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File metadata and controls

219 lines (179 loc) · 7.15 KB

soap_parsers Reference


The soap application parses the content of the SOAP messages using the erlsom SAX parser. This is a low level parser that translates the XML to a series of 'events' (startElement, endElement, characters etc.), and calls a callback function whenever such an event has been parsed.

The soap_parsers module contains a number of callback functions that can be used to process these SAX events, to turn them into a usable representation of the XML message. This representation can for example be a map, or a record.

When the soap application needs to parse a message, it calls a function in the handler module to determine how the parsing should be done (see the documentation of the callbacks). These functions must return a tuple consisting of a sax_callback_fun() and a start state. The soap_parsers module contains a number of functions that return such a tuple. In some cases these simply refer to sax_callback_funs that are part of the erlsom distribution, but in some other cases the actual parsers are also implemented by the soap_parsers module.

For example, the implementation of the header_parser callback below ensures that header blocks from the namespace """ are translated to records, using the model that was generated from the WSDL, and header blocks from the "security" namespace are translated to maps.

header_parser("", Soap_req, S) ->  
    {ok, soap_parsers:data_mapper(soap_interface:model(interface())), Soap_req, S};
header_parser("security", Soap_req, S) ->  
    {ok, soap_parsers:map(), Soap_req, S}.

In the description of the parsers below the result for the following XML will be presented:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<BookStore xmlns="">
        <Book isbn="1-56592-235-2">
                <Title>My Life and Times</Title>
                <Author>Paul McCartney</Author>
                <Publisher>McMillin Publishing</Publisher>
        <Book isbn="0-440-34319-4">
                <Title>The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah</Title>
                <Author>Richard Bach</Author>
                <Publisher>Dell Publishing Co.</Publisher>

Data Types


sax_callback_fun() :: fun((erlsom:sax_event(), any()) -> any()).



simple_form() -> {sax_callback_fun(), undefined}.

Translates to the "simple-form" as used by xmerl, but in such a way that the namespace is attached to the names of the XML elements:

       [{"{}Title",[],["My Life and Times"]},
        {"{}Author",[],["Paul McCartney"]},
         ["McMillin Publishing"]}]},
         ["The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"]},
        {"{}Author",[],["Richard Bach"]},
         ["Dell Publishing Co."]}]}]}


very_simple_form() -> {sax_callback_fun(), any()}.

Similar to simple_form/0, but without the information about the namespace in the result.

       [{"Title",[],["My Life and Times"]},
        {"Author",[],["Paul McCartney"]},
        {"Publisher",[],["McMillin Publishing"]}]},
       [{"Title",[],["The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"]},
        {"Author",[],["Richard Bach"]},
        {"Publisher",[],["Dell Publishing Co."]}]}]}


skip(Value::any()) -> {sax_callback_fun(), any()}.

skip ignores the XML, and returns the value of the "Value" parameter as result.

So parsing the example XML with the parser that is created by skip(skipped) returns skipped.


map() -> {sax_callback_fun(), any()}.

Translates the XML to a map, in accordance with converting between xml and json.

#{"BookStore" => #{"Book" => [#{"@isbn" => <<"1-56592-235-2">>,
           "Author" => <<"Paul McCartney">>,
           "Date" => <<"1998">>,
           "Publisher" => <<"McMillin Publishing">>,
           "Title" => <<"My Life and Times">>},
         #{"@isbn" => <<"0-440-34319-4">>,
           "Author" => <<"Richard Bach">>,
           "Date" => <<"1977">>,
           "Publisher" => <<"Dell Publishing Co.">>,
           "Title" => <<"The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah">>}]}},


data_mapper(erlsom:model()) -> {sax_callback_fun(), any()}.

Translates the XML to records. The exact layout of the records depends on the XSD.

Within the soap application the representation of the types (the XSD) in the WSDL is accessible via the interface/0 function that is included in the generated modules. The erlsom:model() information that must be passed to the data_mapper is accessible using soap_interface:model(interface()), see the example in the introduction above.

With an XML Schema like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
    <xsd:element name="BookStore">
                <xsd:element name="Book" type="Book" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="Book">
            <xsd:element name="Title" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:element name="Author" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:element name="Date" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:element name="Publisher" type="xsd:string"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="isbn" type="xsd:string"/>

the result of the parser will look like this:

        'Book' = 
                 isbn = "1-56592-235-2",'Title' = "My Life and Times",
                 'Author' = "Paul McCartney",'Date' = "1998",
                 'Publisher' = "McMillin Publishing"},
                 isbn = "0-440-34319-4",
                 'Title' = "The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah",
                 'Author' = "Richard Bach",'Date' = "1977",
                 'Publisher' = "Dell Publishing Co."}]}