L14.09 11.1L13.57 13.06C13.45 13.55 12.96 13.82 12.5 13.7C12 13.57 11.72 13.08 11.84 12.59L12.37 10.63L10.41 11.16C9.92 11.28 9.43 11 9.3 10.5C9.18 10.05 9.46 9.55 9.94 9.43L11.9 8.91L10.46 7.46C10.11 7.12 10.11 6.55 10.46 6.19C10.81 5.84 11.39 5.84 11.73 6.19L13.19 7.63L13.7 5.67C13.82 5.18 14.32 4.9 14.79 5.03C15.28 5.16 15.56 5.65 15.43 6.13L14.9 8.1L16.87 7.57C17.35 7.44 17.84 7.72 17.97 8.21C18.1 8.68 17.82 9.18 17.33 9.3Z",S71="M13 3C9.23 3 6.19 5.95 6 9.66L4.08 12.19C3.84 12.5 4.08 13 4.5 13H6V16C6 17.11 6.89 18 8 18H9V21H16V16.31C18.37 15.19 20 12.8 20 10C20 6.14 16.88 3 13 3M13 15V13.5C10.79 13.5 9 11.71 9 9.5C9 8.68 9.25 7.92 9.67 7.29L10.76 8.38C10.59 8.72 10.5 9.1 10.5 9.5C10.5 10.88 11.62 12 13 12V10.5L15.25 12.75L13 15M16.33 11.71L15.24 10.62C15.41 10.28 15.5 9.9 15.5 9.5C15.5 8.12 14.38 7 13 7V8.5L10.75 6.25L13 4V5.5C15.21 5.5 17 7.29 17 9.5C17 10.32 16.75 11.08 16.33 11.71Z",u71="M13 3C16.88 3 20 6.14 20 10C20 12.8 18.37 15.19 16 16.31V21H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V13H4.5C4.08 13 3.84 12.5 4.08 12.19L6 9.66C6.19 5.95 9.23 3 13 3M13 1C8.41 1 4.61 4.42 4.06 8.9L2.5 11L2.47 11L2.45 11.03C1.9 11.79 1.83 12.79 2.26 13.62C2.62 14.31 3.26 14.79 4 14.94V16C4 17.85 5.28 19.42 7 19.87V23H18V17.5C20.5 15.83 22 13.06 22 10C22 5.03 17.96 1 13 1M14 15V13.5C11.79 13.5 10 11.71 10 9.5C10 8.68 10.25 7.92 10.67 7.29L11.76 8.38C11.59 8.72 11.5 9.1 11.5 9.5C11.5 10.88 12.62 12 14 12V10.5L16.25 12.75L14 15M17.33 11.71L16.24 10.62C16.41 10.28 16.5 9.9 16.5 9.5C16.5 8.12 15.38 7 14 7V8.5L11.75 6.25L14 4V5.5C16.21 5.5 18 7.29 18 9.5C18 10.32 17.75 11.08 17.33 11.71Z",c71="M12,1C7,1 3,5 3,10V17A3,3 0 0,0 6,20H9V12H5V10A7,7 0 0,1 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V20H18A3,3 0 0,0 21,17V10C21,5 16.97,1 12,1Z",s71="M8,6A6,6 0 0,0 2,12V16.8C2,17.46 2.54,18 3.2,18H6V14H4V12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12V14H10V18H12.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,0 14,16.8V12A6,6 0 0,0 8,6M19,7V10.79L16.71,8.5L16,9.21L18.79,12L16,14.79L16.71,15.5L19,13.21V17H19.5L22.35,14.14L20.21,12L22.35,9.85L19.5,7H19M20,8.91L20.94,9.85L20,10.79V8.91M20,13.21L20.94,14.14L20,15.08V13.21Z",O71="M7.2,18C6.54,18 6,17.46 6,16.8V13.2L6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12V13.2L18,16.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 16.8,18H14V14H16V12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12V14H10V18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",h71="M12,1A9,9 0 0,1 21,10V17C21,17.62 20.81,18.19 20.5,18.67L15,13.18V12H19V10A7,7 0 0,0 12,3C10,3 8.23,3.82 6.96,5.14L5.55,3.72C7.18,2.04 9.47,1 12,1M2.78,3.5L20.5,21.22L19.23,22.5L16.73,20H15V18.27L9,12.27V20H6A3,3 0 0,1 3,17V10C3,8.89 3.2,7.82 3.57,6.84L1.5,4.77L2.78,3.5M5.17,8.44C5.06,8.94 5,9.46 5,10V12H8.73L5.17,8.44Z",p71="M12,1A9,9 0 0,1 21,10V17A3,3 0 0,1 18,20H15V12H19V10A7,7 0 0,0 12,3A7,7 0 0,0 5,10V12H9V20H6A3,3 0 0,1 3,17V10A9,9 0 0,1 12,1M15,24V22H17V24H15M11,24V22H13V24H11M7,24V22H9V24H7Z",f71="M12,1C7,1 3,5 3,10V17A3,3 0 0,0 6,20H9V12H5V10A7,7 0 0,1 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V20H19V21H12V23H18A3,3 0 0,0 21,20V10C21,5 16.97,1 12,1Z",g71="M2,18H9V6.13C7.27,6.57 6,8.14 6,10V11H8V17H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,15V10A6,6 0 0,1 10,4H11A6,6 0 0,1 17,10V12H18V9H20V12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14H17V15A2,2 0 0,1 15,17H13V11H15V10C15,8.14 13.73,6.57 12,6.13V18H22V20H2V18Z",k71="M1.5,4.77L3.57,6.84C3.2,7.82 3,8.89 3,10V20A3,3 0 0,0 6,23H12V21H5V20H9V12.27L15,18.27V20H16.73L19.23,22.5L20.5,21.22L2.78,3.5L1.5,4.77M12,1C9.47,1 7.18,2.04 5.55,3.72L6.96,5.14C8.23,3.82 10,3 12,3A7,7 0 0,1 19,10V12H15V13.18L20.5,18.67C20.81,18.19 21,17.62 21,17V10A9,9 0 0,0 12,1M5,12V10C5,9.46 5.06,8.94 5.17,8.44L8.73,12H5Z",B71="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z",P71="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M12,17L12.72,16.34C15.3,14 17,12.46 17,10.57C17,9.03 15.79,7.82 14.25,7.82C13.38,7.82 12.55,8.23 12,8.87C11.45,8.23 10.62,7.82 9.75,7.82C8.21,7.82 7,9.03 7,10.57C7,12.46 8.7,14 11.28,16.34L12,17Z",w71="M12,17L11.28,16.34C8.7,14 7,12.46 7,10.57C7,9.03 8.21,7.82 9.75,7.82C10.62,7.82 11.45,8.23 12,8.87C12.55,8.23 13.38,7.82 14.25,7.82C15.79,7.82 17,9.03 17,10.57C17,12.46 15.3,14 12.72,16.34L12,17M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",F71="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C8.17,3 8.82,3.12 9.44,3.33L13,9.35L9,14.35L12,21.35V21.35M16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35L11,14.35L15.5,9.35L12.85,4.27C13.87,3.47 15.17,3 16.5,3Z",T71="M7.5,5C7.7,5 7.9,5 8.1,5.1L10.5,9.2L6.8,13.8C5.1,11.8 4,10.2 4,8.5C4,6.5 5.5,5 7.5,5M7.5,3C4.4,3 2,5.4 2,8.5C2,12.3 5.4,15.4 10.6,20L12,21.3L9,14.3L13,9.3L9.4,3.3C8.8,3.1 8.2,3 7.5,3M16.5,5C18.5,5 20,6.5 20,8.5C20,11.1 17.4,13.7 13.4,17.3L13.1,15L17.9,9.7L15.6,5.2C15.9,5 16.2,5 16.5,5M16.5,3C15.2,3 13.9,3.5 12.9,4.3L15.5,9.4L11,14.4L12,21.4L13.4,20.1C18.6,15.4 22,12.3 22,8.6C22,5.4 19.6,3 16.5,3Z",b71="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M9.75,7.82C10.62,7.82 11.45,8.23 12,8.87C12.55,8.23 13.38,7.82 14.25,7.82C15.79,7.82 17,9.03 17,10.57C17,12.46 15.3,14 12.72,16.34L12,17L11.28,16.34C8.7,14 7,12.46 7,10.57C7,9.03 8.21,7.82 9.75,7.82Z",y71="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M9.75,7.82C8.21,7.82 7,9.03 7,10.57C7,12.46 8.7,14 11.28,16.34L12,17L12.72,16.34C15.3,14 17,12.46 17,10.57C17,9.03 15.79,7.82 14.25,7.82C13.38,7.82 12.55,8.23 12,8.87C11.45,8.23 10.62,7.82 9.75,7.82Z",R71="M12 19C12 19.71 12.12 20.4 12.32 21.06L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.8 21.59 11 20.84 12.25C20.25 12.09 19.63 12 19 12C15.14 12 12 15.14 12 19M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",x71="M16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12 18.63C12 18.75 12 18.88 12 19C12 19.71 12.12 20.4 12.32 21.06L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.8 21.59 11 20.84 12.25C20.25 12.09 19.63 12 19 12C18.87 12 18.74 12 18.6 12C19.5 10.79 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",D71="M16.5,2.83C14.76,2.83 13.09,3.64 12,4.9C10.91,3.64 9.24,2.83 7.5,2.83C4.42,2.83 2,5.24 2,8.33C2,12.1 5.4,15.19 10.55,19.86L12,21.17L13.45,19.86C18.6,15.19 22,12.1 22,8.33C22,5.24 19.58,2.83 16.5,2.83M12,17.83V13.83H9L12,6.83V10.83H15",E71="M13,7.2V17.74L13,20.44L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C10,3 13,5 13,7.2Z",N71="M16.5,5C15,5 13.58,5.91 13,7.2V17.74C17.25,13.87 20,11.2 20,8.5C20,6.5 18.5,5 16.5,5M16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3Z",W71="M4,8.5C4,11.2 6.75,13.87 11,17.74V7.2C10.42,5.91 9,5 7.5,5C5.5,5 4,6.5 4,8.5M13,7.2V17.74L13,20.44L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C10,3 13,5 13,7.2Z",I71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",G71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",Q71="M13.5,20C6.9,13.9 3.5,10.8 3.5,7.1C3.5,4 5.9,1.6 9,1.6C10.7,1.6 12.4,2.4 13.5,3.7C14.6,2.4 16.3,1.6 18,1.6C21.1,1.6 23.5,4 23.5,7.1C23.5,10.9 20.1,14 13.5,20M12,21.1C5.4,15.2 1.5,11.7 1.5,7C1.5,6.8 1.5,6.6 1.5,6.4C0.9,7.3 0.5,8.4 0.5,9.6C0.5,13.4 3.9,16.5 10.5,22.4L12,21.1Z",U71="M12,21.1L10.5,22.4C3.9,16.5 0.5,13.4 0.5,9.6C0.5,8.4 0.9,7.3 1.5,6.4C1.5,6.6 1.5,6.8 1.5,7C1.5,11.7 5.4,15.2 12,21.1M13.6,17C18.3,12.7 21.5,9.9 21.6,7C21.6,5 20.1,3.5 18.1,3.5C16.5,3.5 15,4.5 14.5,5.9H12.6C12,4.5 10.5,3.5 9,3.5C7,3.5 5.5,5 5.5,7C5.5,9.9 8.6,12.7 13.4,17L13.5,17.1M18,1.5C21.1,1.5 23.5,3.9 23.5,7C23.5,10.7 20.1,13.8 13.5,19.8C6.9,13.9 3.5,10.8 3.5,7C3.5,3.9 5.9,1.5 9,1.5C10.7,1.5 12.4,2.3 13.5,3.6C14.6,2.3 16.3,1.5 18,1.5Z",z71="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.18,18.44L13.45,20.03L12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,7.55 2.23,6.67 2.63,5.9L1,4.27M7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,11.07 20.42,13.32 17.79,15.97L5.27,3.45C5.95,3.16 6.7,3 7.5,3Z",_71="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.19 5.08C2.45 6 2 7.19 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C14.32 19.24 15.14 18.5 15.9 17.79L20 22L21.27 20.73M12.1 18.55L12 18.65L11.89 18.55C7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5C4 7.74 4.22 7.06 4.61 6.5L14.5 16.37C13.74 17.06 12.95 17.78 12.1 18.55M8.3 5.1L6.33 3.13C6.7 3.05 7.1 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 10.84 20.69 12.92 18.47 15.27L17.06 13.86C18.91 11.88 20 10.2 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C15.1 5 13.74 5.83 13.11 7H10.89C10.38 6.06 9.39 5.34 8.3 5.1Z",K71="M12.1,18.55L12,18.65L11.89,18.55C7.14,14.24 4,11.39 4,8.5C4,6.5 5.5,5 7.5,5C9.04,5 10.54,6 11.07,7.36H12.93C13.46,6 14.96,5 16.5,5C18.5,5 20,6.5 20,8.5C20,11.39 16.86,14.24 12.1,18.55M16.5,3C14.76,3 13.09,3.81 12,5.08C10.91,3.81 9.24,3 7.5,3C4.42,3 2,5.41 2,8.5C2,12.27 5.4,15.36 10.55,20.03L12,21.35L13.45,20.03C18.6,15.36 22,12.27 22,8.5C22,5.41 19.58,3 16.5,3Z",j71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M19 14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14Z",q71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",$71="M7.5,4A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 2,9.5C2,10 2.09,10.5 2.22,11H6.3L7.57,7.63C7.87,6.83 9.05,6.75 9.43,7.63L11.5,13L12.09,11.58C12.22,11.25 12.57,11 13,11H21.78C21.91,10.5 22,10 22,9.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 16.5,4C14.64,4 13,4.93 12,6.34C11,4.93 9.36,4 7.5,4V4M3,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 2,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 3,14.5H5.44L11,20C12,20.9 12,20.9 13,20L18.56,14.5H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 21,12.5H13.4L12.47,14.8C12.07,15.81 10.92,15.67 10.55,14.83L8.5,9.5L7.54,11.83C7.39,12.21 7.05,12.5 6.6,12.5H3Z",X71="M12 18C12 19 12.25 19.92 12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C19.83 12.23 18.94 12 18 12C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.12 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",Y71="M12.67 20.74L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5C22 9.93 21.5 11.26 20.62 12.61C20 12.31 19.31 12.11 18.59 12.04C19.5 10.8 20 9.65 20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.04 18.61C12.12 19.37 12.34 20.09 12.67 20.74M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",J71="M19.3 14.9C19.7 14.2 20 13.4 20 12.5C20 10 18 8 15.5 8S11 10 11 12.5 13 17 15.5 17C16.4 17 17.2 16.7 17.9 16.3L20.8 19.2L22.2 17.8L19.3 14.9M15.5 15C14.1 15 13 13.9 13 12.5S14.1 10 15.5 10 18 11.1 18 12.5 16.9 15 15.5 15M14.7 18.9C14.3 19.3 13.9 19.6 13.5 20L12 21.3L10.5 20C5.4 15.4 2 12.3 2 8.5C2 5.4 4.4 3 7.5 3C9.2 3 10.9 3.8 12 5.1C13.1 3.8 14.8 3 16.5 3C19.6 3 22 5.4 22 8.5C22 9.2 21.9 9.8 21.7 10.5C20.8 7.9 18.4 6 15.5 6C11.9 6 9 8.9 9 12.5C9 15.8 11.5 18.5 14.7 18.9Z",C91="M15 22H17V24H15V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M16.5 3C14.76 3 13.09 3.81 12 5.08C10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3C4.42 3 2 5.41 2 8.5C2 12.27 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.03L12 21.35L13.45 20.03C18.6 15.36 22 12.27 22 8.5C22 5.41 19.58 3 16.5 3Z",H91="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M22 8.5C22 12.27 18.6 15.36 13.45 20.03L12 21.35L10.55 20.03C5.4 15.36 2 12.27 2 8.5C2 5.41 4.42 3 7.5 3C9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.08C13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3C19.58 3 22 5.41 22 8.5M20 8.5C20 6.5 18.5 5 16.5 5C14.96 5 13.46 6 12.93 7.36H11.07C10.54 6 9.04 5 7.5 5C5.5 5 4 6.5 4 8.5C4 11.39 7.14 14.24 11.89 18.55L12 18.65L12.1 18.55C16.86 14.24 20 11.39 20 8.5Z",V91="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M12.75 7.08C13.57 7.2 14.32 7.5 14.95 8L12.75 10.19V7.08M11.25 7.08V10.19L9.05 8C9.68 7.5 10.43 7.2 11.25 7.08M8 9.05L10.19 11.25H7.08C7.2 10.43 7.5 9.68 8 9.05M7.08 12.75H10.19L8 14.95C7.5 14.32 7.2 13.57 7.08 12.75M11.25 16.92C10.43 16.8 9.68 16.5 9.05 16L11.25 13.81V16.92M12 13C11.45 13 11 12.55 11 12S11.45 11 12 11 13 11.45 13 12 12.55 13 12 13M12.75 16.92V13.81L14.95 16C14.32 16.5 13.57 16.8 12.75 16.92M16 14.95L13.81 12.75H16.92C16.8 13.57 16.5 14.32 16 14.95M13.81 11.25L16 9.05C16.5 9.69 16.8 10.44 16.92 11.25H13.81Z",L91="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12S15.31 6 12 6 6 8.69 6 12 8.69 18 12 18M11.25 15.92C10.7 15.82 10.2 15.6 9.75 15.3L11.25 13.8V15.92M12.75 15.92V13.81L14.25 15.31C13.8 15.61 13.3 15.82 12.75 15.92M15.31 14.25L13.81 12.75H15.92C15.82 13.3 15.61 13.8 15.31 14.25M15.92 11.25H13.81L15.31 9.75C15.61 10.2 15.82 10.7 15.92 11.25M12.75 8.08C13.3 8.18 13.8 8.4 14.25 8.7L12.75 10.2V8.08M12 11C12.55 11 13 11.45 13 12S12.55 13 12 13 11 12.55 11 12 11.45 11 12 11M11.25 8.08V10.19L9.75 8.69C10.2 8.39 10.7 8.18 11.25 8.08M8.69 9.75L10.19 11.25H8.08C8.18 10.7 8.39 10.2 8.69 9.75M10.19 12.75L8.69 14.25C8.39 13.81 8.18 13.3 8.07 12.75H10.19Z",M91="M8.5 4.5L5.4 9.5L8.5 14.7L5.2 20.5L3.4 19.6L6.1 14.7L3 9.5L6.7 3.6L8.5 4.5M14.7 4.4L11.6 9.5L14.7 14.5L11.4 20.3L9.6 19.4L12.3 14.5L9.2 9.5L12.9 3.5L14.7 4.4M21 4.4L17.9 9.5L21 14.5L17.7 20.3L15.9 19.4L18.6 14.5L15.5 9.5L19.2 3.5L21 4.4",A91="M19 17C20.21 17 22 16.2 22 14S20.21 11 19 11H17V9H19C21.2 9 22 7.21 22 6C22 3.8 20.21 3 19 3H17V2H16V3H8V2H7V3H2V5H7V7H5C3.79 7 2 7.8 2 10S3.79 13 5 13H7V15H5C3.79 15 2 15.8 2 18S3.79 21 5 21H7V22H8V21H16V22H17V21H22V19H17V17H19M19 13C19.45 13 20 13.19 20 14S19.45 15 19 15H17V13H19M16 11H8V9H16V11M19 5C19.45 5 20 5.2 20 6C20 6.45 19.81 7 19 7H17V5H19M8 5H16V7H8V5M5 11C4.55 11 4 10.81 4 10S4.55 9 5 9H7V11H5M8 13H16V15H8V13M5 19C4.55 19 4 18.81 4 18S4.55 17 5 17H7V19H5M16 19H8V17H16V19Z",i91="M3,3H17V5H3V3M23,6V10.5L14.75,12.2C14.91,12.6 15,13.04 15,13.5C15,14.9 14.18,16.1 13,16.66V17L13,19H16V21H4A3,3 0 0,1 1,18V17H3V18A1,1 0 0,0 4,19H5V16.74C3.25,16.13 2,14.46 2,12.5C2,10 4,8 6.5,8H9V6H11V8H21V6H23M11,19V17H7V19H11M7.5,10C6.12,10 5,10.9 5,12C5,13.1 6.12,14 7.5,14C8.88,14 10,13.1 10,12C10,10.9 8.88,10 7.5,10Z",r91="M10,19H13V22H10V19M12,2C17.35,2.22 19.68,7.62 16.5,11.67C15.67,12.67 14.33,13.33 13.67,14.17C13,15 13,16 13,17H10C10,15.33 10,13.92 10.67,12.92C11.33,11.92 12.67,11.33 13.5,10.67C15.92,8.43 15.32,5.26 12,5A3,3 0 0,0 9,8H6A6,6 0 0,1 12,2Z",a91="M11,18H13V16H11V18M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10C14,12 11,11.75 11,15H13C13,12.75 16,12.5 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3Z",e91="M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20H16M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15 14H13V12H15V14M16.8 8.8C16.5 9.2 16.1 9.5 15.7 9.7C15.5 9.9 15.3 10 15.2 10.2C15 10.4 15 10.7 15 11H13C13 10.5 13.1 10.1 13.3 9.8C13.5 9.5 13.8 9.2 14.3 8.9C14.6 8.7 14.8 8.5 14.9 8.3C15.1 8.1 15.1 7.8 15.1 7.5C15.1 7.2 15 6.9 14.8 6.7C14.6 6.5 14.4 6.4 14 6.4C13.7 6.4 13.5 6.5 13.3 6.6C13.1 6.8 13 7 13 7.3H11.1C11.1 6.5 11.3 5.9 11.9 5.5C12.6 5.2 13.3 5 14.2 5C15.1 5 15.9 5.2 16.4 5.7C16.9 6.2 17.2 6.8 17.2 7.5C17.2 8 17 8.4 16.8 8.8Z",d91="M20 16V4H8V16H20M22 16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.1 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V16M16 20V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V7H4V20H16M14.2 5C13.3 5 12.6 5.2 12.1 5.6C11.6 6 11.3 6.6 11.3 7.4H13.2C13.2 7.1 13.3 6.9 13.5 6.7C13.7 6.6 13.9 6.5 14.2 6.5C14.5 6.5 14.8 6.6 15 6.8C15.2 7 15.3 7.2 15.3 7.6C15.3 7.9 15.2 8.2 15.1 8.4C15 8.6 14.7 8.8 14.5 9C14 9.3 13.6 9.6 13.5 9.9C13.1 10.1 13 10.5 13 11H15C15 10.7 15 10.4 15.1 10.3C15.2 10.1 15.4 9.9 15.6 9.8C16 9.6 16.4 9.3 16.7 8.9C17 8.4 17.2 8 17.2 7.5C17.2 6.7 16.9 6.1 16.4 5.7C15.9 5.2 15.1 5 14.2 5M13 12V14H15V12H13Z",m91="M11 18H13V16H11V18M12 6C9.8 6 8 7.8 8 10H10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8S14 8.9 14 10C14 12 11 11.8 11 15H13C13 12.8 16 12.5 16 10C16 7.8 14.2 6 12 6M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",t91="M15.07,11.25L14.17,12.17C13.45,12.89 13,13.5 13,15H11V14.5C11,13.39 11.45,12.39 12.17,11.67L13.41,10.41C13.78,10.05 14,9.55 14,9C14,7.89 13.1,7 12,7A2,2 0 0,0 10,9H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,5A4,4 0 0,1 16,9C16,9.88 15.64,10.67 15.07,11.25M13,19H11V17H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",v91="M11,18H13V16H11V18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10C14,12 11,11.75 11,15H13C13,12.75 16,12.5 16,10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",l91="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12.19,5C11.32,5 10.62,5.2 10.08,5.59C9.56,6 9.3,6.57 9.31,7.36L9.32,7.39H11.25C11.26,7.09 11.35,6.86 11.53,6.7C11.71,6.55 11.93,6.47 12.19,6.47C12.5,6.47 12.76,6.57 12.94,6.75C13.12,6.94 13.2,7.2 13.2,7.5C13.2,7.82 13.13,8.09 12.97,8.32C12.83,8.55 12.62,8.75 12.36,8.91C11.85,9.25 11.5,9.55 11.31,9.82C11.11,10.08 11,10.5 11,11H13C13,10.69 13.04,10.44 13.13,10.26C13.22,10.07 13.39,9.9 13.64,9.74C14.09,9.5 14.46,9.21 14.75,8.81C15.04,8.41 15.19,8 15.19,7.5C15.19,6.74 14.92,6.13 14.38,5.68C13.85,5.23 13.12,5 12.19,5M11,12V14H13V12H11Z",o91="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M11.95,6C11.17,6 10.55,6.18 10.07,6.5C9.61,6.89 9.38,7.4 9.39,8.1L9.4,8.13H11.11C11.12,7.86 11.2,7.65 11.36,7.5C11.5,7.38 11.72,7.31 11.95,7.31C12.22,7.31 12.45,7.4 12.61,7.56C12.77,7.73 12.85,7.96 12.85,8.22C12.85,8.5 12.78,8.75 12.64,8.95C12.5,9.16 12.33,9.33 12.1,9.5C11.65,9.78 11.34,10.05 11.17,10.29C11,10.5 10.89,10.89 10.89,11.33H12.67C12.67,11.06 12.7,10.84 12.78,10.68C12.86,10.5 13,10.36 13.24,10.21C13.64,10 13.97,9.74 14.22,9.39C14.5,9.03 14.62,8.67 14.62,8.22C14.62,7.55 14.38,7 13.9,6.61C13.42,6.2 12.77,6 11.95,6M10.89,12.22V14H12.67V12.22H10.89Z",n91="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 6.95C14.7 7.06 15.87 9.78 14.28 11.81C13.86 12.31 13.19 12.64 12.85 13.07C12.5 13.5 12.5 14 12.5 14.5H11C11 13.65 11 12.94 11.35 12.44C11.68 11.94 12.35 11.64 12.77 11.31C14 10.18 13.68 8.59 12 8.46C11.18 8.46 10.5 9.13 10.5 9.97H9C9 8.3 10.35 6.95 12 6.95M11 15.5H12.5V17H11V15.5Z",Z91="M11 15.5H12.5V17H11V15.5M12 6.95C14.7 7.06 15.87 9.78 14.28 11.81C13.86 12.31 13.19 12.64 12.85 13.07C12.5 13.5 12.5 14 12.5 14.5H11C11 13.65 11 12.94 11.35 12.44C11.68 11.94 12.35 11.64 12.77 11.31C14 10.18 13.68 8.59 12 8.46C11.18 8.46 10.5 9.13 10.5 9.97H9C9 8.3 10.35 6.95 12 6.95M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12Z",S91="M7 7C5.9 7 5 7.9 5 9V15C5 16.11 5.9 17 7 17H9C10.11 17 11 16.11 11 15V9C11 7.9 10.11 7 9 7H7M7 9H9V15H7V9M17.6 17L15.5 14.9L13.4 17L12 15.6L14.1 13.5L12 11.4L13.4 10L15.5 12.1L17.6 10L19 11.4L16.9 13.5L19 15.6L17.6 17Z",u91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5Z",c91="M10.25,2C10.44,2 10.61,2.11 10.69,2.26L12.91,6.22L13,6.5L12.91,6.78L10.69,10.74C10.61,10.89 10.44,11 10.25,11H5.75C5.56,11 5.39,10.89 5.31,10.74L3.09,6.78L3,6.5L3.09,6.22L5.31,2.26C5.39,2.11 5.56,2 5.75,2H10.25M10.25,13C10.44,13 10.61,13.11 10.69,13.26L12.91,17.22L13,17.5L12.91,17.78L10.69,21.74C10.61,21.89 10.44,22 10.25,22H5.75C5.56,22 5.39,21.89 5.31,21.74L3.09,17.78L3,17.5L3.09,17.22L5.31,13.26C5.39,13.11 5.56,13 5.75,13H10.25M19.5,7.5C19.69,7.5 19.86,7.61 19.94,7.76L22.16,11.72L22.25,12L22.16,12.28L19.94,16.24C19.86,16.39 19.69,16.5 19.5,16.5H15C14.81,16.5 14.64,16.39 14.56,16.24L12.34,12.28L12.25,12L12.34,11.72L14.56,7.76C14.64,7.61 14.81,7.5 15,7.5H19.5Z",s91="M9.37 4L10.78 6.5L9.37 9H6.63L5.23 6.5L6.63 4H9.37M10.25 2H5.75C5.56 2 5.39 2.11 5.31 2.26L3.09 6.22L3 6.5L3.09 6.78L5.31 10.74C5.39 10.89 5.56 11 5.75 11H10.25C10.44 11 10.61 10.89 10.69 10.74L12.91 6.78L13 6.5L12.91 6.22L10.69 2.26C10.61 2.11 10.44 2 10.25 2M18.62 9.5L20 12L18.62 14.5H15.88L14.5 12L15.88 9.5H18.62M19.5 7.5H15C14.81 7.5 14.64 7.61 14.56 7.76L12.34 11.72L12.25 12L12.34 12.28L14.56 16.24C14.64 16.39 14.81 16.5 15 16.5H19.5C19.69 16.5 19.86 16.39 19.94 16.24L22.16 12.28L22.25 12L22.16 11.72L19.94 7.76C19.86 7.61 19.69 7.5 19.5 7.5M9.37 15L10.78 17.5L9.37 20H6.63L5.23 17.5L6.63 15H9.37M10.25 13H5.75C5.56 13 5.39 13.11 5.31 13.26L3.09 17.22L3 17.5L3.09 17.78L5.31 21.74C5.39 21.89 5.56 22 5.75 22H10.25C10.44 22 10.61 21.89 10.69 21.74L12.91 17.78L13 17.5L12.91 17.22L10.69 13.26C10.61 13.11 10.44 13 10.25 13Z",O91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",h91="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15M12,12V5.32L17.94,8.66L12,12Z",p91="M18,15.38L12,12V5.32L18,8.69V15.38M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",f91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",g91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6.06,15.34L12,12V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",k91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6,15.31V8.69L12,12V5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",B91="M12,5.32L18,8.69V15.31L12,18.68L6,15.31V8.69L12,5.32M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L5,8.09V15.91L12,19.85L19,15.91V8.09L12,4.15Z",P91="M14.5,7.66L20.64,6.97L17,12L20.68,16.97L14.5,16.32L12.03,22L9.5,16.34L3.36,17.03L7,12L3.32,7.03L9.5,7.68L11.97,2L14.5,7.66Z",w91="M12,7L13.3,9.8L16.5,9.4L14.5,12L16.4,14.5L13.2,14.1L12,17L10.7,14.2L7.5,14.6L9.5,12L7.6,9.5L10.8,9.9L12,7M12,2L9.5,7.7L3.3,7L7,12L3.4,17L9.6,16.3L12,22L14.5,16.3L20.7,16.9L17,12L20.6,7L14.4,7.7L12,2Z",F91="M5,7H7V11H9V7H11V17H9V13H7V17H5V7M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16Z",T91="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,15H9.5V13H7.5V15H6V9H7.5V11.5H9.5V9H11V15M13,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H13V9M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5V13.5Z",b91="M10,2L8,8H11V2H10M13,2V8H16L14,2H13M2,9V10H4V11H6V10H18L18.06,11H20V10H22V9H2M7,11L3.34,22H11V11H7M13,11V22H20.66L17,11H13Z",y91="M17.47 8.67H19V23H17.47V12.6C16.67 12.44 15.92 12.14 15.21 11.71S13.9 10.78 13.39 10.2L12.77 13.27L15 15.47V23H13V17L10.76 14.8L8.89 23H6.73C6.73 23 9.86 7.22 9.89 7.09C10 6.61 10.22 6.24 10.59 6C10.96 5.73 11.33 5.6 11.71 5.6C12.1 5.6 12.46 5.69 12.79 5.87C13.13 6.04 13.39 6.29 13.58 6.61L14.64 8.24C14.93 8.78 15.32 9.25 15.81 9.63S16.86 10.3 17.47 10.5V8.67M8.55 5.89L7.4 5.65C6.83 5.5 6.31 5.62 5.84 5.94C5.38 6.26 5.1 6.7 5 7.28L4.19 11.26C4.16 11.55 4.22 11.81 4.38 12.05C4.54 12.29 4.75 12.42 5 12.46L7.21 12.89L8.55 5.89M13 1C11.9 1 11 1.9 11 3S11.9 5 13 5 15 4.11 15 3 14.11 1 13 1Z",R91="M13.5,8H12V13L16.28,15.54L17,14.33L13.5,12.25V8M13,3A9,9 0 0,0 4,12H1L4.96,16.03L9,12H6A7,7 0 0,1 13,5A7,7 0 0,1 20,12A7,7 0 0,1 13,19C11.07,19 9.32,18.21 8.06,16.94L6.64,18.36C8.27,20 10.5,21 13,21A9,9 0 0,0 22,12A9,9 0 0,0 13,3",x91="M12,5C6.5,5 2,6.57 2,8.5C2,10.43 6.5,12 12,12C17.5,12 22,10.43 22,8.5C22,6.57 17.5,5 12,5M2,11.76V16.5C2,18.43 6.5,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,18.43 22,16.5V11.76C21.33,12.22 20.58,12.57 19.73,12.86C17.62,13.6 14.95,14 12,14C9.05,14 6.38,13.6 4.27,12.86C3.42,12.57 2.67,12.22 2,11.76Z",D91="M17.68 4H14.3L12.56 8C12.53 8.04 12.45 8.22 12.31 8.5S12.06 9.04 12 9.19L9.7 4H6.32L10.41 12.84C10.5 13.06 10.73 13.59 11.11 14.43C11.5 15.28 11.78 15.91 12 16.35L13.41 19.44C13.6 19.78 13.89 19.95 14.3 19.95L19 20V16H15L13.6 12.84L17.68 4M20.03 16V20H22V17C22 16.73 21.91 16.5 21.72 16.28C21.53 16.08 21.3 16 21 16H20.03M5 16V20L9.7 19.95C10.11 19.95 10.4 19.78 10.59 19.44L11.44 17.5L9.84 14.06L9 16H5M2 20H3.97V16H3C2.7 16 2.47 16.08 2.28 16.28C2.09 16.5 2 16.73 2 17V20Z",E91="M12,8C12,8 22,8 22,11C22,11 22.09,14.36 21.75,14.25C21,11 12,11 12,11C12,11 3,11 2.25,14.25C1.91,14.36 2,11 2,11C2,8 12,8 12,8M12,12C20,12 20.75,14.25 20.75,14.25C19.75,17.25 19,18 15,18C12,18 13,16.5 12,16.5C11,16.5 12,18 9,18C5,18 4.25,17.25 3.25,14.25C3.25,14.25 4,12 12,12Z",N91="M10,20V14H14V20H19V12H22L12,3L2,12H5V20H10Z",W91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 14.25,11A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,13.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 9.75,11A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 12,8.75M12,15C13.5,15 16.5,15.75 16.5,17.25V18H7.5V17.25C7.5,15.75 10.5,15 12,15Z",I91="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22L12 3M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 14H11V8H13V14Z",G91="M12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20M13 8H11V13H13V8M13 15H11V17H13V15",Q91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22M9,18H7V12H9M13,18H11V10H13M17,18H15V14H17",U91="M21.8,13H20V21H13V17.67L15.79,14.88L16.5,15C17.66,15 18.6,14.06 18.6,12.9C18.6,11.74 17.66,10.8 16.5,10.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 14.4,12.9L14.5,13.61L13,15.13V9.65C13.66,9.29 14.1,8.6 14.1,7.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 12,5.7A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 9.9,7.8C9.9,8.6 10.34,9.29 11,9.65V15.13L9.5,13.61L9.6,12.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.5,10.8A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 5.4,12.9A2.1,2.1 0 0,0 7.5,15L8.21,14.88L11,17.67V21H4V13H2.25C1.83,13 1.42,13 1.42,12.79C1.43,12.57 1.85,12.15 2.28,11.72L11,3C11.33,2.67 11.67,2.33 12,2.33C12.33,2.33 12.67,2.67 13,3L17,7V6H19V9L21.78,11.78C22.18,12.18 22.59,12.59 22.6,12.8C22.6,13 22.2,13 21.8,13M7.5,12A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 8.4,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 7.5,13.8A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 6.6,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 7.5,12M16.5,12C17,12 17.4,12.4 17.4,12.9C17.4,13.4 17,13.8 16.5,13.8A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 15.6,12.9A0.9,0.9 0 0,1 16.5,12M12,6.9C12.5,6.9 12.9,7.3 12.9,7.8C12.9,8.3 12.5,8.7 12,8.7C11.5,8.7 11.1,8.3 11.1,7.8C11.1,7.3 11.5,6.9 12,6.9Z",z91="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8.5C14.34,8.5 16.46,9.43 18,10.94L16.8,12.12C15.58,10.91 13.88,10.17 12,10.17C10.12,10.17 8.42,10.91 7.2,12.12L6,10.94C7.54,9.43 9.66,8.5 12,8.5M12,11.83C13.4,11.83 14.67,12.39 15.6,13.3L14.4,14.47C13.79,13.87 12.94,13.5 12,13.5C11.06,13.5 10.21,13.87 9.6,14.47L8.4,13.3C9.33,12.39 10.6,11.83 12,11.83M12,15.17C12.94,15.17 13.7,15.91 13.7,16.83C13.7,17.75 12.94,18.5 12,18.5C11.06,18.5 10.3,17.75 10.3,16.83C10.3,15.91 11.06,15.17 12,15.17Z",_91="M12 20L5 20V12H2L12 3L14.78 5.5H14V7.17C12.84 7.58 12 8.7 12 10V20M15 9H16V7.5H20V9H21C21.55 9 22 9.45 22 10V21C22 21.55 21.55 22 21 22H15C14.45 22 14 21.55 14 21V10C14 9.45 14.45 9 15 9M16 11V14H20V11H16Z",K91="M15 9H16V7.5H20V9H21C21.55 9 22 9.45 22 10V21C22 21.55 21.55 22 21 22H15C14.45 22 14 21.55 14 21V10C14 9.45 14.45 9 15 9M16 11V14H20V11H16M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12V20H5V12H2L12 3L14.78 5.5H14V7.17L13.76 7.27L12 5.69Z",j91="M19.07,4.93C17.22,3 14.66,1.96 12,2C9.34,1.96 6.79,3 4.94,4.93C3,6.78 1.96,9.34 2,12C1.96,14.66 3,17.21 4.93,19.06C6.78,21 9.34,22.04 12,22C14.66,22.04 17.21,21 19.06,19.07C21,17.22 22.04,14.66 22,12C22.04,9.34 21,6.78 19.07,4.93M17,12V18H13.5V13H10.5V18H7V12H5L12,5L19.5,12H17Z",q91="M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12S7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12 16.4 20 12 20M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M11 14H13V17H16V12H18L12 7L6 12H8V17H11V14",$91="M0,21V10L7.5,5L15,10V21H10V14H5V21H0M24,2V21H17V8.93L16,8.27V6H14V6.93L10,4.27V2H24M21,14H19V16H21V14M21,10H19V12H21V10M21,6H19V8H21V6Z",X91="M10,2V4.26L12,5.59V4H22V19H17V21H24V2H10M7.5,5L0,10V21H15V10L7.5,5M14,6V6.93L15.61,8H16V6H14M18,6V8H20V6H18M7.5,7.5L13,11V19H10V13H5V19H2V11L7.5,7.5M18,10V12H20V10H18M18,14V16H20V14H18Z",Y91="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.62 23 11.53 21.81 10.26 20H4V12H1L11 3L18 9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",J91="M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.62 23 11.53 21.81 10.26 20H4V12H1L11 3L18 9.29C20.89 10.15 23 12.83 23 16M9.29 18C9.11 17.37 9 16.7 9 16C9 12.54 11.5 9.68 14.8 9.11L11 5.69L6 10.19V18H9.29M21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11S11 13.24 11 16 13.24 21 16 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",C41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H10V14H14V15.11L19.43 9.68L12 3M21.04 11.14C20.9 11.14 20.76 11.2 20.65 11.3L19.65 12.3L21.7 14.35L22.7 13.35C22.91 13.14 22.91 12.79 22.7 12.58L21.42 11.3C21.32 11.2 21.18 11.14 21.04 11.14M19.06 12.88L13 18.94V21H15.06L21.11 14.93L19.06 12.88Z",H41="M 21.0413,11.14C 21.1827,11.14 21.3173,11.1973 21.4213,11.3027L 22.6973,12.5787C 22.912,12.792 22.912,13.14 22.6973,13.3493L 21.6973,14.3493L 19.6507,12.3027L 20.6507,11.3027C 20.76,11.1973 20.9013,11.14 21.0413,11.14 Z M 19.0627,12.88L 21.1093,14.932L 15.0627,21L 13,21L 13,18.9373L 19.0627,12.88 Z M 12,5.688L 7,10.188L 7,18L 11,18L 11,20L 5,20L 5,12L 2,12L 12,3L 19.4587,9.71285L 17,12.1716L 17,10.188L 12,5.688 Z",V41="M24 13L20 17V14H11V12H20V9L24 13M4 20V12H1L11 3L18 9.3V10H15.79L11 5.69L6 10.19V18H16V16H18V20H4Z",L41="M18.67 19C16.72 19 16.58 20 15.34 20C14.15 20 13.92 19 12 19C10.06 19 9.91 20 8.67 20S7.29 19 5.34 19 3.24 20 2 20V22C3.95 22 4.11 21 5.34 21C6.58 21 6.72 22 8.67 22S10.77 21 12 21C13.23 21 13.41 22 15.34 22S17.44 21 18.67 21C19.89 21 20.07 22 22 22V20C20.76 20 20.62 19 18.67 19M8.68 17.5C10.63 17.5 10.77 16.5 12 16.5C13.2 16.5 13.43 17.5 15.34 17.5C17.29 17.5 17.43 16.5 18.67 16.5C19.86 16.5 20.07 17.5 22 17.5V15.5C21.35 15.5 21 15.22 20.5 14.95L18.5 7.42L20.57 8.27L21.31 6.41L9.78 2L2 11.61L3.57 12.84L4.96 11.06L5.89 14.54C5.71 14.5 5.54 14.5 5.33 14.5C3.38 14.5 3.24 15.5 2 15.5V17.5C3.9 17.5 4.17 16.5 5.35 16.5C6.54 16.5 6.77 17.5 8.68 17.5M14.04 10.18L15.46 15.5C14.12 15.58 14 14.5 12 14.5C11.63 14.5 11.34 14.54 11.08 14.6L10.17 11.21L14.04 10.18Z",M41="M11,10H13V16H11V10M22,12H19V20H5V12H2L12,3L22,12M15,10A2,2 0 0,0 13,8H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,10V16A2,2 0 0,0 11,18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,16V10Z",A41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M10,8H14V18H12V10H10V8Z",i41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14H11V16H15V18H9V14A2,2 0 0,1 11,12H13V10H9V8Z",r41="M12,3L22,12H19V20H5V12H2L12,3M15,11.5V10C15,8.89 14.1,8 13,8H9V10H13V12H11V14H13V16H9V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,16V14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,11.5Z",a41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V18H13V15H11V18H9V10C9,8.89 9.9,8 11,8M11,10V13H13V10H11Z",e41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,10V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5V16A2,2 0 0,1 13,18H9V8M11,10V12H13V10H11M11,14V16H13V14H11Z",d41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,8H15V10H11V16H13V12H15V16C15,17.11 14.1,18 13,18H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,16V10C9,8.89 9.9,8 11,8Z",m41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M9,8H11V16H15V18H9V8Z",t41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M11,15H7V13H11V15M15,18H13V10H11V8H15V18Z",v41="M17,16H15V22H12V17H8V22H5V16H3L10,10L17,16M6,2L10,6H9V9H7V6H5V9H3V6H2L6,2M18,3L23,8H22V12H19V9H17V12H15.34L14,10.87V8H13L18,3Z",l41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",o41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",n41="M2 6H1L5 2L9 6H8V9H6V6H4V9H2V6M13 10.9L14.3 12H16V9H18V12H21V8H22L17 3L12 8H13V10.9M13.8 22C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19C13 17.4 13.6 15.9 14.7 14.9L9 10L2 16H4V22H7V17H11V22H13.8M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",Z41="M2,12L12,3L22,12H19V20H5V12H2M12,18L12.72,17.34C15.3,15 17,13.46 17,11.57C17,10.03 15.79,8.82 14.25,8.82C13.38,8.82 12.55,9.23 12,9.87C11.45,9.23 10.62,8.82 9.75,8.82C8.21,8.82 7,10.03 7,11.57C7,13.46 8.7,15 11.28,17.34L12,18Z",S41="M15 13L11 17V14H2V12H11V9L15 13M5 20V16H7V18H17V10.19L12 5.69L7.21 10H4.22L12 3L22 12H19V20H5Z",u41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22M13 18H11V17H13M13.5 14.58V16H10.5V14.58A3 3 0 1 1 13.5 14.58Z",c41="M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H19V20H5M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H17V10.19L12 5.69M11 17V16H13V17H11M11 15C10.72 15 10.5 14.78 10.5 14.5V13.6C9.6 13.08 9 12.11 9 11C9 9.34 10.34 8 12 8C13.66 8 15 9.34 15 11C15 12.11 14.4 13.08 13.5 13.6V14.5C13.5 14.78 13.28 15 13 15H11Z",s41="M12 3L2 12H5V20H19V12H22L12 3M11.5 18V14H9L12.5 7V11H15L11.5 18Z",O41="M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H19V20H5M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H17V10.19L12 5.69M11.5 18V14H9L12.5 7V11H15L11.5 18Z",h41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12V13H16V17H8V13H9V12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12V13H13V12C13,11.5 12.6,11 12,11Z",p41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,8A3,3 0 0,1 15,11H13A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 11,11V13H16V17H8V13H9V11A3,3 0 0,1 12,8Z",f41="M12,3L2,12H5V20H19V12H22L12,3M12,7.7C14.1,7.7 15.8,9.4 15.8,11.5C15.8,14.5 12,18 12,18C12,18 8.2,14.5 8.2,11.5C8.2,9.4 9.9,7.7 12,7.7M12,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10Z",g41="M22 17V19H14V17H22M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",k41="M14 17H22V19H14V17M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H17V10.19L12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5Z",B41="M6,21V8A2,2 0 0,1 8,6L16,3V6A2,2 0 0,1 18,8V21H12V16H8V21H6M14,19H16V16H14V19M8,13H10V9H8V13M12,13H16V9H12V13Z",P41="M20.84 22.73L18.11 20H14V15.89L12.11 14H10V20H5V12H2L6.27 8.16L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 12H22L12 3L8.95 5.75L19 15.8V12Z",w41="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.27 8.16L2 12H5V20H11V14H12.11L13 14.89V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M9 12V18H7V10.19L7.68 9.57L10.11 12H9M15 18V16.89L16.11 18H15M10.36 7.16L8.95 5.75L12 3L22 12H19V15.8L17 13.8V10.19L12 5.69L10.36 7.16Z",F41="M12 5.69L17 10.19V18H15V12H9V18H7V10.19L12 5.69M12 3L2 12H5V20H11V14H13V20H19V12H22",T41="M19 12V20H5V12H2L12 3L22 12H19M15.53 11.03L14.47 9.97L8.47 15.97L9.53 17.03L15.53 11.03M10.63 10.37C10.4 10.13 10.08 10 9.75 10C9.42 10 9.1 10.13 8.87 10.37C8.63 10.6 8.5 10.92 8.5 11.25C8.5 11.58 8.63 11.9 8.87 12.13C9.1 12.37 9.42 12.5 9.75 12.5C10.08 12.5 10.4 12.37 10.63 12.13C10.87 11.9 11 11.58 11 11.25C11 10.92 10.87 10.6 10.63 10.37M15.13 14.87C14.9 14.63 14.58 14.5 14.25 14.5C13.92 14.5 13.6 14.63 13.37 14.87C13.13 15.1 13 15.42 13 15.75C13 16.08 13.13 16.4 13.37 16.63C13.6 16.87 13.92 17 14.25 17C14.58 17 14.9 16.87 15.13 16.63C15.37 16.4 15.5 16.08 15.5 15.75C15.5 15.42 15.37 15.1 15.13 14.87Z",b41="M15.53 11.03L14.47 9.97L8.47 15.97L9.53 17.03L15.53 11.03M10.63 10.37C10.4 10.13 10.08 10 9.75 10C9.42 10 9.1 10.13 8.87 10.37C8.63 10.6 8.5 10.92 8.5 11.25C8.5 11.58 8.63 11.9 8.87 12.13C9.1 12.37 9.42 12.5 9.75 12.5C10.08 12.5 10.4 12.37 10.63 12.13C10.87 11.9 11 11.58 11 11.25C11 10.92 10.87 10.6 10.63 10.37M15.13 14.87C14.9 14.63 14.58 14.5 14.25 14.5C13.92 14.5 13.6 14.63 13.37 14.87C13.13 15.1 13 15.42 13 15.75C13 16.08 13.13 16.4 13.37 16.63C13.6 16.87 13.92 17 14.25 17C14.58 17 14.9 16.87 15.13 16.63C15.37 16.4 15.5 16.08 15.5 15.75C15.5 15.42 15.37 15.1 15.13 14.87M19 12V20H5V12H2L12 3L22 12H19M17 10.2L12 5.7L7 10.2V18H17V10.2Z",y41="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",R41="M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5 20V12H2L12 3L22 12H17V10.19L12 5.69L7 10.19V18H12C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5Z",x41="M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.47L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88M12 3L22 12H18C14.69 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.37 12.34 20H5V12H2L12 3Z",D41="M14.46 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20H5Z",I41="M24 7.8C23.6 4.5 20.9 2 17.5 2C15.8 2 14.1 2.7 12.9 3.9C12.2 4.6 11.7 5.3 11.4 6.2L17 9.9V10H20V12H17V14H20V16H17V18H20V20H17V22H24V7.8M13.3 7C13.9 5.2 15.6 4 17.5 4S21.1 5.2 21.7 7H13.3M0 11V22H5V15H10V22H15V11L7.5 6L0 11Z",G41="M20 21H17V19H20V21M20 17H17V15H20V17M20 13H17V11H20V13M24 7.8C23.6 4.5 20.8 2 17.5 2C15.8 2 14.1 2.7 12.9 3.9C12.2 4.6 11.7 5.3 11.4 6.2L15.6 9H22V22H24V7.8M13.3 7C13.9 5.2 15.6 4 17.5 4S21.1 5.2 21.7 7H13.3M7.5 6L0 11V22H15V11L7.5 6M13 20H10V14H5V20H2V12L7.5 8.5L13 12V20Z",Q41="M6.58045 2C6.50974 4.6163 4.52984 6.59619 1.98426 6.59619V8.01041C5.44908 8.08112 8.13609 5.39411 7.99467 2H6.58045Z M1.98426 3.62635V5.04056C3.75202 4.96985 5.02482 3.69706 5.02482 2H3.6106C3.46918 2.84853 2.83278 3.48492 1.98426 3.62635Z M22.0157 6.59619C19.4702 6.59619 17.4903 4.6163 17.4196 2H16.0053C15.8639 5.39411 18.5509 8.08112 22.0157 8.01041V6.59619Z M22.0157 5.04056V3.62635C21.1672 3.48492 20.5308 2.84853 20.3894 2H18.9752C18.9752 3.69706 20.248 4.96985 22.0157 5.04056Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19Z",U41="M6.58045 2C6.50974 4.6163 4.52984 6.59619 1.98425 6.59619V8.01041C5.44908 8.08112 8.13608 5.39411 7.99466 2H6.58045Z M1.98425 3.62635V5.04056C3.75202 4.96985 5.02481 3.69706 5.02481 2H3.6106C3.46918 2.84853 2.83278 3.48492 1.98425 3.62635Z M22.0157 6.59619C19.4702 6.59619 17.4903 4.6163 17.4195 2H16.0053C15.8639 5.39411 18.5509 8.08112 22.0157 8.01041V6.59619Z M22.0157 5.04056V3.62635C21.1672 3.48492 20.5308 2.84853 20.3894 2H18.9752C18.9752 3.69706 20.248 4.96985 22.0157 5.04056Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19ZM12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7Z",z41="M2.4038 7.01172C2.47451 4.39542 4.45441 2.41552 7 2.41552V1.00131C3.53517 0.9306 0.848167 3.61761 0.989589 7.01172L2.4038 7.01172Z M7 5.38537V3.97116C5.23223 4.04187 3.95944 5.31466 3.95944 7.01172H5.37365C5.51507 6.16319 6.15147 5.52679 7 5.38537Z M17 2.41552C19.5456 2.41552 21.5255 4.39542 21.5962 7.01172L23.0104 7.01172C23.1518 3.61761 20.4648 0.9306 17 1.00131V2.41552Z M17 3.97116V5.38537C17.8485 5.52679 18.4849 6.16319 18.6263 7.01172H20.0406C20.0406 5.31466 18.7678 4.04187 17 3.97116Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19Z",_41="M2.4038 7.01172C2.47451 4.39542 4.45441 2.41552 7 2.41552V1.00131C3.53517 0.9306 0.848167 3.61761 0.989589 7.01172L2.4038 7.01172Z M7 5.38537V3.97116C5.23223 4.04187 3.95944 5.31466 3.95944 7.01172H5.37365C5.51507 6.16319 6.15147 5.52679 7 5.38537Z M17 2.41552C19.5456 2.41552 21.5255 4.39542 21.5962 7.01172L23.0104 7.01172C23.1518 3.61761 20.4648 0.9306 17 1.00131V2.41552Z M17 3.97116V5.38537C17.8485 5.52679 18.4849 6.16319 18.6263 7.01172H20.0406C20.0406 5.31466 18.7678 4.04187 17 3.97116Z M19 20V12H22L12 3L2 12H5V20H19ZM12 5.7L17 10.2V18H7V10.2L12 5.7Z",K41="M6.5 15V11H9.5V15H13V9H15L8 3L1 9H3V15H6.5M9 16V18H15V16L18 19L15 22V20H9V22L6 19L9 16M23 9H21V15H15V10H19L13.54 5.11L16 3L23 9Z",j41="M8 3L1 9H3V15H7V11H9V15H13V9H15L8 3M11.5 9V13.5H10.5V9.5H5.5V13.5H4.5V8L8 5L11.5 8V9M9 16V18H15V16L18 19L15 22V20H9V22L6 19L9 16M23 9H21V15H15V10H19L13.54 5.11L16 3L23 9Z",q41="M19 8C20.11 8 21 8.9 21 10V16.76C21.61 17.31 22 18.11 22 19C22 20.66 20.66 22 19 22C17.34 22 16 20.66 16 19C16 18.11 16.39 17.31 17 16.76V10C17 8.9 17.9 8 19 8M19 9C18.45 9 18 9.45 18 10V11H20V10C20 9.45 19.55 9 19 9M5 20V12H2L12 3L16.4 6.96C15.54 7.69 15 8.78 15 10V16C14.37 16.83 14 17.87 14 19L14.1 20H5Z",$41="M19 8C20.11 8 21 8.9 21 10V16.76C21.61 17.31 22 18.11 22 19C22 20.66 20.66 22 19 22C17.34 22 16 20.66 16 19C16 18.11 16.39 17.31 17 16.76V10C17 8.9 17.9 8 19 8M19 9C18.45 9 18 9.45 18 10V11H20V10C20 9.45 19.55 9 19 9M12 5.69L7 10.19V18H14.1L14 19L14.1 20H5V12H2L12 3L16.4 6.96C15.89 7.4 15.5 7.97 15.25 8.61L12 5.69Z",X41="M12,3L20,9V21H15V14H9V21H4V9L12,3Z",Y41="M9,13H15V19H18V10L12,5.5L6,10V19H9V13M4,21V9L12,3L20,9V21H4Z",J41="M18,6C18,7.82 16.76,9.41 15,9.86V17A5,5 0 0,1 10,22A5,5 0 0,1 5,17V12L10,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17V9.86C11.23,9.4 10,7.8 10,5.97C10,3.76 11.8,2 14,2C16.22,2 18,3.79 18,6M14,8A2,2 0 0,0 16,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,4A2,2 0 0,0 12,6A2,2 0 0,0 14,8Z",C61="M13,9.86V11.18L15,13.18V9.86C17.14,9.31 18.43,7.13 17.87,5C17.32,2.85 15.14,1.56 13,2.11C10.86,2.67 9.57,4.85 10.13,7C10.5,8.4 11.59,9.5 13,9.86M14,4A2,2 0 0,1 16,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,8A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 14,4M18.73,22L14.86,18.13C14.21,20.81 11.5,22.46 8.83,21.82C6.6,21.28 5,19.29 5,17V12L10,17H7A3,3 0 0,0 10,20A3,3 0 0,0 13,17V16.27L2,5.27L3.28,4L13,13.72L15,15.72L20,20.72L18.73,22Z",H61="M12 5C6.5 5 2 9.5 2 15V21H22V15C22 9.5 17.5 5 12 5M12 7C14.53 7 16.78 8.17 18.25 10H5.76C7.22 8.17 9.47 7 12 7M8 19H4V15C4 13.94 4.21 12.93 4.58 12H8V19M14 19H10V12H14V19M20 19H16V12H19.42C19.79 12.93 20 13.94 20 15V19Z",V61="M21,12C21,12 12.5,10 12.5,2C12.5,2 21,2 21,12M3,12C3,2 11.5,2 11.5,2C11.5,10 3,12 3,12M12,6.5C12,6.5 13,8.66 15,10.5C14.76,14.16 12,16 12,16C12,16 9.24,14.16 9,10.5C11,8.66 12,6.5 12,6.5M20.75,13.25C20.75,13.25 20,17 18,19C18,19 15.53,17.36 14.33,14.81C15.05,13.58 15.5,12.12 15.75,11.13C17.13,12.18 18.75,13 20.75,13.25M15.5,18.25C14.5,20.25 12,21.75 12,21.75C12,21.75 9.5,20.25 8.5,18.25C8.5,18.25 9.59,17.34 10.35,15.8C10.82,16.35 11.36,16.79 12,17C12.64,16.79 13.18,16.35 13.65,15.8C14.41,17.34 15.5,18.25 15.5,18.25M3.25,13.25C5.25,13 6.87,12.18 8.25,11.13C8.5,12.12 8.95,13.58 9.67,14.81C8.47,17.36 6,19 6,19C4,17 3.25,13.25 3.25,13.25Z",L61="M12 14L8 10L4 14H7.1C7.56 18.56 9.58 22 12 22S16.44 18.56 16.9 14H14.91C14.57 17.45 13.4 20 12 20S9.43 17.45 9.09 14H12M12 4C13.4 4 14.57 6.55 14.91 10H16.9C16.44 5.44 14.42 2 12 2C9.84 2 8 4.74 7.3 8.58L8 7.88L9.21 9.08C9.64 6.11 10.73 4 12 4M22 13V11H11L13 13H22M2 13H3L5 11H2V13Z",M61="M12 10H9.09C9.43 6.55 10.6 4 12 4S14.57 6.55 14.91 10H16.9C16.44 5.44 14.42 2 12 2S7.56 5.44 7.1 10H4L8 14L12 10M12 20C10.73 20 9.64 17.89 9.21 14.92L8 16.12L7.3 15.42C8 19.26 9.84 22 12 22C14.42 22 16.44 18.56 16.9 14H14.91C14.57 17.45 13.4 20 12 20M22 11H13L11 13H22V11M2 13H5L3 11H2V13",A61="M22 6V9.5L20.5 10L18.96 7.54C18.83 7.33 18.5 7.42 18.5 7.67V11.25C18.5 12.23 18.11 13.11 17.5 13.78V21H15V15C14.92 15 14.84 15 14.75 15C14.54 15 14.33 14.97 14.13 14.94L9.69 14.2L8.57 16.21L9.53 21H7L6 16.25C5.97 15.95 6 15.65 6.16 15.39L7.18 13.58C6.2 13.03 5.53 12 5.5 10.81C5.46 10.96 5.44 11.18 5.47 11.5C5.5 11.94 5.61 12.59 5.54 13.31C5.5 14.03 5.17 14.77 4.75 15.26C4.32 15.75 3.85 16.09 3.35 16.35L2.65 15.65C2.84 15.18 3.03 14.76 3.07 14.37C3.13 14 3.06 13.7 2.95 13.43L2.42 12.3C2.21 11.79 1.95 11.05 2 10.18C2.03 9.33 2.5 8.22 3.39 7.61C4.29 7 5.26 6.92 6.05 7.08C6.55 7.18 7.06 7.42 7.5 7.76C7.87 7.59 8.3 7.5 8.75 7.5H14.5V7C14.5 4.79 16.29 3 18.5 3H22L21.11 4.34C21.65 4.7 22 5.31 22 6Z",i61="M10 3.5C10 2.67 10.67 2 11.5 2S13 2.67 13 3.5 12.33 5 11.5 5 10 4.33 10 3.5M22 8V11.5L20.97 11.85C20.8 13.06 19.76 14 18.5 14H18.42C18.28 14.68 17.95 15.29 17.5 15.78V22H15V17C14.92 17 14.84 17 14.75 17C14.54 17 14.33 16.97 14.13 16.94L9.69 16.2L8.57 18.21L9.32 22H6.78L6 18.25C5.97 17.95 6 17.65 6.16 17.39L7.18 15.58C6.2 15.03 5.53 14 5.5 12.81C5.46 12.96 5.44 13.18 5.47 13.5C5.5 13.94 5.61 14.59 5.54 15.31C5.5 16.03 5.17 16.77 4.75 17.26C4.32 17.75 3.85 18.09 3.35 18.35L2.65 17.65C2.84 17.18 3.03 16.76 3.07 16.37C3.13 16 3.06 15.7 2.95 15.43L2.42 14.3C2.21 13.79 1.95 13.05 2 12.18C2.03 11.33 2.5 10.22 3.39 9.61C4.29 9 5.26 8.91 6.05 9.08C6.55 9.18 7.06 9.42 7.5 9.76C7.87 9.59 8.3 9.5 8.75 9.5H9V8.11C9 7.11 9.68 6.19 10.66 6.03C11.92 5.82 13 6.79 13 8V9.5H14.5V9C14.5 6.79 16.29 5 18.5 5H22L21.11 6.34C21.65 6.7 22 7.31 22 8M20 11.2L18.96 9.54C18.83 9.33 18.5 9.42 18.5 9.67V13C19.33 13 20 12.33 20 11.5V11.2Z",r61="M20 8V16L17 17L13.91 11.5C13.65 11.04 12.92 11.27 13 11.81L14 21L4 17L5.15 8.94C5.64 5.53 8.56 3 12 3H20L18.42 5.37C19.36 5.88 20 6.86 20 8Z",a61="M23 8V16L20 17L16.91 11.5C16.65 11.04 15.92 11.27 16 11.81L17 21L7 17L8.15 8.94C8.64 5.53 11.56 3 15 3H23L21.42 5.37C22.36 5.88 23 6.86 23 8M4 5H7.58C8.08 4.24 8.7 3.57 9.41 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4S3.45 5 4 5M5.84 11H2C1.45 11 1 11.45 1 12S1.45 13 2 13H5.55L5.84 11M3 9H6.12L6.17 8.66C6.25 8.08 6.39 7.53 6.58 7H3C2.45 7 2 7.45 2 8S2.45 9 3 9Z",e61="M19,4H20V1H16V4C16,4 18,8 18,12C18,16 16,19 12,19C8,19 6,16 6,12C6,8 8,4 8,4V1H4V4H5C5,4 2,8 2,14C2,19 7,23 12,23C17,23 22,19 22,14C22,8 19,4 19,4M4,13C3.4,13 3,12.6 3,12C3,11.4 3.4,11 4,11C4.6,11 5,11.4 5,12C5,12.6 4.6,13 4,13M6,19C5.4,19 5,18.6 5,18C5,17.4 5.4,17 6,17C6.6,17 7,17.4 7,18C7,18.6 6.6,19 6,19M12,22C11.4,22 11,21.6 11,21C11,20.4 11.4,20 12,20C12.6,20 13,20.4 13,21C13,21.6 12.6,22 12,22M18,19C17.4,19 17,18.6 17,18C17,17.4 17.4,17 18,17C18.6,17 19,17.4 19,18C19,18.6 18.6,19 18,19M20,13C19.4,13 19,12.6 19,12C19,11.4 19.4,11 20,11C20.6,11 21,11.4 21,12C21,12.6 20.6,13 20,13Z",d61="M18 14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18",m61="M18,14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",t61="M18 14H14V18H10V14H6V10H10V6H14V10H18M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 20H4V4H20V20Z",v61="M2,22V7A1,1 0 0,1 3,6H7V2H17V6H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,7V22H14V17H10V22H2M9,4V10H11V8H13V10H15V4H13V6H11V4H9M4,20H8V17H4V20M4,15H8V12H4V15M16,20H20V17H16V20M16,15H20V12H16V15M10,15H14V12H10V15Z",l61="M12,2C15.86,2 19,5.13 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M9,6V12H11V10H13V12H15V6H13V8H11V6H9Z",o61="M7,4A2,2 0 0,1 9,6A2,2 0 0,1 7,8A2,2 0 0,1 5,6A2,2 0 0,1 7,4M11.15,12H22V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12H5V11.25C5,10 6,9 7.25,9H7.28C7.62,9 7.95,9.09 8.24,9.23C8.5,9.35 8.74,9.5 8.93,9.73L10.33,11.28C10.56,11.54 10.84,11.78 11.15,12M7,20V14H5V20H7M11,20V14H9V20H11M15,20V14H13V20H15M19,20V14H17V20H19M18.65,5.86C19.68,6.86 20.16,8.21 19.95,9.57L19.89,10H18L18.09,9.41C18.24,8.62 18,7.83 17.42,7.21L17.35,7.15C16.32,6.14 15.85,4.79 16.05,3.43L16.11,3H18L17.91,3.59C17.76,4.38 18,5.17 18.58,5.79L18.65,5.86M14.65,5.86C15.68,6.86 16.16,8.21 15.95,9.57L15.89,10H14L14.09,9.41C14.24,8.62 14,7.83 13.42,7.21L13.35,7.15C12.32,6.14 11.85,4.79 12.05,3.43L12.11,3H14L13.91,3.59C13.76,4.38 14,5.17 14.58,5.79L14.65,5.86Z",n61="M13 2V4C17 4.5 20 7.8 20 11.9C20 15.1 18.1 17.9 15.3 19.2L13 17V22H18L16.8 20.8C19.9 19.1 22 15.8 22 12C22 6.8 18 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.1 2.2 7.2 3 5.7 4.2L7.1 5.6C8.2 4.8 9.6 4.2 11 4V2M4.2 5.7C3 7.2 2.2 9.1 2 11H4C4.2 9.6 4.8 8.2 5.6 7.1L4.2 5.7M2 13C2.2 14.9 3 16.8 4.2 18.3L5.6 16.9C4.8 15.8 4.2 14.4 4 13H2M7.1 18.4L5.7 19.8C7.2 21 9.1 21.8 11 22V20C9.6 19.8 8.2 19.2 7.1 18.4M12 8V10H15V11H14C12.9 11 12 11.9 12 13V16H17V14H14V13H15C16.1 13 17 12.1 17 11V10C17 8.9 16.1 8 15 8H12M7 8V10H8V16H10V8H7Z",Z61="M13 2.05V4.07C16.95 4.56 20 7.92 20 12C20 15.21 18.08 18 15.28 19.28L13 17V22H18L16.78 20.78C19.91 19.07 22 15.76 22 12C22 6.82 18.05 2.55 13 2.05M11 2C9.05 2.2 7.2 2.96 5.68 4.21L7.1 5.63C8.23 4.75 9.58 4.2 11 4V2M4.2 5.68C2.96 7.2 2.2 9.05 2 11H4C4.19 9.58 4.75 8.23 5.63 7.1L4.2 5.68M6 8V10H9V11H8C6.9 11 6 11.9 6 13V16H11V14H8V13H9C10.11 13 11 12.11 11 11V10C11 8.9 10.11 8 9 8H6M12 8V13H15V16H17V13H18V11H17V8H15V11H14V8H12M2 13C2.2 14.95 2.97 16.8 4.22 18.32L5.64 16.9C4.76 15.77 4.2 14.42 4 13H2M7.11 18.37L5.68 19.79C7.2 21.03 9.05 21.8 11 22V20C9.58 19.81 8.24 19.25 7.11 18.37Z",S61="M8.4 18.2C8.8 18.7 9 19.3 9 20C9 21.7 7.7 23 6 23S3 21.7 3 20 4.3 17 6 17C6.4 17 6.8 17.1 7.2 17.3L8.6 15.5C7.7 14.5 7.3 13.1 7.5 11.8L5.5 11.1C5 11.9 4.1 12.5 3 12.5C1.3 12.5 0 11.2 0 9.5S1.3 6.5 3 6.5 6 7.8 6 9.5V9.7L8 10.4C8.6 9.2 9.8 8.3 11.2 8.1V5.9C10 5.6 9 4.4 9 3C9 1.3 10.3 0 12 0S15 1.3 15 3C15 4.4 14 5.6 12.8 5.9V8.1C14.2 8.3 15.4 9.2 16 10.4L18 9.7V9.5C18 7.8 19.3 6.5 21 6.5S24 7.8 24 9.5 22.7 12.5 21 12.5C19.9 12.5 19 11.9 18.5 11.1L16.5 11.8C16.7 13.1 16.3 14.5 15.4 15.5L16.8 17.3C17.2 17.1 17.6 17 18 17C19.7 17 21 18.3 21 20S19.7 23 18 23 15 21.7 15 20C15 19.3 15.2 18.7 15.6 18.2L14.2 16.4C12.8 17.2 11.2 17.2 9.8 16.4L8.4 18.2Z",u61="M21 6.5C19.3 6.5 18 7.8 18 9.5V9.7L16 10.4C15.4 9.2 14.2 8.3 12.8 8.1V5.9C14 5.6 15 4.4 15 3C15 1.3 13.7 0 12 0S9 1.3 9 3C9 4.4 10 5.6 11.2 5.9V8.1C9.9 8.3 8.7 9.2 8 10.4L6 9.7V9.5C6 7.8 4.7 6.5 3 6.5S0 7.8 0 9.5 1.3 12.5 3 12.5C4.1 12.5 5 11.9 5.5 11.1L7.5 11.8C7.3 13.1 7.7 14.5 8.6 15.5L7.2 17.3C6.8 17.1 6.4 17 6 17C4.3 17 3 18.3 3 20S4.3 23 6 23 9 21.7 9 20C9 19.3 8.8 18.7 8.4 18.2L9.8 16.4C11.2 17.2 12.8 17.2 14.2 16.4L15.6 18.2C15.2 18.7 15 19.3 15 20C15 21.7 16.3 23 18 23S21 21.7 21 20 19.7 17 18 17C17.6 17 17.1 17.1 16.8 17.3L15.4 15.5C16.3 14.5 16.7 13.1 16.5 11.8L18.5 11.1C19 11.9 20 12.5 21 12.5C22.7 12.5 24 11.2 24 9.5S22.7 6.5 21 6.5M3 10.5C2.5 10.5 2 10.1 2 9.5S2.5 8.5 3 8.5 4 8.9 4 9.5 3.5 10.5 3 10.5M6 21C5.4 21 5 20.5 5 20S5.4 19 6 19 7 19.5 7 20 6.6 21 6 21M11 3C11 2.5 11.4 2 12 2S13 2.5 13 3 12.6 4 12 4 11 3.5 11 3M12 15C10.6 15 9.5 13.9 9.5 12.5S10.6 10 12 10 14.5 11.1 14.5 12.5 13.4 15 12 15M18 19C18.5 19 19 19.5 19 20S18.5 21 18 21 17 20.5 17 20 17.5 19 18 19M21 10.5C20.5 10.5 20 10.1 20 9.5S20.5 8.5 21 8.5 22 8.9 22 9.5 21.5 10.5 21 10.5Z",c61="M17.1,8.6V6.2C17.7,5.9 18.2,5.3 18.2,4.6V4.5C18.2,3.5 17.4,2.7 16.4,2.7H16.3C15.3,2.7 14.5,3.5 14.5,4.5V4.6C14.5,5.3 14.9,5.9 15.6,6.2V8.6C14.7,8.7 13.8,9.1 13.1,9.7L6.5,4.6C6.8,3.5 6.1,2.3 5,2.1C3.9,1.9 2.8,2.4 2.5,3.5C2.2,4.6 2.9,5.8 4,6.1C4.5,6.2 5.1,6.2 5.6,5.9L12,10.9C10.8,12.7 10.8,15 12.1,16.8L10.1,18.8C9.9,18.8 9.8,18.7 9.6,18.7C8.7,18.7 7.9,19.5 7.9,20.4C7.9,21.3 8.7,22 9.6,22C10.5,22 11.3,21.2 11.3,20.3V20.3C11.3,20.1 11.3,20 11.2,19.8L13.1,17.9C15.4,19.6 18.7,19.2 20.4,16.9C22.1,14.6 21.7,11.3 19.4,9.6C18.8,9.1 18,8.7 17.1,8.6M16.3,16.4C14.8,16.4 13.6,15.2 13.6,13.7C13.6,12.2 14.8,11 16.3,11C17.8,11 19,12.2 19,13.7C19,15.2 17.8,16.4 16.3,16.4",s61="M19.5,12.8V22H14.7V13.9C14.7,13.2 14.1,12.6 13.4,12.6H10.5C9.8,12.6 9.2,13.2 9.2,13.9V22H4.5V2H9.3V8.4C9.6,8.3 9.9,8.2 10.2,8.2H15C17.5,8.2 19.5,10.3 19.5,12.8Z",O61="M21,9H15V22H13V16H11V22H9V9H3V7H21M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6C10.89,6 10,5.1 10,4C10,2.89 10.89,2 12,2Z",h61="M6.5 6.08C5.72 6.12 5 6.62 4.72 7.4L3 12.13V22H7V12.84L8.42 8.94L10.7 10H14V8H11.15L7.29 6.2C7.03 6.11 6.76 6.07 6.5 6.08M9 17H21V19H9M10 3.5A2 2 0 0 1 8 5.5A2 2 0 0 1 6 3.5A2 2 0 0 1 8 1.5A2 2 0 0 1 10 3.5M21 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 16A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 14.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 13A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 21 14.5M9 11V13H11V14C11 15.11 11.89 16 13 16H15C16.11 16 17 15.11 17 14V11H15V13H13V12A1 1 0 0 0 12 11Z",p61="M18 12.24V22H17.06V12.24C17.06 12.09 17 12 16.93 11.89C16.84 11.8 16.74 11.76 16.62 11.76C16.47 11.76 16.36 11.8 16.27 11.89C16.18 12 16.14 12.1 16.14 12.24V13.16H15.23V12.5C14.53 12.33 13.9 12.04 13.35 11.63C12.8 11.22 12.34 10.74 11.96 10.19L11.61 11.39C11.5 11.81 11.5 12.24 11.5 12.68L11.5 13L11.5 13.33L13.35 15.94V22H11.5V17.34L9.82 15L9.65 18.25L6.86 22L5.38 20.87L7.77 17.64V12.68C7.77 12.15 7.82 11.63 7.91 11.11L8.25 9.54L6.86 10.32V13.63H5V9.23L10 6.4C10.29 6.26 10.59 6.18 10.91 6.18C11.23 6.18 11.54 6.27 11.83 6.44C12.15 6.62 12.39 6.88 12.57 7.23L13.31 8.8C13.6 9.38 14.04 9.87 14.64 10.26C15.23 10.65 15.89 10.85 16.62 10.85C17 10.85 17.32 11 17.6 11.24C17.88 11.5 18 11.83 18 12.24M12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.11 13.11 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.11 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2Z",f61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7C17.33 7 16.69 7.1 16.08 7.28C16.66 7.83 17 8.6 17 9.43V10H22V9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M7.92 7.28C7.31 7.1 6.67 7 6 7C5 7 4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H7V9.43C7 8.6 7.34 7.83 7.92 7.28M10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4 13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4M16 10H8V9.43C8 8.62 8.5 7.9 9.22 7.58C10.07 7.21 11 7 12 7C13 7 13.93 7.21 14.78 7.58C15.5 7.9 16 8.62 16 9.43V10M15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14S19 14.9 19 16 18.1 18 17 18 15 17.1 15 16M21 22H13V21.43C13 20.62 13.5 19.9 14.22 19.58C15.07 19.21 16 19 17 19C18 19 18.93 19.21 19.78 19.58C20.5 19.9 21 20.62 21 21.43V22M5 16C5 14.9 5.9 14 7 14S9 14.9 9 16 8.1 18 7 18 5 17.1 5 16M11 22H3V21.43C3 20.62 3.5 19.9 4.22 19.58C5.07 19.21 6 19 7 19C8 19 8.93 19.21 9.78 19.58C10.5 19.9 11 20.62 11 21.43V22M12.75 13V11H11.25V13H9L12 16L15 13H12.75Z",g61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2C19.1 2 20 2.9 20 4C20 5.1 19.1 6 18 6C16.9 6 16 5.1 16 4M20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7C17.33 7 16.69 7.1 16.08 7.28C16.66 7.83 17 8.6 17 9.43V10H22V9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4C8 2.9 7.1 2 6 2C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4C4 5.1 4.9 6 6 6M7.92 7.28C7.31 7.1 6.67 7 6 7C5 7 4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H7V9.43C7 8.6 7.34 7.83 7.92 7.28M10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.1 13.1 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.1 10 4M16 10H8V9.43C8 8.62 8.5 7.9 9.22 7.58C10.07 7.21 11 7 12 7C13 7 13.93 7.21 14.78 7.58C15.5 7.9 16 8.62 16 9.43M15 16C15 14.9 15.9 14 17 14C18.1 14 19 14.9 19 16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18C15.9 18 15 17.1 15 16M21 22H13V21.43C13 20.62 13.5 19.9 14.22 19.58C15.07 19.21 16 19 17 19C18 19 18.93 19.21 19.78 19.58C20.5 19.9 21 20.62 21 21.43M5 16C5 14.9 5.9 14 7 14C8.1 14 9 14.9 9 16C9 17.1 8.1 18 7 18C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16M11 22H3V21.43C3 20.62 3.5 19.9 4.22 19.58C5.07 19.21 6 19 7 19C8 19 8.93 19.21 9.78 19.58C10.5 19.9 11 20.62 11 21.43M12.75 14V16H11.25V14H9L12 11L15 14Z",k61="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M11,22H8V16H6V9H18V16H16V22H13V18H11V22Z",B61="M16.78 21.84C15.77 22.27 14.59 21.8 14.16 20.78C13.73 19.77 14.2 18.59 15.22 18.16C16.23 17.73 17.41 18.2 17.84 19.22C18.27 20.23 17.8 21.41 16.78 21.84M7.62 6C8.73 6 9.62 5.11 9.62 4C9.62 2.9 8.73 2 7.62 2C6.5 2 5.62 2.9 5.62 4C5.62 5.11 6.5 6 7.62 6M22.05 16.34L18.2 18C18.42 18.22 18.62 18.5 18.76 18.82C18.9 19.15 18.96 19.5 19 19.82L22.83 18.18L22.05 16.34M10.16 8.78L10.9 10.59C10.66 10.5 10.44 10.38 10.26 10.26C9.66 9.87 9.22 9.38 8.93 8.8L8.19 7.23C8 6.88 7.77 6.62 7.45 6.44C7.16 6.27 6.85 6.18 6.53 6.18C6.21 6.18 5.91 6.26 5.62 6.4C4.22 7.5 3.87 9.54 3.87 9.54L3.53 11.11C3.44 11.63 3.39 12.15 3.39 12.68V17.64L1 20.87L2.5 22L5.27 18.25L5.44 15L7.12 17.34V22H8.97V15.94L7.12 13.33V12.68C7.12 12.24 7.12 11.81 7.23 11.39L7.58 10.19C7.96 10.74 8.42 11.22 8.97 11.63C9.42 11.97 10.68 12.57 11.87 12.86L14 17.8C14.22 17.58 14.5 17.38 14.83 17.24C15.15 17.1 15.5 17.04 15.82 17L12 8L10.16 8.78M15.36 12.12L17.32 16.72L22.95 14.31L21 9.72",P61="M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M21 9H15V16L13 18V16H11V22H9V9H3V7H21V9M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4C14 5.1 13.1 6 12 6C10.9 6 10 5.1 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2Z",w61="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M10.5,22V16H7.5L10.09,8.41C10.34,7.59 11.1,7 12,7C12.9,7 13.66,7.59 13.91,8.41L16.5,16H13.5V22H10.5Z",F61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16H9V22H6M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M13.5,15H19.5V19H18V22H15V19H13.5V15Z",T61="M17 17H15V23H13V17H10.88L9.34 18.93L11.71 21.29L10.29 22.71L7.93 20.34C7.58 20 7.38 19.53 7.35 19.04C7.32 18.55 7.47 18.06 7.78 17.68L8.32 17H7L9 13V10C8.38 10.47 7.88 11.07 7.53 11.76C7.18 12.46 7 13.22 7 14H5C5 12.14 5.74 10.36 7.05 9.05C8.36 7.74 10.14 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 6.47 15.54 5.54C16.47 4.6 17 3.33 17 2H19C19 3.32 18.62 4.62 17.91 5.73C17.2 6.85 16.2 7.74 15 8.31V13L17 17M14 4C14 4.4 13.88 4.78 13.66 5.11C13.44 5.44 13.13 5.7 12.77 5.85C12.4 6 12 6.04 11.61 5.96C11.22 5.88 10.87 5.69 10.59 5.41C10.31 5.13 10.12 4.78 10.04 4.39C9.96 4 10 3.6 10.15 3.24C10.3 2.87 10.56 2.56 10.89 2.34C11.22 2.12 11.6 2 12 2C12.53 2 13.04 2.21 13.41 2.59C13.79 2.96 14 3.47 14 4Z",b61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16L14.6,8.4C14.9,7.6 15.6,7 16.5,7C17.4,7 18.2,7.6 18.4,8.4L21,16H18V22H15V16H12L9,16V22H6M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2Z",y61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20 16H22.5L20 8.4C19.7 7.6 19 7 18.1 7H18C17.1 7 16.4 7.6 16.1 8.4L15.2 11C16.3 11.6 17 12.7 17 14.1V22H20M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5 6C6.1 6 7 5.1 7 4S6.1 2 5 2 3 2.9 3 4 3.9 6 5 6M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14M7 22V16H9.5L7 8.4C6.7 7.6 6 7 5.1 7H5C4.1 7 3.4 7.6 3.1 8.4L1.5 16H4V22H7Z",R61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,22V16H3L5.6,8.4C5.9,7.6 6.6,7 7.5,7C8.4,7 9.2,7.6 9.4,8.4L12,16H9V22H6M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M15,15H18L19.5,19H18V22H15V19H13.5L15,15Z",x61="M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M15.9 8.1C15.5 7.7 14.8 7 13.5 7H11C8.2 7 6 4.8 6 2H4C4 5.2 6.1 7.8 9 8.7V22H11V16H13V22H15V10.1L19 14L20.4 12.6L15.9 8.1Z",D61="M11 14H9C9 9.03 13.03 5 18 5V7C14.13 7 11 10.13 11 14M18 11V9C15.24 9 13 11.24 13 14H15C15 12.34 16.34 11 18 11M7 4C7 2.89 6.11 2 5 2S3 2.89 3 4 3.89 6 5 6 7 5.11 7 4M11.45 4.5H9.45C9.21 5.92 8 7 6.5 7H3.5C2.67 7 2 7.67 2 8.5V11H8V8.74C9.86 8.15 11.25 6.5 11.45 4.5M19 17C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15S20.11 13 19 13 17 13.89 17 15 17.89 17 19 17M20.5 18H17.5C16 18 14.79 16.92 14.55 15.5H12.55C12.75 17.5 14.14 19.15 16 19.74V22H22V19.5C22 18.67 21.33 18 20.5 18Z",E61="M1.5,4V5.5C1.5,9.65 3.71,13.28 7,15.3V20H22V18C22,15.34 16.67,14 14,14C14,14 13.83,14 13.75,14C9,14 5,10 5,5.5V4M14,4A4,4 0 0,0 10,8A4,4 0 0,0 14,12A4,4 0 0,0 18,8A4,4 0 0,0 14,4Z",N61="M12,1C10.89,1 10,1.9 10,3C10,4.11 10.89,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,4.11 14,3A2,2 0 0,0 12,1M10,6C9.73,6 9.5,6.11 9.31,6.28H9.3L4,11.59L5.42,13L9,9.41V22H11V15H13V22H15V9.41L18.58,13L20,11.59L14.7,6.28C14.5,6.11 14.27,6 14,6",W61="M5,1C5,3.7 6.56,6.16 9,7.32V22H11V15H13V22H15V7.31C17.44,6.16 19,3.7 19,1H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,6A5,5 0 0,1 7,1M12,1C10.89,1 10,1.89 10,3C10,4.11 10.89,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,4.11 14,3C14,1.89 13.11,1 12,1Z",I61="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M10.5,7H13.5A2,2 0 0,1 15.5,9V14.5H14V22H10V14.5H8.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,7Z",G61="M20,17A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H9.46C9.81,2.61 10,3.3 10,4H20V15H11V17M15,7V9H9V22H7V16H5V22H3V14H1.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 3.5,7H15M8,4A2,2 0 0,1 6,6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2A2,2 0 0,1 8,4Z",Q61="M20 17C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H9.5C9.8 2.6 10 3.3 10 4H20V15H11V17M15 7V9H9V22H7V16H5V22H3V14H1.5V9C1.5 7.9 2.4 7 3.5 7H15M8 4C8 5.1 7.1 6 6 6S4 5.1 4 4 4.9 2 6 2 8 2.9 8 4M17 6H19V14H17V6M14 10H16V14H14V10M11 10H13V14H11V10Z",U61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M13.5,15H19.5V19H18V22H15V19H13.5V15Z",z61="M7 2C5.9 2 5 2.9 5 4S5.9 6 7 6 9 5.11 9 4 8.11 2 7 2M5 7C3.89 7 3 7.89 3 9V15H5V22H10V11.6L12.53 16H14.97L16 14.66V22H20V17H21V14C21 12.89 20.11 12 19 12H16.5C15.9 12 15.37 12.26 15 12.68C14.67 13.1 14.32 13.56 14 14H13.69L10 7.66C9.84 7.38 9.22 7 8.5 7H5M18 8C17.17 8 16.5 8.67 16.5 9.5S17.17 11 18 11 19.5 10.33 19.5 9.5 18.83 8 18 8Z",_61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2M15,22V16H12L14.59,8.41C14.84,7.59 15.6,7 16.5,7C17.4,7 18.16,7.59 18.41,8.41L21,16H18V22H15Z",K61="M16 4C16 2.9 16.9 2 18 2S20 2.9 20 4 19.1 6 18 6 16 5.1 16 4M20 22V16H22.5L20 8.4C19.7 7.6 19 7 18.1 7H18C17.1 7 16.4 7.6 16.1 8.4L15.2 11C16.3 11.6 17 12.7 17 14.1V22H20M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5.5 6C6.6 6 7.5 5.1 7.5 4S6.6 2 5.5 2 3.5 2.9 3.5 4 4.4 6 5.5 6M7.5 22V15H9V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15H3.5V22H7.5M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14Z",j61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M14.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,10A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,12A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,14A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,12M15,15H18L19.5,19H18V22H15V19H13.5L15,15Z",q61="M7,2C8.78,2 9.67,4.16 8.42,5.42C7.16,6.67 5,5.78 5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M5.5,7H8.5A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,9V14.5H9V22H5V14.5H3.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,7M21,8H15V10H21M21,11H18V13H21M21,2H15V4H21M21,5H18V7H21M21,14H15V16H21M21,20H15V22H21M21,17H18V19H21",$61="M7,2C8.78,2 9.67,4.16 8.42,5.42C7.16,6.67 5,5.78 5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M5.5,7H8.5A2,2 0 0,1 10.5,9V14.5H9V22H5V14.5H3.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,7M19,8H21L18,4L15,8H17V16H15L18,20L21,16H19M22,2H14V4H22M22,20H14V22H22",X61="M7.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 5.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,2M6,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V14.5H9.5V22H5.5V14.5H4V9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7M16.5,2A2,2 0 0,1 18.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,6A2,2 0 0,1 14.5,4A2,2 0 0,1 16.5,2M15,7H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,9V14.5H18.5V22H14.5V14.5H13V9A2,2 0 0,1 15,7Z",Y61="M12.5 11.5C13.3 11.5 14 10.8 14 10S13.3 8.5 12.5 8.5 11 9.2 11 10 11.7 11.5 12.5 11.5M5.5 6C6.6 6 7.5 5.1 7.5 4S6.6 2 5.5 2 3.5 2.9 3.5 4 4.4 6 5.5 6M7.5 22V15H9V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15H3.5V22H7.5M14 22V18H15V14C15 13.2 14.3 12.5 13.5 12.5H11.5C10.7 12.5 10 13.2 10 14V18H11V22H14M18.5 6C19.6 6 20.5 5.1 20.5 4S19.6 2 18.5 2 16.5 2.9 16.5 4 17.4 6 18.5 6M22 9V15H20.5V22H17V14C17 12.6 16.2 11.4 15 10.9V9C15 7.9 15.9 7 17 7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9Z",J61="M12 2C13.11 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.11 6 12 6 10 5.11 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M13.91 8.41C13.66 7.59 12.9 7 12 7H10.5C9.4 7 8.5 7.9 8.5 9V14.5H10V22H13.5V16H16.5L13.91 8.41Z",C81="M9,4C9,2.89 9.89,2 11,2C12.11,2 13,2.89 13,4C13,5.11 12.11,6 11,6C9.89,6 9,5.11 9,4M16,13C16,11.66 15.17,10.5 14,10A3,3 0 0,0 11,7A3,3 0 0,0 8,10V17H10V22H13V17H16V13Z",H81="M5 6C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8S3.9 10 5 10 7 9.11 7 8 6.11 6 5 6M12 4C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6S10.9 8 12 8 14 7.11 14 6 13.11 4 12 4M19 2C17.9 2 17 2.9 17 4S17.9 6 19 6 21 5.11 21 4 20.11 2 19 2M3.5 11C2.67 11 2 11.67 2 12.5V17H3V22H7V17H8V12.5C8 11.67 7.33 11 6.5 11H3.5M10.5 9C9.67 9 9 9.67 9 10.5V15H10V20H14V15H15V10.5C15 9.67 14.33 9 13.5 9H10.5M17.5 7C16.67 7 16 7.67 16 8.5V13H17V18H21V13H22V8.5C22 7.67 21.33 7 20.5 7H17.5Z",V81="M16.5 2.25C17.33 2.25 18 2.92 18 3.75C18 4.58 17.33 5.25 16.5 5.25C15.67 5.25 15 4.58 15 3.75C15 2.92 15.67 2.25 16.5 2.25M20 18C21.11 18 22 18.9 22 20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22C19.26 22 18.61 21.6 18.27 21H8.73C8.39 21.6 7.74 22 7 22C5.9 22 5 21.11 5 20C5 18.9 5.9 18 7 18C7.74 18 8.39 18.4 8.73 19H13V13.5L9.73 11.23L6.77 14C6.36 14.37 5.73 14.34 5.35 13.94L2.28 10.65C1.91 10.24 1.93 9.61 2.33 9.23C2.74 8.86 3.37 8.88 3.74 9.28L6.13 11.84L13.26 5.2L13.3 5.18C13.72 4.82 14.35 4.88 14.71 5.3L16.97 8H20C20.55 8 21 8.45 21 9C21 9.55 20.55 10 20 10H16.5C16.15 10 15.85 9.82 15.67 9.56L14.17 7.77L11.64 10.13L14.57 12.18H14.57C14.83 12.36 15 12.66 15 13V19H15.61C16.04 17.13 17.63 15.7 19.58 15.5L18.81 11H20.31L21.39 17.34C20.97 17.12 20.5 17 20 17C18.69 17 17.58 17.84 17.17 19H18.27C18.61 18.4 19.26 18 20 18Z",L81="M12 2C13.1 2 14 2.9 14 4S13.1 6 12 6 10 5.1 10 4 10.9 2 12 2M19.8 17.7L19.2 11.3C19.1 10.5 18.5 10 17.7 10H16C14.5 10 13.1 9.5 12.2 8.6L10.2 6.6C10.1 6.4 9.6 6 8.8 6C8.3 6 7.8 6.2 7.4 6.6L4.1 9.9C3.6 10.6 3.6 11.5 3.9 12L5.3 14.8L2.2 18.8L3.8 20L7.5 15.3L7.2 14L8 14.8V20H10V13.9L7.9 11.8L10.3 9.4C11.2 10.3 12 11.2 13.9 11.7L13 20H14.5L14.9 16.5H18.1L18.2 17.7C17.8 18 17.5 18.4 17.5 19C17.5 19.8 18.2 20.5 19 20.5S20.5 19.8 20.5 19C20.5 18.5 20.2 18 19.8 17.7M15.1 15L15.5 11.5H17.5L17.9 15H15.1Z",M81="M8.5 4A2 2 0 0 1 6.5 6A2 2 0 0 1 4.5 4A2 2 0 0 1 6.5 2A2 2 0 0 1 8.5 4M5 7C3.89 7 3 7.89 3 9V15H5V22H8.61A7 7 0 0 1 6.5 17A7 7 0 0 1 10 10.95V9C10 7.89 9.11 7 8 7M13 8V16H18.5L21.2 19.6L22.8 18.4L19.5 14H15V8M12 12.23A5 5 0 0 0 8.5 17A5 5 0 0 0 13.5 22A5 5 0 0 0 18.5 17H16.5A3 3 0 0 1 13.5 20A3 3 0 0 1 10.5 17A3 3 0 0 1 12 14.41Z",A81="M8 4C8 2.9 8.9 2 10 2C11.11 2 12 2.9 12 4C12 5.11 11.11 6 10 6C8.9 6 8 5.11 8 4M20.65 21.5L14.5 10.85L14.5 10.85V10.85C13.77 10.85 13.23 10.65 12.64 10.26C12.04 9.87 11.6 9.38 11.31 8.8L10.57 7.23C10.39 6.88 10.15 6.62 9.83 6.44C9.54 6.27 9.23 6.18 8.91 6.18C8.59 6.18 8.29 6.26 8 6.4L3 9.23V13.63H4.86V10.32L6.25 9.54L5.91 11.11C5.82 11.63 5.77 12.15 5.77 12.68V17.64L3.38 20.87L4.86 22L7.65 18.25L7.82 15L9.5 17.34V22H11.35V15.94L9.5 13.33V12.68C9.5 12.24 9.5 11.81 9.61 11.39L9.96 10.19C10.34 10.74 10.81 11.2 11.35 11.63C12.2 12.31 13 12.59 14.35 12.58L19.78 22L20.65 21.5Z",i81="M16.91,18.12C14.09,18.12 18.43,2.13 18.43,2.13H15.53C15.53,2.13 14.34,5.89 13.55,10.07H11.05C11.11,9.21 11.15,8.34 11.13,7.5C11,0.59 7,1.87 5.18,3.45C3.47,4.95 2.03,7.8 2,10C2.27,10 3.35,10 3.35,10C3.35,10 4.25,5.88 7.07,5.88C9.89,5.88 5.54,21.87 5.54,21.87H8.45C8.45,21.87 9.95,17.59 10.7,12.81L13.09,12.8C12.95,14.04 12.91,15.4 12.93,16.67C13.04,23.56 17.06,22.08 18.86,20.5C20.67,18.92 22,15.58 22,14H20.61C20.62,14.12 19.73,18.12 16.91,18.12V18.12Z",r81="M8.58 14C8.3 13.55 8.11 13.03 8.06 12.5H15.94C15.89 13.03 15.7 13.55 15.47 14H8.58M12 16C10.97 16 10.08 15.61 9.38 15H14.63C13.92 15.61 13.03 16 12 16M12 8C13.03 8 13.92 8.39 14.63 9H9.38C10.08 8.39 10.97 8 12 8M8.58 10H15.42C15.7 10.45 15.89 10.97 15.94 11.5H8.06C8.11 10.97 8.3 10.45 8.58 10M3 3V21H21V3H3M12 18C8.67 18 6 15.33 6 12S8.67 6 12 6 18 8.67 18 12 15.33 18 12 18Z",a81="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 18C8.67 18 6 15.33 6 12C6 10.82 6.34 9.73 6.92 8.81L8.43 10.32C8.24 10.69 8.1 11.09 8.06 11.5H9.61L10.61 12.5H8.06C8.11 13.03 8.3 13.55 8.58 14H12.11L13.11 15H9.38C10.08 15.61 10.97 16 12 16C12.63 16 13.19 15.84 13.7 15.59L15.19 17.08C14.27 17.66 13.18 18 12 18M12 8C13.03 8 13.92 8.39 14.63 9H12.2L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M9.67 6.47L6.2 3H21V17.8L17.53 14.33C17.83 13.62 18 12.83 18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C11.17 6 10.38 6.17 9.67 6.47M15.94 11.5H14.7L13.2 10H15.42C15.7 10.45 15.89 10.97 15.94 11.5Z",e81="M15 18C13.34 18 12 16.66 12 15C12 13 15 9.63 15 9.63S18 13 18 15C18 16.66 16.66 18 15 18M20 4V20H10V4H8V20C8 21.11 8.89 22 10 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4H20M2 19L7 14L2 9V19M16 6V2H14V6H11V8H19V6H16Z",d81="M9 18C7.34 18 6 16.66 6 15C6 13 9 9.63 9 9.63S12 13 12 15C12 16.66 10.66 18 9 18M14 4V20H4V4H2V20C2 21.11 2.89 22 4 22H14C15.11 22 16 21.11 16 20V4H14M10 6V2H8V6H5V8H13V6H10M21 17.5V5.5C21 4.67 20.33 4 19.5 4S18 4.67 18 5.5V17.5C17.37 17.97 17 18.71 17 19.5C17 20.88 18.12 22 19.5 22S22 20.88 22 19.5C22 18.71 21.63 18 21 17.5M20 13H19V6H20V13Z",m81="M17.12 3.55A2 2 0 0 0 15.2 4.95L14.4 7.5A3 3 0 0 0 13.33 7.74L11.5 5.77L10.17 4.29A2 2 0 0 0 10.05 7.12L11.86 9.09A3 3 0 0 0 11.64 9.6A3 3 0 0 0 11.53 10.13L8.92 10.71L6.96 11.15A2 2 0 0 0 9.35 12.67L11.96 12.08A3 3 0 0 0 12.7 12.89L11.9 15.44L11.3 17.35A2 2 0 0 0 13.8 16.04L14.61 13.5A3 3 0 0 0 15.68 13.26L17.5 15.23L18.83 16.7A2 2 0 0 0 18.96 13.88L17.15 11.91A3 3 0 0 0 17.36 11.4A3 3 0 0 0 17.5 10.86L20.09 10.28L22.04 9.85A2 2 0 0 0 19.66 8.33L17.05 8.91A3 3 0 0 0 16.31 8.11L17.11 5.55L17.71 3.65A2 2 0 0 0 17.12 3.55M14.56 9A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.95 9.07A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 15.93 10.95A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.05 11.93A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13.07 10.05A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 14.55 9M8 13.67C6.78 14.53 5.39 15 4 15H2V17H4C5.37 17 6.74 16.65 8 16C8.77 16.4 9.58 16.66 10.41 16.81L10.94 15.14L11.03 14.88C9.97 14.73 8.93 14.32 8 13.67M20.45 15C20.5 15.7 20.33 16.41 19.91 17C19.93 17 19.97 17 20 17H22V15H20.45M8 17.67C6.78 18.53 5.39 19 4 19H2V21H4C5.37 21 6.74 20.65 8 20C10.5 21.3 13.5 21.3 16 20C17.26 20.65 18.62 21 20 21H22V19H20C18.61 19 17.22 18.53 16 17.67C13.56 19.38 10.44 19.38 8 17.67Z",t81="M6 3C4.89 3 4 3.9 4 5V21H14V13.5H15.5V18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21S20.5 19.88 20.5 18.5V9C20.5 8.31 20.22 7.68 19.77 7.23L19.78 7.22L16.06 3.5L15 4.56L17.11 6.67C16.17 7.03 15.5 7.93 15.5 9C15.5 10.38 16.62 11.5 18 11.5C18.36 11.5 18.69 11.42 19 11.29V18.5C19 19.05 18.55 19.5 18 19.5S17 19.05 17 18.5V14C17 12.9 16.11 12 15 12H14V5C14 3.9 13.11 3 12 3H6M6 7H8V11H10V7H12V17H10V13H8V17H6V7M18 8C18.55 8 19 8.45 19 9S18.55 10 18 10 17 9.55 17 9 17.45 8 18 8Z",v81="M17.5 6.05C17.25 3.22 14.89 1 12 1S6.75 3.22 6.5 6.05C5.09 6.28 4 7.5 4 9C4 10.66 5.34 12 7 12L12 22L17 12C18.66 12 20 10.66 20 9C20 7.5 18.91 6.28 17.5 6.05M12 17.53L8.89 11.31C8.95 11.26 9 11.21 9.08 11.16C9.93 11.69 10.93 12 12 12S14.07 11.69 14.92 11.16C15 11.21 15.05 11.26 15.11 11.31L12 17.53Z",l81="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.95 6.84C4.37 7.38 4 8.14 4 9C4 10.66 5.34 12 7 12L12 22L14.7 16.59L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 17.53L8.89 11.31C8.95 11.26 9 11.21 9.08 11.16C9.21 11.24 9.35 11.3 9.5 11.37L13.21 15.1L12 17.53M7.15 3.95C8.07 2.2 9.89 1 12 1C14.89 1 17.25 3.22 17.5 6.05C18.91 6.28 20 7.5 20 9C20 10.66 18.66 12 17 12L16.4 13.2L7.15 3.95Z",o81="M18.15 14.96L9.95 18.65L5.85 9.65C7.21 9.13 8.12 7.82 8.15 6.36C8.14 5 7.36 3.76 6.15 3.15C6.54 2.8 7 2.5 7.45 2.25C9.71 1.25 12.37 2.23 13.45 4.46M13.15 18.36L14.75 21.86L17.45 20.65L15.85 17.15",n81="M4 4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V6C22 4.89 21.11 4 20 4H4M4 6H20V10H4V6M4 12H8V14H4V12M10 12H20V14H10V12M4 16H14V18H4V16M16 16H20V18H16V16Z",Z81="M10 7V9H9V15H10V17H6V15H7V9H6V7H10M16 7C17.11 7 18 7.9 18 9V15C18 16.11 17.11 17 16 17H12V7M16 9H14V15H16V9Z",S81="M11 4V6H4V10H6V8H18V10H20V6H13V4M8 10V12H13.59L11.59 14H4V16H11V18H10V20H13V16H20V14H14.21L16 12.21V10Z",u81="M11 4V6H4V8H15.36C15.13 8.87 14.63 9.77 13.88 10.69C13.35 11.35 12.71 12 12 12.67C11.29 12 10.65 11.35 10.12 10.69C9.65 10.12 9.3 9.55 9.03 9H6.85C7.21 10.05 7.82 11.03 8.56 11.95C9.13 12.66 9.79 13.34 10.5 14L5.36 18.23L6.64 19.77L12 15.34L17.36 19.77L18.64 18.23L13.5 14C14.21 13.34 14.87 12.66 15.44 11.95C16.41 10.74 17.16 9.43 17.4 8H20V6H13V4Z",c81="M8.5,13.5L11,16.5L14.5,12L19,18H5M21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19Z",s81="M6,19L9,15.14L11.14,17.72L14.14,13.86L18,19H6M6,4H11V12L8.5,10.5L6,12M18,2H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",O81="M20,5A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,5.89 2.89,5 4,5H20M5,16H19L14.5,10L11,14.5L8.5,11.5L5,16Z",h81="M12,23L8,19H16L12,23M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H20M5,14H19L14.5,8L11,12.5L8.5,9.5L5,14Z",p81="M19 10V19H5V5H14V3H5C3.92 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.92 21 5 21H19C20.12 21 21 20.1 21 19V10H19M17 10L17.94 7.94L20 7L17.94 6.06L17 4L16.06 6.06L14 7L16.06 7.94L17 10M13.25 10.75L12 8L10.75 10.75L8 12L10.75 13.25L12 16L13.25 13.25L16 12L13.25 10.75Z",f81="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V11H19V13H19L17,13V15H15V17H13V19H11V21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M21,15V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H19L15,21V19H17V17H19V15H21M19,8.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 18.5,8H5.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 5,8.5V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 5.5,16H11V15H13V13H15V11H17V9H19V8.5Z",g81="M21,5V11.59L18,8.58L14,12.59L10,8.59L6,12.59L3,9.58V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M18,11.42L21,14.43V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V12.42L6,15.41L10,11.41L14,15.41",k81="M12.5 21C12.18 20.23 12 19.39 12 18.5C12 18.33 12 18.17 12.03 18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L15.19 12.92C16.16 12.34 17.29 12 18.5 12C19.39 12 20.23 12.18 21 12.5V5C21 4.47 20.79 3.96 20.41 3.59C20.04 3.21 19.53 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 19.53 3.21 20.04 3.59 20.41C3.96 20.79 4.47 21 5 21H12.5M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22Z",B81="M12.18 17C12.54 15.5 13.43 14.16 14.68 13.25L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H12.18M5 5V19H12.03C12.09 19.7 12.24 20.38 12.5 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C19.53 3 20.04 3.21 20.41 3.59C20.79 3.96 21 4.47 21 5V12.5C20.38 12.24 19.7 12.09 19 12.03V5H5M17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25L17.75 22Z",P81="M22.7 14.3L21.7 15.3L19.7 13.3L20.7 12.3C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.1 21.1 12.1C21.2 12.1 21.4 12.2 21.5 12.3L22.8 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.3M13 19.9V22H15.1L21.2 15.9L19.2 13.9L13 19.9M21 5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.1L12.1 18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L16.1 14.1L21 9.1V5Z",w81="M22.7 14.3L21.7 15.3L19.7 13.3L20.7 12.3C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.1 21.1 12.1C21.2 12.1 21.4 12.2 21.5 12.3L22.8 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.3M13 19.9V22H15.1L21.2 15.9L19.2 13.9L13 19.9M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.12L15.66 14.55L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M11 19.9V19.05L11.05 19H5V5H19V11.31L21 9.38V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.9Z",F81="M19,19L12,11V19H5L12,11V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",T81="M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M5,5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5V15Z",b81="M12 8C8.44 8 6.65 12.31 9.17 14.83C11.69 17.35 16 15.56 16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19",y81="M17 12C17 7.55 11.62 5.31 8.46 8.46C5.31 11.61 7.55 17 12 17C14.76 17 17 14.76 17 12M12 15C9.33 15 8 11.77 9.88 9.88C11.77 8 15 9.33 15 12C15 13.66 13.66 15 12 15M5 15H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H9V19H5M5 5H9V3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V9H5M19 3H15V5H19V9H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H15V21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V15H19",R81="M5,15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H9V19H5M5,5H9V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5M19,3H15V5H19V9H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H15V21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15H19M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14Z",x81="M6.5 20H18.5Q20.38 20 21.69 18.69 23 17.38 23 15.5 23 13.8 21.79 12.4 20.58 11 19 11 19 8.05 17 6.03 14.95 4 12 4 9.88 4 8.29 5.08 6.7 6.15 6.25 8 8.8 8.45 10.4 10.19 12 11.93 12 14.5H10Q10 12.68 8.66 11.34 7.33 10 5.5 10T2.34 11.34Q1 12.68 1 14.5 1 16.8 2.6 18.4T6.5 20Z",D81="M6.5 20Q4.2 20 2.6 18.4T1 14.5Q1 12.55 2.21 11.06 3.43 9.57 5.25 9.15 5.88 6.9 7.73 5.45 9.57 4 12 4 15 4 17 6.06 19 8.13 19 11 20.88 11.2 21.94 12.55 23 13.9 23 15.5 23 17.35 21.69 18.68 20.38 20 18.5 20M6.5 18H18.5Q19.55 18 20.27 17.27 21 16.55 21 15.5 21 14.45 20.27 13.73 19.55 13 18.5 13H17V11Q17 8.93 15.54 7.46 14.08 6 12 6 10.43 6 9.2 6.86 8 7.73 7.4 9.07 9.35 9.4 10.68 10.91 12 12.43 12 14.5H10Q10 13.05 9 12.03 7.95 11 6.5 11 5.05 11 4.03 12.03 3 13.05 3 14.5 3 15.95 4.03 17 5.05 18 6.5 18Z",E81="M18,8H6V18H18M20,20H4V6H8.5L12.04,2.5L15.5,6H20M20,4H16L12,0L8,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4Z",N81="M14,6L10.25,11L13.1,14.8L11.5,16C9.81,13.75 7,10 7,10L1,18H23L14,6Z",W81="M23 18H1L8.25 8.33L10.25 11L14 6L23 18M11.5 12.67L14 16L19 16L14 9.33L11.5 12.67M5 16L11.5 16L8.25 11.67L5 16Z",I81="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",G81="M5.68,19.74C7.16,20.95 9,21.75 11,21.95V19.93C9.54,19.75 8.21,19.17 7.1,18.31M13,19.93V21.95C15,21.75 16.84,20.95 18.32,19.74L16.89,18.31C15.79,19.17 14.46,19.75 13,19.93M18.31,16.9L19.74,18.33C20.95,16.85 21.75,15 21.95,13H19.93C19.75,14.46 19.17,15.79 18.31,16.9M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12M4.07,13H2.05C2.25,15 3.05,16.84 4.26,18.32L5.69,16.89C4.83,15.79 4.25,14.46 4.07,13M5.69,7.1L4.26,5.68C3.05,7.16 2.25,9 2.05,11H4.07C4.25,9.54 4.83,8.21 5.69,7.1M19.93,11H21.95C21.75,9 20.95,7.16 19.74,5.68L18.31,7.1C19.17,8.21 19.75,9.54 19.93,11M18.32,4.26C16.84,3.05 15,2.25 13,2.05V4.07C14.46,4.25 15.79,4.83 16.9,5.69M11,4.07V2.05C9,2.25 7.16,3.05 5.68,4.26L7.1,5.69C8.21,4.83 9.54,4.25 11,4.07Z",Q81="M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M18.7,12.4C18.42,12.24 18.13,12.11 17.84,12C18.13,11.89 18.42,11.76 18.7,11.6C20.62,10.5 21.69,8.5 21.7,6.41C19.91,5.38 17.63,5.3 15.7,6.41C15.42,6.57 15.16,6.76 14.92,6.95C14.97,6.64 15,6.32 15,6C15,3.78 13.79,1.85 12,0.81C10.21,1.85 9,3.78 9,6C9,6.32 9.03,6.64 9.08,6.95C8.84,6.75 8.58,6.56 8.3,6.4C6.38,5.29 4.1,5.37 2.3,6.4C2.3,8.47 3.37,10.5 5.3,11.59C5.58,11.75 5.87,11.88 6.16,12C5.87,12.1 5.58,12.23 5.3,12.39C3.38,13.5 2.31,15.5 2.3,17.58C4.09,18.61 6.37,18.69 8.3,17.58C8.58,17.42 8.84,17.23 9.08,17.04C9.03,17.36 9,17.68 9,18C9,20.22 10.21,22.15 12,23.19C13.79,22.15 15,20.22 15,18C15,17.68 14.97,17.36 14.92,17.05C15.16,17.25 15.42,17.43 15.7,17.59C17.62,18.7 19.9,18.62 21.7,17.59C21.69,15.5 20.62,13.5 18.7,12.4Z",U81="M10,14.29L6.5,19H17.46L14.75,15.46L12.78,17.8L10,14.29M5,21V7H18.96V21H5M12,2.4L14.61,5.03H9.37L12,2.4M5,5.03C4.5,5.03 4,5.22 3.61,5.61C3.2,6 3,6.46 3,7V21C3,21.5 3.2,22 3.61,22.39C4,22.8 4.5,23 5,23H18.96C19.5,23 19.96,22.8 20.37,22.39C20.77,22 21,21.5 21,21V7C21,6.46 20.77,6 20.37,5.61C19.96,5.22 19.5,5.03 18.96,5.03H16L12,1L7.96,5.03H5Z",z81="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V18H5L8.5 13.5L11 16.5L14.5 12L14.77 12.37C15.61 10.89 17.27 10 19 10C19.69 10 20.37 10.16 21 10.42V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5Z",_81="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M5 3C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.03C13 20.9 13 20.8 13 20.7V19H5V5H19V10C19.69 10 20.37 10.16 21 10.42V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13C13.08 16.14 13.46 15.46 13.96 14.96C14.03 14.89 14.13 14.85 14.2 14.79V14.5C14.2 13.95 14.3 13.44 14.47 12.97L13.96 12.29Z",K81="M13.55 18C13.97 19.08 14.59 20.12 15.19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.63C20.25 10.23 19.39 10 18.5 10C16.29 10 14.33 11.39 13.47 13.33L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.55M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",j81="M14 19C14.36 19.72 14.78 20.4 15.19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V10.63C20.39 10.3 19.71 10.09 19 10.03V5H5V19H14M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.22C13.09 16.5 13 16 13 15.5C13 14.35 13.38 13.26 14 12.37L13.96 12.29M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",q81="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21Z",$81="M15.4 14.21C14.47 14.91 13.75 15.88 13.35 17H6.5L9.25 13.47L11.21 15.83L13.96 12.29L15.4 14.21M5 19V5H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",X81="M15,3H19V0L24,5L19,10V7H15V3M21,11.94V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H12.06C12,3.33 12,3.67 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20.33,12 20.67,12 21,11.94M19,18L14.5,12L11,16.5L8.5,13.5L5,18H19Z",Y81="M22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16M11,12L13.03,14.71L16,11L20,16H8M2,6V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6",J81="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M15.96,10.29L13.21,13.83L11.25,11.47L8.5,15H19.5L15.96,10.29Z",CC1="M21 17.2L6.8 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.2M20.7 22L19.7 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V4.3L2 3.3L3.3 2L22 20.7L20.7 22M16.8 18L12.9 14.1L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H16.8Z",HC1="M22 20.7L3.3 2L2 3.3L3 4.3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19.7L20.7 22L22 20.7M5 19V6.3L12.6 13.9L11.1 15.8L9 13.1L6 17H15.7L17.7 19H5M8.8 5L6.8 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.2L19 15.2V5H8.8",VC1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13.96,12.29L11.21,15.83L9.25,13.47L6.5,17H17.5L13.96,12.29Z",LC1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21Z",MC1="M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13M13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.35C13.75 15.88 14.47 14.91 15.4 14.21L13.96 12.29M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",AC1="M12 18.5C12 19.39 12.18 20.23 12.5 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V12.5C20.23 12.18 19.39 12 18.5 12C17.29 12 16.16 12.34 15.19 12.92L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H12.03C12 18.17 12 18.33 12 18.5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",iC1="M14.68 13.25C13.45 14.15 12.54 15.47 12.18 17H6.5L9.25 13.47L11.21 15.83L13.96 12.29L14.68 13.25M5 19V5H19V12.03C19.7 12.09 20.38 12.24 21 12.5V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H12.5C12.24 20.38 12.09 19.7 12.03 19H5M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",rC1="M13.3 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.3C20.4 13.1 19.7 13 19 13C17.9 13 16.8 13.3 15.9 13.9L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5L5 18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 19.7 13.1 20.4 13.3 21M20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9L20.4 19Z",aC1="M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.35C13.75 15.88 14.47 14.91 15.4 14.21L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",eC1="M15.5,2C18,2 20,4 20,6.5C20,7.38 19.75,8.21 19.31,8.9L22.39,12L21,13.39L17.88,10.32C17.19,10.75 16.37,11 15.5,11C13,11 11,9 11,6.5C11,4 13,2 15.5,2M15.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,4M7.5,14.5L4,19H18L13.5,13L10,17.5L7.5,14.5M20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H9.5C9.18,4.77 9,5.61 9,6.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 15.5,13C16.18,13 16.84,12.89 17.46,12.7L20,15.24V20Z",dC1="M15.5,9C16.2,9 16.79,8.76 17.27,8.27C17.76,7.79 18,7.2 18,6.5C18,5.83 17.76,5.23 17.27,4.73C16.79,4.23 16.2,4 15.5,4C14.83,4 14.23,4.23 13.73,4.73C13.23,5.23 13,5.83 13,6.5C13,7.2 13.23,7.79 13.73,8.27C14.23,8.76 14.83,9 15.5,9M19.31,8.91L22.41,12L21,13.41L17.86,10.31C17.08,10.78 16.28,11 15.47,11C14.22,11 13.16,10.58 12.3,9.7C11.45,8.83 11,7.77 11,6.5C11,5.27 11.45,4.2 12.33,3.33C13.2,2.45 14.27,2 15.5,2C16.77,2 17.83,2.45 18.7,3.33C19.58,4.2 20,5.27 20,6.5C20,7.33 19.78,8.13 19.31,8.91M16.5,18H5.5L8.25,14.5L10.22,16.83L12.94,13.31L16.5,18M18,13L20,15V20C20,20.55 19.81,21 19.41,21.4C19,21.79 18.53,22 18,22H4C3.45,22 3,21.79 2.6,21.4C2.21,21 2,20.55 2,20V6C2,5.47 2.21,5 2.6,4.59C3,4.19 3.45,4 4,4H9.5C9.2,4.64 9.03,5.31 9,6H4V20H18V13Z",mC1="M21,3H3C2,3 1,4 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21C22,21 23,20 23,19V5C23,4 22,3 21,3M5,17L8.5,12.5L11,15.5L14.5,11L19,17H5Z",tC1="M21,15H23V17H21V15M21,11H23V13H21V11M23,19H21V21C22,21 23,20 23,19M13,3H15V5H13V3M21,7H23V9H21V7M21,3V5H23C23,4 22,3 21,3M1,7H3V9H1V7M17,3H19V5H17V3M17,19H19V21H17V19M3,3C2,3 1,4 1,5H3V3M9,3H11V5H9V3M5,3H7V5H5V3M1,11V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H15V11H1M3,19L5.5,15.79L7.29,17.94L9.79,14.72L13,19H3Z",vC1="M23,15H21V17H23V15M23,11H21V13H23V11M23,19H21V21C22,21 23,20 23,19M15,3H13V5H15V3M23,7H21V9H23V7M21,3V5H23C23,4 22,3 21,3M3,21H11V15H1V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21M3,7H1V9H3V7M15,19H13V21H15V19M19,3H17V5H19V3M19,19H17V21H19V19M3,3C2,3 1,4 1,5H3V3M3,11H1V13H3V11M11,3H9V5H11V3M7,3H5V5H7V3Z",lC1="M8.5 13.5L5 18H13.03C13.11 19.1 13.47 20.12 14.03 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V11.18C20.5 11.07 20 11 19.5 11C17.78 11 16.23 11.67 15.07 12.76L14.5 12L11 16.5L8.5 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",oC1="M13.18 19C13.35 19.72 13.64 20.39 14.03 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V11.18C20.5 11.07 20 11 19.5 11C19.33 11 19.17 11 19 11.03V5H5V19H13.18M11.21 15.83L9.25 13.47L6.5 17H13.03C13.14 15.54 13.73 14.22 14.64 13.19L13.96 12.29L11.21 15.83M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",nC1="M22 13H14V11H22V13M22 7H14V9H22V7M14 17H22V15H14V17M12 9V15C12 16.1 11.1 17 10 17H4C2.9 17 2 16.1 2 15V9C2 7.9 2.9 7 4 7H10C11.1 7 12 7.9 12 9M10.5 15L8.3 12L6.5 14.3L5.3 12.8L3.5 15H10.5Z",ZC1="M14,12L10,8V11H2V13H10V16M20,18V6C20,4.89 19.1,4 18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V9H6V6H18V18H6V15H4V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18Z",SC1="M19,15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5V5H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",uC1="M16,10H14V7H10V10H8L12,14M19,15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5V5H19M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",cC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19M16 10H14V7H10V10H8L12 14",sC1="M14,14H10V11H8L12,7L16,11H14V14M16,11M5,15V5H19V15H15A3,3 0 0,1 12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15H5M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3",OC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19M8 11H10V14H14V11H16L12 7",hC1="M19 15V5H5V15H9C9 16.66 10.34 18 12 18C13.66 18 15 16.66 15 15H19M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19L3 5C3 3.9 3.89 3 5 3H19M7 13V11H17V13H7M7 9V7H17V9H7Z",pC1="M19 3C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19M5 19H9.4C8.79 18.47 8.35 17.78 8.13 17H5V19M19 19V17H15.87C15.65 17.78 15.21 18.47 14.6 19H19M19 15V5H5V15H10V16C10 18.67 14 18.67 14 16V15H19M7 7H17V9H7V7M17 11V13H7V11H17Z",fC1="M19,8V5H5V8H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,11A3,3 0 0,0 15,8H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12A2,2 0 0,1 19,14H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,12V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M3,15H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15H21V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V15Z",gC1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12A2,2 0 0,1 19,14H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,12V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,10V12H9.4C8.8,11.47 8.34,10.78 8.13,10H5M19,12V10H15.87C15.66,10.78 15.2,11.47 14.6,12H19M19,8V5H5V8H10V9C10,10.07 10.93,11 12,11C13.07,11 14,10.07 14,9V8H19M21,19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V15H10V16C10,17.07 10.93,18 12,18C13.07,18 14,17.07 14,16V15H21V19M5,17V19H9.4C8.8,18.47 8.34,17.78 8.13,17H5M19,19V17H15.87C15.66,17.78 15.2,18.47 14.6,19H19Z",kC1="M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M5 19V17H8.13A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 9.4 19M19 19H14.6A4.13 4.13 0 0 0 15.87 17H19M19 15H14V16A2 2 0 0 1 10 16V15H5V5H19Z",BC1="M19 15H15C15 16.7 13.7 18 12 18S9 16.7 9 15H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 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6.31,8.62 5.4,8.62C3.53,8.62 2,10.13 2,12C2,13.87 3.53,15.38 5.4,15.38C6.31,15.38 7.16,15.03 7.8,14.39M16.2,9.61L13.5,12L16.16,14.35C16.84,15.03 17.7,15.38 18.6,15.38C20.47,15.38 22,13.87 22,12C22,10.13 20.47,8.62 18.6,8.62C17.69,8.62 16.84,8.97 16.2,9.61Z",xC1="M13,9H11V7H13M13,17H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",DC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M13 9V7H11V9H13M13 17V11H11V17H13Z",EC1="M13 9H11V7H13V9M13 17H11V11H13V17M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19Z",NC1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M13 17H11V12.9L13 14.9V17M11 7.8L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L12.2 9H13V7H11V7.8Z",WC1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L11 12.9V17H13V14.9L16.6 18.5C15.3 19.4 13.7 20 12 20M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L19 15.8C19.6 14.7 20 13.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.4 8.2 5M11 7H13V9H11V7Z",IC1="M11,9H13V7H11M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M11,17H13V11H11V17Z",GC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M11 9H13V7H11V9M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14Z",QC1="M11 9H13V7H11V9M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M19 19V5H5V19H19Z",UC1="M12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22M11 7H13V9H11V7M14 17H10V15H11V13H10V11H13V15H14V17Z",zC1="M11 7V9H13V7H11M14 17V15H13V11H10V13H11V15H10V17H14M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12Z",_C1="M13 9H11V7H13V9M14 15V17H10V15H11V13H10V11H13V15H14Z",KC1="M11 9H13V7H11V9M11 17H13V11H11V17Z",jC1="M13.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,4M13.14,8.77C11.95,8.87 8.7,11.46 8.7,11.46C8.5,11.61 8.56,11.6 8.72,11.88C8.88,12.15 8.86,12.17 9.05,12.04C9.25,11.91 9.58,11.7 10.13,11.36C12.25,10 10.47,13.14 9.56,18.43C9.2,21.05 11.56,19.7 12.17,19.3C12.77,18.91 14.38,17.8 14.54,17.69C14.76,17.54 14.6,17.42 14.43,17.17C14.31,17 14.19,17.12 14.19,17.12C13.54,17.55 12.35,18.45 12.19,17.88C12,17.31 13.22,13.4 13.89,10.71C14,10.07 14.3,8.67 13.14,8.77Z",qC1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M12.3 7.29C12.11 7.5 12 7.74 12 8C12 8.27 12.11 8.5 12.3 8.71C12.5 8.9 12.74 9 13 9C13.27 9 13.5 8.9 13.71 8.71C13.9 8.5 14 8.27 14 8C14 7.74 13.9 7.5 13.71 7.29C13.5 7.11 13.27 7 13 7C12.74 7 12.5 7.11 12.3 7.29M9.8 11.97C9.7 12.06 9.7 12.07 9.77 12.17L9.82 12.25L9.85 12.31C9.92 12.44 9.93 12.44 10.04 12.36C10.17 12.27 10.39 12.13 10.76 11.91C11.68 11.32 11.5 12 11.09 13.5C10.87 14.33 10.59 15.39 10.38 16.62C10.14 18.37 11.71 17.47 12.12 17.2C12.5 16.96 13.44 16.3 13.66 16.15L13.7 16.13C13.82 16.04 13.77 16 13.68 15.86L13.62 15.78C13.54 15.67 13.46 15.75 13.46 15.75L13.3 15.86C12.85 16.16 12.23 16.59 12.13 16.25C12.04 16 12.41 14.64 12.79 13.25C12.96 12.64 13.13 12 13.26 11.47L13.28 11.41C13.35 10.97 13.5 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22,7.8V16.2A5.8,5.8 0 0,1 16.2,22H7.8C4.6,22 2,19.4 2,16.2V7.8A5.8,5.8 0 0,1 7.8,2M7.6,4A3.6,3.6 0 0,0 4,7.6V16.4C4,18.39 5.61,20 7.6,20H16.4A3.6,3.6 0 0,0 20,16.4V7.6C20,5.61 18.39,4 16.4,4H7.6M17.25,5.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 18.5,6.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 17.25,8A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 16,6.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 17.25,5.5M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",CH1="M11.5 2H10.5V6.2C10.4 6.3 10.3 6.3 10.2 6.5L2.1 20.7C1.8 21.3 2.2 22 2.9 22H16V20H4.8L11 9.2L16.7 19.2L18.4 18.2L11.8 6.4L11.5 6.1V2M21 6H20V18L19.5 22H21.5L21 18V6Z",HH1="M10 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V8H18.59L16 10.59V14.59L14 16.59V20H10V16.59L8 14.59V9.41L10 7.41V4M18 11.41V14H22V10H19.41L18 11.41M6.59 8L8 6.59V4H4C2.89 4 2 4.89 2 6V8H6.59M6 14V10H2V14H6M8 17.41L6.59 16H2V18C2 19.11 2.89 20 4 20H8V17.41M17.41 16L16 17.41V20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V16H17.41Z",VH1="M12,19.58V19.58C10.4,19.58 8.89,18.96 7.76,17.83C6.62,16.69 6,15.19 6,13.58C6,12 6.62,10.47 7.76,9.34L12,5.1M17.66,7.93L12,2.27V2.27L6.34,7.93C3.22,11.05 3.22,16.12 6.34,19.24C7.9,20.8 9.95,21.58 12,21.58C14.05,21.58 16.1,20.8 17.66,19.24C20.78,16.12 20.78,11.05 17.66,7.93Z",LH1="M20.65,20.87L18.3,18.5L12,12.23L8.44,8.66L7,7.25L4.27,4.5L3,5.77L5.78,8.55C3.23,11.69 3.42,16.31 6.34,19.24C7.9,20.8 9.95,21.58 12,21.58C13.79,21.58 15.57,21 17.03,19.8L19.73,22.5L21,21.23L20.65,20.87M12,19.59C10.4,19.59 8.89,18.97 7.76,17.83C6.62,16.69 6,15.19 6,13.59C6,12.27 6.43,11 7.21,10L12,14.77V19.59M12,5.1V9.68L19.25,16.94C20.62,14 20.09,10.37 17.65,7.93L12,2.27L8.3,5.97L9.71,7.38L12,5.1Z",MH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22Z",AH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",iH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 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11.1V3H3V22L6 20L9 22M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C18.76 11 21 13.24 21 16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21Z",tH1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M10.87 20.76L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V11.1C22.24 12.36 23 14.09 23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.97 23 12.14 22.14 10.87 20.76M9.73 19.11C9.26 18.17 9 17.12 9 16C9 12.13 12.13 9 16 9C17.07 9 18.09 9.24 19 9.67V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.73 19.11M16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21Z",vH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.1 9.82 19 10 18.24 10.75L9.86 19.13V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15Z",lH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.37 9.93 19.64 9.93 19 10.22V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.86 19V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17Z",oH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V9.67L19 7.67V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26V16.33L21 14.33V22M20.5 12L15.5 7L14.08 8.41L16.67 11H7V13H16.67L14.08 15.58L15.5 17L20.5 12Z",nH1="M22 5H7V21L9.5 19.32L12 21L14.5 19.32L17 21L19.5 19.32L22 21V5M2 8C2 7.4 2.4 7 3 7H5V9H3C2.4 9 2 8.6 2 8M1 12C1 11.4 1.4 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.4 13 1 12.6 1 12M0 16C0 15.4 .4 15 1 15H5V17H1C.4 17 0 16.6 0 16Z",ZH1="M19.5 19.32L22 21V5H7V21L9.5 19.32L12 21L14.5 19.32L17 21L19.5 19.32M20 7V16.57L17 18.59L14.5 16.9L12 18.59L9 16.57V7H20M2 8C2 7.4 2.4 7 3 7H5V9H3C2.4 9 2 8.6 2 8M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12C1 12.6 1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M0 16C0 15.4 .4 15 1 15H5V17H1C.4 17 0 16.6 0 16Z",SH1="M18 20L21 22V3H3V11H12.67L10.08 8.41L11.5 7L16.5 12L11.5 17L10.08 15.58L12.67 13H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20Z",uH1="M18 20L21 22V3H3V9H5V5H19V18.26L18 17.6L15 19.6L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V15H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20M11.5 17L10.08 15.58L12.67 13H3V11H12.67L10.08 8.41L11.5 7L16.5 12L11.5 17Z",cH1="M3 22V3H21V22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M17 9V7H15V9H17M13 9V7H7V9H13M13 11H7V13H13V11M15 13H17V11H15V13Z",sH1="M17 7V9H15V7H17M13 7V9H7V7H13M13 11H7V13H13V11M15 11V13H17V11H15M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22M19 18.26V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26Z",OH1="M3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",hH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",pH1="M17 2H2V17H4V4H17V2M21 22L18.5 20.32L16 22L13.5 20.32L11 22L8.5 20.32L6 22V6H21V22Z",fH1="M2 2V17H4V4H17V2H2M18.5 20.32L21 22V6H6V22L8.5 20.32L11 22L13.5 20.32L16 22L18.5 20.32M19 8V17.57L16 19.59L13.5 17.9L11 19.59L8 17.57V8H19Z",gH1="M21 22L18 20L15 22L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V22M19 18.26V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L15 19.6L18 17.6L19 18.26Z",kH1="M3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",BH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",PH1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5L19 17.6Z",wH1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 18.76 13 18.5 13.04 18.29L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V13M19 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22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",DH1="M13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",EH1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M15.5 19L18.25 22L23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19Z",NH1="M12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 18.76 13 18.5 13.04 18.29L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15M15.5 19L18.25 22L23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19Z",WH1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M3 22V3H21V11.1C22.24 12.36 23 14.09 23 16C23 19.87 19.87 23 16 23C13.97 23 12.14 22.14 10.87 20.76L9 22L6 20L3 22M9.67 13C10.03 12.25 10.5 11.57 11.1 11H7V13H9.67M17 9V7H7V9H17M16 21C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16C21 13.24 18.76 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16C11 18.76 13.24 21 16 21Z",IH1="M17 9H7V7H17V9M15 13V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13H15M9 22L10.87 20.76C12.14 22.14 13.97 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.09 22.24 12.36 21 11.1V3H3V22L6 20L9 22M9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19V9.67C18.09 9.24 17.07 9 16 9C14.09 9 12.36 9.76 11.1 11H7V13H9.67C9.24 13.91 9 14.93 9 16C9 17.12 9.26 18.17 9.73 19.11L9 19.6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16C11 13.24 13.24 11 16 11C18.76 11 21 13.24 21 16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21Z",GH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.1 9.82 19 10 18.24 10.75L9.86 19.13V21.43M17 7H7V9H17V7M15 11H7V13H15V11M11.86 19.96V22H13.9L20.03 15.87L18 13.83L11.86 19.96M21.71 13.47L20.39 12.15C20.37 12.13 20.34 12.1 20.31 12.09C20.12 11.96 19.86 11.97 19.69 12.13L19.67 12.15L18.69 13.13L20.73 15.17L21.71 14.19C21.91 14 21.91 13.67 21.71 13.47Z",QH1="M9.86 21.43L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V10.2C20.37 9.93 19.64 9.93 19 10.22V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L9.86 19V21.43M11.86 19.96L18 13.83L20.03 15.87L13.9 22H11.86V19.96M21.71 14.19L20.73 15.17L18.69 13.13L19.67 12.15L19.68 12.14L19.69 12.13C19.86 11.97 20.12 11.96 20.31 12.09C20.34 12.1 20.37 12.13 20.39 12.15L21.71 13.47C21.91 13.67 21.91 14 21.71 14.19M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15Z",UH1="M7 5H22V21L19.5 19.32L17 21L14.5 19.32L12 21L9.5 19.32L7 21V5M18 9H11V11H18V9M11 13V15H16V13H11M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8C2 8.6 2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M1 12C1 11.4 1.4 11 2 11H5V13H2C1.4 13 1 12.6 1 12M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",zH1="M18 9H11V11H18V9M11 13H16V15H11V13M22 21L19.5 19.32L17 21L14.5 19.32L12 21L9.5 19.32L7 21V5H22V21M20 16.57V7H9V16.57L12 18.59L14.5 16.9L17 18.59L20 16.57M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8C2 8.6 2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12C1 12.6 1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",_H1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",KH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 19C13 19.65 13.1 20.28 13.3 20.86L12 20L9 22L6 20L3 22V3H21V13.34M17 9V7H7V9H17M15 13V11H7V13H15M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",jH1="M17 2H2V17H4V4H17V2M21 22L18.5 20.32L16 22L13.5 20.32L11 22L8.5 20.32L6 22V6H21V22M10 10V12H17V10H10M15 14H10V16H15V14Z",qH1="M2 2V17H4V4H17V2H2M10 10H17V12H10V10M15 14H10V16H15V14M18.5 20.32L21 22V6H6V22L8.5 20.32L11 22L13.5 20.32L16 22L18.5 20.32M19 8V17.57L16 19.59L13.5 17.9L11 19.59L8 17.57V8H19Z",$H1="M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M18 20L21 22V3H3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L15 22L18 20M19 5V18.26L18 17.6L15 19.6L12 17.6L9 19.6L6 17.6L5 18.26V5H19Z",XH1="M3 3V22L6 20L9 22L12 20L13.3 20.86C13.1 20.28 13 19.65 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.12 21 13.34V3H3M17 7V9H7V7H17M15 11V13H7V11H15M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",YH1="M21 13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V18.26L6 17.6L9 19.6L12 17.6L13.04 18.29C13 18.5 13 18.76 13 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13V11H7V13H12Z",LV1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.04 10.5 2.11V4.85C11 4.75 11.5 4.7 12 4.7C12.5 4.7 13 4.75 13.5 4.85V2.12C13 2.04 12.5 2 12 2M9.82 2.25C5.4 3.25 2.11 7.24 2.11 12C2.11 17.5 6.53 22 12 22C17.47 22 21.89 17.5 21.89 12C21.89 7.24 18.6 3.25 14.19 2.25V5.03C17.17 5.96 19.34 8.73 19.34 12C19.34 16 16.05 19.3 12 19.3C7.96 19.3 4.67 16 4.67 12C4.67 8.73 6.84 5.96 9.82 5.03M12 5.45C11.5 5.45 11 5.5 10.5 5.62V18.27C11 18.38 11.5 18.44 12 18.44C12.5 18.44 13 18.39 13.5 18.27V5.62C13 5.5 12.5 5.45 12 5.45Z",MV1="M16,11H14V9H16V11M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M10,7H8V17H10V7M12,17H14V13H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 16,7H12V17Z",AV1="M15,9H13V7H15V9M22,20V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22M9,5H7V15H9V5M11,15H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7A2,2 0 0,0 15,5H11V15Z",iV1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M10,6H8V14H10V6M14,6H11V14H13V12H14A2,2 0 0,0 16,10V8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6M14,10H13V8H14V10Z",rV1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9 7H7V17H9V7M15 7H11V17H13V13H15C16.1 13 17 12.1 17 11V9C17 7.9 16.1 7 15 7M15 11H13V9H15V11Z",aV1="M7,2A2,2 0 0,0 5,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 17,2H7M7,4H17V10H7V4M12,12A4,4 0 0,1 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12M12,14A2,2 0 0,0 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",eV1="M21 6C19.34 6 18 7.34 18 9V13C18 13.55 17.55 14 17 14V10C17 8.34 15.66 7 14 7H10C8.34 7 7 8.34 7 10H9C9 9.45 9.45 9 10 9H14C14.55 9 15 9.45 15 10V11H6C3.79 11 2 12.79 2 15V18H17V16C18.66 16 20 14.66 20 13V9C20 8.45 20.45 8 21 8H22V6H21Z",dV1="M19 6H16V4.8C16 3.68 16.56 2.63 17.5 2C18.44 2.63 19 3.68 19 4.8V6M15.28 13.63L19.59 19C20.38 19.06 21 19.7 21 20.5C21 21.33 20.33 22 19.5 22S18 21.33 18 20.5C18 20.42 18 20.34 18 20.26L14 15.23L10 20.26C10 20.34 10 20.42 10 20.5C10 21.33 9.33 22 8.5 22S7 21.33 7 20.5C7 19.7 7.63 19.06 8.41 19L12.72 13.63L9 9H3V7H21V9H19L15.28 13.63M14 12L16.42 9H11.58L14 12Z",mV1="M21 6C19.34 6 18 7.34 18 9V13C18 13.55 17.55 14 17 14V10C17 8.34 15.66 7 14 7H10C8.34 7 7 8.34 7 10H9C9 9.45 9.45 9 10 9H14C14.55 9 15 9.45 15 10V11H6C3.79 11 2 12.79 2 15V18H17V16C18.66 16 20 14.66 20 13V9C20 8.45 20.45 8 21 8H22V6H21M15 16H4V15C4 13.9 4.9 13 6 13H15V16Z",tV1="M20 20C18.61 20 17.22 19.53 16 18.67C13.56 20.38 10.44 20.38 8 18.67C6.78 19.53 5.39 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.37 22 6.74 21.65 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.26 21.65 18.62 22 20 22H22V20H20M20.78 19H20C18.82 19 17.64 18.6 16.58 17.85L16 17.45L15.42 17.85C14.39 18.57 13.21 18.95 12 18.95C10.77 18.95 9.59 18.57 8.56 17.85L8 17.45L7.43 17.85C6.36 18.6 5.18 19 4 19H3.22C3.75 17.54 5.58 15 12 15C14 15 15 15.24 15 15.24C15.68 13.87 16.83 10.77 16 6.82L17.06 7.53C17.39 8.96 18 11.75 16.8 15.65C19.43 16.5 20.42 18 20.78 19M22 7.59C21.21 6.5 20 5.71 18.58 5.53C18.7 5.67 18.81 5.83 18.92 6C20.12 7.91 19.87 10.32 18.47 11.95C19.06 10.5 19 8.79 18.08 7.36C18 7.28 17.96 7.2 17.9 7.11C17.5 6.53 16.96 6.06 16.38 5.72C14.35 6.37 12.88 8.27 12.88 10.5C12.88 11.03 12.96 11.53 13.1 12C12.5 11.17 12.16 10.17 12.16 9.07C12.16 7.41 12.96 5.95 14.2 5.03C13.16 4.95 12.09 5.18 11.14 5.78C10.7 6.05 10.32 6.38 10 6.76C10.39 5.82 11.05 5 12 4.4C13.04 3.74 14.25 3.5 15.39 3.69C15.1 3.29 14.75 2.92 14.33 2.6C13.92 2.29 13.47 2.05 13 1.88C14 1.91 15.04 2.24 15.91 2.89C16.35 3.22 16.7 3.62 17 4.05C17.06 4.05 17.12 4.04 17.19 4.04C19.45 4.04 21.37 5.53 22 7.59Z",vV1="M15 15.26V13H11L15 9H12L15 6H13L16 3L19 6H17L20 9H17L21 13H17V15.76C19.13 16.47 20.68 17.67 21 19C19.3 18.87 17.62 18.54 16 18C14.79 18.61 13.37 19 12 19C10.71 19 9.17 18.58 8 18C6.37 18.54 4.72 18.87 3 19C3.54 16.77 7.4 15 12 15C13.05 15 14.06 15.09 15 15.26M8 19C8 19 5 20 2 20V22C5 22 8 21 8 21C8 21 10 22 12 22C14 22 16 21 16 21C16 21 19 22 22 22V20C19 20 16 19 16 19C16 19 14 20 12 20C10 20 8 19 8 19Z",lV1="M14 1H10C5 1 5 3 5 3V15C5 15 5 17 10 17V19H11V20C11 21.21 11.8 23 14 23H18V21H14C13.19 21 13 20.45 13 20V19H14V17C19 17 19 15 19 15V3C19 3 19 1 14 1M17 12H14V11H17V12M17 5H14V6H17V8H14V9H17V10H7V3.5C7.3 3.32 8.13 3 10 3H14C15.88 3 16.7 3.32 17 3.5V5Z",oV1="M5.23,5.72C4.61,5.55 5,3.19 5,3.17C5,3.19 12.58,-0.71 16.7,5.73C20.8,12.15 15.86,14.86 13.97,16.06C12.08,17.27 12.73,19.72 12.73,20.13C12.73,20.53 12.16,20.97 12,20.41C11.88,19.84 11.25,16.55 13.33,15.16C17.13,12.61 17.9,10.1 16,6.42C14.2,3 8.28,3.41 7.03,4.08C5.78,4.75 5.86,5.89 5.23,5.72M9.33,12.63L9.11,12.16C9.23,10.28 7.63,10.39 8.08,13.33C8.21,14.16 7.47,13.8 7.45,13.73C6.89,11.44 7.42,10.22 8.55,10.45C9.62,10.68 9.53,11.83 9.53,11.83C9.56,11.78 11,10.17 11.5,10.92C12.58,12.5 10.53,14.47 10.41,14.63C10.28,14.78 10.14,15.05 9.92,14.84C9.7,14.64 9.72,14.5 9.89,14.27C12.77,10 9.59,12.22 9.33,12.63M6.5,15.33V15.31C6.5,15.31 8,18.13 10.61,17.08C11,16.92 11.17,17.14 11.2,17.27C11.27,17.53 11.13,17.64 10.86,17.73C7.86,18.72 5.89,16.63 5.63,16.13C5.39,15.68 5.5,15.38 5.75,15.22C6,15.06 6.5,15.33 6.5,15.33M6,17.5C6,17.5 7.67,19.5 10.8,19C11.09,18.94 11.2,19.13 11.25,19.38C11.3,19.63 11.22,19.84 10.92,19.94C10.63,20.03 7.08,20.5 5.13,17.72C5,17.56 5.3,17.36 5.47,17.36C5.64,17.36 6.03,17.5 6,17.5M5.95,19.39C7.53,21.5 10.33,21.55 11.28,20.88C11.5,20.73 11.7,21.05 11.56,21.19C9.64,23.16 5.67,21 5.27,20.33C5.09,20.05 5.13,19.66 5.31,19.45C5.5,19.25 5.93,19.38 5.95,19.39Z",nV1="M19,13V7H20V4H4V7H5V13H2C2,13.93 2.5,14.71 3.5,14.93V20A1,1 0 0,0 4.5,21H5.5A1,1 0 0,0 6.5,20V19H17.5V20A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,21H19.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,20V14.93C21.5,14.7 22,13.93 22,13H19M8,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,15M16,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,15M17.5,10.5C15.92,10.18 14.03,10 12,10C9.97,10 8,10.18 6.5,10.5V7H17.5V10.5Z",ZV1="M19.5,14.5C18.92,14.43 18.43,14.92 18.5,15.5C18.5,16.17 17.5,16.17 17.5,15.5V13.2L19.2,12.7C19.92,12.36 20.41,11.68 20.5,10.9C20.5,5.5 16.7,2 12,2C7.3,2 3.5,5.5 3.5,10.9C3.56,11.7 4.06,12.4 4.8,12.7L6.5,13.2V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 6,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 5.5,15.5C5.57,14.92 5.08,14.43 4.5,14.5C3.92,14.43 3.43,14.92 3.5,15.5C3.44,16.91 4.59,18.06 6,18C7.41,18.06 8.56,16.91 8.5,15.5V13.7H9.5V19.4C9.5,20.07 8.5,20.07 8.5,19.4C8.57,18.82 8.08,18.33 7.5,18.4C6.92,18.33 6.43,18.82 6.5,19.4C6.38,20.84 7.55,22.07 9,22C10.41,22.06 11.56,20.91 11.5,19.5V14H12.5V19.5C12.44,20.91 13.59,22.06 15,22C16.41,22.06 17.56,20.91 17.5,19.5C17.5,18.17 15.5,18.17 15.5,19.5C15.5,20.17 14.5,20.17 14.5,19.5V13.8H15.5V15.6C15.5,16.96 16.63,18.06 18,18C19.41,18.06 20.56,16.91 20.5,15.5C20.57,14.92 20.08,14.43 19.5,14.5M10.6,4.7C9.09,5.03 7.79,5.97 7,7.3C6.83,7.5 6.5,7.57 6.3,7.4C6.08,7.23 6.04,6.92 6.2,6.7C7.16,5.19 8.67,4.12 10.4,3.7C10.67,3.68 10.91,3.85 11,4.1C11.06,4.37 10.88,4.65 10.6,4.7Z",SV1="M12,4C15.8,4 18.5,6.8 18.5,10.8C14.31,12.39 9.69,12.39 5.5,10.8C5.5,6.8 8.2,4 12,4M12,2C7.3,2 3.5,5.5 3.5,10.9C3.56,11.7 4.06,12.4 4.8,12.7L6.5,13.2V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 6,16A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 5.5,15.5C5.57,14.92 5.08,14.43 4.5,14.5C3.92,14.43 3.43,14.92 3.5,15.5C3.44,16.86 4.54,18 5.9,18H6C7.41,18.06 8.56,16.91 8.5,15.5V13.7H9.5V19.4C9.5,20.07 8.5,20.07 8.5,19.4C8.57,18.82 8.08,18.33 7.5,18.4C6.92,18.33 6.43,18.82 6.5,19.4C6.39,20.8 7.5,22 8.9,22H9C10.41,22.06 11.56,20.91 11.5,19.5V14H12.5V19.5C12.44,20.91 13.59,22.06 15,22H15.1C16.47,22 17.56,20.86 17.5,19.5C17.5,18.17 15.5,18.17 15.5,19.5C15.5,20.17 14.5,20.17 14.5,19.5V13.8H15.5V15.6C15.5,16.96 16.63,18.06 18,18H18.1C19.47,18 20.56,16.86 20.5,15.5C20.5,14.17 18.5,14.17 18.5,15.5C18.5,16.17 17.5,16.17 17.5,15.5V13.2L19.2,12.7C19.92,12.36 20.41,11.68 20.5,10.9C20.5,5.5 16.7,2 12,2M12,6.2C10.53,6.6 9.24,7.53 8.4,8.8C8,9.33 7.2,8.73 7.6,8.2C8.6,6.73 10.09,5.67 11.8,5.2C12.08,5.14 12.35,5.32 12.4,5.6C12.5,5.9 12.3,6.1 12,6.2Z",uV1="M11.53,2C11.53,4.4 13.5,6.35 15.88,6.35H17.66V8.05C17.66,10.45 19.6,12.39 22,12.4V2.84A0.84,0.84 0 0,0 21.16,2H11.53M6.77,6.8C6.78,9.19 8.72,11.13 11.11,11.14H12.91V12.86C12.92,15.25 14.86,17.19 17.25,17.2V7.63C17.24,7.17 16.88,6.81 16.42,6.8H6.77M2,11.6C2,14 3.95,15.94 6.35,15.94H8.13V17.66C8.14,20.05 10.08,22 12.47,22V12.43A0.84,0.84 0 0,0 11.63,11.59L2,11.6Z",cV1="M22.88,10.41C20.77,12.18 17.61,11.9 15.84,9.79C14.06,7.67 14.34,4.5 16.45,2.75L16.96,2.37C15.27,4.19 15.16,7.03 16.8,9C18.43,10.94 21.25,11.32 23.34,9.97L22.88,10.41M21.1,14.5C17.93,17.17 13.2,16.76 10.54,13.58C7.87,10.41 8.29,5.68 11.46,3L12.38,2.36C9.96,5.09 9.84,9.26 12.26,12.14C14.68,15 18.8,15.63 21.91,13.72L21.1,14.5M19.97,19.38C15.53,23.11 8.9,22.53 5.17,18.08C1.45,13.64 2.03,7 6.47,3.29L7.58,2.5C4.07,6.3 3.85,12.23 7.28,16.32C10.71,20.4 16.59,21.22 20.96,18.43L19.97,19.38Z",sV1="M17.34 13.7C17.34 15 16.23 16.04 14.86 16.04C13.65 16.04 12.64 15 11.75 14.04L11.5 13.79C11.5 13.76 11.47 13.73 11.45 13.7C10.74 12.96 9.96 12.22 9.21 12.22C8.32 12.22 7.6 12.88 7.6 13.69C7.6 14.5 8.32 15.17 9.21 15.17C9.97 15.17 10.35 14.75 10.63 14.45L10.7 14.37C10.86 14.2 11.14 14.19 11.31 14.35C11.5 14.5 11.5 14.79 11.33 14.96L11.27 15.03C10.94 15.38 10.35 16.03 9.21 16.03C7.84 16.03 6.73 15 6.73 13.69C6.73 12.4 7.84 11.35 9.21 11.35C10.42 11.35 11.43 12.41 12.32 13.35L12.56 13.6C12.58 13.63 12.6 13.66 12.62 13.69C13.33 14.43 14.11 15.17 14.86 15.17C15.75 15.17 16.47 14.5 16.47 13.69C16.47 12.88 15.75 12.22 14.86 12.22C14.11 12.22 13.72 12.64 13.44 12.94L13.37 13C13.21 13.19 12.94 13.2 12.76 13.04C12.59 12.87 12.58 12.6 12.74 12.42L12.81 12.36C13.13 12 13.73 11.36 14.86 11.36C16.23 11.36 17.34 12.4 17.34 13.7M22 14.85C22 15.96 21.57 17 20.78 17.79C20 18.57 18.95 19 17.84 19H6.28C3.96 18.96 2.07 17.06 2.07 14.75C2.07 13.37 2.76 12.07 3.89 11.28C3.85 11.09 3.83 10.9 3.83 10.7C3.83 9.03 5.2 7.67 6.88 7.67C7.39 7.67 7.88 7.79 8.32 8.03C9.41 6.17 11.43 5 13.6 5C16.97 5 19.7 7.72 19.7 11.07L19.7 11.14C21.11 11.84 22 13.27 22 14.85M21.13 14.85C21.13 13.5 20.33 12.32 19.09 11.81C18.92 11.74 18.81 11.57 18.82 11.38L18.83 11.29C18.83 11.22 18.84 11.14 18.84 11.07C18.84 8.2 16.5 5.87 13.6 5.87C11.6 5.87 9.74 7.03 8.87 8.83C8.82 8.95 8.71 9.04 8.58 9.07C8.46 9.1 8.32 9.07 8.22 9C7.83 8.69 7.37 8.53 6.88 8.53C5.68 8.53 4.7 9.5 4.7 10.7C4.7 10.92 4.73 11.14 4.8 11.34C4.86 11.54 4.78 11.75 4.61 11.85C3.56 12.47 2.94 13.55 2.94 14.75C2.94 16.59 4.44 18.1 6.29 18.13H17.83C18.72 18.13 19.54 17.79 20.16 17.17C20.79 16.55 21.13 15.73 21.13 14.85Z",OV1="M21 4.5V10.5C21 11.2 20.5 11.9 19.8 12V17.3C19.8 18.6 19 21.1 16 21.1H14.5C14.9 20.7 15.3 20.2 15.5 19.6H16C18.1 19.6 18.2 17.7 18.2 17.4V12C17.5 11.9 17 11.3 17 10.5V4.5C17 3.7 17.7 3 18.5 3H19.5C20.3 3 21 3.7 21 4.5M14.8 18.2C14.8 19.7 13.6 21 12 21H8C5 21 4.2 18.5 4.2 17.2V12C3.5 11.9 3 11.2 3 10.5V4.5C3 3.7 3.7 3 4.5 3H5.5C6.3 3 7 3.7 7 4.5V10.5C7 11.2 6.5 11.9 5.8 12V17.3C5.8 17.7 5.9 19.5 8 19.5H9.6C9.4 19.1 9.3 18.7 9.3 18.3V8.3C9.3 6.8 10.5 5.5 12.1 5.5S14.8 6.7 14.8 8.3M13.2 8.2C13.2 7.6 12.7 7 12 7S10.8 7.6 10.8 8.2V18.2C10.8 18.9 11.4 19.4 12 19.4S13.2 18.8 13.2 18.2V8.2Z",hV1="M11.2 10.6C12.2 11.6 13.4 12.1 14.8 12.1L14.9 14.2C13 14.2 11.3 13.5 9.8 12.1L9.1 11.4L6.8 13.8L9 15.9V21.9H7V16.7L5.7 15.5V17.7L1.5 22L.1 20.6L3.7 17L2.5 13.5C2.3 12.9 2.6 12.4 3.1 12L6.4 8.7C6.8 8.2 7.3 8 7.8 8C8.3 8 8.6 8.1 8.9 8.3L11.2 10.6M24 11.9H22V8.5L20.2 7.8L21.1 12.2L22.1 17.4L23 21.8H20.9L19.1 13.8L17 15.8V21.8H15V14.3L17.1 12.3L16.5 9.3C15.9 9.9 15.2 10.5 14.4 10.9C13.5 10.8 12.6 10.4 11.9 9.7C13.5 9.4 14.6 8.6 15.3 7.4L16.3 5.8C16.9 4.8 17.8 4.5 18.9 5L24 7.2V11.9M11.4 4.4C12.5 4.4 13.4 5.3 13.4 6.4C13.4 7.5 12.5 8.4 11.4 8.4C10.3 8.4 9.4 7.5 9.4 6.4C9.4 5.3 10.3 4.4 11.4 4.4M16.5 .3C17.6 .3 18.5 1.2 18.5 2.3C18.5 3.4 17.6 4.3 16.5 4.3C15.4 4.3 14.5 3.4 14.5 2.3C14.5 1.2 15.4 .3 16.5 .3Z",pV1="M19.8 6.59L19 7.97V10.04L17.69 11.61L17.31 13.25L16 14L15.5 13.12L16.44 12.59L16.7 11.45L16.7 11.45L16.77 11.15L16.77 11.15V11.15L17.47 10.31C17.65 10.1 17.62 9.78 17.41 9.61C17.2 9.43 16.88 9.46 16.7 9.67L15.85 10.69L15.56 11.93C15.38 11.96 15.2 12 15 12C14.31 12 13.68 11.76 13.23 11.4C13.15 12.7 12.73 13.81 12.13 14.43L10.5 16.19L9.96 19.79L8.07 21L7.53 20.17L9.04 19.19L9.5 15.92L9.5 15.91L10 14.54C9.47 14.08 9.08 13.28 8.88 12.3L8.71 12.61C8.35 13.25 8 13.9 7.56 14.56C7.11 15.2 6.66 15.9 5.78 16.44C5.34 16.72 4.7 16.84 4.17 16.73C3.61 16.61 3.14 16.26 2.86 15.89C2.31 15.13 2.15 14.35 2 13.62L2.97 13.36C3.2 14 3.5 14.65 3.88 15C4.26 15.33 4.57 15.26 4.84 15C5.16 14.73 5.47 14.15 5.73 13.55C6 12.94 6.22 12.28 6.45 11.6C6.93 10.24 7.39 8.82 8.2 7.36C8.62 6.64 9.13 5.89 9.92 5.22C10.7 4.55 11.73 4 13 4S15.7 5.22 16.58 6.34C17 6.89 17.87 6.82 18.22 6.21L19.14 4.63C19 4.58 18.89 4.5 18.79 4.4C18.4 4 18.4 3.38 18.79 3L19.93 4.13C19.96 4.13 20 4.11 20 4.11C20.41 4.11 20.75 4.35 20.91 4.69L22 7L21 7.5L19.8 6.59Z",fV1="M19.8 2L11.6 8.7L10.39 7.66L14 5.58L9.41 1L8 2.41L10.74 5.15L5 8.46L3.81 12.75L6.27 17L8 16L5.97 12.5L6.32 11.18L9.5 13L10 22H12L12.5 12L21 3.4L19.8 2M5 3C6.11 3 7 3.9 7 5S6.11 7 5 7 3 6.11 3 5 3.9 3 5 3Z",gV1="M22 23V21C20.58 21.05 19.21 20.9 18 20C16.23 21.25 13.77 21.25 12 20C10.23 21.25 7.77 21.25 6 20C4.79 20.9 3.42 21.05 2 21V23C3.38 23.05 4.79 22.94 6 22.25C7.84 23.25 10.16 23.25 12 22.25C13.84 23.25 16.16 23.25 18 22.25C19.21 22.94 20.62 23.05 22 23M23.39 17.21C21.13 16.29 18.3 15.56 15.66 15.22L19.36 6.88L20.67 6.41L22 3.41L18.8 2L17.5 4.95L18 6.27L16.31 9.97L13.5 11.47L11 10.2C10.95 10.14 10.86 10.09 10.74 10.06C9.82 9.73 8.77 10.32 8.5 11.23L7.13 15.41C6.59 15.18 1.25 16.97 .915 17.12L0 17.47C1.33 18.04 2.2 18.39 3.94 18.88C4.75 18.63 5.44 18.09 6 17.47C7.5 19.42 10.5 19.42 12 17.47C13.5 19.42 16.5 19.42 18 17.47C18.56 18.09 19.25 18.63 20.06 18.88L22.95 17.91L24 17.47L23.39 17.21M14.06 15.08C13.07 15 12.06 15 11.06 15L11.77 12.83L13.5 13.77L15 12.92L14.06 15.08M14 7.5C14 8.61 13.11 9.5 12 9.5S10 8.61 10 7.5 10.9 5.5 12 5.5 14 6.4 14 7.5Z",kV1="M5,22V20H6V16H5V14H6V11H5V7H11V3H10V2H11L13,2H14V3H13V7H19V11H18V14H19V16H18V20H19V22H5M17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,8H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 14,10H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,9Z",BV1="M12.5,3C7.81,3 4,5.69 4,9V9C4,10.19 4.5,11.34 5.44,12.33C4.53,13.5 4,14.96 4,16.5C4,17.64 4,18.83 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H19C20.11,22 21,21.11 21,20C21,18.85 21,17.61 21,16.5C21,15.28 20.66,14.07 20,13L22,11L19,8L16.9,10.1C15.58,9.38 14.05,9 12.5,9C10.65,9 8.95,9.53 7.55,10.41C7.19,9.97 7,9.5 7,9C7,7.21 9.46,5.75 12.5,5.75V5.75C13.93,5.75 15.3,6.08 16.33,6.67L18.35,4.65C16.77,3.59 14.68,3 12.5,3M12.5,11C12.84,11 13.17,11.04 13.5,11.09C10.39,11.57 8,14.25 8,17.5V20H6V17.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 12.5,11Z",PV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 1 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C12.6 9.4 11.1 9 9.5 9C7.7 9 5.9 9.5 4.6 10.4C4.2 10 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.8 9.5 5.8C10.9 5.8 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.8 3.6 11.7 3 9.5 3M9.5 11C9.8 11 10.2 11 10.5 11.1C7.4 11.6 5 14.2 5 17.5V20H3V17.5C3 13.9 5.9 11 9.5 11M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",wV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 1 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C11 8.5 7.4 8.6 4.6 10.4C4.2 10 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.7 9.5 5.7C10.9 5.7 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.6 3.5 11.6 3 9.5 3M9.5 11C13 11 16 14 16 16.5V20H3V16.5C3 14 6 11 9.5 11M10 12.5C7 12.5 5 14 5 17V18H7V17C7 16 7 13.5 10 12.5M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",FV1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.7 6.6C4.3 7.3 4 8.1 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3C4.5 13.5 4 15 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19C19.3 22 19.6 21.9 19.9 21.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8.2 10.1L7.6 10.4C7.2 10 7 9.5 7 9V8.9L8.2 10.1M8 17.5V20H6V17.5C6 14.9 7.5 12.7 9.7 11.6L10.5 12.4C9 13.6 8 15.4 8 17.5M16.9 10.1L19 8L22 11L20 13C20.7 14.1 21 15.3 21 16.5V17.8L12.2 9H12.5C14 9 15.6 9.4 16.9 10.1M9.5 6.3L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.6 3 12.5 3C14.7 3 16.8 3.6 18.3 4.7L16.3 6.7C15.3 6.1 13.9 5.8 12.5 5.8C11.4 5.8 10.4 5.9 9.5 6.3Z",TV1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.7 6.6C4.3 7.3 4 8.1 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3C4.5 13.5 4 15 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19C19.3 22 19.6 21.9 19.9 21.8L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M8.2 10.1L7.6 10.4C7.2 10 7 9.5 7 9V8.9L8.2 10.1M6 20V16.5C6 14.7 7.6 12.6 9.7 11.6L10.9 12.8C9.1 13.4 8 14.8 8 17V18H10V17C10 16.2 10 14.5 11.4 13.3L18.1 20H6M16.9 10.1L19 8L22 11L20 13C20.7 14.1 21 15.3 21 16.5V17.8L18.9 15.7C18.5 13.9 16.8 12.1 14.6 11.4L12.2 9C13.8 8.9 15.4 9.3 16.9 10.1M9.5 6.3L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.6 3 12.5 3C14.6 3 16.6 3.5 18.3 4.7L16.3 6.7C15.3 6.1 13.9 5.7 12.5 5.7C11.4 5.7 10.3 5.9 9.5 6.3Z",bV1="M12.5 3C7.8 3 4 5.7 4 9C4 10.2 4.5 11.3 5.4 12.3A6.8 6.8 0 0 0 4 16.5V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 20V16.5C21 15.3 20.7 14.1 20 13L22 11L19 8L16.9 10.1A9.2 9.2 0 0 0 7.6 10.4A2 2 0 0 1 7 9C7 7.2 9.5 5.7 12.5 5.7C13.9 5.7 15.3 6.1 16.3 6.7L18.3 4.7A10 10 0 0 0 12.5 3M12.5 11C16 11 19 14 19 16.5V20H6V16.5C6 14 9 11 12.5 11M13 12.5C10 12.5 8 14 8 17V18H10V17C10 16 10 13.5 13 12.5Z",yV1="M10 4C9.4 4 9 4.4 9 5V6H14V5C14 4.4 13.6 4 13 4H10M3 7L4.1 14.1C4.2 14.8 4.5 15.5 5.1 16.1C5.5 16.6 6.2 16.9 7 17C7 17.6 7.4 18 8 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17L15 11H17L20.3 16L22 15L18.7 10L20 9.2L19 7.5L16.4 9H15V7H8V11L7.2 16C6.5 15.9 6.1 15.7 5.8 15.4C5.4 15 5.2 14.5 5.1 13.9L4 7H3M4 19V21H20V19H4Z",RV1="M19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C12.58 9.38 11.05 9 9.5 9C7.65 9 5.95 9.53 4.55 10.41C4.19 9.97 4 9.5 4 9C4 7.21 6.46 5.75 9.5 5.75C10.93 5.75 12.3 6.08 13.33 6.67L15.35 4.65C13.77 3.59 11.68 3 9.5 3C4.81 3 1 5.69 1 9C1 10.19 1.5 11.34 2.44 12.33C1.53 13.5 1 14.96 1 16.5V20C1 21.11 1.89 22 3 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V16.5C18 15.28 17.66 14.07 17 13L19 11M5 17.5V20H3V17.5C3 13.91 5.91 11 9.5 11C9.84 11 10.17 11.04 10.5 11.09C7.39 11.57 5 14.25 5 17.5M23 7.3C23 8.93 21.91 10.6 20.38 10.97L19.71 10.29L19 9.6H19.75C20.75 9.6 21.5 8.22 21.5 7.2C21.5 6.18 20.65 5.14 19.65 5.14V3.64C21.5 3.64 23 5.45 23 7.3M17.65 6.73C17.03 6.12 16.65 5.28 16.65 4.35C16.65 2.5 18.15 1 20 1V2.5C19 2.5 18.15 3.33 18.15 4.35C18.15 5.37 19 6.2 20 6.2V7.7C19.18 7.7 18.42 7.95 17.79 8.38L16.72 7.31C17 7.09 17.32 6.89 17.65 6.73Z",xV1="M9.5 3C4.8 3 1 5.7 1 9C1 10.2 1.5 11.3 2.4 12.3C1.5 13.5 .985 15 1 16.5V20C1 21.1 1.9 22 3 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V16.5C18 15.3 17.7 14.1 17 13L19 11L16 8L13.9 10.1C10.97 8.5 7.42 8.63 4.6 10.4C4.22 10.03 4 9.53 4 9C4 7.2 6.5 5.7 9.5 5.7C10.9 5.7 12.3 6.1 13.3 6.7L15.3 4.7C13.59 3.55 11.56 2.96 9.5 3M9.5 11C13 11 16 14 16 16.5V20H3V16.5C3 14 6 11 9.5 11M10 12.5C7 12.5 5 14 5 17V18H7V17C7 16 7 13.5 10 12.5M23 7.3C23 8.93 21.91 10.6 20.38 10.97L19.71 10.29L19 9.6H19.75C20.75 9.6 21.5 8.22 21.5 7.2C21.5 6.18 20.65 5.14 19.65 5.14V3.64C21.5 3.64 23 5.45 23 7.3M17.65 6.73C17.03 6.12 16.65 5.28 16.65 4.35C16.65 2.5 18.15 1 20 1V2.5C19 2.5 18.15 3.33 18.15 4.35C18.15 5.37 19 6.2 20 6.2V7.7C19.18 7.7 18.42 7.95 17.79 8.38L16.72 7.31C17 7.09 17.32 6.89 17.65 6.73Z",DV1="M16.2 10.7L16.8 8.3C16.9 8 17.3 6.6 16.5 5.4C15.9 4.5 14.7 4 13 4H11C9.3 4 8.1 4.5 7.5 5.4C6.7 6.6 7.1 7.9 7.2 8.3L7.8 10.7C6.7 11.8 6 13.3 6 15C6 17.1 7.1 18.9 8.7 20H15.3C16.9 18.9 18 17.1 18 15C18 13.3 17.3 11.8 16.2 10.7M9.6 9.5L9.1 7.8V7.7C9.1 7.7 8.9 7 9.2 6.6C9.4 6.2 10 6 11 6H13C13.9 6 14.6 6.2 14.9 6.5C15.2 6.9 15 7.6 15 7.6L14.5 9.5C13.7 9.2 12.9 9 12 9C11.1 9 10.3 9.2 9.6 9.5Z",EV1="M7 14C5.9 14 5 13.1 5 12S5.9 10 7 10 9 10.9 9 12 8.1 14 7 14M12.6 10C11.8 7.7 9.6 6 7 6C3.7 6 1 8.7 1 12S3.7 18 7 18C9.6 18 11.8 16.3 12.6 14H16V18H20V14H23V10H12.6Z",NV1="M4 6.5C4 4 6 2 8.5 2S13 4 13 6.5C13 8.46 11.75 10.13 10 10.74V15H13V18H10V22H7V10.74C5.25 10.13 4 8.46 4 6.5M7 6.5C7 7.33 7.67 8 8.5 8S10 7.33 10 6.5 9.33 5 8.5 5 7 5.67 7 6.5M18 7H20V13H18M18 17H20V15H18",WV1="M16 22H12V24H6V13.32C3.58 12.17 2 9.72 2 7C2 3.14 5.14 0 9 0C12.86 0 16 3.14 16 7C16 9.72 14.42 12.18 12 13.32V16H16V22M14 18H10V11.94L10.67 11.71C12.66 11 14 9.11 14 7C14 4.24 11.76 2 9 2S4 4.24 4 7C4 9.11 5.34 11 7.33 11.71L8 11.94V22H10V20H14V18M12 7C12 8.66 10.66 10 9 10S6 8.66 6 7 7.34 4 9 4 12 5.34 12 7M9 8C9.55 8 10 7.55 10 7S9.55 6 9 6 8 6.45 8 7 8.45 8 9 8M20 7H22V13H20M20 17H22V15H20",IV1="M11.7 6C11.1 4.2 9.4 3 7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7M7.5 9C6.7 9 6 8.3 6 7.5S6.7 6 7.5 6 9 6.7 9 7.5 8.3 9 7.5 9M13 21V19H8V17H13V15L16 18L13 21",GV1="M12.67 13.67C12.2 14.13 11.63 14.5 11 14.73V23H8V21H5V18H8V14.72C6.26 14.1 5 12.46 5 10.5C5 8 7 6 9.5 6C9.54 6 9.57 6 9.6 6C9.13 6.95 8.92 8 9.03 9.08C8.44 9.28 8 9.84 8 10.5C8 11.33 8.67 12 9.5 12C9.73 12 9.95 11.94 10.15 11.85C10.79 12.69 11.67 13.32 12.67 13.67M20.73 19.44L17.97 20.6L17.19 18.76L14.43 19.93L13.26 17.16L16.03 16L14.76 13C12.91 13.08 11.11 12.05 10.35 10.25C9.39 7.96 10.47 5.32 12.76 4.35C13 4.25 13.26 4.18 13.5 4.12C12.84 2.87 11.5 2 10 2C7.79 2 6 3.79 6 6C6 6.08 6 6.16 6 6.24C5.7 6.5 5.4 6.82 5.15 7.15C5.06 6.78 5 6.4 5 6C5 3.24 7.24 1 10 1S15 3.24 15 6C15 7.42 14.4 8.67 13.45 9.57C13.87 10 14.5 10.13 15.08 9.88C15.85 9.56 16.2 8.68 15.88 7.92C15.85 7.83 15.8 7.74 15.74 7.66C15.9 7.13 16 6.58 16 6C16 5.37 15.9 4.76 15.72 4.19C17 4.55 18.1 5.44 18.65 6.76C19.41 8.56 18.89 10.57 17.5 11.81L20.73 19.44M13 8.6C13.37 8.19 13.65 7.71 13.82 7.18C13.28 7.45 12.97 8 13 8.6Z",QV1="M12.66 13.67C12.32 14 11.93 14.29 11.5 14.5V21L9.5 23L7.5 21L9.5 19.29L8 18L9.5 16.71L7.5 15V14.5C6 13.77 5 12.26 5 10.5C5 8 7 6 9.5 6C9.54 6 9.58 6 9.61 6C9.59 6.07 9.54 6.12 9.5 6.18C9.23 6.79 9.08 7.43 9.03 8.08C8.43 8.28 8 8.84 8 9.5C8 10.33 8.67 11 9.5 11C9.53 11 9.57 11 9.6 11C10.24 12.25 11.34 13.2 12.66 13.67M16 6C16 5.37 15.9 4.75 15.72 4.18C17.06 4.56 18.21 5.55 18.73 6.96C19.33 8.62 18.89 10.39 17.75 11.59L20 17.68L18.78 20.25L16.22 19.05L17.5 16.76L15.66 16.06L16.63 14.34L14.16 13.41L14 12.95C12.36 12.77 10.88 11.7 10.27 10.04C9.42 7.71 10.63 5.12 12.96 4.27C13.14 4.21 13.33 4.17 13.5 4.13C12.84 2.87 11.53 2 10 2C7.79 2 6 3.79 6 6C6 6.09 6 6.17 6.03 6.26C5.7 6.53 5.4 6.82 5.15 7.15C5.06 6.78 5 6.4 5 6C5 3.24 7.24 1 10 1S15 3.24 15 6C15 7.16 14.6 8.21 13.94 9.06C16.08 8.88 16 6 16 6M12.81 8.1C12.87 8.27 12.96 8.41 13.06 8.54C13.62 7.88 13.97 7.04 14 6.11C13.89 6.13 13.8 6.15 13.7 6.18C12.92 6.47 12.5 7.33 12.81 8.1Z",UV1="M7.5 2C9.5 2 11.1 3.2 11.7 5H21V8H18V11H15V8H11.7C11.1 9.8 9.4 11 7.5 11C5 11 3 9 3 6.5S5 2 7.5 2M7.5 5C6.7 5 6 5.7 6 6.5S6.7 8 7.5 8 9 7.3 9 6.5 8.3 5 7.5 5M7.5 13C9.5 13 11.1 14.2 11.7 16H21V19H20V22H18V19H16V22H13V19H11.7C11.1 20.8 9.4 22 7.5 22C5 22 3 20 3 17.5S5 13 7.5 13M7.5 16C6.7 16 6 16.7 6 17.5S6.7 19 7.5 19 9 18.3 9 17.5 8.3 16 7.5 16Z",zV1="M7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7C11.1 4.2 9.5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C8.3 6 9 6.7 9 7.5S8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5 6.7 6 7.5 6M10 14C8.4 14 6 15.1 6 18C6 20.9 8.4 22 10 22H11V20H10C9.7 20 8 19.9 8 18C8 16.2 9.5 16 10 16H11V14M13 14V16H14C14.3 16 16 16.1 16 18C16 19.8 14.5 20 14 20H13V22H14C15.6 22 18 20.9 18 18C18 15.1 15.6 14 14 14M9 17V19H15V17H9Z",_V1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M8 17H16V19H8V17Z",KV1="M21 18H15V15H13.3C12.2 17.4 9.7 19 7 19C3.1 19 0 15.9 0 12S3.1 5 7 5C9.7 5 12.2 6.6 13.3 9H24V15H21V18M17 16H19V13H22V11H11.9L11.7 10.3C11 8.3 9.1 7 7 7C4.2 7 2 9.2 2 12S4.2 17 7 17C9.1 17 11 15.7 11.7 13.7L11.9 13H17V16M7 15C5.3 15 4 13.7 4 12S5.3 9 7 9 10 10.3 10 12 8.7 15 7 15M7 11C6.4 11 6 11.4 6 12S6.4 13 7 13 8 12.6 8 12 7.6 11 7 11Z",jV1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M8 17H11V14H13V17H16V19H13V22H11V19H8V17Z",qV1="M7.5 3C9.5 3 11.1 4.2 11.7 6H21V9H18V12H15V9H11.7C11.1 10.8 9.4 12 7.5 12C5 12 3 10 3 7.5S5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C6.7 6 6 6.7 6 7.5S6.7 9 7.5 9 9 8.3 9 7.5 8.3 6 7.5 6M14.6 14L16 15.4L13.4 18L16 20.6L14.6 22L12 19.4L9.4 22L8 20.6L10.6 18L8 15.4L9.4 14L12 16.6L14.6 14Z",$V1="M7.5 3C5 3 3 5 3 7.5S5 12 7.5 12C9.5 12 11.1 10.8 11.7 9H15V12H18V9H21V6H11.7C11.1 4.2 9.5 3 7.5 3M7.5 6C8.3 6 9 6.7 9 7.5S8.3 9 7.5 9 6 8.3 6 7.5 6.7 6 7.5 6M12 14L10.9 16.6L8 16.9L10.2 18.8L9.5 21.6L12 20.1L14.4 21.6L13.8 18.8L16 16.9L13.1 16.7L12 14Z",XV1="M22,18V22H18V19H15V16H12L9.74,13.74C9.19,13.91 8.61,14 8,14A6,6 0 0,1 2,8A6,6 0 0,1 8,2A6,6 0 0,1 14,8C14,8.61 13.91,9.19 13.74,9.74L22,18M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5Z",YV1="M4.9 5.9L6.3 7.3C9.4 4.2 14.5 4.2 17.6 7.3L19 5.9C15.2 2 8.8 2 4.9 5.9M7.8 8.8L9.2 10.2C10.8 8.6 13.3 8.6 14.9 10.2L16.3 8.8C13.9 6.4 10.1 6.4 7.8 8.8M11.8 15C11 12.7 8.4 11.4 6.1 12.3S2.4 15.7 3.3 18 6.7 21.6 9 20.7C10.3 20.2 11.3 19.2 11.7 18H15V21H18V18H21V15M7.5 18C6.7 18 6 17.3 6 16.5C6 15.7 6.7 15 7.5 15S9 15.7 9 16.5C9 17.3 8.3 18 7.5 18Z",JV1="M19,10H17V8H19M19,13H17V11H19M16,10H14V8H16M16,13H14V11H16M16,17H8V15H16M7,10H5V8H7M7,13H5V11H7M8,11H10V13H8M8,8H10V10H8M11,11H13V13H11M11,8H13V10H11M20,5H4C2.89,5 2,5.89 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7C22,5.89 21.1,5 20,5Z",CL1="M21,11H6.83L10.41,7.41L9,6L3,12L9,18L10.41,16.58L6.83,13H21V11Z",HL1="M6,18H18V16H6M12,8.41L16.59,13L18,11.58L12,5.58L6,11.58L7.41,13L12,8.41Z",VL1="M12,23L16,19H8M19,8H17V6H19M19,11H17V9H19M16,8H14V6H16M16,11H14V9H16M16,15H8V13H16M7,8H5V6H7M7,11H5V9H7M8,9H10V11H8M8,6H10V8H8M11,9H13V11H11M11,6H13V8H11M20,3H4C2.89,3 2,3.89 2,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V5C22,3.89 21.1,3 20,3Z",LL1="M12 23L16 19H8M4 3C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V15C2 16.1 2.9 17 4 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4M4 5H20V15H4V5M5 6V8H7V6H5M8 6V8H10V6H8M11 6V8H13V6H11M14 6V8H16V6H14M17 6V8H19V6H17M5 9V11H7V9H5M8 9V11H10V9H8M11 9V11H13V9H11M14 9V11H16V9H14M17 9V11H19V9H17M8 12V14H16V12H8Z",ML1="M1 7H7V9H3V11H7V13H3V15H7V17H1V7M11 7H15V9H11V11H13C14.11 11 15 11.9 15 13V15C15 16.11 14.11 17 13 17H9V15H13V13H11C9.9 13 9 12.11 9 11V9C9 7.9 9.9 7 11 7M19 7H21C22.11 7 23 7.9 23 9V10H21V9H19V15H21V14H23V15C23 16.11 22.11 17 21 17H19C17.9 17 17 16.11 17 15V9C17 7.9 17.9 7 19 7Z",AL1="M6 7H12V9H8V11H11V13H8V17H6V7M14 7H18V17H16V9H14V7Z",iL1="M2 7H8V9H4V11H7V13H4V17H2V7M10 7H14V17H12V9H10V7M18 7H20C21.11 7 22 7.9 22 9V15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H18C16.9 17 16 16.11 16 15V9C16 7.9 16.9 7 18 7M18 9V15H20V9H18Z",rL1="M3 7H9V9H5V11H8V13H5V17H3V7M11 7H15V17H13V9H11V7M17 7H21V17H19V9H17V7Z",aL1="M2 7H8V9H4V11H7V13H4V17H2V7M16 7H20C21.11 7 22 7.9 22 9V11C22 12.11 21.11 13 20 13H18V15H22V17H16V13C16 11.9 16.9 11 18 11H20V9H16V7M10 7H14V17H12V9H10V7Z",eL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H17C18.11 7 19 7.9 19 9V11C19 12.11 18.11 13 17 13H15V15H19V17H13V13C13 11.9 13.9 11 15 11H17V9H13V7Z",dL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M19 15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H15V11H17V9H13V7H17C18.1 7 19 7.89 19 9V10.5C19 11.33 18.33 12 17.5 12C18.33 12 19 12.67 19 13.5V15Z",mL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H15V11H17V7H19V17H17V13H13V7Z",tL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M13 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H13V7Z",vL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H15C13.9 17 13 16.11 13 15V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7M15 13V15H17V13H15Z",lL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 17H13L17 9H13V7H19V9L15 17Z",oL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M15 13V15H17V13H15M15 9V11H17V9H15M15 17C13.9 17 13 16.11 13 15V13.5C13 12.67 13.67 12 14.5 12C13.67 12 13 11.33 13 10.5V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7H17C18.1 7 19 7.89 19 9V10.5C19 11.33 18.33 12 17.5 12C18.33 12 19 12.67 19 13.5V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H15Z",nL1="M5 7H11V9H7V11H10V13H7V17H5V7M17 17H13V15H17V13H15C13.9 13 13 12.11 13 11V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7H17C18.11 7 19 7.9 19 9V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17M17 11V9H15V11H17Z",ZL1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.73,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,6.5 2.18,6.07 2.46,5.73L1,4.27M19,10V8H17V10H19M19,13V11H17V13H19M16,10V8H14V10H16M16,13V11H14V12.18L11.82,10H13V8H11V9.18L9.82,8L6.82,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17C22,17.86 21.46,18.59 20.7,18.87L14.82,13H16M8,15V17H13.73L11.73,15H8M5,10H6.73L5,8.27V10M7,13V11H5V13H7M8,13H9.73L8,11.27V13Z",SL1="M1,4.27L2.47,5.74C2.18,6.08 2,6.5 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H15.73L18.73,22L20,20.72L2.28,3L1,4.27M4,17V7.27L5,8.27V10H6.73L8,11.27V13H9.73L10.73,14H8V16H12.73L13.73,17H4M5,11H7V13H5V11M17,11H19V13H17V11M19,10H17V8H19V10M14,11H16V13H14.83L14,12.17V11M13,10H11.83L11,9.17V8H13V10M22,7V17C22,17.86 21.45,18.58 20.7,18.87L18.83,17H20V7H8.83L6.83,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7M16,10H14V8H16V10Z",uL1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H20V17H4V7M5,8V10H7V8H5M8,8V10H10V8H8M11,8V10H13V8H11M14,8V10H16V8H14M17,8V10H19V8H17M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M14,11V13H16V11H14M17,11V13H19V11H17M8,14V16H16V14H8Z",cL1="M19,7V11H5.83L9.41,7.41L8,6L2,12L8,18L9.41,16.58L5.83,13H21V7H19Z",sL1="M19,10H17V8H19M19,13H17V11H19M16,10H14V8H16M16,13H14V11H16M16,17H8V15H16M7,10H5V8H7M7,13H5V11H7M8,11H10V13H8M8,8H10V10H8M11,11H13V13H11M11,8H13V10H11M20,5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",OL1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H20V17H4V7M5,8V10H7V8H5M8,8V10H10V8H8M11,8V10H13V8H11M14,8V10H16V8H14M17,8V10H19V8H17M5,11V13H7V11H5M8,11V13H10V11H8M11,11V13H13V11H11M14,11V13H16V11H14M17,11V13H19V11H17M8,14V16H16V14H8Z",hL1="M3 15H5V19H19V15H21V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V15Z",pL1="M20,18H22V6H20M11.59,7.41L15.17,11H1V13H15.17L11.59,16.58L13,18L19,12L13,6L11.59,7.41Z",fL1="M4 6H2V18H4M11 6L5 12L11 18L12.41 16.58L8.83 13H23V11H8.83L12.41 7.41L11 6Z",gL1="M6,16H18V18H6V16M6,13V15H2V13H6M7,15V13H10V15H7M11,15V13H13V15H11M14,15V13H17V15H14M18,15V13H22V15H18M2,10H5V12H2V10M19,12V10H22V12H19M18,12H16V10H18V12M8,12H6V10H8V12M12,12H9V10H12V12M15,12H13V10H15V12M2,9V7H4V9H2M5,9V7H7V9H5M8,9V7H10V9H8M11,9V7H13V9H11M14,9V7H16V9H14M17,9V7H22V9H17Z",kL1="M16 20C19.72 18 22 15.27 22 12C22 9.34 20.46 6.9 17.89 5H17.82C19 6.35 19.68 8.09 19.68 10C19.68 13 18 15 15.5 16.83C15.5 16.84 14.38 17.54 13 18.41V17.33L15 16C15 16 14.8 15.4 14.58 14.46C16.6 13.58 18 11.69 18 9.5C18 7.34 16.64 5.47 14.65 4.57C14.84 3.63 15 3 15 3L12 1L9 3C9 3 9.16 3.63 9.35 4.57C7.37 5.47 6 7.34 6 9.5C6 11.69 7.4 13.58 9.42 14.46C9.2 15.4 9 16 9 16L11 17.33V18.41C9.62 17.54 8.5 16.84 8.5 16.83C6 15 4.32 13 4.32 10C4.32 8.09 5 6.35 6.18 5H6.12C3.54 6.9 2 9.34 2 12C2 15.27 4.29 18 8 20L9 18.5L10.92 19.73L7.34 22L8 23L11 21.07V23H13V21.07L16 23L16.66 22L13.08 19.73L15 18.5L16 20M16.75 9.5C16.75 11.09 15.76 12.46 14.31 13.19C14.14 12.23 14 11.12 14 10C14 8.67 14.2 7.15 14.42 5.86C15.81 6.6 16.75 7.95 16.75 9.5M7.25 9.5C7.25 7.95 8.19 6.6 9.59 5.86C9.8 7.15 10 8.67 10 10C10 11.12 9.86 12.23 9.69 13.19C8.24 12.46 7.25 11.09 7.25 9.5Z",BL1="M19.3 10.2L17.5 12L19.3 13.8C21.19 15.67 21.19 18.72 19.3 20.59C17.42 22.46 14.35 22.46 12.47 20.59L11.8 19.93C10.93 21.19 9.5 22 7.83 22C5.16 22 3 19.85 3 17.2V6.8C3 4.15 5.16 2 7.83 2C9.5 2 10.93 2.82 11.8 4.07L12.47 3.41C14.35 1.54 17.42 1.54 19.3 3.41C21.19 5.28 21.19 8.33 19.3 10.2Z",PL1="M13.69 3.46C13.35 3.15 12.96 3 12.5 3C12.05 3 11.66 3.15 11.33 3.46L5.54 9.08C5.23 9.38 5.06 9.75 5 10.2C5 10.64 5.08 11.04 5.33 11.4L11.45 19.83C11.2 20.36 10.75 20.62 10.09 20.62C9.29 20.62 8.79 20.25 8.6 19.5C8.4 18.84 8 18.27 7.38 17.8C6.76 17.34 6.1 17.1 5.41 17.1C4.36 17.1 3.5 17.5 2.85 18.3L4.21 19.42C4.5 19.03 4.92 18.84 5.41 18.84C6.21 18.84 6.71 19.21 6.9 19.95C7.09 20.62 7.5 21.19 8.12 21.67C8.74 22.15 9.4 22.4 10.09 22.4C11.33 22.4 12.28 21.83 12.94 20.7L19.68 11.39C19.93 11.04 20.03 10.64 20 10.2C19.95 9.75 19.77 9.38 19.47 9.08L13.69 3.46Z",wL1="M12.5 5.1L17.95 10.38L12.5 17.88L7.07 10.38L12.5 5.1M12.5 3C12.05 3 11.66 3.15 11.33 3.46L5.54 9.08C5.23 9.38 5.06 9.75 5 10.2C5 10.64 5.08 11.04 5.33 11.4L11.45 19.83C11.2 20.36 10.75 20.62 10.09 20.62C9.29 20.62 8.79 20.25 8.6 19.5C8.4 18.84 8 18.27 7.38 17.8C6.76 17.34 6.1 17.1 5.41 17.1C4.36 17.1 3.5 17.5 2.85 18.3L4.21 19.42C4.5 19.03 4.92 18.84 5.41 18.84C6.21 18.84 6.71 19.21 6.9 19.95C7.09 20.62 7.5 21.19 8.12 21.67S9.4 22.4 10.09 22.4C11.33 22.4 12.28 21.83 12.94 20.7L19.68 11.4C19.93 11.04 20.03 10.64 20 10.2C19.95 9.76 19.77 9.38 19.47 9.08L13.68 3.46C13.35 3.15 12.96 3 12.5 3Z",FL1="M16.5 4.5L15.5 3.43L17.92 1H20L16.5 4.5M20.96 23C19.9 23 18.9 22.75 17.96 22.25C16.12 23.25 13.81 23.25 11.97 22.25C10.13 23.25 7.82 23.25 6 22.25C4.77 22.94 3.36 23.05 2 23V21C3.41 21.05 4.77 20.9 6 20C7.74 21.25 10.21 21.25 11.97 20C13.74 21.25 16.2 21.25 17.96 20C19.17 20.9 20.54 21.05 21.94 21V23H20.96M20.35 12.26C18.3 11.5 16.14 12.61 14.08 13.36L12.39 11.5H9.58V8C11.89 8.19 14.29 7.67 15.9 5.96L14.5 4.56C13.6 5.46 12.3 6 11 6H8C6.89 6 5.95 6.92 6 8C6.07 9.35 5.67 12.73 6.45 13.87L8 16.82C7.43 17.23 6.93 17.62 6.5 18C8.09 19.5 10.65 19.17 11.97 17.5C12.91 18.59 14.45 19.3 15.9 18.83C17.45 17.77 22.74 14 20.35 12.26M11.43 14.65C11 14.89 10.16 15.37 9.82 15.61L8.97 13.59L11.46 13.5L12.16 14.25L11.43 14.65M8 1C6.9 1 6 1.9 6 3S6.9 5 8 5 10 4.11 10 3 9.11 1 8 1Z",TL1="M4.79 21.5L4.71 21.24C4.53 20.65 4.47 20.08 4.5 19.4C4.6 18.17 5.14 17.31 5.82 16.59C5.64 16 5.53 15.39 5.53 14.74C5.53 13 6.26 11.44 7.45 10.3C8.33 9.46 9.46 8.86 10.71 8.6C11.37 6.23 11.8 3.8 12 1.5C12.24 3.5 12.65 6.12 13.3 8.58C14.6 8.82 15.76 9.43 16.67 10.3C17.85 11.44 18.59 13 18.59 14.74C18.59 15.35 18.5 15.93 18.33 16.5C19.21 16.92 20.2 17.17 21.5 17.29L21.44 17.44C21.32 17.77 21 18 20.71 18.18L20.69 18.19C20.13 18.57 19.18 19 17.85 19C17.7 19 17.56 19 17.41 19C17.23 19 17.06 18.97 16.9 18.95C16.83 19 16.75 19.1 16.67 19.18C15.5 20.31 13.86 21 12.06 21C10.27 21 8.64 20.31 7.46 19.18C7.42 19.14 7.38 19.1 7.34 19.06C6.34 19.59 5.54 20.33 4.94 21.27L4.8 21.5M6.5 15.94C6.65 15.82 8.2 14.5 8.63 13.78L8.73 13.61C9.65 15 10.4 16.28 11.43 18.08L11.22 18.09C10.08 18.16 9.05 18.37 8.15 18.7C9.17 19.62 10.55 20.19 12.06 20.19C13.54 20.19 14.88 19.65 15.89 18.77C15.64 18.72 15.39 18.65 15.15 18.59C14.38 18.41 13.65 18.22 12.81 18.19L12.62 18.18L12.7 18C13.1 17.2 14.8 14.41 15.23 13.63L15.34 13.81C16 14.77 16.73 15.5 17.58 16.07C17.69 15.64 17.75 15.2 17.75 14.75C17.75 13.25 17.11 11.89 16.09 10.9C15.4 10.24 14.53 9.74 13.55 9.5C13.85 10.5 14.2 11.5 14.59 12.35L14.62 12.4L14.59 12.46C14.2 13.22 13.76 13.95 13.33 14.66C12.94 15.3 12.54 15.96 12.18 16.64L12.08 16.83L11.96 16.65C11.39 15.82 9.75 13.06 9.41 12.5C9.81 11.5 10.15 10.5 10.45 9.5C9.5 9.78 8.7 10.26 8.03 10.9C7 11.88 6.37 13.25 6.37 14.74C6.37 15.16 6.42 15.56 6.5 15.95",bL1="M20.62,2C23.97,7.61 12.47,20.15 12.47,20.15L9.6,17.28L4.91,22L2.77,19.86L20.62,2Z",yL1="M22,2L17.39,3.75L10.46,10.68L14,14.22L20.92,7.29C22.43,5.78 22,2 22,2M8.33,10L6.92,11.39L8.33,12.8L2.68,18.46L6.21,22L11.87,16.34L13.28,17.76L14.7,16.34L8.33,10Z",RL1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M13 10H11V4.1C11.3 4 11.7 4 12 4S12.7 4 13 4.1V10Z",xL1="M19 3C18.1 3 15.5 3 14.3 6.1C13.9 6 13.4 6 13 6H11C10.6 6 10.1 6 9.7 6.1C8.5 3 5.9 3 5 3C4 3 1 4 1 9C1 12.6 3.5 13.6 5 13.9V15C5 18.3 7.7 21 11 21H13C16.3 21 19 18.3 19 15V13.9C20.5 13.6 23 12.6 23 9C23 4 20 3 19 3M5 12V12.4C2.9 11.8 3.3 9.5 4.3 8.7C4 8.3 3 9 3 8.6C3 8.1 4.8 7.4 5.1 7.3C4.8 6.8 3.6 7 3.6 6.6C3.6 6.3 4.8 5.8 5.8 6C6.3 6.1 6.9 6.3 7.4 6.7C6 8 5 9.8 5 12M8.5 15C6.5 15 6.5 12 8.5 12C10.5 12 10.5 15 8.5 15M12.5 18H11.5C10.8 18 10.3 17.3 10.6 16.7L11.3 13.7C11.4 13.3 11.8 13.1 12.1 13C12.4 13 12.7 13.2 12.9 13.7L13.6 16.7C13.7 17.3 13.2 18 12.5 18M15.5 15C13.5 15 13.5 12 15.5 12C17.5 12 17.5 15 15.5 15M19.7 8.6C20.7 9.4 21.1 11.7 19 12.3C19.1 10.1 18.1 8 16.6 6.7C17.1 6.3 17.7 6.1 18.2 6C19.2 5.8 20.4 6.2 20.4 6.6C20.4 7 19.2 6.8 18.9 7.2C19.2 7.4 21 8.1 21 8.6C21 9 20.1 8.3 19.7 8.6Z",DL1="M12.03,1C11.82,1 11.6,1.11 11.41,1.31C10.56,2.16 9.72,3 8.88,3.84C8.66,4.06 8.6,4.18 8.38,4.38C8.09,4.62 7.96,4.91 7.97,5.28C8,6.57 8,7.84 8,9.13C8,10.46 8,11.82 8,13.16C8,13.26 8,13.34 8.03,13.44C8.11,13.75 8.31,13.82 8.53,13.59C9.73,12.39 10.8,11.3 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4H8.5M10 2H4L2 9H12L10 2M6 10H8V20H11V22H3V20H6V10M18.5 10L19.35 13H14.65L15.5 10H18.5M20 8H14L12 15H22L20 8M16 16H18V20H21V22H13V20H16V16Z",VM1="M10,2C8.89,2 8,2.89 8,4V7C8,8.11 8.89,9 10,9H11V11H2V13H6V15H5C3.89,15 3,15.89 3,17V20C3,21.11 3.89,22 5,22H9C10.11,22 11,21.11 11,20V17C11,15.89 10.11,15 9,15H8V13H16V15H15C13.89,15 13,15.89 13,17V20C13,21.11 13.89,22 15,22H19C20.11,22 21,21.11 21,20V17C21,15.89 20.11,15 19,15H18V13H22V11H13V9H14C15.11,9 16,8.11 16,7V4C16,2.89 15.11,2 14,2H10M10,4H14V7H10V4M5,17H9V20H5V17M15,17H19V20H15V17Z",LM1="M4 1C2.89 1 2 1.89 2 3V7C2 8.11 2.89 9 4 9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11 9 12 8.11 12 7V3C12 1.89 11.11 1 10 1H4M4 3H10V7H4V3M14 13C12.89 13 12 13.89 12 15V19C12 20.11 12.89 21 14 21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V15C22 13.89 21.11 13 20 13H14M14 15H20V19H14V15M5.5 20.5L10.5 15.5L9 14L5.5 17.5L3.5 15.5L2 17L5.5 20.5Z",MM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M3,13V18L3,20H10V18H5V13H3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M14,15H20V19H14V15Z",AM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M3.88,13.46L2.46,14.88L4.59,17L2.46,19.12L3.88,20.54L6,18.41L8.12,20.54L9.54,19.12L7.41,17L9.54,14.88L8.12,13.46L6,15.59L3.88,13.46M14,15H20V19H14V15Z",iM1="M4,1C2.89,1 2,1.89 2,3V7C2,8.11 2.89,9 4,9H1V11H13V9H10C11.11,9 12,8.11 12,7V3C12,1.89 11.11,1 10,1H4M4,3H10V7H4V3M3,12V14H5V12H3M14,13C12.89,13 12,13.89 12,15V19C12,20.11 12.89,21 14,21H11V23H23V21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V15C22,13.89 21.11,13 20,13H14M3,15V17H5V15H3M14,15H20V19H14V15M3,18V20H5V18H3M6,18V20H8V18H6M9,18V20H11V18H9Z",rM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M15.3 4C14.5 5.1 14 6.5 14 8H10C10 6.4 10.8 4.9 12 4H15.3M14 14H10C10 12.5 9.5 11.1 8.7 10H12C13.2 10.9 14 12.4 14 14M4 4H9.3C8.5 5.1 8 6.5 8 8H4V4M4 10H6C7.2 10.9 8 12.3 8 14H4V10M4 20V16H9.3C8.5 17.1 8 18.5 8 20H4M10 20C10 18.4 10.8 16.9 12 16H15.3C14.5 17.1 14 18.5 14 20H10M20 20H16C16 18.4 16.8 16.9 18 16H20V20M20 14H16C16 12.5 15.5 11.1 14.7 10H20V14M20 8H16C16 6.4 16.8 4.9 18 4H20V8Z",aM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M4 4H8V14H4V4M4 20V16H8V20H4M20 20H10V10H20V20M20 8H10V4H20V8Z",eM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M13 7.5C13 5.6 14.6 4 16.5 4C18.4 4 20 5.6 20 7.5C20 9.4 18.4 11 16.5 11C14.6 11 13 9.4 13 7.5M4 4H11V11H4V4M4 20V13H11V20H4M20 20H13V13H20V20Z",dM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 9C20 11.8 17.8 14 15 14C12.2 14 10 11.8 10 9C10 6.2 12.2 4 15 4C17.8 4 20 6.2 20 9M4 4H8V14H4V4M4 20V16H8V20H4M20 20H10V16H20V20Z",mM1="M4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V10H10V20H14.55C14.73 20.3 14.91 20.58 15.09 20.84C15.38 21.27 15.66 21.66 15.92 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M8 4H4V14H8V4M4 16V20H8V16H4M10 8H20V4H10V8M18.5 22C18.5 22 17.92 21.35 17.23 20.41C17.14 20.28 17.04 20.14 16.94 20C16 18.66 15 16.89 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12C19.03 12 19.54 12.13 20 12.35C21.17 12.92 22 14.13 22 15.5C22 17.04 20.77 19.04 19.77 20.41C19.08 21.35 18.5 22 18.5 22M17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6Z",tM1="M22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20M4 6.5V4H20V6.5H4M4 11V8.5H20V11H4M4 15.5V13H20V15.5H4M4 20V17.5H20V20H4Z",vM1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M6.5 20H4V4H6.5V20M11 20H8.5V4H11V20M15.5 20H13V4H15.5V20M20 20H17.5V4H20V20Z",lM1="M15.47 13.79L12.89 12.76L6 15.05L2 13.5V15.61L6 16.95L15.47 13.79M10.57 11.42L8 8H2V11.61L6 12.95L10.57 11.42M6 19.05L2 17.72V22H22L17.03 15.38L6 19.05M17 6V1L12 0L9 2V6L12 8L17 6M18.5 7L16 9V12L18.5 14L23 12V8L18.5 7Z",oM1="M11 12L8 8H2V22H22L16 14L11 12M12.53 14.77L6 16.95L4 16.28V14.39L6 15.06L9.95 13.74L12.53 14.77M7 10L8.57 12.09L6 12.95L4 12.28V10H7M4 20V18.39L6 19.06L15.03 16.05L18 20H4M17 6V1L12 0L9 2V6L12 8L17 6M11 3.07L12.42 2.12L15 2.64V4.65L12.23 5.76L11 4.93V3.07M18.5 7L16 9V12L18.5 14L23 12V8L18.5 7M21 10.7L18.8 11.68L18 11.04V9.96L19 9.16L21 9.6V10.7Z",nM1="M15.45,15.97L15.87,18.41C15.61,18.55 15.19,18.68 14.63,18.8C14.06,18.93 13.39,19 12.62,19C10.41,18.96 8.75,18.3 7.64,17.04C6.5,15.77 5.96,14.16 5.96,12.21C6,9.9 6.68,8.13 8,6.89C9.28,5.64 10.92,5 12.9,5C13.65,5 14.3,5.07 14.84,5.19C15.38,5.31 15.78,5.44 16.04,5.59L15.44,8.08L14.4,7.74C14,7.64 13.53,7.59 13,7.59C11.85,7.58 10.89,7.95 10.14,8.69C9.38,9.42 9,10.54 8.96,12.03C8.97,13.39 9.33,14.45 10.04,15.23C10.75,16 11.74,16.4 13.03,16.41L14.36,16.29C14.79,16.21 15.15,16.1 15.45,15.97Z",ZM1="M10.5,15.97L10.91,18.41C10.65,18.55 10.23,18.68 9.67,18.8C9.1,18.93 8.43,19 7.66,19C5.45,18.96 3.79,18.3 2.68,17.04C1.56,15.77 1,14.16 1,12.21C1.05,9.9 1.72,8.13 3,6.89C4.32,5.64 5.96,5 7.94,5C8.69,5 9.34,5.07 9.88,5.19C10.42,5.31 10.82,5.44 11.08,5.59L10.5,8.08L9.44,7.74C9.04,7.64 8.58,7.59 8.05,7.59C6.89,7.58 5.93,7.95 5.18,8.69C4.42,9.42 4.03,10.54 4,12.03C4,13.39 4.37,14.45 5.08,15.23C5.79,16 6.79,16.4 8.07,16.41L9.4,16.29C9.83,16.21 10.19,16.1 10.5,15.97M11,11H13V9H15V11H17V13H15V15H13V13H11V11M18,11H20V9H22V11H24V13H22V15H20V13H18V11Z",SM1="M11.5,15.97L11.91,18.41C11.65,18.55 11.23,18.68 10.67,18.8C10.1,18.93 9.43,19 8.66,19C6.45,18.96 4.79,18.3 3.68,17.04C2.56,15.77 2,14.16 2,12.21C2.05,9.9 2.72,8.13 4,6.89C5.32,5.64 6.96,5 8.94,5C9.69,5 10.34,5.07 10.88,5.19C11.42,5.31 11.82,5.44 12.08,5.59L11.5,8.08L10.44,7.74C10.04,7.64 9.58,7.59 9.05,7.59C7.89,7.58 6.93,7.95 6.18,8.69C5.42,9.42 5.03,10.54 5,12.03C5,13.39 5.37,14.45 6.08,15.23C6.79,16 7.79,16.4 9.07,16.41L10.4,16.29C10.83,16.21 11.19,16.1 11.5,15.97M13.89,19L14.5,15H13L13.34,13H14.84L15.16,11H13.66L14,9H15.5L16.11,5H18.11L17.5,9H18.5L19.11,5H21.11L20.5,9H22L21.66,11H20.16L19.84,13H21.34L21,15H19.5L18.89,19H16.89L17.5,15H16.5L15.89,19H13.89M16.84,13H17.84L18.16,11H17.16L16.84,13Z",uM1="M5,3L4.35,6.34H17.94L17.5,8.5H3.92L3.26,11.83H16.85L16.09,15.64L10.61,17.45L5.86,15.64L6.19,14H2.85L2.06,18L9.91,21L18.96,18L20.16,11.97L20.4,10.76L21.94,3H5Z",cM1="M5 4V6H6C6.55 6 7 6.45 7 7V17C7 17.55 6.55 18 6 18H5V20H14V18H12C11.45 18 11 17.55 11 17V13H13C13.55 13 14 13.45 14 14V16H16V8H14V10C14 10.55 13.55 11 13 11H11V6H16C17.11 6 18 7.34 18 9V10H20V4Z",sM1="M2.64,10.33L2.62,10.27L2.84,10L2.96,9.92H6.8L6.83,10L6.65,10.26L6.54,10.32L2.64,10.33M1.03,11.31L1,11.26L1.22,10.97L1.34,10.91H6.24L6.29,11L6.21,11.24L6.11,11.31H1.03M3.63,12.3L3.59,12.24L3.75,11.96L3.85,11.9H6L6.07,11.97L6.05,12.22L5.97,12.3H3.63M14.78,10.14L13,10.61C12.81,10.65 12.8,10.66 12.66,10.5C12.5,10.32 12.39,10.21 12.16,10.1C11.5,9.76 10.83,9.86 10.22,10.25C9.5,10.73 9.11,11.42 9.12,12.3C9.13,13.16 9.72,13.87 10.57,14C11.3,14.09 11.91,13.83 12.4,13.28L12.69,12.89H10.62C10.4,12.89 10.35,12.75 10.42,12.57L10.97,11.39C11,11.33 11.08,11.22 11.24,11.22H14.68C14.83,10.72 15.09,10.26 15.43,9.81C16.21,8.78 17.16,8.24 18.43,8C19.5,7.82 20.56,7.93 21.5,8.57C22.34,9.15 22.87,9.93 23,10.96C23.19,12.41 22.76,13.59 21.76,14.61C21.05,15.33 20.18,15.78 19.19,16L18.33,16.08C17.35,16.06 16.46,15.78 15.71,15.13C15.19,14.68 14.83,14.14 14.65,13.5C14.5,13.74 14.38,13.97 14.21,14.2C13.44,15.22 12.43,15.85 11.15,16C10.1,16.16 9.12,15.95 8.26,15.31C7.47,14.71 7,13.91 6.9,12.92C6.76,11.75 7.1,10.7 7.81,9.78C8.57,8.78 9.58,8.15 10.82,7.92C11.82,7.74 12.79,7.86 13.66,8.44C14.23,8.82 14.63,9.34 14.9,9.96C14.94,10.05 14.9,10.11 14.78,10.14M20.89,11.74L20.86,11.38C20.67,10.32 19.69,9.72 18.67,9.95C17.66,10.17 17,10.8 16.79,11.81C16.6,12.65 17,13.5 17.77,13.84C18.36,14.1 18.96,14.06 19.53,13.78C20.37,13.35 20.84,12.66 20.89,11.74Z",OM1="M2.08,19L6.75,12L2.08,5H5.58L10.25,12L5.58,19H2.08M6.75,19L11.42,12L6.75,5H10.25L19.59,19H16.09L13.17,14.63L10.25,19H6.75M18.03,14.92L16.5,12.58H21.92V14.92H18.03M15.7,11.42L14.14,9.08H21.92V11.42H15.7Z",hM1="M12,17.56L16.07,16.43L16.62,10.33H9.38L9.2,8.3H16.8L17,6.31H7L7.56,12.32H14.45L14.22,14.9L12,15.5L9.78,14.9L9.64,13.24H7.64L7.93,16.43L12,17.56M4.07,3H19.93L18.5,19.2L12,21L5.5,19.2L4.07,3Z",pM1="M16.5,6.08C16.5,6.08 9.66,7.79 12.94,11.56C13.91,12.67 12.69,13.67 12.69,13.67C12.69,13.67 15.14,12.42 14,10.82C12.94,9.35 12.14,8.62 16.5,6.08M12.03,7.28C16.08,4.08 14,2 14,2C14.84,5.3 11.04,6.3 9.67,8.36C8.73,9.76 10.13,11.27 12,13C11.29,11.3 8.78,9.84 12.03,7.28M9.37,17.47C6.29,18.33 11.25,20.1 15.16,18.43C14.78,18.28 14.41,18.1 14.06,17.89C12.7,18.2 11.3,18.26 9.92,18.07C8.61,17.91 9.37,17.47 9.37,17.47M14.69,15.79C12.94,16.17 11.13,16.26 9.35,16.05C8.04,15.92 8.9,15.28 8.9,15.28C5.5,16.41 10.78,17.68 15.5,16.3C15.21,16.19 14.93,16 14.69,15.79M18.11,19.09C18.11,19.09 18.68,19.56 17.5,19.92C15.22,20.6 8.07,20.81 6.09,19.95C5.38,19.64 6.72,19.21 7.14,19.12C7.37,19.06 7.6,19.04 7.83,19.04C7.04,18.5 2.7,20.14 5.64,20.6C13.61,21.9 20.18,20 18.11,19.09M15.37,14.23C15.66,14.04 15.97,13.88 16.29,13.74C16.29,13.74 14.78,14 13.27,14.14C11.67,14.3 10.06,14.32 8.46,14.2C6.11,13.89 9.75,13 9.75,13C8.65,13 7.57,13.26 6.59,13.75C4.54,14.75 11.69,15.2 15.37,14.23M16.27,16.65C16.25,16.69 16.23,16.72 16.19,16.75C21.2,15.44 19.36,12.11 16.96,12.94C16.83,13 16.72,13.08 16.65,13.19C16.79,13.14 16.93,13.1 17.08,13.07C18.28,12.83 20,14.7 16.27,16.65M16.4,21.26C13.39,21.78 10.31,21.82 7.28,21.4C7.28,21.4 7.74,21.78 10.09,21.93C13.69,22.16 19.22,21.8 19.35,20.1C19.38,20.11 19.12,20.75 16.4,21.26Z",fM1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M7.73,18.04C8.13,18.89 8.92,19.59 10.27,19.59C11.77,19.59 12.8,18.79 12.8,17.04V11.26H11.1V17C11.1,17.86 10.75,18.08 10.2,18.08C9.62,18.08 9.38,17.68 9.11,17.21L7.73,18.04M13.71,17.86C14.21,18.84 15.22,19.59 16.8,19.59C18.4,19.59 19.6,18.76 19.6,17.23C19.6,15.82 18.79,15.19 17.35,14.57L16.93,14.39C16.2,14.08 15.89,13.87 15.89,13.37C15.89,12.96 16.2,12.64 16.7,12.64C17.18,12.64 17.5,12.85 17.79,13.37L19.1,12.5C18.55,11.54 17.77,11.17 16.7,11.17C15.19,11.17 14.22,12.13 14.22,13.4C14.22,14.78 15.03,15.43 16.25,15.95L16.67,16.13C17.45,16.47 17.91,16.68 17.91,17.26C17.91,17.74 17.46,18.09 16.76,18.09C15.93,18.09 15.45,17.66 15.09,17.06L13.71,17.86Z",gM1="M2 2H22L12 12L22 22H2Z",kM1="M10.5,5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 2,13.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 10.5,22A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 19,13.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 10.5,5M13.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,13M19.5,2A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,7A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 22,4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,2",BM1="M20.56 18H3.44C2.65 18 2 17.37 2 16.59V7.41C2 6.63 2.65 6 3.44 6H20.56C21.35 6 22 6.63 22 7.41V16.59C22 17.37 21.35 18 20.56 18M6.81 15.19V11.53L8.73 13.88L10.65 11.53V15.19H12.58V8.81H10.65L8.73 11.16L6.81 8.81H4.89V15.19H6.81M19.69 12H17.77V8.81H15.85V12H13.92L16.81 15.28L19.69 12Z",PM1="M20.56 18H3.44C2.65 18 2 17.37 2 16.59V7.41C2 6.63 2.65 6 3.44 6H20.56C21.35 6 22 6.63 22 7.41V16.59C22 17.37 21.35 18 20.56 18M3.44 6.94C3.18 6.94 2.96 7.15 2.96 7.41V16.6C2.96 16.85 3.18 17.06 3.44 17.06H20.56C20.82 17.06 21.04 16.85 21.04 16.6V7.41C21.04 7.15 20.82 6.94 20.56 6.94H3.44M4.89 15.19V8.81H6.81L8.73 11.16L10.65 8.81H12.58V15.19H10.65V11.53L8.73 13.88L6.81 11.53V15.19H4.89M16.9 15.19L14 12.09H15.94V8.81H17.86V12.09H19.79L16.9 15.19",wM1="M12,18.08C5.37,18.08 0,15.36 0,12C0,8.64 5.37,5.92 12,5.92C18.63,5.92 24,8.64 24,12C24,15.36 18.63,18.08 12,18.08M6.81,10.13C7.35,10.13 7.72,10.23 7.9,10.44C8.08,10.64 8.12,11 8.03,11.47C7.93,12 7.74,12.34 7.45,12.56C7.17,12.78 6.74,12.89 6.16,12.89H5.29L5.82,10.13H6.81M3.31,15.68H4.75L5.09,13.93H6.32C6.86,13.93 7.3,13.87 7.65,13.76C8,13.64 8.32,13.45 8.61,13.18C8.85,12.96 9.04,12.72 9.19,12.45C9.34,12.19 9.45,11.89 9.5,11.57C9.66,10.79 9.55,10.18 9.17,9.75C8.78,9.31 8.18,9.1 7.35,9.1H4.59L3.31,15.68M10.56,7.35L9.28,13.93H10.7L11.44,10.16H12.58C12.94,10.16 13.18,10.22 13.29,10.34C13.4,10.46 13.42,10.68 13.36,11L12.79,13.93H14.24L14.83,10.86C14.96,10.24 14.86,9.79 14.56,9.5C14.26,9.23 13.71,9.1 12.91,9.1H11.64L12,7.35H10.56M18,10.13C18.55,10.13 18.91,10.23 19.09,10.44C19.27,10.64 19.31,11 19.22,11.47C19.12,12 18.93,12.34 18.65,12.56C18.36,12.78 17.93,12.89 17.35,12.89H16.5L17,10.13H18M14.5,15.68H15.94L16.28,13.93H17.5C18.05,13.93 18.5,13.87 18.85,13.76C19.2,13.64 19.5,13.45 19.8,13.18C20.04,12.96 20.24,12.72 20.38,12.45C20.53,12.19 20.64,11.89 20.7,11.57C20.85,10.79 20.74,10.18 20.36,9.75C20,9.31 19.37,9.1 18.54,9.1H15.79L14.5,15.68Z",FM1="M19.14,7.5A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 22,10.36V14.14A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 19.14,17H12C12,17.39 12.32,17.96 12.71,17.96H17V19.64A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 14.14,22.5H9.86A2.86,2.86 0 0,1 7,19.64V15.89C7,14.31 8.28,13.04 9.86,13.04H15.11C16.69,13.04 17.96,11.76 17.96,10.18V7.5H19.14M14.86,19.29C14.46,19.29 14.14,19.59 14.14,20.18C14.14,20.77 14.46,20.89 14.86,20.89A0.71,0.71 0 0,0 15.57,20.18C15.57,19.59 15.25,19.29 14.86,19.29M4.86,17.5C3.28,17.5 2,16.22 2,14.64V10.86C2,9.28 3.28,8 4.86,8H12C12,7.61 11.68,7.04 11.29,7.04H7V5.36C7,3.78 8.28,2.5 9.86,2.5H14.14C15.72,2.5 17,3.78 17,5.36V9.11C17,10.69 15.72,11.96 14.14,11.96H8.89C7.31,11.96 6.04,13.24 6.04,14.82V17.5H4.86M9.14,5.71C9.54,5.71 9.86,5.41 9.86,4.82C9.86,4.23 9.54,4.11 9.14,4.11C8.75,4.11 8.43,4.23 8.43,4.82C8.43,5.41 8.75,5.71 9.14,5.71Z",TM1="M12,4.29C6.5,4.29 2,7.29 2,11C2,14.28 5.56,17 10.24,17.58V19.71H13.65V17.59C14.5,17.5 15.29,17.34 16.04,17.11L17.42,19.71H21.28L18.96,15.8C20.83,14.58 22,12.87 22,11C22,7.29 17.5,4.29 12,4.29V4.29M13.53,6.91C17.73,6.91 20.83,8.31 20.83,11.5C20.83,13.21 19.91,14.41 18.41,15.15C18.32,15.1 18.24,15.05 18.19,15C17.83,14.84 17.23,14.66 17.23,14.66C17.23,14.66 20.21,14.44 20.21,11.47C20.21,8.5 17.09,8.45 17.09,8.45H10.24V15.61C7.69,14.87 5.93,13.3 5.93,11.5C5.93,8.96 9.33,6.91 13.53,6.91M13.68,10.89H15.75C15.75,10.89 16.7,10.84 16.7,11.83C16.7,12.8 15.75,12.8 15.75,12.8H13.68V10.89M13.65,15.3H14.57C14.75,15.3 14.84,15.35 15,15.5C15.13,15.6 15.27,15.79 15.39,15.96C14.84,16.03 14.26,16.06 13.65,16.06V15.3Z",bM1="M18.8,2.07C21.32,2.5 22.04,4.23 22,6.04V6L20.86,20.93L6.08,21.94H6.09C4.86,21.89 2.13,21.77 2,17.95L3.37,15.45L6.14,21.91L8.5,14.29L8.45,14.3L8.47,14.28L16.18,16.74L14.19,8.96L21.54,8.5L15.75,3.76L18.8,2.06V2.07M2,17.91V17.93L2,17.91V17.91M6.28,6.23C9.24,3.28 13.07,1.54 14.54,3.03C16,4.5 14.46,8.12 11.5,11.06C8.5,14 4.73,15.84 3.26,14.36C1.79,12.87 3.3,9.17 6.27,6.23H6.28Z",yM1="M19.8,16.7C19.8,16.7 21.6,16.5 21.6,14.3C21.6,12.1 19.5,11.8 19.5,11.8H15.7V19H17.6V17.3L19.3,19H22L19.8,16.7M19,15.3H17.5V13.7H19C19,13.7 19.4,13.9 19.4,14.5C19.5,15.1 19,15.3 19,15.3M21.3,8.2V8.4C13.2,6.1 10,13.2 10.6,18.7C10.6,18.7 4.9,18.7 4.3,18.7C5,13.3 11.8,2.6 21.3,8.2M20.5,6.9C19.8,6.6 19.1,6.3 18.4,6.1L18.5,4.8L20.6,5.6L20.5,6.9M18.5,8.7C19.2,8.7 19.9,8.8 20.6,9L20.5,10.2L18.7,10L18.5,8.7M13.9,5.8L13.5,4.6L15.6,4.4L16,5.7C15.8,5.7 14.1,5.8 13.9,5.8M15.2,9.5C15.6,9.3 16.3,9 17.2,8.8L17.6,10L15.8,10.7L15.2,9.5M11.8,6.5C11.2,6.8 10.6,7.1 10,7.5L9.2,6.2L11,5.2L11.8,6.5M14.3,10.1L15.1,11.3L14,12.6L12.9,11.6C13.2,11 13.7,10.5 14.3,10.1M11.6,15C11.7,14.2 11.9,13.5 12.2,12.7L13.4,13.7L13.1,15.6L11.6,15M7.9,9.3C7.4,9.8 6.9,10.4 6.5,10.9L5.2,9.8L6.7,8.2L7.9,9.3M4.8,13.7C4.4,14.5 4.1,15.3 3.8,16L2,15.3L2.9,13L4.8,13.7M11.5,16.3L13.3,16.9L13.6,18.9L11.6,18.4C11.6,18.2 11.5,17.5 11.5,16.3Z",RM1="M21.9 11.7L21 11.2V11L21.7 10.3C21.8 10.2 21.8 10 21.7 9.9L21.6 9.8L20.7 9.5C20.7 9.4 20.7 9.3 20.6 9.3L21.2 8.5C21.3 8.4 21.3 8.2 21.1 8.1C21.1 8.1 21 8.1 21 8L20 7.8C20 7.7 19.9 7.7 19.9 7.6L20.3 6.7V6.4C20.2 6.3 20.1 6.3 20 6.3H19C19 6.3 19 6.2 18.9 6.2L19.1 5.2C19.1 5 19 4.9 18.9 4.9H18.8L17.8 5.1C17.8 5 17.7 5 17.6 4.9V3.9C17.6 3.7 17.5 3.6 17.3 3.6H17.2L16.3 4H16.2L16 3C16 2.8 15.8 2.7 15.7 2.8H15.6L14.8 3.4C14.7 3.4 14.6 3.4 14.6 3.3L14.3 2.4C14.2 2.3 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6.2 16.3H12.2C12.3 16.3 12.3 16.3 12.3 16.2V14.1C12.3 14 12.3 14 12.2 14H10.5V12.7H12.4C12.6 12.7 13.3 12.7 13.6 13.7C13.7 14 13.8 15 14 15.3C14.1 15.6 14.6 16.3 15.1 16.3H18.2C18 16.6 17.8 16.8 17.5 17.1L16 16.8M7.7 18.7C7.4 18.8 7.1 18.6 7 18.2C6.9 17.9 7.1 17.6 7.5 17.5S8.1 17.6 8.2 18C8.2 18.3 8 18.6 7.7 18.7M5.4 9.5C5.5 9.8 5.4 10.2 5.1 10.3C4.8 10.4 4.4 10.3 4.3 10C4.2 9.7 4.3 9.3 4.6 9.2C5 9.1 5.3 9.2 5.4 9.5M4.7 11.1L6 10.6C6.3 10.5 6.4 10.2 6.3 9.9L6 9.3H7V14H5C4.7 13 4.6 12.1 4.7 11.1M10.3 10.7V9.3H12.8C12.9 9.3 13.7 9.4 13.7 10C13.7 10.5 13.1 10.7 12.6 10.7H10.3M19.3 11.9V12.4H18.5C18.4 12.4 18.4 12.4 18.4 12.5V12.8C18.4 13.6 17.9 13.8 17.5 13.8C17.1 13.8 16.7 13.6 16.6 13.4C16.4 12.1 16 11.9 15.4 11.4C16.1 10.9 16.9 10.2 16.9 9.3C16.9 8.3 16.2 7.7 15.8 7.4C15.1 7 14.4 6.9 14.2 6.9H6.6C7.7 5.7 9.1 4.9 10.7 4.6L11.6 5.6C11.8 5.8 12.1 5.8 12.4 5.6L13.4 4.6C15.5 5 17.3 6.3 18.4 8.2L17.7 9.8C17.6 10.1 17.7 10.4 18 10.5L19.3 11.1V11.9M11.6 3.9C11.8 3.7 12.2 3.7 12.4 3.9C12.6 4.1 12.6 4.5 12.4 4.7C12.1 5 11.8 5 11.5 4.7C11.3 4.5 11.4 4.2 11.6 3.9M18.5 9.5C18.6 9.2 19 9.1 19.3 9.2C19.6 9.3 19.7 9.7 19.6 10C19.5 10.3 19.1 10.4 18.8 10.3C18.5 10.2 18.4 9.8 18.5 9.5Z",xM1="M17.09,19.72C14.73,21.08 11.5,21.22 8.23,19.82C5.59,18.7 3.4,16.74 2,14.5C2.67,15.05 3.46,15.5 4.3,15.9C7.67,17.47 11.03,17.36 13.4,15.9C10.03,13.31 7.16,9.94 5.03,7.19C4.58,6.74 4.25,6.18 3.91,5.68C12.19,11.73 11.83,13.27 6.32,4.67C11.21,9.61 15.75,12.41 15.75,12.41C15.91,12.5 16,12.57 16.11,12.63C16.21,12.38 16.3,12.12 16.37,11.85C17.16,9 16.26,5.73 14.29,3.04C18.84,5.79 21.54,10.95 20.41,15.28C20.38,15.39 20.35,15.5 20.36,15.67C22.6,18.5 22,21.45 21.71,20.89C20.5,18.5 18.23,19.24 17.09,19.72V19.72Z",DM1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M13.71,17.86C14.21,18.84 15.22,19.59 16.8,19.59C18.4,19.59 19.6,18.76 19.6,17.23C19.6,15.82 18.79,15.19 17.35,14.57L16.93,14.39C16.2,14.08 15.89,13.87 15.89,13.37C15.89,12.96 16.2,12.64 16.7,12.64C17.18,12.64 17.5,12.85 17.79,13.37L19.1,12.5C18.55,11.54 17.77,11.17 16.7,11.17C15.19,11.17 14.22,12.13 14.22,13.4C14.22,14.78 15.03,15.43 16.25,15.95L16.67,16.13C17.45,16.47 17.91,16.68 17.91,17.26C17.91,17.74 17.46,18.09 16.76,18.09C15.93,18.09 15.45,17.66 15.09,17.06L13.71,17.86M13,11.25H8V12.75H9.5V20H11.25V12.75H13V11.25Z",EM1="M16.93 7.9L19.31 12L16.95 16.09L16.33 15L17.8 12.5C17.97 12.19 17.97 11.83 17.8 11.54L16.32 9L16.93 7.9M16.92 6.57C16.89 6.57 16.85 6.59 16.83 6.62L15.56 8.87C15.5 8.94 15.5 9 15.56 9.09L17.18 11.9C17.22 11.97 17.22 12.05 17.18 12.12L15.57 14.91C15.53 14.97 15.53 15.06 15.57 15.13L16.85 17.36C16.87 17.4 16.91 17.42 16.94 17.42C17 17.42 17 17.4 17.04 17.36L20 12.23C20.08 12.09 20.08 11.92 20 11.79L17 6.62C17 6.59 16.96 6.57 16.92 6.57M21.91 11.67L17.23 3.58C17.11 3.38 16.89 3.25 16.66 3.25H7.28C7.05 3.25 6.83 3.38 6.71 3.58L2 11.67C1.91 11.87 1.91 12.13 2 12.33L6.71 20.42C6.83 20.62 7.05 20.75 7.28 20.75H16.66C16.89 20.75 17.11 20.62 17.23 20.42L21.91 12.33C22.03 12.13 22.03 11.88 21.91 11.67M7.3 3.95H16.12L11.76 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16,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12M8,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,14A2,2 0 0,1 8,12M2,12A2,2 0 0,1 4,10A2,2 0 0,1 6,12A2,2 0 0,1 4,14A2,2 0 0,1 2,12M22,5H20V19H22V5Z",_M1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 4C15 4 17.5 5.6 18.9 8H5.1C6.5 5.6 9 4 12 4M12 20C9 20 6.5 18.4 5.1 16H18.9C17.5 18.4 15 20 12 20M4.3 14C4.1 13.4 4 12.7 4 12S4.1 10.6 4.3 10H19.8C20 10.6 20.1 11.3 20.1 12S20 13.4 19.8 14H4.3Z",KM1="M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z",jM1="M10,3L8,16H16L14,3H10M11.5,5.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 12.25,6.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,7.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.75,6.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11.5,5.75M12.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,10.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,9.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,8.5M11.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,12M8,17L10,19L8,21H16L14,19L16,17H8Z",qM1="M12,16L19.36,10.27L21,9L12,2L3,9L4.63,10.27M12,18.54L4.62,12.81L3,14.07L12,21.07L21,14.07L19.37,12.8L12,18.54Z",$M1="M4.63 10.27L3 9L12 2L19.94 8.17L12.5 15.61L12 16L4.63 10.27M10 18.94V18.11L10.59 17.53L10.63 17.5L4.62 12.81L3 14.07L10 19.5V18.94M21.7 12.58L20.42 11.3C20.21 11.09 19.86 11.09 19.65 11.3L18.65 12.3L20.7 14.35L21.7 13.35C21.91 13.14 21.91 12.79 21.7 12.58M12 21H14.06L20.11 14.93L18.06 12.88L12 18.94V21Z",XM1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",YM1="M3.27,1L2,2.27L6.22,6.5L3,9L4.63,10.27L12,16L14.1,14.37L15.53,15.8L12,18.54L4.63,12.81L3,14.07L12,21.07L16.95,17.22L20.73,21L22,19.73L3.27,1M19.36,10.27L21,9L12,2L9.09,4.27L16.96,12.15L19.36,10.27M19.81,15L21,14.07L19.57,12.64L18.38,13.56L19.81,15Z",JM1="M12,4.53L10.83,5.44L9.41,4L12,2L21,9L17.28,11.89L15.85,10.47L17.74,9L12,4.53M21,14.07L20.13,14.75L18.7,13.32L19.37,12.8L21,14.07M3.41,0.86L22.14,19.59L20.73,21L16.95,17.22L12,21.07L3,14.07L4.62,12.81L12,18.54L15.5,15.79L14.1,14.37L12,16L3,9L6.22,6.5L2,2.27L3.41,0.86M12,13.47L12.67,12.94L7.65,7.92L6.26,9L12,13.47Z",CA1="M12,18.54L19.37,12.8L21,14.07L12,21.07L3,14.07L4.62,12.81L12,18.54M12,16L3,9L12,2L21,9L12,16M12,4.53L6.26,9L12,13.47L17.74,9L12,4.53Z",HA1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",VA1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M11,16L2,9L11,2L20,9L11,16M11,18.54L12,17.75V18C12,18.71 12.12,19.39 12.35,20L11,21.07L2,14.07L3.62,12.81L11,18.54Z",LA1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M9.59 19.2L3 14.07L4.62 12.81L9 16.22C9 16.32 9 16.41 9 16.5C9 17.46 9.22 18.38 9.59 19.2M4.63 10.27L3 9L12 2L21 9L19.36 10.27L18.65 10.82C17.72 10.3 16.64 10 15.5 10C12.79 10 10.46 11.68 9.5 14.05L4.63 10.27Z",MA1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 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22,3C21,5 14,5.25 9,6.25C4,7.25 2,11.5 2,13.5C2,15.5 3.75,17.25 3.75,17.25C7,8 17,8 17,8Z",eA1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M9.6 17.2C9.38 17.2 9.08 17.12 8.8 17L8.23 18.4L7.09 18L7.25 17.61C8.45 14.59 9.83 11.15 15 10C15 10 9 10 7.05 15.55C7.05 15.55 6 14.5 6 13.3S7.2 9.55 10.2 8.95C11.05 8.78 12 8.65 12.94 8.5C15.3 8.18 17.57 7.86 18 7C18 7 16.2 17.2 9.6 17.2Z",dA1="M8.04 16.34C9.05 13.83 10.19 10.96 14.5 10C14.5 10 9.5 10 7.88 14.63C7.88 14.63 7 13.75 7 12.75S8 9.63 10.5 9.13C11.21 9 12 8.87 12.78 8.76C14.75 8.5 16.64 8.22 17 7.5C17 7.5 15.5 16 10 16C9.82 16 9.57 15.94 9.33 15.85L8.86 17L7.91 16.67L8.04 16.34M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2Z",mA1="M21.79,13L16,16L17,18L13,17.25V21H11V17.25L7,18L8,16L2.21,13L3.21,11.27L1.61,8L5.21,7.77L6.21,6L9.63,9.9L8,5H10L12,2L14,5H16L14.37,9.9L17.79,6L18.79,7.73L22.39,7.96L20.79,11.19L21.79,13Z",tA1="M18.11 14.91L8.2 5H10L12 2L14 5H16L14.37 9.9L17.79 6L18.79 7.73L22.39 7.96L20.79 11.19L21.79 13L18.11 14.91M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.45 7.34L5.21 7.77L1.61 8L3.21 11.27L2.21 13L8 16L7 18L11 17.25V21H13V17.25L15.91 17.8L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",vA1="M20.84 22.73L15.14 17.03C13.26 18.79 10.92 20 8 20C7.64 20 7.14 19.87 6.66 19.7L5.71 22L3.82 21.34C5.15 18.03 6.5 14.32 9.66 11.55L8.77 10.66C6.76 12.03 4.86 14.1 3.75 17.25C3.75 17.25 2 15.5 2 13.5C2 12 3.12 9.32 5.72 7.61L1.11 3L2.39 1.73C2.39 1.73 16.39 15.74 16.39 15.74L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17 8C15.35 8.37 13.93 8.88 12.7 9.5L17.5 14.29C20.87 9.35 22 3 22 3C21.03 4.95 14.35 5.24 9.38 6.18L12.15 8.95C14.81 8 17 8 17 8Z",lA1="M6,3H3V6A3,3 0 0,0 6,3M14,3H12A9,9 0 0,1 3,12V14C9.08,14 14,9.07 14,3M10,3H8A5,5 0 0,1 3,8V10A7,7 0 0,0 10,3M10,21H12A9,9 0 0,1 21,12V10A11,11 0 0,0 10,21M18,21H21V18A3,3 0 0,0 18,21M14,21H16A5,5 0 0,1 21,16V14A7,7 0 0,0 14,21Z",oA1="M10,3H8C8,3.37 7.96,3.72 7.88,4.06L9.47,5.65C9.81,4.84 10,3.94 10,3M3,4.27L5.84,7.11C5.03,7.67 4.06,8 3,8V10C4.61,10 6.09,9.45 7.27,8.54L8.7,9.97C7.14,11.24 5.16,12 3,12V14C5.71,14 8.19,13 10.11,11.38L12.61,13.88C11,15.81 10,18.29 10,21H12C12,18.84 12.76,16.86 14.03,15.31L15.46,16.74C14.55,17.91 14,19.39 14,21H16C16,19.94 16.33,18.97 16.89,18.16L19.73,21L21,19.73L4.27,3L3,4.27M14,3H12C12,4.5 11.63,5.91 11,7.16L12.44,8.62C13.42,7 14,5.06 14,3M19.94,16.12C20.28,16.04 20.63,16 21,16V14C20.06,14 19.16,14.19 18.34,14.5L19.94,16.12M15.38,11.56L16.84,13C18.09,12.37 19.5,12 21,12V10C18.94,10 17,10.58 15.38,11.56Z",nA1="M17 21V22H7V21H9V11H15V21H17M17.5 6C17.5 4.39 16.41 3.05 14.93 2.64C14.78 2.27 14.43 2 14 2C13.45 2 13 2.45 13 3C13 3.55 13.45 4 14 4C14.31 4 14.58 3.85 14.76 3.63C15.77 3.95 16.5 4.89 16.5 6H4L5 10H19L20 6H17.5Z",ZA1="M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6Z",SA1="M11,0V4H13V0H11M18.3,2.29L15.24,5.29L16.64,6.71L19.7,3.71L18.3,2.29M5.71,2.29L4.29,3.71L7.29,6.71L8.71,5.29L5.71,2.29M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M2,9V11H6V9H2M18,9V11H22V9H18Z",uA1="M12,6A4,4 0 0,0 8,10V16H6V18H9V23H11V18H13V23H15V18H18V16H16V10A4,4 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10V15H10V10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8Z",cA1="M2.81,8.46L14.83,20.5L15.54,19.78L16.95,21.19L18.36,19.78L16.95,18.36L18.36,16.95L19.78,18.36L21.19,16.95L19.78,15.54L20.5,14.83L8.46,2.81L2.81,8.46M5.64,8.46L8.46,5.64L17.66,14.83L14.83,17.66L5.64,8.46M7.05,8.46L8.46,9.88L9.88,8.46L8.46,7.05L7.05,8.46M9.17,10.59L10.59,12L12,10.59L10.59,9.17L9.17,10.59M11.29,12.71L12.71,14.12L14.12,12.71L12.71,11.29L11.29,12.71M13.41,14.83L14.83,16.24L16.24,14.83L14.83,13.41L13.41,14.83Z",sA1="M2.95 3L2 6.91L19.34 11.25L20.29 7.34L2.95 3M6.09 6.89L4.16 6.41L4.64 4.46L6.57 4.94L6.09 6.89M9.94 7.86L8 7.38L8.5 5.42L10.42 5.91L9.94 7.86M13.8 8.82L11.87 8.34L12.35 6.39L14.27 6.87L13.8 8.82M17.65 9.79L15.72 9.31L16.2 7.35L18.13 7.84L17.65 9.79M4.66 12.75L3.71 16.66L21.05 21L22 17.1L4.66 12.75M7.8 16.65L5.88 16.16L6.35 14.21L8.28 14.69L7.8 16.65M11.65 17.61L9.73 17.13L10.2 15.18L12.13 15.66L11.65 17.61M15.5 18.58L13.58 18.09L14.06 16.14L16 16.62L15.5 18.58M19.36 19.54L17.43 19.06L17.91 17.11L19.84 17.59L19.36 19.54M6.25 12.11L11 10.2L17.75 11.89L13 13.8L6.25 12.11Z",OA1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2.59 4.5L2 6.91L6.03 7.92L9.08 10.97L6.25 12.11L11.55 13.44L12.94 14.83L4.66 12.75L3.71 16.66L18.46 20.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7.8 16.65L5.88 16.16L6.35 14.21L8.28 14.69L7.8 16.65M11.65 17.61L9.73 17.13L10.2 15.18L12.13 15.66L11.65 17.61M15.5 18.58L13.58 18.09L14.06 16.14L14.31 16.2L15.74 17.63L15.5 18.58M19.73 16.53L22 17.1L21.67 18.47L19.73 16.53M15.85 12.65L14.2 11L17.75 11.89L15.85 12.65M10.42 5.91L10.16 6.96L12.82 9.62L19.34 11.25L20.29 7.34L7.29 4.09L8.66 5.46L10.42 5.91M16.2 7.35L18.13 7.84L17.65 9.79L15.72 9.31L16.2 7.35M12.35 6.39L14.27 6.87L13.8 8.82L11.87 8.34L12.35 6.39Z",hA1="M12,3C10.05,3 8.43,4.4 8.08,6.25L16.82,15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3M3.28,4L2,5.27L8,11.27V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H11.73L13,16.27V21H15V18.27L18.73,22L20,20.72L15,15.72L8,8.72L3.28,4Z",pA1="M12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H13V21H15V15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3Z",fA1="M12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7V13H6V15H9V21H11V15H13V21H15V15H18V13H16V7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7V12H10V7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5Z",gA1="M10 2V5.55L12 7.55L14 5.55V2H10M6.34 4L3.87 6.5L15 17.62V12.67L6.34 4M17.66 4L13.06 8.61L15.54 11.09L20.13 6.5L17.66 4M9 13.74V20A2 2 0 0 0 11 22H13A2 2 0 0 0 15 20V19.74L13 17.74V20H11V15.74L9 13.74Z",kA1="M18.5,4.14L19.5,5.86L8.97,12L19.5,18.14L18.5,19.86L5,12L18.5,4.14Z",BA1="M18.5,2.27L5,10.14L18.5,18L19.5,16.27L8.97,10.14L19.5,4L18.5,2.27M5,20V22H20V20H5Z",PA1="M12,8A3,3 0 0,0 15,5A3,3 0 0,0 12,2A3,3 0 0,0 9,5A3,3 0 0,0 12,8M12,11.54C9.64,9.35 6.5,8 3,8V19C6.5,19 9.64,20.35 12,22.54C14.36,20.35 17.5,19 21,19V8C17.5,8 14.36,9.35 12,11.54Z",wA1="M12 14.27L10.64 13C9.09 11.57 7.16 10.57 5 10.18V17.13C7.61 17.47 10 18.47 12 19.95C14 18.47 16.39 17.47 19 17.13V10.18C16.84 10.57 14.91 11.57 13.36 13M19 8.15C19.65 8.05 20.32 8 21 8V19C17.5 19 14.36 20.35 12 22.54C9.64 20.35 6.5 19 3 19V8C3.68 8 4.35 8.05 5 8.15C7.69 8.56 10.1 9.78 12 11.54C13.9 9.78 16.31 8.56 19 8.15M12 6C12.27 6 12.5 5.9 12.71 5.71C12.9 5.5 13 5.27 13 5S12.9 4.5 12.71 4.29C12.5 4.11 12.27 4 12 4S11.5 4.11 11.29 4.29C11.11 4.5 11 4.74 11 5S11.11 5.5 11.29 5.71C11.5 5.9 11.74 6 12 6M14.12 7.12C13.56 7.68 12.8 8 12 8S10.44 7.68 9.88 7.12C9.32 6.56 9 5.8 9 5S9.32 3.44 9.88 2.88C10.44 2.32 11.2 2 12 2S13.56 2.32 14.12 2.88 15 4.2 15 5 14.68 6.56 14.12 7.12Z",FA1="M19.5,9V1.5H16.5V9H13.5V1.5H10.5V9H7.5V1.5H4.65V9H3V10.5H21V9H19.5M19.5,13.5H16.5V21H13.5V13.5H10.5V21H7.5V13.5H4.65V21H3V22.5H21V21H19.5V13.5Z",TA1="M9 10A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 12 7A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 15 10A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 12 13A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 9 10M12 19L16 20V16.92A7.54 7.54 0 0 1 12 18A7.54 7.54 0 0 1 8 16.92V20M12 4A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 7.76 5.74A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 6 10A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 7.76 14.23A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 12 16A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 16.24 14.23A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 18 10A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 16.24 5.74A5.78 5.78 0 0 0 12 4M20 10A8.04 8.04 0 0 1 19.43 12.8A7.84 7.84 0 0 1 18 15.28V23L12 21L6 23V15.28A7.9 7.9 0 0 1 4 10A7.68 7.68 0 0 1 6.33 4.36A7.73 7.73 0 0 1 12 2A7.73 7.73 0 0 1 17.67 4.36A7.68 7.68 0 0 1 20 10Z",bA1="M19.79,15.41C20.74,13.24 20.74,10.75 19.79,8.59L17.05,9.83C17.65,11.21 17.65,12.78 17.06,14.17L19.79,15.41M15.42,4.21C13.25,3.26 10.76,3.26 8.59,4.21L9.83,6.94C11.22,6.35 12.79,6.35 14.18,6.95L15.42,4.21M4.21,8.58C3.26,10.76 3.26,13.24 4.21,15.42L6.95,14.17C6.35,12.79 6.35,11.21 6.95,9.82L4.21,8.58M8.59,19.79C10.76,20.74 13.25,20.74 15.42,19.78L14.18,17.05C12.8,17.65 11.22,17.65 9.84,17.06L8.59,19.79M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,16A4,4 0 0,0 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8Z",yA1="M8 11H2V9H8C8.55 9 9 9.45 9 10C9 10.55 8.55 11 8 11M14.87 4.35L14.5 5.27L8.18 4.86L6.9 8H8C9.1 8 10 8.9 10 10S9.1 12 8 12H5.27L4.41 14.12L9.21 18.24L8.83 19.16L10.69 19.92L16.72 5.1L14.87 4.35M20.81 6.29L21.57 8.14L19.26 9.1L18.5 7.25L20.81 6.29M18.78 13.57L21.55 14.72L20.79 16.57L18 15.42L18.78 13.57M16.15 21.23L14.3 22L13.34 19.69L15.19 18.93L16.15 21.23Z",RA1="M8 15H2V13H8C8.55 13 9 13.45 9 14C9 14.55 8.55 15 8 15M16.72 18.9L10.69 4.08L8.83 4.84L9.21 5.76L4.41 9.88L5.27 12H8C9.1 12 10 12.9 10 14S9.1 16 8 16H6.9L8.18 19.14L14.5 18.73L14.87 19.65L16.72 18.9M20.81 17.71L18.5 16.75L19.26 14.9L21.57 15.86L20.81 17.71M18.78 10.43L18 8.58L20.79 7.43L21.55 9.28L18.78 10.43M15.19 5.07L13.34 4.31L14.3 2L16.15 2.77L15.19 5.07Z",xA1="M12 7C6.5 7 2 9.46 2 12.5S6.5 18 12 18 22 15.54 22 12.5 17.5 7 12 7M16.5 10C16.5 10.4 14.9 11.54 12 11.54S7.5 10.4 7.5 10C7.5 9.91 7.65 9.74 7.9 9.55C9.06 9.21 10.44 9 12 9S14.94 9.21 16.1 9.55C16.35 9.74 16.5 9.91 16.5 10M12 16C7.12 16 4 13.93 4 12.5C4 11.81 4.73 11 6.03 10.29C6.3 11.83 8.87 13.04 12 13.04C15.13 13.04 17.7 11.83 17.97 10.29C19.27 11 20 11.81 20 12.5C20 13.93 16.88 16 12 16Z",DA1="M8 6V18H16V6H8M14 10H10V8H14V10M19.4 1.6C19 1.2 18.5 1 18 1H6C5.5 1 5 1.2 4.6 1.6C4.2 2 4 2.5 4 3V21C4 21.5 4.2 22 4.6 22.4C5 22.8 5.5 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 19 22.8 19.4 22.4C19.8 22 20 21.5 20 21V3C20 2.5 19.8 2 19.4 1.6M18 21H6V3H18V21Z",EA1="M19.4 1.6C19 1.2 18.5 1 18 1H6C5.5 1 5 1.2 4.6 1.6C4.2 2 4 2.5 4 3V21C4 21.5 4.2 22 4.6 22.4C5 22.8 5.5 23 6 23H18C18.5 23 19 22.8 19.4 22.4C19.8 22 20 21.5 20 21V3C20 2.5 19.8 2 19.4 1.6M18 21H6V3H18V21M8 6V18H16V6H8M15 17H9V7H15V17M10 14H14V16H10V14Z",NA1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,11.38 6.19,13.47 8,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V14.74C17.81,13.47 19,11.38 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2M9,21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,21V20H9V21Z",WA1="M10 2C6.1 2 3 5.1 3 9C3 11.4 4.2 13.5 6 14.7V17C6 17.6 6.4 18 7 18H13C13.6 18 14 17.6 14 17V14.7C15.8 13.4 17 11.3 17 9C17 5.1 13.9 2 10 2M7 21C7 21.6 7.4 22 8 22H12C12.6 22 13 21.6 13 21V20H7V21M19 12V7H21V13H19M19 17V15H21V17H19Z",IA1="M10 2C13.9 2 17 5.1 17 9C17 11.4 15.8 13.5 14 14.7V17C14 17.6 13.6 18 13 18H7C6.4 18 6 17.6 6 17V14.7C4.2 13.5 3 11.4 3 9C3 5.1 6.1 2 10 2M7 21V20H13V21C13 21.6 12.6 22 12 22H8C7.4 22 7 21.6 7 21M10 4C7.2 4 5 6.2 5 9C5 11.1 6.2 12.8 8 13.6V16H12V13.6C13.8 12.8 15 11.1 15 9C15 6.2 12.8 4 10 4M19 12V7H21V13H19M19 17V15H21V17H19Z",GA1="M9 2C5.13 2 2 5.13 2 9C2 11.38 3.19 13.47 5 14.74V17C5 17.55 5.45 18 6 18H12C12.55 18 13 17.55 13 17V14.74C14.81 13.47 16 11.38 16 9C16 5.13 12.87 2 9 2M6 21C6 21.55 6.45 22 7 22H11C11.55 22 12 21.55 12 21V20H6V21M19 13H17L13.8 22H15.7L16.4 20H19.6L20.3 22H22.2L19 13M16.85 18.65L18 15L19.15 18.65H16.85Z",QA1="M9 2C12.87 2 16 5.13 16 9C16 11.38 14.81 13.47 13 14.74V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18H6C5.45 18 5 17.55 5 17V14.74C3.19 13.47 2 11.38 2 9C2 5.13 5.13 2 9 2M6 21V20H12V21C12 21.55 11.55 22 11 22H7C6.45 22 6 21.55 6 21M9 4C6.24 4 4 6.24 4 9C4 11.05 5.23 12.81 7 13.58V16H11V13.58C12.77 12.81 14 11.05 14 9C14 6.24 11.76 4 9 4M19 13H17L13.8 22H15.7L16.4 20H19.6L20.3 22H22.2L19 13M16.85 18.65L18 15L19.15 18.65H16.85Z",UA1="M10.5 2C11.88 2 13 3.12 13 4.5V14H14V4.47C14 3.56 13.63 2.7 13 2.05C13.17 2 13.33 2 13.5 2C14.88 2 16 3.12 16 4.5V14H17V17C17 17.55 16.55 18 16 18H8C7.45 18 7 17.55 7 17V14H8V4.5C8 3.12 9.12 2 10.5 2M10.5 4C10.22 4 10 4.22 10 4.5V14H11V4.5C11 4.22 10.78 4 10.5 4M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20Z",zA1="M14 4.47C14 3.56 13.63 2.7 13 2.05C13.17 2 13.33 2 13.5 2C14.88 2 16 3.12 16 4.5V14H17V15.18L14 12.18V4.5L14 4.47M10 4.5C10 4.22 10.22 4 10.5 4S11 4.22 11 4.5V9.18L13 11.18V4.5C13 3.12 11.88 2 10.5 2S8 3.12 8 4.5V6.18L10 8.18V4.5M9 21C9 21.55 9.45 22 10 22H14C14.55 22 15 21.55 15 21V20H9V21M20 20.72L18.73 22L14.73 18H8C7.45 18 7 17.55 7 17V14H8V11.27L2 5.27L3.28 4L20 20.72Z",_A1="M11 2C10.84 2 10.69 2.03 10.55 2.1L8.55 3.1C7.56 3.66 8 5 9 5C9.16 5 9.32 4.95 9.45 4.9L11.45 3.9C12.43 3.36 12 2 11 2M15 4C14.83 4 14.69 4.03 14.55 4.1L8.55 7.1C7.56 7.68 8 9 9 9C9.18 9 9.32 8.95 9.45 8.9L15.45 5.9C16.41 5.43 16 4 15 4M15 8C14.84 8 14.69 8.03 14.55 8.1L8.7 11.03C8.2 11.25 8 11.6 8 12V14H7V17C7 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11.31C1.85 9.27 3.25 7.5 5.2 7.