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File metadata and controls

269 lines (195 loc) · 17.6 KB

Type Transaction


A transaction on the blockchain.


Name Type Description
version unsigned int64 The on-chain version or unique identifier of this transaction
transaction TransactionData Transaction payload
hash string hex encoded string of hash of this transaction, hex encoded
bytes string hex encoded string of raw bytes of the transaction, hex encoded
events List<Event> List of associated events. Empty for no events
vm_status VMStatus The returned status of the transaction after being processed by the VM
gas_used unsigned int64 Amount of gas used by this transaction, to know how much you paid for the transaction, you need multiply it with your RawTransaction#gas_unit_price


  • For the gas_used, internally within the VM we scale the gas units down by 1000 in order to allow granularity of costing for instruction, but without having to use floating point numbers, but we do round-up the gas used to the nearest "1" when we convert back out.
  • Formula to create hash for a signed transaction before it is executed: hex-encode(sha3-256([]byte("DIEM::Transaction")) + []byte(0) + signed transaction bytes) (implementation example)


      "version": 100,
      "transaction_data": {
         "type": "user"
         "sender": "0xc94770007dda54cF92009BFF0dE90c06F603a09f",
         "sequence_number": 0,
         "max_gas_amount": 7000,
         "gas_unit_price": 3,
         "expiration_timestamp_secs": 1582007787665718,
      "events": [] // empty because include_events is set to false

Type TransactionData

Transaction data is serialized into one JSON object with a "type" field to indicate it's type.

Name Type Description
type string Type of TransactionData


A Diem network transaction that contains the metadata for the block. This transaction is always at the beginning of a block.

Name Type Description
type string constant of string "blockmetadata"
timestamp_usecs unsigned int64 Timestamp for the current block, in microseconds


A Diem network transaction that modifies storage data directly. Currently, no details are exposed in the API.

Name Type Description
type string constant of string "writeset"


User submitted transaction.

Name Type Description
type string constant of string "user"
sender string Hex-encoded account address of the sender
signature_scheme string Signature scheme used by the sender to sign this transaction
signature string Hex-encoded signature of this transaction signed by the sender
public_key string Hex-encoded public key of the transaction sender
secondary_signers List Hex-encoded account addresses of the secondary signers
secondary_signature_schemes List Signature schemes used by the secondary signers to sign this transaction
secondary_signatures List Hex-encoded signatures of this transaction signed by the primary signers
secondary_public_keys List Hex-encoded public keys of the secondary signers
sequence_number unsigned int64 Sequence number of this transaction corresponding to sender's account
chain_id unsigned int8 Chain ID of the Diem network this transaction is intended for
max_gas_amount unsigned int64 Maximum amount of gas that can be spent for this transaction
gas_unit_price unsigned int64 Maximum gas price to be paid per unit of gas
gas_currency string Gas price currency code
expiration_timestamp_secs unsigned int64 The expiration time (Unix Epoch in seconds) for this transaction
script_hash string Hex-encoded sha3 256 hash of the script binary code bytes used in this transaction
script_bytes string Hex-encoded string of BCS bytes of the script, decode it to get back transaction script arguments
script Script The transaction script and arguments of this transaction, you can decode script_bytes by BCS to get same data.

Note: script_hash is not hash of the script_bytes, it's hash of the script binary code bytes. More specifically, you can get same hash string by the following steps:

1. Decode script_bytes into script call [struct](
2. Sha3 256 hash of the code binary bytes in the script call struct.
3. Hex-encode the hash result bytes.
  • You can decode transaction script call (struct) from script_bytes by BCS deserializer.
  • If script_bytes is empty, it means transaction is not a TransactionPayload#Script. You may decode Transaction#bytes by BCS deserializer for more details.


Metadata for unsupported transaction types

Name Type Description
type string constant of string "unknown"

Type Script

The transaction script and arguments of the script call.

