GUI implemented application which I have used object-oriented design principles such as Factory Method , Strategy and Decorator . Environment prepared with some predefined number of various entities with proper initial motion strategies. As the simulation proceeds, entities will be capable of changing their strategies . Each strategy takes effect for a random number of steps (say, between 30 and 60 turns), and then finishes. Once a strategy finishes, another one from the set of strategies available for the entity will be assigned to that entity . At the Docs file you can find brief UML .
In order to run at you can simply go to directory or you can follow the command lines below
cd Source
javac *.java
java CountryRunner
After complete your execution you can simply delete the created class file again using following command line
rm -rf *.class
Or you can simply create a simple prject by using Java IDE's such as NetBeans(Recommended) or Eclipse