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Integrating an HTTP server


To use the soap application to build a SOAP server, an HTTP server is required. This document describes the integration between the HTTP server and the soap application.

Modules to use SOAP with Inets/httpd, Mochiweb and Cowboy are provided here (soap_server_inets, soap_server_mochiweb and soap_server_cowboy), but it may be necessary to adjust them to your specific needs - for example if you want to route specific requests to the SOAP server, or if you want to run the server in an embedded way. You may also want to use another HTTP server.

To get an understanding of what is happening during the handling of an HTTP request, it may be helpful to look at the [illustration](soap protocol.png) of the process that is provided in the description of the SOAP callbacks. This picture also shows the interaction between the soap application and the HTTP server.

Three things are required:

  1. It must be possible to start the server. The result must be that the server is set up in such a way that, for relevant requests, it has the information that is required to use the soap application:

    • The actual implementation of the soap service is done in a handler module (see soap server tutorial and SOAP server callbacks). The name of this module must be made available to the soap application.

    • There should be a possibility to pass some options to the handler module (these will be passed to the init callback of the handler module with each request).

    The integration module must implement the start/2 function to take care of this.

  2. It must be possible to stop the server. The integration module must implement a function stop/0.

  3. for every request, a number of functions that are provided by the soap application must be called. The integration module must ensure that these functions are called:

    • soap_server_handler:new_req(Handler, Server, Options, Req). This creates a new soap_req. The arguments are:

      • Handler :: module() - The name of the handler module that implements the SOAP server callbacks.

      • Server :: atom() - The name of the server. It is made available in the handler module via the function soap_req:server/1.

      • Options :: any() - This should be the options that were passed to the start\2 function. They are passed to the init-callback in the handler module.

      • Req :: any() - This can be used to make the information that is used by the HTTP server internally, available to the handler module. The data is accessible for the handler module via the functions soap_req:server_req/1 and soap_req:set_server_req/2.

    • soap_server_handler:handle_message(Req_body, Soap_req). This function will actually execute the operation by ensuring that the appropriate callbacks of the handler module are called. The arguments are:

      • Req_body :: binary() - The body of the HTTP request, as a binary.

      • Soap_req :: soap:soap_req() - The term that was returned by soap_server_handler:new_req/4. Ideally this should have been updated with information about the HTTP request, see below.

      It must return a server_http_response() data type.

    In addition the integration module should also:

    • Add information to the soap_req about certain properties of the HTTP request:

      • The method, using soap_req:set_method/2;
      • The content-type header, using soap_req:set_content_type/2;
      • The SOAPAction header (if present), using soap_req:set_soap_action/2.
      • The HTTP body of the HTTP request, using soap_req:sett_http_body/2.
    • Call the function soap_server_handler:check_http_conformance(Soap_req).
      This will either call the check_http_conformance/2 callback in the handler module, or if that function is not provided it will perform some checks in accordance with the SOAP specification, on method en content-type.

Note: in order to use the new server when generating a set of modules using wsdl2erlang, it must be specified in the options: {http_server, <your_server>}. It will not show up automatically in the dialog that appears if no HTTP server is specified explicitly.

Data types


server_http_response() :: {ok, http_status_code(), [http_header()], http_body(), server_req()}.

http_header() :: {binary(), iodata()}.
http_status_code() :: integer().
http_body() :: iodata().
server_req() :: any().

This is the response from soap_server_handler:handle_message/2. The integration module must create an HTTP response from this data.



start(Handler::module(), Options::any()) -> any().

Start the HTTP server and set it up in such a way that the information about handler module and the options are made available.

Note that you will have to modify the existing integration modules (soap_server_cowboy_1, soap_server_cowboy_2, soap_server_mochiweb or soap_server_inets) if you want to be more specific about the routing of requests, or if you want the server to run embedded. The start function in these modules (combined with the documentation for the applications) should generally give you a good impression how to do this.


stop() -> any().

Stop the HTTP server.