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88 lines (74 loc) · 4.02 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (74 loc) · 4.02 KB



  1. One node of the graph is infected and identified through a 1 in one element of its feature vector. The remaining features are unused. The infection is spread to the neighbors (directed) of the infected nodes.

  2. One node of the graph is infected and identified through a 1 in the first element of its feature vector. Some nodes are immune and identified through a 1 in the second element of their feature vectors. Again, the infection is spread to the neighbors, but some of them are immune.

The network should output a prediction of 1 for nodes that are infected and 0 for the others, effectively identifying the neighbors of the infected node, the connection type and the immunity status. The network also outputs a graph-level prediction that should correspond to the total number of infected nodes.



100,000 graphs are generated using the Barabási–Albert model, every graph contains between 10 and 30 nodes. Up to 10% of the nodes are sick and up to 30% are immune. Edges are virtual with a percentage of up to 30%.


20,000 graphs for testing are generated in a similar way, but containing between 10 and 60 nodes. Up to 40% of the nodes are sick and up to 60% are immune. Edges are virtual with a percentage of up to 50%.


Three losses are used for training: a node-level loss, a global-level loss and a regularization term. The three terms are added together in a weighted sum and constitute the final training objective.

Node-level classification

At node-level, the network has to output a single binary prediction of whether the node will be sick or not. The loss on this prediction is computed as Binary Cross Entropy.

Global-level regression

The network should also output a global-level prediction corresponding to the total number of infected nodes. The loss on this prediction is computed as Mean Squared Error

Since the total number of infected nodes in the training set is not homogeneously distributed, we weight the losses computed on individual graphs using the negative log frequency of the true value. For example, if 15 is the ground-truth number of infected nodes after the spread for a given input graph, we weight the MSE of the network's prediction as -ln(# of graphs with 15 infected nodes in the training set / # number of graphs in the training set)

L1 regularization

The weights of the network are regularized with L1 regularization.


  1. Create base folder
    mkdir -p "$INFECTION/"{runs,data}
  2. Create dataset (plus a small one for debug)
    python -m infection.dataset generate ../config/infection/datasets.yaml "folder=${INFECTION}/data"
    python -m infection.dataset generate ../config/infection/datasets.yaml \
           "folder=${INFECTION}/smalldata" \
  3. Launch one experiment:
    python -m infection.train \
       --experiment ../config/infection/train.yaml \
       --model ../config/infection/minimal.yaml
    Or make a grid search over the hyperparameters:
    conda activate tg-experiments
    function train {
       python -m infection.train \
               --experiment ../config/infection/train.yaml \
                            "tags=[${1},lr${2},nodes${4},count${5},wd${3}]" \
               --model "../config/infection/${1}.yaml" \
               --optimizer "${2}" \
               --session "losses.l1=${3}" "losses.nodes=${4}" "losses.count=${5}"  
    export -f train # use bash otherwise `export -f` won't work
    parallel --eta --max-procs 6 --load 80% --noswap 'train {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}' \
    `# Architecture`   ::: infectionGN \
    `# Learning rate`  ::: .01 .001 \
    `# L1 loss`        ::: 0   .0001 \
    `# Infection loss` ::: 1 .1 \
    `# Count loss`     ::: 1 .1
  4. Visualize logs:
    tensorboard --logdir "$INFECTION/runs"