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Transaction Builder Generator

Transaction Builder Generator

A transaction builder is a helper function that converts its arguments into the payload of a Diem transaction calling a particular Move script.

In Rust, the signature of such a function typically looks like this:

pub fn encode_peer_to_peer_with_metadata_script(
    token: TypeTag,
    payee: AccountAddress,
    amount: u64,
    metadata: Vec<u8>,
    metadata_signature: Vec<u8>,
) -> Script;

This crate provide a binary tool generate-transaction-builders to generate and install transaction builders in several programming languages.

The tool will also generate and install type definitions for Diem types such as TypeTag, AccountAddress, and Script.

In practice, hashing and signing Diem transactions additionally requires a runtime library for Binary Canonical Serialization ("BCS"). Such a library will be installed together with the Diem types.

Supported Languages

The following languages are currently supported:

  • Python 3

  • C++ 17

  • Java 8

  • Go >= 1.13

  • Rust (NOTE: Code generation of dependency-free Rust is experimental. Consider using the libraries of the Diem repository instead.)

  • TypeScript / JavaScript

  • Swift (version 5.3)

Quick Start

From the root of the Diem repository, run cargo build -p transaction-builder-generator.

You may browse command line options with target/debug/generate-transaction-builders --help.

NOTE: until the Diem version flag is set to greater than 2 the path used for generating transaction builders should be diem-move/diem-framework/legacy/transaction_scripts/abi. You can query this version number by submitting a get_metadata request to the JSON-RPC endpoint.


To install Python3 modules serde, bcs, diem_types, and diem_framework into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language python3 \
    --module-name diem_framework \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    --with-custom-diem-code diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/python3/custom_diem_code/*.py -- \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the Python demo file with:

cp diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/python3/ "$DEST"


To install C++ files serde.hpp, bcs.hpp, diem_types.hpp, diem_framework.hpp, diem_framework.cpp into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language cpp \
    --module-name diem_framework \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the C++ demo file with:

cp diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/cpp/stdlib_demo.cpp "$DEST"
clang++ --std=c++17 -I "$DEST" "$DEST/diem_framework.cpp" "$DEST/stdlib_demo.cpp" -o "$DEST/stdlib_demo"


To install Java source packages com.novi.serde, com.novi.bcs, com.diem.types, and com.diem.stdlib into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language java \
    --module-name com.diem.stdlib \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    --with-custom-diem-code diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/java/custom_diem_code/*.java -- \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the Java demo file with:

cp diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/java/ "$DEST"
(find "$DEST" -name "*.java" | xargs javac -cp "$DEST")
java -enableassertions -cp "$DEST" StdlibDemo


To generate the Go "packages" testing/diemtypes, and testing/diemstdlib into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language go \
    --module-name diemstdlib \
    --diem-package-name testing \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the Go demo file as follows: (Note that $DEST must be an absolute path)

cp diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/golang/stdlib_demo.go "$DEST"
(cd "$DEST" && go mod init testing && go mod edit -replace testing="$DEST" && go run stdlib_demo.go)

Rust (experimental)

To install dependency-free Rust crates diem-types and diem-framework into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language rust \
    --module-name diem-framework \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the Rust demo file. (See unit test for details.)


To generate the TypeScript "module" diemStdlib and its submodules into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language typescript \
    --module-name diemStdlib \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \


To install C# source Serde, Bcs, Diem.Types, and Diem.Stdlib into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language csharp \
    --module-name Diem.Stdlib \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    --with-custom-diem-code diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/csharp/custom_diem_code/*.cs -- \
    "diem-move/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy and execute the C# demo file with:

mkdir "$DEST"/Demo
cp diem-move/transaction-builder-generator/examples/csharp/StdlibDemo.cs "$DEST/Demo"
cd "$DEST/Diem/Stdlib"
dotnet new classlib -n Diem.Stdlib -o .
dotnet add Diem.Stdlib.csproj reference ../Types/Diem.Types.csproj
rm Class1.cs
cd "../../Demo"
dotnet new sln
dotnet new console
rm Program.cs
dotnet add Demo.csproj reference ../Diem/Stdlib/Diem.Stdlib.csproj
dotnet add Demo.csproj reference ../Diem/Types/Diem.Types.csproj
dotnet add Demo.csproj reference ../Serde/Serde.csproj
dotnet add Demo.csproj reference ../Bcs/Bcs.csproj
dotnet run --project Demo.csproj


To install Swift source Serde, Bcs, DiemTypes, and DiemStdlib into a target directory $DEST, run:

target/debug/generate-transaction-builders \
    --language swift \
    --module-name DiemStdlib \
    --with-diem-types "testsuite/generate-format/tests/staged/diem.yaml" \
    --target-source-dir "$DEST" \
    "language/diem-framework/DPN/releases/legacy" \

Next, you may copy the Swift demo, create the Swift package for the transaction builders, and execute the example with the following:

cp language/transaction-builder/generator/examples/swift/main.swift "$DEST/Sources/DiemStdlib"
cd "$DEST"
cat >Package.swift <<EOF
// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "DiemStdlib",
    targets: [
            name: "Serde",
            dependencies: []
            name: "DiemTypes",
            dependencies: ["Serde"]
            name: "DiemStdlib",
            dependencies: ["Serde", "DiemTypes"]
swift run

Adding Support for a New Language

Supporting transaction builders in an additional programming language boils down to providing the following items:

  1. Code generation for Diem types (Rust library and tool),

  2. BCS runtime (library in target language),

  3. Code generation for transaction builders (Rust tool).

Items (1) and (2) are provided by the Rust library serde-generate which is developed in a separate github repository.

Item (3) --- this tool --- is currently developed in the Diem repository.

Items (2) and (3) are mostly independent. Both crucially depend on (1) to be sufficiently stable, therefore our suggestion for adding a new language is first to open a new github issue in serde-generate and contact the Diem maintainers.

The new issue created on serde-generate should include:

  • requirements for the production environment (e.g. Java >= 8);

  • suggestions for a testing environment in CircleCI (if not easily available in Debian 10.4 "buster");

  • optionally, suggested definitions for a sample of types in the target language (structs, enums, arrays, tuples, vectors, maps, (un)signed integers of various sizes, etc).