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Blazor high level planning

Luke Latham edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 14 revisions


This is a planning outline. These haven't been strictly ordered. Not everything in the outline is available at this time.

  • Blazor (landing page)
  • Get started
  • Build your first Blazor app
  • Introduction to Blazor
    • Advanced Blazor concepts (advanced technical content)
    • FAQ
  • Blazor components
    • Component classes
    • Using components
    • Component parameters
    • Child content
    • Data binding
    • Event handling
    • Lifecycle methods
    • Component disposal with IDisposable
    • Routing
    • Route parameters
    • JavaScript/TypeScript interop
    • Razor support
    • Server-side rendering in code
    • Base class for a "code-behind" experience
    • Render fragments
    • Built-in Blazor components (?)
  • Routing (including NavLink)
  • Component libraries
  • Calling web APIs from Blazor
  • Logging
  • Blazor layouts
    • Defining layouts
    • Using layouts
  • Dependency injection in Blazor
    • Configuring services
    • Resolving services
    • Built-in services
  • Blazor app and component life cycle (include StateHasChanged)
  • JavaScript and TypeScript interop in Blazor (e.g.,
  • Blazor app and session state (
  • Test and debug Blazor apps
  • Blazor data access
  • Blazor security
  • Blazor performance
  • Blazor analytics
  • Host and deploy Blazor
    • Link Servers, Hosting, and Host and deploy topics in ASP.NET Core docs to cover server-side deployment
    • Standalone deployments
    • Hosting in ASP.NET Core
    • Deployment
    • IL trimming
    • Azure App Service hosting
    • Azure Storage/CDN hosting
  • Error handling (requires further deliberation)
  • Troubleshoot Blazor
    • Blazor common errors reference


  • Blazor topics titles will contain "Blazor" as the technology name (and not "ASP.NET Core"). Where possible, the name will be prefixed to the content name (e.g., "Blazor components", "Blazor Security," "Blazor Routing"). In some cases, "Blazor" works better inline (e.g, "Build a Blazor app with Visual Studio"). Links within topics won't include "Blazor" (e.g., "To learn more, see the [Components](xref:xxxx) topic.").
  • No doc stubs
  • "Blazor is preview" INCLUDE notice on every topic
  • No work-in-progress or upcoming features lists
  • Release notes to be maintained in the Blazor repo
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