Name Type Description
type string Name of the script code, see transaction script doc for all available script names. If a script function, this field is set to the string "script_function".
code string Hex-encoded compiled move script bytes
arguments List List of string value of the script arguments. Contains type information. This field will not be rendered if the type is "script_function", instead, arguments_bcs will be rendered.
arguments_bcs List List of hex-encoded string of BCS bytes representing script function arguments. Does not contain type information. Note that arguments_bcs is only set when the type is "script_function".
type_arguments List List of type arguments, converted into string
module_address string Null if not a script function. Module address where the function being called is defined.
module_name string Null if not a script function. Module name where the function being called is defined.
function_name string Null if not a script function. Name of the function being called by a script function transaction.
  • Argument value to string formatting:
    • u8 value 12 => "{U8: 12}"
    • u64 value 12244 => "{U64: 12244}"
    • u128 value 12244 => "{U128: 12244}"
    • boolean value true => "{BOOL: true}"
    • Account address value => "{ADDRESS: }"
    • List value => "{U8Vector:: 0x}"


Transaction script is unknown.

  • When script code can't be recognized, type will be set to unknown, code, arguments and type_arguments will still be provided.
  • When transaction payload is not a script (see TransactionPayload), type will be set to unknown, code, arguments and type_arguments will not be provided.
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "unknown"


This type was named peer_to_peer_transaction, to keep script#type consistent with stdlib transaction script names, we renamed it peer_to_peer_with_metadata. This is the only type we decoded script arguments and type_arguments as named fields for backward compatible:

Name Type Description
receiver string Hex-encoded account address of the receiver
amount unsigned int64 Amount transfered.
currency string Currency code.
metadata string Metadata of the transaction, BCS serialized hex-encoded string.
metadata_signature string Hex-encoded metadata signature, use this to validate metadata

Note: for metadata and metadata_signature, see DIP-4 for more details.

Type VMStatus

A VMStatus is an object of one of following type:


Successful execution.

{type: "executed"}
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "executed"


Transaction execution runs out of gas, no effect.

{type: "out_of_gas"}
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "out_of_gas"


Object representing the abort condition raised by Move code via abort or assert during execution of a transaction by the VM on the blockchain.

{ type: "move_abort", location: string, abort_code: unsigned int64, explanation: object MoveAbortExplanation or "null" }
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "move_abort"
location string String of the form "address::moduleName" where the abort condition was triggered. "Script" if the abort was raised in the transaction script
abort_code unsigned int64 Abort code raised by the Move module
explanation MoveAbortExplanation> Human readable explanation for abort code. "null" if no explanation found.


Object representing execution failure while executing Move code, but not raised via a Move abort (e.g. division by zero) during execution of a transaction by the VM on the blockchain.

{ type: "execution_failure", location: string, function_index: unsigned int16, code_offset: unsigned int16 }
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "execution_failure"
location string String of the form "address::moduleName" where the execution error occurred. "Script" if the execution error occurred while execution code that was part of the transaction script.
function_index unsigned int16 The function index in the location where the error occurred
code_offset unsigned int16 The code offset in the function at function_index where the execution failure happened


A general error indicating something went wrong with the transaction outside of it's execution. This could include but is not limited to

  • An error caused by the script/module, possibly:
    • A bytecode verification error
    • A failure to deserialize the transaction
  • An error caused by the transaction arguments, possibly:
    • A failure to deserialize the arguments for the given type
    • An argument's type is not valid for the given script

Note that this explicitly excludes any invariant violation coming from inside of the VM. A transaction that hits any such invariant violation error will be discarded.

{type: "miscellaneous_error"}
Name Type Description
type string constant of string "miscellaneous_error"

Type MoveAbortExplanation

a MoveAbortExplanation is an object containing globally-defined categories for the abort error e.g., INVALID_ARGUMENT along with the Move-module-specific error reason for the error e.g., EPAYEE_CANT_ACCEPT_CURRENCY_TYPE. Both the category and reason are augmented with human-readable descriptions for each.


      "category_description":" An argument provided to an operation is invalid. Example: a signing key has the wrong format.",
      "reason_description":" Attempted to send funds in a currency that the receiving account does not hold.\n e.g., `Diem<XDX> to an account that exists, but does not have a `Balance<XDX>` resource"
{ category: string, category_description: string, reason: string, reason_description: string }
Name Type Description
category string Globally-defined error category
category_description string Description of the error category
reason string Module-specific error reason
reason_description string Description of the error reason