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Tips for Cortex M Target Implementors

Piotr Esden-Tempski edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

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We still welcome and encourage contributions to the Black Magic Probe documentation through the website repository.

Developing a new target driver for the Black Magic Probe is straight forward on many ARM platforms. This page collects some notes taken while developing drivers. As a convention, source files are referenced from the top level directory of the repository with a dot (.) so the directory for target files is ./src/target.

Hooking your Driver into the System

Your driver will typically be written in a single source file which should be in the ./src/target directory and named with an obvious name. For example, drivers for the ST Micro STM32F1 series are in the file src/target/stm32f1.c

This file will define exactly one globally visible function named <target>_probe with the C prototype of bool <target>_probe(target *t); Any other functions or data you declare in this file should be declared static to avoid name collisions with other functions.

You will modify three files to make your target part of the BMP build, the first is the make file, ./src/Makefile which should have your source added to the SRC = definition. The second is ./src/target/cortexm.c where you will add a line of the form PROBE(<target>_probe); in the sequence of other calls to probe functions. The third file will be ./src/target/target_internal.h where you will add a prototype for your probe function.

A typical target driver will be updates to these three files and your new ./src/target/<target>.c file.

Setting up a Development Environment

There are two components to setting up the environment, one is compiling the code which should probably use the GCC ARM Embedded toolchain that is available on

To enable debugging code in the BMP, you should set the environment variable ENABLE_DEBUG prior to making the sources. You can do that in a couple of ways, either on the command line with syntax like bash$ ENABLE_DEBUG=1 make or in the shell environment with bash$ export ENABLE_DEBUG=1 I found the latter to be more useful.

Once you have a DEBUG enabled build you can connect to the BMP's non-GDB serial port for debug messages. They will appear if, in your gdb session, you issue the command mon debug_bmp enable. Alternatively, the serial port connector has the SWD pins for the BMP's processor! So you can debug a new BMP target with a second BMP as the first BMP's debugger. When debugging with another BMP device the debug messages who up in the second BMP devices gdb session as it uses semi-hosting to direct them out.

To set up one BMP debugging a second BMP is not particularly difficult but it can be unwieldly. Start with the BMP that is going to run the new target code, connect its SWD, SCLK, tPWR, and GND pins on the PICOBlade connector under the chip, to the second BMP unit. If you have the mini-10 to JTAG adapter board and a picoblade serial port cable, you can push the connectors on the serial port cable on to the pins in the 10 pin JTAG port.

The connection sequence from the Picoblade (with the 1BitSquared cable) to the JTAG connector is;

  • Picoblade Pin 1 (red) => JTAG Plug pin 1
  • Picoblade Pin 2 (green) => JTAG Plug pin 9
  • Picoblade Pin 3 (purple) => JTAG Plug pin 7
  • Picoblade Pin 4 (black) => JTAG Plug pin 8 (or any even pin number above 2)

If you set one BMP to debug another, then you can load firmware using gdb into the BMP. If you are simply building the firmware and evaluating its function by reading the output on DEBUG statements then you will need to use the dfu-util to update the firmware. (see Updating the Firmware).

Implementing the Driver

The first step in implementing the driver is to implement the <target>_probe function. This function has three very important things to do, first it has to identify whether or not you are talking to a target you recognize, second it has to create a memory map describing that target's resources, and finally it has to initialize the function pointers in the target structure to point to routines that can erase and program the target's on board flash memory.

The functions target_mem_read32 and target_mem_write32 will read and write long words in the target's address space. Generally the debug unit has access to all of the address space unless the chip has been put into a protected mode. It is useful for your target driver to provide a target specific command for removing protected mode (see Custom Commands below). The register that the probe code will read on Cortex M processors is called the chip ID register or CHIPID. Where it is in the address space will be documented in the data sheet or reference manual for the chip.

That section will also typically document what memory configurations are available based on information contained in the CHIPID register. Your probe function will use this information to confirm that the target is something you recognize, and then decode the parameters in register according to the datasheet to identify FLASH address location and size, and RAM address location and size.

Adding RAM

For each discontinuous region of RAM your code will call target_add_ram with the pointer to the target structure, the address of the RAM chunk, and its size in bytes. Each time you call this function, an additional chunk of RAM is added to the gdb memory map for the target.

Adding FLASH

As you did with RAM you will need to tell gdb about the size(s) and addresses of programmable readonly memory (FLASH) on the device. Because every device tends to have a slightly different way of programming things, adding a segment of FLASH memory means adding the address and size of FLASH, and then adding pointers to functions that can erase and write the flash (reading is handled by just reading memory).

Some FLASH memories can only be erased all at once, some can be erased in variable sized sectors, and others can be erased in pages of fixed size. A region is FLASH at a given address, and of a given length, that has the same erase and programming requirements.

