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File metadata and controls

237 lines (166 loc) · 9.08 KB


D3Android is a customizable Android library which allows to easily display live data. It is inspired by the javascript library D3.js.


Add in your root build.gradle at the end repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }

Add to your app build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.applidium:d3android:0.0.1'

Add a D3View in your activity:


Then add the desired D3Drawable in your activity:

public class ExampleActivity extends Activity {

    @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        D3View view = (D3View) findViewById(;
        D3Drawable drawable = [...]


Usable classes



It allows to draw pie charts. Examples can be found in CustomArcActivity and TurningArcActvity. In order to have a proper behavior, you have to specify:

  • data (.data([...]) or in the constructor).

You should also specify:

  • weights (.weight([...])), otherwise all arcs would have a weight of 1;
  • inner radius (.innerRadiues([...])), otherwise the inner radius would be 0;
  • outer radius (.outerRadius([...])), otherwise the arc will take the maximum space;
  • labels generation method (.labels([...])), otherwise the toString method would be used;
  • offsets (.offsetX([...]).offsetY([...])), otherwise they will value 0;
  • padAngle (.padAngle([...])), otherwise all arcs would be separate by 1 degree;
  • colors (.colors([...])); to custom used colors.


It allows to draw axes. It is useful linked with another view to determinate coordinates of a point depending on its value. Examples can be found in MultipleAreasActivity, MultipleBarChartsActivity, BoxPlotActivity. You have to specify:

  • the orientation (in the constructor), which determines if the axis is horizontal or vertical and if the legends are on the left/right (vertical) or top/bottom (horizontal) of the axis;
  • the domain (.domain([...])) or in the scale), which determines the min and max value of the axis;
  • the converter (.converter([...]) or in the scale or by passing the class of the generic type in the constructor if it is a simple type such as Integer or Float) which is used to convert T (generic type) to float and float to T in order to allow scrolling and zooming and scaling.

You should also specify:

  • the range (.range([...])) or in the scale). It is used to determine the screen coordinates of the min and max values. By default it goes from 5% of the screen to 95%;
  • the offset (.offsetX([...]).offsetY([...]) or .translate([...])), otherwise the offsetX will be 0 for a horizontal axis and 5% of the view for a vertical axis, and the offsetY will be 0 for a vertical axis and 95% of the view for a horizontal axis;
  • the labels generation method (.labelFunction([...])), otherwise the toString method would be used;
  • the ticks (.ticks([...]) or .ticksValues([...]) or in the scale), otherwise there would be 5 ticks using the toString method.



It allows to draw bar charts. It works well used with a D3Axis. An example can be found in BarChartActivity. You have to specify:

  • data (.data([...]) or in the constructor);
  • dataHeight (.dataHeight([...])), which determines the height of the bar for each data;
  • x and y (.x([...]).y([...])), which determines the coordinates of the origin of each bars.

You should also specify:

  • dataWidth (.dataWidth([...])), otherwise each bar would have a width of 30 pixels.



It allows to draw stacked bar charts. Its behavior is very similar to D3BarChart's one. An example can be found in MultipleBarChartsActivity.



It allows to draw boxplots. It works well used with a D3Axis. An example can be found in BoxPlotActivity. You have to specify:

  • data (.data([...]) or in the constructor);
  • dataMapper (.dataMapper([...])), which allows to map data to float in order to compute statistics;
  • scale (.scale([...])), which allows to draw data correcty.

You should also specify:

  • dataWidth (.dataWidth([...])), otherwise the boxplot would have a width of 50 pixels;
  • offsetX (.offsetX([...])), otherwise it will be 0.



It allows to draw classical line charts. It works well used with two D3Axis. An example can be found in GrowingLineChartActivity. You have to specify:

  • data (.data([...]) or in the constructor);
  • x and y (.x([...]).y([...])), which determine the coordinates of each points.



It allows to draw area charts. Its behavior is very similar to D3Line's one. An example can be found in MultipleAreasActivity. You have to specify:

  • data (.data([...]) or in the constructor);
  • x and y (.x([...]).y([...])), which determine the coordinates of each points;
  • ground (.ground([...])), which determines the coordinate of the bottom of the area.


It allows to draw polygons. An example can be found in DrawPolygonActivity and RectangleActionsActivity. You have to specify:

  • coordinates (.x([...]).y([...]) or .coordinates([...]) or in the constructor).

General options

Some methods are defined in the D3Drawable class and give various options.

  • Lazy recomputing (.lazyRecomputing([...])) determines either the Drawable is lazy or not. When the drawable is lazy will recompute its data only when it is asked for (.updateNeeded([...])). When it is not it will recompute all data each time it needs to be drawn. By default the drawable is lazy.
  • Clip rectangle management (.setClipRect([...]) or .deleteClipRect([...])) allows to limitate the draw of the drawable in a rectangle within the D3View. By default there is no clip rectangle.
  • Actions (.onClickAction([...]).onScrollAction([...]).onPinchAction([...])) allow to set actions when the user interacts with the screen with a click/scroll/pinch.
  • Paint (.paint([...])) allows to set the paint used when the Drawable must draw itself.

The D3View class has some options too.

  • MinimumTimePerFrame (.setMinimumTimePerFrame_[...]_)) determines the minimum time in milliseconds between two frames. This allows to set the FPS. By default, the minimum time is 33 (30 FPS).


  • Call respectively view.onPause() and view.onResume() in the onPause and onResume methods of the activity to stop the view from computing when the activity is not in the foreground.
  • When using a lazy drawable, call the updateNeeded method when the Drawable should refresh.
  • Try to avoid allocations in the methods given to the drawables. They would be used each time the drawable needs to be redrawn (up to 60 times per second). Making a lot of allocations force the garbage collector to be called more often and can reduce the performances. For example use:
new D3RangeFunction() {
    private float[] range = new float[2];

    @Override @Nullable public float[] getRange() {
	range[0] = [...]
	range[1] = [...]
	return range;

rather than:

new D3RangeFunction() {
    @Override @Nullable public float[] getRange() {
	return new float[] {[...], [...]};

If you can, reuse objects rather than allocating new ones.

  • If you use a version of Android with and API greater than 23, do not disable hardware acceleration in the activity to benefit for performance boosts.
  • Use view.getWidth() and view.getHeight() where view is a D3View to get proportionnal dimensions, for example:
new D3FloatFunction() {
    @Override public float getFloat() {
	return view.getWidth() / 2F;
  • You can customize the Paint used for each drawables by getting it (drawable.paint()), then by setting the desired properties or by using a pre-set paint (drawable.paint([...])).
  • You can use ValueAnimators to create animations (see GrowingLineChartActivity).


TurningArcs Line Polygon


Copyright 2017, Fabernovel Technologies
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.