- #281 Removal of hardcoded revision field name (@c0ntax)
- #279 Fix versioning
- #275 Fix auditing of entities with fields that require php conversion (@TheRatG)
- #258 global_ignore_columns doesn't work
- #250 Fix OneToOne reverse relation Doctrine fallback query (@Soullivaneuh)
- #227 Fallback to native entity if no revision found for properties (@Soullivaneuh)
- #218 Failing one to one bidirectional fix (@peschee)
- #231 Enable join column to be an id (@oconnedk)
- #159 [ADD] PHP-CS-Fixer (@Th3Mouk)
- #197 Fix auditing of entities with fields that require sql conversion (@jamescdavis)
- #210 Provide a way to customize the revision username. (@bendavies)
- #209 run tests against postgresql (@bendavies)
- #208 run tests againts mysql (@bendavies)
- #206 clean up base test. (@bendavies)
- #198 fix: use the type of association fields in LogRevisionsListener (@v-technologies)
- #205 Travis improvements (@bendavies)
- #204 conform to psr-4 (@bendavies)
- #181 Update CreateSchemaListener.php (@TheRatG)
- added support for symfony/framework-bundle 3.x
- added support for PHP 7.x
- dropped support for symfony/framework-bundle < 2.7
- added support for doctrine/orm 2.5.x
- some CS fixes
- moved test case classes in their own files
- removed support for doctrine/orm < 2.4
- removed support for doctrine/doctrine-bundle < 1.4
- removed support for gedmo/doctrine-extensions < 2.3.1
- removed support for symfony/framework-bundle < 2.3