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15 6C13.22 4.67 10.86 4.72 9.13 5.93L16.08 12.88C17.63 10.67 17.17 7.63 15 6M19.79 16.59C19.91 16.42 20 16.22 20 16V14.45C21.91 13.34 22.57 10.9 21.46 9C20.8 7.85 19.63 7.11 18.32 7C18.77 7.94 19 8.96 19 10C19 11.57 18.47 13.09 17.5 14.31L19.79 16.59M10 19C10 19.55 10.45 20 11 20H13C13.55 20 14 19.55 14 19V18H10V19M7 18H5V19C5 19.55 5.45 20 6 20H7.17C7.06 19.68 7 19.34 7 19V18Z",YA1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.2 7.09C3.25 7.5 1.85 9.27 2 11.31C2.12 12.62 2.86 13.79 4 14.45V16C4 16.55 4.45 17 5 17H7V14.88C5.72 13.58 5 11.83 5 10C5 9.11 5.18 8.23 5.5 7.4L7.12 9C6.74 10.84 7.4 12.8 9 14V16C9 16.55 9.45 17 10 17H14C14.31 17 14.57 16.86 14.75 16.64L17 18.89V19C17 19.34 16.94 19.68 16.83 20H18C18.03 20 18.06 20 18.09 20L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M9.23 11.12L10.87 12.76C10.11 12.46 9.53 11.86 9.23 11.12M13 15H11V12.89L13 14.89V15M10.57 7.37L9.13 5.93C10.86 4.72 13.22 4.67 15 6C16.26 6.94 17 8.43 17 10C17 11.05 16.67 12.05 16.08 12.88L14.63 11.43C14.86 11 15 10.5 15 10C15 8.34 13.67 7 12 7C11.5 7 11 7.14 10.57 7.37M17.5 14.31C18.47 13.09 19 11.57 19 10C19 8.96 18.77 7.94 18.32 7C19.63 7.11 20.8 7.85 21.46 9C22.57 10.9 21.91 13.34 20 14.45V16C20 16.22 19.91 16.42 19.79 16.59L17.5 14.31M10 18H14V19C14 19.55 13.55 20 13 20H11C10.45 20 10 19.55 10 19V18M7 19C7 19.34 7.06 19.68 7.17 20H6C5.45 20 5 19.55 5 19V18H7V19Z",JA1="M7 19A2.93 2.93 0 0 0 7.17 20H6A1 1 0 0 1 5 19V18H7M10 19A1 1 0 0 0 11 20H13A1 1 0 0 0 14 19V18H10M4 16A1 1 0 0 0 5 17H7V14.88A6.92 6.92 0 0 1 5 10A6.79 6.79 0 0 1 5.68 7A4 4 0 0 0 4 14.45M17 19A2.93 2.93 0 0 1 16.83 20H18A1 1 0 0 0 19 19V18H17M17 10A5 5 0 0 1 15 14V16A1 1 0 0 1 14 17H10A1 1 0 0 1 9 16V14A5 5 0 1 1 17 10M15 10A3 3 0 1 0 11 12.82V15H13V12.82A3 3 0 0 0 15 10M18.32 7A6.79 6.79 0 0 1 19 10A6.92 6.92 0 0 1 17 14.88V17H19A1 1 0 0 0 20 16V14.45A4 4 0 0 0 18.32 7Z",Ci1="M17 16V18C17 18.55 16.53 19 16 19H12C11.42 19 11 18.55 11 18V16C8.77 14.34 8.32 11.21 10 9S14.77 6.34 17 8 19.63 12.79 18 15C17.69 15.38 17.35 15.72 17 16M16 20H12V21C12 21.55 12.42 22 13 22H15C15.53 22 16 21.55 16 21M7.66 15H7V16C7 16.55 7.42 17 8 17H9V16.88C8.44 16.33 8 15.7 7.66 15M13.58 5C12.46 2.47 9.5 1.33 7 2.45S3.31 6.5 4.43 9.04C4.77 9.81 5.3 10.5 6 11V13C6 13.55 6.42 14 7 14H7.28C7.07 13.35 6.97 12.68 7 12C6.97 8.29 9.87 5.21 13.58 5Z",Hi1="M20.84 22.73L16.74 18.63C16.55 18.85 16.29 19 16 19H12C11.42 19 11 18.55 11 18V16C9.37 14.8 8.71 12.82 9.1 11L7.5 9.39C7.17 10.2 6.97 11.08 7 12C6.97 12.68 7.07 13.35 7.28 14H7C6.42 14 6 13.55 6 13V11C5.3 10.5 4.77 9.81 4.43 9.04C4 8.05 3.91 7 4.12 6L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M13.58 5C12.46 2.47 9.5 1.33 7 2.45C6.68 2.58 6.39 2.75 6.13 2.93L9.67 6.47C10.76 5.63 12.1 5.08 13.58 5M18.06 14.86C19.6 12.66 19.14 9.62 17 8C15.2 6.67 12.84 6.72 11.12 7.92L18.06 14.86M12 21C12 21.55 12.42 22 13 22H15C15.53 22 16 21.55 16 21V20H12V21M7 15V16C7 16.55 7.42 17 8 17H9V16.88C8.43 16.33 8 15.7 7.66 15H7Z",Vi1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.14 6.03C3.93 7 4 8.05 4.45 9.04C4.79 9.81 5.33 10.5 6 11V13C6 13.55 6.45 14 7 14H7.3C7.1 13.35 7 12.68 7 12C7 11.08 7.19 10.21 7.5 9.41L9.11 11C9.05 11.33 9 11.66 9 12C9 13.57 9.74 15.06 11 16V18C11 18.55 11.45 19 12 19H16C16.31 19 16.57 18.86 16.75 18.64L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11.23 13.12L12.87 14.76C12.1 14.44 11.53 13.85 11.23 13.12M15 17H13V14.89L15 16.89V17M9.69 6.5L6.14 2.94C6.41 2.75 6.7 2.58 7 2.44C9.53 1.33 12.5 2.47 13.6 5C12.12 5.09 10.77 5.63 9.69 6.5M11.12 7.92C11.94 7.35 12.93 7 14 7C15.57 7 17.06 7.74 18 9C19.33 10.78 19.28 13.14 18.07 14.87L16.62 13.42C16.7 13.28 16.77 13.14 16.83 13C17.38 11.43 16.56 9.72 15 9.16C14.16 8.87 13.29 8.97 12.57 9.37L11.12 7.92M7.68 15C8 15.7 8.46 16.33 9 16.88V17H8C7.45 17 7 16.55 7 16V15H7.68M12 20H16V21C16 21.55 15.55 22 15 22H13C12.45 22 12 21.55 12 21V20Z",Li1="M12 21C12 21.55 12.45 22 13 22H15C15.55 22 16 21.55 16 21V20H12M14 7C11.24 7 9 9.24 9 12C9 13.57 9.74 15.06 11 16V18C11 18.55 11.45 19 12 19H16C16.55 19 17 18.55 17 18V16C19.21 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17,9C17,10.68 16.16,12.16 14.89,13.06L16.31,14.5C17.94,13.21 19,11.24 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2M3.28,4L2,5.27L5.04,8.3C5,8.53 5,8.76 5,9C5,11.38 6.19,13.47 8,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18H14.73L18.73,22L20,20.72L3.28,4M7.23,10.5L12.73,16H10V13.58C8.68,13 7.66,11.88 7.23,10.5M9,20V21A1,1 0 0,0 10,22H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,21V20H9Z",ai1="M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.22 16.79,16.16 15,17.2V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V17.2C7.21,16.16 6,14.22 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M14,21V22A1,1 0 0,1 13,23H11A1,1 0 0,1 10,22V21H14M20,11H23V13H20V11M1,11H4V13H1V11M13,1V4H11V1H13M4.92,3.5L7.05,5.64L5.63,7.05L3.5,4.93L4.92,3.5M16.95,5.63L19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L18.37,7.05L16.95,5.63Z",ei1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M11 1H13V4H11V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M12 6C8.7 6 6 8.7 6 12C6 14.2 7.2 16.2 9 17.2V19C9 19.6 9.4 20 10 20H14C14.6 20 15 19.6 15 19V17.2C16.8 16.2 18 14.2 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6M13 15.9V17H11V15.9C9.3 15.5 8 13.9 8 12C8 9.8 9.8 8 12 8S16 9.8 16 12C16 13.9 14.7 15.4 13 15.9M20 11H23V13H20V11Z",di1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12 9.79 16 12 16 16 14.21 16 12Z",mi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12C8 13.2 8.54 14.27 9.38 15H14.62C15.46 14.27 16 13.2 16 12M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",ti1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M13 1H11V4H13V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12C8 12.74 8.22 13.41 8.57 14H15.43C15.78 13.41 16 12.74 16 12Z",vi1="M1 11H4V13H1V11M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M13 1H11V4H13V1M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8 12C8 12.35 8.05 12.68 8.14 13H15.86C15.95 12.68 16 12.35 16 12C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12Z",li1="M10 21H14V22C14 22.6 13.6 23 13 23H11C10.4 23 10 22.6 10 22V21M1 13H4V11H1V13M4.9 3.5L3.5 4.9L5.6 7L7 5.6L4.9 3.5M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8 12H16C16 9.79 14.21 8 12 8S8 9.79 8 12M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",oi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M13 1H11V4H13V1M1 13H4V11H1V13M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8.14 11H15.86C15.41 9.28 13.86 8 12 8S8.59 9.28 8.14 11M20 11V13H23V11H20Z",ni1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M8.56 10H15.44C14.75 8.81 13.5 8 12 8S9.25 8.81 8.56 10Z",Zi1="M7 5.6L5.6 7L3.5 4.9L4.9 3.5L7 5.6M10 22C10 22.6 10.4 23 11 23H13C13.6 23 14 22.6 14 22V21H10V22M1 13H4V11H1V13M13 1H11V4H13V1M20 11V13H23V11H20M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5M18 12C18 14.2 16.8 16.2 15 17.2V19C15 19.6 14.6 20 14 20H10C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V17.2C7.2 16.2 6 14.2 6 12C6 8.7 8.7 6 12 6S18 8.7 18 12M12 8C11 8 10.09 8.38 9.39 9H14.61C13.91 8.38 13 8 12 8Z",Si1="M20,11H23V13H20V11M1,11H4V13H1V11M13,1V4H11V1H13M4.92,3.5L7.05,5.64L5.63,7.05L3.5,4.93L4.92,3.5M16.95,5.63L19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L18.37,7.05L16.95,5.63M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,14.22 16.79,16.16 15,17.2V19A1,1 0 0,1 14,20H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,19V17.2C7.21,16.16 6,14.22 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M14,21V22A1,1 0 0,1 13,23H11A1,1 0 0,1 10,22V21H14M11,18H13V15.87C14.73,15.43 16,13.86 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.86 9.27,15.43 11,15.87V18Z",ui1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,11.38 17.81,13.47 16,14.74V17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18H9A1,1 0 0,1 8,17V14.74C6.19,13.47 5,11.38 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M9,21V20H15V21A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,21M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,11.05 8.23,12.81 10,13.58V16H14V13.58C15.77,12.81 17,11.05 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4Z",ci1="M8 2C4.1 2 1 5.1 1 9C1 11.4 2.2 13.5 4 14.7V17C4 17.6 4.4 18 5 18H11C11.6 18 12 17.6 12 17V14.7C13.8 13.4 15 11.3 15 9C15 5.1 11.9 2 8 2M5 21C5 21.6 5.4 22 6 22H10C10.6 22 11 21.6 11 21V20H5V21M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.3 18.3 6 20 6S23 7.3 23 9C23 10 22.5 10.9 21.7 11.4L21.4 11.6C20.8 12 20.5 12.6 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.1 19.6 11 20.6 10.4L20.9 10.2C21.3 9.9 21.5 9.5 21.5 9C21.5 8.2 20.8 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.2 18.5 9V9.5Z",si1="M8 2C11.9 2 15 5.1 15 9C15 11.4 13.8 13.5 12 14.7V17C12 17.6 11.6 18 11 18H5C4.4 18 4 17.6 4 17V14.7C2.2 13.5 1 11.4 1 9C1 5.1 4.1 2 8 2M5 21V20H11V21C11 21.6 10.6 22 10 22H6C5.4 22 5 21.6 5 21M8 4C5.2 4 3 6.2 3 9C3 11.1 4.2 12.8 6 13.6V16H10V13.6C11.8 12.8 13 11.1 13 9C13 6.2 10.8 4 8 4M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.3 18.3 6 20 6S23 7.3 23 9C23 10 22.5 10.9 21.7 11.4L21.4 11.6C20.8 12 20.5 12.6 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.1 19.6 11 20.6 10.4L20.9 10.2C21.3 9.9 21.5 9.5 21.5 9C21.5 8.2 20.8 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.2 18.5 9V9.5Z",Oi1="M9 19H11V22H9L9 19M13 22H15V19H13V22M2 2V4H22V2H2M9 14L9 17H15V14C17.5 12.57 20 11 20 6H4C4 11 6.5 12.57 9 14Z",hi1="M20.84 22.73L15.11 17H9L9 14C6.5 12.57 4 11 4 6V5.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M22 4V2H5.2L7.2 4H22M20 6H9.2L16.37 13.17C18.33 11.87 20 10.07 20 6M13 22H15V19H13V22M9 22H11V19H9L9 22Z",pi1="M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20M19 9C19 11.38 17.81 13.47 16 14.74V17C16 17.55 15.55 18 15 18H9C8.45 18 8 17.55 8 17V14.74C6.19 13.47 5 11.38 5 9C5 5.13 8.13 2 12 2S19 5.13 19 9M14.71 8.29C14.32 7.9 13.68 7.9 13.29 8.29L12 9.59L10.71 8.29C10.32 7.9 9.68 7.9 9.29 8.29C8.9 8.68 8.9 9.32 9.29 9.71L11 11.41V16H13V11.41L14.71 9.71C15.1 9.32 15.1 8.68 14.71 8.29Z",fi1="M12 2C8.13 2 5 5.13 5 9C5 11.38 6.19 13.47 8 14.74V17C8 17.55 8.45 18 9 18H15C15.55 18 16 17.55 16 17V14.74C17.81 13.47 19 11.38 19 9C19 5.13 15.87 2 12 2M14 13.58V16H13V11.41L14.71 9.71C15.1 9.32 15.1 8.68 14.71 8.29C14.32 7.9 13.68 7.9 13.29 8.29L12 9.59L10.71 8.29C10.32 7.9 9.68 7.9 9.29 8.29C8.9 8.68 8.9 9.32 9.29 9.71L11 11.41V16H10V13.58C8.23 12.81 7 11.05 7 9C7 6.24 9.24 4 12 4S17 6.24 17 9C17 11.05 15.77 12.81 14 13.58M9 20H15V21C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21V20Z",gi1="M8,10V8H9V4H8V3L12,1L16,3V4H15V8H16V10H14.74L8.44,13.64L9,10H8M13,8V4H11V8H13M7,23L7.04,22.76L16.15,17.5L16.67,20.88L13,23H7M8.05,16.17L15.31,12L15.83,15.37L7.43,20.22L8.05,16.17Z",ki1="M1,10V2L10,5V7L1,10M8,10V8H13V4H8V3L12,1L16,3V4H15V8H16V10H14.74L8.44,13.64L9,10H8M7,23L7.04,22.76L16.15,17.5L16.67,20.88L13,23H7M8.05,16.17L15.31,12L15.83,15.37L7.43,20.22L8.05,16.17Z",Bi1="M11 15H6L13 1V9H18L11 23V15Z",Pi1="M11.5,20L16.36,10.27H13V4L8,13.73H11.5V20M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",wi1="M11 9.47V11H14.76L13 14.53V13H9.24L11 9.47M13 1L6 15H11V23L18 9H13V1Z",Fi1="M17 22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22 20.9 21.8 21.2 21.5 21.5C21.2 21.8 20.8 22 20.5 22H17M7 22H3.5C3.1 22 2.8 21.8 2.5 21.5C2.2 21.2 2 20.8 2 20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17 2H20.5C20.9 2 21.2 2.2 21.5 2.5C21.8 2.8 22 3.1 22 3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7 2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2 3.1 2.2 2.8 2.5 2.5S3.1 2 3.5 2H7M19 11H5V13H19V11Z",Ti1="M22 7H20V2H18V4.34L12 6.91L6 4.34V2H4V7H2V9H4.05C4.3 11.25 6.19 13 8.5 13C9.92 13 11.18 12.33 12 11.3C12.83 12.33 14.08 13 15.5 13C17.81 13 19.7 11.25 19.95 9H22V7M8.5 11C7.12 11 6 9.88 6 8.5V6.5L11 8.65C10.9 9.96 9.83 11 8.5 11M18 8.5C18 9.88 16.88 11 15.5 11C14.17 11 13.1 9.96 13 8.65L18 6.5V8.5M2 15V17H3C5.97 17 8.43 19.17 8.91 22H15.09C15.57 19.17 18.03 17 21 17H22V15H2M13.59 20H10.41C9.94 18.84 9.21 17.82 8.29 17H15.71C14.79 17.82 14.06 18.84 13.59 20Z",bi1="M3.9,12C3.9,10.29 5.29,8.9 7,8.9H11V7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H11V15.1H7C5.29,15.1 3.9,13.71 3.9,12M8,13H16V11H8V13M17,7H13V8.9H17C18.71,8.9 20.1,10.29 20.1,12C20.1,13.71 18.71,15.1 17,15.1H13V17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7Z",yi1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,16H10C8.39,16 6,14.94 6,12C6,9.07 8.39,8 10,8H11V10H10C9.54,10 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.9 9.67,14 10,14H11V16M15,11V13H9V11H15M14,16H13V14H14C14.46,14 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.1 14.33,10 14,10H13V8H14C15.61,8 18,9.07 18,12C18,14.94 15.61,16 14,16Z",Ri1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M11,16H10C8.39,16 6,14.94 6,12C6,9.07 8.39,8 10,8H11V10H10C9.54,10 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.9 9.67,14 10,14H11V16M14,16H13V14H14C14.46,14 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.1 14.33,10 14,10H13V8H14C15.61,8 18,9.07 18,12C18,14.94 15.61,16 14,16M15,13H9V11H15V13Z",xi1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13.94,14.81L11.73,17C11.08,17.67 10.22,18 9.36,18C8.5,18 7.64,17.67 7,17C5.67,15.71 5.67,13.58 7,12.26L8.35,10.9L8.34,11.5C8.33,12 8.41,12.5 8.57,12.94L8.62,13.09L8.22,13.5C7.91,13.8 7.74,14.21 7.74,14.64C7.74,15.07 7.91,15.47 8.22,15.78C8.83,16.4 9.89,16.4 10.5,15.78L12.7,13.59C13,13.28 13.18,12.87 13.18,12.44C13.18,12 13,11.61 12.7,11.3C12.53,11.14 12.44,10.92 12.44,10.68C12.44,10.45 12.53,10.23 12.7,10.06C13.03,9.73 13.61,9.74 13.94,10.06C14.57,10.7 14.92,11.54 14.92,12.44C14.92,13.34 14.57,14.18 13.94,14.81M17,11.74L15.66,13.1V12.5C15.67,12 15.59,11.5 15.43,11.06L15.38,10.92L15.78,10.5C16.09,10.2 16.26,9.79 16.26,9.36C16.26,8.93 16.09,8.53 15.78,8.22C15.17,7.6 14.1,7.61 13.5,8.22L11.3,10.42C11,10.72 10.82,11.13 10.82,11.56C10.82,12 11,12.39 11.3,12.7C11.47,12.86 11.56,13.08 11.56,13.32C11.56,13.56 11.47,13.78 11.3,13.94C11.13,14.11 10.91,14.19 10.68,14.19C10.46,14.19 10.23,14.11 10.06,13.94C8.75,12.63 8.75,10.5 10.06,9.19L12.27,7C13.58,5.67 15.71,5.68 17,7C17.65,7.62 18,8.46 18,9.36C18,10.26 17.65,11.1 17,11.74Z",Di1="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M19,19H5V5H19V19M13.94,10.06C14.57,10.7 14.92,11.54 14.92,12.44C14.92,13.34 14.57,14.18 13.94,14.81L11.73,17C11.08,17.67 10.22,18 9.36,18C8.5,18 7.64,17.67 7,17C5.67,15.71 5.67,13.58 7,12.26L8.35,10.9L8.34,11.5C8.33,12 8.41,12.5 8.57,12.94L8.62,13.09L8.22,13.5C7.91,13.8 7.74,14.21 7.74,14.64C7.74,15.07 7.91,15.47 8.22,15.78C8.83,16.4 9.89,16.4 10.5,15.78L12.7,13.59C13,13.28 13.18,12.87 13.18,12.44C13.18,12 13,11.61 12.7,11.3C12.53,11.14 12.44,10.92 12.44,10.68C12.44,10.45 12.53,10.23 12.7,10.06C13.03,9.73 13.61,9.74 13.94,10.06M18,9.36C18,10.26 17.65,11.1 17,11.74L15.66,13.1V12.5C15.67,12 15.59,11.5 15.43,11.06L15.38,10.92L15.78,10.5C16.09,10.2 16.26,9.79 16.26,9.36C16.26,8.93 16.09,8.53 15.78,8.22C15.17,7.6 14.1,7.61 13.5,8.22L11.3,10.42C11,10.72 10.82,11.13 10.82,11.56C10.82,12 11,12.39 11.3,12.7C11.47,12.86 11.56,13.08 11.56,13.32C11.56,13.56 11.47,13.78 11.3,13.94C11.13,14.11 10.91,14.19 10.68,14.19C10.46,14.19 10.23,14.11 10.06,13.94C8.75,12.63 8.75,10.5 10.06,9.19L12.27,7C13.58,5.67 15.71,5.68 17,7C17.65,7.62 18,8.46 18,9.36Z",Ei1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M10 16H11V14H10C9.67 14 8 13.9 8 12C8 10.17 9.54 10 10 10H11V8H10C8.39 8 6 9.07 6 12C6 14.94 8.39 16 10 16M13 16H14C15.61 16 18 14.94 18 12C18 9.07 15.61 8 14 8H13V10H14C14.33 10 16 10.1 16 12C16 13.83 14.46 14 14 14H13V16M9 13H15V11H9V13Z",Ni1="M10 16H11V14H10C9.67 14 8 13.9 8 12C8 10.17 9.54 10 10 10H11V8H10C8.39 8 6 9.07 6 12C6 14.94 8.39 16 10 16M13 16H14C15.61 16 18 14.94 18 12C18 9.07 15.61 8 14 8H13V10H14C14.33 10 16 10.1 16 12C16 13.83 14.46 14 14 14H13V16M9 13H15V11H9V13M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",Wi1="M13 22V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.88L15.04 22H13M21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15M20.54 8.46C20.73 8.65 20.9 8.86 21.06 9.08L19.68 10.45C19.15 9.5 18.15 8.9 17 8.9H13V7H17C18.33 7 19.6 7.53 20.54 8.46M3.9 12C3.9 10.29 5.29 8.9 7 8.9H11V7H7C5.67 7 4.4 7.53 3.46 8.46C2.53 9.4 2 10.67 2 12C2 13.33 2.53 14.6 3.46 15.54C4.4 16.47 5.67 17 7 17H11V15.1H7C5.29 15.1 3.9 13.71 3.9 12M8 13H16V11H8V13Z",Ii1="M23 16V15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 15.5V16A1 1 0 0 0 17 17V21A1 1 0 0 0 18 22H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 21V17A1 1 0 0 0 23 16M22 16H19V15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 15.5M7 8.9H11V7H7A5 5 0 0 0 7 17H11V15.1H7A3.1 3.1 0 0 1 7 8.9M8 11V13H16V11M13 15.1V17H15V15.1M17 7H13V8.9H17A3.09 3.09 0 0 1 19.94 11A5.12 5.12 0 0 1 20.5 11H21.9A5 5 0 0 0 17 7Z",Gi1="M17,7H13V8.9H17C18.71,8.9 20.1,10.29 20.1,12C20.1,13.43 19.12,14.63 17.79,15L19.25,16.44C20.88,15.61 22,13.95 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M16,11H13.81L15.81,13H16V11M2,4.27L5.11,7.38C3.29,8.12 2,9.91 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H11V15.1H7C5.29,15.1 3.9,13.71 3.9,12C3.9,10.41 5.11,9.1 6.66,8.93L8.73,11H8V13H10.73L13,15.27V17H14.73L18.74,21L20,19.74L3.27,3L2,4.27Z",Qi1="M7,7H11V9H7A3,3 0 0,0 4,12A3,3 0 0,0 7,15H11V17H7A5,5 0 0,1 2,12A5,5 0 0,1 7,7M17,7A5,5 0 0,1 22,12H20A3,3 0 0,0 17,9H13V7H17M8,11H16V13H8V11M17,12H19V15H22V17H19V20H17V17H14V15H17V12Z",Ui1="M10.59,13.41C11,13.8 11,14.44 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C7.22,12.88 7.22,9.71 9.17,7.76V7.76L12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.59,9.17C9.41,10.34 9.41,12.24 10.59,13.41M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.78,11.12 16.78,14.29 14.83,16.24V16.24L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L13.41,14.83C14.59,13.66 14.59,11.76 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z",zi1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M23 18V20H15V18M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7Z",_i1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L13.9,17.17L11.29,19.78C9.34,21.73 6.17,21.73 4.22,19.78C2.27,17.83 2.27,14.66 4.22,12.71L5.71,11.22C5.7,12.04 5.83,12.86 6.11,13.65L5.64,14.12C4.46,15.29 4.46,17.19 5.64,18.36C6.81,19.54 8.71,19.54 9.88,18.36L12.5,15.76L10.88,14.15C10.87,14.39 10.77,14.64 10.59,14.83C10.2,15.22 9.56,15.22 9.17,14.83C8.12,13.77 7.63,12.37 7.72,11L2,5.27M12.71,4.22C14.66,2.27 17.83,2.27 19.78,4.22C21.73,6.17 21.73,9.34 19.78,11.29L18.29,12.78C18.3,11.96 18.17,11.14 17.89,10.36L18.36,9.88C19.54,8.71 19.54,6.81 18.36,5.64C17.19,4.46 15.29,4.46 14.12,5.64L10.79,8.97L9.38,7.55L12.71,4.22M13.41,9.17C13.8,8.78 14.44,8.78 14.83,9.17C16.2,10.54 16.61,12.5 16.06,14.23L14.28,12.46C14.23,11.78 13.94,11.11 13.41,10.59C13,10.2 13,9.56 13.41,9.17Z",Ki1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7Z",ji1="M10.6 13.4A1 1 0 0 1 9.2 14.8A4.8 4.8 0 0 1 9.2 7.8L12.7 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 4.2A5.1 5.1 0 0 1 19.8 11.3L18.3 12.8A6.4 6.4 0 0 0 17.9 10.4L18.4 9.9A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 18.4 5.6A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 14.1 5.6L10.6 9.2A2.9 2.9 0 0 0 10.6 13.4M16.2 13.7A4.8 4.8 0 0 0 14.8 9.2A1 1 0 0 0 13.4 10.6A2.9 2.9 0 0 1 13.4 14.8L9.9 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 18.4A3.2 3.2 0 0 1 5.6 14.1L6.1 13.7A7.3 7.3 0 0 1 5.7 11.2L4.2 12.7A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 4.2 19.8A5.1 5.1 0 0 0 11.3 19.8L13.1 18A6 6 0 0 1 16.2 13.7M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9Z",qi1="M19 3A2 2 0 0 1 21 5V19A2 2 0 0 1 19 21H5A2 2 0 0 1 3 19V5A2 2 0 0 1 5 3H19M18.5 18.5V13.2A3.26 3.26 0 0 0 15.24 9.94C14.39 9.94 13.4 10.46 12.92 11.24V10.13H10.13V18.5H12.92V13.57C12.92 12.8 13.54 12.17 14.31 12.17A1.4 1.4 0 0 1 15.71 13.57V18.5H18.5M6.88 8.56A1.68 1.68 0 0 0 8.56 6.88C8.56 5.95 7.81 5.19 6.88 5.19A1.69 1.69 0 0 0 5.19 6.88C5.19 7.81 5.95 8.56 6.88 8.56M8.27 18.5V10.13H5.5V18.5H8.27Z",$i1="M14.62,8.35C14.2,8.63 12.87,9.39 12.67,9.54C12.28,9.85 11.92,9.83 11.53,9.53C11.33,9.37 10,8.61 9.58,8.34C9.1,8.03 9.13,7.64 9.66,7.42C11.3,6.73 12.94,6.78 14.57,7.45C15.06,7.66 15.08,8.05 14.62,8.35M21.84,15.63C20.91,13.54 19.64,11.64 18,9.97C17.47,9.42 17.14,8.8 16.94,8.09C16.84,7.76 16.77,7.42 16.7,7.08C16.5,6.2 16.41,5.3 16,4.47C15.27,2.89 14,2.07 12.16,2C10.35,2.05 9,2.81 8.21,4.4C8,4.83 7.85,5.28 7.75,5.74C7.58,6.5 7.43,7.29 7.25,8.06C7.1,8.71 6.8,9.27 6.29,9.77C4.68,11.34 3.39,13.14 2.41,15.12C2.27,15.41 2.13,15.7 2.04,16C1.85,16.66 2.33,17.12 3.03,16.96C3.47,16.87 3.91,16.78 4.33,16.65C4.74,16.5 4.9,16.6 5,17C5.65,19.15 7.07,20.66 9.24,21.5C13.36,23.06 18.17,20.84 19.21,16.92C19.28,16.65 19.38,16.55 19.68,16.65C20.14,16.79 20.61,16.89 21.08,17C21.57,17.09 21.93,16.84 22,16.36C22.03,16.1 21.94,15.87 21.84,15.63",Xi1="M2,3.23V6.8H3.5C4.59,6.8 4.78,7.53 4.78,8.55V14.86C4.78,18.12 7.65,20.77 11.18,20.77H19.9C21,20.77 22,20.07 22,19V9.2C22,5.93 19.13,3.28 15.6,3.28H11.93V3.27L2,3.23V3.23M6.62,5.46H8.37V14.45C8.37,15.65 9.19,16.59 10.16,16.59L16.13,16.61C17.38,16.61 18.35,15.75 18.35,14.73L18.34,9.96C18.34,9.65 18.24,9.41 18,9.19C17.79,8.96 17.56,8.86 17.25,8.86C16.94,8.86 16.71,8.96 16.5,9.19C16.27,9.41 16.16,9.65 16.16,9.96V14.05H14.31V9.96C14.31,9.65 14.21,9.41 14,9.19C13.77,8.96 13.54,8.86 13.22,8.86C12.92,8.86 12.68,8.96 12.46,9.19C12.24,9.41 12.14,9.65 12.14,9.96V14.05H10.29V9.96C10.29,9.15 10.58,8.44 11.15,7.86C11.72,7.29 12.43,7 13.22,7C14,7 14.68,7.28 15.24,7.82C15.79,7.28 16.47,7 17.25,7C18.05,7 18.76,7.29 19.32,7.86C19.89,8.44 20.19,9.15 20.19,9.96L20.2,15.06C20.11,15.91 19.75,16.67 19.13,17.31V17.31C18.4,18.04 17.5,18.42 16.5,18.42H9.83C9,18.34 8.29,17.95 7.69,17.36C7,16.65 6.62,15.79 6.62,14.79V5.46H6.62Z",Yi1="M9 23C8.45 23 8 22.55 8 22V13C8 12.45 8.45 12 9 12H15C15.55 12 16 12.45 16 13V22C16 22.55 15.55 23 15 23H9M10 11C9.45 11 9 10.55 9 10V5.25C9 5.25 11 3 11.75 1C12.83 1.67 13.92 2.33 14.46 3.83C15 5.33 15 7.67 15 10C15 10.55 14.55 11 14 11H10Z",Ji1="M18.14 16.7C17.23 18.21 16.08 17.73 15 17.09S12.9 15.68 12.25 16.59C11.54 17.37 12.09 18.62 12.37 19.72C12.65 20.83 12.67 21.79 10.9 22C9.5 21.81 9.58 20.65 9.81 19.42C10.04 18.19 10.4 16.89 9.5 16.43C8.78 15.95 8.28 16.78 7.65 17.6C7 18.41 6.26 19.2 5.04 18.62C3.94 17.71 4.36 17.18 4.94 16.5S6.27 14.91 5.84 13.31C5.66 12.66 4.76 12.81 3.87 12.79C3 12.77 2.12 12.59 2.03 11.29C1.96 10.5 2.55 10.18 3.16 9.93C3.78 9.68 4.41 9.5 4.42 8.87C4.45 8.26 4.04 7.83 3.78 7.38S3.41 6.46 4.03 5.76C5.08 4.9 5.92 5.63 6.76 6.42S8.43 8.04 9.46 7.39C10.28 6.85 9.53 5.9 8.95 4.97S7.96 3.15 9.46 2.74C10.76 2.38 11.26 3.27 11.71 4.3C12.17 5.33 12.57 6.5 13.67 6.71C15.24 7 16.38 5.16 17.47 3.7S19.63 1.15 21 2.95C22.5 4.84 21.07 5.72 19.4 6.5C17.73 7.23 15.81 7.87 16.27 9.28C16.54 10.1 17.42 9.65 18.35 9.34C19.27 9.03 20.26 8.86 20.74 10.27C21.25 11.76 20.04 12.1 18.68 12.24C17.32 12.38 15.8 12.32 15.7 13C15.59 13.71 16.5 14 17.29 14.42C18.08 14.85 18.75 15.42 18.14 16.7M20.5 19C19.55 19 19.06 18.26 19.06 17.5C19.06 16.74 19.54 16 20.5 16C21.5 16 22 16.74 22 17.5C22 18.26 21.5 19 20.5 19Z",Cr1="M3 14C3 15.3 3.8 16.4 5 16.8V20H3V22H9V20H7V16.8C8.2 16.4 9 15.3 9 14V6H3V14M5 8H7V11H5V8M20.6 8.5L19.6 8.2C19.3 8.1 19 7.7 19 7.3V3C19 2.5 18.5 2 18 2H15C14.4 2 14 2.5 14 3V7.3C14 7.7 13.7 8.1 13.3 8.3L12.4 8.6C11.6 8.9 11 9.6 11 10.5V20C11 21.1 11.9 22 13 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V10.4C22 9.6 21.5 8.8 20.6 8.5M16 4H17V5H16V4M13 10.4L13.9 10.1C15.2 9.7 16 8.6 16 7.3V7H17V7.3C17 8.6 17.8 9.7 19 10.1L20 10.4V12H13V10.4M20 20H13V18H20V20Z",Hr1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7 7H9V9H7V7M7 11H9V13H7V11M7 15H9V17H7V15M17 17H11V15H17V17M17 13H11V11H17V13M17 9H11V7H17V9Z",Vr1="M11 15H17V17H11V15M9 7H7V9H9V7M11 13H17V11H11V13M11 9H17V7H11V9M9 11H7V13H9V11M21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5M19 5H5V19H19V5M9 15H7V17H9V15Z",Lr1="M16.5 11L13 7.5L14.4 6.1L16.5 8.2L20.7 4L22.1 5.4L16.5 11M11 7H2V9H11V7M21 13.4L19.6 12L17 14.6L14.4 12L13 13.4L15.6 16L13 18.6L14.4 20L17 17.4L19.6 20L21 18.6L18.4 16L21 13.4M11 15H2V17H11V15Z",Mr1="M12.55,15.92L13.16,13.78L14.81,13.19L16.25,7.63L14.56,8.31L16.25,2H8L5.38,11.77L3.72,12.34L2.22,17.91L4,17.27L2.66,22H20.16L21.78,15.92H12.55M19.39,21H4L5.46,15.65L3.72,16.3L4.58,13.11L6.24,12.54L8.74,3H15L13.13,10L14.83,9.3L14,12.42L12.33,13L11.22,16.91H20.5L19.39,21Z",Ar1="M12,4V2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12H4A8,8 0 0,1 12,4Z",ir1="M14 12L10 8V11H2V13H10V16M22 12A10 10 0 0 1 2.46 15H4.59A8 8 0 1 0 4.59 9H2.46A10 10 0 0 1 22 12Z",rr1="M22 12L18 8V11H10V13H18V16M20 18A10 10 0 1 1 20 6H17.27A8 8 0 1 0 17.27 18Z",ar1="M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15C14,13.89 13.1,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V10C4,8.89 4.9,8 6,8H7V6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6V8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3Z",er1="M10 17C11.1 17 12 16.1 12 15C12 13.9 11.1 13 10 13C8.9 13 8 13.9 8 15S8.9 17 10 17M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H5V6C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 3C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6V8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3M22 13H20V7H22V13M22 17H20V15H22V17Z",dr1="M10 17C8.9 17 8 16.1 8 15C8 13.9 8.9 13 10 13C11.1 13 12 13.9 12 15S11.1 17 10 17M16 20V10H4V20H16M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H5V6C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 3C8.3 3 7 4.3 7 6V8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3M22 7H20V13H22V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",mr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",tr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",vr1="M8.5,2C6,2 4,4 4,6.5V7C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V18C2,19.11 2.89,20 4,20H8.72C10.18,21.29 12.06,22 14,22A8,8 0 0,0 22,14A8,8 0 0,0 14,6C13.66,6 13.32,6.03 13,6.08C12.76,3.77 10.82,2 8.5,2M8.5,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,6.5V7H6V6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,4M14,8A6,6 0 0,1 20,14A6,6 0 0,1 14,20A6,6 0 0,1 8,14A6,6 0 0,1 14,8M13,10V15L16.64,17.19L17.42,15.9L14.5,14.15V10H13Z",lr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",or1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",nr1="M9 5.82L7.36 4.16C8.09 2.31 9.89 1 12 1C14.76 1 17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V16.8L11.2 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3C10.41 3 9.11 4.25 9 5.82M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.9 8 6 8H6.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M13.85 15.74L11.26 13.15C10.5 13.44 10 14.16 10 15C10 16.11 10.9 17 12 17C12.84 17 13.56 16.5 13.85 15.74Z",Zr1="M9 5.82L7.36 4.16C8.09 2.31 9.89 1 12 1C14.76 1 17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V16.8L18 14.8V10H13.2L11.2 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3C10.41 3 9.11 4.25 9 5.82M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H6.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M18 19.89L13.85 15.74C13.56 16.5 12.84 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 14.15 10.5 13.44 11.26 13.15L8.11 10H6V20H18V19.89Z",Sr1="M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,17A2,2 0 0,0 14,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,13A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 12,17Z",ur1="M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3S7 4.3 7 6H5C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 17C11.1 17 12 16.1 12 15S11.1 13 10 13 8 13.9 8 15 8.9 17 10 17M22 13H20V7H22V13M22 17H20V15H22V17Z",cr1="M16 20V10H4V20H16M16 8C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V20C18 21.1 17.1 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V10C2 8.9 2.9 8 4 8H13V6C13 4.3 11.7 3 10 3S7 4.3 7 6H5C5 3.2 7.2 1 10 1S15 3.2 15 6V8H16M10 17C8.9 17 8 16.1 8 15S8.9 13 10 13 12 13.9 12 15 11.1 17 10 17M22 7H20V13H22V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",sr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",Or1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",hr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",pr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",fr1="M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 6,8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,17A2,2 0 0,1 10,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17Z",gr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",kr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Br1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",Pr1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17S10 16.11 10 15 10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6H9C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",wr1="M18 1C15.24 1 13 3.24 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.89 2 10V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.11 22 18 21.11 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.11 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.34 16.34 3 18 3C19.66 3 21 4.34 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.24 20.76 1 18 1M10 13C11.1 13 12 13.89 12 15C12 16.11 11.11 17 10 17C8.9 17 8 16.11 8 15C8 13.9 8.9 13 10 13Z",Fr1="M10 13C11.1 13 12 13.89 12 15C12 16.11 11.11 17 10 17S8 16.11 8 15 8.9 13 10 13M18 1C15.24 1 13 3.24 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.34 16.34 3 18 3S21 4.34 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.24 20.76 1 18 1M16 10V20H4V10H16Z",Tr1="M12,17C10.89,17 10,16.1 10,15C10,13.89 10.89,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17M18,20V10H6V20H18M18,8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6C4.89,22 4,21.1 4,20V10C4,8.89 4.89,8 6,8H7V6A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6V8H18M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6V8H15V6A3,3 0 0,0 12,3Z",br1="M7,3A4,4 0 0,1 11,7C11,8.86 9.73,10.43 8,10.87V13.13C8.37,13.22 8.72,13.37 9.04,13.56L13.56,9.04C13.2,8.44 13,7.75 13,7A4,4 0 0,1 17,3A4,4 0 0,1 21,7A4,4 0 0,1 17,11C16.26,11 15.57,10.8 15,10.45L10.45,15C10.8,15.57 11,16.26 11,17A4,4 0 0,1 7,21A4,4 0 0,1 3,17C3,15.14 4.27,13.57 6,13.13V10.87C4.27,10.43 3,8.86 3,7A4,4 0 0,1 7,3M17,13A4,4 0 0,1 21,17A4,4 0 0,1 17,21A4,4 0 0,1 13,17A4,4 0 0,1 17,13M17,15A2,2 0 0,0 15,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,19A2,2 0 0,0 19,17A2,2 0 0,0 17,15Z",yr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9 6C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H9V6M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2Z",Rr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2Z",xr1="M9.5 11C10.3 11 11 11.7 11 12.5S10.3 14 9.5 14 8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11M14.5 19C13.7 19 13 18.3 13 17.5S13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5 15.3 19 14.5 19M9.2 19.2L7.8 17.8L14.9 10.7L16.3 12.1L9.2 19.2M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M18 20H6V10H18V20Z",Dr1="M18 1C15.2 1 13 3.2 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.3 16.3 3 18 3S21 4.3 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.2 20.8 1 18 1M7.5 11C8.3 11 9 11.7 9 12.5S8.3 14 7.5 14 6 13.3 6 12.5 6.7 11 7.5 11M12.5 19C11.7 19 11 18.3 11 17.5S11.7 16 12.5 16 14 16.7 14 17.5 13.3 19 12.5 19M7.2 19.2L5.8 17.8L12.9 10.7L14.3 12.1L7.2 19.2Z",Er1="M7.5 11C8.3 11 9 11.7 9 12.5S8.3 14 7.5 14 6 13.3 6 12.5 6.7 11 7.5 11M12.5 19C11.7 19 11 18.3 11 17.5S11.7 16 12.5 16 14 16.7 14 17.5 13.3 19 12.5 19M7.2 19.2L5.8 17.8L12.9 10.7L14.3 12.1L7.2 19.2M18 1C15.2 1 13 3.2 13 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H16C17.1 22 18 21.1 18 20V10C18 8.9 17.1 8 16 8H15V6C15 4.3 16.3 3 18 3S21 4.3 21 6V8H23V6C23 3.2 20.8 1 18 1M16 10V20H4V10H16Z",Nr1="M18 8H17V6C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.9 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V10C20 8.9 19.1 8 18 8M9 6C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3S15 4.3 15 6V8H9V6M18 20H6V10H18V20M11 12.5C11 13.3 10.3 14 9.5 14S8 13.3 8 12.5 8.7 11 9.5 11 11 11.7 11 12.5M16 17.5C16 18.3 15.3 19 14.5 19S13 18.3 13 17.5 13.7 16 14.5 16 16 16.7 16 17.5M16.2 12.2L9.1 19.3L7.7 17.9L14.8 10.8L16.2 12.2Z",Wr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",Ir1="M6 20V10H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.89 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.1 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H6M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",Gr1="M12,1A5,5 0 0,0 7,6V8H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,10V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V10A2,2 0 0,0 18,8H17V6A5,5 0 0,0 12,1M12,2.9C13.71,2.9 15.1,4.29 15.1,6V8H8.9V6C8.9,4.29 10.29,2.9 12,2.9M12.19,10.5C13.13,10.5 13.88,10.71 14.42,11.12C14.96,11.54 15.23,12.1 15.23,12.8C15.23,13.24 15.08,13.63 14.79,14C14.5,14.36 14.12,14.64 13.66,14.85C13.4,15 13.23,15.15 13.14,15.32C13.05,15.5 13,15.72 13,16H11C11,15.5 11.1,15.16 11.29,14.92C11.5,14.68 11.84,14.4 12.36,14.08C12.62,13.94 12.83,13.76 13,13.54C13.14,13.33 13.22,13.08 13.22,12.8C13.22,12.5 13.13,12.28 12.95,12.11C12.77,11.93 12.5,11.85 12.19,11.85C11.92,11.85 11.7,11.92 11.5,12.06C11.34,12.2 11.24,12.41 11.24,12.69H9.27C9.22,12 9.5,11.4 10.05,11.04C10.59,10.68 11.3,10.5 12.19,10.5M11,17H13V19H11V17Z",Qr1="M19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8H17V6C17 3.24 14.76 1 12 1S7 3.24 7 6V8H6C4.9 8 4 8.89 4 10V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M9 6C9 4.34 10.34 3 12 3S15 4.34 15 6V8H9V6M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13C13.1 13 14 13.89 14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",Ur1="M14 15C14 16.11 13.11 17 12 17C10.89 17 10 16.1 10 15C10 13.89 10.89 13 12 13C13.11 13 14 13.9 14 15M13.09 20C13.21 20.72 13.46 21.39 13.81 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.1 4 20V10C4 8.89 4.89 8 6 8H7V6C7 3.24 9.24 1 12 1S17 3.24 17 6V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V10H6V20H13.09M9 8H15V6C15 4.34 13.66 3 12 3S9 4.34 9 6V8M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",zr1="M12.63,2C18.16,2 22.64,6.5 22.64,12C22.64,17.5 18.16,22 12.63,22C9.12,22 6.05,20.18 4.26,17.43L5.84,16.18C7.25,18.47 9.76,20 12.64,20A8,8 0 0,0 20.64,12A8,8 0 0,0 12.64,4C8.56,4 5.2,7.06 4.71,11H7.47L3.73,14.73L0,11H2.69C3.19,5.95 7.45,2 12.63,2M15.59,10.24C16.09,10.25 16.5,10.65 16.5,11.16V15.77C16.5,16.27 16.09,16.69 15.58,16.69H10.05C9.54,16.69 9.13,16.27 9.13,15.77V11.16C9.13,10.65 9.54,10.25 10.04,10.24V9.23C10.04,7.7 11.29,6.46 12.81,6.46C14.34,6.46 15.59,7.7 15.59,9.23V10.24M12.81,7.86C12.06,7.86 11.44,8.47 11.44,9.23V10.24H14.19V9.23C14.19,8.47 13.57,7.86 12.81,7.86Z",_r1="M12,2A6,6 0 0,0 6,8V16A6,6 0 0,0 12,22A6,6 0 0,0 18,16V8A6,6 0 0,0 12,2M8,6H10V8H8V6M11,6H13V8H11V6M14,6H16V8H14V6M8,9H10V11H8V9M11,9H13V11H11V9M14,9H16V11H14V9M8,12H10V14H8V12M11,12H13V14H11V12M14,12H16V14H14V12M12,16A2,2 0 0,1 14,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,16Z",Kr1="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,4V20H16V4H8M10,13H12V17H10V13M10,6H14V7.5H10V6M10,9H14V10.5H10V9Z",jr1="M3,2H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 21,22H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 3,2M13,4V20H21V4H13M3,4V20H11V4H3M5,13H7V17H5V13M5,6H9V7.5H5V6M5,9H9V10.5H5V9M15,13H17V17H15V13M15,6H19V7.5H15V6M15,9H19V10.5H15V9Z",qr1="M11 7L9.6 8.4L12.2 11H2V13H12.2L9.6 15.6L11 17L16 12L11 7M20 19H12V21H20C21.1 21 22 20.1 22 19V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H12V5H20V19Z",$r1="M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V9H5V5H19V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10.08,15.58L11.5,17L16.5,12L11.5,7L10.08,8.41L12.67,11H3V13H12.67L10.08,15.58Z",Xr1="M17 7L15.59 8.41L18.17 11H8V13H18.17L15.59 15.58L17 17L22 12M4 5H12V3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V19C2 20.1 2.9 21 4 21H12V19H4V5Z",Yr1="M14.08,15.59L16.67,13H7V11H16.67L14.08,8.41L15.5,7L20.5,12L15.5,17L14.08,15.59M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9.67L19,7.67V5H5V19H19V16.33L21,14.33V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19Z",Jr1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10.03 10.03 0 0 0 12 2M9.4 19.6A8.05 8.05 0 0 1 9.4 4.4A16.45 16.45 0 0 0 7.5 12A16.45 16.45 0 0 0 9.4 19.6M12 20A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 9.5 12A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 12 4A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 14.5 12A13.81 13.81 0 0 1 12 20M14.6 19.6A16.15 16.15 0 0 0 14.6 4.4A8.03 8.03 0 0 1 20 12A7.9 7.9 0 0 1 14.6 19.6Z",Ca1="M12,6A11,11 0 0,0 1,17H3C3,12.04 7.04,8 12,8C16.96,8 21,12.04 21,17H23A11,11 0 0,0 12,6M12,10C8.14,10 5,13.14 5,17H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,12A5,5 0 0,1 17,17H19C19,13.14 15.86,10 12,10Z",Ha1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M16 12V22H4V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12Z",Va1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M16 12V20C16 21.1 15.1 22 14 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12M14 12C14 9.79 12.21 8 10 8S6 9.79 6 12V20H14V12Z",La1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M13 14H11V12H9V14H7V16H9V18H11V16H13V14M16 12V22H4V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12Z",Ma1="M15.5 6.5C15.5 5.66 17 4 17 4S18.5 5.66 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 17.83 8 17 8S15.5 7.33 15.5 6.5M19.5 15C20.88 15 22 13.88 22 12.5C22 10.83 19.5 8 19.5 8S17 10.83 17 12.5C17 13.88 18.12 15 19.5 15M13 14H11V12H9V14H7V16H9V18H11V16H13V14M16 12V20C16 21.1 15.1 22 14 22H6C4.9 22 4 21.1 4 20V12C4 9.03 6.16 6.57 9 6.09V4H7V2H13C14.13 2 15.15 2.39 16 3L14.56 4.44C14.1 4.17 13.57 4 13 4H11V6.09C13.84 6.57 16 9.03 16 12M14 12C14 9.79 12.21 8 10 8S6 9.79 6 12V20H14V12Z",Aa1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z",ia1="M12.35,1.75L20.13,9.53L13.77,15.89L12.35,14.47L17.3,9.53L10.94,3.16L12.35,1.75M15.89,9.53L14.47,10.94L10.23,6.7L5.28,11.65L3.87,10.23L10.23,3.87L15.89,9.53M10.23,8.11L11.65,9.53L6.7,14.47L13.06,20.84L11.65,22.25L3.87,14.47L10.23,8.11M8.11,14.47L9.53,13.06L13.77,17.3L18.72,12.35L20.13,13.77L13.77,20.13L8.11,14.47Z",ra1="M15.47 3.11C15 2.85 14.37 3.05 14.11 3.54C14.04 3.68 14 3.84 14 4V6.59L13.29 5.88C13.1 5.69 13 5.44 13 5.18V1H11V5.17C11 5.44 10.9 5.69 10.71 5.88L10 6.59V4C10 3.44 9.54 3 9 3C8.83 3 8.67 3.04 8.53 3.11C4.72 5 2 9.97 2 15.77C2 17.67 2.33 19.55 3 21.32C3.19 21.85 3.76 22.13 4.29 21.94C4.34 21.92 4.39 21.9 4.44 21.87L9.5 19.07C9.81 18.9 10 18.56 10 18.19V9.41L11.3 8.12C11.69 7.73 12.32 7.73 12.71 8.12L14 9.42V18.2C14 18.56 14.21 18.9 14.5 19.08L19.58 21.88C20.07 22.14 20.68 21.96 20.94 21.46C20.96 21.42 21 21.37 21 21.32C21.67 19.55 22 17.67 22 15.77C22 9.97 19.29 5 15.47 3.11Z",aa1="M19.92 9.27C19.97 9 20 8.76 20 8.5S19.97 8 19.92 7.73L23 8.5L19.92 9.27M14.69 12.92L15.5 16.16L16.31 12.92C16.05 12.97 15.78 13 15.5 13S14.95 12.97 14.69 12.92M11.7 10.89L6.79 15.79L6.09 15.09L1 20.17L3.83 23L8.91 17.91L8.21 17.21L13.11 12.3C12.54 11.94 12.06 11.46 11.7 10.89M16.27 4.08L15.5 1L14.73 4.08C15 4.03 15.24 4 15.5 4S16 4.03 16.27 4.08M8 8.5L11.08 9.27C11.03 9 11 8.76 11 8.5S11.03 8 11.08 7.73L8 8.5M18.63 10.04C18.86 9.58 19 9.06 19 8.5S18.86 7.42 18.63 6.96L21 3L17.04 5.37C16.58 5.14 16.06 5 15.5 5S14.42 5.14 13.96 5.37L10 3L12.37 6.96C12.14 7.42 12 7.94 12 8.5C12 10.43 13.57 12 15.5 12C16.06 12 16.58 11.86 17.04 11.63L21 14L18.63 10.04Z",ea1="M14 1L12 3H7L9 21H8V23H18V21L16 1M9 5H12L12.24 7H9.24M9.47 9H12.47L12.71 11H9.71M9.94 13H12.94L13.18 15H10.18M10.41 17H13.41L13.65 19H10.65Z",da1="M7 1V3H8V13L5 19L14 23L18 13V3H19V1M10 3H16V5H11.88V13.45L9.6 18.14L8 17.5L10 13.5Z",ma1="M17.5 9C16.12 9 15 7.88 15 6.5S16.12 4 17.5 4 20 5.12 20 6.5 18.88 9 17.5 9M14.43 8.15L2 20.59L3.41 22L15.85 9.57C15.25 9.24 14.76 8.75 14.43 8.15M13 5L13.63 3.63L15 3L13.63 2.37L13 1L12.38 2.37L11 3L12.38 3.63L13 5M21 5L21.63 3.63L23 3L21.63 2.37L21 1L20.38 2.37L19 3L20.38 3.63L21 5M21 9L20.38 10.37L19 11L20.38 11.63L21 13L21.63 11.63L23 11L21.63 10.37L21 9Z",ta1="M3,7V13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13V7H17V13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13V7M17,5H21V2H17M3,5H7V2H3",va1="M3,7V13A9,9 0 0,0 12,22A9,9 0 0,0 21,13V7H17V13A5,5 0 0,1 12,18A5,5 0 0,1 7,13V7M17,5H21V2H17M3,5H7V2H3M13,1.5L9,9H11V14.5L15,7H13V1.5Z",la1="M9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.44,13.73L14.71,14H15.5L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.44C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z",oa1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.5 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.5,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M11.12,5.46L9,7.59L6.88,5.46L5.46,6.88L7.59,9L5.46,11.12L6.88,12.54L9,10.41L11.12,12.54L12.54,11.12L10.41,9L12.54,6.88L11.12,5.46Z",na1="M18 16H17.42L16.61 15.19C17.5 14 18 12.5 18 11C18 7.13 14.87 4 11 4C9.5 4 8 4.5 6.79 5.4C3.7 7.72 3.07 12.11 5.39 15.2C7.71 18.29 12.1 18.92 15.19 16.6L16 17.41V18L21 23L23 21L18 16M11 16C8.24 16 6 13.76 6 11S8.24 6 11 6 16 8.24 16 11 13.76 16 11 16M3 6L1 8V1H8L6 3H3V6M21 1V8L19 6V3H16L14 1H21M6 19L8 21H1V14L3 16V19H6Z",Za1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.57 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.57,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M5,8V10H13V8H5Z",Sa1="M11,4A7,7 0 0,1 18,11C18,12.5 17.5,14 16.61,15.19L17.42,16H18L23,21L21,23L16,18V17.41L15.19,16.6C12.1,18.92 7.71,18.29 5.39,15.2C3.07,12.11 3.7,7.72 6.79,5.4C8,4.5 9.5,4 11,4M7,10V12H15V10H7M1,1V8L8,1H1Z",ua1="M15.5,14H14.71L14.43,13.73C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,16C11.11,16 12.59,15.41 13.73,14.43L14,14.71V15.5L19,20.5L20.5,19L15.5,14M9.5,14C7,14 5,12 5,9.5C5,7 7,5 9.5,5C12,5 14,7 14,9.5C14,12 12,14 9.5,14M7,9H12V10H7V9Z",ca1="M9,2A7,7 0 0,1 16,9C16,10.57 15.5,12 14.61,13.19L15.41,14H16L22,20L20,22L14,16V15.41L13.19,14.61C12,15.5 10.57,16 9,16A7,7 0 0,1 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M8,5V8H5V10H8V13H10V10H13V8H10V5H8Z",sa1="M11,4A7,7 0 0,1 18,11C18,12.5 17.5,14 16.61,15.19L17.42,16H18L23,21L21,23L16,18V17.41L15.19,16.6C12.1,18.92 7.71,18.29 5.39,15.2C3.07,12.11 3.7,7.72 6.79,5.4C8,4.5 9.5,4 11,4M10,7V10H7V12H10V15H12V12H15V10H12V7H10M1,1V8L8,1H1Z",Oa1="M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14M12,10H10V12H9V10H7V9H9V7H10V9H12V10Z",ha1="M1 1V8L8 1H1M18 16H17.42L16.61 15.19C17.5 14 18 12.5 18 11C18 7.13 14.87 4 11 4C9.5 4 8 4.5 6.79 5.4C3.7 7.72 3.07 12.11 5.39 15.2C7.71 18.29 12.1 18.92 15.19 16.6L16 17.41V18L21 23L23 21L18 16M14.6 13.16L13.18 14.58L11.06 12.45L8.94 14.58L7.5 13.16L9.65 11.04L7.5 8.92L8.94 7.5L11.06 9.63L13.18 7.5L14.6 8.92L12.47 11.04L14.6 13.16Z",pa1="M15.5 14H14.71L14.43 13.73C15.41 12.59 16 11.11 16 9.5C16 5.91 13.09 3 9.5 3S3 5.91 3 9.5 5.91 16 9.5 16C11.11 16 12.59 15.41 13.73 14.43L14 14.71V15.5L19 20.5L20.5 19L15.5 14M9.5 14C7 14 5 12 5 9.5S7 5 9.5 5 14 7 14 9.5 12 14 9.5 14M10.91 11.62L9.5 10.21L8.09 11.62L7.38 10.91L8.79 9.5L7.38 8.09L8.09 7.38L9.5 8.79L10.91 7.38L11.62 8.09L10.21 9.5L11.62 10.91L10.91 11.62Z",fa1="M17 22V20H20V17H22V20.5C22 20.89 21.84 21.24 21.54 21.54C21.24 21.84 20.89 22 20.5 22H17M7 22H3.5C3.11 22 2.76 21.84 2.46 21.54C2.16 21.24 2 20.89 2 20.5V17H4V20H7V22M17 2H20.5C20.89 2 21.24 2.16 21.54 2.46C21.84 2.76 22 3.11 22 3.5V7H20V4H17V2M7 2V4H4V7H2V3.5C2 3.11 2.16 2.76 2.46 2.46C2.76 2.16 3.11 2 3.5 2H7M10.5 6C13 6 15 8 15 10.5C15 11.38 14.75 12.2 14.31 12.9L17.57 16.16L16.16 17.57L12.9 14.31C12.2 14.75 11.38 15 10.5 15C8 15 6 13 6 10.5C6 8 8 6 10.5 6M10.5 8C9.12 8 8 9.12 8 10.5C8 11.88 9.12 13 10.5 13C11.88 13 13 11.88 13 10.5C13 9.12 11.88 8 10.5 8Z",ga1="M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M17,17H7V15H17M17,13H7V11H17M20,9H17V6H20",ka1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M19,15H17V13H13V11H19V15M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",Ba1="M8,4A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4H8M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M14,11H20V15H18V13H14V11Z",Pa1="M14,11H20V15H18V13H14V11M18,4H8A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4M11,18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18M21,18H13V9C13,7.92 12.65,6.86 12,6H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,9V18Z",wa1="M8,4A5,5 0 0,0 3,9V18H1V20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 18,4H8M8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9V18H5V9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6M13,13V7H17V9H15V13H13Z",Fa1="M14,12.85V6.85H18V8.85H16V12.85H14M18,3.85H8A5,5 0 0,0 3,8.85V17.85H1V19.85H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17.85V8.85A5,5 0 0,0 18,3.85M11,17.85H5V8.85A3,3 0 0,1 8,5.85A3,3 0 0,1 11,8.85V17.85M21,17.85H13V8.85C13,7.76 12.65,6.71 12,5.85H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,8.85V17.85Z",Ta1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M20,18H12V9C12,7.92 11.65,6.86 11,6H17A3,3 0 0,1 20,9V18M13,11V13H17V15H19V11H13M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",ba1="M5,9H9V11H5V9M22,9V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H2V9A5,5 0 0,1 7,4H17A5,5 0 0,1 22,9M10,9A3,3 0 0,0 7,6A3,3 0 0,0 4,9V18H10V9M16,7H12V13H14V9H16V7Z",ya1="M17,4H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,9V20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V9A5,5 0 0,0 17,4M10,18H4V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,6A3,3 0 0,1 10,9V18M20,18H12V9C12,7.92 11.65,6.86 11,6H17A3,3 0 0,1 20,9V18M13,13H15V9H17V7H13V13M9,11H5V9H9V11Z",Ra1="M2 2V22H7.6V7.6H14.8V2H2M9.2 9.2V22H14.8V9.2H9.2M16.4 2V22H22V2H16.4Z",xa1="M15,19L9,16.89V5L15,7.11M20.5,3C20.44,3 20.39,3 20.34,3L15,5.1L9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21C3.55,21 3.61,21 3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3Z",Da1="M18.25,22L15.5,19L16.66,17.82L18.25,19.41L21.84,15.82L23,17.23M20.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 21,3.5V13.36C20.36,13.13 19.69,13 19,13C17.46,13 16.06,13.6 15,14.56V7.1L9,5V16.9L13.04,18.3C13,18.54 13,18.77 13,19C13,19.46 13.06,19.92 13.16,20.36L9,18.9L3.66,20.97C3.59,21 3.55,21 3.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,20.5V5.38C3,5.15 3.16,4.97 3.35,4.9L9,3L15,5.1L20.33,3",Ea1="M18.25,22L15.5,19L16.66,17.82L18.25,19.41L21.84,15.82L23,17.23L18.25,22M20.5,3A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 21,3.5V13.34C20.37,13.12 19.7,13 19,13V5.7L16,6.86V13.8C15.2,14.27 14.5,14.91 14,15.68V6.87L10,5.47V17.13L13.05,18.2L13,19C13,19.46 13.05,19.92 13.15,20.35L9,18.9L3.66,20.97L3.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,20.5V5.38C3,5.15 3.15,4.97 3.36,4.9L9,3L15,5.1L20.34,3.03L20.5,3M5,6.46V18.31L8,17.15V5.45L5,6.46Z",Na1="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13,23 10.4,21.08 9.42,18.4L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V10.25C21.81,11.5 23,13.62 23,16M9,16C9,12.83 11.11,10.15 14,9.29V6.11L8,4V15.89L9,16.24C9,16.16 9,16.08 9,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11Z",Wa1="M15,12H16.5V16.25L19.36,17.94L18.61,19.16L15,17V12M16,9C16.69,9 17.37,9.1 18,9.29V4.7L15,5.86V9.07C15.33,9 15.66,9 16,9M23,16A7,7 0 0,1 16,23C13,23 10.4,21.08 9.42,18.4L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2.03L19.5,2A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V10.25C21.81,11.5 23,13.62 23,16M9,16C9,13.21 10.63,10.8 13,9.67V5.87L9,4.47V16.13H9C9,16.09 9,16.04 9,16M16,11A5,5 0 0,0 11,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,21A5,5 0 0,0 21,16A5,5 0 0,0 16,11M4,5.46V17.31L7,16.15V4.45L4,5.46Z",Ia1="M9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21L3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19.03 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3L20.34,3.03L15,5.1L9,3M8,5.45V17.15L5,18.31V6.46L8,5.45M10,5.47L14,6.87V18.53L10,17.13V5.47M19,5.7V17.54L16,18.55V6.86L19,5.7M7.46,6.3L5.57,6.97V9.12L7.46,8.45V6.3M7.46,9.05L5.57,9.72V11.87L7.46,11.2V9.05M7.46,11.8L5.57,12.47V14.62L7.46,13.95V11.8M7.46,14.55L5.57,15.22V17.37L7.46,16.7V14.55Z",Ga1="M12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,0 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2Z",Qa1="M12 2C8.14 2 5 5.14 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9C19 5.14 15.86 2 12 2M12 4C13.1 4 14 4.9 14 6C14 7.11 13.1 8 12 8S10 7.11 10 6C10 4.9 10.9 4 12 4M12 14C10.33 14 8.86 13.15 8 11.85C8 10.53 10.67 9.8 12 9.8S16 10.53 16 11.85C15.14 13.15 13.67 14 12 14Z",Ua1="M12 4C14.8 4 17 6.2 17 9C17 11.9 14.1 16.2 12 18.9C9.9 16.2 7 11.9 7 9C7 6.2 9.2 4 12 4M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M12 10C13.33 10 16 10.67 16 12V12.16C15.03 13.28 13.6 14 12 14S8.97 13.28 8 12.16V12C8 10.67 10.67 10 12 10M12 9C10.9 9 10 8.1 10 7S10.9 5 12 5 14 5.9 14 7 13.1 9 12 9Z",za1="M12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 14.2 12 22 12 22S5 14.2 5 9C5 5.1 8.1 2 12 2M11 6V12H13V6H11M11 14V16H13V14H11Z",_a1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,10 7,12 12,18.71C17,12 17,10 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4M11,6H13V11H11V6M11,13H13V15H11V13Z",Ka1="M12,2C15.86,2 19,5.14 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9C5,5.14 8.14,2 12,2M10.47,14L17,7.41L15.6,6L10.47,11.18L8.4,9.09L7,10.5L10.47,14Z",ja1="M12 4C14.8 4 17 6.2 17 9C17 11.9 14.1 16.2 12 18.9C9.9 16.2 7 11.9 7 9C7 6.2 9.2 4 12 4M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M11.3 14L16.2 9L14.8 7.6L11.3 11.2L9.7 9.6L8.3 11L11.3 14Z",qa1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,12.5M12,7.2C9.9,7.2 8.2,8.9 8.2,11C8.2,14 12,17.5 12,17.5C12,17.5 15.8,14 15.8,11C15.8,8.9 14.1,7.2 12,7.2Z",$a1="M6.5,8.11C5.61,8.11 4.89,7.39 4.89,6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 6.5,4.89C7.39,4.89 8.11,5.61 8.11,6.5V6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 6.5,8.11M6.5,2C4,2 2,4 2,6.5C2,9.87 6.5,14.86 6.5,14.86C6.5,14.86 11,9.87 11,6.5C11,4 9,2 6.5,2M17.5,8.11A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 15.89,6.5C15.89,5.61 16.61,4.89 17.5,4.89C18.39,4.89 19.11,5.61 19.11,6.5A1.61,1.61 0 0,1 17.5,8.11M17.5,2C15,2 13,4 13,6.5C13,9.87 17.5,14.86 17.5,14.86C17.5,14.86 22,9.87 22,6.5C22,4 20,2 17.5,2M17.5,16C16.23,16 15.1,16.8 14.68,18H9.32C8.77,16.44 7.05,15.62 5.5,16.17C3.93,16.72 3.11,18.44 3.66,20C4.22,21.56 5.93,22.38 7.5,21.83C8.35,21.53 9,20.85 9.32,20H14.69C15.24,21.56 16.96,22.38 18.5,21.83C20.08,21.28 20.9,19.56 20.35,18C19.92,16.8 18.78,16 17.5,16V16M17.5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,20.5Z",Xa1="M12 2A7 7 0 0 0 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9A7 7 0 0 0 12 2M7.5 10H10V5H14V10H16.5L12 14.5Z",Ya1="M15 11.5C13.62 11.5 12.5 10.38 12.5 9S13.62 6.5 15 6.5 17.5 7.62 17.5 9 16.38 11.5 15 11.5M8 9C8 14.25 15 22 15 22S22 14.25 22 9C22 5.13 18.87 2 15 2S8 5.13 8 9M6 7L1 12L6 17V7Z",Ja1="M15 6.5C16.38 6.5 17.5 7.62 17.5 9S16.38 11.5 15 11.5 12.5 10.38 12.5 9 13.62 6.5 15 6.5M15 2C18.87 2 22 5.13 22 9C22 14.25 15 22 15 22S8 14.25 8 9C8 5.13 11.13 2 15 2M10 9C10 10 10 12 15 18.71C20 12 20 10 20 9C20 6.24 17.76 4 15 4S10 6.24 10 9M6 7L1 12L6 17V7Z",Ce1="M9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,11.5M9,2C12.86,2 16,5.13 16,9C16,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 2,14.25 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M15,17H23V19H15V17Z",He1="M15 17H23V19H15V17M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",Ve1="M14,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,11.5M14,2C17.86,2 21,5.13 21,9C21,14.25 14,22 14,22C14,22 7,14.25 7,9A7,7 0 0,1 14,2M5,9C5,13.5 10.08,19.66 11,20.81L10,22C10,22 3,14.25 3,9C3,5.83 5.11,3.15 8,2.29C6.16,3.94 5,6.33 5,9Z",Le1="M11.5 9C11.5 7.62 12.62 6.5 14 6.5C15.1 6.5 16.03 7.21 16.37 8.19C16.45 8.45 16.5 8.72 16.5 9C16.5 10.38 15.38 11.5 14 11.5C12.91 11.5 12 10.81 11.64 9.84C11.55 9.58 11.5 9.29 11.5 9M5 9C5 13.5 10.08 19.66 11 20.81L10 22C10 22 3 14.25 3 9C3 5.83 5.11 3.15 8 2.29C6.16 3.94 5 6.33 5 9M14 2C17.86 2 21 5.13 21 9C21 14.25 14 22 14 22C14 22 7 14.25 7 9C7 5.13 10.14 2 14 2M14 4C11.24 4 9 6.24 9 9C9 10 9 12 14 18.71C19 12 19 10 19 9C19 6.24 16.76 4 14 4Z",Me1="M16.37,16.1L11.75,11.47L11.64,11.36L3.27,3L2,4.27L5.18,7.45C5.06,7.95 5,8.46 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 13.67,20.15 15.37,17.65L18.73,21L20,19.72M12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9C14.5,9.73 14.17,10.39 13.67,10.85L17.3,14.5C18.28,12.62 19,10.68 19,9A7,7 0 0,0 12,2C10,2 8.24,2.82 6.96,4.14L10.15,7.33C10.61,6.82 11.26,6.5 12,6.5Z",Ae1="M20 19.7L3.3 3L2 4.3L5.2 7.5C5.1 8 5 8.5 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S13.7 20.1 15.4 17.6L18.8 21L20 19.7M12 18.7C7.4 12.5 7 10.4 7 9.3L13.8 16.1C13.3 16.9 12.7 17.7 12 18.7M8.4 5.6L7 4.2C8.2 2.8 10 2 12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 10.7 18.3 12.6 17.3 14.5L15.8 13C17 10.6 17 9.6 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.6 8.4 5.6M12 6.5C13.4 6.5 14.5 7.6 14.5 9C14.5 9.7 14.2 10.4 13.7 10.9L10.2 7.4C10.6 6.8 11.3 6.5 12 6.5Z",ie1="M12,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,6.5M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 5,14.25 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9C7,10 7,12 12,18.71C17,12 17,10 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4Z",re1="M18,15A3,3 0 0,1 21,18A3,3 0 0,1 18,21C16.69,21 15.58,20.17 15.17,19H14V17H15.17C15.58,15.83 16.69,15 18,15M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17M18,8A1.43,1.43 0 0,0 19.43,6.57C19.43,5.78 18.79,5.14 18,5.14C17.21,5.14 16.57,5.78 16.57,6.57A1.43,1.43 0 0,0 18,8M18,2.57A4,4 0 0,1 22,6.57C22,9.56 18,14 18,14C18,14 14,9.56 14,6.57A4,4 0 0,1 18,2.57M8.83,17H10V19H8.83C8.42,20.17 7.31,21 6,21A3,3 0 0,1 3,18C3,16.69 3.83,15.58 5,15.17V14H7V15.17C7.85,15.47 8.53,16.15 8.83,17M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6C9,7.31 8.17,8.42 7,8.83V10H5V8.83C3.83,8.42 3,7.31 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M11,19V17H13V19H11M7,13H5V11H7V13Z",ae1="M9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9,11.5M9,2C12.86,2 16,5.13 16,9C16,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 2,14.25 2,9A7,7 0 0,1 9,2M15,17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17Z",ee1="M15 17H18V14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",de1="M12,2C8.14,2 5,5.14 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9C19,5.14 15.86,2 12,2M12.88,15.75H11.13V14H12.88M12.88,12.88H11.13C11.13,10.04 13.75,10.26 13.75,8.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 12,6.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 10.25,8.5H8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,8.5C15.5,10.69 12.88,10.91 12.88,12.88Z",me1="M12,1C7.59,1 4,4.59 4,9C4,14.57 10.96,22.34 11.26,22.67L12,23.5L12.74,22.67C13.04,22.34 20,14.57 20,9C20,4.59 16.41,1 12,1M12,20.47C9.82,17.86 6,12.54 6,9A6,6 0 0,1 12,3A6,6 0 0,1 18,9C18,12.83 13.75,18.36 12,20.47M11.13,14H12.88V15.75H11.13M12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5H10.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 12,6.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 13.75,8.5C13.75,10.26 11.13,10.04 11.13,12.88H12.88C12.88,10.91 15.5,10.69 15.5,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5Z",te1="M12,2C15.31,2 18,4.66 18,7.95C18,12.41 12,19 12,19C12,19 6,12.41 6,7.95C6,4.66 8.69,2 12,2M12,6A2,2 0 0,0 10,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 14,8A2,2 0 0,0 12,6M20,19C20,21.21 16.42,23 12,23C7.58,23 4,21.21 4,19C4,17.71 5.22,16.56 7.11,15.83L7.75,16.74C6.67,17.19 6,17.81 6,18.5C6,19.88 8.69,21 12,21C15.31,21 18,19.88 18,18.5C18,17.81 17.33,17.19 16.25,16.74L16.89,15.83C18.78,16.56 20,17.71 20,19Z",ve1="M12 4C14.2 4 16 5.8 16 8C16 10.1 13.9 13.5 12 15.9C10.1 13.4 8 10.1 8 8C8 5.8 9.8 4 12 4M12 2C8.7 2 6 4.7 6 8C6 12.5 12 19 12 19S18 12.4 18 8C18 4.7 15.3 2 12 2M12 6C10.9 6 10 6.9 10 8S10.9 10 12 10 14 9.1 14 8 13.1 6 12 6M20 19C20 21.2 16.4 23 12 23S4 21.2 4 19C4 17.7 5.2 16.6 7.1 15.8L7.7 16.7C6.7 17.2 6 17.8 6 18.5C6 19.9 8.7 21 12 21S18 19.9 18 18.5C18 17.8 17.3 17.2 16.2 16.7L16.8 15.8C18.8 16.6 20 17.7 20 19Z",le1="M9,2C5.14,2 2,5.14 2,9C2,14.25 9,22 9,22C9,22 16,14.25 16,9A7,7 0 0,0 9,2M9,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6.5,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9,6.5M16.58,14.16L15.17,15.58L17.58,18L15.17,20.41L16.58,21.82L19,19.41L21.41,21.82L22.83,20.41L20.41,18L22.83,15.58L21.41,14.16L19,16.58",oe1="M16.6 14.2L15.2 15.6L17.6 18L15.2 20.4L16.6 21.8L19 19.4L21.4 21.8L22.8 20.4L20.4 18L22.8 15.6L21.4 14.2L19 16.6M9 6.5C10.4 6.5 11.5 7.6 11.5 9S10.4 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.4 6.5 9 7.6 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.9 2 16 5.1 16 9C16 14.2 9 22 9 22S2 14.2 2 9C2 5.1 5.1 2 9 2M9 4C6.2 4 4 6.2 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.7C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.2 11.8 4 9 4Z",ne1="M12,2C8.14,2 5,5.14 5,9C5,14.25 12,22 12,22C12,22 19,14.25 19,9C19,5.14 15.86,2 12,2M9.59,5.17L12,7.58L14.41,5.17L15.83,6.58L13.41,9L15.83,11.41L14.41,12.83L12,10.41L9.59,12.83L8.17,11.41L10.59,9L8.17,6.58",Ze1="M9 11.5C7.62 11.5 6.5 10.38 6.5 9S7.62 6.5 9 6.5 11.5 7.62 11.5 9 10.38 11.5 9 11.5M9 2C5.13 2 2 5.13 2 9C2 14.25 9 22 9 22S16 14.25 16 9C16 5.13 12.87 2 9 2M18 17L23 12L18 7V17Z",Se1="M9 6.5C10.38 6.5 11.5 7.62 11.5 9S10.38 11.5 9 11.5 6.5 10.38 6.5 9 7.62 6.5 9 6.5M9 2C12.87 2 16 5.13 16 9C16 14.25 9 22 9 22S2 14.25 2 9C2 5.13 5.13 2 9 2M9 4C6.24 4 4 6.24 4 9C4 10 4 12 9 18.71C14 12 14 10 14 9C14 6.24 11.76 4 9 4M18 17L23 12L18 7V17Z",ue1="M12 2C8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9C5 14.2 12 22 12 22S19 14.2 19 9C19 5.1 15.9 2 12 2M14.5 13L12 11.5L9.5 13L10.2 10.2L8 8.3L10.9 8.1L12 5.4L13.1 8L16 8.3L13.8 10.2L14.5 13Z",ce1="M12 2C15.9 2 19 5.1 19 9C19 14.2 12 22 12 22S5 14.2 5 9C5 5.1 8.1 2 12 2M12 4C9.2 4 7 6.2 7 9C7 10 7 12 12 18.7C17 12 17 10 17 9C17 6.2 14.8 4 12 4M12 11.5L14.4 13L13.8 10.2L16 8.3L13.1 8.1L12 5.4L10.9 8L8 8.3L10.2 10.2L9.5 13L12 11.5Z",se1="M12 2A7 7 0 0 0 5 9C5 14.25 12 22 12 22S19 14.25 19 9A7 7 0 0 0 12 2M16.5 9H14V14H10V9H7.5L12 4.5Z",Oe1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.16 20.36L9 18.9L3.66 20.97C3.6 21 3.55 21 3.5 21C3.22 21 3 20.78 3 20.5V5.38C3 5.15 3.16 4.97 3.36 4.9L9 3L15 5.1L20.34 3H20.5C20.78 3 21 3.22 21 3.5V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.46 13 16.06 13.58 15 14.54V7.1L9 5V16.9L13.04 18.32C13 18.54 13 18.77 13 19C13 19.47 13.06 19.92 13.16 20.36Z",he1="M20.5,3L20.34,3.03L15,5.1L9,3L3.36,4.9C3.15,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21L3.66,20.97L9,18.9L15,21L20.64,19.1C20.85,19.03 21,18.85 21,18.62V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3M10,5.47L14,6.87V18.53L10,17.13V5.47M5,6.46L8,5.45V17.15L5,18.31V6.46M19,17.54L16,18.55V6.86L19,5.7V17.54Z",pe1="M9,3L3.36,4.9C3.16,4.97 3,5.15 3,5.38V20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 3.5,21C3.55,21 3.6,21 3.66,20.97L9,18.9L13.16,20.36C13.06,19.92 13,19.46 13,19C13,18.77 13,18.54 13.04,18.3L9,16.9V5L15,7.1V14.56C16.07,13.6 17.47,13 19,13C19.7,13 20.37,13.13 21,13.36V3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 20.5,3H20.34L15,5.1L9,3M18,15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",fe1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M14,6.11L8,4V15.89L9,16.24V16.5C9,17.14 9.09,17.76 9.26,18.34L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V11.81C18.83,10.69 17.25,10 15.5,10C15,10 14.5,10.06 14,10.17V6.11Z",ge1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.2 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M19.5,2A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20,2.5V11.81C19.42,11.26 18.75,10.81 18,10.5V4.7L15,5.86V10C14.3,10.07 13.62,10.24 13,10.5V5.87L9,4.47V16.13H9V16.5C9,17.14 9.09,17.76 9.26,18.34L8,17.9L2.66,19.97L2.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 2,19.5V4.38C2,4.15 2.15,3.97 2.36,3.9L8,2L14,4.1L19.34,2.03L19.5,2M4,5.46V17.31L7,16.15V4.45L4,5.46Z",ke1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M16.75,14.45C18.65,12.55 18.58,9.39 16.59,7.41C14.6,5.43 11.45,5.35 9.55,7.25C6.12,10.68 7.22,16.78 7.22,16.78C7.22,16.78 13.33,17.87 16.75,14.45M13.15,7.86L14.13,9.87L16.14,10.85L14.13,11.83L13.15,13.84L12.17,11.83L10.16,10.85L12.17,9.87L13.15,7.86Z",Be1="M20,4V9L18.5,7.5L5.5,20.5L3.5,18.5L16.5,5.5L15,4H20M17,20A3,3 0 0,1 14,17V15A3,3 0 0,1 17,12A3,3 0 0,1 20,15V17A3,3 0 0,1 17,20M17,14A1,1 0 0,0 16,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14M7,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9V7A3,3 0 0,1 7,4A3,3 0 0,1 10,7V9A3,3 0 0,1 7,12M7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7V9A1,1 0 0,0 7,10A1,1 0 0,0 8,9V7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6Z",Pe1="M18.5,1.15C17.97,1.15 17.46,1.34 17.07,1.73L11.26,7.55L16.91,13.2L22.73,7.39C23.5,6.61 23.5,5.35 22.73,4.56L19.89,1.73C19.5,1.34 19,1.15 18.5,1.15M10.3,8.5L4.34,14.46C3.56,15.24 3.56,16.5 4.36,17.31C3.14,18.54 1.9,19.77 0.67,21H6.33L7.19,20.14C7.97,20.9 9.22,20.89 10,20.12L15.95,14.16",we1="M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13M17.5,14.5C16.94,14.5 16.42,14.65 16,14.92L20.08,19C20.35,18.58 20.5,18.06 20.5,17.5A3,3 0 0,0 17.5,14.5M14.5,17.5A3,3 0 0,0 17.5,20.5C18.06,20.5 18.58,20.35 19,20.08L14.92,16C14.65,16.42 14.5,16.94 14.5,17.5M18.5,1.15C19,1.15 19.5,1.34 19.89,1.73L22.73,4.56C23.5,5.35 23.5,6.61 22.73,7.39L18.95,11.16C18.5,11.06 18,11 17.5,11C16.67,11 15.88,11.16 15.15,11.44L11.26,7.55L17.07,1.73C17.46,1.34 17.97,1.15 18.5,1.15M10.3,8.5L13.89,12.1C12.15,13.26 11,15.25 11,17.5C11,18 11.06,18.5 11.16,18.95L10,20.12C9.22,20.89 7.97,20.9 7.19,20.14L6.33,21H0.67L4.36,17.31C3.56,16.5 3.56,15.24 4.34,14.46L10.3,8.5Z",Fe1="M10,16L5,11L6.41,9.58L10,13.17L17.59,5.58L19,7M19,1H5C3.89,1 3,1.89 3,3V15.93C3,16.62 3.35,17.23 3.88,17.59L12,23L20.11,17.59C20.64,17.23 21,16.62 21,15.93V3C21,1.89 20.1,1 19,1Z",Te1="M20.94,14C20.66,15.41 18.5,16.96 15.97,17.26C14.66,17.41 13.37,17.56 12,17.5C9.75,17.39 8,16.96 8,16.96V17.58C8.32,19.8 10.22,19.93 12.03,20C13.85,20.05 15.47,19.54 15.47,19.54L15.55,21.19C15.55,21.19 14.27,21.87 12,22C10.75,22.07 9.19,21.97 7.38,21.5C3.46,20.45 2.78,16.26 2.68,12L2.67,8.57C2.67,4.23 5.5,2.96 5.5,2.96C6.95,2.3 9.41,2 11.97,2H12.03C14.59,2 17.05,2.3 18.5,2.96C18.5,2.96 21.33,4.23 21.33,8.57C21.33,8.57 21.37,11.78 20.94,14M18,8.91C18,7.83 17.7,7 17.15,6.35C16.59,5.72 15.85,5.39 14.92,5.39C13.86,5.39 13.05,5.8 12.5,6.62L12,7.5L11.5,6.62C10.94,5.8 10.14,5.39 9.07,5.39C8.15,5.39 7.41,5.72 6.84,6.35C6.29,7 6,7.83 6,8.91V14.17H8.1V9.06C8.1,8 8.55,7.44 9.46,7.44C10.46,7.44 10.96,8.09 10.96,9.37V12.16H13.03V9.37C13.03,8.09 13.53,7.44 14.54,7.44C15.44,7.44 15.89,8 15.89,9.06V14.17H18V8.91Z",be1="M21,12C21,9.97 20.33,8.09 19,6.38V17.63C20.33,15.97 21,14.09 21,12M17.63,19H6.38C7.06,19.55 7.95,20 9.05,20.41C10.14,20.8 11.13,21 12,21C12.88,21 13.86,20.8 14.95,20.41C16.05,20 16.94,19.55 17.63,19M11,17L7,9V17H11M17,9L13,17H17V9M12,14.53L15.75,7H8.25L12,14.53M17.63,5C15.97,3.67 14.09,3 12,3C9.91,3 8.03,3.67 6.38,5H17.63M5,17.63V6.38C3.67,8.09 3,9.97 3,12C3,14.09 3.67,15.97 5,17.63M23,12C23,15.03 21.94,17.63 19.78,19.78C17.63,21.94 15.03,23 12,23C8.97,23 6.38,21.94 4.22,19.78C2.06,17.63 1,15.03 1,12C1,8.97 2.06,6.38 4.22,4.22C6.38,2.06 8.97,1 12,1C15.03,1 17.63,2.06 19.78,4.22C21.94,6.38 23,8.97 23,12Z",ye1="M8,16.61V15.37L14,11.91V7.23L9,10.12L4,7.23V13L3,13.58L2,13V5L3.07,4.38L9,7.81L12.93,5.54L14.93,4.38L16,5V13.06L10.92,16L14.97,18.33L20,15.43V11L21,10.42L22,11V16.58L14.97,20.64L8,16.61M22,9.75L21,10.33L20,9.75V8.58L21,8L22,8.58V9.75Z",Re1="M20,19.88V22L18.2,20.83L13.41,11.83C14.07,11.62 14.67,11.28 15.19,10.83L20,19.88M15,7A3,3 0 0,1 12,10C11.85,10 11.71,10 11.56,10L5.8,20.83L4,22V19.88L9.79,9C8.69,7.77 8.79,5.87 10.03,4.76C10.57,4.28 11.27,4 12,4V2A1,1 0 0,1 13,3V4.18C14.2,4.6 15,5.73 15,7M13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7Z",xe1="M4,7A2,2 0 0,0 2,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 4,17H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,15V14H6V15H4V9H6V10H8V9A2,2 0 0,0 6,7H4M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 18,13H20V15H16V17H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 20,11H18V9H22V7H18Z",De1="M11.5 19.1C11.3 20.2 10.9 21 10.2 21.5C9.5 22 8.6 22.1 7.5 21.9C7.1 21.8 6.3 21.7 6 21.5L6.5 20C6.8 20.1 7.4 20.3 7.7 20.3C8.8 20.5 9.4 20 9.6 18.8L12 5.2C12.2 4 12.7 3.2 13.4 2.6C14.1 2.1 15.1 1.9 16.2 2.1C16.6 2.2 17.4 2.3 18 2.6L17.5 4C17.3 3.9 16.6 3.8 16.3 3.7C15 3.5 14.3 4.1 14 5.6L11.5 19.1Z",Ee1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M15.9 6.9C15.9 6.9 15.2 6.6 14.9 6.6C14.3 6.5 13.9 6.7 13.7 7.7L12 16.8C11.8 17.6 11.5 18.2 11 18.6C10.6 18.9 10.2 19 9.7 19C8.9 19 7.7 18.5 7.7 18.5L8.2 17.1C8.2 17.1 9 17.4 9.2 17.4C9.5 17.5 9.7 17.4 9.9 17.3C10.1 17.2 10.2 16.9 10.3 16.6L11.9 7.4C12 6.6 12.4 6 12.9 5.5C13.5 5.1 14.2 5 15 5.1C15.7 5.2 16.5 5.6 16.5 5.6L15.9 6.9Z",Ne1="M18 7C16.9 7 16 7.9 16 9V15C16 16.1 16.9 17 18 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V11H20V15H18V9H22V7H18M2 7V17H8V15H4V7H2M11 7C9.9 7 9 7.9 9 9V15C9 16.1 9.9 17 11 17H13C14.1 17 15 16.1 15 15V9C15 7.9 14.1 7 13 7H11M11 9H13V15H11V9Z",We1="M14 21V3H16V21H14M8 21V3H10V21H8Z",Ie1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M10 18H8V6H10V18M16 18H14V6H16V18Z",Ge1="M4,7A2,2 0 0,0 2,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 4,13H6V15H2V17H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 6,11H4V9H8V7H4M14,7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M16,7V17H18V12L20,17H22V7H20V12L18,7H16Z",Qe1="M2,7V9H4V17H6V9H8V7H2M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V17H11V13H13V17H15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V11H11V9M16,7V17H18V12L20,17H22V7H20V12L18,7H16Z",Ue1="M2,2H6V4H4V20H6V22H2V2M20,4H18V2H22V22H18V20H20V4M9,5H10V10H11V11H8V10H9V6L8,6.5V5.5L9,5M15,13H16V18H17V19H14V18H15V14L14,14.5V13.5L15,13M9,13C10.1,13 11,14.34 11,16C11,17.66 10.1,19 9,19C7.9,19 7,17.66 7,16C7,14.34 7.9,13 9,13M9,14C8.45,14 8,14.9 8,16C8,17.1 8.45,18 9,18C9.55,18 10,17.1 10,16C10,14.9 9.55,14 9,14M15,5C16.1,5 17,6.34 17,8C17,9.66 16.1,11 15,11C13.9,11 13,9.66 13,8C13,6.34 13.9,5 15,5M15,6C14.45,6 14,6.9 14,8C14,9.1 14.45,10 15,10C15.55,10 16,9.1 16,8C16,6.9 15.55,6 15,6Z",ze1="M20,2H4V4L9.81,8.36C6.14,9.57 4.14,13.53 5.35,17.2C6.56,20.87 10.5,22.87 14.19,21.66C17.86,20.45 19.86,16.5 18.65,12.82C17.95,10.71 16.3,9.05 14.19,8.36L20,4V2M14.94,19.5L12,17.78L9.06,19.5L9.84,16.17L7.25,13.93L10.66,13.64L12,10.5L13.34,13.64L16.75,13.93L14.16,16.17L14.94,19.5Z",_e1="M14.94 19.5L12 17.77L9.06 19.5L9.84 16.16L7.25 13.92L10.66 13.63L12 10.5L13.34 13.63L16.75 13.92L14.16 16.16M20 2H4V4L8.86 7.64A8 8 0 1 0 15.14 7.64L20 4M18 15A6 6 0 1 1 10.82 9.12A5.86 5.86 0 0 1 13.18 9.12A6 6 0 0 1 18 15M12.63 7H11.37L7.37 4H16.71Z",Ke1="M10,3L8,5V7H5C3.85,7 3.12,8 3,9L2,19C1.88,20 2.54,21 4,21H20C21.46,21 22.12,20 22,19L21,9C20.88,8 20.06,7 19,7H16V5L14,3H10M10,5H14V7H10V5M11,10H13V13H16V15H13V18H11V15H8V13H11V10Z",je1="M3 3H15V5H3V3M2 21H16V6H2V21M5 12H7.5V9.5H10.5V12H13V15H10.5V17.5H7.5V15H5V12M20 6C18.3 6 17 7.8 17 10C17 11.8 17.8 13.2 19 13.8V21H21V13.8C22.2 13.3 23 11.8 23 10C23 7.8 21.7 6 20 6Z",qe1="M6 3H18V5H6V3M17 6H7C5.9 6 5 6.9 5 8V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V8C19 6.9 18.1 6 17 6M16 15H13.5V17.5H10.5V15H8V12H10.5V9.5H13.5V12H16V15Z",$e1="M10.5 15H8V12H10.5V9.5H13.5V12H16V15H13.5V17.5H10.5V15M19 8V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V8C5 6.9 5.9 6 7 6H17C18.1 6 19 6.9 19 8M17 8H7V19H17V8M18 3H6V5H18V3",Xe1="M12 4C13.11 4 14 4.89 14 6S13.11 8 12 8 10 7.11 10 6 10.9 4 12 4M21 16V14C18.76 14 16.84 13.04 15.4 11.32L14.06 9.72C13.68 9.26 13.12 9 12.53 9H11.5C10.89 9 10.33 9.26 9.95 9.72L8.61 11.32C7.16 13.04 5.24 14 3 14V16C5.77 16 8.19 14.83 10 12.75V15L6.12 16.55C5.45 16.82 5 17.5 5 18.21C5 19.2 5.8 20 6.79 20H9V19.5C9 18.12 10.12 17 11.5 17H14.5C14.78 17 15 17.22 15 17.5S14.78 18 14.5 18H11.5C10.67 18 10 18.67 10 19.5V20H17.21C18.2 20 19 19.2 19 18.21C19 17.5 18.55 16.82 17.88 16.55L14 15V12.75C15.81 14.83 18.23 16 21 16Z",Ye1="M17,17H7V7H17M21,11V9H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H15V3H13V5H11V3H9V5H7C5.89,5 5,5.89 5,7V9H3V11H5V13H3V15H5V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H9V21H11V19H13V21H15V19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V15H21V13H19V11M13,13H11V11H13M15,9H9V15H15V9Z",Je1="M19 19V15H17V19H15L18 22L21 19H19M12.1 19H11V21H9V19H7C5.9 19 5 18.1 5 17V15H3V13H5V11H3V9H5V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5H9V3H11V5H13V3H15V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V9H21V11H19V12.1C18.7 12 18.3 12 18 12S17.3 12 17 12.1V7H7V17H12.1C12 17.3 12 17.7 12 18S12 18.7 12.1 19M9 15H12.8C13.3 14.1 14.1 13.3 15 12.8V9H9V15M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",Cd1="M21 11V6L19 5V11H17V6L15 5V11H13V3L11 2V11H9V6L7 5V11H5V6L3 5V11C2.45 11 2 11.45 2 12S2.45 13 3 13H4.25C4.95 14.92 6.94 17.58 11 17.95V20H10C8.9 20 8 20.9 8 22H16C16 20.9 15.11 20 14 20H13V17.95C17.06 17.57 19.05 14.92 19.75 13H21C21.55 13 22 12.55 22 12S21.55 11 21 11M11 15.94C8.34 15.63 7.05 14.11 6.45 13H11V15.94M13 15.94V13H17.55C16.95 14.11 15.66 15.63 13 15.94Z",Hd1="M21.5 11.15V10C21.5 9.45 21.05 9 20.5 9H19.5C18.95 9 18.5 9.45 18.5 10V11H17.5V10C17.5 9.45 17.05 9 16.5 9H15.5C14.95 9 14.5 9.45 14.5 10V11H13.5V8C13.5 7.45 13.05 7 12.5 7H11.5C10.95 7 10.5 7.45 10.5 8V11H9.5V10C9.5 9.45 9.05 9 8.5 9H7.5C6.95 9 6.5 9.45 6.5 10V11H5.5V10C5.5 9.45 5.05 9 4.5 9H3.5C2.95 9 2.5 9.45 2.5 10V11.15C2.21 11.33 2 11.63 2 12C2 12.55 2.45 13 3 13H4.25C4.95 14.92 6.94 17.58 11 17.95V20H10C8.9 20 8 20.9 8 22H16C16 20.9 15.11 20 14 20H13V17.95C17.06 17.57 19.05 14.92 19.75 13H21C21.55 13 22 12.55 22 12C22 11.63 21.79 11.33 21.5 11.15M6.45 13H11V15.94C8.34 15.63 7.05 14.11 6.45 13M13 15.94V13H17.55C16.95 14.11 15.66 15.63 13 15.94M12 6C12.83 6 13.5 5.33 13.5 4.5C13.5 3.67 12.83 2 12 2S10.5 3.67 10.5 4.5C10.5 5.33 11.17 6 12 6M12 4.25C12.28 4.25 12.5 4.47 12.5 4.75S12.28 5.25 12 5.25 11.5 5.03 11.5 4.75 11.72 4.25 12 4.25M16 8C16.83 8 17.5 7.33 17.5 6.5C17.5 5.67 16.83 4 16 4S14.5 5.67 14.5 6.5C14.5 7.33 15.17 8 16 8M16 6.25C16.28 6.25 16.5 6.47 16.5 6.75S16.28 7.25 16 7.25 15.5 7.03 15.5 6.75 15.72 6.25 16 6.25M20 8C20.83 8 21.5 7.33 21.5 6.5C21.5 5.67 20.83 4 20 4S18.5 5.67 18.5 6.5C18.5 7.33 19.17 8 20 8M20 6.25C20.28 6.25 20.5 6.47 20.5 6.75S20.28 7.25 20 7.25 19.5 7.03 19.5 6.75 19.72 6.25 20 6.25M4 8C4.83 8 5.5 7.33 5.5 6.5C5.5 5.67 4.83 4 4 4S2.5 5.67 2.5 6.5C2.5 7.33 3.17 8 4 8M4 6.25C4.28 6.25 4.5 6.47 4.5 6.75S4.28 7.25 4 7.25 3.5 7.03 3.5 6.75 3.72 6.25 4 6.25M8 8C8.83 8 9.5 7.33 9.5 6.5C9.5 5.67 8.83 4 8 4S6.5 5.67 6.5 6.5C6.5 7.33 7.17 8 8 8M8 6.25C8.28 6.25 8.5 6.47 8.5 6.75S8.28 7.25 8 7.25 7.5 7.03 7.5 6.75 7.72 6.25 8 6.25Z",Vd1="M3,6H21V8H3V6M3,11H21V13H3V11M3,16H21V18H3V16Z",Ld1="M3 6H13V8H3V6M3 16H13V18H3V16M3 11H15V13H3V11M16 7L14.58 8.39L18.14 12L14.58 15.61L16 17L21 12L16 7Z",Md1="M7,10L12,15L17,10H7Z",Ad1="M18,9V10.5L12,16.5L6,10.5V9H18M12,13.67L14.67,11H9.33L12,13.67Z",id1="M14,7L9,12L14,17V7Z",rd1="M15,18H13.5L7.5,12L13.5,6H15V18M10.33,12L13,14.67V9.33L10.33,12Z",ad1="M21,15.61L19.59,17L14.58,12L19.59,7L21,8.39L17.44,12L21,15.61M3,6H16V8H3V6M3,13V11H13V13H3M3,18V16H16V18H3Z",ed1="M10,17L15,12L10,7V17Z",dd1="M9,6H10.5L16.5,12L10.5,18H9V6M13.67,12L11,9.33V14.67L13.67,12Z",md1="M12,6L7,11H17L12,6M7,13L12,18L17,13H7Z",td1="M12,3.5L6,9.5V11H18V9.5L12,3.5M12,6.33L14.67,9H9.33L12,6.33M6,13V14.5L12,20.5L18,14.5V13H6M9.33,15H14.67L12,17.67L9.33,15Z",vd1="M7,15L12,10L17,15H7Z",ld1="M18,16V14.5L12,8.5L6,14.5V16H18M12,11.33L14.67,14H9.33L12,11.33Z",od1="M8 17L12 13H15.2C15.6 14.2 16.7 15 18 15C19.7 15 21 13.7 21 12S19.7 9 18 9C16.7 9 15.6 9.8 15.2 11H12L8 7V3H3V8H6L10.2 12L6 16H3V21H8V17Z",nd1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Zd1="M13 11H11V5H13M13 15H11V13H13M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",Sd1="M13,10H11V6H13V10M13,12H11V14H13V12M22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,4H4V17.2L5.2,16H20V4Z",ud1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M16 11H11.5L13.3 12.8L12 14L8 10L12 6L13.2 7.2L11.5 9H16V11Z",cd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16 11V9H11.5L13.3 7.2L12 6L8 10L12 14L13.2 12.8L11.5 11H16Z",sd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14L10.8 12.8L12.6 11H8V9H12.5L10.7 7.2L12 6L16 10L12 14Z",Od1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M8 9V11H12.5L10.7 12.8L12 14L16 10L12 6L10.8 7.2L12.5 9H8Z",hd1="M22 7V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H14.1C14 2.3 14 2.7 14 3C14 5.8 16.2 8 19 8C20.1 8 21.2 7.6 22 7M16 3C16 4.7 17.3 6 19 6S22 4.7 22 3 20.7 0 19 0 16 1.3 16 3Z",pd1="M22 7V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H14.1C14 2.3 14 2.7 14 3S14 3.7 14.1 4H4V16H20V7.9C20.7 7.8 21.4 7.4 22 7M16 3C16 4.7 17.3 6 19 6S22 4.7 22 3 20.7 0 19 0 16 1.3 16 3Z",fd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M19 13L16.5 11.5L14 13V5H19V13Z",gd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M18 14V6H13V14L15.5 12.5L18 14",kd1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M8,14H6V12H8V14M8,11H6V9H8V11M8,8H6V6H8V8M15,14H10V12H15V14M18,11H10V9H18V11M18,8H10V6H18V8Z",Bd1="M1.27,1.73L0,3L2,5V22L6,18H15L20.73,23.73L22,22.46L1.27,1.73M8,14H6V12H8V14M6,11V9L8,11H6M20,2H4.08L10,7.92V6H18V8H10.08L11.08,9H18V11H13.08L20.07,18C21.14,17.95 22,17.08 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2Z",Pd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.89 21.1 2 20 2M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",wd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M10.47 14L7 10.5L8.4 9.09L10.47 11.17L15.6 6L17 7.41L10.47 14Z",Fd1="M13.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11.5C11.16,11.5 10.5,10.83 10.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,10M22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M16.77,11.32L15.7,10.5C15.71,10.33 15.71,10.16 15.7,10C15.72,9.84 15.72,9.67 15.7,9.5L16.76,8.68C16.85,8.6 16.88,8.47 16.82,8.36L15.82,6.63C15.76,6.5 15.63,6.47 15.5,6.5L14.27,7C14,6.8 13.73,6.63 13.42,6.5L13.23,5.19C13.21,5.08 13.11,5 13,5H11C10.88,5 10.77,5.09 10.75,5.21L10.56,6.53C10.26,6.65 9.97,6.81 9.7,7L8.46,6.5C8.34,6.46 8.21,6.5 8.15,6.61L7.15,8.34C7.09,8.45 7.11,8.58 7.21,8.66L8.27,9.5C8.23,9.82 8.23,10.16 8.27,10.5L7.21,11.32C7.12,11.4 7.09,11.53 7.15,11.64L8.15,13.37C8.21,13.5 8.34,13.53 8.46,13.5L9.7,13C9.96,13.2 10.24,13.37 10.55,13.5L10.74,14.81C10.77,14.93 10.88,15 11,15H13C13.12,15 13.23,14.91 13.25,14.79L13.44,13.47C13.74,13.34 14,13.18 14.28,13L15.53,13.5C15.65,13.5 15.78,13.5 15.84,13.37L16.84,11.64C16.9,11.53 16.87,11.4 16.77,11.32Z",Td1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16.8 11.3L15.7 10.5V10 9.5L16.8 8.7C16.9 8.6 16.9 8.5 16.9 8.4L15.9 6.7C15.8 6.6 15.7 6.5 15.6 6.6L14.3 7C14 6.8 13.8 6.6 13.4 6.5L13.2 5.2C13.2 5.1 13.1 5 13 5H11C10.9 5 10.8 5.1 10.8 5.2L10.6 6.5C10.3 6.7 10 6.8 9.7 7L8.5 6.5C8.4 6.5 8.3 6.5 8.2 6.6L7.2 8.3C7.1 8.4 7.2 8.5 7.3 8.6L8.4 9.4V10.4L7.3 11.2C7.2 11.3 7.2 11.4 7.2 11.5L8.2 13.2C8.3 13.3 8.4 13.4 8.5 13.3L9.7 13C10 13.2 10.2 13.4 10.5 13.5L10.7 14.8C10.7 14.9 10.8 15 11 15H13C13.1 15 13.2 14.9 13.2 14.8L13.4 13.5C13.7 13.4 14 13.2 14.2 13L15.4 13.5C15.5 13.5 15.6 13.5 15.7 13.4L16.7 11.7C16.9 11.5 16.9 11.4 16.8 11.3M12 11.5C11.2 11.5 10.5 10.8 10.5 10S11.2 8.5 12 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10 12.8 11.5 12 11.5Z",bd1="M18,14H10.5L12.5,12H18M6,14V11.5L12.88,4.64C13.07,4.45 13.39,4.45 13.59,4.64L15.35,6.41C15.55,6.61 15.55,6.92 15.35,7.12L8.47,14M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",yd1="M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5Z",Rd1="M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5M20 15H10.2L9 16.2V7H20V15M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",xd1="M22 4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H15V10H22V4M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16Z",Dd1="M4 17.2V4H20V10H22V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H15V16H5.2L4 17.2M22.5 16H20.3L22 12H17V18H19V23L22.5 16Z",Ed1="M5,14L8.5,9.5L11,12.5L14.5,8L19,14M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Nd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M5 14L8.5 9.5L11 12.5L14.5 8L19 14",Wd1="M20.5 0A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 2.5V3A1 1 0 0 0 17 4V8A1 1 0 0 0 18 9H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 8V4A1 1 0 0 0 23 3V2.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 0M20.5 1A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 2.5V3H19V2.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 20.5 1M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V22L6 18H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 16V11H17C15.89 11 15 10.11 15 9V2H4Z",Id1="M23 3V2.5C23 1.1 21.9 0 20.5 0S18 1.1 18 2.5V3C17.5 3 17 3.5 17 4V8C17 8.5 17.5 9 18 9H23C23.5 9 24 8.5 24 8V4C24 3.5 23.5 3 23 3M22 3H19V2.5C19 1.7 19.7 1 20.5 1S22 1.7 22 2.5V3M22 11V16C22 17.1 21.1 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H15V4H4V17.2L5.2 16H20V11H22Z",Gd1="M20 2C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H20M8 9V11H16V9H8Z",Qd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M8 9V11H16V9H8Z",Ud1="M20.95 17.75L5.2 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2 3.9C2 3.93 2 3.97 2 4V22L6 18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73Z",zd1="M7.2 4L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 16.76 21.57 17.41 20.95 17.75L19.2 16H20V4H7.2M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.11 18H6L2 22V4C2 3.97 2 3.93 2 3.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L6.1 5.44L16.65 16H16.66L18.66 18H18.65L22.11 21.46M14.11 16L4 5.89V18L6 16H14.11Z",_d1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16Z",Kd1="M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",jd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M16 9V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6H13V9H16Z",qd1="M17,11H15V9H17M13,11H11V9H13M9,11H7V9H9M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",$d1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M17 11H15V9H17M13 11H11V9H13M9 11H7V9H9",Xd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M13 14H11V12H13V14M14.8 9C14.5 9.4 14.1 9.6 13.7 9.8C13.4 10 13.3 10.1 13.2 10.3C13 10.5 13 10.7 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.2 11.3 9.9C11.5 9.7 11.9 9.4 12.4 9.1C12.7 9 12.9 8.8 13 8.6C13.1 8.4 13.2 8.1 13.2 7.9C13.2 7.6 13.1 7.4 12.9 7.2C12.7 7 12.4 6.9 12.1 6.9C11.8 6.9 11.6 7 11.4 7.1C11.2 7.2 11.1 7.4 11.1 7.7H9.1C9.2 7 9.5 6.4 10 6C10.5 5.6 11.2 5.5 12.1 5.5C13 5.5 13.8 5.7 14.3 6.1C14.8 6.5 15.1 7.1 15.1 7.8C15.2 8.2 15.1 8.6 14.8 9Z",Yd1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M12.2 5.5C11.3 5.5 10.6 5.7 10.1 6C9.5 6.4 9.2 7 9.3 7.7H11.3C11.3 7.4 11.4 7.2 11.6 7.1C11.8 7 12 6.9 12.3 6.9C12.6 6.9 12.9 7 13.1 7.2C13.3 7.4 13.4 7.6 13.4 7.9C13.4 8.2 13.3 8.4 13.2 8.6C13 8.8 12.8 9 12.6 9.1C12.1 9.4 11.7 9.7 11.5 9.9C11.1 10.2 11 10.5 11 11H13C13 10.7 13.1 10.5 13.1 10.3C13.2 10.1 13.4 10 13.6 9.8C14.1 9.6 14.4 9.3 14.7 8.9C15 8.5 15.1 8.1 15.1 7.7C15.1 7 14.8 6.4 14.3 6C13.9 5.7 13.1 5.5 12.2 5.5M11 12V14H13V12H11Z",Jd1="M22,4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H18L22,22V4Z",Cm1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.1 2.9 18 4 18H18L22 22V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 17.2L18.8 16H4V4H20V17.2Z",Hm1="M18,8H6V6H18V8M18,11H6V9H18V11M18,14H6V12H18V14M22,4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H18L22,22V4Z",Vm1="M9 11H18V13H9V11M18 7H6V9H18V7M22 4V22L18 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4M20 4H4V16H18.83L20 17.17V4Z",Lm1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M11,24H13V22H11V24M7,24H9V22H7V24M15,24H17V22H15V24Z",Mm1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24",Am1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M14.6 14L12 12.4L9.4 14L10.1 11L7.8 9L10.8 8.7L12 6L13.2 8.8L16.2 9.1L13.9 11.1L14.6 14Z",im1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M20 16H5.2L4 17.2V4H20V16M12 12.4L14.6 14L13.9 11L16.2 9L13.2 8.7L12 6L10.8 8.8L7.8 9L10.1 11L9.4 14L12 12.4Z",rm1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M6,9H18V11H6M14,14H6V12H14M18,8H6V6H18",am1="M22 12.41V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V22L6 18H9.29C10.15 20.89 12.83 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.69 22.63 13.46 22 12.41M6 6H18V8H6V6M16 9C14.1 9 12.37 9.77 11.11 11H6V9H16M6 12H10.26C9.84 12.6 9.5 13.28 9.3 14H6V12M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16S18.67 20.85 16 20.85M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82Z",em1="M22 12.41V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.89 2 4V22L6 18H9.29C10.15 20.89 12.83 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.69 22.63 13.46 22 12.41M5.17 16L4 17.17V4H20V10.26C18.86 9.47 17.5 9 16 9C14.1 9 12.37 9.77 11.11 11H6V13H9.69C9.25 13.91 9 14.93 9 16H5.17M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16S18.67 20.85 16 20.85M18 9H6V7H18V9M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82Z",dm1="M9 5C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5H9M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M11 8H19V10H11V8M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M11 12H16V14H11V12M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",mm1="M10 11.5H17V13H10V11.5M10 8.5H19V10H10V8.5M20 5H9C7.9 5 7 5.9 7 7V21L11 17H20C21.1 17 22 16.1 22 15V7C22 5.9 21.1 5 20 5M20 15H10.2L9 16.2V7H20V15M3 7C2.4 7 2 7.4 2 8S2.4 9 3 9H5V7H3M2 11C1.4 11 1 11.4 1 12S1.4 13 2 13H5V11H2M1 15C.4 15 0 15.4 0 16C0 16.6 .4 17 1 17H5V15H1Z",tm1="M20.5 0A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18 2.5V3A1 1 0 0 0 17 4V8A1 1 0 0 0 18 9H23A1 1 0 0 0 24 8V4A1 1 0 0 0 23 3V2.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 20.5 0M20.5 1A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 22 2.5V3H19V2.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 20.5 1M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V22L6 18H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 16V11H17C15.89 11 15 10.11 15 9V2H4M6 6H13V8H6V6M6 9H13V11H6V9M6 12H14V14H6V12Z",vm1="M23 3V2.5C23 1.12 21.88 0 20.5 0S18 1.12 18 2.5V3C17.45 3 17 3.45 17 4V8C17 8.55 17.45 9 18 9H23C23.55 9 24 8.55 24 8V4C24 3.45 23.55 3 23 3M22 3H19V2.5C19 1.67 19.67 1 20.5 1S22 1.67 22 2.5V3M6 11H15V13H6V11M6 7H15V9H6V7M22 11V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H6L2 22V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H15V4H4V17.17L5.17 16H20V11H22Z",lm1="M20,2A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H6L2,22V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20M4,4V17.17L5.17,16H20V4H4M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H15V13H6V11Z",om1="M18,14L14,10.8V14H6V6H14V9.2L18,6M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V22L6,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",nm1="M2.8,3L19.67,18.82C19.67,18.82 20,19.27 19.58,19.71C19.17,20.15 18.63,19.77 18.63,19.77L2.8,3M7.81,4.59L20.91,16.64C20.91,16.64 21.23,17.08 20.82,17.5C20.4,17.97 19.86,17.59 19.86,17.59L7.81,4.59M4.29,8L17.39,20.03C17.39,20.03 17.71,20.47 17.3,20.91C16.88,21.36 16.34,21 16.34,21L4.29,8M12.05,5.96L21.2,14.37C21.2,14.37 21.42,14.68 21.13,15C20.85,15.3 20.47,15.03 20.47,15.03L12.05,5.96M5.45,11.91L14.6,20.33C14.6,20.33 14.82,20.64 14.54,20.95C14.25,21.26 13.87,21 13.87,21L5.45,11.91M16.38,7.92L20.55,11.74C20.55,11.74 20.66,11.88 20.5,12.03C20.38,12.17 20.19,12.05 20.19,12.05L16.38,7.92M7.56,16.1L11.74,19.91C11.74,19.91 11.85,20.06 11.7,20.2C11.56,20.35 11.37,20.22 11.37,20.22L7.56,16.1Z",Zm1="M12 2C7.04 2 3 6.04 3 11C3 14.91 5.5 18.24 9 19.47V22H11V19.94C11.33 20 11.66 20 12 20S12.67 20 13 19.94V22H15V19.47C18.5 18.23 21 14.9 21 11C21 6.04 16.96 2 12 2M14.25 14L11.25 17L9.75 15.5L11 14.25L9.75 13L12.75 10L14.25 11.5L13 12.75L14.25 14M16 9H8V7H16V9Z",Sm1="M21 11C21 6.03 16.97 2 12 2S3 6.03 3 11C3 14.92 5.5 18.24 9 19.5V22H11V19.94C11.33 20 11.66 20 12 20S12.67 20 13 19.94V22H15V19.5C18.5 18.24 21 14.92 21 11M12 18C8.14 18 5 14.86 5 11S8.14 4 12 4 19 7.14 19 11 15.86 18 12 18M8 7H16V9H8V7M12.75 10L9.75 13L11 14.25L9.75 15.5L11.25 17L14.25 14L13 12.75L14.25 11.5L12.75 10Z",um1="M16 4H15V2H13V4H11V2H9V4H8C5.79 4 4 5.79 4 8V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V8C20 5.79 18.21 4 16 4M12 18C10.62 18 9.5 16.9 9.5 15.54C9.5 14.45 9.93 14.15 12 11.75C14.05 14.13 14.5 14.45 14.5 15.54C14.5 16.9 13.38 18 12 18M16 10H8V8H16V10Z",cm1="M16 4H15V2H13V4H11V2H9V4H8C5.79 4 4 5.79 4 8V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V8C20 5.79 18.21 4 16 4M18 18C18 19.1 17.1 20 16 20H8C6.9 20 6 19.1 6 18V8C6 6.9 6.9 6 8 6H16C17.1 6 18 6.9 18 8V18M9.5 15.54C9.5 16.9 10.62 18 12 18S14.5 16.9 14.5 15.54C14.5 14.45 14.05 14.13 12 11.75C9.93 14.15 9.5 14.46 9.5 15.54M8 8H16V10H8V8Z",sm1="M12,1.75L8.57,2.67L4.06,19.53C4.03,19.68 4,19.84 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20C20,19.84 19.97,19.68 19.94,19.53L18.58,14.42L17,16L17.2,17H13.41L16.25,14.16L14.84,12.75L10.59,17H6.8L10.29,4H13.71L15.17,9.43L16.8,7.79L15.43,2.67L12,1.75M11.25,5V14.75L12.75,13.25V5H11.25M19.79,7.8L16.96,10.63L16.25,9.92L14.84,11.34L17.66,14.16L19.08,12.75L18.37,12.04L21.2,9.21L19.79,7.8Z",Om1="M12,1.75L8.57,2.67L4.07,19.5C4.06,19.5 4,19.84 4,20C4,21.11 4.89,22 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.11 20,20C20,19.84 19.94,19.5 19.93,19.5L15.43,2.67L12,1.75M10.29,4H13.71L17.2,17H13V12H11V17H6.8L10.29,4M11,5V9H10V11H14V9H13V5H11Z",hm1="M8,2A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V11L4,13V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H8M9,4H11V8H9V4M12,4H14V8H12V4M15,4H17V8H15V4Z",pm1="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 12,14A3,3 0 0,1 9,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M19,11C19,14.53 16.39,17.44 13,17.93V21H11V17.93C7.61,17.44 5,14.53 5,11H7A5,5 0 0,0 12,16A5,5 0 0,0 17,11H19Z",fm1="M8,7A2,2 0 0,1 10,9V14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7M14,14C14,16.97 11.84,19.44 9,19.92V22H7V19.92C4.16,19.44 2,16.97 2,14H4A4,4 0 0,0 8,18A4,4 0 0,0 12,14H14M21.41,9.41L17.17,13.66L18.18,10H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,8V4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V8C22,8.55 21.78,9.05 21.41,9.41Z",gm1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L13.38,16.65C12.55,18.35 10.93,19.59 9,19.92V22H7V19.92C4.16,19.44 2,16.97 2,14H4A4,4 0 0,0 8,18C9.82,18 11.36,16.78 11.84,15.11L10,13.27V14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14V9.27L2,5.27M21.41,9.41L17.17,13.66L18.18,10H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,8V4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V8C22,8.55 21.78,9.05 21.41,9.41Z",km1="M9,2A3,3 0 0,1 12,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2M16,11C16,14.5 13.44,17.43 10,17.93V21H8V17.93C4.56,17.43 2,14.5 2,11H4A5,5 0 0,0 9,16A5,5 0 0,0 14,11H16M15,5H23V7H15V5Z",Bm1="M19,11C19,12.19 18.66,13.3 18.1,14.28L16.87,13.05C17.14,12.43 17.3,11.74 17.3,11H19M15,11.16L9,5.18V5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5V11L15,11.16M4.27,3L21,19.73L19.73,21L15.54,16.81C14.77,17.27 13.91,17.58 13,17.72V21H11V17.72C7.72,17.23 5,14.41 5,11H6.7C6.7,14 9.24,16.1 12,16.1C12.81,16.1 13.6,15.91 14.31,15.58L12.65,13.92L12,14A3,3 0 0,1 9,11V10.28L3,4.27L4.27,3Z",Pm1="M17.3,11C17.3,14 14.76,16.1 12,16.1C9.24,16.1 6.7,14 6.7,11H5C5,14.41 7.72,17.23 11,17.72V21H13V17.72C16.28,17.23 19,14.41 19,11M10.8,4.9C10.8,4.24 11.34,3.7 12,3.7C12.66,3.7 13.2,4.24 13.2,4.9L13.19,11.1C13.19,11.76 12.66,12.3 12,12.3C11.34,12.3 10.8,11.76 10.8,11.1M12,14A3,3 0 0,0 15,11V5A3,3 0 0,0 12,2A3,3 0 0,0 9,5V11A3,3 0 0,0 12,14Z",wm1="M9,2A3,3 0 0,1 12,5V11A3,3 0 0,1 9,14A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2M16,11C16,14.5 13.44,17.43 10,17.93V21H8V17.93C4.56,17.43 2,14.5 2,11H4A5,5 0 0,0 9,16A5,5 0 0,0 14,11H16M15,5H18V2H20V5H23V7H20V10H18V7H15V5Z",Fm1="M9 2C10.66 2 12 3.34 12 5V11C12 12.66 10.66 14 9 14S6 12.66 6 11V5C6 3.34 7.34 2 9 2M16 11C16 14.53 13.39 17.44 10 17.93V21H8V17.93C4.61 17.44 2 14.53 2 11H4C4 13.76 6.24 16 9 16S14 13.76 14 11H16M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.34 18.34 6 20 6S23 7.34 23 9C23 9.97 22.5 10.88 21.71 11.41L21.41 11.6C20.84 12 20.5 12.61 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.11 19.6 11 20.59 10.35L20.88 10.16C21.27 9.9 21.5 9.47 21.5 9C21.5 8.17 20.83 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.17 18.5 9V9.5Z",Tm1="M14.3 11C14.3 14 11.76 16.1 9 16.1S3.7 14 3.7 11H2C2 14.41 4.72 17.23 8 17.72V21H10V17.72C13.28 17.23 16 14.41 16 11M7.8 4.9C7.8 4.24 8.34 3.7 9 3.7S10.2 4.24 10.2 4.9L10.19 11.1C10.19 11.76 9.66 12.3 9 12.3S7.8 11.76 7.8 11.1M9 14C10.66 14 12 12.66 12 11V5C12 3.34 10.66 2 9 2S6 3.34 6 5V11C6 12.66 7.34 14 9 14M20.5 14.5V16H19V14.5H20.5M18.5 9.5H17V9C17 7.34 18.34 6 20 6S23 7.34 23 9C23 9.97 22.5 10.88 21.71 11.41L21.41 11.6C20.84 12 20.5 12.61 20.5 13.3V13.5H19V13.3C19 12.11 19.6 11 20.59 10.35L20.88 10.16C21.27 9.9 21.5 9.47 21.5 9C21.5 8.17 20.83 7.5 20 7.5S18.5 8.17 18.5 9V9.5Z",bm1="M19,10H17.3C17.3,13 14.76,15.1 12,15.1C9.24,15.1 6.7,13 6.7,10H5C5,13.41 7.72,16.23 11,16.72V20H13V16.72C16.28,16.23 19,13.41 19,10M15,24H17V22H15M11,24H13V22H11M12,13A3,3 0 0,0 15,10V4A3,3 0 0,0 12,1A3,3 0 0,0 9,4V10A3,3 0 0,0 12,13M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",ym1="M9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7H5A4,4 0 0,1 9,3M11.84,9.82L11,18H10V19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V14A4,4 0 0,1 18,10H20L19,11L20,12H18A2,2 0 0,0 16,14V19A4,4 0 0,1 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19V18H7L6.16,9.82C5.67,9.32 5.31,8.7 5.13,8H12.87C12.69,8.7 12.33,9.32 11.84,9.82M9,11A1,1 0 0,0 8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,11Z",Rm1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L16,19.26C15.86,21.35 14.12,23 12,23A4,4 0 0,1 8,19V18H7L6.16,9.82C5.82,9.47 5.53,9.06 5.33,8.6L2,5.27M9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7H8.82L6.08,4.26C6.81,3.5 7.85,3 9,3M11.84,9.82L11.82,10L9.82,8H12.87C12.69,8.7 12.33,9.32 11.84,9.82M11,18H10V19A2,2 0 0,0 12,21A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V17.27L11.35,14.62L11,18M18,10H20L19,11L20,12H18A2,2 0 0,0 16,14V14.18L14.3,12.5C14.9,11 16.33,10 18,10M8,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13C9.21,13 9.4,12.94 9.56,12.83L8.17,11.44C8.06,11.6 8,11.79 8,12Z",xm1="M9.46,6.28L11.05,9C8.47,9.26 6.5,11.41 6.5,14A5,5 0 0,0 11.5,19C13.55,19 15.31,17.77 16.08,16H13.5V14H21.5V16H19.25C18.84,17.57 17.97,18.96 16.79,20H19.5V22H3.5V20H6.21C4.55,18.53 3.5,16.39 3.5,14C3.5,10.37 5.96,7.2 9.46,6.28M12.74,2.07L13.5,3.37L14.36,2.87L17.86,8.93L14.39,10.93L10.89,4.87L11.76,4.37L11,3.07L12.74,2.07Z",Dm1="M2,3H11V12H2V3M11,22H2V13H11V22M21,3V12H12V3H21M21,22H12V13H21V22Z",Em1="M14.5 2.63Q15.84 2.63 17.18 2.77L17.85 2.86Q18.3 2.93 18.84 3.04 19.37 3.15 19.93 3.31 20.5 3.47 20.96 3.69 21.42 3.91 21.71 4.19 22 4.47 22 4.81V19.19Q22 19.53 21.71 19.81 21.41 20.09 20.96 20.31 20.5 20.53 19.93 20.69 19.37 20.85 18.83 20.96 18.3 21.07 17.86 21.14 17.41 21.21 17.17 21.23 15.84 21.38 14.5 21.38 13.15 21.38 11.82 21.23 11.59 21.21 11.15 21.14 10.7 21.07 10.16 20.96 9.63 20.85 9.07 20.69 8.5 20.53 8.05 20.31 7.59 20.09 7.29 19.81 7 19.53 7 19.19V17H2.83Q2.5 17 2.24 16.76 2 16.5 2 16.17V7.83Q2 7.5 2.24 7.24 2.5 7 2.83 7H7V4.81Q7 4.47 7.29 4.19 7.59 3.91 8.05 3.69 8.5 3.47 9.07 3.31 9.63 3.15 10.17 3.04 10.7 2.93 11.14 2.86 11.59 2.8 11.83 2.77 13.15 2.63 14.5 2.63M14.5 3.88Q13.87 3.88 13.08 3.92 12.3 3.96 11.5 4.07 10.69 4.18 9.93 4.36 9.17 4.54 8.58 4.81 9.19 5.1 9.95 5.28 10.7 5.46 11.5 5.56 12.29 5.66 13.07 5.71 13.85 5.75 14.5 5.75 15.16 5.75 15.93 5.71 16.71 5.66 17.5 5.56 18.3 5.46 19.06 5.28 19.81 5.1 20.42 4.81 19.83 4.54 19.07 4.36 18.31 4.18 17.5 4.07 16.7 3.96 15.92 3.92 15.14 3.88 14.5 3.88M5.94 13.79H8.06L8.55 15.28H10.22L7.83 8.72H6.2L3.78 15.28H5.44M20.75 19V16Q20.11 16.31 19.31 16.5 18.5 16.68 17.67 16.79 16.83 16.9 16 16.95 15.19 17 14.5 17 13.79 17 13.08 16.96 12.37 16.91 11.67 16.83 11.44 17 11.17 17H8.25V19Q8.53 19.21 9 19.38 9.5 19.56 10.07 19.68 10.65 19.81 11.29 19.9 11.92 20 12.5 20.03 13.12 20.09 13.64 20.11 14.16 20.13 14.5 20.13 14.84 20.12 15.36 20.1 15.88 20.09 16.5 20.03 17.08 20 17.71 19.9 18.35 19.81 18.93 19.68 19.5 19.56 20 19.38 20.47 19.21 20.75 19M20.75 14.63V11Q20.11 11.31 19.31 11.5 18.5 11.68 17.67 11.79 16.83 11.9 16 11.95 15.19 12 14.5 12 13.88 12 13.25 11.97 12.63 11.93 12 11.87V15.62Q12.63 15.69 13.25 15.72 13.88 15.75 14.5 15.75 14.86 15.75 15.38 15.73 15.9 15.71 16.5 15.66 17.08 15.6 17.7 15.5 18.33 15.44 18.9 15.31 19.5 15.18 19.96 15 20.45 14.85 20.75 14.63M20.75 9.63V6Q20.11 6.31 19.31 6.5 18.5 6.68 17.67 6.79 16.83 6.9 16 6.95 15.19 7 14.5 7 13.81 7 13 6.95 12.17 6.9 11.33 6.79 10.5 6.68 9.69 6.5 8.89 6.31 8.25 6V7H11.17Q11.5 7 11.76 7.24 12 7.5 12 7.83V10.62Q12.63 10.69 13.25 10.72 13.88 10.75 14.5 10.75 14.86 10.75 15.38 10.73 15.9 10.71 16.5 10.66 17.08 10.6 17.7 10.5 18.33 10.44 18.9 10.31 19.5 10.18 19.96 10 20.44 9.85 20.75 9.63M6.32 12.5L7 10.5L7.65 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14.5 14.54 14.82 14.93 15.12 15.33 15.34 15.79 15.55 16.25 15.66 16.74 16.32 17 17 17Z",Ym1="M19.19 8.77Q18.73 8.77 18.33 8.6 17.94 8.43 17.64 8.13 17.34 7.83 17.17 7.44 17 7.04 17 6.58 17 6.13 17.17 5.73 17.34 5.33 17.64 5.04 17.94 4.74 18.33 4.57 18.73 4.39 19.19 4.4 19.64 4.39 20.04 4.57 20.44 4.74 20.74 5.04 21.03 5.33 21.21 5.73 21.38 6.13 21.38 6.58 21.38 7.04 21.21 7.44 21.04 7.83 20.74 8.13 20.44 8.43 20.04 8.6 19.64 8.77 19.19 8.77M19.19 5.65Q18.8 5.65 18.5 5.92 18.25 6.19 18.25 6.58 18.25 6.97 18.5 7.25 18.8 7.5 19.19 7.5 19.58 7.5 19.85 7.25 20.13 7 20.13 6.58 20.13 6.19 19.85 5.92 19.58 5.65 19.19 5.65M22 10.33V15Q22 15.63 21.76 16.2 21.5 16.77 21.09 17.19 20.66 17.62 20.09 17.86 19.5 18.11 18.88 18.11 18.5 18.11 18.12 18 17.73 17.93 17.41 17.75 17.17 18.54 16.7 19.19 16.23 19.84 15.6 20.3 14.97 20.76 14.21 21 13.45 21.27 12.63 21.27 11.67 21.27 10.82 20.94 10 20.61 9.32 20 8.66 19.43 8.23 18.64 7.79 17.84 7.66 16.9H2.83Q2.5 16.9 2.24 16.65 2 16.41 2 16.07V7.73Q2 7.39 2.24 7.14 2.5 6.9 2.83 6.9H10Q9.71 6.3 9.71 5.65 9.71 5.04 9.94 4.5 10.16 4 10.56 3.58 10.96 3.19 11.5 2.96 12 2.73 12.62 2.73 13.23 2.73 13.76 2.96 14.29 3.19 14.69 3.58 15.09 4 15.31 4.5 15.54 5.04 15.54 5.65 15.54 6.25 15.31 6.79 15.09 7.32 14.69 7.71 14.29 8.11 13.76 8.34 13.23 8.57 12.62 8.57 12.47 8.57 12.31 8.55 12.16 8.53 12 8.5V9.4H21.06Q21.45 9.4 21.73 9.67 22 9.94 22 10.33M12.63 4Q12.28 4 12 4.11 11.67 4.24 11.44 4.47 11.22 4.7 11.09 5 10.96 5.31 10.96 5.65 10.96 6 11.09 6.3 11.22 6.6 11.44 6.83 11.67 7.05 12 7.19 12.28 7.32 12.63 7.32 12.97 7.32 13.27 7.19 13.57 7.05 13.8 6.83 14.03 6.6 14.16 6.3 14.3 6 14.3 5.65 14.3 5.31 14.16 5 14.03 4.7 13.8 4.47 13.57 4.24 13.27 4.11 12.97 4 12.63 4M7.78 10.18H9.66V8.62H4.34V10.18H6.22V15.18H7.78M16.38 16.27V10.65H12V16.07Q12 16.41 11.76 16.65 11.5 16.9 11.17 16.9H8.92Q9.05 17.57 9.39 18.15 9.73 18.72 10.21 19.14 10.69 19.55 11.31 19.79 11.92 20 12.63 20 13.4 20 14.08 19.73 14.76 19.43 15.28 18.92 15.79 18.41 16.08 17.73 16.38 17.05 16.38 16.27M20.75 15V10.65H17.63V16.36Q17.88 16.61 18.2 16.74 18.5 16.86 18.88 16.86 19.27 16.86 19.61 16.71 19.95 16.56 20.2 16.31 20.46 16.06 20.6 15.71 20.75 15.37 20.75 15Z",Jm1="M17,8.5L12.25,12.32L17,16V8.5M4.7,18.4L2,16.7V7.7L5,6.7L9.3,10.03L18,2L22,4.5V20L17,22L9.34,14.66L4.7,18.4M5,14L6.86,12.28L5,10.5V14Z",Ct1="M17,16.47V7.39L11,11.93M2.22,9.19C1.92,8.87 1.91,8.37 2.2,8.04L3.4,6.93C3.6,6.75 4.09,6.67 4.45,6.93L7.87,9.54L15.8,2.29C16.12,1.97 16.67,1.84 17.3,2.17L21.3,4.08C21.66,4.29 22,4.62 22,5.23V18.73C22,19.13 21.71,19.56 21.4,19.73L17,21.83C16.68,21.96 16.08,21.84 15.87,21.63L7.85,14.33L4.45,16.93C4.07,17.19 3.6,17.12 3.4,16.93L2.2,15.83C1.88,15.5 1.92,14.96 2.25,14.63L5.25,11.93",Ht1="M3,12V6.75L9,5.43V11.91L3,12M20,3V11.75L10,11.9V5.21L20,3M3,13L9,13.09V19.9L3,18.75V13M20,13.25V22L10,20.09V13.1L20,13.25Z",Vt1="M2.67,5.3V5.91L1.96,6.21V5.6L2.67,5.3M2.67,11.24V11.86L1.96,12.15V11.56L2.67,11.24M2.67,17.27V17.89L1.96,18.18V17.59L2.67,17.27M2.6,7.29V7.84L2.03,8.1V7.56L2.6,7.29M2.6,9.28V9.82L2.03,10.08V9.54L2.6,9.28M2.6,13.31V13.84L2.03,14.1V13.56L2.6,13.31M2.6,15.33V15.87L2.03,16.13V15.6L2.6,15.33M4.5,5.64V6.36L3.5,6.73V6L4.5,5.64M4.5,11.66V12.37L3.5,12.74V12.03L4.5,11.66M4.5,17.7V18.41L3.5,18.81V18.1L4.5,17.7M4.43,7.72V8.38L3.64,8.68V8L4.43,7.72M4.43,9.73V10.37L3.65,10.67V10L4.43,9.73M4.43,13.74V14.38L3.65,14.69V14.03L4.43,13.74M4.43,15.76V16.41L3.65,16.72V16.06L4.43,15.76M6.31,6.09V6.94L5.05,7.43V6.59L6.31,6.09M6.31,12.11V12.96L5.05,13.45V12.61L6.31,12.11M6.31,18.08V18.93L5.05,19.43V18.58L6.31,18.08M6.25,8.18V8.94L5.19,9.34V8.61L6.25,8.18M6.25,10.18V10.93L5.19,11.35V10.6L6.25,10.18M6.25,14.19V14.94L5.19,15.37V14.62L6.25,14.19M6.25,16.14V16.9L5.19,17.32V16.57L6.25,16.14M8.29,6.04V7.16L6.72,7.78V6.67L8.29,6.04M8.29,12.06V13.19L6.72,13.8V12.68L8.29,12.06M8.29,18.03V19.15L6.72,19.77V18.66L8.29,18.03M8.2,8.13V9.16L6.89,9.69V8.66L8.2,8.13M8.2,10.13V11.15L6.89,11.68V10.65L8.2,10.13M8.2,14.15V15.18L6.89,15.7V14.67L8.2,14.15M8.2,16.1V17.12L6.89,17.64V16.63L8.2,16.1M10.34,5.85V7.32L8.61,8V6.56L10.34,5.85M10.34,11.87V13.33L8.61,14.03V12.56L10.34,11.87M10.34,17.84V19.3L8.61,20V18.54L10.34,17.84M10.26,8.05V9.28L8.78,9.87V8.64L10.26,8.05M10.26,9.97V11.2L8.78,11.78V10.56L10.26,9.97M10.26,14.06V15.31L8.78,15.88V14.65L10.26,14.06M10.26,16V17.25L8.78,17.84V16.6L10.26,16M12.45,5.12V7.12L10.59,7.89V6C11.23,5.65 11.85,5.35 12.45,5.12M12.45,7.33V9.06L10.59,9.84V8.1L12.45,7.33M12.45,9.28V11.04L10.59,11.82V10.06L12.45,9.28M12.45,11.25V13L10.59,13.77V12L12.45,11.25M12.45,13.21V15L10.59,15.78V14L12.45,13.21M12.45,15.21V16.96L10.59,17.76V16L12.45,15.21M12.45,17.17V19.04C11.72,19.32 11.1,19.59 10.59,19.84V17.96L12.45,17.17M22.04,5.18V19.23C20.85,18.44 19.37,18.05 17.59,18.05C16.12,18.05 14.47,18.35 12.65,18.96V17.06C13.62,16.69 14.68,16.42 15.84,16.26V11.69C14.86,11.81 13.8,12.15 12.65,12.71V11.4C13.64,10.94 14.71,10.63 15.84,10.46V6C14.82,6.18 13.76,6.53 12.65,7V5.03C14.27,4.34 15.86,4 17.41,4C19.09,4 20.63,4.39 22.04,5.18M20.15,6.41C19.39,6 18.5,5.82 17.42,5.82C17.29,5.82 17.17,5.83 17.05,5.84V10.38L17.46,10.37C18.37,10.37 19.27,10.5 20.15,10.8V6.41M20.15,12.1C19.34,11.74 18.43,11.56 17.44,11.56C17.31,11.56 17.18,11.57 17.05,11.58V16.16H17.46C18.45,16.16 19.35,16.28 20.15,16.53V12.1H20.15Z",Lt1="M21.17 3.25Q21.5 3.25 21.76 3.5 22 3.74 22 4.08V19.92Q22 20.26 21.76 20.5 21.5 20.75 21.17 20.75H7.83Q7.5 20.75 7.24 20.5 7 20.26 7 19.92V17H2.83Q2.5 17 2.24 16.76 2 16.5 2 16.17V7.83Q2 7.5 2.24 7.24 2.5 7 2.83 7H7V4.08Q7 3.74 7.24 3.5 7.5 3.25 7.83 3.25M7.03 11.34L8.23 15.28H9.6L10.91 8.72H9.53L8.75 12.6L7.64 8.85H6.5L5.31 12.62L4.53 8.72H3.09L4.4 15.28H5.77M20.75 19.5V17H8.25V19.5M20.75 15.75V12.63H12V15.75M20.75 11.38V8.25H12V11.38M20.75 7V4.5H8.25V7Z",Mt1="M6.43,3.72C6.5,3.66 6.57,3.6 6.62,3.56C8.18,2.55 10,2 12,2C13.88,2 15.64,2.5 17.14,3.42C17.25,3.5 17.54,3.69 17.7,3.88C16.25,2.28 12,5.7 12,5.7C10.5,4.57 9.17,3.8 8.16,3.5C7.31,3.29 6.73,3.5 6.46,3.7M19.34,5.21C19.29,5.16 19.24,5.11 19.2,5.06C18.84,4.66 18.38,4.56 18,4.59C17.61,4.71 15.9,5.32 13.8,7.31C13.8,7.31 16.17,9.61 17.62,11.96C19.07,14.31 19.93,16.16 19.4,18.73C21,16.95 22,14.59 22,12C22,9.38 21,7 19.34,5.21M15.73,12.96C15.08,12.24 14.13,11.21 12.86,9.95C12.59,9.68 12.3,9.4 12,9.1C12,9.1 11.53,9.56 10.93,10.17C10.16,10.94 9.17,11.95 8.61,12.54C7.63,13.59 4.81,16.89 4.65,18.74C4.65,18.74 4,17.28 5.4,13.89C6.3,11.68 9,8.36 10.15,7.28C10.15,7.28 9.12,6.14 7.82,5.35L7.77,5.32C7.14,4.95 6.46,4.66 5.8,4.62C5.13,4.67 4.71,5.16 4.71,5.16C3.03,6.95 2,9.35 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C14.93,22 17.57,20.74 19.4,18.73C19.4,18.73 19.19,17.4 17.84,15.5C17.53,15.07 16.37,13.69 15.73,12.96Z",At1="M8.75,15.75C6.75,15.75 6,18 4,19C2,19 0.5,16 4.5,7.5H4.75L5.19,6.67C5.19,6.67 8,5 9.33,6.23H14.67C16,5 18.81,6.67 18.81,6.67L19.25,7.5H19.5C23.5,16 22,19 20,19C18,18 17.25,15.75 15.25,15.75H8.75M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7Z",it1="M21,19V7H15V19H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8M17,9H19V14H17V9M17,15H19V17H17V15Z",rt1="M20,5H21.67C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5M21,7H15V19H21V7M15.5,14L18.5,7.5V12H20.5L17.5,18.5V14H15.5M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",at1="M21,19V7H15V19H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",et1="M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",dt1="M21,16V7H15V16H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",mt1="M21,12V7H15V12H21M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8Z",tt1="M21.67,5C22.4,5 23,5.6 23,6.33V19.67A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 21.67,21H14.33C13.6,21 13,20.4 13,19.67V16.75H7.75C5.75,16.75 5,19 3,20C1,20 -0.5,17 3.5,8.5H3.75L4.19,7.67C4.19,7.67 7,6 8.33,7.23H13V6.33A1.33,1.33 0 0,1 14.33,5H16V3H20V5H21.67M11,8A1,1 0 0,0 10,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 11,8M18.19,8C17.32,8 16.62,8.2 16.08,8.59C15.56,9 15.3,9.57 15.31,10.36L15.32,10.39H17.25C17.26,10.09 17.35,9.86 17.53,9.7C17.71,9.55 17.93,9.47 18.19,9.47C18.5,9.47 18.76,9.57 18.94,9.75C19.12,9.94 19.2,10.2 19.2,10.5C19.2,10.82 19.13,11.09 18.97,11.32C18.83,11.55 18.62,11.75 18.36,11.91C17.85,12.25 17.5,12.55 17.31,12.82C17.11,13.08 17,13.5 17,14H19C19,13.69 19.04,13.44 19.13,13.26C19.22,13.08 19.39,12.9 19.64,12.74C20.09,12.5 20.46,12.21 20.75,11.81C21.04,11.41 21.19,11 21.19,10.5C21.19,9.74 20.92,9.13 20.38,8.68C19.85,8.23 19.12,8 18.19,8M17,15V17H19V15H17Z",vt1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H18V13H6V11M6,15H18V17H6V15Z",lt1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.5,15.75H8.75C6.75,15.75 6,18 4,19C2,19 0.5,16.04 4.42,7.69L2,5.27M9.33,6.23H14.67C16,5 18.81,6.67 18.81,6.67L19.25,7.5H19.5C23,15 22.28,18.2 20.69,18.87L7.62,5.8C8.25,5.73 8.87,5.81 9.33,6.23M12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7Z",ot1="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M6,7H15V9H8V14H6V7M9,10H18V17H9V10M11,12V15H16V12H11Z",nt1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H16V17H4V7M19,7A1,1 0 0,1 20,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,7M13,9V15H15V9H13M19,11A1,1 0 0,1 20,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,11Z",Zt1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.26 5.15C2.5 5.44 2 6.16 2 7V17C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19H17.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M4 17V7H5.11L15.11 17H4M16 7V12.8L21.5 18.31C21.81 17.95 22 17.5 22 17V7C22 5.9 21.11 5 20 5H8.2L10.2 7H16M19 7C19.55 7 20 7.45 20 8S19.55 9 19 9 18 8.55 18 8 18.45 7 19 7M19 11C19.55 11 20 11.45 20 12S19.55 13 19 13 18 12.55 18 12 18.45 11 19 11M13 9.8V9H15V11.8L13 9.8Z",St1="M23 12L19 8V11H14.82C14.4 9.84 13.3 9 12 9S9.6 9.84 9.18 11H5L2 8V16L5 13H9.18C9.6 14.16 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.16 14.82 13H19V16L23 12Z",ut1="M23 12L19 8V11H15.86C15.41 9.28 13.86 8 12 8S8.59 9.28 8.14 11H5L2 8V16L5 13H8.14C8.59 14.72 10.14 16 12 16S15.41 14.72 15.86 13H19V16L23 12M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.1 10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10S14 10.9 14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14Z",ct1="M20.15 8.26H22V15.74H20.15M13 8.26H18.43C19 8.26 19.3 8.74 19.3 9.3V14.81C19.3 15.5 19 15.74 18.38 15.74H13V11H14.87V13.91H17.5V9.95H13M10.32 8.26H12.14V15.74H10.32M2 8.26H8.55C9.1 8.26 9.41 8.74 9.41 9.3V15.74H7.59V10.15H6.5V15.74H4.87V10.15H3.83V15.74H2Z",st1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M20.18,12C20.18,8.18 17.55,4.96 14,4.07V6H10V4.07C6.45,4.96 3.82,8.18 3.82,12A8.18,8.18 0 0,0 12,20.18A8.18,8.18 0 0,0 20.18,12M7,10.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 8.36,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 7,13.36C6.25,13.36 5.64,12.75 5.64,12C5.64,11.25 6.25,10.64 7,10.64M17,10.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 18.36,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 17,13.36A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 15.64,12A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 17,10.64M8.36,14.27A1.37,1.37 0 0,1 9.73,15.64C9.73,16.39 9.12,17 8.36,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 7,15.64C7,14.88 7.61,14.27 8.36,14.27M15.64,14.27C16.39,14.27 17,14.88 17,15.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 15.64,17C14.88,17 14.27,16.39 14.27,15.64A1.37,1.37 0 0,1 15.64,14.27M12,15.64A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 13.36,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 12,18.36A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 10.64,17A1.36,1.36 0 0,1 12,15.64Z",Ot1="M23,13V11H19.93C19.75,9.58 19.19,8.23 18.31,7.1L20.5,4.93L19.07,3.5L16.9,5.69C15.77,4.81 14.42,4.25 13,4.07V1H11V4.07C9.58,4.25 8.23,4.81 7.1,5.69L4.93,3.5L3.5,4.93L5.69,7.1C4.81,8.23 4.25,9.58 4.07,11H1V13H4.07C4.25,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L3.5,19.07L4.93,20.5L7.1,18.31C8.23,19.19 9.58,19.75 11,19.93V23H13V19.93C14.42,19.75 15.77,19.19 16.9,18.31L19.07,20.5L20.5,19.07L18.31,16.9C19.19,15.77 19.75,14.42 19.93,13H23M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12H6A6,6 0 0,1 12,6V8Z",ht1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M6,6V10H10V12H8V18H10V16H14V18H16V12H14V10H18V6H14V10H10V6H6Z",pt1="M6,4A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,18V12L18,10V6A2,2 0 0,0 16,4H6M7,6H9V10H7V6M10,6H12V10H10V6M13,6H15V10H13V6Z",ft1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M12,5C15.09,5 17.82,7.04 18.7,10H16A1,1 0 0,0 15,11V13A1,1 0 0,0 16,14H18.71C17.82,16.97 15.09,19 12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",gt1="M19,13H5V11H19V13Z",kt1="M17,13H7V11H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Bt1="M19 11H9V9H19M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",Pt1="M18 11H10V9H18M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",wt1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M17,11V13H7V11H17Z",Ft1="M17,13H7V11H17M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Tt1="M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M20 13H10V11H20V13Z",bt1="M11 11V13H19V11H11M2 12C2 9.21 3.64 6.8 6 5.68V3.5C2.5 4.76 0 8.09 0 12S2.5 19.24 6 20.5V18.32C3.64 17.2 2 14.79 2 12M15 3C10.04 3 6 7.04 6 12S10.04 21 15 21 24 16.96 24 12 19.96 3 15 3M15 19C11.14 19 8 15.86 8 12S11.14 5 15 5 22 8.14 22 12 18.86 19 15 19Z",yt1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M7 13V11H9.1L11.1 13H7M14.2 11L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L16.2 13H17V11H14.2Z",Rt1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.3 22 16.4 21.2 18 19.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M12 20C7.6 20 4 16.4 4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L9.1 11H7V13H11.1L16.6 18.5C15.3 19.4 13.7 20 12 20M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.9 21.4 15.7 20.5 17.3L19 15.8C19.6 14.7 20 13.4 20 12C20 7.6 16.4 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.3 4.4 8.2 5M16.2 13L14.2 11H17V13H16.2Z",xt1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M7,13H17V11H7",Dt1="M16,11V9H8V11H16M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",Et1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15,11V9H9V11H15",Nt1="M20 14H4V10H20",Wt1="M12 1C16.69 1 20.5 5.93 20.5 12C20.5 18.08 16.69 23 12 23C7.31 23 3.5 18.08 3.5 12C3.5 5.93 7.31 1 12 1M12 3C8.41 3 5.5 7.03 5.5 12C5.5 16.97 8.41 21 12 21C15.59 21 18.5 16.97 18.5 12C18.5 7.03 15.59 3 12 3M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61Z",It1="M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61M18 3V21H6V3H18M20 1H4V23H20V1Z",Gt1="M8.29 10.28L11.53 7.03L12.59 8.09L9.35 11.34L8.29 10.28M8.7 14.61L14.36 8.95L15.42 10L9.76 15.67L8.7 14.61M14.17 3L18 6.83V17.17L14.17 21H9.83L6 17.17V6.83L9.83 3H14.17M15 1H9L4 6V18L9 23H15L20 18V6L15 1Z",Qt1="M15,10V7H7V10H15M18,7C18.28,7 18.5,7.09 18.7,7.29C18.89,7.5 19,7.73 19,8V10.78C19,10.97 18.97,11.11 18.94,11.2L18.14,15.19C18,15.72 17.7,16 17.2,16H6.8C6.27,16 5.95,15.72 5.86,15.19L5.06,11.2C5.03,11.11 5,10.97 5,10.78V5C5,4.5 5.21,4 5.6,3.61C6,3.2 6.45,3 7,3H15C15.53,3 16,3.2 16.41,3.61C16.81,4 17,4.5 17,5V8C17,7.73 17.11,7.5 17.3,7.29C17.5,7.09 17.72,7 18,7M7,20V17H17V20C17,20.3 16.91,20.53 16.71,20.72C16.5,20.91 16.27,21 16,21H8C7.73,21 7.5,20.91 7.29,20.72C7.09,20.53 7,20.3 7,20Z",Ut1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M8.25,15H9.75L10.75,11.57V15H12.25V9H10L9,12.43L8,9H5.75V15H7.25V11.57L8.25,15M13.5,9V15H15V13H16.15L17,15H18.5L17.6,12.9C18.1,12.65 18.5,12.1 18.5,11.5V10.5C18.5,9.65 17.85,9 17,9H13.5M15,10.5H17V11.5H15V10.5Z",zt1="M7.27,10L9,7H14.42L15.58,5L15.5,4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,4.5C18.5,5.21 18,5.81 17.33,5.96L16.37,7.63L17.73,10L18.59,8.5L18.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21.5,8C21.5,8.71 21,9.3 20.35,9.46L18.89,12L20.62,15C21.39,15.07 22,15.71 22,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,16.5V16.24L17.73,14L16.37,16.37L17.33,18.04C18,18.19 18.5,18.79 18.5,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,19.5L15.58,19L14.42,17H10.58L9.42,19L9.5,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,19.5C6.5,18.79 7,18.19 7.67,18.04L8.63,16.37L4.38,9C3.61,8.93 3,8.29 3,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,7.5C6,7.59 6,7.68 6,7.76L7.27,10M10.15,9L8.42,12L10.15,15H14.85L16.58,12L14.85,9H10.15Z",_t1="M8 7C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V15C6 16.11 6.9 17 8 17H11V15H8V9H11V7H8M14 7C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7H14M14 9H16V15H14V9",Kt1="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 5,17H8V15H5V9H8V7H5M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M16,10.5V12H19V13.5H17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,15V18H20.5V16.5H17.5V15H19A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,13.5V12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,10.5H16Z",jt1="M21,16H3V4H21M21,2H3C1.89,2 1,2.89 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4C23,2.89 22.1,2 21,2Z",qt1="M21 2C22.05 2 22.92 2.81 23 3.85L23 4V16C23 17.05 22.18 17.92 21.15 18L21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.95 18 1.08 17.18 1 16.15L1 16V4C1 2.94 1.81 2.08 2.85 2L3 2H21M21 4H3V16H21V4M12 11C14.21 11 16 11.9 16 13V14H8V13C8 11.9 9.79 11 12 11M12 6C13.11 6 14 6.9 14 8S13.11 10 12 10 10 9.11 10 8 10.9 6 12 6Z",$t1="M21 16H3V4H21M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.1 18 23 17.1 23 16V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M16 10H13V6H11V10H8L12 14L16 10",Xt1="M17 14L22 9L20.6 7.6L18 10.2V3H16V10.2L13.4 7.6L12 9L17 14M23 14V16C23 17.1 22.1 18 21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.9 18 1 17.1 1 16V4C1 2.9 1.9 2 3 2H12V4H3V16H21V14H23Z",Yt1="M23,11H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V21A1,1 0 0,0 18,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V12A1,1 0 0,0 23,11M23,20H18V13H23V20M20,2H2C0.89,2 0,2.89 0,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H9V20H7V22H15V20H13V18H15V16H2V4H20V9H22V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2Z",Jt1="M23,11H18A1,1 0 0,0 17,12V21A1,1 0 0,0 18,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V12A1,1 0 0,0 23,11M23,20H18V13H23V20M20,2H2C0.89,2 0,2.89 0,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 2,18H9V20H7V22H15V20H13V18H15V16H2V4H20V9H22V4C22,2.89 21.1,2 20,2M11.97,9L11,6L10.03,9H7L9.47,10.76L8.53,13.67L11,11.87L13.47,13.67L12.53,10.76L15,9H11.97Z",Cv1="M21,16V4H3V16H21M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.89,18 1,17.1 1,16V4C1,2.89 1.89,2 3,2H21M5,6H14V11H5V6M15,6H19V8H15V6M19,9V14H15V9H19M5,12H9V14H5V12M10,12H14V14H10V12Z",Hv1="M21 2H3C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.11 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V4C23 2.9 22.11 2 21 2M21 16H3V4H21V16M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",Vv1="M3 4V16H21V4H3M3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.89 23 4V16C23 16.53 22.79 17.04 22.41 17.41C22.04 17.79 21.53 18 21 18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C2.47 18 1.96 17.79 1.59 17.41C1.21 17.04 1 16.53 1 16V4C1 2.89 1.89 2 3 2M10.84 8.93C11.15 8.63 11.57 8.45 12 8.45C12.43 8.46 12.85 8.63 13.16 8.94C13.46 9.24 13.64 9.66 13.64 10.09C13.64 10.53 13.46 10.94 13.16 11.25C12.85 11.56 12.43 11.73 12 11.73C11.57 11.73 11.15 11.55 10.84 11.25C10.54 10.94 10.36 10.53 10.36 10.09C10.36 9.66 10.54 9.24 10.84 8.93M10.07 12C10.58 12.53 11.28 12.82 12 12.82C12.72 12.82 13.42 12.53 13.93 12C14.44 11.5 14.73 10.81 14.73 10.09C14.73 9.37 14.44 8.67 13.93 8.16C13.42 7.65 12.72 7.36 12 7.36C11.28 7.36 10.58 7.65 10.07 8.16C9.56 8.67 9.27 9.37 9.27 10.09C9.27 10.81 9.56 11.5 10.07 12M6 10.09C6.94 7.7 9.27 6 12 6C14.73 6 17.06 7.7 18 10.09C17.06 12.5 14.73 14.18 12 14.18C9.27 14.18 6.94 12.5 6 10.09Z",Lv1="M20.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 23,15.5V16A1,1 0 0,1 24,17V21A1,1 0 0,1 23,22H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,21V17A1,1 0 0,1 18,16V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 20.5,13M20.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,15.5V16H22V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,14M20,4H2V16H15V18H13V20H15V22H7V20H9V18H2C0.89,18 0,17.1 0,16V4C0,2.89 0.89,2 2,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V11.53C21.41,11.19 20.73,11 20,11V4Z",Mv1="M22,17V7H6V17H22M22,5A2,2 0 0,1 24,7V17C24,18.11 23.1,19 22,19H16V21H18V23H10V21H12V19H6C4.89,19 4,18.11 4,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 6,5H22M2,3V15H0V3A2,2 0 0,1 2,1H20V3H2Z",Av1="M14,18V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,16V4L0,3L1.41,1.58L22.16,22.34L20.75,23.75L15,18H14M3,16H13L3,6V16M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H20.66L18.66,16H21V4H6.66L4.66,2H21Z",iv1="M9,6H5V10H7V8H9M19,10H17V12H15V14H19M21,16H3V4H21M21,2H3C1.89,2 1,2.89 1,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4C23,2.89 22.1,2 21,2",rv1="M23 4V16C23 17.11 22.11 18 21 18H15V16H21V4H3V16H9V18H3C1.9 18 1 17.11 1 16V4C1 2.89 1.89 2 3 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.89 23 4M13 13H16L12 9L8 13H11V20H8V22H16V20H13V13Z",av1="M21 16H3V4H21M21 2H3C1.89 2 1 2.89 1 4V16C1 17.11 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21C22.11 18 23 17.11 23 16V4C23 2.89 22.1 2 21 2M15 5.5L14.38 6.87L13 7.5L14.38 8.13L15 9.5L15.63 8.13L17 7.5L15.63 6.87L15 5.5M10.5 7.5L9.41 9.91L7 11L9.41 12.09L10.5 14.5L11.6 12.09L14 11L11.6 9.91L10.5 7.5",ev1="M19 2H5C3.89 2 3 2.89 3 4V16C3 17.11 3.9 18 5 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H19C20.11 18 21 17.11 21 16V4C21 2.89 20.1 2 19 2M19 16H5V4H19V16Z",dv1="M3 2C1.9 2 1 2.9 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H12V16H3V4H21V7H23V4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2H3M21 9H16C14.9 9 14 9.9 14 11V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 10.5C19.3 10.5 20 11.2 20 12S19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5 17 12.8 17 12 17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5C15.5 15.9 16.8 14.5 18.4 14.5H18.5C20.2 14.5 21.5 15.8 21.5 17.5S20.2 20.5 18.5 20.5M18.5 16C17.7 16 17 16.7 17 17.5S17.7 19 18.5 19 20 18.3 20 17.5 19.3 16 18.5 16Z",mv1="M2.4 1.7L1.1 3L1.2 3.1C1.1 3.4 1 3.7 1 4V16C1 17.1 1.9 18 3 18H10V20H8V22H12V16H3V4.9L14 15.9V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H20.1L20.8 22.7C20.8 22.7 22 21.7 22.2 21.5L2.4 1.7M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5V17.4L18.6 20.5H18.5M23 4V7H21V4H7.2L5.2 2H21C22.1 2 23 2.9 23 4M21 9H16C15 9 14.1 9.8 14 10.8L17.8 14.6C18 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.5 14.5H18.6C20.3 14.5 21.6 15.8 21.6 17.5C21.6 17.7 21.6 18 21.5 18.2L23.1 19.8V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 13.5C17.7 13.5 17 12.8 17 12S17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5 20 11.2 20 12 19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5Z",tv1="M21,16V4H3V16H21M21,2A2,2 0 0,1 23,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H14V20H16V22H8V20H10V18H3C1.89,18 1,17.1 1,16V4C1,2.89 1.89,2 3,2H21M12.97,9H16L13.53,10.76L14.47,13.67L12,11.87L9.53,13.67L10.47,10.76L8,9H11.03L12,6L12.97,9Z",vv1="M16 2H8C6.89 2 6 2.89 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H16C17.11 18 18 17.11 18 16V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2M16 16H8V4H16V16Z",lv1="M12 2V22A10 10 0 0 0 12 2Z",ov1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 1 2 12A10 10 0 0 1 12 2Z",nv1="M12 2A10 10 0 0 0 12 22Z",Zv1="M12 20A8 8 0 1 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2Z",Sv1="M2 12A10 10 0 0 0 15 21.54A10 10 0 0 1 15 2.46A10 10 0 0 0 2 12Z",uv1="M18 12C18 7.5 16.08 3.26 12 2A10 10 0 0 0 12 22C16.08 20.74 18 16.5 18 12Z",cv1="M12 2A9.91 9.91 0 0 0 9 2.46A10 10 0 0 1 9 21.54A10 10 0 1 0 12 2Z",sv1="M6 12C6 7.5 7.93 3.26 12 2A10 10 0 0 1 12 22C7.93 20.74 6 16.5 6 12Z",Ov1="M19 15C19.55 15 20 15.45 20 16C20 16.55 19.55 17 19 17S18 16.55 18 16C18 15.45 18.45 15 19 15M19 13C17.34 13 16 14.34 16 16S17.34 19 19 19 22 17.66 22 16 20.66 13 19 13M10 6H5V8H10V6M17 5H14V7H17V9.65L13.5 14H10V9H6C3.79 9 2 10.79 2 13V16H4C4 17.66 5.34 19 7 19S10 17.66 10 16H14.5L19 10.35V7C19 5.9 18.11 5 17 5M7 17C6.45 17 6 16.55 6 16H8C8 16.55 7.55 17 7 17Z",hv1="M19 5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H14V5H17V7.65L13.5 12H10V7H6C3.79 7 2 8.79 2 11V14H4C4 15.66 5.34 17 7 17S10 15.66 10 14H14.5L19 8.35V5M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14H8C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M5 4H10V6H5V4M19 11C17.34 11 16 12.34 16 14S17.34 17 19 17 22 15.66 22 14 20.66 11 19 11M19 15C18.45 15 18 14.55 18 14S18.45 13 19 13 20 13.45 20 14 19.55 15 19 15M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",pv1="M19 5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H14V5H17V7.65L13.5 12H10V7H6C3.79 7 2 8.79 2 11V14H4C4 15.66 5.34 17 7 17S10 15.66 10 14H14.5L19 8.35V5M4 12V11C4 9.9 4.9 9 6 9H8V12H4M7 15C6.45 15 6 14.55 6 14H8C8 14.55 7.55 15 7 15M5 4H10V6H5V4M19 11C17.34 11 16 12.34 16 14S17.34 17 19 17 22 15.66 22 14 20.66 11 19 11M19 15C18.45 15 18 14.55 18 14S18.45 13 19 13 20 13.45 20 14 19.55 15 19 15M7 20H11V18L17 21H13V23L7 20Z",fv1="M19 7C19 5.9 18.11 5 17 5H14V7H17V9.65L13.5 14H10V9H6C3.79 9 2 10.79 2 13V16H4C4 17.66 5.34 19 7 19S10 17.66 10 16H14.5L19 10.35V7M7 17C6.45 17 6 16.55 6 16H8C8 16.55 7.55 17 7 17M8 14H4V13C4 11.9 4.9 11 6 11H8V14M19 13C17.34 13 16 14.34 16 16S17.34 19 19 19 22 17.66 22 16 20.66 13 19 13M19 17C18.45 17 18 16.55 18 16S18.45 15 19 15 20 15.45 20 16 19.55 17 19 17M10 8H5V6H10V8Z",gv1="M19,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,13.5M14,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,13.5M9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,13.5M22,3H7C6.31,3 5.77,3.35 5.41,3.88L0,12L5.41,20.11C5.77,20.64 6.37,21 7.06,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5C24,3.89 23.1,3 22,3Z",kv1="M21 7L19 13L21 19V21H3V19L5 13L3 7V5H15.7L17.2 1L19.5 1.8L18.3 5H21V7Z",Bv1="M16,14H13V17H11V14H8V12H11V9H13V12H16M21,5H18.35L19.5,1.85L17.15,1L15.69,5H3V7L5,13L3,19V21H21V19L19,13L21,7V5Z",Pv1="M7 8H17C17.3 8 17.6 8.1 17.8 8.1C17.9 7.8 18 7.4 18 7.1C18 5.8 17.4 4.6 16.3 3.9L12 1L7.7 3.8C6.7 4.6 6 5.8 6 7.1C6 7.5 6.1 7.8 6.2 8.1C6.4 8.1 6.7 8 7 8M24 7C24 5.9 22 4 22 4S20 5.9 20 7C20 7.7 20.4 8.4 21 8.7V13H19V11C19 9.9 18.1 9 17 9H7C5.9 9 5 9.9 5 11V13H3V8.7C3.6 8.4 4 7.7 4 7C4 5.9 2 4 2 4S0 5.9 0 7C0 7.7 .4 8.4 1 8.7V21H10V17C10 15.9 10.9 15 12 15S14 15.9 14 17V21H23V8.7C23.6 8.4 24 7.7 24 7Z",wv1="M24 7C24 5.9 22 4 22 4S20 5.9 20 7C20 7.7 20.4 8.4 21 8.7V13H19V11C19 10.1 18.3 9.3 17.5 9.1C17.8 8.5 18 7.9 18 7.1C18 5.8 17.4 4.6 16.3 3.9L12 1L7.7 3.8C6.7 4.6 6 5.8 6 7.1C6 7.8 6.2 8.5 6.6 9.1C5.7 9.3 5 10.1 5 11V13H3V8.7C3.6 8.4 4 7.7 4 7C4 5.9 2 4 2 4S0 5.9 0 7C0 7.7 .4 8.4 1 8.7V21H11V17C11 16.5 11.4 16 12 16S13 16.5 13 17V21H23V8.7C23.6 8.4 24 7.7 24 7M8.9 5.5L12 3.4L15.1 5.5C15.7 5.9 16 6.4 16 7.1C16 8.1 15.1 9 14.1 9H9.9C8.9 9 8 8.1 8 7.1C8 6.4 8.3 5.9 8.9 5.5M21 19H15V17C15 15.4 13.6 14 12 14S9 15.4 9 17V19H3V15H7V11H17V15H21V19Z",Fv1="M12 2C13.66 2 15 3.34 15 5S13.66 8 12 8 9 6.66 9 5 10.34 2 12 2M20 18L18 12.56C17.65 11.57 17.34 10.71 16 10C14.63 9.3 13.63 9 12 9C10.39 9 9.39 9.3 8 10C6.68 10.71 6.37 11.57 6 12.56L4 18C3.77 19.13 6.38 20.44 8.13 21.19C9.34 21.72 10.64 22 12 22C13.38 22 14.67 21.72 15.89 21.19C17.64 20.44 20.25 19.13 20 18M15.42 17.5L12 21L8.58 17.5C8.22 17.12 8 16.61 8 16.05C8 14.92 8.9 14 10 14C10.55 14 11.06 14.23 11.42 14.61L12 15.2L12.58 14.6C12.94 14.23 13.45 14 14 14C15.11 14 16 14.92 16 16.05C16 16.61 15.78 17.13 15.42 17.5Z",Tv1="M12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,8A3,3 0 0,1 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2M20,18L18,12.56C17.65,11.57 17.34,10.71 16,10C14.62,9.3 13.62,9 12,9C10.37,9 9.38,9.3 8,10C6.66,10.71 6.35,11.57 6,12.56L4,18C3.68,19.35 6.36,20.44 8.11,21.19V19C8.11,18.05 8.97,17.38 10.69,16.97C10.85,16.93 11,16.91 11.12,16.89C10.58,16.07 10.36,15.34 10.34,15.28L12.11,14.68C12.12,14.7 12.63,16.27 13.84,17.06C14.05,17.13 14.26,17.21 14.46,17.3C15.23,17.64 15.69,18.08 15.84,18.61C14.5,19.14 13.22,19.41 12,19.41L11,19.31V21.94L12,22C13.37,22 14.67,21.72 15.89,21.19C17.64,20.44 20.25,19.13 20,18M15.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15.5,17Z",bv1="M7 13H3C2.45 13 2 12.55 2 12S2.45 11 3 11H7C7.55 11 8 11.45 8 12S7.55 13 7 13M6 8C6 7.45 5.55 7 5 7H4C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8S3.45 9 4 9H5C5.55 9 6 8.55 6 8M22 12C22 14.76 19.76 17 17 17H4C3.45 17 3 16.55 3 16S3.45 15 4 15H13C12.58 14.42 12.25 13.74 12.1 13H10C9.45 13 9 12.55 9 12S9.45 11 10 11H12.1C12.25 10.26 12.58 9.58 13 9H8C7.45 9 7 8.55 7 8S7.45 7 8 7H17C19.76 7 22 9.24 22 12Z",yv1="M7 13H3C2.45 13 2 12.55 2 12S2.45 11 3 11H7C7.55 11 8 11.45 8 12S7.55 13 7 13M6 8C6 7.45 5.55 7 5 7H4C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8S3.45 9 4 9H5C5.55 9 6 8.55 6 8M22 12C22 14.76 19.76 17 17 17H4C3.45 17 3 16.55 3 16S3.45 15 4 15H13C12.58 14.42 12.25 13.74 12.1 13H10C9.45 13 9 12.55 9 12S9.45 11 10 11H12.1C12.25 10.26 12.58 9.58 13 9H8C7.45 9 7 8.55 7 8S7.45 7 8 7H17C19.76 7 22 9.24 22 12M20 12C20 10.35 18.65 9 17 9S14 10.35 14 12C14 13.65 15.35 15 17 15S20 13.65 20 12Z",Rv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97M18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C8.67 6 6 8.67 6 12C6 15.33 8.67 18 12 18C15.33 18 18 15.33 18 12M11 9V15H9V9M15 9V15H13V9",xv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7M9 9H11V15H9M13 9H15V15H13",Dv1="M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97M18 12C18 8.67 15.33 6 12 6C8.67 6 6 8.67 6 12C6 15.33 8.67 18 12 18C15.33 18 18 15.33 18 12M15 12L10 15V9",Ev1="M10 16.5L16 12L10 7.5M22 12C22 6.46 17.54 2 12 2C10.83 2 9.7 2.19 8.62 2.56L9.32 4.5C10.17 4.16 11.06 3.97 12 3.97C16.41 3.97 20.03 7.59 20.03 12C20.03 16.41 16.41 20.03 12 20.03C7.59 20.03 3.97 16.41 3.97 12C3.97 11.06 4.16 10.12 4.5 9.28L2.56 8.62C2.19 9.7 2 10.83 2 12C2 17.54 6.46 22 12 22C17.54 22 22 17.54 22 12M5.47 3.97C6.32 3.97 7 4.68 7 5.47C7 6.32 6.32 7 5.47 7C4.68 7 3.97 6.32 3.97 5.47C3.97 4.68 4.68 3.97 5.47 3.97Z",Nv1="M10,0.2C9,0.2 8.2,1 8.2,2C8.2,3 9,3.8 10,3.8C11,3.8 11.8,3 11.8,2C11.8,1 11,0.2 10,0.2M15.67,1A7.33,7.33 0 0,0 23,8.33V7A6,6 0 0,1 17,1H15.67M18.33,1C18.33,3.58 20.42,5.67 23,5.67V4.33C21.16,4.33 19.67,2.84 19.67,1H18.33M21,1A2,2 0 0,0 23,3V1H21M7.92,4.03C7.75,4.03 7.58,4.06 7.42,4.11L2,5.8V11H3.8V7.33L5.91,6.67L2,22H3.8L6.67,13.89L9,17V22H10.8V15.59L8.31,11.05L9.04,8.18L10.12,10H15V8.2H11.38L9.38,4.87C9.08,4.37 8.54,4.03 7.92,4.03Z",Wv1="M11.4 8.2H15V10H13.2L11.4 8.2M19.67 1H18.33C18.33 3.58 20.42 5.67 23 5.67V4.33C21.16 4.33 19.67 2.84 19.67 1M21 1C21 2.11 21.9 3 23 3V1H21M17 1H15.67C15.67 5.05 18.95 8.33 23 8.33V7C19.69 7 17 4.31 17 1M10 3.8C11 3.8 11.8 3 11.8 2S11 .2 10 .2 8.2 1 8.2 2 9 3.8 10 3.8M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.46 5.35L2 5.8V11H3.8V7.33L5.05 6.94L5.68 7.57L2 22H3.8L6.67 13.89L9 17V22H10.8V15.59L8.31 11.05L8.5 10.37L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M9.38 4.87C9.08 4.37 8.54 4.03 7.92 4.03C7.75 4.03 7.58 4.06 7.42 4.11L7.34 4.14L11.35 8.15L9.38 4.87Z",Iv1="M17.42,10L13.41,6H9V8H12.59L14.59,10H6.5C4,10 2,12 2,14.5C2,17 4,19 6.5,19C8.72,19 10.56,17.38 10.92,15.27L13.04,14C13,14.17 13,14.33 13,14.5C13,17 15,19 17.5,19C20,19 22,17 22,14.5C22,12 20,10 17.5,10M8.84,15.26C8.5,16.27 7.58,17 6.47,17C5.09,17 3.97,15.88 3.97,14.5C3.97,13.12 5.09,12 6.47,12C7.59,12 8.5,12.74 8.84,13.75H6V15.25L8.84,15.26M17.47,17C16.09,17 14.97,15.88 14.97,14.5C14.97,13.12 16.09,12 17.47,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 19.97,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.47,17Z",Gv1="M17.42 8L13.41 4H9V6H12.59L14.59 8H6.5C4 8 2 10 2 12.5S4 17 6.5 17C8.72 17 10.56 15.38 10.92 13.27L13.04 12C13 12.17 13 12.33 13 12.5C13 15 15 17 17.5 17S22 15 22 12.5 20 8 17.5 8M8.84 13.26C8.5 14.27 7.58 15 6.47 15C5.09 15 3.97 13.88 3.97 12.5S5.09 10 6.47 10C7.59 10 8.5 10.74 8.84 11.75H6V13.25L8.84 13.26M17.47 15C16.09 15 14.97 13.88 14.97 12.5S16.09 10 17.47 10C18.85 10 19.97 11.12 19.97 12.5S18.85 15 17.47 15M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",Qv1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.1 10H6.5C4 10 2 12 2 14.5S4 19 6.5 19C8.7 19 10.6 17.4 10.9 15.3L12.4 14.4L13 15C13.2 17.1 14.9 18.8 17 19L20.8 22.8L22.1 21.5M8.8 15.3C8.5 16.3 7.5 17 6.4 17C5.1 17 4 15.9 4 14.5S5.1 12 6.5 12C7.6 12 8.5 12.7 8.9 13.8H6V15.3H8.8M11.2 8L9.2 6H13.4L17.4 10H17.5C20 10 22 12 22 14.5C22 15.7 21.5 16.8 20.8 17.6L19.4 16.2C19.8 15.8 20 15.2 20 14.6C20 13.2 18.9 12.1 17.5 12.1C16.9 12.1 16.3 12.3 15.9 12.7L13.2 10H14.6L12.6 8H11.2Z",Uv1="M11,1.07C7.05,1.56 4,4.92 4,9H11M4,15A8,8 0 0,0 12,23A8,8 0 0,0 20,15V11H4M13,1.07V9H20C20,4.92 16.94,1.56 13,1.07Z",zv1="M20,7H20.5L23.35,9.85L21.21,12L23.35,14.14L20.5,17H20V13.21L17.71,15.5L17,14.79L19.79,12L17,9.21L17.71,8.5L20,10.79V7M21,8.91V10.79L21.94,9.85L21,8.91M21,13.21V15.08L21.94,14.14L21,13.21M15,9V10H9V2.07C12.39,2.56 15,5.47 15,9M1,10V9C1,5.47 3.61,2.56 7,2.07V10H1M15,15A7,7 0 0,1 8,22A7,7 0 0,1 1,15V12H15V15Z",_v1="M13 9V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M6.34 20.66C4.84 19.16 4 17.12 4 15V11H20V15C20 17.12 19.16 19.16 17.66 20.66C16.16 22.16 14.12 23 12 23C9.88 23 7.84 22.16 6.34 20.66M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34Z",Kv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15M11 9V1.07C7.06 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11Z",jv1="M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9M20 7H18V13H15L19 17L23 13H20V7M9 3.09V9H14C14 6.04 11.83 3.57 9 3.09M2 15C2 18.3 4.7 21 8 21S14 18.3 14 15V11H2V15Z",qv1="M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9M18 17H20V11H23L19 7L15 11H18V17M9 3.09V9H14C14 6.04 11.83 3.57 9 3.09M2 15C2 18.3 4.7 21 8 21S14 18.3 14 15V11H2V15Z",$v1="M20 6H23L19 2L15 6H18V18H15L19 22L23 18H20V6M9 3.09C11.83 3.57 14 6.04 14 9H9V3.09M14 11V15C14 18.3 11.3 21 8 21S2 18.3 2 15V11H14M7 9H2C2 6.04 4.17 3.57 7 3.09V9Z",Xv1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.5,20.79C16.08,22.16 14.14,23 12,23A8,8 0 0,1 4,15V11H7.73L5.73,9H4C4,8.46 4.05,7.93 4.15,7.42L2,5.27M11,1.07V9H10.82L5.79,3.96C7.05,2.4 8.9,1.33 11,1.07M20,11V15C20,15.95 19.83,16.86 19.53,17.71L12.82,11H20M13,1.07C16.94,1.56 20,4.92 20,9H13V1.07Z",Yv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15Z",Jv1="M13 9V1.07C13.7 1.16 14.37 1.33 15 1.59C17.33 2.53 19.11 4.53 19.75 7C19.91 7.64 20 8.31 20 9H13M17.66 7C17.18 5.65 16.23 4.5 15 3.81V7H17.66M11 9V1.07C7.06 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11M6.34 20.66C4.84 19.16 4 17.12 4 15V11H20V15C20 17.12 19.16 19.16 17.66 20.66C16.16 22.16 14.12 23 12 23C9.88 23 7.84 22.16 6.34 20.66Z",Cl1="M13 9V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M11 9V1.07C10.3 1.16 9.63 1.33 9 1.59C6.67 2.53 4.89 4.53 4.25 7C4.09 7.64 4 8.31 4 9H11M6.34 7C6.82 5.65 7.78 4.5 9 3.81V7H6.34M6 15V13H18V15C18 16.59 17.37 18.12 16.24 19.24C15.12 20.37 13.59 21 12 21C10.41 21 8.88 20.37 7.76 19.24C6.63 18.12 6 16.59 6 15M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15Z",Hl1="M11 1.07C7.05 1.56 4 4.92 4 9H11V7.73C10.4 7.39 10 6.74 10 6V4C10 3.26 10.4 2.61 11 2.27V1.07M13 9V7.73C13.6 7.39 14 6.74 14 6V4C14 3.26 13.6 2.61 13 2.27V1.07C16.94 1.56 20 4.92 20 9H13M4 15C4 17.12 4.84 19.16 6.34 20.66C7.84 22.16 9.88 23 12 23C14.12 23 16.16 22.16 17.66 20.66C19.16 19.16 20 17.12 20 15V11H4V15M13 6V4C13 3.45 12.55 3 12 3C11.45 3 11 3.45 11 4V6C11 6.55 11.45 7 12 7C12.55 7 13 6.55 13 6Z",Vl1="M14,7H10V2.1C12.28,2.56 14,4.58 14,7M4,7C4,4.58 5.72,2.56 8,2.1V7H4M14,12C14,14.42 12.28,16.44 10,16.9V18A3,3 0 0,0 13,21A3,3 0 0,0 16,18V13A4,4 0 0,1 20,9H22L21,10L22,11H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,13H18V18A5,5 0 0,1 13,23A5,5 0 0,1 8,18V16.9C5.72,16.44 4,14.42 4,12V9H14V12Z",Ll1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.29,20.56C16.42,22 14.82,23 13,23A5,5 0 0,1 8,18V16.9C5.72,16.44 4,14.42 4,12V9H5.73L2,5.27M14,7H10V2.1C12.28,2.56 14,4.58 14,7M8,2.1V6.18L5.38,3.55C6.07,2.83 7,2.31 8,2.1M14,12V12.17L10.82,9H14V12M10,16.9V18A3,3 0 0,0 13,21C14.28,21 15.37,20.2 15.8,19.07L12.4,15.67C11.74,16.28 10.92,16.71 10,16.9M16,13A4,4 0 0,1 20,9H22L21,10L22,11H20A2,2 0 0,0 18,13V16.18L16,14.18V13Z",Ml1="M9,1V2H10V5H9V6H12V5H11V2H12V1M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V21C7,22.11 7.89,23 9,23H21C22.11,23 23,22.11 23,21V9C23,7.89 22.11,7 21,7M1,9V12H2V11H5V12H6V9H5V10H2V9M9,9H21V21H9M14,10V11H15V16H11V15H10V18H11V17H15V19H14V20H17V19H16V17H19V18H20V15H19V16H16V11H17V10",Al1="M1.88,0.46L0.46,1.88L5.59,7H2V9H9V2H7V5.59M11,7V9H21V15H23V9A2,2 0 0,0 21,7M7,11V21A2,2 0 0,0 9,23H15V21H9V11M15.88,14.46L14.46,15.88L19.6,21H17V23H23V17H21V19.59",il1="M18,4L20,8H17L15,4H13L15,8H12L10,4H8L10,8H7L5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V4H18Z",rl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",al1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",el1="M12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V12.68C21.09 12.25 20.08 12 19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",dl1="M12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V12.68C21.38 12.39 20.71 12.18 20 12.08V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H12.08C12.03 18.33 12 18.66 12 19M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 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2.18L16.91 2.96L19.65 6.5L21.62 6.1M19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.91 1.4 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",xl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.9 1.39 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M4 20V12H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H4M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Dl1="M14.75 5.46L12 1.93L13.97 1.54L16.71 5.07L14.75 5.46M21.62 4.1L20.84 .18L16.91 .96L19.65 4.5L21.62 4.1M11.81 6.05L9.07 2.5L7.1 2.91L9.85 6.44L11.81 6.05M2 8V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V8H2M4.16 3.5L3.18 3.69C2.1 3.91 1.4 4.96 1.61 6.04L2 8L6.9 7.03L4.16 3.5M11 24H13V22H11V24M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",El1="M19.65 4.5L16.91 .96L20.84 .18L21.62 4.1L19.65 4.5M16.71 5.07L13.97 1.54L12 1.93L14.75 5.46L16.71 5.07M11.81 6.05L9.07 2.5L7.1 2.91L9.85 6.44L11.81 6.05M4.16 3.5L3.18 3.69C2.1 3.9 1.39 4.96 1.61 6.04L2 8L6.9 7.03L4.16 3.5M22 8V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V8H22M20 10H4V18H20V10M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",Nl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M19 13C20.1 13 21.12 13.3 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.3 21.12 13 20.1 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.91 1.4 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Wl1="M19.65 6.5L16.91 2.96L20.84 2.18L21.62 6.1L19.65 6.5M16.71 7.07L13.97 3.54L12 3.93L14.75 7.46L16.71 7.07M4.16 5.5L3.18 5.69C2.1 5.9 1.39 6.96 1.61 8.04L2 10L6.9 9.03L4.16 5.5M11.81 8.05L9.07 4.5L7.1 4.91L9.85 8.44L11.81 8.05M4 20V12H20V13.09C20.72 13.21 21.39 13.46 22 13.81V10H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H13.81C13.46 21.39 13.22 20.72 13.09 20H4M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Il1="M5.76,10H20V18H4V6.47M22,4H18L20,8H17L15,4H13L15,8H12L10,4H8L10,8H7L5,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V4Z",Gl1="M22 4V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",Ql1="M22 4V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M17 22L22 19L17 16V22Z",Ul1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",zl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",_l1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",Kl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",jl1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,6.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,4M4.4,9.53C3.97,10.84 4.69,12.25 6,12.68C7.32,13.1 8.73,12.39 9.15,11.07C9.58,9.76 8.86,8.35 7.55,7.92C6.24,7.5 4.82,8.21 4.4,9.53M19.61,9.5C19.18,8.21 17.77,7.5 16.46,7.92C15.14,8.34 14.42,9.75 14.85,11.07C15.28,12.38 16.69,13.1 18,12.67C19.31,12.25 20.03,10.83 19.61,9.5M7.31,18.46C8.42,19.28 10,19.03 10.8,17.91C11.61,16.79 11.36,15.23 10.24,14.42C9.13,13.61 7.56,13.86 6.75,14.97C5.94,16.09 6.19,17.65 7.31,18.46M16.7,18.46C17.82,17.65 18.07,16.09 17.26,14.97C16.45,13.85 14.88,13.6 13.77,14.42C12.65,15.23 12.4,16.79 13.21,17.91C14,19.03 15.59,19.27 16.7,18.46M12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5Z",ql1="M11.03 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18L2 6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.05C20.85 11.22 18.82 10 16.5 10C12.92 10 10 12.92 10 16.5C10 17.79 10.38 19 11.03 20M23.39 22L22 23.39L18.88 20.32C18.19 20.75 17.37 21 16.5 21C14 21 12 19 12 16.5S14 12 16.5 12 21 14 21 16.5C21 17.38 20.75 18.21 20.31 18.9L23.39 22M19 16.5C19 15.12 17.88 14 16.5 14S14 15.12 14 16.5 15.12 19 16.5 19 19 17.88 19 16.5Z",$l1="M11 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.1 2 18V6C2 4.9 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13C21.5 12.2 20.8 11.5 20 11V10H5.8L4 6.5V18H10.2C10.4 18.7 10.6 19.4 11 20M20.3 18.9C20.7 18.2 21 17.4 21 16.5C21 14 19 12 16.5 12S12 14 12 16.5 14 21 16.5 21C17.4 21 18.2 20.8 18.9 20.3L22 23.4L23.4 22L20.3 18.9M16.5 19C15.1 19 14 17.9 14 16.5S15.1 14 16.5 14 19 15.1 19 16.5 17.9 19 16.5 19Z",Xl1="M22 4V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22M7 24H9V22H7V24M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24Z",Yl1="M18 4L20 8H17L15 4H13L15 8H12L10 4H8L10 8H7L5 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.11 20 22 19.11 22 18V4H18M20 18H4V6.47L5.76 10H20V18M11 22H13V24H11V22M7 22H9V24H7V22M15 22H17V24H15V22Z",Jl1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Co1="M13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4H5L7 8H10L8 4H10L12 8H15L13 4H15L17 8H20L18 4H22V13.81C21.39 13.46 20.72 13.22 20 13.09V10H5.76L4 6.47V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",Ho1="M18.5 14C17.55 14 16.69 14.38 16.06 15H9.39L5.74 3H2V5H4.26L7 14.05C6.85 14.03 6.68 14 6.5 14C4.57 14 3 15.57 3 17.5S4.57 21 6.5 21C7.89 21 9.09 20.18 9.65 19H15.35C15.91 20.18 17.11 21 18.5 21C20.43 21 22 19.43 22 17.5S20.43 14 18.5 14M6.5 19C5.67 19 5 18.33 5 17.5S5.67 16 6.5 16 8 16.67 8 17.5 7.33 19 6.5 19M18.5 19C17.67 19 17 18.33 17 17.5S17.67 16 18.5 16 20 16.67 20 17.5 19.33 19 18.5 19M10.13 14L9.53 12H12.76C13.5 12 14.21 12.43 14.55 13.11L15 14H10.13Z",Vo1="M11.95 14L10.82 12H14.76C15.5 12 16.21 12.43 16.55 13.11L17 14H11.95M23 18C23 19.66 21.66 21 20 21C18.7 21 17.6 20.16 17.18 19H11.65C11.09 20.18 9.89 21 8.5 21S5.91 20.18 5.35 19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V11C1 10.67 1.17 10.36 1.44 10.17C1.71 10 2.06 9.95 2.37 10.07L7.43 12.09L3.42 5H1V3H4.58L11.37 15H20C21.66 15 23 16.34 23 18M7.34 14.21L3 12.5V17H5.05C5.24 15.7 6.13 14.64 7.34 14.21M10 17.5C10 16.67 9.33 16 8.5 16S7 16.67 7 17.5 7.67 19 8.5 19 10 18.33 10 17.5M21 18C21 17.45 20.55 17 20 17S19 17.45 19 18 19.45 19 20 19 21 18.55 21 18Z",Lo1="M12 2H14V7H12V2M22 6.3L20.6 4.9L17 8.4L18.4 9.8C18.4 9.8 21.9 6.3 22 6.3M10.8 12L11.9 14H17L16.5 13.1C16.2 12.4 15.5 12 14.7 12H10.8M20 15H11.4L4.6 3H1V5H3.4L7.4 12.1L2.3 10.1C2.1 10 1.7 10 1.4 10.2C1.2 10.4 1 10.7 1 11V18C1 18.5 1.5 19 2 19H5.3C5.9 20.2 7.1 21 8.5 21S11.1 20.2 11.7 19H17.2C17.6 20.2 18.7 21 20 21C21.7 21 23 19.7 23 18S21.7 15 20 15M5 17H3V12.5L7.3 14.2C6.1 14.6 5.2 15.7 5 17M8.5 19C7.7 19 7 18.3 7 17.5S7.7 16 8.5 16 10 16.7 10 17.5 9.3 19 8.5 19M20 19C19.5 19 19 18.5 19 18S19.5 17 20 17 21 17.5 21 18 20.5 19 20 19Z",Mo1="M12 2H14V7H12V2M22 6.3L20.6 4.9L17 8.4L18.4 9.8C18.4 9.8 21.9 6.3 22 6.3M18.5 14C17.5 14 16.7 14.4 16.1 15H9.4L5.7 3H2V5H4.3L7 14H6.5C4.6 14 3 15.6 3 17.5S4.6 21 6.5 21C7.9 21 9.1 20.2 9.7 19H15.4C16 20.2 17.2 21 18.6 21C20.5 21 22.1 19.4 22.1 17.5S20.4 14 18.5 14M6.5 19C5.7 19 5 18.3 5 17.5S5.7 16 6.5 16 8 16.7 8 17.5 7.3 19 6.5 19M18.5 19C17.7 19 17 18.3 17 17.5S17.7 16 18.5 16 20 16.7 20 17.5 19.3 19 18.5 19M9.5 12L10.1 14H15L14.6 13.1C14.3 12.4 13.5 12 12.8 12H9.5Z",Ao1="M16,5C16,5 15,2 12,2C9,2 8,5 8,5C6,5 4,7 4,9C1.3,9 1.3,13 4,13H20C22.7,13 22.7,9 20,9C20,7 18,5 16,5M5,15L7,22H9L8,15H5M10,15L11,22H13L14,15H10M16,15L15,22H17L19,15H16Z",io1="M17 2V4H12C10.9 4 10 4.89 10 6V9H12V6H17V8L20 5L17 2M17 9V11H6.73C6.37 10.38 5.71 10 5 10C3.9 10 3 10.9 3 12S3.9 14 5 14C5.71 14 6.37 13.62 6.73 13H17V15L20 12L17 9M10 15V18C10 19.11 10.9 20 12 20H17V22L20 19L17 16V18H12V15H10Z",ro1="M9 13V5C9 3.9 9.9 3 11 3H20C21.1 3 22 3.9 22 5V11H18.57L17.29 9.26C17.23 9.17 17.11 9.17 17.05 9.26L15.06 12C15 12.06 14.88 12.07 14.82 12L13.39 10.25C13.33 10.18 13.22 10.18 13.16 10.25L11.05 12.91C10.97 13 11.04 13.15 11.16 13.15H17.5V15H11C9.89 15 9 14.11 9 13M6 22V21H4V22H2V2H4V3H6V2H8.39C7.54 2.74 7 3.8 7 5V13C7 15.21 8.79 17 11 17H15.7C14.67 17.83 14 19.08 14 20.5C14 21.03 14.11 21.53 14.28 22H6M4 7H6V5H4V7M4 11H6V9H4V11M4 15H6V13H4V15M6 19V17H4V19H6M23 13V15H21V20.5C21 21.88 19.88 23 18.5 23S16 21.88 16 20.5 17.12 18 18.5 18C18.86 18 19.19 18.07 19.5 18.21V13H23Z",ao1="M11,3H13V10.27L19.29,6.64L20.29,8.37L14,12L20.3,15.64L19.3,17.37L13,13.72V21H11V13.73L4.69,17.36L3.69,15.63L10,12L3.72,8.36L4.72,6.63L11,10.26V3Z",eo1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M11,17H13V13.73L15.83,15.36L16.83,13.63L14,12L16.83,10.36L15.83,8.63L13,10.27V7H11V10.27L8.17,8.63L7.17,10.36L10,12L7.17,13.63L8.17,15.36L11,13.73V17Z",do1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A2,2 0 0,1 20,14H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4A2,2 0 0,0 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8M17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,8A2,2 0 0,0 15,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12M7,12A2,2 0 0,0 9,10A2,2 0 0,0 7,8A2,2 0 0,0 5,10A2,2 0 0,0 7,12M15,15L16.27,19.45L16.35,20C16.35,21.1 15.45,22 14.35,22H9.65A2,2 0 0,1 7.65,20L7.73,19.45L9,15H15Z",mo1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H12.1L13.1 15H9L7.7 19.5V20C7.7 21.1 8.6 22 9.7 22H14.4C15.5 22 16.4 21.1 16.4 20L16.3 19.5L15.8 17.7L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 12C5.9 12 5 11.1 5 10C5 9.2 5.5 8.4 6.3 8.1L8.9 10.7C8.6 11.5 7.8 12 7 12M10 6C10 4.9 10.9 4 12 4S14 4.9 14 6 13.1 8 12 8C11.5 8 11.1 7.8 10.7 7.5L17.2 14H20C21.1 14 22 13.1 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.6 6.7 3.5L10.4 7.2C10.2 6.9 10 6.5 10 6M17 8C18.1 8 19 8.9 19 10S18.1 12 17 12 15 11.1 15 10 15.9 8 17 8Z",to1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.1 6C2.8 7.6 2 9.7 2 12C2 13.1 2.9 14 4 14H12.1L13.1 15H9L8 18.5L7.7 19.5C7.4 20.6 8.1 21.7 9.1 21.9L9.7 22H14.4C15.5 22 16.4 21.1 16.4 20L16.3 19.5L16 18.5L15.8 17.6L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M4 12C4 10.3 4.6 8.7 5.5 7.4L6.2 8.1C6.1 8.4 6 8.7 6 9C6 10.1 6.9 11 8 11C8.3 11 8.6 10.9 8.9 10.8L10.1 12H4M9.7 20L10 19L10.6 17H13.6L14.2 19L14.5 20H9.7M16 11C14.9 11 14 10.1 14 9S14.9 7 16 7 18 7.9 18 9 17.1 11 16 11M8.2 5L6.7 3.5C8.3 2.6 10.1 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.1 21.1 14 20 14H17.2L15.2 12H20C20 8.3 17.4 5.1 14 4.2C13.9 5.2 13 6 12 6S10.1 5.2 10 4.2C9.4 4.4 8.7 4.7 8.2 5Z",vo1="M4,12H20C20,8.27 17.44,5.13 14,4.25C13.86,5.24 13,6 12,6C11,6 10.14,5.24 10,4.25C6.56,5.13 4,8.27 4,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A2,2 0 0,1 20,14H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13.5,17H10.5L9.92,19L9.65,20H14.35L14.08,19L13.5,17M15,15L16,18.5L16.27,19.45L16.35,20C16.35,21.1 15.45,22 14.35,22H9.65L9.17,21.94C8.1,21.66 7.45,20.57 7.73,19.5L8,18.5L9,15H15M16,7A2,2 0 0,1 18,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,7M8,7A2,2 0 0,1 10,9A2,2 0 0,1 8,11A2,2 0 0,1 6,9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7Z",lo1="M21,3V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 17.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 14,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 17.5,12C18.04,12 18.55,12.12 19,12.34V6.47L9,8.6V17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,21A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,14C6.04,14 6.55,14.12 7,14.34V6L21,3Z",oo1="M15.5 9C14.8 9 14.11 9.28 13.5 9.67V5H11.5V9.62C11.04 9.24 10.39 9 9.5 9C8.8 9 8.11 9.28 7.5 9.67V5H5.5V19C8.5 17.32 10.43 15.79 11.5 14.41V19C16.36 16.26 18.5 13.91 18.5 12C18.5 10.59 17.79 9 15.5 9M7.5 15.38V12.26C8.12 11.59 8.95 11 9.5 11C10.09 11 10.5 11.07 10.5 12C10.5 12.15 10.4 13.3 7.5 15.38M13.5 15.38V12.26C14.12 11.59 14.95 11 15.5 11C16.09 11 16.5 11.07 16.5 12C16.5 12.15 16.4 13.3 13.5 15.38Z",no1="M15.41 10H17V7H14V8.59L12 10.59L10 8.59V7H7V10H8.59L10.59 12L8.59 14H7V17H10V15.41L12 13.41L14 15.41V17H17V14H15.41L13.41 12L15.41 10Z",Zo1="M8.5 19C13.36 16.26 15.5 13.91 15.5 12C15.5 10.59 14.79 9 12.5 9C11.8 9 11.11 9.28 10.5 9.67V5H8.5M10.5 15.38V12.26C11.12 11.59 11.95 11 12.5 11C13.09 11 13.5 11.07 13.5 12C13.5 12.15 13.4 13.3 10.5 15.38Z",So1="M10 8.75V3.5H8V17.5L14 15.25V20.5H16V6.5L10 8.75M14 13.25L10 14.75V10.75L14 9.25V13.25Z",uo1="M17 9.5V7.5L15 8.1V5.5H13V8.7L11 9.3V6.5H9V9.9L7 10.5V12.5L9 11.9V13.9L7 14.5V16.5L9 15.9V18.5H11V15.3L13 14.7V17.5H15V14.1L17 13.5V11.5L15 12.1V10.1L17 9.5M13 12.7L11 13.3V11.3L13 10.7V12.7Z",co1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",so1="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4M18,7H15V12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12.5,10C13.07,10 13.58,10.19 14,10.5V5H18M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2Z",Oo1="M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,16H8V4H20M12.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,12.5V7H18V5H14V10.5C13.58,10.19 13.07,10 12.5,10A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10,12.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12.5,15M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4",ho1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16V9M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",po1="M16,9V7H12V12.5C11.58,12.19 11.07,12 10.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,14.5V9H16M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",fo1="M16,9H13V14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,12C11.07,12 11.58,12.19 12,12.5V7H16V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",go1="M5 4H7V20H5M15.46 13H14.83L13.83 12L14.83 11H15.46A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 11.96 7.5H13.96A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15.46 9H14L12 11H11V4H9V20H11V13H12L14 15H15.46A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 13.96 16.5H11.96A3.5 3.5 0 1 0 15.46 13Z",ko1="M18.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18.5 5M18.5 11A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 17 12.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18.5 11M10 4A5 5 0 0 0 5 9V10A2 2 0 1 0 7.18 8A3 3 0 0 1 10 6A4 4 0 0 1 14 10C14 13.59 11.77 16.19 7 18.2L7.76 20.04C13.31 17.72 16 14.43 16 10A6 6 0 0 0 10 4Z",Bo1="M13 11V7.5L15.2 5.29C16 4.5 16.15 3.24 15.59 2.26C15.14 1.47 14.32 1 13.45 1C13.24 1 13 1.03 12.81 1.09C11.73 1.38 11 2.38 11 3.5V6.74L7.86 9.91C6.2 11.6 5.7 14.13 6.61 16.34C7.38 18.24 9.06 19.55 11 19.89V20.5C11 20.76 10.77 21 10.5 21H9V23H10.5C11.85 23 13 21.89 13 20.5V20C15.03 20 17.16 18.08 17.16 15.25C17.16 12.95 15.24 11 13 11M13 3.5C13 3.27 13.11 3.09 13.32 3.03C13.54 2.97 13.77 3.06 13.88 3.26C14 3.46 13.96 3.71 13.8 3.87L13 4.73V3.5M11 11.5C10.03 12.14 9.3 13.24 9.04 14.26L11 14.78V17.83C9.87 17.53 8.9 16.71 8.43 15.57C7.84 14.11 8.16 12.45 9.26 11.33L11 9.5V11.5M13 18V12.94C14.17 12.94 15.18 14.04 15.18 15.25C15.18 17 13.91 18 13 18Z",Po1="M12 3V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V7H18V3H12Z",wo1="M22 9.85L19.14 7H18.64V10.79L16.35 8.5L15.64 9.21L18.43 12L15.64 14.79L16.35 15.5L18.64 13.21V17H19.14L22 14.15L19.85 12L22 9.85M19.64 8.91L20.58 9.85L19.64 10.79V8.91M20.58 14.15L19.64 15.09V13.21L20.58 14.15M9.64 3V13.55C9.05 13.21 8.37 13 7.64 13C5.43 13 3.64 14.79 3.64 17S5.43 21 7.64 21 11.64 19.21 11.64 17V7H15.64V3H9.64Z",Fo1="M22 9.85L19.14 7H18.64V10.79L16.35 8.5L15.64 9.21L18.43 12L15.64 14.79L16.35 15.5L18.64 13.21V17H19.14L22 14.15L19.85 12L22 9.85M19.64 8.91L20.58 9.85L19.64 10.79V8.91M20.58 14.15L19.64 15.09V13.21L20.58 14.15M1.96 3L.687 4.27L9.69 13.27V13.55C9.1 13.21 8.42 13 7.69 13C5.5 13 3.69 14.79 3.69 17S5.5 21 7.69 21 11.69 19.21 11.69 17V15.27L17.42 21L18.69 19.73L1.96 3M11.69 7H15.69V3H9.69V8.18L11.69 10.18V7Z",To1="M12 3V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V7H18V3H12Z",bo1="M12 3V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V7H18V3M16.5 20A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 20Z",yo1="M16 3H14V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 12 13A4 4 0 1 0 16 17V3M12 19A2 2 0 1 1 14 17A2 2 0 0 1 12 19Z",Ro1="M14 3H12V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V3M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19M16.5 20A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 20Z",xo1="M14 12V14H22V12H14M9 3V13.55C8.41 13.21 7.73 13 7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17V7H15V3H9Z",Do1="M4.27 3L3 4.27L12 13.27V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V15.27L19.73 21L21 19.73L4.27 3M14 7H18V3H12V8.18L14 10.18Z",Eo1="M14 7H18V3H12V7.61L14 9.61M12 10.44L4.41 2.86L3 4.27L12 13.27V13.55A3.94 3.94 0 0 0 8.67 13.23A4 4 0 0 0 10.65 20.95A4.1 4.1 0 0 0 14 16.85V15.27L19.73 21L21.14 19.59M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19Z",No1="M12 3V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V7H18V3M10 19A2 2 0 1 1 12 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 19Z",Wo1="M17 9V12H14V14H17V17H19V14H22V12H19V9H17M9 3V13.55C8.41 13.21 7.73 13 7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17V7H15V3H9Z",Io1="M14 3V13.56C13.41 13.21 12.73 13 12 13C9.79 13 8 14.79 8 17S9.79 21 12 21 16 19.21 16 17V3H14Z",Go1="M12 13V13.56A3.96 3.96 0 0 0 10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V3H12M16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",Qo1="M18 7V3H12V13.55C11.41 13.21 10.73 13 10 13C7.79 13 6 14.79 6 17S7.79 21 10 21 14 19.21 14 17V11H18V8H14V7H18Z",Uo1="M18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 18.5M18 7V3H12V13.55A4 4 0 1 0 14 17V11H18V8H14V7Z",zo1="M12 15A2 2 0 1 1 10 17A2 2 0 0 1 12 15M12 13A4 4 0 1 0 16 17A4 4 0 0 0 12 13Z",_o1="M10 15A2 2 0 1 1 8 17A2 2 0 0 1 10 15M10 13A4 4 0 1 0 14 17A4 4 0 0 0 10 13M16.5 17A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 15 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",Ko1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L9,12.27V17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,21A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,17.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,14C6.04,14 6.55,14.12 7,14.34V10.27L2,5.27M21,3V15.5C21,16.5 20.57,17.42 19.88,18.06L14.94,13.12C15.58,12.43 16.5,12 17.5,12C18.04,12 18.55,12.12 19,12.34V6.47L10.17,8.35L7.66,5.84L21,3Z",jo1="M14 6A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 10.95 7.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 9.5 9H9.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 13.25 7.93L10 18H12L16 6Z",qo1="M6 14H8V10H16V14H18V15H6V14Z",$o1="M11.71 16.81C10.91 17.6 10.88 18.84 11.64 19.58L10.19 21C8.66 19.5 8.72 17.03 10.32 15.46C10.85 14.94 11.5 14.61 12.16 14.42L9 11.34L10.45 9.92L10.82 9.57C11.82 8.59 11.85 7.04 10.9 6.11L9.16 4.42L10.62 3L14.78 7.06C15.54 7.81 15.5 9.05 14.71 9.83L12.53 11.95L16 15.33L15.61 15.72C15.11 16.21 14.38 16.46 13.72 16.28C13.04 16.1 12.26 16.28 11.71 16.81Z",Xo1="M15 3A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 11.95 4.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 10.5 6H10.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 14.25 4.93L12.9 9.1A5.56 5.56 0 0 1 9.95 10.86A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8.5 12H8.74A6.32 6.32 0 0 0 12.25 10.93L9 21H11L17 3Z",Yo1="M18 10H16V14H8V10H6V9H18V10Z",Jo1="M21 12C19 12 18 9 15 9S12 11 12 11 12 9 9 9 5 12 3 12C2 12 1 11 1 11S2 16 6 16C11 16 12 13 12 13S13 16 18 16C22 16 23 11 23 11S22 12 21 12Z",Cn1="M13.5,5V16L12,22L10.5,16V5H13.5M17,2H7V4H17V2Z",Hn1="M4,5C2.89,5 2,5.89 2,7V17C2,18.11 2.89,19 4,19H20C21.11,19 22,18.11 22,17V7C22,5.89 21.11,5 20,5H4M4.5,7A1,1 0 0,1 5.5,8A1,1 0 0,1 4.5,9A1,1 0 0,1 3.5,8A1,1 0 0,1 4.5,7M7,7H20V17H7V7M8,8V16H11V8H8M12,8V16H15V8H12M16,8V16H19V8H16M9,9H10V10H9V9M13,9H14V10H13V9M17,9H18V10H17V9Z",Vn1="M7.5,3H16.5C19,3 21,5 21,7.5V16.5C21,19 19,21 16.5,21H7.5C5,21 3,19 3,16.5V7.5C3,5 5,3 7.5,3M6,13.5V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,18H9V10.5L15,18H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,16.5V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,10.5V7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,6H15V13.5L9,6H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,7.5V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,13.5Z",Ln1="M13,16.12C16.47,15.71 19.17,12.76 19.17,9.17C19.17,5.3 16.04,2.17 12.17,2.17A7,7 0 0,0 5.17,9.17C5.17,12.64 7.69,15.5 11,16.06V20H5V22H19V20H13V16.12Z",Mn1="M12.08 14.22L12.77 14.13C15.24 13.84 17.17 11.73 17.17 9.17C17.17 6.41 14.94 4.17 12.17 4.17C10.84 4.17 9.57 4.7 8.63 5.63C7.7 6.57 7.17 7.84 7.17 9.17C7.17 11.64 8.96 13.69 11.33 14.09L12.08 14.22M13 16.12V20H19V22H5V20H11V16.06C7.69 15.5 5.17 12.64 5.17 9.17C5.17 7.31 5.91 5.53 7.22 4.22C8.53 2.91 10.31 2.17 12.17 2.17C16.04 2.17 19.17 5.3 19.17 9.17C19.17 12.76 16.47 15.71 13 16.12Z",An1="M4.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,11M22.17,9.17C22.17,5.3 19.04,2.17 15.17,2.17A7,7 0 0,0 8.17,9.17C8.17,12.64 10.69,15.5 14,16.06V20H6V17H7V13A1,1 0 0,0 6,12H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,13V17H3V22H19V20H16V16.12C19.47,15.71 22.17,12.76 22.17,9.17Z",in1="M16 20V16.12C19.47 15.71 22.17 12.76 22.17 9.17C22.17 5.3 19.04 2.17 15.17 2.17C13.31 2.17 11.53 2.91 10.22 4.22C8.91 5.53 8.17 7.31 8.17 9.17C8.17 9.95 8.3 10.69 8.53 11.38C8.64 11.71 8.77 12.03 8.93 12.33C9.91 14.27 11.78 15.68 14 16.06V20H6V17H7V12.95C7 12.72 6.89 12.5 6.74 12.33L6.71 12.29L6.66 12.25C6.5 12.09 6.25 12 6 12H3C2.76 12 2.5 12.09 2.34 12.25L2.29 12.29C2.11 12.5 2 12.74 2 13V17H3V22H19V20H16M15.08 14.22L14.33 14.09C11.96 13.69 10.17 11.64 10.17 9.17C10.17 7.84 10.7 6.57 11.63 5.63C12.57 4.7 13.85 4.17 15.17 4.17C17.93 4.17 20.17 6.41 20.17 9.17C20.17 11.73 18.24 13.84 15.77 14.13L15.08 14.21M4.5 11C5.33 11 6 10.33 6 9.5C6 8.67 5.33 8 4.5 8C3.67 8 3 8.67 3 9.5C3 10.33 3.67 11 4.5 11Z",rn1="M12,2L4.5,20.29L5.21,21L12,18L18.79,21L19.5,20.29L12,2Z",an1="M12 7.3L16.3 17.7L12.8 16.2L12 15.8L11.2 16.2L7.7 17.7L12 7.3M12 2L4.5 20.3L5.2 21L12 18L18.8 21L19.5 20.3L12 2Z",en1="M21 3L3 10.53V11.5L9.84 14.16L12.5 21H13.46L21 3Z",dn1="M17.27 6.73L13.03 16.86L11.71 13.44L11.39 12.61L10.57 12.29L7.14 10.96L17.27 6.73M21 3L3 10.53V11.5L9.84 14.16L12.5 21H13.46L21 3Z",mn1="M21,3L3,10.53V11.5L9.84,14.16L12.5,21H13.46L21,3Z",tn1="M21.5 5H19.5C19.5 9.14 16.14 12.5 12 12.5C7.86 12.5 4.5 9.14 4.5 5H2.5C2.55 10.11 6.59 14.29 11.7 14.5C11.1 15.4 10 17.2 10 18C10 20.67 14 20.67 14 18C14 17.2 12.9 15.4 12.3 14.5C17.41 14.29 21.45 10.11 21.5 5Z",vn1="M11.15,15.18L9.73,13.77L11.15,12.35L12.56,13.77L13.97,12.35L12.56,10.94L13.97,9.53L15.39,10.94L16.8,9.53L13.97,6.7L6.9,13.77L9.73,16.6L11.15,15.18M3.08,19L6.2,15.89L4.08,13.77L13.97,3.87L16.1,6L17.5,4.58L16.1,3.16L17.5,1.75L21.75,6L20.34,7.4L18.92,6L17.5,7.4L19.63,9.53L9.73,19.42L7.61,17.3L3.08,21.84V19Z",ln1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8 9.9L4.1 13.8L6.2 15.9L3.1 19V21.8L7.6 17.3L9.7 19.4L13.6 15.5L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M11.2 15.2L9.8 16.6L7 13.8L9.5 11.3L10.9 12.7L9.8 13.8L11.2 15.2M11.9 8.7L10.5 7.3L14 3.9L16.1 6L17.5 4.6L16.1 3.2L17.5 1.8L21.8 6L20.4 7.4L18.9 6L17.5 7.4L19.6 9.5L16.2 13L13.4 10.2L14 9.5L15.4 10.9L16.8 9.5L14 6.7L11.9 8.7Z",on1="M6.5,2H10.5L13.44,10.83L13.5,2H17.5V22C16.25,21.78 14.87,21.64 13.41,21.58L10.5,13L10.43,21.59C9.03,21.65 7.7,21.79 6.5,22V2Z",nn1="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",Zn1="M1,5.27L5,9.27V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H17.73L19.73,24L21,22.72L2.28,4L1,5.27M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.27L15.73,20H15M17.69,16.87L5.13,4.31C5.41,3.55 6.14,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15C19,15.86 18.45,16.59 17.69,16.87M22,20V21.18L20.82,20H22Z",Sn1="M1.04,5.27L5,9.23V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H17.77L19.77,24L21.04,22.72L2.32,4L1.04,5.27M7,11.23L10.77,15H7V11.23M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.23L15.77,20H15M22,20V21.14L20.86,20H22M7,6.14L5.14,4.28C5.43,3.53 6.16,3 7,3H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15C19,15.85 18.47,16.57 17.72,16.86L15.86,15H17V5H7V6.14Z",un1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7Z",cn1="M17 9H8V7H17V9M7 7H5V9H7V7M7 4H5V6H7V4M10 4H8V6H10V4M13 17V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4C2.89 17 2 16.11 2 15L2 3C2 1.89 2.9 1 4 1H20C21.11 1 22 1.89 22 3L22 15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H13M20 15V3H4V15L20 15M11 6H19V4H11V6M5 12H11V10H5V12M13 14H19V12H13V14Z",sn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H11V13.83",On1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H11V13.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",hn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H13V11.83",pn1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H13V11.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",fn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H16V8.83",gn1="M21 1L1 21H17V19H16V8.8L19 5.8V9H21M19 11V17H21V11M19 19V21H21V19",kn1="M1,21H21V1",Bn1="M19 17H21V11H19M19 21H21V19H19M1 21H17V9H21V1",Pn1="M17 13C16.9 13 16.8 13.1 16.7 13.2L16.5 14.5C16.2 14.6 15.9 14.8 15.7 15L14.5 14.5C14.4 14.5 14.3 14.5 14.2 14.6L13.2 16.3C13.1 16.4 13.2 16.5 13.3 16.6L14.4 17.4V18.4L13.3 19.2C13.2 19.3 13.2 19.4 13.2 19.5L14.2 21.2C14.3 21.3 14.4 21.3 14.5 21.3L15.7 20.8C16 21 16.2 21.2 16.5 21.3L16.7 22.6C16.7 22.7 16.8 22.8 17 22.8H19C19.1 22.8 19.2 22.7 19.2 22.6L19.4 21.3C19.7 21.2 20 21 20.2 20.8L21.4 21.3C21.5 21.3 21.7 21.3 21.7 21.2L22.7 19.5C22.8 19.4 22.7 19.3 22.6 19.2L21.5 18.4V17.9 17.4L22.6 16.6C22.7 16.5 22.7 16.4 22.7 16.3L21.7 14.6C21.6 14.5 21.5 14.5 21.4 14.5L20.3 15C20 14.8 19.8 14.6 19.4 14.5L19.2 13.2C19.2 13.1 19.1 13 19 13H17M18 16.5C18.8 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18S18.8 19.5 18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5M11.7 21H1L21 1V11.7C20.1 11.3 19.1 11 18 11C14.1 11 11 14.1 11 18C11 19.1 11.2 20.1 11.7 21Z",wn1="M21,1L12.4,9.6L21,18.19M4.77,4.5L3.5,5.77L9.86,12.13L1,21H18.73L20.73,23L22,21.73",Fn1="M21,1L12.4,9.6L13.85,11.05L19,5.83V16.19L21,18.19M4.77,4.5L3.5,5.77L9.86,12.13L1,21H18.73L20.73,23L22,21.73M11.33,13.6L16.73,19H6",Tn1="M1,21H21V1M19,5.83V19H6",bn1="M20,4C21.11,4 22,4.89 22,6V18C22,19.11 21.11,20 20,20H4C2.89,20 2,19.11 2,18V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H20M8.5,15V9H7.25V12.5L4.75,9H3.5V15H4.75V11.5L7.3,15H8.5M13.5,10.26V9H9.5V15H13.5V13.75H11V12.64H13.5V11.38H11V10.26H13.5M20.5,14V9H19.25V13.5H18.13V10H16.88V13.5H15.75V9H14.5V14A1,1 0 0,0 15.5,15H19.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,14Z",yn1="M20,11H4V8H20M20,15H13V13H20M20,19H13V17H20M11,19H4V13H11M20.33,4.67L18.67,3L17,4.67L15.33,3L13.67,4.67L12,3L10.33,4.67L8.67,3L7,4.67L5.33,3L3.67,4.67L2,3V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V3L20.33,4.67Z",Rn1="M20.33 4.67L18.67 3L17 4.67L15.33 3L13.67 4.67L12 3L10.33 4.67L8.67 3L7 4.67L5.33 3L3.67 4.67L2 3V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.8C12.29 20.12 12 19.09 12 18C12 16.77 12.37 15.63 13 14.68V13H14.68C15.63 12.37 16.77 12 18 12C19.53 12 20.93 12.58 22 13.5V3L20.33 4.67M11 19H4V13H11V19M20 11H4V8H20V11M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",xn1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M20,11V8H4V11H20M13,13V14.68C12.37,15.63 12,16.77 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V3L3.67,4.67L5.33,3L7,4.67L8.67,3L10.33,4.67L12,3L13.67,4.67L15.33,3L17,4.67L18.67,3L20.33,4.67L22,3V13.5C20.93,12.58 19.53,12 18,12C16.77,12 15.63,12.37 14.68,13H13M11,19V13H4V19H11Z",Dn1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M20,11V8H4V11H20M13,13V14.68C12.37,15.63 12,16.77 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V3L3.67,4.67L5.33,3L7,4.67L8.67,3L10.33,4.67L12,3L13.67,4.67L15.33,3L17,4.67L18.67,3L20.33,4.67L22,3V13.5C20.93,12.58 19.53,12 18,12C16.77,12 15.63,12.37 14.68,13H13M11,19V13H4V19H11Z",En1="M20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.47 20.12L16.59 18L14.47 15.88L15.88 14.47L18 16.59L20.12 14.46M20.33 4.67L18.67 3L17 4.67L15.33 3L13.67 4.67L12 3L10.33 4.67L8.67 3L7 4.67L5.33 3L3.67 4.67L2 3V19C2 20.11 2.9 21 4 21H12.8C12.29 20.12 12 19.09 12 18C12 16.77 12.37 15.63 13 14.68V13H14.68C15.63 12.37 16.77 12 18 12C19.53 12 20.93 12.58 22 13.5V3L20.33 4.67M11 19H4V13H11V19M20 11H4V8H20V11Z",Nn1="M20 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V5C22 3.89 21.11 3 20 3M5 7H10V13H5V7M19 17H5V15H19V17M19 13H12V11H19V13M19 9H12V7H19V9Z",Wn1="M4 7V19H19V21H4C2 21 2 19 2 19V7H4M21.3 3H7.7C6.76 3 6 3.7 6 4.55V15.45C6 16.31 6.76 17 7.7 17H21.3C22.24 17 23 16.31 23 15.45V4.55C23 3.7 22.24 3 21.3 3M8 5H13V11H8V5M21 15H8V13H21V15M21 11H15V9H21V11M21 7H15V5H21V7Z",In1="M4 7V19H19V21H4C2 21 2 19 2 19V7H4M21 5V15H8V5H21M21.3 3H7.7C6.76 3 6 3.7 6 4.55V15.45C6 16.31 6.76 17 7.7 17H21.3C22.24 17 23 16.31 23 15.45V4.55C23 3.7 22.24 3 21.3 3M9 6H12V11H9V6M20 14H9V12H20V14M20 8H14V6H20V8M20 11H14V9H20V11Z",Gn1="M20 5L20 19L4 19L4 5H20M20 3H4C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H20C21.11 21 22 20.11 22 19V5C22 3.89 21.11 3 20 3M18 15H6V17H18V15M10 7H6V13H10V7M12 9H18V7H12V9M18 11H12V13H18V11Z",Qn1="M7.24 2C5.6 2 3.96 2 3.55 2.04C2.67 2.09 2.08 2.73 2.04 3.56C2 4.37 2 19.59 2.04 20.41C2.09 21.23 2.71 21.86 3.55 21.91C4.46 21.96 7.44 21.97 8.29 21.97C6.76 20.91 6.55 18.92 6.41 15.23C6.33 13.04 6.4 5.36 6.41 5.04L6.45 2.94L14.5 11V13.5L8.09 7.11C8.08 8.38 8.06 10.03 8.06 11.54C8.06 13 8.08 14.34 8.12 15.05C8.36 19.07 8.74 20.96 10.83 21.7C11.5 21.93 12.07 22 13.07 22C13.89 22 19.63 22 20.45 21.96C21.33 21.91 21.93 21.27 21.97 20.44C22 19.63 22 4.45 21.97 3.62C21.91 2.8 21.29 2.18 20.45 2.13C19.54 2.08 16.57 2.03 15.71 2.03C17.24 3.09 17.44 5.08 17.59 8.78C17.67 10.97 17.6 18.64 17.59 18.97L17.55 21.06L9.53 13V10.5L15.91 16.89C15.92 15.62 15.94 13.97 15.94 12.46C15.94 11 15.92 9.66 15.88 8.96C15.64 4.93 15.26 3.04 13.17 2.3C12.53 2.07 11.93 2 10.93 2H7.24Z",Un1="M16.5,12C19,12 21,14 21,16.5C21,17.38 20.76,18.21 20.32,18.9L23.4,22L22,23.39L18.89,20.32C18.2,20.75 17.38,21 16.5,21C14,21 12,19 12,16.5C12,14 14,12 16.5,12M16.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,19C17.89,19 19,17.88 19,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,14M18,6V10.18C17.33,10 16.66,9.97 16,10V8H13V10.28L13.53,10.72C12.34,11.33 11.35,12.3 10.72,13.53C10.28,13.17 10,12.62 10,12C10,11.26 10.41,10.62 11,10.28V8A2,2 0 0,1 13,6H18M6,18V6H8L10,6V8H8V16H10C9.96,16.68 10,17.35 10.17,18H6M20,4H4V20H11C11.53,20.8 12.21,21.5 13.03,22H4C2.89,22 2,21.1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V13.04C21.5,12.24 20.82,11.54 20,11V4Z",zn1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M4,4H11A2,2 0 0,1 13,6V9H11V6H4V11H6V9L9,12L6,15V13H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,11V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M20,20H13A2,2 0 0,1 11,18V15H13V18H20V13H18V15L15,12L18,9V11H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,13V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20Z",_n1="M18,6H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,8V10.28C10.41,10.62 10,11.26 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14C13.11,14 14,13.1 14,12C14,11.26 13.6,10.62 13,10.28V8H16V16H8V8H10V6H8L6,6V18H18M20,20H4V4H20M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.1 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2Z",Kn1="M1.25,2.05L21.95,22.75L20.7,24L18.7,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V5.3L0,3.3L1.25,2.05M3.81,2C3.87,2 3.94,2 4,2H20C21.11,2 22,2.89 22,4V20C22,20.06 22,20.13 22,20.19L20,18.2V4H5.8L3.81,2M6,9.3L4,7.3V20H16.7L14.7,18H6V9.3M18,16.2L16,14.2V8H13V10.28C13.6,10.62 14,11.26 14,12C14,12.06 14,12.13 14,12.19L11,9.2V8A2,2 0 0,1 13,6H18V16.2M8,16H12.7L8,11.3V16M10,8H9.8L7.8,6H10V8Z",jn1="M7.75,13C7.74,12.65 7.9,12.31 8.17,12.08C8.92,12.24 9.62,12.55 10.25,13C10.25,13.68 9.69,14.24 9,14.24C8.31,14.24 7.76,13.69 7.75,13M13.75,13C14.38,12.56 15.08,12.25 15.83,12.09C16.1,12.32 16.26,12.66 16.25,13C16.25,13.7 15.69,14.26 15,14.26C14.31,14.26 13.75,13.7 13.75,13V13M12,9C9.23,8.96 6.5,9.65 4.07,11L4,12C4,13.23 4.29,14.44 4.84,15.54C7.21,15.18 9.6,15 12,15C14.4,15 16.79,15.18 19.16,15.54C19.71,14.44 20,13.23 20,12L19.93,11C17.5,9.65 14.77,8.96 12,9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",qn1="M7 1C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V21C5 22.11 5.9 23 7 23H14C16.76 23 19 20.76 19 18V3C19 1.9 18.11 1 17 1H7M8 4H16V11H8V4M9 14H10V16H12V17H10V19H9V17H7V16H9V14M16 15C16.55 15 17 15.45 17 16C17 16.55 16.55 17 16 17C15.45 17 15 16.55 15 16C15 15.45 15.45 15 16 15M14 17C14.55 17 15 17.45 15 18C15 18.55 14.55 19 14 19C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18C13 17.45 13.45 17 14 17Z",$n1="M10.04,20.4H7.12C6.19,20.4 5.3,20 4.64,19.36C4,18.7 3.6,17.81 3.6,16.88V7.12C3.6,6.19 4,5.3 4.64,4.64C5.3,4 6.19,3.62 7.12,3.62H10.04V20.4M7.12,2A5.12,5.12 0 0,0 2,7.12V16.88C2,19.71 4.29,22 7.12,22H11.65V2H7.12M5.11,8C5.11,9.04 5.95,9.88 7,9.88C8.03,9.88 8.87,9.04 8.87,8C8.87,6.96 8.03,6.12 7,6.12C5.95,6.12 5.11,6.96 5.11,8M17.61,11C18.72,11 19.62,11.89 19.62,13C19.62,14.12 18.72,15 17.61,15C16.5,15 15.58,14.12 15.58,13C15.58,11.89 16.5,11 17.61,11M16.88,22A5.12,5.12 0 0,0 22,16.88V7.12C22,4.29 19.71,2 16.88,2H13.65V22H16.88Z",Xn1="M17.84,16.94H15.97V10.79H17.84V16.94M18,8.58C18,9.19 17.5,9.69 16.9,9.69A1.11,1.11 0 0,1 15.79,8.58C15.79,7.96 16.29,7.46 16.9,7.46C17.5,7.46 18,7.96 18,8.58M21.82,16.94H19.94V10.79H21.82V16.94M22,8.58C22,9.19 21.5,9.69 20.88,9.69A1.11,1.11 0 0,1 19.77,8.58C19.77,7.96 20.27,7.46 20.88,7.46C21.5,7.46 22,7.96 22,8.58M12.9,8.05H14.9L12.78,15.5C12.78,15.5 12.5,17.04 11.28,17.04C10.07,17.04 9.79,15.5 9.79,15.5L8.45,10.64L7.11,15.5C7.11,15.5 6.82,17.04 5.61,17.04C4.4,17.04 4.12,15.5 4.12,15.5L2,8.05H4L5.72,14.67L7.11,9.3C7.43,7.95 8.45,7.97 8.45,7.97C8.45,7.97 9.47,7.95 9.79,9.3L11.17,14.67L12.9,8.05Z",Yn1="M2,15.96C2,18.19 3.54,19.5 5.79,19.5H18.57C20.47,19.5 22,18.2 22,16.32V6.97C22,5.83 21.15,4.6 20.11,4.6H17.15V12.3C17.15,18.14 6.97,18.09 6.97,12.41V4.5H4.72C3.26,4.5 2,5.41 2,6.85V15.96M9.34,11.23C9.34,15.74 14.66,15.09 14.66,11.94V4.5H9.34V11.23Z",Jn1="M9.9 8.7L5 17.2L3.9 15.3L5.2 13H2.6L2 12L2.6 11H6.3L7.6 8.7H9.9M10.2 15.5H19.9L18.8 17.4H16.2L17.5 19.7L16.9 20.7H15.8L14 17.4H11.3L10.2 15.5M15.9 11.8L11 3.3H13.2L14.5 5.6L15.8 3.3H16.9L17.5 4.3L15.6 7.5L17 9.8L15.9 11.8M13.8 8.5H4L5.1 6.6H7.7L6.4 4.3L7 3.3H8.1L10 6.5H12.7L13.8 8.5M14.1 15.3L19 6.8L20.1 8.7L18.8 11H21.4L22 12L21.4 13H17.7L16.4 15.3H14.1M8.1 12.2L13 20.6H10.8L9.5 18.3L8.4 20.6H7.1L6.5 19.6L8.4 16.4L7 14.2L8.1 12.2Z",CZ1="M12,1.85C11.73,1.85 11.45,1.92 11.22,2.05L3.78,6.35C3.3,6.63 3,7.15 3,7.71V16.29C3,16.85 3.3,17.37 3.78,17.65L5.73,18.77C6.68,19.23 7,19.24 7.44,19.24C8.84,19.24 9.65,18.39 9.65,16.91V8.44C9.65,8.32 9.55,8.22 9.43,8.22H8.5C8.37,8.22 8.27,8.32 8.27,8.44V16.91C8.27,17.57 7.59,18.22 6.5,17.67L4.45,16.5C4.38,16.45 4.34,16.37 4.34,16.29V7.71C4.34,7.62 4.38,7.54 4.45,7.5L11.89,3.21C11.95,3.17 12.05,3.17 12.11,3.21L19.55,7.5C19.62,7.54 19.66,7.62 19.66,7.71V16.29C19.66,16.37 19.62,16.45 19.55,16.5L12.11,20.79C12.05,20.83 11.95,20.83 11.88,20.79L10,19.65C9.92,19.62 9.84,19.61 9.79,19.64C9.26,19.94 9.16,20 8.67,20.15C8.55,20.19 8.36,20.26 8.74,20.47L11.22,21.94C11.46,22.08 11.72,22.15 12,22.15C12.28,22.15 12.54,22.08 12.78,21.94L20.22,17.65C20.7,17.37 21,16.85 21,16.29V7.71C21,7.15 20.7,6.63 20.22,6.35L12.78,2.05C12.55,1.92 12.28,1.85 12,1.85M14,8C11.88,8 10.61,8.89 10.61,10.39C10.61,12 11.87,12.47 13.91,12.67C16.34,12.91 16.53,13.27 16.53,13.75C16.53,14.58 15.86,14.93 14.3,14.93C12.32,14.93 11.9,14.44 11.75,13.46C11.73,13.36 11.64,13.28 11.53,13.28H10.57C10.45,13.28 10.36,13.37 10.36,13.5C10.36,14.74 11.04,16.24 14.3,16.24C16.65,16.24 18,15.31 18,13.69C18,12.08 16.92,11.66 14.63,11.35C12.32,11.05 12.09,10.89 12.09,10.35C12.09,9.9 12.29,9.3 14,9.3C15.5,9.3 16.09,9.63 16.32,10.66C16.34,10.76 16.43,10.83 16.53,10.83H17.5C17.55,10.83 17.61,10.81 17.65,10.76C17.69,10.72 17.72,10.66 17.7,10.6C17.56,8.82 16.38,8 14,8Z",HZ1="M22 3L10 4.41V6H22V7H10V12H22C22 13.81 21.43 15.46 20.32 16.95S17.77 19.53 16 20.25V22H8V20.25C6.24 19.53 4.79 18.43 3.68 16.95S2 13.81 2 12H5V4L22 2V3M6 4.88V6H7V4.78L6 4.88M6 7V12H7V7H6M9 12V7H8V12H9M9 6V4.55L8 4.64V6H9Z",VZ1="M21,10H9V8H21V10M21,16H9V14H21V16M4,5H6V16H4V5M6,18V20H4V18H6Z",LZ1="M14.08,4.61L15.92,5.4L14.8,8H19V10H13.95L12.23,14H19V16H11.38L9.92,19.4L8.08,18.61L9.2,16H5V14H10.06L11.77,10H5V8H12.63L14.08,4.61Z",MZ1="M14,10V4.5L19.5,10M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V9L15,3H5Z",AZ1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V19C1 20.11 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V9L13 3H3M12 10V4.5L17.5 10H12M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",iZ1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.89 21 3 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V9L13 3H3M17 19H3V5H10V12H17V19M12 10V4.5L17.5 10H12M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",rZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",aZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25Z",eZ1="M21 10V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H11V19.13L19.39 10.74C19.83 10.3 20.39 10.06 21 10M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83Z",dZ1="M18.13 12L19.39 10.74C19.83 10.3 20.39 10.06 21 10V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H11V19.13L11.13 19H5V5H12V12H18.13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19Z",mZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",tZ1="M23 18V20H15V18H23M13 19C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H15L21 9V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V12H12V5H5V19H13M14 10H19.5L14 4.5V10Z",vZ1="M16,9H21.5L16,3.5V9M7,2H17L23,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 21,20H7C5.89,20 5,19.1 5,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M3,6V22H21V24H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,22V6H3Z",lZ1="M3,6V22H21V24H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,22V6H3M16,9H21.5L16,3.5V9M7,2H17L23,8V18A2,2 0 0,1 21,20H7C5.89,20 5,19.1 5,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2M7,4V18H21V11H14V4H7Z",oZ1="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L20.7 20.04L20.7 20.05L22.11 21.46M21 17.8L6.2 3H15L21 9V17.8M19.5 10L14 4.5V10H19.5Z",nZ1="M12 5V8.8L15.2 12H19V15.8L21 17.8V9L15 3H6.2L8.2 5H12M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.7 20.05L20.7 20.04L19 18.34V18.35L12.66 12H12.66L12 11.34V11.35L6.14 5.5L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.9C3 4.93 3 4.97 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C19.03 21 19.07 21 19.1 21L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.7 20.05M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5Z",ZZ1="M14,10H19.5L14,4.5V10M5,3H15L21,9V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M5,5V19H19V12H12V5H5Z",SZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",uZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",cZ1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",sZ1="M5 19V5H12V12H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V9L15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19H5M14 4.5L19.5 10H14V4.5M20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19Z",OZ1="M15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V10.82C5.55 8.37 9.59 8.4 12.1 10.9C14.63 13.44 14.63 17.56 12.1 20.1C11.74 20.45 11.35 20.74 10.94 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9L15 3M14 10V4.5L19.5 10H14M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18Z",hZ1="M15 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V10.82C3.6 10.24 4.28 9.8 5 9.5V5H12V10.82C12.03 10.85 12.07 10.87 12.1 10.9C12.44 11.24 12.73 11.61 12.97 12H19V19H12.97C12.73 19.39 12.44 19.76 12.1 20.1C11.74 20.45 11.35 20.74 10.94 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9L15 3M14 10V4.5L19.5 10H14M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18Z",pZ1="M14,10H19.5L14,4.5V10M5,3H15L21,9V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M5,12V14H19V12H5M5,16V18H14V16H5Z",fZ1="M15 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V9L15 3M19 19H5V5H14V10H19M17 14H7V12H17M14 17H7V15H14",gZ1="M3,7V5H5V4C5,2.89 5.9,2 7,2H13V9L15.5,7.5L18,9V2H19C20.05,2 21,2.95 21,4V20C21,21.05 20.05,22 19,22H7C5.95,22 5,21.05 5,20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M7,11H5V13H7V11M7,7V5H5V7H7M7,19V17H5V19H7Z",kZ1="M16.75 22.16L14 19.16L15.16 18L16.75 19.59L20.34 16L21.5 17.41L16.75 22.16M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.8C20.12 13.29 19.09 13 18 13C14.69 13 12 15.69 12 19C12 20.09 12.29 21.12 12.