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Use Ansible to automatically install LNMP

Use Ansible to automatically install: MySQL-8, WordPress-6.4.1, Nginx-1.14, and PHP-8


Management side

  • Ansible 2.16

Controlled server

  • Operating system: Centos stream/RHEL 8.x
  • Python 3.0 (installed by default) Verify installation: python3 -V
  • User with root privileges and public-key has been added

How to run

a. Local execution on the management side

  1. Configure the server address to inventory.ini; configure the user to remote_user in site.yml

  2. Add SSH key: Do not add passphrase to the secret key

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/private-key-file
  3. One-click deployment:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yml
  4. After successful execution, you can access your wordpress

b. Or GitHub Action execution

  1. Add in warehouse Actions secrets and variables

    • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: your SSH private key
    • WORDPRESS_SERVER_IP: your server IP
    • KNOW_HOSTS_FOR_WORDPRESS_SERVER: know_hosts file content, reference for obtaining method
  2. Add a tag to Git: v0.0.1 and submit, the script will be executed automatically For execution rules, see .github/workflows/deploy.yml

  3. After successful execution, you can access your wordpress

refer to

  1. Ansible playbook reference: ansible-examples/wordpress-nginx

    Modification points:

    • Removed selinux, iptables, firewall related configurations
    • Upgrade PHP to 8.0 and adjust the modules required for PHP-FPM Refer to the document
    • Upgrade wordpress to 6.4.1, delete automatic updates and other configurations
    • ansible-lint problem modification
  2. Ansible: managed-node-requirements

  3. Ansible collections: builtin

  4. How to build your inventory

  5. How to obtain the contents of the know_hosts file:

            eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
            ssh-add ~/.ssh/private-key-file
            ssh username@wordpress_server_ip -o UserKnownHostsFile=.ansible_known_hosts