- package
helm package my_chart
this will create my_chart.tgz for your chart
helm package my_chart --destination /home/ --version 1.2.3
helm package my_chart --dependency-update (upgrades the dependencies and create them in charts dir and manages its version in lock file)
- plugin
helm plugin install https://github.com/user/repo
helm plugin install https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff
helm diff -h (to explore helm diff plugin options)
helm plugin update diff
helm plugin list
helm plugin uninstall diff
- pull
helm pull is a command used to download a Helm chart without installing it.
helm pull [CHART] [flags]
helm pull myrepo/mychart --version 1.6.10 --repo https://myrepo.com/charts
- helm repo add
The helm repo add command is used to add a new Helm chart repository to your local Helm configuration. Helm repositories are locations where Helm charts are stored and can be accessed from.
helm repo add wso2 https://helm.wso2.com/stable
After running this command, you can verify that the repository has been added successfully by running:
helm repo list
Now you can search for WSO2 charts and install them using Helm commands. For example:
helm search repo wso2
Sure! Here's how you would add the WSO2 Helm chart repository:
helm repo add wso2 https://helm.wso2.com/stable
This command adds the WSO2 Helm chart repository with the name wso2 and the URL https://helm.wso2.com/stable.
After running this command, you can verify that the repository has been added successfully by running:
helm repo list
You should see wso2 listed among the repositories.
Now you can search for WSO2 charts and install them using Helm commands. For example:
helm search repo wso2
This command will list all available charts in the WSO2 repository.
To install a specific chart from the WSO2 repository, you can use the helm install command with the chart name prefixed by the repository name. For example:
helm install my-wso2-deployment wso2/<chart-name>
To install a specific chart from the WSO2 repository, you can use the helm install command with the chart name prefixed by the repository name. For example:
helm install my-wso2-deployment wso2/<chart-name>
Whenever you add a repo better to use helm repo update before using it
helm repo remove wso2
- helm rollback
assume you do:
helm upgrade my_release my_chart
now if your application is failing
helm rollback my_release 1 # here 1 is revision number
with this there will be new revision to release to revision 1
helm rollback my_release 1 --force --no-hooks
- search
The helm search hub command is used to search for charts on the official Helm Hub, which is a centralized repository for finding and sharing Helm charts.
helm search hub [keyword]
helm search repo <repo_name> --devel
The --devel flag is used to include development charts in the search results. Development charts are typically charts that are still in development and might not be stable or fully tested yet.
helm show all my_chart
helm show chart my_chart
helm show readme my_chart
helm show values my_chart # get is for releases; show is for charts
helm status my_release -o json
give all the info about release
template The helm template command is used to render the Kubernetes manifest files for a Helm chart locally without installing it into a Kubernetes cluster. It's helpful for understanding what Kubernetes resources would be created by the chart and for troubleshooting potential issues before deploying the chart.
helm template [RELEASE_NAME] [CHART] [flags]
The helm template command will render the Kubernetes manifest files for the specified Helm chart and display them directly in the terminal.
Additionally, you can redirect the output to a file for further analysis or to apply the resources to your Kubernetes cluster later:
helm template my-release mychart > rendered-manifests.yaml
- test
The helm test command is used to run the tests associated with a deployed Helm release. These tests are typically defined within the Helm chart and are executed to verify that the release is functioning correctly in the Kubernetes cluster.
helm test [RELEASE_NAME] [flags]
helm uninstall release_name
helm upgrade my_release my_chart # upgrades the release with the changes in charts
helm verify chart_name