You describe these in your target driver by populating a target_flash structure. This structure has members for the start, length, and blocksize of the FLASH you are describing. The blocksize is the smallest individual unit of flash that can be erased. So if your FLASH says that it must be erased in 8K byte segments, then your blocksize is 8192. If your FLASH can be erased a page at a time and a page is 256 bytes, then your blocksize is 256. You finish that off by adding a function call to a local, statically defined, function that can erase flash. It will be passed an address and a length which is compatible with your stated blocksize when your flash needs to be erased.

The next section of this structure is for writing. It is simplest to set the write function call to the internal BMP function called target_flash_write_buffered. For the done function you set it to the internal function target_flash_done_buffered. Now you set the value bufsize to be the "writable unit" of flash (so one sector or one page depending on the flash) and the field erased to the state flash is in when it is erased (typically 0xff). Finally you will add a local, statically defined, function call which can write one buffer's worth of data to the flash. That function will be passed an address on a buffer boundary, and a buffer's worth of data to write.

Then you will add the flash segment by calling target_add_flash with the target pointer and a pointer to your target_flash structure.

Custom Commands

You have the option to add some additional commands to the target. These will become part of the acceptable commands to the 'mon' command in gdb. So if you added a new command erase-protection. Then typing mon erase-protection would invoke it.

Commands are added using a command_s structure of three pointers, the first is the string for the command, the second pointer is a pointer to the local function that implements that command, and the third is a help string that is printed when someone types mon help <your-command>.

When invoked, your command function will be passed an argument count and an argument vector (just like main in a C program) that you can take arguments from and use in your command. If you don't recognize the arguments you can use tc_printf to return a usage string to the user.

If the command fails you should return false and if it succeeds you should return true.

Special Handling

If you have recognized the target, filled out the target_s structure for it, populated the memory map and potentially added a new command or two, the final steps are to set the name of your driver in the driver string pointer of the target structure and decide if you need any special reset handling. Special reset handling comes in two forms, avoiding system reset and extra care after reset.

Some targets can lose debugger state and detach if you assert system reset. This is not supposed to happen according to the ARM documents but it has been known to be an issue. You can tell the generic Cortex M driver not to use sRST by setting an option CORTEXM_TOPT_INHIBIT_SRST in the target_options field of the target structure. Normally when the BMP is trying to reset the target it will call platform_srst_set_val with a true state followed by a false state to assert reset. If you find this causes your target to detach or get lost, use the CORTEXM_TOPT_INHIBIT_SRST option to tell the generic driver not to do that. You need only set the option in your target_options during the probe function.

Another situation that can arise is that asserting reset causes other things to happen on the chip that will prevent it from continuing. The Atmel SAM series tends to have this sort of problem. If your platform needs some extra help to get completely out of reset you can define a function that will do that work and put a pointer to it in the field extended_reset. If this field is non-NULL, the Cortex M platform driver will call it after it has issued a SYSRESETREQ and before it starts polling the target to see if it has released from reset.

Getting from Zero to Sixty

When you start this process you will have a data sheet, a fresh build the BMP firmware, and a lot of questions. Bring up strategy for a new target works well if you proceed in the following way;

  1. Verify you can identify your target -- When you run your firmware for the first time attached ot your target you should be able to type mon swdp_scan and see your driver name come back as the available target. If you added DEBUG statements to your poll function they would appear on the debug terminal (either the second serial port or the debugging BMP's gdb session).
  2. Verify you can Erase and Program Flash -- This is a bit trickier, one technique is to create a simple C program with some const unint8_t arrays that contain recognizable data in them. Loading that file from gdb will tell the BMP to flash it into your target and you can use the gdb memory inspection tools to verify it arrived intact. A useful gdb command here is compare-sections which will compare the .elf file with what gdb can see in memory. If they don't match your flash programming is not working. You can dump out memory to a file using the gdb command dump bin memory <filename> addr1 addr2 so the first 8K of memory might be dump bin mem 8k-mem-dump.bin 0x0 0x2000.
  3. Verify you can start and interrupt a running program. -- At this point it is quite useful to have a minimal "blinker" program that will toggle and LED or GPIO pin that you can monitor on an oscilloscope ready to run. Load this program with the working flash functions and tell gdb to run it. It should start and the GPIO should begin toggling, then use ^C to interrupt and verify the program stops and gdb gives you the source line where the code was interrupted.
  4. Verify you can set a breakpoint and single step. -- If you have a runnable "Blinky" program then you can set a breakpoint on the main function. Run the program and confirm that it stops when it hits the break point. Use the step command to single step forward and then the cont command to resume execution.


Implementation of a new Cortex M target driver requires that you write code that can positively identify that your target is being talked to, erase and program your target's FLASH memory, manage resets so that the debugger can function across system resets, and any special commands that might be needed for target specific features. You can debug the development through either printf like features of the DEBUG statements or by using another BMP to run gdb on the firmware in the first one. Using a simple "blinky" type program and some recognizable data structures you can verify the basic functions of gdb with respect to your target.

Once you've done that you have a new target driver for the BMP.

After adding flash, if there are any special commands for this target that are useful you add them by

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