diff --git a/manual.asc b/manual.asc index 6c12b9a..f5f42bc 100644 --- a/manual.asc +++ b/manual.asc @@ -80,17 +80,29 @@ Note that the currently selected deck is highlighted with a grey background, and === Other Deck Actions Long tapping on a deck will show a list of other actions available to perform on that deck: -Rename deck :: Use this option to rename a deck +Add :: Adds a new note to the selected deck -Deck options :: Tapping on deck options allows you to configure various deck specific study options. +Browse cards :: Views all cards of the deck in the <> + +Rename deck :: Renames the selected deck + +NOTE: You can create a subdeck in the selected deck, and also can make the selected deck a subdeck of another deck, by using the following naming convention: "PARENT::CHILD" (i.e. "French::Idiom"). For more information, please see https://docs.ankiweb.net/getting-started.html#decks[the section in Anki manual]. + +Create subdeck :: Use this option to make a https://docs.ankiweb.net/getting-started.html#decks[subdeck] of the selected deck + +Deck options :: Configures various deck specific study options. Please see the https://docs.ankiweb.net/deck-options.html#deck-options[desktop documentation] for more information about these study options. Custom study :: Allows you to choose from some convenient presets for studying outside of your normal schedule, for example increasing the study limit for the day. See the section on <> for more detailed information. -Delete deck :: Use this option to delete a deck (note: this action is not reversible, although you can <>) - Export deck :: This option can be used to share a deck with other users. See the <> section for more information. +Create shortcut :: Adds a shortcut to study the deck to the Android home screen + +Edit description :: Creates or edits text shown on the deck's <> screen + +Delete deck :: Deletes the selected deck. (You can undo this action in the popup message shown after the action, or in the screen menu.) + Unbury :: This option is only visble when the selected deck has cards that have been manually or automatically buried. Rebuild / Empty :: If the selected deck is a <> then you also have the option to rebuild or empty the cards in it.