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13Z",BZ1="M16.75 22.16L14 19.16L15.16 18L16.75 19.59L20.34 16L21.5 17.41L16.75 22.16M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.08C12.2 20.72 12.45 21.39 12.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.8C20.39 13.45 19.72 13.2 19 13.08V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7Z",PZ1="M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V10L11 20V22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 7H7V5H5V7M5 11V13H7V11H5M5 17V19H7V17H5Z",wZ1="M19.07 14.88L21.12 16.93L15.06 23H13V20.94L19.07 14.88M21.04 13.13C21.18 13.13 21.31 13.19 21.42 13.3L22.7 14.58C22.92 14.79 22.92 15.14 22.7 15.35L21.7 16.35L19.65 14.3L20.65 13.3C20.76 13.19 20.9 13.13 21.04 13.13M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H11V22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V10L19 12V4H17M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 11V13H7V11H5M5 17V19H7V17H5Z",FZ1="M19 23.3L18.4 22.8C16.4 20.9 15 19.7 15 18.2C15 17 16 16 17.2 16C17.9 16 18.6 16.3 19 16.8C19.4 16.3 20.1 16 20.8 16C22 16 23 16.9 23 18.2C23 19.7 21.6 20.9 19.6 22.8L19 23.3M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 20.09 13.29 21.12 13.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13Z",TZ1="M19 23.3L18.4 22.8C16.4 20.9 15 19.7 15 18.2C15 17 16 16 17.2 16C17.9 16 18.6 16.3 19 16.8C19.4 16.3 20.1 16 20.8 16C22 16 23 16.9 23 18.2C23 19.7 21.6 20.9 19.6 22.8L19 23.3M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H13.08C13.2 20.72 13.45 21.39 13.8 22H7C5.95 22 5 21.05 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.89 5.9 2 7 2H19C20.05 2 21 2.95 21 4V13.34C20.37 13.12 19.7 13 19 13V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7Z",bZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M14 18V20H22V18H14Z",yZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M14 18V20H22V18H14Z",RZ1="M9.05,9H7.06V6H9.05V4.03H7.06V3.03C7.06,1.92 7.95,1.04 9.05,1.04H15.03V8L17.5,6.5L20,8V1.04H21C22.05,1.04 23,2 23,3.03V17C23,18.03 22.05,19 21,19H9.05C8,19 7.06,18.05 7.06,17V16H9.05V14H7.06V11H9.05V9M1,18H3V15H1V13H3V10H1V8H3V5H5V8H3V10H5V13H3V15H5V18H3V20H5V21H21V23H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,21V20H1V18Z",xZ1="M17,4V10L15,8L13,10V4H9V20H19V4H17M3,7V5H5V4C5,2.89 5.9,2 7,2H19C20.05,2 21,2.95 21,4V20C21,21.05 20.05,22 19,22H7C5.95,22 5,21.05 5,20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5,5V7H7V5H5M5,19H7V17H5V19M5,13H7V11H5V13Z",DZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M17 15V18H14V20H17V23H19V20H22V18H19V15H17Z",EZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M17 15V18H14V20H17V23H19V20H22V18H19V15H17Z",NZ1="M3 7V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H13V9L15.5 7.5L18 9V2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.1 13.3 19.1 13 18 13C14.7 13 12 15.7 12 19C12 20.1 12.3 21.1 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3M5 5V7H7V5H5M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M20.1 15.5L18 17.6L15.9 15.5L14.5 16.9L16.6 19L14.5 21.1L15.9 22.5L18 20.4L20.1 22.5L21.5 21.1L19.4 19L21.5 16.9L20.1 15.5Z",WZ1="M17 4V10L15 8L13 10V4H9V20H12.1C12.2 20.7 12.5 21.4 12.8 22H7C5.9 22 5 21 5 20V19H3V17H5V13H3V11H5V7H3V5H5V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2H19C20 2 21 3 21 4V13.8C20.4 13.4 19.7 13.2 19 13.1V4H17M5 19H7V17H5V19M5 13H7V11H5V13M5 7H7V5H5V7M20.1 15.5L18 17.6L15.9 15.5L14.5 16.9L16.6 19L14.5 21.1L15.9 22.5L18 20.4L20.1 22.5L21.5 21.1L19.4 19L21.5 16.9L20.1 15.5Z",IZ1="M5,13H19V11H5M3,17H17V15H3M7,7V9H21V7",GZ1="M4,10V14H6V11H7V14H8V10H4M9,10V15H11V14H13V10H9M12,11V13H11V11H12M14,10V14H16V11H17V14H18V11H19V14H20V10H14M3,9H21V15H12V16H8V15H3V9Z",QZ1="M14.04,12H10V11H5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,4C6.53,4 7.45,4.44 8.09,5.15C8.5,3.35 10.08,2 12,2C13.92,2 15.5,3.35 15.91,5.15C16.55,4.44 17.47,4 18.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,11H14.04V12M10,16.9V15.76H5V13.76H19V15.76H14.04V16.92L20,19.08C20.58,19.29 21,19.84 21,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,22H4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3,20.5C3,19.84 3.42,19.29 4,19.08L10,16.9Z",UZ1="M12,2C13.85,2 15.55,2.78 16.9,4.1L18.6,1.93L20.18,3.16L18.2,5.68C19.33,7.41 20,9.6 20,12C20,17.5 16.42,22 12,22C10.15,22 8.45,21.22 7.1,19.9L5.4,22.07L3.82,20.84L5.8,18.32C4.67,16.59 4,14.4 4,12C4,6.5 7.58,2 12,2M12,4C8.69,4 6,7.58 6,12C6,13.73 6.41,15.33 7.11,16.64L15.67,5.67C14.66,4.62 13.38,4 12,4M12,20C15.31,20 18,16.42 18,12C18,10.27 17.59,8.67 16.89,7.36L8.33,18.33C9.34,19.38 10.62,20 12,20Z",zZ1="M4,17V9H2V7H6V17H4M22,15C22,16.11 21.1,17 20,17H16V15H20V13H18V11H20V9H16V7H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 22,13.5V15M14,15V17H8V13C8,11.89 8.9,11 10,11H12V9H8V7H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,9V11C14,12.11 13.1,13 12,13H10V15H14Z",_Z1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",KZ1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9Z",jZ1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M13,5A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7A2,2 0 0,0 15,5H13M13,7H15V13H13V7Z",qZ1="M21,17V3H7V17H21M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,5H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V13A2,2 0 0,1 15,15H13A2,2 0 0,1 11,13V7A2,2 0 0,1 13,5M13,7V13H15V7H13Z",$Z1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11Z",XZ1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11M11,9H13V15H11V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",YZ1="M11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,9V15H13V9H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",JZ1="M10,7V9H12V17H14V7H10Z",CS1="M14,17H12V9H10V7H14M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",HS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M14,15H16V5H12V7H14V15Z",VS1="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M14,15H16V5H12V7H14M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",LS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,17H14V7H10V9H12",MS1="M10,7V9H12V17H14V7H10M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",AS1="M10,7H14V17H12V9H10V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",iS1="M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7M16 15H14V9H16V15Z",rS1="M14,9H16V15H14V9M21,5V19C21,20.11 20.11,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.9 21,5M10,7H6V9H8V17H10V7M18,9A2,2 0 0,0 16,7H14A2,2 0 0,0 12,9V15C12,16.11 12.9,17 14,17H16C17.11,17 18,16.11 18,15V9Z",aS1="M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V5H3M16 13H18V7H16V13M21 1H7C5.9 1 5 1.9 5 3V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V3C23 1.9 22.11 1 21 1M12 15H10V7H8V5H12V15M20 13C20 14.11 19.11 15 18 15H16C14.9 15 14 14.11 14 13V7C14 5.9 14.9 5 16 5H18C19.11 5 20 5.9 20 7V13Z",eS1="M21 17V3H7V17H21M21 1C22.11 1 23 1.9 23 3V17C23 18.11 22.11 19 21 19H7C5.9 19 5 18.11 5 17V3C5 1.9 5.9 1 7 1H21M3 5V21H19V23H3C1.9 23 1 22.11 1 21V5H3M12 5H8V7H10V15H12V5M18 5H16C14.9 5 14 5.9 14 7V13C14 14.11 14.9 15 16 15H18C19.11 15 20 14.11 20 13V7C20 5.9 19.11 5 18 5M18 13H16V7H18V13Z",dS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M8,17H10V7H6V9H8M14,7H16C17.11,7 18,7.9 18,9V15C18,16.11 17.11,17 16,17H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 14,7M14,9V15H16V9H14Z",mS1="M14 9H16V15H14V9M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M18 9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9Z",tS1="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12S17.5 22 12 22 2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12S7.58 20 12 20 20 16.42 20 12 16.42 4 12 4M10 7H6V9H8V17H10V7M16 7H14C12.9 7 12 7.9 12 9V15C12 16.11 12.9 17 14 17H16C17.11 17 18 16.11 18 15V9C18 7.9 17.11 7 16 7M16 15H14V9H16V15Z",vS1="M9,7V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H11L15,17V15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9Z",lS1="M15,11C15,12.11 14.1,13 13,13H11V15H15V17H9V13C9,11.89 9.9,11 11,11H13V9H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",oS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M17,13H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11V15H17V13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",nS1="M17,13H13V11H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,9V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,11V15H17M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",ZS1="M15,15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",SS1="M9,7V9H13V11H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,13V17H11L15,17V15H11V13H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,11V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",uS1="M9,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V11A2,2 0 0,1 13,13H11V15H15V17H11L9,17V13A2,2 0 0,1 11,11H13V9H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",cS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15",sS1="M15,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12C14.34,12 15,12.67 15,13.5V15C15,16.11 14.11,17 13,17H9V15H13V13H11V11H13V9H9V7H13C14.11,7 15,7.89 15,9M19,3H5C3.91,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.1 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",OS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",hS1="M17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H11V7H15V9H13V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1Z",pS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",fS1="M15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H9V9H13V11H11V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",gS1="M15,15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H11V11H13V9H9V7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V15M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",kS1="M9,7V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9Z",BS1="M15,17H13V13H9V7H11V11H13V7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",PS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M15,15H17V5H15V9H13V5H11V11H15V15Z",wS1="M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M15,15H17V5H15V9H13V5H11V11H15M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",FS1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13,17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9V13H13",TS1="M9,7V13H13V17H15V7H13V11H11V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",bS1="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",yS1="M9,7V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H9Z",RS1="M15,9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15C15,16.11 14.1,17 13,17H9V15H13V13H9V7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",xS1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H11V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13Z",DS1="M17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H11V11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1Z",ES1="M15,15V13C15,11.89 14.1,11 13,11H11V9H15V7H9V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",NS1="M9,7V13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",WS1="M9,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H9V15H13V13H9V7M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",IS1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M11,13H13V15H11V13Z",GS1="M15,9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15C15,16.11 14.1,17 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9C9,7.89 9.9,7 11,7H15M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M11,15H13V13H11V15Z",QS1="M13,11H15V13H13V11M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15Z",US1="M13,11H15V13H13M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11C17,9.89 16.1,9 15,9H13V7H17V5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",zS1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13C15,11.89 14.1,11 13,11H11V9H15V7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",_S1="M11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11H11V9H15V7H11M11,13H13V15H11V13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",KS1="M11,7H15V9H11V11H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7M11,13V15H13V13H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",jS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17",qS1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17H11Z",$S1="M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,15L17,7V5H11V7H15L11,15H13M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",XS1="M13,15L17,7V5H11V7H15L11,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",YS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",JS1="M11,17L15,9V7H9V9H13L9,17H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",Cu1="M11,17H9L13,9H9V7H15V9L11,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Hu1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17",Vu1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9Z",Lu1="M13,11H15V13H13V11M13,7H15V9H13V7M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,11.5V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",Mu1="M13,11H15V13H13M13,7H15V9H13M13,15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,11.5V13C11,14.11 11.9,15 13,15M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",Au1="M11,13H13V15H11M11,9H13V11H11M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",iu1="M11,13H13V15H11V13M11,9H13V11H11V9M11,17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,10.5V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,13.5V15C9,16.11 9.9,17 11,17M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",ru1="M11,13V15H13V13H11M11,9V11H13V9H11M11,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,15V13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,10.5V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,13.5V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17H11M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",au1="M13,17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",eu1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M13,11H11V9H13V11M13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11C9,12.11 9.9,13 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7Z",du1="M15,9H13V7H15V9M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9C11,10.11 11.9,11 13,11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21Z",mu1="M15,9H13V7H15M15,5H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,7V9C11,10.11 11.9,11 13,11H15V13H11V15H15A2,2 0 0,0 17,13V7C17,5.89 16.1,5 15,5M21,17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",tu1="M13,11H11V9H13M13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11C9,12.11 9.9,13 11,13H13V15H9V17H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9C15,7.89 14.1,7 13,7M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3Z",vu1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M13,17A2,2 0 0,0 15,15V9A2,2 0 0,0 13,7H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,9V11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13H13V15H9V17H13M13,11H11V9H13V11Z",lu1="M13,17H9V15H13V13H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 11,7H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 13,17M13,11V9H11V11H13M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",ou1="M19 11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10 7H8C6.9 7 6 7.9 6 9V11C6 12.11 6.9 13 8 13H10V15H6V17H10C11.11 17 12 16.11 12 15V9C12 7.89 11.1 7 10 7M10 11H8V9H10V11Z",nu1="M21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10,7H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,9V11C6,12.11 6.9,13 8,13H10V15H6V17H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,15V9C12,7.89 11.1,7 10,7M8,9H10V11H8V9Z",Zu1="M11,9V8H12V9H11M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3A2,2 0 0,1 7,1H21M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M15,9V11H17V13H19V11H21V9H19V7H17V9H15M14,12V8C14,6.89 13.1,6 12,6H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,8V9C9,10.11 9.9,11 11,11H12V12H9V14H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",Su1="M21,9H19V7H17V9H15V11H17V13H19V11H21V17H7V3H21M21,1H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,3V17A2,2 0 0,0 7,19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V3A2,2 0 0,0 21,1M11,9V8H12V9M14,12V8C14,6.89 13.1,6 12,6H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,8V9C9,10.11 9.9,11 11,11H12V12H9V14H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,12M3,5H1V21A2,2 0 0,0 3,23H19V21H3V5Z",uu1="M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M9,11V10H10V11M12,14V10C12,8.89 11.1,8 10,8H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,10V11C7,12.11 7.9,13 9,13H10V14H7V16H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",cu1="M19,11H17V9H15V11H13V13H15V15H17V13H19V11M10,7H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,9V11C6,12.11 6.9,13 8,13H10V15H6V17H10A2,2 0 0,0 12,15V9C12,7.89 11.1,7 10,7M8,9H10V11H8V9M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2Z",su1="M19,11V13H17V15H15V13H13V11H15V9H17V11H19M10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9V15C12,16.11 11.1,17 10,17H6V15H10V13H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,11V9C6,7.89 6.9,7 8,7H10M8,9V11H10V9H8M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Ou1="M13 7V9H15V17H17V7H13M11 13H5V11H11V13Z",hu1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H2V9H4V17H6V7.9L9.3 11.2C8.5 11.4 8 12.2 8 13V17H14V15.9L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M10 15V13H11.1L13.1 15H10M14 10.8L10.2 7H12C13.1 7 14 7.9 14 9V10.8M20 9H16V7H20C21.1 7 22 7.9 22 9V10.5C22 11.3 21.3 12 20.5 12C21.3 12 22 12.7 22 13.5V15C22 16 21.2 16.9 20.2 17L18.2 15H20V13H18V11H20V9Z",pu1="M13 7V9H15V17H17V7H13M11 13H9V15H7V13H5V11H7V9H9V11H11V13Z",fu1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7Z",gu1="M22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22H14A4,4 0 0,1 10,18V16H22V18M4,3H14A2,2 0 0,1 16,5V14H8V19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,6V8H6V6H4M14,8V6H8V8H14M4,10V12H6V10H4M8,10V12H14V10H8M4,14V16H6V14H4Z",ku1="M21.8 18.36L16.03 8.08C15.93 8 15.63 7.43 15.03 7.43C14.78 7.43 14.43 7.53 14.07 8.08L13.33 9.26L11.31 5.65C11.26 5.55 10.91 5 10.31 5C10.06 5 9.66 5.1 9.36 5.65L2.18 18.31C2.13 18.41 1.83 19 2.13 19.5C2.23 19.75 2.53 20 3.19 20H20.85C20.95 20 21.6 20 21.9 19.5C22 19.26 22.1 18.86 21.8 18.36M8.1 18.31L7.95 18.86H3.24L10.36 6.34L12.66 10.47L8.1 18.31M9.21 18.86L13.32 11.66L17.5 18.86H9.21M18.74 18.86L18.54 18.31L14 10.46L15.03 8.73L20.75 18.86H18.74Z",Bu1="M20.23,15.21C18.77,13.75 14.97,10.2 12.77,11.27L4.5,3L3,4.5L11.28,12.79C10.3,15 13.88,18.62 15.35,20.08C17.11,21.84 18.26,20.92 19.61,19.57C21.1,18.08 21.61,16.61 20.23,15.21Z",Pu1="M20,12C16.8,10.4 13.4,9.7 10.8,9.3L9.7,5.9C9.3,4.8 7.7,4.8 7.3,5.9L6.3,9C3.9,9.4 2,11.5 2,14C2,16.8 4.2,19 7,19C7,19 14,19 20,16C20,16 22,15 22,14C22,13 20,12 20,12M5,14C4.4,14 4,13.6 4,13C4,12.4 4.4,12 5,12C5.6,12 6,12.4 6,13C6,13.5 5.6,14 5,14M7,17C6.4,17 6,16.6 6,16C6,15.4 6.4,15 7,15C7.6,15 8,15.4 8,16C8,16.5 7.6,17 7,17M9,14C8.4,14 8,13.6 8,13C8,12.4 8.4,12 9,12C9.6,12 10,12.4 10,13C10,13.5 9.6,14 9,14M11,17C10.4,17 10,16.6 10,16C10,15.4 10.4,15 11,15C11.6,15 12,15.4 12,16C12,16.5 11.6,17 11,17M16,14C15.4,14 15,13.6 15,13C15,12.4 15.4,12 16,12C16.6,12 17,12.4 17,13C17,13.5 16.6,14 16,14M19,15C18.4,15 18,14.6 18,14C18,13.4 18.4,13 19,13C19.6,13 20,13.4 20,14C20,14.5 19.6,15 19,15Z",wu1="M2 2V22H22V2M19.12 19.03H4.87V5H19.13V19.03M14.83 10.71H17.69V17.59H14.83M14.83 6.41H17.69V9.27H14.83M6.3 6.41V17.59H13.4V14.72H9.17V9.28H13.4V6.41Z",Fu1="M2 5V19H14V17H12C10.89 17 10 16.11 10 15V9C10 7.89 10.89 7 12 7H14V5M14 7V9H16V7M14 9H12V15H14M14 15V17H16V15M5 7H7C8.11 7 9 7.89 9 9V15C9 16.11 8.11 17 7 17H5C3.89 17 3 16.11 3 15V9C3 7.89 3.89 7 5 7M17 7V17H19V13H20V14H21V17H23V14H22V12H23V8H22V7M5 9V15H7V9M19 9H21V11H19Z",Tu1="M15.73,3H8.27L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73L21,15.73V8.27",bu1="M8.27,3L3,8.27V15.73L8.27,21H15.73C17.5,19.24 21,15.73 21,15.73V8.27L15.73,3M9.1,5H14.9L19,9.1V14.9L14.9,19H9.1L5,14.9V9.1",yu1="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06Z",Ru1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.94 10C20.38 10.06 19.82 10.3 19.38 10.75L11 19.13V20.53L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13M21.17 15.88L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.88L21.17 15.88Z",xu1="M3.88 12L2.2 16.06L6.26 17.74L7.94 21.8L11 20.53V18.36L9 19.19L7.79 16.21L4.81 15L6.05 12L4.81 9L7.79 7.79L9 4.81L12 6.05L15 4.81L16.21 7.79L19.19 9L17.95 12L18 12.13L19.38 10.75C19.82 10.3 20.38 10.06 20.94 10L21.8 7.94L17.74 6.26L16.06 2.2L12 3.88L7.94 2.2L6.26 6.26L2.2 7.94L3.88 12M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Du1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M15 20V18H23V20H15Z",Eu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C18.79 13 18.58 13 18.38 13.03L17.95 12L19.19 9L16.21 7.79L15 4.81L12 6.05L9 4.81L7.79 7.79L4.81 9L6.05 12L4.81 15L7.79 16.21L9 19.19L12 17.95L13.03 18.38C13 18.58 13 18.79 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Nu1="M2.2,16.06L3.88,12L2.2,7.94L6.26,6.26L7.94,2.2L12,3.88L16.06,2.2L17.74,6.26L21.8,7.94L20.12,12L21.8,16.06L17.74,17.74L16.06,21.8L12,20.12L7.94,21.8L6.26,17.74L2.2,16.06M4.81,9L6.05,12L4.81,15L7.79,16.21L9,19.19L12,17.95L15,19.19L16.21,16.21L19.19,15L17.95,12L19.19,9L16.21,7.79L15,4.81L12,6.05L9,4.81L7.79,7.79L4.81,9Z",Wu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M20 20H23V18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20Z",Iu1="M2.2 16.06L3.88 12L2.2 7.94L6.26 6.26L7.94 2.2L12 3.88L16.06 2.2L17.74 6.26L21.8 7.94L20.12 12L20.63 13.22C20.11 13.08 19.56 13 19 13C18.79 13 18.58 13 18.38 13.03L17.95 12L19.19 9L16.21 7.79L15 4.81L12 6.05L9 4.81L7.79 7.79L4.81 9L6.05 12L4.81 15L7.79 16.21L9 19.19L12 17.95L13.03 18.38C13 18.58 13 18.79 13 19C13 19.56 13.08 20.11 13.22 20.63L12 20.12L7.94 21.8L6.26 17.74L2.2 16.06M20 20H23V18H20V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20Z",Gu1="M21.7 11.29H21.71L12.71 2.29C12.5 2.1 12.26 2 12 2C11.74 2 11.5 2.1 11.29 2.29L2.29 11.29H2.3C1.91 11.68 1.91 12.32 2.3 12.71H2.29L11.29 21.71C11.5 21.9 11.74 22 12 22C12.26 22 12.5 21.9 12.71 21.71L21.71 12.71H21.7C22.09 12.32 22.09 11.68 21.7 11.29M13 8.28V5.41L17.3 9.71L13 8.28M11 8.28L6.7 9.71L11 5.41V8.28M12 10.05L17.84 12L12 13.95L6.16 12L12 10.05M11 15.72V18.59L6.7 14.29L11 15.72M13 15.72L17.3 14.29L13 18.59V15.72Z",Qu1="M11 5.41V7.8L13.88 10.68L17.84 12L15.86 12.66L18.81 15.61L21.71 12.71H21.7C22.09 12.32 22.09 11.68 21.7 11.29H21.71L12.71 2.29C12.5 2.1 12.26 2 12 2S11.5 2.1 11.29 2.29L8.39 5.19L9.81 6.61L11 5.41M13 5.41L17.3 9.71L13 8.28V5.41M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.85 7.74L2.29 11.29H2.3C1.91 11.68 1.91 12.32 2.3 12.71H2.29L11.29 21.71C11.5 21.9 11.74 22 12 22S12.5 21.9 12.71 21.71L16.26 18.15L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M7.26 9.15L7.54 9.43L6.7 9.71L7.26 9.15M11 18.59L6.7 14.29L11 15.72V18.59M12 13.95L6.16 12L9.12 11L12.04 13.93L12 13.95M13 18.59V15.72L13.62 15.5L14.85 16.74L13 18.59Z",Uu1="M17.83,12.74C17.55,12.17 16.76,11.69 15.71,12.5C14.28,13.64 12,13.64 12,13.64C12,13.64 9.72,13.64 8.29,12.5C7.24,11.69 6.45,12.17 6.17,12.74C5.67,13.74 6.23,14.23 7.5,15.04C8.59,15.74 10.08,16 11.04,16.1L10.24,16.9C9.1,18.03 8,19.12 7.25,19.88C6.8,20.34 6.8,21.07 7.25,21.5L7.39,21.66C7.84,22.11 8.58,22.11 9.03,21.66L12,18.68C13.15,19.81 14.24,20.9 15,21.66C15.45,22.11 16.18,22.11 16.64,21.66L16.77,21.5C17.23,21.07 17.23,20.34 16.77,19.88L13.79,16.9L13,16.09C13.95,16 15.42,15.73 16.5,15.04C17.77,14.23 18.33,13.74 17.83,12.74M12,4.57C13.38,4.57 14.5,5.69 14.5,7.06C14.5,8.44 13.38,9.55 12,9.55C10.62,9.55 9.5,8.44 9.5,7.06C9.5,5.69 10.62,4.57 12,4.57M12,12.12C14.8,12.12 17.06,9.86 17.06,7.06C17.06,4.27 14.8,2 12,2C9.2,2 6.94,4.27 6.94,7.06C6.94,9.86 9.2,12.12 12,12.12Z",zu1="M21 13C21.6 13 22.1 13.2 22.4 13.6C22.8 14 23 14.5 23 15L15 18L8 16V7H9.9L17.2 9.7C17.7 9.9 18 10.3 18 10.8C18 11.1 17.9 11.4 17.7 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22S22 18.11 22 15.5C22 13.61 20.4 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.81C17.8 16.81 17.3 16.21 17.3 15.61C17.3 14.91 17.9 14.41 18.5 14.41S19.7 15 19.7 15.61C19.8 16.21 19.2 16.81 18.5 16.81Z",$u1="M15 9H17V11H15V9M17 5H15V7H17V5M11 15H13V13H11V15M13 5H11V7H13V5M11 11H13V9H11V11M9 5H7V7H9V5M9 9H7V11H9V9M14.55 21H13V17.5H11V21H5V3H19V11.03C19.71 11.09 20.39 11.31 21 11.63V1H3V23H15.91C15.5 22.44 15 21.76 14.55 21M7 19H9V17H7V19M9 13H7V15H9V13M22 16.5C22 19.1 18.5 23 18.5 23S15 19.1 15 16.5C15 14.6 16.6 13 18.5 13S22 14.6 22 16.5M19.7 16.6C19.7 16 19.1 15.4 18.5 15.4S17.3 15.9 17.3 16.6C17.3 17.2 17.8 17.8 18.5 17.8S19.8 17.2 19.7 16.6Z",Xu1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Yu1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Ju1="M19 3V21H13V17.5H11V21H5V3H19M15 7H17V5H15V7M11 7H13V5H11V7M7 7H9V5H7V7M15 11H17V9H15V11M11 11H13V9H11V11M7 11H9V9H7V11M15 15H17V13H15V15M11 15H13V13H11V15M7 15H9V13H7V15M15 19H17V17H15V19M7 19H9V17H7V19M21 1H3V23H21V1Z",Cc1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Hc1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",Vc1="M13.4 21C13.2 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 17.5 13.6 16.1 14.5 15H13V13H15V14.5C15.6 14 16.3 13.6 17 13.3V3H3V21H9V17.5H11V21H13.4M13 5H15V7H13V5M13 9H15V11H13V9M7 19H5V17H7V19M7 15H5V13H7V15M7 11H5V9H7V11M7 7H5V5H7V7M9 5H11V7H9V5M9 9H11V11H9V9M9 15V13H11V15H9M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",Lc1="M12 11H10V9H12V11M14 11H16V9H14V11M13.4 21H12V17.5H10V21H4V3H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V1H2V23H14.5C14 22.4 13.6 21.7 13.4 21M14 7H16V5H14V7M16 13.8V13H14V15H14.5C15 14.5 15.5 14.1 16 13.8M8 5H6V7H8V5M8 9H6V11H8V9M6 19H8V17H6V19M12 5H10V7H12V5M10 15H12V13H10V15M8 13H6V15H8V13M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5Z",Mc1="M22,12.5C22,12.5 24,14.67 24,16A2,2 0 0,1 22,18A2,2 0 0,1 20,16C20,14.67 22,12.5 22,12.5M6,6H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,7A1,1 0 0,1 10,8H9V10H11C11.74,10 12.39,10.4 12.73,11L19.24,7.24L22.5,9.13C23,9.4 23.14,10 22.87,10.5C22.59,10.97 22,11.14 21.5,10.86L19.4,9.65L15.75,15.97C15.41,16.58 14.75,17 14,17H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,15V12A2,2 0 0,1 5,10H7V8H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,7A1,1 0 0,1 6,6M5,12V15H14L16.06,11.43L12.6,13.43L11.69,12H5M0.38,9.21L2.09,7.5C2.5,7.11 3.11,7.11 3.5,7.5C3.89,7.89 3.89,8.5 3.5,8.91L1.79,10.62C1.4,11 0.77,11 0.38,10.62C0,10.23 0,9.6 0.38,9.21Z",Ac1="M5,20H16V22H5M11,5H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,7H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,5M16,8H22A2,2 0 0,1 20,10H19A4,4 0 0,0 15,14V15A4,4 0 0,1 11,19H10A4,4 0 0,1 6,15H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,13V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8M6,10H4V13H6M19,5A2,2 0 0,1 21,7H22A2.9,2.9 0 0,0 19,4A2,2 0 0,1 17,2H16A2.9,2.9 0 0,0 19,5",ic1="M8 18C6.67 18 5.79 18.79 5.29 19.29S4.67 20 4 20 3.21 19.79 2.71 19.29C2.35 18.93 1.79 18.42 1 18.16V20.41C1.09 20.5 1.18 20.59 1.29 20.71C1.79 21.21 2.67 22 4 22S6.21 21.21 6.71 20.71 7.33 20 8 20 8.79 20.21 9.29 20.71C9.73 21.14 10.44 21.8 11.5 21.96C11.66 22 11.83 22 12 22C13.33 22 14.21 21.21 14.71 20.71S15.33 20 16 20 16.79 20.21 17.29 20.71 18.67 22 20 22 22.21 21.21 22.71 20.71C22.82 20.59 22.91 20.5 23 20.41V18.16C22.21 18.42 21.65 18.93 21.29 19.29C20.79 19.79 20.67 20 20 20S19.21 19.79 18.71 19.29 17.33 18 16 18 13.79 18.79 13.29 19.29 12.67 20 12 20C11.78 20 11.63 19.97 11.5 19.92C11.22 19.82 11.05 19.63 10.71 19.29C10.21 18.79 9.33 18 8 18M22 10.5C22 10.5 24 12.67 24 14C24 15.1 23.1 16 22 16S20 15.1 20 14C20 12.67 22 10.5 22 10.5M22.5 7.13L19.24 5.24L12.73 9C12.39 8.4 11.74 8 11 8H9V6H10C10.55 6 11 5.55 11 5S10.55 4 10 4H6C5.45 4 5 4.45 5 5S5.45 6 6 6H7V8H5C3.9 8 3 8.9 3 10V13C3 14.1 3.9 15 5 15H14C14.75 15 15.41 14.58 15.75 13.97L19.4 7.65L21.5 8.86C22 9.14 22.59 8.97 22.87 8.5C23.14 8 23 7.4 22.5 7.13M14 13H5V10H11.69L12.6 11.43L16.06 9.43L14 13M3.5 6.92L1.79 8.62A1 1 0 0 1 .38 7.21L2.09 5.5A1 1 0 0 1 3.5 5.5C3.89 5.89 3.89 6.5 3.5 6.92Z",rc1="M10 5H13V3H10V2C10 1.4 9.6 1 9 1S8 1.4 8 2V15.3C7.4 15.6 7 16.3 7 17C7 18.1 7.9 19 9 19S11 18.1 11 17C11 16.3 10.6 15.6 10 15.3V13H13V11H10V9H13V7H10V5M22 17.5C22 17.5 24 19.7 24 21C24 22.1 23.1 23 22 23S20 22.1 20 21C20 19.7 22 17.5 22 17.5M22.9 15.5C22.6 16 22 16.1 21.5 15.9L19.4 14.7L15.8 21C15.5 21.6 14.8 22 14 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V17C3 15.9 3.9 15 5 15V20H14L16.1 16.4L13 18.2V15.8L19.2 12.2L22.5 14.1C23 14.4 23.1 15 22.9 15.5M3.5 13.9L1.8 15.6C1.4 16 .8 16 .4 15.6S0 14.6.4 14.2L2.1 12.5C2.5 12.1 3.1 12.1 3.5 12.5S3.9 13.5 3.5 13.9Z",ac1="M15,2L13.5,3.5L15,5L16.5,3.5L15,2M11,3C10,9 17,10 20,6L18,4.5C17,6 13,8 11,3M9,7C7,7 4.5,8.5 4.5,8.5L6,11C7,10 9,9.5 10,10C12,11 9,13 7,12V15.5C10,14 12,16 11,17.5C8,22 3,16 3,13C1,19 6,22 9,22C12,22 14,20 12.5,15H14C12.5,19.5 18,24 21,18C22,16 22,9.5 17,9.5C13,9.5 14,15 10.5,13.5C14,10 12,7 9,7M19,12C22,15 15,21 15,15C15,13 17,10.5 19,12Z",ec1="M19.15,19H13.39V16.87C15.5,15.25 16.59,13.24 16.59,10.84C16.59,9.34 16.16,8.16 15.32,7.29C14.47,6.42 13.37,6 12.03,6C10.68,6 9.57,6.42 8.71,7.3C7.84,8.17 7.41,9.37 7.41,10.88C7.41,13.26 8.5,15.26 10.61,16.87V19H4.85V16.87H8.41C6.04,15.32 4.85,13.23 4.85,10.6C4.85,8.5 5.5,6.86 6.81,5.66C8.12,4.45 9.84,3.85 11.97,3.85C14.15,3.85 15.89,4.45 17.19,5.64C18.5,6.83 19.15,8.5 19.15,10.58C19.15,13.21 17.95,15.31 15.55,16.87H19.15V19Z",dc1="M10,19V19C9.4,19 9,18.6 9,18V17C9,16.5 9.4,16 10,16V16C10.5,16 11,16.4 11,17V18C11,18.6 10.6,19 10,19M15,18V17C15,16.5 14.6,16 14,16V16C13.5,16 13,16.4 13,17V18C13,18.5 13.4,19 14,19V19C14.6,19 15,18.6 15,18M22,12C22,14.6 20.4,16.9 18,18.4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V18.4C3.6,16.9 2,14.6 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M7,10C7,8.9 6.4,7.9 5.5,7.4C4.5,8.7 4,10.3 4,12C4,12.3 4,12.7 4.1,13C5.7,12.9 7,11.6 7,10M9,9C9,10.7 10.3,12 12,12C13.7,12 15,10.7 15,9C15,7.3 13.7,6 12,6C10.3,6 9,7.3 9,9M16,20V15.5C14.8,15.2 13.4,15 12,15C10.6,15 9.2,15.2 8,15.5V20H16M19.9,13C20,12.7 20,12.3 20,12C20,10.3 19.5,8.7 18.5,7.4C17.6,7.9 17,8.9 17,10C17,11.6 18.3,12.9 19.9,13Z",mc1="M12,1C5.92,1 1,5.92 1,12C1,18.08 5.92,23 12,23C18.08,23 23,18.08 23,12C23,5.92 18.08,1 12,1M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M13,13.5C13,14.13 13.4,14.7 14,14.91V18H10V11.91C10.78,11.64 11.19,10.8 10.93,10C10.78,9.58 10.44,9.24 10,9.09V6H14V12.09C13.4,12.3 13,12.87 13,13.5Z",tc1="M17.66,8L12,2.35L6.34,8C4.78,9.56 4,11.64 4,13.64C4,15.64 4.78,17.75 6.34,19.31C7.9,20.87 9.95,21.66 12,21.66C14.05,21.66 16.1,20.87 17.66,19.31C19.22,17.75 20,15.64 20,13.64C20,11.64 19.22,9.56 17.66,8M6,14C6,12 6.62,10.73 7.76,9.6L12,5.27L16.24,9.65C17.38,10.77 18,12 18,14H6Z",vc1="M12,10L8,14H11V20H13V14H16M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.9 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H9V18H5V8H19V18H15V20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4Z",lc1="M14,3V5H17.59L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L19,6.41V10H21V3M19,19H5V5H12V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19Z",oc1="M15.41,22C15.35,22 15.28,22 15.22,22C15.1,21.95 15,21.85 14.96,21.73L12.74,15.93C12.65,15.69 12.77,15.42 13,15.32C13.71,15.06 14.28,14.5 14.58,13.83C15.22,12.4 14.58,10.73 13.15,10.09C11.72,9.45 10.05,10.09 9.41,11.5C9.11,12.21 9.09,13 9.36,13.69C9.66,14.43 10.25,15 11,15.28C11.24,15.37 11.37,15.64 11.28,15.89L9,21.69C8.96,21.81 8.87,21.91 8.75,21.96C8.63,22 8.5,22 8.39,21.96C3.24,19.97 0.67,14.18 2.66,9.03C4.65,3.88 10.44,1.31 15.59,3.3C18.06,4.26 20.05,6.15 21.13,8.57C22.22,11 22.29,13.75 21.33,16.22C20.32,18.88 18.23,21 15.58,22C15.5,22 15.47,22 15.41,22M12,3.59C7.03,3.46 2.9,7.39 2.77,12.36C2.68,16.08 4.88,19.47 8.32,20.9L10.21,16C8.38,15 7.69,12.72 8.68,10.89C9.67,9.06 11.96,8.38 13.79,9.36C15.62,10.35 16.31,12.64 15.32,14.47C14.97,15.12 14.44,15.65 13.79,16L15.68,20.93C17.86,19.95 19.57,18.16 20.44,15.93C22.28,11.31 20.04,6.08 15.42,4.23C14.33,3.8 13.17,3.58 12,3.59Z",nc1="M14,2L11,3.5V19.94C7,19.5 4,17.46 4,15C4,12.75 6.5,10.85 10,10.22V8.19C4.86,8.88 1,11.66 1,15C1,18.56 5.36,21.5 11,21.94C11.03,21.94 11.06,21.94 11.09,21.94L14,20.5V2M15,8.19V10.22C16.15,10.43 17.18,10.77 18.06,11.22L16.5,12L23,13.5L22.5,9L20.5,10C19,9.12 17.12,8.47 15,8.19Z",Zc1="M9.04,17.07C8.04,15.9 7.4,14.16 7.35,12.21V11.79C7.4,9.84 8.04,8.1 9.04,6.93C9.86,5.95 10.93,5.37 12.1,5.37C14.72,5.37 16.84,8.34 16.84,12C16.84,15.66 14.72,18.63 12.1,18.63C10.93,18.63 10.33,18.5 9.04,17.07M12.03,3H12A9,9 0 0,0 3,12C3,16.83 6.8,20.77 11.57,21H12C14.3,21 16.4,20.13 18,18.71C19.84,17.06 21,14.67 21,12C21,9.33 19.84,6.94 18,5.29C16.41,3.87 14.32,3 12.03,3Z",Sc1="M8.11,1.75C9.3,1.25 10.62,1 12,1C18.08,1 23,5.92 23,12C23,18.08 18.08,23 12,23C5.92,23 1,18.08 1,12C1,10.62 1.25,9.3 1.72,8.08C2.24,8.61 2.83,8.96 3.45,9.18C3.16,10.07 3,11 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3C11,3 10.07,3.16 9.18,3.45C8.96,2.83 8.61,2.24 8.11,1.75M4.93,2.93C6.03,2.93 6.93,3.82 6.93,4.93A2,2 0 0,1 4.93,6.93C3.82,6.93 2.93,6.03 2.93,4.93C2.93,3.82 3.82,2.93 4.93,2.93M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7Z",uc1="M19 8L15 12H18C18 15.31 15.31 18 12 18C11 18 10.03 17.75 9.2 17.3L7.74 18.76C8.97 19.54 10.43 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12H23M6 12C6 8.69 8.69 6 12 6C13 6 13.97 6.25 14.8 6.7L16.26 5.24C15.03 4.46 13.57 4 12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12H1L5 16L9 12M14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14S10 13.11 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12Z",cc1="M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12M9 13V15L5.67 19H9V21H3V19L6.33 15H3V13M7 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V11H5V9H7V11H9V5C9 3.9 8.11 3 7 3M7 7H5V5H7Z",sc1="M7 13H5C3.9 13 3 13.9 3 15V21H5V19H7V21H9V15C9 13.9 8.11 13 7 13M7 17H5V15H7M9 3V5L5.67 9H9V11H3V9L6.33 5H3V3M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",Oc1="M6 3C3.79 3 2 4.79 2 7S3.79 11 6 11 10 9.21 10 7 8.21 3 6 3M6 9C4.9 9 4 8.1 4 7S4.9 5 6 5 8 5.9 8 7 7.1 9 6 9M6 13C3.79 13 2 14.79 2 17S3.79 21 6 21 10 19.21 10 17 8.21 13 6 13M12 5H22V7H12V5M12 19V17H22V19H12M12 11H22V13H12V11Z",hc1="M4 13C2.89 13 2 13.89 2 15V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H8C9.11 21 10 20.11 10 19V15C10 13.89 9.11 13 8 13M8.2 14.5L9.26 15.55L5.27 19.5L2.74 16.95L3.81 15.9L5.28 17.39M4 3C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V9C2 10.11 2.89 11 4 11H8C9.11 11 10 10.11 10 9V5C10 3.89 9.11 3 8 3M4 5H8V9H4M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",pc1="M6 13C3.79 13 2 14.79 2 17S3.79 21 6 21 10 19.21 10 17 8.21 13 6 13M6 19C4.9 19 4 18.1 4 17S4.9 15 6 15 8 15.9 8 17 7.1 19 6 19M6 3C3.79 3 2 4.79 2 7S3.79 11 6 11 10 9.21 10 7 8.21 3 6 3M12 5H22V7H12V5M12 19V17H22V19H12M12 11H22V13H12V11Z",fc1="M4 3C2.89 3 2 3.89 2 5V9C2 10.11 2.89 11 4 11H8C9.11 11 10 10.11 10 9V5C10 3.89 9.11 3 8 3M8.2 4.5L9.26 5.55L5.27 9.5L2.74 6.95L3.81 5.9L5.28 7.39M4 13C2.89 13 2 13.89 2 15V19C2 20.11 2.89 21 4 21H8C9.11 21 10 20.11 10 19V15C10 13.89 9.11 13 8 13M4 15H8V19H4M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",gc1="M7 21H3V19H7V18H5C3.9 18 3 17.11 3 16V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13H7C8.11 13 9 13.9 9 15V19C9 20.11 8.11 21 7 21M7 15H5V16H7M5 3H7C8.11 3 9 3.9 9 5V9C9 10.11 8.11 11 7 11H5C3.9 11 3 10.11 3 9V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 9H7V5H5M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",kc1="M7 11H3V9H7V8H5C3.9 8 3 7.11 3 6V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H7C8.11 3 9 3.9 9 5V9C9 10.11 8.11 11 7 11M7 5H5V6H7M5 13H7C8.11 13 9 13.9 9 15V19C9 20.11 8.11 21 7 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13M5 19H7V15H5M12 5H22V7H12M12 19V17H22V19M12 11H22V13H12Z",Bc1="M12,2.13C12,2.23 11.95,2.33 11.89,2.41C11.5,3 11.16,3.64 11.04,4.33L11,4.56L12,4.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 19.5,12C19.5,13.62 19,15.11 18.12,16.34C16.73,18.68 14.72,20.65 12.34,21.97C12.25,22 12.12,22 12.06,21.93C12,21.83 12,21.7 12.09,21.61C12.47,21.09 12.73,20.5 12.87,19.85L12.93,19.44L12,19.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 4.5,12C4.5,10.39 5,8.89 5.88,7.67C7.26,5.32 9.28,3.34 11.67,2C11.78,1.95 11.94,2 12,2.13M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",Pc1="M12,1A3,3 0 0,1 15,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6V7.07C18.39,8.45 20,11.04 20,14A8,8 0 0,1 12,22A8,8 0 0,1 4,14C4,11.04 5.61,8.45 8,7.07V6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V4A3,3 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4V5H13V4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M12,8C10.22,8 8.63,8.77 7.53,10H16.47C15.37,8.77 13.78,8 12,8M6.34,16H7.59L6,14.43C6.05,15 6.17,15.5 6.34,16M12.59,16L8.59,12H6.41L10.41,16H12.59M17.66,12H16.41L18,13.57C17.95,13 17.83,12.5 17.66,12M11.41,12L15.41,16H17.59L13.59,12H11.41M12,20C13.78,20 15.37,19.23 16.47,18H7.53C8.63,19.23 10.22,20 12,20Z",wc1="M12,1A3,3 0 0,1 15,4V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6V7.07C18.39,8.45 20,11.04 20,14A8,8 0 0,1 12,22A8,8 0 0,1 4,14C4,11.04 5.61,8.45 8,7.07V6A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V4A3,3 0 0,1 12,1M12,3A1,1 0 0,0 11,4V5H13V4A1,1 0 0,0 12,3M12,8C10.22,8 8.63,8.77 7.53,10H16.47C15.37,8.77 13.78,8 12,8M12,20C13.78,20 15.37,19.23 16.47,18H7.53C8.63,19.23 10.22,20 12,20M12,12A2,2 0 0,0 10,14A2,2 0 0,0 12,16A2,2 0 0,0 14,14A2,2 0 0,0 12,12M18,14C18,13.31 17.88,12.65 17.67,12C16.72,12.19 16,13 16,14C16,15 16.72,15.81 17.67,15.97C17.88,15.35 18,14.69 18,14M6,14C6,14.69 6.12,15.35 6.33,15.97C7.28,15.81 8,15 8,14C8,13 7.28,12.19 6.33,12C6.12,12.65 6,13.31 6,14Z",Fc1="M15 22H13C11.9 22 11 21.1 11 20V15H17V20C17 21.1 16.1 22 15 22M7 14H21L15 9.71V6C15 4.39 13.94 2 11 2S7 4.39 7 6C7 6.45 6.81 7 6 7H5V3H3V12H5V9H6C8.2 9 9 7.21 9 6C9 5.67 9.1 4 11 4C12.83 4 13 5.54 13 6V9.71L7 14Z",Tc1="M12 5.5L10 8H14L12 5.5M18 10V14L20.5 12L18 10M6 10L3.5 12L6 14V10M14 16H10L12 18.5L14 16M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H21C22.1 21 23 20.1 23 19V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3M21 19H3V5H21V19Z",bc1="M12,16C12.56,16.84 13.31,17.53 14.2,18L12,20.2L9.8,18C10.69,17.53 11.45,16.84 12,16M17,11.2A2,2 0 0,0 15,13.2A2,2 0 0,0 17,15.2A2,2 0 0,0 19,13.2C19,12.09 18.1,11.2 17,11.2M7,11.2A2,2 0 0,0 5,13.2A2,2 0 0,0 7,15.2A2,2 0 0,0 9,13.2C9,12.09 8.1,11.2 7,11.2M17,8.7A4,4 0 0,1 21,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 17,16.7A4,4 0 0,1 13,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 17,8.7M7,8.7A4,4 0 0,1 11,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 7,16.7A4,4 0 0,1 3,12.7A4,4 0 0,1 7,8.7M2.24,1C4,4.7 2.73,7.46 1.55,10.2C1.19,11 1,11.83 1,12.7A6,6 0 0,0 7,18.7C7.21,18.69 7.42,18.68 7.63,18.65L10.59,21.61L12,23L13.41,21.61L16.37,18.65C16.58,18.68 16.79,18.69 17,18.7A6,6 0 0,0 23,12.7C23,11.83 22.81,11 22.45,10.2C21.27,7.46 20,4.7 21.76,1C19.12,3.06 15.36,4.69 12,4.7C8.64,4.69 4.88,3.06 2.24,1Z",yc1="M12,12L19.07,19.07C15.17,23 8.83,23 4.93,19.07C1,15.17 1,8.84 4.93,4.93C8.83,1 15.16,1 19.07,4.93L12,12M19,10A2,2 0 0,0 17,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10Z",Rc1="M5.12,5H18.87L17.93,4H5.93L5.12,5M20.54,5.23C20.83,5.57 21,6 21,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V6.5C3,6 3.17,5.57 3.46,5.23L4.84,3.55C5.12,3.21 5.53,3 6,3H18C18.47,3 18.88,3.21 19.15,3.55L20.54,5.23M6,18H12V15H6V18Z",xc1="M6 3C5.5 3 5.1 3.2 4.8 3.6L3.5 5.2C3.2 5.6 3 6 3 6.5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13.3C13.1 20.4 13 19.7 13 19C13 15.7 15.7 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.3V6.5C21 6 20.8 5.6 20.5 5.2L19.1 3.5C18.9 3.2 18.5 3 18 3H6M5.9 4H17.9L18.8 5H5.1L5.9 4M6 15H12V18H6V15M21.3 15.8L17.7 19.4L16.1 17.8L15 19L17.8 22L22.6 17.2L21.3 15.8Z",Dc1="M5.12,5L5.93,4H17.93L18.87,5M12,17.5L6.5,12H10V10H14V12H17.5L12,17.5M20.54,5.23L19.15,3.55C18.88,3.21 18.47,3 18,3H6C5.53,3 5.12,3.21 4.84,3.55L3.46,5.23C3.17,5.57 3,6 3,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V6.5C21,6 20.83,5.57 20.54,5.23Z",Ec1="M20.54,5.23C20.83,5.57 21,6 21,6.5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V6.5C3,6 3.17,5.57 3.46,5.23L4.84,3.55C5.12,3.21 5.53,3 6,3H18C18.47,3 18.88,3.21 19.15,3.55L20.54,5.23M5.12,5H18.87L17.93,4H5.93L5.12,5M12,9.5L6.5,15H10V17H14V15H17.5L12,9.5Z",Nc1="M2,10.96C1.5,10.68 1.35,10.07 1.63,9.59L3.13,7C3.24,6.8 3.41,6.66 3.6,6.58L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.66,6.72 20.82,6.88 20.91,7.08L22.36,9.6C22.64,10.08 22.47,10.69 22,10.96L21,11.54V16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V10.96C2.7,11.13 2.32,11.14 2,10.96M12,4.15V4.15L12,10.85V10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V12.69L14,15.59C13.67,15.77 13.3,15.76 13,15.6V19.29L19,15.91M13.85,13.36L20.13,9.73L19.55,8.72L13.27,12.35L13.85,13.36Z",Wc1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L10.11,5.22L16,8.61L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M6.04,7.5L12,10.85L13.96,9.75L8.08,6.35L6.04,7.5M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V9.21L13,12.58V19.29L19,15.91Z",Ic1="M12 2C11.8 2 11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3V12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.3V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M8.1 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.9L6 7.5L8.1 6.3M5 9.2L11 12.6V19.3L5 15.9V9.2M21.3 15.8L17.7 19.4L16.1 17.8L15 19L17.8 22L22.6 17.2L21.3 15.8Z",Gc1="M13 12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",Qc1="M13 19.3V12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Uc1="M13 12.6L19 9.2V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V7.5C21 7.1 20.8 6.8 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.5 6.6C3.2 6.8 3 7.1 3 7.5V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M12 4.2L18 7.5L16 8.6L10.1 5.2L12 4.2M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M12 10.8L6 7.5L8 6.3L14 9.8L12 10.8M16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5Z",zc1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M23 20H15V18H23V20Z",_c1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",Kc1="M13 15.6C13.3 15.8 13.7 15.8 14 15.6L19 12.7V13C19.7 13 20.4 13.1 21 13.4V11.6L22 11C22.5 10.7 22.6 10.1 22.4 9.6L20.9 7.1C20.8 6.9 20.7 6.7 20.5 6.6L12.6 2.2C12.4 2.1 12.2 2 12 2S11.6 2.1 11.4 2.2L3.6 6.6C3.4 6.7 3.2 6.8 3.1 7L1.6 9.6C1.3 10.1 1.5 10.7 2 11C2.3 11.2 2.7 11.2 3 11V16.5C3 16.9 3.2 17.2 3.5 17.4L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L13.5 21.3C13.2 20.7 13.1 20 13 19.3M11 19.3L5 15.9V9.2L11 12.6V19.3M20.1 9.7L13.8 13.3L13.2 12.3L19.5 8.7L20.1 9.7M12 10.8V4.2L18 7.5L12 10.8M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",jc1="M18.41,16.59L13.82,12L18.41,7.41L17,6L11,12L17,18L18.41,16.59M6,6H8V18H6V6Z",qc1="M5.59,7.41L10.18,12L5.59,16.59L7,18L13,12L7,6L5.59,7.41M16,6H18V18H16V6Z",$c1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,8V16H18V8H6Z",Xc1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,16V20H18V16H6Z",Yc1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,4V8H18V4H6Z",Jc1="M18 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C19.11 22 20 21.11 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2M18 20H6V16H18V20M18 8H6V4H18V8Z",Cs1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M6,8V16H10V8H6Z",Hs1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M14,8V16H18V8H14Z",Vs1="M20,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V11H7V9L11,12L7,15V13H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 20,3M17,17H13V15H17V17M20,13H13V11H20V13M20,9H13V7H20V9M3,13H0V11H3V13Z",Ls1="M22,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V9H5V5H22V19H5V15H3V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 22,3M7,15V13H0V11H7V9L11,12L7,15M20,13H13V11H20V13M20,9H13V7H20V9M17,17H13V15H17V17Z",Ms1="M4,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V13H17V15L13,12L17,9V11H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21M4,15H8V17H4V15M4,11H11V13H4V11M4,7H11V9H4V7M21,11H24V13H21V11Z",As1="M2,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V9H19V5H2V19H19V15H21V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 2,3M17,15V13H24V11H17V9L13,12L17,15M4,13H11V11H4V13M4,9H11V7H4V9M4,17H8V15H4V17Z",is1="M11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63M7 21L5.79 14.97L13.21 10.69C14 10.26 14.5 9.44 14.5 8.5C14.5 7.12 13.38 6 12 6C11.53 6 11.09 6.13 10.71 6.36L4.76 9.79L4 6H3V4H21V6H20L17 21H7Z",rs1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",as1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",es1="M20.84 22.73L17.35 19.24L17 21H7L5.79 14.97L10.41 12.3L9.31 11.2L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L7.85 9.74L6.75 8.64L4.76 9.79L4 6H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.27 14.16 9.94 13.6 10.4L18.2 15L20 6H21V4H7.2L10 6.78L10.71 6.36M11.5 7.63L11.08 7.88L12.53 9.33C12.97 9.05 13.13 8.46 12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63Z",ds1="M20.84 22.73L17.35 19.24L17 21H7L5.9 15.5L7.73 14.43L8.64 19H15.36L15.65 17.54L9.31 11.2L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L7.85 9.74L6.38 8.27L4.65 9.27L4 6H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M17.96 6L16.5 13.3L18.2 15L20 6H21V4H7.2L9.2 6H17.96M11.5 7.63L11.08 7.88L12.53 9.33C12.97 9.05 13.13 8.46 12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63Z",ms1="M11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75S2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63M3 4V6H4L4.65 9.27L6.5 8.22L6.04 6H17.96L15.36 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H17L20 6H21V4H3Z",ts1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",vs1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",ls1="M12.5 9.36L4.27 14.11C3.79 14.39 3.18 14.23 2.9 13.75C2.62 13.27 2.79 12.66 3.27 12.38L11.5 7.63C11.97 7.35 12.58 7.5 12.86 8C13.14 8.47 12.97 9.09 12.5 9.36M13 19C13 15.82 15.47 13.23 18.6 13L20 6H21V4H3V6H4L4.76 9.79L10.71 6.36C11.09 6.13 11.53 6 12 6C13.38 6 14.5 7.12 14.5 8.5C14.5 9.44 14 10.26 13.21 10.69L5.79 14.97L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",os1="M4 6H3V4H21V6H20L18.6 13C17.83 13.07 17.11 13.26 16.45 13.58L17.96 6H6.04L6.5 8.22L4.65 9.27L4 6M12.86 8C12.58 7.5 11.97 7.35 11.5 7.63L3.27 12.38C2.79 12.66 2.62 13.27 2.9 13.75C3.18 14.23 3.79 14.39 4.27 14.11L12.5 9.36C12.97 9.09 13.14 8.47 12.86 8M13 19H8.64L7.73 14.43L5.9 15.5L7 21H13.35C13.13 20.37 13 19.7 13 19M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.58 19L15.46 21.12L16.87 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.53 21.12L20.41 19L22.53 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",ns1="M17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12M14.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,8M9.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,8M6.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,12M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,19.5C13.5,19.11 13.35,18.76 13.11,18.5C12.88,18.23 12.73,17.88 12.73,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.23,16H16A5,5 0 0,0 21,11C21,6.58 16.97,3 12,3Z",Zs1="M22,22H10V20H22V22M2,22V20H9V22H2M18,18V10H22V18H18M18,3H22V9H18V3M2,18V3H16V18H2M9,14.56A3,3 0 0,0 12,11.56C12,9.56 9,6.19 9,6.19C9,6.19 6,9.56 6,11.56A3,3 0 0,0 9,14.56Z",Ss1="M12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2C17.5,2 22,6 22,11A6,6 0 0,1 16,17H14.2C13.9,17 13.7,17.2 13.7,17.5C13.7,17.6 13.8,17.7 13.8,17.8C14.2,18.3 14.4,18.9 14.4,19.5C14.5,20.9 13.4,22 12,22M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C12.3,20 12.5,19.8 12.5,19.5C12.5,19.3 12.4,19.2 12.4,19.1C12,18.6 11.8,18.1 11.8,17.5C11.8,16.1 12.9,15 14.3,15H16A4,4 0 0,0 20,11C20,7.1 16.4,4 12,4M6.5,10C7.3,10 8,10.7 8,11.5C8,12.3 7.3,13 6.5,13C5.7,13 5,12.3 5,11.5C5,10.7 5.7,10 6.5,10M9.5,6C10.3,6 11,6.7 11,7.5C11,8.3 10.3,9 9.5,9C8.7,9 8,8.3 8,7.5C8,6.7 8.7,6 9.5,6M14.5,6C15.3,6 16,6.7 16,7.5C16,8.3 15.3,9 14.5,9C13.7,9 13,8.3 13,7.5C13,6.7 13.7,6 14.5,6M17.5,10C18.3,10 19,10.7 19,11.5C19,12.3 18.3,13 17.5,13C16.7,13 16,12.3 16,11.5C16,10.7 16.7,10 17.5,10Z",us1="M2.53,19.65L3.87,20.21V11.18L1.44,17.04C1.03,18.06 1.5,19.23 2.53,19.65M22.03,15.95L17.07,4C16.76,3.23 16.03,2.77 15.26,2.75C15,2.75 14.73,2.79 14.47,2.9L7.1,5.95C6.35,6.26 5.89,7 5.87,7.75C5.86,8 5.91,8.29 6,8.55L11,20.5C11.29,21.28 12.03,21.74 12.81,21.75C13.07,21.75 13.33,21.7 13.58,21.6L20.94,18.55C21.96,18.13 22.45,16.96 22.03,15.95M7.88,8.75A1,1 0 0,1 6.88,7.75A1,1 0 0,1 7.88,6.75C8.43,6.75 8.88,7.2 8.88,7.75C8.88,8.3 8.43,8.75 7.88,8.75M5.88,19.75A2,2 0 0,0 7.88,21.75H9.33L5.88,13.41V19.75Z",cs1="M2.5 19.6L3.8 20.2V11.2L1.4 17C1 18.1 1.5 19.2 2.5 19.6M15.2 4.8L20.2 16.8L12.9 19.8L7.9 7.9V7.8L15.2 4.8M15.3 2.8C15 2.8 14.8 2.8 14.5 2.9L7.1 6C6.4 6.3 5.9 7 5.9 7.8C5.9 8 5.9 8.3 6 8.6L11 20.5C11.3 21.3 12 21.7 12.8 21.7C13.1 21.7 13.3 21.7 13.6 21.6L21 18.5C22 18.1 22.5 16.9 22.1 15.9L17.1 4C16.8 3.2 16 2.8 15.3 2.8M10.5 9.9C9.9 9.9 9.5 9.5 9.5 8.9S9.9 7.9 10.5 7.9C11.1 7.9 11.5 8.4 11.5 8.9S11.1 9.9 10.5 9.9M5.9 19.8C5.9 20.9 6.8 21.8 7.9 21.8H9.3L5.9 13.5V19.8Z",ss1="M20 14H6C3.8 14 2 15.8 2 18S3.8 22 6 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V16C22 14.9 21.1 14 20 14M6 20C4.9 20 4 19.1 4 18S4.9 16 6 16 8 16.9 8 18 7.1 20 6 20M6.3 12L13 5.3C13.8 4.5 15 4.5 15.8 5.3L18.6 8.1C19.4 8.9 19.4 10.1 18.6 10.9L17.7 12H6.3M2 13.5V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H8C9.1 2 10 2.9 10 4V5.5L2 13.5Z",Os1="M12 9C13.59 16.61 10 22 10 22H13C14.88 16.2 14 12.09 13.5 10M15.66 7.16C15.83 7.37 16 7.59 16.13 7.82C17.84 10.53 17.5 13.95 15.5 16.26C16.34 14.21 16.22 11.79 14.95 9.77C14.87 9.64 14.78 9.53 14.7 9.41C14.11 8.58 13.36 7.92 12.54 7.43C9.66 8.35 7.58 11.04 7.58 14.22C7.58 14.96 7.69 15.67 7.89 16.33C7.05 15.16 6.56 13.73 6.56 12.19C6.56 9.84 7.7 7.76 9.45 6.46C8 6.35 6.46 6.67 5.12 7.5C4.5 7.91 3.96 8.38 3.5 8.91C4.05 7.58 5 6.39 6.3 5.57C7.8 4.63 9.5 4.32 11.14 4.56C10.73 4 10.23 3.47 9.63 3C9.05 2.58 8.42 2.24 7.76 2C9.2 2.04 10.64 2.5 11.87 3.43C12.5 3.9 13 4.47 13.4 5.07C13.5 5.07 13.59 5.06 13.69 5.06C16.89 5.06 19.6 7.17 20.5 10.08C19.38 8.5 17.65 7.43 15.66 7.16Z",hs1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ps1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M5.35,13L11,18.65L5,19L5.35,13Z",fs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M13,18.65L18.65,13L19,19L13,18.65Z",gs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ks1="M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Bs1="M7,8L2.5,12L7,16V8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",Ps1="M17,8V16L21.5,12L17,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ws1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M11,5.35L5.35,11L5,5L11,5.35Z",Fs1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M18.65,11L13,5.35L19,5L18.65,11Z",Ts1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",bs1="M12,2.5L8,7H16L12,2.5M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M8,17L12,21.5L16,17H8Z",ys1="M12,3C13.74,3 15.36,3.5 16.74,4.35C17.38,3.53 18.38,3 19.5,3A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 23,6.5C23,8 22.05,9.28 20.72,9.78C20.9,10.5 21,11.23 21,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,21A9,9 0 0,1 3,12C3,11.23 3.1,10.5 3.28,9.78C1.95,9.28 1,8 1,6.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 4.5,3C5.62,3 6.62,3.53 7.26,4.35C8.64,3.5 10.26,3 12,3M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5M16.19,10.3C16.55,11.63 16.08,12.91 15.15,13.16C14.21,13.42 13.17,12.54 12.81,11.2C12.45,9.87 12.92,8.59 13.85,8.34C14.79,8.09 15.83,8.96 16.19,10.3M7.81,10.3C8.17,8.96 9.21,8.09 10.15,8.34C11.08,8.59 11.55,9.87 11.19,11.2C10.83,12.54 9.79,13.42 8.85,13.16C7.92,12.91 7.45,11.63 7.81,10.3M12,14C12.6,14 13.13,14.19 13.5,14.5L12.5,15.5C12.5,15.92 12.84,16.25 13.25,16.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14.5,15A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 13.25,17.25C12.76,17.25 12.32,17.05 12,16.72C11.68,17.05 11.24,17.25 10.75,17.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 9,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 9.5,15A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 10,15.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 10.75,16.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 11.5,15.5L10.5,14.5C10.87,14.19 11.4,14 12,14Z",Rs1="M10,20A1,1 0 0,1 9,21H4V3H13.71A6.75,6.75 0 0,1 20.46,9.75C20.46,13.5 17.44,16.5 13.71,16.5H10V20Z",xs1="M8.5,12.5L11,15.5L14.5,11L19,17H5M23,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18Z",Ds1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2Z",Es1="M12 5.5C8.1 5.5 5.1 4.7 3.3 4.1C2.7 3.8 2 4.3 2 5V19C2 19.7 2.7 20.2 3.3 20C5.4 19.3 8.1 18.5 12 18.5C15.9 18.5 18.7 19.3 20.7 20C21.4 20.2 22 19.7 22 19V5C22 4.3 21.3 3.8 20.7 4.1C18.7 4.7 15.9 5.5 12 5.5Z",Ns1="M21.43,4C21.33,4 21.23,4 21.12,4.06C18.18,5.16 15.09,5.7 12,5.7C8.91,5.7 5.82,5.15 2.88,4.06C2.77,4 2.66,4 2.57,4C2.23,4 2,4.23 2,4.63V19.38C2,19.77 2.23,20 2.57,20C2.67,20 2.77,20 2.88,19.94C5.82,18.84 8.91,18.3 12,18.3C15.09,18.3 18.18,18.85 21.12,19.94C21.23,20 21.33,20 21.43,20C21.76,20 22,19.77 22,19.37V4.63C22,4.23 21.76,4 21.43,4M20,6.54V17.45C17.4,16.68 14.72,16.29 12,16.29C9.28,16.29 6.6,16.68 4,17.45V6.54C6.6,7.31 9.28,7.7 12,7.7C14.72,7.71 17.4,7.32 20,6.54Z",Ws1="M21 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V18C1 19.1 1.9 20 3 20H21C22.1 20 23 19.1 23 18V6C23 4.9 22.1 4 21 4M21 18H3V6H21V18M14.5 11L11 15.5L8.5 12.5L5 17H19L14.5 11Z",Is1="M22 8.1C21.7 8 21.3 7.8 21 7.7C19.4 4.3 16 2 12 2S4.6 4.3 3 7.7C2.7 7.8 2.3 8 2.1 8.1C1.4 8.5 1 9.2 1 9.9V14.1C1 14.8 1.4 15.5 2 15.9C2.3 16 2.7 16.2 3 16.3C4.6 19.7 8 22 12 22S19.4 19.7 21 16.3C21.3 16.2 21.6 16 21.9 15.8C22.5 15.4 23 14.8 23 14V9.9C23 9.2 22.6 8.5 22 8.1M12 4C14.4 4 16.5 5 18 6.7C16.2 6.2 14.1 6 12 6S7.8 6.2 6.1 6.7C7.5 5 9.6 4 12 4M12 20C9.6 20 7.5 19 6.1 17.3C7.8 17.8 9.9 18 12 18S16.2 17.8 18 17.3C16.5 19 14.4 20 12 20Z",Gs1="M22 8.1C21.7 8 21.3 7.8 21 7.7C19.4 4.3 16 2 12 2S4.6 4.3 3 7.7C2.7 7.8 2.3 8 2.1 8.1C1.4 8.5 1 9.2 1 9.9V14.1C1 14.8 1.4 15.5 2 15.9C2.3 16 2.7 16.2 3 16.3C4.6 19.7 8 22 12 22S19.4 19.7 21 16.3C21.3 16.2 21.6 16 21.9 15.8C22.5 15.4 23 14.8 23 14V9.9C23 9.2 22.6 8.5 22 8.1M21 9.9V14.1C18.8 15.3 15.5 16 12 16S5.2 15.3 3 14.1V9.9C5.2 8.7 8.5 8 12 8S18.8 8.7 21 9.9M12 4C14.4 4 16.5 5 18 6.7C16.2 6.2 14.1 6 12 6S7.8 6.2 6.1 6.7C7.5 5 9.6 4 12 4M12 20C9.6 20 7.5 19 6.1 17.3C7.8 17.8 9.9 18 12 18S16.2 17.8 18 17.3C16.5 19 14.4 20 12 20Z",Qs1="M20.7 4.1C18.7 4.8 15.9 5.5 12 5.5C8.1 5.5 5.1 4.7 3.3 4.1C2.7 3.8 2 4.3 2 5V19C2 19.7 2.7 20.2 3.3 20C5.4 19.3 8.1 18.5 12 18.5C15.9 18.5 18.7 19.3 20.7 20C21.4 20.2 22 19.7 22 19V5C22 4.3 21.3 3.8 20.7 4.1M12 15C9.7 15 7.5 15.1 5.5 15.4L9.2 11L11.2 13.4L14 10L18.5 15.4C16.5 15.1 14.3 15 12 15Z",Us1="M21 4C20.4 4 17.4 5.5 12 5.5C6.7 5.5 3.5 4 3 4C2.5 4 2 4.4 2 5V19C2 19.6 2.5 20 3 20C3.6 20 6.5 18.5 12 18.5C17.4 18.5 20.4 20 21 20C21.5 20 22 19.6 22 19V5C22 4.4 21.5 4 21 4M20 17.6C18 17 15.4 16.5 12 16.5C8.6 16.5 6 17 4 17.6V6.4C6.6 7.1 9.3 7.5 12 7.5C15.4 7.5 18 7 20 6.4V17.6M9.2 11L5.5 15.4C7.5 15.1 9.7 15 12 15C14.3 15 16.5 15.1 18.5 15.4L14 10L11.2 13.4L9.2 11Z",zs1="M18.5 12C18.5 8.1 19.3 5.1 19.9 3.3C20.1 2.7 19.7 2 19 2H5C4.3 2 3.8 2.7 4.1 3.3C4.7 5.4 5.5 8.1 5.5 12C5.5 15.9 4.7 18.7 4.1 20.7C3.8 21.3 4.3 22 5 22H19C19.7 22 20.2 21.3 20 20.7C19.3 18.7 18.5 15.9 18.5 12Z",_s1="M6.54,20C7.31,17.4 7.7,14.72 7.7,12C7.7,9.28 7.31,6.6 6.54,4H17.45C16.68,6.6 16.29,9.28 16.29,12C16.29,14.72 16.68,17.4 17.45,20M19.94,21.12C18.84,18.18 18.3,15.09 18.3,12C18.3,8.91 18.85,5.82 19.94,2.88C20,2.77 20,2.66 20,2.57C20,2.23 19.77,2 19.37,2H4.63C4.23,2 4,2.23 4,2.57C4,2.67 4,2.77 4.06,2.88C5.16,5.82 5.71,8.91 5.71,12C5.71,15.09 5.16,18.18 4.07,21.12C4,21.23 4,21.34 4,21.43C4,21.76 4.23,22 4.63,22H19.38C19.77,22 20,21.76 20,21.43C20,21.33 20,21.23 19.94,21.12Z",Ks1="M12 4C8 4 5.2 4.6 3 5C2.5 7 2 8.9 2 12C2 15 2.5 17 3 19C5.2 19.4 8 20 12 20C16 20 18.9 19.4 21 19C21.6 17 22 15 22 12C22 9 21.5 6.9 21 5C18.9 4.6 16 4 12 4Z",js1="M12,4C9.27,4 6.78,4.24 4.05,4.72L3.12,4.88L2.87,5.78C2.29,7.85 2,9.93 2,12C2,14.07 2.29,16.15 2.87,18.22L3.12,19.11L4.05,19.27C6.78,19.76 9.27,20 12,20C14.73,20 17.22,19.76 19.95,19.28L20.88,19.12L21.13,18.23C21.71,16.15 22,14.07 22,12C22,9.93 21.71,7.85 21.13,5.78L20.88,4.89L19.95,4.73C17.22,4.24 14.73,4 12,4M12,6C14.45,6 16.71,6.2 19.29,6.64C19.76,8.42 20,10.22 20,12C20,13.78 19.76,15.58 19.29,17.36C16.71,17.8 14.45,18 12,18C9.55,18 7.29,17.8 4.71,17.36C4.24,15.58 4,13.78 4,12C4,10.22 4.24,8.42 4.71,6.64C7.29,6.2 9.55,6 12,6Z",qs1="M11.43,3.23L12,4L12.57,3.23V3.24C13.12,2.5 14,2 15,2A3,3 0 0,1 18,5C18,5.35 17.94,5.69 17.83,6H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8A2,2 0 0,1 4,6H6.17C6.06,5.69 6,5.35 6,5A3,3 0 0,1 9,2C10,2 10.88,2.5 11.43,3.24V3.23M4,8V20H11A1,1 0 0,1 12,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,20H20V8H15L14.9,8L17,10.92L15.4,12.1L12.42,8H11.58L8.6,12.1L7,10.92L9.1,8H9L4,8M9,4A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,5A1,1 0 0,0 15,4M12,16A1,1 0 0,1 13,17A1,1 0 0,1 12,18A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 12,16M12,13A1,1 0 0,1 13,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,15A1,1 0 0,1 11,14A1,1 0 0,1 12,13M12,10A1,1 0 0,1 13,11A1,1 0 0,1 12,12A1,1 0 0,1 11,11A1,1 0 0,1 12,10Z",$s1="M9 3C5.69 3 3.14 5.69 3 9V21H12V13.46C13.1 14.45 14.5 15 16 15C19.31 15 22 12.31 22 9C22 5.69 19.31 3 16 3H9M16 5C18.21 5 20 6.79 20 9C20 11.21 18.21 13 16 13C13.79 13 12 11.21 12 9C12 6.79 13.79 5 16 5M16 7.25C15.03 7.25 14.25 8.03 14.25 9C14.25 9.97 15.03 10.75 16 10.75C16.97 10.75 17.75 9.97 17.75 9C17.75 8.03 16.97 7.25 16 7.25M4 12H5V13H4V12M6 12H7V13H6V12M8 12H9V13H8V12M10 12H11V13H10V12Z",Xs1="M9 3C5.69 3 3.14 5.69 3 9V21H12V13.46C13.1 14.45 14.5 15 16 15C19.31 15 22 12.31 22 9C22 5.69 19.31 3 16 3H9M9 5H11.54C10.55 6.1 10 7.5 10 9V12H9V13H10V19H5V13H6V12H5V9C5 6.79 6.79 5 9 5M16 5C18.21 5 20 6.79 20 9C20 11.21 18.21 13 16 13C13.79 13 12 11.21 12 9C12 6.79 13.79 5 16 5M16 7.25C15.03 7.25 14.25 8.03 14.25 9C14.25 9.97 15.03 10.75 16 10.75C16.97 10.75 17.75 9.97 17.75 9C17.75 8.03 16.97 7.25 16 7.25M7 12V13H8V12H7Z",Ys1="M16.5,6V17.5A4,4 0 0,1 12.5,21.5A4,4 0 0,1 8.5,17.5V5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,2.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 13.5,5V15.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,16.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,15.5V6H10V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,15.5V5A4,4 0 0,0 11,1A4,4 0 0,0 7,5V17.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 12.5,23A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 18,17.5V6H16.5Z",Js1="M13.5 21.36C13.7 21.84 13.97 22.29 14.29 22.7C13.73 22.89 13.13 23 12.5 23C9.46 23 7 20.54 7 17.5V5C7 2.79 8.79 1 11 1S15 2.79 15 5V14.54C14.03 15.41 13.35 16.58 13.1 17.92C12.91 17.97 12.71 18 12.5 18C11.12 18 10 16.88 10 15.5V6H11.5V15.5C11.5 16.05 11.95 16.5 12.5 16.5S13.5 16.05 13.5 15.5V5C13.5 3.62 12.38 2.5 11 2.5S8.5 3.62 8.5 5V17.5C8.5 19.71 10.29 21.5 12.5 21.5C12.84 21.5 13.17 21.44 13.5 21.36M18 6H16.5V13.55C16.97 13.34 17.47 13.18 18 13.09V6M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",CO1="M18 13C16.6 13 15.2 14.1 15.2 15.5V17C14.6 17 14 17.6 14 18.2V21.7C14 22.4 14.6 23 15.2 23H20.7C21.4 23 22 22.4 22 21.8V18.3C22 17.6 21.4 17 20.8 17V15.5C20.8 14.1 19.4 13 18 13M18 14.2C18.8 14.2 19.5 14.7 19.5 15.5V17H16.5V15.5C16.5 14.7 17.2 14.2 18 14.2M8.9 2C6.8 2 5 3.8 5 6V16.5C5 19.5 7.5 22 10.5 22C11 22 11.5 21.9 12 21.8V20.2C11.5 20.4 11 20.5 10.5 20.5C8.3 20.5 6.5 18.7 6.5 16.5V6C6.5 4.6 7.6 3.5 9 3.5S11.5 4.6 11.5 6V14.5C11.5 15.1 11.1 15.5 10.5 15.5S9.5 15.1 9.5 14.5V7H8V14.5C8 15.9 9.1 17 10.5 17S13 15.9 13 14.5V6C13 3.8 11.2 2 8.9 2C9 2 9 2 8.9 2M14.5 7V12.4C14.9 12 15.4 11.6 16 11.4V7H14.5Z",HO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1S7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",VO1="M8.5 5.3L7.16 3.96C7.62 2.26 9.15 1 11 1C13.21 1 15 2.79 15 5V11.8L13.5 10.3V5C13.5 3.62 12.38 2.5 11 2.5S8.5 3.62 8.5 5V5.3M18 6H16.5V13.3L18 14.8V6M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.62 19.5C16.81 21.55 14.83 23 12.5 23C9.46 23 7 20.54 7 17.5V8.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M11.5 15.5C11.5 16.05 11.95 16.5 12.5 16.5S13.5 16.05 13.5 15.5V15.39L11.5 13.39V15.5M16.42 18.31L14.73 16.62C14.32 17.43 13.5 18 12.5 18C11.12 18 10 16.88 10 15.5V11.89L8.5 10.39V17.5C8.5 19.71 10.29 21.5 12.5 21.5C14.43 21.5 16.04 20.13 16.42 18.31M10 6.8L11.5 8.3V6H10V6.8Z",LO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1S7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",MO1="M18 13.09C17.47 13.18 16.97 13.34 16.5 13.55V6H18V13.09M11 1C8.79 1 7 2.79 7 5V17.5C7 20.54 9.46 23 12.5 23C13.13 23 13.73 22.89 14.29 22.7C13.97 22.29 13.7 21.84 13.5 21.36C13.17 21.44 12.84 21.5 12.5 21.5C10.29 21.5 8.5 19.71 8.5 17.5V5C8.5 3.62 9.62 2.5 11 2.5S13.5 3.62 13.5 5V15.5C13.5 16.05 13.05 16.5 12.5 16.5S11.5 16.05 11.5 15.5V6H10V15.5C10 16.88 11.12 18 12.5 18C12.71 18 12.91 17.97 13.1 17.92C13.35 16.58 14.03 15.41 15 14.54V5C15 2.79 13.21 1 11 1M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",AO1="M21.2,10.95L12,23L2.78,10.96L2.87,10.88C3.08,10.67 3.33,10.5 3.58,10.36L10.73,19.69L8.58,13L9.24,11.81L12,20.38L14.73,11.8L15.4,13L13.27,19.69L20.41,10.35C20.66,10.5 20.9,10.64 21.1,10.85L21.2,10.95M5,9C6.5,9 7.81,9.86 8.5,11.1C9.17,9.86 10.47,9 12,9C13.5,9 14.8,9.85 15.5,11.09C16.16,9.84 17.47,9 19,9C20.09,9 21.09,9.42 21.81,10.14C20.94,5.5 16.88,2 12,2C7.09,2 3.03,5.5 2.16,10.17C2.89,9.45 3.89,9 5,9Z",iO1="M21.2,10.95L12,23L2.78,10.96L2.87,10.88C3.08,10.67 3.33,10.5 3.58,10.36L10.73,19.69L8.58,13L9.24,11.81L12,20.38L14.73,11.8L15.4,13L13.27,19.69L20.41,10.35C20.66,10.5 20.9,10.64 21.1,10.85L21.2,10.95M12,4C14.5,4 16.77,5.17 18.25,7.03C17.24,7.15 16.28,7.54 15.47,8.13C14.47,7.41 13.26,7 12,7C10.71,7 9.5,7.41 8.5,8.14C7.68,7.55 6.72,7.17 5.71,7.04C7.19,5.17 9.47,4 12,4M12,2C7.09,2 3.03,5.5 2.16,10.17C2.89,9.45 3.89,9 5,9C6.5,9 7.81,9.86 8.5,11.1C9.17,9.86 10.47,9 12,9C13.5,9 14.8,9.85 15.5,11.09C16.16,9.84 17.47,9 19,9C20.09,9 21.09,9.42 21.81,10.14C20.94,5.5 16.88,2 12,2Z",rO1="M12 17C10.9 17 10 16.11 10 15S10.9 13 12 13 14 13.9 14 15 13.11 17 12 17M19 14H17C17 16.76 14.76 19 12 19S7 16.76 7 14H5C5 16.79 6.64 19.19 9 20.32V23H15V20.32C17.36 19.19 19 16.79 19 14M23 7.76C23.04 8.56 22.05 9.06 21.41 8.6C21.27 8.46 21.16 8.44 21 8.32L18.97 13H17L15.5 6.73C13.21 6.5 10.79 6.5 8.5 6.73L7 13H5.03L3 8.32C2.84 8.44 2.73 8.46 2.59 8.6C1.95 9.06 .959 8.56 1 7.76V4C1 4 1 1 12 1S23 4 23 4M6.9 7C6 7.2 5.15 7.43 4.37 7.71L5.87 11.27L6.9 7M19.63 7.71C18.85 7.43 18 7.2 17.1 7L18.13 11.27L19.63 7.71Z",aO1="M13.2,11H10V7H13.2A2,2 0 0,1 15.2,9A2,2 0 0,1 13.2,11M13,3H6V21H10V15H13A6,6 0 0,0 19,9C19,5.68 16.31,3 13,3Z",eO1="M14.53 1.45L13.45 2.53L15.05 4.13C15.27 4.38 15.38 4.67 15.38 5S15.27 5.64 15.05 5.86L11.5 9.47L12.5 10.55L16.13 6.94C16.66 6.35 16.92 5.7 16.92 5C16.92 4.3 16.66 3.64 16.13 3.05L14.53 1.45M10.55 3.47L9.47 4.55L10.08 5.11C10.3 5.33 10.41 5.63 10.41 6S10.3 6.67 10.08 6.89L9.47 7.45L10.55 8.53L11.11 7.92C11.64 7.33 11.91 6.69 11.91 6C11.91 5.28 11.64 4.63 11.11 4.03L10.55 3.47M21 5.06C20.31 5.06 19.67 5.33 19.08 5.86L13.45 11.5L14.53 12.5L20.11 6.94C20.36 6.69 20.66 6.56 21 6.56S21.64 6.69 21.89 6.94L22.5 7.55L23.53 6.47L22.97 5.86C22.38 5.33 21.72 5.06 21 5.06M7 8L2 22L16 17L7 8M19 11.06C18.3 11.06 17.66 11.33 17.06 11.86L15.47 13.45L16.55 14.53L18.14 12.94C18.39 12.69 18.67 12.56 19 12.56C19.33 12.56 19.63 12.69 19.88 12.94L21.5 14.53L22.55 13.5L20.95 11.86C20.36 11.33 19.7 11.06 19 11.06Z",dO1="M6,2A2,2 0 0,0 4,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H6M12,5A5,5 0 0,1 17,10A5,5 0 0,1 12,15A5,5 0 0,1 7,10A5,5 0 0,1 12,5M12,6C11.59,6.62 11.25,7.29 11.04,8H12.96C12.75,7.29 12.42,6.62 12,6M10.7,6.22C9.78,6.53 9,7.17 8.54,8H10C10.18,7.38 10.4,6.78 10.7,6.22M13.29,6.22C13.59,6.78 13.82,7.38 14,8H15.46C15,7.17 14.21,6.54 13.29,6.22M8.13,9C8.05,9.32 8,9.65 8,10C8,10.35 8.05,10.68 8.13,11H9.82C9.78,10.67 9.75,10.34 9.75,10C9.75,9.66 9.78,9.33 9.82,9H8.13M10.83,9C10.78,9.32 10.75,9.66 10.75,10C10.75,10.34 10.78,10.67 10.83,11H13.17C13.21,10.67 13.25,10.34 13.25,10C13.25,9.66 13.21,9.32 13.17,9H10.83M14.18,9C14.22,9.33 14.25,9.66 14.25,10C14.25,10.34 14.22,10.67 14.18,11H15.87C15.95,10.68 16,10.35 16,10C16,9.65 15.95,9.32 15.87,9H14.18M8.54,12C9,12.83 9.78,13.46 10.7,13.78C10.4,13.22 10.18,12.63 10,12H8.54M11.04,12C11.25,12.72 11.59,13.38 12,14C12.42,13.38 12.75,12.72 12.96,12H11.04M14,12C13.82,12.63 13.59,13.22 13.29,13.78C14.21,13.46 15,12.83 15.46,12H14M7,17H17V19H7V17Z",mO1="M10 6C9.59 6.62 9.25 7.29 9.04 8H10.96C10.75 7.29 10.42 6.62 10 6M8.7 6.22C7.78 6.53 7 7.17 6.54 8H8C8.18 7.38 8.4 6.78 8.7 6.22M11.29 6.22C11.59 6.78 11.82 7.38 12 8H13.46C13 7.17 12.21 6.54 11.29 6.22M6.13 9C6.05 9.32 6 9.65 6 10C6 10.35 6.05 10.68 6.13 11H7.82C7.78 10.67 7.75 10.34 7.75 10C7.75 9.66 7.78 9.33 7.82 9H6.13M8.83 9C8.78 9.32 8.75 9.66 8.75 10C8.75 10.34 8.78 10.67 8.83 11H11.17C11.21 10.67 11.25 10.34 11.25 10C11.25 9.66 11.21 9.32 11.17 9H8.83M12.18 9C12.22 9.33 12.25 9.66 12.25 10C12.25 10.34 12.22 10.67 12.18 11H13.87C13.95 10.68 14 10.35 14 10C14 9.65 13.95 9.32 13.87 9H12.18M6.54 12C7 12.83 7.78 13.46 8.7 13.78C8.4 13.22 8.18 12.63 8 12H6.54M9.04 12C9.25 12.72 9.59 13.38 10 14C10.42 13.38 10.75 12.72 10.96 12H9.04M12 12C11.82 12.63 11.59 13.22 11.29 13.78C12.21 13.46 13 12.83 13.46 12H12M4 2C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V20C2 20.53 2.21 21.04 2.59 21.41C2.96 21.79 3.47 22 4 22H16C16.53 22 17.04 21.79 17.41 21.41C17.79 21.04 18 20.53 18 20V4C18 3.47 17.79 2.96 17.41 2.59C17.04 2.21 16.53 2 16 2H4M10 5C11.33 5 12.6 5.53 13.54 6.46C14.47 7.4 15 8.67 15 10C15 11.33 14.47 12.6 13.54 13.54C12.6 14.47 11.33 15 10 15C8.67 15 7.4 14.47 6.46 13.54C5.53 12.6 5 11.33 5 10C5 8.67 5.53 7.4 6.46 6.46C7.4 5.53 8.67 5 10 5M15 17V19H5V17H15M20 7H22V13H20V7M22 15H20V17H22V15Z",tO1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V11H8.13C8.59,9.24 10.18,8 12,8C13.82,8 15.41,9.24 15.87,11H22V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10M2,13V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V13H15.87C15.41,14.76 13.82,16 12,16C10.18,16 8.59,14.76 8.13,13H2Z",vO1="M6 2C5.47 2 4.96 2.21 4.59 2.59C4.21 2.96 4 3.47 4 4V20C4 20.53 4.21 21.04 4.59 21.41C4.96 21.79 5.47 22 6 22H13C12.46 21.12 12.1 20.1 12 19H7V17H12.17C12.36 16.23 12.67 15.5 13.1 14.88C12.74 14.96 12.37 15 12 15C10.67 15 9.4 14.47 8.46 13.54C7.53 12.6 7 11.33 7 10C7 8.67 7.53 7.4 8.46 6.46C9.4 5.53 10.67 5 12 5C13.33 5 14.6 5.53 15.54 6.46C16.47 7.4 17 8.67 17 10C17 10.82 16.8 11.63 16.42 12.34C17.07 12.12 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20,8C20,8.3 20.3,8.6 20.6,9C21.1,9.5 21.6,9.9 21.5,10.4C21.5,10.9 21,11.4 20.5,11.9L16.4,16L15,14.7L19.2,10.5L18.2,9.5L16.8,10.9L13,7.1L17,3.3C17.4,2.9 18,2.9 18.4,3.3L20.7,5.6C21.1,6 21.1,6.7 20.7,7M3,17.2L12.6,7.6L16.3,11.4L6.8,21H3V17.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",GO1="M20.7,7C20.4,7.4 20,7.7 20,8C20,8.3 20.3,8.6 20.6,9C21.1,9.5 21.6,9.9 21.5,10.4C21.5,10.9 21,11.4 20.5,11.9L16.4,16L15,14.7L19.2,10.5L18.2,9.5L16.8,10.9L13,7.1L17,3.3C17.4,2.9 18,2.9 18.4,3.3L20.7,5.6C21.1,6 21.1,6.7 20.7,7M3,17.2L12.6,7.6L16.3,11.4L6.8,21H3V17.2M3.88,2.46L6,4.59L8.12,2.46L9.54,3.88L7.41,6L9.54,8.12L8.12,9.54L6,7.41L3.88,9.54L2.46,8.12L4.59,6L2.46,3.88L3.88,2.46Z",QO1="M20.71,7.04C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18,2.9 17.35,2.9 16.96,3.29L15.12,5.12L18.87,8.87M3,17.25V21H6.75L17.81,9.93L14.06,6.18L3,17.25Z",UO1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M16.7,9.35C16.92,9.14 16.92,8.79 16.7,8.58L15.42,7.3C15.21,7.08 14.86,7.08 14.65,7.3L13.65,8.3L15.7,10.35L16.7,9.35M7,14.94V17H9.06L15.12,10.94L13.06,8.88L7,14.94Z",zO1="M20.22 2H7.78C6.8 2 6 2.8 6 3.78V16.22C6 17.2 6.8 18 7.78 18H20.22C21.2 18 22 17.21 22 16.22V3.78C22 2.8 21.2 2 20.22 2M11.06 15H9V12.94L15.06 6.88L17.12 8.94L11.06 15M18.7 7.35L17.7 8.35L15.65 6.3L16.65 5.3C16.86 5.08 17.21 5.08 17.42 5.3L18.7 6.58C18.92 6.79 18.92 7.14 18.7 7.35M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",_O1="M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M18.7 7.35L17.7 8.35L15.65 6.3L16.65 5.3C16.86 5.08 17.21 5.08 17.42 5.3L18.7 6.58C18.92 6.79 18.92 7.14 18.7 7.35M9 12.94L15.06 6.88L17.12 8.94L11.06 15H9V12.94M20 4L20 4L20 16L8 16L8 4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2Z",KO1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M16.7,9.35L15.7,10.35L13.65,8.3L14.65,7.3C14.86,7.08 15.21,7.08 15.42,7.3L16.7,8.58C16.92,8.79 16.92,9.14 16.7,9.35M7,14.94L13.06,8.88L15.12,10.94L9.06,17H7V14.94Z",jO1="M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.47 2,12C2,17.53 6.47,22 12,22C17.53,22 22,17.53 22,12C22,6.47 17.53,2 12,2M15.1,7.07C15.24,7.07 15.38,7.12 15.5,7.23L16.77,8.5C17,8.72 17,9.07 16.77,9.28L15.77,10.28L13.72,8.23L14.72,7.23C14.82,7.12 14.96,7.07 15.1,7.07M13.13,8.81L15.19,10.87L9.13,16.93H7.07V14.87L13.13,8.81Z",qO1="M7,14.94L13.06,8.88L15.12,10.94L9.06,17H7V14.94M12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20M16.7,9.35L15.7,10.35L13.65,8.3L14.65,7.3C14.86,7.08 15.21,7.08 15.42,7.3L16.7,8.58C16.92,8.79 16.92,9.14 16.7,9.35M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2",$O1="M5.5,2A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,4.5V5A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V10A1,1 0 0,0 3,11H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,10V6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5V4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,2M5.5,3A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,4.5V5H4V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,3M19.66,3C19.4,3 19.16,3.09 18.97,3.28L17.13,5.13L20.88,8.88L22.72,7.03C23.11,6.64 23.11,6 22.72,5.63L20.38,3.28C20.18,3.09 19.91,3 19.66,3M16.06,6.19L5,17.25V21H8.75L19.81,9.94L16.06,6.19Z",XO1="M16.1,9L17,9.9L7.9,19H7V18.1L16.1,9M19.7,3C19.5,3 19.2,3.1 19,3.3L17.2,5.1L20.9,8.9L22.7,7C23.1,6.6 23.1,6 22.7,5.6L20.4,3.3C20.2,3.1 19.9,3 19.7,3M16.1,6.2L5,17.2V21H8.8L19.8,9.9L16.1,6.2M8,5V4.5C8,3.1 6.9,2 5.5,2C4.1,2 3,3.1 3,4.5V5C2.4,5 2,5.4 2,6V10C2,10.6 2.4,11 3,11H8C8.6,11 9,10.6 9,10V6C9,5.4 8.6,5 8,5M7,5H4V4.5C4,3.7 4.7,3 5.5,3C6.3,3 7,3.7 7,4.5V5Z",YO1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M10,5V7H2V5H10Z",JO1="M14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M10,5V7H2V5H10Z",Ch1="M18.66,2C18.4,2 18.16,2.09 17.97,2.28L16.13,4.13L19.88,7.88L21.72,6.03C22.11,5.64 22.11,5 21.72,4.63L19.38,2.28C19.18,2.09 18.91,2 18.66,2M3.28,4L2,5.28L8.5,11.75L4,16.25V20H7.75L12.25,15.5L18.72,22L20,20.72L13.5,14.25L9.75,10.5L3.28,4M15.06,5.19L11.03,9.22L14.78,12.97L18.81,8.94L15.06,5.19Z",Hh1="M10,10.2L14,6.2L17.8,10L13.8,14L12.4,12.6L15,9.9L14.1,9L11.5,11.6L10,10.2M20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.7 21.1,6 20.7,5.6M19,21.7L17.7,23L11.2,16.5L6.8,21H3V17.2L7.5,12.7L1,6.3L2.3,5L19,21.7M9.8,15.1L8.9,14.2L5,18.1V19H5.9L9.8,15.1Z",Vh1="M14.06,9L15,9.94L5.92,19H5V18.08L14.06,9M17.66,3C17.41,3 17.15,3.1 16.96,3.29L15.13,5.12L18.88,8.87L20.71,7.04C21.1,6.65 21.1,6 20.71,5.63L18.37,3.29C18.17,3.09 17.92,3 17.66,3M14.06,6.19L3,17.25V21H6.75L17.81,9.94L14.06,6.19Z",Lh1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",Mh1="M14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M7,2V5H10V7H7V10H5V7H2V5H5V2H7Z",Ah1="M20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18,2.9 17.4,2.9 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L19,8.9M3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.1L3,17.2M3.9,2.4L6,4.5L8.1,2.4L9.5,3.8L7.4,5.9L9.5,8L8.1,9.5L6,7.4L3.9,9.5L2.5,8.1L4.6,6L2.5,3.8L3.9,2.4Z",ih1="M17.7,3C17.5,3 17.2,3.1 17,3.3L15.2,5.1L18.9,8.9L20.7,7C21.1,6.6 21.1,6 20.7,5.6L18.4,3.3C18.2,3.1 17.9,3 17.7,3M14.1,6.2L3,17.2V21H6.8L17.8,9.9L14.1,6.2M5.9,19H5V18.1L14.1,9L15,9.9L5.9,19M3.9,2.5L6,4.6L8.1,2.5L9.5,3.9L7.4,6L9.5,8.1L8.1,9.5L6,7.4L3.9,9.5L2.5,8.1L4.6,6L2.5,3.9L3.9,2.5Z",rh1="M3 17.25V21H6.75L17.81 9.93L14.06 6.18L3 17.25M22.61 18.36L18.36 22.61L13.16 17.41L14.93 15.64L15.93 16.64L18.4 14.16L19.82 15.58L18.36 17L19.42 18L20.84 16.6L22.61 18.36M6.61 10.83L1.39 5.64L5.64 1.39L7.4 3.16L4.93 5.64L6 6.7L8.46 4.22L9.88 5.64L8.46 7.05L9.46 8.05L6.61 10.83M20.71 7C21.1 6.61 21.1 6 20.71 5.59L18.37 3.29C18 2.9 17.35 2.9 16.96 3.29L15.12 5.12L18.87 8.87L20.71 7Z",ah1="M22.61 18.36L18.36 22.61L13.16 17.41L14.93 15.64L15.93 16.64L18.4 14.16L19.82 15.58L18.36 17L19.42 18L20.84 16.6L22.61 18.36M6.61 10.83L1.39 5.64L5.64 1.39L7.4 3.16L4.93 5.64L6 6.7L8.46 4.22L9.88 5.64L8.46 7.05L9.46 8.05L6.61 10.83M14.06 9L15 9.93L5.92 19H5V18.08L14.06 9M17.67 3C17.42 3 17.16 3.09 16.96 3.29L15.12 5.12L18.87 8.87L20.71 7C21.1 6.61 21.1 6 20.71 5.59L18.37 3.29C18.18 3.1 17.93 3 17.67 3M14.06 6.18L3 17.25V21H6.75L17.81 9.93L14.06 6.18Z",eh1="M19,16C19,17.72 18.37,19.3 17.34,20.5C17.75,20.89 18,21.41 18,22H6C6,21.41 6.25,20.89 6.66,20.5C5.63,19.3 5,17.72 5,16H3C3,14.75 3.57,13.64 4.46,12.91L4.47,12.89C6,11.81 7,10 7,8V7A5,5 0 0,1 12,2A5,5 0 0,1 17,7V8C17,10 18,11.81 19.53,12.89L19.54,12.91C20.43,13.64 21,14.75 21,16H19M16,16A4,4 0 0,0 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 8,16A4,4 0 0,0 12,20A4,4 0 0,0 16,16M10,9L12,10.5L14,9L12,7.5L10,9M10,5A1,1 0 0,0 9,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,6A1,1 0 0,0 10,5M14,5A1,1 0 0,0 13,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,7A1,1 0 0,0 15,6A1,1 0 0,0 14,5Z",dh1="M12,2.5L2,9.8L5.8,21.5H18.2L22,9.8L12,2.5Z",mh1="M12,5L19.6,10.5L16.7,19.4H7.3L4.4,10.5L12,5M12,2.5L2,9.8L5.8,21.5H18.1L22,9.8L12,2.5Z",th1="M16.15 14.4L18.71 22.26L12 17.4L5.28 22.3L7.85 14.37L1.15 9.5H9.44L12 1.61L14.56 9.5H22.89L16.15 14.4M13.3 16.47L15.86 18.33L14.88 15.32L13.3 16.47M11 9.5H13L12 6.47L11 9.5M10.74 16.47L9.13 15.3L8.13 18.37L10.74 16.47M18.28 11H15.05L15.67 12.9L18.28 11M10.53 11L9.62 13.8L12 15.54L14.39 13.82L13.47 11H10.53M5.76 11L8.34 12.87L8.95 11H5.76Z",vh1="M18.5,3.5L3.5,18.5L5.5,20.5L20.5,5.5M7,4A3,3 0 0,0 4,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,10A3,3 0 0,0 10,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,4M17,14A3,3 0 0,0 14,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,20A3,3 0 0,0 20,17A3,3 0 0,0 17,14Z",lh1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05M15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03Z",oh1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03M7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83Z",nh1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M8.83 7.05C9.81 7.05 10.6 7.84 10.6 8.83C10.6 9.81 9.81 10.6 8.83 10.6C7.84 10.6 7.05 9.81 7.05 8.83C7.05 7.84 7.84 7.05 8.83 7.05M15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17M8.5 17.03L7 15.53L15.53 7L17.03 8.5L8.5 17.03Z",Zh1="M17 15.22C17 16.2 16.2 17 15.22 17C14.24 17 13.45 16.2 13.45 15.22C13.45 14.24 14.24 13.45 15.22 13.45C16.2 13.45 17 14.24 17 15.22M8.83 10.6C9.81 10.6 10.6 9.81 10.6 8.83C10.6 7.84 9.81 7.05 8.83 7.05C7.84 7.05 7.05 7.84 7.05 8.83C7.05 9.81 7.84 10.6 8.83 10.6M7 15.53L8.5 17.03L17.03 8.5L15.53 7L7 15.53M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4C7.59 4 4 7.59 4 12C4 16.41 7.59 20 12 20C16.41 20 20 16.41 20 12Z",Sh1="M18.5 3.5L20.5 5.5L5.5 20.5L3.5 18.5L18.5 3.5M7 4C8.66 4 10 5.34 10 7C10 8.66 8.66 10 7 10C5.34 10 4 8.66 4 7C4 5.34 5.34 4 7 4M17 14C18.66 14 20 15.34 20 17C20 18.66 18.66 20 17 20C15.34 20 14 18.66 14 17C14 15.34 15.34 14 17 14M7 6C6.45 6 6 6.45 6 7C6 7.55 6.45 8 7 8C7.55 8 8 7.55 8 7C8 6.45 7.55 6 7 6M17 16C16.45 16 16 16.45 16 17C16 17.55 16.45 18 17 18C17.55 18 18 17.55 18 17C18 16.45 17.55 16 17 16Z",uh1="M2,4V6H4V4H2M20,4V6H22V4H20M2,7V9H4V7H2M5,7V9H7V7H5M14,7V9H16V7H14M17,7V9H19V7H17M20,7V9H22V7H20M2,10V12H4V10H2M5,10V12H7V10H5M8,10V12H10V10H8M11,10V12H13V10H11M14,10V12H16V10H14M17,10V12H19V10H17M20,10V12H22V10H20M2,13V15H4V13H2M5,13V15H7V13H5M8,13V15H10V13H8M11,13V15H13V13H11M14,13V15H16V13H14M17,13V15H19V13H17M20,13V15H22V13H20M5,17V19H7V17H5M8,17V19H10V17H8M11,17V19H13V17H11M14,17V19H16V17H14M17,17V19H19V17H17Z",ch1="M16.56,12L19.23,20H4.78L7.44,12H16.56M7,1L3,5L7,9V6H11V4H7V1M17,1V4H13V6H17V9L21,5L17,1M18,10H6L2,22H22L18,10Z",sh1="M16.56,12L19.23,20H4.78L7.44,12H16.56M17,1L13,5L17,9V6H21V4H17V1M7,1V4H3V6H7V9L11,5L7,1M18,10H6L2,22H22L18,10Z",Oh1="M13 7V17H15V13H17V17H19V7H17V11H15V7H13M11 15V13C11 11.9 10.11 11 9 11H5V21H7V17H9C10.11 17 11 16.11 11 15M9 15H7V13H9V15Z",hh1="M6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.25 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.59L6.62,10.79Z",ph1="M6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4C3,3.44 3.45,3 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.24 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.58L6.62,10.79M17,12V10H19V12H17M17,8V2H19V8H17Z",fh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 12V10H19V12H17M17 8V2H19V8H17Z",gh1="M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M18,7.21L18.94,8.14L18,9.08M18,2.91L18.94,3.85L18,4.79M14.71,9.5L17,7.21V11H17.5L20.35,8.14L18.21,6L20.35,3.85L17.5,1H17V4.79L14.71,2.5L14,3.21L16.79,6L14,8.79L14.71,9.5Z",kh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M18 7.21L18.94 8.14L18 9.08M18 2.91L18.94 3.85L18 4.79M14.71 9.5L17 7.21V11H17.5L20.35 8.14L18.21 6L20.35 3.85L17.5 1H17V4.79L14.71 2.5L14 3.21L16.79 6L14 8.79L14.71 9.5Z",Bh1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M16.5 2C14 2 12 4 12 6.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 9 21 6.5 19 2 16.5 2M16.5 9.5C14.84 9.5 13.5 8.16 13.5 6.5C13.5 5.94 13.65 5.42 13.92 5L18 9.08C17.58 9.35 17.06 9.5 16.5 9.5M19.08 8L15 3.92C15.42 3.65 15.94 3.5 16.5 3.5C18.16 3.5 19.5 4.84 19.5 6.5C19.5 7.06 19.35 7.58 19.08 8Z",Ph1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M16.5 2C14 2 12 4 12 6.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 9 21 6.5 19 2 16.5 2M16.5 9.5C14.84 9.5 13.5 8.16 13.5 6.5C13.5 5.94 13.65 5.42 13.92 5L18 9.08C17.58 9.35 17.06 9.5 16.5 9.5M19.08 8L15 3.92C15.42 3.65 15.94 3.5 16.5 3.5C18.16 3.5 19.5 4.84 19.5 6.5C19.5 7.06 19.35 7.58 19.08 8Z",wh1="M6.62 10.79A15.1 15.1 0 0 0 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18A1 1 0 0 1 16.41 14.93A11.36 11.36 0 0 0 20 15.5A1 1 0 0 1 21 16.5V20A1 1 0 0 1 20 21A17 17 0 0 1 3 4A1 1 0 0 1 4 3H7.5A1 1 0 0 1 8.5 4A11.36 11.36 0 0 0 9.07 7.57A1 1 0 0 1 8.82 8.57M21.71 4.71L20.29 3.29L15 8.59L12.71 6.29L11.29 7.71L15 11.41Z",Fh1="M20 15.5A11.36 11.36 0 0 1 16.43 14.93A1 1 0 0 0 15.43 15.18L13.23 17.38A15.1 15.1 0 0 1 6.64 10.79L8.84 8.59A1 1 0 0 0 9.09 7.59A11.36 11.36 0 0 1 8.5 4A1 1 0 0 0 7.5 3H4A1 1 0 0 0 3 4A17 17 0 0 0 20 21A1 1 0 0 0 21 20V16.5A1 1 0 0 0 20 15.5M5 5H6.54A12.54 12.54 0 0 0 7 7.59L5.79 8.8A15 15 0 0 1 5 5M19 19A15 15 0 0 1 15.2 18.24L16.41 17A12.31 12.31 0 0 0 19 17.45M15 11.44L11.29 7.74L12.71 6.32L15 8.59L20.29 3.29L21.71 4.71Z",Th1="M12,3C7.46,3 3.34,4.78 0.29,7.67C0.11,7.85 0,8.1 0,8.38C0,8.66 0.11,8.91 0.29,9.09L2.77,11.57C2.95,11.75 3.2,11.86 3.5,11.86C3.75,11.86 4,11.75 4.18,11.58C4.97,10.84 5.87,10.22 6.84,9.73C7.17,9.57 7.4,9.23 7.4,8.83V5.73C8.85,5.25 10.39,5 12,5C13.59,5 15.14,5.25 16.59,5.72V8.82C16.59,9.21 16.82,9.56 17.15,9.72C18.13,10.21 19,10.84 19.82,11.57C20,11.75 20.25,11.85 20.5,11.85C20.8,11.85 21.05,11.74 21.23,11.56L23.71,9.08C23.89,8.9 24,8.65 24,8.37C24,8.09 23.88,7.85 23.7,7.67C20.65,4.78 16.53,3 12,3M9,7V10C9,10 3,15 3,18V22H21V18C21,15 15,10 15,10V7H13V9H11V7H9M12,12A4,4 0 0,1 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12M12,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,13.5Z",bh1="M12 3C16.53 3 20.65 4.78 23.7 7.67C23.88 7.85 24 8.09 24 8.37C24 8.65 23.89 8.9 23.71 9.08L21.23 11.56C21.05 11.74 20.8 11.85 20.5 11.85C20.25 11.85 20 11.75 19.82 11.57C19 10.84 18.13 10.21 17.15 9.72C16.82 9.56 16.59 9.21 16.59 8.82V5.72C15.14 5.25 13.59 5 12 5C10.44 5 8.93 5.24 7.5 5.69L5.94 4.11C7.82 3.4 9.86 3 12 3M9 7H11V9H13V7H15V10C15 10 21 15 21 18V19.18L9 7.18V7M1 4.27L2.28 3L21.5 22.22L20.23 23.5L18.73 22H3V18C3 15.86 6.05 12.71 7.8 11.07L6.59 9.86C5.71 10.33 4.9 10.9 4.18 11.58C4 11.75 3.75 11.86 3.5 11.86C3.2 11.86 2.95 11.75 2.77 11.57L.29 9.09C.11 8.91 0 8.66 0 8.38C0 8.1 .11 7.85 .29 7.67C.996 7 2.58 5.85 2.58 5.85L1 4.27M8 16C8 18.21 9.79 20 12 20C13.29 20 14.44 19.39 15.17 18.44L14.1 17.36C13.65 18.05 12.88 18.5 12 18.5C10.62 18.5 9.5 17.38 9.5 16C9.5 15.12 9.95 14.35 10.64 13.91L9.56 12.83C8.61 13.56 8 14.71 8 16Z",yh1="M15.9 1C12.1 1.1 9 4.2 9 8C9 11.9 12.1 15 16 15S23 11.9 23 8 19.9 1 15.9 1C16 1 15.9 1 15.9 1M16 3C18.8 3 21 5.2 21 8S18.8 13 16 13 11 10.8 11 8 13.2 3 16 3M15 4V9L18.6 11.2L19.4 10L16.5 8.3V4H15M4.6 12.8C6 15.6 8.4 18 11.2 19.4L13.4 17.2C13.7 16.9 14.1 16.8 14.4 17C15.5 17.4 16.7 17.6 18 17.6C18.5 17.6 19 18.1 19 18.6V22C19 22.5 18.5 23 18 23C8.6 23 1 15.4 1 6C1 5.4 1.5 5 2 5H5.5C6.1 5 6.5 5.4 6.5 6C6.5 7.2 6.7 8.4 7.1 9.6C7.2 10 7.1 10.3 6.9 10.6L4.6 12.8",Rh1="M6.6 10.8C8 13.6 10.4 15.9 13.2 17.4L15.4 15.2C15.7 14.9 16.1 14.8 16.4 15C17.5 15.4 18.7 15.6 20 15.6C20.6 15.6 21 16 21 16.6V20C21 20.6 20.6 21 20 21C10.6 21 3 13.4 3 4C3 3.4 3.5 3 4 3H7.5C8.1 3 8.5 3.4 8.5 4C8.5 5.2 8.7 6.4 9.1 7.6C9.2 7.9 9.1 8.3 8.9 8.6L6.6 10.8M14 3C13.4 3 13 3.4 13 4S13.4 5 14 5 15 4.6 15 4 14.6 3 14 3M17 3C16.4 3 16 3.4 16 4S16.4 5 17 5 18 4.6 18 4 17.6 3 17 3M20 3C19.4 3 19 3.4 19 4S19.4 5 20 5 21 4.6 21 4 20.6 3 20 3M14 6C13.4 6 13 6.4 13 7S13.4 8 14 8 15 7.6 15 7 14.6 6 14 6M17 6C16.4 6 16 6.4 16 7S16.4 8 17 8 18 7.6 18 7 17.6 6 17 6M20 6C19.4 6 19 6.4 19 7S19.4 8 20 8 21 7.6 21 7 20.6 6 20 6M14 9C13.4 9 13 9.4 13 10S13.4 11 14 11 15 10.6 15 10 14.6 9 14 9M17 9C16.4 9 16 9.4 16 10S16.4 11 17 11 18 10.6 18 10 17.6 9 17 9M20 9C19.4 9 19 9.4 19 10S19.4 11 20 11 21 10.6 21 10 20.6 9 20 9Z",xh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 4C15 4.6 14.6 5 14 5S13 4.6 13 4 13.4 3 14 3 15 3.4 15 4M18 4C18 4.6 17.6 5 17 5S16 4.6 16 4 16.4 3 17 3 18 3.4 18 4M21 4C21 4.6 20.6 5 20 5S19 4.6 19 4 19.4 3 20 3 21 3.4 21 4M15 7C15 7.6 14.6 8 14 8S13 7.6 13 7 13.4 6 14 6 15 6.4 15 7M18 7C18 7.6 17.6 8 17 8S16 7.6 16 7 16.4 6 17 6 18 6.4 18 7M21 7C21 7.6 20.6 8 20 8S19 7.6 19 7 19.4 6 20 6 21 6.4 21 7M15 10C15 10.6 14.6 11 14 11S13 10.6 13 10 13.4 9 14 9 15 9.4 15 10M18 10C18 10.6 17.6 11 17 11S16 10.6 16 10 16.4 9 17 9 18 9.4 18 10M21 10C21 10.6 20.6 11 20 11S19 10.6 19 10 19.4 9 20 9 21 9.4 21 10Z",Dh1="M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M18,11L23,6L18,1V4H14V8H18V11Z",Eh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M18 11L23 6L18 1V4H14V8H18V11Z",Nh1="M12,9C10.4,9 8.85,9.25 7.4,9.72V12.82C7.4,13.22 7.17,13.56 6.84,13.72C5.86,14.21 4.97,14.84 4.17,15.57C4,15.75 3.75,15.86 3.5,15.86C3.2,15.86 2.95,15.74 2.77,15.56L0.29,13.08C0.11,12.9 0,12.65 0,12.38C0,12.1 0.11,11.85 0.29,11.67C3.34,8.77 7.46,7 12,7C16.54,7 20.66,8.77 23.71,11.67C23.89,11.85 24,12.1 24,12.38C24,12.65 23.89,12.9 23.71,13.08L21.23,15.56C21.05,15.74 20.8,15.86 20.5,15.86C20.25,15.86 20,15.75 19.82,15.57C19.03,14.84 18.14,14.21 17.16,13.72C16.83,13.56 16.6,13.22 16.6,12.82V9.72C15.15,9.25 13.6,9 12,9Z",Wh1="M23.71 11.67A17 17 0 0 0 .29 11.67A1 1 0 0 0 0 12.38A1 1 0 0 0 .29 13.08L2.77 15.56A1 1 0 0 0 3.5 15.85A1 1 0 0 0 4.18 15.57A11.5 11.5 0 0 1 6.84 13.72A1 1 0 0 0 7.4 12.82V9.72A14.91 14.91 0 0 1 12 9A14.5 14.5 0 0 1 16.59 9.73V12.83A1 1 0 0 0 17.15 13.73A11.27 11.27 0 0 1 19.82 15.58A1 1 0 0 0 20.5 15.86A1 1 0 0 0 21.23 15.57L23.71 13.09A1 1 0 0 0 23.71 11.67M5.4 12.22A13.68 13.68 0 0 0 3.53 13.5L2.46 12.42A15.54 15.54 0 0 1 5.4 10.5M20.5 13.5A13.75 13.75 0 0 0 18.6 12.23V10.53A14.26 14.26 0 0 1 21.55 12.43Z",Ih1="M15,12H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,7V9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12M19,12H21C21,7 16.97,3 12,3V5C15.86,5 19,8.13 19,12M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5Z",Gh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 12H17A5 5 0 0 0 12 7V9A3 3 0 0 1 15 12M19 12H21C21 7 16.97 3 12 3V5C15.86 5 19 8.13 19 12Z",Qh1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.17L13.21,17.37C10.38,15.93 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.78L8.82,8.57C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4M19,11V9.5H15.5L21,4L20,3L14.5,8.5V5H13V11H19Z",Uh1="M20 17.5V21C20 21.55 19.55 22 19 22C9.61 22 2 14.39 2 5C2 4.45 2.45 4 3 4H6.5C7.05 4 7.5 4.45 7.5 5C7.5 6.25 7.7 7.45 8.07 8.57C8.18 8.92 8.1 9.31 7.82 9.57L5.62 11.78C7.06 14.62 9.38 16.93 12.21 18.37L14.41 16.17C14.69 15.9 15.08 15.82 15.43 15.93C16.55 16.3 17.75 16.5 19 16.5C19.55 16.5 20 16.95 20 17.5M16 7.5H12.5L18 2L17 1L11.5 6.5V3H10V9H16V7.5M17 6V7.5H20.5L15 13L16 14L21.5 8.5V12H23V6H17Z",zh1="M19 16.5C17.8 16.5 16.5 16.3 15.4 15.9H15.1C14.8 15.9 14.6 16 14.4 16.2L12.2 18.4C9.4 16.9 7 14.6 5.6 11.8L7.8 9.6C8.1 9.3 8.2 8.9 8 8.6C7.7 7.5 7.5 6.2 7.5 5C7.5 4.5 7 4 6.5 4H3C2.5 4 2 4.5 2 5C2 14.4 9.6 22 19 22C19.5 22 20 21.5 20 21V17.5C20 17 19.5 16.5 19 16.5M4 6H5.5C5.6 6.9 5.8 7.8 6 8.6L4.8 9.8C4.4 8.6 4.1 7.3 4 6M18 20C16.7 19.9 15.4 19.6 14.2 19.2L15.4 18C16.2 18.2 17.1 18.4 18 18.4V20M16 9V7.5H12.5L18 2L17 1L11.5 6.5V3H10V9H16M17 6V7.5H20.5L15 13L16 14L21.5 8.5V12H23V6H17Z",_h1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19 11V9.5H15.5L21 4L20 3L14.5 8.5V5H13V11H19Z",Kh1="M19.2,4H15.8V3.5C15.8,2.56 16.56,1.8 17.5,1.8C18.44,1.8 19.2,2.56 19.2,3.5M20,4V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,3.5V4A1,1 0 0,0 14,5V9A1,1 0 0,0 15,10H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,9V5A1,1 0 0,0 20,4M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5Z",jh1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19.2 4H15.8V3.5C15.8 2.56 16.56 1.8 17.5 1.8C18.44 1.8 19.2 2.56 19.2 3.5M20 4V3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17.5 1A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 15 3.5V4A1 1 0 0 0 14 5V9A1 1 0 0 0 15 10H20A1 1 0 0 0 21 9V5A1 1 0 0 0 20 4Z",qh1="M20,15.5A1,1 0 0,1 21,16.5V20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21A17,17 0 0,1 3,4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3H7.5A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,4C8.5,5.24 8.7,6.45 9.07,7.57C9.18,7.92 9.1,8.31 8.82,8.58L6.62,10.79C8.06,13.62 10.38,15.94 13.21,17.38L15.41,15.18C15.69,14.9 16.08,14.82 16.43,14.93C17.55,15.3 18.75,15.5 20,15.5M12,3H14V5H12M15,3H21V5H15M12,6H14V8H12M15,6H21V8H15M12,9H14V11H12M15,9H21V11H15",$h1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M12 3H14V5H12M15 3H21V5H15M12 6H14V8H12M15 6H21V8H15M12 9H14V11H12M15 9H21V11H15Z",Xh1="M20 15.5C18.75 15.5 17.55 15.3 16.43 14.93C16.08 14.82 15.69 14.9 15.41 15.17L13.21 17.37C10.38 15.93 8.06 13.62 6.62 10.79L8.82 8.58C9.1 8.31 9.18 7.92 9.07 7.57C8.7 6.45 8.5 5.25 8.5 4C8.5 3.45 8.05 3 7.5 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4C3 13.39 10.61 21 20 21C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20V16.5C21 15.95 20.55 15.5 20 15.5M12 3V13L15 10H21V3H12Z",Yh1="M20 15.5C18.75 15.5 17.55 15.3 16.43 14.93C16.33 14.9 16.22 14.88 16.12 14.88C15.86 14.88 15.61 15 15.41 15.17L13.21 17.37C10.38 15.93 8.06 13.62 6.62 10.79L8.82 8.58C9.1 8.31 9.18 7.92 9.07 7.57C8.7 6.45 8.5 5.25 8.5 4C8.5 3.45 8.05 3 7.5 3H4C3.45 3 3 3.45 3 4C3 13.39 10.61 21 20 21C20.55 21 21 20.55 21 20V16.5C21 15.95 20.55 15.5 20 15.5M5.03 5H6.53C6.6 5.88 6.75 6.75 7 7.59L5.79 8.8C5.38 7.59 5.12 6.32 5.03 5M19 18.97C17.68 18.88 16.4 18.62 15.2 18.21L16.4 17C17.25 17.25 18.12 17.4 19 17.46V18.97M12 3V13L15 10H21V3H12M19 8H14V5H19V8Z",Jh1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.76,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.07,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.58C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.24 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3M13,6V8H21V6",Cp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M13 6V8H21V6Z",Hp1="M23.71,16.67C20.66,13.77 16.54,12 12,12C7.46,12 3.34,13.77 0.29,16.67C0.11,16.85 0,17.1 0,17.38C0,17.65 0.11,17.9 0.29,18.08L2.77,20.56C2.95,20.74 3.2,20.86 3.5,20.86C3.75,20.86 4,20.75 4.18,20.57C4.97,19.83 5.86,19.21 6.84,18.72C7.17,18.56 7.4,18.22 7.4,17.82V14.72C8.85,14.25 10.39,14 12,14C13.6,14 15.15,14.25 16.6,14.72V17.82C16.6,18.22 16.83,18.56 17.16,18.72C18.14,19.21 19.03,19.83 19.82,20.57C20,20.75 20.25,20.86 20.5,20.86C20.8,20.86 21.05,20.74 21.23,20.56L23.71,18.08C23.89,17.9 24,17.65 24,17.38C24,17.1 23.89,16.85 23.71,16.67M6.5,5.5L12,11L19,4L18,3L12,9L7.5,4.5H11V3H5V9H6.5V5.5Z",Vp1="M18.6 15.5v1.8c.7.4 1.3.8 1.9 1.3l1.1-1.1c-.9-.9-1.9-1.5-3-2m-13.2 0c-1 .5-2 1.1-2.9 1.9l1.1 1.1c.6-.5 1.2-.9 1.9-1.3v-1.7M12 12c4.5 0 8.7 1.7 11.7 0 .3-.1.5-.3.7l-2.5 2.5c-.2.2-.4.3-.7.3-.2 0-.5-.1-.7-.3-.8-.7-1.7-1.4-2.7-1.8-.3-.2-.6-.5-.6-.9v-3.1c-1.5-.5-3-.7-4.6-.7-1.6 0-3.1.2-4.6.7v3.1c0 .4-.2.7-.6.9-1 .5-1.9 1.1-2.7 1.8-.2.2-.4.3-.7.3-.3 0-.5-.1-.7-.3L.1 18.1c0-.2-.1-.5-.1-.7 0-.3.1-.5.3-.7C3.3 13.8 7.5 12 12 12zM6.5 5.5V9H5V3h6v1.5H7.5L12 9l6-6 1 1-7 7-5.5-5.5z",Lp1="M20.22,2.5L2.5,20.22L3.77,21.5L8.65,16.62C11.76,19.43 15.81,21 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C12.06,16.8 11,16.06 10.06,15.21L21.5,3.77L20.22,2.5M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4C3,7.57 4.14,11.05 6.24,13.94L7.66,12.5C7.28,11.97 6.93,11.39 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4Z",Mp1="M16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.5V19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.7 15.2 18.2L16.4 17M20.2 2.5L2.5 20.2L3.8 21.5L8.7 16.6C11.8 19.4 15.8 21 20 21C20.6 21 21 20.6 21 20V16.5C21 15.9 20.6 15.5 20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C12.1 16.8 11 16.1 10.1 15.2L21.5 3.8L20.2 2.5M6.5 5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5H6.5M7.5 3H4C3.4 3 3 3.4 3 4C3 7.6 4.1 11 6.2 13.9L7.6 12.5C7.2 12 6.9 11.4 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.4 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.4 8.1 3 7.5 3Z",Ap1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.17L13.21,17.37C10.38,15.93 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.78L8.82,8.57C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4M15,3V4.5H18.5L13,10L14,11L19.5,5.5V9H21V3H15Z",ip1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M15 3V4.5H18.5L13 10L14 11L19.5 5.5V9H21V3H15Z",rp1="M20,15.5C18.8,15.5 17.5,15.3 16.4,14.9C16.3,14.9 16.2,14.9 16.1,14.9C15.8,14.9 15.6,15 15.4,15.2L13.2,17.4C10.4,15.9 8,13.6 6.6,10.8L8.8,8.6C9.1,8.3 9.2,7.9 9,7.6C8.7,6.5 8.5,5.2 8.5,4C8.5,3.5 8,3 7.5,3H4C3.5,3 3,3.5 3,4C3,13.4 10.6,21 20,21C20.5,21 21,20.5 21,20V16.5C21,16 20.5,15.5 20,15.5M5,5H6.5C6.6,5.9 6.8,6.8 7,7.6L5.8,8.8C5.4,7.6 5.1,6.3 5,5M19,19C17.7,18.9 16.4,18.6 15.2,18.2L16.4,17C17.2,17.2 18.1,17.4 19,17.4V19Z",ap1="M19,10H21V3H19M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M17,3H15V10H17V3Z",ep1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19 10H21V3H19M17 3H15V10H17V3Z",dp1="M4,3A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.76,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.07,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.58C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.24 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3M16,3V6H13V8H16V11H18V8H21V6H18V3",mp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M16 3V6H13V8H16V11H18V8H21V6H18V3Z",tp1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M17 7L18.77 5.23C18.32 4.78 17.69 4.5 17 4.5C15.62 4.5 14.5 5.62 14.5 7S15.62 9.5 17 9.5C17.82 9.5 18.54 9.11 19 8.5H20.71C20.12 9.97 18.68 11 17 11C14.79 11 13 9.21 13 7S14.79 3 17 3C18.11 3 19.11 3.45 19.83 4.17L21 3V7H17Z",vp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 7L18.77 5.23C18.32 4.78 17.69 4.5 17 4.5C15.62 4.5 14.5 5.62 14.5 7S15.62 9.5 17 9.5C17.82 9.5 18.54 9.11 19 8.5H20.71C20.12 9.97 18.68 11 17 11C14.79 11 13 9.21 13 7S14.79 3 17 3C18.11 3 19.11 3.45 19.83 4.17L21 3V7H17Z",lp1="M4 3C3.4 3 3 3.4 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.6 21 21 20.6 21 20V16.5C21 15.9 20.6 15.5 20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9C16 14.8 15.7 14.9 15.4 15.1L13.2 17.3C10.4 15.9 8.1 13.5 6.6 10.7L8.8 8.5C9.1 8.2 9.2 7.8 9 7.5C8.7 6.4 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.4 8.1 3 7.5 3M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L14.9 3.5L13.5 4.9L15.6 7L13.5 9.1L14.9 10.5L17 8.4L19.1 10.5L20.5 9.1L18.4 7L20.5 4.9",op1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M19.1 3.5L17 5.6L14.9 3.5L13.5 4.9L15.6 7L13.5 9.1L14.9 10.5L17 8.4L19.1 10.5L20.5 9.1L18.4 7L20.5 4.9L19.1 3.5Z",np1="M21,6V11H19.5V7.5H13.87L16.3,9.93L15.24,11L11,6.75L15.24,2.5L16.3,3.57L13.87,6H21M8.82,8.58C9.08,8.32 9.17,7.93 9.06,7.58C8.69,6.42 8.5,5.22 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5C18.79,15.5 17.58,15.31 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.91 15.43,15.17L13.23,17.37C10.39,15.92 8.09,13.62 6.64,10.78L8.82,8.58Z",Zp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M21 6V11H19.5V7.5H13.87L16.3 9.93L15.24 11L11 6.75L15.24 2.5L16.3 3.57L13.87 6H21Z",Sp1="M23.71 16.67C20.66 13.78 16.54 12 12 12S3.34 13.78.29 16.67c-.18.18-.29.43-.29.71 0 . 2.48c. 0 .52-.11.7-.28.79-.74 1.69-1.36 2.66-1.85.33-.16.56-.5.56-.9v-3.1c1.45-.48 3-.73 4.6-.73s3.15.25 4.6.72v3.1c0 . 1.87 1.12 2.66 0 .53-.11.71-.29l2.48-2.48c.18-.18.29-.43.29-.71a.99.99 0 0 0-.29-.7zM21.16 6.26l-1.41-1.41-3.56 3.55 1.41 1.41s3.45-3.52 3.56-3.55zM13 2h-2v5h2V2zM6.4 9.81L7.81 8.4 4.26 4.84 2.84 6.26c.11.03 3.56 3.55 3.56 3.55z",up1="M23.71 16.67C20.66 13.78 16.54 12 12 12S3.34 13.78.29 16.67c-.18.18-.29.43-.29.71 0 . 2.48c. 0 .52-.11.7-.28.79-.74 1.69-1.36 2.66-1.85.33-.16.56-.5.56-.9v-3.1c1.45-.48 3-.73 4.6-.73s3.15.25 4.6.72v3.1c0 . 1.87 1.12 2.66 0 .53-.11.71-.29l2.48-2.48c.18-.18.29-.43.29-.71a.99.99 0 0 0-.29-.7zm-18.31.56c-.66.37-1.29.8-1.87 1.27l-1.07-1.07c.91-.75 1.9-1.39 2.95-1.9v1.7H5.4zm15.07 1.26c-.59-.48-1.21-.9-1.87-1.27v-1.7c1.04.51 2.03 1.15 2.94 1.9l-1.07 1.07zm.69-12.23l-1.41-1.41-3.56 3.55 1.41 1.41s3.45-3.52 3.56-3.55zM11 2h2v5h-2V2zM6.4 9.81L7.81 8.4 4.26 4.84 2.84 6.26c.11.03 3.56 3.55 3.56 3.55z",cp1="M9,1H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,3V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H9A2,2 0 0,0 11,16V3A2,2 0 0,0 9,1M9,15H3V3H9V15M21,13H13V15H21V21H9V20H6V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,21V15A2,2 0 0,0 21,13M23,10L19,8L20.91,7.09C19.74,4.31 17,2.5 14,2.5V1A9,9 0 0,1 23,10Z",sp1="M9,1H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,3V16A2,2 0 0,0 3,18H4V15H3V3H9V11H11V3A2,2 0 0,0 9,1M23,21V15A2,2 0 0,0 21,13H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,15V21A2,2 0 0,0 8,23H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,21M9,21V15H21V21H9M23,10H21.5C21.5,7 19.69,4.27 16.92,3.09L16,5L14,1A9,9 0 0,1 23,10Z",Op1="M19,11H21V9H19M20,15.5C18.75,15.5 17.55,15.3 16.43,14.93C16.08,14.82 15.69,14.9 15.41,15.18L13.21,17.38C10.38,15.94 8.06,13.62 6.62,10.79L8.82,8.59C9.1,8.31 9.18,7.92 9.07,7.57C8.7,6.45 8.5,5.25 8.5,4A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,3H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,4A17,17 0 0,0 20,21A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V16.5A1,1 0 0,0 20,15.5M17,9H15V11H17M13,9H11V11H13V9Z",hp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 9H15V11H17M13 9H11V11H13V9M19 11H21V9H19Z",pp1="M6.62 10.79C8.06 13.62 10.38 15.94 13.21 17.38L15.41 15.18C15.69 14.9 16.08 14.82 16.43 14.93C17.55 15.3 18.75 15.5 20 15.5C20.55 15.5 21 15.95 21 16.5V20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21C10.61 21 3 13.39 3 4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3H7.5C8.05 3 8.5 3.45 8.5 4C8.5 5.25 8.7 6.45 9.07 7.57C9.18 7.92 9.1 8.31 8.82 8.59L6.62 10.79M17 3V1.5L14.75 3.75L17 6V4.5C18.38 4.5 19.5 5.62 19.5 7C19.5 7.4 19.41 7.78 19.24 8.12L20.33 9.21C20.75 8.58 21 7.82 21 7C21 4.79 19.21 3 17 3M17 9.5C15.62 9.5 14.5 8.38 14.5 7C14.5 6.6 14.59 6.22 14.76 5.88L13.67 4.79C13.25 5.42 13 6.18 13 7C13 9.21 14.79 11 17 11V12.5L19.25 10.25L17 8V9.5Z",fp1="M20 15.5C18.8 15.5 17.5 15.3 16.4 14.9H16.1C15.8 14.9 15.6 15 15.4 15.2L13.2 17.4C10.4 15.9 8 13.6 6.6 10.8L8.8 8.6C9.1 8.3 9.2 7.9 9 7.6C8.7 6.5 8.5 5.2 8.5 4C8.5 3.5 8 3 7.5 3H4C3.5 3 3 3.5 3 4C3 13.4 10.6 21 20 21C20.5 21 21 20.5 21 20V16.5C21 16 20.5 15.5 20 15.5M5 5H6.5C6.6 5.9 6.8 6.8 7 7.6L5.8 8.8C5.4 7.6 5.1 6.3 5 5M19 19C17.7 18.9 16.4 18.6 15.2 18.2L16.4 17C17.2 17.2 18.1 17.4 19 17.4V19M17 3V1.5L14.75 3.75L17 6V4.5C18.38 4.5 19.5 5.62 19.5 7C19.5 7.4 19.41 7.78 19.24 8.12L20.33 9.21C20.75 8.58 21 7.82 21 7C21 4.79 19.21 3 17 3M17 9.5C15.62 9.5 14.5 8.38 14.5 7C14.5 6.6 14.59 6.22 14.76 5.88L13.67 4.79C13.25 5.42 13 6.18 13 7C13 9.21 14.79 11 17 11V12.5L19.25 10.25L17 8V9.5Z",gp1="M13,17V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H13M23.7,7.67C23.88,7.85 24,8.09 24,8.37C24,8.65 23.89,8.9 23.71,9.08L21.23,11.56C21.05,11.74 20.8,11.85 20.5,11.85C20.25,11.85 20,11.75 19.82,11.57C19,10.84 18.13,10.21 17.15,9.72C16.82,9.56 16.59,9.21 16.59,8.82V5.72C15.14,5.25 13.59,5 12,5C10.4,5 8.85,5.25 7.4,5.73V8.83C7.4,9.23 7.17,9.57 6.84,9.73C5.87,10.22 4.97,10.84 4.18,11.58C4,11.75 3.75,11.86 3.5,11.86C3.2,11.86 2.95,11.75 2.77,11.57L0.29,9.09C0.11,8.91 0,8.66 0,8.38C0,8.1 0.11,7.85 0.29,7.67C3.34,4.78 7.46,3 12,3C16.53,3 20.65,4.78 23.7,7.67M11,10V15H10V10H11M12,10H15V13H13V15H12V10M14,12V11H13V12H14Z",kp1="M4,5V7H6V19H8V7H14V16A3,3 0 0,0 17,19A3,3 0 0,0 20,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17A1,1 0 0,1 16,16V7H18V5",Bp1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M6,7H17V9H15V14A1,1 0 0,0 16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14H19A3,3 0 0,1 16,17A3,3 0 0,1 13,14V9H10V17H8V9H6",Pp1="M5.62,2C9.5,2 11.57,4.29 11.77,7.93C12.5,3.57 15.93,4.08 15.93,4.08C16.1,6.55 14.07,8.05 11.77,8.17C11.12,6.81 7.25,3.47 7.25,3.47C7.23,3.5 10.97,6.74 10.83,8.15C8.33,7.88 5.82,6 5.62,2M6.06,13.11L9.92,9.25C11.09,8.08 13,8.08 14.16,9.25L18,13.11C19.19,14.28 19.19,16.18 18,17.35L14.16,21.21C13,22.38 11.09,22.38 9.92,21.21L6.06,17.35C4.89,16.18 4.89,14.28 6.06,13.11M9.39,19.59C9.39,18.36 10.15,16.85 12.09,16.85C13.4,16.85 14.87,18.1 16.31,17.96C14.87,17.92 13.59,16.85 13.59,15.19C13.59,13.86 14.69,12.9 14.69,11.34C14.63,12.33 13.82,13.77 12,13.77C10.59,13.77 9.55,12.63 7.87,12.63C8.58,12.67 10.5,13.3 10.5,15.35C10.5,17 9.39,17.5 9.39,19.59Z",wp1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M14.74 14H15V20H9V14H9.31C9.86 14 10.3 13.56 10.3 13V4H13.75V13C13.75 13.56 14.19 14 14.74 14M4 4H6.8V13C6.8 13.56 7.24 14 7.79 14H8V20H4V4M20 20H16V14H16.26C16.81 14 17.25 13.56 17.25 13V4H20V20Z",Fp1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L2 3.89V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M8 20H4V5.89L6.8 8.69V13C6.8 13.56 7.24 14 7.79 14H8V20M15 20H9V14H9.31C9.86 14 10.3 13.56 10.3 13V12.19L15 16.89V20M16 20V17.89L18.11 20H16M10.3 7.1L5.2 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V18.8L20 16.8V4H17.25V13C17.25 13.3 17.13 13.55 16.93 13.73L13.75 10.55V4H10.3V7.1Z",Tp1="M14.79,10.62L3.5,21.9L2.1,20.5L13.38,9.21L14.79,10.62M19.27,7.73L19.86,7.14L19.07,6.35L19.71,5.71L18.29,4.29L17.65,4.93L16.86,4.14L16.27,4.73C14.53,3.31 12.57,2.17 10.47,1.37L9.64,3.16C11.39,4.08 13,5.19 14.5,6.5L14,7L17,10L17.5,9.5C18.81,11 19.92,12.61 20.84,14.36L22.63,13.53C21.83,11.43 20.69,9.47 19.27,7.73Z",bp1="M19,11H11V17H19V11M23,19V5C23,3.88 22.1,3 21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19M21,19H3V4.97H21V19Z",yp1="M19,11H11V17H19V11M17,15H13V13H17V15M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.88 22.1,3 21,3M21,19H3V4.97H21V19Z",Rp1="M19,7H11V13H19V7M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",xp1="M19,7H11V13H19V7M17,11H13V9H17V11M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19C1,20.11 1.9,21 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5C23,3.91 22.1,3 21,3M21,19H3V5H21V19Z",Dp1="M20,18C18.6,18 17.2,17.5 16,16.7C13.6,18.4 10.4,18.4 8,16.7C6.8,17.5 5.4,18 4,18H2V20H4C5.4,20 6.7,19.6 8,19C10.5,20.3 13.5,20.3 16,19C17.3,19.6 18.6,20 20,20H22V18H20M20,13H19V16.9C18.3,16.8 17.6,16.6 17,16.2V13H12V17C11.3,17 10.7,16.9 10,16.7V13H5V16.9C4.7,17 4.3,17 4,17H3V13H2V11H3V9H5V11H10V9H12V11H17V9H19V11H20V13Z",Ep1="M20,20C18.61,20 17.22,19.53 16,18.67C13.56,20.38 10.44,20.38 8,18.67C6.78,19.53 5.39,20 4,20H2V22H4C5.37,22 6.74,21.65 8,21C10.5,22.3 13.5,22.3 16,21C17.26,21.65 18.62,22 20,22H22V20H20M20,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 19,2H9V1H6V2H5V4H6V13H5V11H3V13H2V15H3V19H4C4.33,19 4.67,18.97 5,18.92V15H10V18.65C10.65,18.85 11.33,18.95 12,18.95V18.92L12,15H13V13H12V11H10V13H9V4H17V8.62C16.53,8.79 16.19,9.23 16.19,9.76C16.19,10.2 16.43,10.6 16.8,10.82V12H17.42C17.76,12 18.03,12.28 18.03,12.62C18.03,12.96 17.76,13.24 17.42,13.24C17.2,13.24 17,13.12 16.88,12.93C16.71,12.64 16.34,12.54 16.05,12.71C15.75,12.87 15.65,13.25 15.82,13.55C16.15,14.11 16.76,14.47 17.42,14.47C18.43,14.47 19.26,13.64 19.26,12.62C19.26,11.84 18.76,11.14 18.03,10.88V10.82C18.41,10.6 18.65,10.2 18.65,9.76C18.65,9.3 18.38,8.91 18,8.7V4H20M8,11.66L7,12.66V11.24L8,10.24V11.66M8,8.71L7,9.71V8.29L8,7.29V8.71M7,6.71V5.29L8,4.29V5.71L7,6.71Z",Np1="M9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,9M14.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,9M12,4L12.68,4.03C13.62,3.24 14.82,2.59 15.72,2.35C17.59,1.85 20.88,2.23 21.31,3.83C21.62,5 20.6,6.45 19.03,7.38C20.26,8.92 21,10.87 21,13A9,9 0 0,1 12,22A9,9 0 0,1 3,13C3,10.87 3.74,8.92 4.97,7.38C3.4,6.45 2.38,5 2.69,3.83C3.12,2.23 6.41,1.85 8.28,2.35C9.18,2.59 10.38,3.24 11.32,4.03L12,4M10,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,16M14,16A1,1 0 0,1 15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,16M12,13C9.24,13 7,15.34 7,17C7,18.66 9.24,20 12,20C14.76,20 17,18.66 17,17C17,15.34 14.76,13 12,13M7.76,4.28C7.31,4.16 4.59,4.35 4.59,4.35C4.59,4.35 6.8,6.1 7.24,6.22C7.69,6.34 9.77,6.43 9.91,5.9C10.06,5.36 8.2,4.4 7.76,4.28M16.24,4.28C15.8,4.4 13.94,5.36 14.09,5.9C14.23,6.43 16.31,6.34 16.76,6.22C17.2,6.1 19.41,4.35 19.41,4.35C19.41,4.35 16.69,4.16 16.24,4.28Z",Wp1="M19.83 7.5L17.56 5.23C17.63 4.81 17.74 4.42 17.88 4.08C17.96 3.9 18 3.71 18 3.5C18 2.67 17.33 2 16.5 2C14.86 2 13.41 2.79 12.5 4H7.5C4.46 4 2 6.46 2 9.5S4.5 21 4.5 21H10V19H12V21H17.5L19.18 15.41L22 14.47V7.5H19.83M16 11C15.45 11 15 10.55 15 10S15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11Z",Ip1="M15 10C15 9.45 15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11 15 10.55 15 10M22 7.5V14.47L19.18 15.41L17.5 21H12V19H10V21H4.5C4.5 21 2 12.54 2 9.5S4.46 4 7.5 4H12.5C13.41 2.79 14.86 2 16.5 2C17.33 2 18 2.67 18 3.5C18 3.71 17.96 3.9 17.88 4.08C17.74 4.42 17.62 4.81 17.56 5.23L19.83 7.5H22M20 9.5H19L15.5 6C15.5 5.35 15.59 4.71 15.76 4.09C14.79 4.34 14 5.06 13.67 6H7.5C5.57 6 4 7.57 4 9.5C4 11.38 5.22 16.15 6 19H8V17H14V19H16L17.56 13.85L20 13.03V9.5Z",Gp1="M19.83 7.5L17.56 5.23C17.63 4.81 17.74 4.42 17.88 4.08C17.96 3.9 18 3.71 18 3.5C18 2.67 17.33 2 16.5 2C14.86 2 13.41 2.79 12.5 4H7.5C4.46 4 2 6.46 2 9.5S4.5 21 4.5 21H10V19H12V21H17.5L19.18 15.41L22 14.47V7.5H19.83M13 9H8V7H13V9M16 11C15.45 11 15 10.55 15 10S15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11Z",Qp1="M15 10C15 9.45 15.45 9 16 9C16.55 9 17 9.45 17 10S16.55 11 16 11 15 10.55 15 10M8 9H13V7H8V9M22 7.5V14.47L19.18 15.41L17.5 21H12V19H10V21H4.5C4.5 21 2 12.54 2 9.5S4.46 4 7.5 4H12.5C13.41 2.79 14.86 2 16.5 2C17.33 2 18 2.67 18 3.5C18 3.71 17.96 3.9 17.88 4.08C17.74 4.42 17.62 4.81 17.56 5.23L19.83 7.5H22M20 9.5H19L15.5 6C15.5 5.35 15.59 4.71 15.76 4.09C14.79 4.34 14 5.06 13.67 6H7.5C5.57 6 4 7.57 4 9.5C4 11.38 5.22 16.15 6 19H8V17H14V19H16L17.56 13.85L20 13.03V9.5Z",Up1="M4.22,11.29L11.29,4.22C13.64,1.88 17.43,1.88 19.78,4.22C22.12,6.56 22.12,10.36 19.78,12.71L12.71,19.78C10.36,22.12 6.56,22.12 4.22,19.78C1.88,17.43 1.88,13.64 4.22,11.29M5.64,12.71C4.59,13.75 4.24,15.24 4.6,16.57L10.59,10.59L14.83,14.83L18.36,11.29C19.93,9.73 19.93,7.2 18.36,5.64C16.8,4.07 14.27,4.07 12.71,5.64L5.64,12.71Z",zp1="M16.2 3.5C15.2 2.5 13.9 2 12.7 2S10.1 2.5 9.2 3.5L3.4 9.1C1.4 11.1 1.4 14.2 3.4 16.2S8.5 18.2 10.5 16.2L16.2 10.5C18.1 8.6 18.1 5.4 16.2 3.5M14.8 9.1L12 11.9L8.4 8.4L4 12.8C4 12 4.2 11.1 4.9 10.5L10.6 4.8C11.1 4.3 11.9 4 12.6 4S14.1 4.3 14.7 4.8C15.9 6.1 15.9 7.9 14.8 9.1M19.6 7.1C19.6 7.9 19.4 8.6 19.2 9.4C20.2 10.6 20.2 12.4 19.1 13.5L16.3 16.3L14.8 14.8L12 17.6C10.7 18.9 8.9 19.6 7.2 19.6C7.4 19.9 7.6 20.2 7.9 20.5C9.9 22.5 13 22.5 15 20.5L20.7 14.8C22.7 12.8 22.7 9.7 20.7 7.7C20.2 7.5 19.9 7.3 19.6 7.1Z",_p1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.81 8.7L4.22 11.29C1.88 13.64 1.88 17.43 4.22 19.78C6.56 22.12 10.36 22.12 12.71 19.78L15.3 17.19L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M4.6 16.57C4.24 15.24 4.59 13.75 5.64 12.71L8.23 10.12L9.64 11.53L4.6 16.57M10.78 7.58L9.36 6.16L11.29 4.22C13.64 1.88 17.43 1.88 19.78 4.22C22.12 6.56 22.12 10.36 19.78 12.71L17.85 14.65L16.43 13.23L18.36 11.29C19.93 9.73 19.93 7.2 18.36 5.64C16.8 4.07 14.27 4.07 12.71 5.64L10.78 7.58Z",Kp1="M6,5H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,6A1,1 0 0,1 18,7H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5M21,2V4H3V2H21M15,8H17V22H15V8M7,8H9V22H7V8M11,8H13V22H11V8Z",jp1="M16,12V4H17V2H7V4H8V12L6,14V16H11.2V22H12.8V16H18V14L16,12Z",qp1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.8,16.07V22H11.2V16H6V14L8,12V11.27L2,5.27M16,12L18,14V16H17.82L8,6.18V4H7V2H17V4H16V12Z",$p1="M8,6.2V4H7V2H17V4H16V12L18,14V16H17.8L14,12.2V4H10V8.2L8,6.2M20,20.7L18.7,22L12.8,16.1V22H11.2V16H6V14L8,12V11.3L2,5.3L3.3,4L20,20.7M8.8,14H10.6L9.7,13.1L8.8,14Z",Xp1="M16,12V4H17V2H7V4H8V12L6,14V16H11.2V22H12.8V16H18V14L16,12M8.8,14L10,12.8V4H14V12.8L15.2,14H8.8Z",Yp1="M10,21V18H3L8,13H5L10,8H7L12,3L17,8H14L19,13H16L21,18H14V21H10Z",Jp1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M11,19H13V17H18L14,13H17L13,9H16L12,5L8,9H11L7,13H10L6,17H11V19Z",Cf1="M22.14 14.84L22.12 14.85C22.35 15.13 22.55 15.44 22.7 15.77L22.79 15.96C23.5 17.65 23 19.6 21.69 20.82C20.5 21.91 18.84 22.2 17.3 22C15.84 21.82 14.5 20.9 13.73 19.63C13.5 19.24 13.3 18.8 13.2 18.35C13.07 18 13.03 17.62 13 17.25C12.91 15.65 13.55 13.95 14.76 12.95C14.21 14.16 14.34 15.67 15.15 16.72L15.26 16.85C15.4 16.97 15.57 17 15.73 16.94C15.88 16.88 16 16.73 16 16.57L15.93 16.33C15.05 14 15.79 11.3 17.66 9.77C18.17 9.35 18.8 8.97 19.46 8.8C18.78 10.16 19 11.94 20.09 13C20.55 13.5 21.11 13.79 21.58 14.23L22.14 14.84M19.86 19.5L19.85 19.47C20.3 19.08 20.55 18.41 20.53 17.81L20.5 17.5C20.3 16.5 19.43 16.16 18.87 15.43C18.7 15.21 18.55 14.93 18.44 14.65C18.22 15.15 18.2 15.62 18.29 16.16C18.39 16.73 18.61 17.22 18.5 17.81C18.34 18.46 17.83 19.11 16.94 19.32C17.44 19.81 18.25 20.2 19.06 19.92C19.32 19.85 19.65 19.66 19.86 19.5M9 21V18H2L7 13H4L9 8H6L11 3L16 8H13L14.82 9.82C12.55 11.06 11 13.59 11 16.5C11 18.19 11.5 19.75 12.4 21H9Z",Hf1="M19 12L12 2L5 12H6.86L3 18H10V22H14V18H21L17.14 12H19Z",Vf1="M19 12L12 2L5 12H6.86L3 18H10V22H14V18H21L17.14 12H19M15.16 10H13.5L17.34 16H6.67L10.53 10H8.84L12 5.5L15.16 10Z",Lf1="M9.04,21.54C10,21.83 10.97,22 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.25 4.67,19.9 8.44,21.34C8.35,20.56 8.26,19.27 8.44,18.38L9.59,13.44C9.59,13.44 9.3,12.86 9.3,11.94C9.3,10.56 10.16,9.53 11.14,9.53C12,9.53 12.4,10.16 12.4,10.97C12.4,11.83 11.83,13.06 11.54,14.24C11.37,15.22 12.06,16.08 13.06,16.08C14.84,16.08 16.22,14.18 16.22,11.5C16.22,9.1 14.5,7.46 12.03,7.46C9.21,7.46 7.55,9.56 7.55,11.77C7.55,12.63 7.83,13.5 8.29,14.07C8.38,14.13 8.38,14.21 8.35,14.36L8.06,15.45C8.06,15.62 7.95,15.68 7.78,15.56C6.5,15 5.76,13.18 5.76,11.71C5.76,8.55 8,5.68 12.32,5.68C15.76,5.68 18.44,8.15 18.44,11.43C18.44,14.87 16.31,17.63 13.26,17.63C12.29,17.63 11.34,17.11 11,16.5L10.33,18.87C10.1,19.73 9.47,20.88 9.04,21.57V21.54Z",Mf1="M12,12C12,9 14.5,6.5 17.5,6.5C20.5,6.5 23,9 23,12H12M12,12C12,15 9.5,17.5 6.5,17.5C3.5,17.5 1,15 1,12H12M12,12C9,12 6.5,9.5 6.5,6.5C6.5,3.5 9,1 12,1V12M12,12C15,12 17.5,14.5 17.5,17.5C17.5,20.5 15,23 12,23V12Z",Af1="M12,23H11V16.43C9.93,17.4 8.5,18 7,18C3.75,18 1,15.25 1,12V11H7.57C6.6,9.93 6,8.5 6,7C6,3.75 8.75,1 12,1H13V7.57C14.07,6.6 15.5,6 17,6C20.25,6 23,8.75 23,12V13H16.43C17.4,14.07 18,15.5 18,17C18,20.25 15.25,23 12,23M13,13.13V20.87C14.7,20.41 16,18.83 16,17C16,15.17 14.7,13.59 13,13.13M3.13,13C3.59,14.7 5.17,16 7,16C8.83,16 10.41,14.7 10.87,13H3.13M13.13,11H20.87C20.41,9.3 18.82,8 17,8C15.18,8 13.59,9.3 13.13,11M11,3.13C9.3,3.59 8,5.18 8,7C8,8.82 9.3,10.41 11,10.87V3.13Z",if1="M22,14H20V16H14V13H16V11H14V6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4H4V2H2V10H4V8H10V11H8V13H10V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20H20V22H22",rf1="M16,9V11H8V9H10V8H4V10H2V2H4V4H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,6V9H16M10,15V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20H20V22H22V14H20V16H14V15H16V13H8V15H10Z",af1="M2,5V13H4V11H10L12,9L10,7H4V5H2M20,5V7H12L14,9L12,11H20V13H22V5H20M12,13C12,13 10,15.17 10,16.5A2,2 0 0,0 12,18.5A2,2 0 0,0 14,16.5C14,15.17 12,13 12,13Z",ef1="M22 13V21H20V19H16.58C15.81 20.76 14.05 22 12 22S8.19 20.76 7.42 19H4V21H2V13H4V15H7.43C7.93 13.85 8.85 12.93 10 12.42V11H8V9H16V11H14V12.42C15.15 12.93 16.07 13.85 16.57 15H20V13H22M17 2H7C6.45 2 6 2.45 6 3S6.45 4 7 4H10V5H11V8H13V5H14V4H17C17.55 4 18 3.55 18 3S17.55 2 17 2Z",df1="M16.17 5.63L14.06 7.78L11.91 5.63L16.17 1.41L19.69 4.92C20.86 6.09 20.86 8 19.69 9.19L16.17 5.63M4.83 12.7L7 14.81L10.5 11.3L8.39 9.19L4.83 12.7M15.47 7.78L19 11.3L17.58 12.7L16.88 12L6.23 22.59L3.42 19.78L11.91 11.3L7.69 7.03L9.8 4.92L14.06 9.19L15.47 7.78Z",mf1="M8.2,12.1C7.9,12.3 7.7,12.7 7.8,13C7.8,13.7 8.5,14.2 9.1,14.2C9.7,14.2 10.3,13.7 10.3,13C9.7,12.6 9,12.3 8.2,12.1M22,11L23,7C23,7 21,7 18,5C15,3 15,1 12,1C9,1 9,3 6,5C3,7 1,7 1,7L2,11H2.1C2,11.3 2,11.7 2,12C2,15.5 3.8,18.6 6.5,20.4L6,21.3C12.4,25.4 18,21.3 18,21.3L17.5,20.4C20.2,18.6 22,15.5 22,12C22,11.7 22,11.3 22,11M11.3,4.5L9.9,3.1L10.6,2.4L12,3.8L13.4,2.4L14.1,3.1L12.7,4.5L14.1,5.9L13.4,6.6L12,5.2L10.6,6.6L9.9,5.9L11.3,4.5M9.3,8.5C10.3,8.2 11.3,8 12,8C14.2,8 17.9,9.6 19.8,10.4C19.9,10.7 19.9,11 19.9,11.3L9.3,8.5M13.6,19.1C12.9,19.5 12.2,19.8 11.4,19.9C10.9,19.5 10.9,18.7 11.4,18.3C11.8,17.9 12.7,17.7 13.2,18.2C13.5,18.3 13.6,18.8 13.6,19.1M20,13.4C19.5,15.5 18.2,17.4 16.5,18.6L15,16H9L7.5,18.6C5.4,17.2 4,14.8 4,12C4,11.5 4.1,11 4.2,10.5C4.7,10.3 5.3,10 6,9.7L13.1,11.6V14C13.1,14.5 13.5,15 14.1,15H16.1C16.6,15 17.1,14.6 17.1,14V12.6L20,13.4Z",tf1="M7,5H23V9H22V10H16A1,1 0 0,0 15,11V12A2,2 0 0,1 13,14H9.62C9.24,14 8.89,14.22 8.72,14.56L6.27,19.45C6.1,19.79 5.76,20 5.38,20H2C2,20 -1,20 3,14C3,14 6,10 2,10V5H3L3.5,4H6.5L7,5M14,12V11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10H12C12,10 11,11 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A1,1 0 0,0 9,11V12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12Z",vf1="M13,16.18C13.5,16.35 13.9,16.63 14.23,17H15V21H14.21C13.89,21.35 13.5,21.63 13,21.8C11.85,22.22 10.58,21.87 9.78,21H9V17H9.77C10.1,16.63 10.5,16.35 11,16.18V12H13V16.18M12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20M17,4H15V5H17V11H7V5H9V4H7V2H17V4M12,9A1,1 0 0,0 13,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,7A1,1 0 0,0 11,8A1,1 0 0,0 12,9Z",lf1="M15.9 .9L13.1 3.7C12.3 4.5 12.3 5.7 13.1 6.5L14.5 8L9.2 13.4L7.8 12C7 11.2 5.8 11.2 5 12L1 16L2.4 17.4L6.4 13.4L7.8 14.8L3.8 18.8L5.2 20.2L9.2 16.2L10.6 17.6L9.9 18.4L6.7 21.6L8 23L12 19C12.8 18.2 12.8 17 12 16.2L10.6 14.8L15.9 9.4L17.3 10.8C18.1 11.6 19.3 11.6 20.1 10.8L23 8L15.9 .9M18.7 9.4L14.5 5.2L15.9 3.8L20.1 8L18.7 9.4Z",of1="M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13C10,11.89 10.9,11 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15M7,7C7,5.89 7.89,5 9,5A2,2 0 0,1 11,7A2,2 0 0,1 9,9C7.89,9 7,8.1 7,7M12,2C8.43,2 5.23,3.54 3,6L12,22L21,6C18.78,3.54 15.57,2 12,2Z",nf1="M21.57 12.66C21.43 12.26 21.05 12 20.6 12H13.41C12.95 12 12.58 12.26 12.43 12.66L11 16.77V22.28C11 22.66 11.32 23 11.7 23H12.32C12.7 23 13 22.62 13 22.24V21H21V22.24C21 22.62 21.31 23 21.69 23H22.3C22.68 23 23 22.66 23 22.28V16.77L21.57 12.66M13.41 13H20.6L21.63 16H12.38L13.41 13M13 19C12.45 19 12 18.55 12 18S12.45 17 13 17 14 17.45 14 18 13.55 19 13 19M21 19C20.45 19 20 18.55 20 18S20.45 17 21 17 22 17.45 22 18 21.55 19 21 19M6.66 14.53L7 17L5.95 18.06L4.19 14.88L1 13.11L2.06 12.03L4.56 12.4L8.43 8.53L1 4.62L2.42 3.21L11.61 5.33L15.5 1.44C16.06 .855 17.06 .855 17.62 1.44C18.21 2.03 18.21 3 17.62 3.56L13.73 7.45L14.55 11H13.41C12.54 11 11.79 11.5 11.5 12.31L11.47 12.37L10.56 10.63L6.66 14.53Z",Zf1="M20 8H14C12.34 8 11 9.34 11 11V18C11 19.66 12.34 21 14 21L13 22V23H14L16 20.97H18L20 23H21V22L20 21C21.66 21 23 19.66 23 18V11C23 9.34 21.66 8 20 8M14 19C13.45 19 13 18.55 13 18S13.45 17 14 17 15 17.45 15 18 14.55 19 14 19M20 19C19.45 19 19 18.55 19 18S19.45 17 20 17 21 17.45 21 18 20.55 19 20 19M21 16H13V10H21V16M6.66 14.53L7 17L5.95 18.06L4.19 14.88L1 13.11L2.06 12.03L4.56 12.4L8.43 8.53L1 4.62L2.42 3.21L11.61 5.33L15.5 1.44C16.06 .855 17.06 .855 17.62 1.44C18.21 2.03 18.21 3 17.62 3.56L14.18 7H14C11.79 7 10 8.79 10 11V11.19L6.66 14.53Z",Sf1="M8,5.14V19.14L19,12.14L8,5.14Z",uf1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3M10 16V8L15 12",cf1="M13 18.9L19.1 12.8L21.2 14.9L15.1 21H13V18.9M21.4 11.3L22.7 12.6C22.9 12.8 22.9 13.1 22.7 13.3L21.7 14.3L19.6 12.3L20.6 11.3C20.7 11.2 20.8 11.1 21 11.1S21.3 11.1 21.4 11.3M11 21H5C4.5 21 4 20.8 3.6 20.4C3.2 20 3 19.5 3 19V5C3 4.5 3.2 4 3.6 3.6C4 3.2 4.5 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5V9H19V5H5V19H11V21M15 12L10 8V16L15 12Z",sf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12C20.4 12 21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M13 19V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V10.1L19 10L18 10.1C15.79 10.55 14.12 12.45 14 14.76C13.39 15.31 13 16.11 13 17V19M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2C18.2 13.2 17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5M9 8V16L14 12L9 8Z",Of1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M9 8V16L14 12L9 8M13 19V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V9.1L19 9C16.24 9 14 11.24 14 14V14.76C13.39 15.31 13 16.11 13 17V19Z",hf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11C20.4 11 21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2C18.2 12.2 17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M18 5H4V19H13V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V9.1L19 9L18 9.1V5M9 8L14 12L9 16V8Z",pf1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12C20.4 12 21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2C18.2 13.2 17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5M18 5H4V19H13V21H4C2.89 21 2 20.1 2 19V5C2 3.89 2.89 3 4 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.89 20 5V10.1L19 10L18 10.1V5M9 8L14 12L9 16V8Z",ff1="M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M12,14.5V5.5L18,10L12,14.5Z",gf1="M4 6H2V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.1 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.1 18 22 17.1 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M12 14.5V5.5L18 10L12 14.5Z",kf1="M19,19H5V5H19M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3M10,8V16L15,12L10,8Z",Bf1="M10,16.5V7.5L16,12M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Pf1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M10,16.5L16,12L10,7.5V16.5Z",wf1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M10,14V6L15,10L10,14Z",Ff1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M10,14V6L15,10L10,14Z",Tf1="M8.5,8.64L13.77,12L8.5,15.36V8.64M6.5,5V19L17.5,12",bf1="M3,5V19L11,12M13,19H16V5H13M18,5V19H21V5",yf1="M2,5V18H11V16H4V7H17V11H19V5H2M9,9V14L12.5,11.5L9,9M21.04,11.67L16.09,16.62L13.96,14.5L12.55,15.91L16.09,19.45L22.45,13.09L21.04,11.67Z",Rf1="M13,2.05V4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03V2.05M5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74M7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74M5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1M4.06,13H2.06C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13M10,16.5L16,12L10,7.5V16.5Z",xf1="M14 10H3V12H14V10M14 6H3V8H14V6M3 16H10V14H3V16M21.5 11.5L23 13L16 20L11.5 15.5L13 14L16 17L21.5 11.5Z",Df1="M3 6V8H14V6H3M3 10V12H14V10H3M20 10.1C19.9 10.1 19.7 10.2 19.6 10.3L18.6 11.3L20.7 13.4L21.7 12.4C21.9 12.2 21.9 11.8 21.7 11.6L20.4 10.3C20.3 10.2 20.2 10.1 20 10.1M18.1 11.9L12 17.9V20H14.1L20.2 13.9L18.1 11.9M3 14V16H10V14H3Z",Ef1="M3 16H10V14H3M12 14V16H22V14M14 6H3V8H14M14 10H3V12H14V10Z",Nf1="M15,6H3V8H15V6M15,10H3V12H15V10M3,16H11V14H3V16M17,6V14.18C16.69,14.07 16.35,14 16,14A3,3 0 0,0 13,17A3,3 0 0,0 16,20A3,3 0 0,0 19,17V8H22V6H17Z",Wf1="M15,6V8H3V6H15M15,10V12H3V10H15M3,16V14H11V16H3M17,6H22V8H19V17A3,3 0 0,1 16,20A3,3 0 0,1 13,17A3,3 0 0,1 16,14C16.35,14 16.69,14.07 17,14.18V6M16,16A1,1 0 0,0 15,17A1,1 0 0,0 16,18A1,1 0 0,0 17,17A1,1 0 0,0 16,16Z",If1="M3 10H14V12H3V10M3 6H14V8H3V6M3 14H10V16H3V14M16 13V21L22 17L16 13Z",Gf1="M3 16H10V14H3M18 14V10H16V14H12V16H16V20H18V16H22V14M14 6H3V8H14M14 10H3V12H14V10Z",Qf1="M14 10H3V12H14V10M14 6H3V8H14V6M3 16H10V14H3V16M14.4 22L17 19.4L19.6 22L21 20.6L18.4 18L21 15.4L19.6 14L17 16.6L14.4 14L13 15.4L15.6 18L13 20.6L14.4 22Z",Uf1="M17 19.1L19.5 20.6L18.8 17.8L21 15.9L18.1 15.7L17 13L15.9 15.6L13 15.9L15.2 17.8L14.5 20.6L17 19.1M3 14H11V16H3V14M3 6H15V8H3V6M3 10H15V12H3V10Z",zf1="M4,2C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2H4M8.56,6H12.06L15.5,12L12.06,18H8.56L12,12L8.56,6Z",_f1="M9.4 12.2C9.4 12.2 11.7 15.3 13.8 17.4C14.7 18.3 15.6 18.9 16.3 19.4C17.1 19.9 17.3 21 16.6 21.7C16.2 22.1 15.5 22.3 15 22C14.2 21.6 13 20.8 11.7 19.6C9.6 17.5 7.3 14.4 7.3 14.4L9.4 12.2M12.2 9.4C12.2 9.4 15.3 11.7 17.4 13.8C18.3 14.7 18.9 15.6 19.4 16.3C19.9 17.1 21 17.3 21.7 16.6C22.1 16.2 22.3 15.5 22 15C21.6 14.2 20.8 13 19.6 11.7C17.5 9.6 14.4 7.3 14.4 7.3L12.2 9.4M10.4 5.5L7.6 2.7L4.1 2L3.6 2.5L5.9 4.8C6.4 4.7 6.9 4.8 7.3 5.2C7.9 5.8 7.9 6.7 7.3 7.3S5.8 7.9 5.2 7.3C4.8 6.9 4.7 6.3 4.8 5.8L2.5 3.6L2 4.1L2.7 7.6L5.5 10.4L6.9 13.2L8.8 11.3L7.8 9.5L9.4 7.9L11.3 8.8L13.2 6.9L10.4 5.5Z",Kf1="M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z",jf1="M17,13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7H13V11H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",qf1="M19,11H15V15H13V11H9V9H13V5H15V9H19M20,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 8,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M4,6H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H18V20H4V6Z",$f1="M18 11H15V14H13V11H10V9H13V6H15V9H18M20 4V16H8V4H20M20 2H8C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18V20H4V6Z",Xf1="M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M11,7H13V11H17V13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7Z",Yf1="M17,13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7H13V11H17M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Jf1="M2 12C2 9.2 3.6 6.8 6 5.7V3.5C2.5 4.8 0 8.1 0 12S2.5 19.2 6 20.5V18.3C3.6 17.2 2 14.8 2 12M15 3C10 3 6 7 6 12S10 21 15 21 24 17 24 12 20 3 15 3M20 13H16V17H14V13H10V11H14V7H16V11H20V13Z",Cg1="M16,8H14V11H11V13H14V16H16V13H19V11H16M2,12C2,9.21 3.64,6.8 6,5.68V3.5C2.5,4.76 0,8.09 0,12C0,15.91 2.5,19.24 6,20.5V18.32C3.64,17.2 2,14.79 2,12M15,3C10.04,3 6,7.04 6,12C6,16.96 10.04,21 15,21C19.96,21 24,16.96 24,12C24,7.04 19.96,3 15,3M15,19C11.14,19 8,15.86 8,12C8,8.14 11.14,5 15,5C18.86,5 22,8.14 22,12C22,15.86 18.86,19 15,19Z",Hg1="M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M13,7H11V11H7V13H11V17H13V13H17V11H13V7Z",Vg1="M21.14 17.67V17.22C21.14 16 20.2 15 19 15S16.86 16 16.86 17.22V17.67C16.34 17.67 16 18 16 18.56V22.11C16 22.65 16.34 23 16.86 23H21.14C21.66 23 22 22.65 22 22.11V18.55C22 18 21.66 17.67 21.14 17.67M20.29 17.67H17.72V17.22C17.72 16.5 18.31 15.89 19 15.89C19.69 15.89 20.29 16.5 20.29 17.22V17.67M11 5V11H5V13H11V19H13V13H19V11H13V5H11Z",Lg1="M11 5V11H5V13H11V19H13V13H19V11H13V5H11M19 15C17.95 15 16.9 15.8 16.9 16.82V18.64C16.45 18.64 16 19.07 16 19.5V22.05C16 22.56 16.45 23 16.9 23H21.03C21.55 23 22 22.56 22 22.13V19.58C22 19.07 21.55 18.64 21.1 18.64H17.88V16.82C17.88 16.24 18.4 15.87 19 15.87S20.13 16.24 20.13 16.82V17.18H21.1V16.82C21.1 15.8 20.05 15 19 15Z",Mg1="M11,4V9H6V11H11V16H13V11H18V9H13V4H11M6,18V20H18V18H6Z",Ag1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6M8,16H16V18H8V16Z",ig1="M3 7H6V4H8V7H11V9H8V12H6V9H3V7M13 15H21V17H13V15M16.04 3H18.35L7.96 21H5.65L16.04 3Z",rg1="M16,11V9H13V6H11V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17Z",ag1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M15,11H13V13H11V11H9V9H11V7H13V9H15V11Z",eg1="M4,9H9V4H15V9H20V15H15V20H9V15H4V9M11,13V18H13V13H18V11H13V6H11V11H6V13H11Z",dg1="M20 14H14V20H10V14H4V10H10V4H14V10H20V14Z",mg1="M4 3H20V17.63L12 22.25L4 17.63V3M18 9H6V16.5L12 19.94L18 16.5V9M18 5H6V7H18V5Z",tg1="M17,18.25V21.5H7V18.25C7,16.87 9.24,15.75 12,15.75C14.76,15.75 17,16.87 17,18.25M12,5.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 18.5,12C18.5,13.25 18.15,14.42 17.54,15.41L16,14.04C16.32,13.43 16.5,12.73 16.5,12C16.5,9.5 14.5,7.5 12,7.5C9.5,7.5 7.5,9.5 7.5,12C7.5,12.73 7.68,13.43 8,14.04L6.46,15.41C5.85,14.42 5.5,13.25 5.5,12A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 12,5.5M12,1.5A10.5,10.5 0 0,1 22.5,12C22.5,14.28 21.77,16.39 20.54,18.11L19.04,16.76C19.96,15.4 20.5,13.76 20.5,12A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 12,3.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 3.5,12C3.5,13.76 4.04,15.4 4.96,16.76L3.46,18.11C2.23,16.39 1.5,14.28 1.5,12A10.5,10.5 0 0,1 12,1.5M12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 9.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 12,9.5Z",vg1="M12,7.09L14.45,8.58L13.8,5.77L16,3.89L13.11,3.64L12,1L10.87,3.64L8,3.89L10.18,5.77L9.5,8.58L12,7.09M4,13.09L6.45,14.58L5.8,11.77L8,9.89L5.11,9.64L4,7L2.87,9.64L0,9.89L2.18,11.77L1.5,14.58L4,13.09M20,10.09L22.45,11.58L21.8,8.77L24,6.89L21.11,6.64L20,4L18.87,6.64L16,6.89L18.18,8.77L17.5,11.58L20,10.09M15,23H9V10H15V23M7,23H1V17H7V23M23,23H17V13H23V23Z",lg1="M4,13.09L6.45,14.58L5.8,11.77L8,9.89L5.11,9.64L4,7L2.87,9.64L0,9.89L2.18,11.77L1.5,14.58L4,13.09M7,23H1V17H7V23M9,10V23H15V10H9M13,21H11V12H13V21M17,13V23H23V13H17M21,21H19V15H21V21Z",og1="M12,7.09L14.45,8.58L13.8,5.77L16,3.89L13.11,3.64L12,1L10.87,3.64L8,3.89L10.18,5.77L9.5,8.58L12,7.09M15,23H9V10H15V23M1,17V23H7V17H1M5,21H3V19H5V21M17,13V23H23V13H17M21,21H19V15H21V21Z",ng1="M20,10.09L22.45,11.58L21.8,8.77L24,6.89L21.11,6.64L20,4L18.87,6.64L16,6.89L18.18,8.77L17.5,11.58L20,10.09M23,23H17V13H23V23M1,17V23H7V17H1M5,21H3V19H5V21M9,10V23H15V10H9M13,21H11V12H13V21Z",Zg1="M20,5C19.4,5 19,5.5 19,6.1V16C19,16.6 19.4,17 20,17.1C20.6,17.1 21,16.6 21,16V6.1C21,5.5 20.6,5 20,5M16.4,2H4.6C3.7,2 3,2.7 3,3.6V17.4C3,18.3 3.7,19 4.6,19H6V21C6,21.6 6.4,22 7,22H13C13.6,22 14,21.6 14,21V19H16.4C17.3,19 18,18.3 18,17.4V3.6C18,2.7 17.3,2 16.4,2M5,8H8V10H5V8M12,11V13H9V11H12M9,10V8H12V10H9M12,14V16H9V14H12M5,11H8V13H5V11M5,16V14H8V16H5M8,21H7V19H8V21M13,21H10V19H13V21M16,16H13V14H16V16M16,13H13V11H16V13M16,10H13V8H16V10M16,6H5V4H16V6Z",Sg1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C7.92,4 4.55,7.05 4.06,11H8.13C8.57,9.27 10.14,8 12,8C13.86,8 15.43,9.27 15.87,11H19.94C19.45,7.05 16.08,4 12,4M12,20C16.08,20 19.45,16.95 19.94,13H15.87C15.43,14.73 13.86,16 12,16C10.14,16 8.57,14.73 8.13,13H4.06C4.55,16.95 7.92,20 12,20M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",ug1="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,10.4 18.59,11.71 17.88,12.8L12,22.21L6.12,12.8C5.41,11.71 5,10.4 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,3.5C9.3,3.5 7.06,5.44 6.59,8H9.17C9.58,6.83 10.69,6 12,6C13.31,6 14.42,6.83 14.83,8H17.41C16.94,5.44 14.7,3.5 12,3.5M12,12C10.69,12 9.58,11.17 9.17,10H6.59C6.72,10.69 6.97,11.34 7.34,11.91V11.91L7.38,12C8.36,13.5 10.06,14.5 12,14.5C13.94,14.5 15.64,13.5 16.62,12L16.66,11.91V11.91C17.03,11.34 17.28,10.69 17.41,10H14.83C14.42,11.17 13.31,12 12,12M12,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,7.5Z",cg1="M23,12C23,18.08 18.08,23 12,23C5.92,23 1,18.08 1,12C1,5.92 5.92,1 12,1C18.08,1 23,5.92 23,12M13,4.06C15.13,4.33 17.07,5.45 18.37,7.16L20.11,6.16C18.45,3.82 15.86,2.3 13,2V4.06M3.89,6.16L5.63,7.16C6.93,5.45 8.87,4.33 11,4.06V2C8.14,2.3 5.55,3.82 3.89,6.16M2.89,16.1L4.62,15.1C3.79,13.12 3.79,10.88 4.62,8.9L2.89,7.9C1.7,10.5 1.7,13.5 2.89,16.1M11,19.94C8.87,19.67 6.93,18.55 5.63,16.84L3.89,17.84C5.55,20.18 8.14,21.7 11,22V19.94M20.11,17.84L18.37,16.84C17.07,18.55 15.13,19.67 13,19.94V21.94C15.85,21.65 18.44,20.16 20.11,17.84M21.11,16.1C22.3,13.5 22.3,10.5 21.11,7.9L19.38,8.9C20.21,10.88 20.21,13.12 19.38,15.1L21.11,16.1M15,12L12,7L9,12L12,17L15,12Z",sg1="M6,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 18,21H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 6,3M6,5V17H18V5H6Z",Og1="M22 4L20 2C18.85 2.64 17.4 3 16 3C14.6 3 13.14 2.63 12 2C10.86 2.63 9.4 3 8 3C6.6 3 5.15 2.64 4 2L2 4C2 4 4 6 4 8S2 14 2 16C2 20 12 22 12 22S22 20 22 16C22 14 20 10 20 8S22 4 22 4M15.05 16.45L11.97 14.59L8.9 16.45L9.72 12.95L7 10.61L10.58 10.3L11.97 7L13.37 10.29L16.95 10.6L14.23 12.94L15.05 16.45Z",hg1="M12 4.21C13.24 4.72 14.65 5 16 5C17.05 5 18.1 4.84 19.08 4.54C18.5 5.5 18 6.71 18 8C18 9.32 18.54 10.93 19.1 12.63C19.5 13.83 20 15.33 20 16C20 17.03 16.47 19 12 19.96C7.54 19 4 17.03 4 16C4 15.33 4.5 13.83 4.9 12.63C5.46 10.93 6 9.32 6 8C6 6.71 5.5 5.5 4.92 4.54C5.9 4.84 6.96 5 8 5C9.35 5 10.76 4.72 12 4.21M20 2C18.85 2.64 17.4 3 16 3C14.6 3 13.14 2.63 12 2C10.86 2.63 9.4 3 8 3C6.6 3 5.15 2.64 4 2L2 4C2 4 4 6 4 8S2 14 2 16C2 20 12 22 12 22S22 20 22 16C22 14 20 10 20 8S22 4 22 4L20 2M15.05 16.45L11.97 14.59L8.9 16.45L9.72 12.95L7 10.61L10.58 10.3L11.97 7L13.37 10.29L16.95 10.6L14.23 12.94L15.05 16.45",pg1="M12 10C12 10 16 9.2 16 7.6C16 6.8 15.2 5.2 15.2 4.4C15.2 3.6 16 2.8 16 2.8L15.2 2C14.74 2.26 14.16 2.4 13.6 2.4S12.46 2.25 12 2C11.54 2.25 10.96 2.4 10.4 2.4C9.84 2.4 9.26 2.26 8.8 2L8 2.8C8 2.8 8.8 3.6 8.8 4.4C8.8 5.2 8 6.8 8 7.6C8 9.2 12 10 12 10M11.43 5.32L12 4L12.55 5.32L14 5.44L12.89 6.38L13.22 7.78L12 7.04L10.76 7.78L11.09 6.38L10 5.44L11.43 5.32M21 6H16.65C16.84 6.58 17 7.12 17 7.6C17 9.85 13.32 10.76 12.2 11L12 11L11.8 11C10.68 10.76 7 9.85 7 7.6C7 7.12 7.16 6.58 7.35 6H3C2.45 6 2 6.45 2 7V22H10V17H14V22H22V7C22 6.45 21.55 6 21 6M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M14 15H10V12H14V15M20 20H16V17H20V20M20 15H16V12H20V15Z",fg1="M3,22V8H7V22H3M10,22V2H14V22H10M17,22V14H21V22H17Z",gg1="M22 9.5C22 10.88 20.88 12 19.5 12S17 10.88 17 9.5 18.12 7 19.5 7 22 8.12 22 9.5M11 17V3H8V17H2L6 21H13V17H11M16 17H14V21H16V17Z",kg1="M19,4H15L7.1,16.63L4.5,12L9,4H5L0.5,12L5,20H9L16.89,7.37L19.5,12L15,20H19L23.5,12L19,4Z",Bg1="M2,15C3.67,14.25 5.33,13.5 7,13.17V5A3,3 0 0,1 10,2C11.31,2 12.42,2.83 12.83,4H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,5V6H14V5A3,3 0 0,1 17,2C18.31,2 19.42,2.83 19.83,4H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,5V14.94C18,14.62 20,13 22,13V15C19.78,15 17.56,17 15.33,17C13.11,17 10.89,15 8.67,15C6.44,15 4.22,16 2,17V15M14,8H9V10H14V8M14,12H9V13C10.67,13.16 12.33,14.31 14,14.79V12M2,19C4.22,18 6.44,17 8.67,17C10.89,17 13.11,19 15.33,19C17.56,19 19.78,17 22,17V19C19.78,19 17.56,21 15.33,21C13.11,21 10.89,19 8.67,19C6.44,19 4.22,20 2,21V19Z",Pg1="M19 6C17.9 6 17 6.9 17 8V14.8C16.4 15.4 16 16.2 16 17C16 18.7 17.3 20 19 20S22 18.7 22 17C22 16.1 21.6 15.3 21 14.8V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6M19 7C19.5 7 20 7.4 20 8V9H18V8C18 7.4 18.5 7 19 7M15 20.3C14.1 20.7 13.2 21 12.3 21C10.1 21 7.9 19 5.6 19C4.4 19 3.2 19.3 1.9 19.7V17.7C3.2 17.3 4.4 17 5.7 17C7.9 17 10.1 19 12.4 19C13.3 19 14.2 18.7 15.1 18.3V20.3M12.3 17C13.2 17 14.1 16.7 15 16.3V14.3C14.3 14.6 13.7 14.8 13 15V5C13 4.4 13.4 4 14 4H16.8C16.4 2.8 15.3 2 14 2C12.3 2 11 3.3 11 5V6H6V5C6 4.4 6.4 4 7 4H9.8C9.4 2.8 8.3 2 7 2C5.3 2 4 3.3 4 5V13.2C3.3 13.3 2.7 13.5 2 13.8V15.8C3.2 15.3 4.4 15 5.7 15C7.9 15 10.1 17 12.3 17M6 8H11V10H6V8M6 12H11V14.8C9.3 14.3 7.7 13.2 6 13V12Z",wg1="M7,22H4.75C4.75,22 4,22 3.81,20.65L2.04,3.81L2,3.5C2,2.67 2.9,2 4,2C5.1,2 6,2.67 6,3.5C6,2.67 6.9,2 8,2C9.1,2 10,2.67 10,3.5C10,2.67 10.9,2 12,2C13.09,2 14,2.66 14,3.5V3.5C14,2.67 14.9,2 16,2C17.1,2 18,2.67 18,3.5C18,2.67 18.9,2 20,2C21.1,2 22,2.67 22,3.5L21.96,3.81L20.19,20.65C20,22 19.25,22 19.25,22H17L16.5,22H13.75L10.25,22H7.5L7,22M17.85,4.93C17.55,4.39 16.84,4 16,4C15.19,4 14.36,4.36 14,4.87L13.78,20H16.66L17.85,4.93M10,4.87C9.64,4.36 8.81,4 8,4C7.16,4 6.45,4.39 6.15,4.93L7.34,20H10.22L10,4.87Z",Fg1="M3 3V21H21V3H3M18 18H6V17H18V18M18 16H6V15H18V16M18 12H6V6H18V12Z",Tg1="M14 3L13 1H11L10 3L5 6H7L8 14L10 16L10.5 17H9V23H15V17H13.5L14 16L16 14L17 6H19L14 3M14.16 13H9.84L9 6H15L14.16 13Z",bg1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M21 3H3V21H21V3M17 17H7V16H17V17M17 15H7V14H17V15M17 12H7V7H17V12Z",yg1="M2,2V5.5C3.1,5.5 4,6.62 4,8C4,9.38 3.1,10.5 2,10.5V13.5C3.1,13.5 4,14.62 4,16C4,17.38 3.1,18.5 2,18.5V22H5.5C5.5,20.9 6.62,20 8,20C9.38,20 10.5,20.9 10.5,22H13.5C13.5,20.9 14.62,20 16,20C17.38,20 18.5,20.9 18.5,22H22V18.5C20.9,18.5 20,17.38 20,16V16C20,14.62 20.9,13.5 22,13.5V10.5C20.9,10.5 20,9.38 20,8V8C20,6.62 20.9,5.5 22,5.5V2H18.5C18.5,3.1 17.38,4 16,4C14.62,4 13.5,3.1 13.5,2H10.5C10.5,3.1 9.38,4 8,4C6.62,4 5.5,3.1 5.5,2H2M6,6H18V18H6V6M9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7M17,10L14,13L12,12L7,17H17V10Z",Rg1="M19 19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V12H3V10H21V12H19V19Z",xg1="M14.6 9L18 3.1L19.7 4.1L16.9 9H14.6M14 10H3V12H5V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V12H21V10H14Z",Dg1="M14.6 9L18 3.1L19.7 4.1L16.9 9H14.6M16.3 10H21V12H19V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.1 5 19V12H3V10H16.3M17 12H7V19H17V12Z",Eg1="M3 10V12H5V19C5 20.1 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V12H21V10H3M7 12H17V19H7V12Z",Ng1="M19 19C19 20.11 18.11 21 17 21H7C5.9 21 5 20.11 5 19V12H3V10H21V12H19M8 1.5C6.15 1.5 4.65 3 4.65 4.85C4.65 6.7 6.15 8.2 8 8.2H9.53C9.92 8.2 10.29 8.3 10.61 8.5H12.63C12.05 7.45 10.86 6.75 9.53 6.75H8C7 6.75 6.15 5.77 6.15 4.75C6.15 3.73 7 3 8 3M12.85 2C12.85 3 12 3.85 11 3.85V5.35C12.92 5.35 14.5 6.7 14.89 8.5H16.42C16.12 6.67 14.96 5.15 13.35 4.38C13.97 3.77 14.35 2.93 14.35 2Z",Wg1="M8 1.5C6.15 1.5 4.65 3 4.65 4.85C4.65 6.7 6.15 8.2 8 8.2H9.53C9.92 8.2 10.29 8.3 10.61 8.5H12.63C12.05 7.45 10.86 6.75 9.53 6.75H8C7 6.75 6.15 5.77 6.15 4.75C6.15 3.73 7 3 8 3V1.5M12.85 2C12.85 3 12 3.85 11 3.85V5.35C12.92 5.35 14.5 6.7 14.89 8.5H16.42C16.12 6.67 14.96 5.15 13.35 4.38C13.97 3.77 14.35 2.93 14.35 2H12.85M3 10V12H5V19C5 20.11 5.9 21 7 21H17C18.11 21 19 20.11 19 19V12H21V10H3M7 12H17V19H7V12Z",Ig1="M5.41,21L6.12,17H2.12L2.47,15H6.47L7.53,9H3.53L3.88,7H7.88L8.59,3H10.59L9.88,7H15.88L16.59,3H18.59L17.88,7H21.88L21.53,9H17.53L16.47,15H20.47L20.12,17H16.12L15.41,21H13.41L14.12,17H8.12L7.41,21H5.41M9.53,9L8.47,15H14.47L15.53,9H9.53Z",Gg1="M3,5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5M7,18H9L9.35,16H13.35L13,18H15L15.35,16H17.35L17.71,14H15.71L16.41,10H18.41L18.76,8H16.76L17.12,6H15.12L14.76,8H10.76L11.12,6H9.12L8.76,8H6.76L6.41,10H8.41L7.71,14H5.71L5.35,16H7.35L7,18M10.41,10H14.41L13.71,14H9.71L10.41,10Z",Qg1="M19 19H5V5H19M19 3H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 5V19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21H19A2 2 0 0 0 21 19V5A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M7 9H9.31L9.63 6H11.63L11.31 9H13.31L13.63 6H15.63L15.31 9H17V11H15.1L14.9 13H17V15H14.69L14.37 18H12.37L12.69 15H10.69L10.37 18H8.37L8.69 15H7V13H8.9L9.1 11H7V9M11.1 11L10.9 13H12.9L13.1 11Z",Ug1="M16.56,5.44L15.11,6.89C16.84,7.94 18,9.83 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12C6,9.83 7.16,7.94 8.88,6.88L7.44,5.44C5.36,6.88 4,9.28 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,9.28 18.64,6.88 16.56,5.44M13,3H11V13H13",zg1="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19M13,17H11V7H13V17Z",_g1="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,3M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19Z",Kg1="M11,3H13V21H11V3Z",jg1="M16,7V3H14V7H10V3H8V7H8C7,7 6,8 6,9V14.5L9.5,18V21H14.5V18L18,14.5V9C18,8 17,7 16,7Z",qg1="M12 10C12 9.35 11.57 8.7 11 8.32C10.7 8.12 10.35 8 10 8V4H8V8H4V4H2V8C1 8 0 9 0 10V15.5L3.5 19V22H8.5V19L12 15.5V10M12.33 4C12.22 4 12.11 4 12 4.04V6.59C12.3 6.77 12.56 7 12.79 7.21C13.44 7.87 14 8.85 14 10V16.33L11 19.33V20.67C11 21.4 11.6 22 12.33 22H21.67C22 22 22.36 21.86 22.61 21.61C22.86 21.36 23 21 23 20.67V5.33C23 4.6 22.4 4 21.67 4H20V2H14V4H12.33Z",$g1="M11 8.32C11.57 8.7 12 9.35 12 10V15.5L8.5 19V22H3.5V19L0 15.5V10C0 9 1 8 2 8V4H4V8H8V4H10V8C10.35 8 10.7 8.12 11 8.32M7.09 17.59L10 14.67V10.09C10 10.06 9.95 10 9.92 10H2.09C2.06 10 2 10.06 2 10.09V14.67L5.33 18H6.67L7.09 17.59M12 4.04C12.11 4 12.22 4 12.33 4H14V2H20V4H21.67C22.4 4 23 4.6 23 5.33V20.67C23 21 22.86 21.36 22.61 21.61C22.36 21.86 22 22 21.67 22H12.33C11.6 22 11 21.4 11 20.67V19.33L13 17.33V20H21V6H12V4.04Z",Xg1="M20.84 22.73L15.31 17.2L14.5 18V21H9.5V18L6 14.5V9C6 8.7 6.1 8.41 6.25 8.14L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18 14.5V9C18 8 17 7 16 7V3H14V7H10.2L17.85 14.65L18 14.5M10 3H8V4.8L10 6.8V3Z",Yg1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.25 8.14C6.1 8.41 6 8.7 6 9V14.5L9.5 18V21H14.5V18L15.31 17.2L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M13.09 16.59L12.67 17H11.33L10.92 16.59L8 13.67V9.89L13.89 15.78L13.09 16.59M12.2 9L10.2 7H14V3H16V7C17 7 18 8 18 9V14.5L17.85 14.65L16 12.8V9.09C16 9.06 15.95 9 15.92 9H12.2M10 6.8L8 4.8V3H10V6.8Z",Jg1="M16 7V3H14V7H10V3H8V7C7 7 6 8 6 9V14.5L9.5 18V21H14.5V18L18 14.5V9C18 8 17 7 16 7M16 13.67L13.09 16.59L12.67 17H11.33L10.92 16.59L8 13.67V9.09C8 9.06 8.06 9 8.09 9H15.92C15.95 9 16 9.06 16 9.09V13.67Z",Ck1="M15,24H17V22H15M16.56,4.44L15.11,5.89C16.84,6.94 18,8.83 18,11A6,6 0 0,1 12,17A6,6 0 0,1 6,11C6,8.83 7.16,6.94 8.88,5.88L7.44,4.44C5.36,5.88 4,8.28 4,11A8,8 0 0,0 12,19A8,8 0 0,0 20,11C20,8.28 18.64,5.88 16.56,4.44M13,2H11V12H13M11,24H13V22H11M7,24H9V22H7V24Z",Hk1="M18.73,18C15.4,21.69 9.71,22 6,18.64C2.33,15.31 2.04,9.62 5.37,5.93C6.9,4.25 9,3.2 11.27,3C7.96,6.7 8.27,12.39 12,15.71C13.63,17.19 15.78,18 18,18C18.25,18 18.5,18 18.73,18Z",Vk1="M15,15H17V11H15M7,15H9V11H7M11,13H13V9H11M8.83,7H15.2L19,10.8V17H5V10.8M8,5L3,10V19H21V10L16,5H8Z",Lk1="M4.22,2A2.22,2.22 0 0,0 2,4.22V19.78C2,21 3,22 4.22,22H19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,0 22,19.78V4.22C22,3 21,2 19.78,2H4.22M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M8.27,7.54L6.27,11L8,12L10,8.54L8.27,7.54M15.73,7.54L14,8.54L16,12L17.73,11L15.73,7.54M11,14V18H13V14H11Z",Mk1="M19.78 2H4.22C3 2 2 3 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78C21 22 22 21 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2M20 13L16.55 16.45C16.19 16.81 15.75 17 15.3 17H8.7C8.25 17 7.81 16.81 7.45 16.45L4 13C3.5 12.5 3.5 11.5 4 11L7.45 7.55C7.81 7.19 8.25 7 8.7 7H15.3C15.75 7 16.19 7.19 16.55 7.55L20 11C20.5 11.5 20.5 12.5 20 13M10.5 14C10.5 13.17 11.17 12.5 12 12.5S13.5 13.17 13.5 14 12.83 15.5 12 15.5 10.5 14.83 10.5 14M15.5 12C15.5 11.17 16.17 10.5 17 10.5S18.5 11.17 18.5 12 17.83 13.5 17 13.5 15.5 12.83 15.5 12M5.5 12C5.5 11.17 6.17 10.5 7 10.5S8.5 11.17 8.5 12 7.83 13.5 7 13.5 5.5 12.83 5.5 12Z",Ak1="M4.22 2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2H4.22M11 4.07V6H13V4.07A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 13 19.93V18H11V19.93A8 8 0 0 1 4 12A8 8 0 0 1 11 4.07M7.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6 12C6 12.83 6.66 13.5 7.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 10.5M16.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 15 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 10.5Z",ik1="M7.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13.5C6.66,13.5 6,12.83 6,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10.5M16.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,10.5M4.22,2H19.78C21,2 22,3 22,4.22V19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 19.78,22H4.22C3,22 2,21 2,19.78V4.22A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 4.22,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",rk1="M4.22 2A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 2 4.22V19.78C2 21 3 22 4.22 22H19.78A2.22 2.22 0 0 0 22 19.78V4.22C22 3 21 2 19.78 2H4.22M12 4A8 8 0 0 1 20 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 20A8 8 0 0 1 4 12A8 8 0 0 1 12 4M12 6A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 10.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 9A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 13.5 7.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 12 6M7.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6 12C6 12.83 6.66 13.5 7.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 7.5 10.5M16.5 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 15 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 18 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16.5 10.5Z",ak1="M10.5 16.5C10.5 15.68 11.17 15 12 15C12.83 15 13.5 15.68 13.5 16.5C13.5 17.34 12.83 18 12 18C11.17 18 10.5 17.34 10.5 16.5M10.5 7.5C10.5 6.67 11.17 6 12 6C12.83 6 13.5 6.67 13.5 7.5C13.5 8.33 12.83 9 12 9C11.17 9 10.5 8.33 10.5 7.5M4.22 2H19.78C21 2 22 3 22 4.22V19.78C22 21 21 22 19.78 22H4.22C3 22 2 21 2 19.78V4.22C2 3 3 2 4.22 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M10.5 12C10.5 11.17 11.17 10.5 12 10.5C12.83 10.5 13.5 11.17 13.5 12C13.5 12.83 12.83 13.5 12 13.5C11.17 13.5 10.5 12.83 10.5 12Z",ek1="M10 9.5V14.5H8V9.5M19.78 2C21 2 22 3 22 4.22V19.78C22 21 21 22 19.78 22H4.22C3 22 2 21 2 19.78V4.22C2 3 3 2 4.22 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4M16 9.5V14.5H14V9.5Z",dk1="M4 2A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V20A2 2 0 0 0 4 22H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 20V4A2 2 0 0 0 20 2H4M4 4H20V20H4V4M11 7V11H13V7H11M6 14.75V17H9.5V14.75H6M14.5 14.75V17H18V14.75H14.5Z",mk1="M8,7H10V12H8V7M4.22,2H19.78C21,2 22,3 22,4.22V19.78A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 19.78,22H4.22C3,22 2,21 2,19.78V4.22A2.22,2.22 0 0,1 4.22,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4M14,7.5H16V11.5H14V7.5M10.5,16.25A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,14.75A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,16.25V17H10.5V16.25Z",tk1="M13,3H11V13H13V3M17.83,5.17L16.41,6.59C18.05,7.91 19,9.9 19,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19C8.14,19 5,15.88 5,12C5,9.91 5.95,7.91 7.58,6.58L6.17,5.17C2.38,8.39 1.92,14.07 5.14,17.86C8.36,21.64 14.04,22.1 17.83,18.88C19.85,17.17 21,14.65 21,12C21,9.37 19.84,6.87 17.83,5.17Z",vk1="M21.83,4C22.32,4 22.63,4.4 22.5,4.89L19.34,19.11C19.23,19.6 18.75,20 18.26,20H2.17C1.68,20 1.37,19.6 1.5,19.11L4.66,4.89C4.77,4.4 5.25,4 5.74,4H21.83M15.83,16H11.83C11.37,16 11,16.38 11,16.84C11,17.31 11.37,17.69 11.83,17.69H15.83C16.3,17.69 16.68,17.31 16.68,16.84C16.68,16.38 16.3,16 15.83,16M5.78,16.28C5.38,16.56 5.29,17.11 5.57,17.5C5.85,17.92 6.41,18 6.81,17.73C14.16,12.56 14.21,12.5 14.26,12.47C14.44,12.31 14.53,12.09 14.54,11.87C14.55,11.67 14.5,11.5 14.38,11.31L9.46,6.03C9.13,5.67 8.57,5.65 8.21,6C7.85,6.32 7.83,6.88 8.16,7.24L12.31,11.68L5.78,16.28Z",lk1="M4,4V10L4,14H6V10H8L13.41,15.41L9.83,19L11.24,20.41L14.83,16.83L18.41,20.41L19.82,19L16.24,15.41L19.82,11.83L18.41,10.41L14.83,14L10.83,10H11A3,3 0 0,0 14,7A3,3 0 0,0 11,4H4M6,6H11A1,1 0 0,1 12,7A1,1 0 0,1 11,8H6V6Z",ok1="M2,3H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3H22V5H21V16H15.25L17,22H15L13.25,16H10.75L9,22H7L8.75,16H3V5H2V3M5,5V14H19V5H5Z",nk1="M2,3H10A2,2 0 0,1 12,1A2,2 0 0,1 14,3H22V5H21V16H15.25L17,22H15L13.25,16H10.75L9,22H7L8.75,16H3V5H2V3M5,5V14H19V5H5M11.85,11.85C11.76,11.94 11.64,12 11.5,12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11,11.5V7.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 11.5,7C11.64,7 11.76,7.06 11.85,7.15L13.25,8.54C13.57,8.86 13.89,9.18 13.89,9.5C13.89,9.82 13.57,10.14 13.25,10.46L11.85,11.85Z",Zk1="M5.15 15.84C3.81 14.27 3 12.23 3 10V9.97C3 7.22 5.25 5 8 5C9.64 5 11.09 5.79 12 7C12.91 5.79 14.37 5 16 5C18.76 5 21 7.24 21 10C21 12.23 20.19 14.27 18.85 15.84L20.21 17.2L18.79 18.61L17.39 17.21C15.89 18.33 14 19 12 19C10 19 8.11 18.33 6.61 17.21L5.21 18.61L3.79 17.2L5.15 15.84M15.96 15.77L12 11.82L8.04 15.77C9.17 16.55 10.53 17 12 17C13.47 17 14.83 16.55 15.96 15.77M11 10C11 8.34 9.65 7 8 7C6.34 7 5 8.34 5 10C5 11.68 5.59 13.21 6.57 14.42L11 10M17.43 14.42C18.41 13.21 19 11.68 19 10V10C19 8.33 17.65 7 16 7C14.35 7 13 8.34 13 10L17.43 14.42Z",Sk1="M18,3H6V7H18M19,12A1,1 0 0,1 18,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,10A1,1 0 0,1 20,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,12M16,19H8V14H16M19,8H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,11V17H6V21H18V17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8Z",uk1="M19,6A1,1 0 0,0 20,5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5A1,1 0 0,0 19,6M19,2A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V11H18V7H6V11H2V5A3,3 0 0,1 5,2H19M18,18.25C18,18.63 17.79,18.96 17.47,19.13L12.57,21.82C12.4,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L6.53,19.13C6.21,18.96 6,18.63 6,18.25V13C6,12.62 6.21,12.29 6.53,12.12L11.43,9.68C11.59,9.56 11.79,9.5 12,9.5C12.21,9.5 12.4,9.56 12.57,9.68L17.47,12.12C17.79,12.29 18,12.62 18,13V18.25M12,11.65L9.04,13L12,14.6L14.96,13L12,11.65M8,17.66L11,19.29V16.33L8,14.71V17.66M16,17.66V14.71L13,16.33V19.29L16,17.66Z",ck1="M7,2H17V8H19V13H16.5L13,17H11L7.5,13H5V8H7V2M10,22H2V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V18H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22Z",sk1="M7 2H17V8H19V13H16.5L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V8H7V2M10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.5 11 19V18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Ok1="M7 2H17V7H19V13H16.5L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V7H7V2M10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.5 11 19V18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22M7 9V11H8.5L12 15L15.5 11H17V9H15V4H9V9H7M21 13V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",hk1="M4 2H14V7H16V13H13.5L10 17H8L4.5 13H2V7H4V2M23 14.5L21.6 16.7L23 18.9L21 22L19.2 21.1L20.7 18.9L19.2 16.7L21.2 13.6L23 14.5M18.7 14.5L17.2 16.7L18.7 18.9L16.7 22L14.9 21.1L16.3 18.9L14.9 16.7L16.9 13.6L18.7 14.5",pk1="M23 14.5L21.6 16.7L23 18.9L21 22L19.2 21.1L20.7 18.9L19.2 16.7L21.2 13.6L23 14.5M18.7 14.5L17.2 16.7L18.7 18.9L16.7 22L14.9 21.1L16.3 18.9L14.9 16.7L16.9 13.6L18.7 14.5M4 2H14V7H16V13H13.5L10 17H8L4.5 13H2V7H4V2M4 9V11H5.5L9 15L12.5 11H14V9H12V4H6V9H4Z",fk1="M20.8 22.7L14 15.9L13 17H11L7.5 13H5V8H6.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M11 19C11 19.6 10.6 20 10 20H2V22H10C11.7 22 13 20.7 13 19V18H11V19M19 13V8H17V2H7V3.8L16.2 13H19Z",gk1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.1 7H5V13H7.5L11 17H13L14 15.9L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M12 15L8.5 11H7V9H7.1L12.5 14.4L12 15M11 18H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22H2V20H10C10.6 20 11 19.6 11 19V18M9 5.8L7 3.8V2H17V7H19V13H16.2L14.9 11.7L15.5 11H17V9H15V4H9V5.8Z",kk1="M7,2H17V7H19V13H16.5L13,17H11L7.5,13H5V7H7V2M10,22H2V20H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V18H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22M7,9V11H8.5L12,15L15.5,11H17V9H15V4H9V9H7Z",Bk1="M2.3 2L1 3.3L2.1 4.4C2 4.6 2 4.8 2 5V11H6V8.3L8.7 11L6.5 12.1C6.2 12.3 6 12.6 6 13V18.2C6 18.6 6.2 18.9 6.5 19.1L11.4 21.8C11.6 21.9 11.8 22 12 22S12.4 21.9 12.6 21.8L17.1 19.3L20.8 23L22.1 21.7L2.3 2M4.9 2H4.8L9.8 7H18V11H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H4.9C5 2 5 2 4.9 2M19 4C19.6 4 20 4.4 20 5S19.6 6 19 6 18 5.6 18 5 18.4 4 19 4M12.4 9.6L18 15.2V13C18 12.6 17.8 12.3 17.5 12.1L12.6 9.7C12.5 9.7 12.5 9.6 12.4 9.6M10.2 12.5L12.2 14.5L12 14.6L9 13L10.2 12.5M8 14.7L11 16.3V19.3L8 17.7V14.7M13.7 16L15.6 17.9L13 19.3V16.3L13.7 16Z",Pk1="M16 3H4V7H16M17 12C16.4 12 16 11.6 16 11S16.4 10 17 10 18 10.4 18 11 17.6 12 17 12M14 19H6V14H14M17 8H3C1.3 8 0 9.3 0 11V17H4V21H16V17H20V11C20 9.3 18.7 8 17 8M24 13H22V7H24V13M24 17H22V15H24V17Z",wk1="M18 7H6V3H18V7M6 21V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8H19C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V13.81C21.12 13.3 20.1 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14H8V19H13C13 19.7 13.13 20.37 13.35 21H6M18 11C18 11.55 18.45 12 19 12S20 11.55 20 11 19.55 10 19 10 18 10.45 18 11M23.5 17L22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17",Fk1="M9.8 21C9.6 20.6 9.3 20.2 9.2 19.7L8.8 19H8V14H13C14.2 13.4 15.6 13 17 13C18.9 13 20.6 13.6 22 14.6V11C22 9.3 20.7 8 19 8H5C3.3 8 2 9.3 2 11V17H6V21H9.8M19 10C19.6 10 20 10.4 20 11S19.6 12 19 12 18 11.6 18 11 18.4 10 19 10M18 7H6V3H18V7M17 18C17.6 18 18 18.4 18 19S17.6 20 17 20 16 19.6 16 19 16.4 18 17 18M17 15C14.3 15 11.9 16.7 11 19C11.9 21.3 14.3 23 17 23S22.1 21.3 23 19C22.1 16.7 19.7 15 17 15M17 21.5C15.6 21.5 14.5 20.4 14.5 19S15.6 16.5 17 16.5 19.5 17.6 19.5 19 18.4 21.5 17 21.5Z",Tk1="M6,3V4.18L8.82,7H18V3H6M2.28,3L1,4.27L4.75,8C3.19,8.15 2,9.44 2,11V17H6V21H17.73L19.73,23L21,21.72L2.28,3M9.82,8L18.82,17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8H9.82M19,10A1,1 0 0,1 20,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,12A1,1 0 0,1 18,11A1,1 0 0,1 19,10M8,14H10.73L15.73,19H8V14Z",bk1="M1.41 1.6L22.36 22.55L20.95 23.96L18 21H6V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8L0 3L1.41 1.6M6 15V13H10L7 10H5C4.45 10 4 10.45 4 11V15H6M8 19H16L12 15H8V19M8 5V5.36L6 3.36V3H18V8H19C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V17H19.66L15.66 13H18V15L20 15V11C20 10.45 19.55 10 19 10H12.66L10.66 8H16V5H8M19 11.5C19 12.06 18.55 12.5 18 12.5C17.45 12.5 17 12.06 17 11.5C17 10.96 17.45 10.5 18 10.5C18.55 10.5 19 10.96 19 11.5Z",yk1="M19 8C20.66 8 22 9.34 22 11V17H18V21H6V17H2V11C2 9.34 3.34 8 5 8H6V3H18V8H19M8 5V8H16V5H8M16 19V15H8V19H16M18 15H20V11C20 10.45 19.55 10 19 10H5C4.45 10 4 10.45 4 11V15H6V13H18V15M19 11.5C19 12.05 18.55 12.5 18 12.5C17.45 12.5 17 12.05 17 11.5C17 10.95 17.45 10.5 18 10.5C18.55 10.5 19 10.95 19 11.5Z",Rk1="M18 10H6A2 2 0 0 0 4 12V19H20V12A2 2 0 0 0 18 10M18 14H14V12H18M17 9H7V4H17Z",xk1="M16 10H4C2.9 10 2 10.9 2 12V19H18V12C18 10.9 17.11 10 16 10M16 14H12V12H16V14M15 9H5V4H15V9M22 7V13H20V7H22M20 15H22V17H20V15Z",Dk1="M15 15H11V13H15V15M18 12V19H2V12C2 10.9 2.9 10 4 10H5V4H15V10H16C17.11 10 18 10.9 18 12M7 10H13V6H7V10M16 12H4V17H16V12M20 17H22V15H20V17M20 7V13H22V7H20Z",Ek1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M23 18.5C23 21 21 23 18.5 23S14 21 14 18.5 16 14 18.5 14 23 16 23 18.5M20 21.08L15.92 17C15.65 17.42 15.5 17.94 15.5 18.5C15.5 20.16 16.84 21.5 18.5 21.5C19.06 21.5 19.58 21.35 20 21.08M21.5 18.5C21.5 16.84 20.16 15.5 18.5 15.5C17.94 15.5 17.42 15.65 17 15.92L21.08 20C21.35 19.58 21.5 19.06 21.5 18.5Z",Nk1="M18.5 14C16 14 14 16 14 18.5S16 23 18.5 23 23 21 23 18.5 21 14 18.5 14M18.5 21.5C16.84 21.5 15.5 20.16 15.5 18.5C15.5 17.94 15.65 17.42 15.92 17L20 21.08C19.58 21.35 19.06 21.5 18.5 21.5M21.08 20L17 15.92C17.42 15.65 17.94 15.5 18.5 15.5C20.16 15.5 21.5 16.84 21.5 18.5C21.5 19.06 21.35 19.58 21.08 20M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17V12H20C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H12.03C12 18.83 12 18.67 12 18.5C12 18 12.07 17.5 12.18 17H6M9 6H15V10H9V6Z",Wk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Ik1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",Gk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 12C15.13 12 12 15.13 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.08C19.67 12.03 19.34 12 19 12M10 12H6V14H10V12M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Qk1="M22.7 19.6V18.6L23.8 17.8C23.9 17.7 24 17.6 23.9 17.5L22.9 15.8C22.9 15.7 22.7 15.7 22.6 15.7L21.4 16.2C21.1 16 20.8 15.8 20.5 15.7L20.3 14.4C20.3 14.3 20.2 14.2 20.1 14.2H18.1C17.9 14.2 17.8 14.3 17.8 14.4L17.6 15.7C17.3 15.9 17.1 16 16.8 16.2L15.6 15.7C15.5 15.7 15.4 15.7 15.3 15.8L14.3 17.5C14.3 17.6 14.3 17.7 14.4 17.8L15.5 18.6V19.6L14.4 20.4C14.3 20.5 14.2 20.6 14.3 20.7L15.3 22.4C15.4 22.5 15.5 22.5 15.6 22.5L16.8 22C17 22.2 17.3 22.4 17.6 22.5L17.8 23.8C17.9 23.9 18 24 18.1 24H20.1C20.2 24 20.3 23.9 20.3 23.8L20.5 22.5C20.8 22.3 21 22.2 21.3 22L22.5 22.4C22.6 22.4 22.7 22.4 22.8 22.3L23.8 20.6C23.9 20.5 23.9 20.4 23.8 20.4L22.7 19.6M19 20.5C18.2 20.5 17.5 19.8 17.5 19S18.2 17.5 19 17.5 20.5 18.2 20.5 19 19.8 20.5 19 20.5M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 12H20C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H12C12 18.31 12.11 17.63 12.29 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6Z",Uk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19.39 10.74L11.13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C18.59 10 19.11 10.26 19.5 10.67C19.45 10.69 19.42 10.71 19.39 10.74M10 12H6V14H10V12M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47Z",zk1="M6 17V12H18.13L19.39 10.74C19.42 10.71 19.45 10.69 19.5 10.67C19.11 10.26 18.59 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H11.13L13.13 17H6M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15C21 11.95 21.33 11.95 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19M19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96L19.13 13.83Z",_k1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Kk1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",jk1="M17 7H7V2H17V7M22 20V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4V10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22M18 10H14V12H18V10Z",qk1="M13 11H17V13H13V11M22 20V22H15C15 22.55 14.55 23 14 23H10C9.45 23 9 22.55 9 22H2V20H9C9 19.45 9.45 19 10 19H11V17H4V10C4 8.9 4.89 8 6 8H7V2H17V8H18C19.11 8 20 8.9 20 10V17H13V19H14C14.55 19 15 19.45 15 20H22M9 8H15V4H9V8M18 15V10H6V15H18Z",$k1="M12.2 9L7.2 4H17V9H12.2M20 16.8V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H13.2L20 16.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.11 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 12H6V14H10V12Z",Xk1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7 8.89V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H17.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6 17V12H10.11L15.11 17H6M9.2 6L7.2 4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V16.8L18 14.8V12H15.2L13.2 10H15V6H9.2M7 13H11V15H7V13Z",Yk1="M18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H20V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10M9 6H15V10H9V6M18 17H6V12H18V17M17 15H13V13H17V15Z",Jk1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M20 13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09M10 12H6V14H10V12M16 22H18V16H16V22M20 16V22H22V16H20Z",CB1="M20 12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12M15 10H9V6H15V10M7 15V13H11V15H7M16 16H18V22H16V16M22 16V22H20V16H22Z",HB1="M20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09M10 14H6V12H10V14M17 9H7V4H17V9M22 19L17 22V16L22 19Z",VB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",LB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",MB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M23 18V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20V18H23Z",AB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V12.18C19.5 12.07 19 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",iB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22M12.18 17C12.07 17.5 12 18 12 18.5C12 18.67 12 18.83 12.03 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12H6V17H12.18M9 10H15V6H9V10Z",rB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",aB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M6 17H13.35C13.13 17.63 13 18.3 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13C18.66 13 18.33 13.04 18 13.09V12H6V17M9 10H15V6H9V10M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",eB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",dB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M20.8 19.77L21.45 22.58L19 21.09L16.5 22.58L17.18 19.77L15 17.89L17.87 17.64L19 15L20.11 17.64L23 17.89L20.8 19.77Z",mB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.09C19.67 13.04 19.34 13 19 13M10 12H6V14H10V12M16 16V22H22V16H16Z",tB1="M6 12H18V13.09C18.33 13.04 18.66 13 19 13C19.34 13 19.67 13.04 20 13.09V12C20 10.9 19.11 10 18 10H17V4H7V10H6C4.89 10 4 10.9 4 12V19H13C13 18.3 13.13 17.63 13.35 17H6V12M9 6H15V10H9V6M7 15V13H11V15H7M22 16V22H16V16H22Z",vB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M13 17.5C13 18 13.07 18.5 13.18 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C18.74 10 19.38 10.41 19.73 11C19.65 11 19.58 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M10 12H6V14H10V12M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",lB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M13 17.5C13 18 13.07 18.5 13.18 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C18.74 10 19.38 10.41 19.73 11C19.65 11 19.58 11 19.5 11C18.23 11 17.05 11.37 16.05 12H6V17H13.03C13 17.17 13 17.33 13 17.5M9 10H15V6H9V10M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",oB1="M17 9H7V4H17V9M11 16C11 17.13 11.39 18.16 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.03C19.09 11.8 17.64 11 16 11C13.24 11 11 13.24 11 16M10 12H6V14H10V12M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",nB1="M7 15V13H11V15H7M13.03 12H6V17H11.1C11.25 17.74 11.58 18.42 12 19H4V12C4 10.9 4.89 10 6 10H7V4H17V10H18C19.11 10 20 10.9 20 12V13.03C19.09 11.8 17.64 11 16 11C14.88 11 13.86 11.38 13.03 12M9 10H15V6H9V10M22.87 21.19L18.76 17.08C19.17 16.04 18.94 14.82 18.08 13.97C17.18 13.06 15.83 12.88 14.74 13.38L16.68 15.32L15.33 16.68L13.34 14.73C12.8 15.82 13.05 17.17 13.93 18.08C14.79 18.94 16 19.16 17.05 18.76L21.16 22.86C21.34 23.05 21.61 23.05 21.79 22.86L22.83 21.83C23.05 21.65 23.05 21.33 22.87 21.19Z",ZB1="M20.3 18.9C20.7 18.2 21 17.4 21 16.5C21 14 19 12 16.5 12S12 14 12 16.5 14 21 16.5 21C17.4 21 18.2 20.8 18.9 20.3L22 23.4L23.4 22L20.3 18.9M16.5 19C15.1 19 14 17.9 14 16.5S15.1 14 16.5 14 19 15.1 19 16.5 17.9 19 16.5 19M18 7H6V3H18V7M6 21V17H2V11C2 9.3 3.3 8 5 8H19C20.7 8 22 9.3 22 11V13C20.8 11.2 18.8 10 16.5 10C13.8 10 11.5 11.7 10.5 14H8V19H10.5C10.8 19.7 11.3 20.4 11.8 21H6Z",SB1="M18,2V6H6V2H18M19,11A1,1 0 0,0 20,10A1,1 0 0,0 19,9A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 19,11M16,18V13H8V18H16M19,7A3,3 0 0,1 22,10V16H18V20H6V16H2V10A3,3 0 0,1 5,7H19M15,24V22H17V24H15M11,24V22H13V24H11M7,24V22H9V24H7Z",uB1="M4.93,3.92L6.34,5.33C9.46,2.2 14.53,2.2 17.66,5.33L19.07,3.92C15.17,0 8.84,0 4.93,3.92M7.76,6.75L9.17,8.16C10.73,6.6 13.26,6.6 14.83,8.16L16.24,6.75C13.9,4.41 10.1,4.41 7.76,6.75M19,14A1,1 0 0,1 18,13A1,1 0 0,1 19,12A1,1 0 0,1 20,13A1,1 0 0,1 19,14M16,20H8V15H16V20M19,10H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,13V18H6V22H18V18H22V13A3,3 0 0,0 19,10Z",cB1="M14,19H22V17H14V19M14,13.5H22V11.5H14V13.5M14,8H22V6H14V8M2,12.5C2,8.92 4.92,6 8.5,6H9V4L12,7L9,10V8H8.5C6,8 4,10 4,12.5C4,15 6,17 8.5,17H12V19H8.5C4.92,19 2,16.08 2,12.5Z",sB1="M14,5H22V7H14V5M14,10.5H22V12.5H14V10.5M14,16H22V18H14V16M2,11.5C2,15.08 4.92,18 8.5,18H9V20L12,17L9,14V16H8.5C6,16 4,14 4,11.5C4,9 6,7 8.5,7H12V5H8.5C4.92,5 2,7.92 2,11.5Z",OB1="M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M5,9V15H6.25V13H7A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 7,9H5M6.25,12V10H6.75A1,1 0 0,1 7.75,11A1,1 0 0,1 6.75,12H6.25M9.75,9V15H11V13H11.75L12.41,15H13.73L12.94,12.61C13.43,12.25 13.75,11.66 13.75,11A2,2 0 0,0 11.75,9H9.75M11,12V10H11.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,11A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,12H11M17,9C15.62,9 14.5,10.34 14.5,12C14.5,13.66 15.62,15 17,15C18.38,15 19.5,13.66 19.5,12C19.5,10.34 18.38,9 17,9M17,10.25C17.76,10.25 18.38,11.03 18.38,12C18.38,12.97 17.76,13.75 17,13.75C16.24,13.75 15.63,12.97 15.63,12C15.63,11.03 16.24,10.25 17,10.25Z",hB1="M13,2V4C17.39,4.54 20.5,8.53 19.96,12.92C19.5,16.56 16.64,19.43 13,19.88V21.88C18.5,21.28 22.45,16.34 21.85,10.85C21.33,6.19 17.66,2.5 13,2M11,2C9.04,2.18 7.19,2.95 5.67,4.2L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.24,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.06,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37H7.06M13,13V7H11V13H13M13,17V15H11V17H13Z",pB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M15.5,8.5L10.62,13.38L8.5,11.26L7.44,12.32L10.62,15.5L16.56,9.56L15.5,8.5M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37Z",fB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37M12.5,7V12.25L17,14.92L16.25,16.15L11,13V7H12.5Z",gB1="M13 2.03V4.05C17.39 4.59 20.5 8.58 19.96 12.97C19.5 16.61 16.64 19.5 13 19.93V21.93C18.5 21.38 22.5 16.5 21.95 11C21.5 6.25 17.73 2.5 13 2.03M11 2.06C9.05 2.25 7.19 3 5.67 4.26L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.25 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.1 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8Z",kB1="M13,2.03C17.73,2.5 21.5,6.25 21.95,11C22.5,16.5 18.5,21.38 13,21.93V19.93C16.64,19.5 19.5,16.61 19.96,12.97C20.5,8.58 17.39,4.59 13,4.05V2.05L13,2.03M11,2.06V4.06C9.57,4.26 8.22,4.84 7.1,5.74L5.67,4.26C7.19,3 9.05,2.25 11,2.06M4.26,5.67L5.69,7.1C4.8,8.23 4.24,9.58 4.05,11H2.05C2.25,9.04 3,7.19 4.26,5.67M2.06,13H4.06C4.24,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L4.27,18.33C3.03,16.81 2.26,14.96 2.06,13M7.1,18.37C8.23,19.25 9.58,19.82 11,20V22C9.04,21.79 7.18,21 5.67,19.74L7.1,18.37M12,16.5L7.5,12H11V8H13V12H16.5L12,16.5Z",BB1="M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06Z",PB1="M15.84 10.2L14.83 11.21L12.76 9.18L13.77 8.16C13.97 7.95 14.31 7.94 14.55 8.16L15.84 9.41C16.05 9.62 16.06 9.96 15.84 10.2M8 13.91L12.17 9.72L14.24 11.8L10.08 16H8V13.91M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06Z",wB1="M13 18H11V16H13V18M13 15H11C11 11.75 14 12 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10H8C8 7.79 9.79 6 12 6C14.21 6 16 7.79 16 10C16 12.5 13 12.75 13 15M22 12C22 17.18 18.05 21.45 13 21.95V19.94C16.95 19.45 20 16.08 20 12C20 7.92 16.95 4.55 13 4.06V2.05C18.05 2.55 22 6.82 22 12M11 2.05V4.06C9.54 4.24 8.2 4.82 7.09 5.68L5.67 4.26C7.15 3.05 9 2.25 11 2.05M4.06 11H2.05C2.25 9 3.05 7.15 4.26 5.67L5.68 7.1C4.82 8.2 4.24 9.54 4.06 11M11 19.94V21.95C9 21.75 7.15 20.96 5.67 19.74L7.09 18.32C8.2 19.18 9.54 19.76 11 19.94M2.05 13H4.06C4.24 14.46 4.82 15.8 5.68 16.91L4.26 18.33C3.05 16.85 2.25 15 2.05 13Z",FB1="M13 2V4C17.39 4.54 20.5 8.53 19.96 12.92C19.5 16.56 16.64 19.43 13 19.88V21.88C18.5 21.28 22.45 16.34 21.85 10.85C21.33 6.19 17.66 2.5 13 2M11 2C9.04 2.18 7.19 2.95 5.67 4.2L7.1 5.74C8.22 4.84 9.57 4.26 11 4.06V2.06M4.26 5.67C3 7.19 2.24 9.04 2.05 11H4.05C4.24 9.58 4.8 8.23 5.69 7.1L4.26 5.67M2.06 13C2.26 14.96 3.03 16.81 4.27 18.33L5.69 16.9C4.81 15.77 4.24 14.42 4.06 13H2.06M7.06 18.37L5.67 19.74C7.18 21 9.04 21.79 11 22V20C9.58 19.82 8.23 19.25 7.1 18.37H7.06M8.58 16.8L9.5 12.91L6.5 10.33L10.45 9.96L12 6.35L13.55 10L17.5 10.33L14.5 12.91L15.42 16.8L12 14.74L8.58 16.8",TB1="M13 4V2C17.66 2.5 21.33 6.19 21.85 10.85C22.45 16.34 18.5 21.28 13 21.88V19.88C16.64 19.43 19.5 16.56 19.96 12.92C20.5 8.53 17.39 4.54 13 4M5.67 4.2C7.19 2.95 9.04 2.18 11 2V4.06C9.57 4.26 8.22 4.84 7.1 5.74L5.67 4.2M2.05 11C2.24 9.04 3 7.19 4.26 5.67L5.69 7.1C4.8 8.23 4.24 9.58 4.05 11H2.05M4.27 18.33C3.03 16.81 2.26 14.96 2.06 13H4.06C4.24 14.42 4.81 15.77 5.69 16.9L4.27 18.33M5.67 19.74L7.06 18.37H7.1C8.23 19.25 9.58 19.82 11 20V22C9.04 21.79 7.18 21 5.67 19.74M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",bB1="M13 4V2C17.66 2.5 21.33 6.19 21.85 10.85C22.45 16.34 18.5 21.28 13 21.88V19.88C16.64 19.43 19.5 16.56 19.96 12.92C20.5 8.53 17.39 4.54 13 4M5.67 4.2C7.19 2.95 9.04 2.18 11 2V4.06C9.57 4.26 8.22 4.84 7.1 5.74L5.67 4.2M2.05 11C2.24 9.04 3 7.19 4.26 5.67L5.69 7.1C4.8 8.23 4.24 9.58 4.05 11H2.05M4.27 18.33C3.03 16.81 2.26 14.96 2.06 13H4.06C4.24 14.42 4.81 15.77 5.69 16.9L4.27 18.33M5.67 19.74L7.06 18.37H7.1C8.23 19.25 9.58 19.82 11 20V22C9.04 21.79 7.18 21 5.67 19.74M11.6 8C11.8 8 12 8.1 12.2 8.2L15.8 11.8C15.9 12 16 12.2 16 12.4C16 12.7 15.9 12.9 15.8 13L13 15.8C12.8 15.9 12.6 16 12.4 16C12.1 16 11.9 15.9 11.8 15.8L8.2 12.2C8.1 12 8 11.8 8 11.6V8.8C8 8.4 8.4 8 8.8 8H11.6M8.8 9.4C8.8 9.7 9.1 10 9.4 10C9.7 10 10 9.7 10 9.4C10 9.1 9.7 8.8 9.4 8.8C9.1 8.8 8.8 9.1 8.8 9.4Z",yB1="M13,2.03C17.73,2.5 21.5,6.25 21.95,11C22.5,16.5 18.5,21.38 13,21.93V19.93C16.64,19.5 19.5,16.61 19.96,12.97C20.5,8.58 17.39,4.59 13,4.05V2.05L13,2.03M11,2.06V4.06C9.57,4.26 8.22,4.84 7.1,5.74L5.67,4.26C7.19,3 9.05,2.25 11,2.06M4.26,5.67L5.69,7.1C4.8,8.23 4.24,9.58 4.05,11H2.05C2.25,9.04 3,7.19 4.26,5.67M2.06,13H4.06C4.24,14.42 4.81,15.77 5.69,16.9L4.27,18.33C3.03,16.81 2.26,14.96 2.06,13M7.1,18.37C8.23,19.25 9.58,19.82 11,20V22C9.04,21.79 7.18,21 5.67,19.74L7.1,18.37M12,7.5L7.5,12H11V16H13V12H16.5L12,7.5Z",RB1="M13,2.03V2.05L13,4.05C17.39,4.59 20.5,8.58 19.96,12.97C19.5,16.61 16.64,19.5 13,19.93V21.93C18.5,21.38 22.5,16.5 21.95,11C21.5,6.25 17.73,2.5 13,2.03M11,2.06C9.05,2.25 7.19,3 5.67,4.26L7.1,5.74C8.22,4.84 9.57,4.26 11,4.06V2.06M4.26,5.67C3,7.19 2.25,9.04 2.05,11H4.05C4.24,9.58 4.8,8.23 5.69,7.1L4.26,5.67M2.06,13C2.26,14.96 3.03,16.81 4.27,18.33L5.69,16.9C4.81,15.77 4.24,14.42 4.06,13H2.06M7.1,18.37L5.67,19.74C7.18,21 9.04,21.79 11,22V20C9.58,19.82 8.23,19.25 7.1,18.37M16.82,15.19L12.71,11.08C13.12,10.04 12.89,8.82 12.03,7.97C11.13,7.06 9.78,6.88 8.69,7.38L10.63,9.32L9.28,10.68L7.29,8.73C6.75,9.82 7,11.17 7.88,12.08C8.74,12.94 9.96,13.16 11,12.76L15.11,16.86C15.29,17.05 15.56,17.05 15.74,16.86L16.78,15.83C17,15.65 17,15.33 16.82,15.19Z",xB1="M16,6C14.87,6 13.77,6.35 12.84,7H4C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V15C2,16.11 2.89,17 4,17H5V18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19H8A1,1 0 0,0 9,18V17H15V18A1,1 0 0,0 16,19H18A1,1 0 0,0 19,18V17H20C21.11,17 22,16.11 22,15V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H19.15C18.23,6.35 17.13,6 16,6M16,7.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 19.5,11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12.5,11A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 16,7.5M4,9H8V10H4V9M16,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,11A2,2 0 0,0 16,13A2,2 0 0,0 18,11A2,2 0 0,0 16,9M4,11H8V12H4V11M4,13H8V14H4V13Z",DB1="M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M15 14.35H15L18.95 18.31V18.3M7.64 7L12.65 12V12L7.65 7M20 7H19.15C17.26 5.67 14.73 5.67 12.84 7H10.19L12.8 9.61C13.78 7.34 16.73 6.78 18.5 8.53C20.22 10.27 19.66 13.22 17.39 14.2L20.18 17C21.21 16.9 22 16.04 22 15V9C22 7.9 21.1 7 20 7M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M16 9C14.97 9 14.1 9.79 14 10.82L16.18 13C18.72 12.76 18.55 9 16 9M22.25 21.61L2.53 1.89L1.26 3.16L5.1 7H4C2.9 7 2 7.9 2 9V15C2 16.11 2.9 17 4 17H5V18C5 18.55 5.45 19 6 19H8C8.55 19 9 18.55 9 18V17H15V18C15 18.55 15.45 19 16 19H17.1L21 22.89L22.26 21.61M8 14H4V13H8M8 12H4V11H8M8 10H4V9H7.1L8 9.9M2.54 1.89L7.64 7L2.53 1.89M7.65 7L12.65 12V12L7.64 7M18.95 18.3V18.31L15 14.35H15M7.64 7L2.53 1.89H2.54M12.65 12V12L7.64 7H7.65M18.95 18.3V18.31L15 14.35H15",EB1="M4,2A1,1 0 0,0 3,3V4A1,1 0 0,0 4,5H5V14H11V16.59L6.79,20.79L8.21,22.21L11,19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79,22.21L17.21,20.79L13,16.59V14H19V5H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,4V3A1,1 0 0,0 20,2H4Z",NB1="M13 14.89V16.59L17.21 20.79L15.79 22.21L13 19.41V22H11V19.41L8.21 22.21L6.79 20.79L11 16.59V14H5V6.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L13 14.89M19 14V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4V3C21 2.45 20.55 2 20 2H5.2L17.2 14H19Z",WB1="M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5 6.89V14H11V16.59L6.79 20.79L8.21 22.21L11 19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79 22.21L17.21 20.79L13 16.59V14.89L20.84 22.73M7 12V8.89L10.11 12H7M8.2 5L5.2 2H20C20.55 2 21 2.45 21 3V4C21 4.55 20.55 5 20 5H19V14H17.2L15.2 12H17V5H8.2Z",IB1="M20 2H4C3.45 2 3 2.45 3 3V4C3 4.55 3.45 5 4 5H5V14H11V16.59L6.79 20.79L8.21 22.21L11 19.41V22H13V19.41L15.79 22.21L17.21 20.79L13 16.59V14H19V5H20C20.55 5 21 4.55 21 4V3C21 2.45 20.55 2 20 2M17 12H7V5H17V12Z",GB1="M19 18V9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H19Z",QB1="M20.84 22.73L16.11 18H5V9H4C3.45 9 3 8.55 3 8V7C3 6.45 3.45 6 4 6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19 9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6H9.2L19 15.8V9Z",UB1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.11 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H16.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M7 16V9H7.11L14.11 16H7M12.2 9L9.2 6H20C20.55 6 21 6.45 21 7V8C21 8.55 20.55 9 20 9H19V15.8L17 13.8V9H12.2Z",zB1="M20 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H5V18H19V9H20C20.55 9 21 8.55 21 8V7C21 6.45 20.55 6 20 6M17 16H7V9H17V16Z",_B1="M4 15V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V15H4M20 13V10C20 8.14 18.72 6.59 17 6.14V4C17 2.9 16.1 2 15 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V6.14C5.28 6.59 4 8.14 4 10V13H20M9 4H15V6H13C13 5.45 12.55 5 12 5S11 5.45 11 6H9V4Z",KB1="M17 6.14V4C17 2.9 16.1 2 15 2H9C7.9 2 7 2.9 7 4V6.14C5.28 6.59 4 8.14 4 10V18C4 20.21 5.79 22 8 22H16C18.21 22 20 20.21 20 18V10C20 8.14 18.72 6.59 17 6.14M9 4H15V6H13C13 5.45 12.55 5 12 5S11 5.45 11 6H9V4M8 8H16C17.1 8 18 8.9 18 10V13H6V10C6 8.9 6.9 8 8 8M16 20H8C6.9 20 6 19.1 6 18V15H18V18C18 19.1 17.1 20 16 20Z",jB1="M18 20H14L18 4H22M16 4H12L8 20H12M2 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 19A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 14A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 16.5M2 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 12A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 7 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 4.5 7A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2 9.5Z",qB1="M5,4V6H19V4H5M5,14H9V20H15V14H19L12,7L5,14Z",$B1="M20.8 22.7L15 16.9V20H9V14H5L8.6 10.