01. Inception
- Hello World just using HTML
- Hello World using JavaScript
- Bring React into Code (using CDN)
- Hello World using React
- Added Script and started writing code in App.js file
- Created an `react element`(which is an object)
- createRoot is responsible to assign a root in React
- render method helps to put the content onto the page
- ReactElement(Object) => HTML(Browser Understandable)
- createElement API takes in 3 argument
I. Name of the tag
II. Attributes
III. Children
- If there are multiple children then pass it in an array otherwise as it is
- Whatever we are passing from root.render, it is getting replaced what is there inside root
- If there is something on the top or the bottom of the page, we can still use React in that small portion of the page
02. Igniting our App
Part 1
- What Igniting Our App means
- Can react alone make a production ready app
- How you can make your production ready app? How we can get those packages in our app
- What is not NPM?
- What NPM actually is?
- Why do we need package.json
- The most important Package: Bundler
- Some of Bundler
- Parcel
- Types of Dependencies
- Dev Dependencies
- Normal Dependencies
- Carent(^) in package.json
- Tilde(~) in package.json
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- shash2 in parcel
- Node Modules
- Transitive Dependency
- What to Push on GitHub
- Should I Push all these node_modules to GitHub
- Should I Push package.json and package-lock.json to GitHub
- Why we don't push node modules to GitHub
- Laying the foundation
- Talk is Cheap, Show me the code
- Let's Get Hooked
- Exploring the World
- Finding the path
- Let's get Classy
- Optimising our App
- Jo dikhta hai, wo bikta hai
- Data is the new Oil
- Let's build our Store
- Time for the Test
- NetflixGPT
- Bonus