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_Upgrading and Deleting Black Duck Servers

Jonathan Beakley edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 1 revision

This page has been deprecated. Please see the official Kubernetes Black Duck Installation Guide here.

Upgrading and Deleting Black Duck Servers

The following describes how to Upgrade and Delete Black Duck instances.

Upgrading a Black Duck Instance

Upgrading from a Black Duck instance that was deployed using Synopsys Operator

There are two steps to upgrading an instance of Black Duck that was deployed using Synopsys Operator:

  1. Using the instructions in the "Changing the Black Duck Version" section of the Black Duck Installation Parameters page, specify the desired new version value of each container in the solution.
  2. Restart Black Duck using the commands given in the "General Configuration Procedure" section of the Black Duck Installation Parameters page.

In other words, first edit the version values by running:

kubectl edit blackduck <black duck instance name>

Then restart the Black Duck instance using the commands:

kubectl patch blackduck <Your BD instance name> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"desiredState":"Stopped"}}'
kubectl patch blackduck <Your BD instance name> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"desiredState":"Running"}}'

Upgrading from a Black Duck instance that was not deployed using Synopsys Operator

If you have an instance of Black Duck in Kubernetes/OpenShift that was not deployed with Synopsys Operator, then this instance will not have its configuration stored in a Kubernetes custom resource definition. As a result, you cannot the kubectl edit blackduck command (above) to edit this Black Duck instance's configuration.

To upgrade a pre-Synopsys Operator Black Duck instance, you must do the following:

  1. Back up the database of the Black Duck instance
  2. Delete the Black Duck instance
  3. Install a new Black Duck instance using Synopsys Operator
  4. Populate the new Black Duck instance with the data from the database backup

Deleting a Black Duck Instance

To delete a Black Duck server, you can either simply press the "Delete" button on the Synopsys Operator Console UI , or you can issue a kubectl delete blackduck <Black Duck instance name> command from the command line. (See the Synopsys Operator Usage Guide for details.)