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M19 6V4H7.2L9.2 6H19M17.2 14H19L12 7L11.1 7.9L17.2 14Z",XB1="M3,13H5.79L10.1,4.79L11.28,13.75L14.5,9.66L17.83,13H21V15H17L14.67,12.67L9.92,18.73L8.94,11.31L7,15H3V13Z",YB1="M2 21V15H3.5C3.18 14.06 3 13.05 3 12C3 7.03 7.03 3 12 3H22V9H20.5C20.82 9.94 21 10.95 21 12C21 16.97 16.97 21 12 21H2M5 12C5 13.28 5.34 14.47 5.94 15.5L9.4 13.5C9.15 13.06 9 12.55 9 12C9 11.35 9.21 10.75 9.56 10.26L6.3 7.93C5.5 9.08 5 10.5 5 12M12 19C14.59 19 16.85 17.59 18.06 15.5L14.6 13.5C14.08 14.4 13.11 15 12 15L11.71 15L11.33 18.97L12 19M12 9C13.21 9 14.26 9.72 14.73 10.76L18.37 9.1C17.27 6.68 14.83 5 12 5V9M12 11C11.45 11 11 11.45 11 12C11 12.55 11.45 13 12 13C12.55 13 13 12.55 13 12C13 11.45 12.55 11 12 11Z",JB1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L4.8 6.7C3.7 8.2 3 10 3 12C3 13 3.2 14.1 3.5 15H2V21H12C14 21 15.8 20.3 17.3 19.2L20.8 22.7L22.1 21.5M5.9 15.5C5.3 14.5 5 13.3 5 12C5 10.6 5.5 9.2 6.2 8.1L9.2 11.1C9.1 11.3 9 11.7 9 12C9 12.5 9.2 13.1 9.4 13.5L5.9 15.5M12 19H11.3L11.7 15H12C12.3 15 12.6 14.9 12.9 14.8L15.9 17.8C14.8 18.5 13.4 19 12 19M12 8.8L7.4 4.2C8.8 3.5 10.3 3 12 3H22V9H20.5C20.8 9.9 21 11 21 12C21 13.7 20.5 15.2 19.8 16.6L12.2 9C13.3 9.1 14.3 9.8 14.7 10.7L18.3 9C17.3 6.7 14.8 5 12 5V8.8Z",CP1="M6.5,6C7.47,6 8.37,6.5 9.11,7.38C9.66,6.79 10.31,6.36 11,6.15V4A2,2 0 0,1 13,2H15V4H13V6.15C13.69,6.36 14.34,6.79 14.89,7.38C15.63,6.5 16.53,6 17.5,6C20,6 22,9.36 22,13.5C22,17.64 20,21 17.5,21C16.53,21 15.63,20.5 14.89,19.62C14.08,20.5 13.08,21 12,21C10.92,21 9.92,20.5 9.11,19.62C8.37,20.5 7.47,21 6.5,21C4,21 2,17.64 2,13.5C2,9.36 4,6 6.5,6Z",HP1="M22,19.1L21,10.5A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 19.3,9H16V5L14,3H10L8,5V9H4.7A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 3,10.5L2,19.1A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 3.7,21H20.3A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 22,19.1M10,5H14V9H10",VP1="M19,11L20,19H4L5,11H19M14,3H10L8,5V9H4.7A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 3,10.5L2,19.1A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 3.7,21H20.3A1.74,1.74 0 0,0 22,19.1L21,10.5A1.65,1.65 0 0,0 19.3,9H16V5L14,3M10,9V5H14V9",LP1="M20.5,11H19V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H13V3.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10.5,1A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,3.5V5H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V10.8H3.5C5,10.8 6.2,12 6.2,13.5C6.2,15 5,16.2 3.5,16.2H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H7.8V20.5C7.8,19 9,17.8 10.5,17.8C12,17.8 13.2,19 13.2,20.5V22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V16H20.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 23,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,11Z",MP1="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M20.5 11C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.81 22.94 14.11 22.84 14.39C21.8 13.5 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19V19.54C12.64 18.5 11.65 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.89 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 .998 10.5 .998S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5",AP1="M23.5 17L18.5 22L15 18.5L16.5 17L18.5 19L22 15.5L23.5 17M22 13.5L22 13.8C21.37 13.44 20.67 13.19 19.94 13.07C19.75 12.45 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4C9.67 4 9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4L4 9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5C7 15.5 5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.8L13 19C13 20.09 13.29 21.12 13.8 22H13.2V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5C5 12 3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2C12.26 2 13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5Z",iP1="M21.04 12.13C20.9 12.13 20.76 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.35L22.7 14.35C22.92 14.14 22.92 13.79 22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.31 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93L19.07 13.88M19 11.12L11.91 18.2C11.5 17.95 11 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11.12Z",rP1="M21.04 12.13C20.9 12.13 20.76 12.19 20.65 12.3L19.65 13.3L21.7 15.35L22.7 14.35C22.92 14.14 22.92 13.79 22.7 13.58L21.42 12.3C21.31 12.19 21.18 12.13 21.04 12.13M19.07 13.88L13 19.94V22H15.06L21.12 15.93L19.07 13.88M11.05 19.06C10.87 19 10.69 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C19.36 10.09 19.69 10.21 20 10.36C19.73 10.5 19.46 10.66 19.24 10.89L18.12 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.26 17 12 17.18 12.61 17.5L11.05 19.06Z",aP1="M19 22.3L18.4 21.8C16.4 19.9 15 18.7 15 17.2C15 16 16 15 17.2 15C17.9 15 18.6 15.3 19 15.8C19.4 15.3 20.1 15 20.8 15C22 15 23 15.9 23 17.2C23 18.7 21.6 19.9 19.6 21.8L19 22.3M20.5 11H19V7C19 5.89 18.1 5 17 5H13V3.5C13 2.12 11.88 1 10.5 1S8 2.12 8 3.5V5H4C2.9 5 2 5.9 2 7V10.8H3.5C5 10.8 6.2 12 6.2 13.5S5 16.2 3.5 16.2H2V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H7.8V20.5C7.8 19 9 17.8 10.5 17.8C11.44 17.8 12.27 18.27 12.75 19H13.09C13.04 18.67 13 18.34 13 18C13 14.69 15.69 12 19 12C20.54 12 21.94 12.58 23 13.53C23 13.5 23 13.5 23 13.5C23 12.12 21.88 11 20.5 11Z",eP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.45 10.25 21.61 11.34 21.91 12.76C21.05 12.28 20.06 12 19 12C18.89 12 18.78 12 18.67 12C18.61 12 18.56 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.43 17 12.29 17.28 13 17.74C13 17.83 13 17.91 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.54 22H13.2M19 22.3L19.6 21.8C21.6 19.9 23 18.7 23 17.2C23 15.9 22 15 20.8 15C20.1 15 19.4 15.3 19 15.8C18.6 15.3 17.9 15 17.2 15C16 15 15 16 15 17.2C15 18.7 16.4 19.9 18.4 21.8L19 22.3",dP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",mP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5C22 13.6 22 13.7 21.97 13.79C21.35 13.44 20.67 13.2 19.93 13.08C19.75 12.46 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.81C13.04 18.19 13 18.59 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H13.2M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",tP1="M22,13.5C22,15.26 20.7,16.72 19,16.96V20A2,2 0 0,1 17,22H13.2V21.7A2.7,2.7 0 0,0 10.5,19C9,19 7.8,20.21 7.8,21.7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V16.2H2.3C3.79,16.2 5,15 5,13.5C5,12 3.79,10.8 2.3,10.8H2V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5H7.04C7.28,3.3 8.74,2 10.5,2C12.26,2 13.72,3.3 13.96,5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V10.04C20.7,10.28 22,11.74 22,13.5M17,15H18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18.5,12H17V7H12V5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76,9.8 7,11.5 7,13.5C7,15.5 5.75,17.2 4,17.88V20H6.12C6.8,18.25 8.5,17 10.5,17C12.5,17 14.2,18.25 14.88,20H17V15Z",vP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",lP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.7 10.28 22 11.74 22 13.5C22 13.6 22 13.7 21.97 13.79C21.35 13.44 20.67 13.2 19.93 13.08C19.75 12.46 19.18 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.47 17 12.37 17.3 13.12 17.81C13.04 18.19 13 18.59 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.12 13.81 22H13.2M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",oP1="M13.04 19.61C12.67 18.55 11.68 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5C23 13.82 22.94 14.12 22.83 14.39C21.79 13.53 20.46 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19C13 19.2 13 19.41 13.04 19.61M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 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18C13 18.34 13.04 18.67 13.09 19H12.75C12.27 18.27 11.44 17.8 10.5 17.8C9 17.8 7.8 19 7.8 20.5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H3.5C5 16.2 6.2 15 6.2 13.5S5 10.8 3.5 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H8V3.5C8 2.12 9.12 1 10.5 1S13 2.12 13 3.5V5H17C18.1 5 19 5.89 19 7V11H20.5C21.88 11 23 12.12 23 13.5Z",SP1="M13.2 22V21.7C13.2 20.21 12 19 10.5 19C9 19 7.8 20.21 7.8 21.7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16.2H2.3C3.79 16.2 5 15 5 13.5S3.79 10.8 2.3 10.8H2V7C2 5.9 2.9 5 4 5H7.04C7.28 3.3 8.74 2 10.5 2S13.72 3.3 13.96 5H17C18.11 5 19 5.9 19 7V10.04C20.45 10.25 21.61 11.34 21.91 12.76C21.05 12.28 20.06 12 19 12C18.89 12 18.78 12 18.67 12C18.61 12 18.56 12 18.5 12H17V7H12V5.5C12 4.67 11.33 4 10.5 4S9 4.67 9 5.5V7H4V9.12C5.76 9.8 7 11.5 7 13.5S5.75 17.2 4 17.88V20H6.12C6.8 18.25 8.5 17 10.5 17C11.43 17 12.29 17.28 13 17.74C13 17.83 13 17.91 13 18C13 19.54 13.58 20.94 14.54 22H13.2M19 20.09L16.5 21.58L17.18 18.77L15 16.89L17.87 16.64L19 14L20.11 16.64L23 16.89L20.8 18.77L21.45 21.58L19 20.09",uP1="M21.85 16.96H21.85L12.85 2.47C12.65 2.16 12.33 2 12 2S11.35 2.16 11.15 2.47L2.15 16.96H2.15C1.84 17.45 2 18.18 2.64 18.43L11.64 21.93C11.75 22 11.88 22 12 22S12.25 22 12.36 21.93L21.36 18.43C22 18.18 22.16 17.45 21.85 16.96M11 6.5V13.32L5.42 15.5L11 6.5M12 19.93L5.76 17.5L12 15.07L18.24 17.5L12 19.93M13 13.32V6.5L18.58 15.5L13 13.32Z",cP1="M10.5 7.3L9.05 5.85L11.15 2.47C11.35 2.16 11.67 2 12 2C12.33 2 12.65 2.16 12.85 2.47L21.85 16.96H21.85C22.13 17.4 22 18 21.5 18.32L18.41 15.21L13 6.5V9.8L11 7.8V6.5L10.5 7.3M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L17.89 19.78L12.36 21.93C12.25 22 12.12 22 12 22S11.75 22 11.64 21.93L2.64 18.43C2 18.18 1.84 17.45 2.15 16.96H2.15L7.1 9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M5.42 15.5L11 13.32V12.89L8.55 10.44L5.42 15.5M16.35 18.24L13.94 15.83L12 15.07L5.76 17.5L12 19.93L16.35 18.24Z",sP1="M12.09,6.56V14.64C12.09,14.72 12,14.79 11.94,14.79C9.62,14.79 7.75,12.91 7.75,10.6C7.75,8.28 9.62,6.4 11.94,6.4C12,6.4 12.09,6.47 12.09,6.56M12.09,17.86V20.29C12.06,21.69 13.12,22.87 14.5,23C14.66,23 14.78,22.89 14.79,22.73V4.47C14.78,4.3 14.68,4.15 14.5,4.09C10.92,2.67 6.86,4.44 5.44,8.03C4,11.63 5.79,15.69 9.38,17.11C10.16,17.42 11,17.58 11.81,17.6C11.95,17.59 12.07,17.71 12.08,17.87M16.19,5.5V15.72C16.19,16 16.19,16.2 16.46,16V16C19.42,13.5 19.81,9.09 17.33,6.13C17.07,5.81 16.77,5.5 16.46,5.26C16.19,5.05 16.19,5.26 16.19,5.53M14.79,2.43C14.79,1.66 15.42,1.03 16.19,1.03C16.96,1.03 17.59,1.66 17.59,2.43C17.59,3.2 16.96,3.83 16.19,3.83V3.83C15.42,3.83 14.79,3.2 14.79,2.43",OP1="M3.18,13.54C3.76,12.16 4.57,11.14 5.17,10.92C5.16,10.12 5.31,9.62 5.56,9.22C5.56,9.19 5.5,8.86 5.72,8.45C5.87,4.85 8.21,2 12,2C15.79,2 18.13,4.85 18.28,8.45C18.5,8.86 18.44,9.19 18.44,9.22C18.69,9.62 18.84,10.12 18.83,10.92C19.43,11.14 20.24,12.16 20.82,13.55C21.57,15.31 21.69,17 21.09,17.3C20.68,17.5 20.03,17 19.42,16.12C19.18,17.1 18.58,18 17.73,18.71C18.63,19.04 19.21,19.58 19.21,20.19C19.21,21.19 17.63,22 15.69,22C13.93,22 12.5,21.34 12.21,20.5H11.79C11.5,21.34 10.07,22 8.31,22C6.37,22 4.79,21.19 4.79,20.19C4.79,19.58 5.37,19.04 6.27,18.71C5.42,18 4.82,17.1 4.58,16.12C3.97,17 3.32,17.5 2.91,17.3C2.31,17 2.43,15.31 3.18,13.54Z",hP1="M3,11H5V13H3V11M11,5H13V9H11V5M9,11H13V15H11V13H9V11M15,11H17V13H19V11H21V13H19V15H21V19H19V21H17V19H13V21H11V17H15V15H17V13H15V11M19,19V15H17V19H19M15,3H21V9H15V3M17,5V7H19V5H17M3,3H9V9H3V3M5,5V7H7V5H5M3,15H9V21H3V15M5,17V19H7V17H5Z",pP1="M5,5H7V7H5V5M1,1H11V11H1V1M3,3V9H9V3H3M5,17H7V19H5V17M1,13H11V23H1V13M3,15V21H9V15H3M13,13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21,21V19H19V21H21M19,17H17V15H15V19H19V17M22.7,3.35L21.7,4.35L19.65,2.35L20.65,1.35C20.85,1.14 21.19,1.13 21.42,1.35L22.7,2.58C22.91,2.78 22.92,3.12 22.7,3.35M13,8.94L19.07,2.88L21.12,4.93L15.06,11H13V8.94Z",fP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M14 5V7H22V5Z",gP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M17 2V5H14V7H17V10H19V7H22V5H19V2Z",kP1="M5 5H7V7H5V5M1 1H11V11H1V1M3 3V9H9V3H3M5 17H7V19H5V17M1 13H11V23H1V13M3 15V21H9V15H3M13 13H17V15H19V13H23V15H19V17H23V23H19V21H15V23H13V21H15V19H13V13M21 21V19H19V21H21M19 17H17V15H15V19H19V17M15.17 1.76L13.76 3.17L16.59 6L13.76 8.83L15.17 10.24L18 7.41L20.83 10.24L22.24 8.83L19.41 6L22.24 3.17L20.83 1.76L18 4.59L15.17 1.76Z",BP1="M4,4H10V10H4V4M20,4V10H14V4H20M14,15H16V13H14V11H16V13H18V11H20V13H18V15H20V18H18V20H16V18H13V20H11V16H14V15M16,15V18H18V15H16M4,20V14H10V20H4M6,6V8H8V6H6M16,6V8H18V6H16M6,16V18H8V16H6M4,11H6V13H4V11M9,11H13V15H11V13H9V11M11,6H13V10H11V6M2,2V6H0V2A2,2 0 0,1 2,0H6V2H2M22,0A2,2 0 0,1 24,2V6H22V2H18V0H22M2,18V22H6V24H2A2,2 0 0,1 0,22V18H2M22,22V18H24V22A2,2 0 0,1 22,24H18V22H22Z",PP1="M5.5,1C8,1 10,3 10,5.5C10,6.38 9.75,7.2 9.31,7.9L9.41,8H14.59L14.69,7.9C14.25,7.2 14,6.38 14,5.5C14,3 16,1 18.5,1C21,1 23,3 23,5.5C23,8 21,10 18.5,10C17.62,10 16.8,9.75 16.1,9.31L15,10.41V13.59L16.1,14.69C16.8,14.25 17.62,14 18.5,14C21,14 23,16 23,18.5C23,21 21,23 18.5,23C16,23 14,21 14,18.5C14,17.62 14.25,16.8 14.69,16.1L14.59,16H9.41L9.31,16.1C9.75,16.8 10,17.62 10,18.5C10,21 8,23 5.5,23C3,23 1,21 1,18.5C1,16 3,14 5.5,14C6.38,14 7.2,14.25 7.9,14.69L9,13.59V10.41L7.9,9.31C7.2,9.75 6.38,10 5.5,10C3,10 1,8 1,5.5C1,3 3,1 5.5,1M5.5,3A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,3M5.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 3,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 8,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5.5,16M18.5,3A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,8A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,5.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,3M18.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 21,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,16M3.91,17.25L5.04,17.91C5.17,17.81 5.33,17.75 5.5,17.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 6.25,18.5L6.24,18.6L7.37,19.25L7.09,19.75L5.96,19.09C5.83,19.19 5.67,19.25 5.5,19.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 4.75,18.5L4.76,18.4L3.63,17.75L3.91,17.25M3.63,6.25L4.76,5.6L4.75,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5.5,4.75C5.67,4.75 5.83,4.81 5.96,4.91L7.09,4.25L7.37,4.75L6.24,5.4L6.25,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 5.5,6.25C5.33,6.25 5.17,6.19 5.04,6.09L3.91,6.75L3.63,6.25M16.91,4.25L18.04,4.91C18.17,4.81 18.33,4.75 18.5,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 19.25,5.5L19.24,5.6L20.37,6.25L20.09,6.75L18.96,6.09C18.83,6.19 18.67,6.25 18.5,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,5.5L17.76,5.4L16.63,4.75L16.91,4.25M16.63,19.25L17.75,18.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,17.75C18.67,17.75 18.83,17.81 18.96,17.91L20.09,17.25L20.37,17.75L19.25,18.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,19.25C18.33,19.25 18.17,19.19 18.04,19.09L16.91,19.75L16.63,19.25Z",wP1="M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5M18,14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15H16.25V16.5H14.75V15H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 14,9H17A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M11,15H9.5V13H7.5V15H6V9H7.5V11.5H9.5V9H11M19,4H5C3.89,4 3,4.89 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6C21,4.89 20.1,4 19,4Z",FP1="M14.5,13.5H16.5V10.5H14.5M18,14C18,14.6 17.6,15 17,15H16.25V16.5H14.75V15H14C13.4,15 13,14.6 13,14V10C13,9.4 13.4,9 14,9H17C17.6,9 18,9.4 18,10M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4M11,13.5V15H6V9H7.5V13.5H11Z",TP1="M21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6M12,10C12,9.5 11.5,9 11,9H6.5C6,9 5.5,9.5 5.5,10V15H7V10.5H8V14H9.5V10.5H10.5V15H12V10M14.5,9A1,1 0 0,0 13.5,10V14A1,1 0 0,0 14.5,15H15.5V16.5H16.75V15H17.5A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 17.5,9H14.5M15,10.5H17V13.5H15V10.5Z",bP1="M6 6H18V8H6V6M6 10.5H18V12.5H6V10.5M6 15H18V17H6V15M9 19H15L12 22L9 19M9 2H15L12 5L9 2Z",yP1="M19.7,18.8C20.2,18.2 20.1,17.7 20.1,17.7H21.6C21.6,17.7 21.6,18.1 21.5,18.6C21.4,19 21.3,19.3 21.2,19.6C21,20.3 20,21.1 20,21.1C18.9,22 17.7,21.9 17.7,21.9C17.7,21.9 16.3,22.1 15.2,21.4C14.1,20.7 13.2,19.2 13.2,19.2C13.2,19.2 8.8,20.4 5.4,17.5C2,14.6 2.2,11.1 2.2,10.8C2.2,10.1 2.6,2.3 10.8,2C15.6,1.8 18.2,4.8 19.2,7.2C19.9,8.9 19.9,10.2 19.9,10.4C19.9,10.6 19.9,11.5 19.7,12.4C19.6,13.3 19.2,14.3 18.9,14.8C18.6,15.3 18.2,16 17.7,16.5C17.2,17.1 16.6,17.6 16.5,17.7C16.5,17.7 17.5,18.9 18.1,19.1C18.3,19.1 19.2,19.4 19.7,18.8M12.7,17.3C12.8,17.2 12.4,16.7 12.2,16.4C12,16.1 12.3,16.5 11.5,15.4C11.2,14.9 10.8,14.7 10.2,14.6C10,14.6 9.7,14.6 9.5,14.6C9,14.6 8.7,14.7 8.6,14.7C8.6,14.6 8.4,14.4 8.3,14.2C8.2,14 8.2,13.7 8.2,13.7C8.2,13.5 9.7,12.8 11.4,12.8C12.8,12.8 13.8,13.6 14.2,14C14.6,14.3 14.7,14.7 15.1,15C15.1,15 15.2,15 15.2,15.1C15.6,15.4 16.1,12.1 16,9.9C15.9,7.7 15.8,6.6 15,5.5C14.3,4.5 12.8,3.7 11.4,3.7C10.7,3.7 8.4,3.8 7.4,5.5C6.2,7.5 6.4,11.1 6.4,11.1C6.4,11.1 6.1,14.3 7.8,16C9.5,17.7 11.2,17.4 12,17.4L12.7,17.3Z",RP1="M18.05,21L15.32,16.26C15.32,14.53 14.25,13.42 12.95,13.42C12.05,13.42 11.27,13.92 10.87,14.66C11.2,14.47 11.59,14.37 12,14.37C13.3,14.37 14.36,15.43 14.36,16.73C14.36,18.04 13.31,19.11 12,19.11H15.3V21H6.79C6.55,21 6.3,20.91 6.12,20.72C5.75,20.35 5.75,19.75 6.12,19.38V19.38L6.62,18.88C6.28,18.73 6,18.5 5.72,18.26C5.5,18.76 5,19.11 4.42,19.11C3.64,19.11 3,18.47 3,17.68C3,16.9 3.64,16.26 4.42,16.26L4.89,16.34V14.37C4.89,11.75 7,9.63 9.63,9.63H9.65C11.77,9.64 13.42,10.47 13.42,9.16C13.42,8.23 13.62,7.86 13.96,7.34C13.23,7 12.4,6.79 11.53,6.79C11,6.79 10.58,6.37 10.58,5.84C10.58,5.41 10.86,5.05 11.25,4.93L10.58,4.89C10.06,4.89 9.63,4.47 9.63,3.95C9.63,3.42 10.06,3 10.58,3H11.53C13.63,3 15.47,4.15 16.46,5.85L16.74,5.84C17.45,5.84 18.11,6.07 18.65,6.45L19.1,6.83C21.27,8.78 21,10.1 21,10.11C21,11.39 19.94,12.44 18.65,12.44L18.16,12.39V12.47C18.16,13.58 17.68,14.57 16.93,15.27L20.24,21H18.05M18.16,7.74C17.63,7.74 17.21,8.16 17.21,8.68C17.21,9.21 17.63,9.63 18.16,9.63C18.68,9.63 19.11,9.21 19.11,8.68C19.11,8.16 18.68,7.74 18.16,7.74Z",xP1="M16.84 14.5C16.58 14.33 16.22 13.89 16.05 13.68C17.24 12 19 8.87 19 5C19 3.05 18.26 2 17 2C15.46 2 13.04 4.06 12 7.97C10.96 4.06 8.54 2 7 2C5.74 2 5 3.05 5 5C5 8.87 6.76 12 7.95 13.68C7.78 13.89 7.42 14.33 7.16 14.5C6.66 14.93 5.5 15.89 5.5 17.5C5.5 19.71 7.29 21.5 9.5 21.5C11.05 21.5 12 20.94 12 20.94S12.95 21.5 14.5 21.5C16.71 21.5 18.5 19.71 18.5 17.5C18.5 15.89 17.34 14.93 16.84 14.5M9.35 12.2C8.34 10.7 7 8.12 7 5C7 4.5 7.06 4.2 7.12 4.03C8.06 4.34 10.36 6.74 10.5 11.67C10.03 11.79 9.66 11.97 9.35 12.2M10.5 16.75C10.22 16.75 10 16.41 10 16S10.22 15.25 10.5 15.25 11 15.59 11 16 10.78 16.75 10.5 16.75M12 19.5C11.45 19.5 11 18.78 11 18.5S11.45 18 12 18 13 18.22 13 18.5 12.55 19.5 12 19.5M13.5 16.75C13.22 16.75 13 16.41 13 16S13.22 15.25 13.5 15.25 14 15.59 14 16 13.78 16.75 13.5 16.75M13.5 11.67C13.64 6.74 15.94 4.34 16.88 4.03C16.94 4.2 17 4.5 17 5C17 8.12 15.66 10.7 14.65 12.2C14.34 11.97 13.97 11.79 13.5 11.67Z",DP1="M17 14C16.76 13.76 16.56 13.5 16.35 13.25C17.5 11.5 19 8.56 19 5C19 3.05 18.26 2 17 2C15.46 2 13.04 4.06 12 7.97C10.96 4.06 8.54 2 7 2C5.74 2 5 3.05 5 5C5 8.56 6.5 11.5 7.65 13.25C7.44 13.5 7.24 13.76 7 14C6.75 14.25 5 15.39 5 17.5C5 20 7 22 9.5 22C11 22 12 21.5 12 21.5S13 22 14.5 22C17 22 19 20 19 17.5C19 15.39 17.25 14.25 17 14M16.88 4.03C16.94 4.2 17 4.5 17 5C17 7.84 15.89 10.24 14.93 11.78C14.55 11.5 14.1 11.3 13.53 11.16C13.77 6.64 15.97 4.33 16.88 4.03M7 5C7 4.5 7.06 4.2 7.12 4.03C8.03 4.33 10.23 6.64 10.5 11.16C9.9 11.3 9.45 11.5 9.08 11.78C8.11 10.24 7 7.84 7 5M14.5 20C13.5 20 12.7 19.67 12.28 19.44C12.7 19.26 13 18.73 13 18.5C13 18.22 12.55 18 12 18S11 18.22 11 18.5C11 18.73 11.3 19.26 11.72 19.44C11.3 19.67 10.5 20 9.5 20C8.12 20 7 18.88 7 17.5C7 16.8 7.43 16.26 8 15.77C8.44 15.41 8.61 15.25 9.3 14.4C10.06 13.45 10.39 13 12 13S13.94 13.45 14.7 14.4C15.39 15.25 15.56 15.41 16 15.77C16.57 16.26 17 16.8 17 17.5C17 18.88 15.88 20 14.5 20M14 16C14 16.41 13.78 16.75 13.5 16.75S13 16.41 13 16 13.22 15.25 13.5 15.25 14 15.59 14 16M11 16C11 16.41 10.78 16.75 10.5 16.75S10 16.41 10 16 10.22 15.25 10.5 15.25 11 15.59 11 16Z",EP1="M2.2,11.2C2,13.6 2.7,15.6 4.2,17.4C5.7,19.2 7.7,20 10.1,20H20.1C20.6,20 21.1,19.8 21.5,19.4C21.9,19 22.1,18.5 22.1,18V17.2C22.1,16.6 22,15.9 21.9,15H13.7C12.7,15 11.9,14.6 11.2,13.9C10.5,13.2 10.1,12.3 10.1,11.4C10.1,9.8 10.8,8.7 12.3,8.1L17.1,6C15.4,4.8 13.4,4.1 11.1,4C8.9,3.8 6.9,4.5 5.1,5.9C3.3,7.3 2.4,9 2.2,11.2M12.1,11.4C12.1,11.8 12.3,12.2 12.6,12.5C12.9,12.8 13.3,13 13.7,13H21.5C20.9,10.8 20,9 18.7,7.6L13.1,9.9C12.4,10.1 12.1,10.6 12.1,11.4Z",NP1="M18.5,16C19.9,16 21,17.1 21,18.5C21,19.9 19.9,21 18.5,21C17.1,21 16,19.9 16,18.5C16,17.1 17.1,16 18.5,16M10.5,1C3,1 3,3.7 3,9.8C3,13.2 6.4,16.9 9,18.1V23H12V18.1C14.6,16.9 18,13.2 18,9.8C18,3.6 18,1 10.5,1M15.4,4.2C15.7,4.6 15.8,5.2 15.9,6H15V3.8C15.2,3.9 15.3,4.1 15.4,4.2M16,9.8C16,9.9 16,10 16,10H15V7H16C16,7.8 16,8.7 16,9.8M14,14H11V11H14V14M7,14V11H10V14H7M5,9.8C5,8.8 5,7.9 5,7H6V10H5C5,9.9 5,9.8 5,9.8M7,7H10V10H7V7M11,3C12.4,3 13.4,3.2 14,3.3V6H11V3M10,6H7V3.4C7.6,3.2 8.6,3 10,3V6M11,10V7H14V10H11M6,3.8V6H5.1C5.2,5.2 5.3,4.6 5.6,4.2C5.7,4.1 5.8,4 6,3.8M5.2,11H6V12.7C5.7,12.1 5.4,11.6 5.2,11M8,15H10V16.3L9.8,16.2C9.2,16 8.6,15.5 8,15M11.2,16.3H11V15H13C12.4,15.5 11.8,16 11.2,16.3M15,12.7V11H15.8C15.6,11.5 15.3,12.1 15,12.7Z",WP1="M19.07,4.93L17.66,6.34C19.1,7.79 20,9.79 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12C4,7.92 7.05,4.56 11,4.07V6.09C8.16,6.57 6,9.03 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12C18,10.34 17.33,8.84 16.24,7.76L14.83,9.17C15.55,9.9 16,10.9 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12C8,10.14 9.28,8.59 11,8.14V10.28C10.4,10.63 10,11.26 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12C14,11.26 13.6,10.62 13,10.28V2H12A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,9.24 20.88,6.74 19.07,4.93Z",IP1="M7.95,3L6.53,5.19L7.95,7.4H7.94L5.95,10.5L4.22,9.6L5.64,7.39L4.22,5.19L6.22,2.09L7.95,3M13.95,2.89L12.53,5.1L13.95,7.3L13.94,7.31L11.95,10.4L10.22,9.5L11.64,7.3L10.22,5.1L12.22,2L13.95,2.89M20,2.89L18.56,5.1L20,7.3V7.31L18,10.4L16.25,9.5L17.67,7.3L16.25,5.1L18.25,2L20,2.89M2,22V14A2,2 0 0,1 4,12H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,14V22H20V20H4V22H2M6,14A1,1 0 0,0 5,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 6,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 6,14M10,14A1,1 0 0,0 9,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 10,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 10,14M14,14A1,1 0 0,0 13,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 14,18A1,1 0 0,0 15,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 14,14M18,14A1,1 0 0,0 17,15V17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17V15A1,1 0 0,0 18,14Z",GP1="M20,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V22H4V20H20V22H22V14A2,2 0 0,0 20,12M7,17A1,1 0 0,1 6,18A1,1 0 0,1 5,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V17M11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 10,14A1,1 0 0,1 11,15V17M15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 14,14A1,1 0 0,1 15,15V17M19,17A1,1 0 0,1 18,18A1,1 0 0,1 17,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14A1,1 0 0,1 19,15V17Z",QP1="M3.28,2L2,3.27L4.77,6.04L5.64,7.39L4.22,9.6L5.95,10.5L7.23,8.5L10.73,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V22H4V20H18.73L20,21.27V22H22V20.73L22,20.72V20.72L3.28,2M7,17A1,1 0 0,1 6,18A1,1 0 0,1 5,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V17M11,17A1,1 0 0,1 10,18A1,1 0 0,1 9,17V15A1,1 0 0,1 10,14A1,1 0 0,1 11,15V17M15,17A1,1 0 0,1 14,18A1,1 0 0,1 13,17V15C13,14.79 13.08,14.61 13.18,14.45L15,16.27V17M16.25,9.5L17.67,7.3L16.25,5.1L18.25,2L20,2.89L18.56,5.1L20,7.3V7.31L18,10.4L16.25,9.5M22,14V18.18L19,15.18V15A1,1 0 0,0 18,14C17.95,14 17.9,14 17.85,14.03L15.82,12H20C21.11,12 22,12.9 22,14M11.64,7.3L10.22,5.1L12.22,2L13.95,2.89L12.53,5.1L13.95,7.3L13.94,7.31L12.84,9L11.44,7.62L11.64,7.3M7.5,3.69L6.1,2.28L6.22,2.09L7.95,3L7.5,3.69Z",UP1="M20,6A2,2 0 0,1 22,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V8C2,7.15 2.53,6.42 3.28,6.13L15.71,1L16.47,2.83L8.83,6H20M20,8H4V12H16V10H18V12H20V8M7,14A3,3 0 0,0 4,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,20A3,3 0 0,0 10,17A3,3 0 0,0 7,14Z",zP1="M5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9V17H5V13H7V17H9V9A2,2 0 0,0 7,7H5M5,9H7V11H5V9M13,7A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V17H13V9H15V16H17V9H19V17H21V9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7H13Z",_P1="M3,7V17H5V13H8V11H5V9H9V7H3M13,7A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V17H13V9H15V16H17V9H19V17H21V9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7H13Z",KP1="M9,2A1,1 0 0,0 8,3C8,8.67 8,14.33 8,20C8,21.11 8.89,22 10,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V9C17,7.89 16.11,7 15,7H10V3A1,1 0 0,0 9,2M10,9H15V13H10V9Z",jP1="M1 4.27L3 6.27C2.4 6.61 2 7.26 2 8V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H18.73L20.73 24L22 22.72L2.28 3L1 4.27M20 6H8.83L16.47 2.83L15.71 1L6.59 4.76L9.82 8H20V12H18V10H16V12H13.82L22 20.18V8C22 6.9 21.11 6 20 6M4 8H4.73L8.73 12H4V8M7 14C8.66 14 10 15.34 10 17C10 18.66 8.66 20 7 20C5.34 20 4 18.66 4 17C4 15.34 5.34 14 7 14Z",qP1="M12,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12C14,12.5 13.82,12.94 13.53,13.29L16.7,22H14.57L12,14.93L9.43,22H7.3L10.47,13.29C10.18,12.94 10,12.5 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10M12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,12.5 8.1,13 8.28,13.46L7.4,15.86C6.53,14.81 6,13.47 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13.47 17.47,14.81 16.6,15.86L15.72,13.46C15.9,13 16,12.5 16,12A4,4 0 0,0 12,8M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,14.36 5,16.5 6.64,17.94L5.92,19.94C3.54,18.11 2,15.23 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12C22,15.23 20.46,18.11 18.08,19.94L17.36,17.94C19,16.5 20,14.36 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",$P1="M14 11C14 12.1 13.1 13 12 13S10 12.1 10 11 10.9 9 12 9 14 9.9 14 11M16 11H22C22 7.3 20 4.1 17 2.3L14 7.5C15.2 8.2 16 9.5 16 11M12 15C11.3 15 10.6 14.8 10 14.4C8.8 16.5 7.4 18.8 7 19.6C8.5 20.5 10.2 20.9 12 20.9S15.5 20.4 17 19.6L14 14.4C13.4 14.8 12.7 15 12 15M10 7.6C8.8 5.5 7.4 3.1 7 2.3C4 4 2 7.3 2 11H8C8 9.5 8.8 8.2 10 7.6Z",XP1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M20 12H16C16 10.5 15.2 9.2 14 8.6L16 5.1C18.4 6.5 20 9 20 12M12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12S13.1 14 12 14 10 13.1 10 12 10.9 10 12 10M8 5.1C8.6 6.1 9.3 7.4 10 8.6C8.8 9.3 8 10.6 8 12H4C4 9 5.6 6.5 8 5.1M8 18.9C8.6 17.9 9.3 16.6 10 15.4C10.6 15.7 11.3 16 12 16S13.4 15.8 14 15.4L16 18.9C14.8 19.6 13.5 20 12 20C10.5 20 9.2 19.6 8 18.9Z",YP1="M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M15 17.2L13.2 14.2C12.8 14.4 12.4 14.5 12 14.5S11.1 14.4 10.8 14.2C10.3 15.1 9.6 16.2 9 17.2C9.9 17.7 10.9 18 12 18S14.1 17.7 15 17.2M15 6.8L13.2 9.8C13.9 10.2 14.5 11 14.5 12H18C18 9.8 16.8 7.8 15 6.8M12 13C12.6 13 13 12.6 13 12S12.6 11 12 11 11 11.4 11 12 11.4 13 12 13M6 12H9.5C9.5 11.1 10 10.3 10.8 9.8C10.3 8.9 9.6 7.8 9 6.8C7.2 7.8 6 9.8 6 12Z",JP1="M20.8 22.7L15.9 17.8L16.9 19.6C15.4 20.5 13.7 20.9 11.9 20.9S8.4 20.4 6.9 19.6C7.3 18.8 8.7 16.5 9.9 14.4C10.5 14.7 11.2 15 11.9 15C12.2 15 12.6 15 12.9 14.9L8.1 10C8.1 10.3 8 10.7 8 11H2C2 9 2.6 7.1 3.6 5.5L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M16 11H22C22 7.3 20 4.1 17 2.3L14 7.5C15.2 8.2 16 9.5 16 11M12.2 9L14 10.8C13.9 9.9 13.1 9.1 12.2 9M7 2.3L6.1 2.9L9 5.8C8.1 4.3 7.3 2.9 7 2.3Z",Cw1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",Hw1="M8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46L8.46 15.54C7.53 14.6 7 13.33 7 12C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",Vw1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7Z",Lw1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M17.1 13H13V14H17C17 14 16.94 17 15.5 17C14.15 17 14.5 15.47 13 15V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18S11 17.55 11 17V15C9.5 15.47 9.85 17 8.5 17C7.06 17 7 14 7 14H11V13H6.9C6.85 12.69 6.84 12.35 6.8 12H11V11H6.81C6.83 10.67 6.91 10.33 7 10H11V9H7.34C7.5 8.65 7.65 8.31 7.83 8H11V7C11 6.45 11.45 6 12 6S13 6.45 13 7V8H16.17C16.35 8.31 16.5 8.65 16.66 9H13V10H17C17.1 10.33 17.17 10.67 17.19 11H13V12H17.2C17.16 12.35 17.15 12.69 17.1 13Z",Mw1="M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3M12 6C12.55 6 13 6.45 13 7V8H16.17C16.35 8.31 16.5 8.65 16.66 9H13V10H17C17.1 10.33 17.17 10.67 17.19 11H13V12H17.2C17.16 12.35 17.15 12.69 17.1 13H13V14H17C17 14 16.94 17 15.5 17C14.15 17 14.5 15.47 13 15V17C13 17.55 12.55 18 12 18S11 17.55 11 17V15C9.5 15.47 9.85 17 8.5 17C7.06 17 7 14 7 14H11V13H6.9C6.85 12.69 6.84 12.35 6.8 12H11V11H6.81C6.83 10.67 6.91 10.33 7 10H11V9H7.34C7.5 8.65 7.65 8.31 7.83 8H11V7C11 6.45 11.45 6 12 6Z",Aw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M17,15V13H13.72C13.36,13.62 12.71,14 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10C12.71,10 13.36,10.38 13.72,11H17V9L20,12L17,15Z",iw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M16,15V13H13.72C13.36,13.62 12.71,14 12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10C12.71,10 13.36,10.38 13.72,11H16V9L19,12L16,15Z",rw1="M17.67,10.5C16.4,10.5 15.27,11.3 14.85,12.5H13.17V7.77L16.66,9.86L17.66,8.14L14.11,6L17.68,3.86L16.68,2.14L13.17,4.23V2H11.17V4.23L7.68,2.14L6.68,3.86L10.23,6L6.66,8.14L7.66,9.86L11.17,7.77V12.5H9.5C8.36,9.32 3.66,10.13 3.66,13.5C3.66,16.87 8.36,17.68 9.5,14.5H11.17V20A2,2 0 0,0 9.17,22H15.17A2,2 0 0,0 13.17,20V14.5H14.85C15.66,16.8 18.73,17.22 20.13,15.23C21.53,13.24 20.1,10.5 17.67,10.5M6.67,14.5C5.78,14.5 5.33,13.42 5.96,12.79C6.59,12.16 7.67,12.61 7.67,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.67,14.5M17.67,14.5C16.78,14.5 16.33,13.42 16.96,12.79C17.59,12.16 18.67,12.61 18.67,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 17.67,14.5Z",aw1="M10.5 17.05L9.43 16L22.07 3.35L20.66 1.93L8 14.58L6.95 13.5C6.17 12.73 4.9 12.73 4.12 13.5L2 15.64L2.71 16.34L4.83 14.22L5.54 14.93L3.41 17.05L4.12 17.76L6.24 15.64L6.95 16.34L4.83 18.46L5.54 19.17L7.66 17.05L8.36 17.76L6.24 19.88L6.95 20.59L9.07 18.46L9.78 19.17L7.66 21.29L8.36 22L10.5 19.88C11.27 19.1 11.27 17.83 10.5 17.05Z",ew1="M20,8H22V10H20V8M4,5H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,7H19V9H5V13H8V16H19V17H22A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H16V20H14V19H11V20H7V19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 4,5M19,15H9V10H19V11H22V13H19V15M13,12V14H15V12H13M5,6V8H6V6H5M7,6V8H8V6H7M9,6V8H10V6H9M11,6V8H12V6H11M13,6V8H14V6H13M15,6V8H16V6H15M20,14H22V16H20V14Z",dw1="M6.5 9C7.3 9 8 9.7 8 10.5V11.5C8 12.1 7.6 12.6 7.1 12.9L8 15H6.5L5.6 13H4.5V15H3V9H6.5M6.5 11.5V10.5H4.5V11.5H6.5M10.25 9H12.75L14.25 15H12.75L12.38 13.5H10.63L10.25 15H8.75L10.25 9M11 12H12L11.75 11H11.25L11 12M20 9H21.5L20 15H18.5L17.74 11.96L17 15H15.5L14 9H15.5L16.24 12L17 9H18.5L19.24 12L20 9Z",mw1="M17.15 14.32L14.72 11.9L14 9H15.5L16.24 12L17 9H18.5L19.24 12L20 9H21.5L20 15H18.5L17.74 11.96L17.15 14.32M1.39 4.22L2.81 2.81L21.19 21.2L19.78 22.61L10.67 13.5H10.63L10.25 15H8.75L9.43 12.26L8 10.83V11.5C8 12.1 7.6 12.6 7.1 12.9L8 15H6.5L5.6 13H4.5V15H3V9H6.17L1.39 4.22M6.5 11.5V10.5H4.5V11.5H6.5Z",tw1="M20,9C18.69,9 17.58,9.83 17.17,11H2V13H17.17C17.58,14.17 18.69,15 20,15A3,3 0 0,0 23,12A3,3 0 0,0 20,9Z",vw1="M1,12L5,16V13H17.17C17.58,14.17 18.69,15 20,15A3,3 0 0,0 23,12A3,3 0 0,0 20,9C18.69,9 17.58,9.83 17.17,11H5V8L1,12Z",lw1="M4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H22V13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9Z",ow1="M23,12L19,16V13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H19V8L23,12Z",nw1="M4,9C5.31,9 6.42,9.83 6.83,11H17.17C17.58,9.83 18.69,9 20,9A3,3 0 0,1 23,12A3,3 0 0,1 20,15C18.69,15 17.58,14.17 17.17,13H6.83C6.42,14.17 5.31,15 4,15A3,3 0 0,1 1,12A3,3 0 0,1 4,9Z",Zw1="M20 9C18.69 9 17.58 9.83 17.17 11H14.82C14.4 9.84 13.3 9 12 9S9.6 9.84 9.18 11H6.83C6.42 9.83 5.31 9 4 9C2.34 9 1 10.34 1 12S2.34 15 4 15C5.31 15 6.42 14.17 6.83 13H9.18C9.6 14.16 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.16 14.82 13H17.17C17.58 14.17 18.69 15 20 15C21.66 15 23 13.66 23 12S21.66 9 20 9",Sw1="M2,11H9.17C9.58,9.83 10.69,9 12,9C13.31,9 14.42,9.83 14.83,11H22V13H14.83C14.42,14.17 13.31,15 12,15C10.69,15 9.58,14.17 9.17,13H2V11Z",uw1="M20 8C19.45 8 19 7.55 19 7C19 6.45 19.45 6 20 6V5H4V6C4.55 6 5 6.45 5 7C5 7.55 4.55 8 4 8H2V15H4C4.55 15 5 15.45 5 16C5 16.55 4.55 17 4 17V18H20V17C19.45 17 19 16.55 19 16C19 15.45 19.45 15 20 15H22V8H20M20 12H19V13H17V12H13.41C13.2 12.58 12.65 13 12 13S10.8 12.58 10.59 12H7V13H5V12H4V11H5V10H7V11H10.59C10.8 10.42 11.35 10 12 10S13.2 10.42 13.41 11H17V10H19V11H20V12Z",cw1="M22 5V8H2V5H22M22 13V18H2V13H3.5C4.33 13 5 12.33 5 11.5S4.33 10 3.5 10L2 10V9H22V10H20.5C19.67 10 19 10.67 19 11.5S19.67 13 20.5 13H22M13 11C13 10.45 12.55 10 12 10S11 10.45 11 11V13C11 13.55 11.45 14 12 14S13 13.55 13 13V11Z",sw1="M12,10.11C13.03,10.11 13.87,10.95 13.87,12C13.87,13 13.03,13.85 12,13.85C10.97,13.85 10.13,13 10.13,12C10.13,10.95 10.97,10.11 12,10.11M7.37,20C8,20.38 9.38,19.8 10.97,18.3C10.45,17.71 9.94,17.07 9.46,16.4C8.64,16.32 7.83,16.2 7.06,16.04C6.55,18.18 6.74,19.65 7.37,20M8.08,14.26L7.79,13.75C7.68,14.04 7.57,14.33 7.5,14.61C7.77,14.67 8.07,14.72 8.38,14.77C8.28,14.6 8.18,14.43 8.08,14.26M14.62,13.5L15.43,12L14.62,10.5C14.32,9.97 14,9.5 13.71,9.03C13.17,9 12.6,9 12,9C11.4,9 10.83,9 10.29,9.03C10,9.5 9.68,9.97 9.38,10.5L8.57,12L9.38,13.5C9.68,14.03 10,14.5 10.29,14.97C10.83,15 11.4,15 12,15C12.6,15 13.17,15 13.71,14.97C14,14.5 14.32,14.03 14.62,13.5M12,6.78C11.81,7 11.61,7.23 11.41,7.5C11.61,7.5 11.8,7.5 12,7.5C12.2,7.5 12.39,7.5 12.59,7.5C12.39,7.23 12.19,7 12,6.78M12,17.22C12.19,17 12.39,16.77 12.59,16.5C12.39,16.5 12.2,16.5 12,16.5C11.8,16.5 11.61,16.5 11.41,16.5C11.61,16.77 11.81,17 12,17.22M16.62,4C16,3.62 14.62,4.2 13.03,5.7C13.55,6.29 14.06,6.93 14.54,7.6C15.36,7.68 16.17,7.8 16.94,7.96C17.45,5.82 17.26,4.35 16.62,4M15.92,9.74L16.21,10.25C16.32,9.96 16.43,9.67 16.5,9.39C16.23,9.33 15.93,9.28 15.62,9.23C15.72,9.4 15.82,9.57 15.92,9.74M17.37,2.69C18.84,3.53 19,5.74 18.38,8.32C20.92,9.07 22.75,10.31 22.75,12C22.75,13.69 20.92,14.93 18.38,15.68C19,18.26 18.84,20.47 17.37,21.31C15.91,22.15 13.92,21.19 12,19.36C10.08,21.19 8.09,22.15 6.62,21.31C5.16,20.47 5,18.26 5.62,15.68C3.08,14.93 1.25,13.69 1.25,12C1.25,10.31 3.08,9.07 5.62,8.32C5,5.74 5.16,3.53 6.62,2.69C8.09,1.85 10.08,2.81 12,4.64C13.92,2.81 15.91,1.85 17.37,2.69M17.08,12C17.42,12.75 17.72,13.5 17.97,14.26C20.07,13.63 21.25,12.73 21.25,12C21.25,11.27 20.07,10.37 17.97,9.74C17.72,10.5 17.42,11.25 17.08,12M6.92,12C6.58,11.25 6.28,10.5 6.03,9.74C3.93,10.37 2.75,11.27 2.75,12C2.75,12.73 3.93,13.63 6.03,14.26C6.28,13.5 6.58,12.75 6.92,12M15.92,14.26C15.82,14.43 15.72,14.6 15.62,14.77C15.93,14.72 16.23,14.67 16.5,14.61C16.43,14.33 16.32,14.04 16.21,13.75L15.92,14.26M13.03,18.3C14.62,19.8 16,20.38 16.62,20C17.26,19.65 17.45,18.18 16.94,16.04C16.17,16.2 15.36,16.32 14.54,16.4C14.06,17.07 13.55,17.71 13.03,18.3M8.08,9.74C8.18,9.57 8.28,9.4 8.38,9.23C8.07,9.28 7.77,9.33 7.5,9.39C7.57,9.67 7.68,9.96 7.79,10.25L8.08,9.74M10.97,5.7C9.38,4.2 8,3.62 7.37,4C6.74,4.35 6.55,5.82 7.06,7.96C7.83,7.8 8.64,7.68 9.46,7.6C9.94,6.93 10.45,6.29 10.97,5.7Z",Ow1="M21.59,11.59L23,13L13.5,22.5L8.42,17.41L9.83,16L13.5,19.68L21.59,11.59M4,16V3H6L9,3A4,4 0 0,1 13,7C13,8.54 12.13,9.88 10.85,10.55L14,16H12L9.11,11H6V16H4M6,9H9A2,2 0 0,0 11,7A2,2 0 0,0 9,5H6V9Z",hw1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2",pw1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69Z",fw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5M19 9.68C18.07 9.24 17.05 9 16 9C12.14 9 9 12.13 9 16C9 17.05 9.24 18.07 9.68 19H5V5H19V9.68M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69Z",gw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5M19 19H5V5H19V19Z",kw1="M4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L12 9.76V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5M14 19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23V19Z",Bw1="M18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L19 13.26V5H5V19H12V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2M14 19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23V19Z",Pw1="M3,22L4.5,20.5L6,22L7.5,20.5L9,22L10.5,20.5L12,22L13.5,20.5L15,22L16.5,20.5L18,22L19.5,20.5L21,22V2L19.5,3.5L18,2L16.5,3.5L15,2L13.5,3.5L12,2L10.5,3.5L9,2L7.5,3.5L6,2L4.5,3.5L3,2M18,9H6V7H18M18,13H6V11H18M18,17H6V15H18V17Z",ww1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9M18 18V16L15 19L18 22V20H22V18H18Z",Fw1="M12 22L13.26 20.74C13.1 20.22 13 19.66 13 19.09H5V4.91H19V13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22M13.35 17C13.61 16.25 14 15.58 14.54 15H6V17H13.35M18 11H6V13H18V11M18 7H6V9H18V7M18 20V22L15 19L18 16V18H22V20H18Z",Tw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",bw1="M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V4.91H5V19.09H13C13 19.66 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7M19 22V20H15V18H19V16L22 19L19 22Z",yw1="M18.25 22L15.5 19L16.66 17.82L18.25 19.41L21.84 15.82L23 17.23M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Rw1="M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M6 15V17H13.35C13.61 16.25 14 15.58 14.54 15H6M6 13H18V11H6V13M6 9H18V7H6V9M23 17.23L21.84 15.82L18.25 19.41L16.66 17.82L15.5 19L18.25 22",xw1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.58 20.42C10.72 20.61 10.88 20.78 11.05 20.95C12.36 22.26 14.14 23 16 23C19.86 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 14.17 22.28 12.41 21 11.1V2L19.5 3.5M11.1 11C10.5 11.57 10.03 12.25 9.67 13H6V11H11.1M9.07 15C9 15.33 9 15.66 9 16C9 16.34 9 16.67 9.07 17H6V15H9.07M18 9H6V7H18V9M20.85 16C20.85 16.64 20.73 17.27 20.5 17.86C20.24 18.44 19.88 19 19.43 19.43C19 19.88 18.44 20.24 17.86 20.5C17.27 20.73 16.64 20.85 16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16C11.15 14.71 11.66 13.5 12.57 12.57C13.5 11.66 14.71 11.15 16 11.15C18.67 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16Z",Dw1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M10.58 20.42L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V11.1C22.28 12.41 23 14.17 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.88 20.78 10.72 20.61 10.58 20.42M9.72 19.09C9.4 18.43 9.18 17.73 9.07 17H6V15H9.07C9.17 14.29 9.38 13.62 9.68 13H6V11H11.1C12.37 9.76 14.1 9 16 9H6V7H18V9H16C17.05 9 18.07 9.24 19 9.68V4.91H5V19.09H9.72M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",Ew1="M3 22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5V19.63L13.13 17H6V15H15.13L17.13 13H6V11H18V12.13L21 9.13V2L19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22M6 9V7H18V9H6M13 22V19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13M21 12.03C21.18 11.97 21.39 12 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15L20.83 12.13C20.88 12.09 20.94 12.05 21 12.03Z",Nw1="M18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V9.13L19 11.13V4.91H5V19.09H10.5V20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2M13 19.96L19.13 13.83L21.17 15.87L15.04 22H13V19.96M19.83 13.13L20.81 12.15L20.83 12.13C20.88 12.09 20.94 12.05 21 12.03C21.18 11.97 21.39 12 21.53 12.15L22.85 13.47C23.05 13.67 23.05 14 22.85 14.19L21.87 15.17L19.83 13.13M18 12.13L17.13 13H6V11H18V12.13M15.13 15L13.13 17H6V15H15.13M18 9V7H6V9H18Z",Ww1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Iw1="M15 18V20H23V18H15M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Gw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.5 20.5L15 22L16.5 20.5L18 22L19.5 20.5L21 22V2L19.5 3.5M19 19H5V5H19V19M6 15H18V17H6M6 11H18V13H6M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Qw1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",Uw1="M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",zw1="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22L13.26 20.74C13.09 20.18 13 19.59 13 19C13 18.32 13.12 17.64 13.34 17H6V15H14.53C15.67 13.73 17.29 13 19 13C19.68 13 20.36 13.12 21 13.34V2L19.5 3.5M18 13H6V11H18V13M18 9H6V7H18V9Z",_w1="M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46M13.26 20.74L12 22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V5H5V19H13C13 19.57 13.1 20.22 13.26 20.74M14.54 15C14 15.58 13.61 16.25 13.35 17H6V15H14.54M6 11H18V13H6V11M6 7H18V9H6V7Z",Kw1="M4.5 20.5L3 22V2L4.5 3.5L6 2L7.5 3.5L9 2L10.5 3.5L12 2L13.5 3.5L15 2L16.5 3.5L18 2L19.5 3.5L21 2V14.26L18 12.76V11H6V13H12V15H6V17H12V22L10.5 20.5L9 22L7.5 20.5L6 22L4.5 20.5M6 7V9H18V7H6M14 13L24 18L14 23V19L18 18L14 17V13Z",jw1="M19.5 3.5L18 2L16.5 3.5L15 2L13.5 3.5L12 2L10.5 3.5L9 2L7.5 3.5L6 2L4.5 3.5L3 2V22L4.5 20.5L6 22L7.5 20.5L9 22L10.5 20.5L12 22V19.09H5V4.91H19V13.26L21 14.26V2L19.5 3.5M14 23V19L18 18L14 17V13L24 18L14 23M12 11V13H6V11H12M6 17V15H12V17H6M18 7V9H6V7H18Z",qw1="M19,12C19,15.86 15.86,19 12,19C8.14,19 5,15.86 5,12C5,8.14 8.14,5 12,5C15.86,5 19,8.14 19,12Z",$w1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",Xw1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",Yw1="M5,17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 4.5,18H3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,17.5V17H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,16V13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12H19V10H7L6,11V9A1,1 0 0,1 7,8H19V7H21V8A1,1 0 0,1 22,9V10H21V12H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,13V16A1,1 0 0,1 22,17H21V17.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20.5,18H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,17.5V17H5V17.5M3,14V15H5V14H3M6,14V15H8V14H6M20.5,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,14.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,15.5A1,1 0 0,0 21.5,14.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13.5Z",Jw1="M12.5,5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 5,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 12.5,20A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 20,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,0 12.5,5M7,10H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,11V12C10,12.5 9.62,12.9 9.14,12.97L10.31,15H9.15L8,13V15H7M12,10H14V11H12V12H14V13H12V14H14V15H12A1,1 0 0,1 11,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 12,10M16,10H18V11H16V14H18V15H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 16,10M8,11V12H9V11",CF1="M4,6V19H20V6H4Z",HF1="M4,6V19H20V6H4M18,17H6V8H18V17Z",VF1="M21.82,15.42L19.32,19.75C18.83,20.61 17.92,21.06 17,21H15V23L12.5,18.5L15,14V16H17.82L15.6,12.15L19.93,9.65L21.73,12.77C22.25,13.54 22.32,14.57 21.82,15.42M9.21,3.06H14.21C15.19,3.06 16.04,3.63 16.45,4.45L17.45,6.19L19.18,5.19L16.54,9.6L11.39,9.69L13.12,8.69L11.71,6.24L9.5,10.09L5.16,7.59L6.96,4.47C7.37,3.64 8.22,3.06 9.21,3.06M5.05,19.76L2.55,15.43C2.06,14.58 2.13,13.56 2.64,12.79L3.64,11.06L1.91,10.06L7.05,10.14L9.7,14.56L7.97,13.56L6.56,16H11V21H7.4C6.47,21.07 5.55,20.61 5.05,19.76Z",LF1="M7.17 7.91L8.9 8.91L12.08 3.42L14.33 7.31L11.73 8.81L17.19 10.27L18.66 4.81L16.06 6.31L13.81 2.41C13.26 1.45 12.03 1.12 11.08 1.68C10.81 1.83 10.58 2.05 10.41 2.31M10 20V18L3.66 18L5.9 14.1L8.5 15.6L7.04 10.14L1.57 11.6L4.17 13.1L1.92 17C1.37 17.96 1.7 19.18 2.65 19.73C2.92 19.89 3.22 19.97 3.54 20M19.06 11.5L17.32 12.5L20.5 18H16V15L12 19L16 23V20H20.5C21.61 20 22.5 19.11 22.5 18C22.5 17.69 22.42 17.38 22.28 17.11Z",MF1="M14.5 15.41C14.58 15.5 14.58 15.69 14.5 15.8C13.77 16.5 12.41 16.56 12 16.56C11.61 16.56 10.25 16.5 9.54 15.8C9.44 15.69 9.44 15.5 9.54 15.41C9.65 15.31 9.82 15.31 9.92 15.41C10.38 15.87 11.33 16 12 16C12.69 16 13.66 15.87 14.1 15.41C14.21 15.31 14.38 15.31 14.5 15.41M10.75 13.04C10.75 12.47 10.28 12 9.71 12C9.14 12 8.67 12.47 8.67 13.04C8.67 13.61 9.14 14.09 9.71 14.08C10.28 14.08 10.75 13.61 10.75 13.04M14.29 12C13.72 12 13.25 12.5 13.25 13.05S13.72 14.09 14.29 14.09C14.86 14.09 15.33 13.61 15.33 13.05C15.33 12.5 14.86 12 14.29 12M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12M18.67 12C18.67 11.19 18 10.54 17.22 10.54C16.82 10.54 16.46 10.7 16.2 10.95C15.2 10.23 13.83 9.77 12.3 9.71L12.97 6.58L15.14 7.05C15.16 7.6 15.62 8.04 16.18 8.04C16.75 8.04 17.22 7.57 17.22 7C17.22 6.43 16.75 5.96 16.18 5.96C15.77 5.96 15.41 6.2 15.25 6.55L12.82 6.03C12.75 6 12.68 6.03 12.63 6.07C12.57 6.11 12.54 6.17 12.53 6.24L11.79 9.72C10.24 9.77 8.84 10.23 7.82 10.96C7.56 10.71 7.2 10.56 6.81 10.56C6 10.56 5.35 11.21 5.35 12C5.35 12.61 5.71 13.11 6.21 13.34C6.19 13.5 6.18 13.62 6.18 13.78C6.18 16 8.79 17.85 12 17.85C15.23 17.85 17.85 16.03 17.85 13.78C17.85 13.64 17.84 13.5 17.81 13.34C18.31 13.11 18.67 12.6 18.67 12Z",AF1="M15.34 13.16C16.66 13.16 18.56 12.89 18.56 11.32C18.57 11.2 18.56 11.08 18.53 10.96L17.75 7.56C17.57 6.81 17.41 6.47 16.09 5.81C15.07 5.29 12.85 4.43 12.19 4.43C11.58 4.43 11.4 5.22 10.67 5.22C9.97 5.22 9.45 4.63 8.79 4.63C8.16 4.63 7.75 5.06 7.43 5.94C7.43 5.94 6.55 8.44 6.43 8.8C6.42 8.87 6.41 8.93 6.41 9C6.41 9.97 10.23 13.15 15.34 13.15M18.77 11.96C18.95 12.82 18.95 12.91 18.95 13C18.95 14.5 17.29 15.31 15.12 15.31C10.2 15.31 5.89 12.43 5.89 10.53C5.89 10.26 5.95 10 6.05 9.76C4.28 9.84 2 10.16 2 12.18C2 15.5 9.84 19.57 16.05 19.57C20.81 19.57 22 17.42 22 15.72C22 14.38 20.85 12.86 18.77 11.96",iF1="M18.4,10.6C16.55,9 14.15,8 11.5,8C6.85,8 2.92,11.03 1.54,15.22L3.9,16C4.95,12.81 7.95,10.5 11.5,10.5C13.45,10.5 15.23,11.22 16.62,12.38L13,16H22V7L18.4,10.6Z",rF1="M10.5,7A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 4,13.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 10.5,20H14V18H10.5C8,18 6,16 6,13.5C6,11 8,9 10.5,9H16.17L13.09,12.09L14.5,13.5L20,8L14.5,2.5L13.08,3.91L16.17,7H10.5M18,18H16V20H18V18Z",aF1="M22,20H14A1,1 0 0,1 13,19V4.97C13,4.5 13.31,4.12 13.74,4C14.19,3.88 14.65,4.08 14.87,4.47L22.89,18.5C23.07,18.81 23.07,19.19 22.89,19.5C22.71,19.81 22.38,20 22,20M2,20C1.62,20 1.29,19.81 1.11,19.5C0.93,19.19 0.93,18.81 1.11,18.5L9.13,4.47C9.35,4.08 9.81,3.88 10.26,4C10.69,4.12 11,4.5 11,4.97V19A1,1 0 0,1 10,20H2M9,18V8.74L3.71,18H9Z",eF1="M18,23H6C5.61,23 5.26,22.79 5.09,22.45C4.92,22.11 4.96,21.7 5.19,21.4L11.2,13.38C11.58,12.87 12.42,12.87 12.8,13.38L18.81,21.4C19.04,21.7 19.08,22.11 18.91,22.45C18.74,22.79 18.39,23 18,23M18,1C18.39,1 18.74,1.21 18.91,1.55C19.08,1.89 19.04,2.3 18.81,2.6L12.8,10.62C12.42,11.13 11.58,11.13 11.2,10.62L5.19,2.6C4.96,2.3 4.92,1.89 5.09,1.55C5.26,1.21 5.61,1 6,1H18M8,3L12,8.35L16,3H8Z",dF1="M17.65,6.35C16.2,4.9 14.21,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20C15.73,20 18.84,17.45 19.73,14H17.65C16.83,16.33 14.61,18 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13.66,6 15.14,6.69 16.22,7.78L13,11H20V4L17.65,6.35Z",mF1="M12.68 6H11.32L7 16H9L9.73 14H14.27L15 16H17L12.68 6M10.3 12.5L12 8L13.7 12.5H10.3M17.4 20.4L19 22H14V17L16 19C18.39 17.61 20 14.95 20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4S4 7.59 4 12C4 14.95 5.61 17.53 8 18.92V21.16C4.47 19.61 2 16.1 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2S22 6.5 22 12C22 15.53 20.17 18.62 17.4 20.4Z",tF1="M12 2A10 10 0 1 0 22 12A10 10 0 0 0 12 2M18 11H13L14.81 9.19A3.94 3.94 0 0 0 12 8A4 4 0 1 0 15.86 13H17.91A6 6 0 1 1 12 6A5.91 5.91 0 0 1 16.22 7.78L18 6Z",vF1="M16,16.92C15.67,16.97 15.34,17 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.92V13.41L11.5,15.89C11,15.5 10.5,15 10.11,14.5L12.59,12H9.08C9.03,11.67 9,11.34 9,11C9,10.66 9.03,10.33 9.08,10H12.59L10.11,7.5C10.3,7.25 10.5,7 10.76,6.76V6.76C11,6.5 11.25,6.3 11.5,6.11L14,8.59V5.08C14.33,5.03 14.66,5 15,5C15.34,5 15.67,5.03 16,5.08V8.59L18.5,6.11C19,6.5 19.5,7 19.89,7.5L17.41,10H20.92C20.97,10.33 21,10.66 21,11C21,11.34 20.97,11.67 20.92,12H17.41L19.89,14.5C19.7,14.75 19.5,15 19.24,15.24V15.24C19,15.5 18.75,15.7 18.5,15.89L16,13.41V16.92H16V16.92M5,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19A2,2 0 0,1 7,21A2,2 0 0,1 5,19H5Z",lF1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20M12.25,13.27H10.81V16.5H9V7.71H12.26C13.29,7.71 14.09,7.94 14.66,8.4C15.22,8.87 15.5,9.5 15.5,10.36C15.5,10.96 15.37,11.46 15.11,11.86C14.85,12.26 14.46,12.58 13.93,12.81L15.83,16.4V16.5H13.89L12.25,13.27M10.81,11.81H12.27C12.72,11.81 13.07,11.69 13.32,11.46C13.57,11.23 13.69,10.91 13.69,10.5C13.69,10.09 13.58,9.77 13.34,9.53C13.11,9.29 12.75,9.18 12.26,9.18H10.81V11.81Z",oF1="M10.5 4A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 4 10H1L5 14L9 10H6.03A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 10.5 6A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 15 10.5A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 10.5 15H2V17H10.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 17 10.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 0 10.5 4M19 12V15H16.5A7.5 7.5 0 0 1 14.24 17H19V20L23 16Z",nF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H19L21 13Z",ZF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",SF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",uF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H5L3 11H2V5H3L5 7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",cF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",sF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",OF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",hF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",pF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",fF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H7V11H5V9L3 11H2V5H3L5 7V5H7V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",gF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7L3 5H2V11H3L5 9V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",kF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7L3 5H2V11H3L5 9V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",BF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",PF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",wF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",FF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H7V11H5V9H2V7H5V5H7V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",TF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7H2V9H5V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",bF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H7V5H5V7H2V9H5V11H7V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",yF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H19L21 13Z",RF1="M22 15V17H19V19H17V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H17V13H19V15Z",xF1="M22 13V19H21L19 17V19H17V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H17V13H19V15L21 13Z",DF1="M22 15V17H21V19H19V17H18V19H16V17H11V9H8V11H6V9H5V11H3V9H2V7H3V5H5V7H6V5H8V7H13V15H16V13H18V15H19V13H21V15Z",EF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H8V5H6V7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H6V11H8V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",NF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H8V5H6V7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H6V11H8V9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",WF1="M21 13L19 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",IF1="M19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",GF1="M21 13L19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",QF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18V13H16V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H16V19H18V17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",UF1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",zF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5L3 5H2V11H3L5 9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",_F1="M21 13L19 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",KF1="M19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",jF1="M21 13L19 15V13H17V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H17V19H19V17L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",qF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18V13H16V15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H16V19H18V17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9Z",$F1="M21 13L19 15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19L21 19H22V13M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",XF1="M21 15V13H19V15H18.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.21 15H13V7H9.79A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 5.21 7H5V5H3V7H2V9H3V11H5V9H5.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9.79 9H11V17H14.21A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 18.79 17H19V19H21V17H22V15M7.5 9A1 1 0 1 1 8.5 8A1 1 0 0 1 7.5 9M16.5 17A1 1 0 1 1 17.5 16A1 1 0 0 1 16.5 17Z",YF1="M20,18H4V6H20M20,4H4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4M12,10H10V12H12M8,10H6V12H8M16,14H14V16H16M16,10H14V12H16V10Z",JF1="M2 12C2 16.97 6.03 21 11 21C13.39 21 15.68 20.06 17.4 18.4L15.9 16.9C14.63 18.25 12.86 19 11 19C4.76 19 1.64 11.46 6.05 7.05C10.46 2.64 18 5.77 18 12H15L19 16H19.1L23 12H20C20 7.03 15.97 3 11 3C6.03 3 2 7.03 2 12Z",CT1="M2 12C2 17 6 21 11 21C13.4 21 15.7 20.1 17.4 18.4L15.9 16.9C14.6 18.3 12.9 19 11 19C4.8 19 1.6 11.5 6.1 7.1S18 5.8 18 12H15L19 16H19.1L23 12H20C20 7 16 3 11 3S2 7 2 12M10 15H12V17H10V15M10 7H12V13H10V7",HT1="M7.25,3C7.9,3 8.5,3.21 9,3.56V3A2,2 0 0,1 11,1A2,2 0 0,1 13,3V3.57C13.5,3.22 14.1,3 14.75,3A3,3 0 0,1 17.75,6C17.75,7.58 16.54,8.87 15,9H13V10H14.24L14.72,10.13L19.31,12.42C20.13,12.73 20.53,13.34 20.53,14.25L20.5,14.39V14.53L19.5,21.28C19.44,21.75 19.22,22.16 18.84,22.5C18.47,22.84 18.05,23 17.58,23H10C9.45,23 9,22.81 8.58,22.41L2,15.84L3.05,14.77C3.33,14.5 3.69,14.34 4.13,14.34H4.45L9,15.33V10L9,9H7V9C5.46,8.86 4.25,7.57 4.25,6A3,3 0 0,1 7.25,3M9,6A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 7.25,4.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,0 5.5,6C5.5,6.88 6.15,7.61 7,7.73V7.75H9V6M15,7.75V7.74C15.85,7.62 16.5,6.89 16.5,6C16.5,5.04 15.72,4.26 14.75,4.26C13.78,4.26 13,5.04 13,6V7.75H15Z",VT1="M12,0C8.96,0 6.21,1.23 4.22,3.22L5.63,4.63C7.26,3 9.5,2 12,2C14.5,2 16.74,3 18.36,4.64L19.77,3.23C17.79,1.23 15.04,0 12,0M7.05,6.05L8.46,7.46C9.37,6.56 10.62,6 12,6C13.38,6 14.63,6.56 15.54,7.46L16.95,6.05C15.68,4.78 13.93,4 12,4C10.07,4 8.32,4.78 7.05,6.05M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15M15,9H9A1,1 0 0,0 8,10V22A1,1 0 0,0 9,23H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,22V10A1,1 0 0,0 15,9Z",LT1="M3,2A2,2 0 0,0 1,4V16C1,17.11 1.9,18 3,18H10V20H8V22H16V20H14V18H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 21,2M3,4H21V16H3M15,5L11.5,8.5L15,12L16.4,10.6L14.3,8.5L16.4,6.4M9,8L7.6,9.4L9.7,11.5L7.6,13.6L9,15L12.5,11.5",MT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L16,19.27V22A1,1 0 0,1 15,23H9C8.46,23 8,22.55 8,22V11.27L2,5.27M12,0C15.05,0 17.8,1.23 19.77,3.23L18.36,4.64C16.75,3 14.5,2 12,2C9.72,2 7.64,2.85 6.06,4.24L4.64,2.82C6.59,1.07 9.17,0 12,0M12,4C13.94,4 15.69,4.78 16.95,6.05L15.55,7.46C14.64,6.56 13.39,6 12,6C10.83,6 9.76,6.4 8.9,7.08L7.5,5.66C8.7,4.62 10.28,4 12,4M15,9C15.56,9 16,9.45 16,10V14.18L13.5,11.69L13.31,11.5L10.82,9H15M10.03,13.3C10.16,14.16 10.84,14.85 11.71,15L10.03,13.3Z",AT1="M9,2C7.89,2 7,2.89 7,4V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H15C16.11,22 17,21.11 17,20V4C17,2.89 16.11,2 15,2H13V4H11V2H9M11,6H13V8H15V10H13V12H11V10H9V8H11V6M9,14H11V16H9V14M13,14H15V16H13V14M9,18H11V20H9V18M13,18H15V20H13V18Z",iT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17,20.25C16.86,21.24 16,22 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V10.27L2,5.27M9,2H11V4H13V2H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,4V15.18L13,11.18V10H15V8H13V6H11V8H9.82L7,5.18V4A2,2 0 0,1 9,2M9,20H11V18H9V20M13,20H15V18.27L14.73,18H13V20M9,14V16H11V14.27L10.73,14H9Z",rT1="M15 16L11 20H21V16H15M12.06 7.19L3 16.25V20H6.75L15.81 10.94L12.06 7.19M18.71 8.04C19.1 7.65 19.1 7 18.71 6.63L16.37 4.29C16.17 4.09 15.92 4 15.66 4C15.41 4 15.15 4.1 14.96 4.29L13.13 6.12L16.88 9.87L18.71 8.04Z",aT1="M18,17H10.5L12.5,15H18M6,17V14.5L13.88,6.65C14.07,6.45 14.39,6.45 14.59,6.65L16.35,8.41C16.55,8.61 16.55,8.92 16.35,9.12L8.47,17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",eT1="M17 17H11.5L13.5 15H17M7 17V14.5L14.9 6.7C15.1 6.5 15.4 6.5 15.6 6.7L17.4 8.5C17.6 8.7 17.6 9 17.4 9.2L9.5 17M19 5V19H5V5H19M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3Z",dT1="M15 16L11 20H21V16H15M12.06 7.19L3 16.25V20H6.75L15.81 10.94L12.06 7.19M5.92 18H5V17.08L12.06 10L13 10.94L5.92 18M18.71 8.04C19.1 7.65 19.1 7 18.71 6.63L16.37 4.29C16.17 4.09 15.92 4 15.66 4C15.41 4 15.15 4.1 14.96 4.29L13.13 6.12L16.88 9.87L18.71 8.04Z",mT1="M3,15H21V13H3V15M3,19H21V17H3V19M3,11H21V9H3V11M3,5V7H21V5H3Z",tT1="M9,3V21H11V3H9M5,3V21H7V3H5M13,3V21H15V3H13M19,3H17V21H19V3Z",vT1="M17,17H7V14L3,18L7,22V19H19V13H17M7,7H17V10L21,6L17,2V5H5V11H7V7Z",lT1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.73,19H7V22L3,18L7,14V17H13.73L7,10.27V11H5V8.27L2,5.27M17,13H19V17.18L17,15.18V13M17,5V2L21,6L17,10V7H8.82L6.82,5H17Z",oT1="M13,15V9H12L10,10V11H11.5V15M17,17H7V14L3,18L7,22V19H19V13H17M7,7H17V10L21,6L17,2V5H5V11H7V7Z",nT1="M6,5.75L10.25,10H7V16H13.5L15.5,18H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,16V10H1.75L6,5.75M18,18.25L13.75,14H17V8H10.5L8.5,6H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,8V14H22.25L18,18.25Z",ZT1="M12,5V1L7,6L12,11V7A6,6 0 0,1 18,13A6,6 0 0,1 12,19A6,6 0 0,1 6,13H4A8,8 0 0,0 12,21A8,8 0 0,0 20,13A8,8 0 0,0 12,5Z",ST1="M10,9V5L3,12L10,19V14.9C15,14.9 18.5,16.5 21,20C20,15 17,10 10,9Z",uT1="M13,9V5L6,12L13,19V14.9C18,14.9 21.5,16.5 24,20C23,15 20,10 13,9M7,8V5L0,12L7,19V16L3,12L7,8Z",cT1="M11,9.8V10.7L12.7,10.9C15.3,11.3 17.2,12.3 18.6,13.6C16.9,13.1 15.1,12.8 13,12.8H11V14.1L8.8,12L11,9.8M13,5L6,12L13,19V14.9C18,14.9 21.5,16.5 24,20C23,15 20,10 13,9M7,8V5L0,12L7,19V16L3,12",sT1="M2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2 2 6.5 2 12M5 11L10 6V9C15.06 9.73 17.28 13.33 18 17C16.19 14.43 13.61 13 10 13V16L5 11Z",OT1="M8,9.8V10.7L9.7,11C12.3,11.4 14.2,12.4 15.6,13.7C13.9,13.2 12.1,12.9 10,12.9H8V14.2L5.8,12L8,9.8M10,5L3,12L10,19V14.9C15,14.9 18.5,16.5 21,20C20,15 17,10 10,9",hT1="M12.72,13.15L13.62,12.26C13.6,11 14.31,9.44 15.62,8.14C17.57,6.18 20.11,5.55 21.28,6.72C22.45,7.89 21.82,10.43 19.86,12.38C18.56,13.69 17,14.4 15.74,14.38L14.85,15.28C14.5,15.61 14,15.66 13.6,15.41C12.76,15.71 12,16.08 11.56,16.8C11.03,17.68 11.03,19.1 10.47,19.95C9.91,20.81 8.79,21.1 7.61,21.1C6.43,21.1 5,21 3.95,19.5L6.43,19.92C7,20 8.5,19.39 9.05,18.54C9.61,17.68 9.61,16.27 10.14,15.38C10.61,14.6 11.5,14.23 12.43,13.91C12.42,13.64 12.5,13.36 12.72,13.15M7,2A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 2,7A5,5 0 0,1 7,2M7,4A3,3 0 0,0 4,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,10A3,3 0 0,0 10,7A3,3 0 0,0 7,4Z",pT1="M2,11H7L10.07,15.35L13.11,4L18,11H22V13H17L13.93,8.65L10.89,20L6,13H2V11Z",fT1="M2,11H3.67C4.08,9.83 5.19,9 6.5,9A3,3 0 0,1 9.5,12C9.5,12.65 9.29,13.25 8.94,13.74L10.07,15.35L13.11,4L14.61,6.13L16.7,9.11L17.5,9C18.81,9 19.92,9.83 20.33,11H22V13H20.33C19.92,14.17 18.81,15 17.5,15A3,3 0 0,1 14.5,12C14.5,11.35 14.71,10.75 15.06,10.26L13.93,8.65L10.89,20L7.3,14.89C7.05,14.96 6.78,15 6.5,15C5.19,15 4.08,14.17 3.67,13H2V11M17.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10.5M6.5,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10.5Z",gT1="M10.59,12L14.59,8H11V6H18V13H16V9.41L12,13.41V16H20V4H8V12H10.59M22,2V18H12V22H2V12H6V2H22M10,14H4V20H10V14Z",kT1="M22,22H20V20H22V22M22,18H20V16H22V18M18,22H16V20H18V22M18,18H16V16H18V18M14,22H12V20H14V22M22,14H20V12H22V14Z",BT1="M4,6V16H9V12A2,2 0 0,1 11,10H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,12V16H20V6H4M0,20V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H24V20H18V20C18,21.11 17.1,22 16,22H11A2,2 0 0,1 9,20H9L0,20M11.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 12,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 11.5,20M15.5,20A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15.5,21A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 16,20.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 15.5,20M13,20V21H14V20H13M11,12V19H16V12H11Z",PT1="M12,4C14.1,4 16.1,4.8 17.6,6.3C20.7,9.4 20.7,14.5 17.6,17.6C15.8,19.5 13.3,20.2 10.9,19.9L11.4,17.9C13.1,18.1 14.9,17.5 16.2,16.2C18.5,13.9 18.5,10.1 16.2,7.7C15.1,6.6 13.5,6 12,6V10.6L7,5.6L12,0.6V4M6.3,17.6C3.7,15 3.3,11 5.1,7.9L6.6,9.4C5.5,11.6 5.9,14.4 7.8,16.2C8.3,16.7 8.9,17.1 9.6,17.4L9,19.4C8,19 7.1,18.4 6.3,17.6Z",wT1="M10 4.03V.633L5 5.63L10 10.63V6.03C11.5 6.03 13.11 6.63 14.21 7.73C16.5 10.13 16.5 13.93 14.21 16.23C12.91 17.53 11.11 18.13 9.4 17.93L8.9 19.93C11.31 20.23 13.81 19.53 15.61 17.63C18.7 14.53 18.7 9.43 15.61 6.33C14.11 4.83 12.11 4.03 10 4.03M4.31 17.63C5.11 18.43 6 19.03 7 19.43L7.61 17.43C6.91 17.13 6.31 16.73 5.81 16.23C3.91 14.43 3.5 11.63 4.61 9.43L3.11 7.93C1.31 11.03 1.71 15.03 4.31 17.63M20 13H22V7H20V13M20 17H22V15H20V17Z",FT1="M20.8,22.7L16.6,18.5C14.9,19.7 12.9,20.2 10.9,19.9L11.4,17.9C12.7,18 14,17.7 15.1,17L1.1,3L2.4,1.7L16.5,15.8L17.9,17.2L22.1,21.4L20.8,22.7M12,6C13.5,6 15.1,6.6 16.2,7.8C18,9.6 18.4,12.2 17.5,14.4L19,15.9C20.7,12.9 20.2,9 17.6,6.4C16.1,4.8 14,4 12,4V0.7L7.9,4.7L12,8.8V6M6.6,9.4L5.1,7.9C3.3,11 3.7,15 6.3,17.7C7.1,18.4 8,19 9,19.4L9.5,17.4C8.9,17.1 8.3,16.7 7.7,16.2C5.9,14.4 5.5,11.6 6.6,9.4Z",TT1="M13,3A9,9 0 0,0 4,12H1L4.89,15.89L4.96,16.03L9,12H6A7,7 0 0,1 13,5A7,7 0 0,1 20,12A7,7 0 0,1 13,19C11.07,19 9.32,18.21 8.06,16.94L6.64,18.36C8.27,20 10.5,21 13,21A9,9 0 0,0 22,12A9,9 0 0,0 13,3Z",bT1="M13 3C8 3 4 7 4 12H1L4.9 15.9L5 16L9 12H6C6 8.1 9.1 5 13 5S20 8.1 20 12 16.9 19 13 19C11.1 19 9.3 18.2 8.1 16.9L6.7 18.3C8.3 20 10.5 21 13 21C18 21 22 17 22 12S18 3 13 3M12 15H14V17H12V15M12 7H14V13H12V7",yT1="M11.5,12L20,18V6M11,18V6L2.5,12L11,18Z",RT1="M12.5,3C17.15,3 21.08,6.03 22.47,10.22L20.1,11C19.05,7.81 16.04,5.5 12.5,5.5C10.54,5.5 8.77,6.22 7.38,7.38L10,10H3V3L5.6,5.6C7.45,4 9.85,3 12.5,3M10,12V22H8V14H6V12H10M18,14V20C18,21.11 17.11,22 16,22H14A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 14,12H16C17.11,12 18,12.9 18,14M14,14V20H16V14H14Z",xT1="M12.5 3C17.15 3 21.08 6.03 22.47 10.22L20.1 11C19.05 7.81 16.04 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.54 5.5 8.77 6.22 7.38 7.38L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.45 4 9.85 3 12.5 3M10 12V22H8V14H6V12H10M12 12H18V14H14V16H16C17.11 16 18 16.9 18 18V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H12V20H16V18H12V12Z",DT1="M19,14V20C19,21.11 18.11,22 17,22H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,20V14A2,2 0 0,1 15,12H17C18.11,12 19,12.9 19,14M15,14V20H17V14H15M11,20C11,21.11 10.1,22 9,22H5V20H9V18H7V16H9V14H5V12H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,14V15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,18.5V20M12.5,3C17.15,3 21.08,6.03 22.47,10.22L20.1,11C19.05,7.81 16.04,5.5 12.5,5.5C10.54,5.5 8.77,6.22 7.38,7.38L10,10H3V3L5.6,5.6C7.45,4 9.85,3 12.5,3Z",ET1="M12.5 3C17.1 3 21.1 6 22.5 10.2L20.1 11C19 7.8 16 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.5 5.5 8.8 6.2 7.4 7.4L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.4 4 9.9 3 12.5 3M13 12H19V14H15V16H17C18.1 16 19 16.9 19 18V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H13V20H17V18H13V12M5 12V18H9V22H11V12H9V16H7V12H5Z",NT1="M12.5 3C17.15 3 21.08 6.03 22.47 10.22L20.1 11C19.05 7.81 16.04 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.54 5.5 8.77 6.22 7.38 7.38L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.45 4 9.85 3 12.5 3M9 12H15V14H11V16H13C14.11 16 15 16.9 15 18V20C15 21.11 14.11 22 13 22H9V20H13V18H9V12Z",WT1="M19 14V20C19 21.1 18.1 22 17 22H15C13.9 22 13 21.1 13 20V14C13 12.9 13.9 12 15 12H17C18.1 12 19 12.9 19 14M15 14V20H17V14H15M12.5 3C17.1 3 21.1 6 22.5 10.2L20.1 11C19 7.8 16 5.5 12.5 5.5C10.5 5.5 8.8 6.2 7.4 7.4L10 10H3V3L5.6 5.6C7.4 4 9.9 3 12.5 3M7 12C5.9 12 5 12.9 5 14V20C5 21.1 5.9 22 7 22H9C10.1 22 11 21.1 11 20V18C11 16.9 10.1 16 9 16H7V14H11V12H7M7 18H9V20H7V18Z",IT1="M10,9.9L7,12L10,14.1V9.9M19,9.9L16,12L19,14.1V9.9M12,6V18L3.5,12L12,6M21,6V18L12.5,12L21,6Z",GT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2Z",QT1="M12 6.46C11.72 6.46 11.44 6.56 11.22 6.78L6.78 11.22C6.35 11.65 6.35 12.35 6.78 12.78L11.22 17.22C11.65 17.65 12.35 17.65 12.78 17.22L17.22 12.78C17.65 12.35 17.65 11.65 17.22 11.22L12.78 6.78C12.56 6.56 12.28 6.46 12 6.46Z",UT1="M12 6.46C11.72 6.46 11.44 6.56 11.22 6.78L6.78 11.22C6.35 11.65 6.35 12.35 6.78 12.78L11.22 17.22C11.65 17.65 12.35 17.65 12.78 17.22L17.22 12.78C17.65 12.35 17.65 11.65 17.22 11.22L12.78 6.78C12.56 6.56 12.28 6.46 12 6.46M12 8.83L15.17 12L12 15.17L8.83 12L12 8.83Z",zT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L20 12L12 20L4 12Z",_T1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L7.29 5.88L12 10.58L16.71 5.88L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M5.88 7.29L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L5.88 16.71L10.58 12L5.88 7.29M18.12 7.29L13.42 12L18.12 16.71L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L18.12 7.29M12 13.42L7.29 18.12L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L16.71 18.12L12 13.42Z",KT1="M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M12 4L15.29 7.29L12 10.59L8.71 7.29L12 4M7.29 8.71L10.59 12L7.29 15.29L4 12L7.29 8.71M16.71 8.71L20 12L16.71 15.29L13.41 12L16.71 8.71M12 13.41L15.29 16.71L12 20L8.71 16.71L12 13.41Z",jT1="M13.41,19.31L16.59,22.5L18,21.07L14.83,17.9M15.54,11.53H15.53L12,15.07L8.47,11.53H8.46V11.53C7.56,10.63 7,9.38 7,8A5,5 0 0,1 12,3A5,5 0 0,1 17,8C17,9.38 16.44,10.63 15.54,11.53M16.9,13C18.2,11.73 19,9.96 19,8A7,7 0 0,0 12,1A7,7 0 0,0 5,8C5,9.96 5.81,11.73 7.1,13V13L10.59,16.5L6,21.07L7.41,22.5L16.9,13Z",qT1="M22,11H19.7C19.4,9.9 18.9,8.8 18.2,8L21.6,2.6L19.9,1.5L16.7,6.6C16.3,6.3 16,6.1 15.5,5.9L16.4,2.3L14.5,1.8L13.7,5.2C13.1,5.1 12.6,5 12,5C8.3,5 5.2,7.6 4.3,11H2C2,15.1 4.5,18.6 8,20.2V22H16V20.2C19.5,18.6 22,15.1 22,11M12,7C14.6,7 16.8,8.7 17.6,11H6.4C7.2,8.7 9.4,7 12,7Z",$T1="M20 14.05V12.73C20 12.26 19.84 11.8 19.54 11.44L15.6 6.72C15.22 6.26 14.66 6 14.06 6H4C2.9 6 2 6.9 2 8V15C2 16.1 2.9 17 4 17H4.05C4.28 18.14 5.29 19 6.5 19S8.72 18.14 8.95 17H17.05C17.28 18.14 18.29 19 19.5 19C20.88 19 22 17.88 22 16.5C22 15.29 21.14 14.28 20 14.05M3.5 8C3.5 7.73 3.73 7.5 4 7.5H7V12H3.5V8M6.5 17.5C5.95 17.5 5.5 17.05 5.5 16.5S5.95 15.5 6.5 15.5 7.5 15.95 7.5 16.5 7.05 17.5 6.5 17.5M13 15.5H9V14H11V12H9V7.5H13V15.5M15 8.34L18.05 12H15V8.34M19.5 17.5C18.95 17.5 18.5 17.05 18.5 16.5S18.95 15.5 19.5 15.5 20.5 15.95 20.5 16.5 20.05 17.5 19.5 17.5Z",XT1="M20 12.05V10.73C20 10.26 19.84 9.8 19.54 9.44L15.6 4.72C15.22 4.26 14.66 4 14.06 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V13C2 14.1 2.9 15 4 15H4.05C4.28 16.14 5.29 17 6.5 17S8.72 16.14 8.95 15H17.05C17.28 16.14 18.29 17 19.5 17C20.88 17 22 15.88 22 14.5C22 13.29 21.14 12.28 20 12.05M3.5 6C3.5 5.73 3.73 5.5 4 5.5H7V10H3.5V6M6.5 15.5C5.95 15.5 5.5 15.05 5.5 14.5S5.95 13.5 6.5 13.5 7.5 13.95 7.5 14.5 7.05 15.5 6.5 15.5M13 13.5H9V12H11V10H9V5.5H13V13.5M15 6.34L18.05 10H15V6.34M19.5 15.5C18.95 15.5 18.5 15.05 18.5 14.5S18.95 13.5 19.5 13.5 20.5 13.95 20.5 14.5 20.05 15.5 19.5 15.5M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",YT1="M12,10L8,4.4L9.6,2H14.4L16,4.4L12,10M15.5,6.8L14.3,8.5C16.5,9.4 18,11.5 18,14A6,6 0 0,1 12,20A6,6 0 0,1 6,14C6,11.5 7.5,9.4 9.7,8.5L8.5,6.8C5.8,8.1 4,10.8 4,14A8,8 0 0,0 12,22A8,8 0 0,0 20,14C20,10.8 18.2,8.1 15.5,6.8Z",JT1="M11.43,2C10.61,2 9.94,2.65 9.94,3.5C9.94,4.64 9.94,5.8 9.94,6.96H7.95V7.95H15.91V6.96H13.92C13.92,5.8 13.92,4.64 13.92,3.5C13.92,2.65 13.25,2 12.43,2H11.43M10.94,8.95V21.87L11.93,22.87L12.92,21.87V8.95H10.94Z",Cb1="M11,16H13V20H11M11,10H13V14H11M11,4H13V8H11M4,22H20V2H4V22Z",Hb1="M18.1,4.8C18,4.3 17.6,4 17.1,4H13L13.2,7H10.8L11,4H6.8C6.3,4 5.9,4.4 5.8,4.8L3.1,18.8C3,19.4 3.5,20 4.1,20H10L10.3,15H13.7L14,20H19.8C20.4,20 20.9,19.4 20.8,18.8L18.1,4.8M10.4,13L10.6,9H13.2L13.4,13H10.4Z",Vb1="M10.7 12.5C10.7 12.8 9.4 13.2 8.4 13.2S6.3 12.5 6.3 12.3C6.3 12 7 11.1 8.6 11C9.5 10.9 10.5 11.5 10.7 12.5M15.4 11C14.4 10.9 13.5 11.5 13.3 12.5C13.3 12.8 14.5 13.2 15.6 13.2C16.7 13.2 17.7 12.5 17.7 12.3S17 11.1 15.4 11M22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22S2 17.5 2 12 6.5 2 12 2 22 6.5 22 12M20 11.2C20 9.2 19.3 8.5 16.7 8.5C14.1 8.5 13.3 9.6 12 9.6S10 8.5 7.3 8.5 4 9.1 4 11.2C4 14.6 5.5 16.5 7.6 16.5C9.2 16.5 10.4 14.5 12 14.5S14.7 16.5 16.4 16.5C18.5 16.5 20 14.6 20 11.2Z",Lb1="M12,2A2,2 0 0,1 14,4C14,4.74 13.6,5.39 13,5.73V7H14A7,7 0 0,1 21,14H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,15V18A1,1 0 0,1 22,19H21V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V19H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,18V15A1,1 0 0,1 2,14H3A7,7 0 0,1 10,7H11V5.73C10.4,5.39 10,4.74 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M7.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 5,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 10,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 7.5,13M16.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,18A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16.5,13Z",Mb1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5C5 14.68 5.4 13.96 6 13.5L9.83 16.38C9.5 17.32 8.57 18 7.5 18M16.5 18C15.43 18 14.5 17.32 14.17 16.38L18 13.5C18.6 13.96 19 14.68 19 15.5C19 16.88 17.88 18 16.5 18Z",Ab1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M21 17H19V20H5V17H3V16H5V14C5 11.24 7.24 9 10 9H14C16.76 9 19 11.24 19 14V16H21V17M17.5 15.5C17.5 16.61 16.61 17.5 15.5 17.5C14.53 17.5 13.73 16.81 13.54 15.9L16.5 13.78C17.1 14.13 17.5 14.76 17.5 15.5M7.5 13.78L10.46 15.9C10.28 16.81 9.47 17.5 8.5 17.5C7.4 17.5 6.5 16.61 6.5 15.5C6.5 14.76 6.9 14.13 7.5 13.78Z",ib1="M20 4H18V3H20.5C20.78 3 21 3.22 21 3.5V5.5C21 5.78 20.78 6 20.5 6H20V7H19V5H20V4M19 9H20V8H19V9M17 3H16V7H17V3M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C14.34 7 14.67 7.03 15 7.08V10H19.74C20.53 11.13 21 12.5 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M10 15.5C10 14.12 8.88 13 7.5 13S5 14.12 5 15.5 6.12 18 7.5 18 10 16.88 10 15.5M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5M17 8H16V9H17V8Z",rb1="M19 8H20V9H19V8M20 5H19V7H20V6H20.5C20.78 6 21 5.78 21 5.5V3.5C21 3.22 20.78 3 20.5 3H18V4H20V5M17 3H16V7H17V3M13.5 15.5C13.5 16.61 14.4 17.5 15.5 17.5S17.5 16.61 17.5 15.5 16.61 13.5 15.5 13.5 13.5 14.4 13.5 15.5M17 8H16V9H17V8M22 14H21C21 12.5 20.53 11.13 19.74 10H16.97C18.19 10.91 19 12.36 19 14V16H21V17H19V20H5V17H3V16H5V14C5 11.24 7.24 9 10 9H14C14.34 9 14.68 9.04 15 9.1V7.08C14.67 7.03 14.34 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5Z",ab1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M9.86 16.68L8.68 17.86L7.5 16.68L6.32 17.86L5.14 16.68L6.32 15.5L5.14 14.32L6.32 13.14L7.5 14.32L8.68 13.14L9.86 14.32L8.68 15.5L9.86 16.68M18.86 16.68L17.68 17.86L16.5 16.68L15.32 17.86L14.14 16.68L15.32 15.5L14.14 14.32L15.32 13.14L16.5 14.32L17.68 13.14L18.86 14.32L17.68 15.5L18.86 16.68Z",eb1="M10.62 14.44L9.56 15.5L10.62 16.56L9.56 17.62L8.5 16.56L7.44 17.62L6.38 16.56L7.44 15.5L6.38 14.44L7.44 13.38L8.5 14.44L9.56 13.38L10.62 14.44M16.56 13.38L15.5 14.44L14.44 13.38L13.38 14.44L14.44 15.5L13.38 16.56L14.44 17.62L15.5 16.56L16.56 17.62L17.62 16.56L16.56 15.5L17.62 14.44L16.56 13.38M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 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6.5 15.87 6.5 15.5C6.5 14.4 7.4 13.5 8.5 13.5S10.5 14.4 10.5 15.5M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M21 16H19V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H10C7.24 9 5 11.24 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H19V17H21V16M15.5 13.5C14.4 13.5 13.5 14.4 13.5 15.5C13.5 15.87 13.61 16.2 13.78 16.5C14.12 15.91 14.76 15.5 15.5 15.5S16.88 15.91 17.22 16.5C17.4 16.2 17.5 15.87 17.5 15.5C17.5 14.4 16.61 13.5 15.5 13.5Z",lb1="M18.41,4L16,6.41V6.59L18.41,9H22V11H17.59L16,9.41V12H15A2,2 0 0,1 13,10V7.5H9.86C9.77,7.87 9.62,8.22 9.42,8.55L15.18,19H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,21V22H2V21A2,2 0 0,1 4,19H10.61L5.92,10.5C4.12,10.47 2.56,9.24 2.11,7.5C1.56,5.36 2.85,3.18 5,2.63C7.13,2.08 9.31,3.36 9.86,5.5H13V3A2,2 0 0,1 15,1H16V3.59L17.59,2H22V4H18.41M6,4.5A2,2 0 0,0 4,6.5A2,2 0 0,0 6,8.5A2,2 0 0,0 8,6.5A2,2 0 0,0 6,4.5Z",ob1="M4 19H8.6L2.62 8.64C2.23 8 2 7.29 2 6.5C2 4.29 3.79 2.5 6 2.5C7.86 2.5 9.43 3.78 9.87 5.5H14V3C14 1.9 14.9 1 16 1V3.59L17.59 2H22V4H18.41L16 6.41V6.59L18.41 9H22V11H17.59L16 9.41V12C14.9 12 14 11.11 14 10V7.5H9.87C9.77 7.89 9.61 8.26 9.41 8.6L15.41 19H20C21.11 19 22 19.9 22 21V22H2V21C2 19.9 2.9 19 4 19M7.91 10C7.35 10.32 6.7 10.5 6 10.5L10.91 19H13.1L7.91 10M6 4.5C4.89 4.5 4 5.4 4 6.5C4 7.61 4.89 8.5 6 8.5C7.11 8.5 8 7.61 8 6.5C8 5.4 7.11 4.5 6 4.5Z",nb1="M22 14H21C21 10.13 17.87 7 14 7H13V5.73C13.6 5.39 14 4.74 14 4C14 2.9 13.11 2 12 2S10 2.9 10 4C10 4.74 10.4 5.39 11 5.73V7H10C6.13 7 3 10.13 3 14H2C1.45 14 1 14.45 1 15V18C1 18.55 1.45 19 2 19H3V20C3 21.11 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.11 22 21 21.11 21 20V19H22C22.55 19 23 18.55 23 18V15C23 14.45 22.55 14 22 14M9.7 15.45L8.97 16.18L7.5 17.65L5.3 15.45C4.9 15.05 4.9 14.39 5.3 14C5.71 13.58 6.36 13.58 6.77 14L7.5 14.72L8.23 14C8.64 13.58 9.29 13.58 9.7 14C10.1 14.39 10.1 15.05 9.7 15.45M18.7 15.45L17.97 16.18L16.5 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19C16.69 19 15.58 18.17 15.17 17H10C9.09 18.21 7.64 19 6 19C3.24 19 1 16.76 1 14M6 11C4.34 11 3 12.34 3 14C3 15.66 4.34 17 6 17C7.66 17 9 15.66 9 14C9 12.34 7.66 11 6 11M15 10V12H20.25C19.92 11.27 19.5 10.6 19 10H15Z",ub1="M1 14C1 16.76 3.24 19 6 19C7.64 19 9.09 18.21 10 17H15.17C15.58 18.17 16.7 19 18 19C19.31 19 20.42 18.17 20.83 17H23V15C23 9.5 18.5 5 13 5H1V14M21 15H10.9C10.97 14.68 11 14.34 11 14C11 11.24 8.76 9 6 9C4.87 9 3.84 9.37 3 10V7H12.5C15.1 7 17.42 8.16 19 10H15V12H20.25C20.67 12.92 20.92 13.94 21 15M6 11C7.66 11 9 12.34 9 14C9 15.66 7.66 17 6 17C4.34 17 3 15.66 3 14C3 12.34 4.34 11 6 11Z",cb1="M23 15V18C23 18.5 22.64 18.88 22.17 18.97L18.97 15.77C19 15.68 19 15.59 19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13C16.41 13 16.32 13 16.23 13.03L10.2 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.89 21.78C19.62 21.92 19.32 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 11.53 4.29 9.36 6.22 8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M10 15.5C10 14.12 8.88 13 7.5 13S5 14.12 5 15.5 6.12 18 7.5 18 10 16.88 10 15.5M16.07 17.96L14.04 15.93C14.23 16.97 15.04 17.77 16.07 17.96Z",sb1="M23 15V18C23 18.5 22.64 18.88 22.17 18.97L20.2 17H21V16H19.2L19 15.8V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H12.2L10.2 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.89 21.78C19.62 21.92 19.32 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 11.53 4.29 9.36 6.22 8.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M18.11 20L15.6 17.5C15.57 17.5 15.53 17.5 15.5 17.5C14.4 17.5 13.5 16.61 13.5 15.5C13.5 15.47 13.5 15.43 13.5 15.4L7.7 9.59C6.1 10.42 5 12.08 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H18.11Z",Ob1="M17.5 15.5C17.5 16.61 16.61 17.5 15.5 17.5S13.5 16.61 13.5 15.5 14.4 13.5 15.5 13.5 17.5 14.4 17.5 15.5M8.5 13.5C7.4 13.5 6.5 14.4 6.5 15.5S7.4 17.5 8.5 17.5 10.5 16.61 10.5 15.5 9.61 13.5 8.5 13.5M23 15V18C23 18.55 22.55 19 22 19H21V20C21 21.11 20.11 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.11 3 20V19H2C1.45 19 1 18.55 1 18V15C1 14.45 1.45 14 2 14H3C3 10.13 6.13 7 10 7H11V5.73C10.4 5.39 10 4.74 10 4C10 2.9 10.9 2 12 2S14 2.9 14 4C14 4.74 13.6 5.39 13 5.73V7H14C17.87 7 21 10.13 21 14H22C22.55 14 23 14.45 23 15M21 16H19V14C19 11.24 16.76 9 14 9H10C7.24 9 5 11.24 5 14V16H3V17H5V20H19V17H21V16Z",hb1="M12,2C14.65,2 17.19,3.06 19.07,4.93L17.65,6.35C16.15,4.85 14.12,4 12,4C9.88,4 7.84,4.84 6.35,6.35L4.93,4.93C6.81,3.06 9.35,2 12,2M3.66,6.5L5.11,7.94C4.39,9.17 4,10.57 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12C20,10.57 19.61,9.17 18.88,7.94L20.34,6.5C21.42,8.12 22,10.04 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12C2,10.04 2.58,8.12 3.66,6.5M12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13.59 17.37,15.12 16.24,16.24L14.83,14.83C14.08,15.58 13.06,16 12,16C10.94,16 9.92,15.58 9.17,14.83L7.76,16.24C6.63,15.12 6,13.59 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6M12,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,8Z",pb1="M10 2C12.6 2 15.2 3.1 17.1 4.9L15.7 6.3C14.1 4.8 12.1 4 10 4S5.8 4.8 4.3 6.3L2.9 4.9C4.8 3.1 7.4 2 10 2M1.7 6.5L3.2 7.9C2.4 9.2 2 10.6 2 12C2 16.4 5.6 20 10 20S18 16.4 18 12C18 10.6 17.6 9.2 16.9 7.9L18.4 6.5C19.4 8.1 20 10 20 12C20 17.5 15.5 22 10 22S0 17.5 0 12C0 10 .6 8.1 1.7 6.5M10 6C13.3 6 16 8.7 16 12C16 13.6 15.4 15.1 14.2 16.2L12.8 14.8C12.1 15.6 11.1 16 10 16S7.9 15.6 7.2 14.8L5.8 16.2C4.6 15.1 4 13.6 4 12C4 8.7 6.7 6 10 6M10 8C9.4 8 9 8.4 9 9S9.4 10 10 10 11 9.6 11 9 10.6 8 10 8M22 12V7H24V13H22M22 17V15H24V17H22Z",fb1="M20.8 22.7L18 19.9C16.3 21.2 14.2 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 10 2.6 8.1 3.7 6.5L5.2 7.9C4.4 9.2 4 10.6 4 12C4 16.4 7.6 20 12 20C13.7 20 15.3 19.4 16.6 18.5L13.7 15.6C13.2 15.9 12.6 16 12 16C10.9 16 9.9 15.6 9.2 14.8L7.8 16.2C6.6 15.1 6 13.6 6 12C6 10.8 6.3 9.7 6.9 8.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M20 12C20 13.4 19.6 14.7 19 15.8L20.5 17.3C21.5 15.8 22 14 22 12C22 10 21.4 8.1 20.3 6.5L18.8 7.9C19.6 9.2 20 10.6 20 12M12 4C14.1 4 16.2 4.8 17.7 6.3L19.1 4.9C17.2 3.1 14.7 2 12 2C10.1 2 8.3 2.5 6.7 3.5L8.2 5C9.3 4.3 10.7 4 12 4M17.5 14.3C17.8 13.6 18 12.8 18 12C18 8.7 15.3 6 12 6C11.2 6 10.4 6.2 9.7 6.5L11.4 8.2C11.6 8.1 11.8 8 12 8C12.6 8 13 8.4 13 9C13 9.2 12.9 9.4 12.8 9.6L17.5 14.3Z",gb1="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7H5V5H19V7H21V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M8,7V9H16V7H8M3,9V12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12V9H19V12A7,7 0 0,1 12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12V9H3M12,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,17A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 14.5,14.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,12Z",kb1="M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V7H3V5H17V7H19V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H3M6 7V9H14V7H6M1 9V12C1 17 5 21 10 21S19 17 19 12V9H17V12C17 15.9 13.9 19 10 19S3 15.9 3 12V9H1M10 12C8.6 12 7.5 13.1 7.5 14.5S8.6 17 10 17 12.5 15.9 12.5 14.5 11.4 12 10 12M21 12V7H23V13H21M21 17V15H23V17H21Z",Bb1="M20.8 22.7L17.3 19.2C15.8 20.3 14 21 12 21C7 21 3 17 3 12V9H5V12C5 15.9 8.1 19 12 19C13.4 19 14.8 18.5 15.9 17.8L14 15.9C13.5 16.5 12.8 17 12 17C10.6 17 9.5 15.9 9.5 14.5C9.5 13.7 9.9 12.9 10.6 12.5L5 6.9V7H3V4.9L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M19 5V7H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H6.2L8.2 5H19M19 12C19 13.1 18.7 14.1 18.3 15.1L19.8 16.6C20.6 15.3 21 13.7 21 12V9H19V12M16 9V7H10.2L12.2 9H16Z",Pb1="M20 22L16.14 20.45C16.84 18.92 17.34 17.34 17.65 15.73L20 22M7.86 20.45L4 22L6.35 15.73C6.66 17.34 7.16 18.92 7.86 20.45M12 2C12 2 17 4 17 12C17 15.1 16.25 17.75 15.33 19.83C15 20.55 14.29 21 13.5 21H10.5C9.71 21 9 20.55 8.67 19.83C7.76 17.75 7 15.1 7 12C7 4 12 2 12 2M12 12C13.1 12 14 11.1 14 10C14 8.9 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 10 8.9 10 10C10 11.1 10.9 12 12 12Z",wb1="M13.13 22.19L11.5 18.36C13.07 17.78 14.54 17 15.9 16.09L13.13 22.19M5.64 12.5L1.81 10.87L7.91 8.1C7 9.46 6.22 10.93 5.64 12.5M21.61 2.39C21.61 2.39 16.66 .269 11 5.93C8.81 8.12 7.5 10.53 6.65 12.64C6.37 13.39 6.56 14.21 7.11 14.77L9.24 16.89C9.79 17.45 10.61 17.63 11.36 17.35C13.5 16.53 15.88 15.19 18.07 13C23.73 7.34 21.61 2.39 21.61 2.39M14.54 9.46C13.76 8.68 13.76 7.41 14.54 6.63S16.59 5.85 17.37 6.63C18.14 7.41 18.15 8.68 17.37 9.46C16.59 10.24 15.32 10.24 14.54 9.46M8.88 16.53L7.47 15.12L8.88 16.53M6.24 22L9.88 18.36C9.54 18.27 9.21 18.12 8.91 17.91L4.83 22H6.24M2 22H3.41L8.18 17.24L6.76 15.83L2 20.59V22M2 19.17L6.09 15.09C5.88 14.79 5.73 14.47 5.64 14.12L2 17.76V19.17Z",Fb1="M13.13 22.19L11.5 18.36C13.07 17.78 14.54 17 15.9 16.09L13.13 22.19M5.64 12.5L1.81 10.87L7.91 8.1C7 9.46 6.22 10.93 5.64 12.5M19.22 4C19.5 4 19.75 4 19.96 4.05C20.13 5.44 19.94 8.3 16.66 11.58C14.96 13.29 12.93 14.6 10.65 15.47L8.5 13.37C9.42 11.06 10.73 9.03 12.42 7.34C15.18 4.58 17.64 4 19.22 4M19.22 2C17.24 2 14.24 2.69 11 5.93C8.81 8.12 7.5 10.53 6.65 12.64C6.37 13.39 6.56 14.21 7.11 14.77L9.24 16.89C9.62 17.27 10.13 17.5 10.66 17.5C10.89 17.5 11.13 17.44 11.36 17.35C13.5 16.53 15.88 15.19 18.07 13C23.73 7.34 21.61 2.39 21.61 2.39S20.7 2 19.22 2M14.54 9.46C13.76 8.68 13.76 7.41 14.54 6.63S16.59 5.85 17.37 6.63C18.14 7.41 18.15 8.68 17.37 9.46C16.59 10.24 15.32 10.24 14.54 9.46M8.88 16.53L7.47 15.12L8.88 16.53M6.24 22L9.88 18.36C9.54 18.27 9.21 18.12 8.91 17.91L4.83 22H6.24M2 22H3.41L8.18 17.24L6.76 15.83L2 20.59V22M2 19.17L6.09 15.09C5.88 14.79 5.73 14.47 5.64 14.12L2 17.76V19.17Z",Tb1="M12 2C12 2 7 4 7 12C7 15.1 7.76 17.75 8.67 19.83C9 20.55 9.71 21 10.5 21H13.5C14.29 21 15 20.55 15.33 19.83C16.25 17.75 17 15.1 17 12C17 4 12 2 12 2M13.5 19H10.5C9.5 16.76 9 14.41 9 12C9 7.36 10.9 5.2 12 4.33C13.1 5.2 15 7.36 15 12C15 14.41 14.5 16.76 13.5 19M20 22L16.14 20.45C16.84 18.92 17.34 17.34 17.65 15.73M7.86 20.45L4 22L6.35 15.73C6.66 17.34 7.16 18.92 7.86 20.45M12 12C10.9 12 10 11.1 10 10C10 8.9 10.9 8 12 8C13.1 8 14 8.9 14 10C14 11.1 13.1 12 12 12Z",bb1="M21.33 17.39C22.73 18.66 21.8 21 19.92 21H11.06C8.25 21 6 18.75 6 15.94V15.89C3.7 15.42 2 13.41 2 11C2 8.25 4.22 6 7 6H9.5C9.8 6 10 5.77 10 5.5S9.8 5 9.5 5H7V3H9.5C10.88 3 12 4.13 12 5.5C12 6.89 10.88 8 9.5 8H7C5.34 8 4 9.33 4 11C4 12.37 4.92 13.5 6.14 13.87C6.7 11.67 8.67 10 11.06 10C11.86 10 12.66 10.22 13.36 10.55C11.95 11.34 11 12.8 11 14.5C11 15.75 11.5 16.87 12.33 17.67L13.03 16.97C12.38 16.36 12 15.47 12 14.5C12 11.91 14.34 11 15.5 11C17.58 11 19.45 12.89 18.94 15.23L21.33 17.39M18 19C18.56 19 19 18.56 19 18S18.56 17 18 17 17 17.44 17 18 17.44 19 18 19Z",yb1="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H22V19H20M6 19V13H11V14.8C10.6 15.1 10.2 15.6 10.2 16.2C10.2 17.2 11 18 12 18S13.8 17.2 13.8 16.2C13.8 15.6 13.5 15.1 13 14.8V13H18V19H6Z",Rb1="M20 19V3H4V19H2V21H10.25C10.25 21.97 11.03 22.75 12 22.75S13.75 21.97 13.75 21H22V19H20M6 19V17H11V19H6M13 19V17H18V19H13Z",xb1="M6.5 18C5.1 18 4 19.12 4 20.5S5.1 23 6.5 23 9 21.88 9 20.5 7.86 18 6.5 18M16.5 18C15.1 18 14 19.12 14 20.5S15.1 23 16.5 23 19 21.88 19 20.5 17.86 18 16.5 18M20 17C20 15.63 20.09 13.81 19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13 10 12 9 11.82 8H9C8.71 8 8.5 7.78 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.22 8.71 7 9 7H11.5V6H9C8.71 6 8.5 5.78 8.5 5.5C8.5 5.22 8.71 5 9 5H11.5V2H3V17H20Z",Db1="M20.84 22.73L18.95 20.84C18.78 22.06 17.75 23 16.5 23C15.1 23 14 21.88 14 20.5C14 19.24 14.93 18.2 16.14 18.03L15.11 17H3V4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M9 5H11.5V2H5.2L8.5 5.32C8.59 5.13 8.77 5 9 5M12.56 9.36C12.18 9 11.9 8.5 11.82 8H11.2L12.56 9.36M19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13.45 10.03 13 9.77 12.6 9.4L20 16.79C20 15.45 20.06 13.76 19.5 12.95M9.2 6L10.2 7H11.5V6H9.2M6.5 18C5.1 18 4 19.12 4 20.5C4 21.88 5.1 23 6.5 23S9 21.88 9 20.5C9 19.12 7.86 18 6.5 18Z",Eb1="M4.5 18C3.12 18 2 19.12 2 20.5S3.12 23 4.5 23 7 21.88 7 20.5 5.88 18 4.5 18M18.5 18C17.12 18 16 19.12 16 20.5S17.12 23 18.5 23 21 21.88 21 20.5 19.88 18 18.5 18M20 17C20 15.63 20.09 13.81 19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13 10 12 9 11.82 8H9C8.71 8 8.5 7.78 8.5 7.5C8.5 7.22 8.71 7 9 7H11.5V6H9C8.71 6 8.5 5.78 8.5 5.5C8.5 5.22 8.71 5 9 5H11.5V2H3V17H20M11.5 18C10.12 18 9 19.12 9 20.5S10.12 23 11.5 23 14 21.88 14 20.5 12.88 18 11.5 18Z",Nb1="M20.84 22.73L20.32 22.21C19.86 22.69 19.22 23 18.5 23C17.12 23 16 21.88 16 20.5C16 19.78 16.31 19.14 16.79 18.68L15.11 17H3V4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M19.5 12.95C18.55 10.9 15.82 10.56 13.91 10.05C13.45 10.03 13 9.77 12.6 9.4L20 16.79C20 15.45 20.06 13.76 19.5 12.95M9.2 6L10.2 7H11.5V6H9.2M12.56 9.36C12.18 9 11.9 8.5 11.82 8H11.2L12.56 9.36M11.5 18C10.12 18 9 19.12 9 20.5C9 21.88 10.12 23 11.5 23S14 21.88 14 20.5C14 19.12 12.88 18 11.5 18M9 5H11.5V2H5.2L8.5 5.32C8.59 5.13 8.77 5 9 5M4.5 18C3.12 18 2 19.12 2 20.5C2 21.88 3.12 23 4.5 23S7 21.88 7 20.5C7 19.12 5.88 18 4.5 18Z",Wb1="M19.46,8.64C19.46,11.11 18.11,13.26 16.12,14.4C16,14.5 15.93,14.66 16,14.81L19.41,21.55C19.5,21.76 19.36,22 19.13,22H6.1L6.17,21.96C6.66,21.68 10.06,14.97 13.38,11.79C16.7,8.61 17.12,9.67 15.29,6.21C15.29,6.21 16.7,8.96 15.5,9.17C14.56,9.34 12.4,7.25 13.2,5.37C14,3.53 17.15,3.88 18.6,5.38C19.15,6.34 19.46,7.45 19.46,8.64M7.16,13.13C5.84,15.56 5,17.33 4.54,18.57V2.31C4.54,2.14 4.68,2 4.85,2H12.92C15.26,2.04 17.31,3.28 18.46,5.15C17.62,4.1 16.3,3.5 15,3.5C12.53,3.5 11.91,4.4 7.16,13.13Z",Ib1="M19.89 5H18.5V7C18.5 8.38 17.38 9.5 16 9.5S13.5 8.38 13.5 7V5.25C13.5 5.11 13.39 5 13.25 5H10.75C10.61 5 10.5 5.11 10.5 5.25V7C10.5 8.38 9.38 9.5 8 9.5S5.5 8.38 5.5 7V5H4.11C3 4.97 2.03 5.87 2 7V19C2.03 20.13 3 21.03 4.11 21H19.89C21 21.03 21.97 20.13 22 19V7C21.97 5.87 21 4.97 19.89 5M7 18H5V16H7V18M7 14H5V12H7V14M11 18H9V16H11V18M11 14H9V12H11V14M15 18H13V16H15V18M15 14H13V12H15V14M19 18H17V16H19V18M19 14H17V12H19V14M16 8C15.45 8 15 7.55 15 7V4C15 3.45 15.45 3 16 3C16.55 3 17 3.45 17 4V7C17 7.55 16.55 8 16 8M8 8C7.45 8 7 7.55 7 7V4C7 3.45 7.45 3 8 3C8.55 3 9 3.45 9 4V7C9 7.55 8.55 8 8 8Z",Gb1="M7 18H5V16H7V18M7 14H5V12H7V14M11 18H9V16H11V18M11 14H9V12H11V14M15 18H13V16H15V18M15 14H13V12H15V14M19 18H17V16H19V18M19 14H17V12H19V14M16 8C15.45 8 15 7.55 15 7V4C15 3.45 15.45 3 16 3C16.55 3 17 3.45 17 4V7C17 7.55 16.55 8 16 8M8 8C7.45 8 7 7.55 7 7V4C7 3.45 7.45 3 8 3C8.55 3 9 3.45 9 4V7C9 7.55 8.55 8 8 8M19.89 5H18.5V7C18.5 8.38 17.38 9.5 16 9.5S13.5 8.38 13.5 7V5.25C13.5 5.11 13.39 5 13.25 5H10.75C10.61 5 10.5 5.11 10.5 5.25V7C10.5 8.38 9.38 9.5 8 9.5S5.5 8.38 5.5 7V5H4.11C3 4.97 2.03 5.87 2 7V19C2.03 20.13 3 21.03 4.11 21H19.89C21 21.03 21.97 20.13 22 19V7C21.97 5.87 21 4.97 19.89 5M20 19H4V11H20V19Z",Qb1="M14 7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14Z",Ub1="M9 7L11 12L9 17H11L12 14.5L13 17H15L13 12L15 7H13L12 9.5L11 7H9Z",zb1="M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17Z",_b1="M9 7V9H8V15H9V17H5V15H6V9H5V7H9M14 7V9H13V15H14V17H10V15H11V9H10V7H14M19 7V9H18V15H19V17H15V15H16V9H15V7H19Z",Kb1="M12 7L14 17H16L18 7H16L15 12L14 7H12M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11Z",jb1="M9 7L11 17H13L15 7H13L12 12L11 7H9Z",qb1="M6 7L8 17H10L12 7H10L9 12L8 7H6M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17Z",$b1="M4 7L6 17H8L10 7H8L7 12L6 7H4M15 7V9H14V15H15V17H11V15H12V9H11V7H15M20 7V9H19V15H20V17H16V15H17V9H16V7H20Z",Xb1="M1 7L3 17H5L7 7H5L4 12L3 7H1M12 7V9H11V15H12V17H8V15H9V9H8V7H12M17 7V9H16V15H17V17H13V15H14V9H13V7H17M22 7V9H21V15H22V17H18V15H19V9H18V7H22Z",Yb1="M11 7V9H10V15H11V17H7V15H8V9H7V7H11M12 7L14 12L12 17H14L15 14.5L16 17H18L16 12L18 7H16L15 9.5L14 7H12Z",Jb1="M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7C14,7.24 13.96,7.47 13.88,7.69C17.95,8.5 21,11.91 21,16H3C3,11.91 6.05,8.5 10.12,7.69C10.04,7.47 10,7.24 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M22,19H2V17H22V19Z",Cy1="M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7C14,7.24 13.96,7.47 13.88,7.69C17.95,8.5 21,11.91 21,16H3C3,11.91 6.05,8.5 10.12,7.69C10.04,7.47 10,7.24 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M22,19H2V17H22V19M12,9.5C8.89,9.5 6.25,11.39 5.34,14H18.66C17.75,11.39 15.11,9.5 12,9.5Z",Hy1="M12 7C6.5 7 2 9.2 2 12C2 14.2 4.9 16.1 9 16.8V20L13 16L9 12V14.7C5.8 14.1 4 12.8 4 12C4 10.9 7 9 12 9S20 10.9 20 12C20 12.7 18.5 13.9 16 14.5V16.6C19.5 15.8 22 14.1 22 12C22 9.2 17.5 7 12 7Z",Vy1="M7.47,21.5C4.2,19.94 1.86,16.76 1.5,13H0C0.5,19.16 5.66,24 11.95,24L12.61,23.97L8.8,20.16L7.47,21.5M8.36,14.96C8.17,14.96 8,14.93 7.84,14.88C7.68,14.82 7.55,14.75 7.44,14.64C7.33,14.54 7.24,14.42 7.18,14.27C7.12,14.13 7.09,13.97 7.09,13.8H5.79C5.79,14.16 5.86,14.5 6,14.75C6.14,15 6.33,15.25 6.56,15.44C6.8,15.62 7.07,15.76 7.38,15.85C7.68,15.95 8,16 8.34,16C8.71,16 9.06,15.95 9.37,15.85C9.69,15.75 9.97,15.6 10.2,15.41C10.43,15.22 10.62,15 10.75,14.69C10.88,14.4 10.95,14.08 10.95,13.72C10.95,13.53 10.93,13.34 10.88,13.16C10.83,13 10.76,12.81 10.65,12.65C10.55,12.5 10.41,12.35 10.25,12.22C10.08,12.09 9.88,12 9.64,11.91C9.84,11.82 10,11.71 10.16,11.58C10.31,11.45 10.43,11.31 10.53,11.16C10.63,11 10.7,10.86 10.75,10.7C10.8,10.54 10.82,10.38 10.82,10.22C10.82,9.86 10.76,9.54 10.64,9.26C10.5,9 10.35,8.75 10.13,8.57C9.93,8.38 9.66,8.24 9.36,8.14C9.05,8.05 8.71,8 8.34,8C8,8 7.65,8.05 7.34,8.16C7.04,8.27 6.77,8.42 6.55,8.61C6.34,8.8 6.17,9 6.04,9.28C5.92,9.54 5.86,9.82 5.86,10.13H7.16C7.16,9.96 7.19,9.81 7.25,9.68C7.31,9.55 7.39,9.43 7.5,9.34C7.61,9.25 7.73,9.17 7.88,9.12C8.03,9.07 8.18,9.04 8.36,9.04C8.76,9.04 9.06,9.14 9.25,9.35C9.44,9.55 9.54,9.84 9.54,10.21C9.54,10.39 9.5,10.55 9.46,10.7C9.41,10.85 9.32,10.97 9.21,11.07C9.1,11.17 8.96,11.25 8.8,11.31C8.64,11.37 8.44,11.4 8.22,11.4H7.45V12.43H8.22C8.44,12.43 8.64,12.45 8.82,12.5C9,12.55 9.15,12.63 9.27,12.73C9.39,12.84 9.5,12.97 9.56,13.13C9.63,13.29 9.66,13.5 9.66,13.7C9.66,14.11 9.54,14.42 9.31,14.63C9.08,14.86 8.76,14.96 8.36,14.96M16.91,9.04C16.59,8.71 16.21,8.45 15.77,8.27C15.34,8.09 14.85,8 14.31,8H11.95V16H14.25C14.8,16 15.31,15.91 15.76,15.73C16.21,15.55 16.6,15.3 16.92,14.97C17.24,14.64 17.5,14.24 17.66,13.78C17.83,13.31 17.92,12.79 17.92,12.21V11.81C17.92,11.23 17.83,10.71 17.66,10.24C17.5,9.77 17.23,9.37 16.91,9.04M16.5,12.2C16.5,12.62 16.47,13 16.38,13.33C16.28,13.66 16.14,13.95 15.95,14.18C15.76,14.41 15.5,14.59 15.24,14.71C14.95,14.83 14.62,14.89 14.25,14.89H13.34V9.12H14.31C15.03,9.12 15.58,9.35 15.95,9.81C16.33,10.27 16.5,10.93 16.5,11.8M11.95,0L11.29,0.03L15.1,3.84L16.43,2.5C19.7,4.06 22.04,7.23 22.39,11H23.89C23.39,4.84 18.24,0 11.95,0Z",Ly1="M12,5C16.97,5 21,7.69 21,11C21,12.68 19.96,14.2 18.29,15.29C19.36,14.42 20,13.32 20,12.13C20,9.29 16.42,7 12,7V10L8,6L12,2V5M12,19C7.03,19 3,16.31 3,13C3,11.32 4.04,9.8 5.71,8.71C4.64,9.58 4,10.68 4,11.88C4,14.71 7.58,17 12,17V14L16,18L12,22V19Z",My1="M13,4.07V1L8.45,5.55L13,10V6.09C15.84,6.57 18,9.03 18,12C18,14.97 15.84,17.43 13,17.91V19.93C16.95,19.44 20,16.08 20,12C20,7.92 16.95,4.56 13,4.07M7.1,18.32C8.26,19.22 9.61,19.76 11,19.93V17.9C10.13,17.75 9.29,17.41 8.54,16.87L7.1,18.32M6.09,13H4.07C4.24,14.39 4.79,15.73 5.69,16.89L7.1,15.47C6.58,14.72 6.23,13.88 6.09,13M7.11,8.53L5.7,7.11C4.8,8.27 4.24,9.61 4.07,11H6.09C6.23,10.13 6.58,9.28 7.11,8.53Z",Ay1="M4,2H7A2,2 0 0,1 9,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 7,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M20,15A2,2 0 0,1 22,17V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H11V15H20M14,4A8,8 0 0,1 22,12L21.94,13H19.92L20,12A6,6 0 0,0 14,6V9L10,5L14,1V4Z",iy1="M8,14.25L4.75,11H7C7.25,5.39 9.39,1 12,1C14,1 15.77,3.64 16.55,7.45C20.36,8.23 23,10 23,12C23,13.83 20.83,15.43 17.6,16.3L17.89,14.27C19.8,13.72 21,12.91 21,12C21,10.94 19.35,10 16.87,9.5C16.95,10.29 17,11.13 17,12C17,18.08 14.76,23 12,23C10.17,23 8.57,20.83 7.7,17.6L9.73,17.89C10.28,19.8 11.09,21 12,21C13.66,21 15,16.97 15,12C15,11 14.95,10.05 14.85,9.15C13.95,9.05 13,9 12,9L10.14,9.06L10.43,7.05L12,7C12.87,7 13.71,7.05 14.5,7.13C14,4.65 13.06,3 12,3C10.46,3 9.18,6.5 9,11H11.25L8,14.25M14.25,16L11,19.25V17C5.39,16.75 1,14.61 1,12C1,10.17 3.17,8.57 6.4,7.7L6.11,9.73C4.2,10.28 3,11.09 3,12C3,13.54 6.5,14.82 11,15V12.75L14.25,16Z",ry1="M16.89,15.5L18.31,16.89C19.21,15.73 19.76,14.39 19.93,13H17.91C17.77,13.87 17.43,14.72 16.89,15.5M13,17.9V19.92C14.39,19.75 15.74,19.21 16.9,18.31L15.46,16.87C14.71,17.41 13.87,17.76 13,17.9M19.93,11C19.76,9.61 19.21,8.27 18.31,7.11L16.89,8.53C17.43,9.28 17.77,10.13 17.91,11M15.55,5.55L11,1V4.07C7.06,4.56 4,7.92 4,12C4,16.08 7.05,19.44 11,19.93V17.91C8.16,17.43 6,14.97 6,12C6,9.03 8.16,6.57 11,6.09V10L15.55,5.55Z",ay1="M10,4V1L14,5L10,9V6A6,6 0 0,0 4,12L4.08,13H2.06L2,12A8,8 0 0,1 10,4M17,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H17A2,2 0 0,1 15,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 17,2M4,15H13V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V17A2,2 0 0,1 4,15Z",ey1="M19,19H21V21H19V19M19,17H21V15H19V17M3,13H5V11H3V13M3,17H5V15H3V17M3,9H5V7H3V9M3,5H5V3H3V5M7,5H9V3H7V5M15,21H17V19H15V21M11,21H13V19H11V21M15,21H17V19H15V21M7,21H9V19H7V21M3,21H5V19H3V21M21,8A5,5 0 0,0 16,3H11V5H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,8V13H21V8Z",dy1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.58 20 4 16.42 4 12C4 7.58 7.58 4 12 4C16.42 4 20 7.58 20 12C20 16.42 16.42 20 12 20M13 13V16H15L12 19L9 16H11V13M5 13H8V15L11 12L8 9V11H5M11 11V8H9L12 5L15 8H13V11M19 11H16V9L13 12L16 15V13H19",my1="M5 9C3.9 9 3 9.9 3 11V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V11C21 9.9 20.11 9 19 9H5M6 12H8V14H6V12M9.5 12H11.5V14H9.5V12M13 12H15V14H13V12Z",ty1="M21 3.1L20.2 3.9C19 2.8 17.5 2.2 16 2.2C14.5 2.2 13 2.8 11.8 3.9L11 3.1C12.4 1.7 14.2 1 16 1C17.8 1 19.6 1.7 21 3.1M16 3.3C17.2 3.3 18.4 3.8 19.3 4.7L18.5 5.5C17.8 4.8 16.9 4.5 16 4.5C15.1 4.5 14.2 4.8 13.5 5.5L12.7 4.7C13.6 3.8 14.8 3.3 16 3.3M17 10H19C19.53 10 20.04 10.21 20.41 10.59C20.79 10.96 21 11.47 21 12V14C21 14.53 20.79 15.04 20.41 15.41C20.04 15.79 19.53 16 19 16H13V18H14C14.55 18 15 18.45 15 19H22V21H15C15 21.55 14.55 22 14 22H10C9.45 22 9 21.55 9 21H2V19H9C9 18.45 9.45 18 10 18H11V16H5C4.47 16 3.96 15.79 3.59 15.41C3.21 15.04 3 14.53 3 14V12C3 11.47 3.21 10.96 3.59 10.59C3.96 10.21 4.47 10 5 10H15V6H17V10M5 14H7V12H5V14M8.5 14H10.5V12H8.5V14M12 14H14V12H12V14Z",vy1="M20.2,5.9L21,5.1C19.6,3.7 17.8,3 16,3C14.2,3 12.4,3.7 11,5.1L11.8,5.9C13,4.8 14.5,4.2 16,4.2C17.5,4.2 19,4.8 20.2,5.9M19.3,6.7C18.4,5.8 17.2,5.3 16,5.3C14.8,5.3 13.6,5.8 12.7,6.7L13.5,7.5C14.2,6.8 15.1,6.5 16,6.5C16.9,6.5 17.8,6.8 18.5,7.5L19.3,6.7M19,13H17V9H15V13H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,15V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13M8,18H6V16H8V18M11.5,18H9.5V16H11.5V18M15,18H13V16H15V18Z",ly1="M11.8 5.9L11 5.1C12.4 3.7 14.2 3 16 3S19.6 3.7 21 5.1L20.2 5.9C19 4.8 17.5 4.2 16 4.2S13 4.8 11.8 5.9M21 15C21 13.9 20.1 13 19 13H17V9H15V11.8L21 17.8V15M18.5 7.5L19.3 6.7C18.4 5.8 17.2 5.3 16 5.3S13.6 5.8 12.7 6.7L13.5 7.5C14.2 6.8 15.1 6.5 16 6.5C16.9 6.5 17.8 6.8 18.5 7.5M22.1 21.5L20.8 22.8L19.1 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V15C3 13.9 3.9 13 5 13H11.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M8 16H6V18H8V16M11.5 16H9.5V18H11.5V16M15 16.9L14.1 16H13V18H15V16.9Z",oy1="M20.2,4.9C19,3.8 17.5,3.2 16,3.2C14.5,3.2 13,3.8 11.8,4.9L11,4.1C12.4,2.7 14.2,2 16,2C17.8,2 19.6,2.7 21,4.1L20.2,4.9M19.3,5.7L18.5,6.5C17.8,5.8 16.9,5.5 16,5.5C15.1,5.5 14.2,5.8 13.5,6.5L12.7,5.7C13.6,4.8 14.8,4.3 16,4.3C17.2,4.3 18.4,4.8 19.3,5.7M19,12A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 5,12H15V8H17V12H19M8,17V15H6V17H8M11.5,17V15H9.5V17H11.5M15,17V15H13V17H15M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",ny1="M11,10H5L3,8L5,6H11V3L12,2L13,3V4H19L21,6L19,8H13V10H19L21,12L19,14H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V10Z",Zy1="M16.5 13H15V16.69L18.19 18.53L18.94 17.23L16.5 15.82V13M16 9C14.04 9 12.27 9.82 11 11.12V7H17L19 5L17 3H11V2L10 1L9 2V6H3L1 8L3 10H9V20C7.9 20 7 20.9 7 22H12.41C13.46 22.63 14.69 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16S19.87 9 16 9M16 20.85C13.32 20.85 11.15 18.68 11.15 16S13.32 11.15 16 11.15 20.85 13.32 20.85 16 18.68 20.85 16 20.85Z",Sy1="M8.5,14.5L4,19L5.5,20.5L9,17H11L8.5,14.5M15,1A2,2 0 0,0 13,3A2,2 0 0,0 15,5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3A2,2 0 0,0 15,1M21,21L18,24L15,21V19.5L7.91,12.41C7.6,12.46 7.3,12.5 7,12.5V10.32C8.66,10.35 10.61,9.45 11.67,8.28L13.07,6.73C13.26,6.5 13.5,6.35 13.76,6.23C14.05,6.09 14.38,6 14.72,6H14.75C16,6 17,7 17,8.26V14C17,14.85 16.65,15.62 16.08,16.17L12.5,12.59V10.32C11.87,10.84 11.07,11.34 10.21,11.71L16.5,18H18L21,21Z",uy1="M6.18,15.64A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 8.36,17.82C8.36,19 7.38,20 6.18,20C5,20 4,19 4,17.82A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 6.18,15.64M4,4.44A15.56,15.56 0 0,1 19.56,20H16.73A12.73,12.73 0 0,0 4,7.27V4.44M4,10.1A9.9,9.9 0 0,1 13.9,20H11.07A7.07,7.07 0 0,0 4,12.93V10.1Z",cy1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M7.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,15M6,10V12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18H14A8,8 0 0,0 6,10M6,6V8A10,10 0 0,1 16,18H18A12,12 0 0,0 6,6Z",sy1="M2.5,3.77L3.78,2.5L21.5,20.22L20.23,21.5L18.73,20H16.73C16.73,19.25 16.67,18.5 16.54,17.81L6.19,7.46C5.5,7.33 4.75,7.27 4,7.27V5.27L2.5,3.77M6.18,15.64A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 8.36,17.82C8.36,19 7.38,20 6.18,20C5,20 4,19 4,17.82A2.18,2.18 0 0,1 6.18,15.64M4,10.1A9.9,9.9 0 0,1 13.9,20H11.07A7.07,7.07 0 0,0 4,12.93V10.1M9.13,5.31C13.59,6.87 17.13,10.41 18.69,14.87L9.13,5.31Z",Oy1="M12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12S10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12 13.11 14 12 14M23 19H1V17H4V15H1V13H4V11H1V9H4V7H1V5H23V7H20V9H23V11H20V13H23V15H20V17H23V19M12 15.92C12.62 16.62 13.66 16.81 14.5 16.33C15.34 15.85 15.69 14.84 15.4 13.96C16.31 13.78 17 12.97 17 12S16.31 10.22 15.4 10.04C15.69 9.16 15.34 8.15 14.5 7.67C13.66 7.19 12.62 7.38 12 8.08C11.38 7.38 10.34 7.19 9.5 7.67C8.66 8.15 8.31 9.16 8.61 10.04C7.69 10.22 7 11.03 7 12S7.69 13.78 8.61 13.96C8.31 14.84 8.66 15.85 9.5 16.33C10.34 16.82 11.38 16.62 12 15.92Z",hy1="M16.22,16.22C18.25,14.19 19.33,11.5 19.45,8.2C18.36,10.61 16.81,12.81 14.81,14.81C12.81,16.81 10.61,18.36 8.2,19.45C11.5,19.36 14.16,18.28 16.22,16.22M7.78,7.78C5.75,9.81 4.67,12.5 4.55,15.8C5,14.8 5.7,13.65 6.61,12.35C7.5,11.05 8.38,10 9.19,9.19C11.19,7.19 13.39,5.64 15.8,4.55C12.5,4.64 9.84,5.72 7.78,7.78M20.5,3.5C21,4.05 21.34,5.11 21.47,6.7C21.59,8.3 21.35,10.16 20.74,12.3C20.13,14.45 19.11,16.23 17.67,17.67C16.36,19 14.8,19.95 13,20.55C11.21,21.16 9.44,21.47 7.69,21.47C5.56,21.47 4.17,21.14 3.5,20.5C3,19.95 2.66,18.89 2.53,17.3C2.41,15.7 2.65,13.84 3.26,11.7C3.87,9.55 4.89,7.77 6.33,6.33C7.64,5 9.2,4.05 11,3.45C12.79,2.84 14.56,2.53 16.31,2.53C18.44,2.53 19.83,2.86 20.5,3.5Z",py1="M1.39,18.36L3.16,16.6L4.58,18L5.64,16.95L4.22,15.54L5.64,14.12L8.11,16.6L9.17,15.54L6.7,13.06L8.11,11.65L9.53,13.06L10.59,12L9.17,10.59L10.59,9.17L13.06,11.65L14.12,10.59L11.65,8.11L13.06,6.7L14.47,8.11L15.54,7.05L14.12,5.64L15.54,4.22L18,6.7L19.07,5.64L16.6,3.16L18.36,1.39L22.61,5.64L5.64,22.61L1.39,18.36Z",fy1="M3,5V21H9V19.5H7V18H9V16.5H5V15H9V13.5H7V12H9V10.5H5V9H9V5H10.5V9H12V7H13.5V9H15V5H16.5V9H18V7H19.5V9H21V3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5M6,7A1,1 0 0,1 5,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6A1,1 0 0,1 6,7Z",gy1="M20 19.88V22L18.2 20.83L13.41 11.83A4.94 4.94 0 0 0 15.19 10.83M15 7A3 3 0 0 1 12 10A3.27 3.27 0 0 1 11.56 10L5.8 20.83L4 22V19.88L9.79 9A3 3 0 0 1 12 4V2A1 1 0 0 1 13 3V4.18A3 3 0 0 1 15 7M13 7A1 1 0 1 0 12 8A1 1 0 0 0 13 7M4.22 10L6 11.8L4.56 14.56L2.1 12.1M12 17.76L10.5 16.25L9 19L12 22L15 19L13.53 16.23M19.78 10L18 11.8L19.5 14.56L21.9 12.1Z",ky1="M13.5,5.5C14.59,5.5 15.5,4.58 15.5,3.5C15.5,2.38 14.59,1.5 13.5,1.5C12.39,1.5 11.5,2.38 11.5,3.5C11.5,4.58 12.39,5.5 13.5,5.5M9.89,19.38L10.89,15L13,17V23H15V15.5L12.89,13.5L13.5,10.5C14.79,12 16.79,13 19,13V11C17.09,11 15.5,10 14.69,8.58L13.69,7C13.29,6.38 12.69,6 12,6C11.69,6 11.5,6.08 11.19,6.08L6,8.28V13H8V9.58L9.79,8.88L8.19,17L3.29,16L2.89,18L9.89,19.38Z",By1="M16.5,5.5A2,2 0 0,0 18.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,0 16.5,1.5A2,2 0 0,0 14.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,0 16.5,5.5M12.9,19.4L13.9,15L16,17V23H18V15.5L15.9,13.5L16.5,10.5C17.89,12.09 19.89,13 22,13V11C20.24,11.03 18.6,10.11 17.7,8.6L16.7,7C16.34,6.4 15.7,6 15,6C14.7,6 14.5,6.1 14.2,6.1L9,8.3V13H11V9.6L12.8,8.9L11.2,17L6.3,16L5.9,18L12.9,19.4M4,9A1,1 0 0,1 3,8A1,1 0 0,1 4,7H7V9H4M5,5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4A1,1 0 0,1 5,3H10V5H5M3,13A1,1 0 0,1 2,12A1,1 0 0,1 3,11H7V13H3Z",Py1="M20 8H22V6L20 4H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 6V15A2 2 0 0 0 3 17H4A3 3 0 0 0 7 20A3 3 0 0 0 10 17H15A3 3 0 0 0 21 17H23V12M7 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 15.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 18.5M9 12H3V9H9M14 15H11V9H14M18 18.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 19.5 17A1.54 1.54 0 0 1 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12Z",wy1="M16,9C20,11 21,18 21,18C21,18 22,22 16,22C10,22 8,22 8,22C2,22 3,18 3,18C3,18 4,11 8,9M14,4L12,2L10,4L6,2L8,7H16L18,2L14,4Z",Fy1="M19 18.28V18.05C18.95 17.88 18.9 17.63 18.83 17.32C18.69 16.69 18.46 15.85 18.13 14.95C17.5 13.23 16.58 11.74 15.47 11H8.53C7.42 11.74 6.5 13.23 5.87 14.95C5.54 15.85 5.31 16.69 5.17 17.32C5.1 17.63 5.05 17.88 5 18.05V18.29L4.97 18.39L4.95 18.45C4.94 18.5 4.94 18.55 4.94 18.63C4.94 18.79 4.97 18.96 5.04 19.11C5.09 19.21 5.5 20 8 20H16C18.5 20 18.91 19.21 18.96 19.11C19.03 18.96 19.06 18.79 19.06 18.63C19.06 18.55 19.06 18.5 19.05 18.45L19.03 18.39L19 18.29V18.28M3 18C3 18 4 11 8 9H16C20 11 21 18 21 18C21 18 22 22 16 22H8C2 22 3 18 3 18M10 4L12 2L14 4L18 2L16 7H8L6 2L10 4Z",Ty1="M8,7L6,2L10,4L12,2L14,4L18,2L16,7H8M16,22C10,22 8,22 8,22C2,22 3,18 3,18C3,18 4,11 8,9H16C20,11 21,18 21,18C21,18 22,22 16,22M7.5,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,12.5M16.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,18.5M16.5,12.35L15.15,11L7.5,18.65L8.87,20L16.5,12.35Z",by1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19V20H6V19H17V20H19V19A2,2 0 0,0 21,17V16H22V14H21V9H22V7H21V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4H4M4,6H19V17H4V6M13.5,7.5A4,4 0 0,0 9.5,11.5A4,4 0 0,0 13.5,15.5A4,4 0 0,0 17.5,11.5A4,4 0 0,0 13.5,7.5M5,9V14H7V9H5M13.5,9.5A2,2 0 0,1 15.5,11.5A2,2 0 0,1 13.5,13.5A2,2 0 0,1 11.5,11.5A2,2 0 0,1 13.5,9.5Z",yy1="M20 2C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H19V23H15V22H9V23H5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20M17 12C17 11 16.7 10 16.2 9.2L17.7 7.7L16.3 6.3L14.8 7.8C14 7.3 13 7 12 7C11 7 10 7.3 9.2 7.8L7.8 6.3L6.3 7.8L7.8 9.3C7.3 10 7 11 7 12C7 13 7.3 14 7.8 14.8L6.3 16.3L7.8 17.7L9.3 16.2C10 16.7 11 17 12 17C13 17 14 16.7 14.8 16.2L16.3 17.7L17.7 16.3L16.2 14.8C16.7 14 17 13 17 12M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12C15 13.7 13.7 15 12 15C10.3 15 9 13.7 9 12C9 10.3 10.3 9 12 9M12 14C13.1 14 14 13.1 14 12C14 10.9 13.1 10 12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12C10 13.1 10.9 14 12 14Z",Ry1="M10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10C13.1 10 14 10.9 14 12C14 13.1 13.1 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.1 10 12M7.8 17.7L6.3 16.3L7.8 14.8C7.3 14 7 13 7 12C7 11 7.3 10 7.8 9.3L6.3 7.8L7.8 6.3L9.2 7.8C10 7.3 11 7 12 7C13 7 14 7.3 14.8 7.8L16.3 6.3L17.7 7.7L16.2 9.2C16.7 10 17 11 17 12C17 13 16.7 14 16.2 14.8L17.7 16.3L16.3 17.7L14.8 16.2C14 16.7 13 17 12 17C11 17 10 16.7 9.3 16.2L7.8 17.7M12 9C10.3 9 9 10.3 9 12C9 13.7 10.3 15 12 15C13.7 15 15 13.7 15 12C15 10.3 13.7 9 12 9M20 2C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4V20C22 21.1 21.1 22 20 22H19V23H15V22H9V23H5V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20M20 20V4H4V20H20Z",xy1="M18,9C19.11,9 20,9.89 20,11V14C20,15.11 19.11,16 18,16H15.77L14.53,14.77C13.78,14 12.77,13.6 11.7,13.6C10.63,13.6 9.63,14 8.87,14.77L7.64,16H6C4.89,16 4,15.11 4,14V11C4,9.89 4.89,9 6,9H18M18,7H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,11H2L1,11V14H2V14A4,4 0 0,0 6,18H8.5C8.54,17.94 8.59,17.88 10.29,16.18C10.68,15.79 11.19,15.6 11.7,15.6C12.22,15.6 12.73,15.79 13.12,16.18L14.91,18H18A4,4 0 0,0 22,14H22L23,14V11H22V11A4,4 0 0,0 18,7Z",Dy1="M3 13.5L11 2.03V13.5H3M12.5 13.5C13.85 9.75 13.67 4.71 12.5 1C17.26 2.54 20.9 8.4 20.96 13.5H12.5M21.1 17.08C20.69 17.72 20.21 18.27 19.65 18.74C19 18.45 18.42 18 17.96 17.5C16.47 19.43 13.46 19.43 11.97 17.5C10.5 19.43 7.47 19.43 6 17.5C5.5 18 4.95 18.45 4.3 18.74C3.16 17.8 2.3 16.46 2 15H21.94C21.78 15.75 21.5 16.44 21.1 17.08M20.96 23C19.9 23 18.9 22.75 17.96 22.25C16.12 23.25 13.81 23.25 11.97 22.25C10.13 23.25 7.82 23.25 6 22.25C4.77 22.94 3.36 23.05 2 23V21C3.41 21.05 4.77 20.9 6 20C7.74 21.25 10.21 21.25 11.97 20C13.74 21.25 16.2 21.25 17.96 20C19.17 20.9 20.54 21.05 21.94 21V23H20.96Z",Ey1="M20.96 21C19.9 21 18.9 20.74 17.96 20.24C16.12 21.24 13.81 21.24 11.97 20.24C10.13 21.24 7.82 21.24 6 20.24C4.77 20.93 3.36 21.04 2 21V19C3.41 19.04 4.77 18.89 6 18C7.74 19.24 10.21 19.24 11.97 18C13.74 19.24 16.2 19.24 17.96 18C19.17 18.89 20.54 19.04 21.94 19V21H20.96M22 3.5L7.11 5.96L13.11 12.17L22 3.5M10.81 16.36L11.97 15.54L13.12 16.36C13.65 16.72 14.3 16.93 14.97 16.93C15.12 16.93 15.28 16.91 15.43 16.89L5.2 6.31C4.29 7.65 3.9 9.32 4 10.92L9.74 16.83C10.13 16.74 10.5 16.58 10.81 16.36Z",Ny1="M18.65,2.85L19.26,6.71L22.77,8.5L21,12L22.78,15.5L19.24,17.29L18.63,21.15L14.74,20.54L11.97,23.3L9.19,20.5L5.33,21.14L4.71,17.25L1.22,15.47L3,11.97L1.23,8.5L4.74,6.69L5.35,2.86L9.22,3.5L12,0.69L14.77,3.46L18.65,2.85M9.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 11,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,7M14.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,14M8.41,17L17,8.41L15.59,7L7,15.59L8.41,17Z",Wy1="M9.5 7C10.33 7 11 7.67 11 8.5C11 9.33 10.33 10 9.5 10C8.67 10 8 9.33 8 8.5C8 7.67 8.67 7 9.5 7M14.5 14C15.33 14 16 14.67 16 15.5C16 16.33 15.33 17 14.5 17C13.67 17 13 16.33 13 15.5C13 14.67 13.67 14 14.5 14M8.41 17L7 15.59L15.59 7L17 8.41L8.41 17M18.65 2.85L19.26 6.71L22.77 8.5L21 12L22.78 15.5L19.24 17.29L18.63 21.15L14.74 20.54L11.97 23.31L9.19 20.5L5.33 21.14L4.71 17.25L1.22 15.47L3 11.97L1.23 8.5L4.74 6.69L5.35 2.87L9.22 3.5L12 .695L14.76 3.46L18.65 2.85M20.1 9.37L17.5 8L17 5.11L14.1 5.53L12 3.5L9.9 5.53L7 5.11L6.5 8L3.9 9.37L5.2 12L3.9 14.63L6.5 16L7 18.89L9.9 18.47L12 20.5L14.1 18.47L17 18.89L17.5 16L20.1 14.63L18.8 12L20.1 9.37Z",Iy1="M18.38,6.37C17.68,6.37 17.07,6.58 16.47,6.78C15.77,5.57 14.46,4.77 13.05,4.77C11.95,4.77 10.95,5.27 10.24,5.97C9.44,4.97 8.23,4.26 6.83,4.26C4.5,4.26 2.5,6.17 2.5,8.5C2.5,9.09 2.71,9.69 2.91,10.29C1.8,10.9 1,12.1 1,13.5C1,15.5 2.61,17.22 4.62,17.22C4.92,17.22 5.22,17.22 5.42,17.12C5.82,18.63 7.33,19.74 9.14,19.74C10.84,19.74 12.25,18.73 12.75,17.32C13.26,17.53 13.76,17.73 14.26,17.73C15.57,17.73 16.77,17 17.37,15.92C17.68,16 18,16 18.28,16C20.89,16 23,13.91 23,11.2C23.1,8.5 21,6.37 18.38,6.37Z",Gy1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M10,15.33C10.16,15.87 10.14,16.37 10,16.83C10,16.88 9.96,16.93 9.94,17C9.92,17 9.9,17.07 9.87,17.12C9.76,17.36 9.6,17.59 9.41,17.79C8.83,18.43 8,18.67 7.67,18.47C7.29,18.25 7.5,17.35 8.16,16.64C8.88,15.88 9.92,15.38 9.92,15.38V15.38L10,15.33M18.27,6.28C17.82,4.5 14.87,3.92 12.09,4.91C10.43,5.5 8.63,6.42 7.34,7.63C5.81,9.07 5.56,10.32 5.66,10.84C6,12.68 8.54,13.89 9.58,14.78V14.79C9.28,14.94 7.04,16.07 6.5,17.23C5.96,18.45 6.6,19.33 7,19.45C8.34,19.81 9.69,19.16 10.41,18.07C11.11,17.03 11.06,15.68 10.75,15C11.17,14.9 11.66,14.85 12.28,14.92C14.04,15.13 14.38,16.22 14.31,16.68C14.25,17.14 13.88,17.39 13.76,17.47C13.64,17.54 13.6,17.57 13.61,17.63C13.62,17.71 13.68,17.71 13.78,17.69C13.93,17.66 14.71,17.32 14.74,16.47C14.78,15.39 13.75,14.19 11.93,14.22C11.18,14.24 10.71,14.31 10.37,14.44L10.29,14.35C9.16,13.15 7.08,12.3 7.17,10.68C7.2,10.09 7.4,8.55 11.17,6.67C14.25,5.13 16.72,5.55 17.15,6.5C17.76,7.83 15.83,10.32 12.63,10.68C11.41,10.82 10.76,10.34 10.6,10.17C10.43,10 10.41,9.97 10.35,10C10.24,10.07 10.31,10.23 10.35,10.33C10.44,10.58 10.84,11 11.5,11.24C12.09,11.43 13.53,11.54 15.26,10.87C17.2,10.12 18.72,8.03 18.27,6.28Z",Qy1="M5,18L8.5,13.5L11,16.5L14.5,12L19,18M5,12V10A5,5 0 0,0 10,5H12A7,7 0 0,1 5,12M5,5H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,8M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",Uy1="M11.86,2L11.34,3.93C15.75,4.78 19.2,8.23 20.05,12.65L22,12.13C20.95,7.03 16.96,3.04 11.86,2M10.82,5.86L10.3,7.81C13.34,8.27 15.72,10.65 16.18,13.68L18.12,13.16C17.46,9.44 14.55,6.5 10.82,5.86M3.72,9.69C3.25,10.73 3,11.86 3,13C3,14.95 3.71,16.82 5,18.28V22H8V20.41C8.95,20.8 9.97,21 11,21C12.14,21 13.27,20.75 14.3,20.28L3.72,9.69M9.79,9.76L9.26,11.72A3,3 0 0,1 12.26,14.72L14.23,14.2C14,11.86 12.13,10 9.79,9.76Z",zy1="M11.62,1L17.28,6.67L15.16,8.79L13.04,6.67L11.62,8.09L13.95,10.41L12.79,11.58L13.24,12.04C14.17,11.61 15.31,11.77 16.07,12.54L12.54,16.07C11.77,15.31 11.61,14.17 12.04,13.24L11.58,12.79L10.41,13.95L8.09,11.62L6.67,13.04L8.79,15.16L6.67,17.28L1,11.62L3.14,9.5L5.26,11.62L6.67,10.21L3.84,7.38C3.06,6.6 3.06,5.33 3.84,4.55L4.55,3.84C5.33,3.06 6.6,3.06 7.38,3.84L10.21,6.67L11.62,5.26L9.5,3.14L11.62,1M18,14A4,4 0 0,1 14,18V16A2,2 0 0,0 16,14H18M22,14A8,8 0 0,1 14,22V20A6,6 0 0,0 20,14H22Z",_y1="M19 5.3C20.2 5.8 21 7.1 21 8.5C21 15.4 15.4 21 8.5 21C7.1 21 5.9 20.2 5.3 19L3 20.5V14.5L5.3 16C5.9 14.8 7.1 14 8.5 14C11.5 14 14 11.5 14 8.5C14 7.1 14.8 5.9 16 5.3L14.5 3H20.5L19 5.3Z",Ky1="M20.8 22.7L16.3 18.2C14.2 19.9 11.4 21 8.5 21C7.1 21 5.9 20.2 5.3 19L3 20.5V14.5L5.3 16C5.8 14.8 7.1 14 8.5 14C9.5 14 10.5 13.7 11.3 13.2L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M21 8.5C21 7.1 20.2 5.9 19 5.3L20.5 3H14.5L16 5.3C14.8 5.8 14 7.1 14 8.5C14 9.2 13.9 9.8 13.6 10.4L18.7 15.6C20.2 13.6 21 11.1 21 8.5Z",jy1="M20,15C20,15 18.6,16.3 21.1,17L18.3,19.8H15.5C15.5,19.8 13.6,19.7 15,22H11L9,20C9,20 7.7,18.6 7,21.1L4.2,18.3V15.5C4.2,15.5 4.3,13.6 2,15V11L4,9C4,9 5.4,7.7 2.8,7.1L5.6,4.2H8.5C8.5,4.2 10.4,4.3 9,2H13L15,4C15,4 16.3,5.4 17,2.8L19.8,5.6V8.5C19.8,8.5 19.7,10.4 22,9V13L20,15M14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12Z",qy1="M11 22V6.83L2 16V13.17L13 2V17.17L22 8V10.83L11 22Z",$y1="M4,2A1,1 0 0,0 3,3A1,1 0 0,0 4,4A3,3 0 0,1 7,7V8.66L7,15.5C7,19.1 9.9,22 13.5,22C17.1,22 20,19.1 20,15.5V13A1,1 0 0,0 21,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11H14A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 14,13V15A1,1 0 0,1 13,16A1,1 0 0,1 12,15V11A1,1 0 0,0 13,10A1,1 0 0,0 12,9V8A1,1 0 0,0 13,7A1,1 0 0,0 12,6V5.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,2H4Z",Xy1="M8.46,15.06L7.05,16.47L5.68,15.1C4.82,16.21 4.24,17.54 4.06,19H6V21H2V20C2,15.16 5.44,11.13 10,10.2V8.2L2,5V3H22V5L14,8.2V10.2C18.56,11.13 22,15.16 22,20V21H18V19H19.94C19.76,17.54 19.18,16.21 18.32,15.1L16.95,16.47L15.54,15.06L16.91,13.68C15.8,12.82 14.46,12.24 13,12.06V14H11V12.06C9.54,12.24 8.2,12.82 7.09,13.68L8.46,15.06M12,18A2,2 0 0,1 14,20A2,2 0 0,1 12,22C11.68,22 11.38,21.93 11.12,21.79L7.27,20L11.12,18.21C11.38,18.07 11.68,18 12,18Z",Yy1="M12,3C10.73,3 9.6,3.8 9.18,5H3V7H4.95L2,14C1.53,16 3,17 5.5,17C8,17 9.56,16 9,14L6.05,7H9.17C9.5,7.85 10.15,8.5 11,8.83V20H2V22H22V20H13V8.82C13.85,8.5 14.5,7.85 14.82,7H17.95L15,14C14.53,16 16,17 18.5,17C21,17 22.56,16 22,14L19.05,7H21V5H14.83C14.4,3.8 13.27,3 12,3M12,5A1,1 0 0,1 13,6A1,1 0 0,1 12,7A1,1 0 0,1 11,6A1,1 0 0,1 12,5M5.5,10.25L7,14H4L5.5,10.25M18.5,10.25L20,14H17L18.5,10.25Z",Jy1="M5,2H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 5,2M12,4A4,4 0 0,0 8,8H11.26L10.85,5.23L12.9,8H16A4,4 0 0,0 12,4M5,10V20H19V10H5Z",CR1="M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H18V19.89L12.11 14H11V12.89L10.31 12.2A7.92 7.92 0 0 0 7.09 13.68L8.46 15.06L7.05 16.47L5.68 15.1A7.94 7.94 0 0 0 4.06 19H6V21H2V20A10 10 0 0 1 8.68 10.57L3.85 5.74L2 5V3.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73M21.91 18.71A10 10 0 0 0 14 10.2V8.2L22 5V3H6.2M12 18A1.84 1.84 0 0 0 11.12 18.21L7.27 20L11.12 21.79A1.84 1.84 0 0 0 12 22A2 2 0 0 0 12 18Z",HR1="M13 20V8.8C13.5 8.6 14 8.3 14.3 7.9L17.8 9.2L14.9 16C14.4 18 15.9 19 18.4 19S22.5 18 21.9 16L19.3 9.7L20.2 10L20.9 8.1L15 6C15 4.8 14.3 3.6 13 3.1C11.8 2.6 10.5 3.1 9.7 4L3.9 2L3.2 3.8L4.8 4.4L2.1 11C1.6 13 3.1 14 5.6 14S9.7 13 9.1 11L6.6 5.1L9 6C9 7.2 9.7 8.4 11 8.9V20H2V22H22V20H13M19.9 16H16.9L18.4 12.2L19.9 16M7.1 11H4.1L5.6 7.2L7.1 11M11.1 5.7C11.3 5.2 11.9 4.9 12.4 5.1S13.2 5.9 13 6.4 12.2 7.2 11.7 7 10.9 6.2 11.1 5.7Z",VR1="M0 2A2 2 0 0 1 2 0H6V2H2V6H0V2M24 22A2 2 0 0 1 22 24H18V22H22V18H24V22M2 24A2 2 0 0 1 0 22V18H2V22H6V24H2M22 0A2 2 0 0 1 24 2V6H22V2H18V0H22Z",LR1="M4.2,10.7L19.8,5L20.5,6.9L6.4,12H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V12.5C3,11.7 3.5,10.9 4.2,10.7M17,17H19V15H17V17M5,17H15V15H5V17Z",MR1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L16.73,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V12.5C3,11.7 3.5,10.9 4.2,10.7L6.57,9.84L2,5.27M6.4,12H8.73L8.11,11.38L6.4,12M5,15V17H13.73L11.73,15H5M19.8,5L20.5,6.9L11.85,10.03L10.3,8.47L19.8,5M19,12A2,2 0 0,1 21,14V18C21,18.34 20.91,18.66 20.76,18.94L19,17.18V15H16.82L13.82,12H19Z",AR1="M7,11A3,3 0 0,1 10,14A3,3 0 0,1 7,17A3,3 0 0,1 4,14A3,3 0 0,1 7,11M11,3A3,3 0 0,1 14,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,9A3,3 0 0,1 8,6A3,3 0 0,1 11,3M16.6,14.6C18.25,14.6 19.6,15.94 19.6,17.6A3,3 0 0,1 16.6,20.6C14.94,20.6 13.6,19.25 13.6,17.6A3,3 0 0,1 16.6,14.6Z",iR1="M7,18A4,4 0 0,1 3,14A4,4 0 0,1 7,10A4,4 0 0,1 11,14A4,4 0 0,1 7,18M7,12A2,2 0 0,0 5,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,16A2,2 0 0,0 9,14A2,2 0 0,0 7,12M11,10A4,4 0 0,1 7,6A4,4 0 0,1 11,2A4,4 0 0,1 15,6A4,4 0 0,1 11,10M11,4A2,2 0 0,0 9,6A2,2 0 0,0 11,8A2,2 0 0,0 13,6A2,2 0 0,0 11,4M16.6,21.6C14.39,21.6 12.6,19.81 12.6,17.6A4,4 0 0,1 16.6,13.6C18.81,13.6 20.6,15.39 20.6,17.6A4,4 0 0,1 16.6,21.6M16.6,15.6A2,2 0 0,0 14.6,17.6C14.6,18.7 15.5,19.6 16.6,19.6A2,2 0 0,0 18.6,17.6C18.6,16.5 17.7,15.6 16.6,15.6Z",rR1="M17.5 5.1C18.5 6.4 19 7.6 19 9C19 10.7 18.3 12.3 16.6 14.1C14.7 16.1 13 18.3 13 20.5C13 20.9 13.1 21.3 13.2 21.8C13.2 21.9 13.2 22 13.1 22.1C13 22.2 12.9 22.1 12.9 22C11.9 20.7 11.4 19.5 11.4 18.1C11.4 16.4 12.1 14.8 13.8 13C15.7 11 17.4 8.8 17.4 6.6C17.4 6.2 17.3 5.8 17.2 5.3C17.2 5.2 17.2 5.1 17.3 5C17.4 5 17.4 5 17.5 5.1M9.7 2.1C10.4 3 10.7 4 10.7 4.9C10.7 6.2 10.1 7.4 8.9 8.7C7.5 10.2 6.2 11.9 6.2 13.5C6.2 13.8 6.3 14.2 6.4 14.4C6.4 14.5 6.4 14.5 6.3 14.6C6.2 14.7 6.1 14.6 6.1 14.6C5.3 13.6 5 12.6 5 11.7C5 10.4 5.6 9.2 6.8 7.9C8.2 6.4 9.5 4.7 9.5 3.1C9.5 2.8 9.4 2.4 9.3 2.2V2C9.5 2 9.6 2 9.7 2.1M10.1 9.9C12 7.9 13.7 5.7 13.7 3.5C13.7 3.1 13.6 2.7 13.5 2.2C13.5 2.1 13.5 2 13.6 1.9C13.7 1.8 13.8 1.9 13.8 2C14.8 3.3 15.3 4.5 15.3 5.9C15.3 7.6 14.6 9.2 12.9 11C11 13 9.3 15.2 9.3 17.4C9.3 17.8 9.4 18.2 9.5 18.7C9.5 18.8 9.5 18.9 9.4 19C9.3 19.1 9.2 19 9.2 18.9C8.2 17.6 7.7 16.4 7.7 15C7.7 13.3 8.4 11.7 10.1 9.9Z",aR1="M14.6 16.5C13.7 17.8 13 19.2 13 20.5C13 20.9 13.1 21.3 13.2 21.8C13.2 21.9 13.2 22 13.1 22.1C13 22.2 12.9 22.1 12.9 22C11.9 20.7 11.4 19.5 11.4 18.1C11.4 16.9 11.8 15.7 12.6 14.5L11.2 13.1C10.1 14.5 9.4 16 9.4 17.5C9.4 17.9 9.5 18.3 9.6 18.8C9.6 18.9 9.6 19 9.5 19.1C9.4 19.2 9.3 19.1 9.3 19C8.3 17.7 7.8 16.5 7.8 15.1C7.8 13.8 8.3 12.5 9.3 11.1L7.9 9.8C6.9 11 6.2 12.2 6.2 13.4C6.2 13.7 6.3 14.1 6.4 14.3C6.4 14.4 6.4 14.4 6.3 14.5C6.2 14.6 6.1 14.5 6.1 14.5C5.3 13.6 5 12.6 5 11.7C5 10.6 5.5 9.5 6.4 8.4L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7L14.6 16.5M10.2 7C10.6 6.3 10.8 5.6 10.8 4.9C10.8 4 10.5 3 9.7 2.1C9.6 2 9.5 2 9.4 2C9.3 2 9.4 2.1 9.4 2.2C9.5 2.5 9.6 2.8 9.6 3.1C9.6 3.9 9.3 4.7 8.8 5.5L10.2 7M17.3 6.5C17.3 8.2 16.2 10 14.8 11.6L16.8 13.6C18.3 12.1 19 10.6 19 9C19 7.7 18.5 6.4 17.5 5.1C17.4 5 17.4 5 17.3 5C17.2 5.1 17.2 5.2 17.2 5.3C17.2 5.7 17.3 6.1 17.3 6.5M13.5 10.3C14.7 8.8 15.3 7.4 15.3 5.9C15.3 4.6 14.8 3.3 13.8 2H13.6C13.5 2.1 13.5 2.2 13.5 2.3C13.6 2.7 13.7 3.1 13.7 3.6C13.7 5.2 12.8 6.8 11.5 8.4L13.5 10.3Z",eR1="M12,3L1,9L12,15L21,10.09V17H23V9M5,13.18V17.18L12,21L19,17.18V13.18L12,17L5,13.18Z",dR1="M12 3L1 9L5 11.18V17.18L12 21L19 17.18V11.18L21 10.09V17H23V9L12 3M18.82 9L12 12.72L5.18 9L12 5.28L18.82 9M17 16L12 18.72L7 16V12.27L12 15L17 12.27V16Z",mR1="M11,21H7V19H11V21M15.5,19H17V21H13V19H13.2L11.8,12.9L9.3,13.5C9.2,14 9,14.4 8.8,14.8C7.9,16.3 6,16.7 4.5,15.8C3,14.9 2.6,13 3.5,11.5C4.4,10 6.3,9.6 7.8,10.5C8.2,10.7 8.5,11.1 8.7,11.4L11.2,10.8L10.6,8.3C10.2,8.2 9.8,8 9.4,7.8C8,6.9 7.5,5 8.4,3.5C9.3,2 11.2,1.6 12.7,2.5C14.2,3.4 14.6,5.3 13.7,6.8C13.5,7.2 13.1,7.5 12.8,7.7L15.5,19M7,11.8C6.3,11.3 5.3,11.6 4.8,12.3C4.3,13 4.6,14 5.3,14.4C6,14.9 7,14.7 7.5,13.9C7.9,13.2 7.7,12.2 7,11.8M12.4,6C12.9,5.3 12.6,4.3 11.9,3.8C11.2,3.3 10.2,3.6 9.7,4.3C9.3,5 9.5,6 10.3,6.5C11,6.9 12,6.7 12.4,6M12.8,11.3C12.6,11.2 12.4,11.2 12.3,11.4C12.2,11.6 12.2,11.8 12.4,11.9C12.6,12 12.8,12 12.9,11.8C13.1,11.6 13,11.4 12.8,11.3M21,8.5L14.5,10L15,12.2L22.5,10.4L23,9.7L21,8.5M23,19H19V21H23V19M5,19H1V21H5V19Z",tR1="M7.82 19H15V18C15 15.79 16.79 14 19 14H19.74L17.84 5.56C17.63 4.65 16.82 4 15.89 4H12V6H15.89L17.29 12.25H17.28C15.12 12.9 13.47 14.73 13.09 17H7.82C7.34 15.66 5.96 14.76 4.4 15.06C3.22 15.29 2.27 16.26 2.05 17.44C1.7 19.34 3.16 21 5 21C6.3 21 7.4 20.16 7.82 19M5 19C4.45 19 4 18.55 4 18S4.45 17 5 17 6 17.45 6 18 5.55 19 5 19M19 15C17.34 15 16 16.34 16 18S17.34 21 19 21 22 19.66 22 18 20.66 15 19 15M19 19C18.45 19 18 18.55 18 18S18.45 17 19 17 20 17.45 20 18 19.55 19 19 19Z",vR1="M7.82 16H15V15C15 12.79 16.79 11 19 11H19.74L17.84 2.56C17.63 1.65 16.82 1 15.89 1H12V3H15.89L17.29 9.25H17.28C15.12 9.9 13.47 11.73 13.09 14H7.82C7.34 12.66 5.96 11.76 4.4 12.06C3.22 12.29 2.27 13.26 2.05 14.44C1.7 16.34 3.16 18 5 18C6.3 18 7.4 17.16 7.82 16M5 16C4.45 16 4 15.55 4 15S4.45 14 5 14 6 14.45 6 15 5.55 16 5 16M19 12C17.34 12 16 13.34 16 15S17.34 18 19 18 22 16.66 22 15 20.66 12 19 12M19 16C18.45 16 18 15.55 18 15S18.45 14 19 14 20 14.45 20 15 19.55 16 19 16M11 20H7L13 23V21H17L11 18V20Z",lR1="M6 9H8V15H6V9M16 9H18V15H16V9M21 3C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5V19C23 20.1 22.1 21 21 21H3C1.9 21 1 20.1 1 19V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H21M5 7C4.4 7 4 7.4 4 8V16C4 16.6 4.4 17 5 17H9C9.6 17 10 16.6 10 16V8C10 7.4 9.6 7 9 7H5M15 7C14.4 7 14 7.4 14 8V16C14 16.6 14.4 17 15 17H19C19.6 17 20 16.6 20 16V8C20 7.4 19.6 7 19 7H15M12 11C12.6 11 13 10.6 13 10C13 9.4 12.6 9 12 9C11.4 9 11 9.4 11 10C11 10.6 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 14.6 13 14C13 13.4 12.6 13 12 13C11.4 13 11 13.4 11 14C11 14.6 11.4 15 12 15Z",oR1="M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H21C22.1 21 23 20.1 23 19V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3M21 19H3V5H21M5 7H9C9.6 7 10 7.4 10 8V16C10 16.6 9.6 17 9 17H5C4.4 17 4 16.6 4 16V8C4 7.4 4.4 7 5 7M6 9V15H8V9M15 7H19C19.6 7 20 7.4 20 8V16C20 16.6 19.6 17 19 17H15C14.4 17 14 16.6 14 16V8C14 7.4 14.4 7 15 7M16 9V15H18V9M12 11C12.6 11 13 10.6 13 10C13 9.4 12.6 9 12 9C11.4 9 11 9.4 11 10C11 10.6 11.4 11 12 11M12 15C12.6 15 13 14.6 13 14C13 13.4 12.6 13 12 13C11.4 13 11 13.4 11 14C11 14.6 11.4 15 12 15Z",nR1="M7.5,21.5C4.25,19.94 1.91,16.76 1.55,13H0.05C0.56,19.16 5.71,24 12,24L12.66,23.97L8.85,20.16M14.83,21.19L2.81,9.17L9.17,2.81L21.19,14.83M10.23,1.75C9.64,1.16 8.69,1.16 8.11,1.75L1.75,8.11C1.16,8.7 1.16,9.65 1.75,10.23L13.77,22.25C14.36,22.84 15.31,22.84 15.89,22.25L22.25,15.89C22.84,15.3 22.84,14.35 22.25,13.77L10.23,1.75M16.5,2.5C19.75,4.07 22.09,7.24 22.45,11H23.95C23.44,4.84 18.29,0 12,0L11.34,0.03L15.15,3.84L16.5,2.5Z",ZR1="M16.8,2.5C16.8,1.56 17.56,0.8 18.5,0.8C19.44,0.8 20.2,1.56 20.2,2.5V3H16.8V2.5M16,9H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,8V4A1,1 0 0,0 21,3V2.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18.5,0A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 16,2.5V3A1,1 0 0,0 15,4V8A1,1 0 0,0 16,9M8.47,20.5C5.2,18.94 2.86,15.76 2.5,12H1C1.5,18.16 6.66,23 12.95,23L13.61,22.97L9.8,19.15L8.47,20.5M23.25,12.77L20.68,10.2L19.27,11.61L21.5,13.83L15.83,19.5L4.5,8.17L10.17,2.5L12.27,4.61L13.68,3.2L11.23,0.75C10.64,0.16 9.69,0.16 9.11,0.75L2.75,7.11C2.16,7.7 2.16,8.65 2.75,9.23L14.77,21.25C15.36,21.84 16.31,21.84 16.89,21.25L23.25,14.89C23.84,14.3 23.84,13.35 23.25,12.77Z",SR1="M13.5,17V19L12,22L10.5,19L13.5,17M14.5,6.3L13.5,7V6H10.5V9L9.5,9.7V10.7L14.5,7.4V6.3M14.5,10.3L13.5,11V9L10.5,11V13L9.5,13.7V14.7L14.5,11.4V10.3M14.5,14.3L13.5,15V13L10.5,15V17L9.5,17.7V18.7L14.5,15.4V14.3M8,2C8,2 7,2 7,3L10,5H14L17,3C17,3 17,2 16,2C15,2 8,2 8,2Z",uR1="M10,19.3L14,16.6V20L12,22L10,20V19.3M14,12.7L10,15.4V17.4L9,18V19L15,15.1V14L14,14.7V12.7M7,2V5H17V2H7M9,6V9L10,9.7V13.4L9,14V15L15,11.1V10L14,10.7C14,10.7 14,10.3 14,9.7L15,9V6H9Z",cR1="M14.5,7.3L13.5,8V7H10.5V10L9.5,10.7V11.7L14.5,8.4V7.3M14.5,11.3L13.5,12V10L10.5,12V14L9.5,14.7V15.7L14.5,12.4V11.3M14.5,15.3L13.5,16V14L10.5,16V18L9.5,18.7V19.7L14.5,16.4V15.3M8,3C8,3 7,3 7,4L10,6H14L17,4C17,4 17,3 16,3C15,3 8,3 8,3M13.5,18V21H10.5V20L13.5,18Z",sR1="M14.5,7.3L13.5,8V7H10.5V10L9.5,10.7V11.7L14.5,8.4V7.3M14.5,11.3L13.5,12V10L10.5,12V14L9.5,14.7V15.7L14.5,12.4V11.3M14.5,15.3L13.5,16V14L10.5,16V18L9.5,18.7V19.7L14.5,16.4V15.3M7,6H17C17,6 16,3 12,3C8,3 7,6 7,6M13.5,18V21H10.5V20L13.5,18Z",OR1="M13.5,17V19L12,22L10.5,19L13.5,17M14.5,6.3L13.5,7V6H10.5V9L9.5,9.7V10.7L14.5,7.4V6.3M14.5,10.3L13.5,11V9L10.5,11V13L9.5,13.7V14.7L14.5,11.4V10.3M14.5,14.3L13.5,15V13L10.5,15V17L9.5,17.7V18.7L14.5,15.4V14.3M7,5H17C17,5 16,2 12,2C8,2 7,5 7,5Z",hR1="M18,1.83C17.5,1.83 17,2 16.59,2.41C13.72,5.28 8,11 8,11L9.5,12.5L6,16H4L2,20L4,22L8,20V18L11.5,14.5L13,16C13,16 18.72,10.28 21.59,7.41C22.21,6.5 22.37,5.37 21.59,4.59L19.41,2.41C19,2 18.5,1.83 18,1.83M18,4L20,6L13,13L11,11L18,4Z",pR1="M17.8,20C17.4,21.2 16.3,22 15,22H5C3.3,22 2,20.7 2,19V18H5L14.2,18C14.6,19.2 15.7,20 17,20H17.8M19,2H8C6.3,2 5,3.3 5,5V16H16V17C16,17.6 16.4,18 17,18H18V5C18,4.4 18.4,4 19,4C19.6,4 20,4.4 20,5V6H22V5C22,3.3 20.7,2 19,2Z",fR1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 16,19V4H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,5V16H5V5A3,3 0 0,1 8,2H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V6H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5V9L18,19A3,3 0 0,1 15,22H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,19V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,20Z",gR1="M17.8,20C17.4,21.2 16.3,22 15,22H5C3.3,22 2,20.7 2,19V18H5L14.2,18C14.6,19.2 15.7,20 17,20H17.8M19,2C20.7,2 22,3.3 22,5V6H20V5C20,4.4 19.6,4 19,4C18.4,4 18,4.4 18,5V18H17C16.4,18 16,17.6 16,17V16H5V5C5,3.3 6.3,2 8,2H19M8,6V8H15V6H8M8,10V12H14V10H8Z",kR1="M17.8 19C17.4 17.8 16.3 17 15 17C13.3 17 12 18.3 12 20S13.3 23 15 23C16.3 23 17.4 22.2 17.8 21H19V23H21V21H23V19H17.8M15 21.3C14.3 21.3 13.7 20.7 13.7 20S14.3 18.7 15 18.7 16.3 19.3 16.3 20 15.7 21.3 15 21.3M15 15C16.1 15 17.2 15.4 18 16V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H12C12.8 15.4 13.9 15 15 15M8 6H15V8H8V6M8 10H14V12H8V10M10.4 22H5C3.3 22 2 20.7 2 19V18H10.4C10.1 18.6 10 19.3 10 20S10.1 21.4 10.4 22",BR1="M17.8 19C17.4 17.8 16.3 17 15 17C13.3 17 12 18.3 12 20S13.3 23 15 23C16.3 23 17.4 22.2 17.8 21H19V23H21V21H23V19H17.8M15 21.3C14.3 21.3 13.7 20.7 13.7 20S14.3 18.7 15 18.7 16.3 19.3 16.3 20 15.7 21.3 15 21.3M9 10H14V12H9V10M9 6H14V8H9V6M7 5C7 4.4 7.4 4 8 4H16V15.1C16.7 15.3 17.4 15.6 18 16V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H7V5M10 20C10 19.3 10.1 18.6 10.4 18H2V19C2 20.7 3.3 22 5 22H10.4C10.1 21.4 10 20.7 10 20M9 16H12C12.6 15.6 13.3 15.2 14 15.1V14H9V16Z",PR1="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 16,19V4H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,5V16H5V5A3,3 0 0,1 8,2H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V6H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4A1,1 0 0,0 18,5V9L18,19A3,3 0 0,1 15,22H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,19V18H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,20M9,6H14V8H9V6M9,10H14V12H9V10M9,14H14V16H9V14Z",wR1="M13.8 22H5C3.3 22 2 20.7 2 19V18H13.1C13 18.3 13 18.7 13 19C13 20.1 13.3 21.1 13.8 22M13.8 16H5V5C5 3.3 6.3 2 8 2H19C20.7 2 22 3.3 22 5V6H20V5C20 4.4 19.6 4 19 4S18 4.4 18 5V13.1C16.2 13.4 14.7 14.5 13.8 16M8 8H15V6H8V8M8 12H14V10H8V12M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",FR1="M9 14H14V15.7C13.9 15.8 13.9 15.9 13.8 16H9V14M9 12H14V10H9V12M9 8H14V6H9V8M7 5C7 4.4 7.4 4 8 4H16V13.8C16.6 13.4 17.3 13.2 18 13.1V5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4S20 4.4 20 5V6H22V5C22 3.3 20.7 2 19 2H8C6.3 2 5 3.3 5 5V16H7V5M13 19V18.4 18H2V19C2 20.7 3.3 22 5 22H13.8C13.3 21.1 13 20.1 13 19M17 16V22L22 19L17 16Z",TR1="M18,8H16V4H18M15,8H13V4H15M12,8H10V4H12M18,2H10L4,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18A2,2 0 0,0 20,20V4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2Z",bR1="M20.39,19.37L16.38,18L15,22L11.92,16L9,22L7.62,18L3.61,19.37L6.53,13.37C5.57,12.17 5,10.65 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9C19,10.65 18.43,12.17 17.47,13.37L20.39,19.37M7,9L9.69,10.34L9.5,13.34L12,11.68L14.5,13.33L14.33,10.34L17,9L14.32,7.65L14.5,4.67L12,6.31L9.5,4.65L9.67,7.66L7,9Z",yR1="M17.71 6.15C17.46 5.38 16.79 5.21 16.45 4.77C16.14 4.31 16.18 3.62 15.53 3.15S14.23 2.92 13.7 2.77 12.81 2 12 2 10.82 2.58 10.3 2.77 9.13 2.67 8.47 3.15 7.86 4.31 7.55 4.77C7.21 5.21 6.55 5.38 6.29 6.15S6.5 7.45 6.5 8 6 9.08 6.29 9.85 7.21 10.79 7.55 11.23C7.86 11.69 7.82 12.38 8.47 12.85S9.77 13.08 10.3 13.23 11.19 14 12 14 13.18 13.42 13.7 13.23 14.87 13.33 15.53 12.85 16.14 11.69 16.45 11.23C16.79 10.79 17.45 10.62 17.71 9.85S17.5 8.55 17.5 8 18 6.92 17.71 6.15M12 12A4 4 0 1 1 16 8A4 4 0 0 1 12 12M14 8A2 2 0 1 1 12 6A2 2 0 0 1 14 8M13.71 15.56L13.08 19.16L12.35 23.29L9.74 20.8L6.44 22.25L7.77 14.75A4 4 0 0 0 9.66 15.17A4.15 4.15 0 0 0 11 15.85A3.32 3.32 0 0 0 12 16A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 13.71 15.56M17.92 18.78L15.34 17.86L15.85 14.92A3.2 3.2 0 0 0 16.7 14.47L16.82 14.37Z",RR1="M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,4.5L8.95,4.53C8.71,5.05 8.34,5.93 8.07,7H10.93C10.66,5.93 10.29,5.05 10.05,4.53C9.87,4.5 9.69,4.5 9.5,4.5M13.83,7C13.24,5.97 12.29,5.17 11.15,4.78C11.39,5.31 11.7,6.08 11.93,7H13.83M5.17,7H7.07C7.3,6.08 7.61,5.31 7.85,4.78C6.71,5.17 5.76,5.97 5.17,7M4.5,9.5C4.5,10 4.58,10.53 4.73,11H6.87L6.75,9.5L6.87,8H4.73C4.58,8.47 4.5,9 4.5,9.5M14.27,11C14.42,10.53 14.5,10 14.5,9.5C14.5,9 14.42,8.47 14.27,8H12.13C12.21,8.5 12.25,9 12.25,9.5C12.25,10 12.21,10.5 12.13,11H14.27M7.87,8L7.75,9.5L7.87,11H11.13C11.21,10.5 11.25,10 11.25,9.5C11.25,9 11.21,8.5 11.13,8H7.87M9.5,14.5C9.68,14.5 9.86,14.5 10.03,14.47C10.28,13.95 10.66,13.07 10.93,12H8.07C8.34,13.07 8.72,13.95 8.97,14.47L9.5,14.5M13.83,12H11.93C11.7,12.92 11.39,13.69 11.15,14.22C12.29,13.83 13.24,13.03 13.83,12M5.17,12C5.76,13.03 6.71,13.83 7.85,14.22C7.61,13.69 7.3,12.92 7.07,12H5.17Z",xR1="M4,18V21H7V18H17V21H20V15H4V18M19,10H22V13H19V10M2,10H5V13H2V10M17,13H7V5A2,2 0 0,1 9,3H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,5V13Z",DR1="M22,11V13H9V7H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,11M2,14V16H8V18H16V16H22V14M7.14,12.1C8.3,10.91 8.28,9 7.1,7.86C5.91,6.7 4,6.72 2.86,7.9C1.7,9.09 1.72,11 2.9,12.14C4.09,13.3 6,13.28 7.14,12.1Z",ER1="M22.25,14.29L21.56,16.18L9.2,11.71L11.28,6.05L19.84,9.14C21.94,9.9 23,12.2 22.25,14.29M1.5,12.14L8,14.5V19H16V17.37L20.5,19L21.21,17.11L2.19,10.25M7.3,10.2C8.79,9.5 9.42,7.69 8.71,6.2C8,4.71 6.2,4.08 4.7,4.8C3.21,5.5 2.58,7.3 3.3,8.8C4,10.29 5.8,10.92 7.3,10.2Z",NR1="M7,13A3,3 0 0,0 10,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,7A3,3 0 0,0 4,10A3,3 0 0,0 7,13M19,7H11V14H3V7H1V17H23V11A4,4 0 0,0 19,7Z",WR1="M4,12V3H2V12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H13V15H7A3,3 0 0,1 4,12M22.83,17.24C22.45,16.5 21.54,16.27 20.8,16.61L19.71,17.11L16.3,10.13C15.96,9.45 15.27,9 14.5,9H11V3H5V11A3,3 0 0,0 8,14H15L18.41,21L22.13,19.3C22.9,18.94 23.23,18 22.83,17.24Z",IR1="M5,12V3H3V12A5,5 0 0,0 8,17H14V15H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,12M20.5,18H19V11A2,2 0 0,0 17,9H12V3H6V11A3,3 0 0,0 9,14H16V21H20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 22,19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,18Z",GR1="M19.97,19.2C20.15,20.16 19.42,21 18.5,21H14V18L15,14H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,11V3H12V9H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,11L17,18H18.44C19.17,18 19.83,18.5 19.97,19.2M5,12V3H3V12A5,5 0 0,0 8,17H12V15H8A3,3 0 0,1 5,12Z",QR1="M15,5V12H9V5H15M15,3H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,5V14H17V5A2,2 0 0,0 15,3M22,10H19V13H22V10M5,10H2V13H5V10M20,15H4V21H6V17H18V21H20V15Z",UR1="M9 19H15V21H9C6.24 21 4 18.76 4 16V7H6V16C6 17.66 7.34 19 9 19M10.42 5.41C11.2 4.63 11.2 3.36 10.42 2.58C9.64 1.8 8.37 1.8 7.59 2.58C6.81 3.36 6.81 4.63 7.59 5.41C8.37 6.2 9.63 6.2 10.42 5.41M11.5 9C11.5 7.9 10.6 7 9.5 7H9C7.9 7 7 7.9 7 9V15C7 16.66 8.34 18 10 18H15.07L18.57 21.5L20 20.07L14.93 15H11.5L11.5 9Z",zR1="M5.35,5.64C4.45,5 4.23,3.76 4.86,2.85C5.5,1.95 6.74,1.73 7.65,2.36C8.55,3 8.77,4.24 8.14,5.15C7.5,6.05 6.26,6.27 5.35,5.64M16,19H8.93C7.45,19 6.19,17.92 5.97,16.46L4,7H2L4,16.76C4.37,19.2 6.47,21 8.94,21H16M16.23,15H11.35L10.32,10.9C11.9,11.79 13.6,12.44 15.47,12.12V10C13.84,10.3 12.03,9.72 10.78,8.74L9.14,7.47C8.91,7.29 8.65,7.17 8.38,7.09C8.06,7 7.72,6.97 7.39,7.03H7.37C6.14,7.25 5.32,8.42 5.53,9.64L6.88,15.56C7.16,17 8.39,18 9.83,18H16.68L20.5,21L22,19.5",_R1="M7.59,5.41C6.81,4.63 6.81,3.36 7.59,2.58C8.37,1.8 9.64,1.8 10.42,2.58C11.2,3.36 11.2,4.63 10.42,5.41C9.63,6.2 8.37,6.2 7.59,5.41M6,16V7H4V16A5,5 0 0,0 9,21H15V19H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,16M20,20.07L14.93,15H11.5V11.32C12.9,12.47 15.1,13.5 17,13.5V11.32C15.34,11.34 13.39,10.45 12.33,9.28L10.93,7.73C10.74,7.5 10.5,7.35 10.24,7.23C9.95,7.09 9.62,7 9.28,7H9.25C8,7 7,8 7,9.25V15A3,3 0 0,0 10,18H15.07L18.57,21.5",KR1="M12,2C13.11,2 14,2.9 14,4C14,5.11 13.11,6 12,6A2,2 0 0,1 10,4A2,2 0 0,1 12,2M12.39,14.79C14.03,14.79 15.46,14.89 16.64,15.04C16.7,12.32 16.46,9.92 16,9C15.87,8.73 15.69,8.5 15.5,8.3L7.43,15.22C8.79,15 10.5,14.79 12.39,14.79M7.46,17C7.59,18.74 7.85,20.5 8.27,22H10.34C10.05,21.12 9.84,20.09 9.68,19C9.68,19 12,18.56 14.32,19C14.16,20.09 13.95,21.12 13.66,22H15.73C16.17,20.45 16.43,18.61 16.56,16.79C15.41,16.65 14,16.54 12.39,16.54C10.46,16.54 8.78,16.75 7.46,17M12,7C12,7 9,7 8,9C7.66,9.68 7.44,11.15 7.37,12.96L13.92,7.34C12.93,7 12,7 12,7M18.57,5.67L17.43,4.34L13.92,7.35C14.47,7.54 15.05,7.84 15.5,8.3L18.57,5.67M20.67,15.83C20.58,15.8 19.14,15.33 16.64,15.04C16.63,15.61 16.6,16.2 16.56,16.79C18.81,17.07 20.1,17.5 20.12,17.5L20.67,15.83M7.37,12.96L3.43,16.34L4.32,17.82C4.34,17.81 5.5,17.36 7.46,17C7.35,15.59 7.32,14.2 7.37,12.96Z",jR1="M12,12H19C18.47,16.11 15.72,19.78 12,20.92V12H5V6.3L12,3.19M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.73 12,23C17.16,21.73 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",qR1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17.34C8.07,16.13 6,13 6,9.67V5.67L12,3L18,5.67V9.67C18,13 15.93,16.13 13,17.34V19M12,5L8,6.69V10H12V5M12,10V16C13.91,15.53 16,13.06 16,11V10H12Z",$R1="M20.7,3.3C20.7,3.3 19.3,3 17.2,3C11.7,3 1.6,5.1 3.2,20.8C4.3,20.9 5.4,21 6.4,21C24.3,21 20.7,3.3 20.7,3.3M7,17C7,17 7,7 17,7C17,7 11,9 7,17Z",XR1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.9 7.8C3.8 10.5 2.6 14.6 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C10.9 21 14.1 19.9 16.3 18.2L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M7 17C7 17 7 13.7 8.9 10.8L10.2 12.1C9.1 13.4 8 15 7 17M11.6 8.4L8.5 5.3C11.3 3.4 14.7 3 17.2 3C19.3 3 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S22.1 10.3 18.7 15.5L12.8 9.6C15.1 7.6 17 7 17 7C14.7 7 12.9 7.5 11.6 8.4Z",YR1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L5.9 7.8C3.8 10.5 2.6 14.6 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C10.9 21 14.1 19.9 16.3 18.2L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M6.4 19H5.1C4.9 14.8 5.6 11.5 7.3 9.2L8.9 10.8C7 13.7 7 17 7 17C8 15 9.1 13.4 10.2 12.1L14.8 16.7C12.8 18.2 10 19 6.4 19M10 6.8L8.5 5.3C11.3 3.4 14.7 3 17.2 3C19.3 3 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S22.1 10.3 18.7 15.5L17.2 14C19.1 10.9 19 7.1 18.9 5.1C18.4 5 17.8 5 17.2 5C15.1 5 12.3 5.3 10 6.8M12.8 9.6L11.6 8.4C12.9 7.5 14.7 7 17 7C17 7 15.1 7.6 12.8 9.6Z",JR1="M17.2,5V5C17.8,5 18.4,5 18.9,5.1C19.1,7.4 19.1,12 16.4,15.2C14.4,17.7 11,19 6.4,19C6,19 5.5,19 5.1,19C4.9,14.4 5.8,10.8 7.9,8.5C10.4,5.6 14.4,5 17.2,5M17.2,3C11.7,3 1.6,5.1 3.2,20.8C4.3,20.9 5.4,21 6.4,21C24.3,21 20.7,3.3 20.7,3.3C20.7,3.3 19.3,3 17.2,3M17,7C7,7 7,17 7,17C11,9 17,7 17,7Z",Cx1="M17 17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17V17M12 18C12 14.69 14.69 12 18 12C18.77 12 19.5 12.15 20.17 12.41C21.63 7.9 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S19.3 3 17.2 3C11.7 3 1.6 5.1 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C8.76 21 10.74 20.69 12.41 20.15C12.15 19.5 12 18.76 12 18M7 17C7 17 7 7 17 7C17 7 11 9 7 17Z",Hx1="M17.2 5C17.8 5 18.4 5 18.9 5.1C19.04 6.7 19.08 9.42 18.18 12C18.89 12 19.56 12.17 20.18 12.41C21.64 7.9 20.7 3.3 20.7 3.3S19.3 3 17.2 3C11.7 3 1.6 5.1 3.2 20.8C4.3 20.9 5.4 21 6.4 21C8.75 21 10.74 20.69 12.4 20.16C12.16 19.54 12 18.87 12 18.17C10.41 18.72 8.53 19 6.4 19H5.1C4.9 14.4 5.8 10.8 7.9 8.5C10.4 5.6 14.4 5 17.2 5M17 7C7 7 7 17 7 17C11 9 17 7 17 7M17 17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17V17Z",Vx1="M21.68 13.26L22.04 15.23L2.35 18.77L2 16.8L4.95 16.27L4.6 14.3C4.5 13.76 4.86 13.24 5.41 13.14C5.95 13.04 6.47 13.4 6.57 13.95L6.92 15.91L16.76 14.15L16.41 12.18C16.31 11.63 16.67 11.11 17.22 11C17.76 10.92 18.28 11.28 18.38 11.82L18.73 13.79L21.68 13.26M10.06 18.4L8 22H16L13.58 17.77L10.06 18.4Z",Lx1="M21,8H3V6H21M9,13H21V11H9M9,18H21V16H9",Mx1="M4,3H5V5H3V4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3M20,3A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V5H19V3H20M15,5V3H17V5H15M11,5V3H13V5H11M7,5V3H9V5H7M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H19V19H21V20M15,21V19H17V21H15M11,21V19H13V21H11M7,21V19H9V21H7M4,21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V19H5V21H4M3,15H5V17H3V15M21,15V17H19V15H21M3,11H5V13H3V11M21,11V13H19V11H21M3,7H5V9H3V7M21,7V9H19V7H21Z",Ax1="M9,9H15V15H9M7,17H17V7H7M15,5H17V3H15M15,21H17V19H15M19,17H21V15H19M19,9H21V7H19M19,21A2,2 0 0,0 21,19H19M19,13H21V11H19M11,21H13V19H11M9,3H7V5H9M3,17H5V15H3M5,21V19H3A2,2 0 0,0 5,21M19,3V5H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M13,3H11V5H13M3,9H5V7H3M7,21H9V19H7M3,13H5V11H3M3,5H5V3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5Z",ix1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.4 3.4 3 4 3M20 3C20.6 3 21 3.4 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.4 21 3 20.6 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19 22L22 19H20V15H18V19H16L19 22Z",rx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.4 3.4 3 4 3M20 3C20.6 3 21 3.4 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.4 21 3 20.6 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19 15L16 18H18V22H20V18H22L19 15Z",ax1="M3.88,3C3.38,3.06 3,3.5 3,4V4L3,5H4L5,5V4L5,3H4L3.88,3M7,3V5H9V3H7M11,3V5H13V3H11M15,3V5H17V3H15M19,3V4L19,5H20L21,5V4L21,3.88C20.94,3.38 20.5,3 20,3H19M3,7V9H5V7H3M19,7V9H21V7H19M3,11V13H5V11H3M19.31,12C19.18,12 19.05,12.05 18.95,12.14L17.39,13.71L16.43,12.75L15.72,13.46L16.43,14.17L11.97,18.63V21H14.35L18.8,16.54L19.5,17.25L20.22,16.54L19.26,15.58L20.82,14.03C21,13.83 21,13.5 20.82,13.31L19.65,12.14C19.56,12.05 19.44,12 19.31,12M3,15V17H5V15H3M17,15L17.97,15.97L13.93,20L12.97,19.04L17,15M3,19V20L3,20.12C3.06,20.62 3.5,21 4,21V21H5V20L5,19H4L3,19M7,19V21H9V19H7Z",ex1="M13,23H11V1H13V23M9,19H5V5H9V3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.9,21 5,21H9V19M19,7V9H21V7H19M19,5H21C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3V5M21,15H19V17H21V15M19,11V13H21V11H19M17,3H15V5H17V3M19,21C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19H19V21M17,19H15V21H17V19Z",dx1="M13,17H17V13H19V17H23V19H19V23H17V19H13V17M11,17V19H9V17H11M7,17V19H5V17H7M19,9V11H17V9H19M19,5V7H17V5H19M15,5V7H13V5H15M11,5V7H9V5H11M7,5V7H5V5H7M7,13V15H5V13H7M7,9V11H5V9H7Z",mx1="M5 3A2 2 0 0 0 3 5H5M7 3V5H9V3M11 3V5H13V3M15 3V5H17V3M19 3V5H21A2 2 0 0 0 19 3M3 7V9H5V7M7 7V11H11V7M13 7V11H17V7M19 7V9H21V7M3 11V13H5V11M19 11V13H21V11M7 13V17H11V13M13 13V17H17V13M3 15V17H5V15M19 15V17H21V15M3 19A2 2 0 0 0 5 21V19M7 19V21H9V19M11 19V21H13V19M15 19V21H17V19M19 19V21A2 2 0 0 0 21 19Z",tx1="M5,3H7V5H9V3H11V5H13V3H15V5H17V3H19V5H21V7H19V9H21V11H19V13H21V15H19V17H21V19H19V21H17V19H15V21H13V19H11V21H9V19H7V21H5V19H3V17H5V15H3V13H5V11H3V9H5V7H3V5H5V3Z",vx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M20 3C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M3 11H5V13H3V11M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M19.5 13C21.4 13 23 14.6 23 16.5C23 19.1 19.5 23 19.5 23C19.5 23 16 19.1 16 16.5C16 14.6 17.6 13 19.5 13M19.5 17.8C20.2 17.8 20.8 17.2 20.7 16.6C20.7 16 20.1 15.4 19.5 15.4C18.9 15.4 18.3 15.9 18.3 16.6C18.3 17.2 18.8 17.8 19.5 17.8Z",lx1="M18 12H20V14H18V12M14 16H16V18H14V16M20 17C20 17.55 19.55 18 19 18H18V16H20V17M7 4H8V6H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V6H18V4H19M14 6V4H16V6H14M10 6V4H12V6H10M10 18V16H12V18H10M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V16H8V18H7M6 12H8V14H6V12M6 8H8V10H6V8M20 8V10H18V8H20M3 8H4V20H16V21C16 21.54 15.57 22 15.03 22H15L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8Z",ox1="M7 4H8V6H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V6H18V4H19M14 6V4H16V6H14M10 6V4H12V6H10M10 18V16H12V18H10M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V16H8V18H7M6 12H8V14H6V12M6 8H8V10H6V8M20 8V10H18V8H20M3 8H4V20H14.58L16.03 22L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8Z",nx1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L21,21.72L19.73,23L17,20.27V21H15V19H15.73L5,8.27V9H3V7H3.73L1,4.27M20,3A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V5H19V3H20M15,5V3H17V5H15M11,5V3H13V5H11M7,5V3H9V5H7M11,21V19H13V21H11M7,21V19H9V21H7M4,21A1,1 0 0,1 3,20V19H5V21H4M3,15H5V17H3V15M21,15V17H19V15H21M3,11H5V13H3V11M21,11V13H19V11H21M21,7V9H19V7H21Z",Zx1="M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.5 3.5 3 4 3M20 3C20.5 3 21 3.5 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7M21 12C21 12.5 20.5 13 20 13H19V11H21V12M15 13V11H17V13H15M11 13V11H13V13H11M7 13V11H9V13H7M4 13C3.5 13 3 12.5 3 12V11H5V13H4M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M7 16L12 21L17 16H7Z",Sx1="M21 20C21 20.55 20.55 21 20 21H19V19H21V20M15 21V19H17V21H15M11 21V19H13V21H11M7 21V19H9V21H7M4 21C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19H5V21H4M3 15H5V17H3V15M21 15V17H19V15H21M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M3 11H5V13H3V11M21 11V13H19V11H21M3 7H5V9H3V7M21 7V9H19V7H21M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M20 3C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5H19V3H20M15 5V3H17V5H15M11 5V3H13V5H11M7 5V3H9V5H7Z",ux1="M19.31 18.9C19.75 18.21 20 17.38 20 16.5C20 14 18 12 15.5 12S11 14 11 16.5 13 21 15.5 21C16.37 21 17.19 20.75 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22L19.31 18.9M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M21 9H19V7H21V9M21 5H19V3H20C20.55 3 21 3.45 21 4V5M19 11.03V11H21V13H20.97C20.46 12.21 19.79 11.54 19 11.03M17 5H15V3H17V5M13 5H11V3H13V5M3 7H5V9H3V7M7 19H9V21H7V19M3 11H5V13H3V11M4 3H5V5H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3M9 5H7V3H9V5M3 19H5V21H4C3.45 21 3 20.55 3 20V19M3 15H5V17H3V15Z",cx1="M2,4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22,4V7H20V4H17V2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,20V17H22V20C22,21.11 21.1,22 20,22H17V20H20M2,20V17H4V20H7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20M10,2H14V4H10V2M10,20H14V22H10V20M20,10H22V14H20V10M2,10H4V14H2V10Z",sx1="M14,17H17V14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17M12,17V19H9V17H12M7,17V19H3V15H5V17H7M3,13V10H5V13H3M3,8V4H7V6H5V8H3M9,4H12V6H9V4M15,4H19V8H17V6H15V4M19,10V12H17V10H19Z",Ox1="M6.35,20.25L7.56,18.66C8.42,19.23 9.39,19.64 10.43,19.85L10.16,21.83C8.77,21.57 7.5,21 6.35,20.25M16.43,18.66L17.64,20.26C16.5,21.03 15.23,21.57 13.84,21.83L13.57,19.85C14.61,19.64 15.57,19.23 16.43,18.66M19.84,13.59L21.83,13.86C21.57,15.25 21,16.54 20.24,17.66L18.65,16.45C19.22,15.6 19.63,14.63 19.84,13.59M2.17,13.84L4.15,13.57C4.36,14.61 4.77,15.58 5.34,16.44L3.75,17.65C3,16.5 2.43,15.23 2.17,13.84M18.66,7.56L20.25,6.35C21.03,7.5 21.58,8.78 21.83,10.18L19.85,10.45C19.64,9.4 19.23,8.42 18.66,7.56M13.57,4.15L13.84,2.17C15.23,2.43 16.5,3 17.65,3.75L16.44,5.34C15.58,4.77 14.61,4.36 13.57,4.15M7.56,5.34L6.35,3.75C7.5,3 8.77,2.43 10.16,2.17L10.43,4.15C9.39,4.36 8.42,4.77 7.56,5.34M4.15,10.43L2.17,10.16C2.43,8.77 3,7.5 3.75,6.35L5.34,7.56C4.77,8.42 4.36,9.39 4.15,10.43Z",hx1="M11.2 4C9.94 4.12 8.72 4.53 7.64 5.2L6.64 3.47C7.95 2.64 9.45 2.13 11 2M17.53 6.25C16.62 5.39 15.53 4.73 14.34 4.33L15 2.39C16.5 2.84 17.89 3.66 19 4.78M5.34 7.41C4.64 8.44 4.19 9.6 4 10.83L2 10.55C2.2 9 2.79 7.5 3.7 6.23M22 12V12.66L20 12.5V12C20 10.92 19.81 9.86 19.39 8.86L21.22 8.06C21.75 9.31 22 10.65 22 12M6 17.3L4.5 18.61C3.47 17.43 2.72 16.04 2.3 14.53L4.17 14C4.53 15.22 5.16 16.35 6 17.3M12.14 22H12C10.5 22 9 21.68 7.64 21.07L8.53 19.24C9.62 19.75 10.8 20 12 20H12.19M17 21H15V15H21V17H18.42L21.14 19.76L19.73 21.17L17 18.5",px1="M6.35 20.25L7.56 18.66C8.42 19.23 9.39 19.64 10.43 19.85L10.16 21.83C8.77 21.57 7.5 21 6.35 20.25M16.43 18.66L17.64 20.26C16.5 21.03 15.23 21.57 13.84 21.83L13.57 19.85C14.61 19.64 15.57 19.23 16.43 18.66M19.84 13.59L21.83 13.86C21.57 15.25 21 16.54 20.24 17.66L18.65 16.45C19.22 15.6 19.63 14.63 19.84 13.59M2.17 13.84L4.15 13.57C4.36 14.61 4.77 15.58 5.34 16.44L3.75 17.65C3 16.5 2.43 15.23 2.17 13.84M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M18.66 7.56L20.25 6.35C21.03 7.5 21.58 8.78 21.83 10.18L19.85 10.45C19.64 9.4 19.23 8.42 18.66 7.56M4.15 10.43L2.17 10.16C2.43 8.77 3 7.5 3.75 6.35L5.34 7.56C4.77 8.42 4.36 9.39 4.15 10.43M13.57 4.15L13.84 2.17C15.23 2.43 16.5 3 17.65 3.75L16.44 5.34C15.58 4.77 14.61 4.36 13.57 4.15M7.56 5.34L6.35 3.75C7.5 3 8.77 2.43 10.16 2.17L10.43 4.15C9.39 4.36 8.42 4.77 7.56 5.34Z",fx1="M2 4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22 4V7H20V4H17V2H20C21.1 2 22 2.89 22 4M2 20V17H4V20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20M10 2H14V4H10V2M10 20H14V22H10V20M2 10H4V14H2V10M18.5 13C20.4 13 22 14.6 22 16.5C22 19.1 18.5 23 18.5 23C18.5 23 15 19.1 15 16.5C15 14.6 16.6 13 18.5 13M18.5 17.8C19.2 17.8 19.8 17.2 19.7 16.6C19.7 16 19.1 15.4 18.5 15.4C17.9 15.4 17.3 15.9 17.3 16.6C17.3 17.2 17.8 17.8 18.5 17.8M20 10H22V12.34C21.42 11.84 20.74 11.45 20 11.23V10Z",gx1="M11 6V4H15V6H11M6 9H8V13H6V9M6 6C6 4.89 6.9 4 8 4H9V6H8V7H6V6M8 18C6.89 18 6 17.1 6 16V15H8V16H9V18H8M18 4C19.11 4 20 4.9 20 6V7H18V6H17V4H18M15 16V18H11V16H15M20 13H18V9H20V13M20 16C20 17.11 19.1 18 18 18H17V16H18V15H20V16M3 8H4V20H16V21C16 21.54 15.57 22 15.03 22H15L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8Z",kx1="M7 4H9V6H8V7H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M19 4C19.55 4 20 4.45 20 5V7H18V6H17V4H19M11 6V4H15V6H11M7 18C6.45 18 6 17.55 6 17V15H8V16H9V18H7M6 9H8V13H6V9M3 8H4V20H14.58L16.03 22L3 22C2.45 22 2 21.55 2 21V9C2 8.45 2.45 8 3 8M18.5 12C20.4 12 22 13.6 22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22C18.5 22 15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12M18.5 16.8C19.2 16.8 19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4C17.9 14.4 17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8M11 18V16H13C13.09 16.66 13.27 17.33 13.5 18H11M20 9V10.23C19.5 10.08 19 10 18.5 10L18 10.03V9H20Z",Bx1="M0.5,3.77L1.78,2.5L21.5,22.22L20.23,23.5L18.73,22H17V20.27L3.73,7H2V5.27L0.5,3.77M4,2H7V4H5.82L3.83,2H4M22,4V7H20V4H17V2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4M20,17H22V20L22,20.17L20,18.18V17M2,20V17H4V20H7V22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20M10,2H14V4H10V2M10,20H14V22H10V20M20,10H22V14H20V10M2,10H4V14H2V10Z",Px1="M20 20V17H22V20C22 21.11 21.1 22 20 22H17V20H20M2 20V17H4V20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20M10 20H14V22H10V20M14.59 8L12 10.59L9.41 8L8 9.41L10.59 12L8 14.59L9.41 16L12 13.41L14.59 16L16 14.59L13.41 12L16 9.41L14.59 8M20 10H22V14H20V10M2 10H4V14H2V10M2 4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4M22 4V7H20V4H17V2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M10 2H14V4H10V2Z",wx1="M19.27 18.9C19.7 18.21 19.95 17.38 19.95 16.5C19.95 14 17.95 12 15.46 12S10.96 14 10.96 16.5 12.96 21 15.46 21C16.33 21 17.15 20.75 17.84 20.32L20.96 23.39L22.35 22L19.27 18.9M15.46 19C14.07 19 12.96 17.88 12.96 16.5S14.07 14 15.46 14 17.95 15.12 17.95 16.5 16.84 19 15.46 19M22 14H21.45C21.12 13.19 20.62 12.47 20 11.86V10H22V14M20 4H17V2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V7H20V4M14 4H10V2H14V4M4 2H7V4H4V7H2V4C2 2.89 2.9 2 4 2M12 22H10V20C10.5 20.82 11.2 21.5 12 22M4 20H7V22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V17H4V20M4 14H2V10H4V14Z",Fx1="M12.9 4.22C18.73 6.84 20 2 20 2S18.89 8.07 13.79 10.55C12.75 11.06 12.1 11.33 12.1 11.33L3.73 7.25L12.1 3.82C12.1 3.82 11.9 3.76 12.9 4.22M11.12 22L3.33 17.78V9.07L11.12 13.04V22M12.88 22L20.68 17.78V9.07L12.88 13.04V22Z",Tx1="M2,21L23,12L2,3V10L17,12L2,14V21Z",bx1="M2 3V10L17 12L2 14V21L23 12M22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17Z",yx1="M2 3V10L17 12L2 14V21L23 12M4 6.03L11.53 9.25L4 8.25M11.53 14.75L4 17.97V15.75M22 15.5L18.5 19L16.5 17L15 18.5L18.5 22L23.5 17Z",Rx1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M8,7.71V11.05L15.14,12L8,12.95V16.29L18,12L8,7.71Z",xx1="M8,7.71L18,12L8,16.29V12.95L15.14,12L8,11.05V7.71M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",Dx1="M2 3V10L11 12L2 14V21L9.27 17.89A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 16 9L2 3M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12.5V16.5L18 18.5L18.75 17.25L16.5 15.75V12.5H15Z",Ex1="M2 3V10L11 12L2 14V21L9.27 17.89A7 7 0 0 0 16 23A7 7 0 0 0 23 16A7 7 0 0 0 16 9L2 3M4 6.03L12.78 9.8A7 7 0 0 0 12.1 10.2L4 8.4V6.03M16 11A5 5 0 0 1 21 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 21A5 5 0 0 1 11 16A5 5 0 0 1 16 11M15 12.5V16.5L18 18.5L18.75 17.25L16.5 15.75V12.5H15M9.18 14.45A7 7 0 0 0 9 15.82L4 17.97V15.6L9.18 14.45Z",Nx1="M23,18V17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,17.5V18A1,1 0 0,0 17,19V23A1,1 0 0,0 18,24H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,23V19A1,1 0 0,0 23,18M22,18H19V17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 22,17.5V18M23,12L2,21V14L17,12L2,10V3L23,12Z",Wx1="M23 18V17.5C23 16.12 21.88 15 20.5 15S18 16.12 18 17.5V18C17.45 18 17 18.45 17 19V23C17 23.55 17.45 24 18 24H23C23.55 24 24 23.55 24 23V19C24 18.45 23.55 18 23 18M22 18H19V17.5C19 16.67 19.67 16 20.5 16S22 16.67 22 17.5V18M4 6.03L11.5 9.25L4 8.25L4 6.03M11.5 14.75L4 17.97V15.75L11.5 14.75M2 3L2 10L17 12L2 14L2 21L23 12L2 3Z",Ix1="M4 6.03L11.5 9.25L4 8.25L4 6.03M11.5 14.75L4 17.97V15.75L11.5 14.75M2 3L2 10L17 12L2 14L2 21L23 12L2 3Z",Gx1="M3 20V14L11 12L3 10V4L22 12Z",Qx1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M3 20V14L10.11 12.22C10.19 12.09 10.28 11.97 10.37 11.84L3 10V4L15.03 9.07C15.35 9 15.67 9 16 9C17.86 9 19.64 9.74 20.95 11.05C21.2 11.3 21.43 11.57 21.63 11.85L22 12L21.8 12.08C22.58 13.23 23 14.59 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.08 20 9.42 18.74 9.14 17.41L3 20M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",Ux1="M15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69M21.63 11.85L22 12L21.8 12.08C22.58 13.23 23 14.59 23 16C23 19.87 19.86 23 16 23C14.14 23 12.36 22.26 11.05 20.95C10.08 20 9.42 18.74 9.14 17.41L3 20V4L15.03 9.07C15.35 9 15.67 9 16 9C17.86 9 19.64 9.74 20.95 11.05C21.2 11.3 21.43 11.57 21.63 11.85M12.28 10.07L5 7V10.5L10.37 11.84C10.89 11.14 11.54 10.54 12.28 10.07M10.11 12.22L5 13.5V17L9.04 15.3C9.15 14.17 9.53 13.13 10.11 12.22M20.85 16C20.85 13.32 18.67 11.15 16 11.15C14.71 11.15 13.5 11.66 12.57 12.57C11.66 13.5 11.15 14.71 11.15 16C11.15 18.68 13.32 20.85 16 20.85C16.64 20.85 17.27 20.73 17.86 20.5C18.44 20.24 19 19.88 19.43 19.43C19.88 19 20.24 18.44 20.5 17.86C20.73 17.27 20.85 16.64 20.85 16Z",zx1="M3 20V4L22 12M5 17L16.85 12L5 7V10.5L11 12L5 13.5M5 17V7 13.5Z",_x1="M7,3H17V5H19V8H16V14H8V8H5V5H7V3M17,9H19V14H17V9M11,15H13V22H11V15M5,9H7V14H5V9Z",Kx1="M4,1H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 20,7H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,6V2A1,1 0 0,1 4,1M4,9H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 20,15H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 4,9M4,17H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,18V22A1,1 0 0,1 20,23H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 4,17M9,5H10V3H9V5M9,13H10V11H9V13M9,21H10V19H9V21M5,3V5H7V3H5M5,11V13H7V11H5M5,19V21H7V19H5Z",jx1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M8,16H16V18H8V16Z",qx1="M8 17H16V19H8V17M2 5.6V10.4C2 11.3 2.5 12 3.2 12H20.9C21.5 12 22.1 11.3 22.1 10.4V5.6C22 4.7 21.5 4 20.8 4H3.2C2.5 4 2 4.7 2 5.6M10 9V7H9V9H10M5 9H7V7H5V9M20 10H4V6H20V10Z",$x1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,12V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H13V19M4,3H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V8A1,1 0 0,1 20,9H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,8V4A1,1 0 0,1 4,3M9,7H10V5H9V7M9,15H10V13H9V15M5,5V7H7V5H5M5,13V15H7V13H5Z",Xx1="M13,19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H15.73L13,17.27V19M22,20V21.18L20.82,20H22M21,22.72L19.73,24L17.73,22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11H6.73L4.73,9H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,8V7.27L1,5.27L2.28,4L21,22.72M4,3H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,4V8A1,1 0 0,1 20,9H9.82L7,6.18V5H5.82L3.84,3C3.89,3 3.94,3 4,3M20,11A1,1 0 0,1 21,12V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H17.82L11.82,11H20M9,7H10V5H9V7M9,15H10V14.27L9,13.27V15M5,13V15H7V13H5Z",Yx1="M13 13V15H14C14.6 15 15 15.4 15 16H22V18H15C15 18.6 14.6 19 14 19H10C9.4 19 9 18.6 9 18H2V16H9C9 15.4 9.4 15 10 15H11V13H3.2C2.5 13 2 12.3 2 11.4V6.6C2 5.7 2.5 5 3.2 5H20.8C21.5 5 22 5.7 22 6.6V11.4C22 12.3 21.5 13 20.8 13H13M9 10V8H10V10H9M5 8H7V10H5V8M20 7H4V11H20V7Z",Jx1="M4,1H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 20,7H8.82L6.82,5H7V3H5V3.18L3.21,1.39C3.39,1.15 3.68,1 4,1M22,22.72L20.73,24L19.73,23H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 4,17H13.73L11.73,15H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 4,9H5.73L3.68,6.95C3.38,6.85 3.15,6.62 3.05,6.32L1,4.27L2.28,3L22,22.72M20,9A1,1 0 0,1 21,10V14A1,1 0 0,1 20,15H16.82L10.82,9H20M20,17A1,1 0 0,1 21,18V19.18L18.82,17H20M9,5H10V3H9V5M9,13H9.73L9,12.27V13M9,21H10V19H9V21M5,11V13H7V11H5M5,19V21H7V19H5Z",CD1="M2 4.6V9.4C2 10.3 2.5 11 3.2 11H20.9C21.5 11 22.1 10.3 22.1 9.4V4.6C22 3.7 21.5 3 20.8 3H3.2C2.5 3 2 3.7 2 4.6M10 8V6H9V8H10M5 8H7V6H5V8M20 9H4V5H20V9M2 14.6V19.4C2 20.3 2.5 21 3.2 21H20.9C21.5 21 22.1 20.3 22.1 19.4V14.6C22.1 13.7 21.6 13 20.9 13H3.2C2.5 13 2 13.7 2 14.6M10 18V16H9V18H10M5 18H7V16H5V18M20 19H4V15H20V19Z",HD1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M8,16H11V13H13V16H16V18H13V21H11V18H8V16Z",VD1="M2 4.6V9.4C2 10.3 2.5 11 3.2 11H20.9C21.5 11 22.1 10.3 22.1 9.4V4.6C22 3.7 21.5 3 20.8 3H3.2C2.5 3 2 3.7 2 4.6M10 8V6H9V8H10M5 8H7V6H5V8M20 9H4V5H20V9M8 16H11V13H13V16H16V18H13V21H11V18H8V16Z",LD1="M4,4H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,5V9A1,1 0 0,1 20,10H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,9V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,4M9,8H10V6H9V8M5,6V8H7V6H5M10.59,17L8,14.41L9.41,13L12,15.59L14.59,13L16,14.41L13.41,17L16,19.59L14.59,21L12,18.41L9.41,21L8,19.59L10.59,17Z",MD1="M3,1H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,2V6A1,1 0 0,1 19,7H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,6V2A1,1 0 0,1 3,1M3,9H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,10V10.67L17.5,9.56L11,12.44V15H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,14V10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9M3,17H11C11.06,19.25 12,21.4 13.46,23H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,22V18A1,1 0 0,1 3,17M8,5H9V3H8V5M8,13H9V11H8V13M8,21H9V19H8V21M4,3V5H6V3H4M4,11V13H6V11H4M4,19V21H6V19H4M17.5,12L22,14V17C22,19.78 20.08,22.37 17.5,23C14.92,22.37 13,19.78 13,17V14L17.5,12M17.5,13.94L15,15.06V17.72C15,19.26 16.07,20.7 17.5,21.06V13.94Z",AD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M8.5,12C8.5,13.87 9.29,15.56 10.56,16.75L11.56,16.29C10.31,15.29 9.5,13.74 9.5,12C9.5,10.26 10.31,8.71 11.56,7.71L10.56,7.25C9.29,8.44 8.5,10.13 8.5,12M15.5,12C15.5,10.13 14.71,8.44 13.44,7.25L12.44,7.71C13.69,8.71 14.5,10.26 14.5,12C14.5,13.74 13.69,15.29 12.44,16.29L13.44,16.75C14.71,15.56 15.5,13.87 15.5,12Z",iD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M9,7C9.34,7 9.67,7.03 10,7.1C8.72,8.41 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.83 8.72,15.59 10,16.89C9.67,16.96 9.34,17 9,17A5,5 0 0,1 4,12A5,5 0 0,1 9,7M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7Z",rD1="M15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19M9,17L10,16.89C8.72,15.59 8,13.83 8,12C8,10.17 8.72,8.41 10,7.1L9,7A5,5 0 0,0 4,12A5,5 0 0,0 9,17M15.5,12C15.5,10.13 14.71,8.44 13.44,7.25L12.44,7.71C13.69,8.71 14.5,10.26 14.5,12C14.5,13.74 13.69,15.29 12.44,16.29L13.44,16.75C14.71,15.56 15.5,13.87 15.5,12Z",aD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7M12,8C13.26,8.95 14,10.43 14,12C14,13.57 13.26,15.05 12,16C10.74,15.05 10,13.57 10,12C10,10.43 10.74,8.95 12,8Z",eD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M15,7L14,7.11C15.28,8.41 16,10.17 16,12C16,13.83 15.28,15.59 14,16.9L15,17A5,5 0 0,0 20,12A5,5 0 0,0 15,7M8.5,12C8.5,13.87 9.29,15.56 10.56,16.75L11.56,16.29C10.31,15.29 9.5,13.74 9.5,12C9.5,10.26 10.31,8.71 11.56,7.71L10.56,7.25C9.29,8.44 8.5,10.13 8.5,12Z",dD1="M9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M9,12C9,14.22 10.21,16.16 12,17.2C13.79,16.16 15,14.22 15,12C15,9.78 13.79,7.84 12,6.8C10.21,7.84 9,9.78 9,12Z",mD1="M2 7V9H7V7H2M12 9V11H9V13H12V15L15 12L12 9M17 9V15H22V9H17M2 11V13H7V11H2M2 15V17H7V15H2Z",tD1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,0 2,12A7,7 0 0,0 9,19C10.04,19 11.06,18.76 12,18.32C12.94,18.76 13.96,19 15,19A7,7 0 0,0 22,12A7,7 0 0,0 15,5C13.96,5 12.94,5.24 12,5.68C11.06,5.24 10.04,5 9,5M9,7C9.34,7 9.67,7.03 10,7.1C8.72,8.41 8,10.17 8,12C8,13.83 8.72,15.59 10,16.89C9.67,16.96 9.34,17 9,17A5,5 0 0,1 4,12A5,5 0 0,1 9,7M15,7A5,5 0 0,1 20,12A5,5 0 0,1 15,17C14.66,17 14.33,16.97 14,16.9C15.28,15.59 16,13.83 16,12C16,10.17 15.28,8.41 14,7.11C14.33,7.04 14.66,7 15,7M12,8C13.26,8.95 14,10.43 14,12C14,13.57 13.26,15.05 12,16C10.74,15.05 10,13.57 10,12C10,10.43 10.74,8.95 12,8Z",vD1="M15,19C13.96,19 12.94,18.76 12,18.32C11.06,18.76 10.04,19 9,19A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5C10.04,5 11.06,5.24 12,5.68C12.94,5.24 13.96,5 15,5A7,7 0 0,1 22,12A7,7 0 0,1 15,19M9,17L10,16.89C8.72,15.59 8,13.83 8,12C8,10.17 8.72,8.41 10,7.1L9,7A5,5 0 0,0 4,12A5,5 0 0,0 9,17M12,16C13.26,15.05 14,13.57 14,12C14,10.43 13.26,8.95 12,8C10.74,8.95 10,10.43 10,12C10,13.57 10.74,15.05 12,16Z",lD1="M17 7V9H22V7H17M2 9V15H7V9H2M12 9V11H9V13H12V15L15 12L12 9M17 11V13H22V11H17M17 15V17H22V15H17Z",oD1="M17.7 17.7L16.6 18.8L15.9 18L17 17L15 15L14 16.1L13.3 15.4L14.4 14.3L12.5 12.4L11.4 13.5L10.7 12.8L11.8 11.7L9.8 9.8L8.7 10.9L8 10.2L9 9L7.1 7.1L6 8.1L5.3 7.4L6.4 6.3L4 4V20H20L17.7 17.7M7 17V11.2L12.8 17H7Z",nD1="M5,15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 4.5,16H3.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 3,15.5V15H2A1,1 0 0,1 1,14V11A1,1 0 0,1 2,10H22A1,1 0 0,1 23,11V14A1,1 0 0,1 22,15H21V15.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 20.5,16H19.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 19,15.5V15H5V15.5M3,12V13H5V12H3M6,12V13H8V12H6M20.5,11.5A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13.5A1,1 0 0,0 21.5,12.5A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,11.5Z",ZD1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22Z",SD1="M7 16C7 16.55 6.55 17 6 17S5 16.55 5 16C5 15.45 5.45 15 6 15S7 15.45 7 16M9 16C8.45 16 8 16.45 8 17S8.45 18 9 18 10 17.55 10 17 9.55 16 9 16M4 18C3.45 18 3 18.45 3 19S3.45 20 4 20 5 19.55 5 19 4.55 18 4 18M7 19C6.45 19 6 19.45 6 20S6.45 21 7 21 8 20.55 8 20 7.55 19 7 19M15.33 2.72L9.8 9.65L13.34 13.19L20.28 7.67C21.18 6.91 21.25 5.54 20.41 4.7L18.3 2.59C17.46 1.75 16.09 1.82 15.33 2.72M8.39 12.5L10.5 14.6C10.9 15 11.54 15 11.93 14.6L12.63 13.9L9.1 10.36L8.39 11.07C8 11.46 8 12.09 8.39 12.5Z",uD1="M16.88 4L16.88 4L19.03 6.1L13.5 10.5L12.5 9.5L16.87 4L16.88 4M16.88 2C16.3 2 15.73 2.24 15.33 2.72L9.8 9.65L13.34 13.19L20.28 7.67C21.18 6.91 21.25 5.54 20.41 4.7L18.3 2.59C17.9 2.19 17.39 2 16.88 2M9.1 10.36L8.39 11.07C8 11.46 8 12.09 8.39 12.5L10.5 14.6C10.71 14.8 10.96 14.89 11.22 14.89S11.73 14.8 11.93 14.6L12.63 13.9L9.1 10.36M6 15C5.45 15 5 15.45 5 16C5 16.55 5.45 17 6 17C6.55 17 7 16.55 7 16C7 15.45 6.55 15 6 15M9 16C8.45 16 8 16.45 8 17S8.45 18 9 18C9.55 18 10 17.55 10 17S9.55 16 9 16M4 18C3.45 18 3 18.45 3 19S3.45 20 4 20C4.55 20 5 19.55 5 19S4.55 18 4 18M7 19C6.45 19 6 19.45 6 20S6.45 21 7 21C7.55 21 8 20.55 8 20S7.55 19 7 19Z",cD1="M11,13.5V21.5H3V13.5H11M12,2L17.5,11H6.5L12,2M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13Z",sD1="M11,19A6,6 0 0,0 17,13H19A8,8 0 0,1 11,21A8,8 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,5V7A6,6 0 0,0 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5Z",OD1="M11,13.5V21.5H3V13.5H11M9,15.5H5V19.5H9V15.5M12,2L17.5,11H6.5L12,2M12,5.86L10.08,9H13.92L12,5.86M17.5,13C20,13 22,15 22,17.5C22,20 20,22 17.5,22C15,22 13,20 13,17.5C13,15 15,13 17.5,13M17.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,20A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 20,17.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17.5,15Z",hD1="M19 5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5M11 4L12 4.09V6.14C11.68 6.05 11.34 6 11 6C8.24 6 6 9.13 6 13C6 16.87 8.24 20 11 20C13.76 20 16 16.87 16 13L15.95 12H17.96L18 13C18 17.97 14.87 22 11 22C7.13 22 4 17.97 4 13C4 8.03 7.13 4 11 4Z",pD1="M2,2H11V11H2V2M17.5,2C20,2 22,4 22,6.5C22,9 20,11 17.5,11C15,11 13,9 13,6.5C13,4 15,2 17.5,2M6.5,14L11,22H2L6.5,14M19,17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14H19V17Z",fD1="M11 11V2H2V11M4 9V4H9V9M20 6.5C20 7.9 18.9 9 17.5 9S15 7.9 15 6.5 16.11 4 17.5 4 20 5.11 20 6.5M6.5 14L2 22H11M7.58 20H5.42L6.5 18.08M22 6.5C22 4 20 2 17.5 2S13 4 13 6.5 15 11 17.5 11 22 9 22 6.5M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17Z",gD1="M17,15.7V13H19V17L10,21L3,14L7,5H11V7H8.3L5.4,13.6L10.4,18.6L17,15.7M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",kD1="M19,6H22V8H19V11H17V8H14V6H17V3H19V6M17,17V14H19V19H3V6H11V8H5V17H17Z",BD1="M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5M17,19V13H19V21H3V5H11V7H5V19H17Z",PD1="M17 2H19V5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2M7 5H11V7H7C5.9 7 5 7.9 5 9V17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H15C16.11 19 17 18.11 17 17V13H19V17C19 19.21 17.21 21 15 21H7C4.79 21 3 19.21 3 17V9C3 6.79 4.79 5 7 5Z",wD1="M21,12L14,5V9C7,10 4,15 3,20C5.5,16.5 9,14.9 14,14.9V19L21,12Z",FD1="M11 9V5L18 12L11 19V14.9C6 14.9 2.5 16.5 0 20C1 15 4 10 11 9M17 8V5L24 12L17 19V16L21 12L17 8Z",TD1="M13 9.8V10.7L11.3 10.9C8.7 11.3 6.8 12.3 5.4 13.6C7.1 13.1 8.9 12.8 11 12.8H13V14.1L15.2 12L13 9.8M11 5L18 12L11 19V14.9C6 14.9 2.5 16.5 0 20C1 15 4 10 11 9M17 8V5L24 12L17 19V16L21 12",bD1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M14 16V13C10.39 13 7.81 14.43 6 17C6.72 13.33 8.94 9.73 14 9V6L19 11L14 16Z",yD1="M20.8 22.7L15.6 17.5L14 19V15.9L13.1 14.9C8.6 15.2 5.4 16.8 3 20.1C3.58 16.31 5.72 12.94 8.9 10.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.5M18.1 14.9L21 12L14 5V9L12.5 9.3",RD1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.9 10.8C5.4 12.9 3.7 16.4 3 20C5.3 16.7 8.6 15.1 13 14.9L14 15.9V19L15.6 17.4L20.8 22.7M8.3 13.8C8.94 13.22 9.65 12.71 10.4 12.3L11.3 13.1M14.2 11L12.5 9.3L14 9V5L21 12L18.1 14.9L16.7 13.5L18.2 12L16 9.8V10.7",xD1="M14,5V9C7,10 4,15 3,20C5.5,16.5 9,14.9 14,14.9V19L21,12L14,5M16,9.83L18.17,12L16,14.17V12.9H14C11.93,12.9 10.07,13.28 8.34,13.85C9.74,12.46 11.54,11.37 14.28,11L16,10.73V9.83Z",DD1="M18,16.08C17.24,16.08 16.56,16.38 16.04,16.85L8.91,12.7C8.96,12.47 9,12.24 9,12C9,11.76 8.96,11.53 8.91,11.3L15.96,7.19C16.5,7.69 17.21,8 18,8A3,3 0 0,0 21,5A3,3 0 0,0 18,2A3,3 0 0,0 15,5C15,5.24 15.04,5.47 15.09,5.7L8.04,9.81C7.5,9.31 6.79,9 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 3,12A3,3 0 0,0 6,15C6.79,15 7.5,14.69 8.04,14.19L15.16,18.34C15.11,18.55 15.08,18.77 15.08,19C15.08,20.61 16.39,21.91 18,21.91C19.61,21.91 20.92,20.61 20.92,19A2.92,2.92 0 0,0 18,16.08Z",ED1="M18 16.08C17.24 16.08 16.56 16.38 16.04 16.85L8.91 12.7C8.96 12.47 9 12.24 9 12S8.96 11.53 8.91 11.3L15.96 7.19C16.5 7.69 17.21 8 18 8C19.66 8 21 6.66 21 5S19.66 2 18 2 15 3.34 15 5C15 5.24 15.04 5.47 15.09 5.7L8.04 9.81C7.5 9.31 6.79 9 6 9C4.34 9 3 10.34 3 12S4.34 15 6 15C6.79 15 7.5 14.69 8.04 14.19L15.16 18.34C15.11 18.55 15.08 18.77 15.08 19C15.08 20.61 16.39 21.91 18 21.91S20.92 20.61 20.92 19C20.92 17.39 19.61 16.08 18 16.08M18 4C18.55 4 19 4.45 19 5S18.55 6 18 6 17 5.55 17 5 17.45 4 18 4M6 13C5.45 13 5 12.55 5 12S5.45 11 6 11 7 11.45 7 12 6.55 13 6 13M18 20C17.45 20 17 19.55 17 19S17.45 18 18 18 19 18.45 19 19 18.55 20 18 20Z",ND1="M15.56 9.09C14.66 7.18 12.54 6 11 6C11.47 7.4 11.28 8.57 10.95 9.43C8.45 10 6 11 6 11S3 7 1 7L3 13L2 17C4 17 6 14 6 14S11 16 14 16V18C14.65 18 15.91 17.17 16.73 15.77C17.97 15.56 19 15.21 19.87 14.81C19.72 14.63 19.53 14.44 19.28 14.3C18.63 13.91 17.82 13.67 17 13.5C17.82 13.34 18.67 13.22 19.59 13.35C20.05 13.41 20.54 13.54 21 13.86C21.1 13.92 21.17 14 21.24 14.05C22.4 13.26 23 12.44 23 12C23 11.13 19.19 9.5 15.56 9.09M18 12C17.45 12 17 11.55 17 11C17 10.76 17.1 10.55 17.23 10.38C17.84 10.5 18.43 10.67 18.97 10.84C19 10.89 19 10.94 19 11C19 11.55 18.55 12 18 12Z",WD1="M22 16V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16H22M5.28 13.79C5.82 13.63 6.37 13.38 6.89 13.04L8.03 12.27L9.16 13.07C10 13.66 11 14 12 14C13 14 14 13.66 14.84 13.07L15.97 12.27L17.11 13.04C17.93 13.59 18.83 13.9 19.67 13.97C18.24 7.4 12.37 2 6 2C5.65 2 5.33 2.18 5.15 2.47C4.97 2.77 4.95 3.14 5.11 3.45C7.28 7.79 6.61 11.29 5.28 13.79M16 18.7C13.6 20.4 10.4 20.4 8 18.7C6.8 19.5 5.4 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.4 22 6.8 21.6 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.2 21.6 18.6 22 20 22H22V20H20C18.6 20 17.2 19.5 16 18.7Z",ID1="M22 16V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16H22M5.28 13.79C5.82 13.63 6.37 13.38 6.89 13.04L8 12.28C8.69 10 8.78 7.27 7.59 4.14C11.95 4.89 15.89 8.65 17.37 13.19C18.12 13.64 18.91 13.91 19.66 13.97C18.24 7.4 12.37 2 6 2C5.65 2 5.33 2.18 5.15 2.47C4.97 2.77 4.95 3.14 5.11 3.45C7.28 7.79 6.61 11.29 5.28 13.79M16 18.7C13.6 20.4 10.4 20.4 8 18.7C6.8 19.5 5.4 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.4 22 6.8 21.6 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.2 21.6 18.6 22 20 22H22V20H20C18.6 20 17.2 19.5 16 18.7Z",GD1="M11.26 8.06L18.53 15.33C19 15.17 19.46 15 19.87 14.81C19.72 14.63 19.53 14.44 19.28 14.3C18.63 13.91 17.82 13.67 17 13.5C17.82 13.34 18.67 13.22 19.59 13.35C20.05 13.41 20.54 13.54 21 13.86C21.1 13.92 21.17 14 21.24 14.05C22.4 13.26 23 12.44 23 12C23 11.13 19.19 9.5 15.56 9.09C14.66 7.18 12.54 6 11 6C11.25 6.76 11.31 7.45 11.26 8.06M17.23 10.38C17.84 10.5 18.43 10.67 18.97 10.84C19 10.89 19 10.94 19 11C19 11.55 18.55 12 18 12S17 11.55 17 11C17 10.76 17.1 10.55 17.23 10.38M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L15.42 17.31C14.88 17.75 14.35 18 14 18V16C11 16 6 14 6 14S4 17 2 17L3 13L1 7C3 7 6 11 6 11S6.96 10.62 8.3 10.19L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",QD1="M20,8.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 17.5,11C16.42,11 15.5,10.31 15.16,9.36C14.72,9.75 14.14,10 13.5,10C12.94,10 12.42,9.81 12,9.5C11.58,9.81 11.07,10 10.5,10C9.86,10 9.28,9.75 8.84,9.36C8.5,10.31 7.58,11 6.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 4,8.5C4,7.26 4.91,6.23 6.1,6.04C6.04,5.87 6,5.69 6,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,4C7.7,4 7.89,4.04 8.06,4.11C8.23,3.47 8.81,3 9.5,3C9.75,3 10,3.07 10.18,3.17C10.5,2.5 11.19,2 12,2C12.81,2 13.5,2.5 13.82,3.17C14,3.07 14.25,3 14.5,3C15.19,3 15.77,3.47 15.94,4.11C16.11,4.04 16.3,4 16.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,5.5C18,5.69 17.96,5.87 17.9,6.04C19.09,6.23 20,7.26 20,8.5M10,12A1,1 0 0,0 9,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,14A1,1 0 0,0 11,13A1,1 0 0,0 10,12M14,12A1,1 0 0,0 13,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,14A1,1 0 0,0 15,13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12M20.23,10.66C19.59,11.47 18.61,12 17.5,12C17.05,12 16.62,11.9 16.21,11.73C16.2,14.28 15.83,17.36 14.45,18.95C13.93,19.54 13.3,19.86 12.5,19.96V18H11.5V19.96C10.7,19.86 10.07,19.55 9.55,18.95C8.16,17.35 7.79,14.29 7.78,11.74C7.38,11.9 6.95,12 6.5,12C5.39,12 4.41,11.47 3.77,10.66C2.88,11.55 2,12 2,12C2,12 3,14 5,14C5.36,14 5.64,13.96 5.88,13.91C6.22,17.73 7.58,22 12,22C16.42,22 17.78,17.73 18.12,13.91C18.36,13.96 18.64,14 19,14C21,14 22,12 22,12C22,12 21.12,11.55 20.23,10.66Z",UD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",zD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,5A3,3 0 0,1 15,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,11A3,3 0 0,1 9,8A3,3 0 0,1 12,5M17.13,17C15.92,18.85 14.11,20.24 12,20.92C9.89,20.24 8.08,18.85 6.87,17C6.53,16.5 6.24,16 6,15.47C6,13.82 8.71,12.47 12,12.47C15.29,12.47 18,13.79 18,15.47C17.76,16 17.47,16.5 17.13,17Z",_D1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,3.18L19,6.3V11.22C19,12.92 18.5,14.65 17.65,16.17C16,14.94 13.26,14.5 12,14.5C10.74,14.5 8,14.94 6.35,16.17C5.5,14.65 5,12.92 5,11.22V6.3L12,3.18M12,6A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,13A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 15.5,9.