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_Common Configuration Tasks v0

Jonathan Beakley edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 1 revision

Important Note: The procedure described on this page has been deprecated.

This page describes how to edit Black Duck environment variables in Kubernetes/OpenShift when Black Duck is not deployed with Synopsys Operator.

Do not use these instructions for Black Duck instances deployed with Synopsys Operator.

The documentation below is provided only for historical purposes, and should not be followed unless instructed to by Synopsys support personnel.

Deprecated: Common Configuration Tasks

This page describes how to change environment variables in a Black Duck deployment on Kubernetes/OpenShift after Black Duck is already installed.

General Configuration Procedure

To make a configuration change relating to an environment variable, the procedure generally is as follows:

  1. Bring up the config map for editing with the command kubectl edit cm hub-config -n <my_ns> -o yaml
  2. Change the value of the appropriate environment variable(s)
  3. Save the changes to the config map (if using the "vi" editor, save with ":wq")
  4. Stop the Black Duck pods, and have their associated deployment/replication controller restart them automatically.

To stop the pods, get the list of pods with the command: kubectl get pods -n <namespace> Then kill each pod individually with the command: kubectl delete pod <pod name>

Generally, when deleting each individual pod, it is better to start with the "zookeeper" pod, which controls logging.

Note: When deleting pods, take care not to delete the Postgres relational-database pod. If the database is not configured to use a persistent volume or otherwise be backed up, you could lose your data.