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,6M12,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,8M12,16.5C13.57,16.5 15.64,17.11 16.53,17.84C15.29,19.38 13.7,20.55 12,21C10.3,20.55 8.71,19.38 7.47,17.84C8.37,17.11 10.43,16.5 12,16.5Z",KD1="M17 11C17.3 11 17.7 11 18 11.1V6.3L10.5 3L3 6.3V11.2C3 15.7 6.2 20 10.5 21C11.1 20.9 11.6 20.7 12.1 20.5C11.4 19.5 11 18.3 11 17C11 13.7 13.7 11 17 11M17 13C14.8 13 13 14.8 13 17S14.8 21 17 21 21 19.2 21 17 19.2 13 17 13M17 14.4C17.6 14.4 18.1 14.9 18.1 15.5C18.1 16.1 17.6 16.6 17 16.6S15.9 16.1 15.9 15.5 16.4 14.4 17 14.4M17 19.8C16.1 19.8 15.3 19.3 14.8 18.6C14.9 17.9 16.3 17.5 17 17.5S19.2 17.9 19.2 18.6C18.7 19.3 17.9 19.8 17 19.8Z",jD1="M17 14.4C17.6 14.4 18.1 14.9 18.1 15.5S17.6 16.6 17 16.6 15.9 16.1 15.9 15.5 16.4 14.4 17 14.4M17 17.5C16.3 17.5 14.8 17.9 14.8 18.6C15.3 19.3 16.1 19.8 17 19.8S18.7 19.3 19.2 18.6C19.2 17.9 17.7 17.5 17 17.5M18 11.1V6.3L10.5 3L3 6.3V11.2C3 15.7 6.2 20 10.5 21C11.1 20.9 11.6 20.7 12.1 20.5C13.2 22 15 23 17 23C20.3 23 23 20.3 23 17C23 14 20.8 11.6 18 11.1M11 17C11 17.6 11.1 18.1 11.2 18.6C11 18.7 10.7 18.8 10.5 18.9C7.3 17.9 5 14.7 5 11.2V7.6L10.5 5.2L16 7.6V11.1C13.2 11.6 11 14 11 17M17 21C14.8 21 13 19.2 13 17S14.8 13 17 13 21 14.8 21 17 19.2 21 17 21Z",qD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,5.68C12.5,5.68 12.95,6.11 12.95,6.63V10.11L18,13.26V14.53L12.95,12.95V16.42L14.21,17.37V18.32L12,17.68L9.79,18.32V17.37L11.05,16.42V12.95L6,14.53V13.26L11.05,10.11V6.63C11.05,6.11 11.5,5.68 12,5.68Z",$D1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M12,5.68C12.5,5.68 12.95,6.11 12.95,6.63V10.11L18,13.26V14.53L12.95,12.95V16.42L14.21,17.37V18.32L12,17.68L9.79,18.32V17.37L11.05,16.42V12.95L6,14.53V13.26L11.05,10.11V6.63C11.05,6.11 11.5,5.68 12,5.68Z",XD1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5M11,7H13V13H11M11,15H13V17H11",YD1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M11,7H13V13H11V7M11,15H13V17H11V15Z",JD1="M11 13H13V14H11V13M21 5V11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5M17 10H14.8C14.6 9.4 14.2 8.9 13.7 8.5L14.9 7.3L14.2 6.6L12.8 8H12C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1L9.9 6.6L9.1 7.4L10.3 8.6C9.8 8.9 9.4 9.4 9.2 10H7V11H9V12H7V13H9V14H7V15H9.2C9.6 16.2 10.7 17 12 17S14.4 16.2 14.8 15H17V14H15V13H17V12H15V11H17V10M11 12H13V11H11V12Z",CE1="M9.9 6.6L9.1 7.4L10.3 8.6C9.8 8.9 9.4 9.4 9.2 10H7V11H9V12H7V13H9V14H7V15H9.2C9.6 16.2 10.7 17 12 17S14.4 16.2 14.8 15H17V14H15V13H17V12H15V11H17V10H14.8C14.6 9.4 14.2 8.9 13.7 8.5L14.9 7.3L14.2 6.6L12.8 8H12C11.8 8 11.5 8 11.3 8.1L9.9 6.6M11 11H13V12H11V11M11 13H13V14H11V13M21 11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21Z",HE1="M14.42 7.5L16 11H8L9.42 7.5H14.42M9 12C8.45 12 8 12.45 8 13S8.45 14 9 14 10 13.55 10 13 9.55 12 9 12M15 12C14.45 12 14 12.45 14 13S14.45 14 15 14 16 13.55 16 13 15.55 12 15 12M21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5M18 12L15.84 7C15.64 6.42 15.08 6 14.42 6H9.42C8.76 6 8.2 6.42 8 7L6 12V16C6 16.55 6.45 17 7 17H8C8.55 17 9 16.55 9 16V15H15V16C15 16.55 15.45 17 16 17H17C17.55 17 18 16.55 18 16V12Z",VE1="M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1Z",LE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M10,17L6,13L7.41,11.59L10,14.17L16.59,7.58L18,9",ME1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.5 6.8,21.7 12,23C17.2,21.7 21,16.5 21,11V5L12,1M16,10H13V18H11V10H8V8H11V5H13V8H16V10Z",AE1="M21,11C21,16.5 17.2,21.7 12,23C6.8,21.7 3,16.5 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.8,20 19,15.5 19,11.2V6.3L12,3.2L5,6.3V11.2C5,15.5 8.3,20 12,21M16,9H13V6H11V9H8V11H11V19H13V11H16V9Z",iE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1M16 14H8V15.5C8 15.77 8.19 15.96 8.47 16L8.57 16H15.43C15.74 16 15.95 15.84 16 15.59L16 15.5V14M17 8L17 8L14.33 10.67L12 8.34L9.67 10.67L7 8L7 8L8 13H16L17 8Z",rE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1M12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18M16 14V15.5L16 15.59C15.96 15.81 15.78 15.96 15.53 16L15.43 16H8.57L8.47 16C8.22 15.96 8.04 15.81 8 15.59L8 15.5V14H16M17 8L16 13H8L7 8L7 8L9.67 10.67L12 8.34L14.33 10.67L17 8L17 8Z",aE1="M21.7 14.4L20.7 15.4L18.6 13.3L19.6 12.3C19.8 12.1 20.2 12.1 20.4 12.3L21.7 13.6C21.9 13.8 21.9 14.1 21.7 14.4M12 19.9L18.1 13.8L20.2 15.9L14.1 22H12V19.9M10 19.1L21 8.1V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 15.8 5.9 20.3 10 22.3V19.1Z",eE1="M21.7 13.6L20.4 12.3C20.3 12.2 20.2 12.1 20 12.1C19.9 12.1 19.7 12.2 19.6 12.3L18.6 13.3L20.6 15.3L21.6 14.3C21.9 14.1 21.9 13.8 21.7 13.6M12 19.9V22H14.1L20.2 15.9L18.2 13.8L12 19.9M10 22.3C5.9 20.3 3 15.8 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V8.1L19 10.1V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 14.7 7.2 18.3 10 20.1V22.3Z",dE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23V1Z",mE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18V21Z",tE1="M11,13H13V16H16V11H18L12,6L6,11H8V16H11V13M12,1L21,5V11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",vE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M11,14H13V17H16V12H18L12,7L6,12H8V17H11V14",lE1="M12,8A1,1 0 0,1 13,9A1,1 0 0,1 12,10A1,1 0 0,1 11,9A1,1 0 0,1 12,8M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,6A3,3 0 0,0 9,9C9,10.31 9.83,11.42 11,11.83V18H13V16H15V14H13V11.83C14.17,11.42 15,10.31 15,9A3,3 0 0,0 12,6Z",oE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9C15,10.31 14.17,11.42 13,11.83V14H15V16H13V18H11V11.83C9.83,11.42 9,10.31 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M12,8A1,1 0 0,0 11,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,8Z",nE1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M14.28,14.08L12.26,16.1C11.66,16.7 10.87,17 10.08,17C9.29,17 8.5,16.7 7.9,16.1C6.7,14.9 6.7,12.95 7.9,11.74L9.15,10.5L9.14,11.06C9.14,11.5 9.21,11.95 9.36,12.37L9.41,12.5L9.04,12.87C8.76,13.15 8.6,13.53 8.6,13.92C8.6,14.32 8.76,14.69 9.04,14.97C9.6,15.53 10.57,15.53 11.13,14.97L13.14,12.96C13.43,12.67 13.58,12.3 13.58,11.91C13.58,11.5 13.43,11.14 13.15,10.86C13,10.71 12.9,10.5 12.9,10.29C12.9,10.08 13,9.88 13.15,9.73C13.45,9.42 14,9.43 14.28,9.73C14.86,10.31 15.18,11.08 15.18,11.9C15.18,12.73 14.86,13.5 14.28,14.08M17.1,11.26L15.85,12.5L15.86,11.94C15.86,11.5 15.79,11.06 15.64,10.64L15.6,10.5L15.96,10.13C16.25,9.85 16.4,9.5 16.4,9.08C16.4,8.69 16.25,8.32 15.97,8.04C15.4,7.47 14.43,7.47 13.87,8.04L11.86,10.05C11.58,10.33 11.42,10.7 11.42,11.1C11.42,11.5 11.57,11.86 11.86,12.14C12,12.29 12.1,12.5 12.1,12.71C12.1,12.93 12,13.13 11.85,13.28C11.7,13.44 11.5,13.5 11.29,13.5C11.09,13.5 10.88,13.43 10.72,13.28C9.5,12.08 9.5,10.12 10.72,8.92L12.74,6.9C13.95,5.7 15.9,5.7 17.1,6.9C17.68,7.5 18,8.26 18,9.08C18,9.9 17.68,10.68 17.1,11.26Z",ZE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M14.28,9.73C14.86,10.31 15.18,11.08 15.18,11.9C15.18,12.73 14.86,13.5 14.28,14.08L12.26,16.1C11.66,16.7 10.87,17 10.08,17C9.29,17 8.5,16.7 7.9,16.1C6.7,14.9 6.7,12.95 7.9,11.74L9.15,10.5L9.14,11.06C9.14,11.5 9.21,11.95 9.36,12.36L9.4,12.5L9.04,12.87C8.75,13.15 8.6,13.5 8.6,13.92C8.6,14.31 8.75,14.68 9.03,14.96C9.6,15.53 10.57,15.53 11.13,14.97L13.14,12.95C13.43,12.67 13.58,12.3 13.58,11.91C13.58,11.5 13.43,11.14 13.14,10.86C13,10.71 12.9,10.5 12.9,10.29C12.9,10.08 13,9.87 13.14,9.72C13.45,9.42 14,9.42 14.28,9.73M18,9.08C18,9.9 17.68,10.68 17.1,11.26L15.85,12.5L15.86,11.94C15.86,11.5 15.79,11.06 15.64,10.64L15.59,10.5L15.96,10.13C16.25,9.85 16.4,9.5 16.4,9.08C16.4,8.69 16.25,8.32 15.96,8.04C15.4,7.47 14.43,7.47 13.87,8.03L11.86,10.05C11.57,10.33 11.42,10.7 11.42,11.1C11.42,11.5 11.57,11.86 11.85,12.14C12,12.29 12.1,12.5 12.1,12.71C12.1,12.93 12,13.13 11.85,13.28C11.7,13.43 11.5,13.5 11.29,13.5C11.09,13.5 10.88,13.43 10.72,13.28C9.5,12.07 9.5,10.12 10.72,8.92L12.74,6.9C13.95,5.7 15.9,5.7 17.1,6.9C17.68,7.5 18,8.26 18,9.08Z",SE1="M12,1L3,5V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C17.16,21.74 21,16.55 21,11V5L12,1M12,7C13.4,7 14.8,8.1 14.8,9.5V11C15.4,11 16,11.6 16,12.3V15.8C16,16.4 15.4,17 14.7,17H9.2C8.6,17 8,16.4 8,15.7V12.2C8,11.6 8.6,11 9.2,11V9.5C9.2,8.1 10.6,7 12,7M12,8.2C11.2,8.2 10.5,8.7 10.5,9.5V11H13.5V9.5C13.5,8.7 12.8,8.2 12,8.2Z",uE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C17.2 21.7 21 16.5 21 11V5L12 1M16 15.8C16 16.4 15.4 17 14.7 17H9.2C8.6 17 8 16.4 8 15.7V12.2C8 11.6 8.6 11 9.2 11V8.5C9.2 7.1 10.6 6 12 6S14.8 7.1 14.8 8.5V9H13.5V8.5C13.5 7.7 12.8 7.2 12 7.2S10.5 7.7 10.5 8.5V11H14.8C15.4 11 16 11.6 16 12.3V15.8Z",cE1="M21 11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21M14.8 11H10.5V8.5C10.5 7.7 11.2 7.2 12 7.2S13.5 7.7 13.5 8.5V9H14.8V8.5C14.8 7.1 13.4 6 12 6S9.2 7.1 9.2 8.5V11C8.6 11 8 11.6 8 12.2V15.7C8 16.4 8.6 17 9.2 17H14.7C15.4 17 16 16.4 16 15.8V12.3C16 11.6 15.4 11 14.8 11Z",sE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21M14.8,11V9.5C14.8,8.1 13.4,7 12,7C10.6,7 9.2,8.1 9.2,9.5V11C8.6,11 8,11.6 8,12.2V15.7C8,16.4 8.6,17 9.2,17H14.7C15.4,17 16,16.4 16,15.8V12.3C16,11.6 15.4,11 14.8,11M13.5,11H10.5V9.5C10.5,8.7 11.2,8.2 12,8.2C12.8,8.2 13.5,8.7 13.5,9.5V11Z",OE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M15.97 14.41C14.13 16.58 10.76 16.5 9 14.34C6.82 11.62 8.36 7.62 11.7 7C12.04 6.95 12.33 7.28 12.21 7.61C11.75 8.84 11.82 10.25 12.53 11.47C13.24 12.69 14.42 13.46 15.71 13.67C16.05 13.72 16.2 14.14 15.97 14.41Z",hE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M9 14.33C10.76 16.5 14.13 16.57 15.97 14.4C16.2 14.13 16.05 13.72 15.71 13.66C14.42 13.45 13.23 12.68 12.53 11.46C11.82 10.24 11.75 8.83 12.21 7.6C12.33 7.27 12.05 6.94 11.7 7C8.36 7.62 6.81 11.61 9 14.33",pE1="M1,4.27L2.28,3L20.5,21.22L19.23,22.5L17,20.25C15.57,21.57 13.87,22.54 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V6.27L1,4.27M12,1L21,5V11C21,13.28 20.35,15.5 19.23,17.41L5.65,3.82L12,1Z",fE1="M1,4.27L3,6.27V11C3,16.55 6.84,21.74 12,23C13.87,22.54 15.57,21.56 16.97,20.24L19.23,22.5L20.5,21.22L2.28,3L1,4.27M12,21C8.25,20 5,15.54 5,11.22V8.27L15.59,18.86C14.53,19.89 13.3,20.65 12,21M21,5V11C21,13.28 20.35,15.5 19.23,17.4L17.77,15.95C18.54,14.5 19,12.84 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L7.16,5.34L5.65,3.82L12,1L21,5Z",gE1="M21,11C21,16.55 17.16,21.74 12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11M12,21C15.75,20 19,15.54 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21Z",kE1="M19,20V22.97H17V20H14V18H17V15H19V18H22V20H19M12,1L21,5V11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C19.9,13.23 19,13 18,13A6,6 0 0,0 12,19C12,20.36 12.45,21.62 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",BE1="M19,20V22.97H17V20H14V18H17V15H19V18H22V20H19M21,11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C20.13,13.35 19.5,13.15 18.81,13.05C18.93,12.45 19,11.83 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21L12.31,20.91C12.5,21.53 12.83,22.11 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11Z",PE1="M18 12C19 12 20 12.2 20.9 12.7C21 12.1 21 11.6 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C12.4 22.9 12.7 22.8 13 22.7C12 21.5 11.5 20 11.5 18.5C11.5 14.9 14.4 12 18 12M18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5Z",wE1="M12 21C8.2 20 5 15.5 5 11.2V6.3L12 3.2L19 6.3V12.1C19.7 12.2 20.3 12.4 20.9 12.7C21 12.1 21 11.6 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C12.4 22.9 12.7 22.8 13 22.7C12.6 22.2 12.2 21.6 12 21M18 14.5C19.1 14.5 20.1 14.9 20.8 15.7L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.8 16.7C19.3 16.3 18.7 16 18 16C16.6 16 15.5 17.1 15.5 18.5S16.6 21 18 21C18.8 21 19.5 20.6 20 20H21.7C21.1 21.5 19.7 22.5 18 22.5C15.8 22.5 14 20.7 14 18.5S15.8 14.5 18 14.5Z",FE1="M19.43,19L21.5,21.11L20.12,22.5L18.03,20.41L15.91,22.53L14.5,21.11L16.61,19L14.5,16.86L15.88,15.47L18,17.59L20.12,15.47L21.55,16.9L19.43,19M12,1L21,5V11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C19.9,13.23 19,13 18,13A6,6 0 0,0 12,19C12,20.36 12.45,21.62 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1Z",TE1="M19.43,19L21.5,21.11L20.12,22.5L18.03,20.41L15.91,22.53L14.5,21.11L16.61,19L14.5,16.86L15.88,15.47L18,17.59L20.12,15.47L21.55,16.9L19.43,19M21,11C21,11.9 20.9,12.78 20.71,13.65C20.13,13.35 19.5,13.15 18.81,13.05C18.93,12.45 19,11.83 19,11.22V6.3L12,3.18L5,6.3V11.22C5,15.54 8.25,20 12,21L12.31,20.91C12.5,21.53 12.83,22.11 13.22,22.62L12,23C6.84,21.74 3,16.55 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11Z",bE1="M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9M17.86,19.31C16.23,21.22 14.28,22.45 12,23C9.44,22.39 7.3,20.93 5.58,18.63C3.86,16.34 3,13.8 3,11V5L12,1L21,5V11C21,13.39 20.36,15.61 19.08,17.67L16.17,14.76C16.69,13.97 17,13 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C13,17 13.97,16.69 14.76,16.17L17.86,19.31Z",yE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M15.08 16L12 14.15L8.93 16L9.74 12.5L7.03 10.16L10.61 9.85L12 6.55L13.39 9.84L16.97 10.15L14.26 12.5L15.08 16Z",RE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M15.05 16L11.97 14.15L8.9 16L9.71 12.5L7 10.16L10.58 9.85L11.97 6.55L13.37 9.84L16.95 10.15L14.23 12.5L15.05 16",xE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C17.16 21.74 21 16.55 21 11V5L12 1M12 8.89C13.6 8.89 14.89 10.18 14.89 11.78S13.6 14.67 12 14.67 9.11 13.37 9.11 11.78 10.41 8.89 12 8.89M12 6L13.38 8C12.96 7.82 12.5 7.73 12 7.73S11.05 7.82 10.62 8L12 6M7 8.89L9.4 8.69C9.06 9 8.74 9.34 8.5 9.76C8.25 10.18 8.1 10.62 8 11.08L7 8.89M7 14.67L8.03 12.5C8.11 12.93 8.27 13.38 8.5 13.8C8.75 14.23 9.06 14.59 9.4 14.88L7 14.67M17 8.89L16 11.08C15.9 10.62 15.74 10.18 15.5 9.76C15.26 9.34 14.95 9 14.6 8.68L17 8.89M17 14.67L14.6 14.87C14.94 14.58 15.25 14.22 15.5 13.8C15.74 13.38 15.89 12.93 15.97 12.5L17 14.67M12 17.55L10.61 15.57C11.04 15.72 11.5 15.82 12 15.82C12.5 15.82 12.95 15.72 13.37 15.57L12 17.55Z",DE1="M21 11C21 16.55 17.16 21.74 12 23C6.84 21.74 3 16.55 3 11V5L12 1L21 5V11M12 21C15.75 20 19 15.54 19 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L5 6.3V11.22C5 15.54 8.25 20 12 21M12 8.89C13.6 8.89 14.89 10.18 14.89 11.78S13.6 14.67 12 14.67 9.11 13.37 9.11 11.78 10.41 8.89 12 8.89M12 6L13.38 8C12.96 7.82 12.5 7.73 12 7.73S11.05 7.82 10.62 8L12 6M7 8.89L9.4 8.69C9.06 9 8.74 9.34 8.5 9.76C8.25 10.18 8.1 10.62 8 11.08L7 8.89M7 14.67L8.03 12.5C8.11 12.93 8.27 13.38 8.5 13.8C8.75 14.23 9.06 14.59 9.4 14.88L7 14.67M17 8.89L16 11.08C15.9 10.62 15.74 10.18 15.5 9.76C15.26 9.34 14.95 9 14.6 8.68L17 8.89M17 14.67L14.6 14.87C14.94 14.58 15.25 14.22 15.5 13.8C15.74 13.38 15.89 12.93 15.97 12.5L17 14.67M12 17.55L10.61 15.57C11.04 15.72 11.5 15.82 12 15.82C12.5 15.82 12.95 15.72 13.37 15.57L12 17.55Z",EE1="M12 1L3 5V11C3 16.5 6.8 21.7 12 23C17.2 21.7 21 16.5 21 11V5L12 1M15 15H13V18H11V15H9V13H11L10 7.1L12 5.5L14 7.1L13 13H15V15Z",NE1="M12 1L21 5V11C21 16.5 17.2 21.7 12 23C6.8 21.7 3 16.5 3 11V5L12 1M12 3.2L5 6.3V11.2C5 15.5 8.2 20 12 21C15.8 20 19 15.5 19 11.2V6.3L12 3.2M12 5.5L14 7.1L13 13H15V15H13V18H11V15H9V13H11L10 7.1L12 5.5Z",WE1="M18 12A6.41 6.41 0 0 1 20.87 12.67A11.63 11.63 0 0 0 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C12.35 22.91 12.7 22.8 13 22.68A6.42 6.42 0 0 1 11.5 18.5A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 18 12M18 14.5V13L15.75 15.25L18 17.5V16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 20.24 19.62L21.33 20.71A4 4 0 0 0 18 14.5M18 21A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.76 17.38L14.67 16.29A4 4 0 0 0 18 22.5V24L20.25 21.75L18 19.5Z",IE1="M12 21C8.25 20 5 15.54 5 11.22V6.3L12 3.18L19 6.3V12.07A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 20.91 12.67A11.63 11.63 0 0 0 21 11V5L12 1L3 5V11C3 16.55 6.84 21.74 12 23C12.35 22.91 12.7 22.8 13 22.68A6.3 6.3 0 0 1 12 21M18 14.5V13L15.75 15.25L18 17.5V16A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 20.24 19.62L21.33 20.71A4 4 0 0 0 18 14.5M18 21A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.76 17.38L14.67 16.29A4 4 0 0 0 18 22.5V24L20.25 21.75L18 19.5Z",GE1="M10.6 9.6L9 15L7.4 9.6L2 8L7.4 6.4L9 1L10.6 6.4L16 8L10.6 9.6M17 14.2L21 12L18.8 16L21 20L17 17.8L13 20L15.2 16L13 12L17 14.2M10 16L8.3 19L10 22L7 20.3L4 22L5.7 19L4 16L7 17.7L10 16",QE1="M2,11L4.05,11.1C4.3,8.83 5.5,6.85 7.25,5.56L6.13,3.84C5.86,3.36 6,2.75 6.5,2.47C7,2.2 7.59,2.36 7.87,2.84L8.8,4.66C9.78,4.24 10.86,4 12,4C13.14,4 14.22,4.24 15.2,4.66L16.13,2.84C16.41,2.36 17,2.2 17.5,2.47C18,2.75 18.14,3.36 17.87,3.84L16.75,5.56C18.5,6.85 19.7,8.83 19.95,11.1L22,11A1,1 0 0,1 23,12A1,1 0 0,1 22,13L19.95,12.9C19.7,15.17 18.5,17.15 16.75,18.44L17.87,20.16C18.14,20.64 18,21.25 17.5,21.53C17,21.8 16.41,21.64 16.13,21.16L15.2,19.34C14.22,19.76 13.14,20 12,20C10.86,20 9.78,19.76 8.8,19.34L7.87,21.16C7.59,21.64 7,21.8 6.5,21.53C6,21.25 5.86,20.64 6.13,20.16L7.25,18.44C5.5,17.15 4.3,15.17 4.05,12.9L2,13A1,1 0 0,1 1,12A1,1 0 0,1 2,11M9.07,11.35C9.2,10.74 9.53,10.2 10,9.79L8.34,7.25C7.11,8.19 6.27,9.6 6.05,11.2L9.07,11.35M12,9C12.32,9 12.62,9.05 12.9,9.14L14.28,6.45C13.58,6.16 12.81,6 12,6C11.19,6 10.42,6.16 9.72,6.45L11.1,9.14C11.38,9.05 11.68,9 12,9M14.93,11.35L17.95,11.2C17.73,9.6 16.89,8.19 15.66,7.25L14,9.79C14.47,10.2 14.8,10.74 14.93,11.35M14.93,12.65C14.8,13.26 14.47,13.8 14,14.21L15.66,16.75C16.89,15.81 17.73,14.4 17.95,12.8L14.93,12.65M12,15C11.68,15 11.38,14.95 11.09,14.86L9.72,17.55C10.42,17.84 11.19,18 12,18C12.81,18 13.58,17.84 14.28,17.55L12.91,14.86C12.62,14.95 12.32,15 12,15M9.07,12.65L6.05,12.8C6.27,14.4 7.11,15.81 8.34,16.75L10,14.21C9.53,13.8 9.2,13.26 9.07,12.65Z",UE1="M3 20H5V18H11V20H13V18H19V20H21V15H19V16H17V15H15V16H13V15H11V16H9V15H7V16H5V15H3M5 13H19V4H5Z",zE1="M12.78 11.97C12.27 8.54 10.86 2 7.53 2S2.8 8.54 2.28 11.97C2.07 13.42 2 14.89 2.16 16.35C2.5 19.39 3.55 20.84 4.27 21.5C4.64 21.83 5.11 22 5.6 22H9.47C9.96 22 10.43 21.83 10.8 21.5C11.5 20.84 12.55 19.39 12.91 16.35C13.08 14.89 13 13.42 12.78 11.97M7.53 4C7.89 3.87 8.59 4.73 9.27 6.31L4.58 10.33C5.41 6.26 6.94 3.79 7.53 4M9.75 13H5.31C5.1 13 4.92 12.92 4.76 12.81L10 8.33C10.29 9.35 10.56 10.5 10.75 11.83C10.84 12.44 10.37 13 9.75 13M21.78 11.97C21.27 8.54 19.86 2 16.53 2C15.04 2 13.94 3.32 13.13 5.08C13.5 6.04 13.84 7.14 14.13 8.37L19.31 12.81C19.15 12.92 18.97 13 18.75 13H14.92C15.04 14.27 15.03 15.45 14.89 16.59C14.62 18.87 14 20.45 13.32 21.53C13.68 21.84 14.13 22 14.6 22H18.47C18.96 22 19.43 21.83 19.8 21.5C20.5 20.84 21.55 19.39 21.91 16.35C22.08 14.89 22 13.42 21.78 11.97M14.8 6.31C15.5 4.73 16.18 3.87 16.53 4C17.13 3.79 18.65 6.26 19.5 10.33L14.8 6.31Z",_E1="M21 8C20.76 8 20.53 8 20.3 8L20.25 7.97C18.14 7.84 16.38 7.17 15.53 6.23L14 7C13.95 7.1 13.89 7.19 13.84 7.28C14.55 7.89 15 8.65 15 9.5C15 9.83 14.91 10.14 14.79 10.45L12.92 8.58C12.7 8.83 12.47 9.07 12.22 9.29L14.25 11.32C14.04 11.57 13.8 11.79 13.5 12L11.43 9.91C11.14 10.11 10.85 10.28 10.55 10.45L12.58 12.5C12.25 12.63 11.89 12.74 11.5 12.82L9.59 10.91C9.25 11.05 8.91 11.18 8.56 11.29L10.26 13C10.17 13 10.09 13 10 13C8.5 13 7.2 12.54 6.28 11.82C5.46 11.95 4.68 12 4 12C2 12 2 15 2 15V15C2 16.11 2.89 17 4 17H4V18C4 18.55 4.45 19 5 19S6 18.55 6 18V17H7V18C7 18.55 7.45 19 8 19S9 18.55 9 18V17H10V18C10 18.55 10.45 19 11 19S12 18.55 12 18V17H15V18C15 18.55 15.45 19 16 19S17 18.55 17 18V17H18V18C18 18.55 18.45 19 19 19S20 18.55 20 18V17H21C21 17 22 17 22 12.5C22 9 21 8 21 8Z",KE1="M21.5,9V8H20.5L19.5,9H15L14,8H13L7,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V16H10L13,15H15V16H21.5V14C21.5,14 22,13 22,11.5C22,10 21.5,9 21.5,9Z",jE1="M3,18H11.7L17,14H18V18H20V14C20,14 21,12 21,10C21,8 20.5,6 20.5,6H18.5L18,7L10,14H8L3,16V18Z",qE1="M10.74,11.72C11.21,12.95 11.16,14.23 9.75,14.74C6.85,15.81 6.2,13 6.16,12.86L10.74,11.72M5.71,10.91L10.03,9.84C9.84,8.79 10.13,7.74 10.13,6.5C10.13,4.82 8.8,1.53 6.68,2.06C4.26,2.66 3.91,5.35 4,6.65C4.12,7.95 5.64,10.73 5.71,10.91M17.85,19.85C17.82,20 17.16,22.8 14.26,21.74C12.86,21.22 12.8,19.94 13.27,18.71L17.85,19.85M20,13.65C20.1,12.35 19.76,9.65 17.33,9.05C15.22,8.5 13.89,11.81 13.89,13.5C13.89,14.73 14.17,15.78 14,16.83L18.3,17.9C18.38,17.72 19.89,14.94 20,13.65Z",$E1="M2 15C2 15 2 12 4 12C4.68 12 5.46 11.95 6.28 11.82C7.2 12.54 8.5 13 10 13H10.25L8.56 11.29C8.91 11.18 9.25 11.05 9.59 10.91L11.5 12.82C11.89 12.74 12.25 12.63 12.58 12.5L10.55 10.45C10.85 10.28 11.14 10.11 11.43 9.91L13.5 12C13.8 11.79 14.04 11.56 14.25 11.32L12.22 9.29C12.46 9.07 12.7 8.83 12.92 8.58L14.79 10.45C14.91 10.14 15 9.83 15 9.5C15 8.65 14.55 7.89 13.84 7.28C13.89 7.19 13.95 7.1 14 7L15.53 6.23C16.38 7.17 18.14 7.84 20.25 7.97L20.3 8H21C21 8 22 9 22 12.5C22 13.07 22 13.57 21.96 14H19C17.9 14 16.58 14.26 15.3 14.5C14.12 14.76 12.9 15 12 15H2M21 17C21 17 21.58 17 21.86 15H19C17 15 14 16 12 16H2.28C2.62 16.6 3.26 17 4 17H21Z",XE1="M12,13A5,5 0 0,1 7,8H9A3,3 0 0,0 12,11A3,3 0 0,0 15,8H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,13M12,3A3,3 0 0,1 15,6H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,3M19,6H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,1A5,5 0 0,0 7,6H5C3.89,6 3,6.89 3,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V8C21,6.89 20.1,6 19,6Z",YE1="M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6H15A3,3 0 0,0 12,3M19,6A2,2 0 0,1 21,8V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5C3.89,22 3,21.1 3,20V8C3,6.89 3.89,6 5,6H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,1A5,5 0 0,1 17,6H19M9,19L16.5,14L9,10V19Z",JE1="M19 6H17C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H5C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H19C20.1 22 21 21.1 21 20V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6M12 3C13.7 3 15 4.3 15 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3M19 20H5V8H19V20M12 12C10.3 12 9 10.7 9 9H7C7 11.8 9.2 14 12 14S17 11.8 17 9H15C15 10.7 13.7 12 12 12Z",CN1="M19 6H17A5 5 0 0 0 7 6H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 8V20A2 2 0 0 0 5 22H12.05A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 9 16.5A6.4 6.4 0 0 1 10.25 12.68A5 5 0 0 1 7 8H9A3 3 0 0 0 12 11H12.06A6.22 6.22 0 0 1 14.06 10.16A3 3 0 0 0 15 8H17A4.88 4.88 0 0 1 16.54 10.09A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 13.09V8A2 2 0 0 0 19 6M9 6A3 3 0 0 1 15 6M19.31 18.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22M15.5 19A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 18 16.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 15.5 19Z",HN1="M19.31 18.9C20.64 16.8 20 14 17.91 12.69S13.03 12 11.7 14.1 11 19 13.1 20.3C14.56 21.22 16.42 21.23 17.88 20.32L21 23.39L22.39 22M15.5 19C14.12 19 13 17.88 13 16.5S14.12 14 15.5 14 18 15.12 18 16.5 16.88 19 15.5 19M10.03 20H5V8H19V11.03C19.81 11.55 20.5 12.24 21 13.05V8C21 6.9 20.1 6 19 6H17C17 3.2 14.8 1 12 1S7 3.2 7 6H5C3.9 6 3 6.9 3 8V20C3 21.1 3.9 22 5 22H12.05C11.24 21.5 10.55 20.81 10.03 20M12 3C13.7 3 15 4.3 15 6H9C9 4.3 10.3 3 12 3M15 9H17C17 9.4 16.95 9.78 16.86 10.15C16.42 10.05 15.97 10 15.5 10C15.27 10 15.04 10 14.82 10.04C14.93 9.71 15 9.37 15 9M9.76 13.46C8.12 12.65 7 11 7 9H9C9 10.34 9.82 11.42 11 11.82C10.5 12.3 10.08 12.85 9.76 13.46Z",VN1="M20 12H22V14H20C18.6 14 17.3 13.6 16 13C13.5 14.3 10.5 14.3 8 13C6.7 13.6 5.4 14 4 14H2V12H4C5.4 12 6.8 11.5 8 10.7C10.4 12.4 13.6 12.4 16 10.7C17.2 11.5 18.6 12 20 12M20 6H22V8H20C18.6 8 17.3 7.7 16 7C13.5 8.3 10.5 8.3 8 7C6.7 7.7 5.4 8 4 8H2V6H4C5.4 6 6.8 5.5 8 4.7C10.4 6.4 13.6 6.4 16 4.7C17.2 5.5 18.6 6 20 6M22 20H2V18H22",LN1="M15.1,1.81L12.27,4.64C11.5,5.42 11.5,6.69 12.27,7.47L13.68,8.88L9.13,13.43L6.31,10.6L4.89,12C-0.06,17 3.5,20.5 3.5,20.5C3.5,20.5 7,24 12,19.09L13.41,17.68L10.61,14.88L15.15,10.34L16.54,11.73C17.32,12.5 18.59,12.5 19.37,11.73L22.2,8.9L15.1,1.81M17.93,10.28L16.55,8.9L15.11,7.46L13.71,6.06L15.12,4.65L19.35,8.88L17.93,10.28Z",MN1="M15.1,1.81L12.27,4.65C11.5,5.43 11.5,6.69 12.27,7.47L13.68,8.89L13,9.62L14.44,11.06L15.17,10.33L16.56,11.72C17.34,12.5 18.61,12.5 19.39,11.72L22.22,8.88L15.1,1.81M17.93,10.28L13.7,6.06L15.11,4.65L19.34,8.88L17.93,10.28M20.7,20.24L19.29,21.65L11.5,13.88L10.5,14.88L13.33,17.69L12,19.09C7,24 3.5,20.5 3.5,20.5C3.5,20.5 -0.06,17 4.89,12L6.31,10.6L9.13,13.43L10.13,12.43L2.35,4.68L3.77,3.26L20.7,20.24Z",AN1="M21,14V15C21,16.91 19.93,18.57 18.35,19.41L19,22H17L16.5,20C16.33,20 16.17,20 16,20H8C7.83,20 7.67,20 7.5,20L7,22H5L5.65,19.41C4.07,18.57 3,16.91 3,15V14H2V12H20V5A1,1 0 0,0 19,4C18.5,4 18.12,4.34 18,4.79C18.63,5.33 19,6.13 19,7H13A3,3 0 0,1 16,4C16.06,4 16.11,4 16.17,4C16.58,2.84 17.69,2 19,2A3,3 0 0,1 22,5V14H21V14M19,14H5V15A3,3 0 0,0 8,18H16A3,3 0 0,0 19,15V14Z",iN1="M20,20A1,1 0 0,1 21,21A1,1 0 0,1 20,22A1,1 0 0,1 19,21A1,1 0 0,1 20,20M16,20A1,1 0 0,1 17,21A1,1 0 0,1 16,22A1,1 0 0,1 15,21A1,1 0 0,1 16,20M12,20A1,1 0 0,1 13,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,22A1,1 0 0,1 11,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,20M8,20A1,1 0 0,1 9,21A1,1 0 0,1 8,22A1,1 0 0,1 7,21A1,1 0 0,1 8,20M4,20A1,1 0 0,1 5,21A1,1 0 0,1 4,22A1,1 0 0,1 3,21A1,1 0 0,1 4,20M6,17A1,1 0 0,1 7,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,19H6A1,1 0 0,1 5,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,17H6M10,17A1,1 0 0,1 11,18A1,1 0 0,1 10,19A1,1 0 0,1 9,18A1,1 0 0,1 10,17M14,17A1,1 0 0,1 15,18A1,1 0 0,1 14,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,18A1,1 0 0,1 14,17M18,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18A1,1 0 0,1 18,19A1,1 0 0,1 17,18A1,1 0 0,1 18,17M8,14A1,1 0 0,1 9,15A1,1 0 0,1 8,16A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 8,14M12,14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,14M16,14A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 16,16A1,1 0 0,1 15,15A1,1 0 0,1 16,14M19,12H5V10H19V12M17.92,9H6.08C6.5,6.5 8.5,4.5 11,4.08V2H13V4.08C15.5,4.5 17.5,6.5 17.92,9Z",rN1="M6,3V7H8V5H16V7H18V3H6M5,8A3,3 0 0,0 2,11V17H5V14H19V17H22V11A3,3 0 0,0 19,8H5M18,10A1,1 0 0,1 19,11A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 17,11A1,1 0 0,1 18,10M7,16V21H9V16H7M11,16V20H13V16H11M15,16V21H17V16H15Z",aN1="M14.83,13.41L13.42,14.82L16.55,17.95L14.5,20H20V14.5L17.96,16.54L14.83,13.41M14.5,4L16.54,6.04L4,18.59L5.41,20L17.96,7.46L20,9.5V4M10.59,9.17L5.41,4L4,5.41L9.17,10.58L10.59,9.17Z",eN1="M16,4.5V7H5V9H16V11.5L19.5,8M16,12.5V15H5V17H16V19.5L19.5,16",dN1="M17,3L22.25,7.5L17,12L22.25,16.5L17,21V18H14.26L11.44,15.18L13.56,13.06L15.5,15H17V12L17,9H15.5L6.5,18H2V15H5.26L14.26,6H17V3M2,6H6.5L9.32,8.82L7.2,10.94L5.26,9H2V6Z",mN1="M14.5 9.5L12 2L9.5 9.5L2 12L9.5 14.5L12 22L14.5 14.5L22 12L14.5 9.5M12 13.7C11.1 13.7 10.3 13 10.3 12C10.3 11.1 11 10.3 12 10.3C12.9 10.3 13.7 11 13.7 12C13.7 12.9 12.9 13.7 12 13.7Z",tN1="M19.3 7.2C17.5 4.7 14.9 3 12 2C26.2 10.5 15.4 22.9 8.5 15.5L5.9 16L2.5 19.4C1.9 20 1.9 21 2.5 21.5C3.1 22.1 4.1 22.1 4.6 21.5L7.8 18.3C15.3 24.3 25 15 19.3 7.2Z",vN1="M18,6H8.83L14.83,12L8.83,18H18V20H6V18L12,12L6,6V4H18V6Z",lN1="M19,12C19,16.42 15.64,20 11.5,20C7.36,20 4,16.42 4,12C4,7.58 7.36,4 11.5,4H20V6H16.46C18,7.47 19,9.61 19,12M11.5,6C8.46,6 6,8.69 6,12C6,15.31 8.46,18 11.5,18C14.54,18 17,15.31 17,12C17,8.69 14.54,6 11.5,6Z",oN1="M2,3H22V13H18V21H16V13H8V21H6V13H2V3M18.97,11L20,9.97V7.15L16.15,11H18.97M13.32,11L19.32,5H16.5L10.5,11H13.32M7.66,11L13.66,5H10.83L4.83,11H7.66M5.18,5L4,6.18V9L8,5H5.18Z",nN1="M11,12H3.5L6,9.5L3.5,7H11V3L12,2L13,3V7H18L20.5,9.5L18,12H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V12Z",ZN1="M20.5 9.5L18 12H13V22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18M23 18H15V20H23Z",SN1="M13 20H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 13.81 22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18L20.5 9.5L18 12H13M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15Z",uN1="M13 20H13.09A5.5 5.5 0 0 0 13.81 22H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 20V12H3.5L6 9.5L3.5 7H11V3L12 2L13 3V7H18L20.5 9.5L18 12H13M21.12 15.46L19 17.59L16.88 15.46L15.46 16.88L17.59 19L15.46 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",cN1="M7.5 4C7.9 3.6 8.5 3.6 8.9 4L11.8 7C11 7.4 10.6 7.6 10.2 8.2L7.5 5.5C7.1 5.1 7.1 4.4 7.5 4M6.3 7.2C6.7 6.8 7.3 6.8 7.7 7.2L9.6 9.2C9.4 9.8 9.3 10.5 9.4 11H8.6L6.3 8.6C5.9 8.2 5.9 7.6 6.3 7.2M19 21.5C19 22.9 17.9 24 16.5 24H5.5C5 24 4.5 23.5 4.5 23S5 22 5.5 22H10V21H4C3.5 21 3 20.5 3 20S3.5 19 4 19H10V18H3C2.5 18 2 17.5 2 17S2.5 16 3 16H10V15H4.5C4 15 3.5 14.5 3.5 14S4 13 4.5 13H12.5L11.6 11.1C11.2 10.4 11.5 9.5 12.3 9.1L12.5 9L18.2 14.5C18.7 15 19 15.6 19 16.3V21.5M22 11.3C22 12 21.7 12.6 21.2 13.1L20.3 13.9C20.1 13.6 19.9 13.3 19.6 13L19 12.4L15.4 9L12.7 6.6L8.9 2.6C8.5 2.2 8.5 1.6 8.9 1.2C9.3 .8 9.9 .8 10.3 1.2L15.1 6.3L15.8 5.6L12 1.6C11.6 1.2 11.6 .6 12 .2S13-.2 13.4 .2L18.9 6L19.6 4C20.1 3.4 21 3 21.7 3.2L22 3.3V11.3Z",sN1="M7.5 4C7.9 3.6 8.5 3.6 8.9 4L11.8 7C11 7.4 10.6 7.6 10.2 8.2L7.5 5.5C7.1 5.1 7.1 4.4 7.5 4M6.3 7.2C6.7 6.8 7.3 6.8 7.7 7.2L9.6 9.2C9.4 9.8 9.3 10.5 9.4 11H8.6L6.3 8.6C5.9 8.2 5.9 7.6 6.3 7.2M18.2 14.5L12.5 9L12.2 9.1C11.5 9.5 11.2 10.4 11.5 11.1L12.4 13H4.4C3.9 13 3.4 13.5 3.4 14S3.9 15 4.4 15H10V16H3C2.5 16 2 16.5 2 17S2.5 18 3 18H10V19H4C3.5 19 3 19.5 3 20S3.5 21 4 21H10V22H5.5C5 22 4.5 22.5 4.5 23S5 24 5.5 24H16.5C17.9 24 19 22.9 19 21.5V16.3C19 15.6 18.7 14.9 18.2 14.5M17 21C17 21.5 16.5 22 16 22H12V15H14V13.2L16.7 15.7C16.9 15.9 17 16.2 17 16.4V21M22 11.3C22 12 21.7 12.6 21.2 13.1L20.3 13.9C20.1 13.6 19.9 13.3 19.6 13L19 12.4L19.7 11.7C19.9 11.5 20 11.2 20 11V7.3L18.7 8.5L17.3 7L15.4 9L12.7 6.6L8.9 2.6C8.5 2.2 8.5 1.6 8.9 1.2C9.3 .8 9.9 .8 10.3 1.2L15.1 6.3L15.8 5.6L12 1.6C11.6 1.2 11.6 .6 12 .2S13-.2 13.4 .2L18.9 6L19.6 4C20.1 3.4 21 3 21.7 3.2L22 3.3V11.3Z",ON1="M11 3L12 2L13 3V20C14.11 20 15 20.9 15 22H9C9 20.9 9.9 20 11 20V3Z",hN1="M18 8H8C6.9 8 6 8.9 6 10V16C6 17.11 6.9 18 8 18H18C19.11 18 20 17.11 20 16V10C20 8.9 19.11 8 18 8M14 16H8V14H14V16M18 12H8V10H18V12M22 6H4V22H2V2H4V4H22V6Z",pN1="M11,3L12,2L13,3V5H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,6V16A1,1 0 0,1 20,17H13V20A2,2 0 0,1 15,22H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V17H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,16V6A1,1 0 0,1 4,5H11V3M6,8V10H18V8H6M6,12V14H13V12H6Z",fN1="M20.5 3H3.5C2.4 3 1.6 4.3 2.2 5.3L10.7 20.2C11 20.7 11.5 21 12 21S13 20.7 13.3 20.2L21.8 5.3C22.4 4.3 21.6 3 20.5 3M12 18.5L4.3 5H19.6L12 18.5M6.9 6.5H17.1L12 15.5L6.9 6.5Z",gN1="M3,21H6V18H3M8,21H11V14H8M13,21H16V9H13M18,21H21V3H18V21Z",kN1="M11,19.5H2V13.5A3,3 0 0,1 5,10.5H8V7.5H2V4.5H8A3,3 0 0,1 11,7.5V10.5A3,3 0 0,1 8,13.5H5V16.5H11M22,10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5",BN1="M11,16.5V14.25C11,13 10,12 8.75,12C10,12 11,11 11,9.75V7.5A3,3 0 0,0 8,4.5H2V7.5H8V10.5H5V13.5H8V16.5H2V19.5H8A3,3 0 0,0 11,16.5M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5Z",PN1="M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5M8,19.5H11V4.5H8V10.5H5V4.5H2V13.5H8V19.5Z",wN1="M22,16.5V10.5H17.5V13.5H19V16.5H16V7.5H22V4.5H16A3,3 0 0,0 13,7.5V16.5A3,3 0 0,0 16,19.5H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,16.5M10,4.5H3V12L3,13.5H7V16.5H3V19.5H8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,18V12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,10.5H6V7.5H10V4.5Z",FN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M12.5,10.5V18.5H10.5V10.5H12.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",TN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",bN1="M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",yN1="M19.5,5.5V18.5H17.5V5.5H19.5M12.5,10.5V18.5H10.5V10.5H12.5M5.5,15.5V18.5H3.5V15.5H5.5M21,4H16V20H21V4M14,9H9V20H14V9M7,14H2V20H7V14Z",RN1="M4,6V4A12,12 0 0,1 16,16H14A10,10 0 0,0 4,6M4,10V8A8,8 0 0,1 12,16H10A6,6 0 0,0 4,10M4,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,16H4V12M3,18H19V16L22,19L19,22V20H3V18Z",xN1="M10.5,10.5H13.5V4.5H16.5V19.5H13.5V13.5H10.5V19.5H7.5V4.5H10.5V10.5Z",DN1="M19,8V11H22V14H19V17H16V14H13V11H16V8H19M5,10.5H8V4.5H11V19.5H8V13.5H5V19.5H2V4.5H5V10.5Z",EN1="M18,3V16.18L21,19.18V3H18M4.28,5L3,6.27L10.73,14H8V21H11V14.27L13,16.27V21H16V19.27L19.73,23L21,21.72L4.28,5M13,9V11.18L16,14.18V9H13M3,18V21H6V18H3Z",NN1="M4,6V4H4.1C12.9,4 20,11.1 20,19.9V20H18V19.9C18,12.2 11.8,6 4,6M4,10V8A12,12 0 0,1 16,20H14A10,10 0 0,0 4,10M4,14V12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20H10A6,6 0 0,0 4,14M4,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,20H4V16Z",WN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M2.26,16.83L5.09,14L2.26,11.17L3.67,9.76L6.5,12.59L9.33,9.76L10.74,11.17L7.91,14L10.74,16.83L9.33,18.24L6.5,15.41L3.67,18.24L2.26,16.83Z",IN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L5.5,18L4.1,16.6L2.7,18L2,17.3L3.4,15.9L2,14.5L2.7,13.8L4.1,15.2L5.5,13.8L6.2,14.5L4.8,15.9L6.2,17.3M16.22,14.43C16.22,13.85 15.5,13.2 14.06,12.46C12.23,11.54 11,10.79 10.36,10.24C9.71,9.68 9.39,9.06 9.39,8.37C9.39,6.59 10.3,5.12 12.12,3.95C13.94,2.78 15.43,2.19 16.57,2.19C17.31,2.19 17.85,2.32 18.18,2.58C18.5,2.83 18.68,3.27 18.68,3.9C18.68,4.18 18.56,4.42 18.31,4.63C18.07,4.83 17.87,4.93 17.74,4.93C17.63,4.93 17.43,4.83 17.13,4.64L16.55,4.38C16.08,4.38 15.14,4.71 13.71,5.38C12.29,6.04 11.58,6.79 11.58,7.63C11.58,8.14 11.82,8.6 12.32,9C12.82,9.42 13.71,9.93 15,10.53C16.03,11 16.86,11.5 17.5,12.07C18.1,12.61 18.41,13.25 18.41,14C18.41,15.34 17.47,16.41 15.58,17.17C13.7,17.94 11.9,18.32 10.19,18.32C8.75,18.32 8,17.83 8,16.86C8,16.5 8.19,16.27 8.5,16.11C8.83,15.95 9.16,15.87 9.5,15.87L10.25,16L10.97,16.13C11.95,16.13 13,15.97 14.13,15.64C15.26,15.32 15.96,14.91 16.22,14.43Z",GN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L4.8,15.9L6.2,14.5L5.5,13.8L4.1,15.2L2.7,13.8L2,14.5L3.4,15.9L2,17.3L2.7,18L4.1,16.6L5.5,18L6.2,17.3M20,5H10A2,2 0 0,0 8,7V16A2,2 0 0,0 10,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M10,16L12.6,12.7L14.4,14.9L16.8,11.6L20,16H10Z",QN1="M22,22H2V20H22V22M6.2,17.3L4.8,15.9L6.2,14.5L5.5,13.8L4.1,15.2L2.7,13.8L2,14.5L3.4,15.9L2,17.3L2.7,18L4.1,16.6L5.5,18L6.2,17.3M20.5,3L21.7,7.4L20.7,7.7C20.2,6.8 19.8,6 19.3,5.5C18.7,5 18.1,5 17.5,5H15V15.5C15,16 15,16.5 15.3,16.7C15.6,16.9 16.3,16.9 17,16.9V17.9H11V16.9C11.7,16.9 12.3,16.9 12.7,16.7C13,16.5 13,16 13,15.5V5H10.5C9.9,5 9.3,5 8.7,5.4C8.2,5.8 7.7,6.7 7.3,7.6L6.3,7.3L7.5,3H20.5Z",UN1="M15 7.8C14.6 4.5 11.8 2 8.5 2C6.8 2 5.1 2.7 3.9 3.9S2 6.8 2 8.5V22H15V9.8L18 11.6V22H20V12.8L22 14V12L15 7.8M11 20H6V18H11V20M11 16H6V14H11V16M11 12H6V10H11V12M4.3 7C4.9 5.2 6.6 4 8.5 4S12.1 5.2 12.7 7H4.3Z",zN1="M8.5,2C11.85,2 14.6,4.53 14.96,7.78L22,12V14L20,12.8V22H18V11.6L15,9.8V22H13V9H4V22H2V8.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 8.5,2M8.5,4C6.54,4 4.87,5.25 4.26,7H12.74C12.13,5.25 10.46,4 8.5,4M6,11H11V13H6V11M6,15H11V17H6V15M6,19H11V21H6V19Z",_N1="M8.1,13.34L3.91,9.16C2.35,7.59 2.35,5.06 3.91,3.5L10.93,10.5L8.1,13.34M14.88,11.53L13.41,13L20.29,19.88L18.88,21.29L12,14.41L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.47,10.12C12.76,8.59 13.26,6.44 14.85,4.85C16.76,2.93 19.5,2.57 20.96,4.03C22.43,5.5 22.07,8.24 20.15,10.15C18.56,11.74 16.41,12.24 14.88,11.53Z",KN1="M15 0L14.38 1.37L13 2L14.38 2.63L15 4L15.63 2.63L17 2L15.63 1.37L15 0M10.5 2L9.41 4.41L7 5.5L9.41 6.59L10.5 9L11.6 6.59L14 5.5L11.6 4.41L10.5 2M18.89 5.14C17.56 5.06 16.04 5.65 14.84 6.84C13.25 8.43 12.75 10.58 13.46 12.11L3.7 21.87L5.11 23.28L12 16.41L18.88 23.29L20.29 21.88L13.41 15L14.88 13.53C16.41 14.24 18.56 13.74 20.15 12.15C22.06 10.24 22.43 7.5 20.96 6.03C20.41 5.5 19.68 5.19 18.89 5.14M3.91 5.5C2.35 7.06 2.35 9.59 3.91 11.16L8.1 15.34L10.93 12.5L3.91 5.5Z",jN1="M5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.36,10.22L13.16,10C12.38,9.23 12.38,7.97 13.16,7.19L17.5,2.82L18.43,3.74L15.19,7L16.15,7.94L19.39,4.69L20.31,5.61L17.06,8.85L18,9.81L21.26,6.56L22.18,7.5L17.81,11.84C17.03,12.62 15.77,12.62 15,11.84L14.78,11.64L5.12,21.29Z",qN1="M11,9H9V2H7V9H5V2H3V9C3,11.12 4.66,12.84 6.75,12.97V22H9.25V12.97C11.34,12.84 13,11.12 13,9V2H11V9M16,6V14H18.5V22H21V2C18.24,2 16,4.24 16,6Z",$N1="M14.88,11.53L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.47,10.12C12.76,8.59 13.26,6.44 14.85,4.85C16.76,2.93 19.5,2.57 20.96,4.03C22.43,5.5 22.07,8.24 20.15,10.15C18.56,11.74 16.41,12.24 14.88,11.53Z",XN1="M8.1,13.34L3.91,9.16C2.35,7.59 2.35,5.06 3.91,3.5L10.93,10.5L8.1,13.34M13.41,13L20.29,19.88L18.88,21.29L12,14.41L5.12,21.29L3.71,19.88L13.36,10.22L13.16,10C12.38,9.23 12.38,7.97 13.16,7.19L17.5,2.82L18.43,3.74L15.19,7L16.15,7.94L19.39,4.69L20.31,5.61L17.06,8.85L18,9.81L21.26,6.56L22.18,7.5L17.81,11.84C17.03,12.62 15.77,12.62 15,11.84L14.78,11.64L13.41,13Z",YN1="M20,4A2,2 0 0,0 18,2H10L4,8V20A2,2 0 0,0 6,22H18C19.11,22 20,21.1 20,20V4M9,19H7V17H9V19M17,19H15V17H17V19M9,15H7V11H9V15M13,19H11V15H13V19M13,13H11V11H13V13M17,15H15V11H17V15Z",JN1="M13 13H11V7H13M13 17H11V15H13M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2Z",CW1="M13 13H11V7H13M13 17H11V15H13M18 4V20H6V8.8L10.8 4H18M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2Z",HW1="M20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20V8L5.06 6.95L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M20 4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H10L7.6 4.4L20 16.8V4Z",VW1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.06 6.95L4 8V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M18 20H6V8.83L6.47 8.36L18 19.89V20M10.83 4H18V14.8L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H10L7.6 4.4L9 5.81L10.83 4Z",LW1="M18 4V20H6V8.8L10.8 4H18M18 2H10L4 8V20C4 21.1 4.9 22 6 22H18C19.1 22 20 21.1 20 20V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2M9.5 19H7.5V17H9.5V19M16.5 19H14.5V17H16.5V19M9.5 15H7.5V11H9.5V15M13 19H11V15H13V19M13 13H11V11H13V13M16.5 15H14.5V11H16.5V15Z",MW1="M18.25 17C18.25 17.88 18.07 18.74 17.71 19.53H16.31C17.71 17.15 16.91 14.09 14.53 12.69C13.76 12.24 12.89 12 12 12C9.24 12 7 9.76 7 7C7 4.24 9.24 2 12 2C14.76 2 17 4.24 17 7H15.75C15.75 4.93 14.07 3.25 12 3.25C9.93 3.25 8.25 4.93 8.25 7C8.25 9.07 9.93 10.75 12 10.75C15.45 10.75 18.25 13.56 18.25 17M6.29 19.53C5.93 18.74 5.75 17.87 5.75 17H7C7 17.93 7.25 18.79 7.69 19.53H6.29M18.25 20.75V22H5.75V20.75H9.5V15.75H8.25V14.5H15.75V15.75H14.5V20.75H18.25M13.25 15.75H10.75V20.75H13.25V15.75M14.44 7.07C14.4 8.4 13.33 9.47 12 9.5C10.62 9.46 9.53 8.32 9.57 6.94C9.6 5.61 10.67 4.53 12 4.5C13.38 4.54 14.47 5.68 14.44 7.07M13.25 7C13.25 6.31 12.69 5.75 12 5.75C11.31 5.75 10.75 6.31 10.75 7C10.75 7.69 11.31 8.25 12 8.25C12.69 8.25 13.25 7.69 13.25 7Z",AW1="M9.82,13.87C10.89,13.87 11.77,14.74 11.77,15.82A1.95,1.95 0 0,1 9.82,17.77C8.74,17.77 7.87,16.89 7.87,15.82C7.87,14.74 8.74,13.87 9.82,13.87M14.5,3.34L15.18,3.31C18.94,3.31 22,6.37 22,10.13L21.95,10.95L20.76,10.58L20.78,10.13C20.78,7.04 18.27,4.53 15.18,4.53L14.83,4.54L14.5,3.34M15.32,6.23C17.38,6.3 19.05,8 19.08,10.06L17.84,9.68C17.65,8.56 16.78,7.68 15.67,7.5L15.32,6.23M2,15.41C1.97,14.8 2.07,12.64 4.95,9.97C8.35,6.81 9.82,7.05 9.82,7.05C9.82,7.05 13,6.75 11.06,10.46H11.13C11.6,9.96 12.62,9.21 14.69,9C16.77,8.79 16.77,10.5 16.5,11.7C18.38,12.64 19.56,14.03 19.56,15.58C19.56,18.4 15.63,20.69 10.78,20.69H10.65L10.5,20.69C7,20.69 4,19.42 2.71,17.59C2.25,16.97 2,16.29 2,15.58V15.41M9.82,11.92C6.59,11.92 3.97,13.67 3.97,15.82C3.97,17.97 6.59,19.72 9.82,19.72C13.05,19.72 15.67,17.97 15.67,15.82C15.67,13.67 13.05,11.92 9.82,11.92Z",iW1="M16.5,21C13.5,21 12.31,16.76 11.05,12.28C10.14,9.04 9,5 7.5,5C4.11,5 4,11.93 4,12H2C2,11.63 2.06,3 7.5,3C10.5,3 11.71,7.25 12.97,11.74C13.83,14.8 15,19 16.5,19C19.94,19 20.03,12.07 20.03,12H22.03C22.03,12.37 21.97,21 16.5,21Z",rW1="M9,2V8H11V11H5C3.89,11 3,11.89 3,13V16H1V22H7V16H5V13H11V16H9V22H15V16H13V13H19V16H17V22H23V16H21V13C21,11.89 20.11,11 19,11H13V8H15V2H9Z",aW1="M21 16V13C21 11.89 20.11 11 19 11H13V8H15V2H9V8H11V11H5C3.89 11 3 11.89 3 13V16H1V22H7V16H5V13H11V16H9V22H15V16H13V13H19V16H17V22H23V16H21M11 4H13V6H11V4M5 20H3V18H5V20M13 20H11V18H13V20M21 20H19V18H21V20Z",eW1="M9 7V17H15V15H11V7H9Z",dW1="M9 7C7.9 7 7 7.9 7 9V17H9V9H11V16H13V9H15V17H17V9C17 7.9 16.11 7 15 7H9Z",mW1="M11 7C9.9 7 9 7.9 9 9V11C9 12.11 9.9 13 11 13H13V15H9V17H13C14.11 17 15 16.11 15 15V13C15 11.9 14.11 11 13 11H11V9H15V7H11Z",tW1="M6 7H8L9 9.5L10 7H12L10 12L12 17H10L9 14.5L8 17H6L8 12L6 7M13 7H15V15H19V17H13V7Z",vW1="M6 7H8L9 9.5L10 7H12L10 12L12 17H10L9 14.5L8 17H6L8 12L6 7M15 7H19V9H15V11H17C18.11 11 19 11.9 19 13V15C19 16.11 18.11 17 17 17H13V15H17V13H15C13.9 13 13 12.11 13 11V9C13 7.9 13.9 7 15 7Z",lW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M16 7H18V15H22V17H16V7M2 7H4L5 9.5L6 7H8L6 12L8 17H6L5 14.5L4 17H2L4 12L2 7Z",oW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M18 7H22V9H18V11H20C21.11 11 22 11.9 22 13V15C22 16.11 21.11 17 20 17H16V15H20V13H18C16.9 13 16 12.11 16 11V9C16 7.9 16.9 7 18 7M2 7H4L5 9.5L6 7H8L6 12L8 17H6L5 14.5L4 17H2L4 12L2 7Z",nW1="M9 7H11L12 9.5L13 7H15L13 12L15 17H13L12 14.5L11 17H9L11 12L9 7M16 7H18V15H22V17H16V7M8 15C8 16.11 7.11 17 6 17H2V15H6V13H4V11H6V9H2V7H6C7.1 7 8 7.89 8 9V10.5C8 11.33 7.33 12 6.5 12C7.33 12 8 12.67 8 13.5V15Z",ZW1="M20.95 17C20.7 18.69 19.26 20 17.5 20H16V18H19C18.93 16.72 19.26 14.04 18.53 12.95C17.56 10.9 14.83 10.56 12.93 10.05C12 10 11 9 10.84 8H8C7.72 8 7.5 7.78 7.5 7.5C7.5 7.22 7.72 7 8 7H10.5V6H8C7.72 6 7.5 5.78 7.5 5.5C7.5 5.22 7.72 5 8 5H10.5V2H2.03V18H5V20H1V22H17.5C20.36 22 22.72 19.8 23 17H20.95M14 20H7V18H14V20Z",SW1="M19 15.81L13.36 10.16C15.22 10.62 17.63 11.05 18.53 12.95C18.95 13.57 19 14.71 19 15.81M20.95 17C20.92 17.21 20.87 17.41 20.8 17.6L22.32 19.12C22.68 18.5 22.92 17.77 23 17H20.95M10.5 7V6H9.2L10.2 7H10.5M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.66 21.55C19 21.83 18.27 22 17.5 22H1V20H5V18H2.03V3.92L1.11 3L2.03 2.09V2H2.12L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14 18H7V20H14V18M18.06 19.95L16.11 18H16V20H17.5C17.69 20 17.88 20 18.06 19.95M10.5 5V2H5.2L8.2 5H10.5Z",uW1="M9 14.5C9 15.33 8.33 16 7.5 16S6 15.33 6 14.5 6.67 13 7.5 13 9 13.67 9 14.5M16.5 13C15.67 13 15 13.67 15 14.5S15.67 16 16.5 16C17.33 16 18 15.33 18 14.5S17.33 13 16.5 13M21.59 9.19C21.14 8.87 20.5 8.97 20.19 9.41L20.06 9.59C19.88 9.85 19.57 10 19.26 10L4.74 10C4.43 10 4.13 9.85 3.94 9.59L3.81 9.41C3.5 8.97 2.86 8.87 2.41 9.19C1.96 9.5 1.87 10.15 2.19 10.59L2.32 10.77C2.88 11.54 3.79 12 4.74 12H19.26C20.21 12 21.12 11.54 21.68 10.77L21.81 10.59C22.13 10.15 22.04 9.5 21.59 9.19Z",cW1="M19.78 18.39C19.93 18.54 20 18.7 20 18.88C20 19 19.94 19.17 19.82 19.32C19.44 19.85 18.96 20.26 18.37 20.56C17.78 20.85 17.15 21 16.47 21H7.53C6.82 21 6.17 20.85 5.59 20.56C5 20.26 4.5 19.85 4.13 19.32C4.04 19.17 4 19.03 4 18.88C4 18.7 4.07 18.54 4.2 18.39S4.5 18.17 4.71 18.17C4.94 18.17 5.13 18.27 5.28 18.5C5.69 19 6.22 19.36 6.87 19.54L9.82 15.96L8.54 12.07C8.36 11.5 8.44 11 8.76 10.5L11 6.86H8.8L7 9.77L5.41 8.76L7.75 5H13.12C13.54 5 13.87 5.12 14.14 5.35C14.4 5.59 14.58 5.8 14.67 5.97L15.15 7.12C15.5 7.89 16 8.5 16.7 9C17.4 9.45 18.18 9.69 19.03 9.69V11.59C17.94 11.59 16.95 11.32 16.03 10.79C15.12 10.26 14.4 9.57 13.87 8.71L12.16 11.41L16.21 13.93V19.59H16.47C16.92 19.59 17.33 19.5 17.73 19.28S18.46 18.81 18.72 18.5C18.87 18.27 19.05 18.17 19.25 18.17S19.63 18.25 19.78 18.39M14.36 15.25L11.05 13.18L12 16.32L9.24 19.59H14.36V15.25M15 1C13.9 1 13 1.9 13 3S13.9 5 15 5 17 4.11 17 3 16.11 1 15 1M8 21.5C7.59 21.5 7.25 21.84 7.25 22.25S7.59 23 8 23C8.41 23 8.75 22.66 8.75 22.25S8.41 21.5 8 21.5M16 21.5C15.59 21.5 15.25 21.84 15.25 22.25S15.59 23 16 23 16.75 22.66 16.75 22.25 16.41 21.5 16 21.5Z",sW1="M17.5,11L15.41,20H10.5L12.59,11H17.5M20,9H11L8,22H17L20,9M4,6L8,2V5H16V7H8V10L4,6Z",OW1="M12.5,11L10.41,20H5.5L7.59,11H12.5M15,9H6L3,22H12L15,9M21,6L17,2V5H9V7H17V10L21,6Z",hW1="M17.92 13.32C17.67 13.28 16.71 13 16.46 12.89L14.39 19.37L11.3 18.24L13.5 12.47L10.45 9L13 7.54C13.45 8.67 14.17 9.62 15.12 10.4S17.16 11.67 18.38 11.86L19.5 8.43L18.06 7.96L17.54 9.56C16.88 9.28 16.3 8.86 15.8 8.32C15.3 7.77 14.94 7.13 14.72 6.41L14.39 5.33C14.27 4.93 14.04 4.61 13.71 4.37C13.38 4.14 13 4 12.63 3.97C12.24 3.94 11.86 4 11.5 4.21L8 6.23C7.63 6.44 7.36 6.74 7.19 7.12C7 7.5 6.96 7.88 7 8.29S7.26 9.06 7.54 9.37L11.11 13.08L9.42 17.54L2.47 15.05L2 16.46L16.04 21.58C16.82 21.86 17.65 22 18.53 22C19.15 22 19.76 21.92 20.36 21.77C20.95 21.61 21.5 21.39 22 21.11L20.87 20C20.12 20.33 19.34 20.5 18.53 20.5C17.87 20.5 17.21 20.39 16.55 20.17L15.8 19.89L17.92 13.32M19 3C19 4.11 18.11 5 17 5S15 4.11 15 3 15.9 1 17 1 19 1.9 19 3Z",pW1="M19 14H17.6V22H19V14M6.44 22H5L7 14H8.44L6.44 22M8.76 9.54V13H7V8.32L11.61 6.31C12.04 6.14 12.5 6.13 12.96 6.27S13.79 6.69 14.06 7.1L15 8.58C15.37 9.25 15.9 9.95 16.62 10.37C17.33 10.79 18.13 11 19 11V12.83C18 12.83 17 12.62 16.13 12.2S14.5 11.06 13.88 10.37L13.31 13.16L15.28 15V22H13.4V16.5L11.5 14.55L9.77 22H7.8L10.43 8.89L8.76 9.54M16 4C16 5.11 15.11 6 14 6S12 5.11 12 4 12.9 2 14 2 16 2.9 16 4Z",fW1="M4.2 3.5C4.2 2.7 4.9 1.9 5.8 1.9C6.7 1.9 7.4 2.6 7.4 3.5S6.6 5 5.8 5 4.2 4.3 4.2 3.5M22 3.9L21.5 3L13.5 7.1L14 8L22 3.9M20.8 20.3L21.7 21.2C21.1 21.8 20.5 22.2 19.8 22.5S18.3 23 17.5 23H2V21.7H4.7L6.8 18.2L4.5 15L3.7 7.2C3.7 6.3 4.5 5.5 5.4 5.5C5.7 5.5 6 5.6 6.2 5.7L9.7 8.3L12 7.5L12.8 9.1L9.3 10.6C9.2 10.5 7.7 9.4 6.6 8.5L7 12L12.3 16.5L14 21.7H17.5C18.1 21.7 18.7 21.6 19.3 21.3C19.9 21.1 20.4 20.7 20.8 20.3M7 21.7H12L10.4 17.8L8.1 15.9L9.3 18.4L7 21.7Z",gW1="M20,5V19L13,12M6,5V19H4V5M13,5V19L6,12",kW1="M18,14.17L15.83,12L18,9.83V14.17M20,19V5L13,12M4,19H6V5H4M11,14.17L8.83,12L11,9.83V14.17M13,19V5L6,12",BW1="M4,5V19L11,12M18,5V19H20V5M11,5V19L18,12",PW1="M6,9.83L8.17,12L6,14.17V9.83M4,5V19L11,12M20,5H18V19H20M13,9.83L15.17,12L13,14.17V9.83M11,5V19L18,12",wW1="M16,18H18V6H16M6,18L14.5,12L6,6V18Z",FW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M8,8L13,12L8,16M14,8H16V16H14",TW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4M8,8V16L13,12M14,8V16H16V8",bW1="M6,18L14.5,12L6,6M8,9.86L11.03,12L8,14.14M16,6H18V18H16",yW1="M6,18V6H8V18H6M9.5,12L18,6V18L9.5,12Z",RW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M8,8H10V16H8M16,8V16L11,12",xW1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4C7.59,4 4,7.59 4,12C4,16.41 7.59,20 12,20C16.41,20 20,16.41 20,12C20,7.59 16.41,4 12,4M16,8V16L11,12M10,8V16H8V8",DW1="M6,6H8V18H6M9.5,12L18,18V6M16,14.14L12.97,12L16,9.86V14.14Z",EW1="M12,2A9,9 0 0,0 3,11C3,14.03 4.53,16.82 7,18.47V22H9V19H11V22H13V19H15V22H17V18.46C19.47,16.81 21,14 21,11A9,9 0 0,0 12,2M8,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,15A2,2 0 0,1 6,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,11M16,11A2,2 0 0,1 18,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,11M12,14L13.5,17H10.5L12,14Z",NW1="M15.8,18.5L21.8,20.1L21.4,22L12,19.5L2.6,22L2.1,20.1L8.1,18.5L2,16.9L2.5,15L11.9,17.5L21.3,15L21.8,16.9L15.8,18.5M18,8C18,9.8 17.2,11.3 16,12.4V15H14V13.7L14,13H13V15H11V13H10V13.7L10,15H8V12.4C6.8,11.3 6,9.8 6,8A6,6 0 0,1 12,2A6,6 0 0,1 18,8M11,7.5C11,6.7 10.3,6 9.5,6C8.7,6 8,6.7 8,7.5C8,8.3 8.7,9 9.5,9C10.3,9 11,8.3 11,7.5M13,11L12,9L11,11H13M16,7.5C16,6.7 15.3,6 14.5,6C13.7,6 13,6.7 13,7.5C13,8.3 13.7,9 14.5,9C15.3,9 16,8.3 16,7.5Z",WW1="M15.8,18.5L21.8,20.1L21.4,22L12,19.5L2.6,22L2.1,20.1L8.1,18.5L2,16.9L2.5,15L11.9,17.5L21.3,15L21.8,16.9L15.8,18.5M9.5,6C8.7,6 8,6.7 8,7.5C8,8.3 8.7,9 9.5,9C10.3,9 11,8.3 11,7.5C11,6.7 10.3,6 9.5,6M14.5,6C13.7,6 13,6.7 13,7.5C13,8.3 13.7,9 14.5,9C15.3,9 16,8.3 16,7.5C16,6.7 15.3,6 14.5,6M13,11L12,9L11,11H13M12,1C8.1,1 5,4.1 5,8C5,9.9 5.8,11.6 7,12.9V16H17V12.9C18.2,11.6 19,9.9 19,8C19,4.1 15.9,1 12,1M15,12V14H14V12H13V14H11V12H10V14H9V12H9C7.8,11.1 7,9.7 7,8C7,5.2 9.2,3 12,3C14.8,3 17,5.2 17,8C17,9.6 16.2,11.1 15,12Z",IW1="M8,15A2,2 0 0,1 6,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 8,15M10.5,17L12,14L13.5,17H10.5M16,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,11A2,2 0 0,1 18,13A2,2 0 0,1 16,15M22,11A10,10 0 0,0 12,1A10,10 0 0,0 2,11C2,13.8 3.2,16.3 5,18.1V22H19V18.1C20.8,16.3 22,13.8 22,11M17,20H15V18H13V20H11V18H9V20H7V17.2C5.2,15.7 4,13.5 4,11A8,8 0 0,1 12,3A8,8 0 0,1 20,11C20,13.5 18.8,15.8 17,17.2V20Z",GW1="M2 0C.9 0 0 .9 0 2V6H2V2H6V0H2M18 0V2H22V6H24V2C24 .9 23.1 0 22 0H18M12 3C7.6 3 4 6.6 4 11C4 13.5 5.2 15.8 7 17.2V21H9V18H11V21H13V18H15V21H17V17.2C18.8 15.7 20 13.5 20 11C20 6.6 16.4 3 12 3M8 14C6.9 14 6 13.1 6 12S6.9 10 8 10 10 10.9 10 12 9.1 14 8 14M10.5 16L12 13L13.5 16H10.5M16 14C14.9 14 14 13.1 14 12S14.9 10 16 10 18 10.9 18 12 17.1 14 16 14M0 18V22C0 23.1 .9 24 2 24H6V22H2V18H0M22 18V22H18V24H22C23.1 24 24 23.1 24 22V18H22Z",QW1="M2 0C.9 0 0 .9 0 2V6H2V2H6V0H2M18 0V2H22V6H24V2C24 .9 23.1 0 22 0H18M9.5 13C8.7 13 8 12.3 8 11.5S8.7 10 9.5 10 11 10.7 11 11.5 10.3 13 9.5 13M11 15L12 13L13 15H11M14.5 13C13.7 13 13 12.3 13 11.5S13.7 10 14.5 10 16 10.7 16 11.5 15.3 13 14.5 13M0 18V22C0 23.1 .9 24 2 24H6V22H2V18H0M22 18V22H18V24H22C23.1 24 24 23.1 24 22V18H22M12 3C7.6 3 4 6.6 4 11C4 13 4.8 14.9 6 16.3V21H18V16.3C19.2 14.9 20 13.1 20 11C20 6.6 16.4 3 12 3M16 15.4V19H14V17H13V19H11V17H10V19H8V15.4C6.8 14.3 6 12.7 6 11C6 7.7 8.7 5 12 5S18 7.7 18 11C18 12.8 17.2 14.3 16 15.4Z",UW1="M18,6C20.07,8.04 20.85,10.89 20.36,13.55C20.77,14.27 21,15.11 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21C15.11,21 14.27,20.77 13.55,20.36C10.89,20.85 8.04,20.07 6,18C3.93,15.96 3.15,13.11 3.64,10.45C3.23,9.73 3,8.89 3,8A5,5 0 0,1 8,3C8.89,3 9.73,3.23 10.45,3.64C13.11,3.15 15.96,3.93 18,6M12.04,17.16C14.91,17.16 16.34,15.78 16.34,13.92C16.34,12.73 15.78,11.46 13.61,10.97L11.62,10.53C10.86,10.36 10,10.13 10,9.42C10,8.7 10.6,8.2 11.7,8.2C13.93,8.2 13.72,9.73 14.83,9.73C15.41,9.73 15.91,9.39 15.91,8.8C15.91,7.43 13.72,6.4 11.86,6.4C9.85,6.4 7.7,7.26 7.7,9.54C7.7,10.64 8.09,11.81 10.25,12.35L12.94,13.03C13.75,13.23 13.95,13.68 13.95,14.1C13.95,14.78 13.27,15.45 12.04,15.45C9.63,15.45 9.96,13.6 8.67,13.6C8.09,13.6 7.67,14 7.67,14.57C7.67,15.68 9,17.16 12.04,17.16Z",zW1="M12.03,16.53C9.37,16.53 8.18,15.22 8.18,14.24C8.18,13.74 8.55,13.38 9.06,13.38C10.2,13.38 9.91,15 12.03,15C13.12,15 13.73,14.43 13.73,13.82C13.73,13.46 13.55,13.06 12.83,12.88L10.46,12.29C8.55,11.81 8.2,10.78 8.2,9.81C8.2,7.79 10.1,7.03 11.88,7.03C13.5,7.03 15.46,7.94 15.46,9.15C15.46,9.67 15,9.97 14.5,9.97C13.5,9.97 13.7,8.62 11.74,8.62C10.77,8.62 10.23,9.06 10.23,9.69C10.23,10.32 11,10.5 11.66,10.68L13.42,11.07C15.34,11.5 15.83,12.62 15.83,13.67C15.83,15.31 14.57,16.53 12.03,16.53M18,6C20.07,8.04 20.85,10.89 20.36,13.55C20.77,14.27 21,15.11 21,16A5,5 0 0,1 16,21C15.11,21 14.27,20.77 13.55,20.36C10.89,20.85 8.04,20.07 6,18C3.93,15.96 3.15,13.11 3.64,10.45C3.23,9.73 3,8.89 3,8A5,5 0 0,1 8,3C8.89,3 9.73,3.23 10.45,3.64C13.11,3.15 15.96,3.93 18,6M8,5A3,3 0 0,0 5,8C5,8.79 5.3,9.5 5.8,10.04C5.1,12.28 5.63,14.82 7.4,16.6C9.18,18.37 11.72,18.9 13.96,18.2C14.5,18.7 15.21,19 16,19A3,3 0 0,0 19,16C19,15.21 18.7,14.5 18.2,13.96C18.9,11.72 18.37,9.18 16.6,7.4C14.82,5.63 12.28,5.1 10.04,5.8C9.5,5.3 8.79,5 8,5Z",_W1="M6,15A2,2 0 0,1 4,17A2,2 0 0,1 2,15A2,2 0 0,1 4,13H6V15M7,15A2,2 0 0,1 9,13A2,2 0 0,1 11,15V20A2,2 0 0,1 9,22A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V15M9,7A2,2 0 0,1 7,5A2,2 0 0,1 9,3A2,2 0 0,1 11,5V7H9M9,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,10A2,2 0 0,1 9,12H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8H9M17,10A2,2 0 0,1 19,8A2,2 0 0,1 21,10A2,2 0 0,1 19,12H17V10M16,10A2,2 0 0,1 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,10V5A2,2 0 0,1 14,3A2,2 0 0,1 16,5V10M14,18A2,2 0 0,1 16,20A2,2 0 0,1 14,22A2,2 0 0,1 12,20V18H14M14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,15A2,2 0 0,1 14,13H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,15A2,2 0 0,1 19,17H14Z",KW1="M7 21L14.9 3H17L9.1 21H7Z",jW1="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M9.3 19H7L14.7 5H17L9.3 19Z",qW1="M22.91 16.64C22.75 15.95 22.44 15.34 21.97 14.81C21.5 14.28 20.91 13.91 20.2 13.69L19.77 15.14C20.43 15.33 20.91 15.73 21.23 16.36C21.54 17 21.58 17.62 21.37 18.27C21.15 18.93 20.73 19.41 20.12 19.73S18.88 20.08 18.23 19.86L14.9 18.79L15.37 17.38L18.7 18.46L19.16 17L17.2 16.4L15.14 11.91C14.95 11.5 14.66 11.19 14.27 10.97C13.88 10.75 13.45 10.67 13 10.74L10.88 11.11L11.91 7.84C12.06 7.37 12.03 6.91 11.81 6.5C11.6 6.04 11.24 5.74 10.74 5.59C10.33 5.46 9.91 5.5 9.47 5.68L4 8V12.1L2.4 11.58L1.94 13L5.87 14.3L5.4 15.7L1.47 14.44L1 15.84L17.76 21.32C18.45 21.54 19.13 21.57 19.82 21.41C20.5 21.26 21.12 20.94 21.65 20.5C22.18 20 22.55 19.43 22.77 18.74C23 18 23.07 17.32 22.91 16.64M6 9.33L7.93 8.5L6.9 11.67C6.74 12.14 6.79 12.61 7.04 13.08L6 12.75V9.33M13.5 18.32L6.81 16.17L7.27 14.76L13.92 16.92L13.5 18.32M9.47 13.87L13.45 13L14.62 15.56L9.47 13.87M14 3C14 4.11 13.11 5 12 5S10 4.11 10 3 10.9 1 12 1 14 1.9 14 3Z",$W1="M23,12H17V10L20.39,6H17V4H23V6L19.62,10H23V12M15,16H9V14L12.39,10H9V8H15V10L11.62,14H15V16M7,20H1V18L4.39,14H1V12H7V14L3.62,18H7V20Z",XW1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L12.73,16H9V14L9.79,13.06L2,5.27M23,12H17V10L20.39,6H17V4H23V6L19.62,10H23V12M9.82,8H15V10L13.54,11.72L9.82,8M7,20H1V18L4.39,14H1V12H7V14L3.62,18H7V20Z",YW1="M14.83 15.45C14.47 14.9 14.18 14.39 13.91 13.92C12.74 11.91 11.79 10.55 9 10.13V5.5C9 3.57 7.43 2 5.5 2S2 3.57 2 5.5V22H4V20H7V22H9V12.16C10.76 12.5 11.29 13.39 12.17 14.92C12.46 15.43 12.78 15.97 13.17 16.56C15.41 19.92 17.67 22 22 22V20C18.53 20 16.8 18.4 14.83 15.45M5.5 4C6.33 4 7 4.67 7 5.5V10H4V5.5C4 4.67 4.67 4 5.5 4M4 18V16H7V18H4M7 14H4V12H7V14Z",JW1="M22,19V22H2V13L22,19M19.09,7.5L18.25,10.26L8.13,7.26C8.06,5.66 6.7,4.42 5.1,4.5C3.5,4.57 2.26,5.93 2.34,7.53C2.41,9.13 3.77,10.36 5.37,10.29C6.24,10.25 7.05,9.82 7.57,9.11L17.69,12.11L16.85,14.89L21.67,12.29L19.09,7.5Z",CI1="M22,13V22H2V19L22,13M21.68,7.06L16.86,4.46L17.7,7.24L7.58,10.24C6.63,8.95 4.82,8.67 3.53,9.62C2.24,10.57 1.96,12.38 2.91,13.67C3.85,14.97 5.67,15.24 6.96,14.29C7.67,13.78 8.1,12.97 8.14,12.09L18.26,9.09L19.1,11.87L21.68,7.06Z",HI1="M5 12L7 8V7H4V8H6L4 12M9 12L11 8V7H8V8H10L8 12M13 12L15 8V7H12V8H14L12 12M21 2C19.9 2 19 2.9 19 4C19 4.7 19.4 5.4 20 5.7V17H17V15C17.6 15 18 14.6 18 14V5C18 4.4 17.6 4 17 4H13.2C12.4 2.8 11 2 9.5 2S6.6 2.8 5.8 4H2C1.4 4 1 4.4 1 5V14C1 14.6 1.4 15 2 15V22H17V19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5.7C22.6 5.4 23 4.7 23 4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M13 19H6V17H13V19M16 13H3V6H16V13Z",VI1="M5 12L7 8V7H4V8H6L4 12M9 12L11 8V7H8V8H10L8 12M13 12L15 8V7H12V8H14L12 12M21 2C19.9 2 19 2.9 19 4C19 4.7 19.4 5.4 20 5.7V17H17V15C17.6 15 18 14.6 18 14V5C18 4.4 17.6 4 17 4H13.2C12.4 2.8 11 2 9.5 2S6.6 2.8 5.8 4H2C1.4 4 1 4.4 1 5V14C1 14.6 1.4 15 2 15V22H17V19H20C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V5.7C22.6 5.4 23 4.7 23 4C23 2.9 22.1 2 21 2M3 6H16V13H3V6M15 20H4V15H15V20M13 19H6V17H13V19Z",LI1="M2 3H22A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 24 5V19A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 22 21H2A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 0 19V5A2.07 2.07 0 0 1 2 3M8 13.91C6 13.91 2 15 2 17V18H14V17C14 15 10 13.91 8 13.91M8 6A3 3 0 1 0 11 9A3 3 0 0 0 8 6M17 10V13H21V10H17",MI1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L1.27 3.16C.545 3.47 .028 4.17 0 5V19C.036 20.09 .911 20.96 2 21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M14 18H2V17C2 15 6 13.91 8 13.91S14 15 14 17V18M8 12C6.34 12 5 10.66 5 9C5 8.4 5.18 7.84 5.5 7.38L9.62 11.5C9.16 11.82 8.6 12 8 12M22 3H6.2L9.88 6.68C10.04 6.81 10.19 6.96 10.32 7.12L23.5 20.29C23.79 19.94 24 19.5 24 19V5C23.96 3.91 23.09 3.04 22 3M21 13H17V10H21V13Z",AI1="M19 13H16.2L15 11.8V10H19V13M22 3H6.2L8.2 5H22V18.8L23.5 20.29C23.79 19.94 24 19.5 24 19V5C23.96 3.91 23.09 3.04 22 3M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.11 21H2C.911 20.96 .036 20.09 0 19V5C.028 4.17 .545 3.47 1.27 3.16L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M17.11 19L14 15.89V17H4V15.75C4 14.09 7.34 13.25 9 13.25C9.78 13.25 10.91 13.44 11.91 13.8L9.91 11.8C9.63 11.92 9.33 12 9 12C7.62 12 6.5 10.88 6.5 9.5C6.5 9.17 6.58 8.87 6.7 8.59L3.11 5H2V19H17.11Z",iI1="M22 3H2A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 0 5V19A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 2 21H22A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 24 19V5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 22 3M22 19H2V5H22M14 17V15.75C14 14.09 10.66 13.25 9 13.25S4 14.09 4 15.75V17H14M9 7A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 11.5 9.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 9 7M15 10V13H19V10H15",rI1="M21 4A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 19 2H5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 3 4V18H21M8.25 16H7V6H8.25C9.91 6 10.75 9.34 10.75 11S9.91 16 8.25 16M14.5 13.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 17 11A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 14.5 13.5M23 21V22H1V21A2 2 0 0 1 3 19H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 21Z",aI1="M14.5 8.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 17 11A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 14.5 8.5M8.25 6H7V16H8.25C9.91 16 10.75 12.66 10.75 11S9.91 6 8.25 6M19 2H5A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 3 4V18H5V4H19V18H21V4A2.07 2.07 0 0 0 19 2M23 22H1V21A2 2 0 0 1 3 19H21A2 2 0 0 1 23 21Z",eI1="M12,2C10.08,2 8.5,3.35 8.09,5.15C7.45,4.44 6.53,4 5.5,4A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 2,7.5H2A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 5.5,11H6.68V12H10.72V11H13.28V12H17.32V11H18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 22,7.5H22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 18.5,4H18.5C17.47,4 16.55,4.44 15.91,5.15C15.5,3.35 13.92,2 12,2M7.2,14L6.4,22H11L10.2,14H7.2M13.8,14L13,22H17.6L16.8,14H13.8Z",dI1="M17 19V22H15V19C15 17.9 14.1 17 13 17H10C7.2 17 5 14.8 5 12C5 10.8 5.4 9.8 6.1 8.9C3.8 8.5 2 6.4 2 4C2 3.3 2.2 2.6 2.4 2H4.8C4.3 2.5 4 3.2 4 4C4 5.7 5.3 7 7 7H10V9C8.3 9 7 10.3 7 12S8.3 15 10 15H13C15.2 15 17 16.8 17 19M17.9 8.9C20.2 8.5 22 6.4 22 4C22 3.3 21.8 2.6 21.6 2H19.2C19.7 2.5 20 3.2 20 4C20 5.7 18.7 7 17 7H15.8C15.9 7.3 16 7.6 16 8C16 9.7 14.7 11 13 11V13C15.8 13 18 15.2 18 18V22H20V18C20 15.3 18.5 13 16.2 11.8C17.1 11.1 17.7 10.1 17.9 8.9Z",mI1="M12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12C18,8.68 15.31,6 12,6C8.68,6 6,8.68 6,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,18M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19M8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12Z",tI1="M10 18C13.3 18 16 15.3 16 12C16 8.7 13.3 6 10 6C6.7 6 4 8.7 4 12C4 15.3 6.7 18 10 18M17 3C18.1 3 19 3.9 19 5V19C19 20.1 18.1 21 17 21H3C1.9 21 1 20.1 1 19V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H17M6 12C6 9.8 7.8 8 10 8S14 9.8 14 12 12.2 16 10 16 6 14.2 6 12M23 7H21V13H23V8M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",vI1="M17 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H17C18.1 21 19 20.1 19 19V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3M17 19H3V5H17V19M10 18C13.3 18 16 15.3 16 12C16 8.7 13.3 6 10 6C6.7 6 4 8.7 4 12C4 15.3 6.7 18 10 18M10 8C12.2 8 14 9.8 14 12S12.2 16 10 16 6 14.2 6 12 7.8 8 10 8M23 7H21V13H23V8M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",lI1="M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M12 6C15.31 6 18 8.68 18 12C18 12.83 17.82 13.6 17.5 14.32L21 17.8V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H6.2L9.68 6.5C10.4 6.18 11.17 6 12 6M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M15.19 17.08L13.71 15.6C13.19 15.85 12.62 16 12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12C8 11.39 8.15 10.81 8.4 10.29L6.92 8.81C6.34 9.74 6 10.83 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18C13.17 18 14.26 17.66 15.19 17.08Z",oI1="M8.2 5L6.2 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2M17.5 14.32C17.82 13.6 18 12.83 18 12C18 8.68 15.31 6 12 6C11.17 6 10.4 6.18 9.68 6.5L11.27 8.07C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.93 12.73L17.5 14.32M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.1 21C19.07 21 19.03 21 19 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 4.97 3 4.93 3 4.9L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M8 12C8 14.21 9.79 16 12 16C12.62 16 13.19 15.85 13.71 15.6L8.4 10.29C8.15 10.81 8 11.39 8 12M17.11 19L15.19 17.08C14.26 17.66 13.17 18 12 18C8.69 18 6 15.31 6 12C6 10.83 6.34 9.74 6.92 8.81L5 6.89V19H17.11Z",nI1="M19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3M19 19H5V5H19V19M12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12C18 8.68 15.31 6 12 6C8.68 6 6 8.68 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12S14.21 16 12 16 8 14.21 8 12 9.79 8 12 8Z",ZI1="M12 4C16.41 4 20 7.59 20 12S16.41 20 12 20 4 16.41 4 12 7.59 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 11C11.45 11 11 11.45 11 12S11.45 13 12 13 13 12.55 13 12 12.55 11 12 11M10.72 9.3C11.11 9.11 11.54 9 12 9S12.89 9.11 13.29 9.3L14 8.57C13.43 8.22 12.74 8 12 8S10.58 8.22 10 8.57L10.72 9.3M15 12C15 12.46 14.89 12.89 14.7 13.29L15.43 14C15.79 13.43 16 12.74 16 12S15.79 10.58 15.43 10L14.7 10.72C14.89 11.11 15 11.54 15 12M9 12C9 11.54 9.11 11.11 9.3 10.72L8.57 10C8.22 10.58 8 11.26 8 12S8.22 13.43 8.57 14L9.3 13.29C9.11 12.89 9 12.46 9 12M13.29 14.7C12.89 14.89 12.46 15 12 15S11.11 14.89 10.72 14.7L10 15.43C10.58 15.79 11.26 16 12 16S13.43 15.79 14 15.43L13.29 14.7M16.89 8.53L16.17 9.25C16.69 10.04 17 11 17 12S16.69 13.96 16.17 14.75L16.89 15.47C17.59 14.5 18 13.3 18 12S17.59 9.5 16.89 8.53M9.25 7.83C10.04 7.31 11 7 12 7S13.96 7.31 14.75 7.83L15.47 7.11C14.5 6.42 13.3 6 12 6S9.5 6.42 8.53 7.11L9.25 7.83M14.75 16.17C13.96 16.69 13 17 12 17S10.04 16.69 9.25 16.17L8.53 16.89C9.5 17.59 10.7 18 12 18S14.5 17.59 15.47 16.89L14.75 16.17M7.83 14.75C7.31 13.96 7 13 7 12S7.31 10.04 7.83 9.25L7.11 8.53C6.42 9.5 6 10.7 6 12S6.42 14.5 7.11 15.47L7.83 14.75Z",SI1="M10 4C14.4 4 18 7.6 18 12S14.4 20 10 20 2 16.4 2 12 5.6 4 10 4M10 2C4.5 2 0 6.5 0 12S4.5 22 10 22 20 17.5 20 12 15.5 2 10 2M10 11C9.4 11 9 11.4 9 12S9.4 13 10 13 11 12.6 11 12 10.6 11 10 11M8.7 9.3C9.1 9.1 9.5 9 10 9S10.9 9.1 11.3 9.3L12 8.6C11.4 8.2 10.7 8 10 8S8.6 8.2 8 8.6L8.7 9.3M13 12C13 12.5 12.9 12.9 12.7 13.3L13.4 14C13.8 13.4 14 12.7 14 12S13.8 10.6 13.4 10L12.7 10.7C12.9 11.1 13 11.5 13 12M7 12C7 11.5 7.1 11.1 7.3 10.7L6.6 10C6.2 10.6 6 11.3 6 12S6.2 13.4 6.6 14L7.3 13.3C7.1 12.9 7 12.5 7 12M11.3 14.7C10.9 14.9 10.5 15 10 15S9.1 14.9 8.7 14.7L8 15.4C8.6 15.8 9.3 16 10 16S11.4 15.8 12 15.4L11.3 14.7M14.9 8.5L14.2 9.2C14.7 10 15 11 15 12S14.7 14 14.2 14.8L14.9 15.5C15.6 14.5 16 13.3 16 12S15.6 9.5 14.9 8.5M7.2 7.8C8 7.3 9 7 10 7S12 7.3 12.8 7.8L13.5 7.1C12.5 6.4 11.3 6 10 6S7.5 6.4 6.5 7.1L7.2 7.8M12.8 16.2C12 16.7 11 17 10 17S8 16.7 7.2 16.2L6.5 16.9C7.5 17.6 8.7 18 10 18S12.5 17.6 13.5 16.9L12.8 16.2M5.8 14.8C5.3 14 5 13 5 12S5.3 10 5.8 9.2L5.1 8.5C4.4 9.5 4 10.7 4 12S4.4 14.5 5.1 15.5L5.8 14.8M24 7H22V13H24V8M24 15H22V17H24V15Z",uI1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.77 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12C4 10.28 4.56 8.69 5.5 7.38L6.93 8.82C6.35 9.75 6 10.83 6 12C6 13.3 6.42 14.5 7.11 15.47L7.83 14.75C7.31 13.96 7 13 7 12C7 11.11 7.25 10.28 7.66 9.55L8.4 10.3C8.15 10.81 8 11.39 8 12C8 12.74 8.22 13.43 8.57 14L9.3 13.29C9.11 12.89 9 12.46 9 12C9 11.67 9.07 11.36 9.18 11.07L12.93 14.82C12.64 14.93 12.33 15 12 15C11.54 15 11.11 14.89 10.72 14.7L10 15.43C10.58 15.79 11.26 16 12 16C12.61 16 13.19 15.85 13.71 15.6L14.45 16.34C13.72 16.75 12.89 17 12 17C11 17 10.04 16.69 9.25 16.17L8.53 16.89C9.5 17.59 10.7 18 12 18C13.17 18 14.25 17.65 15.18 17.07L16.62 18.5C15.32 19.44 13.72 20 12 20M12 8C12.74 8 13.43 8.22 14 8.57L13.29 9.3C12.96 9.15 12.6 9.06 12.23 9.03L11.28 8.08C11.5 8.03 11.75 8 12 8M14.97 11.77C14.94 11.4 14.86 11.04 14.7 10.72L15.43 10C15.79 10.58 16 11.26 16 12C16 12.25 15.97 12.5 15.92 12.72L14.97 11.77M14.75 7.83C13.96 7.31 13 7 12 7C11.46 7 10.94 7.09 10.45 7.25L9.69 6.5C10.4 6.18 11.18 6 12 6C13.3 6 14.5 6.42 15.47 7.11L14.75 7.83M8.18 5L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19 15.83C19.65 14.69 20 13.38 20 12C20 7.59 16.41 4 12 4C10.62 4 9.31 4.35 8.18 5M16.75 13.55C16.91 13.06 17 12.54 17 12C17 11 16.69 10.04 16.17 9.25L16.89 8.53C17.59 9.5 18 10.7 18 12C18 12.83 17.82 13.6 17.5 14.32L16.75 13.55Z",cI1="M2,16H17V19H2V16M20.5,16H22V19H20.5V16M18,16H19.5V19H18V16M18.85,7.73C19.47,7.12 19.85,6.28 19.85,5.35C19.85,3.5 18.35,2 16.5,2V3.5C17.5,3.5 18.35,4.33 18.35,5.35C18.35,6.37 17.5,7.2 16.5,7.2V8.7C18.74,8.7 20.5,10.53 20.5,12.77V15H22V12.76C22,10.54 20.72,8.62 18.85,7.73M16.03,10.2H14.5C13.5,10.2 12.65,9.22 12.65,8.2C12.65,7.18 13.5,6.45 14.5,6.45V4.95C12.65,4.95 11.15,6.45 11.15,8.3A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 14.5,11.65H16.03C17.08,11.65 18,12.39 18,13.7V15H19.5V13.36C19.5,11.55 17.9,10.2 16.03,10.2Z",sI1="M2,6L9,13H2V16H12L19,23L20.25,21.75L3.25,4.75L2,6M20.5,13H22V16H20.5V13M18,13H19.5V16H18V13M18.85,4.88C19.47,4.27 19.85,3.43 19.85,2.5H18.35C18.35,3.5 17.5,4.35 16.5,4.35V5.85C18.74,5.85 20.5,7.68 20.5,9.92V12H22V9.92C22,7.69 20.72,5.77 18.85,4.88M14.5,8.7H16.03C17.08,8.7 18,9.44 18,10.75V12H19.5V10.41C19.5,8.61 17.9,7.25 16.03,7.25H14.5C13.5,7.25 12.65,6.27 12.65,5.25C12.65,4.23 13.5,3.5 14.5,3.5V2A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 11.15,5.35A3.35,3.35 0 0,0 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8,10.59L5.04,8.87L4.83,8.71L2.29,9.39L2.03,8.43L4.24,7.84L2.26,6.69L2.76,5.82L4.74,6.97L4.15,4.75L5.11,4.5L5.8,7.04L6.04,7.14L8.73,8.69C9.11,8.15 9.62,7.71 10.22,7.42C9.5,6.87 9,6 9,5A3,3 0 0,1 12,2A3,3 0 0,1 15,5C15,6 14.5,6.87 13.78,7.42C14.38,7.71 14.89,8.15 15.27,8.69L17.96,7.14L18.2,7.04L18.89,4.5L19.85,4.75L19.26,6.97L21.24,5.82L21.74,6.69L19.76,7.84L21.97,8.43L21.71,9.39L19.17,8.71L18.96,8.87L16,10.59V11C16,11.83 15.74,12.61 15.31,13.25C16.35,14.17 17,15.5 17,17Z",xI1="M20.34 17.93L18.4 16C19.5 15.91 22.66 15.53 22.97 13.36C23 13.12 22.92 12.89 22.78 12.7C22.12 11.82 19.88 9.07 15 5H12V7H14L16 9L12 11L3 10L1 13L5.58 14.38L2.58 16.09C2.22 16.26 1 16.89 1 18.05C1 18.4 1 18.89 1.33 19.32C1.83 20 2.71 20 3 20H9C10.26 20 12.53 19.13 12.93 16H15.59L17.59 18H15V20H20C21.65 20 23 18.65 23 17H21C21 17.43 20.73 17.79 20.34 17.93M9 18H3.25C3.33 17.95 3.41 17.91 3.5 17.87L8.22 15.17L10.92 16C10.58 17.84 9.28 18 9 18Z",DI1="M12.5 3.5C12.5 2.4 13.4 1.5 14.5 1.5S16.5 2.4 16.5 3.5 15.6 5.5 14.5 5.5 12.5 4.6 12.5 3.5M6.32 19.03L5.18 17.56L4 18.5L6.38 21.54C6.89 22.19 7.54 22.69 8.26 22.95C8.54 23.05 8.79 23 9 22.84C9.28 22.61 9.4 22.14 9.1 21.77C9 21.67 8.9 21.6 8.79 21.55C8.36 21.37 7.97 21.1 7.65 20.72L7.57 20.62L11 18.2L11.89 15L14 17V21.5H12V23H15.87C16.69 23 17.5 22.79 18.13 22.39C18.39 22.23 18.5 22 18.5 21.75C18.5 21.37 18.2 21 17.73 21C17.6 21 17.47 21.04 17.36 21.1C16.96 21.33 16.5 21.47 16 21.5V15.5L13.89 13.5L14.5 10.5C15.79 12 17.8 13 20 13V11C18.1 11 16.5 10 15.69 8.58L14.69 7C14.29 6.4 13.69 6 13 6C12.24 6 11.58 6.34 7 8.28V13H9V9.58L10.79 8.88L9.2 17L6.32 19.03Z",EI1="M16.93 17.12L16.13 15.76L17.59 11.39L19 10.92L20 11.67C20 11.7 20 11.75 20 11.81C20 11.88 20.03 11.94 20.03 12C20.03 13.97 19.37 15.71 18.06 17.21L16.93 17.12M9.75 15L8.38 10.97L12 8.43L15.62 10.97L14.25 15H9.75M12 20.03C11.12 20.03 10.29 19.89 9.5 19.61L8.81 18.1L9.47 17H14.58L15.19 18.1L14.5 19.61C13.71 19.89 12.88 20.03 12 20.03M5.94 17.21C5.41 16.59 4.95 15.76 4.56 14.75C4.17 13.73 3.97 12.81 3.97 12C3.97 11.94 4 11.88 4 11.81C4 11.75 4 11.7 4 11.67L5 10.92L6.41 11.39L7.87 15.76L7.07 17.12L5.94 17.21M11 5.29V6.69L7 9.46L5.66 9.04L5.24 7.68C5.68 7 6.33 6.32 7.19 5.66S8.87 4.57 9.65 4.35L11 5.29M14.35 4.35C15.13 4.57 15.95 5 16.81 5.66C17.67 6.32 18.32 7 18.76 7.68L18.34 9.04L17 9.47L13 6.7V5.29L14.35 4.35M4.93 4.93C3 6.89 2 9.25 2 12S3 17.11 4.93 19.07 9.25 22 12 22 17.11 21 19.07 19.07 22 14.75 22 12 21 6.89 19.07 4.93 14.75 2 12 2 6.89 3 4.93 4.93Z",NI1="M4,4C2.89,4 2,4.89 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4M4,6H11V8.13C9.24,8.59 8,10.18 8,12C8,13.82 9.24,15.41 11,15.87V18H4V16H7V8H4V6M13,6H20V8H17V16H20V18H13V15.87C14.76,15.41 16,13.82 16,12C16,10.18 14.76,8.59 13,8.13V6M4,10H5V14H4V10M19,10H20V14H19V10M13,10.27C13.62,10.63 14,11.29 14,12C14,12.71 13.62,13.37 13,13.73V10.27M11,10.27V13.73C10.38,13.37 10,12.71 10,12C10,11.29 10.38,10.63 11,10.27Z",WI1="M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M10 9.43C10 8.62 9.5 7.9 8.78 7.58C7.93 7.21 7 7 6 7S4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H10V9.43M18 6C19.1 6 20 5.1 20 4S19.1 2 18 2 16 2.9 16 4 16.9 6 18 6M22 9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7S16.07 7.21 15.22 7.58C14.5 7.9 14 8.62 14 9.43V10H22V9.43M19 17V15L5 15V17L2 14L5 11V13L19 13V11L22 14L19 17M9 20.5V21H11V22H8V20.5C8 19.95 8.45 19.5 9 19.5H10V19H8V18H10C10.55 18 11 18.45 11 19V19.5C11 20.05 10.55 20.5 10 20.5H9M16 19V22H15V19H14.5V21H13.5V19H13V22H12V19C12 18.45 12.45 18 13 18H15C15.55 18 16 18.45 16 19Z",II1="M6 6C7.1 6 8 5.1 8 4S7.1 2 6 2 4 2.9 4 4 4.9 6 6 6M10 9.43C10 8.62 9.5 7.9 8.78 7.58C7.93 7.21 7 7 6 7S4.07 7.21 3.22 7.58C2.5 7.9 2 8.62 2 9.43V10H10V9.43M18 6C19.1 6 20 5.1 20 4S19.1 2 18 2 16 2.9 16 4 16.9 6 18 6M22 9.43C22 8.62 21.5 7.9 20.78 7.58C19.93 7.21 19 7 18 7S16.07 7.21 15.22 7.58C14.5 7.9 14 8.62 14 9.43V10H22V9.43M19 17V15H5V17L2 14L5 11V13H19V11L22 14L19 17M10 19V18H7.5C7.22 18 7 18.22 7 18.5V21.5C7 21.78 7.22 22 7.5 22H9.5C9.78 22 10 21.78 10 21.5V20C10 19.72 9.78 19.5 9.5 19.5H8V19H10M9 20.5V21H8V20.5H9M17.5 19H16.5V22H15.5V19H14.5V18H17.5V19M12.5 19V19.5H13.5V20.5H12.5V22H11.5V18H14V19H12.5Z",GI1="M12.5 7C12.5 5.89 13.39 5 14.5 5H18C19.1 5 20 5.9 20 7V9.16C18.84 9.57 18 10.67 18 11.97V14H12.5V7M6 11.96V14H11.5V7C11.5 5.89 10.61 5 9.5 5H6C4.9 5 4 5.9 4 7V9.15C5.16 9.56 6 10.67 6 11.96M20.66 10.03C19.68 10.19 19 11.12 19 12.12V15H5V12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10S1 10.9 1 12V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19V21H5V19H19V21H21V19C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V12C23 10.79 21.91 9.82 20.66 10.03Z",QI1="M21 9V7C21 5.35 19.65 4 18 4H14C13.23 4 12.53 4.3 12 4.78C11.47 4.3 10.77 4 10 4H6C4.35 4 3 5.35 3 7V9C1.35 9 0 10.35 0 12V17C0 18.65 1.35 20 3 20V22H5V20H19V22H21V20C22.65 20 24 18.65 24 17V12C24 10.35 22.65 9 21 9M14 6H18C18.55 6 19 6.45 19 7V9.78C18.39 10.33 18 11.12 18 12V14H13V7C13 6.45 13.45 6 14 6M5 7C5 6.45 5.45 6 6 6H10C10.55 6 11 6.45 11 7V14H6V12C6 11.12 5.61 10.33 5 9.78V7M22 17C22 17.55 21.55 18 21 18H3C2.45 18 2 17.55 2 17V12C2 11.45 2.45 11 3 11S4 11.45 4 12V16H20V12C20 11.45 20.45 11 21 11S22 11.45 22 12V17Z",UI1="M5 9.15V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5H17C18.1 5 19 5.9 19 7V9.16C17.84 9.57 17 10.67 17 11.97V14H7V11.96C7 10.67 6.16 9.56 5 9.15M20 10C18.9 10 18 10.9 18 12V15H6V12C6 10.9 5.11 10 4 10S2 10.9 2 12V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19V21H6V19H18V21H20V19C21.1 19 22 18.1 22 17V12C22 10.9 21.1 10 20 10Z",zI1="M19 9V7C19 5.35 17.65 4 16 4H8C6.35 4 5 5.35 5 7V9C3.35 9 2 10.35 2 12V17C2 18.65 3.35 20 5 20V22H7V20H17V22H19V20C20.65 20 22 18.65 22 17V12C22 10.35 20.65 9 19 9M7 7C7 6.45 7.45 6 8 6H16C16.55 6 17 6.45 17 7V9.78C16.39 10.33 16 11.12 16 12V14H8V12C8 11.12 7.61 10.33 7 9.78V7M20 17C20 17.55 19.55 18 19 18H5C4.45 18 4 17.55 4 17V12C4 11.45 4.45 11 5 11S6 11.45 6 12V16H18V12C18 11.45 18.45 11 19 11S20 11.45 20 12V17Z",_I1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H15V20H18V22H13V16H11V22H6V20H9V16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V8H11V4H4M4,14H11V10H4V14M20,14V10H13V14H20M20,4H13V8H20V4Z",KI1="M3,6H6V3H3V6M8,3V6H11V3H8M13,3V6H16V3H13M18,3V6H21V3H18M21,8H18V11H21V8M21,13H18V16H21V13M16,16V13H13V16H16M11,16V13H8V16H11M6,16V13H3V16H6M3,11H6V8H3V11M13,8V11H16V8H13M8,8V11H11V8H8M3,1H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V16A2,2 0 0,1 21,18H15V21H18V23H13V18H11V23H6V21H9V18H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,16V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1Z",jI1="M11.45,2V5.55L15,3.77L11.45,2M10.45,8L8,10.46L11.75,11.71L10.45,8M2,11.45L3.77,15L5.55,11.45H2M10,2H2V10C2.57,10.17 3.17,10.25 3.77,10.25C7.35,10.26 10.26,7.35 10.27,3.75C10.26,3.16 10.17,2.57 10,2M17,22V16H14L19,7V13H22L17,22Z",qI1="M3.33 16H11V13H4L3.33 16M13 16H20.67L20 13H13V16M21.11 18H13V22H22L21.11 18M2 22H11V18H2.89L2 22M11 8H13V11H11V8M15.76 7.21L17.18 5.79L19.3 7.91L17.89 9.33L15.76 7.21M4.71 7.91L6.83 5.79L8.24 7.21L6.12 9.33L4.71 7.91M3 2H6V4H3V2M18 2H21V4H18V2M12 7C14.76 7 17 4.76 17 2H7C7 4.76 9.24 7 12 7Z",$I1="M20 12H4L2 22H22L20 12M18.36 14L18.76 16H13V14H18.36M11 14V16H5.24L5.64 14H11M4.84 18H11V20H4.44L4.84 18M13 20V18H19.16L19.56 20H13M11 8H13V11H11V8M15.76 7.21L17.18 5.79L19.3 7.91L17.89 9.33L15.76 7.21M4.71 7.91L6.83 5.79L8.24 7.21L6.12 9.33L4.71 7.91M3 2H6V4H3V2M18 2H21V4H18V2M12 7C14.76 7 17 4.76 17 2H15C15 3.65 13.65 5 12 5S9 3.65 9 2H7C7 4.76 9.24 7 12 7Z",XI1="M4.86 4.03L2.03 6.86L5.21 10.04V12.87L6.63 14.28L12.28 8.63L10.87 7.21H8.04L4.86 4.03M17 6V7.5C18 7.5 18.85 8.33 18.85 9.35C18.85 10.37 18 11.2 17 11.2V12.7C19.24 12.7 21 14.53 21 16.77V21H22.5V16.76C22.5 14.54 21.22 12.62 19.35 11.73C19.97 11.12 20.35 10.28 20.35 9.35C20.35 7.5 18.85 6 17 6M11.93 11.1L9.1 13.93L14.05 18.88L14.76 18.17L16.88 20.29L19 21L18.29 18.88L16.17 16.76L16.88 16.05L11.93 11.1Z",YI1="M0,0H24V24H0",JI1="M9.5,4.27C10.88,4.53 12.9,5.14 14,5.5C16.75,6.45 17.69,7.63 17.69,10.29C17.69,12.89 16.09,13.87 14.05,12.89V8.05C14.05,7.5 13.95,6.97 13.41,6.82C13,6.69 12.76,7.07 12.76,7.63V19.73L9.5,18.69V4.27M13.37,17.62L18.62,15.75C19.22,15.54 19.31,15.24 18.83,15.08C18.34,14.92 17.47,14.97 16.87,15.18L13.37,16.41V14.45L13.58,14.38C13.58,14.38 14.59,14 16,13.87C17.43,13.71 19.17,13.89 20.53,14.4C22.07,14.89 22.25,15.61 21.86,16.1C21.46,16.6 20.5,16.95 20.5,16.95L13.37,19.5V17.62M3.5,17.42C1.93,17 1.66,16.05 2.38,15.5C3.05,15 4.18,14.65 4.18,14.65L8.86,13V14.88L5.5,16.09C4.9,16.3 4.81,16.6 5.29,16.76C5.77,16.92 6.65,16.88 7.24,16.66L8.86,16.08V17.77L8.54,17.83C6.92,18.09 5.2,18 3.5,17.42Z",CG1="M18 21L14 17H17V7H14L18 3L22 7H19V17H22M2 19V17H12V19M2 13V11H9V13M2 7V5H6V7H2Z",HG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19M11 13V15L7.67 19H11V21H5V19L8.33 15H5V13M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V11H7V9H9V11H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 7H7V5H9Z",VG1="M9.25 5L12.5 1.75L15.75 5H9.25M8.89 14.3H6L5.28 17H2.91L6 7H9L12.13 17H9.67L8.89 14.3M6.33 12.68H8.56L7.93 10.56L7.67 9.59L7.42 8.63H7.39L7.17 9.6L6.93 10.58L6.33 12.68M13.05 17V15.74L17.8 8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09 15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",LG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M11 13V15L7.67 19H11V21H5V19L8.33 15H5V13M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V11H7V9H9V11H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 7H7V5H9Z",MG1="M15.75 19L12.5 22.25L9.25 19H15.75M8.89 14.3H6L5.28 17H2.91L6 7H9L12.13 17H9.67L8.89 14.3M6.33 12.68H8.56L7.93 10.56L7.67 9.59L7.42 8.63H7.39L7.17 9.6L6.93 10.58L6.33 12.68M13.05 17V15.74L17.8 8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09 15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",AG1="M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75M8.89,14.3H6L5.28,17H2.91L6,7H9L12.13,17H9.67L8.89,14.3M6.33,12.68H8.56L7.93,10.56L7.67,9.59L7.42,8.63H7.39L7.17,9.6L6.93,10.58L6.33,12.68M13.05,17V15.74L17.8,8.97V8.91H13.5V7H20.73V8.34L16.09,15V15.08H20.8V17H13.05Z",iG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19M2 17H12V19H2M6 5V7H2V5M2 11H9V13H2V11Z",rG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M7 3C4.79 3 3 4.79 3 7S4.79 11 7 11 11 9.21 11 7 9.21 3 7 3M7 9C5.9 9 5 8.1 5 7S5.9 5 7 5 9 5.9 9 7 8.1 9 7 9M7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17S4.79 21 7 21 11 19.21 11 17 9.21 13 7 13Z",aG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M9 13H5C3.89 13 3 13.89 3 15V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.89 10.11 13 9 13M6.27 19.5L3.74 16.95L4.81 15.9L6.28 17.39L9.2 14.5L10.26 15.55L6.27 19.5M9 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V9C3 10.11 3.89 11 5 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.89 10.11 3 9 3M9 9H5V5H9V9Z",eG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M5 7C5 8.1 5.9 9 7 9C8.1 9 9 8.1 9 7C9 5.9 8.1 5 7 5C5.9 5 5 5.9 5 7M7 3C9.21 3 11 4.79 11 7C11 9.21 9.21 11 7 11C4.79 11 3 9.21 3 7C3 4.79 4.79 3 7 3M7 13C4.79 13 3 14.79 3 17C3 19.21 4.79 21 7 21C9.21 21 11 19.21 11 17C11 14.79 9.21 13 7 13Z",dG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M5 13C3.89 13 3 13.89 3 15V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.89 10.11 13 9 13M9.2 14.5L10.26 15.55L6.27 19.5L3.74 16.95L4.81 15.9L6.28 17.39M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V9C3 10.11 3.89 11 5 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.89 10.11 3 9 3M5 5H9V9H5Z",mG1="M21 17H24L20 21L16 17H19V3H21V17M8 16H11V13H8V16M13 5H12V3H10V5H6V3H4V5H3C1.89 5 1 5.89 1 7V18C1 19.11 1.89 20 3 20H13C14.11 20 15 19.11 15 18V7C15 5.89 14.11 5 13 5M3 18L3 11H13L13 18L3 18Z",tG1="M19 7H16L20 3L24 7H21V21H19V7M8 16H11V13H8V16M13 5H12V3H10V5H6V3H4V5H3C1.89 5 1 5.89 1 7V18C1 19.11 1.89 20 3 20H13C14.11 20 15 19.11 15 18V7C15 5.89 14.11 5 13 5M3 18L3 11H13L13 18L3 18Z",vG1="M20 17H23L19 21L15 17H18V3H20V17M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M10.19 14.53L7 12.69V9H8.5V11.82L10.94 13.23L10.19 14.53Z",lG1="M20 17H23L19 21L15 17H18V3H20V17M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M8 7.15C10.67 7.15 12.85 9.32 12.85 12C12.85 14.68 10.68 16.85 8 16.85C5.32 16.85 3.15 14.68 3.15 12C3.15 9.32 5.32 7.15 8 7.15M7 9V12.69L10.19 14.53L10.94 13.23L8.5 11.82V9",oG1="M18 7H15L19 3L23 7H20V21H18V7M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M10.19 14.53L7 12.69V9H8.5V11.82L10.94 13.23L10.19 14.53Z",nG1="M18 7H15L19 3L23 7H20V21H18V7M8 5C4.14 5 1 8.13 1 12C1 15.87 4.13 19 8 19C11.86 19 15 15.87 15 12C15 8.13 11.87 5 8 5M8 7.15C10.67 7.15 12.85 9.32 12.85 12C12.85 14.68 10.68 16.85 8 16.85C5.32 16.85 3.15 14.68 3.15 12C3.15 9.32 5.32 7.15 8 7.15M7 9V12.69L10.19 14.53L10.94 13.23L8.5 11.82V9",ZG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M2 17H12V19H2M6 5V7H2V5M2 11H9V13H2V11Z",SG1="M19 17H22L18 21L14 17H17V3H19V17M9 13H7C5.9 13 5 13.9 5 15V16C5 17.11 5.9 18 7 18H9V19H5V21H9C10.11 21 11 20.11 11 19V15C11 13.9 10.11 13 9 13M9 16H7V15H9V16M9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V9C5 10.11 5.9 11 7 11H9C10.11 11 11 10.11 11 9V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3M9 9H7V5H9V9Z",uG1="M7.78 7C9.08 7.04 10 7.53 10.57 8.46C11.13 9.4 11.41 10.56 11.39 11.95C11.4 13.5 11.09 14.73 10.5 15.62C9.88 16.5 8.95 16.97 7.71 17C6.45 16.96 5.54 16.5 4.96 15.56C4.38 14.63 4.09 13.45 4.09 12S4.39 9.36 5 8.44C5.59 7.5 6.5 7.04 7.78 7M7.75 8.63C7.31 8.63 6.96 8.9 6.7 9.46C6.44 10 6.32 10.87 6.32 12C6.31 13.15 6.44 14 6.69 14.54C6.95 15.1 7.31 15.37 7.77 15.37C8.69 15.37 9.16 14.24 9.17 12C9.17 9.77 8.7 8.65 7.75 8.63M13.33 17V15.22L13.76 15.24L14.3 15.22L15.34 15.03C15.68 14.92 16 14.78 16.26 14.58C16.59 14.35 16.86 14.08 17.07 13.76C17.29 13.45 17.44 13.12 17.53 12.78L17.5 12.77C17.05 13.19 16.38 13.4 15.47 13.41C14.62 13.4 13.91 13.15 13.34 12.65S12.5 11.43 12.46 10.5C12.47 9.5 12.81 8.69 13.47 8.03C14.14 7.37 15 7.03 16.12 7C17.37 7.04 18.29 7.45 18.88 8.24C19.47 9 19.76 10 19.76 11.19C19.75 12.15 19.61 13 19.32 13.76C19.03 14.5 18.64 15.13 18.12 15.64C17.66 16.06 17.11 16.38 16.47 16.61C15.83 16.83 15.12 16.96 14.34 17H13.33M16.06 8.63C15.65 8.64 15.32 8.8 15.06 9.11C14.81 9.42 14.68 9.84 14.68 10.36C14.68 10.8 14.8 11.16 15.03 11.46C15.27 11.77 15.63 11.92 16.11 11.93C16.43 11.93 16.7 11.86 16.92 11.74C17.14 11.61 17.3 11.46 17.41 11.28C17.5 11.17 17.53 10.97 17.53 10.71C17.54 10.16 17.43 9.69 17.2 9.28C16.97 8.87 16.59 8.65 16.06 8.63M9.25 5L12.5 1.75L15.75 5H9.25",cG1="M19 7H22L18 3L14 7H17V21H19M9 21H5V19H9V18H7C5.9 18 5 17.11 5 16V15C5 13.9 5.9 13 7 13H9C10.11 13 11 13.9 11 15V19C11 20.11 10.11 21 9 21M9 15H7V16H9M7 3H9C10.11 3 11 3.9 11 5V9C11 10.11 10.11 11 9 11H7C5.9 11 5 10.11 5 9V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3M7 9H9V5H7Z",sG1="M7.78 7C9.08 7.04 10 7.53 10.57 8.46C11.13 9.4 11.41 10.56 11.39 11.95C11.4 13.5 11.09 14.73 10.5 15.62C9.88 16.5 8.95 16.97 7.71 17C6.45 16.96 5.54 16.5 4.96 15.56C4.38 14.63 4.09 13.45 4.09 12S4.39 9.36 5 8.44C5.59 7.5 6.5 7.04 7.78 7M7.75 8.63C7.31 8.63 6.96 8.9 6.7 9.46C6.44 10 6.32 10.87 6.32 12C6.31 13.15 6.44 14 6.69 14.54C6.95 15.1 7.31 15.37 7.77 15.37C8.69 15.37 9.16 14.24 9.17 12C9.17 9.77 8.7 8.65 7.75 8.63M13.33 17V15.22L13.76 15.24L14.3 15.22L15.34 15.03C15.68 14.92 16 14.78 16.26 14.58C16.59 14.35 16.86 14.08 17.07 13.76C17.29 13.45 17.44 13.12 17.53 12.78L17.5 12.77C17.05 13.19 16.38 13.4 15.47 13.41C14.62 13.4 13.91 13.15 13.34 12.65S12.5 11.43 12.46 10.5C12.47 9.5 12.81 8.69 13.47 8.03C14.14 7.37 15 7.03 16.12 7C17.37 7.04 18.29 7.45 18.88 8.24C19.47 9 19.76 10 19.76 11.19C19.75 12.15 19.61 13 19.32 13.76C19.03 14.5 18.64 15.13 18.12 15.64C17.66 16.06 17.11 16.38 16.47 16.61C15.83 16.83 15.12 16.96 14.34 17H13.33M16.06 8.63C15.65 8.64 15.32 8.8 15.06 9.11C14.81 9.42 14.68 9.84 14.68 10.36C14.68 10.8 14.8 11.16 15.03 11.46C15.27 11.77 15.63 11.92 16.11 11.93C16.43 11.93 16.7 11.86 16.92 11.74C17.14 11.61 17.3 11.46 17.41 11.28C17.5 11.17 17.53 10.97 17.53 10.71C17.54 10.16 17.43 9.69 17.2 9.28C16.97 8.87 16.59 8.65 16.06 8.63M15.75 19L12.5 22.25L9.25 19H15.75Z",OG1="M7.78,7C9.08,7.04 10,7.53 10.57,8.46C11.13,9.4 11.41,10.56 11.39,11.95C11.4,13.5 11.09,14.73 10.5,15.62C9.88,16.5 8.95,16.97 7.71,17C6.45,16.96 5.54,16.5 4.96,15.56C4.38,14.63 4.09,13.45 4.09,12C4.09,10.55 4.39,9.36 5,8.44C5.59,7.5 6.5,7.04 7.78,7M7.75,8.63C7.31,8.63 6.96,8.9 6.7,9.46C6.44,10 6.32,10.87 6.32,12C6.31,13.15 6.44,14 6.69,14.54C6.95,15.1 7.31,15.37 7.77,15.37C8.69,15.37 9.16,14.24 9.17,12C9.17,9.77 8.7,8.65 7.75,8.63M13.33,17V15.22L13.76,15.24L14.3,15.22L15.34,15.03C15.68,14.92 16,14.78 16.26,14.58C16.59,14.35 16.86,14.08 17.07,13.76C17.29,13.45 17.44,13.12 17.53,12.78L17.5,12.77C17.05,13.19 16.38,13.4 15.47,13.41C14.62,13.4 13.91,13.15 13.34,12.65C12.77,12.15 12.5,11.43 12.46,10.5C12.47,9.5 12.81,8.69 13.47,8.03C14.14,7.37 15,7.03 16.12,7C17.37,7.04 18.29,7.45 18.88,8.24C19.47,9 19.76,10 19.76,11.19C19.75,12.15 19.61,13 19.32,13.76C19.03,14.5 18.64,15.13 18.12,15.64C17.66,16.06 17.11,16.38 16.47,16.61C15.83,16.83 15.12,16.96 14.34,17H13.33M16.06,8.63C15.65,8.64 15.32,8.8 15.06,9.11C14.81,9.42 14.68,9.84 14.68,10.36C14.68,10.8 14.8,11.16 15.03,11.46C15.27,11.77 15.63,11.92 16.11,11.93C16.43,11.93 16.7,11.86 16.92,11.74C17.14,11.61 17.3,11.46 17.41,11.28C17.5,11.17 17.53,10.97 17.53,10.71C17.54,10.16 17.43,9.69 17.2,9.28C16.97,8.87 16.59,8.65 16.06,8.63M9.25,5L12.5,1.75L15.75,5H9.25M15.75,19L12.5,22.25L9.25,19H15.75Z",hG1="M3 11H15V13H3M3 18V16H21V18M3 6H9V8H3Z",pG1="M3,13H15V11H3M3,6V8H21V6M3,18H9V16H3V18Z",fG1="M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16M3 13V11H15V13H3M3 6H21V8H3V6M3 18V16H9V18H3",gG1="M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V13.5C16.2 12.1 17.6 11 19 11S21.8 12.1 21.8 13.5V14H20.5V13.5C20.5 12.7 19.8 12.2 19 12.2S17.5 12.7 17.5 13.5V16H21.8C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M3 13V11H15V13H3M3 6H21V8H3V6M3 18V16H9V18H3",kG1="M20.84 22.73L11.11 13H3V11H9.11L6.11 8H3V6H4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M15 11H14.2L15 11.8V11M21 8V6H9.2L11.2 8H21M3 18H9V16H3V18Z",BG1="M3 13H15V11H3M3 6V8H21V6M3 18H9V16H3V18M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.47 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88L16.88 15.47L19 17.59L21.12 15.46L22.54 16.88",PG1="M4 8C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V14C2 15.11 2.9 16 4 16H20C21.11 16 22 15.11 22 14V10C22 8.9 21.11 8 20 8M9 10C10.11 10 11 10.9 11 12C11 13.11 10.11 14 9 14C7.9 14 7 13.11 7 12C7 10.9 7.9 10 9 10M15 10C16.11 10 17 10.9 17 12C17 13.11 16.11 14 15 14C13.9 14 13 13.11 13 12C13 10.9 13.9 10 15 10M5 11C5.55 11 6 11.45 6 12C6 12.55 5.55 13 5 13C4.45 13 4 12.55 4 12C4 11.45 4.45 11 5 11M9 11C8.45 11 8 11.45 8 12C8 12.55 8.45 13 9 13C9.55 13 10 12.55 10 12C10 11.45 9.55 11 9 11M15 11C14.45 11 14 11.45 14 12C14 12.55 14.45 13 15 13C15.55 13 16 12.55 16 12C16 11.45 15.55 11 15 11M19 11C19.55 11 20 11.45 20 12C20 12.55 19.55 13 19 13C18.45 13 18 12.55 18 12C18 11.45 18.45 11 19 11Z",wG1="M11.56,8.87V17H20.32V17C22.17,16.87 23,15.73 23,14.33C23,12.85 21.88,11.66 20.38,11.66C20,11.66 19.68,11.74 19.35,11.88C19.11,9.54 17.12,7.71 14.67,7.71C13.5,7.71 12.39,8.15 11.56,8.87M10.68,9.89C10.38,9.71 10.06,9.57 9.71,9.5V17H11.1V9.34C10.95,9.5 10.81,9.7 10.68,9.89M8.33,9.35V17H9.25V9.38C9.06,9.35 8.87,9.34 8.67,9.34C8.55,9.34 8.44,9.34 8.33,9.35M6.5,10V17H7.41V9.54C7.08,9.65 6.77,9.81 6.5,10M4.83,12.5C4.77,12.5 4.71,12.44 4.64,12.41V17H5.56V10.86C5.19,11.34 4.94,11.91 4.83,12.5M2.79,12.22V16.91C3,16.97 3.24,17 3.5,17H3.72V12.14C3.64,12.13 3.56,12.12 3.5,12.12C3.24,12.12 3,12.16 2.79,12.22M1,14.56C1,15.31 1.34,15.97 1.87,16.42V12.71C1.34,13.15 1,13.82 1,14.56Z",FG1="M13,14C9.64,14 8.54,15.35 8.18,16.24C9.25,16.7 10,17.76 10,19A3,3 0 0,1 7,22A3,3 0 0,1 4,19C4,17.69 4.83,16.58 6,16.17V7.83C4.83,7.42 4,6.31 4,5A3,3 0 0,1 7,2A3,3 0 0,1 10,5C10,6.31 9.17,7.42 8,7.83V13.12C8.88,12.47 10.16,12 12,12C14.67,12 15.56,10.66 15.85,9.77C14.77,9.32 14,8.25 14,7A3,3 0 0,1 17,4A3,3 0 0,1 20,7C20,8.34 19.12,9.5 17.91,9.86C17.65,11.29 16.68,14 13,14M7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,20A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M17,6A1,1 0 0,0 16,7A1,1 0 0,0 17,8A1,1 0 0,0 18,7A1,1 0 0,0 17,6Z",TG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",bG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",yG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",RG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M18 14C19.1 14 20.1 14.4 20.8 15.2L22 14V18H18L19.8 16.2C19.3 15.8 18.7 15.5 18 15.5C16.6 15.5 15.5 16.6 15.5 18S16.6 20.5 18 20.5C18.8 20.5 19.5 20.1 20 19.5H21.7C21.1 21 19.7 22 18 22C15.8 22 14 20.2 14 18S15.8 14 18 14Z",xG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M20.12 14.46L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88L20.12 14.46Z",DG1="M13 14C9.64 14 8.54 15.35 8.18 16.24C9.25 16.7 10 17.76 10 19C10 20.66 8.66 22 7 22S4 20.66 4 19C4 17.69 4.83 16.58 6 16.17V7.83C4.83 7.42 4 6.31 4 5C4 3.34 5.34 2 7 2S10 3.34 10 5C10 6.31 9.17 7.42 8 7.83V13.12C8.88 12.47 10.16 12 12 12C14.67 12 15.56 10.66 15.85 9.77C14.77 9.32 14 8.25 14 7C14 5.34 15.34 4 17 4S20 5.34 20 7C20 8.34 19.12 9.5 17.91 9.86C17.65 11.29 16.68 14 13 14M7 18C6.45 18 6 18.45 6 19S6.45 20 7 20 8 19.55 8 19 7.55 18 7 18M7 4C6.45 4 6 4.45 6 5S6.45 6 7 6 8 5.55 8 5 7.55 4 7 4M17 6C16.45 6 16 6.45 16 7S16.45 8 17 8 18 7.55 18 7 17.55 6 17 6M18 13V14.5C20.21 14.5 22 16.29 22 18.5C22 19.32 21.75 20.08 21.33 20.71L20.24 19.62C20.41 19.28 20.5 18.9 20.5 18.5C20.5 17.12 19.38 16 18 16V17.5L15.75 15.25L15.72 15.22C15.78 15.17 15.85 15.13 18 13M18 24V22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 17.68 14.25 16.92 14.67 16.29L15.76 17.38C15.59 17.72 15.5 18.1 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21V19.5L20.25 21.75L20.28 21.78C20.22 21.83 20.15 21.87 18 24",EG1="M17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V21H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",NG1="M17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",WG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,5V3H13V5H11Z",IG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,5V3H13V5H11M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",GG1="M17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12C7,9.58 8.72,7.56 11,7.1V3H13V7.1C15.28,7.56 17,9.58 17,12M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",QG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12C17,14.42 15.28,16.44 13,16.9V21H11V16.9C8.72,16.44 7,14.42 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9Z",UG1="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M11,21V19H13V21H11Z",zG1="M6,2A3,3 0 0,1 9,5C9,6.28 8.19,7.38 7.06,7.81C7.15,8.27 7.39,8.83 8,9.63C9,10.92 11,12.83 12,14.17C13,12.83 15,10.92 16,9.63C16.61,8.83 16.85,8.27 16.94,7.81C15.81,7.38 15,6.28 15,5A3,3 0 0,1 18,2A3,3 0 0,1 21,5C21,6.32 20.14,7.45 18.95,7.85C18.87,8.37 18.64,9 18,9.83C17,11.17 15,13.08 14,14.38C13.39,15.17 13.15,15.73 13.06,16.19C14.19,16.62 15,17.72 15,19A3,3 0 0,1 12,22A3,3 0 0,1 9,19C9,17.72 9.81,16.62 10.94,16.19C10.85,15.73 10.61,15.17 10,14.38C9,13.08 7,11.17 6,9.83C5.36,9 5.13,8.37 5.05,7.85C3.86,7.45 3,6.32 3,5A3,3 0 0,1 6,2M6,4A1,1 0 0,0 5,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,4M18,4A1,1 0 0,0 17,5A1,1 0 0,0 18,6A1,1 0 0,0 19,5A1,1 0 0,0 18,4M12,18A1,1 0 0,0 11,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,20A1,1 0 0,0 13,19A1,1 0 0,0 12,18Z",_G1="M7,3A3,3 0 0,1 10,6C10,7.29 9.19,8.39 8.04,8.81C8.58,13.81 13.08,14.77 15.19,14.96C15.61,13.81 16.71,13 18,13A3,3 0 0,1 21,16A3,3 0 0,1 18,19C16.69,19 15.57,18.16 15.16,17C10.91,16.8 9.44,15.19 8,13.39V15.17C9.17,15.58 10,16.69 10,18A3,3 0 0,1 7,21A3,3 0 0,1 4,18C4,16.69 4.83,15.58 6,15.17V8.83C4.83,8.42 4,7.31 4,6A3,3 0 0,1 7,3M7,5A1,1 0 0,0 6,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,7A1,1 0 0,0 8,6A1,1 0 0,0 7,5M7,17A1,1 0 0,0 6,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,19A1,1 0 0,0 8,18A1,1 0 0,0 7,17M18,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,16A1,1 0 0,0 18,17A1,1 0 0,0 19,16A1,1 0 0,0 18,15Z",KG1="M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6C9,7.31 8.17,8.42 7,8.83V15.17C8.17,15.58 9,16.69 9,18A3,3 0 0,1 6,21A3,3 0 0,1 3,18C3,16.69 3.83,15.58 5,15.17V8.83C3.83,8.42 3,7.31 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5M6,17A1,1 0 0,0 5,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 6,17M21,18A3,3 0 0,1 18,21A3,3 0 0,1 15,18C15,16.69 15.83,15.58 17,15.17V7H15V10.25L10.75,6L15,1.75V5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V15.17C20.17,15.58 21,16.69 21,18M18,17A1,1 0 0,0 17,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18A1,1 0 0,0 18,17Z",jG1="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M12.75,13.5C15.5,13.5 16.24,11.47 16.43,10.4C17.34,10.11 18,9.26 18,8.25C18,7 17,6 15.75,6C14.5,6 13.5,7 13.5,8.25C13.5,9.19 14.07,10 14.89,10.33C14.67,11 14,12 12,12C10.62,12 9.66,12.35 9,12.84V8.87C9.87,8.56 10.5,7.73 10.5,6.75C10.5,5.5 9.5,4.5 8.25,4.5C7,4.5 6,5.5 6,6.75C6,7.73 6.63,8.56 7.5,8.87V15.13C6.63,15.44 6,16.27 6,17.25C6,18.5 7,19.5 8.25,19.5C9.5,19.5 10.5,18.5 10.5,17.25C10.5,16.32 9.94,15.5 9.13,15.18C9.41,14.5 10.23,13.5 12.75,13.5M8.25,16.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9,17.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,18A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 7.5,17.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,16.5M8.25,6A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9,6.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,7.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 7.5,6.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 8.25,6M15.75,7.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 16.5,8.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15.75,9A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15,8.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 15.75,7.5Z",qG1="M8,0H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,2V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,18V2A2,2 0 0,1 8,0M14.75,11.5C17.5,11.5 18.24,9.47 18.43,8.4C19.34,8.11 20,7.26 20,6.25C20,5 19,4 17.75,4C16.5,4 15.5,5 15.5,6.25C15.5,7.19 16.07,8 16.89,8.33C16.67,9 16,10 14,10C12.62,10 11.66,10.35 11,10.84V6.87C11.87,6.56 12.5,5.73 12.5,4.75C12.5,3.5 11.5,2.5 10.25,2.5C9,2.5 8,3.5 8,4.75C8,5.73 8.63,6.56 9.5,6.87V13.13C8.63,13.44 8,14.27 8,15.25C8,16.5 9,17.5 10.25,17.5C11.5,17.5 12.5,16.5 12.5,15.25C12.5,14.32 11.94,13.5 11.13,13.18C11.41,12.5 12.23,11.5 14.75,11.5M10.25,14.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11,15.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,16A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9.5,15.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,14.5M10.25,4A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 11,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 9.5,4.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 10.25,4M17.75,5.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 18.5,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,7A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17,6.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,1 17.75,5.5M16,22V24H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,22V6H4V22H16Z",$G1="M13.9,7.5C13.9,6.8 14.1,6.3 14.2,6H14.8L15.7,3.5H16.5V2H7.5V3.5H8.3L9.2,6H9.8C10,6.3 10.1,6.8 10.1,7.5C10.1,8.8 6,13.7 6,17.6V19.6C6,21 8.7,21.9 12,21.9C15.3,21.9 18,21 18,19.6V17.6C18,13.7 13.9,8.8 13.9,7.5M12,15A2,2 0 0,1 10,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 14,13A2,2 0 0,1 12,15Z",XG1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L8.6 10.5C7.5 12.6 6 15.3 6 17.6V19.6C6 21 8.7 21.9 12 21.9C15.1 21.9 17.7 21.1 18 19.9L20.9 22.8L22.1 21.5M12 15C10.9 15 10 14.1 10 13C10 12.7 10.1 12.4 10.2 12.1L12.9 14.8C12.6 14.9 12.3 15 12 15M8.3 3.5H7.5V2H16.5V3.5H15.7L14.8 6H14.2C14.1 6.3 13.9 6.8 13.9 7.5C13.9 8.4 15.9 11 17.1 13.9L10.1 6.9C10 6.5 9.9 6.2 9.8 6H9.2L8.3 3.5Z",YG1="M15.5,9.63C15.31,6.84 14.18,4.12 12.06,2C9.92,4.14 8.74,6.86 8.5,9.63C9.79,10.31 10.97,11.19 12,12.26C13.03,11.2 14.21,10.32 15.5,9.63M12,15.45C9.85,12.17 6.18,10 2,10C2,20 11.32,21.89 12,22C12.68,21.88 22,20 22,10C17.82,10 14.15,12.17 12,15.45Z",JG1="M15.5,9.63C14.21,10.32 13.03,11.2 12,12.26C10.97,11.19 9.79,10.31 8.5,9.63C8.74,6.86 9.92,4.14 12.06,2C14.18,4.12 15.31,6.84 15.5,9.63M12,15.45C14.15,12.17 17.82,10 22,10C22,20 12.68,21.88 12,22C11.32,21.89 2,20 2,10C6.18,10 9.85,12.17 12,15.45M12.05,5.19C11.39,6.23 10.93,7.38 10.68,8.58L12,9.55L13.35,8.57C13.12,7.37 12.68,6.22 12.05,5.19M12,19.97C12,19.97 18,19 19.74,12.25C14,14 12,19.1 12,19.1C12,19.1 9,13 4.26,12.26C6,19 12,19.97 12,19.97Z",CQ1="M7,6H5V4H7V6M17,6H19V4H17V6M23,12V18H21V14H19V18H17V16H7V18H5V14H3V18H1V12H3V10H5V8H7V6H9V8H15V6H17V8H19V10H21V12H23M15,10V12H17V10H15M7,12H9V10H7V12M11,18H7V20H11V18M17,18H13V20H17V18Z",HQ1="M15.5 19V21H13.73C13.39 21.6 12.74 22 12 22C11.26 22 10.61 21.6 10.27 21H8.5V19H10.27C10.44 18.7 10.7 18.44 11 18.27V17H10C9.45 17 9 16.55 9 16V13H6V17C6 17.55 5.55 18 5 18H3C2.45 18 2 17.55 2 17V8C2 7.45 2.45 7 3 7H5C5.55 7 6 7.45 6 8V11H9V8C9 7.45 9.45 7 10 7H11V6H10C9.45 6 9 5.55 9 5V4C9 3.45 9.45 3 10 3H14C14.55 3 15 3.45 15 4V5C15 5.55 14.55 6 14 6H13V7H14C14.55 7 15 7.45 15 8V11H18V8C18 7.45 18.45 7 19 7H21C21.55 7 22 7.45 22 8V17C22 17.55 21.55 18 21 18H19C18.45 18 18 17.55 18 17V13H15V16C15 16.55 14.55 17 14 17H13V18.27C13.3 18.44 13.56 18.7 13.73 19H15.5M3 16V17H5V16H3M3 14V15H5V14H3M3 12V13H5V12H3M3 10V11H5V10H3M3 8V9H5V8H3M19 16V17H21V16H19M19 14V15H21V14H19M19 12V13H21V12H19M19 10V11H21V10H19M19 8V9H21V8H19Z",VQ1="M15.71,1.22L12.88,4.05C12.1,4.83 12.1,6.09 12.88,6.87L14.3,8.29L10.06,12.53L7.58,10.06L1.22,16.42L7.58,22.78L13.94,16.42L11.47,13.94L15.71,9.7L17.13,11.12C17.91,11.9 19.17,11.9 19.95,11.12L22.78,8.29L15.71,1.22M15.71,4.05L19.95,8.29L18.54,9.7L14.3,5.46L15.71,4.05Z",LQ1="M12,12A3,3 0 0,0 9,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,18A3,3 0 0,0 15,15A3,3 0 0,0 12,12M12,20A5,5 0 0,1 7,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,10A5,5 0 0,1 17,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,20M12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,8C10.89,8 10,7.1 10,6C10,4.89 10.89,4 12,4M17,2H7C5.89,2 5,2.89 5,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 7,22H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,20V4C19,2.89 18.1,2 17,2Z",MQ1="M4,3A2,2 0 0,0 2,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 12,3H4M8,5A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 8,9A2,2 0 0,1 6,7A2,2 0 0,1 8,5M19,7V10.79L16.71,8.5L16,9.21L18.79,12L16,14.79L16.71,15.5L19,13.21V17H19.5L22.35,14.14L20.21,12L22.35,9.85L19.5,7H19M20,8.91L20.94,9.85L20,10.79V8.91M8,11A4,4 0 0,1 12,15A4,4 0 0,1 8,19A4,4 0 0,1 4,15A4,4 0 0,1 8,11M8,13A2,2 0 0,0 6,15A2,2 0 0,0 8,17A2,2 0 0,0 10,15A2,2 0 0,0 8,13M20,13.21L20.94,14.14L20,15.08V13.21Z",AQ1="M16.5 3H21.5C22.3 3 23 3.7 23 4.5V7.5C23 8.3 22.3 9 21.5 9H18L15 12V4.5C15 3.7 15.7 3 16.5 3M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V19C1 20.1 1.9 21 3 21H11C12.1 21 13 20.1 13 19V5C13 3.9 12.1 3 11 3H3M7 5C8.1 5 9 5.9 9 7S8.1 9 7 9 5 8.1 5 7 5.9 5 7 5M7 11C9.2 11 11 12.8 11 15S9.2 19 7 19 3 17.2 3 15 4.8 11 7 11M7 13C5.9 13 5 13.9 5 15S5.9 17 7 17 9 16.1 9 15 8.1 13 7 13",iQ1="M14,10A3,3 0 0,0 11,13A3,3 0 0,0 14,16A3,3 0 0,0 17,13A3,3 0 0,0 14,10M14,18A5,5 0 0,1 9,13A5,5 0 0,1 14,8A5,5 0 0,1 19,13A5,5 0 0,1 14,18M14,2A2,2 0 0,1 16,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,6A2,2 0 0,1 12,4A2,2 0 0,1 14,2M19,0H9A2,2 0 0,0 7,2V18A2,2 0 0,0 9,20H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,18V2A2,2 0 0,0 19,0M5,22H17V24H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,22V4H5",rQ1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L18.27,21.54C17.93,21.83 17.5,22 17,22H7C5.89,22 5,21.1 5,20V8.27L2,5.27M12,18A3,3 0 0,1 9,15C9,14.24 9.28,13.54 9.75,13L8.33,11.6C7.5,12.5 7,13.69 7,15A5,5 0 0,0 12,20C13.31,20 14.5,19.5 15.4,18.67L14,17.25C13.45,17.72 12.76,18 12,18M17,15A5,5 0 0,0 12,10H11.82L5.12,3.3C5.41,2.54 6.14,2 7,2H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V17.18L17,15.17V15M12,4C10.89,4 10,4.89 10,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,8A2,2 0 0,0 14,6C14,4.89 13.1,4 12,4Z",aQ1="M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78M19 15H21V21H19M15 15H17V21H15V15Z",eQ1="M16 15V21L21 18L16 15M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78Z",dQ1="M12.28 19.81C11.87 19.92 11.45 20 11 20C8.24 20 6 17.76 6 15S8.24 10 11 10C12.89 10 14.5 11.06 15.37 12.61C16.16 12.23 17.06 12 18 12V4C18 2.89 17.1 2 16 2H6C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H13.54C13 21.37 12.54 20.63 12.28 19.81M11 4C12.11 4 13 4.89 13 6S12.11 8 11 8C9.89 8 9 7.1 9 6C9 4.89 9.89 4 11 4M13.74 13.78C12.7 14.82 12.06 16.24 12 17.81C11.69 17.93 11.36 18 11 18C9.34 18 8 16.66 8 15S9.34 12 11 12C12.22 12 13.27 12.73 13.74 13.78M21 15H15V21H21V15Z",mQ1="M20.07,19.07L18.66,17.66C20.11,16.22 21,14.21 21,12C21,9.78 20.11,7.78 18.66,6.34L20.07,4.93C21.88,6.74 23,9.24 23,12C23,14.76 21.88,17.26 20.07,19.07M17.24,16.24L15.83,14.83C16.55,14.11 17,13.11 17,12C17,10.89 16.55,9.89 15.83,9.17L17.24,7.76C18.33,8.85 19,10.35 19,12C19,13.65 18.33,15.15 17.24,16.24M4,3H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 12,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M8,5A2,2 0 0,0 6,7A2,2 0 0,0 8,9A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 8,5M8,11A4,4 0 0,0 4,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,19A4,4 0 0,0 12,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,11M8,13A2,2 0 0,1 10,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,13Z",tQ1="M16 9H16.41L3.41 22L2 20.59L15 7.59V9H16M16 4V8H20L22 2L16 4Z",vQ1="M12,16A3,3 0 0,1 9,13C9,11.88 9.61,10.9 10.5,10.39L20.21,4.77L14.68,14.35C14.18,15.33 13.17,16 12,16M12,3C13.81,3 15.5,3.5 16.97,4.32L14.87,5.53C14,5.19 13,5 12,5A8,8 0 0,0 4,13C4,15.21 4.89,17.21 6.34,18.65H6.35C6.74,19.04 6.74,19.67 6.35,20.06C5.96,20.45 5.32,20.45 4.93,20.07V20.07C3.12,18.26 2,15.76 2,13A10,10 0 0,1 12,3M22,13C22,15.76 20.88,18.26 19.07,20.07V20.07C18.68,20.45 18.05,20.45 17.66,20.06C17.27,19.67 17.27,19.04 17.66,18.65V18.65C19.11,17.2 20,15.21 20,13C20,12 19.81,11 19.46,10.1L20.67,8C21.5,9.5 22,11.18 22,13Z",lQ1="M12 1.38L9.14 12.06C8.8 13.1 9.04 14.29 9.86 15.12C11.04 16.29 12.94 16.29 14.11 15.12C14.9 14.33 15.16 13.2 14.89 12.21M14.6 3.35L15.22 5.68C18.04 6.92 20 9.73 20 13C20 15.21 19.11 17.21 17.66 18.65H17.65C17.26 19.04 17.26 19.67 17.65 20.06C18.04 20.45 18.68 20.45 19.07 20.07C20.88 18.26 22 15.76 22 13C22 8.38 18.86 4.5 14.6 3.35M9.4 3.36C5.15 4.5 2 8.4 2 13C2 15.76 3.12 18.26 4.93 20.07C5.32 20.45 5.95 20.45 6.34 20.06C6.73 19.67 6.73 19.04 6.34 18.65C4.89 17.2 4 15.21 4 13C4 9.65 5.94 6.86 8.79 5.65",oQ1="M12 16C13.66 16 15 14.66 15 13C15 11.88 14.39 10.9 13.5 10.39L3.79 4.77L9.32 14.35C9.82 15.33 10.83 16 12 16M12 3C10.19 3 8.5 3.5 7.03 4.32L9.13 5.53C10 5.19 11 5 12 5C16.42 5 20 8.58 20 13C20 15.21 19.11 17.21 17.66 18.65H17.65C17.26 19.04 17.26 19.67 17.65 20.06C18.04 20.45 18.68 20.45 19.07 20.07C20.88 18.26 22 15.76 22 13C22 7.5 17.5 3 12 3M2 13C2 15.76 3.12 18.26 4.93 20.07C5.32 20.45 5.95 20.45 6.34 20.06C6.73 19.67 6.73 19.04 6.34 18.65C4.89 17.2 4 15.21 4 13C4 12 4.19 11 4.54 10.1L3.33 8C2.5 9.5 2 11.18 2 13Z",nQ1="M21.59,11.59L13.5,19.68L9.83,16L8.42,17.41L13.5,22.5L23,13M6.43,11L8.5,5.5L10.57,11M12.45,16H14.54L9.43,3H7.57L2.46,16H4.55L5.67,13H11.31L12.45,16Z",ZQ1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C17.5 22 22 17.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M12 14C7.58 14 4 13.11 4 12C4 10.9 7.58 10 12 10S20 10.9 20 12C20 13.11 16.42 14 12 14M12 4C15.37 4 18.25 6.09 19.43 9.05C17.93 8.43 15.61 8 12 8C9.8 8 6.73 8.19 4.57 9.05C5.75 6.09 8.63 4 12 4M12 20C8.63 20 5.75 17.91 4.57 14.95C6.07 15.57 8.39 16 12 16C14.2 16 17.27 15.81 19.43 14.95C18.25 17.91 15.37 20 12 20Z",SQ1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.06 5.95C2.77 7.63 2 9.72 2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22C14.28 22 16.37 21.23 18.05 19.94L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5.5 7.39L6.58 8.47C5.87 8.62 5.18 8.8 4.57 9.05C4.81 8.45 5.13 7.9 5.5 7.39M4 12C4 11.23 5.76 10.56 8.33 10.22L12.11 14L12 14C7.58 14 4 13.11 4 12M12 20C8.63 20 5.75 17.91 4.57 14.95C6.07 15.57 8.39 16 12 16C12.63 16 13.33 16 14.05 15.94L16.63 18.5C15.32 19.45 13.73 20 12 20M8.19 5L6.72 3.5C8.25 2.56 10.06 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 13.94 21.44 15.75 20.5 17.28L19 15.81C19.17 15.54 19.31 15.25 19.43 14.96C19.13 15.08 18.81 15.18 18.47 15.27L16.8 13.6C18.74 13.23 20 12.65 20 12C20 11 17.06 10.17 13.23 10.03L11.21 8C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.61 8 17.93 8.43 19.43 9.05C18.25 6.09 15.37 4 12 4C10.61 4 9.32 4.36 8.19 5Z",uQ1="M21.29 16.71L22.71 15.29L19.5 12.11L16.5 11.26L18.41 11L22.6 7.8L21.4 6.2L17.59 9.05L14.91 9.5L18.11 6.31L17 1.76L15 2.24L15.86 5.69L14.76 6.83A3 3 0 0 0 9.24 6.83L8.11 5.69L9 2.24L7 1.76L5.89 6.31L9.09 9.5L6.4 9.05L2.6 6.2L1.4 7.8L5.6 11L7.46 11.31L4.46 12.16L1.29 15.29L2.71 16.71L5.5 13.89L7.87 13.22L4 16.54V22H6V17.46L7.56 16.12A4.5 4.5 0 0 0 16.44 16.12L18 17.46V22H20V16.54L16.13 13.22L18.5 13.89Z",cQ1="M20 22H18V17.46L16.44 16.12C16.32 16.83 16.04 17.5 15.62 18.06C15.42 18.34 15.18 18.59 14.91 18.82C14.1 19.5 13.07 19.89 12 19.89C10.93 19.89 9.9 19.5 9.09 18.82C8.82 18.59 8.58 18.34 8.38 18.06C7.96 17.5 7.68 16.83 7.56 16.12L6 17.46V22H4V16.54L7.87 13.22L5.5 13.89L2.71 16.71L1.29 15.29L4.46 12.16L7.46 11.31L5.6 11L1.4 7.8L2.6 6.2L6.4 9.05L9.09 9.5L5.89 6.31L7 1.76L9 2.24L8.11 5.69L9.24 6.83L9.24 6.83C9.36 6.56 9.5 6.32 9.69 6.1C9.84 5.92 10 5.75 10.2 5.61C10.25 5.57 10.3 5.54 10.35 5.5C10.43 5.45 10.5 5.4 10.59 5.36C11.03 5.13 11.5 5 12 5C12.5 5 12.97 5.13 13.4 5.36C13.5 5.4 13.57 5.45 13.65 5.5C13.69 5.53 13.73 5.56 13.77 5.59C13.97 5.73 14.15 5.9 14.3 6.08C14.5 6.3 14.64 6.56 14.76 6.83L14.76 6.83L15.86 5.69L15 2.24L17 1.76L18.11 6.31L14.91 9.5L17.59 9.05L21.4 6.2L22.6 7.8L22.6 7.8L18.41 11L16.5 11.26L19.5 12.11L22.71 15.29L21.29 16.71L18.5 13.89L16.13 13.22L20 16.54V22M14.47 15.79L15 12.5L12 12L9 12.5L9.53 15.79C9.63 16.38 9.93 16.91 10.38 17.29C10.83 17.68 11.41 17.89 12 17.89C12.59 17.89 13.17 17.68 13.62 17.29C14.07 16.91 14.37 16.38 14.47 15.79M12 9.58L13.23 8.35L12.92 7.61C12.84 7.43 12.72 7.28 12.55 7.17C12.39 7.06 12.2 7 12 7C11.8 7 11.61 7.06 11.45 7.17C11.29 7.28 11.16 7.43 11.08 7.61L10.77 8.35L12 9.58Z",sQ1="M13 2V7.08A5.47 5.47 0 0 0 12 7A5.47 5.47 0 0 0 11 7.08V2M16.9 15A5 5 0 0 1 16.73 15.55L20 17.42V22H18V18.58L15.74 17.29A4.94 4.94 0 0 1 8.26 17.29L6 18.58V22H4V17.42L7.27 15.55A5 5 0 0 1 7.1 15H5.3L2.55 16.83L1.45 15.17L4.7 13H7.1A5 5 0 0 1 7.37 12.12L5.81 11.12L2.24 12L1.76 10L6.19 8.92L8.5 10.45A5 5 0 0 1 15.5 10.45L17.77 8.92L22.24 10L21.76 12L18.19 11.11L16.63 12.11A5 5 0 0 1 16.9 13H19.3L22.55 15.16L21.45 16.82L18.7 15M11 14A1 1 0 1 0 10 15A1 1 0 0 0 11 14M15 14A1 1 0 1 0 14 15A1 1 0 0 0 15 14Z",OQ1="M13.62,13.28L15.26,15.54C15.29,15 15.38,14.47 15.56,13.93C15.74,13.37 16,12.86 16.3,12.41L13.62,13.28M17.77,19C17.75,17.68 17.95,16.27 18.41,14.85C18.88,13.42 19.56,12.14 20.36,11.09L18.32,11.75C17.54,12.26 16.87,13.14 16.5,14.23C16.17,15.29 16.18,16.36 16.5,17.22L17.77,19M19.25,21C18.75,21.46 18.21,21.86 17.63,22.2L17.31,21.76C15.9,21 14.04,20.5 12,20.5C9.96,20.5 8.1,21 6.69,21.76L6.37,22.2C5.79,21.86 5.25,21.46 4.75,21L5,20.69C5.33,19.08 5.22,17.12 4.58,15.14C3.94,13.19 2.9,11.56 1.71,10.46L1.27,10.32C1.42,9.66 1.63,9 1.89,8.41L2.29,8.54C3.92,8.37 5.74,7.65 7.43,6.43C9.09,5.22 10.32,3.73 11,2.26V1.79L12,1.75L13,1.79V2.21C13.67,3.71 14.91,5.23 16.6,6.45C18.26,7.66 20.06,8.37 21.67,8.56L22.11,8.41C22.37,9 22.58,9.66 22.73,10.32L22.23,10.5C21.04,11.58 20,13.21 19.37,15.16C18.74,17.09 18.62,19 18.92,20.57L19.25,21M11,11.37V8.5C10.66,8.92 10.26,9.32 9.78,9.67C9.29,10 8.77,10.29 8.25,10.5L11,11.37M11,4.22C10.25,5.31 9.24,6.35 8,7.24C6.78,8.14 5.46,8.78 4.18,9.16L6.15,9.8C7.11,9.88 8.22,9.56 9.19,8.86C10.13,8.18 10.76,7.27 11,6.36V4.22M13,11.37L15.74,10.5C15.23,10.3 14.72,10.03 14.25,9.69C13.76,9.33 13.34,8.92 13,8.5V11.37M19.8,9.16C18.53,8.78 17.23,8.15 16,7.26C14.77,6.36 13.76,5.31 13,4.2V6.27C13.22,7.21 13.86,8.17 14.84,8.88C15.77,9.56 16.83,9.87 17.77,9.82L19.8,9.16M10.38,13.28L7.64,12.39C7.95,12.84 8.2,13.35 8.38,13.91C8.57,14.5 8.66,15.06 8.68,15.62L10.38,13.28M3.58,11.07C4.38,12.12 5.06,13.4 5.53,14.83C6,16.29 6.2,17.74 6.17,19.08L7.38,17.41C7.76,16.5 7.8,15.36 7.43,14.22C7.07,13.12 6.4,12.24 5.61,11.73L3.58,11.07M12,14.45L10.35,16.72C10.87,16.58 11.42,16.5 12,16.5C12.58,16.5 13.13,16.58 13.65,16.72L12,14.45M7.84,20.18C9.08,19.75 10.5,19.5 12,19.5C13.5,19.5 14.92,19.75 16.16,20.18L14.88,18.42C14.16,17.85 13.13,17.5 12,17.5C10.87,17.5 9.84,17.85 9.12,18.42L7.84,20.18Z",hQ1="M22 8H2V16H22V8M18 14V10H20V14H18M11 12H13C14.1 12 15 11.11 15 10H17V14H7V10H9C9 11.11 9.9 12 11 12M4 14V10H6V14H4Z",pQ1="M6 13H3V10H6V13M10 10H7V13H10V10M8 6H5V9H8V6M18 12C14.25 12 12.28 13.25 11 14H2C2 16.21 3.79 18 6 18H7C8 18 8.92 17.63 9.62 17C11.06 15.78 12.68 14.74 14.55 14.36C15.61 14.15 16.78 14 18 14H22V12H18Z",fQ1="M17.9,10.9C14.7,9 9.35,8.8 6.3,9.75C5.8,9.9 5.3,9.6 5.15,9.15C5,8.65 5.3,8.15 5.75,8C9.3,6.95 15.15,7.15 18.85,9.35C19.3,9.6 19.45,10.2 19.2,10.65C18.95,11 18.35,11.15 17.9,10.9M17.8,13.7C17.55,14.05 17.1,14.2 16.75,13.95C14.05,12.3 9.95,11.8 6.8,12.8C6.4,12.9 5.95,12.7 5.85,12.3C5.75,11.9 5.95,11.45 6.35,11.35C10,10.25 14.5,10.8 17.6,12.7C17.9,12.85 18.05,13.35 17.8,13.7M16.6,16.45C16.4,16.75 16.05,16.85 15.75,16.65C13.4,15.2 10.45,14.9 6.95,15.7C6.6,15.8 6.3,15.55 6.2,15.25C6.1,14.9 6.35,14.6 6.65,14.5C10.45,13.65 13.75,14 16.35,15.6C16.7,15.75 16.75,16.15 16.6,16.45M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",gQ1="M2,6L7.09,8.55C6.4,9.5 6,10.71 6,12C6,13.29 6.4,14.5 7.09,15.45L2,18V6M6,3H18L15.45,7.09C14.5,6.4 13.29,6 12,6C10.71,6 9.5,6.4 8.55,7.09L6,3M22,6V18L16.91,15.45C17.6,14.5 18,13.29 18,12C18,10.71 17.6,9.5 16.91,8.55L22,6M18,21H6L8.55,16.91C9.5,17.6 10.71,18 12,18C13.29,18 14.5,17.6 15.45,16.91L18,21M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",kQ1="M9,16.5L9.91,15.59L15.13,20.8L14.21,21.71L9,16.5M15.5,10L16.41,9.09L21.63,14.3L20.71,15.21L15.5,10M6.72,2.72L10.15,6.15L6.15,10.15L2.72,6.72C1.94,5.94 1.94,4.67 2.72,3.89L3.89,2.72C4.67,1.94 5.94,1.94 6.72,2.72M14.57,7.5L15.28,8.21L8.21,15.28L7.5,14.57L6.64,11.07L11.07,6.64L14.57,7.5Z",BQ1="M10,4H12V6H10V4M7,3H9V5H7V3M7,6H9V8H7V6M6,8V10H4V8H6M6,5V7H4V5H6M6,2V4H4V2H6M13,22A2,2 0 0,1 11,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 13,8V7H14V4H17V7H18V8A2,2 0 0,1 20,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H13M13,10V20H18V10H13Z",PQ1="M16.72 10.43C14.68 8.39 14.5 4.66 14.5 4H13V6H9V4H7C7 2.9 7.9 2 9 2H16V3C16 3.08 16.04 7.63 17.78 9.37L16.72 10.43M17 2V4H18V2H17M15 12C13 10 13 7 13 7H9V9C9 10 9 10 8 11S7 13 7 13V20C7 21.1 7.9 22 9 22H13C14.1 22 15 21.1 15 20V12Z",wQ1="M11 7H13V9H11V7M5 22H9V10H5V22M14 11H16V9H14V11M17 10H19V8H17V10M17 5V7H19V5H17M14 8H16V6H14V8M17 13H19V11H17V13M5 7H5.33L6 9H8L8.67 7H9V6H5V7Z",FQ1="M5 21V23H7V21H5M11 21H9V23H11V21M7 18V20H9V18H7M11 15V17H9V15H11M15 21H13V23H15V21M11 18V20H13V18H11M15 15V17H13V15H15M19 21H17V23H19V21M15 18V20H17V18H15M16 11V13H8V11H11V5H13V11H16M21 1V3H18V6L14 10V7.2L16 5.2V3H8V5.2L10 7.2V10L6 6V3H3V1H21Z",TQ1="M10 10H14V22H10V10M7 9H9V7H7V9M4 8H6V6H4V8M4 11H6V9H4V11M1 13H3V11H1V13M1 7H3V5H1V7M1 10H3V8H1V10M18 11H20V9H18V11M21 10H23V8H21V10M21 5V7H23V5H21M21 13H23V11H21V13M15 9H17V7H15V9M18 8H20V6H18V8M10 7H10.33L11 9H13L13.67 7H14V6H10V7Z",bQ1="M2,22V20C2,20 7,18 12,18C17,18 22,20 22,20V22H2M11.3,9.1C10.1,5.2 4,6.1 4,6.1C4,6.1 4.2,13.9 9.9,12.7C9.5,9.8 8,9 8,9C10.8,9 11,12.4 11,12.4V17C11.3,17 11.7,17 12,17C12.3,17 12.7,17 13,17V12.8C13,12.8 13,8.9 16,7.9C16,7.9 14,10.9 14,12.9C21,13.6 21,4 21,4C21,4 12.1,3 11.3,9.1Z",yQ1="M23,4.1V2.3L21.2,2.1C21.1,2.1 20.5,2 19.5,2C15.4,2 12.4,3.2 10.7,5.3C9.4,4.5 7.6,4 5.5,4C4.5,4 3.8,4.1 3.8,4.1L1.9,4.4L2,6.1C2.1,9.1 3.6,14.8 8.8,14.8C8.9,14.8 8.9,14.8 9,14.8V18.2C5.2,18.7 2,20 2,20V22H22V20C22,20 18.8,18.7 15,18.2V15C21.3,14.9 23,7.8 23,4.1M12,18C11.7,18 11.3,18 11,18V12.4C11,12.4 10.8,9 8,9C8,9 9.5,9.8 9.9,12.7C9.5,12.8 9.1,12.8 8.8,12.8C4.2,12.8 4,6.1 4,6.1C4,6.1 4.6,6 5.5,6C7.4,6 10.5,6.4 11.4,9.1C11.9,4.6 17,4 19.5,4C20.4,4 21,4.1 21,4.1C21,4.1 21,13.1 14.7,13.1C14.5,13.1 14.2,13.1 14,13.1C14,11.1 16,8.1 16,8.1C13,9.1 13,13 13,13V18C12.7,18 12.3,18 12,18Z",RQ1="M3,3V21H21V3",xQ1="M20 4V20H4V4H20M22 2H2V22H22V2M12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12S8.69 18 12 18 18 15.31 18 12 15.31 6 12 6Z",DQ1="M18 12C18 8.69 15.31 6 12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12C6 15.31 8.69 18 12 18C15.31 18 18 15.31 18 12M12 8C14.21 8 16 9.8 16 12C16 14.21 14.21 16 12 16C9.8 16 8 14.21 8 12C8 9.8 9.8 8 12 8M20 4H4V20H20V4M22 2V22H2V2H22Z",EQ1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V12H19V19H5V5H12V3H5M17.78,4C17.61,4 17.43,4.07 17.3,4.2L16.08,5.41L18.58,7.91L19.8,6.7C20.06,6.44 20.06,6 19.8,5.75L18.25,4.2C18.12,4.07 17.95,4 17.78,4M15.37,6.12L8,13.5V16H10.5L17.87,8.62L15.37,6.12Z",NQ1="M16,8H8V16H16V8Z",WQ1="M14,10V14H10V10H14M16,8H8V16H16V8Z",IQ1="M20.84 22.73L19.11 21H3V4.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M21 3H6.2L21 17.8V3Z",GQ1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3 4.89V21H19.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M5 19V6.89L17.11 19H5M8.2 5L6.2 3H21V17.8L19 15.8V5H8.2Z",QQ1="M19 13V11H21V13H19M21 9V7H19V9H21M21 3H19V5H21V3M17 15H19V13H17V15M21 17V15H19V17H21M13 17V15H15V13H13V11H15V9H13V7H15V5H13V3H3V21H13V19H15V17H13M15 21H17V19H15V21M17 3H15V5H17V3M17 11H19V9H17V11M15 17H17V15H15V17M17 19H19V17H17V19M21 21V19H19V21H21M15 9H17V7H15V9M15 13H17V11H15V13M17 5V7H19V5H17Z",UQ1="M3,3H21V21H3V3M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",zQ1="M11.76,16.83L14.59,14L11.76,11.17L13.17,9.76L16,12.59L18.83,9.76L20.24,11.17L17.41,14L20.24,16.83L18.83,18.24L16,15.41L13.17,18.24L11.76,16.83M2,11H5V11H5L7.29,16.4L10,6H22V8H11.55L8.68,19H6.22L3.68,13H2V11Z",_Q1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M11.24,6H19V8H12.76L10,18H8L6.25,12H5V10H7.75L9,14.28L11.24,6V6M14,10.59L15.79,12.38L17.59,10.59L19,12L17.21,13.79L19,15.59L17.59,17L15.79,15.21L14,17L12.59,15.59L14.38,13.79L12.59,12L14,10.59Z",KQ1="M8 3H16C18.76 3 21 5.24 21 8V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3Z",jQ1="M19.5 8C21.43 8 23 6.43 23 4.5C23 2.57 21.43 1 19.5 1C17.57 1 16 2.57 16 4.5C16 6.43 17.57 8 19.5 8M19.5 10C20 10 20.5 9.93 21 9.79V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3H14.21C14.07 3.5 14 4 14 4.5C14 7.54 16.46 10 19.5 10Z",qQ1="M19.5 8C21.43 8 23 6.43 23 4.5C23 2.57 21.43 1 19.5 1C17.57 1 16 2.57 16 4.5C16 6.43 17.57 8 19.5 8M21 16V9.79C20.5 9.93 20 10 19.5 10C19.33 10 19.17 10 19 10V16C19 17.66 17.66 19 16 19H8C6.34 19 5 17.66 5 16V8C5 6.34 6.34 5 8 5H14C14 4.84 14 4.67 14 4.5C14 4 14.07 3.5 14.21 3H8C5.24 3 3 5.24 3 8V16C3 18.76 5.24 21 8 21H16C18.76 21 21 18.76 21 16Z",$Q1="M8 3H16C18.76 3 21 5.24 21 8V16C21 18.76 18.76 21 16 21H8C5.24 21 3 18.76 3 16V8C3 5.24 5.24 3 8 3M8 5C6.34 5 5 6.34 5 8V16C5 17.66 6.34 19 8 19H16C17.66 19 19 17.66 19 16V8C19 6.34 17.66 5 16 5H8Z",XQ1="M10,14V10H14V14H10Z",YQ1="M2 2V12H4V4H11V22H22V12H20V20H13V2H2Z",JQ1="M22,2V5H2V2H22M2,8H7L9,10H10V20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22A2,2 0 0,0 14,20V10H15L17,8H22V6H2V8Z",CU1="M4.5,9C3.9,9 3.5,9.5 3.5,10V11.75C3.5,12.25 3.9,12.75 4.5,12.75H7V13.5H3.5V15H7.5C8.1,15 8.5,14.5 8.5,14V12.25C8.5,11.75 8.1,11.25 7.5,11.25H5V10.5H8.5V9H4.5M10.5,9C9.9,9 9.5,9.5 9.5,10V11.75C9.5,12.25 9.9,12.75 10.5,12.75H13V13.5H9.5V15H13.5C14.1,15 14.5,14.5 14.5,14V12.25C14.5,11.75 14.1,11.25 13.5,11.25H11V10.5H14.5V9H10.5M15.5,9V15H17V12.5H19V15H20.5V9H19V11H17V9H15.5Z",HU1="M3.9 10.72H20V14.03H3.9V10.72M3.9 6.44H20V9.75H3.9V6.44M17.5 2H6.5C5.06 2 3.9 3.18 3.9 4.65V5.5H20V4.65C20 3.18 18.88 2 17.5 2M3.9 15V15.84C3.9 17.31 5.06 18.5 6.5 18.5H13.37V22L16.77 18.5H17.5C18.94 18.5 20.11 17.31 20.11 15.84V15H3.9Z",VU1="M17.36,20.2V14.82H19.15V22H3V14.82H4.8V20.2H17.36M6.77,14.32L7.14,12.56L15.93,14.41L15.56,16.17L6.77,14.32M7.93,10.11L8.69,8.5L16.83,12.28L16.07,13.9L7.93,10.11M10.19,6.12L11.34,4.74L18.24,10.5L17.09,11.87L10.19,6.12M14.64,1.87L20,9.08L18.56,10.15L13.2,2.94L14.64,1.87M6.59,18.41V16.61H15.57V18.41H6.59Z",LU1="M4.91 8C4.04 8 3.32 8.2 2.76 8.61C2.19 9 1.91 9.53 1.91 10.19C1.91 10.85 2.15 11.37 2.62 11.72C3.1 12.07 3.82 12.41 4.8 12.72C5.27 12.88 5.6 13.04 5.78 13.19C5.96 13.34 6.05 13.55 6.05 13.83C6.05 14.07 5.96 14.26 5.78 14.41C5.6 14.56 5.32 14.63 4.94 14.63C4.45 14.63 4.09 14.54 3.85 14.35C3.6 14.16 3.5 13.84 3.5 13.39H1.72L1.71 13.42C1.7 14.25 2 14.89 2.66 15.33C3.3 15.78 4.06 16 4.94 16C5.82 16 6.5 15.8 7.06 15.42C7.59 15.03 7.86 14.5 7.86 13.81C7.86 13.14 7.63 12.61 7.19 12.23C6.74 11.84 6.08 11.5 5.2 11.26C4.62 11.05 4.23 10.88 4 10.74C3.81 10.6 3.71 10.42 3.71 10.2C3.71 9.96 3.81 9.76 4 9.6C4.22 9.44 4.5 9.36 4.87 9.36C5.24 9.36 5.53 9.46 5.74 9.65C5.96 9.84 6.07 10.12 6.06 10.41H7.8L7.82 10.37C7.84 9.68 7.57 9.11 7 8.66C6.47 8.22 5.77 8 4.91 8M9 8.05V15.93H10.84V13.23H11.96C12.89 13.23 13.63 13 14.18 12.5C14.73 12.05 15 11.42 15 10.64C15 9.87 14.73 9.25 14.18 8.77C13.63 8.29 12.89 8.05 11.96 8.05H9M17.24 8.05L14.5 15.93H16.22L19 8.05M20.5 8.05L17.79 15.93H19.5L22.29 8.05M10.84 9.46H11.96C12.35 9.46 12.66 9.57 12.86 9.8C13.07 10 13.17 10.31 13.17 10.65C13.17 11 13.07 11.28 12.86 11.5C12.66 11.71 12.35 11.82 11.96 11.82H10.84",MU1="M7 5L3 7V3L7 5M18 3V7L22 5L18 3M11 2V6L15 4L11 2M5 10C6.4 10.5 8.8 11 12 11S17.6 10.5 19 10C19 9.8 16.2 9 12 9S5 9.9 5 10M15 17H9V21.9C4.9 21.5 2 20.4 2 19V10C2 8.3 6.5 7 12 7S22 8.3 22 10V19C22 20.3 19.1 21.5 15 21.9V17Z",AU1="M7 5L3 7V3L7 5M18 3V7L22 5L18 3M11 2V6L15 4L11 2M13 18H11V22C5.9 21.9 2 20.6 2 19V10C2 8.3 6.5 7 12 7S22 8.3 22 10V19C22 20.6 18 21.9 13 22V18M5 10C6.4 10.5 8.8 11 12 11S17.6 10.5 19 10C19 9.8 16.2 9 12 9S5 9.9 5 10M20 11.8C18.2 12.5 15.3 13 12 13S5.8 12.5 4 11.8V18.6C4.6 19 6.4 19.6 9 19.9V16H15V19.9C17.6 19.6 19.4 19 20 18.6V11.8Z",iU1="M5,3H7L10,5L7,7V8.33C8.47,8.12 10.18,8 12,8C13.82,8 15.53,8.12 17,8.33V3H19L22,5L19,7V8.71C20.85,9.17 22,9.8 22,10.5C22,11.88 17.5,13 12,13C6.5,13 2,11.88 2,10.5C2,9.8 3.15,9.17 5,8.71V3M12,9.5C8.69,9.5 7,9.67 7,10.5C7,11.33 8.69,11.5 12,11.5C15.31,11.5 17,11.33 17,10.5C17,9.67 15.31,9.5 12,9.5M12,14.75C15.81,14.75 19.2,14.08 21.4,13.05L20,21H15V19A2,2 0 0,0 13,17H11A2,2 0 0,0 9,19V21H4L2.6,13.05C4.8,14.08 8.19,14.75 12,14.75Z",rU1="M15,5V9H11V13H7V17H3V20H10V16H14V12H18V8H22V5H15Z",aU1="M5 3C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V5C21 3.89 20.11 3 19 3H5M14 7H19V9H16V12H13V15H10V18H5V16H8V13H11V10H14V7Z",eU1="M15 6H22V9H18V13H14V17H10V21H3V18H7V14H11V10H15V6M4.83 8.34L10.34 2.83L12.17 4.66L6.66 10.17L8.5 12H3V6.5L4.83 8.34Z",dU1="M15 6H22V9H18V13H14V17H10V21H3V18H7V14H11V10H15V6M10.17 6.66L4.66 12.17L2.83 10.34L8.34 4.83L6.5 3H12V8.5L10.17 6.66Z",mU1="M12,3A3,3 0 0,0 9,6C9,9 14,13 6,13A2,2 0 0,0 4,15V17H20V15A2,2 0 0,0 18,13C10,13 15,9 15,6C15,4 13.66,3 12,3M6,19V21H18V19H6Z",tU1="M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16M7,7H11V9H7V11H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,13V15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17H5V15H9V13H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,11V9A2,2 0 0,1 7,7Z",vU1="M12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24L14.81,8.62L12,2L9.19,8.62L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27Z",lU1="M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M15.58,17L14.63,12.92L17.79,10.19L13.62,9.83L12,6L10.38,9.84L6.21,10.2L9.37,12.93L8.42,17L12,14.84L15.58,17Z",oU1="M4 6V20H18V22H3C2.4 22 2 21.6 2 21V6H4M8 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.11 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2M16.3 13.3L15.9 10.7L17.8 8.8L15.2 8.4L14 6L12.8 8.4L10.2 8.8L12.1 10.6L11.6 13.2L14 12L16.3 13.3Z",nU1="M4 6V20H18V22H3C2.4 22 2 21.6 2 21V6H4M12.1 10.6L10.2 8.8L12.8 8.4L14 6L15.2 8.4L17.8 8.8L15.9 10.7L16.3 13.3L14 12L11.6 13.2L12.1 10.6M8 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H8C6.9 18 6 17.11 6 16V4C6 2.9 6.9 2 8 2M8 4V16H20V4H8Z",ZU1="M15.58,17L12,14.84L8.42,17L9.37,12.93L6.21,10.2L10.38,9.84L12,6L13.62,9.83L17.79,10.19L14.63,12.92L15.58,17M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19C21,20.11 20.1,21 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19M5,5V19H19V5H5Z",SU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M17.8 21.2L22.6 16.4L21.3 15L17.7 18.6L16.2 17L15 18.2L17.8 21.2",uU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M17.8 21.2L15 18.2L16.2 17L17.8 18.6L21.4 15L22.6 16.4L17.8 21.2",cU1="M16.23,18L12,15.45L7.77,18L8.89,13.19L5.16,9.96L10.08,9.54L12,5L13.92,9.53L18.84,9.95L15.11,13.18L16.23,18M12,2C6.47,2 2,6.5 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z",sU1="M8.58,17.25L9.5,13.36L6.5,10.78L10.45,10.41L12,6.8L13.55,10.45L17.5,10.78L14.5,13.36L15.42,17.25L12,15.19L8.58,17.25M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A8,8 0 0,0 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",OU1="M18.8 12C15.59 12.1 12.91 14.37 12.19 17.39L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.62L12 2L14.81 8.62L22 9.24L18.8 12M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",hU1="M10.29 10.13L5.91 10.5L9.23 13.38L8.24 17.66L12 15.39L12.76 15.85C12.5 16.33 12.32 16.85 12.19 17.39L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.63L12 2L14.81 8.63L22 9.24L18.8 12C17.29 12.05 15.91 12.57 14.78 13.43L14.77 13.38L18.09 10.5L13.71 10.13L12 6.09L10.29 10.13M23.83 20.64L22.83 22.37C22.76 22.5 22.63 22.5 22.5 22.5L21.27 22C21 22.18 20.73 22.34 20.43 22.47L20.24 23.79C20.22 23.91 20.11 24 20 24H18C17.86 24 17.76 23.91 17.74 23.79L17.55 22.47C17.24 22.35 16.96 22.18 16.7 22L15.46 22.5C15.34 22.5 15.21 22.5 15.15 22.37L14.15 20.64C14.09 20.53 14.12 20.4 14.21 20.32L15.27 19.5C15.25 19.33 15.24 19.17 15.24 19S15.25 18.67 15.27 18.5L14.21 17.68C14.11 17.6 14.09 17.47 14.15 17.36L15.15 15.63C15.22 15.5 15.35 15.5 15.46 15.5L16.7 16C16.96 15.82 17.25 15.66 17.55 15.53L17.74 14.21C17.76 14.09 17.87 14 18 14H20C20.11 14 20.22 14.09 20.23 14.21L20.42 15.53C20.73 15.65 21 15.82 21.27 16L22.5 15.5C22.63 15.5 22.76 15.5 22.82 15.63L23.82 17.36C23.88 17.47 23.85 17.6 23.76 17.68L22.7 18.5C22.73 18.67 22.74 18.83 22.74 19S22.72 19.33 22.7 19.5L23.77 20.32C23.86 20.4 23.89 20.53 23.83 20.64M20.5 19C20.5 18.17 19.83 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.17 17.5 19 18.16 20.5 19 20.5C19.83 20.5 20.5 19.83 20.5 19Z",pU1="M12.3,2C12.2,2 12.1,2 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15,22 16.7,21 18.5,19.5C13,21 8,17 8,12C8,7 13,3 18.5,4.5C16.86,2.86 14.62,1.96 12.3,2M16.8,6.2L15.3,9.7L11.6,10L14.5,12.5L13.6,16L16.8,14L20,16L19,12.5L22,10L18.3,9.7L16.8,6.2Z",fU1="M12,2L9.1,7H3.3L6.3,12L3.3,17H9.1L12,22L14.9,17H20.7L17.7,12L20.7,7H14.9L12,2M12,5L13.2,7H10.8L12,5M8.2,8.5L7.1,10.5L5.9,8.5H8.2M10,8.5H14L16,12L14,15.5H10L8,12L10,8.5M18,8.5L16.8,10.5L15.7,8.5H18M7.1,13.5L8.2,15.5H6L7.1,13.5M16.9,13.5L18.1,15.5H15.8L16.9,13.5M13.3,17L12,19L10.8,17H13.3Z",gU1="M12,2.5L8.42,8.06L2,9.74L6.2,14.88L5.82,21.5L12,19.09L18.18,21.5L17.8,14.88L22,9.74L15.58,8.06L12,2.5M9.38,10.5C10,10.5 10.5,11 10.5,11.63A1.12,1.12 0 0,1 9.38,12.75C8.75,12.75 8.25,12.25 8.25,11.63C8.25,11 8.75,10.5 9.38,10.5M14.63,10.5C15.25,10.5 15.75,11 15.75,11.63A1.12,1.12 0 0,1 14.63,12.75C14,12.75 13.5,12.25 13.5,11.63C13.5,11 14,10.5 14.63,10.5M9,15H15C14.5,16.21 13.31,17 12,17C10.69,17 9.5,16.21 9,15Z",kU1="M12,1L9,9L1,12L9,15L12,23L15,15L23,12L15,9L12,1Z",BU1="M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",PU1="M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17M5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.89 21 5V19C21 19.53 20.79 20.04 20.41 20.41C20.04 20.79 19.53 21 19 21H5C4.47 21 3.96 20.79 3.59 20.41C3.21 20.04 3 19.53 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3M5 19H19V5H5V19Z",wU1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17Z",FU1="M12 17L13.56 13.58L17 12L13.56 10.44L12 7L10.43 10.44L7 12L10.43 13.58L12 17M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.34 17.66C7.84 19.16 9.88 20 12 20C14.12 20 16.16 19.16 17.66 17.66C19.16 16.16 20 14.12 20 12C20 9.88 19.16 7.84 17.66 6.34C16.16 4.84 14.12 4 12 4C9.88 4 7.84 4.84 6.34 6.34C4.84 7.84 4 9.88 4 12C4 14.12 4.84 16.16 6.34 17.66Z",TU1="M12,6.7L13.45,10.55L17.3,12L13.45,13.45L12,17.3L10.55,13.45L6.7,12L10.55,10.55L12,6.7M12,1L9,9L1,12L9,15L12,23L15,15L23,12L15,9L12,1Z",bU1="M10.74 10.75L12 8L13.25 10.75L16 12L13.25 13.26L12 16L10.74 13.26L8 12L10.74 10.75Z",yU1="M12 2L9.19 8.62L2 9.24L7.45 13.97L5.82 21L12 17.27V2Z",RU1="M12,15.4V6.1L13.71,10.13L18.09,10.5L14.77,13.39L15.76,17.67M22,9.24L14.81,8.63L12,2L9.19,8.63L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24Z",xU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",DU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M14 17V19H22V17H14Z",EU1="M20.8 22.7L17.9 19.8L18.2 21L12 17.3L5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L6.9 8.8L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M22 9.2L14.8 8.6L12 2L10 6.8L16.9 13.7L22 9.2Z",NU1="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.9 8.8L2 9.2L7.5 14L5.9 21L12.1 17.3L18.3 21L18 19.8L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M15.8 17.7L12 15.4L8.2 17.7L9.2 13.4L5.9 10.5L8.4 10.3L15.8 17.7M11.2 8L10 6.8L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L16.9 13.6L15.8 12.5L18.2 10.5L13.8 10.1L12.1 6.1L11.2 8Z",WU1="M12,15.39L8.24,17.66L9.23,13.38L5.91,10.5L10.29,10.13L12,6.09L13.71,10.13L18.09,10.5L14.77,13.38L15.76,17.66M22,9.24L14.81,8.63L12,2L9.19,8.63L2,9.24L7.45,13.97L5.82,21L12,17.27L18.18,21L16.54,13.97L22,9.24Z",IU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",GU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M17 14V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19V14H17Z",QU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C14.9 12 12.4 14.3 12 17.3L5.8 21M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",UU1="M5.8 21L7.4 14L2 9.2L9.2 8.6L12 2L14.8 8.6L22 9.2L18.8 12H18C17.3 12 16.6 12.1 15.9 12.4L18.1 10.5L13.7 10.1L12 6.1L10.3 10.1L5.9 10.5L9.2 13.4L8.2 17.7L12 15.4L12.5 15.7C12.3 16.2 12.1 16.8 12.1 17.3L5.8 21M20.1 14.5L18 16.6L15.9 14.5L14.5 15.9L16.6 18L14.5 20.1L15.9 21.5L18 19.4L20.1 21.5L21.5 20.1L19.4 18L21.5 15.9L20.1 14.5Z",zU1="M7 22H9V24H7V22M11 24H13V22H11V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M22 9.24L14.81 8.62L12 2L9.19 8.62L2 9.24L7.45 13.97L5.82 21L12 17.27L18.18 21L16.54 13.97L22 9.24Z",_U1="M11 22H13V24H11V22M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M16.54 13.97L18.18 21L12 17.27L5.82 21L7.45 13.97L2 9.24L9.19 8.63L12 2L14.81 8.63L22 9.24L16.54 13.97M15.76 17.66L14.77 13.38L18.09 10.5L13.71 10.13L12 6.09L10.29 10.13L5.91 10.5L9.23 13.38L8.24 17.66L12 15.39L15.76 17.66Z",KU1="M18.09 11.77L19.56 18.1L14 14.74L8.44 18.1L9.9 11.77L5 7.5L11.47 6.96L14 1L16.53 6.96L23 7.5L18.09 11.77M2 12.43C2.19 12.43 2.38 12.37 2.55 12.26L5.75 10.15L4.18 8.79L1.45 10.59C.989 10.89 .861 11.5 1.16 12C1.36 12.27 1.68 12.43 2 12.43M1.16 21.55C1.36 21.84 1.68 22 2 22C2.19 22 2.38 21.95 2.55 21.84L6.66 19.13L7 17.76L7.31 16.31L1.45 20.16C.989 20.47 .861 21.09 1.16 21.55M1.45 15.38C.989 15.68 .861 16.3 1.16 16.76C1.36 17.06 1.68 17.21 2 17.21C2.19 17.21 2.38 17.16 2.55 17.05L7.97 13.5L8.24 12.31L7.32 11.5L1.45 15.38Z",jU1="M23 7.5L16.53 6.96L14 1L11.47 6.96L5 7.5L9.9 11.77L8.44 18.1L14 14.74L19.56 18.1L18.09 11.77L23 7.5M16.14 12.23L16.54 13.94L15.03 13.03L14 12.41L12.97 13.03L11.46 13.94L11.85 12.23L12.13 11.05L11.22 10.26L9.88 9.1L11.64 8.95L12.84 8.85L13.31 7.74L14 6.12L14.69 7.74L15.16 8.85L16.36 8.95L18.11 9.1L16.78 10.26L15.86 11.05L16.14 12.23M1.16 12C.861 11.5 .989 10.89 1.45 10.59L4.18 8.79L5.75 10.15L2.55 12.26C2.38 12.37 2.19 12.43 2 12.43C1.68 12.43 1.36 12.27 1.16 12M1.45 20.16L7.31 16.31L7 17.76L6.66 19.13L2.55 21.84C2.38 21.95 2.19 22 2 22C1.68 22 1.36 21.84 1.16 21.55C.861 21.09 .989 20.47 1.45 20.16M7.32 11.5L8.24 12.31L7.97 13.5L2.55 17.05C2.38 17.16 2.19 17.21 2 17.21C1.68 17.21 1.36 17.06 1.16 16.76C.861 16.3 .989 15.68 1.45 15.38L7.32 11.5Z",qU1="M12,2.6L9,12.4L2,19.9L12,17.6L22,20L15,12.5L12,2.6Z",$U1="M12,9.5L13.2,13.5L16,16.5L12,15.6L7.9,16.5L10.7,13.5L12,9.5M12,2.6L9,12.4L2,19.9L12,17.6L22,20L15,12.5L12,2.6Z",XU1="M6.27 17.05C6.72 17.58 7 18.25 7 19C7 20.66 5.66 22 4 22S1 20.66 1 19 2.34 16 4 16C4.18 16 4.36 16 4.53 16.05L7.6 10.69L5.86 9.7L9.95 8.58L11.07 12.67L9.33 11.68L6.27 17.05M20 16C18.7 16 17.6 16.84 17.18 18H11V16L8 19L11 22V20H17.18C17.6 21.16 18.7 22 20 22C21.66 22 23 20.66 23 19S21.66 16 20 16M12 8C12.18 8 12.36 8 12.53 7.95L15.6 13.31L13.86 14.3L17.95 15.42L19.07 11.33L17.33 12.32L14.27 6.95C14.72 6.42 15 5.75 15 5C15 3.34 13.66 2 12 2S9 3.34 9 5 10.34 8 12 8Z",YU1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22C7.4,22 3.55,18.92 2.36,14.73L6.19,16.31C6.45,17.6 7.6,18.58 8.97,18.58C10.53,18.58 11.8,17.31 11.8,15.75V15.62L15.2,13.19H15.28C17.36,13.19 19.05,11.5 19.05,9.42C19.05,7.34 17.36,5.65 15.28,5.65C13.2,5.65 11.5,7.34 11.5,9.42V9.47L9.13,12.93L8.97,12.92C8.38,12.92 7.83,13.1 7.38,13.41L2,11.2C2.43,6.05 6.73,2 12,2M8.28,17.17C9.08,17.5 10,17.13 10.33,16.33C10.66,15.53 10.28,14.62 9.5,14.29L8.22,13.76C8.71,13.58 9.26,13.57 9.78,13.79C10.31,14 10.72,14.41 10.93,14.94C11.15,15.46 11.15,16.04 10.93,16.56C10.5,17.64 9.23,18.16 8.15,17.71C7.65,17.5 7.27,17.12 7.06,16.67L8.28,17.17M17.8,9.42C17.8,10.81 16.67,11.94 15.28,11.94C13.9,11.94 12.77,10.81 12.77,9.42A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15.28,6.91C16.67,6.91 17.8,8.04 17.8,9.42M13.4,9.42C13.4,10.46 14.24,11.31 15.29,11.31C16.33,11.31 17.17,10.46 17.17,9.42C17.17,8.38 16.33,7.53 15.29,7.53C14.24,7.53 13.4,8.38 13.4,9.42Z",JU1="M13,19.92C14.8,19.7 16.35,18.95 17.65,17.65C18.95,16.35 19.7,14.8 19.92,13H16.92C16.7,14 16.24,14.84 15.54,15.54C14.84,16.24 14,16.7 13,16.92V19.92M10,8H14L17,11H19.92C19.67,9.05 18.79,7.38 17.27,6C15.76,4.66 14,4 12,4C10,4 8.24,4.66 6.73,6C5.21,7.38 4.33,9.05 4.08,11H7L10,8M11,19.92V16.92C10,16.7 9.16,16.24 8.46,15.54C7.76,14.84 7.3,14 7.08,13H4.08C4.3,14.77 5.05,16.3 6.35,17.6C7.65,18.9 9.2,19.67 11,19.92M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z",Cz1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L17.25,20.5C15.7,21.5 13.95,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,10.05 2.5,8.3 3.5,6.75L2,5.27M13,19.92C14,19.8 14.93,19.5 15.78,19.05L13.5,16.78C13.34,16.84 13.16,16.88 13,16.92V19.92M4.08,11H7L7.37,10.63L4.96,8.23C4.5,9.08 4.21,10 4.08,11M19.92,13H16.92C16.8,13.54 16.6,14.05 16.33,14.5L9.91,8.09L10,8H14L17,11H19.92C19.67,9.05 18.79,7.38 17.27,6C15.76,4.66 14,4 12,4C10.26,4 8.71,4.5 7.34,5.5L5.91,4.09C7.66,2.71 9.69,2 12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.31 21.29,16.34 19.91,18.09L18.5,16.67C19.28,15.59 19.76,14.36 19.92,13M11,19.92V16.92C10,16.7 9.16,16.24 8.46,15.54C7.76,14.84 7.3,14 7.08,13H4.08C4.3,14.77 5.05,16.3 6.35,17.6C7.65,18.9 9.2,19.67 11,19.92Z",Hz1="M19,5V19H16V5M14,5V19L3,12",Vz1="M17,5H14V19H17V5M12,5L1,12L12,19V5M22,5H19V19H22V5Z",Lz1="M5,5V19H8V5M10,5V19L21,12",Mz1="M7,5H10V19H7V5M12,5L23,12L12,19V5M2,5H5V19H2V5Z",Az1="M19,8C19.56,8 20,8.43 20,9A1,1 0 0,1 19,10C18.43,10 18,9.55 18,9C18,8.43 18.43,8 19,8M2,2V11C2,13.96 4.19,16.5 7.14,16.91C7.76,19.92 10.42,22 13.5,22A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V11.81C21.16,11.39 22,10.29 22,9A3,3 0 0,0 19,6A3,3 0 0,0 16,9C16,10.29 16.84,11.4 18,11.81V15.41C18,17.91 16,19.91 13.5,19.91C11.5,19.91 9.82,18.7 9.22,16.9C12,16.3 14,13.8 14,11V2H10V5H12V11A4,4 0 0,1 8,15A4,4 0 0,1 4,11V5H6V2H2Z",iz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",rz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M13 17H11V15H13V16M13 13H11V7H13V12M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",az1="M11 15H13V17H11V15M11 13H13V7H11V13M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",ez1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M7 12.5L8.3 11.1L10.4 13.2L15.6 8L17 9.4L10.5 16L7 12.5M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",dz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M20 15H18.5C16.6 15 15 16.6 15 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15M15.2 8.2L16.7 9.7L10.7 15.7L7.2 12.2L8.7 10.7L10.7 12.7L15.2 8.2Z",mz1="M12.12,18.46L18.3,12.28C16.94,12.59 15.31,13.2 14.07,14.46C13.04,15.5 12.39,16.83 12.12,18.46M20.75,10H21.05C21.44,10 21.79,10.27 21.93,10.64C22.07,11 22,11.43 21.7,11.71L11.7,21.71C11.5,21.9 11.26,22 11,22L10.64,21.93C10.27,21.79 10,21.44 10,21.05C9.84,17.66 10.73,14.96 12.66,13.03C15.5,10.2 19.62,10 20.75,10M12,2C16.5,2 20.34,5 21.58,9.11L20,9H19.42C18.24,6.07 15.36,4 12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12C4,15.36 6.07,18.24 9,19.42C8.97,20.13 9,20.85 9.11,21.57C5,20.33 2,16.5 2,12C2,6.47 6.5,2 12,2Z",tz1="M5.5,2C3.56,2 2,3.56 2,5.5V18.5C2,20.44 3.56,22 5.5,22H16L22,16V5.5C22,3.56 20.44,2 18.5,2H5.5M5.75,4H18.25A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 20,5.75V15H18.5C16.56,15 15,16.56 15,18.5V20H5.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 4,18.25V5.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 5.75,4M14.44,6.77C14.28,6.77 14.12,6.79 13.97,6.83C13.03,7.09 12.5,8.05 12.74,9C12.79,9.15 12.86,9.3 12.95,9.44L16.18,8.56C16.18,8.39 16.16,8.22 16.12,8.05C15.91,7.3 15.22,6.77 14.44,6.77M8.17,8.5C8,8.5 7.85,8.5 7.7,8.55C6.77,8.81 6.22,9.77 6.47,10.7C6.5,10.86 6.59,11 6.68,11.16L9.91,10.28C9.91,10.11 9.89,9.94 9.85,9.78C9.64,9 8.95,8.5 8.17,8.5M16.72,11.26L7.59,13.77C8.91,15.3 11,15.94 12.95,15.41C14.9,14.87 16.36,13.25 16.72,11.26Z",vz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M8 11H16V13H8V11M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",lz1="M8 11H16V13H8V11M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",oz1="M5.5 2C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2H5.5M5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15H18.6C16.7 15 15.1 16.6 15.1 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4",nz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M13 16H11V13H8V11H11V8H13V11H16V13H13V16M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",Zz1="M13 11H16V13H13V16H11V13H8V11H11V8H13V11M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",Sz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M12 13.4L9.9 15.5L8.5 14.1L10.6 12L8.5 9.9L9.9 8.5L12 10.6L14.1 8.5L15.5 9.9L13.4 12L15.5 14.1L14.1 15.5L12 13.4M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",uz1="M16 9.4L13.4 12L16 14.6L14.6 16L12 13.4L9.4 16L8 14.6L10.6 12L8 9.4L9.4 8L12 10.6L14.6 8L16 9.4M22 5.5V16L16 22H5.5C3.6 22 2 20.4 2 18.5V5.5C2 3.6 3.6 2 5.5 2H18.5C20.4 2 22 3.6 22 5.5M20 5.8C20 4.8 19.2 4 18.2 4H5.8C4.8 4 4 4.8 4 5.8V18.3C4 19.3 4.8 20.1 5.8 20.1H15V18.6C15 16.7 16.6 15.1 18.5 15.1H20V5.8Z",cz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M6 7H18V9H6V7M6 11H18V13H6V11M13 17H6V15H13V17M15 20V18.5C15 16.6 16.6 15 18.5 15H20L15 20Z",sz1="M18.5 2H5.5C3.6 2 2 3.6 2 5.5V18.5C2 20.4 3.6 22 5.5 22H16L22 16V5.5C22 3.6 20.4 2 18.5 2M20.1 15H18.6C16.7 15 15.1 16.6 15.1 18.5V20H5.8C4.8 20 4 19.2 4 18.2V5.8C4 4.8 4.8 4 5.8 4H18.3C19.3 4 20.1 4.8 20.1 5.8V15M7 7H17V9H7V7M7 11H17V13H7V11M7 15H13V17H7V15Z",Oz1="M17,2A2,2 0 0,1 19,4V7A2,2 0 0,1 17,9V17C17,17.85 16.5,18.57 15.74,18.86L9.5,21.77C8.5,22.24 7.29,21.81 6.83,20.81L6,19C5.5,18 5.95,16.8 6.95,16.34L10,14.91V9A2,2 0 0,1 8,7V4A2,2 0 0,1 10,2H17M10,4V7H17V4H10Z",hz1="M4 18C4.67 19.85 6.07 22 12 22C14.36 22 17.07 21.93 19 20C20 19 22 17 22 11S20 4 18 4C16.62 4 15 4 14 6V6.03A1.82 1.82 0 0 1 12.13 6.95C11 6.81 11 6.37 11 6V2H9V6A2.92 2.92 0 0 0 12 9C13 9 13 10.78 13 12C13 13.89 12.5 15.26 11 16C8.69 17.15 6.39 17 5.61 15.47A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 3.14 14.87A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 2 18V22H4Z",pz1="M20 6C20 3.79 18.21 2 16 2H8C5.78 2 4 3.79 4 6V8H7L4 22H6L7.5 15H11V22H13V15H16.5L18 22H20L17 8H20V6M7.93 13L9 8H11V13H7.93M16.07 13H13V8H15L16.07 13Z",fz1="M20 6C20 3.79 18.21 2 16 2H8C5.78 2 4 3.79 4 6V8H7L4 22H6L7.5 15H11V22H13V15H16.5L18 22H20L17 8H20V6M7.93 13L9 8H11V13H7.93M16.07 13H13V8H15L16.07 13M6 6C6 4.9 6.89 4 8 4H16C17.1 4 18 4.9 18 6H6Z",gz1="M18,18H6V6H18V18Z",kz1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M9,9H15V15H9",Bz1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C16.41,4 20,7.59 20,12C20,16.41 16.41,20 12,20C7.59,20 4,16.41 4,12C4,7.59 7.59,4 12,4M9,9V15H15V9",Pz1="M17 6H16V5C16 3.9 15.1 3 14 3H10C8.9 3 8 3.9 8 5V6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18V21H9V18H15V21H17V18C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M10 5H14V6H10V5Z",wz1="M17 6H16V5C16 3.9 15.1 3 14 3H10C8.9 3 8 3.9 8 5V6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18V21H9V18H15V21H17V18C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M10 5H14V6H10V5M17 16H7C4.79 16 3 14.21 3 12S4.79 8 7 8H17C19.21 8 21 9.79 21 12S19.21 16 17 16Z",Fz1="M12,18H6V14H12M21,14V12L20,7H4L3,12V14H4V20H14V14H18V20H20V14M20,4H4V6H20V4Z",Tz1="M16,12H15V10H13V7H14V9H15V7H16M11,10H9V11H11V12H8V9H10V8H8V7H11M19,7V4H5V7H2V20H10V16H14V20H22V7H19Z",bz1="M2 7L1 12V14H2V20H12V14H16V20H18V14H19V12L18 7H2M10 18H4V14H10V18M18 6H2V4H18V6M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",yz1="M2 7L1 12V14H2V20H12V14H16V20H18V14H19V12L18 7H2M10 18H4V14H10V18M3.04 12L3.64 9H16.36L16.96 12H3.04M18 6H2V4H18V6M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",Rz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M21.34 15.84L17.75 19.43L16.16 17.84L15 19L17.75 22L22.5 17.25L21.34 15.84Z",xz1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V12L20 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19C13 17.77 13.37 16.64 14 15.69V14H15.69C16.64 13.37 17.77 13 19 13M12 18H6V14H12V18M5.04 12L5.64 9H18.36L18.96 12H5.04M20 6H4V4H20V6M22.5 17.25L17.75 22L15 19L16.16 17.84L17.75 19.43L21.34 15.84L22.5 17.25",Dz1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M17.5 13H16V18L19.61 20.16L20.36 18.94L17.5 17.25V13M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24C13.47 24 10.57 21.39 10.08 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L19 10V10.29C21.89 11.16 24 13.83 24 17M4 16H10V12H4V16M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",Ez1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M17.5 13H16V18L19.61 20.16L20.36 18.94L17.5 17.25V13M24 17C24 20.87 20.87 24 17 24C13.47 24 10.57 21.39 10.08 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L19 10V10.29C21.89 11.16 24 13.83 24 17M3.04 10H16.96L16.36 7H3.64L3.04 10M4 16H10V12H4V16M22 17C22 14.24 19.76 12 17 12S12 14.24 12 17 14.24 22 17 22 22 19.76 22 17Z",Nz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M19 12C17.09 12 15.37 12.76 14.11 14H14V14.11C12.76 15.37 12 17.09 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V12.3C20.37 12.11 19.7 12 19 12M12 14H6V18H12V14M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Wz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M19 12C17.09 12 15.37 12.76 14.11 14H14V14.11C12.76 15.37 12 17.09 12 19C12 19.34 12.03 19.67 12.08 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V12.3C20.37 12.11 19.7 12 19 12M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M23.8 20.4C23.9 20.4 23.9 20.5 23.8 20.6L22.8 22.3C22.7 22.4 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.4L21.3 22C21 22.2 20.8 22.3 20.5 22.5L20.3 23.8C20.3 23.9 20.2 24 20.1 24H18.1C18 24 17.9 23.9 17.8 23.8L17.6 22.5C17.3 22.4 17 22.2 16.8 22L15.6 22.5C15.5 22.5 15.4 22.5 15.3 22.4L14.3 20.7C14.2 20.6 14.3 20.5 14.4 20.4L15.5 19.6V18.6L14.4 17.8C14.3 17.7 14.3 17.6 14.3 17.5L15.3 15.8C15.4 15.7 15.5 15.7 15.6 15.7L16.8 16.2C17.1 16 17.3 15.9 17.6 15.7L17.8 14.4C17.8 14.3 17.9 14.2 18.1 14.2H20.1C20.2 14.2 20.3 14.3 20.3 14.4L20.5 15.7C20.8 15.8 21.1 16 21.4 16.2L22.6 15.7C22.7 15.7 22.9 15.7 22.9 15.8L23.9 17.5C24 17.6 23.9 17.7 23.8 17.8L22.7 18.6V19.6L23.8 20.4M20.5 19C20.5 18.2 19.8 17.5 19 17.5S17.5 18.2 17.5 19 18.2 20.5 19 20.5 20.5 19.8 20.5 19Z",Iz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14 16.13L11 19.13V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.61 10.07C20.16 10.17 19.73 10.4 19.39 10.74L16.13 14H14V16.13M12 14H6V18H12V14M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Gz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14 16.13L11 19.13V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.61 10.07C20.16 10.17 19.73 10.4 19.39 10.74L18.82 11.31L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.13L16.13 14H14V16.13M12 14H6V18H12V14M22.85 13.47L21.53 12.15C21.33 11.95 21 11.95 20.81 12.15L19.83 13.13L21.87 15.17L22.85 14.19C23.05 14 23.05 13.67 22.85 13.47M13 19.96V22H15.04L21.17 15.88L19.13 13.83L13 19.96Z",Qz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M13 15.5C13 16.64 13.43 17.86 14 19V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.7 10.5C20 10.18 19.28 10 18.5 10C15.5 10 13 12.5 13 15.5M12 14H6V18H12V14M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",Uz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M14.3 12C13.5 12.96 13 14.18 13 15.5C13 16.64 13.43 17.86 14 19V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L20.7 10.5C20.04 10.18 19.32 10 18.56 10L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H14.3M12 14H6V18H12V14M22 15.5C22 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S15 18.1 15 15.5C15 13.6 16.6 12 18.5 12S22 13.6 22 15.5M19.7 15.6C19.7 15 19.1 14.4 18.5 14.4S17.3 14.9 17.3 15.6C17.3 16.2 17.8 16.8 18.5 16.8S19.8 16.2 19.7 15.6Z",zz1="M4 4V6H20V4M4 7L3 12V14H4V20H13C12.95 19.66 12.92 19.31 12.92 18.95C12.92 17.73 13.3 16.53 14 15.53V14H15.54C16.54 13.33 17.71 12.96 18.91 12.96C19.62 12.96 20.33 13.09 21 13.34V12L20 7M6 14H12V18H6M15 18V20H23V18",_z1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",Kz1="M9.2 6L7.2 4H20V6H9.2M20 16.8V14H21V12L20 7H10.2L17.2 14H18V14.8L20 16.8M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L14 15.89V20H4V14H3V12L4 7H5.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M12 14H6V18H12V14Z",jz1="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L5.11 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H14V15.89L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M5.64 9H7.11L10.11 12H5.04L5.64 9M12 18H6V14H12V18M18 14.8V14H17.2L15.2 12H18.96L18.36 9H12.2L10.2 7H20L21 12V14H20V16.8L18 14.8M9.2 6L7.2 4H20V6H9.2Z",qz1="M18.36 9L18.96 12H5.04L5.64 9H18.36M20 4H4V6H20V4M20 7H4L3 12V14H4V20H14V14H18V20H20V14H21V12L20 7M6 18V14H12V18H6Z",$z1="M4 4V6H20V4M4 7L3 12V14H4V20H13C12.95 19.66 12.92 19.31 12.92 18.95C12.92 17.73 13.3 16.53 14 15.53V14H15.54C16.54 13.33 17.71 12.96 18.91 12.96C19.62 12.96 20.33 13.09 21 13.34V12L20 7M6 14H12V18H6M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15",Xz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",Yz1="M4 4H20V6H4V4M15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.47L22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.47 16.88M4 7H20L21 12V13.34C20.33 13.09 19.62 12.96 18.91 12.96C17.71 12.96 16.54 13.33 15.54 14H14V15.53C13.3 16.53 12.92 17.73 12.92 18.95L13 20H4V14H3V12L4 7M6 14V18H12V14H6Z",Jz1="M20 6H4V4H20V6M15.69 14H14V15.69C13.37 16.64 13 17.77 13 19C13 19.34 13.04 19.67 13.09 20H4V14H3V12L4 7H20L21 12V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C17.77 13 16.64 13.37 15.69 14M12 14H6V18H12V14M18.96 12L18.36 9H5.64L5.04 12H18.96M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",C_1="M11.9 10.9C10.64 12.17 10 13.84 10 15.5V12H4V16H10V15.5C10 16.35 10.17 17.2 10.5 18H2V12H1V10L2 5H18L18.89 9.46C16.56 8.53 13.79 9 11.9 10.9M18 2H2V4H18V2M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 15.5S14 11 16.5 11 21 13 21 15.5C21 16.38 20.75 17.21 20.31 17.9L23.39 21M19 15.5C19 14.12 17.88 13 16.5 13S14 14.12 14 15.5 15.12 18 16.5 18 19 16.88 19 15.5Z",H_1="M18 4H2V2H18V4M13.04 10H3.04L3.64 7H16.36L16.76 9C17.5 9.04 18.21 9.19 18.89 9.46L18 5H2L1 10V12H2V18H10.5C10.17 17.2 10 16.35 10 15.5V16H4V12H10V15.5C10 13.84 10.64 12.17 11.9 10.9C12.26 10.55 12.64 10.25 13.04 10M23.39 21L22 22.39L18.88 19.32C18.19 19.75 17.37 20 16.5 20C14 20 12 18 12 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15.17 13 14.3 13C13.45 13 12.68 12.7 12 12.07C11.44 12.63 10.64 13 9.8 13C8.86 13 8.1 12.67 7.47 12.05C6.91 12.59 6.16 13 5.22 13C5.15 13 5.07 13 5 13V19H12.08C12.2 19.72 12.45 20.39 12.8 21H5C4.5 21 4 20.78 3.61 20.39S3 19.5 3 19V12.03C2.9 11.94 2.8 11.84 2.69 11.73C2.06 10.92 1.86 10 2.11 8.91L3.14 4.5C3.24 4.06 3.46 3.7 3.84 3.42M19.97 9.38L18.89 4.97L16.97 5L17.58 9.84C17.61 10.16 17.73 10.43 17.95 10.66C18.17 10.9 18.44 11 18.75 11C19.13 11 19.44 10.86 19.69 10.55C19.97 10.2 20.06 9.81 19.97 9.38M7.03 5H5.06L4.03 9.38C3.94 9.81 4.03 10.2 4.31 10.55C4.53 10.86 4.84 11 5.25 11C5.91 11 6.3 10.63 6.42 9.84L7.03 5M11 5H9.05L8.5 9.5V9.66C8.5 10 8.61 10.3 8.84 10.59S9.36 11 9.7 11C10.08 11 10.39 10.88 10.64 10.62C10.89 10.35 11 10.05 11 9.7V5M14.95 5H13V9.7C13 10.05 13.11 10.35 13.36 10.62C13.61 10.88 13.89 11 14.2 11C14.61 11 14.95 10.87 15.21 10.57C15.5 10.27 15.58 9.92 15.5 9.5L14.95 5M21.54 15.88L20.12 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.54L18 19.41L20.12 21.54L21.54 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",n_1="M6,14H8L11,17H9L6,14M4,4H5V3A1,1 0 0,1 6,2H10A1,1 0 0,1 11,3V4H13V3A1,1 0 0,1 14,2H18A1,1 0 0,1 19,3V4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21V22H17V21H7V22H4V21A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M18,7A1,1 0 0,1 19,8A1,1 0 0,1 18,9A1,1 0 0,1 17,8A1,1 0 0,1 18,7M14,7A1,1 0 0,1 15,8A1,1 0 0,1 14,9A1,1 0 0,1 13,8A1,1 0 0,1 14,7M20,6H4V10H20V6M4,19H20V12H4V19M6,7A1,1 0 0,1 7,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,9A1,1 0 0,1 5,8A1,1 0 0,1 6,7M13,14H15L18,17H16L13,14Z",Z_1="M6.91 5.5L9.21 7.79L7.79 9.21L5.5 6.91L3.21 9.21L1.79 7.79L4.09 5.5L1.79 3.21L3.21 1.79L5.5 4.09L7.79 1.79L9.21 3.21M22.21 16.21L20.79 14.79L18.5 17.09L16.21 14.79L14.79 16.21L17.09 18.5L14.79 20.79L16.21 22.21L18.5 19.91L20.79 22.21L22.21 20.79L19.91 18.5M20.4 6.83L17.18 11L15.6 9.73L16.77 8.23A9.08 9.08 0 0 0 10.11 13.85A4.5 4.5 0 1 1 7.5 13A4 4 0 0 1 8.28 13.08A11.27 11.27 0 0 1 16.43 6.26L15 5.18L16.27 3.6M10 17.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 7.5 20A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10 17.5Z",S_1="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M9,19H5V15L6.29,16.29L7.83,14.75L9.25,16.17L7.71,17.71M7.83,9.25L6.29,7.71L5,9V5H9L7.71,6.29L9.25,7.83M19,19H15L16.29,17.71L14.75,16.17L16.17,14.75L17.71,16.29L19,15M19,9L17.71,7.71L16.17,9.25L14.75,7.83L16.29,6.29L15,5H19",u_1="M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V20C2,21.11 2.89,22 4,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2M20,20H4V4H20M8.83,10.25L7.29,8.71L6,10V6H10L8.71,7.29L10.25,8.83M13.75,8.83L15.29,7.29L14,6H18V10L16.71,8.71L15.17,10.25M15.17,13.75L16.71,15.29L18,14V18H14L15.29,16.71L13.75,15.17M10.25,15.17L8.71,16.71L10,18H6V14L7.29,15.29L8.83,13.75",c_1="M22.56 11.39C22.36 10.59 21.82 9.85 21.05 9.44L20.63 7.74C21.11 7.58 21.57 7.41 22 7.23V5C20 6.07 16.53 7.03 12 7.03S4 6.07 2 5V7.23C2.43 7.41 2.89 7.58 3.37 7.74L2.95 9.44C2.18 9.85 1.64 10.59 1.44 11.39C.905 13.57 .385 17.31 2.92 17.93C4 18.2 6 17.89 7.27 12.82C7.46 12 7.33 11.12 6.84 10.39L7.26 8.67C8.14 8.81 9.05 8.9 10 8.96V10.74C9.35 11.33 9 12.17 9 13C9 15.24 9.39 19 12 19C13.12 19 15 18.22 15 13C15 12.17 14.65 11.33 14 10.74V8.96C14.95 8.9 15.86 8.81 16.74 8.67L17.16 10.39C16.67 11.12 16.54 12 16.73 12.82C18 17.89 20 18.2 21.08 17.93C23.61 17.31 23.09 13.57 22.56 11.39M5.81 12.47C5.81 12.47 4.74 16.84 3.28 16.5C1.82 16.12 2.9 11.75 2.9 11.75S3.26 10.29 4.71 10.65 5.81 12.47 5.81 12.47M12 17.5C10.5 17.5 10.5 13 10.5 13S10.5 11.5 12 11.5 13.5 13 13.5 13 13.5 17.5 12 17.5M20.72 16.5C19.27 16.84 18.19 12.47 18.19 12.47S17.83 11 19.29 10.65 21.1 11.75 21.1 11.75 22.18 16.12 20.72 16.5Z",s_1="M14 10.74V8.96C14.95 8.9 15.86 8.81 16.74 8.67L17.16 10.39C16.67 11.12 16.54 12 16.73 12.82C16.82 13.17 16.91 13.5 17 13.8L21.12 17.92C23.61 17.26 23.09 13.55 22.56 11.39C22.36 10.59 21.82 9.85 21.05 9.44L20.63 7.74C21.11 7.58 21.57 7.41 22 7.23V5C20 6.07 16.53 7.03 12 7.03C11.37 7.03 10.76 7 10.17 6.97M20.72 16.5C19.27 16.84 18.19 12.47 18.19 12.47S17.83 11 19.29 10.65 21.1 11.75 21.1 11.75 22.18 16.12 20.72 16.5M14.95 14.29L13.5 12.83V12.83L12.18 11.5H12.18L10 9.34V9.34L9.58 8.93H9.59L7.32 6.66H7.32L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.91 5.8C3.19 5.55 2.53 5.28 2 5V7.23C2.43 7.41 2.89 7.58 3.37 7.74L2.95 9.44C2.18 9.85 1.64 10.59 1.44 11.39C.905 13.57 .385 17.31 2.92 17.93C4 18.2 6 17.89 7.27 12.82C7.46 12 7.33 11.12 6.84 10.39L7.17 9.06L9.5 11.38C9.18 11.87 9 12.44 9 13C9 15.24 9.39 19 12 19C12.8 19 13.97 18.59 14.59 16.5L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L14.95 14.3L14.95 14.29M5.81 12.47C5.81 12.47 4.74 16.84 3.28 16.5C1.82 16.12 2.9 11.75 2.9 11.75S3.26 10.29 4.71 10.65 5.81 12.47 5.81 12.47M12 17.5C10.5 17.5 10.5 13 10.5 13S10.5 12.77 10.6 12.5L13.32 15.21C13.13 16.35 12.76 17.5 12 17.5Z",O_1="M11,9L12.42,10.42L8.83,14H18V4H20V16H8.83L12.42,19.58L11,21L5,15L11,9Z",h_1="M19,15L13,21L11.58,19.58L15.17,16H4V4H6V14H15.17L11.58,10.42L13,9L19,15Z",p_1="M8 3.67C6.78 4.53 5.39 4.93 4 5H2V7H4C5.37 7 6.74 6.65 8 6C10.5 7.3 13.5 7.3 16 6C17.26 6.65 18.62 6.94 20 7H22V5H20C18.61 5 17.22 4.53 16 3.67C13.56 5.38 10.44 5.38 8 3.67M16 8.67L15 10V12H14L12 14H9L6 16L5 14H4V16L2 17L4 18V20H5.14L6 18L9 20H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 18V16A2 2 0 0 0 20 14H18L17 13V12H16V10H17V8.67Z",f_1="M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M4,12H8V14H4V12M14,18H4V16H14V18M20,18H16V16H20V18M20,14H10V12H20V14Z",g_1="M20,4A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20M20,18V6H4V18H20M6,10H8V12H6V10M6,14H14V16H6V14M16,14H18V16H16V14M10,10H18V12H10V10Z",k_1="M8.5,15A1,1 0 0,1 9.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,17A1,1 0 0,1 7.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 8.5,15M7,9H17V14H7V9M15.5,15A1,1 0 0,1 16.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 15.5,17A1,1 0 0,1 14.5,16A1,1 0 0,1 15.5,15M18,15.88V9C18,6.38 15.32,6 12,6C9,6 6,6.37 6,9V15.88A2.62,2.62 0 0,0 8.62,18.5L7.5,19.62V20H9.17L10.67,18.5H13.5L15,20H16.5V19.62L15.37,18.5C16.82,18.5 18,17.33 18,15.88M17.8,2.8C20.47,3.84 22,6.05 22,8.86V22H2V8.86C2,6.05 3.53,3.84 6.2,2.8C8,2.09 10.14,2 12,2C13.86,2 16,2.09 17.8,2.8Z",B_1="M16 11V6H11V11H16M14.5 17C15.3 17 16 16.3 16 15.5C16 14.7 15.3 14 14.5 14S13 14.7 13 15.5C13 16.3 13.7 17 14.5 17M9 11V6H4V11H9M5.5 17C6.3 17 7 16.3 7 15.5C7 14.7 6.3 14 5.5 14S4 14.7 4 15.5C4 16.3 4.7 17 5.5 17M10 2C14.4 2 18 2.5 18 6V15.5C18 17.4 16.4 19 14.5 19L16 20.5V21H4V20.5L5.5 19C3.6 19 2 17.4 2 15.5V6C2 2.5 5.6 2 10 2M20 13V7H22V13H20M20 17V15H22V17H20Z",P_1="M18,11H13V6H18M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17M11,11H6V6H11M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M12,2C7.58,2 4,2.5 4,6V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2Z",w_1="M15,3H17L22,5L17,7V10.17L22,21H2L8,13L11.5,17.7L15,10.17V3Z",F_1="M13.8 5.2C13 5 12.2 5 11.4 5L14.6 2.3L16 6.3C15.3 5.8 14.6 5.5 13.8 5.2M7 7.1C7.6 6.5 8.3 6 9 5.7L4.9 4.9L5.6 9C6 8.3 6.4 7.6 7 7.1M5.2 13.8C5 13 5 12.2 5 11.4L2.3 14.6L6.3 16C5.8 15.4 5.4 14.6 5.2 13.8M22 19V21H3L8.4 15.5C6.5 13.5 6.5 10.4 8.4 8.4C10.3 6.5 13.5 6.5 15.4 8.4L18.4 5.4L19.8 6.8L7.7 19H22Z",T_1="M13.8 5.2C13 5 12.2 5 11.4 5L14.6 2.3L16 6.3C15.3 5.8 14.6 5.5 13.8 5.2M7 7.1C7.6 6.5 8.3 6 9 5.7L4.9 4.9L5.6 9C6 8.3 6.4 7.6 7 7.1M5.2 13.8C5 13 5 12.2 5 11.4L2.3 14.6L6.3 16C5.8 15.4 5.4 14.6 5.2 13.8M22 19V21H3L8.4 15.5C6.5 13.5 6.5 10.4 8.4 8.4C10.3 6.5 13.5 6.5 15.4 8.4L18.4 5.4L19.8 6.8L7.7 19H22M9.8 14.1L14 9.8C12.8 8.7 11 8.7 9.8 9.8C8.7 11 8.7 12.9 9.8 14.1Z",b_1="M18.1 9.3L19.6 6L15.5 5.6C16.1 6.1 16.6 6.7 17 7.5C17.3 8.1 17.5 8.6 17.7 9.2C17.2 9.1 16.6 9 16 9H15.6C14.8 7.2 13.1 6 11 6C8.2 6 6 8.2 6 11C6 13.1 7.2 14.8 9 15.6V16C9 19.9 12.1 23 16 23S23 19.9 23 16C23 12.9 20.9 10.2 18.1 9.3M16 21C13.2 21 11 18.8 11 16S13.2 11 16 11 21 13.2 21 16 18.8 21 16 21M16.5 16.2L19.4 17.9L18.6 19.1L15 17V12H16.5V16.2M11 4C10.2 4 9.4 4.2 8.6 4.4L11 1L13.4 4.4C12.6 4.2 11.8 4 11 4M4.9 14.5C5.3 15.2 5.9 15.9 6.5 16.4L2.4 16L4.2 12.2C4.3 13 4.5 13.8 4.9 14.5M4.1 9.8L2.3 6L6.5 5.7C5.9 6.2 5.4 6.8 4.9 7.5C4.5 8.2 4.2 9 4.1 9.8Z",y_1="M18.1 9.32L19.65 6L15.5 5.64C16.1 6.15 16.63 6.78 17.05 7.5C17.37 8.05 17.58 8.63 17.73 9.22C17.18 9.08 16.6 9 16 9C15.86 9 15.72 9 15.58 9C14.81 7.25 13.06 6 11 6C8.24 6 6 8.24 6 11C6 13.06 7.25 14.81 9 15.58C9 15.72 9 15.86 9 16C9 19.87 12.13 23 16 23S23 19.87 23 16C23 12.87 20.94 10.21 18.1 9.32M8 11C8 9.35 9.35 8 11 8C12.08 8 13.03 8.58 13.56 9.45C11.66 10.15 10.15 11.66 9.45 13.56C8.58 13.03 8 12.08 8 11M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21M16.5 16.25L19.36 17.94L18.61 19.16L15 17V12H16.5V16.25M11 4C10.16 4 9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4M4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5M4.11 9.79L2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79Z",R_1="M9.7 4.3L12 1L14.3 4.3C13.6 4.1 12.8 4 12 4S10.4 4.1 9.7 4.3M17.5 6.2C18.6 7.3 19.5 8.7 19.8 10.3L21.5 6.6L17.5 6.2M5 8.1C5.1 8 5.1 8 5 8.1C5.1 8 5.1 8 5.1 7.9C5.5 7.3 6 6.7 6.5 6.2L2.5 6.5L4.2 10.2C4.4 9.5 4.7 8.7 5 8.1M19.2 15.4C19.2 15.4 19.2 15.5 19.2 15.4C19.1 15.6 19 15.8 18.9 15.9V16.1C18.5 16.8 18 17.3 17.5 17.9L21.6 17.6L19.9 13.9C19.7 14.4 19.5 14.9 19.2 15.4M5.2 16.2C5.2 16.1 5.1 16.1 5.1 16C5 15.9 5 15.9 5 15.8C4.9 15.6 4.8 15.5 4.8 15.3C4.6 14.8 4.4 14.3 4.3 13.8L2.6 17.5L6.7 17.8C6 17.3 5.6 16.8 5.2 16.2M12.6 20H11.4C10.8 20 10.2 19.8 9.7 19.7L12 23L14.3 19.7C13.8 19.8 13.2 19.9 12.6 20M16.2 7.8C13.9 5.5 10.1 5.5 7.7 7.8S5.4 13.9 7.7 16.3 13.8 18.6 16.2 16.3 18.6 10.1 16.2 7.8M8.5 15.5L10.6 10.6L15.6 8.4L13.5 13.3L8.5 15.5M12.7 12.7C12.3 13.1 11.7 13.1 11.3 12.7C10.9 12.3 10.9 11.7 11.3 11.3C11.7 10.9 12.3 10.9 12.7 11.3C13.1 11.7 13.1 12.3 12.7 12.7Z",x_1="M12 .69L8.69 4H4V8.69L.69 12L4 15.31V20H8.69L12 23.31L13 22.31V17.83L16.24 21.07L17.66 19.66L13 15V13H15L19.66 17.66L21.07 16.24L17.83 13H22V11H17.83L21.07 7.76L19.66 6.34L15 11H13V9L17.66 4.34L16.24 2.93L13 6.17V1.69M11 6.09V8.13C9.24 8.59 8 10.18 8 12C8 13.82 9.24 15.41 11 15.87V17.91C8.12 17.42 6 14.93 6 12C6 9.07 8.11 6.57 11 6.09Z",D_1="M12.92 1.58L11.18 2.58L12.39 4.67L11.8 6.85L9 7.6L7.38 6L7.42 3.59L5.43 3.59L5.43 5.42L3.59 5.42L3.6 7.42L6 7.42L7.65 9.03L6.9 11.82L4.68 12.4L2.59 11.2L1.59 12.93L3.17 13.84L2.26 15.42L4 16.42L5.19 14.33L7.42 13.75L7.92 14.26L9.32 12.86L8.78 12.32L9.53 9.54L12.32 8.78L12.85 9.32L14.26 7.91L13.73 7.37L14.32 5.19L16.41 4L15.41 2.25L13.83 3.16L12.92 1.58M20.72 4L4 20.72L5.27 22L10.16 17.11C10.63 17.43 11.15 17.68 11.71 17.83C14.38 18.55 17.12 16.96 17.83 14.29C18.22 12.86 17.93 11.36 17.11 10.16L22 5.27L20.72 4M18.74 9C19.18 9.63 19.53 10.38 19.75 11.19C19.97 12 20.03 12.81 19.96 13.61L22.65 10.41L18.74 9M19.32 15.95C19 16.67 18.5 17.35 17.93 17.94C17.34 18.53 16.66 19 15.96 19.34L20.05 20.06L19.32 15.95M9 18.71L10.41 22.66L13.59 19.95C12.81 20 12 19.97 11.19 19.76C10.36 19.54 9.62 19.17 9 18.71Z",E_1="M10 2L7.6 5.4C8.4 5.2 9.2 5 10 5C10.8 5 11.6 5.2 12.4 5.4M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19C20.66 19 22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M5.5 6.7L1.3 7L3.1 10.8C3.2 10 3.5 9.2 3.9 8.5C4.4 7.8 4.9 7.2 5.5 6.7M10 7C7.2 7 5 9.2 5 12C5 14.8 7.2 17 10 17C12.8 17 15 14.8 15 12C15 9.2 12.8 7 10 7M3.2 13.2L1.4 17L5.5 17.4C5 16.9 4.4 16.2 4 15.5C3.5 14.8 3.3 14 3.2 13.2M7.6 18.6L10 22L12.4 18.6C11.6 18.8 10.8 19 10 19C9.1 19 8.3 18.8 7.6 18.6Z",N_1="M10 2L7.6 5.4C8.4 5.2 9.2 5 10 5S11.6 5.2 12.4 5.4L10 2M21 13.8V7C21 5.9 20.1 5 19 5S17 5.9 17 7V13.8C16.4 14.4 16 15.2 16 16C16 17.7 17.3 19 19 19S22 17.7 22 16C22 15.1 21.6 14.3 21 13.8M20 8H18V7C18 6.4 18.4 6 19 6S20 6.4 20 7V8M5.5 6.7L1.3 7L3.1 10.8C3.2 10 3.5 9.2 3.9 8.5C4.4 7.8 4.9 7.2 5.5 6.7M10 7C7.2 7 5 9.2 5 12S7.2 17 10 17 15 14.8 15 12 12.8 7 10 7M10 15C8.3 15 7 13.7 7 12S8.3 9 10 9 13 10.3 13 12 11.7 15 10 15M3.2 13.2L1.4 17L5.5 17.4C5 16.9 4.4 16.2 4 15.5C3.5 14.8 3.3 14 3.2 13.2M7.6 18.6L10 22L12.4 18.6C11.6 18.8 10.8 19 10 19C9.1 19 8.3 18.8 7.6 18.6Z",W_1="M11 6C13.76 6 16 8.24 16 11S13.76 16 11 16 6 13.76 6 11 8.24 6 11 6M11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4S9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1M2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79L2.34 6M2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16M19.65 6L17.88 9.79C17.74 9 17.47 8.23 17.05 7.5C16.63 6.78 16.1 6.15 15.5 5.64L19.65 6M23 13H21C21 15.05 20.22 17.1 18.66 18.66C17.09 20.23 15.05 21 13 21V23C15.56 23 18.12 22 20.07 20.07S23 15.56 23 13M19 13H17C17 14 16.61 15.05 15.83 15.83C15.05 16.61 14 17 13 17V19C14.54 19 16.08 18.41 17.25 17.24C18.41 16.08 19 14.54 19 13",I_1="M11 1L13.39 4.42C12.65 4.15 11.84 4 11 4S9.35 4.15 8.61 4.42L11 1M2.34 6L6.5 5.65C5.9 6.16 5.36 6.78 4.94 7.5C4.5 8.24 4.25 9 4.11 9.79L2.34 6M2.36 16L4.12 12.23C4.26 13 4.53 13.78 4.95 14.5C5.37 15.24 5.91 15.86 6.5 16.37L2.36 16M19.65 6L17.88 9.79C17.74 9 17.47 8.23 17.05 7.5C16.63 6.78 16.1 6.15 15.5 5.64L19.65 6M23 13H21C21 15.05 20.22 17.1 18.66 18.66C17.09 20.23 15.05 21 13 21V23C15.56 23 18.12 22 20.07 20.07S23 15.56 23 13M19 13H17C17 14 16.61 15.05 15.83 15.83C15.05 16.61 14 17 13 17V19C14.54 19 16.08 18.41 17.25 17.24C18.41 16.08 19 14.54 19 13M11 8C12.65 8 14 9.35 14 11S12.65 14 11 14 8 12.65 8 11 9.35 8 11 8M11 6C8.24 6 6 8.24 6 11S8.24 16 11 16 16 13.76 16 11 13.76 6 11 6Z",G_1="M7,17H4C2.38,17 0.96,15.74 0.76,14.14L0.26,11.15C0.15,10.3 0.39,9.5 0.91,8.92C1.43,8.34 2.19,8 3,8H9C9.83,8 10.58,8.35 11.06,8.96C11.17,9.11 11.27,9.27 11.35,9.45C11.78,9.36 12.22,9.36 12.64,9.45C12.72,9.27 12.82,9.11 12.94,8.96C13.41,8.35 14.16,8 15,8H21C21.81,8 22.57,8.34 23.09,8.92C23.6,9.5 23.84,10.3 23.74,11.11L23.23,14.18C23.04,15.74 21.61,17 20,17H17C15.44,17 13.92,15.81 13.54,14.3L12.64,11.59C12.26,11.31 11.73,11.31 11.35,11.59L10.43,14.37C10.07,15.82 8.56,17 7,17Z",Q_1="M22 23V21C20.59 21.05 19.22 20.9 18 20C16.24 21.25 13.77 21.25 12 20C10.23 21.25 7.76 21.25 6 20C4.78 20.9 3.41 21.05 2 21V23C3.37 23.05 4.78 22.94 6 22.25C7.84 23.25 10.15 23.25 12 22.25C13.85 23.25 16.16 23.25 18 22.25C19.22 22.94 20.63 23.05 22 23M20.5 11.97V9.95C18.74 9.96 17 9 16.18 7.41L15.29 5.86C15 5.4 14.55 5.11 14.07 4.97L8.5 3.94L5 6.38L6.13 8L8.95 6.1L10.97 6.43L8.81 7.88C8.21 8.29 7.88 9 8 9.71L8.53 12.81C7.12 12.26 3.21 11 3 13.23C3.36 15.67 6.07 17.32 8.06 18.82C9.5 19.29 11.06 18.58 12 17.46C13.32 19.16 15.89 19.46 17.5 18C17.03 17.58 16.5 17.15 16 16.8V12.95L12.19 9.95L14.44 8.44C15.62 10.59 18 12 20.5 11.97M14 14V15.47C14 15.43 11.66 14.16 11.81 14.24L10.73 13.7L10.31 11.08L14 14M19 3.5C19 4.61 18.11 5.5 17 5.5S15 4.61 15 3.5 15.9 1.5 17 1.5 19 2.4 19 3.5Z",U_1="M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4M7.76,16.24L6.35,17.65C4.78,16.1 4,14.05 4,12C4,9.95 4.78,7.9 6.34,6.34L7.75,7.75C6.59,8.93 6,10.46 6,12C6,13.54 6.59,15.07 7.76,16.24M12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16M17.66,17.66L16.25,16.25C17.41,15.07 18,13.54 18,12C18,10.46 17.41,8.93 16.24,7.76L17.65,6.35C19.22,7.9 20,9.95 20,12C20,14.05 19.22,16.1 17.66,17.66M12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10Z",z_1="M3 7V9H7V11H5C3.9 11 3 11.9 3 13V17H9V15H5V13H7C8.1 13 9 12.1 9 11V9C9 7.9 8.1 7 7 7H3M13 17H11V15H13V17M17 7C15.9 7 15 7.9 15 9V15C15 16.1 15.9 17 17 17H19C20.1 17 21 16.1 21 15V9C21 7.9 20.1 7 19 7H17M17 9H19V15H17V9Z",__1="M4 7V9H8V11H6C4.9 11 4 11.9 4 13V17H10V15H6V13H8C9.1 13 10 12.1 10 11V9C10 7.9 9.1 7 8 7H4M14 17H12V15H14V17M16 7V9H18V17H20V7H16Z",K_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M10 15C10 16.1 9.1 17 8 17H4V15H8V13H6V11H8V9H4V7H8C9.1 7 10 7.9 10 9V10.5C10 11.3 9.3 12 8.5 12C9.3 12 10 12.7 10 13.5V15",j_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M10 7V9H6V11H8C9.1 11 10 11.9 10 13V15C10 16.1 9.1 17 8 17H4V15H8V13H4V7H10Z",q_1="M18 7V9H22V11H20C18.9 11 18 11.9 18 13V17H24V15H20V13H22C23.1 13 24 12.1 24 11V9C24 7.9 23.1 7 22 7H18M9 17H7V15H9V17M9 7V9H11V17H13V7H9M0 7V13H4V15H0V17H4C5.1 17 6 16.1 6 15V13C6 11.9 5.1 11 4 11H2V9H6V7H0M17 17H15V15H17V17",$_1="M14 17H12V15H14V17M20 7V17H18V9H16V7H20M4 17L8 9H4V7H10V9L6 17",X_1="M5.13,10.71H8.87L6.22,8.06C5.21,8.06 4.39,7.24 4.39,6.22A1.83,1.83 0 0,1 6.22,4.39C7.24,4.39 8.06,5.21 8.06,6.22L10.71,8.87V5.13C10,4.41 10,3.25 10.71,2.54C11.42,1.82 12.58,1.82 13.29,2.54C14,3.25 14,4.41 13.29,5.13V8.87L15.95,6.22C15.95,5.21 16.76,4.39 17.78,4.39C18.79,4.39 19.61,5.21 19.61,6.22C19.61,7.24 18.79,8.06 17.78,8.06L15.13,10.71H18.87C19.59,10 20.75,10 21.46,10.71C22.18,11.42 22.18,12.58 21.46,13.29C20.75,14 19.59,14 18.87,13.29H15.13L17.78,15.95C18.79,15.95 19.61,16.76 19.61,17.78A1.83,1.83 0 0,1 17.78,19.61C16.76,19.61 15.95,18.79 15.95,17.78L13.29,15.13V18.87C14,19.59 14,20.75 13.29,21.46C12.58,22.18 11.42,22.18 10.71,21.46C10,20.75 10,19.59 10.71,18.87V15.13L8.06,17.78C8.06,18.79 7.24,19.61 6.22,19.61C5.21,19.61 4.39,18.79 4.39,17.78C4.39,16.76 5.21,15.95 6.22,15.95L8.87,13.29H5.13C4.41,14 3.25,14 2.54,13.29C1.82,12.58 1.82,11.42 2.54,10.71C3.25,10 4.41,10 5.13,10.71Z",Y_1="M21,9L17,5V8H10V10H17V13M7,11L3,15L7,19V16H14V14H7V11Z",J_1="M8,10V13H14V18H8V21L2,15.5L8,10M22,8.5L16,3V6H10V11H16V14L22,8.5Z",CK1="M22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2S2 6.5 2 12 6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12M15 6.5L18.5 10L15 13.5V11H11V9H15V6.5M9 17.5L5.5 14L9 10.5V13H13V15H9V17.5Z",HK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M15 6.5V9H11V11H15V13.5L18.5 10L15 6.5M9 10.5L5.5 14L9 17.5V15H13V13H9V10.5Z",VK1="M17 5L21 9L17 13V5M16 8H13V10H16V8M12 10V8H10V10H12M3 15L7 11V19L3 15M8 16H11V14H8V16M12 14V16H14V14H12Z",LK1="M4,6L8,10V7H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,9A2,2 0 0,1 16,11H8A4,4 0 0,0 4,15A4,4 0 0,0 8,19H16V22L20,18L16,14V17H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,15A2,2 0 0,1 8,13H16A4,4 0 0,0 20,9A4,4 0 0,0 16,5H8V2L4,6Z",MK1="M9,3L5,7H8V14H10V7H13M16,17V10H14V17H11L15,21L19,17H16Z",AK1="M14,8H11V14H6V8H3L8.5,2L14,8M15.5,22L21,16H18V10H13V16H10L15.5,22Z",iK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M6.5 9L10 5.5L13.5 9H11V13H9V9H6.5M17.5 15L14 18.5L10.5 15H13V11H15V15H17.5Z",rK1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 20C7.59 20 4 16.41 4 12S7.59 4 12 4 20 7.59 20 12 16.41 20 12 20M6.5 9L10 5.5L13.5 9H11V13H9V9H6.5M17.5 15L14 18.5L10.5 15H13V11H15V15H17.5Z",aK1="M18,4L14,8H17V16A2,2 0 0,1 15,18A2,2 0 0,1 13,16V8A4,4 0 0,0 9,4A4,4 0 0,0 5,8V16H2L6,20L10,16H7V8A2,2 0 0,1 9,6A2,2 0 0,1 11,8V16A4,4 0 0,0 15,20A4,4 0 0,0 19,16V8H22L18,4Z",eK1="M2,18C4.22,17 6.44,16 8.67,16C10.89,16 13.11,18 15.33,18C17.56,18 19.78,16 22,16V19C19.78,19 17.56,21 15.33,21C13.11,21 10.89,19 8.67,19C6.44,19 4.22,20 2,21V18M8.67,13C7.89,13 7.12,13.12 6.35,13.32L11.27,9.88L10.23,8.64C10.09,8.47 10,8.24 10,8C10,7.66 10.17,7.35 10.44,7.17L16.16,3.17L17.31,4.8L12.47,8.19L17.7,14.42C16.91,14.75 16.12,15 15.33,15C13.11,15 10.89,13 8.67,13M18,7A2,2 0 0,1 20,9A2,2 0 0,1 18,11A2,2 0 0,1 16,9A2,2 0 0,1 18,7Z",dK1="M13,18H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,19H22V21H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,22H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,21H2V19H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,18H11V16H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,15V3A1,1 0 0,1 8,2H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,3V15A1,1 0 0,1 16,16H13V18M13,6H14V4H13V6M9,4V6H11V4H9M9,8V10H11V8H9M9,12V14H11V12H9Z",mK1="M6.92,5H5L14,14L15,13.06M19.96,19.12L19.12,19.96C18.73,20.35 18.1,20.35 17.71,19.96L14.59,16.84L11.91,19.5L10.5,18.09L11.92,16.67L3,7.75V3H7.75L16.67,11.92L18.09,10.5L19.5,11.91L16.83,14.58L19.95,17.7C20.35,18.1 20.35,18.73 19.96,19.12Z",tK1="M6.2,2.44L18.1,14.34L20.22,12.22L21.63,13.63L19.16,16.1L22.34,19.28C22.73,19.67 22.73,20.3 22.34,20.69L21.63,21.4C21.24,21.79 20.61,21.79 20.22,21.4L17,18.23L14.56,20.7L13.15,19.29L15.27,17.17L3.37,5.27V2.44H6.2M15.89,10L20.63,5.26V2.44H17.8L13.06,7.18L15.89,10M10.94,15L8.11,12.13L5.9,14.34L3.78,12.22L2.37,13.63L4.84,16.1L1.66,19.29C1.27,19.68 1.27,20.31 1.66,20.7L2.37,21.41C2.76,21.8 3.39,21.8 3.78,21.41L7,18.23L9.44,20.7L10.85,19.29L8.73,17.17L10.94,15Z",vK1="M8 4V6H4V8H6.39C5.55 8.74 5 9.8 5 11C5 13.2 6.8 15 9 15C11.2 15 13 13.2 13 11C13 9.8 12.45 8.74 11.61 8H14V6H10V4M15 4V16H17V11H20V9H17V4M9 9C10.12 9 11 9.88 11 11C11 12.12 10.12 13 9 13C7.88 13 7 12.12 7 11C7 9.88 7.88 9 9 9M7 16V20H17V18H9V16Z",lK1="M9 4V6H6V8H9V10C6.25 10 4 12.27 4 15.03C4 17.8 6.26 20.06 9.03 20.06C9.89 20.06 10.72 19.77 11.4 19.26C11.63 19.54 11.88 19.82 12.15 20.09L13.56 18.67C13.3 18.42 13.07 18.15 12.86 17.89L13.86 16.89C14.93 15.82 15.78 14.23 16.42 12.59C17.31 13.11 18 13.9 18 15C18 16.32 17.47 17.6 16.54 18.54L17.95 19.95C19.26 18.64 20 16.86 20 15C20 13.04 18.82 11.36 17.15 10.55L17.5 9.29L15.55 8.78L15.21 10.05C15.13 10.05 15.06 10 14.97 10H11V8H16V6H11V4M11 12H14.5C13.94 13.37 13.19 14.72 12.44 15.47L11.79 16.13C11.25 14.93 11 13.59 11 12M9 12C9 14.07 9.41 15.94 10.3 17.59C9.94 17.89 9.5 18.06 9.03 18.06C7.33 18.06 6 16.73 6 15.03C6 13.34 7.32 12 9 12Z",oK1="M4 4V6H18V6.09L14.29 9.79L15.71 11.21L20 6.91V4M11 9V13C11 15.78 10.25 16.89 8.36 18.46L9.64 20C11.75 18.24 13 16.22 13 13V9Z",nK1="M8 4V6H14L13 10.81L15 11.2L16 6.1V4M10 9V12C10 14.86 9.34 17.29 8.08 18.61L9.5 20C11.35 18.08 12 15.15 12 12V9Z",ZK1="M2 7V14H4V7H2M6 7V9H10V11H8V14H10V13C11.11 13 12 12.11 12 11V9C12 7.89 11.11 7 10 7H6M15.8 7L15.6 9H14V11H15.4L15.2 13H14V15H15L14.8 17H16.8L17 15H18.4L18.2 17H20.2L20.4 15H22V13H20.6L20.8 11H22V9H21L21.2 7H19.2L19 9H17.6L17.8 7H15.8M17.4 11H18.8L18.6 13H17.2L17.4 11M2 15V17H4V15H2M8 15V17H10V15H8Z",SK1="M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.37,5.7V5.7C17.39,5.67 18.15,6.13 18.21,6.84C18.22,7.15 18.04,7.75 17.42,7.77C16.95,7.79 16.63,7.5 16.62,7.09C16.61,6.93 16.88,6.42 16.88,6.33C16.87,6.06 16.47,6.05 16.36,6.06C14.86,6.11 14.46,8.13 14.14,9.78L14,10.65C14.84,10.78 15.46,10.62 15.8,10.4C16.28,10.09 15.66,9.77 15.74,9.41C15.82,9.04 16.15,8.87 16.41,8.86C16.78,8.85 17.04,9.23 17.03,9.62C17,10.26 16.17,11.14 14.5,11.1C14.28,11.1 14.09,11.08 13.91,11.06C13.3,14.16 12.92,16 11.56,17.58C10.39,18.97 9.2,19.18 8.67,19.2C7.67,19.24 7,18.71 7,18C6.97,17.32 7.57,16.94 7.97,16.93C8.5,16.91 8.87,17.3 8.88,17.74C8.9,18.11 8.7,18.23 8.57,18.3C8.5,18.37 8.35,18.45 8.36,18.6C8.36,18.67 8.43,18.82 8.65,18.81C9.07,18.8 9.34,18.59 9.54,18.45C10.5,17.65 10.88,16.24 11.37,13.68C11.63,12.23 11.82,11.3 12.1,10.38C11.42,9.87 11,9.23 10.09,9C9.46,8.81 9.08,8.96 8.81,9.3C8.5,9.71 8.6,10.23 8.9,10.54C10.05,11.82 10.39,12.38 10.26,13.14C10.06,14.35 8.62,15.27 6.92,14.75C5.47,14.3 5.2,13.28 5.37,12.71C5.53,12.22 5.92,12.12 6.31,12.24C6.73,12.37 6.89,12.87 6.77,13.26C6.75,13.3 6.55,13.67 6.5,13.79C6.41,14.1 6.83,14.31 7.12,14.4C7.77,14.6 8.4,14.26 8.55,13.73C8.7,13.25 8.4,12.91 8.27,12.78C7.38,11.8 6.76,10.93 7.06,9.95C7.18,9.58 7.42,9.18 7.78,8.91C8.53,8.36 9.35,8.26 10.12,8.5C11.13,8.77 11.61,9.44 12.24,9.95C12.59,8.93 13.08,7.92 13.81,7.07C14.47,6.3 15.35,5.74 16.37,5.7Z",uK1="M6 8V21H10V16C10 14.9 10.9 14 12 14S14 14.9 14 16V21H18V8L12 3L6 8M13.5 10C13.5 10.8 12.8 11.5 12 11.5S10.5 10.8 10.5 10 11.2 8.5 12 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10M3 5C1.9 5 1 5.9 1 7V8H5V7C5 5.9 4.1 5 3 5M1 9H5V21H1V9M21 5C19.9 5 19 5.9 19 7V8H23V7C23 5.9 22.1 5 21 5M19 9H23V21H19V9Z",cK1="M20 4C18.3 4 17 5.3 17 7V7.3L12 3L7 7.3V7C7 5.3 5.7 4 4 4S1 5.3 1 7V21H11V16C11 15.4 11.4 15 12 15S13 15.4 13 16V21H23V7C23 5.3 21.7 4 20 4M20 6C20.5 6 21 6.4 21 7V8H19V7C19 6.4 19.5 6 20 6M4 6C4.6 6 5 6.4 5 7V8H3V7C3 6.4 3.5 6 4 6M3 19V10H5V19H3M17 19H15V16C15 14.4 13.6 13 12 13S9 14.4 9 16V19H7V9.9L12 5.6L17 9.9V19M19 19V10H21V19H19M12 8.5C12.8 8.5 13.5 9.2 13.5 10S12.8 11.5 12 11.5 10.5 10.8 10.5 10 11.2 8.5 12 8.5Z",sK1="M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12C6,11 6.25,10.03 6.7,9.2L5.24,7.74C4.46,8.97 4,10.43 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20V23L16,19L12,15M12,4V1L8,5L12,9V6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12C18,13 17.75,13.97 17.3,14.8L18.76,16.26C19.54,15.03 20,13.57 20,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,4Z",OK1="M11,13H13V7H11M21,4H15V10L17.24,7.76C18.32,8.85 19,10.34 19,12C19,14.61 17.33,16.83 15,17.65V19.74C18.45,18.85 21,15.73 21,12C21,9.79 20.09,7.8 18.64,6.36M11,17H13V15H11M3,12C3,14.21 3.91,16.2 5.36,17.64L3,20H9V14L6.76,16.24C5.68,15.15 5,13.66 5,12C5,9.39 6.67,7.17 9,6.35V4.26C5.55,5.15 3,8.27 3,12Z",hK1="M2 12A10 10 0 1 0 12 2A10 10 0 0 0 2 12M15.6 13.72A4 4 0 0 0 16 12A4 4 0 0 0 12 8V10L8.88 7L12 4V6A6 6 0 0 1 18 12A5.9 5.9 0 0 1 17.07 15.19M6 12A5.9 5.9 0 0 1 6.93 8.81L8.4 10.28A4 4 0 0 0 8 12A4 4 0 0 0 12 16V14L15 17L12 20V18A6 6 0 0 1 6 12Z",pK1="M20,4H14V10L16.24,7.76C17.32,8.85 18,10.34 18,12C18,13 17.75,13.94 17.32,14.77L18.78,16.23C19.55,15 20,13.56 20,12C20,9.79 19.09,7.8 17.64,6.36L20,4M2.86,5.41L5.22,7.77C4.45,9 4,10.44 4,12C4,14.21 4.91,16.2 6.36,17.64L4,20H10V14L7.76,16.24C6.68,15.15 6,13.66 6,12C6,11 6.25,10.06 6.68,9.23L14.76,17.31C14.5,17.44 14.26,17.56 14,17.65V19.74C14.79,19.53 15.54,19.2 16.22,18.78L18.58,21.14L19.85,19.87L4.14,4.14L2.86,5.41M10,6.35V4.26C9.2,4.47 8.45,4.8 7.77,5.22L9.23,6.68C9.5,6.56 9.73,6.44 10,6.35Z",fK1="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H3V5H13V9H21V19Z",gK1="M3,3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3H3M3,5H13V9H21V19H3V5M7,13V15H15V13H7Z",kK1="M3,3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3H3M3,5H13V9H21V19H3V5M10,10V13H7V15H10V18H12V15H15V13H12V10H10Z",BK1="M7.46,11.88L8.88,10.46L11,12.59L13.12,10.46L14.54,11.88L12.41,14L14.54,16.12L13.12,17.54L11,15.41L8.88,17.54L7.46,16.12L9.59,14L7.46,11.88M3,3H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 21,21H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 3,3M3,5V19H21V9H13V5H3Z",PK1="M7.5 11C5 11 3 13 3 15.5C3 16.38 3.25 17.21 3.69 17.9L.61 21L2 22.39L5.12 19.32C5.81 19.75 6.63 20 7.5 20C10 20 12 18 12 15.5S10 11 7.5 11M7.5 18C6.12 18 5 16.88 5 15.5S6.12 13 7.5 13 10 14.12 10 15.5 8.88 18 7.5 18M23 5V19C23 20.11 22.11 21 21 21H10.95C11.76 20.5 12.45 19.81 12.97 19H21V9H13V5H3V10.82C1.77 12 1 13.66 1 15.5V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3H21C22.11 3 23 3.9 23 5Z",wK1="M1,9H3V7H1V9M1,13H3V11H1V13M1,5H3V3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5M9,21H11V19H9V21M1,17H3V15H1V17M3,21V19H1A2,2 0 0,0 3,21M21,3H13V9H23V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,17H23V15H21V17M9,5H11V3H9V5M5,21H7V19H5V21M5,5H7V3H5V5M21,21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19H21V21M21,13H23V11H21V13M13,21H15V19H13V21M17,21H19V19H17V21Z",FK1="M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,8V12H11V8H5M13,8V12H19V8H13M5,14V18H11V14H5M13,14V18H19V14H13Z",TK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M23 22V21C23 19.67 20.33 19 19 19S15 19.67 15 21V22H23M19 14C17.9 14 17 14.9 17 16S17.9 18 19 18 21 17.11 21 16 20.11 14 19 14Z",bK1="M3 4H17C18.11 4 19 4.89 19 6V18C19 19.11 18.11 20 17 20H3C1.9 20 1 19.11 1 18V6C1 4.89 1.9 4 3 4M3 8V12H9V8H3M11 8V12H17V8H11M3 14V18H9V14H3M11 14V18H17V14H11M23 7H21V13H23V7M23 15H21V17H23V15Z",yK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M15.94 18.5H17.94V14.5H19.94V18.5H21.94L18.94 21.5L15.94 18.5",RK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M18.44 15V17H22.44V19H18.44V21L15.44 18L18.44 15",xK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M19.44 21V19H15.44V17H19.44V15L22.44 18L19.44 21",DK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M21.94 17.5H19.94V21.5H17.94V17.5H15.94L18.94 14.5L21.94 17.5",EK1="M21,19A1,1 0 0,1 20,20H19V18H21V19M15,20V18H17V20H15M11,20V18H13V20H11M7,20V18H9V20H7M4,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19V18H5V20H4M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V8H5L11,8H13L19,8H21V6C21,4.89 20.11,4 19,4M5,14H3V16H5V14M5,10H3V12H5V10M21,10H19V12H21V10M21,14H19V16H21V14M11,16V14H13V16H11M11,12V10H13V12H11",NK1="M3 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V12.08C17.45 11.82 15.92 12.18 14.68 13H11V17H12.08C11.97 17.68 11.97 18.35 12.08 19H3C1.9 19 1 18.11 1 17V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3M3 7V11H9V7H3M11 7V11H17V7H11M3 13V17H9V13H3M18.5 14C16 14 14 16 14 18.5S16 23 18.5 23 23 21 23 18.5 21 14 18.5 14M18.5 21.5C16.84 21.5 15.5 20.16 15.5 18.5C15.5 17.94 15.65 17.42 15.92 17L20 21.08C19.58 21.35 19.06 21.5 18.5 21.5M21.08 20L17 15.92C17.42 15.65 17.94 15.5 18.5 15.5C20.16 15.5 21.5 16.84 21.5 18.5C21.5 19.06 21.35 19.58 21.08 20Z",WK1="M12 22H6A2 2 0 0 1 8 20V8H2V5H16V8H10V20A2 2 0 0 1 12 22M22 2V22H20V15H15V22H13V14A2 2 0 0 1 15 12H20V2Z",IK1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M17.75 21L15 18L16.16 16.84L17.75 18.43L21.34 14.84L22.5 16.25L17.75 21",GK1="M16.5 15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13H16.5V15.82M20 10.26V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19H9.68C10.81 21.36 13.21 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 13.62 21.81 11.53 20 10.26M18 7V9.29C17.37 9.11 16.7 9 16 9C14.5 9 13.13 9.47 12 10.26V7H18M4 7H10V11H4V7M4 17V13H9.68C9.25 13.91 9 14.93 9 16C9 16.34 9.03 16.67 9.08 17H4M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21Z",QK1="M3 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V12.08C17.45 11.82 15.92 12.18 14.68 13H11V17H12.08C11.97 17.68 11.97 18.35 12.08 19H3C1.9 19 1 18.11 1 17V5C1 3.9 1.9 3 3 3M3 7V11H9V7H3M11 7V11H17V7H11M3 13V17H9V13H3M22.78 19.32L21.71 18.5C21.73 18.33 21.75 18.17 21.75 18S21.74 17.67 21.71 17.5L22.77 16.68C22.86 16.6 22.89 16.47 22.83 16.36L21.83 14.63C21.77 14.5 21.64 14.5 21.5 14.5L20.28 15C20 14.82 19.74 14.65 19.43 14.53L19.24 13.21C19.23 13.09 19.12 13 19 13H17C16.88 13 16.77 13.09 16.75 13.21L16.56 14.53C16.26 14.66 15.97 14.82 15.71 15L14.47 14.5C14.36 14.5 14.23 14.5 14.16 14.63L13.16 16.36C13.1 16.47 13.12 16.6 13.22 16.68L14.28 17.5C14.26 17.67 14.25 17.83 14.25 18S14.26 18.33 14.28 18.5L13.22 19.32C13.13 19.4 13.1 19.53 13.16 19.64L14.16 21.37C14.22 21.5 14.35 21.5 14.47 21.5L15.71 21C15.97 21.18 16.25 21.35 16.56 21.47L16.75 22.79C16.77 22.91 16.87 23 17 23H19C19.12 23 19.23 22.91 19.25 22.79L19.44 21.47C19.74 21.34 20 21.18 20.28 21L21.5 21.5C21.64 21.5 21.77 21.5 21.84 21.37L22.84 19.64C22.9 19.53 22.87 19.4 22.78 19.32M18 19.5C17.17 19.5 16.5 18.83 16.5 18S17.18 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.17 19.5 18 18.84 19.5 18 19.5Z",UK1="M8,2H16A2,2 0 0,1 18,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 16,22H8A2,2 0 0,1 6,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 8,2M8,10V14H16V10H8M8,16V20H16V16H8M8,4V8H16V4H8Z",zK1="M11,2A2,2 0 0,1 13,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 11,22H2V2H11M4,10V14H11V10H4M4,16V20H11V16H4M4,4V8H11V4H4M15,11H18V8H20V11H23V13H20V16H18V13H15V11Z",_K1="M13,2A2,2 0 0,0 11,4V20A2,2 0 0,0 13,22H22V2H13M20,10V14H13V10H20M20,16V20H13V16H20M20,4V8H13V4H20M9,11H6V8H4V11H1V13H4V16H6V13H9V11Z",KK1="M4,2H11A2,2 0 0,1 13,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 11,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,10V14H11V10H4M4,16V20H11V16H4M4,4V8H11V4H4M17.59,12L15,9.41L16.41,8L19,10.59L21.59,8L23,9.41L20.41,12L23,14.59L21.59,16L19,13.41L16.41,16L15,14.59L17.59,12Z",jK1="M5,8H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,10V20A2,2 0 0,1 19,22H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,20V10A2,2 0 0,1 5,8M5,12V15H11V12H5M13,12V15H19V12H13M5,17V20H11V17H5M13,17V20H19V17H13M11,2H21V6H19V4H13V6H11V2Z",qK1="M21.7,13.35L20.7,14.35L18.65,12.3L19.65,11.3C19.86,11.08 20.21,11.08 20.42,11.3L21.7,12.58C21.92,12.79 21.92,13.14 21.7,13.35M12,18.94L18.07,12.88L20.12,14.93L14.06,21H12V18.94M4,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V8.17L16.17,12H12V16.17L10.17,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,6V10H10V6H4M12,6V10H18V6H12M4,12V16H10V12H4Z",$K1="M17 16.88C17.56 16.88 18 17.32 18 17.88S17.56 18.88 17 18.88 16 18.43 16 17.88 16.44 16.88 17 16.88M17 13.88C19.73 13.88 22.06 15.54 23 17.88C22.06 20.22 19.73 21.88 17 21.88S11.94 20.22 11 17.88C11.94 15.54 14.27 13.88 17 13.88M17 15.38C15.62 15.38 14.5 16.5 14.5 17.88S15.62 20.38 17 20.38 19.5 19.26 19.5 17.88 18.38 15.38 17 15.38M18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19H9.42C9.26 18.68 9.12 18.34 9 18C9.12 17.66 9.26 17.32 9.42 17H4V13H10V15.97C10.55 15.11 11.23 14.37 12 13.76V13H13.15C14.31 12.36 15.62 12 17 12C18.06 12 19.07 12.21 20 12.59V5C20 3.9 19.1 3 18 3M10 11H4V7H10V11M18 11H12V7H18V11Z",XK1="M12 8.8L6.2 3H18C19.1 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.59C19.07 12.21 18.06 12 17 12C16.45 12 15.91 12.07 15.38 12.18L14.2 11H18V7H12V8.8M17.09 13.89L22.31 19.11C22.58 18.73 22.82 18.32 23 17.88C22.07 15.57 19.78 13.92 17.09 13.89M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.5 21.37C18.71 21.69 17.88 21.88 17 21.88C14.27 21.88 11.94 20.22 11 17.88C11.45 16.76 12.23 15.8 13.21 15.1L11.93 13.82C11.19 14.42 10.53 15.14 10 15.97V13H4V17H9.42C9.26 17.32 9.12 17.66 9 18C9.12 18.34 9.26 18.68 9.42 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.1 2 17V5C2 4.68 2.08 4.38 2.22 4.11L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M9.11 11L5.11 7H4V11H9.11M18.18 20.07L14.81 16.7C14.61 17.05 14.5 17.45 14.5 17.88C14.5 19.26 15.62 20.38 17 20.38C17.43 20.38 17.83 20.27 18.18 20.07Z",YK1="M17 21L18.8 22.77C19.3 23.27 20 22.87 20 22.28V18L22.8 14.6C23.3 13.9 22.8 13 22 13H15C14.2 13 13.7 14 14.2 14.6L17 18V21M12 11H20V3C20 1.9 19.11 1 18 1H4C2.9 1 2 1.9 2 3V15C2 16.11 2.9 17 4 17H13.42L12 15V11M12 5H18V9H12V5M10 15H4V11H10V15M10 9H4V5H10V9Z",JK1="M2 7H22V10H20L21 19H18.5L17.94 14H6.06L5.5 19H3L4 10H2V7M17.5 10H6.5L6.29 12H17.71L17.5 10Z",Cj1="M1 6V19A2 2 0 0 0 3 21H9V11H21V6A2 2 0 0 0 19 4H3A2 2 0 0 0 1 6M3 6H7V9H3M7 19H3V16H7M7 14H3V11H7M9 9V6H13V9M19 9H15V6H19M17 16A1 1 0 1 1 16 17A1 1 0 0 1 17 16M17 13A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 23 17A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 11 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 1 17 13M17 14.5A2.5 2.5 0 1 0 19.5 17A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 17 14.5",Hj1="M2.38 1.73L1.11 3L2.26 4.15A2 2 0 0 0 1 6V19A2 2 0 0 0 3 21H9V11H9.11L12.72 14.61A6.21 6.21 0 0 0 11 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 0 17 21A6.55 6.55 0 0 0 18.84 20.73L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L20.58 19.93M7 19H3V16H7M7 14H3V11H7M7 9H3V6H4.11L7 8.89M17 19.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 14.56 16.45L17.56 19.45A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 17 19.5M16.24 13L17.85 14.61A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 19.35 16.11L21.94 18.7A6.44 6.44 0 0 0 23 17A6.45 6.45 0 0 0 17 13H16.24M13 6V9H12.2L14.2 11H21V6A2 2 0 0 0 19 4H7.2L9.2 6M15 6H19V9H15Z",Vj1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M19 22.3L18.4 21.8C16.4 19.9 15 18.7 15 17.2C15 16 16 15 17.2 15C17.9 15 18.6 15.3 19 15.8C19.4 15.3 20.1 15 20.8 15C22 15 23 15.9 23 17.2C23 18.7 21.6 19.9 19.6 21.8L19 22.3",Lj1="M16.8 17C16.4 15.8 15.3 15 14 15C12.3 15 11 16.3 11 18S12.3 21 14 21C15.3 21 16.4 20.2 16.8 19H19V21H21V19H23V17H16.8M14 19C13.4 19 13 18.5 13 18S13.4 17 14 17 15 17.5 15 18 14.6 19 14 19M9 18H4V14H10V15C10.9 13.8 12.4 13 14 13C15.1 13 16.1 13.4 17 14H18V15H20V6C20 4.9 19.1 4 18 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H9.4C9.1 19.4 9 18.7 9 18M12 8H18V12H12V8M4 8H10V12H4V8Z",Mj1="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V10H8V7H4M10,7V10H14V7H10M20,10V7H16V10H20M4,12V15H8V12H4M4,20H8V17H4V20M10,12V15H14V12H10M10,20H14V17H10V20M20,20V17H16V20H20M20,12H16V15H20V12Z",Aj1="M12.35 20H10V17H12.09C12.21 16.28 12.46 15.61 12.81 15H10V12H14V13.54C14.58 13 15.25 12.61 16 12.35V12H20V12.35C20.75 12.61 21.42 13 22 13.54V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20M16 7H20V10H16V7M10 7H14V10H10V7M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M8 10H4V7H8V10M17 14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14",ij1="M12.35 20H10V17H12.09C12.21 16.28 12.46 15.61 12.81 15H10V12H14V13.54C14.58 13 15.25 12.61 16 12.35V12H20V12.35C20.75 12.61 21.42 13 22 13.54V5C22 3.9 21.1 3 20 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H13.54C13 21.42 12.61 20.75 12.35 20M16 7H20V10H16V7M10 7H14V10H10V7M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M8 10H4V7H8V10M14.46 15.88L15.88 14.46L18 16.59L20.12 14.46L21.54 15.88L19.41 18L21.54 20.12L20.12 21.54L18 19.41L15.88 21.54L14.46 20.12L16.59 18L14.46 15.88",rj1="M21 16V15.5C21 14.12 19.88 13 18.5 13S16 14.12 16 15.5V16C15.45 16 15 16.45 15 17V21C15 21.55 15.45 22 16 22H21C21.55 22 22 21.55 22 21V17C22 16.45 21.55 16 21 16M20 16H17V15.5C17 14.67 17.67 14 18.5 14S20 14.67 20 15.5V16M13 18H12V14H14.26C14.54 13.21 15.04 12.5 15.69 12H12V8H18V11.05C18.17 11.03 18.33 11 18.5 11C19.03 11 19.53 11.1 20 11.26V6C20 4.89 19.11 4 18 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V18C2 19.11 2.9 20 4 20H13V18M10 18H4V14H10V18M10 12H4V8H10V12Z",aj1="M5,10H3V4H11V6H5V10M19,18H13V20H21V14H19V18M5,18V14H3V20H11V18H5M21,4H13V6H19V10H21V4M8,13V15L11,12L8,9V11H3V13H8M16,11V9L13,12L16,15V13H21V11H16Z",ej1="M15 19V17H23V19H15M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",dj1="M7 2H21C22.11 2 23 2.9 23 4V16C23 17.11 22.11 18 21 18H7C5.9 18 5 17.11 5 16V4C5 2.9 5.9 2 7 2M7 6V10H13V6H7M15 6V10H21V6H15M7 12V16H13V12H7M15 12V16H21V12H15M3 20V6H1V20C1 21.11 1.89 22 3 22H19V20H3Z",mj1="M15 20C15 19.45 14.55 19 14 19H13V17H19C20.11 17 21 16.11 21 15V3C21 1.9 20.11 1 19 1H5C3.9 1 3 1.9 3 3V15C3 16.11 3.9 17 5 17H11V19H10C9.45 19 9 19.45 9 20H2V22H9C9 22.55 9.45 23 10 23H14C14.55 23 15 22.55 15 22H22V20H15M13 5H19V9H13V5M13 11H19V15H13V11M5 5H11V9H5V5M5 15V11H11V15H5Z",tj1="M3,9H17V7H3V9M3,13H17V11H3V13M3,17H17V15H3V17M19,17H21V15H19V17M19,7V9H21V7H19M19,13H21V11H19V13Z",vj1="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.22 5.11C3.08 5.38 3 5.68 3 6V18C3 19.11 3.9 20 5 20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M10.11 12H5V8H6.11L10.11 12M11 18H5V14H11V18M13 18V14.89L16.11 18H13M13 9.8L7.2 4H19C20.11 4 21 4.89 21 6V17.8L19 15.8V14H17.2L15.2 12H19V8H13V9.8Z",lj1="M4 6H20V9H18L18.22 11H23V13H18.44L19 18H16.5L15.94 13H8.06L7.5 18H5L5.56 13H1V11H5.78L6 9H4M15.5 9H8.5L8.29 11H15.71Z",oj1="M22 15H20V18C20 19.11 19.11 20 18 20H15V22L12 19L15 16V18H18V15H16L19 12L22 15M22 4V8C22 9.1 21.1 10 20 10H10V20C10 21.1 9.1 22 8 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.1 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.1 2 22 2.9 22 4M4 8H8V4H4V8M4 10V14H8V10H4M8 20V16H4V20L8 20M14 8V4H10V8H14M20 4L20 4H16V8H20L20 4Z",nj1="M18,14H20V17H23V19H20V22H18V19H15V17H18V14M4,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V12.08C18.45,11.82 16.92,12.18 15.68,13H12V17H13.08C12.97,17.68 12.97,18.35 13.08,19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V11H10V7H4M12,7V11H18V7H12M4,13V17H10V13H4Z",Zj1="M19.5 20.5V22H18V20.5H19.5M17.5 15.5H16V15C16 13.34 17.34 12 19 12S22 13.34 22 15C22 15.97 21.5 16.88 20.71 17.41L20.41 17.6C19.84 18 19.5 18.61 19.5 19.3V19.5H18V19.3C18 18.11 18.6 17 19.59 16.35L19.88 16.16C20.27 15.9 20.5 15.47 20.5 15C20.5 14.17 19.83 13.5 19 13.5S17.5 14.17 17.5 15V15.5M18 3H4C2.9 3 2 3.9 2 5V17C2 18.1 2.9 19 4 19H14V17H12V13H14.42C14.78 12.2 15.34 11.5 16.03 11H12V7H18V10.1C18.32 10.04 18.66 10 19 10S19.68 10.04 20 10.1V5C20 3.9 19.11 3 18 3M10 17H4V13H10V17M10 11H4V7H10V11Z",Sj1="M18 14.5C19.11 14.5 20.11 14.95 20.83 15.67L22 14.5V18.5H18L19.77 16.73C19.32 16.28 18.69 16 18 16C16.62 16 15.5 17.12 15.5 18.5C15.5 19.88 16.62 21 18 21C18.82 21 19.55 20.61 20 20H21.71C21.12 21.47 19.68 22.5 18 22.5C15.79 22.5 14 20.71 14 18.5C14 16.29 15.79 14.5 18 14.5M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.17C19.5 12.06 19 12 18.5 12C17.23 12 16.04 12.37 15.04 13H12V17H12.18C12.06 17.5 12 18 12 18.5L12 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",uj1="M15.46,15.88L16.88,14.46L19,16.59L21.12,14.46L22.54,15.88L20.41,18L22.54,20.12L21.12,21.54L19,19.41L16.88,21.54L15.46,20.12L17.59,18L15.46,15.88M4,3H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,5V12.08C18.45,11.82 16.92,12.18 15.68,13H12V17H13.08C12.97,17.68 12.97,18.35 13.08,19H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,7V11H10V7H4M12,7V11H18V7H12M4,13V17H10V13H4Z",cj1="M22,14A2,2 0 0,1 20,16H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V14M4,14H8V10H4V14M10,14H14V10H10V14M16,14H20V10H16V14Z",sj1="M3,5H15A2,2 0 0,1 17,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 15,19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V7A2,2 0 0,1 3,5M3,9V12H8V9H3M10,9V12H15V9H10M3,14V17H8V14H3M10,14V17H15V14H10M23,14V7H19V9H21V12H19V14H23Z",Oj1="M22,10A2,2 0 0,1 20,12H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,10V3H4V5H8V3H10V5H14V3H16V5H20V3H22V10M4,10H8V7H4V10M10,10H14V7H10V10M20,10V7H16V10H20M11,14H13V17H16V19H13V22H11V19H8V17H11V14Z",hj1="M22,14A2,2 0 0,0 20,12H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,14V21H4V19H8V21H10V19H14V21H16V19H20V21H22V14M4,14H8V17H4V14M10,14H14V17H10V14M20,14V17H16V14H20M11,10H13V7H16V5H13V2H11V5H8V7H11V10Z",pj1="M9.41,13L12,15.59L14.59,13L16,14.41L13.41,17L16,19.59L14.59,21L12,18.41L9.41,21L8,19.59L10.59,17L8,14.41L9.41,13M22,9A2,2 0 0,1 20,11H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,9V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V9M4,9H8V6H4V9M10,9H14V6H10V9M16,9H20V6H16V9Z",fj1="M19.3,17.89C20.62,15.79 20,13 17.89,11.68C15.79,10.36 13,11 11.68,13.09C10.36,15.2 11,18 13.09,19.3C14.56,20.22 16.42,20.22 17.89,19.3L21,22.39L22.39,21L19.3,17.89M17.3,17.27C16.32,18.25 14.74,18.24 13.76,17.27C12.79,16.29 12.79,14.71 13.77,13.73C14.74,12.76 16.32,12.76 17.3,13.73C18.26,14.72 18.25,16.3 17.27,17.27H17.3M19,4H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 5,20H10.81C10.25,19.42 9.8,18.74 9.5,18H5V14H9.18C9.34,13.29 9.61,12.61 10,12H5V8H11V10.81C11.58,10.25 12.26,9.8 13,9.5V8H19V10C19.4,10.25 19.77,10.55 20.1,10.88C20.44,11.22 20.74,11.59 21,12V6A2,2 0 0,0 19,4Z",gj1="M7,22H9V24H7V22M11,22H13V24H11V22M15,22H17V24H15V22M5,4H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 5,4M5,8V12H11V8H5M13,8V12H19V8H13M5,14V18H11V14H5M13,14V18H19V14H13Z",kj1="M19 14H21V20H3V14H5V18H19V14M3 4V10H5V6H19V10H21V4H3M11 11V13H8V15L5 12L8 9V11H11M16 11V9L19 12L16 15V13H13V11H16Z",Bj1="M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V12.08C18.45 11.82 16.92 12.18 15.68 13H12V17H13.08C12.97 17.68 12.97 18.35 13.08 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4M16.5 21.6L17.2 18.8L15 16.9L17.9 16.7L19 14L20.1 16.6L23 16.8L20.8 18.7L21.5 21.5L19 20.1L16.5 21.6Z",Pj1="M19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5C23 18.32 22.76 19.08 22.33 19.71L21.24 18.62C21.41 18.28 21.5 17.9 21.5 17.5C21.5 16.12 20.38 15 19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12M19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23M4 3H18C19.11 3 20 3.9 20 5V11L19.5 11C17.66 11 16 11.77 14.81 13H12V17H13L13 17.5C13 18 13.06 18.5 13.17 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V5C2 3.9 2.9 3 4 3M4 7V11H10V7H4M12 7V11H18V7H12M4 13V17H10V13H4Z",wj1="M18.5,14C19.9,14 21,15.1 21,16.5C21,17.9 19.9,19 18.5,19C17.1,19 16,17.9 16,16.5C16,15.1 17.1,14 18.5,14M7,15C7,15 8,16 8,17V20.5C8,21.3 8.7,22 9.5,22C10.3,22 11,21.3 11,20.5V17C11,16 12,15 12,15H7M8,14H11C11,14 16,14 16,9C16,4 12,2 9.5,2C7,2 3,4 3,9C3,14 8,14 8,14Z",Fj1="M19,18H5V6H19M21,4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V6C23,4.89 22.1,4 21,4Z",Tj1="M3,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V8H18V6H5V18H14V20H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 3,4M17,10H23A1,1 0 0,1 24,11V21A1,1 0 0,1 23,22H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,21V11A1,1 0 0,1 17,10M18,12V19H22V12H18Z",bj1="M19,18H5V6H19M21,4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18V6C23,4.89 22.1,4 21,4M7,8H13V13H7V8M14,8H17V10H14V8M17,11V16H14V11H17M7,14H13V16H7V14Z",yj1="M19,18H5A4,4 0 0,1 1,14A8,8 0 0,1 9,6C10.06,6 11.07,6.21 12,6.58C12.93,6.21 13.94,6 15,6A8,8 0 0,1 23,14A4,4 0 0,1 19,18M3,14A2,2 0 0,0 5,16A2,2 0 0,0 7,14C7,11.63 8.03,9.5 9.67,8.04L9,8A6,6 0 0,0 3,14M19,16A2,2 0 0,0 21,14A6,6 0 0,0 15,8A6,6 0 0,0 9,14C9,14.73 8.81,15.41 8.46,16H19Z",Rj1="M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.41L11.58,21.41C11.95,21.77 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.77 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.44 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58Z",xj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M7 19V15H5V19H3L6 22L9 19H7Z",Dj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M8 18V14H6V18H4L7 21L10 18H8Z",Ej1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M5 19H9V17H5V15L2 18L5 21V19Z",Nj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M5 19H9V17H5V15L2 18L5 21V19Z",Wj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M6 17H2V19H6V21L9 18L6 15V17Z",Ij1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6 17H2V19H6V21L9 18L6 15V17Z",Gj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M5 17V21H7V17H9L6 14L3 17H5Z",Qj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6 17V21H8V17H10L7 14L4 17H6Z",Uj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.41L3 12.81C3.9 12.27 4.94 12 6 12C9.31 12 12 14.69 12 18C12 19.06 11.72 20.09 11.18 21L11.58 21.4C11.95 21.78 12.47 22 13 22S14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13S21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M8.63 14.27L4.76 18.17L3.41 16.8L2 18.22L4.75 21L10.03 15.68L8.63 14.27",zj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M8.63 14.27L4.76 18.17L3.41 16.8L2 18.22L4.75 21L10.03 15.68L8.63 14.27",_j1="M12.41 2.58L21.41 11.58C21.77 11.94 22 12.44 22 13C22 13.55 21.78 14.05 21.41 14.41L14.41 21.41C14.05 21.77 13.55 22 13 22C12.45 22 11.95 21.77 11.58 21.41L9.45 19.28L10.7 18.03L10.7 18.04L13.11 15.62C14.11 14.63 14.11 13 13.11 12L11.83 10.74C10.84 9.75 9.23 9.75 8.24 10.74L8.07 10.91L8.06 10.91L4.57 14.4L2.59 12.41C2.22 12.05 2 11.55 2 11V4C2 2.89 2.89 2 4 2H11C11.55 2 12.05 2.22 12.41 2.58M4.44 6.56C4.72 6.84 5.1 7 5.5 7C5.9 7 6.28 6.84 6.56 6.56C6.84 6.28 7 5.9 7 5.5C7 5.1 6.84 4.72 6.56 4.44C6.28 4.16 5.9 4 5.5 4C5.1 4 4.72 4.16 4.44 4.44C4.16 4.72 4 5.1 4 5.5C4 5.9 4.16 6.28 4.44 6.56M10.7 15.35L11.7 14.35C11.91 14.14 11.91 13.79 11.7 13.58L10.42 12.3C10.21 12.09 9.86 12.09 9.65 12.3L8.65 13.3L10.7 15.35M8.06 13.88L2 19.94V22H4.06L10.11 15.93L8.06 13.88Z",Kj1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V11C2 11.26 2.05 11.53 2.15 11.77C2.25 12 2.4 12.23 2.59 12.42L4.57 14.4L6 13L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L10.87 17.87L10.7 18.04L10.7 18.03L9.45 19.28L11.59 21.42C11.97 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.74 21.95 12.5 21.85 12.23C21.75 12 21.6 11.77 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C6.8 5 7.09 5.09 7.33 5.25C7.58 5.42 7.77 5.65 7.89 5.93C8 6.2 8.03 6.5 7.97 6.79C7.91 7.08 7.77 7.35 7.56 7.56C7.35 7.77 7.08 7.91 6.79 7.97C6.5 8.03 6.2 8 5.93 7.89C5.65 7.77 5.42 7.58 5.25 7.33C5.09 7.09 5 6.8 5 6.5C5 6.1 5.16 5.72 5.44 5.44C5.72 5.16 6.1 5 6.5 5M10.7 15.35L11.7 14.35C11.91 14.14 11.91 13.79 11.7 13.58L10.42 12.3C10.21 12.09 9.86 12.09 9.65 12.3L8.65 13.3L10.7 15.35M8.06 13.88L2 19.94V22H4.06L10.11 15.93L8.06 13.88Z",jj1="M15,18C11.68,18 9,15.31 9,12C9,8.68 11.68,6 15,6A6,6 0 0,1 21,12A6,6 0 0,1 15,18M4,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12A1,1 0 0,1 4,11A1,1 0 0,1 5,12A1,1 0 0,1 4,13M22,3H7.63C6.97,3 6.38,3.32 6,3.81L0,12L6,20.18C6.38,20.68 6.97,21 7.63,21H22A2,2 0 0,0 24,19V5C24,3.89 23.1,3 22,3M13,11A1,1 0 0,0 14,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,9A1,1 0 0,0 12,10A1,1 0 0,0 13,11M15,16C16.86,16 18.35,14.72 18.8,13H11.2C11.65,14.72 13.14,16 15,16M17,11A1,1 0 0,0 18,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,9A1,1 0 0,0 16,10A1,1 0 0,0 17,11Z",qj1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.42L11.59,21.42C11.95,21.78 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.78 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.45 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M17.27,15.27L13,19.54L8.73,15.27C8.28,14.81 8,14.19 8,13.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,11C11.19,11 11.82,11.28 12.27,11.74L13,12.46L13.73,11.73C14.18,11.28 14.81,11 15.5,11A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18,13.5C18,14.19 17.72,14.82 17.27,15.27Z",$j1="M4,2A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.55 2.22,12.05 2.59,12.42L11.59,21.42C11.95,21.78 12.45,22 13,22C13.55,22 14.05,21.78 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.78,14.05 22,13.55 22,13C22,12.45 21.77,11.94 21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.05,2.22 11.55,2 11,2H4V2M11,4L20,13L13,20L4,11V4H11V4H11M6.5,5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,5M10.95,10.5C9.82,10.5 8.9,11.42 8.9,12.55C8.9,13.12 9.13,13.62 9.5,14L13,17.5L16.5,14C16.87,13.63 17.1,13.11 17.1,12.55A2.05,2.05 0 0,0 15.05,10.5C14.5,10.5 13.97,10.73 13.6,11.1L13,11.7L12.4,11.11C12.03,10.73 11.5,10.5 10.95,10.5Z",Xj1="M13.64 3.81L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H10V4H11L12.23 5.23L13.64 3.81M12.93 5.93L14.35 4.5L16.47 6.64L15.05 8.05L12.93 5.93M4 11L5.23 12.23L3.81 13.64L2.59 12.42C2.4 12.23 2.25 12 2.15 11.77C2.05 11.53 2 11.26 2 11V10H4V11M4.5 14.35L5.93 12.93L8.05 15.05L6.64 16.47L4.5 14.35M9.47 19.3L7.35 17.18L8.76 15.76L10.88 17.88L9.47 19.3M15.76 8.76L17.88 10.88L19.3 9.47L17.18 7.35L15.76 8.76M18.59 11.59L20 10.17L21.41 11.58C21.6 11.77 21.75 12 21.85 12.23C21.95 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.53 21.79 14.04 21.41 14.41L18.59 11.59M20.7 15.12L19.29 13.71L16.85 16.15L18.26 17.56L20.7 15.12M16.15 16.85L17.56 18.26L15.12 20.7L13.71 19.29L16.15 16.85M14.41 21.41L11.59 18.59L10.17 20L11.59 21.42C11.97 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41M4 9H2V6H4V9M2 5H4V4H5V2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V5M6 4V2H9V4H6M6.5 8C7.33 8 8 7.33 8 6.5C8 5.67 7.33 5 6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5C5 7.33 5.67 8 6.5 8Z",Yj1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M10,19H2V17H10V19Z",Jj1="M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.04 2.21 11.53 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.53 2.21 12.04 2.59 12.42L3 12.82C3.64 12.44 4.35 12.19 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92C11.82 19.66 11.56 20.36 11.18 21L11.59 21.41C11.96 21.79 12.47 22 13 22C13.53 22 14.04 21.79 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41C21.79 14.04 22 13.53 22 13C22 12.47 21.79 11.96 21.41 11.58M6.5 5C5.67 5 5 5.67 5 6.5S5.67 8 6.5 8 8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5M10 19H2V17H10V19Z",Cq1="M5.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5.5,9M17.41,11.58C17.77,11.94 18,12.44 18,13C18,13.55 17.78,14.05 17.41,14.41L12.41,19.41C12.05,19.77 11.55,20 11,20C10.45,20 9.95,19.78 9.58,19.41L2.59,12.42C2.22,12.05 2,11.55 2,11V6C2,4.89 2.89,4 4,4H9C9.55,4 10.05,4.22 10.41,4.58L17.41,11.58M13.54,5.71L14.54,4.71L21.41,11.58C21.78,11.94 22,12.45 22,13C22,13.55 21.78,14.05 21.42,14.41L16.04,19.79L15.04,18.79L20.75,13L13.54,5.71Z",Hq1="M6.5 10C7.3 10 8 9.3 8 8.5S7.3 7 6.5 7 5 7.7 5 8.5 5.7 10 6.5 10M9 6L16 13L11 18L4 11V6H9M9 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.9 2 6V11C2 11.6 2.2 12.1 2.6 12.4L9.6 19.4C9.9 19.8 10.4 20 11 20S12.1 19.8 12.4 19.4L17.4 14.4C17.8 14 18 13.5 18 13C18 12.4 17.8 11.9 17.4 11.6L10.4 4.6C10.1 4.2 9.6 4 9 4M13.5 5.7L14.5 4.7L21.4 11.6C21.8 12 22 12.5 22 13S21.8 14.1 21.4 14.4L16 19.8L15 18.8L20.7 13L13.5 5.7Z",Vq1="M18.33 8.5L22.92 3.92L21.5 2.5L2.5 21.5L3.92 22.92L8.5 18.33L11.58 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M5.61 15.43L15.47 5.65L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.41M5.5 4A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 4 5.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5.5 4Z",Lq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M18.33 8.5L22.92 3.92L21.5 2.5L2.5 21.5L3.92 22.92L8.5 18.33L11.59 21.42A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M13 20L9.92 16.92L16.92 9.92L20 13M5.61 15.43L7 14L4 11V4H11L14.06 7.06L15.47 5.66L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42M5 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 5 6.5Z",Mq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L11.59 21.42A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M13 20L4 11V4H11L20 13M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 5 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 5Z",Aq1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M10,19H7V22H5V19H2V17H5V14H7V17H10V19Z",iq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L3 12.82A5.62 5.62 0 0 1 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92A5.57 5.57 0 0 1 11.18 21L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M10 19H7V22H5V19H2V17H5V14H7V17H10Z",rq1="M21.41,11.58L12.41,2.58C12.04,2.21 11.53,2 11,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11C2,11.53 2.21,12.04 2.59,12.41L3,12.81C3.9,12.27 4.94,12 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18C12,19.06 11.72,20.09 11.18,21L11.58,21.4C11.95,21.78 12.47,22 13,22C13.53,22 14.04,21.79 14.41,21.41L21.41,14.41C21.79,14.04 22,13.53 22,13C22,12.47 21.79,11.96 21.41,11.58M5.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5.5,7M8.12,21.54L6,19.41L3.88,21.54L2.46,20.12L4.59,18L2.46,15.88L3.87,14.47L6,16.59L8.12,14.47L9.53,15.88L7.41,18L9.53,20.12L8.12,21.54Z",aq1="M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.42L3 12.82A5.62 5.62 0 0 1 5.08 12.08L4 11V4H11L20 13L13 20L11.92 18.92A5.57 5.57 0 0 1 11.18 21L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 5A1.5 1.5 0 1 0 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 6.5 5M8.12 21.54L6 19.41L3.88 21.54L2.46 20.12L4.59 18L2.46 15.88L3.88 14.46L6 16.59L8.12 14.46L9.54 15.88L7.41 18L9.54 20.12Z",eq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58C12.05 2.22 11.55 2 11 2H4C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V11C2 11.55 2.22 12.05 2.59 12.41L11.58 21.41C11.95 21.77 12.45 22 13 22S14.05 21.77 14.41 21.41L14.83 21C11.6 20.9 9 18.26 9 15C9 11.69 11.69 9 15 9C18.26 9 20.9 11.6 21 14.83L21.41 14.41C21.78 14.05 22 13.55 22 13C22 12.44 21.77 11.94 21.41 11.58M5.5 7C4.67 7 4 6.33 4 5.5S4.67 4 5.5 4 7 4.67 7 5.5 6.33 7 5.5 7M15.11 10.61C17.61 10.61 19.61 12.61 19.61 15.11C19.61 16 19.36 16.82 18.92 17.5L22 20.61L20.61 22L17.5 18.93C16.8 19.36 16 19.61 15.11 19.61C12.61 19.61 10.61 17.61 10.61 15.11S12.61 10.61 15.11 10.61M15.11 12.61C13.73 12.61 12.61 13.73 12.61 15.11S13.73 17.61 15.11 17.61 17.61 16.5 17.61 15.11 16.5 12.61 15.11 12.61",dq1="M22 13C22 13.53 21.79 14.04 21.41 14.41L21 14.83C20.91 11.97 18.84 9.62 16.11 9.11L11 4H4V11L9.11 16.11C9.62 18.84 11.97 20.91 14.83 21L14.41 21.41C14.04 21.79 13.53 22 13 22C12.47 22 11.97 21.79 11.59 21.42L2.59 12.42C2.21 12.04 2 11.53 2 11V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H11C11.53 2 12.04 2.21 12.41 2.58L21.41 11.58C21.79 11.96 22 12.47 22 13M5 6.5C5 7.33 5.67 8 6.5 8S8 7.33 8 6.5 7.33 5 6.5 5 5 5.67 5 6.5M15.11 10.61C12.61 10.61 10.61 12.61 10.61 15.11S12.61 19.61 15.11 19.61C16 19.61 16.8 19.36 17.5 18.93L20.61 22L22 20.61L18.92 17.5C19.36 16.82 19.61 16 19.61 15.11C19.61 12.61 17.61 10.61 15.11 10.61M15.11 12.61C16.5 12.61 17.61 13.73 17.61 15.11S16.5 17.61 15.11 17.61 12.61 16.5 12.61 15.11 13.73 12.61 15.11 12.61",mq1="M21.41 11.58L12.41 2.58A2 2 0 0 0 11 2H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 4V11A2 2 0 0 0 2.59 12.41L11.59 21.41A2 2 0 0 0 13 22A2 2 0 0 0 14.41 21.41L21.41 14.41A2 2 0 0 0 22 13A2 2 0 0 0 21.41 11.58M6.5 8A1.5 1.5 0 1 1 8 6.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 6.5 8M11.59 15.41L7.59 11.41L9 10L13 14M15.59 14.41L10.09 8.91L11.5 7.5L17 13Z",tq1="M21.4 11.6L12.4 2.6C12 2.2 11.5 2 11 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V11C2 11.5 2.2 12 2.6 12.4L11.6 21.4C12 21.8 12.5 22 13 22C13.5 22 14 21.8 14.4 21.4L21.4 14.4C21.8 14 22 13.5 22 13C22 12.5 21.8 12 21.4 11.6M13 20L4 11V4H11L20 13M6.5 5C7.3 5 8 5.7 8 6.5S7.3 8 6.5 8 5 7.3 5 6.5 5.7 5 6.5 5M10.1 8.9L11.5 7.5L17 13L15.6 14.4L10.1 8.9M7.6 11.4L9 10L13 14L11.6 15.4L7.6 11.4Z",vq1="M12 6C9.33 6 7.67 7.33 7 10C8 8.67 9.17 8.17 10.5 8.5C11.26 8.69 11.81 9.24 12.41 9.85C13.39 10.85 14.5 12 17 12C19.67 12 21.33 10.67 22 8C21 9.33 19.83 9.83 18.5 9.5C17.74 9.31 17.2 8.76 16.59 8.15C15.61 7.15 14.5 6 12 6M7 12C4.33 12 2.67 13.33 2 16C3 14.67 4.17 14.17 5.5 14.5C6.26 14.69 6.8 15.24 7.41 15.85C8.39 16.85 9.5 18 12 18C14.67 18 16.33 16.67 17 14C16 15.33 14.83 15.83 13.5 15.5C12.74 15.31 12.2 14.76 11.59 14.15C10.61 13.15 9.5 12 7 12Z",lq1="M13 19H11V5H13V19Z",oq1="M11 19H9V5H11V19M15 5H13V19H15V5Z",nq1="M9 19H7V5H9V19M13 5H11V19H13V5M17 5H15V19H17V5Z",Zq1="M7 19H5V5H7V19M11 5H9V19H11V5M15 5H13V19H15V5M19 5H17V19H19V5Z",Sq1="M19 10.73V19H17V11.36L15 12V19H13V12.62L11 13.26V19H9V13.89L7 14.5V19H5V15.15L2.57 15.92L2 14L5 13.05V5H7V12.42L9 11.79V5H11V11.16L13 10.53V5H15V9.9L17 9.26V5H19V8.63L21 8L21.57 9.92L19 10.73Z",uq1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.1 2 20 2M18.59 4L12 10.59L5.41 4H18.59M13.41 12L16.5 8.91L19.59 12L16.5 15.09L13.41 12M14.59 16H9.41L12 13.41L14.59 16M4 5.41L10.59 12L4 18.59V5.41M11.59 20H5.41L7.41 18H13.59L11.59 20M20 20H14.41L20 14.41V20M20 9.59L17.91 7.5L20 5.41V9.59Z",cq1="M20,12H4V11H6L7,6H12L13,11H20V12M13.22,7L13.62,9H22V7H13.22M22,16A3,3 0 0,1 19,19H5A3,3 0 0,1 2,16A3,3 0 0,1 5,13H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,16M6,16A1,1 0 0,0 5,15A1,1 0 0,0 4,16A1,1 0 0,0 5,17A1,1 0 0,0 6,16M13,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,15A1,1 0 0,0 11,16A1,1 0 0,0 12,17A1,1 0 0,0 13,16M20,16A1,1 0 0,0 19,15A1,1 0 0,0 18,16A1,1 0 0,0 19,17A1,1 0 0,0 20,16Z",sq1="M20 8H15V14H2V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.2 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17S5.2 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17 6.8 18.5 6 18.5M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17S17.2 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17M14 9.5C14 11.4 12.4 13 10.5 13H4.5C2.6 13 1 11.4 1 9.5S2.6 6 4.5 6H5V5H4V4H8V5H7V6H10.5C12.4 6 14 7.6 14 9.5Z",Oq1="M12 10C13.11 10 14 10.9 14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14C10.9 14 10 13.11 10 12C10 10.9 10.9 10 12 10M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V17H16.9C18.2 15.73 19 13.96 19 12C19 8.13 15.87 5 12 5C8.13 5 5 8.13 5 12C5 15.87 8.13 19 12 19H21C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3Z",hq1="M9,5A7,7 0 0,1 16,12H17V15H16V19H9A7,7 0 0,1 2,12A7,7 0 0,1 9,5M9,8A4,4 0 0,0 5,12A4,4 0 0,0 9,16A4,4 0 0,0 13,12A4,4 0 0,0 9,8M17,17H22V19L22,21H20V19H17V17Z",pq1="M11,2V4.07C7.38,4.53 4.53,7.38 4.07,11H2V13H4.07C4.53,16.62 7.38,19.47 11,19.93V22H13V19.93C16.62,19.47 19.47,16.62 19.93,13H22V11H19.93C19.47,7.38 16.62,4.53 13,4.07V2M11,6.08V8H13V6.09C15.5,6.5 17.5,8.5 17.92,11H16V13H17.91C17.5,15.5 15.5,17.5 13,17.92V16H11V17.91C8.5,17.5 6.5,15.5 6.08,13H8V11H6.09C6.5,8.5 8.5,6.5 11,6.08M12,11A1,1 0 0,0 11,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,13A1,1 0 0,0 13,12A1,1 0 0,0 12,11Z",fq1="M20.95,11H22.5V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V22.5H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13H1.5V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1.5H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11M5.07,11H6.5V13H5.07C5.5,16.07 7.93,18.5 11,18.93V17.5H13V18.93C16.07,18.5 18.5,16.07 18.93,13H17.5V11H18.93C18.5,7.93 16.07,5.5 13,5.07V6.5H11V5.07C7.93,5.5 5.5,7.93 5.07,11M16,16H8V15C8,13.67 10.67,13 12,13C13.33,13 16,13.67 16,15V16M12,8A2,2 0 0,1 14,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,12A2,2 0 0,1 10,10A2,2 0 0,1 12,8Z",gq1="M22.08,11.04H20.08V4H13.05V2H11.04V4H4V11.04H2V13.05H4V20.08H11.04V22.08H13.05V20.08H20.08V13.05H22.08V11.04M18.07,18.07H13.05V16.06H11.04V18.07H6V13.05H8.03V11.04H6V6H11.04V8.03H13.05V6H18.07V11.04H16.06V13.05H18.07V18.07M13.05,12.05A1,1 0 0,1 12.05,13.05C11.5,13.05 11.04,12.6 11.04,12.05C11.04,11.5 11.5,11.04 12.05,11.04C12.6,11.04 13.05,11.5 13.05,12.05Z",kq1="M5,11L6.5,6.5H17.5L19,11M17.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,16M6.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,16M18.92,6C18.72,5.42 18.16,5 17.5,5H15V3H9V5H6.5C5.84,5 5.28,5.42 5.08,6L3,12V20A1,1 0 0,0 4,21H5A1,1 0 0,0 6,20V19H18V20A1,1 0 0,0 19,21H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,20V12L18.92,6Z",Bq1="M4,19H20V21H4V19M20,8V5H18V8H20M20,3C20.6,3 21,3.2 21.4,3.6C21.8,4 22,4.5 22,5V8C22,8.6 21.8,9 21.4,9.4C21,9.8 20.6,10 20,10H18V13C18,14.1 17.6,15 16.8,15.8C16,16.6 15.1,17 14,17H8C6.9,17 6,16.6 5.2,15.8C4.4,15 4,14.1 4,13V3H9V5.4L7.2,6.8C7.1,6.9 7,7.1 7,7.2V11.5C7,11.8 7.2,12 7.5,12H11.5C11.8,12 12,11.8 12,11.5V7.2C12,7 11.9,6.9 11.8,6.8L10,5.4V3H20Z",Pq1="M4,19H20V21H4V19M21.4,3.6C21,3.2 20.6,3 20,3H4V13C4,14.1 4.4,15 5.2,15.8C6,16.6 6.9,17 8,17H14C15.1,17 16,16.6 16.8,15.8C17.6,15 18,14.1 18,13V10H20C20.6,10 21,9.8 21.4,9.4C21.8,9 22,8.6 22,8V5C22,4.5 21.8,4 21.4,3.6M16,5V8L16,10V13C16,13.6 15.8,14 15.4,14.4C15,14.8 14.6,15 14,15H8C7.4,15 7,14.8 6.6,14.4C6.2,14 6,13.5 6,13V5H10V6.4L8.2,7.8C8,7.9 8,8.1 8,8.2V12.5C8,12.8 8.2,13 8.5,13H12.5C12.8,13 13,12.8 13,12.5V8.2C13,8 12.9,7.9 12.8,7.8L11,6.4V5H16M20,8H18V5H20V8Z",wq1="M10.04 9.2L9.3 11H14.75L14 9.2L19.55 12L14 14.8L14.75 13H9.3L10.04 14.8L4.5 12L10.04 9.2M20.83 22H3.17C2.53 22 2 21.5 2 20.83V3.17C2 2.53 2.53 2 3.17 2H20.83C21.5 2 22 2.53 22 3.17V20.83C22 21.47 21.5 22 20.83 22M11.93 3.76C7.41 3.82 3.78 7.5 3.76 12C3.72 16.5 7.35 20.2 11.86 20.24H12C16.53 20.18 20.18 16.53 20.24 12C20.31 7.5 16.74 3.83 12.26 3.76C12.15 3.75 12.04 3.76 11.93 3.76Z",Fq1="M15.75 19.13C14.92 19.13 14.25 18.29 14.25 17.25C14.25 16.22 14.92 15.38 15.75 15.38C16.58 15.38 17.25 16.22 17.25 17.25C17.25 18.29 16.58 19.13 15.75 19.13M12 11.25C10.76 11.25 9.75 10.41 9.75 9.38C9.75 8.34 10.76 7.5 12 7.5C13.24 7.5 14.25 8.34 14.25 9.38C14.25 10.41 13.24 11.25 12 11.25M8.25 19.13C7.42 19.13 6.75 18.29 6.75 17.25C6.75 16.22 7.42 15.38 8.25 15.38C9.08 15.38 9.75 16.22 9.75 17.25C9.75 18.29 9.08 19.13 8.25 19.13M12 8.25C12.41 8.25 12.75 8.59 12.75 9C12.75 9.41 12.41 9.75 12 9.75C11.59 9.75 11.25 9.41 11.25 9C11.25 8.59 11.59 8.25 12 8.25M18.75 12C18.43 12 18.12 12.07 17.84 12.2C17.36 11.59 16.71 11.07 15.93 10.67C16.5 9.87 16.84 8.9 16.84 7.85C16.84 7.83 16.84 7.81 16.84 7.79C17.93 7.56 18.75 6.59 18.75 5.42C18.75 4.09 17.66 3 16.33 3C15.64 3 15 3.29 14.58 3.75C13.83 3.28 12.95 3 12 3C11.05 3 10.16 3.28 9.42 3.75C9 3.29 8.36 3 7.67 3C6.34 3 5.25 4.09 5.25 5.42C5.25 6.58 6.07 7.55 7.15 7.79C7.15 7.81 7.15 7.83 7.15 7.85C7.15 8.9 7.5 9.88 8.06 10.67C7.29 11.07 6.64 11.59 6.16 12.2C5.88 12.07 5.57 12 5.25 12C4 12 3 13 3 14.25C3 15.5 4 16.5 5.25 16.5C5.27 16.5 5.29 16.5 5.31 16.5C5.27 16.74 5.25 17 5.25 17.25C5.25 19.32 6.59 21 8.25 21C9.26 21 10.15 20.37 10.7 19.41C11.12 19.47 11.55 19.5 12 19.5C12.45 19.5 12.88 19.47 13.3 19.41C13.85 20.37 14.74 21 15.75 21C17.41 21 18.75 19.32 18.75 17.25C18.75 17 18.73 16.74 18.69 16.5C18.71 16.5 18.73 16.5 18.75 16.5C20 16.5 21 15.5 21 14.25C21 13 20 12 18.75 12",Tq1="M21.9,8.9L20.2,9.9L16.2,3L17.9,2L21.9,8.9M9.8,7.9L12.8,13.1L18.9,9.6L15.9,4.4L9.8,7.9M11.4,12.7L9.4,9.2L5.1,11.7L7.1,15.2L11.4,12.7M2.1,14.6L3.1,16.3L5.7,14.8L4.7,13.1L2.1,14.6M12.1,14L11.8,13.6L7.5,16.1L7.8,16.5C8,16.8 8.3,17.1 8.6,17.3L7,22H9L10.4,17.7H10.5L12,22H14L12.1,16.4C12.6,15.7 12.6,14.8 12.1,14Z",bq1="M21,17H3V5H21M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H8V21H16V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3Z",yq1="M3 11H0V9H3V11M3 14H0V16H3V14M5 5.12L2.88 3L1.46 4.41L3.59 6.54L5 5.12M10 5V2H8V5H10M24 9H21V11H24V9M16 5V2H14V5H16M20.41 6.54L22.54 4.42L21.12 3L19 5.12L20.41 6.54M24 14H21V16H24V14M19 9V16C19 17.1 18.1 18 17 18H15V20H9V18H7C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16V9C5 7.9 5.9 7 7 7H17C18.1 7 19 7.9 19 9M17 9H7V16H17V9M19 19.88L21.12 22L22.54 20.59L20.41 18.47L19 19.88M3.59 18.46L1.47 20.59L2.88 22L5 19.88L3.59 18.46Z",Rq1="M5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3M16,16L19,8H16.5L15,12.5L13.5,8H5V10H8V16H10V10H11.77L14,16H16Z",xq1="M8.16,3L6.75,4.41L9.34,7H4C2.89,7 2,7.89 2,9V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H14.66L17.25,4.41L15.84,3L12,6.84L8.16,3M4,9H17V19H4V9M19.5,9A1,1 0 0,1 20.5,10A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,11A1,1 0 0,1 18.5,10A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,9M19.5,12A1,1 0 0,1 20.5,13A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,14A1,1 0 0,1 18.5,13A1,1 0 0,1 19.5,12Z",Dq1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L21,21.72L19.73,23L17.73,21H4C2.89,21 2,20.11 2,19V9C2,8 2.76,7.14 3.75,7L2,5.27M8.16,3L12,6.84L15.84,3L17.25,4.41L14.66,7H20C21.11,7 22,7.89 22,9V19C22,19.34 21.92,19.66 21.77,19.94L17,15.18V9H10.82L8.82,7H9.34L6.75,4.41L8.16,3M4,9V19H15.73L5.73,9H4M19.5,9A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,10A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,11A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,10A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,9M19.5,12A1,1 0 0,0 18.5,13A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,14A1,1 0 0,0 20.5,13A1,1 0 0,0 19.5,12Z",Eq1="M21,17V5H3V17H21M21,3A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17A2,2 0 0,1 21,19H16V21H8V19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V5A2,2 0 0,1 3,3H21M5,7H11V11H5V7M5,13H11V15H5V13M13,7H19V9H13V7M13,11H19V15H13V11Z",Nq1="M0.5,2.77L1.78,1.5L21,20.72L19.73,22L16.73,19H16V21H8V19H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,17V5C1,4.5 1.17,4.07 1.46,3.73L0.5,2.77M21,17V5H7.82L5.82,3H21A2,2 0 0,1 23,5V17C23,17.85 22.45,18.59 21.7,18.87L19.82,17H21M3,17H14.73L3,5.27V17Z",Wq1="M3 3C1.89 3 1 3.89 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H16V19H21C22.1 19 23 18.1 23 17V5C23 3.89 22.1 3 21 3M3 5H21V17H3M9 8V14H11V8M13 8V14H15V8",Iq1="M21,3H3C1.89,3 1,3.89 1,5V17A2,2 0 0,0 3,19H8V21H16V19H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,17V5C23,3.89 22.1,3 21,3M21,17H3V5H21M16,11L9,15V7",Gq1="M21 17H3V5H21M21 3H3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V17C1 18.11 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H16V19H21C22.11 19 23 18.11 23 17V5C23 3.9 22.11 3 21 3M15 6.5L14.38 7.87L13 8.5L14.38 9.13L15 10.5L15.63 9.13L17 8.5L15.63 7.87L15 6.5M10.5 8.5L9.41 10.91L7 12L9.41 13.09L10.5 15.5L11.6 13.09L14 12L11.6 10.91L10.5 8.5",Qq1="M3 3C1.9 3 1 3.9 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H12V17H3V5H21V7H23V5C23 3.9 22.1 3 21 3H3M21 9H16C14.9 9 14 9.9 14 11V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H21C22.1 22 23 21.1 23 20V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 10.5C19.3 10.5 20 11.2 20 12S19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5 17 12.8 17 12 17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5C15.5 15.9 16.8 14.5 18.4 14.5H18.5C20.2 14.5 21.5 15.8 21.5 17.5S20.2 20.5 18.5 20.5M18.5 16C17.7 16 17 16.7 17 17.5S17.7 19 18.5 19 20 18.3 20 17.5 19.3 16 18.5 16Z",Uq1="M21 9H16C15 9 14.1 9.8 14 10.8L17.8 14.6C18 14.5 18.2 14.5 18.5 14.5H18.6C20.3 14.5 21.6 15.8 21.6 17.5C21.6 17.7 21.6 18 21.5 18.2L23.1 19.8V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M18.5 13.5C17.7 13.5 17 12.8 17 12S17.7 10.5 18.5 10.5 20 11.2 20 12 19.3 13.5 18.5 13.5M23 5V7H21V5H8.2L6.2 3H21C22.1 3 23 3.9 23 5M2.4 1.7L1.1 3L1.6 3.5C1.3 3.9 1 4.4 1 5V17C1 18.1 1.9 19 3 19H8V21H12V17H3V5H3.1L14 15.9V20C14 21.1 14.9 22 16 22H20.1L20.8 22.7L22.2 21.5L2.4 1.7M18.5 20.5C16.8 20.5 15.5 19.2 15.5 17.5V17.4L18.6 20.5H18.5Z",zq1="M3 3H21C22.1 3 23 3.89 23 5V17C23 18.1 22.1 19 21 19H16V21H8V19H3C1.9 19 1 18.1 1 17V5C1 3.89 1.89 3 3 3M3 5V17H21V5H3M9 8H15V14H9V8Z",_q1="M16.5,5C18.05,5 19.5,5.47 20.69,6.28L19.53,9.17C18.73,8.44 17.67,8 16.5,8C14,8 12,10 12,12.5C12,15 14,17 16.5,17C17.53,17 18.47,16.66 19.23,16.08L20.37,18.93C19.24,19.61 17.92,20 16.5,20A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 9,12.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 16.5,5M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,9A3,3 0 0,1 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",Kq1="M11,20V5H20V8H14V11H19V14H14V20H11M6,3A3,3 0 0,1 9,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,9A3,3 0 0,1 3,6A3,3 0 0,1 6,3M6,5A1,1 0 0,0 5,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,7A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",jq1="M7,5H10V11L15,5H19L13.88,10.78L19,20H15.38L11.76,13.17L10,15.15V20H7V5Z",qq1="M21 9C21 10.1 20.1 11 19 11H5C3.9 11 3 10.1 3 9H1C1 10.9 2.3 12.4 4 12.8V22H10V19C10 17.9 10.9 17 12 17S14 17.9 14 19V22H20V12.9C20.5 12.8 23 11.9 23 9H21M6 8.9V10H18V8.9C18.5 8.8 21 7.9 21 5H19C19 6.1 18.1 7 17 7H7C5.9 7 5 6.1 5 5H3C3 6.9 4.3 8.4 6 8.9M12 1L8.2 6H15.7L12 1Z",$q1="M21 9C21 10.1 20.1 11 19 11H18V8.9C19.7 8.5 21 6.9 21 5.1H19C19 6.2 18.1 7.1 17 7.1H16.5L12 1L7.5 7H7C5.9 7 5 6.1 5 5H3C3 6.9 4.3 8.4 6 8.8V11H5C3.9 11 3 10.1 3 9H1C1 10.9 2.3 12.4 4 12.8V22H11V18C11 17.5 11.4 17 12 17S13 17.5 13 18V22H20V12.9C21.7 12.5 23 10.9 23 9.1L21 9M12 4.3L14 7H10L12 4.3M8 9H16V11H8V9M18 20H15V18C15 16.4 13.6 15 12 15S9 16.4 9 18V20H6V13H18V20Z",Xq1="M6.6 11H17.4L16.5 8H7.5L6.6 11M20 11V13H4V11H2V22H10V17H14V22H22V11H20M15.9 6L15 3V1H13V3H11V1H9V3.1L8.1 6H15.9Z",Yq1="M20 11V13H18L15 3V1H13V3H11V1H9V3.1L6 13H4V11H2V22H11V17H13V22H22V11H20M15.3 11H8.7L9.3 9H14.7L15.3 11M14.1 7H9.9L10.5 5H13.5L14.1 7M20 20H15V15H9V20H4V15H7.5L8.1 13H15.9L16.5 15H20V20Z",Jq1="M18,15A4,4 0 0,1 22,19A4,4 0 0,1 18,23A4,4 0 0,1 14,19A4,4 0 0,1 18,15M18,17A2,2 0 0,0 16,19A2,2 0 0,0 18,21A2,2 0 0,0 20,19A2,2 0 0,0 18,17M6.05,14.54C6.05,14.54 7.46,13.12 7.47,10.3C7.11,8.11 7.97,5.54 9.94,3.58C12.87,0.65 17.14,0.17 19.5,2.5C21.83,4.86 21.35,9.13 18.42,12.06C16.46,14.03 13.89,14.89 11.7,14.53C8.88,14.54 7.46,15.95 7.46,15.95L3.22,20.19L1.81,18.78L6.05,14.54M18.07,3.93C16.5,2.37 13.5,2.84 11.35,5C9.21,7.14 8.73,10.15 10.29,11.71C11.86,13.27 14.86,12.79 17,10.65C19.16,8.5 19.63,5.5 18.07,3.93Z",C$1="M12,2C14.5,2 16.75,2.9 18.5,4.4C16.36,6.23 15,8.96 15,12C15,15.04 16.36,17.77 18.5,19.6C16.75,21.1 14.5,22 12,22C9.5,22 7.25,21.1 5.5,19.6C7.64,17.77 9,15.04 9,12C9,8.96 7.64,6.23 5.5,4.4C7.25,2.9 9.5,2 12,2M22,12C22,14.32 21.21,16.45 19.88,18.15C18.12,16.68 17,14.47 17,12C17,9.53 18.12,7.32 19.88,5.85C21.21,7.55 22,9.68 22,12M2,12C2,9.68 2.79,7.55 4.12,5.85C5.88,7.32 7,9.53 7,12C7,14.47 5.88,16.68 4.12,18.15C2.79,16.45 2,14.32 2,12Z",H$1="M8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C13.31 2 14.61 2.26 15.83 2.76C17.04 3.26 18.14 4 19.07 4.93C20 5.86 20.74 6.96 21.24 8.17C21.74 9.39 22 10.69 22 12C22 14.65 20.95 17.2 19.07 19.07C17.2 20.95 14.65 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76M6.89 18.15C8.32 19.34 10.12 20 12 20C13.88 20 15.68 19.34 17.11 18.15C15.79 16.46 15 14.32 15 12C15 9.68 15.79 7.55 17.11 5.85C15.69 4.66 13.88 4 12 4C10.12 4 8.32 4.66 6.89 5.85C8.21 7.55 9 9.68 9 12C9 14.32 8.21 16.46 6.89 18.15M5.5 16.67C6.44 15.35 7 13.74 7 12C7 10.26 6.44 8.65 5.5 7.34C4.53 8.69 4 10.32 4 12C4 13.68 4.53 15.31 5.5 16.67M18.5 7.34C17.56 8.65 17 10.26 17 12C17 13.74 17.56 15.35 18.5 16.67C19.47 15.31 20 13.69 20 12C20 10.32 19.47 8.69 18.5 7.34Z",V$1="M4,6C4,7.19 4.39,8.27 5,9A3,3 0 0,1 2,6A3,3 0 0,1 5,3C4.39,3.73 4,4.81 4,6M2,21V19H4.76L12,4.78L19.24,19H22V21H2M12,9.19L7,19H17L12,9.19Z",L$1="M21 5.4V11.8L15.4 15V8.7L21 5.4M14.8 8.7V15L9.2 11.8V5.4L14.8 8.7M14.8 15.7V22.1L9.2 18.9V12.5L14.8 15.7M8.6 5.1V11.5L3 8.3V1.9L8.6 5.1Z",M$1="M14,6L10.25,11L13.1,14.8L11.5,16C9.81,13.75 7,10 7,10L1,18H23L14,6Z",A$1="M7,2V4H8V18A4,4 0 0,0 12,22A4,4 0 0,0 16,18V4H17V2H7M11,16C10.4,16 10,15.6 10,15C10,14.4 10.4,14 11,14C11.6,14 12,14.4 12,15C12,15.6 11.6,16 11,16M13,12C12.4,12 12,11.6 12,11C12,10.4 12.4,10 13,10C13.6,10 14,10.4 14,11C14,11.6 13.6,12 13,12M14,7H10V4H14V7Z",i$1="M7,2H17V4H16V18A4,4 0 0,1 12,22A4,4 0 0,1 8,18V4H7V2M14,4H10V18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20A2,2 0 0,0 14,18V4Z",r$1="M2,5.27L3.28,4L20,20.72L18.73,22L15.84,19.11C15.36,20.77 13.82,22 12,22A4,4 0 0,1 8,18V11.27L2,5.27M7,2H17V4H16V14.18L13.63,11.81C13.86,11.63 14,11.35 14,11C14,10.4 13.6,10 13,10C12.65,10 12.37,10.14 12.19,10.37L8,6.18V4H7V2M11,16C11.5,16 11.88,15.71 12,15.24L10.76,14C10.29,14.12 10,14.5 10,15C10,15.6 10.4,16 11,16M14,7V4H10V7H14Z",a$1="M21,6V8H3V6H21M3,18H12V16H3V18M3,13H21V11H3V13Z",e$1="M21 5V7H3V5H21M3 17H12V15H3V17M3 12H21V10H3V12M18 14C19.11 14 20 14.9 20 16S19.11 18 18 18 16 17.11 16 16 16.9 14 18 14M14 22V21C14 19.9 15.79 19 18 19S22 19.9 22 21V22H14Z",d$1="M14,17H7V15H14M17,13H7V11H17M17,9H7V7H17M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",m$1="M17,21L14.25,18L15.41,16.84L17,18.43L20.59,14.84L21.75,16.25M12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21M12,15H7V17H12M17,7H7V9H17",t$1="M17,21L14.25,18L15.41,16.84L17,18.43L20.59,14.84L21.75,16.25M12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21M12,17H7V15H12M14.68,13H7V11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13M17,9H7V7H17",v$1="M10 19.11L12.11 17H7V15H14V15.12L16.12 13H7V11H17V12.12L18.24 10.89C18.72 10.41 19.35 10.14 20.04 10.14C20.37 10.14 20.7 10.21 21 10.33V5C21 3.89 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.89 3 3 3.89 3 5V19C3 20.11 3.9 21 5 21H10V19.11M7 7H17V9H7V7M21.7 14.35L20.7 15.35L18.65 13.3L19.65 12.3C19.86 12.09 20.21 12.09 20.42 12.3L21.7 13.58C21.91 13.79 21.91 14.14 21.7 14.35M12 19.94L18.06 13.88L20.11 15.93L14.06 22H12V19.94Z",l$1="M10 21H5C3.89 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.89 3.89 3 5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.89 21 5V10.33C20.7 10.21 20.37 10.14 20.04 10.14C19.67 10.14 19.32 10.22 19 10.37V5H5V19H10.11L10 19.11V21M7 9H17V7H7V9M7 17H12.11L14 15.12V15H7V17M7 13H16.12L17 12.12V11H7V13M21.7 13.58L20.42 12.3C20.21 12.09 19.86 12.09 19.65 12.3L18.65 13.3L20.7 15.35L21.7 14.35C21.91 14.14 21.91 13.79 21.7 13.58M12 22H14.06L20.11 15.93L18.06 13.88L12 19.94V22Z",o$1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",n$1="M22,17V19H14V17H22M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",Z$1="M16,15H9V13H16M19,11H9V9H19M19,7H9V5H19M21,1H7C5.89,1 5,1.89 5,3V17C5,18.11 5.9,19 7,19H21C22.11,19 23,18.11 23,17V3C23,1.89 22.1,1 21,1M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3Z",S$1="M16,15H9V13H16V15M19,11H9V9H19V11M19,7H9V5H19V7M3,5V21H19V23H3A2,2 0 0,1 1,21V5H3M21,1A2,2 0 0,1 23,3V17C23,18.11 22.11,19 21,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V3C5,1.89 5.89,1 7,1H21M7,3V17H21V3H7Z",u$1="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19C3,20.11 3.89,21 5,21H19C20.11,21 21,20.11 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.11,3 19,3H5M5,5H19V19H5V5M7,7V9H17V7H7M7,11V13H17V11H7M7,15V17H14V15H7Z",c$1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",s$1="M17,14H19V17H22V19H19V22H17V19H14V17H17V14M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",O$1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M12,17V15H7V17H12M17,11H7V13H14.69C13.07,14.07 12,15.91 12,18C12,19.09 12.29,20.12 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V12.8C20.12,12.29 19.09,12 18,12L17,12.08V11M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",h$1="M14.46,15.88L15.88,14.46L18,16.59L20.12,14.46L21.54,15.88L19.41,18L21.54,20.12L20.12,21.54L18,19.41L15.88,21.54L14.46,20.12L16.59,18L14.46,15.88M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V12.8C20.39,12.45 19.72,12.2 19,12.08V5H5V19H12.08C12.2,19.72 12.45,20.39 12.8,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H17V12.08C16.15,12.22 15.37,12.54 14.68,13H7V11M7,15H12V17H7V15Z",p$1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M7,15V17H9C9.14,18.55 9.8,19.94 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V13.03C19.85,11.21 17.82,10 15.5,10C14.23,10 13.04,10.37 12.04,11H7V13H10C9.64,13.6 9.34,14.28 9.17,15H7M17,9V7H7V9H17Z",f$1="M15.5,12C18,12 20,14 20,16.5C20,17.38 19.75,18.21 19.31,18.9L22.39,22L21,23.39L17.88,20.32C17.19,20.75 16.37,21 15.5,21C13,21 11,19 11,16.5C11,14 13,12 15.5,12M15.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 13,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,19A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 18,16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 15.5,14M5,3H19C20.11,3 21,3.89 21,5V13.03C20.5,12.23 19.81,11.54 19,11V5H5V19H9.5C9.81,19.75 10.26,20.42 10.81,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.11 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.89,3 5,3M7,7H17V9H7V7M7,11H12.03C11.23,11.5 10.54,12.19 10,13H7V11M7,15H9.17C9.06,15.5 9,16 9,16.5V17H7V15Z",g$1="M4,5H20V7H4V5M4,9H20V11H4V9M4,13H20V15H4V13M4,17H14V19H4V17Z",k$1="M2 4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H8V4H4V8H2V4M22 20C22 21.11 21.11 22 20 22H16V20H20V16H22V20M4 22C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V16H4V20H8V22H4M20 2C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V8H20V4H16V2H20M9 7V9H11V17H13V9H15V7H9Z",B$1="M19.31 18.9L22.39 22L21 23.39L17.88 20.32C17.19 20.75 16.37 21 15.5 21C13 21 11 19 11 16.5C11 14 13 12 15.5 12C18 12 20 14 20 16.5C20 17.38 19.75 18.21 19.31 18.9M15.5 19C16.88 19 18 17.88 18 16.5C18 15.12 16.88 14 15.5 14C14.12 14 13 15.12 13 16.5C13 17.88 14.12 19 15.5 19M21 4V6H3V4H21M3 16V14H9V16H3M3 11V9H21V11H18.97C17.96 10.37 16.77 10 15.5 10C14.23 10 13.04 10.37 12.03 11H3Z",P$1="M9 6V8H2V6H9M9 11V13H2V11H9M18 16V18H2V16H18M19.31 11.5C19.75 10.82 20 10 20 9.11C20 6.61 18 4.61 15.5 4.61S11 6.61 11 9.11 13 13.61 15.5 13.61C16.37 13.61 17.19 13.36 17.88 12.93L21 16L22.39 14.61L19.31 11.5M15.5 11.61C14.12 11.61 13 10.5 13 9.11S14.12 6.61 15.5 6.61 18 7.73 18 9.11 16.88 11.61 15.5 11.61Z",w$1="M3,3H16V6H11V18H8V6H3V3M12,7H14V9H12V7M15,7H17V9H15V7M18,7H20V9H18V7M12,10H14V12H12V10M12,13H14V15H12V13M12,16H14V18H12V16M12,19H14V21H12V19Z",F$1="M4,9H20V11H4V9M4,13H14V15H4V13Z",T$1="M9.29,21H12.12L21,12.12V9.29M19,21C19.55,21 20.05,20.78 20.41,20.41C20.78,20.05 21,19.55 21,19V17L17,21M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V7L7,3M11.88,3L3,11.88V14.71L14.71,3M19.5,3.08L3.08,19.5C3.17,19.85 3.35,20.16 3.59,20.41C3.84,20.65 4.15,20.83 4.5,20.92L20.93,4.5C20.74,3.8 20.2,3.26 19.5,3.08Z",b$1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V20C2 21.11 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M4 6L6 4H10.9L4 10.9V6M4 13.7L13.7 4H18.6L4 18.6V13.7M20 18L18 20H13.1L20 13.1V18M20 10.3L10.3 20H5.4L20 5.4V10.3Z",y$1="M4,15H6A2,2 0 0,1 8,17V19H9V17A2,2 0 0,1 11,15H13A2,2 0 0,1 15,17V19H16V17A2,2 0 0,1 18,15H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,17V19H23V22H1V19H2V17A2,2 0 0,1 4,15M11,7L15,10L11,13V7M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V13.54C21.41,13.19 20.73,13 20,13V4H4V13C3.27,13 2.59,13.19 2,13.54V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",R$1="M7.5,2C5.71,3.15 4.5,5.18 4.5,7.5C4.5,9.82 5.71,11.85 7.53,13C4.46,13 2,10.54 2,7.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 7.5,2M19.07,3.5L20.5,4.93L4.93,20.5L3.5,19.07L19.07,3.5M12.89,5.93L11.41,5L9.97,6L10.39,4.3L9,3.24L10.75,3.12L11.33,1.47L12,3.1L13.73,3.13L12.38,4.26L12.89,5.93M9.59,9.54L8.43,8.81L7.31,9.59L7.65,8.27L6.56,7.44L7.92,7.35L8.37,6.06L8.88,7.33L10.24,7.36L9.19,8.23L9.59,9.54M19,13.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 13.5,19C12.28,19 11.15,18.6 10.24,17.93L17.93,10.24C18.6,11.15 19,12.28 19,13.5M14.6,20.08L17.37,18.93L17.13,22.28L14.6,20.08M18.93,17.38L20.08,14.61L22.28,17.15L18.93,17.38M20.08,12.42L18.94,9.64L22.28,9.88L20.08,12.42M9.63,18.93L12.4,20.08L9.87,22.27L9.63,18.93Z",x$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5V8H11V5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",D$1="M17 13V7H19V13H17M17 17V15H19V17H17M13 13V5C13 3.3 11.7 2 10 2S7 3.3 7 5V13C4.8 14.7 4.3 17.8 6 20S10.8 22.7 13 21 15.7 16.2 14 14C13.7 13.6 13.4 13.3 13 13M10 4C10.6 4 11 4.4 11 5V8H9V5C9 4.4 9.4 4 10 4Z",E$1="M12 14C11.7 13.6 11.4 13.3 11 13V5C11 3.3 9.7 2 8 2S5 3.3 5 5V13C2.8 14.7 2.3 17.8 4 20S8.8 22.7 11 21 13.7 16.2 12 14M9 8H7V5C7 4.5 7.5 4 8 4S9 4.5 9 5V8M18 3H16L12.8 12H14.7L15.4 10H18.6L19.3 12H21.2L18 3M15.8 8.7L17 5L18.2 8.7H15.8Z",N$1="M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4M18 8V11.79L15.71 9.5L15 10.21L17.79 13L15 15.79L15.71 16.5L18 14.21V18H18.5L21.35 15.14L19.21 13L21.35 10.85L18.5 8H18M19 9.91L19.94 10.85L19 11.79V9.91M19 14.21L19.94 15.14L19 16.08V14.21Z",W$1="M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M16.25 15.16L13.5 12.16L14.66 11L16.25 12.59L19.84 9L21 10.41L16.25 15.16",I$1="M17.41 12.17L14.24 9L12.83 10.41L17.41 15L22 10.41L20.58 9M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4Z",G$1="M17.41 11.83L20.58 15L22 13.59L17.41 9L12.82 13.59L14.24 15L17.41 11.83M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4Z",Q$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5H11A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",U$1="M17 3H21V5H17V3M17 7H21V9H17V7M17 11H21V13H17.75L17 12.1V11M21 15V17H19C19 16.31 18.9 15.63 18.71 15H21M7 3V5H3V3H7M7 7V9H3V7H7M7 11V12.1L6.25 13H3V11H7M3 15H5.29C5.1 15.63 5 16.31 5 17H3V15M15 13V5C15 3.34 13.66 2 12 2S9 3.34 9 5V13C6.79 14.66 6.34 17.79 8 20S12.79 22.66 15 21 17.66 16.21 16 14C15.72 13.62 15.38 13.28 15 13M12 4C12.55 4 13 4.45 13 5V8H11V5C11 4.45 11.45 4 12 4Z",z$1="M15 13V5A3 3 0 0 0 9 5V13A5 5 0 1 0 15 13M12 4A1 1 0 0 1 13 5V12H11V5A1 1 0 0 1 12 4Z",_$1="M22 11H14V13H22V11M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4Z",K$1="M11 7.8L9 5.8V5C9 3.34 10.34 2 12 2S15 3.34 15 5V11.8L11.2 8H13V5C13 4.45 12.55 4 12 4S11 4.45 11 5V7.8M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L9 10.89V13C6.79 14.66 6.34 17.79 8 20C9.66 22.21 12.79 22.66 15 21C15.84 20.37 16.4 19.5 16.71 18.6L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46Z",j$1="M19 11V8H17V11H14V13H17V16H19V13H22V11M11 13V5C11 3.34 9.66 2 8 2S5 3.34 5 5V13C2.79 14.66 2.34 17.79 4 20S8.79 22.66 11 21 13.66 16.21 12 14C11.72 13.62 11.38 13.28 11 13M8 4C8.55 4 9 4.45 9 5V8H7V5C7 4.45 7.45 4 8 4Z",q$1="M19.47 3.47L13.47 9.47L10.53 10C10.22 10.03 9.94 10.18 9.72 10.4L2.81 17.31C1.74 18.38 1.74 20.12 2.81 21.2C3.88 22.27 5.62 22.27 6.7 21.2L13.61 14.29C13.83 14.07 14 13.79 14.03 13.5L14.54 10.54L20.54 4.54L22 2L19.47 3.47M11 14.38C10.24 14.38 9.62 13.76 9.62 13S10.24 11.62 11 11.62 12.38 12.24 12.38 13C12.37 13.76 11.76 14.38 11 14.38Z",$$1="M2 3.64L9.24 10.88L2.81 17.31C1.74 18.38 1.74 20.12 2.81 21.2C3.88 22.27 5.62 22.27 6.7 21.2L13.13 14.77L20.73 22.37L22 21.1L3.27 2.37L2 3.64M10.23 11.86L12.14 13.77C11.89 14.14 11.47 14.38 11 14.38C10.24 14.38 9.62 13.76 9.62 13C9.62 12.53 9.86 12.11 10.23 11.86M14.46 11L13 9.55L13.47 9.47L19.47 3.47L22 2L20.54 4.54L14.54 10.54L14.46 11Z",X$1="M10 13V5C10 3.34 8.66 2 7 2S4 3.34 4 5V13C1.79 14.66 1.34 17.79 3 20S7.79 22.66 10 21 12.66 16.21 11 14C10.72 13.62 10.38 13.28 10 13M7 4C7.55 4 8 4.45 8 5V8H6V5C6 4.45 6.45 4 7 4M18 7C18 7 14 11.34 14 14.07C14 19.31 22 19.31 22 14.07C22 11.34 18 7 18 7Z",Y$1="M16.95,16.95L14.83,14.83C15.55,14.1 16,13.1 16,12C16,11.26 15.79,10.57 15.43,10L17.6,7.81C18.5,9 19,10.43 19,12C19,13.93 18.22,15.68 16.95,16.95M12,5C13.57,5 15,5.5 16.19,6.4L14,8.56C13.43,8.21 12.74,8 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.1 8.45,14.1 9.17,14.83L7.05,16.95C5.78,15.68 5,13.93 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12C22,6.47 17.5,2 12,2Z",J$1="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22C12.4 22 12.7 22 13.1 21.9L15.4 15.3L14.8 14.7C15.5 14 16 13 16 11.9C16 11.2 15.8 10.5 15.4 9.9L17.6 7.7C18.5 9 19 10.4 19 12H20C20.3 12 20.6 12.1 20.8 12.2C20.8 12.2 20.9 12.2 20.9 12.3C21.3 12.5 21.7 12.9 21.9 13.4C22 12.9 22 12.5 22 12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M14 8.6C13.4 8.2 12.7 8 12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.1 8.4 14.1 9.2 14.8L7.1 16.9C5.8 15.7 5 13.9 5 12C5 8.1 8.1 5 12 5C13.6 5 15 5.5 16.2 6.4L14 8.6M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8Z",CX1="M5,3A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3H5M12,5C13.57,5 15,5.5 16.19,6.4L14,8.56C13.43,8.21 12.74,8 12,8A4,4 0 0,0 8,12C8,13.1 8.45,14.1 9.17,14.83L7.05,16.95C5.78,15.68 5,13.93 5,12A7,7 0 0,1 12,5M17.6,7.81C18.5,9 19,10.43 19,12C19,13.93 18.22,15.68 16.95,16.95L14.83,14.83C15.55,14.1 16,13.1 16,12C16,11.26 15.79,10.57 15.43,10L17.6,7.81Z",HX1="M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8M15.4 15.4L14.8 14.8C15.5 14.1 16 13.1 16 12C16 11.3 15.8 10.6 15.4 10L17.6 7.8C18.5 9 19 10.4 19 12H21V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H13.4L15.4 15.4M9.2 14.8L7 17C5.7 15.7 5 14 5 12C5 8.1 8.1 5 12 5C13.6 5 15 5.5 16.2 6.4L14 8.6C13.4 8.2 12.7 8 12 8C9.8 8 8 9.8 8 12C8 13.1 8.5 14.1 9.2 14.8Z",VX1="M22 12.66C21.07 12.24 20.07 12 19 12C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L15.43 10C15.79 10.57 16 11.26 16 12C16 12.24 16 12.5 15.94 12.7C13.61 13.84 12 16.23 12 19C12 20.07 12.24 21.07 12.66 22C12.44 22 12.22 22 12 22C10.69 22 9.39 21.74 8.17 21.24C6.96 20.74 5.86 20 4.93 19.07C3.05 17.2 2 14.65 2 12C2 9.35 3.05 6.8 4.93 4.93C5.86 4 6.96 3.26 8.17 2.76C9.39 2.26 10.69 2 12 2C17.5 2 22 6.47 22 12C22 12.22 22 12.44 22 12.66M12 5C10.14 5 8.36 5.74 7.05 7.05C5.74 8.36 5 10.14 5 12C5 13.93 5.78 15.68 7.05 16.95L9.17 14.83C8.45 14.1 8 13.1 8 12C8 10.94 8.42 9.92 9.17 9.17C9.92 8.42 10.94 8 12 8C12.74 8 13.43 8.21 14 8.56L16.19 6.4C15 5.5 13.57 5 12 5M23.83 20.64C23.89 20.53 23.87 20.39 23.77 20.32L22.72 19.5C22.74 19.33 22.75 19.16 22.75 19C22.75 18.84 22.74 18.67 22.72 18.5L23.77 17.68C23.87 17.61 23.89 17.5 23.83 17.36L22.83 15.64C22.77 15.53 22.64 15.5 22.53 15.53L21.28 16L21.14 15.91C20.91 15.77 20.7 15.64 20.44 15.54L20.25 14.21C20.23 14.09 20.13 14 20 14H18C17.88 14 17.77 14.09 17.75 14.21L17.57 15.54C17.3 15.64 17.09 15.78 16.86 15.92L16.72 16L15.5 15.53C15.37 15.5 15.23 15.53 15.17 15.64L14.17 17.36C14.11 17.5 14.14 17.61 14.23 17.68L15.29 18.5L15.29 18.53C15.27 18.69 15.25 18.84 15.25 19C15.25 19.16 15.27 19.31 15.29 19.47C15.29 19.5 15.29 19.5 15.29 19.5L14.23 20.32C14.14 20.39 14.11 20.53 14.17 20.64L15.17 22.37C15.23 22.5 15.37 22.5 15.5 22.5L16.72 21.97C17 22.17 17.25 22.34 17.57 22.47L17.75 23.79C17.77 23.91 17.88 24 18 24H20C20.13 24 20.23 23.91 20.25 23.79L20.44 22.47C20.75 22.34 21 22.17 21.28 21.97L22.53 22.5C22.64 22.5 22.77 22.5 22.83 22.37L23.83 20.64M19 17.25C19.97 17.25 20.75 18.03 20.75 19C20.75 19.97 19.96 20.75 19 20.75C18.04 20.75 17.25 19.97 17.25 19C17.25 18.03 18.03 17.25 19 17.25Z",LX1="M3.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,22A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,19M8.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,16M14.5,15C13.31,15 12.23,14.5 11.5,13.65C10.77,14.5 9.69,15 8.5,15C6.54,15 4.91,13.59 4.57,11.74C3.07,11.16 2,9.7 2,8A4,4 0 0,1 6,4C6.26,4 6.5,4.03 6.77,4.07C7.5,3.41 8.45,3 9.5,3C10.69,3 11.77,3.5 12.5,4.35C13.23,3.5 14.31,3 15.5,3C17.46,3 19.09,4.41 19.43,6.26C20.93,6.84 22,8.3 22,10A4,4 0 0,1 18,14L17.23,13.93C16.5,14.59 15.55,15 14.5,15Z",MX1="M3.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,22A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,20.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,19M8.5,16A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 11,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,21A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,16M14.5,15C13.31,15 12.23,14.5 11.5,13.65C10.77,14.5 9.69,15 8.5,15C6.54,15 4.91,13.59 4.57,11.74C3.07,11.16 2,9.7 2,8A4,4 0 0,1 6,4L6.77,4.07C7.5,3.41 8.45,3 9.5,3C10.69,3 11.77,3.5 12.5,4.35C13.23,3.5 14.31,3 15.5,3C17.46,3 19.09,4.41 19.43,6.26C20.93,6.84 22,8.3 22,10A4,4 0 0,1 18,14L17.23,13.93C16.5,14.59 15.55,15 14.5,15M6,6A2,2 0 0,0 4,8A2,2 0 0,0 6,10C6.33,10 6.64,9.92 6.92,9.78C6.66,10.12 6.5,10.54 6.5,11A2,2 0 0,0 8.5,13C9.1,13 9.64,12.73 10,12.31V12.31L11.47,10.63L13,12.34V12.34C13.38,12.74 13.91,13 14.5,13C15.5,13 16.33,12.26 16.5,11.3C16.84,11.73 17.39,12 18,12A2,2 0 0,0 20,10A2,2 0 0,0 18,8C17.67,8 17.36,8.08 17.08,8.22C17.34,7.88 17.5,7.46 17.5,7A2,2 0 0,0 15.5,5C14.91,5 14.38,5.26 14,5.66L12.47,7.37L11,5.69V5.69C10.64,5.27 10.1,5 9.5,5C8.5,5 7.67,5.74 7.5,6.7C7.16,6.27 6.61,6 6,6M8.5,17.5A1,1 0 0,0 7.5,18.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,19.5A1,1 0 0,0 9.5,18.5A1,1 0 0,0 8.5,17.5Z",AX1="M19,15H23V3H19M15,3H6C5.17,3 4.46,3.5 4.16,4.22L1.14,11.27C1.05,11.5 1,11.74 1,12V14A2,2 0 0,0 3,16H9.31L8.36,20.57C8.34,20.67 8.33,20.77 8.33,20.88C8.33,21.3 8.5,21.67 8.77,21.94L9.83,23L16.41,16.41C16.78,16.05 17,15.55 17,15V5C17,3.89 16.1,3 15,3Z",iX1="M19,15V3H23V15H19M15,3A2,2 0 0,1 17,5V15C17,15.55 16.78,16.05 16.41,16.41L9.83,23L8.77,21.94C8.5,21.67 8.33,21.3 8.33,20.88L8.36,20.57L9.31,16H3C1.89,16 1,15.1 1,14V12C1,11.74 1.05,11.5 1.14,11.27L4.16,4.22C4.46,3.5 5.17,3 6,3H15M15,5H5.97L3,12V14H11.78L10.65,19.32L15,14.97V5Z",rX1="M23,10C23,8.89 22.1,8 21,8H14.68L15.64,3.43C15.66,3.33 15.67,3.22 15.67,3.11C15.67,2.7 15.5,2.32 15.23,2.05L14.17,1L7.59,7.58C7.22,7.95 7,8.45 7,9V19A2,2 0 0,0 9,21H18C18.83,21 19.54,20.5 19.84,19.78L22.86,12.73C22.95,12.5 23,12.26 23,12V10M1,21H5V9H1V21Z",aX1="M5,9V21H1V9H5M9,21A2,2 0 0,1 7,19V9C7,8.45 7.22,7.95 7.59,7.59L14.17,1L15.23,2.06C15.5,2.33 15.67,2.7 15.67,3.11L15.64,3.43L14.69,8H21C22.11,8 23,8.9 23,10V12C23,12.26 22.95,12.5 22.86,12.73L19.84,19.78C19.54,20.5 18.83,21 18,21H9M9,19H18.03L21,12V10H12.21L13.34,4.68L9,9.03V19Z",eX1="M22.5,10H15.75C15.13,10 14.6,10.38 14.37,10.91L12.11,16.2C12.04,16.37 12,16.56 12,16.75V18A1,1 0 0,0 13,19H18.18L17.5,22.18V22.42C17.5,22.73 17.63,23 17.83,23.22L18.62,24L23.56,19.06C23.83,18.79 24,18.41 24,18V11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 22.5,10M12,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5H5.82L6.5,1.82V1.59C6.5,1.28 6.37,1 6.17,0.79L5.38,0L0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6V12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 1.5,14H8.25C8.87,14 9.4,13.62 9.63,13.09L11.89,7.8C11.96,7.63 12,7.44 12,7.25V6Z",dX1="M12 6C12 5.45 11.55 5 11 5H5.82L6.5 1.82L6.5 1.59C6.5 1.28 6.37 1 6.17 .79L5.38 0L.44 4.94C.17 5.21 0 5.59 0 6V12.5C0 13.33 .67 14 1.5 14H8.25C8.87 14 9.4 13.62 9.63 13.09L11.89 7.8C11.96 7.63 12 7.44 12 7.25V6M10 7.13L7.92 12H2V6.21L3.93 4.28L3.36 7H10V7.13M22.5 10H15.75C15.13 10 14.6 10.38 14.37 10.91L12.11 16.2C12.04 16.37 12 16.56 12 16.75V18C12 18.55 12.45 19 13 19H18.18L17.5 22.18L17.5 22.42C17.5 22.73 17.63 23 17.83 23.22L18.62 24L23.56 19.06C23.83 18.79 24 18.41 24 18V11.5C24 10.67 23.33 10 22.5 10M22 17.79L20.07 19.72L20.64 17H14V16.87L16.08 12H22V17.79Z",mX1="M15.58,16.8L12,14.5L8.42,16.8L9.5,12.68L6.21,10L10.46,9.74L12,5.8L13.54,9.74L17.79,10L14.5,12.68M20,12C20,10.89 20.9,10 22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12Z",tX1="M20,12A2,2 0 0,0 22,14V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V14C3.11,14 4,13.1 4,12A2,2 0 0,0 2,10V6C2,4.89 2.9,4 4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V10A2,2 0 0,0 20,12M16.5,16.25C16.5,14.75 13.5,14 12,14C10.5,14 7.5,14.75 7.5,16.25V17H16.5V16.25M12,12.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 14.25,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,7.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 9.75,10A2.25,2.25 0 0,0 12,12.25Z",vX1="M13,8.5H11V6.5H13V8.5M13,13H11V11H13V13M13,17.5H11V15.5H13V17.5M22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 22,10Z",lX1="M22 10V6C22 4.89 21.1 4 20 4H4C2.9 4 2 4.89 2 6V10C3.11 10 4 10.9 4 12S3.11 14 2 14V18C2 19.1 2.9 20 4 20H20C21.1 20 22 19.1 22 18V14C20.9 14 20 13.1 20 12S20.9 10 22 10M20 8.54C18.81 9.23 18 10.53 18 12S18.81 14.77 20 15.46V18H4V15.46C5.19 14.77 6 13.47 6 12C6 10.5 5.2 9.23 4 8.54L4 6H20V8.54M11 15H13V17H11M11 11H13V13H11M11 7H13V9H11Z",oX1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10A2,2 0 0,1 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12A2,2 0 0,1 22,10V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4H4M4,6H20V8.54C18.76,9.25 18,10.57 18,12C18,13.43 18.76,14.75 20,15.46V18H4V15.46C5.24,14.75 6,13.43 6,12C6,10.57 5.24,9.25 4,8.54V6Z",nX1="M4,4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V10C3.11,10 4,10.9 4,12A2,2 0 0,1 2,14V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V14A2,2 0 0,1 20,12C20,10.89 20.9,10 22,10V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4H4M15.5,7L17,8.5L8.5,17L7,15.5L15.5,7M8.81,7.04C9.79,7.04 10.58,7.83 10.58,8.81A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.81,10.58C7.83,10.58 7.04,9.79 7.04,8.81A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 8.81,7.04M15.19,13.42C16.17,13.42 16.96,14.21 16.96,15.19A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.19,16.96C14.21,16.96 13.42,16.17 13.42,15.19A1.77,1.77 0 0,1 15.19,13.42Z",ZX1="M14.8 8L16 9.2L9.2 16L8 14.8L14.8 8M4 4H20C21.11 4 22 4.89 22 6V10C20.9 10 20 10.9 20 12C20 13.11 20.9 14 22 14V18C22 19.11 21.11 20 20 20H4C2.9 20 2 19.11 2 18V14C3.11 14 4 13.11 4 12C4 10.9 3.11 10 2 10V6C2 4.89 2.9 4 4 4M4 6V8.54C5.24 9.26 6 10.57 6 12C6 13.43 5.24 14.75 4 15.46V18H20V15.46C18.76 14.75 18 13.43 18 12C18 10.57 18.76 9.26 20 8.54V6H4M9.5 8C10.33 8 11 8.67 11 9.5C11 10.33 10.33 11 9.5 11C8.67 11 8 10.33 8 9.5C8 8.67 8.67 8 9.5 8M14.5 13C15.33 13 16 13.67 16 14.5C16 15.33 15.33 16 14.5 16C13.67 16 13 15.33 13 14.5C13 13.67 13.67 13 14.5 13Z",SX1="M6,2L10,6L7,17L12,22L17,17L14,6L18,2Z",uX1="M2,15C2,15 2,9 8,9C12,9 12.5,12.5 15.5,12.5C19.5,12.5 19.5,9 19.5,9H22C22,9 22,15 16,15C12,15 10.5,11.5 8.5,11.5C4.5,11.5 4.5,15 4.5,15H2",cX1="M20.84 22.73L10.78 12.67C10 12.03 9.27 11.5 8.5 11.5C4.5 11.5 4.5 15 4.5 15H2C2 15 2 9.59 7.16 9.05L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L10.03 9.37L10.03 9.37L15.64 15L15.63 15L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M22 9H19.5C19.5 9 19.5 12.38 15.69 12.5L17.95 14.75C22 13.62 22 9 22 9Z",sX1="M12,20A8,8 0 0,1 4,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,4A8,8 0 0,1 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2M16.24,7.76C15.07,6.58 13.53,6 12,6V12L7.76,16.24C10.1,18.58 13.9,18.58 16.24,16.24C18.59,13.9 18.59,10.1 16.24,7.76Z",OX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6Z",hX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M15 7V13H17V7H15M15 15V17H17V15H15Z",pX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10M15 7H17V13H15V7M15 15H17V17H15V15Z",fX1="M4 8H2V2H4V8M2 22H4V16H2V22M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M19.75 10.33L18.59 8.92L15 12.5L13.41 10.92L12.25 12.08L15 15.08L19.75 10.33Z",gX1="M22 4H10C8.9 4 8 4.89 8 6V10L6 12L8 14V18C8 19.11 8.9 20 10 20H22C23.11 20 24 19.11 24 18V6C24 4.89 23.11 4 22 4M22 18H10V6H22V18M4 8H2V2H4V8M2 16H4V22H2V16M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M15 15.08L12.25 12.08L13.41 10.92L15 12.5L18.59 8.92L19.75 10.33L15 15.08Z",kX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M16 4C20.42 4 24 7.58 24 12C24 16.42 20.42 20 16 20C12.4 20 9.36 17.62 8.35 14.35L6 12L8.35 9.65C9.36 6.38 12.4 4 16 4M15 13L19.53 15.79L20.33 14.5L16.5 12.2V7H15V13Z",BX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M16 4C20.42 4 24 7.58 24 12C24 16.42 20.42 20 16 20C12.4 20 9.36 17.62 8.35 14.35L6 12L8.35 9.65C9.36 6.38 12.4 4 16 4M16 6C12.69 6 10 8.69 10 12C10 15.31 12.69 18 16 18C19.31 18 22 15.31 22 12C22 8.69 19.31 6 16 6M15 13V8H16.5V12.2L19.5 14L18.68 15.26L15 13Z",PX1="M4 8H2V2H4V8M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M20 11H12V13H20V11M2 22H4V16H2V22M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10Z",wX1="M2 16H4V22H2V16M4 2H2V8H4V2M20 11H12V13H20V11M3 10C1.9 10 1 10.9 1 12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14C4.11 14 5 13.11 5 12C5 10.9 4.11 10 3 10M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M22 6H10V18H22V6Z",FX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10Z",TX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M20 11H17V8H15V11H12V13H15V16H17V13H20V11Z",bX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M20 11V13H17V16H15V13H12V11H15V8H17V11H20M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M10 6V18H22V6H10Z",yX1="M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 8.9 4 10 4H22C23.11 4 24 4.89 24 6M16.5 15.5H15V17H16.5V15.5M14.5 10.5V10C14.5 9.17 15.17 8.5 16 8.5C16.83 8.5 17.5 9.18 17.5 10C17.5 10.47 17.27 10.9 16.88 11.16L16.59 11.35C15.6 12 15 13.11 15 14.3V14.5H16.5V14.3C16.5 13.62 16.84 13 17.41 12.6L17.71 12.41C18.5 11.88 19 10.97 19 10C19 8.34 17.66 7 16 7C14.34 7 13 8.34 13 10V10.5H14.5Z",RX1="M5 12C5 13.11 4.11 14 3 14C1.9 14 1 13.11 1 12C1 10.9 1.9 10 3 10C4.11 10 5 10.9 5 12M4 2V8H2V2H4M2 22V16H4V22H2M24 6V18C24 19.11 23.11 20 22 20H10C8.9 20 8 19.11 8 18V14L6 12L8 10V6C8 4.89 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8.81,12.77C9.08,12.85 9.31,12.96 9.5,13.12C9.69,13.28 9.84,13.5 9.94,13.73C10.04,13.97 10.1,14.27 10.1,14.6C10.1,15.22 9.92,15.69 9.57,16C9.22,16.35 8.73,16.5 8.12,16.5C7.83,16.5 7.56,16.47 7.32,16.38C7.08,16.3 6.88,16.18 6.71,16C6.54,15.86 6.41,15.68 6.32,15.46C6.23,15.24 6.18,15 6.18,14.74H4.19C4.19,15.29 4.3,15.77 4.5,16.19C4.72,16.61 5,16.96 5.37,17.24C5.73,17.5 6.14,17.73 6.61,17.87C7.08,18 7.57,18.08 8.09,18.08C8.66,18.08 9.18,18 9.67,17.85C10.16,17.7 10.58,17.47 10.93,17.17C11.29,16.87 11.57,16.5 11.77,16.07C11.97,15.64 12.07,15.14 12.07,14.59C12.07,14.3 12.03,14 11.96,13.73C11.88,13.5 11.77,13.22 11.61,12.97Z",QX1="M18.45 5.97C18 5.46 17.55 5 17.04 4.56L15.62 6C14.07 4.74 12.12 4 10 4C5.03 4 1 8.03 1 13S5.03 22 10 22C15 22 19 17.97 19 13C19 10.88 18.26 8.93 17.03 7.39L18.45 5.97M11 14H9V7H11V14M13 3H7V1H13V3M23 7V13H21V7H23M21 15H23V17H21V15Z",UX1="M9 8H11V14H9V8M13 1H7V3H13V1M17.03 7.39C18.26 8.93 19 10.88 19 13C19 17.97 15 22 10 22C5.03 22 1 17.97 1 13S5.03 4 10 4C12.12 4 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16Z",nY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",ZY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",SY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M12 18.5C12 19.77 12.37 20.94 13 21.94C12.67 22 12.34 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.16 8.81 20.87 10.57 21 12.5C20.22 12.18 19.38 12 18.5 12C14.91 12 12 14.91 12 18.5M13 7H11V14H13V7M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",uY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6C15.54 6 18.45 8.62 18.93 12.03C19.65 12.08 20.34 12.23 21 12.5C20.87 10.57 20.16 8.81 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.34 22 12.67 22 13 21.94C12.63 21.35 12.35 20.69 12.18 20C12.12 20 12.06 20 12 20M22 18.5V14.5L20.83 15.67C20.11 14.95 19.11 14.5 18 14.5C15.79 14.5 14 16.29 14 18.5S15.79 22.5 18 22.5C19.68 22.5 21.12 21.47 21.71 20H20C19.54 20.61 18.82 21 18 21C16.62 21 15.5 19.88 15.5 18.5S16.62 16 18 16C18.69 16 19.32 16.28 19.77 16.73L18 18.5H22Z",cY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",sY1="M13.08 19.91C13.18 20.6 13.4 21.25 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C19 9.13 15.87 6 12 6S5 9.13 5 13 8.13 20 12 20C12.37 20 12.72 19.96 13.08 19.91M11 14H13V8H11V14M15 1H9V3H15V1M22.54 16.88L21.12 15.47L19 17.59L16.88 15.47L15.47 16.88L17.59 19L15.47 21.12L16.88 22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88Z",OY1="M6,2H18V8H18V8L14,12L18,16V16H18V22H6V16H6V16L10,12L6,8V8H6V2M16,16.5L12,12.5L8,16.5V20H16V16.5M12,11.5L16,7.5V4H8V7.5L12,11.5M10,6H14V6.75L12,8.75L10,6.75V6Z",hY1="M18 22H6V16L10 12L6 8V2H18V8L14 12L18 16M8 7.5L12 11.5L16 7.5V4H8M12 12.5L8 16.5V20H16V16.5M14 18H10V17.2L12 15.2L14 17.2Z",pY1="M6,2V8H6V8L10,12L6,16V16H6V22H18V16H18V16L14,12L18,8V8H18V2H6M16,16.5V20H8V16.5L12,12.5L16,16.5M12,11.5L8,7.5V4H16V7.5L12,11.5Z",fY1="M6,2V8H6V8L10,12L6,16V16H6V22H18V16H18V16L14,12L18,8V8H18V2H6Z",gY1="M22 6V18H16L12 14L8 18H2V6H8L12 10L16 6M7.5 16L11.5 12L7.5 8H4V16M12.5 12L16.5 16H20V8H16.5M18 12V14H17.2L15.2 12M8.8 12L6.8 14H6V12Z",kY1="M19 6.4L20.5 5C20 4.5 19.5 4 19 3.6L17.6 5C16 3.7 14.1 3 12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21C17 21 21 17 21 12C21 9.9 20.3 7.9 19 6.4M13 13H11V6H13V13M15 0H9V2H15V0M13 24H11V22H13V24M17 24H15V22H17V24M9 24H7V22H9V24Z",BY1="M12 19C8.1 19 5 15.9 5 12S8.1 5 12 5 19 8.1 19 12 15.9 19 12 19M19 6.4L20.5 5C20 4.5 19.5 4 19 3.6L17.6 5C16 3.7 14.1 3 12 3C7 3 3 7 3 12S7 21 12 21C17 21 21 17 21 12C21 9.9 20.3 7.9 19 6.4M11 13H13V7H11M15 0H9V2H15V0M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",PY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 19C13 20.03 13.26 21 13.71 21.83C13.16 21.94 12.59 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C20.26 8.93 21 10.88 21 13C21 13.12 21 13.23 21 13.35C20.36 13.13 19.7 13 19 13C15.69 13 13 15.69 13 19M13 7H11V14H13V7M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",wY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M15 1H9V3H15V1M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M23 17.89L20.11 17.64L19 15L17.87 17.64L15 17.89L17.18 19.77L16.5 22.58L19 21.09L21.45 22.58L20.8 19.77L23 17.89Z",FY1="M19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.26 21 13 20.03 13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13M13 14H11V7H13V14M15 3H9V1H15V3M21.5 16.5V21.5H16.5V16.5H21.5Z",TY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6 19 9.13 19 13C19.7 13 20.36 13.13 21 13.35C21 13.23 21 13.12 21 13C21 10.88 20.26 8.93 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.59 22 13.16 21.94 13.71 21.83C13.4 21.25 13.18 20.6 13.08 19.91C12.72 19.96 12.37 20 12 20M15 1H9V3H15V1M16.5 16.5V21.5H21.5V16.5H16.5Z",bY1="M15 3H9V1H15V3M13 17.5C13 19.08 13.56 20.5 14.5 21.65C13.7 21.87 12.87 22 12 22C7.03 22 3 17.97 3 13S7.03 4 12 4C14.12 4 16.07 4.74 17.62 6L19.04 4.56C19.55 5 20 5.46 20.45 5.97L19.03 7.39C19.89 8.46 20.5 9.74 20.8 11.13C20.38 11.05 19.94 11 19.5 11C15.91 11 13 13.91 13 17.5M13 7H11V14H13V7M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",yY1="M11 8H13V14H11V8M12 20C8.13 20 5 16.87 5 13S8.13 6 12 6C15.19 6 17.88 8.14 18.72 11.05C19 11 19.24 11 19.5 11C19.94 11 20.38 11.05 20.8 11.13C20.5 9.74 19.89 8.46 19.03 7.39L20.45 5.97C20 5.46 19.55 5 19.04 4.56L17.62 6C16.07 4.74 14.12 4 12 4C7.03 4 3 8.03 3 13S7.03 22 12 22C12.87 22 13.7 21.87 14.5 21.65C14.05 21.11 13.7 20.5 13.45 19.85C13 19.95 12.5 20 12 20M15 1H9V3H15V1M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20Z",RY1="M14,12H15.5V14.82L17.94,16.23L17.19,17.53L14,15.69V12M4,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V10.1C21.24,11.36 22,13.09 22,15A7,7 0 0,1 15,22C13.09,22 11.36,21.24 10.1,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,15V18H8.67C8.24,17.09 8,16.07 8,15H4M4,8H10V5H4V8M18,8V5H12V8H18M4,13H8.29C8.63,11.85 9.26,10.82 10.1,10H4V13M15,10.15A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 10.15,15C10.15,17.68 12.32,19.85 15,19.85A4.85,4.85 0 0,0 19.85,15C19.85,12.32 17.68,10.15 15,10.15Z",xY1="M19.66 9.64L19.3 8.7L21.16 8C20.24 5.88 18.6 4.18 16.54 3.14L15.74 4.92L14.82 4.5L15.62 2.7C14.5 2.26 13.28 2 12 2C10.94 2 9.92 2.22 8.96 2.5L9.64 4.34L8.7 4.7L8 2.84C5.88 3.76 4.18 5.4 3.14 7.46L4.92 8.26L4.5 9.18L2.7 8.38C2.26 9.5 2 10.72 2 12C2 13.06 2.22 14.08 2.5 15.04L4.34 14.36L4.7 15.3L2.84 16C3.76 18.12 5.4 19.82 7.46 20.86L8.26 19.08L9.18 19.5L8.38 21.3C9.5 21.74 10.72 22 12 22C13.06 22 14.08 21.78 15.04 21.5L14.36 19.66L15.3 19.3L16 21.16C18.12 20.24 19.82 18.6 20.86 16.54L19.08 15.74L19.5 14.82L21.3 15.62C21.74 14.5 22 13.28 22 12C22 10.94 21.78 9.92 21.5 8.96L19.66 9.64M14.3 17.54C11.24 18.8 7.72 17.36 6.46 14.3S6.64 7.72 9.7 6.46 16.28 6.64 17.54 9.7C18.82 12.76 17.36 16.28 14.3 17.54Z",DY1="M21 11A2 2 0 0 0 19 9H5A2 2 0 0 0 3 11H2V13H3V20H21V13H22V11M17 15A2 2 0 1 1 19 13A2 2 0 0 1 17 15M18 8H6C6.33 5.75 8.88 4 12 4S17.63 5.75 18 8Z",EY1="M20.8 22.7L18.1 20H3V13H2V11H3C3 9.9 3.9 9 5 9H7.1L1.1 3L2.4 1.7L22.1 21.4L20.8 22.7M15.3 12.1C15.6 11.5 16.3 11 17 11C18.1 11 19 11.9 19 13C19 13.8 18.6 14.4 17.9 14.7L21 17.8V13H22V11H21C21 9.9 20.1 9 19 9H12.2L15.3 12.1M18 8C17.6 5.8 15.1 4 12 4C10.6 4 9.2 4.4 8.2 5L11.2 8H18Z",NY1="M4,5A2,2 0 0,0 2,7V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,17V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5H4M4,7H16V17H4V7M19,7A1,1 0 0,1 20,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,9A1,1 0 0,1 18,8A1,1 0 0,1 19,7M6,9V11H14V9H6M19,11A1,1 0 0,1 20,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A1,1 0 0,1 18,12A1,1 0 0,1 19,11Z",WY1="M17,7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M17,15A3,3 0 0,1 14,12A3,3 0 0,1 17,9A3,3 0 0,1 20,12A3,3 0 0,1 17,15Z",IY1="M17,7H7A5,5 0 0,0 2,12A5,5 0 0,0 7,17H17A5,5 0 0,0 22,12A5,5 0 0,0 17,7M7,15A3,3 0 0,1 4,12A3,3 0 0,1 7,9A3,3 0 0,1 10,12A3,3 0 0,1 7,15Z",GY1="M17 6H7c-3.31 0-6 2.69-6 6s2.69 6 6 6h10c3.31 0 6-2.69 6-6s-2.69-6-6-6zm0 10H7c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4h10c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4s-1.79 4-4 4zM7 9c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3 3-1.34 3-3-1.34-3-3-3z",QY1="M17 6H7C3.69 6 1 8.69 1 12S3.69 18 7 18H17C20.31 18 23 15.31 23 12S20.31 6 17 6M17 16H7C4.79 16 3 14.21 3 12S4.79 8 7 8H17C19.21 8 21 9.79 21 12S19.21 16 17 16M17 9C15.34 9 14 10.34 14 12S15.34 15 17 15 20 13.66 20 12 18.66 9 17 9Z",UY1="M18.4 1.6C18 1.2 17.5 1 17 1H7C6.5 1 6 1.2 5.6 1.6C5.2 2 5 2.5 5 3V21C5 21.5 5.2 22 5.6 22.4C6 22.8 6.5 23 7 23H17C17.5 23 18 22.8 18.4 22.4C18.8 22 19 21.5 19 21V3C19 2.5 18.8 2 18.4 1.6M16 7C16 7.6 15.6 8 15 8H9C8.4 8 8 7.6 8 7V5C8 4.4 8.4 4 9 4H15C15.6 4 16 4.4 16 5V7Z",zY1="M5.6 1.6C6 1.2 6.5 1 7 1H17C17.5 1 18 1.2 18.4 1.6C18.8 2 19 2.5 19 3V21C19 21.5 18.8 22 18.4 22.4C18 22.8 17.5 23 17 23H7C6.5 23 6 22.8 5.6 22.4C5.2 22 5 21.5 5 21V3C5 2.5 5.2 2 5.6 1.6M8 3C7.4 3 7 3.4 7 4V20C7 20.6 7.4 21 8 21H16C16.6 21 17 20.6 17 20V4C17 3.4 16.6 3 16 3H8M8 17C8 16.4 8.4 16 9 16H15C15.6 16 16 16.4 16 17V19C16 19.6 15.6 20 15 20H9C8.4 20 8 19.6 8 19V17Z",_Y1="M9,22H17V19.5C19.41,17.87 21,15.12 21,12V4A2,2 0 0,0 19,2H15C13.89,2 13,2.9 13,4V12H3C3,15.09 5,18 9,19.5V22M5.29,14H18.71C18.14,15.91 16.77,17.5 15,18.33V20H11V18.33C9,18 5.86,15.91 5.29,14M15,4H19V12H15V4M16,5V8H18V5H16Z",KY1="M18 16H16V15H8V16H6V15H2V20H22V15H18V16M20 8H17V6C17 4.9 16.1 4 15 4H9C7.9 4 7 4.9 7 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V14H6V12H8V14H16V12H18V14H22V10C22 8.9 21.1 8 20 8M15 8H9V6H15V8Z",jY1="M20 8H17V6C17 4.9 16.1 4 15 4H9C7.9 4 7 4.9 7 6V8H4C2.9 8 2 8.9 2 10V20H22V10C22 8.9 21.1 8 20 8M9 6H15V8H9V6M20 18H4V15H6V16H8V15H16V16H18V15H20V18M18 13V12H16V13H8V12H6V13H4V10H20V13H18Z",qY1="M21.71 20.29L20.29 21.71A1 1 0 0 1 18.88 21.71L7 9.85A3.81 3.81 0 0 1 6 10A4 4 0 0 1 2.22 4.7L4.76 7.24L5.29 6.71L6.71 5.29L7.24 4.76L4.7 2.22A4 4 0 0 1 10 6A3.81 3.81 0 0 1 9.85 7L21.71 18.88A1 1 0 0 1 21.71 20.29M2.29 18.88A1 1 0 0 0 2.29 20.29L3.71 21.71A1 1 0 0 0 5.12 21.71L10.59 16.25L7.76 13.42M20 2L16 4V6L13.83 8.17L15.83 10.17L18 8H20L22 4Z",$Y1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2Z",XY1="M20,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H8L12,22L16,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M12,4.3C13.5,4.3 14.7,5.5 14.7,7C14.7,8.5 13.5,9.7 12,9.7C10.5,9.7 9.3,8.5 9.3,7C9.3,5.5 10.5,4.3 12,4.3M18,15H6V14.1C6,12.1 10,11 12,11C14,11 18,12.1 18,14.1V15Z",YY1="M9 6H15V14H9V6M22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H16L12 22L8 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4M16 5.09C16 4.5 15.5 4 14.86 4H9.14C8.5 4 8 4.5 8 5.09V14.91C8 15.5 8.5 16 9.14 16H14.86C15.5 16 16 15.5 16 14.91V5.09Z",JY1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M10.46 14L6.96 10.5L8.37 9.08L10.46 11.17L15.64 6L17.05 7.41L10.46 14Z",CJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M10.75 13.71L7.25 10.21L8.66 8.79L10.75 10.88L15.34 6.3L16.75 7.71L10.75 13.71Z",HJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M9.08 15H7V12.91L13.17 6.72L15.24 8.8L9.08 15M16.84 7.2L15.83 8.21L13.76 6.18L14.77 5.16C14.97 4.95 15.31 4.94 15.55 5.16L16.84 6.41C17.05 6.62 17.06 6.96 16.84 7.2Z",VJ1="M4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V16C22 17.11 21.11 18 20 18H16L12 22L8 18H4C2.9 18 2 17.11 2 16V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M4 4V16H8.83L12 19.17L15.17 16H20V4H4M15.84 8.2L14.83 9.21L12.76 7.18L13.77 6.16C13.97 5.95 14.31 5.94 14.55 6.16L15.84 7.41C16.05 7.62 16.06 7.96 15.84 8.2M8 11.91L12.17 7.72L14.24 9.8L10.08 14H8V11.91Z",LJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M19,15V7L15,11L13,9L7,15H19M7,5A2,2 0 0,0 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,7A2,2 0 0,0 7,5Z",MJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M7.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,6M6,14L11,9L13,11L18,6V14H6Z",AJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",iJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M16 11H8V9H16V11Z",rJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4Z",aJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M11,6V9H8V11H11V14H13V11H16V9H13V6H11Z",eJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M11,6H13V9H16V11H13V14H11V11H8V9H11V6Z",dJ1="M20 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V16C2 16.53 2.21 17.04 2.59 17.41C2.96 17.79 3.47 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C20.53 18 21.04 17.79 21.41 17.41S22 16.53 22 16V4C22 3.47 21.79 2.96 21.41 2.59C21.04 2.21 20.53 2 20 2M10.05 6.04C10.59 5.68 11.3 5.5 12.19 5.5C13.13 5.5 13.88 5.71 14.42 6.12C14.96 6.54 15.23 7.1 15.23 7.8C15.23 8.24 15.08 8.63 14.79 9C14.5 9.36 14.12 9.64 13.66 9.85C13.4 10 13.23 10.15 13.14 10.32C13.05 10.5 13 10.72 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.16 11.29 9.92C11.5 9.68 11.84 9.4 12.36 9.08C12.62 8.94 12.83 8.76 13 8.54C13.14 8.33 13.22 8.08 13.22 7.8C13.22 7.5 13.13 7.28 12.95 7.11C12.77 6.93 12.5 6.85 12.19 6.85C11.92 6.85 11.7 6.92 11.5 7.06C11.34 7.2 11.24 7.41 11.24 7.69H9.27C9.22 7 9.5 6.4 10.05 6.04M11 14V12H13V14Z",mJ1="M20 2H4C3.47 2 2.96 2.21 2.59 2.59C2.21 2.96 2 3.47 2 4V16C2 16.53 2.21 17.04 2.59 17.41C2.96 17.79 3.47 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C20.53 18 21.04 17.79 21.41 17.41S22 16.53 22 16V4C22 3.47 21.79 2.96 21.41 2.59C21.04 2.21 20.53 2 20 2M4 16V4H20V16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16M10.05 6.04C10.59 5.68 11.3 5.5 12.19 5.5C13.13 5.5 13.88 5.71 14.42 6.12C14.96 6.54 15.23 7.1 15.23 7.8C15.23 8.24 15.08 8.63 14.79 9C14.5 9.36 14.12 9.64 13.66 9.85C13.4 10 13.23 10.15 13.14 10.32C13.05 10.5 13 10.72 13 11H11C11 10.5 11.1 10.16 11.29 9.92C11.5 9.68 11.84 9.4 12.36 9.08C12.62 8.94 12.83 8.76 13 8.54C13.14 8.33 13.22 8.08 13.22 7.8C13.22 7.5 13.13 7.28 12.95 7.11C12.77 6.93 12.5 6.85 12.19 6.85C11.92 6.85 11.7 6.92 11.5 7.06C11.34 7.2 11.24 7.41 11.24 7.69H9.27C9.22 7 9.5 6.4 10.05 6.04M11 14V12H13V14Z",tJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M15.54 12.12L14.12 13.54L12 11.41L9.88 13.54L8.47 12.12L10.59 10L8.46 7.88L9.88 6.47L12 8.59L14.12 6.47L15.54 7.88L13.41 10L15.54 12.12Z",vJ1="M20 2H4C2.9 2 2 2.9 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.9 18 4 18H8L12 22L16 18H20C21.11 18 22 17.11 22 16V4C22 2.9 21.11 2 20 2M20 16H15.17L12 19.17L8.83 16H4V4H20V16M8.46 12.12L10.59 10L8.46 7.88L9.88 6.47L12 8.59L14.12 6.47L15.54 7.88L13.41 10L15.54 12.12L14.12 13.54L12 11.41L9.88 13.54L8.46 12.12Z",lJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M5,5V7H19V5H5M5,9V11H15V9H5M5,13V15H17V13H5Z",oJ1="M4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H16L12,22L8,18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4A2,2 0 0,1 4,2M4,4V16H8.83L12,19.17L15.17,16H20V4H4M6,7H18V9H6V7M6,11H16V13H6V11Z",nJ1="M7,2C4,2 2,5 2,8C2,10.11 3,13 4,14C5,15 6,22 8,22C12.54,22 10,15 12,15C14,15 11.46,22 16,22C18,22 19,15 20,14C21,13 22,10.11 22,8C22,5 20,2 17,2C14,2 14,3 12,3C10,3 10,2 7,2Z",ZJ1="M7,2C4,2 2,5 2,8C2,10.11 3,13 4,14C5,15 6,22 8,22C12.54,22 10,15 12,15C14,15 11.46,22 16,22C18,22 19,15 20,14C21,13 22,10.11 22,8C22,5 20,2 17,2C14,2 14,3 12,3C10,3 10,2 7,2M7,4C9,4 10,5 12,5C14,5 15,4 17,4C18.67,4 20,6 20,8C20,9.75 19.14,12.11 18.19,13.06C17.33,13.92 16.06,19.94 15.5,19.94C15.29,19.94 15,18.88 15,17.59C15,15.55 14.43,13 12,13C9.57,13 9,15.55 9,17.59C9,18.88 8.71,19.94 8.5,19.94C7.94,19.94 6.67,13.92 5.81,13.06C4.86,12.11 4,9.75 4,8C4,6 5.33,4 7,4Z",SJ1="M12.91 6.43L15.03 8.55L16.09 7.5L15.03 6.43L17.86 3.6L18.92 4.66L20 3.6L17.86 1.5M3 20.57L4.43 22L14.5 11.9L16.63 11.19L21.4 6.43C22.18 5.65 22.18 4.38 21.4 3.6L15.55 9.44L13.43 10.15Z",uJ1="M12 1.5V14C10.34 14 9 15.34 9 17V22H17V17C17 15.34 15.66 14 14 14V3.5C14 2.4 13.11 1.5 12 1.5M7.5 2V9H11V7.5H9V3.5H11V2H7.5M13 17.5C13.83 17.5 14.5 18.17 14.5 19C14.5 19.83 13.83 20.5 13 20.5C12.17 20.5 11.5 19.83 11.5 19C11.5 18.17 12.17 17.5 13 17.5Z",cJ1="M17.86 1.5L12.91 6.43L15.03 8.55L16.09 7.5L15.03 6.43L17.86 3.6L18.92 4.66L20 3.6M21.4 3.6L15.56 9.44L13.43 10.15L3 20.57L4.43 22L10.08 16.33L14.33 20.57L18.57 16.33L14.33 12.09L14.5 11.9L16.63 11.19L21.4 6.43C22.18 5.65 22.18 4.38 21.4 3.6M6.55 4.31L2.31 8.55L7.26 13.5L11.5 9.26M18.22 18.1L16.09 20.22L17.5 21.63L19.63 19.5Z",sJ1="M8.6 9.6C9 10.2 9.5 10.7 10.2 11H14.2C14.5 10.9 14.7 10.7 14.9 10.5C15.9 9.5 16.3 8 15.8 6.7L15.7 6.5C15.6 6.2 15.4 6 15.2 5.8C15.1 5.6 14.9 5.5 14.8 5.3C14.4 5 14 4.7 13.6 4.3C12.7 3.4 12.6 2 13.1 1C12.6 1.1 12.1 1.4 11.7 1.8C10.2 3 9.6 5.1 10.3 7V7.2C10.3 7.3 10.2 7.4 10.1 7.5C10 7.6 9.8 7.5 9.7 7.4L9.6 7.3C9 6.5 8.9 5.3 9.3 4.3C8.4 5.1 7.9 6.4 8 7.7C8 8 8.1 8.3 8.2 8.6C8.2 8.9 8.4 9.3 8.6 9.6M12.3 8.1C12.4 7.6 12.2 7.2 12.1 6.8C12 6.4 12 6 12.2 5.6L12.5 6.2C12.9 6.8 13.6 7 13.8 7.8V8.1C13.8 8.6 13.6 9.1 13.3 9.4C13.1 9.5 12.9 9.7 12.7 9.7C12.1 9.9 11.4 9.6 11 9.2C11.8 9.2 12.2 8.6 12.3 8.1M15 12V14H14L13 22H11L10 14H9V12H15Z",OJ1="M19.31,5.6C18.09,5.56 16.88,6.5 16.5,8C16,10 16,10 15,11C13,13 10,14 4,15C3,15.16 2.5,15.5 2,16C4,16 6,16 4.5,17.5L3,19H6L8,17C10,18 11.33,18 13.33,17L14,19H17L16,16C16,16 17,12 18,11C19,10 19,11 20,11C21,11 22,10 22,8.5C22,8 22,7 20.5,6C20.15,5.76 19.74,5.62 19.31,5.6M9,6A6,6 0 0,0 3,12C3,12.6 3.13,13.08 3.23,13.6C9.15,12.62 12.29,11.59 13.93,9.94L14.43,9.44C13.44,7.34 11.32,6 9,6Z",hJ1="M20 10V7L17 4H7L4 7V10C2.9 10 2 10.9 2 12S2.9 14 4 14V18C4 19.1 4.9 20 6 20H18C19.1 20 20 19.1 20 18V14C21.11 14 22 13.11 22 12S21.11 10 20 10M12 16C9.79 16 8 14.21 8 12S9.79 8 12 8 16 9.79 16 12 14.21 16 12 16M14 12C14 13.11 13.11 14 12 14S10 13.11 10 12 10.9 10 12 10 14 10.9 14 12Z",pJ1="M7 7H17V9H7V7M12.69 15.81H13.2V15H7V17H10.38L10.71 16.65C11.18 16.13 11.92 15.81 12.69 15.81M9 19H5V5H19V13.56L21 14.45V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H11.33L9 19M7 13H13.2V11.73C13.2 11.5 13.25 11.24 13.31 11H7V13M15.2 19.07L12.85 17.81H12.69C12.5 17.81 12.29 17.89 12.15 18.04L11.61 18.61L15.2 21.69C15.39 21.89 15.66 22 15.93 22H20.7C21.3 22 21.78 21.5 21.8 20.9V17.7C21.8 17.28 21.57 16.89 21.18 16.71L17.55 15.11L16.67 15V11.73C16.67 11.33 16.34 11 15.93 11C15.53 11 15.2 11.33 15.2 11.73V19.07Z",fJ1="M2,2V4H7V8H2V10H7C8.11,10 9,9.11 9,8V7H14V17H9V16C9,14.89 8.11,14 7,14H2V16H7V20H2V22H7C8.11,22 9,21.11 9,20V19H14C15.11,19 16,18.11 16,17V13H22V11H16V7C16,5.89 15.11,5 14,5H9V4C9,2.89 8.11,2 7,2H2Z",gJ1="M15,10H20.39L17.06,6H15V10M17.5,18.5C17.89,18.5 18.24,18.37 18.54,18.07C18.84,17.77 19,17.42 19,17C19,16.61 18.84,16.26 18.54,15.96C18.24,15.66 17.89,15.5 17.5,15.5C17.08,15.5 16.73,15.66 16.43,15.96C16.13,16.26 16,16.61 16,17C16,17.42 16.13,17.77 16.43,18.07C16.73,18.37 17.08,18.5 17.5,18.5M6,18.5C6.44,18.5 6.8,18.37 7.08,18.07C7.36,17.77 7.5,17.42 7.5,17C7.5,16.61 7.36,16.26 7.08,15.96C6.8,15.66 6.44,15.5 6,15.5C5.56,15.5 5.2,15.66 4.92,15.96C4.64,16.26 4.5,16.61 4.5,17C4.5,17.42 4.64,17.77 4.92,18.07C5.2,18.37 5.56,18.5 6,18.5M18,4L23,10V17H20.5C20.5,17.83 20.19,18.53 19.59,19.13C19,19.72 18.3,20 17.5,20C16.67,20 15.97,19.72 15.38,19.13C14.78,18.53 14.5,17.83 14.5,17H9C9,17.83 8.7,18.53 8.11,19.13C7.5,19.72 6.81,20 6,20C5.19,20 4.5,19.72 3.89,19.13C3.3,18.53 3,17.83 3,17H1V13H9.19L3,8.11V11H1V5H2L13,11.06V4H18Z",kJ1="M17,4V8H18V10H17.64L21,23H18.93L18.37,20.83L12,17.15L5.63,20.83L5.07,23H3L6.36,10H6V8H7V4H6V3L18,1V4H17M7.28,14.43L6.33,18.12L10,16L7.28,14.43M15.57,10H8.43L7.8,12.42L12,14.85L16.2,12.42L15.57,10M17.67,18.12L16.72,14.43L14,16L17.67,18.12Z",BJ1="M17,4V8H18V10H17.64L21,23H18.93L18.37,20.83L12,17.15L5.63,20.83L5.07,23H3L6.36,10H6V8H7V4H6V3L12,1L18,3V4H17M7.28,14.43L6.33,18.12L10,16L7.28,14.43M15.57,10H8.43L7.8,12.42L12,14.85L16.2,12.42L15.57,10M17.67,18.12L16.72,14.43L14,16L17.67,18.12Z",PJ1="M21 10H17V8L12.5 6.2V4H15V2H11.5V6.2L7 8V10H3C2.45 10 2 10.45 2 11V22H10V17H14V22H22V11C22 10.45 21.55 10 21 10M8 20H4V17H8V20M8 15H4V12H8V15M12 8C12.55 8 13 8.45 13 9S12.55 10 12 10 11 9.55 11 9 11.45 8 12 8M14 15H10V12H14V15M20 20H16V17H20V20M20 15H16V12H20V15Z",wJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H21V6Z",FJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14.54A9.55 9.55 0 0 1 13 15.5A5.58 5.58 0 0 1 18.5 10A5.3 5.3 0 0 1 21 10.63V6M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8Z",TJ1="M18.5 12A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 15 15.5C15 18.1 18.5 22 18.5 22S22 18.1 22 15.5A3.54 3.54 0 0 0 18.5 12M18.5 16.8A1.2 1.2 0 1 1 18.5 14.4A1.29 1.29 0 0 1 19.7 15.6A1.15 1.15 0 0 1 18.5 16.8M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14.54A15.55 15.55 0 0 1 13.54 18H5V8H19V10A5.11 5.11 0 0 1 21 10.6V6Z",bJ1="M23 20H15V18H23V20M13 19C13 15.69 15.69 13 19 13C19.7 13 20.37 13.13 21 13.35V6H19V5C19 3.9 18.11 3 17 3H15C13.9 3 13 3.9 13 5V6H11V5C11 3.9 10.11 3 9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V6H3V20H13.09C13.04 19.67 13 19.34 13 19Z",yJ1="M13.09 20H3V6H5V5C5 3.9 5.9 3 7 3H9C10.11 3 11 3.9 11 5V6H13V5C13 3.9 13.9 3 15 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V6H21V13.35C20.37 13.13 19.7 13 19 13V8H5V18H13.09C13.04 18.33 13 18.66 13 19S13.04 19.67 13.09 20M23 18H15V20H23V18Z",RJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H21V6M19 18H5V8H19Z",xJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V6M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15Z",DJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H14V18H5V8H19V13H21V6M21 15V18H24V20H21V23H19V20H16V18H19V15Z",EJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H13.09A5.47 5.47 0 0 1 13 19A6 6 0 0 1 21 13.34V6M22.54 16.88L20.41 19L22.54 21.12L21.12 22.54L19 20.41L16.88 22.54L15.46 21.12L17.59 19L15.46 16.88L16.88 15.46L19 17.59L21.12 15.46Z",NJ1="M19 6V5C19 3.9 18.1 3 17 3H15C13.9 3 13 3.9 13 5V6H11V5C11 3.9 10.1 3 9 3H7C5.9 3 5 3.9 5 5V6H3V20H14V18H5V8H19V13H21V6M17.88 15.46L20 17.59L22.12 15.47L23.54 16.88L21.41 19L23.54 21.12L22.12 22.54L20 20.41L17.88 22.54L16.46 21.12L18.59 19L16.47 16.88",WJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H11.81A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 21 10.81V6M20.31 17.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21M16.5 18A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 19 15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 16.5 18Z",IJ1="M19 6V5A2 2 0 0 0 17 3H15A2 2 0 0 0 13 5V6H11V5A2 2 0 0 0 9 3H7A2 2 0 0 0 5 5V6H3V20H11.81A6.59 6.59 0 0 1 10.5 18H5V8H19V9.5A6.59 6.59 0 0 1 21 10.81V6M20.31 17.9A4.5 4.5 0 1 0 18.88 19.32L22 22.39L23.39 21M16.5 18A2.5 2.5 0 1 1 19 15.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 1 16.5 18Z",GJ1="M6,1V3H9V6.4L4.11,4.38L1.43,10.84L6.97,13.14L11.94,16.82L13.79,17.59L17.62,8.35L15.77,7.58L11,6.87V3H14V1H6M21.81,6.29L19.5,7.25L20.26,9.1L22.57,8.14L21.81,6.29M19.78,13.57L19,15.42L21.79,16.57L22.55,14.72L19.78,13.57M16.19,18.93L14.34,19.69L15.3,22L17.15,21.23L16.19,18.93Z",QJ1="M19.78 13.57L22.55 14.72L21.79 16.57L19 15.42L19.78 13.57M22.57 8.14L21.81 6.29L19.5 7.25L20.26 9.1L22.57 8.14M14.34 19.69L15.3 22L17.15 21.23L16.19 18.93L14.34 19.69M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.64 5.53L1.43 10.84L6.97 13.14L11.94 16.82L13.79 17.59L14.35 16.24L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73M6.2 3L6 2.8V1H14V3H11V6.87L15.77 7.58L17.62 8.35L15.84 12.64L9 5.8V3H6.2Z",UJ1="M4,3H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3M4,5V13H20V5H4M4,19H11V15H4V19M20,19V15H13V19H20Z",zJ1="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V17C1,18.11 1.89,19 3,19H14V17H12V13H16.68C17.5,12.35 18.47,12 19.5,12C20,12 20.5,12.09 21,12.26V3C21,1.89 20.11,1 19,1H3M3,3H19V11H3V3M3,13H10V17H3V13M19.5,14A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 17,16.5V17A1,1 0 0,0 16,18V22A1,1 0 0,0 17,23H22A1,1 0 0,0 23,22V18A1,1 0 0,0 22,17V16.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,14M19.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 21,16.5V17H18V16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,15Z",_J1="M5,4V11.26C3.2,11.9 2,13.6 2,15.5C2,18 4,20 6.5,20C8.79,20 10.71,18.28 10.97,16H15.17C15.06,16.32 15,16.66 15,17A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17C21,16.66 20.94,16.32 20.82,16H22V13C22,11.89 21.11,11 20,11H15.04L13.65,4H5M7,6H12L13,11V14H10.74C10.16,12.38 8.71,11.23 7,11.03V6M6.5,13.25A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 8.75,15.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 6.5,17.75A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 4.25,15.5A2.25,2.25 0 0,1 6.5,13.25M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",KJ1="M13.3 2.79L9.8 6.29L10.5 7L11.9 5.61L13 6.71V9C13 10.11 12.11 11 11 11H10.46A6 6 0 0 1 12 15A6 6 0 0 1 11.91 16H15.03A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 19.5 12A4.5 4.5 0 0 1 22 12.76V8C22 6.89 21.11 6 20 6H13.71L12.61 4.9L14 3.5L13.3 2.79M4 7C3.45 7 3 7.45 3 8C3 8.55 3.45 9 4 9H9C9 7.9 8.11 7 7 7H4M6 10A5 5 0 0 0 4.44 10.25L4.8 11.18L4.33 11.36L4 10.43A5 5 0 0 0 1.54 12.74L2.45 13.15L2.24 13.6L1.34 13.2A5 5 0 0 0 1 15A5 5 0 0 0 1.25 16.56L2.18 16.2L2.36 16.67L1.43 17A5 5 0 0 0 3.74 19.46L4.14 18.55L4.6 18.76L4.2 19.66A5 5 0 0 0 6 20A5 5 0 0 0 7.56 19.75L7.2 18.82L7.67 18.64L8 19.57A5 5 0 0 0 10.46 17.26L9.55 16.86L9.76 16.4L10.66 16.8A5 5 0 0 0 11 15A5 5 0 0 0 10.75 13.44L9.82 13.8L9.64 13.33L10.57 13A5 5 0 0 0 8.26 10.54L7.86 11.45L7.4 11.24L7.8 10.34A5 5 0 0 0 6 10M6 12A3 3 0 0 1 9 15A3 3 0 0 1 6 18A3 3 0 0 1 3 15A3 3 0 0 1 6 12M19.5 13A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 16 16.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 19.5 20A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 23 16.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 19.5 13M19.5 15A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 21 16.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 18A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 18 16.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 19.5 15Z",jJ1="M9.8,8.44H6.87V16H4.89V8.44H2V7H9.8V8.44M13.5,7L15.96,13.5L18.41,7H21V16H19V13.5L19.22,9.24L16.63,16H15.28L12.7,9.25L12.9,13.5V16H10.93V7H13.5Z",qJ1="M17 15L18 19H21V22H3V19H6L7 15H17M15 8L16 12H8L9 8H15M13 1L14 5H10L11 1H13Z",$J1="M12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7C10,5.89 10.9,5 12,5C13.11,5 14,5.89 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9M12,14A2,2 0 0,1 10,12C10,10.89 10.9,10 12,10C13.11,10 14,10.89 14,12A2,2 0 0,1 12,14M12,19A2,2 0 0,1 10,17C10,15.89 10.9,15 12,15C13.11,15 14,15.89 14,17A2,2 0 0,1 12,19M20,10H17V8.86C18.72,8.41 20,6.86 20,5H17V4A1,1 0 0,0 16,3H8A1,1 0 0,0 7,4V5H4C4,6.86 5.28,8.41 7,8.86V10H4C4,11.86 5.28,13.41 7,13.86V15H4C4,16.86 5.28,18.41 7,18.86V20A1,1 0 0,0 8,21H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,20V18.86C18.72,18.41 20,16.86 20,15H17V13.86C18.72,13.41 20,11.86 20,10Z",XJ1="M20 10H17V8.86C18.72 8.41 20 6.86 20 5H17V4C17 3.45 16.55 3 16 3H8C7.45 3 7 3.45 7 4V5H4C4 6.86 5.28 8.41 7 8.86V10H4C4 11.86 5.28 13.41 7 13.86V15H4C4 16.86 5.28 18.41 7 18.86V20C7 20.55 7.45 21 8 21H16C16.55 21 17 20.55 17 20V18.86C18.72 18.41 20 16.86 20 15H17V13.86C18.72 13.41 20 11.86 20 10M15 19H9V5H15V19M12 18C12.83 18 13.5 17.33 13.5 16.5S12.83 15 12 15 10.5 15.67 10.5 16.5 11.17 18 12 18M12 13.5C12.83 13.5 13.5 12.83 13.5 12S12.83 10.5 12 10.5 10.5 11.17 10.5 12 11.17 13.5 12 13.5M12 9C12.83 9 13.5 8.33 13.5 7.5S12.83 6 12 6 10.5 6.67 10.5 7.5 11.17 9 12 9Z",YJ1="M12,2C8,2 4,2.5 4,6V15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H8.23L10.23,19H14L16,21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V6C20,2.5 16.42,2 12,2M7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17M11,10H6V6H11V10M13,10V6H18V10H13M16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17Z",JJ1="M5 2H12C12.8 2 13.56 2.32 14.12 2.88C14.68 3.44 15 4.2 15 5V6H13V4H4V11H9V16H8L5 19H4V17L5 16C4.2 16 3.44 15.68 2.88 15.12C2.32 14.56 2 13.8 2 13V5C2 4.2 2.32 3.44 2.88 2.88C3.44 2.32 4.2 2 5 2M5.71 12.29C5.5 12.11 5.27 12 5 12C4.74 12 4.5 12.11 4.29 12.29C4.11 12.5 4 12.74 4 13C4 13.27 4.11 13.5 4.29 13.71C4.5 13.9 4.74 14 5 14C5.27 14 5.5 13.9 5.71 13.71C5.9 13.5 6 13.27 6 13C6 12.74 5.9 12.5 5.71 12.29M11 11C11 9.34 12 8 15 8H18C21 8 22 9.34 22 11V18C22 18.74 21.6 19.39 21 19.73V21C21 21.55 20.55 22 20 22C19.45 22 19 21.55 19 21V20H14V21C14 21.55 13.55 22 13 22C12.45 22 12 21.55 12 21V19.73C11.4 19.39 11 18.74 11 18V11M13 10V14H20V10H13M14 18C14.55 18 15 17.55 15 17C15 16.45 14.55 16 14 16C13.45 16 13 16.45 13 17C13 17.55 13.45 18 14 18M20 17C20 16.45 19.55 16 19 16C18.45 16 18 16.45 18 17C18 17.55 18.45 18 19 18C19.55 18 20 17.55 20 17Z",C12="M12,4H5A3,3 0 0,0 2,7V15A3,3 0 0,0 5,18L4,19V20H5L7,17.97L9,18V13H4V6H13V8H15V7A3,3 0 0,0 12,4M5,14A1,1 0 0,1 6,15A1,1 0 0,1 5,16A1,1 0 0,1 4,15A1,1 0 0,1 5,14M20.57,9.66C20.43,9.26 20.05,9 19.6,9H12.41C11.95,9 11.58,9.26 11.43,9.66L10,13.77V19.28C10,19.66 10.32,20 10.7,20H11.32C11.7,20 12,19.62 12,19.24V18H20V19.24C20,19.62 20.31,20 20.69,20H21.3C21.68,20 22,19.66 22,19.28V17.91L22,13.77L20.57,9.66M12.41,10H19.6L20.63,13H11.38L12.41,10M12,16A1,1 0 0,1 11,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,14A1,1 0 0,1 13,15A1,1 0 0,1 12,16M20,16A1,1 0 0,1 19,15A1,1 0 0,1 20,14A1,1 0 0,1 21,15A1,1 0 0,1 20,16Z",H12="M21 6H3C1.9 6 1 6.9 1 8V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8C23 6.9 22.11 6 21 6M7.58 12.18C8.19 12.18 8.68 12.68 8.68 13.29S8.19 14.39 7.58 14.39C6.97 14.39 6.47 13.9 6.47 13.29S6.97 12.18 7.58 12.18M7.03 11.08L8.68 9.61H11.63L14.58 11.08H7.03M9.66 14.03H14.34C14.5 14.42 14.74 14.75 15.05 15H8.95C9.26 14.75 9.5 14.42 9.66 14.03M15.32 13.29C15.32 12.68 15.81 12.18 16.42 12.18C17.03 12.18 17.53 12.68 17.53 13.29S17.03 14.39 16.42 14.39C15.81 14.4 15.32 13.9 15.32 13.29M17.79 15C18.11 14.75 18.36 14.42 18.5 14.03H20.11V13.29C20.11 12.47 19.35 12.21 18.63 11.82L12 8.5H8.32L6.11 10.34H5.37C4.55 10.34 3.89 11 3.89 11.82V14.03H5.5C5.64 14.42 5.89 14.75 6.21 15H3V8H21V15H17.79Z",V12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1Z",L12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1M16 16H14V11H10V16H8V9H16V16Z",M12="M1 7V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V7H1M16 16H8V9H16V16Z",A12="M23 9V7H15V6H16V4H8V6H9V7H1V9H2V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H22V9H23M4 15H3V9H4V15M11 12H6V9H11V12M18 12H13V9H18V12M21 15H20V9H21V15Z",i12="M23 6V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V6H3V15H21V6H23Z",r12="M23 6V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V6H3V15H21V6H23M8 12H4V14H8V12M15 12H9V14H15V12M20 12H16V14H20V12M8 9H4V11H8V9M15 9H9V11H15V9M20 9H16V11H20V9M8 6H4V8H8V6M15 6H9V8H15V6M20 6H16V8H20V6Z",a12="M1 6V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V6H1M21 15H19V9H17V15H15V9H13V15H11V9H9V15H7V9H5V15H3V8H21V15Z",e12="M23 15V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V15H23Z",d12="M23 13V10C23 8.89 22.11 8 21 8H19L16 4H6L3 8C1.89 8 1 8.89 1 10V13H3C3 13.77 3.3 14.47 3.78 15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H20.22C20.7 14.47 21 13.77 21 13H23M19.5 13C19.5 13.83 18.83 14.5 18 14.5S16.5 13.83 16.5 13 17.17 11.5 18 11.5 19.5 12.17 19.5 13M12 5.5H15.25L17.14 8H12V5.5M15.78 15H8.22C8.7 14.47 9 13.77 9 13H15C15 13.77 15.3 14.47 15.78 15M6.75 5.5H10.5V8H4.86L6.75 5.5M6 11.5C6.83 11.5 7.5 12.17 7.5 13S6.83 14.5 6 14.5 4.5 13.83 4.5 13 5.17 11.5 6 11.5Z",m12="M21.22 15C21.7 14.47 22 13.77 22 13C22 11.34 20.66 10 19 10H5C3.34 10 2 11.34 2 13C2 13.77 2.3 14.47 2.78 15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H21.22M19 12C19.55 12 20 12.45 20 13S19.55 14 19 14 18 13.55 18 13 18.45 12 19 12M12 12C12.55 12 13 12.45 13 13S12.55 14 12 14 11 13.55 11 13 11.45 12 12 12M5 12C5.55 12 6 12.45 6 13S5.55 14 5 14 4 13.55 4 13 4.45 12 5 12M13.62 6L13.22 4H22V6H13.62M20 9H4V8H6L7 3H12L13 8H20V9Z",t12="M1 10V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V10H1M21 15H19V13H17V15H15V13H13V15H11V13H9V15H7V13H5V15H3V12H21V15Z",v12="M21 10C19.04 8.19 15.74 7 12 7S4.96 8.19 3 10H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V10H21M21 15H19V13H17V15H15V13H13V15H11V13H9V15H7V13H5V15H3V12H21V15Z",l12="M1 8V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8H1M13 15V11H11V15H8V11H6V15H3V10H21V15H18V11H16V15H13Z",o12="M23 9V7H1V9L2 10.33V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H10L11 18H13L14 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H22V10.33L23 9M4 15V13L5.5 15H4M5 10V9H19V10H5M20 15H18.5L20 13V15Z",n12="M21 8C19.04 6.19 15.74 5 12 5S4.96 6.19 3 8H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V8H21M13 15V11H11V15H8V11H6V15H3V10H21V15H18V11H16V15H13Z",Z12="M21 15V11H3V15H1V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V15H21M16 14H8V13H16V14M21 5H3V10H21V5M16 8H8V7H16V8Z",S12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M7 12H3V9H7V12M15 12H9V9H15V12M21 12H17V9H21V12Z",u12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M7 12H3V9H7V12M11 16H9V9H11V16M15 16H13V9H15V16M21 12H17V9H21V12Z",c12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M8 12H3V9H8V12M14 16H10V9H14V16M21 12H16V9H21V12Z",s12="M21 7H3C1.9 7 1 7.9 1 9V17H2C2 18.11 2.9 19 4 19S6 18.11 6 17H18C18 18.11 18.9 19 20 19S22 18.11 22 17H23V9C23 7.9 22.11 7 21 7M11 12H3V9H11V12M21 12H13V9H21V12Z",O12="M23 15V17H22C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19S18 18.11 18 17H6C6 18.11 5.11 19 4 19S2 18.11 2 17H1V15H23M21 8H15V7H9V8H3C1.9 8 1 8.9 1 10V12C1 13.11 1.9 14 3 14H21C22.11 14 23 13.11 23 12V10C23 8.9 22.11 8 21 8Z",h12="M18,10H6V5H18M12,17C10.89,17 10,16.1 10,15C10,13.89 10.89,13 12,13A2,2 0 0,1 14,15A2,2 0 0,1 12,17M4,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 7.5,19L6,20.5V21H18V20.5L16.5,19A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20,15.5V5C20,1.5 16.42,1 12,1C7.58,1 4,1.5 4,5V15.5Z",p12="M19,16.94V8.5C19,5.71 16.39,5.1 13,5L13.75,3.5H17V2H7V3.5H11.75L11,5C7.86,5.11 5,5.73 5,8.5V16.94C5,18.39 6.19,19.6 7.59,19.91L6,21.5V22H8.23L10.23,20H14L16,22H18V21.5L16.5,20H16.42C18.11,20 19,18.63 19,16.94M12,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,18.5M17,14H7V9H17V14Z",f12="M9 1L5 4L7.5 6H5C5 6 2 6 2 9V19H7C7 19 7 17 9 17H22V14H18V8H22V6H10.5L13 4L9 1M4 8H9V14H4V8M11 8H16V14H11V8M4 16H5V18H4V16M9 19V19.5C9 20.88 10.12 22 11.5 22C12.5 22 13.39 21.41 13.79 20.5H15.21C15.61 21.41 16.5 22 17.5 22C18.88 22 20 20.88 20 19.5V19H9Z",g12="M20,5A2,2 0 0,1 22,7V17A2,2 0 0,1 20,19H4C2.89,19 2,18.1 2,17V7C2,5.89 2.89,5 4,5H20M18,17V15H12.5L10.5,17H18M6,17H8.5L15.35,10.12C15.55,9.93 15.55,9.61 15.35,9.41L13.59,7.65C13.39,7.45 13.07,7.45 12.88,7.65L6,14.53V17Z",k12="M12,23L8,19H16L12,23M20,3A2,2 0 0,1 22,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 20,17H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 4,3H20M18,15V13H12.5L10.5,15H18M6,15H8.5L15.35,8.12C15.55,7.93 15.55,7.61 15.35,7.42L13.59,5.65C13.39,5.45 13.07,5.45 12.88,5.65L6,12.53V15Z",B12="M8 4A2 2 0 0 0 6 6V10H8V6H16V9H13.5L17 12.5L20.5 9H18V6A2 2 0 0 0 16 4H8M3 12V14H11V12H3M3 15V17H11V15H3M13 15V17H21V15H13M3 18V20H11V18H3M13 18V20H21V18H13Z",P12="M16,3V5H8V3H16M16,7V9H8V7H16M16,11V13H8V11H16M5,15H19L12,22L5,15Z",w12="M21,16H19V8H21V16M17,16H15V8H17V16M13,16H11V8H13V16M9,5V19L2,12L9,5Z",F12="M3,8H5V16H3V8M7,8H9V16H7V8M11,8H13V16H11V8M15,19.25V4.75L22.25,12L15,19.25Z",T12="M8,21V19H16V21H8M8,17V15H16V17H8M8,13V11H16V13H8M19,9H5L12,2L19,9Z",b12="M15,12C15,10.7 14.16,9.6 13,9.18V6.82C14.16,6.4 15,5.3 15,4A3,3 0 0,0 12,1A3,3 0 0,0 9,4C9,5.3 9.84,6.4 11,6.82V9.19C9.84,9.6 9,10.7 9,12C9,13.3 9.84,14.4 11,14.82V17.18C9.84,17.6 9,18.7 9,20A3,3 0 0,0 12,23A3,3 0 0,0 15,20C15,18.7 14.16,17.6 13,17.18V14.82C14.16,14.4 15,13.3 15,12M12,3A1,1 0 0,1 13,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,4A1,1 0 0,1 12,3M12,21A1,1 0 0,1 11,20A1,1 0 0,1 12,19A1,1 0 0,1 13,20A1,1 0 0,1 12,21Z",y12="M12 9C10.7 9 9.6 9.8 9.2 11H6.8C6.4 9.8 5.3 9 4 9C2.3 9 1 10.3 1 12S2.3 15 4 15C5.3 15 6.4 14.2 6.8 13H9.2C9.6 14.2 10.7 15 12 15S14.4 14.2 14.8 13H17.2C17.6 14.2 18.7 15 20 15C21.7 15 23 13.7 23 12S21.7 9 20 9C18.7 9 17.6 9.8 17.2 11H14.8C14.4 9.8 13.3 9 12 9M3 12C3 11.4 3.4 11 4 11S5 11.4 5 12 4.6 13 4 13 3 12.6 3 12M21 12C21 12.6 20.6 13 20 13S19 12.6 19 12 19.4 11 20 11 21 11.4 21 12Z",R12="M18,11H14.82C14.4,9.84 13.3,9 12,9C10.7,9 9.6,9.84 9.18,11H6C5.67,11 4,10.9 4,9V8C4,6.17 5.54,6 6,6H16.18C16.6,7.16 17.7,8 19,8A3,3 0 0,0 22,5A3,3 0 0,0 19,2C17.7,2 16.6,2.84 16.18,4H6C4.39,4 2,5.06 2,8V9C2,11.94 4.39,13 6,13H9.18C9.6,14.16 10.7,15 12,15C13.3,15 14.4,14.16 14.82,13H18C18.33,13 20,13.1 20,15V16C20,17.83 18.46,18 18,18H7.82C7.4,16.84 6.3,16 5,16A3,3 0 0,0 2,19A3,3 0 0,0 5,22C6.3,22 7.4,21.16 7.82,20H18C19.61,20 22,18.93 22,16V15C22,12.07 19.61,11 18,11M19,4A1,1 0 0,1 20,5A1,1 0 0,1 19,6A1,1 0 0,1 18,5A1,1 0 0,1 19,4M5,20A1,1 0 0,1 4,19A1,1 0 0,1 5,18A1,1 0 0,1 6,19A1,1 0 0,1 5,20Z",x12="M19 3A3 3 0 0 0 16.61 4.21A11.5 11.5 0 0 0 13.75 4L13.88 6A9.47 9.47 0 0 1 16 6.13A3 3 0 1 0 19 3M19 7A1 1 0 1 1 20 6A1 1 0 0 1 19 7M8.86 7.86L7.67 6.25A11.5 11.5 0 0 1 11.6 4.37L12.1 6.31A9.5 9.5 0 0 0 8.86 7.86M21 18A3 3 0 1 1 15.69 16.11A9.47 9.47 0 0 0 8.59 13.46C8.37 13.47 8.16 13.5 7.94 13.54A3 3 0 1 1 4.39 10.06A11.54 11.54 0 0 1 6.04 7.7L7.5 9.06A9.34 9.34 0 0 0 6.5 10.41A3.04 3.04 0 0 1 7.62 11.56C7.91 11.5 8.19 11.5 8.5 11.46A11.47 11.47 0 0 1 17.46 15.05A2.96 2.96 0 0 1 18 15A3 3 0 0 1 21 18Z",D12="M21 12C21 8 18.5 4.7 15 3.5C14.7 2.1 13.5 1 12 1C10.3 1 9 2.3 9 4S10.3 7 12 7C13.1 7 14.1 6.4 14.6 5.5C17.2 6.5 19 9 19 12C19 14.9 17.2 17.5 14.6 18.5C14.1 17.6 13.1 17 12 17C10.3 17 9 18.3 9 20S10.3 23 12 23C13.5 23 14.7 21.9 15 20.5C18.5 19.3 21 15.9 21 12M12 5C11.4 5 11 4.6 11 4S11.4 3 12 3 13 3.4 13 4 12.6 5 12 5M12 21C11.4 21 11 20.6 11 20S11.4 19 12 19 13 19.4 13 20 12.6 21 12 21M12 9C13.7 9 15 10.3 15 12S13.7 15 12 15 9 13.7 9 12 10.3 9 12 9Z",E12="M16.5,15.5H22V17H16.5V18.75L14,16.25L16.5,13.75V15.5M19.5,19.75V18L22,20.5L19.5,23V21.25H14V19.75H19.5M9.5,5.5A2,2 0 0,1 7.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,1.5A2,2 0 0,1 11.5,3.5A2,2 0 0,1 9.5,5.5M5.75,8.9L4,9.65V13H2V8.3L7.25,6.15C7.5,6.05 7.75,6 8,6C8.7,6 9.35,6.35 9.7,6.95L10.65,8.55C11.55,10 13.15,11 15,11V13C12.8,13 10.85,12 9.55,10.4L8.95,13.4L11,15.45V23H9V17L6.85,15L5.1,23H3L5.75,8.9Z",N12="M15,2A7,7 0 0,1 22,9C22,11.71 20.46,14.05 18.22,15.22C17.55,16.5 16.5,17.55 15.22,18.22C14.05,20.46 11.71,22 9,22A7,7 0 0,1 2,15C2,12.29 3.54,9.95 5.78,8.78C6.45,7.5 7.5,6.45 8.78,5.78C9.95,3.54 12.29,2 15,2M12,19A7,7 0 0,1 5,12C4.37,12.84 4,13.87 4,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,20C10.13,20 11.16,19.63 12,19M15,16A7,7 0 0,1 8,9H8C7.37,9.84 7,10.87 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17C13.13,17 14.16,16.63 15,16V16M15,4C13.87,4 12.84,4.37 12,5V5A7,7 0 0,1 19,12H19C19.63,11.16 20,10.13 20,9A5,5 0 0,0 15,4M10,9A5,5 0 0,0 15,14C15.6,14 16.17,13.9 16.7,13.7C16.9,13.17 17,12.6 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C11.4,7 10.83,7.1 10.3,7.3C10.1,7.83 10,8.4 10,9Z",W12="M15,2C16.94,2 18.59,2.7 19.95,4.05C21.3,5.41 22,7.06 22,9C22,10.56 21.5,11.96 20.58,13.2C19.64,14.43 18.44,15.27 16.97,15.7L17,15.38V15C17,12.81 16.23,10.93 14.65,9.35C13.07,7.77 11.19,7 9,7H8.63L8.3,7.03C8.73,5.56 9.57,4.36 10.8,3.42C12.04,2.5 13.44,2 15,2M9,8A7,7 0 0,1 16,15A7,7 0 0,1 9,22A7,7 0 0,1 2,15A7,7 0 0,1 9,8M9,10A5,5 0 0,0 4,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,20A5,5 0 0,0 14,15A5,5 0 0,0 9,10Z",I12="M12.87,15.07L10.33,12.56L10.36,12.53C12.1,10.59 13.34,8.36 14.07,6H17V4H10V2H8V4H1V6H12.17C11.5,7.92 10.44,9.75 9,11.35C8.07,10.32 7.3,9.19 6.69,8H4.69C5.42,9.63 6.42,11.17 7.67,12.56L2.58,17.58L4,19L9,14L12.11,17.11L12.87,15.07M18.5,10H16.5L12,22H14L15.12,19H19.87L21,22H23L18.5,10M15.88,17L17.5,12.67L19.12,17H15.88Z",G12="M12.17,5.81C11.87,6.69 11.47,7.55 11,8.39L12.35,9.74C13.11,8.5 13.71,7.18 14.13,5.81H17.16V3.75H9.94V1.69H7.87V3.75H6.37L8.43,5.81H12.17M15.53,12.91L17.03,14.41L17.67,12.69L19.08,16.47L22.39,19.77L18.7,9.94H16.64L15.53,12.91M1.31,1.31L0,2.62L1.13,3.75H0.65V5.81H3.19L5.26,7.88H4.46C5.21,9.56 6.24,11.15 7.53,12.58L2.28,17.76L3.75,19.22L8.91,14.07L12.11,17.27L12.8,15.43L14.1,16.72L12,22.31H14.06L15.22,19.22H16.6L21.38,24L22.69,22.69L1.31,1.31Z",Q12="M11 1H3C1.9 1 1 1.9 1 3V15L4 12H9V11C9 8.8 10.79 7 13 7V3C13 1.9 12.1 1 11 1M11 4L9.5 4C9.16 5.19 8.54 6.3 7.68 7.26L7.66 7.28L8.92 8.53L8.55 9.54L7 8L4.5 10.5L3.81 9.77L6.34 7.28C5.72 6.59 5.22 5.82 4.86 5H5.85C6.16 5.6 6.54 6.17 7 6.68C7.72 5.88 8.24 4.97 8.57 4L3 4V3H6.5V2H7.5V3H11V4M21 9H13C11.9 9 11 9.9 11 11V18C11 19.1 11.9 20 13 20H20L23 23V11C23 9.9 22.1 9 21 9M19.63 19L18.78 16.75H15.22L14.38 19H12.88L16.25 10H17.75L21.13 19H19.63M17 12L18.22 15.25H15.79L17 12Z",U12="M8.28,5.45L6.5,4.55L7.76,2H16.23L17.5,4.55L15.72,5.44L15,4H9L8.28,5.45M18.62,8H14.09L13.3,5H10.7L9.91,8H5.38L4.1,10.55L5.89,11.44L6.62,10H17.38L18.1,11.45L19.89,10.56L18.62,8M17.77,22H15.7L15.46,21.1L12,15.9L8.53,21.1L8.3,22H6.23L9.12,11H11.19L10.83,12.35L12,14.1L13.16,12.35L12.81,11H14.88L17.77,22M11.4,15L10.5,13.65L9.32,18.13L11.4,15M14.68,18.12L13.5,13.64L12.6,15L14.68,18.12Z",z12="M5.18 5.45L3.4 4.55L4.66 2H13.13L14.4 4.55L12.62 5.44L11.9 4H5.9L5.18 5.45M15.5 8H11L10.2 5H7.6L6.81 8H2.28L1 10.55L2.79 11.44L3.5 10H14.28L15 11.45L16.79 10.56L15.5 8M14.67 22H12.6L12.36 21.1L8.9 15.9L5.43 21.1L5.2 22H3.13L6 11H8.09L7.73 12.35L8.9 14.1L10.06 12.35L9.71 11H11.78L14.67 22M8.3 15L7.4 13.65L6.22 18.13L8.3 15M11.58 18.12L10.4 13.64L9.5 15L11.58 18.12M23 16L19 12V15H15V17H19V20L23 16Z",_12="M11.39 5.45L9.61 4.55L10.87 2H19.34L20.61 4.55L18.83 5.44L18.11 4H12.11L11.39 5.45M21.73 8H17.2L16.41 5H13.81L13 8H8.5L7.21 10.55L9 11.44L9.73 10H20.5L21.21 11.45L23 10.56L21.73 8M20.88 22H18.81L18.57 21.1L15.11 15.9L11.64 21.1L11.41 22H9.34L12.23 11H14.3L13.94 12.35L15.11 14.1L16.27 12.35L15.92 11H18L20.88 22M14.5 15L13.61 13.65L12.43 18.13L14.5 15M17.79 18.12L16.61 13.64L15.71 15L17.79 18.12M9 16L5 12V15H1V17H5V20L9 16Z",K12="M22.1 21.5L2.4 1.7L1.1 3L6.1 8H5.4L4.1 10.5L5.9 11.4L6.6 10H8.1L9.1 11L6.2 22H8.3L8.5 21.1L12 15.9L15.5 21.1L15.7 22H17.8L17 18.8L20.9 22.7L22.1 21.5M9.3 18.1L10.5 13.6L11.4 14.9L9.3 18.1M14.7 18.1L12.6 15L12.8 14.7L14.1 16L14.7 18.1M14.2 11H14.9L15.1 11.9L14.2 11M14.1 8H18.6L19.9 10.6L18.1 11.5L17.4 10H13.2L10.2 7L10.7 5H13.3L14.1 8M8.4 5.2L6.9 3.7L7.8 2H16.3L17.6 4.5L15.8 5.4L15 4H9L8.4 5.2Z",j12="M9,3V4H4V6H5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V6H20V4H15V3H9M9,8H11V17H9V8M13,8H15V17H13V8Z",q12="M9,3V4H4V6H5V19A2,2 0 0,0 7,21H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,19V6H20V4H15V3H9M7,6H17V19H7V6M9,8V17H11V8H9M13,8V17H15V8H13Z",$12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17Z",X12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M13 12H11V14H13M13 4H11V10H13Z",Y12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V12M12 15L17.55 9.54L16.13 8.13L13 11.25V2H11V11.25L7.88 8.13L6.46 9.55L12 15Z",J12="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17C22 18.11 21.11 19 20 19H4C2.9 19 2 18.11 2 17V12M12 2L6.46 7.46L7.88 8.88L11 5.75V15H13V5.75L16.13 8.88L17.55 7.45L12 2Z",C22="M18 5H6V7H18M6 9H18V11H6M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M18 13H6V15H18Z",H22="M16 10H8V8H16M2 17A2 2 0 0 0 4 19H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 17V12H20V17H4V12H2Z",V22="M2 12H4V17H20V12H22V17A2 2 0 0 1 20 19H4A2 2 0 0 1 2 17M11 5H13V8H16V10H13V13H11V10H8V8H11Z",L22="M2 17A2 2 0 0 0 4 19H20A2 2 0 0 0 22 17V12H20V17H4V12H2M14.12 5.46L15.54 6.88L13.41 9L15.54 11.12L14.12 12.54L12 10.41L9.88 12.54L8.46 11.12L10.59 9L8.46 6.88L9.88 5.46L12 7.59Z",M22="M5,4H19A3,3 0 0,1 22,7V11H15V10H9V11H2V7A3,3 0 0,1 5,4M11,11H13V13H11V11M2,12H9V13L11,15H13L15,13V12H22V20H2V12Z",A22="M2 20H22V7C22 6.2 21.68 5.44 21.12 4.88C20.56 4.32 19.8 4 19 4H5C4.2 4 3.44 4.32 2.88 4.88C2.32 5.44 2 6.2 2 7V20M20 11H15V9H9V11H4V7C4 6.74 4.11 6.5 4.29 6.29C4.5 6.11 4.74 6 5 6H19C19.27 6 19.5 6.11 19.71 6.29C19.9 6.5 20 6.74 20 7V11M15 13H20V18H4V13H9L11 15H13L15 13M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",i22="M11,21V16.74C10.53,16.91 10.03,17 9.5,17C7,17 5,15 5,12.5C5,11.23 5.5,10.09 6.36,9.27C6.13,8.73 6,8.13 6,7.5C6,5 8,3 10.5,3C12.06,3 13.44,3.8 14.25,5C14.33,5 14.41,5 14.5,5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 20,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 14.5,16C14,16 13.5,15.93 13,15.79V21H11Z",r22="M10.5,3C8,3 6,5 6,7.5C6,8.11 6.13,8.71 6.37,9.27C5.5,10.12 5,11.28 5,12.5C5,15 7,17 9.5,17C10,17 10.5,16.89 11,16.72V21H13V15.77C13.5,15.91 14,16 14.5,16A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 20,10.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 14.5,5C14.41,5 14.33,5 14.24,5C13.41,3.76 12,3 10.5,3M10.5,5C11.82,5 12.91,6.03 13,7.35C13.46,7.12 14,7 14.5,7A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18,10.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 14.5,14C13.54,14 12.63,13.61 11.96,12.91C11.76,14.12 10.72,15 9.5,15A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 7,12.5C7,11.12 7.8,10.54 9,9.79C8.2,8.76 8,8.16 8,7.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 10.5,5Z",a22="M19.5,2H4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 2,4.5V19.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 4.5,22H19.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 22,19.5V4.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 19.5,2M10.7,17.2A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 9.5,18.4H5.8C5.14,18.4 4.6,17.86 4.6,17.2V5.8A1.2,1.2 0 0,1 5.8,4.6H9.5C10.16,4.6 10.7,5.14 10.7,5.8V17.2M19.4,12.2C19.4,12.86 18.86,13.4 18.2,13.4H14.5C13.84,13.4 13.3,12.86 13.3,12.2V5.8C13.3,5.14 13.84,4.6 14.5,4.6H18.2C18.86,4.6 19.4,5.14 19.4,5.8V12.2Z",e22="M16,18L18.29,15.71L13.41,10.83L9.41,14.83L2,7.41L3.41,6L9.41,12L13.41,8L19.71,14.29L22,12V18H16Z",d22="M22,12L18,8V11H3V13H18V16L22,12Z",m22="M16,6L18.29,8.29L13.41,13.17L9.41,9.17L2,16.59L3.41,18L9.41,12L13.41,16L19.71,9.71L22,12V6H16Z",t22="M1,21H23L12,2",v22="M1 3H23L12 22",l22="M12 22L1 3H23M12 18L19.53 5H4.47",o22="M12,2L1,21H23M12,6L19.53,19H4.47",n22="M8 9H16L12 16",Z22="M8 15H16L12 8",S22="M22 12L17 22L7.1 6.04L4.24 12H2L7 2L16.9 17.96L19.76 12H22Z",u22="M1.5,21L12,3.5L22.5,21H1.5M12,21L17,12H7L12,21Z",c22="M18 2C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2C6.6 15 7.9 16.7 11 17V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V17C16.1 16.7 17.4 15 17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18M6 11H4V4H6V11M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",s22="M15.2 10.7L16.6 16L12 12.2L7.4 16L8.8 10.8L4.6 7.3L10 7L12 2L14 7L19.4 7.3L15.2 10.7M14 19H13V16L12 15L11 16V19H10C8.9 19 8 19.9 8 21V22H16V21C16 19.9 15.11 19 14 19Z",O22="M6.2 13C6.6 14.8 7.6 16.3 10 16.8V19.34C8 20.12 8 22 8 22H13.2L10.2 15L14.2 10L10.7 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2M6 11H4V4H6V11M17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H13.9L16.7 10L12.2 15L13.2 22H16C16 22 16 20.12 14 19.34L14 16.85C16.39 16.35 17.5 14.7 17.8 13M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",h22="M18 2C17.1 2 16 3 16 4H8C8 3 6.9 2 6 2H2V11C2 12 3 13 4 13H6.2C6.6 15 7.9 16.7 11 17V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V17C16.1 16.7 17.4 15 17.8 13H20C21 13 22 12 22 11V2H18M6 11H4V4H6V11M16 11.5C16 13.43 15.42 15 12 15C8.59 15 8 13.43 8 11.5V6H16V11.5M20 11H18V4H20V11Z",p22="M17 4V2H7V4H2V11C2 12.1 2.9 13 4 13H7.1C7.5 14.96 9.04 16.5 11 16.9V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V16.9C14.96 16.5 16.5 14.96 16.9 13H20C21.1 13 22 12.1 22 11V4H17M4 11V6H7V11L4 11M20 11L17 11V6H20L20 11Z",f22="M17 4V2H7V4H2V11C2 12.1 2.9 13 4 13H7.1C7.5 14.96 9.04 16.5 11 16.9V19.08C8 19.54 8 22 8 22H16C16 22 16 19.54 13 19.08V16.9C14.96 16.5 16.5 14.96 16.9 13H20C21.1 13 22 12.1 22 11V4H17M4 11V6H7V11L4 11M15 12C15 13.65 13.65 15 12 15S9 13.65 9 12V4H15V12M20 11L17 11V6H20L20 11Z",g22="M18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5M19.5,9.5L21.46,12H17V9.5M6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5M20,8H17V4H3C1.89,4 1,4.89 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8Z",k22="M3 4C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8H17V4H3M8 6H10V10H8V6M17 9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17V9.5M8 12H10V14H8V12M6 15.5C6.8 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17S6.8 18.5 6 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17 5.2 15.5 6 15.5M18 15.5C18.8 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17S18.8 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17 17.2 15.5 18 15.5Z",B22="M8 12H10V14H8V12M8 7H10V11H8V7M18 18.5C18.8 18.5 19.5 17.8 19.5 17S18.8 15.5 18 15.5 16.5 16.2 16.5 17 17.2 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.5L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.8 18.5 7.5 17.8 7.5 17S6.8 15.5 6 15.5 4.5 16.2 4.5 17 5.2 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.7 19.7 20 18 20S15 18.7 15 17H9C9 18.7 7.7 20 6 20S3 18.7 3 17H1V6C1 4.9 1.9 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.8C4.3 14.4 5.2 14 6 14S7.7 14.4 8.2 15H15V6H3Z",P22="M20 8H17V4H1V17H3C3 18.66 4.34 20 6 20S9 18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M15 7H13V14H11V7H9V14H7V7H5V14H3V6H15V7M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17Z",w22="M3,4H17V8H20L23,12V17H21A3,3 0 0,1 18,20A3,3 0 0,1 15,17H9A3,3 0 0,1 6,20A3,3 0 0,1 3,17H1V6C1,4.89 1.9,4 3,4M17,9.5V12H21.47L19.5,9.5H17M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,15.5M8,14L14,8L12.59,6.58L8,11.17L5.91,9.08L4.5,10.5L8,14Z",F22="M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H9C9 18.66 7.66 20 6 20C4.34 20 3 18.66 3 17H1V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.76C4.31 14.39 5.11 14 6 14C6.89 14 7.69 14.39 8.24 15H15V6H3M5 10.5L6.5 9L8 10.5L11.5 7L13 8.5L8 13.5L5 10.5Z",T22="M3,4A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V12L20,8H17V4M10,6L14,10L10,14V11H4V9H10M17,9.5H19.5L21.47,12H17M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",b22="M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M6 18.5C6.83 18.5 7.5 17.83 7.5 17C7.5 16.17 6.83 15.5 6 15.5C5.17 15.5 4.5 16.17 4.5 17C4.5 17.83 5.17 18.5 6 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H9C9 18.66 7.66 20 6 20C4.34 20 3 18.66 3 17H1V6C1 4.89 1.89 4 3 4H17V8H20M3 6V15H3.76C4.31 14.39 5.11 14 6 14C6.89 14 7.69 14.39 8.24 15H15V6H3M10 7L13.5 10.5L10 14V11.5H5V9.5H10V7Z",y22="M3,13.5L2.25,12H7.5L6.9,10.5H2L1.25,9H9.05L8.45,7.5H1.11L0.25,6H4A2,2 0 0,1 6,4H18V8H21L24,12V17H22A3,3 0 0,1 19,20A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H12A3,3 0 0,1 9,20A3,3 0 0,1 6,17H4V13.5H3M19,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,18.5M20.5,9.5H18V12H22.46L20.5,9.5M9,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,18.5Z",R22="M.75 7.5H10.5L11.25 9H1.5L.75 7.5M1.75 10.5H11.5L12.25 12H2.5L1.75 10.5M18 18.5C18.83 18.5 19.5 17.83 19.5 17C19.5 16.17 18.83 15.5 18 15.5C17.17 15.5 16.5 16.17 16.5 17C16.5 17.83 17.17 18.5 18 18.5M19.5 9.5H17V12H21.46L19.5 9.5M8 18.5C8.83 18.5 9.5 17.83 9.5 17C9.5 16.17 8.83 15.5 8 15.5C7.17 15.5 6.5 16.17 6.5 17C6.5 17.83 7.17 18.5 8 18.5M20 8L23 12V17H21C21 18.66 19.66 20 18 20C16.34 20 15 18.66 15 17H11C11 18.66 9.65 20 8 20C6.34 20 5 18.66 5 17H3V13.5 13.5H5V15H5.76C6.31 14.39 7.11 14 8 14C8.89 14 9.69 14.39 10.24 15H15V6H3V6C3 4.89 3.89 4 5 4H17V8H20Z",x22="M18 4H13V13H1V17H3C3 17.83 3.3 18.53 3.89 19.13C4.5 19.72 5.19 20 6 20S7.5 19.72 8.11 19.13C8.7 18.53 9 17.83 9 17H14.5C14.5 17.83 14.78 18.53 15.38 19.13C15.97 19.72 16.67 20 17.5 20C18.3 20 19 19.72 19.59 19.13C20.19 18.53 20.5 17.83 20.5 17H23V10L18 4M7.08 18.07C6.8 18.37 6.44 18.5 6 18.5S5.2 18.37 4.92 18.07C4.64 17.77 4.5 17.42 4.5 17C4.5 16.61 4.64 16.26 4.92 15.96C5.2 15.66 5.56 15.5 6 15.5S6.8 15.66 7.08 15.96C7.36 16.26 7.5 16.61 7.5 17C7.5 17.42 7.36 17.77 7.08 18.07M18.54 18.07C18.24 18.37 17.89 18.5 17.5 18.5C17.08 18.5 16.73 18.37 16.43 18.07S16 17.42 16 17C16 16.61 16.13 16.26 16.43 15.96C16.73 15.66 17.08 15.5 17.5 15.5C17.89 15.5 18.24 15.66 18.54 15.96C18.84 16.26 19 16.61 19 17C19 17.42 18.84 17.77 18.54 18.07M15 10V6H17.06L20.39 10H15Z",D22="M20 8H17V4H3C1.89 4 1 4.89 1 6V17H3C3 18.66 4.34 20 6 20S9 18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M13 11H5V9H13V11M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17",E22="M20 8H17V4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.2 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17S5.2 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17 6.8 18.5 6 18.5M15 15H8.2C7.7 14.4 6.9 14 6 14S4.3 14.4 3.8 15H3V6H15V15M18 18.5C17.2 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17S17.2 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17 18.8 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17M6 11V9H12V11H6Z",N22="M14.81 3.4L9.39 4.36L10.09 8.3L.733 9.95L1.6 14.87L3.57 14.53C3.71 15.31 4.15 16 4.81 16.46C5.46 16.92 6.26 17.1 7.05 16.96C7.83 16.82 8.53 16.38 9 15.73C9.44 15.07 9.62 14.27 9.5 13.5L15.39 12.44C15.53 13.23 15.97 13.92 16.62 14.38C17.27 14.83 18.08 15 18.86 14.88C19.65 14.74 20.34 14.29 20.8 13.64C21.26 13 21.44 12.18 21.3 11.4L23.27 11.05L22.75 8.1C22.55 7 21.5 6.28 20.43 6.5L18.46 6.82L14.81 3.4M11.13 5.58L14.58 4.97L16.94 7.09L11.57 8.04L11.13 5.58M6.27 12.53C6.66 12.46 7.06 12.55 7.39 12.78C7.71 13 7.93 13.35 8 13.74C8.07 14.14 8 14.54 7.75 14.86C7.53 15.19 7.18 15.41 6.79 15.5C6.39 15.55 6 15.46 5.67 15.23C5.34 15 5.12 14.66 5.05 14.26C5 13.87 5.07 13.47 5.3 13.14C5.53 12.82 5.87 12.6 6.27 12.53M18.08 10.44C18.47 10.37 18.88 10.46 19.2 10.69C19.53 10.92 19.75 11.27 19.82 11.66C19.89 12.05 19.8 12.46 19.57 12.78C19.34 13.11 19 13.33 18.6 13.4C18.21 13.47 17.81 13.38 17.5 13.15C17.16 12.92 16.93 12.57 16.87 12.18C16.8 11.79 16.89 11.39 17.11 11.06C17.34 10.73 17.69 10.5 18.08 10.44M2.83 19.17L2 20V22H22V16H16.62C15.55 16 14.5 16.17 13.46 16.5L12.08 16.97C10.04 17.65 7.9 18 5.75 18H5.66C4.6 18 3.58 18.42 2.83 19.17Z",W22="M2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.96 8.85L.733 9.95L1.6 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18.66 9 17H15C15 18.66 16.34 20 18 20S21 18.66 21 17H23V12L20 8M6 18.5C5.17 18.5 4.5 17.83 4.5 17S5.17 15.5 6 15.5 7.5 16.17 7.5 17 6.83 18.5 6 18.5M15 15H8.24C7.69 14.39 6.89 14 6 14S4.31 14.39 3.76 15H3V6H15V15M18 18.5C17.17 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17S17.17 15.5 18 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17 18.83 18.5 18 18.5M17 12V9.5H19.5L21.46 12H17M5.82 11.77L7.59 10L5.82 8.23L7.23 6.82L9 8.59L10.77 6.82L12.18 8.23L10.41 10L12.18 11.77L10.77 13.18L9 11.41L7.23 13.18L5.82 11.77Z",_22="M17 4H3C1.9 4 1 4.9 1 6V17H3C3 18.7 4.3 20 6 20S9 18.7 9 17H15C15 18.7 16.3 20 18 20S21 18.7 21 17H23V12L20 8H17V4M10.2 5.3H10.5C11 5.4 11.3 5.9 11.2 6.4L10.7 8.4L12.7 7.9C13.2 7.8 13.7 8.1 13.8 8.6C13.9 9.1 13.6 9.6 13.2 9.7L11.2 10.2L12.6 11.6C13 11.9 13 12.5 12.6 12.9C12.3 13.3 11.7 13.3 11.3 12.9L9.8 11.5L9.3 13.5C9.2 14 8.7 14.3 8.2 14.1C7.7 14 7.4 13.5 7.6 13L8.1 11L6.1 11.5C5.6 11.6 5.1 11.3 5 10.9C4.9 10.4 5.2 9.9 5.6 9.8L7.6 9.3L6.2 7.7C5.9 7.4 5.9 6.8 6.2 6.4C6.5 6.1 7.1 6.1 7.5 6.4L8.9 7.8L9.4 5.8C9.5 5.6 9.8 5.3 10.2 5.3M17 9.5H19.5L21.5 12H17V9.5M6 15.5C6.8 15.5 7.5 16.2 7.5 17S6.8 18.5 6 18.5 4.5 17.8 4.5 17 5.2 15.5 6 15.5M18 15.5C18.8 15.5 19.5 16.2 19.5 17S18.8 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.8 16.5 17 17.2 15.5 18 15.5Z",K22="M22,15V17H10A3,3 0 0,1 7,20A3,3 0 0,1 4,17H2V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,6V15H22M7,16A1,1 0 0,0 6,17A1,1 0 0,0 7,18A1,1 0 0,0 8,17A1,1 0 0,0 7,16Z",j22="M22 6C21 11 15 11 15 11H4C3 11 2 10 2 10H1V14H2C2 14 3 13 4 13H4.3C4.1 13.3 4 13.6 4 14V16C4 17.1 4.9 18 6 18H7V19H9V18H10V19H12V18H13V19H15V18H16C17.1 18 18 17.1 18 16V14C18 13.9 18 13.7 17.9 13.6C19.6 14.2 21.4 15.4 22 18H23V6H22M6 16.5C5.7 16.5 5.5 16.3 5.5 16V14C5.5 13.7 5.7 13.5 6 13.5H7V16.5H6M9 16.5V13.5H10V16.5H9M12 16.5V13.5H13V16.5H12M16.5 16C16.5 16.3 16.3 16.5 16 16.5H15V13.5H16C16.3 13.5 16.5 13.7 16.5 14V16M9 10H7V9H9V10M12 10H10V9H12V10M15 10H13V9H15V10Z",q22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.07C5.31,13.46 4.68,13.46 4.29,13.07L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10.34,5 12,5C13.66,5 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.12V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21",$22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.12C5.31,13.5 4.68,13.5 4.29,13.12L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10.34,5 12,5C13.66,5 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.07V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21M20.42,9.58L16.11,5.28C15.8,5.63 15.43,5.94 15,6.2C14.16,6.7 13.13,7 12,7C10.3,7 8.79,6.32 7.89,5.28L3.58,9.58L5,11L8,9H9V19H15V9H16L19,11L20.42,9.58Z",X22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.07C5.31,13.46 4.68,13.46 4.29,13.07L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9.29,4.8 10.4,6.37 12,7.25C13.6,6.37 14.71,4.8 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.12V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21",Y22="M16,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20V12.07L5.7,13.12C5.31,13.5 4.68,13.5 4.29,13.12L1.46,10.29C1.07,9.9 1.07,9.27 1.46,8.88L7.34,3H9C9,4.1 10,6 12,7.25C14,6 15,4.1 15,3H16.66L22.54,8.88C22.93,9.27 22.93,9.9 22.54,10.29L19.71,13.12C19.32,13.5 18.69,13.5 18.3,13.12L17,12.07V20A1,1 0 0,1 16,21M20.42,9.58L16.11,5.28C15,7 14,8.25 12,9.25C10,8.25 9,7 7.89,5.28L3.58,9.58L5,11L8,9H9V19H15V9H16L19,11L20.42,9.58Z",J22="M18.67 17.63C14.87 20.43 12.55 18.03 12 17.63C11.34 18.12 9.08 20.39 5.33 17.63C3.43 19.03 2.65 19 2 19V21C3.16 21 4.3 20.68 5.33 20.07C7.39 21.29 9.94 21.29 12 20.07C14.06 21.29 16.61 21.29 18.67 20.07C19.7 20.68 20.84 21 22 21V19C21.34 19 20.5 19 18.67 17.63M19.33 12H22V10H19.33C17.5 10 16 8.5 16 6.67C16 5.65 16.38 4.93 17.09 3.33C15.72 3.12 15.09 3 14 3C7.36 3 2.15 8.03 2 14.5L2 16.5C3.16 16.5 4.3 16.18 5.33 15.57C7.39 16.79 9.94 16.79 12 15.57C14.06 16.79 16.61 16.79 18.67 15.57C19.7 16.18 20.84 16.5 22 16.5V14.5C21.34 14.5 20.5 14.5 18.67 13.13C14.87 15.93 12.55 13.53 12 13.13C11.1 13.8 11.46 13.54 11.09 13.76C10.39 12.82 10 11.7 10 10.5C10 7.92 11.77 5.76 14.21 5.17C14.08 5.68 14 6.19 14 6.67C14 9.61 16.39 12 19.33 12Z",C52="M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M10,4A1,1 0 0,0 9,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4M12,8A6,6 0 0,0 6,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,8M8.11,10.5H10C9.76,11.88 10,12.67 10.58,13.29C11.68,14.36 12.16,15.71 11.89,17.5H10C10.24,16.12 10,15.33 9.42,14.71C8.32,13.64 7.85,12.29 8.11,10.5M12.11,10.5H14C13.76,11.88 14,12.67 14.58,13.29C15.68,14.36 16.16,15.71 15.89,17.5H14C14.24,16.12 14,15.33 13.42,14.71C12.32,13.64 11.85,12.29 12.11,10.5Z",H52="M4 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M5 4C4.45 4 4 4.45 4 5S4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5 5.55 4 5 4M8 4C7.45 4 7 4.45 7 5S7.45 6 8 6 9 5.55 9 5 8.55 4 8 4M10 8C6.69 8 4 10.69 4 14S6.69 20 10 20 16 17.31 16 14 13.31 8 10 8M6.11 10.5H8C7.76 11.88 8 12.67 8.58 13.29C9.68 14.36 10.16 15.71 9.89 17.5H8C8.24 16.12 8 15.33 7.42 14.71C6.32 13.64 5.85 12.29 6.11 10.5M10.11 10.5H12C11.76 11.88 12 12.67 12.58 13.29C13.68 14.36 14.16 15.71 13.89 17.5H12C12.24 16.12 12 15.33 11.42 14.71C10.32 13.64 9.85 12.29 10.11 10.5M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",V52="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.32 6.7 10.8 7.82 9.71L8.61 10.5H8.11C7.85 12.29 8.32 13.64 9.42 14.71C10 15.33 10.24 16.12 10 17.5H11.89C12.16 15.71 11.68 14.36 10.58 13.29C10.22 12.91 10 12.44 9.95 11.84L14.03 15.92C14.11 16.35 14.11 16.86 14 17.5H15.61L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20M11.25 8.05C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.31 8 18 10.69 18 14C18 14.25 18 14.5 17.95 14.75L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.25 8.05M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",L52="M3,17V19H9V17H3M3,5V7H13V5H3M13,21V19H21V17H13V15H11V21H13M7,9V11H3V13H7V15H9V9H7M21,13V11H11V13H21M15,9H17V7H21V5H17V3H15V9Z",M52="M8 13C6.14 13 4.59 14.28 4.14 16H2V18H4.14C4.59 19.72 6.14 21 8 21S11.41 19.72 11.86 18H22V16H11.86C11.41 14.28 9.86 13 8 13M8 19C6.9 19 6 18.1 6 17C6 15.9 6.9 15 8 15S10 15.9 10 17C10 18.1 9.1 19 8 19M19.86 6C19.41 4.28 17.86 3 16 3S12.59 4.28 12.14 6H2V8H12.14C12.59 9.72 14.14 11 16 11S19.41 9.72 19.86 8H22V6H19.86M16 9C14.9 9 14 8.1 14 7C14 5.9 14.9 5 16 5S18 5.9 18 7C18 8.1 17.1 9 16 9Z",A52="M7 3H5V9H7V3M19 3H17V13H19V3M3 13H5V21H7V13H9V11H3V13M15 7H13V3H11V7H9V9H15V7M11 21H13V11H11V21M15 15V17H17V21H19V17H21V15H15Z",i52="M8 12.14V2H6V12.14C4.28 12.59 3 14.14 3 16S4.28 19.41 6 19.86V22H8V19.86C9.72 19.41 11 17.86 11 16S9.72 12.59 8 12.14M7 14C8.1 14 9 14.9 9 16S8.1 18 7 18C5.9 18 5 17.1 5 16S5.9 14 7 14M18 2H16V4.14C14.28 4.59 13 6.14 13 8S14.28 11.41 16 11.86V22H18V11.86C19.72 11.41 21 9.86 21 8S19.72 4.59 18 4.14V2M17 6C18.1 6 19 6.9 19 8S18.1 10 17 10C15.9 10 15 9.1 15 8S15.9 6 17 6Z",r52="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M7.1 5.69C8.21 4.83 9.54 4.25 11 4.07V6.09C10.09 6.24 9.25 6.6 8.53 7.11L7.1 5.69M15.47 7.11C14.75 6.6 13.91 6.24 13 6.09V4.07C14.46 4.25 15.79 4.83 16.9 5.69L15.47 7.11M5.69 7.1L7.11 8.53C6.6 9.25 6.24 10.09 6.09 11H4.07C4.25 9.54 4.83 8.21 5.69 7.1M6 13V15.5H4V13H6M4 20V17.5H6V20H4M16.89 8.53L18.31 7.1C19.17 8.21 19.75 9.54 19.93 11H17.91C17.76 10.09 17.4 9.25 16.89 8.53M18 13H20V15.5H18V13M18 20V17.5H20V20H18Z",a52="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12V22H22V12C22 6.5 17.5 2 12 2M15.47 7.11C14.75 6.6 13.91 6.24 13 6.09V4.07C14.46 4.25 15.79 4.83 16.9 5.69L15.47 7.11M8.53 7.11L7.1 5.69C8.21 4.83 9.54 4.25 11 4.07V6.09C10.09 6.24 9.25 6.6 8.53 7.11M5.69 7.1L7.11 8.53C6.6 9.25 6.24 10.09 6.09 11H4.07C4.25 9.54 4.83 8.21 5.69 7.1M6 13V15.5H4V13H6M4 20V17.5H6V20H4M16 20H8V12C8 9.79 9.79 8 12 8C14.21 8 16 9.79 16 12V20M16.89 8.53L18.31 7.1C19.17 8.21 19.75 9.54 19.93 11H17.91C17.76 10.09 17.4 9.25 16.89 8.53M18 13H20V15.5H18V13M18 20V17.5H20V20H18Z",e52="M2 12C2 17.5 6.5 22 12 22S22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2 2 6.5 2 12M20 12C20 16.4 16.4 20 12 20S4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4 20 7.6 20 12M12.5 7L12.2 8.3L11.3 5C10.3 5.3 9.7 6.3 9.9 7.4L10.2 8.7L7.9 6.3C7.2 7 7.2 8.3 7.9 9L8.9 10L5.6 9.1C5.3 10.1 5.9 11.2 7 11.5L8.3 11.8L5 12.7C5.3 13.7 6.3 14.3 7.4 14.1L8.7 13.8L6.3 16.2C7.1 16.9 8.3 16.9 9 16.2L9.9 15.3L9 18.6C10 18.9 11.1 18.3 11.4 17.2L11.7 15.9L12.6 19.2C13.6 18.9 14.2 17.9 14 16.8L13.7 15.5L16.1 17.9C16.8 17.1 16.8 15.9 16.1 15.2L15.1 14L18.4 14.9C18.7 13.9 18.1 12.8 17 12.5L15.7 12.2L19 11.3C18.7 10.3 17.7 9.7 16.6 9.9L15.3 10.2L17.7 7.8C16.9 7.1 15.7 7.1 15 7.8L14.1 8.8L15 5.5C13.9 5.3 12.8 5.9 12.5 7M13.5 12C13.5 12.8 12.8 13.5 12 13.5S10.5 12.8 10.5 12 11.2 10.5 12 10.5 13.5 11.2 13.5 12Z",d52="M10.5 19.44C9.75 19.8 8.9 20 8 20C4.69 20 2 17.31 2 14V9C2 5.69 4.69 3 8 3L10.5 7.58C8.1 8.81 6.5 11 6.5 13.5C6.5 16 8.11 18.2 10.5 19.44M16 18.94V20H17C17.55 20 18 20.45 18 21S17.55 22 17 22H14C13.45 22 13 21.55 13 21S13.45 20 14 20V18.94C10.61 18.56 8 16.27 8 13.5C8 10.46 11.13 8 15 8C15.19 8 15.37 8 15.56 8C14.84 6.63 14 5.23 14 4C14 2.9 14.9 2 16 2C18.21 2 20 3.79 20 6H18C18 6 22 9 22 13.5C22 16.27 19.39 18.56 16 18.94M16 4C16 4.55 16.45 5 17 5S18 4.55 18 4 17.55 3 17 3 16 3.45 16 4M17 12C17 10.9 16.11 10 15 10C12.79 10 11 11.79 11 14H15C16.11 14 17 13.11 17 12Z",m52="M22,22H16V11L10,5V2H22V22M9.17,6.17C8.42,6.92 8,7.94 8,9H2V11H8.55C8.9,11.6 9.4,12.1 10,12.45V19H12V13C13.06,13 14.08,12.58 14.83,11.83L9.17,6.17Z",t52="M13.41,10.41C13.04,10.79 12.53,11 12,11A2,2 0 0,1 10,9C10,8.47 10.21,7.96 10.59,7.59L9.17,6.17C8.42,6.92 8,7.94 8,9H2V11H8.55C8.9,11.6 9.4,12.1 10,12.45V19H12V13C13.06,13 14.08,12.58 14.83,11.83L13.41,10.41M10,2V5L16,11V22H22V2H10M20,20H18V10.17L12,4.17V4H20V20Z",v52="M8.47,5.95C8.95,5.67 9.47,5.44 10,5.28V4C10,2.9 10.87,2 11.97,1.97C13.13,2 14,2.9 14,4V5.28C14.53,5.45 15.05,5.67 15.53,5.95L13.93,8.07H10.07L8.47,5.95M19,12C19,12.5 18.95,12.95 18.86,13.4L16.33,12.62L15.14,8.96L16.74,6.85C17.17,7.25 17.55,7.7 17.88,8.2C18.67,8.13 19.43,8.25 20.11,8.59C21.14,9.12 21.84,10.13 22,11.28L19,11.64C19,11.76 19,11.88 19,12M5,12C5,11.88 5,11.76 5,11.65L2,11.28C2.16,10.13 2.86,9.12 3.89,8.59C4.57,8.25 5.34,8.13 6.08,8.26C6.41,7.75 6.79,7.28 7.24,6.87L8.86,8.95L7.67,12.62L5.14,13.4C5.05,12.95 5,12.5 5,12M10.24,9.57H13.76L14.85,12.93L12,15L9.15,12.93L10.24,9.57M8.13,14.05L11.25,16.31V18.96C10.68,18.9 10.13,18.77 9.62,18.58L8.39,21.34C7.33,20.87 6.57,19.9 6.37,18.76C6.23,18 6.35,17.24 6.69,16.56C6.24,16.04 5.87,15.46 5.59,14.82L8.13,14.05M15.87,14.05L18.41,14.82C18.13,15.46 17.76,16.04 17.31,16.56C17.65,17.24 17.77,18 17.64,18.76C17.43,19.9 16.67,20.87 15.61,21.34L14.39,18.58C13.86,18.77 13.33,18.94 12.75,19V16.31L15.87,14.05Z",l52="M11.64 5.93H13.07V10.21H11.64M15.57 5.93H17V10.21H15.57M7 2L3.43 5.57V18.43H7.71V22L11.29 18.43H14.14L20.57 12V2M19.14 11.29L16.29 14.14H13.43L10.93 16.64V14.14H7.71V3.43H19.14Z",o52="M22.46,6C21.69,6.35 20.86,6.58 20,6.69C20.88,6.16 21.56,5.32 21.88,4.31C21.05,4.81 20.13,5.16 19.16,5.36C18.37,4.5 17.26,4 16,4C13.65,4 11.73,5.92 11.73,8.29C11.73,8.63 11.77,8.96 11.84,9.27C8.28,9.09 5.11,7.38 3,4.79C2.63,5.42 2.42,6.16 2.42,6.94C2.42,8.43 3.17,9.75 4.33,10.5C3.62,10.5 2.96,10.3 2.38,10C2.38,10 2.38,10 2.38,10.03C2.38,12.11 3.86,13.85 5.82,14.24C5.46,14.34 5.08,14.39 4.69,14.39C4.42,14.39 4.15,14.36 3.89,14.31C4.43,16 6,17.26 7.89,17.29C6.43,18.45 4.58,19.13 2.56,19.13C2.22,19.13 1.88,19.11 1.54,19.07C3.44,20.29 5.7,21 8.12,21C16,21 20.33,14.46 20.33,8.79C20.33,8.6 20.33,8.42 20.32,8.23C21.16,7.63 21.88,6.87 22.46,6Z",n52="M2,7V9H6V11H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,13V17H8V15H4V13H6A2,2 0 0,0 8,11V9C8,7.89 7.1,7 6,7H2M9,7V17H11V13H14V11H11V9H15V7H9M18,7A2,2 0 0,0 16,9V17H18V14H20V17H22V9A2,2 0 0,0 20,7H18M18,9H20V12H18V9Z",Z52="M20 13H16C16 14.1 15.1 15 14 15H10C8.9 15 8 14.1 8 13H4L2 18V20C2 21.1 2.9 22 4 22H20C21.1 22 22 21.1 22 20V18M6 20C5.11 20 4.66 18.92 5.29 18.29C5.92 17.66 7 18.11 7 19C7 19.55 6.55 20 6 20M10 20C9.11 20 8.66 18.92 9.29 18.29C9.92 17.66 11 18.11 11 19C11 19.55 10.55 20 10 20M14 20C13.11 20 12.66 18.92 13.29 18.29C13.92 17.66 15 18.11 15 19C15 19.55 14.55 20 14 20M18 20C17.11 20 16.66 18.92 17.29 18.29C17.92 17.66 19 18.11 19 19C19 19.55 18.55 20 18 20M18 10V3H6V10H3V12H21V10M8 5H16V6H8M8 7H14V8H8",S52="M11.41,2C5.21,2 2.53,7.53 2.53,7.53L3.32,8.09C3.32,8.09 2.33,10 2.35,12.4C2.35,17.34 6.29,22 12.07,22C17.33,22 21.67,17.71 21.67,12.41C21.67,5.5 16.31,2 11.41,2M11.47,3.69C16.31,3.69 20.07,7.6 20.07,12.14C20.07,16.95 16.45,20.3 12.23,20.3C9.13,20.3 6.33,17.94 6.33,14.7C6.33,12.82 7.32,11.5 8.44,10.82L8.6,11C8.3,11.24 7.43,12.64 7.43,14C7.43,16.56 9.43,18.33 11.95,18.33C15.16,18.33 17.3,15.59 17.3,12.41C17.3,8.71 14.03,5.57 10.1,5.57C7.93,5.57 6.09,6.5 5.03,7.33L4.86,7.18C6.25,5.04 8.65,3.69 11.47,3.69M10,7.23C12.53,7.23 14.97,8.89 15.59,11.25L15.36,11.33C14.27,9.88 12.47,8.68 10.35,8.68C6.44,8.68 4.39,12.23 4.69,15.19L4.46,15.28C4.46,15.28 4.03,14.33 4.03,13.2C4.03,9.93 6.71,7.23 10,7.23M11.68,11.33C12.86,11.33 13.81,12.3 13.81,13.44C13.81,14.38 13.21,14.94 13.21,14.94L13.92,15.45C13.92,15.45 13.21,16.57 11.76,16.57C10.37,16.57 9.13,15.44 9.13,13.93C9.13,12.38 10.47,11.33 11.68,11.33Z",u52="M22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12M14.34,7.74C14.92,8.07 15.65,7.87 16,7.3C16.31,6.73 16.12,6 15.54,5.66C14.97,5.33 14.23,5.5 13.9,6.1C13.57,6.67 13.77,7.41 14.34,7.74M11.88,15.5C11.35,15.5 10.85,15.39 10.41,15.18L9.57,16.68C10.27,17 11.05,17.22 11.88,17.22C12.37,17.22 12.83,17.15 13.28,17.03C13.36,16.54 13.64,16.1 14.1,15.84C14.56,15.57 15.08,15.55 15.54,15.72C16.43,14.85 17,13.66 17.09,12.33L15.38,12.31C15.22,14.1 13.72,15.5 11.88,15.5M11.88,8.5C13.72,8.5 15.22,9.89 15.38,11.69L17.09,11.66C17,10.34 16.43,9.15 15.54,8.28C15.08,8.45 14.55,8.42 14.1,8.16C13.64,7.9 13.36,7.45 13.28,6.97C12.83,6.85 12.37,6.78 11.88,6.78C11.05,6.78 10.27,6.97 9.57,7.32L10.41,8.82C10.85,8.61 11.35,8.5 11.88,8.5M8.37,12C8.37,10.81 8.96,9.76 9.86,9.13L9,7.65C7.94,8.36 7.15,9.43 6.83,10.69C7.21,11 7.45,11.47 7.45,12C7.45,12.53 7.21,13 6.83,13.31C7.15,14.56 7.94,15.64 9,16.34L9.86,14.87C8.96,14.24 8.37,13.19 8.37,12M14.34,16.26C13.77,16.59 13.57,17.32 13.9,17.9C14.23,18.47 14.97,18.67 15.54,18.34C16.12,18 16.31,17.27 16,16.7C15.65,16.12 14.92,15.93 14.34,16.26M5.76,10.8C5.1,10.8 4.56,11.34 4.56,12C4.56,12.66 5.1,13.2 5.76,13.2C6.43,13.2 6.96,12.66 6.96,12C6.96,11.34 6.43,10.8 5.76,10.8Z",c52="M15.94 10.28C15.66 7.87 14 6 12 6S8.34 7.87 8.06 10.28C4.5 10.82 2 12.06 2 13.5C2 15.43 6.5 17 12 17S22 15.43 22 13.5C22 12.06 19.5 10.82 15.94 10.28Z",s52="M17 10.54C16.78 7.44 14.63 5 12 5S7.22 7.44 7 10.54C4 11.23 2 12.5 2 14C2 16.21 6.5 18 12 18S22 16.21 22 14C22 12.5 20 11.23 17 10.54M14.93 11.84C13.03 12.05 10.97 12.05 9.07 11.84C9.03 11.56 9 11.28 9 11C9 8.8 10.35 7 12 7S15 8.8 15 11C15 11.28 15 11.56 14.93 11.84Z",O52="M9,7H11V11H13V7H15V17H13V13H11V17H9V7M17,7H20A3,3 0 0,1 23,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 20,17H17V7M20,15A1,1 0 0,0 21,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 20,9H19V15H20M7,14A3,3 0 0,1 4,17A3,3 0 0,1 1,14V7H3V14A1,1 0 0,0 4,15A1,1 0 0,0 5,14V7H7V14Z",h52="M8.6,8.6L7.17,8.38C6.5,11.67 6.46,14.24 7.61,15.5C8.6,16.61 11.89,16.61 11.89,16.61C11.89,16.61 15.29,16.61 16.28,15.5C17.43,14.24 17.38,11.67 16.72,8.38L15.29,8.6C15.29,8.6 16.54,13.88 14.69,14.69C13.81,15.07 11.89,15.07 11.89,15.07C11.89,15.07 10.08,15.07 9.2,14.69C7.35,13.88 8.6,8.6 8.6,8.6M12,3A9,9 0 0,1 21,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,21A9,9 0 0,1 3,12A9,9 0 0,1 12,3Z",p52="M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22A3,3 0 0,1 7,19V18H9V19A1,1 0 0,0 10,20A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V11H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,2Z",f52="M13.13 14.56L14.56 13.13L21 19.57L19.57 21L13.13 14.56M17.42 8.83L20.28 5.97C16.33 2 9.93 2 6 5.95C9.91 4.65 14.29 5.7 17.42 8.83M5.95 6C2 9.93 2 16.33 5.97 20.28L8.83 17.42C5.7 14.29 4.65 9.91 5.95 6M5.97 5.96L5.96 5.97C5.58 9 7.13 12.85 10.26 16L16 10.26C12.86 7.13 9 5.58 5.97 5.96Z",g52="M21 19.57L19.57 21L13.13 14.56L14.56 13.13L21 19.57M13.12 3C10.54 3 7.96 4 6 5.95L5.97 5.96C2 9.91 2 16.32 5.97 20.27L20.27 5.96C18.3 4 15.71 3 13.12 3M6.14 17.27C5.4 16.03 5 14.61 5 13.12C5 12.19 5.16 11.3 5.46 10.45C5.65 12.36 6.35 14.24 7.53 15.89L6.14 17.27M9 14.43C7.63 12.38 7.12 9.93 7.6 7.6C8.18 7.5 8.76 7.42 9.35 7.42C11.15 7.42 12.9 7.97 14.43 9L9 14.43M10.45 5.46C11.3 5.16 12.19 5 13.12 5C14.61 5 16.03 5.4 17.27 6.14L15.88 7.53C14.23 6.35 12.36 5.65 10.45 5.46Z",k52="M12 2C11.6 2 11.3 2.2 11.1 2.6L6.5 15H11V19C11 19.6 10.6 20 10 20C9.4 20 9 19.6 9 19V18H7V19C7 20.7 8.3 22 10 22S13 20.7 13 19V15H17.5L12.9 2.6C12.7 2.2 12.4 2 12 2Z",B52="M12 2C12.4 2 12.8 2.2 12.9 2.6L17.5 15H13V19C13 20.7 11.7 22 10 22S7 20.7 7 19V18H9V19C9 19.6 9.4 20 10 20C10.6 20 11 19.6 11 19V15H6.5L11.1 2.6C11.2 2.2 11.6 2 12 2M12 5.9L9.4 13H14.7L12 5.9Z",P52="M15 7L13 6V3.5C13 3.2 13.2 3 13.5 3S14 3.2 14 3.5V4H16V3.5C16 2.1 14.9 1 13.5 1S11 2.1 11 3.5V6L9 7L6 6L11.1 21.3C11.4 22.2 12.7 22.2 13 21.3C14.6 16.2 18 6 18 6L15 7M11 15L9 8.9L9.7 9.1L11 8.1V15M13 8.1L14.3 9.1L15 8.9L13 15V8.1Z",w52="M12,4C8.9,4 6.18,6.03 5.3,9H18.7C17.82,6.04 15.09,4 12,4M12,2A9,9 0 0,1 21,11H13V19A3,3 0 0,1 10,22A3,3 0 0,1 7,19V18H9V19A1,1 0 0,0 10,20A1,1 0 0,0 11,19V11H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,2Z",F52="M3 4C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V10C2 15.5 6.5 20 12 20C17.5 20 22 15.5 22 10V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4H3M20 6V8H4V6H20M4 10H20C20 10.34 20 10.67 19.94 11C16.12 11.03 13.03 14.12 13 17.94C12.67 18 12.34 18 12 18C11.66 18 11.33 18 11 17.94C10.97 14.12 7.88 11.03 4.06 11C4 10.67 4 10.34 4 10M15.04 17.4C15.31 15.12 17.12 13.31 19.41 13.04C18.59 15 17 16.59 15.03 17.41M4.6 13.04C6.88 13.31 8.7 15.12 8.97 17.41C7 16.59 5.41 15 4.6 13.03Z",T52="M12.5,8C9.85,8 7.45,9 5.6,10.6L2,7V16H11L7.38,12.38C8.77,11.22 10.54,10.5 12.5,10.5C16.04,10.5 19.05,12.81 20.1,16L22.47,15.22C21.08,11.03 17.15,8 12.5,8Z",b52="M13.5,7A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 20,13.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 13.5,20H10V18H13.5C16,18 18,16 18,13.5C18,11 16,9 13.5,9H7.83L10.91,12.09L9.5,13.5L4,8L9.5,2.5L10.92,3.91L7.83,7H13.5M6,18H8V20H6V18Z",y52="M16.59,5.41L15.17,4L12,7.17L8.83,4L7.41,5.41L12,10M7.41,18.59L8.83,20L12,16.83L15.17,20L16.58,18.59L12,14L7.41,18.59Z",R52="M5.41,7.41L10,12L5.41,16.59L4,15.17L7.17,12L4,8.83L5.41,7.41M18.59,16.59L14,12L18.59,7.42L20,8.83L16.83,12L20,15.17L18.59,16.59Z",x52="M12,18.17L8.83,15L7.42,16.41L12,21L16.59,16.41L15.17,15M12,5.83L15.17,9L16.58,7.59L12,3L7.41,7.59L8.83,9L12,5.83Z",D52="M18.17,12L15,8.83L16.41,7.41L21,12L16.41,16.58L15,15.17L18.17,12M5.83,12L9,15.17L7.59,16.59L3,12L7.59,7.42L9,8.83L5.83,12Z",E52="M2,2H6V3H13V2H17V6H16V9H18V8H22V12H21V18H22V22H18V21H12V22H8V18H9V16H6V17H2V13H3V6H2V2M18,12V11H16V13H17V17H13V16H11V18H12V19H18V18H19V12H18M13,6V5H6V6H5V13H6V14H9V12H8V8H12V9H14V6H13M12,12H11V14H13V13H14V11H12V12Z",N52="M22 6A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 20.54 7.44A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 19.09 6A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 20.54 4.5A1.46 1.46 0 0 1 22 6M21.56 8.86H19.53C19.4 8.85 19.34 8.91 19.34 9V12.59C19.34 13.08 19.34 13.5 19.35 13.86L19.37 14.76C19.38 15 19.39 15.21 19.39 15.39C19.4 15.56 19.4 15.72 19.4 15.86H19.38C19.26 15.6 19.07 15.22 18.82 14.74C18.58 14.27 18.29 13.72 17.97 13.11C17.64 12.5 17.29 11.84 16.92 11.15C16.55 10.47 16.18 9.78 15.81 9.11C15.45 8.43 15.09 7.78 14.75 7.16C14.4 6.54 14.1 6 13.85 5.54C13.82 5.5 13.79 5.44 13.77 5.42C13.74 5.4 13.68 5.39 13.6 5.39H10.62C10.5 5.39 10.47 5.44 10.47 5.54H10.5C10.47 5.56 10.47 5.57 10.47 5.58V13.84C10.47 14.5 10.4 15 10.25 15.45C10.1 15.88 9.9 16.23 9.64 16.5C9.38 16.75 9.07 16.93 8.72 17.05C8.36 17.16 8 17.22 7.56 17.22C6.54 17.22 5.79 16.91 5.3 16.31C4.8 15.7 4.56 14.89 4.56 13.88V5.56C4.56 5.45 4.5 5.39 4.39 5.39H2.17C2.06 5.39 2 5.45 2 5.58V14.07C2 15 2.13 15.78 2.38 16.46C2.63 17.13 3 17.69 3.5 18.14C3.96 18.58 4.53 18.92 5.21 19.14C5.89 19.36 6.64 19.5 7.47 19.5C8.24 19.5 8.97 19.38 9.65 19.17C10.34 18.97 10.93 18.64 11.42 18.2C11.91 17.75 12.3 17.18 12.59 16.5C12.88 15.79 13.03 14.95 13.03 13.96V8.62C13.14 8.86 13.28 9.15 13.44 9.47C13.73 10.05 14.05 10.68 14.42 11.38C14.79 12.08 15.17 12.8 15.58 13.56C16 14.32 16.39 15.06 16.77 15.76C17.16 16.46 17.5 17.11 17.83 17.7C18.15 18.29 18.4 18.76 18.58 19.12C18.63 19.22 18.73 19.27 18.85 19.27H21.54C21.68 19.27 21.75 19.2 21.75 19.08V9.05C21.75 8.92 21.68 8.85 21.56 8.85Z",W52="M22 5L21.11 6.34C21.65 6.7 22 7.31 22 8V11.5L20.5 12L18.96 9.54C18.83 9.33 18.5 9.42 18.5 9.67V13.25C18.5 14.23 18.11 15.11 17.5 15.78V22H15V17C14.92 17 14.84 17 14.75 17C14.54 17 14.33 16.97 14.13 16.94L9.45 16.16L8.57 18.12L9.54 22H6.96L6.04 18.3C5.97 18.03 6 17.74 6.11 17.5L7 15.5C6.12 14.92 5.53 13.94 5.5 12.81C5.46 12.96 5.44 13.18 5.47 13.5C5.5 13.94 5.61 14.59 5.54 15.31C5.5 16.03 5.18 16.77 4.76 17.26C4.32 17.75 3.85 18.09 3.35 18.35L2.65 17.65C2.84 17.18 3.03 16.76 3.07 16.37C3.13 16 3.06 15.7 2.95 15.43L2.42 14.3C2.21 13.79 1.95 13.05 2 12.18C2.03 11.33 2.5 10.22 3.39 9.61C4.29 9 5.26 8.91 6.05 9.08C6.55 9.18 7.06 9.42 7.5 9.76C7.87 9.59 8.3 9.5 8.75 9.5H14.5V9C14.5 6.79 16.29 5 18.5 5L22 2L21 5H22Z",I52="M20 12V19L17 20L14 15.33C13.71 14.89 13 15.14 13.08 15.67L14 23L4 18L4.96 12.75C5.56 9.42 8.46 7 11.84 7H13L19 1L17 7H20L18.42 9.37C19.36 9.88 20 10.86 20 12Z",G52="M13 9.09V5H14C14.55 5 15 4.55 15 4S14.55 3 14 3H10C9.45 3 9 3.45 9 4S9.45 5 10 5H11V9.09C8.16 9.57 6 12.03 6 15C6 18.31 8.69 21 12 21S18 18.31 18 15C18 12.03 15.84 9.57 13 9.09M12 19C9.79 19 8 17.21 8 15C8 13.14 9.28 11.59 11 11.14V16H13V11.14C14.72 11.59 16 13.14 16 15C16 17.21 14.21 19 12 19Z",Q52="M10.11,17H7.5L2.59,12L7.5,7H10.11L11.42,4.74L18.21,3L20.08,9.74L18.77,12L20.08,14.26L18.21,21L11.42,19.26L10.11,17M10.25,16.75L15.38,18.13L12.42,13H6.5L10.25,16.75M17.12,17.13L18.5,12L17.12,6.87L14.15,12L17.12,17.13M10.25,7.25L6.5,11H12.42L15.38,5.87L10.25,7.25Z",U52="M2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12M5.24,18.76C3.43,16.95 2.44,14.55 2.44,12C2.44,9.45 3.43,7.05 5.24,5.24C7.05,3.43 9.45,2.44 12,2.44C14.55,2.44 16.95,3.43 18.76,5.24C20.57,7.05 21.56,9.45 21.56,12C21.56,14.55 20.57,16.95 18.76,18.76C16.95,20.57 14.55,21.56 12,21.56C9.45,21.56 7.05,20.57 5.24,18.76M6.35,9.5C4.34,11.79 4.73,13.68 4.73,13.68C4.73,13.68 5.28,12.38 6.61,11C7.25,10.37 7.72,10.15 8.04,10.15C8.4,10.15 8.57,10.41 8.57,10.65V15.29C8.57,15.75 8.27,15.85 8,15.84C7.77,15.84 7.55,15.76 7.55,15.76C8.92,17.73 12.19,18 12.19,18L13.63,16.5H13.67L15,17.63C17.39,16.21 18.55,13.58 18.55,13.58C17.5,14.7 16.79,14.97 16.39,14.96C16.03,14.96 15.88,14.75 15.88,14.75C15.87,14.65 15.82,8.9 15.89,8.9C16.31,8.13 17.63,6.56 17.63,6.56C15.16,7.05 13.81,8.66 13.81,8.66C13.41,8.35 12.59,8.4 12.59,8.4C12.97,8.61 13.35,9.21 13.35,9.72V14.65C13.35,14.65 12.5,15.38 11.88,15.38C11.5,15.38 11.27,15.17 11.14,15C11.05,14.88 11,14.79 11,14.79V8.69C10.93,8.75 10.82,8.8 10.71,8.8C10.57,8.79 10.43,8.73 10.34,8.53C10.26,8.38 10.22,8.15 10.22,7.83C10.22,6.7 11.5,5.96 11.5,5.96C9.87,6.39 8.36,7.22 6.35,9.5",z52="M21,10.12H14.22L16.96,7.3C14.23,4.6 9.81,4.5 7.08,7.2C4.35,9.91 4.35,14.28 7.08,17C9.81,19.7 14.23,19.7 16.96,17C18.32,15.65 19,14.08 19,12.1H21C21,14.08 20.12,16.65 18.36,18.39C14.85,21.87 9.15,21.87 5.64,18.39C2.14,14.92 2.11,9.28 5.62,5.81C9.13,2.34 14.76,2.34 18.27,5.81L21,3V10.12M12.5,8V12.25L16,14.33L15.28,15.54L11,13V8H12.5Z",_52="M9,16V10H5L12,3L19,10H15V16H9M5,20V18H19V20H5Z",K52="M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M16 17V15H8V17H16M16 11L12 7L8 11H10.5V14H13.5V11H16Z",j52="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 11L12 7L8 11H10.5V14H13.5V11H16M5 3H19C20.11 3 21 3.9 21 5V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.11 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3M5 5V19H19V5H5Z",q52="M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2ZM16 17V15H8V17H16ZM16 10L12 6L8 10H10.5V14H13.5V10H16Z",$52="M8 17V15H16V17H8M16 10L12 6L8 10H10.5V14H13.5V10H16M12 2C17.5 2 22 6.5 22 12C22 17.5 17.5 22 12 22C6.5 22 2 17.5 2 12C2 6.5 6.5 2 12 2M12 4C7.58 4 4 7.58 4 12C4 16.42 7.58 20 12 20C16.42 20 20 16.42 20 12C20 7.58 16.42 4 12 4Z",X52="M22 22H17C16.5 22 16 21.5 16 21V17C16 16.5 16.5 16 17 16V14.5C17 13.1 18.1 12 19.5 12C20.9 12 22 13.1 22 14.5V16C22.5 16 23 16.5 23 17V21C23 21.5 22.5 22 22 22M14 20H5V18H14V20M21 16V14.5C21 13.7 20.3 13 19.5 13C18.7 13 18 13.7 18 14.5V16H21M15 16H9V10H5L12 3L19 10H15V16Z",Y52="M22 22H17C16.5 22 16 21.5 16 21V17C16 16.5 16.5 16 17 16V14.5C17 13.1 18.1 12 19.5 12C20.9 12 22 13.1 22 14.5V16C22.5 16 23 16.5 23 17V21C23 21.5 22.5 22 22 22M5 18H14V20H5V18M21 16V14.5C21 13.7 20.3 13 19.5 13C18.7 13 18 13.7 18 14.5V16H21M9 16V10H5L12 3L19 10H15V16H9M9.83 8H11V14H13V8H14.17L12 5.83L9.83 8Z",J52="M9,14V8H5L12,1L19,8H15V14H9M5,18V16H19V18H5M19,20H5V22H19V20Z",C32="M19 8H15V14H9V8H5L12 1L19 8M14.17 6L12 3.83L9.83 6H11V12H13V6H14.17M5 16V18H19V16H5M19 20V22H5V20H19Z",H32="M17,3A2,2 0 0,1 19,5V15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17H13V19H14A1,1 0 0,1 15,20H22V22H15A1,1 0 0,1 14,23H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,22H2V20H9A1,1 0 0,1 10,19H11V17H7C5.89,17 5,16.1 5,15V5A2,2 0 0,1 7,3H17M12,5.5L7.5,10H11V14H13V10H16.5L12,5.5Z",V32="M15,20A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,15V5A2,2 0 0,0 17,3H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,5V15A2,2 0 0,0 7,17H11V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15M7,15V5H17V15H7M12,6L8,10H11V14H13V10H16L12,6Z",L32="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.56 8.45L5 10H8.11L9 10.89V16H14.11L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M15 10H19L12 3L9.1 5.9L15 11.8V10Z",M32="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L6.56 8.45L5 10H8.11L9 10.89V16H14.11L16.11 18H5V20H18.11L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M11 14V12.89L12.11 14H11M12 5.8L14.2 8H13V9.8L15 11.8V10H19L12 3L9.1 5.9L10.5 7.3L12 5.8Z",A32="M9,10V16H15V10H19L12,3L5,10H9M12,5.8L14.2,8H13V14H11V8H9.8L12,5.8M19,18H5V20H19V18Z",i32="M15,7V11H16V13H13V5H15L12,1L9,5H11V13H8V10.93C8.7,10.56 9.2,9.85 9.2,9C9.2,7.78 8.21,6.8 7,6.8C5.78,6.8 4.8,7.78 4.8,9C4.8,9.85 5.3,10.56 6,10.93V13A2,2 0 0,0 8,15H11V18.05C10.29,18.41 9.8,19.15 9.8,20A2.2,2.2 0 0,0 12,22.2A2.2,2.2 0 0,0 14.2,20C14.2,19.15 13.71,18.41 13,18.05V15H16A2,2 0 0,0 18,13V11H19V7H15Z",r32="M6 12H18C18.55 12 19 12.45 19 13C19 13.55 18.55 14 18 14H6C5.45 14 5 13.55 5 13C5 12.45 5.45 12 6 12M6 10C4.34 10 3 11.34 3 13C3 14.66 4.34 16 6 16H18C19.66 16 21 14.66 21 13C21 11.34 19.66 10 18 10H6M6 8H18C20.76 8 23 10.24 23 13C23 15.76 20.76 18 18 18H6C3.24 18 1 15.76 1 13C1 10.24 3.24 8 6 8Z",a32="M8 15C8.55 15 9 15.45 9 16C9 16.55 8.55 17 8 17C7.45 17 7 16.55 7 16C7 15.45 7.45 15 8 15M15.07 4.69L16.5 6.1L15.07 7.5L13.66 6.1L15.07 4.69M17.9 7.5L19.31 8.93L17.9 10.34L16.5 8.93L17.9 7.5M8 13C6.34 13 5 14.34 5 16C5 17.66 6.34 19 8 19C9.66 19 11 17.66 11 16C11 14.34 9.66 13 8 13M9.77 4.33L10.5 5.08L14.29 1.29C14.47 1.11 14.72 1 15 1C15.28 1 15.53 1.11 15.71 1.29L22.78 8.36L22.78 8.37C22.92 8.54 23 8.76 23 9C23 9.3 22.87 9.57 22.66 9.76L22.66 9.76L18.93 13.5L19.67 14.23L12.95 20.95C11.68 22.22 9.93 23 8 23C4.13 23 1 19.87 1 16C1 14.07 1.78 12.32 3.05 11.05L9.77 4.33M20.59 9L15 3.41L11.93 6.5L17.5 12.08L20.59 9Z",e32="M8 13C9.66 13 11 14.34 11 16C11 17.66 9.66 19 8 19C6.34 19 5 17.66 5 16C5 14.34 6.34 13 8 13M8 15C7.45 15 7 15.45 7 16C7 16.55 7.45 17 8 17C8.55 17 9 16.55 9 16C9 15.45 8.55 15 8 15M9.77 4.33L10.5 5.08L14.29 1.29C14.47 1.11 14.72 1 15 1C15.28 1 15.53 1.11 15.71 1.29L22.78 8.36L22.78 8.37C22.92 8.54 23 8.76 23 9C23 9.3 22.87 9.57 22.66 9.76L22.66 9.76L18.93 13.5L19.67 14.23L12.95 20.95C11.68 22.22 9.93 23 8 23C4.13 23 1 19.87 1 16C1 14.07 1.78 12.32 3.05 11.05L9.77 4.33M11.54 19.54L16.84 14.23L9.77 7.16L4.46 12.46C3.56 13.37 3 14.62 3 16C3 18.76 5.24 21 8 21C9.38 21 10.63 20.44 11.54 19.54M15.07 4.69L16.5 6.1L15.07 7.5L13.66 6.1L15.07 4.69M17.9 7.5L19.31 8.93L17.9 10.34L16.5 8.93L17.9 7.5M20.59 9L15 3.41L11.93 6.5L17.5 12.08L20.59 9Z",d32="M8 2C6.9 2 6 2.9 6 4V12H5V16L9 20V22H15V20L19 16V12H18V4C18 2.9 17.11 2 16 2M8 4H16V12H8M9 7V9H11V7M13 7V9H15V7Z",m32="M23 20V22H16L16 20H18.46L12 4.61C11.81 4.14 11.5 3.76 11.06 3.46S10.14 3 9.61 3C8.9 3 8.28 3.27 7.76 3.79S7 4.92 7 5.64L7 9H8C10.21 9 12 10.79 12 13V22H8C8.61 21.16 9 20.13 9 19C9 16.24 6.76 14 4 14C3.29 14 2.61 14.15 2 14.42V9H5V5.64C5 4.8 5.23 4 5.63 3.32C6.04 2.62 6.59 2.06 7.3 1.63C8 1.21 8.77 1 9.61 1C10.55 1 11.4 1.26 12.16 1.77S13.5 2.97 13.87 3.81L20.66 20H23M7 19C7 20.66 5.66 22 4 22S1 20.66 1 19 2.34 16 4 16 7 17.34 7 19M5 19C5 18.45 4.55 18 4 18S3 18.45 3 19 3.45 20 4 20 5 19.55 5 19Z",t32="M20.66 20L13.87 3.81C13.5 2.97 12.93 2.29 12.16 1.77C11.4 1.26 10.55 1 9.61 1C8.77 1 8 1.21 7.3 1.63S6.04 2.62 5.63 3.32 5 4.8 5 5.64L5.03 9H2.03V14.45C2.65 14.17 3.31 14.03 4 14.03V11.03H9C9.57 11.03 10.04 11.23 10.43 11.62C10.82 12 11 12.47 11 13V20.03H8.91C8.76 20.75 8.44 21.41 7.97 22H13V13C13 12.28 12.8 11.62 12.45 11S11.61 9.91 11 9.56C10.42 9.2 9.75 9 9 9H7V5.64C7 4.92 7.25 4.31 7.76 3.79S8.89 3 9.61 3C10.14 3 10.63 3.16 11.06 3.46S11.81 4.14 12 4.61L18.46 20L16 20.03V22H23V20.03L20.66 20M4 18C4.55 18 5 18.45 5 19S4.55 20 4 20 3 19.55 3 19 3.45 18 4 18M4 16C2.34 16 1 17.34 1 19S2.34 22 4 22 7 20.66 7 19 5.66 16 4 16Z",v32="M4 22H2V2H4M22 2H20V22H22M17.24 5.34L13.24 9.34A3 3 0 0 0 9.24 13.34L5.24 17.34L6.66 18.76L10.66 14.76A3 3 0 0 0 14.66 10.76L18.66 6.76Z",l32="M22 2V22H20V13H14.82A3 3 0 0 1 9.18 13H4V22H2V2H4V11H9.18A3 3 0 0 1 14.82 11H20V2Z",o32="M4 22H2V2H4M22 2H20V22H22M11 4V9.18A3 3 0 0 0 11 14.82V20H13V14.82A3 3 0 0 0 13 9.18V4Z",n32="M3,7C1.89,7 1,7.89 1,9V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V13C23,11.89 22.11,11 21,11L18,7H3M3,8.5H7V11H3V8.5M9,8.5H13V11H9V8.5M15,8.5H17.5L19.46,11H15V8.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",Z32="M3,7C1.89,7 1,7.89 1,9V17H3A3,3 0 0,0 6,20A3,3 0 0,0 9,17H15A3,3 0 0,0 18,20A3,3 0 0,0 21,17H23V13C23,11.89 22.11,11 21,11L18,7H3M15,8.5H17.5L19.46,11H15V8.5M6,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 4.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,15.5M18,15.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 19.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,17A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,15.5Z",S32="M16,13V11H21V13H16M14.83,7.76L17.66,4.93L19.07,6.34L16.24,9.17L14.83,7.76M11,16H13V21H11V16M11,3H13V8H11V3M4.93,17.66L7.76,14.83L9.17,16.24L6.34,19.07L4.93,17.66M4.93,6.34L6.34,4.93L9.17,7.76L7.76,9.17L4.93,6.34M8,13H3V11H8V13M19.07,17.66L17.66,19.07L14.83,16.24L16.24,14.83L19.07,17.66Z",u32="M11 3H13V8H11V3M4.9 6.3L6.3 4.9L9.1 7.7L7.8 9.2L4.9 6.3M8 13H3V11H8V13",c32="M22 20H16C16 18.34 17.34 13 19 13S22 18.34 22 20M12 13C10.34 13 9 18.34 9 20H15C15 18.34 13.66 13 12 13M5 13C3.34 13 2 18.34 2 20H8C8 18.34 6.66 13 5 13M14.82 6C14.26 4.44 12.53 3.64 11 4.2C10.14 4.5 9.5 5.17 9.18 6H2V8H4V12H6V8H9.18C9.5 8.85 10.15 9.5 11 9.82V12H13V9.82C13.85 9.5 14.5 8.85 14.82 8H18V12H20V8H22V6H14.82Z",s32="M20.41,3C21.8,5.71 22.35,8.84 22,12C21.8,15.16 20.7,18.29 18.83,21L17.3,20C18.91,17.57 19.85,14.8 20,12C20.34,9.2 19.89,6.43 18.7,4L20.41,3M5.17,3L6.7,4C5.09,6.43 4.15,9.2 4,12C3.66,14.8 4.12,17.57 5.3,20L3.61,21C2.21,18.29 1.65,15.17 2,12C2.2,8.84 3.3,5.71 5.17,3M12.08,10.68L14.4,7.45H16.93L13.15,12.45L15.35,17.37H13.09L11.71,14L9.28,17.33H6.76L10.66,12.21L8.53,7.45H10.8L12.08,10.68Z",O32="M19 3H5C3.9 3 3 3.9 3 5V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3M7.4 18C5.9 16.5 5 14.3 5 12S5.9 7.5 7.4 6L9 6.7C7.7 7.9 7 9.9 7 12S7.7 16.1 9 17.3L7.4 18M12.7 15L11.9 13L10.5 15H9L11.3 11.9L10 9H11.3L12.1 11L13.5 9H15L12.8 12L14.1 15H12.7M16.6 18L15 17.3C16.3 16 17 14.1 17 12S16.3 7.9 15 6.7L16.6 6C18.1 7.5 19 9.7 19 12S18.1 16.5 16.6 18Z",h32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C6.67,16 10.33,16 14,16C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14C16,10.33 16,6.67 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14V14H3V3M18,7V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18Z",p32="M20,22C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C16.33,7 12.67,7 9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9C7,12.67 7,16.33 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20M20,20H9V9H20V20M5,16V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5Z",f32="M7.5,4A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,5.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,7C8.13,7 8.7,6.6 8.91,6H13C13.67,5.33 14.33,5 15,5H8.91C8.7,4.4 8.13,4 7.5,4M19,5C8,5 14,17 5,17V19C16,19 10,7 19,7V5M16.5,17C15.87,17 15.3,17.4 15.09,18H11C10.33,18.67 9.67,19 9,19H15.09C15.3,19.6 15.87,20 16.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,17Z",g32="M9,2V4.06C6.72,4.92 4.92,6.72 4.05,9H2V15H4.06C4.92,17.28 6.72,19.09 9,19.95V22H15V19.94C17.28,19.08 19.09,17.28 19.95,15H22V9H19.94C19.08,6.72 17.28,4.92 15,4.05V2M11,4H13V6H11M9,6.25V8H15V6.25C16.18,6.86 17.14,7.82 17.75,9H16V15H17.75C17.14,16.18 16.18,17.14 15,17.75V16H9V17.75C7.82,17.14 6.86,16.18 6.25,15H8V9H6.25C6.86,7.82 7.82,6.86 9,6.25M4,11H6V13H4M18,11H20V13H18M11,18H13V20H11",k32="M22,9H19.97C18.7,5.41 15.31,3 11.5,3A9,9 0 0,0 2.5,12C2.5,17 6.53,21 11.5,21C15.31,21 18.7,18.6 20,15H22M20,11V13H18V11M17.82,15C16.66,17.44 14.2,19 11.5,19C7.64,19 4.5,15.87 4.5,12C4.5,8.14 7.64,5 11.5,5C14.2,5 16.66,6.57 17.81,9H16V15",B32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C4.33,16 7,16 7,16C7,16 7,18.67 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C18.67,7 16,7 16,7C16,7 16,4.33 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14C14,4.33 14,7 14,7H9C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V14C7,14 4.33,14 3,14V3M9,9H14V14H9V9M16,9C16,9 18.67,9 20,9V20H9C9,18.67 9,16 9,16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V9Z",P32="M18.5,2A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 20,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,5C18.27,5 18.05,4.95 17.85,4.85L14.16,8.55L14.5,9C16.69,7.74 19.26,7 22,7L23,7.03V9.04L22,9C19.42,9 17,9.75 15,11.04A3.96,3.96 0 0,1 11.04,15C9.75,17 9,19.42 9,22L9.04,23H7.03L7,22C7,19.26 7.74,16.69 9,14.5L8.55,14.16L4.85,17.85C4.95,18.05 5,18.27 5,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,20A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 2,18.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 3.5,17C3.73,17 3.95,17.05 4.15,17.15L7.84,13.45C7.31,12.78 7,11.92 7,11A4,4 0 0,1 11,7C11.92,7 12.78,7.31 13.45,7.84L17.15,4.15C17.05,3.95 17,3.73 17,3.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18.5,2M11,9A2,2 0 0,0 9,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,13A2,2 0 0,0 13,11A2,2 0 0,0 11,9Z",w32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V11H9V9H11V7H9M13,7V9H14V10H16V7H13M18,7V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18M14,12V14H12V16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V12H14M7,13V16H10V14H9V13H7Z",F32="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V5H3V3H5V1H3M7,1V3H10V1H7M12,1V3H14V5H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H12M1,7V10H3V7H1M14,7C14,7 14,11.67 14,14C11.67,14 7,14 7,14C7,14 7,18 7,20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7C18,7 14,7 14,7M16,9H20V20H9V16H14C15.11,16 16,15.11 16,14V9M1,12V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H5V14H3V12H1Z",T32="M20,22C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V18H20V20H18V22H20M16,22V20H13V22H16M11,22V20H9V18H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H11M22,16V13H20V16H22M9,16C9,16 9,11.33 9,9C11.33,9 16,9 16,9C16,9 16,5 16,3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16C5,16 9,16 9,16M7,14H3V3H14V7H9C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9V14M22,11V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18V9H20V11H22Z",b32="M23,9V15H20.35C19.38,17.12 17.43,18.78 15,19.54V22H9V19.54C5.5,18.45 3,15.5 3,12C3,7.58 7.03,4 12,4C15.78,4 19,6.07 20.35,9H23M17,15V9H18.06C16.85,7.21 14.59,6 12,6C8.13,6 5,8.69 5,12C5,14.39 6.64,16.46 9,17.42V16H15V17.42C16.29,16.9 17.35,16.05 18.06,15H17M19,13H21V11H19V13M11,20H13V18H11V20Z",y32="M3.14,1A2.14,2.14 0 0,0 1,3.14V5H3V3H5V1H3.14M7,1V3H10V1H7M12,1V3H14V5H16V3.14C16,1.96 15.04,1 13.86,1H12M1,7V10H3V7H1M9,7C7.89,7 7,7.89 7,9C7,11.33 7,16 7,16C7,16 11.57,16 13.86,16A2.14,2.14 0 0,0 16,13.86C16,11.57 16,7 16,7C16,7 11.33,7 9,7M18,7V9H20V11H22V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H18M9,9H14V14H9V9M1,12V13.86C1,15.04 1.96,16 3.14,16H5V14H3V12H1M20,13V16H22V13H20M7,18V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H11V20H9V18H7M20,18V20H18V22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V18H20M13,20V22H16V20H13Z",R32="M15,3V7.59L7.59,15H3V21H9V16.42L16.42,9H21V3M17,5H19V7H17M5,17H7V19H5",x32="M3 1C1.89 1 1 1.89 1 3V14C1 15.11 1.89 16 3 16H14C15.11 16 16 15.11 16 14V11H14V14H3V3H14V5H16V3C16 1.89 15.11 1 14 1M9 7C7.89 7 7 7.89 7 9V12H9V9H20V20H9V18H7V20C7 21.11 7.89 22 9 22H20C21.11 22 22 21.11 22 20V9C22 7.89 21.11 7 20 7H9",D32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11Z",E32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M21.2 13C21.1 13 20.9 13.1 20.8 13.2L19.8 14.2L21.9 16.3L22.9 15.3C23.1 15.1 23.1 14.7 22.9 14.5L21.6 13.2C21.4 13.1 21.3 13 21.2 13M19.1 14.8L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.8L19.1 14.8Z",N32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",W32="M9 9V15H15V9H9M11 11H13V13H11V11M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18Z",I32="M12,20L7,22L12,11L17,22L12,20M8,2H16V5H22V7H16V10H8V7H2V5H8V2M10,4V8H14V4H10Z",G32="M2,2V8H4.28L5.57,16H4V22H10V20.06L15,20.05V22H21V16H19.17L20,9H22V3H16V6.53L14.8,8H9.59L8,5.82V2M4,4H6V6H4M18,5H20V7H18M6.31,8H7.11L9,10.59V14H15V10.91L16.57,9H18L17.16,16H15V18.06H10V16H7.6M11,10H13V12H11M6,18H8V20H6M17,18H19V20H17",Q32="M22 8V2H16V5.8L14.4 8H9.6L8 5.8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22M11 10H13V12H11V10M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M16 18H8V16H6V8H7.1L9 10.6V14H15V10.6L16.9 8H18V16H16V18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18Z",U32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3M4 5H6V7H4M18 7H20V9H18M8 17H10V19H8Z",z32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M21.15 13C21 13 20.87 13.05 20.76 13.16L19.75 14.18L21.82 16.25L22.84 15.24C23.05 15.03 23.05 14.67 22.84 14.46L21.54 13.16C21.43 13.05 21.29 13 21.15 13M19.15 14.76L13 20.91V23H15.09L21.23 16.84L19.15 14.76M8 17H10V19H8V17Z",_32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M8 17H10V19H8V17M15 18V20H23V18H15Z",K32="M2 3V9H4.95L6.95 15H6V21H12V16.41L17.41 11H22V5H16V9.57L10.59 15H9.06L7.06 9H8V3H2M4 5H6V7H4V5M18 7H20V9H18V7M18 15V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20V15H18M8 17H10V19H8V17Z",j32="M21.1 15.5L19 17.6L16.9 15.5L15.5 16.9L17.6 19L15.5 21.1L16.9 22.5L19 20.4L21.1 22.5L22.5 21.1L20.4 19L22.5 16.9L21.1 15.5M16 5V9.6L10.6 15H9.1L7.1 9H8V3H2V9H5L7 15H6V21H12V16.4L17.4 11H22V5H16M6 7H4V5H6V7M10 19H8V17H10V19M20 9H18V7H20V9",q32="M2,4H4V2H10V4A10,10 0 0,1 20,14H22V20H20V22H18V20H16V14H18A8,8 0 0,0 10,6V8H4V6H2V4M18,16V18H20V16H18M6,4V6H8V4H6Z",$32="M2,4H8V6H16V4H22V10H20V14H22V20H16V18H8V20H2V14H4V10H2V4M16,10V8H8V10H6V14H8V16H16V14H18V10H16M4,6V8H6V6H4M18,6V8H20V6H18M4,16V18H6V16H4M18,16V18H20V16H18Z",X32="M3,1H5V3H3V5H1V3A2,2 0 0,1 3,1M14,1A2,2 0 0,1 16,3V5H14V3H12V1H14M20,7A2,2 0 0,1 22,9V11H20V9H18V7H20M22,20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H18V20H20V18H22V20M20,13H22V16H20V13M13,9V7H16V10H14V9H13M13,22V20H16V22H13M9,22A2,2 0 0,1 7,20V18H9V20H11V22H9M7,16V13H9V14H10V16H7M7,3V1H10V3H7M3,16A2,2 0 0,1 1,14V12H3V14H5V16H3M1,7H3V10H1V7M9,7H11V9H9V11H7V9A2,2 0 0,1 9,7M16,14A2,2 0 0,1 14,16H12V14H14V12H16V14Z",Y32="M2,2H8V4H16V2H22V8H20V16H22V22H16V20H8V22H2V16H4V8H2V2M16,8V6H8V8H6V16H8V18H16V16H18V8H16M4,4V6H6V4H4M18,4V6H20V4H18M4,18V20H6V18H4M18,18V20H20V18H18Z",J32="M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M18 8V16H16V18H8V16H6V8H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22V2H16V8H18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18M14 6H10V4H14V6Z",C02="M22.7 14.4L21.7 15.4L19.6 13.3L20.6 12.3C20.8 12.1 21.2 12.1 21.4 12.3L22.7 13.6C22.9 13.8 22.9 14.1 22.7 14.4M13 19.9L19.1 13.8L21.2 15.9L15.1 22H13V19.9M11 19.9V19.1L11.6 18.5L12.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V12.1L19.1 11L19.3 10.8C19.5 10.6 19.8 10.4 20.1 10.3V8H22.1V2H16.1V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20L11 19.9M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20Z",H02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M23 18V20H15V18H23Z",V02="M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M18 8V16H16V18H8V16H6V8H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H20V8H22V2H16V8H18M20 20H18V18H20V20M18 6V4H20V6H18Z",L02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M20 15V18H23V20H20V23H18V20H15V18H18V15H20Z",M02="M13 19C13 18.7 13 18.3 13.1 18H8V16H6V8H8V6H16V8H18V13.1C18.3 13 18.7 13 19 13C19.3 13 19.7 13 20 13.1V8H22V2H16V4H8V2H2V8H4V16H2V22H8V20H13.1C13 19.7 13 19.3 13 19M18 4H20V6H18V4M4 4H6V6H4V4M6 20H4V18H6V20M22.5 16.9L20.4 19L22.5 21.1L21.1 22.5L19 20.4L16.9 22.5L15.5 21.1L17.6 19L15.5 16.9L16.9 15.5L19 17.6L21.1 15.5L22.5 16.9Z",A02="M9,3V9H9.73L5.79,16H2V22H8V20H16V22H22V16H18.21L14.27,9H15V3M11,5H13V7H11M12,9.04L16,16.15V18H8V16.15M4,18H6V20H4M18,18H20V20H18",i02="M3,1C1.89,1 1,1.89 1,3V14C1,15.11 1.89,16 3,16H7V20C7,21.11 7.89,22 9,22H20C21.11,22 22,21.11 22,20V9C22,7.89 21.11,7 20,7H16V3C16,1.89 15.11,1 14,1H3M3,3H14V9H20V20H9V14H3V3Z",r02="M4,6A2,2 0 0,0 2,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 4,18H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,16V8A2,2 0 0,0 20,6H4M4.54,10H7V14H4.54C4.19,13.39 4,12.7 4,12C4,11.3 4.19,10.61 4.54,10M9,10H15V14H9V10M17,10H19.46C19.81,10.61 20,11.3 20,12C20,12.7 19.81,13.39 19.46,14H17V10Z",a02="M16,19H8V5H16M16.5,3H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6,4.5V19.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7.5,21H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 18,19.5V4.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16.5,3M19,17H21V7H19M22,9V15H24V9M3,17H5V7H3M0,15H2V9H0V15Z",e02="M8.2,5L6.55,3.35C6.81,3.12 7.15,3 7.5,3H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,4.5V14.8L16,12.8V5H8.2M0,15H2V9H0V15M21,17V7H19V15.8L20.2,17H21M3,17H5V7H3V17M18,17.35L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73L18,19.85C17.83,20.54 17.21,21 16.5,21H7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,19.5V7.89L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L6.09,5.44L8,7.34L16,15.34L18,17.34V17.35M16,17.89L8,9.89V19H16V17.89M22,9V15H24V9H22Z",d02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5Z",m02="M13 7H16C17.66 7 19 8.34 19 10V14C19 15.66 17.66 17 16 17H13V7M16 15C16.55 15 17 14.55 17 14V10C17 9.45 16.55 9 16 9H15V15H16M5 7H9C10.11 7 11 7.9 11 9V11C11 12.11 10.11 13 9 13H7V15H11V17H5V13C5 11.9 5.9 11 7 11H9V9H5V7Z",t02="M5,7H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,9V15A2,2 0 0,1 9,17H5V15H9V13H6V11H9V9H5V7M13,7H16A3,3 0 0,1 19,10V14A3,3 0 0,1 16,17H13V7M16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,14V10A1,1 0 0,0 16,9H15V15H16Z",v02="M2.61 2L21.35 20.74L19.94 22.15L14.8 17H13V15.2L11 13.23V15.21C10.93 15.68 10.74 16.08 10.41 16.41C10.08 16.73 9.68 16.93 9.21 17H5V15H9V13H6V11H8.8L6.79 9H5V7.23L1.2 3.41L2.61 2M16 7H16.22C17 7.07 17.63 7.36 18.14 7.88C18.65 8.39 18.93 9 19 9.76V14.24C18.95 14.63 18.87 15 18.72 15.3L17 13.6V9.85C16.95 9.63 16.84 9.44 16.69 9.28C16.53 9.13 16.34 9.03 16.12 9H15V11.59L13 9.57V7H16Z",l02="M14,10V14A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 13.5,14.5H12.5V9.5H13.5A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 14,10M21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M9.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,8H4.5V9.5H8V11.25H5.5V12.75H8V14.5H4.5V16H8A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9.5,14.5M15.5,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8H11V16H14A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,14.5",o02="M19,3H5A2,2 0 0,0 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3M12,13.5H11V15H9.5V13.5H6.5V9H8V12H9.5V9H11V12H12V13.5M18,15H16.2L14.4,12.8V15H13V9H14.5V11.2L16.2,9H18L15.8,12L18,15Z",n02="M17,10.5L21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M14,16V15C14,13.67 11.33,13 10,13C8.67,13 6,13.67 6,15V16H14M10,8A2,2 0 0,0 8,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,8Z",Z02="M18,16L14,12.8V16H6V8H14V11.2L18,8M20,4H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,18V6C22,4.89 21.1,4 20,4Z",S02="M6,8H6.73L14,15.27V16H6M2.27,1L1,2.27L3,4.28C2.41,4.62 2,5.26 2,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 4,20H18.73L20.73,22L22,20.73M20,4H7.82L11.82,8H14V10.18L14.57,10.75L18,8V14.18L22,18.17C22,18.11 22,18.06 22,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 20,4Z",u02="M17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5M8.93 15L6 11.8L7.24 10.56L8.93 12.26L12.76 8.43L14 9.93L8.93 15Z",c02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M6.35 12.08L7.5 10.95L9 12.5L12.5 9L13.65 10.37L9 15L6.35 12.08Z",s02="M14 10V14C14 14.3 13.8 14.5 13.5 14.5H12.5V9.5H13.5C13.8 9.5 14 9.7 14 10M17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V17C3 17.6 3.4 18 4 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5M9.5 16H8V12.8H6V16H4.5V8H6V11.2H8V8H9.5V16M15.5 14.5C15.5 15.3 14.8 16 14 16H11V8H14C14.8 8 15.5 8.7 15.5 9.5V14.5Z",O02="M17,10.5L21,6.5V17.5L17,13.5V17A1,1 0 0,1 16,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17V7A1,1 0 0,1 4,6H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,7V10.5M10.91,9.55L9.2,11.82L10.5,13.55L9.77,14.09L7.73,11.36L5,15H15L10.91,9.55Z",h02="M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H19A7,7 0 0,0 12,5M13,14.29C13.88,13.9 14.5,13.03 14.5,12A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 12,9.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,0 9.5,12C9.5,13 10.12,13.9 11,14.29V17.59L7.59,21L9,22.41L12,19.41L15,22.41L16.41,21L13,17.59V14.29M12,1A11,11 0 0,0 1,12H3A9,9 0 0,1 12,3A9,9 0 0,1 21,12H23A11,11 0 0,0 12,1Z",p02="M5,2A1,1 0 0,0 4,1A1,1 0 0,0 3,2V6H1V12H7V6H5V2M9,16C9,17.3 9.84,18.4 11,18.82V23H13V18.82C14.16,18.41 15,17.31 15,16V14H9V16M1,16C1,17.3 1.84,18.4 3,18.82V23H5V18.82C6.16,18.4 7,17.3 7,16V14H1V16M21,6V2A1,1 0 0,0 20,1A1,1 0 0,0 19,2V6H17V12H23V6H21M13,2A1,1 0 0,0 12,1A1,1 0 0,0 11,2V6H9V12H15V6H13V2M17,16C17,17.3 17.84,18.4 19,18.82V23H21V18.82C22.16,18.41 23,17.31 23,16V14H17V16Z",f02="M18,7V4A2,2 0 0,0 16,2H8A2,2 0 0,0 6,4V7H5V13L8,19V22H16V19L19,13V7H18M8,4H16V7H14V5H13V7H11V5H10V7H8V4Z",g02="M20.6 2.2L17.3 2.4L13.8 4.4L13.3 3.5L2 10V17H3V19C3 20.1 3.9 21 5 21H15C16.1 21 17 20.1 17 19V17H18V10H17L16.8 9.6L20.3 7.6L22.1 4.8L20.6 2.2M15 17V19H5V17H15Z",k02="M8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8,11.5M15,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,5H10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 9,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,8H13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15,6.5M8.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 7,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 8.5,15M12,1A11,11 0 0,0 1,12A11,11 0 0,0 12,23A11,11 0 0,0 23,12A11,11 0 0,0 12,1M12,21C7.04,21 3,16.96 3,12C3,7.04 7.04,3 12,3C16.96,3 21,7.04 21,12C21,16.96 16.96,21 12,21M17.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 19,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,10M15.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,18A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,15Z",B02="M5.5 16.8C4.8 16.8 4.3 16.2 4.3 15.6C4.3 14.9 4.9 14.4 5.5 14.4S6.7 15 6.7 15.6C6.8 16.2 6.2 16.8 5.5 16.8M5.5 12C3.6 12 2 13.6 2 15.5C2 18.1 5.5 22 5.5 22S9 18.1 9 15.5C9 13.6 7.4 12 5.5 12M4 6C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V10.6C3.8 10.2 4.6 10 5.5 10C8.5 10 11 12.5 11 15.5C11 16.4 10.8 17.2 10.5 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4Z",P02="M5.5 16.8C4.8 16.8 4.3 16.2 4.3 15.6C4.3 14.9 4.9 14.4 5.5 14.4S6.7 15 6.7 15.6C6.8 16.2 6.2 16.8 5.5 16.8M5.5 12C3.6 12 2 13.6 2 15.5C2 18.1 5.5 22 5.5 22S9 18.1 9 15.5C9 13.6 7.4 12 5.5 12M4 6C3.4 6 3 6.4 3 7V10.6C3.6 10.3 4.3 10.1 5 10V8H15V16H11C10.9 16.7 10.8 17.4 10.5 18H16C16.6 18 17 17.6 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.4 16.6 6 16 6H4Z",w02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5M14,13H6V11H14V13Z",F02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M13 13H7V11H13V13Z",T02="M3.27,2L2,3.27L4.73,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16C16.2,18 16.39,17.92 16.54,17.82L19.73,21L21,19.73M21,6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H9.82L21,17.18V6.5Z",b02="M3.41,1.86L2,3.27L4.73,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16C16.21,18 16.39,17.92 16.55,17.82L19.73,21L21.14,19.59L12.28,10.73L3.41,1.86M5,16V8H6.73L14.73,16H5M15,8V10.61L21,16.61V6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H10.39L12.39,8H15Z",y02="M15,8V16H5V8H15M16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6Z",R02="M17,10.5V7A1,1 0 0,0 16,6H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,7V17A1,1 0 0,0 4,18H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,17V13.5L21,17.5V6.5L17,10.5M14,13H11V16H9V13H6V11H9V8H11V11H14V13Z",x02="M15 8V16H5V8H15M16 6H4C3.45 6 3 6.45 3 7V17C3 17.55 3.45 18 4 18H16C16.55 18 17 17.55 17 17V13.5L21 17.5V6.5L17 10.5V7C17 6.45 16.55 6 16 6M13 13H11V15H9V13H7V11H9V9H11V11H13V13Z",D02="M4,4H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,6V18A2,2 0 0,1 20,20H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,18V6A2,2 0 0,1 4,4M4,6V18H20V6H4M7.24,6.58L18.83,9.69L16.76,17.42L5.17,14.31L7.24,6.58Z",E02="M14 14V10C14 9.7 13.8 9.5 13.5 9.5H12.5V14.5H13.5C13.8 14.5 14 14.3 14 14M17 7V10.5L21 6.5V17.5L17 13.5V17C17 17.6 16.6 18 16 18H4C3.4 18 3 17.6 3 17V7C3 6.4 3.4 6 4 6H16C16.6 6 17 6.4 17 7M14 16C14.8 16 15.5 15.3 15.5 14.5V9.5C15.5 8.7 14.8 8 14 8H11V16H14M9 8H5.5C4.67 8 4 8.67 4 9.5V11C4 11.83 4.67 12.5 5.5 12.5H7.5V14.5H4V16H7.5C8.33 16 9 15.33 9 14.5V12.5C9 11.67 8.33 11 7.5 11H5.5V9.5H9V8Z",N02="M13,15.5V13H7V15.5L3.5,12L7,8.5V11H13V8.5L16.5,12M18,9.5V6A1,1 0 0,0 17,5H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 3,19H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,18V14.5L22,18.5V5.5L18,9.5Z",W02="M8 13H12V15L15 12L12 9V11H8V9L5 12L8 15V13M18 9.5V6C18 5.4 17.5 5 17 5H3C2.5 5 2 5.4 2 6V18C2 18.5 2.5 19 3 19H17C17.5 19 18 18.5 18 18V14.5L22 18.5V5.5L18 9.5M16 17H4V7H16V17Z",I02="M18,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 17,10H16C18.24,8.39 18.76,5.27 17.15,3C15.54,0.78 12.42,0.26 10.17,1.87C9.5,2.35 8.96,3 8.6,3.73C6.25,2.28 3.17,3 1.72,5.37C0.28,7.72 1,10.8 3.36,12.25C3.57,12.37 3.78,12.5 4,12.58V21A1,1 0 0,0 5,22H17A1,1 0 0,0 18,21V17.5L22,21.5V10.5L18,14.5M13,4A2,2 0 0,1 15,6A2,2 0 0,1 13,8A2,2 0 0,1 11,6A2,2 0 0,1 13,4M6,6A2,2 0 0,1 8,8A2,2 0 0,1 6,10A2,2 0 0,1 4,8A2,2 0 0,1 6,6Z",G02="M17,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,10H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,11V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,21V17.5L21,21.5V10.5M3,3.86L4.4,5.24C7.5,2.19 12.5,2.19 15.6,5.24L17,3.86C13.14,0.05 6.87,0.05 3,3.86M5.8,6.62L7.2,8C8.75,6.5 11.25,6.5 12.8,8L14.2,6.62C11.88,4.34 8.12,4.34 5.8,6.62Z",Q02="M15,12V20H5V12H15M16,10H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,11V21A1,1 0 0,0 4,22H16A1,1 0 0,0 17,21V17.5L21,21.5V10.5L17,14.5V11A1,1 0 0,0 16,10M3,3.86L4.4,5.24C7.5,2.19 12.5,2.19 15.6,5.24L17,3.86C13.14,0.05 6.87,0.05 3,3.86M5.8,6.63L7.2,8C8.75,6.5 11.25,6.5 12.8,8L14.2,6.63C11.88,4.34 8.12,4.34 5.8,6.63Z",U02="M21 3H3C2.4 3 2 3.4 2 4V10C2 10.6 2.4 11 3 11H21C21.6 11 22 10.6 22 10V4C22 3.4 21.6 3 21 3M21 13H3C2.4 13 2 13.4 2 14V20C2 20.6 2.4 21 3 21H21C21.6 21 22 20.6 22 20V14C22 13.4 21.6 13 21 13Z",z02="M21 13H3A1 1 0 0 0 2 14V20A1 1 0 0 0 3 21H21A1 1 0 0 0 22 20V14A1 1 0 0 0 21 13M20 19H4V15H20M21 3H3A1 1 0 0 0 2 4V10A1 1 0 0 0 3 11H21A1 1 0 0 0 22 10V4A1 1 0 0 0 21 3M20 9H4V5H20Z",_02="M8,18H17V5H8M18,5V18H21V5M4,18H7V5H4V18Z",K02="M15 7V16H10V7H15M21 5H18V18H21V5M17 5H8V18H17V5M7 5H4V18H7V5Z",j02="M18,6V17H22V6M2,17H6V6H2M7,19H17V4H7V19Z",q02="M2 6H6V17H2V6M7 19H17V4H7V19M9 6H15V17H9V6M18 6H22V17H18V6Z",$02="M16,5V18H21V5M4,18H9V5H4M10,18H15V5H10V18Z",X02="M4 5V18H21V5H4M14 7V16H11V7H14M6 7H9V16H6V7M19 16H16V7H19V16Z",Y02="M3,9H7V5H3V9M3,14H7V10H3V14M8,14H12V10H8V14M13,14H17V10H13V14M8,9H12V5H8V9M13,5V9H17V5H13M18,14H22V10H18V14M3,19H7V15H3V19M8,19H12V15H8V19M13,19H17V15H13V19M18,19H22V15H18V19M18,5V9H22V5H18Z",J02="M3 5V19H22V5H3M20 9H17.75V7H20V9M9.25 11H11.5V13H9.25V11M7.25 13H5V11H7.25V13M11.5 9H9.25V7H11.5V9M13.5 7H15.75V9H13.5V7M11.5 15V17H9.25V15H11.5M13.5 15H15.75V17H13.5V15M13.5 13V11H15.75V13H13.5M17.75 11H20V13H17.75V11M7.25 7V9H5V7H7.25M5 15H7.25V17H5V15M17.75 17V15H20V17H17.75Z",C72="M3,19H9V12H3V19M10,19H22V12H10V19M3,5V11H22V5H3Z",H72="M3,5V19H22V5H3M5,7H20V11H5V7M5,17V13H9V17H5M11,17V13H20V17H11Z",V72="M13,3V9H21V3M13,21H21V11H13M3,21H11V15H3M3,13H11V3H3V13Z",L72="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M21 9H13V3H21V9M13 18.06V11H21V11.1C20.24 11.1 19.57 11.5 19.19 11.89L13 18.06M11 13H3V3H11V13M11 21H3V15H11V21Z",M72="M21 13.1C20.9 13.1 20.7 13.2 20.6 13.3L19.6 14.3L21.7 16.4L22.7 15.4C22.9 15.2 22.9 14.8 22.7 14.6L21.4 13.3C21.3 13.2 21.2 13.1 21 13.1M19.1 14.9L13 20.9V23H15.1L21.2 16.9L19.1 14.9M21 3H13V9H21V3M19 7H15V5H19V7M13 18.06V11H21V11.1C20.24 11.1 19.57 11.5 19.19 11.89L18.07 13H15V16.07L13 18.06M11 3H3V13H11V3M9 11H5V5H9V11M11 20.06V15H3V21H11V20.06M9 19H5V17H9V19Z",A72="M19,5V7H15V5H19M9,5V11H5V5H9M19,13V19H15V13H19M9,17V19H5V17H9M21,3H13V9H21V3M11,3H3V13H11V3M21,11H13V21H21V11M11,15H3V21H11V15Z",i72="M2,5V19H8V5H2M9,5V10H15V5H9M16,5V14H22V5H16M9,11V19H15V11H9M16,15V19H22V15H16Z",r72="M2 5V19H22V5H2M20 12H16V7H20V12M14 10H10V7H14V10M10 12H14V17H10V12M4 7H8V17H4V7M16 17V14H20V17H16Z",a72="M2,3V6H21V3M20,8H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,9V15A1,1 0 0,0 3,16H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,15V9A1,1 0 0,0 20,8M2,21H21V18H2V21Z",e72="M21 18H2V20H21V18M19 10V14H4V10H19M20 8H3C2.45 8 2 8.45 2 9V15C2 15.55 2.45 16 3 16H20C20.55 16 21 15.55 21 15V9C21 8.45 20.55 8 20 8M21 4H2V6H21V4Z",d72="M21 3H2V16H21V3M2 17H6V21H2V17M7 17H11V21H7V17M12 17H16V21H12V17M17 17H21V21H17V17Z",m72="M1 3V21H23V3H1M21 5V14H3V5H21M11 16V19H8V16H11M3 16H6V19H3V16M13 19V16H16V19H13M18 19V16H21V19H18Z",t72="M3,11H11V3H3M3,21H11V13H3M13,21H21V13H13M13,3V11H21V3",v72="M2 5H4V7H2V5M5 5H7V7H5V5M8 5H10V7H8V5M11 5H13V7H11V5M14 5H16V7H14V5M17 5H19V7H17V5M20 5H22V7H20V5M2 8H4V10H2V8M5 8H7V10H5V8M8 8H10V10H8V8M11 8H13V10H11V8M14 8H16V10H14V8M17 8H19V10H17V8M20 8H22V10H20V8M2 11H4V13H2V11M5 11H7V13H5V11M8 11H10V13H8V11M11 11H13V13H11V11M14 11H16V13H14V11M17 11H19V13H17V11M20 11H22V13H20V11M2 14H4V16H2V14M5 14H7V16H5V14M8 14H10V16H8V14M11 14H13V16H11V14M14 14H16V16H14V14M17 14H19V16H17V14M20 14H22V16H20V14M2 17H4V19H2V17M5 17H7V19H5V17M8 17H10V19H8V17M11 17H13V19H11V17M14 17H16V19H14V17M17 17H19V19H17V17M20 17H22V19H20V17",l72="M3 11H11V3H3M5 5H9V9H5M13 21H21V13H13M15 15H19V19H15M3 21H11V13H3M5 15H9V19H5M13 3V11H21V3M19 9H15V5H19Z",o72="M13 3V11H21V3H13M3 21H11V13H3V21M3 3V11H11V3H3M13 16H16V13H18V16H21V18H18V21H16V18H13V16Z",n72="M3 21H11V13H3M5 15H9V19H5M3 11H11V3H3M5 5H9V9H5M13 3V11H21V3M19 9H15V5H19M18 16H21V18H18V21H16V18H13V16H16V13H18Z",Z72="M4,5V7H21V5M4,11H21V9H4M4,19H21V17H4M4,15H21V13H4V15Z",S72="M9,5V9H21V5M9,19H21V15H9M9,14H21V10H9M4,9H8V5H4M4,19H8V15H4M4,14H8V10H4V14Z",u72="M3 5V19H20V5H3M7 7V9H5V7H7M5 13V11H7V13H5M5 15H7V17H5V15M18 17H9V15H18V17M18 13H9V11H18V13M18 9H9V7H18V9Z",c72="M16,5V11H21V5M10,11H15V5H10M16,18H21V12H16M10,18H15V12H10M4,18H9V12H4M4,11H9V5H4V11Z",s72="M4 5V18H21V5H4M14 7V10.5H11V7H14M6 7H9V10.5H6V7M6 16V12.5H9V16H6M11 16V12.5H14V16H11M19 16H16V12.5H19V16M16 10.5V7H19V10.5H16Z",O72="M19 3V21H15V3H19M14 3V21H10V3H14M9 3V21H5V3H9Z",h72="M19 3H5V21H19V3M17 19H15V5H17V19M13 19H11V5H13V19M7 5H9V19H7V5Z",p72="M10,5V11H21V5M16,18H21V12H16M4,18H9V5H4M10,18H15V12H10V18Z",f72="M4 5V18H21V5H4M6 16V7H9V16H6M11 16V12.5H14V16H11M19 16H16V12.5H19V16M11 10.5V7H19V10.5H11Z",g72="M3 5H21V9H3V5M3 10H21V14H3V10M3 15H21V19H3V15Z",k72="M3 5V19H21V5H3M19 7V9H5V7H19M19 11V13H5V11H19M5 17V15H19V17H5Z",B72="M3,5H21V7H3V5M3,11V9H21V11H3M3,19V13H21V19H3Z",P72="M13,5H21V19H13V5M3,5H11V7H3V5M3,11V9H11V11H3M3,19V17H11V19H3M3,15V13H11V15H3Z",w72="M4,5V11H21V5M4,18H21V12H4V18Z",F72="M4 6V18H21V6H4M19 16H6V13H19V16M6 11V8H19V11H6Z",T72="M13,5H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 10,19H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 13,5M20,5H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 17,19H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 20,5M6,5H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,6V18A1,1 0 0,0 3,19H6A1,1 0 0,0 7,18V6A1,1 0 0,0 6,5Z",b72="M21 4H3C2.45 4 2 4.45 2 5V19C2 19.55 2.45 20 3 20H21C21.55 20 22 19.55 22 19V5C22 4.45 21.55 4 21 4M8 18H4V6H8V18M14 18H10V6H14V18M20 18H16V6H20V18Z",y72="M22,7.42C21.91,9.37 20.55,12.04 17.92,15.44C15.2,19 12.9,20.75 11,20.75C9.85,20.75 8.86,19.67 8.05,17.5C7.5,15.54 7,13.56 6.44,11.58C5.84,9.42 5.2,8.34 4.5,8.34C4.36,8.34 3.84,8.66 2.94,9.29L2,8.07C3,7.2 3.96,6.33 4.92,5.46C6.24,4.32 7.23,3.72 7.88,3.66C9.44,3.5 10.4,4.58 10.76,6.86C11.15,9.33 11.42,10.86 11.57,11.46C12,13.5 12.5,14.5 13.05,14.5C13.47,14.5 14.1,13.86 14.94,12.53C15.78,11.21 16.23,10.2 16.29,9.5C16.41,8.36 15.96,7.79 14.94,7.79C14.46,7.79 13.97,7.9 13.46,8.12C14.44,4.89 16.32,3.32 19.09,3.41C21.15,3.47 22.12,4.81 22,7.42Z",R72="M11,2A1,1 0 0,0 10,3V5L10,9A0.5,0.5 0 0,0 10.5,9.5H12A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12.5,10A0.5,0.5 0 0,1 12,10.5H10.5C9.73,10.5 9,9.77 9,9V5.16C7.27,5.6 6,7.13 6,9V10.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 8.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 6,15.5V17C6,19.77 8.23,22 11,22H13C15.77,22 18,19.77 18,17V15.5A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 15.5,13A2.5,2.5 0 0,1 18,10.5V9C18,6.78 16.22,5 14,5V3A1,1 0 0,0 13,2H11M10.75,16.5H13.25L12.75,20H11.25L10.75,16.5Z",x72="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M6,9H7.5L8.5,12.43L9.5,9H11L9.25,15H7.75L6,9M13,9H16.5C17.35,9 18,9.65 18,10.5V11.5C18,12.1 17.6,12.65 17.1,12.9L18,15H16.5L15.65,13H14.5V15H13V9M14.5,10.5V11.5H16.5V10.5H14.5Z",D72="M19.82 14C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.5 6.57 20.07 6.41 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C19.81 2.83 18.7 2.83 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5S10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.1 5.21 9.26 5.5 8.5 5.94L7.39 4.35C7.58 3.83 7.53 3.23 7.19 2.75C6.63 1.96 5.54 1.76 4.75 2.32C3.96 2.87 3.76 3.96 4.32 4.75C4.66 5.24 5.2 5.5 5.75 5.5L6.93 7.18C6.5 7.61 6.16 8.09 5.87 8.62C5.25 8.38 4.5 8.5 4 9C3.33 9.7 3.33 10.8 4 11.5C4.29 11.77 4.64 11.93 5 12L5 12C5 12.54 5.07 13.06 5.18 13.56L3.87 13.91C3.45 13.56 2.87 13.41 2.29 13.56C1.36 13.81 .808 14.77 1.06 15.71C1.31 16.64 2.28 17.19 3.21 16.94C3.78 16.78 4.21 16.36 4.39 15.84L5.9 15.43C6.35 16.22 6.95 16.92 7.65 17.5L6.55 19.5C6 19.58 5.5 19.89 5.21 20.42C4.75 21.27 5.07 22.33 5.92 22.79C6.77 23.25 7.83 22.93 8.29 22.08C8.57 21.56 8.56 20.96 8.31 20.47L9.38 18.5C10.19 18.82 11.07 19 12 19C12.06 19 12.12 19 12.18 19C12.05 19.26 12 19.56 12 19.88C12.08 20.85 12.92 21.57 13.88 21.5S15.57 20.58 15.5 19.62C15.46 19.12 15.21 18.68 14.85 18.39C15.32 18.18 15.77 17.91 16.19 17.6L18.53 19.94C18.43 20.5 18.59 21.07 19 21.5C19.7 22.17 20.8 22.17 21.5 21.5S22.17 19.7 21.5 19C21.07 18.59 20.5 18.43 19.94 18.53L17.6 16.19C18.09 15.54 18.47 14.8 18.71 14H19.82M10.5 12C9.67 12 9 11.33 9 10.5S9.67 9 10.5 9 12 9.67 12 10.5 11.33 12 10.5 12M14 15C13.45 15 13 14.55 13 14C13 13.45 13.45 13 14 13S15 13.45 15 14C15 14.55 14.55 15 14 15Z",E72="M7.42 4.22L5.28 2.08C5.97 1.88 6.75 2.12 7.19 2.75C7.5 3.19 7.56 3.73 7.42 4.22M21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.5 6.57 20.07 6.41 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C19.81 2.83 18.7 2.83 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5S10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.26 5.19 9.57 5.41 8.92 5.72L18.28 15.08C18.45 14.73 18.6 14.38 18.71 14H19.82C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L20.1 22C19.7 21.96 19.31 21.8 19 21.5C18.7 21.19 18.54 20.8 18.5 20.4L15.9 17.79C15.57 18 15.22 18.23 14.85 18.39C15.21 18.68 15.46 19.12 15.5 19.62C15.57 20.58 14.84 21.43 13.88 21.5S12.08 20.85 12 19.88C12 19.56 12.05 19.26 12.18 19H12C11.07 19 10.19 18.82 9.38 18.5L8.31 20.47C8.56 20.96 8.57 21.56 8.29 22.08C7.83 22.93 6.77 23.25 5.92 22.79C5.07 22.33 4.75 21.27 5.21 20.42C5.5 19.89 6 19.58 6.55 19.5L7.65 17.5C6.95 16.92 6.35 16.22 5.9 15.43L4.39 15.84C4.21 16.36 3.78 16.78 3.21 16.94C2.28 17.19 1.31 16.64 1.06 15.71C.808 14.77 1.36 13.81 2.29 13.56C2.87 13.41 3.45 13.56 3.87 13.91L5.18 13.56C5.07 13.06 5 12.54 5 12C4.64 11.93 4.29 11.77 4 11.5C3.33 10.8 3.33 9.7 4 9C4.5 8.5 5.25 8.38 5.87 8.62C5.97 8.44 6.09 8.27 6.2 8.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46Z",N72="M23 13C23 13.97 22.22 14.75 21.25 14.75C20.66 14.75 20.13 14.45 19.82 14H18.71C18.6 14.38 18.45 14.73 18.28 15.08L16.73 13.53C16.89 13.05 17 12.54 17 12C17 9.24 14.76 7 12 7C11.46 7 10.95 7.11 10.47 7.27L8.92 5.72C9.57 5.41 10.26 5.19 11 5.08V3.68C10.55 3.37 10.25 2.84 10.25 2.25C10.25 1.28 11.03 .5 12 .5S13.75 1.28 13.75 2.25C13.75 2.84 13.45 3.37 13 3.68V5.08C14.19 5.25 15.27 5.71 16.19 6.4L17.53 5.06C17.43 4.5 17.59 3.93 18 3.5C18.35 3.17 18.8 3 19.25 3S20.15 3.17 20.5 3.5C21.17 4.2 21.17 5.31 20.5 6C20.15 6.33 19.7 6.5 19.25 6.5C19.15 6.5 19.05 6.5 18.94 6.47L17.6 7.81C18.5 9 19 10.43 19 12H19.82C20.13 11.55 20.66 11.25 21.25 11.25C22.22 11.25 23 12.03 23 13M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L20.1 22C19.7 21.95 19.31 21.79 19 21.5C18.7 21.19 18.54 20.8 18.5 20.4L15.9 17.79C15.57 18 15.22 18.23 14.85 18.39C15.21 18.68 15.46 19.12 15.5 19.62C15.57 20.58 14.85 21.42 13.88 21.5H13.75C12.84 21.5 12.08 20.8 12 19.88C12 19.56 12.05 19.26 12.18 19H12C11.07 19 10.19 18.82 9.38 18.5L8.31 20.47C8.56 20.96 8.57 21.56 8.29 22.08C7.97 22.67 7.37 23 6.75 23C6.47 23 6.18 22.93 5.92 22.79C5.07 22.33 4.75 21.27 5.21 20.42C5.5 19.89 6 19.58 6.55 19.5L7.65 17.5C6.95 16.92 6.35 16.22 5.9 15.43L4.39 15.84C4.21 16.36 3.78 16.78 3.21 16.94C3.05 17 2.9 17 2.75 17C2 17 1.27 16.5 1.06 15.71C.809 14.77 1.36 13.81 2.29 13.56C2.44 13.5 2.6 13.5 2.75 13.5C3.16 13.5 3.56 13.65 3.87 13.91L5.18 13.56C5.07 13.06 5 12.54 5 12C4.64 11.92 4.29 11.77 4 11.5C3.33 10.8 3.33 9.7 4 9C4.35 8.67 4.8 8.5 5.25 8.5C5.46 8.5 5.67 8.54 5.87 8.62C5.97 8.44 6.09 8.27 6.2 8.09L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M14.45 16.34L7.66 9.55C7.25 10.28 7 11.11 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.9 17 13.73 16.75 14.45 16.34M7.19 2.75C6.84 2.26 6.3 2 5.75 2C5.59 2 5.43 2.03 5.27 2.07L7.42 4.22C7.56 3.73 7.5 3.19 7.19 2.75Z",W72="M12 .5C11.03 .5 10.25 1.28 10.25 2.25C10.25 2.84 10.55 3.37 11 3.68V5.08C10.1 5.21 9.26 5.5 8.5 5.94L7.39 4.35C7.58 3.83 7.53 3.23 7.19 2.75C6.84 2.26 6.3 2 5.75 2C5.4 2 5.05 2.1 4.75 2.32C3.96 2.87 3.76 3.96 4.32 4.75C4.66 5.24 5.2 5.5 5.75 5.5L6.93 7.18C6.5 7.61 6.16 8.09 5.87 8.62C5.67 8.54 5.46 8.5 5.25 8.5C4.8 8.5 4.35 8.67 4 9C3.33 9.7 3.33 10.8 4 11.5C4.29 11.77 4.64 11.92 5 12L5 12C5 12.54 5.07 13.06 5.18 13.56L3.87 13.91C3.56 13.65 3.16 13.5 2.75 13.5C2.6 13.5 2.44 13.5 2.29 13.56C1.36 13.81 .809 14.77 1.06 15.71C1.27 16.5 2 17 2.75 17C2.9 17 3.05 17 3.21 16.94C3.78 16.78 4.21 16.36 4.39 15.84L5.9 15.43C6.35 16.22 6.95 16.92 7.65 17.5L6.55 19.5C6 19.58 5.5 19.89 5.21 20.42C4.75 21.27 5.07 22.33 5.92 22.79C6.18 22.93 6.47 23 6.75 23C7.37 23 7.97 22.67 8.29 22.08C8.57 21.56 8.56 20.96 8.31 20.47L9.38 18.5C10.19 18.82 11.07 19 12 19C12.06 19 12.12 19 12.18 19C12.05 19.26 12 19.56 12 19.88C12.08 20.8 12.84 21.5 13.75 21.5C13.79 21.5 13.84 21.5 13.88 21.5C14.85 21.42 15.57 20.58 15.5 19.62C15.46 19.12 15.21 18.68 14.85 18.39C15.32 18.18 15.77 17.91 16.19 17.6L18.53 19.94C18.43 20.5 18.59 21.07 19 21.5C19.35 21.83 19.8 22 20.25 22S21.15 21.83 21.5 21.5C22.17 20.8 22.17 19.7 21.5 19C21.15 18.67 20.7 18.5 20.25 18.5C20.15 18.5 20.05 18.5 19.94 18.53L17.6 16.19C18.09 15.54 18.47 14.8 18.71 14H19.82C20.13 14.45 20.66 14.75 21.25 14.75C22.22 14.75 23 13.97 23 13S22.22 11.25 21.25 11.25C20.66 11.25 20.13 11.55 19.82 12H19C19 10.43 18.5 9 17.6 7.81L18.94 6.47C19.05 6.5 19.15 6.5 19.25 6.5C19.7 6.5 20.15 6.33 20.5 6C21.17 5.31 21.17 4.2 20.5 3.5C20.15 3.17 19.7 3 19.25 3S18.35 3.17 18 3.5C17.59 3.93 17.43 4.5 17.53 5.06L16.19 6.4C15.27 5.71 14.19 5.25 13 5.08V3.68C13.45 3.37 13.75 2.84 13.75 2.25C13.75 1.28 12.97 .5 12 .5M12 17C9.24 17 7 14.76 7 12S9.24 7 12 7 17 9.24 17 12 14.76 17 12 17M10.5 9C9.67 9 9 9.67 9 10.5S9.67 12 10.5 12 12 11.33 12 10.5 11.33 9 10.5 9M14 13C13.45 13 13 13.45 13 14C13 14.55 13.45 15 14 15C14.55 15 15 14.55 15 14C15 13.45 14.55 13 14 13Z",I72="M12,1C11.58,1 11.19,1.23 11,1.75L9.88,4.88C10.36,5.4 11.28,5.5 12,5.5C12.72,5.5 13.64,5.4 14.13,4.88L13,1.75C12.82,1.25 12.42,1 12,1M8.44,8.91L7,12.91C8.07,14.27 10.26,14.5 12,14.5C13.74,14.5 15.93,14.27 17,12.91L15.56,8.91C14.76,9.83 13.24,10 12,10C10.76,10 9.24,9.83 8.44,8.91M5.44,15C4.62,15 3.76,15.65 3.53,16.44L2.06,21.56C1.84,22.35 2.3,23 3.13,23H20.88C21.7,23 22.16,22.35 21.94,21.56L20.47,16.44C20.24,15.65 19.38,15 18.56,15H17.75L18.09,15.97C18.21,16.29 18.29,16.69 18.09,16.97C16.84,18.7 14.14,19 12,19C9.86,19 7.16,18.7 5.91,16.97C5.71,16.69 5.79,16.29 5.91,15.97L6.25,15H5.44Z",G72="M18.5,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,8A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 22,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 18.5,15M5.5,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 2,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,8A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 5.5,15M18.5,6A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 13,11.5C13,12.83 13.47,14.05 14.26,15H9.74C10.53,14.05 11,12.83 11,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,6A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 0,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 5.5,17H18.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 24,11.5A5.5,5.5 0 0,0 18.5,6Z",Q72="M18 8H11L9 13H6L2 22H22L18 8M13 1H15V5H13V1M16.12 5.47L18.95 2.64L20.36 4.05L17.54 6.88L16.12 5.47M7.64 4.05L9.05 2.64L11.88 5.46L10.47 6.88L7.64 4.05Z",U72="M18 8H11L9 13H6L2 22H22L18 8M7.3 15H10.35L10.85 13.74L12.35 10H16.5L19.35 20H5.08L7.3 15M13 1H15V5H13V1M16.12 5.47L18.95 2.64L20.36 4.05L17.54 6.88L16.12 5.47M7.64 4.05L9.05 2.64L11.88 5.46L10.47 6.88L7.64 4.05Z",z72="M19.04 4.85C17.34 3.2 15.33 2.25 13 2V5.62L22 10.8C21.72 8.5 20.73 6.5 19.04 4.85M12 22C15.44 22 18.16 20.62 20.17 17.86L17.06 16L8.07 21.2C9.32 21.73 10.64 22 12 22M13 11.41L21.15 16.07C21.59 15.13 21.88 14.14 22 13.11L13 7.93V11.41M3.88 17.81C4.54 18.72 5.26 19.46 6.05 20L15.04 14.9L12 13.15L3.88 17.81M11.04 2C10 2.09 9 2.36 8 2.8V13.15L11.04 11.41V2M2 12C2 13.39 2.3 14.77 2.89 16.12L6 14.28V4C3.33 6 2 8.65 2 12Z",_72="M3 9H7L12 4V20L7 15H3V9M14 13H22V15H14M14 9H22V11H14Z",K72="M14,3.23V5.29C16.89,6.15 19,8.83 19,12C19,15.17 16.89,17.84 14,18.7V20.77C18,19.86 21,16.28 21,12C21,7.72 18,4.14 14,3.23M16.5,12C16.5,10.23 15.5,8.71 14,7.97V16C15.5,15.29 16.5,13.76 16.5,12M3,9V15H7L12,20V4L7,9H3Z",j72="M7,9V15H11L16,20V4L11,9H7Z",q72="M5,9V15H9L14,20V4L9,9M18.5,12C18.5,10.23 17.5,8.71 16,7.97V16C17.5,15.29 18.5,13.76 18.5,12Z",$72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M14,11H22V13H14V11Z",X72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M16.59,12L14,9.41L15.41,8L18,10.59L20.59,8L22,9.41L19.41,12L22,14.59L20.59,16L18,13.41L15.41,16L14,14.59L16.59,12Z",Y72="M12,4L9.91,6.09L12,8.18M4.27,3L3,4.27L7.73,9H3V15H7L12,20V13.27L16.25,17.53C15.58,18.04 14.83,18.46 14,18.7V20.77C15.38,20.45 16.63,19.82 17.68,18.96L19.73,21L21,19.73L12,10.73M19,12C19,12.94 18.8,13.82 18.46,14.64L19.97,16.15C20.62,14.91 21,13.5 21,12C21,7.72 18,4.14 14,3.23V5.29C16.89,6.15 19,8.83 19,12M16.5,12C16.5,10.23 15.5,8.71 14,7.97V10.18L16.45,12.63C16.5,12.43 16.5,12.21 16.5,12Z",J72="M3,9H7L12,4V20L7,15H3V9M14,11H17V8H19V11H22V13H19V16H17V13H14V11Z",C92="M3 9V15H7L12 20V4L7 9H3M16 15H14V9H16V15M20 19H18V5H20V19Z",H92="M5.64,3.64L21.36,19.36L19.95,20.78L16,16.83V20L11,15H7V9H8.17L4.22,5.05L5.64,3.64M16,4V11.17L12.41,7.58L16,4Z",V92="M4 9V15H8L13 20V4L8 9H4M16.55 2.47L15.5 3.53L17.93 6L15 9L17.93 12L15 15L17.93 18L15.5 20.47L16.55 21.53L20 18L17.07 15L20 12L17.07 9L20 6L16.55 2.47Z",L92="M18,13H17.32L15.32,15H17.23L19,17H5L6.78,15H8.83L6.83,13H6L3,16V20A2,2 0 0,0 5,22H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,20V16L18,13M17,7.95L12.05,12.9L8.5,9.36L13.46,4.41L17,7.95M12.76,2.29L6.39,8.66C6,9.05 6,9.68 6.39,10.07L11.34,15C11.73,15.41 12.36,15.41 12.75,15L19.11,8.66C19.5,8.27 19.5,7.64 19.11,7.25L14.16,2.3C13.78,1.9 13.15,1.9 12.76,2.29Z",M92="M18,13L21,16V20C21,21.11 20.1,22 19,22H5C3.89,22 3,21.1 3,20V16L6,13H6.83L8.83,15H6.78L5,17H19L17.23,15H15.32L17.32,13H18M19,20V19H5V20H19M11.34,15L6.39,10.07C6,9.68 6,9.05 6.39,8.66L12.76,2.29C13.15,1.9 13.78,1.9 14.16,2.3L19.11,7.25C19.5,7.64 19.5,8.27 19.11,8.66L12.75,15C12.36,15.41 11.73,15.41 11.34,15M13.46,4.41L8.5,9.36L12.05,12.9L17,7.95L13.46,4.41Z",A92="M9,5H15L12,8L9,5M10.5,14.66C10.2,15 10,15.5 10,16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18A2,2 0 0,0 14,16C14,15.45 13.78,14.95 13.41,14.59L14.83,13.17C15.55,13.9 16,14.9 16,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16C8,14.93 8.42,13.96 9.1,13.25L9.09,13.24L16.17,6.17V6.17C16.89,5.45 17.89,5 19,5A4,4 0 0,1 23,9A4,4 0 0,1 19,13C17.9,13 16.9,12.55 16.17,11.83L17.59,10.41C17.95,10.78 18.45,11 19,11A2,2 0 0,0 21,9A2,2 0 0,0 19,7C18.45,7 17.95,7.22 17.59,7.59L10.5,14.66M6.41,7.59C6.05,7.22 5.55,7 5,7A2,2 0 0,0 3,9A2,2 0 0,0 5,11C5.55,11 6.05,10.78 6.41,10.41L7.83,11.83C7.1,12.55 6.1,13 5,13A4,4 0 0,1 1,9A4,4 0 0,1 5,5C6.11,5 7.11,5.45 7.83,6.17V6.17L10.59,8.93L9.17,10.35L6.41,7.59Z",i92="M2,3H5.5L12,15L18.5,3H22L12,21L2,3M6.5,3H9.5L12,7.58L14.5,3H17.5L12,13.08L6.5,3Z",r92="M12,11.64L7.92,2H16.08L12,11.64M12,21.95L3.27,4.91H7.84L12,14.47L16.16,4.91H20.73L12,21.95Z",a92="M14.12,10H19V8.2H15.38L13.38,4.87C13.08,4.37 12.54,4.03 11.92,4.03C11.74,4.03 11.58,4.06 11.42,4.11L6,5.8V11H7.8V7.33L9.91,6.67L6,22H7.8L10.67,13.89L13,17V22H14.8V15.59L12.31,11.05L13.04,8.18M14,3.8C15,3.8 15.8,3 15.8,2C15.8,1 15,0.2 14,0.2C13,0.2 12.2,1 12.2,2C12.2,3 13,3.8 14,3.8Z",e92="M3,16H12V21H3V16M2,10H8V15H2V10M9,10H15V15H9V10M16,10H22V15H16V10M13,16H21V21H13V16M3,4H11V9H3V4M12,4H21V9H12V4Z",d92="M22.14 15.34L22.12 15.35C22.35 15.63 22.55 15.94 22.7 16.27L22.79 16.46C23.5 18.15 23 20.1 21.69 21.32C20.5 22.41 18.84 22.7 17.3 22.5C15.84 22.32 14.5 21.4 13.73 20.13C13.5 19.74 13.3 19.3 13.2 18.85C13.07 18.5 13.03 18.12 13 17.75C12.91 16.15 13.55 14.45 14.76 13.45C14.21 14.66 14.34 16.17 15.15 17.22L15.26 17.35C15.4 17.47 15.57 17.5 15.73 17.44C15.88 17.38 16 17.23 16 17.07L15.93 16.83C15.05 14.5 15.79 11.8 17.66 10.27C18.17 9.85 18.8 9.47 19.46 9.3C18.78 10.66 19 12.44 20.09 13.5C20.55 14 21.11 14.29 21.58 14.73L22.14 15.34M19.86 20L19.85 19.97C20.3 19.58 20.55 18.91 20.53 18.31L20.5 18C20.3 17 19.43 16.66 18.87 15.93L18.44 15.15C18.22 15.65 18.2 16.12 18.29 16.66C18.39 17.23 18.61 17.72 18.5 18.31C18.34 18.96 17.83 19.61 16.94 19.82C17.44 20.31 18.25 20.7 19.06 20.42C19.32 20.35 19.65 20.16 19.86 20M3 16H11.06L11 17C11 18.41 11.36 19.73 12 20.88V21H3V16M2 10H8V15H2V10M9 10H15V10.07C13.17 11.13 11.79 12.9 11.25 15H9V10M3 4H11V9H3V4M12 4H21V9H12V4Z",m92="M11,4L7,13H19L15,4H11M4,14V22H6V19H14V14H12V17H6V14H4Z",t92="M5,5V11H19V5H5M5.27,13.32L3.5,15.09L4.91,16.5L6.68,14.73L5.27,13.32M18.73,13.32L17.32,14.73L19.09,16.5L20.5,15.09L18.73,13.32M11,16V19H13V16H11Z",v92="M5 5V11H19V5H5M17 9H7V7H17V9M5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32M18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32M11 16V19H13V16H11Z",l92="M19 19V13H5V19H19M18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68M5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68M13 8V5H11V8H13Z",o92="M5 13V19H19V13H5M17 17H7V15H17V17M18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68M5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68M13 8V5H11V8H13Z",n92="M13.7 6L15.92 11H10.08L12.3 6H13.7M15 4H11L7 13H19L15 4M4 14V22H6V19H14V14H12V17H6V14H4Z",Z92="M13 19V16H11V19H13M19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5M4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5M20 12C20 9.14 18.5 6.5 16 5.07S10.5 3.64 8 5.07 4 9.14 4 12H20Z",S92="M13 19V16H11V19H13M19.09 16.5L20.5 15.09L18.73 13.32L17.32 14.73L19.09 16.5M4.91 16.5L6.68 14.73L5.27 13.32L3.5 15.09L4.91 16.5M12 6C13.04 6 14.08 6.28 15 6.81C16.26 7.5 17.19 8.67 17.66 10H6.34C6.81 8.67 7.74 7.5 9 6.81C9.92 6.28 10.96 6 12 6M12 4C10.63 4 9.25 4.36 8 5.07C5.5 6.5 4 9.14 4 12H20C20 9.14 18.5 6.5 16 5.07C14.75 4.36 13.38 4 12 4Z",u92="M11 5V8H13V5H11M4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5M19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5M4 12C4 14.86 5.5 17.5 8 18.93S13.5 20.36 16 18.93 20 14.86 20 12H4Z",c92="M11 5V8H13V5H11M4.91 7.5L3.5 8.91L5.27 10.68L6.68 9.27L4.91 7.5M19.09 7.5L17.32 9.27L18.73 10.68L20.5 8.91L19.09 7.5M17.66 14C17.19 15.33 16.26 16.5 15 17.19C14.08 17.72 13.04 18 12 18S9.92 17.72 9 17.19C7.74 16.5 6.81 15.33 6.34 14H17.66M20 12H4C4 14.86 5.5 17.5 8 18.93C9.25 19.65 10.63 20 12 20S14.75 19.65 16 18.93C18.5 17.5 20 14.86 20 12Z",s92="M21,18V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5C3.89,21 3,20.1 3,19V5A2,2 0 0,1 5,3H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V6H12C10.89,6 10,6.9 10,8V16A2,2 0 0,0 12,18M12,16H22V8H12M16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,13.5Z",O92="M17 3H7C4.79 3 3 4.79 3 7V17C3 19.21 4.79 21 7 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V9C21 7.9 20.11 7 19 7V5C19 3.9 18.11 3 17 3M17 5V7H7C6.27 7 5.59 7.2 5 7.54V7C5 5.9 5.9 5 7 5M15.5 15.5C14.67 15.5 14 14.83 14 14S14.67 12.5 15.5 12.5 17 13.17 17 14 16.33 15.5 15.5 15.5Z",h92="M15.5 15.5C16.33 15.5 17 14.83 17 14C17 13.17 16.33 12.5 15.5 12.5C14.67 12.5 14 13.17 14 14C14 14.83 14.67 15.5 15.5 15.5M7 3H17C18.11 3 19 3.9 19 5V7C20.11 7 21 7.9 21 9V19C21 20.11 20.11 21 19 21H7C4.79 21 3 19.21 3 17V7C3 4.79 4.79 3 7 3M17 7V5H7C5.9 5 5 5.9 5 7V7.54C5.59 7.2 6.27 7 7 7H17M5 17C5 18.11 5.9 19 7 19H19V9H7C5.9 9 5 9.9 5 11V17Z",p92="M20,14H4V8H9.08L7,10.83L8.62,12L11,8.76L12,7.4L13,8.76L15.38,12L17,10.83L14.92,8H20M20,19H4V17H20M9,4A1,1 0 0,1 10,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,6A1,1 0 0,1 8,5A1,1 0 0,1 9,4M15,4A1,1 0 0,1 16,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,6A1,1 0 0,1 14,5A1,1 0 0,1 15,4M20,6H17.82C17.93,5.69 18,5.35 18,5A3,3 0 0,0 15,2C13.95,2 13.04,2.54 12.5,3.35L12,4L11.5,3.34C10.96,2.54 10.05,2 9,2A3,3 0 0,0 6,5C6,5.35 6.07,5.69 6.18,6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V8C22,6.89 21.11,6 20,6Z",f92="M20,10H4V4H20M20,15H4V13H20M20,2H4C2.89,2 2,2.89 2,4V15C2,16.11 2.89,17 4,17H8V22L12,20L16,22V17H20C21.11,17 22,16.11 22,15V4C22,2.89 21.11,2 20,2Z",g92="M5,3C3.89,3 3,3.9 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V16.72C21.59,16.37 22,15.74 22,15V9C22,8.26 21.59,7.63 21,7.28V5A2,2 0 0,0 19,3H5M5,5H19V7H13A2,2 0 0,0 11,9V15A2,2 0 0,0 13,17H19V19H5V5M13,9H20V15H13V9M16,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 16,10.5Z",k92="M3 0V3H0V5H3V8H5V5H8V3H5V0H3M9 3V6H6V9H3V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.11 21 21 20.11 21 19V18H12C10.9 18 10 17.11 10 16V8C10 6.9 10.89 6 12 6H21V5C21 3.9 20.11 3 19 3H9M12 8V16H22V8H12M16 10.5C16.83 10.5 17.5 11.17 17.5 12C17.5 12.83 16.83 13.5 16 13.5C15.17 13.5 14.5 12.83 14.5 12C14.5 11.17 15.17 10.5 16 10.5Z",B92="M3 0V3H0V5H3V8H5V5H8V3H5V0H3M10 3V5H19V7H13C11.9 7 11 7.9 11 9V15C11 16.1 11.9 17 13 17H19V19H5V10H3V19C3 20.1 3.89 21 5 21H19C20.1 21 21 20.1 21 19V16.72C21.59 16.37 22 15.74 22 15V9C22 8.26 21.59 7.63 21 7.28V5C21 3.9 20.1 3 19 3H10M13 9H20V15H13V9M16 10.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 14.5 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16 13.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 17.5 12A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 16 10.5Z",P92="M20,14H4V8H7V10H9V8H15V10H17V8H20M20,19H4V17H20M9,4H15V6H9M20,6H17V4C17,2.89 16.11,2 15,2H9C7.89,2 7,2.89 7,4V6H4C2.89,6 2,6.89 2,8V19C2,20.11 2.89,21 4,21H20C21.11,21 22,20.11 22,19V8C22,6.89 21.11,6 20,6Z",w92="M4,4H11V2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V11H4V4M10,13L6,18H18L15,14L12.97,16.71L10,13M17,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,7A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 14,8.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 15.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 17,8.5M20,2H13V4H20V11H22V4A2,2 0 0,0 20,2M20,20H13V22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V13H20V20M4,13H2V20A2,2 0 0,0 4,22H11V20H4V13Z",F92="M12,2A8,8 0 0,0 4,10C4,14.03 7,17.42 11,17.93V19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20H2V22H9A1,1 0 0,0 10,23H14A1,1 0 0,0 15,22H22V20H15A1,1 0 0,0 14,19H13V17.93C17,17.43 20,14.03 20,10A8,8 0 0,0 12,2M12,4C12,4 12.74,5.28 13.26,7H10.74C11.26,5.28 12,4 12,4M9.77,4.43C9.5,4.93 9.09,5.84 8.74,7H6.81C7.5,5.84 8.5,4.93 9.77,4.43M14.23,4.44C15.5,4.94 16.5,5.84 17.19,7H15.26C14.91,5.84 14.5,4.93 14.23,4.44M6.09,9H8.32C8.28,9.33 8.25,9.66 8.25,10C8.25,10.34 8.28,10.67 8.32,11H6.09C6.03,10.67 6,10.34 6,10C6,9.66 6.03,9.33 6.09,9M10.32,9H13.68C13.72,9.33 13.75,9.66 13.75,10C13.75,10.34 13.72,10.67 13.68,11H10.32C10.28,10.67 10.25,10.34 10.25,10C10.25,9.66 10.28,9.33 10.32,9M15.68,9H17.91C17.97,9.33 18,9.66 18,10C18,10.34 17.97,10.67 17.91,11H15.68C15.72,10.67 15.75,10.34 15.75,10C15.75,9.66 15.72,9.33 15.68,9M6.81,13H8.74C9.09,14.16 9.5,15.07 9.77,15.56C8.5,15.06 7.5,14.16 6.81,13M10.74,13H13.26C12.74,14.72 12,16 12,16C12,16 11.26,14.72 10.74,13M15.26,13H17.19C16.5,14.16 15.5,15.07 14.23,15.57C14.5,15.07 14.91,14.16 15.26,13Z",T92="M4 4V19C4 20.1 4.9 21 6 21V22H8V21H11.5V2H6C4.9 2 4 2.9 4 4M8 10H10V13H8V10M18 2H12.5V21H16V22H18V21C19.1 21 20 20.1 20 19V4C20 2.9 19.1 2 18 2M16 13H14V10H16V13Z",b92="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.9 4 4V19C4 20.11 4.89 21 6 21V22H8V21H16V22H18V21C19.11 21 20 20.11 20 19V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6M6 4H11V19H6V4M13 4H18V19H13V4M8 10V13H10V10H8M14 10V13H16V10H14Z",y92="M6 19H8V21H6V19M12 3L2 8V21H4V13H20V21H22V8L12 3M8 11H4V9H8V11M14 11H10V9H14V11M20 11H16V9H20V11M6 15H8V17H6V15M10 15H12V17H10V15M10 19H12V21H10V19M14 19H16V21H14V19Z",R92="M14.83,11.17C16.39,12.73 16.39,15.27 14.83,16.83C13.27,18.39 10.73,18.39 9.17,16.83L14.83,11.17M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2M7,4A1,1 0 0,0 6,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,6A1,1 0 0,0 8,5A1,1 0 0,0 7,4M10,4A1,1 0 0,0 9,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,6A1,1 0 0,0 11,5A1,1 0 0,0 10,4M12,8A6,6 0 0,0 6,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14A6,6 0 0,0 12,8Z",x92="M12.83 11.17C14.39 12.73 14.39 15.27 12.83 16.83S8.73 18.39 7.17 16.83L12.83 11.17M4 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.9 18 4V20C18 21.11 17.11 22 16 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M5 4C4.45 4 4 4.45 4 5S4.45 6 5 6 6 5.55 6 5 5.55 4 5 4M8 4C7.45 4 7 4.45 7 5S7.45 6 8 6 9 5.55 9 5 8.55 4 8 4M10 8C6.69 8 4 10.69 4 14S6.69 20 10 20 16 17.31 16 14 13.31 8 10 8M20 15H22V17H20V15M20 7H22V13H20V7Z",D92="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4 5.89V20C4 21.11 4.89 22 6 22H18C18.58 22 19.1 21.75 19.46 21.35L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.32 6.7 10.8 7.82 9.71L12.06 13.95L9.17 16.83C10.73 18.39 13.27 18.39 14.83 16.83C14.85 16.81 14.86 16.79 14.88 16.77L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20M11.25 8.05C11.5 8 11.75 8 12 8C15.31 8 18 10.69 18 14C18 14.25 18 14.5 17.95 14.75L20 16.8V4C20 2.9 19.11 2 18 2H6C5.76 2 5.54 2.05 5.33 2.13L11.25 8.05M10 4C10.55 4 11 4.45 11 5S10.55 6 10 6 9 5.55 9 5 9.45 4 10 4Z",E92="M6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6A6,6 0 0,1 18,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12M20,12C20,9.45 18.81,7.19 16.95,5.73L16,0H8L7.05,5.73C5.19,7.19 4,9.45 4,12C4,14.54 5.19,16.81 7.05,18.27L8,24H16L16.95,18.27C18.81,16.81 20,14.54 20,12Z",N92="M14,11H19L16.5,8.5L17.92,7.08L22.84,12L17.92,16.92L16.5,15.5L19,13H14V11M12,18A6,6 0 0,1 6,12A6,6 0 0,1 12,6C13.4,6 14.69,6.5 15.71,7.29L17.13,5.87L16.95,5.73L16,0H8L7.05,5.73C5.19,7.19 4,9.46 4,12C4,14.55 5.19,16.81 7.05,18.27L8,24H16L16.95,18.27L17.13,18.13L15.71,16.71C14.69,17.5 13.4,18 12,18Z",W92="M14,11H19L16.5,8.5L17.92,7.08L22.84,12L17.92,16.92L16.5,15.5L19,13H14V11M8,0H16L16.83,5H17C17.28,5 17.54,5.06 17.78,5.16L15.94,7H7V17H15.94L17.78,18.84C17.54,18.94 17.28,19 17,19H16.83L16,24H8L7.17,19H7A2,2 0 0,1 5,17V7C5,5.89 5.9,5 7,5H7.17L8,0Z",I92="M2,11H7L4.5,8.5L5.92,7.08L10.84,12L5.92,16.92L4.5,15.5L7,13H2V11M12,18A6,6 0 0,0 18,12A6,6 0 0,0 12,6C10.6,6 9.31,6.5 8.29,7.29L6.87,5.87L7.05,5.73L8,0H16L16.95,5.73C18.81,7.19 20,9.45 20,12C20,14.54 18.81,16.81 16.95,18.27L16,24H8L7.05,18.27L6.87,18.13L8.29,16.71C9.31,17.5 10.6,18 12,18Z",G92="M1,11H6L3.5,8.5L4.92,7.08L9.84,12L4.92,16.92L3.5,15.5L6,13H1V11M8,0H16L16.83,5H17A2,2 0 0,1 19,7V17C19,18.11 18.1,19 17,19H16.83L16,24H8L7.17,19H7C6.46,19 6,18.79 5.62,18.44L7.06,17H17V7H7.06L5.62,5.56C6,5.21 6.46,5 7,5H7.17L8,0Z",Q92="M8,0L7.17,5H7A2,2 0 0,0 5,7V17C5,18.11 5.9,19 7,19H7.17L8,24H16L16.83,19H17A2,2 0 0,0 19,17V7C19,5.89 18.1,5 17,5H16.83L16,0H8M7,7H17V17H7V7Z",U92="M3,17V7H5V17H3M19,17V7H21V17H19M22,9H24V15H22V9M0,15V9H2V15H0M17.96,11.97C17.96,13.87 17.07,15.57 15.68,16.67L14.97,20.95H9L8.27,16.67C6.88,15.57 6,13.87 6,11.97C6,10.07 6.88,8.37 8.27,7.28L9,3H14.97L15.68,7.28C17.07,8.37 17.96,10.07 17.96,11.97M7.5,11.97C7.5,14.45 9.5,16.46 11.97,16.46A4.5,4.5 0 0,0 16.46,11.97C16.46,9.5 14.45,7.5 11.97,7.5A4.47,4.47 0 0,0 7.5,11.97Z",z92="M0,9H2V15H0V9M12,7.5C14.47,7.5 16.47,9.53 16.46,12C16.45,12.38 16.4,12.76 16.3,13.13L17.5,14.31C17.81,13.58 18,12.8 18,12C18,10.17 17.16,8.44 15.72,7.31L15,3H9L8.59,5.39L10.86,7.66C11.23,7.55 11.61,7.5 12,7.5M21,17V7H19V15.8L20.2,17H21M16.5,15.86L22.11,21.46L20.84,22.73L15.55,17.44L15,21H9L8.27,16.72C5.85,14.82 5.27,11.4 6.91,8.8L1.11,3L2.39,1.73L8.09,7.44L9.17,8.5L15.44,14.79L16.5,15.86M14.05,15.94L8.05,9.94C7.7,10.57 7.5,11.28 7.5,12C7.5,14.47 9.53,16.47 12,16.46C12.72,16.46 13.42,16.28 14.05,15.94M22,9V15H24V9H22M3,17H5V7H3V17Z",_92="M12,20A6,6 0 0,1 6,14C6,10 12,3.25 12,3.25C12,3.25 18,10 18,14A6,6 0 0,1 12,20Z",K92="M10 3.25C10 3.25 16 10 16 14C16 17.31 13.31 20 10 20S4 17.31 4 14C4 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17Z",j92="M10 3.25C10 3.25 4 10 4 14C4 17.31 6.69 20 10 20S16 17.31 16 14C16 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M10 18C7.79 18 6 16.21 6 14C6 12.23 8 8.96 10 6.39C12 8.95 14 12.23 14 14C14 16.21 12.21 18 10 18M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17Z",q92="M8 2C6.89 2 6 2.89 6 4V16C6 17.11 6.89 18 8 18H9V20H6V22H9C10.11 22 11 21.11 11 20V18H13V20C13 21.11 13.89 22 15 22H18V20H15V18H16C17.11 18 18 17.11 18 16V4C18 2.89 17.11 2 16 2H8M12 4.97A2 2 0 0 1 14 6.97A2 2 0 0 1 12 8.97A2 2 0 0 1 10 6.97A2 2 0 0 1 12 4.97M10 14.5H14V16H10V14.5Z",$92="M6 2C4.89 2 4 2.89 4 4V16C4 17.11 4.89 18 6 18H7V20H4V22H7C8.11 22 9 21.11 9 20V18H11V20C11 21.11 11.89 22 13 22H16V20H13V18H14C15.11 18 16 17.11 16 16V4C16 2.89 15.11 2 14 2H6M10 4.97C11.11 4.97 12 5.87 12 6.97S11.11 8.97 10 8.97C8.9 8.97 8 8.07 8 6.97C8 5.87 8.9 4.97 10 4.97M8 14.5H12V16H8V14.5M18 15H20V17H18V15M18 7H20V13H18V7Z",X92="M4 2C2.89 2 2 2.89 2 4V16C2 17.11 2.89 18 4 18H5V20H2V22H5C6.11 22 7 21.11 7 20V18H9V20C9 21.11 9.89 22 11 22H13L13.75 20H11V18H12C13.11 18 14 17.11 14 16V4C14 2.89 13.11 2 12 2H4M8 4.97C9.11 4.97 10 5.87 10 6.97S9.11 8.97 8 8.97C6.9 8.97 6 8.07 6 6.97C6 5.87 6.9 4.97 8 4.97M6 14.5H10V16H6V14.5M19.8 13H17.8L14.6 22H16.5L17.2 20H20.4L21.1 22H23L19.8 13M17.6 18.7L18.8 15L20 18.7H17.6Z",Y92="M10 6.82L6.25 3.05C6.59 2.42 7.24 2 8 2H16C17.11 2 18 2.89 18 4V14.8L12.16 8.96C13.19 8.87 14 8 14 6.97C14 5.87 13.11 4.97 12 4.97C10.95 4.97 10.1 5.78 10 6.82M15 18V20H18V22H15C13.89 22 13 21.11 13 20V18H11V20C11 21.11 10.11 22 9 22H6V20H9V18H8C6.89 18 6 17.11 6 16V7.89L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L16.1 18C16.06 18 16.03 18 16 18H15M14 16V15.89L12.61 14.5H10V16H14Z",J92="M21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25M17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20H12.34C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C12 14.82 14.5 12.22 17.62 12Z",C42="M21.75 16.25L17 21L14.25 18L15.41 16.84L17 18.43L20.59 14.84L21.75 16.25M8 14C8 12.23 10 8.96 12 6.39C13.5 8.33 15 10.67 15.67 12.47C16.27 12.21 16.93 12.06 17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C9.79 18 8 16.21 8 14Z",H42="M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M12 19C9.24 19 7 16.76 7 14C7 10.67 12 5.04 12 5.04S17 10.67 17 14C17 16.76 14.76 19 12 19Z",V42="M22 17V19H14V17H22M17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C12 14.82 14.5 12.22 17.62 12Z",L42="M22 17V19H14V17H22M8 14C8 12.23 10 8.96 12 6.39C13.5 8.33 15 10.67 15.67 12.47C16.27 12.21 16.93 12.06 17.62 12C16.31 8.1 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20C12.12 20 12.23 20 12.34 20C12.12 19.36 12 18.7 12 18C9.79 18 8 16.21 8 14Z",M42="M20.84 22.73L16.29 18.18C15.2 19.3 13.69 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 12.67 6.67 11.03 7.55 9.44L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73M18 14C18 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S10.84 4.55 9.55 6.35L17.95 14.75C18 14.5 18 14.25 18 14Z",A42="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L7.65 9.54C6.74 11.03 6 12.65 6 14.23C6 17.54 8.69 20.23 12 20.23C13.74 20.23 15.3 19.5 16.4 18.29L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 18.23C9.78 18.23 8 16.45 8 14.23C8 13.5 8.5 12.27 9.14 11.03L15 16.88C14.26 17.71 13.2 18.23 12 18.23M11.14 7.94L9.71 6.5C10.57 5.38 11.25 4.61 11.25 4.61L12 3.77L12.75 4.61C12.75 4.61 14.03 6.06 15.32 7.94S18 12.07 18 14.23C18 14.41 18 14.59 17.97 14.77L15.46 12.26C15 11.23 14.37 10.07 13.68 9.07C12.84 7.85 12.44 7.42 12 6.9C11.73 7.21 11.5 7.5 11.14 7.94Z",i42="M16 14V12H17.61C17.85 12.71 18 13.39 18 14H16M15.58 8C15.12 7.29 14.65 6.61 14.2 6H14V8H15.58M16 12V10H14V12H16M16 8.68V10H16.74C16.5 9.56 16.26 9.11 16 8.68M12 16V14H14V12H12V10H14V8H12V6H14V5.73C12.9 4.26 12 3.25 12 3.25S6 10 6 14C6 17.31 8.69 20 12 20V18H14V16H12M14 19.65C14.75 19.39 15.42 19 16 18.46V18H14V19.65M14 16H16V14H14V16M16 18H16.46C17 17.42 17.39 16.75 17.65 16H16V18Z",r42="M12,3.77L11.25,4.61C11.25,4.61 9.97,6.06 8.68,7.94C7.39,9.82 6,12.07 6,14.23A6,6 0 0,0 12,20.23A6,6 0 0,0 18,14.23C18,12.07 16.61,9.82 15.32,7.94C14.03,6.06 12.75,4.61 12.75,4.61L12,3.77M12,6.9C12.44,7.42 12.84,7.85 13.68,9.07C14.89,10.83 16,13.07 16,14.23C16,16.45 14.22,18.23 12,18.23C9.78,18.23 8,16.45 8,14.23C8,13.07 9.11,10.83 10.32,9.07C11.16,7.85 11.56,7.42 12,6.9Z",a42="M12,3.25C12,3.25 6,10 6,14C6,17.32 8.69,20 12,20A6,6 0 0,0 18,14C18,10 12,3.25 12,3.25M14.47,9.97L15.53,11.03L9.53,17.03L8.47,15.97M9.75,10A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 11,11.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.75,12.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 8.5,11.25A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 9.75,10M14.25,14.5A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 15.5,15.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.25,17A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 13,15.75A1.25,1.25 0 0,1 14.25,14.5Z",e42="M20 7V13H18V7H20M18 17H20V15H18V17M10 3.25C10 3.25 4 10 4 14C4 17.32 6.69 20 10 20S16 17.31 16 14C16 10 10 3.25 10 3.25M7.75 10C8.44 10 9 10.56 9 11.25S8.44 12.5 7.75 12.5 6.5 11.94 6.5 11.25 7.06 10 7.75 10M12.25 17C11.56 17 11 16.44 11 15.75S11.56 14.5 12.25 14.5 13.5 15.06 13.5 15.75 12.94 17 12.25 17M7.53 17.03L6.47 15.97L12.47 9.97L13.53 11.03L7.53 17.03Z",d42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C14.5 12.22 12 14.82 12 18M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19Z",m42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C16.93 12.06 16.28 12.22 15.67 12.47C15 10.68 13.5 8.33 12 6.39C10 8.96 8 12.23 8 14C8 16.21 9.79 18 12 18M19 17V14H17V17H14V19H17V22H19V19H22V17H19Z",t42="M20 16H22V18H20C18.6 18 17.2 17.6 16 17C13.5 18.3 10.5 18.3 8 17C6.8 17.6 5.4 18 4 18H2V16H4C5.4 16 6.8 15.5 8 14.7C10.4 16.4 13.6 16.4 16 14.7C17.2 15.5 18.6 16 20 16M13 10.6C13.6 10.3 14.3 10 15 9.9V10.2C15.3 11.2 15.3 12.1 15.2 13.1C14.3 13.6 13.2 13.9 12.2 13.9C12.7 12.9 13 11.7 13 10.6M12.9 3.6C11.5 4 10.3 4.7 9.3 5.7C8.9 4.7 8.7 3.7 8.7 2.7C10.9 1.7 13.4 1.8 15.6 2.9C15.9 3 16.2 3.1 16.4 3.3C15.2 3.2 14 3.3 12.9 3.6M6.8 13.3C6.2 13.6 5.6 13.8 5 13.9C4.3 12.6 4 11.2 4 9.8C4.5 10.8 5.2 11.8 6 12.6C6.3 12.8 6.5 13.1 6.8 13.3M19 13.9C18.4 13.8 17.8 13.6 17.3 13.4C17.5 12.2 17.4 11 17.1 9.8C18.2 9.9 19.2 10.2 20.1 10.8C20 11.8 19.7 12.7 19.2 13.6L19 13.9M7.4 11.2C6.2 10.1 5.5 8.5 5.2 6.9L5.1 6C5.6 5.2 6.1 4.6 6.8 4C6.9 5.4 7.4 6.7 8.2 7.8C8.9 8.9 9.9 9.9 11 10.5C11 11.3 10.8 12.1 10.5 12.9C9.3 12.6 8.3 12 7.4 11.2M13.5 5.5C15 5.1 16.7 5.2 18.2 5.7L19 6.1C19.4 6.8 19.6 7.6 19.8 8.4C17.3 7.3 14.4 7.5 12 8.8C11.3 8.5 10.8 8 10.3 7.4L10.4 7.3C11.3 6.5 12.3 5.8 13.5 5.5M16 18.7C17.2 19.5 18.6 20 20 20H22V22H20C18.6 22 17.2 21.6 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.8 21.6 5.4 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.4 20 6.8 19.5 8 18.7C10.4 20.4 13.6 20.4 16 18.7Z",v42="M19,14.5C19,14.5 21,16.67 21,18A2,2 0 0,1 19,20A2,2 0 0,1 17,18C17,16.67 19,14.5 19,14.5M5,18V9A2,2 0 0,1 3,7A2,2 0 0,1 5,5V4A2,2 0 0,1 7,2H9A2,2 0 0,1 11,4V5H19A2,2 0 0,1 21,7V9L21,11A1,1 0 0,1 22,12A1,1 0 0,1 21,13H17A1,1 0 0,1 16,12A1,1 0 0,1 17,11V9H11V18H12A2,2 0 0,1 14,20V22H2V20A2,2 0 0,1 4,18H5Z",l42="M5.7 2.5A2 2 0 0 1 7 2H9A2 2 0 0 1 11 4V5H19A2 2 0 0 1 21 7V11A1 1 0 0 1 21 13H17A1 1 0 0 1 17 11V9H12.2M20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46L11 10.34L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L3.65 5.54A2 2 0 0 0 5 9V18H4A2 2 0 0 0 2 20V22H14V20A2 2 0 0 0 12 18H11V12.89Z",o42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C14.5 12.22 12 14.82 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.13 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",n42="M12 18C12 18.7 12.12 19.36 12.34 20C12.23 20 12.12 20 12 20C8.69 20 6 17.31 6 14C6 10 12 3.25 12 3.25S16.31 8.1 17.62 12C16.93 12.06 16.28 12.22 15.67 12.47C15 10.68 13.5 8.33 12 6.39C10 8.96 8 12.23 8 14C8 16.21 9.79 18 12 18M21.54 15.88L20.13 14.47L18 16.59L15.88 14.47L14.47 15.88L16.59 18L14.47 20.12L15.88 21.53L18 19.41L20.12 21.53L21.53 20.12L19.41 18L21.54 15.88Z",Z42="M12 3.2C12 3.2 6 10 6 14C6 17.3 8.7 20 12 20S18 17.3 18 14C18 10 12 3.2 12 3.2M12 8.5V10C14.2 10 16 11.8 16 14C16 14.8 15.8 15.6 15.3 16.2L14.2 15.1C14.4 14.8 14.5 14.4 14.5 14C14.5 12.6 13.4 11.5 12 11.5V13L9.8 10.8L12 8.5M8.7 11.8L9.8 12.9C9.6 13.2 9.5 13.6 9.5 14C9.5 15.4 10.6 16.5 12 16.5V15L14.2 17.2L12 19.5V18C9.8 18 8 16.2 8 14C8 13.2 8.2 12.4 8.7 11.8Z",S42="M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19S22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M8 20C4.69 20 2 17.31 2 14C2 10 8 3.25 8 3.25S14 10 14 14C14 17.31 11.31 20 8 20Z",u42="M19 5C17.89 5 17 5.89 17 7V13.76C16.36 14.33 16 15.15 16 16C16 17.66 17.34 19 19 19S22 17.66 22 16C22 15.15 21.64 14.33 21 13.77V7C21 5.89 20.11 5 19 5M19 6C19.55 6 20 6.45 20 7V8H18V7C18 6.45 18.45 6 19 6M8 3.54L7.25 4.38C7.25 4.38 5.97 5.83 4.68 7.71S2 11.84 2 14C2 17.31 4.69 20 8 20S14 17.31 14 14C14 11.84 12.61 9.59 11.32 7.71S8.75 4.38 8.75 4.38L8 3.54M8 6.67C8.44 7.19 8.84 7.62 9.68 8.84C10.89 10.6 12 12.84 12 14C12 16.22 10.22 18 8 18S4 16.22 4 14C4 12.84 5.11 10.6 6.32 8.84C7.16 7.62 7.56 7.19 8 6.67Z",c42="M22 16H2V18H4V22H20V18H22V16M10.44 15C10.19 15 10 14.81 9.95 14.56L9.57 11.56C9.57 11.54 9.57 11.5 9.57 11.5C9.57 11.22 9.79 11 10.07 11H13.93C13.95 11 13.97 11 14 11C14.27 11.04 14.46 11.29 14.43 11.56L14.05 14.56C14 14.81 13.81 15 13.56 15H10.44M19 2L21.56 6.68C21.6 6.78 21.61 6.89 21.61 7C21.61 7.56 21.16 8 20.61 8H19V15H17V8H13V10H11V8H7V15H5V8H3.62C3.46 8 3.31 7.96 3.16 7.89C2.67 7.64 2.47 7.04 2.72 6.55L5 2H19Z",s42="M3.62 8H5V15H7V8H11V10H13V8H17V15H19V8H20.61C21.16 8 21.61 7.56 21.61 7C21.61 6.89 21.6 6.78 21.56 6.68L19 2H5L2.72 6.55C2.47 7.04 2.67 7.64 3.16 7.89C3.31 7.96 3.46 8 3.62 8M6.24 4H17.76L18.76 6H5.24L6.24 4M2 16V18H4V22H20V18H22V16H2M18 20H6V18H18V20M13.93 11C14.21 11 14.43 11.22 14.43 11.5C14.43 11.5 14.43 11.54 14.43 11.56L14.05 14.56C14 14.81 13.81 15 13.56 15H10.44C10.19 15 10 14.81 9.95 14.56L9.57 11.56C9.54 11.29 9.73 11.04 10 11C10.03 11 10.05 11 10.07 11H13.93Z",O42="M20 20C18.61 20 17.22 19.53 16 18.67C13.56 20.38 10.44 20.38 8 18.67C6.78 19.53 5.39 20 4 20H2V22H4C5.37 22 6.74 21.65 8 21C10.5 22.3 13.5 22.3 16 21C17.26 21.65 18.62 22 20 22H22V20M20 16C18.61 16 17.22 15.53 16 14.67C13.56 16.38 10.44 16.38 8 14.67C6.78 15.53 5.39 16 4 16H2V18H4C5.37 18 6.74 17.65 8 17C10.5 18.3 13.5 18.3 16 17C17.26 17.65 18.62 18 20 18H22V16M22 2H2V4H6V16H18V4H22M9 4H11V10H9M13 8H15V14H13Z",h42="M18.5 7.47C17.76 8.2 17.57 9.25 17.92 10.15L15 13.07V11C15 10.45 14.55 10 14 10H12.97C13 9.83 13 9.67 13 9.5C13 6.46 10.54 4 7.5 4S2 6.46 2 9.5C2 11.21 2.78 12.73 4 13.74V20C4 20.55 4.45 21 5 21H14C14.55 21 15 20.55 15 20V15.89L19.33 11.56C20.23 11.91 21.28 11.73 22 11L18.5 7.47M4.05 10C4.03 9.83 4 9.67 4 9.5C4 7.57 5.57 6 7.5 6S11 7.57 11 9.5C11 9.67 10.97 9.83 10.95 10H4.05Z",p42="M18.5 7.47C17.76 8.2 17.57 9.25 17.92 10.15L15 13.07V11C15 10.45 14.55 10 14 10H12.97C13 9.83 13 9.67 13 9.5C13 6.46 10.54 4 7.5 4S2 6.46 2 9.5C2 11.21 2.78 12.73 4 13.74V20C4 20.55 4.45 21 5 21H14C14.55 21 15 20.55 15 20V15.89L19.33 11.56C20.23 11.91 21.28 11.73 22 11L18.5 7.47M4.05 10C4.03 9.83 4 9.67 4 9.5C4 7.57 5.57 6 7.5 6S11 7.57 11 9.5C11 9.67 10.97 9.83 10.95 10M13 19H6V12H13V19Z",f42="M21,3H3A2,2 0 0,0 1,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 3,21H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,19V5A2,2 0 0,0 21,3M21,19H12V13H21V19Z",g42="M20,12C18.61,12 17.22,11.53 16,10.67C13.56,12.38 10.44,12.38 8,10.67C6.78,11.53 5.39,12 4,12H2V14H4C5.37,14 6.74,13.65 8,13C10.5,14.3 13.5,14.3 16,13C17.26,13.65 18.62,14 20,14H22V12",k42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 22L8 18H11V11H13V18H16L12 22Z",B42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 11L16 15H13V22H11V15H8L12 11Z",P42="M20 7H22V9H20C18.62 9 17.26 8.65 16 8C13.5 9.3 10.5 9.3 8 8C6.74 8.65 5.37 9 4 9H2V7H4C5.39 7 6.78 6.53 8 5.67C10.44 7.38 13.56 7.38 16 5.67C17.22 6.53 18.61 7 20 7M12 12.5C14.21 12.5 16 14.29 16 16.5C16 17.32 15.75 18.08 15.33 18.71L14.24 17.62C14.41 17.28 14.5 16.9 14.5 16.5C14.5 15.12 13.38 14 12 14V15.5L9.75 13.25L12 11V12.5M12 19V17.5L14.25 19.75L12 22V20.5C9.79 20.5 8 18.71 8 16.5C8 15.68 8.25 14.92 8.67 14.29L9.76 15.38C9.59 15.72 9.5 16.1 9.5 16.5C9.5 17.88 10.62 19 12 19Z",w42="M22 12L20 13L19 14L18 13L17 16L16 13L15 21L14 13L13 15L12 13L11 17L10 13L9 22L8 13L7 19L6 13L5 14L4 13L2 12L4 11L5 10L6 11L7 5L8 11L9 2L10 11L11 7L12 11L13 9L14 11L15 3L16 11L17 8L18 11L19 10L20 11L22 12Z",F42="M20,12H22V14H20C18.62,14 17.26,13.65 16,13C13.5,14.3 10.5,14.3 8,13C6.74,13.65 5.37,14 4,14H2V12H4C5.39,12 6.78,11.53 8,10.67C10.44,12.38 13.56,12.38 16,10.67C17.22,11.53 18.61,12 20,12M20,6H22V8H20C18.62,8 17.26,7.65 16,7C13.5,8.3 10.5,8.3 8,7C6.74,7.65 5.37,8 4,8H2V6H4C5.39,6 6.78,5.53 8,4.67C10.44,6.38 13.56,6.38 16,4.67C17.22,5.53 18.61,6 20,6M20,18H22V20H20C18.62,20 17.26,19.65 16,19C13.5,20.3 10.5,20.3 8,19C6.74,19.65 5.37,20 4,20H2V18H4C5.39,18 6.78,17.53 8,16.67C10.44,18.38 13.56,18.38 16,16.67C17.22,17.53 18.61,18 20,18Z",T42="M4 14C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14H22V16H20C18.63 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.38 16 4 16H2V14H4M8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20H22V22H20C18.63 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.38 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67M6 10V7H11V5H6V2L2 6",b42="M20 14H22V16H20C18.62 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.37 16 4 16H2V14H4C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14M20 20H22V22H20C18.62 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.37 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20M22 6L18 2V5H13V7H18V10",y42="M20 14H22V16H20C18.62 16 17.26 15.65 16 15C13.5 16.3 10.5 16.3 8 15C6.74 15.65 5.37 16 4 16H2V14H4C5.39 14 6.78 13.53 8 12.67C10.44 14.38 13.56 14.38 16 12.67C17.22 13.53 18.61 14 20 14M20 20H22V22H20C18.62 22 17.26 21.65 16 21C13.5 22.3 10.5 22.3 8 21C6.74 21.65 5.37 22 4 22H2V20H4C5.39 20 6.78 19.53 8 18.67C10.44 20.38 13.56 20.38 16 18.67C17.22 19.53 18.61 20 20 20M7 2L3 6H6V11H8V6H11M17 2L13 6H16V11H18V6H21",R42="M20.54,6.63C21.23,7.57 21.69,8.67 21.89,9.82C22.1,11.07 22,12.34 21.58,13.54C21.18,14.71 20.5,15.76 19.58,16.6C18.91,17.24 18.15,17.77 17.32,18.18C17.73,19.25 17.19,20.45 16.12,20.86C15.88,20.95 15.63,21 15.38,21C14.27,21 13.35,20.11 13.31,19C13.05,19 10.73,19 10.24,19C10.13,20.14 9.11,21 7.97,20.87C6.91,20.77 6.11,19.89 6.09,18.83C6.1,18.64 6.13,18.44 6.19,18.26C4.6,17.73 3.21,16.74 2.19,15.41C1.86,14.97 1.96,14.34 2.42,14C2.6,13.86 2.82,13.78 3.05,13.78C3.77,13.78 4.05,13.53 4.22,13.15C4.46,12.43 4.6,11.68 4.61,10.92C4.64,10.39 4.7,9.87 4.78,9.35C5.13,7.62 6.1,6.07 7.5,5C9.16,3.7 11.19,3 13.29,3C14.72,3 16.13,3.35 17.4,4C18.64,4.62 19.71,5.5 20.54,6.63M16.72,17.31C18.5,16.5 19.9,15.04 20.59,13.21C22.21,8.27 18,4.05 13.29,4.05C12.94,4.05 12.58,4.07 12.23,4.12C9.36,4.5 6.4,6.5 5.81,9.5C5.43,11.5 6,14.79 3.05,14.79C4,16 5.32,16.93 6.81,17.37C7.66,16.61 8.97,16.69 9.74,17.55C9.85,17.67 9.94,17.8 10,17.94C10.59,17.94 13.2,17.94 13.55,17.94C14.07,16.92 15.33,16.5 16.35,17.04C16.5,17.12 16.6,17.21 16.72,17.31M10.97,10.31C10.39,10.34 9.88,9.9 9.85,9.31C9.82,8.73 10.27,8.23 10.85,8.19C11.43,8.16 11.94,8.61 11.97,9.25C12,9.8 11.56,10.27 11,10.29L10.97,10.31M15.66,10.31C15.08,10.34 14.57,9.9 14.54,9.31C14.5,8.73 14.96,8.23 15.54,8.19C16.12,8.16 16.63,8.61 16.66,9.25C16.68,9.8 16.25,10.27 15.66,10.29V10.31M9.71,12.07C9.65,11.79 9.84,11.5 10.12,11.45C10.4,11.4 10.68,11.58 10.74,11.86V11.86C11.09,12.97 12.16,13.69 13.32,13.6C14.46,13.66 15.5,12.96 15.89,11.88C16.03,11.62 16.35,11.5 16.6,11.65C16.78,11.75 16.89,11.92 16.89,12.12C16.7,12.83 16.26,13.45 15.66,13.88C14.97,14.36 14.16,14.63 13.32,14.64H13.21C11.58,14.71 10.11,13.64 9.68,12.06L9.71,12.07Z",x42="M6,19A5,5 0 0,1 1,14A5,5 0 0,1 6,9C7,6.65 9.3,5 12,5C15.43,5 18.24,7.66 18.5,11.03L19,11A4,4 0 0,1 23,15A4,4 0 0,1 19,19H6M19,13H17V12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C9.5,7 7.45,8.82 7.06,11.19C6.73,11.07 6.37,11 6,11A3,3 0 0,0 3,14A3,3 0 0,0 6,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13Z",D42="M6,19A5,5 0 0,1 1,14A5,5 0 0,1 6,9C7,6.65 9.3,5 12,5C15.43,5 18.24,7.66 18.5,11.03L19,11A4,4 0 0,1 23,15A4,4 0 0,1 19,19H6M19,13H17V12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7C9.5,7 7.45,8.82 7.06,11.19C6.73,11.07 6.37,11 6,11A3,3 0 0,0 3,14A3,3 0 0,0 6,17H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,15A2,2 0 0,0 19,13M13,12H11V8H13V12M13,16H11V14H13",E42="M6,7L6.69,7.06C7.32,4.72 9.46,3 12,3A5.5,5.5 0 0,1 17.5,8.5L17.42,9.45C17.88,9.16 18.42,9 19,9A3,3 0 0,1 22,12A3,3 0 0,1 19,15H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,11A4,4 0 0,1 6,7M6,9A2,2 0 0,0 4,11A2,2 0 0,0 6,13H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,12A1,1 0 0,0 19,11H15.5V8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 12,5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 8.5,8.5V9H6M22,19L19,22V20H2V18H19V16L22,19",N42="M15 13H16.5V15.82L18.94 17.23L18.19 18.53L15 16.69V13M18.13 9.33C17.23 6.81 14.83 5 12 5C9.3 5 7 6.65 6 9C3.24 9 1 11.24 1 14S3.24 19 6 19H9.68C10.81 21.36 13.21 23 16 23C19.87 23 23 19.87 23 16C23 12.88 20.96 10.24 18.13 9.33M6 17C4.34 17 3 15.66 3 14S4.34 11 6 11C6.37 11 6.73 11.07 7.06 11.19C7.45 8.82 9.5 7 12 7C13.63 7 15.07 7.79 16 9C12.12 9 9 12.14 9 16C9 16.34 9.03 16.67 9.08 17H6M16 21C13.24 21 11 18.76 11 16S13.24 11 16 11 21 13.24 21 16 18.76 21 16 21Z",W42="M3 5C3 4.4 3.4 4 4 4H5C5.6 4 6 4.4 6 5S5.6 6 5 6H4C3.4 6 3 5.6 3 5M4 13C4 12.4 4.4 12 5 12H6C6.6 12 7 12.4 7 13S6.6 14 6 14H5C4.4 14 4 13.6 4 13M4 16C3.4 16 3 16.4 3 17S3.4 18 4 18H9C9.6 18 10 17.6 10 17S9.6 16 9 16H4M18 5C18 4.4 18.4 4 19 4H21C21.6 4 22 4.4 22 5S21.6 6 21 6H19C18.4 6 18 5.6 18 5M7 20C6.4 20 6 20.4 6 21S6.4 22 7 22H11C11.6 22 12 21.6 12 21S11.6 20 11 20H7M3 10C2.4 10 2 9.6 2 9S2.4 8 3 8H12C13.1 8 14 7.1 14 6S13.1 4 12 4C11.4 4 10.9 4.2 10.6 4.6C10.2 5 9.6 5 9.2 4.6C8.8 4.2 8.8 3.6 9.2 3.2C9.9 2.5 10.9 2 12 2C14.2 2 16 3.8 16 6S14.2 10 12 10H3M19 12C19.6 12 20 11.6 20 11S19.6 10 19 10C18.7 10 18.5 10.1 18.3 10.3C17.9 10.7 17.3 10.7 16.9 10.3C16.5 9.9 16.5 9.3 16.9 8.9C17.4 8.3 18.2 8 19 8C20.7 8 22 9.3 22 11S20.7 14 19 14H10C9.4 14 9 13.6 9 13S9.4 12 10 12H19M18 18H13C12.4 18 12 17.6 12 17S12.4 16 13 16H18C19.7 16 21 17.3 21 19S19.7 22 18 22C17.2 22 16.4 21.7 15.9 21.1C15.5 20.7 15.5 20.1 15.9 19.7C16.3 19.3 16.9 19.3 17.3 19.7C17.5 19.9 17.7 20 18 20C18.6 20 19 19.6 19 19S18.6 18 18 18Z",I42="M3,15H13A1,1 0 0,1 14,16A1,1 0 0,1 13,17H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,16A1,1 0 0,1 3,15M16,15H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,16A1,1 0 0,1 21,17H16A1,1 0 0,1 15,16A1,1 0 0,1 16,15M1,12A5,5 0 0,1 6,7C7,4.65 9.3,3 12,3C15.43,3 18.24,5.66 18.5,9.03L19,9C21.19,9 22.97,10.76 23,13H21A2,2 0 0,0 19,11H17V10A5,5 0 0,0 12,5C9.5,5 7.45,6.82 7.06,9.19C6.73,9.07 6.37,9 6,9A3,3 0 0,0 3,12C3,12.35 3.06,12.69 3.17,13H1.1L1,12M3,19H5A1,1 0 0,1 6,20A1,1 0 0,1 5,21H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,20A1,1 0 0,1 3,19M8,19H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,20A1,1 0 0,1 21,21H8A1,1 0 0,1 7,20A1,1 0 0,1 8,19Z",G42="M6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14M10,18A2,2 0 0,1 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,22A2,2 0 0,1 8,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18M14.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 14.5,16M10.5,12A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,13.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,12Z",Q42="M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64M14,15A1,1 0 0,0 13,14H3A1,1 0 0,0 2,15A1,1 0 0,0 3,16H13A1,1 0 0,0 14,15M22,15A1,1 0 0,0 21,14H17A1,1 0 0,0 16,15A1,1 0 0,0 17,16H21A1,1 0 0,0 22,15M10,19A1,1 0 0,0 11,20H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18H11A1,1 0 0,0 10,19M3,19A1,1 0 0,0 4,20H7A1,1 0 0,0 8,19A1,1 0 0,0 7,18H4A1,1 0 0,0 3,19M12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12H17A5,5 0 0,0 12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12H9A3,3 0 0,1 12,9Z",U42="M15,6.79C16.86,7.86 18,9.85 18,12C18,22 6,22 6,22C7.25,21.06 8.38,19.95 9.34,18.71C9.38,18.66 9.41,18.61 9.44,18.55C9.69,18.06 9.5,17.46 9,17.21C7.14,16.14 6,14.15 6,12C6,2 18,2 18,2C16.75,2.94 15.62,4.05 14.66,5.29C14.62,5.34 14.59,5.39 14.56,5.45C14.31,5.94 14.5,6.54 15,6.79M12,14A2,2 0 0,0 14,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,10A2,2 0 0,0 10,12A2,2 0 0,0 12,14Z",z42="M12 14C13.11 14 14 13.11 14 12C14 10.9 13.11 10 12 10C10.9 10 10 10.9 10 12C10 13.11 10.9 14 12 14M18 2C17.1 2.68 16.26 3.45 15.5 4.29C15.21 4.61 14.93 4.95 14.66 5.29C14.62 5.34 14.59 5.39 14.56 5.45C14.31 5.94 14.5 6.54 15 6.79C16.86 7.86 18 9.85 18 12C18 18.41 13.08 20.71 9.54 21.54C7.55 22 6 22 6 22C6.9 21.32 7.74 20.55 8.5 19.71C8.79 19.39 9.07 19.05 9.34 18.71C9.38 18.66 9.41 18.61 9.44 18.55C9.69 18.06 9.5 17.46 9 17.21C7.14 16.14 6 14.15 6 12C6 5.59 10.93 3.29 14.47 2.46C16.45 2 18 2 18 2M9.44 7.47C8.61 8.5 8 9.93 8 12C8 13.43 8.75 14.74 9.96 15.46C11.2 16.12 11.78 17.5 11.47 18.8C12.67 18.27 13.76 17.54 14.56 16.53C15.39 15.5 16 14.07 16 12C16 10.57 15.25 9.26 14.04 8.54C12.8 7.88 12.22 6.5 12.54 5.2C11.33 5.73 10.24 6.47 9.44 7.47Z",_42="M6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14H7A1,1 0 0,1 8,15A1,1 0 0,1 7,16H6M12,11H15L13,15H15L11.25,22L12,17H9.5L12,11Z",K42="M4.5,13.59C5,13.87 5.14,14.5 4.87,14.96C4.59,15.44 4,15.6 3.5,15.33V15.33C2,14.47 1,12.85 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A1,1 0 0,1 18,15A1,1 0 0,1 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,12.11 3.6,13.08 4.5,13.6V13.59M9.5,11H12.5L10.5,15H12.5L8.75,22L9.5,17H7L9.5,11M17.5,18.67C17.5,19.96 16.5,21 15.25,21C14,21 13,19.96 13,18.67C13,17.12 15.25,14.5 15.25,14.5C15.25,14.5 17.5,17.12 17.5,18.67Z",j42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M5 16H19C19.27 16 19.5 16.11 19.71 16.29C19.9 16.5 20 16.74 20 17C20 17.27 19.9 17.5 19.71 17.71C19.5 17.9 19.27 18 19 18H5C4.74 18 4.5 17.9 4.29 17.71C4.11 17.5 4 17.27 4 17C4 16.74 4.11 16.5 4.29 16.29C4.5 16.11 4.74 16 5 16M17 20C17.27 20 17.5 20.11 17.71 20.29C17.9 20.5 18 20.74 18 21C18 21.27 17.9 21.5 17.71 21.71C17.5 21.9 17.27 22 17 22H7C6.74 22 6.5 21.9 6.29 21.71C6.11 21.5 6 21.27 6 21C6 20.74 6.11 20.5 6.29 20.29C6.5 20.11 6.74 20 7 20H17Z",q42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M12.71 20.71L15.82 17.6C16.21 17.21 16.21 16.57 15.82 16.18C15.43 15.79 14.8 15.79 14.41 16.18L12 18.59L9.59 16.18C9.2 15.79 8.57 15.79 8.18 16.18C7.79 16.57 7.79 17.21 8.18 17.6L11.29 20.71C11.5 20.9 11.74 21 12 21C12.26 21 12.5 20.9 12.71 20.71Z",$42="M3 12H7C7 10.67 7.53 9.4 8.46 8.46C9.4 7.53 10.67 7 12 7C13.33 7 14.6 7.53 15.54 8.46C16.47 9.4 17 10.67 17 12H21C21.27 12 21.5 12.11 21.71 12.29C21.9 12.5 22 12.74 22 13C22 13.27 21.9 13.5 21.71 13.71C21.5 13.9 21.27 14 21 14H3C2.74 14 2.5 13.9 2.29 13.71C2.11 13.5 2 13.27 2 13C2 12.74 2.11 12.5 2.29 12.29C2.5 12.11 2.74 12 3 12M12.71 16.3L15.82 19.41C16.21 19.8 16.21 20.43 15.82 20.82C15.43 21.21 14.8 21.21 14.41 20.82L12 18.41L9.59 20.82C9.2 21.21 8.57 21.21 8.18 20.82C7.79 20.43 7.79 19.8 8.18 19.41L11.29 16.3C11.5 16.1 11.74 16 12 16C12.26 16 12.5 16.1 12.71 16.3Z",X42="M17.75,4.09L15.22,6.03L16.13,9.09L13.5,7.28L10.87,9.09L11.78,6.03L9.25,4.09L12.44,4L13.5,1L14.56,4L17.75,4.09M21.25,11L19.61,12.25L20.2,14.23L18.5,13.06L16.8,14.23L17.39,12.25L15.75,11L17.81,10.95L18.5,9L19.19,10.95L21.25,11M18.97,15.95C19.8,15.87 20.69,17.05 20.16,17.8C19.84,18.25 19.5,18.67 19.08,19.07C15.17,23 8.84,23 4.94,19.07C1.03,15.17 1.03,8.83 4.94,4.93C5.34,4.53 5.76,4.17 6.21,3.85C6.96,3.32 8.14,4.21 8.06,5.04C7.79,7.9 8.75,10.87 10.95,13.06C13.14,15.26 16.1,16.22 18.97,15.95M17.33,17.97C14.5,17.81 11.7,16.64 9.53,14.5C7.36,12.31 6.2,9.5 6.04,6.68C3.23,9.82 3.34,14.64 6.35,17.66C9.37,20.67 14.19,20.78 17.33,17.97Z",Y42="M22,10.28C21.74,10.3 21.5,10.31 21.26,10.31C19.32,10.31 17.39,9.57 15.91,8.09C14.25,6.44 13.5,4.19 13.72,2C13.77,1.53 13.22,1 12.71,1C12.57,1 12.44,1.04 12.32,1.12C12,1.36 11.66,1.64 11.36,1.94C9.05,4.24 8.55,7.66 9.84,10.46C8.31,11.11 7.13,12.43 6.69,14.06L6,14A4,4 0 0,0 2,18A4,4 0 0,0 6,22H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,19A3,3 0 0,0 19,16C18.42,16 17.88,16.16 17.42,16.45L17.5,15.5C17.5,15.28 17.5,15.05 17.46,14.83C19.14,14.67 20.77,13.94 22.06,12.64C22.38,12.34 22.64,12 22.88,11.68C23.27,11.13 22.65,10.28 22.04,10.28M19,18A1,1 0 0,1 20,19A1,1 0 0,1 19,20H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,18A2,2 0 0,1 6,16H8.5V15.5C8.5,13.94 9.53,12.64 10.94,12.18C11.1,12.13 11.26,12.09 11.43,12.06C11.61,12.03 11.8,12 12,12C12.23,12 12.45,12.03 12.66,12.07C12.73,12.08 12.8,12.1 12.87,12.13C13,12.16 13.15,12.2 13.28,12.25C13.36,12.28 13.44,12.32 13.5,12.36C13.63,12.41 13.74,12.47 13.84,12.54C13.92,12.59 14,12.64 14.07,12.7C14.17,12.77 14.25,12.84 14.34,12.92C14.41,13 14.5,13.05 14.55,13.12C14.63,13.2 14.69,13.29 14.76,13.37C14.82,13.45 14.89,13.53 14.94,13.62C15,13.71 15.04,13.8 15.09,13.9C15.14,14 15.2,14.08 15.24,14.18C15.41,14.59 15.5,15.03 15.5,15.5V18M16.83,12.86C15.9,11.16 14.08,10 12,10H11.87C11.41,9.19 11.14,8.26 11.14,7.29C11.14,6.31 11.39,5.37 11.86,4.55C12.21,6.41 13.12,8.14 14.5,9.5C15.86,10.88 17.58,11.79 19.45,12.14C18.66,12.6 17.76,12.84 16.83,12.86Z",J42="M12.74,5.47C15.1,6.5 16.35,9.03 15.92,11.46C17.19,12.56 18,14.19 18,16V16.17C18.31,16.06 18.65,16 19,16A3,3 0 0,1 22,19A3,3 0 0,1 19,22H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,18A4,4 0 0,1 6,14H6.27C5,12.45 4.6,10.24 5.5,8.26C6.72,5.5 9.97,4.24 12.74,5.47M11.93,7.3C10.16,6.5 8.09,7.31 7.31,9.07C6.85,10.09 6.93,11.22 7.41,12.13C8.5,10.83 10.16,10 12,10C12.7,10 13.38,10.12 14,10.34C13.94,9.06 13.18,7.86 11.93,7.3M13.55,3.64C13,3.4 12.45,3.23 11.88,3.12L14.37,1.82L15.27,4.71C14.76,4.29 14.19,3.93 13.55,3.64M6.09,4.44C5.6,4.79 5.17,5.19 4.8,5.63L4.91,2.82L7.87,3.5C7.25,3.71 6.65,4.03 6.09,4.44M18,9.71C17.91,9.12 17.78,8.55 17.59,8L19.97,9.5L17.92,11.73C18.03,11.08 18.05,10.4 18,9.71M3.04,11.3C3.11,11.9 3.24,12.47 3.43,13L1.06,11.5L3.1,9.28C3,9.93 2.97,10.61 3.04,11.3M19,18H16V16A4,4 0 0,0 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 8,16H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,19A1,1 0 0,0 19,18Z",C62="M19,15C18.65,15 18.31,15.06 18,15.17V15C18,13.19 17.19,11.56 15.92,10.46C16.35,8.03 15.1,5.5 12.75,4.47C9.97,3.24 6.72,4.5 5.5,7.25C4.6,9.24 5,11.45 6.27,13H6A4,4 0 0,0 2,17A4,4 0 0,0 6,21H7C7,21 8,21 8,20C8,19 7,19 7,19H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,17A2,2 0 0,1 6,15H8A4,4 0 0,1 12,11A4,4 0 0,1 16,15V17H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18A1,1 0 0,1 19,19H17C17,19 16,19 16,20C16,21 17,21 17,21H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18A3,3 0 0,0 19,15M12,9C10.16,9 8.5,9.83 7.41,11.13C6.93,10.22 6.85,9.09 7.31,8.07C8.09,6.31 10.16,5.5 11.93,6.3C13.18,6.86 13.94,8.06 14,9.34C13.38,9.12 12.7,9 12,9M13.55,2.63C13,2.4 12.45,2.23 11.88,2.12L14.37,0.82L15.27,3.71C14.76,3.29 14.19,2.93 13.55,2.63M6.09,3.44C5.6,3.79 5.17,4.19 4.8,4.63L4.91,1.82L7.87,2.5C7.25,2.71 6.65,3.03 6.09,3.44M18,8.71C17.91,8.12 17.78,7.55 17.59,7L19.97,8.5L17.92,10.73C18.03,10.08 18.05,9.4 18,8.71M3.04,10.3C3.11,10.9 3.25,11.47 3.43,12L1.06,10.5L3.1,8.28C3,8.93 2.97,9.61 3.04,10.3M11.8,15H14.25L12.61,18.27H14.25L11.18,24L11.8,19.91H9.75",H62="M12.75,4.47C15.1,5.5 16.35,8.03 15.92,10.46C17.19,11.56 18,13.19 18,15V15.17C18.31,15.06 18.65,15 19,15A3,3 0 0,1 22,18A3,3 0 0,1 19,21H17C17,21 16,21 16,20C16,19 17,19 17,19H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,18A1,1 0 0,0 19,17H16V15A4,4 0 0,0 12,11A4,4 0 0,0 8,15H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,17A2,2 0 0,0 6,19H7C7,19 8,19 8,20C8,21 7,21 7,21H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,17A4,4 0 0,1 6,13H6.27C5,11.45 4.6,9.24 5.5,7.25C6.72,4.5 9.97,3.24 12.75,4.47M11.93,6.3C10.16,5.5 8.09,6.31 7.31,8.07C6.85,9.09 6.93,10.22 7.41,11.13C8.5,9.83 10.16,9 12,9C12.7,9 13.38,9.12 14,9.34C13.94,8.06 13.18,6.86 11.93,6.3M13.55,2.63C13,2.4 12.45,2.23 11.88,2.12L14.37,0.82L15.27,3.71C14.76,3.29 14.19,2.93 13.55,2.63M6.09,3.44C5.6,3.79 5.17,4.19 4.8,4.63L4.91,1.82L7.87,2.5C7.25,2.71 6.65,3.03 6.09,3.44M18,8.71C17.91,8.12 17.78,7.55 17.59,7L19.97,8.5L17.92,10.73C18.03,10.08 18.05,9.4 18,8.71M3.04,10.3C3.11,10.9 3.25,11.47 3.43,12L1.06,10.5L3.1,8.28C3,8.93 2.97,9.61 3.04,10.3M12,18.91C12.59,19.82 13,20.63 13,21A1,1 0 0,1 12,22A1,1 0 0,1 11,21C11,20.63 11.41,19.82 12,18.91M12,15.62C12,15.62 9,19 9,21A3,3 0 0,0 12,24A3,3 0 0,0 15,21C15,19 12,15.62 12,15.62Z",V62="M6,19.03A2,2 0 0,1 4,17.03C4,15.92 4.9,15.03 6,15.03H8C8,12.81 9.79,11.03 12,11.03A4,4 0 0,1 16,15.03V17.03H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18.03C20,18.57 19.55,19.03 19,19.03H17C17,19.03 16,19.03 16,20.03C16,21.03 17,21.03 17,21.03H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18.03C22,16.37 20.66,15.03 19,15.03C18.65,15.03 18.31,15.08 18,15.19V15.03C18,13.21 17.19,11.58 15.92,10.5C16.35,8.05 15.1,5.53 12.75,4.5C9.97,3.27 6.72,4.53 5.5,7.28C4.6,9.27 5,11.47 6.27,13.03H6C3.79,13.03 2,14.81 2,17.03A4,4 0 0,0 6,21.03C6,21.03 7,21.03 7,20.03C7,19.03 6,19.03 6,19.03M12,9.03C10.16,9.03 8.5,9.85 7.41,11.16C6.93,10.25 6.85,9.11 7.31,8.09C8.09,6.33 10.16,5.53 11.93,6.32C13.18,6.89 13.94,8.08 14,9.37C13.38,9.15 12.7,9.03 12,9.03M13.55,2.66C13,2.42 12.45,2.26 11.88,2.15L14.37,0.84L15.27,3.73C14.76,3.31 14.19,2.95 13.55,2.66M6.09,3.46C5.6,3.81 5.17,4.21 4.8,4.66L4.91,1.84L7.87,2.53C7.25,2.73 6.65,3.05 6.09,3.46M18,8.73C17.91,8.15 17.78,7.57 17.59,7.03L19.97,8.53L17.92,10.76C18.03,10.1 18.05,9.42 18,8.73M3.04,10.32C3.11,10.92 3.25,11.5 3.43,12.03L1.06,10.53L3.1,8.3C3,8.95 2.97,9.64 3.04,10.32M8.03,21.45C8.13,21.84 8.53,22.06 8.91,21.96L10.5,21.54L10.06,23.11C9.96,23.5 10.19,23.9 10.57,24C10.95,24.1 11.35,23.87 11.45,23.5L11.87,21.91L13.03,23.07C13.3,23.35 13.77,23.35 14.05,23.07C14.33,22.79 14.33,22.32 14.05,22.05L12.89,20.88L14.47,20.47C14.85,20.37 15.08,19.97 15,19.59C14.88,19.21 14.5,19 14.09,19.08L12.5,19.5L12.94,17.93C13.04,17.54 12.82,17.15 12.43,17.05C12.05,16.95 11.66,17.17 11.55,17.56L11.14,19.14L10,17.97C9.7,17.69 9.23,17.69 8.95,17.97C8.68,18.27 8.68,18.72 8.95,19L10.11,20.16L8.54,20.57C8.15,20.68 7.93,21.07 8.03,21.45Z",L62="M13.55,2.66C13,2.42 12.45,2.26 11.88,2.15L14.37,0.84L15.27,3.73C14.76,3.31 14.19,2.95 13.55,2.66M6.09,3.46C5.6,3.81 5.17,4.21 4.8,4.66L4.91,1.84L7.87,2.53C7.25,2.73 6.65,3.05 6.09,3.46M18,8.73C17.91,8.15 17.78,7.57 17.59,7.03L19.97,8.53L17.92,10.76C18.03,10.1 18.05,9.42 18,8.73M3.04,10.32C3.11,10.92 3.25,11.5 3.43,12.03L1.06,10.53L3.1,8.3C3,8.95 2.97,9.64 3.04,10.32M16.68,22.21C16.68,23.2 15.91,24 14.95,24C14,24 13.23,23.2 13.23,22.21C13.23,21.03 14.95,19.03 14.95,19.03C14.95,19.03 16.68,21.03 16.68,22.21M6.03,21.45C5.93,21.07 6.15,20.68 6.54,20.58L8.13,20.15L6.96,19C6.68,18.72 6.68,18.27 6.96,18C7.23,17.7 7.7,17.7 8,18L9.14,19.14L9.55,17.56C9.65,17.17 10.05,16.94 10.43,17.05C10.82,17.15 11.05,17.55 10.93,17.93L10.5,19.5L12.1,19.1C12.5,19 12.88,19.21 13,19.6C13.08,19.97 12.86,20.37 12.47,20.47L10.89,20.89L12.05,22.05C12.33,22.32 12.33,22.79 12.05,23.07C11.77,23.35 11.31,23.35 11.03,23.07L9.87,21.9L9.45,23.5C9.35,23.88 8.95,24.1 8.57,24C8.18,23.9 7.97,23.5 8.06,23.12L8.5,21.55L6.91,21.96C6.5,22.06 6.13,21.84 6.03,21.45M19,15.03C18.65,15.03 18.31,15.08 18,15.19V15.03C18,13.21 17.19,11.58 15.92,10.5C16.35,8.05 15.1,5.53 12.75,4.5C9.97,3.27 6.72,4.53 5.5,7.28C4.6,9.27 5,11.47 6.27,13.03H6C3.79,13.03 2,14.81 2,17.03C2,18.17 2.5,19.2 3.27,19.93V19.93C3.27,19.93 3.97,20.64 4.68,19.93C5.39,19.22 4.68,18.5 4.68,18.5C4.27,18.15 4,17.62 4,17.03C4,15.92 4.9,15.03 6,15.03H8C8,12.81 9.79,11.03 12,11.03A4,4 0 0,1 16,15.03V17.03H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,18.03C20,18.57 19.55,19.03 19,19.03H18C18,19.03 17,19.03 17,20.03C17,21.03 18,21.03 18,21.03H19A3,3 0 0,0 22,18.03C22,16.37 20.66,15.03 19,15.03M12,9.03C10.16,9.03 8.5,9.85 7.41,11.16C6.93,10.25 6.85,9.11 7.31,8.09C8.09,6.33 10.16,5.53 11.93,6.32C13.18,6.89 13.94,8.08 14,9.37C13.38,9.15 12.7,9.03 12,9.03Z",M62="M9,12C9.53,12.14 9.85,12.69 9.71,13.22L8.41,18.05C8.27,18.59 7.72,18.9 7.19,18.76C6.65,18.62 6.34,18.07 6.5,17.54L7.78,12.71C7.92,12.17 8.47,11.86 9,12M13,12C13.53,12.14 13.85,12.69 13.71,13.22L11.64,20.95C11.5,21.5 10.95,21.8 10.41,21.66C9.88,21.5 9.56,20.97 9.7,20.43L11.78,12.71C11.92,12.17 12.47,11.86 13,12M17,12C17.53,12.14 17.85,12.69 17.71,13.22L16.41,18.05C16.27,18.59 15.72,18.9 15.19,18.76C14.65,18.62 14.34,18.07 14.5,17.54L15.78,12.71C15.92,12.17 16.47,11.86 17,12M17,10V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,12.11 3.6,13.08 4.5,13.6V13.59C5,13.87 5.14,14.5 4.87,14.96C4.59,15.43 4,15.6 3.5,15.32V15.33C2,14.47 1,12.85 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12C23,13.5 22.2,14.77 21,15.46V15.46C20.5,15.73 19.91,15.57 19.63,15.09C19.36,14.61 19.5,14 20,13.72V13.73C20.6,13.39 21,12.74 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17Z",A62="M6,14.03A1,1 0 0,1 7,15.03C7,15.58 6.55,16.03 6,16.03C3.24,16.03 1,13.79 1,11.03C1,8.27 3.24,6.03 6,6.03C7,3.68 9.3,2.03 12,2.03C15.43,2.03 18.24,4.69 18.5,8.06L19,8.03A4,4 0 0,1 23,12.03C23,14.23 21.21,16.03 19,16.03H18C17.45,16.03 17,15.58 17,15.03C17,14.47 17.45,14.03 18,14.03H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12.03A2,2 0 0,0 19,10.03H17V9.03C17,6.27 14.76,4.03 12,4.03C9.5,4.03 7.45,5.84 7.06,8.21C6.73,8.09 6.37,8.03 6,8.03A3,3 0 0,0 3,11.03A3,3 0 0,0 6,14.03M12,14.15C12.18,14.39 12.37,14.66 12.56,14.94C13,15.56 14,17.03 14,18C14,19.11 13.1,20 12,20A2,2 0 0,1 10,18C10,17.03 11,15.56 11.44,14.94C11.63,14.66 11.82,14.4 12,14.15M12,11.03L11.5,11.59C11.5,11.59 10.65,12.55 9.79,13.81C8.93,15.06 8,16.56 8,18A4,4 0 0,0 12,22A4,4 0 0,0 16,18C16,16.56 15.07,15.06 14.21,13.81C13.35,12.55 12.5,11.59 12.5,11.59",i62="M6,14A1,1 0 0,1 7,15A1,1 0 0,1 6,16A5,5 0 0,1 1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16H18A1,1 0 0,1 17,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11A3,3 0 0,0 6,14M7.88,18.07L10.07,17.5L8.46,15.88C8.07,15.5 8.07,14.86 8.46,14.46C8.85,14.07 9.5,14.07 9.88,14.46L11.5,16.07L12.07,13.88C12.21,13.34 12.76,13.03 13.29,13.17C13.83,13.31 14.14,13.86 14,14.4L13.41,16.59L15.6,16C16.14,15.86 16.69,16.17 16.83,16.71C16.97,17.24 16.66,17.79 16.12,17.93L13.93,18.5L15.54,20.12C15.93,20.5 15.93,21.15 15.54,21.54C15.15,21.93 14.5,21.93 14.12,21.54L12.5,19.93L11.93,22.12C11.79,22.66 11.24,22.97 10.71,22.83C10.17,22.69 9.86,22.14 10,21.6L10.59,19.41L8.4,20C7.86,20.14 7.31,19.83 7.17,19.29C7.03,18.76 7.34,18.21 7.88,18.07Z",r62="M4,16.36C3.86,15.82 4.18,15.25 4.73,15.11L7,14.5L5.33,12.86C4.93,12.46 4.93,11.81 5.33,11.4C5.73,11 6.4,11 6.79,11.4L8.45,13.05L9.04,10.8C9.18,10.24 9.75,9.92 10.29,10.07C10.85,10.21 11.17,10.78 11,11.33L10.42,13.58L12.67,13C13.22,12.83 13.79,13.15 13.93,13.71C14.08,14.25 13.76,14.82 13.2,14.96L10.95,15.55L12.6,17.21C13,17.6 13,18.27 12.6,18.67C12.2,19.07 11.54,19.07 11.15,18.67L9.5,17L8.89,19.27C8.75,19.83 8.18,20.14 7.64,20C7.08,19.86 6.77,19.29 6.91,18.74L7.5,16.5L5.26,17.09C4.71,17.23 4.14,16.92 4,16.36M1,10A5,5 0 0,1 6,5C7,2.65 9.3,1 12,1C15.43,1 18.24,3.66 18.5,7.03L19,7A4,4 0 0,1 23,11A4,4 0 0,1 19,15A1,1 0 0,1 18,14A1,1 0 0,1 19,13A2,2 0 0,0 21,11A2,2 0 0,0 19,9H17V8A5,5 0 0,0 12,3C9.5,3 7.45,4.82 7.06,7.19C6.73,7.07 6.37,7 6,7A3,3 0 0,0 3,10C3,10.85 3.35,11.61 3.91,12.16C4.27,12.55 4.26,13.16 3.88,13.54C3.5,13.93 2.85,13.93 2.47,13.54C1.56,12.63 1,11.38 1,10M14.03,20.43C14.13,20.82 14.5,21.04 14.91,20.94L16.5,20.5L16.06,22.09C15.96,22.5 16.18,22.87 16.57,22.97C16.95,23.08 17.35,22.85 17.45,22.46L17.86,20.89L19.03,22.05C19.3,22.33 19.77,22.33 20.05,22.05C20.33,21.77 20.33,21.3 20.05,21.03L18.89,19.86L20.46,19.45C20.85,19.35 21.08,18.95 20.97,18.57C20.87,18.18 20.5,17.96 20.09,18.06L18.5,18.5L18.94,16.91C19.04,16.5 18.82,16.13 18.43,16.03C18.05,15.92 17.65,16.15 17.55,16.54L17.14,18.11L15.97,16.95C15.7,16.67 15.23,16.67 14.95,16.95C14.67,17.24 14.67,17.7 14.95,17.97L16.11,19.14L14.54,19.55C14.15,19.65 13.92,20.05 14.03,20.43Z",a62="M18.5,18.67C18.5,19.96 17.5,21 16.25,21C15,21 14,19.96 14,18.67C14,17.12 16.25,14.5 16.25,14.5C16.25,14.5 18.5,17.12 18.5,18.67M4,17.36C3.86,16.82 4.18,16.25 4.73,16.11L7,15.5L5.33,13.86C4.93,13.46 4.93,12.81 5.33,12.4C5.73,12 6.4,12 6.79,12.4L8.45,14.05L9.04,11.8C9.18,11.24 9.75,10.92 10.29,11.07C10.85,11.21 11.17,11.78 11,12.33L10.42,14.58L12.67,14C13.22,13.83 13.79,14.15 13.93,14.71C14.08,15.25 13.76,15.82 13.2,15.96L10.95,16.55L12.6,18.21C13,18.6 13,19.27 12.6,19.67C12.2,20.07 11.54,20.07 11.15,19.67L9.5,18L8.89,20.27C8.75,20.83 8.18,21.14 7.64,21C7.08,20.86 6.77,20.29 6.91,19.74L7.5,17.5L5.26,18.09C4.71,18.23 4.14,17.92 4,17.36M1,11A5,5 0 0,1 6,6C7,3.65 9.3,2 12,2C15.43,2 18.24,4.66 18.5,8.03L19,8A4,4 0 0,1 23,12A4,4 0 0,1 19,16A1,1 0 0,1 18,15A1,1 0 0,1 19,14A2,2 0 0,0 21,12A2,2 0 0,0 19,10H17V9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4C9.5,4 7.45,5.82 7.06,8.19C6.73,8.07 6.37,8 6,8A3,3 0 0,0 3,11C3,11.85 3.35,12.61 3.91,13.16C4.27,13.55 4.26,14.16 3.88,14.54C3.5,14.93 2.85,14.93 2.47,14.54C1.56,13.63 1,12.38 1,11Z",e62="M12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,17A5,5 0 0,1 7,12A5,5 0 0,1 12,7M12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,15A3,3 0 0,0 15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M3.36,17L5.12,13.23C5.26,14 5.53,14.78 5.95,15.5C6.37,16.24 6.91,16.86 7.5,17.37L3.36,17M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M20.64,17L16.5,17.36C17.09,16.85 17.62,16.22 18.04,15.5C18.46,14.77 18.73,14 18.87,13.21L20.64,17M12,22L9.59,18.56C10.33,18.83 11.14,19 12,19C12.82,19 13.63,18.83 14.37,18.56L12,22Z",d62="M12,7A5,5 0 0,0 7,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,17A5,5 0 0,0 17,12A5,5 0 0,0 12,7M12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M3.36,17L5.12,13.23C5.26,14 5.53,14.78 5.95,15.5C6.37,16.24 6.91,16.86 7.5,17.37L3.36,17M12,22L9.59,18.56C10.33,18.83 11.14,19 12,19C12.82,19 13.63,18.83 14.37,18.56M19,13V7H21V13H19M19,17V15H21V17",m62="M22.11 21.46L2.39 1.73L1.11 3L4.97 6.86L3.34 7L5.11 10.79C5.25 10 5.5 9.24 5.94 8.5C6 8.36 6.13 8.24 6.22 8.11L7.66 9.55C7.25 10.27 7 11.11 7 12C7 14.76 9.24 17 12 17C12.9 17 13.73 16.75 14.45 16.34L20.84 22.73L22.11 21.46M12 15C10.34 15 9 13.66 9 12C9 11.67 9.07 11.36 9.17 11.06L12.94 14.83C12.64 14.93 12.33 15 12 15M18.05 8.5C17.63 7.78 17.1 7.15 16.5 6.64L20.65 7L18.88 10.79C18.74 10 18.47 9.23 18.05 8.5M12 7C14.76 7 17 9.24 17 12C17 12.54 16.89 13.05 16.74 13.54L15 11.78C14.87 10.3 13.7 9.13 12.22 9L10.47 7.27C10.95 7.11 11.46 7 12 7M12 5C11.16 5 10.35 5.15 9.61 5.42L12 2L14.39 5.42C13.65 5.15 12.84 5 12 5M18.87 13.21L20.64 17L20.24 17.04L18.25 15.05C18.54 14.45 18.76 13.84 18.87 13.21M12 19C12.82 19 13.63 18.83 14.37 18.56L12 22L9.59 18.56C10.33 18.83 11.14 19 12 19M5.95 15.5C6.37 16.24 6.91 16.86 7.5 17.37L3.36 17L5.12 13.23C5.26 14 5.53 14.78 5.95 15.5Z",t62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M5,16H19A1,1 0 0,1 20,17A1,1 0 0,1 19,18H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,17A1,1 0 0,1 5,16M17,20A1,1 0 0,1 18,21A1,1 0 0,1 17,22H7A1,1 0 0,1 6,21A1,1 0 0,1 7,20H17M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7Z",v62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M12.71,20.71L15.82,17.6C16.21,17.21 16.21,16.57 15.82,16.18C15.43,15.79 14.8,15.79 14.41,16.18L12,18.59L9.59,16.18C9.2,15.79 8.57,15.79 8.18,16.18C7.79,16.57 7.79,17.21 8.18,17.6L11.29,20.71C11.5,20.9 11.74,21 12,21C12.26,21 12.5,20.9 12.71,20.71Z",l62="M3,12H7A5,5 0 0,1 12,7A5,5 0 0,1 17,12H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,13A1,1 0 0,1 21,14H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,13A1,1 0 0,1 3,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,0 12,9A3,3 0 0,0 9,12H15M12,2L14.39,5.42C13.65,5.15 12.84,5 12,5C11.16,5 10.35,5.15 9.61,5.42L12,2M3.34,7L7.5,6.65C6.9,7.16 6.36,7.78 5.94,8.5C5.5,9.24 5.25,10 5.11,10.79L3.34,7M20.65,7L18.88,10.79C18.74,10 18.47,9.23 18.05,8.5C17.63,7.78 17.1,7.15 16.5,6.64L20.65,7M12.71,16.3L15.82,19.41C16.21,19.8 16.21,20.43 15.82,20.82C15.43,21.21 14.8,21.21 14.41,20.82L12,18.41L9.59,20.82C9.2,21.21 8.57,21.21 8.18,20.82C7.79,20.43 7.79,19.8 8.18,19.41L11.29,16.3C11.5,16.1 11.74,16 12,16C12.26,16 12.5,16.1 12.71,16.3Z",o62="M21,5H3A1,1 0 0,1 2,4A1,1 0 0,1 3,3H21A1,1 0 0,1 22,4A1,1 0 0,1 21,5M20,8A1,1 0 0,0 19,7H5A1,1 0 0,0 4,8A1,1 0 0,0 5,9H19A1,1 0 0,0 20,8M21,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,12A1,1 0 0,0 10,13H20A1,1 0 0,0 21,12M16,16A1,1 0 0,0 15,15H9A1,1 0 0,0 8,16A1,1 0 0,0 9,17H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,16M13,20A1,1 0 0,0 12,19H10A1,1 0 0,0 9,20A1,1 0 0,0 10,21H12A1,1 0 0,0 13,20Z",n62="M4,10A1,1 0 0,1 3,9A1,1 0 0,1 4,8H12A2,2 0 0,0 14,6A2,2 0 0,0 12,4C11.45,4 10.95,4.22 10.59,4.59C10.2,5 9.56,5 9.17,4.59C8.78,4.2 8.78,3.56 9.17,3.17C9.9,2.45 10.9,2 12,2A4,4 0 0,1 16,6A4,4 0 0,1 12,10H4M19,12A1,1 0 0,0 20,11A1,1 0 0,0 19,10C18.72,10 18.47,10.11 18.29,10.29C17.9,10.68 17.27,10.68 16.88,10.29C16.5,9.9 16.5,9.27 16.88,8.88C17.42,8.34 18.17,8 19,8A3,3 0 0,1 22,11A3,3 0 0,1 19,14H5A1,1 0 0,1 4,13A1,1 0 0,1 5,12H19M18,18H4A1,1 0 0,1 3,17A1,1 0 0,1 4,16H18A3,3 0 0,1 21,19A3,3 0 0,1 18,22C17.17,22 16.42,21.66 15.88,21.12C15.5,20.73 15.5,20.1 15.88,19.71C16.27,19.32 16.9,19.32 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19 15V16.5L16.75 14.25L19 12V13.5C21.21 13.5 23 15.29 23 17.5M19 18.5L21.25 20.75L19 23V21.5C16.79 21.5 15 19.71 15 17.5C15 16.68 15.25 15.92 15.67 15.29L16.76 16.38C16.59 16.72 16.5 17.1 16.5 17.5C16.5 18.88 17.62 20 19 20V18.5Z",P62="M12,2A7,7 0 0,1 19,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,16A7,7 0 0,1 5,9A7,7 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A5,5 0 0,0 7,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,14A5,5 0 0,0 17,9A5,5 0 0,0 12,4M12,6A3,3 0 0,1 15,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,12A3,3 0 0,1 9,9A3,3 0 0,1 12,6M6,22A2,2 0 0,1 4,20C4,19.62 4.1,19.27 4.29,18.97L6.11,15.81C7.69,17.17 9.75,18 12,18C14.25,18 16.31,17.17 17.89,15.81L19.71,18.97C19.9,19.27 20,19.62 20,20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6Z",w62="M12 6C13.66 6 15 7.34 15 9C15 9.78 14.7 10.5 14.21 11L10 6.79C10.5 6.3 11.22 6 12 6M12 4C14.76 4 17 6.24 17 9C17 10.33 16.47 11.53 15.62 12.42L17.04 13.84C18.25 12.59 19 10.88 19 9C19 5.13 15.87 2 12 2C10.12 2 8.41 2.75 7.16 3.96L8.58 5.38C9.47 4.53 10.67 4 12 4M22.11 21.46L20.84 22.73L19.46 21.35C19.1 21.75 18.58 22 18 22H6C4.89 22 4 21.11 4 20C4 19.62 4.1 19.27 4.29 18.97L6.11 15.81C7.69 17.17 9.75 18 12 18C13.21 18 14.37 17.75 15.43 17.32L13.85 15.74C13.26 15.91 12.64 16 12 16C8.13 16 5 12.87 5 9C5 8.36 5.09 7.74 5.26 7.15L1.11 3L2.39 1.73L22.11 21.46M12.1 14L7 8.9C7 8.93 7 8.97 7 9C7 11.76 9.24 14 12 14C12.03 14 12.07 14 12.1 14Z",F62="M10.46,19C9,21.07 6.15,21.59 4.09,20.15C2.04,18.71 1.56,15.84 3,13.75C3.87,12.5 5.21,11.83 6.58,11.77L6.63,13.2C5.72,13.27 4.84,13.74 4.27,14.56C3.27,16 3.58,17.94 4.95,18.91C6.33,19.87 8.26,19.5 9.26,18.07C9.57,17.62 9.75,17.13 9.82,16.63V15.62L15.4,15.58L15.47,15.47C16,14.55 17.15,14.23 18.05,14.75C18.95,15.27 19.26,16.43 18.73,17.35C18.2,18.26 17.04,18.58 16.14,18.06C15.73,17.83 15.44,17.46 15.31,17.04L11.24,17.06C11.13,17.73 10.87,18.38 10.46,19M17.74,11.86C20.27,12.17 22.07,14.44 21.76,16.93C21.45,19.43 19.15,21.2 16.62,20.89C15.13,20.71 13.9,19.86 13.19,18.68L14.43,17.96C14.92,18.73 15.75,19.28 16.75,19.41C18.5,19.62 20.05,18.43 20.26,16.76C20.47,15.09 19.23,13.56 17.5,13.35C16.96,13.29 16.44,13.36 15.97,13.53L15.12,13.97L12.54,9.2H12.32C11.26,9.16 10.44,8.29 10.47,7.25C10.5,6.21 11.4,5.4 12.45,5.44C13.5,5.5 14.33,6.35 14.3,7.39C14.28,7.83 14.11,8.23 13.84,8.54L15.74,12.05C16.36,11.85 17.04,11.78 17.74,11.86M8.25,9.14C7.25,6.79 8.31,4.1 10.62,3.12C12.94,2.14 15.62,3.25 16.62,5.6C17.21,6.97 17.09,8.47 16.42,9.67L15.18,8.95C15.6,8.14 15.67,7.15 15.27,6.22C14.59,4.62 12.78,3.85 11.23,4.5C9.67,5.16 8.97,7 9.65,8.6C9.93,9.26 10.4,9.77 10.97,10.11L11.36,10.32L8.29,15.31C8.32,15.36 8.36,15.42 8.39,15.5C8.88,16.41 8.54,17.56 7.62,18.05C6.71,18.54 5.56,18.18 5.06,17.24C4.57,16.31 4.91,15.16 5.83,14.67C6.22,14.46 6.65,14.41 7.06,14.5L9.37,10.73C8.9,10.3 8.5,9.76 8.25,9.14Z",T62="M20.45 17.39L12.36 21.97V18.4L17.4 15.63L20.45 17.39M21 16.89V7.31L18.04 9V15.18L21 16.89M3.55 17.39L11.64 21.96V18.4L6.6 15.63L3.55 17.39M3 16.89V7.31L5.96 9V15.18L3 16.89M3.35 6.69L11.64 2V5.45L6.33 8.37L6.28 8.39L3.35 6.69M20.65 6.69L12.36 2V5.45L17.67 8.38L17.71 8.4L20.65 6.69M11.64 17.59L6.67 14.85V9.44L11.64 12.31V17.59M12.36 17.59L17.33 14.86V9.44L12.36 12.31V17.59M7 8.81L12 6.06L17 8.81L12 11.69L7 8.81Z",b62="M12 2C14.44 2 16.5 3.75 16.91 6.07L17.75 6C20.5 6 22.75 8.24 22.75 11C22.75 12.89 21.7 14.53 20.16 15.38C20.54 16.09 20.75 16.89 20.75 17.75C20.75 20.5 18.5 22.75 15.75 22.75C14.26 22.75 12.92 22.1 12 21.06C11.08 22.1 9.74 22.75 8.25 22.75C5.5 22.75 3.25 20.5 3.25 17.75C3.25 16.89 3.47 16.09 3.84 15.38C2.3 14.53 1.25 12.89 1.25 11C1.25 8.24 3.5 6 6.25 6L7.09 6.07C7.5 3.75 9.56 2 12 2M6.75 20.25L13.66 17H17C17.55 17 18 16.55 18 16V9C18 8.45 17.55 8 17 8H7C6.45 8 6 8.45 6 9V16C6 16.55 6.45 17 7 17H7.77L6.75 20.25Z",y62="M9.5,4C5.36,4 2,6.69 2,10C2,11.89 3.08,13.56 4.78,14.66L4,17L6.5,15.5C7.39,15.81 8.37,16 9.41,16C9.15,15.37 9,14.7 9,14C9,10.69 12.13,8 16,8C16.19,8 16.38,8 16.56,8.03C15.54,5.69 12.78,4 9.5,4M6.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 7.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 5.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 6.5,6.5M11.5,6.5A1,1 0 0,1 12.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,8.5A1,1 0 0,1 10.5,7.5A1,1 0 0,1 11.5,6.5M16,9C12.69,9 10,11.24 10,14C10,16.76 12.69,19 16,19C16.67,19 17.31,18.92 17.91,18.75L20,20L19.38,18.13C20.95,17.22 22,15.71 22,14C22,11.24 19.31,9 16,9M14,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 15,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 14,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 13,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 14,11.5M18,11.5A1,1 0 0,1 19,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,13.5A1,1 0 0,1 17,12.5A1,1 0 0,1 18,11.5Z",R62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5Z",x62="M19.95,10.56C19.75,9.67 18.95,9 18,9H15.46C15.81,8.41 16,7.73 16,7A4,4 0 0,0 12,3A4,4 0 0,0 8,7C8,7.73 8.19,8.41 8.54,9H6C5.05,9 4.25,9.67 4.05,10.56C2.04,18.57 2,18.78 2,19A2,2 0 0,0 4,21H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,19C22,18.78 21.96,18.57 19.95,10.56M12,5A2,2 0 0,1 14,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,9A2,2 0 0,1 10,7A2,2 0 0,1 12,5M15,13H11V17H13V14H15V19H11C9.89,19 9,18.11 9,17V13C9,11.89 9.89,11 11,11H15V13Z",D62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M6,11V19H8V16.5L9,17.5V19H11V17L9,15L11,13V11H9V12.5L8,13.5V11H6M15,11C13.89,11 13,11.89 13,13V17C13,18.11 13.89,19 15,19H18V14H16V17H15V13H18V11H15Z",E62="M12 5C10.89 5 10 5.89 10 7S10.89 9 12 9 14 8.11 14 7 13.11 5 12 5M22 1V6H20V4H4V6H2V1H4V3H20V1H22M15 11.26V23H13V18H11V23H9V11.26C6.93 10.17 5.5 8 5.5 5.5L5.5 5H7.5L7.5 5.5C7.5 8 9.5 10 12 10S16.5 8 16.5 5.5L16.5 5H18.5L18.5 5.5C18.5 8 17.07 10.17 15 11.26Z",N62="M12,3A4,4 0 0,1 16,7C16,7.73 15.81,8.41 15.46,9H18C18.95,9 19.75,9.67 19.95,10.56C21.96,18.57 22,18.78 22,19A2,2 0 0,1 20,21H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,19C2,18.78 2.04,18.57 4.05,10.56C4.25,9.67 5.05,9 6,9H8.54C8.19,8.41 8,7.73 8,7A4,4 0 0,1 12,3M12,5A2,2 0 0,0 10,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,9A2,2 0 0,0 14,7A2,2 0 0,0 12,5M6,11V19H11V17H8V11H6M13,11V19H16C17.11,19 18,18.11 18,17V16.5C18,15.93 17.75,15.38 17.32,15C17.75,14.62 18,14.07 18,13.5V13C18,11.89 17.11,11 16,11H13M15,13H16V14H15V13M15,16H16V17H15V16Z",W62="M12.04 2C6.58 2 2.13 6.45 2.13 11.91C2.13 13.66 2.59 15.36 3.45 16.86L2.05 22L7.3 20.62C8.75 21.41 10.38 21.83 12.04 21.83C17.5 21.83 21.95 17.38 21.95 11.92C21.95 9.27 20.92 6.78 19.05 4.91C17.18 3.03 14.69 2 12.04 2M12.05 3.67C14.25 3.67 16.31 4.53 17.87 6.09C19.42 7.65 20.28 9.72 20.28 11.92C20.28 16.46 16.58 20.15 12.04 20.15C10.56 20.15 9.11 19.76 7.85 19L7.55 18.83L4.43 19.65L5.26 16.61L5.06 16.29C4.24 15 3.8 13.47 3.8 11.91C3.81 7.37 7.5 3.67 12.05 3.67M8.53 7.33C8.37 7.33 8.1 7.39 7.87 7.64C7.65 7.89 7 8.5 7 9.71C7 10.93 7.89 12.1 8 12.27C8.14 12.44 9.76 14.94 12.25 16C12.84 16.27 13.3 16.42 13.66 16.53C14.25 16.72 14.79 16.69 15.22 16.63C15.7 16.56 16.68 16.03 16.89 15.45C17.1 14.87 17.1 14.38 17.04 14.27C16.97 14.17 16.81 14.11 16.56 14C16.31 13.86 15.09 13.26 14.87 13.18C14.64 13.1 14.5 13.06 14.31 13.3C14.15 13.55 13.67 14.11 13.53 14.27C13.38 14.44 13.24 14.46 13 14.34C12.74 14.21 11.94 13.95 11 13.11C10.26 12.45 9.77 11.64 9.62 11.39C9.5 11.15 9.61 11 9.73 10.89C9.84 10.78 10 10.6 10.1 10.45C10.23 10.31 10.27 10.2 10.35 10.04C10.43 9.87 10.39 9.73 10.33 9.61C10.27 9.5 9.77 8.26 9.56 7.77C9.36 7.29 9.16 7.35 9 7.34C8.86 7.34 8.7 7.33 8.53 7.33Z",I62="M18 15.5C18.83 15.5 19.5 16.17 19.5 17S18.83 18.5 18 18.5 16.5 17.83 16.5 17 17.17 15.5 18 15.5M18 14C16.34 14 15 15.34 15 17S16.34 20 18 20C19.66 20 21 18.66 21 17S19.66 14 18 14M7 8L5 5H2V7H5.13L8 11.3V20H10L12.57 15H14.55C15.25 13.81 16.5 13 18 13C18.88 13 19.69 13.29 20.35 13.78L22 8H7M9.39 19H9V12.8L9.87 14.11C10.23 14.64 10.82 14.96 11.45 15L9.39 19Z",G62="M14 16L15.32 17.76C14.32 19.68 12.31 21 10 21C6.69 21 4 18.31 4 15C4 12.57 5.46 10.5 7.55 9.55L7.76 11.72C6.71 12.44 6 13.63 6 15C6 17.21 7.79 19 10 19C11.86 19 13.41 17.72 13.86 16H14M19.55 16.11L18.3 16.73L15.5 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4.08,8.25 4.66,7.93L6.89,10.16C6.15,10.5 5.44,10.91 4.8,11.4L6.6,13.8C7.38,13.22 8.26,12.77 9.2,12.47L11.75,15C10.5,15.07 9.34,15.5 8.4,16.2L12,21L14.46,17.73L17.74,21L19,19.72M12,3C9.85,3 7.8,3.38 5.9,4.07L8.29,6.47C9.5,6.16 10.72,6 12,6C15.38,6 18.5,7.11 21,9L22.8,6.6C19.79,4.34 16.06,3 12,3M12,9C11.62,9 11.25,9 10.88,9.05L14.07,12.25C15.29,12.53 16.43,13.07 17.4,13.8L19.2,11.4C17.2,9.89 14.7,9 12,9Z",l82="M12 6C8.62 6 5.5 7.12 3 9L1.2 6.6C4.21 4.34 7.95 3 12 3S19.79 4.34 22.8 6.6L21 9C18.5 7.12 15.38 6 12 6M12 15C10.65 15 9.4 15.45 8.4 16.2L12 21L13.04 19.61C13 19.41 13 19.21 13 19C13 17.66 13.44 16.43 14.19 15.43C13.5 15.16 12.77 15 12 15M16.84 13.41C17.18 13.27 17.55 13.17 17.92 13.1L19.2 11.4C17.19 9.89 14.7 9 12 9S6.81 9.89 4.8 11.4L6.6 13.8C8.1 12.67 9.97 12 12 12C13.78 12 15.44 12.5 16.84 13.41M20 18V15H18V18H15V20H18V23H20V20H23V18H20Z",o82="M12 12C9.97 12 8.1 12.67 6.6 13.8L4.8 11.4C6.81 9.89 9.3 9 12 9S17.19 9.89 19.2 11.4L18.74 12C18.66 12 18.58 12 18.5 12C17.43 12 16.42 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22.54L19 20.41L21.12 22.54L22.54 21.12L20.41 19L22.54 16.88L21.12 15.46Z",Z82="M12 20L8.4 15.2C9.4 14.45 10.65 14 12 14S14.6 14.45 15.6 15.2L12 20M4.8 10.4L6.6 12.8C8.1 11.67 9.97 11 12 11S15.9 11.67 17.4 12.8L19.2 10.4C17.19 8.89 14.7 8 12 8S6.81 8.89 4.8 10.4M12 2C7.95 2 4.21 3.34 1.2 5.6L3 8C5.5 6.12 8.62 5 12 5S18.5 6.12 21 8L22.8 5.6C19.79 3.34 16.05 2 12 2M7 24H9V22H7V24M15 24H17V22H15V24M11 24H13V22H11V24Z",S82="M12,6C8.6,6 5.5,7.1 3,9L1.2,6.6C4.2,4.3 8,3 12,3C16,3 19.8,4.3 22.8,6.6L21,9C18.5,7.1 15.4,6 12,6M13,19C13,17.7 13.4,16.4 14.2,15.4C13.5,15.2 12.8,15 12,15C10.7,15 9.4,15.5 8.4,16.2L12,21L13,19.6C13,19.4 13,19.2 13,19M16.8,13.4C17.1,13.3 17.5,13.2 17.9,13.1L19.2,11.4C17.2,9.9 14.7,9 12,9C9.3,9 6.8,9.9 4.8,11.4L6.6,13.8C8.1,12.7 10,12 12,12C13.8,12 15.4,12.5 16.8,13.4M16.5,22.6L17.2,19.8L15,17.9L17.9,17.7L19,15L20.1,17.6L23,17.8L20.8,19.7L21.5,22.5L19,21.1L16.5,22.6Z",u82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L15.61,13.81C14.5,13.28 13.25,13 12,13C10.75,13 9.5,13.28 8.39,13.8L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",c82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L15.6 13.8C14.5 13.3 13.2 13 12 13S9.5 13.3 8.4 13.8L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",s82="M12 13C12.8 13 13.61 13.13 14.38 13.36C14.28 13.73 14.2 14.11 14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.75 10.03 18.62 10.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L8.38 13.8C9.5 13.28 10.74 13 12 13M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",O82="M12 13C12.74 13 13.5 13.12 14.22 13.31C14.22 13.38 14.2 13.44 14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.16 9.11 19.42 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L8.38 13.8C9.5 13.28 10.74 13 12 13M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",h82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L17.5,11.43C16.26,10.74 14.37,10 12,10C9.62,10 7.74,10.75 6.5,11.43L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",p82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L17.5 11.4C16.3 10.7 14.4 10 12 10C9.6 10 7.7 10.8 6.5 11.4L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",f82="M14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.74 10.03 18.61 10.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L6.5 11.43C7.73 10.75 9.61 10 12 10C13.68 10 15.12 10.38 16.26 10.84C15.03 11.67 14.2 13 14.2 14.5M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",g82="M15.44 10.55C14.68 11.35 14.2 12.38 14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.16 9.1 19.41 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L6.5 11.43C7.73 10.75 9.61 10 12 10C13.29 10 14.45 10.23 15.44 10.55M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",k82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L18.77,9.88C17.26,9 14.88,8 12,8C9,8 6.68,9 5.21,9.84L3.27,7.44C5.91,5.85 8.93,5 12,5Z",B82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L18.8 9.9C17.3 9 14.9 8 12 8C9 8 6.7 9 5.2 9.8L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5S18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.1 7.7 23.5 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",P82="M19 10C19.68 10 20.32 10.14 20.91 10.39L23.64 7C20.31 4.41 16.2 3 12 3C7.78 3 3.69 4.41 .365 7C4.39 12.06 7.88 16.37 12 21.5L13 20.24V17.2C13 16.24 13.5 15.34 14.2 14.74V14.5C14.2 12.06 16.4 10 19 10M12 8C9 8 6.67 9 5.2 9.84L3.26 7.44C5.9 5.85 8.91 5 12 5S18.08 5.86 20.7 7.45L18.76 9.88C17.25 9 14.87 8 12 8M21.8 16V14.5C21.8 13.1 20.4 12 19 12S16.2 13.1 16.2 14.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16M20.5 16H17.5V14.5C17.5 13.7 18.2 13.2 19 13.2S20.5 13.7 20.5 14.5V16Z",w82="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.86 9.33 20.17 9.11 19.42 9.04L20.7 7.45C18.08 5.86 15.06 5 12 5S5.9 5.85 3.26 7.44L5.2 9.84C6.67 9 9 8 12 8C14.18 8 16.08 8.58 17.53 9.25C15.63 9.85 14.2 11.54 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",F82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 7.89,16.37 12,21.5C16.08,16.42 20.24,11.24 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3Z",T82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.4 12.1 7.9 16.4 12 21.5C14.4 18.5 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V8H22.8C23 7.7 23.4 7.3 23.6 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",b82="M14.2 14.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C16.4 10 14.2 12.06 14.2 14.5M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",y82="M14.2 13.5V14.74C13.5 15.34 13 16.24 13 17.2V20.24L12 21.5C7.88 16.37 4.39 12.06 .365 7C3.69 4.41 7.78 3 12 3C16.2 3 20.31 4.41 23.64 7L21.5 9.69C20.75 9.26 19.9 9 19 9C16.4 9 14.2 11.06 14.2 13.5M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",R82="M12 3C7.8 3 3.7 4.4 .4 7C4.3 11.8 8.2 16.7 12 21.5C14.3 18.6 16.7 15.7 19 12.8V9.6L12 18.3L3.3 7.4C5.9 5.8 8.9 5 12 5C15.1 5 18.1 5.9 20.7 7.4L20.3 8H22.9C23.2 7.7 23.4 7.3 23.7 7C20.3 4.4 16.2 3 12 3M21 10V16H23V10M21 18V20H23V18",x82="M23.65 7H23.64C22.92 7.9 22.2 8.79 21.5 9.69C20.87 9.33 20.17 9.11 19.43 9.04L20.71 7.45C18.09 5.86 15.07 5 12 5C8.91 5 5.9 5.85 3.27 7.44L12 18.3L13 17C13 17.08 13 17.14 13 17.2V20.25L12 21.5C8.13 16.66 4.24 11.83 .355 7H.375C3.7 4.41 7.79 3 12 3C16.22 3 20.32 4.41 23.65 7M21.8 16H17.5V13.5C17.5 12.7 18.2 12.2 19 12.2S20.5 12.7 20.5 13.5V14H21.8V13.5C21.8 12.1 20.4 11 19 11S16.2 12.1 16.2 13.5V16C15.6 16 15 16.6 15 17.2V20.7C15 21.4 15.6 22 16.2 22H21.7C22.4 22 23 21.4 23 20.8V17.3C23 16.6 22.4 16 21.8 16Z",D82="M23.65 7H23.64L20.91 10.39C20.32 10.14 19.68 10 19 10C18.87 10 18.75 10.03 18.63 10.04L20.71 7.45C18.09 5.86 15.07 5 12 5C8.91 5 5.9 5.85 3.27 7.44L12 18.3L13 17C13 17.08 13 17.14 13 17.2V20.25L12 21.5C8.13 16.66 4.24 11.83 .355 7H.375C3.7 4.41 7.79 3 12 3C16.22 3 20.32 4.41 23.65 7M23 17.3V20.8C23 21.4 22.4 22 21.7 22H16.2C15.6 22 15 21.4 15 20.7V17.2C15 16.6 15.6 16 16.2 16V14.5C16.2 13.1 17.6 12 19 12S21.8 13.1 21.8 14.5V16C22.4 16 23 16.6 23 17.3M20.5 14.5C20.5 13.7 19.8 13.2 19 13.2S17.5 13.7 17.5 14.5V16H20.5V14.5Z",E82="M3.27,1.44L2,2.72L4.05,4.77C2.75,5.37 1.5,6.11 0.38,7C4.41,12.06 12,21.5 12,21.5L15.91,16.63L19.23,19.95L20.5,18.68M12,3C10.6,3 9.21,3.17 7.86,3.5L18.18,13.81C20,11.5 22.05,9 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3Z",N82="M3.27,1.44L2,2.72L4.05,4.77C2.75,5.37 1.5,6.11 0.38,7C4.2,11.8 8.14,16.67 12,21.5L15.91,16.63L19.23,19.95L20.5,18.68C14.87,13.04 3.27,1.44 3.27,1.44M12,3C10.6,3 9.21,3.17 7.86,3.5L9.56,5.19C10.37,5.07 11.18,5 12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L16.76,12.38L18.18,13.8C20.08,11.43 22,9 23.65,7C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M5.57,6.29L14.5,15.21L12,18.3L3.27,7.44C4,7 4.78,6.61 5.57,6.29Z",W82="M12,3C7.79,3 3.7,4.41 0.38,7H0.36C4.24,11.83 8.13,16.66 12,21.5C15.89,16.66 19.77,11.83 23.64,7H23.65C20.32,4.41 16.22,3 12,3M12,5C15.07,5 18.09,5.86 20.71,7.45L12,18.3L3.27,7.44C5.9,5.85 8.92,5 12,5Z",I82="M12 6C8.62 6 5.5 7.12 3 9L1.2 6.6C4.21 4.34 7.95 3 12 3S19.79 4.34 22.8 6.6L21 9C18.5 7.12 15.38 6 12 6M12 15C10.65 15 9.4 15.45 8.4 16.2L12 21L13.26 19.32C13.1 18.74 13 18.13 13 17.5C13 16.69 13.16 15.91 13.43 15.19C12.97 15.08 12.5 15 12 15M15.23 12.61C16.19 11.77 17.38 11.22 18.7 11.05C16.78 9.76 14.5 9 12 9C9.3 9 6.81 9.89 4.8 11.4L6.6 13.8C8.1 12.67 9.97 12 12 12C13.14 12 14.23 12.22 15.23 12.61M19 20C17.62 20 16.5 18.88 16.5 17.5C16.5 17.1 16.59 16.72 16.76 16.38L15.67 15.29C15.25 15.92 15 16.68 15 17.5C15 19.71 16.79 21.5 19 21.5V23L21.25 20.75L19 18.5V20M19 13.5V12L16.75 14.25L19 16.5V15C20.38 15 21.5 16.12 21.5 17.5C21.5 17.9 21.41 18.28 21.24 18.62L22.33 19.71C22.75 19.08 23 18.32 23 17.5C23 15.29 21.21 13.5 19 13.5Z",G82="M14.97,18.95L12.41,12.92C11.39,14.91 10.27,17 9.31,18.95C9.3,18.96 8.84,18.95 8.84,18.95C7.37,15.5 5.85,12.1 4.37,8.68C4.03,7.84 2.83,6.5 2,6.5C2,6.4 2,6.18 2,6.05H7.06V6.5C6.46,6.5 5.44,6.9 5.7,7.55C6.42,9.09 8.94,15.06 9.63,16.58C10.1,15.64 11.43,13.16 12,12.11C11.55,11.23 10.13,7.93 9.71,7.11C9.39,6.57 8.58,6.5 7.96,6.5C7.96,6.35 7.97,6.25 7.96,6.06L12.42,6.07V6.47C11.81,6.5 11.24,6.71 11.5,7.29C12.1,8.53 12.45,9.42 13,10.57C13.17,10.23 14.07,8.38 14.5,7.41C14.76,6.76 14.37,6.5 13.29,6.5C13.3,6.38 13.3,6.17 13.3,6.07C14.69,6.06 16.78,6.06 17.15,6.05V6.47C16.44,6.5 15.71,6.88 15.33,7.46L13.5,11.3C13.68,11.81 15.46,15.76 15.65,16.2L19.5,7.37C19.2,6.65 18.34,6.5 18,6.5C18,6.37 18,6.2 18,6.05L22,6.08V6.1L22,6.5C21.12,6.5 20.57,7 20.25,7.75C19.45,9.54 17,15.24 15.4,18.95C15.4,18.95 14.97,18.95 14.97,18.95Z",Q82="M4 3H10V5H4V3M1 7H6V9H1V7M3 19H8V21H3V19M13.73 10.61C14.5 10.84 15.03 11.39 15.3 12.07L19.57 4.96C20.22 3.88 19.87 2.5 18.79 1.83C17.92 1.31 16.8 1.42 16.06 2.12L12.63 5.33C12.23 5.7 12 6.23 12 6.78V10.71C12.36 10.56 13 10.38 13.73 10.61M10.61 12.27C10.77 11.75 11.09 11.31 11.5 11H3.28C2 11 1 12 1 13.28C1 14.3 1.67 15.19 2.65 15.47L7.16 16.76C7.69 16.91 8.26 16.84 8.74 16.55L11.43 14.94C10.66 14.32 10.3 13.27 10.61 12.27M22.21 18.61L19.93 14.5C19.66 14.03 19.2 13.68 18.67 13.54L15.5 12.74C15.5 13.06 15.5 13.4 15.39 13.73C15.07 14.79 14.11 15.5 13 15.5C12.39 15.5 12 15.28 12 15.28V21C10.9 21 10 21.9 10 23H16C16 21.9 15.1 21 14 21V16.72L18.61 21.33C19.5 22.22 20.94 22.22 21.83 21.33C22.55 20.61 22.71 19.5 22.21 18.61M12.56 14.43C13.35 14.67 14.19 14.23 14.43 13.43C14.67 12.64 14.23 11.8 13.43 11.56C12.64 11.32 11.8 11.76 11.56 12.56C11.32 13.35 11.77 14.19 12.56 14.43Z",U82="M4 3H10V5H4V3M1 7H6V9H1V7M3 19H8V21H3V19M22.21 18.61L19.93 14.5C19.66 14.03 19.2 13.68 18.67 13.54L16 12.87C15.96 12.4 15.84 11.95 15.61 11.54L19.57 4.95C20.22 3.87 19.87 2.47 18.79 1.82C18.43 1.6 18 1.5 17.62 1.5C17.06 1.5 16.5 1.71 16.06 2.12L12.63 5.33C12.23 5.7 12 6.23 12 6.78V10.18C11.53 10.35 11.11 10.63 10.77 11H3.28C2 11 1 12 1 13.28C1 14.3 1.67 15.19 2.65 15.47L7.16 16.76C7.34 16.81 7.53 16.84 7.71 16.84C8.07 16.84 8.43 16.74 8.74 16.55L11 15.21C11.27 15.47 11.61 15.68 12 15.82V21C10.9 21 10 21.9 10 23H16C16 21.9 15.1 21 14 21V16.72L18.61 21.33C19.06 21.78 19.64 22 20.22 22S21.39 21.78 21.83 21.33C22.55 20.61 22.71 19.5 22.21 18.61M7.72 14.84L3.2 13.55C3.08 13.5 3 13.4 3 13.28C3 13.13 3.13 13 3.28 13H10C10 13.15 10 13.3 10.04 13.44L7.72 14.84M13 14C12.45 14 12 13.55 12 13S12.45 12 13 12 14 12.45 14 13 13.55 14 13 14M14 10.14V6.78L17.43 3.57C17.5 3.5 17.62 3.45 17.77 3.53C17.9 3.61 17.95 3.78 17.87 3.91L14.13 10.15L14 10.14M20.42 19.92C20.37 19.97 20.18 20.08 20 19.92L15.17 15.07C15.25 15 15.33 14.89 15.41 14.79L18.19 15.5L20.47 19.58C20.53 19.69 20.5 19.83 20.42 19.92Z",z82="M13.33,11.67L16.21,14.58C17.62,13.16 16.21,11.75 16.21,11.75L14.72,10.24C14.9,9.86 15,9.44 15,9C15,7.95 14.46,7.03 13.64,6.5L15,2.11C13.09,1.53 12.5,3.44 12.5,3.44L11.69,6.03C10.46,6.16 9.46,7 9.13,8.18L4.67,9.63C5.31,11.53 7.2,10.9 7.2,10.9L9.27,10.23C9.61,10.97 10.23,11.54 11,11.82V19C11,19 9,19 9,21C9,21.5 9,21.81 9,22H15V21C15,21 15,19 13,19V11.82C13.12,11.78 13.23,11.72 13.33,11.67M10.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,10.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,9Z",_82="M12.33 11.67L15.21 14.58C16.62 13.16 15.21 11.75 15.21 11.75L13.72 10.24C13.9 9.86 14 9.44 14 9C14 7.95 13.46 7.03 12.64 6.5L14 2.11C12.09 1.53 11.5 3.44 11.5 3.44L10.69 6.03C9.46 6.16 8.46 7 8.13 8.18L3.67 9.63C4.31 11.53 6.2 10.9 6.2 10.9L8.27 10.23C8.61 10.97 9.23 11.54 10 11.82V19C10 19 8 19 8 21V22H14V21C14 21 14 19 12 19V11.82C12.12 11.78 12.23 11.72 12.33 11.67M9.5 9C9.5 8.17 10.17 7.5 11 7.5S12.5 8.17 12.5 9 11.83 10.5 11 10.5 9.5 9.83 9.5 9M18 12V7H20V13H18M18 17V15H20V17H18Z",K82="M11.33 11.67L14.21 14.58C15.62 13.16 14.21 11.75 14.21 11.75L12.72 10.24C12.9 9.86 13 9.44 13 9C13 7.95 12.46 7.03 11.64 6.5L13 2.11C11.09 1.53 10.5 3.44 10.5 3.44L9.69 6.03C8.46 6.16 7.46 7 7.13 8.18L2.67 9.63C3.31 11.53 5.2 10.9 5.2 10.9L7.27 10.23C7.61 10.97 8.23 11.54 9 11.82V19C9 19 7 19 7 21V22H13V21C13 21 13 19 11 19V11.82C11.12 11.78 11.23 11.72 11.33 11.67M8.5 9C8.5 8.17 9.17 7.5 10 7.5S11.5 8.17 11.5 9 10.83 10.5 10 10.5 8.5 9.83 8.5 9M16.75 21.16L14 18.16L15.16 17L16.75 18.59L20.34 15L21.5 16.41L16.75 21.16",j82="M13.46,12L19,17.54V19H17.54L12,13.46L6.46,19H5V17.54L10.54,12L5,6.46V5H6.46L12,10.54L17.54,5H19V6.46L13.46,12Z",q82="M6,11H10V9H14V11H18V4H6V11M18,13H6V20H18V13M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",$82="M21 20V2H3V20H1V23H23V20M19 4V11H13V4M5 4H11V11H5M5 20V13H11V20M13 20V13H19V20Z",X82="M4,4H20V20H4V4M6,8V18H18V8H6Z",Y82="M20,14H4V10H20",J82="M6,8H10V6H14V8H18V4H6V8M18,10H6V15H18V10M6,20H18V17H6V20M6,2H18A2,2 0 0,1 20,4V20A2,2 0 0,1 18,22H6A2,2 0 0,1 4,20V4A2,2 0 0,1 6,2Z",CC2="M21 20V2H3V20H1V23H23V20M19 4V11H17V4M5 4H7V11H5M5 20V13H7V20M9 20V4H15V20M17 20V13H19V20Z",HC2="M4,8H8V4H20V16H16V20H4V8M16,8V14H18V6H10V8H16M6,12V18H14V12H6Z",VC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9M8 12H16V14H8V12M8 15H16V17H8V15M8 18H16V20H8V18Z",LC2="M2 4H20V8H18V20H16V8H6V20H4V8H2V4M7 9H15V11H7V9M7 12H15V14H7V12M20 19V17H22V19H20M20 15V10H22V15H20Z",MC2="M20 14H18L14.8 23H16.7L17.4 21H20.6L21.3 23H23.2L20 14M17.8 19.7L19 16L20.2 19.7H17.8M7 9H15V11H7V9M7 12H15V14H7V12M7 15H15V16.5L14.8 17H7V15M13.7 20H7V18H14.5L13.7 20M16 8H6V20H4V8H2V4H20V8H18V12H16.6L16.1 13.3L16 13.7V8Z",AC2="M21.7 18.6V17.6L22.8 16.8C22.9 16.7 23 16.6 22.9 16.5L21.9 14.8C21.9 14.7 21.7 14.7 21.6 14.7L20.4 15.2C20.1 15 19.8 14.8 19.5 14.7L19.3 13.4C19.3 13.3 19.2 13.2 19.1 13.2H17.1C16.9 13.2 16.8 13.3 16.8 13.4L16.6 14.7C16.3 14.9 16.1 15 15.8 15.2L14.6 14.7C14.5 14.7 14.4 14.7 14.3 14.8L13.3 16.5C13.3 16.6 13.3 16.7 13.4 16.8L14.5 17.6V18.6L13.4 19.4C13.3 19.5 13.2 19.6 13.3 19.7L14.3 21.4C14.4 21.5 14.5 21.5 14.6 21.5L15.8 21C16 21.2 16.3 21.4 16.6 21.5L16.8 22.8C16.9 22.9 17 23 17.1 23H19.1C19.2 23 19.3 22.9 19.3 22.8L19.5 21.5C19.8 21.3 20 21.2 20.3 21L21.5 21.4C21.6 21.4 21.7 21.4 21.8 21.3L22.8 19.6C22.9 19.5 22.9 19.4 22.8 19.4L21.7 18.6M18 19.5C17.2 19.5 16.5 18.8 16.5 18S17.2 16.5 18 16.5 19.5 17.2 19.5 18 18.8 19.5 18 19.5M8 9H16V11H8V9M17 8H7V20H5V8H3V4H21V8H19V11.1C18.7 11.1 18.3 11 18 11S17.3 11 17 11.1V8M11.3 20H8V18H11C11 18.7 11.1 19.4 11.3 20M8 12H14.4C13.6 12.5 12.8 13.2 12.3 14H8V12M8 15H11.7C11.4 15.6 11.2 16.3 11.1 17H8V15Z",iC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9Z",rC2="M3 4H21V8H19V20H17V8H7V20H5V8H3V4M8 9H16V11H8V9M8 12H16V14H8V12M8 15H16V17H8V15M8 18H16V20H8V18M13 22H11V24H13V22M17 22H15V24H17V22M9 22H7V24H9V22Z",aC2="M7 5V13L22 11V7L7 5M10 6.91L13 7.31V10.69L10 11.09V6.91M16 7.71L19 8.11V9.89L16 10.29V7.71M5 10V11H6V12H5V21H3V4C3 3.45 3.45 3 4 3S5 3.45 5 4V6H6V7H5V10Z",eC2="M12,4C5,4 2,9 2,9L9,16C9,16 9.5,15.1 10.4,14.5L10.7,16.5C10.3,16.8 10,17.4 10,18A2,2 0 0,0 12,20A2,2 0 0,0 14,18C14,17.1 13.5,16.4 12.7,16.1L12.3,14C14.1,14.2 15,16 15,16L22,9C22,9 19,4 12,4M15.1,13.1C14.3,12.5 13.3,12 12,12L11,6.1C11.3,6 11.7,6 12,6C15.7,6 18.1,7.7 19.3,8.9L15.1,13.1M8.9,13.1L4.7,8.9C5.5,8 7,7 9,6.4L10,12.4C9.6,12.6 9.2,12.8 8.9,13.1Z",dC2="M13,6C13,5.7 13.1,4.6 13.8,3.8L12,2.4L10.2,3.9C10.9,4.6 11,5.7 11,6C4.7,6.4 2,11 2,11L9,18C9,18 9.7,16.7 11,16.2V18.3C10.4,18.6 10,19.3 10,20A2,2 0 0,0 12,22A2,2 0 0,0 14,20C14,19.3 13.6,18.6 13,18.3V16.2C14.3,16.7 15,18 15,18L22,11C22,11 19.3,6.5 13,6M11,14.1C10.2,14.3 9.5,14.6 8.9,15.1L4.7,10.9C5.8,9.8 7.8,8.3 11,8.1V14.1M15.1,15.1C14.5,14.7 13.8,14.3 13,14.1V8.1C16.2,8.4 18.2,9.8 19.3,10.9L15.1,15.1M18,1.3L17.3,3.2C16.6,2.9 15.5,2.9 14.7,3.2L14,1.3C15.2,0.9 16.8,0.9 18,1.3M21,6H19C19,6 19,4.7 18.2,3.9L19.7,2.6C21,4 21,5.9 21,6M4.2,2.6L5.7,3.9C5,4.7 5,6 5,6H3C3,5.9 3,4 4.2,2.6M10,1.3L9.3,3.2C8.6,2.9 7.5,2.9 6.7,3.2L6,1.3C7.2,0.9 8.8,0.9 10,1.3Z",mC2="M11 6C11 5.7 11.1 4.6 11.8 3.8L10 2.4L8.2 3.9C8.9 4.6 9 5.7 9 6C2.7 6.4 0 11 0 11L7 18C7 18 7.7 16.7 9 16.2V18.3C8.4 18.6 8 19.3 8 20C8 21.11 8.9 22 10 22S12 21.11 12 20C12 19.3 11.6 18.6 11 18.3V16.2C12.3 16.7 13 18 13 18L20 11C20 11 17.3 6.5 11 6M9 14.1C8.2 14.3 7.5 14.6 6.9 15.1L2.7 10.9C3.8 9.8 5.8 8.3 9 8.1V14.1M13.1 15.1C12.5 14.7 11.8 14.3 11 14.1V8.1C14.2 8.4 16.2 9.8 17.3 10.9L13.1 15.1M16 1.3L15.3 3.2C14.6 2.9 13.5 2.9 12.7 3.2L12 1.3C13.2 .9 14.8 .9 16 1.3M19 6H17C17 6 17 4.7 16.2 3.9L17.7 2.6C19 4 19 5.9 19 6M2.2 2.6L3.7 3.9C3 4.7 3 6 3 6H1C1 5.9 1 4 2.2 2.6M8 1.3L7.3 3.2C6.6 2.9 5.5 2.9 4.7 3.2L4 1.3C5.2 .9 6.8 .9 8 1.3M22 12V7H24V13H22M22 17H24V15H22",tC2="M21 22H3V20H21V22M19 19H5L11.1 2.6C11.3 2.2 11.6 2 12 2L18 5H13.9L19 19M10 7.5L11.04 7.97L11.5 9L11.97 7.97L13 7.5L11.97 7.03L11.5 6L11.04 7.03L10 7.5M13 15L10.94 14.07L10 12L9.07 14.07L7 15L9.07 15.93L10 18L10.94 15.93L13 15M13.97 11.97L15 11.5L13.97 11.03L13.5 10L13.04 11.03L12 11.5L13.04 11.97L13.5 13L13.97 11.97M15.97 15.97L17 15.5L15.97 15.03L15.5 14L15.04 15.03L14 15.5L15.04 15.97L15.5 17L15.97 15.97Z",vC2="M3.42,12C3.42,10.76 3.69,9.58 4.16,8.5L8.26,19.72C5.39,18.33 3.42,15.4 3.42,12M17.79,11.57C17.79,12.3 17.5,13.15 17.14,14.34L16.28,17.2L13.18,8L14.16,7.9C14.63,7.84 14.57,7.16 14.11,7.19C14.11,7.19 12.72,7.3 11.82,7.3L9.56,7.19C9.1,7.16 9.05,7.87 9.5,7.9L10.41,8L11.75,11.64L9.87,17.27L6.74,8L7.73,7.9C8.19,7.84 8.13,7.16 7.67,7.19C7.67,7.19 6.28,7.3 5.38,7.3L4.83,7.29C6.37,4.96 9,3.42 12,3.42C14.23,3.42 16.27,4.28 17.79,5.67H17.68C16.84,5.67 16.24,6.4 16.24,7.19C16.24,7.9 16.65,8.5 17.08,9.2C17.41,9.77 17.79,10.5 17.79,11.57M12.15,12.75L14.79,19.97L14.85,20.09C13.96,20.41 13,20.58 12,20.58C11.16,20.58 10.35,20.46 9.58,20.23L12.15,12.75M19.53,7.88C20.2,9.11 20.58,10.5 20.58,12C20.58,15.16 18.86,17.93 16.31,19.41L18.93,11.84C19.42,10.62 19.59,9.64 19.59,8.77L19.53,7.88M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,21.54C17.26,21.54 21.54,17.26 21.54,12C21.54,6.74 17.26,2.46 12,2.46C6.74,2.46 2.46,6.74 2.46,12C2.46,17.26 6.74,21.54 12,21.54Z",lC2="M21,5H3V7H21V5M3,19H10V17H3V19M3,13H18C19,13 20,13.43 20,15C20,16.57 19,17 18,17H16V15L12,18L16,21V19H18C20.95,19 22,17.73 22,15C22,12.28 21,11 18,11H3V13Z",oC2="M16,7H3V5H16V7M3,19H16V17H3V19M22,12L18,9V11H3V13H18V15L22,12Z",nC2="M22.7,19L13.6,9.9C14.5,7.6 14,4.9 12.1,3C10.1,1 7.1,0.6 4.7,1.7L9,6L6,9L1.6,4.7C0.4,7.1 0.9,10.1 2.9,12.1C4.8,14 7.5,14.5 9.8,13.6L18.9,22.7C19.3,23.1 19.9,23.1 20.3,22.7L22.6,20.4C23.1,20 23.1,19.3 22.7,19Z",ZC2="M9 2C10.8 2.6 12 4.3 12 6.2C12 8.2 10.8 9.9 9 10.5V21.5C9 21.8 8.8 22 8.5 22H6.5C6.2 22 6 21.8 6 21.4V10.4C4.2 9.8 3 8.1 3 6.2S4.2 2.6 6 2V5.7H9V2M20.6 13L22 14.41L15.47 21L12 17.5L13.4 16.09L15.47 18.17L20.6 13",SC2="M9 1.09V6H7V1.09C4.16 1.57 2 4.03 2 7C2 9.22 3.21 11.15 5 12.19V21C5 21.55 5.45 22 6 22H10C10.55 22 11 21.55 11 21V12.19C12.79 11.15 14 9.22 14 7C14 4.03 11.84 1.57 9 1.09M10 10.46L9 11.04V20H7V11.04L6 10.46C4.77 9.74 4 8.42 4 7C4 6 4.37 5.06 5 4.35V8H11V4.35C11.63 5.06 12 6 12 7C12 8.42 11.23 9.74 10 10.46M21.6 13L23 14.41L16.47 21L13 17.5L14.4 16.09L16.47 18.17L21.6 13",uC2="M10 6.2C10 4.3 8.8 2.6 7 2V5.7H4V2C2.2 2.6 1 4.3 1 6.2C1 8.1 2.2 9.8 4 10.4V21.4C4 21.8 4.2 22 4.5 22H6.5C6.8 22 7 21.8 7 21.5V10.5C8.8 9.9 10 8.2 10 6.2M16 8C16 8 15.9 8 16 8C12.1 8.1 9 11.2 9 15C9 18.9 12.1 22 16 22S23 18.9 23 15 19.9 8 16 8M16 20C13.2 20 11 17.8 11 15S13.2 10 16 10 21 12.2 21 15 18.8 20 16 20M15 11V16L18.6 18.2L19.4 17L16.5 15.3V11H15Z",cC2="M16 8C14.8 8.03 13.67 8.35 12.68 8.89C12.88 8.29 13 7.66 13 7C13 4.03 10.84 1.57 8 1.09V6H6V1.09C3.16 1.57 1 4.03 1 7C1 9.22 2.21 11.15 4 12.19V21C4 21.55 4.45 22 5 22H9C9.55 22 10 21.55 10 21V18.62C11.22 20.65 13.43 22 16 22C19.9 22 23 18.9 23 15S19.9 8 16 8M8 11.04V20H6V11.04L5 10.46C3.77 9.74 3 8.42 3 7C3 6 3.37 5.06 4 4.35V8H10V4.35C10.63 5.06 11 6 11 7C11 8.42 10.23 9.74 9 10.46L8 11.04M16 20C13.2 20 11 17.8 11 15S13.2 10 16 10 21 12.2 21 15 18.8 20 16 20M16.5 15.3L19.4 17L18.6 18.2L15 16V11H16.5V15.3Z",sC2="M19.94 17.94C19.96 17.79 19.97 17.65 19.97 17.5S19.96 17.2 19.94 17.05L20.91 16.32C21 16.25 21.03 16.13 20.97 16.03L20.05 14.47C20 14.37 19.86 14.33 19.76 14.37L18.61 14.82C18.37 14.65 18.12 14.5 17.83 14.38L17.66 13.19C17.64 13.08 17.54 13 17.43 13H15.58C15.46 13 15.36 13.08 15.34 13.19L15.17 14.38C14.88 14.5 14.63 14.65 14.39 14.82L13.24 14.37C13.14 14.33 13 14.37 12.96 14.47L12.03 16.03C11.97 16.13 12 16.25 12.09 16.32L13.06 17.05C13.05 17.2 13.03 17.35 13.03 17.5S13.05 17.79 13.06 17.94L12.09 18.68C12 18.75 11.97 18.87 12.03 18.97L12.96 20.53C13 20.63 13.14 20.66 13.24 20.63L14.39 20.17C14.63 20.35 14.88 20.5 15.17 20.62L15.34 21.81C15.36 21.92 15.46 22 15.58 22H17.43C17.54 22 17.64 21.92 17.66 21.81L17.83 20.62C18.12 20.5 18.37 20.35 18.61 20.17L19.76 20.63C19.86 20.66 20 20.63 20.05 20.53L20.97 18.97C21.03 18.87 21 18.75 20.91 18.68L19.94 17.94M16.5 19C15.67 19 15 18.33 15 17.5S15.67 16 16.5 16 18 16.67 18 17.5 17.33 19 16.5 19M9 2C10.8 2.6 12 4.3 12 6.2C12 8.2 10.8 9.9 9 10.5V21.5C9 21.8 8.8 22 8.5 22H6.5C6.2 22 6 21.8 6 21.4V10.4C4.2 9.8 3 8.1 3 6.2S4.2 2.6 6 2V5.7H9V2Z",OC2="M9 1.09V6H7V1.09C4.16 1.57 2 4.03 2 7C2 9.22 3.21 11.15 5 12.19V21C5 21.55 5.45 22 6 22H10C10.55 22 11 21.55 11 21V12.19C12.79 11.15 14 9.22 14 7C14 4.03 11.84 1.57 9 1.09M10 10.46L9 11.04V20H7V11.04L6 10.46C4.77 9.74 4 8.42 4 7C4 6 4.37 5.06 5 4.35V8H11V4.35C11.63 5.06 12 6 12 7C12 8.42 11.23 9.74 10 10.46M20.94 17.94C20.96 17.79 20.97 17.65 20.97 17.5S20.96 17.2 20.94 17.05L21.91 16.32C22 16.25 22.03 16.13 21.97 16.03L21.05 14.47C21 14.37 20.87 14.33 20.76 14.37L19.61 14.82C19.37 14.65 19.12 14.5 18.83 14.38L18.66 13.19C18.64 13.08 18.54 13 18.43 13H16.58C16.46 13 16.36 13.08 16.34 13.19L16.17 14.38C15.88 14.5 15.63 14.65 15.39 14.82L14.24 14.37C14.14 14.33 14 14.37 13.96 14.47L13.03 16.03C12.97 16.13 13 16.25 13.09 16.32L14.06 17.05C14.05 17.2 14.03 17.35 14.03 17.5S14.05 17.79 14.06 17.94L13.09 18.68C13 18.75 12.97 18.87 13.03 18.97L13.96 20.53C14 20.63 14.14 20.66 14.24 20.63L15.39 20.17C15.63 20.35 15.88 20.5 16.17 20.62L16.34 21.81C16.36 21.92 16.46 22 16.58 22H18.43C18.54 22 18.64 21.92 18.66 21.81L18.83 20.62C19.12 20.5 19.37 20.35 19.61 20.17L20.76 20.63C20.87 20.66 21 20.63 21.05 20.53L21.97 18.97C22.03 18.87 22 18.75 21.91 18.68L20.94 17.94M17.5 19C16.67 19 16 18.33 16 17.5S16.67 16 17.5 16 19 16.67 19 17.5 18.33 19 17.5 19Z",hC2="M22.61,19L13.53,9.91C14.46,7.57 14,4.81 12.09,2.91C9.79,0.61 6.21,0.4 3.66,2.26L7.5,6.11L6.08,7.5L2.25,3.69C0.39,6.23 0.6,9.82 2.9,12.11C4.76,13.97 7.47,14.46 9.79,13.59L18.9,22.7C19.29,23.09 19.92,23.09 20.31,22.7L22.61,20.4C23,20 23,19.39 22.61,19M19.61,20.59L10.15,11.13C9.54,11.58 8.86,11.85 8.15,11.95C6.79,12.15 5.36,11.74 4.32,10.7C3.37,9.76 2.93,8.5 3,7.26L6.09,10.35L10.33,6.11L7.24,3C8.5,2.95 9.73,3.39 10.68,4.33C11.76,5.41 12.17,6.9 11.92,8.29C11.8,9 11.5,9.66 11.04,10.25L20.5,19.7L19.61,20.59Z",pC2="M22.75,11.07C22.91,11.35 23,11.67 23,12C23,12.33 22.91,12.65 22.75,12.93L18.08,21C17.72,21.62 17.06,22 16.35,22H7.65C6.94,22 6.28,21.62 5.92,21L1.25,12.93C1.09,12.65 1,12.33 1,12C1,11.67 1.09,11.35 1.25,11.07L5.92,3C6.28,2.38 6.94,2 7.65,2H16.35C17.06,2 17.72,2.38 18.08,3L22.75,11.07M12,12V11.9L9.42,7.1L9.25,7H7.66L7.5,7.1V7.3L10,12L7.5,16.7V16.9L7.66,17H9.25L9.42,16.9L12,12.1V12L12.03,12.1L14.58,16.9L14.75,17H16.34L16.5,16.9V16.7L14,12L16.5,7.3V7.1L16.34,7H14.75L14.58,7.1L12.03,11.9L12,12Z",fC2="M12.89,3L14.85,3.4L11.11,21L9.15,20.6L12.89,3M19.59,12L16,8.41V5.58L22.42,12L16,18.41V15.58L19.59,12M1.58,12L8,5.58V8.41L4.41,12L8,15.58V18.41L1.58,12Z",gC2="M12,15.4C9.75,13.09 8,9.54 8,6C2,4 8,6 2,4C2,9.65 6.33,14.11 10.55,16.66C9.38,17.5 8.15,18 7,18C7,19 7,18 7,19C8.2,19 10.03,18.46 12,17.46C13.97,18.46 15.8,19 17,19C17,18 17,19 17,18C15.85,18 14.62,17.5 13.45,16.66C17.66,14.11 22,9.65 22,4C16,6 22,4 16,6C16,9.54 14.25,13.09 12,15.4Z",kC2="M10.5 7.59L8.16 13.2L5.85 7.59H2L6.29 17.23L4.75 20.7H8.5L14.24 7.59H10.5M15 12.73C13.63 12.73 12.59 13.77 12.59 15C12.59 16.17 13.59 17.16 14.93 17.16C16.32 17.16 17.36 16.13 17.36 14.9C17.36 13.69 16.36 12.73 15 12.73M17.72 3.3L13.89 11.89H18.17L22 3.3H17.72Z",BC2="M18,14A4,4 0 0,1 22,18A4,4 0 0,1 18,22A4,4 0 0,1 14,18L14.09,17.15C14.05,16.45 13.92,15.84 13.55,15.5C13.35,15.3 13.07,15.19 12.75,15.13C11.79,15.68 10.68,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5C16,10.68 15.68,11.79 15.13,12.75C15.19,13.07 15.3,13.35 15.5,13.55C15.84,13.92 16.45,14.05 17.15,14.09L18,14M7.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 7.5,10M9.5,5C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5Z",PC2="M12,2A10,10 0 0,1 22,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,22A10,10 0 0,1 2,12A10,10 0 0,1 12,2M12,4A8,8 0 0,0 4,12A8,8 0 0,0 12,20A4,4 0 0,1 8,16A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,0 16,8A4,4 0 0,0 12,4M12,6.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,9.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10.5,8A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12,6.5M12,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 10.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 13.5,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 12,14.5Z",wC2="M13 2C11.9 2 11 2.9 11 4C11 5.11 11.9 6 13 6C14.11 6 15 5.11 15 4C15 2.9 14.11 2 13 2M4 7V9H10V15L4.93 20.07L6.34 21.5L13.06 14.77L17 17.13V21H19V16.57C19 16.21 18.82 15.89 18.5 15.71L15 13.6V9H21V7H4Z",FC2="M10,15L15.19,12L10,9V15M21.56,7.17C21.69,7.64 21.78,8.27 21.84,9.07C21.91,9.87 21.94,10.56 21.94,11.16L22,12C22,14.19 21.84,15.8 21.56,16.83C21.31,17.73 20.73,18.31 19.83,18.56C19.36,18.69 18.5,18.78 17.18,18.84C15.88,18.91 14.69,18.94 13.59,18.94L12,19C7.81,19 5.2,18.84 4.17,18.56C3.27,18.31 2.69,17.73 2.44,16.83C2.31,16.36 2.22,15.73 2.16,14.93C2.09,14.13 2.06,13.44 2.06,12.84L2,12C2,9.81 2.16,8.2 2.44,7.17C2.69,6.27 3.27,5.69 4.17,5.44C4.64,5.31 5.5,5.22 6.82,5.16C8.12,5.09 9.31,5.06 10.41,5.06L12,5C16.19,5 18.8,5.16 19.83,5.44C20.73,5.69 21.31,6.27 21.56,7.17Z",TC2="M22 13V8L17 5L12 8L7 5L2 8V13L12 19L22 13M9 11H7V13H6V11H4V10H6V8H7V10H9V11M15 13C14.45 13 14 12.55 14 12S14.45 11 15 11 16 11.45 16 12 15.55 13 15 13M18 11C17.45 11 17 10.55 17 10S17.45 9 18 9 19 9.45 19 10 18.55 11 18 11Z",bC2="M10,15L15,12L10,9V15M19.45,13L21.56,14.63C21.78,14.78 21.81,15 21.66,15.28L19.64,18.75C19.5,18.97 19.31,19.03 19.03,18.94L16.55,17.95C15.89,18.42 15.33,18.75 14.86,18.94L14.5,21.56C14.42,21.84 14.27,22 14,22H10C9.73,22 9.58,21.84 9.5,21.56L9.14,18.94C8.55,18.69 8,18.36 7.45,17.95L4.97,18.94C4.69,19.03 4.5,18.97 4.36,18.75L2.34,15.28C2.19,15 2.22,14.78 2.44,14.63L4.55,13C4.5,12.77 4.5,12.44 4.5,12C4.5,11.56 4.5,11.23 4.55,11L2.44,9.38C2.22,9.22 2.19,9 2.34,8.72L4.36,5.25C4.5,5.03 4.69,4.97 4.97,5.06L7.45,6.05C8.11,5.58 8.67,5.25 9.14,5.06L9.5,2.44C9.58,2.16 9.73,2 10,2H14C14.27,2 14.42,2.16 14.5,2.44L14.86,5.06C15.45,5.31 16,5.64 16.55,6.05L19.03,5.06C19.31,4.97 19.5,5.03 19.64,5.25L21.66,8.72C21.81,9 21.78,9.22 21.56,9.38L19.45,11C19.5,11.23 19.5,11.56 19.5,12C19.5,12.44 19.5,12.77 19.45,13Z",yC2="M20,8H4V6H20V8M18,2H6V4H18V2M22,12V20A2,2 0 0,1 20,22H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,20V12A2,2 0 0,1 4,10H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,12M16,16L10,12.73V19.26L16,16Z",RC2="M2.5,4.5H21.5C22.34,4.5 23,5.15 23,6V17.5C23,18.35 22.34,19 21.5,19H2.5C1.65,19 1,18.35 1,17.5V6C1,5.15 1.65,4.5 2.5,4.5M9.71,8.5V15L15.42,11.7L9.71,8.5M17.25,21H6.65C6.35,21 6.15,20.8 6.15,20.5C6.15,20.2 6.35,20 6.65,20H17.35C17.65,20 17.85,20.2 17.85,20.5C17.85,20.8 17.55,21 17.25,21Z",xC2="M22 14.87V22H14V16H10V22H2V14.87C2 14.33 2.29 13.83 2.76 13.57L8.66 10.2C8.88 10.07 9.14 10 9.4 10H12.5V9H14V10H14.59C14.85 10 15.11 10.07 15.33 10.2L21.23 13.57C21.71 13.84 22 14.33 22 14.87M7.86 6.25H9.4C10.73 6.25 11.92 6.95 12.5 8H14C13.6 6.2 12 4.85 10.1 4.85V3.35C11.1 3.35 11.95 2.5 11.95 1.5V1H7.86V2.5C6.86 2.5 6 3.23 6 4.25S6.86 6.25 7.86 6.25Z",DC2="M16.3,10.58C13.14,10.58 10.6,13.13 10.6,16.28C10.6,19.43 13.15,22 16.3,22C19.45,22 22,19.43 22,16.28C22,13.13 19.45,10.58 16.3,10.58M18,19.08H13.19L15.81,15H13.31L14.4,13.23H19.18L16.63,17.28H19.18L18,19.08M16.3,3.93V2C8.41,2 2,8.42 2,16.31H3.92C3.94,9.46 9.5,3.93 16.3,3.93M16.3,7.74V5.82C10.5,5.82 5.81,10.53 5.81,16.31H7.73C7.75,11.58 11.59,7.74 16.3,7.74",EC2="M11.28,9.81C11.28,9.81 11.28,7 14.09,7H22.5C22.5,7 22.5,9.81 19.71,9.81H11.28M11.28,13.41C11.28,13.41 11.28,10.6 14.09,10.6H18.31C18.31,10.6 18.31,13.41 15.5,13.41H11.28M11.28,17C11.28,17 11.28,14.19 14.09,14.19H15.5C15.5,14.19 15.5,17 12.68,17H11.28M10.46,14.8V17H1.58L7.3,9.21H2.4V7H11.66L5.96,14.8H10.46Z",NC2="M4.06,6.15C3.97,6.17 3.88,6.22 3.8,6.28C2.66,7.9 2,9.87 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22C15,22 17.68,20.68 19.5,18.6L17,18.85C14.25,19.15 11.45,19.19 8.66,18.96C7.95,18.94 7.24,18.76 6.59,18.45C5.73,18.06 5.15,17.23 5.07,16.29C5.06,16.13 5.12,16 5.23,15.87L7.42,13.6L15.03,5.7V5.6H10.84C8.57,5.64 6.31,5.82 4.06,6.15M20.17,17.5C20.26,17.47 20.35,17.44 20.43,17.39C21.42,15.83 22,14 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2C9.22,2 6.7,3.13 4.89,4.97H5.17C8.28,4.57 11.43,4.47 14.56,4.65C15.5,4.64 16.45,4.82 17.33,5.17C18.25,5.53 18.89,6.38 19,7.37C19,7.53 18.93,7.7 18.82,7.82L9.71,17.19L9,17.95V18.06H13.14C15.5,18 17.84,17.81 20.17,17.5Z",WC2="M14,17H12V15H10V13H12V15H14M14,9H12V11H14V13H12V11H10V9H12V7H10V5H12V7H14M19,3H5C3.89,3 3,3.89 3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5C21,3.89 20.1,3 19,3Z",IC2="M12 17V15H14V17H12M14 13V11H12V13H14M14 9V7H12V9H14M10 11H12V9H10V11M10 15H12V13H10V15M21 5V19C21 20.1 20.1 21 19 21H5C3.9 21 3 20.1 3 19V5C3 3.9 3.9 3 5 3H19C20.1 3 21 3.9 21 5M19 5H12V7H10V5H5V19H19V5Z",GC2="M7,3L3,5V19A2,2 0 0,0 5,21H19A2,2 0 0,0 21,19V5L17,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 16,6H10A1,1 0 0,1 9,5V3H7M8,10H16A1,1 0 0,1 17,11V19H7V11A1,1 0 0,1 8,10Z",QC2="M15,12.41L12,9.41L9,12.41L6,9.41L3.71,11.71L2.29,10.29L6,6.59L9,9.59L12,6.59L15,9.59L18,6.59L21.71,10.29L20.29,11.71L18,9.41L15,12.41M18,15.41L20.29,17.71L21.71,16.29L18,12.59L15,15.59L12,12.59L9,15.59L6,12.59L2.29,16.29L3.71,17.71L6,15.41L9,18.41L12,15.41L15,18.41L18,15.41Z",UC2="M16,2C14.95,2 13.91,2.27 13,2.81C12.64,3 12.3,3.26 12,3.54C11.7,3.26 11.36,3 11,2.81C10.09,2.27 9.05,2 8,2A6,6 0 0,0 2,8A6,6 0 0,0 8,14V12A4,4 0 0,1 4,8A4,4 0 0,1 8,4C9,4 10,4.39 10.75,5.1C10.84,5.18 10.92,5.27 11,5.36V22H13V5.36C13.08,5.27 13.16,5.18 13.25,5.1C14.85,3.58 17.38,3.64 18.91,5.25C20.43,6.85 20.36,9.38 18.76,10.9C18,11.61 17.03,12 16,12V14A6,6 0 0,0 22,8A6,6 0 0,0 16,2Z",zC2="M12,4C6.5,4 2,7.58 2,12C2,14.12 3.65,15.87 5.76,16H6A4,4 0 0,0 10,12A4,4 0 0,0 6,8H5.76C7.44,6.41 9.69,5.55 12,5.6C13.77,5.58 15.5,6.07 17,7L18.25,5.75C16.38,4.58 14.21,3.97 12,4M6,10A2,2 0 0,1 8,12C8,13.11 7.08,14 6,14C4.96,14 4.1,13.22 4,12.2C4,12.07 4,11.93 4,11.8C4.1,10.77 4.97,10 6,10M18.24,8H18A4,4 0 0,0 14,12A4,4 0 0,0 18,16H18.24C16.56,17.59 14.31,18.45 12,18.4C10.23,18.42 8.5,17.93 7,17L5.76,18.24C7.63,19.41 9.79,20 12,20C17.5,20 22,16.42 22,12C22,9.88 20.35,8.13 18.24,8M18,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12C16,10.89 16.92,10 18,10C19.04,10 19.9,10.78 20,11.8C20,11.93 20,12.07 20,12.2C19.9,13.23 19.03,14 18,14Z",_C2="M15,13C14.3,13 13.61,13.19 13,13.55V6A3,3 0 0,0 10,3C9.25,3 8.55,3.29 8,3.78C7.45,3.28 6.74,3 6,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 7,6V16H9V6A1,1 0 0,1 10,5A1,1 0 0,1 11,6V17A2,2 0 0,1 9,19V21C10.15,21 11.25,20.5 12,19.62C13.45,21.29 15.97,21.47 17.64,20C19.31,18.58 19.5,16.05 18.04,14.38C17.28,13.5 16.17,13 15,13M15,19A2,2 0 0,1 13,17A2,2 0 0,1 15,15A2,2 0 0,1 17,17A2,2 0 0,1 15,19Z",KC2="M18,5.3C19.35,4.97 20.66,4.54 21.94,4L21.18,2.14C18.27,3.36 15.15,4 12,4C8.85,4 5.73,3.38 2.82,2.17L2.06,4C3.34,4.54 4.65,4.97 6,5.3V18.7C4.65,19.03 3.34,19.46 2.06,20L2.82,21.86C8.7,19.42 15.3,19.42 21.18,21.86L21.94,20C20.66,19.46 19.35,19.03 18,18.7V5.3M8,18.3V5.69C9.32,5.89 10.66,6 12,6C13.34,6 14.68,5.89 16,5.69V18.31C13.35,17.9 10.65,17.9 8,18.31V18.3Z",jC2="M20,17A3,3 0 0,1 17,20C15.38,19.92 14.08,18.62 14,17C14.16,15.39 14.5,13.8 15,12.26C15.54,10.55 15.87,8.79 16,7C15.93,4.27 13.73,2.07 11,2C8.27,2.07 6.07,4.27 6,7C6.15,8.53 6.5,10.03 7,11.5L7.21,12.2C5.1,11.53 2.86,12.7 2.19,14.8C1.5,16.91 2.68,19.16 4.79,19.83C6.9,20.5 9.14,19.33 9.81,17.22C9.94,16.83 10,16.41 10,16C9.84,14.27 9.5,12.56 8.91,10.92C8.47,9.65 8.16,8.34 8,7C8.08,5.38 9.38,4.08 11,4C12.62,4.08 13.92,5.38 14,7C13.84,8.61 13.5,10.2 13,11.74C12.46,13.45 12.13,15.21 12,17C12.07,19.73 14.27,21.93 17,22A5,5 0 0,0 22,17H20M6,18A2,2 0 0,1 4,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,14A2,2 0 0,1 8,16A2,2 0 0,1 6,18Z",qC2="M20,16V18H13V15.91C16,15.36 17.96,12.5 17.41,9.5C16.86,6.5 14,4.54 11,5.09C8,5.65 6.04,8.5 6.59,11.5C7,13.74 8.76,15.5 11,15.91V18H4V16H6.92C5.37,14.59 4.5,12.59 4.5,10.5A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 12,3A7.5,7.5 0 0,1 19.5,10.5C19.5,12.59 18.63,14.59 17.08,16H20M20,19H4V21H20V19Z",$C2="M20,11H18C18.11,8.19 18.73,5.42 19.81,2.82L18,2.06C16.81,4.9 16.13,7.92 16,11H8C7.87,7.92 7.19,4.9 6,2.06L4.14,2.82C5.24,5.41 5.87,8.18 6,11H4V13H6C5.89,15.81 5.27,18.58 4.19,21.18L6,21.94C7.19,19.1 7.87,16.08 8,13H16C16.13,16.08 16.81,19.1 18,21.94L19.86,21.18C18.76,18.59 18.13,15.82 18,13H20V11Z",XC2="M22,2V12H20V5.41L10.41,15L12.71,17.29L11.29,18.71L9,16.41L3.71,21.71L2.29,20.29L7.59,15L5.29,12.71L6.71,11.29L9,13.59L18.59,4H12V2H22Z",YC2="M17.71,15.29L16.29,16.71L17.59,18H16A2,2 0 0,1 14,16V6A3,3 0 0,0 11,3C10.25,3 9.55,3.29 9,3.78C7.86,2.76 6.14,2.76 5,3.78C4.45,3.28 3.74,3 3,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,6V16H6V6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5A1,1 0 0,1 8,6V16H10V6A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 12,6V16A4,4 0 0,0 16,20H17.59L16.29,21.29L17.71,22.71L21.41,19L17.71,15.29Z",JC2="M15.59,9C17.7,7.74 19,5.46 19,3H17A5,5 0 0,1 12,8A5,5 0 0,1 7,3H5C5,5.46 6.3,7.74 8.41,9C5.09,11 4,15.28 6,18.6C7.97,21.92 12.27,23 15.59,21C18.91,19.04 20,14.74 18,11.42C17.42,10.43 16.58,9.59 15.59,9M12,20A5,5 0 0,1 7,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,10A5,5 0 0,1 17,15A5,5 0 0,1 12,20Z",CH2="M18.5,19.13C20,17.77 20,15.18 20,14A4,4 0 0,0 16,10C15.3,10 14.6,10.2 14,10.56V6A3,3 0 0,0 11,3C10.25,3 9.55,3.29 9,3.78C7.86,2.76 6.14,2.76 5,3.78C4.45,3.28 3.74,3 3,3V5A1,1 0 0,1 4,6V16H6V6A1,1 0 0,1 7,5A1,1 0 0,1 8,6V16H10V6A1,1 0 0,1 11,5A1,1 0 0,1 12,6V14C12,15.18 12,17.77 13.5,19.13C12.72,19.54 11.88,19.84 11,20V22C12.29,22 14.84,20.74 16,20.13C17.16,20.74 19.71,22 21,22V20C20.12,19.84 19.28,19.54 18.5,19.13M16,12A2,2 0 0,1 18,14C18,16.92 17.46,18 16,18C14.54,18 14,16.92 14,14A2,2 0 0,1 16,12Z";const 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1,mdiTooltipOutline:rJ1,mdiTooltipPlus:aJ1,mdiTooltipPlusOutline:eJ1,mdiTooltipQuestion:dJ1,mdiTooltipQuestionOutline:mJ1,mdiTooltipRemove:tJ1,mdiTooltipRemoveOutline:vJ1,mdiTooltipText:lJ1,mdiTooltipTextOutline:oJ1,mdiTooth:nJ1,mdiToothOutline:ZJ1,mdiToothbrush:SJ1,mdiToothbrushElectric:uJ1,mdiToothbrushPaste:cJ1,mdiTorch:sJ1,mdiTortoise:OJ1,mdiToslink:hJ1,mdiTouchTextOutline:pJ1,mdiTournament:fJ1,mdiTowTruck:gJ1,mdiTowerBeach:kJ1,mdiTowerFire:BJ1,mdiTownHall:PJ1,mdiToyBrick:wJ1,mdiToyBrickMarker:FJ1,mdiToyBrickMarkerOutline:TJ1,mdiToyBrickMinus:bJ1,mdiToyBrickMinusOutline:yJ1,mdiToyBrickOutline:RJ1,mdiToyBrickPlus:xJ1,mdiToyBrickPlusOutline:DJ1,mdiToyBrickRemove:EJ1,mdiToyBrickRemoveOutline:NJ1,mdiToyBrickSearch:WJ1,mdiToyBrickSearchOutline:IJ1,mdiTrackLight:GJ1,mdiTrackLightOff:QJ1,mdiTrackpad:UJ1,mdiTrackpadLock:zJ1,mdiTractor:_J1,mdiTractorVariant:KJ1,mdiTrademark:jJ1,mdiTrafficCone:qJ1,mdiTrafficLight:$J1,mdiTrafficLightOutline:XJ1,mdiTrain:YJ1,mdiTrainBus:JJ1,mdiTrainCar:C12,mdiTrainCarAutorack:H12,mdiTrainCarBox:V12,mdiTrainCarBoxFull:L12,mdiTrainCarBoxOpen:M12,mdiTrainCarCaboose:A12,mdiTrainCarCenterbeam:i12,mdiTrainCarCenterbeamFull:r12,mdiTrainCarContainer:a12,mdiTrainCarFlatbed:e12,mdiTrainCarFlatbedCar:d12,mdiTrainCarFlatbedTank:m12,mdiTrainCarGondola:t12,mdiTrainCarGondolaFull:v12,mdiTrainCarHopper:l12,mdiTrainCarHopperCovered:o12,mdiTrainCarHopperFull:n12,mdiTrainCarIntermodal:Z12,mdiTrainCarPassenger:S12,mdiTrainCarPassengerDoor:u12,mdiTrainCarPassengerDoorOpen:c12,mdiTrainCarPassengerVariant:s12,mdiTrainCarTank:O12,mdiTrainVariant:h12,mdiTram:p12,mdiTramSide:f12,mdiTranscribe:g12,mdiTranscribeClose:k12,mdiTransfer:B12,mdiTransferDown:P12,mdiTransferLeft:w12,mdiTransferRight:F12,mdiTransferUp:T12,mdiTransitConnection:b12,mdiTransitConnectionHorizontal:y12,mdiTransitConnectionVariant:R12,mdiTransitDetour:x12,mdiTransitSkip:D12,mdiTransitTransfer:E12,mdiTransition:N12,mdiTransitionMasked:W12,mdiTranslate:I12,mdiTranslateOff:G12,mdiTranslateVariant:Q12,mdiTransmissionTower:U12,mdiTransmissionTowerExport:z12,mdiTransmissionTowerImport:_12,mdiTransmissionTowerOff:K12,mdiTrashCan:j12,mdiTrashCanOutline:q12,mdiTray:$12,mdiTrayAlert:X12,mdiTrayArrowDown:Y12,mdiTrayArrowUp:J12,mdiTrayFull:C22,mdiTrayMinus:H22,mdiTrayPlus:V22,mdiTrayRemove:L22,mdiTreasureChest:M22,mdiTreasureChestOutline:A22,mdiTree:i22,mdiTreeOutline:r22,mdiTrello:a22,mdiTrendingDown:e22,mdiTrendingNeutral:d22,mdiTrendingUp:m22,mdiTriangle:t22,mdiTriangleDown:v22,mdiTriangleDownOutline:l22,mdiTriangleOutline:o22,mdiTriangleSmallDown:n22,mdiTriangleSmallUp:Z22,mdiTriangleWave:S22,mdiTriforce:u22,mdiTrophy:c22,mdiTrophyAward:s22,mdiTrophyBroken:O22,mdiTrophyOutline:h22,mdiTrophyVariant:p22,mdiTrophyVariantOutline:f22,mdiTruck:g22,mdiTruckAlert:k22,mdiTruckAlertOutline:B22,mdiTruckCargoContainer:P22,mdiTruckCheck:w22,mdiTruckCheckOutline:F22,mdiTruckDelivery:T22,mdiTruckDeliveryOutline:b22,mdiTruckFast:y22,mdiTruckFastOutline:R22,mdiTruckFlatbed:x22,mdiTruckMinus:D22,mdiTruckMinusOutline:E22,mdiTruckOffRoad:N22,mdiTruckOffRoadOff:W22,mdiTruckOutline:I22,mdiTruckPlus:G22,mdiTruckPlusOutline:Q22,mdiTruckRemove:U22,mdiTruckRemoveOutline:z22,mdiTruckSnowflake:_22,mdiTruckTrailer:K22,mdiTrumpet:j22,mdiTshirtCrew:q22,mdiTshirtCrewOutline:$22,mdiTshirtV:X22,mdiTshirtVOutline:Y22,mdiTsunami:J22,mdiTumbleDryer:C52,mdiTumbleDryerAlert:H52,mdiTumbleDryerOff:V52,mdiTune:L52,mdiTuneVariant:M52,mdiTuneVertical:A52,mdiTuneVerticalVariant:i52,mdiTunnel:r52,mdiTunnelOutline:a52,mdiTurbine:e52,mdiTurkey:d52,mdiTurnstile:m52,mdiTurnstileOutline:t52,mdiTurtle:v52,mdiTwitch:l52,mdiTwitter:o52,mdiTwoFactorAuthentication:n52,mdiTypewriter:Z52,mdiUbisoft:S52,mdiUbuntu:u52,mdiUfo:c52,mdiUfoOutline:s52,mdiUltraHighDefinition:O52,mdiUmbraco:h52,mdiUmbrella:p52,mdiUmbrellaBeach:f52,mdiUmbrellaBeachOutline:g52,mdiUmbrellaClosed:k52,mdiUmbrellaClosedOutline:B52,mdiUmbrellaClosedVariant:P52,mdiUmbrellaOutline:w52,mdiUnderwearOutline:F52,mdiUndo:T52,mdiUndoVariant:b52,mdiUnfoldLessHorizontal:y52,mdiUnfoldLessVertical:R52,mdiUnfoldMoreHorizontal:x52,mdiUnfoldMoreVertical:D52,mdiUngroup:E52,mdiUnicode:N52,mdiUnicorn:W52,mdiUnicornVariant:I52,mdiUnicycle:G52,mdiUnity:Q52,mdiUnreal:U52,mdiUpdate:z52,mdiUpload:_52,mdiUploadBox:K52,mdiUploadBoxOutline:j52,mdiUploadCircle:q52,mdiUploadCircleOutline:$52,mdiUploadLock:X52,mdiUploadLockOutline:Y52,mdiUploadMultiple:J52,mdiUploadMultipleOutline:C32,mdiUploadNetwork:H32,mdiUploadNetworkOutline:V32,mdiUploadOff:L32,mdiUploadOffOutline:M32,mdiUploadOutline:A32,mdiUsb:i32,mdiUsbCPort:r32,mdiUsbFlashDrive:a32,mdiUsbFlashDriveOutline:e32,mdiUsbPort:d32,mdiVacuum:m32,mdiVacuumOutline:t32,mdiValve:v32,mdiValveClosed:l32,mdiValveOpen:o32,mdiVanPassenger:n32,mdiVanUtility:Z32,mdiVanish:S32,mdiVanishQuarter:u32,mdiVanityLight:c32,mdiVariable:s32,mdiVariableBox:O32,mdiVectorArrangeAbove:h32,mdiVectorArrangeBelow:p32,mdiVectorBezier:f32,mdiVectorCircle:g32,mdiVectorCircleVariant:k32,mdiVectorCombine:B32,mdiVectorCurve:P32,mdiVectorDifference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N(V){return Array.isArray?Array.isArray(V):k1(V)==="[object Array]"}const VH2=1/0;function LH2(V){if(typeof V=="string")return V;let C=V+"";return C=="0"&&1/V==-VH2?"-0":C}function MH2(V){return V==null?"":LH2(V)}function x(V){return typeof V=="string"}function f1(V){return typeof V=="number"}function AH2(V){return V===!0||V===!1||iH2(V)&&k1(V)=="[object Boolean]"}function g1(V){return typeof V=="object"}function iH2(V){return g1(V)&&V!==null}function k(V){return V!=null}function m1(V){return!V.trim().length}function k1(V){return V==null?V===void 0?"[object Undefined]":"[object Null]":Object.prototype.toString.call(V)}const rH2="Incorrect 'index' type",aH2=V=>`Invalid value for key ${V}`,eH2=V=>`Pattern length exceeds max of ${V}.`,dH2=V=>`Missing ${V} property in key`,mH2=V=>`Property 'weight' in key '${V}' must be a positive integer`,c1=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;class tH2{constructor(C){this._keys=[],this._keyMap={};let L=0;C.forEach(M=>{let H=B1(M);this._keys.push(H),this._keyMap[H.id]=H,L+=H.weight}),this._keys.forEach(M=>{M.weight/=L})}get(C){return this._keyMap[C]}keys(){return this._keys}toJSON(){return JSON.stringify(this._keys)}}function B1(V){let C=null,L=null,M=null,H=1,A=null;if(x(V)||N(V))M=V,C=s1(V),L=t1(V);else{if(!c1.call(V,"name"))throw new Error(dH2("name"));const i=V.name;if(M=i,c1.call(V,"weight")&&(H=V.weight,H<=0))throw new Error(mH2(i));C=s1(i),L=t1(i),A=V.getFn}return{path:C,id:L,weight:H,src:M,getFn:A}}function s1(V){return N(V)?V:V.split(".")}function t1(V){return N(V)?V.join("."):V}function vH2(V,C){let L=[],M=!1;const H=(A,i,r)=>{if(k(A))if(!i[r])L.push(A);else{let a=i[r];const e=A[a];if(!k(e))return;if(r===i.length-1&&(x(e)||f1(e)||AH2(e)))L.push(MH2(e));else if(N(e)){M=!0;for(let d=0,l=e.length;dV.score===C.score?V.idx{this._keysMap[L.id]=M})}create(){this.isCreated||!this.docs.length||(this.isCreated=!0,x(this.docs[0])?this.docs.forEach((C,L)=>{this._addString(C,L)}):this.docs.forEach((C,L)=>{this._addObject(C,L)}),this.norm.clear())}add(C){const L=this.size();x(C)?this._addString(C,L):this._addObject(C,L)}removeAt(C){this.records.splice(C,1);for(let L=C,M=this.size();L{let i=H.getFn?H.getFn(C):this.getFn(C,H.path);if(k(i)){if(N(i)){let r=[];const a=[{nestedArrIndex:-1,value:i}];for(;a.length;){const{nestedArrIndex:e,value:d}=a.pop();if(k(d))if(x(d)&&!m1(d)){let l={v:d,i:e,n:this.norm.get(d)};r.push(l)}else N(d)&&d.forEach((l,o)=>{a.push({nestedArrIndex:o,value:l})})}M.$[A]=r}else if(x(i)&&!m1(i)){let r={v:i,n:this.norm.get(i)};M.$[A]=r}}}),this.records.push(M)}toJSON(){return{keys:this.keys,records:this.records}}}function P1(V,C,{getFn:L=t.getFn,fieldNormWeight:M=t.fieldNormWeight}={}){const H=new S1({getFn:L,fieldNormWeight:M});return H.setKeys(V.map(B1)),H.setSources(C),H.create(),H}function cH2(V,{getFn:C=t.getFn,fieldNormWeight:L=t.fieldNormWeight}={}){const{keys:M,records:H}=V,A=new S1({getFn:C,fieldNormWeight:L});return A.setKeys(M),A.setIndexRecords(H),A}function r1(V,{errors:C=0,currentLocation:L=0,expectedLocation:M=0,distance:H=t.distance,ignoreLocation:A=t.ignoreLocation}={}){const i=C/V.length;if(A)return i;const r=Math.abs(M-L);return H?i+r/H:r?1:i}function sH2(V=[],C=t.minMatchCharLength){let L=[],M=-1,H=-1,A=0;for(let i=V.length;A=C&&L.push([M,H]),M=-1)}return V[A-1]&&A-M>=C&&L.push([M,A-1]),L}const _=32;function OH2(V,C,L,{location:M=t.location,distance:H=t.distance,threshold:A=t.threshold,findAllMatches:i=t.findAllMatches,minMatchCharLength:r=t.minMatchCharLength,includeMatches:a=t.includeMatches,ignoreLocation:e=t.ignoreLocation}={}){if(C.length>_)throw new Error(eH2(_));const d=C.length,l=V.length,o=Math.max(0,Math.min(M,l));let Z=A,u=o;const O=r>1||a,w=O?Array(l):[];let B;for(;(B=V.indexOf(C,u))>-1;){let s=r1(C,{currentLocation:B,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e});if(Z=Math.min(s,Z),u=B+d,O){let F=0;for(;F=q;f-=1){let Q=f-1,E=L[V.charAt(Q)];if(O&&(w[Q]=+!!E),p[f]=(p[f+1]<<1|1)&E,s&&(p[f]|=(T[f+1]|T[f])<<1|1|T[f+1]),p[f]&A1&&(D=r1(C,{errors:s,currentLocation:Q,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e}),D<=Z)){if(Z=D,u=Q,u<=o)break;q=Math.max(1,2*o-u)}}if(r1(C,{errors:s+1,currentLocation:o,expectedLocation:o,distance:H,ignoreLocation:e})>Z)break;T=p}const G={isMatch:u>=0,score:Math.max(.001,D)};if(O){const s=sH2(w,r);s.length?a&&(G.indices=s):G.isMatch=!1}return G}function hH2(V){let C={};for(let L=0,M=V.length;L{this.chunks.push({pattern:o,alphabet:hH2(o),startIndex:Z})},l=this.pattern.length;if(l>_){let o=0;const Z=l%_,u=l-Z;for(;o{const{isMatch:B,score:T,indices:D}=OH2(C,u,O,{location:H+w,distance:A,threshold:i,findAllMatches:r,minMatchCharLength:a,includeMatches:M,ignoreLocation:e});B&&(o=!0),l+=T,B&&D&&(d=[...d,...D])});let Z={isMatch:o,score:o?l/this.chunks.length:1};return o&&M&&(Z.indices=d),Z}}class I{constructor(C){this.pattern=C}static isMultiMatch(C){return O1(C,this.multiRegex)}static isSingleMatch(C){return O1(C,this.singleRegex)}search(){}}function O1(V,C){const L=V.match(C);return L?L[1]:null}class pH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^="(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^=(.*)$/}search(C){const L=C===this.pattern;return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,this.pattern.length-1]}}}class fH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!(.*)$/}search(C){const M=C.indexOf(this.pattern)===-1;return{isMatch:M,score:M?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class gH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"prefix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^\^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^\^(.*)$/}search(C){const L=C.startsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,this.pattern.length-1]}}}class kH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-prefix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!\^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!\^(.*)$/}search(C){const L=!C.startsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class BH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"suffix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^"(.*)"\$$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^(.*)\$$/}search(C){const L=C.endsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[C.length-this.pattern.length,C.length-1]}}}class PH2 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"inverse-suffix-exact"}static get multiRegex(){return/^!"(.*)"\$$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^!(.*)\$$/}search(C){const L=!C.endsWith(this.pattern);return{isMatch:L,score:L?0:1,indices:[0,C.length-1]}}}class F1 extends I{constructor(C,{location:L=t.location,threshold:M=t.threshold,distance:H=t.distance,includeMatches:A=t.includeMatches,findAllMatches:i=t.findAllMatches,minMatchCharLength:r=t.minMatchCharLength,isCaseSensitive:a=t.isCaseSensitive,ignoreLocation:e=t.ignoreLocation}={}){super(C),this._bitapSearch=new w1(C,{location:L,threshold:M,distance:H,includeMatches:A,findAllMatches:i,minMatchCharLength:r,isCaseSensitive:a,ignoreLocation:e})}static get type(){return"fuzzy"}static get multiRegex(){return/^"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^(.*)$/}search(C){return this._bitapSearch.searchIn(C)}}class T1 extends I{constructor(C){super(C)}static get type(){return"include"}static get multiRegex(){return/^'"(.*)"$/}static get singleRegex(){return/^'(.*)$/}search(C){let L=0,M;const H=[],A=this.pattern.length;for(;(M=C.indexOf(this.pattern,L))>-1;)L=M+A,H.push([M,L-1]);const i=!!H.length;return{isMatch:i,score:i?0:1,indices:H}}}const v1=[pH2,T1,gH2,kH2,PH2,BH2,fH2,F1],h1=v1.length,wH2=/ +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)/,FH2="|";function TH2(V,C={}){return V.split(FH2).map(L=>{let M=L.trim().split(wH2).filter(A=>A&&!!A.trim()),H=[];for(let A=0,i=M.length;A!!(V[a1.AND]||V[a1.OR]),xH2=V=>!!V[n1.PATH],DH2=V=>!N(V)&&g1(V)&&!Z1(V),p1=V=>({[a1.AND]:Object.keys(V).map(C=>({[C]:V[C]}))});function b1(V,C,{auto:L=!0}={}){const M=H=>{let A=Object.keys(H);const i=xH2(H);if(!i&&A.length>1&&!Z1(H))return M(p1(H));if(DH2(H)){const a=i?H[n1.PATH]:A[0],e=i?H[n1.PATTERN]:H[a];if(!x(e))throw new Error(aH2(a));const d={keyId:t1(a),pattern:e};return L&&(d.searcher=o1(e,C)),d}let r={children:[],operator:A[0]};return A.forEach(a=>{const e=H[a];N(e)&&e.forEach(d=>{r.children.push(M(d))})}),r};return Z1(V)||(V=p1(V)),M(V)}function EH2(V,{ignoreFieldNorm:C=t.ignoreFieldNorm}){V.forEach(L=>{let M=1;L.matches.forEach(({key:H,norm:A,score:i})=>{const r=H?H.weight:null;M*=Math.pow(i===0&&r?Number.EPSILON:i,(r||1)*(C?1:A))}),L.score=M})}function NH2(V,C){const L=V.matches;C.matches=[],k(L)&&L.forEach(M=>{if(!k(M.indices)||!M.indices.length)return;const{indices:H,value:A}=M;let i={indices:H,value:A};M.key&&(i.key=M.key.src),M.idx>-1&&(i.refIndex=M.idx),C.matches.push(i)})}function WH2(V,C){C.score=V.score}function IH2(V,C,{includeMatches:L=t.includeMatches,includeScore:M=t.includeScore}={}){const H=[];return L&&H.push(NH2),M&&H.push(WH2),V.map(A=>{const{idx:i}=A,r={item:C[i],refIndex:i};return H.length&&H.forEach(a=>{a(A,r)}),r})}class K{constructor(C,L={},M){this.options={...t,...L},this.options.useExtendedSearch,this._keyStore=new tH2(this.options.keys),this.setCollection(C,M)}setCollection(C,L){if(this._docs=C,L&&!(L instanceof S1))throw new Error(rH2);this._myIndex=L||P1(this.options.keys,this._docs,{getFn:this.options.getFn,fieldNormWeight:this.options.fieldNormWeight})}add(C){k(C)&&(this._docs.push(C),this._myIndex.add(C))}remove(C=()=>!1){const L=[];for(let M=0,H=this._docs.length;M-1&&(a=a.slice(0,L)),IH2(a,this._docs,{includeMatches:M,includeScore:H})}_searchStringList(C){const L=o1(C,this.options),{records:M}=this._myIndex,H=[];return M.forEach(({v:A,i,n:r})=>{if(!k(A))return;const{isMatch:a,score:e,indices:d}=L.searchIn(A);a&&H.push({item:A,idx:i,matches:[{score:e,value:A,norm:r,indices:d}]})}),H}_searchLogical(C){const L=b1(C,this.options),M=(r,a,e)=>{if(!r.children){const{keyId:l,searcher:o}=r,Z=this._findMatches({key:this._keyStore.get(l),value:this._myIndex.getValueForItemAtKeyId(a,l),searcher:o});return Z&&Z.length?[{idx:e,item:a,matches:Z}]:[]}const d=[];for(let l=0,o=r.children.length;l{if(k(r)){let e=M(L,r,a);e.length&&(A[a]||(A[a]={idx:a,item:r,matches:[]},i.push(A[a])),e.forEach(({matches:d})=>{A[a].matches.push(...d)}))}}),i}_searchObjectList(C){const L=o1(C,this.options),{keys:M,records:H}=this._myIndex,A=[];return H.forEach(({$:i,i:r})=>{if(!k(i))return;let a=[];M.forEach((e,d)=>{a.push(...this._findMatches({key:e,value:i[d],searcher:L}))}),a.length&&A.push({idx:r,item:i,matches:a})}),A}_findMatches({key:C,value:L,searcher:M}){if(!k(L))return[];let H=[];if(N(L))L.forEach(({v:A,i,n:r})=>{if(!k(A))return;const{isMatch:a,score:e,indices:d}=M.searchIn(A);a&&H.push({score:e,key:C,value:A,idx:i,norm:r,indices:d})});else{const{v:A,n:i}=L,{isMatch:r,score:a,indices:e}=M.searchIn(A);r&&H.push({score:a,key:C,value:A,norm:i,indices:e})}return H}}K.version="7.0.0";K.createIndex=P1;K.parseIndex=cH2;K.config=t;K.parseQuery=b1;RH2(yH2);const GH2=[{displayName:"Cam Tilt",variableName:"CamTilt",iconName:"mdi-camera-retake",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Cam Pan",variableName:"CamPan",iconName:"mdi-camera-retake",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Tether Turns",variableName:"TetherTrn",iconName:"mdi-horizontal-rotate-clockwise",variableUnit:"x",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Lights (1)",variableName:"Lights1",iconName:"mdi-flashlight",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Lights (2)",variableName:"Lights2",iconName:"mdi-flashlight",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Pilot Gain",variableName:"PilotGain",iconName:"mdi-account-hard-hat",variableUnit:"%",variableMultiplier:100},{displayName:"Input Hold",variableName:"InputHold",iconName:"mdi-gesture-tap-hold",variableUnit:"",variableMultiplier:1},{displayName:"Roll Pitch",variableName:"RollPitch",iconName:"mdi-controller",variableUnit:"",variableMultiplier:1}],Y=V=>(C2("data-v-bff6299d"),V=V(),H2(),V),QH2={class:"h-12 p-1 text-white transition-all w-[8.5rem] relative scroll-container"},UH2={class:"absolute left-[3rem] h-full select-none font-semibold scroll-container w-[5.5rem]"},zH2={class:"font-mono text-xl leading-6"},_H2={class:"text-xl leading-6"},KH2={class:"w-full text-sm absolute bottom-[0.5rem] whitespace-nowrap text-ellipsis overflow-x-hidden"},jH2={class:"flex 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m<0&&m>-10||m<=-10&&m>-100?m.toFixed(1):m<=-100&&m>-1e3?m.toFixed(0):m<=-1e3&&m>-1e4?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(1)}k`:m<=-1e4?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(0)}k`:m<1?m.toFixed(3):m>=1&&m<100?m.toFixed(2):m>=100&&m<1e3?m.toFixed(1):m>=1e3&&m<1e4?m.toFixed(0):m>=1e4&&m<1e5?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(1)}k`:m>=1e5?`${(m/1e3).toFixed(0)}k`:m.toFixed(0)}),d=$(()=>a.value<=-1e5||a.value>=1e6),l=y(Array.from(J.getAllVariables())),o=y(""),Z=()=>{l.value=Array.from(J.getAllVariables())},u=$(()=>H.value.options.displayName!==""&&H.value.options.variableName!==""),O=async()=>{const m=i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash);u.value&&(J.removeVariable(o.value),J.addVariable(H.value.options.displayName),o.value=H.value.options.displayName,Z()),m.configMenuOpen=!1},w=()=>{r.value=A.genericVariables[H.value.options.variableName]},B=()=>{H.value.name=H.value.options.displayName||H.value.options.variableName},T=()=>{q.value=A.availableGenericVariables},D=$(()=>({displayName:M.miniWidget.options.displayName,variableValue:`${e.value} ${M.miniWidget.options.variableUnit}`,lastChanged:0,currentView:i.currentView.name})),j=()=>{H.value.options.variableName&&J1.registerVeryGenericData(D.value)};C1(a,()=>{i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen===!1&&j()},{immediate:!0}),C1(A.genericVariables,()=>w()),C1(()=>A.availableGenericVariables,()=>T(),{deep:!0}),C1(H,()=>{w(),B(),T()},{deep:!0}),Q1(()=>{H.value.options.variableName&&(H.value.options.variableName=H.value.options.variableName.replaceAll(".","/")),w(),B(),T(),H.value.options.displayName&&i.editingMode===!1&&J.addVariable(H.value.options.displayName),H.value.options.variableName&&A.registerUsageOfGenericVariable(H.value.options.variableName),o.value=H.value.options.displayName});const A1={includeScore:!0,ignoreLocation:!0,threshold:.3};let G=[];const s=y(""),F=y([]);U1(s,()=>{const S=new K(G,A1).search(s.value);F.value=S.map(U=>U.item)},{throttle:1e3});const h=y(""),q=y([]),b=y(!1),p=y(!1),e1=$(()=>h.value===""?q.value:new K(q.value,A1).search(h.value).map(U=>U.item).filter((U,n,z)=>z.indexOf(U)===n)),f=m=>{H.value.options.variableName=m,h.value="",b.value=!1,A.registerUsageOfGenericVariable(m)},Q=m=>{H.value.options.iconName=m,s.value="",p.value=!1};C1(b,async m=>{m===!0&&e1.value.isEmpty()&&(i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen=!1,b.value=!1,await C({message:"No variables found to choose from. Please make sure your vehicle is connected.",variant:"error"}),i.miniWidgetManagerVars(H.value.hash).configMenuOpen=!0)});const E=y(u.value?"custom":"presets"),y1=m=>{H.value.options.displayName=m.displayName,H.value.options.variableName=m.variableName,H.value.options.iconName=m.iconName,H.value.options.variableUnit=m.variableUnit,H.value.options.variableMultiplier=m.variableMultiplier};return(m,S)=>{const U=z1("RecycleScroller");return g(),P(i1,null,[v("div",QH2,[v("span",{class:W(["h-full left-[0.5rem] bottom-[5%] absolute mdi text-[2.25rem]",[c(H).options.iconName]])},null,2),v("div",UH2,[v("div",{class:W(["w-full",{"scroll-text":d.value}])},[v("span",zH2,R(e.value),1),v("span",_H2,R(" ")+" "+R(c(H).options.variableUnit),1)],2),v("span",KH2,R(c(H).options.displayName),1)])]),H1(Y1,{modelValue:c(i).miniWidgetManagerVars(c(H).hash).configMenuOpen,"onUpdate:modelValue":S[9]||(S[9]=n=>c(i).miniWidgetManagerVars(c(H).hash).configMenuOpen=n),class:"w-[100vw] flex justify-center items-center",onAfterLeave:O},{default:X(()=>[H1(_1,{class:"config-modal p-8",style:K1(c(L).globalGlassMenuStyles)},{default:X(()=>[v("div",{class:"close-icon mdi mdi-close",onClick:j1(O,["stop"])}),H1(q1,{class:"text-white"},{default:X(()=>[v("div",jH2,[v("div",{class:W(["px-3 py-1 transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer select-none text-slate-100 hover:bg-[#FFFFFF33]",{"bg-[#FFFFFF22]":E.value==="presets"}]),onClick:S[0]||(S[0]=n=>E.value="presets")}," Presets ",2),v("div",{class:W(["px-3 py-1 transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer select-none text-slate-100 hover:bg-[#FFFFFF33]",{"bg-[#FFFFFF22]":E.value==="custom"}]),onClick:S[1]||(S[1]=n=>E.value="custom")}," Custom ",2)])]),_:1}),E.value==="custom"?(g(),P("div",qH2,[v("div",$H2,[XH2,V1(v("input",{"onUpdate:modelValue":S[2]||(S[2]=n=>c(H).options.displayName=n),class:"w-full px-2 py-1 rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12]"},null,512),[[L1,c(H).options.displayName]])]),v("div",YH2,[JH2,v("div",CV2,[v("button",{class:"w-full py-1 pl-2 pr-8 text-left transition-all rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12] hover:bg-slate-400",onClick:S[3]||(S[3]=n=>b.value=!b.value)},[v("p",HV2,R(c(H).options.variableName||"Click to choose..."),1)]),VV2])]),H1(u1,null,{default:X(()=>[b.value?(g(),P("div",LV2,[V1(v("input",{"onUpdate:modelValue":S[4]||(S[4]=n=>h.value=n),placeholder:"Search variable...",class:"w-full px-2 py-1 rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12]"},null,512),[[L1,h.value]]),v("div",MV2,[(g(!0),P(i1,null,d1(e1.value,(n,z)=>(g(),P("span",{key:z,class:"h-8 p-1 m-1 overflow-x-hidden text-white transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer select-none bg-slate-700 hover:bg-slate-400/20",onClick:R1=>f(n)},R(n),9,AV2))),128))])])):M1("",!0)]),_:1}),v("div",iV2,[v("div",rV2,[aV2,V1(v("input",{"onUpdate:modelValue":S[5]||(S[5]=n=>c(H).options.variableUnit=n),class:"w-full px-2 py-1 rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12]"},null,512),[[L1,c(H).options.variableUnit]])]),v("div",eV2,[dV2,V1(v("input",{"onUpdate:modelValue":S[6]||(S[6]=n=>c(H).options.variableMultiplier=n),class:"w-full px-2 py-1 rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12]"},null,512),[[L1,c(H).options.variableMultiplier]])])]),v("div",mV2,[tV2,v("div",vV2,[v("button",{class:"w-full py-1 pl-2 pr-8 text-left transition-all rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12] hover:bg-slate-400",onClick:S[7]||(S[7]=n=>p.value=!p.value)},[v("p",lV2,R(c(H).options.iconName||"Click to choose..."),1)]),v("span",{class:W(["absolute right-0.5 m-1 text-2xl -translate-y-1 cursor-pointer text-slate-500 mdi",[c(H).options.iconName]])},null,2)])]),H1(u1,null,{default:X(()=>[p.value?(g(),P("div",oV2,[v("div",null,[V1(v("input",{"onUpdate:modelValue":S[8]||(S[8]=n=>s.value=n),class:"w-full px-2 py-1 rounded-md bg-[#FFFFFF12]",placeholder:"Search icons..."},null,512),[[L1,s.value]])]),s.value===""&&p.value?(g(),$1(U,{key:0,class:"w-full h-40 mt-3 text-[34px]",items:c(G),"item-size":46,"grid-items":7},{default:X(({item:n})=>[v("span",{class:W(["m-1 text-white cursor-pointer mdi icon-symbol",[n]]),onClick:z=>Q(n)},null,10,nV2)]),_:1},8,["items"])):p.value?(g(),P("div",ZV2,[(g(!0),P(i1,null,d1(F.value,n=>(g(),P("span",{key:n,class:W(["m-1 text-white cursor-pointer mdi icon-symbol",[n]]),onClick:z=>Q(n)},null,10,SV2))),128))])):M1("",!0)])):M1("",!0)]),_:1})])):M1("",!0),E.value==="presets"?(g(),P("div",uV2,[(g(!0),P(i1,null,d1(c(GH2),(n,z)=>(g(),P("div",{key:z,class:"flex items-center justify-center px-2 m-2 text-white transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer hover:bg-slate-100/20",onClick:R1=>y1(n)},[v("span",{class:W(["relative w-[2rem] mdi icon-symbol text-[34px] mx-2",[n.iconName]])},null,2),v("div",sV2,[v("span",OV2,R(c(X1)(Math.random()*Number(n.variableMultiplier)).toFixed(0))+" "+R(n.variableUnit),1),v("span",hV2,R(n.displayName),1)])],8,cV2))),128))])):M1("",!0)]),_:1},8,["style"])]),_:1},8,["modelValue"])],64)}}}),gV2=V2(pV2,[["__scopeId","data-v-bff6299d"]]);export{gV2 as default}; diff --git a/VideoPlayer-BBG3CBcb.js b/VideoPlayer-CP-_QVpJ.js similarity index 98% rename from VideoPlayer-BBG3CBcb.js rename to VideoPlayer-CP-_QVpJ.js index ac4f9724f..2f3a52059 100644 --- a/VideoPlayer-BBG3CBcb.js +++ b/VideoPlayer-CP-_QVpJ.js @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -import{bE as z,d as B,a_ as A,b as o,p as H,F as O,C as L,a4 as W,a6 as Y,a5 as q,v as V,a9 as G,ab as J,I as K,x as I,l as g,o as d,c as u,a as l,t as h,L as b,M as N,N as f,i,J as m,T as Q,K as X,ak as Z,U as ee,ad as M,at as $,R as C,_ as te,a1 as ae,a2 as oe,a3 as le}from"./index-CySUZn1B.js";const se=z("v-banner-text"),r=y=>(ae("data-v-9aa88fa6"),y=y(),oe(),y),ne={ref:"videoWidget",class:"video-widget"},ie={key:0,class:"no-video-alert"},re=r(()=>l("span",null,"No video stream selected.",-1)),de=[re],ue={key:1,class:"no-video-alert"},ce=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),pe=r(()=>l("p",null," This can happen if you changed vehicles and the stream name in the new one is different from the former, or if the source is not available at all. ",-1)),me=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),ve=r(()=>l("p",null," Please open this video player configuration and select a new stream from the ones available, or check your source for issues. ",-1)),fe={key:2,class:"no-video-alert"},ye={class:"no-video-alert"},ge=r(()=>l("span",{class:"text-xl font-bold"},"Server status: ",-1)),he=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),Se=r(()=>l("span",{class:"text-xl font-bold"},"Stream status: ",-1)),_e=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),Ve={key:3,class:"no-video-alert"},we=r(()=>l("p",null,"Loading stream...",-1)),be=[we],xe={class:"flex-wrap justify-center d-flex ga-5"},ke=B({__name:"VideoPlayer",props:{widget:{}},setup(y){A(s=>({"3cf7acce":o(e).options.videoFitStyle,"87c3aa06":D.value}));const F=H(),{showDialog:U}=O(),c=L(),x=W(),{namesAvailableStreams:p}=Y(c),e=q(y).widget,n=V(),S=V(),v=V(),w=V(!1);G(()=>{const s={videoFitStyle:"cover",flipHorizontally:!1,flipVertically:!1,rotationAngle:0,streamName:void 0};e.value.options=Object.assign({},s,e.value.options),n.value=e.value.options.streamName});const R=setInterval(()=>{var a;e.value.options.streamName===void 0&&!p.value.isEmpty()&&(e.value.options.streamName=p.value[0],n.value=e.value.options.streamName,p.value.length>1&&U({maxWidth:600,title:"Multiple streams detected",message:`You have multiple streams available, so we chose one randomly to start with. +import{bE as z,d as B,a_ as A,b as o,p as H,F as O,C as L,a4 as W,a6 as Y,a5 as q,v as V,a9 as G,ab as J,I as K,x as I,l as g,o as d,c as u,a as l,t as h,L as b,M as N,N as f,i,J as m,T as Q,K as X,ak as Z,U as ee,ad as M,at as $,R as C,_ as te,a1 as ae,a2 as oe,a3 as le}from"./index-Dnoh0Quy.js";const se=z("v-banner-text"),r=y=>(ae("data-v-9aa88fa6"),y=y(),oe(),y),ne={ref:"videoWidget",class:"video-widget"},ie={key:0,class:"no-video-alert"},re=r(()=>l("span",null,"No video stream selected.",-1)),de=[re],ue={key:1,class:"no-video-alert"},ce=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),pe=r(()=>l("p",null," This can happen if you changed vehicles and the stream name in the new one is different from the former, or if the source is not available at all. ",-1)),me=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),ve=r(()=>l("p",null," Please open this video player configuration and select a new stream from the ones available, or check your source for issues. ",-1)),fe={key:2,class:"no-video-alert"},ye={class:"no-video-alert"},ge=r(()=>l("span",{class:"text-xl font-bold"},"Server status: ",-1)),he=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),Se=r(()=>l("span",{class:"text-xl font-bold"},"Stream status: ",-1)),_e=r(()=>l("br",null,null,-1)),Ve={key:3,class:"no-video-alert"},we=r(()=>l("p",null,"Loading stream...",-1)),be=[we],xe={class:"flex-wrap justify-center d-flex ga-5"},ke=B({__name:"VideoPlayer",props:{widget:{}},setup(y){A(s=>({"3cf7acce":o(e).options.videoFitStyle,"87c3aa06":D.value}));const F=H(),{showDialog:U}=O(),c=L(),x=W(),{namesAvailableStreams:p}=Y(c),e=q(y).widget,n=V(),S=V(),v=V(),w=V(!1);G(()=>{const s={videoFitStyle:"cover",flipHorizontally:!1,flipVertically:!1,rotationAngle:0,streamName:void 0};e.value.options=Object.assign({},s,e.value.options),n.value=e.value.options.streamName});const R=setInterval(()=>{var a;e.value.options.streamName===void 0&&!p.value.isEmpty()&&(e.value.options.streamName=p.value[0],n.value=e.value.options.streamName,p.value.length>1&&U({maxWidth:600,title:"Multiple streams detected",message:`You have multiple streams available, so we chose one randomly to start with. If you want to change it, please open the widget configuration on the edit-menu.`,variant:"info"}));const s=c.getMediaStream(e.value.options.streamName);J(s,v.value)||(v.value=s);const t=((a=c.getStreamData(e.value.options.streamName))==null?void 0:a.connected)??!1;t!==w.value&&(w.value=t)},1e3);K(()=>clearInterval(R)),I(n,()=>{e.value.options.streamName=n.value,v.value=void 0}),I(v,()=>{!S.value||!v.value||(S.value.srcObject=v.value,S.value.play().then(()=>console.log("[VideoPlayer] Stream is playing")).catch(s=>{const t=`Failed to play stream. Reason: ${s}`;console.error(`[VideoPlayer] ${t}`)}))});const k=s=>{e.value.options.rotationAngle+=s},P=g(()=>`scale(${e.value.options.flipHorizontally?-1:1}, ${e.value.options.flipVertically?-1:1})`),j=g(()=>`rotate(${e.value.options.rotationAngle??0}deg)`),D=g(()=>`${P.value} ${j.value}`),E=g(()=>{var s;return n.value===void 0?"Unknown.":((s=c.getStreamData(n.value))==null?void 0:s.webRtcManager.signallerStatus)??"Unknown."}),T=g(()=>{var t;if(n.value===void 0)return"Unknown.";const s=c.availableIceIps;return!s.isEmpty()&&!s.find(a=>c.allowedIceIps.includes(a))?`Stream is coming from IPs [${s.join(", ")}], which are not in the list of allowed sources [${c.allowedIceIps.join(", ")}].\\n Please check your configuration.`:((t=c.getStreamData(n.value))==null?void 0:t.webRtcManager.streamStatus)??"Unknown."});return(s,t)=>(d(),u(b,null,[l("div",ne,[n.value===void 0?(d(),u("div",ie,de)):!o(p).isEmpty()&&!o(p).includes(n.value)?(d(),u("div",ue,[l("p",null,'The selected stream "'+h(n.value)+'" is not available.',1),l("p",null,"Available ones are: "+h(o(p).map(a=>`"${a}"`).join(", "))+".",1),ce,pe,me,ve])):w.value?(d(),u("div",Ve,be)):(d(),u("div",fe,[l("div",ye,[l("p",null,[ge,(d(!0),u(b,null,N(E.value.toString().split("\\n"),(a,_)=>(d(),u("span",{key:_},[f(h(a)+" ",1),he]))),128))]),l("p",null,[Se,(d(!0),u(b,null,N(T.value.toString().split("\\n"),(a,_)=>(d(),u("span",{key:_},[f(h(a)+" ",1),_e]))),128))])])])),l("video",{id:"mainDisplayStream",ref_key:"videoElement",ref:S,muted:"",autoplay:"",playsinline:"",disablePictureInPicture:""}," Your browser does not support the video tag. 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w;a("click",N),y.value&&((w=v.navigate)==null||w.call(v,N),S==null||S.toggle())}function R(N){(N.key==="Enter"||N.key===" ")&&(N.preventDefault(),b(N))}return()=>{const N=v.isLink.value?"a":e.tag,w=!!(e.appendIcon||e.appendAvatar),C=!!(w||n.append),E=!!(n.close||e.closable),V=!!(n.filter||e.filter)&&S,I=!!(e.prependIcon||e.prependAvatar),U=!!(I||n.prepend),F=!S||S.isSelected.value;return g.value&&$t(O(N,{class:["v-chip",{"v-chip--disabled":e.disabled,"v-chip--label":e.label,"v-chip--link":y.value,"v-chip--filter":V,"v-chip--pill":e.pill},f.value,o.value,F?s.value:void 0,d.value,u.value,m.value,p.value,c.value,S==null?void 0:S.selectedClass.value,e.class],style:[F?l.value:void 0,e.style],disabled:e.disabled||void 0,draggable:e.draggable,href:v.href.value,tabindex:y.value?0:void 0,onClick:b,onKeydown:y.value&&!D.value&&R},{default:()=>{var 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s=n.has(r)?new Map([[r,n.get(r)]]):new Map;return t.select({...o,id:r,selected:s})},in:(a,n,r)=>{let o=new Map;return a!=null&&a.length&&(o=t.in(a.slice(0,1),n,r)),o},out:(a,n,r)=>t.out(a,n,r)}},qut=e=>{const t=$9(e);return{select:a=>{let{id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s}=a;return n=Vt(n),o.has(n)?r:t.select({id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s})},in:t.in,out:t.out}},Kut=e=>{const t=A2e(e);return{select:a=>{let{id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s}=a;return n=Vt(n),o.has(n)?r:t.select({id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s})},in:t.in,out:t.out}},Zut=e=>{const t={select:i=>{let{id:a,value:n,selected:r,children:o,parents:s}=i;a=Vt(a);const l=new Map(r),c=[a];for(;c.length;){const u=c.shift();r.set(u,n?"on":"off"),o.has(u)&&c.push(...o.get(u))}let d=s.get(a);for(;d;){const u=o.get(d),m=u.every(f=>r.get(f)==="on"),p=u.every(f=>!r.has(f)||r.get(f)==="off");r.set(d,m?"on":p?"off":"indeterminate"),d=s.get(d)}return e&&!n&&Array.from(r.entries()).reduce((m,p)=>{let[f,g]=p;return g==="on"?[...m,f]:m},[]).length===0?l:r},in:(i,a,n)=>{let r=new Map;for(const o of i||[])r=t.select({id:o,value:!0,selected:new Map(r),children:a,parents:n});return r},out:(i,a)=>{const n=[];for(const[r,o]of i.entries())o==="on"&&!a.has(r)&&n.push(r);return n}};return t},np=Symbol.for("vuetify:nested"),N2e={id:Rt(),root:{register:()=>null,unregister:()=>null,parents:ve(new Map),children:ve(new Map),open:()=>null,openOnSelect:()=>null,select:()=>null,opened:ve(new Set),selected:ve(new Map),selectedValues:ve([])}},jut=Ze({selectStrategy:[String,Function],openStrategy:[String,Object],opened:Array,selected:Array,mandatory:Boolean},"nested"),Qut=e=>{let t=!1;const i=ve(new Map),a=ve(new Map),n=oi(e,"opened",e.opened,u=>new Set(u),u=>[...u.values()]),r=te(()=>{if(typeof e.selectStrategy=="object")return e.selectStrategy;switch(e.selectStrategy){case"single-leaf":return Kut(e.mandatory);case"leaf":return qut(e.mandatory);case"independent":return $9(e.mandatory);case"single-independent":return 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r.children)o=a(s,o)}else r.fixed&&(r.fixedOffset=o,o+=parseFloat(r.width||"0")||0);return o}let n=0;for(const r of e)n=a(r,n)}function xpt(e,t){const i=[];let a=0;const n=Upt(e);for(;n.size()>0;){let o=n.count();const s=[];let l=1;for(;o>0;){const{element:c,priority:d}=n.dequeue(),u=t-a-iA(c);if(s.push({...c,rowspan:u??1,colspan:c.children?JD(c).length:1}),c.children)for(const m of c.children){const p=d%1+l/Math.pow(10,a+2);n.enqueue(m,a+u+p)}l+=1,o-=1}a+=1,i.push(s)}return{columns:e.map(o=>JD(o)).flat(),headers:i}}function X2e(e){const t=[];for(const i of e){const a={...Lpt(i),...i},n=a.key??(typeof a.value=="string"?a.value:null),r=a.value??n??null,o={...a,key:n,value:r,sortable:a.sortable??(a.key!=null||!!a.sort),children:a.children?X2e(a.children):void 0};t.push(o)}return t}function Fpt(e,t){const i=ve([]),a=ve([]),n=ve({}),r=ve({}),o=ve({});tr(()=>{var g,S,v;const c=(e.headers||Object.keys(e.items[0]??{}).map(D=>({key:D,title:Ks(D)}))).slice(),d=W2e(c);(g=t==null?void 0:t.groupBy)!=null&&g.value.length&&!d.has("data-table-group")&&c.unshift({key:"data-table-group",title:"Group"}),(S=t==null?void 0:t.showSelect)!=null&&S.value&&!d.has("data-table-select")&&c.unshift({key:"data-table-select"}),(v=t==null?void 0:t.showExpand)!=null&&v.value&&!d.has("data-table-expand")&&c.push({key:"data-table-expand"});const u=X2e(c);Vpt(u);const m=Math.max(...u.map(D=>iA(D)))+1,p=xpt(u,m);i.value=p.headers,a.value=p.columns;const f=p.headers.flat(1);for(const D of f)D.key&&(D.sortable&&(D.sort&&(n.value[D.key]=D.sort),D.sortRaw&&(r.value[D.key]=D.sortRaw)),D.filter&&(o.value[D.key]=D.filter))});const s={headers:i,columns:a,sortFunctions:n,sortRawFunctions:r,filterFunctions:o};return Yi(z2e,s),s}function Z5(){const e=qt(z2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing headers!");return e}const Hpt={showSelectAll:!1,allSelected:()=>[],select:e=>{var a;let{items:t,value:i}=e;return new Set(i?[(a=t[0])==null?void 0:a.value]:[])},selectAll:e=>{let{selected:t}=e;return t}},Y2e={showSelectAll:!0,allSelected:e=>{let{currentPage:t}=e;return t},select:e=>{let{items:t,value:i,selected:a}=e;for(const n of t)i?a.add(n.value):a.delete(n.value);return a},selectAll:e=>{let{value:t,currentPage:i,selected:a}=e;return Y2e.select({items:i,value:t,selected:a})}},$2e={showSelectAll:!0,allSelected:e=>{let{allItems:t}=e;return t},select:e=>{let{items:t,value:i,selected:a}=e;for(const n of t)i?a.add(n.value):a.delete(n.value);return a},selectAll:e=>{let{value:t,allItems:i,selected:a}=e;return $2e.select({items:i,value:t,selected:a})}},Bpt=Ze({showSelect:Boolean,selectStrategy:{type:[String,Object],default:"page"},modelValue:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},valueComparator:{type:Function,default:$l}},"DataTable-select"),q2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-selection");function kpt(e,t){let{allItems:i,currentPage:a}=t;const n=oi(e,"modelValue",e.modelValue,S=>new Set(Jn(S).map(v=>{var D;return((D=i.value.find(y=>e.valueComparator(v,y.value)))==null?void 0:D.value)??v})),S=>[...S.values()]),r=te(()=>i.value.filter(S=>S.selectable)),o=te(()=>a.value.filter(S=>S.selectable)),s=te(()=>{if(typeof e.selectStrategy=="object")return e.selectStrategy;switch(e.selectStrategy){case"single":return Hpt;case"all":return $2e;case"page":default:return Y2e}});function l(S){return Jn(S).every(v=>n.value.has(v.value))}function c(S){return Jn(S).some(v=>n.value.has(v.value))}function d(S,v){const D=s.value.select({items:S,value:v,selected:new Set(n.value)});n.value=D}function u(S){d([S],!l([S]))}function m(S){const v=s.value.selectAll({value:S,allItems:r.value,currentPage:o.value,selected:new Set(n.value)});n.value=v}const p=te(()=>n.value.size>0),f=te(()=>{const S=s.value.allSelected({allItems:r.value,currentPage:o.value});return!!S.length&&l(S)}),g={toggleSelect:u,select:d,selectAll:m,isSelected:l,isSomeSelected:c,someSelected:p,allSelected:f,showSelectAll:s.value.showSelectAll};return Yi(q2e,g),g}function j5(){const e=qt(q2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing selection!");return e}const zpt=Ze({sortBy:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},customKeySort:Object,multiSort:Boolean,mustSort:Boolean},"DataTable-sort"),K2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-sort");function Gpt(e){const t=oi(e,"sortBy"),i=ht(e,"mustSort"),a=ht(e,"multiSort");return{sortBy:t,mustSort:i,multiSort:a}}function Wpt(e){const{sortBy:t,mustSort:i,multiSort:a,page:n}=e,r=l=>{if(l.key==null)return;let c=t.value.map(u=>({...u}))??[];const d=c.find(u=>u.key===l.key);d?d.order==="desc"?i.value?d.order="asc":c=c.filter(u=>u.key!==l.key):d.order="desc":a.value?c=[...c,{key:l.key,order:"asc"}]:c=[{key:l.key,order:"asc"}],t.value=c,n&&(n.value=1)};function o(l){return!!t.value.find(c=>c.key===l.key)}const s={sortBy:t,toggleSort:r,isSorted:o};return Yi(K2e,s),s}function Xpt(){const e=qt(K2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing sort!");return e}function Ypt(e,t,i,a,n){const r=Js();return{sortedItems:te(()=>i.value.length?$pt(t.value,i.value,r.current.value,{...e.customKeySort,...a==null?void 0:a.value},n==null?void 0:n.value):t.value)}}function $pt(e,t,i,a,n){const r=new Intl.Collator(i,{sensitivity:"accent",usage:"sort"});return[...e].sort((o,s)=>{for(let l=0;lg!=null?g.toString().toLocaleLowerCase():g),u!==m)return x3(u)&&x3(m)?0:x3(u)?-1:x3(m)?1:!isNaN(u)&&!isNaN(m)?Number(u)-Number(m):r.compare(u,m)}return 0})}const Z2e=Ze({color:String,sticky:Boolean,multiSort:Boolean,sortAscIcon:{type:Qt,default:"$sortAsc"},sortDescIcon:{type:Qt,default:"$sortDesc"},headerProps:{type:Object},...Gg()},"VDataTableHeaders"),EM=ft()({name:"VDataTableHeaders",props:Z2e(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{toggleSort:a,sortBy:n,isSorted:r}=Xpt(),{someSelected:o,allSelected:s,selectAll:l,showSelectAll:c}=j5(),{columns:d,headers:u}=Z5(),{loaderClasses:m}=Ep(e);function p(y,T){if(!(!e.sticky&&!y.fixed))return{position:"sticky",left:y.fixed?vt(y.fixedOffset):void 0,top:e.sticky?`calc(var(--v-table-header-height) * ${T})`:void 0}}function f(y){const T=n.value.find(b=>b.key===y.key);return T?T.order==="asc"?e.sortAscIcon:e.sortDescIcon:e.sortAscIcon}const{backgroundColorClasses:g,backgroundColorStyles:S}=_o(e,"color"),v=te(()=>({headers:u.value,columns:d.value,toggleSort:a,isSorted:r,sortBy:n.value,someSelected:o.value,allSelected:s.value,selectAll:l,getSortIcon:f})),D=y=>{let{column:T,x:b,y:R}=y;const N=T.key==="data-table-select"||T.key==="data-table-expand",w=ot(e.headerProps??{},T.headerProps??{});return O(tA,ot({tag:"th",align:T.align,class:["v-data-table__th",{"v-data-table__th--sortable":T.sortable,"v-data-table__th--sorted":r(T),"v-data-table__th--fixed":T.fixed,"v-data-table__th--sticky":e.sticky},m.value],style:{width:vt(T.width),minWidth:vt(T.minWidth),...p(T,R)},colspan:T.colspan,rowspan:T.rowspan,onClick:T.sortable?()=>a(T):void 0,fixed:T.fixed,lastFixed:T.lastFixed,noPadding:N},w),{default:()=>{var V;const C=`header.${T.key}`,E={column:T,selectAll:l,isSorted:r,toggleSort:a,sortBy:n.value,someSelected:o.value,allSelected:s.value,getSortIcon:f};return i[C]?i[C](E):T.key==="data-table-select"?((V=i["header.data-table-select"])==null?void 0:V.call(i,E))??(c&&O($2,{modelValue:s.value,indeterminate:o.value&&!s.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":l},null)):O("div",{class:"v-data-table-header__content"},[O("span",null,[T.title]),T.sortable&&O(Et,{key:"icon",class:"v-data-table-header__sort-icon",icon:f(T)},null),e.multiSort&&r(T)&&O("div",{key:"badge",class:["v-data-table-header__sort-badge",...g.value],style:S.value},[n.value.findIndex(I=>I.key===T.key)+1])])}})};yt(()=>O(at,null,[i.headers?i.headers(v.value):u.value.map((y,T)=>O("tr",null,[y.map((b,R)=>O(D,{column:b,x:R,y:T},null))])),e.loading&&O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-progress"},[O("th",{colspan:d.value.length},[O(Wg,{name:"v-data-table-progress",absolute:!0,active:!0,color:typeof e.loading=="boolean"?void 0:e.loading,indeterminate:!0},{default:i.loader})])])]))}}),qpt=Ze({groupBy:{type:Array,default:()=>[]}},"DataTable-group"),j2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-group");function Kpt(e){return{groupBy:oi(e,"groupBy")}}function Zpt(e){const{groupBy:t,sortBy:i}=e,a=ve(new Set),n=te(()=>t.value.map(c=>({...c,order:c.order??!1})).concat(i.value));function r(c){return a.value.has(c.id)}function o(c){const d=new Set(a.value);r(c)?d.delete(c.id):d.add(c.id),a.value=d}function s(c){function d(u){const m=[];for(const p of u.items)"type"in p&&p.type==="group"?m.push(...d(p)):m.push(p);return m}return d({type:"group",items:c,id:"dummy",key:"dummy",value:"dummy",depth:0})}const l={sortByWithGroups:n,toggleGroup:o,opened:a,groupBy:t,extractRows:s,isGroupOpen:r};return Yi(j2e,l),l}function Q2e(){const e=qt(j2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing group!");return e}function jpt(e,t){if(!e.length)return[];const i=new Map;for(const a of e){const n=H2(a.raw,t);i.has(n)||i.set(n,[]),i.get(n).push(a)}return i}function J2e(e,t){let i=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:0,a=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==void 0?arguments[3]:"root";if(!t.length)return[];const n=jpt(e,t[0]),r=[],o=t.slice(1);return n.forEach((s,l)=>{const c=t[0],d=`${a}_${c}_${l}`;r.push({depth:i,id:d,key:c,value:l,items:o.length?J2e(s,o,i+1,d):s,type:"group"})}),r}function ede(e,t){const i=[];for(const a of e)"type"in a&&a.type==="group"?(a.value!=null&&i.push(a),(t.has(a.id)||a.value==null)&&i.push(...ede(a.items,t))):i.push(a);return i}function Qpt(e,t,i){return{flatItems:te(()=>{if(!t.value.length)return e.value;const n=J2e(e.value,t.value.map(r=>r.key));return ede(n,i.value)})}}const Jpt=Ze({item:{type:Object,required:!0}},"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow"),e3t=ft()({name:"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow",props:Jpt(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{isGroupOpen:a,toggleGroup:n,extractRows:r}=Q2e(),{isSelected:o,isSomeSelected:s,select:l}=j5(),{columns:c}=Z5(),d=te(()=>r([e.item]));return()=>O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row",style:{"--v-data-table-group-header-row-depth":e.item.depth}},[c.value.map(u=>{var m,p;if(u.key==="data-table-group"){const f=a(e.item)?"$expand":"$next",g=()=>n(e.item);return((m=i["data-table-group"])==null?void 0:m.call(i,{item:e.item,count:d.value.length,props:{icon:f,onClick:g}}))??O(tA,{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row__column"},{default:()=>[O(di,{size:"small",variant:"text",icon:f,onClick:g},null),O("span",null,[e.item.value]),O("span",null,[Je("("),d.value.length,Je(")")])]})}if(u.key==="data-table-select"){const f=o(d.value),g=s(d.value)&&!f,S=v=>l(d.value,v);return((p=i["data-table-select"])==null?void 0:p.call(i,{props:{modelValue:f,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":S}}))??O("td",null,[O($2,{modelValue:f,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":S},null)])}return O("td",null,null)})])}}),t3t=Ze({expandOnClick:Boolean,showExpand:Boolean,expanded:{type:Array,default:()=>[]}},"DataTable-expand"),tde=Symbol.for("vuetify:datatable:expanded");function i3t(e){const t=ht(e,"expandOnClick"),i=oi(e,"expanded",e.expanded,s=>new Set(s),s=>[...s.values()]);function a(s,l){const c=new Set(i.value);l?c.add(s.value):c.delete(s.value),i.value=c}function n(s){return i.value.has(s.value)}function r(s){a(s,!n(s))}const o={expand:a,expanded:i,expandOnClick:t,isExpanded:n,toggleExpand:r};return Yi(tde,o),o}function ide(){const e=qt(tde);if(!e)throw new Error("foo");return e}const a3t=Ze({index:Number,item:Object,cellProps:[Object,Function],onClick:Dr(),onContextmenu:Dr(),onDblclick:Dr()},"VDataTableRow"),n3t=ft()({name:"VDataTableRow",props:a3t(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{isSelected:a,toggleSelect:n}=j5(),{isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:o}=ide(),{columns:s}=Z5();yt(()=>O("tr",{class:["v-data-table__tr",{"v-data-table__tr--clickable":!!(e.onClick||e.onContextmenu||e.onDblclick)}],onClick:e.onClick,onContextmenu:e.onContextmenu,onDblclick:e.onDblclick},[e.item&&s.value.map((l,c)=>{const d=e.item,u=`item.${l.key}`,m={index:e.index,item:d.raw,internalItem:d,value:H2(d.columns,l.key),column:l,isSelected:a,toggleSelect:n,isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:o},p=typeof e.cellProps=="function"?e.cellProps({index:m.index,item:m.item,internalItem:m.internalItem,value:m.value,column:l}):e.cellProps,f=typeof l.cellProps=="function"?l.cellProps({index:m.index,item:m.item,internalItem:m.internalItem,value:m.value}):l.cellProps;return O(tA,ot({align:l.align,fixed:l.fixed,fixedOffset:l.fixedOffset,lastFixed:l.lastFixed,noPadding:l.key==="data-table-select"||l.key==="data-table-expand",width:l.width},p,f),{default:()=>{var g,S;return i[u]?i[u](m):l.key==="data-table-select"?((g=i["item.data-table-select"])==null?void 0:g.call(i,m))??O($2,{disabled:!d.selectable,modelValue:a([d]),onClick:tn(()=>n(d),["stop"])},null):l.key==="data-table-expand"?((S=i["item.data-table-expand"])==null?void 0:S.call(i,m))??O(di,{icon:r(d)?"$collapse":"$expand",size:"small",variant:"text",onClick:tn(()=>o(d),["stop"])},null):rt(m.value)}})})]))}}),ade=Ze({loading:[Boolean,String],loadingText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText"},hideNoData:Boolean,items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},noDataText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.noDataText"},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function]},"VDataTableRows"),MM=ft()({name:"VDataTableRows",inheritAttrs:!1,props:ade(),setup(e,t){let{attrs:i,slots:a}=t;const{columns:n}=Z5(),{expandOnClick:r,toggleExpand:o,isExpanded:s}=ide(),{isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c}=j5(),{toggleGroup:d,isGroupOpen:u}=Q2e(),{t:m}=Js();return yt(()=>{var p,f;return e.loading&&(!e.items.length||a.loading)?O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-rows-loading",key:"loading"},[O("td",{colspan:n.value.length},[((p=a.loading)==null?void 0:p.call(a))??m(e.loadingText)])]):!e.loading&&!e.items.length&&!e.hideNoData?O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-rows-no-data",key:"no-data"},[O("td",{colspan:n.value.length},[((f=a["no-data"])==null?void 0:f.call(a))??m(e.noDataText)])]):O(at,null,[e.items.map((g,S)=>{var y;if(g.type==="group"){const T={index:S,item:g,columns:n.value,isExpanded:s,toggleExpand:o,isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c,toggleGroup:d,isGroupOpen:u};return a["group-header"]?a["group-header"](T):O(e3t,ot({key:`group-header_${g.id}`,item:g},lT(i,":group-header",()=>T)),a)}const v={index:S,item:g.raw,internalItem:g,columns:n.value,isExpanded:s,toggleExpand:o,isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c},D={...v,props:ot({key:`item_${g.key??g.index}`,onClick:r.value?()=>{o(g)}:void 0,index:S,item:g,cellProps:e.cellProps},lT(i,":row",()=>v),typeof e.rowProps=="function"?e.rowProps({item:v.item,index:v.index,internalItem:v.internalItem}):e.rowProps)};return O(at,{key:D.props.key},[a.item?a.item(D):O(n3t,D.props,a),s(g)&&((y=a["expanded-row"])==null?void 0:y.call(a,v))])})])}),{}}}),nde=Ze({fixedHeader:Boolean,fixedFooter:Boolean,height:[Number,String],hover:Boolean,...zt(),...Ro(),...Wa(),...Oa()},"VTable"),IM=ft()({name:"VTable",props:nde(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i,emit:a}=t;const{themeClasses:n}=on(e),{densityClasses:r}=Qs(e);return yt(()=>O(e.tag,{class:["v-table",{"v-table--fixed-height":!!e.height,"v-table--fixed-header":e.fixedHeader,"v-table--fixed-footer":e.fixedFooter,"v-table--has-top":!!i.top,"v-table--has-bottom":!!i.bottom,"v-table--hover":e.hover},n.value,r.value,e.class],style:e.style},{default:()=>{var o,s,l;return[(o=i.top)==null?void 0:o.call(i),i.default?O("div",{class:"v-table__wrapper",style:{height:vt(e.height)}},[O("table",null,[i.default()])]):(s=i.wrapper)==null?void 0:s.call(i),(l=i.bottom)==null?void 0:l.call(i)]}})),{}}}),r3t=Ze({items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},itemValue:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:"id"},itemSelectable:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:null},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function],returnObject:Boolean},"DataTable-items");function o3t(e,t,i,a){const n=e.returnObject?t:fr(t,e.itemValue),r=fr(t,e.itemSelectable,!0),o=a.reduce((s,l)=>(l.key!=null&&(s[l.key]=fr(t,l.value)),s),{});return{type:"item",key:e.returnObject?fr(t,e.itemValue):n,index:i,value:n,selectable:r,columns:o,raw:t}}function s3t(e,t,i){return t.map((a,n)=>o3t(e,a,n,i))}function l3t(e,t){return{items:te(()=>s3t(e,e.items,t.value))}}function c3t(e){let{page:t,itemsPerPage:i,sortBy:a,groupBy:n,search:r}=e;const o=Fa("VDataTable"),s=te(()=>({page:t.value,itemsPerPage:i.value,sortBy:a.value,groupBy:n.value,search:r.value}));let l=null;qe(s,()=>{$l(l,s.value)||((l==null?void 0:l.search)!==s.value.search&&(t.value=1),o.emit("update:options",s.value),l=s.value)},{deep:!0,immediate:!0})}const 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Should be an IP address or a hostname",N=I=>{if(["http://","https://","ws://","wss://"].some(F=>I.startsWith(F)))return'Address should not include protocol (e.g.: "http://", "wss://").';try{new kh(`ws://${I}:6040/`)}catch(F){return`Invalid connection URI. ${F}.`}return!0},w=I=>{try{if(new kh(I).type()!==Ku.WebSocket)throw new Error("URI should be of type WebSocket")}catch(U){return`Invalid connection URI. ${U}.`}return!0},C=ve(JSON.stringify(t.customWebRTCConfiguration.data,null,4)),E=()=>{try{const I=JSON.parse(C.value);t.customWebRTCConfiguration.data=I,Qc(3e3)}catch(I){alert(`Could not update WebRTC configuration. ${I}.`)}},V=()=>{try{const I=C.value,U=JSON.parse(I),F=JSON.stringify(U,null,4);I!==F&&(C.value=F)}catch{}};return qe(C,()=>V()),Pi(()=>{V()}),(I,U)=>{const F=ir("tooltip");return Ue(),pt(V1,null,{title:we(()=>[Je("General configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",{class:$e(["flex-col h-full overflow-y-auto ml-[10px] pr-3 -mr-[10px]",q(i).isOnSmallScreen?"max-w-[80vw] max-h-[90vh]":"max-w-[650px] max-h-[85vh]"])},[O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(i).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Vehicle network connection (global address)")]),subtitle:we(()=>[Je("Current address: "+rt(q(t).globalAddress),1)]),info:we(()=>[Je("Sets the network address for device communication. 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t3=ey.exports;const K3t=Object.freeze({loose:!0}),Z3t=Object.freeze({}),j3t=e=>e?typeof e!="object"?K3t:e:Z3t;var nA=j3t;const PM=/^[0-9]+$/,ode=(e,t)=>{const i=PM.test(e),a=PM.test(t);return i&&a&&(e=+e,t=+t),e===t?0:i&&!a?-1:a&&!i?1:eode(t,e);var sde={compareIdentifiers:ode,rcompareIdentifiers:Q3t};const Nf=J5,{MAX_LENGTH:OM,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:bf}=Q5,{safeRe:UM,t:LM}=t3,J3t=nA,{compareIdentifiers:$d}=sde;let eft=class _s{constructor(t,i){if(i=J3t(i),t instanceof _s){if(t.loose===!!i.loose&&t.includePrerelease===!!i.includePrerelease)return t;t=t.version}else if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError(`Invalid version. Must be a string. Got type "${typeof t}".`);if(t.length>OM)throw new TypeError(`version is longer than ${OM} characters`);Nf("SemVer",t,i),this.options=i,this.loose=!!i.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!i.includePrerelease;const a=t.trim().match(i.loose?UM[LM.LOOSE]:UM[LM.FULL]);if(!a)throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${t}`);if(this.raw=t,this.major=+a[1],this.minor=+a[2],this.patch=+a[3],this.major>bf||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>bf||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>bf||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");a[4]?this.prerelease=a[4].split(".").map(n=>{if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(n)){const r=+n;if(r>=0&&r=0;)typeof this.prerelease[r]=="number"&&(this.prerelease[r]++,r=-2);if(r===-1){if(i===this.prerelease.join(".")&&a===!1)throw new Error("invalid increment argument: identifier already exists");this.prerelease.push(n)}}if(i){let r=[i,n];a===!1&&(r=[i]),$d(this.prerelease[0],i)===0?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=r):this.prerelease=r}break}default:throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${t}`)}return this.raw=this.format(),this.build.length&&(this.raw+=`+${this.build.join(".")}`),this}};var nr=eft;const VM=nr,tft=(e,t,i=!1)=>{if(e instanceof VM)return e;try{return new VM(e,t)}catch(a){if(!i)return null;throw a}};var L0=tft;const ift=L0,aft=(e,t)=>{const i=ift(e,t);return i?i.version:null};var nft=aft;const rft=L0,oft=(e,t)=>{const i=rft(e.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/,""),t);return i?i.version:null};var sft=oft;const xM=nr,lft=(e,t,i,a,n)=>{typeof i=="string"&&(n=a,a=i,i=void 0);try{return new xM(e instanceof xM?e.version:e,i).inc(t,a,n).version}catch{return null}};var cft=lft;const FM=L0,dft=(e,t)=>{const i=FM(e,null,!0),a=FM(t,null,!0),n=i.compare(a);if(n===0)return null;const r=n>0,o=r?i:a,s=r?a:i,l=!!o.prerelease.length;if(!!s.prerelease.length&&!l)return!s.patch&&!s.minor?"major":o.patch?"patch":o.minor?"minor":"major";const d=l?"pre":"";return i.major!==a.major?d+"major":i.minor!==a.minor?d+"minor":i.patch!==a.patch?d+"patch":"prerelease"};var uft=dft;const hft=nr,mft=(e,t)=>new hft(e,t).major;var pft=mft;const fft=nr,gft=(e,t)=>new fft(e,t).minor;var _ft=gft;const Sft=nr,vft=(e,t)=>new Sft(e,t).patch;var Dft=vft;const yft=L0,Rft=(e,t)=>{const i=yft(e,t);return i&&i.prerelease.length?i.prerelease:null};var Aft=Rft;const HM=nr,Nft=(e,t,i)=>new HM(e,i).compare(new HM(t,i));var ns=Nft;const bft=ns,Tft=(e,t,i)=>bft(t,e,i);var wft=Tft;const Cft=ns,Eft=(e,t)=>Cft(e,t,!0);var Mft=Eft;const BM=nr,Ift=(e,t,i)=>{const a=new BM(e,i),n=new BM(t,i);return a.compare(n)||a.compareBuild(n)};var rA=Ift;const Pft=rA,Oft=(e,t)=>e.sort((i,a)=>Pft(i,a,t));var Uft=Oft;const Lft=rA,Vft=(e,t)=>e.sort((i,a)=>Lft(a,i,t));var xft=Vft;const Fft=ns,Hft=(e,t,i)=>Fft(e,t,i)>0;var e8=Hft;const Bft=ns,kft=(e,t,i)=>Bft(e,t,i)<0;var oA=kft;const zft=ns,Gft=(e,t,i)=>zft(e,t,i)===0;var lde=Gft;const Wft=ns,Xft=(e,t,i)=>Wft(e,t,i)!==0;var cde=Xft;const Yft=ns,$ft=(e,t,i)=>Yft(e,t,i)>=0;var sA=$ft;const qft=ns,Kft=(e,t,i)=>qft(e,t,i)<=0;var lA=Kft;const Zft=lde,jft=cde,Qft=e8,Jft=sA,e4t=oA,t4t=lA,i4t=(e,t,i,a)=>{switch(t){case"===":return typeof e=="object"&&(e=e.version),typeof i=="object"&&(i=i.version),e===i;case"!==":return typeof e=="object"&&(e=e.version),typeof i=="object"&&(i=i.version),e!==i;case"":case"=":case"==":return Zft(e,i,a);case"!=":return jft(e,i,a);case">":return Qft(e,i,a);case">=":return Jft(e,i,a);case"<":return e4t(e,i,a);case"<=":return t4t(e,i,a);default:throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${t}`)}};var dde=i4t;const a4t=nr,n4t=L0,{safeRe:Tf,t:wf}=t3,r4t=(e,t)=>{if(e instanceof a4t)return e;if(typeof e=="number"&&(e=String(e)),typeof e!="string")return null;t=t||{};let i=null;if(!t.rtl)i=e.match(t.includePrerelease?Tf[wf.COERCEFULL]:Tf[wf.COERCE]);else{const l=t.includePrerelease?Tf[wf.COERCERTLFULL]:Tf[wf.COERCERTL];let c;for(;(c=l.exec(e))&&(!i||i.index+i[0].length!==e.length);)(!i||c.index+c[0].length!==i.index+i[0].length)&&(i=c),l.lastIndex=c.index+c[1].length+c[2].length;l.lastIndex=-1}if(i===null)return null;const a=i[2],n=i[3]||"0",r=i[4]||"0",o=t.includePrerelease&&i[5]?`-${i[5]}`:"",s=t.includePrerelease&&i[6]?`+${i[6]}`:"";return n4t(`${a}.${n}.${r}${o}${s}`,t)};var o4t=r4t,K_,kM;function s4t(){return kM||(kM=1,K_=function(e){e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function*(){for(let t=this.head;t;t=t.next)yield t.value}}),K_}var l4t=Ci;Ci.Node=q2;Ci.create=Ci;function Ci(e){var t=this;if(t instanceof Ci||(t=new Ci),t.tail=null,t.head=null,t.length=0,e&&typeof e.forEach=="function")e.forEach(function(n){t.push(n)});else if(arguments.length>0)for(var i=0,a=arguments.length;i1)i=t;else if(this.head)a=this.head.next,i=this.head.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=0;a!==null;n++)i=e(i,a.value,n),a=a.next;return i};Ci.prototype.reduceReverse=function(e,t){var i,a=this.tail;if(arguments.length>1)i=t;else if(this.tail)a=this.tail.prev,i=this.tail.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=this.length-1;a!==null;n--)i=e(i,a.value,n),a=a.prev;return i};Ci.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,i=this.head;i!==null;t++)e[t]=i.value,i=i.next;return e};Ci.prototype.toArrayReverse=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,i=this.tail;i!==null;t++)e[t]=i.value,i=i.prev;return e};Ci.prototype.slice=function(e,t){t=t||this.length,t<0&&(t+=this.length),e=e||0,e<0&&(e+=this.length);var i=new Ci;if(tthis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var a=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&athis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var a=this.length,n=this.tail;n!==null&&a>t;a--)n=n.prev;for(;n!==null&&a>e;a--,n=n.prev)i.push(n.value);return i};Ci.prototype.splice=function(e,t,...i){e>this.length&&(e=this.length-1),e<0&&(e=this.length+e);for(var a=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&a1;class m4t{constructor(t){if(typeof t=="number"&&(t={max:t}),t||(t={}),t.max&&(typeof t.max!="number"||t.max<0))throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[l2]=t.max||1/0;const i=t.length||Z_;if(this[qd]=typeof i!="function"?Z_:i,this[cm]=t.stale||!1,t.maxAge&&typeof t.maxAge!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");this[v2]=t.maxAge||0,this[ml]=t.dispose,this[zM]=t.noDisposeOnSet||!1,this[ude]=t.updateAgeOnGet||!1,this.reset()}set max(t){if(typeof t!="number"||t<0)throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[l2]=t||1/0,gh(this)}get max(){return this[l2]}set allowStale(t){this[cm]=!!t}get allowStale(){return this[cm]}set maxAge(t){if(typeof t!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a non-negative number");this[v2]=t,gh(this)}get maxAge(){return this[v2]}set lengthCalculator(t){typeof t!="function"&&(t=Z_),t!==this[qd]&&(this[qd]=t,this[fl]=0,this[cn].forEach(i=>{i.length=this[qd](i.value,i.key),this[fl]+=i.length})),gh(this)}get lengthCalculator(){return this[qd]}get length(){return this[fl]}get itemCount(){return this[cn].length}rforEach(t,i){i=i||this;for(let a=this[cn].tail;a!==null;){const n=a.prev;GM(this,t,a,i),a=n}}forEach(t,i){i=i||this;for(let a=this[cn].head;a!==null;){const n=a.next;GM(this,t,a,i),a=n}}keys(){return this[cn].toArray().map(t=>t.key)}values(){return this[cn].toArray().map(t=>t.value)}reset(){this[ml]&&this[cn]&&this[cn].length&&this[cn].forEach(t=>this[ml](t.key,t.value)),this[Po]=new Map,this[cn]=new h4t,this[fl]=0}dump(){return this[cn].map(t=>ig(this,t)?!1:{k:t.key,v:t.value,e:t.now+(t.maxAge||0)}).toArray().filter(t=>t)}dumpLru(){return this[cn]}set(t,i,a){if(a=a||this[v2],a&&typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");const n=a?Date.now():0,r=this[qd](i,t);if(this[Po].has(t)){if(r>this[l2])return xu(this,this[Po].get(t)),!1;const l=this[Po].get(t).value;return this[ml]&&(this[zM]||this[ml](t,l.value)),l.now=n,l.maxAge=a,l.value=i,this[fl]+=r-l.length,l.length=r,this.get(t),gh(this),!0}const o=new p4t(t,i,r,n,a);return o.length>this[l2]?(this[ml]&&this[ml](t,i),!1):(this[fl]+=o.length,this[cn].unshift(o),this[Po].set(t,this[cn].head),gh(this),!0)}has(t){if(!this[Po].has(t))return!1;const i=this[Po].get(t).value;return!ig(this,i)}get(t){return j_(this,t,!0)}peek(t){return j_(this,t,!1)}pop(){const t=this[cn].tail;return t?(xu(this,t),t.value):null}del(t){xu(this,this[Po].get(t))}load(t){this.reset();const i=Date.now();for(let a=t.length-1;a>=0;a--){const n=t[a],r=n.e||0;if(r===0)this.set(n.k,n.v);else{const o=r-i;o>0&&this.set(n.k,n.v,o)}}}prune(){this[Po].forEach((t,i)=>j_(this,i,!1))}}const j_=(e,t,i)=>{const a=e[Po].get(t);if(a){const n=a.value;if(ig(e,n)){if(xu(e,a),!e[cm])return}else i&&(e[ude]&&(a.value.now=Date.now()),e[cn].unshiftNode(a));return n.value}},ig=(e,t)=>{if(!t||!t.maxAge&&!e[v2])return!1;const i=Date.now()-t.now;return t.maxAge?i>t.maxAge:e[v2]&&i>e[v2]},gh=e=>{if(e[fl]>e[l2])for(let t=e[cn].tail;e[fl]>e[l2]&&t!==null;){const i=t.prev;xu(e,t),t=i}},xu=(e,t)=>{if(t){const i=t.value;e[ml]&&e[ml](i.key,i.value),e[fl]-=i.length,e[Po].delete(i.key),e[cn].removeNode(t)}};let p4t=class{constructor(t,i,a,n,r){this.key=t,this.value=i,this.length=a,this.now=n,this.maxAge=r||0}};const GM=(e,t,i,a)=>{let n=i.value;ig(e,n)&&(xu(e,i),e[cm]||(n=void 0)),n&&t.call(a,n.value,n.key,e)};var f4t=m4t,Q_,WM;function rs(){if(WM)return Q_;WM=1;class e{constructor(F,z){if(z=a(z),F instanceof e)return F.loose===!!z.loose&&F.includePrerelease===!!z.includePrerelease?F:new e(F.raw,z);if(F instanceof n)return this.raw=F.value,this.set=[[F]],this.format(),this;if(this.options=z,this.loose=!!z.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!z.includePrerelease,this.raw=F.trim().split(/\s+/).join(" "),this.set=this.raw.split("||").map(B=>this.parseRange(B.trim())).filter(B=>B.length),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${this.raw}`);if(this.set.length>1){const B=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter(H=>!f(H[0])),this.set.length===0)this.set=[B];else if(this.set.length>1){for(const H of this.set)if(H.length===1&&g(H[0])){this.set=[H];break}}}this.format()}format(){return this.range=this.set.map(F=>F.join(" ").trim()).join("||").trim(),this.range}toString(){return this.range}parseRange(F){const B=((this.options.includePrerelease&&m)|(this.options.loose&&p))+":"+F,H=i.get(B);if(H)return H;const W=this.options.loose,$=W?s[l.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:s[l.HYPHENRANGE];F=F.replace($,V(this.options.includePrerelease)),r("hyphen replace",F),F=F.replace(s[l.COMPARATORTRIM],c),r("comparator trim",F),F=F.replace(s[l.TILDETRIM],d),r("tilde trim",F),F=F.replace(s[l.CARETTRIM],u),r("caret trim",F);let Q=F.split(" ").map(De=>v(De,this.options)).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map(De=>E(De,this.options));W&&(Q=Q.filter(De=>(r("loose invalid filter",De,this.options),!!De.match(s[l.COMPARATORLOOSE])))),r("range list",Q);const re=new Map,ge=Q.map(De=>new n(De,this.options));for(const De of ge){if(f(De))return[De];re.set(De.value,De)}re.size>1&&re.has("")&&re.delete("");const fe=[...re.values()];return i.set(B,fe),fe}intersects(F,z){if(!(F instanceof e))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some(B=>S(B,z)&&F.set.some(H=>S(H,z)&&B.every(W=>H.every($=>W.intersects($,z)))))}test(F){if(!F)return!1;if(typeof F=="string")try{F=new o(F,this.options)}catch{return!1}for(let z=0;zU.value==="<0.0.0-0",g=U=>U.value==="",S=(U,F)=>{let z=!0;const B=U.slice();let H=B.pop();for(;z&&B.length;)z=B.every(W=>H.intersects(W,F)),H=B.pop();return z},v=(U,F)=>(r("comp",U,F),U=b(U,F),r("caret",U),U=y(U,F),r("tildes",U),U=N(U,F),r("xrange",U),U=C(U,F),r("stars",U),U),D=U=>!U||U.toLowerCase()==="x"||U==="*",y=(U,F)=>U.trim().split(/\s+/).map(z=>T(z,F)).join(" "),T=(U,F)=>{const z=F.loose?s[l.TILDELOOSE]:s[l.TILDE];return U.replace(z,(B,H,W,$,Q)=>{r("tilde",U,B,H,W,$,Q);let re;return D(H)?re="":D(W)?re=`>=${H}.0.0 <${+H+1}.0.0-0`:D($)?re=`>=${H}.${W}.0 <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`:Q?(r("replaceTilde pr",Q),re=`>=${H}.${W}.${$}-${Q} <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`):re=`>=${H}.${W}.${$} <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`,r("tilde return",re),re})},b=(U,F)=>U.trim().split(/\s+/).map(z=>R(z,F)).join(" "),R=(U,F)=>{r("caret",U,F);const z=F.loose?s[l.CARETLOOSE]:s[l.CARET],B=F.includePrerelease?"-0":"";return U.replace(z,(H,W,$,Q,re)=>{r("caret",U,H,W,$,Q,re);let ge;return D(W)?ge="":D($)?ge=`>=${W}.0.0${B} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:D(Q)?W==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.0${B} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.0${B} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:re?(r("replaceCaret pr",re),W==="0"?$==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${W}.${$}.${+Q+1}-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`):(r("no pr"),W==="0"?$==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}${B} <${W}.${$}.${+Q+1}-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}${B} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`),r("caret return",ge),ge})},N=(U,F)=>(r("replaceXRanges",U,F),U.split(/\s+/).map(z=>w(z,F)).join(" ")),w=(U,F)=>{U=U.trim();const z=F.loose?s[l.XRANGELOOSE]:s[l.XRANGE];return U.replace(z,(B,H,W,$,Q,re)=>{r("xRange",U,B,H,W,$,Q,re);const ge=D(W),fe=ge||D($),De=fe||D(Q),Ne=De;return H==="="&&Ne&&(H=""),re=F.includePrerelease?"-0":"",ge?H===">"||H==="<"?B="<0.0.0-0":B="*":H&&Ne?(fe&&($=0),Q=0,H===">"?(H=">=",fe?(W=+W+1,$=0,Q=0):($=+$+1,Q=0)):H==="<="&&(H="<",fe?W=+W+1:$=+$+1),H==="<"&&(re="-0"),B=`${H+W}.${$}.${Q}${re}`):fe?B=`>=${W}.0.0${re} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:De&&(B=`>=${W}.${$}.0${re} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`),r("xRange 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"),o("comparator",d,u),this.options=u,this.loose=!!u.loose,this.parse(d),this.semver===e?this.value="":this.value=this.operator+this.semver.version,o("comp",this)}parse(d){const u=this.options.loose?a[n.COMPARATORLOOSE]:a[n.COMPARATOR],m=d.match(u);if(!m)throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${d}`);this.operator=m[1]!==void 0?m[1]:"",this.operator==="="&&(this.operator=""),m[2]?this.semver=new s(m[2],this.options.loose):this.semver=e}toString(){return this.value}test(d){if(o("Comparator.test",d,this.options.loose),this.semver===e||d===e)return!0;if(typeof d=="string")try{d=new s(d,this.options)}catch{return!1}return r(d,this.operator,this.semver,this.options)}intersects(d,u){if(!(d instanceof t))throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required");return this.operator===""?this.value===""?!0:new l(d.value,u).test(this.value):d.operator===""?d.value===""?!0:new l(this.value,u).test(d.semver):(u=i(u),u.includePrerelease&&(this.value==="<0.0.0-0"||d.value==="<0.0.0-0")||!u.includePrerelease&&(this.value.startsWith("<0.0.0")||d.value.startsWith("<0.0.0"))?!1:!!(this.operator.startsWith(">")&&d.operator.startsWith(">")||this.operator.startsWith("<")&&d.operator.startsWith("<")||this.semver.version===d.semver.version&&this.operator.includes("=")&&d.operator.includes("=")||r(this.semver,"<",d.semver,u)&&this.operator.startsWith(">")&&d.operator.startsWith("<")||r(this.semver,">",d.semver,u)&&this.operator.startsWith("<")&&d.operator.startsWith(">")))}}J_=t;const i=nA,{safeRe:a,t:n}=t3,r=dde,o=J5,s=nr,l=rs();return J_}const g4t=rs(),_4t=(e,t,i)=>{try{t=new g4t(t,i)}catch{return!1}return t.test(e)};var i8=_4t;const S4t=rs(),v4t=(e,t)=>new S4t(e,t).set.map(i=>i.map(a=>a.value).join(" ").trim().split(" "));var D4t=v4t;const y4t=nr,R4t=rs(),A4t=(e,t,i)=>{let a=null,n=null,r=null;try{r=new R4t(t,i)}catch{return null}return e.forEach(o=>{r.test(o)&&(!a||n.compare(o)===-1)&&(a=o,n=new y4t(a,i))}),a};var N4t=A4t;const b4t=nr,T4t=rs(),w4t=(e,t,i)=>{let a=null,n=null,r=null;try{r=new T4t(t,i)}catch{return null}return e.forEach(o=>{r.test(o)&&(!a||n.compare(o)===1)&&(a=o,n=new b4t(a,i))}),a};var C4t=w4t;const eS=nr,E4t=rs(),YM=e8,M4t=(e,t)=>{e=new E4t(e,t);let i=new eS("0.0.0");if(e.test(i)||(i=new eS("0.0.0-0"),e.test(i)))return i;i=null;for(let a=0;a{const s=new eS(o.semver.version);switch(o.operator){case">":s.prerelease.length===0?s.patch++:s.prerelease.push(0),s.raw=s.format();case"":case">=":(!r||YM(s,r))&&(r=s);break;case"<":case"<=":break;default:throw new Error(`Unexpected operation: ${o.operator}`)}}),r&&(!i||YM(i,r))&&(i=r)}return i&&e.test(i)?i:null};var I4t=M4t;const P4t=rs(),O4t=(e,t)=>{try{return new P4t(e,t).range||"*"}catch{return null}};var U4t=O4t;const L4t=nr,hde=t8(),{ANY:V4t}=hde,x4t=rs(),F4t=i8,$M=e8,qM=oA,H4t=lA,B4t=sA,k4t=(e,t,i,a)=>{e=new L4t(e,a),t=new x4t(t,a);let n,r,o,s,l;switch(i){case">":n=$M,r=H4t,o=qM,s=">",l=">=";break;case"<":n=qM,r=B4t,o=$M,s="<",l="<=";break;default:throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')}if(F4t(e,t,a))return!1;for(let c=0;c{p.semver===V4t&&(p=new hde(">=0.0.0")),u=u||p,m=m||p,n(p.semver,u.semver,a)?u=p:o(p.semver,m.semver,a)&&(m=p)}),u.operator===s||u.operator===l||(!m.operator||m.operator===s)&&r(e,m.semver))return!1;if(m.operator===l&&o(e,m.semver))return!1}return!0};var cA=k4t;const z4t=cA,G4t=(e,t,i)=>z4t(e,t,">",i);var W4t=G4t;const X4t=cA,Y4t=(e,t,i)=>X4t(e,t,"<",i);var $4t=Y4t;const KM=rs(),q4t=(e,t,i)=>(e=new KM(e,i),t=new KM(t,i),e.intersects(t,i));var K4t=q4t;const Z4t=i8,j4t=ns;var Q4t=(e,t,i)=>{const a=[];let n=null,r=null;const o=e.sort((d,u)=>j4t(d,u,i));for(const d of o)Z4t(d,t,i)?(r=d,n||(n=d)):(r&&a.push([n,r]),r=null,n=null);n&&a.push([n,null]);const s=[];for(const[d,u]of a)d===u?s.push(d):!u&&d===o[0]?s.push("*"):u?d===o[0]?s.push(`<=${u}`):s.push(`${d} - ${u}`):s.push(`>=${d}`);const l=s.join(" || "),c=typeof t.raw=="string"?t.raw:String(t);return l.length{if(e===t)return!0;e=new ZM(e,i),t=new ZM(t,i);let a=!1;e:for(const n of e.set){for(const r of t.set){const o=t6t(n,r,i);if(a=a||o!==null,o)continue e}if(a)return!1}return!0},e6t=[new dA(">=0.0.0-0")],jM=[new dA(">=0.0.0")],t6t=(e,t,i)=>{if(e===t)return!0;if(e.length===1&&e[0].semver===tS){if(t.length===1&&t[0].semver===tS)return!0;i.includePrerelease?e=e6t:e=jM}if(t.length===1&&t[0].semver===tS){if(i.includePrerelease)return!0;t=jM}const a=new Set;let n,r;for(const p of e)p.operator===">"||p.operator===">="?n=QM(n,p,i):p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<="?r=JM(r,p,i):a.add(p.semver);if(a.size>1)return null;let o;if(n&&r){if(o=uA(n.semver,r.semver,i),o>0)return null;if(o===0&&(n.operator!==">="||r.operator!=="<="))return null}for(const p of a){if(n&&!_h(p,String(n),i)||r&&!_h(p,String(r),i))return null;for(const f of t)if(!_h(p,String(f),i))return!1;return!0}let s,l,c,d,u=r&&!i.includePrerelease&&r.semver.prerelease.length?r.semver:!1,m=n&&!i.includePrerelease&&n.semver.prerelease.length?n.semver:!1;u&&u.prerelease.length===1&&r.operator==="<"&&u.prerelease[0]===0&&(u=!1);for(const p of t){if(d=d||p.operator===">"||p.operator===">=",c=c||p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<=",n){if(m&&p.semver.prerelease&&p.semver.prerelease.length&&p.semver.major===m.major&&p.semver.minor===m.minor&&p.semver.patch===m.patch&&(m=!1),p.operator===">"||p.operator===">="){if(s=QM(n,p,i),s===p&&s!==n)return!1}else if(n.operator===">="&&!_h(n.semver,String(p),i))return!1}if(r){if(u&&p.semver.prerelease&&p.semver.prerelease.length&&p.semver.major===u.major&&p.semver.minor===u.minor&&p.semver.patch===u.patch&&(u=!1),p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<="){if(l=JM(r,p,i),l===p&&l!==r)return!1}else if(r.operator==="<="&&!_h(r.semver,String(p),i))return!1}if(!p.operator&&(r||n)&&o!==0)return!1}return!(n&&c&&!r&&o!==0||r&&d&&!n&&o!==0||m||u)},QM=(e,t,i)=>{if(!e)return t;const a=uA(e.semver,t.semver,i);return a>0?e:a<0||t.operator===">"&&e.operator===">="?t:e},JM=(e,t,i)=>{if(!e)return t;const a=uA(e.semver,t.semver,i);return a<0?e:a>0||t.operator==="<"&&e.operator==="<="?t:e};var i6t=J4t;const iS=t3,eI=Q5,a6t=nr,tI=sde,n6t=L0,r6t=nft,o6t=sft,s6t=cft,l6t=uft,c6t=pft,d6t=_ft,u6t=Dft,h6t=Aft,m6t=ns,p6t=wft,f6t=Mft,g6t=rA,_6t=Uft,S6t=xft,v6t=e8,D6t=oA,y6t=lde,R6t=cde,A6t=sA,N6t=lA,b6t=dde,T6t=o4t,w6t=t8(),C6t=rs(),E6t=i8,M6t=D4t,I6t=N4t,P6t=C4t,O6t=I4t,U6t=U4t,L6t=cA,V6t=W4t,x6t=$4t,F6t=K4t,H6t=Q4t,B6t=i6t;var k6t={parse:n6t,valid:r6t,clean:o6t,inc:s6t,diff:l6t,major:c6t,minor:d6t,patch:u6t,prerelease:h6t,compare:m6t,rcompare:p6t,compareLoose:f6t,compareBuild:g6t,sort:_6t,rsort:S6t,gt:v6t,lt:D6t,eq:y6t,neq:R6t,gte:A6t,lte:N6t,cmp:b6t,coerce:T6t,Comparator:w6t,Range:C6t,satisfies:E6t,toComparators:M6t,maxSatisfying:I6t,minSatisfying:P6t,minVersion:O6t,validRange:U6t,outside:L6t,gtr:V6t,ltr:x6t,intersects:F6t,simplifyRange:H6t,subset:B6t,SemVer:a6t,re:iS.re,src:iS.src,tokens:iS.t,SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:eI.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,RELEASE_TYPES:eI.RELEASE_TYPES,compareIdentifiers:tI.compareIdentifiers,rcompareIdentifiers:tI.rcompareIdentifiers};const iI=p0(k6t),z6t={};function G6t(e,t){return Ue(),Ge("button",ot({class:"px-4 py-1 text-lg font-medium text-white uppercase transition-all rounded-md shadow-md action-button bg-[#00000055] hover:bg-[#00000033]"},e.$attrs),[mi(e.$slots,"default")],16)}const aS=Ln(z6t,[["render",G6t]]),W6t=["data"],aI="white",X6t=kt({__name:"JoystickPS",props:{model:{},b0:{},b1:{},b2:{},b3:{},b4:{},b5:{},b6:{},b7:{},b8:{},b9:{},b10:{},b11:{},b12:{},b13:{},b14:{},b15:{},b16:{},b17:{},leftAxisHoriz:{},leftAxisVert:{},rightAxisHoriz:{},rightAxisVert:{},buttonsActionsCorrespondency:{}},emits:["click"],setup(e,{emit:t}){const i=te(()=>{switch(p.value){case An.LogitechExtreme3DPro:return"LogitechExtreme3DPro";case An.IpegaPG9023:return"Ipega9023";default:return"PS4"}}),a={[We.B0]:"path_b0",[We.B1]:"path_b1",[We.B2]:"path_b2",[We.B3]:"path_b3",[We.B4]:"path_b4",[We.B5]:"path_b5",[We.B6]:"path_b6",[We.B7]:"path_b7",[We.B8]:"path_b8",[We.B9]:"path_b9",[We.B10]:"path_b10",[We.B11]:"path_b11",[We.B12]:"path_b12",[We.B13]:"path_b13",[We.B14]:"path_b14",[We.B15]:"path_b15",[We.B16]:"path_b16",[We.B17]:"path_b17"},n=te(()=>{switch(i.value){case"LogitechExtreme3DPro":return{[Fi.A0]:"path_b14",[Fi.A1]:"path_b14",[Fi.A2]:"path_b13",[Fi.A3]:"path_b12"};default:return{[Fi.A0]:"path_b10",[Fi.A1]:"path_b10",[Fi.A2]:"path_b11",[Fi.A3]:"path_b11"}}}),r=e,o=t,s=y=>{const T=[];return Object.entries(a).filter(([,b])=>b===y).forEach(b=>{T.push({type:Pm.Button,id:b[0]})}),Object.entries(n.value).filter(([,b])=>b===y).forEach(b=>{T.push({type:Pm.Axis,id:b[0]})}),T};let l,c;const d=ve(`joystick-${ya()}`),u=y=>y.id.includes("path_b");l=setInterval(()=>{var y;c||(c=(y=document==null?void 0:document.querySelector(`.${d.value}`))==null?void 0:y.getSVGDocument(),S(),g(),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseover",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&b.setAttribute("fill","#A6DAEF")}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseout",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&(b.setAttribute("fill","transparent"),document.body.style.cursor="auto")}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mousedown",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&o("click",s(b.id))}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseup",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&b.setAttribute("fill","transparent")}))},100),xa(async()=>{clearInterval(l)}),qe(()=>[r.leftAxisHoriz,r.leftAxisVert,r.rightAxisHoriz,r.rightAxisVert],()=>{D([Fi.A0,Fi.A1],[r.leftAxisHoriz??0,r.leftAxisVert??0]),D([Fi.A2,Fi.A3],[r.rightAxisHoriz??0,r.rightAxisVert??0])});const m=te(()=>`./images/${i.value}.svg`);qe(()=>[r.b0,r.b1,r.b2,r.b3,r.b4,r.b5,r.b6,r.b7,r.b8,r.b9,r.b10,r.b11,r.b12,r.b13,r.b14,r.b15,r.b16,r.b17],()=>S());const p=la(r).model,f=la(r).buttonsActionsCorrespondency;qe(f,()=>g());const g=()=>{Object.values(We).forEach(y=>{var N;if(isNaN(Number(y)))return;const T=f.value[y]||void 0,b=T===void 0?"unassigned":T.action.name;if(!c)return;const R=a[y].replace("path","text");(c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(R))!==null&&(c.getElementById(R).textContent=b,(N=c.getElementById(R))==null||N.setAttribute("font-style",b==="unassigned"?"italic":"normal"))})},S=()=>{v(We.B0,r.b0===void 0?!1:r.b0>.5),v(We.B1,r.b1===void 0?!1:r.b1>.5),v(We.B2,r.b2===void 0?!1:r.b2>.5),v(We.B3,r.b3===void 0?!1:r.b3>.5),v(We.B4,r.b4===void 0?!1:r.b4>.5),v(We.B5,r.b5===void 0?!1:r.b5>.5),v(We.B6,r.b6===void 0?!1:r.b6>.5),v(We.B7,r.b7===void 0?!1:r.b7>.5),v(We.B8,r.b8===void 0?!1:r.b8>.5),v(We.B9,r.b9===void 0?!1:r.b9>.5),v(We.B10,r.b10===void 0?!1:r.b10>.5),v(We.B11,r.b11===void 0?!1:r.b11>.5),v(We.B12,r.b12===void 0?!1:r.b12>.5),v(We.B13,r.b13===void 0?!1:r.b13>.5),v(We.B14,r.b14===void 0?!1:r.b14>.5),v(We.B15,r.b15===void 0?!1:r.b15>.5),v(We.B16,r.b16===void 0?!1:r.b16>.5),v(We.B17,r.b17===void 0?!1:r.b17>.5)};function v(y,T){var b,R,N;(b=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y]))==null||b.setAttribute("fill",T?"red":"transparent"),(R=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y].replace("path","path_line")))==null||R.setAttribute("stroke",T?"red":aI),(N=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y].replace("path","text")))==null||N.setAttribute("fill",T?"red":aI)}function D(y,T){var N;let b,R;switch(p.value){case"PS5":{b=y[0]==Fi.A0?Vr(T[0],-1,1,-3920.9,-3882.1):Vr(T[0],-1,1,-4144.8,-4106.1),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-2192.7,-2153.9);break}case"LogitechExtreme3DPro":{b=Vr(T[0],-1,1,-15,15),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-15,15);break}default:{b=Vr(T[0],-1,1,-15,15),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-15,15);break}}(N=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(n.value[y[0]]))==null||N.setAttribute("transform",`translate(${b} ${R})`)}return(y,T)=>(Ue(),Ge("object",{class:$e(d.value),type:"image/svg+xml",data:m.value},null,10,W6t))}}),Y6t=ne("p",{class:"text-base text-center font-bold mt-6 mb-4"},"Connect a joystick and press any key.",-1),$6t=[Y6t],q6t=ne("div",{class:"flex flex-col items-center px-5 font-medium"},[Je(" Click the buttons in your physical controller and see them being activated here. If any button does not light up in this virtual joystick or is switched with another, click in it here and follow the instructions to remap it. "),ne("br"),ne("br"),Je(" By clicking the virtual buttons and axis you are also able to choose the function in your vehicle that this button controls, as whel as set axis limits. ")],-1),K6t=ne("div",{class:"text-center text-yellow-200"},[ne("p",{class:"font-semibold"},"System update is recommended"),ne("br"),ne("p",{class:"font-medium"}," It seems like you're running versions of Mavlink2Rest (BlueOS) and/or ArduPilot that do not support the extended MAVLink MANUAL_CONTROL message. We strongly suggest upgrading both so you can have support for additional buttons and axes on the joystick. This is especially important if you sometimes use other control station software, like QGroundControl, as Cockpit can preferentially use the extended buttons to reduce configuration clashes. We recommend using BlueOS ≥ 1.2.0, and ≥ version 4.1.2 for ArduPilot-based autopilot firmware. "),ne("p")],-1),Z6t={class:"flex flex-col items-center max-h-[75vh] overflow-auto"},j6t={class:"flex flex-col items-center"},Q6t={key:0,class:"flex flex-col items-center px-5 py-3 m-5 font-bold border rounded-md text-blue-grey-darken-1 bg-blue-lighten-5 w-fit"},J6t=ne("p",null,"Could not stablish communication with the vehicle.",-1),egt=ne("p",null," Button functions will appear as numbers. If connection is restablished, function names will appear. ",-1),tgt=[J6t,egt],igt={key:1,class:"flex flex-col items-center mt-2"},agt={class:"flex"},ngt={class:"flex flex-row justify-around items-center w-full mt-2"},rgt={class:"flex items-center gap-x-8"},ogt={class:"text-md font-semibold"},sgt={class:"flex items-center justify-evenly"},lgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center pt-2 max-w-[40%] mb-4 border-[1px] rounded-lg scale-90"},cgt={class:"flex flex-wrap items-center justify-evenly"},dgt=["onClick"],ugt=["onChange"],hgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center pt-2 max-w-[40%] mb-4 border-[1px] rounded-lg scale-90"},mgt={class:"flex flex-wrap items-center justify-evenly"},pgt=ne("div",{class:"flex justify-center w-full font-bold mt-1"},"Input mapping",-1),fgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between my-2"},ggt=ne("p",{class:"flex items-center justify-center w-full text-lg font-semibold mb-4"},"Button mapping",-1),_gt={key:0,class:"font-medium text-slate-400"},Sgt={class:"flex justify-center items-center mt-4"},vgt=ne("br",null,null,-1),Dgt={class:"flex flex-col w-[300px] justify-evenly"},ygt={class:"max-h-[30vh] p-1 overflow-y-auto"},Rgt={key:0,class:"text-lg font-medium"},Agt={key:0,class:"flex items-center justify-center w-full text-lg font-semibold mt-8"},Ngt={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between my-2"},bgt={key:0,class:"font-medium"},Tgt={class:"flex justify-end w-full"},Sh=5e3,nI=3.5,wgt=kt({__name:"ConfigurationJoystickView",setup(e){const t=SQ(),{globalAddress:i}=Zl(),a=Gn(),n=ve(),r=ve(),o=ve(!1);Pi(async()=>{t.enableForwarding=!1;const De=await k6e(i);n.value=iI.gte(De,"0.11.19");const Ne=await z6e(i);r.value=iI.gte(Ne,"4.1.2"),(n.value||r.value)&&(o.value=!0)}),es(()=>{t.enableForwarding=!0}),qe(()=>t.enableForwarding,()=>t.enableForwarding=!1);const s=ve(),l=ve([]),c=ve([]),d=ve(!1),u=ve(!1),m=ve(),p=ve(),f=ve(!1),g=ve(!1),S=ve(""),v=ve(!1),D=ve(),y=ve(),T=ve(!1),b=ve(bn.regular),R=Object.values(bn),N=ve(!0);qe(T,()=>{D.value=void 0,y.value=void 0});const w=(De,Ne)=>{s.value=De,l.value=Ne.filter(ue=>ue.type===Pm.Button).map(ue=>new F_e(ue.id)),c.value=Ne.filter(ue=>ue.type===Pm.Axis).map(ue=>new H_e(ue.id)),T.value=!0},C=async(De,Ne)=>{D.value=void 0;let ue,G=0;for(d.value=!0,m.value=0,f.value=!0;[void 0,-1].includes(ue)&&Gae.value===1),await Mc(100),G+=100,m.value=100*(G/Sh);if(d.value=!1,setTimeout(()=>f.value=!1,5e3),![void 0,-1].includes(ue)){D.value=!0,t.cockpitStdMappings[De.model].buttons[Ne.id]=ue;return}D.value=!1},E=async(De,Ne)=>{y.value=void 0,u.value=Ne.id,p.value=0,g.value=!0;const ue=[...De.gamepad.axes],G=new Array(ue.length).fill(0),ae=Date.now()+Sh;for(;Date.now(){G[se]+=Math.abs(Ie[se]-ue[se])}),G.some(K=>K>nI))break;await Mc(100);const Ce=Date.now()-ae+Sh;p.value=Ce/Sh*100}setTimeout(()=>{u.value===!1&&(g.value=!1)},5e3);const _e=G.findIndex(Ie=>Ie>nI),de=_e!==-1;y.value=de,u.value=!1,de&&(t.cockpitStdMappings[De.model].axes[Ne.id]=_e)},V=te(()=>t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id]),I=De=>t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id][De.id].action,U=De=>I(De).id===OV.hold_to_confirm,F=De=>I(De).protocol===Ca.CockpitAction&&!U(De),z=De=>F(De)?'Enabling this setting requires a confirmation step for critical actions. For ease of use, assign "Hold to confirm" to a controller button, avoiding the need for mouse interaction.':U(De)?"Hold to confirm cannot require confirmation.":"This confirmation setting is applicable only to cockpit actions.",B=(De,Ne)=>{t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id][De.id].action=Ne,setTimeout(()=>{N.value=!1,ei(()=>N.value=!0)},1e3),S.value=`Button ${De.id} remapped to function '${Ne.name}'.`,v.value=!0,setTimeout(()=>v.value=!1,5e3)};qe(t.joysticks,()=>{if(s.value===void 0){if(t.joysticks.size<=0)return;s.value=t.joysticks.entries().next().value[1]}const De=Object.values(bn).map(G=>G.id),Ne=t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[oo.regular],ue=Object.entries(Ne).filter(G=>{var ae;return(ae=s.value)==null?void 0:ae.state.buttons[Number(G[0])]}).map(G=>G[1].action).filter(G=>G.protocol===Ca.CockpitModifierKey).filter(G=>De.includes(G.id)).filter(G=>G!==bn.regular);if(!ue.isEmpty()){if(b.value.id===ue[0].id){W(bn.regular.id);return}W(ue[0].id)}});let H=new Date().getTime();const W=De=>{Object.keys(bn).includes(De)&&(new Date().getTime()-H<200||(H=new Date().getTime(),b.value=bn[De]))},$=te(()=>d.value?"Click the button you want to use for this input.":D.value===void 0?"":D.value?"Input remapped.":"No input detected."),Q=te(()=>u.value?"Make a full range move on the axis you want to use for this input.":y.value===void 0?"":y.value?"Axis input remapped.":"No axis detected."),re=te(()=>t.availableButtonActions.filter(De=>JSON.stringify(De)!==JSON.stringify(bn.regular))),ge=te(()=>Object.keys(aa)),fe=te({get(){return Object.keys(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency).filter(De=>t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[De]===t.protocolMapping.hash)},set(De){ge.value.forEach(Ne=>{t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]===t.protocolMapping.hash&&(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]=void 0),De.includes(Ne)&&(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]=t.protocolMapping.hash)})}});return(De,Ne)=>(Ue(),Ge(at,null,[O(V1,null,{title:we(()=>[Je("Joystick configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",{class:$e(q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"max-w-[88vw] max-h-[95vh]":"max-w-[880px] max-h-[85vh]")},[q(t).joysticks&&!q(t).joysticks.size?(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:0,class:$e(["px-6 pb-2 flex-centered flex-column position-relative",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"pt-1":"pt-3"])},$6t,2)):(Ue(),pt(ba,{key:1,class:"mt-3","no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},$O({title:we(()=>[Je("Funcitons mapping")]),info:we(()=>[q6t]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",Z6t,[ne("div",j6t,[q(t).availableButtonActions.every(ue=>ue.protocol===q(Ca).CockpitAction)?(Ue(),Ge("div",Q6t,tgt)):_t("",!0),q(R)?(Ue(),Ge("div",igt,[ne("div",agt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(t).protocolMappings,ue=>(Ue(),pt(aS,{key:ue.name,class:$e(["m-2",{"bg-[#FFFFFF33]":q(t).protocolMapping.name===ue.name,"text-sm":q(a).isOnSmallScreen}]),onClick:G=>q(t).loadProtocolMapping(ue)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(ue.name),1)]),_:2},1032,["class","onClick"]))),128))]),ne("div",ngt,[O(eA,{modelValue:fe.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[0]||(Ne[0]=ue=>fe.value=ue),items:ge.value,label:"Vehicle types that use this profile by default:",chips:"",multiple:"",density:"compact",variant:"outlined",class:"w-10/12 mt-4 scale-90",theme:"dark"},null,8,["modelValue","items"]),ne("div",rgt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(R),ue=>(Ue(),pt(aS,{key:ue.id,class:$e({"bg-[#FFFFFF33]":b.value.id===ue.id,"text-sm":q(a).isOnSmallScreen}),onClick:G=>W(ue.id)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(ue.name),1)]),_:2},1032,["class","onClick"]))),128))])])])):_t("",!0)]),(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(t).joysticks,([ue,G])=>(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:ue,class:"w-[95%] flex-centered flex-column position-relative"},[ne("p",ogt,rt(G.model)+" controller",1),N.value?(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:0,class:$e(["flex flex-col items-center 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computer ",2),ne("label",{class:$e(["w-full p-[10px] border-b text-center text-uppercase bg-[#00000011]",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-sm":"text-md"])},[ne("input",{type:"file",accept:"application/json",hidden:"",onChange:Ne[2]||(Ne[2]=ae=>q(t).importFunctionsMapping(ae))},null,32),Je(" Import from computer ")],2)])])]),O(Gr,{modelValue:q(t).holdLastInputWhenWindowHidden,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[3]||(Ne[3]=ae=>q(t).holdLastInputWhenWindowHidden=ae),label:"Hold last joystick input when window is hidden (tab changed or window minimized)",class:"m-2"},null,8,["modelValue"])]))),128))])]),_:2},[o.value?{name:"warning",fn:we(()=>[K6t]),key:"0"}:void 0]),1032,["is-expanded"]))],2)]),_:1}),(Ue(),pt(Tl,{to:"body"},[s.value?(Ue(),pt(yV,{key:0,"show-dialog":T.value,"max-width":"auto",variant:"text-only",persistent:""},{title:we(()=>[pgt]),content:we(()=>[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(l.value,ue=>(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:ue.id,class:"flex flex-row justify-between w-full align-center 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w;return(w=e.errorMessages)!=null&&w.length||!g.value&&u.value.length?u.value:e.hint&&(e.persistentHint||e.focused)?e.hint:e.messages});return yt(()=>{var I,U,F,z;const w=!!(a.prepend||e.prependIcon),C=!!(a.append||e.appendIcon),E=N.value.length>0,V=!e.hideDetails||e.hideDetails==="auto"&&(E||!!a.details);return O("div",{class:["v-input",`v-input--${e.direction}`,{"v-input--center-affix":e.centerAffix,"v-input--hide-spin-buttons":e.hideSpinButtons},r.value,o.value,b.value,e.class],style:e.style},[w&&O("div",{key:"prepend",class:"v-input__prepend"},[(I=a.prepend)==null?void 0:I.call(a,R.value),e.prependIcon&&O(s,{key:"prepend-icon",name:"prepend"},null)]),a.default&&O("div",{class:"v-input__control"},[(U=a.default)==null?void 0:U.call(a,R.value)]),C&&O("div",{key:"append",class:"v-input__append"},[e.appendIcon&&O(s,{key:"append-icon",name:"append"},null),(F=a.append)==null?void 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O($2,ot(p,{id:g.value,"aria-describedby":S.value,disabled:v.value,readonly:D.value},u,{error:y.value===!1,modelValue:n.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":T=>n.value=T,onFocus:o,onBlur:s}),a)}})}),{}}});function DM(e){const i=Math.abs(e);return Math.sign(e)*(i/((1/.501-2)*(1-i)+1))}function yM(e){let{selectedElement:t,containerSize:i,contentSize:a,isRtl:n,currentScrollOffset:r,isHorizontal:o}=e;const s=o?t.clientWidth:t.clientHeight,l=o?t.offsetLeft:t.offsetTop,c=n&&o?a-l-s:l,d=i+r,u=s+c,m=s*.4;return c<=r?r=Math.max(c-m,0):d<=u&&(r=Math.min(r-(d-u-m),a-i)),r}function zut(e){let{selectedElement:t,containerSize:i,contentSize:a,isRtl:n,isHorizontal:r}=e;const o=r?t.clientWidth:t.clientHeight,s=r?t.offsetLeft:t.offsetTop,l=n&&r?a-s-o/2-i/2:s+o/2-i/2;return Math.min(a-i,Math.max(0,l))}const 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re=-1;qe(()=>[o.selected.value,p.value,g.value,u.value],()=>{cancelAnimationFrame(re),re=requestAnimationFrame(()=>{if(p.value&&g.value){const ge=u.value?"width":"height";c.value=p.value[ge],d.value=g.value[ge],s.value=c.value+1=0&&f.value){const ge=f.value.children[v.value];S.value===0||!s.value?l.value=0:e.centerActive?l.value=zut({selectedElement:ge,containerSize:c.value,contentSize:d.value,isRtl:a.value,isHorizontal:u.value}):s.value&&(l.value=yM({selectedElement:ge,containerSize:c.value,contentSize:d.value,isRtl:a.value,currentScrollOffset:l.value,isHorizontal:u.value}))}})})}const D=Rt(!1);let y=0,T=0;function b(re){const ge=u.value?"clientX":"clientY";T=(a.value&&u.value?-1:1)*l.value,y=re.touches[0][ge],D.value=!0}function R(re){if(!s.value)return;const ge=u.value?"clientX":"clientY",fe=a.value&&u.value?-1:1;l.value=fe*(T+y-re.touches[0][ge])}function N(re){const ge=d.value-c.value;l.value<0||!s.value?l.value=0:l.value>=ge&&(l.value=ge),D.value=!1}function 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r.value||s.value||Math.abs(l.value)>0;default:return!r.value&&(s.value||Math.abs(l.value)>0)}}),$=te(()=>Math.abs(l.value)>0),Q=te(()=>d.value>Math.abs(l.value)+c.value);return yt(()=>O(e.tag,{class:["v-slide-group",{"v-slide-group--vertical":!u.value,"v-slide-group--has-affixes":W.value,"v-slide-group--is-overflowing":s.value},n.value,e.class],style:e.style,tabindex:C.value||o.selected.value.length?-1:0,onFocus:I},{default:()=>{var re,ge,fe;return[W.value&&O("div",{key:"prev",class:["v-slide-group__prev",{"v-slide-group__prev--disabled":!$.value}],onClick:()=>$.value&&z("prev")},[((re=i.prev)==null?void 0:re.call(i,H.value))??O(yT,null,{default:()=>[O(Et,{icon:a.value?e.nextIcon:e.prevIcon},null)]})]),O("div",{key:"container",ref:m,class:"v-slide-group__container",onScroll:w},[O("div",{ref:f,class:"v-slide-group__content",style:B.value,onTouchstartPassive:b,onTouchmovePassive:R,onTouchendPassive:N,onFocusin:E,onFocusout:V,onKeydown:U},[(ge=i.default)==null?void 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O(RM,ot(c,{class:["v-chip-group",{"v-chip-group--column":e.column},a.value,e.class],style:e.style}),{default:()=>{var d;return[(d=i.default)==null?void 0:d.call(i,{isSelected:n,select:r,next:o,prev:s,selected:l.value})]}})}),{}}});const Xut=Ze({activeClass:String,appendAvatar:String,appendIcon:Qt,closable:Boolean,closeIcon:{type:Qt,default:"$delete"},closeLabel:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.close"},draggable:Boolean,filter:Boolean,filterIcon:{type:String,default:"$complete"},label:Boolean,link:{type:Boolean,default:void 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w;a("click",N),y.value&&((w=v.navigate)==null||w.call(v,N),S==null||S.toggle())}function R(N){(N.key==="Enter"||N.key===" ")&&(N.preventDefault(),b(N))}return()=>{const N=v.isLink.value?"a":e.tag,w=!!(e.appendIcon||e.appendAvatar),C=!!(w||n.append),E=!!(n.close||e.closable),V=!!(n.filter||e.filter)&&S,I=!!(e.prependIcon||e.prependAvatar),U=!!(I||n.prepend),F=!S||S.isSelected.value;return g.value&&$t(O(N,{class:["v-chip",{"v-chip--disabled":e.disabled,"v-chip--label":e.label,"v-chip--link":y.value,"v-chip--filter":V,"v-chip--pill":e.pill},f.value,o.value,F?s.value:void 0,d.value,u.value,m.value,p.value,c.value,S==null?void 0:S.selectedClass.value,e.class],style:[F?l.value:void 0,e.style],disabled:e.disabled||void 0,draggable:e.draggable,href:v.href.value,tabindex:y.value?0:void 0,onClick:b,onKeydown:y.value&&!D.value&&R},{default:()=>{var z;return[Np(y.value,"v-chip"),V&&O(mV,{key:"filter"},{default:()=>[$t(O("div",{class:"v-chip__filter"},[n.filter?O(an,{key:"filter-defaults",disabled:!e.filterIcon,defaults:{VIcon:{icon:e.filterIcon}}},n.filter):O(Et,{key:"filter-icon",icon:e.filterIcon},null)]),[[Ja,S.isSelected.value]])]}),U&&O("div",{key:"prepend",class:"v-chip__prepend"},[n.prepend?O(an,{key:"prepend-defaults",disabled:!I,defaults:{VAvatar:{image:e.prependAvatar,start:!0},VIcon:{icon:e.prependIcon,start:!0}}},n.prepend):O(at,null,[e.prependIcon&&O(Et,{key:"prepend-icon",icon:e.prependIcon,start:!0},null),e.prependAvatar&&O(m1,{key:"prepend-avatar",image:e.prependAvatar,start:!0},null)])]),O("div",{class:"v-chip__content","data-no-activator":""},[((z=n.default)==null?void 0:z.call(n,{isSelected:S==null?void 0:S.isSelected.value,selectedClass:S==null?void 0:S.selectedClass.value,select:S==null?void 0:S.select,toggle:S==null?void 0:S.toggle,value:S==null?void 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s=n.has(r)?new Map([[r,n.get(r)]]):new Map;return t.select({...o,id:r,selected:s})},in:(a,n,r)=>{let o=new Map;return a!=null&&a.length&&(o=t.in(a.slice(0,1),n,r)),o},out:(a,n,r)=>t.out(a,n,r)}},qut=e=>{const t=$9(e);return{select:a=>{let{id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s}=a;return n=Vt(n),o.has(n)?r:t.select({id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s})},in:t.in,out:t.out}},Kut=e=>{const t=A2e(e);return{select:a=>{let{id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s}=a;return n=Vt(n),o.has(n)?r:t.select({id:n,selected:r,children:o,...s})},in:t.in,out:t.out}},Zut=e=>{const t={select:i=>{let{id:a,value:n,selected:r,children:o,parents:s}=i;a=Vt(a);const l=new Map(r),c=[a];for(;c.length;){const u=c.shift();r.set(u,n?"on":"off"),o.has(u)&&c.push(...o.get(u))}let d=s.get(a);for(;d;){const u=o.get(d),m=u.every(f=>r.get(f)==="on"),p=u.every(f=>!r.has(f)||r.get(f)==="off");r.set(d,m?"on":p?"off":"indeterminate"),d=s.get(d)}return e&&!n&&Array.from(r.entries()).reduce((m,p)=>{let[f,g]=p;return 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r.children)o=a(s,o)}else r.fixed&&(r.fixedOffset=o,o+=parseFloat(r.width||"0")||0);return o}let n=0;for(const r of e)n=a(r,n)}function xpt(e,t){const i=[];let a=0;const n=Upt(e);for(;n.size()>0;){let o=n.count();const s=[];let l=1;for(;o>0;){const{element:c,priority:d}=n.dequeue(),u=t-a-iA(c);if(s.push({...c,rowspan:u??1,colspan:c.children?JD(c).length:1}),c.children)for(const m of c.children){const p=d%1+l/Math.pow(10,a+2);n.enqueue(m,a+u+p)}l+=1,o-=1}a+=1,i.push(s)}return{columns:e.map(o=>JD(o)).flat(),headers:i}}function X2e(e){const t=[];for(const i of e){const a={...Lpt(i),...i},n=a.key??(typeof a.value=="string"?a.value:null),r=a.value??n??null,o={...a,key:n,value:r,sortable:a.sortable??(a.key!=null||!!a.sort),children:a.children?X2e(a.children):void 0};t.push(o)}return t}function Fpt(e,t){const i=ve([]),a=ve([]),n=ve({}),r=ve({}),o=ve({});tr(()=>{var g,S,v;const c=(e.headers||Object.keys(e.items[0]??{}).map(D=>({key:D,title:Ks(D)}))).slice(),d=W2e(c);(g=t==null?void 0:t.groupBy)!=null&&g.value.length&&!d.has("data-table-group")&&c.unshift({key:"data-table-group",title:"Group"}),(S=t==null?void 0:t.showSelect)!=null&&S.value&&!d.has("data-table-select")&&c.unshift({key:"data-table-select"}),(v=t==null?void 0:t.showExpand)!=null&&v.value&&!d.has("data-table-expand")&&c.push({key:"data-table-expand"});const u=X2e(c);Vpt(u);const m=Math.max(...u.map(D=>iA(D)))+1,p=xpt(u,m);i.value=p.headers,a.value=p.columns;const f=p.headers.flat(1);for(const D of f)D.key&&(D.sortable&&(D.sort&&(n.value[D.key]=D.sort),D.sortRaw&&(r.value[D.key]=D.sortRaw)),D.filter&&(o.value[D.key]=D.filter))});const s={headers:i,columns:a,sortFunctions:n,sortRawFunctions:r,filterFunctions:o};return Yi(z2e,s),s}function Z5(){const e=qt(z2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing headers!");return e}const Hpt={showSelectAll:!1,allSelected:()=>[],select:e=>{var a;let{items:t,value:i}=e;return new Set(i?[(a=t[0])==null?void 0:a.value]:[])},selectAll:e=>{let{selected:t}=e;return t}},Y2e={showSelectAll:!0,allSelected:e=>{let{currentPage:t}=e;return t},select:e=>{let{items:t,value:i,selected:a}=e;for(const n of t)i?a.add(n.value):a.delete(n.value);return a},selectAll:e=>{let{value:t,currentPage:i,selected:a}=e;return Y2e.select({items:i,value:t,selected:a})}},$2e={showSelectAll:!0,allSelected:e=>{let{allItems:t}=e;return t},select:e=>{let{items:t,value:i,selected:a}=e;for(const n of t)i?a.add(n.value):a.delete(n.value);return a},selectAll:e=>{let{value:t,allItems:i,selected:a}=e;return $2e.select({items:i,value:t,selected:a})}},Bpt=Ze({showSelect:Boolean,selectStrategy:{type:[String,Object],default:"page"},modelValue:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},valueComparator:{type:Function,default:$l}},"DataTable-select"),q2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-selection");function kpt(e,t){let{allItems:i,currentPage:a}=t;const n=oi(e,"modelValue",e.modelValue,S=>new Set(Jn(S).map(v=>{var D;return((D=i.value.find(y=>e.valueComparator(v,y.value)))==null?void 0:D.value)??v})),S=>[...S.values()]),r=te(()=>i.value.filter(S=>S.selectable)),o=te(()=>a.value.filter(S=>S.selectable)),s=te(()=>{if(typeof e.selectStrategy=="object")return e.selectStrategy;switch(e.selectStrategy){case"single":return Hpt;case"all":return $2e;case"page":default:return Y2e}});function l(S){return Jn(S).every(v=>n.value.has(v.value))}function c(S){return Jn(S).some(v=>n.value.has(v.value))}function d(S,v){const D=s.value.select({items:S,value:v,selected:new Set(n.value)});n.value=D}function u(S){d([S],!l([S]))}function m(S){const v=s.value.selectAll({value:S,allItems:r.value,currentPage:o.value,selected:new Set(n.value)});n.value=v}const p=te(()=>n.value.size>0),f=te(()=>{const S=s.value.allSelected({allItems:r.value,currentPage:o.value});return!!S.length&&l(S)}),g={toggleSelect:u,select:d,selectAll:m,isSelected:l,isSomeSelected:c,someSelected:p,allSelected:f,showSelectAll:s.value.showSelectAll};return Yi(q2e,g),g}function j5(){const e=qt(q2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing selection!");return e}const zpt=Ze({sortBy:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},customKeySort:Object,multiSort:Boolean,mustSort:Boolean},"DataTable-sort"),K2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-sort");function Gpt(e){const t=oi(e,"sortBy"),i=ht(e,"mustSort"),a=ht(e,"multiSort");return{sortBy:t,mustSort:i,multiSort:a}}function Wpt(e){const{sortBy:t,mustSort:i,multiSort:a,page:n}=e,r=l=>{if(l.key==null)return;let c=t.value.map(u=>({...u}))??[];const d=c.find(u=>u.key===l.key);d?d.order==="desc"?i.value?d.order="asc":c=c.filter(u=>u.key!==l.key):d.order="desc":a.value?c=[...c,{key:l.key,order:"asc"}]:c=[{key:l.key,order:"asc"}],t.value=c,n&&(n.value=1)};function o(l){return!!t.value.find(c=>c.key===l.key)}const s={sortBy:t,toggleSort:r,isSorted:o};return Yi(K2e,s),s}function Xpt(){const e=qt(K2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing sort!");return e}function Ypt(e,t,i,a,n){const r=Js();return{sortedItems:te(()=>i.value.length?$pt(t.value,i.value,r.current.value,{...e.customKeySort,...a==null?void 0:a.value},n==null?void 0:n.value):t.value)}}function $pt(e,t,i,a,n){const r=new Intl.Collator(i,{sensitivity:"accent",usage:"sort"});return[...e].sort((o,s)=>{for(let l=0;lg!=null?g.toString().toLocaleLowerCase():g),u!==m)return x3(u)&&x3(m)?0:x3(u)?-1:x3(m)?1:!isNaN(u)&&!isNaN(m)?Number(u)-Number(m):r.compare(u,m)}return 0})}const Z2e=Ze({color:String,sticky:Boolean,multiSort:Boolean,sortAscIcon:{type:Qt,default:"$sortAsc"},sortDescIcon:{type:Qt,default:"$sortDesc"},headerProps:{type:Object},...Gg()},"VDataTableHeaders"),EM=ft()({name:"VDataTableHeaders",props:Z2e(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{toggleSort:a,sortBy:n,isSorted:r}=Xpt(),{someSelected:o,allSelected:s,selectAll:l,showSelectAll:c}=j5(),{columns:d,headers:u}=Z5(),{loaderClasses:m}=Ep(e);function p(y,T){if(!(!e.sticky&&!y.fixed))return{position:"sticky",left:y.fixed?vt(y.fixedOffset):void 0,top:e.sticky?`calc(var(--v-table-header-height) * ${T})`:void 0}}function f(y){const T=n.value.find(b=>b.key===y.key);return T?T.order==="asc"?e.sortAscIcon:e.sortDescIcon:e.sortAscIcon}const{backgroundColorClasses:g,backgroundColorStyles:S}=_o(e,"color"),v=te(()=>({headers:u.value,columns:d.value,toggleSort:a,isSorted:r,sortBy:n.value,someSelected:o.value,allSelected:s.value,selectAll:l,getSortIcon:f})),D=y=>{let{column:T,x:b,y:R}=y;const N=T.key==="data-table-select"||T.key==="data-table-expand",w=ot(e.headerProps??{},T.headerProps??{});return O(tA,ot({tag:"th",align:T.align,class:["v-data-table__th",{"v-data-table__th--sortable":T.sortable,"v-data-table__th--sorted":r(T),"v-data-table__th--fixed":T.fixed,"v-data-table__th--sticky":e.sticky},m.value],style:{width:vt(T.width),minWidth:vt(T.minWidth),...p(T,R)},colspan:T.colspan,rowspan:T.rowspan,onClick:T.sortable?()=>a(T):void 0,fixed:T.fixed,lastFixed:T.lastFixed,noPadding:N},w),{default:()=>{var V;const C=`header.${T.key}`,E={column:T,selectAll:l,isSorted:r,toggleSort:a,sortBy:n.value,someSelected:o.value,allSelected:s.value,getSortIcon:f};return i[C]?i[C](E):T.key==="data-table-select"?((V=i["header.data-table-select"])==null?void 0:V.call(i,E))??(c&&O($2,{modelValue:s.value,indeterminate:o.value&&!s.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":l},null)):O("div",{class:"v-data-table-header__content"},[O("span",null,[T.title]),T.sortable&&O(Et,{key:"icon",class:"v-data-table-header__sort-icon",icon:f(T)},null),e.multiSort&&r(T)&&O("div",{key:"badge",class:["v-data-table-header__sort-badge",...g.value],style:S.value},[n.value.findIndex(I=>I.key===T.key)+1])])}})};yt(()=>O(at,null,[i.headers?i.headers(v.value):u.value.map((y,T)=>O("tr",null,[y.map((b,R)=>O(D,{column:b,x:R,y:T},null))])),e.loading&&O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-progress"},[O("th",{colspan:d.value.length},[O(Wg,{name:"v-data-table-progress",absolute:!0,active:!0,color:typeof e.loading=="boolean"?void 0:e.loading,indeterminate:!0},{default:i.loader})])])]))}}),qpt=Ze({groupBy:{type:Array,default:()=>[]}},"DataTable-group"),j2e=Symbol.for("vuetify:data-table-group");function Kpt(e){return{groupBy:oi(e,"groupBy")}}function Zpt(e){const{groupBy:t,sortBy:i}=e,a=ve(new Set),n=te(()=>t.value.map(c=>({...c,order:c.order??!1})).concat(i.value));function r(c){return a.value.has(c.id)}function o(c){const d=new Set(a.value);r(c)?d.delete(c.id):d.add(c.id),a.value=d}function s(c){function d(u){const m=[];for(const p of u.items)"type"in p&&p.type==="group"?m.push(...d(p)):m.push(p);return m}return d({type:"group",items:c,id:"dummy",key:"dummy",value:"dummy",depth:0})}const l={sortByWithGroups:n,toggleGroup:o,opened:a,groupBy:t,extractRows:s,isGroupOpen:r};return Yi(j2e,l),l}function Q2e(){const e=qt(j2e);if(!e)throw new Error("Missing group!");return e}function jpt(e,t){if(!e.length)return[];const i=new Map;for(const a of e){const n=H2(a.raw,t);i.has(n)||i.set(n,[]),i.get(n).push(a)}return i}function J2e(e,t){let i=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:0,a=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==void 0?arguments[3]:"root";if(!t.length)return[];const n=jpt(e,t[0]),r=[],o=t.slice(1);return n.forEach((s,l)=>{const c=t[0],d=`${a}_${c}_${l}`;r.push({depth:i,id:d,key:c,value:l,items:o.length?J2e(s,o,i+1,d):s,type:"group"})}),r}function ede(e,t){const i=[];for(const a of e)"type"in a&&a.type==="group"?(a.value!=null&&i.push(a),(t.has(a.id)||a.value==null)&&i.push(...ede(a.items,t))):i.push(a);return i}function Qpt(e,t,i){return{flatItems:te(()=>{if(!t.value.length)return e.value;const n=J2e(e.value,t.value.map(r=>r.key));return ede(n,i.value)})}}const Jpt=Ze({item:{type:Object,required:!0}},"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow"),e3t=ft()({name:"VDataTableGroupHeaderRow",props:Jpt(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{isGroupOpen:a,toggleGroup:n,extractRows:r}=Q2e(),{isSelected:o,isSomeSelected:s,select:l}=j5(),{columns:c}=Z5(),d=te(()=>r([e.item]));return()=>O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row",style:{"--v-data-table-group-header-row-depth":e.item.depth}},[c.value.map(u=>{var m,p;if(u.key==="data-table-group"){const f=a(e.item)?"$expand":"$next",g=()=>n(e.item);return((m=i["data-table-group"])==null?void 0:m.call(i,{item:e.item,count:d.value.length,props:{icon:f,onClick:g}}))??O(tA,{class:"v-data-table-group-header-row__column"},{default:()=>[O(di,{size:"small",variant:"text",icon:f,onClick:g},null),O("span",null,[e.item.value]),O("span",null,[Je("("),d.value.length,Je(")")])]})}if(u.key==="data-table-select"){const f=o(d.value),g=s(d.value)&&!f,S=v=>l(d.value,v);return((p=i["data-table-select"])==null?void 0:p.call(i,{props:{modelValue:f,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":S}}))??O("td",null,[O($2,{modelValue:f,indeterminate:g,"onUpdate:modelValue":S},null)])}return O("td",null,null)})])}}),t3t=Ze({expandOnClick:Boolean,showExpand:Boolean,expanded:{type:Array,default:()=>[]}},"DataTable-expand"),tde=Symbol.for("vuetify:datatable:expanded");function i3t(e){const t=ht(e,"expandOnClick"),i=oi(e,"expanded",e.expanded,s=>new Set(s),s=>[...s.values()]);function a(s,l){const c=new Set(i.value);l?c.add(s.value):c.delete(s.value),i.value=c}function n(s){return i.value.has(s.value)}function r(s){a(s,!n(s))}const o={expand:a,expanded:i,expandOnClick:t,isExpanded:n,toggleExpand:r};return Yi(tde,o),o}function ide(){const e=qt(tde);if(!e)throw new Error("foo");return e}const a3t=Ze({index:Number,item:Object,cellProps:[Object,Function],onClick:Dr(),onContextmenu:Dr(),onDblclick:Dr()},"VDataTableRow"),n3t=ft()({name:"VDataTableRow",props:a3t(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i}=t;const{isSelected:a,toggleSelect:n}=j5(),{isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:o}=ide(),{columns:s}=Z5();yt(()=>O("tr",{class:["v-data-table__tr",{"v-data-table__tr--clickable":!!(e.onClick||e.onContextmenu||e.onDblclick)}],onClick:e.onClick,onContextmenu:e.onContextmenu,onDblclick:e.onDblclick},[e.item&&s.value.map((l,c)=>{const d=e.item,u=`item.${l.key}`,m={index:e.index,item:d.raw,internalItem:d,value:H2(d.columns,l.key),column:l,isSelected:a,toggleSelect:n,isExpanded:r,toggleExpand:o},p=typeof e.cellProps=="function"?e.cellProps({index:m.index,item:m.item,internalItem:m.internalItem,value:m.value,column:l}):e.cellProps,f=typeof l.cellProps=="function"?l.cellProps({index:m.index,item:m.item,internalItem:m.internalItem,value:m.value}):l.cellProps;return O(tA,ot({align:l.align,fixed:l.fixed,fixedOffset:l.fixedOffset,lastFixed:l.lastFixed,noPadding:l.key==="data-table-select"||l.key==="data-table-expand",width:l.width},p,f),{default:()=>{var g,S;return i[u]?i[u](m):l.key==="data-table-select"?((g=i["item.data-table-select"])==null?void 0:g.call(i,m))??O($2,{disabled:!d.selectable,modelValue:a([d]),onClick:tn(()=>n(d),["stop"])},null):l.key==="data-table-expand"?((S=i["item.data-table-expand"])==null?void 0:S.call(i,m))??O(di,{icon:r(d)?"$collapse":"$expand",size:"small",variant:"text",onClick:tn(()=>o(d),["stop"])},null):rt(m.value)}})})]))}}),ade=Ze({loading:[Boolean,String],loadingText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.dataIterator.loadingText"},hideNoData:Boolean,items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},noDataText:{type:String,default:"$vuetify.noDataText"},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function]},"VDataTableRows"),MM=ft()({name:"VDataTableRows",inheritAttrs:!1,props:ade(),setup(e,t){let{attrs:i,slots:a}=t;const{columns:n}=Z5(),{expandOnClick:r,toggleExpand:o,isExpanded:s}=ide(),{isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c}=j5(),{toggleGroup:d,isGroupOpen:u}=Q2e(),{t:m}=Js();return yt(()=>{var p,f;return e.loading&&(!e.items.length||a.loading)?O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-rows-loading",key:"loading"},[O("td",{colspan:n.value.length},[((p=a.loading)==null?void 0:p.call(a))??m(e.loadingText)])]):!e.loading&&!e.items.length&&!e.hideNoData?O("tr",{class:"v-data-table-rows-no-data",key:"no-data"},[O("td",{colspan:n.value.length},[((f=a["no-data"])==null?void 0:f.call(a))??m(e.noDataText)])]):O(at,null,[e.items.map((g,S)=>{var y;if(g.type==="group"){const T={index:S,item:g,columns:n.value,isExpanded:s,toggleExpand:o,isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c,toggleGroup:d,isGroupOpen:u};return a["group-header"]?a["group-header"](T):O(e3t,ot({key:`group-header_${g.id}`,item:g},lT(i,":group-header",()=>T)),a)}const v={index:S,item:g.raw,internalItem:g,columns:n.value,isExpanded:s,toggleExpand:o,isSelected:l,toggleSelect:c},D={...v,props:ot({key:`item_${g.key??g.index}`,onClick:r.value?()=>{o(g)}:void 0,index:S,item:g,cellProps:e.cellProps},lT(i,":row",()=>v),typeof e.rowProps=="function"?e.rowProps({item:v.item,index:v.index,internalItem:v.internalItem}):e.rowProps)};return O(at,{key:D.props.key},[a.item?a.item(D):O(n3t,D.props,a),s(g)&&((y=a["expanded-row"])==null?void 0:y.call(a,v))])})])}),{}}}),nde=Ze({fixedHeader:Boolean,fixedFooter:Boolean,height:[Number,String],hover:Boolean,...zt(),...Ro(),...Wa(),...Oa()},"VTable"),IM=ft()({name:"VTable",props:nde(),setup(e,t){let{slots:i,emit:a}=t;const{themeClasses:n}=on(e),{densityClasses:r}=Qs(e);return yt(()=>O(e.tag,{class:["v-table",{"v-table--fixed-height":!!e.height,"v-table--fixed-header":e.fixedHeader,"v-table--fixed-footer":e.fixedFooter,"v-table--has-top":!!i.top,"v-table--has-bottom":!!i.bottom,"v-table--hover":e.hover},n.value,r.value,e.class],style:e.style},{default:()=>{var o,s,l;return[(o=i.top)==null?void 0:o.call(i),i.default?O("div",{class:"v-table__wrapper",style:{height:vt(e.height)}},[O("table",null,[i.default()])]):(s=i.wrapper)==null?void 0:s.call(i),(l=i.bottom)==null?void 0:l.call(i)]}})),{}}}),r3t=Ze({items:{type:Array,default:()=>[]},itemValue:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:"id"},itemSelectable:{type:[String,Array,Function],default:null},rowProps:[Object,Function],cellProps:[Object,Function],returnObject:Boolean},"DataTable-items");function o3t(e,t,i,a){const n=e.returnObject?t:fr(t,e.itemValue),r=fr(t,e.itemSelectable,!0),o=a.reduce((s,l)=>(l.key!=null&&(s[l.key]=fr(t,l.value)),s),{});return{type:"item",key:e.returnObject?fr(t,e.itemValue):n,index:i,value:n,selectable:r,columns:o,raw:t}}function s3t(e,t,i){return t.map((a,n)=>o3t(e,a,n,i))}function l3t(e,t){return{items:te(()=>s3t(e,e.items,t.value))}}function c3t(e){let{page:t,itemsPerPage:i,sortBy:a,groupBy:n,search:r}=e;const o=Fa("VDataTable"),s=te(()=>({page:t.value,itemsPerPage:i.value,sortBy:a.value,groupBy:n.value,search:r.value}));let l=null;qe(s,()=>{$l(l,s.value)||((l==null?void 0:l.search)!==s.value.search&&(t.value=1),o.emit("update:options",s.value),l=s.value)},{deep:!0,immediate:!0})}const 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Should be an IP address or a hostname",N=I=>{if(["http://","https://","ws://","wss://"].some(F=>I.startsWith(F)))return'Address should not include protocol (e.g.: "http://", "wss://").';try{new kh(`ws://${I}:6040/`)}catch(F){return`Invalid connection URI. ${F}.`}return!0},w=I=>{try{if(new kh(I).type()!==Ku.WebSocket)throw new Error("URI should be of type WebSocket")}catch(U){return`Invalid connection URI. ${U}.`}return!0},C=ve(JSON.stringify(t.customWebRTCConfiguration.data,null,4)),E=()=>{try{const I=JSON.parse(C.value);t.customWebRTCConfiguration.data=I,Qc(3e3)}catch(I){alert(`Could not update WebRTC configuration. ${I}.`)}},V=()=>{try{const I=C.value,U=JSON.parse(I),F=JSON.stringify(U,null,4);I!==F&&(C.value=F)}catch{}};return qe(C,()=>V()),Pi(()=>{V()}),(I,U)=>{const F=ir("tooltip");return Ue(),pt(V1,null,{title:we(()=>[Je("General configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",{class:$e(["flex-col h-full overflow-y-auto ml-[10px] pr-3 -mr-[10px]",q(i).isOnSmallScreen?"max-w-[80vw] max-h-[90vh]":"max-w-[650px] max-h-[85vh]"])},[O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(i).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Vehicle network connection (global address)")]),subtitle:we(()=>[Je("Current address: "+rt(q(t).globalAddress),1)]),info:we(()=>[Je("Sets the network address for device communication. 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t3=ey.exports;const K3t=Object.freeze({loose:!0}),Z3t=Object.freeze({}),j3t=e=>e?typeof e!="object"?K3t:e:Z3t;var nA=j3t;const PM=/^[0-9]+$/,ode=(e,t)=>{const i=PM.test(e),a=PM.test(t);return i&&a&&(e=+e,t=+t),e===t?0:i&&!a?-1:a&&!i?1:eode(t,e);var sde={compareIdentifiers:ode,rcompareIdentifiers:Q3t};const Nf=J5,{MAX_LENGTH:OM,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:bf}=Q5,{safeRe:UM,t:LM}=t3,J3t=nA,{compareIdentifiers:$d}=sde;let eft=class _s{constructor(t,i){if(i=J3t(i),t instanceof _s){if(t.loose===!!i.loose&&t.includePrerelease===!!i.includePrerelease)return t;t=t.version}else if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError(`Invalid version. Must be a string. Got type "${typeof t}".`);if(t.length>OM)throw new TypeError(`version is longer than ${OM} characters`);Nf("SemVer",t,i),this.options=i,this.loose=!!i.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!i.includePrerelease;const a=t.trim().match(i.loose?UM[LM.LOOSE]:UM[LM.FULL]);if(!a)throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${t}`);if(this.raw=t,this.major=+a[1],this.minor=+a[2],this.patch=+a[3],this.major>bf||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>bf||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>bf||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");a[4]?this.prerelease=a[4].split(".").map(n=>{if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(n)){const r=+n;if(r>=0&&r=0;)typeof this.prerelease[r]=="number"&&(this.prerelease[r]++,r=-2);if(r===-1){if(i===this.prerelease.join(".")&&a===!1)throw new Error("invalid increment argument: identifier already exists");this.prerelease.push(n)}}if(i){let r=[i,n];a===!1&&(r=[i]),$d(this.prerelease[0],i)===0?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=r):this.prerelease=r}break}default:throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${t}`)}return this.raw=this.format(),this.build.length&&(this.raw+=`+${this.build.join(".")}`),this}};var nr=eft;const VM=nr,tft=(e,t,i=!1)=>{if(e instanceof VM)return e;try{return new VM(e,t)}catch(a){if(!i)return null;throw a}};var L0=tft;const ift=L0,aft=(e,t)=>{const i=ift(e,t);return i?i.version:null};var nft=aft;const rft=L0,oft=(e,t)=>{const i=rft(e.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/,""),t);return i?i.version:null};var sft=oft;const xM=nr,lft=(e,t,i,a,n)=>{typeof i=="string"&&(n=a,a=i,i=void 0);try{return new xM(e instanceof xM?e.version:e,i).inc(t,a,n).version}catch{return null}};var cft=lft;const FM=L0,dft=(e,t)=>{const i=FM(e,null,!0),a=FM(t,null,!0),n=i.compare(a);if(n===0)return null;const r=n>0,o=r?i:a,s=r?a:i,l=!!o.prerelease.length;if(!!s.prerelease.length&&!l)return!s.patch&&!s.minor?"major":o.patch?"patch":o.minor?"minor":"major";const d=l?"pre":"";return i.major!==a.major?d+"major":i.minor!==a.minor?d+"minor":i.patch!==a.patch?d+"patch":"prerelease"};var uft=dft;const hft=nr,mft=(e,t)=>new hft(e,t).major;var pft=mft;const fft=nr,gft=(e,t)=>new fft(e,t).minor;var _ft=gft;const Sft=nr,vft=(e,t)=>new Sft(e,t).patch;var Dft=vft;const yft=L0,Rft=(e,t)=>{const i=yft(e,t);return i&&i.prerelease.length?i.prerelease:null};var Aft=Rft;const HM=nr,Nft=(e,t,i)=>new HM(e,i).compare(new HM(t,i));var ns=Nft;const bft=ns,Tft=(e,t,i)=>bft(t,e,i);var wft=Tft;const Cft=ns,Eft=(e,t)=>Cft(e,t,!0);var Mft=Eft;const BM=nr,Ift=(e,t,i)=>{const a=new BM(e,i),n=new BM(t,i);return a.compare(n)||a.compareBuild(n)};var rA=Ift;const Pft=rA,Oft=(e,t)=>e.sort((i,a)=>Pft(i,a,t));var Uft=Oft;const Lft=rA,Vft=(e,t)=>e.sort((i,a)=>Lft(a,i,t));var xft=Vft;const Fft=ns,Hft=(e,t,i)=>Fft(e,t,i)>0;var e8=Hft;const Bft=ns,kft=(e,t,i)=>Bft(e,t,i)<0;var oA=kft;const zft=ns,Gft=(e,t,i)=>zft(e,t,i)===0;var lde=Gft;const Wft=ns,Xft=(e,t,i)=>Wft(e,t,i)!==0;var cde=Xft;const Yft=ns,$ft=(e,t,i)=>Yft(e,t,i)>=0;var sA=$ft;const qft=ns,Kft=(e,t,i)=>qft(e,t,i)<=0;var lA=Kft;const Zft=lde,jft=cde,Qft=e8,Jft=sA,e4t=oA,t4t=lA,i4t=(e,t,i,a)=>{switch(t){case"===":return typeof e=="object"&&(e=e.version),typeof i=="object"&&(i=i.version),e===i;case"!==":return typeof e=="object"&&(e=e.version),typeof i=="object"&&(i=i.version),e!==i;case"":case"=":case"==":return Zft(e,i,a);case"!=":return jft(e,i,a);case">":return Qft(e,i,a);case">=":return Jft(e,i,a);case"<":return e4t(e,i,a);case"<=":return t4t(e,i,a);default:throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${t}`)}};var dde=i4t;const a4t=nr,n4t=L0,{safeRe:Tf,t:wf}=t3,r4t=(e,t)=>{if(e instanceof a4t)return e;if(typeof e=="number"&&(e=String(e)),typeof e!="string")return null;t=t||{};let i=null;if(!t.rtl)i=e.match(t.includePrerelease?Tf[wf.COERCEFULL]:Tf[wf.COERCE]);else{const l=t.includePrerelease?Tf[wf.COERCERTLFULL]:Tf[wf.COERCERTL];let c;for(;(c=l.exec(e))&&(!i||i.index+i[0].length!==e.length);)(!i||c.index+c[0].length!==i.index+i[0].length)&&(i=c),l.lastIndex=c.index+c[1].length+c[2].length;l.lastIndex=-1}if(i===null)return null;const a=i[2],n=i[3]||"0",r=i[4]||"0",o=t.includePrerelease&&i[5]?`-${i[5]}`:"",s=t.includePrerelease&&i[6]?`+${i[6]}`:"";return n4t(`${a}.${n}.${r}${o}${s}`,t)};var o4t=r4t,K_,kM;function s4t(){return kM||(kM=1,K_=function(e){e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=function*(){for(let t=this.head;t;t=t.next)yield t.value}}),K_}var l4t=Ci;Ci.Node=q2;Ci.create=Ci;function Ci(e){var t=this;if(t instanceof Ci||(t=new Ci),t.tail=null,t.head=null,t.length=0,e&&typeof e.forEach=="function")e.forEach(function(n){t.push(n)});else if(arguments.length>0)for(var i=0,a=arguments.length;i1)i=t;else if(this.head)a=this.head.next,i=this.head.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=0;a!==null;n++)i=e(i,a.value,n),a=a.next;return i};Ci.prototype.reduceReverse=function(e,t){var i,a=this.tail;if(arguments.length>1)i=t;else if(this.tail)a=this.tail.prev,i=this.tail.value;else throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");for(var n=this.length-1;a!==null;n--)i=e(i,a.value,n),a=a.prev;return i};Ci.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,i=this.head;i!==null;t++)e[t]=i.value,i=i.next;return e};Ci.prototype.toArrayReverse=function(){for(var e=new Array(this.length),t=0,i=this.tail;i!==null;t++)e[t]=i.value,i=i.prev;return e};Ci.prototype.slice=function(e,t){t=t||this.length,t<0&&(t+=this.length),e=e||0,e<0&&(e+=this.length);var i=new Ci;if(tthis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var a=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&athis.length&&(t=this.length);for(var a=this.length,n=this.tail;n!==null&&a>t;a--)n=n.prev;for(;n!==null&&a>e;a--,n=n.prev)i.push(n.value);return i};Ci.prototype.splice=function(e,t,...i){e>this.length&&(e=this.length-1),e<0&&(e=this.length+e);for(var a=0,n=this.head;n!==null&&a1;class m4t{constructor(t){if(typeof t=="number"&&(t={max:t}),t||(t={}),t.max&&(typeof t.max!="number"||t.max<0))throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[l2]=t.max||1/0;const i=t.length||Z_;if(this[qd]=typeof i!="function"?Z_:i,this[cm]=t.stale||!1,t.maxAge&&typeof t.maxAge!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");this[v2]=t.maxAge||0,this[ml]=t.dispose,this[zM]=t.noDisposeOnSet||!1,this[ude]=t.updateAgeOnGet||!1,this.reset()}set max(t){if(typeof t!="number"||t<0)throw new TypeError("max must be a non-negative number");this[l2]=t||1/0,gh(this)}get max(){return this[l2]}set allowStale(t){this[cm]=!!t}get allowStale(){return this[cm]}set maxAge(t){if(typeof t!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a non-negative number");this[v2]=t,gh(this)}get maxAge(){return this[v2]}set lengthCalculator(t){typeof t!="function"&&(t=Z_),t!==this[qd]&&(this[qd]=t,this[fl]=0,this[cn].forEach(i=>{i.length=this[qd](i.value,i.key),this[fl]+=i.length})),gh(this)}get lengthCalculator(){return this[qd]}get length(){return this[fl]}get itemCount(){return this[cn].length}rforEach(t,i){i=i||this;for(let a=this[cn].tail;a!==null;){const n=a.prev;GM(this,t,a,i),a=n}}forEach(t,i){i=i||this;for(let a=this[cn].head;a!==null;){const n=a.next;GM(this,t,a,i),a=n}}keys(){return this[cn].toArray().map(t=>t.key)}values(){return this[cn].toArray().map(t=>t.value)}reset(){this[ml]&&this[cn]&&this[cn].length&&this[cn].forEach(t=>this[ml](t.key,t.value)),this[Po]=new Map,this[cn]=new h4t,this[fl]=0}dump(){return this[cn].map(t=>ig(this,t)?!1:{k:t.key,v:t.value,e:t.now+(t.maxAge||0)}).toArray().filter(t=>t)}dumpLru(){return this[cn]}set(t,i,a){if(a=a||this[v2],a&&typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("maxAge must be a number");const n=a?Date.now():0,r=this[qd](i,t);if(this[Po].has(t)){if(r>this[l2])return xu(this,this[Po].get(t)),!1;const l=this[Po].get(t).value;return this[ml]&&(this[zM]||this[ml](t,l.value)),l.now=n,l.maxAge=a,l.value=i,this[fl]+=r-l.length,l.length=r,this.get(t),gh(this),!0}const o=new p4t(t,i,r,n,a);return o.length>this[l2]?(this[ml]&&this[ml](t,i),!1):(this[fl]+=o.length,this[cn].unshift(o),this[Po].set(t,this[cn].head),gh(this),!0)}has(t){if(!this[Po].has(t))return!1;const i=this[Po].get(t).value;return!ig(this,i)}get(t){return j_(this,t,!0)}peek(t){return j_(this,t,!1)}pop(){const t=this[cn].tail;return t?(xu(this,t),t.value):null}del(t){xu(this,this[Po].get(t))}load(t){this.reset();const i=Date.now();for(let a=t.length-1;a>=0;a--){const n=t[a],r=n.e||0;if(r===0)this.set(n.k,n.v);else{const o=r-i;o>0&&this.set(n.k,n.v,o)}}}prune(){this[Po].forEach((t,i)=>j_(this,i,!1))}}const j_=(e,t,i)=>{const a=e[Po].get(t);if(a){const n=a.value;if(ig(e,n)){if(xu(e,a),!e[cm])return}else i&&(e[ude]&&(a.value.now=Date.now()),e[cn].unshiftNode(a));return n.value}},ig=(e,t)=>{if(!t||!t.maxAge&&!e[v2])return!1;const i=Date.now()-t.now;return t.maxAge?i>t.maxAge:e[v2]&&i>e[v2]},gh=e=>{if(e[fl]>e[l2])for(let t=e[cn].tail;e[fl]>e[l2]&&t!==null;){const i=t.prev;xu(e,t),t=i}},xu=(e,t)=>{if(t){const i=t.value;e[ml]&&e[ml](i.key,i.value),e[fl]-=i.length,e[Po].delete(i.key),e[cn].removeNode(t)}};let p4t=class{constructor(t,i,a,n,r){this.key=t,this.value=i,this.length=a,this.now=n,this.maxAge=r||0}};const GM=(e,t,i,a)=>{let n=i.value;ig(e,n)&&(xu(e,i),e[cm]||(n=void 0)),n&&t.call(a,n.value,n.key,e)};var f4t=m4t,Q_,WM;function rs(){if(WM)return Q_;WM=1;class e{constructor(F,z){if(z=a(z),F instanceof e)return F.loose===!!z.loose&&F.includePrerelease===!!z.includePrerelease?F:new e(F.raw,z);if(F instanceof n)return this.raw=F.value,this.set=[[F]],this.format(),this;if(this.options=z,this.loose=!!z.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!z.includePrerelease,this.raw=F.trim().split(/\s+/).join(" "),this.set=this.raw.split("||").map(B=>this.parseRange(B.trim())).filter(B=>B.length),!this.set.length)throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${this.raw}`);if(this.set.length>1){const B=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter(H=>!f(H[0])),this.set.length===0)this.set=[B];else if(this.set.length>1){for(const H of this.set)if(H.length===1&&g(H[0])){this.set=[H];break}}}this.format()}format(){return this.range=this.set.map(F=>F.join(" ").trim()).join("||").trim(),this.range}toString(){return this.range}parseRange(F){const B=((this.options.includePrerelease&&m)|(this.options.loose&&p))+":"+F,H=i.get(B);if(H)return H;const W=this.options.loose,$=W?s[l.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:s[l.HYPHENRANGE];F=F.replace($,V(this.options.includePrerelease)),r("hyphen replace",F),F=F.replace(s[l.COMPARATORTRIM],c),r("comparator trim",F),F=F.replace(s[l.TILDETRIM],d),r("tilde trim",F),F=F.replace(s[l.CARETTRIM],u),r("caret trim",F);let Q=F.split(" ").map(De=>v(De,this.options)).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map(De=>E(De,this.options));W&&(Q=Q.filter(De=>(r("loose invalid filter",De,this.options),!!De.match(s[l.COMPARATORLOOSE])))),r("range list",Q);const re=new Map,ge=Q.map(De=>new n(De,this.options));for(const De of ge){if(f(De))return[De];re.set(De.value,De)}re.size>1&&re.has("")&&re.delete("");const fe=[...re.values()];return i.set(B,fe),fe}intersects(F,z){if(!(F instanceof e))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some(B=>S(B,z)&&F.set.some(H=>S(H,z)&&B.every(W=>H.every($=>W.intersects($,z)))))}test(F){if(!F)return!1;if(typeof F=="string")try{F=new o(F,this.options)}catch{return!1}for(let z=0;zU.value==="<0.0.0-0",g=U=>U.value==="",S=(U,F)=>{let z=!0;const B=U.slice();let H=B.pop();for(;z&&B.length;)z=B.every(W=>H.intersects(W,F)),H=B.pop();return z},v=(U,F)=>(r("comp",U,F),U=b(U,F),r("caret",U),U=y(U,F),r("tildes",U),U=N(U,F),r("xrange",U),U=C(U,F),r("stars",U),U),D=U=>!U||U.toLowerCase()==="x"||U==="*",y=(U,F)=>U.trim().split(/\s+/).map(z=>T(z,F)).join(" "),T=(U,F)=>{const z=F.loose?s[l.TILDELOOSE]:s[l.TILDE];return U.replace(z,(B,H,W,$,Q)=>{r("tilde",U,B,H,W,$,Q);let re;return D(H)?re="":D(W)?re=`>=${H}.0.0 <${+H+1}.0.0-0`:D($)?re=`>=${H}.${W}.0 <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`:Q?(r("replaceTilde pr",Q),re=`>=${H}.${W}.${$}-${Q} <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`):re=`>=${H}.${W}.${$} <${H}.${+W+1}.0-0`,r("tilde return",re),re})},b=(U,F)=>U.trim().split(/\s+/).map(z=>R(z,F)).join(" "),R=(U,F)=>{r("caret",U,F);const z=F.loose?s[l.CARETLOOSE]:s[l.CARET],B=F.includePrerelease?"-0":"";return U.replace(z,(H,W,$,Q,re)=>{r("caret",U,H,W,$,Q,re);let ge;return D(W)?ge="":D($)?ge=`>=${W}.0.0${B} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:D(Q)?W==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.0${B} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.0${B} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:re?(r("replaceCaret pr",re),W==="0"?$==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${W}.${$}.${+Q+1}-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}-${re} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`):(r("no pr"),W==="0"?$==="0"?ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}${B} <${W}.${$}.${+Q+1}-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q}${B} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`:ge=`>=${W}.${$}.${Q} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`),r("caret return",ge),ge})},N=(U,F)=>(r("replaceXRanges",U,F),U.split(/\s+/).map(z=>w(z,F)).join(" ")),w=(U,F)=>{U=U.trim();const z=F.loose?s[l.XRANGELOOSE]:s[l.XRANGE];return U.replace(z,(B,H,W,$,Q,re)=>{r("xRange",U,B,H,W,$,Q,re);const ge=D(W),fe=ge||D($),De=fe||D(Q),Ne=De;return H==="="&&Ne&&(H=""),re=F.includePrerelease?"-0":"",ge?H===">"||H==="<"?B="<0.0.0-0":B="*":H&&Ne?(fe&&($=0),Q=0,H===">"?(H=">=",fe?(W=+W+1,$=0,Q=0):($=+$+1,Q=0)):H==="<="&&(H="<",fe?W=+W+1:$=+$+1),H==="<"&&(re="-0"),B=`${H+W}.${$}.${Q}${re}`):fe?B=`>=${W}.0.0${re} <${+W+1}.0.0-0`:De&&(B=`>=${W}.${$}.0${re} <${W}.${+$+1}.0-0`),r("xRange 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"),o("comparator",d,u),this.options=u,this.loose=!!u.loose,this.parse(d),this.semver===e?this.value="":this.value=this.operator+this.semver.version,o("comp",this)}parse(d){const u=this.options.loose?a[n.COMPARATORLOOSE]:a[n.COMPARATOR],m=d.match(u);if(!m)throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${d}`);this.operator=m[1]!==void 0?m[1]:"",this.operator==="="&&(this.operator=""),m[2]?this.semver=new s(m[2],this.options.loose):this.semver=e}toString(){return this.value}test(d){if(o("Comparator.test",d,this.options.loose),this.semver===e||d===e)return!0;if(typeof d=="string")try{d=new s(d,this.options)}catch{return!1}return r(d,this.operator,this.semver,this.options)}intersects(d,u){if(!(d instanceof t))throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required");return this.operator===""?this.value===""?!0:new l(d.value,u).test(this.value):d.operator===""?d.value===""?!0:new l(this.value,u).test(d.semver):(u=i(u),u.includePrerelease&&(this.value==="<0.0.0-0"||d.value==="<0.0.0-0")||!u.includePrerelease&&(this.value.startsWith("<0.0.0")||d.value.startsWith("<0.0.0"))?!1:!!(this.operator.startsWith(">")&&d.operator.startsWith(">")||this.operator.startsWith("<")&&d.operator.startsWith("<")||this.semver.version===d.semver.version&&this.operator.includes("=")&&d.operator.includes("=")||r(this.semver,"<",d.semver,u)&&this.operator.startsWith(">")&&d.operator.startsWith("<")||r(this.semver,">",d.semver,u)&&this.operator.startsWith("<")&&d.operator.startsWith(">")))}}J_=t;const i=nA,{safeRe:a,t:n}=t3,r=dde,o=J5,s=nr,l=rs();return J_}const g4t=rs(),_4t=(e,t,i)=>{try{t=new g4t(t,i)}catch{return!1}return t.test(e)};var i8=_4t;const S4t=rs(),v4t=(e,t)=>new S4t(e,t).set.map(i=>i.map(a=>a.value).join(" ").trim().split(" "));var D4t=v4t;const y4t=nr,R4t=rs(),A4t=(e,t,i)=>{let a=null,n=null,r=null;try{r=new R4t(t,i)}catch{return null}return e.forEach(o=>{r.test(o)&&(!a||n.compare(o)===-1)&&(a=o,n=new y4t(a,i))}),a};var N4t=A4t;const b4t=nr,T4t=rs(),w4t=(e,t,i)=>{let a=null,n=null,r=null;try{r=new T4t(t,i)}catch{return null}return e.forEach(o=>{r.test(o)&&(!a||n.compare(o)===1)&&(a=o,n=new b4t(a,i))}),a};var C4t=w4t;const eS=nr,E4t=rs(),YM=e8,M4t=(e,t)=>{e=new E4t(e,t);let i=new eS("0.0.0");if(e.test(i)||(i=new eS("0.0.0-0"),e.test(i)))return i;i=null;for(let a=0;a{const s=new eS(o.semver.version);switch(o.operator){case">":s.prerelease.length===0?s.patch++:s.prerelease.push(0),s.raw=s.format();case"":case">=":(!r||YM(s,r))&&(r=s);break;case"<":case"<=":break;default:throw new Error(`Unexpected operation: ${o.operator}`)}}),r&&(!i||YM(i,r))&&(i=r)}return i&&e.test(i)?i:null};var I4t=M4t;const P4t=rs(),O4t=(e,t)=>{try{return new P4t(e,t).range||"*"}catch{return null}};var U4t=O4t;const L4t=nr,hde=t8(),{ANY:V4t}=hde,x4t=rs(),F4t=i8,$M=e8,qM=oA,H4t=lA,B4t=sA,k4t=(e,t,i,a)=>{e=new L4t(e,a),t=new x4t(t,a);let n,r,o,s,l;switch(i){case">":n=$M,r=H4t,o=qM,s=">",l=">=";break;case"<":n=qM,r=B4t,o=$M,s="<",l="<=";break;default:throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')}if(F4t(e,t,a))return!1;for(let c=0;c{p.semver===V4t&&(p=new hde(">=0.0.0")),u=u||p,m=m||p,n(p.semver,u.semver,a)?u=p:o(p.semver,m.semver,a)&&(m=p)}),u.operator===s||u.operator===l||(!m.operator||m.operator===s)&&r(e,m.semver))return!1;if(m.operator===l&&o(e,m.semver))return!1}return!0};var cA=k4t;const z4t=cA,G4t=(e,t,i)=>z4t(e,t,">",i);var W4t=G4t;const X4t=cA,Y4t=(e,t,i)=>X4t(e,t,"<",i);var $4t=Y4t;const KM=rs(),q4t=(e,t,i)=>(e=new KM(e,i),t=new KM(t,i),e.intersects(t,i));var K4t=q4t;const Z4t=i8,j4t=ns;var Q4t=(e,t,i)=>{const a=[];let n=null,r=null;const o=e.sort((d,u)=>j4t(d,u,i));for(const d of o)Z4t(d,t,i)?(r=d,n||(n=d)):(r&&a.push([n,r]),r=null,n=null);n&&a.push([n,null]);const s=[];for(const[d,u]of a)d===u?s.push(d):!u&&d===o[0]?s.push("*"):u?d===o[0]?s.push(`<=${u}`):s.push(`${d} - ${u}`):s.push(`>=${d}`);const l=s.join(" || "),c=typeof t.raw=="string"?t.raw:String(t);return l.length{if(e===t)return!0;e=new ZM(e,i),t=new ZM(t,i);let a=!1;e:for(const n of e.set){for(const r of t.set){const o=t6t(n,r,i);if(a=a||o!==null,o)continue e}if(a)return!1}return!0},e6t=[new dA(">=0.0.0-0")],jM=[new dA(">=0.0.0")],t6t=(e,t,i)=>{if(e===t)return!0;if(e.length===1&&e[0].semver===tS){if(t.length===1&&t[0].semver===tS)return!0;i.includePrerelease?e=e6t:e=jM}if(t.length===1&&t[0].semver===tS){if(i.includePrerelease)return!0;t=jM}const a=new Set;let n,r;for(const p of e)p.operator===">"||p.operator===">="?n=QM(n,p,i):p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<="?r=JM(r,p,i):a.add(p.semver);if(a.size>1)return null;let o;if(n&&r){if(o=uA(n.semver,r.semver,i),o>0)return null;if(o===0&&(n.operator!==">="||r.operator!=="<="))return null}for(const p of a){if(n&&!_h(p,String(n),i)||r&&!_h(p,String(r),i))return null;for(const f of t)if(!_h(p,String(f),i))return!1;return!0}let s,l,c,d,u=r&&!i.includePrerelease&&r.semver.prerelease.length?r.semver:!1,m=n&&!i.includePrerelease&&n.semver.prerelease.length?n.semver:!1;u&&u.prerelease.length===1&&r.operator==="<"&&u.prerelease[0]===0&&(u=!1);for(const p of t){if(d=d||p.operator===">"||p.operator===">=",c=c||p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<=",n){if(m&&p.semver.prerelease&&p.semver.prerelease.length&&p.semver.major===m.major&&p.semver.minor===m.minor&&p.semver.patch===m.patch&&(m=!1),p.operator===">"||p.operator===">="){if(s=QM(n,p,i),s===p&&s!==n)return!1}else if(n.operator===">="&&!_h(n.semver,String(p),i))return!1}if(r){if(u&&p.semver.prerelease&&p.semver.prerelease.length&&p.semver.major===u.major&&p.semver.minor===u.minor&&p.semver.patch===u.patch&&(u=!1),p.operator==="<"||p.operator==="<="){if(l=JM(r,p,i),l===p&&l!==r)return!1}else if(r.operator==="<="&&!_h(r.semver,String(p),i))return!1}if(!p.operator&&(r||n)&&o!==0)return!1}return!(n&&c&&!r&&o!==0||r&&d&&!n&&o!==0||m||u)},QM=(e,t,i)=>{if(!e)return t;const a=uA(e.semver,t.semver,i);return a>0?e:a<0||t.operator===">"&&e.operator===">="?t:e},JM=(e,t,i)=>{if(!e)return t;const a=uA(e.semver,t.semver,i);return a<0?e:a>0||t.operator==="<"&&e.operator==="<="?t:e};var i6t=J4t;const iS=t3,eI=Q5,a6t=nr,tI=sde,n6t=L0,r6t=nft,o6t=sft,s6t=cft,l6t=uft,c6t=pft,d6t=_ft,u6t=Dft,h6t=Aft,m6t=ns,p6t=wft,f6t=Mft,g6t=rA,_6t=Uft,S6t=xft,v6t=e8,D6t=oA,y6t=lde,R6t=cde,A6t=sA,N6t=lA,b6t=dde,T6t=o4t,w6t=t8(),C6t=rs(),E6t=i8,M6t=D4t,I6t=N4t,P6t=C4t,O6t=I4t,U6t=U4t,L6t=cA,V6t=W4t,x6t=$4t,F6t=K4t,H6t=Q4t,B6t=i6t;var k6t={parse:n6t,valid:r6t,clean:o6t,inc:s6t,diff:l6t,major:c6t,minor:d6t,patch:u6t,prerelease:h6t,compare:m6t,rcompare:p6t,compareLoose:f6t,compareBuild:g6t,sort:_6t,rsort:S6t,gt:v6t,lt:D6t,eq:y6t,neq:R6t,gte:A6t,lte:N6t,cmp:b6t,coerce:T6t,Comparator:w6t,Range:C6t,satisfies:E6t,toComparators:M6t,maxSatisfying:I6t,minSatisfying:P6t,minVersion:O6t,validRange:U6t,outside:L6t,gtr:V6t,ltr:x6t,intersects:F6t,simplifyRange:H6t,subset:B6t,SemVer:a6t,re:iS.re,src:iS.src,tokens:iS.t,SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:eI.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,RELEASE_TYPES:eI.RELEASE_TYPES,compareIdentifiers:tI.compareIdentifiers,rcompareIdentifiers:tI.rcompareIdentifiers};const iI=p0(k6t),z6t={};function G6t(e,t){return Ue(),Ge("button",ot({class:"px-4 py-1 text-lg font-medium text-white uppercase transition-all rounded-md shadow-md action-button bg-[#00000055] hover:bg-[#00000033]"},e.$attrs),[mi(e.$slots,"default")],16)}const aS=Ln(z6t,[["render",G6t]]),W6t=["data"],aI="white",X6t=kt({__name:"JoystickPS",props:{model:{},b0:{},b1:{},b2:{},b3:{},b4:{},b5:{},b6:{},b7:{},b8:{},b9:{},b10:{},b11:{},b12:{},b13:{},b14:{},b15:{},b16:{},b17:{},leftAxisHoriz:{},leftAxisVert:{},rightAxisHoriz:{},rightAxisVert:{},buttonsActionsCorrespondency:{}},emits:["click"],setup(e,{emit:t}){const i=te(()=>{switch(p.value){case An.LogitechExtreme3DPro:return"LogitechExtreme3DPro";case An.IpegaPG9023:return"Ipega9023";default:return"PS4"}}),a={[We.B0]:"path_b0",[We.B1]:"path_b1",[We.B2]:"path_b2",[We.B3]:"path_b3",[We.B4]:"path_b4",[We.B5]:"path_b5",[We.B6]:"path_b6",[We.B7]:"path_b7",[We.B8]:"path_b8",[We.B9]:"path_b9",[We.B10]:"path_b10",[We.B11]:"path_b11",[We.B12]:"path_b12",[We.B13]:"path_b13",[We.B14]:"path_b14",[We.B15]:"path_b15",[We.B16]:"path_b16",[We.B17]:"path_b17"},n=te(()=>{switch(i.value){case"LogitechExtreme3DPro":return{[Fi.A0]:"path_b14",[Fi.A1]:"path_b14",[Fi.A2]:"path_b13",[Fi.A3]:"path_b12"};default:return{[Fi.A0]:"path_b10",[Fi.A1]:"path_b10",[Fi.A2]:"path_b11",[Fi.A3]:"path_b11"}}}),r=e,o=t,s=y=>{const T=[];return Object.entries(a).filter(([,b])=>b===y).forEach(b=>{T.push({type:Pm.Button,id:b[0]})}),Object.entries(n.value).filter(([,b])=>b===y).forEach(b=>{T.push({type:Pm.Axis,id:b[0]})}),T};let l,c;const d=ve(`joystick-${ya()}`),u=y=>y.id.includes("path_b");l=setInterval(()=>{var y;c||(c=(y=document==null?void 0:document.querySelector(`.${d.value}`))==null?void 0:y.getSVGDocument(),S(),g(),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseover",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&b.setAttribute("fill","#A6DAEF")}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseout",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&(b.setAttribute("fill","transparent"),document.body.style.cursor="auto")}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mousedown",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&o("click",s(b.id))}),c==null||c.addEventListener("mouseup",T=>{const b=T.target;u(b)&&b.setAttribute("fill","transparent")}))},100),xa(async()=>{clearInterval(l)}),qe(()=>[r.leftAxisHoriz,r.leftAxisVert,r.rightAxisHoriz,r.rightAxisVert],()=>{D([Fi.A0,Fi.A1],[r.leftAxisHoriz??0,r.leftAxisVert??0]),D([Fi.A2,Fi.A3],[r.rightAxisHoriz??0,r.rightAxisVert??0])});const m=te(()=>`./images/${i.value}.svg`);qe(()=>[r.b0,r.b1,r.b2,r.b3,r.b4,r.b5,r.b6,r.b7,r.b8,r.b9,r.b10,r.b11,r.b12,r.b13,r.b14,r.b15,r.b16,r.b17],()=>S());const p=la(r).model,f=la(r).buttonsActionsCorrespondency;qe(f,()=>g());const g=()=>{Object.values(We).forEach(y=>{var N;if(isNaN(Number(y)))return;const T=f.value[y]||void 0,b=T===void 0?"unassigned":T.action.name;if(!c)return;const R=a[y].replace("path","text");(c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(R))!==null&&(c.getElementById(R).textContent=b,(N=c.getElementById(R))==null||N.setAttribute("font-style",b==="unassigned"?"italic":"normal"))})},S=()=>{v(We.B0,r.b0===void 0?!1:r.b0>.5),v(We.B1,r.b1===void 0?!1:r.b1>.5),v(We.B2,r.b2===void 0?!1:r.b2>.5),v(We.B3,r.b3===void 0?!1:r.b3>.5),v(We.B4,r.b4===void 0?!1:r.b4>.5),v(We.B5,r.b5===void 0?!1:r.b5>.5),v(We.B6,r.b6===void 0?!1:r.b6>.5),v(We.B7,r.b7===void 0?!1:r.b7>.5),v(We.B8,r.b8===void 0?!1:r.b8>.5),v(We.B9,r.b9===void 0?!1:r.b9>.5),v(We.B10,r.b10===void 0?!1:r.b10>.5),v(We.B11,r.b11===void 0?!1:r.b11>.5),v(We.B12,r.b12===void 0?!1:r.b12>.5),v(We.B13,r.b13===void 0?!1:r.b13>.5),v(We.B14,r.b14===void 0?!1:r.b14>.5),v(We.B15,r.b15===void 0?!1:r.b15>.5),v(We.B16,r.b16===void 0?!1:r.b16>.5),v(We.B17,r.b17===void 0?!1:r.b17>.5)};function v(y,T){var b,R,N;(b=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y]))==null||b.setAttribute("fill",T?"red":"transparent"),(R=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y].replace("path","path_line")))==null||R.setAttribute("stroke",T?"red":aI),(N=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(a[y].replace("path","text")))==null||N.setAttribute("fill",T?"red":aI)}function D(y,T){var N;let b,R;switch(p.value){case"PS5":{b=y[0]==Fi.A0?Vr(T[0],-1,1,-3920.9,-3882.1):Vr(T[0],-1,1,-4144.8,-4106.1),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-2192.7,-2153.9);break}case"LogitechExtreme3DPro":{b=Vr(T[0],-1,1,-15,15),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-15,15);break}default:{b=Vr(T[0],-1,1,-15,15),R=Vr(T[1],-1,1,-15,15);break}}(N=c==null?void 0:c.getElementById(n.value[y[0]]))==null||N.setAttribute("transform",`translate(${b} ${R})`)}return(y,T)=>(Ue(),Ge("object",{class:$e(d.value),type:"image/svg+xml",data:m.value},null,10,W6t))}}),Y6t=ne("p",{class:"text-base text-center font-bold mt-6 mb-4"},"Connect a joystick and press any key.",-1),$6t=[Y6t],q6t=ne("div",{class:"flex flex-col items-center px-5 font-medium"},[Je(" Click the buttons in your physical controller and see them being activated here. If any button does not light up in this virtual joystick or is switched with another, click in it here and follow the instructions to remap it. "),ne("br"),ne("br"),Je(" By clicking the virtual buttons and axis you are also able to choose the function in your vehicle that this button controls, as whel as set axis limits. ")],-1),K6t=ne("div",{class:"text-center text-yellow-200"},[ne("p",{class:"font-semibold"},"System update is recommended"),ne("br"),ne("p",{class:"font-medium"}," It seems like you're running versions of Mavlink2Rest (BlueOS) and/or ArduPilot that do not support the extended MAVLink MANUAL_CONTROL message. We strongly suggest upgrading both so you can have support for additional buttons and axes on the joystick. This is especially important if you sometimes use other control station software, like QGroundControl, as Cockpit can preferentially use the extended buttons to reduce configuration clashes. We recommend using BlueOS ≥ 1.2.0, and ≥ version 4.1.2 for ArduPilot-based autopilot firmware. "),ne("p")],-1),Z6t={class:"flex flex-col items-center max-h-[75vh] overflow-auto"},j6t={class:"flex flex-col items-center"},Q6t={key:0,class:"flex flex-col items-center px-5 py-3 m-5 font-bold border rounded-md text-blue-grey-darken-1 bg-blue-lighten-5 w-fit"},J6t=ne("p",null,"Could not stablish communication with the vehicle.",-1),egt=ne("p",null," Button functions will appear as numbers. If connection is restablished, function names will appear. ",-1),tgt=[J6t,egt],igt={key:1,class:"flex flex-col items-center mt-2"},agt={class:"flex"},ngt={class:"flex flex-row justify-around items-center w-full mt-2"},rgt={class:"flex items-center gap-x-8"},ogt={class:"text-md font-semibold"},sgt={class:"flex items-center justify-evenly"},lgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center pt-2 max-w-[40%] mb-4 border-[1px] rounded-lg scale-90"},cgt={class:"flex flex-wrap items-center justify-evenly"},dgt=["onClick"],ugt=["onChange"],hgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center pt-2 max-w-[40%] mb-4 border-[1px] rounded-lg scale-90"},mgt={class:"flex flex-wrap items-center justify-evenly"},pgt=ne("div",{class:"flex justify-center w-full font-bold mt-1"},"Input mapping",-1),fgt={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between my-2"},ggt=ne("p",{class:"flex items-center justify-center w-full text-lg font-semibold mb-4"},"Button mapping",-1),_gt={key:0,class:"font-medium text-slate-400"},Sgt={class:"flex justify-center items-center mt-4"},vgt=ne("br",null,null,-1),Dgt={class:"flex flex-col w-[300px] justify-evenly"},ygt={class:"max-h-[30vh] p-1 overflow-y-auto"},Rgt={key:0,class:"text-lg font-medium"},Agt={key:0,class:"flex items-center justify-center w-full text-lg font-semibold mt-8"},Ngt={class:"flex flex-col items-center justify-between my-2"},bgt={key:0,class:"font-medium"},Tgt={class:"flex justify-end w-full"},Sh=5e3,nI=3.5,wgt=kt({__name:"ConfigurationJoystickView",setup(e){const t=SQ(),{globalAddress:i}=Zl(),a=Gn(),n=ve(),r=ve(),o=ve(!1);Pi(async()=>{t.enableForwarding=!1;const De=await k6e(i);n.value=iI.gte(De,"0.11.19");const Ne=await z6e(i);r.value=iI.gte(Ne,"4.1.2"),(n.value||r.value)&&(o.value=!0)}),es(()=>{t.enableForwarding=!0}),qe(()=>t.enableForwarding,()=>t.enableForwarding=!1);const s=ve(),l=ve([]),c=ve([]),d=ve(!1),u=ve(!1),m=ve(),p=ve(),f=ve(!1),g=ve(!1),S=ve(""),v=ve(!1),D=ve(),y=ve(),T=ve(!1),b=ve(bn.regular),R=Object.values(bn),N=ve(!0);qe(T,()=>{D.value=void 0,y.value=void 0});const w=(De,Ne)=>{s.value=De,l.value=Ne.filter(ue=>ue.type===Pm.Button).map(ue=>new F_e(ue.id)),c.value=Ne.filter(ue=>ue.type===Pm.Axis).map(ue=>new H_e(ue.id)),T.value=!0},C=async(De,Ne)=>{D.value=void 0;let ue,G=0;for(d.value=!0,m.value=0,f.value=!0;[void 0,-1].includes(ue)&&Gae.value===1),await Mc(100),G+=100,m.value=100*(G/Sh);if(d.value=!1,setTimeout(()=>f.value=!1,5e3),![void 0,-1].includes(ue)){D.value=!0,t.cockpitStdMappings[De.model].buttons[Ne.id]=ue;return}D.value=!1},E=async(De,Ne)=>{y.value=void 0,u.value=Ne.id,p.value=0,g.value=!0;const ue=[...De.gamepad.axes],G=new Array(ue.length).fill(0),ae=Date.now()+Sh;for(;Date.now(){G[se]+=Math.abs(Ie[se]-ue[se])}),G.some(K=>K>nI))break;await Mc(100);const Ce=Date.now()-ae+Sh;p.value=Ce/Sh*100}setTimeout(()=>{u.value===!1&&(g.value=!1)},5e3);const _e=G.findIndex(Ie=>Ie>nI),de=_e!==-1;y.value=de,u.value=!1,de&&(t.cockpitStdMappings[De.model].axes[Ne.id]=_e)},V=te(()=>t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id]),I=De=>t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id][De.id].action,U=De=>I(De).id===OV.hold_to_confirm,F=De=>I(De).protocol===Ca.CockpitAction&&!U(De),z=De=>F(De)?'Enabling this setting requires a confirmation step for critical actions. For ease of use, assign "Hold to confirm" to a controller button, avoiding the need for mouse interaction.':U(De)?"Hold to confirm cannot require confirmation.":"This confirmation setting is applicable only to cockpit actions.",B=(De,Ne)=>{t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[b.value.id][De.id].action=Ne,setTimeout(()=>{N.value=!1,ei(()=>N.value=!0)},1e3),S.value=`Button ${De.id} remapped to function '${Ne.name}'.`,v.value=!0,setTimeout(()=>v.value=!1,5e3)};qe(t.joysticks,()=>{if(s.value===void 0){if(t.joysticks.size<=0)return;s.value=t.joysticks.entries().next().value[1]}const De=Object.values(bn).map(G=>G.id),Ne=t.protocolMapping.buttonsCorrespondencies[oo.regular],ue=Object.entries(Ne).filter(G=>{var ae;return(ae=s.value)==null?void 0:ae.state.buttons[Number(G[0])]}).map(G=>G[1].action).filter(G=>G.protocol===Ca.CockpitModifierKey).filter(G=>De.includes(G.id)).filter(G=>G!==bn.regular);if(!ue.isEmpty()){if(b.value.id===ue[0].id){W(bn.regular.id);return}W(ue[0].id)}});let H=new Date().getTime();const W=De=>{Object.keys(bn).includes(De)&&(new Date().getTime()-H<200||(H=new Date().getTime(),b.value=bn[De]))},$=te(()=>d.value?"Click the button you want to use for this input.":D.value===void 0?"":D.value?"Input remapped.":"No input detected."),Q=te(()=>u.value?"Make a full range move on the axis you want to use for this input.":y.value===void 0?"":y.value?"Axis input remapped.":"No axis detected."),re=te(()=>t.availableButtonActions.filter(De=>JSON.stringify(De)!==JSON.stringify(bn.regular))),ge=te(()=>Object.keys(aa)),fe=te({get(){return Object.keys(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency).filter(De=>t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[De]===t.protocolMapping.hash)},set(De){ge.value.forEach(Ne=>{t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]===t.protocolMapping.hash&&(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]=void 0),De.includes(Ne)&&(t.vehicleTypeProtocolMappingCorrespondency[Ne]=t.protocolMapping.hash)})}});return(De,Ne)=>(Ue(),Ge(at,null,[O(V1,null,{title:we(()=>[Je("Joystick configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",{class:$e(q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"max-w-[88vw] max-h-[95vh]":"max-w-[880px] max-h-[85vh]")},[q(t).joysticks&&!q(t).joysticks.size?(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:0,class:$e(["px-6 pb-2 flex-centered flex-column position-relative",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"pt-1":"pt-3"])},$6t,2)):(Ue(),pt(ba,{key:1,class:"mt-3","no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},$O({title:we(()=>[Je("Funcitons mapping")]),info:we(()=>[q6t]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",Z6t,[ne("div",j6t,[q(t).availableButtonActions.every(ue=>ue.protocol===q(Ca).CockpitAction)?(Ue(),Ge("div",Q6t,tgt)):_t("",!0),q(R)?(Ue(),Ge("div",igt,[ne("div",agt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(t).protocolMappings,ue=>(Ue(),pt(aS,{key:ue.name,class:$e(["m-2",{"bg-[#FFFFFF33]":q(t).protocolMapping.name===ue.name,"text-sm":q(a).isOnSmallScreen}]),onClick:G=>q(t).loadProtocolMapping(ue)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(ue.name),1)]),_:2},1032,["class","onClick"]))),128))]),ne("div",ngt,[O(eA,{modelValue:fe.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[0]||(Ne[0]=ue=>fe.value=ue),items:ge.value,label:"Vehicle types that use this profile by default:",chips:"",multiple:"",density:"compact",variant:"outlined",class:"w-10/12 mt-4 scale-90",theme:"dark"},null,8,["modelValue","items"]),ne("div",rgt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(R),ue=>(Ue(),pt(aS,{key:ue.id,class:$e({"bg-[#FFFFFF33]":b.value.id===ue.id,"text-sm":q(a).isOnSmallScreen}),onClick:G=>W(ue.id)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(ue.name),1)]),_:2},1032,["class","onClick"]))),128))])])])):_t("",!0)]),(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(t).joysticks,([ue,G])=>(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:ue,class:"w-[95%] flex-centered flex-column position-relative"},[ne("p",ogt,rt(G.model)+" controller",1),N.value?(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:0,class:$e(["flex flex-col items-center justify-center",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"w-[90%]":"w-[80%]"])},[O(X6t,{class:"w-[100%]",model:G.model,"left-axis-horiz":G.state.axes[0],"left-axis-vert":G.state.axes[1],"right-axis-horiz":G.state.axes[2],"right-axis-vert":G.state.axes[3],b0:G.state.buttons[0],b1:G.state.buttons[1],b2:G.state.buttons[2],b3:G.state.buttons[3],b4:G.state.buttons[4],b5:G.state.buttons[5],b6:G.state.buttons[6],b7:G.state.buttons[7],b8:G.state.buttons[8],b9:G.state.buttons[9],b10:G.state.buttons[10],b11:G.state.buttons[11],b12:G.state.buttons[12],b13:G.state.buttons[13],b14:G.state.buttons[14],b15:G.state.buttons[15],b16:G.state.buttons[16],b17:G.state.buttons[17],"buttons-actions-correspondency":V.value,onClick:ae=>w(G,ae)},null,8,["model","left-axis-horiz","left-axis-vert","right-axis-horiz","right-axis-vert","b0","b1","b2","b3","b4","b5","b6","b7","b8","b9","b10","b11","b12","b13","b14","b15","b16","b17","buttons-actions-correspondency","onClick"])],2)):_t("",!0),ne("div",sgt,[ne("div",lgt,[ne("span",{class:$e(["mb-2 font-bold",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-md":"text-lg"])},"Joystick Mapping",2),O(Ua,{class:"w-full opacity-95"}),ne("div",cgt,[ne("button",{class:$e([q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-sm":"text-md","w-full p-[10px] border-b text-uppercase bg-[#00000011]"]),onClick:ae=>q(t).exportJoystickMapping(G)}," Export to computer ",10,dgt),ne("label",{class:$e([q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-sm":"text-md","w-full p-[10px] border-b text-center text-uppercase bg-[#00000011]"])},[ne("input",{type:"file",accept:"application/json",hidden:"",onChange:ae=>q(t).importJoystickMapping(G,ae)},null,40,ugt),Je(" Import from computer ")],2)])]),ne("div",hgt,[ne("span",{class:$e(["mb-2 font-bold",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-md":"text-lg"])},"Functions Mapping",2),O(Ua,{class:"w-full opacity-95"}),ne("div",mgt,[ne("button",{class:$e([q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-sm":"text-md","w-full p-[10px] border-b text-uppercase bg-[#00000011]"]),onClick:Ne[1]||(Ne[1]=ae=>q(t).exportFunctionsMapping(q(t).protocolMapping))}," Export to computer ",2),ne("label",{class:$e(["w-full p-[10px] border-b text-center text-uppercase bg-[#00000011]",q(a).isOnSmallScreen?"text-sm":"text-md"])},[ne("input",{type:"file",accept:"application/json",hidden:"",onChange:Ne[2]||(Ne[2]=ae=>q(t).importFunctionsMapping(ae))},null,32),Je(" Import from computer ")],2)])])]),O(Gr,{modelValue:q(t).holdLastInputWhenWindowHidden,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[3]||(Ne[3]=ae=>q(t).holdLastInputWhenWindowHidden=ae),label:"Hold last joystick input when window is hidden (tab changed or window minimized)",class:"m-2"},null,8,["modelValue"])]))),128))])]),_:2},[o.value?{name:"warning",fn:we(()=>[K6t]),key:"0"}:void 0]),1032,["is-expanded"]))],2)]),_:1}),(Ue(),pt(Tl,{to:"body"},[s.value?(Ue(),pt(yV,{key:0,"show-dialog":T.value,"max-width":"auto",variant:"text-only",persistent:""},{title:we(()=>[pgt]),content:we(()=>[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(l.value,ue=>(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:ue.id,class:"flex flex-row justify-between w-full align-center gap-x-16"},[ne("div",fgt,[ggt,O(di,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22] mx-auto my-1 w-fit",disabled:d.value,onClick:G=>C(s.value,ue)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(d.value?"Remapping":"Click to remap"),1)]),_:2},1032,["disabled","onClick"]),O(mn,null,{default:we(()=>[f.value?(Ue(),Ge("p",_gt,rt($.value),1)):_t("",!0)]),_:1}),O(mn,null,{default:we(()=>[d.value?(Ue(),pt(Em,{key:0,modelValue:m.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[4]||(Ne[4]=G=>m.value=G)},null,8,["modelValue"])):_t("",!0)]),_:1}),O(rp,{location:"bottom",text:z(ue)},{activator:we(({props:G})=>[ne("div",Sgt,[O(Gr,ot({modelValue:q(t).actionsJoystickConfirmRequired[I(ue).id],"onUpdate:modelValue":ae=>q(t).actionsJoystickConfirmRequired[I(ue).id]=ae,style:{"pointer-events":"all",height:"56px"},disabled:!F(ue)},G),null,16,["modelValue","onUpdate:modelValue","disabled"]),O(e3,{class:"ml-2"},{default:we(()=>[Je("Confirmation "),vgt,Je("Required")]),_:1})])]),_:2},1032,["text"])]),ne("div",Dgt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(q(Ca),G=>(Ue(),pt(ba,{key:G,"mark-expanded":"","darken-content":"","hover-effect":""},{title:we(()=>[Je(rt(G),1)]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",ygt,[(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(re.value.filter(ae=>ae.protocol===G),ae=>(Ue(),pt(aS,{key:ae.name,class:$e(["w-full my-1 text-sm hover:bg-slate-700",{"bg-slate-700":V.value[ue.id].action.protocol==ae.protocol&&V.value[ue.id].action.id==ae.id}]),onClick:_e=>B(ue,ae)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(ae.name),1)]),_:2},1032,["class","onClick"]))),128))])]),_:2},1024))),128))])]))),128)),O(mn,null,{default:we(()=>[v.value?(Ue(),Ge("p",Rgt,rt(S.value),1)):_t("",!0)]),_:1}),c.value.length>0?(Ue(),Ge("p",Agt,"Axis mapping")):_t("",!0),ne("div",Ngt,[O(mn,null,{default:we(()=>[g.value?(Ue(),Ge("p",bgt,rt(Q.value),1)):_t("",!0)]),_:1}),O(mn,null,{default:we(()=>[u.value?(Ue(),pt(Em,{key:0,modelValue:p.value,"onUpdate:modelValue":Ne[5]||(Ne[5]=ue=>p.value=ue)},null,8,["modelValue"])):_t("",!0)]),_:1})]),(Ue(!0),Ge(at,null,jt(c.value,ue=>(Ue(),Ge("div",{key:ue.id,class:"flex items-center justify-between p-2 mb-1"},[O(Et,{class:"mr-3"},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt([q(Fi).A0,q(Fi).A2].includes(Number(ue.id))?"mdi-pan-horizontal":"mdi-pan-vertical"),1)]),_:2},1024),O(kn,{modelValue:q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].min,"onUpdate:modelValue":G=>q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].min=G,modelModifiers:{number:!0},class:"bg-transparent w-[110px]",label:"Min",type:"number",density:"compact",variant:"outlined","hide-details":""},null,8,["modelValue","onUpdate:modelValue"]),O(J9,{modelValue:q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].action,"onUpdate:modelValue":G=>q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].action=G,items:q(t).availableAxesActions,"item-title":"name","hide-details":"",density:"compact",variant:"outlined",class:"bg-transparent w-[120px] mx-2",theme:"dark","return-object":""},null,8,["modelValue","onUpdate:modelValue","items"]),O(kn,{modelValue:q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].max,"onUpdate:modelValue":G=>q(t).protocolMapping.axesCorrespondencies[ue.id].max=G,modelModifiers:{number:!0},class:"bg-transparent w-[110px]",label:"Max",type:"number",density:"compact",variant:"outlined","hide-details":""},null,8,["modelValue","onUpdate:modelValue"]),O(di,{class:"bg-[#FFFFFF22] w-40 ml-2",disabled:u.value!==!1,onClick:G=>E(s.value,ue)},{default:we(()=>[Je(rt(u.value&&u.value===ue.id?"Remapping":"Click to remap"),1)]),_:2},1032,["disabled","onClick"])]))),128))]),actions:we(()=>[ne("div",Tgt,[O(di,{variant:"text",class:"m-1",onClick:Ne[6]||(Ne[6]=ue=>T.value=!1)},{default:we(()=>[Je(" Close ")]),_:1})])]),_:1},8,["show-dialog"])):_t("",!0)]))],64))}});wi({});function Cgt(){for(var e=0,t,i,a="";ee&&(t=0,a=i,i=new Map)}return{get:function(r){var o=i.get(r);if(o!==void 0)return o;if((o=a.get(r))!==void 0)return n(r,o),o},set:function(r,o){i.has(r)?i.set(r,o):n(r,o)}}}var fde="!";function Lgt(e){var t=e.separator||":",i=t.length===1,a=t[0],n=t.length;return function(r){for(var o=[],s=0,l=0,c,d=0;dl?c-l:void 0;return{modifiers:o,hasImportantModifier:p,baseClassName:f,maybePostfixModifierPosition:g}}}function Vgt(e){if(e.length<=1)return e;var t=[],i=[];return e.forEach(function(a){var n=a[0]==="[";n?(t.push.apply(t,i.sort().concat([a])),i=[]):i.push(a)}),t.push.apply(t,i.sort()),t}function xgt(e){return{cache:Ugt(e.cacheSize),splitModifiers:Lgt(e),...Egt(e)}}var Fgt=/\s+/;function Hgt(e,t){var i=t.splitModifiers,a=t.getClassGroupId,n=t.getConflictingClassGroupIds,r=new Set;return e.trim().split(Fgt).map(function(o){var s=i(o),l=s.modifiers,c=s.hasImportantModifier,d=s.baseClassName,u=s.maybePostfixModifierPosition,m=a(u?d.substring(0,u):d),p=!!u;if(!m){if(!u)return{isTailwindClass:!1,originalClassName:o};if(m=a(d),!m)return{isTailwindClass:!1,originalClassName:o};p=!1}var f=Vgt(l).join(":"),g=c?f+fde:f;return{isTailwindClass:!0,modifierId:g,classGroupId:m,originalClassName:o,hasPostfixModifier:p}}).reverse().filter(function(o){if(!o.isTailwindClass)return!0;var s=o.modifierId,l=o.classGroupId,c=o.hasPostfixModifier,d=s+l;return r.has(d)?!1:(r.add(d),n(l,c).forEach(function(u){return r.add(s+u)}),!0)}).reverse().map(function(o){return o.originalClassName}).join(" ")}function Bgt(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),i=0;i{const i=e.__vccOpts||e;for(const[a,n]of t)i[a]=n;return i};var i5t={exports:{}};/*! Copyright (c) 2018 Jed Watson. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see http://jedwatson.github.io/classnames @@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ a=extmap-allow-mixed`)!==-1){const r=n.sdp.split(` will lead to no video being streamed.`,"This can happen if you changed your network or the IP of your vehicle.",`To solve this problem, please open the video configuration page (Main-menu > Settings > Video) and clear the selected IPs. Then, select an available IP from the list.`],variant:"warning"})},Y=()=>{i({maxWidth:600,title:"Video being routed from multiple IPs",message:[`Cockpit detected that the video streams are being routed from multiple IPs. This often leads to video stuttering, especially if one of the IPs is from a non-wired connection.`,`To prevent issues and achieve an optimal streaming experience, please open the video configuration page - (Main-menu > Settings > Video) and select the IP address that should be used for the video streaming.`],variant:"warning"})};if(s.value){let J=!1,ce=!1;const pe=setInterval(async()=>{if(!p.value.isEmpty()&&(o.value.isEmpty()||(p.value.filter(Te=>o.value.includes(Te)).isEmpty()&&!ce&&(console.warn("Selected ICE IPs are not available. Warning user."),se(),ce=!0),clearInterval(pe)),o.value.isEmpty()&&p.value.length>=1)){try{const Re=await B6e(a),Te=[];Re.forEach(ee=>{const me=p.value.includes(ee.ipv4Address),ie=[...o.value,...Te].includes(ee.ipv4Address);!["WIRED","USB"].includes(ee.interfaceType)||ie||!me||(console.info(`Adding the wired address '${ee.ipv4Address}' to the list of allowed ICE IPs.`),Te.push(ee.ipv4Address))}),o.value=Te,o.value.isEmpty()||i({message:"Preferred video stream routes fetched from BlueOS.",variant:"success",timer:5e3})}catch(Re){console.error("Failed to get IP information from the vehicle:",Re)}o.value.isEmpty()&&!J&&(console.info("No ICE IPs selected for the allowed list. Warning user."),Y(),J=!0),clearInterval(pe)}},5e3)}const Z=()=>{const J=[];if(S.value.forEach(ce=>{T(ce)||(N(ce),J.push(ce))}),J.isEmpty()){t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Error,"No streams available to be recorded."));return}t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Success,`Started recording streams: ${J.join(", ")}.`))},he=()=>{const J=[];if(S.value.forEach(ce=>{T(ce)&&(b(ce),J.push(ce))}),J.isEmpty()){t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Error,"No streams were being recorded."));return}t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Success,`Stopped recording streams: ${J.join(", ")}.`))};return xl(Ra.start_recording_all_streams,Sb(Z,3e3)),xl(Ra.stop_recording_all_streams,Sb(he,3e3)),{availableIceIps:p,allowedIceIps:o,enableAutoIceIpFetch:s,allowedIceProtocols:l,jitterBufferTarget:c,zipMultipleFiles:d,namesAvailableStreams:S,videoStoringDB:W,tempVideoChunksDB:H,discardProcessedFilesFromVideoDB:w,discardUnprocessedFilesFromVideoDB:C,downloadFilesFromVideoDB:I,clearTemporaryVideoDB:F,keysAllUnprocessedVideos:ae,keysFailedUnprocessedVideos:_e,areThereVideosProcessing:de,processAllUnprocessedVideos:Ie,discardUnprocessedVideos:Ce,temporaryVideoDBSize:z,videoStorageFileSize:B,getMediaStream:y,getStreamData:D,isRecording:T,stopRecording:b,startRecording:N,unprocessedVideos:f,downloadTempVideo:U,currentFileProgress:fe,overallProgress:De,processVideoChunksAndTelemetry:ue,isVideoFilename:K,activeStreams:u}}),yd=e=>(Do("data-v-89ac59f4"),e=e(),yo(),e),bRt={class:"flex-col h-full ml-[1vw] max-w-[500px] max-h-[85vh] overflow-y-auto pr-3"},TRt={class:"flex justify-center flex-col w-[90%] ml-2"},wRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Video stream quality may be enhanced by enforcing a protocol that is well-suited to the available network infrastructure. ",-1)),CRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," UDP can be lower latency but may drop frames, while TCP enforces frame ordering at the cost of some increased latency and jitter. ",-1)),ERt={class:"flex items-center justify-start"},MRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Increasing the buffer duration causes additional video latency, but can help to compensate for network jitter and provide more consistent frame timing in the display. ",-1)),IRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Cockpit's default is zero milliseconds, but you can set a custom value, or leave the field empty to use your browser's default. ",-1)),PRt={class:"flex items-center justify-start w-[50%] ml-2"},ORt=yd(()=>ne("a",{class:"ml-3"},"ms",-1)),URt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Select whether video and subtitle files should be bundled together in a ZIP archive, or downloaded individually. ",-1)),LRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Zipping allows a single download of a group of files, but requires waiting for the files to get zipped together. Depending on file sizes, the zipping process may complete within seconds or could take minutes. ",-1)),VRt={class:"flex items-center justify-start w-[50%] ml-2"},xRt=kt({__name:"ConfigurationVideoView",setup(e){const t=["udp","tcp"],i=E0e(),a=Gn();Pi(()=>{s.value.length===0&&(s.value=t)});function n(d){d.data===null&&(c.value=null)}const r=[d=>d===""||d>=0||"Must be >= 0",d=>d===""||d<=4e3||"Must be <= 4000"],{allowedIceIps:o,allowedIceProtocols:s,availableIceIps:l,jitterBufferTarget:c}=A6e(i);return(d,u)=>(Ue(),pt(V1,null,{"help-icon":we(()=>[]),title:we(()=>[Je("Video configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",bRt,[O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Allowed WebRTC remote IP Addresses")]),info:we(()=>[Je(" Select the IP addresses to allow connecting to for WebRTC video streaming. For best performance it is recommended to only use the most reliable interfaces - e.g. avoid wireless interfaces if there is a tethered/wired interface available. If no value is specified, all available routes are allowed. ")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",TRt,[O(eA,{modelValue:q(o),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[0]||(u[0]=m=>ri(o)?o.value=m:null),multiple:"",items:q(l),label:"Allowed WebRTC remote IP Addresses",class:"uri-input",variant:"outlined",chips:"",theme:"dark",density:"compact",clearable:"","hide-details":""},null,8,["modelValue","items"]),O(Rl,{modelValue:q(i).enableAutoIceIpFetch,"onUpdate:modelValue":u[1]||(u[1]=m=>q(i).enableAutoIceIpFetch=m),label:"Enable auto-retrieval of allowed IP addresses","hide-details":"",class:"mb-2"},null,8,["modelValue"])])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Allowed WebRTC protocols:")]),info:we(()=>[wRt,CRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",ERt,[(Ue(),Ge(at,null,jt(t,m=>O(Rl,{key:m,modelValue:q(s),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[2]||(u[2]=p=>ri(s)?s.value=p:null),label:m.toUpperCase(),value:m,disabled:q(s).length===1&&q(s)[0].toLowerCase()===m.toLowerCase(),class:"text-sm mx-2"},null,8,["modelValue","label","value","disabled"])),64))])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("RTP Jitter Buffer (Target) duration:")]),info:we(()=>[MRt,IRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",PRt,[O(kn,{modelValue:q(c),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[3]||(u[3]=m=>ri(c)?c.value=m:null),modelModifiers:{number:!0},variant:"filled",placeholder:"auto",type:"number",class:"uri-input mt-4",theme:"dark",density:"compact",max:"4000",min:"0",rules:r,onInput:n},null,8,["modelValue"]),ORt])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"no-bottom-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("File download options:")]),info:we(()=>[URt,LRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",VRt,[O(Rl,{modelValue:q(i).zipMultipleFiles,"onUpdate:modelValue":u[4]||(u[4]=m=>q(i).zipMultipleFiles=m),label:"Zip multiple files",class:"text-sm 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w9t=Ln(y9t,[["render",T9t],["__scopeId","data-v-e1ec5da9"]]);var Ny={exports:{}};/* @preserve + (Main-menu > Settings > Video) and select the IP address that should be used for the video streaming.`],variant:"warning"})};if(s.value){let J=!1,ce=!1;const pe=setInterval(async()=>{if(!p.value.isEmpty()&&(o.value.isEmpty()||(p.value.filter(Te=>o.value.includes(Te)).isEmpty()&&!ce&&(console.warn("Selected ICE IPs are not available. Warning user."),se(),ce=!0),clearInterval(pe)),o.value.isEmpty()&&p.value.length>=1)){try{const Re=await B6e(a),Te=[];Re.forEach(ee=>{const me=p.value.includes(ee.ipv4Address),ie=[...o.value,...Te].includes(ee.ipv4Address);!["WIRED","USB"].includes(ee.interfaceType)||ie||!me||(console.info(`Adding the wired address '${ee.ipv4Address}' to the list of allowed ICE IPs.`),Te.push(ee.ipv4Address))}),o.value=Te,o.value.isEmpty()||i({message:"Preferred video stream routes fetched from BlueOS.",variant:"success",timer:5e3})}catch(Re){console.error("Failed to get IP information from the vehicle:",Re)}o.value.isEmpty()&&!J&&(console.info("No ICE IPs selected for the allowed list. Warning user."),Y(),J=!0),clearInterval(pe)}},5e3)}const Z=()=>{const J=[];if(S.value.forEach(ce=>{T(ce)||(N(ce),J.push(ce))}),J.isEmpty()){t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Error,"No streams available to be recorded."));return}t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Success,`Started recording streams: ${J.join(", ")}.`))},he=()=>{const J=[];if(S.value.forEach(ce=>{T(ce)&&(b(ce),J.push(ce))}),J.isEmpty()){t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Error,"No streams were being recorded."));return}t.pushAlert(new hn(ni.Success,`Stopped recording streams: ${J.join(", ")}.`))};return xl(Ra.start_recording_all_streams,Sb(Z,3e3)),xl(Ra.stop_recording_all_streams,Sb(he,3e3)),{availableIceIps:p,allowedIceIps:o,enableAutoIceIpFetch:s,allowedIceProtocols:l,jitterBufferTarget:c,zipMultipleFiles:d,namesAvailableStreams:S,videoStoringDB:W,tempVideoChunksDB:H,discardProcessedFilesFromVideoDB:w,discardUnprocessedFilesFromVideoDB:C,downloadFilesFromVideoDB:I,clearTemporaryVideoDB:F,keysAllUnprocessedVideos:ae,keysFailedUnprocessedVideos:_e,areThereVideosProcessing:de,processAllUnprocessedVideos:Ie,discardUnprocessedVideos:Ce,temporaryVideoDBSize:z,videoStorageFileSize:B,getMediaStream:y,getStreamData:D,isRecording:T,stopRecording:b,startRecording:N,unprocessedVideos:f,downloadTempVideo:U,currentFileProgress:fe,overallProgress:De,processVideoChunksAndTelemetry:ue,isVideoFilename:K,activeStreams:u}}),yd=e=>(Do("data-v-89ac59f4"),e=e(),yo(),e),bRt={class:"flex-col h-full ml-[1vw] max-w-[500px] max-h-[85vh] overflow-y-auto pr-3"},TRt={class:"flex justify-center flex-col w-[90%] ml-2"},wRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Video stream quality may be enhanced by enforcing a protocol that is well-suited to the available network infrastructure. ",-1)),CRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," UDP can be lower latency but may drop frames, while TCP enforces frame ordering at the cost of some increased latency and jitter. ",-1)),ERt={class:"flex items-center justify-start"},MRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Increasing the buffer duration causes additional video latency, but can help to compensate for network jitter and provide more consistent frame timing in the display. ",-1)),IRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Cockpit's default is zero milliseconds, but you can set a custom value, or leave the field empty to use your browser's default. ",-1)),PRt={class:"flex items-center justify-start w-[50%] ml-2"},ORt=yd(()=>ne("a",{class:"ml-3"},"ms",-1)),URt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Select whether video and subtitle files should be bundled together in a ZIP archive, or downloaded individually. ",-1)),LRt=yd(()=>ne("li",null," Zipping allows a single download of a group of files, but requires waiting for the files to get zipped together. Depending on file sizes, the zipping process may complete within seconds or could take minutes. ",-1)),VRt={class:"flex items-center justify-start w-[50%] ml-2"},xRt=kt({__name:"ConfigurationVideoView",setup(e){const t=["udp","tcp"],i=E0e(),a=Gn();Pi(()=>{s.value.length===0&&(s.value=t)});function n(d){d.data===null&&(c.value=null)}const r=[d=>d===""||d>=0||"Must be >= 0",d=>d===""||d<=4e3||"Must be <= 4000"],{allowedIceIps:o,allowedIceProtocols:s,availableIceIps:l,jitterBufferTarget:c}=A6e(i);return(d,u)=>(Ue(),pt(V1,null,{"help-icon":we(()=>[]),title:we(()=>[Je("Video configuration")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",bRt,[O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Allowed WebRTC remote IP Addresses")]),info:we(()=>[Je(" Select the IP addresses to allow connecting to for WebRTC video streaming. For best performance it is recommended to only use the most reliable interfaces - e.g. avoid wireless interfaces if there is a tethered/wired interface available. If no value is specified, all available routes are allowed. ")]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",TRt,[O(eA,{modelValue:q(o),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[0]||(u[0]=m=>ri(o)?o.value=m:null),multiple:"",items:q(l),label:"Allowed WebRTC remote IP Addresses",class:"uri-input",variant:"outlined",chips:"",theme:"dark",density:"compact",clearable:"","hide-details":""},null,8,["modelValue","items"]),O(Rl,{modelValue:q(i).enableAutoIceIpFetch,"onUpdate:modelValue":u[1]||(u[1]=m=>q(i).enableAutoIceIpFetch=m),label:"Enable auto-retrieval of allowed IP addresses","hide-details":"",class:"mb-2"},null,8,["modelValue"])])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"no-top-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("Allowed WebRTC protocols:")]),info:we(()=>[wRt,CRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",ERt,[(Ue(),Ge(at,null,jt(t,m=>O(Rl,{key:m,modelValue:q(s),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[2]||(u[2]=p=>ri(s)?s.value=p:null),label:m.toUpperCase(),value:m,disabled:q(s).length===1&&q(s)[0].toLowerCase()===m.toLowerCase(),class:"text-sm mx-2"},null,8,["modelValue","label","value","disabled"])),64))])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("RTP Jitter Buffer (Target) duration:")]),info:we(()=>[MRt,IRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",PRt,[O(kn,{modelValue:q(c),"onUpdate:modelValue":u[3]||(u[3]=m=>ri(c)?c.value=m:null),modelModifiers:{number:!0},variant:"filled",placeholder:"auto",type:"number",class:"uri-input mt-4",theme:"dark",density:"compact",max:"4000",min:"0",rules:r,onInput:n},null,8,["modelValue"]),ORt])]),_:1},8,["is-expanded"]),O(ba,{"no-bottom-divider":"","is-expanded":!q(a).isOnPhoneScreen},{title:we(()=>[Je("File download options:")]),info:we(()=>[URt,LRt]),content:we(()=>[ne("div",VRt,[O(Rl,{modelValue:q(i).zipMultipleFiles,"onUpdate:modelValue":u[4]||(u[4]=m=>q(i).zipMultipleFiles=m),label:"Zip multiple files",class:"text-sm 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PAt(e,t,i={}){if(!e)return null;let a={audio:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},video:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},connection:{inbound:[],outbound:[]}};i.remote&&(a.remote={audio:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},video:{inbound:[],outbound:[]}});for(const n of e.values())switch(n.type){case"outbound-rtp":{const r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};let s={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))continue;if(n.codecId){const l=e.get(n.codecId);l&&(o.clockRate=l.clockRate,o.mimeType=l.mimeType,o.payloadType=l.payloadType)}s=e.get(n.mediaSourceId)||e.get(n.trackId)||{},a[r].outbound.push({...n,...o,track:{...s}});break}case"inbound-rtp":{let r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};const s={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))if(n.id.includes("Video"))r="video";else if(n.id.includes("Audio"))r="audio";else continue;if(n.codecId){const l=e.get(n.codecId);l&&(s.clockRate=l.clockRate,s.mimeType=l.mimeType,s.payloadType=l.payloadType)}if(!a.connection.id&&n.transportId){const l=e.get(n.transportId);if(l&&l.selectedCandidatePairId){const c=e.get(l.selectedCandidatePairId);a.connection=TS(c,e)}}o=e.get(n.mediaSourceId)||e.get(n.trackId)||{},a[r].inbound.push({...n,...s,track:{...o}});break}case"peer-connection":{a.connection.dataChannelsClosed=n.dataChannelsClosed,a.connection.dataChannelsOpened=n.dataChannelsOpened;break}case"remote-inbound-rtp":{if(!i.remote)break;let r=n.mediaType||n.kind;const o={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))if(n.id.includes("Video"))r="video";else if(n.id.includes("Audio"))r="audio";else continue;if(n.codecId){const s=e.get(n.codecId);s&&(o.clockRate=s.clockRate,o.mimeType=s.mimeType,o.payloadType=s.payloadType)}if(!a.connection.id&&n.transportId){const s=e.get(n.transportId);if(s&&s.selectedCandidatePairId){const l=e.get(s.selectedCandidatePairId);a.connection=TS(l,e)}}a.remote[r].inbound.push({...n,...o});break}case"remote-outbound-rtp":{if(!i.remote)break;const r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))continue;if(n.codecId){const s=e.get(n.codecId);s&&(o.clockRate=s.clockRate,o.mimeType=s.mimeType,o.payloadType=s.payloadType)}a.remote[r].outbound.push({...n,...o});break}}if(!a.connection.id)for(const n of e.values())n.type==="candidate-pair"&&n.nominated&&n.state==="succeeded"&&(a.connection=TS(n,e));return a=EAt(a,t),a}let sr={},Yf,wS=[];class OAt extends Wi{constructor(t){if(super(),this.monitoringSetInterval=0,this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=0,this.connectionMonitoringInterval=1e3,this.remote=!0,this.peersToMonitor={},this.timeline=[],this.statsToMonitor=["inbound-rtp","outbound-rtp","remote-inbound-rtp","remote-outbound-rtp","peer-connection","data-channel","stream","track","sender","receiver","transport","candidate-pair","local-candidate","remote-candidate"],typeof window>"u")throw new Error("WebRTCStats only works in browser");const i={...t};this.isEdge=!!window.RTCIceGatherer,this.getStatsInterval=i.getStatsInterval||1e3,this.rawStats=!!i.rawStats,this.statsObject=!!i.statsObject,this.filteredStats=!!i.filteredStats,this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia=!!i.wrapGetUserMedia,typeof i.remote=="boolean"&&(this.remote=i.remote),this.debug=!!i.debug,this.logLevel=i.logLevel||"none",this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia&&this.wrapGetUserMedia()}async addPeer(t,i){return console.warn("The addPeer() method has been deprecated, please use addConnection()"),this.addConnection({peerId:t,pc:i})}async addConnection(t){const{pc:i,peerId:a}=t;let{connectionId:n,remote:r}=t;if(r=typeof r=="boolean"?r:this.remote,!i||!(i instanceof RTCPeerConnection))throw new Error("Missing argument 'pc' or is not of instance RTCPeerConnection");if(!a)throw new Error("Missing argument peerId");if(this.isEdge)throw new Error("Can't monitor peers in Edge at this time.");if(this.peersToMonitor[a]){if(n&&n in this.peersToMonitor[a])throw new Error(`We are already monitoring connection with id ${n}.`);for(let s in this.peersToMonitor[a]){const l=this.peersToMonitor[a][s];if(l.pc===i)throw new Error(`We are already monitoring peer with id ${a}.`);l.pc.connectionState==="closed"&&this.removeConnection({pc:l.pc})}}const o=i.getConfiguration();return o.iceServers&&o.iceServers.forEach(function(s){delete s.credential}),n||(n=CAt()),this.emitEvent({event:"addConnection",tag:"peer",peerId:a,connectionId:n,data:{options:t,peerConfiguration:o}}),this.monitorPeer({peerId:a,connectionId:n,pc:i,remote:r}),{connectionId:n}}getTimeline(t){return this.timeline=this.timeline.sort((i,a)=>i.timestamp.getTime()-a.timestamp.getTime()),t?this.timeline.filter(i=>i.tag===t):this.timeline}get logger(){const t=i=>{const a=["none","error","warn","info","debug"];return a.slice(0,a.indexOf(this.logLevel)+1).indexOf(i)>-1};return{error(...i){this.debug&&t("error")&&console.error("[webrtc-stats][error] ",...i)},warn(...i){this.debug&&t("warn")&&console.warn("[webrtc-stats][warn] ",...i)},info(...i){this.debug&&t("info")&&console.log("[webrtc-stats][info] ",...i)},debug(...i){this.debug&&t("debug")&&console.debug("[webrtc-stats][debug] ",...i)}}}removeConnection(t){let{connectionId:i,pc:a}=t,n;if(!a&&!i)throw new Error("Missing arguments. You need to either send pc or a connectionId.");if(i){if(typeof i!="string")throw new Error("connectionId must be a string.");for(let r in this.peersToMonitor)i in this.peersToMonitor[r]&&(a=this.peersToMonitor[r][i].pc,n=r)}else if(a){if(!(a instanceof RTCPeerConnection))throw new Error("pc must be an instance of RTCPeerConnection.");for(let r in this.peersToMonitor)for(let o in this.peersToMonitor[r])this.peersToMonitor[r][o].pc===a&&(i=o,n=r)}if(!a||!i)throw new Error("Could not find the desired connection.");return this.removePeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a),delete this.peersToMonitor[n][i],Object.values(this.peersToMonitor[n]).length===0&&delete this.peersToMonitor[n],{connectionId:i}}removeAllPeers(){for(let t in this.peersToMonitor)this.removePeer(t)}removePeer(t){if(this.logger.info(`Removing PeerConnection with id ${t}.`),!!this.peersToMonitor[t]){for(let i in this.peersToMonitor[t]){let a=this.peersToMonitor[t][i].pc;this.removePeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a)}delete this.peersToMonitor[t]}}destroy(){this.removeAllPeers(),wS.forEach(t=>{this.removeTrackEventListeners(t)}),wS=[],this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia&&Yf&&(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia=Yf)}monitorPeer(t){let{peerId:i,connectionId:a,pc:n,remote:r}=t;if(!n){this.logger.warn("Did not receive pc argument when calling monitorPeer()");return}const o={pc:n,connectionId:a,stream:null,stats:{parsed:null,raw:null},options:{remote:r}};if(this.peersToMonitor[i]){if(a in this.peersToMonitor[i]){this.logger.warn(`Already watching connection with ID ${a}`);return}this.peersToMonitor[i][a]=o}else this.peersToMonitor[i]={[a]:o};this.addPeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a,n),this.numberOfMonitoredPeers===1&&(this.startStatsMonitoring(),this.startConnectionStateMonitoring())}startStatsMonitoring(){this.monitoringSetInterval||(this.monitoringSetInterval=window.setInterval(()=>{this.numberOfMonitoredPeers||this.stopStatsMonitoring(),this.getStats().then(t=>{t.forEach(i=>{this.emitEvent(i)})})},this._getStatsInterval))}stopStatsMonitoring(){this.monitoringSetInterval&&(window.clearInterval(this.monitoringSetInterval),this.monitoringSetInterval=0)}async getStats(t=null){this.logger.info(t?`Getting stats from peer ${t}`:"Getting stats from all peers");let i={};if(t){if(!this.peersToMonitor[t])throw new Error(`Cannot get stats. Peer with id ${t} does not exist`);i[t]=this.peersToMonitor[t]}else i=this.peersToMonitor;let a=[];for(const n in i)for(const r in i[n]){const o=i[n][r],s=o.pc;if(!(!s||this.checkIfConnectionIsClosed(n,r,s)))try{const l=this.getTimestamp(),c=s.getStats(null);if(c){const d=await c,u=this.getTimestamp(),m=IAt(d),p={remote:o.options.remote},f=PAt(d,o.stats.parsed,p),g={event:"stats",tag:"stats",peerId:n,connectionId:r,timeTaken:u-l,data:f};this.rawStats===!0&&(g.rawStats=d),this.statsObject===!0&&(g.statsObject=m),this.filteredStats===!0&&(g.filteredStats=this.filteroutStats(m)),a.push(g),o.stats.parsed=f}else this.logger.error(`PeerConnection from peer ${n} did not return any stats data`)}catch(l){this.logger.error(l)}}return a}startConnectionStateMonitoring(){this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=window.setInterval(()=>{this.numberOfMonitoredPeers||this.stopConnectionStateMonitoring();for(const t in this.peersToMonitor)for(const i in this.peersToMonitor[t]){const a=this.peersToMonitor[t][i].pc;this.checkIfConnectionIsClosed(t,i,a)}},this.connectionMonitoringInterval)}checkIfConnectionIsClosed(t,i,a){const n=this.isConnectionClosed(a);if(n){this.removeConnection({pc:a});let r=a.connectionState==="closed"?"onconnectionstatechange":"oniceconnectionstatechange";this.emitEvent({event:r,peerId:t,connectionId:i,tag:"connection",data:"closed"})}return n}isConnectionClosed(t){return t.connectionState==="closed"||t.iceConnectionState==="closed"}stopConnectionStateMonitoring(){this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval&&(window.clearInterval(this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval),this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=0)}wrapGetUserMedia(){if(!navigator.mediaDevices||!navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia){this.logger.warn("'navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia' is not available in browser. Will not wrap getUserMedia.");return}this.logger.info("Wrapping getUsermedia functions."),Yf=navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia.bind(navigator.mediaDevices);const t=this.parseGetUserMedia.bind(this),i=function(){return t({constraints:arguments[0]}),Yf.apply(navigator.mediaDevices,arguments).then(a=>(t({stream:a}),a),a=>(t({error:a}),Promise.reject(a)))};navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia=i.bind(navigator.mediaDevices)}filteroutStats(t={}){const i={...t};for(const n in i){var a=i[n];this.statsToMonitor.includes(a.type)||delete i[n]}return i}get peerConnectionListeners(){return{icecandidate:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug("[pc-event] icecandidate | peerId: ${peerId}",n),this.emitEvent({event:"onicecandidate",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:n.candidate})},track:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] track | peerId: ${t}`,n);const r=n.track,o=n.streams[0];t in this.peersToMonitor&&i in this.peersToMonitor[t]&&(this.peersToMonitor[t][i].stream=o),this.addTrackEventListeners(r,i),this.emitEvent({event:"ontrack",tag:"track",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:{stream:o?this.getStreamDetails(o):null,track:r?this.getMediaTrackDetails(r):null,title:n.track.kind+":"+n.track.id+" "+n.streams.map(function(s){return"stream:"+s.id})}})},signalingstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] signalingstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onsignalingstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:{signalingState:a.signalingState,localDescription:a.localDescription,remoteDescription:a.remoteDescription}})},iceconnectionstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] iceconnectionstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"oniceconnectionstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.iceConnectionState})},icegatheringstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] icegatheringstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onicegatheringstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.iceGatheringState})},icecandidateerror:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] icecandidateerror | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onicecandidateerror",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,error:{errorCode:n.errorCode}})},connectionstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] connectionstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onconnectionstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.connectionState})},negotiationneeded:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] negotiationneeded | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onnegotiationneeded",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i})},datachannel:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] datachannel | peerId: ${t}`,n),this.emitEvent({event:"ondatachannel",tag:"datachannel",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:n.channel})}}}addPeerConnectionEventListeners(t,i,a){this.logger.debug(`Adding event listeners for peer ${t} and connection ${i}.`),sr[i]={},Object.keys(this.peerConnectionListeners).forEach(n=>{sr[i][n]=this.peerConnectionListeners[n].bind(this,t,i,a),a.addEventListener(n,sr[i][n],!1)})}parseGetUserMedia(t){try{const i={event:"getUserMedia",tag:"getUserMedia",data:{...t}};t.stream&&(i.data.details=this.parseStream(t.stream),t.stream.getTracks().map(a=>{this.addTrackEventListeners(a),wS.push(a)})),this.emitEvent(i)}catch{}}parseStream(t){const i={audio:[],video:[]};return t.getTracks().forEach(n=>{i[n.kind].push(this.getMediaTrackDetails(n))}),i}getMediaTrackDetails(t){return{enabled:t.enabled,id:t.id,contentHint:t.contentHint,kind:t.kind,label:t.label,muted:t.muted,readyState:t.readyState,constructorName:t.constructor.name,capabilities:t.getCapabilities?t.getCapabilities():{},constraints:t.getConstraints?t.getConstraints():{},settings:t.getSettings?t.getSettings():{},_track:t}}getStreamDetails(t){return{active:t.active,id:t.id,_stream:t}}getTrackEventObject(t){return{mute:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"mute",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},unmute:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"unmute",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},overconstrained:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"overconstrained",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},ended:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"ended",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}}),this.removeTrackEventListeners(i.target)}}}addTrackEventListeners(t,i){sr[t.id]={};const a=this.getTrackEventObject(i);Object.keys(a).forEach(n=>{sr[t.id][n]=a[n].bind(this),t.addEventListener(n,sr[t.id][n])}),sr[t.id].readyState=setInterval(()=>{if(t.readyState==="ended"){let n=new CustomEvent("ended",{detail:{check:"readyState"}});t.dispatchEvent(n)}},1e3)}removeTrackEventListeners(t){if(t.id in sr){const i=this.getTrackEventObject();Object.keys(i).forEach(a=>{t.removeEventListener(a,sr[t.id][a])}),clearInterval(sr[t.id].readyState),delete sr[t.id]}}addToTimeline(t){this.timeline.push(t),this.emit("timeline",t)}emitEvent(t){const i={...t,timestamp:new Date};this.addToTimeline(i),i.tag&&this.emit(i.tag,i)}set getStatsInterval(t){if(!Number.isInteger(t))throw new Error(`getStatsInterval should be an integer, got: ${t}`);this._getStatsInterval=t,this.monitoringSetInterval&&(this.stopStatsMonitoring(),this.startStatsMonitoring())}get numberOfMonitoredPeers(){return Object.keys(this.peersToMonitor).length}removePeerConnectionEventListeners(t,i){t in sr&&(Object.keys(this.peerConnectionListeners).forEach(a=>{i.removeEventListener(a,sr[t][a],!1)}),delete sr[t]),i.getSenders().forEach(a=>{a.track&&this.removeTrackEventListeners(a.track)}),i.getReceivers().forEach(a=>{a.track&&this.removeTrackEventListeners(a.track)})}getTimestamp(){return Date.now()}wrapGetDisplayMedia(){const t=this;if(navigator.mediaDevices&&navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia){const i=navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia.bind(navigator.mediaDevices),a=function(){return t.debug("navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia",null,arguments[0]),i.apply(navigator.mediaDevices,arguments).then(function(n){return n},function(n){return t.debug("navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMediaOnFailure",null,n.name),Promise.reject(n)})};navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia=a.bind(navigator.mediaDevices)}}}var UAt=O0e.WebRTCStats=OAt;const CS=new UAt({getStatsInterval:250}),LAt=Zs("omniscient-logger",()=>{const e=E0e(),t=ve({});let i=new Date;const a=1e3;setInterval(()=>{Object.keys(e.activeStreams).forEach(v=>{var D;e.activeStreams[v]!==void 0&&((D=e.activeStreams[v].mediaStream)==null||D.getVideoTracks().forEach(y=>{if(t.value[v]===void 0&&(t.value[v]=[]),y.getSettings().frameRate===void 0)return;const T=t.value[v];T.push(y.getSettings().frameRate),T.splice(0,T.length-10),t.value[v]=T;const b=T.reduce((w,C)=>w+C,0)/T.length,R=.9*b,N=y.getSettings().frameRate;Na&&(console.debug(`Average frame rate for stream '${v}': ${b.toFixed(2)} fps.`),i=new Date)}))})},250);const n=ve([]),r=100,o=1e3;let s=new Date;(()=>{let v=performance.now(),D=0;requestAnimationFrame(function y(){const T=performance.now();if(D++,T>v+r){const b=Math.round(D*1e3/(T-v));v=T,D=0,n.value.push(b),n.value.splice(0,n.value.length-10);const N=.9*(n.value.reduce((w,C)=>w+C,0)/n.value.length);bo&&(console.debug(`Average framerate for the application rendering: ${b.toFixed(2)} fps.`),s=new Date)}requestAnimationFrame(y)})})(),qe(e.activeStreams,v=>{Object.keys(v).forEach(D=>{var T;const y=(T=v[D])==null?void 0:T.webRtcManager.session;!y||!y.peerConnection||CS.peersToMonitor[y.consumerId]||CS.addConnection({pc:y.peerConnection,peerId:y.consumerId,connectionId:y.id,remote:!1})})});const c=30,d=["bytesReceived","firCount","framesDecoded","framesDropped","framesReceived","freezeCount","headerBytesReceived","jitterBufferEmittedCount","keyFramesDecoded","lastPacketReceivedTimestamp","nackCount","packetsLost","packetsReceived","pauseCount","pliCount","timestamp","totalAssemblyTime","totalDecodeTime","totalFreezesDuration","totalInterFrameDelay","totalPausesDuration","totalProcessingDelay","totalSquaredInterFrameDelay"],u=["clockRate","framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets","framesPerSecond","jitter","jitterBufferDelay","jitterBufferMinimumDelay","jitterBufferTargetDelay","packetRate"],m=[...d,...u],p=["firCount","framesDropped","freezeCount","nackCount","packetsLost","pauseCount","pliCount","totalFreezesDuration","totalPausesDuration"],f=1e3;let g=new Date;const S=ve({});return CS.on("stats",v=>{try{const D=v.data.video.inbound[0];if(D===void 0)return;S.value[v.peerId]===void 0&&(S.value[v.peerId]={}),m.forEach(y=>{S.value[v.peerId][y]===void 0&&(S.value[v.peerId][y]=[]),S.value[v.peerId][y].push(D[y]);const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];T.splice(0,T.length-c),S.value[v.peerId][y]=T}),p.forEach(y=>{const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];if(T.length<2)return;const b=T[T.length-1],R=T[T.length-2];typeof b!="number"||typeof R!="number"||b>R&&console.warn(`Cumulative value '${y}' increased for peer '${v.peerId}': ${b.toFixed(2)}.`)}),new Date().getTime()-g.getTime()>f&&(u.forEach(y=>{const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];if(T.find(R=>typeof R!="number"))return;const b=T.reduce((R,N)=>R+N,0)/T.length;console.debug(`Average value '${y}' for peer '${v.peerId}': ${b.toFixed(4)}.`)}),g=new Date)}catch(D){console.error("Error while logging WebRTC statistics:",D)}}),{streamsFrameRateHistory:t,appFrameRateHistory:n,webRtcStatsHistory:S}});eAe.add(FJe,uTe);D9t();const f8=Ug(v9t);window.localStorage.getItem("cockpit-enable-usage-statistics-telemetry")&&Rct({app:f8,dsn:"https://24f33bd0a8e35e7505da20846dcbca92@o4507696465707008.ingest.us.sentry.io/4507696619061248",integrations:[bct(),Hlt()],tracesSampleRate:.1,tracePropagationTargets:[],replaysSessionSampleRate:.1,replaysOnErrorSampleRate:1,transport:oct(S9)});f8.component("FontAwesomeIcon",ZJe);f8.use(pAt).use(TV).use(_6e()).use(T1t).use(J1t);f8.mount("#app");LAt();export{yV as $,Pi as A,a_ as B,E0e as C,vQ as D,w7 as E,Ao as F,Rp as G,ei as H,xa as I,we as J,fa as K,at as L,jt as M,Je as N,Et as O,Ua as P,tn as Q,di as R,Em as S,Us as T,Mu as U,rp as V,Al as W,ot as X,K9 as Y,lo as Z,b7 as _,ne as a,Q6e as a$,v7 as a0,Do as a1,yo as a2,Ln as a3,b0 as a4,la as a5,A6e as a6,HAt as a7,xg as a8,id as a9,Ze as aA,zt as aB,g7 as aC,Wa as aD,Oa as aE,ft as aF,kg as aG,on as aH,Gs as aI,ht as aJ,yt as aK,_V as aL,qt as aM,SV as aN,Ja as aO,H5e as aP,Qt as aQ,D0 as aR,_o as aS,ql as aT,_7 as aU,wr as aV,S7 as aW,E1 as aX,Yr as aY,Yi as aZ,Ig as a_,EN as aa,h6 as ab,Df as ac,J9 as ad,Mc as ae,es as af,_pt as ag,La as ah,Kc as ai,ZU as aj,R7 as ak,d1 as al,mn as am,wi as an,Bd as ao,i4 as ap,FAt as aq,zAt as ar,BAt as as,Gr as at,op as au,pm as av,mi as aw,Tl as ax,u_e as ay,kAt as az,q as b,kn as b0,Og as b1,d6 as b2,GAt as b3,wp as b4,D7 as b5,Kl as b6,ts as b7,Kg as b8,oi as b9,Ks as bA,Av as bB,Rf as bC,Rl as bD,Ap as bE,Cp as ba,y7 as bb,qg as bc,bp as bd,Rt as be,t6 as bf,qu as bg,Np as bh,an as bi,P1 as bj,Un as bk,$O as bl,Ri as bm,epe as bn,Du as bo,yi as bp,Sl as bq,ES as br,jhe as bs,hg as bt,R0 as bu,Xn as bv,Ss as bw,M9t as bx,xAt as by,aa as bz,Ge as c,kt as d,XAt as e,WAt as f,p0 as g,ir as h,O as i,pt as j,_t as k,te as l,p_e as m,$e as n,Ue as o,Gn as p,ai as q,Ar as r,U_e as s,rt as t,Zl as u,ve as v,$t as w,qe as x,Dw as y,$6e as z}; + */(function(e,t){(function(i,a){a(t)})(ea,function(i){var a="1.9.3";function n(h){var _,A,P,X;for(A=1,P=arguments.length;A"u"||!L||!L.Mixin)){h=y(h)?h:[h];for(var _=0;_0?Math.floor(h):Math.ceil(h)};W.prototype={clone:function(){return new W(this.x,this.y)},add:function(h){return this.clone()._add(Q(h))},_add:function(h){return this.x+=h.x,this.y+=h.y,this},subtract:function(h){return this.clone()._subtract(Q(h))},_subtract:function(h){return this.x-=h.x,this.y-=h.y,this},divideBy:function(h){return this.clone()._divideBy(h)},_divideBy:function(h){return this.x/=h,this.y/=h,this},multiplyBy:function(h){return this.clone()._multiplyBy(h)},_multiplyBy:function(h){return this.x*=h,this.y*=h,this},scaleBy:function(h){return new W(this.x*h.x,this.y*h.y)},unscaleBy:function(h){return new W(this.x/h.x,this.y/h.y)},round:function(){return this.clone()._round()},_round:function(){return this.x=Math.round(this.x),this.y=Math.round(this.y),this},floor:function(){return this.clone()._floor()},_floor:function(){return 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"+o.length+" "+t+" listeners added. 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a=t.audio.inbound.find(n=>n.id===i.id);i.bitrate=_c(i,a,"bytesReceived"),i.packetRate=_c(i,a,"packetsReceived")}),e.audio.outbound.map(i=>{let a=t.audio.outbound.find(n=>n.id===i.id);i.bitrate=_c(i,a,"bytesSent"),i.packetRate=_c(i,a,"packetsSent")}),e.video.inbound.map(i=>{let a=t.video.inbound.find(n=>n.id===i.id);i.bitrate=_c(i,a,"bytesReceived"),i.packetRate=_c(i,a,"packetsReceived")}),e.video.outbound.map(i=>{let a=t.video.outbound.find(n=>n.id===i.id);i.bitrate=_c(i,a,"bytesSent"),i.packetRate=_c(i,a,"packetsSent")})),e}function TS(e,t){if(!e||!t)return{};const i={...e};if(i.localCandidateId){const a=t.get(i.localCandidateId);i.local={...a}}if(i.remoteCandidateId){const a=t.get(i.remoteCandidateId);i.remote={...a}}return i}function MAt(e,t,i){const a=e[i],n=t?t[i]:null;return a===null||n===null?null:(a-n)/(e.timestamp-t.timestamp)*1e3}function _c(e,t,i){return MAt(e,t,i)*8}function IAt(e){if(!e.entries)return e;const t={};return e.forEach(function(i,a){t[a]=i}),t}function PAt(e,t,i={}){if(!e)return null;let a={audio:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},video:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},connection:{inbound:[],outbound:[]}};i.remote&&(a.remote={audio:{inbound:[],outbound:[]},video:{inbound:[],outbound:[]}});for(const n of e.values())switch(n.type){case"outbound-rtp":{const r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};let s={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))continue;if(n.codecId){const l=e.get(n.codecId);l&&(o.clockRate=l.clockRate,o.mimeType=l.mimeType,o.payloadType=l.payloadType)}s=e.get(n.mediaSourceId)||e.get(n.trackId)||{},a[r].outbound.push({...n,...o,track:{...s}});break}case"inbound-rtp":{let r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};const s={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))if(n.id.includes("Video"))r="video";else if(n.id.includes("Audio"))r="audio";else continue;if(n.codecId){const l=e.get(n.codecId);l&&(s.clockRate=l.clockRate,s.mimeType=l.mimeType,s.payloadType=l.payloadType)}if(!a.connection.id&&n.transportId){const l=e.get(n.transportId);if(l&&l.selectedCandidatePairId){const c=e.get(l.selectedCandidatePairId);a.connection=TS(c,e)}}o=e.get(n.mediaSourceId)||e.get(n.trackId)||{},a[r].inbound.push({...n,...s,track:{...o}});break}case"peer-connection":{a.connection.dataChannelsClosed=n.dataChannelsClosed,a.connection.dataChannelsOpened=n.dataChannelsOpened;break}case"remote-inbound-rtp":{if(!i.remote)break;let r=n.mediaType||n.kind;const o={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))if(n.id.includes("Video"))r="video";else if(n.id.includes("Audio"))r="audio";else continue;if(n.codecId){const s=e.get(n.codecId);s&&(o.clockRate=s.clockRate,o.mimeType=s.mimeType,o.payloadType=s.payloadType)}if(!a.connection.id&&n.transportId){const s=e.get(n.transportId);if(s&&s.selectedCandidatePairId){const l=e.get(s.selectedCandidatePairId);a.connection=TS(l,e)}}a.remote[r].inbound.push({...n,...o});break}case"remote-outbound-rtp":{if(!i.remote)break;const r=n.mediaType||n.kind,o={};if(!["audio","video"].includes(r))continue;if(n.codecId){const s=e.get(n.codecId);s&&(o.clockRate=s.clockRate,o.mimeType=s.mimeType,o.payloadType=s.payloadType)}a.remote[r].outbound.push({...n,...o});break}}if(!a.connection.id)for(const n of e.values())n.type==="candidate-pair"&&n.nominated&&n.state==="succeeded"&&(a.connection=TS(n,e));return a=EAt(a,t),a}let sr={},Yf,wS=[];class OAt extends Wi{constructor(t){if(super(),this.monitoringSetInterval=0,this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=0,this.connectionMonitoringInterval=1e3,this.remote=!0,this.peersToMonitor={},this.timeline=[],this.statsToMonitor=["inbound-rtp","outbound-rtp","remote-inbound-rtp","remote-outbound-rtp","peer-connection","data-channel","stream","track","sender","receiver","transport","candidate-pair","local-candidate","remote-candidate"],typeof window>"u")throw new Error("WebRTCStats only works in browser");const i={...t};this.isEdge=!!window.RTCIceGatherer,this.getStatsInterval=i.getStatsInterval||1e3,this.rawStats=!!i.rawStats,this.statsObject=!!i.statsObject,this.filteredStats=!!i.filteredStats,this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia=!!i.wrapGetUserMedia,typeof i.remote=="boolean"&&(this.remote=i.remote),this.debug=!!i.debug,this.logLevel=i.logLevel||"none",this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia&&this.wrapGetUserMedia()}async addPeer(t,i){return console.warn("The addPeer() method has been deprecated, please use addConnection()"),this.addConnection({peerId:t,pc:i})}async addConnection(t){const{pc:i,peerId:a}=t;let{connectionId:n,remote:r}=t;if(r=typeof r=="boolean"?r:this.remote,!i||!(i instanceof RTCPeerConnection))throw new Error("Missing argument 'pc' or is not of instance RTCPeerConnection");if(!a)throw new Error("Missing argument peerId");if(this.isEdge)throw new Error("Can't monitor peers in Edge at this time.");if(this.peersToMonitor[a]){if(n&&n in this.peersToMonitor[a])throw new Error(`We are already monitoring connection with id ${n}.`);for(let s in this.peersToMonitor[a]){const l=this.peersToMonitor[a][s];if(l.pc===i)throw new Error(`We are already monitoring peer with id ${a}.`);l.pc.connectionState==="closed"&&this.removeConnection({pc:l.pc})}}const o=i.getConfiguration();return o.iceServers&&o.iceServers.forEach(function(s){delete s.credential}),n||(n=CAt()),this.emitEvent({event:"addConnection",tag:"peer",peerId:a,connectionId:n,data:{options:t,peerConfiguration:o}}),this.monitorPeer({peerId:a,connectionId:n,pc:i,remote:r}),{connectionId:n}}getTimeline(t){return this.timeline=this.timeline.sort((i,a)=>i.timestamp.getTime()-a.timestamp.getTime()),t?this.timeline.filter(i=>i.tag===t):this.timeline}get logger(){const t=i=>{const a=["none","error","warn","info","debug"];return a.slice(0,a.indexOf(this.logLevel)+1).indexOf(i)>-1};return{error(...i){this.debug&&t("error")&&console.error("[webrtc-stats][error] ",...i)},warn(...i){this.debug&&t("warn")&&console.warn("[webrtc-stats][warn] ",...i)},info(...i){this.debug&&t("info")&&console.log("[webrtc-stats][info] ",...i)},debug(...i){this.debug&&t("debug")&&console.debug("[webrtc-stats][debug] ",...i)}}}removeConnection(t){let{connectionId:i,pc:a}=t,n;if(!a&&!i)throw new Error("Missing arguments. You need to either send pc or a connectionId.");if(i){if(typeof i!="string")throw new Error("connectionId must be a string.");for(let r in this.peersToMonitor)i in this.peersToMonitor[r]&&(a=this.peersToMonitor[r][i].pc,n=r)}else if(a){if(!(a instanceof RTCPeerConnection))throw new Error("pc must be an instance of RTCPeerConnection.");for(let r in this.peersToMonitor)for(let o in this.peersToMonitor[r])this.peersToMonitor[r][o].pc===a&&(i=o,n=r)}if(!a||!i)throw new Error("Could not find the desired connection.");return this.removePeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a),delete this.peersToMonitor[n][i],Object.values(this.peersToMonitor[n]).length===0&&delete this.peersToMonitor[n],{connectionId:i}}removeAllPeers(){for(let t in this.peersToMonitor)this.removePeer(t)}removePeer(t){if(this.logger.info(`Removing PeerConnection with id ${t}.`),!!this.peersToMonitor[t]){for(let i in this.peersToMonitor[t]){let a=this.peersToMonitor[t][i].pc;this.removePeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a)}delete this.peersToMonitor[t]}}destroy(){this.removeAllPeers(),wS.forEach(t=>{this.removeTrackEventListeners(t)}),wS=[],this.shouldWrapGetUserMedia&&Yf&&(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia=Yf)}monitorPeer(t){let{peerId:i,connectionId:a,pc:n,remote:r}=t;if(!n){this.logger.warn("Did not receive pc argument when calling monitorPeer()");return}const o={pc:n,connectionId:a,stream:null,stats:{parsed:null,raw:null},options:{remote:r}};if(this.peersToMonitor[i]){if(a in this.peersToMonitor[i]){this.logger.warn(`Already watching connection with ID ${a}`);return}this.peersToMonitor[i][a]=o}else this.peersToMonitor[i]={[a]:o};this.addPeerConnectionEventListeners(i,a,n),this.numberOfMonitoredPeers===1&&(this.startStatsMonitoring(),this.startConnectionStateMonitoring())}startStatsMonitoring(){this.monitoringSetInterval||(this.monitoringSetInterval=window.setInterval(()=>{this.numberOfMonitoredPeers||this.stopStatsMonitoring(),this.getStats().then(t=>{t.forEach(i=>{this.emitEvent(i)})})},this._getStatsInterval))}stopStatsMonitoring(){this.monitoringSetInterval&&(window.clearInterval(this.monitoringSetInterval),this.monitoringSetInterval=0)}async getStats(t=null){this.logger.info(t?`Getting stats from peer ${t}`:"Getting stats from all peers");let i={};if(t){if(!this.peersToMonitor[t])throw new Error(`Cannot get stats. Peer with id ${t} does not exist`);i[t]=this.peersToMonitor[t]}else i=this.peersToMonitor;let a=[];for(const n in i)for(const r in i[n]){const o=i[n][r],s=o.pc;if(!(!s||this.checkIfConnectionIsClosed(n,r,s)))try{const l=this.getTimestamp(),c=s.getStats(null);if(c){const d=await c,u=this.getTimestamp(),m=IAt(d),p={remote:o.options.remote},f=PAt(d,o.stats.parsed,p),g={event:"stats",tag:"stats",peerId:n,connectionId:r,timeTaken:u-l,data:f};this.rawStats===!0&&(g.rawStats=d),this.statsObject===!0&&(g.statsObject=m),this.filteredStats===!0&&(g.filteredStats=this.filteroutStats(m)),a.push(g),o.stats.parsed=f}else this.logger.error(`PeerConnection from peer ${n} did not return any stats data`)}catch(l){this.logger.error(l)}}return a}startConnectionStateMonitoring(){this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=window.setInterval(()=>{this.numberOfMonitoredPeers||this.stopConnectionStateMonitoring();for(const t in this.peersToMonitor)for(const i in this.peersToMonitor[t]){const a=this.peersToMonitor[t][i].pc;this.checkIfConnectionIsClosed(t,i,a)}},this.connectionMonitoringInterval)}checkIfConnectionIsClosed(t,i,a){const n=this.isConnectionClosed(a);if(n){this.removeConnection({pc:a});let r=a.connectionState==="closed"?"onconnectionstatechange":"oniceconnectionstatechange";this.emitEvent({event:r,peerId:t,connectionId:i,tag:"connection",data:"closed"})}return n}isConnectionClosed(t){return t.connectionState==="closed"||t.iceConnectionState==="closed"}stopConnectionStateMonitoring(){this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval&&(window.clearInterval(this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval),this.connectionMonitoringSetInterval=0)}wrapGetUserMedia(){if(!navigator.mediaDevices||!navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia){this.logger.warn("'navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia' is not available in browser. Will not wrap getUserMedia.");return}this.logger.info("Wrapping getUsermedia functions."),Yf=navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia.bind(navigator.mediaDevices);const t=this.parseGetUserMedia.bind(this),i=function(){return t({constraints:arguments[0]}),Yf.apply(navigator.mediaDevices,arguments).then(a=>(t({stream:a}),a),a=>(t({error:a}),Promise.reject(a)))};navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia=i.bind(navigator.mediaDevices)}filteroutStats(t={}){const i={...t};for(const n in i){var a=i[n];this.statsToMonitor.includes(a.type)||delete i[n]}return i}get peerConnectionListeners(){return{icecandidate:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug("[pc-event] icecandidate | peerId: ${peerId}",n),this.emitEvent({event:"onicecandidate",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:n.candidate})},track:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] track | peerId: ${t}`,n);const r=n.track,o=n.streams[0];t in this.peersToMonitor&&i in this.peersToMonitor[t]&&(this.peersToMonitor[t][i].stream=o),this.addTrackEventListeners(r,i),this.emitEvent({event:"ontrack",tag:"track",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:{stream:o?this.getStreamDetails(o):null,track:r?this.getMediaTrackDetails(r):null,title:n.track.kind+":"+n.track.id+" "+n.streams.map(function(s){return"stream:"+s.id})}})},signalingstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] signalingstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onsignalingstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:{signalingState:a.signalingState,localDescription:a.localDescription,remoteDescription:a.remoteDescription}})},iceconnectionstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] iceconnectionstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"oniceconnectionstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.iceConnectionState})},icegatheringstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] icegatheringstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onicegatheringstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.iceGatheringState})},icecandidateerror:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] icecandidateerror | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onicecandidateerror",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,error:{errorCode:n.errorCode}})},connectionstatechange:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] connectionstatechange | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onconnectionstatechange",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:a.connectionState})},negotiationneeded:(t,i,a)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] negotiationneeded | peerId: ${t}`),this.emitEvent({event:"onnegotiationneeded",tag:"connection",peerId:t,connectionId:i})},datachannel:(t,i,a,n)=>{this.logger.debug(`[pc-event] datachannel | peerId: ${t}`,n),this.emitEvent({event:"ondatachannel",tag:"datachannel",peerId:t,connectionId:i,data:n.channel})}}}addPeerConnectionEventListeners(t,i,a){this.logger.debug(`Adding event listeners for peer ${t} and connection ${i}.`),sr[i]={},Object.keys(this.peerConnectionListeners).forEach(n=>{sr[i][n]=this.peerConnectionListeners[n].bind(this,t,i,a),a.addEventListener(n,sr[i][n],!1)})}parseGetUserMedia(t){try{const i={event:"getUserMedia",tag:"getUserMedia",data:{...t}};t.stream&&(i.data.details=this.parseStream(t.stream),t.stream.getTracks().map(a=>{this.addTrackEventListeners(a),wS.push(a)})),this.emitEvent(i)}catch{}}parseStream(t){const i={audio:[],video:[]};return t.getTracks().forEach(n=>{i[n.kind].push(this.getMediaTrackDetails(n))}),i}getMediaTrackDetails(t){return{enabled:t.enabled,id:t.id,contentHint:t.contentHint,kind:t.kind,label:t.label,muted:t.muted,readyState:t.readyState,constructorName:t.constructor.name,capabilities:t.getCapabilities?t.getCapabilities():{},constraints:t.getConstraints?t.getConstraints():{},settings:t.getSettings?t.getSettings():{},_track:t}}getStreamDetails(t){return{active:t.active,id:t.id,_stream:t}}getTrackEventObject(t){return{mute:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"mute",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},unmute:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"unmute",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},overconstrained:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"overconstrained",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}})},ended:i=>{this.emitEvent({event:"ended",tag:"track",connectionId:t,data:{event:i}}),this.removeTrackEventListeners(i.target)}}}addTrackEventListeners(t,i){sr[t.id]={};const a=this.getTrackEventObject(i);Object.keys(a).forEach(n=>{sr[t.id][n]=a[n].bind(this),t.addEventListener(n,sr[t.id][n])}),sr[t.id].readyState=setInterval(()=>{if(t.readyState==="ended"){let n=new CustomEvent("ended",{detail:{check:"readyState"}});t.dispatchEvent(n)}},1e3)}removeTrackEventListeners(t){if(t.id in sr){const i=this.getTrackEventObject();Object.keys(i).forEach(a=>{t.removeEventListener(a,sr[t.id][a])}),clearInterval(sr[t.id].readyState),delete sr[t.id]}}addToTimeline(t){this.timeline.push(t),this.emit("timeline",t)}emitEvent(t){const i={...t,timestamp:new Date};this.addToTimeline(i),i.tag&&this.emit(i.tag,i)}set getStatsInterval(t){if(!Number.isInteger(t))throw new Error(`getStatsInterval should be an integer, got: ${t}`);this._getStatsInterval=t,this.monitoringSetInterval&&(this.stopStatsMonitoring(),this.startStatsMonitoring())}get numberOfMonitoredPeers(){return Object.keys(this.peersToMonitor).length}removePeerConnectionEventListeners(t,i){t in sr&&(Object.keys(this.peerConnectionListeners).forEach(a=>{i.removeEventListener(a,sr[t][a],!1)}),delete sr[t]),i.getSenders().forEach(a=>{a.track&&this.removeTrackEventListeners(a.track)}),i.getReceivers().forEach(a=>{a.track&&this.removeTrackEventListeners(a.track)})}getTimestamp(){return Date.now()}wrapGetDisplayMedia(){const t=this;if(navigator.mediaDevices&&navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia){const i=navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia.bind(navigator.mediaDevices),a=function(){return t.debug("navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia",null,arguments[0]),i.apply(navigator.mediaDevices,arguments).then(function(n){return n},function(n){return t.debug("navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMediaOnFailure",null,n.name),Promise.reject(n)})};navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia=a.bind(navigator.mediaDevices)}}}var UAt=O0e.WebRTCStats=OAt;const CS=new UAt({getStatsInterval:250}),LAt=Zs("omniscient-logger",()=>{const e=E0e(),t=ve({});let i=new Date;const a=1e3;setInterval(()=>{Object.keys(e.activeStreams).forEach(v=>{var D;e.activeStreams[v]!==void 0&&((D=e.activeStreams[v].mediaStream)==null||D.getVideoTracks().forEach(y=>{if(t.value[v]===void 0&&(t.value[v]=[]),y.getSettings().frameRate===void 0)return;const T=t.value[v];T.push(y.getSettings().frameRate),T.splice(0,T.length-10),t.value[v]=T;const b=T.reduce((w,C)=>w+C,0)/T.length,R=.9*b,N=y.getSettings().frameRate;Na&&(console.debug(`Average frame rate for stream '${v}': ${b.toFixed(2)} fps.`),i=new Date)}))})},250);const n=ve([]),r=100,o=1e3;let s=new Date;(()=>{let v=performance.now(),D=0;requestAnimationFrame(function y(){const T=performance.now();if(D++,T>v+r){const b=Math.round(D*1e3/(T-v));v=T,D=0,n.value.push(b),n.value.splice(0,n.value.length-10);const N=.9*(n.value.reduce((w,C)=>w+C,0)/n.value.length);bo&&(console.debug(`Average framerate for the application rendering: ${b.toFixed(2)} fps.`),s=new Date)}requestAnimationFrame(y)})})(),qe(e.activeStreams,v=>{Object.keys(v).forEach(D=>{var T;const y=(T=v[D])==null?void 0:T.webRtcManager.session;!y||!y.peerConnection||CS.peersToMonitor[y.consumerId]||CS.addConnection({pc:y.peerConnection,peerId:y.consumerId,connectionId:y.id,remote:!1})})});const c=30,d=["bytesReceived","firCount","framesDecoded","framesDropped","framesReceived","freezeCount","headerBytesReceived","jitterBufferEmittedCount","keyFramesDecoded","lastPacketReceivedTimestamp","nackCount","packetsLost","packetsReceived","pauseCount","pliCount","timestamp","totalAssemblyTime","totalDecodeTime","totalFreezesDuration","totalInterFrameDelay","totalPausesDuration","totalProcessingDelay","totalSquaredInterFrameDelay"],u=["clockRate","framesAssembledFromMultiplePackets","framesPerSecond","jitter","jitterBufferDelay","jitterBufferMinimumDelay","jitterBufferTargetDelay","packetRate"],m=[...d,...u],p=["firCount","framesDropped","freezeCount","nackCount","packetsLost","pauseCount","pliCount","totalFreezesDuration","totalPausesDuration"],f=1e3;let g=new Date;const S=ve({});return CS.on("stats",v=>{try{const D=v.data.video.inbound[0];if(D===void 0)return;S.value[v.peerId]===void 0&&(S.value[v.peerId]={}),m.forEach(y=>{S.value[v.peerId][y]===void 0&&(S.value[v.peerId][y]=[]),S.value[v.peerId][y].push(D[y]);const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];T.splice(0,T.length-c),S.value[v.peerId][y]=T}),p.forEach(y=>{const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];if(T.length<2)return;const b=T[T.length-1],R=T[T.length-2];typeof b!="number"||typeof R!="number"||b>R&&console.warn(`Cumulative value '${y}' increased for peer '${v.peerId}': ${b.toFixed(2)}.`)}),new Date().getTime()-g.getTime()>f&&(u.forEach(y=>{const T=S.value[v.peerId][y];if(T.find(R=>typeof R!="number"))return;const b=T.reduce((R,N)=>R+N,0)/T.length;console.debug(`Average value '${y}' for peer '${v.peerId}': ${b.toFixed(4)}.`)}),g=new Date)}catch(D){console.error("Error while logging WebRTC statistics:",D)}}),{streamsFrameRateHistory:t,appFrameRateHistory:n,webRtcStatsHistory:S}});eAe.add(FJe,uTe);D9t();const 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as aW,E1 as aX,Yr as aY,Yi as aZ,Ig as a_,EN as aa,h6 as ab,Df as ac,J9 as ad,Mc as ae,es as af,_pt as ag,La as ah,Kc as ai,ZU as aj,R7 as ak,d1 as al,mn as am,wi as an,Bd as ao,i4 as ap,FAt as aq,zAt as ar,BAt as as,Gr as at,op as au,pm as av,mi as aw,Tl as ax,u_e as ay,kAt as az,q as b,kn as b0,Og as b1,d6 as b2,GAt as b3,wp as b4,D7 as b5,Kl as b6,ts as b7,Kg as b8,oi as b9,Ks as bA,Av as bB,Rf as bC,Rl as bD,Ap as bE,Cp as ba,y7 as bb,qg as bc,bp as bd,Rt as be,t6 as bf,qu as bg,Np as bh,an as bi,P1 as bj,Un as bk,$O as bl,Ri as bm,epe as bn,Du as bo,yi as bp,Sl as bq,ES as br,jhe as bs,hg as bt,R0 as bu,Xn as bv,Ss as bw,M9t as bx,xAt as by,aa as bz,Ge as c,kt as d,XAt as e,WAt as f,p0 as g,ir as h,O as i,pt as j,_t as k,te as l,p_e as m,$e as n,Ue as o,Gn as p,ai as q,Ar as r,U_e as s,rt as t,Zl as u,ve as v,$t as w,qe as x,Dw as y,$6e as z}; diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index edee7235f..91830113c 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Cockpit - - + + 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